canidaery · 7 months
Re-release of hanali's original DJ mix created for the manga "Dorohedoro"!
1 Fanfare Ciocarlia “Crayfish Hora” 2 hanali “RFC of Gorge Public License” 3 Muay Thai Music “Round Five” 4 Goerge Jukemura “Panty” 5 Clipse “Grindin'” 6 SOMA奏間&Shacky “Break the S” 7 Tony Allen “Afro Pusherman” 8 Indusbonze “Kochi(高地)” 9 Indusbonze “地団駄” 10 Skelton Crew “The Washington Post” 11 Kazuki Koga “Jug” 12 坂本龍一 “Differencia” 13 Drastik Adhesive Forve “Pig” 14 Elephantronica “Electronic Gorge Tronica” 15 hanali “She is a devil” 16 Loose Joint “Tell You”
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orfeoarte · 8 months
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traditional Ori because i love him so much. questions about him pls?
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missrosiewolf · 3 months
Oh yeah. It's been a century since I last mentioned it, but now's a good time to revisit it. Remember this post?
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It's story time. Gather round, get some snacks, and get comfy. Here is the story of Lafarallin and the lesson Corellon taught him about mercy.
Get comfy folks. It's...it's a ride.
The story under the cut.
Disclaimer: This is not a word for word reposting of Lafarallin's Tale as found in Monster Mythology, pg. 26; This is just me putting the story into my own words so I didn't put in every single detail about it that can be found in Monster Mythology.
Our story starts with Lafarallin possessing a magic ring that always detected evil and put evil to the sword: if it was evil, it would be slain. However, because of this, Lafarallin had no mercy, not a single shred of it, and Corellon saw this, after having looked into his heart. The Leader of the Elvish pantheon devised a plan to teach Lafarallin the mercy he so lacked -- a lesson that even Monster Mythology describes as a cruel one. One day, a young (though ill) elven thief steals Lafarallin's purse. Lafarallin, in response to the theft, gives chase and corners her. He draws his sword and prepares to end her life; however, the look of terror in her eyes at her impeding demise gives Lafarallin pause. In that instant, Corellon gives insight into her heart and the ranger can see that the woman before him has had an awful life -- which is what lead to her becoming a thief. So Lafarallin was made to feel pity for this woman. When he reaches out to her, Corellon draws some of her disease into Lafarallin's hands, crippling them and making it so that he could no longer wield a sword. He weeps and takes her to the healers, retrieving his coin purse so that he can pay for her treatment. Unfortunately, she dies despite the best efforts of the healers and it wrecks him. Then it destroys him when Corellon's avatar appears before him and tells him of the lesson he was given: that love, mercy, and pity divide good from evil and that these were not within Lafarallin's heart before. Lafarallin begs Hanali for healing and though she would like to, Hanali cannot go against Corellon's commands. In time, Corellon ends up forgetting all about poor Lafarallin and only runs into Lafarallin again when the other has entered his middle-aged years. At the sight of Lafarallin and the wretched state he is in, Corellon finally realizes that he himself had not shown the ranger any mercy; at last, finally, they call upon Hanali to heal Lafarallin's hands -- granting to her the wish that she had wanted to do so many years ago. Corellon takes away all but the ghost of the memories of years of pain. Lafarallin, as a result, becomes a priest of both Corellon and Hanali, and when it comes time for him to leave the mortal plane, Corellon went with him to the abyss to save the soul of that elven thief. With Corellon's blessing, the two souls passed their final resting place to Olympus
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evereastw · 6 months
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me when Hanne and Zuko are my greatest contribution to humanity
eu quando Hanne e Zuko foram minha maior contribuição pra humanidade
🎨 evereastw / Amethyzsta (wttpd)
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dndnpcinfo · 2 years
Althaea Hanali by TheBoxingHorse
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lirotation · 7 months
Happy V-day! =)
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Happy Valentine's day everyone! Insert your hand lol
Day of Heart, Re en'Cormea**
This day, 14th of Alturiak is taken for elves to honor those they love or hold dear to their hearts. By doing so they also honor Hanali Celanil, the Elven goddess of Love and friend to Sune, by sharing the love she gave to all elves.
Astarion is not very "Elfy" to me, he seems to be the kind that doesn't care much about traditions. (I have a whole theory about how he ended up in Baldur's Gate because of this.)
My Tav, Amaara, is human, born to a human father and a half-elf mother. However, she was raised in the Elven city of Silvery Moon and acts a lot more Elven than Astarion. She planned a picnic under the moon on the night of Re en'Cormea. That's the setting of this drawing.
**this holiday is not canon, but was referred to pretty often.
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spacebarbarianweird · 5 months
I love the troupe of finding Astarions parents. Can I ask for a request of Tiriel and Alethaine running into an elven woman at a market who looks suspiciously similar to Astarion please? If not that’s totally cool!
Past Grief
Synopsis: There were years when Sylenn Ancunin was happy, but ever since her only son died her life as been all mysery and sorrows. And now she meets a young elf who reminds her of what she lost.
Tags: hurt\comfort, dadstarion, astarion's mother
The fic is set a few months prior The Dhampirs of the Sword Coast
Alethaine's age - 24-years-old
Thanks @themadlu for beta-reading! Thank you for being the fastest reader in the wild west!
Read on AO3
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There were years when Sylenn Ancunin was a warrior.
She was a fighter, one of the many protectors of Evereska. 
There were years when she was a scholar, diving deep into the secrets of elven history.
