#hakuno just looks polite
caemthe · 4 months
@nulltune said.º
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Romantic interest: (Berserker) Conall Cernach! How they meet: Conall almost runs over university student Hakuno with his motorcycle while she is on exams week (aka powered by caffeine and almost no sleep). He ends up buying her lunch as an apology even though Hakuno was the one crossing the street when she wasn't supposed to. Important event: They go to the aquarium together on a date and Hakuno gets to ride on Conall's motorcycle before the sun sets or they go ride on the outskirts of the town and Conall shows her a few cool spots. When he takes her back home, he kisses her on the lips for the first time outside her door. Good ending: Conall decides to stay in Hakuno's town. The first time he picks her up from university after she's done with classes, everyone is wondering who that scary-looking guy is. Hakuno's friends point him out and Hakuno has no option but go to him and ask what he's doing or why is he waiting for her. Conall takes the opportunity to kiss her right then and everyone sees that Hakuno is capable of blushing. Bad ending: Conall isn't one to stay in one place for too long so one day he just leaves without telling Hakuno anything (because he doesn't want to see her upset).
dating sim game • accepting!
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nulltune · 1 year
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T-T-THE SCRUNKLIES OMG........ fem!hakuno looking :| as always (but somehow vaguely :3 ...? she is so Cute) and that lil heart because she luvs tamamo's cooking 🥺🥺😭🙏🫶💖 TOO CUTEEE WTF I LOVE HERRR 🥺🥺🥺🥺 and she's such a cute polite lil lady just look at da way she's sittin !!!! especially when next to male!hakuno who looks so crazy hella excited hands up in the air and all agfjlsjd HES SO SILLY I LOVE HIMMM 😭😭😭🥺🥺💞💞💕 I LOVE HAKUNO KISHINAMI OMGGGGGGG
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akilice · 1 year
Matou Rin au writing
"I think it's a good idea to let them live here." Rin leaned against the door. "That way we can have them under our watch." "Nee-san. I disagree! They tried to kill Hakuno." Sakura crossed her arms. "You're just serving her to them." "If Rin says they should stay, then I'll side with her." Hakuno scratched her head. "But I seriously can't stand them." "If they try to hurt Hakuno, I'll just kill them." Rin said it so casually, but Sakura knew she truly meant it. "I thought you'd be the reasonable one Nee-san, but being around that priest has made you is making you irrational." "Thak you. Also he told me to say hi to you." "Tell him to stick his greeting up his a-" Sakura cleared her throat, returning to the polite smiling girl they would see at school. "We already have Saber, Archer, and my Rider. We don't need Berserker."
"Well, I can't deny them, based on principle." Hakuno sighed. "They're my siblings apparently and I stole their father from them, so the least I can do is let them into what should be their house." "You don't owe them anything. You're Kiritsugu's daughter as much as they are his children." Rin pulled away to stand straight. "Sakura, are you staying for dinner?" Sakura looked like she might rip her own hair any minute now. "Yes. In fact, why don't I help you? I'd love to cut something right now." Sakura took off her coat. "At this point, working with Caster would be easier."
"Ah. In that case, can I count on you to make dinner by yourself?" "Eh?" "Sorry, I'm feeling a little under the weather." Rin ruffled Sakura's hair. "Sorry the trouble!" And then she ran off. "That's way too selfish, nee-san…" Sakura sighed. "I can help you with dinner." Hakuno offered with a smile. "It's okay. I can handle it." Sakura shook her head. "But… does she often get tired? She looked a little pale." Hakuno remained quiet for a few seconds. "It's been getting worse lately." "Since the war started?" "Yeah. Perhaps keeping a servant is too much for her." "…No. Nee-san was essentially born a prodigy. She has higher circuits than me, and she has an affinity to the five elements. She was born as a perfect mage, so providing Mana shouldn't be an issue." Sakura explained. "But…" "But?" "When we were kids, she used to fall sick a lot. Father thought that she wouldn't make it, so… he started teaching me instead." There were many things left unsaid, but neither of them wanted to unpack it. "I'm going to check on her." Hakuno poured some water and took it with her.
"Rin, can I come in?" Hakuno asked. "Of course." Rin was sitting on the bed, looking way worse than a minute ago. "I'm sorry, I think I'm going to take a nap until dinner is ready." Hakuno stood at the door, concerned. She forced out a smile. "I got you some water in case you needed some." She walked in and placed it on the nightstand. She then sat next to Rin, who gave her a loving smile. "Thank you." "You're welcome." Hakuno took her hand and placed a gentle kiss on it. "What's wrong?" "I'm just feeling a bit of pain. It'll go away if I rest." Hakuno's smile wavered. "Is there nothing I can do?" Rin shook her head. "Can't you see a doctor about it?" Rin almost laughed. Hakuno knew nothing. If she were to know, she'd end up disgusted by her. "If it gets worse, I'll go see one." She pulled Hakuno in for a kiss. It was a fraction of a fraction of what she needed, but she's been using up Hakuno's mana a lot lately. She would feel guilty if she stole more than a kiss. "Why do you look so sad? I'll be fine." Rin playfully poked her nose, but Hakuno's mood hasn't improved. It reminded her of a far off memory. "You know, if you frown even more you'll just look like the day I told you off for stalking me." "I wasn't stalking you!" "You were. You kept following me quietly at school and staring at me." "I was just too shy to talk to you." Hakuno muttered, seeming embarrassed. "You were so pretty that I forgot how to speak." "And somehow I ended up dating and living with my middle school stalker." "You're so mean." Rin laughed, and rested her head on her shoulder. Rin wished they could stay like this. But everything hurt. She can always feel the worms moving inside of her body, eating away everything. And she had always felt burning desires that she could barely control. But now, it was way worse. Her body was barely functioning, or rather, it felt like she was barely in control anymore. "You should stay with Sakura." She whispered, although her body felt like it was burning. Having Hakuno so close right now was too much. "It will be rude if we both left her." "Are you sure?" No. She wasn't sure. She needed Hakuno right now. She desired her. But she was not going to let it control her. "I'm sure. I'll be fine before you know it."
