#half of them were just too busy with other stuff (fighting) to learn and practice
tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 4 months
They're trying their best ok!???
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horanghaejamjam · 1 year
Too Late To Apologize - {JWW}
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↪  Summary: They say you don't know what you have until you've lost it. Unfortunately, Wonwoo has to learn this the hard way.
↪   Pairings: Wonwoo x Female Reader
↪   Rating: PG
↪   Genre: Angst / Slight Fluff
↪   Word Count: 5.1k
↪ Warnings/Contents: Unresolved fight, Description of car crash and aftermath. Not too detailed but please do not read if this makes you uncomfortable.
↪ Side Notes: A little something for y'all while I finish editing Horanghae! This was a past commission for a lovely anon. Thank you to them for their support and request for this story. My commissions are open and you can find more info in my pinned post if you are interested in getting your own!
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The kitchen was eerily quiet, so quiet that the only sounds you could make out were that of the dishwasher draining and your own foot tapping impatiently against the tiled floor. Every thirty seconds or so you would glance down to check the time on your phone, wishing that the dreaded clock would freeze or turn back in time. It was 11:45 pm, fifteen minutes away from midnight. Even worse, it had been almost three hours since your fiance said he would be home. The nice dinner you had made for the both of you had gone cold a long time ago, yours half eaten while his plate was perfectly untouched. You wanted to get up and throw everything out, but your emotions were keeping you trapped in your seat.
You didn’t want to be mad at Wonwoo, you knew that he worked hard and being kept late wasn’t his fault, but it was hard to contain the anger boiling inside you with every passing minute. You had practically begged him to be home by nine, saying that you wanted to make a special dinner and have a nice night with just the two of you. The two of you hadn’t been able to spend time together since he was on tour, and the second he got back he threw himself into working on their next album. You tried to support him, making sure the house was clean, all the chores were done, and even making sure to make him lunch every morning before work because you knew he wouldn’t remember to do it himself. You even did most of the wedding planning since Wonwoo had been too busy to attend any of the meetings. Even when he could, he always seemed indifferent or uninterested and left all the final decisions up to you which added even more pressure. All of this on top of working your full time job so he wouldn't be the sole breadwinner in the relationship. It felt like you did everything for him and yet he couldn’t even dedicate a few hours of his time to you. One night, that was literally all you asked for. One night where the two of you could sit down, have dinner, and actually act like a couple who's getting married in a few months. You really didn’t feel like you were asking for much, and the more you thought about it, the harder it got to hide how hurt you were. Part of you was starting to think that Wonwoo didn’t care, that he would rather be married to his job than you.
Taking a deep breath, you finally forced yourself to stand up from your spot at the table, accepting that he wasn’t coming home. You scraped the remainder of your dinner into the trash and wrapped up Wonwoo's so that he could heat it up whenever he decided to come home. As you were clearing the table and getting ready to finish the dishes, you heard your door unlock. Your whole body tensed as your fiance walked through the door, taking his time to put his stuff away and take off his shoes before finally meeting you in the kitchen.
“Hi, I didn’t think you would still be awake,” he said, walking past you to grab a glass from the cupboard. You tensed up and kept your gaze on the table, refusing to look up at him. Had he really forgotten your plans for the evening, or did he just not care? If Wonwoo noticed the change in your attitude, he didn’t mention it as he focused on getting his glass of water. “How was work?” he asked after a moment of silence, making you bite your lip to keep from snapping.
“Fine,” you muttered blankly, still not looking at him, “yours?”
“Busy,” he replied with a hum, “we’re trying to finish recording for the new album but there’s been a few hiccups, so we had to redo a lot of it.” You supposed that explained why he was late, but it still didn’t forgive the fact that he came home three hours after he was supposed to without even letting you know. Apparently Wonwoo had continued talking and you hadn’t heard it, as you suddenly felt him right behind you and his hand on your shoulder. “What’s wrong?” he asked.
“What?” you muttered.
“You’ve been tense since I walked in here, I know somethings wrong so what is it?” You didn’t know whether you wanted to laugh or cry at his question. It seemed he really had forgotten what you two had planned, and that hurt way more than you were willing to admit.
“What time is it Wonwoo?” you asked, clearly catching him off guard.
“Just past midnight, why?” you took a deep breath to compose yourself before answering.
“What time were you supposed to be home?” He was silent for a moment before finally realizing what you were talking about.
“Oh right, I’m sorry about missing dinner but I couldn’t just leave the guys, you understand right?”
“Yeah I guess,” you muttered under your breath, moving away from him to walk into the living room. You really didn’t want to argue with him, not right now, but it seemed that outcome was unavoidable.
“Come on Y/N don’t do this, you know that my work is important. We can just have dinner another night,” Wonwoo said as he followed after you.
“I know your work is important but this was important to me! We haven’t spent time together in months and I ask for one night, a few hours, and you’re still too busy for that!” you whined.
“I already said I’m sorry I don’t know what else you want from me!” Wonwoo exclaimed, his tone getting sharper which didn’t help your emotions at all. You were trying to stay composed but every second that passed you could feel tears burning your eyes and your resolve slipping.
“I don’t want an apology Wonwoo I just want to be able to spend time with my fiance, is that too much to ask?”
“You act like we never see each other and you and I both know that isn’t true,” he argued, “I’m busy, okay? Not only am I working to be able to support us but I also have the guys and the fans who need my support as well, I can’t just abandon them because you want my attention.”
“I’m not saying I want you to abandon them!” you exclaimed, getting more frustrated now, “I know how demanding your job is and I have done nothing but try to love and support you despite being busy myself. You’re not the only one who works full time you know! Despite that I still make time to check up on you and take care of you, but when I ask for one night you can’t even put aside that time for me.”
“I’m not feeling very supported right now,” Wonwoo stated. There was no change in his tone or anything to show malice, but those words hurt worse than anything else he could have said. Maybe it was because you were exhausted and already emotional, or maybe it was because it seemed like that’s what he honestly thought, either way though, you couldn’t take it anymore.
“Oh really?” you snapped, marching back over to him so there was only a few inches between you both, “tell me then Wonwoo, who wakes up early every morning to make you lunch before going to work? Who left work early to bring you and the boys food because you didn’t get a break from practice? Who stayed up with you until sunrise helping you practice your rap to make sure it sounds good? Who does all of the chores around here and all of the wedding planning despite being busy with everything else so that the only thing you need to worry about is work? Most importantly, who took the time from their schedule since day one to come to as many concerts and promotions as possible to cheer you on because I know how much this means to you? I do all of this to make sure you are supported and what have you done for us recently, absolutely nothing!” By the time your rant was over you were bent over trying to catch your breath, Wonwoo just stared at you with his arms crossed, clearly unamused. 
“Are you happy now?” he asked, shaking his head when you didn’t answer, “I have an early day tomorrow, I’m going to stay at the dorms tonight. We’ll talk about this later.” With that he was grabbing his things and throwing his shoes back on before leaving the apartment without another word. You could only stare at the door in shock, finally letting the argument sink in as you slowly broke down crying. He really left you for the guys, just like that? Did he really not care about you or your relationship? The more you thought about it, the harder it was to stop yourself from crying. This wasn’t your first argument with Wonwoo, and you knew it probably wouldn’t be your last, but this was the first time one of you had ever walked out during an argument. You took a few deep breaths and wiped at your eyes desperately to stop the tears, staring at the door for a bit longer to see if Wonwoo would change his mind and come back. When he didn’t, you accepted defeat and slowly dragged yourself to your shared bedroom.
Almost as if you were on autopilot, you turned your phone off and plugged it in before showering and dragging yourself into bed. You were used to falling asleep without him there, but tonight the bed felt even more empty than usual. You found yourself grabbing his pillow and curling up around it, enjoying his scent and imagining that he was there with you as you slowly drifted off. Hopefully, when you woke up this would all be like a bad dream and he would be there, or at least be willing to talk to you about it. 
ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ
To say you were hurt when you woke up alone was an understatement. Your head was pounding from crying the night before and all the negative emotions came slamming into you like a bus. With a groan, you forced yourself to sit up in bed and reached for your phone. Part of you was tempted to call into work so you could clear your head but you knew that wasn’t a logical decision. Having an argument with your fiance wasn’t usually seen as a reasonable excuse to call out, and you could honestly use the distraction. Your phone switched on after a few seconds, showing the wallpaper of you and Wonwoo on the night you got engaged, but there were no new messages aside from a few work emails. You tried not to be disappointed, remembering that Wonwoo said he had a busy day, but given what happened it felt like he was ignoring you on purpose. No ‘good morning’ no ‘I’m sorry’, or even ‘we’ll talk later’, he just went silent. Tossing your phone to the side, you shook your head and rubbed at your temples for a moment before forcing yourself out of bed. You were going to be late if you kept sitting around and you couldn’t afford that extra stress. You quickly rushed around to get ready and grab your things, checking your phone more times than you were willing to admit. Normally you prided yourself on being level headed in stressful situations, but when it came to Wonwoo all your emotions took over and made you feel like a lovesick teenager. Why couldn’t he give you some indication that things were okay? Was he that mad at you, or was he waiting for you to make the first move?” 
The drive to work was extremely stressful as you found yourself unable to focus on the road, too focused on your relationship and checking your phone every time it vibrated. The only thing that snapped your focus back to the road was the honking of cars and shouting from those who rushed around you as you went too slow or stayed stopped at a green light for too long. 
“Get it together Y/N,” you muttered to yourself, gripping the wheel tightly with one hand while the other moved to pinch the bridge of your nose. Your eyes closed for a moment as you waited at another red light, only to snap back open as the car behind you honked furiously. Without thinking, you slammed on the gas, seeing that the light had changed while you were lost in thought. Your car jerked before speeding forward faster than you had anticipated, causing you to panic a bit as you tried to slow down and regain control. Unfortunately, what you hadn’t noticed was the upcoming intersection, or the truck was actively turning into your lane just as you sped through it. You didn’t have enough time to react as the truck slammed into yours, hard enough to flip it. Your ears were ringing and everything felt like it was happening in slow motion as you watched the world spin around you before eventually staring up at the sky. Your whole body burned but felt numb at the same time and it felt like there was a weight pressing on your chest, causing you to gasp for breath. Multiple people had run over to you, clearly trying to see if you were okay but you were unable to hear them or even respond. All you could do was stare up at them helplessly as your vision slowly faded to black. 
ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ
Wonwoo had not been able to focus on his work at all, the argument with you and what you said running through his mind like a broken record. He knew that you were right, but he was so overwhelmed that he hadn’t been willing to admit it at the time. He knew he would need to make it up to you, but first he had to finish what he was doing or else the fight would have been for nothing. Not to mention, he didn’t need the guys getting suspicious about what was going on between you two. He already had Jun bugging him about not going home last night and he knew your cousin would be even more on his case if he told him what happened. 
Thankfully right now they were just going over a few basic steps and warmups before starting practice. Wonwoo didn’t need to focus too much as the focus was the performance unit at the moment while the others kind of did their own thing and waited. All he had to do was sit there and be quiet so that they could focus. That wasn’t possible however, as he felt his phone begin to vibrate in his back pocket. He ignored it at first, assuming whoever it was would leave a message or he would just call them back later. That was a decision he would soon come to regret, watching as the door opened and their manager walked into the practice room. 
“Sorry to interrupt,” he said as all the members turned to him, “but I need to speak with Wonwoo and Junhui outside, the rest of you continue with practice.” The two males glanced at each other, confused, before nodding and following the manager out of the room and into the hall. Their manager glanced around for a moment before taking a deep breath, “We just received a call from the hospital about Y/N, there was a really bad car crash and she is currently receiving emergency care, since you two are her closest family we were told to inform you.” Wonwoo swore that he forgot how to breathe in that moment, tuning the other male out as soon as he heard your name and hospital. The world felt like it was closing in around him, and the only thing he could hear was his rapid breathing and the sound of his heart. 
“Wonwoo…Wonwoo!” Jun shouted his name and violently shook at his shoulder to snap him out of his almost panic attack, “snap out of it, come on we have to go!” All Wonwoo could do was nod, following silently to one of the company cars since neither would be trusted to drive. Jun tried to talk to him during the ride, wanting to assure him that you would be okay and that you were strong but Wonwoo didn’t listen. His mind was flooded with the thoughts of you laying broken and alone in a hospital bed. Even worse, he couldn’t help but wonder if what happened was at least partially his fault. You were usually a very aware person, so what if you were distracted while driving to work? Were you still thinking about the argument with him and that’s what caused you to lose your focus? Perhaps if he had just stayed home and talked everything out with you, or even called you this morning then this wouldn’t have happened. 
By the time the guys had gotten to the hospital, you were out of surgery and recovering in a hospital room. The doctors explained that you had hit your head pretty badly, on top of being scratched up from hitting the pavement, but thankfully they were able to stop the bleeding and prevent any long term damage. Wonwoo was relieved when he heard that, but he was still crushed to see you laying there, wrapped in bandages and hooked up to machines that did who knows what. Almost as if on autopilot, he pulled a chair to the side of your bed and sat down, taking your hand in his. He was careful with his movements, not wanting to hurt you even more than you already were. Jun finished talking with the doctor and helped with a few documents before joining you both in the room. Wonwoo heard the older sigh before feeling his hand on his shoulder. It was at that moment that he finally broke, resting his head in his free hand and trying not to get too emotional. 
“This is my fault,” he muttered. 
“How could it be your fault? You weren’t in the car and you weren’t the one that hit her,” Jun pointed out, to which the younger shook his head. 
“You don’t understand, she was distracted because of me and if she had been paying attention she would have been able to avoid the truck.” Jun remained silent, staring down at Wonwoo as he continued venting out his thoughts, “I’ve been so stressed recently with work and having everything done before the wedding that I ended up completely ignoring my relationship. Y/N’s been trying so hard to keep us going and I couldn’t even help her. What kind of husband would I be if I can’t even be a good boyfriend? Or will I even get to be her husband now?”
“Alright enough,” Jun huffed, ��you heard the doctor, she’ll be fine, and besides you know she wouldn’t leave us like that. Blaming yourself for whatever happened isn’t going to help her recover. Right now we just need to be here and support her, okay?” Wonwoo didn’t have the energy to respond, only nodding as he kept his focus on you. Jun opened his mouth like he wanted to say something, but decided against it. Instead he pulled a chair to the other side of your bed, both males mutually deciding to keep an eye on you until they were forced to leave. 
It took about four days for you to finally wake up, by this point most of your minor injuries had started to heal and the doctors had been able to remove some of your bandages. The whole time Wonwoo had not left your side, save for the one time the members dragged him out of the hospital so that he could shower and actually rest for at least a few hours. Jun came to visit nearly every day to check on you both, and usually a handful of the members would come with him. From the second they heard about your accident, they all basically swarmed your hospital room to check up on you and bring you various get well gifts. From balloons, to cards, to flowers, to stuffed animals, every day they brought you something new. It honestly looked like you had been in the hospital for months with the amount of gifts, rather than a couple of days. 
It took a moment for you to be able to open your eyes, immediately shutting them again and groaning as they were assaulted with blinding white light. You took a moment to adjust before opening your eyes again, slowly glancing around to get familiar with your surroundings. Your whole body was aching and you felt like you had just woken up from a decade long coma. As your senses slowly regained you also realized an odd pressure on your hand, the warm feeling engulfed it tightly, and then you heard a familiar voice calling your name. 
“Y/N? Y/N can you hear me?” turning your head, you saw a concerned Wonwoo glancing down at you. Both of his hands were gripping yours and he looked like he was seconds from crying. Behind him, you could see Jun frantically typing on his phone before looking up at you with a relieved expression. 
“Wonwoo, Jun? Where am I?” you asked, your voice rough due to how dry your throat was. Wonwoo carefully helped you sit up before helping you take a sip from the water bottle sitting at your bedside. The cool liquid brought immediate relief and you had to restrain yourself from chugging the whole bottle to not risk choking. 
“Easy now, you’ve been through a lot,” he urged softly, “you’ve been asleep for a few days now.”
“What happened?” you asked, honestly struggling to remember anything. Wonwoo's expression dropped, but he quickly fixed it before you noticed. 
“You were involved in a pretty bad accident on your way to work. It knocked you up pretty badly so you’ll probably be sore for a little while. We’ll talk about it when you feel better, right now you just need to focus on recovering.” You wanted to argue, but Jun had made his way over to sit at the other side of your bed, his hand reaching out to softly grip at your arm. 
“He’s right, you need to rest. You owe us for giving everyone a heart attack by the way!” he teased, making you laugh a bit. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you guys,” you apologized, making your cousin shake his head while patting yours. 
“It’s not your fault, we were just worried about you thats all,” he assured. 
“Is that what all the gifts are for?” you asked, finally getting a chance to look around your room. 
“You can mostly thank Jeonghan for that actually,” Jun mused. You guys all sat in silence for a few minutes before the man in question came practically bursting through the door. Joshua, Seungcheol, and Chan were behind him, all carrying even more gifts. 
“Y/N! How are you feeling!” Jeonghan exclaimed as he rushed over, “I made my way over the second Jun told us you were awake, we were so worried!” 
“I’m fine,” you assured, “I’m just tired.”
“How can you be tired?” Chan questioned, “you’ve been asleep for four days now!” Your eyes widened a bit, causing the male to cover his mouth as the older members glared at him. 
“Four days? I’ve been out that long?” you exclaimed. 
“Uh yeah, the doctors said it could take about a week for you to wake up,” Jun explained, “you hit your head pretty badly.” You looked down with a soft “oh” which caused the guys to tense up. 
“Don’t worry about it though, all that matters now is that you’re okay. We can worry about everything else later,” Wonwoo assured, rubbing your hand softly. You nodded softly but didn't look back up at him. The members quickly changed the subject to cheer you up, telling you all the fun practice stories that you missed and doing anything they could to keep you smiling. You noticed that Wonwoo seemed a bit distant during that time, but you didn’t get a chance to comment on that as the others stole away your attention. You guys spent a few hours together, only being interrupted by a nurse or the doctor coming in to check up on how you were doing, before eventually the guys had to leave due to having an early day. They gave you one last goodbye, with Jeonghan and Joshua leaving the stuffed animals they got you on your pillow, before filing out of the room and leaving you and Wonwoo alone. 
“Don’t you have to go also?” you asked, watching the door close behind Jun. 
“I already spoke with management, I can make up practice once you’re recovered and back on your feet,” Wonwoo explained. 
“But it must be so boring just sitting here with me,” you whined, causing him to shake his head. 
“I’m not bored at all, it’s actually kind of relaxing to be away from the guys for so long,” he said with a soft laugh. The comment made you smile a bit but you still couldn’t help but worry about his well being. There was no way that sitting in that plastic chair for as long as he probably had was comfortable. 
“It’s so late though, at least go home and sleep in an actual bed. There is no way sleeping hunched over in a chair is good for your neck or back,” you continued. This time Wonwoo's laugh was louder, lowering his head for a second before looking back up at you and pushing up his glasses. 
“You’re the one in the hospital bed and you’re worrying about me? Don’t worry Y/N, my priority right now is making sure that you are doing okay,” he promised. You tried to argue but he wasn’t listening, going as far as to pull out his phone and pretending to take a call so you couldn’t rebuttal anymore. You laughed a bit at how childish he was acting but gave in and stopped arguing. It was starting to get late and you felt yourself getting more tired until you were struggling to keep your eyes open. Wonwoo noticed and smiled softly at you, “Go ahead and rest Y/N, you need to keep up your strength.” You shook your head as best as you could while rubbing at your eyes, causing him to shake his head a bit. “If I promise to go home and go to bed once you fall asleep, will that help?” he asked. You nodded and whined softly as you struggled to get comfortable with your remaining injuries. “Very well, once I’m sure you’re asleep I will go home and come back in the morning okay? Now go ahead and rest.” You whined again but didn’t argue as you closed your eyes. 
“Goodnight Wonwoo, I love you,” you muttered, eventually letting sleep take over as you slumped against your pillow. 
Wonwoo kept an eye on you until he was positive that you were asleep and wouldn’t be able to hear him. His thumb rubbed over the back of your hand as he took in your injured state. You looked much better than you had when he had gotten to the hospital, but it was clear you would be in pain for quite a while. With a defeated sigh, he lifted your hand enough to press a tender kiss to your skin. 
“I know that you can’t really hear me right now, and you don’t remember what happened but I always will,” he started, “I wasn’t there for you when you needed me and I’ve been neglecting my job as your boyfriend and future husband. I’m sorry that I let it get this far, but I promise that I will never let it happen again. I will make it up to you and I will prove that I deserve to be your husband. I will come home more, I’ll help you out so you’re not always overworking, and I will never doubt you ever again. I promise that I will do better for you, for us, no matter what it takes.” You didn’t even move as he spoke, fast asleep and unable to process the words he was saying. Still, the promise was there, and he was more than determined to keep it. The past few days Wonwoo had a lot of time to reflect on everything, and he wanted to do everything in his power to make sure this situation never happened again. The fear and guilt he had when he thought that he may lose you was a sinking feeling that he never wanted to experience again.
For the first time in what felt like forever, Wonwoo let go of your hand and slowly stood up from his chair. His legs were stiff and almost numb from sitting in one position for so long, but he ignored that as he pushed the chair away. Careful not to disturb you, he leaned over your bed, one hand held himself up as the other moved to brush your hair out of your face. He admired your features as his fingers traced along your cheek and chin before he leaned down and gently pressed his lips to your forehead. Your skin was cold compared to his, almost alarmingly so, but that didn’t stop him from letting his touch linger for as long as humanly possible. He hesitantly pulled away after a moment, running his fingers across your face one last time before standing back. 
“Rest well Y/N, I love you, and I always will.”
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↪ Seventeen Taglist: @woo8hao @amethyistheart @exfolitae
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nixie-writes · 1 year
Hey! I’ve spent like an hour religiously reading your works! Could I get a Husk x fem! Cat demon! Reader who was his medic when he fought in the war, and they fell in love only for him to die- and he recognizes her after he catches her humming a song she used to sing to him? Like a heartfelt reunion? It’s super cheesy and long! Feel free to ignore!
I feel so honored uwu I've had this blog running for over a year and a half so some of my work is trash but I'm glad you like it! This turned into more of a fanfic with plot points than headcanons but enjoy lol
-”da-da-da-da, mm-mm,” you hummed to yourself in the infirmary, all alone. You were waiting to treat the injured from the current war going on and were demanded to stay in your quarters. You couldn’t find anything to entertain yourself with so you decided to hum that little tune you and your boyfriend, who only went by Husk, loved to hear. 
-you were snooping through a filing cabinet, reading classified documents as you usually did, when a soldier no older than 19 burst into your office, sweating, eyes bulged. Before you could ask what was wrong two other soldiers dragged in none other than Husk who, despite bleeding heavily and leaning on one side, demanded to walk. You didn't bother closing the cabinet before rushing to see him.
-laying him down on a gurney you inspected Husk. He had a bullet wound that pierced through his liver. The liver wasn't elastic enough to handle a bullet wound. Judging by how bloodied up Husk was you guessed his liver had practically exploded from the impact.
-you began stuffing the wound with whatever gauze you could find, trying to staunch the bleeding. In the back of your head you knew it was futile but you knew you'd never be able to live with yourself if you hadn't at least tried.
-as you were rolling up another bundle of gauze to push into the wound Husk grabbed you by your arm gently, weakly. He gave you the softest, sweetest of smiles and told you bluntly, "you're too late". You were hyperventilating at this point, tears falling down your face, fighting to see clearly so you could continue to stuff the wound. You turned to face the three soldiers behind you. "The fuck are you doing standing around like a bunch of twats, do something!" But none of them moved, only grabbing their hats and placing said hats over their hearts. You turned around to continue your process and you were met with glassy eyes staring at nothing, blood still oozing lazily from his gunshot wound.
-it was after Husk's death that you left the army. You couldn't bear to watch another person die because of your incompetence. Similar to Husk who could beat anyone in a drinking contest, you became an alcoholic, trying to drink down the pain. You died at a shockingly young age due to liver failure from all your drinking.
-when you died you arrived in Hell, a pink cat demon complete with a collar. You thought it was silly but went with it. You spent about a year walking the streets, humming that little tune Husk loved so much. There's no way such a perfect being could have ended up down here but you held hope.
-late one night you were walking home from the store, humming as usual. The older demons and Hellborns came to recognize you for humming the same song. You never told them why, you just said you liked it.
-during your walk home you saw a familiar face clad in red - one of the Overlords, trying to score a deal with some poor sap. It wasn't your business and you didn't want it to be your business so you continued on, humming as per usual.
-this caught the attention of the cat demon next to the Overlord, Alastor, who ran to you. He almost crashed into you, making you drop some bananas in the process. He helped you pick everything up, and you asked him what he wanted with you.
-"that song, I've heard it before. Where did you learn it?" His eyes were round and pleading. You shrugged casually. "It's...just a song my boyfriend liked me to sing before he died." You replied. You'd never told a soul about that before. His breathing hitched. "Was he in a war?" he asked a little too hopefully. Awkwardly you nodded. Before you could ask how he knew, Alastor called out, "we're leaving Husker!" You blinked in surprise. Husker...? Husk?
-"I know it sounds crazy and it sure fucking is but, I think I'm your boyfriend who died," Husk explained quickly. You quirked an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? What's one thing only my boyfriend would know?" You inquired with a crass smirk. "Uh let's see...you never liked apple pie because when your dad baked it it always came out sour, and you sometimes stole your dad's cigarettes," he replied. Holy shit, no one else knew that. "Is it really you, [Y/N]?" he inquired hopefully. You nodded your head slowly.
"It's nice to finally meet you again."
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ascendancy-echoes · 5 months
Chapter 21: The Music Box
6th of Fourthmoon, 1020 AG, Guardia.
One morning, Lucca and Oren worked on installing the thrusters to the Epoch while Zarya sat at the workbench, reading a book to herself. Zarya had hoped that after her magic practice she could spend time with her dad, but he had said he had another meeting with Oren and Liz’s parents. She quickly grew bored of the book and looked around at the numerous half-made and half-disassembled projects belonging to her mother. So many things that Lucca had forgotten to finish or couldn’t bear to part with. Finally, Zarya’s eyes laid upon what looked like some sort of record player. Curious, she slipped off the stool and went over to the object.
While Zarya went to investigate one of her mom’s old inventions, Oren and Lucca were preparing to weld some panels together. Suddenly, the two of them were startled by the blaring sound of an upbeat tune echoing through the workshop, followed by a booming baritone singing out. “THEY CALL ME GATO, I HAVE METAL JOINTS!”
“Oh no, Zarya, give that to me,” Lucca sighed as she covered her ears. “Thought I disassembled that part…”
Oren, with his ears covered as well, looked over to see Zarya holding a speaker and small record player. She was starting the song over again as Lucca reached her.
“Sweetie, your dad doesn’t like loud sounds and it’s too loud for the workshop,” Lucca sighed as she took the device from Zarya. “I’m sorry.”
“More song?!” cried Zarya.
Lucca frowned, “Not right now.”
Zarya sighed. “Okay… Can I  go see Dad, pleeeease?”
“Sorry, your dad is really busy right now,” Lucca replied.
“I don’t want ‘Dad is busy right now’,” Zarya muttered. She sat back down at the workbench and resumed reading her book. She tried to be patient as her mom explained how to connect something or other to Oren. Her eyes wandered over to the speaker and record-player. Maybe she could listen to it quietly…
Lucca, focused on examining the wires, said, “If we connect this part here-“
“Zarya!” Lucca turned off the player again. “I just told you the song is too loud, sweetie.”
Zarya let out a lamenting whine and begged for the song before burying her face in her arms and going quiet.
“Maybe I should take her home,” Lucca sighed. “I’m sorry Oren… I can help you with the control panel later.”
Oren nodded. He knew that Zarya was bored and frustrated. She didn’t have any interest in mechanical stuff or science like her mom and him and she wasn’t allowed to learn any fighting magic like Liz. That had to be hard for her to be left out of everything. He told Zarya and Lucca goodbye as the latter departed before turning his attention to the record-player that Lucca had left behind. Even if the song was loud and kind of annoying to him, Zarya clearly liked it. Suddenly, he had an idea of how to make Zarya happy while saving everyone else’s eardrums.
Later, Oren went to his sister’s room in hopes that she was there. If he was going to pull off his plan for Zarya, he would need Liz’s help. Lucky for him, Liz was in her room, polishing her katana, Rainbow, that she had gotten from their father. She looked up and smiled at him. Putting her katana in its sheath, she said, “Hey, Oren, what’s up?”
Oren asked, “Do you still have your music box?”
“What? The one from Granny Gina? Why do you ask?” Liz asked, unsure of her brother’s intentions.
“I want to see how it works,” Ore replied. Seeing the look on Liz’s face, he added, “I won’t break it, I swear.”
Liz squinted at Oren and asked, “Why do you need to see how it works?”
Oren sighed. “I want to make one for Zarya. Her birthday is coming up and I can tell she’s been feeling left out with you being taught magic she’s not allowed to learn and she doesn’t like inventing stuff like Aunt Lucca and I do.”
Liz frowned and nodded. “Yeah, it sucks but the adults have a good point about not letting her learn offensive magic. She’s really impulsive and that’s coming from me…. It’s one thing for her to randomly cast a barrier spell because she likes the colors versus something like a fireball… or ice shards.”
