#half of the first team was also my sapphire team :’)
daisygirlwrites · 2 years
Sapphires (König x fem!Reader)
Summary: You got König the drink you promised him.
Warnings: Consumption of Alcohol
Pairings: König x fem!Reader, slight GhostSoap if you really squint
Word Count: 3,029
Note: No use of (Y/N), hella fluff towards the end
a/n: hello hello! sorry that it took forever for this part but here it is. again, this can be read standalone though it is considered the second fic in my könig x crash works. also, this is long, like the longest of any fics that i posted on here. i wanted to try something a little different this time around, so please, if you have any feedback, they would be appreciated. also, im currently on spring break, so please send in requests if you have any!
taglist: @bobfloydsgf , @warenai , @devilsfoodcake22 , @imalovernotahater , @cutiecusp , @allen-444 , @konig-breedme , @untoldshortsofthefandoms
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From your spot at the table, you watched bartenders and servers zip around, getting everyone’s orders and drinks. There were multiple conversations going on at the same time, none of which you paid attention to. Instead, you let your eyes wander over to a certain Austrian man. It wasn’t hard to take notice of him, as being the tallest person in the bar, but just like before in the meeting room, he leaned against the wall, as if he was trying to merge himself with it. 
His civilian outfit was similar to Ghost. A black hood and dark jeans. He wears a mask too but just a plain black facemask and covering his hair was a black beanie. And like your partner, he barely lifts up his mask to take a sip of his drink, the beer bottle covering his lower half of his face. If only you had the confidence you had this morning, you would have been right there next to him, catching a glimpse of his features, even if it was just for a second. 
Initially, you wanted to chat with him and apologize for being unprofessional before the mission but Soap pulled you into the SUV before you got the chance. Once you got to the bar, like high school, everyone went into their separate groups. Horangi stayed by König and you couldn’t help but feel a slight tinge of jealousy. And with your upbringing, you didn’t dare walk up to them and interrupt their conversation. 
Instead, you take a look back to the drink in your hand, it was the same one you’d always get whenever you drank. A simple vodka soda, a reminder of your friends from home and your time in college. How different it would have been if you stayed. To have a normal nine to five life, meeting up with friends on the weekend, worrying about bills. To have the freedom to love. But that’s hard in the life you’re living now. Always a risk of getting injured, a bigger chance of death, you wouldn’t want to put that pressure on someone.  And you wouldn’t want that pressure either. The stress comes with waiting, the fear of them being dead and the pain to deal with afterwards.
“Don’t shit where you eat.”
That’s what your old captain told you. Getting involved with a team member usually doesn’t end well. You’ve seen it happen throughout basic and special forces training. If one is gone, either by breaking up or dying, it almost always ruins the team dynamic. Hell, there are rules because of that, to not lose focus of the purpose for missions. It was very rare to hear two soldiers ending up and staying together before retiring but you always heard about the failed attempts.
Even so, with all the warnings and seeing it happen first hand, you understand why. Having to go through a life and death experience with another person is something a normal everyday person rarely goes through. But with the job you have, it’s a daily occurrence. Though, you never developed feelings for your fellow team members. And yet, a six foot nine Austrian mercenary that you just met the same day made you feel something. Just sexual attraction, that’s all, you tell yourself. But, you don’t want a one night stand. You want to know what his favorite drink is, what books he’s into, what kind of humor he likes so you can tell him jokes just to hear him laugh. Maybe, just maybe, that’ll be enough for you. To be close to feel his warmth, not get burned by it. Because burns leave scars and they stay with you for the rest of your life.  
“Real quiet tonight, Crash.” Hearing the familiar Manchester accent, you turn your head to catch Ghost lifting up his mask to take a sip of his drink. You got a brief glance of his bare chin. Small light scars are scattered across his skin and there is a bigger one that goes from the top of his lips and stops just before his chin. 
Ghost rarely tells you anything personal, but from time to time, Simon does. Usually by accident too. Like finding out this favorite dish had a silly name or the reasons why he hates snakes is because of his father. On the other hand, you were just happy that people were talking to you, so if someone asked, your answer was immediate. Though in this line of work, you try to not make it a habit.
Not only do you wear a mask for anonymity but you have been told that you wear your heart on your sleeves and that it’s easy to tell when you’re lying. It was something about your eyes that held your emotions, so when that was covered up too, people could tell by your body language. You didn’t like the fact that you were an easy person to read, no matter how much you hid yourself. And with a partner who stares at people like a hawk, there’s not a lot to hide from him.
“There’s a lot on my mind right now, LT.”
“A lot? Or just one thing?” You can practically hear the smirk in his voice. He says it in a way that reminds you of your sister. The slight teasing tone whenever she’d ask if there was anyone that caught your eye at school. Then it becomes soft as she tells you to be yourself and that things will turn out fine. But you know Ghost well enough that he won’t give you any brotherly advice, especially if it’s about a relationship. 
You don’t give him an answer, instead you just glared at him. He has his civies mask on, a black balaclava with the bottom half of a skull painted onto it. But without the hard plastic cover, his eyes were as easy to read as yours. They narrow, challenging your stare before he gives you a hard poke to your forehead.
“The hell was that for?”
“Being moody and silent doesn't suit you, that’s my job. Just walk up to him and offer him a drink. Promised him this morning’, yeah?”
Ghost watches you drop your mouth, shaking your head as you try to deny, “What-No, I never said that!”
“You’re a shit liar, Soap listened to your conversation before we got into the plane,” he informs you. Honestly, you shouldn’t be surprised. Yet you still are. Ghost knew of your attraction to König but Soap saying it out loud makes it real.
“Shouldn’t you discourage team members from fraternizing with each other?” You question.
He looks up, deep in thought. Ghost stays like that for a couple more seconds, before answering you, “Yes, it is one of my responsibilities. But you’re an adult, I have no say in your personal life unless it affects our job.” Lifting up his mask again, he finishes his drink. You just stare at him, not believing the words he said. Ghost, the one that’s strict on the team and stricter on you, basically giving you the go-ahead to pursue. He slides over his empty glass to one of the servers coming by, nodding at them for refill, before turning his head to you. “If you want to be technical about it, they’re not really a part of the team. We just work with them.”
Getting up from the chair, he ruffles your head, strands of your hair falling to your face. He leans against the table, taking a glance at you as you push your hair back before speaking again. “Plus, I’d be a hypocrite if I tell you to not go after him.” Another thing you didn’t expect to hear Ghost say but before you got a word in, the server comes back and hands him another glass of bourbon. He gives you a small wave as you watch him leave the table, making his way towards the opposite side of the bar and sliding into an empty seat, right next to Soap. 
You took another look at your drink before downing it. The liquid burns from the back of your throat to your stomach, the soda that was mixed into it leaves a slightly sweet taste to offset the  drink. You bring your glass to the bar, paying for it before heading over to where König was standing. 
Unknowns to you, König kept an eye on you throughout the night. As he listens to Horangi’s plans for their next leave, his sight wanders over to you. You were the only one sitting at the table, watching people pass by as you take occasional sips of your drink. Even if he only knows you for a day, seeing how you interact with the team, a girl like you shouldn’t be alone. 
Horangi stops mid sentence, taking notice that his teammate wasn’t looking at him. He looks over to the same direction, finding you sitting at the table by yourself. “You should go up to her,” he tells the giant. He watched his eyes widen and shook his head.
“If I’m being honest, she makes me kind of nervous,” König looks away but his mask doesn’t hide the blush coming up from his neck. 
“Is that right?” Horangi’s eyes are still on you. But from the corner of his eye, he watches Ghost approaching your direction. “Might miss your shot.”
“Huh?” Turning his head back, he was greeted with the sight of Ghost sitting next to you. He knew you two were close, everyone does. You are his protegee after all, it makes sense. And yet, König couldn’t help but feel his heart sink just a bit. Tearing his gaze away from the two of you, he instead becomes very interested in the beer bottle he was holding. It wasn't like the lager he gets whenever he goes back home during leave, though to be fair, he hasn’t found any other bars serving it outside of the country. However, the one that he has in his hand was the closest one to it. Just a regular brown bottle with a mountain outline etched onto the side. It was simple but König liked it. Lifting his mask, he took one more swig.
