#guuurl.... i know what you are -_-
jakowskis · 4 months
AHAHAHA i just rmred in the original gbg script when tosh reads gwen n owens minds and owens like "i just wanna kiss her :(((" and gwens like "if i dont fuck him right now i will kill everyone in this room." FJKDSHFKJDSHFKDJSHFKDSFDSHFKJSD
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sweetblinginrose · 5 months
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖊𝖗 | 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝖙𝖜𝖔,
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(OS Eddie Munson x fem!reader geek)
summary: The girl goes in search of answers and ends up with the metalhead's cock in her throat... who would have thought…
word count: 8,3k +
warnings: obv +18, rivalry, ingestion of alcohol and joints, almost gave Sinclair a withey, spanking, blowjob in public.
a/n: hey guuurls, i wrote a second part since @alastorssimp asked for it and i reconsidered it. not sure if it’ll be as good as you said the first part was, but i think it’s alright, ig. the problem is the translation. if there’s anything you don’t get, let me know.
oh, and sorry for taking so long, i’m busy with my exams hehe.
oh and don't copy my idea, it's my own huh 🦄
before reading this part, you have to read this one!
━━ ✧♡✧ ━━ ✧♡✧ ━━ ✧♡✧ ━━
In the darkness of the room, you and the long-haired boy lay in an oasis of intimacy, surrounded by an ocean of sheets that kept the secrets of your most vulnerable moments. The sheets, wrinkled and disordered, were a canvas of memories, impregnated with the aroma of tobacco that mixed with the freshness of the night and the sweet vestige of recently consummated sex.
His room, a sanctuary of orderly chaos, exuded warmth despite its disarray. Magazines with their folded pages and worn edges lay scattered on the floor, testimony to many nights of reading and lively discussions. The posters, hung with a nonchalance that bordered on art, danced on the hard plastic walls of the trailer, each telling a story, each a window to a different world.
The laughter you shared, free and genuine, rose and filled every corner, weaving a melody exclusive to your duo. The night breeze, complicit in your union, slid through the half-open window, shaking the faded and torn curtains that hung like banners of a forgotten kingdom. The air carried with it the characteristic aroma of the Forest Hills Trailer Park, a mix of freshness and adventure, which caressed your bare skin, causing a shiver that was both anticipation and delight.
But then, reality knocked on the door in the form of insistent knocks. It was Tom, his voice filtering through the plastic like a discordant melody, his tone a mix of confusion and amusement. His question, thrown into the wind with the nonchalance of someone who has enjoyed the most earthly pleasures, broke the spell of the moment. "Hey, lovebirds! What are you doing in there that your hair can't be seen?" He exclaimed, his laugh a laugh that mixed with the smoke and foam of the shared beers. It was a reminder that, although the outside world continued to spin, in that room, in that moment, only the two of you existed.
You stood up suddenly, as if propelled by an invisible spring, in the middle of the darkness that hung over the room like a thick blanket. Your heart pounded in your chest with the force of a war drum, each beat an echo in the vast cavern of your anxiety. The room, previously a sanctuary of laughter and whispers, now seemed like a mausoleum of silence and shadows, only interrupted by the gasping of two souls that had danced on the edge of the abyss.
Your eyes, two desperate beacons in the night, opened wide, capturing the pale moonlight filtering through the window. The reality of your nakedness, and that of Eddie at your side, hit you with the rawness of an inescapable truth. You remembered, with a clarity that hurt, each step that had led you to intertwine your destinies in the most intimate way. Fear, that old acquaintance, slithered across your skin, a cold snake that threatened to strangle your thoughts. The senses, now sharp as knives, tensed as they captured every whisper, every creak that the old house decided to give away. Fear had transformed into panic, a savage beast that threatened to devour what little composure you had left. You could feel, almost see, your friends' questioning gaze through the closed door, their imaginary eyes piercing the plastic like x-rays.
In an act of desperation, your eyes searched frantically for something to cover your nakedness, but the room offered only the promise of deeper exposure. The feeling of vulnerability was overwhelming, a giant crushing you to the ground with its mountain-like weight. The certainty that something shameful was about to happen paralyzed you, a pillar of salt condemned to look back.
You and Eddie looked at each other, and in his eyes you found the reflection of your own fear, a mirror where anxiety danced with shame. The footsteps outside the room echoed with the certainty of an approaching doom, and in that moment, you understood what it meant to be truly trapped, like on Elm Street, in a true nightmare.
Adrenaline coursed through your veins as you propelled yourself upwards, attempting to defy gravity and the circumstances that had brought you to that unforgiving ground. But your legs, betrayed by exhaustion and accumulated tension, did not respond as you expected. Instead of standing tall in triumph, you collapsed, your knees hitting the worn and stained carpet that told stories of countless encounters and disagreements. The sharp pain that shot through your knees was a cruel reminder of your humanity, an echo of the vulnerability you had tried to ignore. Your legs trembled, shaken by spasms that robbed you of any illusion of control. Still, in an act of desperation, you extended your arm, looking for the garment that would restore a minimum of decorum, but you only found emptiness. You couldn't find your favorite panties...
With your heart pounding in your chest, you resigned yourself to the urgency of the moment and focused on putting on your bra, feeling the cold sensation of the bonding metal against your bare back. Every click of the closure reminded you of the stark reality of the situation you found yourself in.
Embarrassment mixed with urgency as you wrapped yourself in the bra, feeling the stretchy fabric hug your torso tightly, offering you a modicum of protection amidst the chaos around you. The absence of undergarments increased your vulnerability, but you had no time to hesitate.
In the midst of the mess, your gaze drifted to Eddie, who was awkwardly struggling to put on his pants. His movements were clumsy and uncoordinated, an expression of determination etched on his face despite the hair tie he held between his lips. With each tug of fabric, his face reflected a mix of urgency and desperation, as he struggled to regain a bit of dignity in the chaos of the situation. The mess you were in was palpable, but you were both determined to deal with it in the best way possible.
Tom's thuds and drunken screams intensified, reverberating against the bare walls of the room, each impact an echo of the tension building in the fog-thick air. The atmosphere was saturated with chaos, each discordant sound a note in the symphony of nocturnal anarchy. In the eye of this sonic storm, the voice of one of your friends emerged, a thread of sanity in Tom's madness. His tone was a mix of concern and drunken sarcasm, imploring him to moderate the force of his against the door, that the noise might wake the neighbors and bring consequences unwanted. His words, although tinged with alcohol, managed to cut through the chaos, granting a brief respite, a moment of calm before the storm continued. Tom, distracted by the presence of your friends, walked away from the door, his unsteady footsteps guiding him back to the dining room. There, his voice rose again, a drunken shout trying to be charming, seeking the attention of anyone willing to listen.
Meanwhile, in the stillness of the room, you stood up from the cold, hard floor. Your knees, marked by the pressure of your fall, showed a redness that spoke of the subtle but persistent pain. With movements that belied your newfound vulnerability, you grabbed your skirt and t- shirt, dressing with a haste born of necessity. Eddie, next to you, imitated your movements. He gave a dry clearing of his throat, an attempt to impose some order on the chaotic scene. Unlike you, he avoided your gaze, his attention focused on piecing together his appearance, making sure every detail was in its place. Without looking at you, his voice cut through the silence, "Everything's cool, right? Can we go out now?" You nodded, although you knew he wasn't expecting your approval. With a discreet gesture, he opened the door just enough to enter. His exit was marked by a forced smile, a façade of normality that sought to erase any hint of what had happened.
When you returned to the living room, not so welcoming, everyone's eyes focused on you. Luckily, the known animosity between the two served as a distraction from any suspicion. Tom, impatient, asked in a voice clouded by smoke and alcohol, "What took you so long?" Next to him, one of your friends was trapped in a casual hug, the smell of marijuana and alcohol permeating the air. Eddie, with the skill of a veteran in these affairs, made up an excuse on the fly, something about an item lost in a bet. The explanation, although weak, was accepted without further ado. The others, absorbed in their world of laughter and drinking, dismissed the importance of the matter and plunged back into their feast of joy and excess.
The night unfolded like a dark blanket, dotted with stars that blinked indifferently at the tension that was brewing between you and Eddie. The gazes that had previously danced together in perfect harmony were now diverted, colliding with familiar faces in the crowd. Discomfort clung to you, a second skin made of silences and unspoken words, a transparent shield that isolated you from the human warmth that surrounded you. The bustle of the small gathering became a distant hum, as each one was immersed in a sea of silent reflections and imprisoned feelings. The tension that had floated between you, a dance of veiled contempt and hidden desire, had brewed over the years, growing silently until it became an invisible giant that now separated you.
There you were, at the epicenter of an oppressive silence, as Eddie's laughter and exclamations filled the space, a sharp contrast to your internal stillness. His happiness, so pure and overflowing, was a rare sight, a light you hadn't witnessed in a long time, and the brilliance of it left you with an empty feeling, as if a part of you had faded into the darkness. "I have to go now, guys. I had a great time today, see you on Monday..." you announced, with a voice that seemed to come from afar, from someone that wasn't you. You didn't dare to look back, to face the surprise or the perplexity that could appear on their faces. You felt the weight of her gaze fixed on your back, trying to pierce the armor of your most secret thoughts.
