#half up wedding hairstyle for long hair
eternalsams · 11 months
Till Death Do Us Apart ⇴ J.Seresin
pairing: Jake Seresin x fem!reader
content/warnings: 18+, bit of fluff and honeymoon phase, violence, angst, blood, drug use, guns, knives, swearing, allusions to sexual assault, death, murder, reader is said having longish hair
summary: Your wedding day was supposed to be the best day of your entire life, until it wasn't.
words count: 6.0k
notes: English isn't my first language so please take that into your consideration. Inspired by the movie Ready Or Not, but I've still changed a lot in the plot.
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The music was blasting from the speakers as Jake drove through town, one hand on the steering wheel and the other on the back of your neck, messing up a bit your hairstyle. If he'd dared doing that an hour ago, maybe you would've asked for divorce before you even said I do. But now that he was wearing the matching band on his ring finger, your hair was the last thing on your mind. Your husband turned to look at you and smiled lovingly before pulling on a single pin, letting half of your hair fall down. His hand sneaked at the top of your head and he blindly searched for the second one in your thick mass of hair. He finally found it and pulled on it before throwing both pins on the backseat, somewhere you would take hours to find them to give them back to your hairdresser. Your hair was now flying behind you as the wind hit the convertible 1950 Cadillac your father let you borrow for your honeymoon.
Jake wanted to surprise you by not telling you where he was taking you. He only told you the most important thing was to bring your favorite sundress and his favorite lingerie set. He was still dressed in his whites and you in your long dress, the white clothes contrasting with the black body of the car. You still packed some comfy clothes in a duffle bag for you and your new husband. Your left hand left your lap and you caught sight of the sparkle of your engagement ring. You smiled widely and started playing with the short hair on Jake's neck. "You hungry, baby?" He asked, slowing the car and taking a turn. "I'm starving!" You exclaimed and he chuckled. You both agreed on getting married and then immediately going on honeymoon. Less expensive and more alone time. So you hadn't eaten since breakfast that morning. He parked the car on the parking lot of a fast food and turned down the engine before pecking your lips. "I grab your usual and we eat under the stars?" He asked, slipping a lock of hair behind your ear. "Whatever you want, handsome." You smiled at him and kissed him. He groaned against your lips and grabbed the back of your head to deepen the kiss. His tongue gently parted your lips before you granted him access. His wife. You were his wife. Finally. He pulled away reluctantly and kissed your cheek before getting out of the car and grabbing his wallet in his bag.
You waved at him when he turned to you before getting in the restaurant and you sank in your seat, your whole body on fire. "Newly weds?" A voice made you jump. You straightened up and turned to the voice, noticing a woman, probably in her fifties, standing not so far from you, smiling kindly at you. You glanced back at the restaurant, seeing Jake, in his beautiful dress whites, ordering your food. You smiled lovingly and turned to the woman. "Yeah, we're on our way for our honeymoon." You bit your bottom lip in excitement, something the woman noticed as she chuckled. "Dinner break, I get it. My husband and I used to travel a lot when we were your age. Enjoy it while it lasts." She winked at you and you laughed softly, fiddling with your rings. "I'm not planning on doing anything else." You simply said, turning back to the restaurant to check on Jake.
Jake thanked the waiter and grabbed the bag full of warm food. The smell only could make him salivate and he couldn't wait to sit under the starry sky with his wife. When he got out, he noticed how the sky turned orange as the sun finally started to set at the horizon. He walked to the car with a silly smile on his lips before frowning when he didn't see you in your seat. He got closer and noticed your stuff still on the backseat. He put down the food and grabbed his phone, dialing your number but he quickly heard your ringtone and found your phone in your bag. "Baby?" He asked loudly, looking around him. His heart started beating faster but he couldn't let panic overthrow him. He cleared his throat and walked back to the restaurant. "Excuse me, have you seen a woman in a wedding dress? White." He asked the first waiter he found. The young woman looked around her and shook her head, seeming sorry for him. He thanked her anyway and went to ask someone else. When he realized nobody must have seen you, he walked to the bathroom and stopped just before opening the door with the little lady pictogram. He sighed and pushed it open and calling your name, but still nothing. An elder woman looked at him weirdly and he gently grabbed her arm. "Have you seen a young woman in a white dress?" He asked once more, panic starting to show in his voice. The graying lady shook her head and left the bathroom. Jake quickly left the restaurant and joined the car once again, looking for any trace of you.
He heard faint footsteps behind him and before he could turn and ask the person if they had seen you, a damp tissue was smashed over his mouth and nose. He immediately grabbed the arm around him and pulled on it but when he inhaled, he started to feel himself weaken. His grip on the arm loosened and he winced when he felt something puncturing the skin of his neck. A sensation of burn followed in his veins and he felt like his entire body caught fire. He fell on his knees and a second pair of arms caught him under his armpits. The tissue over his nose then disappeared and he could finally breathe fresh air, but it was too late for him to fight it. He felt his eyelids shut down and his blood flow burning his temples.
When he finally woke up, he could hear the cracking of fire and the muffled sound of voices. He had a hard time opening his eyes and his neck hurt him really bad. When he wanted to bring up a hand to soothe the pain, he couldn't. His hands were tied down behind his back and that was when he finally opened his eyes completely, trying to recognize his surroundings. "Finally!" An older woman crouched down in front of him. "I thought you'd never wake up. Excuse my husband, dear. He can be really gruff sometimes." Her hand went to gently stroke Jake's cheek but he jerked his head the other way, groaning lowly. "Where is my wife, you bastards?" He grumbled, pulling on his restraints. "Don't worry, she's here. Somewhere in this house." The woman simply said as she stood up. "What have you done to her? Where is she?!" He shouted at her, startling her slightly. "Don't raise your voice at me, young man! I could've killed that poor girl if I wanted to. I'm sure you wouldn't like to be widowed on your wedding day." Jake bit his tongue to stop the insults begging to be uttered. "What do you want from us? Money? I'll give you money. Just don't hurt her." He almost pleaded, pulling once again on his restraints, but nothing to do, they just didn't break. "You really think we want money? Look around you." Jake did as told and noticed the expensive furniture. Hell, even the wallpapers looked expensive. He looked back at the woman who simply shrugged with a little smile on her lips. "See? We don't need your money. We just want to have fun. So you're going to listen to me very carefully if you want to find your precious little wife."
She crouched back down and pulled a gun from behind her back, Jake's eyes widened and his breath got caught in his throat. "I'm gonna open those cuffs but you're not gonna go anywhere until I'm out of this room. You're gonna hear music on the speakers..." She explained as she pointed at the said speakers in the corner of the room before she aimed the barrel of the gun at his face. "And when the music stops, and only then, you can leave the room and start looking for your wife. Understood?" Jake only nodded at that, and the only thing in his mind at the moment was finding you and leaving this place as soon as possible. "Good boy." She patted his cheek and slipped her gun in her back pocket before grabbing keys on the bed next to them. She leaned over him and he could feel her disgustingly hot breath on his neck. When he finally heard the click of the restraints, he immediately pulled his hands in front of him to rub his wrists. The woman anticipated his movements and in a single motion, grabbed and aimed her gun at him, making sure he wouldn't try anything stupid. He only glared at her as she stood up and walked back to the door, her gun still pointed at him. "Remember, you stay here until the music stops." She reminded him and left the room, closing the door behind her. As she did so, some classical music started playing in the speakers and he stood up and started looking around the room for something to defend himself and then defend you. After a couple of minutes, the music stopped and he looked up at the speakers, making sure he was not hallucinating. He rushed to the door, opened it and ran out of the room, looking around the hallway as he called your name.
Ten Minutes Before
When you opened your eyes, all you could feel was a terrible headache as the light hit your retinas. You looked down at your lap when you felt resistance at your wrists and saw the rope tied around them. You started to panic and stood up, looking around you to find something to cut open the restraints. You heard the door behind you open and turned around, now facing a man. "Who are you? Where am I? Where's Jake?" You asked quickly, stepping back and away from him. "So many questions. You have to excuse my wife, I don't think she introduced us correctly. Let's just start all over again, shall we? Hi, darling. You've met my dear love Daphne earlier in the parking lot. And I'm August, the one who knocked you out." He softly smiled and you could feel your throat tighten at his words. You reached at the back of your head and winced when you felt the light wound. You started panicking completely when you felt and saw blood on your fingertips. It wasn't much or enough for you to have a concussion but you couldn't stop the panic from creeping up your throat. "Where's Jake? What have you done to him? Please let us go!" You could feel tears start to well up under your eyes and the man stepped closer, trying to soothe you. "Hey, hey, hey... Calm down, everything is okay. Your husband is okay, he's here too." He said with a calm voice. "Jake's here?" You could hear the tremble in your voice, trying not to think about what those lunatics must have done to your husband.
"What do you want from us?" You asked, taking another step back. "We just wanna play." He smiled and then explained to you what was gonna happen. He would release you from the rope and let you find Jake after the music stopped playing on the speakers. "What happens next?" You asked again as he held a knife pointing at you. "What do you mean 'what happens next'? You're free, of course!" He laughed and grabbed your wrists before cutting the rope. "That's not it, it can't be." You muttered, staring at the knife pointed at you. "Well, you can stay here with us if you don't wanna play." He shrugged and walked back to the door. "Have fun, darling!" He said before closing the door behind him and leaving you alone in the room as classical music started playing on the speakers. You tried to calm yourself and think about what could be the trap. When you heard the music stop, you rushed out of the room and ran in the hallways, holding the skirt of your dress not to trip over it. Lucky for you, you changed your heels for more comfortable shoes after the wedding. You tried to be as quiet as possible, feeling like you were some sort of prey in this enormous house. You pushed open a door and chuckled in relief when you recognized a kitchen. You pulled open all the drawers and finally found kitchen knives. You grabbed the largest one and noticed a phone. You rushed to it and dialed 911 but the moment you held the handset to your ear, only white noise was coming out of it. You cursed and pulled on the phone, discovering that the cable was cut. You grabbed your knife and ran out of the room before anyone could catch you. You were about to walk down the stairs when you heard men voices. "She was so pretty in this dress, it's like she dressed up just for us. I can't wait to find her." You smashed your hand over your mouth in shock and stepped back, getting away from the voices. That was certainly not August's voice, that man sounded way younger. Which meant he was more faster than the older man. When you heard a door open, you ran out of there and rushed up the stairs to find Jake.
Jake couldn't remember another time when he was sweating that much. His heart was beating loud and fast in his chest it hurt and his hands were shaking, opening every door he passed to find you. He was calling your name loudly until he heard someone. He ran up to the noise and found a young man who was surprised to see him. "Hey, have you seen a young woman in a white dress? I'm looking for her, she's...she's my wife." He said, breathless. The man nodded and smiled at him. "Yeah I've seen her, she was running that way." He pointed in a direction and Jake could feel his heart beating faster, hope flooding his veins. "I can come with you if you want, we'd cover more field." He patted Jake's shoulder and the blonde had a strange feeling but decided to quiet it down for now. They stayed silent the entire time, quietly looking for you, Jake a little bit more panicked than the other man. Both men stopped in their tracks when they heard a noise coming from behind a closed door they just passed. They exchanged a look and the stranger quietly stepped closer to the door and turned the handle. Jake could hear his heartbeat in his ears and as the other man opened the door quickly, he could feel in his guts you weren't there. But someone was and that someone jumped out of the room, aiming a shotgun at him and shooting.
