#haha using comics to cope :D
aromantic-waffles · 8 months
Yea I just had a breakdown but I also have this panel from after school lessons for unripe apples so....
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[ID: a screenshot from the manhwa Afterschool lessons for unripe apples, Mi-ae grabs a surprised Cheol face towards her into a kiss. /End ID]
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Ok here’s my two cents that no one asked for on the current (sort of?) debate going on in the Creepypasta fandom on here rn.
For starters, I grew up with Creepypasta. I also grew up mentally ill. I am also autistic. So I know my way around good and bad mental health rep at this point. And to be honest? A lot of the original stories DID suck balls at representation or just horror writing in general.
However, nowadays I see other people on here, often mentally ill or any other social outcast, taking these characters and reshaping them as their own to fit their own feelings and experiences, and I don’t think anyone has the authority to criticize things like that. Cringe culture is supposed to be dead anyways, nevermind the fact it’s inherently ableist at its core.
We also need to take into account kids still exist in the fandom. Pre teens who got tired of shit like scooby doo and wanted something more “mature” or “edgy” to get into without fully going off the deep end into full blown horror movies. At least that’s how it was for me. Not everyone, especially someone who’s younger, is gonna be comfortable with the grit and gore a lot of Creepypasta “purists” are pushing for these days, and that’s okay! When a fandom gets popular it’s always inevitable and unavoidable to have the popular characters get two dimensionalized.
There’s also the whole mascot horror thing that I don’t wanna get into, but I’m 90% sure that also plays a part in the old favorites like Jeff and slenderman being brought up again. They were and still are recognizable characters. Recognizable characters aren’t a bad thing. Making horror more approachable for younger audiences isn’t a bad thing. People having their own interpretations based out of their own experiences isn’t a bad thing.
Some of us grew up and wanted the more edgy and reality based content, and that’s also not a bad thing! But neither side should be dictating or policing how the other enjoys content in this fandom. If you personally don’t like the way something is written, characterized, depicted, or drawn, no one’s forcing you to look at it. No one’s claiming it as canon. No one’s asking for you to accept it as the end all be all.
At the end of the day this fandom was built on OCs and personal depictions of stuff. I can’t name a single character or story in this community that was created by some outside party like a movie or TV studio FIRST (because I know some got so popular they breached the fandom and got their own shows/movies/comics/etc). Everything here was created by someone who wanted an outlet for their creativity, or their pain, or their coping, or whatever else.
Realism and dark headcanons aren’t bad, and neither are any of the headcanons out there who just wanna make a goofy found family of social rejects as a form of escapism.
A 13 year old drawing a fictional layout of a fictional mansion where these fictional characters live isn’t going to suddenly invalidate the horror, I promise, it’s not that deep and it never was.
A 22 year old making a dark comic on the realistic origins of Jeff who is a fictional character in a fictional world isn’t going to suddenly invalidate the more softhearted side of the fandom.
Sure, there can still be a split if people are so adamant about that, but as someone who personally enjoys both the brutal horror side and the “haha Jeff is 15 and gay” sides equally, y’all need to at least learn to be civil to anyone who has a different headcanon than you. And if that seems like too much still, the block button exists for a reason.
TL:DR this fandom is based entirely off OCs and headcanons and people can do whatever the fuck they want because none of it is real and horror comes in many shapes and sizes and intensities and no one should be bashing anyone on their headcanons or views or rewrites or whatever else.
Actually wait I think I have more to say-
Horror, like any genre, has NO AGE LIMIT. And by that I mean, if someone younger wants to delve into scary stuff, they should be allowed to do so without criticism. I personally grew up on “child friendly” horror media like Scooby-Doo, and the older I got the more horror I wanted to experience.
There’s no right or wrong way to “understand” horror, and I frankly think it’s ignorant and stupid to say if you don’t fully “understand” something, then you shouldn’t be involved in it at all. Horror isn’t always about gore and unspeakable violence and the eldritch entity that wants everyone’s skin inside out. That’s why horror has sub genres for fucks sake. Gut wrenching brutality against innocent people isn’t everyone’s cup of tea and that’s okay!
However, bashing anyone’s tamer headcanons, or calling anything anyone interprets differently than you “stupid”, that’s not okay. God, I feel like an exhausted parent giving this lecture to fellow adults, but this really needs to be said and stressed.
I am an adult. I like when stuff in the fandom takes a dark turn. But for nostalgia’s sake, I also love the fanon so much, because that’s what I was exposed to.
And for fucks sake if it comes down to picking sides, I would rather stick with the part of this fandom that gives zero shits how you see a character as long as you’re having fun.
You can have your serial killer 30 year old Jeff and your canon-accurate-to-that-one-image eyeless Jack, but don’t shit on other people if they don’t want the same thing. Your interpretation isn’t canon, and neither is anyone else’s for that matter.
Realistic, dark, gritty Creepypasta isn’t a new concept, and neither is “adult” Creepypasta. And by the way, Creepypasta was never stated to be for adults. That’s like saying kids and only kids can eat trix cereal. It sounds that stupid on paper.
Let people interpret things the way they wanna interpret. No one is infringing on YOUR character ideas. Creepypasta has no age limit, nor a set way the horror has to be presented. Those who do continue to claim that just sound like pretentious assholes.
Very small side note, I personally think it’s inappropriate and rude to keep using Toby as a “bad example” of mental health rep when the creator has stated multiple times the character is old, not researched, and not even in the fandom anymore. Leave the poor guy alone.
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galactic-empress · 2 years
The Karim vs Janai/Coup, Trial/Sunfire plots were the better parts for me this season. Multiculturalism, diversity, respecting and preserving cultural traditions and differences, preventing cultural loss, hysteria, racial issues, political intrigue, reforming justice laws, coping after societal collapse and the uneasy peace process, etc. are what I am here for over relationship drama and adventuring. I want to see less implied racism, I want to see portrayed more historical grudges and hate crimes and discontent. And thus, I really liked Karim. His appearances gave us that. (He's also hot-). I think so many are caught up in him going after the favorited Janaya pairing, and fail to see the complexities and interestingness he brought to the story, however flawed. He just lost his sister, his home, and he doesn't trust that things will improve, he is making dumb choices by pushing away his sisters happiness and overreacting, but he is hurting, he doesn't want his culture to be erased like my Tibetan friends who have been robbed of their nation, language, history and identity. He doesn't want burial rituals to be mocked as superstitions by the people supposedly giving them aide. If nothing else is learned by Lucia, don't become a volunteer in another country unless you intend to learn about it actively, it's not the time to be a know it all when you are a guest. She got community service but will she ever be kind? I felt more for Karim (someone only mentioned by the Twitter account and like a paragraph in Tales of Xadia) than I ever have for Viren or Aaravos (and that's a lot coming from someone with his icon lol). I hope we get to see more of him, but they have way too many characters, so he and Miyana will probably do nothing ever again. It would have been nice if the elf who's ceremony was disrupted said more or there were more examples of misunderstandings or retaliations or further riots. Maybe show some humans starting to leave, renouncing their aide, like the threat that brought them together has passed, they assisted in their relocation, and now they are getting persecuted, so why stay at all.
Just more time spent on all of above, other than Viren's panic attacks and journey to cheat death, Rayllum getting back together simulations (it was really frustrating watching them be upset the entire bloody time, and Rayla was muted, hardly even there), dragon shit, Zubeia teaching us history, and Aaravos being cool (haha elf illuminati), because we already nearly knew all of that. I want to see dark magic debate besides Claudia's stinky point of view (hating elves by concept), I want more factions for and against peace between the elves besides just Karim, I want to see what the human Kingdoms' policies are towards our makeshift alliance. I appreciated that they finally gave us an elven community Earthblood who are dicks to dragons, and that Rex Igneous is at odds with Avizandum, showing dragons have complexities.
Anyways, as someone who lost my favorite and a very impactful story (The OA) at the hands of Netflix, I get why they expanded to all mediums; books, comics, d&d, games, as a contingency plan, but I do agree, if you haven't followed or bought everything you are at a great disadvantage.
