#hairy dragonfly
eyed-hawkmoth · 9 days
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female hairy hawker (brachytron pratense)
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dansnaturepictures · 1 year
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The fourth post in my 2022 wildlife and photography highlights posts: Ten of my favourite dragonfly and damselfly moments and themes this year
Broad-bodied Chasers of Bentley Wood
I saw this species well at this key site for them this year a dragonfly I love, I took the first picture in this photoset of one.
A blog at the time: https://dansnaturepictures.tumblr.com/post/683624698018398208/7522-bentley-wood-before-leaving-today-i-enjoyed
My first ever Hairy Dragonfly at Fishlake Meadows in spring
It was nice to finally see one of these, a key moment of my dragonfly and damselfly year.
Blog on the day: https://dansnaturepictures.tumblr.com/post/684985624455938048/22nd-may-2022-blog-2-of-2-fishlake-meadows-me-and
A fantastic year of seeing Emperors with similarly grand Golden-ringed Dragonfly seen too
I saw so many Emperors and so well this year, what a pleasure and the Golden-ringed Dragonfly the dragonfly that got me into them was an important moment too.
A blog at the time: https://dansnaturepictures.tumblr.com/post/686526837858418688/08062022-moon-this-evening-view-out-the-back
Common Darter and Black-tailed Skimmer at Lakeside Country as we went into summer
Very thrilling late spring/summer moments with wonderful dragonflies to see so close to home. I took the second picture in this photoset of the darter and third of the skimmer.
A blog at the time: https://dansnaturepictures.tumblr.com/post/686615539259441152/090622-insects-birds-and-more-at-lakeside-and
One of my greatest dragonfly days of the year at Knepp in July with Scarce Chaser and Southern Hawker seen my first of the year the chaser only my second ever
Broad-bodied Chaser and Black-tailed Skimmers were ones I saw on this massive day of my year too. I took the fourth picture in this photoset of a Southern Hawker at Brownsea Island later in the year.
Blog on the day: https://dansnaturepictures.tumblr.com/post/688705790489542656/2722-knepp-blog-1-of-2-landscape-butterflies
Brilliant summer days of seeing Brown Hawker some of my best views ever and Ruddy Darter at Rutland Water where I took the fifth picture in this set of a Brown Hawker and Hickling Broad in Norfolk where I took the sixth picture in this set of a Ruddy Darter on our August weekend away for the Global Bird Fair.
Blog at the time: https://dansnaturepictures.tumblr.com/post/690136291495526400/15072022-part-2-of-2-hickling-broad-we-then
Migrant Hawkers at Lakeside and seeing them at other places a lot too
A moment I anticipated sparking a run of seeing this stunning dragonfly which was a key foundation to another great dragonfly and damselfly year for me. The run extended to other places in September. I took the seventh picture in this photoset of one at RSPB Radipole Lake.
Blog at the time: https://dansnaturepictures.tumblr.com/post/692051841113047040/08082022-lakeside-and-home-swift-crows
Azure Damselfly at Lakeside
In some brushing up of my ID knowledge between them and Common Blue Damselfly this year I realized one exciting one I’d seen at Lakeside in May and other sightings across the years were azure, so I was thrilled to see and reconnect to this species this year. I took the eighth picture in this photoset of it.
Blog at the time (edited after I’d realised this was an Azure Damselfly): https://dansnaturepictures.tumblr.com/post/683532297998352384/06052022-lakeside-and-home-i-really-enjoyed
Late summer and autumn hawkers and darters
A lovely run seeing the Migrant Hawkers and Southern Hawkers and also Common Darters as the season went on especially at Lakeside but elsewhere too. I took the ninth picture in this photoset of a Common Darter at Stour Valley Nature Reserve in September.
A blog at the time: https://dansnaturepictures.tumblr.com/post/696121205591244800/22092022-lakeside-and-home-grey-wagtails
Four-spotted Chaser and Blue-tailed Damselfly at Thursley Common in May
I often ticked a pair of species for my year list on days in the beginnings of my dragon and damselfly year and these are species I love that I saw for the first time of the year that special day at a special place for these insects. I got the tenth picture in this photoset of the damselfly. I saw Large Red Damselflies memorably that day too.
