#hair fall causes
manipalhospital1 · 4 months
Hair Fall Prevention and Treatment: Best Tips for You!
Losing a few hair strands is often normal, but don't ignore excessive hairfall. If you're seeing more hair strands than usual falling out, it's important to take action now and address the issue to prevent further damage. 
Hair fall can be highly concerning. Your scalp or body may experience hair loss due to various factors like hormonal changes, diseases, heredity, or ageing. This situation is more common in men. In older adults, the main cause of baldness is hereditary hair loss.
Let's find out How to Stop Hairfall in detail through this blog. 
 Hair Fall and Its Causes
 How to Prevent Excessive Hair Fall?
 Treatments for Hair Fall
Hair Fall and Its Causes   
The medical term for hair loss is Alopecia. It happens due to a disruption in the body's normal hair growth cycle. Hair loss can be temporary or permanent. Men are significantly more prone to experiencing hair loss. It is estimated that 85% of men and around 55% of women encounter hair loss during their lifetime. 
Women from the age of 40 experience extreme hair loss due to hereditary causes. Menopausal hair loss may occur among women between the ages of 45 and 55. 
Below are the most common causes of hair fall:
Ageing, heredity, and changes in testosterone levels – all can contribute to hair loss. 
Hair follicles might become loose due to psychological stress or emotional or physical trauma. 
Medications for treatments like chemotherapy for cancer. However, in such cases, the hair grows back.
High fever, infections, 
When the body's immune system targets hair follicles, it can also lead to hair loss. This type of hair loss is called Alopecia areata.
Tight hairstyles can also damage hair roots and cause hair loss such as tight ponytails, braids, cornrows, etc. This type of hair loss is called Traction alopecia.
Understanding these causes helps dermatologists plan your treatment accordingly. Consider consulting a hair specialist Bangalore for the best possible treatment.
How to Prevent Excessive Hair Fall?
There are certain preventive measures that you can take to prevent hair fall.
What to Do? 
Use gentle shampoos, moisturising conditioners, leave-in conditioners, and microfibre towels. This helps in damage prevention.  
Brush your hair gently. 
Use your blow-dryer in the lowest heat setting. 
Eat a healthy diet. Include more iron, protein, and vitamins or minerals. 
Natural remedies such as Aloe vera, Coconut oil, and Rosemary oil can help prevent hair fall and promote new hair growth.
What Not to Do?
Avoid pulled-up hairstyles, as this can cause traction alopecia. 
Avoid twisting or pulling on your hair. 
Avoid hot oil treatments, at-home colouring, chemical straightening, and relaxing. 
Limit the usage of curling or flat irons and hot combs.
Incorporate these measures into your daily routine to notice the differences in a given time
Treatments for Hair Fall
Some of the most effective hair fall treatments include the following
Medications that can help stop hair loss such as minoxidil and finasteride.
Hair Transplant is also a possibility. This is a surgical process wherein your dermatologist takes hair follicles out of your body and implants them into the bald patches on the scalp.
Laser therapy can help increase blood flow in particular regions, which encourages the development of new hair follicles from inactive follicles. Microneedling is another treatment option to regrow hair in selected bald areas.  
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections in the bald patches of the scalp help in new hair growth.
Hair loss requires attention just like any other ailment. The sooner you address it, the better your chances of preventing excessive hair damage and promoting healthy hair growth. 
Visit us for the best hair fall treatment.
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trendingarticles · 11 months
Understand the Correlation between Stress, Trauma, and Hair Loss: The Root Cause
Hey! Today, we’re going to dive into a topic that might sound a bit grown-up, but it’s important to understand. We’re going to talk about hair loss and how stress and trauma can play a role in making our hair bid us farewell! So, grab your thinking caps, and let’s explore this intriguing and somewhat concerning connection! Explanation of the Topic: How Stress and Trauma Cause Hair Loss? You…
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homeherbalremedy · 1 year
Benefits of Coconut Water for Hair
Today I am going to give you information about Benefits of Coconut Water for Hair, friends, coconut water provides various benefits for hair health, so let's know.
Hydration: Coconut water is a natural hydration source that helps support healthy, nourished hair. Nourishment: It is abundant in nutrients, including potassium, calcium, and magnesium, which can strengthen and promote hair development. Scalp Care: Coconut water helps promote a healthy environment for hair growth by calming and nourishing the scalp. Dandruff relief: Dandruff and other scalp disorders can be treated with its antifungal and antibacterial characteristics. Frizz control: Coconut water can make hair shine and reduce frizz. Damage Repair: Cysteine, an amino acid found in coconut water, can help repair damaged hair and lessen breakage. Protein Boost: Additionally, it has proteins that can fortify hair and enhance its general health. Read More
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stuckinapril · 3 months
It really is so true that you never know what someone’s going through behind closed doors. I’ve made being gentle and kind my default bc I’ve had super put together friends disclose the most harrowing time of their lives to me and it’s like oh?? You were going through that???? I would’ve never guessed
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bamsara · 3 months
why are people randomly telling me to cut my hair
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hyunpic · 1 month
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pricknim · 4 months
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My take on a human Rarity in a college au type of setting
-> is studying medicine because her parents want her to become a doctor
-> is interested in the biology part of her major at least (to her own surprise she's really into geology)
-> chose her current uni just to get away from home ; she's only keeping in contact regularly with her sister; only calls parents once a week
-> is really into fashion, would like to pursue it, despite her parent's wishes (she just needs a push)
-> bi
-> died her hair after moving out; got her piercings in high school, but hid them from her parents
-> is rooming with Rainbow Dash in the dorms ; asks her a lot to model for her ; they get along surprisingly well (after a few months)
-> met Fluttershy first, she patched up her bag that got ripped prior somehow
-> got introduced to Applejack through Fluttershy, she often patches up clothes and makes stuff to her and her family, so AJ is more than happy to supply her with materials when needed
-> met Twilight and Sci-Twi in their shared classes (could tell them apart right away) ; they introduced her to Sunset Shimmers
-> met Pinkie through Rainbow; through Pinkie she became good friends with Maud and Starlight
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thesapphiredragon13 · 6 months
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Heya! Sorry it’s late (as usual) but here it is! My piece for BillDip Secret Santa for @pchelaus .. hope you like my take on “Cosmic horror beyond our comprehension Bill taking a liking to flattered but confused Dipper.” !
