#hamsters routine
hamsters100life · 1 year
A Cute Baby Hamster🐹
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mima-sama · 4 months
A friend of mine is playing through Gensou Wanderer and made a remark about how Patchouli sounds like a hamster when she coughs and this image crashed out of my brain like the Kool-Aid man through a wall
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mariocki · 2 months
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Pathfinders to Mars (ABC, 1960 - 1961)
"You know, Henderson, the progress of true science depends not only on the cold, calculating types, but also on the adventurers and dreamers. There's a place for all of us under the sun."
"Yes... as long as we don't get too close to it."
#pathfinders to mars#abc#children's television#classic tv#1960#guy verney#malcolm hulke#eric paice#gerald flood#pamela barney#george coulouris#stewart guidotti#hester cameron#hugh evans#astor sklair#peter williams#bernard horsfall#maurice durant#lisa peake#ian sadler#the pathfinders serials seem to have been in production nearly back to back‚ with very little gap between transmission#but that didn't mean there weren't further shakeups between Space and Mars; the two younger children were written out (the hamster remains#don't worry)‚ replaced by the niece of Flood's character tagging along; Peter Williams patronly father figure also disappears after a brief#appearance in the first ep‚ leaving Flood's genial sciencey everyman to take the lead focus. the most notable introduction is surely#the legendary George Coulouris (a former member of Welles' Mercury Theatre) as a slightly loony alien life truther who bluffs his way onto#the voyage; bf was present for me watching this with my dad and he DETESTED this new character‚ a perpetually suspicious and treacherous#hindrance to every one else whose stupid schemes and mischief routinely put eveyone in mortal danger. i get it... but then he's kind of fun#too‚ for all his ridiculousness... ymmv of course. the Coulouris character is perhaps the closest parallel we can see with Doctor Who‚#bearing more than a little similarity to the original Hartnell characterisation (by which i mean the very very original‚ in the first few#serials; purposefully mysterious‚ even antagonistic‚ often at odds with his fellow travellers but with a bond with a young girl among them)
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stonerzelda · 6 months
oh, also i have a sad update...we lost our little Peaches on the 15th. I came home from work and went to go check on her and found her lying very still in her castle and cold to the touch. Ben and I stayed up with her the entire night thinking she might've gone into torpor. We put a heater on close by, bundled her with her little plush pouch + towels and a blanket and then I spent the next day doing the same thing while also trying to feed her homemade electrolytes, petting her and basically holding on to her from night to night. We called a vet and ended up finally looking up natural causes, and we think she may have been older than we thought as apparently the stripe on her back being as dark as it was indicated she may have even already been a year old. Her species only really lives to 2, so for the last 9ish months we had her she was probably already approaching the end of her life.
I can sincerely say we tried every single little thing that we could think of, we were both researching any and everything we could find but we just really really hoped we could bring her back. I could feel she still had treats in her cheek and her eyes were closed, so at the very least it's comforting to know she most likely died in her sleep with something tasty with her. She wasn't with us for long but losing her has been harder than I anticipated, and I just wanted to also say I really appreciate how you all always asked about her and left so many sweet little comments every time I brought her up. I miss her a lot and can't even look at her cage right now (it's been covered up) but thank you for loving her just as much as I did. Rest in peace Paesh💙 miss u babygirl.
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dduane · 2 years
...A reminder of what once was.
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autumnfangirler · 3 months
This hamster is you.
i will be taking up this role solemnly. thank you for the honour.
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bytescratch · 8 months
Aufstehen, Sport machen!
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My morning was like hectic and I suppose this is how it's like to live alone cuz I had to feed the bunnies (my sister's and my cousin's) and my hamster, as well as prep my breakfast and lunch (for work), clean three different enclosures, make tea for dad and get dressed for work and fill petrol.
It was a lot of things for this spoiled potato.
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baekuras · 1 year
tell me why i am watching so many videos that make me laugh right now 😭 not smart
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hamsters100life · 1 year
A Cute Hamster Coming🐹🐾
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alexthetrashyracoon · 21 days
any sort of ghost headcanons?
Only a few I have at the top of my head right now
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley:
Simon hates the rain and the feeling of wet clothes sticking to his skin, but he loves petrichor, the smell after rain hit the ground.
