#halfdan fanfiction
author-morgan · 1 year
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Title: Riverside Rating: M Pairing: Harald Finehair x fem!Reader (and Halfdan the Black) Summary: Harald Finehair may be a fool, but at least he has his brother, and at least he has you. ❤️plot bunny that's been collecting dust for two years by @mrsragnarlodbrok ❤️
down by the river by the boats, where everybody goes to be alone
“YOUR BROTHER IS a fool,” you remark, watching Harald Finehair slip away with the princess who once promised to be his queen—the woman whose husband had only just been murdered in the early hours of the morn. Halfdan the Black watches his brother too, lips twitching as he lifts his cup of ale, taking a short quaff of the weak brew. He’ll be glad to leave England—an army of this size meant dwindling supplies, game, and ever-weakening ale and mead.
He picks off another hunk of meat from a roast pheasant. “Is that meant to be news?” Halfdan asks in turn, smiling as he flicks his stringy blond hair aside and out of his eyes—his dark gaze flitting back to you. Harald’s always been a fool when it comes to women and love, and Halfdan doubts time and age will ever change that.
“Halfdan,” you chide. Harald is a fool—a fool for thinking Ellisif would wait for him, a fool for killing Vik so crassly in the heart of the camp. You both know he is, but watching Princess Ellisif slip away with her husband’s killer makes you uneasy. Grief and the thought of vengeance would not have left her mind yet. And such things can drive people to act in unpredictable ways. “You don’t think it’s odd she wishes to seek a private audience with him only a few hours after he killed her husband?”
Halfdan raises his brow—the blue-black ink of the tattoo on his temple and forehead twitches and wrinkles. At the moment, he’s more content with filling his belly and entertaining your company than fretting over his brother, yet you won’t let the subject rest so easily, and deep down, Halfdan knows you are right, as is the feeling of dread in his liver. “Had it been me, the thought of retribution would not yet be gone, nor the fog of dolor.”
You make a convincing case, and with a sighing frown, Halfdan pushes away from the table and you, heading toward Harald’s tent—hand resting on the hilt of his sword, knowing already he will have to serve as his brother’s protector once more. A moment later, Halfdan emerges from his brother’s pavilion. The sword in his hand is coated with blood, bright and red. And it would seem, after all, he knew women far better than his brother—or at least how to listen to you. 
He frees a cloth from his belt and slides it down the blade, cleaning it with a single long swipe as he looks at you, watching and waiting. Halfdan doesn’t have to say anything as he approaches for you to know, but regardless, your lips quirk upward. “Told you,” you declare, and he makes a low sound of agreement from the back of his throat, taking the cup of ale you offer. You knew Ellisif would not have so easily nor quickly forgiven Harald for his transgression, especially after not upholding her promise to wait for marriage. 
Harald’s curses and fit of rage ring out in the brisk air. You know there’s little that can soothe his heart and pride, but if anyone in the Ragnarsson encampment can make an earnest attempt, it is you—Halfdan knows this too. “I’ll see to him,” you breathe, taking one last drink of ale. Halfdan grips your arm before you can go to his brother and leans close, offering a soft, quick kiss over too soon.
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THE RIVER FLOWS slowly, given its breadth near the encampment of the Sons of Ragnar—a hundred longships are pushed up against the banks and moored in the water. Together, you and Harald walk along the water’s edge, heading north, where fewer ships and wandering eyes and ears are. The blood on his hands and chest is nigh dry, and it makes his red woolen tunic stick to him and stiffens his silver-tinged beard.
Harald Finehair looks at you but cannot dispel what you must think of him, of these circumstances—your expression is only a cool mix of solicitude and what he thinks is annoyance. Yet again, he finds himself failing to understand the mind and heart of a woman—one he has known since childhood, no less. “My brother is lucky,” Harald admits, feeling a spike of jealousy stab at him as he thinks about you and Halfdan, “to have only ever loved you.” But had he ever truly loved Ellisif beyond his desire for her beauty? Even he is not sure of the answer.
You stop near the prowl of one of Jarl Olavsson’s ships—his shields and sails marked by white and dark green—and stare at Harald, aghast and confused by his insinuation. “Do I no longer have your love?” You ask, reaching for him and the leather ties at the neck of his tunic.
“I had thought–” his voice trails off as he looks at the flock of blackbirds flying overhead, unsure if it is a sign from the gods or just an ill omen. He lets you draw him nearer, but it’s only when the flat of your hand connects with his bloody cheek that his gaze and attention return to you—his stormy blue eyes filled with bewilderment and indignation. He stares at you, nostrils flared. 
“No, Harald!” You’ve finally grown exasperated by his foolishness—you could tolerate his laments about love and marriage, but to nigh let himself be killed by a recreant woman under such circumstances? “You didn’t think!” You tell him, and Harald steps back, hands curling to fists at his sides. He needs to hear this, though, if not from his brother, then from you. “And if you did, it was with the wrong head.” The same head all men think with first when it comes to women.
“You speak to a king,” he reminds you, puffing out his chest—a weak reply, and you both know it.
You shake your head and reach for him, hands settling on either side of his blood-spattered face—thumbs following the blue-black scrollwork of the tattoos on his cheeks. “And I am also speaking to one of my oldest friends,” you remind him. King or no, Harald and his brother are among your oldest and dearest friends—they could be little more than farmers or simple whalers, and you would think no less of them nor love them less. There’s a shift in Harald’s expression then, as though he realizes the error of his ways in disregarding your and Halfdan’s counsel, and hubris fades to humility. “One whom I care for and love very much.” Love, the word catches him off-guard. Then an ephemeral smile returns to grace your lips. “Even if he is pigheaded at times.”
He forces down the growing knot in his throat. “My brother–” Harald starts, but you press your fingertips to his weathered lips, shushing him and chasing away any apprehension or fear of driving a rift between the three of you with what comes next. “Halfdan knows,” you tell Harald with airy unconcern—fingers slipping down to comb through his silver-tinged wiry beard. Your trysts had never been clandestine, even before whatever this unspoken thing with his brother began before the first raid on Paris. “He’s very astute,” you remark, the corner of your lips quirking upward again. “You could stand to learn a thing to two.”
He huffs, then goes to the river, shrugging off his tunic, and kneels at the water’s edge, splashing the cold water on his face and chest—scrubbing the drying blood of the woman he once intended to marry. He stares at his reflection, shoulders falling forward, accepting his ill-fated pursuit of marriage and defeat, alas. “I’ve been a fool,” he grumbles. You crouch next to him, dipping your hand in the river to help wash the blood from his shoulders and the back of his neck, humming your agreement—gladdened to know it is no longer a whispered secret between you and Halfdan. “You’re not supposed to agree with me,” he admonishes, mirth slipping back into his tone.
