#gym teacher!carol
caroldantops · 1 year
Gym teacher carol!!! (Of age reader ofc)
Gym teacher!carol who you believe hates you I mean she has you running extra miles but really carol just wants to watch you tits move
Gym teacher!carol who tells you to met her after school for formal training since you clearly need it
Gym teacher!carol who you walk in on while she’s working out waiting for you even if Ms. Danvers hates you her abs are the most delicious thing ever (minus her pussy BUT WE ARENT THERE YET.)
Gym teacher!carol who gives you a stern look as she lectures you about being late but all you can focus on is her abs and how the dim gym light makes them sparkly from her sweat
Gym teacher!carol who finally sees what your looking at and let’s out a dark chuckle tapping you cheek as she smirks saying “eyes up here sweet stuff?”
Gym teacher!carol who decides she’ll show you her favorite position that’ll get you in shape and ready for classes
Gym teacher!carol who scissors you on the gymnastics mats calling you a “teachers pet” or “my personal whore” while your fucked outta your mind
Gym teacher!carol who by time you had your 5th orgasm (and carols 4th) helps you up and looking at the mess on the mat as she scoffs “clean that up your mess is everywhere”
Gym teacher!carol who fights a laugh as you get on you hands and knees licking your own arousal of the mat carol fights the urge to shove your face further in the mat tbh
Gym teacher!carol who offers go to her place for clean up as you sit in her black Mercedes and enter her apartment it’s nice real pretty and kinda pink as you notice record labels on the wall and multiple model planes
Gym teacher!carol who’s sitting on her couch watching a old women’s basketball episode as you come out the shower wearing something of hers she can do nothing but tell you take it off, first your thinking “oh no she’s mad” but she’s far from mad
Gym teacher!carol who instantly drops you in the bed as you guys go more rounds
her calling u teachers pet while scissoring u oh god im gonna fucking DIE....also shut upppp her making u run more to watch your tits bounce and also shes always having u do extra stretches and stuff so she can admire your body "im just checking to make sure your form is good, you dont wanna pull anything" and GOD. her taking u home and u see shes like a big ol nerd with her model planes and shit and u just walk around in her clothes looking at everything and suddenly she comes up behind u and holds u from behind and kisses ur neck and ur like "oh hi" and and it ofc ends in u riding her while wearing her shirt which ends up pushed up over your tits while she plays with them andaandandand
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storywriter12 · 1 year
Chapter two (crazy tinder guy (date
So Friday night came and rick was ever so nervous it sounded mad to him going on a date he got dressed into a black shirt with tight trousers  you could of course see his butt and then he walked downstairs where daryl, Carol, michonne and Shane was, all of them was in the living room watching some film on TV he walked in and he heard "wow you look nice" from michonne 
(Rick) I nodded thank you feeling a blush. Well I'm going now see ya I said grabbing my keys and getting to the door "DON'T FORGET TO USE PROTECTION MAN!!!!" I hear daryl shout I laugh I walk to the bar which was on "black lake street" when I got into the bar it was slightly busy I walked to the bar and ordered a drink when my drink came (vodka and coke) I took a sip and then I hear "damn I could fuck you right now" my eyes glanced to the side of me seeing what looked like negan and. He was more hotter in real life, I…. I…. Um thank you I strutted he smiled and giggled biting his bottom lip I took deep breaths as I got tingly all over. Should. I buy you a drink? I asked he smiled again "sure blue eyes. I'll have a beer" 
A few hours later 
(Rick) we sat in the corner. The light was much darker so we sat so close. I could feel the warmth of his body we sat and talked about what we did for a living he was a gym teacher and loved the job but hates the paperwork when I was telling him that I was a sheriff his hands was under the table and then he moved his hand and rested it on my inner thigh I blushed which amused him he got more close to me until his mouth was near my ear "why don't we get out of here rick" I wanted to saying something but no words will come out so I just nodded and he smiled getting up leaving a tip and walking out I followed it was dark outside and warm I don't know if it was because we just came out of a bar or because I was with him he walked down the path which was a light yellow from the lamps what shined to his car. which was black he got in the driving seat and I get in the passenger seat
(Negan) sooo where do you wanna go? I asked he thought about it for a moment. "anywhere you decide" I smiled nodding OK I started the car and the radio came on blasting music I turned it down and changed the music to a much softer song to set the mood. 
(Rick) So,negan  how long have you been single? I asked and he looked shocked from the question 
(negan) ahhhh I'm not one for relationships rick I'm more of a lover then leave them I said and hit myself for saying that I huff but my last ever relationship was around four years ago with a guy called seth umm we ended on bad terms 
(Rick) I saw how sad he was by talking about his ex. I'm sorry I said "it's fine rick not your fault" I looked out my window and we was going up a hill and he stopped the car pressing a button and then the cars roof opened he pressed another button and out seats went back and it was just us watching the stars 
(negan) hay rick? He looked. At me I smiled. Have you ever been kissed underneath the stars? He looked at me with his blue eyes and shook his head. I smiled come here. We both leaned in and kissed. the kiss was soft his lips was hot against mine, my hand fell around his side reaching down to give his butt a squeeze he moaned  
(Rick) he swiped his tongue across my bottom lip I opened my mouth and he pushed his tongue in my mouth he moaned deeply I could feel myself twitch he grabbed hold of my wrist dragging my whole body onto his lap my hands fell over his shoulders is fell more down to my ass the kiss got more hot he untucked my shirt his big hands going up my back it  tickled me  I gasp and a little giggle came out my mouth he smiled in the kiss "you driving me crazy rick" he said in a whisperer we pulled away and I felt my cheeks were  on fire he looked at me his eyes was dark full of want and lust, I wanted him to I just didn't want to do it on the first date I pulled away from him climbing back to the seat "we don't have to do it you know not of you don't want to" I looked at him and smiled a little. Thanks he nodded 
(negan) I'll drive you home I said turning on the car and driving him home 
(Rick) when we got to my street he pulled up and I looked at him. Thank you for the date. I had a good time.. I blushed he smiled "me to Rick I'll see you later, night" night I opened the door to get out but he grabbed my arm pulling me to him as he kissed me again but  a lot softer this time he pulled away and I got out not knowing what to do I just said night again like an idiot. he drives off and I open the front door with my key greeted with a smiling michonne 
(michonne) soo how was it? 
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eddiethebrave · 1 month
secret admirer part eleven
922 words
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
Tuesday and Wednesday go much the same. Steve doesn’t watch Eddie at lunch anymore. 
That’s where Eddie does most of his staring, though. Steve wonders if Eddie felt like this knowing Steve was watching him. He hopes not. He feels like he’s on fire. In a bad way. 
He can’t help himself but go over everything he did, trying to find where he gave himself away, but he comes up blank. Anything he shared about himself in the notes could’ve been from anyone. 
He didn’t hint at it whenever he actually spoke to Eddie, either. 
The only thing he can think of is that he delivered the notes at the same time every day, barring the one time he was late. Eddie must’ve figured it out; saw him one morning. But he thought of that beforehand, too! The only door unlocked then is the gym door because no other sports or clubs meet that early. If Eddie were there, someone would have seen him. 
Then there’s art class. Steve gets whiplash from all the staring at lunch to business as usual in class; Eddie acts like nothing is out of the ordinary. That is to say, they hardly speak to one another, but when they do they’re friendly. 
Come Thursday. Carol is out sick so Steve has no distraction from the boy next to him. He can’t even try to convince himself he isn’t tuned into Eddie’s every movement. 
That day, the worst thing that could possibly happen, happens.
“Next to you, you’ll find your partner for this month's project. Go ahead and get acquainted, you’ll be spending a lot of time with one another.” 
The person on Eddie‘s left turns away from him to pair up with the person on their other side and Steve's stomach drops. He waits for Eddie to request a new partner, but he just drums his pencil on the table noncommittally. 
Steve would just put them both out of their misery and ask the teacher if he can wait until Carol returns to school, but he doesn’t want Eddie to think he minds being partnered with him, especially if Eddie isn’t going to be the one to interject. 
Steve has no reason to be upset with Eddie and, loath he is to admit it, he’d take any chance to be around him. Even now that he knows Eddie doesn’t want him in the same way. 
That’s another thing that’s been nagging him. Eddie was fine with H before he knew it was Steve - liked him even. Then the staring happened and he took off the ring. 
There’s only one explanation: Eddie doesn’t like Steve. 
You’d never guess it, though, not with the way he turns to him and grins. “Well, would ya look at that.”
Steve smiles hesitantly. “Hey, man.”
The teacher claps her hands to get everyone’s attention. “Alright, alright.” Once everyone has quieted down, she hands each of those in the front row a stack of paper to distribute to their respective columns. 
“This is the project outline. In a moment, I’ll dismiss you to read through it with your partner. After you’ve done that, you’ll notice there is a brainstorm worksheet on the last page. Now, you only need to complete one of these for the both of you…”
Once she’s done giving directions, Eddie turns to Steve. “Do you wanna read or should I? Or separately?”
Steve doesn’t even have to think about the answer. “You.” There’s not really an option there. Not only does he get to hear Eddie’s voice for a prolonged amount of time, but he doesn’t have to stutter his way through reading, or watch as the words seem to evade him? Yeah, Eddie can read; no hesitation.
Eddie nods and clears his throat before starting. Steve reads along on his paper, and finds it much easier than if he’d had to read it on his own. 
The concept is pretty straight-forward. They’ll each have to make a portrait of themselves and the other, collaborating orally while not seeing the other’s work. Even when they’re finished, they have to turn in the projects without the other seeing. There will be an exhibit in three weeks before they go on spring break where all of the portraits will be displayed.
When Eddie’s finished, they flip to the worksheet. “Okay,” Steve says, “I’ll write since you read.”
Eddie hums his approval and they get started. 
At the end of the hour, the teacher tells them to hang onto their packets and take a moment to schedule time outside of school to meet. There will only be one day a week dedicated to the project at school.
Steve clears his throat. “So, I- uh, I’m free most days. When works best for you?”
Eddie tilts his head to the side. “What, no court activities? Responsibilities?”
Steve hesitates. “You mean basketball? I mean, we practice in the mornings and there’s a game next week, but other than that…” Steve trails off once he catches sight of Eddie’s amused look. “What?” He asks, immediately self-conscious.
Eddie waves him off. “Nothing, nothing.” Steve frowns but Eddie keeps talking. “How about Mondays and Wednesdays, right after school?”
Steve chews on his lip before nodding. “Yeah. Where are we meeting?”
Eddie thinks for a moment, drumming his pencil on the desk again. “Uhh, how about we decide that during class those days?”
“Sounds good.” Steve holds up their project outline/brainstorm worksheet. “I’ll just hang onto this.”
Eddie chuckles. “Honestly, man, that’s probably for the best.”
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sorry if i missed anyone!!
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dragonmama76 · 1 year
Part One Interlude Part Two Part Three
As Eddie held the broken bottle against Steve’s neck, Steve was preternaturally calm.  If asked, he would explain that he had been expecting this for years.  Today was the day that Eddie Munson was finally going to kill him.  He had fought monsters human and decidedly not human, but he always knew deep down that Eddie Munson would be the one to finally end it all.
Eddie Munson was a late bloomer and spent his freshman year scrawny and shy. It didn’t help that he was into all kinds of nerd stuff and got bullied relentlessly.  He fancied himself a keen observer of people, though, and over the summer he plotted out a multi step plan to survive high school like it was one of the Dungeons & Dragons campaigns he loved to create.  
First, he spent the summer getting stronger.  He didn’t work out exactly, but he was able to get a summer job as a house painter and by the end he was hauling paint cans up and down ladders like it was nothing.  It also didn’t hurt that puberty finally kicked in and he grew almost a foot.  
