#hamilsquad fanfic
icarusbetide · 7 months
does anyone remember when all hamilton fanfic had john laurens be obsessed with...turtles? or something? jefferson's body could only digest mac and cheese. eliza dated maria reynolds. and the phrase "hamilsquad" was used in far too many texting au posts. oh the memories this is conjuring up.
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You’re The Voice In My Head (Polyhamilsquad x Reader)
A/N: Another completed request! I hope you are all doing well and that you enjoy this, especially @random-thoughts-003 I hope you like this! And thank you so so much for requesting! All of the readers thoughts are in italics and the boys are in bold italics, just in case it confuses anyone. As always I wish you all the most wonderful of days and I’m sending you all my good vibes.
Soulmates. Something you had learned about from a young age. Your parents had found each other when they were just thirteen years old and they had been inseparable ever since. Growing up hearing their story always made you long to find your soulmate. You would listen intently whenever you met someone new or went somewhere new. You dreamed of having the same story your parents did, that same sweet, unyielding love they had for each other.  
Unfortunately, you didn’t find your soulmate throughout your middle school years, high school years or even in college. By the time college came around you pretty much gave up on finding your soulmate, thinking you were one of those people who just didn’t have one. You had become resigned to your fate and learned to deal with the fact that you didn’t have a soulmate. You used to get upset by the fact that there were people who had multiple soulmates, that could hear each other's thoughts. How unfair that one person can have more than one and I don’t even have one?
You of course had everyone around you, telling you that your soulmate was out there, be patient, they’ll find you when you least expect it. You had heard it all and had decided to stop listening. You were fine, you were happy on your own, besides soulmates are overrated anyway.
With this mentality you lived your life day to day, looking for little things to find the most joy in. One of those things? Your local record store. You walked in saying hello to the cashier, before heading back to browse through the records.
Wanted Dead or Alive by Bon Jovi started playing over the speakers. You smiled to yourself as you started humming along.  
“I’m a cowboy on a steel horse I ride, I’m wanted (Wanted) Dead or alive, Wanted (wanted) Dead or alive…..oh and I Ride!”  
God, that’s a great song.  
What did you say?  
You stop what you’re doing when you hear the voice. You look on either side of you and then behind you, but don’t see anyone. You shake your head at yourself.
That what was weird, guess it was all in my head.  
What was?
You stop and look around again, this time you see a man who looks around your age with long, dark hair tied back and brown eyes.  
“Did you just say something?” You ask, looking at him warily.
“That depends,” he replies.  
“On what you heard.”  
“A question I guess, two actually,” you try to explain. You shake your head at yourself.
No, it was all just in my head.  
Technically you’re right, but it's me you’re hearing.
You look up at him with wide eyes, waiting to see his mouth move with the words you’re hearing.  
You can hear me, can’t you?
You shake your head in response and disbelief.  
“You can!” He says aloud, excitedly. “Say something in your head again.”  
I can’t believe this happening.  
“This is very much happening,” he smiles widely. 
You look at him still shocked and confused.
“So,” you start slowly, trying to wrap your head around this, “we’re soulmates.”  
“Yes,” he smiles, “yes we are.” He laughs lightly. “You look thoroughly shocked. What did you think you’d never find me?”  
“No, I didn’t,” you shake your head. “I thought I was one of those people who just didn’t have one.”  
He smiles gently walking closer until he was standing right in front of you. He takes your hands in his.  
“Well, love, turns out you’re one of the lucky ones.”  
And that’s when you feel it. The Ties or Strings, your parents called them. They said it was like there was invisible strings that tied you to your soulmate the moment you touched. You were bound to each other.  
You exhale and a smile finally graces your face.  
You look up to see him staring at you and your smile grows and before you know it, you’re throwing your arms around his neck and pulling him into an embrace. You feel no hesitation from him, instantly wrapping you up in his arms. You’re stunned by how right it feels to be in this strangers' arms.  
You release your hold on him and he does the same. You step back with a shy smile and hold out your hand.  
“I’m (Y/N), thought maybe you should know name, seeing as were soulmates and all.”  
He chuckles at you and grasps your hand with his.  
“Alexander, but feel free to call me, Alex.” He smiles at you. “I mean seeing as were soulmates and all.”  
You laugh as your cheeks flush.
“How about we go get some coffee and get to know each other a little better,” he releases your hand only to grab your other.  
You look at your intertwined hands and back up at him.  
“Well, I don’t usually go out with people I've just met, but since your soulmate I guess it's alright.”  
He throws his head back as he laughs and you find you like that, that he was happy, that you made him happy. It made your heart stutter in the most wonderful way.  
“Come on,” he says as he pulls you along.  
You make it to the coffee shop and Alex can’t stop smiling. You keep taking shy glances at him and it takes him a moment to realize your hands hadn’t come unclasped.  
You both ask each other a stream of questions about your respective lives and find you have a similar taste in music.  
“Anyway, my parents wake up and my sister and I are covered in extinguisher fluid, my brother is covered in pancake batter and my mothers favorite carpet is ruined.”  
You laugh retelling the story of how you and your siblings once started a small fire while trying to make pancakes.  
“Oh my god,” he laughs along in disbelief, “what did your parents do?”  
“Well, we were all grounded for one week and banned from ever using the kitchen without their supervision,” you chuckle and shrug. “Wasn’t that bad if you think about it.”  
He chuckles once more before turning serious.  
“Is everything okay?” You ask worriedly.  
“Yeah,” he nods, looking lost in thought. “Its just,” he pauses, “there’s something I want to ask you.”  
“Have you ever heard anyone else before?”  
Your face scrunches up in confusion.  
“The way I heard you today?” He nods. “No, I never have.” You pause, he still looks lost in thought, looking down at the table.  “Have you?”  
He looks up at you now, a small bit of fear in his eyes as his hand tightens for a moment on yours. As if he’s afraid you’ll run away.  
“I”- he starts and stops. “I have.”  
“You have?”  
“Yes, but not just one.” He cringes as he makes his confession.  
“How many?”  
“I have three other soulmates,” he says quickly.  
“Oh my god,” your hand slips from his for the first time since you met, as you place them on your head. “Three soulmates,” you repeat trying to wrap head around it.  
It's not unheard of sure, but three. You just found out you actually had a soulmate and now he has three other soulmates.  
What if they can’t hear me? What if I can’t hear them? What if I only hear one of them? Or two of them? What if they ask him to choose? I can’t ask him to give up his soulmates. What if they don’t like me? What if-  
Your racing thoughts are cut off by Alex’s gentle touch on your arm.  
“Hey, hey, hey,” he says trying to calm you.  “Your thoughts are making me dizzy,” he chuckles.  
