#had to shrink the whale down by a bit for it to fit in the tube 😭
lokitu ¡ 2 years
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Fast Food Rep, part 6
- Story written by DeltaC -
John: Argh these don’t fit either! Steve, remind me to take our clothing to another dry cleaners. This is the 5th pair of slacks they shrink on me.
**Damn it, how many good clothes have they ruined?! Christ it has to do the cleaners right? There is no way I am bigger than the clothes I use for dirty bulking.**
Steve: Oh come on I like our current cleaners. They always have some yummy donuts for me.
John: Well tell your donut connection to stop shrinking my clothes!
Steve: Here try these on grumpy pants.
John: Huh I don’t remember owning these. Where did you get them?
Steve: How do they fit?
John: They fit like a glove. A little short in the inseam but not too shabby. I guess I still had an extra pair of clothes from my bulking phase. Oh man these are wonderful! Nice and snug in the bum just how I like ‘em. You know how much your Papi loves his form fitting jeans to show off his powerful hams.
Steve: Ummmm yeah bulking phase…
John: What is Steve? What aren’t you telling me?
Steve: What do you meeeeeaaaan?
John: Steve, your voice cracks whenever you aren’t telling me something.
Steve: What? No! You’re crazy John! That’s crazy! Stop being dumb.
John: Huh, okay, we’ll do this the hard way. Here comes the tickle monster.
Steve: DON’T YOU DARE!!!
John: YOU know the tickle monster just loves to tickle those crazy hot tits of yours baby! And rub that gorgeous thick overhang you call a belly. Ooh and how he loves to blow raspberries on your thick thighs.
Steve: Quit it!
John: Run run run…well that wouldn’t work here now will it. Waddle waddle waddle away as fast as you can here comes the tickle monster!
John: It doesn’t have to be this way Stevie! Damn look at your rolls jiggling. I fucking love your bouncing tits baby. I still can’t believe you actually hit 450 lbs this morning.
Steve: HAHAHA please sssssstop I can’t breathe.
John: Spill the beans baby.
Steve: th…th…they’re my old jeans…wheezee…from when I hit 350.
John: WHAT!!!
Steve: Huff puff huff. Oh god I think I’m crying. Phew okay breath is coming back…John where are you? Oh boy, from the sounds of those heavy steps he is either at the full length mirror or stress eating my ice cream again.
John: Crap crap crap. This can’t be happening. How am I wearing Steve’s fat hand-me-downs? Oh god, my thighs are rubbing together and my belly is bouncing too. I got to take stock. Where’s the scale?! No, mirror first I got to see the damage. It probably isn’t that bad. No way I’m 350 lbs of lard. What keeps hitting the top of my belly…are you kidding me? My pecs are slapping against my belly? Steve, where is the scale?
Steve: It’s by the full length mirror. Don’t freak out! Bring back the ice cream when you are done.
John: Sure! Mmm ice cream does sound good. Fuck focus John.  
***Fifteen minutes later.
Steve: What does a fatboy have to do around here to get some ice cream? John, where did you disappear off too? C’mon I want my ice cream.
I get it would take John a few minutes to waddle to and from the kitchen. Heh John waddle is coming along and is a bit of a turn on these days; to think he would run along the wet sandy beach. Welp, I better go see where he waddled off to. Ugh, waddling is such a chore. Okay, so he is not in his office. Not in the living room. Not in the kitchen. Oh great, all the ice cream is gone. Looks like I got up for nothing. What was he asking for again? Oh right, the scale. Oh crap not the scale!
John? Oh, ohh damn. Are you okay John? How much ice cream have you eaten…unmmm never mind. Is there still any ice cream left?
John: How did I get so huge? I thought I was doing a good job fattening you up and eating healthy myself. I pushed so much on you Steve every last meal jammed packed with calories just for you. How did this happen? Look at me! I’m a huge whale!!! I can’t even see my toes over this behemoth of a belly I got going. I cannot even see my cock unless I use this mirror and lift up my belly. And look and my prime chest it’s demolished. I got juicy tities now.
Steve: Okay whatever you do, set the ice cream down gently and we won’t have a problem.
John: hmmmm  
Steve: I’m kidding. John, you look absolutely wonderful. You are still the man I fell in love with. Granted there is more of you to love—a hell of a lot more! And I love every added soft square inch of you. John, I have fallen in love with you all over again. You may not know it, but you have grown much more loving and attentive, if that was even possible, as I have truly become a whale.Yes, you are obese, but nowhere near whale sized—given time I do hope you do get beached. John you are a fat hottie with a booty that just won’t quit. Muah.
Now share some of that ice cream before you polish it off fat man.
John: Oh Steve, coke and give me some sugar!
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nikkilover1323 ¡ 2 years
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Making our escape
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Duckling Pt. 7
Pairing: AU!Teen Wolf x Reader x AU!Avengers, Derek Hale x Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Summary: Peter learns why he should never, ever approach the owner of the yellow Skylark.
A/N: This one’s a short, little filler, but not to worry! The next part will probably be up by the time you finish this one!
A/N 2: Plot requester didn’t remember the name of the film this is based on, so if you recognize it, let me know!
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Nat hadn’t spoken to Brock since that game. He’d gone over to the house, actually walking up to the door, and asked to see her on a few occasions. She turned him away every time. She knew she was a hypocrite for getting as angry as she did, knowing she wouldn’t have cared had he attacked any other player on the team. It didn’t matter, though. She was actually pleased she was rid of him, much to her own surprise. More than anything, she was relieved that no one saw anything at the game. Still, she didn’t relax; she couldn’t. Not only would there be other games, but she knew it would only be a matter of time before someone ran into you. It was a small town, after all, at least compared to New York. All she could hope for was that no one recognized you when they did. 
The only bad thing about breaking up with Brock was that now she was back at square one; no boyfriend, no friends, and nothing to do. She considered pursuing something with Clint, but it seemed to her that every time they spoke, it was because she initiated it. 
Word spreads fast in school, so she knew everyone knew she had left her old group of friends behind, yet no one stepped up to try to befriend her. She thought for sure Clint would, but he didn’t. At first she thought maybe it was because he was Brock’s teammate, and it would complicate things or cause problems amongst the team, but it looked like Brock was getting the same treatment. It shocked her, as she didn’t think his usual crowd could ever do anything but worship the ground he walked on. She didn’t care, though. Brock was no longer her concern.
For the first time in a long time, Nat didn’t want distractions. She wanted something real. It hit her when she saw not only the concern of your teammates, but the concern of some of the academy’s players, too. She saw how T’Challa had commanded his players to back off when Derek beat Brock, and when Clint actually spoke to you, making sure you were ok. It made her realize just how lonely she really was.
She didn’t understand it until she saw Derek, though. He was even angrier than she was when Brock tackled you, and Clint’s words came flooding back to her.
When you see them together, you’ll know.
The relief on his face when he realized you weren’t hurt morphed into pure adoration. As he looked you over, needing to be sure you were alright, her own heart broke at having never seen that look on Brock’s, or anyone’s, face. Whatever Derek was, whatever he did or whatever facade he put up, it’s not who he was when he was with you. Meanwhile, she never dropped hers in front of anyone. No one had ever made her feel the way you seemed to make each other feel.
Now she’d seen you together, and she knew.
She never stood a chance.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
As much as Peter missed his friends and his old hangouts, he was starting to love his new home. He had a smart, beautiful girlfriend, an awesome car, and little to no city traffic to prevent him from enjoying it when the time came.
He was in the driveway again, listening to the radio in his ‘new’ Chevelle. It was about the only thing that worked in the old car, but that was the way he wanted it.  Sometimes the twins would join him, making engine sounds and pretending they were on a trip. Other times, he’d end his dates with Shuri there, talking until it was time for her to go home.
The sun had just set, and the light was quickly diminishing. Her brother was due to pick her up any minute, so they sat in the car, relishing the last few moments they had together. They were speaking animatedly about their plans for spring break, which Steve had surprised them with a trip to the southern part of the state, and invited Shuri to come along. She had squealed that she’d always wanted to go to Disneyland. 
A yellow car sped by, and Shuri pursed her lips at the gleam in Peter’s eye as he watched it shrink in the distance. He turned back to her, and his smile faltered at the worried look on her face.
“What’s wrong?” he asked. “You don’t like the Skylark?”
She shook her head. “It’s not that.”
“Oh, well, what is it?” He could hear her mind working, trying to decide if she should say what she was thinking. “Do you know who owns it?”
“No, not really. I know her name’s Y/N Lang, and she calls it Honeybee.”
“Aww,” Peter gushed. “That’s cute. You think she’ll let me take a picture of it? My friend Ned back home would-”
“No!” Shuri interrupted, clutching tightly on his arm. “You mustn't speak to her!”
“W-why not?”
Shuri sighed, deciding it would be better to tell him what she knew, rather than risk Peter putting himself in danger. “Because of Derek Hale.”
Peter knew that name, he’d even seen the guy around town once or twice. Most people seemed to be afraid of him, from what he could tell. “What’s he got to do with anything?”
“He’s her boyfriend,” she leaned in, whispering as if it was some big secret. “Things don’t go well for people who cross their path. I’d say ‘Just ask Matt Daehler’, but...”
Peter’s brows knit in confusion. “Who’s that?”
“A boy who was found drowned in a creek last year. A shallow creek. My cousin said it happened just days after he spoke to her. Derek was the prime suspect.”
Peter visibly paled, swallowing hard at the information she’d given him. “But, there wasn’t any evidence, was there? Since he’s free right now. Why did they think it was him?”
“Look, we don’t even know Derek. My cousin thinks all the rumors are true, but my brother’s not so sure.” She hesitated again, but she quickly relaxed, resigning herself to just getting it all out there. He’d hear everything eventually, it might as well be now. “His family died in a fire a few years ago. Only three people survived: him, one of his sisters, and an uncle who said it was a miracle he was able to get out. Then, two years ago, his sister was killed. Had their uncle been trapped in the house, the only surviving member would be Derek.”
“Wait, so people think he killed his own family?”
“That’s the rumor,” she said. “It’s not just family, but girlfriends, too! Before his sister, his girlfriend was found in the woods. Then it was an ex last year. Throat ripped right open. Then when Matt died, and people started saying he was seen talking to Derek’s current girlfriend…”
“They assumed he did it.”
A loud knock on Shuri’s window startled them, making them both scream. They could hear T’Challa laughing, and they climbed out of the car just as Bucky ran out the front door, clutching a large hunting knife in his hand. 
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
There weren’t many times you were seriously angry at your sister, but this was one of them. You’d all been ready to go, and were only waiting on your dad to double check the back door was locked before leaving, when Cassie spilled juice all over herself.
Now your dad had to get Cassie cleaned up and changed. You’d offered to do it, but he already had her halfway up the stairs and told you to sit tight. You swallowed thickly, turning back toward the living room.
Hope smiled at you, but you could see it didn’t reach her eyes. You offered your own strained one in return before taking a seat on the couch across from her.
“So,” she began awkwardly, “will Derek be joining us tonight?”
“Oh, um, no. He has… other things to take care of.”
She nodded in understanding, only letting silence linger for a moment. “Everything’s going well at the garage?”
“Yeah, he’s… he’s good.”
“That’s good. And you? Are you happy at Argent’s?”
“Can’t complain.” You hadn’t noticed when your knee began to bounce, so you pulled your legs up and sat cross legged instead. 
“I hear your team made the semi-finals. Excited?”
The minutes dragged, and though you resolved to try to make things less awkward with Hope, it didn’t seem like it was any different than before. You suffered through small talk, silently begging your dad to hurry up and get down there already.
It felt like hours had passed by the time they descended the stairs, finally ready to begin your ‘family’ outing. They were a regular occurrence, but it was the first one Hope attended.
It wasn’t too bad, once it was the four of you again. You pretty much just focused on Cassie, keeping interactions with your dad and Hope to a minimum. It was easy enough to do, and easy enough to not let negative thoughts creep to the forefront of your mind. At least, it was until you fell a bit behind, and noticed how sweet the three of them looked together. 
They held Cassie up, swinging her between them as she laughed. You tried to be grateful that Hope seemed to genuinely care about them, but you couldn’t help the gnawing feeling in the pit of your stomach that made you question if there was room in that picture for you.
Your father’s laughter pulled you from your thoughts. As you picked up the pace to catch up, you realized it didn’t matter whether or not you fit in. You only had a little more than two years of school left. After that, you’d be off to college, or moving in with Derek, and you wouldn’t have to feel like the odd one out anymore.
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Permanent -  @melconnor2007 @ria132love @psychicwitchphilosopher @sireennotsiren @silence–in–the–library @thefridgeismybestie @hymnofthevalkyrie @abbybills22 @mvasquez492 @ek823 @nicky10876 @sophiealiice @madeof-ink @dugan365 @magnitude101999 @way-ward-whale @i-am-the-fandom-warrior @seabasstiantrash @eden-the-human-garden
Duckling - @lgkoval@charmed-1998 @broco8 @sailor-earth-1 @sincerely-kizzy 
If I missed you, let me know!
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kassies-take ¡ 5 years
1108 AD
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A/N: Mostly historically accurate. Ava and Sara are best friends, never dated and Sara is still in her old habits.
Warning: Slight NSFW
Sara Lance x LeagueofAssassins!Reader
Word Count: 1615
“Captain I have found an anachronism in the year 1108 AD. Should I plot a course?”
“Yeah, while you’re on it notify the team that we are going to time jump,” Sara said as she marched to the Captain’s chair from her office.
The Legends entered the Bridge and pulled the safety harnesses over their heads.
“Where are we going now?” Mick grumbled.
“It’s not where but when,” Sara calibrated the control panel a bit more.
“I wonder when we’re going,” Ray grinned. “World War II, Gutenberg’s Printing Press, oh maybe Pax Romana,” Ray listed.
“Did you know that Pax Romana was the period of relative peace in the Roman Empire for about two hundred years, which is shocking because the Roman Empire loved fights and bloodshed. Road, postal systems, arch, plumbing, and other cultural advances developed during this time,” Nate rambled in his area of expertise.
Sara breathed a sigh, rolled her eyes and was ready to pilot the ship through the temporal zone.
“How big is this anachronism?” Amaya ask.
“At this point I don’t even care, I’m starting to get a massive headache.” Zari complained.
“Shut up!” Mick grunted with a beer in his hand.
“It’s a level 14, you’re still getting use to time jumping, and I agree with Mick everyone shut up so I can pilot!” Sara answered respectively.
Sara pushed the pilot lever forward and was met with a golden yellow light of the time jump. She parked the Waverider just outside the city —well buildings made out of bricks, sticks and mud, roads just dirt and a couple of stones. Sara cloaked the ship, pushed the harness up and headed towards the octagon control panel. The Legends right on her tail.
“What do we have Gideon?” Sara places both her hands on each side of a panel.
“King Louis VI was kidnapped the morning of his coronation,” Gideon explained.
“Ooh fun fact King Louis VI is the Great great great great great great great great great-” Nate counted on his fingers till twenty three. “Grandfather of King Louis XVI. Sorry Gideon continue.”
“In this version of history the royal power was never centralized for instruction, King Louis XVI was never born, France never helps the United States with the Revolution,the United States remains a monarchy and France falls into anarchy.”
“Alright Jax and Stein quarterback on the ship first sign of trouble you firestorm up, Nate, Amaya and I need you to pose as a merchant setting up shop in the square, Ray I need you to shrink down and run reconnaissance while guarding Louis VI with Mick,” the Legends nodded at the captain’s orders. “Zari you’re with me in the town to run reconnaissance. Alright let’s go save the world.”
Amaya and Nate set up a bakery, Amaya mainly bake or displayed the middle age pastries Gideon fabricated as Nate set up the fabricated sign that read ‘The Muffin Man’. As Nate finished with the sign he climbed down the ladder and opened the door for you.
Amaya smiled at you as you looked around the shop. To Amaya and Nate you were just looking around, however as League training you scanned the area for escape routes as well as Amaya and Nate’s actions.
The League was more advanced with its technology as you wore your custom made League of Assassins suit, fitted with leather tunics under the long, fairly-wide green over-garment with the cotte hardie pinned by a girdle to easily hide your weapons.
“Are you two new to the business?” You spoke in French. Amaya gave you a piece of bread to try.
“Yes, we traveled from England,” Nate replied cautiously.
“Well I must know your names and let the word spread that there are new bakers in town.”
“Nathanial and Marie Antoinette,” Nate introduced. 
“How funny, the real Marie Antoinette loved cakes while the fake baked cakes.” Jax laughed on coms
“You have a beautiful name Marie Antoinette,” you smiled and ogled at Amaya’s body without the two noticing. “My name is Shamara Zurisada.”
You passed a few small silver pennies over to Amaya who gladly accepted them with a smile.
“What a nice lady,” Nate said once you were out of sight.
A short static buzzed in their coms before Sara spoke up.
“Anything with you guys, Nate?” Sara asked.
“Nope, but we had our first customer Shamara Zurisada,” Sara froze in realization. “Hello? Captain? Earth to Sara?”
“Nate, I need you to follow her. We just found our white whale and the reason Louis VI went missing before his coronation, he gets killed by the League of Assassins,” Sara filled in the whole team.
“You want me to follow an assassin?” Nate asked doubtfully.
You walked into the crowded square knowing full well who the Legends were. One important thing Sara didn’t tell the Legends was that Shamara Zurisada, you, were important to League history.
“According to the Shadow Records, Shamara Zurisada was an assassin that strengthened the League, in which the Demon Head even feared. Though a part of the League she was allowed to do whatever she wanted, due to her said power being able to see through out all of history. She supposedly disappeared without a trace and reappeared throughout the League history as an immortal warrior,”  Stein explained as Nate turned the other way as he lost courage to continue walking.
“Wow the Shadow Records say all that.” Zari rolled her eyes at Ray’s bubbly comment.
“The Shadow Records are names of assassins and when they joined,” Sara retorted.
“My mistake I was reading off the League’s history. However the Shadow Record does not say when Shamara Zurisada joined the League, only that she joined.”
Sara caught a glimpse of your black robes, what she didn’t expect was to find you staring back at her with a smirk. A couple of French men and women blocked the path between you and Sara and that was when you climbed up the stone steps above the square’s walls.
You watched as the city was filled with laughter and music all ready for the new King. The crunch of gravel came from behind you, without turning you spoke.
“Ta-er Al-Sahfer,” No one dared to speak afterwards.
You threw a dagger towards Sara. While she was distracted by the weapon you executed a double roundhouse to her chest. Sara ran out of room to dodge as the walls came closer to her. She continued retreat; you continued to advance.
Sara didn’t know how it happened but a sharp gasp escaped her lips. The stones and sticks dug into her back in random places. You pulled Sara to her feet, almost tearing her collar off the middle age dress. She heard the slight rasps of material ripping before her back slammed against the wall.
You pinned Sara against the door by her wrist a smirk written on your face.
“Why do you want to kill the King?” Sara panted.
“It got boring and I went looking for trouble, well looking for you.” You whispered the latter half in her ear.
Sara’s infamous smirk appeared as you pushed against the door to open it. You and Sara immediately locked lips as Sara kicked the door closed. Sara bit your lower lip and allowed herself to slip her tongue in your mouth. With the slight advantage Sara pushed you onto the bed. Sara pinned you down by straddling your waist and held your wrists above your head. Her head flew towards the sweet spot on your neck and you threw your head back to let out a moan.
“To a successful mission!” Ray cheered as the Legends entered the Bridge from the Cargo Bay.
“Do we really need a new member of the team?” Zari grumbled.
“You’re on the ship to help Amaya with her totem problem and Shamara Zurisada is on the ship to help with mine,” Sara explained.
“(Y/N),” you crossed your arms and leaned against the Bridge entrance.
“What problem?” Amaya asked with concern.
“N-nothing,” Sara stuttered.
“Her sexual frustration problem,” you pushed off the wall.
“Ha! A fuck buddy!” Mick took a sip of his beer.
The Legends froze and stared at Sara who had flushed cheeks.
“Well regardless, Welcome to the team,” Ray beamed and tried to hug you.
He landed on the floor with a thud and a groan. You maintained a straight face and crossed your arms.
“I like her,” Mick pointed to you and sipped his beer once again.
“Just keep your room soundproof Captain,” Nate shot it finger gun, clicked his tongue and headed towards the library.
“I am so moving to the room at the other end of the hall,” Jax shook his head.
“Remarkable, by taking (Y/N) onto the Waverider she lives the myth of the immortal warrior. Truly astonishing!” Stein followed Jax to clear his room.
