#had a therapy appointment today and had thoughts I needed to get out so idk
chasing-rabbits · 1 year
Long post putting under read more I’m actually doing good and my therapy session was good. But I still sometimes have a lot of thoughts about my trauma and trying to deal with conflicting emotions but I’m hopeful and that’s a beautiful thing when you’ve not seen the light of day in well ever really. There was never a ‘before’ that’s what CPTSD is though, right? Never a before because it starts in childhood that’s what distinguishes it from PTSD & why its considered ‘complex’ anyways I’ll get my after, I feel confident about that now or for at least today those bpd feels right chronically unstable I’ll take this for now at least.
Recovery is an odd thing sometimes it seems better not to because confronting the shit that you tried so hard to bury seems so much more scary and painful and honestly it fucking is. Ever since starting EMDR therapy I have had more intrusive thoughts more panic attacks my CPTSD has been markedly worse and is triggered so much easier but IF I can make it through this there’s a good chance it’ll improve my quality of life so I’ve gotta hurt so much more and purposely put myself back into things so bad that little me locked them away because otherwise it’ll always have control over me and I can’t have a good life living that way. EMDR is so different to any other therapy it’s very different and very odd at first but the more I do it the more I think I’m getting it. A lot of the time I feel like I just want to stop that I’ve got too much else going on too much stress that doing the EMDR is too much to add on top of it. I think I would always feel that way though because half the shit stressing me out is caused by my trauma its circular really. It’s taken a lot for me to realise I’m not the problem that was the hardest thing I think recognising that no matter how I change and contort myself I’ll never do anything ‘right’ because when he gets angry there is no right he just wants to take it out on someone anyone in his sight and for whatever reason he loves to pick me I’m an ‘easy’ target I guess. It’s hard to reconcile that because a parent’s meant to love and it’s hard to not be angry once you have this clarity because now it’s so much simpler I was a verbal punching bag and I have crippling mental health issues because of it. It’s hard not to be angry about that you know. Knowing you’ll have lifelong struggles with mental health because your own father couldn’t just love you and to this day still sometimes will treat me like absolute shit and it’s not just that easy to cut him out for a variety of reasons. You know when I started this post it wasn’t going to be a sad one thinking about my trauma. I was feeling positive about therapy and where it’s going, I’m not sad though just got a lot on my mind like usual after sessions.
Me and my therapist talked about that today about the two good weeks I had before it dipped again and what it’s like to be hopeful. It’s nice that’s what it is. Nice to imagine a life where my CPTSD & BPD could improve where I could feel in control of my life again oh and she says the anger is a positive thing in the sense of the CPTSD like I guess there’s stages you move through when dealing with trauma & being angry is a good thing like not a ‘good’ thing but it’s a good sign I guess with regards to getting better. Anyways Idk what the point of this was mixed feelings I guess?
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regular-lord-reckoner · 5 months
it is spring time and appropriately, i have been a very busy bee !!
i'm on much needed pto and it is wonderful. i somehow managed to get completely caught up on all my work before i left so i'm not stressed about when i go back next week
i've mostly been sleeping a lot which i desperately needed and i've been doing a lot of things i've meant to for a while now
namely scheduling doctors appointments and updating my insurance everywhere i need to and that sort of shit, plus some legal stuff my mom and i are doing for some of my dad's stuff.
since monday i also started finally working on my closet again. i had to stop last time and toss everything back in there because...yeah, but now that i can spread some things out again i've made a lot of progress so far
every day i go in with the goal of getting out at least one bag of stuff to throw away and i've also moved out a bunch of clothes i'll need to sort through and a few other things i might be able to give away
feel like i can actually breathe in there again so that's nice. needed that. i'll probably work on it some more over the next two days and then take a break but it should be a lot easier now that i've really gotten the ball rolling to finish it up and fingers fucking crossed this time it'll be all done by the fall where it can just be my nice closet again and i can actually find things !!
i also finally went to get my oil changed today and fortunately there were no other problems so that went smoothly !! i got it washed, too (not that it matters now because it's pouring rain outside now lol) and i stopped to get my mom a birthday card and a gift bag for her present since her birthday is on monday !!
other than all of that i'm just trying to take it easy and unwind. trying to still rest a lot and not push myself too hard or do anything i don't feel up to.
for the past, mmm, i dunno, while i've just been full of piss and vinegar if that wasn't evident so i've tried to just be real quiet and keep to myself until i can feel less overwhelmed.
i'm still in that time out corner for now but i'm starting to feel a lot better so that's something! i've been doing a lot of cleaning lately as well (i did my bathroom on monday and will be doing laundry all throughout the week as week as well as the usual dishes and garbage duty) so that usually helps me feel a bit better.
it's also very cathartic just...throwing a bunch of shit away !! and having more space !! yay !!
oh, i also finally had therapy again after like...a month and i'm not sure yet what my new insurance situation will look like, but i think we're all happy to be done with my old insurance (she was telling me about something weird they did that i just...cannot fathom (something about mailing her a paper credit card that no one would accept ?? idk), but oh well, good riddance !!) and i'm slowly but surely working on paying her back !!
lastly, i tried a new coffee place today because i'm still trying to figure out which local coffee spot will be my new favorite now that i no longer haunt starbucks or dunkin and i went to this new one today and i....i definitely ordered a chai...a 32 oz one at that because why not, i love chai.... whatever they gave me definitely was not chai.
i'm not sure what it is exactly, but it's definitely got coffee in it and i thought at first maybe it was a dirty chai but no. and it's no big deal, i took it and just drove on but what's baffling to me is i was the only customer at that time.
nobody in front of me, no one behind me and maybe they were doing a mobile order or something but i had to sit there for a few minutes while they made it and it was...not at all what i was expecting, but also not bad !! haven't had an iced coffee in a minute so i'll take it !! (they also put a little chocolate covered espresso bean on the top which was very good)
anyway, i thought that was kinda funny. i've also finished all my chores and errands for the day now so i might take a nap or i might read or who knows what i might do, i actually have time to myself !!!!
just wanted to give a little update since for once it isn't me just bitchin' about things XD
hope if you're reading this that you're doing well and i'll be back to being a human (or as close to it as i get) ....sometime !! <3
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loulines · 1 year
I got my anniversaries mixed up.
Not that it matters. The thing on June 21st was something I confessed to someone which started a series of things that made me end up in therapy. Still ironic.
My fandom anniversary is about a week later. Can't really remember when exactly anymore.
Again, it doesn't matter.
I survived my first ever therapy session, that's what matters.
Normally I wouldn't write about it, in fact I haven't really felt like talking about the details for the couple of days, not even to my friends. My family doesn't even know I went there.
The only reason why I want to publicly speak about it is because I know there are many people like me who are struggling and on the verge of breaking apart, but they're too afraid to start therapy, or procrastination and executive dysfunction are kicking their ass. I can only hope to inspire at least one person.
I'd rather not talk about how I even got to that point aside from the thing I mentioned earlier because this should stay private. But it was that and also years of other unfortunate events that shaped me into the miserable wreck I am today.
I've been considering starting therapy when things were still somewhat "not great not terrible", but since I was terrified of talking to anyone, I did everything I could to not find a specialist.
Then, when I actually seriously considered getting the appointment, I have already done things I was even more scared to talk about with a stranger because therapist or not, the last thing I needed was to have someone confirm that I did morally wrong and unforgivable things...
And of course living in a hell of a homophobic country doesn't help either.
Hundreds of mental breakdowns later, and buckets of tears I've cried, my irl friend told me that I should really look for someone to help me. My first reaction was of course, "no way I will do it," but then she told me that she's looking for a therapist herself too. And she told me about her ways to look for someone.
So eventually I spent some time on research, wrote down some names and then left it like that without making an appointment.
It was fine. I did the first step anyway and that was what mattered. A few days later I was getting out of another meltdown and then I just... I grabbed my ipad, went back to the list and made an appointment with the therapist that "seemed" to be the best for me.
And that was it.
I almost started crying while I was signing up because it felt like I was making a life changing decision. And idk... Maybe because I finally agreed with myself to get the professional help I've been avoiding so much in the past.
On the day of the appointment I was stressed AF but it hit the catalyst 15 minutes before. I thought I would pass out and I don't know if it was my nerves or the heatwave or both.
And then it happened. Again, I don't want to share any details. Some things got clearer right away and made me feel calm now, the rest is still confusing. I definitely need more sessions. I might attend them feeling less stressed though. Hopefully.
I don't want to draw any conclusions now. I don't want to examine myself in search of finding immediate changes in me and my POV... That's gonna take a while and just because I've been feeling slightly better for a few days and not s**c*d*l (as usual) doesn't mean I'm already fixed. I'm not. I'm still beyond broken and more than confused.
Tbh I know absolutely nothing about mental health. All the attempts at trying to understand what is happening to me or others were only making things worse. I used to think I can DIY my own therapy without stepping out of my comfort zone. I cannot.
Had I started therapy earlier, say 8 months earlier, maybe I would be in a very different situation right now. And the people that were affected by my mental fuck up would be as well. Maybe things would be so much better now. I will never know. Time can't go in reverse, what's done is done. The only thing I can do now is to trust a specialist and hope I chose the right one.
