#half elven
spacebarbarianweird · 4 months
Hi, wondering if you could do some dadstarion headcanons for a half-elf child, since I see quite a few for astarion with an elven child. I was wondering how he would deal with a half-elf child as they are known having the free-spirted and chaotic energy whilst having a sense of wanderlust, I picture astarion trying to stop them from running off at times, or not.
Oh, doing a half-elven kid would be fun! In case you want to read about an elven kid, I am currently writing a series about Astarion's elf daughter Alethaine
Astarion's half-elf child
You are a human and you can't wait for decades till Astarion is ready to settle down.
You have ten years, fifteen, maybe twenty, but not a year more of active life ahead.
Astarion understands that, too, but what he also understands he can't settle down now.
You break up ten years into the relationship and your ways part.
As an innkeeper, you gather all kinds of strange folk under your roof but you can't find anyone who you want to share a bed with.
Not until...
Someone familiar shows up.
You barely recognize Astarion, thinking, it's just another Moon Elf. They all look the same especially when they have long hair.
"Hello, darling."
You stare at him in disbelief.
He isn't a vampire anymore.
Green eyes, long silver hair. Mortal.
He tells you all sorts of things that happened to him. He found his family and his home, and he was saved from the curse and resurrected.
And then he spent years searching for you.
He will overlive you anyway. You have a few decades but he will keep living his long elven life after your death but somehow it feels less terrible now when he can walk in the sun.
You soon get pregnant - bless or curse be the human fertility.
The half-elf baby stuck between two worlds, is born almost without pain as she is just way smaller than a human would be.
The tavern and its yard soon became her playground. She is curious like a human and has an innate wanderlust as an elf. Sometimes she just goes missing only to be found in the next village.
Astarion's elven family loves her but there is always sadness about her.
She will die.
Astarion will see her death even if she lives till the ripe old age. If she has kids of her own with another human, they will all wither and die in front of their elven eyes.
Astarion tries not to think about it. He has never learned to think about the future.
The girl becomes a professional adventurer and leaves her human village. Astarion stays with you till your days end and buries you, feeling sorry only about those ten years he was away.
Then he leaves and returns to Evereska to his elven family.
Your daughter wanders the world - always ending up at her father's, ready to tell new stories and share new experiences.
Astarion notices the indication of her own aging and knows his daughter's time is also coming sooner or later.
But he tries not to think about it.
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lopsidedspecs · 2 years
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Pointy-eared half humans
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monstertidbits · 8 months
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ryoko kui is hands down the queen of character design
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eglerieth · 1 year
Elrond be like: I am 4/8 human, 3/8 elf, and 1/8 angel. My mother is a bird and my father is the planet Venus. My twin brother was the first king of Atlantis but somehow I seem to be more famous than him. I am one of three ringbearers, the other two being the female version of Feanor and a guy who loves fireworks. My foster father is a crazy homeless guy who likes music and his whole family is dead. My many-greats grandnephew is in love with my daughter. No one can tell my sons apart. I like waterfalls and am both a glorified innkeeper and a top-notch doctor. I am the voice of reason no one listens to.
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sassy-cass-16 · 18 days
where's that one post somebody made a million years ago about how vax and vex in syngorn would have been surrounded by elves accustomed to 20-hour days. but as half-elves they can't trance and would have had to get 8 hours of sleep, thus limiting their productivity compared to their peers. and making them look worse or lesser by comparison to their dad who already hated them. cause that post fucked me up a little. i'm still haunted by that.
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velvet4510 · 4 months
Thinking about all the parents of the Fellowship during the events of the War of the Ring.
Thinking about Saradoc & Esmeralda Brandybuck and Paladin & Eglantine Took, none of whom have any idea where their sons are.
Thinking about the Gaffer, seeing a creepy hooded Man asking for the whereabouts of his son’s boss and then hearing that said son’s boss’ house has been raided and his son is nowhere to be found.
Thinking about Bilbo, knowing that his dear nephew is going into danger because of his own actions so long ago and might never return.
Thinking about Glóin, having to come home to his wife in Erebor and tell her their son is facing life-or-death danger for the first time.
Thinking about Elrond, the wise part of him knowing what must be done vs. the paternal part berating himself for sending his beloved foster son into such peril and wondering if he’ll ever be able to look his daughter in the eye again if her fiancé doesn’t come back.
Thinking about Thranduil, finding out that his only child has entered the war with the very same enemy that destroyed his father and 2/3 of his army.
Thinking about Denethor, trying to protect and defend his entire kingdom while constantly wondering why his favorite son still hasn’t come home.
Thinking about all those parents, having to spend month after month with absolutely no idea if they will ever see their sons again.