The blog of the day: https://dansnaturepictures.tumblr.com/post/684261817237815296/140522-thursley-we-came-to-thursley-in-surrey
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sugarysketches · 2 years
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.:Originally started September 2nd, 2022; Completed September 16th, 2022:.
Orville Qadir! Excentric scientist type; prone to tunnel vision and WILL start telling you all about bugs if given the chance. They’re specifically a Hairy Dragonfly heehoo.
[character uses they/them pronouns]
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coffeenuts · 1 month
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thewonderousjaysky · 8 months
And day 4, done
The real test is gonna be if I can keep this up once the weekend hits lol
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Kasai is.... one of my oldest OCS and has therefore gone through the most redesigns. She was originally a very very edgy maximum ride oc that was also me just being a baby weeb. Pretty half-Japanese cat girl but a wolf with dragonfly wings and shadow and fire powers. Oh, and a tragic tortured backstory, of course
She's a wolf based fae now, and I leaned a lot more into the inhuman aspects of her more here. Still kept that warm color pallet from her fire inspiration. I like her a lot better now, previous redesigns felt kinda flat so Im pleased with this actually!
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dckina · 28 days
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A small friend in our planet.
I guess it will be a beautiful butterfly!
Lens used: DCKina Macro
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mirasmata · 1 month
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Pink Bug
Ah, the hotdog plants are in season. First in a series of monochromatic drawings of Mirasmata I did mostly to practice speed and backgrounds. Some went speedy and some didn't. They're not in any particular order than the one I drew them. This one took 2 hours 20 minutes, very speedy for me!
Posted using PostyBirb
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snakeguy999 · 2 days
Heyo! I saw your post about bugs!
I think the Batter can be a dragonfly or a mantis since they're both deadly predators in the bug kingdom. I'd think the praying mantis can also work with the 'sacred'/religious aspect of the Batter.
For Enoch, I'd either see him as a mole cricket, a big and strong insect which sings and digs galleries (I'd compare that to Enoch appearing nice and establishing the Zone 3).
Or if we go outside of the insect clade I believe a big tarantula can also fit him. He 'traps' his Elsens in his web for creating sugar and tarantulas are big animals that are in fact fragile (//Enoch not having a lot of stamina)
Hope it could inspire you c:
I really do like the idea of a mantis Batter, both for its religious associations as you said, but also for its cruel hunting style; at once ensnaring its prey, only to devour it alive. It reminds me of the way the Batter seeks and kills spectres, eating their flesh right after or that of their fallen brethren in the moment of the battle. It also translates well into the Batter’s sleek, sportsman form, which is much appreciated. Overall, great idea. I love Baseball mantis…
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Enoch, hm. While I do see what you’re aiming at, the mole cricket is such a silly looking animal with it big ol’ eyes, I cannot see that cold indifference and cruelty in a humble gryllotalpidae’s eyes. Very interesting suggestion however! Perhaps in the future I will attempt once more to turn Enoch into a mole cricket…
A tarantula however! Oooh!
What a beautifully apt comparison you have made between webs and his empire of sugar! However, a tarantula might not be the best spider in this case; it is more inclined to burrowing, rather than trapping its prey in intricate webs of pristine white silk, akin to a certain granular powder… hmm, the idea of a spider Enoch is one I will definitely explore further. Sticking to tarantulas, I found great enjoyment in representing Enoch through their form; their thicker legs by proportion and big hairy body remind me of him. *dreamy sigh* A worthy beast for such a man.
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+a little batter as a treat(for Enoch)
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infinite-orangepeel · 8 months
“get too close to your muse & you, the artist, will lose all ability to decipher one shade from the next on your palette. keep your distance…”
fall quarter begins at the curly roots of eddie munson’s ineffable head, runs its’ labyrinthian course through passageways of blue veins & black ink, & ends at a set of hairy crimson painted toes.
steve finds himself squandering every waking moment of his lifeblood & attention somewhere, egregiously, in the middle.