And wait.
For days, weeks, months, maybe years...
Until life is good again.
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livseses · 8 months
Fuck, shit, as well as damn it ("blast it all to the lower depths" as Ny would say). Idk if we posted this nonsense already. But fuck it. Gonna post it anyways.
Fucking ha even
So we got
(Pt: So we got DID)
We found out from our therapist the other day that she had updated our diagnosis. She went on leave for a few months, and we had a wonderful substitute therapist who had experience treating DID. After she had gotten back she consulted with said substitute and they both agreed that our symptoms matched up more with DID than OSDD-1.
We were fine with this, and she explicitly said that it was due to the memory issues. When we walked through the DES and diagnostic criteria, we didn't think our memory was "beyond normal forgetting". 8-9 months later, and a fresh set of eyes on us, and she got enough of a picture to check that box.
The only real complaint is that we don't know when we would have found this out, because it had come up from an unrelated conversation. But we've come to trust her well enough to believe that it was a simple mistake and not something more abusive of her authority.
But it's left us in a funny place. We've always thought our memory was shit, but not that shit. ADHD working memory out the door, and SDAM tossing the video feeds into the garbage. Nothing dissociative for the most part. Just weird brain quirks with memory.
But after getting hit with this, it's been, like I said, kinda funny feeling. Hell, read the first paragraph. We had agreed yesterday to pick my girlfriend up from work today, and didn't remember that until after the missed calls. That kinda shook us.
We've had missing days a plenty. Times where we were jazzed by the realization that Friday was one (1) day closer than we thought. Times where we were the opposite of jazzed because we missed a class (or a fucking final exam) because we thought we had another day left in the week.
We don't remember more than a handful of experiences from before college, and they dwindle the further back we go. But we know the facts. This kid with our deadname did/said/experienced X, Y, or Z. That kind of stuff. That's always been our memory. That's always been "normal forgetting".
Appointments, obligations, scheduled tasks. They all get missed until we can't do anything about them. We rely on routine. Therapy a 4 pm on Tuesdays. Oh it's at 3? Or on Monday? Guess we're not going. Need to call the doctor during business hours. But it's the weekend so we can't. Oh now it's the evening so we can't. Whoopsie, it's Saturday again and we need to call the doctor during business hours. Oh and file those papers before the kidos arrive at preschool. Gotta remember to file those papers. But it's time to prep for class and all the prep is done so we're incredibly bored and twiddling our thumbs. Kiddos are here but FUCK forgot to file the papers. Maybe after class? Oh yeah, all the tables are clean and nothing else to do but head home so that we can scream and panic because we need to file those papers in the morning before the kiddos get to class.
I don't recall telling this story before. Wait no, the bored look in your eyes reminds me that I saw that look last time I told you this story again.
It's strange and surreal right now to hammer home that yeah, this isn't "normal forgetting". Fuck I remember thinking that maybe the ADHD memory poo would count enough for criterion B. How much does our memory suck and we've just compensated hard? How much do we forget that we forget?
There's something important I need to stress btw. All of this ramble, all of these memory issues, all of this forgetting and amnesia? All of it is irrespective of switches and headmates (save maybe the lost days). DID and plural memory issues almost always treat forgetting as something done between members. It's so frequently held that the memory is held by someone else.
While that's true in many cases, it's absolutely not universal. Our Dx comes from our recurrent gaps in our recall that's not consistent with ordinary forgetting. Not an inability to recall the memories of other headmates. Hell our most recent experience with that was when Ny agreed to pick up my gf, and she forgot; we all forgot.
Maybe that's a nitpick. Maybe I'm being particular. Maybe I'm annoyed. I don't know that our treatment would be any different if we kept OSDD-1 under the notion that DID required intra-idenity amnesia.
But yeah memory is fuck. Ramble is done. I hope this isn't something we posted yesterday or something. But if it is, that's pretty fucking funny to us.
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fractallogic · 26 days
Today I had an ANNOYING day at work because I felt very stupid and spent WAY too much time on a stupid troubleshooting task, and then (probably) because I was rushing to finish a task for one of the engineers, they were like “uhhhhhhhh are you SURE you actually did the thing” and I’m like GOD WELL IM 33 YEARS OLD WITH A FUCKING PHD you don’t need to talk down to me like that
And then I decide to try the sub at yoga because she was there for the second week in a row and my joints HURT and maybe it’s from not doing yoga enough, but she was very medium and felt very new, so she had potential but only if this studio has a robust practice of other instructors taking classes and giving feedback (which at least for the Monday night, Saturday morning, and Sunday evening classes, it definitely does not)
So then I thought about trying to get hired as a sub at this studio, but I think they want everyone to be RYT certified and I ABSOLUTELY let my certification lapse sometime in LBG because that studio owner didn’t care (reasonable tbh, she was like all I can tell is it’s basically a cash grab for them and RYT-certified vs non-RYT-certified instructors aren’t any different except for who can afford it and who can’t), and idk I don’t know if I really want to go through the work of bringing my certification back up to date when it’s not going to be my ~CaReEr~, you know
And then I came home and I was STARVING and I just wanted to be left alone for several hours to eat my dinner and fucking go back to work, but, you know, scone lives with me now, so that didn’t happen, and that made me remember that I need to get therapy appointments set up, and who tf has time and energy to teach yoga, even as a sub, when I clearly need to have more therapy instead so that I can like, be in a happy relationship with my partner who insists on doing dumb shit like a keto diet and wanting to fight me on topics like “keto cured their cancer” “they don’t know that in this self-published book from what looks like 2004 with WIKIPEDIA REFERENCES jfc, all they can see is a correlation” “…but they SAID…”
And then I had to go to work and that was nice, actually, because I could make some pivot tables and Google sheets formulas and feel smart and say “this is my recommendation” in time for the more senior, customer-facing person to do some kind of reporting to the customer in her morning eastern time tomorrow
And I ate a crappy brownie that came with my lunch (because for $10, it was cheaper to get my JJ’s meal deal with one of everything than say “no dessert please because they have all sucked except for the one cookie you ran from June through July 4th”) and watched TV and went fuck, I need to go to bed AND ALSO FINISH THE FUCKING BOOK CLUB BOOK for the book club I’M leading with MY book suggestion during lunch tomorrow UGH
Today was just so fucking irritating. I don’t like feeling stupid. I don’t like it when men talk down to me. I don’t like being annoyed by scone. I don’t like it when yoga teachers are just meh at their job.
At least I have my business trip plane tickets and hotel booked for Dallas next week, and I am VERY much looking forward to getting ALL of my skin scrubbed off at the K-spa in Dallas (and hopefully a massage too—I should make my way out of the K-spa at 5-5:30, and if I have to stay for the work thing ending at 2, well…) afterward before I get on the plane back home as a treat
I am really hanging onto my grumpiness by my fingernails and it is really, really fighting me to get free and wreak havoc
BUT HEY it’ll be DIFFERENT tomorrow at least (I hope)
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moidse · 5 months
So I had my first intake therapy appointment, first time trying to go to therapy since like 2019, not counting going for top surgery. But I was very nervous the whole time and feel nervous after and it sucks.
I mean I don’t recall being asked so many intake questions which was stressful cuz I don’t want this person judging me. Idk just the thought of opening up and talking about some of the issues I’m interested in talking about stresses me out. I don’t want to feel judged. I guess my therapist saying they do a lot with religion and spirituality did trigger me a little bit. I have a lot of religious trauma and trust issues with people who are very religious. So, I’m curious what they mean by they are very religious/spiritual and also what are their experiences if they have any, working with queer/trans folks.
I guess I just left the appointment feeling like there is no way I can imagine opening up to this girl about the intimate trans sexual thoughts I really feel like I need to process … like obviously opening up about that shit is hard to do with anyone because it’s so personal and intimate… but like even if I was vague with my terms and didn’t fully open up I was just like idk if she would get it… that’s how I felt at the end. I think it’s fair to ask these questions next time and just be honest that I might want to ask if there are folks with queer and trans experience and I’m sorry for realizing this now and wasting her time.
Because something I do want to talk about and try to process is my gender and all of the heavy thoughts and feelings around that and my family and relationship and how the world sees me and just everything. I just feel scared about it and from today I didn’t feel safe. But I get it was intake stuff which also sucks to have to sit and go down a list of every element of your life and saying do you have mental illness about this issue or this one. It is depressing in general to have to do that..
I remember I felt bad after my first therapy intake appointment too, but that was a bit more extreme cuz that lady was very bad from the beginning and I didn’t know cuz it was my first time with a therapist. Her having someone watch on day 1 was crazy and inappropriate. Also her pushing back when I was saying my first relationship was really bad and she was like how? And kept asking how and what did they specifically do and I was struggling to answer and I said they were just really mean and she was dismissive and it’s like lady this is my first appointment!! I don’t feel comfortable enough with you yet to just immediately open up about something traumatic that I would like to talk through and process eventually. Not to mention that was supposed to be an lgbt counseling center and she said a lot of inappropriate comments. I guess I should emotionally prepare the sessions to be like this until I pick a therapist and am fully done with the intake part.