Luckily for him, he had the time to duck and he skedaddled out of there. He could hear steps following him and most importantly, gun shots. As he was about to take a turn, another gunshot echoed in the hallways and he cried out in pain when the bullet touched him in the upper arm. He immediately put his hand on the wound to slow down the bleeding. He kept running until he couldn't hear the voices anymore and he hid in a broom closet. He looked down at his arm and swore under his breath when he saw all the blood. He carefully removed his, not so white anymore, jacket before taking off his belt and using it as a wither. He gritted his teeth when he felt a bit more blood running down his arm and hoped those bastards haven't found you yet. He slowly opened the closet door and peaked outside. Nothing. He grabbed his jacket and wrapped it around his wounded arm not to let blood drops on the floor behind him. "Come on, baby. Where are you..?" He whispered, more to himself. He started walking along the hallways when he heard your voice. No. Your scream. He shouted your name and started running in the direction of your voice. He didn't care if those men with the guns found him again, he needed to make sure you were fine. He just couldn't lose you, and certainly not like that.
You were squirming in the man's arms, screaming and calling for help. Calling for Jake to come and save you. The bottom of your dress got caught in a small metallic hook on the furniture and ripped it. That was when you heard the rip that the events of the day all turned back in your mind and you felt tears running down your cheeks. That was supposed to be the most beautiful day of your life, not the worst. You were supposed to laugh and smile, not cry and shiver in terror. Bloody hell, your newly husband was supposed to be the one making you scream and ripping your dress off you. "Let me go, please! Let me go! Jake! Jake, help!" You screamed and tried to hit the man holding you and pulling you into a dark room. "He's not there, sweetheart. He left without you, baby." The man chuckled before laying you down on a bed and pinning your hands down. "Don't call me that." You spat on him and he let go of your wrists to wipe his face. You immediately got up and as you ran to the door, the man grabbed you by the waist. "Stop running away, beautiful. It would be a waste not to get a taste." You could feel his face nuzzling in your neck and inhaling your perfume before lowly groaning. "You smell even better than I thought. Now, come on, I wanna have my fun before my parents get their hands on you." He threw you back on the bed and before he could do anything, the door slammed opened. You only had a glimpse of white clothes before the man that caught you was pinned to the ground. "Jake!" You recognized him and stood up, catching his arm before he could sink down the knife he was holding into the man's chest. He probably found the knife you dropped when that lunatic caught you. "Come on, Jake, let's go. I wanna leave this place." You begged and Jake turned to you before slamming his fist into the man's face, knocking him out. "Let's go." He said, keeping the knife and taking your hand in his. You both left the room quietly and quickly found an empty room. You didn't turn the lights on not to be noticed and when you were sure you were safe for now, you threw yourself into his arms.
He let you cry and buried his face into your hair. When he pulled away, he was frowning and he noticed the blood in your hair. "What did they do to you?" He grumbled, inspecting you from head to toes. "Nothing more than that, I promise." You took his hand and noticed the home-made wither he had on his upper arm. "What happened?" You immediately asked, taking his face in your hands. "They have shotguns." He simply said before he turned to the door, hearing the men's voices. He pulled you behind the desk in the room and you both sat down, staying as silent as possible. When you were sure they were gone, you sighed heavily and closed your eyes, keeping Jake's hands in yours. "I'm sorry, baby..." He whispered, looking at you. "Don't you dare apologize, Seresin. It's not your fault." You opened your eyes and frowned. "Understood, Seresin." He smiled, loving how he could now call you by his name. You stayed silent for a few minutes, only staring into each other's eyes and appreciating the moment before the nightmare would start again. "How do we get out of here?" You asked him. "I have an idea, but it could get dirty." He grimaced before he continued. "But first, we need to get more comfortable. I'm not sure people designed wedding clothes to be practical during attempted murder." He rolled up his sleeves and unbuttoned the first two buttons of his shirt. "If by practical you mean hot, you're on the good way." You tried to joke around and he chuckled. "I'm glad you found me." You added, looking at him deep in the eyes. "Till death do us apart, remember? I really hope you do because you promised those vows not even 12 hours ago." He joked back before grabbing the fabric of your ripped dress. He thought for a second before quietly apologizing and ripping entirely the skirt, making it shorter. "I promise I'll buy you a new one and we'll burn this one." He said before kissing you softly. You couldn't even remember when was the last time you kissed him, but it sure felt like years ago. He pulled away, slightly making you whine of the loss of him. "Come on, we need to move."
He made sure to never let go of your hand as you moved through the hallways silently. You were terribly amazed by the number of rooms in this house, every time you would open a door, it led to a new one. Every single time. It was like it would never end and you would never find the exit. When you found yourselves in the umpteenth room, Jake turned to you. "I think they might have an armory." He kept looking around, making sure nobody was following you. "You think?" You thought about it and he nodded. "We could use their own weapons against them, what do you think?" He asked you, still not letting go of your hand and resting his other hand on your shoulder. "I don't care what happens to those fuckers, I want to get out of here and go to our honeymoon." He softly smiled down at you and kissed your forehead. "I want that too. Are you ready for what's gonna happen? For what we'll have to do?" He asked you one last time and you nodded. "Are you?" You asked him back. "For you? I'm ready to kill whoever's on my way." He then pulled you into his arms and murmured sweet and loving words. "I love you. So much." You said, your forehead now resting on his. "I love you too, baby." You smiled at the nickname, a warm feeling spreading in your chest. "Let's go kill those sons of bitches." You pulled away from him and he chuckled at your words.
You managed to avoid Daphne, August and their two sons for as long as you could until you finally found the said armory. "Oh my fucking God, they're truly insane." Jake whispered as you both looked around the room at all the guns hooked on the walls. "Come on, we need to be prepared for whatever they have against us." You hurried to find a good gun with enough refill to shoot down all of them. Multiple times. Jake opted for a rifle and grabbed the bandoleer for it. With all the noise you made getting prepared, you didn't hear the voice getting closer until you saw the door opening behind Jake. "Jake, get down!" You shouted and one of the two sons aimed his gun at you but you shot first. A loud thud was heard and Jake stood back up, staring at the body next to him and the three holes in his chest. He then turned to you, your gun still in your hands and almost fuming like in those old Western movies. "Holy shit, baby." Jake sighed, getting closer to you and lowering the gun. "He's dead?" You asked, your voice getting weak and trembling. "You saved my life. You saved me." He grabbed your face, making you focus on him and not the bleeding corpse behind him. "I saved you." You repeated. "Good girl." He smiled and pecked your lips. "We gotta move, they must've heard the shots." He grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the room, stepping past the -still hot- body on the floor. Just as he said, you weren't gone for two minutes before you heard Daphne's voice from the armory, crying the death of her son. "Come on, let's go." Jake whispered to you and pulling you with him.
As you were running to find an exit, you benefited of that time to reload your gun, making sure you'd always have enough bullets. You only let go of Jake's hand for a minute but it was already too long because now you were being dragged back, a hand over your mouth and a knife against your throat. You still let escape a gasp and caught Jake's attention. He turned to you and aimed his rifle to the man holding you captive. "Let her go." He groaned, pulling on the lever safety. "You shouldn't do that." The man said and you recognized the second son. You gulped and grimaced when you felt the glade pressing against your skin. "Lower that gun and I won't hurt her." The brother said but Jake didn't move an inch, staying fully focused on his target. The man holding you lowered his hand holding your face to place it around your middle and pressed you against his body. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, dropping your gun on the floor and trying to get his hand off your body. But when you first tried to rip it off you, the knife he was holding pressed deeper into your throat, cutting your skin and making you whine in pain. Jake's grip on his shotgun weakened as he watched with terror the drops of blood running down your neck and disappearing into your dress. The man then took advantage of this and threw his knife at Jake's shoulder where the blade sank. Your husband dropped his weapon and screamed in pain as you screamed in horror. You could do nothing but watch the blood stain the white shirt of your newly husband as the man dragged you away from Jake. You cried for him, watched him drop to his knees as strength started leaving him. But he still found the strength to look at you until you disappeared from his sight.
You squirmed in the man's arms, begging him to let you go, to let you check on your husband. But he didn't let go. He dragged you into a room where you could see Daphne's red and teary eyes and August's enraged ones. The son threw your body against the table and you cried out in pain as the corner hit your ribs. August grabbed your wrists and pulled you on the table as his son maintained your ankles still. Daphne then appeared in your field of view and pointed a knife at you, making you stop squirming almost immediately. "You killed my son. We were nothing but kind to you and your husband but you had to kill my baby." She groaned the last words like a rabid animal. "You tried to kill us!" You shouted and she got the knife closer to your chest. "It's part of the game." She said as if it was obvious fact before she continued. "You were supposed to find your husband and leave. Or, we'd find you and play with you. You weren't supposed to use our weapons against us." She then lowered the knife to your stomach and the blade started ripping the fabric of your dress. You then felt hands rubbing up and down your legs. "Can I please have my fun with her first?" The son asked, looking at you like a piece of fresh meat. His hands then reached your thighs as he pushed up the dirtied skirt of your wedding dress. You only heard August grumble something and the young man's hands fell back to your ankles, but not without rubbing small circles on your skin. You felt like you would throw up. You turned to look at the window for a second and noticed how dark it was outside. You didn't know how long you had been there but it felt like months to you. That was nothing like the idea you had of your wedding night. You really didn't expect being pinned down a table and tortured then killed as your husband was bleeding to death in the hallway.
Daphne then lowered the knife to your thigh and slowly sank it into your skin, making you scream in pain. The fabric of your dress rubbing against the extra-sensitive flesh making you see dark spots as you felt your head spin. She then ripped the knife out, making you whine. You just couldn't find the strength to do anything more, your whole body was begging for mercy, aching in a way you never thought possible. But the worst was the pain in your heart, the sole thought of Jake made it bleed painfully. And just before you could feel yourself fall into unconsciousness, you heard the door slam open and two gun shots. The weight on your ankles disappeared and you could finally move your feet. Your wrists were next to be released just before hearing three other gun shots. You then heard Daphne scream and she dropped her knife next to your body. You slowly opened your eyes and thought you were in heaven when you saw Jake in the room, pointing the gun you dropped earlier at the woman. "You okay, baby?" He still asked you, never looking away from Daphne. You mumbled something he couldn't understand and stood closer to you, grabbing the knife and handing it to you so you could protect yourself if something happened. You regained your senses and when you secured the knife in your hand, you looked up at Daphne who got tears running down her face, glancing at her husband and at her son. You sat up on the table, feeling more blood coming out of your wounds and winced. Jake quickly glanced at you to make sure you were fine and wrapped the arm that was not holding the gun around your waist to support your body against his. You carefully grabbed the gun and aimed quickly at Daphne, shooting three more bullets into his head. She dropped dead on the floor, a puddle of blood forming under her as the last nerves in her body made her shiver. "Let's get out of here." You sighed, dropping the gun in the puddle at your feet.
Jake kneeled before ripping another piece of your dress and wrapping it around your stab wound on your thigh. You gritted your teeth at the pain but said nothing as Jake stood back up. You wrapped your arms around him and closed your eyes, savoring this moment of peace, even in the middle of a real massacre. "How's your shoulder?" You asked softly. "I managed to stop the bleeding. It's not that bad." He said, wrapping his wounded arm around your shoulder. He kissed the top of your head and led you out of the room. "We need to find a phone to call the police and tell them everything. They'll understand why we did it." Jake said as you staggered through the hallways. "No. The phones are dead. And I'm pretty sure we're not close to any police station." You managed to mutter, trying not to put all your weight down on Jake's bleeding shoulder. You heard Jake curse under his breath and felt him straighten up as an idea came up in his mind. "We're gonna burn down this place. It'll alert the surroundings pretty quickly and help is gonna come for us." He said as he readjusted his grip on you. Your leg hurt like hell but you were sure his shoulder did the same to him. Your husband opened a door and you almost nervously laughed when you saw the fireplace and the huge curtains not so far. You exchanged a look with him and he softly made you sit down a chair before ripping a part of the curtains so it could easily reach the fire. "Check the counter, there might be some alcohol." You said, pointing at the furniture next to you. Jake nodded and opened every door, taking out every whiskey, every liquor he could find. He gave you two opened bottle as he held two others. "Till death do us apart, my love." He tenderly smiled at you before he poured the alcohol all over the furniture. You did the same and stopped in your tracks when you caught a glimpse of yourself in a mirror. Your dress was ripped and stained, most of it was by your own blood but you knew some of it wasn't. You didn't look like a bride anymore, you looked more like a monster straight out of one of those children's tales. "Jake, can I have your jacket please?" You turned to look at your husband who was still pouring alcohol all around the room. He unwrapped it from around his arm and you could see the wither he made with his belt. He gave it to you and went back to what he was doing. You started removing your sleeves and delicately detached the blood-wet dress off you. Jake glanced at you and frowned. "What are you doing?" He asked, getting closer to you. "I'm gonna burn this dress." You simply answered, stepping out of it and putting on the white jacket Jake gave you. You held the -not so white- dress in your hands before letting it fall to the ground. When you saw Jake pouring the liquid on the curtains, you quickly grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the room when the fire reached the fabric and started spreading around the room.