“What if"-  
“They would never make me choose and I know they’re going to love you,” he caresses your face. “Everything is going to be okay.”  
You sigh, calming at his touch. He moves to sit next to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pull you close.  
“You don’t know that.”  
“I’ve got a feeling,” he says brushing his nose against yours before kissing it.  
You giggle and snuggle into him.  
Everything is going to be okay.  
I promise.  
You smile and look up at him, he smiles down at you and kisses your forehead.  
You decide it’s too much in one day to meet so many soul mates at once so you both decide to do it a few days later. You’re incredibly nervous as Alex walks you up the steps to the apartment, he shares with his other soul mates and quite possibly yours.
He turns to you.  
"You sure you're ready for this?"
You nod and give him a nervous smile.  
He smiles and kisses your hand in his.  
"I told them to be on their best behavior, so don't worry."
You chuckle lightly and squeeze his hand.
You take a deep breath as he opens the door. And you're immediately greeted with an onslaught of thoughts.
Oh, they’re back.
She’s finally here.
Gosh, I really hope all of this works.
Everything is going to be fine, don't worry.
Oui, mon cher, we'll all be alright.
Remember Alex wanted us to try and quiet our thoughts so we don't overwhelm her.
You pause in the doorway as you hear them all at once.
Alex grabs your arms to steady as you sway a bit.
"Are you okay, love?"
You laugh to yourself as you gain your balance and you realize you don't have to worry. You can hear them. All three of them in your head, three distinctive voices. Not only that, but you can feel the same pull you felt with Alex. The strings tying you to your three other soulmates. You look up at Alex.
"I can hear them," you say with a breathless smile.
Four soulmates, there's something I never thought would happen.
"You can?" He smiles brightly at you.  
You nod with the same smile.
"You better start believing baby because we can hear you too."
You and Alex turn to see your three other soulmates, three of the most handsome men you've ever seen.  
The tallest one comes to greet you. His smile is gentle and warm, you're surprised by how much you want to run into his arms.  
"It’s wonderful to meet you, Alex has told us so much about you. My name is Hercules." He gently takes your hand in his and kisses the back of your hand softly.
I don’t think I’ve ever met so many handsome men at once before.
Hercules smiles at you still holding your hand.
"Well, thank you," he chuckles. "I don’t think we’ve ever been graced with a woman as beautiful as you."
Your cheeks redden as you realize they all heard the thought.
You look behind him to see the two other men smiling from ear to ear. They are next to approach you, the one with the French accent is the first to introduce himself.
"I am Gilbert du Montier de Lafayette." He chuckles as your eyes widen. "But you, mon ange, can call me Lafayette."
He kisses your hand, much like Hercules and gives you a dazzling smile.
"And me, baby girl, I’m John Laurens, call me anything you'd like."
I cannot wait to hold you in my arms.
You smile at him.
“Well consider your waiting done.” You hold out your arms to him and he is quick to embrace you.  You giggle as he nuzzles your neck. You’re once again surprised by how right it feels to be in his arms.
Lafayette is next to embrace you after John is convinced to let you go, he quickly goes into Alex’s waiting embrace. Laf holds you close and releases a breath, like he’s been waiting just to hold you and he can finally relax. He kisses your temple before he pulls away and lets Hercules have his turn.  
Herc embraces you gently at first, as if your too precious to hold too tightly. He holds you tighter, when you nuzzle into his chest.  
I hope you can get used to this, cupcake, because it won’t be letting up.
Get used to this? Definitely.  
He chuckles and kisses the top of your head and pulls away slightly to look at you. He caresses your face as you look up at him.  
“You sure you can handle all of us?”
You look away from Hercules and at your three other soulmates, staring at you expectantly with hopeful smiles.
“Can I handle being loved by four incredibly handsome and kind men?” You pretend to think about it, as they laugh. “Yeah,” you nod, “I think I can handle that.”
6 Months Later...
I’m late, I’m late, I’m late, I’m late, I’m late.
You hear Alex’s voice running through your mind, as you get ready on this particularly hectic morning since you all woke up late.
“Shouldn’t he be thinking we’re late,” John says as he slides next to you to fill his thermos with coffee as you hand him Alex’s ready to go. “We do work in the same place.”
You chuckle as you place a soft kiss to his lips and then his cheek.  
“You know how one track minded Alex can be,” you placate him, rubbing his arm.
He pulls you into his arms and kisses your cheek and down to your neck.
“I think I might being getting one track minded with you,” he whispers in your ear making laugh breathlessly.
You pull him away slightly with a smile.
“Your mind should be on work,” you give him a quick kiss before pulling way completely and fixing his suit.
He sighs. 
“But when we get back my minds going back,” he smirks and kisses your cheek.
“That’s fair,” you laugh. “Now, you have to get going.”
You walk behind him and lightly push him out of the kitchen.
“Alex, darling, breakfast,” you catch him just as he’s running past you to the door.  
You hold out a bag for him to take and he grabs it quickly and continues, before pausing turning back and pulling you into his arms and kissing tenderly. He’s pulls away smiling.
“Thank you,” he says as he gives you a last quick peck. “I love you,” he shouts as he walks out the door.
John shakes his head and pulls you into him for a quick kiss of his own.
‘We’ll see you tonight, baby girl,” he kisses your cheek before heading out after Alex.
You laugh to yourself and turn right into Lafayette's arms.
“Have our frantic lovers left, mon ange?” He asks, as he pulls you close and nuzzles your neck.
You giggle softly and play with his hair as he hums into your neck.
“Yes, they just walked out, although I have to say one was far more hectic than the other.”
He feel him laugh into your neck before he pulls back to place a slow, soft kiss to your lips.
“I can’t believe we have to work on a Saturday,” he sighs, resting his forehead against yours.  
“I’m sorry, my love, but at least we’ll all have tonight and tomorrow to spend all together,” you try to soothe him.  
He nods and caresses your cheek.  
“At least,” he kisses you softly once more, before going to the bedroom. 
He walks back out a few minutes later. You’re at the table finishing your coffee, and he lifts your head so you’re looking up at him. You smile and rise up from your seat so you can embrace him. He wraps his arms around you kisses your neck once.
“I will miss you, mon ange,” he says brushing some of your hair from your face.
“The day will fly by, and we’ll all be here waiting when you’re done.”
You smile gently and press your lips to his for a soft kiss.
“Now, go before you’re late, my love.”
He smiles and kisses your hand before heading for the door. You turn to head back to the kitchen, when his voice whispers in your mind.
I love you, mon coeur.
You smile as you turn back to him and think your response.
I love you.
He smiles brightly at you before closing the door behind him. As you begin washing the dishes from the quick breakfast you and Herc made this morning, you feel his arms circle around your waist. He kisses your shoulder as you lean into him.  