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seeminglyseph · 11 months
You know. I actually think I’m sober right now, like not stoned even a little bit. So I don’t even have an excuse for that fucking mind journey. Idk what I’m doing right now.
But I do feel tired as hell. I’ve got ice on my jaw and had heat on it earlier. I feel like my face is swollen so I think I may have irritated it. I ran out of CBD oil, but I should get some more next week. I should try and make a dentist appointment too. And a rheumatologist.
I might try and just rest today, it feels like a bad pain day. I can’t just be running nonstop.
I think I want to get a good massage therapist who can help me figure out where and what like. Soft tissue pain is affected and can be worked with. I know acupuncture is controversial but I do think it can be effective if done like. Correctly.
I guess really I want like. A physical therapist who is willing to work on my terms and like. Is accessible because my mom has like. Gotten really attached to this one guy who fully has moved his practice outside of the city and like I just can’t do over an hour in the car to see a PT for half an hour and he’s not covered and so like I can see him like 3 times a year so I don’t get much solid help.
Like. It feels like I should be seeing someone like biweekly and then it turns out the paperwork we went through all the work to get the doctor to say I need like massage and PT and shit and in the end I am covered for 6 appointments total?? Devastating. Why does everything seem to assume six appointments will solve it? Ugghh. Six therapy appointments six PT appointments. Just be better already. Fuck.
Anyway. I have to figure something out that I can do that won’t like… cost more than it helps? Like if getting the massage or whatever is more taxing and the car ride causes my body to tense up and does more damage than the massage does then like. It’s not a solution and it’s not gonna help.
And my mom is like “let’s go to the chiropractor in the meantime” but now I’m like doing research and like realizing like the history and stuff of chiropractory and like. I feel a little like… some stuff has helped, maybe but also maybe probably not??? There’s a long history scams cults and scams in that stuff and like. I think we definitely maybe got scammed by a lady who probably also got scammed and was probably not a bad person and bought into the ideas and wanted to help but also like. She wasn’t a doctor. She probably did more harm than good. I might be doing better over the past few years because I haven’t seen her for years? Who fucking knows. I know I sound like a hypocrite for just saying I think acupuncture is legit, but like. I’ve had better results from acupuncture than chiropractors. I dunno man life’s weird. Acupuncture isn’t tied to Scientology.
I think I wanna get some anti-fatigue mats for the kitchen and bathroom too. Those are just random thoughts but I know a few people have suggested it and at first I was like “I should just get a stool” but I think the anti-fatigue mats would be a good middle ground and less in the way.
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back2badhabits · 1 year
Y’all I’ve lost 3 pounds since my last entry woooooo. I’ve been able to keep under 800 every day this week. I haven’t even eaten anything today yet.
I had my first in-person therapy appt yesterday where I intended to break up w my therapist using the excuse that my psychiatrist said I need a psychologist but she got mad and uh it didn’t end up happening. I’m seeing her again Monday.
I told her abt all the food stuff and mentioned that I wasn’t rlly looking to change it. She said she wasn’t worried bc I wasn’t like deathly thin and when I mentioned my bmi she said it was “good”. When I talked abt how I purged a few days ago bc I didn’t like the feeling of being full, she was kinda like “ah yeah, I get it” lol?
She also just like. Does not comprehend so many things. She doesn’t think I’m psychotic or schizo despite that being why I’m on the meds I’m on, despite the delusions, despite the hallucinations. She just doesn’t understand a lot of Asian stuff and like will say things in just,,, not the nicest way. She got aggressive w me right after a long talk abt how react extremely negatively to any perception of aggression or anger. God. Idk what to do.
She thinks I wouldn’t qualify for hospitalization which is cool.
Oh, also, she thinks all this food issue stuff is more impulse mood-disorder issues than eating disorder issues which is. So cool. And I totally bet it’s because of my size ah hahah. Fuck.
Whatever. Whatever whatever whatever.
I have a massive beer in the fridge I want to find an excuse to drink but I also know that beer is like a shit ton of calories, ugh.
I wanna just keep fasting tbh but I know I can’t because I have to take my meds with food or it causes almost unbearable nausea. It’s so much easier to just fast and have nothing than it is to eat and restrict and try to make sure you don’t overeat.
I’m so tired dude.
12:18 am
I just got off the phone with O a little while ago. I asked them and C to video call me while I cooked bc I was scared I might leave the stove on again or something, and I wanted to take my pill early since I have to be up early tomorrow for a passport photo appointment.
Yeah, so much for that.
I ended up throwing up after eating because I was so nauseous. I had about 615 calories before I did. I threw up about 1/4-1/3 of it so today’s cals are really like 489.
O found out and then asked how much I’d had all day. I told them what the number was before throwing up and they got super freaked out and yelled at wouldn’t let me finish my sentences and I cried and I just want to die. I used to think of such wonderful and fun and beautiful times whenever I thought of them but now I can’t look at them or think about them without hearing what they sound like yelling. I hate it. I bet now when they think of me, they only think of horrible things too.
I don’t know if I want to go back. When people yell here at least, I can go sit in my room and close the door and be with my stuff and drink to cope if I want. I can’t do that there.
I don’t feel safe with anyone anymore.
I’m so worried about C too. I gave them weight concern issues when I was there and they started restricting their eating and O keeps talking about my issues and my calories and stuff with them and I know that that must be all kinds of triggering but even when I say they shouldn’t and even when I try to imply it’s not something to discuss in front of them, they don’t listen. I don’t know what to do because O will be upset if I don’t tell them things but I don’t want to keep risking triggering C worse since this just becomes an inescapable lifelong thing.
Fuck everything dude, I want a coma.
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watarulesbian · 2 years
wataru hibiki my precious lil birdie aaaawwwwwww 
anyway i wish i had the energy to think deep thoujghts about her . deep thoughts thatd make me feel like a real #1 wataruknower . i wish i had the will to get my ass over to some enstars stories featuring wataru and read them but i dont hav anyfucking will for anything but mindless scrolling and being pessimistic i was doing #stuff today and then i had a therapy appointment and bam rest of day wasted............................................................................................... besides when i painted for a while lol i got watercolor set for xmas and its quite fun 
wataru is MINE!!!!!!!!!!! MY CHARACTER!!!!!!!!!!!! MY GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE LEAVESME AWESTRUCK I CANT EVEN THINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! unless youre one of my three friends from twitter (hi) you have NO IDEA of the extent. of how i so adore and love wataru. and even than thats not all of my love for her. 
one thing tho i love when people draw her face very expressive. i wish i could do that in my own art of her........ im better than ai but worse than most actual artists :( i want to die because im not able to capture her accurately in artistic mediums but other people can? so MAD!!! KILL KILL DIE DIE DIE (to myself not to the wonderful talented artists who i admire very much) 
idk i just feelt like shit lately. its because i havent gotten enough wataru. the enstar doctor perscribd me 10 hours of wataru hibiki a day and lately ive been getting like 2 a day when i NEED more than that i need. like 10! i need my mind to reboot my brain and maybe put a fucking timer on youtube because i keep looking at shitty uoiutube shorts WASTING MY WHOLE FUCKING LIFE AWAY AND MAKING ME DEPRESSED AND DOOMFUL AND AAAARGHH 
how many of you even know my name? i know 3 of you do (hi again) 
tumblr isd better for making long incoherent posts huuuuu 
need one of those send a number and ill give a ___ headcannon things ummmmmmmmmmmm idk i feel like all my awnsers to thosewould be dissapointingly bland and im scared that there will be something in cannon thatd contradict my hc (NOT LIKE A LESBIAN HC BUT LIKE A LIKE/DISLIKE THING) wataru is lesbian by the way and i think, as an autisticl esbian mysjmlf and YOUR wataru expert Wataru feels the isolations. the lesbian isolations. the autism isolations. maybe its weird and unrelated to what im saying here and it might sound even crude but whenever someone who previously idenntif as lesbian comes out as Not lesbian i feel a profound emptiness within me . and i know i should probably tell that to a therapist and not post it on tumblr for anyone whos former ident lesbian to see this and feel guilty or mad at me but i JUST had a therapy appointment today and need to get it out. its been in my brain for a long time. and ive of course ive come to recognize and get used to people changing, ive never thought or said to anyone “nooo you cant be _____ youre supposed to be my fellow lesbian :(” but i never see anyone ever talking about feeling sad when a lesbian they know turns out to Not be a lesbian except in the context of transphobia or homophobia. like im NOT one of those asses saying “a trans man? we lost a lesbian im so sad” “noo lesbi ann is dating a man and changing her name to bai sexxx this is so not her! come back lesbi ann!” im just saying i feel  like when someone who previously idenntif as lesbian comes out as Not lesbian i feel a profound emptiness within me. and im NOT trying to guilt trip! and PLEASE dont be mad at me!  and i get USED to people not being lesbian! the emptiness goes away after several months! but yea whatever 
i want someone out there to make more art of eichi lovingly brushing and braiding watarus beautiful long hair. fic or art. or cannon for the love of god... theyd BOTH enjoy it the same amount im telling uou. even when they grow old together watarus hair is still long and still so nice and soft tbh like she got upset that it all turned white and talked about possibly dying it a lot but eichi is like My Wife Of Many Years You Are So Beautiful With White Hair You Are A Goddess. I Love It Just As Much As When It Was Blue.      but in present time as 19 year old young lesbian lovers i just know wataru has falllen asleep while eichi runs his fingers through watarus wonderful amazing shiny superlong hair. i know wataru doesnt wanna like be asleep in front of people but as part of showing her human side more, i see her doing it tbh, eichi loves seeing his girlfriend asleep and is always like Awwww :3 wataru doing normal human things with eichi is actually cannon btw and im smiling thinking aboutt that 
i want to write a magnus archives statement about watarus expieriences with a fountain (the stranger) she makes a foolish wish on that has her live a year where evgery day she wakes up in a different persons life and body and its totally torturous. after 365 days of that shes finally in the life and body of wataru hibiki again but she is incredibly traumatized . happier ending than most magnus archives statements because she is ALIVE with no physical injury and doesnt end up dying or anything. the stranger. i remember when i was really lttle i came across a ton of amazon reviews for a book that had a premise basically similar to this except itwas a creature who lived like this and it was a love story or something LET ME FIND IT HOLD ON 
its called “Every Day” i found it lol 
i never read it but i reacd the reviews 8 years ago so i feel like i know it well enough. it was easy to find by one single google search  ahaha 
i hsould be going to bed now thanks for listening tubmlmr 
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dead-thorin · 2 years
So I was feeling suicidal and reached out to the counseling center at my uni and they put me into contact with an outpatient program and today was my last day with the psych there and she was like "honestly I don't say this about every patient, and you know I tell it like it is, but it's been such a pleasure working with you. Please call me if you need anything or just to check in, I'd love to hear how you're doing"
And it was so bittersweet bc on one hand I liked working with her a lot and the program really was great and really helpful for me and I'm sad to stop seeing her and the therapist :( but on the other hand they did help me a lot and I don't need their services for a reason! I'm doing a lot better and that's wonderful!