Oren nodded. Even after all this time, no one knew what Zarya’s magical affinity was. She was clearly talented in magic but neither Melichor or Janus had been able to discern what kind of magic she was innately able to do. What they were certain of was that she shared the ability to use any elemental magic much like Janus could.
“So, can I please borrow the music box for like a couple of hours?” Oren asked, getting back to the original subject. “I swear I’ll return it in one piece.”
“Sure, dude,” Liz said, getting the music box from a shelf on the far end of her room. “But why not just go buy one in town?”
Oren thought about Liz’s question and shrugged. “I could but she’s got this new song she really likes, but I don’t think it’s going to be available at a shop….”
“Wait, do you mean that loud, goofy song from Aunt Lucca’s fair robot?” Liz asked. “We heard that all the way in the garden on the other side of the castle.”
Oren nodded and said, “Yeah she found the recording and kept playing it. I thought maybe she’d like a music box with that tune… It would certainly be less bothersome for Aunt Lucca and Uncle Janus and it might cheer Zarya up.”
Liz handed Oren the music box. It was a simple wooden box with a wind-up mechanism that played a simple and beautiful tune.
“I’ll help you out cuz it’s something for Zarya but don’t break it,” Liz declared.
Oren nodded and thanked his sister. He reasoned that it couldn’t be that hard to make a music box. However, the next morning he soon found that he couldn’t figure out how it worked just from looking it over besides the fact it used some sort of tiny metal barrel with bumps on it that rolled against a piece that looked like a tiny metal comb. Oren had promised Liz he wouldn’t break the music box and he wasn’t about to disassemble it to figure out how it worked. As he sat there, staring at his sister’s prized possession, he felt a tap on his shoulder.
“Usually you have to wind it up for it to work,” joked his dad. “I thought you and Lucca were working on the Epoch today.”
“We were, but Zarya was having a hard day yesterday so I don’t know when or if Aunt Lucca is coming,” Oren replied. “Aren’t you supposed to be practicing sword stuff with Liz?”
“I was but Liz wanted to take a break to spend some time with your mom and I realized I hadn’t spent any time with you in ages,” Crono replied.
“Don’t you find all this inventing stuff boring?” Oren asked bluntly.
Crono shook his head. “I don’t find it boring. I just don’t understand it when Lucca explains things but I do think it’s amazing she built what she has and that you’re just as smart. You definitely get it from your mom and your granny.”
“You’re not dumb, Dad,” Oren said. 
Crono smiled. “Thanks.”
Peering at the music box, he asked, “So why do you have your sister’s music box?”
Oren looked back at the music box. “I wanted to make one for Zarya to cheer her up. She’s been left out of so much and I wanted to do something nice for her, but I’m afraid to break Liz’s to figure out how it works.”
“Why not just buy one in town?” asked Crono. “It wouldn’t be a big deal to send a servant or go yourself with some guards.”
“That’s what Liz said, but I want to make it with that Gato song… Zarya really liked it and kept trying to play it yesterday but it’s too loud. I thought a music box version would make her happy.”
“Yeah, her dad has enough migraine triggers without that song being blasted across the castle or in their house,” Crono acknowledged. He pondered for a moment. Oren liked to challenge himself and Crono knew his son wouldn’t settle for some store-bought trinket for Zarya.
“Well, if you’re really worried about breaking Liz’s belongings, why not come with me to town, we can see your granny and ask her where she bought it from and buy one you can break,” offered Crono.
Oren chuckled and nodded. There were many times he felt like his parents didn’t understand him but this was one of those times that he felt his dad got him.
Gina had seen Crono and Oren arrive from her window. She opened her door to them and greeted them warmly. While the guards remained outside, Crono and Oren entered the house. After she hugged Crono and then Oren, Gina marveled how much Oren had grown. Then she looked at Crono and asked, “How have things been at the castle?” 
“Fine,” Crono replied. “How have you been?”
Gina crossed her arms and said, “Frankly worried about you and your family.”
“Mom, everything is fine,” Crono said assuredly, although Oren could hear the telltale tone of a son who just wanted his mother to not fuss over him.
It was quite a sight to behold. Oren looked on as his father, a tall man dressed in fine clothing befitting a king, was scolded by his grandmother, a little old lady dressed in a simple dress and apron.
“You might be king, but you’re still my son,” Gina said sternly.
“Technically I’m ‘Prince-consort’,” Crono remarked, half-joking in his tone, in an attempt to deflect the issue Gina was bringing up.
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“Doesn’t matter,” Gina replied. “You will always be my son and I will always be worried about you.”
“I know what happened to Melichor has had you worried these last few months,” she noted. “But like before, it seems nothing has come of the Mystic’s plotting. I just hope you aren’t robbing Oren and Liz of a normal childhood because of all this.”
“We aren’t looking for a fight, Mom,” promised Crono. “Guardia’s managed to be peaceful all this time and we won’t plan on ending that peace by starting any fights with Medina.”
“Everything is fine, Granny Gina,” Oren said. “Liz is having lots of fun learning more magic and I’ve been helping Aunt Lucca with her inventions… and we came by because Dad thought you could help me with a personal project.” Gina smiled at her grandson. “What sort of project?” Gina listened to Oren’s story about wanting to make a music box for Zarya before nodding and saying that she had one he could use. She went down the hall to her room and came out with a small wooden jewelry box. The underside had a wind-up key and inside was a similar mechanism to the music box Liz owned.
“Take this old thing, the gears have started wearing out so it won’t be a big deal if you take it apart,” Gina remarked.
Oren took the music box and thanked his grandmother. He and Crono promised to visit again soon. Before they left, Gina stopped Crono for a moment and told him how proud she was of how kind and caring Oren was, a testament to how good of a father he was and just how much Oren was like him. “He may not want to use a sword like you and Liz, but he’s as compassionate and driven as you are,” she remarked. “I hope he never loses that.”
Crono nodded. “Me too.”
Later, Oren carefully studied the music box his grandmother had given him. Once Lucca provided him with the music sheet for Gato’s song, he was able to figure out how to replicate the tune after a few attempts at making the small metal drum that would produce the notes against the metal comb’s teeth. His efforts resulted in a simple metal box that played a rather pleasant sounding rendition of the loud and obnoxious song once played by the Gato robot. The day finally came to give Zarya her gift. Oren hoped his efforts would cheer up Zarya. She was like a sister to him and he wanted to make her happy given all the craziness that had gone on over the last several months. He offered the carefully wrapped box to her when she and her parents arrived at the castle to celebrate her birthday.
“Happy Birthday, Zarya,” he said, hopeful she would like the gift.
Zarya beamed at Oren and took the box, unwrapping it as fast as she could. She turned the box over and immediately started to turn the key on the bottom. A tinkling, gentle rendition of the funny song from her mom’s robot rang out as the metal comb plinked against the metal drum’s bumps. She giggled and wound the key again once the song came to a stop.
“What do you say to Oren, dear?” Janus prompted.
Zarya looked up from the music box and declared loudly, “Thank you, Oren!”
Oren smiled. Janus and Lucca thanked him as well, noting that she had been asking for the recording ever since she discovered it. This version of the song was tolerable, even if it was a short and repetitive tune. Oren felt proud of himself, more so than he had his flying machines. Those had been fine accomplishments but to make someone who was basically family happy, that’s what really mattered.
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signs-of-the-moon · 1 year
Moon High: Chapter 15
A half moon passed. The day ahead was warm; the sun sneaking beams through gaps in the trees above Oceanclan's heads. They heated Hazepaw's shoulders, lulling him into relaxation. The clan was still stuck in the Forest Patch. Hazepaw had come to tolerate living there by this point. There were plenty of good hunting opportunities, and he supposed living on soil instead of sand wasn't as terrible as he'd originally thought. Having the chance to battle Treeclan every now and then was an added, invigorating bonus. The other Oceanclan apprentices had taken to their new camp just as well, if not better. Even the self-conscious Whisperpaw seemed to train better in the woods than on the shore.
Today, Hazepaw was sitting beside Otterpaw, watching as she coached Whisperpaw on how to preform some basic fighting stances. They'd all gotten along since Urchinpaw's call for truce a while back. Otterpaw became fast friends with Whisperpaw. And Hazepaw was especially nicer; instead of growing hostile or defensive towards his denmates, he now welcomed their company. He felt honored to be included in any if their activities. Even if the other cats annoyed him sometimes. He only hoped that he would not mess things up.
"Make sure you place your paws apart," Otterpaw meowed, pulling Hazepaw from his daydreaming, "but not too wide. You don't want to give your enemies any room to pull them out from under you."
"I'll try..." Whisperpaw mumbled doing her best to follow instructions.
"Good. But try to keep your body low along with your leg stance." Otterpaw rose to her paws, demonstrating what she was explaining. "Like this."
Whisperpaw tried to copy, then allowed herself to sink to the forest floor with a sigh. It was as if she were giving up on trying already.
"What's wrong, Whisperpaw?" Hazepaw decided to ask. It wasn't like pretty grey tabby to act so glum.
"I don't want to do this anymore..." she mumbled in response.
"That's alright. We can practice something else. How about I show you the way we stand to hook a fish?" Otterpaw suggested. Whisperpaw shook her head. "I could teach you how to crack open hard shelled prey..?"
"I don't really want to learn warrior stuff," Whisperpaw answered, casting a longing glance towards two fallen, overlapping trees which housed the medicine cats. Then her gaze flickered to the leader's den, settled within an old badger set. "But I know I have no other choice..."
Otterpaw rested her tail over Whisperpaw's back supportively.
Hazepaw felt a pang of sympathy for his denmate. As the daughter of Wavestar, Whisperpaw had an expectation placed on her shoulders. She was one of three potential heirs to Oceanclan's rule. And as such, she wasn't allowed much of a choice when it came to her job. Every cat knew Whisperpaw wanted to be a healer. But when asked during her apprentice ceremony, she insisted she would train as a warrior instead. It was definitely due to her parent's pressure. Not by her own willing. Hazepaw wished there was a way to change things for her. For now, he would sit quietly and help support the young cat he had come to know as a friend.
"Having fun over there, Whisperpaw?" Currentpaw, Whisperpaw's brother, called out as he returned to the temporary camp with his mentor. He stood about a fox-length away, his muzzle twisted into a mocking sneer. "Still trying to figure out how to do a simple hunting crouch?"
Whisperpaw, being the quiet hearted soul she was, said nothing in response.
"Yknow at this rate you'll never gain dad's favor, since you keep moping around like a sundried starfish. What kind of leader could you be if you can't even preform simple warrior moves?"
"Why don't you get off her tail already, Currentpaw? Whisperpaw's doing her best," Otterpaw jumped to the defense. Currentpaw marched up to her, getting in the brown molly's face. Hazepaw bristled, bunching his muscles in preparation for a brawl.
"How 'bout you butt outta family business, sweetheart?" The white and gray tom growled.
"Keep talking and I'll show you how 'sweet' I really am, dirt-breath," Otterpaw threatened, baring her fangs in a snarl. A tense heartbeat passed. Then Currentpaw clicked his teeth giving his eyes a roll. He shot Whisperpaw a spiteful glare before turning and padding off to another part of camp. Hazepaw relaxed instantly. Though Currentpaw was confident in himself, Hazepaw knew that the white and gray tom would be no match for Otterpaw in a fight. Otterpaw had two moons worth of training under her pelt. She was already much stronger than he was. And it seemed like Currentpaw understood that as well.
Hazepaw would bet later on, the younger tom would boast about what a great quality that was in himself. To pick and choose his battles. Though Hazepaw knew that wasn't true. Currentpaw was always quick to start a scuffle when they were both in the nursery. In fact, besides Urchinpaw, Currentpaw was the cat Hazepaw fought with most growing up. Sometimes for no reason. Just to "hone his skills." Currentpaw reminded Hazepaw a lot of Pebblestar The Manevolent, who happened to be Currentpaw's aunt. Their temperaments were described to be almost identical. That worried Hazepaw a little. He was sure that Currentpaw would make a terrible leader one day. He hoped one of the tom's sisters would be chosen instead. Though Hazepaw didn't hold out much hope for Stonepaw. Stonepaw was far too scatterbrained, and had a tendency to follow others rather than make decisions for themself. She'd probably pass on the offer for deputyship if Wavestar decided to give it to her.
Out of the three littermates, only Whisperpaw held the patience and thoughtfulness that Oceanclan needed. The clan was trying to avoid having another fight happy or careless ruler after all. Whisperpaw would be the perfect fit. But Hazepaw knew the clan would never accept her if she couldn't be a strong warrior. Wavestar may have the choice of a successor, but nobody would listen to a cat who wasn't strong enough to demand their respect. The last thing the white tom wanted to see was Oceanclan rejecting their best choice for future leader. And so, he decided he would step up and help Otterpaw train Whisperpaw to be better. Even if she wasn't happy as a warrior, that didn't mean she couldn't get stronger, right?
"Maybe Currentpaw is right," Hazepaw piped suddenly. "Maybe Whisperpaw needs to try a little harder." He rose to his paws, walking up to Whisperpaw's side. He grabbed her by the scruff, pulling her back onto her feet. Whisperpaw let out a small noise of surprise, looking at the tom with full moon wide eyes. Hazepaw dropped into a crouch, giving the molly an expectant look in return. Whisperpaw dropped to copy his stance, her form almost perfect this time around. Hazepaw moved to readjust her paws for her.
"You got it! Now stand upright and do it again," he commanded, observing as Whisperpaw did as she was told. Otterpaw watched on, her gaze looking judgemental. Yet she said nothing, continuing to oversee Hazepaw's teaching method. She could probably tell how his technique was working better on Whisperpaw than her previous work had.
"Good. Now try and strike forward. Hook you paw like this." Hazepaw demonstrated a front-paw blow. Whisperpaw once again copied her denmate's movement, her strike coming off as hesitant and slow. Hazepaw smacked her over the head with his tail. "Do it again," he demanded. Whisperpaw tried once more, her forepaw and paw a little shaky. But her speed improved this time. Again, Hazepaw struck Whisperpaw and made her throw another strike. Whisperpaw's paw trembled harder now. Still, she was getting better.
"This time try and thrust forward with your swipe," he suggested, giving another demonstration. He crouched slightly, lunging himself forward before slashing at the air in front of him. Whisperpaw nodded then apprehensivly followed the tom's lead. When she lunged forward, the young molly nearly tripped over her own paws. She trembled, looking up at Hazepaw with the same wide eyed expression.
Hazepaw struck her yet again over the head. "No. Keep your stance firm. Go again."
When Whisperpaw moved forward this time her movement was more fluid. Yet she whimpered, as if succeeding was almost painful for her. "Don't whine. Do the motion again!" Hazepaw's voice was stern now, in a way he thought Sandybreeze might take up if he were to falter in his fighting.
"Hazepaw-" Otterpaw tried to interject, but Hazepaw silenced her with a flick of his ear. Whisperpaw struck out once again, her movement and strike perfect. The only thing that wasn't yet again was her stance. Whisperpaw crumpled under her own weight, falling to the floor once she'd struck the air as Hazepaw had shown. Suddenly she began to sniffle. Then her noise turned into more of a sniveling, until finally Whisperpaw began to cry.
Hazepaw hesitated for a couple of heartbeats trying to figure out what went wrong. Maybe she's got some of the stubbornness her littermates have, deep down, he guessed. I know she doesn't want to do this; doesn't want to be a warrior. But she can't give up now while she's doing so good. And so, Hazepaw raised his tail once more to push his denmate to get back onto her paws and back to practicing. But before he could make the strike, Otterpaw rushed in front of Whisperpaw.
"That's enough!" She hissed, eyes narrowed in anger. "Look at what you've done. You made her cry!"
"She's probably just overwhelmed. She'll calm down with more practice," Hazepaw assured.
"No, Hazepaw. She's done enough for now. And so have you," Otterpaw responded harshly.
"I was just trying to help," Hazepaw reasoned. He couldn't understand why the halfclan molly was so upset.
"Well stop helping! Your 'help' is only going to make this whole warrior training experience worse for her." Gently, Otterpaw turned to check on Whisperpaw. "Are you alright? Come on now, you're ok to stand. That's it. Good." She crooned. Then, she turned back to Hazepaw. "You know, I thought you were starting to get better. That maybe you weren't as much of an aggressive jerk as you were when we first met. Guess I was wrong.... Do yourself a favor and stay away from us from now on." Otterpaw swept her tail around the younger molly behind her, guiding her away. "Come on, Whisperpaw."
Hazepaw watched the two she-cats hurry off to another part of camp, his pelt prickling with nerves. Had what he'd done been so wrong? He didn't think so. His technique was working, helping Whisperpaw improve. That's what Otterpaw wanted. So why was she so mad?
Hazepaw began to groom his fur, tidying it up in an attempt to calm himself down. A while later, when he was nearly finished, Hazepaw scented Wavestar emerging from his den.
"Hazepaw!" The leader's voice boomed as he called for the apprentice's attention. Hazepaw stiffened, turning around to look at his leader. There was a serious expression set on the gray and white tabby's face. "My den. Now."
Hazepaw stood up, walking himself to over to the bushes which hid the leader's shelter. Wavestar ushered him down the old badger set when he drew near enough, allowing the tom to get comfortable as they both settled inside. A silence hung in the air, one which neither tom was eager to break. Hazepaw did his best to look confident in the face of the leader, but he knew that no matter how he presented himself, he was still in trouble.
"Otterpaw told me how you were treating my daughter earlier," Wavestar finally began, his voice calm but firm. "Care to explain yourself?"
Hazepaw fought back the urge to bristle. Otterpaw snitched on me..? That lousy little pollen sniffer! "Did she tell you about how I was trying to help?" He asked, keeping his voice as even as possible. "Because I was doing better at teaching Whisperpaw than she was."
"Otterpaw explained that, yes," Wavestar responded, the tip of his tail swaying to-and-fro. "But she also explained how you went about doing so. Do you really think dragging Whisperpaw around and swatting her with your tail was the most appropriate way to reinforce her behavior; good or bad?"
"I didn't drag her around!" Hazepaw defended. "And I thought maybe, if I corrected Whisperpaw's mistakes, it would help her realize what she was doing wrong so she could fix herself."
Wavestar narrowed his eyes. Though he was trying to be patient it was obvious that he was starting to grow irritated with the fluffy white tom. "But you corrected her by hitting her. And in the end you upset her. Are you still so certain that your actions were necessary?"
Hazepaw hesitated before replying. "Yes. I...I was only doing what I thought was best. I don't regret how I went about things. It was helping. Whisperpaw was doing better. I think she got a little overwhelmed, that's all. She knows I wasn't trying to hurt her." Wavestar gave him a look. "She knows that, right..?"
In response Wavestar heaved a sigh. "I understand that your intentions were good, Hazepaw. But your actions still caused Whisperpaw harm. Even if she is not physically hurt. It wasn't right of you to push her like that. You are not Whisperpaw's mentor." Rising to his paws, the large gray and white tabby continued. "And so, for your actions and lack of remorse, I'm going to have to punish you. You will be in charge of caring for the elders over the next quarter moon. Without any help from your denmates. On top of that, you are to give your share of prey to Beckycreek tonight."
"What?!" Hazepaw exclaimed. "That's not fair!"
"What you did to Whisperpaw wasn't fair either, Hazepaw. I trust that this punishment will teach you to be more respectful to others. Especially those who are weaker than you are. You should go spend the rest of the day thinking about what you've done. I suspect you will be very busy tomorrow."
Hazepaw parted his jaws to argue. But as he thought of things to shoot back at Wavestar, no sound would come out. Instead Hazepaw dipped his head, accepting his punishment. He turned and padded out of the den without another word, tail dragging in the soil as he went.
Sunhigh the next day brought with it a headache. Hazepaw was clearing out the elders' den, dragging old nests out to replace with new. But the clan's retired warriors weren't pleased with the way he was tidying up.
"You bring that back!" Snapped Dolphintail, the clan's oldest elder. Her blind eyes blazed with fury as she lunged for Hazepaw with startling accuracy. Hazepaw was barely quick enough to avoid her smack. "That pelt's got my favorite shell in it!"
"Why would you keep a seashell tucked into your nest you old sea hag?" Hazepaw spat back, rummaging through the smelly old bedding to find the special trinket.
"How else am I supposed to keep track of it, you ignorant fuzzball?" Dolphintail growled, snatching the shell back once Hazepaw had uncovered it.
"Didn't your mother ever teach you to respect your superiors?" Hissed another of the three elders, Oystersplash, who had been watching the scene close by.
"Some superiors you are. You can't even clean out your own nests!" Hazepaw snorted, wagging his tail violently.
"We've earned the right to not have to do things like that anymore. You think we didn't have to do exactly as you are now when we were 'Paws?" Oystersplash snarled back.
"Kits these days, don' know 'ow ta respect their eldas!" rasped a pale ginger elder, washing her small white paws. Hazepaw glared at the old she-cat resisting the urge to snarl. "That ginger tabby is Chloe," he remembered Eelnose telling him when he was small. "She used to be a kittypet. In Greenleaf she won't even touch a flea weight's worth of prey; only twoleg food. And in Leafbare, she'll only sleep in nests lined with soft twoleg pelts. She's as typical as they come." Hazepaw recalled his mother sneering, sounding as if she were ready to cough up bile as she spoke those words. He also remembered her saying the old ginger cat hadn't ever done anything for the clan. She came to Oceanclan half starved, joining their elders upon entry to their ranks. She acted as if she'd earned special rights, like the other two old cats had. And everyone in the clan catered to her, too. I won't let kittypets soften the clan like that when I'm leader one day, Hazepaw decided as he stalked away in silence to fetch new bedding. Hazepaw had been thinking hard about Oceanclan's future since the day before. He realized now that maybe Wavestar's bloodline was no longer capable of ruling over the clan. And maybe Sandybreeze was right; perhaps a single cat's kin should not be the only choice for leader. As far as Hazepaw knew only Oceanclan followed that tradition. And look where it had gotten them in recent years. The dynasty brought forth one of the worst leaders in the Land's Star's history, and it could potentially happen again with one of Wavestar's kits. Currentpaw was too rash. Stonepaw was too ditsy. And Whisperpaw was too weak willed. Oceanclan needed a strong cat to lead it; someone who could prove to the other clans how mighty they were, while also being strategic and a role-model. Hazepaw knew he could be that cat. He was determined to prove it. If Sandybreeze couldn't convince Wavestar that it was time for change, then Hazepaw would. He was ready to learn all he could from the clan's current deputy, and then he would push himself to surpass her. But for now, he had to deal with his stupid punishment.
Hazepaw disposed of the elders old bedding at last, bringing over new to lay out beneath the old fallen elm tree. He fluffed Chloe's nest, then smoothed out Oystersplash and Dolphintail's before calling quits on his work for the time being-before he'd get into another argument with one of the old fools.
Hazepaw trudged his way over to the apprentice's den, pausing to exchange looks with Urchinpaw as he passed by a few fox-lengths away. The wiry black tom peered at Hazepaw sympathetically, before Silverdrop padded up to his other side and rested her tail on his shoulder. Urchinpaw swung around to see his mentor shake her head slowly before leading him away from Hazepaw's line of sight. Hazepaw watched after them an extra heartbeat, stomach twisting a bit inside himself. Was Urchinpaw pitying him? Or was he just concerned because they were friends now? Hazepaw couldn't know for sure. So instead of dwelling on it, he
squeezed into the den and got into his nest. After washing and settling himself down, Hazepaw curled up for a well deserved nap.
When he woke up, the white tom found himself in an unfamiliar place. Dark trees loomed over him on all sides, and a thick fog pooled around his paws. The underbrush surrounding him was eerily quiet, like it was devoid of any life.
When Hazepaw stood to look up, he could barely make out the sky. It was strangely dark, as if the stars were hidden behind a wall of dense clouds.
Where am I? Hazepaw wondered as he began to explore. The air smelled stale as he lifted his muzzle to sniff it. The forest seemed devoid of anything recognizable. Not the road, nor any landmarks Oceanclan had made to find their way around. Hazepaw had a feeling he wasn't lost somewhere in the Forest Patch. Had he somehow wandered into Treeclan territory? The last thing I remember is falling asleep. That's when it hit him. Hazepaw was dreaming. No wonder why everything seemed so strange. It wasn't real. But then, why did it feel real?
Suddenly something rustled in the bushes behind him, breaking the stillness that once crowded him. The fur on the back on Hazepaw's neck began to stand involuntarily, as if he were in danger. Hazepaw unsheathed his claws, ready to face whatever nightmare creature came to meet him. Then the shrubs parted, revealing a dense cloud of traveling fog. From it, Hazepaw could make out one gleaming eye.
"Who are you!?" The white tom hissed, arching his back. Then the figure became a bit clearer. It was another cat, a molly by the scent. She was large, but most of the little details of her pelt were hard to distinguish. The most Hazepaw could see was that she was silver with wavy tabby stripes, decorated with scars. She also had a long tuft of fur covering half of her face. The one eye the tom could see looked hollow, like it belonged to a ghost.
"Who are you..?" Hazepaw asked again, this time his voice less hostile.
The strange she-cat lifted her muzzle slightly, smirking.
"My name is Sea Breeze," introduced the ghost, "And I'm here to help you find your way."
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the-firebird69 · 5 months
So those 15 and a half miles with ease I'll probably get a little over 20 which is pretty good and the other bike might be just under that I might get 25 with the lectric expro that's not even the extended battery.
Zues Hera
Street classy checking it out. Had to kind of push through it and got some help from the battery knows about his evil people need it though but holy s*** everybody who goes near him has some stupid f****** crap in their hand and they get hurt by it I don't know where this s*** came from they knew that mom had a problem girl saying this dumb s*** to me too. They need places to work they need places to go they need safe havens and they're turning this into a nightmare themselves they have to stop turning it into a nightmare maybe it'll be in a safer place you don't go on asking for it and you have to stop these two or three Trump people they're insane. We have business ideas we'd like to do and we'd like to work on things for some reason you guys are all nutty as a freaking wood out you don't want to work you don't want to play you don't want to fight for stuff you want to walk up and bother one person which doesn't really do s*** for you and it's a very negative thing and people have you do it and it hurts you and it's not a worthwhile adventure so I suggest to you don't do it and find something else to do. And really there's a lot of jobs coming out there's a lot of professional work and we are in trouble all over so they're paying good money and they provide very nice housing and there's all sorts of toys and you're going to be with friends instead of learning how to be the ultimate grouch and not being a person who has a life and fun and enjoyment and Friends things to look forward to and aspirations it's all going away with this negative place I've seen it before people coming they waste away and it's it's like wasting away in Margaritaville and the Parenthood guy is a full-blown Mac and they encourage you and they're down here doing that so they're doing it to our friend here and he says you're absolutely insane I don't go around getting into Charlie's off and these guys can do that and they do and it helps them out I do things other than that to get my drawings on like fly the jolly Roger it means something and they said this we Rodger that and I heard you can try and I'll tell you what they lost with this idiot s*** they're cramming through us and they're probably falling for a lot of fun and stuff don't care they're all knocked out narc later than narcosis and John remillard is the one who started to try and warn them we got in a lot of trouble it's practically gone because of it I said that Claudia was doing it and she's probably influenced by others and they went to China and Chinese were all laughing at his jokes and s*** and really that's some nasty stuff coming back
I'm going to make a moped and it will have two high higher distance so long and distance batteries and we'll have a mid engine and it will have gears and it will have a larger sprocket and back and it'll go about 65 miles an hour it can cruise at 40 for about 250 miles if you weigh 150 lb and it's a moped so you don't need a license and I think you don't need insurance but some people get it it's only like $10 a month it's an option for our friend and they're not going to be that much money probably 2,200 bucks and getting them on the road and yeah moped is a scooter you do have to watch out for your pedals and a friend says you can get the kind that puts them up and you put footpegs down it's still a moped and I do that crazy s*** so I'm going to try and do it a lot of people will buy them and just keep the pegs up and he says he will it's dangerous with the pedals and it really a moped is a low powered vehicle that you can pedal if you have to it has nothing to do with pedal assist and you also register it and insure it and some places in your license I think one or two states otherwise you need a driver's license which is the requirement is to drive an automobile the very very good idea and helpful
Olympus permission to print granted
These people are God damn rude I don't know what the hell their problem is and I saw the saddlebag the way it was and everyone's arguing and they're going to get the tape the police are because it's harassment suit and for real that people who are harassing him are going to jail in prison and we don't want this s*** anymore and she's getting paid by Trump and it's going to blow that open I mean how many things do you have to get exposed for go to jail for get shot for you to shut your freaking mouth you like little kids 3-year-old children running around screaming people pick you up and take you to incinerator it's embarrassing to you
Thor Freya
0 notes
astaroth1357 · 4 years
Demonic Pregnancy (But It Makes the MC… Problematic)
Okay, so hear me out. I know the prevailing idea is that a human getting pregnant with a supernatural kid would sap their strength and what not… But what if the opposite happened? So basically, getting pregnant by the brothers would make the MC physically stronger, but more susceptible to their sin… Oh this is going to be fun. 😈
Trigger Warning: Pregnancy
First noticed something was up when the MC came into his office to bring him coffee and casually ripped the door of its hinges… with one hand… by the handle…
He didn’t even have time to be mad about it because he was already frantically texting Diavolo and Barbs that there was something very wrong with the human. They’re not supposed to do that.