Next, he used his newfound cash to update his wardrobe.  Instead of trying to compete with the preppy jocks who tormented him, he went the other way.  He scoured the thrift shops for as much black as he could find and rounded it out with t-shirts from his favorite metal bands.  Black work boots, chains, and a pocket knife became his standard accessories and when Wayne took him to Indy before the start of school he scored a black leather jacket at a nicer second hand store.  Freshman orientation was coming and it would be time to put the final parts of his plan into motion.
The day the freshman came to tour the high school and get their schedules, Eddie was ready.  He leaned against a tree watching the new kids coming and going.  There were a few he clocked as fellow outcasts and nerds and took note.  He would approach them carefully when school started for real.  But at that moment he was waiting for something special.  And then it happened.  A group of three teens made their way to the gym doors, two boys and a girl, dressed like money grew on trees.  One of the boys was taller, more confident, with impeccably styled hair, and best of all, he carried a basketball like he knew what to do with it.  Target acquired.
Steve Harrington’s stomach was all tied up in knots.  He was nervous to be finally starting high school.  Tommy H. and Carol were chattering away but he couldn’t even hear them over the sound of his racing thoughts.  His dad had made it clear what he expected from Steve’s high school career and what the consequences would be if he didn’t follow through.  He doesn’t know what the hell he is doing, but at least maybe if followed his dad’s plan he would finally be proud of him. So he kept his head held high and imagined himself to be that guy.  Fake it ‘til you make it, right?  As he reached the gym door he felt eyes on him and glanced over to see the prettiest guy he had ever seen watching him.  As their eyes met, the boy scowled at him.  Steve winced and stumbled through the door.  What could he possibly have done to piss that guy off already?  “Not a good start, Steve,” he thought as the trio entered the school.  
Steve’s first few weeks of high school would have been pretty great if it wasn’t for his personal bully.  He landed a spot on the varsity basketball team, his teachers were nice enough to explain things twice if he had a question, and even though Tommy H. and Carol were officially dating now, they still included him in almost everything they did.  But when he was walking by himself in the halls, that older kid was always there either glaring or smirking at him.  He actually outright tripped him twice, once into a row of lockers.  Steve apologized at first, thinking maybe he had been at fault for bumping into him or something, but the guy had laughed at him and made some comment about dumb jocks better watch out.  Steve didn’t want to push back.  No matter what personal philosophy his dad ascribed to, Steve didn’t think violence was the answer.  He quickly figured out that the guy only seemed to target him when he was alone, though, so Steve started asking some of the girls in his classes if he could walk them to their next class.  They seemed to like that, and Steve was getting tired of being a third wheel all the time, so he asked a few out on double dates with his friends.  At least his dad would be happy, Steve was already getting a reputation as a ladies man.
Eddie was having the best year ever. Training this jock to be afraid of him, instead of the other way around, was a treat.  Eddie wasn’t a bad kid.  If anyone had called him out on bullying he would have been shocked.  This was a preemptive strike.  This was the ultimate battle of nerd versus jock.  This was war.  And Eddie was winning.  You didn’t have to be a genius to see that this Steve kid was asking for it.  His attitude, his clothes, his HAIR, and his, not at all surprising to Eddie, wild success with the female population of Hawkins High all confirmed that he needed to be taken down a peg.  And in the meantime, Eddie had gathered a crew of freshman nerds to spend time with and mold in his image.  He only needed one more element to complete his campaign against the jocks of Hawkins: A public confrontation.
Steve was starting to become complacent.  His plan to never be alone was working and while the scary kid following him around continued to make his presence known, at least he wasn’t pushing him anymore.  So he thought.  Except one afternoon in the cafeteria Steve’s luck ran out.  He had been balancing his tray on one hand while escorting his most recent conquest with the other when something slammed into him upending the tray of spaghetti.  Tears filled his eyes as the noise around him dimmed.  Why was this happening to him?  He tried to be nice to everyone.  He didn’t start fights or talk shit about people, even when Carol was at her bitchiest.  Why couldn’t he just fly under the radar?  As he looked up to see all eyes on him, the only noise that registered was the loud cackle from the boy next to him.  “I thought you jocks had better balance than that,” sneered his bully.  All the blood in his body seemed to rush to his head and he tried to stay calm, but when he glanced over and saw Lila covered in sauce something snapped.  
“What the hell is wrong with you?”  Steve shouted.  
“Me?” challenged the boy, “Not my fault you’re as clumsy as all get out.”  
Steve didn’t like to fight, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t.  He pushed the taller boy and advanced on him fists clenched tight.  When he got close, a low voice rumbled, “I wouldn’t do that if I was you,” as the kid opened his jacket to reveal a knife clenched in his other hand.  Steve’s eyes were wide as he backed away.  “You’re a fucking freak, you know that?  Leave me alone! And leave my friends alone!”  Steve was just posturing at this point, but he kept a healthy distance between them since he sure as hell wasn’t getting in a knife fight, even if they were surrounded by spectators.  
“I AM a freak, and don’t any of you forget it!”  the boy shouted, “And you’d better be afraid if you know what’s good for you.”  
Just then the doors opened and the vice principal walked in. 
“Problems?” he demanded sternly.  
“No, sir,” Steve backed down completely.  “No problems here.” 
 “What about you, Munson?” a steely glare was directed at his adversary. 
 “No problemo.  I was just apologizing to King Steve here for bumping into him.”  The boys separated and Steve escorted Lila to their table, offering to grab extra napkins and helping to calm her down.  
“Nice going, King Steve,” Tommy H. cackled as they sat down.  “Have you ever, just once, won a fight?” 
“Shut it, Tommy.” Steve replied, “You didn’t see it.  That freak actually had a knife.  Stay away from him, he’s crazy and I dunno why but he hates me.”  No one commented when his voice broke at those last words.  “I think you were very brave,” whispered Lila and Steve suddenly felt a little better.
While Steve had beat a hasty retreat, Eddie sauntered over to his usual lunch table with his freshman friends and held his head high. He could feel the guarded looks and shot a feral grin to a group of kids who dared make eye contact. It was the best day of Eddie’s life so far.  He had sealed his reputation as a dangerous freak and he intended to own it every day for the rest of high school.  It would keep his little nerds and outcasts safe, even if he had to keep up the act for the next few years.
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estrellami-1 · 11 months
If I Should Stay
Part 1 | . . . | Part 30 | Part 31 | Part 32
He catches Eddie’s eye. Eddie shakes his head slowly, and Steve understands his meaning: don’t make it obvious.
Steve gives him a short nod, then his attention is arrested by Tommy, who’s storming up to him. “Harrington.”
Tommy’s eyes narrow. “He turn you fag or something?”
Steve laughs, loud and bold, and claps Tommy on the shoulder. “You’re funny,” he says, then quieter, “especially for how many times I’ve caught you staring at me.” He steps back and grins at Tommy, who’s white and rapidly turning red. “I never-”
“Oh, that’s right,” Steve says amiably. “It was Nathan, wasn’t it? Who you couldn’t keep your eyes off of. Does Carol know?”
Tommy comes at him swinging, and Steve barely dodges in time. “Yeesh, touchy. Guess it must be true, then. Y’know, you could talk to her about it. She might be down.”
Tommy swings again, and this time his knuckles catch Steve’s bottom lip. “Dammit,” he sighs, wincing when he tastes blood. “I was doing so good, too.” He moves to the side just as Tommy rushes him again, nudging him just the slightest bit to let his momentum carry him forward and onto his knees. He mentally thanks Nancy and physics homework, which isn’t really a sentence he ever thought he’d say.
“Okay, okay, break it up,” the gym teacher says, pulling Tommy up and glaring at both of them. “Do I want to know what’s going on?”
Their gym teacher, Mr. Craigs, is a forty-something-year-old veteran with the look in his eye to prove it. Anyone with a brain was at least a little bit scared of him.
“No, sir,” Steve says politely. “Sorry for causing a disturbance.”
He can feel Tommy seething with anger beside him. Mr. Craigs turns his gaze on Tommy, and Steve’s a little surprised he doesn’t start vibrating. “No. Sorry, sir,” Tommy grits out.
“Lets keep it that way,” Mr. Craigs orders, and both boys nod. “And Harrington, go wash that blood off.”
Steve wipes his lip. “Sorry, sir,” he says, and turns to do just that.
Somehow Eddie’s made it back to the locker rooms already, because he had time to find a rag and wet it before Steve walks in. He hands it over and stares as Steve dabs at his lip. “You’re kind of an idiot,” he says finally.
Steve snorts. “Tell me something I don’t know.”
Eddie sighs. “You’re also really brave. I don’t know that I’d have the guts to drop my friends like that.”
“The difference between us is your friends are good people,” Steve says, moving the rag and staring at himself in the mirror, replacing it when more blood seeps out. “My friends are dicks.”
Eddie just smiles at him. “Not anymore.”
Steve grins back, even though it stings. “Not anymore.”
“Still bleeding?” Eddie asks, inclining his head towards Steve’s lip. “You feeling dizzy at all? Maybe I should escort you to the nurse.”
Steve grins as Eddie does. “I think you might be right,” he says. “How many fingers’re you holding up, six?”
“Doesn’t sound right,” Eddie says seriously. “Might need to get you checked out.”
“Probably so,” Steve agrees. “Might need you to walk me back to class after.”
Eddie put a hand to his chest. “I wouldn’t dream of doing anything differently!”
They collapse in giggles, Steve quickly sobering with a hiss when it re-opens the wound. “Dammit,” he mutters.
Eddie looks around then quietly asks, “Need me to kiss it better?”
Steve inhales sharply, studying Eddie for a second. “I think so,” he whispers. “Might be the only thing that helps it now.”
Eddie smiles nervously and steps forward. “We’ll have to be quick,” he says apologetically. “No one should come in, but…”
“We never know,” Steve agrees. “I know.”
“Okay then,” Eddie says, and steps forward, placing a few soft fingers on Steve’s cheek, tilting his head down just a bit until their lips brush, once, twice, three times until Steve’s had enough and puts a gentle hand on the back of Eddie’s neck, exerting just enough pressure to pull him in the rest of the way.
Immediately his eyes slide shut and he tilts his head to slot their lips together perfectly.
And it really is perfect, he thinks, as he tilts his head the other way, smiling when Eddie moves to follow him.
He pulls back with a gasp and grins when Eddie’s eyes flutter open. “You’re dangerous,” he murmurs, loving the smirk that curves Eddie’s lips up.
“Me?” Eddie asks. “I think you’re describing yourself.”
Steve suddenly giggles. “We’re doing a terrible job of waiting.”
Instead of laughing along, Eddie’s expression shutters. “Sorry,” he murmurs, tilting his head down and taking a step back. “I shouldn’t have asked.”
“Hey, no,” Steve says, reaching out and brushing Eddie’s arm with his fingers. “I wanted that, okay? I could’ve said no and you would’ve respected it. I’m not upset about it at all. I, uh, actually wish we weren’t somewhere as public as we are.” He blushes at the admission and Eddie’s raised brow in response.
“Yeah? You gonna take me home? Show me the full Harrington experience?”
“Shit, man,” Steve laughs, “what experience, I’ve never been with a guy before.”
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Steddie Upside-Down AU Part 111
Part 1 Part 110
Steve twitches through his morning classes. Something had flipped within him when he’d wrapped his pinkie around Eddie’s and Eddie shook his hand like that would amplify the promise. The trepidation had fled as he’d looked up into Eddie’s trusting face. Now he’s excited. 
He wants to tell Carol first, always. Steve needs her colorful commentary to make this all feel real.
Each class seems to tick on longer than the last. Lunch should be a relief, but they’re not alone. Carol waggles her eyes at him, making pointed head tilts toward Eddie that Steve hopes he misses. Steve kicks her under the table and makes conversation with Doug, determined to ignore her for the rest of the break.
Steve considers skipping his next class, but that’ll only make the minutes stretch longer as he hides away, waiting for Carol to be free. 
