skumhuu · 11 months
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✨👑 Throne 👑✨ pages 5-6
< • >
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oriixxc · 3 months
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stuckinnet · 1 year
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silver fox era
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alexis-royce · 10 months
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My murder mystery game is out on Steam! It's like Clue meets Ace Attorney, if there were creeping monsters hiding in everyone's pockets.
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The game is completely free, and won't keep you for longer than 2-3 hours, so it's perfect for a cozy evening in, or a session streaming with friends!
Download it over here!
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leclercari · 6 months
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Zendaya, Josh O’Connor and Mike Faist at the Challengers premiere in Sydney, Australia
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mferret9 · 1 month
Finally posting some Helluva art!
As may be obvious from my recent reblogs, I have fallen HARD for the sad gay owl demon and his pint sized disaster lizard (and Helluva Boss in general, lets be real). I've been drawing a lot these past few weeks and figured I might as well give in and start sharing some stuff, since this obsession is clearly not going anywhere anytime soon!
Anyway, here is my very first sketch page from several weeks ago, including some close ups and a few of the doodles I cleaned up!
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skaradupa · 28 days
playing hetaoni in 2024
@cookies-hetaoni thanks for your hard work on this, we had a blast
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lynzishell · 4 months
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Prev // Next
Transcript below the cut:
Asher: Is that everything? Atlas: Yeah, I think so.
Alexander: Lex, it’s good to see you. Lex: Hey pops, how are you? Alexander: I’m good, good. How are you? Lex: Oh, I’m fantastic. Where’s your son at? I need to— Aha, there he is!  
Lex: ASH!!! Asher: Holy shit, look at you!! Lex: Me? Look at you!! Asher: Ahh
Julian: Hey kid, I’m told we’re supposed to start heading outside. Phoenix: Okay, we’re just about ready. Thank you so much for doing this for us. Julian: Oh, I’m honored. I’m so happy for you two.  
Iris: Dawn? Just wanted to let you know, the guests have all arrived and are taking their seats outside. We’ll be ready to start soon. Dawn: Oh goodness. Okay, thank you. Megan: I better head down. Unless you want me to stay. Dawn: No, no, I’m good. Will you tell Atlas to wait for me? Megan: Of course.
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the-carlos-cow-eyes · 5 months
Sick Day At Camp Part 2
( Closed Rp With @barclaysangel <3 )
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*It had been a few days since the whole flu epidemic had started at Camp Half-Blood. Javi was one of the very first demigods to get sick and he got the worst of It. Luckily, he had been taken care of by Clarisse and with some help from Luke, who had gotten sick himself. A lot had happened over the course of the first twenty-four hours, most of It consisted of Clarisse finally breaking down over all of the pressure she was always under. Now, she seemed a bit more at ease, but that was about to change. The favorite daughter of Ares was about to get her first wave of the flu that had been going around camp and It was about to be Javi's turn to take care of her*
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the-stars-were-his · 15 days
rare - @padfootmicrofics - 112 words
it was rare for sirius black to show his true emotions, if you asked the people around him.
it was rare for sirius to snap, to give in to all the pressure around him.
it was rare for sirius to let himself cry, to "let it all out".
but they didn't know.
they didn't know.
that it wasn't rare for sirius to want to boil over in rage, to scream and shout and yell.
that it wasn't rare for sirius to just want to react, to break something, to hurt someone.
that it wasn't rare to bottle up all his emotions.
to put on a mask.
to be "carefree".
to be "happy".
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chknbzkt · 10 months
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Hey guys I got comms open, wanna buy one? Here’s your chance 🏃🏽‍♀️ 💨
Get the good here: https://ko-fi.com/chknbzkt
Alternatively, my DMs are open at all times so, get in line!
My Gmail is [email protected] as well!
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preacherboyd · 2 years
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House M.D. | 2x01 Acceptance
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ktempestbradford · 21 days
The Bell Riots have started.
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jtl07 · 1 month
boat + “I believe you” :0?
heyhey! here's two short ones to start us off, some fluff and uh, not fluff 👀
variation 1
"i'm serious, Bea!"
Beatrice can't help how her face, her whole body responds to Ava's earnestness, here in the sun, in the middle of the lake, Ava at the edge of the rowboat Beatrice is doing her very best to row and keep upright as Ava excitedly points at the duck that apparently had quacked her name.
Ava, however, pouts at Beatrice's reaction. "it really did, Bea, you gotta believe me." and Beatrice can't help but take the moment to take Ava in: her joy, her rolled up dungarees, the smile always at the edge of her mouth.
