#hailey & mouse
saragarnier · 5 months
Away from you
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Pairing: jay halstead x reader
Summary: y/n doesn’t know where Jay truly is and she got worried
Warning: angst, slightly smut, cheating,
A/N: i will probably write a part 2, stay tuned!
Next part
You and Jay had been together for three years and everything looked good, at least it was ‘till the end of the march. You didn’t know or understand why he changed his behavior when he was with you, especially since it all happened so quickly and unexpectedly that you just couldn’t understand what happened between you two. From one day, he just started to behave differently, coming home later and telling you that he was just too busy at work, doing some paperwork and getting his things ready for the next shift. He made it looked like he was just trying to impress Voight and for a moment you actually believed him.
You knew how much he wanted to become, one day, sergeant and to be on the lead of his own unit and you just wanted to support him in any ways you could; if he wanted to make a good impression in case of a new sergeant, you wouldn’t have stop him. Actually, it looked like Voight was having some issues lately, from how Jay talked about him after work anyway, and you really trusted him and believed him about his story.
Then, one evening, you decided to go talk with Kim, having some times together and trying to explain to her what you had in mind: Jay’s birthday was closer than you thought and you had to find a good gift for him.
“I need you to help me.” You said to Kim, smiling softly. “Jay’s birthday is in two weeks and i want to surprise him with a two-days holiday. I know that he spends a lot of time at the district doing his paperwork and trying to make a good impression in case of a promotion, but i really need your help. Can you please find a good reason to get him home earlier on Friday’s night?”
Kim was surprised by your statement, not because of the surprise you were preparing for him, but for what you said about him staying at the district till late.
“What do you mean that he spends a lot of time at the district to make a good impression? He always leaves before me, actually he arrives earlier to complete the paperwork he usually leaves at the end of the shift.”
You were confused, you were really confused. What did that mean? If he usually left the district early in the evening, why he came home every night after 11 pm, when you were already sleeping?
“Uhm… he usually doesn’t come home before 11 pm.” You whispered, looking at Kim while your mind raced through all the nights you waited for him to come back home, before falling asleep because of the tiredness of the day at work.
“Y/n, i swear to God that he usually leaves at 7 pm, 8 pm if we’re up to something ‘till late.” Kim said, looking sadly at you, while something you didn’t want to admit passed through her mind.
“But… it doesn’t make sense.” You replied, shaking your head slightly. “What does he do between 7 pm and 11 pm then?”
The girl just shook his head, looking ad you sadly and placing her hand on yours, trying to reassure you in some ways. “Maybe it’s not something you have to worry about, maybe it’s just some stuff he had to do or, maybe, it’s just a bad moment for him. I remember he was like this when he suffered from PTSD.”
You nodded, but it didn’t make sense anyway. You remembered when Jay suffered from PTSD because you were always by his side, you were always there for him and you followed him step after step, trying to help him find his way out of it. It couldn’t be PTSD that time, you would have noticed immediately.
He wasn’t distressed like he was when he suffered from it, he was actually really happy and he was usually calm when he came back home.
It could be PTSD, but what was it then?”
“Sorry Kim, i have to go.” You whispered, looking at your phone and finding out it was just 9:30 pm; you had still plenty of time before he could have been home and you wanted to find out what was happening with your boyfriend, actually with your future husband.
“Don’t worry darling, it’s okay.” Kim whispered, smiling at you. “We’ll see each other soon, okay? Maybe you can come at the district one day and we can talk a little? Also Adam and Kevin missed you, you know. With all the preparations of the wedding, we didn’t see you around in a while.”
“Yeah, when i’m not at work at the hospital, i’m around the city trying some white dresses.” You sighed, wearing your jacket and placing some money on the table, paying for your own drink.
“I can imagine that. Don’t worry, really. I hope to see you again soon.” She smiled softly at you.
“I hope that too. Bye Kim, goodnight.”
You left the bar just ten minutes after and you immediately called the one and only that could have tracked Jay’s phone without a word: Mouse.
When he came back from the army, for the second time, you knew that it would have been difficult for him to start a new life again, especially after the first time. Jay helped him and, after some weeks in which he tried to convince him every single day, Mouse accepted to come back at the intelligence as a tech. It wasn’t an easy decision for him and it was strange at first, but he knew he had no better option and working with his friend was something he missed a lot.
He picked up the phone after the second ring.