Hakuno didn't look too convinced, but she knew when to respect Rin's privacy. "I'll wake you up when dinner is ready." Hakuno turned off the lights. "I love you." "I love you too." Rin responded, softly. Once the door was locked, she collapsed on the bed, panting. It's only been a few days since it started, but her body was breaking apart so quickly. What will happen once the servants start dying? She buried her face into the pillow. She is not ready. Despite being prepared for that day to come, Rin made a crucial mistake. She let herself fall in love. She let herself get attached. She touched the ring on her finger and cursed herself. She won't be able to say goodbye when the time comes.
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cyfaredd · 4 years
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@celestialter​ transcribed: Ereshkigal....would you like to be friends?
ask a question, my muse can only answer yes or no | accepting
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“ Y  —  Yes, please! ”
Could she really say no to someone who looked so polite?
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shuuenmei · 3 years
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I saw this from @anunluckyrabbit and I thought it looked fun so here’s some inspirations for Yuu (Rei)!
Character inspirations (Clockwise from the top left):
Natsume Takashi (Natsume Yuujinchou):
Yuu (Rei) shared a similar backstory of having the ability to see the supernatural and the dead, and how said ability affects their life.
In Yuu (Rei)’s case, Yuu (Rei) was shunned by society for what they see as the “oddity” to their “perfect utopia” where everyone is normal and the belief and superstitious of the supernatural is slowly fading away.
Even if there are still those who believe in the supernatural, the general population don’t believe in them as much. Yuu (Rei) came close to losing faith in humans and the supernatural at several occasions, just like Natsume, but she nevertheless manage to shoulder through and find faith in those living in the two worlds.
Kishinami Hakuno (Fate/Extra):
At the start of the story, both Hakuno and Yuu (Rei) are considered unremarkable by the people around them. To Hakuno, it’s the fact that they lack the knowledge of the Moon Cell Grail war that they participated in. For Yuu (Rei), it’s her initial confusion of being thrown into a whole new world.
They’re both somewhat aimless at the start. At least beyond the goal of wanting to survive as long as possible.
However, Hakuno is noted to be the most determined person ever (This applies to both Male and Female Hakuno), and it’s something that Yuu (Rei) shared. A determination to shoulder through and see things to a finish.
Texas (Arknights):
Texas is generally stoic and quiet, only speaking when necessary. Something that is shared with Yuu (Rei) with her Kuudere personality.
However, as quiet as they are, Texas is known to have a “tempestuous” fighting style, in the same way that Yuu (Rei)’s anger always border on cold, quiet fury.
They also share similar tastes in wardrobe, though Yuu (Rei) leans on street fashion.
Platinum (Arknights):
Platinum is a generally laid back individual while off duty. However, Platinum is actually part of an union in her country that works as something of the country’s Secret Police.
Yuu (Rei) was not part of any political party, just a regular citizen. However, her Kendou teacher, the dead Okita Souji, was part of the Shinsengumi, which functions as something similar back when he’s alive.
At any rate, Yuu (Rei) and Platinum shared a similar pragmatic attitude in combat. And everything that Yuu (Rei) know about the sword, she learned it from Okita Souji.
Edit: One thing I forgot to add is that Platinum’s voice acting, specifically the one from Kayano Ai, is what heavily inspired Yuu (Rei)’s personality.
Sakata Gintoki (Gintama):
Now Yuu (Rei) lacks most of Gintoki’s worst habits. However, they are both similar on the “Just because you’re on the side of good, doesn’t mean that you have a nice personality”. In trope speak, Good is Not Nice.
Yuu (Rei) is blunt, snarky and cynical, and she is far more willing to speak and tell her piece regarding a thing.
Yuu (Rei) also share one of Gintoki’s opinions when hearing somebody’s sob story. They both believe that people should be able to rise from their circumstances.
Yuu (Rei) had all the opportunity to sic the Youkai’s and ghosts who are fond of her on her former tormentors in the past, but she didn’t, because she wanted to be better, she doesn’t want to make it an excuse, and she doesn’t want to betray the trust of the Youkai’s and ghosts’ that she befriended either.
This is why she chose to not sugarcoat her words and not show sympathy unless she knows that they really tried and changed from their past, like Deuce.
Plus, at the end of the day, she cares for the new people she befriended and bonded with in this new world she was thrown into, so there’s that.
Shuli Von Neuschwanstein (A Stepmother’s Marchen):
The thing with Shuli and Yuu (Rei) is that they both share one flaw. They move forward to a goal, but where that goal leads them, they don’t know.
Shuli, at the start of the manhwa until time travel, barely knows what she wants beyond keeping her promise with Johanes Von Neuschwanstein of protecting her step kids.
Yuu (Rei)... for some hint, she starts wanting to survive in Twisted Wonderland and see the story through, but she doesn’t have any other goal going on. She doesn’t know what she ultimately wants at the end after completing her goal in the future.
They both charge in to their situations blindly until they would eventually reach a point where they can’t return.
Yuu (Rei) has the people she befriended in Twisted Wonderland to keep her in check before she gets to that point, Shuli isn’t so lucky and had to depend on the miracle of time traveling to make sure things went better for herself and everyone involved.
Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood):
One thing Yuu (Rei) shared with Ed was that they will both snark whenever possible. Only Yuu (Rei) snarks openly at an appropriate time and place.
Both also share a pragmatic approach to fighting. One that Yuu (Rei) grows into overtime.
Just the difference being that Yuu (Rei) isn’t as short-tempered and generally cool-headed in contrast to Ed.
They’re also similarly far more jerk-y for someone to be on the side of good. But they are fueled by cynicism due to events of their past.
Shirota Mahiru (Servamp):
Mahiru is always likely to volunteer and do something even if it puts way too much work on him, always going “Thinking about it simply, it has to be me!”. And this mindset persists for many chapters until Kuro calls him out of it.
Yuu (Rei) also has this mindset, but only in fights where the lives and safety of people are on the line.
She steps in with the purpose of getting things done and if no one’s doing something about it, she’ll be the one to get things done.