You ran as quickly as possible to find an exit and when you finally found it, Jake broke it down with his unharmed shoulder. You could hear the first explosions behind you as you rushed down the stairs of the porch. Jake wrapped his arms around you to keep you warm since you were only wearing your honeymoon lingerie and his jacket. You sat down in the grass in front of the house catching fire, Jake sat behind you and holding you between his legs and his arms. You could feel the heat radiating from the residence. It was almost comforting to know those bastards were rotting in this house. Weirdly enough, your wounds didn't hurt as much as before now that you knew you and Jake were safe. You leaned back and rested your head on his valid shoulder before closing your eyes. "Don't fall asleep." Jake muttered before kissing your temple. "I won't. I promise." You said as you listened to the cracking of the fire. You then heard the birds singing and you wondered what time it actually was. Jake even started humming your favorite song to soothe you and you buried your nose into his neck, inhaling the rest of cologne he had. You could also hear some small explosions and some part of the house break down but nothing startled you, after the night you just had, you weren't sure anything could scare you anymore. Not even twenty minutes later, you could hear the sirens of the fire trucks and Jake gently stroked your arms. "Baby, the help is here. It's over." He then kissed the top of your head and you smiled, keeping your eyes closed. The nightmare was finally over.
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Tag list: @birdy-bat-writes @ratticus-spaghettius @captainmoonknight @princess76179 @shakespeareanwannabe @jakeseresinlover @hangmandruigandmav @rockbottomphilosophies-blog @sarahsmi13s @hookslove1592 @mamachasesmayhem @buckysteveloki-me @hisredheadedgoddess28 @kmc1989 @countryandsweetbabygirl @carnationworld @books4ever03 @blue-aconite @entertainmentgal8
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bey0nd-1he-stars · 1 year
Possible love - Nikolai Lantsov
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Part 1
Pairing: Nikolai Lantsov x reader
Word count: 1839
Warning: mentions of crying, mentions of death (Vasily's so is it really a warning?)
Summary: After being married to Vasily for almost half a year, everything crashes at Nikolai's birthday party. Part 2 of Impossible love. Can be read as a standalone too.
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The room had been decorated most beautifully. Sun shined in through the windows as the servants worked with setting the tables. You had just walked past, on your way to your chambers to get ready. It was Nikolai’s birthday party and even though he was your greatest heartbreak, you intended to attend. Vasily was going to be there too and he said he wanted his wife beside him. You’d only been married to Vasily for half a year but he still insisted you’d be by his side for every event the crown hosted since your wedding. It was a bit tiresome and you couldn’t say that he was the greatest company since he seemed to leave you alone at all of the events anyway. 
But despite him being bad company and a terrible leader, the two of you had still managed to find some respect for each other. You didn’t know if it was the times he’d found you crying over your marriage, the times you’d screamed at him about being an arrogant little shit, or the one time you even slapped him across the face after he told you something quite nasty. You didn’t know that it was Nikolai who’d pulled his brother aside and threatened to kill him if he hurt a hair on your head, and both Vasily and Nikolai intended to keep it that way. 
Now he was respectful towards you. He didn’t force himself on you like he’d done in the beginning, he didn’t say anything nasty to you or about you, and he didn’t hurt you in any physical way. It was probably very low standards for a marriage but you took what you could get. Sometimes, you’d even consider him kind. There were days where he’d come to your chambers with a breakfast tray and you’d sit in bed and eat together. You barely talked but it was nice anyway. Some days he’d taken you riding around the grounds, and one time he even helped you brush your hair in such a tender way you almost believed it was Nikolai. But it wasn’t and you were stuck with his older brother. 
Pushing the door to your chamber open you stepped inside to the sight of Vasily in only dress pants and an unbuttoned shirt. He snickered when you stepped inside and gave you a smirk. You gave him a simple nod before walking behind the screens to change. 
Nikolai pulled anxiously at his tie and pushed a hand through his blond hair. It seemed like he was always nervous about events nowadays. It was during those hours he couldn’t escape the sight of you on Vasily’s arm and it broke his heart every time he saw you two together. He knew you didn’t love your husband, and he knew that Vasily didn’t love you. But he was fascinated with you, which was why he insisted on staying married to you. That and the alliance it created with your country. You’d argued that that alliance would be just as strong if you married Nikolai, instead of Vasily, but who were you to disobey orders of the king and queen. Nikolai had tried talking his brother out of it too but without success. Now he threw a glance at the clock and let out a deep breath before steering his steps towards the ballroom. 
He got an applause when he entered the room and caught your gaze from across the room when he looked around. You had a gentle smile on your face, Vasily’s arms around your waist and a beautiful, long gown that matched Vasily’s suit tie. Your hair was up in an elegant hairstyle and Nikolai felt his breath get caught in his throat. He sat down with the rest of his family at the table in the front. You were sitting beside him and your perfume had him losing his mind. But the dinner didn’t last for long. Nikolai and Vasily were soon arguing and in the midst of it all, chaos erupted. The Darkling’s nichevo’ya had found you.
Nikolai sprung from his chairs, taking ahold of you in one hand and grabbing the hand of the queen in his other, starting to drag you away from the mess. But you pulled your hand free from his grasp and despite fearing for your life you turned back around to get ahold of Vasily. You pushed through the crowd of panicking people and just as you were to grab ahold of him the nichevo’ya picked him up, burying its talons into his flesh and ripping his arm off. You saw the light fade from his eyes and watched as the shadow monster threw him aside and went for the next victim. That’s when you turned and ran, leaving everything behind you. In a hurry, you gathered your skirts in your hands and set off towards the tunnels underground. 
Nikolai was panicking. You’d pulled away from him and disappeared into the crowd again, and he didn’t have the time to go after you. Now he could only stand in the entrance to the tunnels and push people inside, looking for you and praying to saints he didn’t believe in that you were okay and that you hadn’t gotten the same fate as he’d seen his brother receive. His eyes filled with tears at the thought of losing you but he whipped them away before they even got to fall. The image of you in your beautiful gown was stuck in his mind and now he used that image to look for the color of it in the crowd. 
You could have taken one of the other entrances he thought as the crowd started to thin out and just a few single people came through at a time. But why would you? This entrance was closest. He ushered a man inside and helped one of the healers from the first army down underground. But where were you? He started walking towards the stairs again, contemplating if he should go up stairs again to look for you, but Tamar came running up the stairs before he got any further. 
“I think that’s all of them. No one else is coming through the other entrances,” she told him, one hand resting on one of her axes, just in case. Nikolai gave her a nod but stood still anyway, waiting for you. 
“Is Y/N down there? I lost her in the crowd,” the desperation in his own voice made him wince. Tamar could only shake her head at his question and Nikolai felt the hope drain from his heart. Then hurried steps could be heard in the stone stairs leading down to the tunnels. His gaze snapped up and the relief he felt when he saw you running down the stone stairs was something he’d never felt before. He wrapped an arm around your waist, leading you down to the tunnels, letting Tamar close the entrance behind you. 
He brought you to a small room that you could only assume was his makeshift bed room down here. A big bed stood in the corner, a desk and a chair, and a few candles stood on the big table that took up most of the room. Stacks of rolled up maps and blueprints were messily laid on top of the table and a cold cup of tea rested on the corner of it. None of you said or did anything until you were behind a closed and locked door. When you heard the lock click you threw yourself in Nikolai’s arms, something you hadn’t been able to do since you married Vasily. And it felt like coming home. Everything about him was familiar. From the way that he held you and how he felt pressed against you, to the way he smelled and the gentle strokes he made up and down your back. 
After hugging him for so long that you started to forget what had happened in the first place, you pulled away, whipping tears off your face. Nikolai had tears in his eyes too but he smiled through them, pushing a strand of hair away from your face. 
“Vasily’s gone,” you whispered, eyes glossed over, voice broken. Even if you’d never loved him, you’d learned to live with him and you’d never wished for him to die the way he did. Nikolai sighted and nodded gently, “I know, love.”
“I’m so sorry Nikolai. I know you disliked him but he was still your brother,” you gently told him and rested a hand over his heart. You could feel it beating through the material of his suit. He looked down at your hand, placing his own on top of yours. 
“I’m sorry too, Y/N. He was your husband,” Nikolai’s voice was just as careful as yours. The feeling of having you this close again made his feelings for you bubble over and drown him in want for you. But you’d just lost your husband, if he got together with you again so soon it would look bad for both of you. 
“Well, I could never have loved him. Not like I love you.” Nikolai shook his head at your statement, “Don’t say that, it’s too soon. Even if we survived this attack, even if we survive this war. We don’t know if we can.” His heart broke a bit as he uttered the words but you both knew that it was true. But still, you shook your head at him. Everyone knew the sad love story about you and the two princes of Ravka. It wouldn’t matter to anyone other than the two of you if you got a happy ending. 
“I was taken away from you and I had you taken away from me. I let that happen once before and I won’t let it happen again. I won’t be with you because of what everyone else thinks. If I’m not to be with you, it’ll be because you don’t want me. So tell me, Nikolai, tell me you don’t want me and I’ll leave,” your voice was honest but so gentle and soft. Nikolai knew that you felt his heart pick up and your beautiful eyes made him fall into an eternity where he only wanted you, only needed you. He closed his eyes, “You know that I want you.” You stood on your toes, brushing your lips against his and it was too much. Nikolai couldn’t not have you anymore. Before you were able to pull away from the barely kiss, he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into him, pressing his lips against yours, kissing you like there was no tomorrow. For all you knew, there wasn’t. But this time, Nikolai wouldn’t take the risk of not spending his every last living second by your side. When you pulled away you were out of breath. Both your breathes were heavy and you barely heard what Nikolai said.
“I want you. I’ll always want you.”
“Then let me be yours.”
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adz · 11 months
Property Brothers
The first Property Brother is born and it’s like a light appearing during the long night of an earth without Property Brothers. His name is Abraham, and from the moment of his birth there are murmurs about who he will partner with, which properties he will purchase and the renovations he will spearhead, and the media appearances that will follow.
Colin is born a year later, and it’s not apparent he even is a Property Brother until his second year of elementary school when he brings the deed to his parents’ home into show-and-tell and flips it for nearly three times the amount they’d paid a decade earlier. Abraham is the one who takes the ball and runs with it, securing new land on which to build a new home. The mother and father are pretty much just along for the ride.
With their fledgling businesses geographically overlapping so severely one might think the two boys would be at odds, but nothing could be further from the truth. Abraham and Colin are thick as thieves and do everything together, feeding and bathing one another and talking in hushed tones long into the night. They apply to business school when Colin is 11 and Abraham is 12, and they both get in, and they do each others' homework, quickly moving up through the ranks until they are teaching the classes while their professors watch in awed silence. When they graduate at the top of their class, perfectly tied with the highest grades ever recorded, they sell the school building and use the money to start their own business.