So he stays, staring at the clock, barely cognizant of what class he’s in, much less what the teacher’s saying. Barbara would not be impressed. 
Steve’s the first one out of the room when the bell rings. He rushes to the library, where he knows Carol will be heading. 
Steve’s just glad her study hall lines up with gym; Tommy’s bound to be more hostile than usual, and Steve wouldn’t mind giving him another day or two of space before he has to see him again. 
The halls are crowded as people rush to their next class before the bell rings. Steve misses her approach in the crowd as she’s dwarfed by everyone around her, but luckily, she’s not one to miss a chance to bitch.
“Are you going to tell me your stupid plan now?” she demands as she saunters past him, heading toward the library. 
Steve latches onto her forearm and tugs, ignoring her complaints as she runs a few steps to keep up with his fast pace. 
“What the hell, Harrington?” she asks, elbowing him in the ribs. “Where are we going?”
Steve rolls his eyes. “We can’t go to the library,” he replies, pushing the side doors of the school open and pulling her out into the cool air with him. “Way too many witnesses.”
“And that means we’ve gotta be out in this cold?” He doesn’t bother responding as he tugs her through the parking lot and to their destination. “Seriously?”
Steve pulls the passenger door of Eddie’s van open and slides in, leaving it open for Carol to clamber up after him. “He never locks that side.”
She closes the door behind herself, encasing them in the safest place Steve could think of on school grounds. It’s chilly, but nowhere near as bad now that the wind’s locked out. 
Steve sits in the back on Eddie’s stained carpet, propping his feet up on the hump where the tire travels partially into the body of the vehicle. Carol picks her way through Eddie’s belongings and trash to settle across from him, throwing one of Eddie’s abandoned hoodies at Steve’s face to make room.
“We couldn’t do this in the bathroom again?” she asks, wrapping her arms around her own knees. “It’s at least warmer in there.”
Steve throws Eddie’s hoodie back at her and she slides it on with a shrug. “Less dirty at least.” 
“Smells less like piss.” She locks their legs together, just like last time, settling more fully into the side of the van now that she’s bundled up. “Now tell me your plan.”
Steve nudges his foot into hers as he tries to string his thoughts into words. As familiar with his idiosyncrasies as Carol is, she knows not to rush him. 
“You know my thing with my closet?” he asks.
She nods. Tommy was the first one to bear witness to him sliding into his closet when his parent’s voices raised, but Carol was the first person to slide in after him.
“Well, he does, too.” Steve’s looking down at his own twiddling fingers, smiling. They’d barely known each other that first time, but even still, they’d stayed pressed together, and Eddie hadn’t asked. “So, I’m going to bring him there, and tell him how I feel.” 
When he looks up from his hands, Carol’s staring at him like he’s a bug she squashed beneath her shoe. “That’s it?”
Steve glares as he replies, “that’s the first place I ever wanted to kiss him!” When she just keeps staring at him, he continues, vehement in his own defense, “and it’s where he saved me.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to just give him roses?”
“It’s romantic!”
Steve kicks her shin, and it’s not long before they’re all-out brawling. Carol grabs his hair and pulls, so he bites her forearm in retaliation. Hard.
She shrieks, shoving him off and scuttling away, laughing. “Freak!”
Carol says the last one with a suggestive drawl that makes Steve’s cheeks heat. He crosses his arms and glares across the van at her. 
“Whatever, Perky Perkins.” 
Carol gasps, holding her hand to her own chest in faux shock. “You promised to never use that one!”
Steve kicks out his foot again, gentler this time as he links their legs back together. “I never promised anything.”
They’re smiling at each other like capricious middle schoolers. Steve’s in love. 
“You’re sure he’ll like it?” she asks, gentle this time as she smiles at him. 
Eddie’s always been able to read him, root around in Steve’s brain until he finds the meaning behind each action. 
Steve nods firmly, just once.
Carol rolls her eyes. “Alright, well, let’s at least practice what you’re going to say.” She clutches onto his calf and squeezes. “You be Steve, and I’ll be your devoted lover.”
She flutters her lashes like the lead in a romance movie, leaning forward and puckering her lips for a kiss. Steve laughs, shoving her face away from him. “Shut up.”
They do practice, Carol beaming and laughing at him in measure at each sentence he stumbles over until they’re both satisfied. 
Steve’s not sure what time it is, but the period’s got to be counting down. Neither of them make a move to get up from where they’re now sprawled on the carpet of Eddie’s van among all of his abandoned things. 
“Are you going to tell him about me?” she asks. Steve turns his head to look at her. Her eyes are damn near twinkling as she continues, “and Tommy?”
She shuffles her shoulders like she’s shaking her tits, but she doesn’t get up for it, so mostly, it just looks like her back’s itchy. 
“Yeah,” Steve replies. It had never been a secret, really, but Tommy was too painful of a button to push, and he’d been all tangled up in Carol until yesterday. “Are you going to tell Barbara?”
Carol shrugs, twitching her fingers out to latch onto the belt loop of his jeans. “Maybe.”
They stay like that until the bell rings a few minutes later, both rushing out of the van to get to their respective classes. 
Now that plans are set and Carol’s informed, Steve can settle back into his skin. He wants to do it today–whisk Eddie off to his house and plant one on him. But the day’s not over yet, and Eddie wouldn’t cancel Hellfire for flood or famine, so tomorrow’s got to be the day. 
Steve loiters in the drama room after school, half-assedly working on homework as Eddie leads his session with an iron fist.
He lends half an ear to the proceedings, smiling down at his work as all the guys clamor for Eddie’s blood in raised voices. Steve’s afraid the commotion never seems to get them kicked out.
Even when the session’s over and they’re alone in the van, Eddie never asks if Steve’s ready to spill.
He doesn’t ask when they got home, or over dinner, or that night when they lay side by side in bed. 
He continues not asking all throughout the next day–between driving, and classes, and lunch side-by-side. Steve feels Eddie’s silence like a pinky around his finger. 
It’s not until they’re back at the trailer, the entire weekend stretched out in front of them that Steve links his pinky with Eddie’s and says, “I figured it out.”
Eddie looks down at their pinkies, smiling goofily as he asks, “you're ready?”
Steve thinks about Wayne’s words–you’re part of this family no matter how things shake out, and Eddie’s firm, I’m not giving you back, in the face of his parents abandonment. “I’m ready.”
Eddie makes a noise of surprise when Steve moves to the front door, dropping his schoolbag at his feet. He hesitates at the hook by the door before pulling his own keys down for the first time in months. 
Eddie doesn’t ask. 
The leather smells clean, that new car smell lingering even after these long months, as he slides into the driver’s seat of the beamer. Eddie settles into the passenger seat, the first signs of trepidation on his face. Steve can’t blame him. There’s dust caked into the vents, dirt and leaves covering the windshield. It’s been a long time since she’s been for a drive.
Steve turns the key in the ignition, turns the wipers on to clear the debris, and drives. 
The driveway seems longer, now that he’s used to the Munson’s short walkway. All the windows are dark and empty, almost looming down at him. Steve feels small, suddenly, like he’s a child still, and this is his home. He’s at the mouth of his hungry house, and it’s going to swallow him.
But then Eddie reaches over to squeeze his arm. He looks three seconds away from pushing Steve out of the driver’s seat and forcibly driving them away. Steve smiles, warmth settling back into him. Tug, tug. 
Steve looks back up, and it’s just a house, the only ghosts the bad memories he’d made in it.
He turns the ignition off, and gets out of the car, ready to head into the lion’s den one last time.
Part 112
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simurghed · 8 months
in the same vein i think middle school amy was always petrified of gym class for many many reasons .. i think they were 13 she used to cry in the locker room for 10 minutes straight at the beginning of class and their classmates would go up to victoria like ummm do you want us to get a teacher and victoria would go (in a voice that gained her +15 carol points whenever she used it) We’re Handling It .. and it got so bad that they eventually had to give her the note
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findafight · 2 years
Nobody really knew why freshmen Steve Harrington and Tommy Hagan were having some kind of vicious spat, but they all knew it was happening. Couldn't be ignored, really. They were the up and comers for Hawkins royalty, and if small town highschool gossip loved anything, it was drama between popular kids.
It comes to a head one day in the parking lot, Tommy and Carol badgering when Steve blows up at them, for all the school to see.
"just because you're both content to be fucking miserable, doesn't mean I have to be! I want something outside of this damn town, the least you could do is actually give a half hearted 'good luck' but nooo. Couldn't even pretend to give a shit about what I want. Couldn't even be bothered not to shit on it. Fuck you both." He turns around and somps back into the school, sending his peers a tittering about what could possibly have lead to such a public falling out.
He gets all the way to Ms. Ingrid's art room before he takes a breath to steady himself. There's another student in there, working on some project or another late, and Ms. Ingrid is marking at her desk. Steve knocks on the door.
"Steve?" Ms. Ingrid asks, looking up from her work. "What are you doing here after school?"
He swallows. "I wanted to talk to you about swimming."
She blinks "well, sure. You'll be on the team again next year, right? You've got a beautiful butterfly." Ms. Ingrid did that, talked about swim strokes like they were works of art and her swimmers were painters, saying magnificent, gorgeous, amazing, beautiful! It was weird, look at sports like that, but Steve thinks he gets it, a little.
"yeah. I want to. But-uh. More than that." He scratches his cheek, nervous. "The Olympics are in two years this July. If I work for it, do you think I could make it?"
Ms. Ingrid watches him for a moment, and Steve fights not to fidget.
"it's just- I told Tommy and Carol I wanted to and they said it was stupid, that no one cares about swimming unless it's the Olympics and even then it's just for the medals, and that I probably wouldn't make it anyways so why even try?" He's rambling, he knows, but he's just shattered whatever friendship he and Tommy and Carol had and he wants someone to tell him he can do something. "But I want to. I love swimming, and I want to do it forever. And-and you said having a goal was important, for everything we do, so-I just really want to go to the Olympics. I want to be more than whatever Tommy and Carol think I should settle for, for being king of the school or whatever people want to call it. I want to stand on a podium and get a medal but more than that I want to go to the Olympics even if I don't win. I want to dive from the blocks and swim."
There are tears in his eyes, as Ms. Ingrid comes around her desk and places her hands on his shoulders. "It'll be a lot of work, Steve. Are you ready for that?" He nods. "A lot of early mornings or late nights, probably cross training. You might not have time for everything else you want to do-"
"I think I just lost both my friends so it's not like I'll have much to do."
She sighs. "You'll still have all your school work, might not be able to join basketball again but that's something to decide later, and actually travelling for meets is expensive."
"that's fine. I can handle that. But. Ms. Ingrid. Do you think I can do it?"
Slowly, she smiles. "Yeah, Steve. I think you can do it. And I'll do everything I can to help you there."
Steve grins, all teeth.
A month later, in May, Jaquline Ingrid gets a visit from Mr. Raul Foster, the head PE teacher.
"Jackie, I got a...well not a favour to ask. More of a proposal. Yesterday I got a call from James, down at the middle school, saying he had a kid that was all limbs and no coordination to go with them, and that he's worried she'll injure herself if she does anything more complex than running in gym class. She's moving up to ninth grade next year, so it was a heads-up." He sighs, arms crossed. "Now, we all know you've taken the Harrington kid under your wing to get him to the Olympics, and I figured hey, you can't be with him at every practice. Why not give him a, I dunno, spotter? Timekeeper? Someone at the pool with him to keep him in check, who also needs gym credits because she might brain herself accidentally?"
Jackie laughs. "Raul, seriously? The kid isn't even in highschool yet, and you're trying to pawn her off to me?"
He scratches his head. "I just figured maybe we introduce them now, you give them a few different workout routines for the summer, and let them figure out their dynamic without the pressure of adults always watching. Give you a break."