I would also really love to know more about the history and culture of the Sunfire elves but "Mount Everest still existed before it was discovered", like the message is that it's worth protecting and having interest in their culture even if you know nothing about it, despite centuries of hostility. I am not Tibetan, nor am I Asian, or an inch religious, or an immigrant, but I would never want to witness my culture fade away. Tibet is just one example of an independence movement and cultural erasure. Rampant racism now against anyone slightly Slavic with the war, and decades of discrimination against anyone Muslim, are two others. Also yeah, I love Terry (also hot-) but he was oblivious to how his girlfriend just invaded Xadia, discriminates elves by her fathers influence (also if ya'll can like Viren a human nationalist, I can like Karim and Aaravos (who's manipulating and moulding everyone)), and she does the number one thing that makes elves mistrust us for, and how does he not know about the dangers of breaking out Aaravos, that seems like something they would teach.
Okay, tldr; to those calling this a filler season, all of these themes are very important even if most were told and not shown, Karim's strength through violence is flawed and wrong but it wasn't worthless or nothingness...and selfishly I don't want them to hear all of this negativity and we get cancelled shhh And anyways, if they rushed things with Aaravos or the Moonshadow family reunion or more romance, then what would be next.
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biteghost · 4 years
How do you come up with so many cool characters?? All of your OCs seem so vibrant and fleshed out. Do you have a specific process for developing them, or do they just kinda come to you mostly formed? I find I struggle with building a compelling OCs for D&D games & would love to hear your thoughts on character development.
(This answer got long, sorry.) This is a super nice sentiment, I’m happy you think my characters are all cool and unique!!
As far as process goes, uh, it depends on the character? I’ve spent a long time (years) rewiring my brain when it comes to what I think about when creating OCs. They don’t usually come to me fully formed - I get an idea in my head about a concept, and then over like a week or even months of fiddling I end up with a character for that concept.
A lot of the time my characters are simply people I wanted to see more of in media as a kid! Mostly, female characters I actually relate to or are as nuanced and messy as their male cast members, haha... (It was a trip when I realized in high school that I didn’t hate female characters - it was actually that none of them were written as well as the cool boys in the anime series I liked, haha! Be the change you want to see in the world, basically.)
Inspiration for characters (and stories for them to be part of) come from a lot of places. An easy piece of advice is to make an effort to intake media you like! Read new comics, watch new movies and television shows, read books, play video games, listen to music and obsessively memorize the lyrics - hell, obsessively learn everything there is to know about black holes or public domain characters (that’s what I did, lol...)!
(Note: ’New’ meaning new to YOU - you don’t need to only be partaking of media that’s created in 2021 - you can find a lot to love in media that was created before your time, or for generations before you!)
I must reiterate: intake new media that you ENJOY! You don’t have to like all the same things as everyone else, you don’t have to be invested in the same shows and podcasts as your friends. Varied interests and taste is part of what makes us all unique! Increasing your pool of inspiration will help you come up with interesting ideas, and help you find YOUR voice. Your particular interests and the niche things that speak to you will help you figure out what kind of characters and what kind of stories you like to create! But the process doesn’t end at just intaking media... When you find the stuff that brings you joy, analyze what exactly it is about that thing that speaks to you... Put it into words. Explain it to a friend. Make it tangible, analyze the feelings and why the series made you feel that way... and then take it and shove it into your own stories, lol!
Engage critically and thoughtfully with work you like, with characters you like, and it will help you have the language and thought process to recreate it in your own work!
My creative process is like an exquisite corpse of all the characters and series I’ve liked over my lifetime. I mesh them all together in a grim blender and what comes out is a shake in the vague shape as an OC, lol
BUT... it seems like you’re asking more specifically about making characters for tabletop roleplaying games like D&D? And THAT is a different process for me than making OCs for my comics or original story ideas!
I don’t usually join a tabletop game with a fully fleshed out character, actually?? I don’t spend a long time on their backstory, and I usually figure it out like halfway through the story, or through collaboration with my game master!
My TTRPG characters are usually whatever I think would be most interesting in the given game setting or set-up and... usually they exist in opposition to whatever the core concept of the game is. So, the examples I have from games I’ve played are:
In Cardians: West (World of Darkness: Hunter the Vigil): we played in a modern-day urban fantasy setting, where players were recruited into a supernatural Hunter group that was also a criminal organization that Did Crimes and Broke The Law in the name of keeping peace and protecting humanity from the supernatural creatures that go bump in the night. I played Andrew, a Lawful Good Police Detective, because I thought playing a character who would need to grow past his original ideals of ‘Right and Wrong’ in the name of the greater good would be interesting! (And it was!)
In SINNING ADVENTURE (WoD: Geist: The Sin-Eaters) we payed in a modern-day urban fantasy setting with the premise that the players all Died and were brought back to life by forming a pact with a powerful spirit (and getting cool ghost powers in the process!) I played Cassius, a character who could not cope with his death, and thus refused to use his new powers because they were evidence that he was no longer strictly human. It caused conflict in the group and world, but I thought it would be interesting! (And it was! Cassius was a Bitch.)
In Rex Machina (Dungeons and Dragons 5E), I wanted to play an Aarakocra, but was having a hard time deciding on a class or backstory... until I found out that in the ‘canon’ of D&D Aarakocra only live to be like, mid 20s???? Their lifespans are insanely short compared to other playable races!! And I thought that was stupid, so I decided to make MY Aarakocra, Izzy, a warlock that’s looking for ways to extend his own stupidly short life. His pact essentially granted that to him, giving him extra time to find a way to achieve True Immortality. His conflict challenges what’s ‘true’ living in this world, and his extended life is in direct conflict with a lot of forces in the world we play in, and while it is very stressful I think it’s really interesting to play!
In Lamplighting (Monster of the Week), my character Aicen is an assassin who made a deal with a demon and gained supernatural perks out of it... except I decided that she doesn’t WANT to be in this deal. She is actively trying to undo it because it wasn’t her deal - she inherited it from a CEO that she killed during an unrelated job. (Aicen is probably my character I’ve put the most backstory into, and that’s just because at character creation in MOTW you are given a lot of questions about who your character is and why they’re where they are!)
In Hand of Adam (WoD: HtV), the concept was that all players were going to join a post-apocalyptic supernatural-hating cult. I played Shouter, who was a self-preserving pacifist coward who also turned out to be a fae (which the cult would have killed him over). It was stressful but very fun. I love Shouter. He ran away from fights and didn’t actually kill anyone until the last episode where they fought God (whom he killed, lol).
NOW. THESE ARE ALL JUST EXAMPLES OF HOW *I* LIKE TO PLAY CHARACTERS!! For me personally, I enjoy playing a character who has built-in conflict either with the world, the story, or the other players. I’m only able to play characters like this because my friend group are all really cool and we all know that conflict is not bad - it’s fiction and we’re just roleplaying! If I didn’t trust my GMs and fellow players as much as I do, I probably wouldn’t have felt comfortable enough playing some of these concepts.
I don’t think you need to know every little thing about a tabletop character, and in fact, not knowing some things and leaving it up to the GM and story to flesh out is an easy way to help you get more invested in both your character AND the story your GM is telling! Tabletops are a collaborative storytelling experience, so if you’ve already plotted out your character’s whole story, there won’t be much participation from other players or your GM. Figure out what your character wants, and let your roleplaying and GM slowly put all the other pieces in place over the course of your campaign!
But the TL:DR about how I make tabletop OCs is that I just... try to give them a goal, an ideal, or a personality that is in direct conflict with some aspect of the game we’re playing. I don’t want the character to be undermining the whole game, because that’s really crappy to do to your GM, but I have to have something for my character to grow through or change. I like giving them built-in character arc starters, lol. I haven’t played a game where my character has gotten along with every other player character and NPC over the entire campaign since my very FIRST game, lol!
Also, if you’re having trouble, why not ask your GM what they think? Again, tabletops are collaborative! Don’t be afraid to talk ideas out with your GM for your character.
A final note about playing in specifically oneshot games (i.e. games that are not long campaigns but are meant to be played in one or two sittings). Personally, I always just retrofit an OC I already have to play in oneshots! When I make a new character for a long campaign, it usually takes me two or three sessions to find their voice and figure out how to roleplay them. If the game you’re playing is only one session, I find it easier to jump right in and get the most out of your character and the game when you’re playing a character you already know pretty well! I’ve played characters from my webcomic quite a few times, and it’s always a lot more fun for me than figuring out a new character on the fly!