“say you’re drawing a bed of flowers,” his professor lectured a few weeks back, “what happens if you put your nose in the middle of those flowers & try to recreate the details on your canvas? you come up with color and shape, sure, but it’s blurry—isn’t it? it’s a big blobby blur of nothing. that’s not very good life drawing, i’m afraid.”
flash forward to the present—
the bed is firm but comfortable. reminding you of its’ presence.
it doesn’t encourage daydreaming &, yet, steve is ignoring the better advice of his mentor & pressing his curious nose directly into the bud of an all too striking flower.
he knows the intimate contact could kill the rose, is aware of the thorns lining the stem, but he can’t stay away.
he’s struck by fear and temptation and self-loathing and a beauty that stings like a slap across the face.
eddie’s his roommate, his friend, his muse for the most important project of steve’s career as an art student.
& getting too close is lethal, so he creates a sort of optical illusion.
designs an environment in which he can pretend they are star-crossed lovers in a broken world that won’t let them be together. in which touch is a small death each and every time.
steve flits to eddie like a dragonfly to water—
never touching.
never spending too much time in his orbit before making up an excuse to leave & jerk off to the smell of old cigarettes in the bathroom.
everything he really wants to say sits in the back of his throat like a painful, malignant lump & gets spat out onto his sketchbook in a tragically romantic exorcism.
doing the dishes next to him is enough to drive him insane.
drawing him, butt-naked, is another story.
“is it supposed to be so….erotic?”
eddie arches an eyebrow as steve traces the outline of his cock into his sketchbook.
“it’s not that erotic,” steve says, blushing into his charcoals, “besides no one will know it’s you. it’s art.”
art is supposed to be weird & naked. now, hold still, & let me draw you.”
it’s definitely erotic.
there are roses—de-thorned, for safety—shrouding eddie’s dick & leaving a trail of pink petals across his pale thighs.
eddie’s hand is draped over his head; exuding a certain brattiness, lust, boredom—
as if he’s lying there because he wants someone, like steve, to stumble upon him & use his body the way it so clearly needs to be.
his lips are parted on the precipice of whispering some filthy secret into steve’s ear while milking him like a simple farm girl with nothing better to do.
he can’t be this close to eddie without losing his mind.
fuck. fuck. fuck.
it’s just a body. just limbs and a huge cock and—
eddie’s quiet for a little while which is rare for him, before he pipes up again.
“what if we painted the flowers together?”
steve wipes the sweat from his brow, drops his pencil, and looks up at eddie across the mattress. working overtime to avoid staring at the erection sticking out amongst the bouquet of roses.
“the piece isn’t supposed to be very colorful. i’m going for muted tones. that’s why i picked the pale pinks and whites.”
eddie giggles a little and, it’s so cute, steve has to pinch his own thigh through his shorts just to maintain composure.
“i don’t think you’re understanding—the colors wouldn’t change much. except for some more white, if you catch my drift,” eddie pumps his hand over his cock several times and mimes cumming stop the petals, “might look cool. might get you extra points with that asshole professor of yours. you’ve said he likes ‘shock value.’”
“i—i guess you’re right. that’s a pretty….different and unique….um….idea. yeah.”
it’s like this that steve strips naked and clambers as close to eddie as he can possibly get without laying a finger on him. adhering to the rules—keeping a particular distance between artist & muse.
they lay side by side. sunlight streaming in through the blinds & bathing eddie’s spindly fingers in gold as he touches himself.
“harrington, don’t act like you haven’t been dreaming about this since day one,” eddie snarks, “i’ve seen the way you look at me, sweetheart. your eyes are gonna burn holes in my ass if you’re not careful. touch that pretty cock of yours, lemme see you.”
before steve can do anything about it or change his mind, he’s got a fist wrapped around his own cock and the other hand pinching his nipples. left and right, back and forth, dragging his nails through the hair sprouting around them.
“didn’t think you thought about me like that,” steve whines, watching as eddie edges himself methodically—
moving faster, slower, squeezing at the base, thumbing over the slit, cupping his balls, slapping the insides of his own thighs until they match the pink petals.
“i like a little pain,” he comments when he catches steve’s wide eyes, “and i’ve always was hallucinating the first time i walked into this room and saw you on the bed—thought i was going into the light and seeing an angel.”
“you’re so full of it.”
“i’d like to be full of you,” eddie breathes against steve’s neck, not allowing his lips to pass the barrier, “but i don’t know if you can handle me, big boy. you’re blushing like a nervous little schoolgirl.”
