#hakuba is actually a little stupid
kimbapisnotsushi · 10 months
here have a medley of miscellaneous timeskip pro team headcanons bc WOW i haven't posted in a while and this is my only stress outlet other than binging new series <3333
starting off strong with ejp raijin LET'S GOOOOOO
washio 🫱🏼‍🫲🏼suna 🫱🏼‍🫲🏼komori: being EXHAUSTED from carrying the pro team world on their backs
no no i'm kidding. mostly
they keep a tally of other pro team matches in which their former teammates go up against each other and are REALLY smug if their respective teammate wins. which means you get shit like this
komori, cheerfully: "so how about that hornets v falcons game last night, huh?" suna: "oh shut UP tell iizuna tsukasa that aran-san could kick his ass any day of the week you little SHIT - "
they ARE united on the jackals front tho. all three of them want the adlers to go down HARD.
is suna nursing a grudge against ushijima from high school? yeah. is he ever going to get over it? probably not.
only komori feels bad bc he is fond of kageyama, but, hey, family's family
they ask washio why he hates the adlers and he looks them dead in the eyes and goes "hoshiumi kourai . . . he is a man that requires constant vigilance"
actually wait i know we all saw everyone watching and talking about the game (which makes me wanna cry SO bad) but god. how fucking funny would it be if players from monster gen convinced everyone else on their very professional and very mature teams to take sides
ejp raijin captain, who's been friends with hirugami fukurou for like ten years: "okay so explain to me again why we need to blow our entire team budget on jackals merch when we're not even going to the goddamn game?" komori: "well, it started on a cloudy but beautifully crisp spring day in 2012 - "
hakuba joins the team, sees aran, and IMMEDIATELY starts texting the old kamomedai group chat
altho tbh i don't think there's no way that the "who-from-where-made-WHAT-pro-team" news never breaches the high school circuit. like come ON you know everyone's keeping up with the third year stars when they graduate
by the time the first years are third years they've got everyone pinned down on a fucking MAP. they have a shared file where they update each other on EVERYTHING. it's way less creepy than it sounds they're just a really passionate bunch okay!!!!
well that AND they can't help but brag about their amazing upperclassmen
okay sorry back to it. so it really goes more like
hakuba: "HOLY SHIT OJIRO ARAN FROM INARIZAKI IS HERE" suwa: "hakuba, we already knew that. i linked the article when it first dropped, remember?" hakuba: "yeah but it's still so WEIRD like it's OJIRO ARAN from INARIZAKI" hoshiumi: "lol atsumu told me he talks in his sleep, go find out if it's true"
aran actually does recognize hakuba mostly because gin paid him a compliment ONE (1) time and then aran had to listen to atsumu complain incessantly about the "stupid wall of muscle with stupid hair and his stupid height and stupid arms" ever since
ALSO. i think people get hakuba and hyakuzawa mixed up a lot. they've both got a similar height and build and hairstyle and play the same position
(not to mention the similar backstories)
it becomes a running joke throughout the pro leagues and makes for a fun time with falcons v warriors matches
in the event of a hyakuhina hookup (which i feel like actually could happen) they somehow get onto the topic of "haha it'd be even harder to tell them apart with your eyes closed!" and hinata, without thinking, goes "well, i probably could" and everyone is like "WHAT"
he digs himself an even deeper hole by saying "no, i just meant - i know hyakuzawa's body really well!!!" and everyone immediately starts screaming
poor hyakuzawa is dying on the inside
i think shibayama (MY BELOVED) kind of occasionally forgets that he also has his own fanbase and is sort of semi-famous as the libero of tokai heavy industries esperanza bc. he knows kenma and yaku and lev and komi and yamamoto and fukunaga and, in general, a bunch of people that he believes are much more well-known than he is
he's always so flattered whenever someone stops him in the street to ask for a pic or when he sees posts online gushing about him
this is extra funny bc he never talks about his friends like they're famous so all of his teammates don't really know that shibayama is friends with all these other famous people
and then one of them, an avid kodzuken fan, spams their group chat when kodzuken's newest video is released and shibayama shows up in it
(shibayama's second year. they'd been dealing with things. it worked out, in the end. even if they had to lie to nekomata and naoki about why all their jerseys ended up with holes in them.)
i love the pro teams you guys they're so fucking funny
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chenziee · 3 months
Front-Row Seat
Written for the @opmlmzine 🤍 Hakuba's gonna need a good night of wine and murder after this
Last chance to grab the zines! Store closes on July 1 🌸
Also, check out the amazing spot art done by @majoraop!!
Hakuba was a simple man with simple needs. With Durandal by his side, he only needed enough humans in his hunting grounds to keep him happy.
He was a simple man with simple needs—needs which did not, however, involve bouquets of roses sprinkled with sugar ‘for better flavour’, wine, candles, snarky little notes, or oh-so-romantic walks on the beach during sunset.
Okay, maybe the wine he would accept but everything else? Absolutely not.
So why exactly was he stuck here, cursed to watch from the actual front-row seat as Cavendish prepared to go on yet another stupid ‘date’ with his idiot little boyfriend? He was sick of it. So, so very sick of it.
Literally; Hakuba felt like he was going to puke the next time the two of them kissed.
As if on cue, Cavendish reached the meeting place, the horse themed fountain in this island’s largest port city. To no one’s surprise, the annoying, ugly mess of green hair was already there, shining like a beacon and letting everyone know to steer far away from the pirate. But them, oh no, of course not.
“Cavendish! You’re three damn hours late. Again,” the pirate, Melonomeo—or something like that—hissed the moment he noticed Cavendish strutting towards him.
Cavendish sighed dramatically, tossing his long, voluminous hair over his shoulder. “I keep telling you that beauty can’t be rushed, Bartolomeo.” So that was his name. Close enough.
Bartolomeo rolled his eyes. “Yeah yeah, your favourite excuse, I know.”
Huffing, Cavendish looked away—seemingly in offence… but Hakuba knew it was to hide his embarrassment. After all, he did spend two absolutely agonising hours picking an outfit and then another two hours doing his hair. To be ‘his most beautiful yet’. 
The giddy lovesick fretting was downright sickening and Hakuba would have jumped out the window of the captain’s cabin if he could have.
And here he thought Cavendish with his beauty and popularity obsession was bad before. Now, Hakuba would give anything to go back to the days when Cavendish’s delusions were the only thing he worried about. Since meeting this guy… it was all about what he might think or say. Not all the time—or even most of the time—, of course, but on days like this one, it was like no one else’s opinion mattered.
As if Bartolomeo was capable of higher thought or cared about his or anyone else’s appearance, as proven by the absolutely godawful pants and the ugly Straw Hat pin on his coat.
Suddenly, warm fingers wrapped around Cavendish’s wrist, making Hakuba hiss like an angry cat. 
“It’s a damn good thing I know your slow ass and booked a table for four hours later than you said,” Bartolomeo announced with a smug smirk before pulling on Cavendish’s hand, forcing him to a walk. “Come on, Cabbage, we’re gonna be late ‘cause of you.”
“Don’t pull me, you brute!” Cavendish scoffed… but frustratingly made no effort to break free of his hold.
“What, should I offer you an arm like you’re a damn princess or something?” Bratolomeo threw a look at Cavendish over his shoulder, his eyebrow raised in a mocking fashion.
This little shit.
Hakuba knew the look wasn’t aimed at him but oh, how he was going to enjoy dicing this guy into little pieces… eventually. For sure. He’d get an opportunity any day now.
Not for the first time, Hakuba cursed the way these two met. Why did that trip to Dressrosa have to deteriorate into a bloody war? If they just met casually over coffee or something, Hakuba could have had killed him the first night but as it was… Bartolomeo was all too aware of Hakuba waiting for the first opportunity to take control of their body. Going so far as to have his underlings tie him up in sea prism stone chains.
The humiliation.
Oh, revenge would be sweet.
Cavendish clicked his tongue, dragging Hakuba back to the harsh reality. “Most people would thank me for gracing them with my dazzling presence, you know,” Cavendish said with slight annoyance.
“Yeah, well, you’re stuck with me. Sucks to be you, I guess,” Bartolomeo retorted without missing a beat, that irritating smirk back on his face. Showing off his stupid fangs and all.
A beat of silence passed… before Cavendish burst out laughing of all things.
Seemingly just as confused by the reaction as Hakuba, Bartolomeo stopped in his tracks before letting go of Cavendish's wrist so he could turn to look at him. A frown on his face, he tilted his head to the side questioningly like a dog. “What’s up with you?” 
“You’re impossible,” Cavendish let out in between chuckles as he shook his head.
“At least I’m not insane, unlike you,” Bartolomeo said slowly, confusion still apparent in his voice.
“Sure, sure.” Cavendish waved his hand dismissively before he stepped forward again, easily passing by Bartolomeo. “Come on, stop holding us up! We can’t keep my fans at the restaurant waiting.”
“It’s a reservation, not a fanmeet! Also who’s the one—argh!” Bartolomeo stopped himself with a frustrated shout. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath… before burying his hands in his hair and ruffling it roughly, muttering to himself something about ‘annoying princes’ and ‘why the fuck do I suffer this’.
Honestly, Hakuba had to ask the same question—both to Bartolomeo… and to himself.
The day seemed almost never-ending.
By the time Cavendish and Bartolomeo finally finished eating—with candles, to Hakuba’s horror—and left the restaurant, Hakuba was already at his bloody limit. Seriously, there was only so much leg touching and badly disguised, terrible flirting that he was physically capable of witnessing before he needed to murder a person or twenty.
It wasn’t fair. Why was Cavendish the one in control most of the time? And why did Hakuba have to be conscious while he was at it while Cavendish got to sleep while Hakuba had his fun?
What did Hakuba ever do to anyone to deserve this treatment?
Unfortunately for him… the dinner date wasn’t the end of it. Of course it wasn’t. That would be letting Hakuba off too easy.
To be fair, it could have been a lot worse—when they passed through a street that was so full of hotels if felt more like a Red Light District, he honestly feared the absolute worst—but even just the handholding and bickering while Bartolomeo saw Cavendish to the Sleeping White Horse of the Forest was about enough for Hakuba.
“—so then I replaced Red Hair’s flag with Luffy-senpai’s and handed out our Straw Hat Boxes to people. Soon, everyone will know just how awesome the Straw Hats are,” Bartolomeo rambled on, waving his free hand around and clenching his fist in adoration for his idol.
Cavendish, who had only been humming noncommittally the whole time, blinked, turning his head to stare at his companion blankly for a moment. “‘Straw Hat Boxes’?” he repeated.
“Yeah! You want one? I always carry a few on me, hang on.” He started fumbling with his bag, obviously searching for the box in question.
“Absolutely not!” Cavendish refused immediately. “I’m just astonished you successfully came up with a name that managed to take something ugly and terrible and make it something even uglier and more terrible.”
“Are you insulting Luffy-senpai?!” Bartolomeo bared his teeth as he demanded an answer.
No, he’s insulting your stupid ass, Hakuba thought to himself.
“No, I’m insulting you,” Cavendish said at the same time.
Well, there was at least something they could agree on.
At that, Bartolomeo… nodded. “Oh, okay. That’s—” he paused for a second, before the words finally clicked in his empty head. “Man, you are such a bitch.”
“A beautiful person others admire so much it makes them hate themselves? Why, yes, I am that indeed.” 
“No,” the green-haired caveman retorted immediately, giving Cavendish a look.
Cavendish only laughed conceitedly, dismissing the denial as jealousy, and Hakuba honestly wasn’t sure if his other half was really that dumb or if he was just deflecting. Not that it mattered that much to him. The only thing that did matter to him was the ship, which was now finally within reach. Very soon, he would be free from this… cutesy hell.
Hopefully, without lasting mental damage.
Hakuba barely finished the thought when the two lovers stopped to say goodbye. With Cavendish getting on his tiptoes, pulling Bartolomeo closer.
If he could, Hakuba would be smashing his head against the nearest wall but as it was… he could do nothing but watch helplessly as the inevitable happened.
The moment their lips met, butterflies began to flutter in Cavendish’s stomach, warmth gathering in his chest. The kiss was so soft and impossibly sweet… It made even the deepest parts of Hakuba’s entire being shudder.
It was in that moment that Hakuba decided. The next time he was in control, he would be killing Bartolomeo first.
And then… then he was killing Cavendish.
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autumn-foxfire · 2 months
Movie 10!!!! And i just realised I labeled the last movie number 10 but it was 9. Just gone to correct that.
Kaitou KID. Kaitou KID. Kaitou KID! I am very excited for "Hakuba" to appear.
And it starts by Kogoro nearly killing them all by crashing into the guard rail, as Ai helpfully points out.