As you left the trailer, the cool night air hit your face, a cold blow that sought to shake you out of the emotional lethargy in which you had immersed yourself. Your steps began to lead you away, each one resounding like an echo in the solitude of the night, marking the rhythm of your retreat from a world of silent confessions and secrets that would never see the light.
It was then that Lucas appeared, his presence so sudden that he almost seemed like a ghost emerging from the shadows. "I'll accompany you," he said in a voice that brooked no reply. His company was unexpected, almost uncomfortable, but there was something comforting about his presence. He was nothing more than an acquaintance, a friend of your sister, a member of the Order of the Sith, but at that moment, his presence was all you needed.
The night had become a blanket of uncertainty and unanswered questions. Lucas, with his unbalanced gait, seemed the only constant in a world that was reeling. You didn't understand why he had decided to accompany you and not Mike, who also shared the proximity of his steps to his house. The age difference between you and Lucas was an abyss of experiences and experiences, three years that at that moment seemed like an eternity.
The silence stretched between you like a suspension bridge, fragile and tense, until Lucas broke it with a simple, "Hey...". His voice was a whisper in the night, but enough to capture your full attention. Looking at him, worry washed over you; his dark skin glistened with night sweat, and his normally lively and alert eyes were half-lidded and tinted a deep red.
"Yes? Are you okay, Sinclair?" you asked, stopping in your tracks. The possibility that he had smoked marijuana assaulted you, and with it, a protective instinct you didn't know you had. Lucas looked at you, and in that moment, the vulnerability he showed was palpable.
"No, it's just... I think you're very pretty..." Sinclair's confession came with shaky honesty, his voice a fragile thread on the night breeze. He was visibly affected, dizziness painted his world with tones of uncertainty, and his body trembled slightly, although adorned with a naive smile that failed to hide his state. You ignored his words, it was not the time for flattery or the vulnerability they exuded. You approached him, noticing how he towered over you in height, a difference that now seemed trivial. “Have you smoked anything, Lucas,” you asked, worry coloring every syllable of your question.
Lucas tried to respond, but his rapid blinks and difficulty swallowing revealed more than his words. He looked around, perhaps looking for a way out of his confusion, when he suddenly lost his balance and fell to the ground. "Shit!" You exclaimed, as you crouched down next to him. You lifted him enough for him to sit, holding him steady. His eyes closed, surrendering to the sleep that called him, a dangerous mixture of alcohol and drugs had brought him to that sorry state. You looked around, searching for a solution, a refuge in the night for Sinclair. That's when you saw the 24-hour restaurant, an oasis of light and calm in the darkness. It was completely empty, as if it was waiting for you. Without hesitation, you decided it was the safe place to take Sinclair and help him recover. Carefully, you guided him towards the establishment, each step a silent promise that you wouldn't leave him alone in his time of need.
With every ounce of strength you had left, you crouched down and wrapped your arms under Sinclair's shoulders, feeling the dead weight of his body. "Come on, Sinclair, don't do this to me," you mumbled, your breathing labored by the effort. The dirt clung to your hands, and you could feel the wetness of the grass through your bare legs. "Sinclair, for the love of God, move something!" you exclaimed, as a vein on your forehead threatened to burst. Finally, with a groan that sounded more like a growl, Sinclair gained some consciousness, his eyes slowly blinking back to reality. With a superhuman effort, he managed to stand up, leaning heavily on you. They began to walk, each step a battle against gravity. “You weigh more than my sins,” you joked, trying to lighten the mood as his body tilted dangerously to one side, forcing you to compensate for the weight.
The cafeteria is filled with the hum of an old refrigerator as the only soundtrack of the night. The flickering lights from the neon sign outside filter through the blinds, casting dancing shadows over Lucas's exhausted form. His head, heavy as lead, oscillates on the edge of the abyss of sleep, leaning more and more towards the table that supports his weight.
The clock strikes 3 am, and time seems to have stopped in this forgotten corner of town. You, with a gesture of concern that you cannot hide, decide to intervene. The waitress, a middle-aged woman with eyes that have seen too many early mornings, walks silently over and places a steaming plate in front of Sinclair. It's an onion soup, with its comforting aroma and melted cheese that stretches with every spoonful, promising warmth and sustenance. Next to him, a large, cold glass water bottle lands with a thud on the table.
Lucas, shaken by the sound, raises his head with a start, his eyes blinking, trying to focus on the reality around him. "You have to eat and drink the whole bottle," he insists, with his arms crossed and a firmness in his voice that brooks no reply. It is not your responsibility to take care of him, but your conscience does not allow you to leave him to his fate.
As Sinclair obeys, he begins to regain the color in his cheeks and the lucidity in his eyes. The soup works its magic on him, and little by little, life returns to his eyes. Outside, the town is still asleep, oblivious to the small miracle that occurs inside. And you, despite your initial revulsion, can't help but feel a pang of satisfaction at seeing that, at least for tonight, you've made a difference in someone's life.
Lucas, with his mind still cloudy, clung to the fork as if it were an anchor in the middle of the storm. His eyes, glassy and distant, were lost in the abyss of the half-empty plate, where there had previously been a pile of comfort food. The cafeteria, plunged into a dead silence, seemed to hold its breath, waiting for his next move. Was Sinclair who broke the spell, his voice tearing through the silence like paper thin. "Why did you leave there? It's because you don't like Eddie, right?" he asked, as the water swirled in his glass, reflecting his still trembling hands. Your face, a canvas of contradictory emotions, was contorted into a grimace of discomfort. Memories of what had happened just an hour or two ago assaulted you, forcing your lips into a tight smile, a clear indication of your discomfort. You were convinced that you had made a mistake, that something in your behavior had caused Eddie's averted gaze and silence. "I say this because... he doesn't dislike you, quite the contrary..." Lucas continued, dragging his words with the same slowness with which he cleaned his plate with a piece of bread. The bread, now soaked in the last vestiges of soup, disappeared in his mouth, as if with each bite it could erase the tension in the air.
Surprise appeared on your face when you heard Lucas' words. "What do you say? But Eddie hates me, or at least he did," you exclaimed with an incredulous laugh, as if the idea was so absurd that it could only be cause for a joke. Your eyes drifted for a moment to the waitress, whose curious gaze rested on the both of you. With her arms crossed and one eyebrow raised, she looked like a statue, a silent observer of the strange dance of your conversation. Sinclair shook his head, her gesture was firm, denying your words with a seriousness that contrasted with your joking tone. He leaned forward, closing the distance between you, as if every word she was about to say needed the confidentiality of a whisper. "Look, I'm going to tell you, but if you tell Eddie, I'll kill you before he kills me..." His voice was a thread of tension, his eyes sleepy, as if the weight of what he was Sharing would burden him deeply.
Your confusion was palpable, but you nodded, giving Lucas the signal that he had your attention. He cleared his throat, clear preparation for what was to come, and leaned even closer, as if he feared even the walls could hear. "Long before us and your sister got to high school, Eddie was already crazy about you, so it's nothing new," Sinclair whispered, with a seriousness that made you question if it was really a joke. Despite your doubts, you decided to give him your full attention. It was a hard statement to believe; your interactions had always been marked by fights and teasing, a constant push and pull that left no room for deeper feelings. But after the recent sex, you found yourself reconsidering every look and word exchanged with Eddie. What if he was trying to flirt instead of bother you? Sinclair spoke with a rapidity that reflected the urgency and nervousness of sharing secrets that should not be revealed. "Ever since we started sitting with their group at lunch, they made jokes about you, I mean, about how hot you are and all that," his words flowed like an overflowing river, full of confidences and murmurs that had been kept with him. suspicion. "Although without knowing that your sister was your sister," he continued, a wry smile playing on his lips as he remembered the collective surprise, "so, when we were offered to join The Hellfire Club and she said she belonged to The Sith Order, Eddie was perplexed." He readjusted himself on the couch, which seemed to hug him with the comfort of it, and looked you directly in the eyes. It was evident that every word he said was another piece of the puzzle he was trying to put together in front of you, a puzzle that, once completed, would change the way you viewed Eddie and possibly the entire dynamic of your social circle. Lucas looked at you with a knowing smile, his eyes. They shone with a gleam of amusement as you imagined your sister. "And since then your sister no longer sits with us, since Eddie considers her a rival of his," he said, his voice tinged with his humor. It was known that Sinclair had always been in love with her, and his tone suggested that he still harbored romantic hopes. "What I'm getting at," Lucas continued, pausing to take a long sip of water. "It's just that when Eddie wanted to see you, since, just as he said, you graduated before him because of his bad grades, he was talking to your sister so that the battles between the groups would start." His words flowed with the ease of someone sharing a long-kept secret, and you realized that your sister's constant bets were more than just games. "That's why your sister proposed so many bets," he added, with a gesture of understanding. Lucas lowered his voice to a confidential whisper, "And always, after we left the games, he would stare at you as he went, commenting on how beautiful you were, what good taste you had, and how intelligent you were." He paused dramatically, making sure you caught the importance of his next words. "Eddie is totally into you."