There was another brother born too, Gus, and he will become relevant later.
The Property Brothers are in their element. Here's how they do things. First, they purchase a property. Then, they visit the property and loudly remark on its positive and negative qualities. A process follows where the positive qualities are enhanced and the negative qualities utterly erased - this part is difficult to understand and not worth describing in detail. Finally, the brothers sell the property and make a hell of a lot of dough. They could use this dough for anything, but they always use it to buy more property. To do otherwise would be contrary to their nature.
Neither Abraham nor Colin has ever gone to a barber, but their identical black hairstyles are an inch and a half long and neatly slicked down. One of them wears a denim shirt and the other wears selvedge denim jeans. At all times, the one wearing the denim shirt wears dark pants, and the one wearing denim jeans wears a light patterned button-down shirt. It is impossible to say which brother is which. They orbit one another like sister stars with identical masses. They still live in their parents' home and sleep together in their childhood bedroom. At one point, they are seen dating beautiful women with white sweaters, and they marry, but soon their wives recede into the background radiation, and it's unclear if they were ever discrete objects to begin with.
Someone offers the Property Brothers a reality show on television, but they turn it down. They have everything they could possibly need. They have never flown on a plane; they drive black Ford Mustangs. They eat oatmeal for breakfast and steak for dinner. They have never gone to a library or movie theater, never been to a funeral or wedding (not even their own), never held a baby, never listened to music. The properties they own accumulate value at an impossible rate, baffling economists. The Property Brothers are ironclad. The gentle, masculine, beatific front they present is not actually a front but completely real and true. They have not said anything demeaning or rude about a person in their entire lives.
On the fifteenth anniversary of the founding of Abraham and Colin's business, Gus comes to visit. He has graduated from college with a degree in sociology. You can tell him apart by his hair, which is slightly curly, and his sneakers, which neither Abraham nor Colin would be caught dead in. Otherwise he is identical and somehow simultaneously the exact same age as the other two.
When Abraham opens the door to their parents' house and sees Gus, he smiles and says "It's great to see you! Let me get my brother." He closes and locks the door and goes into the garage. Colin is in his bedroom on the second story looking down out of the window at Gus.
For the next three years, the brothers have to use the Internet to buy and sell property. They work on their laptops at the living room table while their parents move to and fro. Colin contracts a scout to observe properties and report back to the brothers, and Abraham chooses to buy or sell based on the scout's info. The scout misses important details: the Property Brothers would never buy an ochre house, but they are told it's vermilion. For the first time in their lives, they begin to lose money. Meanwhile, Gus has died of exposure.
During the time the Property Brothers spend indoors, their business goes bankrupt and their names are dragged through the dirt. "Abraham" is known to buy houses with flooded basements, and the name "Colin" becomes synonymous with "house that has a gas leak." Everyone has forgotten that they ever had wives; no one would marry them now. The brothers are ruined.
However, something is about to happen that nobody would expect. It happens on a Sunday morning while their parents are at church. Colin is in the garage cleaning his Mustang with special soap, and Abraham is looking at paintings in the hallway. Suddenly, both brothers smell the familiar scent of their house burning. They run into the living room and see that their laptops have simultaneously ignited and that the blaze has consumed the table, the chairs, the carpet, the wainscoting, the cornices, the pilasters. Abraham and Colin embrace and the house collapses around them, kicking up a large cloud of ash. 
When the dust settles the brothers straighten up, blinking, and walk through the wreckage of the destroyed house, past what used to be the front door and a loose pile of deteriorating human bones. They stand at the end of the driveway and look back at what used to be their refuge and their prison.
A limousine pulls up next to the brothers, and a man wearing a black suit gets out. "What happened here?" he asks.
"Recent renovations to this property have opened up basically infinite opportunities for land utilization," says Colin.
"The area is zoned for residential and you can pick up this lot for a song," says Abraham.
"This is a wonderful neighborhood with lots of walking trails and natural features," says Colin.
When the Property Brothers' parents return home, they see that their home is gone and another home is being built in its place by a new owner. They see that their sons have freed themselves from the pain of knowing themselves, from knowing not-themselves. They hold one another and weep with joy. Residents come out of the neighboring homes with folding tables, grills, and champagne. Everyone here deserves to be here. Everything is arranged in a way that makes sense visually. Jewel and earth tones. Granite and marble. The fingerprints of God lie across everything. These homes are also properties. These people are also brothers.
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rat-typewriter · 2 years
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SUMMARY: just hours before you’re due to marry a man you don’t love, Dabi comes to change your mind.
Warnings: Swearing ig?? if that’s a warning lol
Proofread?: Not for even one second 😌
You sat, staring at your reflection - the stylist nervously tried to meet your eyes in the mirror. It was the third hairstyle she had tried in two hours. 
“It’s nice.” You said, attempting to mask the disappointment in your voice - but judging by the way your soon-to-be mother-in-law rolled her eyes and huffed, you were still a bad liar. 
Over the year that you had known the woman, the only thing you seemed to have in common was a mutual dislike for one another. You were not the sort of bride she wanted for her son - but this wasn’t about love or fairy-tales or happy endings. It was strictly business. 
Quirk marriages were much more common than most people would’ve liked to believe; they paid well too. You’d been found by the guy’s father - an owner of a wealthy construction company - who knew your quirk would be an invaluable asset to their business. It wasn’t the life you had imagined for yourself, but at least money would never be an issue for you again.
Your mother-in-law had pulled the hairstylist into the doorway - as if standing a few feet away suddenly made you incapable of hearing their hushed voices. Your legs seemed to be buzzing with adrenaline that only seemed to be getting worse as the ceremony drew closer and your head was starting to feel slightly too light for the rest of your body - as if it was fading into a puff of smoke. 
Just as you began to half-heartedly wonder if you might be about to vomit: your phone buzzed. A text from an unknown number flashed up on your screen.
Last chance.
Quickly, you swiped the message away - averting your gaze, instead focusing on the colours of nail polish picked out for you. You had no idea that there could be so many shades of white: eggshell, cream, ivory, pearl, snow, chiffon, porcelain-
Now or never.
You stared at the text, your legs becoming more restless than ever. Now or never had become an almost-inside joke between the two of you - a secret reference to the first time you met that you both dropped into as many conversations as you could. Now or never summed up everything about the two of you.
You stumbled through the snowy alleyway, still reeling from excitement - and smoke inhalation. Your whole life you’d wanted to do that. To burn something. Not to light people’s cigarettes or warm their cold hands or melt their icy car doors. To burn something. 
Despite your blackened clothes and singed hair, the cold was starting to numb your fingers. The night air was freezing; turning your breath to fog in the dark. Your flimsy canvas shoes had long been soaked-through by the wintry slush that covered the streets - you hoped it wasn’t far. 
You hoped this place was even real. 
You reached a metal door - dented and dimly lit by a flickery yellow bulb - and knocked. Do you knock at a villain’s hideout? You wondered to yourself, beginning to feel nervous. Everything you knew about this place had come from whispers on shady streets or out the back of bars. 
Pulling you from your thoughts, the door swung open - the metal groaning as its hinges scraped together.
You couldn’t quite see the person who had opened the door, as they stood a few feet back - hidden by the darkness - but his voice was low and raspy when he spoke.
“Coming in?” 
You stood, staring into the black - your legs suddenly made of lead, but your chest alive with electricity. 
Another moment passed, the quiet filled by your soft breath turning to fog. A van rumbled past on the road and you caught yourself glancing back, watching as it rolled by. 
“Now or never.” He said and you turned back to face him. 
“Better be now then.” You said hoarsely - your throat burning as you spoke. 
The stranger stepped back and a yellowy strip of light crossed his face, illuminating his features. His skin was littered with scars you recognised as burns - something you had become familiar with, over the years of being unable to control your fire quirk - but beneath them he was young, no older than you.
His eyes crinkled slightly and he grinned - which suddenly sent sparks of fear and excitement through your chest again.
“Come on in then, sparky.” 
It was the fifth time that your phone buzzed - two minutes before the ceremony was to begin - that you gave in. 
You suddenly jumped out of your seat, the bridesmaid (who you barely even knew) and had been fixing your hair stumbled back.
“I- Uh,” you stammered as the other bridesmaids turned to stare at you. “I’m going to the toilet.” 
And you took off. 
You stumbled out of the door and down the hallway in shoes that were horrendously uncomfortable. You took a left, then a right, then a left again - until you found an open window. 
Without thinking, you forced the window as wide as it would go and shimmied through - tumbling out and into a bush.
As you attempted to pull yourself out and untangle your clothes - which had caught in the branches - you heard a familiar laugh. 
“Wow. Bit desperate to leave are we?” 
You whipped around, finding yourself face-to-face with Dabi. 
“Didn’t think you missed me that much,”
You opened your mouth, but no words came out and your brain was suddenly empty. Butterflies erupted in your stomach - the boy who you hadn’t seen in over a year was still able to make you nervous.
He grinned - oh how you’d missed that - and laughed again. “You look gorgeous, Doll.”
“Thanks,” you breathed - a little lightheaded. “You don’t look so bad yourself.”
He stepped forwards - rolling his eyes; offering a hand to pull you out of the bush. “Oh, how you flatter me,”
Accepting the hand, you let him heave you out of the bush - pulling you far closer than necessary. You stood practically against his chest, having to crane your neck slightly to look him in the eyes. 
You swallowed and felt your face grow hot. 
God he knew just how to make you feel sixteen all over again.
"I've missed you." You breathed.
He smiled - with only a hint of his usual smugness. "I've missed you too, Sweetheart,"
His hand found its way to your waist and he bent down, quickly kissing you. It wasn't long or passionate or hot. Just a regular, discrete peck on the lips.
But God did it make you fall in love all over again.
The sound of voices suddenly echoed around the corner and Dabi glanced around. He took a step back and turned to you with that slightly-terrifying, but oh-so-exhilarating grin.
“What do you say we get out of here?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
He extended his hand to you, faking a courteous bow and in return you grinned and curtseyed. Giggling slightly, you put your hand in his and he pressed a brief kiss to your knuckles - winking up at you.
"Dabi Todoroki I never knew you were such a gentleman!" 
"If you ever tell anyone, I'll have to kill you" 
For a moment, his tone is so serious that you almost believe him - but then he smiles and tugs on your hand.
"C'mon, I hate weddings." 
"Me too." You giggled.
With your hand in his, you both took off running.
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jake-g-lockley · 2 years
di im having frankie x desi!reader thoughts :""""""D
like imagine him and you being invited to a wedding and you're part of the wedding party so you don't get ready with him and even though the both of you are engaged he's never seen you in a fancy ass lehenga before so he absolutely freezes when you walk past him, in your element, tying jasmine onto the brides hair and you see him and bonus if before you both leave you adjust his sherwani pin and THE MAKING OUT THAT ENSUES MY GOD IM YEARNING SO BADLY RN
Asian Ting in a Lehenga (Frankie Morales x desi!reader)
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Warning: kissing + hot Frankie, swearing Word count: 1k
A/N: tell me that this robe wasn’t just a sherwani and that the ovary or blood vessel I just burst was worth it. Short drabble based on this ask by @brekkers-desigirl and damn my brain literally can't handle this omggggg
Frankie frowned at his reflection as he ruffled his hair, attempting to tame it down a notch before leaning against the wall furthest from the crowd as he waited for you. The deep mustard sherwani that was detailed with suns you had bought for him made him look like a prince but Frankie had always been one to not like the spotlight on him. He sighed as he looked at his watch for the umpteenth time, waiting for you to make your appearance. 
To call you his fiance was a great gift and he loved your family, your culture and whatever made you the beautiful woman that you were. You were quite literally the apple of his eye and no one on this big blue Earth even comes close to you. 