SO UH, IN CONCLUSION... sorry if this is mad unhelpfu!! My personal processes are unique to me! but that's the point - no one person will have the exact answer that works for you! You have to keep trying until you figure it out for yourself! Good luck! Keep creating! <3
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obscuralll · 4 years
Guys idk this random emptiness suddenly hits me fucking thanks togashi and now i just want to be nostalgic about how i met hxh bc no lie hxh shaped me
I started reading hxh when i was 10 i checked the publishing date of my vol 01 comic and it was 2013 yeah i know it was very late but i live in indonesia what do you expect
My first impressions
Gon *h-holds gently*
Killua *hhh-h-holds gentlier* sqroonch a fucking living heart *😟😟😱s r e e c h*
Die tonpa
Illumi is mine MINE he cute asf i repeat cute as fuck oh and he prob plays minecraft
Rihanna where’s the album why you’re with the zoldyck
The zoldyck radiates same energy as the kardashian don’t change my mind
Hisoka you stay AWAY from the bois ass
And i refuse to think about what happened at the heaven arena...
Chrollo pls adopt me
Then i stopped around greed island arc bc there were no new volumes in my local book store for like a year💀💀
But thank god the anime was started to air in animax... i remember watching hxh was my coping mechanism on my awkward transition from elementary to middle school lmao
But the anime was only until the end of greed island i deadass thought it was the fucking end gon and killua had finally find ging so now it just ends?? You know what??? F u c k ! (idk it was kite, and the new seasons aired like more or less a year after that)
But damn togashi... Since when it got so depressing???
And that’s on post chimera ant voidness✨
Around that time (or should i call it... The Great Depression) my aunt went to japan and bought me hxh vol 19 and the special hand book idk i don’t really know the name bc it’s entirely in japanese and hunter alphabet (yeah the “minecraft enchantment table alpahabet” lmao)
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This book made me feel like a real hunter lol i used to always carrying it everywhere even though i can’t understand a word
Yeah i also did the water divination thing and i was so confident that i’m a specialist... Good old days
I made a nen poster which were my drawings of nen principles and types ajshsgs
My parents were confused as hell lolll
And i bought the hunter license and Gon’s necklace thing i still have it until now just don’t know where hhh
Hxh was the first anime that made me UGLY SOBBING especially in the comic bc it just hits different... But for real how can such a chemistry being built between a blind girl and a monstrous being??? I could write an essay for this but for now: respect togashi ✊
Hxh left me with so many questions there will be unlimited story if you breakdown all the important characters
I really want to know illumi’s teenage life
Hisoka’s past
Phantom troupe past (i remember in one flashback they were passing-throwing a cassette and it was drawn like it has crucial role BUT IT’S NVR MENTIONED AGAIN bet togashi forgot lol)
The troupe’ members character backgrounds (how they met, their personal life out of the troupe activities)
Gon’s birth (i read it some where that it might be possible that he has no biological mother bc gon was actually from gi card or sumn?? I need to research)
Nanika origin (the most make sense theory is nanika is ai from dark continent that might be brought by zzig zoldyck)
Netero-ging or Pariston-ging encounter
At this point idk how many times i have rewatched and rereading hxh... But i prefer reading actually and i still bought the physical comic too... The latest vol in my house atm is 36 and i continue by reading online
I just... Want to read new hxh😔🥺
I was 10
And now i’m almost 17
I’ve never been this obsessed and being in a fandom this long, despite all the ✨tortures💫either from the story itself or the hiatus
I’m so mad...but
I really pray for togashi’s health
It just... hxh is not just a fiction for me... Idk it feels real an essay may not be enough for me to describe it... haha💀
I literally forgot why am i writing this... It’s supposed to fill the void now i am the v o i d 😔😔😔
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cutegirlmayra · 5 years
#NotAPrompt saddly:( Anyways hello hope ur having a good! So from an amazing writer to your fellow beginner writer. How do you organize ur ideas or outline it before you start a sonamy story?
Thank you and great question!~
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When you start any story, there needs to be a written Outline, or spine, of a story. Loglines also help to organize a clear direction for your story– example: Sonic, a free-spirited and adventurous hedgehog, and his friends must collect all 7 chaos emeralds to stop Eggman and a released, ancient god of destruction from threatening their world. - Logline I made up for Sonic Adventure. A logline is one sentence that clearly establishes a character and conflict.
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Once you have some ideas, let’s say maybe you have the middle worked out or the exciting incident, you then create an Outline. Act 1, Act 2, Act 3. Act 2 should be the longest and biggest portion.
In my prompts, I usually hurry through Act 1 to get you to the exciting incident and then smoothly transition through a wrapped up conclusion.
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Act 1 should be small, almost equal to Act 3′s plot points. Act 1 is you introducing the normal life before something twists it around, the conflict. The conflict is the starting point to Act 2, where you begin the rising action.
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(the most simplest form. There are other arcs, such as ‘Character Obstacles’, ‘Character Tragedy’, and ‘Character Hero Story’. There are a few more too, but those are the ones I write the most of :)b There’s even a romantic one! Look them up and find your favorites in your own stories, comics, or movies ;)b)
For example, in my lastest Sonamy story, the turning point for the characters was when Amy also got sick with Sonic. This changed the normality which was that Sonic was originally sick, and now, the conflict begins of how are they gonna hide from the robots while both being squished together sharing leaves and turning ditzy in their sickness? I then lead that to Act 3, where silliness does ensue but they end up having a memorable, although disgustingly funny, platonic moment together that turned sweeter and even romantic as the conclusion unfolded. (Prompt: x)
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Granted, this story is NOT a work of art haha XD I was inspired to make it, but the plot to it was extremely simple, which is why no real ‘action’ takes place and it’s all character emotion that drive the plot forward.
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Many ways a character can express or subtly hint at their emotions. Sometimes they’re impulsive and transparent, wearing their hearts on their sleeves. (AMY) Sometimes their shy or subtle, opting to mask their emotions deep below the surface until they can’t help but ‘leak’ their emotions out during the climactic reveal and ‘breaking point’ for their character or plot summary. (Sonic.) Sometimes their so out of it, or not even in tune with their own emotions that they play them off and go cynical with it all. (Sometimes, I see this as Classic Sonic, but not always.), there are many more. Find them all! lol
As for my bigger fanfictions, I do make a summary, which is the full story condensed into a page or so worth of ‘notes’ as I refer to them. It’s not as neat as labeling Act 1-3, but it does give me a basic outline.
