#hanahakis my beloved
fluffypotatey · 6 months
cannot believe that i am considering writing hangster fics because their hanahaki aus are too small for my standards
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itsjustnk · 7 months
angst hanahaki au!!
where sanji reject zoro andddddd now zoro have a hanahaki with forget me not flowers
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in one casual day zoro just walk in kitchen and say something stupid like "hey cook i think i like you" and sanji pays zero attention and say "i don't think so"
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and after that in next few weeks zoro start cough with forget me not flowers and says no one until chopper discover it and in panic say everyone that zoro is dying
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i need fic like that but i can't write even for my life 😭
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sarilolla · 9 months
I am filled with evil so I want to ask, when you finish the main Hanahaki Branch fanfic, would you be up for writing an alternate universe where he took the potion and forgot his brothers? And then they come to see him and he only knows they exist because of old family photos and vaugely remembering that he got a sickness from loving them so much.
How heartbreaking would that be? He had to pick between forgetting them or death and he decided their memories were not worth his life.
If you don't want to write it that's fine, but I wanted to put the idea out there for everyone to enjoy :)
Well, it’s a good thing I’m also filled with evil, because that was planned since the beginning-
I’ve been debated writing three endings, one good and two bad. Cured of Hanahaki and loved, takes the potion and forgetting, or dying. It’s just… if I can add more angst to Branch’s life, I will take it >:)
Hanahaki Branch au (slight spoilers/alternative ending to not finished fic)
And the thing is, Branch would have to push himself to take the potion. His brothers were his hope, his glimmer of joy for YEARS before Poppy seriously stepped in, and Branch also opened himself for more friendships. He adores his blood family, but he has found one for himself now. Plus, it’s been two decades, if his brothers wanted to find him, they would have by now, right?
So he takes the potion. He still has Poppy, he has the Snack Pack, he has Kismet, and he has friends in the other tribes, so he’s not alone. He thinks before he takes it that he can just blame the memory loss on the fact they left when he was two years old, surely that’s an excuse. He doesn’t want to die and leave the other people he loves.
But seeing four strangers a while later, so similar to him and so sure they know him, he’s certain he should feel loss. But he doesn’t. There’s no memories, no feelings, just old Knick-knacks he is sure was important at one point in his life.
And the four strangers who looks like they lost the world when he said he didn’t know them
Anyway, I went on a ramble, that thing will be more filled out and cohesive when that time comes :)
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himbionn · 1 year
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The result of listening to Two by Sleeping at Last for 2 hours straight (I'm not ok) 😎
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Might fully write this as a whole story one day.
You come to Viktor with a serious inquiry:
“Do you know a doctor that can perform Hanahaki removal surgery?”
He was stunned at first. He didn’t even know you had feelings for someone but to ask for this?
“You know how risky that is, you could lose all love in your heart.” Viktor stated.
“Of course I do. That’s why I came to ask you. It’s been done, a successful removal. Sure the recovery period is long but I get to keep my memories with you guys. I’ll take the chance.” You were steadfast in your decision. This was the only way to rid yourself of this retched disease. You weren’t exactly happy about it either, the chance that you would lose all love for Viktor and Jace was high. However staying in love with someone until your heart breaks or you die is worse (of course you wouldn’t actually die though).
Viktor sighed, “Who is it, it you don’t mind me asking?”
You were almost too embarrassed to mention it, “Remember Sterling…”
Viktor sat up fully in his seat to really grasp the situation. Sterling was someone you both knew from your Academy days and he was a piece of work. A ‘Grade A’ jackass and flirt. It sucks that his looks matched his brains, being one of Piltover’s elites. He was destined to inherit his families company and live a life of luxury. And this, amalgamation of every stereotype rich boy, was the one causing you so much pain. Viktor could hardly believe it.
“Don’t look at me like that, I’m not proud of it either!” Your face flushed bright red. “It just…happened. We were talking and things got real for a second. I thought I saw a different side of him but it’s…ugh! It’s complicated Viktor!”
Still in disbelief, Viktor adjusted himself on the chair. He collected his thoughts before looking back up at you. “I will ask Professor Heimerdinger for help. Don’t worry, I’ll find the best doctor there is. You won’t lose a precious memories, I promise.”
“Thank you Vitya.” You smile. Viktor felt a small ache in his chest but ignored it. You said your goodbyes and Viktor started to draft his letter to the Professor. Your memories and friendship was on the line so he felt compelled to write as soon as possible.