The bombs are set! And Shinichi is asked to be kept behind as he was identified by his fingerprints. Well, I have to wonder how the man had Shinichi's, and everyone's, prints, as they wouldn't be in the police's system or otherwise because Shinichi would have a lot to explain as he's had his prints taken as Conan multiple times for cases. I guess it's a plot hole we're meant to ignore.
Okay, but I hate it when everyone is in danger but Shinichi only thinks about Ran. I wish they wouldn't do that. I get it he "loves" Ran but it doesn't mean he cares about the others any less. It's not like saying everyone would be weird.
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I love when Kaito is reflected in Shinichi's glasses.
Ai is so calm about the situation. Well, since meeting Shinichi she's had her life put in danger so many times this must be another day for her.
I don't know why they can't inform Ran about the situation though, she's a young adult and I'm sure if she was told "your lives are in danger, don't leave the perimeters of the park" she would understand and keep the children inside.
The suspenders! I haven't seen them in a hot while, even thought they're probably one of the really useful and versitile of Shinichi's items.
Kogoro's grand plan is to throw Shinichi into the line of fire.
I bet Kaito was surprised to see his small husband below.
Kaito gets to be so feral this movie later on. It's one of my favourite scenes from him.
I love Ai just letting people in front of her to delay them from going on the ride.
Shinichi is quite knowledgeable about art, huh.
You know, Ran almost leaving the park wouldn't have happened if they had just informed her of the situation. I can understand not wanting the children to know, not because they wouldn't be able to handle the news, but rather they would do something stupid that could get them killed, but Ran? And Kazuha actually? They should have been informed.
Hello, Heiji.
WHY DO THEY NOT KNOW?! My god, why are they so stupid and infantilize the girls so much T-T THEY SHOULD KNOW.
I like this movie (it's a KID and Heiji movie, so that's a given) but there is some stupid aspects of it that drive me up a wall.
Kogoro is cool for a change and manages to inform the police to the danger they're in.
How did Ai give herself a fever?
KAITO! Here to help his tiny husband and husband's best friend.
The only time Heiji will get along with Hakuba because it's Kaito pretending to be him.
Kaito showing off his phishing skills. We stan a resourceful guy.
Lmao, Kaito showing off his skills by mimicking Hakuba so well he still rubs Heiji the wrong way.
It's a bit sad the only time Kogoro can treat Eri with respect when his and Ran's lives are in danger (not that he infored his ex of this fact despite asking for her help).
Kaito totally wanted to say "and thieves" after that sentence.
OKAY I NEED TO GUSH. Kaito taking Heiji's cellphone isn't just a hint for the two of them to say it's not Hakuba, he purposely takes the phone and then KNEELS so he can show SHINICHI. It's Shinichi he's investigating with first and forthmost! MY HEART!
Kaito's smile as he watches his small husband (and his friend I guess) solve the case.
Kaito whining about the paint on his shirt T-T I can't-
And Shinichi manages to get both of their attention, I guess as it looks like he's fleeing and they've been told to stop them from doing so. But like, they forgot the two adults-
There's Shinichi's leg broken.
It's a good thing he's got a knight in white looking over him.
I really like this part, it breaks up the tension of the movie a little, but it's just really fun with how everyone gets involved with catching the thief. Sonoko's part was my favourite, how she doesn't realize and saves the day.
Also everyone asking him "What are you going to do?" when they realise he tried to take Satou as a hostage. And it's finished with Takagi coming through with the ice cream.
It's a fun bit.
KAITO WAS HOLDING SHINICHI IN HIS ARMS T-T I CAN'T- Heiji you didn't need to explain how the rescue happened but I am so glad you did and fed us so well.
LMAO Heiji, sadly they're not the only one who want to take KID's life, I guess Snake has competition.
What did Kaito just use to cut through that roof. I want to know.
Kaito shooting all the windows! HE'S SO COOL. Shinichi, how does it feel to be out-cooled by your much cooler husband?
And off Kaito goes to Miracle Land to make sure his small husband does not get himself into anymore trouble, because he knows with his bad luck he will get in trouble.
For once the police weren't incompetent in a case.
And Heiji makes Shinichi show off his pole dancing skills.
Shinichi is good with computers it seems, even though he's shown to be bad with video games XD I guess Agasa has taught him a couple of things (I'm not objecting to this but sadly I know it's only for this movie that he is).
Megure and Shiratori staying behind as well T-T
I can't believe they didn't double-check that all the IDs were off the kids though.
At least Shinichi and Heiji were smart enough to take Kogoro's.
Heiji: Why is Kaitou KID here.
Shinichi: What do you mean? My husband has been with us since the middle of the investigation.
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leonawriter · 4 months
I think it was because he was trying to plant the idea that he wouldn’t be playing the same trick to the same trick to the same audience twice. Because cause that would be stupid. Also think his urge to infodump on his favorite thing in the world to his favorite little critic even if he has to do it at gunpoint is a factor. But I believe Kid told Conan that being a thief is his least favorite part of being Kid in the thieves are like artists line because he’s paraphrasing Father Brown who called thieves artists yes but thievery an infernal art. I’m sure Conan picked up on that too. At least I hope so.
Part of me going "there has to be something more here" is, I'll admit, because I'm well aware that Kaito is just as intelligent as Shinichi, and that's pretty damn smart. And infodumping on critic in the middle of a heist is... one of the least smart things you can do. I want to think Kaito is better than that? That he has something up his sleeve?
But you bring up something else, which is that "his urge to infodump on his favorite thing in the world to his favorite little critic" - I'm gonna be a downer here and say you're quite probably onto something.
Kaito... at home he has his mom (who is away in Vegas, usually), he has Aoko (who listens, sure, but he wants to amaze her, he doesn't want to explain things to her), and he has Akako (witch! scary witch), and he has... Hakuba, who is a detective, who he can't afford to share trade secrets with.
In his normal life as Kuroba Kaito he cannot afford to infodump on anyone about magic. His most favourite thing in the world, and he can't talk about it in the detail he wants... because sure, he can talk about simple tricks, but that's child's play stuff. The big stuff? Like heist big? The only one he can talk to is Jii, and he's his assistant. That's no fun at all.
So yeah... it may just be that when it comes to "wanting to share, show off, and be recognised," logical intelligence is taking a backseat, which is... kinda sad. To me. Actually.
Unfortunately due to Shinichi's behaviour with a football (used as a deadly weapon), I fear that either he hasn't made that connection, or (unlike Saguru) does not find motivation an important part of catching Kid, so... I don't know. It's possible, to me, that he simply remembers it but hasn't done anything with it, as he doesn't see it as being relevant.
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hayaku14 · 2 years
a little ‘kaishin just started dating’ thing where...
kaito and shinichi are both attempting and failing to hold each other’s hands the whole day. they’re walking on the way to kaito’s house and kaito is about to reach out again to try finally holding shinichi’s hand but then out of nowhere, aoko calls after them, walks up in between, and grabs kaito’s outstretched hand and tells him something.
shinichi eyezooms to their hands, a little jealous and a little defeated cos he’s been trying to do that all day, and couldn’t stop himself when he says, “you guys are really close huh,” under his breath. kaito realizes he’s holding aoko’s hand and slightly panics but aoko doesn't let go and is like oh! lightbulb moment, and teasingly says, “kudou-kun, are you jealous?”
“w-what? no i’m not...” and aoko is like, “here, you can hold my hand too so it’s fair!” and she offers her other hand as shinichi stares at it for a second then decides to take her hand while kaito beside them is like wait what? WAIT is this really happening??! and he’s slightly jealous and he wants to say something but shinichi is like, ”oh you have calluses in your hand, do you do martial arts or-”
“mop, actually,” aoko says with a mischievous grin which gets shinichi all curious, “mop?” meanwhile kaito in his mind is like WAIT WAIT WHAT WAIT BUT I WANTED TO HOLD HIS HAND FIRST
aoko notices this and goes, “awww kaito, are you jealous too?” as she pulls shinichi closer by his hand with the smuggest face ever. kaito glares and pouts and huffs a defeated little, “shut up bakaoko.” shinichi lets out a soft chuckle and offers his hand with a fond smile because he’s been wanting to do this all day. kaito smiles at him, a little shy and red, and reaches out to hold his hand.
now the three of them are all holding hands in circle and kaito’s feigning annoyance to mask his embarrassment and to stop himself from making a stupid dopey smile that he knows aoko will tease him for later.
“okay now what? we can’t even walk like this!” and aoko’s like “it’s fine, bakaito! stop ruining the moment!” as shinichi laughs beside them.
meanwhile, hakuba, who was on his way to aoko’s house to see her, caught up with them and is seeing this happen from a few meters away. he squints in disbelief and is like what the hell is happening there with a caption that says he is aoko’s boyfriend LOL
hakuba walks up to the three and he’s like, “do i even want to know what’s going on?” aoko beams and raises her and kaito’s joined hands to wave at him excitedly.
“saguru-kun! come here and hold my hand too!” hakuba looks at kaito and shinichi with a brow raised and he immediately goes in between aoko and shinichi and kaito’s like, “hey! no holding my shinichi!!!”
“I much prefer holding kudou’s hand than yours, thank you very much,” hakuba says as shinichi chuckles. aoko playfully sulks and goes, “you prefer kudou-kun?” and kaito jumps in and goes, “OH MY GOD HAKUBA I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU WOULD BETRAY AOKO LIKE THIS YOU MONSTER!!”
shinichi is still snickering when hakuba decides to play their game and takes shinichi’s hand from aoko. “well, he does have nice hands.”
shinichi bursts into laughter when both kaito and aoko go bug-eyed.
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ludoka · 2 years
My brain short-circuited while watching Moriarty The Patriot where I actually believed that James Moriarty shared VA with Hakuba Saguru. It was a lapse of 5 minutes where my imagination ran a little.
I read somewhere an AU with Hakuba having eternal life and my brain just took it. So imagine how ironic it would be if in a past life Hakuba was Moriarty or at least the source of his inspiration. There it remains for him to take Sherlock as his detective reference because he found the irony funny or he liked the idea of ​​Holmes twisting in his grave.
Context that gave my head:
Hakuba was born between the third century BC and the sixth century AD. (Because I am loved to the tale of Excalibur. So yes, he is King Arthur. Only he got to be King because he and a young Merlin were doing stupid things with magic. Nothing serious. Until Hakuba became king and they realized that, MAYBE, they shouldn't play with unknown things.) His mother took him to a magician when he was 4 years old to have his illness cured. But magic is capricious And the next thing Saguru knew is that every time he dies, he emerges from the ground where his previous body was located or the last place where his blood was spilled. While his former body turns to ashes (in true Jackie Chan style in that magic talisman movie)
I like the "immortal guy who hates immortality and has a shitty attitude about it" theme. But I feel like Hakuba passed that stage of her life a couple of centuries ago. So he's in a state of "I am afraid of death. 'Cause all I've ever known is this underworld. But, shit, I really want to know what's in the afterlife." It's funny that it only exists sometimes. But when he's particularly bored he lives big. Poor mortals who must live with him at that time.
PS: no, they do not share VA.
P.D 2: he always revives with four years. Not at the age he died.
Pd3: This is really inconvenient sometimes In the second world war, in some country in southern Europe, he died 6 times as a child because of a stepmother. The woman was crazy and didn't realize she was killing him. It may or may not have set fire to the house where she lived with her and her husband inside. He may or may not have done so after learning that there were 8 other children before him and the husband covered up all evidence. (Apparently the husband chose children with a similar face to pretend they were all the same child.) (Hakuba doesn't regret anything.)
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cleflink · 2 years
Howdy friend! Your Santa again
I’m glad to hear you enjoy Hakuba! He’s been one of my favorites for awhile, so I hope you can’t fault me for shoving him into an arguably very small role in your gift(s). I’m still working on logistics, but I’m sure you know how the brain rot works.
And yeah, Hakuba really has gotten the short end of the stick it seems. Especially when he has such an interesting dynamic (with characters like Kaito and Heiji) that I feel it goes wasted. He truly brings out the worst in everyone and I think that’s beautiful.
As for Kaito heist’s, I have to agree with you on the Miraculous Air Walk!! I’m still having my own watch through, and I’m only halfway through the series, so I’ve yet to see every KID heist, but Air Walk is HHHHHHHHH! Everything is so fun about it, from the Kaito and Conan interactions to the part with Kaito nearly blowing up. It’s probably the first heist that I actually felt excited for and wanted to know how it ended.
Other than that, I dunno, does the one from Movie 8 count? Surely it shouldn’t, I don’t think he really stole much, let alone put on a show for anyone outside of Conan, but that entire first half of the film was the best thing I had ever seen. The jabs at Conan by disguising as Shinichi? Literally doing everything to get Conan’s attention? The tension on the roof? Truly, I’d say it’s a crime that in all the gif sets I’ve seen for “Magician of the Silver Sky,” not one of them includes the one second of Conan licking his lips while staring KID down. Like, what was that???? Why does no one talk about that?!????