Suddenly, he feels someone patting his arm. Glancing over at Horgani, he watches him slowly walk backwards. Cupping his hands, he shouts over the noisy bar, “Aleks is calling me!” Hearing that, König begins to leave his spot by the wall but stops as Horgani yells to him again, “Stay there!”
Confused, he stays by the wall. Kind of annoyed that he was left alone, he finishes his drink. Taking a glance towards his team, he notices that none of them are moving from their spots. That soured his mood a bit. Especially since Horgani was the only person that he talks to and hangs out regularly. Yes, his team is friendly towards him but König felt like he got sent back in time to grade school. As he watched his friends leave him for others. Gripping the bottle tightly, not taking his eyes off his team, he didn’t hear the small footsteps going towards him.
You should turn back, he looks hella pissed right now, you tell yourself. But just like what happened this morning, your mouth was faster than your brain, “König?”
He whipped his head so fast, you thought he would have pulled something. Bright blue eyes stare at you but he says nothing, so you ask him, “Are you alright?”
König hasn’t seen your face up close and he was mesmerized. With your hair in a simple ponytail, the light of the bar illuminates your skin in a warm glow. And good lord, your eye contact, it was like you were staring deep into his soul, he couldn’t help but mirror you. However, with your eyebrows furrowing with concern, he finally responds to you.
“Ah, yes. I’m fine,” König looks down so you wouldn't see him blush, despite the fact he’s wearing a mask.
“Oh! That’s good to hear. You looked a little upset when I came over.”
“Well, my friend left me with no real explanation.” He looked over at Horangi again and was surprised to find him looking back. He gives the Austrian a knowing smile as he lifts up his own drink. He was going to thank him later if things went well with you.
“I get that. My friends didn’t want to hang with me tonight,” you sigh. Would have loved it if one of them stepped up to be my wingman.
“If you’d like, can I keep you company?”
You weren’t sure if he was doing it on purpose but the drop of his voice made your heart skip a beat. Feeling your cheeks warm up, you prayed that it was the alcohol.  “I would like that,” you smiled up to him. After a beat of silence, you spoke up again, “I also want to apologize about this morning.”
“For what?” Thinking back on your interaction this morning, he answers his own question, “Offering me a drink? I thought you were being polite.”
“Yes, but that was unprofessional of me.”
“I didn’t see it that way, you made me feel welcomed.” He tilts his head to the side, and while his mask is covering his lower half of his face, you knew he was smiling with how his eyes crinkle in the corners. 
“Well, let’s get you that drink then.”
After weaving through the crowd, you felt relief as you leaned on the bar. König stands besides you, having to fight the urge to put his hand on the small of your back. A bartender heads over to the two of you, and König passes them his empty bottle. Pulling your card out, you also pass it over to them, “Can we get two more of those?”
A few moments pass and they come back with two bottles, already opened and your card. After signing the receipt, you slide one of the lagers to König, which he thanks you for. As he takes a drink, you inspect the glass, finding the shape of the mountain familiar. Reading the name of the brand, you smile. While beer wasn’t your preferred drink, it does remind you of home, especially since the one you hand in your hand was brewed not too far to where you grew up. 
The bar was becoming a bit crowded, getting pushed back against the wood. König puts a hand on your shoulder and points at an open door that leads to the outside patio. He takes the lead this time, you follow closely behind him. People quickly move out of his way, not wanting to be in the giant’s path. 
The temperature outside was cooler but comfortable. You took a deep breath of the fresh air, trying to relax yourself. It was still quiet between the two of you but it was a comfortable silence. Both of you were leaning against the rail, drinking and listening to the noise of your environment. 
After a couple minutes, it was you that broke the silence. “So, do you like this brand?” 
He looks at you first before glancing down at the bottle , “I do. It’s a bit different from what I get back home, but it’s the closest one to it.” Hearing that, you couldn’t help but feel pride in your home state. “How about you?”
“Oh, it’s not really my go-to choice,” you answer him honestly, “But I like this one. Its brewery is close to my hometown.”
“Heh, yeah,” glancing up at him, you continue, “The mountains are beautiful there. But I bet the ones in Austria is even prettier.”
König shakes his head in disagreement, ‘I’ll need to see the Rocky Mountains for myself first.”
Smiling up to him, he froze. The blood rushed to his cheeks again, although at least the string lights weren’t as bright. However, you were fixated on his face and he couldn’t help but feel self conscious. Though to be fair, he has one of the most lovely shades of blue eyes you’ve ever seen and you were trying to figure out what it reminded you of. After a few seconds, the answer popped into your head.
“Wow, your eyes are like sapphires.” Stunned with what you just said, you attempt to back out, “Oh jeez. I can’t believe I said that out loud. That was pretty corny though, huh?”
König never believed in love at first sight, but with you it, he might be convinced, “Oh no, not at all,” his eyes softened and at this point, he didn't care if his face was red anymore. “I bet anyone would have liked it.”
“I'm glad that you do.”
This was a first of many for König , The first time a girl paid for his drink, to genuinely complement him and to make him fall so quickly. And while he only had confidence in the battlefield, he was confident that you share the sentiment. So badly does he want to kiss you on the lips, but he was afraid it'd be too soon. Instead, he takes your hand that was empty. Placing his bottle on a near by table, he pulls his mask down and brings your hand towards him.
For a second, you catch a glimpse of his pale skin. There were freckles along with small scars that adorned his face. It was evident that he had his nose set back more than once but honestly, it suited him. And his lips, it was a soft shade of pink, the bottom one slightly more plump.
He could smell the perfume you were wearing, some floral sent that reminded him of spring. Your hand felt like velvet even though he could see some small cuts on them, it was signs of a solider. Someone like you shouldn't be in this line of work yet here you are.
His lips are warm, or maybe you're heating up, you couldn't tell. But you knew that once it's over, you will miss it. König pulls back but he doesn't let go and you were grateful for that.
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okkotsuus · 1 year
“ten years” (yoichi i.) !
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for @saeist , always here to provide angst 🤞🤞
features: yoichi i.
contents: crying. episode one spoilers. crying. pining. childhood friends to lovers. 700 words
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isagi guided his bike slowly as you walked beside him. eyes never leaving the ground in front of him.
isagi had been your best friend since you could remember, you knew something was wrong: anyone could see. but you also knew him well enough to wait for him to express it on his own. pushing it would result in hurt feelings and words better left unsaid.
his prefectural qualifier game had been something that he had been looking so forward to. you knew the moment he passed the ball to his teammate that they would lose. you knew isagi would end up blaming himself. you knew because you knew him. for everything he is.
the river you traveled next to glimmered like opalescent gems in the light of the dying sun. the warm amber glow illuminated the boy’s face in a golden haze. despite his stricken eyes, he was still entrancing.
his breath flowed out in puffs, visible to the naked eye due to the cold nipping at your nose. isagi tucked the bottom half of his face into the scarf you wrapped around him when he came out of the locker room: not wanting him to get a chill from his sweat.
all you could remember in this moment was sitting next to isagi when you were kids and watching his passion for soccer ignite when noel noa scored that goal. you were both supposed to be asleep, the room dark as the light of the television made his eyes shine like sapphires. that was when you fell in love with something too.
isagi was a talented player, but team dynamics stunted him when he really needed to grow. now he was a ‘second-year nobody,’ as he would say.
all you could do was grieve his dream at his side until he opened up. you felt your hand rest behind him on his empty bike seat. you needed to let him know somehow that you were there. but his eyes were so foggy are faraway that you didn’t dare disturb him. he needed time to grieve too.
you could practically hear his thoughts. wondering what would’ve happened if he had just taken the shot. he would’ve won. you knew that. because you knew him, you knew what he was capable of. you knew yoichi isagi.
because you have loved yoichi isagi for the past ten years of your life.
as some kids came running by, you saw isagi stop and turn to the sky: voice quivering as his spoke. you felt your eyes sting from the pure emotion in his words.