“I’m glad I only have to go in a couple hours today.”
“I know at least I get one of you for most of the day,” you reply turning in his arms. “That's the benefit of having multiple soulmates, you’ll always have one of them with you.”
He laughs and kisses your temple, cheek and places a tender kiss to your lips.  
“Truly a wonderful benefit, cupcake,” he bumps your nose with his before lifting you into his arms.
“Babe!” You giggle in surprise.
“I think we should get in some quality cuddles while we miss our soulmates together.”
“A wise suggestion, love,” you nod seriously in agreement.
He smiles wide as he jumps on the bed with you in his arms making you laugh in unison.
Later that evening as you’re snuggled in bed with all your lovers you sigh in contentment.  
Happy, baby girl?
You laugh as you snuggle deeper into Johns chest.  
With all of you? Always.
He pulls you closer and kisses the top of your head.
I am also happiest with you, mes amours.
Laf chimes in, from behind John.
I love you all so much.  
Alex is next to think out from behind you.
Nothing is better than this.
Herc is the last to say, as you all snuggle in closer.  
You never thought you could be lucky enough to end up with one soulmate, but now you had four and they were they best people you had ever met. You had never felt more loved, more cherished, or more complete in your life. Of course, you could say that’s a given once you’ve found your soulmate, but you’re pretty positive you’ve got the best ones out there. And as you slip into sleep you’re further convinced of the fact as you hear a gentle chorus of ‘I love yous’ in your mind.  
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Self-Critical (Poly!Hamilsquad x Fem!Reader)
(So I've been having a super horrible last few weeks. I’ve been really unhappy with myself, physically and mentally and emotionally. Drama in my love life was making it hard for me to get inspired to write anything. So I tried to channel what I was feeling into this fic. I hope anyone who feels this way overcomes it and realizes how unique and special and beautiful you are. Love yourself, because you deserve it. It isn’t as long as the other two, but I hope you all understand. I’m getting back into it slowly and I’ll try to post something at least once a week.
This fic is SFW!
triggers: self-depreciation/insults/body-shaming 
I hope you all enjoy and I hope this makes at least one other person feel better about themselves.) 
The morning had been spent in front of the mirror. You didn't have class today, but the boys still had to go to work. You'd woken up alone to the sound of rain drizzling on the window just next to your bed. It was cold and you felt more lonely than you had in a while to be laying in your vast bed with none of your boyfriends beside you.
Lately, you'd been hyper critics of your appearance, specifically your weight. You were silent about it for the most part, but you found it harder and harder to accept the way you looked when you had beauties like your best friends, the Schuyler Sisters to compare yourself to.
You took to wearing less form fitting and revealing clothing, rarely doing your make up and hair because you didn't see the point in it. Truthfully, you were insecure every day that your boyfriends would wise up and find someone better. You questioned yourself every day, why did they choose me? What could they possibly see? They were all handsome, charming, sweet...
You stood in front of the full length mirror behind the bed room door, grabbing all over your body. You squeezed the fat of your stomach, loathing how it wasn't flat. You grasped your thighs, wishing they were smaller and more toned. You hugged yourself to cover your upper arms with your hands, trying not to focus on how large they were. Tears began to fog your vision and you turned around so you wouldn't have to look at yourself any longer. You were so full of imperfections... The boys were too good for you. Horribly out of your league. So why did they stay?
You sighed and wiped your eyes with the heel of your hand and laid back in your bed, your back turned to the mirror. The rain had picked up now, and you wondered if the weather was in tune with your mood. It was a relief you didn't have any classes today because even if you did, you knew you wouldn't have gone anyway. Before you knew it, you'd drifted back to sleep.
"Why do you even bother?" Alexander quipped at you, eyeing you with disgust. You'd gotten ready for your date night with your boyfriends, wearing a dress that made you feel sexy, your hair and makeup all done up. You stopped in your tracks with surprise, whimpering back.
Laf was seated on the couch next to him, his arms crossed over his chest. He snorted, shooting you a glare, "You should not have left the room looking like that."
Your heart was pounding in your chest. What was happening? You crossed your arms self consciously, eyes tearing from the disdainful look John was giving you across the room.
"Seriously? This is the best you can do?" He laughed bitterly. "I don't know what I expected, you can't put lipstick on a pig."
Herc stood beside him, arm around John's shoulder. "You're disgusting." He spat.
The room was spinning and you stumbled back until your back touched the wall. No no no, this couldn't be happening... Just last night they'd held you and kissed you and told you how much they loved you! What had you done wrong?
"I-I don't understand...!" You croaked out.
Laf and Alex stood, and they all filed towards the front door. "We're upgrading, Y/N. You're not good enough, I mean, have you looked at your body? I've certainly seen enough of it." John sniggered, opening the door and slipping out.
"You think you're good enough? I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you, ma cherie, but this is not the case." Laf stated matter of factly, exiting after John.
Herc wouldn't even look at you. "Maybe if you were a little thinner it wouldn't be so hard to stomach being near you."
You choked out a sob when he left, Alex staring at you with cold eyes in front of the door.
"This is your fault, you know."
Your legs were shaking, your hands clamped over your mouth to muffle your wails of agony. Your heart was so broken, your chest felt like a stone was weighing you down.
"Maybe if you were better, we wouldn't need to move on. It's your fault you're unattractive. You're the one that drove us away and you've no one to blame but yourself and that subpar appearance." Your legs collapsed underneath you and you fell to the ground with a series of sobs. He looked at you pitifully before slipping out of the door and slamming it behind him.
"NO!" You shrieked in tears, finding difficulty in breathing between the desperate wails. The most painful part was that you knew they were right. You weren't good enough for them. Too fat, too ugly, too disgusting to keep treasures like them.
"PLEASE DON'T GO!" You screamed at the closed door, knowing very well that they had to be gone by then.
You were too distraught with emotion to stand, and each time you tried to rise to your knees you'd collapse back onto the ground and let your tears collect on the floor. "DON'T LEAVE ME!"
Your eyes shot open to see John's face over yours. He was sitting next to you on the edge of the bed. His eyes were wide with worry and his hands were on either side of your face. "Y/N, what happened?! Breathe, breathe, it was just a dream!"
Your sobs had carried over from your nightmare to reality and you sat up in an attempt to manage an actual breath between the shallow gasps and sniffles. Immediately, he held you tightly to him, cradling your head to his chest.
"Shhh... shhh, babygirl, I'm right here..." you grabbed his shirt tightly and wailed. It felt so real... you were so sure your loves had left you forever, and you had no one to blame but yourself.
