chapter five is out!
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kyleetryme · 1 month
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george, Washington, and samuel in my #weeksauhamilton </3
the weeks au is where all the characters;alex,john,herc,laf,schyler sisters,charles,jamesR,james,thomas,maria,aaron, are lawyers, working at a detective police firm--washington's the boss and are investigating the Levi weeks case! this takes place in New York City during Christmas time
king george lll is still king in this, and sam is his right hand man ( see what i did there)
this a modern au as well! by modern I mean the 2000s, so there's flip phones an stuff
I will post a whole explanation of the au soon!
( yes im copy and pasting the info on each design!)
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ferociousconscience · 2 months
shoutout to the woman next to me at the gas station blasting and singing along to On My Own I needed that today
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hamiltonhub · 1 year
Dude someone should animate left brain, right brain by Bo Burnham but with Thomas and Alexander
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mus1g4 · 16 days
What should I do if I want to roleplay at Hamlton Historical jail but I don’t have money to pay for it.?
The jail role plays are expensive ($400 for 24 hours) or essentially the equivalent of a night's stay in a 3 Star hotel. You do receive a great deal for the money including use of cells and day room at the jail, a minimum of 2 guards or more during your stay and use of uniforms and restraints as well as 3 meals a day, toiletries and more.
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The jail is a business. So asking for a free stay is like asking for a free night in a hotel with 3 meals included!
But, to answer your question, I would reach out to the owner by email from his website. He is a very nice guy and may be able to find a solution for you. He also films content for his website. If you were willing and he had a spot in a video, that might also be a solution.
I don't want the owner inundated with requests for free nights. It is simply too expensive with food costs, utilities, insurance, and upkeep on a 135 year old building. But if you can make a valid case, he may have a solution.
Question about Free Night at Hampton Jail
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orgasming-caterpillar · 3 months
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sol-silly-goofy · 15 days
𝐋⃥⃒̸𝐄⃥⃒̸𝐓⃥⃒̸ 𝐌⃥⃒̸𝐄⃥⃒̸ 𝐎⃥⃒̸𝐔⃥⃒̸𝐓⃥⃒̸ - p.a.fs playlist
(more to be added, but I don't have Spotify so I'm posting it for you people)
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please know, I do not use spotify so it might be diff on there.
Tangled up - Caro Emerald
Main Theme - Bell Kalengar
Office - Bell Kalengar
Baby Hotline - Jack Stauber
The Room Where It Happenes - Hamlton cast
The Fine Print - The Stupendium
Charlie's Inferno - That Handsome Devil
I think ill lose my mind in hysteria - Alice grant
Number, Number - TheEnchiladaMan
Anonymous M - PinocchioP
Dead Man - sElf
Take a Slice - Glass animals
Touch-Tone Telephone - Lemon Demon
Heaven Says - Juora
Animal Cannibal - Ivol
Abbey - Mitski
Again & Again - The Bird and the Bee
Binomi - Maretu
Hydrate Anatomy - Repo! Cast
Dr. Sunshine Is Dead - Will Wood and the Tapeworms
Mesmerizer - Satsuki, Miku & Teto
more soon :3
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lovemusicals · 9 months
hey yall!
i’m 16 and trying to get back into the rp community (sfw ofc)
i’ve been in a couple hamilton and six the musical rp gc and i really miss them.
my musical fandoms-
six the musical
les mis
the lightning thief
dear evan hansen
the prom
and prob more i can’t think of atm
(if there’s any for tv shows that have spots open lmk as well, i don’t feel like listing all of them lol)
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tacas15 · 2 years
Nah bus driver just had to turn into hamlton when I already feel like throwing up while going to exam
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i keep thinking about a theoretical hamiltonstuck au but i don't want to have to think of classpects for the founding fathers
but i have a vague outline
alex hamlton john laurens laff marquis and herc mulligan decide to play a video game bla bla sburb bullshit. one of their prototypes though has a red coat so all the imps are redcoats (get it). the trolls they get in contact with are the others in the musical- so there's aaronn burrhe the shockingly passive purpleblood, mariaa lehwis the rustblood accused of being a flushrom homewrecker (she's not) (or is she) and the scylar sisters who aren't actually sisters and are angeli the fuschia eliza the cerulean and peggiy the mustard. and also more people.
there's lots of morally complicated and romantically complicated shenanigans like when burr has an uncomfortable pitch crush on alex and ends up dueling him over it but doesn't consider that hey. maybe alex doesn't know what the fuck quadrants are
anyway this was a brain dump you may hear more if you want and if so ill be hamilstuck anon goodbye see you on the other side
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"3,200 Girls, 1,000 Boys Are Needed to Fill Ontario Farm Camps," Toronto Star. June 12, 1943. Page 8. --- In Addition, Several Hundred Boys Can Be Placed Directly on Farms ---- VALUABLE VACATION ---- The summer camps are opening.
Not the camps for sluggards and Idlers or the guilded youth of cafe society if any are left. But camps in the fruit orchards, the tomate fields and the vineyards of Ontario where high school boys and girls college students and their teachers may help feed our allies and our fighting men.