However, early on, she underestimates herself due to being magicless and paid the price when she nearly died dealing an overblotted Riddle. And while she later learns Twisted Wonderland brand formalcraft and conjure magic through borrowing the world’s natural Mana, it doesn’t mean that she would get out unscathed 100%.
But still, she’s not going to stop the thought, she’ll carry on with such mindset for a while until she learns to take things easy.
If anyone’s interested with doing this, go ahead!
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moonlightmagus · 3 years
@mooncellmaster​​ sent me the stars.
Send in ⭐🌙🪐 for your muse to catch mine star gazing alone
It had been such a long time, since Yuuki was unable to sleep. Between Merlin, and Saber’s concoctions, she had been sleeping. But tonight, was a night unlike any other. She just couldn’t sleep. Perhaps there was reasons why, and she was just unable to figure them out. Nevertheless, the Magus couldn’t figure it out. Her mind was unable to shut off to sleep, and as such she got up from her bed, braiding onyx colored locks to the side while she chose a floral pattern nightgown, it reached her knees and had off the shoulder puff sleeves. Courtesy of Hosanna replacing all her previous clothes with new ones that were more Yuuki. That had colors and personality, not plain jane childhood clothes that were nothing but memoirs of a time she will never see again. She peered over at the clock, it was close to midnight.
She remembered there was a small spot in the main hallway that overlooked the mountain range that had the best views of the night sky. Slipping on her shoes, she made her way out. The soft sound of the electronics opening and closing her door for some reason put her at ease. These were things she had only become familiar with in Chaldea, and they oft reminded her that this was not something her brain could ever create, as before coming here she hadn’t heard such noises. 
The graveyard shift employees had waved at her, and she even offered to help a few times, but each time dismissed. They reminded her that it was their job and she was on her rest cycle. Strict rules enforced, no matter how hard she tried to resist it, there were always others who refused to let her help. As a Master of so many, she was required to rest, and they all made it very obvious they were going to force her to rest. They reassured her, saying that it wasn’t that big of a deal, and to boot one servant another Master had contracted, even came and assisted with the heavy lifting. With nothing left for her to do, she bowed politely and excused herself. 
Finally reaching the central locale of Chaldea, the Magus had found her spot. Sitting on the chairs wouldn’t give her the best view, and as such she sat upon the windowsill. Her back to the world as she peered up and the endless night sky. The best about being so far secluded from the rest of the world was the lack of light pollution. It was the perfect time to be able to stare up at the stars. 
Emerald hues were reflecting the ceaseless night sky, sparkling with the reflections of things humanity could only imagine to reach. Yuuki’s backside rested against the frame of the window. She had almost jumped when a familiar voice had called out to her. 
Turning, the Magus found amber gems looking at her with confusion. For a while, she was also confused. What’s so strange about her staring at the stars? And then, it hit her. 
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“It’s alright, Hakuno! I was unable to sleep so I wanted to come look at the stars.” And gestured for the other to sit near her. She sighed a heavy sigh before continuing. “You know, I was admiring this sight.. It’s hard to come by isn’t it?” She said softly, not waiting for the other to respond. “Even when I lived at home, I could only see the stars that where just outside my window, and although we were a well off family, there was still light pollution from the nearby town and the lamp posts. It was so hard to see more than just a few of them.” She said softly, reminiscing of the past. “Back then, I was envious of the stars. They were able to shine no matter what, and I was stuck barely surviving the chaos and pain. I could never fathom it, nor understand it. But because of you, Hakuno.. You helped me see, that these stars are also inside of me. That I shine just as brightly as them, and I shouldn’t allow the light to dim.” 
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fuwafuwamedb · 4 years
Stasis Pt 2 (Hakuno, Kid Gil, Enkidu)
Previously: One 
He was a great king.
A flawless king.
The servants and the guards praised his every step. The people smiled and waved to him, politely allowing him his space and giving him whatever they had close at hand as gifts. He found that, no matter where he was, he was often given gold and jewels, praise and compliments. The other kids often noted his strengths and good fortune and wished him a happy future and long life.
There was never a flaw that he had, but…
“I’m bored,” Gil whined to the forest outside of the kingdom.
He’d grown tired of listening to the thickly laid on praise, opting to escape his mother’s watchful eyes and begin to roam in the forest. He was young, far too young for anything of import like brides and heirs, but he heard of them often. Always for the future, like he needed to write his life down on tablets this early in his life.
Where would be the fun?
Was fun even real, he thought to himself as he meandered deeper into the forest.
At least in the wilderness he was treated equal.
No bird sang him extra praise. No squirrel or wild beast thought to stop their efforts to admire and run from his presence. He could enjoy the full benefits of being a person in this place, here where the trees swayed and the flowers bloomed in wild abandon.
It was here, in these woods, that he saw the two.
The beast was large and green, their splotched clay skin shifting and turning in the sunlight. He’d had half a mind to attack when he noted the young girl next to them. She was small, maybe a year younger than him. Her hair was a tangled brown mess, but the beast was running their claws through it, leaning in close to coo and purr.
“So pretty…”
A twig snapped beneath his foot.
A set of dark eyes looked his way, narrowing as the beast set the girl down.
He couldn’t run. He couldn’t hide. Not that either were best for a king anyway; Gilgamesh found himself puffing up his chest, stepping towards the wild beast.
“I am Gilgamesh, king of Uruk! Who is that?”
He pointed at the woman, finding the beast making foreign noises.
“Beast! Who is that?”
More noises, the beast was pulling the girl back, away from him.
Gilgamesh readied his gates, knowing that this would have to be done. He’d have to slay this beast and bring the girl back with him. He hoped she was an Uruk citizen, although if she were, she probably was trained to avoid him too.
His swords poked out.
He was ready, positioned just right-
The girl cuddled against the beast, murmuring his name.
Why does she know my name?
Gilgamesh closed his gates, sitting down on the forest floor.
Whoever this girl was, he would have to not kill her guardian. That must have been what this beast was, judging by her cuddling against it. She was being protected, aided in her time of need.
A princess for sure, Gil thought to himself. He’d read tales about women like this.