The revelation had left you speechless, a whirlwind of emotions washing over you as you tried to process what you had just heard. Eddie, the same Eddie that seemed like a constant in your daily life, was now intertwined with your feelings in a way you hadn't expected. A few years ago, every time you crossed the school cafeteria, your gaze unconsciously searched for his figure. Eddie, always alert, stood up as if he were waiting for you to pass, leaving a clear space for you to pass. You wondered if it was a coincidence or if, in some way, he also felt that invisible connection that united you. You remembered that time he called you a witch with a voice that was intended to be harsh, but his eyes betrayed the truth. It wasn't hate you saw in them, but a spark of fun, a lopsided smile that bordered on flirtatious. It was a game of looks and unspoken words that only the two of you seemed to understand, even though apparently, you didn't.
In the role-playing games you shared, Eddie transformed. He became the supreme narrator, his voice filling the room, creating worlds and adventures with astonishing ease. But when it was your turn, everything changed. His tone softened, his gaze fixed on you with an intensity that seemed to want to decipher each of your thoughts. It was as if, in those moments, there was no one else in the room, just you and him.
Now, as you remembered those moments, you felt a shiver run down your spine, causing an involuntary blush to stain your cheeks. Sinclair's words echoed in your mind, giving you the courage to believe that, perhaps, what you felt for Eddie was reciprocated. It was a terrifying and exciting thought at the same time, a possibility that opened a new chapter in the story of your life.
Sunday slipped through scattered thoughts, like leaves blown by the autumn wind. The week became a countdown, each day marking one step closer to Friday, that day that promised practice with your group and, more importantly, Saturday, when you would have the chance to face Eddie once again.
The cabin, with its walls that whispered stories of ancient victories and defeats, welcomed you on Friday. The practice went without a hitch, each member of the group immersed in their role, building a parallel reality where anything was possible. But Saturday came with a bittersweet taste. The Hellfire Club was full, everyone except Eddie. His absence was like a vacuum that sucked the energy out of the room. You had taken care of your appearance, hoping to capture the magic of that previous night, but instead, you were met with words that fell like cold drops on your spirit. "Eddie said he didn't want to see you today," Dustin announced with a nonchalance that hurt you more than you expected. The screams of his friends echoed, a cacophony of reproaches rising like a storm. "What?" The surprise left you speechless for a moment, a pause that felt eternal. "What?! No! It's not what you think!" The boy you had helped was trying to repair the damage with hasty words. "Yes! Eddie literally said that!" Dustin insisted, causing gestures of frustration in the others, hands on their foreheads, mouths covered in an attempt to silence the truth. You didn't want to admit it, but the words affected you, a lot. After Sinclair's confession, you expected something more, something different. You then decided to put on the mask of indifference, pretending that Eddie's absence didn't matter to you, that his presence or lack of it were equally insignificant. You focused on the game, on the chips and dice, but your mind was elsewhere, lost in a maze of 'what ifs'. The game continued, but your heart was playing its own game, one where the rules were unclear and the only opponent was yourself.
Sunday dawned with a gray sky that seemed to reflect your mood. You got out of bed with the heaviness of someone carrying more than the weight of the sheets. College assignments were piled up on your desk, a mountain of words and numbers demanding your attention, but your mind was somewhere else, lost in the echo of a revelation that still echoed in your ears. With every page you turned, every problem you solved, Eddie's image was superimposed on the text, blurry and persistent. Night fell without you realizing it, and with it, the promise of a new day.
Monday came without classes, a small relief in your routine. Your mother, oblivious to the storm brewing inside you, asked you to pick up your sister from high school. You accepted, almost grateful for the distraction, for the chance to get outside and breathe fresh air. You arrived at the school and parked calmly. Soft music filled the space of the car, a melody that tried, unsuccessfully, to calm the waves of your heart. You got lost in your thoughts, looking towards the small forest that stretched like a green blanket beyond the institute, remembering the moments of hanging out with your friends to smoke while hiding from everyone. That's when you saw it. Eddie, accompanied by a girl, entering the forest. Alone. The scene hit you like a punch in the stomach, mixing alarm with sadness and, above all, with anger that burned through your veins. How could he be with another girl after what they had shared just less than two weeks ago?
The car clicked off, the keys still dangling from the ignition, forgotten. You got out of the vehicle, driven by an anger that blinded you. You left behind the responsibility of waiting for your sister, each step towards the woods fueled by the need to confront Eddie, to demand explanations, to understand why he hadn't shown up on Saturday, why he had left you with a heart full of questions and no response.
You walked with a determination that seemed to emanate from every pore of your skin, your fists clenched so tightly that your nails, long and sharp, dug into the palm of your hands, leaving small marks that would be silent witnesses of your contained fury. Your boots, faithful companions of so many days, hit the wet ground with a force that seemed to want to leave a mark not only on the earth but on destiny itself. The mud, stubborn, adhered to the edges of these, as if it wanted to stop you, but nothing could stop your progress. The girl, the one who had come out of the forest, passed by your side, her presence just a fleeting shadow in your visual periphery. For an instant, doubt made you recalculate, but it was just that, an instant. Your determination strengthened and you continued forward, towards the place that Eddie had made into his personal sanctuary. The bank in the middle of the forest was a silent witness of transactions and secrets. Worn by time and the stories he had endured, he proudly displayed his growing moss and cigarette burn scars on the picnic table. The trees surrounded it in an almost perfect circle, as if nature itself had decided to protect that space from intruders. And there was Eddie, oblivious to the world, with his only Walkman for company, moving his head to the rhythm of music that only he could hear. He counted dollars and cents with a precision that belied the apparent nonchalance of his posture.
You approached him, who had his back turned to you, oblivious to the storm of emotions that brought you there. With a decision that admitted no turning back, you turned him around forcefully, forcing him to face you, to look into your eyes. Surprise was drawn on his face, an unexpected and unmanly scream escaped his lips, while he took off his helmets with a speed born of bewilderment. "Shit, what are you doing—?" He began to say, but his question remained suspended in the air, interrupted by your hand that closed on his shirt, bringing him closer until the space between the two of them was almost erased. "Listen to me carefully, Munson, I think you have to explain a lot of things to me..." your voice was a thread of annoyance, but also of a determination that he didn't expect, feeling a tickle in his stomach. Eddie looked at you, and you saw something in his eyes that disconcerted you. It wasn't fear, or even surprise. It was a glow, a spark of something that seemed dangerously close to taste. Did he like that intensity, that fire you had inside? Or was it just another of his facades, another game in which he pretended not to be vulnerable?
"Explanations?" he replied, with a crooked smile that you didn't know if you wanted to erase or deepen. "What exactly do you want to know?" His tone was challenging, but there was a curiosity in his gaze that you couldn't ignore. "Besides, what are you doing here? Didn't you finish high school a year or two ago?"
The tension between you and Eddie was palpable, like a guitar string about to break. "What the fuck do you mean by what explanations?" you repeated, keeping your tone firm and defiant. Eddie's confident smile faded, replaced by an expression of surprise as he realized the seriousness of the situation. "We fucked, Eddie. We fucked, so I thought you liked me, but at meet-up time you don't show up and tell the guys you didn't want to see me? Are you stupid or something?" The words came out of you like bullets, each one loaded with the confusion and pain of feeling rejected, something that never happened, so it hurt your ego. You let go of Eddie's shirt, your hands finding his place on your hips, emphasizing your defiant stance. You were dressed to impress, or perhaps to confront. Your tight, ripped and slightly flared jeans were typical of the time, a cry of rebellion and style that adhered to your figure. The belt, an accessory that marked your waist, seemed to capture Eddie's attention, who was lost in contemplation of it, taken out of his thoughts by the intensity of your reproaches. Eddie blinked, coming to, and for a moment, he seemed to search for the right words. "It's not what you think," he began, his voice a little lower, a little more serious.
The tension in the air was almost tangible, like electricity before a storm. "Oh, right? So what is it, huh? Excuse yourself," you demanded, your words sharp as the red fingernails that were now pointed at him, a perfect contrast to your small maroon jean jacket. Eddie seemed lost, unable to find the right words. “It's just...that...” his voice trailed off, and with each syllable that trailed off, your frustration grew. Your brow was furrowed, a grimace of disgust was drawn on your face, and without thinking about it, you grabbed him by the cheeks. Your nails, now weapons of your anger, dug lightly into his cheeks, scratched by the shadow of a stubble. Eddie had never seen you like this, with such fierce passion, and that, somehow, seemed to light a different fire in him, a desire that grew with each gesture of your discontent. "Speak up, Eddie! You have no right to leave me like this, with doubts and no answers," you continued, your voice a crescendo of mixed emotions. "After everything that's happened, you avoid me and send messages through others? It's unfair and you know it!" Munson finally raised his gaze, meeting yours. There was something in his eyes, a flash of something that wasn't just surprise or fear of your reaction. It was deeper, a mix of regret and something you didn't dare name. "It's not what you think," he said finally, his voice firm but soft.
Eddie looked at you with eyes that seemed to seek refuge in yours, his voice trembling slightly as he confessed, "It's just that I'm a loser and you mean a lot to me..." The words hung in the air, loaded with raw sincerity. and vulnerable. "I didn't pay attention to you after fucking because I didn't want to be discovered at that moment, otherwise we would be the subject of ridicule." He paused, as if each word cost him a piece of his pride. "I didn't show up to the meeting because I knew I would get hard and it would be weird, which I didn't think you would see very well, so I excused myself to the boys with the excuse that I didn't want to see you." His confession was a labyrinth of emotions, a clumsy attempt to protect something that he himself didn't fully understand. And then, with a look that drifted toward the ground, he added, "And I haven't been able to contact you because my uncle has had problems with his diabetes and the only times I've left the house were to sell, you know, as you can see right now. I swear..." His gestures were limited, restricted by the pressure your fingers exerted on his cheeks.