Professor Heimerdinger reported back by the end of the day. He was deeply concerned with Viktor’s wellbeing. This disease was no joke! He had lost many a friend to the flower disease and Viktor was far too young to fall ill with it. Viktor stopped him in the middle of his speech as he explained the treatment was for you and not himself. He was very confused at first but agreed to contacting a very good doctor. Before Viktor leaves, the professor urges him to be careful and be kind to himself.
Viktor didn’t understand then. You met with the doctor and consulted with her many times. She was kind and truly understood what it meant to be afflicted. After the consultations, Viktor would be your shoulder to lean on. On the nights you were too sick, you would stay with him. Viktor’s apartment became your second home. Viktor was slowly starting to understand the Professor’s warning. He couldn’t think about that now, he needed to be here for you.
Around two weeks before your surgery you were walking to your scheduled visit when you saw him, Sterling. He was chatting with another girl when he said some choice words about you. He threw in a couple comments that you’d only get far in this world because you “suck up” to the HexTech guys. It didn’t just sting he thought of you this way, especially after this long but he dared to badmouth your two best friends as well. For once, your coughing stopped and you noticed a bud had landed in your hand. You took this to the doctor and she was intrigued. She examined it closely and came back with a smile on her face.
“Congratulations, you’re falling out of love.”
“Calm down, it’s only been reported in the last 60 years or so but there are cases of people falling out of love with their intended person. It was mostly reported in relationships that turned sour after years but yes, even crushes can die out.”
“Does this mean, I will lose all love in my heart?”
“Not necessarily, you’ll feel reluctant and wary but as for your friends and family, you will love them just the same. You may even fall in love again one day.”
You get somewhat relieved. The doctor continued, “About the buds in your lungs. You can have the stem cut but that runs the risk of the original surgery. Best I can do for you is give you some medicine for nausea, pain killers and recommend you take on less physical work. Also, if you don’t mind, I’d like to continue our consultations with a therapist present so I can monitor the after effects.”
You left the consultation feeling lighter. Honestly seeing the doctor so excited over a bud, the proof that love dies, was amusing. The very thought of Sterling did fill your heart with a pit but one of disgust. Such an awful person who doesn’t know himself had the audacity to speak about you and your friends. The nerve!
You walked into the office and huffed into the seat next to Viktor. Without looking up from his notes, “You seem energetic today.”
“I’m not having the surgery.”
He almost fell out of his chair. Why would not have the surgery!? Have you fallen in love with Sterling?! Did he accept you?!
“I heard that jerk talking about me to another girl and he had the nerve to bring you and Jace into it! I don’t know it’s like- it’s like all my affection just died right then and there!” You explained what the doctor had said and how you would continue your rantings. Viktor felt a swell of pride in his chest. The fact that you were so annoyed on his behalf meant no matter what, your feelings would remain.
“I’m glad you’re okay.” he smiled.
“Honestly good riddance.” You scoffed “He doesn’t compare to you guys! You work so hard Vik, even when you were taking care of me!”
“I’d do it all again.” Viktor said. You sighed, finally relieved of your anger. You thanked him again for all he’s done and excused yourself to let him get back to work. Viktor waiting until you were out of the room to completely heave over the waste bin. It was filled with red stained petals.
How could he bring himself to tell you? Not now, not while you were free of this burden. He can wait it out, now that he was sure love dies.
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phoneycam · 1 year
Codywan but Hanahaki disease
I just remembered that i challenged myself to write shit and the randomiser just made me angstie with this one.
Y’all know how the disease work right? If not, here is the fanlore page to explain a little.
Resume: Obi-Wan is painfully remainded that he loves too much... in multiple ocasions.
1. Quinlan Vos
2. Satine
3. Cody
There is this disease that is just kinda normalized by the galaxie. It’s normal to fall in love with someone you shouldn’t, everyone is beautiful and gorgeous in their own way you know? So there are clinics, doctors, specialized post-surgery treatments and things like that.
But for the Jedi it’s a delicate topic. For a jedi to have the hanahaki disease is rare and not always well recived. It’s a bit of a taboo subject let’s say. 
A good amount of people think that they are incapable of getting this disease. Those who know are divided. Some think it shouldn’t be treated any different than any other medical condition, other that it’s a test from the force to prove padawans or to redirect them to the light side, and the most extreme think it’s a sign of the force that they are not destined to be part of the order. 
So imagine the shitshow that unfolded when Obi-Wan, not even a padawan yet, was rushed to the healing halls after spitting a flower mide training.
This unruly and loud 11 year old youngling was having a harsh time with some rather rude bullies when he got to know a chaotic young padawan that kicked their asses. Quinlan Vos was with who he would get like house on fire. It didn’t took long for both of them to become an inseparable and terrifying duo. 
