#what do you mean carol. why are you hitting me. this is ROMANTIC
Steddie Upside-Down AU Part 111
Part 1 Part 110
Steve twitches through his morning classes. Something had flipped within him when he’d wrapped his pinkie around Eddie’s and Eddie shook his hand like that would amplify the promise. The trepidation had fled as he’d looked up into Eddie’s trusting face. Now he’s excited. 
He wants to tell Carol first, always. Steve needs her colorful commentary to make this all feel real.
Each class seems to tick on longer than the last. Lunch should be a relief, but they’re not alone. Carol waggles her eyes at him, making pointed head tilts toward Eddie that Steve hopes he misses. Steve kicks her under the table and makes conversation with Doug, determined to ignore her for the rest of the break.
Steve considers skipping his next class, but that’ll only make the minutes stretch longer as he hides away, waiting for Carol to be free. 
So he stays, staring at the clock, barely cognizant of what class he’s in, much less what the teacher’s saying. Barbara would not be impressed. 
Steve’s the first one out of the room when the bell rings. He rushes to the library, where he knows Carol will be heading. 
Steve’s just glad her study hall lines up with gym; Tommy’s bound to be more hostile than usual, and Steve wouldn’t mind giving him another day or two of space before he has to see him again. 
The halls are crowded as people rush to their next class before the bell rings. Steve misses her approach in the crowd as she’s dwarfed by everyone around her, but luckily, she’s not one to miss a chance to bitch.
“Are you going to tell me your stupid plan now?” she demands as she saunters past him, heading toward the library. 
Steve latches onto her forearm and tugs, ignoring her complaints as she runs a few steps to keep up with his fast pace. 
“What the hell, Harrington?” she asks, elbowing him in the ribs. “Where are we going?”
Steve rolls his eyes. “We can’t go to the library,” he replies, pushing the side doors of the school open and pulling her out into the cool air with him. “Way too many witnesses.”
“And that means we’ve gotta be out in this cold?” He doesn’t bother responding as he tugs her through the parking lot and to their destination. “Seriously?”
Steve pulls the passenger door of Eddie’s van open and slides in, leaving it open for Carol to clamber up after him. “He never locks that side.”
She closes the door behind herself, encasing them in the safest place Steve could think of on school grounds. It’s chilly, but nowhere near as bad now that the wind’s locked out. 
Steve sits in the back on Eddie’s stained carpet, propping his feet up on the hump where the tire travels partially into the body of the vehicle. Carol picks her way through Eddie’s belongings and trash to settle across from him, throwing one of Eddie’s abandoned hoodies at Steve’s face to make room.
“We couldn’t do this in the bathroom again?” she asks, wrapping her arms around her own knees. “It’s at least warmer in there.”
Steve throws Eddie’s hoodie back at her and she slides it on with a shrug. “Less dirty at least.” 
“Smells less like piss.” She locks their legs together, just like last time, settling more fully into the side of the van now that she’s bundled up. “Now tell me your plan.”
Steve nudges his foot into hers as he tries to string his thoughts into words. As familiar with his idiosyncrasies as Carol is, she knows not to rush him. 
“You know my thing with my closet?” he asks.
She nods. Tommy was the first one to bear witness to him sliding into his closet when his parent’s voices raised, but Carol was the first person to slide in after him.
“Well, he does, too.” Steve’s looking down at his own twiddling fingers, smiling. They’d barely known each other that first time, but even still, they’d stayed pressed together, and Eddie hadn’t asked. “So, I’m going to bring him there, and tell him how I feel.” 
When he looks up from his hands, Carol’s staring at him like he’s a bug she squashed beneath her shoe. “That’s it?”
Steve glares as he replies, “that’s the first place I ever wanted to kiss him!” When she just keeps staring at him, he continues, vehement in his own defense, “and it’s where he saved me.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to just give him roses?”
“It’s romantic!”
Steve kicks her shin, and it’s not long before they’re all-out brawling. Carol grabs his hair and pulls, so he bites her forearm in retaliation. Hard.
She shrieks, shoving him off and scuttling away, laughing. “Freak!”
Carol says the last one with a suggestive drawl that makes Steve’s cheeks heat. He crosses his arms and glares across the van at her. 
“Whatever, Perky Perkins.” 
Carol gasps, holding her hand to her own chest in faux shock. “You promised to never use that one!”
Steve kicks out his foot again, gentler this time as he links their legs back together. “I never promised anything.”
They’re smiling at each other like capricious middle schoolers. Steve’s in love. 
“You’re sure he’ll like it?” she asks, gentle this time as she smiles at him. 
Eddie’s always been able to read him, root around in Steve’s brain until he finds the meaning behind each action. 
Steve nods firmly, just once.
Carol rolls her eyes. “Alright, well, let’s at least practice what you’re going to say.” She clutches onto his calf and squeezes. “You be Steve, and I’ll be your devoted lover.”
She flutters her lashes like the lead in a romance movie, leaning forward and puckering her lips for a kiss. Steve laughs, shoving her face away from him. “Shut up.”
They do practice, Carol beaming and laughing at him in measure at each sentence he stumbles over until they’re both satisfied. 
Steve’s not sure what time it is, but the period’s got to be counting down. Neither of them make a move to get up from where they’re now sprawled on the carpet of Eddie’s van among all of his abandoned things. 
“Are you going to tell him about me?” she asks. Steve turns his head to look at her. Her eyes are damn near twinkling as she continues, “and Tommy?”
She shuffles her shoulders like she’s shaking her tits, but she doesn’t get up for it, so mostly, it just looks like her back’s itchy. 
“Yeah,” Steve replies. It had never been a secret, really, but Tommy was too painful of a button to push, and he’d been all tangled up in Carol until yesterday. “Are you going to tell Barbara?”
Carol shrugs, twitching her fingers out to latch onto the belt loop of his jeans. “Maybe.”
They stay like that until the bell rings a few minutes later, both rushing out of the van to get to their respective classes. 
Now that plans are set and Carol’s informed, Steve can settle back into his skin. He wants to do it today–whisk Eddie off to his house and plant one on him. But the day’s not over yet, and Eddie wouldn’t cancel Hellfire for flood or famine, so tomorrow’s got to be the day. 
Steve loiters in the drama room after school, half-assedly working on homework as Eddie leads his session with an iron fist.
He lends half an ear to the proceedings, smiling down at his work as all the guys clamor for Eddie’s blood in raised voices. Steve’s afraid the commotion never seems to get them kicked out.
Even when the session’s over and they’re alone in the van, Eddie never asks if Steve’s ready to spill.
He doesn’t ask when they got home, or over dinner, or that night when they lay side by side in bed. 
He continues not asking all throughout the next day–between driving, and classes, and lunch side-by-side. Steve feels Eddie’s silence like a pinky around his finger. 
It’s not until they’re back at the trailer, the entire weekend stretched out in front of them that Steve links his pinky with Eddie’s and says, “I figured it out.”
Eddie looks down at their pinkies, smiling goofily as he asks, “you're ready?”
Steve thinks about Wayne’s words–you’re part of this family no matter how things shake out, and Eddie’s firm, I’m not giving you back, in the face of his parents abandonment. “I’m ready.”
Eddie makes a noise of surprise when Steve moves to the front door, dropping his schoolbag at his feet. He hesitates at the hook by the door before pulling his own keys down for the first time in months. 
Eddie doesn’t ask. 
The leather smells clean, that new car smell lingering even after these long months, as he slides into the driver’s seat of the beamer. Eddie settles into the passenger seat, the first signs of trepidation on his face. Steve can’t blame him. There’s dust caked into the vents, dirt and leaves covering the windshield. It’s been a long time since she’s been for a drive.
Steve turns the key in the ignition, turns the wipers on to clear the debris, and drives. 
The driveway seems longer, now that he’s used to the Munson’s short walkway. All the windows are dark and empty, almost looming down at him. Steve feels small, suddenly, like he’s a child still, and this is his home. He’s at the mouth of his hungry house, and it’s going to swallow him.
But then Eddie reaches over to squeeze his arm. He looks three seconds away from pushing Steve out of the driver’s seat and forcibly driving them away. Steve smiles, warmth settling back into him. Tug, tug. 
Steve looks back up, and it’s just a house, the only ghosts the bad memories he’d made in it.
He turns the ignition off, and gets out of the car, ready to head into the lion’s den one last time.
Part 112
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twdmusicboxmystery · 9 months
i know this may be an unpopular opinion but i wanted to know your thoughts anyway
i know you and the majority of TD believe beth will return in DD and i really hope she does as it would be better for her to return via daryl’s story. but i really do believe she will return in ricks spin off for multiple reasons
1. the shows name is literally ’the ones who live’. beth lives, you know?
2. my personal belief is that after beth was left in the car she either woke up or was found by the remaining grady members. i think dawn was talking about the crm when she said people are coming so i think they did eventually come and beth went with the crm either willingly or not. which would put her at the crm
3. i think logically it makes the most sense, because it would be kinda far fetched that beth would be in france. yes it seems random to have dayrl in france too, but the odds of it are crazy
that’s just what i think. i do hope she returns in DD, but if she doesn’t, i think maybe we can all agree she will definitely return in ricks show☺️☺️
You know, I'm not entirely opposed to this. I think it could be argued either way.
What I mean is, my fellow theorists and I have talked about the possibility of Daryl finding out she's alive this season, and then having her actually show up in the second half of season 8 of Fear, which will air BEFORE Daryl Dixon, Season 2.
Well, The Ones Who Live, Season 1, will also air before Daryl Dixon, Season 2. So, it amounts to the same thing.
And if they actually bring her back in one of the other spinoffs, it will hit the airwaves and the entire world will show up for Daryl Dixon, season 2, in the same way they did for TWD S5, to see if he would find Beth. It would actually be really genius marketing on the show's part.
Because clearly the Daryl spinoff is about him finding his romantic happy ending (and trust me, episode 2 pushes this even more), I'm positive it will lead to Beth in some way.
And as for her being in France, 1) Anything is possible. If they can find some plausible way to get Carol to France, then why not Beth? And 2) who's to say the entire spinoff will remain in France? Maybe half way through S2 he gets on a boat and goes home. No idea, but I'm just saying the possibilities are endless for how this can play out.
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As for The Ones Who Live, again I think it can be argued either way. I totally understand your logic about Beth being alive and that title. Plus, she's been heavily paralleled with Rick. I think the Rick and Michonne spinoff will get lots of viewership because people know she's going to find Rick. It would be a fun surprise to also find someone no one was looking for.
On the other hand, that line, "we're the ones who live" was specific to Michonne. We didn't really see it around Daryl. So you could also argue that it doesn't apply to his storyline, except thematically.
So yeah. I totally understand what you mean, and you could very well be right. As with all things TWD, we'll just have to wait and see!
Xoxo! 🍁🍂😘
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electricrogue · 6 months
A, F, K, U, and V for the ask :)
Thank you for the ask! :)
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
I have one OTP the o stands for one and it's Teslen basically xD. Other than that? Eda/Raine from The Owl House and Crowley/Aziraphale from Good Omens (though they're... you know... not talking at the moment xD) as far as romantic ones go. Friendship wise I just watched The Marvels and I got hit hard with Kamala, Carol and Monica (yes the fanfic part helped but I was there ok I feel her so much with this).
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
14 years and a half with Sanctuary apparently xD (God I'm old :)))
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
I'll go with favorite development arc and the first one that comes to mind is Cordelia from American Horror Story (Coven and Apocalypse and yes Apocalypse was a shit show plot wise but I still loved her in that one so yeah xD). Still, the way she went from basically a wallflower to the Supreme who tricked the Antichrist just to get her girlfriend back from hell? Yeah. I stan.
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
I hate the different thing because I can't do both sides of Teslen for the record xD. But fine. Girls it is.
Helen Magnus from Sanctuary. And it's a very long list as to why but basically Amanda needed something in which she was in charge ok? And I don't mean SGA in charge because that was more like a desk job if anything else. Helen is that, and way more. She's badass, no-nonsense, has a very big heart (too big in some cases but I don't want to talk about that), super smart, can hold her own in combat and does it in heels... I think that pretty much covers it xD.
Eda from The Owl House. Because I lowkey want her to adopt me if that's a valid answer (I mean I would also want Helen to adopt me but I'd maybe also want Helen to do other things to me or at least let me watch while she does them to Nikola and adoption would make that weird so yeah). No but serious answer? I fell for Eda the second she said that thing with Us weirdos have to stick together and yeah. She may be basically a wine aunt but she's also a mother hen (owl? literally actually xD) and she can talk as much as she wants about eating kids and all but she's too kind to actually do it. And she went from burning a school down to actually running the place (of course I don't have details on that fuck Disney but yeah).
Cassandra Cillian from The Librarians. I always said that from all the characters I've known she's the most like me (minus the brain tumor thank God and minus the magic unfortunately). But she has this quote about how she was basically a super smart kid but she didn't want that to be the only thing she was, and yeah. I felt that.
V - Which character do you relate to most?