"Y/N??" You heard Alexander call from the corridor in worry, his footsteps growing louder until he was standing in the doorway. His face fell upon setting his gaze on you and he hurried over to you and John, moving your pillow aside to sit next to you. "What's wrong, what happened??" He asked desperately, looking from John to you for answers. 
His hands, slightly trembling, ran through your hair. The pieces closest to your face were damp with your tears. "Nightmare, I think..." John murmured. Alex got closer and ran a hand up and down your back comfortingly. "Love, it's okay now... it was just a dream, it wasn't real..." Your sobs had died down to simple sniffles, tears still rolling down your cheeks. Gingerly, John shifted your form against Alex to rise from the bed.
"I'm going to go get you some water, okay sweetheart?" You managed a soft nod, Alex pressing his lips to your temple. "Alex? Y/N? John??" You heard Herc call from downstairs. John kissed the top of your head before calling back. "We're up here, babe." His footsteps were slow and lumbering up the stairs. He was never in a hurry, and in some strange way, that calmed you. "What are we doing in the be-" He began in a teasing voice, only to freeze when he saw you in Alexander's arms.
Quickly he strode over to the bed and got on his knees in front of you. "Baby what happened??? Are you okay?" Alex was stroking your hair. Herc reached up to brush a tear from your cheek, pain on his face, "Honey..." John lightly touched his shoulder. "Nightmare... I came home and heard her crying from downstairs." He nodded towards the door. "Come downstairs with me for a sec? I was going to get her some water, unless you want something else, sugar?" They both looked at you and finally you shook your head and parted your lips to whimper in a small voice. "J-Just water, p-please..." Herc brought your hand to his lips and kissed your palm for a moment before he stood back up. "Anything for you, dumplin'." John took Herc's hand and they both exited the bedroom whilst whispering, only what you could assume was about you.
When you heard them start down the stairs, Alex shifted to look down at you. "Do you want to talk about it, love?" Your gaze shifted down to your lap in contemplation. You were sure if you told them, they wouldn't be happy. But you couldn't keep it from them after the ruckus you'd caused. Eventually, you nodded and looked back up at him wearily. One hand stroked your cheek. "I-I will... but I'll wait u-until everyone's here, I guess..." he nodded understandingly. He whispered soothingly into your ear. "I hate seeing you like this... I love you, Y/N, we all do... If we could make it so you'd never have to experience pain and fear, sweetheart, I want you to know that we wouldn't hesitate. No matter what the cost."
You flinched upon hearing the front door from downstairs, and you could only assume it was Laf finally home. There was a silence, which you deduced was John and Herc filling him in, only to hear "BEBE!" shortly after. You could hear him run up the stairs and down the corridor to the doorway. He dropped his bag on the ground and rushed to your side. Alex released you so Laf could tightly wrap his arms around you, his forehead against yours.
"Mon tresor... mon amie... mon coeur..." Your boys... The loves of your life. How could you be so stupid to think that they'd leave you because of how you looked. Just the last half hour or so was an indicator as to just how much they loved and cherished you... Your lower lip quivered and you buried your face into your boyfriend's neck, suppressing the urge to start crying again.
He peppered feather light kisses upon your shoulder, you felt Alex rubbing your thigh gently. "I love you all..." you sniffled out, "so so much..." His arms only tightened around you.
John and Herc returned shortly after with a few bottles of water and a few snacks which, despite your prior refusal, you were glad they brought. All five of you sat on your king sized bed, your back to the headboard and the boys all in front of you. You sighed, softly, finding it hard to meet their eyes. "You know you can tell us anything, sweetheart..." Herc murmured, "We just want to help you."
Nodding, you shifted to cross your legs like a pretzel under your covers. With a deep breath, you grabbed at the covers and closed your eyes.
"I-I... in my dream...." your shoulders fell. "I've just been... really unhappy with how I look lately... my weight... my face..."
Your boyfriends shifted on the bed, and you could sense they were trying their hardest to keep quiet and just listen.
"A-And... you're all so... perfect... you could have any girl you want... and I just... don't know why you'd pick me if you could have a skinny girl with a beautiful smile and the face of a model..."
Herc exhaled slowly. You continued. "And in my dream... you guys... y-you were saying horrible things to me about how I looked... a-and my worst fears came true... and..." Your eyes threatened to water again, "you all left me because you decided I wasn't good enough for you... a-and I kept crying and s-screaming for you to come back... but then I woke up..." furiously, you rubbed at your eyes with the balls of your hands and quivered.
You felt the bed shift and you recognized Hercules' hand leading your head to his chest, his other hand securely around your body. "Never, ever, in a million years would that dream come true."
You dared to peek up at him, sniffling, "...really?"
His hands grasped your hips and lifted you to place you before him, your back to his chest. Sitting there, you could see the tender affection in the eyes of Alex and John and Laf all sitting in front of you. Your heart swelled.
Laf reached out to take your hand in his so gently, running his thumb over your knuckles. "It's you, mon amor, that is all we could ever ask for." He brought your hand to his lips, you could feel his stubble tickling your skin when he rubbed his cheek against the back of your palm. "A beauty unmatched, a heart and a smile equal in brilliance." His accent drawled out as he murmured quietly, finally turning his desperate gaze to your face, "It is a crime you cannot see this..."
John took your other hand and tugged you forward enough to press a tender kiss to your forehead. "You're all we've ever wanted, baby. Your laugh, your smile, the way you snore a little when you sleep on your face... we love every little bit of you." You could feel his lips curl into a smile against your forehead and you couldn't hold in the little giggle that came out as a response.
Herc was rubbing your lower back soothingly, and Alexander scooted to your side. "Look at me, Y/N." hesitantly, you obeyed, his finger under your chin guiding you to gaze up into his deep eyes. You felt a warmth there, and offered a weak smile. He smiled back. His voice was soft, but firm.
"Don't you ever, ever think about yourself like that. No matter who it is, I think I speak for all of us when I say we won't tolerate that kind of talk about the woman we love." Both Laf and John nodded in agreement. You were sure Herc was doing the same from behind you. Your eyes were threatening to water, but you swallowed your tears and sniffled out. "I love you all so much... You never fail to make me feel like I'm on the top of the world..."
Alex chuckled, nuzzling his nose against your temple. "That's our job, my love."  
The rest of the month consisted of all four boyfriends paying you sweet compliments every moment they could. You were pampered with affection, sweet nothings whispered into your ear every night to fall asleep and every morning to wake you up. No more nightmares plagued your nights. You had four "dream catchers" to chase them all away.
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gagakumadraws · 4 years
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Ten Days of Shipping!!! October 1st - 10th 2020!!! 
What’s this, you ask? Well, allow me to explain.