Meanwhile MC is in the background marveling at the newly freed door in their hand… They hadn’t even thought about it! Is this what having power is like?? Are they actually dangerous now??? Better not let it go to their head…
*it is totally going to go to their head*
Lucifer learns two things pretty quickly, (1) The human is pregnant with his child and (2) They’ve just been given access to a whole lot of power and they’re mind is set on one thing: Domination.
The next nine months for him are spent practically having to leash the MC or else they’ll go out to pick fights with anything that moves to prove their “superiority”… His brothers and even Diavolo included!
It wouldn’t be so bad if their body wasn’t still very human and very breakable… and also they’re PREGNANT, so please STOP!!
This baby, honestly, could not come fast enough… Good thing demons don’t develop grey hairs… Poor guy…
Noticed something was up when they were chatting out at RAD and they dodged a stray ball from Beel. 
They dodged a ball. From Beel. And he throws at, like, Mach 7 speed… And it didn’t even look hard!
… But being the dumbass that he is, he just thought they had gotten a lot better at their magic. It was Lucifer who saw something wasn’t right when the MC was actually holding their own against Mammon and Beel in a race.
Was thrilled by the news at first but then quickly learned that he must have infected them with Greed somehow…
They wouldn’t stop begging for new stuff! Sometimes for him or the baby, but mostly just whatever struck their fancy the second that they saw it.
He’d try to tell them no but then they’d look all sad or whine about hard it was to be pregnant and how they couldn’t do things like tie their shoes or stand for long periods of time or…
(Never mind the fact that they could bench-press Beel if they wanted to, no no, that didn’t matter.)
His nine months were pretty much spent pandering to Lucifer and Levi for more loans to keep his MC happy… and praying they’d snap out of it after the baby finally came because he CANNOT keep paying for their crap…! 😥
MC and Levi playing games in his room and one of their online matches got particularly heated… The MC may or may not be prone to gamer rage, but that night they got so frustrated that they snapped his controller in half like a toothpick…
They were too busy trying to frantically apologize to take notice of their sheer strength, but HE did. And he was thrilled!!
Like, sure, it sucks that he’d have to buy a new controller but that was So. Cool. Their strength was like something out of a shonen!! He was honestly fanboying too hard to question, “Wait a minute, how did they even get that strong??” The MC later went to Lucifer themselves to get it all got sorted out (really Levi was no help whatsoever) and man was he shocked by the news…
Though he was even more shocked by the sudden spike of jealousy that they seemed to exhibit afterward… Like, extreme “You better not leave my sight” level jealousy… 😣
One the one hand, he’s kind of into it because being alone with the MC is all he’s ever wanted!… but on the other hand, dude really wants some space… 
He tolerates the next nine months for three reasons: (1) He does honestly love the MC, (2) Watching them break (other people’s) stuff and fight demons with their bare hands will never stop being cool, and (3) He’s somewhat afraid of what they’d do if he tried to leave so…  😥
Let’s hope the effects are temporary…
Found out something was wrong when he and the MC went to the park. He saw an old acquaintance of his and left to go say hi but came back to find that the MC had uprooted an entire park bench to squash a nosy lesser demon…
Nothing, absolutely NOTHING, he’d ever read about humans told him that they were capable of that!
Figuring this has some kind of magic origin, he doesn’t bring them to Lucifer but to their resident human sorcerer instead, Solomon…
…and THAT bright idea ended up getting the MC magic tag-along throughout their pregnancy since Solomon wanted to make "a few” observations, the lying bastard… 🙄
Even more unfortunate though, is that the introduction of Wrath into their system also gave the MC an utterly monstrous temper which didn’t help their newfound strength at all…
Poor Satan gets saddled with caring for what amounts to a hair-triggered glass cannon… (though really it’s less protecting them from the world and the world from them 😣).
Needless to say, he’s lost quite a few bookcases over the next several months…
It was another night with Asmo, so another night out clubbing. He and MC were together for most of the time, but they had left him briefly to get another round of drinks… and somehow got dragging into a straight up brawl in the process.
And they WON…
Asmo brought them right to Lucifer after that. Like, he loves you sweetie, but there were like ten lesser demons there and no way a little human like yourself could pull that off without something being up.
Oh he was overjoyed by the news, but the real test was yet to come… Who would give out first? The Avatar of Lust or a very, very, astronomically horny MC…?
In truth, no one in the House ever wants to talk about what happened for those next nine months ever again… The things they saw… The things they heard… Filthy, filthy things….. 😖
And more broken beds than anyone could care to count…
Let’s just say that they’re all happy the MC was already pregnant, otherwise they’d be dealing with a LOT more demon babies running around… What a hellscape that would be…
The MC was helping him move some of his weights between rooms. They were only supposed to carry the lighter ones (which really weren’t that light) but they were carrying them so easily that the two got suspicious… They tried to lift one of his heaviest barbells and, to their amazement, they picked it up even easier than he could!
They both just kind of stared at each other for a few seconds before calmly agreeing to go find Lucifer. This probably wasn’t normal…
What pregnancy even was had to be explained to Beel since he doesn’t really understand humans and he only needed one thing confirmed…
So, they’re eating for two now?
And boy did they act like it! The MC’s appetite practically tripled as the months went on and he did his best to keep up for them. He even missed a meal or two for the first time in his life because he was so preoccupied making sure his MC had enough to eat… 😣
Their tastes also got weirder as time went on… At one point they asked for Solomon’s cooking which nearly had him “Nope-ing” out of the relationship right there. He stuck through it to make them happy, but he couldn’t watch them eat it… Even he has his limits, MC… 😟🤢
Wants the baby to come out already if for no other reason than he can finally go back to being the biggest eater of the House again. Having to work around two is a nightmare for everyone…
Would you believe he straight up didn’t know for weeks?
Like, they told him they were pregnant a while ago but all the pregnancy seemed to do was make them really sleepy…
Combine their naps with how often he’s dead to the world and it just never got brought up. 🤷‍♀️
That was until the day it was his turn to vacuum the common room and the MC was resting on the couch…
“MC, can you move? I need to get under there.”
“Hm? Oh, sure. Let me help.”
They then proceeded to get up and lift the couch with one hand like they were Beel or something!
He was, perhaps, slightly miffed that they didn’t think it was necessary to mention they had gotten a butt ton stronger for like a month, but you know…
Belphie has probably the easiest time managing his MC anyway because ALL they want to do is sleep. At most he just has to take on the responsibility to remind them to eat and move around a little.
Lucky bastard always gets off easy… 😖
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fisherrprince · 3 years
do you have more thoughts on keyblade fighting that you need to put somewhere, because i have two hands ready to catch Should The Need Arise
anon: hey I heard you mention you’d analysed the combat styles in KH and what you said in the tags was already alluding to really neat stuff, but I for one would love to hear more of what you came up with!! so if you ever wanted to share any of your analysis then the floor is yours
Okay, so first some words on “standardized wielding styles”. These are styles shared by Terra, Aqua, Vanitas, Riku, and Xehanort and every other scala and daybreak kid. I will make the argument that the red style is the fanciest standard style, while the purple is seen often to make it easier on the little chibi sprites. BUT, I cannot discredit Eraqus, who uses the purple variant in bbs, nor can I discredit half of the Foretellers (Gula and Ava, at least, use this. Invi and Aced use the first type). So, two standard styles. For simplicity, let’s say one for primary offense, one for primary defense. The standard offensive style really wasn’t popular before Scala-era society.
check this difference out, specifically between ava invi and gula:
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then between eraqus, hermod, and xehanort, and eraqus and terra.
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These two were likely popularized and standardized for education in Scala ad Caelum for their predominant lack of obvious weak spots.
After this, we have unique styles. Those include Sora Kairi and Xion’s (similar to standard defense, but more mobile at the expense of form — Kairi takes after Sora but less confident, she hasn’t been hit that heavily yet), Ven’s (backhand, heavy range and mobility), Roxas’ (modified for two keyblades, but takes after Sora), and Axel’s (taught himself, comfortable with chakrams).
So! Let’s go.
Standard (offensive)
All styles have sub-variations, of a sense. Different wielders can choose where their keyblade points, and how they hold it exactly, based on what makes them most comfortable. Terra and Aqua point theirs downward, while Vanitas and Riku hold theirs above their head. What is recognizeable to this style is a hand for the sword, and a hand for guarding/blocking/items/magic.
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It’s incredibly efficient. With only one hand on the weapon, you not only free up a hand for other things, but increase your range of movement with said weapon. Test it out yourself! The keyblade hand is always your dominant hand, held behind you for increased power when attacking (since you lose a significant amount of it by choosing not to grip with both hands). This style also decreases the speed of the defense you have, but with that increased mobility and swing power, along with a hand free to brace against the keyblade (defense strength up!), it makes up for it. Many people who use this also have strong barrier spells — both a testament to their preference for coverage and an acknowledgement that any directional block will take a little longer and be weaker if they try it with one hand.
The pointy end, though. What difference does it actually make, the height it’s at?
I think it’s half a matter of attack style preference and half intention. Riku, Vanitas, and Xehanort stab quite a bit. Aqua and Terra slice more. Not that they don’t do both, but it’s the first instinct. Aqua and Terra are also likely taught to hold their keyblade neutrally, in a safe position, until someone starts attacking. It’s polite! Eraqus also holds his one-handed, neutrally, until he gets into position. Riku and Vanitas learned to fight assuming everyone was out to fight them. Invi and Aced may like this style because of range (i hc she’s blind and strikes very very quickly, and he’s already very powerful with just the one arm and wants better motion).
and on character specifics: Terra often switches to two-handed, to copy his dad and add extra power to his hits without always sacrificing the empty hand. Vanitas likely was forced to relearn how to fight, as instead of solely being trained to be better at withstanding, he was constantly being made to better his own attacks. The moves Xehanort uses would best be replicated in the same style. Vanitas is wild for holding the massive spiky x-blade like that.
Now, what‘s good on this style does not correlate to what’s bad in the other. The two standard styles simply have different ways of dealing with each con they create or taking advantage of each pro.
(Here’s an interesting side note — Gula uses standard defensive, but in this instance, swaps. One hand… likely to display confidence! Wrong move, but hey. He got cocky. He’s also doing it wrong, and swaps back to two-handed to take Aced’s attack.)
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Standard (defensive)
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The main detriment of this style is the lack of ease of long range movement. Hold a wrapping paper tube out in front of you with both hands, then run. It goes to the side, or tucks in to your stomach, right? Dodge. Your legs will get in the way unless you know where to move that sword. It requires, interestingly, a little more discipline. You’d think Aqua would like that, but no, she wants movement and practicality, and she loves magic, and remember that you must take a hand off this style to grab a potion. You’d think young Eraqus wouldn’t, but remember that he’s a fancy royal lad.
The main draw, though, is tankiness, readiness, and power. You don’t need to move as much if nothing dares hit you! Ava and Gula might be attracted to this style because they’re not as physically strong, but want protection in close-quarters fighting. Using this style when your muscles aren’t as big but you still want to Hit Things Good, or when you want to be a boy you can’t knock over with a pail of water (horse stance rules), is probably solid advice.
Traditionally, this is a lot less like fencing, and a lot more like a samurai sword or kendo. Your blade is held in front of you, giving you very easy access to blocks and frontal attack/defense. In losing some twirly spinniness, you gain power and minimize your opponent’s ability to parry and block.
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you gotta dodge master Eraqus so mcuh
All styles will swap between one and two hands for different moves. Eraqus, notably, swaps to a stance very similar to Xehanort when channeling a metric ton of magic.
Both of these styles require a degree of upper body/core strength, as does all swordfighting. I would be interested to see someone whose keyblade style relies on leg strength.
Sora, Xion, and Kairi
please look at the difference between the foretellers’ or eraqus’ two-handed grip and Sora’s. Do this with your shoulders and a top-heavy object.
They’re both in a hard stance, but hon. What are you, a gremlin? Anyways, a traditionally taught master would have… better form, even if it’s harder to learn at first. It’s habitual. Sora nearly crouches, and holds his keyblade back-pointed with two hands, which makes it easier for him to dodge roll, push off his feet quickly, and pull off those spinning combos he loves. It‘s really gonna hurt his muscles, in the future, though, since he’s doing a squat for like…. hours. Pulling on those shoulderblades and neck. Xion, too. Replicas had better have correct muscle dynamics. Kairi is brand new, so… maybe Aqua can teach her how to hold a sword so it doesnt hurt you.
Okay, now look at the grip itself. Held in front versus held to the side-back. They’re really attempting to combine both standard styles subconsciously, giving themselves more attack power while really wanting to keep that hard defensive parry, wanting to prevent all attacks to the front while also wanting mobility. It’s working for them really well, they fight like an anime character, and manage to get the best of both, with a minor sacrifice of length range that they don’t care about. We’re flexible and full of magic, baby! Holding the blade like this makes it pretty easy to let go with one hand without sacrificing that crouched defense position.
Now, Sora, specifically, is very adaptive. He’s had two keyblades, claws, guns, yo-yos, and a giant shield, to name a couple. He retains a bit of that alert crouch no matter where he goes, but Sora knows how he wants to attack and how to balance that with the most effective way to use his current weapon. He’s a smart kid! Sora has the most ridiculous shotlocks, which are also probably due to not always wanting to go standard for it. He also prefers to keep his focus on the enemy, which is evident in his reprisals and lack of very many effective “escape” moves.
Xion is very similar to Sora, but she does have some moves that are all movement. She switches to one handed for strikes a lot — using two for defending, one for smacking. In her data battle I’d swear some of those heavy hits are claymore-like. But anyways, since we’re magic, Xion cares not for the laws of exhaustion, and will ping about as a ball of light everywhere. Short range? Up in your business. Mid-range? In your business with one hand. Long range? Throws a boomerang. Hit her? No you dont. Ball of light. She’s above you and wants to bash your head in. (Vanitas also does this! A lot. It’s an easy way to catch someone off-guard. I’ll argue that the soras are very tough and strong, but not tanky. they want to avoid being hit a lot)
Another interesting note about Kairi. I say “unconfident” not because she doesn’t hit hard, but because her stance is also often tilted back, ready to dodge. It’s two handed, but almost all her moves are one. She does love spinning and throwing the thing! It looks like she’s been taking notes from the wielders she knows. It would be easy to teach her a standard style, I think. See here, she lets go on the strike, and by trying to do both, actually ends up with an advantage (being confusing) and disadvantage (losing both the power of two handed and versatility of one handed).
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A counter to Sora and Xion is difficult to pin down. Time? Probably. Lack of heating pads. Something that takes all their attention is about the only way to get a sneak attack in, and then you have to hit hard. A counter to Kairi would be anyone who can knock her off balance. She needs a sturdier stance. .
Roxas is interesting. He takes after Sora for the one blade. Wielding two, however, nets him a totally different way of fighting. Roxas’ clavicle muscles n… deltoids and stuff must be Ironclad. Also, two handed means you are very fast and sharp all the time. He has the advantage of standard defense (horse stance), and the advantage of offense (range of one sword, but twice).
Roxas generally attacks in two ways — simultaneous hits, and follow-up hits. Either he hits with both at once, or hits hard with the first one, and adds the second one as a bonus smack. He can attack by hitting in opposite directions with the two, like a drum, but that will be a little awkward and leave him prone to being tangled. That established, the follow-up hit method means he spins a bunch. As do we all.
Roxas gets a little complicated because we are not in the real world. We have magic and turning into light and physics that let you become a circular saw. So, typically, disadvantages would include: being unable to let go of a weapon to grab something or use an item, having just a very big silhouette to attack on, having difficulty with close-range attacks because Oathkeeper and Oblivion are kinda long, and convenience. Roxas gets to dodge #1 (keyblades can be unsummoned) and #4 (keyblades can be unsummoned). Speaking of dodging, he also gets to skirt the difficulty of dodging and rolling with two swords because he turns into a beam of light. But he can’t dodge how difficult it is to use two swords effectively — he needs to concentrate on fighting, and nothing else, or he risks messing up. He has to be very, very coordinated, and undistracted. Luckily he’s pretty good at making his opponents shut up, most of the time. Blocking is another thing — theoretically his blocks could be strong, but Roxas has no real brace: crossing your blades and taking a hefty stab might smack one of them back into your face. He mostly uses reversals and dodges, because of this.
The takeaway to this is Roxas is built for speed and power, and he is very strong. He’s a mid- to far- range fighter who if you’re not careful can snap you in half if you’re too close (be SO careful of that cross blade scissor).
A perfect counter to Roxas would be a tank that can grapple, and also be very distracting. If you can take hits, be talkative, and get close enough to stop his blades, you have a chance.
This is a bizarre choice, my guy, but I get it.
Backhanded weapons are very impractical for a lot of... attacking, mainly in mid-range combat, and Ven likes to either fight very close or throw the keyblade like a boomerang (and hey, backhand gives it a good whip for throwing). His attacks aren’t meant to one hit KO, but they do come with a bit of power to them, especially on the backslash. Like holding a knife for gouging. It’s for very close defense — pretty good when Wayward Wind and Missing Ache have hooks.
Backhand also, while retaining that empty hand for potions and guarding, gives you an extreme coverage boost. By which I mean Ven’s sword hand now has a nearly 270 degree sweep of “I see you, don’t touch me”, very quickly, based on just flicking his wrist. It sacrifices a ton of strength/sturdiness, but you don’t need that if you’re dodging. You also don’t really need to block, which is slower, but relatively sturdy when Ven does it, as he blocks with mostly the chunky hilt between crossed arms. He sacrifices (again) a bit of strength for coverage — an attack would hurt his arms, not his chest, if he were hit head-on.
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His attacks often have him flip the blade around in his hand, too. Quick swaps between standard moves and backhand ones. Basically, Ventus is built for moving, protecting himself, and quick attacks that wear down the enemy, not outclass it. Likely because he’s good at fighting, but everyone he’s fought hits harder than he can! It doesn’t matter how he holds it, getting hit will hurt. So he just. Doesn’t. He’s not a buff little guy — but he is a persistent one. Ven very likely made this up on his own, in Daybreak, and it was too hard to fix his whole style, but it was enough to correct most of his form so he doesn’t hurt himself too much. He is going to have to really stretch that shoulder and wrist (maybe get a brace), though. At least his neck is ok. … not sure about his knees tho dang boy that crouch
A perfect counter to Ven would be someone big and fast, who hits hard mid-range. He’s already been sparring with Terra, though, so when in doubt, try scruffing him?
Theres not a ton to say about him — he‘s not a swordfighter. He uses his keyblade like it’s a frisbee. Because that’s what he’s used to! His neutral is behind his back on his shoulder, which is terrible for readiness, but okay for chucking the thing. It’s good it has a sort of… ripstik like… boomerang quality.
Axel’s fighting style is completely made up, like most of the self-taught wielders’. His strengths lie in some of the benefits of standard offensive style (one-handed), and some of the same coverage stuff as Ven, having a cocked wrist most of the time so no one can sneak up around him without risking getting whacked very quickly, and having an interesting range due to the pointy end being basically on a spinny swivel wherever his hand moves. He’s not going to be good at close-range and he knows it — his attacks are mostly distance. And the guy has ZERO defense, combined with zero coverage when idle, so it’s for the better.
Distance-wise, though, he rocks. Treating the blade like it’s a flaming throwing weapon means his idle is actually great for sudden flick-tossing and attention-guiding for sneakier attacks, and his stance itself (…nonexistent) serves a different purpose: bait. Basically a big "come hit me". Fun, when you have a lot of fire magic and two friends who are beasts and love to take advantage of a distracted enemy — distance on the blade, proximity on the burning.
A perfect counter to Axel would be someone pinging around very close <—> very far and circling him incessantly. Like, data Xion could wreck him, as he has to wait for the boomerang to come back -- he no longer has two spinny wheels. Also someone with water magic.
SO! In conclusion! Having a teacher who teaches you correct sword usage rather than instinct may detract from overspecific styles that benefit you most but leave weak spots, but your muscles and your oversights will thank you. Everyone is glad we have the power of the Mouse and anime on our side.
Keep in mind again that I have done cursory research, and have had minimal actual sword instruction, I am not an expert and this is all for fun anyways :]
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flareish · 3 years
akaashi x reader
summary: you and akaashi are fighting for that #1 class rank. however there is not just a scholarship at stake here but some deeply hidden feelings too
genre: rivals to lovers
word count: 2.1k
warnings: kissing, there is a kinda sexual joke
a/n: ahhh! my first request thank you so much! I haven’t written for akaashi yet but he is so great so I hope this does him justice. Love our pretty setters. 
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Rage consumes you. You want to throw Akaashi out of the wall of windows right now. It’s only one test you tell yourself. One test that he managed to scrape in one point higher than you. You got 99% and somehow this idiot gets 100%. Quickly putting your stuff away you try and slip out of class before you he finds out. You would like to avoid his snarky remarks. 
“Oh, that’s a pretty good score.” Too late. Akaashi has appeared from behind you, smugness ran through his sarcastic comment. You compose yourself and bounce right back.
“Thought I’d give you a little something since I’ve been crushing your scores lately.” You fire back. He’s not the only one who can play at this game.
“Careful you might just give the spot away at this point.” That spot being #1 in class rank as well as the hefty academic scholarship that goes with it. The spot you’ve occupied for the past two years and suddenly this guy comes out of nowhere and tries to take it from you, right before it really matters. 
“Haha. Well some of us actually have stuff to do. Have fun playing with your balls.” You walk straight past him and out the class. He held a smug grin the whole time. No matter what you did it never left his face. The amount of insults you’ve thrown at each other and every time it’s you who always gets bested. 
Anger fueling your walk to the point onlookers might think you were exercising, not walking home from school. You make it home in record time. As soon as you’re in your room you immediately start studying. You’ve never had to study this hard before in your life. You don’t mean to sound conceded but academics just kinda came easy to you. Sure, you had your rough patches but you just seemed to absorb information. You didn’t really have many other passions either but your parents always said that could come later right now isn’t for fun and games it is for learning. So learn you did. 
The next day, your teacher had started a new project and decided to assign partners. 
“Akaashi and Y/N. You two will be working together.” What did you do to deserve this? You remain in your seat waiting for him to come over but he never does. You look over and see him still sat there, reclined back in his seat talking with Bokuto who sat behind him. That’s when you realize he is waiting for you to move over there. Cocky bastard. Taking a deep breath, you swallow your pride and move over there.
“Please don’t rush, I would hate for you to strain yourself.” You snap sitting down. “That’s so great you got the hint, I wasn’t planning on getting up. Thank you for being so obedient.” Still wearing that grin. Oh, what you would do to slap it off of his face. You ignore him and start working on the project. He simply resumes his conversation with Bokuto, who never does the projects anyway. Seems like you will be doing this all by yourself. Half of you is tempted to purposefully fail but then it would just hurt your grade too. Although it would be pretty funny to see his face. He ignored you for the rest of the class. Once again you part ways.
When you go home and open your computer to continue working on the project to find that it has been already done. Did he seriously not lift a finger in class just to do a rush job right before his volleyball practice. You roll your eyes before reading through his work. You realize it hadn’t been a rush job at all but was perfect. Now you weren’t sure to be happy he actually did it or pissed that it was better than what you could have done. 
After you’ve cooled down a bit you take a moment to think. Maybe he isn’t as bad as you think. You’ve never taken the time to think about why he is doing this. You just immediately jumped on that he was out to get you. That’s pretty childish now you think about it. Maybe he really needs this academic scholarship so he can go to college. There is no way you can be nice to him but perhaps you could be tolerant. You weren’t giving him that scholarship though. No matter how much he needed it, you did too. 
The next day in class you are determined to stick by your discovery. With it including being nicer to Akaashi. You were talking to your friend when he came into the classroom.
“You’re so loud Y/N I swear I could hear you from across the school.” You don’t say anything just look at him and smile. You almost see his grin falter, you’re not sure if he is surprised or scared at your smile.
“Wow have I finally broken you.” You keep ignoring him. This annoys him and he pokes you. You swat at him and he chuckles before walking off. Your friend laughs at the two of you. The teacher came into the room and everyone quickly settled down and class began. You could feel Akaashi’s stare from across the room but you didn’t dare look at him.
When class ended you are your friend took your time and ended up being the last people in the classroom.
“So is ignoring him your next idea?” Your friend asks amused by the earlier interaction, “Can’t beat him then just will him out of existence.”
“No, I’m trying to be a nicer person and embrace competition.” Your friend bursts out laughing.
“That’s not going to last long. Before you know it you will be at his throat again.”
“I don’t know. Think why does he want to be #1 so badly? The scholarship. He probably needs it for college.” You say seriously.
“Ha! As if.” Your friend laughs as if she knows something you don’t.
“Why is he secretly loaded of something?” You ask kinda curious as you pack up your stuff.
“I don’t know about that but I do know he already has multiple athletic scholarships lined up.” You pause at that.
“What?” You are in complete and utter disbelief. If he didn’t need this scholarship what was the point in stealing it from you. Did he seriously hate you that much? You were beyond angry now. You throw your stuff in your bag messily and march out of the class room heading straight for the gyms. If he wanted this scholarship so badly from you, you were going to get an answer. 
As you near the gyms however you hear something that stops you in your tracks.
“Are you seriously going to study for all those classes tonight?” One of his teammates asked in shock.
“He’s got to if he wants to keep up with Y/N.” Another teases. You make sure you are out of sight and continue listening in. 
“Wait why do you compete with Y/N. I thought you were a jock, not a nerd.” You hear laughter and something being thrown at someone. 
“Can’t you see? Our Akaashi is smitten!” You recognize Bokuto’s voice.
“Shut up you dumb owl.” Akaashi didn’t deny it though.
“He’s so crazy for them that he decided to bring his class ranking up so they would notice him,” Bokuto breaks into laughter “But now they just hate him. We got a real  player here, am I right.”
You hear Akaashi yell at him and then you hear some hitting and decide to leave before you got caught. However, not once did you hear Akaashi deny it. He was just silent and then would yell at them for outing him. For telling the truth.
Akaashi likes you.
What an idiot. Who decides the way about trying to get to know someone is by threatening their biggest goal?! You can’t deny though he’s not the only smitten one. Although lately, you have absolutely hated him, before all this you actually had a crush on him. You never acted on it because you were so busy with academics. Is now a second chance? You decided to wait for him after practice. 
By some miracle he is the last one left in the gym, meaning you can confront him without an audience.
“What are you waiting to jump me? I’ll warn you I’m not afraid to fight back.” He snapped at you but you kept quiet. This silence was driving him crazy. At least when you were arguing back with him you were acknowledging him but now. It was like he didn’t exist all over again. He was about to lose it when you spoke up. 
“You know there are better ways to gain someone affection than trying to take the scholarship that they have been working towards for the past three years away from them.” It was your turn to shoot him a smug look. He looks like a deer caught in headlights. For once you’ve caught him off guard, good and proper.
“Wha-Who said I wanted your affections.” He tried to play it off but it was written all over his face. He truly did like you.
“You know I would have said yes.” You say nonchalantly as you begin to walk away. He snaps out of his confused stupor and grabs your arm, turning you around.
“What did you just say.” No longer is he embarrassed or caught off guard but intense and desperate. Like he had misheard what you just said. Like it was a dream.
“That maybe if you had just asked me, I would have said yes.” You try to be as confident as you were a moment ago but that was hard with a blush spreading across your cheeks.
“And what about right now?” He asked, almost pleaded. This was no longer the Akaashi you had known the past year. This was something different. Something raw and intense. 
“What?” You were shocked. Was he seriously about to ask you out? Like this?
“All I ever wanted was you to talk to me. I thought that if I got my rank up that you would respect me, that I’d be smart enough to hold a conversation with you. But no matter how high my rank went, it never felt good enough so I decided that #2 would be the greatest spot I could reach. Then instead of getting you admiration and praise, you thought I was trying to steal your spot. Maybe I should have just explained then that I wasn’t but you were actually talking to me. What if after I explained it we just went back to the way it was before. Suddenly we had some common ground, so I just kept going. When you stopped talking to me today, I hated it so much. So please I know our relationship is in a weird place and we’re not even friends but-” He trailed off. He didn’t even know what he was begging for. 
It was so strange to see him like this. Normally, even with his friends, he was guarded, quick-witted, confident. Now he was so vulnerable. It sparked something in you. At first, it was just a quick thought in your brain but before you knew it your body was moving. Acting on it.
You pulled your arm out of his grasp and with it his face dropped, thinking this was you rejecting him. You didn’t pay it any mind and grabbed the front of his shirt, pulling his stupidy tall body down.
With that, you kissed him.
He was frozen for a moment before jumping back to life. His hands came up to your face and he kissed you back as if he would never get the chance to again. He definitely wasn’t expecting this but he wasn’t going to waste this once in a lifetime opportunity. Eventually, you pulled away and his lips chased yours back. You caught his eyes and he relented. 
“Maybe we could work something out.” You say began a smug smile. You run your hand down his side and into his pocket, his eyes blew wide in surprise not really sure what you were doing. You pulled his phone out of the pocket and started putting your number in.
“Call me tonight.” When you handed him his phone back he matched your smug smile with one of his own. 
“You bet.” He said as he watched you walk off. Once your back was turned you couldn’t help but let out a giddy giggle.
152 notes · View notes
moonlight-frittata · 3 years
I Don’t Need a Mechanic
Overwatch: Dva and Brigitte (a few others make appearances)
Word count: ~5500 
My take on when Dva meets Brigitte and the first month or so of them getting to know each other on base.