“Hi! Look who showed up!” He smiled and laughed. “I was actually asking myself when you would have called me to give me the official invite to your wedding, you know? I would have asked Jay, but he i’m pretty sure is not as much involved in the preparations as you are, so…”
“Mouse, i need your favor.” You told him straight away. “I can’t find Jay and I’m worried. Can you please track his phone and tell where he is? And, can you do that without anyone knowing it?”
It was a strange request, especially since it went from you, but Mouse got it immediately and he started to track Jay’s phone straight away. He was actually scared for his friend, he was scared that Jay got into real trouble, maybe with the ptsd or something liked that, but there was no time for questions. He tracked his phone and he gave her the address after only three minutes.
“Thank you, Mouse. Sorry if i interrupted your evening. I have to go now and, don’t worry, I’ll handle the invite in person, okay?” You said, getting inside the car while looking at the address Mouse gave to you. It could be true, why was he there?
“Don’t worry, no problem at all. I’ll leave you now, i guess you’re busy… just, tell me if anything happened to him, okay?” He replied, making sure that everything was okay, making sure that you would have called him in case of trouble.
“I will, thanks Mouse.”
When he hung up, you started the car and you drove to the location he sent you; why the hell was Jay at his old apartment? Didn’t he sell it?
When you arrived at the location, you parked the car and you got out as soon as you could, going up the stairs and reaching his door just few minutes after. Fortunately, you still knew where he used to hide the key and you went for it, opening the door as silently as you could. The first thing you noticed when you entered was the emptiness of the room: there was nothing there other than some furnishings and still you didn’t understand why Jay was there.
Then, you noticed it.
Then, you noticed them: heels and they weren’t yours.
Your mouth became dry and you stopped breathing properly, trying to find an explanation for what you were seeing. You took some steps forward and your eyes fell on the jeans and t-shirts that were on the floor, all the way up to what it was Jay’s bedroom before he moved out. You took the hallway, starting to hear voices, moans you didn’t want to hear, moans you just wanted to be from your neighbors, even if you knew that they were elderly and it couldn’t have been them. Just at the front of the door, you saw them: panties and Jay’s boxer.
Your brain stopped working, you stopped breathing and your heart almost stopped beating; you just couldn’t understand what was happing, you couldn’t believed it.
You zoned out, like you couldn’t have been there, like you were just in a dream, a bad dream, a really bad one, then you came back to reality when you actually saw and hear them.
“Oh, Jay.” She moaned, begging him. “Please, faster.”
Jay’s partner.
“God, Hails…” Your boyfriend moaned, lowering himself on her to kiss her breast while fucking her. “I… shit… you feel so good around me.”
“Oh, J-Jay!” She moaned louder, unaware of your presence on the frame of the door, where you were watching them, without breathing.
Jay took Hailey’s legs and he put it on his own shoulder, increasing the pace.
“Yes, cum around me, baby. Cum for me, i love you.”
Surprisingly. It wasn’t watching him fucking her that destroyed you: it was his last three words, the same three words he said to you every morning before going to work, the same three words he said to you on the phone when he was to busy at work to come home, even if he was actually heading to his old apartment, when he was able to fuck his partner whenever he wanted to.
You stepped back silently, to broken to face the truth, to heart broken to face him.
You stepped back and you left without saying a word, without make noise; you went back inside your car and only then, when Hailey’s and Jay’s moans were far away from you, you started breathing again.
Tears were streaming down your cheeks from minutes probably, but you couldn’t notice it before and you were to shocked to dry off your tears: you just wanted to add as many distance as you could between you and the man you thought was the love of your life.
You didn’t even went back to your apartment, you couldn’t have handle being again in the house that would have been yours,the house in which you hoped you would have started a family with Jay. You didn’t go back to your apartment to collect all your belongings, you just left.
You left a message to your boss’ office regarding your resignation and you drove away.
Away from Jay.
Away from your apartment.
Away from the life you dreamed of with him.
Away from the love.
Away from the pain.
Away from Chicago.
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etchasketchyart · 1 year
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Felt like making a mouse gamer girl, heeeeeeeeere's Hailey!
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disneytva · 5 months
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After 4 years due COVID-19 and Strikes, Disney Television Animation returned to the classic "Disney TVA Animation Showcase" an exclusive employee only event where Disney Television Animation showcases it's upcoming slate
The showcase includes renewals and NDA shows., the event also showcased a first look to Disney Television Animation's 100th series overall "StuGo" created by Ryan Gillis.