As the sister of the bride, you had taken your position as the maid of honor very seriously, making sure that everything was planned down to military precision, which Frankie also was very proud of (and slightly turned on by). Frankie absolutely enjoyed the whole of yesterday, watching you order people around while he trailed around you eating and feeding you tasty Indian sweets, his mouth set in a dreamy grin that earned him buckets of laughter from your relatives. 
Frankie’s thought bubble burst as he caught your distinct sweet perfume. Before he could call your name, you quickly brushed past him to rush up to your sister. Frankie’s mouth dropped to the floor as he freezes, his eyes scanning your form as you held up jasmine flowers while yelling at your sister. Frankie had never seen you in Indian clothes before and he swore that you had exceeded his expectations tremendously. 
Your lehenga was the same shade as his, decorated with similar sun patterns and its long skirt cascaded down your body as though you were a goddess draped in sunshine. Your hair was worn in a half up and half down hairstyle with long beautiful tendrils framing your face. You were pinning the extra flowers onto your sister's hair while Frankie’s eyes were pinned onto your gorgeous skin that peaked between your blouse and skirt. Frankie made the mistake of moving his eyes slightly upwards, gazing at the low neckline that adorned your blouse and he felt a warm swirl of dizziness settle in the pits of his stomach.
He reached out for you and you moved, causing your dupatta to latch onto a bead at the cuff of his sherwani. He mindlessly followed you as your dupatta clinged onto him like the last ounce of his sanity. He watched your hips move almost fluidly and he couldn’t take it any longer, his arm reaching out to grab you and pull you close. You gasped and let yourself be pulled into his chest as he turned you to face him. 
“Frankie…” you breathed, scanning his face as your face lit up in a smile, only for it to fade once you caught the look that graced your man’s face. 
Once your brain had regained its functioning abilities, you wordlessly stood a little straighter and tipped your chin upwards, freeing your arms from his grasp. Frankie dropped his arms to his side and dipped his head.
Fortunately for Frankie, you had other ideas. 
You curled a finger under his chin and tipped his face up so that his eyes met yours. You stare for a while, admiring the way he had shaped-up his beard and the way the sherwani settled beautifully on his broad shoulders. You dropped your hand to the collar and adjusted his sherwani pin before pulling him close, until your mouth grazed his ear. 
“Bride's changing room in five, pretty boy.” you said, before leaving Frankie to stand there open mouthed as you quickly rushed off to settle your sister. 
The second you had opened that door, you knew you made a small error in choosing a lehenga with such a low neckline. You clamped your eyes shut as you were pulled into a hasty rush of yellow, big hands grabbing onto your hips and dragging you further into the room. 
“Look at me, amor.”
You opened your eyes to only have them flutter close as Frankie traces a line along your exposed abdomen with one of his fingers, before pinching you softly, making you gasp.
“I did tell you to look at me.” he shrugged as he smiled down at you.
“Fine, I am now, what are you-”
Frankie cut you off by pulling you close and kissing you fiercely, the fury blinding you to the point that you felt like blacking out. He pinched you again and licked into your mouth when you groaned and pushed his straying hand away. You slid your hands into his curls as you deepened the kiss, his arms wrapping around you and pulling you flush against his chest. His lips were warm against you before he suddenly pulled away and nipped at yours, causing you to moan a little too loudly for your liking. He pulled you in for one more kiss before leaning his forehead against yours and exhaling heavily.
“Fuck, you look delectable, mi diosa.” He says, laughing at how delirious he felt, tugging at your skirt. 
“Nuh, uh, that's enough, big boy. We’re going to be late.” you said, shaking your head at the way Frankie’s fingers grip your skirt and the way he dipped his head to your neck for some soft kisses. 
“A goddess, that's what you are, and you are mine.” he said into your neck.
You love the effect you had on him, but you had a wedding to run. Frankie groaned softly as you pulled his hands away from your skirt. 
“I’ll let you have your way if you behave.” you said, wondering if the compromise might put his thoughts on hold. 
“Fine, but I don’t think I ruined your make up enough.” He said playfully, swiping his finger on his lips to show you the lipstick you left on it. 
“Now you understand why I didn’t get ready with you right?” you said, patting his face. 
“We would have never left the room and I would have been fine with that.” he huffed as you laughed and kissed him on his cheek, happy with your oversized troublemaker. 
Tagging: @romanarose @mintpurplemnm @swiggy-needs-mental-help
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againtodreaming · 1 year
Firstly, when you get this, you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)
@lyloneliness you send the first ask but also @mavr4xx @vinylbiohazard @ghostsinacoat @yumaisbored you also asked this too and omg i love u all but also, why do you do this to me 😭😭😭 i was already struggling a lot to think of 5 things with the first ask (and i still haven't even gotten to the tag game of this), and now I have to think of TWENTY-FIVE?!? ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚ (plus 5 more if I end up finding the tag game again plus the ability to think of 5 more...)
Anyways, thank you so much for the asks (´,,•ω•,,)♡ ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊♡ (even if they are the hardest asks I have done in my life 💀) (it was interesting and fun tho 🌟) you are all awesome 💖🌟💞 now here we go:
(25 things here in the same post bc…not sure I just started doing it after @ all of u and I am doing this draft in my phone and separating this in the other asks i still have to look for is too much work) (apologies for the length, the further i got, the longer some of the answers became😅)
1 - My hair (used to be really thick and my mom used to make this amazing hairstyles almost every day when I was a kid—there was one that was a huge rose made of braids or smth, the hairpins were awful and it took so long but it was so pretty, I think my mom even made it for the wedding of one of her friends, anyways I lost maybe more than half of my hair when I was like 15, stress probably, and then I decided to cut it even below the shoulder—first time in my life it was so short—bc I was so mad with it but also bc I had zero energy to even try to take care of it by that point. Grown back until like my mid-back—used to have it like waist length before—by now and now I got maybe a little more than half of the hair that I used to have at 13 which is a lot better than it was at 15 and hopefully it gets back to what I used to have in a couple of years more, but for now it's enough to start playing with it and doing braids)
2 - Open-mindedness
3 - Creativity
4 - Patience
5 - That I'm an older sister
6 - Uf, how do I explain this one—like, empathy? kindness? feeling things deeply? putting yourself in the other person's shoes and being considerate of that? being too sentimental? which can be really annoying too but I wouldn't trade it so...
7 - That I can talk really fast
8 - Being expressive
9 - Always thinking things through
10 - Confident in my likes? (okay, so this one feels complicated, but for example, when I was a little kid, 6 or 7 years old probably, I loved superheroes, but my classmates in my all-girls school were like, that's for boys 😒, and I felt horrible bc that was just another thing in that i didnt fit in with everyone else and i always wanted to fit in, but somehow—which looking back feels weird bc who even knew i could be surprisingly confident in some aspects—was that i never thought i was in the wrong for liking superheroes? Like, yeah, I always wanted to fit in and I felt bad that I didn't, but even with all the social insecurity I was constantly plagued with, I never felt like I was in the wrong for being myself or that I should change myself or pretend to like stuff I didn't just to fit in (that strategy didn't even cross my mind until I was…can't be sure, it was somewhere in the last few years in this country, it was either a documentary, fiction, or the group therapy, but the idea of actual people in real life doing smth they didn't agree and had no purpose except to fit in was like: 🤯!?!!?!?!) (I didn't handle it that well either to be fair, if I wasn't with my friends i just decide to hide during recess and/or to not speak at all with anyone, until I changed schools) (I liked the 2nd school better). I assume that in my head I was like: "shame that I'm not like all of you but what can you do, I'm me ╮(╥﹏╥)╭ "
11 - I'm usually also all or nothing with almost all things? Like, for example, math. I don't like math, it has always been the class I struggled with the most and all my math teachers in Peru were really strict and thank goodness that my dad loves math and really good at it or I would have been lost without someone to explain it to me. But last week, my parents got an email from my math teacher who was telling them how proud she was of me and how I always strove to understand everything and there was some implication that I did it bc I liked what I was learning, which like, I mean, I like geometry a lot more than algebra bc it's simpler, and I don't exactly hate it, but I certainly wouldn't do it for pleasure. At all. And yeah, I ask her about everything I don't understand (she insisted to the whole class to please ask her anything if we needed help, so i had permission; if she wasn't available tho, I just would have asked my dad or a friend who is good at math to explain it to me) and ask her to show me exactly what I did wrong and what would be the correct answer but all of that is bc well, if I'm going to do well in the class, I need to understand what I did wrong in order to fix it, and like, math classes always build on each other, so if I don't smth I will later have problems with it, and also like, I'm already stuck with the class whether I like it or not, if I'm going to do smth, I'm going to do it well. Which is smth my mom has complained a lot of times, especially during last school year when I had a lot of late assignments bc I was too anxious about doing any of them bc I was afraid of doing it wrong or bc I didn't have the energy to think clearly so I wouldn't be able to do my best so like yeah…I ended up not doing the assignments at all (this is the part that I hate about this all or nothing thing with me, but let's focus on the positive side right now). Or with projects, I once stayed awake until like 5 am like several nights straight to do a project for economics class which like…I decided to make my own illustrations for each slide of the ppt to illustrate the information on top of doing the reading and answering the questions stuff…and I was already in a hurry with it bc I didn't know the school put assigned summer readings in the school's website (it was my first year in this country and nobody had said anything about it the year prior, plus it was quarantine time) and the teacher gave me a few extra days bc I still needed to hurry up in reading the book so yeah, I should have done smth more simple and fast to just submit it and get a grade but it wouldn't have been doing my best, not even near my best and I was already compromising on some stuff to not take too long since there wasn't too much time for my initial ideas so…yep. The teacher loved my project tho (and gave me a 100 even tho it was one day late) and asked if she could use it for her class of next year soooo…totally worth it. But yeah, i was sort of confused that Geometry teacher thought to send an email like that when I have only been trying to understand the concepts I am assigned to learn?
Thinking, thinking, thinking….you know what, I want to put my height in here just annoy my sister (she would be all dramatic annoying fake pitying dramatic gasp about it and would drag the younger ones to her side of the argument) but she wouldn't even see it plus I don't actually care about heights (I just care that she's annoying about it almost daily) so that would also be a lie so another thing….you know what, i already got 11 in one morning, coming back to this later
12 - Okay, so I hate all my health problems, absolutely hate them, so annoying and expensive and restricting and confusing BUT—how do I word this…it has 2 parts…umm…okay, so I'm really familiar with the clinic in Peru I used to go all the time and, okay I hated having to go to the clinic so many times, especially towards the end, but I liked being familiar with it? Like, the people, the sense of a community, the building, the routine. It was probably more familiar than my schools since I changed schools a few times while the clinic was there ALWAYS (until we moved countries and I never expected to miss the fucking clinic but it happened which wtf but also makes sense which also omg mila (ノ◇≦。) but also, the medical system was definitely easier and less expensive than whatever the fuck they have going on here, plus not having all our usual doctors, so there is also a practical reason aside from me unreasonably missing everything that was familiar including things I didn't even like much). That's the first part. Second part is that it has brought…lessons ig. Like, idk, it's been a huge formative part of my life. About health and food and family stuff and experiences. Like, I hate having the health problems (they are A LOT better now than when I was younger as long I do some things to keep it that way, but yeah, really grateful for that) but also, I don't really know who I would be without those experiences? Changed the whole family too so like…idk, it's weird but felt worth mentioning.
13 - That I'm really curious and like learning.
14 - Sense of style
15 - Loyalty—to people (like, even swallowed down all my shyness and anxiety to try to reconnect with some childhood friends I hadn't talked in forever bc moving countries and depression thing) (going well, really happy that we are talking again) but also like to interests and values ig? Like, most of my likes (superheroes, anime, drawing, maybe writing but not sure about that one, all started before I even turned 8 y/o) and like, aside from maturing and a couple of things, I don't think I've changed much at all. I have never stopped liking smth I used to like anyways.