Heck, even the ending was just so fun to watch. “We might die. Give me the six-year-old to help pilot the out of control plane.” Stupid idiot children, I love them all.
So yeah, those are my current favorites so far! If I had to guess, I would say I will enjoy the Teleportation Magic heist more, but I’m not sure! I’m basing that guess solely on the gif sets I’ve seen.
A shame to hear that the episodes don’t hold up as they do in later broadcasts, but at the least we can still have crumbs. Unlike Hakuba, who is starving in the corner.
Take care, my friend!
I shall never complain about bonus Hakuba. :) Hakuba IS a character who brings out the worst in others, isn't he? (Sorry Hakuba) ^_^;. Always makes me enjoy future fic to see how that dynamic has (or hasn't) changed as they all grow up. I agree with you so much about his relationship with Hattori too. I actually find Hattori and Hakuba a fascinating pair, because they have so few interactions in canon, and yet fandom is like 'yep, I ship it'. Which, honestly, fair. It would be nice to see them get to face off more often in canon. I love seeing people throw the two of them at each other to see what happens.
It also makes me thoroughly enjoy movie 10 where Kaito's tricking them all, and yet Hakuba and Hattori still have the same combative chaos energy as ever. Kaito certainly knows how to sell a part!
I think Movie 8 totally counts! Conan and KID's very literal face-off in that one is such a fantastic opening (and you're absolutely right - that tongue action should be getting a lot more attention! Conan, stop being so thirsty when you look six). I also like how that movie gives us a nice mix of KID and KID-in disguise. Of course KID can convince a plane full of moderately sensible adults to let him have a child as his co-pilot. Him making the police chase him to make the landing strip is one of my favourite 'oh, you clever bastard' moments. Ah, this is making me want to go back and rewatch all the KID movies again (think my job will mind? orz).
Ooh, the Teleportation Heist is another of my absolute favourites. It has a lot of the same energy as the Midair Walk, and I love the solution to how Kaito's pulling off the trick. It also makes my little shipper heart happy in a number of different ways. I hope you enjoy it when you get there! And I also hope that you enjoy the more recent heists more than I have been - KID content is better than no KID content, I guess? Gosho could definitely deliver more on the Hakuba content, though.
Later days!
clef :)
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lady-annie-bee · 2 years
my favorite trope in dcmk fanfic is obviously identity stuff, but at a really close second is hakuba not knowing that's just absolutely hilarious
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🏅 Being Team Japan's Manager 🏅
🥊Miss Manager is a Boxer/MMA Fighter 🥊
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Not my art but I loved the colored version of Team Japan 😍 There is a watermark in the corner but I'm unsure if it's the artist.
Team Japan x Female Manager
Warning: Swearing, Atsumu being Atsumu
AN: This is an Anon request! This is probably one of my favorites 😅
Extra: I truly believe this is some of my best work! #bullyatsumu2022
🌠 Please Like, Reblog and/or Share to help support my writing 🌠
First off, you don't tell any of these guys that do you any type of fighting and/or boxing
Because seriously, you aren't stupid YN
You know exactly what will happen
These guys will absolutely not leave you alone to teach then
Also they are so freaking competitive
Literally they cannot STAND anyone being better than them
Even if they have no clue how to fight, they will want to fight you
Scratch they
Atsumu, Atsumu will want to fight you 🤣
So you keep it your little secret
I mean it's not really that hard
You consider volleyball practice your warm up
And afterwards you go to the boxing gym
Honestly queen shit 💅
You are an absolute beast in the ring 🥊
Our YN is so freaking perfect 😍
Unfortunately for you, while you maybe lucky in the ring, the luck you have doesn't extend to managing Team Japan 😅
Because someone finna tell on you 👀
Seriously tho, suddenly Hinata develops an interest in MMA
Like why wouldn't he? He totally would
He walked by a gym one time, saw people fighting and legit ran 🏃‍♂️ to ask them about it
After that, he was sold
So it's not surprising that he happened to stumble upon a video if Japan's gorgeous manager
Like he's actually in his apartment, clicks the video, watches it and sees you
It's takes .02 seconds for it to register
Mans will RUN to Kageyama's apartment
Please they live right across the hall from each other 🤣
Tell me I'm wrong? I'm not 😅
He's going to knock like a mad man
Kageyama will take 3 minutes to answer the door and Hinata will knock all 3 of those minutes 🤣
"What dumbass?"- Kags
"YN is a fighter!"- Hinata
Hinata will show him the video
His eyes widen because honestly, he's impressed
"I wonder why YN didn't tell us this?"- Kags
"Idk but I sent it to the group chat"- Hinata
You can never have nice things 😅
🎆 Future Olympic Gold Medalist Men's Volleyball Team 🎆
Aran constantly had to change the chat name because Atsumu changes it to "Atsumu's biggest fans" daily 🤣
Hinata: *sends video*
Sakusa: why are you sending an MMA video in chat?
Aran: Hinata we already told you that you can't join MMA!
Iwaizumi: seriously you'll get hurt idiot!
Kageyama: watch the video!
*2 seconds pass*
Yaku: is that...
Komori: 👁👄👁
Sakusa: damn...
Hakuba: THATS YN 😲
Hyakuzawa: ok nobody panic
Hinata: I KNOW
Aran: @hyakuzawa what were you saying about not panicking?
Iwaizumi: ok so YN fights? I mean is this really surprising
Ushiwaka: why are we discussing YN without her attendance?
Komori: it does feel weird talking about YN when she's not here to defend herself
They act like they don't discuss you daily 🙄🤣
Hoshiumi: I mean, she's pretty freaking good
Iwaizumi: that's our girl 👏🏻
Atsumu: Seriously we could be learning self defense!
Sakusa: like you need defense against anything 🙄
Kageyama: so are we just going to pretend we didn't see this?
Bokuto: No
Atsumu: Absolutely NOT!
Iwaizumi: ffs 🤦‍♂️
Hyakuzawa: it's YN's personal life
Aran: ok we need to let it go
Atsumu: fine...
Sakusa: you aren't going to let it go are you?
Iwaizumi: Atsumu...
Hakuba: practice tomorrow is going to be BOMB 🤣
The next day, you walk into practice completely oblivious
Iwaizumi approaches you and says "sorry YN"
Aran comes next "we tried YN"
Oh god 😃
"YN LN" Atsumu
"Shut up"- Sakusa
"I just want to know why you kept such a big secret YN!"
What secret 🤔
"Ummm I'm sorry- I'm so confused"- you
Hinata shows you the video
You roll your eyes 🙄
"It wasn't a secret guys! It just isn't important to practice"- you
"Not really"- Yaku
"Will you all shut your traps?"- Atsumu
"Not until you shut yours"- Sakusa
Every freaking day 🤣
You roll your eyes and start to walk away
Honestly you owe them nothing YN
"God dammit YN! Seriously we could be learning wicked cool moves and you were just hiding this on us"- Atsumu
"I wasnt hiding it. I simply didn't tell you because of this exact scenario"- you, walking to fill up the water bottles
"Ok then, I want you to fight me"- Atsumu
You stop abruptly and whip your head around
👁 Whet- 👁
"You heard me YN! If I win, you have to give us free fighting lessons"- Atsumu
"Dear god"- Iwaizumi 🙄
"And what do I get if I win?"- you
"I feel the the chance to kick Atsumu's ass and humble him is reward enough"- Hakuba
You shrug, fair enough 🤷‍♀️
"If I win, I want you to leave me alone about my activities outside of practice"- you
"Fine, let's do this"- Atsumu, starts stripping his shirt off
"Here?"- you say, frozen
You have no gear, not padding and you just know this isn't going to fair well for Atsumu 😅
"Maybe you should do this in a controlled environment?"- Hyakuzawa
"This is a lawsuit waiting to happen"- Ushiwaka
"Now wait a minute, if Atsumu gets hurt does that make me the automatic setter for the Olympics?"- Kags, probing
"Jesus christ this is not happening here!"- Aran
"Lets do it at my gym tonight after practice then? Unless you want some time to prepare?"- you, crossing your arms with a smug look 😏
"I was born ready"- Atsumu
Spoiler alert: Atsumu, was in fact, not ready 😅
You show up at the gym, both Suna and Osamu are there 🤣
They are both wearing "Team YN" shirts 🤣
"You guys work fast"
"Sakusa texted us and we got to work. Now where can I set up my tripod"- Suna
Please he plans to live stream it ✋️
Osamu whispers in your ear
"Free Onigiri for life if you win in less than a minute YN"
Please this is all too much 😭
You step into the ring, completely suited up in your ring gear and taped up
Atsumu steps in with boxing shorts on and nothing else 🤦‍♂️
"We tried to tell him-"- Komori says shrugging
Whatever, you have a plan 💅
Literally as soon as the bell sounds, Atsumu comes charging at you
Freaking idiot 🙄
Literally all it takes is a leg sweap and that man falls face first, smashing his nose into the mat
He instantly bleeds and Iwaizumi calls the match 🤣
"That's got to be some record"- Hinata
"I think there's a life lesson in all of this"- Aran
"Yeah don't mess with YN and her hobbies"- Yaku
Atsumu will sulk and say he tripped 😅
Tell him his charging technique was intimidating
He's over it in like 3 days tops 🤣
And you get to keep your fighting all to yourself 😍
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justiceraffles · 3 years
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"Hey, what if MK was a horribly written telenovela with a poorly conceived mystery storyline that's tied together in the most precarious of ways with nonsensical plotpoints and was also endgame Hakukai" So here's the start to my Hakukai longfic! I have a lot of things to say about this story so I'll just ramble about it at length beneath the cut if anyone's interested in my nonsense notes. Otherwise,
Read Here
I've been working on this thing on and off for a year and a half now, it lives rent free in my head every day and has been editted, restructured, and rewritten a lot. I've been very apprehensive about sharing it. ...To be honest, I still am! It's a chaotic story where I just allowed myself to write the most self-indulgent thing I could muster. This entire plot is an amalmagation of random things and ideas I like. It feels like a niche concept that is very messy and ???¿¿¿¿??? why did I make this
But, I guess that also makes it a very "me" story, so having fun with it and writing something that just brought me joy is what matters most, ultimately.
I'm very thankful to everyone who has read the outline and concept for it or just listened to me ramble about the incoherent plot and characters or cheering me on when I've been kinda anxious about it— it's thanks to that support despite this being such a specific and ¿¿¿ idea that I've found the courage to actually share it. I'm very grateful and I hope you guys can enjoy something in it o)-(
So, about the fic,
It's a story about Hakuba! I think we are all well aware that jokes about his long absences and infrequent appearances are very commonplace (where in the world is hakuba saguru??? TT) and it unfortunately leads to him being forgotten and overlooked often. The initial concept that inspired this fic was "Hey, what if Hakuba stopped showing up for real?" and explore the implications this would have on the MK storyline (and Kaito, by extension). I wanted to make a plot where he was allowed to be the protagonist of his own story, highlight his worth as a detective, his role in the main narrative, and the depth of his relationship with Kaito. It's a Hakuba Saguru Appreciation fic, first and foremost!
So, the romance itself is very slow burn. There is a lot of plot, because I have a lot of fun with ridiculous, contrived stories haha. It takes a while for the story to be fully set up, and Kaito doesn't make a proper, official appearance until the end of Chapter 2.
Chapter 1 is rather lengthy and sets the context and plot from Hakuba's POV, Chapter 2 focuses on establishing where his relationship with Kaito (as well as Aoko and Akako) stands at the moment, and Chapter 3 onward starts seeing the first proper developments in the relationship.
It's a bit rocky at first and they have a lot of ups and downs but I promise they work it out (I promise!!! I swear!!!) I tried my best to maintain a balance between the fluffy and angsty moments, but I have to admit it's quite dramatic at parts lol I enjoy stupid, trashy drama a lot sometimes— this is the reason I'm calling it a bad telenovela.
Despite the fact that this is very plotty, their feelings for each other are the guiding force behind the storyline, and their relationship does take center stage later on. The romance is in no way secondary, it just takes a long while to fully develop. They most definitely get a happy ending, but you can expect this to be 95% pining.
The story starts out some years after the current events in the MK manga. Pandora hasn't been found yet, and KID is still active. On the other hand, the DC canon is used very loosely; the conflict has long since been resolved. The BO was taken down years before the start of this story.