“am not—”
“are too, &, you’re about to cum just listening to my voice. it’s so crystal clear. look at you—fucking yourself so stupid.”
eddie looks so beautiful.
laying there like a forsaken god locked out of heaven.
steve’s been so good about keeping his hands to himself, about keeping his nose out of the flowers, but desire and temptation are stronger than any amount of remaining willpower he has.
he grabs eddie’s shoulder with his freehand & kisses him until they’re both seeing stars.
celestial explosions of pleasure & truth & this thing that’s been growing violently between them since the moment they first met.
“i’m cumming. i’m gonna—fuck steve, it’s gonna be on the flowers—i hope that’s okay—”
they cum in tandem over petals of pink and white and thornless stems.
steve gets an A+.
taglist (message me to be added or removed at any time <3): @estrellami-1 @disastardly @ilovecupcakesandtea @the-redthread @asbealthgn @bestofbucky @vampireinthesun @carlyv @shrimply-a-menace @lordrrascal @malachitedevil @anxiouseds @gay-little-bitch @jhrc666 @pinkdaisies1998 @perseus-notjackson @eiddets @corroded-coffin-groupie @three-possums-playing-human @stevesbipanic @plutoshelm @arkenstoned @indiearr @they-reap-what-we-sow @gleek4twd @bunnyweasley23 @livingoutload @a-little-unsteddie @novelnovella @neverlandwaitingforme @swiss-cheeze
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Four-Spotted Skimmer - Libellula quadrimaculata
Genuinely, I didn't even know insect existed until finding it perched in the backyard. It has a wide geographic range, having been discovered in Eurasia as well as North America. Within its European range, this specie is also known as the Four-Spotted Chaser, likely for its pursuit of airborne prey or its chasing of other active Dragonflies. Perhaps this is attributed to how it finds mates or (in the case of males) drives competing males out of its aquatic territory. Examining this individual reveals that she is a female and doesn't partake in territorial chasing. Like in all Dragonfly examinations, look to the abdominal claspers. The claspers of this beauty are straight on the outside (they can also fold inward in a triangle shape, male claspers curve outward) and she lacks an anal appendage on the abdomen's underside. If you can get a good look while an Odonate is perched, it's a big help, especially for this specie since the male and female of this specie appear very similar! Even down to the yellow abdominal lines and the titular four spots that rest in the middle of each wing. Naturally, the stigma at the terminal end of each wing isn't counted as a "spot". Besides, another insect is already commonly known as the "Eight-Spotted Skimmer", that being L. forensis.
There have been many Dragonfly showcases throughout the years, but this is the first one I've found in Ontario with a primary color of yellow. In the past, other species are decorated with yellow stripes, markings and wing spots, but today's specie is mostly yellow-brown across its body. How summery! This specie also seems rather hairy compared to similar Odonates, but in actuality all Dragonflies have hairs on their body. Some hairs are simply more prominent than others, but they all contribute environmental, sensory and flight adjustment information. And of course, the leg spines are used to restrain airborne prey after it has been seized. For other prominent features, the yellow lines running beside the abdomen are somewhat of a commonality across Ontario's Libellula Skimmers. Case in point, those stripes can also be found on the female Widow Skimmers (L. luctuosa) and the Twelve-Spotted Skimmers (L. pulchella). With regards to the latter, 1 of them isn't necessarily equivalent to 3 Four-Spotted Skimmers. They are both of similar size and body, so the Four-Spotted Skimmer is absolutely a solid spring-summer hunter.
Pictures were taken on May 24, 2024 with a Google Pixel 4.