16 - Openness ig? Like, I never want to be a bother so it depends on the person and the history i have with them and sometimes on the occasion, but I never really had any problems asking for help or speaking about my problems or feelings
17 - My handwriting when it's not written in a hurry
18 - My attention to detail
19 - Not getting mad easily—which is you know good with being an older sister too bc like...my dad is really annoying (but like jokingly annoying) and a lot of times bc of it (or some other times other family members) my sister and my mom get mad about some small comment they take seriously and then they get angry and leave the table or living room or whatever and then it's like all awkward bc the mood got broken (which also, a little hypocritical especially bc the sister also loves to be annoying in purpose with everyone of us) but unlike them, the middle sister and me like...we don't really care much about it? We are usually the ones that get more teased by the others but it's like, smth one therapist didn't understand, which was so annoying wtf did setting boundaries had to do with my siblings being annoying, I don't care that they are annoying bc it's like, we usually get along well (presently; there used to be constant fighting between 2 of them we were little but they are better now) and they have always been annoying but it's like, a game, I know they are not serious about the matter. I can be annoying back if I feel like it and it's all in good fun. The only times I don't like it it's when it's actually serious, with you know, intention to hurt or being passively aggressive mad about smth, stuff like that. Point is that yeah, it's also good for sibling diplomacy bc I'm rarely the one getting mad with the other ones.
20 - That I like dogs
…I can't think of 5 more. Uf, let's see…okay, getting desperate here but—
21 - That I'm Peruvian
22 - Good at cooking
23 - Good at planning
24 - My self-awareness
25 - That I like to be more positive and hopeful about things in general I think? (myself is usually an exception) Constant argument with my sister bc she can be so pessimistic sometimes. Like, life is already hard enough as it is, having fun and connecting with people makes things more enjoyable, so why not try to focus on the bright side whenever possible and make things better. She thinks I'm naive, I know I can be naive, but also, if I have to live I'm going to enjoy it bc what's the point otherwise. Generalizing things doesn't help. I think.
Thank you again and I hope you are all doing well <33
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mysticstarlightduck · 3 months
Your characters are attending a wedding! What are they wearing, what present are they giving the couple, and what do they get arrested for when the night is over?
I'll go with a few of my characters from my WIPs!
Tarrant (Song of Thorns) -
What he is wearing: An impeccable blue robe with gold trim and delicate embroidered details, with a ruffled white shirt, tight black pants, and delicate boots. He also has delicate black silk gloves and golden jewelry. He may or may not be wearing light traditional makeup. His long strawberry-blond hair is either loose and styled with delicate silver chains or tied into a neat ponytail.
What present is he giving the couple: Something expensive but standard. He probably doesn't have time to spend choosing something incredibly specific, so he chooses the next best thing: something of quality that he knows will be considered useful by the wedded couple.
What does he get arrested for when the night is over: Getting into a fight with an important guest who got too drunk and tried to hit on him inappropriately.
Jack (Supernova Initiative) -
What he is wearing: An elegant white suit or a pitch black smoking, with a loose "button-up" shirt and no tie. He wears well-tailored pants and fancy shoes. He probably has styled his hair a bit more than usual with gel but otherwise keeps his same usual hairstyle. He still wears his trinket necklace. Most of his fancy "black-tie" clothes are likely rental, except for the shirt.
What present is he giving the couple: Something that will impress them, likely something incredibly unique or at least unusual. Very likely stolen too, given his occupation is literally being an "intergalactic thief".
What does he get arrested for when the night is over: Doesn't get arrested because he is way too good at what he does. Since he most likely doesn't know the bride and groom, he probably has robbed them blind and is halfway to a space diner with his sister and friends right now to celebrate another successful heist.
Masen (Of Starlight and Beasts) -
What he is wearing: A pristine and intricate red and gold bard's robe with simple grey pants and leather boots, along with a fancy fur cloak. His long curly brown hair is loose but styled with two simple braids and iron jewelry. He also carries his best lute.
What present is he giving the couple: A cask of the finest and most exquisite wine of the land, which he hopes to enjoy during the celebration as well.
What does he get arrested for when the night is over: Trying to use his bardic magic (literally) to enchant the crowds at the wedding into giving him all their money and then trying to make a run for it.
Kane (Song of Thorns) -
What he is wearing: His finest suit of armor, polished especially for this occasion, along with his famous bear fur cloak and his silver sword proudly on display at his side. His hair is loose and combed into semi-perfection.
What present is he giving the couple: A finely crafted duo of swords - one for each one of the duo.
What does he get arrested for when the night is over: Having a little too much to drink and then getting into a brawl with someone who tried to insult his family name.
Cassiopeia (Supernova Initiative) -
What is she wearing: A glittery dress with their galaxy's constellations perfectly etched onto it, with delicate party slippers. She also wears her half of the trinket necklace.
What gift does she give the couple: A newly built robot of her own making possibly one to help around the couple's house.
What does she get arrested for at the end of the night: Same answer as Jack's (her big brother). Doesn't get arrested and flies away on their spaceship to a space diner to celebrate a successful heist.
Elodie (The Forgotten Ones) -
What is she wearing: A ruffled shirt with tight black pants and a fancy green vest/corset, with new leather boots.
What gift does she give the couple: An enchanted and rare kind of butterfly that is said to grant wishes. It's known as the Moonflight.
What does she get arrested for when the night is over: Getting too carried away and trying to steal some of the silver cutlery and small ornaments from the party.
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muertebloom · 9 months
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A run down of Kirsi Ninelives' questline, The Cat Burglar.
In Act 1, a member of the Horned Syndicate will attack at night, trying to take revenge for the death of someone named Agni. The best outcome is the attacker being talked down, as Kirsi will reveal the most information in that scenario, explaining who the Horned Syndicate were and her involvement in Agni’s disappearance.
During the Tiefling party ( or if the player initiates it, ) Kirsi will offer to spend the night with them. She will teach the player Theives’ Cant, if they don’t already know it, and falls asleep cuddling them. When they awaken, Kirsi is frozen to the touch, whimpering from a nightmare - this is where she will tell the player that her magic is tied to her feelings, and that extreme emotions can cause her ice magic to act out.
In Act 2, the party can find a letter in the Shadowlands on the corpse of a courier ( Highlighted with a D10 Perception check ) addressed to Kirsikka Virtanen, rescinding her disowning and inviting her back to House Virtanen, signed by Dame Ilmi and Sir Kamal. If Kirsi is confronted about it, she will try to say she knows nothing about it, but can be persuaded to tell the player about her family and being disowned - and not knowing why her mother and step-father would invite her back.
During this act, Kirsi will have a long rest scene where she’s trying to put braids back into her hair, but is struggling doing it alone. The player can offer to help, and after a time skip, Kirsi will have her new hairstyle. A romanced Kirsi will ask to kiss the player, moving her into the partnered stage.
In Act 3, her plot culminates during an attack on the player’s camp ( similar to the attacks on Astarion and Aylin ) where, if Kirsi drops to 0HP, she is kidnapped by members of the Horned Syndicate.
Regardless of whether or not Kirsi is kidnapped, the player can Speak with Dead or find instructions on the attacker’s bodies, showing that Kirsi was to be taken House Virtanen in the very upper edge of the Lower City.
Whether or not she is kidnapped, the player will need to make their way to House Virtanen. Outside of the house is Vetle of Elturel, a well known adventurer ( level 12 ) who shares a striking resemblance to the party’s sorcerer. He will tell the player that he, too, is visiting House Virtanen, and will enter with them. If Kirsi is with the player, she will meet her father for the first time here. It’s so sweet.
Once inside the manor, the party will meet a human man calling himself Lord Agni, who is chatting with Dame Ilmi about his engagement to “Kirsikka.” If it isn’t obvious, the player can find a journal confirming that Lord Agni is the same Agni that ran The Horned Syndicate, and the engagement is his ploy to get back at Kirsi and gain a noble title.
If Kirsi is kidnapped, the player will have to sneak around to find her, where she's locked in the basement. She will explain that her mother is forcing her to get married to some lord. The player can tell her that the unknown lord is Agni, to her revulsion. From there, the player has the option to break her out then and there, or wait until the wedding. Breaking Kirsi out then and there is hard, and it is advisable to wait for the wedding.
If Kirsi is not kidnapped, but is there when the party enters House Virtanen, her mother will spring the engagement on her, happily welcoming her “beloved first born” back into the house. Kirsi will immediately think something is wrong, but the love-bombing is somehow not tadpole related. Instead, Dame Ilmi will quietly threaten Kirsi’s half sister’s life if Kirsi does not comply.
Regardless, once the player has learned of the wedding, it will take place in 3 days. The party will need to go to House Virtanen on the day of the wedding, if they’re to put their plan in motion.
At the wedding, the party can have dialogue with most of Kirsi’s family. Her step-father, Sir Kamal, is a checked out, depressed man, but the player can suggest he stand up to his wife - that it’s what a true noble would do. Her half-sister, Kielo, is lethargic and vacant, and a Medicine check will reveal she’s under the effects of poison. If challenged on her behavior, Dame Ilmi will rebuff the player, saying that all noble women are forced to get married, and Kirsi should have expected it. Agni will taunt the player, especially if Kirsi has been romanced.
Once the ceremony has started ( by talking to Kirsi, who is glamoured to be a human, similar to Agni ) the Player can either object themselves or allow Kirsi to object. If the Player objects, Agni will challenge the player to a duel. At half HP in the duel, or if Kirsi is the one who objects, Kirsi will break the glamour on herself and Agni, and reveal her mother’s plot in front of high society. This will cause a fight with Agni’s Horned Syndicate, Dame Ilmi’s guards, and Sir Kamal’s paladins. Unless, of course, Sir Kamal was talked into standing up for himself, in which case, the Paladins will be on the side of the party. Once the wedding has stopped, Kirsi will get the Inspiration Point, Speak Now: Object to an unwanted wedding.
If the player wants, for some reason, for Kirsi to go through with the wedding, they can instead Hold Your Peace. By convincing Kirsi to keep her mouth shut ( much easier if the player has encouraged her to be more reticent throughout the campaign ) the wedding goes through normally, and Kirsi will be lost as a companion. Returning to House Virtanen the next morning will see Kirsi nearly non-responsive, poisoned like her half-sister was at the wedding. Agni will pledge to have the Horned Syndicate join the final battle, as thanks for helping Kirsi “come to her senses.”
A romanced Kirsi’s final scene will happen after the wedding, where she will be in her wedding dress in the ruins of the wedding venue. She and Tav will talk about the future together, and Kirsi will admit she’s had enough of weddings - and doesn’t need one, unless Tav wants one. Regardless, so long as Tav chooses to stay with Kirsi, they will help Kirsi undo the wedding dress, and have sex together.
EPILOGUE: Speak Now Kirsi will have continued adventuring alongside her father, Vetle, who comes to the party as well. She’s enjoying catching up on years of missed father-daughter bonding. If inquired about, the player can learn that Dame Ilmi was thrown out of House Virtanen, which is now headed by Sir Kamal. Hold Your Peace Kirsi will not be at the party.
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ficklewhims · 1 year
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     vanessa morgan   .   cis woman   .   she/her   .      /      that’s   anissa saidi   walking   in   to   mrs. brown’s books   -   you   know   ,   the   thirty-one   year   old   author   known   for   moving to lakeview to take care of her elderly grandfather   ?   having   lived   here   for   nine years   ,   their   neighbors   know   them   to   be   amiable   &   charming   ,   but   their   temperamental   &   jealous   tendencies   shine   through   when   there   are   no   buses   in   the   city   .  / @30extra
NAME: anissa saidi. PRONOUNS: she/her. AGE: thirty-one. BIRTH DATE: june 19th, 1991. BIRTH PLACE: dar es salaam, tanzania. HOMETOWN: peachtree, georgia. CURRENT RESIDENCE: lakeview, louisiana. NATIONALITY: american. ETHNICITY: tanzanian / french. RELIGION: agnostic. OCCUPATION: author. LANGUAGES: (fluent) swahili, (fluent) english, (conversational) french SEXUAL ORIENTATION: pansexual. ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: panromantic.