The Legends slowly left the Bridge with you and Sara the last two standing.
“You’re welcome to show me around or we could just head straight to your room,” you whispered in Sara’s ear
“Actually I was thinking about round two,” Sara was met with your smirked grin. “I was thinking more of sparring!” Sara rolled her eyes. “Besides we should wait till Gideon, our artificial intelligence, robot....” Sara tried to explain.
“I know what an A.I is Lance. I can see around time remember.”
“Right. As I was saying we should wait for the room to be soundproof first, you’re really load.”
You raised your eyebrows, dropped your crossed arms and placed them on your hips. “Is that a challenge, Ta-er Al-Sahfer?”
Sara shrugged her shoulders, “We will have to see.”  
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dontatmethanks ¡ 5 years
Part of your world
A levihan fic (mermaid AU)
Summary: Hange zoe is a marine biologist/trained vet who works at an aquatic rehabilitation center,They specialize in rare species.She becomes in charge of taking care of the worlds grumpiest mermaid. What they both don’t know is that they will change each other’s life and learn to be part of each other’s world.
Chapter 1:
To say that Hange was excited was a complete understatement. She was over the moon.
The Sina Aqautic Rehabilitation center was getting a new addition to their family and Hange was going to be in charge of their care.
She checked her wrist watch, twelve thirty. The patient should be arriving from transport at around one thirty, so that meant she had about an hour to prepare their file and enclosure.
They recived many types of patients like dolphins, whales, sea lions, sea turtles and etc. but this was the first time that Erwin had put her in charge of one of the more...rarer species.
Her assistant Moblit entered her office, a wetsuit in each hand.
“Transport is almost here, I brought your gear.” He tells her gesturing to the items in his hands.
Hange looks up from her desk and raises her eyebrows. “ they’re early.”
Moblit hands her a suit, “this one sounds urgent.”
After quickly changing Into their wet gear they make their way down to the loading dock just in time to see the transport boat pull up. Erwin and the others are already waiting for them.
“Nanaba and Mike will help you guys with the intake.” Erwin says to her and she nods firmly as the boat docks and a two mean haul a large casket sized container, she can hear the sound of sloshing water coming from inside. Frowns and approaches them as the set it down on the dock.
“Please tell me that my patient is not in there.” She said in an annoyed voice, the men just shrug and begin to help her open the container. A bald man walks up to Erwin who stands behind her, Nanaba and Mike are also helping to open the container.
“He’s sedated for now, we found him near the reef with his tail all bloodied. We decided this was the best place to bring him.” He says to Erwin in a gruff voice.
“Thank you Pixis.” Erwin thanks him and shakes his hand.
They finally remove the lid from the container and Hange’s eyes widen. Inside the container was no shark or dolphin but an actual living beastly breathing mermaid.
Err-Merman actually as she looked closer. His skin was pale and he had straight jet black hair that fell over his eyes. She examined his tail, his scales were a beautiful black and grey ombrĂŠ color. One of the fins of his tail was torn and bleeding profusely.
Hange clears her throat, “ we need a stretcher.” That seemed to snap everybody to attention. Moblit runs to retrieve said stretcher and Nanaba hands her and aid kit and stethoscope. Hange places the stethoscope over where she would guess his heart would be.
“Pulse is thready.” She says firmly and notices a deep slash beneath his ribs and a deep bruise beginning to form around it. There were a few more shallow cut around his left shoulder, she grimaces.
“What the hell happened to you.” She whispers
They tranport him to the medbay via stretcher where they worked on his injuries and prepped him for his move in.
Hange was wrapping his his tail with waterproof bandages when he began to stir awake. Preparing for his reaction she worked quickly but tried not to apply too much pressure.
The mer hissed in pain as he tried to move away from her. It was then when she noticed eyes, they were a steely grey, filled with fear and anger towards her. She backed away from the medical table he lay on and raised hands, palms facing him.
“It’s okay I’m trying to help, try not to move to much okay?”
He only glared at her harder and struggled against his bindings, hissing and thrashing.
“Hey,hey,hey now calm down.” She says in a calm voice and places a gloved hand on his hip, right where his fishtail begins.
The halfling freezes and stares at with wide eyes, thin eyebrows squeezed towards each other as he bares his sharp teeth at her.
She made a move to loosen the straps so he wouldn’t hurt himself and Moblit tried to stop her.
“Miss Hange-”
But it was too late, her patient lurched forward and bit her on the arm hard. She attempted to pull away but be wouldn’t let go, he only sank his teeth deeper.
“Sedate him.” She says to Moblit, but contains eye contact with her patient.
The mer’s eyes widen when Moblit injects him with the syringe. The gills on his neck flutter slightly as he detaches from Hange’s arm and he slumps backwards. Hange ignores the blood that begins to bead and watches as his eyelids begin to droop.
“Hurts...” he whispers hoarsely before the drugs pull him under.
Hang and Moblit both stare at each other in surprise.
“He spoke..” Hange whispers, a big grin spreads across her face.
There were able to relocate him to his personal enclosure without hassle, due to him being sedated. His enclosure was fairly large, about the size of a regular lions enclosure. It was fitted with a man made beach that lead to an indoor observation tank underground. At the edge of the water was a resting spot made out of rocks and a hammock hanged bettween two fake trees, the cieling was also open to the outdoors.
Hange observed the merman who was resting in the hammock. She did countless for research on his species but never has examined one in real life until now. She knew that they were a very rare encounter and were hard to deal with both biologically and behaviorally. Apparently they found him entangled in a fishing net near a coral reef. She frowned at the thought of that poor creature bleeding out in the water, at the mercy of reef shark. This was definitely the work of some careless fishermen, hopefully he wasn’t traumatized enough to forget what had actually happened.
He had been beginning to stir awake for the past few minutes and she decided that he may be hungry when he fully comes too. Hange grabs an ice bucket full of fresh sardines and a first aid kit and heads down the observation deck and into his enclosure. She approaches the mer slowly, making sure he can hear her footsteps. As soon as he catches sight of her her recoils into the hammock and hisses.
“It’s alright, I’m not gonna hurt you.” She says softly and places the bucket on top of one of the rocks in front of him. He only glares at her, wary of her movements.
“I brought you some food.” She continues, gesturing to the bucket, and sits beside it placing the kit behind her and crisscrosses her legs.
At the mention of food he perked up a little, just a little. He narrowed his eyes into silver slits and watched her for a moment, she grinned back at him.
“.....that better not me mackerel.” He spoke in a deep voice.
It surprised her when he spoke, she didn’t expect him to even speak an entire sentence. She wanted to hear more.
“Sardines, they’re fresh,” she speaks up, “ the dolphins love them.”
He glares at her again, “ I’m not a dolphin.”
She laughs and he flinches, surprised at the sound.
“Oh I know, we call your kind merpeople, and I’m very excited to have you in my care.” She explains to him, eyes sparkling brightly.
He eyes her suspiciously, and once he decided she wasn’t going to move he slid off the hammock ,careful of his tail, and onto one of the rocks. Keeping his gaze on her her snatched the bucket and begins to rip the heads off the fish voilently. Hange smiles as she watches him eat, his glare lessened slightly.
“Do you...do you have a name?” She asks him as she wipes a smudge off of the lens of her glasses.
He pauses his chewing and narrows his eyes at her
“ I’m Hange Zoe, you can call me whichever.”
He hesitates, lowering the bucket and swallong before speaking.
“...Levi..it’s just Levi.”
Hange tilts her head and smiles like a puppy. “Nice to meet you Levi, your English is good, where are you from.” She asks him and notices that he has already emptied the entire bucket of sardines. Levi shrugs, before clutching his bandaged shoulder and wincing. Hange moves closer, “careful with your wounds, you don’t want the to rip open again.”
Levi shrinks away from her and curls into himself, letting out low whine of pain. Hange leans back a bit and lifts her palms out to him, as if she was trying to tame a wild horse.
“ Levi, it okay you can trust me I’m hre to take care of you, I won’t hurt you I promise.” She reassures him softly. He looks up at her slowly and he shivers painfully, the meds were wearing off.
“Let me help you, okay?” She asks him again, not moving and inch. Levi stares at her and then his eyes drift to her bandaged arm, he blinks.
He hurt her, why wouldn’t she want to hurt him?
Hange notices this and places a hand on it. “Don’t worry it doesn’t hurt, I’m not angry.”
Levi blinks in surprise.
“You were scared, I understand,” she continues with a sympathetic smile. “ I’ve been bitten scratched and mawled plenty of times, it comes with the job.”
He relaxes a little, know that he knows she wasn’t angry about what he did to her.
“Can I check your injuries?” She asks him, taking a tiny step towards him. A few seconds pass before he finally nods, dark fringe falling in front of his face.
Hange kneels in front of him slot with the aid kit, letting him watch her movements carefully.
“I’m going to clean you wounds and replace the bandages okay?” She briefs him and he nods stiffly, not taking his eyes off of her. She gently unwraps the bandages off of his injured tail and grimaces at the sight. One of the fins of his tail was torn off, it wasn’t bleeding anymore but it looked painful.
“Do you remember what happened to you?” Hange asked him as she tends to it. He looks away from her and clenches his jaw. She looks back a him for a moment before continuing her work.
“It’s okay we don’t have to talk about it.”
After thourougly cleaning the tail she replaces the bandages with clean ones and moved to the large gash underneath his ribs. As soon as her fingertips brush the bandages he groans in pain and curls into himself.
“I’m sorry,” she apologizes and removes her hand, “ that one is pretty bad huh? You had some internal bleeding.”
Levi doesn’t understand but he nods anyway and allows her to continue. A few minutes go by as she works on him, his gaze seemed to be fixated on her face the whole time and when she would look at him he would glare and look away, she chuckled at this.
“What are those?” He asks gesturing at the frames that rested on her nose.
“Oh these?” She says as she removes them from her face so he can examine them. He nods, brushing his hair away from his face to look closer.
“They’re calmed glasses, they help me see better. I was born with poor eyesight you see.” She tells him while sliding the back on he nose.
“They’re shitty.” He responds blandly, making her snort loudly.
“I see you have an extensive vocabulary Mr. Grumpy” Hange chuckles as she finishes the last of his bandages.
“ Shut up shitty glasses,” He frowns. “That’s what I’ll call you, shitty glasses.” He says, pleased with himself and hange laughs, eyes crinkling in delight.
She’s gets up, still chuckling to herself, and grabs the empty bucket and kit.
“I’ll bring you something for the pain, grumpy.”
AN: I’m gonna be honest and say that I don’t really know anything about marine life and veterinary work 😂👌 but anyways I had started this fic a while back before I had tumblr and I really wanted to make it a multi chap. If you guys like the idea please let me know so I can continue it, I love this AU 😭💕
But that’s enough from me thanks for reading 🤙🏼😔😘
part 2
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122 notes ¡ View notes
nothingeverlost ¡ 5 years
Fic: Things Half in Shadows (14/14)
Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Pairings: Gold/Belle (eventually) with side pairings that probably include Graham/Bay, Archie/Emma and others.
Summary: The first thing you learn, back in Psych 101, is that you never get emotionally involved with a patient.  For 25 years Dr. Gold hasn’t had a problem walking that fine line.  Something changes, though, when he meets Belle French. AU
Author’s Note: I can’t begin to express what this fic and the people who read it have meant to me.  Thank you all.  This is the last chapter.  I chose to leave it here and pick it up again in a sequel.  The second half is relationship-centric and will begin with Belle leaving Storybrooke.
TRIGGER WARNING: Indirect mentions of abuse and sexual assault
<Prologue><Chapter 1><Chapter 2> <Chapter 3> <Chapter 4> <Chapter 5> <Chapter 6> <Chapter 7> <Chapter 8> <Chapter 9> <Chapter 10> <Chapter 11> <Chalpter 12> <Chapter 13>
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Chapter 14 - Small Steps
There was a book on the table next to her customary cup of tea.  The cover was free of words, only a pattern of roses that looked like an old bit of wallpaper.
“A journal?” she guessed.  She’d never kept a diary before and felt a flutter in her stomach when she remembered the last time her doctor had asked her to write anything.  Eight words and everything had changed.  For the better, maybe, someday, but nothing had ever hurt so much.  She hadn’t had the numbness to shield her.  She would try, though, if he asked.
“While that’s never a bad idea that’s not my intent today.  It is for writing but I don’t want you to write about yourself.”  
“Who should I be writing about?”  She knew he wouldn’t ask her to write about her father.
“You read a lot of stories, Belle.  It’s a comfort to step into the world someone else created, to attend a ball with Elizabeth Darcy or to push the Dread Pirate Roberts down a hill.  I want to see you try writing a story with your own words.  It can be as simple or as complex as you like.”  From his pocket he took a pen, resting it on top of the book.
“That’s it?  Just write something?”  She hadn’t written anything since a creative writing class she took her first semester in college.  She couldn’t remember if she’d liked it or not.
“Anything you want.  When you’re done you can show it to anyone you want or you can keep it to yourself.  You can show it to me, but only if that’s what you want.”  He took a sip of his tea.  Belle remembered her own cup and took a sip, and a bite of the coffee cake he’d brought in that morning.  She liked the blueberries.  “What’s the first story you remember as a child?”
“Cinderella.”  She was distracted by the book, picking it up and running her fingers over the lightly textured cover before opening it up.  The pages were blank.  So much empty space; it seemed lonely without words.  “Not the Disney one; it was a pop-up book.  There was this page with all the stairs and in the middle the glass slipper.  I remember running my fingers up and down the stairs, pretending I’d lost my shoe.  One page had the carriage and you could open the door and look inside.  I wanted to shrink so I could fit inside, just for a little while.  It was such a pretty little carriage.”
“Perhaps you can tell the story of a little girl who did manage to shrink,” he suggested.  “When my son was wee there was a story he loved about a family that lived in the walls of a house.”
“I loved Thumbelina.  My mama would watch the movie with me; it was the first VHS I remember owning.  We liked to sing the songs together.”  They would cuddle under a blanket and share a bowl of popcorn that they’d made together on the stove.  Her mama loved to sing.  She’d almost forgotten how she’d sung when she was washing the dishes, or combing her hair, and always at bedtime.  “I don’t remember anything about the movie except that she was little and there was singing.”
“I’m sure we could find a copy, sometime.”  He scribbled a note on a piece of paper.  It was strange, most psychiatrists she had seen wrote a lot.  Some seemed to barely look at her, they were so busy writing about what she said.  Her doctor rarely wrote more than a few sentences and she always got the feeling that it was making sure he remembered things rather than analyzing her.   “It sounds like a memory worth holding onto.”
“I think it is.”  It hurt to think about her mama; maybe it always would.  But it made her feel warm, too, to remember the way they had sung together.  Maybe getting better meant that the warm was just as strong as the hurt.  She took another bite of her coffee cake and waited for questions about her mama that didn’t come.  Her doctor turned back to the subject of stories for the rest of her session.
Belle’s entrance to the art room was blocked by the sprawled form of Jefferson on the floor, arms and legs both spread eagle.  She held her new book to her chest and looked down at him, wondering if she needed to go back and get help.  His eyes were open, though, and she couldn’t see anything that looked like danger.
“Don’t mind him, he’s just being a drama queen.”  August leaned against the back of a chair nearby.  “Even more so than usual.”
“I’m bor-ed.  Bored.  B-b-b-bored.”
“I’m starting to get the idea that Jefferson’s bored.  Anyone else getting that feeling?”  Ruby was using the art scissors to trim bits of her hair.
“Does this place have a yelp?  I’m giving them one star.  Can I do no stars?  I’m going to do that.  The food is pedestrian, the entertainment is abysmal, and I’m sure there’s beds of nails that are more comfortable than what passes for accommodation here.”
“Fortunately there’s always the chance that a patient will provide entertainment,” Ruby said pointedly.
“You call this entertaining?”  August rolled his eyes.
“Do you think they might let us have a picnic?”  Belle offered tentatively.  They’d had sunny afternoons the last couple of days.
“A party.”  Jefferson sat up.  “Rabbit, you’re brilliant.”
“Christmas is over.”  From the corner of the room a small sad voice piped up.  Astrid was working on something involving glue and a lot of glitter.  
“Anyone have a birthday coming up?”  Jefferson asked hopefully.
“Mine was last month.”  Mary Margaret was the first to pop Jefferson’s bubble.  Belle just shook her head. No one had mentioned holidays or birthdays since she’d arrived, almost as if time was standing still.  Maybe that’s what they all hoped, that time was still and they would be able to just slip into their lives when they returned home.  If they returned.
“This is perfect.  Bake the cake and hire the clowns, we’re having a birthday party.”  Jefferson shot up so fast it was hard to tell how he’d gotten to his feet.  
“No on has a birthday until June, sweetie,” Ruby reminded him.
“Please tell me you’re not serious about clowns.”  August crossed his arms.  “That’s not funny.”
“If it’s no one’s birthday then it’s everyone’s unbirthday.  What’s better than an unbirthday party?”  He raced around the room, pulling fake flowers and ribbons from bins, stopping behind Astrid’s chair to lean down low.  “More glitter, little mouse.  We need more sparkle.”
“This is going to be interesting.”  Ella picked up the flower that had landed in her lap.
“That’s one word for it,” August commented, pointedly ignoring the ribbons that had landed on his shoulder.  “Not the word I’d pick, though.”
“Have you ever read any fairy tales?”  Belle threw a pea into the lake, a little farther from the shore this time.  The ducklings were getting bigger now, and Graham said that they needed to work a little for their food.
“Maybe when I was a kid.  I don’t remember, really.”  They reached for a pea at the same time, their fingers touching.  Belle hardly thought about it, or the fact that only a few weeks ago it would have startled her.
“I was rereading some yesterday.”  She had hoped they would inspire her own idea for a story.  “They’re very black and white.  Stepmothers are always evil.  The princess is always good and pure. Fairy godmothers will always help.  Wolves can’t be trusted.”
“A lot of people don’t understand about wolves.  They’re nobel.”  Graham tossed another pea into the water, a little farther from the ducks.  One of the ducklings dove to get it and came up, shaking out its feathers.  
“Maybe it’s easier to pretend that the scary things are so simple.  As easy to see as a wolf in pajamas.”  Fairytales never taught you to be scared of the people that said they loved you; at least none that she’d found.
“Wolf wouldn’t be happy wearing anyone’s pajamas, but he does like sleeping bags.  I had to buy one for him or I’d never get any sleep when we go out.  He gets in and curls up until all you can see is his nose.  He has to carry it, though, if he wants it.”  The last of the peas were gone.  Graham opened the other bag he’d brought and set out two white chocolate cranberry cookies.
“He carries his sleeping bag?”  Graham had mentioned camping, once.  Belle had never had a pet, but didn’t imagine that was something they usually did.  
“It clips onto his harness. He’s always excited when I put it on because he knows we’ll sleep outdoors.  Besides, I carry food for both of us, it’s only fair he carries his own bedding.”  Graham took a bite of one of the cookies and pushed the other one a little closer to her.  “Somehow I ended up with an extra if you want one.”
“Thank you.”  Nurse Whale had mentioned she was up seven pounds and had been pleased when he added the note to her file.  Someday maybe she could meet her doctor’s son and thank him for all the muffins and cookies.  “Does Wolf have to carry his own tent too?”
“We don’t use a tent.  Just a sleeping bag apiece and a campfire.  Can’t see the stars in a tent, and they tell a different story every night.”  it was midday but still Graham looked up at the sky as if he could see the stars.
“What happens if it rains?”  
“We get wet.”  Graham shrugged.  “If it’s a heavy storm we find a shelter.  But look at the ducklings, they love to get wet.  A lot of animals do.  There’s nothing harmful in a little rain, and afterwards everything smells new.’
“I’ve never been camping.”  She and her mama used to make tents out of sheets and imagine they were camping.  They made s’mores in the oven and ate them sitting around a flashlight.  She’d mentioned camping to her papa once and he’d taken her to a resort that summer in upstate New York.  They’d served a chocolate mousse topped with meringue and graham cracker and called it a s’more.  Her papa had called her princess and gifted her with her first bikini.  She’d ‘lost’ it after the second day, and was glad they never went back.  
“There’s berries and mushrooms growing on the other side of the lake, at the edge of the woods.  It’s not camping but we could go for a walk,” he suggested, finishing his cookie.
“Are you sure it’s alright?”  She’d never walked past the edge of the lake.
“As long as you stay with me.”