And, well. It's not a terrible plan. Not at all. Steve's been determined, yes, but she can tell he's lonely. He ditched Tommy and Carol, fully committed to proving them wrong, and seems hasn't been close to anyone else in school. It might be good for him to have a friend. Jackie huffs.
"fine. Honestly, Steve probably needs someone around his age that isn't gossiping about him and Tommy or about how he's the Harrington heir or whatever. What's our klutz's name?"
Raul smiles, obviously releaved. "Robin Buckley."
Based on this
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sarcasticassian · 2 years
Easy A AU where word gets out that Steve lost his virginity to an older woman because he told Tommy that he had a date all weekend because he didn’t want to hang out and Tommy just read something between the lines that wasn’t there but now people are looking at Steve like they’re impressed and that he’s even more cool than they thought and it’s weird but it has it’s perks so Steve doesn’t correct him
Well everyone seems impressed apart from Jason Carver and his church buddies, he calls Steve out in class and Steve gets detention when he calls Jason a ‘little fuck’, which isn’t even the worst insult he’s ever thrown but their English teacher has delicate sensibilities and that’s where he meets Robin Buckley
They have fun working through their detention duties together and a couple of days later she turns up at his house asking for him to sleep with her, ‘but not actually sleep with me, that’s gross, but there’s rumours flying around that I’m a lesbian and the last thing I need is to become to town pariah’ and after detention and spending the weekend together at Steve’s empty house they do their stobin soulmate thing and Robin confesses that she has to end the rumours because it’s true, she is a lesbian and so Steve agrees, he turns up at the next kegger with her under his arm and they make a show of finding a spare room and after putting on quite a performance they convince the school they slept together
Steve doesn’t think much of it because he didn’t actually sleep with anyone the first time so not actually sleeping with Robin wasn’t hard either and she helped him get a job with her and made sure to give him a glowing review to the girls at school too so he can’t complain
Things take a turn for the worst when he takes Tammy Thompson on a date, she was nice enough but he wasn’t going to ask her hot again so he took her home, gave her a polite kiss on the cheek and left but she tells everyone at school that they slept together and when he asks her why she spread that around she shrugs and says she wasn’t going to come away from this looking worse than Robin Buckley, which makes Steve mad because there’s nothing wrong with Robin but she just scoffs and walks away
Then it’s Barb Holland coming up to him and telling him she knows what he did for Robin and she was hoping he’d do the same for her, she has a gift card for the local cinema that he could have and it doesn’t even need to be full on sex and he feels bad so he does it and she’s so sweet so he feels okay doing it but the rumours just start to spiral, soon everyone is saying Steve Harrington has slept with them
Even Tommy and Carol call him a slut and that he’s easy, the only person who seems unbothered is Eddie Munson, who Steve has been nursing a crush on for years since they were locked in the closet at a party because the bottle landed on Eddie when Steve spun it and people thought it would be funny if two boys had to play 7 minutes in heaven and Eddie kissed him and Steve loved it but then Eddie asked him not to tell anybody so he didn’t, but now Eddie still gives him a little smile and wave and seems to ignore the rumours that are spreading
Jason has kept at Steve the whole time so Eddie commiserates with him a couple of times because Jason is the bane of his existence too, always trying to ‘save him’ or something and they laugh about it as they smoke behind the school gym and Steve still has butterflies when they talk
Steve is a little upset that throughout all of this he’s never actually been asked on a date because he’d asked Tammy and decided never again so when Nancy Wheeler asks if he wants to go for a milkshake one day he jumps at the chance, they have a nice enough time and it wasn’t life changing but still his heart does sink when she offers him some cash and a little smile but he nods along when she tells him some girls in her class are being mean and calling her a prude and uptight and they won’t leave her alone so he says yes again and she drives off home
He’s wandering back to his own house when Billy Hargrove finds him, he tells Steve he heard that he was having sex for money and how much is it gonna cost to have Steve on his knees and despite trying to tell him to stop and leave him alone, Billy won’t quit, tries to kiss Steve but Steve shoves him off, then Eddie’s van is pulling up and he jumps in without thinking and Eddie offers to take him home
They chat and circle around to that kiss when they were kids and it was both of theirs first kiss and Steve laughs at the irony of never telling anyone about something that actually happened but everyone claiming they’ve slept with him are all telling a lie and Eddie listens, agrees that it’s shitty and when they pull up to Steve’s house he confesses that their kiss is still his favourite and he’d love to do it again and Steve says he would too but not like this, so they wait
Steve is still popular so he’s voted Prom King and he uses his crowning to tell everyone it was all bullshit, he’s still a virgin, he’s never slept with anyone and Robin confirms it, they’re both getting out of Hawkins together so they figure the backlash won’t matter and Steve tosses his crown down and walks out of the building, straight into Eddie’s arms for that promised second kiss
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sweet-villain · 2 years
Dear Agony~ S.H Ft B.H & E.M
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Author's Note : Heart is in the trash and I suggest you leave it to there
Anonymous asked:
So I have a kinda sadistic request you might enjoy 😊 The reader tells Steve that they like him, but he and Nancy had just started dating so he rejects them. Then they start dating Billy and things are going really well until Billy is eventually killed by the mindflayer. Then the reader meets Eddie when they're picking up the kids from hellfire. The reader starts to think they have a real shot at happiness after Billy died. Then Eddie dies. The reader goes AWOL for a bit, until Steve finally finds them. They're just so heartbroken wondering if they're the common factor here. They just don't understand why the people they love keep dying and why they can't ever just be happy. Steve ends up helping them recover, but the reader is hesitant about starting a relationship. Steve thinks its because he rejected them in the past, but they're actually scared he'll die too. Then a nice fluffy ending as compensation for all the hurt hearts out there.
Major Angst
You stare at in awe in him as he runs a hand through his hair. He was so beautiful, from his his lucious hair to those brown eyes to the way he carried himself. Though he always had the eyes for Nancy Wheeler. You'd watch with a longing look on your face as he walked with her to class, how he met up with her at her lockers making her shyly smile at him.
Who was he? Steve Harrington.
You were too busy into your own world thinking about it hearing how Tommy H snickered near you.
" He's never going to look at you the way he looks at her. Don't even think about it" he laughed hooking his arm around Carol as the two walked down the hallway.
You slammed the locker door shut, hearing the bell as you hurried off to class. The first class of the day you had was with Steve as he sat in front of you. He walked behind you as you entered the classroom going down the rows to your seat.
As you sat in your seat, you eyes met Steve's as he smiled over to you. All the girls fawned over him including yourself who can't stop from your heart feeling like it was going to burst out of your chest whenever he looked at you.
" Hi, Steve" you greeted him feeling the heat coming to your cheeks and put some pieces of your hair behind your ear.
" Hi, Y/N" he says as he sits down and turning his back to you. You opened your textbook to the material that the teacher has asked you. You hadn't paid attention to the material in front of you as you stared at the back of Steve's head, sighing happily to yourself.
He was a dream.
Steve turns in his chair as he whispers, " Do you have a pencil I can borrow?" He asks. Those brown eyes were filled with warm causing your insides to swoon as you gazed at him with your head supporting by your hand. Your eyes fluttered at him with a small giggle. Steve looked around the room hearing it as he shifted awkwardly in his seat.
You hadn't noticed as you offer your pencil to him that laid in between the pages of the textbook.
" Thanks" he says as he takes it from you, his hand brushing against yours as he turns back around. Steve didn't think that brushing his hand against yours was anything. He wasn't focused on the fact that you had the biggest crush on him. But every girl in the school did, yet his heart only swooned over Nancy.
She was his dream.
The bell rang and you hurried to grab your stuff in hopes to talking to Steve a bit more before he rushed out. You barely got a word in as he rushed out of the class room with his gym bag in his hands.
" Better luck next time, buttercup" Tommy teased, very aware of the crush you had on his friend. You scoffed as you brushed past him to get to your locker. Your heart sank seeing Nancy walking by with Steve by her side. You had hoped they were just a fling.
At least that's what you thought.
Your hands were sweaty as you knocked on Steve's door. His parents were out of town as usual leaving him alone in his big house. At least that's what you thought. The door flew opened and there he stood with his eyebrows knitted together in confusion.
" What are you doing here, Y/N?" He asks. In one of his classes, Steve needed to get his grade up in order to graduate on time. You had happened to be chosen by the teacher, being the best student in the class to tutor Steve Harrington.
" Uh, I think I left my notebook here last time? Did you find it?" you asked peaking over his shoulder seeing the backdoor porch opened and hearing people talking. " Are you having a party?" you asked.
Steve walked outside as he slowly closed the door, leaving a small gap opened as he turned to face with his arms across his chest.
" No, I didn't see your notebook anywhere Y/N" he says. He peers down at you taking in the way you averted your gaze from him. The way your voice sound shaky when you were talking to him. The way your hands were in fist by your side and shaking a bit, he squinted his eyes to make sure.
" You okay?" He asks. " You don't look well"
" Oh, uh" you started to say glancing at your shoes as you bounced back and forth on your feet. " Yeah, I need to talk to you about something" the words leaving your mouth leaves your heart frightened as you raise your head to look at him.
A piece of strand from his hair falls against his forehead, his brown eyes hold curiosity in them, he is wearing a dark long sleeve with dark jeans with sneakers on his feet.
He places a hand on your shoulder as he peers down at you, " Do you need me to take you home? I have my keys in my pocket" Steve says as he fishes them out to show you.
You shook your head.
" I-I.." the words you were about to tell him made your heart race like no tomorrow and your stomach tie in knots. " I'm sorry.. I.. just.." you swallowed the lump in your throat as you ruffled your hair a bit.
" Y/N, please tell me what this is about. You're starting to freak me out " he says.
" Oh..uh.. I like you Steve. I think you're a really great guy, you're always nice to me, you're amazing-" he cuts you off as he puts his hands up.
" Woah there, you like me? As in you want to be in the type of way?" you shake your head up and down, your eyes widen and feeling like your heart was ready to be thrown across the world if it could be done.
" Y/N, look. You're really great girl but I'm dating Nancy. You know Nancy Wheeler? The girl I have been hanging around in school and always with" you nod feeling the tears begging to run down your cheek.
" Yeah-h of course, I'm sorry" you step back as you shake your head. " I shouldn't of came here...I'm sorry" you apologized wiping away the tears that were spilling down your cheeks. Steve's gaze softens watching you back away from his house.
" Do you need a ride home? It's pretty late" Steve says as he motions around with his hands. You shake your head as you turn and ran off down the street.
Steve sighs to himself as he heads back inside, back to the backyard where Nancy had asked him if everything was okay. He sent her a smile, brought her close to his chest as he kissed her.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Since being rejected by Steve, you had carried on holding your head up high as you walk through the halls passing him with his arms around Nancy. He has casted you a couple of smiles and would look at you from time to time but you had brushed him off.
You had moved your seat to the other side of the room telling the teacher that you had trouble seeing.
Steve sinks in his seat as he looks over at you being more attentive in class and rather than being swoon by over him. In the back of his mind, he missed the feeling of your eyes on him.
You hadn't really paid attention to any guys anymore through the school year until a loud Camaro had parked in front of the school.
He stepped out of the car dressed in denim as he looked around the parking lot. Carol, Tina and another girl gasped at the sight of him.
" Who is that?" the stranger's eyes met yours as he smirks, he turns around to walk down the pass and your eyes happen to fall on his ass. The way his ass looked into those pants was something else.
You had learned the strangers name, Billy Hargrove. He was from California, hence the California license plate on his car. He was total flirt, all the girl wanted him and all the guys wanted to be him.
He was a pretty boy.
Billy stand by his Camaro as he waits for his step sister Max, with a cigarette in his mouth. You had happened to walk by with your massager bag on your shoulder making your way to your car. His eyes roam your legs to the skirt you were wearing to the Iron Maiden shirt you had chosen to wear today.