The two plots aren't too deeply intertwined here, they just intercept at parts. References to DC events appear here and there and some elements and character interactions overlap, but they tend to be minor for the most part. This is primarily a MK story and I wasn't too worried about completely integrating both plotlines (or staying 100% accurate to the DC plot, for that matter).
Of course, because this is MK-centric, Aoko and Akako are involved with the overarching story and have major roles to play.
In terms of DC characters, Masumi, Shiho, Heiji and Shinichi play semi-prominent roles in the story. I've tagged Masumi from the getgo because she appears in the first chapter, but I'll add the others when I get to the little arcs they show up in. Save for some specific contributions they have, they aren't too deeply involved with the overall plot progression, but the interactions Hakuba has with them are important for his character development and his better understanding of his relationship with Kaito. Basically each of these characters gets some sort of little story arc in which they interact with/help Hakuba in some way. I arbitrarily chose who I wanted him to interact with, lol.
Speaking of arbitrary decisions— Miss Masumi!!!! She's the first character that shows up in this and interacts with Hakuba. I understand this is probably a strange choice. Because I really wanted to flesh out Hakuba's detective methods and life in London a little more, I decided to use the very what if headcanon of Hakuba's maternal family and the Sera family being acquainted with each other. Like I said before, I didn't really want to connect DC and MK plots thoroughly, so the Akai family plotline isn't at all relevant here beyond a couple of passing mentions. I was mostly interested in Hakuba having an MI6 connection without the need of using another OC and I just wanted to imagine what a hypothetical dynamic between him and Masumi would be like.
And then, OCs. There's a couple of OCs with pretty major roles here as well. Really major— probably in equal measure to Aoko and Akako. I apologise in advance! I really needed them to properly build the detective/mystery aspect of the plot, and the more I wrote, the more they became involved with the story and relationship progression TT I really enjoyed writing them a lot, and I'm satisfied with how they turned out here. I understand OCs with prominent roles aren't everyone's cup of tea, though. Even though I enjoyed writing them, I'm a little self-conscious about how relevant they ended up being when they were originally just going to be there as a plot device to kickstart things ;;; Hopefully someone can find enjoyment in them nonetheless. They are most heavily involved with the story after the midpoint, but they appear all throughout.
I'm really nervous about the choices to have Masumi and major OCs in this story...I understand it is likely these things will make this story a little too niche. But!!!!!!!!! Again!!!!!!!!!!!!! Having fun with it is what matters most Raffles!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get that through your thick skull!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, please expect the most convoluted explanation to Pandora. There is a lot of made up lore I had a blast writing but it's all probably needlessly complicated.
In summary, it's a detective story starring Hakuba that somehow ended up reading like a dramatic post-breakup/getting back together soap opera.
A significant portion of this has been prewritten, so my (ideal) plan is to have weekly or biweekly updates (but hmmmm let's see how long that lasts until I decide to scrap and rewrite everything out of embarrassment— this is very likely, I second-guess myself a lot)
I keep dragging it through the mud, but I've actually had a blast writing it, even though there's A Lot going on and I'm not very confident in it being decent enough to share.
With all that, I hope someone else can maybe find some enjoyment reading it.
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yzkhr · 4 years
For the entirety of his 20 years of existence, Kudo Shinichi finds himself in one of the most difficult situations.
Everything was going so smoothly. He already had enough clues to figure out who the suspect was. All he needed was evidence to prove his surmises. It was all according to his plans.
Not until the suspect kidnapped Ran.
He should have seen that coming. After all, when the Conan incident ended with his name plastered all over Japanese Television for defeating one of the most notorious criminal organizations in the world, stuff like this happened afterwards.
If they can't target him to shut him up, they'll target the ones he care for. It happened more than once already, but everyone Shinichi knows can defend themselves(he's actually the easiest one to attack).
Hattori Heiji is a fellow detective who can swing a sword really well, Tooyama Kazuha knows Aikido, Masumi Sera is a Jeet Kune Do specialist, his parents are out of the question—or out of the country—, professor Agasa has his inventions, Ai with her scary scientific knowledge, the detective boys' unbeatable luck, Suzuki Sonoko with her boyfriend being the world's strongest security, the FBI and first division are a no go, and even the british detective Hakuba Saguru and phantom thief Kaito Kid can easily fend attackers off.
But the one who's always been the primary victim would be his girlfriend, Mouri Ran. Most of time, he doesn't worry one bit. After all, he knew more than anyone else just how much impact she can do with her karate—the Conan aftermath was proof of his girlfriend's ridiculous strength— and would even be afraid for the criminal, feeling sorry for their battered bodies afterwards. But today was a different matter. Ran was sick and couldn't possibly defend herself in her bad condition.
He believed himself to be a forgiving and understanding man. Being Edogawa Conan taught him a lot of things, including little compassion and sympathy towards even to the most horrible of culprits.
But this man was different. Not only did he involved Ran who had no idea of what's going on, he didn't hesitate, even after knowing she was sick and defenseless.
Shinichi was a kind man through and through, but concerning his innocent and ill girlfriend was a different matter.
Now, he stood on the rooftop of the criminal's twenty floor apartment building, anger barely contained. The man was grinning in that deranged way of his, while holding his girlfriend with a small but clearly sharp knife at her neck. What makes matters worse, was that they're at the very edge, one wrong move and both of them could be flat at the ground, bones broken.
Just from that alone, Shinichi was itching to shoot the man with his pistol but restrained himself. What almost pushed him to doing so however was his girlfriend's tired and pained expression, from her fever and the current predicament.
With the wind blowing furiously, it doesn't take a genius to know that Ran was freezing, specially with her condition.
He blocked out his primitive reaction of shooting the man for now, and willed himself to finish the issue faster, for Ran's sake.
"Listen, you can still go back from this! Just drop the knife and walk away from the edge!"
He shouted, taking two steps towards the two of them. The man only grinned even wider, as if finding something funny about his words.
"Why would I go back there? To just go in jail!? I'd rather die!"
'If you wanna die, then die. Don't take my girl with you!', were the words he wanted to say but decided against it.
Instead, he treaded nearer, trying to look as innocent as possible to not alarm his target.
"You knew what you did was wrong! You'll just have to repent it in prison for a few years! You can't go back from dying!"
The man wasn't having it. He gripped tighter against Ran's neck with his knife getting dangerously close. Shinichi's initial thought was to sprint, but managed to catch himself on time.
"That bitch deserved it you know! She cheated on me when I gave her my everything! I only did what was right for her! What she deserved!"
The man was going crazier by the second. Not that Shinichi could blame him. For all he knew, the suspect was a respectable man who loved his wife very much but it turned out she was cheating on him with another man.
Shinichi couldn't even imagine that happening to him. Even back then as Conan, Ran's faithfulness was so strong that something like cheating or attraction to other men didn't even cross his mind(except with Araide's case, Okita's case and many others).
Still, murder is murder. The husband could have dealt with it in a more rational way but he didn't, causing him to spiral downwards to madness.
Well, Shinichi will most likely go towards the same path as well if he would be unable to save Ran.
"You shouldn't have killed her! She was wrong! Cheating on your partner is stupid and unforgivable! But what you're doing right now is the same! You're only commiting murder! So please, turn yourself in. You can still change."
It seemed to have worked, with the culprit's grin dissipating and his hold on Ran loosening. Shinichi fasten his pace, while the man was still contemplating. But before he can even reach his end goal, the suspect looked at him with vicious but hurt eyes, tears forming.
"You're right. I shouldn't have done something so terrible. But I can't go back now. I can't go to jail."
All the detective could do was to stand there, disheartened by this man's irrationality. He was so close, just a few more steps and it would had been over.
Seeing as the suspect's humanity slipping away, Shinichi tried to take one tentative step at a time.
Before he can even put his right foot in front of him, the man violently shakes Ran, causing Shinichi to froze at his spot.
All his girlfriend could do was slightly whimper, still weak from her fever. The wind wasn't getting any calmer and it was bad for Ran.
"Stop this! Please! Give Ran back to me!"
The desperation was leaking but he didn't care. He was too worried for her to even think of something like pride right now. It wasn't helping that the man was slightly getting unstable from their spot at the edge.
"I'll give your girlfriend back to you in one condition."
The man eyed Shinichi with determined eyes and he didn't like it one bit.
"Call the police right now and tell them that the culprit is my wife's other man."
The detective thought he didn't hear him correctly but the expression on the culprit's face was telling him otherwise.
"Why would I even do that? I'm a detective, my job is to reveal the truth!"
The suspect laughed and the tip of his weapon was now touching his girlfriend's neck. Ran tried to wiggle out from the pain but the man kept her still. Shinichi couldn't do anything but widen his eyes and tried to run at her, only to be stopped by their culprit's daring looks.
"Don't come any closer or I'll slit your girl's throat!"
Seeing his pursuer's conflicted reaction, the suspect's smile was back, even more disturbing than before, lacking of any human compassion he might have had left of him.
"If you know the truth, then you can easily twist it right? You're the great detective Kudo Shinichi! Everyone will believe you!"
"I can't possibly do that!"
Hearing his resolute answer, the culprit slowly averted his eyes towards Ran.
"Not even for you lover?"
He couldn't answer. Because how could he? Choosing between the truth he valued and his most precious person was impossible.
Seconds passed but Shinichi didn't let a word out. He only stared at his girlfriend, with contrast beliefs and emotions swirling in them. The man was getting impatient but before he could speak, a new voice entered.
"Don't do it."
For the first time, Ran spoke. Her voice was hoarse and guttural, but she made sur eit can be heard.
Everything in her body hurts. From her legs that's been almost dangling down the edge, her arms weakly flailing on her side, her stomach wanting to throw up, her entire being physically burning and being cold at the same time. She felt horrible and wanted nothing but to karate chop her kidnapper.
But right now, her focus was on Shinichi, like it has always been whenever they were together. He looked tired, running all the way here from her house where he found out about her disappearance.
He was in deep thought and his eyes were conflicted on what to choose. She knew just how important she was to him, specially after knowing the lengths he had gone through as Conan to protect her. But, she's also aware of his morals and love for the truth.
Ever since they were kids, being a the greatest detective in the world like his idol, Sherlock Holmes had always been Shinichi's biggest dream. It started off as something silly but as they grew older, his dream didn't looked so far away. From all his struggles and successes, Ran was there. She knew all the hard work he put in his job just so he can achieved his childhood wish. She was present in all the steps he took to be this great. To be the Sherlock Holmes of the modern era.
Now, that dream was on the danger of being crushed. If he were to do what the culprit wanted, Shinichi would also lose his chance to achieve his goal. And Ran didn't want that.
"Don't do it."
She said, line more vivid than before.
He didn't know what to say. He wanted to asked her if she was fine, but she clearly wasn't.
"Ran, I-"
"Don't. Please, Shinichi."
He wanted to apologize, because he'll disappoint her with his answer. Yet, he wasn't able to, with Ran not letting him.
She wanted him to choose his morals, but he would lose her. He don't want to—can't—lose her.
However, her next words were what really made his decisions clear.
"Don't lose your dream for me. Please."
Ran wanted to cry but held it in. She needed all her energy for her last move and crying won't save her or anyone.
The man was getting more and more impatient. He waved the knife around blindly, making Shinichi stepped back a little.
Ran wished from the bottom of her heart a distraction could come for her plan to work. But since she didn't have any time, she'll just make one herself.
"You're trying to kill someone innocent. You're not right about anything at all. You're just a killer."
The culprit's attention went to her almost in an instant, fury present in his eyes.
"Silence, woman! Girls like you are all the same with your pretty faces thinking you can get any man! Not being contented with one man who would give his all! Vile! That's what women are! They're vile!"
She wanted to protest, because she's not the same. She'll never be the same. Just the thought of cheating on her lover already makes her want to puke. She would never cheat. After all, Shinichi was enough.
But she had to pretend he wasn't.
"That's right! We're cheaters! Vile people! We never cared about you men at all!"
'What is she doing?'
Shinichi was extremely confused. Ran was obviously lying, trying to provoke the man holding her at a knife point.
'Why would she even try to make someone aggressive when they're in the literal--'
As his mind reached it's conclusion, Shinichi didn't waste any time to move. However, it was a little too late.
The man was already losing his balance himself, making him vulnerable. Ran, with her remaining strength, wished to all gods her plan would work.
Albeit her left arm was tired, she steeled it with everything she got, elbowing the man's stomach and making him instinctively let go of her.
He stumbled forward, while she inevitably stumbled on the opposite direction. Down.
She closed her eyes, succumbing herself to the fall. However, a familiar presence force it to open, and she did.
There, falling with her was the love of her life, who was supposed to be at the rooftop arresting the man. Instead, he was reaching out to her, ready to die.
Suddenly feeling all the pain and tiredness, against her mental protest, she blacked out.