I have another appoint with the therapist next week to close out and get some resources and the psych mentioned that she'll be sad to say goodbye too. I'm gonna remember to thank her a lot when I say goodbye. Like I thanked the psych too bc she didn't make me feel crazy or weird and, I didn't say this part to her, I told her things I don't think I've even told my therapist or anyone close in my life bc it's embarrassing and just too personal and weird and not great and the she didn't judge me at all for it. Like that's her job but I haven't had a great experience with psychs in the past.
The therapist was also just great and like knew when to give resources and when the best thing to say was "yeah idk I hear you and the only thing I can say is that it sucks". She was also just really nice and casual which I liked! Anyway I'm sad to say bye to her, but I'm gonna make sure to thank her and tell her how beneficial it's all been.
I still have some medicine left and it's been working, even tho the side effects are kicking my ass a bit. At therapy today, I told my therapist that I didn't have any updates because I'm just doing fine, I haven't thought about my parents which I usually do during the holidays, and that I'm honestly really proud of myself for reaching out for help, for going on medicine again, and for doing what's best for me
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thinfatfit · 2 years
tw suicide
ok i’m really upset....... i was fired from my family dr today. 
first of all i haven’t been feeling well recently because i haven’t been able to take my normal dose of wellbutrin since there’s a supplier shortage. 
also my dr appointment started with my family dr telling me that a program she referred me to called her and told her that they tried to contact me but didn’t hear back from me so they cancelled the referral. i said yes that’s true because they called from an unknown number and the referral was from a year ago so i didn’t expect any calls and didn’t check my voicemails, then when i did and saw it was them and called them back they said it was too late and they already cancelled it but if she re-does the referral then it’s fine. and she said no the referral was a lot of work and she’s not going to resubmit it since this was already her second time doing it (the first time it was rejected was not my fault though - they didn’t even contact me, they just rejected it outright because i had been recently hospitalized). 
and then the main thing: 2.5 years ago when my mom died i asked for accommodations at work so that i could work from home one day per week since i barely had any vacation days and i was really depressed and had no energy & also had a million things to do to handle the estate. i needed a dr’s note and my family dr was really hesitant to give me one. she gave me one for 6 weeks and then REALLY REALLY REALLY did not want to renew it and i had to BEG her and say that i was in therapy and going to a grief support group and doing all these things to try to get better and she agreed to renew it for 3 weeks only and i had to BEG for that. ideally i would’ve taken months off because i was literally suicidal but all i could do was this one day a week work from home since it was right after law school and it was a licensing thing bla bla bla. anyways since then i’ve been really angry about that because i REALLY needed the accommodations and i was really clear about how much i needed them and it wasn’t ok how she treated me. i’ve brought this up to her before and she has apologized but in a roundabout way, like “that wasn’t my intention” and “i was doing what i thought was best”. fast forward to today and she told me she was taking a leave for a few months because she was feeling burnt out from the pandemic. i was VERY triggered. i told her she’s lucky that she doesn’t need to get an accommodations letter since those can be hard to get. and she defended herself and i said that i hate her and she said that she can’t be my dr if i hate her and i said i do and basically that was that. 
i feel really worried about not having a dr anymore (i take a lot of meds) and also kind of bad? i dont know. and also upset idk.
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tonarinohappiness · 2 years
first time for everything
I have decided I need a good healthy medium, or any really, to put the thoughts in my head into the world. I can't always say them or cant always find an ear to listen. Which isnt actually true. I have several people that will listen to me, I just cant get the shit out. I'm fucked up a little bit. I tried therapy and no called no showed to both appointments ( shitty ). This page is solely meant to vent, cry, type angrily, question etc. if it brings you entertainment well then win win.
Just for some background: I am a 25, soon to be 26, year old single mother with a six year old daughter. I work at a bank Monday-Friday. I read, take care of my plants, watch anime, and mom in my free time. I have 6 sisters and 2 brothers. And all with the same mom, sheesh. I am currently going through a messy, angry, confusing breakup with my daughters father. We have been together since 2014. I havent cried yet. All I feel is anger and yearning for him. We are still living together because he cant keep/get a job and I cant afford to move out on my own. I wish this bitch of a housing market would crash already so a mf can live. So I'm pretty much stressed in every aspect of my life. Arent we all? Hopefully someone (HA) out there can relate and maybe this vent will help. Or not, either way. Stay tuned. Idk where to start tbh. The childhood? The current? There is so much shit I could be here all day. I will just start with something that upset me recently. Today was a good day, or mundane I should say.
My dad, hes maybe 53? 54?, drove 3 hours away yesterday morning to go to a rehab for his crack addiction. I dont feel sad by this, I feel completely indifferent. I am no stranger to family going to rehab. That's the thing, no one cried, broke down sad blah blah. It was another day for all us siblings. My sister as even taking snapchats of the teepee outside of the rehab. Which is fine, but not normal I think? He got pulled over a couple blocks from my dead grandmothers house he still lives in (my brother took over the mortgage) and they made him walk home. The best part is, it is his own nephew that is selling him the crack. When he is high he gets creepy. One time when i was in third grade, I came home from school and he was sitting in his room cracked out watching a porno with wide eyes and a slack mouth. I think I went to my cousins house after that until it was very late and I had to go back. I didnt tell my uncle or anyone. I was scared. He stared at me in my sleep and tried to touch me. When I woke up he would move back like he wasnt doing anything. He had a one bedroom, run down house so we shared a room. This happened several times throughout the night. I didnt get a lot of sleep obviously. I had to be 8 or 9 idk for sure.
I'll stop there for now. I hope this is beneficial to me.