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ghul-wein · 2 years
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Team cleric momence :’]
Hate how we missed a reunion between these 2,,
[Image Description: A Digital drawing Jester Lavorre and Caduceus Clay from Critical Role. Jester is a tiefling with blue skin and kinky, dark blue hair; she is fat and her feet are paws w/ claws at the end of them. Her skin is dotted in freckles, her arms are hairy, and a white, glowing tattoo stretches across her shoulders and collar bone. She is wearing brown leather armor over top a simple linen dress and dark blue skirt. The ends of the fabric of the dress have a pink gradient with a flower pattern in darker pink. She is smiling wide up at Caduceus, who she is holding. Caduceus is a pale grey firbolg with light pink shoulder length hair with streaks of grey peppered in. He is fairly thin compared to Jester. He is smiling slightly though his teeth are big. His eyes are closed though he looks happy, maybe caught by surprise. He is wearing a simple linen tunic and forest green trousers. Silk with a dragonfly wing pattern is draped over top the shirt. Over his arms and feet there are pale green braces/athletic tape. There’s a little bow at the end of his tail, and both of their tails are sorta mid movement.]
Edit: fixed the background & brightened up the shading :-3tbh it was sorta rushed. Before
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dansnaturepictures · 4 months
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Fishlake Meadows, Romsey: A special place
This nature reserve is equally as uplifting to visit in the spring and summer months when exotic Hobbies dash through the sky and colossal Stag Beetles roam the canal side path as it is in winter when Gadwall, Pintail, Pochard and Teal immerse me in a world of waterfowl.
A magnificent raptor is a star attraction to this reserve in spring and summer, Ospreys (particularly one) standing like grand statues and offering breathtaking moments of natural wonder when they fish. Many raptors adorn the skies here, Marsh Harrier in its prime habitat, ravishing Red Kite, Buzzard and Kestrel. Sparrowhawk also a key species in this oasis of wild in an urban area and a non-bird of prey evolutionary lookalike is a mesmerising sight and sound here on spring days, the Cuckoo. Its similarly in appearance to the predatory Sparrowhawk able to fool the adults of its host species into leaving their nest so it can insert its imposter egg. Other key waterbirds to see here include bight Egyptian Geese and Greylags, Great Crested Grebe, Common Gull, Snipe and dazzling Water Rail always a species to cherish seeing. Another of the main stars of this reserve is an elegant giant which is gripping the south of the country now, Great White Egret. Purple Heron and Glossy Ibis are two rarities I was lucky to see here. I was ecstatic to see a Kingfisher catch a fish along the canal when reaching the reserve as was I when I was so fortunate to see a splendid Cetti’s Warbler after being surrounded by their bright and cherry calls evocative of a reedbed paradise. Sedge and Garden Warbler other amazing warblers I’ve seen here. Other passerines it’s a treat to see here include Wren, Bullfinch, Blackcap, Treecreeper, captivating Nuthatch, vibrant Stonechat and Reed Bunting. A Roe Deer a delight to see.
It's an insect haven too with Hairy Dragonfly one of the first spring dragonflies to see and the gem of Banded Demoiselle another key species with Migrant Hawker enjoyed here too. Speckled Wood and Green-veined White fly the flag for beautiful butterflies and Brimstone moth and Grey Birch are among sensational moths I’ve seen here. Drinker moth caterpillar and vigorous ruby Cardinal beetle are other key insects I’ve seen here. Nursery web spider was another of nature’s fascinating little stars which has thrilled me here. Onto plants and there is an array of colour here throughout the seasons created by stunning species such as wood avens, comfrey, meadowsweet, cuckooflower, forget-me-not, hemp agrimony, bird vetch, yellow iris, water lily, hogweed, traveller’s joy and marsh marigold. A sight of intricate and alluring turkey tail fungi clinging to a stump beside the canal at one time lit up by the glorious winter sun was wonderful.
This brilliant nature reserve with its distinctive dead trees and thriving reedbed, wetland, canal and woodland habitat is a star of a reserve that has risen over the past few years and an exciting vision of how to use land for nature and let a landscape be transformed. A lesson of hope, a place I always come back from inspired.
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makairodonx · 10 months
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My 9th entry fo Jurassic July 2023: Sordes pliosus, the small "hairy devil" pterosaur, pursues a dragonfly 155 million years ago in the Late Jurassic of what is now the Karabastau Svita of Kazhakstan.
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rodrigobera04 · 2 months
Third round, this time with dragon type.
Here it is:
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Small dragons lined up, forming a larger dragon,like wishwash does.
Dragon playing hide and seek, blending in with the landscape.
Kaiju turtle with a draconic skull for its shell.
Imp with huge ears like wings, drinks the blood of other dragons.