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For Example, you can’t use your summary outline for your summary to your story. Your summary should have the reader asking questions so they’ll want to engage with the story. Instead, your Summary Outline should look like this:
Sonic and Amy, during a normal fight with Eggman, suddenly mention a tough topic for the both of them that causes some bickering and tension. When the tension accelerates beyond normal teasing, the two end up accidentally losing their tempers and hurting each other. Eggman, deciding drama’s not what he wanted today, sends a fully-armed attack at them while their distracted, thinking it a good opportunity to catch Sonic off-guard. However, though Sonic looks like he’s about to get whammed by the ambush, Amy pushes him out of the way and they survive. Amazed, Sonic rushes over to her, “Amy! W-why… Why did you jump in the way like that? I don’t get it… Weren’t you mad?” He hovers over her as she weakly squints an eye up at him (NOTE: This part is getting more detailed, can you tell? It’s the climax of the story and should have much more detail and notes going on. Even dialogue that can be rewritten or changed. It’s okay to have notes like this for your most dramatic scene, and keep the rest of it generally swift, but try not to go too vague. If you do, you may forget how you wanted to write that part, and that’s NO GOOD! -Sonic reference, lol!) “S-Sonic… Don’t you understand?!” She wobbly gets up to lean up into his face, “No matter how mad you may make me, or how awful our bantering gets, I will still love you no matter what!” (Exciting Incident, Amy’s confession, which will lead to a reaction in not only Sonic but the audience. This is the height of the climax and when things start to go down, but Sonic’s climax is right after this– example: ) Sonic, taken back by her words, suddenly smiles, “I can do no wrong by you… can I?” Amy smiles, and when Sonic realizes she’s not teasing or messing around this time, loses the smile and has his eyes scan her for any sign of humor. When none is found, he embraces her, “…Thank you… Amy.” (This is the point you begin the falling action, which is also the beginning of Act 3, which starts at the ending of the climax and continues towards the resolution, the lasting effect or result of the climax. What has now changed for the characters? What is their new reality? In Drama, there needs to be a few players: Victim, Villian, and Rescuer. Rescuer has to lose every time, then the dynamic will change to Victim as a Villain, and Villian as Victim. This then turns into ‘Creator of the drama’ which is neither victim nor villain, to two supports, ‘Challenger’ Sonic then turns to Eggman, cocky and snarky as usual, but this time, with an arm around Amy’s shoulders. They fight together and beat Eggman, still lightly joking with one another, but not as bad as before. Eggman is confused, defeated, he asks what happened. Amy and Sonic confidently look to each other, and together, wink slyly and say, “Friends fight together!” Before Sonic says, “Doesn’t mean they’ll leave ya if you have different opinions then them.” He smiles to her as she nods and continues his sentence for him, looking to him with love and admiration. “It just means you’re two different people, and that’s just fine by me! Otherwise, the world would be so boring!” (The lesson is usually delivered towards the end of Act 3, maybe not as strongly as this was. Sometimes, the lesson can be subtle and should be too. You don’t want to write ‘on the nose’ unless you’re writing for children very young, but in my opinion, Children are super smart too and pick up on a lot! My advice is to write strongly and powerfully even if it’s just for children audiences. They’re smarter than you think!) “And dull!” Sonic remarks, as the two of them laugh. Unable to comprehend their strange mood swings, Eggman grips his head and ducks down, frowning profusely, “Ahh… Now I have a headache…” (
And by the end, your audience will have understood the climb your characters took to reach that resolution, and they–themselves–reach a conclusion to their emotional relief. (People hate cliffhangers so much because you leave the Audience suspended in their need for closure, but that also addicts them to your story… so Authors can’t help but use it XD But we hate having it used on ourselves!!! Curiosity doesn’t kill your story, only your cat! And the satisfaction of knowing brings it back ;)b)
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Was it hard for your characters to reach a conclusion?
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Did that help? Lol This plot I made was rather simple, but I hope it taught it some stuff I like to think about when making a story! :D Drama is SO IMPORTANT! Remember to think of their character cores as well, what traits could create conflict in them and in others? What traits could help them learn and cope through that trauma? These are all important, and Romance usually has a ‘revelation’ or ‘impulsive excitement push’ around 10-15 pages/minutes when writing or watching a romance plot. I call it the ‘push’ because you can tell the writer is trying to nudge the two together. In film, you see them get bumped up against each other and then apologize but the girl moves her hair as a distraction and the boy looks away, but both are nervous and awkwardly blushing. That’s another ‘push’ in my book towards the romantic subplot.)
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(Then they notice their cute, they keep seeing each other, la-de-dah, even AMY wanted this to happen!)
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(Remember, this is Amy’s ‘day-dream’ sequence, it’s interesting how she thinks of Sonic, versus how he actually portrays himself. Useful info for writing Sonamy XD)
Alright! How’d I do? What Sonic and Amy stories will you create, my precious Anon friend? Good luck! And I can’t wait to see the success you find!
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macklives · 5 years
homestuck recap
i hated this so fucking much bc my 2 am bitch-ass didnt want to read a recap thats probably longer than any slowburn out there
anyways here it is
also, uhhH sorry im using this as a end of session discussion bc that shit gets explained in her as well. and im not writing up more recaps of a recap so this is where im done for the day. (by done for the day i mean last nights session, im still doing a liveblog soon. i just wrote this yesterday)
also that this is long
you dont have to read it, theres nothing of importance
ive been coping with humor to get me through it
have fun with what i suffered through:
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why was “beta” the only thing unhighlighted?
like did i miss a page???
OH its the beta version of HS thats why
damn its like 5 pages and thats it
well youll all be happy to know im clicking every single one of these links again bc i like looking back like ahh i remember that. good times. also in case i forgot some shit existed.
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do you think andrew had fun writing this? or was he like “fuck”
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thats a lot of fucking package talk. good thing im not confused as of now and remember it pretty clearly. of else, this early on in the recap, id be screwed.
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god remember when i did an analysis on each item and what it did
i feel as if i have the technology engrained inside my head right now
cruxite, alchemeter, all that jazz
flashbacks are starting up already
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yeah, that was the good part in homestuck where i knew 100% that i probably would continue on this liveblog in its entirety, ngl
that one explosion scene. bc it kept me going.
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i just realized how the intermission spades probably fucking foreshadowed the whole jack revolts thing and gains the ring, which was also technically JOHNS fault considering he slashed up the doll in the first place
my god, i guess thats the only good aspect of the recap. looking back at things and realizing the missing pieces.
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oh that makes sense for the whole “this prototyping had no effect on the enemies, since he was already in the medium” i didnt actually think about that
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little did rose know where that would get her right now
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oh yeah
there’s still the whole entire lab terminal thing and how mom basically knows the place exists. i guess we’re still venturing onto that and itll come up later when we find out how mom knows SO MUCH about the game.
still think shes some weird spy or secret agent
i kinda love her ngl
anyways, theres literally no reason for skaia to produce a cloning machine. so technically, they only sent the meteors in, right? so who put the cloning machine in if not mom?
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oh yeah that impact was nerve wrecking asf
and still at this point in the comic i called dave fuckboy red
huh, how times change
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i hated reading that whole paragraph ngl, the frustration just kicked me in the boobs again
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yeah nobody else got tornadoes, huh?
OH that makes also much more sense
bc she did prototyped them before she entered the medium.
i gotcha
man one of my favorite edits i made, rose hitting that meteor with a bat
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are you
telling me
the exiles structures they arrived on were in the form of the items the kids used to enter the medium?
of course it was 413 years ago. that was never explained. simply vague “many years in the future....” but i expected no less from this
man serenity is the most wholesome character in hs no doubt
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damn thought andy here was really gonna spoil us jade’s planet
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okay cool, im glad i now have the layout to the whole “their stations went to the coordinates of the home button” shindig
man i honestly dont know what else to say besides “yeah cool recap” when i already pretty much know what went down? ofc im looking into each link and shit and adding in things when i see fit, but otherwise its just me going “ah good times” yknow
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the whole meteor thing kinda makes sense now?
we’re still missing a few pieces of info but we’re getting there, folks
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oh yeah that reveal
god jade and dave have it in the shits for parents huh
bro isnt the best and jade has a fucking dog
who lowkey
is doing better than bro
who knew a fucking dog is a better guardian than bro lmfao
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dreambot = terminator. im telling you.
sorry im still on that idea and it will never leave unless i have the actual proof in front of me that its not going to become a thing. meaning, ive finished hs and theres still no terminator dreambot or either andrew himself gives me a canon letter with “the robot is not arnold, mackenzie, pls just let it be”
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why is the entire game session highlighted
i swear to god if this is like to a second recap or smth of the whole game session i may fucking CRY
okay thank god its just a design of the skaia layout
which is honestly cool
idk why its blurry tho but i can at least see the layout now. which is honestly how i pictured it anyways.
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yeah, john did make a huge impact in his friends’ life and i find that so fucking touching
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yep. got that. everything loops around. cool.
especially when the trolls come in. god we havent even gotten to that recap portion yet, we havent even gotten to the INTERMISSION
pls can this be the halfway point to the recap
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so they were exiled after the whole jack: ascend thing, right? considering theyre way in the future. man no fucking wonder.
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speaking of jack
man that whole dad and jack interaction was gold, ngl
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and wow, andrew’s really giving us the best female content huh. andrew is the true god of equality and diversity.
also hey, i didnt realize that wow. so PM tricked the queen in showing the parking ticket to be able to take the present from jack. she’s a smart cookie, that one..