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tanoraqui · 6 months
Theory: Elrond effectively wears headlamps like a Dad(TM)
Elrond, at least on semi-formal occasions, wears “a star upon his forehead” (RotK book 6, ch.9)—that is, presumably, a pale glowing gem on some sort of coronet. This comes across as very classically Elvish (light, jewelry, star imagery), and a nigh-explicit reference to his father Eärendil. However…
Elrond’s children don’t see as well as Elves, as cited here. If his children don’t, then Elrond, even less Elvish by blood, certainly doesn’t. Now, I will admit that I forget if “Elves can see in the dark” is canon or very popular, D&D-enabled fanon, but it certainly makes sense considering that Elves flourished for centuries or millennia under just starlight, before daylight even existed…and it’s equally reasonable to assume that half-elven night vision is as relatively “weak” as their cited distance vision.
Elrond is the proud father of three, and exhibits traditional Dadly behaviors such as being a little bit of a nerd (loremaster) but also one of the most reliable guys you know, adopting any child left in his presence for a sufficient amount of time (Aragorn), and telling his daughter’s aspiring bf that he won’t be good enough for her until he has a steady job (also Aragorn).
My dad irl, who I promise is a pretty typical Dad, was positively delighted when he discovered casual-use head-mounted flashlights about a decade ago, and has self-satisfiedly worn them on every camping trip and nighttime dog walk ever since.
CONCLUSION: Elrond regularly wears glowing, star-evocative gems on his brow, especially while traveling or at fancy evening parties, and he looks great and it make people respectfully murmur Eärendilion (whether he likes it or not)… But really, it’s not a fashion statement or implicit political position or whatever; it’s because if he doesn’t have some sort of flashlight, he will trip on torchlit steps or walk into low-hanging tree branches in the dark. And it’s so much easier if it’s hands-free! (Especially when he’s spelunking for lost texts!)
His kids all go through a phase of thinking he’s mortifyingly dorky about this, then begrudgingly come to accept that it is really convenient to have a hands-free light for dark nights, caves, etc, and start wearing one themselves.
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fukutomichi · 1 month
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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power / S1 / 2 Sep. 2022 - 14 Oct. 2022 Robert Aramayo as Elrond Half-elven
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halfelf558 · 4 months
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The Recovery
I can imagine that Elrond would have barely left Celebrían’s bedside whilst she was recovering and I can’t be convinced otherwise.
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the-overanalyzer · 2 months
When everyone is reembodied and back in Valinor, there are a truly mind-boggling number of conversations and arguments that eventually end with some variation of "well it sucked, but at least we got Elrond out of it".
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thesummerestsolstice · 4 months
More on the idea that Elrond gets more eldritch as time goes on:
See the thing about Elrond is that the human parts of him are just, fundamentally, not designed to live forever. Some may be injured beyond repair, others will succumb to illness, others to age. That's hardly unique, it's a reality all half-elves have to face. The elvish parts of a mortal half-elf will keep them looking young, even when they're close to death, but the human parts of an immortal half-elf can pose far more problems. After all, choosing to be immortal can only do so much to alter a half-elf's biology.
But life is adaptable, and often far sturdier than it seems. The human parts of an immortal half-elf are destined to die, but they do not do so all at once. And because of that, the elvish half is able to slowly replace the failing parts, allowing half-elves to attain immortality at the price of slowly stripping away their humanity. It's long been noted that half-elves often start to show more elvish features as they age, often significantly changing how they look. Erestor Caranthirion starts with his mother Haleth's dark brown hair, but as he ages, it slowly bleaches to Miriel's silver.
See, the thing is, elves aren't immortal in the truest sense either. Under stress, elves will fade, and even without it, they'll eventually succumb to sea-longing. Normally, all this means is that half-elves will have a truly elvish fate.
It's different for Elrond.
Just as elvish blood resists the aging and injuries of humans, Maiarin blood is able to overcome the fading of elves. And just as Elrond's elvish blood begins to strip away his mortal blood as he ages, so to does his ainuric blood begin to shine through more and more, as stress and time wear away the elvish parts of him.
He ends up looking so much like Luthien and Melian because those are the parts of him that are best suited to survive Middle-Earth– the only parts of him that could allow him to live through everything that happened to him.
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spacebarbarianweird · 2 months
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stormchaser819 · 2 months
Sometimes I think a hug from Elrond would solve all my problems.
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essenceofarda · 14 days
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Finally able to post my art for this year's @tolkienrsb !
Read Kiss Afresh, as When We First Begun by @runawaymun on Ao3!
Fic Summary: At the dawn of the Third Age of Middle Earth, Elrond withdraws to his valley - quite certain that he has been altered too much by the war for him and Celebrían to be anything but friends. Celebrían just wants him to ask her to marry him already, so she takes matters into her own hands.
Everyone Go GO GO GO Read it!! 😃🥰
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olessan · 1 month
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Beautiful costuming
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Fans who haven't read The Silmarillion thinking movie Elrond is a dick, not realizing he's lost his father, his mother, both his adoptive dads, his twin brother, and his wife, so OF COURSE he doesn't want his daughter marrying Strider and dropping dead!
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