#haha no pun intended
mrsmiagreer · 9 months
Soooo…Morning Wood Milo coming when??
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aquisces-arts · 2 years
Teaser for “You”, a Tears of Themis music video I’m directing featuring Luke Pearce! It’s an original song that will be premiering on 12/4 11AM EST on YouTube!
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the-kneesbees · 1 year
send me an outsiders character and I'll give you a pin from my pintrest board for them <3
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stargirl230 · 7 months
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At the beach! Tumblr challenge: spot the crab 🦀
My final piece for the Haikyuu!! Gone Wild zine (2022) @hqanimalzine - keep an eye out for leftover sales opening 11/24 - 12/17
🛒Shop link 🛒 (hqanimalzine.bigcartel.com)
(no reposts; reblogs appreciated)
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sysig · 7 months
For the last day of requestober, can you please draw something spooky/scary with Negative RGB? With all the cool lighting stuff you've been doing recently, I think it could be very dramatic, and I'd love to see him in your style!
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Day 31 -Pl̷̼͙̯̼̟̈́͒̃̓͆e̵̢͔̞̤̯͗as̴̨͆̒̏e dö̸̧̢̝̳́͝ not̸̨̞͔̗͆̔͝ͅ ̶̦̋͒a̵̪͋̉̈́̒djus̶̪͔͎̘͈̍́̂̅̚t yö̶̙̺͎́͘u̷͚̙̿̓͆r sc̸̙͍͒rę̸̰̺̣̿̓͌̔̎en̴̏̈́͊ͅ
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astriiformes · 23 days
hi! Sorry to bother--I am also graduating soon and I'm scouring my university library--I LOVED the list you made, do you have any other recommendations you wouldn't mind sharing? frankly you could throw a works cited page at me and I'd be happy
I've certainly got more papers I could recommend, though I can't claim they're all directly monster-related. My actual academic field is the history of science, with an emphasis on the early modern period and early print culture -- I just try to tie it to my other special interests however I can!
If you're interested in monster theory, I definitely recommend various readings on witchcraft and the occult as well -- there are significant links between the early modern witch trials/folkloric beliefs about witchcraft and some of our "modern" monsters like werewolves. Try:
Wolves, Witches, and Werewolves: Witchcraft and Lycanthropy from 1423 to 1700 by Jane P. Davidson and Bob Canino
The Saturnine History of Jews and Witches by Yvonne Owens
From Sorcery to Witchcraft: Clerical Conceptions of Magic in the Later Middle Ages by Michael D. Bailey
Witchcraft and Magic in the Nordic Middle Ages by Stephen A. Mitchell
The Specific Rationality of Medieval Magic by Richard Kieckhefer (who has written a LOT on magic and witchcraft in general)
Male Witches in Early Modern Europe by Laura Apps and Andrew Gow
If you're interested in monster studies from more of a sci-fi/fantasy angle and like reading about speculative fiction, consider:
On the Poetics of the Science Fiction Genre by Darko Suvin (really anything by Darko Suvin is a solid bet, he's a hugely influential scholar in the study of science fiction)
The journal Science Fiction Studies which has a lot of great articles and special issues (including a great one on Frankenstein!)
Colonialism and the Emergence of Science Fiction by John Rieder
For a grab-bag of odd and unconventional papers and books I've found interesting recently, have a look at:
The Soul, Evil Spirits, and the Undead: Vampires, Death, and Burial in Jewish Folklore and Law by Saul Epstein and Sara Libby Robinson
Melancholy as a Disease: Learning About Depression as a Disease from Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy by Jennifer Radden
A Case for a Trans Studies Turn in Victorian Studies: “Female Husbands” of the Nineteenth Century by Lisa Hager
Battling Demons With Medical Authority: Werewolves, Physicians, and Rationalization by Nadine Metzger
And, last but not least, I've only skimmed these last few, but as I'm currently on a huge Dracula research kick, here's a couple articles that have caught my eye:
Rethinking the New Woman in Dracula by Jordan Kistler (this one was especially refreshing to see, given the fact that many academic takes on the subject are.... bad)
Masculine Spatial Embodiment in Dracula by Julie Smith
Information in the 1890s: Technological, Journalistic, Imperial, Occult by Richard Menke
A ‘Ghastly Operation’: Transfusing Blood, Science and the Supernatural in Vampire Texts by Aspasia Stephanou
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peachjooce · 8 months
Does Amber have elf ears or regular ears? Asking cus I see you as the Amber expert!! And I’m drawing her and I’m stuck 😵‍💫 I’m leaning towards elf ears but I’m unsure aaa
as a certified amberologist, my research has led me to believe that she was always meant to have pointed ears from the beginning!