There’s a scar on his shoulder, and without thought, you lean toward him, placing the gentlest and quickest of kisses on the raised patch of silvery skin. You can recall how he and Halfdan have gotten most of their scars, but the history of this small mark evades you right now. When you meet his eyes, you see him staring at you with a look of raw hunger and desperation you’re entirely unprepared for, and it sends a wave of heat washing over you. But he’s so gentle when he handles you—even in all his lingering anger and hurt.
He holds your chin until his thumb swipes across your flushed cheek—always touching you like you’re some fragile, precious thing and not a shieldmaiden—and then his lips part, and he exhales a shaky breath, waiting for your permission, spoken or otherwise. You give it with a breathy sigh of his name. Harald. His warm breath hits your cheek, followed by the faint tickle of his scraggly beard at your jaw before his lips are fully on yours. “Let me have you.” His plea is soft against your mouth—and you cannot deny him.  
Skirts rucked up around your waist, Harald grips your hips, drawing you closer to him until his wool and linen-clad thigh presses between yours. His touch is fervent—hot palms, calloused from years of battle, scrape over the bare skin they touch. His tongue sweeps across your bottom lip before kissing you—languid and soft. Your hands grasp at his back to pull his chest to your own. And then he fumbles to loosen his belt, but you knock away his hands, and Harald curses and groans when your hand slides into his undone britches, fingers wrapping around his half-hard cock—stroking him.
Your stomach flutters as his fingers caress you briefly, fleetingly—but gone far too soon. Your hips move towards his touch, but now is not the time for drawn-out caresses and teasing. In truth, he's not focused on your pleasure but more on his desire.
Harald pushes forward, rocking his hips slowly until his cock is fully sheathed inside the warmth of your cunt, and his hips meet yours. You gasp, somewhere between a whine and moan, head tipping back, and Harald takes the chance to press his lips to the base of your neck. He’s gentle as he trails a hand down your side and holds your waist—he and Halfdan have always been two sides of the same coin as lovers.
You lay back—letting him do as he pleases. He needs this moment, this release, far more than you do. His thrusts start slow, lazy almost, as though you’ve all the time in the world—like you’re back in Tamdrup on a spring night in a patch of wildflowers or bale of loose straw in a stable, not lying on a muddy English riverbank on the verge of another battle—not knowing if tomorrow will be the day Valhalla beckons you home.
He looks down at you—splayed beneath him and his gut twists with a sickening realization. I’ve been a fool, Harald thinks again, cradling your cheek, the rough pad of his thumb pressed against your parted lips, chasing a woman who could never love me. But you. It did not matter what misfortunes or victories the gods bestowed upon him. You were always there—never faltering from your place at his and Halfdan’s side. He’s only ashamed not to have realized or acted sooner.
Your legs spread wider to welcome him, squeezing at his shoulders to urge him to move faster. Every push and pull of his hips brings him deeper inside you. Harald pants at your ear, his breathing ragged and strained as his pace falters—thrusts growing quicker and rougher as he seeks release. Beneath your palms, the muscles in his back ripple, contracting with each thrust. His lips find yours again, and you pull him down closer until his bare chest presses against the rumpled wool of your dress bodice—nails scraping across his shoulders and the patchwork of tattoos on his shoulder blades.
The look in Harald’s eyes is nigh unsettling—a mix of emotion you do not wish to think about in this moment of lust and carnality—and you squeeze at his biceps, urging him to move faster, and when his trance breaks, he obliges. He breathes hushed praises against your neck and strokes a thumb over the racing pulse in your neck as he rolls his hips up into yours—strokes long and deep. 
You whine and squirm for him, grinding your hips into his. The next time he moves, his cock strikes the place inside you that makes you cry out without thinking, and your toes start to curl—he does it again and again, thrice over. “Harald.” He works himself deeper still, pelvis rubbing against your clit, and he doesn’t miss the shiver that goes through you or the way your muscles tense—cunt squeezing his cock tighter. His breathy, open-mouth kisses grow sloven as you fumble to keep in rhythm, your movements slack—distracted by the fog of ecstasy in your head.
Breath hot against your lips, his eyes drift shut in unison with yours. Behind closed eyes, all that triumphs is the feel of your bodies sinking into each other. He will not last much longer. Harald barely manages a coherent rasp of your name, teeth gnashing, when his entire body shivers and he stills deep, deep inside, cock twitching. 
His livid eyes are dark, like a stormy sea when they open once more, and there’s a crease between his brows that you have a yearning impulse to kiss away—and so you do, and in the wake of your lips, you smooth your fingertips over his brow. “I do love you, Harald,” you tell him—a breathless whisper—and suddenly, the knot in his throat and the offbeat feeling in his heart is back. “Just as I love Halfdan.”
He says nothing, only rests his forehead against your shoulder and shivers when your hand runs along his back, finding his dark braid to run your fingers along. But there’s a new dampness on your flesh—tears for love lost and love found.
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HIS TEMPER IS quelled upon returning to the encampment, even if his heart has yet to mend. Halfdan rises from his spot at one of the fires, leaving the waning conversation with Björn Ironside when he sees you and his brother approach. The whispers around the camp of what happened between Harald, Vik, and Ellisif have already faded with new discussions of the army’s next move in Mercia—steadily creeping closer to Wessex and retribution upon King Ecbert for his part in Ragnar’s death. Harald swallows his pride and glimpses you before turning his attention to Halfdan. “Thank you, brother,” he says. “Yet again, I owe you my life.”
“I’ll always watch your back,” Halfdan replies, pressing a cup of ale into Harald’s hand before clasping his shoulder—then his gaze flits to you, and he smiles, a glimmer shining in his dark eyes. “But next time we tell you to kill someone, you should listen, yeah?” Harald shakes his head, looking down into the cup of ale with a dry laugh. You both told him to rid himself of Ellisif before setting sail to England. He should have listened then—knows he was a fool not to have. But once more, it is the three of you, and maybe that is how the gods always intended it to be.
[Harald & Halfdan taglist: @ahotmesswithprivilege / @alicedopey / @certifiedlittleshit / @charming-merlin / @elluvians / @erzsebetrosztoczy / @gearhead66 / @gossamarnie / @hc-geralt-23 / @kaexiao / @midnightmuze / @moonlightsspirit / @n0sferatus / @naaladareia / @queenfinehair / @queenyalo / @savagemickey03 / @xinyourdreamsx / @yalos-writing ] if your name is italicized, tumblr would not let me tag you. if you’d like to be added to my Vikings taglist, or any other taglist, just let me know with this Google Form!