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your turn: If you had to choose one of the servants to summon as your own, which one would you choose?
Since servants can be summoned into different classes, I’ll go by servant instead of class and since this is very long, I’ll only talk about 2 I like the most
Cú is a top tier servant. He’s fun, nice, a good ally, he has a good moral code. I think we’d get along well, and his myth is cool and really fucking metal. I think he also gets summoned into different classes throughout the different series but so far I only know him as Lancer
But he’s only my number 2 because
The following is me ranting about him way too much. It contains a small spoiler for season 2 of Fate/Zero and a basic spoiler for Grand Order game and anime (what he gets summoned as). I talk about death a lil and there’s a small mention of suicide towards the end
Gilgamesh acts differently based on his class and the circumstances he gets summoned in. In Zero, Stay Night and Hollow Ataraxia he’s the exact same person summoned as an Archer
In Zero and Stay Night he appears as this hero gone mad, influenced by modern society and corrupted by the Holy Grail. He's mad at modern society; at the way his beloved humans are living, and he wants to wipe out most of them and rebuild a new society to save humanity. His arrogance is what stops him from winning fights, he looks down on everyone. He wants people to submit to him but when they do (Tokiomi Tohsaka), he finds them boring. In Stay Night and Zero there are only very few people he respects, like Kirei (who treats him as an equal and Gilgamesh wants him to stop repressing his true self, he also 1000% fucked Kirei), Iskander, and Waver Velvet
But there is more to him. He is like an ogre, he has layers, y’know… This is only in the Zero manga and light novel (as well as the Epic of Gilgamesh), but he chose to live in loneliness after Enkidu, his only “friend” who’s ever understood him, died. Though after historians found out that gay people have always existed, new interpretations of their relationship are gay, and Gil is bi. This is not important for why I want him as my servant but it kind of is at the same time.
The scene in Zero is heart-breaking. It shows Enkidu dying and crying because he doesn’t want Gil to be alone, because only he understands Gil. And upon hearing that, Gil cries too. It adds humanity to his character, and I’m mad it wasn’t in the anime, but I digress
Not too familiar with Hollow Ataraxia, but Gil is the same guy, he turns into a child, befriends some children and still hangs out with them after turning back into his adult self. He’s chill even as an adult
I like him. He’s the Gil I met first and over time he kinda grew on me and I started liking his character a lot. His views are interesting as well as his character and motivations. I’d like to summon him, 1000000/10
But there’s more, so here, very shortly:
Don’t know much about the Fate/Grand Order absolute demonic front Babylonia anime, but Caster Gilgamesh is not an asshole. He is very mature and a wise and good king. Soft with Enkidu. Love that. 1000000/10 would summon him
Child Gilgamesh from Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya. Polite. Nice. Helpful. Surprisingly mature. Only once gets angry at someone and calls them a mongrel for using Enkidu against him. Talks shit about his adult self. He’s great and was the highlight of this nightmare of a show. But I don’t want a child. I want adult Gil.
Child Gilgamesh from the Grand Order game is pretty much the same. When asked about the one thing he hates, he says that it’s his adult version and is sad when he thinks about becoming like that. Adult Gil says that he can’t remember his childhood and views himself and his child self as different people. He thinks he would’ve committed suicide if he had known what he’d end up becoming. I just found out about that and it makes me sad
Not familiar with Fate/Strange Fake and Fate/Extra CCC, but he’s supposed to be a decent person. Not an asshole and a helpful and good servant. In Strange Fake he’s very good to his master Tiné, his relationship with her is really good. He also still has a thing for Enkidu. Same in CCC, he’s great with Hakuno and treats them well. He also gives them candy. 10000/10 would summon either version
There are more versions of him, like Fate/Prototype but I know even less about them so I'll stop here
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attackonari · 5 years
Welcome, Master! (ArcherGil, CasGil, Hakuno)
I think I have a thing for having Hakuno just troll poor Archer.
Keep the smile on your face. Keep the smile on your face. Come on Hakuno! You can do it!
“Oh Waitress! I want to order another cake!”
This guy.
“What kind of cake would you like Master,” I appeared at the side of their table.
“Hmmm,” he paused, “ah, how about you recommend me another?”
This damn guy.
“Woman,” his twin, his older brother, “another black coffee.”
I don’t care who this guy is, he’s way nicer than his twin asshole.
“Yes, Master,” I write down the order, “Would you like me to bring you a pot instead?”
“No,” he smirks, “I like when you call me Master.”
Fuck them both. 
“Waitress,” the other one exclaims, “my cake recommendation!”
“How about the Italian Tiramisu to go with your coffee Master?”
That’s right Hakuno, ignore at least one idiot.
“Hmmm,” his eyes flick away from his golden tablet, “alright, I’ll take it,” he smirks at his brother.
“Understood Master,” I chirp because the customer is number 1! (Can I clock out yet? Please!)
“Oi! Don’t ignore me!”
This one is so annoying.
“Right Master! A cake recommendation,” I put a finger on my lip to look like a ditz, “then, how about our Apple Cookies! The kids really like those when they come!”
Me what, you overgrown child?
“He’ll take them,” the semi-polite one smirked, “make sure to bring some milk for him too.”
“Yes Master! That’s one black coffee, one slice of Tiramisu, a plate of Apple Cookies and one glass of Milk. I’ll get them for you right away Master!”
I can’t feel my cheeks. I semi-quickly walk to the back to get the items we need. I pass by Gudako who seems to be involved with reading the menu to this golden haired guy who seems to keep staring at her. He has a white haired twin with him. Is today twin day? She doesn’t seem to mind the both of them based on her increasingly red face.
While waiting for the orders to come I spot Rin at a table of blue haired rowdy guys. She seems to be trying to tell them to keep it down, but her face is also turning red. I don’t think it’s for blushing though. Why is it all the trouble makers have come today? If it wasn’t for the fact that these guys seem to be loaded, they would have been kicked out long ago. 
“Here’s your order Hakuno~” Merlin smiles at me. 
Get bent you playboy. 
“Oi! Waitress!”