Six months Hana Song had been a part of Overwatch, and during that time she set a very strict precedent that no one, not even Winston or Athena the AI was allowed to touch her mech, Tokki. So seeing the back of someone inside the cockpit as she entered the Watchpoint Gibraltar hangar made her blood boil. 
“Excuse me!! What the hell are you doing??” 
The person’s body jerked, their head banging against the low roof of the cockpit ceiling they wedged their torso inside. Hana heard a short mumble of something incomprehensible and a long, thick ponytail of red hair retreated from the mech in a hurry. A very tall, buff young woman around Hana’s age emerged blushing with a sheepish grin.
“Ah! I’m so sorry, I couldn't help myself. I’ve always wondered what these Korean models looked like up close. But in hindsight I really should have asked first.”
Her accent was European, but it was hard for Hana to place with any real certainty. Could have been Scandinavian, remembering some of the players from Finland she competed against back in her pro days. 
“Yeah, you should have fucking asked.” 
The crimson hue on the tall, possibly Finnish trespasser’s cheeks faded and she held her ground, not scared off yet by D.va’s harsh tone.
“Right. Won’t happen again, I promise,” she said. 
Dva scoffed a bit and pushed past the buff intruder to look inside the mech to inspect if anything was out of place. A moment of stuffy silence passed between the two and Hana hoped the other girl would get the message and leave.
“I’m Brigitte Lindholm by the way.”
Hana let out an audible huff as a familiar freckled face appeared looking through the glass on the other side of her heads up display.
“Oh. Yeah, Fareeha warned me a new girl was joining,” Hana replied from inside the cockpit while she busied herself checking Tokki’s systems. 
“And you’re Hana Song, right?” Brigitte continued lightly, clearly unperturbed. “Or do you prefer to go by D.va?”
Hana paused at the mention of her gamer tag turned call sign. 
“It’s Lieutenant Song, actually.”
Brigitte raised an eyebrow at the curt reply, her smile fading to a neutral expression. It only dipped for a moment though as she extended her hand. 
It was an awkward gesture to shake hands from inside the mech, even though the front of the cockpit was partially open near the joysticks. Hana looked at Brigitte’s outstretched hand and gentle smile on the other side of the glass. Was this a joke? She pursed her lips and sized Brigitte up for a few tense seconds before reaching out. The grip was firm and Hana’s hand practically disappeared in Brigitte’s large palm.
“Lieutenant Song. It’s an honor to meet you.”
Hana sighed and rolled her eyes, a little of the bluster going out of her at the sincerity in Brigitte’s tone. Satisfied that no harm had come to the mech, she backed out of the cockpit.
“Just call me Hana. That rank doesn’t really mean anything here anyway. Lena will probably make fun of me if she hears you calling me Lieutenant.”
Brigitte walked back around Tokki to join her, a lingering hand tracing over the pink exoskeleton as she moved. “I’m surprised she doesn’t make you call her Captain.”
“Oh, she’s tried.”
Brigitte laughed. 
“Sounds about right.”
D.Va chuckled for a moment, briefly disarmed by the new stranger, before she remembered how this person was rudely poking around her stuff only moments before, and snapped back into her gruff demeanor. 
“Lindholm, you said? Like Torbjörn Lindholm?”
Brigitte sighed, clearly used to this connection.
“Yes. Genius engineer of Overwatch 1.0, founder of Ironclad Industries, husband to Ingrid, and father of way too many children, including yours truly.”
“So, you grew up in an Overwatch family?” Hana asked as her full attention focused on Brigitte for the first time in their conversation.
“You could say that,” Brigitte said. She picked up a silver ratchet resting on a nearby worktable, spinning the head around between her fingers and levering the handle back and forth, testing the weight distribution of the tool in her hand. 
Hana could tell there was more to the story than her new teammate seemed willing to let on. She found it interesting that Brigitte, who had been all candid smiles a moment ago when she was caught somewhere she shouldn’t be and oversharing to someone she just met, was now hand waving around the subject.  
Overwatch kids are pretty up their own asses about 1.0 normally. Wonder what her deal is...
This was what Hana was known for back in her pro days. Seeing a flaw in an opponent’s defense and breaking it wide open. But she needed to remember she only just met this girl, who would soon be her teammate. Maybe save that for another day. 
“Well, Lindholm. As long as you stay clear of my mech, I don’t see a reason we should have problems working together. What’s your specialty?”
Brigitte perked up at the change of subject.
“Support. Both base level engineering support and in the field. I've got my bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, and I’ve been working on Reinhardt’s gear for over a year now. Angela - I mean, Dr. Ziegler, is training me to be certified as a field medic.” 
“Tough job. Think you can handle the gore?”
A wry smile pulled at Brigitte’s lips, her head shaking back and forth in a small, bemused gesture as she placed her hands on her hips. 
“You don’t pull any punches do you, Lieutenant Song?”
D.Va crossed her arms, holding eye contact with Brigitte who matched her gaze with amusement. 
“The best shot caller in the world is just a loud piece of shit if her team isn’t up to the same standard. So yeah, I like to know who has my back and if she can handle herself.”
Brigitte regarded D.Va for a moment, her jaw working back and forth as if chewing on the approach she wanted to take in response.
“I’ve been patching up Reinhardt for a while now. If I’m honest though, I’m scared it’s not going to be enough one day. But that’s not what I need to focus on, and instead I’ll do the best I can to support the people here.”
The plain way Brigitte shared her apprehensions left Hana uncomfortable. She couldn’t imagine telling someone out loud she was afraid, especially on her first day. Though in truth, she herself felt scared shitless half the time while doing this work.
Brigitte’s smile was back. Did it ever leave that pretty face? It did suit her though, framed by the freckles and warm brown eyes. If this girl wasn’t built like a literal tank of 6 foot something muscle, Hana might have more apprehension about sending her out to fight Omnics and Talon. 
“Well Lieutenant Song, I think I’ve taken up enough of your time with my intrusion. Fareeha and Winston will be missing me very shortly for the rest of their planned orientation schedule,” Brigitte said as she carefully placed the ratchet she previously picked up back on the workstation, breaking the spell of awkward silence.
D.Va smirked, feeling tension leave her shoulders to match Brigitte’s playful demeanor. 
“Mmm, well now I understand why you were hiding down here.”
“Yes they are indeed quite enthusiastic and thorough with their material.”
She gave a wink and started to walk away, turning briefly to call over her shoulder.
“I noticed there was a small coolant leak under the left fusion cannon. Might get a bit sticky on the left hand.”
“Bye Brigitte, enjoy your 300 page orientation manual quiz.”
Brigitte waved once more and turned around, already so sure and familiar with the layout of the hangar and the base.
She’s just another Overwatch kid, and just another nosey engineer trying to get in my mech.
Hana lingered by her workstation, picking up the ratchet Brigitte had been fiddling with and thinking over their brief encounter again. 
Would this girl be a liability on the battlefield? Brigitte looked strong on the exterior, but then, so did Tokki. If you took away the mecha armor, inside was just a squishy human target bullets and fire could cut through like paper the second she was exposed and vulnerable.
Hana took a deep breath.
She walked around to the left fusion cannon and did indeed see the signs that a coolant leak was backing up inside the casing. Pretty subtle to spot with minimal visible damage to the exterior. 
Not bad, Lindholm.
D.Va pulled her headphones on, turning to her latest loop of pop songs to blast while she went to work removing the panels on the cannon to replace the broken coolant line. The task felt good, and helped her mind drift to thoughts other than her conversation in the hangar.
Hana didn’t see much of Brigitte the next few weeks. The new recruit was busy with training and learning mission protocols expected of field agents in addition to shifts with Mercy in the clinic to  fulfill the certifications Brigitte was required to complete. Hana would see her sometimes at dinner, often in a spirited conversation with Reinhardt or Lena. It seemed to take Brigitte no time at all to fit in amongst the old guard, but it seemed that’s what being the favorite niece of pretty much every person here would get you. 
Hana would half listen to their stories, always feeling awkward and out of place amongst their banter. Overwatch was like a family, but she was more like the stranger invited as someone’s plus one. Everyone seemed to have an ingrained familiarity with each other. A single word could trigger a whole series of anecdotes every person around had some personal insight to add on to. 
Remember this! 
Oh how is so and so?  
Damn, that was 5 years ago already? 
Even on her squad in Korea, she never had what they people here seemed to have. Dae-hyun was a close childhood friend and followed her into the MEKA squad, but the other pilots were a different story. There was always a bit of friction and distance with the rest of her teammates because of their history as pro-gamer competitors forced into an arrangement as teammates. It never really gelled beyond cordial coworker relationships. Hana’s celebrity status didn’t help either, only adding another barrier between herself and the others. The fame of D.Va closed her off in access to most people unless they were on the other side of a screen, and then they only saw a polished up version of herself. 
Not exactly the best way to get close to people.
Sometimes she was curious to learn more when she heard the Overwatch stories, but she always stopped herself before saying anything. It was easier to pull out her phone and queue up a game. Easy to pull back and ignore them, and usually they left her alone to do it.
She was okay with that. She was okay with keeping Hana and D.Va separate. She was okay with only polite greetings and trite platitudes. She didn’t need to know about the times from before, or what her Overwatch teammates did on the weekends. She just needed them to listen to her in the field and leave her room to make her plays. Like every time she started a new game, she didn’t have to focus on the past, or what others thought, she just had to focus on the objective in front of her. It’s what got the job done and what kept her alive.
Brigitte kept her word to stay out of Hana’s mech. She set up her own work station on the other side of the hangar where she worked on Reinhardt’s gear as well as her own. Hana would sometimes see the blue flash of a shield out of the corner of her eye over the hum of diagnostic scans or smell the burn of sparks from welding. 
One day curiosity got the best of her when she heard the loud, repetitive pounding of a hammer on metal and she wandered across the hangar. 
“You’re doing that by hand?”
Brigitte stopped working when she heard the voice behind her, the deafening echo silenced on the metal shoulder guard she was beating against.
“On this armor I do. Reinhardt’s gear is special from the time it was made. It has to be maintained with some older techniques.”
Brigitte looked at her surprised for a moment then laughed, loud and warm. 
“You know, I wondered the same at first. It’s a bit of the way this armor is made, modern techniques can be too harsh on it, interestingly enough. Too precise and it becomes too fragile.”
“That doesn’t sound true,” D.va said.
“Oh, questioning my methods huh? Well, maybe the truth is more I didn’t originally have the right gear out in the field, and Reinhardt didn’t have much modern tech either, so the only way to do it was by hand. But it’s nice actually to keep doing it this way, I like getting my hands dirty with it. Helps me relax.”
“See that I believe.”
“Well, I’m glad I have your approval, Lieutenant Song.”
D.Va rolled her eyes, but smiled a little.
“I told you before, you can just call me Hana. Although, I do like the respect of authority.”
“Lieutenant suits you.”
Hana smirked a little at the complement, turning to pick something up on a nearby table. She picked up one of Brigitte’s gauntlets, slipping it on her hand. Her arm sagged under the weight, the glove coming up well above her elbow.
“Is it exhausting wearing all this armor? How do you run around with it on? I can barely lift this thing.”
“There’s movement assist when the unit is turned on. But I mean, I think I can handle it.” 
Brigitte smirked as she made a show of flexing her well defined arms, and Hana couldn’t help but gawk a bit before she turned back to fiddling with the glove. 
“Um, yeah I uh, noticed you seem to be in good shape.”
“Oh yeah?” Brigitte was smirking, clearly enjoying the slight fluster she was causing in her new teammate. Hana put the glove back on the table and gave Brigitte a light shove on the arm.
“Oh give me a break, you know you’re buff. Do you even own a shirt with sleeves?”
“I’m very familiar with OW 2.0’s handbook, and the dress code is quite lax about on-base personal attire. But, mostly I just like hearing you complement me.”
Hana rolled her eyes. “Well, I’m glad you’re strong enough to move your ass around in this armor so you can protect my blindspots while I’m doing all the real heavy lifting.”
Brigitte laughed again. Hana couldn’t help but smile too at the warm sound. Brigitte’s whole face lit up, and her eyes crinkled around the edges. No wonder she was the favorite niece.
“Fair. I’ve seen your battle footage and some news clips when you were back in Korea. You’re so strong, I doubt you even need me.”
“Ah, another fan of D.Va. Well, who can blame you,” Hana said with a flick of her hair. She continued to walk around Brigitte’s workstation, picking up random pieces of armor. Brigitte didn’t seem to mind.
“Actually Reinhardt was the real die hard D.Va fan. We used to always have a stash of the instant noodles with your face on them in our rig. Great shelf life. I’m surprised he hasn’t asked you for an autograph yet.”
“Well he’s one to talk! Did you know, when I was a kid there was a Reinhardt special edition line of noodles? I remember I tried them once and they had such a weird flavor. It was like ketchup and curry powder or something. He had a pretty big fanbase in Korea actually.”
“Hah! I didn’t know that, but I’d believe it. There’s been so much Overwatch merchandise over the years, I’ve lost track. They were such celebrities back in the day.”
Hana knew a thing or two about having her image used for propaganda. She wondered for a moment what it was like for Brigitte, growing up amongst the same environment, but removed from the center of it. An image of her laughing in the cafeteria with the old guard flashed through her mind. She decided it must have not been too bad, and refrained from asking the question.
“Okay well, I’ll leave you to your meditative, hammer time. I need to get back to my mech anyway, I’ve got a mission tomorrow morning,” Hana said, turning to leave. Brigitte let out a long sigh, slumping into a chair. 
“Oh, it must be nice to leave the base.”
Hana stopped in her tracks, curious again, hearing such an outburst from Brigitte. She turned around and poked one of Brigitte’s large muscles near her shoulder.
“Oh come on, don’t be dramatic. You’ll be done with your training block soon. Fareeha is just, really particular before she lets anyone out on a mission. It took almost two months, and me breaking every score in the simulators for her to let me out in the field.”
“I know, I know. It just sucks sometimes feeling like everyone is being overprotective of me. I can handle myself, I’m not a little kid.”
Hana couldn’t help but give a little hmphf sound, her lips pulling down at the corners. 
“Yeah, I get that feeling. You can’t speed up time though, you just have to grind it out.”
Hana wasn’t normally one for listening to whining, but she thought Brigitte looked quite cute while she pouted, her arms crossed tight against her torso and her lip jutted out. It was hard not to laugh at the sight a bit, but Hana held her tongue. She really did know how it felt to want to prove yourself.
“Hey come on, there’s plenty of work you’re doing here that’s valuable. And when you’re ready, you’ll get called up and out there with the rest of us.”
Brigitte took a deep breath, seeming to blow out the negative feelings in one dramatic sigh. When she straightened up in her chair she seemed to be in better spirits, smiling at Hana again.
“You probably know better than anyone how to do that. Thanks Lieutenant, I’ll try. Let me know if my hammering gets too distracting. I can always go find something else to do.”
“It’s fine. I hardly noticed.”
“Well in that case, I’ll just be over here until dinner time.”
A few days later Hana almost threw her computer across the hangar. 
“Why is this piece of shit so useless!”
The MEKA diagnostic program she used to keep Tokki up to date was crashing every five minutes when she tried to run a scan of the system. It had slowly been degrading the last few weeks and after the latest mission it apparently decided it had enough. She tried every trick she knew, both from working on the mech for years and everything she could think of on her personal gaming rig, but she only had rudimentary coding skills and was vastly out of her depth.
“Everything okay?”
Brigitte’s gentle voice called out from a few feet away as she had stopped her own work to come see D.Va’s meltdown.
“Everything’s fine. Except I’m going to have to go throw this piece of crap, and then myself, in the ocean.”
“Sounds like a costly solution. What’s going on?”
“It’s fine. I’m fine, I don’t need anyone’s help.”
She could feel Brigitte’s sympathetic look burning into her cheek and hated it.
“Okay no problem. I’m around though, just let me know if you want an extra set of eyes.”
Hana stared at the email she had sent to Dae-Hyun the day before that still had no response. She knew her mech’s hardware inside and out, but he was the one who really handled all the intense computer program internals. She was out of her depth here and needed him to call her so she could get this thing working again, but he wasn’t answering. Maybe he was deployed somewhere or too busy with a social life now that she was gone. 
She had decided to come here for Overwatch. So maybe she should trust Overwatch.
“Brigitte, wait a minute.”
The other girl paused and turned, only having walked a few feet away from D.Va’s workstation.
“I could probably use some help here, if you’re still offering?”
Brigitte smiled, but it was more muted than her usual mega watt grin. Hana appreciated that she wasn’t making a big deal about it. 
God, why is this girl so nice.
Brigitte walked around the workbench where Hana set up her computer station and listened to the general description of the problems. As Hana started clicking through screens to show the protocol she usual ran, Brigitte held up a hand to make her stop.
“I understand what you’re saying, but looking at the text, I can’t read Korean. Does it have a translation setting?” “I doubt it. This thing was only meant to be used by the Korean MEKA squad.” Hana felt her stomach drop at how quick her hopes of getting this programming running were already dashed.
“Well lucky for us, Overwatch has some very robust translation tech we can utilize.” “Really? It’s not the AI is it? I’ve been so resistant to letting her in my computer.”
“That would be one possibility, but there are some more localized options we have. I’ve had to do this once or twice on one of my papa’s projects.”
“How long will it take?” “Don’t know! Could take a while, I’m not going to lie to you, especially with your program already acting buggy. But don’t worry Lieutenant, we’ll sort you out.”
Hana groaned, already having major doubts about letting Brigitte mess with her tech. But she didn’t have a lot of options, and this was probably the least embarrassing choice on the table at the moment. 
Brigitte moved back and forth between D.Va’s workstation and her own across the hangar, gathering cables and a laptop she would use to debug the system. Hana watched over Brigitte’s shoulder for a while, monitoring her work to get the translation program working on the MEKA diagnostic software. 
“Where’d you learn to do this type of thing?”
“Back in college. I had to learn a certain amount of coding for my major, but I helped out Winston some in his lab on campus and he taught me a lot of tricks too.”
“Jesus, is there literally anyone on this fucking base you don’t have some personal connection with?” 
Hana stepped away from the computer and dropped down into an empty chair with a huff, spinning the chair on its axis in erratic circles.
Brigitte stopped typing and watched Hana’s tantrum. “It bothers you that I’ve got a close connection to Overwatch?”
Hana did not reply, but crossed her arms and let out a frustrated sigh. Brigitte’s gaze held her for a moment but eventually shifted back to the computer screen as she seemed to weigh her thoughts on how to respond.
“Why did you leave the MEKA squad to join Overwatch?” she asked finally. “It doesn’t have the best history as an organization, you know.”
Hana stopped spinning to look at the side of Brigitte’s face, who’s eyes were still trained on the laptop screen. “Well it’s better to actually be in a fight than on the sidelines.”
Brigitte stopped what she was doing and turned to face D.va. “You’re the best pilot in the MEKA program. Why would you be sidelined?”
Hana let out a bitter laugh. “Best pilot? I was more than that. I was the face of the fucking Korean army! Which eventually meant I was too valuable to be an actual soldier.” Hana stood up walking to the end of the workbench, reaching out to touch one of her mecha’s guns. She couldn’t see Brigitte, but she could feel the other girl watching her.
“I got real banged up in a fight with the Gwishin. Like, probably should have died kind of banged up. I was out of action for months. After that, the army realized they couldn’t let the poster girl for their success stories die in an actual fight. So they moved me off the Busan base and deployed me to lead baby fights happening inland, but whose sole purpose was really just a photo op.”
Hana balled her fist in anger at her side, remembering how awful it hurt seeing images of herself on television in all those epic battle sequences, reporters singing praises of heroism, only to know the real truth that it was all a fabricated lie. She couldn’t stand it.
“So when Winston and Lena came to my apartment and asked me to join the new Overwatch, it was a no brainer. My piloting skills are too valuable to just be sidelined in a studio with a green screen.”
The MEKA squad team was fairly understanding when she told them. The same couldn’t be said for her commanding officers, but as D.Va, the amount of influence and money at her disposal proved sufficient for a smooth enough transition.
“I believed this was my shot to get back in the fight. So even if there’s some bad history there, this is a new chance for me, and I am ready to deal with any fallout.” 
Text whizzed by in the background of the computer screen as the console spat out a continuous stream of logs from the program Brigitte fired off as she listened in silence. 
“I never liked Overwatch. I still don’t,” Brigitte finally said.
Hana turned to face her, very confused. 
“Really? But, you’re like, one of the legacy kids.”
“All that means is I know more of the gritty details and seen firsthand the way people I love were chewed up by this place.”
Hana’s brow furrowed in thought, crossing her arms as she focused on Brigitte. Hana had been so taken in by all the happy scenes in the mess hall and around the base, she hadn’t even thought about the implications and complications that must have been a part of Brigitte’s life. She was so good at always putting on a bright face, how could she have known? 
Brigitte took a deep breath, looking weary as she took a moment to gather her thoughts. 
“When I was a kid, it was like I was one of those audience members you talked about. I was told all the best stories about heroes and villains, and it so happened that my family were literally starring as those heroes. But when I was a little older, I started learning more about history, and the other side of things. The PETRAS act. In fighting and war crimes. Blackwatch. Angela’s medical tech weaponized against her wishes, by my own father it turns out. Winston and Tracer buried under so much red tape, I’m honestly surprised they were ever allowed to leave a military base of their own free will. And Reinhardt... He’s a lot like you, I think. Brave, loyal, too stubborn to be just the face of a movement without putting his own skin on the line. Not when there’s something bigger than himself he believes in.”
A deep sigh, and an almost painful expression crossed her face.
“So no, I don’t like Overwatch. But I also can’t sit on the sidelines while they risk their lives, knowing I can help them. They’re my family. So here I am. Family can be complicated, ya know?” 
Before Hana could come up with something to say, the computer dinged behind them. Brigitte tapped on the keys, reading quickly when a smile crossed her lips. 
“Look at that, perfectly legible Swedish.”
“It’s fixed?” Hana hurried over to look at the computer screen.
“Well, the translation program is running. Now I need to actually debug your diagnostics program.”
“Ughhhh, I’m never going to leave this place.”
Brigitte chuckled. “Don’t worry, we’ll get it done. Feel free to go get some dinner if you want. This will take a while.”
“No way I’m going to leave you here all alone!”
“I promise I won’t touch Tokki.”
“It’s not...it’s not that, Brigitte. I just don’t feel right strolling off to dinner while you’re stuck here fixing my shit.”
Brigitte smiled.
“Okay. I definitely don’t mind the company.”
Hana tried to keep up with what Brigitte was talking about as she debugged the code. And she could follow along, for a while. Eventually she was way too lost to feel useful, and didn’t want to distract Brigitte while she was fixing the issues, so she retreated to a nearby futon against a wall. It was well past midnight, and Hana’s eyes were starting to droop. Brigitte drank one of the Dva branded nano cola energy drinks a while ago and seemed to be completely in the zone. 
The next thing Hana knew there was a strip of bright light in her eyes as the sun started to stream in through a window in the hangar. Hana stretched to pull out the discomfort her back protested with from not being in her bed, but it was really not that unfamiliar, considering some of the positions she’d fallen asleep at her gaming computer before. A blanket was draped across her body she didn’t remember picking up when laid down on the futon. She was all alone in the hangar and her watch told her it was just after 5am. 
No one answered.
She sat up, noticing an unopened water bottle and energy bar laid out on the ground beside her futon with a little sticky note.
“Give it a go, Lt - Brig”
Hana scooped up the rations and dropped in front of the dark screen of her laptop. When she started up the terminal screen, her diagnostic programming kicked off like it normally did. All in Korean. 
The screen showed exactly where an electric circuit was tripping in the defense matrix grid of the mech, which had been glitching in the field the last few days. Hana noticed the parts and tools needed to complete the fix laid out on the workbench neatly, but when she poked her head in the mech, it remained untouched.
She smiled to herself.
“Kept her word to stay out of Tokki. These Overwatch kids are too much sometimes.”
D.Va pulled the panel off her mech and got to work.
At dinner that night, Hana spotted Brigitte in the mess hall with Reinhardt, Tracer and Winston. Brigitte gave her a wink when she noticed her. Hana got her meal and sat beside her, leaving her phone in her pocket for once.
“Thanks for the help with Tokki, Brigitte. Works like a charm now.”
“It was my pleasure, Lieutenant Song.” Brigitte’s smile was kind, her expression gentle and warm. Hana noticed this close up Brigitte’s eyes were lighter around the edges, and she had a few more freckles on her left cheek than the right.
“Did I just ‘ear you call ‘ana Lieutenant?” Lena cut in. “She’s ‘Lieutenant’, but I can’ get none of you to call me Captain? Double standards round ‘ere, I tell ya what.”.
“Well, Hana was a more recent officer in her respective position, while you have been discharged from the RAF for several years now.”
“Who’s side you on Win!? Those ranks don’t expire!”
Brigitte chuckled, whipping her head around to look at Tracer’s shaking her hand dramatically in the air, eyes downcast in an over acted, scandalized look. Hana also let out a small giggle.
“Your rank on the flight simulator scoreboard sure did,” Hana said, poking her tongue out with a playful smirk at Tracer. Brigitte, Reinhardt and Winston all laughed.
“She’s got you there, Lena,” Brigitte said.
“The youth of today. Ruthless.” Tracer grabbed a fist over her heart as if shot in the chest by a bullet.
“You know, back in my days of Overwatch…”
Reinhardt started in on one of his specially tailored stories for whatever situation was at hand, this case a very detailed recount of the first time he granted a field promotion in the Crusaders. Brigitte sighed, correcting inaccuracies she heard along the way, giving a wink to Hana when Brigitte’s presence in the story was pulled into the story much later on.
Lena took up the torch after that, remembering a time she accidentally flew into restricted airspace and managed to sweet talk her way out of being shot down. They all took turns sharing more elaborate one ups from their time before Overwatch. Hana even volunteered a story, sharing the time she convinced Dae-hyun to set Tokki up to stream a battle with the omnics. She broke her single day subscriber count in under one hour.
They all laughed well into the night, and for the first time Hana really started to feel like part of the team.
Thank you for reading! Please leave a comment if you enjoyed!
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cakers-2000 · 3 years
~Random Reki Headcanons because I can~
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Reki brainrot go brrrrrrr
I am in love with him
He’s an absolute menace. If you slip up and make any mistake in front of him he will not let you live it down (all in good fun of course).
He likes going to arcades. More often than not other than the skatepark an arcade is his number #1 date spot (especially during the cold months). He likes showing off, whether it’s playing a match against you in some type of fighting game or trying to win you a plushie in a claw machine (and then pouting and grumbling when the stuffed animal falls for the hundredth time).
He’s really big on physical affection. He’ll sneak his hand into yours when you’re walking together, avoiding your gaze but the bright red blush on his cheeks clear as day. If you’re sitting together or laying in bed he’s always all over you. Sometimes he likes to lay his head in your lap, pinching at your cheeks as you run your hands through his hair.
He taught you how to skate! He practically begged you to learn and although you were nervous he was by your side the entire time! Holding your hands when you were scared and giving you skeet kisses on your cheeks in an attempt to calm your nerves when you needed it.
He is a very light sleeper. If you so much as move an inch to adjust yourself while you’re cuddling he’s awake and whining about you leaving him, his grip around you tightening so that you can’t escape. Of course you weren’t leaving at all and you try to explain to him that you were just moving but he’s still half asleep and does not believe you.
He loves waking up beside you. Not that you can leave anyways, he’s far too light of a sleeper for that, but regardless he absolutely loves seeing you beside him when he awakes. He’ll pull you even closer to him, one hand playing with the tips of your hair while the other is slung loosely around your waist. He wakes you up by peppering you in kisses. Starting from your neck he’ll make his way up to your jawline, kissing along the outline of your jaw before moving to your cheeks, your forehead and then ending on your nose. Once you wake up he’s a blushing mess, especially if you catch him mid kiss.
Speaking of noses, that’s his favorite spot to kiss. He likes watching your nose twitch and scrunch as you give him a sweet smile. But he is pretty fond of your lips too. Sometimes he likes to snatch you in a kiss as he’s walking by or if he just wants to feel you close to him. Where he kisses you honestly just depends on his mood.
He calls you Prince/Princess! He’s a fan of the cutesy stuff, no matter how generic it may be and he’s always dreamed of being able to hold someone and call them his Prince/Princess. And he loves spoiling you, he treats you like royalty. No matter how many times you tell him he doesn’t have to spoil you so much, it won’t stop him.
Jealousy is over 900%. He gets SO JEALOUS. He’s pretty insecure so if someone even looks in your direction it can get him pretty irked. He’ll hold your hand tighter or place a kiss to the top of your hand, making sure that he makes eye contact with whoever is staring at you. If someone tries to approach and begin flirting with you he’s very vocal, reminding them that you are in fact taken and you are in fact very busy right now. He’s not subtle and his affection towards you will only grow, practically hanging off you as he gives them major side-eye, to the point that the other person will get uncomfortable and leave (if they hadn’t already). Once they begin leaving he gives you a rather rough kiss, practically slamming his lips onto yours in an attempt to calm his nerves and his racing heart (he had been worried after all) and if the other person just so happens to turn around and see, well that’s not his problem.