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vtforpedro · 3 years
long, long health update - tw in tags please read them
I am going to speak very frankly about suicidal ideation; please don't read further if this is triggering for you ;3; but please know that I love you I had my follow-up appt with my neuropsych on monday to go over my results and whatnot. it was virtual, and I was in the middle of a head episode and I told her I wasn't doing well, but within about 5-10 minutes, she was saying I should probably go to the ER lkajflaj I guess it looked pretty bad lmao anyway I told her all the reasons I couldn't. medical trauma, being dismissed b/c I have doctors who manage my headaches, and I know it's not life-threatening even if it is 10/10 agonizing, so why are you here. they're so dismissive. she said that they have medication to possibly help break the cycle of constant migraines but I've been treated with those before and they didn't do shit migraines are secondary to iih. it's the iih that needs to be fixed ._. she said I still deserved to not suffer and that the ER is very strict about keeping covid patients away from other patients and I didn't have the heart to tell her they intubated a covid patient 10-15 feet away from me last time I was in an ER 😭 anyway so the results. she said she wasn't worried about anything going on that was concerning or indicating something wrong in my brain. I DID score quite a bit lower for someone my age on information processing (which is exactly what I said I was struggling with to my two neuros who were both like ehhh) and some issues with memory but they weren't super specific and so it could be something neurological, could be my migraines and constant agony lmao, could be my Emotional State. could be all of them at once, I suppose ;) she went into more detail about some of these things but it was the two questionnaires I filled out that were HNNN. so once all the data is entered from like 300 questions it shows a good look into my personality and perceptions and all that and it makes a cool little graph (OR SO I THOUGHT). the kind that looks like mountain peaks. so she points at the one that is waaay higher than the rest and nearly touching the top of the box and she's like 'do you see this one' me: yeah 😬 her: this is your feelings and ideations about suicide me: 😬 😩 😬 her: when I see a score this high, I stop what I'm doing and I call the police to have them escort you to a hospital me: 😬😬😬😬😬 her: but I didn't do that. because when we spoke in office you told me you felt this way and why you don't do it. you told me it's something you've lived with for a long time and the pain you are suffering is what makes it so bad. and I trust you me: 😭😭😭 okay her: do you see this line down here? this is people who have suicidal ideation recorded on this test. you scored 98% higher on suicidal ideation compared to people reporting suicidal ideation HNNNNNN. she said it probably wasn't surprising to me and asked me if I was safe again and all that. I assured her I was and said in my previous appointment; I've had suicidal thoughts since I was like 12? maybe earlier. there have been very few times in my life not surrounded by abuse and trauma so I'm never really free of it. I've had four traumatic incidents causing increasingly horrible episodes of ptsd in nine years. all through my 20s. still here woo, lol and she said she knew that and had a patient not long after my first appointment who had similar circumstances in their life. and they told her it's almost a comfort having it. cause I was saying it's in the back of my mind at all times and I won't do it, but yeah, it's always there. anyway she said they said the same thing; it's always there, always in the background as 'hey I'm an option!' even though we aren't going to harm ourselves. it's a comfort knowing there is an option even if we plan on never using it? idk it just spoke to me and I felt it in my soul we talked about some emotional stuff after and I cried and it was a thing. it felt really good to speak to a psychologist who, just as she was in the first appointment, seemed genuinely concerned and wanted to help
me. I told her I was ready for therapy and she said she'd already looked for therapists for me lkasjdlkja and gave me a group that I emailed yesterday. I don't think they'll take my insurance but she said to message her through the portal if they don't and she'll try to find someone who does I don't remember if I mentioned it, but since she knew about the head shit before I met her, she dimmed her office lights without asking if I needed it and like as soon as we started the virtual visit, she leaped up and dimmed them and said she should've thought about it before the appt 😭 (I keep my brightness really low on my computer and use the warming feature 24/7 on comp and phone and my apt is really dimmed but it still helped a lot when she did it) she kept saying 'you did nothing wrong. it was the choice of others to do what they did. you don't deserve to carry their choices. you deserve to be able to hand it back to them. you don't deserve to be in pain. you did nothing wrong. you deserve to be free of what they did and you deserve to not suffer in such physical pain' I'm so wary of doctors but I really like her and I feel fortunate to have been referred to her ;3; speaking for a long time and especially emotionally is hard for me, so I might try to do two sessions a month once I find a therapist and see if I'm ok with that. trying to keep everything virtual while delta is out there I read her report and her official diagnosis is uhh really strong for major depressive disorder, severe. and severe ptsd with disassociative symptoms so!!! I claimed both of those on my disability application and the person handling my claim told me when I had this appt to call and let her know because she wanted the info. I signed a release the day I was there when I told my neuropsych that cause MH stuff is different than other medical records. she said she faxed it to the woman handling my disability application but I was gonna call her and ask if she received it and also tell her I have a new neuro so she will probably request his stuff too I called today and her voicemail box is full so lol try again later today's been awful. last night was horrible. got a bill for over $800 from my colonoscopy/endoscopy even though I asked numerous times if insurance was covering it and was told yep, every penny. so I was on the phone with insurance and the surgery center for 45 minutes. insurance seemed confused af but the agent I spoke with got some help from people who handle this stuff I guess finally she told me not to pay it, they're going to send them a letter to get it sorted (idk if this means I won't have to pay it at all or if they're going to try to make it that way. but I think govt insurance, which is what I have, works differently. like doctors kinda have to follow what they say vs. the other way around) and not worry about it for the next 30 days. I'm still gonna worry about it lmao they used a nice scare tactic on the bill that this was the 'LAST AND FINAL NOTICE' despite the fact they've never sent me anything else. my mom and the insurance agent said nah that's just what they do to scare people into paying fuckin love america <3 land of the free. the american dream! greatest country on earth 💜🖕💜 I just don't want it to go to collections and have to fight credit bureaus to get it off my credit so it's not destroyed |: anyway my head hit like 10/10 bad while I was on the phone cause of the talking a lot and trying to PROCESS INFORMATION and stress and also the fucking hold music, which I have to hear in some way b/c I gotta know when they're back on the line hnnnnn bad day. it's 1pm and bad, bad, bad day. bad month all around. I want this shit to stop anyway. I'm sorry about the suicidal ideation talk, but it's important to talk about that stuff. it can get severe but it can also get better. it does, eventually, even if it comes and goes. it always does get better I'm sorry, I also really needed to get this down somewhere. feel like I'm going to explode emotionally AND physically and I need to talk about it. hopefully
soon I'll have a therapist to talk to so I can get a lot of this stuff worked on. got my whole life to chat about so it'll probably take a long time but I'm willing to let it lmao therapy doesn't usually work for me anymore but idk I've had a lot of shit happen in less than two years so maybe it will this time I'm trying! I really am trying if you read this rambling monster, thank you. love you all and please stay safe
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genderpains · 2 years
Vent/rant/ramble tw idk
agh I was talking to my coworker the other day and I told him abt how my muscles and bones and body aches all the time since I was in like middle school and how my joints hurt and sometimes I need help getting out of a crouch/off my knees because my knees hurt so bad, and how doctors r just like “whelp loose weight and you’ll b better”, and he said his sister is the same and she got diagnosed with fibromyalgia, and her symptoms started when she got her period,, and idk I don’t want to take resources away from ppl with chronic illness/disorders/disease(?) but I’ve always had chronic pain, especially back pain, and it’s a running joke in my family that I can feel the rain b4 it rains (old ppl bones/ body lmao), and all my doctors have just said, oh growing pains, loose weight, take Advil etc. idk I just wanted to talk abt it, since my therapy appointments r on thursdays. And I always have this creeping fear that I’m making stuff up, like every time I have memories or talk abt something, I immediately preface it in my brain that it could be fake, even though I’m almost certain it’s not. Another thing is that because I’ve had this chronic pain for so long, I don’t actually know if it hurts? Like what if what I describe as sore is actually really bad pain and aches, but I’ve had it for so long I’m used to it? And again I just have this terrible feeling that I’m making it up and I’d be taking resources from others, and I wouldn’t want to do that, I don’t want to upset anyone either, idk just thoughts I guess. The soreness has been worse since the other day when I started deep diving into otherkin stuff, and it make me think abt my body (which I always avoid) and so now I’m just sore all over and every time I come back to myself after zoning out “, its like I’m missing a step, like how a record sounds when it starts skipping, like for a brief moment my body feels like it’s being dragged behind and I’m all fuzzy and my hair stands on end, I guess I’m just not feeling well today. And I have work at 4:30 but I’m worried I might zone out/get fatigued while I’m carrying something (I work in a warehouse/donation center and lift stuff all the time) it’s my first job so I don’t want to call out, and I honestly enjoy the work, but I’m exhausted everyday now, I just hate being all mentally fuzzy/I’ll, it sucks, legit I have 3 dx of depression ,seasonal, dysthymia, and major, so my body is chronically tired all the time I hate it. I wish I didn’t have mental health problems, shit sucks straight ass
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The Treatment of Captain Syverson-Chapter 12: Final Home Exercise Program
Characters: Captain Syverson x OFC (Shane Dawson)
Summary: Our lovers spend one last night together and the next morning have a serious discussion about their future after more new information comes to light about Sy’s upcoming training. Can the new relationship sustain the stress? Are Shane’s feelings justified, or can they overcome what lies before them?
Spoilers suck! Start from the top or wherever you left off HERE!
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings:  Language, mature themes, smut, angst…well, near angst. As angsty as I get.
Author’s Note: Sorry this has taken so long, my darling dears! I’m currently on vacation and although I was hoping to be inspired by new surroundings, it’s given me WICKED writer’s block! I have a pretty solid plan for more chapters, though, so, buckle up!
Disclaimer: Unfortunately for me, Henry is not mine, le sigh, and all mention of him, his characters, any characters from his films, or his precious doggy, Kal, are strictly for transformative and recreational use. I neither ask for, nor accept payment for the work I post on Tumblr or AO3. Unbeta’d because this is for fun and escapism.
@misslaland (apparently deactivated, idk what’s up with that)
Hope I’m not forgetting anyone! If you want to be notified when I post a new chapter or work, I’ll be happy to add you to my tag list! Stricken blogs are getting personal messages from me when a new chapter is uploaded because Tumblr’s faulty tagging system will not stand in the way of me delivering what the people want!(?) lol! (Although…their lackadaisical notification system might…sorry for that. I have no control. lol!)
Sy's last two PT appointments could not have gone better. On paper, anyway. He was at full strength in his injured knee, his range of motion was better than it was in the so-called good knee, and he hadn't complained of pain above a 2/10 in the last five sessions. He'd even been using the treadmill properly the last two weeks, working up to his own goal of running again. Her goals for him were met…they could have probably stopped a session short, but she'd wanted to give him a few more handouts to finalize his HEP…and well, she'd be in major trouble for saying so, but…she couldn't stand the thought of cancelling that last visit. It felt like quitting, even though it would have been justified.