“Coming Master,” I take the tray and walked to the table of Blond Menaces. 
“A black coffee and tiramisu for First Master,” I place the cup and plate down, “and a plate of Apple Cookies and Milk for Young Master.”
“Young Master?” 
I finish placing down the items when I hear a chuckle.
“Yes,” the seemingly older one said, “Young Master. After all,” he looked straight at his brother “you are the one acting childish here. Now eat your milk and cookies.”
The younger ones face turns red, before a smirk graces that face. And I’m walking away.
“Hey, waitress,” damn it, “come back, I want to order something.” 
Someone please, save me.
Thank you Rin.
I love you Rin.
“Excuse me Masters,” I turn to speed over to Rin’s table.
Upon reaching Rin’s table, I see her near tears with a red face of frustration. I take her arm and put her behind me. I look and stare at the gaggle of blue haired “Mutts”.
“Masters, it seems you have upset one of the waitresses of this establishment. I ask that you please pay for what you ordered and kindly leave,” I continue to stare, “otherwise the Café will not be liable for your injuries.”
“Oi oi Miss, you’re a cutie too,” Mutt with face tattoos said. 
“I see then,” I smile, “Thank you Masters.”
I take a deep breath.
“Heracles!!! Please escort these Mutts out!”
Hearing loud steps behind me, 253cm of pure muscle stopped right behind me. Because our café was pretty relaxed about things, Heracles was hired to put a stop to things that hinder our job. Most of the time, it’s idiots who take harassment too far.
“We didn’t even do anything!”
A few of the mutts were trying to protest as Heracles lifted them all by the backs of their shirts and chucked them out of the café. I took Rin to Merlin who already had a cup of tea ready. 
Back to work it is. Heracles looked at me for a moment, but I shook my head. These two haven’t reached that level yet. 
“Coming Master!”
Besides, the expressions the younger one makes when I don’t react the way he wants has been making my day. 
“Would you like more cookies and milk Master,” I asked loudly as I walked to the table of blonds.
Sniggering was heard from Merlin and everyone else.
Yeah, I got this.
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laseralovelycave · 5 years
Hakuno and Enkidu friendship. ( A little bit of Gil too )
Ok, I love the idea Enkidu is Hakuno’s berserker, so here’s some things i wrote when they actually met again.
-When they met each other again, they cried tears of happiness. Gil stood from a far and let them talk before came to them.
-They are good friends. Hakuno and Enkidu actually take shift in taking care of Gil when he is working to prevent him from not doing his work or just there to help him.
-They went out together alone sometime when Gil allowed them to. Their favourite places are the park and the zoo.
-Sometime they also planned a prank on Gil. It’s ended up a chase game with Gil having Ea on his hand and Enkidu with Hakuno in their arm.
-The two of them have birds as pets. They take care of the birds together. Gil prefers lions but he accepted the birds because it brings his friend and queen happiness.
-Enkidu and Hakuno sometime making meals together and brought them to Gil. They have actually getting good with cooking thanks to that. Especially desserts. That’s Hakuno’s favorite so Enkidu gets along making it with her.
- In battlefield, Enkidu mostly stays near Hakuno to protect her whenever Gil has to go a little far from where Hakuno is to finish their enemies. Thanks to this, Gil can freely do anything he want in the battlefield and not need to think of Hakuno’s safety because Enkidu is there to protect her. Of course Gil didn’t hate protecting her or anything.
- Because sometime Gil and Enkidu would fight each other on some planet they went to. Many planets give themselves to them in orders to stop them from destroyed the planet. Hakuno gets used to it and become pretty good in politics and negotiation with the ambassadors. Gil looks after the paperwork, laws and etc. Sometime he even rebuild the city because he doesn’t like it design. Enkidu just go around the city and habiats, it help them knows more about the planet habiats and geography.
-In every planet they been given, there were many zoo and gardens of Hakuno and Enkidu. Mostly there are herbivores in there but there also a place where Gil has his pet in the their garden and zoo. In a separate area of course.
-Anytime the two went to the garden, they sang. Their voices were beautiful after all. Gil loves to listen to their sound.
-Hakuno loves to make many hairstyles for Enkidu and Enkidu also loves to make hairstyles to Hakuno. That’s why sometime when Gil walked to the garden, he would see the two with many beautiful flower on their hair and their hairstyles is beautiful.
-Enkidu loves Gil’s secret album of Hakuno so they help their friend collect more photos anytime they went out with Hakuno.
-When the trio went shopping or just a walk to relax, Enkidu at first wonders why their friends didn’t let anyone talk to their master. But when they actually see the effects that happens when she talks to someone. They realize the reason and also didn’t let anyone talk to her without Gil’s permission or in an actual dangerous situation that the person need to talk to her because she got Harem protagonist: EX she would charmed anyone and that would be quite annoying when she accidentally charmed someone like BB
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pryotra · 5 years
Okay but here's the real question we should all be asking... Gil and Hakuno running into a Hakuno Lily I mean have you seen the baby Hakuno comic (bless the writers for giving fem baby Haku to Altera and Gil's team) just imagine her deadpanned looking up at Gil and just smiling that innocent polite smile only a naive child like Hakuno could
This would be precious. 
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tragoidias · 5 years
@auricimperious | liked for a starter !
The polite thing would have been to say thank you to the one who had so kindly rid of the rogue ai. And yet any intentions of doing so were proved to be nonexsistent when bronze eyes met a familiar figure. One she had been all but positive that had left the moment peace return to SE.RA.PH.  But here in all his gold glory the King of Heroes stood.
A genuine look of surprise finds a place upon her expression and last for but a mere moment. A blink, a lone flutter of her lashes and that emotion was gone, the glitch’s face returning to that of a deadpan. Scrutiny began to set in once more.
It was rather suspicious. For him to be here was more than just a little suspicious given he viewed her as nothing but entertainment and this body could not say she was pleased with the development.
What reason would he have to saving her? Heck how did he even manage to track her down? Hakuno had come across a fair number of servants that had lent her momentary aid during her travels through the expanse of the new grounds within the Moon Cell but as of late she hadn’t been to anything that resembled civilization like Nero’s domain in who knows how long.