Hearing him, guilt took over you, you let go of his face and looked at him, this time with an expression that mixed understanding with remorse. Eddie felt the cold on his skin where the warmth of your hand used to be. "No, no, you can leave your hand here, if you want... ..." he teased, attempting a smile that didn't reach his eyes, a forced laugh that desperately sought to relieve the tension of the moment.
Eddie stood up with a slowness that seemed to measure every second, his commanding height creating a shadow over you. You looked up, following the contour of his figure until your eyes met his, half-closed and shining with a mischievous light.
His smile, that familiar curve of his lips, enveloped you in a spell that you didn't want to escape. With a softness that contrasted the roughness of her skin, her hand found your neck, sliding to the back of your neck in a possessive gesture. "Let me clarify that that wasn't just one night, really..." The confession came out of him in a whisper, his voice a thread of vulnerability intertwined with the firmness of his words. For an instant, his gaze averted, as if the emotions he carried inside him sought to escape. But you weren't about to let him walk away from her, not now. Your hand acted of its own volition, drawing his attention back to you, demanding the connection you both knew existed. A knowing smile appeared on his face, a reflection of yours, while a part of him longed for you to repeat the gesture, to maintain that contact that seemed to be the only anchor in the whirlwind of feelings that surrounded you.
The atmosphere around them was a mixture of tension and electricity, as if the air itself was charged with the intensity of their emotions. The forest had become a private sanctuary, the tall and majestic trees formed a natural roof that filtered the sun's rays, creating a play of light and shadows on them. The ground was covered in fallen leaves, which crunched softly under their feet, a reminder of the fleeting nature of time.
The physical contact between them was its own language, a wordless conversation where each touch and each gesture had its own meaning. Eddie's hand on the back of your neck wasn't just a touch; It was an affirmation, a silent promise that what was between you transcended the everyday. His rough skin contrasted with the softness of yours, creating a sensation that made you want to get even closer.
Your hands, although they had been weapons of your anger moments before, now became explorers, tracing the contours of his face, feeling the texture of his skin, the firmness of his jaw. The pressure of your fingers was an echo of the pressure in your chest, a mixture of desire and need for understanding.
Eddie responded to your every touch, his body instinctively reacting to yours. There was a dance in their proximity, one step forward and one step back, as if they were on the edges of an emotional precipice, seeking the perfect balance between confession and reserve.
The boy remained waiting full of impatience, his eyes fixed on you, shining with the expectation of what was to come. It was as if he had cast a spell, and you, responding to that silent call, grabbed onto a strand of his long, dark hair, tugging at it with a playful but determined gesture. In one fluid motion, you pulled him towards you, and your lips met in a kiss that sealed all the unspoken words, a kiss that was a promise and a confession at the same time. Eddie's hand, which until then rested on your neck, began its slow but sure descent, tracing the contour of your collarbone before settling on the curve of your waist. His fingers, strong but careful, caressed the skin exposed by your shirt, exploring every inch with a tenderness that contrasted with the intensity of his gaze and exchange of saliva. It was a caress that spoke of possession, an intimate connection that united you beyond the physical, but right now it was what you were looking for.
The metallic melody of Eddie's headphones, now a persistent hum, becomes the backdrop for a moment that feels suspended in time. The wet whisper of your kisses transforms into a secret language, communicating unspoken desires that only you can understand. Eddie, with a determination that leaves you breathless, he spins you around with gravity-defying skill, leaving you with your back to the bench, where your butt rested on the surface littered with tobacco flakes, adding a rough texture to the scene. You were trapped between that cool surface and Eddie's firm crotch, which pulsed with desire, sending shivers down your spine, which was caressed by Eddie's hand. A shared sigh escaped your lips as you felt the reconnection of that pressure, fueling the erotic tension that intensified with each moment.
Eddie's tongue lasciviously explored from your mouth to your neck, tracing a trail of sensations that made you sway slightly, sliding back onto the picnic table, followed by your neck, giving him just enough room. While Eddie concentrated on his task, he firmly grabbed your sturdy thighs, lifting you up and placing you on the table, causing the money counted earlier to slide on the wet grass on the floor, a detail that added a note of chaos to the scene, increasing the intensity of the moment. Each bill and coin was lost in the undergrowth, as a metaphor for the debauchery and overflowing passion that consumed them.
"I want to fuck you right here. I want to take that stupid belt off you and choke you with it," Eddie said, his voice hoarse and heavy with desire, his words reverberating in the tension-laden air. You gasped as you broke the kiss for air, his hot breath brushing against your wet neck, leaving a new electric trail on your skin. His hands, eager and determined, slid down your lower back, searching for the belt that promised to release the pent-up desire.
Eddie ran his hands anxiously down your abdomen, urgently undoing your belt as your eyes were fixed on his desperate expression. Around you, the world seemed to fade away in a swirl of colors and sounds, leaving only room for the electricity that flowed between the two of you. With a quick tug, Eddie undid your belt, making you wobble slightly as he looked at you with a devilish grin, nimbly folding it. The rustling of the leaves in the wind intermingled with the accelerated beating of your hearts, creating an atmosphere full of tension. "What would happen to that eyeliner of yours if I smacked you in the face?" he asked sarcastically, each word ringing with defiant energy. "Would he cum from your tears, or would I be the only one who would?"
Your playful response brought a flicker of desire to Eddie's eyes, which burned brightly as he watched you. "Why don't you see for yourself?" you challenged with an innocent but mischievous look, causing the tension between you to reach a new level.
Eddie obeyed with a malicious smile, giving you a sudden spank on your cheek, causing you to emit a moan of pain mixed with a hint of pleasure. The sound echoed through the air, mixing with the rustle of leaves moving in the nearby breeze. A slight redness appeared at the site of impact, marking your skin with a warm, burning tone, while your breathing quickened, full of anticipation. Meanwhile, the palpable tension between them increased, making each brush of fabric against skin feel more intense. Eddie's cock, imprisoned in her boxers, pulsed with a exquisite sensitivity, as if she were eager to break free and join the game they were both playing.
Eddie, almost instinctively, pressed his erection, imprisoned by his rock jeans, against your groin, eager to free himself. There was a tangible electricity in the surrounding environment, as if nature itself was aware of the burning desire manifesting between you.
“You look like a bitch in heat,” you teased Eddie with a mischievous smile, as your delicate hands slid to his skull-adorned belt buckle, undoing it with deliberate slowness. Each click of the buckle resonated in the air, generating a slight tremor in Eddie, who awaited with anticipation what was about to happen. His erection rubbed against the fabric, causing involuntary movements that did not go unnoticed by you, unleashing a mischievous laugh that escaped your lips, full of complicity.
You released Eddie from his belt, letting him fall nonchalantly behind you as you focused on pulling his pants down enough to show his erection, remaining careful that he could quickly pull them up if someone showed up.
Seeing his covered but noticeable cock, you licked your lips in anticipation, reveling in the sight. Eddie's white boxers were soaked with precum, revealing the level of his arousal. Your gaze fell on his crotch, where his erection was begging to be touched and pleasured. Without further ado, you pulled down his boxers, leaving light marks on his thighs from the rubbing of your nails, which caused his arched cock to release completely, hitting his clothed abdomen with a light sound. The arousal in the air was palpable, and his cock throbbed eagerly, twitching slightly in anticipation of what was to come.
Determinedly, you wrap your hand around Eddie's firm erection, beginning to pump at a slow but steady pace. A content sigh escapes her parted lips as his body tenses at the contact, letting out a barely audible moan that is lost in the air charged with excitement. His trembling hand finds its way to your hair, gripping it firmly as his mouth curves into a mischievous smile. Every movement you make provokes a response in his body, a slight contraction of his muscles, a ragged inhalation that adds to the ambient noise.
The sound of skin rubbing against skin mixes with the rustle of the breeze rustling nearby leaves, creating a symphony of pleasure and anticipation. Your hand continues to move skillfully, gradually quickening the pace, as Eddie's breathing becomes more labored, his moans more audible.
Every time your thumb brushes the sensitive tip of his member, his body shudders involuntarily, and his moans intensify, filling the air with a heady mix of arousal and desire.
With provocative elegance, you slide from the table you were sitting at, moving gracefully until you are on your knees in front of Eddie. From that lower position, you look at him with a look full of desire and eagerness to please him, while a playful smile curves your lips. Leaning forward slightly, you open your mouth in a clear sign of your intentions, indicating your willingness to take his cock in your mouth. Anticipation shines in Eddie's eyes, his breathing becoming more labored as he watches you with a mix of desire and arousal.
Without warning, in a provocative act, you playfully open your mouth, inviting him to immerse himself in the pleasure you offer him. Eddie's hand, which was firmly gripping your hair, pushes you decisively, forcing his cock forcefully into your mouth. You feel the sudden onslaught of his member, causing a strong tremor in his body as he experiences the humidity, heat, softness and tightness of your mouth. The intoxicating sensation of having him inside you awakens a wave of pleasure that runs through every fiber of your being, noticing how those jeans that you considered favorites began to get wet due to the transfer of your panties.