Now let’s talk about his insecurities for a second. Sometimes he just needs you to hold him and tell him that everything’s going to be okay. He needs to know that he’s worth something and that you love him as much as he loves you. Sometimes he feels like he’s not worth your love and affection, he needs you to say that you love him and that he’s perfect just the way he is. He tries his hardest not to cry when he feels this way, he wants to be tough for you, but sometimes it just spills. When he cries, please, wipe his tears away and hold him close. Pepper his face in kisses and remind him just how much you love him.
His friends at S have adopted you into their group. You like to tag along when he races, you’re his number 1 supporter and it brings him great pride knowing that you’re cheering him on to do his best.
The people at S do anger him sometimes. One particular beef he had participated in, the man he had been racing joked about taking you as his prize for winning… Joe had to pull the boy off of the man before he could do anymore damage. He was infuriated, disgusted, and he even tried squirming his way out of Joe’s grip to finish the job before the other man slunk away. You had to caress his face and remind him that everything was okay, that you were okay to calm him down. You had never seen him so raging mad before.
His mother and his sisters adore you! When you go to his house his little sisters constantly bug you, pulling at your clothes and trying to get you to play with them. Reki will shoo them away so he can have his alone time with you but his mother will chastise him and tell him to let the girls spend time with you.
He loves hearing you say “I love you”. He’s a sucker for verbal validation. If he hears you say it, he knows that it’s true and that he isn’t alone in his feelings.
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cinnamonest · 3 years
please spare more crumbs for the sex slave au with diluc and kaeya's meimei,,
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Thank you for giving me permission to be more depraved this is from forever ago but I'm slowly getting the "forever ago" stuff done lol
I love the concept tho, especially Crepus buying a lil qt and having to teach them how to be good masters bc they’re both dumb clueless boys, bless.
TWs: slavery, implied incest or pseudo-incest, could give vibes as under//age (nothing is specified but I guess it could strike some people that way so I wanna be cautious), noncon/dubcon, mentions of anal, misogynistic, awful depraved and nasty -------------------------------------
God. The arguing. The rivalry. The chaos. Like, with some poly yanderes/owner/master relationships, the two work *together* and focus attention on controlling *you,* but these two are... not like that. They have a lot of rivalry going on half the time.
Now, this could be Crepus buying a slave and basically indoctrinating her as a meimei, but of course, if you actually are one of the boys' bio sis, the one is gonna claim some authenticity - you know, the whole "well she's my real sister, not yours, so I get to fuck her more" kind of thing. The other appeals to "well she's your real sister which makes you worse," and it devolves into arguing back and forth about whether or not the blood relation makes them more or less justified in sticking their dick in you and claiming more rights to meimei's time and attention. Not just to each other either, it's also directed at you -- the whole "hey, I'm your real big brother, so you should spend more time with me than him" kind of thing. It actually can get pretty annoying over time, you have to constantly be soothing not one but TWO egos in desperate need of affirmation. But here I’m going more with the idea of Crepus just buying them a sweet meimei. Diluc's more... patient. He teaches you "touch commands" -- little learned gestures, like a dog. Just the lightest touch on your spine and you know it's a clear message to arch your back, a hand under your chin and thumb pressed against it has you instinctively opening your mouth, a tap to the back of your neck and you kneel. Little gestures that can bend your body and mind with minimal effort. Despite that though, Kaeya is actually the master of The Look™ - the kind that can make you go quiet and apologize in a mere instant when given. But because you know it, expect him to be even harsher if you defy it. Sometimes in your little tantrums you get so mad that you'll have the audacity to ignore that look and keep whining or being a brat which does not end well.
Meimei is what you call free use - any time, anywhere. One of the most important lessons Crepus told you when he first got you/when you were old enough is that you are never to deny the boys any of your holes if they want it. This is just as important for the boys to learn as it is you, he's a big believer in the whole, "if you act like a good proper master, the slave will naturally fall into their role too" sort of thing, so he teaches them to be forceful and dominating, not hesitant to do what they want -- if they're clear on what they want and make known their expectation of your obedience (and the subtle implication of threat of punishments if not complied with), you'll fall into the submissive role you're meant for and naturally want to submit to them like a good little wife-sister-slave.
So, whenever one of them beckons you over, you smile and ask them how you can help. Your brothers work so hard, and it's the least you can do to take care of their needs. Sometimes they just want you to sit on their lap, wrap your arms around them, sit there a while in silence when they're sad, sometimes they want to vent to you about things when they're frustrated, sometimes they want to use you. Of course, the former two usually leads to the last anyway. You're... emotional support pussy. There's important rules and practices to be followed, it's actually rules for all three of you, several apply to them, actually, as Crepus taught you before he died, and it's become second nature for the boys (it works in their benefit, after all). #1. You can never be left alone. There's a lot of reasons for this, but primarily it's in your instinct to get fucked, all you know how to do is take cock, so if you were left alone you may very well go running off and jump onto the first thing with a dick, and they can't have that. So basically you either have to be with one of them, within their sight, or accounted for in some way - there's a couple of installed tethering hooks and the like on the walls  in several areas of the house you can be attached to. But, really, they're not usually necessary, with two very horny males running around you're busy most of the time, even if it's a more passive task. You spend a lot of time sitting on someone's lap, sometimes taking naps throughout the day with whoever decides they're tired at the moment. So, you spend more or less every waking moment with one or both -- well, every sleeping moment too, of course you don't have you own room. You alternate nights between the two just like you were told to. There's not really any task you do alone. Bathing? It's always gotta be with one or the other. Sleeping? Always with one or the other. Even when you're cooking -- because obviously you do that, they wouldn't even know how to, since you've always done it -- one is always standing beside you, talking to you, or sitting a ways over in a chair as they vent about their day. Oh, speaking of that, as aforementioned, you're there for emotional burdens too. When one has had a long day, what would they do if meimei wasn't there for them to vent and whine and complain to? You've always been taught to be a good listener. Don't interrupt. Listen to everything and don't zone out. Don't oppose their actions when they're telling you about their problems, always tell them they were in the right and comfort them. Smile while you listen. That's how you were trained to respond when one of them has some burden to unload on you. Always offer your body to make them happy. That's the last part, and they've never not taken you up on the offer. That being said, sometimes you have to... motivate them. Push a little bit. You see, you're just so sweet that sometimes your brothers might want to just spend the entire day in bed with you. So you have to motivate them to do their actual work. Tell them that if they don't go to work, if they stay in bed all day inside you, how are you supposed to clean the house and make dinner for them? So they sigh and accept you're right and go off to work after all. And, again, the rule is important for them too. You can never run off on your own, but they're also vigilant not to ever leave you alone. When you're first bought, Crepus had to constantly pull them back inside the house when they'd go to another room for something because see, you're leaving her all alone and she's going to go running off and it'll be your fault. So they had to be conditioned to communicate and make sure you were always accounted for, taught how to restrain you properly. If you were left in a room, Crepus would come by to make sure they remembered to lock you inside, would test the tightness of your leash if you were tethered to something, and sigh and chastise if one of them neglected to do it right. #2. No getting off on your own, this is a rule they have to help enforce. It's a waste - you have TWO big brothers, surely one of them is always going to be available and eager, so really, getting yours without either of them involved is pretty selfish, and worthy of punishment if found doing so. If for whatever reason they're all too busy, you have the option of asking permission to ride and grind on their thigh, but no cumming until they're done with their task and are available to properly handle it. Crepus is particularly adamant about this rule, as well as enforcing the same mentality in them, doesn't think it's appropriate for a girl to be so selfishly absorbed with pleasure when she should  be giving it to the men that own her. For one, a girl should be spending all of her time dedicated to serving her masters in some way, and two, they're both needy boys that would be eager to fuck you at any time. So really, masturbating is an act of defiance and will be dealt with as such. #3. No favoritism! There will be times where you may feel mad at one or the other, and sure you have different levels of how much you can tolerate certain behaviors... But, you have to train yourself against that. Meimei should have no limits of what she can tolerate - that's part of your whole purpose. So even when you're mad at one, you can't try to avoid that one and go to the other, you still need to divide your time, energy, and body equally. Don't talk bad about one to the other, don't try to spend more time with one or the other at any time. This also includes pitting them against each other through jealousy, it's a huge no-no. Don't try to make one jealous of the other. If they catch you doing that, sooner or later they'll realize what you're doing, and deal with it, usually harshly, since it's seen as a high-ranking offense. In fact, you really shouldn't be mad, ever. Your big brothers know what's best for you, so if you're mad over a disagreement, you just need to accept that they're right and you're wrong and that you need to submit to their will. Outwardly showing you're upset is bratty behavior, things like pouting or giving them the cold shoulder are punishable offenses. #4. You're also a peacekeeper. Diffuse fights. Both of your big brothers can be... stubborn, prideful individuals. This leads to pretty regular conflict over this and that. It's meimei's job to help with that, calm them down with a smile on your face. Or, if it works better, with some tears and a quivering lip. Please don't fight, you say with watery eyes, sniffling, and well, they can't help but feel bad, they both turn their attention to you rather than to each other and apologize for making you upset.  And if they're having one if their regular it's my turn kind of arguments, your job is to propose the easy solution of sharing. You have more than one hole to fuck, and can easily cuddle one on each side. It should be an obvious solution. Oh, and they fight sometimes over who gets to do what, who spends time with you, but doing different things rather than both wanting to do the same thing. One is sitting at his desk to work and he can't be expected to focus on work without meimei sitting on his lap and cockwarming him of course, but the other says he wants to take a nap and how is he supposed to sleep if he can't rest his head on meimei's tits? There is only so much of her to go around! But they will legit adjust their schedules to make sure they get alone time. And are very nitpicky about it -- wait why do *you* get an extra hour on Tuesday?? If you get that I deserve an extra hour on Thursday -- that sort of thing. You're supposed to be able to propose such ideas. It's your job to come up with solutions that make everyone happy. You can cockwarm one brother while he works and tell the other that hey, if he postpones the nap, you can just ride him until he cums and can sleep right? Things like that. #5 Actually isn't for you, it's for them, regarding punishment. When Crepus got you, the poor boys didn't really know how to go about doing it, so they had to be taught. It's important to be a good master and know how to do so adequately, you know? To not let anger get the better of them and go too far, since sometimes they might get too mad about something. In fact, a good trick, he teaches them, is to just tie you up, and go blow off some steam before coming back to punish you. That way they won't go too far, and you'll have to wait around in fear for a while, which just helps the punishment sink in better. But at the same time, don't go too light. No matter how much you whimper, he says, don't feel pity for her and go lax. It's intentional, it's just your nature to try and fake-cry to try and get out of it. You did something bad, so they shouldn't feel bad about it, even if you cry and squeal. It's the right thing to do. You're supposed to cry, you're supposed to say it hurts and whimper, that just means they're doing it right. But of course, there's some sensitivities to be taught. If they have you bent over a knee, they have to make sure to only hit your ass and the back of your thighs, make sure not to go up too high and hit your back, since that could cause injury. If they're gonna fuck your ass as punishment, make sure to use a certain amount of lube. Things like that, it's important to be good masters, just as much as it is your job to be a good little slave.
And to remember, of course, that meimei is... an inferior little creature. Don't get mad at her just because she's stupid and doesn't understand this or that, that's not her fault. She can't be expected to be smart or responsible, that's their job. But also, don't feel pressured to give her what she wants just because she wants it or anything. And, most importantly, don't start having self-doubt and ever think she might be right about something while they're wrong, because obviously that can't be the case. You might get defiant and try to insist you know better than them, act like you're just as capable of something as they are, or think your opinions matter or something, but in that case, they have a responsibility to remind you of your place.
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dancingamongstdust · 3 years
MHA Scenarios - First Meeting (Part 2)
Pinky/Alien Queen
The first time you met Mina was when you were much younger.
She had been in the friends group that you always admired and it had taken you a while to work up the courage to speak to her. Everything about her screamed her confidence and you looked up to her in almost every way possible. She was beautiful, her quirk was powerful, and there wasn’t a person alive who could dislike her.
But she had hardly noticed that you were there. At least, you had believed that you would slip under her radar. She wouldn’t know that she was your inspiration for your school choice and that was fine by you.
And yet…
Your name was called only a few minutes after you stepped through the main gates. A blur of pink nearly bowled you over and Mina practically picked you up with the strength of her hug.
“I didn’t know that you were coming here!” she squealed. “This is so cool! I was super worried that I was going to not know anybody here. Did you get into the hero course also?”
You laughed awkwardly, stepping away despite not really wanting to stop the hug. It was odd to stand before her and realised that not only did she know who you were but she was excited to see you.
You hadn’t just been a background character in her massive friend group.
“I didn’t try for the hero course,” you explained. “I’m here for the marketing course.”
She tilted her head to the side. “Wait, really? Your quirk would really suit being a hero though.”
“I know but it’s just not for me.”
Mina grabbed your arm then, walking closely by your side as you entered the large school. “That’s okay! I’m going to need a good marketing team one day when I’m out saving the world. Who better than somebody who’s known me since middle school?”
“You’re like the sweetest person in the world,” you pointed out. “Anybody with a brain cell will adore you when you’re a hero. Your marketing probably won’t have to do anything at all.”
She smiled proudly at your assessment. “Imagine if I make it to the top 10 without even working for an agency. I think I’d be like the first, right?”
You didn’t actually know the answer but, luckily, it seemed to be a rhetorical question anyway.
“I haven’t met anybody from my course yet and I’m super nervous,” she continued. “I saw a few kids during the exam that I am certain got in so I can’t wait to meet them. Hopefully they’re all super nice. Also, I can’t wait to see what they’ve done with my hero outfit! You should see what I sent in because I think you would love it.”
“I’m guessing it works for dancing as well as hero work?” you asked.
She nodded excitedly. “Do you expect anything else? I actually don’t think I’ve ever asked but do you like dancing?”
“I mean –“
You didn’t get much time to answer before she spotted somebody and excitedly grabbed your arm. “That guy was in my exam!” she said. “I just knew he was going to make it! You should see how awesome his quirk is. I’m going to go say hi.”
She raced off into the crowd, heading for somebody that you hadn’t quite seen. You couldn’t help the smile that graced your face at the thought of continuing to be in the same school as her. Perhaps now, without the distractions of others, the two of you could become actual friends.
You held your head high, excited to meet others in your course and learn some things to speak to her about in the coming days.
Red Riot
There was no place in the world quite like your home. Returning after far too long, you were extraordinarily excited to revisit all your favourite places and meet up with people.
Except that most of your friends had moved away from home in order to live on school grounds. And your favourite street food vendor had disappeared. Even the park had removed the swings that you had so many good memories associated with.
And thus, what had started as a great day had quickly gone downhill.
You found yourself just walking around, snacking on something small and hoping to just relax a little before having to unpack. Much of the place felt dull and uninteresting – not even the stuff that had remained being enough to cheer you up. It was honestly a little miserable and you had been hoping for some excitement.
Your request to the universe was thankfully answered when you finally spotted a familiar face standing outside the massive gates ahead of you.
Slowly, you made your way over and grabbed Midoriya’s shoulders playfully. The friend that you once knew would have jumped but laughed at it once he saw you.
He didn’t do that.
You yelped in pain as he spun around and grabbed your wrist tightly. He had never been strong before but now his grip felt like it could break bone.
The moment he recognised you, he released his hold and you backed away feeling thoroughly embarrassed.
“That was a bit excessive,” you commented dryly when he said your name.
“I am so sorry,” he said, quickly holding up his hands. “I thought that you – I mean, you gave me an awful fright.”
“No problem,” you said though your wrist still smarted. “I was going to do it to Bakugo originally.”
As though he magically heard you mention his name, the blond lifted his head from where you had spotted him beyond the gates. His ever-present snarl was still on his face and it only deepened when he spotted you. “I thought you had gone off and died somewhere!” he snapped, loud enough that many students turned to look curiously.
“You wish I had!” you responded. “I didn’t think they would let you into such a fancy school. I’m impressed.”
“And I’m disappointed that they let you back into the city!”
“He’s as sweet as always,” you said, turning back to Midoriya who looked at least slightly happy to see you. “I’m glad that you got into your dream school. You were always working so hard to make it happen. How did you do it?”
“I got a late quirk,” he chuckled.
A shadow fell over you and you turned to give Bakugo a glare. “You’re standing in my sunlight. Could you move?”
He was about to respond, undoubtedly with a cutting remark when a red-haired guy smoothly stepped around him. “You must be from their middle school, right?” he guessed, holding out his hand. “I’m Kirishima.”
You were beyond confused at having your impending fight interrupted. Bakugo didn’t seem to feel the same way, instead looking resigned. This happened often then.
You introduced yourself though, keeping your surprise well hidden. “It’s lovely to meet you. I’m sorry you have to be in the hero course with these two. I doubt they’ve gotten better with their constant fighting.”
“You’d actually be surprised. Their rivalry is just so manly and inspiring,” he enthused, looking for all intents as though he genuinely believed it. “But they’ve actually been getting along better recently.”
“Really? Tell me some details?”
Before anybody could protest, Kirishima began expressing how the two had slowly been growing to respect one another. Most of his praise fell onto Bakugo (who was giving you a look that promised you would die very soon) and you made sure to inject playful comments every now and then.
At the very least, your day was getting better by the minute.
Sometimes people would call you a disappointment. They were rarely people of importance – at least in your life, and it was something you’d learned to ignore them in a healthy childishness sort of way.
Despite what all those people thought, you weren’t a disappointment.
And it certainly was unfortunate.
Your parents weren’t pro-heroes but they held great sway in other ways. Ways that earned them a seat at many tables and an introduction at others. And that was how you made connections and earned your own reputation. Though accourding to many, the latter wasn’t something that you should be proud of.
You walked with your head held high and accepted any words that they offered to you with a simple smile and the occasional rude gesture.
It had served you well enough until you found yourself at some stuffy gala with nobody to talk to. On the surface, you had expected everything to continue in the same way that it always had.
But your parents stuck closer to you than ever. Normally they would disappear to socialize but tonight was different.
You found out why when they marched you almost directly to one of the world’s most intimidating people.
The Number Two hero himself.
Perhaps it was because of your normal personality but he made you uncomfortable. Everything about him ate at you and made you want to fight. But you merely introduced yourself and wondered what it was that he wanted.
“Your quirk is admirable,” he said. “If rumours are to be believed.”
“They’re rarely reliable,” you said.
He glanced at your parents, seeming to have a silent conversation with them before nodding. “Wait here,” he said.
Your parents disappeared to go talk to people but both gave you equally strong warnings – though their own came mostly through looks than actual words. Leaving wasn’t an option, no matter how long it took. And it really felt like absolute ages before Endeavor reappeared, his youngest son trailing behind him.
“Shoto and you are close in age,” he said. “Speak to one another.”
That… wasn’t what you had been expecting.
Shoto Todoroki didn’t want to be there but his dislike for the event seemed to go even further than your own. Though he didn’t frown, his deadpan spoke volumes and an uneasy atmosphere settled over you both. Once Endeavor marched off, you were very much expecting him to leave but he remained, staring at you.
“Hey,” you greeted.
You chuckled awkwardly and rubbed the back of your neck. “I haven’t really been told to make friends since I was much younger…”
“This isn’t about us being friends,” Todoroki said. “This is about creating a good reputation with your parents through our connection. They already get along well but this would undoubtedly benefit them both.”
“Oh,” was really all you could say.
“Business as usual,” he responded.
“So, you’re not up for being friends?” you asked, half-joking because you were unsure what else to say or do in this type of situation.
“I don’t care much either way.”
You could go off and cause trouble. It was tempting to be caught sneaking food into your bag again or climbing to the roof and taking selfies. But those were the things that you always did at these events. Never did you interact with anybody and you were, admittedly, curious about the burn that covered the younger Todoroki’s face.
“Well, we should talk then,” you declared. “After all, we are a ‘similar age’.”
He rolled his eyes at your attempt at an impersonation of his father’s voice. At the very least, he didn’t seem to consider talking to you to be that much of a chore.
(I’ve begun writing a much longer Todoroki x Reader story with a similar situation. You can find it on by clicking here).
People loved gossip. That was a sad but inherently true fact. Some preferred to keep away from the stuff and knew nothing about their own reputation but you liked knowing what they said about you. Thankfully, the majority of the time, it was good.
But that was unfortunately not true for everybody.
You heard them whispering about him as you entered class the one day. He always kept to himself but after the sports festival, Shinso had garnered many positive things said about him. You had never spoken to him yourself but you had thought that he was proud of how he could impress people.
Originally, you brushed it off as more speculation but the gossip sounded meaner than ever so you chose to listen in.
“No, I’m telling you, it’s scary as shit,” one guy was saying. “I began thinking all these really dark thoughts about like what I could do to people and stuff. It must have come from his quirk, right?”
“Wait, seriously?”
“Yeah, it was wild. I know you guys all think that he’s some big shot but we should be careful trusting somebody with a quirk like his.”
You cleared your throat, quickly drawing attention to yourself. It would be plausible if you didn’t know the main person describing his experience. He was always complaining about not getting enough credit or attention – never seemed to be without something rude to say about every quirk but his own.
And he had been getting steadily more jealous of the general course’s most famous student.
“There is no way that Shinso’s quirk could do that,” you said firmly. “Don’t you remember how it was described at all? It doesn’t take over your thoughts, just your body.”
The guy scoffed. “No offense class rep but I don’t think you know what you’re talking about. I got hypnotized yesterday, not you.”
You raised an eyebrow at him, willing to take the bait but unable to yet. Shinso normally got to class shortly before it began. So you waited until he arrived and then stepped in front of him with a friendly smile.
“Hey Shinso! I’m sorry to do this but I’ve been getting some conflicting answers about your mind control,” you said, projecting your voice just loud enough. “Could you show me?”
“Show you what?”
He sounded as though he had just woken up. You would have given him some time but you were on a bit short on it with class starting soon.
“How it feels to be under your hypnosis thing,” you said. “Apparently it’s kind of awesome and I was wondering if you could do it to me?”
He raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure?”
“Is this a dumb bet?”
“Nope. I just want to feel it.”
He sighed heavily as though you were asking for the toughest thing in the world which, admittedly, you may just be doing.  “Do you like ramen?”
You felt as though you’d been plunged into an ice bath. All of your limbs grew cold distant, like they had been yanked from your grasp. Initially, you panicked but you focused on relaxing. Shinso was in control, that was all that was happening. You trusted Shinso wouldn’t make you do anything.
“Go and sit at your desk,” he said.
His words sent a jolt through your body and it began to moving, dragging itself to follow his orders. Once you were sitting, the warmth came back to you and you could feel your own limbs once again.
“That was so awesome!” you said happily. “Thank you! It’s pretty startling initially but once you remember what’s happening, it begins to make sense.”
He nodded and sat down at his own spot.
You made direct eye contact with the group who had been gossiping earlier and you gave them a dazzling smile. The main one gave you a dirty look but you ignored it, relishing instead in the proof that you now had.
Everybody knew who the Big 3 within U.A. were. They were impossible to ignore but quickly made friends with everybody, at least, two of them did.
Having been in their class for your entire U.A. experience, you had watched their quirks develop and fought alongside them in many exercises. They tended to stick to themselves for team ups or wound up working alongside one another. You had respected that but now you were beginning to get curious.
So, the one day you walked up to Nejire and told her, “I want to speak to Tamaki.”
She frowned at you in confusion. You were friends and often hung out together which meant, “You’ve spoken to Tamaki before.”
“No, I’ve spoken to groups that happen to have him in them. That’s not speaking to him, that’s speaking around him. Whenever I try to address him directly, Mirio or you end up answering for him.”
“That’s just Tamaki,” she said, taking a bite of her lunch bar.
It was just after a pretty intense training session and everybody was feeling quite tired. Most of you snacked before returning to class, citing that you had had complications in removing costumes or something similar.
“But I’ve been in his class for three years now and I’ve never actually spoken to the guy,” you urged. “Can you blame me for being curious?”
“I guess not but he’s not going to have anything interesting to say. He’s pretty quiet about literally everything.”
“You can try.”
Later at lunch, you joined the group at Nejire’s request. She plopped you down directly next to Tamaki and grabbed Mirio’s attention from the moment the conversation started. They spoke about something arbitrary which left you to speak to Tamaki… who was making a point to stare at his food.
“Tamaki, how’s your training been going?” you asked.
He glanced towards Mirio who paused his conversation with Nejire to tell you all about this new move that Tamaki was working on. You smiled and nodded but you weren’t too happy with this.
Nejire sensed it and this time told Mirio that she needed to show him something. Tamaki made to go with them but she quickly said, “Nope, only Mirio,” and practically dragged him away.
Second attempt.
“You work with Fatgum, right?” you asked. “He’s one of my favourite heroes. Is he just as friendly in real life?”
Tamaki gave a small nod but said nothing else.
“Why’d you choose to work with him?”
There was a moment of silence and then Tamaki muttered out something about food-related quirks. It was so soft that he honestly may as well have not answered for all the information you got. You wondered if it was just you but you knew it wasn’t.
“During my patrols the other night, we found this gang with a guy who could create like spikes from his feet. They made him a surprisingly fast runner but we caught him eventually. I became a parkour expert during the chase.”
Tamaki didn’t respond at all.
So you sighed in way that you knew he wouldn’t notice and just resigned yourself to silence. It was better than speaking to yourself at least.
Minutes went by and you considered sending Nejire a message to tell her to just come back when Tamaki spoke.
It was still soft but it was actually directed toward you. “What happened to the rest of the gang if you were chasing one guy?”
You looked up with an excitement that you really hoped wasn’t too visible. “Well, thankfully I wasn’t alone and the other work study students got them. But of course, I ended up having to chase the fast guy.”
“They always try and get me to deal with the big groups,” he said. “Fatgum thinks my quirk is good for crowd control.”
“You know, I could really see that. Have you ever been like really out of your depth?”
“All the time. Once…”
And that was how you started your friendship with Amajiki Tamaki.
Japan’s public transport system was one of the best in the world, that was something you believed with an utmost sincerity. But like anything, it always runs the risk of getting stuck behind a hero-incident.
You were on your way home from a day that felt like it had dragged by at the pace of a snail. Most of what you wanted to get done hadn’t happened so, though it wasn’t particularly bad, it was boring and bland. All you had been looking forward to was getting home and finally just sleeping for as long as you could.
The train jostled slightly as it left the station and you felt safe enough to let go of the grab handle for a short while. You knew the train route better than anybody else, having to ride it multiple times in a day.
You scrolled on your phone and just counted the minutes to each turn and hiccup in the train’s path. Everything was going accourding to plan.
And then, from somewhere outside the train, you heard a massive explosion.
A battle was happening in the city and you could see the glints of light from where you were standing. You reached up for your grab handle. Unfortunately, you moved too slow.
The train came to a jerking halt and you found yourself tumbling backward as it tried to continue forward. You accidentally slammed into the guy behind you, stepping on his foot and just about headbutting him.
The guy steadied you and helped you stand once the train had come to a full stop.
“I am so sorry,” you said, turning to face him.
“It’s no problem.”
He looked familiar enough that you stared a little – trying to identify where you knew him from. His blond hair and dark eyes didn’t stand out too much but then you spotted the tufted tail over his shoulder.
“You’re part of U.A.’s hero course, aren’t you?” you asked, a little too excited but unable to help yourself.
He seemed momentarily confused but a blush spread across his face, nevertheless. “Yeah, I am. How did you know?”
“I recognise you from the sports festival,” you admitted. “Sorry, I’m sure you get that a lot. And also, sorry for standing on your foot. Your quirk is really cool by the way and I’m talking a bit much now so I’m sorry.”
“You’ve apologised way too much now,” he laughed. “It’s okay and thanks. My tail often gets overlooked because of the flashier quirks.”
You frowned. “Really? But it’s so cool.”
He smiled and shrugged, as though resigned to a simple fact. “It’s just a tail.” He looked through the window. “Looks like the fight’s going to take a while.”
You couldn’t see much and most people were already clamoring to get to the best spot to watch. “That’s fine,” you said. “As long as Mountain Lady doesn’t break the tracks again… that’s happened to me before I had to walk for almost two hours to get home.”
He chuckled. “I’ve had something similar but my tram got overturned. Honestly, I hope to become a hero that never causes such extreme property damage.”
“I’m sure the city will thank you if nobody else does,” you joked. “And I will too… though, if I’m being honest, I don’t actually know your name.”
“Ojiro,” he said. “My current hero name is Tailman but it’s more of a work in progress.”
You giggled. “I like it. It’ll work great on merchandise, you know?”
“Thank you. What’s your name?”
You told him happily. Though the battle left you waiting on the train for almost a full hour, you didn’t mind at all because you spent the entire time talking about anything and everything. Right before you left, you had offered Ojiro your number and he had gladly taken it.
Some people said that you were far too skittish to be in a hero school. Well, most people said it. Honestly, it was quite offending but also very correct in almost every way.
Loud noises made you jump. Insects or insect-like quirks made you very uncomfortable. There was even somebody in the school who made lights flicker on and off, never failing to make you leave a room the moment that they entered. You tried to stick with your friends at all times but it wasn’t possible for them to always be there.
It was later in the afternoon when you walked through the halls to notice a dark sky overhead.
You shivered while staring up at it, knowing that a storm would definitely be rolling in soon. If you could, you would have headed home immediately and attempted to hide from the noise that was sure to come.