Obi-Wan was a goner before even knowing what that meant. So after some time, Quinlan is gone on a mission with his master and Obi is missing him crazy while trying to train (and failing) and in one of his moments of like, recalibrating his breathing he hears some classmate.
“Surely he’s missing his boyfriend” 
And it is like a whiplash of emotion just colliding. The frustration from the failing training session, shock from realizing something he didn’t wanted, shame and the rage directed to the other younglings, homesickness from Quinlans absense and just plain and suffocating fear. 
He felt horrible, like he’d being punched in the stomach multiple times... 
He wanted to vomit...
and he did.
It would take time for everything to go back to normal. After the surgery, Obi-Wan would start being more quiet and fearful, but when everybody kept avoiding him and yet the looks and whispers still followed him, that fearfullness became anger. Anger he would lash out at anyone who was close enough to make him snap and then escape. 
He wouldn’t even get close to Quinlan for years. Only when he was back from certain kriffed up planet overbeaten by a useless civil-war did he brakedown to finally get a hug from a friend. 
((I will explain Qui-Gon later if someone is interested ùwu7))
The second time it happens he was 16 and in another war infested planet. 
Satine was insufferable. After getting separeted from his master, Obi-Wan was condemned to protect this blonde girl that seemed to enjoy getting in his nerves at any given moment, even when they were on a clear danger scene, calling him by several... innovative names, laughing when he tripped or just hitting him when she thought he said or did something stupid.
He was honestly starting to question if this misssion was worth his sanity when a bad encounter gets them to bond while hiding. They where both badly hurt and without any other option, were forced to truly depend on each other.
Over the rest of the year it would grow to become something more, but it wasn’t the time nor the place to let it flourish.
They had become important for the other in that certain way that would meet the needs of both of them at the moment. But they never got to become friends in the first place. So when the moment to split came, they both knew it wasn’t meant no matter how much it hurt. And it hurt.
Qui-Gon was silent during all the farewell. He wasn’t stupid, he knew something was up as soon as they had been reunited, so he wasn’t too surprised when the flowers came. They had barely left land when the cough started and by the time they where hitting lightspeed, Obi-Wan got send to the back of the ship where his master performed a highly clandestine surgery with the help of the medical droid.
When he wakes up after the surgery, Obi-Wan proceeds to pass the 5 stages of grief. Qui-Gon is nothing but patient through the hole process. 
When his padawan tries to play dumb to himself, he just remaind him of the flowers. When he gets defensive, he just projects calm and serenity through the force. When the anxiety grows to much to the point to ask to please not to tell to the counsil about it, Qui-Gon promises to never tell a soul and when the inevitable brakedown comes in, he comms Quinlan to wait for them in the landing pad.
the fifth stage would take a long time to come. In fact, Qui-Gon wouldn’t even be alive to see it happen. It would be almost two decades and it would come in the form of a person. 
It would be the start of the second year of war. Obi-Wan was putting an unhealthy amount of sugar on a cup of caff when he stopped himself at a realization. He didn’t like sugar on his caff, hell, he didn’t even licked caff! So why in the name of the force did he had it in his personal space??
His commanders voice startles him. He turns around to be comfronted with a familiar sight. Cody was only using the bottom part of his armor, one hand resting on the bed he was currently sitting on and the other holding the datapad he was previusly compiling. A worried look acompagning his slowly not so relaxed position.
“Is everything ok sir?”
Oh dear...
The realization would come... peacefully. Of course it would be Cody. His wonderfull commander had crowled into his heart slowly and deliberately without knowing. With the reasuring presence, strategic mind and dry humor, it was just logical that Obi-Wan would fall for him... Also because he couldn’t do anything about it. They are at war, he is his superior and he had a duty to fulfil.
The jedi took a deep breath when the familiar sensation starts to fill in, only this time, he doesn’t panic and run to the madical hall. No, this time is different. This time he isn’t overcome with anything if not acceptance. 
This is his commander, who he loves dearly and can’t do anything about it.
So, with a reassuring tone and adoring smile, he responds.
“It’s nothing my dear, just questioning myself about the amount of sugar I see you consume”
Cody watches him closely for a couple seconds before smirking. They both know he is lying but this is not the time to talk about it.
“Sure sir, don’t you worry about it. It’s what keeps my sweet personality alive, other wise it would be crush by tha amount of useless paperwork we are given”
Obi-Wan just chuckles covering a discrete cough and turns to finish their drinks. 