By the time they returned from their walk Belle had almost forgotten about fairytales.  Graham had shown her the signs of edible mushrooms, but cautioned her not to eat any without him there.  He’d pointed out a nest in a branch that still held eggs.  There was a bush full of berries that might make a good cookie.  Her questions had been tentative at first but he’d answered them all, speaking more than he usually did.  She was eager to learn more and he walked with her to the library to point out a few books they had about local flora and fauna.  Caught up in the books she almost didn’t notice someone joining them in the library.
“Belle.”  Gaston had his hands in his pockets, his height seeming so much taller than she remembered.  “Can we talk?”
“Visitor’s hours are Saturday.  This isn’t a good time.”  Graham took two steps to his right, coming between her and the doorway.
“You’re not Belle, so I wasn’t talking to you.  I was talking to my fiance.”  Gaston was less forceful than usual, but she knew that he wouldn’t leave.  
“It’s okay, Graham.”  She didn’t know what he wanted, but it was usually quicker to give it to him than argue.  Logic wasn’t Gaston’s strongest suit.  “He’s driven a long way to be here.  We can talk.”
“You heard her.  I’m sure there’s someone else in this place that needs your attention.”  Gaston sat on one of the sofas, his feet on the table.  Belle was reminded of his home office, though the Storybrooke library didn’t have any animal heads mounted on the walls.
“Right now my job is to be here.”  Graham crossed his arms.  Gaston’s cheek muscle twitched.
“Can we have a few minutes, Graham?  You could wait right outside the door.”  She could call for him if she needed him.  She wondered if she actually would.
“A few minutes and the door stays open,” Graham agreed reluctantly.  Once he was out of the room Belle dug her nails into the arm of the couch.  She tried to remember what it was like to sit at dinner with him and make small talk.  
“You look good, Gaston.”  He had a tan that she knew came from a tanning bed this time of year and a body sculpted with the help of a personal trainer named Lefou.
“You look… fine.”  His eyes swept over her, and she knew he was seeing the hair pulled back in a ponytail and the bulky sweater that was warm but unfashionable.  She hadn’t put on any makeup since she’d arrived, except the nail polish Ruby had used a few days ago to make her nails a pale pink.  “Are you… fine?”
“I’m learning a lot about myself.”  Fine was right up there with okay on the list of words she didn’t know how to define.  There were a lot of things people said to each other that didn’t mean anything, polite lies that meant not talking about anything real..
“Moe said you would be coming home soon.”  Belle flinched, but she was certain Gaston didn’t notice.  
“I’m not ready for that.”  Belle shook her head.  She wouldn’t ever return to the place that Gaston called home.  For weeks she had asked Doctor every day about the restraining order, needing the reminder that it was real.  She had spoken to the sheriff once, as well.  It had been almost a month now, and no lawyers had shown up.  No threats had been made.  She was beginning to believe she was safe for him, at least within the small world of Storybrooke.  What happened when she left she didn’t know; she didn’t have a home anymore.
“I don’t understand why you’re here.  You’re not like them.”  He gestured towards the doorway, where the sounds of art therapy could be heard.  “You’d do better being around your own people.”
“These are my people.”  They were all trying to heal from things.  She wondered if Gaston would even be able to understand what it was to need to heal.  He spoke of little other than hunting and business, boating and stocks.  If she was honest with herself there was very little she knew about the man she’d said yes to marrying.  He knew even less about her.
“Your people are at home; there’s a dinner at the club this weekend.  People keep asking me when you’re coming home, not that they know where you are.”  Too restless for the couch Gaston rose and started pacing.  “They ask me about the wedding.”
“I can’t marry you, Gaston.”  She said the words in a hurry, afraid she wouldn’t say them all if she didn’t say them all at once.
“You don’t mean that.  When you get home…”
“No.”  She shook her head.  When her father had brought Gaston home she had accepted it, as she did everything else.  She hadn’t gone away to college because he didn’t want it.  She hadn’t babysat as a teen.  Hadn’t gone to school dances.  She was always a dutiful daughter, even when it came to dating the man that was picked out for her.  And saying yes when expected, whether it was diner, sex or an engagement ring.  If she stayed with Gaston she was still her father’s prisoner.  It didn’t matter that Gaston was unaware of who Moe French really was or what he had done.  “I’m sorry Gaston.”
“I don’t understand, we had plans.  You said yes.”  Any plans they had, Belle knew, had been his own.  A wife to take care of his house and play hostess for his parties.  The right type of woman to show off at the club.  Children, probably, but she couldn’t even think about that.  For a moment she imagined a daughter, soft brown curls and her mother’s eyes.  She thought of her father, and wondered if she would have more power to protect a daughter than she’d had to save herself.
“Belle.” He said her name sharply, and probably not for the first time.  It was enough to bring Graham into the room.  She thought of the stories he’d told her about Wolf, and wondered if that was why she was reminded so strongly of a predator.  The narrow eyes and tense muscles might have scared her from another man, but she trusted him.  He was there to protect her.
“I’m alright now.”  She spoke to Gaston but looked over his shoulder to Graham.  She could make it through this conversation but she wasn’t going to ask him to leave again.
“This place is making you worse, not better,” Gaston groused.
“I’m not someone you would want to marry.”  There wasn’t any point explaining to him anymore than that.  “The ring is in my jewelry box at home.  You should have it back.”
“You shouldn’t make decisions in a place like this.  When you change your mind…”
“I wish you the best, Gaston, I really do.  I need you to go now.”  Graham took a step closer.  Perhaps Gaston felt it, or perhaps he decided his ego was smarting from the rejection.
“If I take back the ring that’s it.”  When she didn’t say anything he got up and strode from the library.  She hesitated for a moment before running after him.
“Gaston, wait.”  She could feel Graham standing behind her, not trying to touch her but his presence unmistakable.
“I knew it.”  His smile was the cocky one she was most familiar with.  Belle took a breath, closing her eyes.  She could be brave.  She could speak up.
“You move in the same circles as my father.  Parties, the club, charity events.  You should know…”  She felt her nails against the underside of her forearm and paused, pulling them away.  She would not hurt herself.  “He can’t be left alone with little girls.  They need to be protected.
“You can’t mean…”  She’d never before seen all the color drain from Gaston’s face.  The horrified look in his eyes was probably the most real emotion she’d ever seen from him.  She nodded and waited to see that he understood what she meant, then turned her back to him.  She couldn’t allow him to ask questions, couldn’t speak any clearer than she already had.  It had taken all of her bravery to say that much.
Doctor Gold was standing on the other side of the doorway.  “Graham thought you might like a cup of tea.  I thought we could take some out to the garden.”  
“I would like that.”  She was surprised to see that her hand wasn’t trembling.  The hot tea would be welcome. Before she followed him she looked over her shoulder on last time.  “Goodbye, Gaston.”
She stood completely still until she could feel him leaving.  Graham was gone too, and she knew without having to ask that he was following Gaston.  Making sure he didn’t linger, didn’t ask anything more of her.  After almost two years and an engagement it was strange to think that she’d most likely seen him for the last time.  It was probably stranger to think she had agreed to marry him but wouldn’t miss him.
“He’s gone, dearie.  Would you like to sit down?”
“In the garden.”  She looked down at her feet and willed them to move.  After a moment they did, and if she thought about nothing else but walking she could get herself to the bench outside before her knees let her down.  He handed her a mug of tea poured from his thermos as soon as she sat.  It seemed cooler outside than it had half an hour ago when she’d been walking with Graham.
“He shouldn’t have gotten as far as the library without anyone stopping him, Belle.  I’m sorry.”  He waited a moment to speak, or maybe it was five minutes.  She wasn’t sure how long she’d been staring at her tea before looking at him.
“He wasn’t a threat.  He never hurt me.”  She wasn’t sure she could say that Gaston was a good man.  He worked and he hunted and he went to the club.  He hated books and was sometimes frustrated when he saw her reading rather than socializing, but he was never cruel.  He didn’t go out of his way to help anyone but neither did he hurt anyone.  “I didn’t even know I didn’t want to be with him.  It was easier to just say yes.”
“It was what other people wanted from you,” he commented softly.
“I said no to him today.”  Had she ever said that before?  She couldn’t remember the last time she’d said no, not to something as simple as where they were going for dinner or as complicated as an engagement ring.  Not to trips with her papa or his college plans or anything.  “Even when it made him mad.”
“The only emotions you are responsible for are your own.”  His tea was on the bench, his hands both on the handle of his cane.  He moved it restlessly, the tip moving bits of gravel around the ground.  He always moved, even when he was sitting still.  “What you did today took a good deal of courage.
“I was scared.  Not of him.”  He made her feel small next to him, his confidence and control making her feel like everything centered around him, but she hadn’t feared him.  Or loved him.  She’d simply existed next to him.  “Everything’s changed now.”
“The unknown can be very hard to step into, even when the known is hurting us.  It’s normal to be scared.”  His voice was low and soothing.  Belle allowed herself to close her eyes and just listen to him.  His words settled into her bones with the same warmth as the tea.  
“So now I start over?”  With Gaston gone she had no connection to the people she’d called friends, who were really just social acquaintances.  With the restraining order against her father she was an orphan in all the ways that mattered.  
“As much as we might sometimes wish for a blank slate there is no such thing.  No tabula rasa.”  He quirked his lips into something that wasn’t quite a smile, or at least not a happy one.  “We continue on a step at a time because the only thing we can do is move forward or stand still.  What we do get to decide is what we carry with us and what we work on shedding.”
Belle looked down at her hands, seeing only the cooling mug of tea but knowing she held onto so much more.  “I left Gaston behind.”
“You did.  Are you feeling alright about that?”  He picked up his mug, but only played with the handle.
Belle nodded.  The conversation had been hard but knowing it was over was easy.  “It’s not so simple with papa.”
“No, it’s not.  But you’ve already taken the first steps.”  He paused, looking at her.  Belle took a shaky breath and nodded.  It helped that he didn’t lie to her.  Didn’t pretend that anything was going to be easy.  If she’d taken the first steps there were still dozens more to take.
“One step at a time.”  She rubbed her arm.  There was no pain, and she’d stopped herself from digging her nails into the skin when she’d spoken to Gaston.  That was a step too.
Belle deliberately chose the same sofa in the library she’d shared with Gaston the next day, an exorcism of sorts.  She curled up with her notebook and pen, took a deep breath, and started writing.  An hour later she had twelve pages of writing and a sore hand.  The wolf was about to rescue Little Red from her grandmother when Jefferson threw himself at the other side of the sofa, making the whole thing bounce.
“Put the books away, it’s time to play.”  He wore a top hat made from construction paper covered in glittering gears and offered her a pipe cleaner tiara with tissue paper roses.  “Your unbirthday awaits.”
“I thought it was everyone’s unbirthday.”  She slipped her book into the oversized pockets of her cardigan before accepting the tiara.
“You’re one of the everybody, aren’t you?”  He tipped his hat at her, stood, and offered her his hand.  She only hesitates a moment before letting him help her up.  
“I am.”  She followed Jefferson to the garden where her friends were waiting to celebrate.  It was one more small step.
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butterflyinthewell ¡ 5 years
My headcanon for the Heisei era timeline pre- and post-Godzilla vs King Ghidorah, and where my stuff fits in.
Blacklist “long post” if you don’t want this hogging up your dash. Tumblr mobile doesn’t have an option to use cuts and I just discovered desktop doesn’t let you edit posts created in mobile to insert a cut. Do not leave comments on this post complaining that it’s long or whatever, I already know that and tagged for it.
Now, some terminology to avoid confusion.
I will use Gojira when I’m speaking about the creature who appeared in 1954. He is the father of Godzilla.
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And I will say Godzilla when speaking about the creature who appeared in 1984 onward. He is Gojira’s son. (His look changes movie to movie a bit, but in canon he has always looked however he looks in that given movie, with the exception of burning Godzilla, jsyk.)
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A young adult godzillasaur charges into a battle between American and Japanese soldiers on Lagos island. It’s WW2. He chases the Americans away, but is wounded in the process and collapses on the forest floor. Shindo and his Japanese troops thank him, apologize for not being able to carry him and leave.
An elderly godzillasaur comes onshore with a whale in his mouth and finds his wounded son. He runs to the younger dinosaur’s side, manages to get him to eat the whale meat and tries to lick his wounds clean. Days go by. Infection sets in and becomes sepsis. The younger godzillasaur is definitely dying.
Then a morning arrives where a blinding flash goes off in the sky. Both dinosaurs have the scales melted off their bodies and they are soon covered in fallout ash. The younger dinosaur convulses and screams in pain. The older one holds his hand and conceals his agony behind a stoic visage. He stays by his son’s side until they both black out from the pain.
Gojira awakens weeks later aware that he is different. He looks to his son, who is breathing and unresponsive. Godzilla only moves to writhe, convulse and shriek in pain. Unimaginable anguish fills Gojira because this bright light made him and his only child suffer.
Weeks pass. He waits for his son to open his eyes and tells him to stay on the island. Godzilla always listens when told to stay somewhere. He is too sick and weak to move anyway. Gojira tells Godzilla he loves him and heads out to sea.
Fall arrives. It’s November 3, 1954, and Gojira crashes across Odo island. When he pops his head over the hill, he is telling the humans he will destroy them. He heads into Tokyo not long after. His rampage is an act of pure, spiteful revenge. Days later, he is killed by the Oxygen Destroyer. As he dies, he curses at the humans for the suffering they caused him.
Godzilla spends more time exposed to the radioactive fallout, so he grows a bit larger than his father although not by much. He wanders around Lagos island until the chill of winter arrives. He spends days calling for his father, but gets no answer. So he finally swims out to sea and spends the next several decades alternating between hibernating and absorbing radioactive waste in and around the island.
Finally, he had consumed all the radiation nearby and has to venture out to find more. He also hoped to find his father. So, in December of 1984, Godzilla made his presence known by attacking submarines, a nuclear power plant and finally coming ashore.
(My inserted headcanon) A young 13 year old Miki Saegusa was in the train car Godzilla picked up and dropped. She was the only survivor because her parents shielded her with their bodies.
Steven Martin was correct when he said Godzilla was looking for something. Unfortunately, what Godzilla sought could never be found because his dad is dead. Only Miki knows who he’s looking for.
The situation escalated, ultimately ending with the Super X destroyed and Godzilla plunging into Mt Mihara.
Godzilla was released from the volcano in 1989. He encounters Miki again, gets infected with the anti-nuclear energy bacteria and battles Biollante. After defeating her, he heads out to sea where he proceeds to be ravaged by the ANEB.
Enter the Futurians... Miki Saegusa is among the people from the 90s to go back in time...and here comes the fun part.
Godzilla is teleported off Lagos island and into the Bering sea at a randomly chosen time (1970s), where he lands on a bunch of nuclear waste and undergoes his painful mutation utterly alone. It’s more violent because the nuclear waste is more concentrated and toxic.
(My inserted headcanon) Miki returns to the present with the others. She feels a weird fracture in her memory, as if aspects of her past happened twice, but she doesn’t tell anyone because it’s too confusing to explain.
Behind her, history is repairing itself...
Gojira comes ashore on Lagos and can’t find his son. The nuclear bomb test happens as planned (which also created King Ghidorah from the abandoned Dorats, but it took a long time for him to grow up to size), and Gojira suffered through his mutation alone, too.
But he no longer had a reason to wait around, so he left the island as soon as he was strong enough to move without screaming in pain. He crosses Odo island and makes landfall in Japan in August instead of November.
When he pops his head over the hill, he is asking the humans if they saw his son or know where he is. They don’t understand, so he gets pissed and trashes Tokyo. He is killed by the Oxygen Destroyer. As he dies, he calls out for his son.
Far away in another time in the Bering sea, Godzilla wanders between unconsciousness and seizures and misery because his surroundings are so toxic. When the mutation process is complete, he is twice the size of his father. He wanders the seafloor, absorbing stray radioactive waste between long stretches of sleep.
The events of 1984 and 1989 play out the same, but people remember Godzilla as being 100 meters tall (328 feet).
(My inserted headcanon) Miki’s younger 1984 self is picked up in the train car as before, but now she senses Godzilla recognizing her and being confused as to why. He shows her images of herself as an adult in a jungle. Her 1989 encounter with him on the helipad dredges up the same confusion.
She lives her life up to the Futurians again, which closes the loop, and now she understands what happened and why she feels like she has lived her life up to that point twice. Past Miki and present Miki are now one and her feeling of fracture goes away.
Shindo sends a sub out to recreate Godzilla to fight King Ghidorah, but he doesn’t know Godzilla already exists until it’s too late.
Godzilla is gravely sick with the ANEB, but Shindo’s nuclear submarine powers him up enough to overcome the illness. He comes ashore in Japan and takes down King Ghidorah and kills the malicious Futurians who created King Ghidorah.
In typical Godzilla fashion, he goes stomping into Tokyo. He encounters Shindo in one of the skyscrapers he is about to knock down. Shindo, the man Godzilla sees as the person who deserted him to suffer through his mutation. He kills Shindo with his breath and comes face to face with Mecha-King Ghidorah. The battle ends with Mecha-King Ghidorah destroyed and Godzilla is plunged back into the sea.
Time has been rewritten, but Godzilla’s existence is a fixed point and cannot be overwritten. No matter what anyone does in the past, the universe will ensure Godzilla exists.
Shezilla happens in 1994 (movie year with inserted headcanon), a year after Godzilla battles Mothra and Battra.
Time splits 2 ways from the moment of her conception in a Petri dish. If the Doctor was flying the TARDIS through here, they will see a timeline split here, and the future they see depends on which branch in the timeline they follow after Shezilla enters the picture.
BRANCH 1– ‘Canon’ timeline: Shezilla’s mutation overtakes her due to an underdeveloped nuclear gland. She dies. She and Godzilla had conceived a baby, but Shezilla was too sick to survive having it.
Godzilla takes her body to Challenger Deep because he doesn’t want predators to eat her. It’s a massive scientific loss, but there was no way to tend to her body with him hovering around.
He still thinks she will wake up because his heart stops and starts a lot due to his heart defect, and he doesn’t realize it’s an abnormality. Over the next month he tries feeding Shezilla from his own radioactive stores. Shezilla has what is essentially a coffin birth since Godzilla’s radiation was feeding the embryo instead of Shezilla. But the egg can’t survive the intense pressures and it is crushed instantly. Godzilla is totally crestfallen. He nuzzles Shezilla’s nose and the flesh sloughs off. She is decomposing.
Now Godzilla accepts that his mate and their baby are gone to the Stars. He leaves the seafloor in a state of mourning.
The Shrinking Project happens that same day. The man behind it has a vendetta against Gojira, so he’s taking it out on Godzilla.
Shezilla’s spirit possesses Miki Saegusa and tells her Godzilla must live. He has work to do. It takes time for her and Miki to understand each other, but once they do they work together to ensure Godzilla stays alive.
The same group of people behind the Shezilla project rescue Godzilla from the nasty person who only wants to torture him.
Godzilla isn’t doing well while tiny. He begins showing all the signs of acute heart failure. The Shezilla team figures out how to keep him alive by doing something dangerous and unprecedented. They patch the hole in his heart and ablate the underdeveloped nerve bundles that cause his arrhythmias, and he slowly returns to his normal size in short bursts after the shrink ray wears off. A confrontation between him and the nasty vendetta guy happens while he’s man-sized, and it doesn’t go well for vendetta guy.
Shezilla’s spirit can finally rest, so she departs into eternity after a moving goodbye to her mate.
History carries on through BabyGodzilla being found, Mechagodzilla, Fire Rodan, SpaceGodzilla and Destroyah.
BabyGodzilla grows up into LittleGodzilla and then Junior. Godzilla raises the little one as his own. He tells him all the stories his own father told him and imparts the knowledge of his kind’s history. Everything Gojira told Godzilla becomes known to Junior.
After battling Destroyah, Godzilla dies of a nuclear meltdown and his soul ascends to the Stars where Shezilla and a daughter are waiting. All that is left of his physical presence is a lump of corium.
Junior finishes his mutation into an adult godzillasaur. He takes the corium out to sea and lays it in next to Shezilla’s skeleton in Challenger Deep and grieves over them both for a long while.
Then he has to feed again, so he ascends to the surface and takes down an aircraft carrier transporting nukes. From that day on, Junior carries the legacy of Gojira alone.
BRANCH 2– ‘Survival’ timeline: Shezilla gets very weak and sick because of an underdeveloped nuclear gland, but Godzilla is able to feed her massive, concentrated doses of radiation that allow the gland to achieve critical mass and keep her alive.