In practice, however, there was a tension between them that had never existed before. Something creating awkward energy that they couldn't seem to shake. They hadn't seen each other much outside of therapy this week, either. Not since the night of their argument. Sy had to do a lot of prep for his trip to Virginia, and Shane's caseload this week had been ridiculous. Dozens of evaluations and updates and calls to various companies on different kinds of splints and orthotics she was hoping to get for a few of her patients. A lot of time spent on the phone meant a lot of after-hours documentation. She needed a break. Even if it meant she'd have to do some work over the weekend. Sy was leaving tomorrow to get settled in Charlottesville before the big training course began. She didn't want them to be apart on his last night home for a month.
"Hey, as a celebration of your discharge from PT and your new career trajectory, how about dinner on me tonight?"
"But…you don't really want me to leave town…or to be done with therapy. Not that I, myself, won't miss you feeling me up in public." he smirked as she took his last set of range of motion measurements, her hands gently holding one arm of her goniometer to the side of his thigh…suddenly too aware of him.
"Not entirely true. I'm glad you're better, I'll just miss seeing you through the day. It breaks up the…" she sighed "the monotony of my daily life. Also, why would I want you to leave town? What would that say about me as your girlfriend?" she explained.
"S'pose you're right."
"In this case, yes. Yes I am." She winked at him.
They finished up and she gave him a few more exercises to keep in his arsenal to maintain strength and range in both knees.
"Okay, now, I won't be around to harass you about these, but keep doing them regularly, and just modify them as I've notated if they get too easy. Try to just do more reps, though. I wouldn't try to bulk it up just yet, and that's what you'll do with more weight added."
"Yes, ma'am." he said for old time's sake. She shook her head and smirked.
"And listen, please. This is your physical therapist talking right now. Be careful and mindful during … your cross country training." she wanted to call it "Survivor-Virginia," but refrained. She knew it would get his hackles up. And she was taking enough of a chance insisting that he be careful. "Nature has perils for the perfectly fit. The already injured are at a disadvantage from the gate. Mind your footing. And try not to run unless you have to. Uneven surfaces are not your friend just yet. You still need to work up to that. If you want, I'll help you with it when you get back. Just…don't undo all this work we've done together."
He seemed to see his woman peeking out from behind the mask of his therapist. Concern coloring the neutral and clinical advice she was giving him.
"I'll do my best, sunshine." he held her by the arms and kissed her forehead. It felt too intimate for the setting, but they had done worse. "I'll see ya tonight then?"
"Yeah, I'll bring some food by your place after work. What do you want?"
"Hmmm…I'll let you know." he kissed her cheek and left.
The next hour was her lunch, so she had time to contemplate what seeing him walk out for the last time had made her feel. She sighed, and started to well up, getting out her lunch bag to begin eating and documenting when a knock came at the door frame.
It was Sy, looking forlorn and manic and altogether a mess. Very unlike himself.
"I got out to the truck and something just felt wrong about the way I left today. As if it was any other day. Not our last session. You were trying to get that to land…I'm a little slow. But I finally got it." he walked to her, grabbing her up from her chair in a hug that mended all of the broken parts of her. Squeezed her back together when she'd been damn near falling apart. "Shane, you…you did more than just make me better. You've…made me better. Happier. Whole. I'll never be able to thank you properly for all of this, but…I intend to try for as long as you'll let me."
He held her while her tears fell softly onto his Def Leppard shirt. This was what she needed. For him to simply hold her, complete her, love her.
"Also, I think I'd like Chinese food tonight." she laughed into his neck.
"You idiot."
"You still like me."
"I do. And you don't need to worry about thanking me, Sy. You return the favor daily by just…being you…and being mine." She pulled him in to a ferociously sexy kiss, her hands in his hair, still too short for her liking, but getting there.
He broke away, neither wanting it to end, but both knowing it must, all the same.
"I thought we couldn't do this at your work?" he inquired, slightly out of breath.
"We couldn't do this while you were a patient. You're officially discharged. Last appointment over. All I have to do is sign your note and it's a done deal. But now…if you wanted to drop by for lunch sometime when you get back from training for your fancy job…we could…make it a regular occurrence." she smiled up into his entrancing blue eyes, sparkling with promise.
"I like the sound of that, sunshine." he gave her one more chaste kiss before his official goodbye. "See ya tonight."
As she watched him leave, she remembered thinking to herself one day how he probably used to take very confident strides…that hardly did his walk justice.
She ordered their favorites, four entrees total, so they had options, crab rangoon, egg rolls, dumplings, the works. She would be happy to eat off the leftovers all weekend. She wasn't fussy. She loved leftover Chinese takeout.
He met her at the door, having advance warning of her arrival from the canine burglar alarm, Aika.
"You got her. Good girl." he said sweetly thanking the pup for sounding off the Twilight Bark throughout the neighborhood.
"Hello!" She handed off the food to Sy and scratched at the German Shepherd's ears the way she liked, her tail wagging with joyous speed.  
"I thought we could set up a buffet on the coffee table downstairs while we watch TV?"
"Sounds great!" She said, with an enthusiasm that sounded almost forced. She wasn't able to fully shake this foreboding she felt saying goodbye to him, no matter how long they'd be apart.
Sy grabbed plates and silverware while Shane got them some beverages, and they headed downstairs, Aika knowing her boundaries did not extend to the basement except by invitation, whined at their descent. Sy wasn't having it.
"Oh, don't give us that sob story, ya brat." he rolled his eyes at Shane.
"Aww, can't she come down with us?"
"No way. I want you all to myself." a devilish smirk twitched up the corners of his mouth making him even more handsome.
"Aika has nothin' on you. You're the real dog." she teased.
"I make no excuses or arguments. I'm gonna be selfish with you tonight." they put the food and supplies on the coffee table and he caught her up into his arms. He seemed to want to inhale her into his lungs.
"Mmmm, as endearing as I've always found generosity, I really like the sound of that." She let out a huff of amusement.
They spent an uncharacteristically short amount of time choosing something to watch. They'd already started a miniseries together, and they wanted to finish it before Sy left. It was a British political thriller with a lot of intrigue and quite a bit of sex. They only had two hours left, so they finished it quickly as they ate.
They decided to put on something familiar afterward. Die Hard. Which they both quoted with ridiculous precision. They were cuddled into each other on the big sectional, lulled into comfort by the familiar security of the dialogue and the warmth of the other.
Soon, Sy's hand found its way to Shane's thigh. It inched its way inside and up. She felt like he could hear her heart rate quicken, just as she knew he could hear her breaths come with more effort due to his touch.
She looked at him, and despite her apprehension about his decision to leave her so early in their relationship, she wanted him. She'd known for so long now. It felt like forever, for longer than they'd even known one another. A ridiculous notion. But with that same gaze, she begged him to continue. The signal was not lost on the captain. His mouth punished hers in a kiss so deliciously violent and needy she thought there was no way he couldn't feel the same for her. She pushed to the back of her busy mind all of the negative emotions the kiss brought up, the confusion as to how and why he was going to leave her when he clearly needed her just as badly as she needed him, and just let this beautiful moment become what it would.
As hard as that was to do.
The way he touched her was a pretty effective distraction. One hand held her firmly against his mouth by the nape while the other built friction in her over her jeans. She felt her body's primal responses of the building pressure and her hands gripping at his shirt. His guttural moan at her answering touch only fueled the inferno in her. She needed more of him. She thrust up into his hand wantonly. He took himself away from her, cruelly, but to be so very kind, she would soon see. He undid her jeans and tugged them down, along with her panties. In the process, he repositioned her conveniently at the edge of the sofa. He scooted the coffee table out of the way enough to kneel before her. He tortured her with kisses from her knee up her inner thigh on both sides before continuing those kisses where she really needed them.
His warm breath hit her first and she arched, aching in anticipation for the corporeal. He looked up at her with his dervish's grin, seeing the desire on her face and feeling it course through her body, and although he was a better man than her previous lovers, and a better man than most, no man was so good that making his woman feel like this didn't make him feel like a god.
"Darlin', you're so gorgeous like this." he said as he teased her with his mouth. Her words failed. She had only unintelligible syllables for him. He didn't seem to mind. In fact, he seemed thoroughly amused by her speechlessness. Amused and encouraged. She'd never felt like this before. His lips and tongue worked over her trembling flesh, both as familiar paths and brand new territory. Discovering the new and remembering the familiar, all at once.
"Sy." she whispered, so close to her peak, and needing him to continue, but unable to do more than moan his name.
"I know, sugar. I know it won't be long. Whenever you're ready, sweetheart."
And she fell apart under his expert touch. He soothed her body down from the climax and asked her if she was ready for bed.
"I think not!" she replied. "The movie isn't over." and she pulled him up to her by the cheeks into another crushing kiss and guided him to the couch. She kicked her bottoms off her ankles to avoid tripping and repositioned herself between his legs as he'd done with her.
"You don't have to, sunshine." he caressed her jaw.
"I know, babe. I want to. Let me do this for you." He was always eager to taste her but she'd yet to return the favor at his own request. She was done letting him decline. She didn't want him leaving without giving him this small parting gift.