“remember its one for all, and all… for… one.”
the kids began to whisper about him as he continued on, you just stood beside him: waiting for the dam to let loose. isagi wasn’t ready for comfort yet.
his hand gripped his bike’s handlebars as the front of his body fell forward while he screamed. he screamed in anguish, despondence, misery, you name it. he screamed for the little boy that clutched a soccer ball close while watching his idol. he screamed for the preteen who was well above his peers. he screamed for the boy who had just lost a match that could’ve kickstarted his dream.
his voice wore out in a strangled fade, cracking as his tears spattered onto the dirt path.
“damn it! i really wanted to… win.”
your hands came to his cheeks as you raised his sullen face, thumbs wiping away the crystalline beads that flowed from the pools of his eyes. his lips pursed as his shoulders shook from the magnitude of the emotions surging through his being. this was the first time you saw yoichi isagi shaken to the core. you hoped it would be the last.
gently, you feathered kisses over his warmed cheeks, not minding the lingering taste of salt from his overflowing tears. he sniffled as you pressed a kiss to his forehead.
“yoichi isagi, i have loved you for ten years of my life. i know you better than you know yourself, this is not the end. you will find a way, and you will become the world’s greatest striker.”
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okkotsuus 23
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hananoami · 28 days
Zayne's Directional Orbit: Ice - Stage 130 Clear + VOD
Continuing our 130 post clear write ups, Zayne and I cleared his Directional Orbit: Ice - Stage 130 on July 23rd! This time I have footage of my team set up and stat attributes included in the clear vod. Unlike his Stage 120 clear (which still traumatizes me to this day) we were able to clear this in one shot! Most likely due to the fact I heavily invested a ridiculous amount of time and resources into his team build for the 120 clear...
Stage 130 is a red orbit which requires 2 teams. Team 01's Protofield Stellactrum is 5-Sapphire and 1-Amber. Team 02's Protofield Stellactrum is 5-Ruby and 1-Pearl.
By having a ’perfect match’ with the Protofield Stellactrum you will receive additional attribute bonuses (for every color you match increase DMG boost 5.0% and DMG reduction 5.0% up to 30.0%), as well as the ability to shatter two protofield shields in a single strike. For this stage I opted to match the colors for each team. The bonuses of having a perfect match was more optimal rather than me trying to brute force it.
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As previously mentioned we were able to one shot this stage! I'll treat his 120 clear as both a curse and blessing in disguise if it meant making my life easier in the long run for later deepspace trials... Maybe, I don't know yet. It was pretty stressful/traumatic.
I've learned from previous fights that MC kinda has mochi for brains and does not like to use her stacks that she gains from using her basic attack, which is why I usually manually play when using Foreseer. For the first half of the fight I used her charged attack anytime I had stacks readily available. They are so useful for AoE damage.
For the second half of the fight it was a breeze with Master of Fate. His play style and kit is fast pace (to the point of spamming abilities), but I actually really enjoy it. For someone who doesn't particularly enjoy melee classes it's fun being able to weave in Spiritual Sword and Sacred Rainfall's Piercing Rain after using Zayne's Resonance Skill, Orchid Metamorphosis. I also find it hilarious MC says "wack it on the head" in English VA every time we use Master's support skill, Return Unto Oblivion.
The wanderer locked its HP around 75% on the last HP bar, but you're still able to do some damage to it. Just don't be like me and panic press buttons. In order to maximize the damage output I would suggest waiting until the lock disappears before using your resonance skill. Luckily, time was on my side so I got away with it.
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Companion: Zayne’s Foreseer [ Defend | DMG | AoE ] Weapon: Everlasting Song (staff) [ Support | AoE | Heal ] Attribute Bonus For each matched stellactrum, increases DMG Boost 5.0% (currently increased: 30.0%) and DMG Reduction 5.0% (currently increased 30.0%). ♡ Affinity Bonus: 106 (Zayne’s Protective Skill) When you take a fatal blow, Zayne teleports to you, blocks a hit, and counter attacks. Enemies will be knocked back. [ HP 3xxx || DEF xx || ATK xxx ] Pair Bonus [ FS ] -- Starting Effect: increases team DMG by 8%, and reduces team DMG taken by 8%. When fighting together with Foreseer, your Active Skill DMG is increased by 25%. -- Duo Rank 1: boosts Ardent Oath charge by 20%. When you and Foreseer are granted with Wards of Curses, team DMG will be increased by 12%. -- Duo Rank 2: increase Energy Charge cap by 1. When unleashing Resonance Skill, Foreseer gains 1 stack of Divine Prayer, and your DMG is increased by 10%, lasting
5☆ FOREVER SEALED (sapphire/solar) Lv 80/ awakened rank 3 using xx SSR protocores
5☆ PROMISE EVERLASTING (sapphire/solar) Lv 80/ awakened rank 2 using xx SSR protocores
5☆ HEARTS WITHIN REACH (sapphire/lunar) Lv 80 rank 1 using xx SSR protocores
5☆ BUSINESS TRIP (sapphire/lunar) Lv 80/awakened rank 3 using xx SSR protocores
5☆ SNOWY SERENITY (sapphire/lunar) Lv 70 rank 1 using xx SSR protocores
4☆ FLEETING SWEETNESS (amber/lunar) Lv 60 rank 3 using xx SSR protocores
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Companion: Zayne’s Master of Fate [ DPS | Burst | Sustained ] Weapon: Sacred Rainfall [ DPS | Burst | Single-target ] Attribute Bonus For each matched stellactrum, increases DMG Boost 5.0% (currently increased: 30.0%) and DMG Reduction 5.0% (currently increased 30.0%). ♡ Affinity Bonus: 106 (Zayne’s Protective Skill) When you take a fatal blow, Zayne teleports to you, blocks a hit, and counter attacks. Enemies will be knocked back. [ HP 38xx || DEF xx || ATK xxx ] Pair Bonus [ SF ] -- Starting Effect: increases team DMG by 8%, and reduces DMG taken by 8%. When the enemy is in [Shattered Jade] state, reduces its DEF by 10%. -- Duo Rank 1: boosts Ardent Oath charge by 20%. When fighting alongside Master of Fate, the enemy’s weakened state is extended by 2 seconds. Each time an enemy in weakened state is hit, the damage it sustains increases by 0.5%, up to a maximum of 10%. -- Duo Rank 2: increases Energy Charge cap by 1. When [Jadesunder] is triggered, restores a small amount of Energy Charge. -- Duo Rank 3: increase team DMG by 8%. Increases DMG of [Jadesunder] by 100%. When [Orchid Metamorphosis] is replaced by [Piercing Rain], there’s one more attempt of using [Piercing Rain] hitting an enemy. The cooldown reduction can be triggered once when unleashing [Piercing Rain].
5☆ SNOWFALL ENCOUNTER (ruby/solar) Lv 80/ awakened rank 3 using xx SSR protocores
5☆ SNOWFALL EMBRACE (ruby/solar) Lv 80/ awakened rank 3 using xx SSR protocores
5☆ EXCLUSIVE TUTORIAL (ruby/lunar) Lv 80 using xx SSR protocores
5☆ MEDICAL RESCUE (ruby/lunar) Lv 80 using xx SSR protocores
5☆ DRUNKEN INTIMACY (ruby/lunar) Lv 80 using xx SSR protocores
5☆ GENTLE TWILIGHT (pearl/lunar) Lv 60 rank 1 using xx SSR protocores
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signal boosting: @hunters-association
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teal-seas-n-skies · 4 months
What's Good?
My name is Brendan (You can call me Em if you want to differentiate me). I'm technically the Champ of Hoenn, but technically I share that title with Steven, since it's not a good look for a region to let a fifteen-year-old be Champ. It's also not a good look to make a fifteen-year-old save the world (twice), but eh. That was a year ago. We're past that!
I have a lot of Pokémon, but my main team is this:
Sunny [Male Blaziken] - My partner and starter. With me through thick and thin. Buddy boy.
Aster [Female Absol] - A sweetheart who's saved my ass a few times.
Shroom [Male Breloom] - Ol' Reliable.