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she and PM basically snitched on jack and it was the best thing that has happened to me so far
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oh yeah okay
but why did AR panic over bec? bc thats something we havent learned yet, right?
exile town, the only town which should exist. facts. i dont make the rules.
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i love PM being queen. like.. thats canon now. shes an actual queen.
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yeah that was a fun game and the consorts were cute
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fuck yeah the dick head
hate them even more now that i know john was killed because of them
anyways, i wonder what dick move dave’s denizen did? maybe thats why its filled with lava bc the denizen was like “fuck it. make the land red. kill them all”
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so i still dont know what they mean but i can gather it has something to do with the game giving them abilities. considering dave is the “knight of time” and he can go back in time. whack.
which means john can either control someones breathing or simply wind. and rose is... like that one girl in the winx club who does the sun shit. bc whenever i think of light powers, i think of stella.
and jade is space. witch of space.
i have no idea what that means ngl
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okay finally
we’re at the trolls
maybe this recap will end soon
i remember when i thought they were internet bullies
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someone asked if i basically knew the trolls were on a different veil than the kids, so not presently with them, and i know lol. i was making a joke before btw. jsyk. dont think im incompetent to forget these things when sometimes i choose to forget it so i can add in a joke
it be like that, i annoy many
then again, pls dont assume im trying to say im not incompetent bc im also a fucking dumbass and DO forget shit and i have no excuse
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imagine being so bored on the meteor, your last resort is speaking to aliens
ngl me if i was ever trapped on a meteor and could potentially do that
nah ik its bc its their only hope at helping with their session or whatever tf CG said to john. but there was BOUND to be a conference meeting between them like “okay guys. humans. that needs to be sorted out” and you just hear CG screaming in the background
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i cant wait to meet them honestly bc im growing on all 4 of the ones we’ve seen already. and on top of that, i know what they look like and i know theyre not THAT bad, just a little on the crayy zee side sometimes
but theyre trying
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i didnt expect that. but maybe the signs were there and i was just willingly choosing to ignore it or smth bc “haha couldnt be, right”
flashbacks to how i thought the trolls were humans
anyways, i guess he got his revenge on the kids version of “snowman” ie the black queen. but really
he did not have to do that. he could have cut off the finger and fled. but he decided “nah, lets implode her” so the loml is dead and all i got was a catchy song
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i knew they were different types of “bullies” but now i just have to replace bullies with uhh
trolling strategies
anyways, this is cute. i love how they’ve come to be friends through mutual frustration. good part in the comic.
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i wonder why it explodes
more importantly
terminator time?
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this was my favourite sequences of dialogues in the whole entirety of homestuck. that is to say the back and forth thing that the kids went through to become a sort of wingman for the other.
absolutely gold.
all except AT’s rap.
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GC was the only smart one with the linear shit
anyways fuck he still has to kill the denizen now but apparently its hard to beat for a sleeping dick head so
that will be fun for the future
john will probably need to kill A LOT of imps to get there
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yeah rose is a badass bc she slayed that thing with needles of all things
OH and the white queen was the cursive
damn did AR ever do the whole guide process to a kid yet? maybe he will with dave, idk
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i fucking SEE
thats why he said DNA
to use it and replace all the life forms in the ocean
fucking neat wow
man that sounded sarcastic but im genuinely impressed bc all i got was bullshit as i read jaspersprites log
so thats the secret. it was “meow” bc that somehow translates to the genetic code she needs then. and that code apparently took fucking years to write as well. sick. whack. oh man.
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derse is very pretty, ngl
and wow shit
“dave had already been awake in his tower all along without realizing it” how tf does someone just
do that, awake in both places at once
i didnt even fucking realize that fact as i read that pesterlog wow
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ah yes, around the time things got confusing
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okay so the capsule makes sense bc at first i didnt know it was a fucking time capsule so i got confused as to how it just apparated the game lmfao
the more you know i guess *twinkle*
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i find that a neat concept tho
like the whole whatever you prototype affects the imps and shit
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yeah so that whole “he had no advice” basically impacted his future
no shit dave wanted to reset things bc he probably thought he caused some sort of bad butterfly effect and killed his best friend
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fuck calsprite thats all im gonna say
i read that first sentence and i think i got an aneurysm
and then everything else just made me sad again
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i mean good thing he fucking did amirite?
we got pain at first but now we got cool shit like idk
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damn idk how that works
will rose have like two minds now? or will this be some steven universe fusion shit?
“and understood their meaning” course well i fucking didnt so could you pls elaborate, rose?
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okay but then what the fuck did he use that was inside the fucking box
bc i thought he used his knife?
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im only every going to refer him as that now, thank you andrew
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alright okay..
god that was a lot
i dont know what will happen once i click on those links but i am going to see that for myself bc i refuse to add ANYTHING ELSE
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goth-giraffe · 5 years
🖊 + your cyborg character (I mean? Cyborg?? Tell me more! xD) 🖊 + for any of your OCs (I'm just really curious to get to know more of your characters :D) I wold also suggest another one for Meredith... (if you want to ramble more about her xD)
Oh awesome! Yeah I always love to ramble about my OCs, I just wish I had more motivation to draw them haha xD Maybe this’ll help though- thank you!
Ah- my cyborg character is a pretty underdeveloped, for instance I’m not entirely sure on all their technological enhancements. They basically have really fancy prosthetics in place of at least one leg and one arm too. But anyway I’d love to ramble about them anyway! Their name is Kaedyn and they’re nonbinary! (I use neutral or feminine pronouns with them, I’m currently trying to use they/them but sometimes I slip up- it’s mostly because of my indecisiveness, but I don’t know, maybe they’re genderfluid?) And they live in a futuristic setting which is part of the reason they’re a bit underdeveloped compared to some of my other OCs, because I’m a dummy that wants to create characters in weird settings in theory, but then you have to come up with all these things about the setting to get to know the character better so… haha yeah.
But anyway! Kaedyn is really smart about some things but also very competitive. Not the type to back down from a dare. Whether it’s eating something gross or fighting the Hulk, to be honest… (And that may have had something to do with them losing a couple limbs, but who knows.) They call themself a cyborg mostly to intimidate people to be honest… there are still a lot of prejudices about cyborgs. And they do have at least two fully functioning robotic limbs so. Anyway they get kind of a “Don’t mess with a cyborg” attitude when people look at them weird or are just in general being rude.
They’re dating Numbers, who’s kind of the opposite of Kaedyn - she’s more of a brooding genius type. And she works for her eccentric aunt’s robotics company. They supply robotic prosthetics and other medical stuff like that, and yeah I imagine that’s how they met each other- Kaedyn calls in for tech support and talks past the remote control hologram or whatever, and immediately starts flirting when they start talking to an alive being… which was Numbers. Numbers speaks exclusively in number code though, and she doesn’t talk to a lot of real people (she lives with robots and her aunt Madlin) because a lot of people don’t understand her. But Kaedyn is smart, especially with mathematics and deciphering things so it doesn’t take them long to understand, and they think Numbers is adorable so, basically their relationship is the “extrovert takes introvert under their wing” trope.
Anyway, they like inventing things together. Kaedyn has a degree in engineering (or something? details fuzzy, sorry) and loves tinkering with stuff or rather tearing stuff apart pbbt and Numbers brainstorms schematics for new robots and stuff. Kaedyn is actually really smart, you just don’t see that a lot with their beat stuff up until it’s fixed attitude. (I don’t know if anyone here has seen The Red Green Show but Kaedyn’s motto? “If it ain’t broke you’re not trying!”) Besides that they cuddle or deal with Numbers’ mood swings… and eventually Madlin disappears and they have to take care of this prototype robot which is basically an experiment in artificial mental illness. …Which is not as fun as it sounds. xD
Oh. And Kaedyn refers to Numbers exclusively as “babe”. (Numbers is a nickname but her real name is actually undecided so…… Kaedyn just gives her another nickname haha.)