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      “So you found out I’m alive, huh...” She had no reason to not to question him. In fact her instincts urged her on to do so, nevermind thanking him. “How long have you been following me Goldie?”
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nulltune · 9 months
Plots please for either samatoki or my doppo whoever u have any ideas for 😎
plots please,  open !    @mrhcre  ♡
first of all i think the difference in their demeanors is so facking funny VSNFJWKDN samatoki who is always >:( and hakuno who is always :| ? i also love the difference in their speech patterns too because hakuno's almost way too formal and polite whereas samatoki is.... -insert clip of him saying yo yo my fellow chicks and d*cks from yokohama here- yknow ?! also i see that he's quick to start fights and hakuno is against unnecessary violence so methinks she would 🙏 try to stop him!! it's not just all hakuno scolding tho okok.... if he's hurt or bleeding she'd offer him an ice pack or handkerchief and maybe just sit in silence with him for a while
also 😨 HIM BEING PART OF THE YAKUZA IS INTERESTING !!!!! it doesn't show on her face but hakuno's not fearless okok and she'd be a widdle intimidated just by that title! she's not going to judge him solely based on that though and if she ever finds out his reason for joining (aka for his sister) then that'd boost her opinion of him significantly!! hakuno has no family you see (or friends or any meaningful bond yknow </3) so him rlly cherishing his sister is 🥺 smth she'd rlly..... (narratorlynn vc hakuno does not have the words for it but she desires that kind of connection so yeaaa ^_T)
i see him smoking a lot so 👁👁 hi sir, what would you do if miss ma'am hakuno asked you for one? she normally has no interest in smoking but i just think that maaaybe when she's at a particularly low point she'd try- if only because "when taken in small amounts, nicotine causes pleasant feelings and distracts the user from unpleasant feelings" </3 but also i don't think she'd like it at all VDJJWKDGSJD if he does give her one she'd just have an absolute failgirl moment and start coughing like mad after one (1) inhale 🗿 this could segway to hakuno opening up to him abt some deeper stuff tho!! mayhaaaps ?? 👀✨️
and um... either?? or??? NAHH SMOLIE I AM GRABBING BOTH AND GENTLY HOLDING THEM....🥺 i am also grabbing ur shoulders rn :obewon: because ily and u can literally just tell me a muse u wanna write, and i would absolutely be down to throw a moon lady at em 🫶🫶💖💞🤧 so yes ur absolutely getting some for dearest doppie as well <3 THEY'RE SILLY (AFFECTIONATE)
IMAGINE HAKUNO ACTUALLY SEEING HIM RAP THOOUGHH !!! (hakuno vc 📢📢 let's gooo mc name DOPPO) and she'd like to give him her regards afterstage(??) but oh man i just think it'd be in the most 😭?? Embarrassing way ever. (hakuno vc it was cool how you... shouted at that one part.) 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️ she really would be so supportive tho!! 🥺 it's a good outlet for his feelings and she'd be glad if it helps him with his stress! but also don't let her meet his other bandmates bc i feel like she would be kind Embawwassing (hakuno vc thank you for taking care of kannonzaka 🙇‍♀️) and especially don't let her meet the doctor because she'd ask him if doppo's talked to him abt his..... stomach issues
but speaking of that! i'm so sorry doppie but hakuno's gonna keep an eye out for your daily meals !! it's a good thing tho i prommy!!! you know that one meme about the preparing breakfast? left is the one hakuno prepared for doppo and right is the one for herself 😌✨️ that, but imagine it in bento form and i feel like it'd be so facking jarring to get lunch from ur super stoic coworker and you just open it up to see the cutest character bento looking thing GEJFHWKD but hakuno's not the best at cooking so like- imagine it being like those bootleg figurines of official merchandise 🧍‍♂️ and yet she has cuts on her hands from preparing it 🧍‍♂️ she tried her best tho!!! 🥺
on a more serious note though! i think hakuno would understand that he's just feeling anxious and she would understand and try to be there for him in any way that helps 🙏 (thinking abt what we talked a bit at discord) she can understand the feeling of not wanting to be a nuisance and the reason she always tries to be so calm and composed (outside of her sucking so bad at expressing herself her expression is just 😐) is also for that reason! so they absolutely have some things in common! <- the reason why hakuno would be so understanding, but also imagine her opening up to him abt her feeling like that too ?!
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nulltune · 2 years
"Hello-oo hello-oo, Ha-ku-noo!" Tanba says in a drawn out, sing-songy manner upon suddenly appearing behind her, having emerged from a cloud of black feathers with a wide smile on his face that was only outdone by his more bubbly demeanor. "Firstly I absolutely adore this new look you've got going on," Tanba says while making camera hand gestures at Hakuno, going through the process of repositioning himself around her at multiple angles too, as if he were actually taking pictures, "it's really, 'you', like this is the Definitive Hakuno Experience right here! Elegant, pretty, and mostly, POWERFUL!! The whole package."
Tanba then briefly transforms into a crow, flies over to a nearby table, and then transforms back into himself, where he can be seen sitting cross legged ON the table (because why sit on chairs like a normal person).
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"Secondly, BIG secondly, I've been meaning to ask, did a servant by the name of 'Nobunaga' ever get summoned to this little moon party of ours up here? If they did, would you know where they are?" Tanba, still bubbly and smiling, summons and begins spinning around one of his golden blades."I just wanna talk with them!"
sharp senses are quick to act ‎ — ‎ immediately turning around at the slight sense of a presence behind her. ‎with the storm of feathers of tanba's arrival, ‎an arm instinctively raises to cover herself; not that that was needed. ‎( not to mention, ‎she doubt it'd be all that bad. ‎feathers are soft, ‎ so to get hit by one must be... ‎ probably pleasant. ‎maybe. ) ‎a mere look is what is then given in response to servant's form, ‎the only sign of a response from the moon's master being the shift of weight from one leg to another.
hello-oo hello-oo, ‎ha-ku-noo... ‎ that's the first she's ever heard of that greeting. ‎it's not bad— ‎ rather, ‎ quite refreshing in terms of tune and originality. ‎ and the use of her name as well, ‎ not just master but hakuno.