And at the same time have a swell holiday. "Just a few lines to let you know that I have never en joyed a summer like I did this one: n thanks a million." wrote Lois Mitchell to Miss Jackson of the Ontario farm service force. Scores a of boys and girls who worked in the orchards last year are clamoring to go back. One group of girl veterans from Toronto has been r at a camp in the Grimsby district for a month: a number of Toronto boys, including Bill Ward and John Allen of U.T.S., have been working in the Leamington tomato fields for as long and Bill has written enthusiastically of the pleasure he gets from his work and from camp life.
Seven camps for girls are already operating in the fruit growing sections of the province while another 22 will be opened later by the Ontario Farm Service force. They need 3.200 girls to fill them. Five camps for high school boys are also in operation now, and a number of others are to be opened, requiring about 1,000 boys. In addition several hundred boys can be placed directly on farms. In positions that could not be filled by girls. "I wish to thank you for placing my son on a farm," wrote Mrs. J J. Rush of Mimico, "He had a wonderful summer, and the farmer and his wife made my boy one of their family and have asked him to go back next year."
Girls at Nixon Hall A large group of Toronto girls moved into a new camp at Nixon Hall, near Grimsby, on Monday. Among them are Jackie Donald. Pat Beatty, Audrey O'Brien, Betty Warner, Gwen Lewis, Jean Harri Edmison, and Norma Elaine Stevens.
They thought it was "grand." and some had even gone out with an of camps advance party to a couple to clean and and scrub them for the summer opening. Most of the girls at Nixon Hall are from socially prominent families, and only two or three have had previous farm camp experience.
At nearby Saltfleets, however, between Hamlton and Grimsby, s a group of veterans. Coming from many parts of Ontario, they include Doreen Marritt Hamilton, Audrey Bule and Mary Catharine Ives. Stayner, Ivy Field. Guelph. Bobbe Wilson, Napanee, and Dorothy Wellein, Kitchener. When their regular jobs were rained out a number of them took a "postman's holiday," and working in a plant nursery.
"Sure we like it," they chorused "We wouldn't he back if we didn't."
Senator E. D. Smith of Winona who employed about 30 girls from the Saltfleet force last summer planting and assisting with his nursery stock of fruit trees and vines, said he is "very well satisfied with their work.
"As a matter of fact," he added. "the girls are better workers than the boys."
The camp at Saltfleet and three others at Vineland, Fenwick and Kingsville are government operated, while the other three at Vineland. Jordan and Dixie are private camps. The 175 girls already there have been at work on fruit farms for some weeks, tying grapes. working in greenhouses, and per forming other seasonable tasks.
Vanguard of Great Army These girls, however, are merely the vanguard of a great army, mostly high school students on vacation who will undertake farm work throughout the summer, living in the 26 government and several private camps.
"The maximum demand will be between August 15 and October 15, when the fruit and vegetable harvesting will be at its height," said Alex McLaren, director of the Ontario farm service force. "The camps will be under supervision of the YWCA, with experienced camp staffs, and with ith recreational directors who will organize the leisure time activity of the girls."
Camps at St. David's, Riverview and Queenston will open about June 14, and there are vacancies in all three. Girls wishing to spend the summer holidays, particularly after August 15, in farm work camps should make their application at once to the Ontario farm service force, Parliament buildings, Toronto.
Five camps for high school boys, three operated by private farming interests and two by the Ontario department of agriculture, are already functioning with 200 boys occupying them. These are at Burlington, Leamington, Harrow, Brantford and Holland Marsh, and can accommodate 400 more boys who are urgently needed at once for essential farm work.
Other camps are planned. One of the largest will be at Essex, and 200 high school boys will be required to fill it. The requirements of the other camps are Leamington, 60 boys: Burlington, 20; Holland Marsh, 100; Blenheim, 50: Harrow, 50.
Farmers in these areas urgently need help now, and the boys who volunteer will be kept busy until after July 15. The camps are operated under YMCA supervision.
In addition individual farmers are anxious to secure husky lads for the entire holiday season. In many cases placement can be mde through the local farm help committee, or by applications direct to farmers in the neighborhood.
Boys who are unable to find farms through these channels can be readily placed by applying to the parliament buildings or to room 406, Toronto city hall.
Find Farmers Congenial The boys will find the farmers understanding and congenial. Robert Love, for instance, thanking Mr. McLaren for placing him on a farm, said he found his employers "a pleasant couple to work for."
"He didn't expect me to do man's work, even if he needed an experienced man," Robert said. "He set the maximum standard for an experienced boy."
Girls are paid 25 cents hours when working on an hourly basis but mostly they are on "piece work" being paid according to the number of baskets of fruit they pick for example. The piece work rate is set by the government.
Parents feel that their sons and daughter at farm camps or individual farms, are really doing something important, and are mighty proud of them. A Toronto mother with two daughters at a Niagara fruit camp and a farm last summer wrote to one of the girls
"I do think you are all doing a very sporting job and as I look around and see some other high school kids of your age or older just trotting around and having good time going to shows, etc. can't help but think that you he all measured up pretty well the summer. Congratulations. I don't think you will ever be sorry for having done this."
