ahsokaslesbian · 7 years
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magic mistletoe kisses ✨
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lunaslvgoods · 7 years
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url inspired sets ➳ @s0ftmalec II want one?
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Anything ? There’s got to be something.
Magnus, there’s got te be something. Anything.
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lesbianfr0gs · 7 years
It was one of those rare nights where they had time to themselves. They had time to sit, talk, laugh, and not worry about anything else around them. Magnus’ schedule was cleared and Alec’s phone was on silent and left on the end table, far enough away that it wouldn’t distract him. Tonight was just about them.
The night started out with the two of them ordering in food, choosing to stay in, dressed in sweatpants and pyjamas. They had their feet up, sat on opposite sides of the sofa, their legs tangled in the middle under a blanket that Magnus had summoned from the bedroom. As the hours went by, and they finished their food, they moved closer and closer together, till Alec was pressed against Magnus’ side, practically in his lap.
They had lost themselves in conversation and wine and cocktails. It didn’t take long for the alcohol for get to Alec’s head. Only a few drinks in and he was giggling into Magnus’ shoulder about almost anything, Magnus joining him though Alec knew in the back of his mind that Magnus was nowhere near as drunk as he was, but he enjoyed the weightless feeling of laughing with his boyfriend.
“Magnus, have I ever told you how pretty you are.” Magnus froze; his hand in the air from where he was telling a story. Alec was staring at him, honesty in his eyes and a grin on his face. He leaned forward to press a kiss to Magnus’ cheek, not giving him enough time to process what Alec had just said.
“You’re very pretty. And I love you very much Magnus. You’re the best boyfriend ever! I’m so lucky, I have the prettiest boyfriend.” Alec didn’t stop, didn’t really know how to stop the words that were flowing from him. Though the look on Magnus’ face made him never want to stop complimenting him. He grabbed Magnus’ hand, flipping it round in his own, admiring and getting distracted by the way their hands looked together.
“I love you too, Alexander.” Alec grinned as Magnus pressed a kiss to his cheek, turning his head to capture his lips. They got lost in the feel of their lips moving together, Magnus moving to run his hands along Alec’s hips. Which in any other situation would have given the moment more heat, but tonight, it just made Alec laugh. He couldn’t seem to contain himself as he laughed against Magnus’ lips.
Alec collapsed, his head falling into Magnus lap as he continued to laugh, loudly and unashamed.
“I didn’t know you were ticklish, Alexander.”
“Neither did I.” Alec opened his eyes, his laughter fading as he reached up to stroke Magnus’ face.
“You’re so beautiful.”
“As are you, my love.” The couple smiled at each other as Alec continued to run his hand across Magnus’ face, and Magnus’ hand massaging Alec’s scalp causing him to hum in appreciation and slowly fall asleep.
When Alec woke up the next morning with Magnus pressed to his side, the pair still on the sofa, he couldn’t help but wish for more nights where it was just the two of them. Hangover be damned.
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s0ftmalec · 7 years
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happy halloween from ur local bi (im dressed up as me which is so scary wow)
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alecsimon · 7 years
jimon + ((high))school, pretty please ☺ ily! 💞
does anyone actually climb rope in gym class or is that a thing that’s only in movies? anyway, thank u kinga!! i love u sm and i hope you like this ❤️
p.s. shoutout to @daddariossmile for giving me the idea i love u boo 🌟
500 follower celebration (closed)
“It’s easy, Simon.”
“No, it’s terrifying.” 
Jace sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose as his boyfriend looked up the height of the rope, rubbing his hands together. Simon had been putting off climbing the rope for two weeks now due to his fear of heights, but he needed to at least attempt it in order to pass gym class. 
So, because Jace was a loving and caring boyfriend, and was one of the first people to climb the rope, he offered to help Simon overcome his fear. 
“You don’t even have to get to the top, babe. You just need to try,” Jace said, grabbing the rope and offering it to Simon. 
Simon flinched back, staring at the rope with wide eyes. 
“What if - what if I start climbing it and it detaches from the ceiling and I come plummeting to my death?” Simon responded, crossing his arms. 
“I’m only a little offended that you think I’d let anything happen to you,” Jace said, giving him an unimpressed look. 
Simon bit down on his lip, and Jace instantly recognized that expression as Simon trying to hold back a smile. Jace offered the rope again with a smirk, realizing that Simon’s resolve was crumbling.
“Fuck, fine! Fine, okay, cool,” Simon stuttered out, grabbing the rope with two hands.  