You looked cute.
" Hey L/N" he called out to you. Billy has learned your name as you two shared classes together and he heard a few things about you around. You stopped in your tracks as you eyed him.
" What, Hargrove?" He smirks as he slide off the hood of his car and made his way over to you. " Mind if I walk you to your car?" He reaches out to tug at the messenger bag on your shoulder and you let him. He slides it onto his shoulder as he turns to walk further, turning back to see your still standing at the same spot.
" Why are you still standing there? Don't you need to get home?" you were surprised that Billy was nice to you. Nice enough to walk to you to your car. What game was he playing?
" What game are you playing here?" you asked him as you followed him, he walked with you side by side until you two reached your car. He drops off your bag on the hood of your car.
" No game, princess" he says.
" Last time I heard you were chasing after Stephanie or whatever her name is" you motion your head towards the school. He smirks as he leans against the hood of your car. " Jealous are we?" He asks.
" Jealous of what? Pomp pomps and a cheerleader uniform? Yeah, right" you chuckled. You took your bag off the hood of the car as you threw it inside.
" You're really cute when you're like this, princess" you rolled your eyes. " Are we done here, Hargrove? Looks like Max is the one waiting for you" He turns his head seeing his step sister Max waiting by the car for him holding her skateboard. He hears the roar of your engine and turns back around hoping to ask you out.
But you back up from the parking lot to speed off. Billy stormed to his car, " Not a word shit bird" he says as he gets in the driver side.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Billy's eyes are set on you as soon as he walks through the party with Tommy by his side. He watches you holding a drink in your hands as you danced on top of the table, laughing and having a good time.
" Buttercup has changed" Tommy says as he watches you. Billy looks over to Tommy in confusion.
" What does that?" Tommy laughs as he pats Billy's shoulder.
" She got rejected by Steve awhile go, he's all about one princess while Y/N pranced around him hoping she'd change his mind"
" Harrington, rejected her? What a dumbass" Billy says. " His loss" he walks through the crowd as he nears you. Your eyes lock with his blue once.
" You look like you're having the time of your life up there, princess" you hopped off the table as you down your drink. " Didn't think you were the party girl?" he says.
" You don't know anything about me, Hargrove. I need another drink" you throw your cup that you had in your hand, away and over your shoulder. Not caring where it lands as you pass through people to get to the kitchen where the punch bowl was.
Billy has followed you to the kitchen, standing near you as he watches you pour yourself another drink. He doesn't bother to notice a girl has walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist.
His eyes are set on you and he leans down to whisper in your ear, " How about I show you how it's really done? Hm?" he says as he takes your wrist in his hands and takes you outside. There was a keg there.
" Oh you're planning to be the new keg king?"He smirks.
" Just watch, baby" he says. The word baby sends shiver down your spin as you watch him, a crowd forms around him with Tommy by his side. You clap and shout as he does the keg stand with Tommy holding his legs.
Billy stands back up as he has done, he has became the new keg king. His chest glistens with beer as he takes the cigarette from Tommy, his other arm wraps around you as you two walk back into the house.
" We have a new keg king, Harrington" Tommy says. Steve takes off his glasses with Nancy by his side as he eyes Billy then his gaze drops to you. " and a new princess, too" Billy says, slight smirk.
Steve's jaw is clenched as he looks between the two of you. You roll your eyes as Steve follows Nancy as she walks off. You scoff at the sight of them.
" Are you impressed?" Billy asks. You turn to look up at him as he's already looking down at you. " Maybe, maybe not" you teased as you slip out from under his arm, you sent him a wink as he watches you disappear into the crowd.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Billy and you have grown closer together as the days go by. He shows up to your house one day unannounced with tears in his eyes. But that's not what catches your attention. It's the bruise on his face, his busted lip and the way he winced when he collapsed into your arms.
That night, he told you about his mother leaving him with his father. His father remarried, bringing in Billy's step sister and worse of all, his father was abusive towards Billy.
" You're safe here" you held him in your arms that night. Billy held onto you like his life depended on it. You had became the person he trusted most, his heart filling up with warmth at your touch, the way you looked at him, the way you made sure he had a home cooked meal and took some home to Max.
That was the day that Billy knew that he was in love with you.
You hadn't known about the monsters that were coming into Hawkins until a frantic Dustin Henderson bumped into you one day. His mother had you babysit him a few times, Dustin had learned to trust you and had told you to sit down. You were sprang on with finding out what happened to Will, there was a girl with super powers, there were monsters in Hawkins like the Demogorgan.
Steve and you came face to face again, you were brought it with Robin who gladly accepted you with a hug.
You became part of the gang.
The worst came to worse when Billy had climbed into your bedroom window with a distant look on his face. His eyes were cold and empty as he stared back at you.
" Billy" you started to say. You weren't staring back at the man you thought you knew and fell for. This wasn't the man you knew.
" Billy's not here at the moment" it spoke to you. His eyes were glistering with tears as he took a step towards you. " Who are you? What do you want?" you stood your ground with your hands in fists by your side.
" We want to build" He took another step towards you, he was leaning over you. Your hand reached out to touch his cheek. A flash of familiarity shows in his eyes as he leans into your touch. He turns his head away as if your touch burns him.
" ..I don't wanna hurt you.." he spoke, it felt like it was your Billy standing before you fighting for his life. With whatever was inside of him. Your hands reached out brushing up his chest, he closes at the feeling of your touch as his mind is fighting with the Mind Flyer.
" ..It makes me do things.." he softly says as he slowly turns his head. His eyes are glossy with tears as he looks fearful. " What kind of things?"
Billy shakes his head, " I didn't mean it.." he whimpers as his tears run down his cheeks. " B, what's going on?" he shakes his head as he steps away. He doesn't want it to hurt you.
" I have to stay away from you" He shakes his head with his fist clenched to his side. " Billy" you call out to him reaching with your hand out to grasp his hand in yours.
" No" he shakes his head, " I won't let it hurt you, princess.."
Your own tears ran down your cheeks as you watch him move away and push you away. You want to help him.
" Let me help" your voice breaks through your tears as you take a step towards him.
" Get away from me!" he shouts, raising his voice. Not something your used to. He never does, he doesn't like to do it around you and doesn't want to scare you off.
" I love you, Y/N. You can't help me" he says. He is afraid he will never get the chance to tell you them, he wants you to know that you made him feel safe. You made him feel wanted and loved. He wanted you to know he loves you. He really does.
You can see it in his eyes. He's protecting you from the thing that's inside of him. He's fighting for his life.
" I love you too, Billy Hargrove" and at those word there is that look in his eyes, the empty lingering look as it chuckles at you.
" Pathetic" it says as he scrambled out of your window and landed on the ground. He doesn't look up at you as he leaves.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
You don't get to see Billy until you watch him drop down Eleven down. He kneels down before her as he says something to her. Then you hear it as your eyes shoot up at the ceiling of Starcourt Mall, it's big. It crashes through the ceiling as you hold back Max, making sure she's okay while your eyes linger onto Billy.
He's kneeling down above Eleven as she puts her hand on his cheeks and he pauses there for a moment. You can't tell what's going on but your eyes are wide as you look at the Monster then back to Billy.
Billy stands up from the ground as he faces the monster, stopping it from grabbing onto Eleven and catches the toothy tongue.
" Billy.." you gasp. You push Max to the side as you clutch your side from being attacked by Billy earlier that he pushed you against something, knocking you out to get to El. " Billy" you say his name clearer.
Billy turns his head hearing you call out to him as he looks you in the eyes, his eyes are teary as he mouths, " I love you."
There is a sound of screaming that you can pin point to who as the Mind Flyer pierces several times with his long tentacles, one of them piercing through his heart. That scream is your scream as you run with a hand clutch to your side as Billy falls to the ground.
Max is screaming behind you as she runs to the other side and kneels before him.
" Oh B" you take hold of his hand as you hold it in yours.
" I'm sorry baby" he says. Your heart breaks in two as his other hand is grasped by Max. " I love you, please don't go" you tell him, tears streaming down like waterfalls down your cheeks. His eyes linger on yours. He wants your face to be the last thing he sees.
" I'll take care of her" you promise Billy talking about Max.
" We have to go!" you heard Steve say as he wraps his arms around your waist and tugs you away from Billy. Max is scrambled to her feet as she looks down at her step brothers body one more time.
A piece of you is left with him there as he laid on the ground. You kick and scream in Steve's grasp as he carries you out of the mall, dropping you near one of the ambulances.
Your whole body is numb as endless tears keep running down your cheeks. You can barley hear what the paramedic is saying to you, a light is shined into your eyes making you squint but it's Steve's lingering gaze watching you unmoving, silent and heartbroken of losing Billy who you loved with all your heart.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
You throw open the doors of Family Video, stopping at the front door as you take in seeing Robin at the front while Steve is reorganizing the rom com section. It's been months since everything has happened at StarCourt Mall, losing Billy and you have spend months in bed.
It took some time as Nancy and Robin stormed into your bedroom, helping you get out of bed as the both of them helped you back on your feet. They will never know what's it like losing someone you love, but they stood by your side as you returned back to yourself.
" Hey sunshine" Robin greets you as she places both her palms on the counter. Steve stops reorganizing the section as he turns to look at you. The both of you had barely spoken through the years you have known. Since the whole rejection, he has lingered near you and heard you speak, he has heard you screams, he seen you cry and he has seen your sweet side.
" Hey Y/N" Steve greets you as he outstretches his hand onto one of the shelves. You shot him a nod as you acknowledge his presence and turn to Robin. You and Steve graduated Hawkins together, and you were working in a record store near by Family Video while living on your own. Your parents weren't too happy at the choices you have made.
Your fingers skim over the films as you hummed. The sound of the door opening signaling Robin and Steve they had a new customer. You hadn't noticed the mop of curls enter until Steve greets them.
" Oh it's just Eddie" Steve says as he goes back to what he was doing. Your head looks over to this Eddie guy watching as he puts his hands on his heart, looking offended. He had a mop of brown curls, brown eyes, a little stubble on him as he wore a leather jacket with a jean vest over it with some pins. He wore black pants with holes in the knees, there is a chain on the side of his pants and he wore rings on his fingers with white Reeboks on his feet.
Your heart flutters at the sight of him. He walks by you and his scent hits you. Weed, pine, cigarettes and something else.
" Do you need help Y/N?" Robin asks. Eddie turns around to face you, not really paying attention that you were in the store too. His eyes grow a little big as he takes you in. You were cute.
His eyes linger on your shirt that you were wearing, it was a Motley Crue shirt and he notices your belt that has some studs in it.
" Oh Y/N, this is Eddie Munson. Eddie, this is Y/N L/N" you raise your hand as you wave to him. His heart races at your greeting and a hit of pink hits his cheeks.
He thought you were the prettiest thing he has ever seen.
" Nice to meet you, Eddie" you say.
" Nice to meet you too, sweetheart" he smiles, showing you his dimples.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
You drive up to the old grounds of Hawkins High School and park your car as your hands tap on the steering wheel. Steve couldn't pick up the kids from Hellfire club tonight because he had a date. Good for him, instead you were picking the kids up.
The door flies open as Dustin and Mike walk out the doors, you rolled down the window to greet them with a cigarette in your mouth, hanging loosely. It was one of the things you picked up from Billy.
" You know those will kill you one day" Dustin says as he opens the door. Lucas emerges with three other guys that you can not place your finger on.
You shrugged in response to Dustin, the door flies open as Lucas slide in, next to Mike. Mike has out grown his hair as he wants to be like Eddie. You had heard that Eddie was the Dungeon Master when it comes to the Hellfire club, they ran every week on a Friday in the drama room.
Your eyes catch the mop of hair as he walks out of the building, and he stops in his tracks seeing your car.