Draconic two-headed dog, used as security.
Beast with a long neck that goes around its body.
Tarasque with armored hull articulated like an armadillo.
Robust underground dragon with echolocation, with a bat-like face.
Feathered wyvern followed by her eggshell-helmeted chicks.
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Cactus lizard, carrying a cactus full of water on its back like a hump.
Nocturnal creature with an intimidating bat-flower face.
Dragon parasite strangler fig, wrapped around trees for steal their essence.
Small pollinating wyvern like a hummingbird carrying seeds and pollen.
Leafy sea dragon orchid, floating through the treetops.
Nudibranch covered in vegetation capturing energy from the sun.
Literal dragonfly with Venus flytraps for claws to catch prey.
Parasaurolophus with a wooden trumpet to whistle.
Vegetable drake blowing fragrant smoke of flowers and herbs.
Dragon with rocky skin, pretending to be a cave and swallowing prey.
Beast with rock skin and chipped stone claw that sharpens on its body.
Cave lizard men use pieces of fossils as their weapons.
Comet in the shape of a dragon's head and with its trail of light as a body.
Avian gargoyle that rests during the day, like a pooto.
Devilish-looking monster resembling a stone idol.
Mythical beast with gemstone scales that reflect flaming light.
Hybrid of a triceratops and nurikabe with chameleon camouflage.
Winged beast with dragon wings shaped like a drill to open the ground.
Polychaete worm opening the ice with its jaws.
Female dragon born from an egg exposed to low temperatures.
Crocodile sleeping on an iceberg, with only its mouth and paws sticking out.
Hairy beast with large tusks, remotely reminiscent of a mammoth or yak.
Monster with a flat body, hidden in the snow and sliding in avalanches.
Polar sea monster, its sounds can be heard from the bottom, for kilometers.
Oni-like creature, blowing blizzards from its inflatable throat.
Polar reptile capable of changing its colors to those of the northern lights/southern lights.
Beast with icy blood that, when injured, freezes the attacker on contact.
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Pig-nosed drake who shoots like fire like a pistol.
Little dragon running and exploding with its lit fuse tail.
Bird of paradise dragon doing mating dances setting fire to its scales.
Wolf beast blowing fire into houses and stealing cattle, like in fairy tales.
Hybrid between a stingray and a bat that lives in lava, it burns its prey by covering it.
Turtle with soup-smelling breath, which attracts prey.
Pangolin with healing scales, its meat can cure diseases according to some.
Rocket dragon, has holes in its back used as turbines.
Male dragon hatched from an egg exposed to high temperatures.
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Terrestrial catfish that causes earthquakes.
Draconian vicuña with membranes that blow clouds of sand.
Flat crocodile that hides in the dunes.
Huge sandworm with a converging body of a whale.
Hydra eel, emerging from a mud puddle behind its prey.
Serpent like elephant trunk that blows sand, based on grootslang.
Camouflaged predator imitating a tree, as if it were a stick insect.
Snake with reliefs of footprints on the body, rotating and leaving deceptive tracks.
Lizard sticking out its tongue that is actually its real head.
Dragon that has been decapitated but can separate its head from its body.
Parchment with a drawing of a dragon on it, which gives it life.
Diaphonized seahorse, with transparent skin and colorful skeleton.
Crocodilian boogeyman, based on the cuca monster,sings a dreamy song.
Dragon skin bag, gaining characteristics of his living "self", like a mouth.
Ancient monster described in a book, with the haunted ink giving it life.
Giant Dracula vampire bat, haunting abandoned castles.
Dragon hunter wearing the skin of a slain dragon as armor.
Undead kaiju that breathes will-o'-the-wisp.
Griffin laying eggs in other dragons' nests, like a cuckoo.
Chinese parade dancing lion, doing acrobatics,fight evil spirits.
Ruby sea dragon, blows pearls from its mouth like a cannon.
Lamia disguised as a maiden or nymph, swallowing approaching prey.
Carp purifying the polluted rivers and lakes by their magical scales.
Small dragon but can transform into a huge beast in defense, like a spriggan.
Unicorn dragon with magical and healing horn, but very fierce.
Lunar fairy based on vespertilio homo, with bat characteristics.