Frost [Female Mightyena] - One of the first Pokémon I caught, and an absolute ace when it comes to Ice Fang.
Ferro [Metagross] - A gift from Steven I've been working on training up. We're getting there!
Nerites [Male Milotic] - The handsomest boy ever.
If you're in the loop, you've also probably seen me with Rayquaza (And before you say anything YES I AM AWARE I DON'T PRONOUNCE IT RIGHT I HAVE AN ACCENT CAN WE PLEASE MOVE ON) and Kyogre. And Latias (I named her Storm). I also have a Deoxys (That one is named Neowise!) but y'know. I don't really use them in regular battle, but most of the time I have them on me anyways.
I hang out with my friends, May, Wally, and Lisia a lot, (I also am like half Archie's parole officer but like. He's cool. Dad energy) so if you ever want to know what's up with them, I'm a decent source. You can ask about them. Or me! I don't. Really care.
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Have a picture of my face. Smile for the camera.
Pokemon IRL blog #(??????). I have too many. Main is @the-drayster hub is @interaction-lane. Same universe as @aquatic-illusion!
Not much to say here. This is a Alpha Sapphire protagonist blog. Gameverse! I do take some elements from Emerald, but I have not played that game, so. Y'know.
Because Brendan is very much a protagonist, he will be slightly overpowered. Alpha Sapphire gives you easy access to four different mythicals/legendaries (Way more actually but I'm not giving him those). He has protagonist syndrome. To combat this, he does not use said legendaries in battle most of the time.
Another thing is that he really doesn't have that much angst. All his angst is basically "I am a sixteen year old boy" angst. The situation with Kyogre and Rayquaza doesn't bother him. He has a good home life. Feel free to make fun of him for this. You can try and make him feel bad but he will probably just "L + Ratio" you. He is very much a teenage boy.
Anyways. Have fun!!!!!!!
Pelipper mail is ON!
Magic anons are OFF!
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Moving his old pfp down here for ease of access, and so you can see what he looks like WITHOUT dyed hair!
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kinmokusei-stars · 1 year
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As promised, here's my girl, Kouko!
Kouko Yoshida, Also known as 'The Sapphire Swordmaiden', is a stoic demon slayer wandering on her own with nothing but her sword, her horse, and her wits. Though her height, with her standing at about 6'2, and her closed off demeanor can make her look a bit cold if not downright intimidating, deep down she's actually just a warmhearted softy with a habit of feeding fish and other animals she comes across on her adventures and picking up pretty rocks. She's more of a gentle giant than anything else when it comes to people or animals, even if she harbors a deeply set grudge against near all demons for reasons she refuses to share.
She meets the main cast through a misunderstanding started through her having a jewel shard or two on her person that ends in the crew gaining two more shards, and a new party member.
She sticks near Kagome and Sango a majority of the time when she isn't alone, mostly because they seem the most trustworthy, with her being terrified of Shippo, and giving Miroku a near constant silent treatment after their first interaction. Though oddly enough Inuyasha seems to be more on her good side than either of the other guys on the team, with her seeing being half demon as being more trustworthy than a fullblooded demon.
They do end up falling in love, but that's only way later down the line after a long buildup- But that doesn't mean I won't post content about how they get there and what comes after LMAO
(I'll make a backstory post for her soon! :D Poor girl has baggage LMAO)
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Crossover AU Theory: If Cat-Alastor (Hazbin Hotel) Met Cat-Steven (Steven Universe)
[Note: reading this Crossover Theory is Optional, but it is for Mature Audience Readers Only...also make sure you had watched all the episodes of Hazbin Hotel Season 1 first before reading this.]
yeah, I will get around to the whole part 2 of the theory about Blitzo being Adam's Half-Reincarnation after this and another weird post I want to post after this.
so for those who have watched Steven Universe (and have watched Steven Universe Future and understand a little bit or fully what Steven's been going through, but we can't make others watch that Steven Universe Future, if they want to watch all the episodes, they should only do so by their free will and own accord.)
some of you may know about the girl cat that Garnet ends up adopting (I'm still gonna fanon headcanon her from Sapphire component, is TFA-Prowl's Reincarnation...) and naming Cat-Steven.
Cat-Steven has one eye, and like what would happen if like in a Crossover AU type way, Cat-Alastor and Cat-Steven met...?
I still would love to see Cat-Alastor (full name Cursed Cat Alastor) freak everyone out when they do the demon dance, which involves the witch's cat pose and like side stepping at first before going faster and even bouncing a little.
you must appease them with fish...
*Chaz (Moxxie & Millie's Ex) is being held up in the air by Amethyst*
Amethyst: what...? they said that Cat-Alastor must be appeased with fish, so I'm gonna throw this Tuna-Himbo Dork to them.
if Emily and Amethyst fused, would they be called Emilethyst or Amelie...?
would their fusion be platonic or romantic...?
Emily must be the embodiment of joy, while Charlie is the embodiment of hope.
so if those two ended up fusing with Amethyst, even if it is a platonic fusion...
wouldn't that make the fusion the embodiment of joy & hope...?
they would probably end up being way bigger than Sera, and possibly taller than TFA-Megatron and TFA-Blitzwing.
Emily/Amethyst/Charlie Fusion could be around almost as tall as Garnet/Pearl/Amethyst's fusion, coming up to the full gem fusion's shoulders.
anyway, in a Fanon Timeline where Cat-Alastor did meet Cat-Steven, anything could happen, maybe Cat-Alastor will somehow end up owning Cat-Steven's soul, which the deal may involve Cat-Alastor placing their cute little paws on Cat-Steven's forehead, and then sticking their tongue out and crossing their eyes, then there is a glow of green and the deed is done.
my cat, well my second cat, does tend to stick their tongue out for a very long minutes or seconds.....it is both funny and cute.
if the hotel isn't careful, Cat-Alastor will rule the hotel with a fluffy iron paw...all the fluffy babies will be on their team, picture Angel crying when it turns out Fat-Nuggets is one of them.
is it weird to think Cat-Alastor might end up liking Fluttershy, and knows to fear her when she gives the stare...?
would Cat-Alastor imprint someone as their "Mom", did they imprint on Alastor or Charlie, or maybe even Angel.
there is a funny thing I learned about cats, which sometimes my cat does to me, even though they aren't really a small kitten anymore.
it has to do with the reason why cats kneed on their owner's chest.
well it's either called kneed or something else, might have to look it up sometime.
if Keekee does that sometimes, like if she use to do that to Lucifer, but stop since she went with Charlie to try to redeem sinners.
she could of ended up doing it again after Lucifer ends up moving into the hotel.
I'm pretty sure after the fight with Adam and Lute, he had ended up moving into the newly build hotel.
Lucifer could wake up and find Keekee massaging his chest, which is what he views it and she keeps doing it.
either when he's sleeping and wakes up to it, or when he's sitting down talking with someone, and that someone ending up being Charlie half the time.
and half the time when this is going on, Husk could be holding in his laugh when watching the scene, because in his life when he still lived on Earth, he may have learned the meaning why cats do that.
and Lucifer not knowing makes it both funny and cute.
cause it basically means he would be viewed as "Mom" by Keekee.
not sure if Cat-Alastor would ended up becoming smitten like a kitten with Keekee, well if they did, it would probably end up being platonic.
also the whole romantic doesn't always have to be the same, some can be just when you hang out together, maybe watching a movie or show together or playing a video game together.
it doesn't always have to be all kissy or cuddles all the time, or the other thing that is "snu-snu"...
I think I'm starting to view myself as more of a Gray-Aroace, which is why sometime I want to make a flag for myself that expresses well the different romantic parts, and aromantic parts of myself.
like I think I am still technically a flux, and even though I'm glad I can't pick up a certain toxic-lust energy of a certain someone anymore when I'm awake, but of course it is thanks to my gem bracelets, but it doesn't mean I wont still be weak to that toxic-lust energy, which is why the dream-catchers are needed...because of those three close call dreams, and the only reason I had that second close call was because I didn't have a dream-catcher up, so I decided to have that dream-catcher I had took down (not talking about the one in a zip-lock bag with salt in the bag with it.) and decided to have it outside my door.
even prayed for a type of protective barrier...and of course the dream-catcher we got next, it seem good but then something weird was about it, and I could of just been fine if I was just having my normal weird dreaming, but then the third close call happen...
so I had to take that one down, put it in a zip-lock bag, even get some of the food salt and hold it in my hands and prayed then I put the salt in the bag as well......I keep that one as far away from me as possible.