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as you can see, they're not as elongated as an elf's but theyre still there
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killerwithknife · 2 months
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queenofnabooty · 1 year
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mercurialsmile · 5 months
so I'm gonna tell yall what we ain't about to do.
this year, we aint gonna make fun of people in the south trapped in any ice storms or bad weather that may occur. we aint about to make jokes about how southerners cant drive in ice and snow (altho it is true i dont need any northerners being an ass about it)
I will reiterate what I said a couple of years ago: the roads in the south are not made to handle ice. they are not built to handle snow. we do not have snow chains down here, at least not typically.
I dunno about other states, but we all know jack shit has been done about the Texas grid. If the power somehow fails again, we aint gonna make fun of us who have no power. we aint gonna be an ass about any rolling black outs. we aint gonna tell southerners they deserve to freeze to death just because we happen to live in the south or a red state.
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robinfrinjs · 2 years
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teethkid67 · 1 year
hi hi i Also have gone through the block party tag today and. oh my god it is so fascinating. i would love to hear more about techno and his big fuck off jeep if you'd like to discuss it but honestly it's all so interesting in general
need to draw a bptechno....
similar to how he was used in canon when he first joins, bptechno operates as a protector of sorts for pogtopia tommy and wil... its how he became an eaglescout boyscout survivalist nerd type idk how to explain it.
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he moves in (courtesy of our awesome real estate agent sam) and. idk. offers his arsenal. hes some sort of combined history/military/survival buff who thinks this whole situation is, frankly, stupid but is enjoying watching and awkwardly offering consolation to tommy (mentally unwell) and wilbur (mentally unwell-er) . he brings them rations and tends their stupid cave campfire and wakes tommy up for school on mondays.
technos big fuck-off jeep (which i have not been able to stop saying) was as previously stated a sort of silly idea that evolved into a serious take .. i like to think block party is a modern au on acid with so much blood .... but yes hes one of those vigilant paranoid types i think. and as a result he has many things to protect himself and shit . this includes his huge armored car because he believes it is necessary living in the suburban midwest. hes got guns and knives and shit, hatchets and is generally prepared for almost anything that could come at him. bro wears combat boots everywhere . i think he still dyes his hair. hes a little bit of a weirdo
so yes he offers his weapons and shit to the lmanburgians and then they win and im not sure what his motivation is but eventually he runs his huge armored car through the front of the (l)manburg house :3 weird man swag
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butcher army is really fun. they attempt to murder techno (i think they shoot at him or try to like Stone him to death medieval style? its silly and also its been a second) and uhhh he runs to erets house after that (bc thats the bp final control room) and uhhh slashes through quackity's face with a garden rake. exter exter read all about it here
hes painfully socially awkward hes resourceful hes a little bit unhinged. he has a street-illegal armored car with attached machine gun and everybody is dead silent about it. hes worn the same brand of boots since he was 16 and he can only cook boxed&canned meals. hes a little freak and i like him a lot
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sysig · 9 months
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She’s only a little thing! (Patreon)
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pillowbo · 2 months
Happy Easter and Happy Trans Day of Visibility
I present to you all my trans egg:
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crazierdog · 1 year
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Meowtcha Tea! Get it? euhuheuhueueeu >:3
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waywardstation · 2 years
Happy Halloween everyone!! Hope you all had a wonderful night, regardless of whether you partake in it or not!
I tried very hard to get a fic out for Halloween, and I still have about two hours, but I don’t think I’m gonna make it in time ^^; However!! It’s very close to being done. If not tonight, it will be out tomorrow. I do hope you all will enjoy it!! It’s got campfire stories including Ingo recounting an icelands terror, a strange kid Akari can’t quite figure out, and an incident Cyllene absolutely refuses to talk about haha.
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