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thelirofnorthlands · 8 months
A little appreciation for the most lovely couple in Vikings 🥰
Helga and Floki ❤️
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(photos or edits on them do not belong to me)
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gulnarsultan · 1 month
Can I request something for Halfdan the Black from Vikings 🥰🥰🥰Anything that represents him in a jealous possessive light towards reader( but maybe ends with a bit of fluff explaining why he is so obsessed with her). Thank you in advance if you decide to read about him ❤️❤️❤️Sending hugs 🥰
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Hello darling. I hope you like it.
Halfdan was not a very talkative and good at talking man. Halfdan did not dare to speak, especially when it came to the reader. But he was better at doing things rather than talking. Halfdan was truly a man of action. He was always following the reader like a guard dog. He did not allow other men to approach the reader. He carried out actions such as carrying the reader's belongings and other things, giving the reader a place and paying for his needs without any interruption. Halfdan's protective behavior always infuriated his readers. One day the reader couldn't take it anymore.
"Half is enough. Why are you scaring my friends away?"
"They want to be with you. They want to steal you from me."
"You talk like I'm your girlfriend."
"I love you so much. And I want you to be my wife."
The reader is surprised by what he hears.
"That's why you were treating me like this?"
The reader chuckles as Halfdan approaches. She pats you on the shoulder.
"Be more direct next time. Let's go drink."
As the reader walks ahead, Halfdan happily follows.
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lady06reaper · 3 months
Alright yall....
I really like this show and there's just not enough content for this amazing show! will write for anyone at this point in time but if I don't feel like I can get the character right please have a back up just in case
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psychosncottagecore · 10 months
I'm back! Kind of! This was a request from @thelirofnorthlands I hope it meets your expectations dear! Please excuse any errors, as I'm sure everyone can tell I haven't posted in almost a year and it's been a while since I've watched Vikings... but, I couldn't NOT write a fanfic for my beloved Halfdan!
Halfdan loved Bjorn... really he did. He was close to Ironside, respected him, travelled with him, fought alongside him. Halfdan shared a wanderlust and meals and voyages with the blond viking. Really he would share most anything with Bjorn... but you. He refused to share you with anyone. And that was how he found himself, leaned wholly too close to the crackling fire, watching you laugh with the larger man a short distance away. He could not stand for it, would not. It was true, you were not his, not in so many words , but he had thought there to be an understanding, a mutual sort of affection created by sharing bedrolls and stories and lingering looks. Perhaps he'd been a fool, a short sighted idiot oblivious to your pining for his friend just as you were oblivious to his own pining.
Halfdan found a heat rising within him quickly, one entirely different from the heat the fire provided him. This was a green sort of flame rising in his chest, one that demanded some action being taken. It was only stoked as he saw you hand land upon the blonde's arm. He pushed himself up from the fire suddenly, earning a half glance from a man beside him who's name he did not care to remember. The acrid taste of ash from the fire coated his tongue, he was fairly sure it was soot anyway, he hoped it to be soot and not his bodies response to what he thought to be some sort of betrayal.
You turned your head as a hasty movement erupted in your peripheral vision, you had been joking with Bjorn all evening, both of you finding you had some shared experiences that lent themselves to easy conversation. Of course you had wondered about the whereabouts of your closest companion, Halfdan. Closest companion? Perhaps more, certainly one of your bedrolls was empty more nights then not. Either way, you had expected him to come and join you as the moon rose but he had not made an appearance. Although mild concern flitted through you, you knew him to be a capable warrior, as were you, surrounded by loyal men and women no less. No harm had befallen him, you soothed yourself. But Bjorn's knowing look cast towards you told you, you had not hidden your concerns well as the conversation partially trailed off. "He has been sat by the fire watching us like a hawk for hours. How you have not felt his eyes burning into you is some small wonder." Was all he said, placing a hand on your shoulder as he turned his attention to another person talking.
It was when you felt Bjorn's hand suddenly moved from your shoulder that the ounce of concern grew to something bigger, until a familiar weight settled around your shoulders, the scent of smoke and pine and salt enveloped you. "You have been missing all evening." You hummed casually, turning your body into Halfdan's embrace. His arm tightened around you, just a modicum tighter then normal, no where near enough to hurt you, but enough for you to know something was wrong. "Is my company not enough for you?" His voice was hoarse, almost a whisper, as if the volume at which he spoke would betray the inner turmoil that was as plain as day upon his face.
"You wish me to only speak to you?" You asked, eyebrow raised as you moved to separate yourself from him. Close as you may be, and as in love as you thought yourself to be, you would not be chained in any capacity, especially when it came to your friends. A concerned, surprised look pained Halfdan's face and he shook his head hastily.
"Of course not, silly woman." He muttered "I just wish you to only caress my arm, only look so enthralled and enchanted by me. I wish you to stop this, if this is only your way of getting closer to Bjorn." He muttered, the words tasting like acid in his mouth, and still quiet. Oh so quiet, and completely unlike Halfdan. "You are more stupid then you look." You mused to him quietly, taking a step closer towards him once more and using a hand to cup his chin. "Bjorn could neither captivate, enchant nor enthrall me half as much as you do, sweet fool." You murmured, anyone else saying these things might have been reaching for a shield right about now. But instead you looked the viking square in the eyes, they were shining and held wide as he listened, as captivated by you as he thought you to be by Bjorn. "It is you that captivates me, it is you I wish to share my bedroll with, I have no greater wish than to return from exploring and raiding to a hearth with you." That was all the viking had to hear, as you described your wishes, he pledged himself to you, heart and soul, verbally and spiritually and as he did, he finally pulled you in for the kiss he'd been waiting years to be granted.
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hereforreadandwrite · 7 months
Chapter four
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/!\ Miscarriage/!\
You came back to the longhouse, but you were strange. He knew what you went through was traumatic, but there was something else. You hid your body, covering your loosest clothes, you hid the right side of your face. You refused to look at him and you avoided him. You were hiding from Ivarr. You were hiding something from him and it was starting to annoy him. Ivarr tried to give you space and time, as Ubba and Halfdan advised him to do. They thought that with time to yourself, you would get better, but you still refused to talk to him.
You had refused to speak to him for four moons now.
Four moons since you refused to sleep with him.
You've been avoiding him for four moons.
You had completed several tasks that allowed you to move as much as possible. By Odin, you even agreed to work in the stables as long as you stayed away from Ivarr.
This time he had had enough. Their brothers could go to Helheim with their council. Ivarr was tired of seeing his wife drift away from him and become nothing more than a shadow of herself. Ivarr would go deep into the forest to find you, training you in archery. You drew the string of your bow, letting go of the string to see your arrow go into the ground, far from your target. At the end of your nerves, you threw your bow on the ground. Now that you had lost the use of your right eye, you could no longer aim properly. You had shot around twenty arrows, none of which had touched your target. You drew your axe, throwing it at the target, but like your arrows, it fell on the dead leaves.