I actually answered that above with Cassandra but yeah xD. I still stand by that :P
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angelyuji · 3 years
how each avenger teaches you how to drive 🚗:
this account is starting to be marvel only but im not complaining 😩 anyway, ive had no yandere inspo so might as well write some more fluffy imagines!! this can be platonic or romantic :)
stephen, nat, t’challa, sam, bucky: the best teachers istg. they know how to teach and they’re super patient with you and dont scream at u. they’ll help you with directions, calm you down when you’re nervous, and makes sure you know what ur doing. they’d never raise their voice at you and you never feel more at ease driving unless its with them. you’d fucking ACE the test istg.
loki, tony, carol: screaming in panic and anger or lowkey just being mean. “I SAID TURN RIGHT OMG WHY ARE YOU TURNING LEFT” they love you, they do, but these bitches do NOT have the patience to teach. they’re not trying to scare you, but omg one wrong move and theyre literally insulting u. “YOURE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD, STOP! NOT LITERALLY STOP!” its not that they’re trying to hurt you, but someone unqualified to drive driving them makes their anxiety shoot up lol “this way, right?” “stop asking, ill tell you which way.” you’ll probably start crying and they’ll feel bad, thus ending today’s lesson.
scott, peter, bruce, thor: passes out. they’ll be holding on to the grab handle for dear life until the moment you accidentally hit a curb or go a little above the speed limit, and they’re out like a light. the windows jingle will play as they pass out. the first time this happened, you’ll pull over into a parking lot and literally panic, and probably call one of our good teachers. by the 5th and 6th time, you’ve gotten used to it. you’ve basically learned how to drive by yourself lol they’d wake up after you’ve parked, talking about how they saw God. “oMG GOD JUST SPOKE TO ME” “stfu, we’re going home”
wanda, vision, steve: theyre the back seat teachers. they’ll be in the back, supervising. they mean well, but it gets annoying trying to listen to two people at the same time. the good teachers will just roll their eyes or be like “yes, thats good advice. make sure u remember that.” but with the screamers...oh boy. “STOP INTERRUPTING ME!” “STOP YELLING AT (Y/N) ”. they’ll be yelling at each other constantly. good luck trying to learn without wanting to scream or cry. with the black-outs, you’d be glad you have them in the back. you’ll end up pulling over, moving the dead weight to the back, and just have them move to the front to teach u. they’re honestly pretty good teachers, just sometimes bothersome!
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avengerscompound · 3 years
Moving On - Chapter 1
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Moving On: A Falcon & Captain Marvel Fanfic
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Sam Wilson x F!Reader, Carol Danvers x F! Reader
Word Count:  1764
Rating:  E
Warnings:  None for the chapter, Smut, pregnancy, character death, grief, angst, on series.
Synopsis:  You thought Sam Wilson was the love of your life.  You had planned to do it all with him - marriage, kids, see the world.  Even when you’re life gets turned upside down, and you both end up international fugitives, he’s there by your side.
Then Thanos comes.
When Sam is one of the many turned to dust, leaving you alone and pregnant, you don’t think you’ll ever stop grieving.  Yet, everyone tells you that Sam would want you to move on and live your life - that he’d want you to be happy. Gradually you open your heart up to another.  Carol Danvers has lost people too.  First her daughter, then her wife.  As the two of you lean on each other, feelings grow and you move on together.
So what happens when Sam is returned to you?
A/N: Still working out how I plan to end this, so be aware it could go down a polyamory path or it could go down in a ball fire with much wailing and screaming and beating your fists against the wall. 
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Chapter 1: Sam
You met Sam Wilson on a Tuesday morning.  You’d seen him around and obviously knew who he was, but you had assumed, much like with the other Avengers, you weren’t really on their radar.
You liked to refer to yourself as a redshirt.  The cannon fodder that ran into battle after the supers and if they got themselves killed, no big deal, there were plenty more of you, and besides did any of you even have names?
You’d been projecting.
The Avengers were good guys for a reason, and on the day you met Sam you’d realized that it wasn’t just a need to save the world.  They actually cared about the people living in it.
He’d greeted you by name and told you that you’d been doing great work with the team.  He’d asked you how you were handling things and if you needed anything or had any suggestions for keeping up morale and when you answered, he’d listened.  Really listened and not just nodded and placated you before ignoring everything you had to say.  In fact, a few of your suggestions were even implemented a few weeks later.
It was a Thursday afternoon when he began talking to you as a friend.  A small group of you and the other redshirts had gone to a bar near the compound.  He and some of the Avengers were there drawing the attention of the locals.  Sam approached you at the bar when you went to buy a round for your friends.
“Can I get this for you?”  Sam asked as you waited for the bartender to finish serving someone else.
“Trying to lower my inhibitions?”  You asked, raising your eyebrow at him.
He laughed and shook his head.  “It’s smart to be wary.  What about some mozzarella sticks?  No one feels like having sex after they’re full of cheese.”
You laughed hard and you knew then it didn’t matter what happened tonight, Sam Wilson was someone you wanted to get to know intimately.
He’d ended up paying for the round for your friends and leaving you to get back to them.  Your friends had all called you crazy and told you to go back to him.  You didn’t.  Not right away.  You didn’t approach him again until people had started calling it a night.
“Hey,” you said, as you reached his table.
He kicked out the chair beside him.  “Hey, yourself,” he said.
You sat down and he bought you a basket of mozzarella sticks and you bought him a beer and the two of you sat and talked until the bar kicked you out.
You had been dating ever since.  You were well and truly head over heels in love.  While you couldn’t claim that the two of you were inseparable - Avenging and spy work meant that there would be long periods where you were apart - you were each other’s person.  You trusted him completely and he trusted you, and when you could be together, you made the most of it.  You’d been sharing a room at the compound for over a year and were having all the big talks about marriage and family and all those things people talk about when they’re planning on spending their life together.
So when he took you to the only four and a half star restaurant within an hour of the compound, you had an inkling what was up.
It was located in a big red building that looked a lot like a barn and didn’t exactly raise your hopes for an elegant night out, but inside was decorated in a way that perfectly hit rustic and contemporary.  Something that very few places could pull off.  The hostess seated you at a table by the window that had a crisp white table cloth on it and beautiful linen napkins.
“Wow, Sam,” you teased, as the hostess left you with the menus.  “This is fancy.  I wonder what the occasion is?”
“Hey now!”  Sam laughed.  “Don’t get ahead of yourself.  Maybe I just want to have a nice romantic night out.”
You laughed too and raised an eyebrow at him.  “Of course.  You’ve just never done this before so that makes total sense.”
He stifled a laugh and perused the menu.  “Want to get a bottle of Champagne?”  He asked.
“Why?  Are we celebrating something?”  You teased.
Sam hid his face behind the menu as he broke down into a fit of giggles.  “Will you cut it out?  You’ll make me chicken out.”
“Chicken out from doing what, honey?”  You asked, feigning innocence.  “It looks like they don’t have any champagne anyway.  They only have Prosecco.”
“What?  But they’re French fusion,” Sam yelped, turning to the wine menu.  “What?  This doesn’t make any sense.”
“French/Italian,” you said.  “I guess when it comes to sparkling wines, they pushed into the Italian.  They have a Rose from the Champagne region of France.  Do you want that?  It only comes by the glass though.”
“Let’s get the Prosecco,” Sam said.
Almost as if that decision had summoned her, the waitress appeared at the table and took your drink orders.  She disappeared as quickly as she appeared, and you noticed Sam tap the stop on his jacket where the inside pocket was before going back to the menu.
“Do you know what you’re having?”  Sam asked.
“Mmm… not sure.  What are you thinking?”  You asked.
“So there’s lobster...” Sam said.
“Ohh… you’re really going all out, huh?”
“...but I think if I order that I’d just be getting it because it’s Lobster and not because I want Lobster.  You know what I mean?”
“It does come with seared scallops,” you said with a shrug.
“I might get the New York strip,” Sam said.  “Herb butter is good, but what’s Au Poivre?”
“Pepper sauce,” you answered.
“Oh… yeah I’ll go herb Butter,” he said with a nod.  “I was thinking that sharing a starter might be nice.  They make their own ricotta cheese.  Did you see?”
“I did see,” you smiled.  “We can share, but Sam…”
He looked up at you and smiled.  “Yes, gorgeous girl?”
“I have a question,” you said, digging around in your purse.
“What is it?  Do you need to know where they sourced the milk?”
You bit back a laugh and shook your head.  “No…” you said and got down on one knee.
“No…” Sam gasped.  “No!  No, no, no.”
“Sam Wilson,” you began, pulling out the ring box from your purse and popping it open.
“You little shit!”  Sam said, quickly dropping to his knee in front of you and whipping the ring box from his pocket.
“Will you marry me?”  You both said at the same time.  You both started laughing loudly and you tipped forward slightly and had to grab hold of Sam to steady yourself.  The noise you were making drew the attention of the whole restaurant and people had started watching on both to figure out exactly what was happening and to hear what the answer was.
“Of course, I’ll marry you,” you giggled, leaning in and capturing his lips.  You could feel his smile as he returned the kiss.  His hand went to your neck and he held you in place as his lips moved with yours.
He pulled back and grinned at you.  “I guess I’ll marry you too, ya dork,” he teased.
You laughed and took out the ring and slid it onto his finger.  It was black titanium with a line of red right down the middle and he took a moment to admire it before he slid your engagement ring in place.  You both stood looking at the rings as you sat back at the table and people around clapped for you both.  The ring Sam had given you was white gold with a single round cut diamond in a claw setting.  Curled around the side of the diamond was a silver feather inlaid with black opal.
“I can’t believe you just did that to me,” Sam said as the waitress approached.
“Congratulations,” she said, showing the bottle of Prosecco to both you and Sam.
“Thank you,” you said, nodding to let her know the bottle was fine.  She popped the cork and poured you both a small taste.
“I’ve never seen people propose at the same time,” she said as she waited for you each to try the sparkling wine.  You took a sip and nodded, holding your glass out to be filled.  “It was really cute.  You’re a cute couple.”
“Thanks,” Sam said.  “She is pretty cute, huh?”
She poured your drinks and took your order, and when you were alone again Sam held up his glass to you in a toast.  “To; spending the rest of our crazy-ass lives together.”
You giggled and clinked your glass with his before taking a sip.  “I seriously can’t believe you just did that,” Sam said, looking at his ring.  “You were supposed to let me ask you!”
“Who says?  The patriarchy?”  You joked.
Sam laughed and shook his head.  “Yes, dear,” he teased, putting on the voice of a hard done by television husband.  “It’s the patriarchy.”
“Besides,” you continued.  “If I hadn’t asked - you wouldn’t have that sweet ass ring.”
“It is a really nice ring,” Sam said, looking down at it again.  “How long have you been planning this?  How did you know it was going to be tonight?”
You laughed.  “I didn’t know it would be tonight until you told me to dress up.  I’ve been planning it for a long time.  We’ve been talking about it so much, I just thought it would be funny if we both had rings ready at the same time.”
Sam’s eyes softened and he tilted his head as he looked at you.  His thumb ran over the engagement ring sitting on your finger.  “I love you so goddamn much, you know?”
You lifted his hand to your mouth and kissed it.  “I do.  And I love you at least twice as much as that.”
“Hey now!”  Sam yelped.  “Don’t make me take you over my knee.”
“Promises, promises,” you said.  “So… about this wedding… is it going to be a big one?”
“Oh yeah,” Sam said.  “The biggest.”
You laughed a little picturing a wedding with all your families and the Avengers all in attendance.  Him in his blue formal uniform, you in an over-the-top white dress.  It was a fun little vision and you couldn’t wait to start planning it properly so the two of you could get on with spending your whole lives together.
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itsmymeaningoflife · 2 years
You hit the nail on the head with how Daryl reacted to Carol telling him he should ask Connie to dance. I find it annoying too but I totally get why Carol is doing it and why Daryl is annoyed by it. This is why I don't think this is going to continue past this block of episodes. Daryl is going to blow a gasket one of these days and I'm totally fine with it because that means he's that much closer to telling Carol it's her that he loves. How do you see all that playing out and when?
I think it boils down to Carol distancing herself from Daryl because everyone who gets close to her gets hurt. It’s been made very clear to us through alphas hallucinations in the look at the flowers ep that Daryl is the last person she wants to get hurt or leave her. One way to make sure Daryl is happy but also in arms reach is to set him up with someone and let him be happy. Connie is the perfect candidate for this. Carol doesn’t realise her own worth. She doesn’t realise that she is one of the only people that make Daryl happy. She even tells Jerry that she sees herself as broken. Her whole arc last series was her deciding to stay and fix what was broken. But she hasn’t got round to completely “fixing” herself yet.
Daryl is annoyed by her pushing him away because she is a core person in his life. Not just as a romantic interest but just as a person and a friend. They need each other and love each other unconditionally and Daryl can’t see why he’s been held at arms length.