Beatrice releases an oar, brushes her fingers against Ava's cheek and feels that smile start to follow. sighs into the simplicity of the feeling - the curve of Ava's cheek in her palm, the cool summer breeze, the warm adoration in Ava's eyes - and lets her heart speak.
"i believe you, Ava."
it's said in the same cadence as three other words, and has the same effect as Ava launches herself at Beatrice, who laughs and catches her, as always.
variation 2
'bigger is better,' Ava thinks -
(and she knows she shouldn't compare but she can't help it, not when everything is so much bigger here, now: the ferry was tiny compared to the cruise ship, the closet worlds smaller compared to the suite Beatrice had booked for this trip, and JC, bless him, was nothing compared to the strap Beatrice is fucking into Ava as she gasps and moans and clasps tightly onto the railing of their private balcony)
- as she comes, the sun on her shoulders and the sea and the sky in her lungs. she doesn't realize she'd spoken aloud until Beatrice laughs softly against the back of her neck, lips pressing into the soft skin as she murmurs, "i believe you" and starts again.
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wexhappyxfew · 7 months
sweet-talking silver bullets
I in fact have never been normal about anything ever so enjoy a hodgepodge of MOTA OCs I've developed just because. You might've met Annie Bradshaw (who was Annie Chattaway) in another prompt request a few weeks back, but I wanted to do some more with her....and then I gave her a new position, changed her last name, and added an intriguing plot for some ideas, so....enjoy the introduction to some of the crew of Silver Bullets, and Annie, who is trying to navigate a crew who is suffering from a heavy loss, plus some John-squared (Egan and Brady)!
"You must be the new LT, huh?" a voice said from her left; turning sharply to her right, she noticed a woman sat at the bar, a cigarette hanging from her lip, and sad, downturned eyes staring at a piece of paper in front of her. Annie looked around briefly, slightly confused by the sudden addressing of herself, but then nodded - the woman couldn't see it evidently but it was out of habit - and stepped forward.
"Lieutenant Annie Bradshaw, just in from Fort Des Moines," Annie said, outstretching a hand forward to the woman, who glanced up from the piece of paper and then quickly shook her hand before turning and looking away again, "I'm-"
"Sorry for your loss." the woman said, glancing her way, "Yeah, we've gotten that quite a lot."
Annie went quiet and shut her eyes for a moment. She sucked in a deep breath before clearing her throat.
"You must be….?" Annie started, trying to see if this woman was who she thought she was.
"Francis Montez," she said with a nod, "Lieutenant. I was Faulkner's copilot."
"From what I heard, you landed the plane beautifully," Annie said with a firm tone, "it was brave of you to do." Montez glanced at her and pulled the cigarette from her lip.
"I didn't have a choice now, did I?" Montez muttered, before folding the paper and standing to her rather tall height and blowing smoke from her lips, "The rest of the girls are around. You'll meet 'em all soon enough." And with that, Montez was wavering away, disappearing between the folds of men in uniform and Clubmobile ladies. Annie remembered seeing the article - the day the 100th lost Captain Birdie Faulkner, the day her 2nd Lieutenant Francis Montez risked every inch of herself to get her, the plane and the crew to safety. The day she got the call to report to Thorpe Abbotts. Annie slowly leaned up against the bar and let out a breath.
"Lieutenant….uh….Bradshaw?" Annie looked up and found a shorter woman, with bright, blue eyes and beautifully curled, blonde hair stood in front of her, lips painted a deep cherry red, a careening smile on her face, "Margie Harlowe, put her there." Margie had her hand stretched out in front of her to shake, pristine uniform on point for all to see, and those bright eyes to match. Annie offered a pinprick of a smile and nodded, shaking her hand firmly before putting her hands in the pockets of the jacket over her own uniform.
"Real name's Marjorie, but…I don't know, Margie became easier to yell through comms thousands of feet in the air." she said with a growing grin, "Really a pleasure that you're here. I know Harding's been trying to get another one of you pilots in for days now. Scrambling and all."
"It's a pleasure to be here," Annie said quickly, her nerves bubbling over at the worst of times, before recognizing her manners, "Lieutenant Annie Bradshaw. Just in from Fort Des Moines, hopped one of the newer birds to get over here as quick as I could." Margie let out a barking laugh and crossed her arms, throwing her head back like it were the best joke in the world.
"Fort Des Moines, you say that funny, where you from?" Margie asked her and then held up her hands dramatically from her chest, "No, wait….let me guess. New England…..maybe Vermont." Margie seemed to understand the look in Annie's eyes and shook her head.