Shinchu immune to poison, predator of poisonous Pokémon.
Prehistoric cockroach with features of a dinosaur.
Titan beetle cutting down trees with one bite.
Giant mutant ant, like those from a B movie.
Giant tarantula hidden by its foliage camouflage, considered a cryptid.
Thorny katydid with wings looking like a dragon's eyes.
Huge mosquito stealing cattle to drink blood.
Horde of worms imitating a huge dragon.
Wingless parasitic fly that lives in the caves of noibat and noivern
Mandarin wasp causing destruction in bug-type creations.
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Alien eldritch dragon with tentacles on its face and wings.
Yakuza lizards with scales resembling tattoos.
Dinosaur cryptid with dark skin to camouflage itself at night.
Serpent swallowing solrock and lunatone, alluding to bakunawa, apofis, etc.
Gecko with a false head on its tail to prevent decapitation.
Monster like a peanutbug with a hideous fake face on its wings.
Oviraptor preying on other dragons' nests, stealing eggs.
Two-headed beast, one head sings a hypnotic song and the other attacks.
Dragon in "sheep's clothing", uses its jaws to imitate horns.
Heraldic animalistic monster with metallic fur.
Folklore monster who faced heroes, swords are stuck in his body.
Dragon covered in molten metal, using its heat.
Dragon with a chain with a metal ball, pinning him to the ground.
Diabolical creature deceiving the greedy with illusions of coins in its mouth.
Metallic wyrm with a metallic head and body, cuts everything like a knife.
Carnifex screaming and creating sound waves heard from far.
Precious mineral-eating cave creature.
Winged dragon closing its wings like a shield.
Albatross/iguana chimera, creates electrical storms.
Alligator with electric bite.
Fast raptor, kills prey with a surprise electric shock.
Sachihoko covering herself with her tail, like a mohawk that attracts lightning.
Duck-billed dinosaur, its beak has bio-electric organs.
Dragons like bats, flying in clouds to catch electricity, personify thunder.
Bichir can electrocute like an eel, with fins in the form of lightning.
Dragon with bioluminescent tail like firefly abdomen.
Ouroboros creating infinite energy by biting its tail.
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Iridescent python twitched and whipped its body.
Monster with mutated arms that form a second jaw.
Dragon knight with scales forming swords.
Massive bullfrog sumo wrestler, crushing the opponent.
Hydra that instead of heads, has extra arms.
Bird of terror with strong legs for crushing and kicking.
Anfisbena fighting among themselves to see who takes over the direction.
Wuxia themed tiger and dragon hybrid predator.
Demon with sharp claws and slashing wings based on devilman.
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Monster with three pairs of jaws, looking like a strange dog.
Immense dragon looking like a huge mattress, almost always sleeping.
Little dinosaur with a bait-shaped tail for catching fish.
Small lizard but with a huge roar.
Reptile shedding its skin, which takes the form of colorful and stylish clothing.
Angelic-looking beast with sonic abilities.
Rubber dinosaur capable of inflating itself.
Dragon with a beard of colorful scales, used for display.
Long tatzelwurm coiled over its victim.
Flock of birds that form an immense winged creature.
Roc launching its tough eggs onto its prey.
Colorful kite pterodactyl creating tornado winds.
Dragon without wings,but it swallows air to blow and also levitate.
Dinosaur turning into a bird when it evolves.
Amphitera with colorful wings and a body that makes a rattling noise.
Flying turtle, its head is hidden in the shell and comes out like a cuckoo clock.
Symbiotic dragon with butterflies, letting them drink his tears.
Wyvern goose used as a guard dog, very fierce and with a serrated beak.
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Kaiju lobster making water turn to steam.
Kraken sea serpent, covered in tentacles and a beak that cuts metal.
Oriental dragon made of water, always dripping raindrops.
Soft-shelled turtle, its shell is shaped like wings for gliding.
Tiny, seemingly dull fish with the mouth of a sarcastic fringhead.
Monitor lizard abandoning the land and becoming a mosasaur-like monster.
Sea monster in the form of a waterspout.
Gar turning amphibian and looking like a spinosaurus.
Supernatural aquatic horse that runs on water, covered in wet, sticky mucus.