Honestly I’m not sure when or how it’s gonna play out but knowing how explosive Daryl is when it comes to emotions (I could talk about this all day, let me know if you want me to make another post about Daryl and him learning to process emotions that isn’t anger lol) I deffo think it will come out in an argument. It’s deffo gonna be heated and teary
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shimmershae · 3 years
My thoughts on Caryl canon--as if you lovelies actually asked, lol, go a little something like this.
We’re getting a spin-off.  
I know the antis and the haters are doing whatever is in their limited, petty ass power to sink said spin-off and who knows?  Maybe they will somehow succeed (highly doubtful).  But they can piss and moan about it all they want and they still will not be able to change the fact that a spin-off is and has been planned. 
To hear Kang and Norman and Melissa talk, it’s been in the planning stages for quite awhile.  
Coincidentally (I think not), Carol’s story (Daryl’s too but I’m going to focus more on Carol here) started to become a little more defined around the time that this spin-off idea was born.  It might not have been obvious at the time, maybe it still isn’t quite yet--we’ve been burned so much over the years--but Kang pumped the brakes and reversed course on a storyline that has seen Carol sentenced to continually rolling a stone up a steep hill for what has felt like all eternity.  She started dismantling the relationship between Carol and EZ really before it found its feet and not only that?  She cut the anchor of Henry from around Carol’s ankle.  
Now at first, the deconstruction of the Kingdom family unit seemed like more of the same, essentially another misery arc for Carol, and to a certain extent it was.  But the thing is?  
Kang might have shoved Carol harshly to the ground and given her a kick for good measure, several in fact, but something that might be lost a bit in the shuffle of everybody crying this is nothing but rinse and repeat of the same old, same old, is the fact that Carol has clawed her way out of yet another abyss and whether she’s wanted to or not, she’s starting to feel it.  All the losses she’s endured along the way, and she’s learning how to stand on her feet and rise in spite of them.  
All those little boxes she’s shoved her past traumas into are popping open one by one and the ghosts are spilling out and she’s having to face them head on and that’s just as much thanks to Daryl as anything else because he’s been right there with her.  
Daryl, who she sees. Daryl, who she can’t lose.  
The above statements have always been true, but Kang’s added another little wrinkle to this relationship.  
Daryl, who Carol dreams about a life of domestic peace with.  
It’s a shift in Carol’s perception of Daryl’s role/potential role in her life that’s perhaps too subtle for some.  Or maybe, just maybe, it was the first warning shot to them.  The one that made them sit up and take notice.  
I know which one I think it was.  Do you?  
Remember.  The spin-off had already been conceived at this point.  The groundwork to lead these two out of their status quo had already been started.  That’s important.  That nugget informs everything that’s unfolded onscreen since.  
Leadership was thrust upon Daryl in the latter part of Season 9 and the whole of Season 10 and he rose to meet that mantle, but through all of that?  Carol and her mental, emotional, and physical well-being remained a priority to him.  
What’s more, Daryl Dixon ‘manned up’ and stepped outside of his comfort zone.  He found his words and used them to tell Carol all the different ways that he could without shoving them both off of a precipice they weren’t completely ready for how he felt.  
Seriously.  How much more explicit can you get than “we have a future?”  Than offering multiple times to run away together?  
Those weren’t just aimless shots in the dark, although many took them to be.  We all know who they are.  
Again, we’re getting a spin-off.  It’s in the planning stages at least.  Kang might not have all the pit stops mapped out but I do think she’s got a general destination in mind.  She’s just making a few stops to fuel up and get supplies first. 
Let me ask ya’ll something.  To any outsider, anybody that might live underneath a rock and might not have seen an actual episode of TWD, how do you think this plot might read to them?  Without any physical descriptors, without knowing these two characters’ history as longtime friends and even with knowing it, what do you think they might glean from the fact that Kang has chosen to lead them back to each other? That she has chosen to emphasize the strength of their bond before pushing at its limits until it is so strained it has no choice but to either break permanently or weave itself tighter together with a new type of thread?  
Once again, I am going to remind anybody reading this that there is a spin-off in the works.  A spin-off featuring Carol AND Daryl.  
Carol and Daryl’s relationship over the years and seasons has evolved from strangers to friends to best friends and now?  Now they seem to be standing at the edge of a cliff staring into the unknown because seemingly Kang has decided to deconstruct their relationship.  She’s in the process of breaking it down into its base parts right now and causing Carol in particular to really examine what it is that she wants.  
She’s already given us all, Carol included, hints along the way.  
She’s paralleled these two characters’ separate journeys to each others’ sides.  
We’re ten years in.  With a spin-off impending and a bit of a been there, done that aspect hovering over the whole Carol and Daryl friendship, does anybody other than the antis and haters really and truly believe that Kang is deconstructing Carol and Daryl’s relationship only to return it to its original state?  
Does anybody really believe that there aren’t various romantic tropes being employed here?  That this story is being framed in anything other than an unabashedly shippy way?  Seriously.  How many fucking times has the sheer LONGING between these two jumped literally out of the screen and attacked us with its intensity?  
Pining has taken on a whole new meaning and yet, there are so many still (willfully) blind.  
Or maybe they’re not as blind as they claim.  Maybe they see the writing on the wall that so many that have actually longed for Carol and Daryl to take this step are afraid to really hope for and that’s why they are big time mad and ramping up their efforts to delegitimize romantic Carol and Daryl before it can be an undeniable reality.  Maybe that’s why so many of them are having hissy tizzy fits over a spin-off that was born in spite of what they claim is their majority.  
My personal opinion is too many exposed nerves are being hit and hit rather forcefully with a narrative that is becoming more overtly romantic all the time.  
Kang is bright-lighting us all with Caryl canon and because of past events some of fandom is still too stunned to see it coming.  
The rest sees it but some of them are still in big time denial.  They think they can keep speeding ahead and force it to swerve completely off the road.  
I don’t know about ya’ll but I’m going to respectfully pull over to the side of the road, do a U-turn, and follow these two to New Mexico and beyond. 
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saiyansweetheart45 · 3 years
Here's a little look at the first of a couple Christmas fics I'll be doing in honor of Sing and Sing 2. Hope you like them!
Mike grinned down at the glitzy diamond necklace before tucking it away into its black velvet case. He just knew Nancy would love it. She could wear it when they went out clubbing and everyone would know she was his girl.
He quickly put the bauble in his pocket before ringing the doorbell.
"Just a sec!" a voice called from somewhere inside.
Mike straightened his hat, dusted his coat off and smoothed his fur as the door opened to reveal a lovely female mouse clad in a glittery red dress with a chunky black belt and a pair of fluffy white boots.
"Hi, babe," she greeted, kissing his cheek as he walked in.
"Evenin', hon," Mike wrapped an arm around her. "So what's the plan for tonight? Hitting the club?"
"Actually," Nancy's face flushed a slight pink under her snowy white fur. "I was thinking we could stay in tonight and just have a little romantic time. You know, just the two of us."
As she said this, she cut a piece of a cake filled with fruit and toasted nuts, put it on a plate and set it on the coffee table in front of Mike's chair along with a mug of hot coffee.
"Aww, I was hoping to show you off a little," Mike gave a playful pout as he took a bite of the fruitcake. "I even got you something special on the way over."
Nancy's ears perked up slightly.
"What is it?" she asked.
Mike gave her a wide smile before reaching into his pocket and producing the little velvet case.
Nancy's paws flew to her heart and her eyes and mouth opened wide.
"Oh, Mikey!" she gasped, eyes welling with what looked like tears.
"Babe, it's Mike," Mike corrected her. "It was Mikey when I was five years old."
Nancy frowned for a moment, but her smile quickly returned.
Until the box opened.
"Oh...a...a necklace!" she forced herself to sound cheerful. "It's beautiful. Thank you, Mikey-I mean Mike. You didn't have to go to so much trouble just for me."
"Whaddya mean?" Mike felt his heart drop. "You mean it's not good enough? I stood out in the cold for two hours playing music and I almost got jumped by those bears again. All so you can tell me I didn't have to? Are you serious?"
"I didn't ask you to do that," Nancy looked hurt. "I would have been happy just being here with you, just spending time with you. I mean you're supposed to spend Christmas with the ones you love, right?"
"Oh, not you too!" Mike griped, throwing his hands in the air. "Why does everybody turn into a bunch of saps around the holiday? It's not like it's any different from any other time of the year, is it? Look, I gotta go if you're gonna be like this. Gimme a call when you wanna act normal again."
Nancy flushed with anger before throwing the necklace, box and all at Mike.
"Here!" she screamed. "Take this with you! Go get your money back, you love it more anyway!"
"Fine, I will!" Mike snapped in a voice just as loud. "And you better not have damaged it!"
As he stormed out of the apartment and down to his car, he examined the necklace his ungrateful girlfriend had thrown. It didn't look damaged from what he could see, but the jeweler would probably find something wrong with it, just so they didn't have to take it back.
"Ah well, I can always pawn it or something," Mike assured himself before sticking it in the glove compartment and locking it.
Alright, if you wanna see the rest, check it out at https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13997762/1/A-Sing-Christmas-Carol
Hope you guys like it, if you do let me know and I've got lots of other Christmas ideas on their way all December long
Until then, everyone!
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silversundown2 · 3 years
Some thoughts about 10.18
I forced myself to watch this because I needed to see with my own delicate eyeballs what was going down, so here's my thoughts if you want them. I'm trying to be as objective as possible.
Cliff's Notes: It wasn't THAT bad. I am relieved it's over. The reviewers once again hyped most of it beyond belief. However, I did not enjoy it, and it did confuse me. I still have no idea why they felt the need to add Leah into Daryl's life, as it doesn't seem to be there to shove anything forward in my opinion. It's just there.
Rest under the cut because it’s long.
The Good, or Okay:
I was prepared to see Daryl "in love" but thankfully did not really see that. He clearly has some sort of feelings for Leah but it was not exactly played as some epic love story and he didn't really give her any heart eyes.
The implied sex was just his hand lmao. Some sort of fuzzy filter around half naked Leah as she holds her hand out to him and he takes it. Over in three seconds. If we want to believe he turned her down after it cut away, go ahead. (I'm kidding, they prob got busy.)
The fight wasn't as bad as it was made out to be. If I had to pick a "favorite" part of an episode I don't really like it would be that scene. The root of the problem for Daryl is that Carol keeps running and I've wanted him to call her on that forever. She keeps leaving him and he's hurt by it. (and has a right to be). It didn't feel to me like he was just mad about C@nnie or Leah. He's mad this person he cares so much about keeps running.
He doesn't tell Carol first that she should never have gotten off the boat. SHE brings that up, then he gets this frustrated sad look and agrees, tells her if she wants to go just go he won't stop her. He knows where he belongs. That did not feel like he meant with Leah.
The opening scene on second watch was a little cuter than before I'll admit that. A little.
Daryl isn't a total jerk the whole first half like I feared, he seems fine with Carol at the start for the most part.
He actually didn't seem like the asshole I was expecting in general. Which I am thankful for.
The "almost kiss"with Leah while hiding from walkers was more like them being too close and Daryl looking uncomfortable about it.
Leah is the one giving him hearteyes when they are on that broken fridge looking at the map. He doesn’t even look at her.
I get the feeling she prompted everything between them. He did not make any first moves.
Daryl admits to Carol he "walked away" from Leah and seems obviously guilty about that. Not like he's mourning the loss of his true love, but like he should have stayed to 'help her'.
The Bad, or Meh:
Why is Leah here? What is her purpose? I don't think it's to be a catalyst for caryl, I just didn't get that vibe. She seems utterly pointless to be honest and adds a whole lot of nothing to Daryl's backstory. Unless the only objective is to give him some sort of romantic past then okay I guess. Though that was a lame romance.
I don't see a whole lot of caryl positive things in this ep. However I don't think it "killed caryl" either. It was...caryl neutral? There were no obvious 'he's really in love with Carol' moments. As usual everything is fuzzy as fuck.
Carol didn't seem jealous to me at all, which I was sort of hoping she would be because at least that gives us a window into her feelings toward Daryl.
This ep confused me. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to take away from it regarding his relationship with Leah. It did not feel like endgame, but it's also DARYL being 'with' someone and that has to mean something.
I didn’t get enough build up with them to feel like Daryl would sleep with her. We go from him looking awkward at being that close, to them looking at a map side by side on the fridge where he's all about the map to....Leah wanting to get busy. That's not exactly Daryl's MO, for someone that Kang insists has a hard time opening up and being intimate. Though maybe it's because Leah was the instigator. I don't know. 
They used time cards as a subtitue for relationship development between Daryl and Leah which...ehhh. Does not work, but thanks because I didn’t wanna see them together that much anyway so I’ll take it.
I didn't get any understanding of why Daryl decides to change his mind and go back to Leah after the ultimatum. He seems to have decided already to keep looking for Rick, then he's randomly walking through the woods and a fake bolt of lightening hits him and he rushes back to the cabin. WHY? Tell us Daryl, because that was odd.