He can cook, whatever your heart desires, he just needs a recipe and within the estimated time you’ve got an insanely good looking and tasting dish in front of you.
Simon plays football like a professional player (the European football not American style). And when he’s in the mood for it, you can find him on the nearest football pitch and play with some of the kids living around. Sometimes there are little tournaments and Simon helps the kids that participate win and of course getting better by giving tips and showing tricks.
He’s really work focused and needs a few days to acclimate to being back at home and not on the field. In those few days he follows his strict military routine. He wakes up at five in the morning, goes for a run, prepares a short but nutritious breakfast before checking his to-do list on what is on top.
Simon has a lot of stamina :)
He’s a gentleman who treats his partner with patience, love and kindness and respect and expects the same from them. He’s not scared to speak his opinion and he doesn’t mind a fight once in a while when emotions become too much for both parties, as long as he and his partner find a way to settle without hurting each other.
Simon watches ducks in parks and feeds them with seeds and glares at people who feed them bread.
He volunteers at local shelters. The animals love Simon, but especially the little critters like bunnies, hamsters and even mice and rats.
Simon doesn’t prioritize his work over his partner. He balances his work and love life as best as possible.
Simon hates paperwork. He has an office in his house that looks like someone blew it up and he didn’t bother to clean it up, Price reprimands him constantly for the mess when he comes for a spontaneous visit.
And he organizes get together’s once a month with friends, military and from his civilian life. He’s not the center of attention or the life of a party, but Simon loves to see his friends have fun.
Maybe some of them are a bit too unserious but I don’t know, they make sense in my head and I see Simon Riley as a human instead of just a soldier? I hope that’s what you wanted <3
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odxrilove · 5 months
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pairing: txt x f!reader
genre: hcs/scenarios, fluff, established relationship
a/n: requested by anon! song rec - fairy by dvwm.. thank u coco @enluv for helping me out and being my partner in crime ily ^^
back to masterlist!
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gives you stickers he gets as freebies in his packages. Yeonjun is a sucker for a good pair of jeans, a heavy leather jacket and some silver accessories to top it off. The thing is, being fresh out of university and moving out of the dorms into a small studio is quite a problem when you’re a clothes fanatic such as yeonjun. So, to earn some money beside his job and keep his closet in order, he opens an account on some popular secondhand online shops. Yeonjun likes showing off his new finds to you, excitedly telling you about the deal he managed to get, how happy he is to finally get his hands on said item and upon seeing your soft smile, kissing you on the temple and whispering how he’ll make sure you two match. Sometimes, the package includes freebies, mainly stickers, which he immediately sets aside for you– you and your students would love this, he thinks. Yeonjun sells clothes too though, and you find it particularly endearing how he refuses to reuse any of the stickers as freebies, because they are yours, like he always claims.
buys the food for the classroom's pet. Soobin used to work at a pet store in his first year of university to be able to afford his own car. The pet store was also the place where you both bumped into each other for the first time, and where you ended up sharing your first kiss after you decided to swing by to check in on him. So in short, the pet store in between the old dinner and newly-renovated 7-11 meant a lot to the both of you. Years had passed and now you both only stepped foot in the store a few times a year, just enough to not forget the workers’ faces and see the new animals come in. The next time your boyfriend visited the pet store was exactly a few days after your principal allowed your class to get a classroom pet– a cute hamster whose name was Snickers, voted by your students. The owner of the store welcomed Soobin with a wide grin and a pat on the back, even offering him a discount on the hamster food you had begged him to get since you’d forget (he acted like you owed him but in reality, it was on his way to work and he could never resist your pretty pout). It would become part of your routine, your boyfriend buying Snickers’ food when needed and you accompanying him on the weekends, staring at the cute animals with joy while the store owner and his old boss teased him about the heart eyes he’d send you. Ah, young love, he’d say, laugh resonating through the store.