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quinsixtridrupled-k · 6 months
Disney TVA Platform Fighter
Last December, I thought it'd be neat to have a Disney-focused platform fighter especially since Nick had some success with Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2. So I figured... why not a Disney one? For those who don't know, platform fighters are a sub-genre of fighting/party games - the most famous and primarily example being Super Smash Bros.
And so, with that idea, I asked a friend to assist me in aiding with creating a graphic for this hypothetical game's roster, lo and behold:
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Pretty neat, eh? Now you might be asking... why Disney TVA specifically? For one, focusing on the animated tv production side might be more feasible compared to the whole Disney library, that, and it allows some spotlight on very interesting and varied roster choices.
And for another... I just like the animated series side of Disney better. Now, the most important thing to remember is that this encompasses strictly the Disney TV Animation production label only, so any animated series not created under that studio will not be included (more so to keep consistency). I've also elected to choose some more unconventional picks (Yzma, Genie, Bonkers, for example) just to give some variety.
And what's a fighting game without DLC characters, eh? So here are the three waves of it:
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(Wave 1, featuring Stitch, Wasabi, Kick Buttowski and Shego)
I'll admit that Shego's placement as DLC over base roster in favor of Drakken is purely thinking from a marketing standpoint, but it does make sense on the long run. In Stitch's case... I mostly forgot Lilo & Stitch had an animated series while making the base roster lmao.
Wasabi was left out of base roster because of limitations, and I felt Hiro, Go Go, and Fred offer a more balanced variety of size and playstyles but I still didn't want to leave him out, so I figured DLC is his best bet.
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(Wave 2, featuring Mike Wazowski, Marcy Wu, Spinelli and Zurg)
Color me surprised that Monsters At Work is a Disney TVA production - Mike was chosen over Sulley or Tyler as the main rep for that series because he feels like he'd have a lot more interesting potential and material to work off of with his general slapstick and comedy routines.
Figured I'd complete the Calamity Trio with Marcy as DLC - just like Wasabi, she was left out of base roster because of limitations.
I figured people would want a Recess fighter, so I chose Spinelli since she's one of the more popular character and she'd serve as an analog to Helga in the first Nick All-Star Brawl.
Zurg was originally meant to be a boss character only, but I opted to put him as DLC because well... it is Zurg. I feel like you could incorporate a lot of Dr. Doom's MvC moveset on to him and they wouldn't feel out of place lmao.
And finally, they're here for you - they're the third wave of the DLC crew!
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(Wave 3, featuring Oscar Proud, Simba, Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur and Oswald)
This is... definitely the most experimental of the DLC waves. I think I've exhausted a lot of the picks I wanted at the time so I figured we could do with a more different direction.
Oscar is definitely there to ride on the coattails of Hugh Neutron in Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 1 as a funny joke pick. I haven't actually watched The Proud Family so I don't think I would know if there are better picks, but still... I enjoy the wacky picks, they make a fighting game a fighting game.
Simba was gonna be in as far back as Wave 1, but I held off because... I'm not really sure why, but I forgot about him until I was making the third wave, so there he is now!
Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur are definitely there for being the main Marvel series under the Disney TVA label (alongside Big Hero 6, by technicality), and would definitely make an interesting choice considering Devil's size - you'd probably have to shrink him down to a point where he still manages to be big, but not... gargantuan big, which may seem like a disservice to a character who is a large T-Rex but I think you can still make it work (it worked for Ridley in Smash, and Iron Giant in MultiVersus).
Oswald is included by a mere technicality, due to having a small cameo or two in the Paul Rudish Mickey Mouse shorts, and I figured he has a big enough fanbase to warrant an inclusion, so yeah there he is.
And just for fun, we also have a bonus character:
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Powerline! From A Goofy Movie!
Powerline seems like a very out there choice, but I figured you could make a moveset for him entirely out of his theming of electricity! And if you think he'd overlap with Megavolt... then, yeah I guess you are right on that part. But I figure you can differentiate them with how they play (Megavolt being a zoner, Powerline being a rushdown). Note, this doesn't mean he's only available through pre-order, but you'd get him free with it - otherwise you'd have to pay, but he's separate from the DLC characters.