@whatdidimissjm and I decided to go beyond normal ship weeks and months. So, a concept of Ten Days of Shipping was born! 
During these ten WONDERFUL days you get to create content for ten different ships. Of course, you can pic your favourites or go all the way and do all of them. It’s up to you! 
Now, how does this work? 
Every day will have it’s own ship as listed above. THEN! We have provided you a list of ten prompts that you can FREELY combine with the ships given for each day. This way you can be even more creative! Wanna have some love letters between Alex and Lafayette? No problem. How about hot chocolate with Jamilton? Again, no problem! 
So, all in all, you have your daily ships and then pic a prompt from the list for each one as you wish. And as per usual, you can do whatever you want, draw, write, etc. Just tag your works as #10daysofshipping so that we can find them and spread the ship love! 
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peblezq · 4 years
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That awkward moment when Alexander Hamilton appears in front of you in a flashing blue light at 2:30 in the morning...
This little comic is based on my fanfic Slipping Into The Future on AO3. (You can also read it on Wattpad!)
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katie-writes24 · 4 years
Somebody Else
Pairing: Alexander Hamilton x reader
Warnings: Language, cheating, drinking, that bastard Hamilton, also that bastard Jefferson, angst, and a whole bunch of sad
As I patiently struggle through school, I will leave you with some EMOTION! I haven’t ever really wrote such a fic with no happy ending (spoiler!but not really) and I think it really brought out the worst in me....OH WELL, enjoy! I promise to give you a happy ham fic next time! Oh and low key was listening to Water Fountain by Alec Benjamin before writing this, but it’s not exactly how the song is. Let me know if you want to be tagged!
Alex knew she wasn't a party girl, he knew she would much rather stay at home and binge watch a show, or even go out and eat at diners and grab milkshakes at the early hours of the morning. But not party.
Y/N knew how important this party was for him, she knew that even if it was a stupid frat party, his friends invited him and after such a long day of bickering back and forth with Jefferson, he needed a break. She knew he wanted to go to the party and hang around people that would make him forget about it.
Alex said if he was taking a break, so was she.
It was at a frat house about four blocks away, so they walked, enjoying the nice breeze of October and holding hands. Alex smiled at her, thanking whatever god helped him convince her to go with him tonight.
It was like something in a movie, people scattered both in and outside the house, beer cans everywhere. There was loud speakers inside blaring music, and couples making out in corners. People were playing beer pong in the small loft by the kitchen, and the living room was full of wasted brains grinding on everything.
"Hamilton, you son of a bitch, get over 'ere," Alex turned to find a tipsy John lean against his shoulder with a beer in his hand.
"How much have you already had to drink tonight, John?" Alex held his elbow to steady him.
"Enough for more," John looked over and saw Y/N. "Damn girl, you lookin good!"
She blushed and rolled her eyes, gripping onto her jacket self consciously. "Thanks, Laurens, not too shabby yourself,"
John gave her a dopey smile, "Now, my lady, if you would let me borrow your boyfriend. There's lots of catching up to do if he's ever gonna catch up to my level," He started humping Alex's leg, and Y/N laughed as Alex pushed him off him.
"Go for it, I'm gonna grab my own drink," Y/N gave Alex a quick peck and headed over to the kitchen. If she was gonna be here for some hours, she might as well get herself tipsy.
After pushing her way through obnoxious students, she made it to the island that held every possible drink available. She recognized a familiar face standing by the cooler.
"Well, thank god you're here," She smirked and squeezed his shoulder, making the man turn around and smile big.
"Sup, Y/N, I didn't think you'd come," Hercules gave her a hug and offered her a beer, which she gladly accepted.
"I didn't think so either, but Alex had a rough week, he needed a night out," She shrugged and chugged some of her drink.
"But a frat party? How about a club, at least they have decent places to sit at," Herc eyed two girls that were grinding on one guy on the sofa in the next room over. Y/N choked on her drink as she laughed.
After talking for a few more minutes, they walked back into the living room and found John and Alex surrounded by a bunch of other undergrads, John telling a drastic story about something that required lots of hand movements.
"Hercules, please save us from this story!" Anjelica looked at him with wide eyes, looking back at John who was standing too close to her. Y/N snickered, but she agreed, the man looked like he was about to throw up any second.
"Ahh, mon amie, you're here," Lafayette got up from the couch and gave her a hug and a kiss on each cheek. "How are you, cherie? It's been too long."
"I know, it's been pretty busy, but I missed you Laf," Y/N looked up and saw him give her a knowing look. She probably should've visited him a lot sooner.
Alex pulled her over to him and wrapped his arm around her waist, and she got a whiff of just how much he already had to drink. Aaron was standing next to them and rolling his eyes at whatever story John was speaking about.
They stayed like that for another hour, just talking and laughing. Then Alex and Aaron wanted to go rile up James about his friend being the usual prick in class, leaving Y/N standing there lonely with her drink in hand.
"C'mon, kid,” Anjelica threw her arm around her shoulders and lead her to the kitchen. "Let's play some beer pong."
She always knew how to get things off her mind, Anjelica had that perfect mix: fierce and caring.
They played girls against boys, Hercules and his roommate on the other end. John came over and started cheering for both teams, his drunken slurs making them all laugh. He soon left, running after Laf.
Y/N was actually starting to enjoy herself, she was laughing with friends, drinking her worries away, and forgetting her nerves of coming here.
The party didn't stop getting crowded though, somehow more people came in and rooms were becoming too full.
Y/N was trying to make her way into the loft when she ran straight first into a chest, her drink spilling over her jacket.
"Shit, I am so sorry, darling," The southern drawl came from no other than Thomas Jefferson. She had nothing against the guy, didn't even know him except seeing him across campus and hearing the, most likely over-exaggerated, stories from Alexander.
"Don't sweat it," Y/N grimaced as she took off her jacket and shook off the remaining droplets of beer.
"Can I get you another drink?" He was being polite, and his cheeks were blushing from embarrassment. She couldn’t hold it against him.
"You can get me some paper towels and a water," She tucked her jacket under her arm and followed him into the kitchen.
"You're Hamilton's girlfriend right?" Thomas has a look in his eye, something that told her that he was trying to play something.
"I am," She patted down the stain that faded into her clothing, looking up to find him looking at her with endearment. "What, is this your payback at whatever shit you two are arguing about?"
Thomas chuckled, "No, I really didn't mean to. I was just thinking what a lucky guy he is."
Y/N rolled her eyes, she was not going to get into this. But she was raised to be polite, and the man didn't do any harm, she's had worse spilt on her. "Well, thank you, Thomas,"
"Ah, so he talks about me. Well, I should be flattered," He smirked as he leaned against the counter. It made her laugh at the stance. "So, you know my name, do I get the honor of knowing yours?"