A small island becomes a dumping ground for radioactive waste, so the Godzilla family is more apt to go there. Their rampages into cities become extremely rare. Humanity is slowly learning to coexist with kaiju.
MechaGodzilla isn’t necessary and is never built. The metal from Mecha-King Ghidorah is used instead to reverse engineer its technology into things like quantum computers, medical devices, vehicles for space travel and safer nuclear power plants. The Shrinking Project doesn’t happen either because the tech is kept under lock and key and only a few people know where.
Shezilla nests and lays an egg. She and Godzilla are awakened awhile later by the sound of cracking. The egg hatches. It’s a girl with brown eyes. A kaijuologist who speaks Latin nicknames her Filia, which is Latin for daughter.
Junior’s egg is discovered while Rodan is away, so he is taken into human custody without incident. He hatches under Azusa Gojo’s watch and will grow up into a typical unmutated godzillasaur in a safe enclosure.
SpaceGodzilla happens in (movie time) 1995. He tangles with Rodan in the upper atmosphere and sends him crashing into Pripyat, Ukraine. His body falls into the Chernobyl power plant. He appears dead. Nobody will move him until because he is laying on the damage he caused and preventing radiation from leaking out.
When SpaceGodzilla lands, it’s Filia who curiously wanders over to check him out. She gets kidnapped and imprisoned in a crystal cage. Shezilla confronts SpaceGodzilla after hearing her daughter scream for help, and he utterly insults her mate by insisting he would be a better one. She gets enraged and fights him, but he overpowers her and leaves her seriously injured. Godzilla comes ashore after hearing Shezilla’s distress calls. Unfortunately, SpaceGodzilla is already gone. Godzilla. Is. Pissed. Off.
Shezilla recovers quickly. She and Godzilla both go on a rampage towards SpaceGodzilla. It’s a violent, bloody, nasty battle. SpaceGodzilla propositions Shezilla again. This time she says yes, and she seduces him as a trick. She gets SpaceGodzilla all the way to the point of climbing on top of her...and that’s when Godzilla knocks down the tower SpaceGodzilla is using as a power source. Shezilla flashes a grin at SpaceGodzilla and point blank trashes his shoulder crystals with her atomic breath. She kicks him off her, and her and Godzilla both kill him with their atomic breath. Filia is set free and all is well.
In 1996, reports indicate the radioactivity caused by Chernobyl has dropped to safe levels, safe enough that people can move back in.
Then a fireball is tracked over Hong Kong. It’s Fire Rodan, and he is burning up from too much nuclear energy. He decimates large parts of Hong Kong with his radioactivity and the sonic booms of flying by. At the same time, Destroyah is emerging from the water in Japan and causing havoc.
Filia, now the godzillasaur equivalent of a preteen, is awakened from her sleep by a telepathic call from Miki Saegusa and another girl, Meru. They lure her in to fight Destroyah. She’s up for the challenge.
Along the way, she meets Rodan, who mistakes her as the baby taken from his island a few years ago. She has no idea what he’s talking about and figures the runaway radiation is scrambling his brain. She tells him to hang back and off she goes to take on Destroyah.
Then her parents awaken to find her gone and set out in search of her. They end up tangling with Rodan, demanding to know what he did with their daughter. Rodan leads them to where Filia and Destroyah are duking it out at Haneda airport. Seeing her parents arrive distracts her just long enough for Destroyah to stab her in the chest and inject micro-oxygen directly into her nuclear gland. Destroyah throws Filia at her parents.
Filia is mortally wounded. Godzilla tries to feed her from his own radioactivity, but it doesn’t work. She’s too young and injured.
Shezilla goes berserk when she sees her daughter hurt like that. She charges Destroyah while Godzilla tries to save Filia. Rodan rages as well even though the exertion is raising his temperature to dangerous levels. He helps Shezilla battle Destroyah.
Filia apologizes to her dad for running off and stops breathing before he can tell her it’s okay. Godzilla screams when his little girl dies. He charges into the fray with tears pouring down his face and tells Destroyah he is going to wipe him off the earth.
Destroyah manages to cleave Rodan’s chest open with his horn. Now mortally wounded himself, Rodan glides towards Filia’s body and lands on top of her. He doesn’t realize she is dead and vows to guard her. His melting body pumps a massive dose of radiation into Filia’s corpse. She starts to breathe again and opens her eyes as the flesh melts off Rodan’s face. All that is left of him is his skeleton and a cloud of radioactive ash.
Destroyah is about to overpower Godzilla and Shezilla when the radioactive ash cloud surrounds them all. The radiation seeps into Godzilla and Shezilla, filling them with power.
A spiraling red atomic beam blasts in from one side. It’s Filia. Godzilla and Shezilla turn to Destroyah, who is now triangulated between an angry godzillasaur family. All 3 unleash simultaneous spiral red beams and Destroyah is reduced to nothing.
Godzilla and Shezilla are all over Filia, loving on her and crying when asking what happened. Filia answers that Rodan saved her and turns to indicate his empty skeleton. They all share a moment of silence for their unwitting fallen ally and return to the sea, leaving Tokyo to clean up the mess.
Things are uneventfully quiet. Filia grows up into a lovely adult godzillasaur. She separates from her parents by creating a den on the north side of the island. (Her parents are on the east side).
EarthCam sets up a few webcams on the island, playfully named Monster Island, in 2009. People all over the internet can log on and see the Godzilla family go about their lives.
The peaceful times break in 2011, when a massive 9.0 earthquake strikes Japan. A tsunami follows, and the destruction and fires are more massive than anything Godzilla or his family could do in that short period of time.
The earthquake damages an enclosure where the only living dinosaur, Junior, is kept. The enclosure is large and as close as possible to his natural habitat. Azusa Gojo is dragged kicking and screaming to evacuate before the tsunami arrives. When it does, it destroys the rest of the enclosure and the dinosaur stumbles free. He’s at home with the water and staggers towards the glow of a towering fire.
It’s Fukushima, and the reactors have melted down.
Junior gets hungry. He eats plants and fish around the burning nuclear power plant. He is exposed externally and internally to the radioactivity leaking out into the air, water and soil. His presence prevents helicopters from stopping a massive explosion of radioactive steam. Junior is right in the middle of it. His outer scales are burned off. Now in pain, he staggers away and falls unconscious into the receding tsunami waves. Humanity loses sight of him and assumes he perished.
Azusa tries to pull resources to search for Junior, but all efforts are focused on recovering from the disaster. She agrees despite how it hurts and accepts that the dinosaur she raised by hand is gone from her. Miki Saegusa senses what is going on. She keeps it to herself because humanity has meddled enough with the monsters and she wants them to live in peace. She focuses her powers on detecting and locating anyone missing after the disaster.
Weeks go by. Junior awakens to somebody nudging his shoulder. He is no longer a dinosaur. The mutation manifests differently on him because of the chemicals he ingested and came in contact with. His greenish-gray pitted skin and spiky dorsal spines are quite a sight, but it’s not his reflection in the water that he’s looking at.
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The first thing Junior sees is a beautiful girl with brown eyes. Filia smiles and asks him if he’s okay. It’s love at first sight.
Ancient godzillasaurs has a tradition when it came to potential mates. Her dad told her all about it and she wants to uphold it, so she takes Junior to meet her parents.
Junior meets Shezilla first. He’s nervous and charming. She likes him immediately! Then Godzilla comes out to have a look. He’s huge and imposing even though his movements are jerky and stiff.
The moment they lock eyes is a tense one.
Godzilla asks Junior if he promises to treat his daughter’s heart like the treasure that it is. Junior swears on his life that he will. Godzilla tells Junior he better be impressive when he makes his move. Again, Junior swears that he will.
Godzilla nods his approval. He takes Junior’s hand, he takes Filia’s hand and clasps them together. Filia grins up at her dad. He tells her he’s happy for her. Then Godzilla and Shezilla stand together, watching their daughter and her future mate walk off.
Junior tells Filia his story of where he was all this time, and he mentions relating to how Shezilla feels like a young outsider. Filia says not to worry about it. Her dad didn’t worry about her mom’s mysteriously absent past, so she decided not worry so much about Junior’s.
Junior asks Filia to tell her story. She does. It’s a long tale stretching back millions of years. The sun goes down and the Milky Way is bright in the night sky. Junior is falling into her eyes. Filia is falling into his. He makes his move. Filia consents. They conceive.
Junior can’t stop thinking about the humans who took care of him and doesn’t know what happened to them after the ground shook. He slips away in the middle of the night, but he doesn’t recognize the disaster-ridden coastline when he arrives. He has a soft spot for humans because they were kind to him, so he locates a bunch of people swept away by the tsunami. Living and dead alike are gathered and placed on dry land where rescuers can reach them.
Junior finds Azusa on a balcony far inland. She recognizes him despite his mutated appearance, but she doesn’t understand his roar is telling her that he’s fine and about to be a dad. She cries instead, so he leaves and that is the last time they see each other.
A year later, Filia and Junior crouch by their nest and watch their egg hatch. It’s a boy with heterochromia. One eye is yellow, the other is brown. He has Junior’s facial features and Filia’s elegant long tail. He’s smaller than Filia was when she hatched. Kaijuologists nickname him Kage(kah-geh), which is Japanese for shadow, because his hide is black like one.
Kage falls out of his eggshell in a curled up position. It takes him a few days to walk and his hands are tight fists. The way he moves reminds Filia of her dad. And she is right, he inherited Godzilla’s heart issues and the subsequent neurological issues.
Kage is a grumpy little baby at first because he hatched in the winter and it’s cold. His parents keep him warm in their cave for the first few days until he’s able to shuffle around. His legs are much more affected than Godzilla’s, but he can walk if he goes slow and he’ll get a little better at it with time. He falls over a lot because he’s pigeon toed.
Filia and Junior are overwhelmed with joy because their baby didn’t keel over dead like they feared he might. They take Kage to meet his grandparents. Shezilla dotes on him immediately, and Godzilla is totally amazed to see another godzillasaur who Moves Like Him. He looks down at the baby godzillasaur and sees both his mother and father looking back at him through his grandson’s eyes.
Kage squawks a challenge because he can’t roar yet. Godzilla belly laughs as he comes to understand what his own father saw in him when he was little. Then he gets a goofy grin on his face because teaching Kage all the tricks to managing his Palsy will be so much fun! Kage will grow up surrounded by a loving family with a legacy as old as the sky.
And from his unseen place in the Stars, Gojira smiles proudly at all his son has achieved.
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vibranch ¡ 5 years
The Keybearer’s Keychains (2/6) - Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction
Rating: T Word Count: 2,608 AO3 link here (Special thanks and small behind the scenes thoughts can be read there)
Part 2/6: The Olympia, Spellbinder, and Wishing Star
Part 1            Part 3
                                                   The Olympia
There were five keychains Sora earned during his trips to Olympus Coliseum. They were the Metal Chocobo, Lionheart, Diamond Dust, One-Winged Angel, and, of course, the Olympia.
One could argue that all five of these keychains were trophies. Each one was proof that he’d defeated a seemingly insurmountable foe. But to Sora, the Olympia was the finest example of a keychain trophy that he could think of.
It took a combination of his, Donald, and Goofy’s strength for them to not only beat every tournament Phil threw at them, but together they even managed to push the solid cement block that Phil had asked Sora to move when they first arrived.
The three of them were shocked to discover the block they pushed aside hid Olympus’s Keyhole.
“Talk about, hidden in plain sight,” Goofy said, shortly after Sora finished sealing it.
Sora felt a shiver as he thought of all the Heartless he’d fought during the Games. They were all just a room away from bringing about the end of this World.
Despite Heartless’s proximity however, Sora eventually decided that Olympus’s Keyhole was probably the safest one in all the Worlds he visited. Any Heartless that tried to get to it was probably stopped at the seemingly immovable block in the way. And even if one was strong enough to move it, it would have to deal with Hercules, Cloud, or any other hero that was in the area to attend the Games.
Strangely with the Keyhole officially locked, the chest on the other side of the room would only now allow itself to be opened. Sora had long since made it a tradition to tap his Keyblade against it every time he entered and exited the lobby of the coliseum. But in all those previous attempts, the Keyblade’s usual power over locks failed.
Now it opened without any fuss. Sora could only guess that maybe the Keyhole was causing some kind of interference, although it was probably impossible to know for sure now.
Regardless, once opened Sora found what he would eventually call the Olympia keychain inside. Although the chain was something Sora would add later. Right now, it was just a medallion with a cloud and bolt of lightning engraved on it.
Sora cherished the medallion. It was a trophy. Physical proof of the strength that he had gained and the improved friendship between him, Donald, and Goofy.
Alone, none of them would have moved the stone cube. Together they could do just about anything.
And Sora had a feeling that the next world was going to be a challenge.
The Darkness was getting stronger the further out they traveled. If he was being honest, whatever was coming next, whatever lay beyond Neverland, the level of Darkness that he might face next, scared him.
But he took comfort knowing that whatever bastion of Darkness that might lie out there, he’d always have Donald and Goofy by his side. There was nothing the three of them couldn’t handle.
Sora gripped the handle of the Keyblade tighter and silently thanked it for choosing him.
                                              The Spellbinder
Merlin looked in awe as Sora demonstrated his proficiency in all seven spells. “By George, you’ve done it!” He exclaimed.
Sora laughed in self-satisfaction. “Yeah, I guess I’m about as good as Donald now.”
Donald rolled his eyes. “Keep telling yourself that.”
“Well, I don’t know about that,” Merlin answered diplomatically. “But you certainly deserve a reward for all your hard work.” Merlin closed the spell book he and Donald had been using to teach Sora spells and began to shrink it down. “There you are, my lad! A new keychain for your Keyblade! That is, if you’ve got the materials to make a chain for it.”
Sora reached into his pocket and pulled out a clip and chain. “You had to ask? Give me some credit!”
Everyone in the room waited in anticipation as Sora go to work, carefully turning the miniaturized spell book into a keychain for his Keyblade.
When it came to learning spells, Sora couldn’t ask for much better teachers. Under Donald’s tutelage fire spells came surprisingly natural to him. And by the time Sora had sealed the Keyhole in Wonderland he’d even mastered using the most basic form of blizzard.
Thunder and cure were a bit more difficult for Sora to learn. But he’d met Merlin by this point, and with the combined teachings of both Donald and Merlin, those spells eventually became second nature to him as well. Though it took a few dozen lessons.
For thunder, it finally clicked just before Sora took on Cerberus. Something that came as a relief to him, as his blizzard spells couldn’t reach the three headed dog, and he had a feeling the beast from the Underworld would only be reminded of home if he hit it with a fire spell.
Cure remained elusive to Sora for even longer. Donald was comfortable just casting cure for Sora and having Goofy stuff his pockets with potions. It wasn’t a perfect solution, but Donald was fine with it.
Until Sora was shot by Clayton.
None of them had been prepared for the immediate stopping power of a shotgun. That combined with the large Stealth Sneak Heartless that had formed from the Darkness in Clayton’s Heart, had been the closest to defeat the three of them ever came to.
Donald was surprised at just how protective he felt over Sora. When they’d first crash landed on Deep Jungle, he was done with Sora’s childish behavior. If he had found the Gummi Ship before he’d found Sora, he would’ve had half a mind to take off without him.
But as Donald stood over Sora, his shoulder blown out from buckshot, what surprised Donald the most was that he didn’t feel angry. He felt panicked. Horrified even. Hurriedly he cast a cure spell over the wound, barely paying notice as Goofy and Tarzan fought off Clayton’s attention. Instead he watched carefully as the skin stretched itself back into place, leaving behind a messy scar.
Sora, for whatever reason, didn’t seem to notice how bad the situation had gotten. Maybe he’d gone into shock and didn’t notice how bad the wound was? But the event was still fresh in Donald’s memory. He forced Sora to learn cure. Even going so far as refusing to fly the ship until he was confident Sora could do it for himself.
Stop, Gravity, and Aero were more advanced spells that took Sora longer to master.
Since all the spells Sora knew so far were offensive magic and Donald didn’t want to risk another Clayton event. Donald and Merlin fashioned a curriculum to teach Sora Aero as a simple defensive spell. It was easier to learn than Reflect, but controlling the wind around one’s body was still more complicated than shooting fire or ice from the Keyblade.
In contrast to the defensiveness of Aero, Gravity was the most dangerous spell Sora learned. Donald warned him not to use it lightly, but Sora only saw it as Donald being overprotective.
“Why? What’s the worst that could happen?” Sora asked, rolling his eyes. “Make your body feel a little heavier than usual for a bit?”
Donald could see Sora wasn’t taking him very seriously. Donald considered that what Sora needed was an example, not a warning.
Swiftly spinning on one foot, Donald pointed his staff at an old wardrobe Merlin had set up in his magic practice room. “Force!”
The wardrobe crumpled underneath the sudden appearance of a dark orb of magic.  Donald turned back to Sora, a self-satisfied smile covered his face as he looked upon Sora’s face of shock. “No, it could crush your bones.”
Stop was the most complicated spell Sora learned. He could only take so many lectures from Donald and Merlin about the supposed basics of time. More often than not, he just nodded his head along and waited for them to finish. He found it was easier to just try and preform the spell than trying to understand how exactly it worked.
But after a while, the spell became second nature to him. While practicing on Merlin’s furniture, Sora would know if the spell had been successful if the furniture didn’t move when he smacked it. The Heartless moved around much more frequently, so it was easier to tell when the spell worked against them.
Sora clicked his new keychain into place. As with all the others, the Keyblade’s original keychain disappeared to make room for this new one. The old tome Donald and Merlin had been reading from to teach him his spells hung gently in the air.
Almost instantly the Keyblade changed shape. A large blue blade with an astronomical tool replacing the teeth grew from it. Memories of Sora learning his spells flooded through everyone as they looked at it. In that sense the keychain was already working as a memento to days gone by. Sora could swear he even felt extra magical power working through it in this form.
He turned to Merlin, “Thank you for the keychain.”
“Thank you for being such a good student, m’boy!”
A grin spread across Sora’s face as he looked at Donald and Goofy. He could still feel the powerful magic this keychain granted. “I’m going to have fun with this thing,” he said in a tone that made Donald and Merlin fear for even the Heartless.
                                                  The Wishing Star
“Gwarsh, yer gettin’ yourself a lotta these little doodads, ain’tcha?” Goofy asked as the trio stepped out of the house Leon had set up for Pinocchio and Geppetto.
Sora examined the star shaped ornament in his hand. “Yeah, I just thought I’d get one or two more after Tarzan gave me the first one. Didn’t think I’d end up with so many.”
“Geppetto’s a carpenter, right?” Donald began. “Why do you think he carved you a star?”
“I don’t know…” Sora rubbed his chin as he wondered. Donald was right, Geppetto was a skilled carpenter, he’d even crafted Pinocchio. So why did Geppetto gift Sora with something as irrelevant as a star? He could have made anything. A whale would’ve been fitting, to call back to their time together in Monstro.
Sora didn’t really want to turn around and ask Geppetto why he gave him a star. He worried he might misphrase the question and appear ungrateful at the gift.
A small voice interrupted Sora’s thoughts. “I might be able to answer that!” It came from Sora’s hood. Jiminy Cricket, the group’s rarely appearing fourth member of the party hopped onto Sora’s shoulder to answer Donald’s question.
“You see, Geppetto wished on a wishing star for a son and a kind Blue Fairy heard it. So, she appeared and granted his wish by giving one of his puppets a Heart.”
Goofy’s gaze fell to the star in Sora’s hand. “D’ya think that’s why Geppetto made that keychain for Sora? In memory of that?”
“I’d bet so,” Jiminy answered. “If it wasn’t for that star, why, Geppetto wouldn’t have a son. And if it wasn’t for Sora and the rest of us, Riku might’ve taken off with Pinocchio and left Geppetto all alone again.”
Sora looked down at the star in his hand again, his grip tightening on it. It was a lot to think about. Sora was glad Geppetto and Pinocchio could be together again. He was glad he was the one to make sure it happened.
But it also made him wonder if the same would ever happen to him. Would he ever be together with Riku and Kairi again? Riku had said something inside Monstro that left Sora feeling extra worried about Kairi.
Sora snapped out of his thoughts to see worried looks from Donald and Goofy, no doubt because the normally talkative and hyperactive boy they spent so much time with was suddenly so solemn and quiet.