FACECLAIM: vanessa morgan. EYE COLOR: dark brown. HAIR COLOR: dark brown. HAIRSTYLE: long, wavy or straight depending on the day HEIGHT: 5 feet, 2 inch. WEIGHT: 132 pounds. TATTOOS: none. PIERCINGS: ears. NOTABLE TRAITS: n/a.
anissa's birth was one for the books. her mother actually had no idea that she was pregnant until she went into labor with her - a very, very uncommon and rare occurrence. both of her parents were under the impression that her mother couldn't have children, especially because they had tried on so many occasions. they were actually on vacation in tanzania, where her mother was from, for their fifth wedding anniversary when her mother went into labor in their hotel room. three hours, an ambulance ride and lots of screaming later, anissa was placed in her mother's arms for the first time.
after they got the legalities of everything in order, anissa's parents brought her back to georgia, where they lived, and settled down in their town of peachtree. anissa lived in peachtree for the majority of her life, and she loved it there.
her parents' marriage fell apart shortly after she was born, and by the time she was two years old, they were divorced. the reasoning? her father had been cheating on her mother for several years and had another secret child behind her back - anissa's half sibling. (will be sending in a wanted connection for that!)
as she grew up, she discovered her love of literature and writing from a very young age. she would join writing competitions and win national competitions for the short stories that she wrote. she eventually went on to attend yale university (on a scholarship; her parents could not afford to send her there on their own) and got her degree in english literature.
after graduating from yale with her degree, she almost immediately moved to lakeview to take care of her grandfather after her grandmother passed away. she always had a close relationship with her grandparents, so she didn't really mind taking care of him in his old age.
unfortunately, her grandfather passed away a year ago and left behind his home to her, which she has pretty much taken over as her own.
her first published work, by some stroke of luck, hit the bestseller's list, and she's had success with her multiple book series' ever since then. she tends to write fiction and fantasy for the most part, something that reaches a wide audience of people. she takes her writing very seriously, and hopes that someday one of her series gets picked up by a network or production company and made into a movie or tv show.
she has a little bit of a temper, something that she gets from her mother. although she tries to rein it in as much as possible, but it can be out of her control sometimes. however when she cools down, she almost always usually apologizes to whoever she blew up on.
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beauty-makeover · 1 year
Hair cutting and styling for girls encompass a wide range of options, from short to long hair, classic to trendy, and everything in between. Here are some popular haircuts and styles for girls to consider:Bob Cut:Classic Bob: A timeless chin-length cut thats versatile and suits various face shapes.Long Bob (Lob): A longer version of the bob, typically ending around the shoulders.Inverted Bob: Shorter at the back and longer in the front, creating a stylish angle.Pixie Cut:Short Pixie: A daring and low-maintenance option with short sides and back.Long Pixie: Slightly longer on top while still maintaining the pixies edgy look.Layered Haircuts:Face-Framing Layers: Soft layers that frame the face, adding movement and dimension.Shaggy Layers: A messy, textured look thats playful and trendy.Bangs:Side-Swept Bangs: A classic choice that adds a touch of elegance to any haircut.Blunt Bangs: Straight-across bangs that make a bold statement.Curtain Bangs: Center-parted bangs that frame the face on either side.Long Hair Styles:Beachy Waves: Effortless, tousled waves that give a relaxed vibe.Straight and Sleek: Smooth, straight hair that looks polished and chic.Braids: Various braiding styles, such as fishtail, French, or Dutch braids, for an intricate look.Ponytail: High or low ponytails can be both practical and stylish.Specialty Styles:Updos: Elegant styles for formal events, like buns, chignons, and twists.Half-Up, Half-Down: A combination of up and down styling, providing the best of both worlds.Space Buns: Two buns on the top of the head, often seen as a playful and youthful choice.Color and Highlights:Balayage: Hand-painted highlights for a natural and sun-kissed effect.Ombre: Gradual color transition from roots to ends.Pastel Hues: Soft, muted colors like lavender, pink, or mint for a whimsical look.Bold Colors: Vibrant shades like blue, purple, or red for a striking appearance.Classic Updos:Elegant Bun: A timeless choice that can be styled into a sleek, high bun or a softer, low bun.Chignon: A sophisticated low bun often adorned with accessories like pins or flowers.French Twist: A twist of hair that creates an elegant and polished updo.Half-Up Half-Down Styles:Curled Half-Updo: Half of the hair is pulled up and secured, while the rest is left down in cascading curls or waves.Braided Half-Updo: Incorporate braids into the half-up style for a romantic and bohemian look.Braided Styles:Crown Braid: A braid that wraps around the crown of the head, creating a beautiful halo effect.Waterfall Braid: A flowing braid that cascades down the back or side of the head.Loose Waves and Curls:Soft Waves: Effortless waves that exude a natural and romantic vibe.Loose Curls: A glamorous option that adds texture and movement to the hair.Vintage-Inspired Styles:Retro Waves: Old Hollywood-inspired waves that are glamorous and sophisticated.Victory Rolls: Vintage rolls and twists that evoke a nostalgic feel.Boho-Chic Styles:Messy Updo: A relaxed and tousled updo with loose strands and a carefree vibe.Flower Crown: Adorn any hairstyle with a floral crown for a whimsical and bohemian touch.Sleek and Modern Styles:Straight and Polished: Straight hair styled with a sleek finish for a modern and chic look.Geometric Updo: Create unique shapes and twists for a contemporary and artistic style.Accessories and Embellishments:Hair Accessories: Enhance your hairstyle with decorative pins, combs, tiaras, or hair vines.Veil Integration: Coordinate your hairstyle with your chosen veil placement and style.Formal Events:Classic Chignon: A sophisticated low bun that exudes elegance and grace.French Twist: A polished twist of hair that adds a touch of glamour.Sleek Ponytail: A high or mid-level ponytail thats straight and sleek for a modern look.Vintage Waves: Old Hollywood-inspired waves that bring a touch of retro chic to your style.Side-Swept Curls: Elegant curls swept to one side for a romantic and formal appearance.
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shan676 · 2 years
French Hair Clips and Claws: The Perfect Hair Accessories for Every Occasion
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Hair accessories are an easy and versatile way to add some style and interest to any hairstyle. Whether you have long or short hair, there is a hair accessory that can work for you. Among the most popular hair accessories are French hair clips and claws. These hair accessories are not only functional, but they also add a touch of elegance and sophistication to any look.
French Hair Clips
French hair clips, also known as French barrettes, are one of the most classic and timeless hair accessories. They are typically made of metal and have a clasp that is designed to hold the hair securely in place. French hair clips come in a variety of sizes, from small and delicate to large and statement-making. They can be used to hold back hair from the face, to create a half-up, half-down hairstyle, or to secure an updo.
One of the best things about French hair clips is their versatility. They can be worn with any hairstyle, from a simple ponytail to an elaborate updo. French hair clips can be dressed up or down, depending on the occasion. They can be embellished with decorative elements, such as rhinestones or pearls, to add a touch of glamour to the hairstyle.French hair clips are also a great option for those with thick or curly hair. The clasp on a French hair clip is designed to hold a large amount of hair, making it easier to style thick or curly hair. They are also a great option for those with fine hair, as they are less likely to slip out of the hair than other types of hair clips.
Claw Clips
Claw clips, also known as jaw clips, are another popular type of hair accessory. They are typically made of plastic or metal and have two hinged pieces that open and close like a claw. Claw clips are great for creating a quick and easy updo or for holding back hair from the face.
Claw clips come in a variety of sizes and styles, from small and simple to large and decorative. They can be used to create a sleek and polished look or a more relaxed and messy style. Claw clips are also a great option for those with thick or curly hair, as they can hold a large amount of hair securely in place.
One of the best things about claw clips is their ease of use. They are perfect for those mornings when you are short on time but still want to look put together. Simply gather your hair into a ponytail or bun, secure it with a claw clip, and you are ready to go. Claw clips are also great for those days when you want to keep your hair out of your face but still want to look stylish.
Choosing the Right Hair Accessory
When choosing a hair accessory, it is important to consider the occasion and the style you are going for. French hair clips are great for more formal occasions, such as weddings or fancy dinners, while claw clips are perfect for more casual occasions, such as running errands or going to the gym.
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icecoldwilliams · 2 years
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𝑺𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒔 𝒐𝒏 𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑺𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑨𝒔𝒔𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒏 𝑸𝒖𝒆𝒆𝒏'𝒔 𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒂𝒍✲・*:・゚ :
First, I have mixed feelings about her design. In general I mostly like it, but I am very curious about the implications behind it. Mainly how the new hairstyle, the style of the dress and the fishnet stockings definitely give more Anna vibes than Nina. It's a very odd mix of Anna vibes and Nina's cocktail dress from DBD vibes? Thus I am very curious about what the new look may be foreshadowing with her and Anna's relationship in T8. — It could either be another case of Nina did something horrible and is pulling another wedding dress stunt - or, depending on what Anna's new design may be, it could be a case of maybe by some miracle the sisters are finally starting to put themselves in each others shoes and see each others perspectives.
It’s a small detail and probably doesn’t mean much, but I also find the gold accents interesting. Canon outfits wise and other than T5, after T1 we’ve really only ever seen Nina with silver accents.
If there's one thing I don't like about her new design, it's the fringe on her dress, and the fact that now muses that ship w her won't be able to make her blush by freeing her hair from her ponytail 🥺💔 (at least in her T8 verse). Like that's one of the biggest things she's soft to no wonder she cut it. 😔💔 – As for the awkward fringe on her dress, I feel like making her outfit either a simple shorter cocktail dress or a top & skirt / shorts would've been far better? Or hell just keep the long dress and get rid of the fringe, it bugs me way more than it should omg.
But also JUSTICE FOR NINA'S BANGS 2K23 FINALLY 😭💜💜💜💜 As someone who highly prefers a side part herself, I can not tell you how many times I've wished Nina would switch to one but I didn't think it would ever happennnn. I'm loving it for herrr.
I am also absolutely in love with how they're letting our fatal Queen use her weapons 😭💜 Her new rage art is perfection ✨
I got my wish of Mary returning to voice Nina yet again 🥺💜 With how busy she's been w tlovm and no doubt probably other projects, one of my biggest concerns was she wouldn't be available this time around and I am so glad that concern can now be put to rest.
I'm also very curious about how they chose a stage set seemingly close to a Zaibatsu facility to portray her in? It could be nothing, just a matter of them wanting to show off that stage, but it really has me thinking about where she might stand on the whole Zaibatsu vs G-Corp vs Yggdrasil thing now. – Someone else on twitter pointed out the fact that she's fighting Lars in half of her trailer might indicate she's still against Yggdrasil? But idk if I 100% believe that or not. – The always amazing and wonderful @teslagravity pointed out her new ending w the helicopter is very reminiscent of her ending with Anna from Tag 2 which just further has me speculating both of their current stances in this war.
But overall I am hella hype. Hella excited. The new look is going to take some getting used to for sure, but I am so looking forward to where things might be going for our Queen 💜💜💜
Still not quite sure about what I may do for a T8 verse quite yet since what Nina's up to was kept pretty vague in her trailer. But I do want to work on progressing things a little bit instead of just waiting for more info. I'll likely be sticking with my after T7 - pre-T8 main verse for now, just starting to lean closer to T8 timeline wise unless a interaction calls for otherwise.