But you didn’t have that option available.
You made your way to your next class, avoiding people and keeping an unwavering eye on the weather. Perhaps you should have just pretended it didn’t exist because you saw the moment that lightning flashed. Thunder followed and you jumped.
Your bag nearly fell on the floor as you dashed to hide behind the least scary person nearby.
Who just so happened to be one of the hero course students?
You hadn’t meant to cower behind him but he was tall and gave off an insane feeling of protection. It had been instinct. But you quickly realised that you probably shouldn’t hide behind a complete stranger.
You forced yourself to step away from him and bowed your head in apology. “I’m sorry for my actions,” you said. “I just got scared by the thunder.”
He was incredibly tall and had a complete multiplex of limbs. A mask hid the majority of his face but when he spoke, you could still hear him clearly. “It’s alright. You don’t have to worry about the weather, you know? U.A. is well protected from any lightning or storm winds.”
“It’s more just the sound,” you said nervously, glancing toward the sky. “I’m a little skittish about it.”
“You’re skittish about literally everything,” somebody said as they walked past.
It was one of your classmates who seemed to be thoroughly enjoying herself. You chuckled nervously and fought back the temptation to follow her to class in order to feel safe. Everybody knew that you were a nervous person and many found it funny instead of worrying as they once had.
You blushed and stepped away from him, trying to hide your embarrassment. “Sorry again. I really do get scared of everything.”
“It can’t be everything if you were willing to hide behind me,” he pointed out. “I’m pretty terrifying in my appearance.”
You scoffed at that, catching your rudeness seconds after it appeared. Hurriedly, you explained, “I don’t think you’re scary at all. Like your quirk is awesome and all but it’s not like you could kill me by not paying attention.”
“And you know many quirks like that?”
“I’m sure you do also.”
He nodded slowly just as another crack of thunder rolled across the sky. You jumped a little but managed to not run away. “Do you want me to walk you to your classroom? It might make you feel a little safer.”
You blinked at him. “Are you sure? Won’t it make you late also?”
“It shouldn’t.”
The two of you walked side-by-side through the halls, his height practically shielding you from the storm outside. You were eternally grateful, especially when the rain picked up as you were nearing your class. When you arrived, you breathed a sigh of relief.
“Thank you for the escort…”
Being stuck in the dorms took some getting used to.
You found that you couldn’t sleep most nights, tossing and turning while trying to get comfortable. The need for them was clear but you couldn’t help hating the reason behind it all. Your home was comfortable and here you often found random mushrooms growing across the kitchen counters.
It was late one night and you had found yourself staring at the ceiling for about an hour before deciding to do something about it. You climbed out of bed and threw on your favourite jacket with little thought. There had to be something to be done.
You walked down to the main room and found that everybody had retired to their rooms. The kitchen was barren and the front door was… unlocked?
It certainly wasn’t meant to be but you didn’t question it.
Instead, you slipped out of the dorms and closed the door tightly behind you. The fresh night air invigorated your senses and you turned onto the main path. There was no destination in mind for you. All you wanted to do was walk.
When you initially spotted another person, you started getting nervous. What if the door had been a trick? Would villains try to lure students from their dorms?
But you soon recognised the bird-like features of a student from 1A. Tokoyami.
“Hey,” you greeted, waving so that he didn’t get a fright like you had.
He frowned and you both came to a stop, walking paths having led you face to face with one another. “I wasn’t expecting to find another person out here,” he said. “I thought these midnight walks were pretty uncommon.”
“So did I,” you joked. “Do you mind if I join you? Some company is always better than walking alone.”
He shrugged. “I don’t see why not.”
You fell into step beside him and the two of you strolled through the main areas of U.A.’s grounds. Neither one of you wanted to leave which worked out well. Fireflies drifted past your nose and crickets sang their cheery tune.
“Do you struggle to sleep?” Tokoyami asked.
“A little. The dorms are quite an adjustment from what I’m used to. What about you? What are you doing out here so late?”
Tokoyami looked up at the sky. “I’ve always liked the night,” he said. “The darkness is welcoming and filled with far less expectations than the day. It’s unfortunate that my quirk keeps me away from it as much as it does. Otherwise, I often think that I may just become nocturnal.”
“I get that. When I was a kid, I’d sometimes drag my blankets out to the garden and just sleep under the stars.”
“I never thought that the two of us may have something in common,” Tokoyami mused. “Though, if I’m being honest, I didn’t think too much of you. I know your class and your quirk but little else.”
You giggled. “I was just thinking about it. It’s surprising how little our classes interact even though we’re all working toward one goal.”
“It’s a pity, honestly.”
You glanced around at the darkness and a thought occurred to you. “Would you be fine with bringing out Dark Shadow here? Or are the streetlights not strong enough?”
“They’d be fine but I often like to have my thoughts away from him,” Tokoyami said. “With training, I’ve grown used to having him around constantly but sometimes, the quiet is nice.” He glanced at you. “I appreciate your company quite a bit though.”
“Oh, thanks.” It was a good thing that the dark could hide your blush so well.
The roof of U.A. had become your safe spot for many reasons – not least of which was your ability to get there with an ease that befuddled many other students. Even you didn’t know if it was more because of your quirk or if you were just talented at climbing.
What you did know was that once you were up there, the rest of the world fell away and all you had to worry about was the clouds and an occasional bird.
One day, while you were relaxing close to the edge, a pen drifted past you. It was pink and adorable – floating through the air as though the laws of gravity meant naught to it.
You reached out and took it from where it was floating. It continued trying to leave your hands but, after a little while, the effect seemed to wear off. You twirled it between your fingers, wondering if it belonged to somebody in specific.
Then a second pen appeared and you took that one too.
It became a slight game. You allowed them to get high enough before capturing them and soon, you had a small pile of stationary in your pockets. They were surely coming from somebody and you planned to return them as soon as you got down.
Then, a small notepad appeared. On the first page, a little ‘Hi’ was written in cursive with a heart doodled beside it.
You flipped over to a new page and wrote your own greeting aside a quick flower. Then, you allowed the notepad to drift back over the edge. It rose for a short while but then gravity came back and it plummeted toward the ground. You watched it go and hoped that it didn’t land in dirt or anything.
Thankfully, it didn’t seem to because it soon came up with a new message. ‘I’m Uraraka. What’s your name?’
You wrote down a response and the notepad dropped again. Soon, it returned, telling you that your name was very pretty. That made you laugh and blush a little.
In return, you asked why she was sending notes to you and she said that she had been trying to get her quirk more accurate. Apparently, she could take away gravity from objects and she’s working on holding it for longer.
You asked if she wanted her stationary back and she said no, it was okay. You could give it back later.
Being a bit flirtatious, you had asked if she wanted to get a milkshake when you gave it back and, to your immense surprise, she said that sounded like fun. The conversation continued through the notepad with much laughter until you realised something sad. You had run out of paper to write on.
Uraraka realised this also and she put a sad face on the final page.
So you leaned over the top of the roof and glanced around to see if anybody was looking up. Sure enough, you quickly spotted a brunette who was almost directly beneath you and wearing a soft pink outfit.
You waved and received one in return.
Flipping to the front of your notebook, you scribbled down your number and put several arrows to make sure she saw it. To your surprise, she actually caught the notepad when you dropped it instead of letting it hit the ground.
She gave you a thumbs up when she noticed that you were watching. Soon, your phone buzzed as a message from an unknown number came through.
You took a picture of your view and sent it through, mentioning that she was smaller than you thought. She laughed and asked if you had good signal up there. The best, you were sure. Then your phone began ringing and you answered a video call with the cutest girl you had ever seen.
“I didn’t know you could get to the roof,” she laughed.
“With the right dedication, you can do anything.”
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Corpse Husband x Plus-sized Reader (Female)
Warnings: Body Image Insecurities, Low self-esteem, Swearing
Genre:  Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: Feeling comfortable in her skin has hardly ever been the case for Y/N who’s been struggling with body image issues all her life. However, they only get worse when she sees the ‘type’ of girls her crush is into.
Requested by Anon. Hi darling! Thank you so much for your request (hits close to home 😅) I’m so sorry it has taken me so long to fulfill it and post it but here it finally is and if you’ve stuck around long enough to read it, I hope you enjoy! ALSO! - Never forget how beautiful and amazing you are. Never compare your beauty to someone else’s. We’re all beautiful people and we all shine so brightly and uniquely. No one deserves to be compared to anyone when we’re all so different yet so incredible. Love you and appreciate you with all my heart, Vy ❤
If I ever need my ego taken down a few notches - it never does, it’s barely even present, to be honest - all I have to do is go on Instagram. To be honest, regardless of how I’m feeling, opening that app is bound to make my mood plummet and come crashing into the ground so hard it drives a hole in it - probably in the form of a broken heart.
Being a content creator myself, I often get asked questions about my absence on that social platform specifically. I mean, the questions are based and rational I guess, considering I’m not a faceless YouTuber and yet my Instagram account is void of any photos. It’s not like I don’t post at all - I do! I post on my story often but it’s more often than not scenery I find pretty or a poster I’ve made for a movie/video game. Bottom line is: I barely ever allow a picture of me to make it online. The most my fans are ever gonna get of me is a selfie which is also a super rare occurrence because of how long it takes me to take and choose one I don’t hate.
Ok, but how am I supposed to find the motivation to post any sort of picture of myself when on my timeline I’m always faced with people worthy of posting pictures of themselves. People with such perfect bodies and beautiful faces. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not jealous or envious of those people - good for them! They know what they’re working with and they’re working it well. I have nothing against them, in fact, I love seeing people proud of their bodies no matter their size, shape or weight. Those are my role-models: people who are proud of themselves, their bodies, their attributes and capabilities and don’t hesitate to show them off. Those are the people I look up to but, deep down inside I know I’ll never be like.
Insecure about my body, having been referred to as ‘chubby’ and ‘squishy’ all my life. Inappreciative of the stuff I do: starting from my job as a graphic designer leading towards my job on YouTube - nothing I do, professionally or otherwise, satisfies me. Nothing I do is enough in my eyes because I feel incapable of ever being able to do enough. I’ve been called lazy and a half-asser a few too many times to be able to brush it off as a meaningless insult. 
With these problems I’ve had with myself and my own perception of who I am and the work I do, I’ve never had the time for romance or romantic relationships. I second-guess the intentions of everyone who ever shows any interest in me because in my mind I’m nothing special and I have nothing to offer - nothing attractive or likable at least. That being said, I haven’t even been one to make heart eyes at others either. I busy myself with my job and some side-gigs, brushing off any relationship questions with the excuse that I’m ‘just too busy to be in a relationship’ which is technically true.
Having spent twenty plus years with that mindset, one can imagine how surprised I was when I found myself catching feelings for someone. And that someone just couldn’t be any other than the biggest YouTube sensation at the moment - Corpse Husband.
I’m close friends with Poki - her and I were roommates at one point too - so her inviting me to play Among Us with them wasn’t so strange. One or two games, I thought, nothing unusual there, just friendly curtesy. I wasn’t expecting to warm up to the group of famous streamers nor did I expect them to welcome me among them so easily, mostly because my channel is so small and practically invisible to the YouTube algorithm. But soon enough, I became a permanent member of the team, making friends with every single one of those YouTubers I practically thought of a celebrities.
This journey of branching out to other content creators has proven itself to be surprisingly pleasant and has packed my book of friendships to the brim. All of that came unexpectedly, along with a wave of new subs and a higher view count. However, as I mentioned, it hasn’t been all sunshine and rainbows. I came to finally understand what my high school friends were talking about when they were head over heels for a boy - the butterflies in the stomach whenever he speaks your name; the importance of the laugh you share with him, how special and different it is; how cool it is to be impostors with him - ok they never said that, obviously, but it’s what I have as a substitute to the ‘when the two of you make eye-contact’ bullshit since Corpse and I have never seen each other in person. That is, of course, because of him being a faceless YouTuber and me being a self-conscious and insecure girl.
We do talk all the time though - texting, calling, chilling on Discord, you name it. Our conversations range from deeply philosophical to ones that might mislead someone into thinking we’re high. There’s no topic we haven’t touched upon and yet we still manage to find something new to talk about. We have plenty of similarities but we also never seem to run out of differences we slowly come across as we keep getting to know each other better and better. 
And somewhere along that journey I ended up catching feelings.
Human nature of wanting to connect with other people, I curse you for what you’ve done to me.
You might think I’m being overdramatic about the whole ordeal and that this is just a normal, natural occurrence many people experience in their life - some even daily. Well, not only am I far from used to it, but it’s also taking a toll of a different kind on me.
It’s like a constant slap to the face. 
That slap turned into a punch when Corpse and I started following each other on Instagram and I started getting daily reminders of how out of my depth I am with this crush on him. In over my head, especially when you look at all those girls whose pics and videos he reposts on his story. Imagine how that makes me feel, what that does to me - puts me back into the ‘Constantly not good enough‘ basket, the one I’ve been fighting to get out of all my life. In the past and in different contexts I could easily say that it was all just my mind hating me intensely but now - now that I know for a fact I’m not good enough and don’t fit Corpse’s criteria - it hurts ten times as much. I’m not one to do shit for someone’s attention or to attract someone’s eyes, but it really hurts my feelings. Often times, it also leads me to doing dumb things and making rash decisions. 
Like the one I made two days ago.
Imagine me cringing and shaking my head at my own stupidity as I admit this: I, in a frenzy, ordered a whole e-girl getup with overnight delivery. 
Wait, hold up, it gets worse. 
I received it yesterday and spent the whole day regretting that decision, but then, in my most insecure hours - which was somewhere around midnight - I equipped the get-up, took a picture and posted it on my Instagram page. First full body pic I’ve ever posted on there. First pic I’ve posted there of any kind. There to stay, not to be gone in twenty four hours. First pic, and it’s not even of me. It’s of who I want to be in order to fit someone’s criteria. And that fucking stings.
As you might imagine, I’ve spent today’s day regretting that decision as well. Recently my mood’s been nothing but regretting rash decisions that have surfaced under the influence of my ridiculous, constantly-present insecurities. And I would’ve probably gotten over it rather quickly had I not received a message from Corpse that read:
“Didn’t think of you with an e-girl aesthetic“
I didn’t open the message, I peeped at it as it was a notification on my lock screen. It’s still there, an unread notification. It’s been two hours since I received it and I cannot think of a single thing to say in response to that. 
Truth is, I’m afraid. I’m afraid of so many things right now.
I’m afraid of becoming that girl in the photo, cause I’m most definitely not her.
I’m afraid of letting Corpse down by admitting I’m not her.
I’m afraid of what my own mind has made me do because it hates me so much and I’m terrified of what it might do in the future.
I’m afraid and stranded on things to do.
You can’t be her forever, you know. Being her won’t make your insecurities go away, it’ll only make them worse. Haven’t you learned that by now?
I sigh, frustrated and irritated with myself as I grab my phone and tap on the notification, finally deciding to face the music and allow my instincts to carry me through the interaction. Improvisation, that’s one of the few things I’m good at. Let’s hope it doesn’t fail me.
I’m just about to type out my response - not sure what it’s gonna say - when I give the message Corpse has sent me a second glance.  I furrow my brows, finding there’s more to it than that peep through the notification let me see.
“Didn’t think of you with an e-girl aesthetic. You’re personality is so bright and colorful, I could’ve never imagined you were into the darks and blacks“
Because I’m not
I fail to realize until the message has been sent that my thoughts are exactly what I typed out and sent.
And honestly, I’m glad. It feels like I’ve spoken my truth, like I’ve lifted a huge boulder off my chest.
With that rare confidence in mind I go on and delete the picture.
In its spot, I post a picture I just now took - a mirror selfie in my homey get-up consisting of hot pink sweatpants and an oversized blue tee, my hair in a messy bun, my face free of make-up.
I caption it: ‘Oops, had the e-girl filter on for the last one. This is filterless me tho so...Hi 🥴’
A lot better, I’m surprised to hear my inner voice say. I hope I don’t get used to all this kindness on my brain’s part, probably won’t last, but damn if I don’t milk every second of it.
Just then, I receive a new message from non other than Corpse.
“Now that’s the girl I see when I think of you. She’s super cute 😉“
My, oh my, who would’ve guessed Corpse has a game like that - and by that I mean the ability to make me blush so intensely with only a text message.
Now ain’t that better than being someone else, Y/N?
It sure is, it sure is.
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anonquack · 3 years
| Red Reunion |
Alex Quackity x Reader, Oneshot!
Word Count: 7157
Warnings: This contains DSMP LORE spoilers (egg lore) and character death is described (no MCD). Angst to fluff. Read at your own risk. Also; curse words (:
Summary: After some time off the DSMP, you make your return, only to find out everything has changed. The person you care most about is not himself anymore, and you're going to do everything in your power to put a smile back on his face. Bring Quackity back to you, and make up all the time lost.
A lot had changed since you were last here. Some parts had been destroyed due to conflicts, others just did not give off the same approachable feeling they used to. Things around the Dream SMP were very different.
As you walked around, in search for something or someone you recognized, your eyes fell upon Bad. He seemed to be rather busy, chatting up a storm with what looked to be Ant. Finally, some familiar faces!
The feeling of relief that rushed over you after seeing Bad made you act on impulse. Before you knew it, you were standing a few steps away from Ant and Bad.
"Bad!?" You called out. The relief slowly dissipated as you got closer. Bad did not look like himself, and neither did Ant. There was something slightly off about them. But it was too late now, their attention was on you.
"Y/N-?" Bad responded, milky eyes widening slightly, at the sight he hadn't seen in what felt like decades. This was Bad. No doubt. You nodded in response and quickly wrapped him into a hug, not caring to think that the time you two spent apart had also put some space between you two. Ignorant to the idea that things had changed.
You felt the tension running through his body as your arms wrapped around him, and decided to pull away after a few seconds. "Hi." You let out, waving at Ant, who seemed just as surprised to see you here.
"Hi-!" Bad and Ant responded. "What are you doing here?" Ant added, confusion clear in his face. Although it stung slightly, it made sense. It had been too long since you last stepped foot on the SMP. Nobody knew when you'd be back, but now you were finally here.
"I'm..back. I missed you all, but it seems stuff has changed." You said, gently scratching the back of your neck in anticipation of their response. They looked at each other before Bad gave you a grin, gently resting his hand onto your shoulder.
"Nonsense. It's nice to see you again, Y/N. I'm actually glad we bumped into you, so we can formally invite you to the Red Banquet! Ant, Ponk, and I will be hosting it, and we'd love to see you there! Think of it as a welcome back party. I'm sure everyone attending would love to see you again. It really has been so long.."
It was a load of information, and it took a bit to fully process everything, but you slowly nodded your head as he spoke to let him know you were listening.
"Red Banquet?" You said once all information he'd thrown at you had been digested. "What's that all about?" Perhaps it was connected to the red vines you'd seen around certain parts of the SMP a few days ago.
Bad simply shook his head. "Just a party we're having in order to attempt to unite everyone again. I'd really love to see you there! But for now, Ant and I have to go. Promise you'll show up?"
He seemed to be in a rush, but you found it very sweet that he wanted to unite everyone again. Classic BadBoyHalo. That'd probably be nice, especially after hearing the rumors that war took place on these lands during your absence.
"Yes, I'll be there." You nodded, a small smile on your lips. He smiled at that as well, nodding and waving his hand a bit as him and Ant walked away.
"Oh-! And wear Red please!!" He called out before slowly disappearing out of your sights. You nodded even though he couldn't see you, and smiled to yourself once you were all alone.
Maybe things weren't so different. Maybe this Red Banquet would help you reconnect with all your friends, all the people you'd accidentally left behind. It was the perfect time for apologies and reconciliation. The Red Banquet would do just that for you.
It was finally the day of the Red Banquet. Although on short notice, you'd managed to find an outfit that fit the dress code, even if just a little. You looked yourself over once more before heading off to the location Bad and Ant had given you.
As you got closer, you started to notice more people, and some familiar faces. It made you happy to see they were okay, but you were also dreading the confrontation.
Would they be angry at you for leaving? Would they even want to see you? Did they even remember you? So many questions were floating around in your head until you spotted a certain person.
She was curiously looking around at everyone too, admiring the wonderful outfits everybody had picked out for today.
Although a bit hesitant at first, you finally made your way over to her. As you got closer, her gaze went towards you.
Her eyebrows raised slightly, perhaps in confusion, followed by her eyes widening when she realized who she was looking at.
"Hi Puffy." You said with a small wave, voice timid and unsure. Her eyes were wide as she took in the sight of you, unable to believe it really was you standing in front of her.
"Y/N-?" She responded, stepping towards you. You nodded and gave another wave. You were cautious since you didn't know if she hated your guts or was just surprised to see you back.
"Oh wow- hi!! It's been so long!" She exclaimed, finally taking all the information in. "I couldn't believe it was really you-!"
You took a few steps towards her and eventually you both enveloped each other into a hug. It felt so nice to see old friends again, and it felt even better knowing there was no resentment towards you.
After pulling away from the hug, you both smiled at each other before she grabbed your arm and began taking you around to greet everybody else.
Everyone was welcoming, more shocked than anything else at the fact you were back. It made the uneasiness in your stomach go away.
But not quite. You hadn't bumped into the person you wanted to see the most. He was nowhere in sight. Knowing that he could be anywhere, that you could bump into him at any second, kept you on edge.
"Uh, Puffy?" You called out to the woman beside you, calmly waiting for the banquet to start. She turned her attention towards you, eyebrows raised slightly to notify you that she was listening. "Do you know if Quackity is going to show up?" You asked, trying your best to hide your anxiousness and replace it with a casual tone.
She seemed to be thinking about it for a bit before shrugging. "I'm not sure. Maybe Bad invited him? I don't see why he wouldn't!" Her response was brief, but it made sense. Bad had said he wanted to make peace with everyone, unite them once and for all. He had to show up. He had to.
The Red Banquet was going well. You were currently seated at the table, everyone happily listening to the toasts that were being made, waiting for the moment where they could finally enjoy the soup placed in front of them.
So far, the day had consisted of drinks, music, dancing, and laughs. Everyone seemed to be getting along quite well, and it seemed that Bad's plan of uniting everyone was working.
As pleasant as the night seemed, one thing was still bothering you. He was still nowhere in sight, and you were losing hope of finding him here.
The fear of him not showing up tonight, or perhaps that you two would never cross paths again was threatening to cloud your senses, but today was the day everyone let bygones be bygones. Those fears would have to wait until after you left the Banquet.
For now, you watched in adoration as individuals stood from their seats and began their speeches regarding the bright futures they saw in store for all present. The idea that all conflict, which you hadn't even learned half of, would be forgotten and replaced with nothing but friendship. Their speeches were wonderful and left you in a happy daze.
But the happy daze did not last.
You were staring at your bowl of soup absent-mindedly when a loud scraping of a chair against the floor caught your attention. Your head snapped up, trying to see what was wrong, and immediately you noticed that everyone was up, shocked and reproaching Bad.
You looked around in confusion before noticing the walls of lava closing in on you all. Your eyes scanned the room before finding Bad, Ant, Ponk, and even Hannah in full gear. You couldn't even process what was happening as everybody was shouting at each other.
What in the hell had happened?
The only words registered by you were "sacrifice" and "egg", none of which made sense. Why was Bad doing this? This was not Bad. He was not like this. He was willing to sacrifice the lives of his friends for.. for whatever the Egg was. Was it the vines circling around the SMP? The Red vines circling the very place where the Red Banquet was taking place? What the hell happened while you were gone?
There was nothing you could even do, no one had weapons besides Bad and his group, and suddenly Bad's request for no one to come armed made sense. To the innocent minds, it would appear he just wanted a peaceful banquet. But now it was obvious he wanted no one to have the ability of fighting back against his plans.
It seemed like your time here had come to an end. Bad was going to sacrifice his friends right here and now. No failed attempts to harm the egg were gonna stop them. Nothing was.
Nothing was stopping Bad or Ant from killing in front of everyone. The speeches meant nothing. Foolish meant nothing to them besides a sacrifice to the Egg. You'd never heard Puffy let out such cries and screams. The blood that was dripping onto the stone floor from where Foolish was sacrificed would be something you saw in your nightmares from now on.
It seemed helpless. Everyone was practically lined up, waiting for death to arrive for them.
Until he barged in.
There was no mistaking that voice. There was no mistaking the way his presence took over the room, called for everyone's attention and demanded it stay there. It was him. He was here. He was going to save everyone.
Your eyes were glued to him as he cautiously walked closer to Bad, calling out to him and trying to get the older to come to his senses, get him to stop whatever nonsense he was trying to do tonight.
Part of you felt bad about completely forgetting the betrayal that had taken place tonight, and instead feeling ecstatic that Quackity was here, in the flesh.
The guilt began seeping in as you heard the people around you yelling out their thoughts, heard how pained and tired they sounded in regards to what Bad was doing, and probably because of all they've been through as well.
You escaped your own thoughts once Puffy charged at Ant, and a whole fight broke out between everyone. It was all too much to take in, it was all happening too fast. Ant was dead because of Puffy, Bad and the rest of his group had gotten away, and the rest of the guests were visibly shaken up.
And then there was him, curses leaving his lips, and a harsh scowl on display. It was clear with his facial expressions that he was beating himself up for letting Bad escape. You watched as he gave orders for Purpled to try and follow after Bad, try to get a sense of where he'd gone off to. And then his attention was returned to the guests.
His eyes flitted through the crowd, and you could feel yourself attempting to shrink. The idea of talking to him was nerve-racking, but necessary. He soon began to lead everybody out of the hole Bad had dragged them into. As soon as the bright light of day was visible again, the guests began to break out into cheers. Some crying over the fact that they were scared they'd never get to see this sight again.
As he checked to make sure everyone was okay, you decided it was the perfect time to approach. His back was facing you as you made your way towards him, too busy ensuring everyone made it out to notice the faint footsteps approaching him.
"Quackity?" You called out, feeling your mouth turn dry so quickly, scared of what to say next. You could see his shoulders stiffen, tension rising in the air before he turned around slowly. The look of disbelief and bewilderment in his eyes was something you'd never forget.
Now that he was so close, you took a moment to examine his facial features. This was not the Quackity you remembered. The Quackity you knew had bright, cheerful eyes. He had a cheeky smile on his face, always getting himself into trouble.
No, this Quackity was nothing like that. The bright, cheerful eyes were gone, now replaced by rather dull looking ones, and a scar across one of his eyes. The smile was also gone, lips slightly parted now, words dying on the tip of his tongue at the sight of you. Even his clothes were different. The blue sweater was gone, now replaced by rather formal wear.
A look of pain flashed across his face before quickly disappearing and getting replaced by the same stoic expression from earlier. "Y/N." He stated. Hearing him say your name ignited something within you, but it was nothing like before. A frown quickly took over your features as you struggled to find what to say in return.
"How have you been?" It was so dumb. There were so many better things that could've been said but that's what came out of your mouth at that moment. You watched as he stared before lightly rolling his eyes. "Now's not the time to catch up. I've got shit to do." He stated bluntly. He only maintained eye contact for a few more seconds before he walked away, approaching Technoblade to discuss what you could only assume was related to Bad.
You could hear your heart breaking inside your chest. He definitely hated you, and you couldn't really blame him. You'd left and returned to a broken Quackity. He clearly had gone through some shit, if his scars weren't telling. He was a changed man, and for you to try and waltz back into his life was fucked up. You knew that. But fuck. It hurt way more than you thought it would.
You'd considered what it'd be like, an alternate reality where Quackity hated your guts, and it seemed bad. But it was nothing quite compared to the real thing. This was your reality now.
You watched as he walked off, a dumbfounded yet hurt look on your face. You felt the sting in the back of your eyes as you tried holding it in until later. You were biting down on the inside of your cheek, eyes glued to his back before you turned, deciding to head back to what you deemed your home for now.
This Red Banquet had gone quite the opposite of what you expected, and had ended with your heart aching because the only person you truly cared about now despised you. You couldn't wait to get home and crawl into bed.
It'd been a week or two since the incident. Tension was still high, but everyone was making an effort to try and let things go back to normal.
You were too. You couldn't stay in bed forever, as pleasant as that seemed, so that meant going out and about.
This didn't necessarily mean productivity. You needed time to let your heart and mind heal, so a stroll around the SMP would do for now.
You took your time, quietly admiring the bright and colorful flowers that decorated certain areas, the beautiful builds that were built in your absence, and how the SMP was still bustling even after such incidents.
Your gaze followed your feet, and the way the grass crunched and bent under your shoes. Your gaze jumped from flower to flower, different colors catching your attention. Different.. people. A person.
Shame and fear took over your body as you looked at him from afar. After your last exchange, you were hyper aware on the fact he did not wish to speak to you anymore. And yet your paths had somehow crossed again.
You felt yourself let out a breath you didn't even know you'd been holding in. Approaching him again would be a grave mistake. But it could be a mistake you dwell on after. Your mind was going so fast as you considered the pros and cons of approaching him at this very moment.
It was the fear of 'What If' that made you do it. You let out another shaky breath, trying to calm yourself before approaching.
"Quackity!" You called out as you made your way over to him. He was currently slumped over, eyes fixated on the ground, face hidden from your view.
He looked torn, as if life had taken every single bit of happiness from him. As you got closer, you came to a halt, not wanting to alert him.
"Quackity?" You called out again, the nerves slowly reappearing and engulfing you with concern.
