#gym leader Clay
munna-sato · 8 months
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creatrixanimi · 2 years
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One of my art goals in this fandom is to show more appreciation for my fave fics and I’ve been slowly rereading @archersxartxblog “warden’s twins” so I thought I’d try to draw some stuff for it! For context it’s a fic where 10yo ingo and emmet get sent to hisui during their pokemon journey & everyone just assumes they’re ingo’s kids lmao. It’s really good and interesting I highly recommend it! Also I can’t help but think about how drayden must be in hell in this au like Jesus Christ I can’t imagine he’s doing too well considering everything asdgdfgh
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caramel-caracal · 1 year
Pokémon Animatic: Who Broke It?
Finally finished up this little project!
Have this video I drew of my some of my favorite gen 5 characters bickering and pointing fingers at one another. Big Gay Unovan Family Drama-
I'm pretty happy with how this turned out! I had fun with the little animated sections-
Also this frame:
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spittyfishy · 8 months
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Still playing through the Indigo Disk, but I think Lacey is awesome and it’s so cool she’s related to one of the Unova gym leaders! I think it’s Clay because of her hair clip (and her Excadrill lol) so I wanted to draw Clay taking little Lacey to see a Cottonee migration, since in Unova fairy types are few and far between lol
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thena0315 · 10 months
Indigo Disk Spoilers!!!
Drayton is Drayden's Grandson
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Penny is Peony's Daughter
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Lacey is Clay's Daughter
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kazu-le-dork · 7 months
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I'll do it myself!
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thewhitescatterbug · 9 months
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Clay has always been one of my absolute favorite Pokémon & comfort characters. I love that man so much and learning that he has a daughter, family, it just makes me so incredibly happy for him, I can't even put that into words, so I'll let my art speak for itself!
Also, I don't get how some people are surprised by him having a child with someone. There's only ups to having him as a partner:
Great sense of justice & morals
Loving partner/dad (Lacey is proof)
Financial stability
Best sideburns in Pokémon
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grey822aaa · 9 months
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If you use ground type, it means you are hot
except Hapu, she's a child
Also, for some reason they all look like they are constantly talking about children???
Or about their pokemon as children
I dunno
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batscrem · 10 months
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So uh
Indigo Disk just dropped
(spoiler under read more)
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Father-daughter bonding moments with these two are going to live rent free in my head now
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green-nerd-showdown · 2 months
Presenting, the opposite to my backflip poll
btw! Photos if you aren’t a Pokémon fan but want to vote, based on vibes
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kiwikipedia · 10 months
Congratulations to Clay on the cute af daughter
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peachy-doodles · 2 years
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here enjoy whatever ?????? this mess is skghskghskhgs
was joking with a friend abt this. pose.....
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bonus not cursed family photo for your troubles:
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Drayden: Appointed Dad (Emmet and Ingos uncle) Clay: Husband to Drayden and general friend to the whole family (All of Unova) Iris: Adopted by Drayden at some point Elesa: Adopted by Ingo as the Big Sister (Bestest Friend Forever) Ingo and Emmet: Big Brother and Little Brother respectfully
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sage-nebula · 9 months
Blueberry Elite Four Thoughts
She's trans! She came out as a transgirl when she was around 10 or so, and was very nervous about telling Clay. But when she did tell him, he just laughed and said, "Shoot, that all? I was worried you were gonna say you wanted to be a stay-at-home spouse."
She dyes her hair pink, since it's the cutest color.
Her mom died when she was young, so Clay has raised her as a single parent. She has spent a lot of time alone as a result since Clay commutes to Driftveil for work each day, leading to her responsible personality.
Clay finds it hard to connect with her since they have few common interests, but he tries very hard. Lacey recognizes and appreciates his efforts. One of these efforts was introducing Lacey to Elesa, who is an old friend of Clay's and an idol of Lacey's. Lacey was speechless and had a crying meltdown and Clay could not understand what he did "wrong."
Once one of Clay's worker's expressed sympathy to him for having a [slur redacted] son. The worker was never seen again. Clay said he merely fired him. One employee who asked to remain anonymous is quoted as saying, "Yeah, down into the mines."
Lacey likes fairy-types for being cute, but also many pokémon that aren't thought of as traditionally cute. Her excadrill is the cutest of them all.
She absolutely has a southern twang to her voice, just like her daddy's.
She's a loyal subscriber to the Iono Zone, and has a crush on Iono to boot.
Amarys is autistic, and this has manifested in the way that social cues have been hard for her to understand growing up, and she's been bullied and ostracized for it, and she's tried very hard to study people and social cues and social rules so that she can play by those rules better and therefore be better accepted, but she also has difficulties emoting and so even when she does her best it rarely seems good enough and—well. Her bullies often compared her to a robot or a computer. Amarys often felt that she liked robots or computers better than humans, because they were easier to understand and deal with. And that sparked her interest in steel-type pokémon, whom she felt a sort of kinship with. But more importantly, just because she has trouble emoting doesn't mean she doesn't have feelings. She feels SO MUCH and SO STRONGLY and it's been so hard. She still tries her best to follow the rules in the hopes that doing so will yield the best result, but it's still so hard.