Jace let go and took a step back, giving Simon an encouraging nod. 
“Just a tip: whatever you do, don’t look down,” Jace said, giving Simon a thumbs up when he smiled weakly. 
“Okay, I can do this. I got this,” Simon said. Jace barely heard Simon’s quiet ‘come on spiderman’ that he whispered to himself before he was off, climbing the rope. 
Jace watched him intently, and while he was almost positive Simon would stop at most halfway up, Simon just kept going. He continued to grab the rope and hoist himself up, and Jace’s jaw actually dropped when Simon reached the top and rang the bell. 
Izzy and Jace were the only ones able to reach the top in their entire grade. 
Jace cheered for him loudly, pumping his fist in the air.  
“Jace?” Simon shouted from the top. “I don’t think I can’t get down.” 
“One hand after the other, babe, you got this,” Jace replied loudly, watching Simon hesitantly move back down the rope.
A little more than halfway down, Simon panicked and dropped down on the matt below with a soft thud. Jace ran to him immediately, shaking his head fondly. 
“I can’t believe after almost a year of dating you I haven’t learned to stop underestimating you,” Jace said, laughing as he hoisted Simon up, gripping his shoulders. “You did it, man!” 
“I did, didn’t I?” Simon said, blinking a few times before grinning widely. He pushed his glasses up his nose before grabbing Jace’s face and kissing him, grinning into the kiss. 
Jace cupped the back of Simon’s head, kissing him deeper. Simon pulled away after a moment, kissing Jace’s lips again briefly. 
“Thank you,” Simon said, cupping Jace’s face. “For helping me today.” 
“Anytime,” Jace replied, smiling as he pushed Simon’s hair out of his face. “Now you just have to do it in gym class tomorrow.” 
Simon let out a dramatic groan as Jace laughed, pulling him closer and kissing him again. 
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athenagrantt · 7 years
neighbours!jimon au
i think i have a thing for neighbours au lmao ((but this one is based on a true story and how stupid i am 😂)) ((also @softjimon this is the prompt i wanted to send you 👀 but it’s too long for ask))
- jace is not home (he’s visiting his friend or sth) - while jace is gone simon is moving in next door - jace asked alec to watch over his apartment - he was going to ask izzy but then he remembered that one time when he indeed did ask her and she almost sent his best friend clary to the er because she thought she’s a burglar ((which is okay now, that they’re dating)) - so one night, two or three weeks after Simon moved in jace is back ((kind of)) - he is so tired after driving for hours that he left his baggage in the car to pick it up later - when he’s at his doors he sighs and starts searching for keys in his pockets - after maybe fifteen minutes he discovers that the keys are not there ((the only thing in his pocket is an old bobby pin - probably clary’s, and dead phone)) - he looks around hoping that maybe alec is on his way to jace’s apartment ((yes at 1am)) - jace is ready to give up but then he remembers the trick he saw in so many movies so he takes the bobby pin from his pocket and tries to break into his own apartment - meanwhile, simon is getting ready to go out - meliorn and raphael are in town and they demanded simon go to the club with them - when he leaves he sees some blond dude by his neighbour’s doors - at first, he thinks that his neighbour just have a visitor ((he also thinks that alec is his neighbour)) - but then he sees that this dude is doing something with the door and he gets suspicious - he wants to call his neighbour to inform him but he doesn’t have his number since his neighbour is completely avoiding him and doesn’t want to talk to him - so he walks up to the dude and clear his throat - jace jumps, scared, and then turn around - and then simon is something like “what are you doing?” - “ I’m trying to get to my apartment” - “oh really? and you’re always open your doors with a bobby pin, huh?” - “I was visiting a friend for a few weeks and I left my keys there” - “as well as your baggage, right?” - “no my baggage is in my car” - “yeah of course … I’m calling the cops” simon says as he takes out his phone - jace take his phone and then tries to convince simon to believe him - eventually, jace somehow manages to convince simon that he really lives here - and simon asks him if he wants to go with him meet his friends at the bar nearby - beacuse jace really has nothing better to do he says yes and they go meet simon’s friends together *and that’s all i came up with*
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yellow + garrobane (luke x magnus brotp) 💛
idk if this is exactly yellow (bc it’s not that happy), but since the show gave us basically none information about how luke and magnus met, this made me think i could write that!!
One morning, Luke woke up and, even before opening his eyes, he knew he had no idea where he was. He felt light, warm against his skin, and a soft blanket caressing him. That was when he knew he wasn’t at his own place; his sheets weren’t that soft.