Pixie dragon dragon/fairy, created from children's imagination of fairy tales.
Wait for more.
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zodarii-dae · 6 months
traffic symbolism masterpost
i’ve had a little side project about giving everyone in the life series symbols. the rules are as follows: first place are celestial bodies (planets, moons, or occasionally constellations), second place are plants, and third place are rocks/minerals. last place are fungi, and everyone in between is an animal.
this post will have the full lists of all the symbols, but check out the original posts for the explanations.
first place (last life)
first place (secret life)
second and third place (third life-limited life)
second and third place (secret life)
13th-4th place (third life)
16th-4th place (last life)
13th-4th place (double life)
13th-4th place (limited life)
16th-4th place (secret life)
last place (third life-limited life)
last place (secret life)
third life
grian, as the sun
scar, as a purple hyacinth
bdubs, as blue sandstone
bigb, as a white-tailed jackrabbit
impulse, as a coast mole
martyn, as an arctic fox
ren, as an arctic wolf
tango, as a danish red cattle
etho, as an awassi sheep
scott, as an adonis blue butterfly
joel, as a eurasian wolf
skizz, as a mourning dove
cleo, as an african lion
jimmy, as a sickener mushroom
last life
scott, as orion
ren, as red ivy
martyn, as amethyst
joel, as a brown hyena
etho, as a canada lynx
grian, as a eurasian sparrowhawk
pearl, as a luna moth
cleo, as a tarantula hawk wasp
scar, as a mangrove pit viper
bigb, as a monarch butterfly
tango, as a bengal tiger
bdubs, as a black rat
lizzie, as a pipevine swallowtail
impulse, as a golden-ringed dragonfly
skizz, as a white winged dove
mumbo, as a whiskered screech owl
jimmy, as a lilac bonnet
double life
pearl, as the moon
scott, as a laurel tree
martyn, as rubellite
cleo, as a brown widow spider
impulse, as a plains pocket mouse
bdubs, as a meadow jumping mouse
joel, as a green moray
etho, as a sand tiger shark
scar, as a giant panda
grian, as a hoatzin
bigb, as a golden retriever
ren, as a german shepherd
tango, as a tauernscheck goat
jimmy, as chicken of the woods
limited life
martyn, as neptune
impulse, as a forget-me-not
scott, as serpentine
pearl, as a rosy footman moth
etho, as a greater sooty owl
grian, as a black-billed magpie
bigb, as a golden mantella frog
cleo, as a grizzly bear
scar, as a spotted hyena
tango, as a sooty falcon
bdubs, as a house mouse
joel, as a rüppell's vulture
skizz, as a red collared dove
jimmy, as a destroying angel
secret life
scar, as cepheus
pearl, as a purple iris
gem, as carnelian
scott, as an orchid mantis
joel, as a star-nosed mole
bdubs, as an american shrew mole
impulse, as a rosy maple moth
grian, as a common cactus finch
cleo, as a secretary bird
bigb, as a snow coral corn snake
martyn, as a shiba inu
etho, as a short-tailed chinchilla
skizz, as a luzon bleeding heart
tango, as a pink spotted lady beetle
mumbo, as a hairy-tailed mole
jimmy, as a golden labrador
lizzie, as a jack-o’-lantern mushroom
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thatinvertguy · 2 months
There are oak wasps or something at my house and I started crying when I learned that the "mushrooms" that I had been purposefully stepping on were actually bug eggs and then I triple checked every 5 minutes that there were no bugs on me
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There were eggs the size of pears on trees and we occasionally come to look at them. Not me though I don't come to look at them I come to make flower crowns and then yell at bees when they land on the flowers near me
The Cool Bugs are fine as long as they're not near me I WOULD smack a dragonfly if it got close
Oh also flies should fucking die. All of them should either explode on the spot right now or evolve to stop being so fucking gross WHY DO THEY HAVE MOUTHS LIKE THAT AND HAIR??? WHY ARE THEY HAIRY???? YOU DONT NEED HAIR GET THE FUCK OFF MY FOOD STOP FUCKING VOMITING ON IT
This is what I think of bugs thank you for listening I will not take any pictures of flies
I want to hold the Cool Bugs but I agree with everything else you said
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