A deep, desire-laden moan escapes Eddie's lips as he pronounces your name between broken breaths. His voice, full of passion and desire, resonates in the air, further fueling the fiery moment. “Ahh... fuck...” he moans your name, revealing the overwhelming effect you have on him. You give yourself fully to the act, letting desire and arousal consume you completely, as you dive deeper into the pleasure of giving Eddie exactly what he craves.
Eddie’s hands grip the sides of your face with palpable determination, like he’s eager to explore every inch of your mouth. He begins to move at a frenetic pace, fucking your mouth with an unbridled passion that leaves you breathless. Little by little, his member reaches the beginning of your throat, causing an intense sensation that makes you shudder. A gag escapes your throat, caused by Eddie's deep intrusion, but he doesn't stop, instead continuing to thrust hard, causing pleasure mixed with slight pain that makes your moans intermingle with his. The feeling of his tip lightly crushing your palate only intensifies the ecstasy shared between the two of you, causing louder, deeper moans from Eddie.
You could feel Eddie getting closer to climax, his ragged breathing and higher-pitched moans indicating he was on the brink of release. However, something else was seeping into your consciousness: close footsteps, a sound that didn't fit the intimate atmosphere you shared with Eddie. Worry began to bubble inside you as you continued to do your duty, but unease took over. The desire to find out who was interrupting this private but at the same time public moment grew with each closer step, but Eddie's firm grip on your face kept you trapped, preventing you from moving away. With concentrated effort, you fought against his hold until you finally managed to free yourself enough to separate yourself from his cock.
You pulled away from Eddie's cock with a sharp movement, feeling his cream slide between your fingers. Your eyes met those of the step holders, two figures who looked at you with a surprise that seemed carved into their faces. "Eddie?" the Sinclair's voice cracked, revealing his bewilderment, while your sister remained at his side, a motionless silhouette in the chaos of the moment. "Sinclair!" you exclaimed, your voice rising above the murmur of the forest as you realized he was holding a used and tied condom, a crucial link in the chain of events unfolding before you. The long-haired man's erection, now abandoned by his misfortune, collapsed, and a torrent of almost translucent white liquid spread across your face, hiding your shocked expression.
Eddie's deep moan that followed this echoed through the forest, marking the end of one act and the beginning of another. Eddie, Sinclair, and your sister looked at you, their expressions a mirror of absolute shock. None of the four of you knew how to react, trapped in a moment of mutual transgression, a game of secrets and silences that had been broken by Eddie's cum on your face.
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blubushie · 4 months
i honestly feel like the effeminate gay thing is smth that people do to make queer men seem as non-threatening as possible. like see they are the good ones because femininity = good and harmless, masculinity = scary and evil
That's literally it. And it's something we do to ourselves too because of the stereotype.
I've known men who play up their feminity because they don't feel space in queer spaces otherwise. I worked an event with one once where he was doing THE stereotype behaviour—the fag hand, the lisp, the hip tilt, the "guuurl" and "sisterrrr" and giggles and acting like an absolute princess. Think James Charles, but bigger and buffer. He had a runner's body.
And then as soon as the event's over it's just me and him in the building, cleaning up stacking chairs putting tables away, and this cunt goes in one of the deepest gruffest voices I ever heard, "[heavy sigh] That was a fucking chore."
And he's standing like a man. Like a very exhausted, but very masculine, man. No hip tilt, no lisp, he's raking his hair back with his black painted nails and asks me if I can find some wipes to get "this shit off" while he gestures to his face (referring to his very vibrant eye shadow). So I get him some wipes and he's grumbling about how bullshit it is that he "has to do this" and I don't know what the fuck he's talking about, but then I realise this bloke is like... Actually really masculine. He's got a short beard, he looks like he'd be better fit in a business suit or in shorts at a barbie than at this event in a "QUEER IS HERE" rainbow tie-dye shirt and black skinny jeans.
And he looks at me and kinda sighs and goes "How do you stand it?" And he looks me up and down.
"Stand what?"
"Way they look at you like that. Like they hate you."
And I don't know what the fuck he's talking about, because I'm 21 and dumb and just excited to be at a pride event cuz I get to go to them so rarely. But then I think about how the pair of lesbians looked at me. And one of the drag queens, and the trans woman, and that transmasc kid who came with his mum, and the two gay men there were both effeminate twinks, and he's right. No one talked to me. No one approached me. I was an outsider the whole time, treated like an invader. The only two people who spoke to me was a woman who cracked onto me and I told her I'm only interested in men (was still recovering from my losing my gf and I wasn't interested in a hookup) and she tried flirting harder like she could convince me, and this bloke, who saw me standing myself twiddling my thumbs and asked if I was ok.
And I think of that cis-passing FTM bear I met at my first pride event, and how no one talked to us, and we spent the arvo into the evening just drinking and shooting the shit with each other cuz no one else would even approach us. And I think of the comments that were made about them "not feeling safe around men", and the way they'd glanced at us when they said it.
And things click.
And then he walks over to me, and puts an arm around my shoulders, and puts a tinny in my hand and says that puts himself on like that cuz if he doesn't, he's ostracised within his own community. He's scorned by his own fucking community unless he files down his male edges into something effeminate and timid and harmless. If he doesn't he's ignored, or people say they're uncomfortable around him because he acts and looks too masculine, or he's asked to leave because people don't feel safe with him there.
I don't go to pride events anymore.
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lilpotatjj · 1 year
Requestet: yes :)
Hope everyone like it❤️
Uses of Her/She
Warning: stupid acc.names 😅🤭 fluff and little flirty
Wordcount: 810
Sweet Nothings
"soooo....you wanna go live the next minutes?" you take off your shoes and go to the kitchen to make yourself something to eat while Bella changes and goes to the laptop after coming home. "ok....never really live let's see how many people even join" she makes a few settings on insta and looks at me. "So if you want you can sneak in secretly. People might want to know who you are."
"first I'll hide" you smile and give her a wink, get your food from the kitchen afterwards. When you come back with your bowl, she is now online.
"Wow, I didn't expect so many at once." She greets some of the people who are obviously freaking out with joy that Bella is live. You just smile.
scguuuuurl: *Bella <3*
ironman: *omg Bella I love uuu*
btwpotat: *good evening from Las Vegas*
"good evening"
dublin: *SEASON2? when do you start filming*
"ahh.so we've already started" she answers several questions and you just stand in front of the camera so that only a little bit of your legs are visible which makes people directly curious.
scguuuuurl: *there is someone?!*
bananaaaaa: *who is that?*
youAin'tShiat: *surely santa claus🎅*
btwpotat: *chuck noris*
Bella giggles her super cute giggle and just watching them going nuts.
gotchaALL: *ShOw YoUr FaCe*
LeonS.Kennedy: *it is the Dina actress isn't it?*
it'sSnow: *Female or Male?! *
AbbyjustHATESu: *it's the ABBY actress🏑🔨*
DaenerysSnOw: *mabe it's their LoVeR <3333*
ironman: *noooo Bella can't be taken. I want them🥺*
You can't help but laugh and put your hood up, sit behind Bella's back so you're back to back and just keep eating your food.
" they really getting excited who you are" Bella says, keep looking at the screen put her arms behind herself, around your neck so you can't escape.
"I'll fix you something to eat in a minute" you try to stand up, give her a sweet bitemark without showing your face yet and go into the kitchen with your empty bowl. While preparing something for Bella to eat, the live viewers go crazy because they heard you and saw a little of what happened.
chickencrisp: *oh hell they are in love*
bananaaaaa:*tha't soundet like a girl!*
Sydney: *was a guuurl*
gotchaALL:*a lady for the queen lol*
btwpotat:*she's a vampire hehehe*
dublin: *where will be the next filmset for season 2?*
"will be in Vancouver" She looks to you and smirks. "they think we are in love or even in a relationship".
"are we?" you simply ask in a bittersweet tone and gives her the bowl full of food.
"Of course not, we're just friends" She looks at the stream again and you sit down next to her, still hooded, but so that you're not in the frame.
it'sSnow: *just friends......well....*
chickencrisp: *friendzoned*
AbbyjustHATESu: *LIAR*
scguuuuurl: *so not friends*
"you guys" she laughs and eats somthing while you just lean against her shoulder, nestle your head against her and your face slightly visible in the camera.
BabySodaaa: *yooo I cAn SeE yOu*
TheLastOfThrusts: *'friends' 'caugh caugh'*
bananaaaaa: *she looks to cute show ur whole faaaace*
Dr.Greys: *vancouver omg that's my hometown. ◇cries in undead◇ *
Phieby: *I wanna meet uuu U___U *
"Most of Seattle is filmed in Vancouver" she continues to eat and you look a little lost at her fork. "what? you want a bit?" Bella holds her fork towards you and you quietly take a bite.
it'sSnow: *aaaaaawwww daaaaads so cuuuuute*
ironman: *I want also something from u Bella*
You look at her while she eats the rest without paying attention to the camera. Bella puts her empty bowl down next to her and looks at you. "What's wrong?"
"you can't even eat properly!" You laugh and playfully try to clean the corner of her mouth.