"I'm Y/N," She shook his hand and startled as he kissed her knuckles.
"I hope to see you around, don't let Hamilton talk your ear off too much," He hesitated before walking away. "And sorry again about the drink."
Y/N waved and flung out her jacket once more, sipping on the water he got her. She felt more clear headed, but she started getting too hot in the room. She looked at her phone and saw that they've already been there for four hours. Y/N rubbed her head and moved into the living room again. She hadn't seen Alex in a while, and maybe she could convince him to go back home.
Her eyes scanned the crowded room, but between the flashing lights and bodies dancing around, it was hard to find him.
She saw Eliza grinding up against some guy in the corner, but luckily they made eye contact, and she threw a quick wave at her. Y/N waved back and mouthed have you seen Alex?
Eliza furrowed her brows and shook her head, smiling in apology.
Y/N frowned and looked away, not particularly wanting to see her friend dance so seductively.
She eventually spotted him in the corner of the room, at least she thought it was him, she could only see a red shirt that he came here in.
"Y/N, come check thi' outs," John was still slurring and making his way behind her, trying to get her attention. But she was too focused on finally seeing her boyfriends face.
He was standing awfully too close to a girl, one with dark curls and bright red lipstick that matched her dress. Alex had an arm on the wall next to her head and was smirking down at her, whatever she was saying made him smile dirty.
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows and watched the scene before her, trying to hope that it wasn't leading to what she feared. John was still tugging her arm, but when she pulled away with force, his smile had wiped off and he followed her eyes.
John looked over his shoulder and quickly found Lafayette. "Laf, c'mere,"
Alex grabbed at her hips, saying something that made her throw her head back in a laugh. She looked at him and shook her head. Y/N felt her eyes water as she ran her nails through his hair, pulling it out of the ponytail and Alex's locks fall down to his shoulder.
"Y/N, come, cherie," Laf was the one pulling her arm now, he was more gentle, but Y/N still fought against it. She was gonna stay and watch it. She was gonna watch her boyfriend cheat on her.
The girl was whispering something in his ear and it made Alex bite his lip.
"Y/N, please, he's not worth it," Laf held a hand against her hip.
Alex was leaning in, even from across the room she could tell his eyes were dark.
She tugged his arm off him one last time.
Tears ran down her face as their lips finally connected.
She felt sick, Y/N felt her jacket drop from her hands, and she couldn't help let out a sob. People were calling out her name, it sounded like sympathy.
She let the arms around her finally pull her out. She didn't see where she was going, but she eventually made it outside.
She broke down, cried and wrapped her arms around the body closest to her.
"Shhh, I know, mon amour, shhh," It was Laf, thank god. He always knew how to comfort her. And he held her tight, rubbing her back and leaning his head against hers.
"Why...why would he-" Y/N squeezed her eyes shut, letting her tears run down onto Laf's shirt.
"I don't know, Y/N," Laf whispered, and she heard more footsteps come from behind them.
"Fucking bastard," It sounded like Hercules, but she couldn't be sure, her heartbeat pounding in her ears.
"Did you find Anjelica?" Laf asked Hercules, leading the girl he was holding off the front porch.
"Yeah, she looked furious. Probably gonna kick his ass, she said don't wait up," There was some shuffling and then Herc was walking away. "I'll get the car."
"Y/N, look at me, regarde moi, ma cherie," Y/N didn't want to, she wanted to just drown herself in his chest and hold onto him until her arms gave out. But as he gently tugged on her chin, her bloodshot eyes looked up into his.
"Don't stress yourself over this, please," Laf looked like he was about to cry himself. "You deserve so much better than that boy, Alex is ècume complète!"
Y/N didn't want to come to reality, but she didn't have any other choice. The man who she spent the last three years with, who told all of her deepest fears and secrets to. The man who made her laugh and forget about everything else. The man who helped her study and danced in the kitchen at two am, who talked her ear off. The man who promised to keep her safe, and to love her. The man she loved.
He just threw it all away.
Lafayette pulled her to the car, and while she was stepping in the front seat she heard her name be called. She turned and found John tripping over to the car. Y/N rolled her eyes, she didn't really want to deal with Alex's best friend right now.
"Y/N, I'm...I'm so sorry-" John was acting pretty sober, considering how much he had to drink that night.
At least someone could control their alcohol.
"Don't, John... don’t. You have nothing to be sorry about," Y/N wipes her eyes and looked at him one last time. "You weren't the one that kissed her."
She shut the door and left John sad and helpless.
Let me know if you want to be tagged: @companionjones @biafbunny
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daveedfanfics · 4 years
happy birthday to a king
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one-real-imonkey · 4 years
Don’t know if anyone’s said this before but Alexander Hamilton is prefect for the First Time Seeing Snow trope.
That’s guy comes from a place with 2 seasons, hot and hot and wet. Then he comes to NYC and there’s cold because winter is a thing (and btw in the Caribbean winter temp on average is 27C or 80F) and then white stuff falls from the sky and guys this isn’t ok.
And maybe it’s just in the City with the Hamilsquad before the war, or maybe it’s in the camp while he’s Washington’s Aide.
Anyway, for people writing Hamilton Fanifction, here’s a fun idea.
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andrea-is-bored-101 · 4 years
Why is no one else talking about how the last notes of dear Theodosia, the song where you are introduced to Hamilton's child for the first time, are also the opening / closing notes of it's quiet uptown, the song right after the death of Philip Hamilton.
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hamilgorl · 4 years
For the life of me, I cant decide which perspective to write my fic in and I'm letting it stress me out way too much but I just love the story idea and I don't want to screw it up
So instead of focusing on that I’ll be writing 
The Bachelor: Season 1776
Starring Alexander Hamilton
(Yes I'm aware this is the worst thing I've ever done but it makes me laugh so get over it)
If anyone has requests on who should be included or who should go home ehich weeks lemme know😂
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Daveed Diggs x Reader Fluff
Summary: Reader is apart of the Hamilton backstage crew and although the cast are very welcoming, somehow always manages to feel left out. 