" Where is Harrington?" Eddie asks. He stops in front of the windshield of your car as he kneels down with his elbows on the window peering into the car. He sees Dustin, Mike and Lucas are already in there.
" Off duty, had a date" you say, looking over to him. Eddie plucks the cigarette from your mouth and puts it into his. " That's mine, Munson" you reach out to take the cigarette away from him but he steps back.
" It's mine now, sweets" he winks at you as he turns around to walk to his van that was only parked a few spots ahead of yours.
" Are you going to drive us home, anytime soon?" Mike asks. You shoot him a look in the review mirror.
" Pip down, Wheeler"
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
You don't remember the last time you were in Steve Harrington's house as you look around at the pictures on the wall. His parents and him as a baby, a toddler, some as a teen and from his high school days.
There was loud chattering coming from the living room where the kids and the others were sitting around for move night. You were going to join them with a bowl of chips in your hands as you continued to look at the pictures.
" There you are" Eddie says as he walks around the corner and stands next to you. "Oogling over Harrington?" he asks.
" As if" you rolled your eyes shoving the bowl of chips into his chest. He stumbles back as he takes the bowl in his hands, his rings making a noise against the bowl.
" Harrington is the last person I'd want to be with. He's not my type" you tell him. You didn't say anything else as you made your way into the living room where everyone was sitting down. You placed yourself on one of the couches that had one more space left, Eddie happens to plop down on that spot.
" What's your type then, sweets?"
" Shhh!" Dustin tells him, glaring at him as the movie starts. Eddie throws a chip at him while he turns to you. " Cute metal heads with brown doe eyes."
His eyes go wide as he hears what you say, it takes him a moment to let it sink that you were talking about him. You weren't shy about it that you were crushing on him. This wasn't the first time you hanged out with Eddie, he drove you home one day from work, one time from a party, one time he came over to look at your car, one time you slept over his house, you have met his Uncle, you had picked the boys from Hellfire a couple of times, you had sat during one of the campaigns and you came to listen to his band at the Hide Out.
He smirks as his arms wraps around your shoulder as he shift closer to you, pushing the bowl of chips closer to you. During somewhere in the movie, Eddie takes on of the chips from the bowl and offers it to you. You reach your hand to take it from him, silently thanking him but he moved the chip away.
" Open" he mumbles, only you can hear. Your mouth open as he puts the chip into your mouth. Red color paints your cheeks as your eyes lock with his. He smirks sending you a wink turning back to watch the movie.
·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
When Eddie asks you out, you are overjoyed and finally thinking this is the happiness you deserve. Being with Eddie wasn't like being with anyone else. He continued to make your heart flutter day by day.
When he finally kisses you, you feel light headed and feel like his lips against yours is the perfect puzzle piece.
" Do you want to be mine?" Eddie asks one day, when your watching a movie at his trailer with his arms wrapped around you. The two of you went on a couple of dates, continued to flirt, Robin had bugged you non stop asking you when the two of you would call it official.
" Of course, Eds" he smiles over at you, rubbing his nose with yours. He feels the happiest he has ever felt in a long time.
·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Your heart drops to your stomach as you race towards him. The demo bats have dropped on the ground as you kneel with his head in your hands.
" I didn't run this time, sweets" he says. The blood was seeping through his mouth. Your eyes teared up at the sight of your boyfriend. This was the second time you were losing someone you love.
" Eds, please. You can't leave me" Dustin has joined you as he sits on the ground on the other side. Eddie look up at you as he winces in pain. " Sweets, you were the best thing to happen to me" he says.
" I love you, Eddie Munson. Do you hear me? I love you" you tell him, hand coming up to his cheek as you feel his tears running down his cheeks.
" I love you too, sweets. So much" he says. You take a hold of his hand in yours and bring it up to your lips. " Please, don't go" you say against his hand. " I need you"
He turns to look at Dustin, " Take care of her." Dustin is crying into his hands as he leans his head on your shoulder. Eddie's eyes still as he takes his last breathe.
Your head falls to his chest as you let out a sob. Gripping his Hellfire shirt in your hands in a balled fist, you shake him.
" Come back to me!" you yell. " Please" you shake him again but there is silence coming from Eddie. He's gone with a piece of your heart with him.
·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
" Have you heard anything from Y/N?" Mike asks as he walks into Family Video with Dustin by his side, Max is in her wheelchair with Lucas by her side.
Steve frown as he hears the question. It's been weeks since the gang has heard from you. Yet again, they don't understand what's it like to lose someone you love. You were sure by now that every time you opened up your heart to someone, they slip through your fingers and die.
Were you ever meant to fall in love? To be happy?
" She hasn't been answering the door or the phone" Dustin says. He sigh as he looks at the ground, " It hasn't been the same since Eddie died. It's like she never existed to any of us"
" This time it's different" Max says. " She wasn't like this when Billy died"
" She has loved Billy, she has loved Eddie and it was taken away from her. The poor girl can't catch a break" Robin says as she comes back from the back. Steve takes a hold of his keys from his pockets.
" Dingus, where are you going?" Robin asks as heads turn to Steve as he has his hands on the door. " I'm going to go find her, she can't shut down and it doesn't have to be like this"
" What are you going to tell her?" Lucas asks.
He looks between Dustin, Lucas, Robin, Max and Mike.
" I don't know. But she needs someone, she needs to be reminded that she's not alone in this"
" Good luck" Dustin says.
·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Tears stream down your cheeks as you sit on your bed with his guitar pick necklace in your hands. He had loved you and his last words were to Dustin to take care of you. Dustin has stopped by to check in on you but you didn't want to see anyone.
It hurts too much. Pictures with Eddie is on your dresser, two of his shirts are in your dresser, his flannel is hanging on the chair in your room. One of his notebooks that were filled with songs he was working on it on your table. One of his rings is on your table. He had given it to you as one day promising to propose to you and get you a real ring.
A banging on your door interrupts your thoughts as you stand up from the bed, wiping your tears with the back of your sleeve as you make your way to the front door.
" Who is it?" you asked through your tears.
" It's Steve" your breath hitches for a moment in wonder why out of everyone he's the one who's here. Steve stands on the other side of the door with his head on the door, hoping you'd answer it. There is silence on the other end of the door.
" Why?" He hears you ask him. His eyebrows knitted together in confusion to what you mean. " Why you?" you ask him again.
Steve licks his dry lips as his mouth grows dry. He doesn't blame you for not wanting to see him. He's the last person you thought would check in on you.
" Because I care" he says. He hears a chuckle on the other side of the door. " You have a funny way of showing it, Harrington"
" I know you're hurting, Y/N. But so are we, so am I. I lost a friend.." you threw the door open in anger. " You don't get to say you're hurting. You weren't there when he died, you didn't get to hold him in your arms as he took his last breath. You didn't get a chance to love him like I loved him. Why does every time my heart decided to choose to love, it gets ripped out of my chest? Why me? Why do I get to lose people when you like the rest, get to sit there and say sorry for your loss?!" you stared angrily at Steve as he looks at you wide eyed with the loss of words.
" I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed someone, I'm sorry you've been hurting all this time like this" he takes a step inside your door as he closes as you take a step back.
He takes in the way your hair doesn't look like it's been brushed for a while, he takes in the bags underneath your eyes and the puffiness underneath your eyes. He takes in the way your nose is red from wiping it. He takes in the way your clothes looked wrinkled and he takes in the guitar pick in your hands.
He takes another step towards you and wraps his arm around you, pulling you into his chest. He feels you wrap your arms around him as you hold you in silence. He feels the wet spot forming on his shirt as you cry in his arms.
" Why me, Steve? What did I do to deserve this?" you asked as you pull away and look up at him. He stared down at you as his own heart breaks at the sight.
" You did nothing, you deserve all the love in the world Y/N. You. You have such a big heart, you're funny, you're sweet and look at the way that Billy and Eddie loved you. You are special" he moves some of your hair away from your face.
" I don't see anything special about me, I mean you even rejected me back in high school. You were the prettiest boy I had ever seen in my entire life and you broke my heart into pieces."
" I'm so sorry Y/N, I really am" he takes a hold your face in his hands, he wipes away the tears that keep running down your cheeks.
" You deserve so much. You've been through so much, let me be there for you. Let me show you what it's like to be loved, to be wanted to have what you need" he says.
Your eyes reveal fear in your eyes as you stare up at him.
" I'm scared, Steve"
"Scared of what?"
" Scared of losing you, I don't want you to die" his gaze soften as he brings you back into his arms, rocking you back and forth as his fingers run through your hair.
" Nothing will happen to me, hunny. I'm right here" he kisses on top of your head. You hold Eddie's guitar pick in your hand as you hug Steve back wondering if Steve was the one all along that should of loved you.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
You stare at the boy that sleeping soundly next to you as some of his hair falls onto his forehead. His arm is wrapped around you as his chest moves up and down as he breaths. You can't help it but put your head on his chest, to listen to his heart beat.
It's real. He's alive.
Your finger tips run down his chest, over his chest hair that tickle underneath your finger tips as your fingers trace over the features on his face. He was pretty and right next to you.
His brown eyes slowly flutter open as he turns to look over at you. He sees the worry look in your eyes.
" I'm not going anywhere" Steve says taking your hand in his and bringing it up to his lips. " I promise."
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Author's Note : Okay let me be real for a moment, this whole request blew my mind, my heart and my feelings out the window. I sat there reading this request a couple of times. I have sat here writing this request for most of the day and I cried my eyes out, I have tissues near me and I had to take breaks during this.
This took a toll on me, I don't know who requested this but I just want you to understand. I do write angst that break hearts but this one out of ever angst request I had, tops for breaking my heart.
You took my heart during this requests and threw it out the window. Stomping on it.
Thank you for requesting this, but this was a bit too much for me to relive through Billy's death and Eddie's death in my mind as I wrote this.
I hope whoever requested it, like this or not. I can not tell you what to do.
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thewritersaddictions · 9 months
Day Twenty-Two: Negan Smith + The Nightmare Before Christmas
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It's his favorite movie, so there's no shaking yourself out of this tonight. The door to his room had been shut and locked the minute you had made your way into his room. You were his favorite, fuck you're the only one that he gets down to on a fundamental level.
The only one that he trusted to see a more sensitive, everyday side of him. You had gotten an invite to watch a few movies with me just a few days ago, and it was not really an invite; it was more like, 'You're to come to my room at nine.' A demand by all means, but how he looked at you and his breath fanned over your neck and cheek sent an excellent round of shivers down your spine.
On the other hand, you weren't a massive fan of the idea of holidays any more; there weren't any good commercials anymore. No ideas of getting your friends and family gifts because, one, all the stores were destroyed and, second, because most of your family was gone, dead, and turned into zombies.
Regardless of your feelings towards Christmas, you would get into enough of the spirit to enjoy some time with Negan. What you had expected to happen when locked in Negan's room was not what happened. You were instead greeted by a half-dressed Negan wearing a cooing apron that said "Kiss the chef," the kitchen a mess behind him. The sound of carols playingfrom the radio in his room.
The only thing he was missing was a few decorations. If you stayed in this room forever, you would probably think it was any average person's apartment during the holidays, but it wasn't and never would be. "Hey there, darlin'. Are you excited?" Negan asked you, and a part of you wanted to say, 'It's not like I have much of a choice as to whether I want to be here or not,' but you couldn't bare to say those words to him, not when he turned around to look at you with flour across his forehead, and nose. You chuckled at the childish display in front of you.
"Yeah, I'm excited, but you need help with whatever you're making over there." You say, slipping off your boots and into the comfort of the Christmas feeling surrounding you now. He scoffs but looks down at the messy counter and lets you scoot over next to him. The dough isn't working out. "There's too much flour on the counter; it's making your dough dry." You mutter to him as you bump his hip to make room for yourself. You push some of the flour off the countertop and into the sink, then add a little water to the dough to give it a more sticky texture.