Carmine was the first person who ever stood up for Amarys. Other students were once again mocking Amarys for being a robot, and Carmine yelled at and threatened them until they ran away. Carmine explained that people liked to bully her little brother, too, but she couldn't stand people like that. And anyway, she was from Kitakami, so if Amarys was seen as a weirdo outsider at Blueberry Academy, maybe they could be weirdo outsiders together. Carmine was A Lot all at once, but Amarys liked the sound of all that.
Amarys likes spicy, sour, and bitter foods; she's not a fan of sweets.
She loves heights, but she is claustrophobic (albeit only mildly).
She has romantic feelings for Carmine, but thinks they could never be reciprocated and so she won't say anything about them. Carmine, meanwhile, thinks they are already dating.
She is actually not the best with technology, but she is a skilled artist, particularly when it comes to small models, like ships in bottles. Precision work is a natural talent of hers.
100% would fall for the "if you bake it at 400°F for 20 minutes, then if you crank it up to 4000° you can cook it in 2 minutes" rumor or whatever it was and would burn the whole academy down in the process.
If Lacey told him she was trans, his first response would be, "I thought you were Unovan?" His second response would be, "okay but you're still cute though!"
He has, on more than one occasion, melted plasticware in the oven. Despite this, he IS still a good cook.
He has many older siblings and is the baby of his family. Somewhere in his family tree are the Striaton triplets.
He has used his trusty frying pan as a drying pan.
He gets Big Mad when judges on cooking shows care more about style over taste and mouth feel. They are missing the whole point of food, he says.
Drayton has a complicated relationship with Iris. On one hand, she's great! She's a cool person! She's always fun to talk to and hang out with! On the other hand she's the literal fucking Champion of Unova and the shadow Drayton's been living in his whole fucking life, the ideal grandchild Drayden always wanted years before Drayton was ever born, the standard Drayton could never hope to live up to! And like, none of it's her fault, and he knows this and would never say as much to her, but the question of "why can't you be more like Iris" feels like it's always there and makes him not want to try at all, because he'll just fail anyway, right?
To that end, Drayton has failed his classes on purpose, because he doesn't know yet what he wants to do with his life. It is expected he will take over Opelucid Gym, but he doesn't want to. And that's fine, IF he has some other idea of what he wants to do. But he doesn't, so he's stalling. Not his best idea, but it's all he has.
Speaking of, in Unova, as Clay puts it, "When the people have a problem, it's up t' the Gym Leader t' put it right." The League Club had a problem with Kieran bullying the other members by abusing his power as Champion. Drayton, raised in a family of Gym Leaders, took it upon himself to fix the problem for the people. It's why he was proactive about it; it's what he was raised to do. (Lacey's dad is also a Gym Leader, and the one who said the original quote, but she's less inclined to rock the boat than Drayton is, especially since Drayton felt responsible by losing to Kieran in the first place.)
His accent is what we would think of as Brooklyn in the real world.
Drayton likes verbal sparring. It's like a sport to him. He likes riling up Carmine because she "hits" back. He sees it as playing and genuinely thinks she sees it as the same. She does not.
He also thinks Carmine and Amarys are dating.
Kieran has a negative opinion of Drayton because, when Kieran first joined the League Club, Kieran asked Drayton to make him strong. Drayton said, "I can't make you strong; you gotta do that yourself." Now, what Drayton MEANT was, Kieran has to find inner strength / determination to try and work hard on his own, and then with that perseverence and willingness to train, he and his team can grow. But what Kieran HEARD was, "fuck you, I hate you, you're pathetic, you're going to be a weak little pissbaby forever, go fucking die in a ditch, choke on your own vomit, I hope you get eaten alive by ten million trapinch in the savannah biome." Kieran's perception of Drayton never really recovered.
The hair dye that Drayton uses for his purple streak glows in the dark.
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patriamrealm · 1 year
About the Aspects Au, you said that Akari and Ingo have a father/daughter relationship, so does she return to the future with Ingo? If so, what's the Unovans reaction to her? Also, how does Ingo feel about Clay?
So the thing about them returning to the future is that neither of them chose to return. Ingo didn't want to at all and Akari was working towards getting back. She returned first, After fighting with Arceus and winding up with a piece of the god pokemon on her team she wound up attacked by a furious Volo still pissed about her beating him and was mortally wounded.
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That piece of Arceus managed to pull enough power to send her to a time with better medical advancements to save her, her time. It wouldn't be able to do that again.
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For Ingo, as far as he knew his daughter died and they never did find the killer. He lived in Hisui for another 17 years before being forcefully thrown back to the future in the last space time distortion.
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As for Clay, it's weird. He likes the guy but it's so hard for him not to see the young man he helped raise.
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jadeazora · 10 months
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Nate is really good at reading people, and that's on full display this event. Like the reference to back when Team Break was causing problems too, I guess they got into a scuffle with some other villain team back when Paulo was controlling Hoopa?
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thena0315 · 9 months
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