It was a good thing Hattori was there when he went back at the office temporarily. His best friend noticed his strange actions and decided to follow him.
Knowing that they were in a pretty tight spot and seeing Ran and the culprit at the edge, the Osakan detective dashed to find a trampoline, in case of the worst case scenario. Fortunately, he managed to hugged Ran's unconscious form and guide her through the unexpected trampoline while falling down.
Shinichi truly owed Hattori this time.
As they walked out the police station hand in hand, Ran looked uneasy. She managed to regain conciousness when they were already at the station, making a witness report. He didn't wanna do it in Ran's condition but he knew he caused enough trouble at them already.
He squeezed her hand, letting her look at his direction.
"Is there something wrong? Don't worry we'll get home soon and you can get some rest."
Ran's eyes slightly widened at his words. She then smiled, but it was strained.
Worry taking over him, he put his forehead on hers, feeling her hot one.
Ran instinctively blushed and tried to pushed him away. However, being stubborn had always been Shinichi's strongest points, so he didn't backed down. Instead, he asked.
"What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?"
With such a soft and gentle way of questioning, Ran couldn't help but give in and let her hands go to both sides of his handsome face,feeling his skin under her warm—felt cold to her—fingertips. Then, she breathed heavily before speaking.
"What you did was reckless. You shouldn't have jumped after me."
Shinichi regarded her a confused look.
"What wouldn't I? I didn't know Hattori was there. So I thought you would really--"
"Still, you shouldn't have done that. What if Hattori-kun wasn't there?"
"Then we would both die."
He spoke in such a calm and nonchalant manner making Ran annoyed at him not getting her point. She bunped him lightly,making Shinichi backed a little bit away.
"Ouch! What did you that for?"
"Because you were being dumb! You could have died back there Shinichi!"
He returned his forehead against her, leaning again. He closed his eyes this time, looking peaceful, like they weren't in the brink of death just a while ago.
"I could have. But so were you."
His voice was laced with pain, specially at the last part. Tears gathered around her violet irises but she willed for them not fall.
"You have a dream Shinichi. You had it since you were little."
He nodded at her words, still looking unbothered even with the confirmation. Frustrated, she continued on.
"You would have killed yourself back there. Why didn't you listen to me? I told you didn't I? Don't give up your dream for me."
He smiled, catching her off guard. It was so sincere and bright that Ran wanted to step away. When she was about to do so however, he encircled his arms around her waist, pulling her closer as much as possible.
She opened her mouth, ready to reason out but was beaten by his answer.
"You told me to not give up my dream for you but,"
His next words left her breathless, tears finally cascading down her soft cheek.
"You are my dream, Ran."
I wrote this instead of sleeping, forgive me for its lameness.
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b0ba-chan · 4 years
ALL I EVER TJINK ABOUT IS GAO NOW.. i became full on little girl for my big boyfie gao 🥺 am about to sleep soon but IMAGINE being gao's classmate and his cute lil crush too 🥺 he loves loves loves staring at u in class and always pairs up with u and he always dotes on u!! yet ure a dummy dumb and cant get the memo cause no one has ever paid attention to u and u dont believe that smn like gao would have a crush on u 🥰🥰
i have accumulated gao fuckers here
you thought maybe gao was just friendly with everyone like this. he was very loud and outgoing, very true to his feelings. and every project you had in the class, he always partners with you, but you dont mind. he brings snacks all the time during work time and he tries his best on his work, though it may not be good, you appreciate the effort. he also walks you home after you project work time when it gets late (or just any time he can walk you home) even though his house is in the opposite direction. but he doesnt tell you this because you would yell at him how stupid that is. gao just wants you to make it home safe is all. 
but it was rough on gao because he has expressed out loud that he likes you, but you always brush it off, thinking its just him being loud and a good friend. he was really handsome and very tall, but you didnt think he’d actually had a crush on you. not until he asked you to eat lunch with him on the roof. again you think it may be related to the project, so you go anyways, sitting against the fence next to him. as you ate ha grabbed your wrist which held the chopsticks and brought it to his mouth to eat the food that was on it. you blush bright red and stutter. “ha- hakuba- kun?” he pulls off the chopsticks and leans in closer to your face. “i really like you, l/n-chan. please go out with me?” and it finally went through your thick skull that he actually liked you and wasnt just joking around. looking down as you blush, you nod a bit and mumble a meek “yes.” gao yells delightedly and pulls you close in his arms. “finally! i thought you didnt actually like me!”
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balancingdiet · 5 years
Tabula Rasa
Detective Conan & Magic Kaito Characters: Shinichi/Kaito Words: 3100 ish Chapter: (1) … (18) (19) (20)
Shinichi always finds his neighbour weird. But he didn’t expect to find his neighbour lying on a patch of grass and donned in Kaitou Kid’s costume, too.
Dear Diary,                24 Dec
Hello! Before I start, let me first introduce myself. My name is Aoko, and I like to cook and volunteer at the hospital. There’s always this sense of accomplishment whenever people enjoy my cooking and company, and it makes me happy when they are happy!
What else... Oh, I haven’t thought of what I want to be when I grow up, but I do have lots of inspirations around. First of all, my dad is a Police Inspector! And Kaito, my childhood friend/neighbour is an amazing magician! Both Keiko and Sayaka, my close friends in high school, aspire to be a baker! Yuna too, wants to be a vet.
Ok, I think I’m starting to drift away from the main topic... Anyway, this notebook was a gift from Kaito. Or not. He said he got it as a complimentary item for some stuff that he bought online... But well, the fact that he even thought of me is already pretty sweet.
I originally wanted to use this book to do my homework, but Keiko suggested writing a diary with it, so I shall give it a go! Let’s see how long this diary-keeping thing will last (^-^)v
Dear Diary,               4 Jan
Bakaito got a cold today.
Okay. Let me rephrase that.
Kaito got a cold today.
Well, I guess he doesn’t deserve to be called Bakaito when it was sort of my fault that he became sick... But he’s so stupid! Yesterday, I told him I needed help because I sprained my ankle at the supermarket, and he came WITHOUT HIS COAT. It was such a long way home! What was he thinking??
But yeah... so now we’re both stuck at home. Me with a sprained ankle and him with a fever... I guess I can't see Kaito's ice skating fails any time soon! (≧∀≦)
Dear Diary,               22 Jan
Today, Kaito and I went to volunteer at the hospital.
We found out that Mika-chan’s dad passed away last night.
This is so horrible... Mika-chan loved her dad so much.
When I heard the news, I couldn't control myself and had to cry in the bathroom while Kaito started the magic show on his own.
I felt bad. The atmosphere wasn't great and Kaito wasn't in his best condition either, yet he still put on a smile the entire time.
Ended up, his performance cheered me up too.
I don't know what I'd do if Kaito wasn't there.
Dear Diary,               1 Feb
( •̀ω•́ )σ ( •̀ω•́ )σ ( •̀ω•́ )σ
( •̀ω•́ )σ ( •̀ω•́ )σ ( •̀ω•́ )σ
Dear Diary,               28 Apr
It’s been a few months since Kaitou Kid returned.
I never like him, and will never understand why everyone treats him like a celebrity either. But now... I think I should start viewing this from another perspective.
Since Kid first disappeared, and also mom’s death... I rarely see dad ever energised for anything. But after Kid returned, he's so much more motivated to go to work now. Speaking of which, dad was on his way out to the office before I went to school this morning. He even agreed when I suggested to make and deliver him bento dinner. He never wanted them the last time, just because...
But even though I’ve decided this MAY be the best for dad, that DOESN’T mean I will EVER tolerate Kid’s criminal ways!! Dad is definitely gonna catch him in the end, and by then, let’s see if he can still walk around in his costume!!
Seriously though, what’s with his hat.
He looks stupid.
Dear Diary,               18 May
Today, Kaito and I went to Tropical Land.
I know I should at least be a bit happier when I had so much fun, but I still feel a little bad... especially when the reason why I asked Kaito out in the first place was because I thought he was Kaitou Kid! Or at least that was what my dad thought. 
But in the end, I’m glad Kaito proved my dad and I wrong.
How can he be Kaitou Kid anyway?
I think I owe Kaito more than just an ice cream treat for ever doubting him. Maybe I should ask him out to Tropical Land again properly next time. And then we’ll have real loads of fun!
Dear Diary,               30 May
I have no idea who this kid is, but he’s really, really smart and cute! And comparing to all the Kid’s fans out there, I can’t believe it’s A CHILD that knows what’s right and wrong...
Hakuba-kun always uses the right words to irritate Bakaito, but I think the name “Edogawa Conan” has more effect on him. If I could get an autograph... I think it would be the best thing to use to tease Kaito and his stupid obsession with Kaitou Kid! (`▽´)
Dear Diary,               21 June
Today is Kaito’s birthday!!
I used to always buy him magic crafts and gadgets from our local bookstore, but now that he has the capabilities to make his own tricks, it’s a definite no-no! I considered bringing him to his favourite Ramen store, but I figured it’d be the easiest to just ask what he wanted to do or eat instead.
Guess what was his answer?
He said he wanted me to teach him how to cook fried rice.
I was like what?? That’s it? And he said yeah. So we spent the entire day getting the ingredients at the supermarket before going over to my house. It was easy and Kaito got the steps fast, but... silly Kaito. I mean... if he ever wants to eat it, he can tell me and I can always cook it for him.
But oh well! It’s nice to know Kaito wants to learn something else besides magic tricks. I had fun teaching him anyway. And I believe he had fun too!
As long as he’s happy, I think that’s all that really matters.
Shinichi shut the notebook and turned, watching as Takagi walked to close their distance on the rooftop. Keeping the book inside the pocket of his suit jacket, Shinichi greeted back.
“I thought you’re taking a break.” Takagi gestured to Shinichi’s suit once he stood beside him. “Turns out you’re reading your notes? For a case?”
“No, it’s not anything related to work.” Shinichi afforded a smile, but there was just so much his lips could move as his heart squeezed at the thought of Kaito.
Takagi nodded understandingly and said nothing more, which Shinichi couldn't be any more thankful for. “Anyway, I’m not sure if anyone told you since you missed this morning’s debrief, but a new division is on its way.”
“Yeah, Inspector Megure did tell me,” Shinichi said.
“I’m so glad things are going back to normal for us again.” Takagi heaved out a relief sigh after a long stretch. “And maybe by then, you can also focus on what’s worrying you all these while.”
Shinichi blinked. “...What?”
Takagi raised an eyebrow. “You’ve been worrying about something, or someone, haven’t you?”
“I may be wrong, and I’m sorry if I am. It’s just that I noticed some similar things in you that I had whenever I worried for Miwako-san.” Takagi scratched the back of his head. “I hope things are okay for you.”
“...Thank you.” Shinichi turned and looked over the view beyond the roof. “Anyway, you’re not wrong. There’s someone I’ve been worrying about recently.”
And that was all Shinichi could say.
It wasn't just for the sake of Kaito’s privacy or identity. The truth was, Shinichi had no idea what to do besides worrying. And this was the first time he felt so, so useless in this entire decade of his life.
He pressed a hand over his suit, feeling the bulge from the notebook.
“Then I hope things will work out for that person too...” Takagi’s voice trailed off as his brows furrowed in concern. “Actually, is he or she someone I know? I’ll be more than glad to help if I can.”
“No, you don’t know him... but he did knock you out disguise as you before,” Shinichi muttered at the end.
“Nothing.” Shinichi smiled. “Thanks for your concern. I really appreciate it.”
“No problem.” Takagi slapped a hand over Shinichi’s back. “We’re a team after all.”
Dear Diary,               16 July
Kaito has been pretty busy lately. And tired. Yes. Definitely tired.
I thought it was related to his track-and-field club and went to ask Chihaya-chan, but she said there wasn’t any recent competition lately. In fact... Kaito hasn’t been an active member since many months ago.
I then asked Kaito a few times about it, but he always deflected my questions and started talking about other things. And that is ALWAYS his habit. Guess what, BAKAITO??? The more you try to avoid, the more obvious it becomes! <(`^´)>
I'm so frustrated at him, but you know what’s even more frustrating? It’s the way he never fails to make me want to forgive him in the end even though I should have stayed angry at him longer. Always giving me those pretty roses and placating me with Tamago...
Dear Diary,               11 Aug
Kaito fell asleep in class again.
It’s not like I’m worried for his grades when he never needed to pay attention in class to score well (;¬_¬) What I’m worried about is his health.
I’ve already given up asking why and what he is exactly busy with, but I’m afraid he’d started stressing himself to attend the volunteering sessions with me, just because he doesn’t want me to worry...