AN: This is my first post ahh! It might not be the best but i hope you enjoy it. Feel free to leave any suggestions/story ideas. I’ll write pretty much anything about a certain celeb or fictional character so yeah have fun! :)
You sat in the communal area backstage, hugging your knees and starring blankly at the wall ahead of you. Once again your thoughts had got the better of you, consuming you until you’d worked yourself up. But this time things were different. Instead of getting all hysterical and crying intensely  - you just sat there, a vacant expression on your faces as a few tears slowly crawled down your face. There was nothing you could do to shut your mind up. No medications seemed to do anything. I mean how could they, all of this was self inflicted. You were very aware of this but it had been going on for so long now you werent sure you could ever stop.                                                                                      In the background you could hear the cast coming to the end of the show meaning they would soon be piling back into the room. Slowly you got up and went to the bathroom. You splashed your face with cold water before starring at yourself in the mirror.                                                                                        “You disgust me” You thought suddenly having to turn away from your reflection. Suddenly the sound of applause filled your ears and a few members of the cast made there way back into the room. You took a deep breath, smiled and went out. “Hey guys” You said taking back your seat in the corner of the sofa, Anthony sitting opposite you. “Hi Y/N” Antony replied. “Show sounds like it went well. I love your line at the beginning of ‘Satisfied’” You said chuckling slightly. He laughed at your comment. “I swear the way i say it changes every time i perform but the audience love it so i ain’t complaining” Oak sat down next to Anthony. “Yeah it’s good but i love the little rap Philip does for Alex, it’s so cute” You raised an eyebrow jokingly at Oaks comment while Ant fake blushed. “Oh my god, you think I’m cute?” He said putting on a high pitched voice. All three of you let out a laugh, yours a lot let passionate than theirs, but neither seemed to notice.                                                                                                                    A few more minuets went by ad more people filled the room. Phillipa and Renee headed straight for the food before taking a seat next to you on the sofa whereas Jasmine ran straight over to Anthony, kissing him passionately. “ GET A ROOM” Lin and Leslie yelled in unison. Everyone around you was talking, cracking jokes while you just sat there in silence. Listening to everyone around you made you feel more alone then before. You could feel tears threatening to spill but you refused to cry in front of everyone. You got up and headed towards the door but as you opened it you collided with a very muscular chest. You stumbled back but were caught by two firm hands that pulled you in for a tight hug. “There’s my girl, clumsy as ever” A very familiar voice said laughing. “Hi Daveed” you said feeling his chest vibrate against you. You relaxed into him. You and Daveed had a slightly complex relationship. He had been the first person you’d grown close with when you joined the crew around a year ago and since then you’d both very clearly developed feelings for each other. But neither of you acted on it. Yes you acted like a couple - you two were always touching each other, whether it was something small like Daveed resting his hand on the small of your back or things like you sitting on his lap, arms round his neck playing with his hair. But neither of you had made a move to make it official.        “Hey” He nudge you slightly. “You okay?” He looked down at you concerned, then you realised you’d been holding onto him for a while. You pulled away and smiled. “Always” He smiled back at you, not looking entirely convinced but he wasn’t going to push you. “Mhm chocolate” He said happily as he darted over to the food table. You laughed softly, leaning against the doorframe. He turned back to you, his mouth stuffed with chocolate. He was like a child sometimes. He joined the others and you stayed for a few moments, waiting for everyone to be engrossed in their conversations before slipping out the door and heading to your room.                                                                                                        You’d been staying at the theatre for a while seeing as the flat you’d been renting had just been knocked down. Sitting down on your bed, you let out a huge sigh. It shouldnt be this exhausting being around everyone. And the worst part was - it’s not even their fault. They don’t make you feel excluded in any way yet you still feel like you stick out like a soar thumb. The more you thought, the more tears streamed down your face. You lay down facing the wall  sobbing your heart out. So much so you didn’t hear anyone enter the room until you felt your bed dip down beside you. A soft hand gently rested on your arm. “Y/N. What’s wrong beautiful?” It was Daveed. You buried your face in your hands so he couldn’t see the mess you were in although there wasn’t much point. “Hey” He said gently. “You can talk to me. I hate seeing you this upset” A slight sob escape your lips. Daveeds heart hurt for you. “Come here” He slowly pulled you up and onto his lap. You flung your arms around his neck and cried into his shoulder while his arms stayed wrapped tightly around your waist making you feel safe. After what felt like a lifetime you pulled back and wiped your eyes. Daveeds hands stayed on your hips but the look in his eyes made you feel guilty. “What happened love?” He said calmly. You sighed. “Nothing. Just me and my stupid mind” He looked at you confused. “I keep getting this overwhelming feeling of being alone. Like I’m standing in a room filled with hundreds of faces yet I'm not really there, if that makes sense. And just now when everyone was sat in the back room hanging out, i just feel out of place as if I’m not supposed to be there.” You said unable to look daveed in the eye. “Why? Has someone said something to you?” He asked protectively. You shook your head. “No that’s the worst part. Everyone’s been so welcoming yet I’m still convincing myself that i’m not wanted. I know it’s stupid but-” “No it’s not” Daveed cut you off and cupped your face with his hand. You closed your eyes leaning into his touch. “Y/N listen to me. Things have never been better since you arrived. You light this place up. I mean literally yesterday Groffy was saying how it doesn’t feel right when your away anymore. I get where your coming from but I promise you - we all love the fact your here” He said smiling at you. You chest filled with joy. You were actually wanted? “And if it helps” He continued. “I’ve never been happier” He said shyly. You beamed at him. You looked at his lips, only now realising the extent of how attracted to him you really were. Without thinking you closed the gap between you and kissed him. Your lips melted together in perfect unison. He wrapped one arm around your waist while the other supported your back. You hands tangled in his hair tugging at it ever so slightly causing him to smile into the kiss. You finally broke away for air resting your forehead against his. “I love you” He whispered. “I know” You joked before he pulled you back in for a kiss. 
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tommystown · 4 years
Okay so for the Hamilton and Newsies fanfic readers/writers, y’know those Hamilton fics that we’re on Wattpad and it was basically about the Hamilsquad (yes I’m using that name) magically teleporting to modern times with the reader? Or like the reader would travel back in time to be the the Hamilsquad?
Can we make a fic like that, but with Newsies, and a gender-neutral reader? I feel like that would be interesting.
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Fighting For Freedom (Hamilsquad x Reader)
A/N: Here is yet another request! This one was for the reader helping Thomas convince Alexander to help France and the reader is french, and they argue with Alexander. I hope I did okay anon, and I hope you enjoy it! As always I’m sending you all lots of love!
“Alex, you must realize we have to help France in their fight for freedom.”  
You try to implore him. France had allied and helped this new nation fight for freedom, it was only right they do the same.
“We don’t have to do anything, they may have helped us fight, but we won our freedom and were not nearly strong enough to join their fight.”
“You won your independence because they aided the nation, Alexander.”
Alex turns to answer you, looking frustrated by your insistence, but he’s interrupted before he has a chance to speak.  
“I see you’re trying to get through that thick skull of his as well,” Thomas chimes in looking annoyed. “I hope you at least attempt to listen to (Y/N), as you most certainly didn’t listen to my reasoning.”
“I would listen to you if you weren’t so pigheaded to begin with,” Alex nearly snarls.