Okay. I get the feeling I am making absolutely no sense, I’m sorry. Mostly this is like, a vague comic idea I had? Mad scientist aunt disappears, no one really knows where. Her introverted niece has to take care of a prototype robot who thinks he’s a child and is kind of scared of everything… and cope with her partner who picks fights with anyone. …Yeah when I think about this goofy little story I for some reason imagine them in a black and white comic style. Like, Kaedyn’s got their tools and a broken robot on the table and they’re like “Babe where’s my wrench” while they’re scratching their head with it. Very smart but also very stupid is one of my favourite tropes ahaha  
Okay I’m not sure who to ramble about next?? My characters are so underdeveloped, good golly.
I’m gonna ramble about him even though I have seriously been thinking he needs a lot of work, I’ve actually been considering giving him a new name but, anyway.
He’s in a weird fantasy setting and he’s a dragon! His race of dragons though are basically humans that have can transform into dragons. Except the horns, tails, wing stumps, and some of them have weird eyes. But dragons have some magic and if they master it they can hide those things while they’re in their human form. Nicholas himself though has really only figured out how to get rid of the wing stumps. Still sleeps on his tummy out of habit though.
Nicholas is probably the most innocent character I have, to be honest. He’s very soft- he really likes flowers, braiding his hair or having his hair braided, also he’s very curious about humans. Which is weird for dragons, most of them think of humans as either very dangerous or mid-afternoon snacks. But Nicholas was raised differently, so he’s curious. Not to mention lonely. Dragons are actually pretty rare and he only ever met his parents, but he doesn’t remember his father very well (who died when he was young) and since his mother died in his teens he’s been alone.
I imagine at some point he befriends a witch and they possibly become a love interest for him but this is where it gets fuzzy and undecided. I do like to imagine he meets a human character and becomes close to them, I just haven’t really decided how that happens or if he meets just one witch or a family/household or what. But he also finds out he likes poetry, but he’s illiterate so he has to have someone read it to him. I imagine this in medieval times, so not many people can read but that’s also why I imagine a witch character because. Learning from spellbooks I guess. And just generally not really being part of the human population… and not being scared of dragons. Even though Nicholas would probably not scare many people pbbbt. xD Yeah, anyway. He likes to be read to.
I don’t know, most of my characters are just kind of vague ideas. He’s just a cute little forest creature who happens to be able to grow really big and breath fire. xD I’ve thought about making a more modern AU which would probably be easier to develop but yeah I really can’t decide.
Anyway, except for a couple forgettable doodles I haven’t actually drawn Nicholas… but fortunately, I do have an awesome drawing of him by @iridiscreate! I hope to do a serious drawing of him myself sometime, but I’m actually okay with that being his main reference for now- he looks very pretty! :D
Oh I’ll pretty much always take any chances to ramble about Meredith! Haha she’s the OC I know the most about to be honest xD
The first time her hair was cut short was because her mom was tired of having to chase her down to brush it. So there was a time when she was pretty young that her parents made her wear these big bows in her hair when she went out… she hated them, she still hates them, and her mom still tries to convince her to wear them when she comes to visit, because she cut her hair again. (Yeah… she has some family issues…)
Okay, Meredith loves music. She has kind of a complicated relationship with it, but she loves music. She usually has classical music playing in the background at her apartment, while she’s reading or whatever. She also plays violin, but she’s weird about that, she doesn’t usually listen to it when she plays (she wears ear plugs), and she mostly uses it as an outlet when her emotions get the better of her. She was much more enthusiastic about violin when she was a girl. She’s always had a love of music, it kind of runs in her family. She originally wanted to play piano like her grandfather (who was a singer/pianist in a bar) but her father wouldn’t allow that. Though when the violin option was allowed she was very excited, and when she was little she dreamed of being a concert violinist. Her parents mostly favoured violin because of the discipline it would require to learn and practice, and their past attempts to discipline her? Ehh, not so great. xD In the end though her parents killed her enthusiasm for violin. Their habit of displaying their daughters’ talents to their friends but otherwise having little interest was a bit discouraging… and for Meredith, very damaging. The older she got and the more she thought about it she felt her parents were disinterested in her from the start, so that led to a very rocky teenage years. (For instance she spent ages two to six (ish) being sent to her grandparents’ house a lot. Not with her sisters, no, just her- because she was being difficult and her parents were tired of her. So that hurt when she really thought about it.) So… anyway now she kind of loves and hates violin. Now when she plays it still brings her back to being the trophy her parents preferred to keep on the back of the shelf, but it also brings her back to being the little girl who was in love with music… so. Mixed feelings there. …
Did I have way too many Meredith feels while I was writing this and have to edit out most of my emotions later? NO absolutely not I’m not crying you are SHUSH
Oof I know I’ve already rambled a lot but one more thing. Just a cute little fact, not exactly about Meredith but still. She is her nephew Aidan’s favourite aunt. He’s like four years old and has blonde hair with bright blue tips, because he begged his mother (Meredith’s sis Jessie) to dye his hair blue. Anyway yeah, Meredith is pretty good with kids… they probably like her because she’s so weird. Funny though, because with her looking pretty much like the insomniac goth mess she is, she definitely doesn’t give off any maternal vibes to anyone else she meets… except kids. (It’s the blue hair again, it has magical powers. Haha okay I’m kidding. xD)
Anyway! Sorry for getting this answered so late ahh!! I swear I wasn’t avoiding this ask (I was actually very excited about it) but I kept getting interrupted in the middle of rambling so.. yeah. Anyway thank you again for the ask!! Sorry I rambled an ungodly amount!! xD
Send me a 🖊 to make me ramble about my OCs! (yeah no kidding about the rambling)
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the-sloth-woman · 5 years
S W E E T L I L L Y (I'm sorry I repeated letters, but I want you to answer all those questions!) ILY!!
OMG this is so clever!! :D Thank you Ari! ILY too!!
The fluff asks can be found here~ 
S: Support - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Lilly:  I will do absolutely anything to help Alrick achieve his goals.  I’ll give him everything that he needs to become the best demon king that he can be, even if it means stepping aside so he can pick a future queen... 
Alrick: I think Lilly’s “goal” in life is to protect me.  So by not dying yet, I’m already giving her what she needs~
W:  Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
A Wild Fluff appears! When Alrick and Lilly first started sleeping together, Alrick was so cold at night that Lilly needed to bring in an electric blanket.  She still uses it in the winter, but he is her personal air-conditioner in the summer. 
E:  Equal - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Lilly is passive and Alrick is VERY dominant.  
T:  Thrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine
This was already answered here, so I’m going to give a different headcanon about thrills.  Lilly, believe it or not, LOVES rollercoasters.  She loves any kind of ride that takes her to extreme heights and then drops her.  It feels just like flying!
Alrick prefers the Ferris wheel. 
L:  Love Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
Lilly: Oh geez... Um.. *takes deep breath* Alrick... I’ve loved you since we were little kids.  Everything you do inspires me to be a better person, and nothing in this world would make me happier than knowing that you loved me back.  Everything I am and everything that I am belongs to you.  And you, Alrick Rosenfeld, are the most deserving person of love I’ve ever known. 
Lilly: Good thing I’ll never have to tell him that.. haha...
Alrick: Confession?  Lilly already knows how I feel about her. 
I:  Inspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems
YES. Being with Lilly has made Alrick into a kinder person, even if you can't quite tell.  She has also exposed him to the world of comics, and that alone is a big change. And Alrick gives Lilly some freedom to let herself be who she wants to be.  Before they got together, Lilly was always terrfied of sharing her interests with anyone (because Burai would hit her if she acted out).  But now she can show someone the things she likes, and she has the freedom to experience and try new things!  
Y:  Yearning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner
Alrick and Lilly don’t have many moments they spend apart unless they’re in a big fight.  When that happens, Alrick ignores the shit outta Lilly, and she tries not to show him how much it hurts her.  But sometimes she’ll break down and steal one of his shirts from the laundry. 
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kaeyazuha · 2 years
hi Ky! ♡
oh nooo, sorry you feel this way. i hope you'll recover and that you can find comfort in whatever you use to cope! this event looks light-hearted enough if not for some details, so hopefully it will help :)
do tell me about this theory, please ? only if you want to ofc, but i'm interested! <3
this guy is the best. he comes out of nowhere, does some stupid comical stuff and then kind of just stands there while others speak. (ik he's not just a clown tho,dw. venti can be so comforting and calm, like in his teapot lines. you'll get them soon!)
yes pleaaase, it ruins soo many builds to have this limit! and haha, then it's good that you're done with it. good for you! let's hope sumeru will be a little flatter
mhm, it's good to see you active hehe. have a good week-end! i love you! :D
- 🦊
Thank you, my love- that's so sweet. <3
OOH OKOK spoilers ahead!