Sora turned towards Donald. “Hey, do you think we can stop at Huey, Dewey, and Louie’s shop before we go? I want to buy some more hooks to hang my keychains on,” he said before any of them had a chance to ask him if he was alright.
“You need more?!” Donald exclaimed. His worry disappearing now that Sora was returning to his normal self.
“Just one or two more, I’m getting low!” Sora argued. “I know we can afford it.”
Donald let out a weary sigh, “Okay, sure. But the no family discount policy those boys have really adds up.” Donald began counting on his fingers. “Between those hooks, potions, ethers, the occasional staff and shield…” Donald interrupted himself as he wildly shook his head. He didn’t dare to think about it anymore, the numbers just kept getting higher and higher in his head.
Sora took a moment to look back at the once abandoned house. It felt so much more alive now. Sora had barely noticed it before. Now he wasn’t certain if he’d ever be able to not notice it.
As the Gummi Ship flew through space, Sora finished hanging his new keychain to the wall. Donald flew the ship towards Olympus Coliseum. They’d heard that a new tournament, the Pegasus Cup, had opened up and Sora decided that was the perfect place to try out the Keyblade’s new form.
The hum of the spacecraft filled his cabin with a comforting ambiance. So far it had been an uneventful flight with no bumps or Heartless in sight, and Sora hoped it would stay that way.
Sora stared at his newest keychain as he sat on his bed. So much had happened in Monstro and that he hadn’t really processed yet. Then again, a lot happened on every world he went to.
But Sora never expected to be eaten by a giant whale of all things! A giant whale in space for that matter! And if he somehow had expected that, then finding Riku inside Monstro as well would still have been completely unexpected.
Sora stood up and peeked out of his room, making sure Donald and Goofy weren’t about to check in on him from around the corner. They liked doing that. Sora supposed it made sense though. They all got banged around quite a bit on their adventures, so it was only natural they’d want to check in occasionally and make sure everyone was still alright.
When Sora was satisfied that the coast was clear, he turned around and fell on his bed. It wasn’t just being swallowed by a whale or finding Riku again that Sora needed to process. It was something Riku had said that bothered him.
“Not many puppets have Hearts. I’m not sure, but maybe he can help someone who’s lost theirs.”
Sora rolled over as he played the words in his head over and over again. There was a sinking worry in Sora’s stomach that Riku was talking about Kairi. But when Sora tried to confront him on it Riku just remained silent.
Sora had hoped puppets with Hearts was a common thing on Jiminy’s World and Riku just didn’t know what he was talking about. But it looked like even on the World Pinocchio had come from, living puppets were an uncommon thing.
Sora looked at his new keychain hanging on the wall. Jiminy’s story of Geppetto wishing on a star to give Pinocchio a heart replayed in his mind.
Clasping his hands together, Sora whispered a wish from the bottom of his Heart to the star hanging on his wall. It was childish, but Sora still hoped that his own Wishing Star would be able to grant it regardless.
“Please let Kairi be okay…”
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Here you go, lovely anon, I just wanted to work on it right away, since I felt it was important, sooo. I hope you like it~ <3
Bakugou Katsuki
at first Bakugou didn’t pay much attention to what was going on outside his classroom, he was going through some notes, so he didn’t bother, however when the people outside got louder and louder, his vein popped up, twitching slightly, because he was pissed
Storming outside the classroom he wanted to start screaming that all of you should shut the fuck up, but he choked on his words when someone from General Department declared loud and clearly, “Haha, yeah right, F/N! You probably just cheated your way into the Heroes Department, you big fat loser. Who do you want to save if you can’t even run for a minute straight without huffing and puffing like a big fat cow?!” and then it was silent for a minute, before everyone busted out laughing.
Now, Bakugou himself didn’t even know why he was so pissed, he barely knew you, well as everyone else in his class, but he did see you fight and you did not cheat your way into this course and that, he could acknowledge;
There were only a few who didn’t laugh their butts of, most of your classmates were silent and Midoriya even tried stepping up for you, but Bakugou kind of moved on his own, when he made his way through the crowd, standing in front of the girl, making her back away from him until she felt the wall in her back, his sizzling hand colliding with the wall right next to her head, making her shrink a little more.
“You know, calling someone a fat loser when they are just small little insects rotting in the General Department is kind of hypocritical, isn’t it?”, his voice was calm and that itself made it much worse, because Bakugou was NEVER calm, this word didn’t exist in his world, so it was inevitable that he started yelling at the end, “I guess you are the real loser here, ha?!” and then there was a small explosion beside her head, making her yelp, before he was turning around, starring daggers at everyone. “And what is with all of you pussies?! You want to become a hero and dare laughing about something like this? Tch! You extras should seriously just go and die in hell!”
And then he went back into his classroom, leaving you behind, blushing like mad, hiding your face into your hands, this is not how you wanted Bakugou to notice you…
The next day however, you approached him and thanked him, giving him some spicy cookies you had baked as a thank you. At that moment you didn’t realize it, but this gesture set the hare running and who would have thought that you would start your second year of school with Katsuki kissing you under a blooming cherry tree.
Todoroki Shouto
“Oh my God, F/N-chan, look at you, don’t you think the uniform is a little too small on you? That skirt is so small it covers not even half of your huge fat ass. Well, you do look like a sausage in that uniform anyways.” Looking down, you bit your bottom lip, the girls in front of you laughing into your face and even though Uraraka tried to make them stop, you couldn’t help but feel a sting in your heart.
It was a coincidence, really. Todoroki was just coming back from the restroom when a small group of girls were circling you and Uraraka and he hadn’t thought much of it at first, but hearing how they degraded you like that… something about this really angered him. He didn’t even know you that well, of course, you were a classmate of his, so he knew your name and your quirk, but other than that he hadn’t really spoken to you.
Todoroki was actually hesitant at first, looking at the scene from a distance, only hearing all those horrible things they said to you, Ochako trying her best to make them shut up, but they wouldn’t. He wanted to be a hero so badly, he was always training his quirk to become strong, however sometimes there were situations he could be a hero without using his quirk and that thought made him step up to the scene.
“I think, it is enough now, hm? Degrading someone like that is pretty disgusting on its own, but doing it while having the same built, aren’t you just insulting yourself, too? Guess it shows what you truly think of yourself. For a Hero in training” – “She’s not! She is just in General Department and that is why she is all mean to F/N-chan!”, Ochako cut him off, she was fuming, but tried her best to comfort you.
With a sigh, Todoroki almost smiled for a split second, “It’s good you are not in the Heroe’s Department then, you would only save people if they were pretty enough for you, so someone like you is best of in General.” His voice was calm, but his words cut deep and made the girl, clicking her tongue, finally retreat, her group of girls following hastily.
“A-Ah! Thank you, Todoroki-kun…”, before he was gone again, you looked up at him, blushing slightly, but you wanted to thank him, though his answer was a simple nod, leaving you and Ochako alone again.
You wanted to thank Todoroki properly and that is why, the next day, you approached him, asking if you could treat him to lunch and at first he tried to refuse, but you looked kind of sad, so he gave in, maybe it was good to interact with a classmate once in a while.
And now, five months later, you were walking down the corridor of your school, Shouto’s fingers entwined with yours as you passed the girl who was picking on you, so what did you do? Right! You snuggled closer to your boyfriend’s side as you went past her.
Midoriya Izuku
Izuku was in the middle of writing down notes, mumbling to himself a lot; the school year just started so of course, he wanted to learn about all the other quirks from his classmates, however a loud bang made him jump a little, looking at his right side where you were sitting on your desk and a classmate was leaning over you.
“Oi, oi, oi, are you sure you should eat this much, F/N? If you continue eating like this you won’t even fit into our school’s desk anymore, you whale.” Gulping down your rice cracker, you tried not to look up at her, you stayed extra in class when everyone went to get lunch, because you didn’t want anyone to see you eating and now this happened, however to your surprise you suddenly heard someone talking;
“Don’t you think this is super rude and unnecessary?” – “Ha?”, Izuku flinched a little when the girl starred daggers at him, but he was no one to leave someone hanging like this, he dealt with Bakugou all those years, so he could handle this rude girl too. “I-I mean. You should be concerned about yourself first before insulting someone like this, I think how she looks has nothing to do with you, right? If you only look down on others like this, you can’t really call yourself a hero.”
The girl was so perplexed, she didn’t think someone would actually step up for you, she just clicked her tongue, “Whatever!” and went out of the classroom, Izuku sighing in relief as he was sitting back down. You were shyly looking at him for a few seconds, before you rose your voice, “Midoriya-kun…was it, right? Thank you for defending me, though as a hero in training I should have done that myself.”, you sheepishly scratched your cheek, however he only smiled at you and told you that it was okay and with that you two started a conversation and it didn’t took long for you two to actually become friends.
After the fight with Stain you visited him in the hospital and when Todoroki and Iida were leaving you two alone for a few minutes, they didn’t expect to be coming back just to see you two kissing. Iida was yelling how inappropriate this was in a hospital, however Izuku could just laugh while hugging you to his chest and you couldn’t help but also smile when you heard how fast his heart was beating and it beat only for you.
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tatertotthethot ¡ 6 years
Request (anon): Hi! Can I request a fluffy smut with tattooed Jimin, pleeease. I love your writings btw<3
— Dear anon, I hope you’re okay with “fluffy smut” becoming dominant and explicit smut cuz I’m a wild bitch by nature and everything has to be angsty and 1000x extra like me :)
Warnings: EX-GANGBANGER JIMIN FOR FLARE; dirty talk, possessive/dom themes, mentions of unwanted weight gain, lotsss if cursing and graphic oral.
(Image below belongs to original editor. And requests are open!)
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You knew prior to stepping on the scale in the bathroom that you weren’t going to like the results, being as your strict routine of nutritious meals and daily walks have recently transformed into consistent stress and persistent binge-eating as college finals had taken over your life.
And now that they were over, and you successfully passed everything to your satisfaction, you were now having to repair the damage it had on your mental and physical health. And much to your horror, you stepped up on the scales only to discover that you gained a whopping 15 pounds within the last few months.
This was a big fucking deal to you; Self-imagine was something that you’ve been steadily reconstructing with the new-found confidence and motivation that came with having someone as athletic and praise-worthy as Jimin at your side. But as of late, your time apart between his work schedule and your schooling has deprived the two of you from spending much time together, thus resulting in a lack of the compliments that you usually thrive on.
But... maybe you were mistaken? Maybe the real reason behind him not feeding you his admiration is because, well... look at you.
Your stomach dipped in dread as you quickly pulled you shirt off and turned to the mirror, where you then began scrutinizing every ounce of puginess that overlapped the hem line of your elastic gym-shorts. You ran your hands down your thickening sides and mushed all the fat together around your belly-button, kneading it as if it was raw dough. You then glanced up at your face, and your eyes practically shot out of their sockets as you began prodding at the puffiness in your cheeks and jawline, and pinching the loose skin and stretching it back until you looked around your neck. It was like you suddenly had on a fat suit and just now realized that it wasn’t coming off.
What the fuck is happening to me? You let out a shaky breath as you gave yourself another one-over, becoming more and more disgusted with the girl in the mirror. The only thing that snapped you out of your self-loathing trance was when you heard Jimin’s voice approaching the door, making you panic for cover.
“Hey, kitten? What kind of pizza do you want?—“ the door suddenly opened, revealing your picture-perfect boyfriend on the other side of it. Luckily, his eyes were focused on the phone in his hand. “They have a two-for-one deal at Pizza Hut, you get a free cheese pizza with the purchase of a large surpreme.”
“That’s Okay, I don’t want any,” You quickly dismissed, turning away from him as you hastily flipped your shirt back inside-out and pulled it over your head, cringing at the thought of him catching sight of the rolls beneath your bra.
You could hear the confusion in his voice as he looked up at you, “What, why? We always have pizza on Sundays, that’s why we get the automatic-texts from them for Sunday-deals.”
“I’m just not in the mood for pizza.. You can still order one for yourself, though. Maybe get me a salad?” you played off with a casual facade, but he quickly caught on to something not being right when he noticed you nervously undoing the already perfectly-placed bun that was sitting on top of your head, only to readjust it again. That was something you always do to advert your attention away from someone when you’re really hiding something. But then he spotted the scale on the floor beside your feet— which was normally pushed back in the corner of the bathroom— and pocketed his phone as he officially came to the conclusion that bullshit was definitely afoot.
With his natural interrogation coming into play, he crossed the art-covered masterpieces he has for arms over his black, T-shirt covered chest, and leaned against the door frame as he watched you, eyes now coated in suspicion and face now wiped clean of anything less than total seriousness.
“...so, let me get this straight; You want me to order you a salad, from Pizza Hut,” He flatly reiterated, voice full-on lacking any conviction as he gouged your reaction. “Since when have you ever traded a pizza up for a fucking salad, (Y/N)?”
“What are you trying to say?” You said with sudden defense, cutting a sharp look over at him. But once you took in the unamused, knowing look on face, you quickly diverted your eyes to the sink, where you then turned the faucet on and began splashing your face.
Another distraction.
“Cut the shit, jagiya. You just weighed yourself, didn’t you?”
With your eyes still closed from the access water, you pumped the exfoliation soap next to the sink into your palm and quickly rubbed your hands together before massaging it into your face.
“Yeah, So?”
“I’m guessing that has something to do with your sudden lack of interest in our traditional Sunday meal,” he rhetorically concluded, voice dripping with sarcasm as he straightened his stance and walked over to the scale. With his arms still crossed, he nosily peered down at the numbers still displayed across the screen, from where you forgot to reset it from the instant panic that took over your actions. His face flattened even more at the uneventful discovery. “Seriously, (Y/N), what’s the matter?”
“Nothing, Jimin. I just..” You sighed in frustration, turning the sink off and patting your face dry with a nearby hand towel, purposely using the few seconds of hiding to take control over the embarrassment taking over your features. You then lowered it and caught him standing directly behind you in the mirror with a stern look on his face, and sighed again as you quickly folded under the hopeless pressure. “I gained ten pounds.”
Your shoulders sagged in discomfort as you braced yourself for a reaction, but he just simply blinked at you unaffectedly, as if he was still awaiting to hear the problem.
You continued to stare at each other for a few more seconds, and when he finally realized that that was all you had to say, his eyebrows rose impatiently. “That’s it..?”
“What do you mean, that’s it? I’ve fallen off track, Jimin. Don’t act like you don’t see a difference,” you snapped, now mirroring his arm-crossed stature in a more vulnerable, sulking manner. “I thought it was the cold-water setting on the washing machine shrinking all my clothes, but no. Nothing fits the same anymore because I’m a beached-fucking-whale.”
“Shut up— the only reason your jeans have gotten tighter is because your ass is filling out even more, which is something I unapologetically take full responsibility in causing.”
“No, everything has gotten bigger— my gut, my face, everything. And I know I’m not pregnant because I just had my period, so it’s from me becoming a full-blown fatass in general.”
You sniffed at the burning sensation that came to your sinuses at the spike of anger, but you were more emotionally depressed than anything. You adverted your eyes again and stubbornly tightened your arms over your stomach, which quickly caused his edge to deteriorate a bit as he seen just how heavy this was weighing down on you. It was a shame, really; if only you could truly see yourself the way sees you— a unique blend of flawless beauty.
He exhaled a deep, audible sigh through his nose before lowering his arms around your lower waist, to which he then pulled you back against him and placed a series of endearing kisses along the side of your pouting cheeks.
“I told you this the day I first met you, and I’ll say it now until I’m blue in the fucking face— you are the prettiest damn thing I’ve ever laid my eyes on, (Y/N). Me being in love with you doesn’t effect that fact, nor does a little extra weight do anything to change it. And you wanna know why?” He began, gently turning you around by the hips before cradling the sides of your face, even though your eyes were still casted downward. “People like you don’t have to worry about shit like that, because there is no such thing as a bad look for someone so motherfucking pretty. It’s effortless, God-given gift. You doubting that is an insult.”
You let out a quiet laugh through your nose as you finally met his eyes, fully displaying the self-pity and gratitude in which you felt. “You’re so good to me.”
“Apparently not good enough if you’re still struggling with your self image,” He countered, then took you by surprise as he suddenly ducked down and snatched your gym shorts down to your ankles, then gripped your hips and hoisted you up on the counter without the slightest of warning.
“You see this?” He began, gripping your ass with purposeful aggression that caused you to giddily squeal out at the tenderness. “This is where all that pizza and candy bars go, and I fucking love that because it jiggles when you walk now; and that’s literally my biggest motivation to not say fuck it and go back to selling dope. Because if I get locked up again, that leaves this ass unprotected and up for grabs and I’m not fucking having that, sweety.”
Your head fell back as you openly howled out in laughter, loving his crude sense of humor.
“And these little stretch marks here,” he continued, snatching the hem of your panties down to mid thigh and revealing the neutral-colored stripes expanding along the fullness of your hips. “Holy fuck, they’re my second-biggest turn-on. I didn’t even know I had a kink for shit like this until I saw these badboys for the first time. And that’s why I’m always running my hands across them, because I like feeling the patterns of them. Especially when you’re riding me— oh my god, mm.”
The blush spread across your face like a wild-fire as he aggressively hummed in approval, and demonstrated the very action by greedily palming your hips and tracing his fingers along the thin lines.
“So I’ll say it again; there’s literally nothing ugly about you. The only flaw you really have is your self doubt, but I know you can’t help that and it’s fine. But I’m just telling you (Y/N), I fucking love everything about you. And I swear on everything, I mean it.”
You nodded in acceptance as you soaked in all his sincerity, unable to help the goofy grin gracing your lips as you then leaned your forehead against his chest and rubbed at his forearms, relinquishing in the feel of the veins protruding beneath his skin.
“I love you, Jimin.”
You felt his lips settle on the top of your head as he brought one hand up to rub the back of your neck, his heart racing at those precious words.
“I love you too, Jagiya.”
A dark thought then involuntarily crossed his mind as he noticed that you have yet to pull your panties back up, and it didn’t take long before that one hand still on your thigh crept between your legs and cupped your warm sex.
“I’m just gonna have to put more effort in making you feel good in your own skin.”
You gasped in a breath and gripped his wrist as his fingers teasingly swiped at your clit, him knowing that’s your go-to starter spot and not showing no sort of apprehension as he began full on palming your sensitive flesh, a possessive man by nature. The fingers that was just drawing soothing circles at the back of your neck soon entangled themselves into the back of your hair and pulled your head back, instantly wrenching the submissive out in you as you caught sight of his dominant glare.
“Now, tell me, jagiya: who does your pretty little ass belong to?”
You whimpered out at the intense arrousal that surfaced when he dipped his finger into your wet entrance and used the moisture to glide back up and tentavely roll your clit, making it instantly swell in response to the friction.
“You,” You spluttered out, trying not to squirm from the drastic spike in pleasure. “It belongs to you.”
Your bud continued to swell and twitch against the rough padding of his finger tip, not taking long at all to bring out your sex-crazed demons, and your doe-eyed and gaped-mouth awing soon got the best of him as well, and he lowered his head and lustfully sucked at your pouty lips, briefly warming you up before skillfully claiming your mouth with his tongue.
You didn’t hold back a single moan, you openly voiced your eager approval as he aggressively French-kissed you into oblivion, all the while vigorously massaging your puffy clit. And once he broke away, you barely had time to react before he snatched your panties clear off your legs, boy giving you any time to prepare yourself before he then grabbed you beneath the knees and yanked your ass to the edge of the counter. You tried to stay calm as he did all this, but when he dropped to his own knees and parted your legs so wide that not an inch of your pussy was hidden from his view, you almost cried out at the anticipation.
Because: Jimin may be an absolute God when it comes to fucking, but another thing he also knows how to do better than any other guy you’ve ever been with, is how to properly you out to the point of insanity.
And holy shit, it’s been a while. Something you didn’t realize how much you needed it up into this very moment.
“Don’t hold back on me, now— this is just pregame for what’s to come. As soon as you feel like cumming, do it. Because I need you still up and running for what’s to come after this,” he told told, his own eagerness coming to a tie with the amount of authority in his voice, and you obediently nodded as you gripped the edge of the counter, readying yourself.
“Yes sir.”
That was all it took; the wicked smile that appeared on his face widened as he stuck his tongue all the way out and flattened it over your vulnerable entrance, lapping you up from top to bottom like the greedy bastard he was, causing you to mewl out at the earth-shatter sensation of the silky wet surface lathering up needy flesh. He then craned your thighs all the way back until your shoulder blades hit the mirror and your knees were on both side of your chest, your pussy now practically presented to him on a platter as he then pressed his mouth past your lips and enclosed it around your prominent clit. He then caused every muscle in his vaginal region to clench and quake as he loudly began slurping at the tender area, passionately rolling his tongue and and coaxing it out with purposeful, yet very precise circles.