I got a new dream-catcher now, for both in my room and for the door outside my room.
I think I would feel safer around Ozzie and Fizz, cause that bad toxic-lust energy, I did not consent to it...and I think the only reason why the barrier open up, was because of that bad dream-catcher.
dream-catchers are suppose to protect you when you sleep, and one of the reasons I wanted to sleep one, even if I may have once did sleep while having a dream-catcher when I was little but stop at some point...
but the reason why I had wanted to get a new dream-catcher, that first started with the one that is now protecting my room that is outside my door.
it has to do with my possibly dream-walking, that the toxic-lust energy from someone placed my dream-self in a trance and the only reason I snap out of it in time, was possibly because of the gem bracelets I was wearing to bed, to protect me while I sleep, even if I now use them for multi-purposes.
and some of you may already know the reason I started to wear gem bracelets to sleep in the first place, and it having to do with being scared awake by a Incubus, it was like being between awake and sleep, or like being aware....and well even if it was for a split minute or second, it was enough to scare me awake.
even if I didn't see them, but I'm pretty sure it was a Incubus...
is it normal for some Earth Angels who are also Humans, to be catnip to Incubus...?
well I'm going to make sure to keep sleeping with my gems to protect me, not just from those like Incubus but also from humans as well.
and some percent of humans are too "in heat" even more reason for me to keep wearing my gems and only take them off only once in a while or when it's necessary...
at least Alastor never has to deal with that, so he's lucky.
anyway if Cat-Steven and Cat-Alastor ended up forming a bond,
it could be interesting if Alastor ended up finding Steven who is dying but he is also having his age fluctuating until it stops when he was a baby, and one of his tears saves him, but he ends up aging much slower than he did when he was still on Earth.
so Alastor ends up adopting Steven, who has a gem on the place where his belly button should be, Steven may have not really died, but he could of been very close to it, that is why his gem ended up causing him to age back into a baby, and even saved him by having him cry and become pink.
Steven as a Baby, might still have his powers, all but fusion, the fusion may only happen much later when he becomes much older.
but picture Baby Steven placing Vox in a very big pink bubble. XD
not sure if I can think of anything else about how Cat-Alastor and Cat-Steven would act to each other if they did meet.
I think Cat-Alastor would pick Baby Steven up by the back of the neck of their clothes and run off, while everyone gives chase.
and all this is happening, Baby Steven is laughing like it's all a game.
also it could be possible that Cat-Alastor and Cat-Steven wouldn't get along at first, until they bond over a shared interest....
ruling over the ones who walk on two legs...XD
I'm weird for thinking about that, but come on...you know how half the time cats sees us as someone who serves them, and at times they can be too cute to say no to. :)
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jax-and-winstrate · 1 year
Hello, I am Jax, an ex-team aqua grunt, the leader of Operation: Clean Seas, a student at Blueberry Academy (a member of the league club now I guess), and the current champion of the Trading Card Game Islands. I am a berry farmer, like most of my biological family (@julie-winstrate-and-star-no-mi is my sister). I will occasionally snowboard or stream games when I have the chance.
also all of the mail stuff and magic anons are on. I think I'm supposed to say that here
I have a lot of Pokémon that I'm taking care of, my Swampert Skipper, my Jolteon Sparky, my Gholdengo Oro, my Cinderace Queso, my three Tinkatons Lydia, Leona, and Laura, my Slither Wing Pillow, my Chi-Yu, my Blissey, my paradox Zoroark/Hiding Illusion Blanket, my Nihilego Peanut Butter, my shiny Hatterene Hattie (@miss-cool-hat), my Hoppiny Pikmin, my Raticate Remy, my Audino Audio, my Hisuian Sneasel Sneezie, my Eevee that has part of my soul, my Froslass Shiver, my Latios Sapphire, my Cosmoem Fwoofy, a Torchic, a fairy type Torchic, Lavarus, Knight the Iron Spinner/paradox Kirlia, a shiny midnight Lycanroc, a weird Deoxys, a giant Muk, a "Palamute", Goopster the Ditto, Floofster the 'M, Hokey Pokey the h POKe, Miku the shiny Meloetta, an Alolan Sandshrew, and Terapagos.
I hope that everyone can forgive me for everything that happened with Operation: Clean Seas.
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ooc info under cut
hello, sorry for the new intro! this blog is run by @half-or-nothing!
this blog is pretty high-stakes at times, and there will be a lot of wacky shit. y'know, for funsies. Jax is a Mew hybrid, and has Nihilego poison in him, so he can do some weird stuff like learn every tm and use poison fang. he also used to be an aqua grunt! those were fun times. oh well. he's also a criminal probably. so you can do some fun stuff with that if you want. I think that's all for now. feel free to tell me if I'm forgetting something. I'll update this when I remember to add something. also Winstrate is a Porygon 2 now thanks to Jax's coding abilities
anyways here are some rules
No NSFW! this character is a minor and this is run by a minor!
Don't send ooc hate to me or anyone I interact with! the people running the other blogs are really nice and cool!
be respectful! no homophobia or transphobia or any of the shit here! none of it!
ok that's all of the rules I can think of for now. feel free to send a dm or an ask with any questions you might have!
also here's some picrews I made for him
first one
second one
third one
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and before I forget, his actual hair color is this (#4d5f4e), because he's a ✨️melanistic✨️ mewboy
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About Me
Heya! I’m Legend, a pokemon trainer from Johto currently living and working at a Pokemon shelter in Kalos. My team and I help care for and adopt out the pokemon who come to our shelter, Meganium’s Petals, named after my wonderful starter, Gold.
Currently attempting to find and beat the shit out of Team Scam. If you have any information on their whereabouts, please let me know so I can locate them. They deserve it.
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My team: Gold the meganium, my starter. Generally calm, but will absolutely not hesitate to cause Mayhem if needed. The largest of my pokemon.
Sapphire the umbreon, my shiny umbreon. Adopted him with his sister, Amethyst, because they were a bonded pair and I was worried they would be separated. Absolutely a horrible influence on all the younger pokemon.
Amethyst the espeon, the other half of the Terrible Twosome. Bonded to Sapphire, her brother, utterly inseparable. Is just as bad as he is, she’s just better at looking like she Totally Wasn’t Involved, that would be Beneath Her Dignity. do not be fooled.
Ember the vulpix, she of the flames. Rescued me from a couple of rocket grunts not long after I started out, she’s a fierce ‘mon who won’t back down from anything. Has no interest in evolving, mostly because one of her favorite tactics is to Look Up Adorably, followed by her roasting the shit out of anything dumb enough to coo over her.
Foccacia the daschbun, from Paldea. She started following me while I was on a trip there and just. Wouldn’t leave? Asked her eventually if she wanted to come along, she agreed, and she’s been with me ever since. She’s great at getting shyer pokemon to open up and calming them down, but make no mistake, she can and will kick ass if needed.
Eclipse the zorua, my youngest pokemon. His egg was....”rescued” from some people who deeeefinitely weren’t going to be needing it anymore. or any pokemon. for a long time. He’s pretty shy, but he warms up to anyone who’ll feed him.
ooc: Due to multiple instances, I am now instituting Ask Game Karma. If you reblog an ask game from me and do not send an ask, I can and likely will softblock you. If you are shy, that is what Anon is for. Please show respect for your fellow roleplayers. If you want interaction, you have to give it to other people too. hi! i’m silver, 25, they/them, follows come from silversouledcat. i’ve been watching rotomblr for a while and wanted to get in on the fun! i’ve never done any rp before, so i’m very new to all of this lol. legend comes from the fact that in every pokemon game ive ever had, since my first, heartgold, my trainer has been named legend. so if you’ve ever gotten a gts or wonder trade with an original trainer of legend, though its a longshot, that would have been me! this blog will also partly be inspired by my irl job at an animal shelter, so there will be some discussion of injuries/abuse/abondment occasionaly, though i’ll try not to get too in depth.