I had a lot of fun with what features to add to give the whole ‘cosmic horror’ feel but you can never go wrong with some star speckled tentacles and extra sets of eyes lol.
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caycanteven · 9 months
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🍂🍂 It's their favorite season 🍂🍂
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jujutsustraycats · 2 months
Head empty, only thoughts about how pretty his eyes are
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Stay loyal to Nagi, stay loyal to Nagi, stay loyal to Nagi–
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p4nishers · 11 months
random hc but. crowley being a plague doctor in the 16th/17th century bc he's supposedly "tempting people into death" but he can never, ever bring himself to actually do that so he ends up soothing their pain as best as he can and comforting them in their last moments. one night, after he held a little girl's hand as she passed away, he sits down at the banks of the river thames, with his plague mask discarded on the dirt, and he starts out over the water with tears in his eyes, wondering what the fuck is actually the point? it's not the first time he's asked himself the question nor the first plague he witnessed but, here, now after personally witnessing hundreds of deaths every day, he really wonders what actually is the point of him? why does he exist and why should he keep existing. why does he get to live when so many others don't? how is that fair? how is any of it fair? that's how aziraphale finds him, as he just got back from an assignment somewhere or other and hears crowley is in town, so he discreetly looks for him and finds him there, sitting in the dirt, now with his head in his hands, his shoulders silently shaking and is obviously immediately worried but doesn't know how to comfort him or what's allowed so he just sits beside crowley and watches him try to pull himself together. aziraphale's heart breaks, he put what happened together from the mask and the robes and he obviously knows about the bubonic plague but was convinced it was hell's doing and couldn't have even imagined crowley was out there everyday, helping people under the guise of hurting them. is he surprised? no, of course not but it still hurts to see crowley like this. but he's afraid to cross their unspoken rules so he quietly waits crowley out. he watches the water and doesn't dare look at crowley as he lifts his head and takes a few shaky breaths in. after a few minutes of breathing, crowley croaks out "her name was mary" and nothing else, and aziraphale understands, god he understands. it's one of the things they never speak about after it happens but aziraphale can't forget the night he sat with crowley for hours, till the sun came up, as he cried about a death of one little girl. he holds it close to his chest and never, ever forgets.
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shih-coulda-had-it · 9 days
For the 987 ageswap au. I can totally see old man quirkless Izuku be completely unfazed by Sorahiko's fury, while of course, Toshinori is actually intimidated by the high schooler. I can also see Old Man Bakugo and Sorahiko get along like a house on fire. But I can also all three of the next gens be confused by Old Man Bakugo and Old Man Izuku's friendly rivalry that still sounds utterly nuclear to anyone outside it.
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oh man... yeah, okay, for both Toshinori and Nana, they're baffled by Izuku's cutesy nickname for Bakugou and him being unbothered by the outbursts. Sorahiko... I don't think he'd GET ALONG with Old Man Bakugou (tbh, I think Bakugou, being slightly bitter about Toshinori only seeming to have fair weather friends, is suspicious about this ride-or-die kid attached to The Granddaughter), but I do think he'd find Old Man Bakugou funny
(baku-jiji = old man bakugou (derogatory), midoriya-jiisan = old man midoriya (respectful))
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trendingarticles · 11 months
Hair Loss and Hormonal Fluctuations due to Pregnancy, Menopause, PCOS
Hair loss is a common problem that affects people both physically and emotionally. By studying how hair follicles interact with hormonal changes, we can learn more about this issue and find ways to help. Through careful research, we aim to contribute to the understanding and treatment of hair loss. Brief Explanation of Hair Loss and Its Causes Hair loss, scientifically known as alopecia, is a…
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imthursdaysyme · 9 months
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Stobin and their fall haircuts
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knightbird · 1 month
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first this was a sketch to make fun of stevens pose but then i was dazzled and enraptured by metagross' shiny carapace and the alluring pokemon center carpets
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hyperfocusthusly · 3 days
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Listening to Heaven, Iowa on repeat and thinking about them
Something about I closed my eyes inside of your darkness and found your glow, something about scar crossed lovers
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