All the while, you were hitting notes higher than Miriah Carey at this point as words too shameful for acknowledgement poured from your hypnotized lips, your fingers latched into his jet-black hair as you praised him. Every stroke of his tongue was becoming more and more surreal as him sucking was causing the nerves in your clit to become more and more sensitive to his merciless infliction, and it only took about two minutes max before the tension building with your cored bursted under the pressure, causing an overwhelming, euphoric feeling to recochede out and practically electrify the path of his tongue as every nerve ending pulsed at the mind-numbing orgasm.
And oddly enough, once the high settled down and Jimin rose to his feet, you inhaled what was probably the freshest breath of air you’ve had in days, and every ounce of depression had diminished completely from your head. All you could do was stare st your smug-ass boyfriend in total awe as he slyly wiped at his lips and shot you a grin filthier than the Devil himself.
“My turn,” was all he said.
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sonicthehedgehoglover2 ¡ 5 years
Locked Up Tight Ch.1: A Dark Beginning
That's all I see so far. My eyes are open, yet I can't see anything. Not even the hand that I'm continually swinging back and forth before my eyes. For a minute I think that I'm blind but… it can't be. Whenever I blink my vision grows darker but when my eyes are open the darkness around me seems… like the darkness isn't my only problem… it's where I'm am. The place that I am currently standing in is small and tiny. Whenever I try and lift my arms and legs they touch… metal. Whenever I try and stand on my tip-pity toes my heads smack against the top of the ceiling. It's almost as if the room was made for a very small leprechaun! Yet, I'm okay. Yeah, even I don't believe myself! I am stuck in a place where there is no room or light without much memory on how I exactly got here. My whole body is just a huge bag of sores, but… it was my insanity I was worried about.
It is weird how the mind transforms things into something that's unreal. Like when you read a book and the words turn into pictures in your mind or when you stare at an object and instantly began to daydream about that object being used for something else. Sometimes the mind can even trick you into thinking something unreal even though its nothing but your imagination. And… that's exactly what my imagination was doing to me.
The dark room… it was shrinking! It was getting smaller and smaller! Soon it came to the point that whenever I breathed in my stomach touched the cold wall halfway! Now I can't even twitch my arms anymore! Why was the room getting smaller?! Why was the darkness getting so thick that it felt like dark tendrils were being wrapped around my chest, squeezing all the air out lungs and leaving me breathless? What is going on!
Air became limited and I had to take deep and hyperventilating breaths just to get air in my lungs but that's when I realized...I might die. The room was still shrinking and the air was getting harder and harder to get into my lungs. White spots started to appear and all seemed to be over until... a crack of light sliced right through the darkness. I backed away from the light as it grew larger and larger until a figure with a bushy mustache appeared. Wait a minute! Bushy mustache!?
I blinked a bit in slight shock as the mustached man smirked evilly at me before saying,"well Sonic, did you enjoy your new punishment?"
Now it all made sense... I, Sonic the Hedgehog, was trapped in Eggman's base.
I remember how it all happened three days ago.
Me and my little brother, Tails were fighting against Eggman on South Island. Again he was trying to fight me with one of his many, many Metal Sonic copies that were supposed to be 'smarter and faster than me. Anyway, Eggman looked at me with this huge and weird smirk on his face before he yelled at Metal to destroy me. Yeah right like he could actually do that!
Of course, Metal tried to fight me using that rocket of his to try and match my speed. Remember that word try. In five minutes Metal was nothing but broken and twisted pieces of metal at my feet.
"How'd you like that Eggman!"I exclaimed, putting my hands on my hips and smirking at Eggman while Tails cheered a bit behind me.
Then the weirdest and creepiest thing happened... Eggman smiled! And I don't mean just smile, smile! I mean Eggman actually looked down at me with this huge smile that stretched from ear-to-ear like he knew something I didn't. And that's not good.
"Oh, Sonic! Why must you underestimate me so!"Said Eggman, placing an arm over his eyes in fake despair."I guess I'll just have to show you what's up my other sleeve!"
Before I could react Eggman suddenly pulled his sleeve up and pushed a hidden button. A sound materialized behind me as I turned around to see... Metal Sonic building himself back up! Metal's twisted pieces instantly straightened themselves out and pieced back together to make up Metal's body once again. Everything moved in slow motion as Metal threw up his right hand that turned into a blaster and shot out a bright red laser that slammed into my stomach, throwing me back a few feet and onto the ground on my back.
The last thing I heard before I blacked out was Tails screaming my name and Eggman's laughter of pure joy but... there was something in that laugh. Like Eggman was uncertain about something...
"I could leave you in there, Hedgehog!" Exclaimed Eggman, staring at me with annoyance on his face.
I glared at Eggman who waited a minute for me to step out before slamming the door, loudly behind me. Before I could move Eggman managed to clamp a pair of handcuffs on my wrists. Hopefully, Eggman didn't notice the way my knees were shaking or how I felt like I could collapse any moment. Unfortunately for me... Eggman was able to read me like a book! One glance at me and Eggman instantly snapped his fingers with a loud 'snap!' It wasn't long until Metal appeared at his side with his rockets prepared and ready for any mission.
"Metal, bring Sonic to his cell and report back to the main room." Ordered Eggman, waving his hand at me like I hardly mattered.
Metal Sonic made a move to grab me which made me back up a step. "No way!" I exclaimed, surprised by how hoarse my voice sounded.
Eggman gave me an annoyed look that said 'I don't have time for this Hedgehog' all over it. "Hedgehog, you could come quietly or-"
Before Eggman could finish his sentence Metal Sonic swept his foot underneath me and caused me to fall flat on my face in pain. Metal then placed his metal foot between my back quills and squished my stomach into the cold floor. I let out a small yelp of pain when some of my injuries on my stomach reopened.
"Enough, Metal!" Commanded Eggman, pushing my counterpart off of my back.
I slowly lifted myself onto my knees before clenching the bandages wrapping my stomach. My eyes widened when a hot, sticky substance soaked through my gloves. No doubt it was something that was supposed to stay in my body... blood.
Eggman was too busy explaining something to Metal to notice me on the ground and-WAIT! Eggman was too busy to notice me! I began to crawl towards the door when... something grabbed my foot! I turned around to see who was the culprit only to see Eggman glaring at me.
"Where do you think you're going?" Asked Eggman, threateningly.
"Um... anywhere but here?" I said nervously, causing Eggman to frown.
"Metal you know what to do." Said Eggman, turning away from me and walking away.
"Yes, Master." Said Metal, approaching me with his claws sharp and ready.
I stared in horror as Metal raised his hands and slammed me on top of the head. Everything turned white as stars danced across my vision. The next thing I knew everything turned dark. The last thing I felt was my body getting picked up and thrown over Metal's shoulder.
Flashback to the first day of capture
When I woke up the first thing I felt was... pain. My stomach felt like it was on fire yet... the pain seemed to lessen. I risked a glance down to my stomach only to notice that it was covered in thick white bandages. Tails must've fixed my stomach after Metal shot me with that... laser. Wait a minute!
I looked around my surroundings only to discover that I was laying on a cold metal bench in a dirty cell with only one barred window. There was only one person who caused this to happen. "Eggman." I hissed, sitting up on the bench slowly.
"You called?"
I stared across the cell at Eggman who was on the other side of the barred door that kept me from leaving... for now. "Why am I here, Eggman?!" I demanded angrily, standing carefully to my feet.
"Maybe, because I want you here." Replied Eggman, crossing his arms with a little smirk.
"Aww... I didn't think-"
"Not like that, Hedgehog!" Exclaimed Eggman, frowning at me in annoyance."I meant as a prisoner or should I say... my own personal guinea pig."
"I'm not some kind of lab experiment, Eggman!" I shouted, awkwardly folding my arms over my chest. "Much less a guinea pig!"
"Yeah, yeah...", Went Eggman, waving a hand at me, "anyway, Metal's here to take you to your first test."
"Test? What test?" I asked, curiously. The only reply I got was Eggman walking away and Metal's ugly metallic face appearing at the cell door.
"Well... if it isn't, Metalhead! How ya doing?"
Metal's eyes turned a brighter red at my comment as the uglier version of me opened up the cell and walked towards me holding a glowing pair of cuffs. I backed up a few steps only to meet the cold stone wall which meant... I was trapped.
"Uh oh..." I said, watching Metal get closer and closer before I put my hand out to stop him, "Now, how exactly do you expect to get those things on me?"
Metal's head tilted slightly to the side in thought before he transformed his arm into a small gun. "Would you rather I do it like this?"
Before I answer, Metal shot something into the side of my arm. For a minute I thought it was a bullet as pain radiated throughout my arm and I placed my hand on top of my arm. But wait-if I got shot by a bullet then why was there no blood but instead a small metal stick with small little feathers at the end-oh... I got shot by a tranquilizer dart. My limbs began to sag to the ground as my knees wobbled. My head spun dizzily while my body finally slammed into the cold metal floor. Before I passed out two heavy objects snapped onto my hands and sharp hands wrapped around my shoulders.
You know that feeling of confusion you get when you wake up and you forget where you're at? You know how you open your eyes and look around your bedroom and forget where you're at or where you live or even the simplest thing like your own name! Well... I experienced something similar to that.
When I opened my eyes the first question I asked myself was where the heck am I? I mean seriously! It's not every day you wake up and find yourself suspended, with nothing but metal chains and rope, over a humongous tank(it was really big enough to fit about... 3 adult whales)filled with nothing but... water. My eyes widened as realization slammed into my head well... that and the groggy effects from the tranquilizer dart but never mind that! How exactly am I gonna get down from here without drowning?! And how am I gonna-
"Ah, Rodent! I see you finally woken up from your little nap!" Crackled Eggman, smirking up at me from a few feet away from the tank behind the controls with Metal standing close beside him. "Hm... you've woken up a bit earlier than I estimated you to wake up, but you have been known to be unpredictable Hedgehog."
Was Eggman complimenting me?! "What's going on, Eggman?" I demanded angrily.
"Can't you see Hedgehog? I'm going to dunk you into this tank to test whether or not you can escape one of your greatest obstacles." Explained Eggman, motioning towards the tank below me.
I gave an involuntary gulp at Eggman's sentence. There was no way he was actually gonna dunk me straight into the water tied up right? I mean I could hardly even swim without the chains and rope hindering my limbs and Eggman of all people should know that!
"You're not really gonna dunk me are ya, Egghead?"I asked, hopefully suppressing all the uncertainty in my voice.
"Let me think about that... YES!" Exclaimed Eggman, pushing a gigantic red button that laid directly in front of him with a smile.
At first, nothing happened which lead to me to believe it was all bust until... a laser popped out of the panel beside me. My eyes widened as the laser gave off a red glow before shooting at the metal chain that suspended me over the tank with loud 'whoosh!' Before I knew it I was falling towards the tank in slow motion, my eyes wrenched shut hoping that this wasn't happening, hoping that I wasn't about to face something that was about to submerge me in its icy grip and never let go. Then I hit the water.
The impact literally smacked the breath out of me which I quickly tried to regain. Just as I thought the water sucked me in like a pebble, sinking over my nose and head as I tried to get one last breath in. The water... was cold. That was the first thing I thought as I sank lower, lower and farther and farther from the surface. Then I felt the water push me down onto my shoulders like a pair of weights. Then... I panicked. You could say it was a natural reflex with me and water. I tried to stay away from water and water always tried to get closer and closer to me until I finally got submerged in it. Then my body would freak out with my arms flailing out and my feet trying to kick my body closer to the surface where the sweet air could flood into my lungs. But thanks to the chains and rope, any movement from the chest down was impossible.
My arms and legs were glued together and my eyes were bugging out of their sockets as I finally touched down on the bottom of the tank. I looked up at the surface which seemed miles and miles away and it probably was! Anyway, I did the only thing I could do that could possibly help me get to the surface... try to escape from the chains and rope. First I tried to wiggle my arms out only to end up with my arms rubbed raw... the same thing with my legs.
'Ok... plan B.' I allowed my back quills to go rigid as I tried to move them up and down in an attempt to at least cut the rope. After a few minutes of twisting the ropes finally snapped, allowing me to be able to move a bit. A lightheaded feeling passed over me as pressure slammed down onto my lungs. It didn't take a genius to realize that I was running out of air. I glanced up at the surface, desperately before trying to swim up to the surface... only to realize that the chains were still restricting some of my movement.
My eyes watered while my chest tightened and tightened until... my last bubble slipped through my lips. Spots flashed brightly before my eyes as they began to close. Before I blacked out I managed to glance over to Eggman who was ordering Metal to do something that I couldn't quite catch, a slightly panicked look on his face.
I woke up spitting out a gallon of water onto the floor of a lab. Wait a minute - a lab! I rubbed my sore eyes as I stared around the bright laboratory that had machines and medical supplies all over the place. Surprisingly though, I was sitting on top of the white comfy bed with an IV stand right next to me.
"Ahh! So the Rodent finally decides to wake up!" Exclaimed a teasing voice beside me as I turned to discover Eggman standing a few feet away from the bed with his arms crossed over his chest.
"What's going on, Eggman?" I demanded, staring intensely at him.
"I just saved you from drowning, Hedgehog." Said Eggman, approaching me with a smirk on his face. "You're welcome."
"When did I say thank you?!" I exclaimed a frown on my face. "Especially since you're the reason I got drowned in the first place!"
Instead of answering, Eggman kneeled down until he was at the same height as me and seemed to be investigating the bandages that were wrapped around my stomach.
"You should be grateful I changed those wet bandages instead of allowing your wound to become infected." Stated Eggman, reaching a hand out to touch the bandages. As a reflex, I backed up onto the bed and discovered... that my shoes were missing.
"Hey, EggHead! Where are my sho-"
"Are you talking about these?" Interrupted Eggman, holding up my favorite pair of kicks and handing them to me.
I gave Eggman a cautious look. "So... you're just giving me, my shoes... just like that?"
"Look, Hedgehog," Began Eggman, glaring at me behind his glasses, "you can either put on the shoes or I can take them and toss them in the garbage. Your choice."
I stuck my tongue out at Eggman but nevertheless stuffed on my shoes. It was better than just walking around wearing nothing but socks. Eggman seemed satisfied by this and stood up carefully. Eggman then pulled up his sleeve before pressing a button and whispering something into it quietly. This made me curious but I made sure Eggman didn't exactly notice this. I was thinking about who and what Eggman was talking to when my answer came walking through the door... literally! Metal came walking in through the double doors with his rockets turning off.
"You called, Master?" Said Metal in his stupid monotone voice.
"Yes, take the prisoner back to his cell until its time for his next test." Ordered Eggman, causing me to smirk lightly.
"What, no Rodent, Hedgehog, or a spiny thorn in my side?" I teased, enjoying the look of annoyance on his face but a frown suddenly took over when I realized what Eggman said. "Wait - another test!?"
"You didn't think that I was gonna let you just relax or something?" Asked Eggman, giving me a 'duh' look.
"Now, that I think about it-"
Before I could finish what I was about to say Metal zipped over, grabbed both of my arms and tugged them behind my back before placing the handcuffs on my wrists again, all before I could even move out of the way.
"Hey!" I exclaimed in surprise while Eggman... smirked at me.
"Nice work, Metal Sonic!" Congratulated Eggman, patting Metal on the shoulder before turning away. "Now, put the Rodent in his cell and report back to me."
Metal only nodded and dragged me forcefully outta the room. Before the double doors closed behind us, I glanced back at Eggman who was staring at the wall in deep thought, a strange look on his face.
(Normal POV)
Eggman was sitting in the control room where, in front of him, sat hundreds of buttons and ten TV screens that showed different parts of the building. But that wasn't where Eggman's eyes were. They were instead on a small hi-tech computer that laid before him. Eggman's eyes shifted over to a special TV screen that showed the room that was called... the Torture Room, place where Eggman tested Sonic for a new kind of torture... claustrophobia.
"The Rodent seemed to have claustrophobia, a fear of closed spaces." Said Eggman, typing the words slowly and carefully on the hi-tech computer. "I have no idea how this fear has developed. Maybe it has to do with the fact that the Rodent's boundless energy has to be hidden and kept in place or else he will lose control. Or... is it something else?"
Eggman's typing stopped when the doors behind him slid open and a hedgehog-like figure walked in. Eggman placed a hand over an emergency red button and turned around only to sigh in relief when he saw... Metal. "What is it, Metal Sonic?" Snapped Eggman, allowing annoyance to take over.
"Sorry to interrupt your work, Master." Apologized Metal, bowing his head slightly to Eggman. "But, I wanted to know if whether or not, you wanted me to prepare any food for my counterpart."
Eggman put his hand underneath his chin. "You may as well feed that Hedgehog. I don't want him being weak during his next test."
"Yes, sir." Said Metal, nodding his head. "But, do you also want me to add-"
"Yes, yes - whatever! Do what you do want to do with the Hedgehog's meal, just make sure he gets it." Interrupted Eggman, making shooing motions towards Metal. "Now, allow me to get back to my work."
"Yes, Master." Said Metal, turning away from Eggman and walking towards the door. "Whatever you say."
Metal stared down at the meal he made for Sonic, inspecting his work. Seeming satisfied by his work Metal than pulled out a black vial that read 'X12' that he took from his Master's lab. Metal shook the bottle a bit before pulling the cork outta it. Then dipping it towards Sonic's sandwich, Metal watched as a single drop of a black substance dripped from the vial and onto the sandwich, dissolving into the bread.
"Perfect," Purred Metal, picking up the tray that the meal laid on and walking towards the door of the kitchen.
(Sonic's POV AGAIN!)
I was staring out the window, watching as the sun set beneath the window. I've already tried to break the bars on the window and the door like a trillion times... only to be rewarded with a bunch of failed attempts and some bruises on my shoulder(from when I tried to ram the door with my shoulder). I had also woken up a few minutes ago with a small lump on my head. Thank you Metal!
I sighed as I messed with the bandages on my stomach, ignoring the small red dots that appeared on my already ruined gloves. Someday I'll break out of here and be reunited with my friends-no my family again, I just had to be patient and wait for the right time. Hey! It looks like one of Tails' lectures finally rubbed off of me. A slight smile slide across my lips. How I missed my little bro, right now he's probably trying to gather up the others to search for me or... freaking out. It's not often I leave my little bro behind-heck it's not even often that I get captured! Anyway speaking of the others... I can imagine what they would do.
Knuckles would start complaining and gloating about how I got captured in the first place then he would begrudgingly come along to rescue me, Shadow would roll his eyes and start talking about how the faker got himself in trouble and he can get himself out... then he would be forced by Rouge to come, Rouge would probably ask for a Chaos Emerald but would come anyway even if she didn't get one, Omega... would just follow Rouge and Shadow, Amy would at first be in shock about me being captured then she would pull out her hammer before racing off towards the X Tornado, and lastly Cream would also be in shock about me being captured but, even though she was in a way just a little girl, she would come either way just to make sure I was okay.
My thoughts trailed off when soft clanks echoed from beyond my cell. I frowned in annoyance as Metal showed his metallic face at the door of my cell with a dull gray tray in his hands.
"Hey, Metalhead," I said, waving at my counterpart, "what do you want now? I already did my so-called test today."
"Lunch," Said Metal simply, opening a small hole on the other side of the cell and placing the tray through it before closing it. "Enjoy it."
For a minute, I thought Metal was just going to walk away like all the other times he served me food but no. Instead of walking away, Metal stood by the door watching me closely. And let me tell you it was creepy having a robot stare at you with cold, red glowing eyes. Not that I'd say that I didn't like the attention but... I didn't. Finally, I got enough of it and picked up the tray before walking it back to my bed/seat. On my tray was a glass of water and a cold ham sandwich with mayonnaise slathered on the bread. Instantly I began to search and sniff the sandwich and water for any obvious signs of poison. When I didn't find any I slowly began to eat the sandwich and drink some of the water. Both tasted okay, in case you're wondering. The next time I looked up Metal was gone, probably satisfied that I didn't throw the food in the face like last time which I had to admit wasn't the brightest idea since I didn't receive any food for a day
I reached for the rest of my sandwich only to discover that it was finally done. Guess I was hungrier than I thought. Then my stomach gave a small grumble of protest causing me to lean forward and grip my stomach in slight pain, dropping the tray on the floor.