Once he looked up, his brown eyes met yours, and you were stunned at the beauty of them. The sunlight shone so beautifully and accentuated the light and dark browns that made up his irises.
Your gaze moved from his eyes to the scar that now rested on said eyes. Your gaze softened, a small frown on your lips at the realization that he'd probably been through so much these last few months.
"What happened?" You asked, hands acting on instinct, reaching out for his face. At that moment, you witnessed him put space between you two, a bewildered look in his eyes. You felt your heart break into smithereens.
"Y/N-?" He said, the shock clear in his tone. The reaction seemed to be instinctual, not because it was you. You nodded your head fervently, before responding softly, "Yes, it's me. Hi." You saw his expression soften, but his walls quickly came back up.
"Hey." He stated coldly, eyes averting in order to avoid eye contact. You looked around for a bit, unsure of what to do before sitting down a few feet away from him in order to ensure he didn't feel uncomfortable with your presence.
When he saw that you weren't leaving, his eyes narrowed and looked over at you. When you made eye contact again, you gave him a small smile before speaking again. "Are you alright..? What... what happened-? With everything and everyone."
He rolled his eyes at the question, deciding to give short and dry answers. "A lot has happened." Your shoulders slumped slightly, not really knowing what else you expected. Certainly not a hug and a sermon explaining all events, but not this.
"I'm‐" you paused, eyes looking down at the grass and carefully ripping some of it off as you wondered how to phrase it. "I'm really sorry for leaving, Quackity. I.. I didn't think so much would happen in my absence. Especially to you." You looked up, eyes instinctively going to stare at the scar that now rested on his face.
His brown eyes met yours, examining you and taking in the apology. There was silence for a moment before he let out a shaky sigh. "You don't know half the shit I went through. Without you here." A pang of guilt struck your chest as he averted his eyes from you.
"I know, I know. I'm so sorry for leaving you, Quackity. I wouldn't have if I knew they'd.. that.. that this would happen." You stumbled on your words, anxiousness and guilt eating at you as you saw his expressions morph between pain, anger, and sadness.
He remained silent for a bit before shaking his head, "Well, can't really change the past, can we? What's done is done." His voice sounded stoic, face now void of any expression. You opened your mouth to respond but quickly closed it as you watched him begin to stand up.
A slight panic ran through you as you stumbled onto your feet as well. Too slow, though, Quackity was already on his way to who knows where. You were left to stare at his back once again.
There was a warmth spreading through your chest that you hadn't acknowledged until now. He had spoken to you, he'd taken the time to listen to what you had to say rather than shutting you out completely like before. Was this progress?
Didn't matter, because that's exactly what you were gonna call it. And this certainly wasn't the last he'd be seeing of you.
"Where has he been staying?" You asked as you took a sip of the drink offered to you by Puffy.
"None of us are really sure. He kind of dropped off the face of the SMP after Karl and the rest of 'em left." She was once again speaking of this as if it was the most casual of topics. Known to everybody but you. That was probably true.
Karl and the rest of them. Was that referring to Sapnap and George? That meant he didn't tag along with them, which told that he'd been off on his own. Had he really been alone this whole time?
You'd left, thinking he'd be okay with his friends. Only for him to be left with battle scars, and those very friends being the ones to leave him as well. A small frown etched itself onto your face as you thought of how difficult it must've been. Just imagining him out there on his own was enough to make your skin crawl and your heart shatter. It wasn't right at all.
"So you don't know where he's staying? He just made an appearance at Bad's banquet by chance?"
She took a moment to think before responding, "Not sure exactly where he lives, but I know the general area of where he hangs out. Seen him there multiple times." She paused and looked you up and down before giving a pitiful look. "Do you plan on continuing to seek him out?"
You nodded your head without hesitation. "Yes. I missed him terribly and just hearing what's happened, and seeing how it left him.. I want to fix things with him." There was a determined look on your face, huge contrast to the worried look Puffy was now giving you.
It went unnoticed by you though, too focused on getting Quackity to smile again. To hand him the happiness he deserves.
The third time your paths crossed was near the area you'd last found him. He was sharpening his sword, too preoccupied to notice you approaching again. This time, you alerted him of your presence at a safe distance, not wanting to accidentally get stabbed.
His eyes met yours, full of surprise before going stoic again. You smiled and waved lightly as you approached. You took a seat near him once again, basking in the silence, no other greeting given by either of you.
To you, this was progress. He wasn't necessarily welcoming you with open arms, but he wasn't telling you to fuck off either. You busied yourself with the grass beneath you, gently ripping out some grass blades, and occasionally glancing towards him.
The glances were mutual, you'd catch him glancing towards you every once in a while, eyes quickly averting after getting caught. A small smile appeared on your lips as you continued looking around.
It wasn't long before you realized it was getting dark. His attention was still on the sword, glances still happening here and there, as if the words would die on his tongue if he dared to break the silence. This gave you the confidence to speak again.
"It's getting dark. How much longer will you be out here?" You tilted your head slightly, eyes focused on him. His eyes met yours for a split second, probably startled by your voice.
He looked down at his sword before looking out at the sky. "Not sure. Almost done with this, so.. maybe until then." His voice sounded heavenly to your ears. This entire afternoon had been spent in peaceful silence, so it was a welcome change.
"Then.. I'll stick around until you're done." You declared, a small smile on your lips as you watched him. He raised a brow before rolling his eyes.
"You don't have to. I don't know why you stuck around this long in the first place." He murmered, eyes focusing back on the sword that rested on his lap.
"Because I wanted to spend time with you." You admitted, voice small.
It was physically difficult to actually voice your thoughts and intentions, especially after realizing it might upset him, no matter how true your words were.
You were unfortunately right.
He looked up, attention no longer on his sword, instead on you. There was a look of disbelief on his face. "Stop." He stated, a tone that told you it was a warning, that he wasn't messing around. But you had to push, take your chances. A gamble, perhaps.
"I mean it." You responded, not missing a beat. The tension slowly rose between you two, eyes not parting from each other. You watched as the peaceful look left his eyes, replaced with pure frustration.
"Just because you're here now doesn't mean it makes up for the shit you did. Being here won't win me back, it won't make me forgive you, so stop wasting your fucking time."
He was pushing you away again. Maybe silence would've lead to a happier end to the day. Maybe you both could've silently parted ways once it got darker, but instead you were sat across from each other, tension rising and hearts beating fast against chests.
"I just‐" you paused, gently biting the inside of your cheek, looking for a way to phrase it, but coming back empty-handed. "I miss you." It was out, he knew now, and your heart was left exposed, bare and fragile. He could break it any second now.
He scoffed, before standing up and carefully putting away his sword. He didn't dare respond, gaze leaving yours and instead focusing on the path to wherever he seemed to call home.
You watched him leave, an activity that you seemed to be doing often recently, before falling onto your back and letting out a groan of frustration. Your hands came to cover your eyes, gently rubbing at them, mentally telling yourself not to cry. It would be okay.
His current attitude would not scare you away. You'd continue trying, show him that you really did care, and weren't planning on leaving again. Maybe he'd see your efforts and consider giving you a second chance, perhaps he wouldn't. You were hoping the first choice was the outcome.
Quackity fell onto his bed with a loud thud, hands going to cover his face in frustration. He wasn't sure what to do, but he did feel a bit bad about lashing out on you everytime you'd interacted with him. The first time he'd seen you again, he felt a warmth spread across his chest. He was happy to see you again, but the harsh truth of your absence when he needed you most made the moment bittersweet.
To him, it seemed dumb that you were trying to reconnect with him. Why, after disappearing for so long, and leaving him behind just like how everybody else he cared about had done.
What if he let you back in, and you left again? He didn't think he could handle that pain again. Hearing you say you missed him had been his breaking point. His immediate response was to push as hard as he could, get you to leave before he could get attached again. If he was alone, he wouldn't have to worry about anybody leaving him.
But as he lay in bed, hands shielding him from the bright lights that illuminated the room, he took in the tone of your voice. How small it had sounded when you admitted you missed him. He thought about how you'd approached him three times now, even if he pushed you away. Would you still come back? Even after he basically told you to stop wasting your time with him? He didn't know.
It was far too much thinking for him. At least for tonight. He quietly admired the sharpness of his sword before turning off the lights and deciding to finally get some rest.
His questions were answered the next time he was out and about. He'd been on his way to a shop when he caught sight of you sitting at a table with a small bag settled on top. He averted his eyes and continued walking before he heard the sound of your voice, calling out to him.
He was surprised, to say the least. He looked over at you, saw you waving him over, pointing at the bag with a small smile. He hesitated, unsure if he could even face you after what had happened last time, but slowly made his way over anyway.
"Hi." You greeted, soft smile still on your lips as he came closer. "Sit." You gestured to the seat across from your own. You'd been out shopping and had stopped for some snacks along the way. You were resting at the table but luckily caught sight of him and figured this was a chance to talk to him again.
He looked down at the seat before hesitantly sitting down. "Hi." He said back, not nearly as confident as yours had sounded. You signaled at the bag, opening it and showing him the freshly baked pastries you'd picked up not too long ago. "Want one?" You offered.
Simply opening the bag gave out a pleasant smell, and it made it difficult to resist a pastry, even if it meant having to sit with you for a moment. He reached into the bag, taking one before slightly bowing his head. "Thank you." He simply stated, before taking a bite of the pastry.
The sight warmed your heart. It reminded you of the times you'd both share a meal, it could be anywhere, but any food either of you had would be shared with laughs and jokes interrupting each bite. It reminded you of when he didn't have any resentment towards you.
"Is it good?" You asked, and he only gave a small nod, hand covering his mouth in an attempt to chew politely. You smiled at that before letting a small sigh escape your lips. "I'm sorry about last time. It was probably fucked up on my part to suddenly push that on you."
He paused, eyes not leaving his hands as he processed what you'd just said. Were you really apologizing? After he'd been an asshole to you at every encounter. He looked up at you before reaching into the bag again for another pastry, out of habit and familiarity with moments like these back then.
"I'm sorry too." He started, avoiding eye contact. "I was a bit mean, and maybe you didn't really deserve it." His eyes went towards yours, wanting to see a reaction after receiving nothing but silence.
He was met with the sight of a warm smile on your face, he could feel the warmth you were radiating from where he was seated.
"You don't have to apologize to me, Quackity. I understand why you reacted that way. I do wish you'd see I mean the things I say though. Really." He took another bite out of the pastry before slowly nodding, notifying you that he was listening to what you were saying.
This could definitely be counted as progress, right? You were sharing a snack with him, and he'd apologized even if he didn't need to. The thought alone returned the smile to your face as you leaned onto your hand and stared at him quietly.
"What?" He said after a moment, staring back at you. You shrugged, "Just happy to see you again."
His cheeks flushed slightly, perhaps out of embarrassment, not used to your sappy self after months of its absence. His state made you let out a chuckle as you reached over to grab a pastry as well.
You two shared the pastries and a few other snacks you'd bought for some time until he stated he had to go get what he wanted in the first place, before you'd called him over and asked him to sit with you. You nodded and waved him goodbye, telling him it was nice seeing him again, to which he reacted to by averting his eyes and walking away. You smiled to yourself as you watched him leave. Progress.
After the reconciliation through pastries, you'd crossed paths with Quackity a few more times, each being less tense than the last.
Days passed where you'd cross paths with each other, and it gave you the opportunity to make conversation, maybe pester him for an hour or two, subtly letting him know that you were here to stay. To which he responded by pushing.
Quackity pushed you away as much as he could at first, but with each passing day it became more and more evident that he was softening up. It was progress. He was getting accustomed to your company again, and he wasn't really pushing you away either.
It had taken a while to get to where you currently were, but you'd do it a million times over just to spend time with him again. To be this close to him, like you used to be.
You were giving him your undivided attention as he spilled what had happened during your absence, and it was taking everything in your power to not immediately wrap your arms around him. Hearing everything he'd been through, how others had treated him, how he got his scars, and how he was left behind.. it was all so, so infuriating. It made you mad at yourself, most of all.
You couldn't help but wonder if things would've been different if you hadn't left. Perhaps you could've fought alongside him, stopped any harm from coming his way. Perhaps you could've provided him with company when he felt so alone, like the world would swallow him whole.
It definitely would've been different if you hadn't left.
But there was no point in dwelling over the past, is what you told yourself. What mattered now was that you were here, sitting across from him as he opened up to you for the first time in so long. He looked so vulnerable, eyes never meeting yours as he spoke of his experiences. You couldn't even begin to imagine how difficult this must be.
When he finished, he finally looked up at you, bottom lip caught between his teeth out of anxiousness and sadness. You scoot closer, noticing him visibly tense and relax, all within a few seconds. Your movements were slow, as to not scare him away.
You lifted your hand towards his face, as you had during one of your first encounters, and slowly moved it closer. "Can I?" You said, voice timid. He gave a small nod, and you gently cupped his face, thumb rubbing gentle circles onto his cheek before softly tracing over the scar. It felt oddly intimate, being this close to him, being able to touch him after so many months of yearning his presence.
You could feel his body tense, not used to anyone doing this in quite some time. But after a bit, his eyes closed and he melted into your hand, letting you gently caress his cheek and his scar. You came closer, body close to his. You could feel the body heat coming off of him, oh how you'd missed the feeling.
The sensation alone threatened to bring tears to your eyes. He was really here, the Quackity you missed and loved. He'd let you back in.
"I'm so sorry, Quackity. So sorry you went through this. I'm here now, and I'm not going anywhere, no matter how hard you try to get rid of me. I'm right here." You reassured, continuing to draw small circles on his cheek with your thumb. His eyes looked up to meet yours, and you could feel your heart stop at the sight of his pretty eyes. He was tearing up too.
You gave him a small smile before wrapping your arms around him. All composure had left you, too preoccupied with comforting the man who'd experienced too much pain and suffering.
Your breath hitched as you felt his arms wrap around you as well, tight. The fear of being abandoned clear with the way his arms held onto you for dear life. Your shoulder felt wet, but you didn't care one bit. This was everything you'd hoped for since you first laid eyes on him again. His company, and his forgiveness. For him to know you'd be here, and wouldn't leave anymore.
After what felt like decades, you finally pulled away, eyeing him over to ensure he was alright before gently cupping his face again. This time with both hands, you wiped away any remaining tears, giving him a small smile to tell him it'd be okay from now on.
He seemed ashamed, perhaps he felt too vulnerable. You lightly directed his gaze back on you before leaning in and placing a small kiss on his cheek where the tear stains had been. You watched as his eyes fluttered shut, an invitation for you to continue. And so you did, placing small kisses all over his face, lips gently ghosting over his scar, giving him the affection he'd yearned for.
This continued for a bit before he let out a shaky sigh. You gave him a worried look, to which he simply shook his head. "It's nothing, just.. taking all of this in." You visibly relaxed at the sight of a small smile on his lips. "I can't believe you're actually here. That you came back and dealt with my shitty attitude just to get back to how we used to be."
"You had your reasons to react that way, please don't blame yourself." You responded calmly, thumb continuing to rub soothing circles onto his cheek. "Plus.. you know I'm not giving up on you, right? No matter how much you try and push me away." You grinned at him, to which he rolled his eyes.
"You're very persistent, I'll give you that." He said, relaxing further into your touch. "I'm.. I'm glad you didn't give up on me."
The grin softened into a small smile. "I could never. How about we head back to your place. You hungry?" To which he only gave a small nod as an answer. You stood, extending your hand for him to grab in order for him to get up.
Once he was up, he didn't let go, and neither did you, which made you beam at him before letting him lead the way back to what he now called home. You both walked hand in hand, no further talking needed. Once you both got there, a small dinner was made, followed by the softest and comfiest cuddles either of you had gotten in a long, long time.
Every single moment leading up to this was worth it. You sat in a flower field in the SMP, currently undisturbed by any of the other residents, with Quackity's head resting on your lap. You gently ran your fingers through his hair, fixing any strands that managed to poke out of his beanie after he put it on, and simply enjoying the view.
And that isn't in reference to the flower field. He looked stunning, basking in the sun with the cutest smile on his face, trying to take a nap as you made small conversation here and there, telling him about something meaningless Puffy had told you during one of her visits.
Prior to this very moment, both of you had been enjoying a picnic at this very field you were currently at. And now, you were just enjoying each other's presence. As he rested his head on your lap, you took a moment to look at all the flowers around you two.
There was a poppy nearby, the red on the petals stood out to you. Carefully picking it off its place on the soil, you made sure it was clean before gently tucking it behind his ear. The red stood out wonderfully against his skin and dark black hair.
His eyes soon opened, a confused look etched onto his face as he wondered what you'd just done. His hand reached up to gently pat the spot before stopping completely at the feeling of the flower. A small smile appeared on his lips, before he playfully rolled his eyes. You smiled back at him as he carefully sat up, not wanting the flower to fall off.
"It looks cute on you." You murmered, focused on the way the red looked in his hair. He hummed, bringing your attention back towards him. He was picking a poppy off the ground as well, lazily handing it over to you. Even with his tired smile on his face, he still looked so cute.
You smiled, taking it from his grasp. "Thank you." You quirked up, leaning in and placing a delicate kiss onto his lips, his lips moving perfectly against yours. You pulled away with a content smile before falling back onto the blanket you'd both been sitting on.
He mirrored your actions, falling back as well. You both stared up at the sky for a few moments before his gaze fell back on you. At the feeling of a gaze on you, you turned to look at him as well.
"Thank you."
Warmth was radiating within you at that very moment. The person who meant the absolute most to you, the one who'd been through so much, was finally able to smile again. He was able to breathe freely, he was free of all his worries.
Quackity deserved the world, he deserved to feel safe and needed, wanted. And you were more than willing to risk and give everything you could in order to provide that. But for now, cuddles, kisses, and a nap under a bright blue sky would suffice for the both of you.
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fanficimagery · 4 years
Hell Takes Riverdale pt. I
Imagine moving to Riverdale while your father has some business to attend to. While there, you meet some people you find yourself growing attached to.
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Words: 8.8K Author’s Note: Riverdale AU where FP didn’t go to prison for his crimes and Jughead joined the Serpents because he wanted to. This isn’t exactly Northsider friendly and I’ll be focusing more so on the Serpents, so I won’t go into detail about all the drama the Northside gang constantly puts themselves into the middle of, nor will Jughead be a part of it. I will mention a certain family who lives nearby from another show, but I will NOT be bringing those characters in here. The most you’ll get is what I explain about them in the imagine.
Jughead Jones was notorious for laying low and staying out of the spotlight. At least he was until a murder rocked his small town, Veronica Lodge- along with her criminal family- moved in, and his best friends Betty Cooper and Archie Andrews put together their very own crime solving Scooby Gang. He liked a good mystery every now and then, but the murder of Jason Blossom pointed towards his father's gang and he didn't know how to cope with that.
When FP Jones- Jughead's dad- eventually confessed to the murder, Jughead didn't know what to think. All he knew for sure was that his dad was innocent. So he and his friends did their best to prove Mr. Jones of his innocence, which they eventually did, but given FP's past the police decided to keep him a bit longer.
Jughead Jones was a powder keg waiting to explode, so in a move no one expected, he channeled his anger from the crookedness of their small town Sheriff to the local high school jocks when they decided to target the new girl for laughs. Y/N Y/L/N was a meek little thing, small smiles and small voice whenever called upon. She didn't dress like someone who had money, but then again she didn't dress like she didn't have any either. She presented herself as someone from the middle class which is probably why Jughead felt at ease coming to her defense one day out of the blue.
You're at your locker, putting away your books before you head over to the cafeteria for lunch, when someone shoves their shoulder into your back. You grunt as you collide with the metal in front of you, a few notebooks falling to the floor, and you turn to frown at the culprits. Reggie Mantle and his merry band of jocks laugh at you. "Seriously?" You mumble.
Reggie smirks, shrugging. "I gotta find my entertainment somewhere and what better entertainment is there than the new girl with no voice?" You roll your eyes and bend over to pick up your belongings, only for a sneaker clad foot to kick one of your notebooks away.
The sound of someone being shoved into the lockers next to you has you looking up, a beanie-wearing, plaid shirt tied around the waist, boy coming to your aide. "What the hell is your problem, Mantle?" Hands fist into the material of Reggie's letterman jacket, slamming him twice against the lockers. "Haven't you ever heard the phrase pick on someone your own size?"
Reggie shoves him back. "Cool it, Jones, less you wanna end up in a cell next to your pops."
He scoffs. "You look real tough picking on a girl. Keep walking, jackass."
Your gaze darts between the two boys, chest to chest with one another, and you practically hold your breath. You can see the other jocks just itching for a fight, but the longer Reggie and your savior stare at one another, the less Reggie seems to be amped up for a fight. He eventually scoffs, smiling. "Whatever. The little mouse isn't much fun anyway."
Reggie goes to walk away, but not before kicking another one of your notebooks further down the hall. You sigh and start collecting your things closest to you once more.
"Hey, I'm really sorry about him. Reggie's a total dick."
You glance at the boy collecting one of your notebooks for you and flash him a small smile. "It's fine. Every school has a bully. I didn't expect this place to be any different."
"Yeah, well.." He trails off, placing the stuff he collected in your locker. "I'm Jughead."
"That's an unusual name," you say. "I'm Y/N."
"Well, Y/N, would you care to join me outside for lunch? I'm kind of alone today and I noticed you don't really sit with anyone either. I'll help keep Reggie off your back," he muses as if his protection would somewhat sweeten the deal.
"Sure. Why not?" You shrug.
Once everything is situated in your locker, you grab the lunch bag that had been hanging from a hook on the inside. Side by side, you walk with Jughead outside and towards one of the concrete picnic tables. He sits down and only then do you realize he had a brown sack clutched in his hand. Immediately he pulls out two smashed sandwiches wrapped in plastic wrap, and unwraps them to start eating.
"So as a token of my thanks," you say while taking a seat across from him and unzipping your lunch bag, "have a fruit cup." You toss him a cool cup of mixed fruit and he happily catches it.
"Thanks." From the corner of your eye, you watch as he stares at you until you start eating your own sandwich and chips. "So Riverdale," he says. "Why here of all places?"
You huff a quiet laugh. Of course you'd heard the whispers about you, curious about your move, but you never spoke to anyone and no one dared to ask you before now. "My half sister lives in Greendale, and she and her aunts were having some personal issues. My dad moved us here so he could help them out, but he wasn't fond of the housing situations Greendale had to offer so we ended up here."
"Oh. I guess that makes sense." He takes a bite of his food. "So are you and your sister close?"
"Not really." Your nose wrinkles. You eat a bit of your own food before explaining. "She kind of hates our dad because he slept with her mom when she was married, but instead of villainizing them both for their mutual decision, she puts all the blame on him."
Jughead shakes his head. "Well that sucks."
"Yep. But she obviously doesn't have a problem calling on him when she's in trouble." You roll your eyes, opening your water and taking a sip. "It's whatever. Riverdale is.. interesting."
"Yeah. It is," he huffs a brief laugh.
Over the next month or so, you and Jughead become actual friends. He attempts to introduce you to his group of friends, but the only one you can actually stomach being around is Archie. Veronica is too nosy, Betty too suspicious, and Kevin rarely hangs out with everyone less it involves a good gossip session. So more often than not, after realizing his group of friends wasn't just your cup of tea, you and Jughead hung out at Pop's Chock'lit-Shoppe.
The retro diner quickly became one of your favorite places in all of Riverdale, but upon entering one Sunday evening and seeing Jughead's expression you know you're not going to enjoy your dinner.
"Uh oh. What's going on with your face?" You ask as you slide in across from Jughead. "You look like you have some bad news."
He grins, shaking his head. "It's not bad. I'm just not sure how well you're going to take what I have to tell you."
"Mhm. Tell me after I've gotten my food." Almost as soon as the words leave your mouth, Pop Tate himself is dropping off your and Jughead's usual order. "Thanks, Pop."
The old man chuckles. "Don't mention it, Y/N. Enjoy your meal."
"Always do." Before any other words can be spoken, you and Jughead squirt ketchup on your respective plates. He steals the cherry from your milkshake and you plop a straw into his Coke to take a sip. The both of you take a bite out of your burgers, chuckling at each other and how at ease the two of you have become with one another. "So what's up?"
"I'm leaving Riverdale High." You pause in chewing and Jughead refuses to meet your gaze. "I'll be starting at Southside High tomorrow morning."
"It's just- my dad's getting out." When he looks up, the excitement in his eyes at the prospect of his dad coming home makes your exterior soften and you start to feel happy for your friend. "He, uh, he's been doing good. Jail forced him to get sober and he's talking about starting over. I'm going to move back in with him."
"That's good news, Jug. I'm really happy for you."
"Are you?" He grabs a fry and quickly dips it into your vanilla milkshake. You chuckle at him.
"Yeah. I mean we mostly hang out here anyway. That won't change, I hope." He's quick to shake his head, letting you know your weekly hang outs at Pop's would still be on. "I'll just have to toughen up and learn how to throw a punch. Reggie and his goons need a nice swift punch to the throat every now and then, I think."
Jughead exhales with relief. "Please let Kevin know beforehand so he can catch it on video for me."
"No promises."
The two of you go on to finish your food, making small talk and promises to keep in touch. Eventually you have to leave, so before you go your separate ways you decide to give Jughead a ride home. And since he's no longer embarrassed to have you over after the first time you'd been over, he accepts the ride with a shrug.
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FP Jones has been out of jail for three days and in those three days Jughead has noticed his dad has been a little paranoid. So one day after school, he's had enough and decides to sit down and talk with him.
"What's going on?"
FP glances away from the paper in his hand. "Nothing. Why?"
"Because you're acting weird! Ever since you got out of jail it's like you're constantly looking over your shoulder."
Jughead and FP stare at one another before FP sets the paper down, running a hand through his hair. "Someone's coming to town," he says. "Someone you don't ever want to cross."
"Okay. And?"
"It's worrisome," FP says. "Mr. Morningstar, he's the real deal, Jughead. Expensive suits, expensive cars, posh accent.. this man can be very dangerous."
"Well then round up the Serpents. I'm sure they'll enjoy running this guy out of town."
"Nah." Jughead scoffs, confused as to what his dad's deal is. "Mr. Morningstar is the one who sent one of his lawyers to get me released."
"But Mr. Morningstar doesn't hand out favors without wanting something in return. I don't like being in debt, Jug. Especially to someone like him."
"We'll figure it out, dad. He reached out to you, not the other way around. He can't want something too bad if he came to you first. Right?"
"I don't know, son." FP falls silent, tapping his fingers along the tabletop. "And there's something else you should know."
"Mr. Morningstar isn't exactly.. human." Jughead scoffs, but FP shoots him a warning look. "I'm serious. This man is capable of things you wouldn't believe unless you see it in person, but I'm hoping it doesn't come to that. If he comes around, you do as I say. I'll settle my debt with him as quickly as possible and hopefully Riverdale will be in his rearview mirror sooner rather than later."
Jughead doesn't know how to feel at seeing his dad- the Serpent King himself- looking so on edge. He's never seen him so rattled, so it leaves Jughead himself feeling the dread start to seep in.
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Every single Serpent inside the Whyte Wyrm was well aware of who Mr. Morningstar was and to be on the lookout for anyone fitting his description. For a week there was no sight or word about him, the same week which Jughead finally decided to throw in with the Serpents and officially become one of the gang. He had texted his friends, some more supportive than others, but he only found comfort in his decision after hearing back from Y/N who held no ill will towards him for wanting to be a Southside Serpent officially.
Jughead is still healing, everyone at the Whyte Wyrm celebrating him completing his initiation.
"Toni," FP calls out, "serve us up some shots!" The petite, pink haired girl behind the bar laughs, she readily grabbing up shot glasses and lining them up along the bar. She fills every shot glass, smiling as her fellow Serpents grab one to await the impending toast. As FP grabs one, he raises it up while staring at his son across the room who's hanging out with a few younger Serpents. "Jughead, while this wasn't the life I wanted for you, it is your decision and you don't know how proud it makes me to have you ride by side. To Jughead!"
"To Jughead!"
The Serpents all whoop and holler, downing their shots in one go.
"Hear, hear," an out of place accent muses. Those closest to the man who seemingly appeared out of nowhere all tense and FP's smile slowly vanishes as he stares at the man who hasn't aged a single year since he last saw him over fifteen years ago. "Well, well. Freedom seems to suit you well, FP."
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FP schools his expression. "Mr. Morningstar."
"Call me Lucifer. No need to be so formal."
The Serpents seem to fall silent as FP and Lucifer Morningstar stare at one another. Jughead, seeing the way everyone is holding themselves as the tension amps up, pushes his way through the crowd until he's just behind his dad. "Lucifer," FP says, "why don't you follow me. We'll go somewhere a bit more private."
Lucifer gestures for FP to lead the way. "After you."
FP glances at Jughead over his shoulder, but he doesn't give him any sort of cue to follow. Instead, Jughead follows after them to a table that's not surrounded by any others over by the stage. Once seated, FP stares Mr. Morningstar in the face. "So what brings you to Riverdale? It's been a while since you were last here."
"Ah, yes," he says. Lucifer leans back in seat, smiling. "I originally came to watch a client of mine wreak havoc on your precious little town," at this, FP and Jughead tense, "but someone very important to me made attachments here and I've had to rethink my plans of letting your town burn to the ground."
"A client of yours?" FP's eyes narrow. "Who?"