So yeah that covers the playable roster. I understand that there are still a lot of series I didn't rep mostly because of limitations, or I forgot to put them in (Fish Hooks, for one) but I'm only human in how I make these, mistakes do happen so please understand...
I do hope that Disney takes a dabble on this someday, although I'm not sure how keen they are on their characters fighting each other in a silly fighting game. Still, it'd be an interesting thoight, what do you think?
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kitweewoos · 7 months
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not fair (like we hoped)
After his divorce, Jay is having a rough time, and Mouse is there to help him.
Ship: Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz & Jay Halstead, Past Jay Halstead/Hailey Upton, Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz/Jay Halstead
Rating: Teen Audiences & Up
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Words: 2,956
Chapters: 1/1
Additional Tags:
Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
Bisexual Jay Halstead
Coming Out
Late Night Conversations
Can be read platonic or romantic
up to you
[read it now on ao3]
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blogjhm · 7 months
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Happy Valentines Day from all these couples!
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gregorygerwitz · 6 months
Mouse: You're a worse driver than I am! Hailey: I was hydroplaning! And I did a great job! Fuck you!
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dylanrosales25 · 5 months
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inside-district21 · 1 year
[Highschool/Family AU]
Jay: I think I did fairly well on my anatomy quiz! :)
Mouse: I forgot i was doing a test.
Jay: Mouse.
Mouse: I said the vertebrae was the back stick because I thought it was funny……
Hailey: Mouse.
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Love Story
Fandom: One Chicago
Characters: Ellie Halstead, Greg 'Mouse' Gerwitz, Jay Halstead, Will Halstead, Hailey Upton
Summary: Mouse and Ellie's wedding day.
Warnings: None? Fluff, lots of fluff.
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“Is everything ready? Did you check on the guys? Is Mouse even here? He’s not standing me up, is he?”
Hailey grabbed Ellie’s arms and squeezed. “Ellie, take a deep breath with me.”
She exaggerated her breaths until the other blonde had calmed and smiled. “Yes, everything is ready. Maggie is on top of that. I just sent Kim to check on the guys, but I’m sure they’re fine. And no, Mouse is not standing you up. He’d be a dead man, and we all know it. Besides, that man is smitten with you, so you have nothing to worry about.”
“Ellie. Everything is fine. Now you just need to calm down.” Hailey told her.
“Yeah, like that’s going to happen.”
Turning to the door, both women blinked as Jay and Will walked in. Hailey went to scold her husband for his sarcastic remark when she saw their eyes go soft. Knowing they needed a few minutes alone, she excused herself from the room.
“El, you look…wow,” Will told her as he came forward and hugged her gently, tears in his eyes.
She chuckled and fanned her face. “Don’t make me cry. Maggie just wrangled the makeup artist out of here, and we don’t need to pay her to come back and fix any of this.”
“I’m sorry, I just…you look so much like Mom.” He told her, swallowing his tears.
“Do you think so? I’ve seen so many pictures of her on Mom and Pops’ wedding day, but I wasn’t sure….”
“You look beautiful,” Jay told her seriously, kissing the side of her head where her hair was done in an intricate updo.
“Is Mouse here? Is he okay?” Her fears started creeping back in, and Jay stopped her.
“He’s here; he’s ready; he’s fine. He’s actually too fine. He wants into this room so badly, he’s threatened Maggie twice.”
Ellie froze and chuckled. “I’m sure that went over well.”
“Maggie can handle anything.” Will scoffed. “Mouse threatening her was nothing she couldn’t handle.”
“Besides, Hailey’s right…he’d never stand you up. You’re his whole world, Ellie.” Jay nodded. “He’d be lost without you.”
“Not that we didn’t threaten him a little bit, just to be sure.” Will smiled widely as he sat next to the open bottle of champagne. “May I?”
Ellie nodded. “I’m just so…nervous.”
“There’s more, though.” Jay supplied.
She nodded. “I wish Mom and Pop were here. They deserve to be here.”
Jay sighed and grabbed her hand. “And you deserve to have them here. But I’m hoping that in lieu of Pop walking you down the aisle, Will and I can be a good enough substitute.”
Now Ellie scoffed. “Even if Pop were here, you know you’d always be the ones walking me down the aisle. Always.”
Jay turned to hide the tears that entered his eyes. “Hey, Dr. Drunk, why don’t you get over here, and we can take a selfie, huh?”
“No showing Mouse!” Ellie yelled immediately.