sharpens the classroom's pencils for you every friday. Beomgyu’s week is usually always booked– when he isn’t studying or working, he’s playing the guitar and meeting up with friends and family. That doesn’t mean though that you aren’t spending any time together, but more often than not your dates or “quality time” moments are are the end of the week (he once claimed he likes it because he enjoys ending his week on a good note– tsk, what a romantic). He hasn’t outright told you that he likes the comforting silence when you’re both sitting in the living room, cozying up together and doing your own things, but the way he shyly nods when you pat the space next to you on the couch every time is proof. Sometimes Beomgyu just needs life to be a bit more peaceful, and sharpening all your classroom’s pencils while you grade your students’ papers next to him is exactly fulfilling that need. Once in awhile too, if he’s free, he will walk into your empty classroom with a grin as you do your “typical end-of-the-day teacher things”, ready to pick up every single pencil off the floor and from under the desks, just so you don’t have to collect them and you can go home, together.
helps you paint your monthly and seasonal banners for your classroom. Taehyun isn’t a very artistic person– younger, he’d more the type to clumsily spread different colors of paint over the canvas, turning the stunning colors in a brown mess– but he fails to help you out if you’re feeling even the slightest bit out of inspiration. Truly, you had been planning and working on these banners for your classroom for months and to say you were getting tired at the unaesthetically pleasing sight in front of you was an understatement. The only banner you were missing was the one for fall but every time you tried to paint out a beautiful scenery with trees and fallen leaves, the dark colors only made you want to bury yourself six feet under. Only one call of your boyfriend’s name was needed for him to come running to your rescue, taking a pause to look at your “art” before stiffing his laughter and settling next to your on the ground. It wasn’t long before Taehyun had filled the banner with mushrooms and squirrels, brushing paint on the fabric carefully. He was proud of his artwork at the end and you could only smile, thanking him with a kiss and a promise to show his work off. When the next Monday came, you couldn’t help but snap a photo at all your students admiring the new banner, scooting closer to it to take a better look and giggling at the baby squirrel.
prepares you your favorite drink in colorful thermos mugs. Huening kai wakes up around the time you’re getting ready to leave for work and every time without fail, he’s drag himself out of bed and to the kitchen to make you your favorite drink. While the water boils-- you usually have coffee, sometimes hot chocolate if you’re feeling a little bit silly– your boyfriend would walk over to where standing rummaging through your bag for your daily-use lipbalm and stare. He’d look you up and down and even wink at you if you make eye contact. He would compliment your outfit (“your shoes go well with your pants, they make you look taller”, “I like how you did your hair this morning”, “your eye shadow is cute, did you use the new pallet I bought you?”, etc..) and kiss you good morning before walking off to finish his daily task at the ping of the boiler. Just before you walk out the door, a sleepy voice calls out to you and a thermos mug is soon pushed in your free hand. The mug’s color matches perfectly well with your outfit and you blush at the effort, kissing him goodbye and leaving for work, ready to brag about your favorite drink and new mug to your students– you just know they are going to be thrilled at the flower print.
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taglist: @0x1lovebot @fairybinie @blaqpinksthetic @odetoyeonjun @pockyandme @soobin-chois @lolalee24 @soobisms @junityy @kaimal @laylasbunbunny @jaeyunverse @enhacolor @honglynights @starry-mins @bibinnieposts @yoonzin0 @tyunni @4xiaojun @pointlessapple @yyx2 @hykai @pearlygraysky @angelhyj @enluv
please do not copy, repost or steal any of my work. all content belongs to @odxrilove
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hillbillyoracle · 2 months
How to Create Downtime Menus
As a lot of my posts are, this one was inspired by a conversation with my partner. She seemed to think some of my ideas were helpful so I thought I'd write them up and share them here.
I use a combination of these ideas to do two things - redirect myself when I get stuck doomscrolling/freezing/obsessing and redirect myself when I'm stuck on the "must be good, must be productive" hamster wheel and can't seem to stop doing chores until I'm fucking exhausted or have pushed/hurt myself. Knowing you need to stop is one thing - knowing what to do instead is another.
Not all of these will work for every person at every time. Pick one or two that seem interesting and give them a whirl.
Habit of the Month
This is a small habit I can do in about 5-10 minutes a day. These are sometimes habits that I want to audition for my lineup or just want to focus on as a way of rebooting a given area of my life. Physical habits have been things like stretching, a walk, putting on moisturizer, drinking water, making tea, etc. Emotional habits have been things like stream of consciousness journaling, bullet journaling, recording myself venting, etc. Spiritual habits have been things like meditating, altar work, reading sutras, tarot readings, etc.