Farmers are equally appreciative and many like R. Y. MacLaren of Hensall have written to the Ontario farm service force express pleasure at the fine type of city and town boys sent them
The city council of St. Catharines, the metropolis of the fruit belt, has gone so far as to pass a special resolution of appreciation for the work done by the girls in Niagara fruit camp last summer, while Ann M. Cate, secretary of the Grimsby local committee declared "we feel that Grimsby camp has become indispensable to this district."
Need for Help Is Urgent The farmers are "up against it" this year more than ever before. Fruit and vegetable harvesting requires a lot of labor, and there isn't a lot of labor in Canada now. If the fruit so urgently needed to carry us through the winter is to be harverted then every boy and girl physically able to do farm work should do so.
You will not find the work over taxing and parents need not fear the labor is too hard for growing boys and girls. Farm work today isn't like it was in the days of our parents or grandparents. The camps are well supervised by the Y.W.CA and Y.M.C.A, who make sure the young people get enough rest and healthy recreation
In addition to the camps for students, Mr. McLaren announced three camps for women school teachers at Blenheim and Extension to be opened July 10 and operate six weeks. From 125 to 150 teachers are needed, during that period, to de-tassel corn, work that is not arduous.
You probably never beard of de-tasseling corn. Neither did anybody else until recently. But Ontario farmers now grow a kind of hybrid corn in which the ancestry of the seed must be carefully cherished. During blossom period the tassel, which is the stamen of the corn flower, must be removed to prevent re-pollination.
"Farm Commando Brigade" Men and women with full time jobs in the city, may serve on the food front by joining the Farm Commando Brigade, made up of persons who can spare only a few hours an evening, or a day a week. They will be provided transportation to nearby farms for whatever work they can volunteer. They are asked also to give all or part of their summer holidays to farm work. Farm commando headquarters at room 203, Toronto city hall, can assign volunteers to farms.
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kyleetryme · 1 month
not a question, a few things for king george: 1)you're way too slut coded.
2) why is your waist so tiny? for other man to grab it? huh? u hoe
3) I know my sister like I know my own mind you'll never find anyone as trusting or as kind
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disneybritton · 6 months
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Happy Easter! It's not been easy, juggling the reality of decorating for a rental property for three years (2022-2024), but this Spring we’re moving in permanently. We developed a mood board inspired by both the sunrise and our art collection, and we have a designer helping us to make it feel lively yet calming, and structured yet jazzy.
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What each year’s decoration experiences taught us about living in Key West:
In 2021, we began with a monotone sand tone for renters. Calming but not lively.
In 2022, we explored multicolor maximalism. Lively but not calming.
In 2023, we successfully floated the couch, nicely structured but it's still too busy.
In 2024, we’re returning to monotone, but an orange palette to complement the living room artworks.
Below are the six next steps to our 2024 refresh.
1. Clear the Clutter
First, remove the clutter, and color-drench the entry. It's that simple. Move hats to Den. Then, install music speakers, ceiling lights; and lay down a full-length entry rug for the narrow hallway. Art: Hamsa; Rug: Ruggable-Peach; and Paint: Farrow & Ball's "Pink Ground."
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(Images: Now vs Vision)
2. Let the Art Breathe
Second, we'll anchor the most important pieces in our art collection in the great-room, but allow space for them to breathe. Breezy is the key word in this room. Replace the rug, and clear the console. Art: Ed Hamlton and Arturo Alonzo Sandoval; and Rug: Ruggable-Peach.
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3. Brighten the Kitchen!
Third, we'll replace the moody grey with sunshine colors. While, the grey kitchen was a key factor in the purchase, we've evolved to see the need for peach and glass cabinetry. Art: Raul Diaz; Rug: Ruggable-Peach; and Paint: Farrow & Ball's "Pink Ground."
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(Images: Now vs. Vision)
4. Match Room Colors
Repaint the blue bedroom to match the peach beauty of the adjacent living room, and spotlight my favorite books. Art: Anila Agha, Nhat Tran, Nicollo Cosme; Rug: Ruggable-Peach; Shelving: IKEA; and Paint: Farrow & Ball's "Pink Ground."
(Images: Now vs. Vision)
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(Images: Now vs Vision)
5. Create a Playroom.
Create room for play. Blue color-drenched for: TV, games, a Peloton, and shelves for rotating Jesus art. Also, a sleeper sofa for weekend guests. It'll also be a 3-day guest room. Benjamin Franklin famously said that guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days.
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6. Remember the Bathroom
Recreate our Indianapolis or 21C bathroom in Key West.
(Images: Now vs Vision)
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raturger · 1 year
i had a really really funny hamlton joke that hag penis in but i 4got
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spockvarietyhour · 3 years
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S.S. Turbinia passing Royal Hamilton Yacht Club, Hamilton, Ont., Canada, 1910
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emberkyrlee · 4 years
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