It wasn't as if she was unfamiliar with how big he was. She'd touched him, and had him inside her…but seeing him this close was different. She fully appreciated what a feat it was to take him.
She started in with her own tricks, which made him moan, just as planned. His hands laced gently and lovingly in her hair as she worked her mouth and hands over him. She looked up at him after a few moments to gauge his reaction and couldn't have been more pleased. His expression was one of pure, tortured bliss. She felt so powerful.
"Angel, I'm not gonna last much longer." she took that as her cue to get on top of him.
She joined their bodies with a groan of ecstasy that he echoed. She gripped his shoulders as she moved against him, slow and measured at first, but becoming more frantic and erratic as she chased her climax. One hand remaining on her hip, the other came to her chin and directed her gaze to him. Her eyes, blazing with desire, met his, full of tears. She fell against his lips, as she climbed higher, needing that final push to send her over. Which it did, tumbling into that familiar bliss, that she'd have to savor for…well, too long. She didn't want to think too hard about that. This would be their last night together for several weeks. And she wanted to make the most of it. She looked at him, nodded, and after a few more thrusts, he came to his own pinnacle with a shudder beneath her, clutching at her back, resting his head on her sternum. She held him there, and took a few cleansing breaths with her own cheek pressed against his lengthening hair. She stroked the ones at the back of his neck for a moment as they came down from their impossible high.
"Shall we continue this upstairs?" she asked as the cheery, festive, and entirely out-of-season notes of "Let It Snow" played on the TV with the rolling credits of Die Hard. He grinned.
"Yeah, if I still have bones in my legs." he kissed her neck, just above the collar of her tee. "And I'll come down later and clear all this up. We'll just have to close the door so Aika doesn't come down and have herself a party. She's a good dog, but I'm not about to tempt her."
Shane carefully slid off of Sy's lap, attempting not to make too much of a mess, grabbed her panties and slipped them on for the walk to Sy's room.
The musical chiming of Sy's phone alarm came too damned early. They'd barely slept, not wanting to waste a moment together. When they finally nodded off after their last round of fervent love-making, they wrapped themselves around one another and were both out like lights in no time. Now he was untangling himself from her to turn the noise off and presumably begin the process of getting ready to leave for the airport. He only snoozed it, though, and pulled her more tightly against his bare, hairy chest.
"What time is it?" She asked, bleary from lack of sleep and extreme fatigue. Not that she was complaining.
"Seven. But my flight doesn't leave until 10, and it's just from the base. There's a flight leaving there for  Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport and I'm hitchin' a ride with them."
"Oh good. I had anticipated we'd have to drive to Springfield, or even St. Louis this morning." She would do it for Sy, of course, but she wasn't looking forward to a six hour minimum round trip, half of which she would have to make alone.
"Nah, and I'm hoping to work something out for the return trip, too, but I'll let you know about that, then. I've made those open ended, though, because I don't know about the return date."
"Sure. God, that's so…crazy. Not in a bad way, just, I can't imagine leaving home without a clear plan on when I'd be back. Of course, knowing it won't be more than a month helps, I guess."
"And really, a part of me has dreamed of living a sort of nomadic existence since I was very young, so I definitely see the romance in it."
"Totally agree. Hey, I'm hungry. How about we get ready and I'll buy ya breakfast?" He seemed evasive, but she was hungry, too, so she let it go.
"Sounds great!"
They got up and showered together, keeping the sexy time to a minimum given the current time constraints they'd now placed upon themselves. If they didn't hurry, they'd never get out of Cracker Barrell in time to get him to the base.
He loaded his bag in her cargo space and they headed off to the restaurant, which was hopping with traffic on a Saturday morning, as was expected. But since there were only two of them, they got a table without waiting.
They ordered coffees, and Cokes, not super healthy, but hey, this wasn't a daily occurrence. It was a splurge.
Sy ordered some massive and meaty breakfast spread that sounded like a heart attack waiting to happen, while Shane kept it simple with biscuits and gravy and a side of fruit…also, she stole a strip of Sy's bacon. Again…she was a weak woman.
The conversation was light and friendly and lovey…until the time came to leave. Sy picked up the check and took it to the counter to pay and then led her out the double doors back to her vehicle.
"You'll be able to FaceTime me on evenings you haven't gone walkabout in the wilderness, right?"
"I'm not sure they call it that outside of Australia, or even the Crocodile Dundee movies, but yeah, we'll plan on that, for sure."
"Good. I'll miss you so much. But at least I have a pretty good idea of when you'll be back." she was spouting excitedly, but he was being rather cagey again. He piped up with three words that never start off a good sentence.
"Yeah, about that…" she looked at him as they closed the doors to her Explorer, waiting for him to continue…hoping for good news, but expecting bad.
"I got an email last night…late…that I…that the training…might take longer than they told me at first." he winced for the impact of her reception of the anticipated bad news.
"Longer…uh-huh. How much longer?" she asked, backing out of her parking space.
"Ya know if you back into these spaces you don't have to worry about--"
"Really? This is the moment you want to man-splain the concepts of parking to me, Sy? I'll save you the trouble. My dad couldn't get me to do it, and I don't see you having any success, either. Now, how much longer?"
"I don't…they didn't give a concrete--"
"Give me your best guess based on what you know. Give me a range. A ballpark, if you will."
"Uhh…two or three more…weeks…than planned." he winced as she drove toward Fort Leonard Wood Army Base from the peaceful breakfast joint. It was rather poetic, really, since the conversation had turned from relaxed to militant. And they were driving from civilian territory into a land of combatants. Not a war zone, but a zone of warriors, perhaps. And she was ready for battle, herself.
"Sy. That's more than six weeks."
"I know." he said, his eyes downcast in some combination of shame, fear, and sadness.
"And you're…fine with it?" she prodded, prompting him to consider her.
"Of course I don't like it. I'm gonna hate being away from my sunshine for even a week. But this is…it's about who I am. Who I'm meant to be from now on. I have to find my way from here, Shane."
"I guess my only question is…where do I fit into this…path. This life you're making for yourself? We're brand new. But we've worked really hard already to get where we are. And I've worked really hard to get to where I am, professionally. In my dream job. No, the circumstances aren't ideal, but the work makes me think, and gives me purpose. What am I suppose to do? Either I give that up, or I give up…the only man I've ever been with who's made me actually happy."
"I don't want that. I don't want to lose you, and I don't want you to give anything up for me, darlin.' That'll just lead to you resentin' me down the road, and I don't want that, neither." He stopped a moment and just looked at her, face holding back frustrated and angry tears…but also very sad ones. "What about this? Let's just, talk about all this moving forward stuff when I'm back from training. At that point, I'll know more about what to expect about jobs and assignments. And…if it would make you feel more comfortable…we can call ourselves…unexclusive. That way, if you meet someone while I'm gone--"
"Have you lost your mind?" She interrupted his ridiculous attempt to be selfless. She was secure enough in his feelings for her that he wasn't making the suggestion for himself.
"I'm serious. If you meet someone, and he sweeps you off your feet, don't resist. I want you to be happy, Shane."
"Then come back and teach gym at the local high school. Better yet, don't go, at all."
"You remember all that stuff you said about having your dream job and a purpose?" Shane nodded. "You want me to find all that too, don'tcha?"
"No. I'm a selfish bitch who wants you here with me no matter the cost. And I don't care if you resent me in the long run. At least I'll have you." she laughed at her sarcasm and only slightly true self-deprecation.
"You'll be fine. You managed so far without me." he reminded her as she pulled up to the gate, guarded by about four men, who's rank she couldn't tell, but one of whom Sy called a sergeant.
"I'll get out here and they'll take me to the hangar in a cart. No civilian vehicles allowed today. Apparently they're doing maneuvers." he shrugged and got out to grab his bag.
"I put the rest of the takeout in here too. It's in one of my nice coolers on ice."
"Thanks." she told her shoes as they stood under the shade of her rear access hatch. She couldn't look at him right now. He made her, though.
"This ain't quite like the airport, but I still don't have a lot of time, sunshine." he kissed her hard, and it really felt like a goodbye, which almost hurt more than his leaving. Almost. He wrapped his arms tightly around her, and she knew she'd feel that embrace all evening. She hoped it would last for weeks.
"I love you, Sy." she sobbed to him. Trying like hell to keep it together.
"I love you, darlin.' Now don't you forget that when some other handsome fella gives you the eye. Make sure he's worth it, if you're gonna write me a dear john letter." he winked at her. She laughed and nodded, but didn't feel it was that funny, and didn't intend to adhere to his parameters of their relationship. He ducked under the arm that was preventing her from driving through. Although, legs as long as his, he almost could have stepped over it. She watched him walk away for as long as she could before she was given the signal that she must leave and let other traffic through…although, she resented this. There were two lanes, after all. Couldn't these men see what a mess she was? She'd just had to say goodbye to the love of her life…and she didn't know when…or indeed, if…she'd see him again. She had hope…but that didn't stop her from crying all the way home and the rest of the afternoon as the ghost of Sy's parting hug faded from her skin.
Up Next: Chapter 13: SNAFU
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pappydaddy · 4 years
Ghost of You (f.w.)