“Shit!” you cried, running your hands over your face. "I'm tired of it!”
Ivarr leaned against the tree, watching you pick up your arrows and axe. When you turned towards him, you froze when you saw your companion. You sighed, putting your arrows back in your quiver.
"What are you doing here?" you asked, hanging your axe on your belt.
"I was looking for you. Is that bad?"
“I would have thought you would have gone to fight Bretons or Saxons.”
"The Bretons ran off with the pig's wife and apparently we can't go after the Saxons because of that idiot Bishop and Ceolbert," Ivarr growled.
“Normally, that doesn’t stop you,” you said, turning your back on him to detach your target. “What’s stopping you?”
“My wife stops me.”
You froze when you heard him say that. Was Ivarr worried about you? It was new. You turned to Ivarr. The Boneless looked at you with his gaze that seemed to penetrate your entire being. You swallowed, clutching the target to your chest. Gods, you didn't like it when he looked at you like he did. It always made you lose your means, but with their marks King Rhodri had left you.
You hated them.
You hated your body.
You had several other marks of war, but these showed your helplessness. So you made the decision to hide them. You hid your bruised eye and scars under layers of bandages and hid your body under thick furs. Ivarr lifted himself from the tree, moving closer to you. Your grip tightened, even more, on your target.
"There's something you're not telling me, woman," he said darkly. "What did Rhodri do to you? Did he make you do-"
"No! No, he didn't do anything like that."
"So what happened? What else did he do, (Y/N)?"
What else did Rhodri do?
You didn't want to think about it anymore, that's why you were always moving. You didn't want to think about this event anymore. You looked at Ivarr out of the corner of your eye. Should you tell him? Ivarr growled, spreading his arms, waiting for your response. You bit your lip. You tried to find your words. How could you tell him something like that? Ivarr was a drengr. This sort of thing was not important to a drengr. To die with dignity in combat is the goal of a drengr. Ivarr's objective. He always shouted it loud and clear. He always told you that you would be together in Valhalla, that you would both fight and drink and fuck in the great hall. Maybe you should have focused on that goal.
Maybe... you should have joined Valhalle sooner.
"We are drengr. Our role is to fight and reach Valhalla. That's why we are born. That's why we die. We live for nothing else, " you said, turning to Ivarr. "I repeat that to myself. Day after day. I focus on the most menial tasks to keep my mind occupied and not think about that day and what he did. I...he trampled on him like if he was just a common insect."
“Who did Rhodri step on (Y/N)?”
"Our baby... he... he trampled on him..."
Ivarr looked at you without knowing what to say or what to think. A baby? It was impossible. You never had the build of a pregnant woman. You continued your training as always. You fought against Saxons. You got punched in the stomach. Ivarr ran his hands over his face, pacing as he digested this news.
"How...? When...? You... you weren't pregnant when you were..."
"I was, but I didn't know it. He... he wasn't bigger than that," you said, pointing to the space with your thumb and index finger. "He looked like a larva... but... he was our baby... Rhodri had hit me so hard in the stomach. It hurt so much, but I... I didn't expect to see it. I tried to hide it. I hid it in a piece of cloth. I wanted to bury it. But... Rhodri saw it. He snatched it from me and... he trampled on him like he was crushing a common insect. I... I couldn't do anything. I... I could just watch him trample on him again and again... he didn't care. Nothing was left."
You could no longer hold back your tears as you thought about this scene. You saw again this little thing in your underwear that you hid a piece of fabric. You saw again Rhodri snatching it from your hands to throw it on the ground and stomping on it with rage. You screamed and cried for this child you couldn't bury. You cursed Rhodri for doing what he did.
You were surprised to see Ivarr turn on his heel and walk away from you. Where was he going? Why did he leave you alone?
"Ivarr?! Where are you going?! Ivarr!!"
Ivarr ignored your request. He continued to walk away until he disappeared from your field of vision. You had just lost your husband. Why did you speak? Why did you have to listen to Bishop Deorlaf? You should have kept it all to yourself. You fell to your knees, letting the target fall to the ground. You had nothing left. Were you alone? Not impossible. You must have had a bad dream, didn't you? Yes, that was the only explanation. You manage to get up, picking up your target to return to your tent. You put away your weapons and your target before lying down on your makeshift bed. Exhaustion overwhelmed you, you fell asleep. You didn't have any dreams. No nightmares. But there was nothing restful about this sleep. You didn't know how long you had slept, but you had to wake up to the feeling of someone shaking you and calling your name. You opened your eyes. Your gaze met Ivarr’s. You stood up, looking at your surprised husband. Ivarr had returned.
"Get ready, let's go," he said, standing up.
"Where?" you asked as you stood up, running your hands through your tangled hair. "
At Rhodri's tomb," Ivarr replied grimly.
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woahhhgwendolyn · 1 year
Morning Sex With Halfdan Would Include...
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-Him waking up pretty lazily then he turns around to find you sleeping so peacefully and gets hard when he sees you like this.
-Him getting on top of you and start kissing you all over only for you to slowly wake up and realize what he is doing.
-Him saying good morning to you while also grinding against you and also telling you how much he needs you at that moment.
-Him removing all the furs from your body and start to kiss down your body until he reaches down to your pussy then he starts to go down on you.
-Him loving how you would squirm away from him a bit every time he eats you out. Every time you do this, he has to hold you down to the bed just to be able to eat you out even more relentlessly. He loves it when you cum in his mouth when he is eating you out. So, every time he is eating you out he has to make you cum.
-After he is done making you cum on his mouth he opens your legs even more to be able to actually fuck you. He teases you for a bit and spreads your pussy lips with his cock and teases you like that for a bit until he finally pushes his cock into you.
-Once he is fully into you he loves to just ram into you like it is the last time he will ever see you. And he even likes to rub your sensitive clit while he fucks you just to make sure that you like it too.
-He loves to whisper to you how much he loves you and how much he cares for you while you both are fucking. He likes to make you feel special while you both are doing it.
-He demands you to scream his name so that everyone knows that you are his and that he is yours.
-Once you both were done and got out of your shared tent his brother was waiting outside for him and started playfully making fun of Halfdan because he was fucking you like that.
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queenfinehair · 1 year
The Bartender
(Pt. || Here)
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Pairing: Modern!Halfdan x Fem!reader (No use of Y/N)
Warning: Minors DNI. Alcohol use. Mentions of abuse. Just, please, adults only.
Disclaimer: Moodboard is made by me from photos found on Pinterest. I do not claim ownership.
Plain and simple? It was sleazy. A dive bar to be crowned the best by those who frequented it and labeled trash by those who never set foot in. The drinks were watered down, cheap and bitter. So why were you there in this seedy joint?