I don't think Carol telling him she can't visit anymore is why he went back. Though I do get the feeling he was upset about that, but the fact she came right after the ultimatum had him already in a mood and he was just snappy and defensive.
Again, I am confused. What's the point. I have no clue what Leah's role might be in 11 because it felt like she was pretty aware that Daryl was not going to choose her. Not sure she'll show up wanting to play house again. But who knows.
Anywayyyyy, this is already too long and I'll probably make more poss about it, but all in all, it wasn't 100% terrible, but it also is contrived and odd and makes no sense. I am perplexed. 
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jawabear · 3 years
Hello~ could you write a fic for Javi with the prompts 4 and 95 from your prompt list?
I love you every day (Javier Peña x Reader)
Tumblr media
Not my GIF
A/N: I was going to leave this until the 14th to post it but I feel like I’ve made you wait long enough Anon! Just so y’all know, I hate Valentine’s Day, but it makes for good writings settings. I’m sorry it’s short (and a little bit of a mess) but I hope you enjoy it! Sorry for any mistakes. Stay safe.
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Prompts: 4 “it’s nothing” “you got shot!” 95 “you’re really warm”
Warnings: Fem!reader, mentions of injury but no detail, this is a mess, nothing else I don’t think?
Summary: perhaps it wasn’t the best idea to get shot on the special day
This was the worst possible day for this to happen. Well, maybe not the worst entirely but it was certainly up there as a bad day for this to happen. His plans were now completely out the window.
Getting shot on Valentine’s Day probably wasn’t the best thing. But that’s the situation Javi found himself in. Luckily it had just been his arm that had been hit but he already knew the tongue lashing he was in for when he got home to his girlfriend.
“What the fuck happened!” She yelled to him as her eyes scanned over the bandage wrapped around his arm.
“It’s nothing baby” he shrugged it off. It was nothing to an extent. It hurt like hell but it could’ve been worse. A lot worse.
“You got shot Javi!” She retorted sternly “you idiot. Why are you so careless? Maybe I should come back. You’re a high value agent. There’s a target in your back. I should come back and take those missions instead”
“Yeah, and then you get shot as well. How will that make any difference? There’s a target on your back as well as mine. And you’re not going back. Not yet anyway. You’re on leave for a good reason. I’m not having you back on the field when you’re clearly not ready” she opened her mouth to protest but he interjected quickly “taking the hit for me is not a valid reason for going back (Y/N)” her mouth shut again and she pouted up at him making him laugh and press a kiss to her soft lips before walking off into the kitchen to pour himself a glass of whiskey.
“Are you okay though Javi?” She asked quietly.
“Yeah. I’m fine. It hurts like a bitch but I’m alright” he told her before taking a swig of his drink.
“I’m glad. Sorry...I just...” she walked over to him and wrapped her arms around him from behind “I just feel so useless here. I should be there with you...”
“I’d rather know that you’re here and your safe then worry about loosing you” he told her finishing off his drink and turning to face her. “Not that you’re as careless as me” he joked before walking away from her out there the balcony of their apartment. He sat in the door was and she sat beside him.
“This probably wasn’t the day you had in mind” he laughed dryly looking away from her almost ashamed at the fact he had completely ruined the day.
“Shut up Javi. It’s one day. I don’t care about it anyway. I’m just happy you’re here” she told him. He didn’t say anything back to her, but the guilt was building on his face.
“Hey” she said grabbing his face turning it to look at her “we don’t need one day to show each other we love each other. I love you everyday. And I tell you that everyday. The same as you tell me”
“But I...I don’t say it”
“You don’t have to use words, Javi, to tell me you love me” she smiled to him “why should It be any different to every other day of the year? It’s a stupid day and a waste of time and money. A poor excuse for picking a mans pocket every February 14th. So this is quite normal actually. I hate valentines days..”
“Did you just quote A Christmas Carol?”
“I’m surprised you got it” she laughed “wouldn’t have ever taken you to have read that”
“My mother really liked it for some reason. She used to read it to me in the run up to Christmas” he explained briefly. “Still, I’m sorry. I just wanted today to be special. I want to treat you right (Y/N). I don’t want to fuck this up like I have everything else. I don’t want to be without you”
“Javier, whether we’re romantically involved or not I’m still going to be there for you. You’re my friend. My best one. You’re not going to be without me. And I’ve dated bigger assholes than you anyway”
“I’m not sure how I should take that”
“Well, however you take it, just know” she wrapped her arms around him and laid her head on his shoulder “that I love you so much. Every second of every day. I love you”
He smiled and leaned his head against her as he lifted his hand to gently grip her forearm that was wrapped around his torso. For a while he was silent and so was she. The only noise coming from her was a sigh of content as she sunk further into him.
“I love you too (Y/N)” he said quietly but proudly. It made her heart flutter but she didn’t say anything back to him. She never did and she didn’t need to. She shuffled closer to him, basically sat on his lap at this point, her head now resting on his chest.
Javi brought his hands to her arms feeling the slight chill of her skin “you cold?” He asked. She shook her head and lifted her head to meet his gaze.
“No. Not when I’m with you. You’re so warm” she pressed a gentle kiss to his lips which he returned before resting her head back on his chest.
“What a shitty day with was” she laughed at his words.
“Well at least you still managed to make it special”
“How do you mean?”
“Well it’s not every day you get shot. You better not make this a fucking habit or I’ll shoot you. And I won’t be so careless in where I’m aiming”
“Yes ma’am”
Taglist: @linkpk88 @phoenixhalliwell @lunaserenade @harrys-stan (let me know if you want to be add to or removed from the list)
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notyourdayrdream · 3 years
Summer’s Almost Over (So Come Spend it with Me)
Day Eleven, Side A: Vigilant
read it here on AO3
A/N: this update will so much more sense if you’ve read day three of this collection, which was the word ‘ubiquitous’!
Diner in the Sky is closing.
Their bosses, a middle aged couple, told them in tears before the morning shift, how the whole mayor thing had died down and customers had tanked with it. They would shut down the last week of summer.
Being dramatic theatre kids, the New Directions and Blaine worked after hours to try and save the restaurant. Finn and Puck brought the football players and The Unholy Trinity brought the cheerleaders, and that night became a whole party. While it was fun, nobody had really bought anything. Blaine’s idea to perform turned out much better. He and the Warblers became a group of singing quartets, cooing to customers instead of a jukebox. Kurt thought it was fantastic, not just because he got to watch his boyfriend sing and dance around in a striped shirt and tight jeans all night. And oh, was it so sweet to mess up his gelled quiff during makeout sessions in the backseat of his car.
But it wasn’t enough. The Walken’s were grateful, but they had already sold, and with a heavy heart let all of their teenage employees go. Their last day was a week before their place would be cleared out and devoid of any fifties charm Kurt had grown to love.
But once again, being dramatic theatre kids, Rachel and Mercedes asked if they could use the restaurant one last time. And the Walken’s agreed.
“Oh my God!” Santana cried, clicking a few photos with her phone. “I will never get over you guys in those costumes.” Her arm is stretched around the red leather booth, not enough to draw suspicion to why it’s draped around Brittany. But Kurt notices.
Mercedes, Rachel, and Blaine do the Charlie's Angels pose, cracking up their friends, who’ve shoved themselves into three booths, back to back.
“Look, I’m gonna miss this dress, okay?” Mercedes says, pushing her way into a seat, squishing next to Nick. She has a plate of chili cheese fries in her hands, even though they agreed they wouldn’t actually work tonight. They all ended up doing it anyway. “It makes me feel like Tiana, a real Disney Princess.”
“Oh please, you sing like one already,” Blaine interjects, barely sitting on the end of the seat. His bowtie is crooked. Mercedes swats his arm, but Kurt can see her blush.
At first Kurt was a bit nervous about introducing Blaine to everyone. His dad and Carole were no big deal, Blaine has enough charm to sweet talk a lion into not eating him. No, he had been nervous for him to meet the New Directions. They were known to be judgy. Before they went out to a Movie in the Park night, Kurt ran down every moment of drama since the group’s founding. Offending one member would seriously hurt Blaine’s chances of being accepted. But, of course, he didn’t need it at all. He was a natural, jumping back and forth conversations before and after the movie, making everybody feel special. When he hit it off with Sam, Kurt and Mercedes were ecstatic at the thought of their boyfriends becoming best friends like them.
“I’m actually really sad this place is closing,” Rachel says, picking the bacon bits off her cobb salad. Kurt already knows she’s gonna give one of the cooks an earful about that. “Yeah it was a job, but it was so much fun!” Everyone else nods.
“What’s it going to be turned into, anway?” David asks, twisting around from his seat at the booth behind them.
Kurt rolls his eyes. “A laundromat,” he groans. In the middle of downtown. Whoever was doing the layout for Lima’s recreational district needed to be fired. “So now you can wash your dirty clothes with the stench of hot dogs wafting through the air!”
His friends crack up, and soon he’s laughing too. He loves that feeling, when your joke lands really well and everyone laughs with you. It’s the closest Kurt gets to a standing ovation everyday.
“I love you,” Blaine gets out through laughs, probably not even processing what he just said. But Kurt does, and his heart stops like a chipped record.
Yeah, Kurt’s known about Blaine loving him since that night in July, but he’s never said it. And in his eyes those are two different things. So as Kurt’s mind races to process what he just said (“does he really mean that? what if he just said it to be funny?”), Blaine stops laughing, his face white as a sheet.
He won’t meet Kurt’s eyes. “Um.” The room’s gone deathly quiet, save for the jukebox, constant in its crackling. “I’m gonna start cleaning up now. In the kitchen.” Blaine grabs the plate that Puck was still picking at and rushes into the kitchen. Kurt can’t decide if it’s more sweet or sad.
“Was that the first time he said it?” Tina asked from behind him. The whole diner seems to waits on his every word. Kurt doesn’t trust his voice, so he just nods. Every girl at the tables loses their collective minds, shrieking and telling stories all at the same time. Even though he can’t tell his heart to stop freaking out, he smiles to himself.
“I’ll be right back.” He stands up, knocking the table with his knees. His hands are clammy, when did that happen? Rachel and Wes push him forward when his feet feel planted. Eventually they back off and Kurt pushes through the double doors.
“Hey…” he starts, watching as his boyfriend vigilantly scrubs at a spotless looking bowl. “Are you okay? You kinda disappeared there.”
Blaine nods and keeps his eyes down. “Yep! I’m totally fine,” he grits his teeth in pretending to wipe off a dish. Kurt snorts despite himself, his boyfriend’s just a really awful actor.
“Stop laughing,” Blaine pouts. There’s dozens of reflections of him in the shiny silver pots and pans and refrigerators. “It’s not funny.” He flicks some soapy water at Kurt’s forehead, and it slides down his nose.
He watches the clump of soap run down his face and flop unceremoniously onto the floor. He’ll have to do his skincare routine twice. “Oh it is on.” Kurt comes closer and scoops up a handful of suds just to dump it onto Blaine’s hair.
Blaine gasps, wiping the rest off his head before it pops. He smirks and throws some more soap at Kurt’s chest. And so the war begins.
They attack each other like it’s a snowball fight, racing to grab armfuls of soap suds and throwing them, even if they float to the ground. They fling gray water back and forth at each other and run around the kitchen to dodge it. It’s absolutely gross and undignified, but Kurt finds that he could care less.
After they’ve soaked themselves and the floor, Blaine waives a towel in surrender. “Okay! Okay! You win!” he laughs. His face is slick with a mix of sweat at sink water, and his shirt clings to his chest.
Kurt grins and grabs a towel, linking up beside him to help dry. It’s still on his mind, the whole thing that happened outside, but he doesn’t press. They’re a unit, drying and stacking dishes together, humming a song Kurt can’t exactly recognize.
“I just wanted it to be special,” Blaine admits after a while. “I was gonna set up something really cute here one day, like a candlelit dinner, and get French food from that place across the street. Something big.”
Kurt sets his glass plate down and turns to see Blaine’s face. “As much as I love French food, you didn’t have to do something so grandiose.” He’s learned Blaine loves doing things big. When it was Lauren’s birthday, one of the chefs, he had the entire staff decorate the outside of the restaurant in a beach theme since she was from California. It was gorgeous, if not time consuming.
“But you deserve it,” Blaine replied, eyebrows knitting together. “You deserve the world, Kurt.” And the great goes back to washing dishes like he didn’t say the most romantic thing on the planet.
Kurt presses his against the stainless steel counter and kisses him when words fail. Blaine smells like soapy water and the familiarity of his pine scented cologne. Kurt kisses him softly, his favorite way to kiss (he never thought he’d have a favorite way to kiss, but life has just been full of surprises recently). Blaine absolutely falls apart like this, sighing into his mouth and pulling at the back of Kurt’s shirt.
And he hopes, absolutely prays to a god he doesn’t believe in, that a kiss can convey how he feels. How he’s felt since that night in the heat of July with Italian diners.
“I love you too.”
