greymantledlady · 8 months
Honestly, idk why so many people have decided that Lena is old/wrinkled/grey-haired. Is it because people want it to follow the same beats as TMA, with Lena in the role of Gertrude? Pretty sure the actress is under 40... although, just typing this makes me realise that probably that does seem ancient to a good proportion of tumblr users 😂
Anyway, personally I think Lena is somewhere between 40 and 50, of Iranian descent, and absolutely smoking. 🔥🔥 She's also a divorcee who ditched her husband after realising she was a lesbian and/or that he was a POS, but she still uses his last name to avoid discrimination from using her Persian maiden name (when emailing etc). She and Gwen have a weird, power-play-y ongoing sexual tension and may or may not have hooked up in the recent past.
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tmagp 11 literally just protocule proof send post
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therealdistortion · 2 months
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cult-of-the-eye · 4 months
the entirety of the OIAR has mommy issues and that makes up a good proportion of why lena is such an effective boss
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potato-lord-but-not · 8 months
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mbanus protocol characters….. magnus protocol characters save me….
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swingsty · 2 months
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The them!
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ash-tree-eyes · 3 months
Between threatening Lena to give her a promotion, the “Can he read?” to Mr Bonzo, and now insulting Ink5oul, I’m starting to realise that Gwen has truly godly magnitudes of self confidence, and absolutely no ability to deal with the consequences of said confidence. She’s so pathetic I love her so much
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ian0key · 8 months
TMAGP character designs!!!!
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and more art:
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->->-> NEW VERSION (fixing the saturation of Sam's skin and with other extra things)
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dragunonov · 4 months
Listen to The Magnus Protocol, we have:
Samama Khalid, not yet killed by his curiousity because he is the main character
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Alice Dyer, who is okay, trust her
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Celia Ripley, a single mother with no secrets whatsoever
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Colin Becher
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Gwendolyn Bouchard, expertly handling her new externals liaison duties
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And Lena Kelley, who has to somehow manage this shitshow
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I wonder if Gwen’s gonna brutal pipe murder Lena to get that job
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starstrewnspore · 4 months
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starsandwriting · 6 months
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Haha. Hahaha.
[ID: Alternating excerpts from the transcripts of The Magnus Protocol episode 11 and The Magnus Archives episode 112 and 67.
Gwen: I thought he was going to kill me!
Lena: But he didn’t, which means you’ve passed the first part of your probation. Congratulations. Did you scream?
(Elias): congratulations. You’re doing a lot better than I expected.
Archivist: Feels like all I’ve managed to do is… not die.
Elias: And believe me, that is a remarkably rare skill.
Gwen: I don’t understand.
Lena: Yes, you do.
Gwen: But… why?
Lena: “Why” comes later. For now, it’s best you try to process the “what.” I’ll let you know when I have another liaison assignment for you.
Archivist: So you obviously know how to stop it. You could just tell me!
Elias: I could. But I believe that if I did so, you would fail. The Stranger is antithetical to us.
[The Archivist sighs heavily]
Gwen (defeated): I… Ok.
Gwen opens the door.
Lena: Oh, and Gwen?
Gwen: Yes?
Lena: Get some sleep. You look dreadful.
Archivist: Of course, of course. Understood.
Elias: And for God’s sake, get some sleep.
End ID]
Thank you @princess-of-purple-prose for the ID!
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tbh today's episode just reads to me like
gwen: well obviously the minister is a very important figure and we need to respect him and also this is a good opportunity for me to prove that i deserve the power i have been given. and of course it doesn't hurt that i also get to boss alice around
lena, visibly shaking: gwendolyn are you listening to me. they're going to old yeller me if the floor isn't squeaky clean gwen. they're out to fucking get me you CANNOT fuck this up for me. the general cleanliness of this building is the only thing standing in between me and being taken out back
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just-a-lidle-creacher · 5 months
this episode killed me. celia is a MOTHER? sam used to VAUGEPOST? gwen is literally JONATHAN SIMS? lena is basically ELIAS BOUCHARD? SOME OF THEM ARE BENEVOLENT?????????
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nonsenseofyesteryear · 6 months
Love how Lena basically tells Gwen "Yes Mr. Bonzo is an abomination but he's a valued member of the team."
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buk-kakyoin · 28 days
Gwendolyn Bouchard, a bourgeois-encrusted dumbass who glimmers like an orphan's last penny every time she's congratulated for being shat out of the sky with a silver spoon in her mouth, is one of my favorite characters in TMAGP so far. Not necessarily because she's relatable or because I'm rooting for her(although I am rooting for her to get her shit together), but because she's such a good example of people like her. People who will stop at nothing to get whatever the hell they want, buoyed only by the assurance that they are the "right kind" of person to have it by pedigree, whether they truly understand the full scope of what they're getting or not. People who, furthermore, cannot fathom that trusting an authority figure like the Minister is probably a worse fucking choice over Lena by a mile, even if Lena is doing terrible things. Like, Gwen just tattled on Lena to Trevor Fuckwit Herbert, Minister to Shithead Affairs and Nefarious Governmental Misdeeds, a guy meant to oversee a department that contracts murderous supernatural creatures to do murderous supernatural jobs, and if it turns out Lena is on some Gertrude shit trying to resteict the OIAR's functionality and is the only thing keeping Mr. Bonzo from using Gwen like a teething ring, I'm going to lose my absolute goddamn mind. I love her so much.
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