I’m grateful, and forever will be, for those days when he accompanied me to visit my mom and even signing up for the volunteering program just for me. I’m really, really grateful for all he has done and all that he is doing now, but what I want is to be able to help Kaito, to lift whatever burden he is carrying... And what I want even more is for him to trust me. Trust me enough so that I can do all those things I want to do for him...
Just... ugh.
Stupid, stupid Bakaito...
Dear Diary,               9 Sep
Today is my birthday.
We didn't have school and Keiko asked why I didn’t take the opportunity to hold a party, but to be honest, it slipped my mind. I had been so busy with homework and worrying about... well, yeah.
Dad has work, but he wished me early in the morning before he went. Keiko, Sayaka and Yuna came over to my house and baked a cake for me. Everyone in the hospital helped to celebrate too when I went to volunteer in the evening. Kanna-chan even made a bracelet as a gift! Having a party or not, I still feel extra loved today.
As for Kaito... he had wished me in the morning through a text, but I didn’t see him all day. He must be busy.
It’s fine anyway. There’s always next year.
OH my god. Bakaito CAME.
Guess how did he do it?! He had climbed up to my balcony and scared the hell out of me! AND HE STILL HAD THE CHEEKS TO SAY HE WAS 12 MINUTES EARLY. He must be some monkey in his past life! ヽ(ಠ_ಠ)ノ
He then asked me to follow him to his backyard. Like, seriously, he could have called or texted me on the phone instead of climbing up to my balcony... but beside the point, I followed while he led the way.
And turns out this Kaito... He had cultivated a bush of blue roses as a gift for my birthday.
Oh boy... It is really, really beautiful!!!! And I think I must be so overwhelmed that I just... sort of pounced onto him as a form of...thanks. (//∀//)
I called it a hug, and he called it an attempted murder.
Then with only 3 minutes left, he sang me a birthday song with Wasabi and Curry sitting on his shoulders while Tamago sat on his head. I think I hadn’t laughed that hard since ages.
And I think I hadn’t seen Kaito looked so bright and cheery for a long time.
He told me to make a wish afterwards. But to be honest, I don’t think I needed one.
At that point of time, I felt as though all my wishes had already come true.
Dear Diary,               1 Nov
With the way Bakaito has been handling his life, I knew he will fall sick sooner or later...
He’s now down with a cold and a fever and has been missing from school for three days.
I was so tempted to tell him a ‘I told you so,’ when I dropped by his house for a visit, but I rather Kaito get well soon than to jinx him any further. He kept on drifting in and out of his sleep too, and it pained me when I saw him like that.
I stayed till dinner time and had to force feed him the porridge I cooked, while convincing him that I DID NOT put any fish in it for about 90 times. He seemed to care more about the non-existent fish than his fever and the medicines he hadn’t eaten. Silly Bakaito.
Maybe I should visit him tomorrow again.
Dear Diary,               2 Nov
Today, Kaito got admitted to the hospital. He’s getting proper treatment, but he’s still sick, which is why it’s getting worrisome. This is the first time he’s been sick for so long.
And luckily Jii-chan was around... Or I don’t know what to do alone...
Dear Diary,               3 Nov
Kaito Kaitojis Kaito iskasit
Kaito is Kaitou Kid.
The portrait of his dad in his room... I thought it was just an ordinary portrait. I thought...
I’ve thought so many things.
I just wanted to pack Kaito’s clothes. I don’t know why I heard a sound behind the portrait. I don’t know why I decided to give it a push. I don’t know why the portrait could flip.
I don’t know why I ended up in another room.
I... don’t know.
In the end, I had to lie to Jii-chan that I had something urgent and couldn’t bring Kaito’s clothes.
I can’t face Kaito.
I just can’t.
But then... What should I do now?
Dear Diary,               6 Nov
Kaito is well.
That’s all that mattered for now.
Dear Diary,               7 Nov
Dear Diary,               10 Nov
It’s been a long time since I went to Kid’s heist.
Tonight’s loot was a golden sapphire, and it was held inside a museum of a very, very wealthy man... And thanks to dad, I got into the museum and avoided being squashed by the crowd that were cheering outside, but I wasn’t allowed to hang out at the main area. I went to the security room instead.
The heist lasted around ten minutes, which was quite typical, based on what I heard from dad. Blackout. Smoke bombs. Escape. But for that ten minutes, dad had spent the entire day with the Task Force and the owner, just to prep enough to take down Kid.
And as for Kaito... he probably used hours and hours to plan, hours and hours to prepare, and hours and hours to do all of everything for this... and yet after a day or two, he would return the loot back in great condition...
I can’t figure Kaito out . Or Kaitou Kid. All these things... they don’t make sense. And if I can’t understand, I can’t find any reason to forgive Kaito.
But I want to.
I really want to.
Why is he making it hard for me to do so?
Dear Diary,               14 Nov
What should I do?
Dear Diary,               16 Nov
What should I do?
Dear Diary,               20 Nov
What should I do?
Dear Diary,               22 Nov
What should I do?
Dear Diary,               28 Nov
At the rate Kaito is sending his heist notes, I’m pretty sure he’s going to fall sick again, what’s more the weather is getting really cold soon... How does Kaitou Kid keep himself warm in his costume? And that hat... it’s just ridiculous.
Everything is ridiculous...
Maybe I should have made a wish when Kaito asked me to on my birthday.
Maybe I should have told him how I feel.
I don’t know anymore.
Dear Diary,               24 Dec
This diary is one year old now.
How time flies so fast...
Oh, and it’s Christmas tomorrow too. Keiko had invited me to her house to celebrate, and I think I’m going to go.
It’s the only place I could go.
Dear Diary,               18 Jan
During the volunteering session today, Kanna-chan told me she missed Kaito and his magic shows.
It’s good to know I’m not the only one too.
But even though I feel that every single day, being told about it by someone else caught me off guard, and I didn’t really know how to response. So I just... told her he will drop by soon...
I think Kanna-chan wasn't convinced though, which isn't strange. I mean... I'm never a great liar after all. But it's ironic how Kaito hasn't seen through the things I've been hiding from him until now.
Shinichi reached the last written page of the book.
(But it wasn’t the end. In fact, there wasn’t an end.)
He brushed a finger at the bottom of the page, feeling the creases caused by the countless blotches of dried, water stains...
Shinichi closed the book.
Of course he knew better, but it was easier, and nicer, to think it was simply water and nothing else.
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mintchocolateleaves · 5 years
Emogust - 07.08:  In which character A. is searching for a cat, and character B has found a cat around their windowsill // @sup-poki - A college!AU.
“What is that?”
Saguru squints across at his roommate, feels tempted almost to throw his textbook over at him, and decides against it. Kuroba is just being his strange self again, trying to distract him from his criminal law dissertation.
“I’m sure it’s very interesting,” Saguru sighs, trying to focus back on the legislation he’s researching. All very boring, important yes, but oh so very boring. He half considers procrastinating. “But not right now.”
“Oh please,” Kuroba says, “I’m pretty sure everything is more interesting that the legislation that’ll only be relevant to a single sentence of your report.”
Saguru hums. There are some interesting elements to researching his dissertation piece, but Kuroba is right that this isn’t really one of them. And it’s not even a major part of the research, just something he’s including because it will give him a higher grade.
Beside him, Kuroba shifts, unfolding himself from where he sits cross-legged on the sofa. He moves with a grace that Saguru catches from the corner of his eye, distracting in a criminal sense.
You know what, Saguru should probably be doing a dissertation on how his roommate is the Kaitou KID, there would be no shortage of articles and literature on the thief, and he’s got his own research he could add.
Then again, Kuroba would probably end up deleting his dissertation the day before submission if he did that, so… probably for the best if he doesn’t.
“I thought maybe it was a racoon, or a ferret,” Kuroba says now, and despite himself, Saguru glances up. He’s been successfully distracted. “But it’s a cat.”
Saguru lets out a sigh, pushes himself up, and follows Kuroba to the patio door that leads out to their balcony. It’s small outside, barely larger than a prison cell, but sometimes on hotter days, Saguru will study outside, dragging out one of the deckchairs from the cupboard.
“I’m sorry,” Saguru says, as he stares through the door – it’s opaque, and when he moves forward to unlock it, it slides open. “But do you even know what a ferret looks like?”
Kuroba huffs, crossing his arms. He says, “Out of the corner of my eye, it looked like it could be a very large ferret.”
“That doesn’t really answer my question,” Saguru says, and then, slipping his phone from his back pocket, he brings up a photo of said animal. Turning his screen around, he says, “That cat looks nothing like one of these.”
Kuroba does what he usually does whenever Saguru goes to show him something, and that’s steal his phone and swipe through the page without a care. Saguru rolls his eyes, steps out onto the balcony and glances at the cat.
“Ah, ferrets are kind of cute, aren’t they Hakuba?” Kuroba says. Saguru, feeling a headache coming on, decides to focus on their visitor instead.
Practically a bundle of fur, but almost elegant, the cat is easily recognisable as a Norwegian forest cat. Tufts of orange and brown fur mixed together against white fur, makes it look like the sort of pet someone would showcase in a pet beauty competition.
“Ah – Ah – Hakuba – look this one’s got a little hat on!”
Saguru takes a moment to glance away from the cat, offering Kuroba the driest look he can muster. It’s a mixture of exasperation and- nope. That’s pretty much it.
Let the man realise that even after all these years, even knowing that he’s capable of outrunning the police and committing crimes without being caught, Saguru still thinks of him as an idiot.
“You’re an idiot,” he says, just to make sure he gets it.
“How can you be so mean to me,” Kuroba says, “knowing that when you sleep each night, I’m only a room away?”
Saguru rolls his eyes. He turns back to the cat and finds himself squinting at it. Almost nervously, he reaches his hand out, as if questioning whether the animal will allow him to smooth it.
Glancing around, it isn’t too difficult to see how it got up here. Their apartment is on the first floor, so they don’t typically see anything other than birds up on their balcony, but there is a cherry blossom a little to the side of the apartment and it’s not impossible for a cat to climb to the edge of the branches and make the jump.
“Don’t be the demon roommate Kuroba, it’s too much of a cliché.” Kuroba huffs, and Saguru successfully places his hand against fur without having claws turned against him. The cat lets out a small purr, a low grumble and Saguru can’t help but feel satisfied by it. “Should we be looking for who owns this cat?”
He can practically feel the eye roll he receives. “Why do we need to search down the owner?”
“…Well, it could be lost, couldn’t it?”
“No, no,” Kuroba says, and now he moves forward, shuffling out onto the balcony as well, grabbing the back of Saguru’s shirt, dragging him backwards. “No, we’re not searching for the owner, it’ll find its way home eventually.”
“We’re not doing this again,” Kuroba says, ignoring the incredulous eyebrow raise Saguru sends his way. “No – don’t give me that look. You know what I mean.”
Actually, Saguru doesn’t. He says as such.
“I refuse. Hakuba, dude, we go searching for the owner of this cat, and we’ll only meet someone who’s lost it. A weirdo, someone insane – deranged. Whatever. I’m not doing it.”
Saguru frowns. He says, “I think that’s a bit of a reach, don’t you?”
“Please,” Kuroba says, “it’s the truth.”
“No, you’re reaching.”
“Oh puh-lease,” Kuroba taps his fingers against his elbow, arms crossed as he shakes his head. “You haven’t realised? You attract crazy Hakuba, it kind of just flocks to you.”
Saguru frowns. He squints.
“I mean, I don’t really know why,” the thief continues, “but my working theory is you’re just so boring, that the crazies flock to you because they think you’re hiding some of it.”
“I don’t attract crazy people.”
“I mean, I’m your roommate,” Kuroba shrugs, scrunches his nose. “That’s one example.”
“You’re an anomaly in the statistics,” Saguru says. “And even then, you’re not crazy, you’re just…”
He doesn’t know what to say so he simply waves the man up and down. Kaito huffs again, breathing through his nose, the side of his lips moving up in a half-grin. More amused rather than annoyed.
“Uh, sorry,” – Kuroba snorts, lets out a low laugh. – “but you do. I mean, don’t you remember Yue-san?”
Saguru winces. Alright, so maybe Yue-san, the student they’d met during the previous years summer social had been a little insane, but they’d not known that at the time. And to be fair, the woman had hardly been crazy, just a cultist who was pursuing a sociology degree and…
Okay, no, yeah, considering the fact she’d tried to indoctrinate them both into her cult, it’d kind of be stupid to deny her… issues.
“Another anomaly.”
Kuroba groans. He sighs, goes to say something else, lips parted slightly for words when a knock echoes from the other side of the door. Saguru turns, arching his head back indoors.
“I’ll get it,” he says, because Kuroba is the kind of person who’d rather wait and say he’s not answering the door in case a murderer is on the other side. Which, well – there are so many issues with that.