Or maybe not.
(Normal POV)
Metal walked into the control room with his hands behind his back. Eggman, his master, was now standing up and sending orders to other robots over the intercom. When he was finished, Eggman then turned around where he saw Metal standing in the middle of the room.
"Ah, Metal Sonic," Began Eggman walking up to his creation, "have you delivered the food to the Rodent?"
"Yes, sir." Answered Metal, nodding to his master.
"Good," Said Eggman, smiling at Metal."Now I have another assignment for you to complete."
"What is it, Master?" Asked Metal, his red eyes glowing a bit brighter.
"I want you to go and spy on the little Rodent's friends and make sure they don't find him too soon." Said Eggman, frowning at the thought of Sonic's friends coming too early for him to finish the 'tests'.
"Yes sir, but," Said Metal, his head tilting to the side, "who will watch the hedgehog?"
"Don't worry about that Metal Sonic." Said Eggman, waving his hand at the robot. "Just worry about what those other so-called heroes are doing and reporting it back."
Metal nodded before being dismissed by Eggman. Just as Metal was about to walk away Eggman called out to Metal.
"And Metal," Began Eggman when the robotic hedgehog turned around, "make sure no one sees you."
"And, if they do?"
"Destroy them."
Metal murmured a small 'yes sir' before walking out the door. Eggman watched him with a blank look on his face before turning around and staring at the TV screen that showed him the inside of Sonic's cell where the hedgehog was curled up on the bench with a thin blanket thrown over himself. Eggman nodded to himself before exiting the room, quietly.
A few minutes passed when the light flickered off, leaving the TV screens as the only source of light. On Sonic's screen, the hedgehog turned over in bed, pain evident on his face. By Sonic's cell door was a shadowy figure with their red glowing eyes staring directly at Sonic.
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mrkamabo--co ¡ 5 years
An Eventful Stop
rating: pg warnings: illness, nightmares words: 2797 notes: a progression sequence for the surface event!
this is a continuation of the event, since the asks weren’t exactly cutting it, due to off topic stuff.
if you want to understand what’s going on! please read this!
special thanks to @telephobos for betaing!
After some time had passed, Tarri began to grow tired of the constant coughing from the inkling behind him. Once the bus had made its first stop, he got up, with a  slightly vexed look on his face, and briefcase swinging to his side. He didn’t exactly care if this was what he wanted his destination to be or not. Though, little did he know, the inkling got up as well, following behind him. As he passed down the aisle, he did see the other ink based creatures, but not their eyes fixated on the inkling behind him. They saw that the inkling was holding back a cough, but weren’t concerned in the slightest.
He didn’t notice their vision until he made it almost to the exit.. When he felt a cold substance hit the back of his tentacles along with a hacking noise. He froze up, pupils shrinking in fear, knowing that the inkling had just coughed on him. It was a good few moments until he began to walk in a stiff motion, out the door.
“S… Sorry.” A young, feminine voice rose from behind him, it was the inkling,“I..” The inkling’s voice was filled with guilt and no hint of malice whatsoever. Tarri looked behind him to see the inkling at the top of the steps. He touched the back of his head, substance sticking to his hand. He looked at it before looking back at her, as he wiped as much of the substance he could onto his trench coat.
“Its.. Fine.” Tarri turned his head forward once more, before walking much further ahead. He had saw a sign he could hardly read, but ended up translating it to “Arowana Mall”. This was where he wanted to be, well, type of place he wanted to be rather. He began to walk inwards before running into a shopping outlet. He looks around before spotting something that he would assume a clothing shop would look like.
He was about to enter the store until he was stopped by a shout in the distance,“S-STOP!!” The voice sounded like it belonged to the inkling from a few minutes ago,“I DON’T W-WANT TO GO THERE!” He looked behind him and he saw in the distance an outline of two people in strange outfits restraining the inkling.
He began to walk in that direction hesitantly, before rethinking the decision and heading into the store regardless. It wasn’t his situation to get involved in and he wasn’t a hero in the slightest. Once he was inside, he was greeted with a sight of racks, piles, and mounds of clothing. Tarri looked to the single, lone mantis shrimp at the counter, who was just scrolling through their phone. They eyed Tarri before looking to their phone again,“(Must be the clerk…)”
Tarri began to walk through the store, eyeing mostly the dark clothing. He picked up a jacket and read the tag to himself,“(Takoroka.. Nylon vintage.. Hm…)” He looked to the clerk and walked to the counter,“How much does this cost..?” The mantis shrimp looked up, before grabbing the jacket with one of their arms and price checking it.
“Nine thousand five hundred cash. No tax.” They had a bored tone in their voice, unamused and unphased by this. They must’ve been through this hundreds of times.
“Cash..?” Tarri paused for a moment, blinking in confusion… What was ‘cash’? He did know that was a generic word for money, but.. That wasn’t the currency he had. He then responded, bewildered,“Do you.. Accept C.Q. Points?”
“No.” They responded immediately,“No clue on what those are either, buddy. Not even sure the ATMs here convert those into cash.” Tarri eyed them as they shrugged,“If you’re low on cash. Try a few turf wars. I’ll keep this here for you.”
“Turf.. Wars…” Tarri began to remember the phrase a select few used a while back, but snapped out of it immediately.
“Yeah. Turf wars.” The clerk paused,“You must be new around here right?” Tarri nodded hesitantly, but as soon as he did, they spoke up. “Had that feeling. Not everyone comes in a get up and a suitcase like that everyday. … I’ll put these on your tab, since I doubt clothing like that has any patches sewn in. You just gotta pay me back. Eventually.” The clerk brought out an Annaki face mask and a pair of suede marine lace-ups,“I would assume these would fit you. But, your tab totals up to… Fourteen thousand and three hundred cash.”
Tarri took this all in before nodding his head in silence. Once the mantis shrimp slid the gear across, he grabbed it, and looked around. He spoke up,“Are.. Are there any changing rooms?”
One of their appendages pointed to the back of the store, having three curtained slots in the wall,“Yeah, just back there. Uh. What’s your name? I kinda need it for the tab.”
“Thanks.. Oh! Uh, Tarta—“ Tarri paused before shaking his head, correcting himself,“Tarri Kamabo.” The clerk nodded typing into the cash register.
“Exotic name you have there. Never met a Kamabo before, mostly Humboldts, Colossals, Short-fins, Dumbos, etc etc.” The clerk commented as Tarri began to walk to the back,“By the way you can call me Gale.”
Tarri looked over and nodded once more, simple smile on his face. He felt like he was trusted, for once, learning someone’s name, let alone a complete stranger’s, made him feel.. Good. Once he made it to the back, he quickly got inside and swiftly changed, coming out with this trench coat and boots in arm, suitcase in the other hand.
Gale looked at Tarri’s clothing pile, looking at him in the eye before speaking their mind,“So. No shirt?” That would be correct, Tarri never owned a shirt to his name and he thought that was normal. He nodded and the response was instant,“Alright. Not going to judge if you like to flow free like that.”
Tarri was about to pass the counter before Gale had placed a claw on his shoulder,“Ay. Buh-bup— You’re not leaving without your copy of the tab and a bag for your stuff.” Gale pulled a rather large plastic bag from under the counter and handed it to Tarri once they placed the tab inside. “Alright. You’re good to go. Don’t get too hooked to the Splattershot Jr.; there’s lots of better weapons out there. Tear ‘em up Tar.” They patted him on the back once he placed his clothing and suitcase in the bag.
He began to walk out of the store, mind focusing on that phrase, and how it made him slightly uncomfortable. Most of which, due to his past, but he quickly moved on. He spotted an electronics store, but realized he couldn’t pay for anything so he moved on. Rather quickly at that, after making eye contact with an electric eel in a uniform.
He then waltzed back over to the bus stop, waiting for a bus, any bus. He couldn’t exactly read the bus schedule since it was in a different language than what he was used to, despite the other surface dwellers speaking in the same language. Well, that was what he assumed.
He did run into a few inklings back in the past and they did sound extremely similar to the ones of now. He labeled their language Inkling, for octoling’s, it was Octoling, and for the depths, it was Metrian with different dialects. He wasn’t exactly the most creative, but it worked when he needed to look up audio references in order to communicate with an applicant.
Tarri began to think about this for a second, looking to the ground, seeing some black, glossy droplets. He assumed it was from the inkling girl from before and his neutral expression turned into one of slight sorrow. He began to ponder the ways he could’ve helped the inkling, but… It’s not like it mattered now, she was gone. He couldn’t hold himself to that now and he wasn’t going to let it eat at him for the rest of the trip.
After a few moments, he began to take in his surroundings.. Before his mind began to trail off,‘You can speak Inkling.. Yet you can’t read it.’ ‘You could’ve helped her.. Yet you walked away.’ ‘She was probably sick.. You probably have what she has.’ ‘Useless. Broken. Machine’
“Sir? Sir… Sir! The bus to the square is going to leave, soon.. If you need to go to Mako Mart the bus stop is two blocks down and one to the left!” A whale shark spoke up, seeing Tarri staring at the ground, eye mask trailing down his face like tears, but not falling. “Sir! This is your last chance!”
Tarri snapped out of it and wiped his face off with his free hand and flicking his hand so the mask leakage could be sent flying to the ground. “Sorry..! I was just thinking for a few moments.”
“Yeah.. Alright. I have tissues if you want?” Tarri shook his head to decline the offer, heading to the back of the bus. He sat down, putting the bag in his lap, scooting next to the window. The intercom in the bus popped before a fruity voice emitted from it,“This is bus number 18 from Inkopolis Lines! We’re heading to the square, pull the emergency string right above the window if your stop is near!”
Tarri sighed upon hearing this as chatter began to assume after another pop occurred from the intercom. He then leaned back and yawned at the slightest, before murmuring to himself,“(I could.. Drink that energy drink right now but..)” It took a few moments, until he decided upon not doing so, as the bus began to move.
He looked outside the window, but the scenery was moving a bit to fast so he faced coward with a sigh. Moments passed until his eyes began to drift shut, leading him off to rest.
You run. You keep running, but the path ahead of you shrinks. You look behind you, but you can’t see a thing, it’s all dark, pitch black. As you move it continues to follow you.
Though, what is it?
You know. You’ve always known and that’s what scares you. You know this isn’t imagination getting at you, it is guilt and it is real.
You feel as if you’re bearing the weight of the world on your shoulders, yet, it is only you. You’re holding yourself back. You can’t let it go. You know this and you don’t know how you can’t. It is a part of you, you know what you’ve did, but you can’t accept it.
It’s horrible.
You make it to the tip of the path, teetering on the edge, before turning around until it hits you at full force, sending you into the abyss.
You hear its screams echoing around you. It cries for help. It begs for you to stop. It wants you to give up.
It’s your past.
“Sir..?” A gentle voice became audible as Tarri began to stir, with a few taps on his shoulder. “Are you alright..? You’ve been in here.. Since the bus stopped a couple hours ago. The line for 18 stopped for today...” They sighed,“(I’m talking to a wall here..)”
“(Nngh…)” Tarri opened his eyes, being met with the whale shark from before. He jumped slightly, waking up fully from the shock,“O-Oh..!—” He quickly got up and began to rush down the aisle, accidentally pushing the whale shark out of the way.
“Sir..!” Tarri quickly made it to the door and outside to the square, seeing the plentiful of inklings and octolings conversing. He looked to the center and quickly rushed there before the same voice from before appeared,“Sir! Your bag!” He stopped in his tracks as the whale shark caught up to him, huffing and puffing. “Cod.. You’re quite fast… You could’ve lost your belongings forever y’know.. Be more careful!”
“... Thank you.” Tarri grabbed the bag from the whale shark, nodding, and walking away, leaving the bus driver in the dust. However, despite being confused, they ended up walking back to the bus, deciding not to pursue the strange octoling.
Once Tarri had made it to the lobby entrance, he jumped at the door opening before taking a step inside, seeing other ink beings inside, chirping about. He made it to the back of the lobby, where the weapons were and looked around.. Until he found a pile of the same weapon gathering dust, in a bin labelled “Splattershot Jr. Donation Pile”, which he could barely make out. He picked up one of the weapons and examined it, intrigued on how it could possibly look.
He then looked around, before heading to a line where inklings and octolings were lined up, waiting for something. He assumed it was something he needed.. Maybe it was an ink tank? He waited in line, until it got more than halfway through, there was a tap on his shoulder, along with a young, masculine voice that got his attention,“Hi! Uh.. Are yous going into turf wars for first time?”
Tarri blinked before turning his head with a nod, to see a significantly shorter octoling boy, looking up at him,“Yes.. Why would that matter?”
“You can’t brings.. Bags into turfs..” The octoling boy then pointed to the bag in Tarri’s left hand. Tarri blinked before nodding,“Yous need a locker!! It’ll be coral!” The boy smiled brightly, beak visible as the line moved forward,“Don’t worries, you’ll meat the ink checkers! You get ink tank and then lockers!”
“Ink.. Checkers?” Tarri sounded confused as the line moved forward once more, having three others ahead of him as of now. He was intrigued by this label or type of creature there was up on the surface.
“Yeahs! They are is.. Checking for illnessies!” The boy’s smile shrunk a bit,“A inkling hads somethangs and was ranning from the hospitally.” His smile then degraded into a frown,“Its scaring we.. That’s why they neededs to check the ink now for stuffs..”
Tarri froze up, before trying to take a step out of line, until a gravelly voice cut him off,“Ay buddy. You’re up next. Let’s make it quick, there’s a big line behind ya’.” Tarri shook his head no in a swift manner, looking at the ink checker, who was a dark tan goby. “What are ya’? Afraid? You just need to spit into a cup n’ we check it.”
Tarri shook his head once more,“No thanks— I’m not doing a turf war today—” The goby grabbed his arm, sliding him over as he tensed up quite a bit. Sudden contact wasn’t his favourite thing in the world, whatsoever.
“If you make it up front, its code we have to check your ink or we risk gettin’ fired. C’mon.” Tarri paused, until he sighed when he was given a paper cup. He proceeded to spit into it and the goby took it before cracking open a powder, pouring it into the cup, and stirring the ink with a stick. It took a moment before the goby had immediately pulled out a quarantine and health hazard bag. He dropped the cup and stick into the bag before putting it in another,“What’s your name?”
Tarri hesitantly responded brittle tone in his voice,“T.. Tarri Kamabo—”
“You have a bacteria in your system. You’re not allowed to participate in any ink based practices until you get that checked out and are in the clear.” The goby snapped and the wrasse standing at the side of the table grabbed the bag and put it in a small red box with a lid, after writing Tarri’s name on the bag.
“How.. How do you know?” Tarri paused, remembering he had to pay off the tab soon and in someway. He was worried at this
“Ya’ ink turned into a gooey mess, to simply put it. Bacteria usually cause that.” The goby shrugged, before nudging Tarri out of line,“Next!” Tarri looked to the octoling boy as he got his test done with quickly and was given an ink tank.
The octoling boy began to walk away before waving to Tarri. “Bay-bay Misters Kamabo!” Tarri waved back before heading to the pile of Splattershot Jr.s from before and tossing his in there, before exiting the lobby with a sigh.
He began to look around for a place to stay now, wandering outside of the square, clutching his bag closely. It was already the late evening and he was in a predicament.
Maybe Inkopolis was less promising than he thought.
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egg-of-mankhad ¡ 5 years
A Drop In The Ocean
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“Hello Boy” The elder would say underneath the small felt tent. With woven woolen rugs covering the ground. In various shades of blue. And a collection of rolled up woolen sheets used as pillows. One on each side. One for Eigen. One for Eigengrau’s father. So that they might rest next to each other but never with each other.
“You have making very good progress in your studies. Today your net did not break for once. You tied it too loosely however and such timidness is not becoming of a man your age. We had been costed a good meal tonight.”
The boy shrinked a bit. Feeling rather offput. He had noted the harshness in his father’s voice. The level of disappointment. He knew it was his fault that a portion of the fish had escaped. And if he hadn’t tried chasing some of them a few of the fish would have stayed.
“Tomorrow we will try again. You will do it right this time.” The elder continued. Before reaching for a cane made of whale bone. And setting it in front of Eigen with a growl. “Understand Boy?”
Eigen would give a small nod. And would reach out to take the bone cane between to fingers so that he might observe it closely. He would then prepare to raise it, eyes kept on his Father. Waiting for any indication. Any hint. When would it be okay to strike.
But his father’s cane was snatched from him. Before he could ask what he was supposed to do, and was then replaced with a box.
“The question box, Boy. You get one tonight. Make it count.”
Eigengrau would nod a bit, stealing a glance at his father who now held the cane in the way Eigen had come to associate it. It would be his punishment if his asked the wrong question. His mind went into overdrive. Trying to think of something. Anything to ask. But what would be wrong. What would be the wrong thing to ask.
He could feel the tears well u—
‘You’re crying’
—but something would encourage him to swallow them down before they could start to overflow. That was hard. He could feel himself shaking violently. What to ask. He glanced around at the ceiling and then the rug. What to ask. What to as—“Does somepla—Are we truly alone here papa…?”
He stared up at his father’s face quickly. Almost afraid that he asked the wrong thing.
“Are we truly alone?” His father repeated. “That is your question…”
The elder male would let out a pained sigh. Using his cane to prop himself up so that he might procure a pouch from his hunting back. He would reach inside. And prop a seashell inside. Something that was spiral shaped in matter.
“It is better to be alone.” He tells the boy, Eigengrau; the first real lesson he had taught him. “No one out there cares for men like us. Men who looks like me or you. Not even our own brothers and sisters. Listen to me boy.” A sharp smack of the ground with the cane was heard, sounding like a whip. This could be you if you don’t shape up. “You. Are a drop!” THWAK. Dust debris could be seen in the air from the impact of the cane on the floor. This could be you. “In the ocean!”
“You are NOTHING.”
“If you think—“ His Father would pause and hold a finger up. Going into a coughing fit from the dust that had got into his lungs. He was in his fifties. He was becoming old. Even dust would hurt him.
“If…” He heaved. “If you think you deserve happiness. Leave this tent right now and throw yourself at the mercy of the waves. The sea lord and the lord of lightning both know...They know…” Another cough.
“You don’t need friends. They will, hurt you boy. They all will. They will be the death of you.”
He would glare at his son, his seed. There was so much disdain and hatred in his face.
“You are better off lonely so you can survive…!”
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secritivebadhabits ¡ 4 years
reasons why i want to be skinnier:
**no, i don't want to be crazy thin, i don't want my bones showing, or my body to look hollow**
- at 147lbs and 5'2, i am obese, especially now that i'm not in guard and therefore have less muscle mass and more fat
- my ugw of 115 is in the healthy range for my height, only once i got below 105 would i be underweight
- if i can reach my 1gw of 130 by the end of the semester, i would have the negative freshman 15, what a brag
- once im down weight, i'll be able to share clothes with my best friend and actually be able to fit in her clothes :)
- i'll be able to wear my cute thigh high socks without them rolling down at the top because my thighs are too big
- speaking of sock, knee highs won't cinch my knee fat and my shakespeare socks wont look so strained
- i will look and feel a lot better about my weight to height ratio
- my fingers won't look as chubby when my nails are cut short for... reasons ;)
- i will be less jealous of how my roommate kinda looks like a bunched up blanket when she's under her comforter because i will look less like a giant pillow under mine
- that urban outfitters skirt i bought ages ago will look deadly on me
- i will chafe less in the summer (this is a big one for me)
- there's the possibility that my knee pain will go away or significantly decrease even though i don't know what caused it to hurt cause it happened while i was pretty in shape
- i'll look better doing ballet/any kind of dance
- whatever my costume for legally blonde is going to be, i'll look better and feel more confident in it
- my mental health will slightly get better, because a small portion of it is me hating how big i look and feel
- my asthma might not be as bad, mainly the exercise induced part
- new hair ties won't kill my wrists
- i will be able to wear anklets without being self conscious
- my ankles will be smaller, even though they're permanently swollen
- i'll be able to wear those brown elasticy strappy sandals my aunt got me last summer
- instead of people saying my outfit is cute that day they'll say i look cute that day
- i won't be as crazy self conscious sitting in class in shorts
- if i can gain back the muscle i had this time last year once i'm thinner there's the possibility of proper abs in my future
- my acne might start to clear up, even though nothing in the past has helped
- my ae mom jeans that shrunk a bit in the wash will fit
- my butt won't look as gross
- my stomach will shrink, and i will have less of an urge to overeat and/or binge once i'm thinner
- i'll be able to wear dresses without feeling like a whale
- same with bikinis (hot girl summer, here i come!)