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my-mt-heart · 3 years
Hi, there. Your review of 'Find Me' was enlightening in the best way. When I watched it for myself (not looking forward to it) I judged you to be right. This episode was cathartic for me. Can you believe after your review and watching the episode, that shroud lifted from me? I had no notion an episode can cause and remove that much anxiety within me. I can truly say I enjoyed the episode. I wanted to know if you would be interested in my review of the episode? I just feel like you work double time for the Caryl fandom and I would like to write something that reflects my appreciation of your insight. Though not as good as yours, and I will not hit on everything as I cannot catch everything, I hope my review adds positivity to your heart the way yours has done for many here.
Okay, here is my review of 'Find Me' @my-mt-heart
1. Daryl prefers whole milk (Carol) but used condensed milk (Leah) for a time. He understands that you cannot substitute whole milk with condensed milk. Sure, it is good for putting in a few recipes, but for regular consumption? Whole milk. Condensed milk is reportedly reduced milk with too much sugar (not healthy). Why is Leah unhealthy for Daryl? More on that later.
2. This episode taught me (and I hope it reminded us all) that spoilers do not translate well onto our emotional state. Whe the spoilers came out, I was among many who felt cheated out of my investment. From now on, I will look at spoilers from the POV that serves my beliefs about the narrative in general. The fact of the matter is, I did not only NOT hate this episode, I actually rather enjoyed it. Why? Let's explore...
3. To me, this episode does not change who I thought Daryl to be. Rather, it showed me how I held onto an idea I had of him that made me dismiss Daryl's emotional, and mental and spiritual intelligence and maturity. In other words? I thought he was sort of like a child that needed to be told and taught what he wanted. Daryl knows what he wants. I just dismissed it because he is reserved, reticent. I mistook it for obliviousness. And what this episode showed me was that Daryl does not truly want Leah. He was a filling a large void.
4. Daryl's core character trait of being the one trying to fix everything is indirectly revealed to be the reason he was 'with' Leah and temporarily 'chose' her in writing that note. Daryl's self worth is tied to his own perceived notion that he HELPS someone SUCCESSFULLY. Carol calls him out on this and I for one was like, 'You tell him, girl!' Daryl is a bona fide good man and he needs to let that old notion of his worth -that only he holds himself to- go. Leah said 'Always playing the hero' meaning she sees this about him, but does not challenge it. Carol does. And I said 'Finally!' Anyway, from the beginning of him meeting her to his recount of his relationship with her was that he thought he could "help her". Whatever romantic implications their relationship/friendship had was not greater than Daryl's own reason for engaging with her. As you rightly stated Daryl is a very layered character.
5. Remember my condensed milk metaphor? Okay, I made a statement that said regular consumption of that stuff is unhealthy. Leah is unhealthy for Daryl (from what I gather) for the following reasons: (1) bonding out of loneliness and grief. Guys and girls, forming relationships/alliances is all well and dandy. But for the right reasons. Loneliness and grief (while part of daily human life) are meant to be overcome and moved on from. Would you want the foundation of your bond with someone to be based on, for example, you both having resentment for another person? NO. Hatred is not the ideal norm for a relationship; love is. It is universally accepted that loneliness and grief are not the mental/spiritual/emotional homeostasis in people. Belonging and peace ARE. Which CAROL wants him to find, whereas Leah wants to keep the hurt alive in him because that is where they connect. (2) That blasted note further substaintes my stance on Daryl's character and reason for his involvement with Leah. The note says "We belong together. Find Me." I did not witness the desperate actions of a man in the throes of love writing that note (nice handwriting btw, Daryl), after supposedly realizing his feelings for Leah. Nope, nuh-uh. Pfft. This goes back to a nuance in Daryl's character which Carol way back when dubbed as 'his code'. Daryl used the term later when explaining to Rick that The Claimers had 'a code'. Daryl wants to BELONG where he can help someone. Leah made him that offer. It has nothing to do with implied or overt romantic feelings. I actually find the note to have an aromantic tone to it. Remember he would have chosen to go with Michonne to help her. Connie with finding her sister? This is just who Daryl is and I need to stop forgetting that point. New characters can dust off parts of an old character that have been shelved over the seasons. Leah reminded me a LOT about Daryl's functionality. (3) I, as a viewer, have to do a better job of taking Daryl at his word, which had been long established as sure. Daryl basically swabs over the issue of Leah with Carol by saying 'it was a long time ago' and he 'THOUGHT' he could help her. 'Thought', not 'think'. Past-tense. He recognizes and accepts Leah was in the past. And part of his past. This is to be taken for what it is. He is not conflicted about this matter. He is not confused. No, I do not make decisions about the show and I also do not write which ways the scenes will go. But I want to do better at supporting my own long-standing beliefs about this show and my two favorite characters (Guess who? :P). My emotional state about spoilers can lead me astray but what I know through the 'tried-and-true' experience that comes from sticking with anything, always leads me back to what I believe: Caryl is Endgame. (4) Now perhaps I missed it, but the Daryl/Leah relationship from a romantic standpoint is mainly contributed by Leah's point of view, not Daryl's. I never see him hold her, touch her, comfort her, tell her something becoming of a lover in a romantic relationship. Kiss her. Nothing. Now this may or may not be further extrapolated in season 11. But what I see to be the meat and potatoes of their relationship is all revealed in this episode. When they look at one another, they recognize the kindred grievances in the other. You can NOT sustain a relationship longterm with that. AK to my knowledge never heavily hinted at strong romantic feelings they had when they look at each other. It is a grief and loneliness-based relationship. Carol and Ezekiel had the same, based on having to put on a mask to hide their insecurities/self-doubt for the people that rely on them. This is also unhealthy. With them, also, I did not feel Carol's sense of belonging and being in love with Ezekiel. I did not see Daryl in love with Leah. To me, Daryl's character remains 100% in tact and undamaged. *phew*
6. Next point is Carol. And Leah. Both women who care about Daryl, but there is something exquisitely different about the way they approach a struggling Daryl. Leah confronts him about his inability to not commit 100% and it sounds confrontational. Carol longs for him to find peace and she makes her request to him with the tone that says "it's okay to let go". Carol wants Daryl to be 100% in control of how he lives his life, not bound to what he feels his obligations are to Rick or anyone else. Leah also wants Daryl to choose but it still feels like she is trapping him....but Carol wants Daryl to be free. In the different shots of them, Leah is close and Carol is farther away. Carol often looks like an ethereal figure offering wisdom in Daryl's time of need. There is a longing in Carol's features that cannot be ignored and there is a frustration in Leah's that is obvious. What Daryl really want seems so out of reach (Carol, marked by the physical distance between them) and what he has is so close (Leah).
7. Daryl does not choose Leah. After her plea to Daryl about making up his mind, trying to steer him to her with the way she worded her argument, Daryl still says "uh, yeah, so three days? Got stuff to do." He STILL needed to see Carol. And to search for Rick. Boom, he made his choice and Leah saw that. That could be one of the reasons she left. *clears throat* women known when a man is not fully committed to them or a relationship. Leah definitely took the hint. When Daryl said 'I walked away', he is saying his choice was not to be with Leah or not to just be with Leah. It's the little things.
8. The argument. There is no need to feel threatened by the Connie remark. This scene is not about that character. This is about Carol beginning a character transformation. In order for her to do that, she needs to be called out by the one person she listens to: her best friend, Daryl. And where they placed their argument is everything. At the place Daryl had his relationship, and at the end of the episode. Means that Carol and Daryl's relationship underneath is a romantic one. There would be no need to create Leah for Daryl to tell Carol about otherwise. No need for Carol and Leah parallel scenes.
9. Daryl sounded salty when he said "you askin' my permission? Cause you don't need my permission to move on with your life." The contingency of Daryl being with Leah rested with Carol. And because Carol thinks the absolute highest of Daryl, she would never think she is worthy of him. She wants to support him the way he supported her. Daryl sounds miffed because he is. It feels like she is saying he does not belong with her anymore. So he rebounds to Leah. The fact is: Daryl needs Carol's permission. When he said "I'm glad you found your peace". He is asserting something Carol never said. He said that because he was hurt at not being part of Carol's peace, seemingly. Notice the issue in communication with them. He is afraid of what he thinks Carol thinks, so he is short with her "tell me why you're really here?" and fills in sentences with his own mind's perception of how Carol sees him: like she doesn't want him as much as Ezekiel in whatever capacity that is. When he said "you won't lose me" he will always remain loyal to Carol, even if he feels hurt.
10. "It's getting dark, I'm going to fix the door" is a total sneak-peek of what Carol is going to do to fix her relationship with Daryl before it is too late. They will be somewhere different in their friendship if Carol fixes it. Which they will. Because Carol will do anything for Daryl, even fix herself. ^_^
Yeah, hope you enjoyed my review!
I never expect my reviews or anything I say for that matter to influence anyone, so I’m glad you found this one motivating enough to not only watch the episode, but make a wonderful analysis of it on your own. I agree with everything you’ve laid out wholeheartedly. Condensed milk is a great analogy for the underlying toxicity in Daryl’s and Leah’s relationship. Even though I hate that damn note with a passion, mainly because of the perceived decisiveness, it still comes across loud and clear that Daryl chooses Carol. 
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twdmusicboxmystery · 3 years
Beth’s Memory Loss Arc, Part 2
So, about that line during their fight in Still. She’s referencing Sophia coming out of the barn and says, “I remember.”
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I started wondering if it, too, could represent the memory loss. Like literally. In a template. So, I reverse engineered and what I found just makes total sense. Again, nothing we haven’t said before, but I think they laid out Beth and Daryl’s entire arc in the Still fight. That’s probably why (one of the reasons) it ended up being so powerful.
So, it starts when they enter the moonshine shack and goes all the way up until the hug. (I actually think we could extend it to the porch scene, but I’ll touch on that at the end.)
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First, let me remind you of something I said very briefly a long time ago, about how Sasha and Bob in Alone are also Bethyl proxies. In that case of course, Bob = Beth and Sasha = Daryl. It’s just significant that Sasha is searching for her brother and Daryl will be searching for his brother, Rick.
Bob’s dialogue especially keeps running through my head. At one point, he tells Sasha she doesn’t have to be afraid, and she says forcefully, “I am not afraid.” That’s pretty much exactly what Beth and Daryl say to each other in Still.
Beth: “You don’t get to treat me like crap just because you’re afraid.”
Daryl: “I ain’t afraid of nothing.”
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Later, Bob asks Sasha, “Why do you think Tyreese is dead?” He knows her well enough and can discern her mental state to surmise that the reason she keeps trying to stop, and doesn’t actually want to get to Terminus, is that she’s terrified she’ll get there only to find that Tyreese didn’t survive. She’s afraid to hope.
Now think about how that will translate with Daryl. Despite being determined to go find Rick, he may start dragging his heels at some point because he’s terrified that he’ll get there and find out it was all a hallucination, and that Rick isn’t really alive. Especially in the wake of Leah. I think Beth will talk him through that, just as Bob did with Sasha. That’s also when we see Sasha and Bob kiss, which probably means that this part of the story is where we’ll finally see ACTUAL on-screen romance between Beth and Daryl.
So, that’s just important to keep in mind as I go into this Still template. It will make more sense if you have that on the brain.
So, I’m gonna go through most of the fight here, and I’ll need to restate it even though I know we all pretty much have it memorized. Bear with me. What I’m going to show here is that the chronological order of the dialogue here corresponds with events in their arc. But it extends beyond where we are now to when they reunite, get together romantically, and perhaps beyond.
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First there’s the “what are you, my chaperone?” line. I think this represents how Daryl felt about Beth in early seasons. I don’t think that he ever felt personally responsible for her, beyond her just being a member of the group, and of course a member of the family, but he always saw her as someone who needed to be protected and couldn’t survive on her own. So, his relationship to her was somewhat chaperone-like.
Then they start the game. I actually love when Daryl says, “I ain’t never needed a game to get lit before” and Beth says, “Wait, are we starting?” I feel like that’s the writers telling us this is the beginning of their arc, their relationship, their story together, etc.
Then they start the game. Beth begins with, “I never shot a crossbow.” Putting Still aside (I know; why would we, like, EVER do that? ;D) the next thing that happens in their story in 4x13, is he teaches her to shoot a crossbow.
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Next, Daryl says he’s never been out of Georgia, which we all know happens right after Grady. So we’re going along in the chronology.
Beth says she’s never been drunk and done something she regretted. I think this probably represents them burning down the moonshine shack. And it’s interesting, because they don’t exactly regret it. But I still wonder if them burning down the shack somehow drew attention to them, and at some point we’ll learn that doing that is exactly what got Beth kidnapped to begin with. They drew a lot of attention to the smoke in 4b, even having Carol and girls comment on it several times.
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Then he says the thing about never having been on vacation. I had to think a while about what this represented. I’m not claiming to have it totally pinned down, but I think this may just represent his time with Beth. For the first time, he feels emotionally safe and happy. To him, that probably felt like a relief. Like a vacation. Especially since vacations only last a short time before it’s back to real life, and he didn’t have very long with Beth before the shit hit.