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skybrightpixie · 1 year
spoilers for e19!! i jus. I NEED TO TALK ABOUT MY OC RN. and i dont wanna disturb people just going through the reborn tag on tumblr who havent finished it.
currently thinking about how disconnected Auriga is from nearly every single person he talks to in Reborn and how he just doesn't talk at ALL to people he doesn't like.
he was brought into Team Meteor by a Fucking Freak Man name of Sirius, taught to remain loyal only to them, trained to close off his heart to do his job and "bring forth a new world," and was punished for showing vulnerability. he feels so repulsed by the idea of getting close to others because of how he grew up.
but there are. just a few people. who he feels okay talking to.
Luna was always nice to him, whether it was before or after he escaped Team Meteor. he feels the most comfortable around her even if she uses poetic language that he has a hard time understanding, sometimes. she's the one that gave him real hope because she escaped first (not that he even knew it was because Taka "ordered" her to do so—and also not that it would matter if he did).
when Luna was kidnapped by El, you KNOW Auriga rushed to save her, even if he wasn't completely conscious of the fact that he cared at all about her. and when he saved her, made it through the valley to her gym (glaring at Bennett on the way), and stepped in front of her, he thought You'd better stay safe from now on.
he also didn't feel uncomfortable around Taka when they were both in Meteor. sometimes Taka came with Luna to try and talk to Auriga, even if they all knew it wouldn't end up being a conversation. and when Auriga was in the WTC and saw how much Taka just wanted to help him and Titania get the Sapphire Bracelets, he refused to let Taka trap himself any longer, leaving without the battle Taka needed to avoid disappointing Solaris.
when Auriga found Taka in the desert, you know damn well he let him come with him, too. from an ex-Meteor to another, why shouldn't they both be afforded another chance to live without that group breathing over their shoulder? they adventured, they explored, and Auriga probably told him "Shut up. I don't want to hear it," whenever Taka slipped in some self-deprecating asides.
and then when Taka was stabbed within Titania's gym. OOH. Auriga had never felt his heart get crushed like that. the guy who he bonded with and felt a connection to due to something they shared. and now he's dead. Auriga didn't even sleep after battling Titania. how could he. he went straight to Amaria to avoid his thoughts, almost got completely drowned, and then shut himself off from people again until Saphira's gym battle.
to a lesser extent, Auriga was half-familiar with ZEL and Blake since they looked after Taka when he was younger. and to an even lesser extent he probably knew Cal, being Blake's brother obsessed with rivalry and all, at the time. Auriga probably never liked Blake or Cal since he only got to see him in passing, but ZEL is. like That. and hard to ignore. but since going on his journey alone and eventually seeing how they all turn out, he likely makes an attempt to sit and talk to them for a little bit during postgame! that's growth!
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mantis-lizbian · 2 years
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so, @teddy-feathers and i are using our newly jailbroken 3DS 2DSes to do a MEGA NUZLOCKE run. we've divvied up games from each set between us, and will be running through them one after another using a variation of Nuzlocke rules.
Keep Reading for the full rundown.
we can only attempt to catch the first Pokemon we encounter in an area. we are permitted to disregard Pokemon we already have, unless we have already have all the Pokemon in that area, in which case it reverts to the normal "first Pokemon encountered" rule. while we are permitted to skip such Pokemon, we do have the option to catch them anyway, but as soon as a Ball is thrown, successful or not, it becomes the only valid Pokemon we can attempt to catch in that area.
we are allowing gifted Pokemon, in-game trades, and set overworld sprite encounters (like most legendaries) as well as roaming Pokemon, none of which count as the "first Pokemon encountered" in an area, and all of which can be obtained even if we've already encountered a Pokemon in the area. that said, save scumming is not allowed, you have to succeed on catching Zapdos or Mewtwo or whoever in that one encounter, or lose them forever.
while we can still catch all the legendaries we want, we are only allowed to use one legendary in our team per game. once a legendary is sent out in battle, that is now the only legendary we can ever send out in battle until we start the next game.
we must give nicknames to all of our Pokemon.
we must release any Pokemon that get knocked out, however we are permitted to revive Pokemon during the battle it is knocked out in, however we cannot purchase Revives. the only Revives we can use are those we find around the world. if a battle ends and a Pokemon is fainted, we can no longer revive it and must release it at the earliest opportunity.
we must work within a level cap. still figuring out exactly what it'll be, but provisionally, it's based on the level caps of catching wild Pokemon in SwSh (at no badges, the level cap is 20, at 1 badge the level cap is 25, 2 badges is 30, and so on). this does mean that later games our level cap at 7 badges will be under the max level of the 8th gym leader's Pokemon, but only by a couple of levels, and between them having a specific and known typing for their teams, and rarely using a full team, i figure this'll work well enough.
now, all of that is fairly typical of a Nuzlocke run, with relatively minor deviations here and there. so what makes this a Mega Nuzlocke?
7. when starting the next game, we can transfer over 1 box of Pokemon per completed generation to the new game. with the level cap in play, we are limited in who we can use early on, but... additionally, we'll be exchanging half of the transferred Pokemon with each other (we're good friends, so i expect we'll have no issues negotiating which ones we want to exchange). so for example, once we finish our current pair of games, and i'm starting Crystal version, i'll be carrying 10 of my Pokemon from Yellow and 10 of Teddy's from Red over to my new game, and likewise when we starts Gold.
we essentially chose which games the other one would be playing, and so i will be playing Yellow, Crystal, Sapphire, Leaf Green, Platinum, Heart Gold, White, Black 2, X, Omega Ruby, Moon, and Ultra Sun. Teddy will be playing Red, Gold, Emerald, Fire Red, Diamond, Black, White 2, Y, Alpha Sapphire, Sun, and Ultra Moon. (yeah, i did wind up with a lot of the 3rd versions, but he actually played Crystal back in Gen2 originally, and i never did, and Gen4 is my least favourite which is the same reason he's getting Emerald)
we've also already picked each other's starters for each game, but this is long enough as is, so i'm gonna end it here for now.
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What is Patchwork Heart?
I’m replacing my pinned post with a new one I like better that hits a lot of the same points.
Patchwork Heart is currently my largest individual writing project.
At this point in development it’s a story with 4 main protagonists in two separate narratives that will come together later, the most major of these characters being Sapphire Valiant.
The story largely features monsters in the Sapphire half, and a mix of monsters and humans in the only narrative which follows the obsessive monster hunter Sabrina Oak.
The general plot of the two stories is Sapphire and the monster storyline’s other protagonist Faria Nightingale trying to survive humans as well as the environment to a degree with a group of other monsters, all while the two try to figure out what they are, as all the creatures are different unknown species. They are also frequently put at the mercy of larger than life adversaries seemingly working towards a bigger cause which seem to house at least some of this information.
For the Sabrina half of the story we follow Sabrina and her best friend Kim-Ly as they chase down monsters and try to find Sabrina’s missing older sister Sierra who has been missing since the girls were 8 and is presumed dead. Sabrina has dedicated her life to this quest, not letting herself have any “distractions”, Kim-Ly sticks around not because she believes Sierra is alive but because she knows she’s not and is trying to pull Sabrina out of her psychotic delusion.
The story has adult themes with large amounts of gore, violence, existentialism, occasional sexual themes (although never intensely), body horror, strong language as well as references to trafficking and abuse (in this world monsters are frequently trafficked to be sold off as pets, home defence, and other purposes).
Patchwork Heart is a LGBTQ+ story with many of the characters: Including Sapphire, Faria, Zero, and Infinity all being part of the community with Sapphire being a lesbian, Faria being bisexual, Zero Pansexual, and Infinity GayAce. However I do believe the story will hopefully be enjoyable for viewers who are not LGBTQ+ as well as those who are.
It’s most definitely not for everyone due to all of the themes mentioned.