"Nah, gotta be midwest, you're sweet as peaches." she said, "Iowa?"
"Minnesota. Mankato." Annie offered with an attempt at a smile.
"Ah! You must've heard - Major Egan, he's a Wisconsin guy. 's a wonder that he's so chatty." Annie laughed at her words, "I assume you've met him then?"
"Out on the tarmac. Showed me the mess hall. Well….officers' club." Annie said and Margie seemed to get a kick out of that and nodded.
"Yeah, he's real sweet until you gotta start having to actually sweet-talk him." Margie said, noticing Annie's gaze again, "Don't ask." Annie smirked.
"So, you met Silver Bullets yet? She's a beaut." Margie said, with a gleam in her eyes, "Flies faster than you can bet on her with." Something passed over Annie's eyes and Margie seemed to notice it, the smile crinkling the slightest bit. Silver Bullets. The B-17 that Captain Faulkner had piloted on various missions and had died in as well.
The B-17 awaiting its newest pilot.
"Nah, not yet." Annie said, "Met Lieutenant Montez though…..said I'd find you all around here."
"Yeah, Monty, she's….she's not doing great. Well, after everything," Margie said with a half-hearted smile that looked more like a depleted frown, "she had to get the thing on the ground with Birdie's body next to her." Annie watched as Margie sighed and shut her eyes and seemed to shutter.
"We're really glad you're here," Margie said quietly, looking up at Annie, "It's been…..weird, without Birdie here. Everyone trusted Birdie, all the other pilots, Operations…..her being gone, I don't know….they don't like the thought of us going up with just anyone." The words 'just anyone' seemed to strike something deep inside of Annie as she stood there against the bar and she nodded. Just anyone, she thought to herself.
"I intend to prove our worth here," Annie said quietly, "you, me, the whole crew. Silver Bullets." Margie smiled at her and nodded.
"Really, though, we're glad you're here, ma'am." Annie did feel her nerves settle for a moment as she stood there, just hearing Margie's words directed at her with consolation and comfort all at once.
"Lieutenant 'No Name' Bradshaw," a incredibly distinct voice said from over her shoulder, Margie's eyes darting upwards and Annie slowly following her line of sight, "can't believe you actually came." Major Egan grinned.
"We were just talking about you, sir!" Margie exclaimed, jumping in with wide eyes, "Just near about summoned you like you were God."
"Don't inflate his ego," muttered a brunette coming in from Major Egan's side, "it's bursting the bubbles at this point." Annie looked to Major Egan.
"Captain Brady invited me." she offered towards him and he raised a surprised brow.
"Oh leave her alone, sir," Margie said with a scolding, but playful look, "just because you can pull all that sweet-talking with Farley here-"
"Hey." grumbled the woman - her assumption that it was Farley was evident.
"Don't go pulling it with Bradshaw alright, she could probably take you out swinging, sir." managed Margie and Major Egan chuckled.
"Dancing? Oh I'd love to." he said, with a nod, "Want to give me a spin, No Name?"
"Leave her alone," Farley said from beside Major Egan, "Kennedy Farley, gunner on Silver Bullets."
"Pleasure to meet you." Annie said with a quick smile, before noticing Major Egan was watching her again, "Is Captain Brady here, sir? I meant to go thank him."
"He's somewhere," Kennedy offered instead, "but don't mind him-" she swiftly pointed to Major Egan who was grinning as proud as he could, "-this is just Major John Egan for you." Quite the sentiment and statement about a Major in the 100th.
"Lieutenant Bradshaw," Annie turned from Major Egan, Margie and Kennedy and found Captain Brady there, removing the peak cap and tucking it under his armpit, before sticking out a hand, in what she assumed as a friendly reintroduction.
"Well, No Name, seems he came right to you," Major Egan said with a chuckle, as Annie reached forward and shook Captain Brady's hand firmly. He raised his brow and Annie felt her cheeks burn.
"I meant to thank you," she said quickly, crossing her arms, and smiling up at him, "for inviting me. I was going to look for you." Brady smiled, his eyes lingering on her for a few seconds longer than warranted, before he looked behind her.
"Not giving the 100th's newest pilot too much trouble, huh?" he asked, seemingly to mainly look at Major Egan, who, when she glanced over her shoulder, smirked proudly and gave a bow.
"Wouldn't dream of it," he offered, as Brady stepped to her side, with a smile.
"C'mon, let's get you a drink."
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prtygetsmewetta · 4 months
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First time in the air for my kiddos 🥺🌅✈️
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