If I'm stuck in a loop and I haven't done that task yet, it serves as an easy win that feels moderately meaningful to accomplish. This is easier to do than longer or less interesting tasks.
Side Quests
These are little challenges I'd like to accomplish that are 100% fun and completely optional. They are specific and can me completed within a given time frame - usually a month. They usually aren't the most meaningful to keep them more fun and so I'm not letting myself down if I don't opt to complete it.
They've been things like:
The Minor Expert Challenge - read three books in one subject
The Kanopy Critic Challenge - use up all of my Kanopy credits that month
The Regal Freegal Challenge - download all the albums/songs I can on Freegal that month
The Monthly Playlist Challenge - create a playlist of the month where each song represents something about each day of that month; like a playlist diary
The Reverse Tarot Draw Challenge - pick/list a tarot card you best think represents each day of a given month or other time period; like a tarot card diary
The 100 Words Challenge - learn 100 words in a foreign language
As you can see, I prefer things that are pretty low energy friendly so I can work on them on days I'm super tired. Just little chronic illness things.
Alphabet Lists
I use these for my cleaning routines actually but I also have been trying them with my downtime. The way it works is you list out the alphabet and choose one self care or hobby task you'd like to do for each. They don't have to start with the same letter, it just serves as an easy way to limit how many you pick and keep track of what you've done. It's satisfying to cross off the whole list.
Tasks I put on these are things like
A - paint my nails
B - crochet a charity hat
C - write 5 letters for Letters Against Isolation
D - send a letter to a friend
E - play a solo rpg
F - play a solo board game
G - complete a puzzle
They're fun tasks I'm not currently doing as often as I'd like but chill enough that it doesn't matter when precisely I do them more often. I try to pick tasks that are roughly 30 minutes to an hour long though some definitely take longer. I like to complete these roughly monthly but I try to complete a whole list before I start it again. Anything I just did not feel like doing and kept skipping gets scratched out and I rewrite a new list with new item to replace those. And I start again.
Whenever I'm like ugh I don't know what to do with myself, I try to pick at least one thing on the list and give it a try for 5 minutes. If I don't like it after that I can just put it away and pick something else.
10x10 lists are a different take on a similar idea. It's a list of 10 things you'd like to do at least 10 times in a given time period. Mine tend to be on the seasonal or annual timescale but maybe you're intense and prefer a monthly one. If I don't complete them in a given time period, I just continue with it until I'm done. Better to complete it on an altered timeline than not at all.
For me these tend to be slightly bigger tasks that take a little more planning or energy. I'm not totally sure why I use them this way since you could definitely use them for smaller tasks but that's just the space they occupy for me.
So examples of what would be on my list would be things like:
Grab a hot chocolate from the coffee shop (x10)
Complete a PokemonGo event (x10)
Have a spa night and watch a movie (x10)
Do something extra nice for my partner (x10)
Try a new game (x10)
Find a geocache (x10)
Filing up a little 10x10 grid is pretty satisfying. Much more so than anxietying myself into my bed for the equivalent amount of time.
Seasonal Bucket Lists
I really enjoy making these though I really struggle with the current season (Spring) given my allergies. There's this idea my partner has told me about in DBT where you try to recall positive moments to help "build a life worth living". I think seasonal bucket lists are really good at helping with this for me. I look back on the seasons I made these lists way more fondly than the ones I didn't.
They generally center on seasonal activities I don't want to miss out on. So for summer that's stuff like going for a night swim/skinny dip, getting 5-10 good cloud photos, playing a yard game (like cornhole), seeing a street concert, etc. I also try to take pictures of those (if they don't already involve them) so I can reflect on them later and enjoy the residual happiness.
The point of these isn't to overwhelm you with options. It's just to have enough ideas prepped that you can find something no matter your energy level or time you're working with.
Remember - rest and enjoying yourself is necessary for human health. Folks how get good rest and experience flow states more regularly tend to heal better. People who spend time on what they enjoy are often more enjoyable to be around.
It's never a waste of time to make yourself happy.