“Hope you don’t die!” Kuroba says, which is pretty much confirmation that he isn’t expecting anyone.
Opening the door reveals a woman with deep, plum coloured hair. She looks concerned, worried, as she stands in front of him. For a moment, Saguru watches as she fiddles with the sleeve of her blouse and then, he blinks and reminds himself that he’s being rude.
“Uh,” he clears his throat, “hey, can I… help you?”
“Oh yes,” her voice is not hard, but there is a strictness to it, something that leaves him standing a little straighter. “Sorry, I don’t presume you’ve seen a cat around recently.”
Saguru blinks.
Well that’s easy, isn’t it. Now they don’t have to go searching for an owner.
“Ah, well, yeah I have actually.” He turns ever so slightly to look inside his apartment, to where Kuroba is now rubbing the belly of the animal in question. “A… Norwegian forest cat, yes?”
“This one?” The girl asks, and sure enough, when she shows him a picture it’s an exact likeness to the one on their balcony. “I’m quite worried about his absence.”
Saguru can understand that, how nervous someone can be when a cat is roaming around for a long time, without being seen. He says, “yeah, he’s uh – just through here. If you want to get him?”
She tilts her head, half agreeing, half thankful. Depositing her shoes by the entrance and continuing with just her socks, she waits until Saguru has closed the door and then, follows him to the balcony.
Kuroba glances up at the sound of their footsteps, and after the initial surprise at seeing a stranger in their apartment, he offers a smile. That polite one he practises for people he doesn’t know how to read yet.
“Ah, Hakuba, who is this?”
You know, maybe Saguru should have asked first. Oh well, no one ever said his social skills were very good.
“Oh, of course, I haven’t introduced myself,” she says, “my name is Koizumi Akako. It’s a pleasure to meet you – and you’ve met my cat, it seems.”
Eyebrows raised, Kuroba nods, turning back to the cat that’s nibbling now at his fingertips in an attempt to draw his attention back to him. He says, “Oh, this little guy is yours?”
“Indeed, he is,” Koizumi says.
She steps forward, scoops the furball up into her arms. The cat leans against her, immediately comfortable. It’s seems an odd sight to see – it puts up no argument, offers no movement, other than the slight curl of its tail, swishing back and forth beneath her arm.
“And what is this little guy’s name?” Kuroba continues.
Koizumi offers them a smile, soft and content as she glances down at her pet. She says, “this is Lucifer.”
Oh? What an original name.
Out of the corner of his eye, he can see Kuroba’s eyebrows fly up his forehead so quickly it seems almost like he’s waxed them off. It’s practically invigorating watching his roommate bite down his tongue in an attempt to not say anything.
“Is that so?” Saguru says.
“Yes,” Koizumi nods, adjusting her hand on the cat to scratch behind his ears. “This cat harnesses the spirit of the satanic majesty Lucifer himself. A drunken mistake made by myself, but we’re getting used to being roommates, I like to think.”
Kuroba jerks. It looks mildly, beneath the initial mask he wears around new company, like he’s in pain.
Maybe he’s having an aneurysm.
“But,” Koizumi continues, “he’s quite a docile little fallen angel as long as I give him tuna every so often, isn’t that right, Lucifer?”
Lucifer purrs.
Kuroba, predictably, jerks again. His lips force into a slightly larger smile than usual – it makes him look almost psychopathic, but hey, maybe it’s just because Saguru sees KID in a smile like that.
“He must love the tuna then,” Saguru says, and Koizumi nods.
“If you’ll excuse me though,” she says, voice lowering, “Lucifer and I should probably head back. We’re having a ritual dinner tonight, and I’d hate to be late.”
“Ah,” Saguru blinks. “Yes, of course. I’m glad we could – give you your cat back?”
Koizumi offers him a smile on her way out, her thanks slipping from her lips on her way out. Saguru closes the door after her and then, slowly turns around to face his roommate.
Kuroba looks almost like he’s waiting for something. He rolls his wrist, his hand waving in a way that urges him to speak. He says, “…well?”
“She seems nice.”
For a moment, all Kuroba can do is blink. Then, thrusting a hand out to point at Saguru, he says, “that’s what you’ve taken from this? She seems nice?”
“Well yes,” Saguru says, pausing. “What else am I supposed to think?”
“She’s – fucking crazy.” Kuroba lifts his hand, brushes it through his hair. It makes his hair even messier than it usually is. “She thinks her cat is the devil, and that she’s placating him by giving him fucking tuna, and all you can think of is that she’s nice?”
“I mean,” Saguru pauses, “I think a lot of cat owners say their pet is the devil.”
Kuroba takes a long breath, heaves it out with so much force that it feels like his body shakes from the pressure of it. He says, “I don’t know who’s more insane. That Koizumi girl for believing that, or you, because there aren’t any little alarm bells ringing in your head.”
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silvermalkin · 6 years
May I suggest a drunk Kaiba as a prompt? :D I will share it with my sideblog @larifariyukari which is mainly for YGO content.
Thank you for this prompt! It was fun deciding how to handle it.
The Tokyo penthouse was dark and cold when Seto opened the door. The housekeeper hadn’t known he was coming, so the lamps were out and the heat was turned down. He didn’t bother with the light switch, but he did bump the thermostat. He waited patiently for his eyes to adjust to the dim light from the city nudging through the curtains before moving cautiously over to the kitchenette where he set down a few bags from the local konbini.
He felt slightly ridiculous setting out the bottles of liquor, beer, and wine. Not wanting to invite scrutiny under the law he had managed to avoid underage drinking, but now that he had reached the age of majority, it would be easier to handle business functions if he could accept even a little alcohol.
The problem now was tolerance. Seto would be damned if he would shame himself by becoming drunk and out of control in front of anyone else. Mokuba might scold him for drinking alone, but he absolutely wouldn’t drink with anyone until he knew how much he could handle. He had Isono on speed dial, anyway.
Seto spent a moment considering the bottles in front of him but ultimately chose the whisky. It was distinguished and readily available. He poured it neat. His goal was to get used to it, not dilute it. He took the first sip.
It burned. Seto steeled his face, determined not to show how much he longed to cough. He swallowed hard a few times before drinking again. Ugh. It might not have been so bad if he had chosen a luxury brand, but good whisky wouldn’t always be available. He’d have to get used to this. When he finished the first glass, his face felt warm but other than that he was fine. He poured himself another. The burn had faded, now, and he was able to pick out the different flavors. None of which he liked, unfortunately, but that wasn’t the point of this.
He pulled open the curtains on the floor-to-ceiling windows and sat in the chair perfectly positioned for taking in the view. Domino City was great, but it was nothing compared to this. Tokyo was a universe unto itself, with neighborhoods like whirling galaxies and millions of tiny, electric stars. He laughed softly. The whisky was making him a poet.
The third glass was a bit bigger than the two before. Really, Seto didn’t feel much besides being warm. His eardrums were burning, actually. He didn’t know that you could feel your eardrums like that.
He stretched his legs out in front of him. They were long. Everyone made a big deal about his long legs, but they were just long. Seto looked around to see if anyone was watching. No one was, of course. He crossed his legs. Now, how did the women do it? He took his top foot and tried to hook the toes back underneath his lower leg. He couldn’t quite get them back around. He adjusted his top leg, trying to get the right angle. His hips must be too narrow, despite the long legs. He gave one last squeeze, trying to get his legs completely wrapped together.
He fell out of the chair. Seto landed awkwardly, his legs untwisting. He just managed to pull off a pose he’d had to do for a modeling shoot once. He reached up to the single flower sitting in a small vase on the side table. The vase came with it. Fake. Undaunted, Seto placed the flower into his mouth like a rose. He held the pose a few moments before he realized what, exactly, he was doing. He laughed, the crystal vase pulling the flower out of his mouth to land dully on the carpet. It only took him a minute to calm down. He placed the flower back onto the table and finished off the third glass. Seto was a little disappointed. Surely, he should have been drunk by now. It was supposed to be fun, right? But other than that bit of ridiculousness, it wasn’t fun at all. But you know who was fun? Mokuba.
Seto stalked over to the counter where he’d left his phone, using his long legs to cross the room in three steps. He put in the code to unlock it. It didn’t work. Seto frowned, trying to think. He was sure he’d used it since he got to the penthouse. Who could have snuck in and changed it? He tapped the screen again. Again, wrong. This time he opened his eyes as he did it. Mokie4Everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, typed Seto, before laughing and deleting it. As if. Mokuba-Hakuba. Haha. No, no, enough messing around. He had to actually call him. He put in the real code: the winning move of the chess match between him and Gozaburo. Gozaburo didn’t drink whisky. He drank… something. Not whisky. Anyway. Mokuba.
A number code wasn’t very secure. Maybe he should do fingerprint. Or, or something no one would expect. He poured another glass as he thought. Oh, noseprint! No, how ridiculous would that be? Highly. He should ask Mokuba. Oh! He should call Mokuba.
Seto drummed his fingers as the video call rang. Mokuba wasn’t answering. UGH, Mokuba never answers now that he’s a stupid teenagers. Man, teenagers can be so dumb. Except for himself, when he was a teenagers a week ago.
Then, the call connected. “Nii-sama? Hey, what’s up?” asked Mokuba. He was surrounded by pillows. Ugh, it was three in the morning, ugh. “Seto? Is something wrong?” Mokuba sat up to get a better look at the screen.
Seto made sure that his expression was normal. This was a test. “There’s nothing wrong, Mobuka—Mokuba,” he said. “I just got in, so I was checking in. Is there anything wrong with you?”
“No, Nii-sama. Just sleeping.” He peered at the screen. “Are you sure you’re not sick? You look flushed.”
Seto cleared his throat. Why wasn’t he able to speak well? He almost took another sip before realizing that Mokuba would see it. “The housekeep—housekeeper turned the heat up too high. I might have her fired; this is too much for summer.”
“Seto, it’s November. Are you sure you’re fine?”
Seto pulled himself together, willing every fiber of his being into seriousness. “Mokie, I’m fine, but I miss you.” Yes, very serious. He did miss him, though. He pulled his lips in so that they did not tremble. “I’m going to come home tomoror—tommor—in the morning. Early. First train.”
Mokuba rubbed his eyes. “I doubt that. I’m going to go ahead and send Isono with the car. And some medicine.”
“What? Mokuba,” whined Seto. Ugh. “Why?”
Mokuba sighed as if he was trying to eject his spirit. “Throw that away,” Mokuba pointed at the screen, “you shouldn’t drink any more tonight.”
Seto looked behind him, where the beer and sake still sat, unopened. “Right, Mokuba, you are very smart.”
“And drink some water. Like, at least twice as much as the alcohol you drank tonight.”
Seto frowned. “Mokuba, how did you knew—know that I’ve been drinking? Do I need to look into your habits?”
“I’m not answering that.”
“Mokuba, do you think I’m drunk?”
Mokuba let his head fall back into the pillow. “Yes, Seto, you’re drunk,” he mumbled.
Good? He had wanted to know what his limit was. Bad? He felt too out of control like he was acting before he realized what he was doing. Good? Um, good? Bad? Nothing he said could be taken seriously. “Mokuba, I’m sorry. I don’t know if you’ll believe me because I’m like this,” Seto raised the glass of whisky into frame and shook it, “right now, but I love you.”
“Yes, Nii-sama. I believe you.”
“But I don’t say it all the time. It seems unfar—unfair of me to say it now.”
“Nii-sama, you do say it all the time. You don’t say it with those exact words, but you say it all the same.”
“Oh,” said Seto. “That’s good.”
Mokuba laughed. “Yes. That’s good. Goodnight, Nii-sama.”
“Goodnight, Mokuba.”
“DRINK YOUR WATER,” said Mokuba. “I’ll know if you don’t.”
“Yes, Otouto-sama.”
If you didn’t like how I handled this prompt, or want to see something else, prompt me again!
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lisatelramor · 6 years
If you accept requests can you please write some AoKai with Aoko finding out Kids identity and confronting him about it I love your fics on FF :)
so, to answer your question, yes, yes I do take requests, though it is purely up to the whims of my brain whether or not anything gets written from them so I don’t explicitly advertise that. You’re lucky, it bit this time ;) Have some AoKai, Anon
Gotta Spend SomeTime, Love
Aoko made a note in the notebook she kept under her bed.Another one for the left column. Aoko smoothed a finger over the lines,spanning several pages now. Kaito is Kid.Kaito is not.