He opened his eyes slowly, expecting daylight to hurt, but it didn’t. Apparently, someone had put big curtains against the windows to prevent exactly that from happening. He let himself look around.
The first thought that crossed his mind was that wow, the houseowner was a fucking millionaire. He was at a big loft, laying on a black couch. When he looked at his left, he realized he couldn’t see much but a coffee table and some armchairs, because a big column was right behind them. In front of him were the big covered windows, and before he could inspect some more, he heard a voice saying, “Good morning, Lucian.”
“Luke,” was the first thing that came out of his lips, even before he stopped to care about where he was or who was talking to him. Lucian was everything he’d left behind, every person that had betrayed him, everything he wanted so badly to forget.
“Oh, but Lucian is such a beautiful name,” the person (a man, if he wasn’t mistaken) continued. “How are you feeling?”
He was going to say “fine”, but then he stopped himself. That person wouldn’t just casually ask him if he was okay. He was at their place for a reason he couldn’t remember, they’d wrapped him in a blanket and cared enough to draw the curtains so sunlight wouldn’t bother him. He stared at himself.
There were deep, reddish scars all over his body. He closed his eyes, feeling suddenly sickened. For some reason, they started hurting just now that he was aware of them, and a stinging pain struck his head. His mind came back to that day where Valentine (no, don’t think of him as your parabatai, he reminded himself) had betrayed him and he’d been turned, but no, that’d happened a while ago. That wasn’t, couldn’t be, the reason he was there. “I don’t know,” he decided he’d say. He looked up.
A man was standing next to him. He looked like he’d just gotten out of bed, but he’d still dressed up way too much: a very-expensive-looking blue sleeping gown, his hair was perfectly styled and he’d even applied makeup around his eyes. When he looked at his hands, he discovered he’d painted his nails black.
“You’re Magnus Bane,” he said. He wasn’t sure, actually, but the statement just came out of his mouth sounding like the truest thing he’d ever said.
“I am.”
Silence. Silence just felt as if something terrible was about to happen, and that thought alone made his breath start failing. The man started moving around the loft with ease.
“So you’re just telling me Magnus Bane saved my life or something spectacular like that?” he tried to joke, but his despair showed in his tone no matter what. Jocelyn had told him about Magnus, he’d even seen him in some strange occasions, but they’d never held a conversation before. That and the amount of rumors he’d heard back in Idris, they made Luke feel terrified. That man would never save his life just because, now he’d have to pay. But he didn’t have anything to pay with.
“Well, there’s no need to speak of me in third person now that I’m right in front of you,” the warlock pretended not to notice the terror in his voice, and Luke felt secretly thankful for that. “But I can tell you some shadowhunters —” the disgust in his voice was even palpable—“decided they could come all the way to Brooklyn and try to murder you.”
“For some reason I’m not surprised.”
“Me neither,” was Magnus’s reply as he handed Luke some yellow and gross-looking potion. The repulse might’ve shown up on his face, because the warlock added, “Yes, sadly you have to drink all of that.”
They both smiled.
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wi1helms · 7 years
⭐ + gayndsoft, blushyalec, hail-andfarewell
@gayndsoft​ - first of all i dont follow u which is ?? @ me why ????? bc i love you so much ? and i thought i did follow u !! weird ! anyway you’re the nicest and your writing makes me feel so soft and warm inside and i love you 
@blushyalec​ - more love for u i love you !!
@hail-andfarewell​ - ria !!!! my name twin ! your gifs are so lovely and your colouring is so unique and you are so gorgeous i love you so much !! you’re always so kind to me and i’m so thankful to know you
@alexanderspumpkin​ - ur halloween url always makes me giggle idk i LOVE your halloween aesthetic rn your mobile theme is so gorgeous and you are an absolute treasure and i love having you on my dash
blog compliments !!!!!
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keepthekettleon · 7 years
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now i’m the lone in lonely
The Script - No Good in Goodbye
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erricdraven · 7 years
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my talents include ruining a perfectly good filter by making it bw because the lighting was bad
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lunaslvgoods · 7 years
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A wise man once told me... “Relationships take effort.” 
Happy Birthday Ria (@hail-andfarewell​) I hope you have the most amazing and wonderful day because you deserve everything good in the world 💖
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unending-happiness · 7 years
once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. then you have to send this to ten of your favourite followers 💓
Hi Ria! Sorry it’s taken me 17001 years to answer this. My life is B-A-N-A-N-A-S at the moment. 