Him. Again. Plain and simple, your boyfriend had finally done it this time. This time you meant it when you left with a swelling right eye. This bar just happened to be the darkest one you had come across and by God, you needed a drink and fast.
"What'll it be?" A napkin in place of a fancy coaster is slid in front of you and you look up. A deep pair of inquiring honey-brown eyes are searching your face, waiting for both an answer and explanation.
"Oh, uhm, strongest thing you have. Top shelf, please." You're already beginning to gather the money needed to pay for this liquid therapy. A snort of a laugh makes you look up suddenly though, frowning already at the attitude.
"Lady, top shelf here doesn't exist, but I know just what you need. Tequila, straight up with a splash of lime. Trust me."
He wasn't condescending in tone but in your fragile state it still made you both frustrated and teary eyed. You quickly wipe at your eyes and flinch at the contact. "And a raw steak as well..." you mutter under your breath and put a $50 on the bar counter.
"You wouldn't want that either. Again, trust me." He laughs from his belly this time and nods towards the lame kitchen doors. "Food here'll give you poisoning faster than the drinks."
This gets you to smile small and thank him for the drink, "keep 'em coming. I'd rather not feel this tonight."
Taking the money from you, the man pauses for a better glimpse under the dim lights. They're enough to hide from but he knew better. "You runnin' from this guy?"
Shaking your head you take a gulp of the harsh liquor and hiss, "I wouldn't say running, exactly..."
"But?" He holds up a finger to an already drunk man down the way, signaling that he'd have to wait just a minute longer.
Another gulp, another hiss and you look into his eyes, "I need to get away. I need to hide and this place seemed the perfect fit for that. No offense meant, by the way."
He shakes his head with a large grin forming on his lips. "None taken. I'm Halfdan, by the way."
"Interesting name." you begin with your own introduction to the strange man behind the bar. You take another gander and only then do you see that his face is covered in an intricate and intriguing tattoo. The ink was slightly faded and looked to be a shade of blue... or was it black? In these lights the details were easily blurred into obscurity so you just shrug off the color and continue with your drink, noting that Halfdan had left the bottle on the bar. He'd left to help another patron with his needs.
With him helping the drunk male you take it upon yourself to grab the bottle and fill your glass up, smiling to yourself as the liquid courses through your system. Your eye would hurt like hell in the morning, but for now you were content.
"Mark, I told you, you're at your limit." Halfdan swears under his breath as he walks back to where you're sitting and raises an eyebrow at the bottle plopped in front of you. "And you..." He begins slyly, playfully taking it back and grabbing another, stronger tequila. "This is what you'd rather have, I'm guessing."
You finally omit a laugh and nod with enthusiasm, "what happened to no top shelf?"
"That's mostly for people like him," he points with his head, the hair that sits to only one side oglf his head swaying with the movement. "Mark! Go on, get!"
The two men have words and as Halfdan jumps the bar to escort drunk Mark out you watch his build. Slim was the first thing you notice, his tight black t-shirt clinging to his sweating body. Dark blue jeans cling to his hips legs. You stare a moment longer at his ass before raising your brows in appreciation, turning back to the alcohol in front of you.
"So you've been with this guy 6 months, think it's true love, he's jealous and finally he beats you?" Plopping a peanut into his mouth, Halfdan blows out a breath and shakes the hair from his eyes. "Shit."
The bar is empty now and the time is late. You both have been sharing the bottle of tequila and have moved to a booth. It's shabby, torn and red in color but it's much more comfortable than the stool you'd been sitting on before. A small bowl of peanuts sits in front of you that's being shared and you snort out a laugh now.
"In a nutshell," a peanut is held up with a smile, "that's what happened." And into your mouth it goes. Halfdan watches the movement with wry fascination before he talks again.
"You deserve better than a raw steak on your eye, ya know." He motions with a finger the the very piece of raw meat that he'd gotten out for you. Noting how brown and out of date the steak had been though, you politely had rejected.
You both take a shot and wash it down with the juice of half a lime, licking salt off of the opposite hand and laugh together at the synchronization of your actions.
The old jukebox plays a slower song and you sigh, closing your eyes and letting your head fall down and you groan.
"Ahh, nope. I don't think so, not on my watch." Halfdan slams his hands on the booth table and stands up, swaying slightly. "C'mon then, darling, let's dance the pain away. I'm not good at it but I'll try."
You take his outstretched hand and stand as well, walking with the taller man to the so-called dance floor, laughing at the scuffed linoleum. "I'm sure you dance fine." Your words slur and he wraps his arms around your waist, bringing you close.
Your own arms wrap around Halfdan and his chin comes to rest on your head. The room sways with both your movements and the alcohol. A tear or two slides down your cheeks as you think of how nice this strange man is, far more kind than your ex-boyfriend.
"Halfdan..." you begin and as you move to look up, his glossy eyes catch your own. He looks from your eyes to your mouth and back again. The though crosses your mind as well and with so much of the liquid courage flowing through you both, you take the first move and kiss him.
He breaks away first, standing away from you now with both hands up in surrender, "I don't know..." He mutters your name and shakes his head before you take full control. Lightning courage has you in its hold as you close the distance.
"For some strange reason, Halfdan the Bartender... I trust you. Make me feel good. Better than I already do. Please."
He heaves a sigh and takes your hands in his, leading you to the door at the front, where he locks up, turns back and motions to you to follow him now, dropping your hands.
There's an upstairs to the bar hidden in the kitchen with slim, creaking stairs. A door stands in front of you as Halfdan works the locks, opening the stained door to a rather lovely living room.
"So," Halfdan admits sheepishly as he scratches the shaved side of his head, "Welcome to my place. Let's get comfortable."
Tags; @naaladareia
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ryuzakemo128 · 3 months
Vikings Writing Prompts
Trigger Warning:
Mention of Death, fighting, miscarriages, suicide.
If anything mentioned above triggers you. Please remove yourself and continue with your day. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Vice versa, as the mind can affect the body in equal measure.
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Prompts for either imagines, headcanons, one-shots, anything you possibly desire. As long as it is clearly stated as to what character you want it written for. Otherwise I will not be able to satisfy the particular itch you might or might not want itched and scratched.
Characters from the Vikings Show that I am willing to write for as follows:
Male Characters
Rollo Lothbrok
Ívar Ragnarsson
Björn Ragnarsson
Ubbe Ragnarsson
Hálfdanr Hálfdansson
Haraldr Hálfdansson
Female Characters:
Lagertha Lothbrok
Aslaug Sigurdsdottir
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Personal Note: I would also preface that I will not write things that trigger me. Things like Cheating and Affairs. At least not in incredible detail as it will harm and hurt my mental health in the long run. And if you respect my mental health, you will respect my personal boundaries as well.