In Raiden's quest, Yae says that because Signora is the 8th harbinger while Scaramouche is 6th, that makes Scara much stronger than Signora. Harbingers can't be ranked off of when they joined or how old they are since Signora recruited Scara (I think) and she's older than him. That leaves strength, which backs up what Yae said.
Childe has a lot of death flags. He's reckless, he's young and dumb, etc etc- AND all of the other Harbingers are much older than him (immortal or otherwise) which means the Delusion is less destructive to them.
They sent CHILDE after SCARAMOUCHE after he snatched the gnosis. Why do that unless they want Childe to get screwed over? I suspect that the Tsaritsa couldn't care less about the gnoses themselves, she just wants the archons' ties to celestia cut. So by sending Childe, she can get rid of him under the premise of getting the gnosis back.
Venti's definitely a comfort character of mine- he's so sweet and caring despite his antics, I love it. And despite his playfulness, he's still strong and cares deeply about Mondstadt. Yes PLEASE Sumeru pls don't be all loopy- some leaks for it look pretty cool!
Doing my best haha- thank you! I love you too, hope today's going okay for you. <3
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amariemelody · 7 years
5 Things Meme
I was tagged just this Tuesday (an eon ago) by @hobbitsaarebas for this meme. So sorry that it took so long, Hobbit, and thanks for thinking of me always! 
I tag @afro-elf, @zetsubonna, @platonicharmonics, @indi-flying-with-dragons, and @the-omniscient-narrator. Have fun if you like, loves! 
Here we go, under the readmore! :D 
5 Things You Can Find on My Blog 
Note: I don’t post very much to my Tumblr blog here, but still!
1.) Positive, uplifting, pro-black content, especially pro-black women & girls content. Hell, you can see that in my blog’s headers. Gotta take care of your people; gotta love your people. And then you start and continue to love yourself. ‘Tis vital for a healthy heart, soul, and identity. 
2.) Shippy things! Mostly Marvel! I ship the hell outta SamSteve, SamBucky, SamSteveBucky, RhodeyTony, etc. I don’t quite consider myself an active black gal Marvel blogger because of how little I post, but I do hope I post a lil something that some people like and enjoy-I know I certainly like and enjoy those things. 
3.) Links to my AO3 fics. I...don’t quite have a large fanbase. Haha...hah...hahaha...hah. -lolsobs- So as soon as I finish editing and posting to AO3, I gotta excitedly head over here to my Tumblr blog to post the good news! I only write stories about and with characters of color, especially. Feel like I’m doin’ the fandom lord’s work and I love, love, love it! 
4.) Just about anything I find hilarious.It could be yet another meme, videos, joke posts, etc. Ya’ll can usually find that under the “I iz HOWLING”, “I iz CACKLING” or even “I’m done” tags. Yep, yep! :D
5.) Correspondences with my friends. I love, love, love, love getting tagged/mentioned by them (can ya tell by me doing this? Haha!) and I strive to return the favor in kind. I love when they reblog things from me and I reblog things from them. I love hearing kind, encouraging words from them-it never fails to brighten my day. You can find a lot of this under my tag “Chitchat with friends” and “Being tagged by friends is WONDERFUL!” 
5 Things You Can Find in my Room or House
1.) Romance/erotica books. Comic books. Romance/erotica books. Graphic novel books. Romance/erotica books. African American-centered books. Romance/erotica books. Educational and classic books (ex. I love and read the shit outta Cyrano; I’ve re-read it 4 times so far.) And now I also have fucking nursing books right now because I had the brilliant, dumpster fire idea to go to nursing school. Fucking hell, Amarie. Fucking hell. What were you thinking. 
2.) My wittle Windows Surface RT tablet! I got her as a surprise Christmas gift from my friend’s family just this January! I gave her a pink screensaver (wallpaper), and so I thusly named her “Pinky”! (Her freakin’ charger had to be replaced, tho. And I gotta take her to Geek Squad ‘cause her keyboard acting up next...grrr...) 
3.) Posters! I’m a huge, huge black gal nerd and proud of it! I have 3 Spider Man posters (well, one is really a calendar from my 13th birthday party, but shush), a Sailor Moon poster, a Lego Batman movie poster, a Transformers: Bumblebee poster, a Monster High poster, a Marvel characters poster, 2 Falcon (Sam Wilson, baes) posters, and finally one Tuskegee Airmen poster!! 
4.) Makeup. Uhh...I’ve been told that I have a pwetty face shape and I’ve been told that I’m pretty good at using makeup to softly highlight my features. Uhh...I get compliments. That’s all I know. ‘M just here. 
5.) More books. 
5 Things I’ve Always Wanted to Do
1.) Travel, travel, travel! Especially wanna go to Paris, France (I’m a huge ass romantic sap). And recently, I wanna go to Disneyland and spend a whole mortgage payment and then some just to finally hug Princess Tiana. 
2.) Write at least, ehh...30 to 50 fanfictions. Wanna make a whole library for you all. 
3.) Take a ballroom dance/waltz class. I wish to whirl ‘round and ‘round the ballroom. 
4.) Play Super Mario Kart Brothers, or whatever the hell it’s called. I’ve never owned a game console (I be broke & so I’ve only ever had books and Sims on my PC), so that’ll be a novel experience for me! 
5.) More traveling. 
5 Things That Make Me Happy
1.) Thinking hopefully about the future. Honestly, it’s the main thing that keeps me going. I think about what a mostly great career I’ll have as a nurse (I’ve always wanted to go into healthcare, but never even dreamed that I’d be an RN). I think about my lil chute-chute of a car that’ll be all mine. I think about my time that’ll be all mine. 
2.) Watching cartoons, especially old ones from my childhood. Ya’ll, prolly about 98% of what I watch is literally cartoons. I’m learning not to beat myself up about that/call myself immature. Like...if that’s the worst thing I do to cope with life right now, then ain’t nobody getting hurt. 
3.) My wittle entitled white boy of a cat, Dante. Sweet baby boy has gotten me through many a hard day and night. 
4.) Music, music, music! 
5.) Reading 
5 Things On My To-Do List
1.) Finish my physical and shit for my clinical packet at school. 
2.) Pharmacology homework 
3.) Fundamentals of nursing homework 
4.) Speech class homework
5.) Clean the goddamned house 
6.) Sleep (Fuck it, we need a 6th one) 
5 Things You May Not Know About Me
1.) I have a vivid, surrealistic imagination. One of the most common complements I get on my fics is along the lines of “This was so vivid that I could picture everything so clearly! I could smell that scent, I could see them dancing!” or “You painted such bright, beautiful pictures in my head-I could see and understand everything so easily! It was like I was right there in the scene!” 
Yeah, it was just like that for me, too-I saw it like that in my head, too. I just have the ability and desire to translate that onto the page in black-and-white. So thanks a ton!
The...slight problem that this causes, tho? I can’t turn the strength of my imagination off...and so I can’t watch horror movies. I am 25-years-old and I can’t watch horror movies and I don’t think that’s going to change any time soon. It’s all just as real, just as vivid, just as valid to me and I take on the emotional tones of the movie just as easily as if I were watching Brandy’s Cinderella or Rugrats in Paris: the Movie.
I become terrified & affronted when I’m tryna listen to music on YouTube and a fucking ad comes on first for a horror movie and I smash that “Skip Ad” button as quickly as I can-lately, it’s been It and I just...ugh. Ya’ll, not everyone can handle horror movies. 
It’s not kind. It’s not good. 
2.) Umm...I wanna cuddle Bucky Barnes. Like, if I could cuddle Bucky Barnes one day, my life would be complete and I’d need no more fulfillment. Just...lemme cuddle Bucky Barnes and all will be right in my world. 