"Well, aren't you just miss baker," Negan says, teasing you relentlessly was how the two of you managed to get along. You're both headstrong, but that's what Negan liked so much about you. He hadn't bothered for another wife who was pretty and dim-witted. He wanted more, someone who challenged him to be and do better.
"Did you go to culinary school before the world went to shit?" He asks, not afraid to make conversation about the past. You hum and nod as you knead the dough back to life. "So you wanted to be a chef or somethin'?" He asks you; you shrug your shoulder, "Just because I went didn't mean what I wanted to do, Negan, you should know that. Hell, you were a gym teacher. I know that you had other dreams for your life." You say maybe a bit harsher than you, but it's the truth and the reality. You hadn't really wanted to go to culinary school, but it was what it was then. Your dreams are crushed by being constantly denied into your choice of university.
"Well, do you have a point, doll?" He says, washing his hands off the excess flour; he watches your hands as you kneed and then roll out the dough. "There you go, Negan." You huff as you wipe your hands together. "You know how to do the rest, right?" You tease him, and he rolls his eyes and smacks your ass to get you out of the titled kitchen and out onto the couch.
The oven keeps the small room heated to just the right temperature. The wafting smell of cookies has you eyeing the oven door for the rest of the night until Negan shuffles out of the kitchen with a small platter of warm cookies. "What are you planning on watching?" You ask him, eyeing the platter as he sits it on the small coffee table. "I was thinking about a few movies, actually."
He says as he shoves a few cookies into his mouth. You shake your head as he fans his mouth and nearly spits the cookies. "A little hot?" You tease, "Fuckin' right there, hot." Negan answers his voice, which is thicker than before, but he doesn't say much as he shuffles towards a shelf. "How about the nightmare before Christmas?" He asks with joy written all over his older face.
Crow feet are showing around his eye, but it's something you can't help but adore. "Staring isn't very nice, dearie." You roll your eyes and flip him off, "And that's not very nice either, pretty girl." Your cheeks burn as you watch him take the DVD out of the case and slip into the machine. It takes a few minutes, but then the title screen shows up on the screen.
Negan is right back to you, his arm around your shoulder, scooting you closer until your thighs are touching and his body heat radiates off him. He smells good, an aftershave that you always get a scent of when you're out in the shared space. It makes your heart race faster, and you rest your head on his shoulder. He presses play and lets the intro song play before he's talking over the dialogue of the movie.
"Did you know that Jack might be the kid from Frankieween?" Negan tells you excitedly as his eyes never move from the TV screen. "What are you talking about?" You ask, genuinely confused at the words falling from his very kissable lips. "I'm talking about the fact that all of the time buttons are just one storyline about Jack at different times in his life." Negan sounds crazy. "Did you watch kids' movies on your off time?" Teasing him further. "Shut up! I had a lot of free time on my hands." He defends himself. "How about you shut up and watch the damn movie you put on." You counter, the look you get out of the corner of his eye, is all you need to know that you're working on thin ice.
So you lean forward and place a small kiss on his cheek and then the side of his lips, and before you know it, you're trapped between the couch and him with a forgotten kids movie playing on the tv.
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Completed on: 11/28/23
Posted on: 12/22/23
The Wanderers Tags- @neganswoman
The Walking Dead Master List // The Wanderers Master List // Christmas Stories Master List
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caroldantops · 1 year
Gym teacher Carol who makes sure the whole class keeps drinking water and let’s everyone go to the bathroom if they need to but you. By the end your squirming and on the edge of pissing yourself infront of the whole class. But before you can leave Carol hooks a finger into your gym shorts and drags you to her office. She knows how much she made you drink but is pretending she hadn’t realised. She tells you to come sit in her lap while she does some work and you try to protest but she shush’s you.
After what barely felt like a minute she feels warmth spread over her legs as you start crying beacuse you pissed yourslef in her lap. It’s dripping down the chair and your gym shorts are soaking. So she just looks at you and says “does that feel better my love?” She asks while rubbing a hand between your shoulder blades so you just nod. She then scoops you up and helps you shower and change in the locker room beacuse she can lock it with her keys. She even brought you a change of clothes and one set for herself. After she pats your butt and whispers in your ear “this better not become a reoccurring issue.” But she knows she plans to do it again. She pats your butt and tells you to head back to her office. And you do and she comes back later with another big bottle of water for you and vibrator as she claims she wants to help you control the need to pee like a big girl. So you spend the next hour drinking water in her lap while she controls the vibrator with her phone and telling you not to pee until she says you can. So you try really hard but you end up needing another shower and after she just takes you home claiming you needed more training for your health and fitness if you wanted to pass her class.
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edenjohansson · 4 months
Chapter 5
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teacher's pet
Y/N's pov : 
I woke up at 7a.m this morning. It was better than anything but I felt tired from my night over. I didn't even know if Lolly was there this morning. I stood up and looked at my phone quickly. I received some email from students but that was all. I had my first lecture at 1p.m so I had time to go to the gym. I grabbed my sports clothes, my bag and my headphones and directly got out. I stopped at my favorite cafe first and smiled at the barista that I knew for 5 years now. 
"The usual Y/N?" She asked me, in front of her laptop. 
"Yes please. And can I have a blueberry muffin too? I'm starving" 
"Yes of course. It will be 7$ please" She said, holding my cup of vanilla macchiato already. 
I thanked her and left her to lead to the gym. It was 7a.m and a half when I finally arrived at my destination. I walked inside the changing room and got out with a black set of sports clothes. My hair was braided behind my back. It was legs day today so I started my playlist in my headphones and started my session. 
1 hour later I stopped and leaned to grab my towel from my bag. I took my phone and stooped in front of the huge mirror to take new pictures of my body. I started to go to the gym 3 years ago and that was now something really helpful to evacuate stress and to just take time for me. I was training to learn boxing and karate too. When I was younger I was passionate about dance and gymnastics. 
I was looking at my phone when I felt someone looking at me. I looked back at the mirror to see some of my students chatting. I recognized them quickly. It was my third year students. I had still my headphones on but I quickly locked my eyes with Natasha. She didn't look away and I saw her looking up and down at me and stopped at my ass. I smirked and leaned again to pack my stuff. I smiled even more when her cheeks turned all red. I saw Wanda pinching her as she looked away and back at her friends. I shook my head slowly remembering that she was my student and not a random woman. 
I didn't want to shower here so I put my sweat on and started to leave. I had to stop at the reception to recharge my card before leaving. 
"Hi. I want to recharge my card please" I said, stopping my music. 
"Yes, for how long?" The lady asked me. 
"For the year" 
She smiled at me and started to type on her laptop. She was looking at me again and I suddenly felt a little flirt beginning. I must say she was pretty with her short brown hair and her glasses. 
"Are you a regular here?" She asked me as I gave her my card. 
"Yes. I come here 5 days per week. Why?" I asked too as she stood to give my card back. 
A little piece of paper was with it. I smirked at her confidence and leaned to stop just an inch in front of her. I smile seeing her red. 
"If you want to ask me out just say it" I said and leaned back to leave. 
"Call me and I'll be there" She finally said as I stepped out. 
Nat's pov : 
Wanda wanted to start our new year with a regular sport. I was okay with that until I stepped inside the gym and saw her. Our teacher. We have to find the same gym as her. And oh my god her ass- I could die for it. 
She seems to be very focused on her session. With Wanda and Carol we walked in and decided which session we should start first. Maybe cardio would be the best. I was listening to the girls when I directed my eyes to look at our professor. She was taking pictures of her, showing her gorgeous body. She was sweating and her hair was braided but I could see from here her sharp breath. I was admiring her when I locked eyes with her. She smiled at me and I detailed her body more, stopping at her ass again. 
God I was staring too much at her as I felt Wanda pinching my side. 
"You have to stop devouring her like that Nat. You have no chance" She said with a stern voice. 
"I know I know but still, I mean, look at her body" I said as I sigh. 
"I'm not gonna look at our teacher's body Nat" 
I raised my eyes at her and simply listened to their discussion. As I wanted to add something I saw someone leaving the gym. It was her again but instead of just getting out she stopped at the reception and speaked to the girl behind. The girl had brown short hair and was clearly trying to get Y/L/N attention. I almost choked when I saw my teacher bend over the desk to whisper to the girl's ear. Why am I suddenly feeling like that? I have known her for 24 hours and I'm already acting like she was mine or something. I had to stop that but part of me doesn't want it. 
"Nat. We are starting our session. Are you coming?" Carol asked me. 
I turned to them and nodded, walking behind them without looking again at our professor. 
About 1 hour and a half later, we were finishing our cardio and legs session. We were out of breath and sweating but it was feeling so good that I could do that again and again. It was almost 10a.m when we all walked inside the bathroom or the gym. We had to shower there so we didn't have to walk to our apartment. We shower quickly and leave the gym to directly go to class. We stopped to grab something to eat and drink and walked inside the university. I asked Wanda which class we had when we finally sat inside the class. 
"Guess" She only answered. 
"Guess? I'm not playing a game right now Wand" I said, starting to get annoyed. 
"You'll see then" 
I sighed and opened my laptop in front of me. I saw some emails and read them. One of them was from Y/L/N. My heart stopped for a second but when I read it, I sighed again seeing that it was a collective email not just for me. She was saying that we should buy some french books to practice even more. 
"I kinda want to buy 'La princesse de Clèves' but I'm sure that Nat you should pick 'Le Rouge et le Noir' for the title" Carol said, laughing. 
"Why?" I asked, not really understanding the title. 
"It means 'The Red and Black', your colors. Don't you think so?" 
I smiled at the title. I was impressed by how Carol already knew so many french words. She was saying yesterday that she already learned a few things during summer so she could be a little advanced in the class. I was about to respond when I heard a voice saying hello. I could recognize this voice from everywhere. It was our teacher. Y/L/N. 
I looked up and locked my eyes with her. She smiled at me and my heart melted in front of her. She was wearing a black pants with a white shirt. Simple outfit but so good on her. I was going to enjoy the class. And maybe one day the teacher. 
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imakemywings · 2 years
Sapphic Film Recs
So you read some books, now you want to watch some movies. Not all of these center F/F relationships, but they all include F/F or WLW characters. (Note: Mind your trigger warnings if you decide to watch any of these.)
Atomic Blonde (2017) - Lorraine is a British spy sent into Berlin right at the end of the Cold War to retrieve a list of agents that is at risk of falling into Soviet hands. While there, she makes contact with the French agent, Delphine.
Badhaai Do (2022) - A lesbian gym teacher and a gay cop in India decide to get married to get their families off their backs. Hijinks ensue.
Black Swan (2010) - Nina is an ambitious, competitive young ballerina who is cast as the swan queen in Swan Lake, but the pressure of the position starts to get to her.
Breathe (Respire) (2014) - A French film centering on the deeply charged relationship between two teenage girls and its violent ups and downs.
Carol (2015) - The classic sapphic Christmas film, isn’t it? In the 1950s, directionless young Therese encounters Carol, a stylish, wealthy woman in the middle of divorcing her husband.
Elisa and Marcela (Elisa y Marcela) (2019) - Based on a true story about a Spanish woman who created a male identity for herself to marry her girlfriend.
Fingersmith (2005) - The two-part miniseries based on the book by Sarah Waters. It tracks very closely with the novel! Susan Tinder sets out to befriend and rob wealthy heiress Maude--but gets more than she planned for when she starts falling for her mark.
Fried Green Tomatoes (1991) - The movie eschews the explicit romance between the two main characters present in the book, but the love between them still shines through. An elderly woman relates to her younger visitor stories about Idgie and Ruth, a couple of women in love in 1920s Alabama.
Genius Loci (2020) - A trippy short film about Reine, a struggling young woman who has a discombobulating night out in her city.