BabySodaaa: *oh oh ragemode activated*
chickencrisp: *your both so adorable <333*
eyesONme: *oh my god it's happening! EVERYBODY STAY FuCkIn' calm!
Zer00: *go get your queen 'throws a masterball' *
"ok stupid...stop it" Bella laughs , again but this time u had enough of all the playing. You just grab her face rough in your hands and kiss her.
it'sSnow: *OMG WTF*
ZaddyWatchesyou: *CANOOON..... and I'm here for that!*
TheLastOfThrusts: *Holy crap go get the holy water and safe my damned soul*
DaenerysSnOw:*told'cha guys*
Phieby: *changed 'single' mode to 'taken' Lmao xD *
"w..what the" Bella is completely red.
"ah...where just friends" You say as if nothing happen.
"you....I hate you!" her look playfull. "no you don't but you love me!" you say looking in her eyes. "I do...." she whispers completely offendet and suddenly quit the livestream.
"and you? do you love me!?" her look more serious. But before you say somthing you just show it her again, kissing her pretty intens and both of you don't seem to want to end this kiss.
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elliespuns · 7 months
Hey do you by any chance know what movie are Ellie and Dina talking about when they are in the bank the first day in Seattle and they find those two clicker guys in armor? Dina says something about surfer robbers and Ellie says she loves the movie. Is it just a made up movie for the game?
They were talking about Point Break (1991) with Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze. I love that movie. I'd seen it a long time ago, so when Dina mentioned it in the game, I was fangirling. Especially after Ellie said she loved that movie, cause, same guuurl.
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callsign-relic · 28 days
Imagine u doing a haul to your bot owner but u can't communicate bc language barrier.
You have a very cool piece of clothe in ur bag, you want to show them how it's cool, so you just wear it, you wave for their attention and you just point your clothing, then twirl, showing off how cool it is. You try to be as expressive as you can, waiting for their reaction.
I can just picture Rodimus, First Aid or hell, even Rung, being like "oooooh that's cool, u slay gurl (gender neutrally said), keep slaying queen (gender neutrally said)🎀very demure💅"
Megatron or Ultra Magnus would be like "huhu, it looks absolutely correct to me"
Ratchet and Pharma would be like "... wtf are they doing?🤨😐"
Then Thunderclash, Drift or Fort Maximus would be like "that's so precious omg they're my lil model, imma buy them more"
Ten would be like "Ten!" Translated as and i quote :"DAYUM GUUURL (gender neutrally said), YEAH GO ON, SHOW THAT FATASS SLAYYYY THATS MY BITCH OH MY GAAAD"
Then u do a lingerie haul and things change 👀👀👀👀
PS: idk what demure means (not a native english speaker, i just heard this word today for the first time) but it sounds so gurly, so slayish, so classic, so... 💫demure💫 that i just use it. I may have been cursing an entire genealogy tree on seven differents generations, but at least im being very 💅demure🎀
Awwww this is so cute!
Imma be honest I don’t really know what demure means either 😂 according to google it means “reserved or modest” so do with that what you will hehe
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cinamun · 8 months
Cinnnn - me catchin' up on your whole legacy from the bloody beginnin' Holy moly, this story is a rollercoaster of a million emotions. So you might have seen me likin' like a queen each post. 😂 Damn, I have to admit this is by far one of the more intriguing stories I've read so far. Let me tell ya' what I love the most. Those exchanges between Indya and you? I simply can't! 🤣 Morti and Bella? With their summaries and conclusions? I'm dead, and I love this. Now, guess what? I just finished the first ACT. Geez, I always knew that if at all? Sean would be the one who would move first and kiss our girl. Welp, the finale at the end of Act One was to be expected. It's still insane and crazy, tho! I want a family! Indya: That's nice! Like Guuurl, did you hear what he said? 😁 I mean, I know they will have a junior later on. Yeah, well! You pop up with the latest posts on my dash, ha😆! So I know what I know🙈! But damn, the end is so sad. 😔
Now, I need to finish Act Two.😏 I'm sure I will continue to laugh, feel mad, roll my eyes, and shake my head about their actions. Don't worry! Once I'm up to date? I will start to spam you with my thoughts and comments. Will be back after Act Two. Until then, I'll spam you only with my likes and hearts😂. So please enjoy the ride with me🥺. I'm not able to comment. If I start to comment now - it will take me forever to finish your legacy. And I want to spam ya with the latest stuff, hehe! Thank you so much for your entertaining storytelling skills, Cin! You are wonderful! Keep rockin, gur! 🤗
The many faces I had while reading your story ⬇🤣
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Me watching every notification from you during Act 1
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It was WILD back then!!! A MADHOUSE!!! And for all of the reasons you mentioned I cringe a little but then remember what it was like hitting those arcs and the highs and the lows and the way Indya used to curse me out. She and I have a better relationship now so....
I am SO GLAD you're on this ride friend and thank you for the kind words. I always wonder what folks are thinking when they reach a certain point in this, the story that never ends. I will never forget what it was like to write it and see all the reactions come rolling in!
Enjoy Act 2 friend but keep your seatbelt on because ..... reasons. LMFAO
Shout out to the homie @ashubii who is working their way through Act 1 right behind you LOL! I swear I love y'all.
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13-frinfransstudios · 6 months
I don't understand Damsel (2024)
It's a good idea and I enjoyed the visuals but...The story is a little messed up.
I hate how they gave the dragon redemption. like yeah, awesome the royal family got what they deserve. But that dragon killed MANY innocents. If she doesn't want the royal blood to exist, why only the daughters? Should've burned the whole kingdom. Should've fly high and let him watch his kingdom burn if she wants to feel the hurt. Why is she only asking for 3 daughters every year? And she talks! It's not like she can't conceive a basic logic. Doesn't she think that "hey, they be giving me three royal daughters consistently, and at the same time! Wew! Must've been one heck of sex!" I know it's human's fault why the dragon is like that but...THE DRAGON IS SHITE THAT IT PISSES ME OFF "I'll make you feel my daughters' pain" guuurl maybe they perhaps don't know what the king did? Whether they're royal or not? Because THEYRE INNOCENT?? Also I THOUGHT THE DRAGON WANTS TO KILL 3 ROYAL DAUGHTERS?? WHY IS SHE SO FIXIATED ON ELIODE? (or whatever her name is spelled)
El has way too many open wounds when the dragon saw her, besides the one on her hand that's been mixed with royal blood (fire wound, falling wound) so why did the dragon not smell that? Is she bias??? Also WHATS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ROYAL BLOOD AND OTHER'S BLOOD? DID KING CHARLES HAVE A DIFFERENT BLOOD TYPE THAN US?? AM I TYPE O AND HIS IS LIKE...TYPE R OR SOMETHING??? HOW DID THE DRAGON KNOOOW???
and WHY DID THE FIRE GOT BURNED ON ITS NECK??? THATS LITERALLY WHERE THE FIRE CAME FROM??? DOES IT HURT ITS THROAT WHEN THEY BREATHE OUT FIRE??? and bitches trying to get sympathy card "then just kill me" guurl shut up. You have brains to be angry, have brains to reflect.
am I mad at a fictional dragon? yes. very. It boils my blood.
But El is also confusing. One thing I can critique about El is that they should've shown a brief moment from the beginning that she is a resourceful princess and a badass who knows to fight because she's in a poor village or kingdom. But they didn't. Like...how did she know how to set up the distraction? How did she know how to fight so well?
So far, that's it. It kinda doesn't make sense. But hey, it looks pretty at least. My one last message is to Simon: Should've stayed with Bram instead of digging your nose in the fantasy royal kingdom. Then maybe you wouldn't die.
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booplesnotts-art · 1 month
I originally noticed you because of your Michael art. Because I am obsessed with Michael and omg so gorgeous.
And I also love your art of your OCs and other characters because woman and your art is amazing! 😍
But I just noticed that I actually know HB..I just noticed the tags worst witch and was like wait a minute. I WATCHED THAT SHOW AS A KID!!
And now I just went down memory lane and saw there are 3 seasons of ww98 on YouTube. So I skipped through the first episode and aaaaah.
They really just introduced the short haired teacher doing curls ?? Like guuurl wtf, I love it. And I totally get how you are obsessed with hardbroom because omg hello. Now I am thinking about rewatching it or at least some episodes.
And apparently there is a remake. And aaaaaaah. Do I watch the show or just watch thirsty edits of HB. Because damn 👀
i might not watch the show(s) but HB is on my radar now :D
Sorry for the rambling but I think you kinda converted me 🙏
Omg this actually almost made me cry from how sweet this is 😭😭
First, thank you so much!! I’m glad you enjoy my art that means a lot🖤 I might post some more of my own character art here at some point soon so I’m glad some people like them haha and yes !! Women !!!