Jay raised his hands in surrender. “I promise. He deserves to see this in person.”
She smiled, and he noticed that it lit up the room. Her eyes brightened as Will joined them, rolling his eyes and muttering that he wasn’t drunk. Pulling out his phone, Jay held it in the air as the brother squished in on either side of their sister. Taking the picture quickly, he looked at the final product and sent it to his favorites. He knew it would get printed and hung up in his and Hailey’s apartment somewhere, and honestly, he wanted it that way.
The door opened, and all three Halsteads turned to face Hailey, who smiled at them from the doorway. “You ready? It’s time.”
The music played, and everyone turned to look as the wedding party walked down the aisle. Mouse walked out first, his mother on his arm, followed by the groomsmen and bridesmaids. Finally, Hailey—the maid of honor—walked out alone, as the best man was waiting to walk his sister down the aisle.
“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” Will asked carefully.
“Yeah, we can still steal you away, and no one would ever have to know where you are,” Jay added.
Ellie laughed. “You forget that I’m a celebrity with millions of fans that we’ve hidden this date from so carefully. You could never hide me away forever.”
“We could try….” Jay mumbled.
She kissed his cheek. “You couldn’t do it when I started dating, and you can’t do it now. Besides, I’m ready.”
The music changed, and then they were off. The moment Ellie’s eyes met Mouse’s, all her nerves melted away. Those expressive brown orbs told her everything she needed to know, and from that moment, she knew everything would be okay.
They got to the alter, and Ellie kissed both her brothers’ cheeks as Mouse took her arm. “Hi.”
He chuckled. “Hi.”
Everyone in the church chuckled at them before the minister asked an important question. “Who gives this woman to be lawfully married to this man?”
Both swallowing their tears, Will and Jay responded, “We do.” Then they went to their spots on the alter as groomsmen.
The wedding went by in a blur, and soon enough, it was time for the vows.
“Ellie…words can’t express how lucky I got by having you in my life. I would be lucky enough to have you as a friend, but to be marrying you? There’s nothing more amazing than that. Not many people can handle marrying into the military, especially when they’re as famous as you are. But you’ve handled every challenge, complication, and barrier with a grace and beauty that I am lucky enough to call my own. The best thing that has ever happened to me is that I got put into a regiment with Jay because I would never have met you if it weren’t for that. I know that there will continue to be challenges between your career and mine, but there’s nothing I’m more sure of than the fact that we can handle anything life throws our way. I love you, Elizabeth Halstead. I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together.”
Ellie blinked her tears away and sighed, squeezing his hands. “Throughout my whole life, there have been…rules. Rules made by my parents, made by Jay and Will, made by the industry that I became a part of at such a young age, made by me to protect myself. After a while, I thought, ‘if I just follow the rules, everything’s gonna be fine,’ but then you came along and pushed me off that path, and I quickly realized that things could be better than ‘fine.’ They could be amazing. You did that for me, Greg. You created something in me that was amazing. To quote myself, ‘you fell in love with a careless man’s careful daughter,’ and ever since, you’ve shown me that life could be so much more than I thought it was. I know I am the artist who writes about my love life like it’s going out of style, but I honestly couldn’t imagine my life without you in it. I can’t wait to see where this crazy ride called life takes us. Now to quote myself again, ‘Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand? With every guitar string scar on my hand, I take this beautiful force of a man to be my lover.’”
As everyone laughed at the way she teased and plagiarized herself, they stood, and the minister smiled. “It is my honor to now present to you Mr. and Mrs. Greg Gerwitz and Elizabeth Halstead Gerwitz.”
Laughing as everyone clapped, Mouse pulled her forward quickly, almost knocking her off her feet. Then he caught her in his arms and tipped her back slowly, kissing her gently but with enough force to let her know how excited he was at that moment.
Pulling her back up, Mouse smiled at her. “We did it.”
“Yes, we did.”
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i-spaced-sorry · 2 years
Coffee Shop AU: Chicago PD Edition
My take on what everyone would be in a coffee shop au, this came to me while I was at work training yesterday and I might write something based off of it...maybe
Al: The cool manager who everyones likes! He is a big mentor to everyone. If you need to request a day off or trade shifts he will always approve it and help you find coverage Voight: The scary manager who only select people like. He rarely approves shift changes and will give you the run around until you stop bugging him. Trudy: The tough love manager, she is super sweet and will help you find coverage if you desperately need to change shifts or call off, but only for good reasons. She says she doesn’t care about anyone in the store, but really does.