"I think you know who," Lucifer says. "Annoying little bugger. But as I said before, attachments were made and I had to keep watch over said attachment to see whether or not I approved. And let me tell you, Mr. Jones, I quite liked what I saw."
"Okay?" He drawls. "So what does that have to do with why you're here? Or are you calling in a favor for getting me out?"
Lucifer laughs. "Oh no, FP. You getting out was not my doing." FP freezes. "You see, this someone important to me is my daughter. She's the one who requested you be freed."
"You have a daughter?" FP shifts in his seat. "Why would she want me out?"
"I do. And because one of your little snakelings made quite the impression on her after showing her kindness when he didn't have to." Lucifer raises an eyebrow at FP's completely flabbergasted expression. "This person was and continues to be genuine with my daughter, so I figured I'd step in and help clean up your beloved little town instead of letting it be turned inside out by Hiram Lodge. After all, it seems we're going to be in Riverdale for quite some time now."
FP glances around, but he can't see any of the Serpents being this person in question. Eventually, he asks, "Who?"
Lucifer's gaze darts up over FP's shoulder and lands on Jughead. Jughead's eyes widen. "Me? Who have I-"
"Me, of course." You choose that exact moment to walk out from the back room, ignoring everyone's stare save for Jughead's. You're a bit self-conscious of the black crystallized crown on your head and the skin tight, all black outfit your dad's minions had chosen for you, but you don't show it. The way you're dressed now, Jughead's never seen you this way. "What's wrong, Juggie? Cat got your tongue?"
Your friend gulps as he eyes you up and down. "Y/N?"
"Surprise!" You muse. At his slack expression, your smile diminishes. "It's still me, JJ. No need to be weird now."
FP glances between you and his son as Jughead asks, "Was our friendship even real?"
Your eyes widen. "Of course it was! I was never meant to make friends here," you quickly explain, "but you just couldn't leave me be when Reggie set his sights on me and you- you befriended me for me." Jughead loses some of the tension in his frame. "You didn't talk to me because of who my dad was and what he could do for you. You talked to me because you felt bad for me and then you continued to talk to me because we actually got along."
A beat passes and Jughead eventually sighs. "Don't kid yourself. I only talk to you because you let me steal the cherry from your milkshake." It takes a moment for his words to sink in and when they do you snort. Lucifer chuckles and poor FP has no idea what's going on.
"This is quite fitting, is it not?" Lucifer grins.
FP frowns. "What do you mean?"
"The Serpent Prince and the Queen of Hell. Royalty always seeks out royalty."
You freeze, Jughead's brow furrows, and FP seems to blanch as he comes to a sudden realization. Quick as a snake's strike, you slap the back of your dad's shoulder. "Not here." Then you glance at FP. "Can we continue this talk in a back room?"
He slowly blinks before he snaps out of his thoughts. "Yeah. Let's go."
FP stands and leads the way, and you grin over at Jughead. "Come on. We have some more stuff to talk about."
In a back office, FP and Lucifer have already taken their seats as you and Jughead join them. Instead of sitting, the two of you stand side by side after the door is shut behind you.
"So what exactly is going on here?" FP wonders.
Lucifer glances at you, smirking, and you sigh. You had a feeling he was going to make you explain yourself. "So I noticed instead of scoffing at the queen of hell comment, you blanched." FP hesitantly nods. "So that means you understand my dad is quite.. different."
Lucifer huffs. "I'm the devil, darling. No need to tiptoe around it."
You cringe as he so bluntly puts it out there and nervously gauge the Jones' reactions. Both seem more than a little intimidated and your heart starts to sink. "I'm still me, Jughead. Just a little.. more."
Jughead glances at you. "You're really the daughter of Satan?" You nod. "And this isn't some joke?"
"No. My sister, the one who lives in Greendale, was meant to take the throne," you admit. "But she really does hate my dad and refused it, so it passed on to the next heir. Hell got a little bit stuffy and some of my dad's more important minions were trying to marry me off, so I left with my dad as he dealt with business here. I was supposed to keep my head down until we moved on, but well.." you trail off, smiling softly. "I found that having a friend was quite nice." When Jughead has nothing else to say, you look towards FP. "You've raised a kind son, Mr. Jones. And for that, I'm going to offer you a favor." He seems to straighten up then, glancing worriedly at your dad. "And don't worry, this is a favor from me. I don't do contracts or cut deals like dad does. My favor is a no strings attached type of situation. This is a favor for a friend."
FP and Jughead glance at each other, and you notice FP subtly shake his head. Jughead sighs and looks at you. "Do you promise that me or my dad won't owe you?"
"Jughead," FP warns.
But you only have eyes for your friend as you step towards him and take up his hands within your own. "I swear. You're my friend, JJ. You got Reggie off my back and offered genuine companionship, so let me do something for you."
"You mean like getting my dad out of jail?"
You grin, releasing his hands and shoving at his shoulder. "Oh whatever. I was bored and you seemed like you missed him. Bite me, Jones." Lucifer chuckles and FP looks like he has no idea what's going on. "So come on. Whose life needs ruining?"
Jughead stares at you before shaking his head in amusement. "You're a little too excited to be ruining someone."
"I am my father's daughter."
Jughead stares at you, as if trying to conclude whether you're being genuine or not, and then has a silent conversation with his dad. Eventually FP sighs, cradling his head in his hands as Jughead looks back to you. "I messed up bad, Y/N. When my dad first got put into jail, someone suggested I visit this lawyer- who is also a Serpent- so that she'll guide me on how to get my dad released."
"And the snake double crossed you. Shocking," your dad chuckles.
"Shut up." Lucifer continues to chuckle, mime zipping his lips shut. You look back to your friend. "Go on."
"She gave me advice as a favor and said I'd owe her one someday in the future. I didn't think it through."
"The snake charmer is notorious for collecting favors and blackmailing you into continuing owing her favors," FP says. "She's turning the Serpents into drug runners and using video of my son delivering a crate of drugs as leverage so we don't tell her no."
Lucifer tuts. "That just won't do. Last I recalled, the Serpents were against drug dealing."
"We are," FP says, "but we can't deny her since she has that damn video. It'll be his word against hers."
Expression tightening, you glance between the two Serpents. "Give me a name."
"Penny Peabody."
Immediately you and your dad glance at one another, and you're the first to shout, "Dibs!" At his pout, you grin victoriously. "It's been awhile since I've seen any action. I'll call auntie Maze to collect the guest of honor."
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You and Jughead are sitting at Pop's, waiting for your order to be brought out. It's your usual weekend hangout session, as well as a mini celebration for getting the Snake Charmer out of Serpent territory. FP had been a little hesitant around you and your father, but the more he watched you and his son, and you and your dad, he came to the realization that neither he or Jughead would be in harm's way. No one would be less they actually crossed the devil himself, so you were a bit surprised when FP had actually hugged you when you told him Penny would no longer be an issue. Afterwards, he was eager to talk to your dad and figure out a way to get the Southside cleaned up and fix the Serpents' reputation.
Seeing Jug's beanie laying on the table, you grin as you swipe it and quickly put it atop your head. "What do you say, Jones, wanna switch crowns for a day?"
He chuckles as he shakes his head. "I don't think I can pull off your crown." Your nose wrinkles at him as you laugh. "And speaking of crowns, are you going to tell anyone else anytime soon?"
You shrug. "I only talk to you and your dad, and at that your dad already knew about my dad."
"I didn't know anything about you or your dad and you told me."
"You were my friend before you found out about me being Hell royalty. I don't want to just tell anyone and then have them kissing up because of things I could possibly do for them."
Jughead nods in understanding. "I take it, it's happened before."
You touch the tip of your nose. "Bingo, JJ. Demons of Hell are shady assholes. But don't worry, if I befriend more Serpents they'll find out when the time is right."
"Well I think you're going to get your chance now because here come some friends of mine."
"Whoa, Jughead, is that you? You've certainly changed from the last time I saw you earlier."
You smile sheepishly as three Serpents come up to your table, the one who spoke sitting next to Jughead while the tall one climbs in between you and the window, and the female sits on your free side. You pull off Jug's beanie and hand it back to him just in time for your food to be delivered. Immediately, Jughead steals the cherry from your milkshake and you take a sip of his soda. Once that's done, you squirt ketchup on your plates before you take a bite of your burgers.
"Well that was freakishly adorable." You glance at the pink haired cutie next to you and she grins. "Toni Topaz."
"Y/N Y/L/N. Well Y/N Morningstar now. I don't have to hide who I am anymore."
"Nice." She then points to the guy beside Jughead. "That's Fangs and the one on your other side is Sweet Pea." You nod at each boy in greeting, bite down on a few fries and steal from Jughead's plate every time he dips a fry into your milkshake. "So how did you and our snake prince become so close?"
Toni steals a fry from your plate and you grin at her. "First of all, I really hope you're not insinuating anything there. Don't get me wrong, Jughead's a cutie but I'd totally seduce Papa Jones before I went after baby Jones."
Jughead groans in disgust, Fangs and Sweet Pea snort, and Toni laughs out loud. "I like you."
"Maybe the sentiment will be returned soon," you say. "And to honestly answer your question, Jug came to my rescue when a few jerks decided I was an easy target at Riverdale High."
Sweet Pea scoffs. "Ugh. How do you put up with those mangy mutts?" It's his turn to steal from your plate, but you merely raise an eyebrow at his audacity before you glance at Jughead as he smothers a laugh.
"By avoiding them at all cost," you say. "Is food stealing a thing with you guys or..?"
"If you're really hungry, I'd hold onto that burger of yours. Fangs is notorious for stealing any and all food left unattended." Toni chuckles as you pull your plate towards you, but that only makes it easier for her and Sweet Pea to continue eating off your plate.
"You're all heathens," you deadpan. "At least Jughead waited a few days before he started eating off my plate."
The Serpents chuckle all around you and you find yourself relaxing in your seat. You knew the Southside Serpents had a bad reputation, but the more time you spent with them the more you realize just how wrong everyone is. The Serpents are some of the most loyal, drama free individuals you'd met and they're only riled up when someone attacks one of their own. And that- that you can respect.
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During your lunch break, you're sitting alone and texting back and forth with Toni. Apparently word has gotten out that the Mayor is looking to shut down Southside High because it's unsafe for children, and the plan is to divide every Southside High student between several other high schools. Needless to say, every Southsider is pissed.
You send a text to your dad, asking if he knew what was going on, and he assures you he and Mr. Jones are looking into it.
Your can of Cola gets snatched up and you snap to attention, ready to argue back for your drink. But the sight of a grinning Jughead sitting across from you makes you relax and Sweet Pea straddling the bench right next to you makes you shake your head at them. "What are you guys doing here?"
"Southside High is in chaos," Jughead says. He takes a sip of your soda before setting it back next to your books. "We were at the Wyrm when your dad asked us to collect you."
"Toni's been filling me in," you admit. "Does anyone know if the Mayor is for sure going through with this plan of hers?"
"It's such bullshit," Sweet Pea grumbles. "Yeah the school is shit ever since the Ghoulies started pushing Jingle Jangle on everyone, but it's ours."
"Don't worry, Sweets. Dad's on it. He'll figure something out."
He huffs. "Against Mayor McCoy? Doubt it."
You and Jughead share a knowing glance, and you bite back a grin. "My dad can be very.. persuasive."
"And scary," Jughead mumbles.
"Yes, let's not forget scary," you muse.
"What the hell is this?" The stern question is barked from somewhere behind you and you turn towards the voice. "Cooper dropped your sorry ass and now you're trying to lure in Y/N, Jones? I don't think so, you goddamn snake."
You roll your eyes at Reggie and his friends, and at the fact that the others sitting outside are now staring.
"Watch your mouth, you mangy mutt." Sweet Pea moves to stand, but you place a hand on his knee in order to silently tell him to stay put. He doesn't glance at you, but he does remain sitting.
Instead, you stand and step away from the bench in Reggie's direction. "What's your problem, Mantle? I know for a fact you don't care about me, so what is it about the Southsiders that has you so insecure?"
Reggie seems surprised that you've spoken back and it takes him a moment to school his expression back into one of anger. "Who the hell says I'm insecure?"
"Come on, Reggie," you grin. "You obviously have a hate boner going on for them." Jughead and Sweet Pea snort, and Reggie glares at them over your head. "So what is it? Is it because they're cooler than you? That they're so much more hotter than you and you know for a fact us Northside girls would willingly get on the back of their bikes than in the car mommy and daddy bought for you?"
Reggie sneers down at you. "Of course you'd be a Southside slut."
Jughead and Sweet Pea shout in your defense, rushing to their feet as you blink in surprise at the venom in his tone. But then anger quickly takes over and no one sees as your hand forms a fist at your side. When Reggie smirks at your silence, quick as lightning you change your stance so you can send your fist flying into his throat.
As Reggie stumbles back and gasps for air, Sweet Pea grabs you by the arm and then you're running. Sweet Pea and Jughead are laughing as they run for their bikes and you readily climb on behind Sweet Pea since he still had a hold of you. Two engines rumble to life simultaneously and you wrap your arms around Sweet Pea's waist, ducking your face behind his back so the wind doesn't sting your eyes.
When the three of you finally come to a stop, you're not in the Southside yet but you are well away from Riverdale High. The engines cut off and you finally pick up your head, and it's quiet for a few moments before Jughead starts to laugh once more.
"You actually punched Reggie in the throat." He shakes his head in amusement at you. "I did not think you were capable of ever hitting someone."
Sweet Pea chuckles. "You do know you left behind all your belongings. It's gonna be trashed by the time you go back for it."
You shrug. "The only thing worth saving was my phone and it's in my back pocket. A backpack can be replaced, and besides I think it's time Riverdale High and I take a break from one another."
Jughead and Sweet Pea's amusement slowly fades. "Wait. What?" Jughead asks. "You're dropping out?"
"No." You huff a laugh. "Transferring."
"Transferring to where?"
"Southside, you dimwits." You squeeze Sweet Pea when he scoffs at you calling him a name, letting him know you didn't actually think he was a dimwit. "I'm so over the drama of Riverdale High. I need a change. And if I want to go to Southside to be with my favorite people, do you really think my dad will let the school be closed down?"
"You really have that much faith in your old man, huh?" Sweet Pea asks.
"I do. And you should too." Jughead glances at you when you say that and you subtly shake your head at him. Soon, you mouth at him. "Now come on. Let's go see what my dad wants. I feel like going out tonight so I need to finish whatever task he has for me and make sure Toni is free."
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The small gang of friends find themselves at Pop's diner once again, you being squished between Sweet Pea and Toni while Jughead and Fangs sit across from you. You and Toni share a plate of cheese fries, half of your burger having been stolen by Fangs and you steal sips of Cola from both Jughead and Sweet Pea since Sweets had finished your milkshake. When eating with them, you quickly learned extra food had to be ordered because once a plate was set down it was basically a free for all.
You're laughing at Fangs' affronted expression, from when he tried stealing cheese fries from you and Toni and you both had slapped his hand, when the bell above the door jingles. Your gaze is drawn to the group that enters, your mood souring just a tad when Archie, Betty, and Veronica enter. They glance around the diner for a booth and upon setting sights on your group, Archie chooses a booth not far from yours.
Toni nudges you to show you a message on her phone, lightening up the mood right away. But every now and then your attention is brought back to the Riverdale High group, and you can't help but notice the longing looks Betty keeps throwing at Jughead. And the fact that Jughead keeps glancing over his shoulder until he finally gets up, Betty following him seconds later to join him at a different booth.
"Did I miss something?" You ask when your friend is out of earshot.
Toni huffs. "They're doing that whole on again, off again thing. It's tiring," she says.
You frown as Jughead and Betty start talking, heads ducked close to one another, but then quickly avert your attention back to those sitting with you. You don't really have anything against Betty, but that girl attracts drama like crazy and you would rather not see her drag Jughead into it again.
The four of you left in the booth amuse yourselves while finishing off the remainder of your food, and you make sure that all your plates are stacked with the trash compiled on top so the busboy has little to no cleanup after you leave. But while you're still sitting there and waiting to see what Jughead is going to do, you can't help but overhear Veronica's obnoxious voice filling in her boyfriend Archie about all the great changes supposedly coming to Riverdale soon.
"I mean it's no longer a secret mommy and daddy are buying up property, Archiekins, but can you blame them?" Toni, Sweet Pea, and Fangs all tense, Fangs trying his hardest not to look in their direction. "The Northside is flourishing under their management and soon the Southside will too. We just have a few more hoops to jump through before we can start tearing down and rebuilding."
Having heard enough, you tap Sweet Pea's arm. "Move." Fangs widens his eyes at you and Toni giggles, she loving your more aggressive behavior. Sweet Pea stares at you for a moment before he grins, sliding out of his seat so you can follow right after him. Then taking a few steps towards Veronica and Archie's both, you stop and address the entitled teen. "Consider those hoops everlasting," you say. "Lodge Industries will no longer be buying up any property in Riverdale."
Veronica scoffs, smirking a second later. "And who the hell do you think you are to have any say so in my family's dealings?"
This time you smirk and you mentally cheer when you see her own falter. "Tell daddy dearest the Morningstars say hello. Lucifer will be in touch soon." You reach forward as Veronica's expression completely falls, stealing the cherry from her milkshake and catching the red, plump flesh behind your teeth and plucking the stem free. Letting the stem drop onto the table, you glance over your shoulder and gesture for your friends to follow. They do, chuckling all the while you walk towards the door. But before you walk out, you look over at Jughead and catch his attention. "Hey, JJ, we're heading out. Call me if you need a ride."
"Oh, uh, I'll come with." Betty quickly glances at him and for a split second you feel bad for her. "We're done here anyway." He slides out of the booth, ignoring Betty's frown as he makes his way towards you and his fellow Serpents.
Sweet Pea jostles Jughead, the two boys shoving each other lightly and laughing as the five of your exit. Everyone piles into your small SUV and it's not until Toni is comfortably seated in the passenger seat does she ask, "How serious were you with that threat back there? Can your dad really stop Lodge Industries?"
You slowly start to grin as you back out of your parking space. "Hiram Lodge is one of my dad's clients," you admit. "They have a.. contract of sorts, and Mr. Lodge is rich because of that. But my dad is starting to cut ties with some old clients of his and I'm pretty sure the Lodge's time up on that little pedestal of theirs is coming to an end."
"Sweet," Sweet Pea says from the back seat. "Hey, if your dad buys the school do you think you can ask him to put doors back on the bathroom stalls?"
You and Toni both snort, and you nod your head. "Sure, Sweets. I'll see what I can do."
          - - - - - - - - - - 
At the Whyte Wyrm, Sweet Pea and Fangs make a beeline for the pool table. Toni heads for the bar, her shift about twenty minutes from starting, and Jughead gets pulled into a conversation by some elder Serpents. Glancing around the bar, you don't see either man you want to speak with so you head for the hallway near the back wall where you know it leads to an office. A couple Serpents guarding the hall nod at you and let you pass without a word.
When you come upon the shut door to FP's office, you knock a couple of times and wait for confirmation to enter. A moment passes before his gruff voice is calling out that exact confirmation.
Opening the door, you walk right in and aren't surprised to see your dad in there as well. You smirk, happy to know he found a mortal he felt comfortable enough to share his identity with and that said mortal didn't go running for the hills. "FP. Dad," you greet. "Just the men I was looking for."
FP leans back in his chair as you take a seat across from him. "What can I do for you, Y/N?"
"Well first, I need to know your opinion about Sweet Pea, Toni, and Fangs." You then turn to look at your dad. "And depending on FP's answer, I need to know-"
"Your first orgy," your dad coos. "I approve. Especially the tall one. He'd make an excellent consort."
"I'm sorry, what?" FP glances between you and your dad, disbelief in his features.
You sigh, closing your eyes and pinching the bridge of your nose. "Dad, no. Just no," you say. When your eyes flutter back open, you say, "What did I tell you about speaking of orgies so freely in front of mortals? It's weird. Especially since you're my dad. You're not supposed to approve of these things."
"Well fine. Have it your way." Lucifer leans back in his seat, resting his right ankle atop his left knee and taking a sip of his drink. "Probably for the best anyway. Naamah will be upset if you deny her the chance to plan your first orgy."
"Oh my god."
FP finally laughs, shaking his head as if he can't believe what he's hearing. Your dad pouts and you give your attention to FP once more. "The baby snakes are a loyal bunch," he says. "I've had some older Serpents question you and your father's presence here within the Wyrm, but Jug and the others were quick to defend you. Why do you ask?"
Here you look back to your dad. "I want to come clean to them. Jughead knows about me and it's getting tough to censor what I say in front of the others when we all hang out."
Lucifer salutes you with his glass tumbler. "You're the Queen of Hell, darling. You can tell whoever you want."
"Good to know." You push up from your chair, smiling at both men. "Oh and I want Southside High. Veronica Lodge and her family are trying to tear the Southside down and rebuild, but I feel like throwing a wrench into their plans."
Lucifer raises an eyebrow at you. "And how do you suggest going about that?"
"By befriending Mayor McCoy, of course." FP snorts, but you continue on as if you didn't hear him. "She seems like a decent lady when the Lodge's aren't blackmailing her into doing their bidding. Give her a little taste of power, no strings attached and without letting her know your true identity, and show her you're an ally. I have a feeling she'll drop the Lodge's in a heartbeat."
FP grins, shaking his head. "You really are your father's daughter."
You glance at him and smirk. "Duh. Now carry on. I'm going to be with Toni behind the bar."
          - - - - - - - - - - 
The Whyte Wyrm is as busy as always and you happily find your place behind the bar with Toni. She serves up the drinks as you walk around, cleaning glasses and/or wiping down the bar top. Every now and then you catch your dad or FP's eye, and they signal for a round of drinks that Toni readily makes before walking a tray over to them. You then watch your boys from afar, laughing when Jughead catches your eye and purposefully makes Sweet Pea miss his shot while playing pool. Sweet Pea is apparently a very sore loser, but you can't help to think that he makes a really cute sore loser.
When Toni returns and sees where you're looking, she sidles up to your side while cleaning a glass in her hand. "So, uh, I think I should apologize."
You look at her. "For what?"
"Earlier at Pop's, when I told you Jughead and the Cooper girl were on again/off again, you looked like someone kicked your puppy for a moment there."
"Did I?" You chuckle, shrugging her words off. "It's fine. Jughead has become a really good friend to me and I'm not exactly Betty's biggest fan. They say southsiders are nothing but trouble, but those northsiders have caused a lot more trouble than any of you have. I don't want to see him be dragged into their messes again."
"Oh," she drawls. "Okay. I just thought that you were upset because she and Jughead were together again and you had missed your shot or something."
"No." You laugh. "And besides, I kind of have my eye on another Serpent, but I don't think he likes me that way."
Toni rolls her eyes. "I don't think FP is into jailbait. Sorry."
You snort, shaking your head in amusement. "A girl can dream."
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Over the next couple of weeks, you get well acquainted with the power struggle between the Ghoulies and the Southside Serpents within the high school. The school is practically run down, there's no privacy within the graffitied walls of the bathrooms, and a little less than half the student population have no issue taking drugs out in the open while standing in the hallways. Not a single one of your favorite Serpents lets you out of their sight, and though you don't need their protection you welcome it. And their loyalty towards you is what leads you to take that final step in finally telling your other three friends the truth.
Walking up to the Jones' trailer, you stomp up the steps and pound on the door. A few seconds later the door opens and FP raises his eyebrows at you as he's pulling on a leather jacket.
"Hey, FP. Is JJ home?"
"Yeah. Come in." He opens the door wider and you step in, heading for the couch. "Is everything okay?"
"Peachy." You grin. You plop down in the corner of a couch, crossing one knee over the other. "I just finally decided to tell the others the truth and I wanted to see if Jughead would be there for me in case things go south."
A look of understanding passes over FP's features and he smiles kindly at you when he notices your bit of nerves. "It'll go fine. If Jug and I didn't run, neither will these three little shits." You grin at him. "Now I should get going. Will your dad and I be seeing you later?"
"Depends on how well my little bombshell is taken."
"Alright." FP heads towards the kitchen, calling down the only hallway in his trailer. "Hey Jug, Y/N is here so put some clothes on before you come out."
FP smiles at you one last time before he exits his trailer and it's not until his bike's engine outside roars to life does Jughead exit his bedroom from the back. "What's going on?"
"It's time to tell the other baby snakes about my heritage."
He blinks. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah." You nod, momentarily second guessing yourself. "Yeah," you then say more confidently. "I think the longer I wait now, the higher the chance of them being pissed at the fact that I kept something like this from them."
"Okay. Where are we doing this?"
"Quarry?" You wonder. "We need privacy, but not too private that they feel trapped should they not take the news well."
Jughead exhales quietly. "Quarry it is. My bike or your car?"
"Your bike. Text Toni and the guys. I just need to grab my bag from my car."
Jughead is pulling on his jacket as he gestures for you to join him by the door, then pulling on his infamous crown beanie before pulling out his phone to text the others. He heads to his bike while you head for your car, opening the passenger door and pulling out your messenger bag. Draping the bag strap over your head and across your chest, you close the door and lock up before pocketing the keys.
When you sidle up to Jughead, he hands you his only helmet and you readily pull it on before climbing on behind him. He's not normally a crazy driver, so you loosely wrap your arms around his waist and enjoy the short ride to the quarry.
You and Jughead are the first to arrive, walking towards a spot that seems to have frequent visitors. Seats torn out from vehicles and a few crates form a half circle around an unlit barrel just off to the side of the water, and Jughead wastes no time in lighting up the barrel since it's a little chilly out.
Placing your bag on one of the seats, you walk towards the fire and hold your hands over it to warm up. Then about five minutes later, the rest of your friends show up.
"What's going on?" Sweet Pea asks as his gaze darts between you and Jug. As he sees you warming up, he stops by your side and wraps an arm around your shoulders to offer some of his warmth. Toni and Fangs stand on the other side of the barrel, warming themselves up briefly before taking a seat.
"I, uh, I have something I need to tell you guys. It's going to sound incredibly insane, but I need you to trust me when I say I am no threat to you." Sweet Pea frowns down at you and he only takes a seat when you nudge him towards the others. Jughead grabs your bag and hands it to you, and you smile faintly in thanks. Then opening the flap, you remove your crown and let your bag fall before hesitantly putting the crown on. Clearing your throat, you say, "When you guys first saw me, I was wearing this."
Fangs grins. "We thought you were just another spoiled little daddy's girl."
You grin back. "I mean I am," you shrug, "but the crown actually means something."
"Are you trying to tell us you're royalty or something?" Toni chuckles. At your neutral expression, her smile falters. "Y/N?"
You inhale shakily, glancing at Jughead who gives you an encouraging nod. "Whenever people meet my dad, I'm well aware that they think his given name is rather unfortunate." Sweet Pea snorts, grinning. A couple older Serpents at the Wyrm made it no secret when making fun of your dad's name. "But what if I told you that my dad really is the Lucifer Morningstar?" Your serious, yet nervous, expression makes the other three go still. "That I'm literally the daughter of the devil?"
The only sounds you can hear are the chirping crickets and crackling fire until, "You really buying this, man?" Sweet Pea scoffs. You briefly glance at him to see he's staring at Jughead who's still by your side.
Jughead nods, his arms crossed over his chest. "I am. My dad knew something was up with Lucifer before they outright told us the truth. He's known for years, but Lucifer wasn't a threat to him then or now so he didn't make a fuss about it."
Sweet Pea frowns. He doesn't look scared or pissed, but he doesn't look impressed either. "Why are you telling us this now?"
"That first night, my dad let FP and Jughead in on our secret because he saw how I trusted Jug and wasn't planning to leave Riverdale anytime soon. We trusted the Jones' and they now trust us. The circle of people in the know was meant to stay as small as possible, but then you three," you pause, huffing and smiling sadly as you meet each of their gazes, "wormed your way under my skin and I knew I couldn't keep a secret this big from you anymore."
"So your dad really is the devil?" Fangs asks. His gaze is set on the flames just barely dancing over the rim of the barrel, an expression on his face you can't quite decipher.
Sighing, you let your left hand wave back and forth over the flames. "My dad really is Lucifer Morningstar." You hold your hand still then, the flames engulfing your hand. Someone gasps, but you don't look up until you say, "And I'm the Queen of Hell."
"Oh fuck."
Fangs immediately shoots up, stumbling behind his seat. Sweet Pea's expression has completely shut down and Toni stares with wide eyes. Without having to look in a mirror, you already know your eyes have gone pure white and the picture you paint with the crown atop your head can look quite daunting.
"I'm still me- the same girl you've been hanging out with for a while now." You swallow down the hurt you feel at their speechlessness. "But.. I will understand if this is too much. All I ask is that this little revelation doesn't leave the circle." Still your friends say nothing and fight against the burn behind your eyes. "I'm sorry."
As quickly as you can, you bend over to pick up your bag. Shouldering the strap, you turn to walk away when Jughead calls out. "Y/N.."
"It's fine," you say and cast him a small smile. "I'll pick up my car later. I'm going home."
"Let me give you a ride home at least."
You shake your head. "I'll manage." And with that, you turn and walk away, letting a swirl of flames whisk you away.
Maybe you should have waited, dropping hints here and there to ease them in. But as you appear in your room, you drop onto your bed and let the sadness swallow you whole. What's done is done. All you can do is hope for the best now.
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