3.) I am an avid tea drinker! I especially love to drink tea when I’m working hard-be it at writing or homework! I drink plain English breakfast tea, lemon-ginger tea, Constant Comment tea, Jasmine green tea, plain green tea, English black tea, french vanilla tea, and just about every other kinda tea you can imagine! Yep, yep! 
4.) I grew up and still live in the south, but I got my parents’ northern blood. So I love, love, love, love, love and prefer the cold. You can betcha ass that I’ll get up a 5am in the morning just to go for a walk in the freezing, pre-dawn morning. It’s like a soft, soothing winter wonderland and I love it! 
5.) I am a proudly self-professed romance sap...but I couldn’t give less than a shit about sci-fi. I’m just...not a sci-fi person. At all. You gotta put some black folk up there in them stars before I think to care. 
Well, then! That was quite a long and enjoyable meme and I hope you all had fun! Thanks so much again to Hobbit and much love to one and all! :D 
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commaeleons · 7 years
Hope is an aspect associated with failed and destructive male sexuality so I personally would Very Much Stay Away from it but I’m also paranoid about a particular hope player called Grampa Harley within canon (there is so much bad subtext there note Jade and parasites) so I might be projecting his evils onto the entire aspect? Except Eridan and the way Jake tears apart his friend group? I’d recommend reading into it a lot before settling on (especially) hope or rage. I might be wrong! -/(0-0)\-
Sorry for foisting my analysis onto you randomly, I know I have an unconventional viewpoint on how classpect stuff works. Also like. An obsession with the homestuck works on dream logic theory, death=sex=tea=cake=arsenic=maturity, etc. so yeah didn’t mean to weird you out if I did. -/(0~0)-
Haha, mildly weirded out, but it’s alright. Thanks for your concern! :)
Long-ish reply under the cut. Again, I never learned the art of concise communication. :P
I think I see where that interpretation might come from, moreso with the Amporas (oh man they’re such massive tools i love/hate it) than the Jakes imo, but ehhhh even if it’s associated with the aspect, for me the sexuality bit isn’t particularly definitive for hope? And, like, even if it is, I’m cool with that. (Seriously, I have no problem with associating myself with deeply flawed characters. I’m a deeply flawed character, and the journey of overcoming those flaws is one of the things that makes life interesting. :) )
In any case, I was more interested in some of the other traits relating to denial that I see reflected across the three hope players we see in Homestuck. Specifically:
Subscription to a fantasy-self in order to avoid facing their own insecurities, although this also dovetails with a few of the classes (*waves* yes hi i turned myself into the Clumsy Comic Relief character back in grade school and still hold onto that identity, to a degree)
A belief, however inaccurate, that if you believe in something hard enough, it can become true–and vice versa with the power of denial (i literally make the conscious decision to headcanon reality when i don’t like it and it is a problem because that’s not how reality works–except that sometimes it does because placebo effect welp)
Attachment to stories and fantasies! (probably pretty self-explanatory, coming from someone who’s been reading/writing fic for…ha. most of my life, even before i knew there was a term for fanfiction. listen i just really like my escapism, and denial is one of my main coping mechanisms)
Seriously though that use of denial as a tool for interacting with the world, and the personal challenge/quest to face the world as it actually is–and yourself as you actually are. I relate.
*shrugs* Anyway, that’s where I’m at now; we’ll see if I shift around anymore. But, like, also? This is just my personal interpretation of the classpects and how my personality maps to them. I’m a big fan of having multiple interpretations of the canon floating around, mostly because it gives me more to play with in fic. ;) (In general, I tend to be much more interested in fic than I am in canon meta. Fic is just a lot more fun to me. :) )
Thanks again for your concern, and for the meta recs! I’m looking forward to going through them in more detail. :D (although, i will ask that y’all give me space to figure this one out more or less on my own. i’ll get back to you with the final result. *thumbs up* :) )
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mistercrowbar · 6 years
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10 page comic! With tones! I’m really happy with how the scenes in the dark turned out.
Our party inconveniently got separated and each person ran into a member of the Inquisition team, who were also conveniently separated and we conveniently ran into our team counterparts who inconveniently were very determined to fight us. There’s some weird fuckery going where a certain character was removed from recent history and the Inquisitors were unable to cope with memory corruption until we beat the sense into them. Ish. Ryybyn let Fuckster do most of the fighting and just whittled Lutz down with Vicious Mockery.
Ryybyn and Lutz are from the same orphanage in the Gold Dragon Empire though it’s been over a decade since they’ve seen each other. They were both rowdy outcast kids who got sent off to different places to shape up: Ryybyn was placed in the abbey to become an acolyte of Aleksandyr, and Lutz was found to have some good magic potential (one perk of being hagspawn) and got taken off to train for the Inquisition. Now both fill the trash baby spot in their respective teams haha.
and yes entire houses were being catapulted to attack a castle while all this was happening
[commission me | support me on ko-fi]
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roenix-wright-blog · 5 years
talkin’ ‘bout ships/character pairings/character portrayal(feel free to add!)
Here are some of my thoughts on shipping people/characters together:
It’s perfectly okay to ship yourself with a character as long as you’re being safe about it.
It’s perfectly okay to enjoy a ship others don’t.
It’s perfectly okay to not like a ship that someone else does.
It is 𝙣𝙤𝙩 okay to attack others for what they ship.
It is 𝙣𝙤𝙩 okay to ship real people together if they explicitly state not to. (you wouldn’t like it it you were shipped/paired with someone you don’t like and/or don’t feel that way about, would you?)
It is 𝙣𝙤𝙩 okay to force what you like onto others.
If someone is portraying a character as they are in canon, that’s their choice.
If someone is portraying a character in an out of character(OOC) way and/or a way you don’t, that’s their choice
It is 𝙣𝙤𝙩 okay to police others’ portrayals of fictional characters. If you’re thinking about it, consider the fact that fictional characters are moldable and that alternate universes(AUs) can and do exist.
It’s important to be respectful towards others(that goes for outside of shipping too!).
There are exceptions to some of these listed things, such as if a person is being unhealthy, hurting someone else/themselves, and/or are making a pairing that is morally wrong(I’m mostly referencing child/adult ships) it is important to point it out to them and find ways to explain why what they’re doing is not good. Don’t be violent or make threats, but instead approach the person with a clear mind and good intentions.
Comfort ships and characters are very much okay to have!! Especially when it helps you cope. But it is important to remember that not everyone feels the same about those characters and pairings.
If necessary/you’re asked about a pairing/character portrayal/etc, explain why you do the things you do with them so that way you have solid reasoning behind it that can potentially protect you from possibly hateful people. (Not saying this is 100% necessary!! I’m just giving a suggestion to prevent as much conflict as possible uwu)
You can make your OCs be whatever you want, and Mary Sues/Gary Stus are valid! They’re your character, so you do you boo!
Reference sheets/descriptions of your characters are important to help paint a full picture of your character(s), which can help others visualise what you’ve made and discover more about your creation.
OCs with little to no background are good, too! I often find myself making random characters that have no purpose other than to be in the scene/art I’ve made, haha.
Be as creative as you wanna be! Your OCs and portrayals are valid.
If your original character is from a copyrighted franchise/series/etc, such as being from the Sonic Universe, Do Not use them for profit. It will save you time, money, and from potential lawsuits. If you want to make money off your character, make edits to them so they aren’t made obvious to be from a Ⓒ'd series(trust me, this will save your rump).
The exception to the above is commissions!! I just meant for widespread production, such as books, comics, tee shirts, and other stuff like that. If the creator(s) find out, they probably wouldn’t be too happy to see a character in their universe’s/franchise’s style being used for profit with no credit towards them.
Last, but most certainly not least, it is 𝙣𝙤𝙩 okay to make transphobic/[sexuality/gender]phobic/racist/ableist/etc art of characters. It’s disrespectful and really bad. *cough*RCDArts*cough*
I will reiterate: Those are 𝗺𝘆 ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛs and ᴏᴘɪɴɪᴏɴs. You don’t have to agree!! I just wanted to put it out there so people see my stance on stuff. I have a lot more to say but I gotta do my schoolwork now :/
Have a nice day and I hope this list can inspire you to improve your art and/or feel more confident in your craft!
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