I have never managed to covert someone into one of my favourite silly things so I’m just super flattered by that😭😭
There is a remake!! I highly recommend watching it too! It was actually the show that got ME into the worst witch as a whole (I was on Netflix one day and saw hb and thought she was hot so I decided to watch it, real story) which then lead me later on down this little rabbit hole and I learned about the 1998 one which I absolutely adore and am still obsessed with lol. The remake on Netflix though is great and I def recommend it if you like the original, it’s got some differences but I enjoyed it🖤 I love all versions and have for some good years now- I’m happy to be able to share that love with people through some of my silly drawings haha
Thank you so much for your words, they’re so sweet and I really appreciate that🖤🖤 Don’t apologize for rambling either!! I love to read what people have to say in my inbox and chatting🖤
Also I’m thrilled hb is on your radar cause like look that woman she’s so- AHHHH I love her
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semi-imaginary-place · 2 months
I watched the first 4 episodes of Heike Monogatari, it's really good. It's a historical drama about the Heike. What's interesting is that I vaguely know the history so every second is like that conspiracy board meme I am connecting so many dots the taira rebellion, etc. If I'm reading the kanji right it's hei as in peace and ke as in family. The hei is also the same as in heian and hei-kyo. Lot of camelia flowers dropping for people dying. The timeline is messy in my head but it'a got to be like 10 years since ep 1 what's notable is that everyone in the cast has grown up but biwa looks exactly the same. And then there's the interspersed narration by what I presume is an older future biwa with white hair and feminine dress as opposed to current biwa who dresses masculinity. A lot of Heiki Monogatari centers the narratives of women who in the usual telling of this history are sidelined. Tokuko sold off for political gain, her difficult pregnancy and birth all while her husband is conspicuously absent and with his son and ah what was her name. Then there's gio and the other dancer both their careers and fortunes decided by the whims of the same powerful man who find a space for themselves in leaving society for becoming monks and in this way they gain agency for themselves. There's the other woman shigemori's sister moved around as a political pawn. All these interlocking political relationships where if one thing moves all the other strings are tugged. I do like political dramas.
5-7 Koremori's got so many death flags I expected him to have died like 3 episodes ago. Well thats what you get when you have hereditary power structures instead of those bases on competence. And there was a good scene were the celebration and carefree singing of kiyomori was contrasted with all the dead and wounded soldiers. Tokuko gives so much more to that emperor guy (takura?) and what has he done for her? Nothing. Guuurl he doesn't deserve your loyalty.
8-11 end. What a great series. Narrative arcs marked by death first by Shigemori and the end of peace, then conquest and war and kiyomori leads the heike, and with kiyomori's death the heiki are left with incompetent leadership and face military defeat after defeat.
I'm starting to think that there's a japanese magical realism genre that evolved independently of the european realismo magico movement in that both blend the magical and the realistic but the japanese genre has little to do with the western one in terms of tropes or structure. In Heiki Monogatari it's like a living mythology where the old folk tales are true but the actual history is also true. Prayer and superstition are real.
Throughout the series Biwa is a lot like the audience, knowing what will happen but being about to change anything. There's the additional layer of white haired future biwa looking back on the story just like how the modern audience looks back on history. And throughout the audience, current Biwa, and future Biwa all seem to share in being audience members. Which it why it's so important that Biwa breaks from the narrative to become an active character at the end. The Tale of the Heika ended up being Toluko's tale, she's one of the first characters introduced and she's the only major Heike to survive, she closes out the epilogue too. And throughout the story Tokuko is defined by her self enforced helplessness she sees herself as like a log in a river going where life takes her resigned to not having any agency in her life. She takes no action to change anything or shape the future only praying and forgiving those around her. She life is a lot like other noblewomen moved around as pawns for political power and for these women they only gain power over their lives and agency in 2 ways. First is the death of their husband as with as what was her name the one who inherited a lot of property, and more importantly Kiyomori's wife who was able to exert influence on the clan in the power vacuum. The second which is related is through childbirth and particularly male heirs. The only thing Tokuko had power over or did anything about was her son and because of that she restructured her whole life so that she lived for the baby emperor. This loops around to the epilogue of the series where Tokuko and Biwa enforced that nothing can be done about life the only thing you can do it pray which is very vedic in general, certain parts of hinduism and buddhism both have a mindset of nothing can be done about the suffering in the world. Which brings me to my final point, suicide is a recurring theme in the series, various characters seeks an end to their suffering first in prayer then in death, and the story ends with the taira soldiers choosing suicide over surrender. But Biwa doesn't let Tokuko die in the only real action they take in the series (besides looking for their mother), Biwa pulls Tokuko out even as she begs for them to let her drown.
Recurring symbols for the Taira are camellia and butterflies (their clan symbol). Also I'm once again grateful modern medicine exists.
I don't see people talking about it but pretty sure Biwa becomes blind in that final battle sequence. Biwa's eyes both end up looking a cloudy light blue with pink just like their mother's instead of he medium blue they are the rest of the series, Biwa's blindness would also parallel how both their mother and father were blind as well as the supposed original author of Heiki Monogatari was a blind monk.
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pricesugarwife · 7 months
¡Hola! ¿Cómo estás hoy?
hello sweet! I'm very tired and sick but all fine. Also I have a loooot of work 😭 and I don't have much time for stay in tumblr.
And a partner of my job says me: “Guuurl, you know what your crush is a married man???” and I'm screaming because I don't know that 🫠
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trolls-confessions · 6 months
kind of a hot take (mild take??? lukewarm take??) but i don't really.....like socmed aus. however it's the only snack pack content there's in the fandom right now. but they're so ooc....like, smidge would NOT tell poppy, through a group chat, "guuurl i'm sorry branch broke up with you :( nothing we can do but move on". smidge would beat his ass at poppy's first teardrop and we all know it.
there was one me and muppet rlly liked but it got cancelled and the creator left social media which is a real bummer
Some of our grievances against them were what inspired tdau fun fact 😭
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My my what a mess of a crossover 😬 hopefully they ger rid of this showrunner next year. Imma just focus on the best scene that is the rolivia scene, because having these 2 back together, acting together elevates the show to a higher place again. Kelli and Mariska are so good together, I could watch 40 minutes of just them.
I sooo missed them having their talk in the captain office. The way Liv got her in the first 30 seconds 💀 knew it sdfghjklkjhfdsfgh -I can see it from a mile away Amanda lol- there's no way Carisi doesn't know something is up tho, c'mon if there's one person that knows her like Liv does is Sonny AND he lives with her, no matter how good she is at compartmentalize he definitely noticed something he's just probably giving her space to come to him and he's gonna be okay with it... if they -you assholes- wouldn't have deleted the rollisi scene MAYBE we would have see them talk about it a bit!
Liv was so happy to see Amanda back at the precinct, she had heart eyes lol, and happy to see her back that excited to solve mysteries, yeah she belongs there at svu nothing else makes sense. I was almost waiting on her screaming out in the bullpen 'Oi Brunoo!! Clean up the desk now! Get yourself another one, my georgia peach is coming back!' 😂
also lol their 'banter':
'anyone outwardly destructive...it starts with them'
'speaking from experience?!' 💀😬
Okay ouch fair I'll allow it lol 😂
'are you sorry you left' read it more like 'are you (dw) sorry you made her leave?'
'I love my students' 'yeah but you love all of us more' yeah she does❤ AND THAT LAUGH KELLI IS BACK I missed her laugh so much! 😭
I swear that if after all this talk she ain't coming back in any capacity next season I'll riot (who am I kidding, get her her first grade rank as detective you cowards, they promoted left and right last night -no offense to Jet I love her to pieces and she made look mcgrath like the moron he is lol I hope he leaves too I can't stand him- and Amanda didn't get anything for almost dying and all her years of expertise and solved cases since season 21?! Please, go figures) Also did they just try to compare Liv's reaction to Rollins and Stabler leaving to her future reaction to Muncy leaving?! Lol what?💀 sdfghjklkjhfdsfgh gurl please lol who write these things DG?!
Also her in Ohio with all the people around her with vests on and she gallivanting around with nothing on but her big belly guuurl 😱, if Liv would have been there she would have wrapped her in bubble wrap thrice and gave her 3 vests to put on lol are yOu KIdDiNg?! At least Fin was there. Has somebody checked on Carisi? I bet his heart rate went so high lol and his hair so greyer lol! little rollisi baby got their first adventure on tho 👍😬😄
Next season I need her to be back for my own sanity and probably Liv's lol
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residentraccoon · 6 months
Running order thoughts below!
Cyprus is...kinda bye I guess...
I know Serbia was given the 2nd spot but I can still see it comfortably qualifying, there's no way it won't with both Croatia and Slovenia voting in this semifinal.
Lithuania 3rd...........no comment. I know he's one of the main faves of this semifinal and will still qualify comfortably because of that but come on, 3rd?? 😭
Mmmm I don't know if I should be worried for Ireland, 4th is a pretty risky spot (and gave me huge Latvia 2023 flashbacks) but it's kinda being preceded by UK? Who isn't that hyped from what I've seen...but also Ukraine is after and might get all the attention from literally anyone who's around their spot?? Prayer circle for Ireland...
Poland is also sandwiched between two big faves, Ukraine and Croatia...that might hurt them a bit, I don't know...
Slovenia has a good draw I think. I think she will also qualify. Plus being helped by Croatia and Serbia.
Ok, beautiful to see how they just basically boosted Luxembourg's chances to the stratosphere, I definitely see them qualifying now.
oOOOF Malta...being 1st idk what to say...
Albania DOA 100%
SWITZERLAND TF IS THAT SPOT?? Look how they massacred my Switzerland...but judging how liked this is I have faith that this will qualify, it's like one of the biggest favorites of this semi right?? Also Greece
Mmmm Czechia between fan fave Switzerland and semi fan fave France, I don't have a good feeling about this.