She started the list when her dad first suspected Kaito wasKid. One thing in each column that day—the left: Kaito replaced himself with a dummy (I can tell the difference from mybest friend Kaito), the right: Itisn’t possible to get from the amusement park to the heist site and back in thelength of that movie. The left column had the added: Kaito makes the impossible a hobby. She’d added to it ever sincethen, bit by bit. Evidence for, evidence against. Hakuba Saguru’s accusationwas in the left column, all the times Kaito got into a heist site because hewas her friend, Kaito’s skills with sleight of hand and acrobatics. The othercolumn held the time Hakuba handcuffed Kaito to him—that was the real Kaitothat time, she was sure—and how he tried to help her dad by pointing out blindspots when he was asked, how Kaito was afraid of fish so he’d never have beenpart of those heists with the submarine or the boat.
If Aoko could pick her worst trait, it was that her emotionsclouded her thoughts. She reacted, always reacted, first and thought second. Itwas a trait she shared with her father. It was a trait she’d had since she wasa small child, jumping to conclusions without proof and her mother used to holdher hands and talk her through it, piecing together why her conclusion was orwasn’t right. It had almost been a game then, a puzzle, pretending to be apolice officer sometimes like her dad.
When it came down to it, Aoko was and had always been apolice officer’s daughter.
Aoko’s finger stopped on Kaitoloves Kid which she’d written on both halves of the list. On the one hand,Kaito was a magic geek and Kid’s heists were the sort of spectacle that Kaitoloved. On the other… Kaito was just enough of an egoist to join his own fanclub.
He dad knocked on the door and Aoko flipped the notebook toold school notes in the back. He glanced at it as he poked his head in. “Justchecking in. Working on homework?”
“Yeah.” Aoko smiled. “Almost done though. There’s someleftovers from dinner in the fridge if you haven’t eaten yet.”
He smiled back, so worn and tired. He didn’t sleep enough.He probably didn’t eat enough, or at least not healthy things. Kid had himrunning around at all hours and hardly ever home. “Thanks, Aoko. You’re a goodkid. Don’t stay up too late.”
“I won’t.”
The door closed again. Aoko’s smile slid off her face. Shewasn’t a good kid, though, was she? If she was, she wouldn’t be hiding thisnotebook.
She flipped back to her list. At the top of the most recentpage she’d written Aoko loves Kaitoin the reasons Kaito was Kid. Maybe it wasn’t a reason exactly, not the way therest of the list was. But Aoko knew better than most that love could beblinding. It made you see what you wanted to see. For her dad, a perfectdaughter. And years ago, it had been the same with her mother, not seeing theproblems until it was too late.
The Kaito is Kidlist was winning again. Every time Aoko added to it, she thought she’d justgive him one more chance. One more chance to prove he wasn’t Kid. One more. Onemore.
Maybe it was time for the last once more.
When she started this list, it’d been from a place of anger.Now Aoko just felt heavy seeing all the damning evidence that had piled upwhile she stretched to fill things in for the other column. A year was morethan enough time to work past her gut emotions and trace evidence. Any longerand Aoko wouldn’t be able to delude herself that she was still waiting forKaito to prove this theory wrong.
“Kaito?” Aoko said, after the school day was over andcleaning was done and the aftermath of Kaito’s pranks and a mop chase werefixed up.
“Yeah?” He had his bag in one hand and a newspaper in theother. He didn’t used to read the paper much before Kid.
“There’s a magic act this weekend that sounded like fun.Would you like to go with me?” She pushed a stubborn, flyaway strand of hairbehind her ear. “We could get dessert after.”
Kaito stared at her, probably waiting for the catch. Therewasn’t one. No Kid heist that day. Something Kaito would enjoy. Not her nagginghim to do something stereotypically romantic in hopes that he’d get a clue, orsomething she liked more than him that he’d pretend to drag his feet over.
Aoko waited. Kaito took a breath.
“Just us?” he asked.
“That okay?”
“Yeah,” he said slowly, a smile spreading on his face. “Thatsounds pretty fun. It’s been a while since we just did something together,huh?”
Not without Kid involved or Aoko dragging him there. ButAoko wasn’t going to point that out. She smiled. “It’s a date then.”
She left Kaito sputtering, face going red. She was blushingtoo, heartbeat racing at saying that out loud. Anticipation and dread curled inher. Kaito, notably, didn’t call her back or protest that it was just a friendsthing. Add that to the theory that he liked her back.
“Ok, but that was actually a really hard trick to do,” Kaitosaid, gesticulating with his ice cream cone. “It looks easy but if you don’t time it exactly right, the whole thingends up falling apart and looking really fake, so the fact that this guy notonly got the timing right, but made it more complicated was really cool.” He grinned,a bounce in his step. He hadn’t sat still since the performance. “Actually itgives me a lot of ideas.”
“Of course it does,” Aoko said with a theatrical sigh. “I’mgoing to have to chase you with a mop for disrupting class more often in thefuture aren’t I?”
Kaito gave her an innocent look and Aoko had to laugh. Theywere walking in the park, now, eating ice cream and letting their free handsdangle a bit too close. She hadn’t tried to take his hand and Kaito hadn’treached for hers, but it felt like a date. He kept his pace at her side insteadof a bit ahead and stayed closer than normal. It was nice.
Aoko crunched through the cone of her ice cream, barelytasting its sweetness. Pity it wouldn’t last.
“Hey, Kaito?” Aoko said, pulling Kaito out of his magiciandaydreams.
“Has it been worth it, being Kaitou Kid?”
She caught him off guard, his eyes going wide and his feettripping on nothing before he pulled himself together. Normally she likedcatching him off guard. Now, it only hammered in the truth. Kaito blinkedrapidly before laughing. “Pff! Sure, you got me, Aoko. It is I, the great, uncatchableKaitou Kid!” He gave her an exaggerated bow, almost dripping the dregs of hisice cream down his own wrist. “C’mon, Aoko, what kind of a joke question isthat?”
“Is it worth it?” Aoko repeated, refusing to react.
His masks were up now and he pushed forward irritation andhurt on his face. “It’s bad enough with Hakuba going on and on withaccusations, don’t tell me you’re going to start too. I keep saying it, I’m notKid. Don’t tell me you’re going to believe Hakuba over your best friend?”
Aoko’s hands clenched into fists. She forced them back open.Breathe. He was trying to guilt herinto backing off. But that wasn’t going to work this time. Aoko looked Kaito inthe eye and waited.
The irritation on Kaito’s face wavered. He probably didn’tknow what to do with this. Aoko always reacted. She responded. But she wasn’tthis time. “Seriously? I know your dad’s a bit of a washed up inspector, butyou’re confident enough to say you know who Kid is when he doesn’t?”
There, an attempt to get her angry—and Aoko wanted to getangry, words were at the tip of her tongue waiting to burst out in defense ofher father—but Aoko wasn’t going to.
He took a step back. For a second he almost looked scared. “Didyour dad put you up to this? Hakuba? You asked me out last time because of yourdad.”
“I asked you out because I wanted to ask you out,” Aokosaid, patience slipping. “Answer the damn question because I know you’re Kid, Kaito.”
“And what makes you so sure?” he shot back.
“I have a list. It’s four pages long.”
Kaito went pale.
“I didn’t need someone to ‘put me up to’ this.” Aoko crossedher arms. “I’m confronting you because I’ve been compiling evidence for months.I know I’m not a genius like you or Hakuba, and I don’t have Tou-san’straining, but I’m not stupid, Kaito. Even I can see what’s right in front of mewhen I think to look for it.”
“I… I don’t think you’re stupid,” he said. The remains ofhis ice cream cone were a sad dripping mess clenched in one hand, but he didn’tseem to notice.
“No?” Aoko asked. “The number of dummies you’ve left me with,the number of times you used your friendship with me to get into a heist, thetimes you used my face say otherwise.”
And Kaito flinched. Maybe it was because she usually usedmops and shouted insults instead of pointed words, but they’d hit harder thanshe expected them to. “…Why haven’t you tried to hit me yet?” he askedfinally.
“If I get mad right now you’ll just use it to run away,”Aoko said. “So, was it worth it?”
Aoko didn’t know who he’d been confiding in the last year,who he’d shared his burdens with like he used to share ideas for tricks when hewas little with her. He hadn’t confided in her about anything in a long time,longer than Kid had been around, but from the way something in Kaito’s eyesfolded like a surrender, she guessed that whatever support he had wasn’t enoughall this time. Kaito was good at faking. Good at pretending so hard he fooledhimself. Aoko doubted he’d let himself look at what was underneath all thosemasks he wore in a while, easier to compartmentalize eternally than deal withhis problems.
“Am I going to end up in handcuffs if I answer?” he asked.
“If I was going to get you arrested, would I have asked youon a date?” Aoko asked, irritation bleeding into her voice. “Bakaito, if Iwanted you arrested, I’d give Hakuba your hair to match with Kid’s and give mylist to my dad, not invite you to get ice cream.”
“Oh.” Kaito’s shoulders slumped. “I don’t know. If it’sworth it.” He stared at the mess of ice cream in his hand without seeing it. “Iwant to think it is. It’s just… It’s something I had to do.”
“Had to,” Aoko repeated, voice flat. She’d told herself shewouldn’t get angry. Don’t get angry.
“Had to,” Kaito said standing straighter. “Oyaji was thefirst Kid. His death, it wasn’t an accident, Aoko. I’m the search lightrevealing the rot hidden in the shadows—Nakamori-keibu already has arrestedsome of them, but I need to get all of them.”
Screw not gettingangry. “At the expense of dying?” Aoko growled. She always tried reallyhard not to think about the gunmen that had appeared at heists because whenevershe did, she felt so scared for her dad and Kid—Kaito. “How many times have younearly died, Kaito?”
He glowered back at her, a stubborn set to his jaw that wasmore at home on her face than it was his. “You don’t understand, Aoko, theykilled my dad. You wouldn’t get—”
“Don’t try and tell me what I wouldn’t get,” Aoko hissed,grabbing his arm. “Because I understand missing a parent just fine.”
Kaito looked away first. “Sorry. But no one else is doinganything. They’re committing crimes and killing people and no one is stoppingthem from doing it again, and if I can, then why shouldn’t I? Isn’t it themorally right thing to do?”
“Only you would make a moral argument about breaking the lawto stop other people from breaking the law,” Aoko said. Why was she in lovewith this brilliant, stupid boy? She probably would be happier in the long termif she could choose to love someone simpler. Pity the heart really didn’t careabout that sort of thing.
“Well,” Kaito said, a cautiously optimistic note of teasingentering his voice. “There’s degrees of evil, and really, as far as that goes,stealing and returning what I take is a lot lower than murder.”
“You’re also a public nuisance, cost the police too muchmoney, and are giving my dad high blood pressure.”
“Pretty sure he gives himself high blood pressure. It’s notmy fault he gets angry easily.”
Aoko smacked the back of Kaito’s head lightly and he didn’teven try to dodge. “That’s for being an idiot and lying to me. You owe me somany apologies.” She felt him flinch minutely in her grip. Aoko pulled him intoa hug, messy, melted ice cream hand and all. “And this is for finally tellingme the truth. I’m still really angry at you and I’m probably going to try andsmack you later just. For now.”
Kaito was stiff as one of his wooden dummies for a fewseconds before he grabbed her back like he was afraid she was going to changeher mind. When was the last time she’d hugged him properly? Probably not sincepuberty hit them and emotions made things awkward. “Do you hate me?”
“Idiot.” Aoko squeezed him tighter. “I’m angry, that doesn’tmean I don’t love you. I don’t forgive you yet though,” she added because therewas no way Kaito was getting out of this that easily.
“Fair enough,” Kaito said, laughing into her hair. “Wait,did you just say you love me?”
“Don’t make me regret saying that,” Aoko grumbled, feelingher face heat up.
Kaito pulled back, grinning so wide he was more smile thanface. “Does that mean you actually want to date me, not just going on a date tocorner me?”
Why was it so hard to keep composure now? Aoko hid her facein her hands. “Yes, yes, that is what it means.”
“You know I thought I’d be the one to ask you out, but youbeat me to it.” Kaito sighed, still grinning too big for any of his dramaticsto mean much. “Not fair, Aoko.”
Aoko glared at him between her fingers. “I’ve asked you outhalf a dozen times, dummy! It’s not my fault you keep acting like it’s a burdento be around me!”
“It’s not. A burden,” he said. “I just…” He scratched athis face, sheepishly. “You hate Kid. It’s been easier to keep my distance.”
“I still hate Kid.” She wasn’t going to let him thinkotherwise. “But I don’t hate Kaito, so I guess we’ll have to come to some kindof an agreement.”
“Are we dating now?”
“Do you want to be?”
Kaito caught her hands, pulling them away from her face.Aoko blushed harder and his grin lost some of its manic edges. “Yes.” And thenhe didn’t kiss her. What was he waiting for, an invitation?
Aoko growled and grabbed him by the shirt to haul him thelast little bit forward. It was a terrible terrible kiss. The second one wasmuch better.
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