This story is inspired in part by series such as Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel, and Murder Drones.
Patchwork Heart is a story that I will be putting a lot of care and love into and I hope some people will like it.
To get into technical stuff Patchwork Heart is a heavily plot driven story with a lot of lore behind it that currently I am the sole writer and artist for, however if you are at all interested in joining the project please contact me as I feel having a team would help with not only speeding up the project and making it generally better, but also getting different perspectives could help me with ideas for the story.
Art wise I currently do not have very much technical skill however I promise in the future you will likely be getting a pilot.
Patchwork Heart at this point is going to be a comic written like a TV show with 24 episode seasons, all of these seasons except the first having their own main antagonist for the characters to face.
This is an anti-proshipper project as I do not tolerate that kind of thing.
While this series might at SOME point have a price, the first season will be free and the later seasons will not be overly expensive because I don’t like the idea of restricting art or selling out, the only reason I feel I should have a price at all is because I feel like if I bring other people onto the team they would need to be paid, it’s really a passion project for me.
Patchwork Heart is in early development still and will take a very long time to reach completion.
Updates will be on this thread so check back occasionally.
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Also...pending...I’m going through Sapphire on a second cartridge and it’s going slower than I wanted it to.  I just keep getting distracted and not finding the time to play.  I have a team mostly worked out, although the roster is subject to change as I get closer to the championship.
Becky, the Torchic: overconfident, thinks she can solo the game, says she doesn’t have time to babysit 5 weaklings.  I think she might have to reevaluate her social skills after she got oneshotted by Brendan’s Marshtomp.
Eryn, the Shroomish: a humble forest lad who doesn’t understand why I see potential in him.  UNFORTUNATELY a good Breloom moveset requires Spore, which has to be taught as a Shroomish... at level 54.  So I had to Everstone him, which feels like a bad rerun of Rex and Tortue’s story.
Ambience, the Whismur: an anxious babby who is stronger than she looks, but only feels confident when the rest of the team is holding her hand.  Might actually not make it to the final roster because Exploud isn’t endgame material no matter how cool it looks.
Shina, the Nincada/Ninjask: energetic and ambitious, looks up to Becky and wants to be as strong as her.  Might start undergoing some weird personality changes now that she’s split from Nera, her other half.
Nera, the Shedinja: I just got her and I haven’t gotten a feel for her personality yet.  In her very first battle she fainted herself via confusion, so I think maybe she’s a bit of a space case.
Inari, the Zigzagoon: I didn’t want to raise another Zigzagoon because one was so prominent in my original Sapphire run.  But they’re such good HM mules that I couldn’t not.  Also Pickup is stupid good in Ruby/Sapphire, she’s picking up revives and full restores at a way earlier stage than the game wants you to have them.  I’m imagining that Inari is actually crafting the medicines herself.  She’s a little alchemist.
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hananoami · 2 months
[08/04] Deepspace Trials Prog
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[07/29 to 08/04] WEEKLY KEYS USED
☆ XAVIER : 9/9 keys ; going on Stage 148 on Monday. ☆ ZAYNE : 9/9 keys ; going on Stage 148 on Tuesday. ☆ RAFAYEL : 8/9 keys ; going on stage Stage 147 on Wednesday. ☆ SYLUS : 6/9 keys ; going to Stage 25 on Tuesday. ☆ OPEN ORBIT : currently stuck on Stage 150.
This is the first week of the new version, Opposing Visions, where my Deepspace Trials progress was a bit skewed. This was partly due to my negligence of forgetting to do a daily orbit run as well as not being able to use up all 3 of the daily allotted keys on certain days. It was a good win streak while it lasted, but this is more reasonable as you can’t win them all without gaining more resources to build up your teams.
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My post clear write up + VOD for Xavier’s Directional Orbit: Light - Stage 140 will be written soon. A link to that post will be included [here] at a later time.
When MC says Lumiere really is the best she wasn't kidding. His kit is not only really fun to play with, but it's also broken af. I didn't have any trouble using his companion.
9/9 keys used this week. Hopefully we'll be seeing his final Stage 150 on Monday!
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Directional Orbit: Light Protofield Stellactrum
139: 4 amber, 2 pearl -- rewards: 2k gold + 20 💎
140: 5 emerald, 1 ruby (team 01) + 5 amber, 1 pearl (team 02) -- rewards: 4k gold + 40 💎+ 1x Empyrean Wish
141: 5 amber, 1 ruby -- rewards: 2k gold + 20 💎
142: 5 amber, 1 ruby -- rewards: 2k gold + 20 💎
143: 5 amber, 1 ruby (recharge beacon) -- rewards: 2k gold + 20 💎
144: none -- rewards: 2k gold + 20 💎
145: 5 amber, 1 violet – rewards: 4k gold + 40 💎 + 4x bottle of wishes: sr
146: 5 amber, 1 violet -- rewards: 2k gold + 20 💎
147: none -- rewards: 2k gold + 20 💎
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My post clear write up + VOD for Zayne’s Directional Orbit: Ice - Stage 140 will be written soon. A link to that post will be included [here] at a later time.
I usually try to save all of my post clear notes for the x0 stages for their respective write ups, but I really want to make note of it here too that my game decided to freeze and crash while I was about to enter the second half of the fight with team 2.
Not that it was an issue or anything. We cleared just fine, it was just a small hiccup that was out of my control that really dampened the mood before the fight.
Zayne used all 9 of his allotted keys for the week as well. Making really good progress so far. We'll be challenging his final Stage 150 this coming Tuesday, hopefully!
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Directional Orbit: Ice Protofield Stellactrum
139: 4 ruby, 2 amber -- rewards: 2k gold + 20 💎
140: 5 sapphire, 1 pearl (team 01) + 5 ruby, 1 amber (team 02) -- rewards: 4k gold + 40 💎+ 1x Empyrean Wish
141: 5 ruby, 1 pearl -- rewards: 2k gold + 20 💎
142: 5 ruby, 1 pearl -- rewards: 2k gold + 20 💎
143: 5 ruby, 1 pearl (clusters) -- rewards: 2k gold + 20 💎
144: none -- rewards: 2k gold + 20 💎
145: 5 ruby, 1 emerald – rewards: 4k gold + 40 💎 + 4x bottle of wishes: sr
146: 5 ruby, 1 emerald -- rewards: 2k gold + 20 💎
147: none -- rewards: 2k gold + 20 💎
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My post clear write up + VOD for Zayne’s Directional Orbit: Ice - Stage 140 will be written soon. A link to that post will be included [here] at a later time.
I wasn't able to clear his Stage 144 on Saturday (08/05). There is no protofield stellactrum for that stage, and I was having trouble clearing out the first wave. It left me around 45 seconds to clear the second wave and yeah... that wasn't going to happen with 2 tanky wanderers and their two protofield shields. So I slept on it for a night to think of what I could possible to do clear it on Sunday.
Well, come Sunday I was able to clear it after reassembling my team to use the highest leveled memories and protocores centered around God of the tides. I also had a friend watch me prog and help with my rotation. Apparently I wasn't utilizing his kit to its full potential, but now my eyes are open and I think I have a better understanding of how to play with his companion better.
Lesson learned?
More or less, don't spam the active skill to summon those spirits. You'll run out of charges quickly and won't be able to use your resonance when it comes up from cooldown. Also figure out a timing to use your active skill for his buff before using resonance skill. The increase in DMG buff only last for 10 seconds.
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Directional Orbit: Fire Protofield Stellactrum
139: 4 pearl, 2 ruby -- rewards: 2k gold + 20 💎
140: 5 violet, 1 amber (team 01) + 5 pearl, 1 ruby (team 02) -- rewards: 4k gold + 40 💎+ 1x Empyrean Wish
141: 5 pearl, 1 amber -- rewards: 2k gold + 20 💎
142: 5 pearl, 1 amber -- rewards: 2k gold + 20 💎
143: 5 pearl, 1 amber (tower defense) -- rewards: 2k gold + 20 💎
144: none -- rewards: 2k gold + 20 💎
145: 5 pearl, 1 sapphire – rewards: 4k gold + 40 💎 + 4x bottle of wishes: sr
146: 5 pearl, 1 sapphire -- rewards: 2k gold + 20 💎
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Ahh... I'm a little embarrassed to say that I forgot to do Sylus's orbit on Tuesday because it was such a busy day with me focusing on other games. So I'm a day behind in terms of his progression, and lost 3 keys out of the possible 9 available.