- i won't be as hot all the time
- i'll spend less money on food
- i'll be able to sit with my knee up in the swivel desks in classes
- my boobs will look more proportional to my stomach
- i'll be a lot more confident having sex
- jawline, i need not extrapolate
- my peroids might be less heavy, less painful
- i'll take more pictures
- i'll automatically be slightly more flexible because i won't have fat in the way (ie. my stomach being in the way when in pike)
- if i do have the chance to go back to guard, i won't be appalled if the uniform ends up being a bodysuit
- jumps will be easier and my landings will be more dainty
- i'll be the only thinner person in my immediate family
- the next time i have the chance to go to truro, that gang won't exclude me as much
- i'll be able to pull off my dream styles
- i won't be as tired walking up the hill to my dorm
- i'll be less self conscious going out to eat
- my family will comment on it a lot
- i'll lose the 'baby' fat on my face
- it's hard being the dumb and fat friend
- i'd love to be the person getting a piggyback ride rather than the one giving it for once
- i will be smaller, therefore my clothes will be smaller, meaning i will automatically be packing lighter while travelling and camping
0 notes
cometcrystal ¡ 7 years
Okay, I officially want to get into the gorillaz because of all your reblogs. So, if you are not busy, please Tell. Me. Everything. I want to know history/best songs/fun facts/anything. Please and thank you.
im so excited!! i love that my reblogs made you wanna get into gorillaz that makes me so beyond happy
gorillaz is a virtual band, and the members are 2d (lead singer), murdoc (bass), noodle (guitar), and russel (drums). these are just characters, though, and the irl members of gorillaz are MANY. there’s been SO MANY people that have worked on gorillaz, and i wouldn’t be surprised if it was in the hundreds. but the main guys are damon albarn, who does the music, and jamie hewlett, who does the artwork!
the best songs from each phase are just my own opinion and all of their albums are definitely worth full listens, these are just the ones that i personally love the most!
5/4. i have no excuse for this one it’s just sick
clint eastwood, which is what a lot of ppl say but honestly? there’s a reason this one was the big single off this album
slow country, bc it is SO overlooked
demon days
o green world, i love the creepy horror movie noises in it
dirty harry, especially live performances, go look up the BRITS performance of this song and look how much fun the kids are having
don’t get lost in heaven/demon days. the first time i listened to this pair of songs, i was at an assembly for school and ignoring it with my ipod and it was an EXPERIENCE
plastic beach
welcome to the world of the plastic beach, you cannot go wrong with snoop dogg
rhinestone eyes, because it feels very classic gorillaz
on melancholy hill is beautiful and ethereal 
rockit is just a jam lets be honest
the soulchild remix of 19-2000, which i actually like better than the original
revolving doors (i count this one as other bc The Fall is such an anamoly of an album)
doyathing is just so much fun
let it out is shaping up to be my favorite song off of humanz we’ve seen so far but i am filing it under “others” because the album isnt out yet!
AND there is a certain order you should watch the music videos, since it goes with the story! phase 1 is ok to watch out of order imo but phase 2 and 3 need to stay in order.
Tomorrow Comes Today
Clint Eastwood
5/4 (Storyboard)
Rock the House
Dirty Harry
Feel Good Inc.
El Manana
Melancholy Hill
Broken (Live Visual)
Rhinestone Eyes (Storyboard)
and now ill do my best to summarize the entire lore! this will be under a cut because it is so so much already. the gorillaz wiki also does a really good job of explaining this story on each of the character’s pages if you want more detail!
pre-phase 1 and phase 1 (xxxx-2000)
murdoc is the oldest member, and he grew up in a shitty household where his father made him humiliate himself for money. his nose got broken in fights several times and permanently misshaped it
2d grew up in a good household with supportive parents, and his first job was in a record store. this is where murdoc crashed his car one day right into 2d’s face and put him in a coma, making one of his eyes pure black
murdoc was assigned to look after 2d as part of his probation, and ended up giving him MORE head trauma when he tried impressing some girls with car tricks w/ the comatose 2d in the car. 2d woke up with both his eyes black, and murdoc knew he had to be his dream band’s frontman. 2d’s paranoia and anxiety is made worse w/ murdoc around
russel’s backstory is the saddest i think, he grew up in america and had several close friends, but they were all killed in a drive-by shooting except him. their spirits inhabited his body and they come out sometimes to rap, like his best friend and soulmate Del does for clint eastwood and rock the house. but he also suffers really bad mental problems because of this
murdoc kidnapped russel to be the drummer for gorillaz after he secured 2d, and russel was going to leave until he heard the kind of music murdoc wanted to do, and liked it
all 3 of them stayed in a run-down music studio called kong studios
noodle was created as past of a japanese experiment about manufacturing superchildren for the military, and her specialty was music but her brain is programmed with knowledge on how to kill. after she and the other children turned 10, Mr. Kyuzo, who was in charge of the project, saved noodle after the government scrapped the project and killed all the other children.
gorillaz was originally going to have 2d’s girlfriend at the time, paula cracker, as their guitarist, but she was booted after she and murdoc were caught fucking in one of the stalls at kong studios
so they needed a guitarist, so they put out an advertisement and literally moments later, a giant crate showed up at kong. noodle was inside, since mr. kyuzo had seen the ad and sent her to safety. the only word she could speak in english was “noodle”, so that’s how she got her name
the band released an album and toured and all that band stuff, you can see some of the slice of life stuff on youtube in videos called “bitez” but the Fancy Dress one is kinda tasteless on murdoc’s part, im just warning you. it was from 2000 and gorillaz has moved past jokes like that, even with murdoc
eventually, the band was allowed to make a movie, but due to arguing between everyone, they felt the tension was too high and decided to split up for a while
in-between phase 1 and phase 2 (2000-2005)
2d went back home and worked at his dad’s carnival, had a good time
murdoc lived in a brothel and then went to prison for a while but escaped
russel just wandered some but the grim reaper found him and took the souls of his dead friends from his body, leading to him having a massive breakdown. he lived in ike turner’s basement for a bit after that
noodle went to japan to learn about her past (since she didn’t remember anything about the project due to mind wiping) and the phrase “ocean bacon” triggered her brain to remember everything. she also remembered how to speak every language bc that was part of her programming
when noodle returned to kong by herself, she spent a while getting rid of the zombies while she wrote the first draft of the album demon days. she called the boys back when she was done because she needed them to help her finish it
phase 2 (2005)
after the album demon days was out for a while, noodle had been considering taking another break (lmao can they please chill out for two seconds) so she made a plan with murdoc to help her FAKE HER DEATH
he helped her make it look like the floating island in the feel good inc/el manana music videos crashed and she died in the wreckage, but she escaped
there’s SO many versions of this story, one of which noodle DID die and went to hell, but murdoc is unreliable and noodle said she faked her death in a recent phase 4 interview so i believe her
with noodle gone, the band saw nothing else to do but go their separate ways yet again, 2d and russel greatly saddened by noodle’s disappearance 
phase 3 (2010)
murdoc cannot go too long without attention, so he decided that gorillaz needed a 3rd album. he kidnapped 2d AGAIN and couldn’t find russel so he jsut created a drum machine to drum in his place. the only problem is, their guitarist was “dead”
murdoc went to the el manana wreckage and found some of noodle’s DNA, and using this, created cyborg noodle. cyborg noodle is modeled after her 15 year old self, and is equipped with several guns, some of them built into her. she never speaks
murdoc takes all of this to an island that is the furthest from any point on land that he has decked out; plastic beach. it is just an island of floating trash with a condo on it. he keeps 2d in the basement, which terrifies him since 2d is afraid of whales and they go by his window underwater every way
there is also a villain in this phase named the boogie man. i’m honestly not sure what his motivation is other than being evil
russel hears that murdoc is up to some fuck shit so he straight up just. walks into the ocean and starts swimming to find him. on the way he eats something radioactive, and this makes him grow to the size of a building 
noodle has also decided to come out of hiding for reasons unknown. she has the same idea as russel; she’s going after murdoc on a cruise line, when the boogie man’s pirates find out she is there, and attack the ship and sink it
noodle escapes on a lifeboat with only her guitar, and ends up finding russel in the ocean! she and her dad have both gotten bigger in different ways and she just sticks with him
they find plastic beach, which is being attacked by more pirates. noodle kills cyborg noodle after cyborg malfunctions and tries killing murdoc, but also? 2d said in a recent interview that cyborg noodle is still alive? so who knows
2d is swallowed by a whale (dont worry he ends up fine)
in between phase 3 and phase 4 (2010-2017)
the doyathing video does not fit with current canon so everyone in the fandom just agrees it was someone’s dream, probably 2d’s
murdoc escaped the plastic beach battle and lived in a submarine w/ cyborg for a bit until the government found him and threw him in jail again. they agreed to let him out if he created a 4th gorillaz album, so he works on trying to round everyone else up again
the whale that 2d was in died and washed up on a shore somewhere, and 2d crawled out. he lived as a castaway for a little bit until he figured out there was a town not far from where the whale washed up, and then he just spent peaceful time there. he voluntarily went back to the rest of the band after this
russel was harpooned in the ocean and taken to north korea, where he existed as an attraction for a while, cause he was still a giant. his lack of a food source made him shrink back to normal size, and he was let go. he went back to london and was eventually contacted by murdoc 
noodle woke up in a japanese fishing village after the pirate attack, and a family there helped her so she decided to work for them to repay them. while working for them, she accidentally released a demon, and spent years tracking him and finally killed him
after taking care of that, noodle packaged herself up and shipped herself to murdoc just like she did when she was 10 
and now everyones just having a good and fun time not kidnapping each other or trying to kill each other
and that’s pretty much it so far!! like i said, the gorillaz wiki has really good biographies for all the individual characters
that was so long but i tried condensing the story as much as possible! i hope this was helpful for you and if you have any more questions please ask, i love talking about gorillaz so much but it’s also a very confusing lore with contradictions 
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birdshirt1-blog ¡ 5 years
Please Send All Your Fried Brains and Micro-Brisket to Novelist Gary Shteyngart
As research for Lake Success, a novel about a wealthy Manhattan businessman who hops on a Greyhound to escape his troubles, writer Gary Shteyngart went on a bus trip of his own through the American South. This journey turned out to be something of an epicurean odyssey for the author. “In some of the roadside places where ‘the Hound’ would stop, you’d have, like, the best fried chicken on the planet,” Shteyngart says. And to get inside the mind of the hedge-fund types depicted in Lake Success, Shteyngart also embedded himself among a bunch of New York finance guys, who, he says, actually “eat really bad food.” All things considered, Shtyengart thinks that “10 percent of the book is food-based.”
For close followers of Shteyngart’s work, this should come as no surprise: Throughout his career, the author has peppered his novels with food references, while also writing dining guides and occasional odes to important restaurants in his life in between novels. For all these reasons, we thought the acclaimed author would be the perfect fit for The Famous Original Eater Questionnaire.
In the middle of his “87-day tour” promoting Lake Success last fall, Shteyngart took some time to answer questions about the dishes he loves and the ones he’ll never eat again.
What’s the last thing that you ate? Gary Shteyngart: It was on an Amtrak, and I had… oh, I guess a beer doesn’t really count.
Beer totally counts. I had a Brooklyn Defender IPA? It was a Brooklyn Defender something on the train home last night.
When and where was the last time you had a hot dog? Oh, wait a minute, I’m sorry, I had a hot dog with that IPA. I forgot all about that. I’m trying to repress that, I think.
How was the hot dog? It was good. I mean, it’s not the world’s worst hot dog, but it is microwaved, so the bun doesn’t quite work out. But in theory, it should be the easiest food you can have on the Amtrak.
Follow-up question about the hot dog: A character in your new novel mentions that the Old Town Bar serves the best hot dogs in Manhattan. Do you think that’s true? Yeah, I think it is amazing. I order two of them with fries. It’s just pure heaven. I don’t know what it is. They have a great cheeseburger, too, but that is just amazing.
I feel like people don’t know that place for hot dogs. People think of it as a cheeseburger place, because they have a great one. But I actually prefer the cheeseburger at Joe Junior’s. That is a succulent cheeseburger.
What do you want to eat right this second? Well now that I mention that cheeseburger, I very well might order it right now. Are we at lunchtime yet? I hope so.
What’s your favorite but admittedly strange food combination? I do like eating foods that should be eaten later. Like, I feel really — what’s the word? —subversive when I have something that’s meant for lunch at breakfast, and it’s not a brunch situation. Let’s say it’s Tuesday morning, and what if I order a ham-and-cheese sandwich, and not an omelet or anything like that? A ham-and-cheese sandwich slathered with mayo and I have coffee with that at 9:30 a.m. Can you imagine?
What’s one food item that you didn’t try till later in life? Well I grew up, you know, in the Soviet Union and then with a sort of post-Soviet household, and we really didn’t use garlic that much — it was not a big thing. I discovered garlic when I started going to Spanish restaurants. There used to be a bunch of Spanish restaurants [in New York] and I think there are still a few left. Back then, they were pretty avant-garde, or associated with “cool eating” before all the other stuff. Back then, I loved shrimp al ajillo and mariscada in green sauce — stuff like that is so good. So garlic-flavored.
In your book, you cover a lot of high-roller culture in NYC, and I read somewhere that you did some research hanging out with hedge-fund guys. What was that like? A lot of them eat really bad food. The problem is that if you go to your club or the high-end places in New York, they’re all kind of the same. The clubs are awful, but the high-end places are, eh, you know... I like some of them. But the Polo Bar is not that great, honestly, for food. It’s great for people watching, so it becomes this event. But for pure food, I would take them to great Korean and Indian places I love, like Madangsui on the 35th Street, which has the best micro-brisket I’ve ever had. Or what’s that place on Lex that has the best chicken biryani on the planet? Oh, what is it called? Shit. [Checks his computer] Oh, Sahib, I think is the name. Oh my god. So, you do that instead of one of those places, and you’re really eating the best food in New York.
What’s a food that you’ve never eaten that you wish you could try? Well, I was just in Scotland and I had haggis for the second time and I loved that, but I guess I have tried that. You know, the thing is that I’ve eaten almost every animal alive. I was at a ceremony in the Arctic Circle where the local Inuits were eating whale, so I ate the whale — not great. I’m not a big whale guy.
What did it taste like? Like fish, but in rubber form? I dunno… it was not good. But they’re allowed to, I think, eat one whale per year or something. It’s a huge part of their customs and lifestyle, so I was honored to be a part of that. My wife and I got married up there, so it was part of the thing. Oh, caribou is great — raw caribou.
“I’ve eaten the brains of every animal imaginable.”
Raw caribou? Yeah, like caribou sashimi. Delicious. I’m trying to think of what I haven’t eaten. I think I’ve eaten just about everything. I’m a little bit of an insectophobe, so I don’t think I could ever eat a water bug or something like that. I know people live on that stuff, but that’s the one thing. Brains? No problem. I’ve eaten the brains of every animal imaginable.
What is your drink? I’m traditionally a vodka-tonic guy, because I love vodka — obviously, I grew up in Russia. My favorite new drink, which I’ve been really loving is, there’s a place called District Distilling Co., I believe. It’s out of D.C., and I’ve never been a huge rye fan, but this just blew my mind. It is so good. They make the best rye on the planet. They just sent me a six pack of that because I am jonesing for it all the time. I’m on, like, this 87-day tour, and it’s the official drink of the 87-day tour. Because every time I touch down back home, I just uncap a bottle and drink it the way people drink a Pabst — glug, glug, glug.
Related to being on a book tour, I know that you took a bus trip while writing Lake Success. What is your traveling game plan when you’re on the road? Do you go to chain restaurants? Do you hit-up mom-and-pop restaurants? What’s your strategy there? Oh yeah, absolutely. Wherever I go, I just try to hit the best place imaginable. I’m going to St. Louis, so obviously that’s going to be ribs. But my friend also told me about this thing in St. Louis call the St. Paul sandwich — have you heard of this? It’s in Chinese restaurants, and it’s like an egg foo yung patty with dill pickles, onions, mayonnaise, lettuce, and tomatoes, served on white bread. So that is my goal for this trip to St. Louis — I gotta get a St. Paul sandwich.
Do you have a universal dinner party soundtrack? Yeah, I put on... I dunno, it’s a mix. Old Dr. John’s stuff like “Mama Roux,” I feel like that really helps with digestion. I like the… what’s the Ethiopian jazz that’s really great and mellow?
Is it the Éthiopiques compilation? Yeah, slide into Éthiopiques. That’s great for digestion.
Do you have a favorite chain restaurant? It’s a bit of a cliche. But I think In-N-Out is insane. I mean, that is a huge part of going to LA for me. They have one right outside LAX — they probably have one inside LAX, but I just haven’t figured it out. You know, again, I’m going really cliche on this, but Animal-style fries and all that. And that actually showed up in Super Sad True Love Story. I believe one of the characters is from California originally and is like, “Oh god, why am I living in New York, where there’s no In-N-Out?” Why can’t they open one here?! I think it’s just obstinance on their part.
If you could bring one now-closed restaurant back to life, which one would it be? For sure El Faro. That’s where I discovered garlic. I grew up in Eastern Queens — Littleneck — and now it’s really cool. They have all these Korean restaurants there, but they didn’t before. And then I went to Stuyvesant High School and started meeting people. I think I was already in college, but I started to develop a more global, kind of New York-y taste. El Faro was not cutting-edge at that point. It wasn’t new, but it felt like an old bohemian New York, and the whole thing smelled of garlic to such an extent that your eyes really watered.
I’ve written about it quite a bit — I did a piece in the Times magazine, I think, about it. And when it closed, that was horrifying. That was the one. Union Square Cafe closing was a big thing too. I wasn’t as much of a [fan], but I do remember when I published my first book that was a big publishing hangout and that’s where they took me, so that was pretty awesome, but it wasn’t like heart-rendering. Anyway, it reopened now on Park Avenue South I think, and it’s not bad either.
But yes, there is this weird feeling you get in New York, where, because the rents are so high, [you wonder] what’s going to survive in Manhattan. I do live in Manhattan. I don’t want to live in Auburndale to get the best food, right? I mean, nothing against Auburndale, it’s just really far from my shrink.
Is there a food trend that you’re sick of? I dunno... I just don’t get into these food trends that much. I can live without kale for a very long time and be totally happy. I’m one of those people that looks for staying power. Some things are just better than others, and almost every culture has a great cuisine, a great dish. Russian food is not my favorite, but just oily sturgeon with a shot of vodka, that is a great meal in and of itself.
What’s your “Proust’s madeleine”? It’s a dish that my mother made a lot when I was a kid. It was kasha, which is buckwheat groats, I think. It’s boiled in water and milk, and my mother would put little slices of sausage in it. When I was growing up, I thought this was the most disgusting dish ever, and I would fight with my mother — I mean, we’d have screaming fits about it. In Russia, it’s considered health food, and I guess it is health food, considering everything else in Russia is just butter. She would make me eat it, and I would hate it. I would love the sausage part, because it was meat, you know? But I would eat around the kasha, and she would literally cram it down my mouth.
And then I had a kid, and he used to love a Russian chain called Teremok that was near us, and it closed down. It wasn’t my favorite place in the universe, but my kid loved it, and I think it felt for him like a connection — obviously he was born in New York — but a connection to Daddy’s culture. He actually ate the kasha, and not just the sausage. He loved the sausage very much, but he ate the kasha. And I would almost get tears in my eyes whenever I would see him eat it. I almost felt bad, like, “I wish I had enjoyed it as a kid.”
What’s a food secret that you think more people should know about? Oh god, I’m going to really gross people out here, but fried brains are amazing. That is actually something my mother made. She said it would make me smarter — that didn’t work out — but that was sort of her pitch for it. You can get them in Italy. They’re called cervelli fritti and they are spectacular — lightly, lightly fried. Ahhh, they just melt in your mouth.
I know people have this thing about brains, but they don’t taste like brains. If you take out the idea of brains, they taste like the essence of the animal, like a Vulcan mind-meld with a cow. And I just had them in London — calves’ brains — that were also very delicious. If you’re a carnivore, it makes sense to eat every part of the animal, because the animal has given itself up for your eating pleasure — go nuts, and eat every piece of it. Eat its brain and feel like you really are communing with the animal.
This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.
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Source: https://www.eater.com/2019/2/15/18224955/gary-shteyngart-food-interview
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