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If you would like to peruse my previous works in the past feel free to do so. I will not prevent nor shame those who would want to read them.
Here is a link to two masterlists that contain them.
Masterlist 01 / Masterlist 02
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Listed below are prompts to choose from if you want to make a specific request for a specific character. First list being SFW and the second one being NSFW underneath the cut.
SFW - Dialogue Prompts
"Whatever souls are made of, yours and mine are the same. As much you might dispute that fact."
"You could just tell me things instead of insinuating them. Communication is important."
"Let me eat my feelings in peace and quiet. Otherwise we are going to have many, many, many problems."
"I know I can't go I'm the one getting nearly all the time."
"I don't trust anyone who would place value of one child above another. Regardless of what someone else may or may not have said."
"For a mother you play favourites quite a bit."
"Depends on what you consider to be fair."
"Aim better! Stop trying to hit me and hit me!"
"You are not my problem. You are theirs. I plan to keep it that way. So neither begging nor pleading to me will not work."
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Canon Character x OC/ Reader - Dialogue Prompts
"I am well enough to fight. I am well enough to move around do things myself. Do not coddle me as I were a child and I will not do the same to you."
"I was in exile, I did not abandon anybody, least of all my brother."
"I don't ask for your understanding, I don't ask for your trust either and quite frankly I do not want either one from you."
NSFW - Dialogue Prompts
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Vikings Headcanons - Link
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Food for the heart and soul - Halfdan the Black x Female Reader - Link
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Tarnished and Unveiled Intentions - Bjorn Ironside x reader - Link
Life After Death - Bjorn Ironside x female reader - Link
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ritual-unions · 1 year
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Archive of Our Own to see everything I’ve ever written for the Vikings fandom.
** = denotes explicit and/or implied sexual content, please use discretion
Ubbe / Original Character(s)
Sleepy Mornings **- multi chapter, complete, entire fic posted on Ao3. Winnifred lives the sheltered life of a Christian woman in King Alfred’s court. Not truly understanding the meaning of sexual pleasure her new husband, Ubbe Ragnarsson, is more than willing to show her the path.
Green Ivy **- one-shot, Ubbe has been married to Avaritia for many years but she still struggles with his heathenism and the way it creeps into her daily life and that of their children. A thunderstorm one night sends her running to Ubbe’s bed, the family bed he has been trying to convince her to sleep in. She finds not only Ubbe but their two children fast asleep. Ubbe in his tempestuous ways convinces Avaritia to find safety in his arms. (I may continue/add more fics with Avaritia at a later date)
A Feast for You **- one-shot, The Great Army finds themselves at the deserted villa of King Ecbert and Ubbe, feeling the full fervor of battle, takes his Sami consort, Verdandi, again and again, until she can no longer handle his advances. To distract him she tries to scrounge up enough food to hopefully satiate his beastly desires. (I may continue/add more fics with Verdandi at a later date)
Gatekeeper **- one-shot, Ubbe is forced to punish his Sami consort, Verdandi, after she mistakenly reveals the secret entrance into Kattegat to the enemy. Also known as sex-on-a-throne cause I can.
Northern Lights - one-shot, ficlet
Twice Now - multi chapter/complete, entire fic posted on Ao3. For years Ubbe has been promised to the same Saxon girl from his childhood, Avery. He is reluctantly waiting for the day when he will marry Avery, until then the gods will find their entertainment by placing the wilding Saxon, Kara, before him. She is unlike any he has met before, drawn to her though she does not want his help. She is determined to meet her lover, Ceol, on the coast of England before the year ends. Unwillingly she travels with Ubbe and his brother, Hvitserk, in a journey that may just leave them all a little mad.
Wolf Like Me - multi chapter/on going, Ylva Ragnardottir is used to getting what she wants. As the only daughter of the great Ragnar Lothbrok and the famous Princess Aslaug she wants to marry Haakon, the bastard son of King Harald Finehair but Ubbe, forced into a position that should be their missing father's, will not allow it.
Ylva isn't the only one whose hand is being forced, Eir, daughter of the King of Sweden finds herself betrothed to a man she wishes to never see again, Ubbe Ragnarsson.
Hvitserk / Original Character(s)
Hours & Hours ** - one-shot, Hvitserk proposes “Naked Sushi Night” at The Valkyrie Gentlemen’s Club, the strip club owned by the Ragnarssons, just so he can see his favorite employee covered in food.
Touch Me ** - one-shot, Ubbe solicits Hvitserk into having sex with his girl, Dusty, so that he can watch, things don’t go as planned when Hvitserk’s new girlfriend, Honey, walks in on the three of them mid-coitous.
A part of my "Broken Clocks" series, in which the sons of Ragnar own a strip club, The Valkyrie Gentlemen's Club, located in England, much to the annoyance of the Christian council, Ecbert, and his son, Aethelwulf.
Misunderstandings ** - one-shot, Sigurd brings a new American friend to hang out with his brother. She speaks little-to-no Norwegian and Hvitserk takes advantage of her lack of mastery on the language in the form of a bet.
Halfdan the Black / Original Character(s)
Marks ** - anon requested/drabble, Halfdan does not share and he is willing to let everyone know.
2022 Ao3 End of the Year Review
Requests are open, see this post for more info. Also my inbox and dms are always open, I may not get to them right away but I’d love to talk to you about my fics & ocs and/or Vikings characters in general.
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Hi folks,
@barnes-lothbrok and I came up with a somewhat spontaneous idea to do a little winter-themed Vikings fandom prompt event. Maybe we can inspire some of you to create short stories and artwork that we can enjoy in a cozy place, wrapped in blankets, with hot drinks and yummy cookies.
Here are the words [which we tried to keep basic so they fit canon as well as modern AUs]:
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The Rules: ● The event is for anyone who wants to participate. There is no need to be a follower. ● Please use #norsetalesforwinter if you post your creation. You don't have to tag one of us, but you're welcome to do so so that we can more quickly become aware of the entry ● Fandom: Vikings only ● Characters/Pairings: Free to choose ● The event is open for fanfics and fanarts. ● For fanfics, try to keep it around 1000 words (but no punishment awaits you if you go beyond) ● Please use warnings if your work contains anything that might trigger others. ● You can use one of the prompts or combine them. It's totally up to you. You can make it an extra challenge by using them all in one story. ● You also can participate as often as you want. ● Deadline: Let's keep it a December project - 31.12.2022 ● Don't forget to have fun
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lostgirlfandom · 1 year
Vikings Masterlist
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Old Masterlist
Food for a Viking
Harald Finehair
Bjorn Ironside
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To be in the favor of Gods... PART 5.