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mochinek0 · 6 months
Daminette December 2023: 17-Bodyguard
Damian had heard the whispers and rumors when he first moved to Paris. Marinette Dupain-Cheng, the baker's daughter and fashion designer had been head over heels for Adrien Agreste, the model. That had been years ago. Some of their friends refused to believe she moved on from her gigantic crush. He had heard the whispers of how she babbled and froze with just a glance. How she had memorized his schedule and planned their future together. He had heard how she had fallen for him with a simple gesture of giving her his umbrella in the rain. The only thing that had ever stopped them from getting together was how blind Adrien was. He never saw Marinette was anything more than a friend and everyone knew it. That might have been true; all of it. Damian knew that Marinette no longer felt like that, if it had ever been true.
From what he observed, Adrien was the one now persuing the baker's daughter. If any of it had been true, Marinette had long moved on. Adrien was constantly trying to get her attention and would search the halls for her. If anything, the roles had reversed. Adrien Agreste now stalked Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
Adrien Agreste was still 'blind' in his book. The model took zero notice how Marinette reacted to being around him. He noticed the subtle flinches when Adrien called her name from down the hall. He noticed the terror in her eyes, before putting a smile on her face to greet a friend.
Damian froze the moment he saw her.
'Marinette? What is she doing here? I thought she couldn't have a pet in the bakery. Why is she in the pet store?'
His eyes followed her as she moved away from the front and towards the middle. She was almost hidden by the shelves.
"Marinette!" Adrien shouted, "Do you like hamsters, too?"
"Uh, sort of." she answered, weakly.
"They're amazing!" he cried back, getting closer to her and the hamsters.
Even from where Damian stood, he could see Marinette's eyes were searching for a way out; an exit. He quickly put down the giant bag of dog food and rushed over.
"There you are Marinette." he spoke, pulling her towards him.
"Damian!" Mari exclaimed, surprised.
"Did you get lost?" he asked, "I apologize for getting so busy."
"You work here?" Adrien asked, "Why?"
"I volunteer." Damian answered, "I donate to several animal charities nd I like to make sure all the equipment is up to date."
"We can go see the puppies on files now." The Wayne heir suggested, "You said you were looking for a guard dog?"
Marinette lit up quickly, realizing Damian was giving her a way out.
"I'm so glad you remembered." she smiled.
"A dog?" Adrien asked, confused, "What about the hamster?"
"Oh." Mari spoke, "Well, I do think hamsters are cute, but with how scattered brain I get, I might forget instantly. I could forget to feed it or accidentally kill it with a giant roll of fabric." causing the model to wince.
"A dog is better." Marinette stated, "Their routine would be my routine."
"But why a guard dog?" he questioned.
"Why do you have a bodyguard?" Damian asked.
"Huh?" confusing the model.
"Guard dogs keep their owners safe." the Wayne heir answered, "They are loyal to a fault and will attack, if necessary." pulling Marinette closer to him.
Marinette blushed at the closeness. She quickly placed a hand on his chest to get his attention.
"We should go look at those files." She suggested, "You mentioned....training and I wan to make sure they are trained before university."
"Of course." Damian replied, leading Marinette to the back room and away from Adrien's prying eyes.
Damian picked up a radio to give the other workers a warning about Agreste. On the security cameras, he watched as the blonde model turned away and walk out the store.
'Seemed Marinette was his only goal here.'
Marinette sighed in relief as Damian placed the radio down.
"Thank you, Damian." Marinette spoke.
He nodded his head in understanding.
"But how did you know?" Mari asked.
"You are uncomfortable with him." Damian stated.
Marinette nodded her head.
"You look scared when you hear him call out your name in school." Damian spoke, "Sometimes, you turn pale. Doesn't seem like he notices."
"I thought no one noticed." Marinette answered, with a smile, "Thank you so much."
Damian chuckled, "Now, would you actually like a guard dog?"
"I would love one," Mari sighed, "but since I still live with my parents-"
"The bakery." The Wayne heir concluded.
She nodded her head and gave a shrug. Damian went over to a drawer and pulled out some files for an adoption event taking place soon. Marinette looked at him confused.
"It would not matter if I brought another dog home. At this point, it's expected. You would just have to wait." Damian stated.
Marinette smiled happily, "Really?"
"Only if you do not mind coing over to bond with your dog." he declared.
Marinette hugged him and quickly felt him flinch.
"Sorry!" she cried, pulling away from him, "Um, I'll just look at these."