A/N: So, I was just listening to music while writing my Steve series “I Wanna Be Yours” and Ghost of You by 5 Seconds of Summer came on and I instantly started crying so I got a sudden urge to write a sad imagine so, sorry in advance..  
Ironically enough, it’s usually me going to write something with the intent for Steve, but end up writing for Billy, but this time it’s a whole different fandom. It actually went from Billy to Steve, then it went to Fred. 
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Based off the song Ghost of You by 5 Seconds of Summer
Part One - You’re here! | Part Two
Trigger Warning: Mention of death, really sad, angst, heartbreak, depression, PTSD, mention of witnessing death, mention of drinking, slight mention of suicide.
PSA: I DO NOT agree with JK Rowling’s recent comments about the trans community, but I WILL NOT let her and her bigoted and transphobic ways ruin Harry Potter for me. Harry Potter has given me so much, I have connected to characters unlike ever before. REMEMBER, TRANS RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS. Also, my DMs are always open
Another PSA: I do know the recent drama around 5 Seconds of Summer with the claims that had been made about them, but I also know that they have been proven to be false, one of them having been committed by someone else other than a member of their band or team. I would never EVER support someone who has been accused and found guilty of claims such as the ones that 5sos had been accused off because they are horrible acts committed by sick people. And, I would never outright say someone was falsely accusing, but again, the claims made against 5sos were found to be false or to be committed by other people. If you are not aware of that, I recommend checking reputable stan twitter accounts because (a) they know more than me, (b) they explain it better, and (c) they have proof. If you are a victim, I am so so sorry that that happened to you and I want you to know that you’re insanely strong and just keep your head up! Don’t hesitate to get help if you’re suffering, there are so many resources to help cope, report and all kinds of thing! Also, my DMs are always open
Another PSA: I struggle from depression, anxiety and have lasting effects of a traumatic event so if you are struggling with anything, please seek help. These are horrible things to battle with alone and therapy, psychologist, or a psychiatrist can help you gain the tools to cope healthily and any other tools you may need. Also, my DMs are always open.
This is my first Harry Potter imagine, idk what possessed me to write for a different fandom since my focus has been Stranger Things, but I guess I was going to have to write for the other fandoms eventually, right?
Sorry this is so long, there’s a lot of disclaimers I had to put on this to make myself feel like I am making my blog a safe space for everyone. I didn’t want anyone to get the wrong idea.
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  The war had taken so much from everyone. Taken innocence, taken parents, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives; it seemed that nobody was safe from the path of destruction. Even a year after the war, many were still plagued with mourning people ripped away from them by the clutches of war. Fred Weasley was one of them. They had just started their lives together, finally going through with everything they had talked and planned about during those nights wrapped in each other’s arms as they hid from the Professors and Prefects. Those hopes and dreams for the future were now just empty memories and proof of their love. The book that held every little detail of their planned future laid on your desk in your bedroom - untouched since the last time you had touched it before the war. Everything of yours remained in the place you had set them the last time you had touched them. They were frozen in a happier time filled with love and light, not filled with loneliness and darkness. 
  Fred stirred awake, the familiar feeling of his body being weighted down rushing over him as he blinked his eyes open. His void gaze instantly met the empty side of the bed. It was neatly made, the pillow just faintly smelling of you now. Even a year later, he couldn’t bring himself to lay on that side of the bed - your side of the bed. He had a hard enough time sleeping in the bed at all, not being able to forget the feeling of you wrapped in his arms. Tears burned his eyes as he gazed upon the spot, your laughter echoing in his mind as he remembered all of those mornings he woke up to you just waking up yourself. He’d lean in, nabbing his first kiss of the day and you’d pull away with red cheeks claiming that you hadn’t brushed your teeth yet and he’d claim not to care (which he didn’t) and lean in to pepper kisses all over your face - your laughter bouncing off the walls. He threw the covers off him, trying to fight against the weight trying to keep him down in the bed. Pushing against the invisible force he shuffled into the bathroom to brush his teeth. 
  With ever step he took, every room he entered, came the memory of you. The tune you hummed as you danced from the bedroom to the bathroom, the smell of your shampoo, the smell of your sweet perfume. They lingered through the house like a ghost - a hazy mist trailing behind him everywhere he went. The ball in his throat stung as he tried to swallow it down, blinking away from the tears that welled in his eyes. No matter how many times he experienced them a day since you died, he would never get used to the sting. He’d never get used to the shaking of his hands, the tightness growing in his chest, the racing of his heart, the constricting of his lungs or the vivid image of holding you in his arms, watching the life slip from your body as you took your last breath whenever he heard something that brought him back to that day. 
  He could smell the fresh coffee that his brother had brewed as he drifted into the hall, a shell of the old Fred. George was used to seeing his brother dancing down the hallway with you, large smiled on both your faces and laughter surrounding the entire apartment. Now, since you were gone, Fred didn’t dance, his feet were heavy against the floors, weighing him down. He didn’t joke around with his brother anymore, his brother missed the sound of his laughter and the humorous tone to his voice instead of the broken and heavy one he had now. The second Fred entered the small kitchen, his eyes instantly landed on the yellow mug with the faint lipstick stain still on the rim, the faded red still a slight contrast from the yellow of the mug. You had never been able to get the stain gone, it had driven you crazy that your lip stick had tainted the beautiful mug Fred had gotten you after you guys ran away from Hogwarts as a homage to your house, Hufflepuff. The plants that you had been growing thanks to your love for Herbology were barely alive, George having been trying his best to take care of them since he knew you’d want them to thrive. 
  “Morning, Freddie,” George’s voice was soft as he brought his own mug to his lips, sipping the warm coffee. “Made you some eggs,” He told his brother as he pushed a plate of scrambled eggs towards his moping brother before setting a full cup of coffee in front of him. “How’d you sleep?” He asked him. Fred, not lifting his head from his plate of eggs as he pushed them around with the fork George had laid on the plate. 
  “Fine.” It was a simple word, but it was most of what Fred spoke these days. George hummed, taking another large gulp of his coffee as he let Fred soak in his silence, knowing that if he pushed too hard, he’d revert back and lose all the progress they had made. 
  “Are you feeling ready for your appointment today? Do you want me to come with you? Or mum, maybe Ginny? I can get Lee to cover the shop if you want me to come.” George asked him, setting his coffee cup on the counter, his hands wrapped around the warm mug.
  “I’m fine going on my own.” He muttered, thinking back to his night. He knew that his therapist would ask him about it. It was just like any other night. Sleepless since whenever he closed his eyes, you were all he saw. He knew that if he’d sleep long enough, he could dream of you and it’d be like you never left, but he’d also know that you’d tell him that he’ll be fine without you and he definitely knew he’d never be. You were his. 
  “Please don’t skip out on this one to sit at the bar and drink, Fred,” George pleaded with his brother. Last two appointments, Fred and went on his own and ended up not even showing up. When his therapist George (them having to have gotten a muggle landline for communication) to inform him that Fred had not shown up, he had search everywhere for him. George remembered the blinding fear he had coursing through his blood that day, not knowing where his brother was or if he was okay. His mind had jumped to every possible conclusion, the nagging thought of the worst hanging in the back of his mind. “You need these appointments, they are good for you,” George pleaded. Fred only nodded, not saying anything while he ate. George watched him take a few more bites before his fork clanged against the plate about still half full of eggs. Fred pushed it away, taking one final sip of his coffee. “Right, so your appointment’s at twelve, so why don’t you get an outfit picked out while I head down to the shop - Mum will be here in a few minutes, I reckon.” George suggested. 
  Fred hummed, walking back into his room. Molly had been coming over to monitor when Fred left for his appointments and got back, also to watch the phone incase he skipped over his appointment. She also came daily when George was manning the shop to watch over Fred and take care of him. Sometimes, Fred went down to the shop and sorted products, but that was rare. George popped his head into Fred’s room to see him sitting on the bed. In his hands, he held your favourite shirt of his. He stared down at it while a mismatched outfit laid on the bed beside him. “I’m heading down to the shop, love you.” George announced. 
  “Love you, George.” The sound broke George’s heart. The fear in his brother’s voice every time George left the apartment destroyed him. Fred was terrified of losing someone else and not getting to be there for them, that he can never let them leave his presence without him saying that he loves them. His biggest fear was that you had died not knowing that he still loved you. Everyone says that you knew because you could feel his love for you and he doesn’t want anyone to question if he loved them if he wasn’t there. 
  The second he heard the door close behind George, he let himself crash down on the bed, laying on his side in a fetal position as he held the shirt to his nose. His jaw was sore as he let the tears fall from his eyes, the lump in his throat twisting itself into a bigger lump. His body shook with silent sobs. He couldn’t help but envision you moving through the apartment with this shirt tucked into your pants or tied up. He hadn’t felt himself slip into sleep as he let himself imagine your arms wrapping around him, encasing him in a loving warmth. He was unaware of his mother walking into the apartment as he finally slept with his imagination configuring you there with him. Molly instantly went to his room to check on him when he wasn’t on the couch, she stopped in her tracks as she laid eyes on her sleeping son, curled up. She only saw Fred sleeping in a fetal position clutching a t-shirt, but Fred felt the ghost of you wrapped around him.  
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