AN: I got back into Vikings. AAAABSOLUTELY obsessed w the Ragnarssons ofc... who isn't?
Part 4 here.
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-Will you not be jealous of eachother? - you whispered to Bjorn.
-We have talked about it a lot when you were sickly. It is fated, our feelings are unmoving and true.. If you'll have us... - he said looking into your eyes.
In the battle against King Aelle..
You decided you would fight alongside with the sons of Ragnar. Your brother Harald merely just used you for his gains, at least some of the sons of Ragnar were seeing after your wellbeing. You did not give Bjorn your answer. How could you possibly.
It turned out you were right again. The great viking army defeated Aelle's in two hours, the rest of you were now searching for survivors , looting the swords of the christians. You were standing on top of the hill, looking over everyone when Harald stranded up to you, Halfdan hot on his heels. When he got to you, he took his sword, attempting to slash you, but it was just a failed attempt, because you were just as good as Lagertha. So now, the clinking of your swords were gathering everyone's attention. You were standing your ground.
-You betrayed and humiliated me today sister.. - he grunted before attacking you.
-I think you forget how you disowned me and kick me out to the mountains to die brother.. - you said before attacking back.
-And i forgave you in the great hall.. do not hold a grudge little sister, the gods wouldn't like that.. - he told you before grazing your arm. Ubbe and Bjorn suddenly on your sides, drawing their axe and sword.
-I think it is not you who has the right to forgive Harald, i also suggest you stop this right now before we kill you too. - shouted Ubbe before stopping Harald's sword before hitting you again.
Harald dropped his sword with a smirk, you looked at him, then Ubbe and Bjorn, before turning around and storming away.
The rest of the day you didn't talked to them. One of the hostages lead the army to the place where Aelle killed Ragnar. Ivar was blood-eagleing the man. His screams filled the forest, making most of the men laugh. Aelle was a pathetic man and a pathetic leader. You set camp for the night, knowing nobody would be coming to attack you, their king was dead. When any of your brothers or any of the Ragnarssons even tried to took a step towards you, you stood up, and walked away, far from them.
You were thankful that they had tried to help you, but so so angry that none of them believed you could stand your ground. You were not the fragile princess they thought you were, and you had proved it a thousand times by now.
At dawn you were throwing rocks in the water, when someone walked up behind you.
-Ubbe.. - you greeted him with a coldness.
-(Y/n).. we just... - he started but you jumped up standing in front of him with a few strides, only to start to hit him with all your might.
-You just what? You thought i couldn't stand my ground against ONE man? You thought jumping in to protect me would do well for you , didn't you?
-(Y/n) listen.. - he held your hands to stop you from fighting, but you threw him on the ground, straddling him, hitting him.
-No, you listen. I am not a damsel in distress, im not some christian girl, nor Margrethe. I am not afraid of nor Ivar, nor my brothers. I am afraid of noone. - you said before he turned you both over, so now he was hovering over you as you struggled.
-I know you are not. - he said as he tried to kiss you, only for you to bite his lip, drawing blood, Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, showing you fragments of the future. He would be against Ivar in a battle, then the next fragment was you straddling him, chasing your orgasm, as you showered you with kisses, his hands nearly bruising your skin... When you regained your body from the images of the future, he was looking at you in worry. It was frustrating to say the least. You knew you wanted them, and at this point wanted nothing with your gifts. But it was something you couldn't do.
That day the army started their journey to Wessex. When you next set camp, you decided to sit on the shore far from everyone.
-Freya, show me when. Show me until when do i have to suffer like this. Will i lose my gifts if i... - you pleaded to the god.
Soon enough images filled your mind again. You were walking towards a house up over Kattegat. Your hands caressed the weeds, and trees on the way to it. You were wearing white, and flowers in your hair, gold markings over your face. You stepped into the hut, Bjorn fast on your side, taking your hand. He wore white too, you were his wife. You looked him over, before Ubbe shut the door and locked it, slowly walking over to your other side like a lion to his prey. You undid your dress, the soft white fabric falling to your feet. Their hands started to wander around you, their lips started to shower you with kisses. Then you heard a voice, a distant voice calling your name. Ivar was by your side.
-What did you see? - he asked.
-Nothing that concerns the revenge or you. - was all you said before standing up. He grabbed your hand looking up at you.
-You should talk to them. They suffer just as much as you do... - he said with all his sincerity. Then you stood up and left for the forest, even further away from them.
By the time you were back in Kattegat, you were so frustrated you even decided to sail with your brothers just to be further away from Bjorn and Ubbe. They didn't know what has gotten into you. Ivar just smirked at them.
-Don't sulk borthers.. Don't you see what her problem is?
-What are you talking about Ivar? ... - said Ubbe rolling his eyes.
-As experienced as both of you are it's a shame i need to tell you this... the god's are plaguaging her with images... that is not connected to the raids... nor to any of us other than you two.. - he said as he curled his finger, lightly tapping his temple with it... motioning them to think. They again rolled their eyes, and went to the other end of the ship, resuming their sulking. You had clearly said before that you could not lay with them...
A few days later you were standing on the dock of Kattegat, hugging your brother Halfdan.
-Take care of that bastard for me brother. - you said to him.
-You still love him don't you?
-'course i do, he is my brother just as much as you.. you are just wiser.. - you said smirking, kissing his cheek.
-You sure you don't want to come home with us sister?
-Yes, i have business here. Can't refuse what the god's have shown me. I must stay..- you said with a sad smile. As he let you go, he smiled at you before hopping in the ship, leaving the dock slowly. And you watched as they left for the place you once called home.
Soon winter came again. Your hands were cold as you wandered around the forest near Kattegat. You saw a trail of someone else there, deciding to follow just in case. It went further into the forest. When a hut came into view, you were suddenly picked up. You started to trash is the man's arms, and he just laughed. The sound was familiar.
-Ubbe, you want me to die of fright? - you ask smiling at him.
-No, i just wanted to spend some time with you.. - he said setting you down, bumping his forehead into yours.
-Well there is a blizzard coming, so we certainly wouldn't make it back to Kattegat now.. - you said looking around.
-We can wait it out in that hut. We used to play there when we were kids. - he said as he took your hand and led you to the small hut.
He lit the fire, as you prepared some salted fish and bread for supper.
The converstaion flowed easily as you both ate and sat in front of the fire. He made sure you wouldn't freeze that night. As you both laid down on the bed, looking at the ceiling, the silence was welcome. After some time you heard him sigh.
-Why are you avoiding us? - he whispered.
-I am not. - you answered him.
-Yes you are, cmon, tell me. - he said as he hit you in the side with his elbow.
You sighed and waited a bit in silence.
-I guess.. it's just hard..
-What is? - he turned to his side, now looking at you, as you were staring at the ceiling.