Then Beth says she’s never been in jail, as a prisoner. Now, this may seem out of order, as Grady happens before Daryl leaves Georgia. But, 1) these could represent their two separate arcs and so they don’t need to line up that way. I think it’s more likely that 2) this represents Beth’s entire time in the CRM, not just Grady. And that will extend to long after Daryl leaves Georgia.
Of course, the prison question sets Daryl off and he gets up to “take a piss.”
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So, I find this particular element of this template really interesting. Even though their separation has lasted for 5+ seasons, the part of this scene representing their separation only lasts about 30 seconds, and that’s a bit counterintuitive.
Think of it this way: Daryl gets up and walks away. We generally see representations more of Beth disappearing, but in this case, he walks away, leaving her behind. Leaving her back where he previously was.
Then we get his whole slew of I-Nevers. Never eaten frozen yogurt, had a pet pony, got nothin’ from Santa Claus, relied anyone for protection, or anything.
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Some of these we think we’ve already seen, such as through Buttons. And maybe we have. But we can’t be sure. Maybe buttons, and all the ice cream references were just foreshadows of something to come. Or maybe not. No way to be sure, yet. (And remember that we have a huge ice cream theme this season at the Commonwealth. I’m just mentioning. ;D)
No matter what they point to, I think these represent things that either have or will happen before Beth returns.
Now, this is about to get really subtle and granular. I think the “Santa Claus” reference represents the moment when we, the audience, and maybe Carol, see Beth and know she’s alive, but Daryl doesn’t yet. The reason I think that is because at that point, when he’s saying all this, he’s still across the room from her. They haven’t come back together, yet. Therefore, all these things happen between the time he leaves her behind, and when they reunite. And Santa Claus = resurrection.
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Most of us have thought for a long time that the line about not relying on anyone for protection points to Beth saving Daryl at some point. And notice that that comes after the Santa Claus line, but before the reunion. And I’m not saying she’ll necessarily save him before she reunites with him. That wouldn’t make tons of sense, unless it’s saving him from afar or something. But maybe it’s a matter of him not realizing it’s her in some way.
Oh, and then there’s a line I’ve never homed in on before. When Daryl is kicking stuff around and Beth is telling him to be quiet, he says, “Sounds like our friend out there is trying to call all his buddies.”
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He just means the walker is being loud, which is in response to his yelling, but that just screams Carol is going to call Daryl (her buddy) to tell him about Beth.
So, then he eventually grabs her arm and drags her outside, right? Yes, I think that represents them coming back together. And I hear you: that’s a little weird since he’s being pretty borderline abusive right here. You’d think we’d have some indication of some tenderness or joy on his part. And I’m not saying there won’t be that wonderful, joyous reunion we’re all waiting for.
But here’s the thing. We’re all on the same page about Daryl maybe not believing it’s her because, especially because of Leah, he doesn’t trust his own sanity. He doesn’t trust his own eyes. I actually think that’s what most of the rest of this fight will translate to. Even when he does see her, I don’t think he’ll believe it’s her. 
That’s why they did the Leah the way they did. To show that she felt very real to him, and he really can’t tell the difference. I think we’ll have a whole thing (probably more than just one scene, as this is; it may be an arc that’s several episodes or seasons long) where she has to convince him that she’s real. But more than that, she has to show him how to get his faith and sanity back. She’ll heal his psychosis and this whole hallucination problem, so he CAN tell the difference moving forward.
And like I said in my analysis of the Daryl Origins episode, she’ll have to convince him to open up to her emotionally again, just as she did in Still. Something no one else has been able to get him to do.
Think about everything they say here. When she talks about the people they lost mattering, she could be talking about their shared history prior to Grady, OR about everything that’s happened in the last 8 years since they saw each other.
Then check out these next two lines and think about how they fit in.
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“You look at me and you just see another dead girl…
“…but, I made it!”
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See how those work so beautifully? He literally thinks she’s the ghost of a dead girl and she’s trying to convince him that she never died.
Then the lines that so perfectly mirror Sasha and Bob.
“You don’t get to treat me like crap just because you’re afraid.” “I ain’t afraid of nothing.”
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And then the remember line that started me thinking about this. “I remember.” Which may represent her getting her memory back. I think that will have already happened at this point, but maybe she tells him about how she had memory loss but now she remembers.
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And the REALLY interesting thing is that here, she’s talking about Sophia. When this happens between her and Daryl in the future, they’ll be talking about her. About what happened at Grady. Because Beth = Sophia. The lost girl Daryl searched for. Which, incidentally, is probably why Kirkman said the thing about Daryl not caring about Beth any more than he did Sophia. Clearly, he’s trying to throw people off track, but I truly think that was code-speak for the symbolism, not a commentary and the romantic nature of Bethyl.
I still don’t know how the “you ain’t never gonna see Maggie again” line will translate in the future. No way to tell, yet. But we’ve always known it’s significant that he mentions Rick being dead. Where we are here, in the narrative, he believes Rick is dead, and then there were all those clues in the Daryl origins episode.
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And then, of course, the hug. I think that probably represents the same thing it did here: her finally getting through to him, him finally opening up to her. Which means at that point, his faith in his own sanity will return and he’ll finally believe she’s real. It might also represent the romance angle.
So, that’s what I’ve been thinking about the past few days.
I did also say we could extend it until after the fight. I just have less to say about that. Them talking on the porch could foreshadow getting to know one another as a couple, or even just swapping stories from the past 8 years. Maybe every line in that convo will also translate to a future event, but I can’t be sure about that.
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As for them burning down the shack, I just think of Dwight and Sherry in Fear and what the showrunner said of them. That they’ll be a badass power couple, now. So maybe this foreshadows Beth and Daryl burning down the CRM or something. Which I would 100% support. ;D
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yoonsshadow · 3 years
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⇰ summary ; There’s a storm coming. Literally. And some idiot is standing outside singing Christmas carols.
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⇰ pairing ; yoongi x fem!reader
⇰ genres ; strangers to friends to lovers[?], snowstorm!au, romance, fast burn [?]
⇰ themes ; fluff, a bit of crack
⇰ warnings ; talk of a natural disaster [blizzard], lots of banter, brief talk of male genitalia [balls lol], a bunch of sweetness
⇰ word count ; 1.8k
⇰ note ; Happy holidays everybody!! I hope that you all have a safe and happy day, no matter what you are celebrating. [Also this is largely unedited.] xx
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It doesn’t always snow on Christmas Eve. Sometimes, when the sky feels selfish, it will open its clouds and welcome through the sunlight, especially harsh against the previous snowfall that is melting on the ground. What was once a white wonderland, snowflakes clustered together in a fine powder, becomes a muddy expanse of grass, dampened by the flowing tears of the melted icicles.
The magic of Christmas, so often associated with the pure white sheen of snowfall, is gone within hours of a clear sky.
But not today.
Today, the sky is selfish in a very distinctly opposite way.
“Temperatures will be reaching a record-low tonight, and snowfall is expected to only get heavier. With the possibility of a blizzard on the way, citizens are urged to stay indoors tonight.”
“Aish.” Licking droplets of mulled wine from your lips, you sigh at the latest news update. Just yesterday, you had been complaining of the warmth in the air, expecting yet another disappointment out of Christmas Eve. The universe seems to have answered your pessimism with a natural disaster.
Thankfully, you are one of the many lucky ones with a roof over your head tonight. The townhouse is small by standard means, but it feels so big to you. Though it may be cosy, it holds everything that is important to you, every memory that you have collected over your life, every momentum that has ever brought you joy. It is an extension of yourself, of your innermost being, and now it even protects you from the howling wind that you can hear picking up outside.
As you sit in front of your roaring fireplace, wrapped in blankets and listening to the Michael Bublé christmas album play on your scratchy record player, you think that maybe this is serenity; this feeling of calm, of contentment, when chaos surrounds you.
A harsh knock at your front door breaks through the sound of the wind.
At first, you think that maybe it was a trick of the mind, or perhaps a branch hitting a window, but the rapid knock-knock-knock against the wood is far too deliberate to be a mistake. Plus, when it’s followed by several more⎯⎯less patient⎯⎯knocks, you know that someone is here. At your house. At ten o’clock at night, as a blizzard is brewing.
It takes a moment to detangle yourself from your comfortable cocoon of blankets, but you eventually shuffle to the door as quickly as your cold toes [the things just never seem to be warm] will allow. You’re expecting an emergency official telling you to evacuate, or a neighbour asking to borrow supplies.
You don’t expect a shivering, disgruntled man reluctantly singing ‘Oh Christmas Tree’.
“Your boughs so green in summertime...stay bravely green in wintertime...O tannenbaum, O Christmas Tree...How lovely are thy branches…”
“Are you seriously carolling right now?”
The man stops his ‘singing’ to glare at you, as if you’ve just interrupted the most important performance of his life. “Hey, either let me finish the song or let me move on. It’s fucking cold out here.”
“No, but like, why are you singing at all? Didn’t you see the news?” The chill of the wind is biting at you even through all of your layers, so you don’t know how he’s surviving right now.
The man sighs, the air fogging in front of his face. “Look, lady, I lost a bet, okay? I gotta sing these carols, and I’m not backing out just because it feels like my internal organs are shutting down. So, what’ll it be? I can take song requests, if you’re feeling spicy.”
It takes you barely a moment to make your decision. “Option C. Come here.”
And you all but drag him into your house.
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“Y’know, this could be considered kidnapping,” the stranger says as he slides out of his soaked jacket and toes off his boots. Despite his words, he doesn’t seem at all reluctant to be within your warm abode. “You could at least take me to dinner before inviting me in.’
His voice sounds harsh, mean even, but for some reason you aren’t intimidated by him. Maybe it’s the way his nose shines pink from the cold.
“Well,” you say, already gathering some towels for him, “it seems as though you haven’t watched the news in the last three hours. There’s a blizzard on the way, buddy, and you looked about halfway to frozen already. I thought that I would save the neighbours the trauma of digging your body out of the snow.”
“How considerate.”
“What’s your name, by the way? Since I’m extending my home and hospitality to you. I’m Y/N.”
“Yoongi. Also, you barely extended anything. More like forced. But, I’m a kind man, so I’ll let you believe that you’re being selfless. It is Christmas, after all.”
“And a merry Christmas to you too, mister Yoongi.”
“Ugh. Don’t call me mister.”
“Whatever. You should go take a shower to warm up, I should have some of my dad’s clothes for you to wear. I also have a shit-tonne of blankets and a big pot of mulled wine, so whenever you’re done just come downstairs and sit by the fire. And don’t steal anything. Or piss on the carpets.”
“Oddly specific, but okay. Thanks, generous kidnapper.”
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Yoongi takes nearly an hour before he re-emerges from upstairs, to the point where you wonder if he’s actually pissing in your carpets. He looks clean, though, and flushed with warmth. And absolutely adorable in the ugly, oversized Christmas sweater that you laid out for him.
“This is fucking horrendous.”
A snort escapes you at his blunt statement, watching as he sinks into an armchair opposite you. His hair is sticking out from where he’s hastily dried it. “Thank you. My dad is the reigning champion in his workplace ugly sweater competition. He takes immense pride in inducing nausea. Want some wine?”
When you pass him a mug, the liquid steaming and aromatic, he seems to pause, hesitation in the grip of his fingers. You give him the time he needs to arrange his words.
“I guess, um...thank you. For bringing me inside.” Yoongi isn’t meeting your eyes, but the tips of his ears are turning pink. “I was probably too stubborn to realise how bad it was and...I don’t know, it could’ve ended up really bad. So. Thanks.”
“Hey.” His eyes flicker up, briefly, but enough to see the bashfulness hiding behind all that sarcasm. “It’s seriously fine, but you’ve got to make a habit out of taking care of yourself. I’ve known you for two hours and even I can tell that you don’t take yourself very seriously. Hell, I could’ve been a serial killer, and you still just walked into my house.”
“I could’ve been a serial killer as well, hypocrite.”
“Killer Caroller does have a certain ring to it,” you admit. He’s deflecting, but you accept the divergence easily. “So, mister serial killer-”
“Don’t call me mister.”
“-Why don’t you tell me about yourself? There’s a chance that you’ll be here for a little while, so we may as well become acquainted.”
Taking a lingering sip from his mug, Yoongi keeps his eyes trained on the fire before him. “My name is Yoongi, I’m a Pisces, and I enjoy long walks on the beach.”
“I was born in Daegu.”
“Makes sense.”
“I’m a music producer.”
Yoongi rolls his eyes, though they hold more mirth than annoyance. “Oh, and what about you, miss charity? Tell me about yourself.”
Biting back a chuckle, you reposition yourself in the armchair to face him better. “Well, my name is Y/N, and I have never been to a beach.”
“That’s sad.”
“I take self-defense classes.”
“And I’m a social worker.”
“Very fitting.”
The quick banter between the two of you pulls a smile across your face before you can tamp it down, but it seems like Yoongi is fighting one of his own.
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Somehow, you have both converged to your larger couch, huddled together in a wine-drunk, giggly mess.