The Half of It (2020) - Here’s your teenage drama film, drawing from Cyrano de Bergerac. Ellie agrees to help a boy in her school write love letters to his female crush--who happens to also be Ellie’s crush. 
The Handmaiden (2017) - Basically an AU of Fingersmith, this time the story takes place in WWII-era Korea and Japan. Young thief Sookhee enters the service of Lady Hideko as a handmaiden with the intent of robbing her of her fortune--but things get complicated when Sookhee develops feelings for Hideko.
Pariah (2011) - A gay Brooklyn teenager struggles with understanding her identity in an unwelcoming household and fights to grow into her true self.
Pistachio (2021) - A short animated film about having a crush on a straight friend and being bisexual. (Available here on Youtube)
Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019) - Marianne is a portraitist called to paint Heloise before her upcoming wedding. While Marianne tries to get close to Heloise in order to capture her essence, she finds herself falling in love.
Princess Cyd (2017) - Teenage Cyd takes the opportunity to spend several weeks over the summer with her novelist aunt, Miranda. Over the course of the summer, Cyd discovers a lot of new things about the world and herself.
Rafiki (2018) - Two daughters of rival politicians fall in love, but struggle with the attitudes of their community in Nairobi.
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lykomeraki · 1 year
Carl Grimes Deserved Better
I first mentioned this in an earlier post after I finished the Walking Dead for the first time, and my thoughts about the show. If you're like me, you probably agree that what happened to Carl was the worst story decision ever. So here's a lot of thoughts I've been sitting on for a while. If you'd like to read or commiserate with me about my rant/character study please continue reading. Caution: Spoilers Ahead
First off, killing off one of the main characters, particularly in this way, did nothing but damage the story. I read that they were trying to gain even more viewers in a similar way to game of thrones, a book and TV series unafraid of killing off main characters. In the case of Game of Thrones however the main character deaths made sense for the story, the individual storylines for these characters were complete, and their deaths could contribute to the stories of other major characters. the Walking Dead failed at this a myriad of times, giving smaller characters good development, then killing them just for shock value. Carl's death in particular. It provided no true motivation for any characters, he still had unfinished storylines, it only damaged the story itself, and there was so much potential and so many places his character could go.
in the comics, there didn't need to be a major death for Rick to spare Negan, his mercy was actually a punishment. the world would grow, improve, and repair itself, and Negan could only watch, never be a part of it.
If there needed to be a death to convince rick to have mercy, it is my opinion that Morgan would have been a far better choice, particularly as his ideologies kept shifting between kill everything and life is sacred. His character would be leaving the show at the end of season 8 anyway. It makes more sense story wise, it could have been that Morgan got bit or fatally injured, and in his last moments of life he encouraged Rick to have mercy. This makes a lot more sense then Carl's sudden turn to pacifism at the beginning of season 8, particularly since he fired the the first shots of the war in 7,16.
Carl played a key part in Negan's character development, being the first one to actually reach his small ember of humanity. Judith took over this particular storyline, and while I think she is a cool character with a phenomenal actress, she simply isn't the same. Carl actually has a history with Negan, both with him being the villain, and also with him having an almost mentor-like attitude towards him, touching on Negan's past as a gym teacher.
Rick Grimes leaving the show was also a bitter pill, one whose negative effect could have been lessened with Carl's survival. The only original group members still present are Daryl and Carol. and while they're great, it now feels like a completely different show. Michonne leaves too, so the only Grimes are Judith and RJ. Neither of whom had any real development. RJ simply existed, and Judith's skill level and character didn't make sense for her age, and the relatively easy life she must of had during the time skip bar being kidnapped by Jocelyn. Her shooting ability and skill with her little katana didn't make sense living in a place where she didn't have to grow up fighting and in danger like Carl did. Carl could have provided that feeling of the original Grimes family who were the ultimate focus and purpose of this story, a father and his son suriving in the apocalypse, and the friends, family, and enemies they make and lose along the way. with the loss of both rick and especially Carl, (since Rick didn't even die so his new story would still make sense even if Carl survived.) the walking dead no longer feels like the same story, and not in a way where it naturally evolved. it simply doesn't make as mush sense anymore in regards to the characters they have.
Carl ultimately had the best character development, growing from an annoying bratty kid who doesn't understand that there are new dangers in this world, to a teen who is wise to the world and it's dangers, and is capable of protecting himself, and helping his loved ones. he is also able to retain a sense of compassion, not becoming a soulless killing machine like Morgan did briefly, Herschel intervening and helping with his development to keep him off that path when he shot the teen from Woodbury. towards the end, he was really coming into himself, becoming a very fleshed-out character and becoming a very good leader in his own right, he could have helped Michonne and/or Tara after Rick and Maggie left and they took over Alexandria and Hilltop respectively. I believe that despite Michonne orders of complete isolation even from their friends, Carl still would have visited and reached out to Hilltop and Kingdom, even being a friend and mentor to Henry, who I personally think was a little whiney. Henry still could have had the romantic storyline with Lydia, because Carl would likely continue to pursue Enid. but he could have been a friend and ally to Lydia in a similar way to Daryl.
the manner of Carl's death was also dumb to the point of disrespectful. he got pinned by one walker and bitten by another when a few years ago he was able to get out from under three without a scratch. while Siddiq did become a good character, his death (which was also pointless) rendered Carl's sacrifice completely pointless. they also didn't even need to be killing those walkers, Carl was helping Siddiq honor his mother's belief that killing walkers released the dead souls. an interesting belief and concept Siddiq never brings up or seems to follow again.
Carl's death was anticlimactic, cheap shock value, and again I state: pointless. He is possibly my favorite TV character ever, with some of the best development I've seen, similar to Sansa Stark, going from annoying and inflated self-confidence to wisdom, capability, and experience. truly growing as a character with believeable flaws and relatable growth.
Losing Sophia, costing Dale his life by treating walkers like a game, Losing Shane and his Mother, Killing the teen and Herschel's intervention, losing the prison, Herschel, and temporarily Judith, the Claimers, the Termites, his interactions with Ron and the loss of his eye, Glenn's and Abraham's awful death's, his desire for revenge and his failed attempt on Negan's life, and the following consequences and interactions with him that followed. all of these experiences contributed to his growth. he learned his capabilities, and when he got too cocky, he was knocked down a peg by real consequences. when Judith acted out, rebelled, took on an enemy, or got cocky, there were no consequences, direct or otherwise. when Carl's skill, self-confidence, or ego grew, there were still consequences that made sense. this gave him a better character and more relatability and humanity, making mistakes and learning from them.
I never expected to get this attached to a character, and will be salty about how they treated Carl and Chandler Riggs for a very long time. (I'm not even going to get into how they treated the actor but it was awful) thank you for listening to (reading) my rant, feel free to commiserate about Carl or other undeserved TWD character deaths in the comments.
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Tommy Hagan: New Kid in Town
Tommy was an outsider from the very beginning. 
Most of Hawkins wouldn’t agree with him, but that was by design. Because before Tommy moved to town in fifth grade, he learned his lesson the hard way. He saw what it was like to be the boy whose dad cheated on his mom. He saw how the other kids gossiped and pointed and said “Tommy’s Daddy kissed other ladies.” “Tommy’s Daddy left because Tommy wasn’t good enough.” “Tommy’s going to be like his Daddy one day.”
They moved to Hawkins and Tommy needed a fresh start. So he found the King and Queen of the playground and he watched them. Steve Harrington and Carol Perkins. They had a circle of little admirers, but they didn’t let anyone else join their group. It was clear that all the kids standing around them were their subjects and that Steve and Carol were something different. Something more. 
Tommy didn’t want to be just another subject. Tommy wanted to be part of the group.
So he waited, watching, to see what they needed. 
It was a lesson that Tommy had learned young — if he wanted to be appreciated, he had to be useful. He could go get Daddy a beer and he might be invited to watch the basketball game on tv. He could bring home good report cards and Mommy would take him out for ice cream to celebrate. He could shove down a bully on a playground and the other kids would shut up about his parents, at least for a little while. 
Tommy watched Steve and Carol for almost a week. They were both clever about their popularity. Steve was athletic and all the boys wanted to play basketball or soccer with him at recess. The gym teacher always made him team captain and let him pick first, which meant Steve could deem someone worthy of being on his team or leave them squirming and embarrassed, among the last to be picked. Steve had so many cool, expensive toys and he didn’t let everyone touch, but Carol always got to. 
And Carol was smart too. She wore pretty skirts and dresses and she painted her nails, which was a really grown up thing to do. She knew everybody’s secrets and she could either keep them safe or use them to tear someone apart. Her birthday was over the summer and she’d apparently thrown a huge party before Tommy had moved to town, renting out the whole pool for an entire day and buying everyone ice cream as well. 
She and Steve used rumors, money, and the reward of their stamp of approval to stay on top. But several kids resented them for the hold they had over the whole grade. 
Tommy watched, enraptured, as one of the boys who Steve didn’t like shoved him down on the basketball court. Steve stood, scraped bloody from the asphalt, and shoved back. But Steve was unprepared for the boy to swing at his head and he ended up on the ground again. 
That was when Tommy stepped in. He stood in front of Steve and faced the other boy — Richie Howard.
“Who the heck are you?” Richie scoffed. 
“Tommy Hagan,” Tommy said. 
“Get out of the way,” Richie said, like Tommy didn’t matter. 
So Tommy punched him. He’d already learned how to fight at his old school and it wasn’t that hard to hit Richie where it would hurt. They ended up tussling on the floor, the hot blacktop leaving scrapes up and down Tommy’s back. But when they stopped rolling, Tommy was on top, throwing a punch down at Richie’s face right before the teachers managed to pull him off. 
Steve and Tommy were both sent to the nurse, with strict instructions to go to the principal’s office once they’d had their wounds taken care of. 
“I didn’t need your help,” Steve said, face red where Richie had punched his cheek bone. They were sitting on chairs outside the nurse’s office while she tended to Richie, who had come out of the fight in the worst condition.
Tommy shrugged. “I’m good at fighting.”
“I don’t even know you.” Steve looked bewildered, like he couldn’t understand why Tommy would defend him.
Tommy gave him a big smile. “I’m Tommy.”
Carol came running down the hall then, beelining straight for Steve. She looked concerned and intrigued, like she was already thinking about how they would spin this. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” Steve said, even though he was bleeding just like Tommy was. 
“You gotta get good at fighting, Steve,” Carol said. “The big kids always do it.”
Steve scrunched up his face. “Why?”
“Cause you can’t let people get away with shit,” Carol said. 
Tommy was in awe. He didn’t know other girls his age who said the word shit like it was a regular part of their vocabulary. 
Carol was so cool. 
“Why can’t I just tell people they can’t get away with shit like you do?” Steve asked.
“Cause I’m a girl,” Carol said impatiently. “Girls don’t fight. Boys do.”
“Well I don’t have to learn how to fight,” Steve said. “Tommy’s good at it.”
He finally turned to face Tommy again. He was smiling and Tommy understood why all the other kids did anything he asked. 
Carol looked him up and down, eyes sharp, and Tommy sat up straight. He had to make a good impression. Steve and Carol could ruin him. Or they could make him into something. 
“You’re the new kid,” Carol said. 
Tommy nodded. 
“Where are you from?” Carol asked. 
Carol’s eyes went wide, then narrowed. “That’s a big city. It must be so must be much cooler there than in Hawkins.”
Tommy shrugged. “It was pretty cool, yeah. But Hawkins isn’t so bad either.”
Carol smiled, pleased, and Steve grinned at her, proud. Like he’d magically discovered Tommy and Tommy hadn’t planned all of this. 
His scrapes took ages to heal and his mom was not happy with him for getting into a fight his second week at a new school, but Tommy didn’t care. 
Because after that, they weren’t Steve-and-Carol. They were Steve-Tommy-Carol and they were revered. 
He was in. 
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