I had this eerie feeling that after Czechia we'd get Austria AND IT GOT CONFIRMED FFS ofc they're giving the best spot for Austria like being after an unpopular entry bcs she fan faaaaveee~~~ 🤪💅👌💥✨️ slay guuurl- okay enough with the shitty fanwank impression, moving on
Denmark imo has a pretty good spot?? MIGHT get a bit hurt from Austria but...Also Armenia seems to be good.
...Latvia I'm so sorry honey...EBU tf you doing, this is literally the shittiest placement for them, they had the entire 2nd half for them to give, and EBU chose 9th.
San Marino not 11th?? Blasphemy.
Mmm Georgia before Belgium might not be that good...but also Georgia is after 2 unpopular entries so who knows...
Estonia 13th...ok
I was worried that Isr might be given the last spot which would help them a lot but the fact that they're literally after 2(3?) big entries this year (Belgium, Estonia and Italy who's from Big5) might not help them that much. But knowing how many supporters they have...I really don't know what to expect. I still hope for an NQ.
NORWAY 15th!!! What a great placement for them!! Also succeeds Isr which helps them a lot, I'm the most happy with their spot tbh!
Netherlands also, best spot. Congrats to them
Okay, I'm going to write my predictions here, after the running order. Will most likely change after the preparties or rehearsals, but here they are:
Q(1ST-3RD): Ukraine, Croatia, Lithuania
Q(4TH-7TH): Serbia, Slovenia, Finland, Portugal
BORDERLINE(8TH-12TH): Ireland, Poland, Moldova, Australia, Luxembourg
NQ(13TH-15TH): Cyprus, Iceland, Azerbaijan
Q(1ST-3RD): Austria, Belgium, Netherlands
Q(4TH-7TH): Greece, Switzerland, Estonia, Norway
BORDERLINE(8TH-12TH): Denmark, Armenia, San Marino, Georgia, Israel
NQ(13TH-16TH): Malta, Albania, Czechia, Latvia
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marengogo · 2 years
Well Well Well … - 2 : Let’s Watch A Clip!
Forgive Me - by Chloe x Halle  [Ungodly Hour]
[Music is a very big part of my life and I’m MOSTLY INCAPABLE of writing without music, so I just thought I'd share what I am listening to while writing this]
Hello Everyone! How’s life been treating you? If it’s been good, I’m hella happy for you! If it’s been shit, I’m up there with you 😬 but hey, we probably used to it, so we’ll be fine (#trust). Now, let’s take a little look at what’s been going on in ARMYworld as of recent (and no, I’ll not address enlistment here, but yes, I will in another post). So, it would appear that pics and videos from「LOVE YOURSELF, SPEAK YOURSELF: The Final」started dropping yesterday and guuurl/boooi/Eeenby… There’s been a little bit of drama aye?!
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Mainly between the usual shakespearean factions (... just another way for me to say: DRAMATIC AF GROUPS, aka some group of shippers), which was brought about by one particular clip involving none other than our dearest JK: Surprise, sur-fucking-prise! I swear, the boy can’t take a single step in the general direction of nowhere coz, the second he does, some will measure the distance between his right foot and left and equate it to the distance between either JM or Tae’s right and left foot just to conclude that: [INSERT MOST RECENT CONSPIRACY]. 
Alas, Jeon Jungkook is a powerful Conspiracy Magnet, it's a sad truth. Now, whether or not he actually had an unknowing and unfortunate hand in this predicament, is a post for another time. What we want to do now is to take a look at the clip that caused so much SCANDAL! And take it from there, shall we?:
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Now, before we proceed I’ll need you all to maybe not listen to the song that I am listening to right now, if it is not calming to you. Find a song that keeps you mellow and serene, and ready to observe facts in an educated and unbiased way. When you are all ready, we shall begin, alright?
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So to spice things up a little, let’s refer to TKKers as Capulets and JKKers as Montagues, just to keep it in the Shakespearean vibe. As you might and/or might not know, I really hate generalising but, based on experience, the majority of Capulets can’t be reasoned with, like, it’s some crazy-ass-shit up in that neck of the woods, and granted there’s definitely some Montagues that are just as crazy, but the ratio is 9725:1. 
Moving on, following are the families narratives, following the clip in question:
CAPULATES: “Everything Jikook does is scripted”.
MONTAGUES: “Staff knows Jungkook, so where is the lie?”.
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For those that may not know, this whole thing escalated hella quick. I was at work, trying to work, while dealing with a personal situation of my own, after which I quickly looked at my timeline and HolyMolyGuacamole. I thought JK couldn’t create a post more controversial than the “Happy Birthday Bro” one but, Bro!, was I wrong! 
Mind you, as per usual the involved Capulates came ready for senseless war, hence Montagues had the right to defend themselves from the dumbest of accusations, but what all of this seemed to cause was a very clear divide of two truths which could both be valid, but my people, we all know that the truth is and always will be one. In this case, the one truth is that JK managed to, unwillingly, put himself on the spot. Yeah ...
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And before I continue, I must, and I will, preface that JK does, without a doubt, not only highly respects (amongst many other things) JM but loves Serendipity, immensely as proven by the following:
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(☝🏾 looks like the same tweet, from the beginning of this post, but its not ☝🏾)
Now, try to recall a situation where something happened and regardless of whether the information you are receiving is true or not, you just want to know how this something came to be. If you are like me, and you just need to know, trusting that there is no way in hell your words will be misconstrued, you will ask whatever question. But then, at times, this funny thing happen where, once you’ve spoken you realise that is not just about your curiosity, it’s about everything else related to it, but it’s too late, you’ve spoken up, your words are out in the world and you are on the fucking spot. And many may not know or realise this but, being put on the spot is a flight or fight response.
It is almost spooky weird how sometimes words suddenly seem to change in meaning from how you thought them in your brain after you’ve uttered them [typed them]. Funny ain’t it? Had the meaning of his words not changed, JK (like anyone else) would have stayed silent, waiting for the member of staff to answer his question, as he sat firmly by his own words. But that was definitely not the case. And I’m not sure of the meaning that his sentence morphed into, but JK didn’t stay quiet waiting for a reply from their staff member. No. In fact, he laughed over her words and started poking JM, who actually brought up his finger to do their usual “I am you, you are me” but JK didn’t notice, and he wasn’t going to because I don’t think that was his intent to begin with. His poking, like the laughing, all felt like a reaction to divert attention from what he’d just asked.
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Now we can sit here and argue on whether or not it was wrong for the member of staff to have filled in the blanks for JK, homegurl was most likely just doing her job and trying to speed up the process by choosing an answer she believed to be 100% likely. Had she envisioned  JK’s reaction, do you think she would have proceeded with it? She most likely even panicked, perceiving JK’s reaction as a misjudgment and let him know right-away that he could change it.
“It’s all about the delivery!” These are the words I was told by my brother, who's been trying to act as a peacemaker between my mother and I. If I controlled the manner in which I say what I want to say or even at times just refrain from saying certain things, I might bring forth less damage with my mom 😬(but that was very TMI so yeah let's not dwell too much on that…). But the truth is, once again, in my head they all sounded like things I have the right to say, but once they are out, it's like, … damn. And, in my opinion, it’s like JK also felt the same.
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JK’s favourite song might have been Euphoria, which is not a stretch, we all know that homeboi loves that song in particular. But regardless of why he decided to still go ahead with Serendipity, he obviously made it known that he was going to, if not Jimin would not have been literally all up in his face asking him “which one did you like the best?”
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What actually is the point in all of this is how he decided to reveal said selection. JM was all in his face? JK could have replied by singing and staying in his place. But no. He counter-attacked Jimin’s face-up and got closer himself, and you’ll notice JM taking steps back as JK keeps moving forward, while they maintain eye-contact. I mean …
Hence, If I were the person who had to write the scenario/script for this part of the concert, hoping for the best outcome, ideally, with a band like BTS, you’d have all members naturally interact with each other. Having JK just choose his own song wouldn’t have served for much interaction with anyone, so I’m guessing homegurl stopped and thought “who does he usually interact with? What song does he usually sing?” and she got her answer. And hey! I might be wrong, so please let me know another song by any of the other members of BTS which JK sang, and mimicked as often as Serendiptiy; … I’ll be waiting.
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Always respectfully yours,
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laladellakang · 10 months
Guuurl Ik that taking a break means less works but more anxiety 😶😶 but personally I think that I want you with a good health than you who post every weeks and don't like what you wrote you know what i'm saying ? Idk if im clear but voilaaaaa ( iam french i use a lot voila to finish my sentences sorryyyyy) in all i hope that you're okay even if you have anxiety ik that it's not easy but really id you want to talk im here even if we don't really know each other okay ? Love you take care of you and lala ofc 🫶🏼🫶🏼
girlie ure so cute omg
and i totally appreciate it! honestly i’ve never called myself feeling this way as a burnout and i always blame it on my GAD but they do kinda affect one another so idk why it’s taking me so long to admit it maybe bcs i don’t wanna be called weak BUT I AM NOT WEAK I AM A FIGHTER ✊😔✨🧚🐉
love you and take care of yourself as well! it’s getting REALLY cold where i am 🥶🤍
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