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“ ‎ ‎ ...heya heya, ‎ tanba. ‎ ‎” ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ it's not as sing-songy as his. ‎ still spoken in the same calm monotone of her regular speaking voice, ‎ but an effort was made to mimic his rhythmn scheme ! ‎ ‎just as he's used her name, ‎she'd use his own true name as well. a nod to the heroic spirit is given too, ‎her own much more subdued method of showing enthusiasm to the other's presence.
the sudden barrage of compliments do take her aback though, ‎ much much more than his own sudden appearance. her back straightens unconsciously in response, ‎legs closed together in a more formal pose as her arms follow suit with hands overlapping each other in a polite ladylike pose. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎“ ‎ ‎uh, ‎ ‎” and yet, ‎a demure ‎ ( —odd !! ) ‎sound leaves her before she could contain it, ‎ and with his over the top show of being a... ‎ papparazzi of some sorts, ‎hakuno felt the need to join in on the act.
such was done with a hand raised with a peace sign, ‎contrasting in such a peculiar way with her still deadpan face. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ “ ‎ ‎ thank you. ‎i don't know what that definitive hakuno experience is— ‎ ‎ ” ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ not knowing herself ‎ / ‎ or just why elegant, ‎pretty and powerful would be used as descriptors for herself. ‎ah, ‎ well. ‎ she knows she hid her pitiful pathetic self away from others. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ “ ‎ ‎ ‎—if you think of me that way though, ‎ i'm glad. ‎ ‎ ” ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ even if the sentiment doesn't make itself shown on her face, ‎ it's hinted in the subtle inflection of her voice.
for all her regal appearance, ‎she doesn't scold nor chastise the assassin for his showy way of sitting though. ‎ and for as graceful and proper as she is, ‎ hakuno kishinami is a free spirit that held a great value to freedom and one's own free will. ‎ that being said, ‎it'd be reckless to have that slip into a fatal permissiveness. ‎ ‎ ‎ “ ‎ ‎whatever unresolved business you have with nobunaga is yours, ‎ but i ask that you think about your reason to— ‎ talk with them. ‎ ‎” ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎should the two seek a battle, ‎ then she'd respect their wishes; ‎ but should the two put themselves in danger for no good reason, ‎ then she ought to intervene. ‎ ‎it was as simple as that, ‎really.
a curious hum follows, gaze settling on the golden blade. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎“ ‎ ‎are you fighting with hatred or anger, ‎ i wonder. ‎ ‎ ” ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎that, ‎ she felt was the most important question to this. ‎while she knew of the history between momochi tanba and oda nobunaga ‎ — ‎ along with the history of many others, ‎ the master having a great knowledge of the myths and legends and tales of old ‎— ‎that didn't give her the insight of their own personal feelings. ‎at the very least, ‎she hoped that tanba could properly understand that. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ “ ‎ ‎and to answer your questions... ‎ ‎”
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still stoic-faced, ‎hakuno purposely assumes a thinking pose ‎ ( it's a pose she quite frequents when in deep thought though, ‎actually ) . ‎a few seconds pass, ‎ and her closed hand uncurls to allow a slender digit to rest by the curve of her chin. ‎ she turns to tanba then and simply answers:
“ ‎ ‎ it's a secret. ☆ ‎ ‎”
unprompted, ‎always accepting ! ‎ ‎@doomxdriven ‎♡
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nulltune · 1 year
" Hakuno-chan, I'm still upset my last dragon girlfriend died. How do I get another? Am I not cute enough? " help sirin.
unprompted,  always accepting !!   @remunporium  ♡
❛   that feeling ...   ❜      that emptiness left behind from someone's absence,  like a phantom pain of a ghost  /  a wound  ——  grief ?   longing ?   nodding politely,  that was all hakuno felt she could do in response to the smaller girl's words;  unsure of what relief she could provide for woes that she herself doesn't quite understand.
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❛   love is ...  too complex to be answered so easily.   ❜      hakuno kishinami is not the right person to ask of when it came to this topic either.  the way the word had left her lips felt strange  —  even sounded strange when it came from her voice,  and having spoken it outloud,  the maiden from the moon felt a curious feeling—— as though she'd just done something she shouldn't.  because something like her shouldn't be capable of  ‘ love ’  /  because ‘ love ’ is mistaken for something like her.  an unreadable expression on her face,  hakuno remains silent for several seconds,  not knowing what to say but wanting to.  after a beat,  careful words trickle out.      ❛   however,  i do not believe cuteness would be a relevant factor.   ❜
❛   to be loved for such a reason would be no good.   ❜      i don't know what love is,  but to receive one's affections in that way  —  to be loved like nothing more than a pretty doll instead of human  —  that certainly isn't love.  her eyes appeared to soften just slightly as her gaze refocuses on sirin  ( though unaware of it herself,  she'd been looking off distantly for a moment;  as if not entirely there ),  a flicker of warmth in the soft hues of caramel.  i don't know what love is,  but ...     
i can understand that desire to have it.
i don't want to be alone.
❛   i don't think love is something that can be rushed either,  but please don't let that discourage you.  when you do find love once more,  i hope that it'd be with someone who cherishes you as you are—  for who you are.   ❜
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❛   though ...  if the matter of your cuteness is a legitimate concern of yours,  then i can assure you that you are plenty cute,  sirin.   ❜      naturally,  this is accompanied with many pat - pat 's to the smaller girl's head.
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nulltune · 2 years
LYNNYPOO!! what are some of ur fav icons of Hakuno and why do u like them👀? (no need for a specific order)
GAHDAMN IS THIS A TOUGH QUESTION SMOWU!!!!!! i love all my icons 🥺 bc they are all hakuno and i love hakuno so like......yea... GDJCHSHF I JOKE! there are some icons i'm not too fond of (bc of the way i colored or edited it eee) 🗿 BUT I DO NOT HAVE THE HEART TO DELETE THEM BC IT'S MY BELOVED MOON BONBON 😩❤️ that is not ur question tho but aAAAAAAA THIS IS FR SO TOUGH TO ANSWER??? THIS IS NOT 100% SET IN STONE BUT SOME LYNNYPOO FAVS I THINK WOULD BE (AND IN NO SPECIFIC ORDER!!)