“No, I seriously would’ve won! But then he totally caught me off guard. I was sabotaged.”
Yoongi’s recounting of the story of how he lost his bet is nothing short of hysterical. “This Jeongguk guy sounds like a menace,” you say, throwing your legs over his lap. “I mean, who swings their balls in a friend’s face just to distract them? That’s just low.”
“Right?!” His voice is so loud, but your little bubble is barely disturbed. “And they were all hairy, too. I swear that I found a pube in my hoodie.”
This sets you off, for some reason, and your chest erupts in light giggles. Yoongi has only told you a few stories about his six male friends, and it has filled you with a kind of joy that you don’t remember ever feeling.
“It’s just...I bet that women aren’t this immature with each other. Am I right?”
You hum. “Sort of, but also not really. A friend of mine once stole my diva cup just because she was mad at me for using her hair brush. I tried to explain that it was an accident, but man was she pissed.”
Yoongi pauses. “What’s a diva cup?”
Blinking at the man that you’re draped across, you bring a hand up to pat his soft cheek. “Oh, honey,” you whisper, offering a small smile.
Slowly but suddenly, his hand comes up to cover yours, keeping it on his face. Your heart skips a beat, but you don’t notice.
“You’re really nice,” he says. His pupils are blown from drinking, and maybe from your faces being so close. Your cheeks are flushed for the same reasons. “And totally not a serial killer.”
“I’m still undecided about you,” you joke, breathing out a laugh. “But I do know that you’re pretty nice, too. And not as bad of a guest as I thought you might be.”
“Is it-” Yoongi cuts himself off, takes a slow breath as he closes his eyes. When he opens them again, he seems determined, if a little nervous. “Is it weird if I say that I enjoy spending time with you? And would, maybe, want to spend more time with you in the future?”
A lazy grin stretches your cheeks as you tuck yourself a little closer to him. It’s peculiar, maybe, that you’ve just met a man that you feel you’ve known your whole life. Curious, perhaps, that conversation with him feels more natural than with most people you know.
But weird?
No, you don’t think so.
“No. Not weird.” You lean forward a bit, shyly; wait for him to maybe do the same. “You do owe me the rest of a Christmas carol, after all.
He does lean forward, just a bit, and just as shy.
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~Christmas with You~
(It’s days after Christmas as usual I haven’t active or slept  properly yet but I’ve been focused on my store lol. I hadn’t been super on my writing game in a hot minute so I decided to write how your partner would treat you during the holidays. This features EVERY single villain I write for from the list located in my bio IN ORDER. Also I apologize if you don’t celebrate Christmas and this doesn’t apply to you. I hope you still had a great holiday anyway, and I love you!)
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~Toga💉-She begins her present shopping early because she wants to find you something that she’s sure you’ll like! Eventually she ends up buying a ton of things, but none of them satisfy her and she’s worried you won’t like any of them even though you will. So finally she settles on making you something instead. She will stay up all night long pushing herself to put together the perfect gift for you and will literally fall apart if you don’t like it. But I’m sure she won’t have to worry about anything like that.
~Dabi🔥-Hates the holidays. He tells you they hold some pretty shitty childhood memories for him and he’s honestly all for avoiding even just the thought of Christmas, but of course he looks at you and that changes. He’s really willing to try and take part in a little holiday cheer just for you even if it’s stupid to him. Call it cheesy, but when he celebrates with you it helps take away from the old bad thoughts. It gives him a chance to replace the bad memories with good ones. So he’ll bake some shitty cookies with you, and poorly wrap presents even if he knows that you know what he got for you. Of course he’s not opposed to a mistletoe kiss or two (or three). You help put the cheer in the holiday for him.
~Overhaul🥀-Hates Christmas. It’s not the holiday, it’s just how many people are buzzing around up until that point. So he gets ALL of his shopping done early. And and all emergencies are to be handled by his men (ex: in case he forgot something on the list). The number one thing he takes super seriously is you seeing your presents. You better hope he doesn’t catch you sneaking around the tree. He will lock you in the bedroom until the day of Christmas itself before he lets you open any of them early...even on Christmas eve
~Shigaraki🤚-Literally wakes you up super early on the morning of just so you can watch a movie with him in a fluffy throw blanket with the hum of his electric heater nearby. He loves this season with you more than any other because he can use the cold weather as an excuse to cuddle with you. “Oh well you know I’m kinda small here so I don’t produce a lot of body heat. You should come closer.” Aside from that, he loves the way you celebrate. You make it up to him for not having a childhood at all. Surprisingly enough, he loves doing all the little things with you.
~Tengai🏳-Doesn’t see a point in the holidays and never really supported it before. Now don’t get me wrong, he’s no scrooge. He would rather spend his time the way he usually did around this time of the year: working at charity spots and donation centers. When you find out he spends every holiday season serving food to people less fortunate it makes your heart soar. So if you have the time to join him, then by all means please do so. Help him spread a little peace this season
~Deidoro🍺-Being someone that knows a LOT about different drinks out there, he has never in his life heard about eggnog. It throws you for a loop at first and you laugh at him as he watches you in confusion. “Wait...you’re being serious about this???” So you have to sit him down, make it for him, and let him try it. I mean, how could he be the one person to not know about this when its alcohol related? Well let’s just say that not only does it stick, but Sakaki has been downing eggnog at the Hassaikai Christmas party all night, and now he’s trying to literally eat you in the bathroom while you’re washing your face. It’s ridiculous
~Nemouto✔-This man is 100% proposing to you on Christmas night after a long date with you. For someone that talks about feelings being pointless, he sure does have a lot of love for you. He pays attention to the details and the moods around him. This time was a boost in your happiness and it signaled the perfect time for him to pop the question to you. Add in all those romantic light attractions, and the snow with the carolers etc. Its free romance that he can ride on and use to his advantage. Catch him getting on one knee in the snow after you two are leaving a light show in the city.
~Setsuno💔-Holidays are depressing to say the least. To him, Christmas and Valentines day were the worst 2 days to be alone out of any day of the year. Well WERE until you came into his life. He stares at you unwrapping presents under the tree while he sips some cocoa and he thinks about how lucky he was that you came into his life. Little moments like these help tie together the ideal that holidays aren’t so bad. Thanks to you, he no longer has to fight back tears of sadness in the dead of night as the snow falls against his window and sticks until it melts. Now he has to fight tears of joy blurring his eyes while you two lounge on the couch and try to get through a holiday movie without falling asleep on each other
~Compress🎭-Will do any and everything with you during this day. I mean he’s going to go all out for you on any day of the year, but this one is a little different. So bring in those matching Santa hats, and roll out the gingerbread house kits. Compress is down for it all. It’s not just for you, but all for the sake of letting loose for once during the year and allowing himself to relax as a civilian instead of a villain on the run. He’d rather spend time building a gingerbread house than trekking through the cold forest with the sounds of sirens in the background getting near. 
~Twice👬-This man gets a new ugly Christmas sweater like every year since 7 years ago. The only difference is now he can celebrate with you and his friends instead of celebrating with himself and his clones, alone somewhere in a storage unit. And yes: he’s the number one person to force the league into a Christmas party because he knows you’ll have fun hanging out with him and everyone else (since usually he keeps you away for protection). He’s also the most likely to make everyone engage in secret Santa with each other. Jin is also the one most likely to burn through Christmas movie marathons like it’s nothing at all to him. He runs on peppermint hot cocoa, and marshmallows so don’t challenge him at all
~Kurogiri☁️-Usually he wouldn’t think twice to celebrate it. It doesn’t bother him, but he’s not really focused on being cheerful when there’s work to be done instead. You have to be the one to help him slow down and enjoy the tiny things here and there. He’ll help you string up lights, decorations, and the tree. Believe me, he does an amazing job on it all because he doesn’t half-ass his work in any kind of way whatsoever. He’s also kinda in love with the Christmas sweater/vest combo you got for him (and he’s secretly wanting to brag about it). He’s not one for the sweets like the ribbon candy, or the candy canes but he’ll blow through holiday food that you cook or order. Most of all, he’s invested in seeing you smile 
~AFO💀-Christmas is just another excuse for him to spoil you. However, you have to step up and let him know it’s more than just gift giving that he needs to do. Where you would love some quality time with him, he’s more about giving you 1,000′s of dollars of gifts and handling work that needs to be done. But who can say no to those eyes of yours huh? (Don’t answer that. Just know he’s not one to deny you). He’s not really into the holidays but he treats it like a big important date night between the two of you. He’ll go above and beyond to ensure things runs smoothly. You’ll have to introduce him to ‘stay at home’ dates for once. If not
~Stain🔪- Isn’t down for it until you mention the tradition that some people go out and chop a real tree. For some odd reason, he’s attached to the idea of chopping a tree down. At first you thought you’d successfully got him into the Christmas spirit, but it just turns out he was eager to use a blade for big business for the first time. Either way, you shrugged it off and rode with it. And boy was that a mistake to make...You were shivering out there. Stain had you in the forest for at least an hour now while he hunted down the perfect tree. You swore to yourself that you’d be getting a fake one next year
~Muscular💪-”Celebrate Christmas? Okay, why tho?” You maybe could convince him by disguising it as a romantic time but he’s not big on romance either. You entice him with gift giving. More importantly the idea of hiding his gifts and not letting him see a single one till Christmas day. THAT is how you get him into the holiday. Be warned though, he’s mostly taking part in the other celebrations because he’s wanting those presents so badly.  
~Mustard☣-You’ll be lucky if you can get him to go Christmas shopping with him, let alone celebrate. No offense against the holiday itself but Mustard doesn’t celebrate ANY day. He doesn’t even like to celebrate his own birthday! He seems to be a bit more bitter around the holidays and the cheer isn’t helping. “C’mon don’t be a scrooooooge!” You poke at his cheek while he’s scrolling through his phone on the couch. “Y/N for the last time, kindly piss off.” He glares at you before turning his attention to his phone again. At this point you’ll either have to risk getting put under from annoying him too much, or you’ll have to find another way to convince him to loosen up. Good luck with it
~Spinner🦎-10/10 best person to spend Christmas with. He’s more into it than you are. As soon as December 1st hits, he’s putting up decorations. In fact, he put up the tree a week before Thanksgiving. The holidays remind him of when he was little and he sat in his mom’s lap while she sewed a Christmas tree quilt. Or when he and his sibling would have snowball fights in the backyard (despite his aversion to cold weather due to his quirk). Shuichi will sit down and write out a holiday movie watch list and watch a different Christmas almost every single day with you if you’d allow it. He’s the first to bake cookies, and the first to start buying gifts early. Most of all, he’s happy to spend this time with you. (Oh be prepared for those walks in the park to admire the Christmas lights)
~Katsukame🗿-Big guy is a lot more cheerful than you know, but he knows nothing about Christmas so you gotta show him all those old fashioned traditions. But please don’t tell him to deck the halls because he will pull a ‘Rappa’ move and punch holes in the hallway walls. Aside from that, he’s pretty open to Christmas cookies, and even decorating. But I have to say he draws the line at singing door to door at people’s houses because he hates to sing. He doesn’t even like to hum lol 
~Rappa👊-Hell yeah he’s gonna spend it with you! The big guy is literally sold on just about anything involving you (well as long as he doesn’t have to wear a stuffy suit for it). His excitement stems mostly from his curiosity. He never had a bad childhood but he still can’t remember much of the holidays back then. So who needs old memories when you can make new ones! At least that’s his reasoning after all lol. 
~Hawks🦅-This guy is the WORST at giving you presents. I mean his gifts are amazing, but he always slips up and tells you what they are too soon. In fact, he will buy you something and ask if you wanna see it within the next five minutes afterward. Its gotten to the point where you have to beg him almost to stop letting wanting you to open stuff. He can’t help it though! Keigo just loves spoiling you, and holidays are the exception where he can go crazy with his saved money.
~Magne🕶-She has this crazy secret collection that she finally busted out once you’ve gotten close enough to you in the relationship. Her secret collection ended up being a MASSIVE set of sweaters (specifically Christmas themed) While she’s beaming proudly about how she has a different sweater for every day in December, your jaw is almost on the floor. “Mag...don’t...don’t these cost like 50 bucks each? How long have you been collecting these?!” Anyway, you should expect an ugly Christmas sweater party with the League at least once this December 
~Tabe🍡-Forget celebrating the other stuff that comes with Christmas, you already know what he’s excited about...All that yummy yummy food!!! Oh God (if it applies) take him to your family (or friends) for Christmas and watch his face as he enters to see that table full of food. Oh man, he’s going to do his best to be respectful but on the inside he wants to destroy all of the food on that table. Oh and don’t worry about the whole baking cookies for Santa because Tabe is most likely going to eat them...and drink the milk too
~Hojo💎-He starts present shopping in late October, early November so that way he has everything he needs to get for you (which is a lot). He hides your presents at the base so you have no idea where to find them. Thanks to the base being an underground labyrinth, you’ll never see those gifts until Christmas eve (just one), and Christmas day (the rest of them). Hojo goes along with whatever you do to celebrate the holidays. He’s just perfect husband material to be honest. Not too rough around the edges, but willing to beat a man to death if his job calls for it. Who knew he’d be the most willing to celebrate the holidays with you.