In the meantime, look how pretty!!  😭 ✲・*:・゚:
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Matching Couture Wedding Dresses with the Perfect Hairstyle
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Every bride envisions herself looking flawless on her wedding day—a harmonious blend of gown, hair, and details. Couture wedding dresses are the ultimate in luxury bridal fashion, offering an elevated sense of style that’s both heirloom-worthy and unforgettable. But as any bride-to-be knows, it’s not just the dress that completes the look—hairstyles play a key role in enhancing the overall effect.
So, how does a trendy bride of 2024 choose the perfect hairstyle to complement a couture wedding dress? The answer lies in balancing the gown’s design with a hairdo that elevates and completes the vision. Here’s a guide to pairing some of Andrea & Leo's most luxurious couture wedding dresses with the ideal hairstyles, ensuring brides achieve that breathtaking, once-in-a-lifetime look.
The Dramatic Ruff Collar & Tulle Sleeves Gown
Picture this: a gown featuring a ruff collar gathered at the neckline, flowing into long tulle sleeves that bubble around the arm, ending in a delicate lace cuff. The sheer bodice is adorned with lace appliques that trickle down the layered A-line skirt. Bridal buttons along the back add a touch of tradition to this otherwise modern masterpiece.
Hairstyle Match: With such an ornate neckline, a sleek, polished low chignon is the perfect choice. A few delicate tendrils around the face soften the look, ensuring it feels bridal without competing with the gown’s grandeur.
The Baroque Elegance Strapless Mermaid Gown
This strapless mermaid gown is all about drama and sensuality. With glittering baroque motifs, a daring sweetheart neckline, and off-the-shoulder detachable scallop straps, this couture wedding dress screams opulence. The addition of a rhinestone bow belt cinching the waistline adds femininity, while the boned corset ensures both style and comfort.
Hairstyle Match: For this luxurious mermaid silhouette, a classic Old Hollywood wave is the perfect pairing. Let the waves cascade over one shoulder to highlight the off-the-shoulder straps while also maintaining a sense of elegance and glamour.
The Sweetheart Neckline Gown with Dimensional Floral Appliques
This gown, with its layered tulle and dimensional floral appliques, offers a blend of elegance and contemporary flair. The bodice’s sweetheart neckline and thin straps are balanced by a long tulle overlay that adds a touch of drama to the dress. This couture wedding dress is ideal for a bride who wants to feel both modern and timeless.
Hairstyle Match: A relaxed half-up, half-down hairstyle with soft waves would enhance the casual yet sophisticated tone of this gown. A few delicate hairpins or a minimalist veil would be a nice finishing touch.
The Organza Mermaid Dress with Ruffled Tulle Details
This fitted organza mermaid dress with lace applique is all about the details. The strapless sweetheart neckline is complemented by ruffled tulle elements, while the removable Marie Sleeves add a romantic flourish.
Hairstyle Match: A timeless high ponytail with soft waves or gentle curls adds the right amount of modernity to this otherwise classic mermaid gown. It keeps the hair out of the face while still looking bridal, elegant, and utterly chic.
When it comes to pairing couture wedding dresses with the perfect hairstyle, it’s all about finding a balance. The dress and the hair should work together to create a harmonious and unforgettable bridal look. Whether you’re going for drama, romance, or timeless elegance, your hairstyle should enhance—not overshadow—your stunning couture gown. And with Andrea & Leo’s collection, every bride is guaranteed to find a gown worthy of her dream wedding day.
For more information about Formal Dresses Wholesale and Prom Dresses Wholesale please visit:- Andrea & Leo Couture
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vinnisjewelry · 19 days
Style AD Jewelry Sets with Traditional Bridal Outfits
How to Style AD Jewelry Sets with Traditional Bridal Outfits
Regarding bridal fashion, every detail matters, from the intricate embroidery on the dress to the sparkling jewelry that completes the look. For brides who love the allure of diamonds but want an affordable yet dazzling option, AD jewelry sets are the perfect choice. Here's how to style an AD jewelry set with traditional bridal outfits to create a look that’s nothing short of breathtaking.
1. Match the Jewelry with Your Bridal Lehenga or Saree
The first step in styling an AD jewelry set is ensuring it complements your bridal outfit. Whether you’re wearing a heavily embroidered lehenga or a silk saree, choose an AD jewelry set that enhances the color and design of your attire.
For Red and Maroon Outfits: Opt for an AD jewelry set with ruby or garnet stones to accentuate the richness of your outfit.
For Pastel Shades: AD jewelry with soft pink or champagne-colored stones can add a subtle yet sophisticated sparkle.
For Gold or Ivory Outfits: Choose a classic AD jewelry set with clear stones set in gold or rose gold plating.
2. Balance the Bling
Traditional bridal outfits are often elaborate, with intricate designs and rich fabrics. When styling an AD jewelry set, balance is key to avoid overwhelming the look.
Statement Necklace: If your AD jewelry set includes a statement necklace, keep the earrings smaller or more delicate. This ensures that your necklace remains the focal point.
Complete the Look: If you prefer a complete set, choose one that includes a choker, a long necklace, and earrings. Ensure the designs are cohesive, so they enhance rather than compete with each other.
3. Layering AD Jewelry for a Regal Look
Layering jewelry is a popular trend among brides, especially for traditional weddings. AD jewelry sets are perfect for layering as they offer the brilliance of diamonds without the hefty price tag.
Chokers and Rani Haars: Pair a choker with a longer necklace (rani haar) to create a layered effect. This works beautifully with deep-neck blouses or sarees.
Stacked Bangles: Add multiple bangles from your AD jewelry set to one wrist, or split them between both wrists to achieve a balanced yet regal look.
4. Focus on the Details
Details make all the difference in bridal styling. Consider the following when pairing an AD jewelry set with your traditional bridal outfit:
Maang Tikka and Nath: Complement your AD jewelry set with a matching maang tikka or nath (nose ring) for a complete bridal look.
Hair Accessories: Incorporate AD-studded hairpins or a passa (side headpiece) to add a touch of sparkle to your hairstyle.
5. Choose the Right Hairstyle
Your hairstyle can dramatically influence how your AD jewelry set looks with your bridal outfit. Here are some ideas:
Updo with a Choker: A sleek bun or an elegant updo can beautifully highlight a statement AD choker necklace.
Loose Curls with Layered Necklaces: For brides wearing layered AD necklaces, loose curls or a half-up, half-down hairstyle can add a romantic touch.
6. Don’t Forget the Bridal Makeup
Makeup plays a vital role in bringing your entire bridal look together. When wearing an AD jewelry set, consider the following makeup tips:
Highlight Your Eyes: A bold eye makeup look with shimmering eyeshadow can enhance the sparkle of your AD jewelry.
Neutral Lips: If your AD jewelry set is elaborate, balance it with neutral or soft pink lips to keep the focus on your jewelry and outfit.
7. Coordinating with the Groom
For a picture-perfect wedding, consider coordinating your AD jewelry set with the groom's outfit. Whether it’s matching the metal tones or choosing similar gemstone colors, a coordinated look will ensure stunning wedding photographs.
Styling an AD jewelry set with traditional bridal outfits can create a stunning, cohesive look that’s both elegant and affordable. By matching your jewelry with your outfit, balancing the bling, and paying attention to details, you can achieve a bridal look as unique as you are. With the right AD jewelry set, you’ll shine brightly on your big day, leaving a lasting impression on everyone who celebrates with you.
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bridalmakeupsangam · 23 days
Bridal Hairstyles in Patna: A Blend of Tradition and Modernity
Trends in Patna
Patna, the capital of Bihar, is known for its rich cultural heritage and vibrant wedding traditions. When it comes to bridal hairstyles, the city has seen a significant evolution over the years. While classic styles still hold their charm, modern trends have also made their mark. Here's a look at some of the most popular bridal hairstyles in Patna:
1. Classic Bun:
A timeless classic, the bun continues to be a popular choice for brides in Patna. From sleek, low buns to voluminous, high buns adorned with flowers or jewels, there are endless variations to suit different styles and preferences.
2. Braided Hairstyles:
Braids have made a strong comeback in bridal hairstyles. From intricate French braids to elegant fishtail braids, there are numerous options for brides who want a unique and stylish look. Braids can be paired with loose curls, flowers, or accessories to create a personalized style.
3. Half-Up, Half-Down:
This versatile style offers a balance of elegance and playfulness. The half-up, half-down style can be achieved with loose curls, braids, or even a simple ponytail. It's a great option for brides who want to show off their long hair while still maintaining a polished look.
4. Messy Updo:
The messy updo has gained popularity in recent years for its relaxed and bohemian vibe. It's perfect for brides who want a more casual and effortless look. The messy updo can be achieved with loose curls, braids, or a combination of both.
5. Modern Twist:
For brides who want to make a bold statement, modern twists are a popular choice. These hairstyles feature unique elements like asymmetrical styles, undercut designs, or bold accessories. Modern twists are perfect for brides who are not afraid to experiment with their look.
When choosing a bridal hairstyle, it's important to consider factors such as your face shape, hair length, and overall wedding style. It's also a good idea to try out different styles before your big day to find one that you feel comfortable and confident in.
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sanajames · 2 months
Hair Accessories: Elevate Your Hairstyle with Style and Function
Hair accessories are not just practical tools; they are versatile adornments that can transform your hairstyle from ordinary to extraordinary. Whether you're aiming for a casual everyday look or preparing for a special occasion, choosing the right hair accessory can add flair, elegance, or playfulness to your hairdo. In this guide, we explore the variety of hair accessories available, their benefits, popular types, styling tips, and how to incorporate them into your daily hair care routine. Discover a range of top-rated hair accessories on our dedicated Hair Accessories page.
Benefits of Hair Accessories
Hair accessories offer both aesthetic and practical benefits:
Style Enhancement: Instantly elevate your hairstyle, making it more polished or trendy.
Versatility: Suitable for various hair types, lengths, and styles, from short haircuts to long, flowing locks.
Functional: Some accessories, like clips and headbands, help keep hair in place and prevent flyaways.
Expressive: Showcase your personality and fashion sense through unique designs and colors.
Popular Types of Hair Accessories
Explore different types of hair accessories to suit your preferences and styling needs:
Hair Clips and Barrettes: Secure sections of hair or create intricate patterns with decorative designs.
Headbands and Hairbands: Add a stylish touch while keeping hair away from the face.
Hair Pins and Bobby Pins: Provide support for updos, buns, and intricate hairstyles.
Scrunchies and Hair Ties: Gentle on hair and perfect for ponytails, buns, or half-up styles.
Styling Tips
Master the art of styling with these tips for incorporating hair accessories:
Match to Outfit: Coordinate hair accessories with your outfit or theme to create a cohesive look.
Experiment with Placement: Place accessories strategically to complement your facial features and hairstyle.
Mix and Match: Combine different types of accessories for a unique and personalized look.
Consider Hair Type: Choose accessories that work well with your hair type—whether it's fine, thick, curly, or straight.
How to Use Hair Accessories
Effortlessly integrate hair accessories into your daily routine with these simple steps:
Clean Hair: Start with clean, dry hair or apply styling products as needed for desired texture.
Placement: Securely place the accessory in your hair, adjusting as necessary for comfort and style.
Secure: Use additional pins or ties to ensure the accessory stays in place throughout the day.
Incorporating Hair Accessories Into Your Routine
Enhance your hairstyle with the versatility and charm of hair accessories:
Daily Wear: Use accessories to add flair to everyday hairstyles or keep hair neat and tidy.
Special Occasions: Select statement pieces or intricate designs for weddings, parties, or formal events.
Hair accessories are essential for adding style, flair, and functionality to your hairstyle, whether for everyday wear or special occasions. Explore our collection of top-rated hair accessories to find the perfect match for your hair type and personal style, and elevate your hair game with accessories that blend fashion and function seamlessly.
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