Marinette browsed over the files he had handed her. Damian could tell she was seriously considering the guard dog idea. She started by ruling out the smaller dogs, he expected someone like her to own. By the end of her selection, she had five folders left.
"What do you think, Damian?" Mari asked, "Is there any of them I should rule out?"
Damian looked over the folders. There was a Labrador, Golden Retriever, German Shepard, Doberman, and an Akita.
"Two of these would make great pets, but not guard dogs." He spoke, "I believe you should look online and learn more about them before deciding. You need to make sure you can take care of them. I don't just mean their diet and health. There are many people who return animals because they have gotten bored or because they didn't expect how much time they would have to use to train it."
Marinette smiled, "Thank you. I can tell you really care about these animals. I can let you know by the end of the week."
Mari stood up, ready to leave. She bit her lip in hesitation.
"Are you alright?" He questioned.
"Um." She began, "Nevermind. It's stupid."
"What is it?" Damian asked, "You clearly think it is important. Why do you hesitate?"
Marinette blushed, "Do you think, until I get a guard dog- Can you be my guard dog? Bodyguard! I meant bodyguard; not guard dog! At school! Keep Adrien away from me?"
Damian chuckled, "I wouldn't mind at all."
Mari lit up at his response, "Oh! I can bring you breakfast! Are there any pastries you prefer?"
"I prefer savory over sweets." he answered.
"I can make savory tarts for you." She replied.
With a nod, Marinette left the back room and quickly left the store.
'Guard dog, huh?'
Adrien looked around and spotted Marinette already at school. He couldn't wait to see her and talk to her more about hamsters. As he made his way towards her, he watched as she made her way over to Damian. To his surprise, and likely everyone's surprise, Marinette latched onto his arm. Damian didn't seem to mind and led her away.
Damian smirked as Marinette latched onto his arm. He had seen Adrien arrive and watched as Marinette quickly made her way over to him. He hadn't expected the physical contact, but after he initiated it yesterday, she likely expected it. Damian quickly led her away from prying eyes and hushed whispers. As they walked away, he leaned down to her ear.
"Woof." he barked.
He hadn't expected her to squeak, let alone blush. He chuckled as Marinette puffed up her cheeks and let go of his arm. Cheeks still flushed, she hurried into the school. Damian turned back and caught Adrien staring at them in shock. Damian sent a glare his way before following after Marinette.
TAGLIST: @maribat-calendar-events @animeweebgirl@a-star-with-a-human-name@meme991001@vixen-uchiha@abrx2002@alysrose-starchild@fandom-trapped-03@dood-space@moonlightstar64@saltymiraculer@marveldcedits20@09shell-sea09@icerosecrystal@animegirlweeb@insane-fangirl-of-everything@blueblossombliss@nickristus-dreamer@megawhitleycalderonpaganus@missmadwoman@meira-3919@princessdaisysolosyourfaves@blep-23@fangirlingfanatic@darkhinauniverse@ravenr22@im-a-satanic-ritual@ravennm84@bianca-hooks123@a-slytherinish-gryffindor@starling218
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levisrations · 3 months
A nice quiet Sunday morning, both of you just take it slow. Maybe lay in bed for a bit, Levi strokes your face lightly while you go over the to do list for the day. Sunday reset. You both get up, do your bathroom routines then set out for the kitchen, Levi prepares your morning drinks while you feed the cats that were meowing like crazy out your door(you both kicked them out because well you wanted some time alone before bed and it’s real awkward with them there and you just fell asleep and forgot to let em back in) you used just have kibble for your cats, the occasional wet foods but levi bought these oils and vitamins and chicken hearts so now the little brats eat better than you. Levi hands you your drink and while you sip you start breakfast for the both of you. Oatmeal for this morning and the last of the fruit before they go bad, you remind Levi you have to go grocery shopping, maybe hit up the farmers market to get fresh fuits and veggies. Levi makes the bed and throws the sheets he just changed into the washing machine and joins you to finish his drink and eat his breakfast. You sit in a comfortable silence, you watch some tik toks that your friend sent you and show them to him. He says you look exactly like that hamster from that meme that’s popular on there right now. Always using your puppy dog eyes to get what you want. He gives in every single time. You’re already planning on using them at the farmers market to get a bunch of baked goods and at the grocery store again for snacks and frozen meals. And itll work.
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