Employees: Jay: Been with the store since day 1, has had in house relationships before, claims he is never doing it again, but then when Hailey joins he starts pining for her. His brother is always coming in and trying to get Jay’s employee discount for coffee. Erin: Was in a relationship with Jay, but she became a manager and transferred to another store. Since she became a manager she couldn’t date Jay anymore since that was abuse of power, so she ghosted him til he got the hint they couldn’t see each other anymore. She was well liked by all the managers Antonio: The customers favorite barista. Going through a messy divorce but is always happy when at work! He is the training manager for all new hires. Everyone likes him and likes when his kids stop by after school. When his kids graduate middle school, he decides he need to take a step back from the store and spend more time with his kids before they go off to college. Adam: Was transferred from a different store, thinks he is a little better than everybody because his training was a rushed 4 days rather than the 2 weeks it normally is with new hires. He is a great barista when he applies himself and always is trying to jump in either female customers pants or female employees pants. But he is really avoiding his feelings for his co-worker Kim. Kevin: Got the job so he can help put food on the table for his siblings. Is desperately taking every opportunity to get hours, so everyone knows if you need to trade shifts or give up shifts, ask Kevin! He is working his way up the ranks fast and really wants to become a manager, since they make more than baristas.   Kim: Loves everything that encompasses being a barista. Is friendly to everyone (customer, employees, managers). She really wants to prove herself so she offers to work hours other people don’t want (the 5am shift or even holiday shifts). She won’t admit it because she knows it’s frowned upon to date co-workers, but she really likes Adam and kind of hopes he doesn’t become a manager or anything so they can date. Mouse: Got referred to the store by Jay. Was in rehab and this is part of his outpatient program. Is well liked but is very shy and only really opens up when he is around Jay. Left the store after a year to be able to go back to school and finish his degree he never got to finish because of rehab. Hailey: This is her third transferred from a store but requested to do the whole 2 weeks of training, cause she knows from personal experience what it looks like when you don’t and what people may assume. She is best friends with all of her co-workers, but keeps finding herself scheduled with Jay (which she admits she doesn’t mind)  Dante: New to the store, wants to be well liked, so he is just keeping his head down and doing his job to prove he is a good fit for the store! Is shy but super insightful when you ask him something.
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etchasketchyart · 1 year
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What if you combined a hoodie with a maid uniform? Hailey provides the answers
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disneytva · 7 months
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April 2024 Programming Highlights
Big City Greens
Internetted ; Guiding Gregly 4/6
Family Tree ; Unguarded 4/13
Concrete Jungle ; Starter Pack 4/20
Dollar Sense ; True Cawing 4/27
Hailey's On It!
The Saw-shank Redemption ; No More Mr. Rice Guy 4/6
When Squeeples Attack ; Cool Intentions 4/13
Out of Body Slam Experience ; Get Whale Soon 4/20
How Kristine Goat Her Groove Back ; Oceanside's 11 4/27
Kiff's Animal Kingdom 4/6
Jumbo Rat ; New Friend Fiasco SEASON PREMIERE 4/5
Dancing Piggy ; Super Helpers 4/12
Museum Mayhem ; Big Dig 4/19
Copy Hats ; Telescope Trouble 4/26
Pup Princess ; Trash Truck Pups 4/5
Alice's Wonderland Bakery
Alice's Wonderful Baking School ; Ze Cookie Pizza 4/1
Captain Dodo's Snack Shack ; A Piece of Cake 4/8
Clever Clover ; Alice Comes To Her Senses 4/15
Mickey Mouse Funhouse
Saving Major Green! ; Minnie Safari 4/12
Fun-A-Palooza! ; Missing Buttons and Bows 4/26
Spidey And His Amazing Friends
Saving Major Green! ; Minnie Safari 4/12
Fun-A-Palooza! ; Missing Buttons and Bows 4/26
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rock-a-noodle · 2 years
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Month old doodles from class.
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kitweewoos · 2 years
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The Joy of Discovery
Cozy Trio + Social Media + Photographer/Model/Nature Guide (Part One)
Jay + Model
Hailey + Photographer
Mouse + Nature Guide/Photographer for National Geographic
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blogjhm · 6 months
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These would be the only Disney animated characters I would invite to a special party.
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