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POUTYBLUSHYKUNOS!!!!!!! i'm weak for these 😩 i just think she is so Cute!!!! i like her blushy face in general but pouts just!! make it Extra Cute methinkss 💘💘 RLLY ESPECIALLY LOVE THE SECOND WAAAHHH i think it's so cute how hakuno tries to keep her cool when she's flustered but kinda fails sgfksgd (even in official art of her blushing her brows are kinda furrowed!! she is def a pouter methinks <3) idk why but i find that so cuuutteee AND DON'T U FEEL LIKE SMOOSHING/SQUEEZING/PINCHING HER CHEEKS IN THESE ICONS......!!!! it'd only make her more pouty but as i said, poutykuno is a cutekuno so that's just an extra win honestly!
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I'VE NEVER USED THESE ONES IC BUT 🥺 I LOVE THIS SMILING ONESSSS AA I CLUTCH MY CHEST i don't have stoic hakunos in this list but don't get me wrong i luv luv her normal stoic face too 💖 but her being expressive?? GOOD FOOD. she looks so happy here pls 😭😭😭🥺🥺 very fond of the gap between her usual :| self and how happy she can be hhngh official art of her smiling this brightly usually have her eyes closed but i still like these a lot!!! just look at that sparkle in her eyes!!!!! 🥺🥺 very happy i added the subtle blush too bc i just think it adds to her cuteness here IT FILLS MY HEART WITH SM SEROTONINNN and pls i love hakuno sm i think she deserves the world and dESERVES TO BE HAPPY!!!! so yes i just love my icons of her smiling but these ones..... idk they just hit DIFF oooough and i just love it when hakuno is like hyped/excited... SHE IS SO CUTE 😭 AND I LOVE HER ENERGY IN THOSE MOMENTSSS i feel likr these icons have some of that energy and i'm just <333
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OOOHOOHOO I REALLLYYY LIKE THIS EYE ICON FOR SOME REASON 😳 I LIKE A LOT OF HER EYE ICONS TBH!!!!! a lil upsetti bc i colored her icons lighter than her hair because it is lighter + her eyes are her most expressive/beautiful feature so they need to POP 👏 OFF 👏 (NOT IN THE LITERAL WAY THO!) but alas..... my psd just makes it look the same color </3 I STILL LIKE EM A LOT THOOO but this one's a personal fav cuz 😳 idk why but i just rlly like the energy it has??? rlly like the cropping too i just think it looks neaatttt ✨️✨️
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THIS CONTEMPLATIVEKUNO IS ALSO A FAVVVV i think she is so cute heree 🥺 OH HAKUNO HAS A THINKING POSE SIMILAR TO THIS IN GAME and i have always thought it is So Cute. def one of my fav hakuno poses!!! (along with her hands on chest pose and polite hands on her lap as she sits very elegantly pose ✨️) i like her expression in this tooo her mouth is kind curved like ^ in the way that i think is rlly cute and that just adds bonus points 4 me I THINK SHE IS SO LOVELYYY her closed eyes look is also very pwetty 💖💖 i just like it a lot!!! i think her hair looks so nice here and her hand is dainty and delicate and pretty and hhhHHHHH I JUST LOVE IT
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IDK WHY BUT I RLLY LIKE THIS ONE... this fc has some outfits that is just,,, So perfect for my hakuno and they're all pretty much just black and white, but i think it looks so nice on her! rlly like the way her hair flows here tooo 😌😌💖 also captures hakuno's energy rlly nicely methinks! the pose is pretty polite and i feel like it captures her meek-ish energy nicely..... she has a strong front but the softest heart yknow 🥺
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I LOVE THIS ONE TOOOOO obviously because hakuno's a beaut and she's as beautiful as always in these icons 💖 but i feel like.... there is a vulnerability to this one,, she looks so Soft(TM) in such a delicate way which is honestly the vibes i try to get with her!! and like i said in the prev para, hakuno has a strong front (which she has even when she's suffering the most, ouchie ouchie 🥲) but she rlly is the softest inside and i just- love to see her more vulnerable side tbh!!! it feels so tender........... WHEN U SEE HER LIKE THIS DON'T U GET THE FEELING OF WANTING TO EMBRACE HERR (<- A SIMP) 😩😩 IT'S LIKE THIS ONE MANGACAP THAT'S SO HAKUNOCORE THAT U SENT ME-- THAT THOUGHT JUST CAME TO ME ALL OF A SUDDEN but yeah i just rlly like this one!!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺 she is so lovely and i just sobbb into my grubby paws
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aNOTHER ONE I HAVEN'T USED IC but i rlly want to 😳 HVEKFJEKD OK LISTEN, I LOVE MY GIRL. BUT I ALSO LOVE PAIN AND THIS ICON HURTS???? i still think her hair is so pretty heree and i just rlly like how the tear looks! i have a couple more bloody and dying hakuno icons but this one is my fav out of em (nodnod) i just like it a lot!!! even without the blood i feel like you can just tell the amount of pain and how close to death she is and hRNGH it hurts!!!!!! extra hurts too bc we've seen in last encore how vulnerable hakuno looks when she's dying (AND HOW SHE CRIED THERE TOO 😭😭😭) and i think thks just captures it vvv well!
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OK I HAVE A LOT MORE THAT I LIKE BUT!! THIS CHIBI HAKUNO HITS DIFF AGDKEHKFJEJFJE i think her o.o face is suuuper cute okok!!!! AND THIS ONE JUST CAPTURES THE ESSENCE OF THAT SO PERFECTLY??? (I SQUISH HER LIKE.... MOCHI) i just love the energy she has here even tho i'm not even sure what kind of energy it is?? i love it sm tho and i like all of my chibikuno icons!!! but this one def has a special place in my heart 🥺💘 SHES SO CUTE AUGH
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