-I.. i guess.. um.. it is frightening me that i may lose my gifts some day.
-Mother didn't..
-I know, but what if it's different with me?
-(Y/n), why would you lose your gifts? - he said cupping your face, making you look at him.
-The gods have been... they have been plaguing my mind with images. Now i don't know which is the future or which is just a mere dream. All the futures i have seen in my life time... yet i can't seem to trust even the gods with my heart.. It is a burden so heavy i don't know what to do anymore...
-Show me then, let me help you carry it... - he said before hovering over you. You nodded a bit, before biting your lip to draw blood, before he dives in to kiss you. He saw it all. He saw all the lust and love that have been torturing you for months.
His voice is dropping so low you almost think it's just in your head.
-So that's what you have been seeing...
You again just nod, looking into his eyes.
-I could help you my love.. - he told as he dived in to shower your neck with kisses and soft bites making you clench your thighs together. Breathing heavy.
-You cannot... we cannot Ubbe... - you said, his name is barely above a whimper.
-What if i can help without making you mine? - he said as he started to slowly undo your dress. You didn't stop him this time. He rid you of your dress. Suddenly self-conscious about your scars you tried to cover yourself.
He kissed up on your stomach, in the valley of your breasts, your neck before lightly pecking your lips, moving both your hands to grab on the back of the bed, and you obeyed. His hand caressed every inch of skin, his lips kissed every scar you hated. Before he settled between your legs. Slowly kissing, licking up your slit, circling your nub, drawing the prettiest noises from you.
He did not talk, just ate you out like a dying man. You were his air, his last meal. His hands gripping your thighs, your butt, sometimes reaching up to cup your breast or to play with your nipples. Your moans become quieter, your breathing is even more ragged. YOu are near. He kisses up your body again, to kiss you passionately on your lips as he replaces his tongue with his finger down on your aching nub, circling it gently, making you moan into his mouth.
He is circling, caressing, pinching you, looking into your eyes as you came. Shutting your eyes, feeling him kiss you again. It is much softer this time. He gathers you in his arms, hiding both of you under the furs, setting your head on his chest. He slowly rubs circles on your back as you cuddle.
-What if you get bored of me? - you asked playing with the hairs on his chest.
-I don't think i ever could.. - he answered kissing the top of your head.
-No, seriously.. what if this is all we could ever do.. and even that you'd have to shar with your half-brother. Would that be ever enough?
-If it would grant me half your heart i would do it a thousand times over.. Don't underestimate yourself my love.. There is noone i would ever want other than you.. - he said as you slowly fell asleep in his embrace.
When the morning came you were cold. When you opened your eyes he wasn't there. When you started to panic he opened the door with wood for the fire. He smiled when he saw you.
-Worried i ran away? - he said smirking playfully. You just threw a pillow to him. He play acted that the pillow hurt him, only to fall over you, to kiss you passionately.
Some time later he was putting wood on the fire when the door suddenly opened, making you hide even further into the furs.
-Close the door brother before she catch a cold. - he said not even looking at the man entering. He did as he told, when you saw it was Bjorn.
He sat down next to you, to kiss your cheek.
-Where is your dress doll? - he asked cocking an eyebrow.
You looked at Ubbe, before giggling. Then suddenly an image flooded your mind. Ubbe holding your hands and legs, while Bjorn tortures you with kisses, touches, licks... With a big gulp you look him in the eye with lustblown eyes.
-Brother i think she saw something again.. - Bjorn said before getting up to straddle you.
-What did you saw you vixen? - he asked before tickling you.
-I will never tell, the gods forbid it. - you said giggling. Bjorn held down your hands, before lookling over to Ubbe, motioning him to get in the bed, behind you. He slowly peeled away the furs covering you. He licked his lips as he looked over your body with hunger.
-Still no? - he asked getting closer to your face. You instead kissed him but he bit your lips before you could react, seeing the scene you just saw. Smirking down at you as he rid himself of his shirt. Meanwhile Ubbe sat behind you, hugging you to himself.
-What do you say brother? Should we make up for all these months she avoided us and denied us this gorgeous body? - he asked, eyes never leaving you. Ubbe laughed behind you, before lifting your hands around his neck before his hands caressed down your body, agonizigly slow, stopping on the sides of your thighs. He whispered into your ears, looking at Bjorn.
-I think we should brother.. I'd feel very bad if you wouldn't hear those sweet sounds she makes... - as he gently lifted your thighs, exposing you completely to Bjorn. And he didn't waste much time before diving in. He was so different than Ubbe. He was wild, he was trying to devour you, to claim you just with his mouth. He left little bruises over your thighs, his fingers bruised your flesh as he tried to eat you alive. You didn't even realized that after an orgasm, you were now quietly chanting their names, pleading for something. YOu didn't even know what. When Bjorn sat up, you threw your legs around his waist yanking him closer. Making them chuckle wickedly.
-No can do princess.. I'll only give that to my wife. - he joked. You pouted before kicking him away, twisting in Ubbe's hands, now effectively straddling him stark naked. Blissed out from your orgasm, cupping his face, kissing him. His hands slowly grabbing your ass, grinding you slowly on his clothed bulge.
-Well you'll do have to marry one of us to get it princess... You want it badly do you? - he cooed. -We'd gladly give it to you, but you see this one night is nowhere near the amount we suffered cause you avoided us.. I think we should punish you... shouldn't we Bjorn? - he asked as you slowly soaked the front of his pants. -Maybe we should just tie her to that bed and make her cum so much, all she knows are our names... - he said getting behind you hugging you to himself as he cups your breast with one hand, and helping Ubbe rocking you over himself. A whimper escaping your lips.
After days of sweet torture you were currently sitting in a tub of hot water, relaxing as they were lounging around the hut.
Your face was up towards the ceiling as you rested it over the edge, your eyes closed.
-WHat is going on in that pretty head of yours? - asked Ubbe.
-A prophecy the gods have shown me months ago..
-Care to tell ? - asked Ubbe.
-It's one where i would marry Bjorn, only for you to wait for us in a hut above Kattegat. You'd share me.. - you said.
-That can be arranged.. - said Bjorn striding over to you. - if you're willing.
You opened your eyes to see his crystal ones staring back at you with hope in them. You just smiled and nod.
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thelirofnorthlands · 9 months
Arabian nights ❤️ My absolute obsession
“Separated by ink .. connected by heart “♥️
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verntheauthor · 9 months
"Road Less Taken" is a 1.4k MCD angst fic! It focuses of Halfdain (Halfdan/Dainsleif) aka my current pairing of tragic little gay men
Lots of self-hatred and implied suicidal thoughts- mind the tags!
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stefivare · 2 years
Bjorn’s test was brutal
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