My post clear write up + VOD for Sylus’s Directional Orbit: Energy - Stage 20 will be written soon. A link to that post will be included [here] at a later time.
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Directional Orbit: Energy Protofield Stellactrum
19: 1 emerald, 1 sapphire -- rewards: 2k gold + 20 💎
20: 2 pearl, 2 emerald (team 01) -- rewards: 4k gold + 40 💎+ 1x Empyrean Wish
21: 3 pearl -- rewards: 2k gold + 20 💎
22: 3 pearl -- rewards: 2k gold + 20 💎
23: 3 pearl (clusters) -- rewards: 2k gold + 20 💎
24: none -- rewards: 2k gold + 20 💎
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Currently stuck on Stage 150!
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k8aclysm · 8 months
So lately I've been re-playing pokemon emerald for like, the 18th time in my life and I forgot how difficult this game is compared to Ruby/Sapphire. It's actually kind of wild how much of an upgrade all of the gym leaders and even some of the trainers get.
Gym 1 is generally not a problem, it's a rock type gym so that's no surprise. Nosepass is surprisingly resilient, though.
Gym 2 is fighting and it's the only one where I feel like it's actually a difficulty *downgrade* in some aspects, especially in Emerald where you'll always have access to Sableye - which is completely untouchable by all of the leader's pokemon. His Makuhita loses Knock-Off for vital throw which was the only move on his entire team that could hit ghost types. Shame!
Gym 3, though? Oh my GOD this is where the crazy shit starts. They gave Wattson a level 22 MAGNETON *AND* a Manectric. For those that don't know, Magneton evolves from Magnemite at level 30, which not only makes this one ILLEGAL, but also makes it one of the strongest pokemon you will have encountered so far. Magneton has a base special attack stat of **120**. That **EASILY** dwarfs anything you will have seen up to that point. They also gave it thunderwave and supersonic to annoy the shit out of you, AND sonic boom to deal significant chip damage to your electric resist/immune teammates. Top that off with the steel secondary typing and a relative lack of accessible fire/ground/fighting types that can live a STAB shockwave coming off a whopping 120 base SpA and you've got a recipe for one of the most difficult early game fights they've ever done... and when you take it down, you're not even done! You've still gotta deal with Manectric, which is **ANOTHER** fully evolved pokemon that is VERY fast and has a respectable 105 SpA that specializes in finishing off whatever scraps you have left after Magneton. Unless you picked Mudkip, but that's a different discussion.
Gym 4 isn't SUPER crazy since it's not got quite the same level of threatening stats, but giving Flannery a full team of pokemon with Sunny Day, a Camerupt AND a Torkoal with Overheat **AND** a **WHITE HERB** so that it can freely launch TWO overheats is a VERY strong and VERY scary thing for a 4th gym. I had my own Torkoal and that sun-boosted overheat KO'd it from just over half. It's extremely scary.
This isn't to say I'm upset by all this, by the way. I love Emerald's tougher approach to boss encounters. People that have been asking for tougher pokemon experiences should *definitely* play emerald and choose either Torchic or Treecko as a starter. Mudkip is one of my favourite starter lines, but the ground/water combo is just so effective at completely countering the first four gyms that it's probably going to be less fun if you're looking for an explicit challenge.
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kinmokusei-stars · 11 months
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My Inuyasha oc Kouko's last reference sheet was a bit outdated, and hard for me to properly use and colorpick from, so I figured I'd make a new, more in-depth, easier to use one! Now with a nicer formal outfit, because the last one was an eyesore- LMAO SUPER happy with how this came out though! o(≧▽≦)o This should make drawing her a lot easier, and just all around looks nicer.
Kouko Yoshida, Also known as 'The Sapphire Swordmaiden', is a stoic demon slayer wandering on her own with nothing but her sword, her horse, and her wits. Though her height, with her standing at about 6'2, and her closed off demeanor can make her look a bit cold if not downright intimidating, deep down she's actually just a warmhearted softy with a habit of feeding fish and other animals she comes across on her adventures and picking up pretty rocks. She's more of a gentle giant than anything else when it comes to people or animals, even if she harbors a deeply set grudge against near all demons for reasons she refuses to share.
She meets the main cast through a misunderstanding started through her having a jewel shard or two on her person that ends in the crew gaining two more shards, and a new party member.
She sticks near Kagome and Sango a majority of the time when she isn't alone, mostly because they seem the most trustworthy, with her being unsettled and freaked out by Shippo, and giving Miroku a near constant silent treatment after their first interaction. Though oddly enough Inuyasha seems to be more on her good side than either of the other guys on the team, with her seeing being half demon as being more trustworthy than a fullblooded one. They do end up falling in love, but that's only way later down the line after a long buildup.
I'll write down some little extra little facts about her below, but if you're interested in Kouko's backstory and relationship with Inuyasha more in-depth, you can check out her backstory post, and my “Get to know my ship!” Post
- Her horse is named Aiko, who she takes with her everywhere. She's had him for years, and he's her baby, she'd kill a man for that horse if needed, and likely has at some point. (I intend to draw Aiko in the future!)
- Her favorite hobbies are fishing and collecting rocks she finds pretty. Fishing soothes her mind, while also being a good way of getting food, and collecting rocks is just a culmination of her "Oo shiny" mentality and makes her happy LMAO She has a small bag of all of her favorites she's found over the years.
- She prefers meat over a majority of sweet foods, whether it be fish, chicken, or something else, she's happy with it. One of the few exceptions though is persimmons, which are her favorite fruit, and hold a special place in her heart.
- She has a lower, soothing voice. It gets rumbly and purr-like when she's tired or extra relaxed.
- She's afraid of bugs. Not things like Mister Centipede, but normal, run of the mill bugs. She gets so startled everytime Myoga pops up.  Huge demons are light work when compared to the actual two to three inch bug, and her excuse is how easily they could wriggle their way into things like clothes and bags, but they mostly just ick her out.
- Her emotional weakness is fire or smoke in general. She hates the smell of it, and tends to sit a ways away from any campfires they group has, either polishing her weapon, or sewing up rips in her clothes. This only changes later on, when she's gradually brought closer to the campfire little by little, and reassured that she's safe with them over time.
That's all for now! Any other little details will be shown throughout drawings or small comics!
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Day 191
February 9, 2023
Hit 200 bird species on my life list today. I got up at the buttcrack of dawn and figured I’d make a couple checklists while I waited for everyone else to wake up. I observed five species that were new to me: California gull, Anna’s hummingbird, black phoebe, lesser goldfinch and bushtit.
Laundry is free here, so I ran a load. Then we had a community meeting at 10:00. A member of each team was nominated, and then one of the nominated team members was recognized for each the Jade Unit and Sapphire Unit. We were asked about our best experiences on the last project and thanked for sticking with the program. It appears that we have lost about half of our members since the first day; each unit used to need to hold its meetings at different times, but now we all fit in the same building.
While I waited for the next meeting, I climbed a tree to get a few oranges. They seemed to be navels and were very sweet.
Our team met in a common room to practice the upcoming project debrief, then made our way to the main building an hour later. We gave a presentation on what we did during round 2, our successes/challenges, how we benefited the community, and recommendations for future projects. The unit leader and some other staff attended in person, and a few people from headquarters called in on Zoom.
I climbed the orange tree again, this time bringing a stick to extend my reach. I probably got ten of them, though I gave most away. Then I had to move all my stuff because AmeriCorps put me in the wrong dorm room yesterday.
Our class met at 15:00 in the main room for the Unit Celebration. We watched the videos each team made in a commercial style. Then we were released. After this last meeting, my new team met, introduced ourselves, and discussed meal plans for the week. Then it was back with the old team for dinner and watching Chernobyl.
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