“Alexander!” You grab his arm to pull his attention back to you. “We have to help France it’s the right thing to do.”
“That’s debatable.” He nearly shrugs.
“You can’t be so cold! They helped when they didn’t have to, they could have let us fail.”
“Please, they wanted to be free from the monarchy just as much as we did, they made their choice.”
“They made their choice with a treaty!”
“That’s easily dealt with.”
“Alex you have to convince President Washington to help,” you keep your hold on him, making him look at you.
He seems to soften a little and you think maybe you’re changing his mind.  
“I’ve already made my stance clear, I can’t change it now.”
“But you can, you can. Just go into his office and tell him you’ve changed your mind, you’ve thought of something else, you think”-
He pulls his arm out your grip.  
“I will not,” He looks at you sternly, grabbing your arm and pulling you aside. “I have made my opinion clear and it has not changed.”
“Alex,” you look up at him imploringly, “what about Lafayette?”
“Yes, what about Lafayette, Hamilton?” Jefferson chimes in again, further frustrating Alexander.
“Lafayette is very intelligent he can handle myself.”
“Please, Alex, do it for him, for me.”
His eyes soften for you once more.  
“We cannot put our entire nation at risk for two people.”
“It would be for freedom, that’s what this nation is built on.”
“And we’ve already won our freedom.”
You reel back from him, ripping your arm from his grip.
“How can you be so cruel and selfish?”
“It’s not being cruel, it’s being rational.”
“Fine,” you huff, “if you won’t talk to President Washington, then I will.”
He takes hold of your arm again.  
“You will do nothing of the sort.”
“Let her Hamilton,” Thomas intervenes, “if you’re so sure of your point, why would her speaking to him change anything.” He chuckles. “Unless, you know you’re wrong.”
“I know I’m right,” Alex bites back.  
You snatch your arm from his grip once more, marching towards Washington's office. Alex and Thomas both follow quickly behind you. Just as you reach up to knock on the door, he exits his office. He nods at you and then looks to Alexander.  
“Mr. President,” you rush to say, “may I have a moment of your time to speak about aiding France.”
“My apologies, Ms. (Y/N), but I have already made my decision and will not have it debated further.”
“And your decision, sir?” Alex inquires.
“Draft a statement of neutrality,” he nods solemnly at him and pats your shoulder before turning back to his office.  
“Well, like always you’ve gotten what you wanted,” Thomas says as he leaves.
Alex rolls his eyes and turns to you.  
“I know you’re upset right now, but in time you’ll see this is best course of action for”-
“I’m not upset,” you reply stepping away from his touch, “you’ve made your choice and I’ve made my own.”
“What, exactly does that mean?”
“It means you may not be willing to do what it takes to aide France, but I am.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“It means I’m going to France as soon as possible.”
“You can’t go to France, it’s far too precarious.” He takes hold you once more.
“I cannot stay here and sit around when my people are in such dire need of help.” You pull out of his grip for the last time. “I may only be one person, but I will do anything I can for them.”
“You have to stay,” he follows as you step away, “you belong here, your place is here.”
You halt your steps and turn back to him.
“Not anymore.” You walk away without another glance back.  
 .    .    .    .     .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .     .    .    .    .   .   .   .   .   .
You wait at the dock for the boat with Hercules by your side. Both of you had packed what you needed. When you had told John and Herc what had happened, and what you planned on doing. Herc had immediately offered to accompany you. You told John to stay when he had offered his own company.  
“You have to be here for Alexander.” He only nodded his head.  
The boat had finally arrived, and you and Hercules prepared to board.
“(Y/N)! (Y/N)!”  
You heard your name being called, you turned to see Alex making his way towards you.  
“Please, reconsider,” he begs. “Don’t go.”
“I can’t, in good conscience, stay here when I know what's happening in France and who’s there fighting with everything he can.” You place your hand in his and give a gentle squeeze. “Lafayette needs help, France needs help, and I couldn’t live with myself if I did nothing.”  
He has no words for you, his eyes beg you and his grip tightens on your hand.  
“Goodbye, Alexander.”  
John quickly embraces you and holds you tightly.  
“Please, be careful.”
“I’ll write as soon as I can,” you promise as you squeeze him just as tightly.
He releases you and you turn to Hercules.  
“Ready?” He asks.  
You turn with a small smile and nod. “Ready.”
You interlock your arms and board the boat, ready to do aide your home and your friend.  
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scenecorewannabe · 4 years
ଘ bed of roses (jamilton High School AU)
 Hamilton walked down the halls to his locker, he didn’t get much sleep, that’s because whe he fell no one was really surprised. 
“I’m sorry” Hamilton had managed to whisper helping the stranger, that is, when he saw a football jacket with a “TJ” on it. “Fuck.” he thought to himself. He looked up, and saw the captain of the football team, the most popular guy on school just... staring at him. 
“I-” said Hamilton as in a way to excuse himself “Keep it.” growled Jefferson. In a way, his voice made Hamilton want to be submisive to him, and only him. Like his little puppy or something. 
Alexander laughed at his own thoughts, reciving many strange glares from passing students. He finally got up and walked the five minutes to his locker. As the bell finally rang to let students be free, Hamilton grabbed his mp3 and let the music on shuffle. 
The calming start to “Bed of Roses” from Mindless Self Indulgence hit him, he went to a nearby park. 
The day was cloudy and melancholic, but the music in a way transported him to another dimension. As he closed his eyes to get fully emerged he felt someone plop next to him.
“Hey, Hamilton right?” said a familiar voice, Alexander paused his music and turned to face him. It was Jefferson. “Yes, that would be me.” 
“I’m sorry for what happened in the hall, I was in a bad mood.” 
“It’s ok, everyone of us has bad days.” 
Jefferson studied Hamilton has he went to his mp3. 
“What’cha listening to?” 
“Bed of Roses.” said offering his left earbud. 
“Bon Jovi?” asked Jefferson.
“Mindless Self Indulgence” said Hamilton.
Jefferson actually liked the music, that without really noticing, wrapped his arm around Alex, and they snuggled up. 
Nothing else existed, just, Alex and Thomas. 
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gagakumadraws · 4 years
The first chapter of my Hamilsquad Coffee Shop AU is out!!!
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peblezq · 4 years
ok but hear me out. Since youre into Hamilton now I had a thought - your Queen time travel fic but it is Hamilton? like, a fic where Hamilton travels to the future and meets Lin-Manuel Miranda? And you have the outrageous action/comedy scenes like Hamilton reacting to modern technology and Lin locking Hamilton in the trunk of his car, etc. You know, exactly like your Queen fic - but it's Hamilton? Im dead serious. Im like begging you to write this as an unofficial sequel.
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