1. Wellll….it seems like people think they can share things with me. That’s great. I like that I can help and listen and share this crazy thing we call life with others. 
2. I somehow have the ability to hookwink the most amazing people on the planet into being my friends. Idk how that happens, and I don’t know how I deserve any of them, but I’m so thankful for them every day.
3. I’m ridiculously passionate, to the point of almost obsession when I love something. *Ahem* Malec. It can be a flaw because everything else takes a backseat to it, but there is nothing cooler than feeling 8 billion percent invested in something.
4. I love adventure. Travel? Spontaneous fun? Sign me up! I can’t ever just be still, which also can be very negative, but I’m just going to embrace it and see and do all the things.
5. I’m pretty good on skates. I can dodge kids darting across the floor on a Friday night like it’s my job in life, and also jam skate like a boss (Im being ridiculous rn I know) and that’s not bad for an old lady who has given birth to 4 humans. 
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lesbianfr0gs · 7 years
for @softshumjr - happy belated birthday marta! i hope you had a wonderful day, you’re a wonderful person and a great friend to have (and also the thirstiest harry stan i know) i love you lots! 
Alec had a dilemma.
Compared to most dilemmas that he seemed to have of late, Alec supposed that this one isn’t as life threatening. And yet, in that very moment, lying on the couch with Magnus snuggled into his side, this dilemma seemed to be the most important thing in his life.
Magnus had fallen asleep about an hour ago, and Alec, unable to contain himself, had curled his arms around his boyfriend and pressed a kiss to his hairline. Now, however, Alec was berating himself for being unable to want to cuddle with Magnus.
His arm was numb.
He tried to ignore it, but after a while the numbing spread from the tips of his fingers to the crease of his elbow and was slowly sneaking up towards his shoulder. He could move. If Magnus didn’t look so peaceful and downright adorable while he was asleep. His head was tucked into the crook of Alec’s neck, his warm body against Alec’s, an arm and a leg draped over Alec’s own. He looked at peace for the first time in weeks, and Alec didn’t want to disrupt that just because his arm was losing all feeling.
They had been through a lot, the both of them, and they finally had a moment of peace to themselves, a moment to be able to actually curl up on the sofa together and actually sleep. But the feeling going from his arm was becoming too uncomfortable. He tried to dislodge his arm as carefully as he could as to not wake Magnus, but apparently he was a light sleeper and the small movement caused his eyes to flicker open.
“Alexander, what’s wrong?” Alec inwardly cursed himself as he ran his hand along Magnus’ back.
“Nothing, my arm was just going numb. Go back to sleep babe.” Magnus looked up at Alec, a softness coating over his face as he felt a strong sense of fond for this man.
“Alexander, how long has your arm been numb?”
“Not long.”
“Not long as in just now, or not long as in the past twenty minutes?” Alec avoided Magnus’ gaze, his cheeks burning at the smirk on Magnus’ lips, knowing full well that his boyfriend was taunting him.
“If your arm was numb darling, you should have just moved. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.” Magnus turned in his arms so that he was leaning on his chest.
“I didn’t want to wake you. You looked peaceful, and you haven’t been sleeping much lately. You need your sleep.” The smirk fell from Magnus’ face as he looked in astonishment at his boyfriend. Before Alec could ask what was wrong, Magnus leaned forward and captured his lips in a soft kiss. Alec felt himself melt into the feel of their lips slowly moving together, drowning in the feel of their languid movements.
Magnus pulled back enough to press their foreheads together, Alec’s hands gripping around his waist and a hand carding through Alec’s hair.
“You truly are something else, Alexander Lightwood.” Alec turned them round so they were lying on their sides and the pair got lost in the maps of the others eyes, and eventually got lost in the lull of sleep.
Alec supposed some dilemmas were worth it.
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s0ftmalec · 7 years
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sweaters are great okay
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alecsimon · 7 years
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Days of Dark 
( Magnus/Alec | PG13 | 1/? | 9k+ )
Alec clutches the worn out comic book in his hands, his eyes sweeping over Captain America’s stance on the cover. He still remembers how excited Max had been when he’d gotten it, going on and on about how Captain America helped people, how he just wanted to stop the bullies - how he was a hero.
Staring down at the star on Cap’s shield, Alec pushes away all his anger and grief, focussing on the single most ridiculous idea he’s ever had. He can hear Hodge’s voice, clear as day:
“With great power, comes great responsibility.”
(or, the the amazing spider-man ish au)
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