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ahopefulbromantic · 1 month
Since the day I learned about the Hanahaki disease, every time I walk with the Eucharistic procession and see flower petals lying on the ground, I can't help thinking about Jesus with Hanahaki.
His unrequited love so great it took roots in His lungs, so beautiful it takes the form of flowers, so painful it literally kills Him from inside out.
It just seems fitting.
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chillykitty · 11 months
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Cringetober #20 Hanahaki disease
because Roman would get hanahaki and then decide to do a dramatic photoshoot instead of actually doing anything about it
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corpus-chorus · 7 months
I have the biggest crush on your Anti.
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I cannot explain to you how much I love writing an Anti who is just . . . competent. Like, he's got his shit together, and I love him so much.
we're just gonna ignore the absolute mess of a creature i usually write Anti as
I'm so glad he's got at least one (1) crush other than me though thank you so much for the ask ;___;
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Day 5 of @rickortyweek​
About to die
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BTS: Fake love
“For you, I could pretend like I was happy when I was sad
For you, I could pretend like I was strong when I was hurt
I wish love was perfect as love itself
I wish all my weaknesses could be hidden
I grew a flower that can’t be bloomed in a dream that can’t come true”
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fluffypotatey · 23 hours
*jazz hands* they’re being stupid again
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anabetel35 · 1 year
The first chapter of my modern AU (queer platonic? romantic? How should I know?) Wywei Kuwei-centric Hanahaki fic is finished :DDD
It's 10,000-ish words as of now, and all that's written is just Kuwei's backstory, so I didn't get to write my favourite pyromaniacs wreak havoc on the world with a good portion of fluff and (possibly) even more angst on the side yet but soon! Soon they will be happy and they will be the best of friends!! And then they will... Be a bit less happy! And then they'll be happy again!!!
But for now, it's still in the process of being beta'd by my lovely lovely friend. I expect it to be up on Ao3 sometime tomorrow, though, so if you like Kuwei, it would be absolutely amazing if you could at least check it out :)
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snowshinobi · 4 months
hanahaki disease trope captivates me because (as I interpret it) the call is coming from inside the house. bc you see, the solution is easy. the flowers stop trying to tear their way out of your body if you confess your affections or get over them. go do stuff other than hanging out with your doomed crush for a while or speak your feelings: let the flowers see daylight. but sometimes ... catharsis ... is worse.
it's like when Fall Out Boy said "I'll keep my jealousy close 'cause it's all mine" and when Taking Back Sunday said "if it's not keeping you up nights, then what's the point?" these warm, bloody, one-sided feelings might be as close to reciprocal love as you're gonna get. if you flee or confess and aren't loved in return ... you're healed. free of pain. free of flowers. that precious thing you were holding onto so fiercely, for months ... vanishes.
hanahaki studies the compulsions that drive self-destruction. that turn pain into the means to its own end. human resilience is our greatest strength and an agent of literal body horror. hanahaki paints an intentionally romanticized picture of how vital wanting to get better is to actually getting better. as the adage goes, you can't control how you feel, but you can control what you do about it.
healing is terrifying. watching a character reject it until their death is sobering. watching a character choose it when they are at their most scared and sad and hopeless is ... devastating. it makes me press my hands against the walls of my consciousness.
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lilac-melody · 4 months
There's??? Finally??? Aiyuu hanahaki art???
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sidra-de-callisto · 1 year
Dear Diary:
Today I defended Callisto on Twitter while my dentist extracted my teeth for my orthodontic treatment...
If this isn't love, I don't know what is
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milflewis · 2 years
gewis + flowers
Lewis rolls his eyes, grinning, the lines around his mouth deepening. “Yeah, yeah, very funny.”
George presses his lips together, not really trying very hard to not smile. “No. Definitely not funny.” He leans into Lewis’s space, shoulders bumping, and his throat goes scratchy and dry as Lewis bumps him back, shaking his head, nose studs glittering in the sun.
George waits until Lewis has wandered away, seven minutes of Lewis trying not to laugh at George’s pretty good jokes if he can say so himself later, to cough, hard and heaving, into his elbow. He feels something shake loose in his chest, fluttering soft and damp into his mouth.
Pierre is staring at him from across the truck, forearm slung across Yuki’s shoulders, when George resurfaces. He slowly raises an eyebrow. George looks back at him, half smiling, and waits him out. It doesn’t take long. Pierre shakes his head, condescending and falsely superior, turning away, and George would bare his teeth if he wasn’t fairly sure they’d be bloody. He pushes the petals further into his cheek with his tongue, and waves at the crowds.
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