~Chronostasis🔫-He will literally defy anyone that stood in the way of spending this holiday with you. That includes his own best friend/boss. Overhauls knows this, and he’s comes to respect your relationship so he purposefully doesn’t schedule Hari to work on Christmas (but he still pays him for the full day since he’s still his friend). Hari will absolutely kill anyone that got in the way of your cheer. Even if you were one of those people that believed in Christmas magic, he would support you. The world is tough, and it shows no mercy so little things like joy during the holiday meant a lot more than anyone could know in your household. He loves to see you happy so if that means celebrating with you, then he’s going to do it. Besides...he secretly likes Christmas himself
~Mimic💰-Literally loves to talk about how unnecessary it is while he’s also excited for it as well. Like he’ll talk down about decorating while he’s decorating. If you try to step between him he’s gonna tell you to: “Back off, you’re messing up my artistic flow here. Go sit on the couch. Make yourself useful and unwrap the candy cane boxes for the tree.” You can see by the way he steps back and puts his hands on his hips to admire his handy-work that he’s taken a bit of pride in things here. 
~Pops🇯🇵-The old man will take part in the celebration with you because he absolutely adores both you AND the holiday itself as well. He might mix in a few older traditions like Elf on a Shelf, and making a popcorn line to go around the tree. Most importantly you can look forward to opening one gift early as per tradition on Christmas eve. Pops is thankful every single year he gets to spend with you. 
~Giran👏-Christmas presents from him are on lock. You see he developed this tactic after brainstorming some ideas. He’s always buying you anything and everything but he realizes that it takes away from his Christmas gift pool. To combat this, he decided to cutdown on his generosity in the months of September, October, and November. That way, it’ll give him some time to get you a bunch of stuff on Christmas that you DONT already own. Or at least some stuff you don’t already need. 
~Geten❄-Of course he’s number one at hiding how he feels about you. Or maybe more along the line of being a total Tsundere, but believe me he loves you. If that means celebrating this holiday with you then he’s willing to endure it. His grumpy face is getting harder and harder to hide from you. Sometimes you can just barely catch a glimpse of his content smile while you guys build a snowman together. Wanna have some real fun with him? Challenge him to a snow building competition. With his quirk at play you’ll surely lose no matter what, but isn’t it fun to see him bragging his ass off about how he ran circles around your ‘shitty snow project’? 
~Slice💋-She doesn’t hate the holiday, but she DESPISES the cold weather. A lot of her clothes are shorter and sexier by far. Summer is her number one time of the year. Besides, winter dries her skin out, and she hates being under wraps of a thick jacket etc. She can’t even wear her open toed heels!!! Besides that, she’s down for celebrating indoors if you want to. Christmas movies, hot cocoa, and a few make-out sessions are her forte. That’s the best way to do Christmas in her opinion
~Nine🌪-Bake cookies? Sure. Volunteer at shelters? Absolutely. Hang lights around the house/apartment? Yes baby, anything for you. I mean Nine is a ‘yes’ man all year round, but he’s especially willing to agree to things during this time of year. He’s completely whipped for you and there’s nothing wrong with that. He celebrates however you’d like him to do so. There is just one thing he wants to do that he suggested first and that’s either driving slowly through fancy neighborhoods to see their lights up, or going to a Christmas themed petting zoo and feeding carrots to the reindeer. Let’s say he’s a child at heart during this time of year
~Chimera🐺-Literally sees no purpose in celebrating it at all. He’ll do the stuff you want but he’s going to complain the whole way. The only thing he’s big on is saving up his cash and getting you something. The only thing that matters to him is making you happy during the entirety of your relationship (which he hopes is the rest of your lives together). The rest of the stuff he’s just grumbling and putting up with so he can see your smile. 
~Mummy🥋-Christmas? For what? Well okay then, if you say so. Really doesn’t get the point but hey, why not. He’s got nothing better to do. He’s never really celebrated it, His family never really celebrated it either so he’s a little interested in how you get down for it. His favorite thing he developed was this odd present wrapping competition with you. You should already know how good he is at wrapping things due to his quirk (I’m sure he’s shown you how good he is at binding and wrapping stuff before). Add a little competition into anything and he’s ready to do it. Baking competition, Caroling competition, Decorating competition. He’ll even challenge you to who can cuddle each other better. Whatever floats his boat I guess lol
~Gentle Criminal☕-He wants to travel during the holidays with you and he wants to vlog it all. Only if you’re okay with it of course! If you give him the ‘okay’ then he’s whisking you away somewhere overseas for a more extravagant vacation. He ends up spending so much time with you and having so much fun that he stop recording like 3 days in. His reasoning behind travelling is that snow must be so much more fun elsewhere, so of course the rest of the holidays must be as well. In all reality he just wants to make sure you have a fun Christmas. Travelling during it and experiencing different places and cultures are a fun new way to experience the holiday. 
~La Brava📸-Handy with the tech, but mostly with the camera. She amasses an entire compilation of you throughout the day and she’ll stay up all night stitching it together. The day after Christmas comes and she sits you down on the couch to watch it with her. Honestly she’s the sweetest and most dedicated partner that anyone could ask for. The way she treats you makes you thankful not just for spending Christmas with her, but for spending any day of the year with her. 
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lonelyghosts-stuff · 3 years
Marvel’s What If Episode 7 Reaction
No no this is the opposite of what I wanted. More Loki! Not less!
If they don’t have Thor being an absolute idiot without Loki being his voice of reason I’m gonna be upset
Wait what the hell I saw Seth Green in the opening credits lmao??? Now I’m just thinking about Chris Griffin
Wow they got Jane back too
Soooo how do they know about aliens?
“HOLY MOLY” lmao
Hey thor my life isn’t that dull… okay fine that’s a lie
Sooo Thor is a frat boy?
Soooo in this world, Odin was a good dude and didn’t kidnap Loki and gave him back to Laufey? (Didnt Laufey abandon him tho since he was too small? I guess in this universe they simply… lost their prince? Lmao?)
Thor didn’t have Loki as his voice of reason I called it.
Night night Odin
Lmao Chad Frigga dipping Odin as soon as he’s asleep
I wonder if they got Idris Elba back for Heimdall?
“We are going to the most backward, backwater planet that not even Heimdall pays attention to.” D,: Thor why you gotta do me dirty like that???
Chris Hemsworth is definitely a better voice actor than some others
Oh yo it be Skurge
Darcy into probing huh?
(Romantic Music Playing) lmao
Man I love Darcy
Poor Howard the Duck lmao (oh yea that’s Seth green)
Skrulls huh
Honestly surprised Thor knows all of these planets. Including the grandmaster??? In the sacred timeline he didn’t even know Sakaar existed.
Wait so, are the Asgardians on good terms with Jotunheim then? If so, I wanna see party loki. Or maybe he’s too reserved for that. I wonder how Laufey raised him? IF WE DONT SEE JOTUN LOKI IM GONNA RIOT
Thor destroyed a star. That sounds about right
“Now that was an excellent party. You know, we lost Fandral for three days. Found him in a barn, curled up next to a baby goat. It was classic. Isn’t that right, Fandral?” “I NAMED HIM GARY!” “Yeah, you did.” “YEA GOATS!” Okay. Screw everyone else in the MCU. I love Fandral now. He’s the GOAT, pun intended
Oh not a star, he killed a whole planet.
I thought Asgardians were supposed to be more advanced than earth but making a tablet is so complicated?
Howard and Darcy was not a pair I thought expected
Yo it’s nebula and korg? So where’s Thanos? How is nebula allowed to go partying with Thanos looking for the infinity stones?
Drax too? Isn’t he in prison? And then Valkyrie? Seems like a lot more than just Thor being an only child is different in this universe. Most of these dudes should hypothetically be in prison or on super serious missions. And I just thought, isn’t Howard the duck imprisoned by the Collector? What’s the timeline for this?
Aaaaaand Jane and Thor got magic and science tattoos. Mighty fast character progression.
Oh? Hookups? That took a turn.
Awwwww Fandral snuggling with a bunch of Chinchilla looking animals <3
Unknown caller?
Dammit Rumlow
Acting director??? What happened to Nick???
Damn everyone crashed at Jane’s
I mean, didn’t seem like too much of a threat
Lmao the world isn’t gonna be destroyed by parties?
Oh Carol Danvers?
Okay so…. Lemme get this straight..
Loki and an army of aliens attacking the world? Shield: “nah not a threat.” Robot with robot army threatening to destroy the whole planet “nah Carol has better things to do.” A partying dude from space with no ill intent but just doesn’t seem to understand consequences? “CALL CAPTAIN MARVEL WE NEED HER!!!” Yea okay Shield
Thor loves waffles
See everything would be better without Odin’s interference.
(That’s what she said)
“You’re my brother form another mother man.” YOOOOOO
Loki just sang “Brothers foreveeeeerrrrr!” I can’t—
Aaaaaand fart jokes… “did you boom?” “I never boom. I only boom in private.” Dammit marvel I hoped you were better than this.
White snake? Lmao where did she get that name lol.
What’s wrong with a party tho? Is this really top priority? Yea they destroyed another planet, but you never explained how
Why doesn’t she sound like Brie Larson? She’s still acting for Marvel Studios so it’s interesting they couldn’t get her for it… unless it is her and I just can’t remember how her voice sounds
Was that punch really necessary? Dude wasn’t posing a threat to anyone.
“You know, there’s a Midgardian word for women like you.” THOR NO—
“PARTY POOPER!” Oh thank God
“This ones for fury” but it wasn’t even Thor that hit him? It was korg and on accident! Cmon carol, I had hoped you’d be smarter than this and more reasonable. Not resorting to violence when nothing has even escalated…
Haha hammer to the face
And the back of the head lmao
Dammit Thor
Lmao I love that the countries have their names on them.
Okay just stay and fight here away from civilian population
Marvel really giving us what we want with the most powerful characters fighting
Mary Sue Captain Marvel
Her lipstick has stayed perfect somehow
Fighting in a storm eh? Can’t see how this could go wrong
Haha hammer timeout
Lmao I wanna see Frigga put Thor in a timeout
They’re chanting pooper at her. Is this elementary school again?
Bruh I just realized, Thor is supposed to be acting king while Odin is in Odin sleep lmao. I bet Asgard is going to either be in the best peace ever without Thor or utterly destroyed.
Leave south and north Dakota alone lol
Lmao I love Darcy
Wow Jane used the L word fast
Kicking Jane out of the helicarrier? Yea smart move kicking off the person who actually knows anything about this albeit she is a little blinded by love
Giant Loki holding a tiny phone
BAHAHAAHAHA “hey earth girl, you haven’t got a friend, have you!” YES LOKI ITS ME. MARRY ME
Stop throwing phones lmao
There goes the power grid
Lmao there he goes
Bout time Heimdall popped in
Aaaaaand Jane got abducted by heimdall
Seeing as Heimdall hasn’t said anything, I’m assuming they didn’t get Idris back lol.
How is shield so chill on murdering Thor? Yes he’s destructive but they’re resorting to killing him so fast instead of talking to him! No one has even told him he’s putting the planet at risk! Dudes too dumb to know on his own!
Damn Maria Hill I had higher hopes for you
Lying Thor
Okay so shield trusts Frigga to help, but still irks me that shield was so trigger/nuke happy… seems the opposite of what we’ve seen of them (ugh just gotta ignore it and chock it up to this being an alternate reality)
Ew Drax
Loki calling the other jotuns “ice bros” lmao
It’s also mantis and Yondu!!
wait how did grandmaster just teleport away like the bifrost?
Nice going thor. You big hunky dummy
“MY MOTHER IS COMING.” Good lord is this high school now lmao???
How do they all know Frigga and why are they all afraid?
Damn the bifrost takes a lot longer than I would have expected
No no Thor the tower of pisa is meant to be tilted—oh whatever
Wait, but I don’t see loki helping, is he gonna be up to something last minute to ruin Thor’s cover up lmao?
I don’t believe Frigga would be tricked this easily lmao
Thor you are such a bad liar
Lmao here comes carol
Hahaha how did mjolnir get so trashed
Wow thor is so much taller than Jane
Wow this Jane and Thor seem to have more chemistry than the sacred timeline version ever did
Wait I want resolve for Loki!!
Uh oh
No resolution for that??? Well then. Rip this universe too lmao
Damn I wanted more Loki
There better be a Loki centric episode sometime. If they didn’t it’d a huge missed opportunity from marvel
Okay yea looking at the credits, Carol Danvers wasn’t played by Brie Larson but a lady named Alexandra Daniels. Odd they didn’t get Brie Larson.
Probably my favorite episode so far even with how absurd it was. A lot more upbeat than the past few ones with a better resolve to the story imo.
Also, if anyone can provide me of screenshots of Loki from this episode I would be very grateful
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