There were years when she was a mother and a wife – but those decades disappeared into oblivion, a true curse of elven existence.
It’s all gone.
Her first child –  a girl –  died when orcs ambushed one of the elven towns. Sylenn was still young and the very idea she could overlive her own children sounded unreal. They were elves, not humans! Their children didn’t die unless mortal danger came for them.
But orcs smashed Sylenn Ancunin’s baby daughter against the wall and the elf would forever remember how she held a lifeless body whose every bone had been broken into tiny pieces.
She got pregnant again – sixty years later. Her husband and Thiramin assured Sylenn everything would be fine. Everything… But three human mages killed him, and her sorrow caused Sylenn to miscarriage. Another rare thing for Tel'Quessir. Still weak and bleeding, she put her heavy armor on and avenged them both, slaughtering the cursed wizards like livestock. 
Then, she buried her Thiramin and returned to Evereska, to her home, where at last she was among her own kind.
A century passed, slow and peaceful. She married again – never did she love Caeldrim as much as she did her Thiramin. But he was a good friend and partner, and Sylenn was happy by his side. 
The only thing she truly wanted back then was to conceive a child. She wanted to become a mother, she wanted this gift she had been deprived of twice.
Sylenn prayed to all of the elven gods. Corellon, Hanali, Sehanine, Naralis…Each of them.
Until one day, instead of a reverie, she had a dream. A silhouette weaved of light placed a small star in her hands.
The gods gave her a child.
… Now, centuries later, Sylenn fears and waits for those memories when she reveries. The moment the healer placed a newborn boy in her hands.
Astarion. Her little star.
He was born with curled silver hair and when he was a child he resembled a dandelion. Sylenn remembers Astarion was a crybaby, always demanding her attention. He wanted his mother to hold him, to carry him around their house. And, should he have a nightmare or some ghostly shadows of his past lives haunted him, he came straight to her, eyes puffy, lips quivering. Sylenn would lull him back to sleep but rarely carried him back to bed.
The boy had the temper of a human, and Caeldrim joked that some of their ancestors must have bedded a N Tel'Quessir. Sylenn’s son was smart and brave, and if she couldn’t find him anywhere, it meant he was in a library – learning new things, new languages, new facts.
Or he could have been in the hills, if the sun shone brightly. Caeldrim’s mother called her grandson Sunflower – for he sometimes would spend hours just standing in the sun enjoying its warmth. 
Sylenn taught Astarion to fight. A longsword. Daggers. All possible weapons. She often took him outside Evereska to show him the world behind the elven realm.
It fascinated him.
Sylenn knew Astarion would leave to see the world soon enough. When she would see him again, he would be an adult – and she wished his childhood would last just a little longer.
It didn’t.
Her baby boy grew up. A beautiful elf whose eyes were green like the hills of Evereska and whose hair was the color of moonlight.
There is another memory Sylenn is afraid to re-live.
The last time she saw Astarion. 
He was twenty-four. Fully-grown. Handsome and beautiful, taller than other elves, with hands almost as strong as a human’s. 
Astarion was standing in front of her in his traveling armor and Sylenn couldn’t take her eyes off him. 
“I will be fine, o’si,” he told her. “Besides, you taught me so well, I could put up with a devil in a fight!”
“Don’t be stupid, Astarion” she tiptoed and kissed his forehead. “Pity, I didn’t finish the circlet I wanted to give you.” She pointed at the unfinished twisted rope-like headwear adorned with a little star. 
“You can finish it by the time I get my adult name.” Astarion kissed her cheek. 
And he left. Sometimes in her reverie, Sylenn wants to cry and beg her only son to stay. Besides, not all adult elves leave their homes! Some stay where they were born.
Her Astarion disappeared. That wretched city he went to study murdered him and no one could even tell her how it happened. 
After eighty years of receiving no message from him, Sylenn left Evereska one last time and traveled to the West.
To find her son’s grave.
They even buried him like a human – and Sylenn wanted to dig the grave with her bare hands. Her son didn’t deserve to rot in the ground but all strength left Sylenn and she spent a day curling in the graveyard until a guardian came to check on her and took her to the inn.
With the years, Sylenn accepted what happened. Besides, there are fates much worse than death.
Her son could have been cursed. Or turned into an undead. At least she knows he sleeps peacefully in his grave and maybe if the gods allow she will meet him in their afterlife.
Sylenn Ancunin never returned to Evereska. She came to Neverwinter, found her youth friend, a gnome paladin, and asked him to give her a place in his adventuring guild.
At least dying in battle is better than rotting in her own misery.
A reeking scent of death lingers over the cave and Sylenn curses. This part of the dungeon disgusts her, and if it wasn’t for her mission she would have already returned to the surface. 
“Well, they told us ‘dead or alive’,” the Dragonborn by her side chuckles and points at a dead human prince whose body is torn in two. 
“We need to find the map,” Sylenn sits on a boulder. “I am too old to wear armor.”
“You are not old,” the Dragonborn laughs. “You are what, only a millenia?”
Sylenn cringes. Well, is there any difference between being five hundred years old and a millenia? 
“Almost,” Sylenn says. The warrior looks at her with awe – and she knows how she looks in his eyes.
A forever young woman with long silver hair and a pair of emerald green eyes. Delicate and thin but in the full set of heavy armor. Other races in Faerun don’t care how old elves are.
“Let’s set up a camp somewhere it doesn’t stink. And where the fuck is Irbis?”
Sylenn decides she isn’t going to take off her armor. Who knows what killed the prince? And they need the map that leads to the secret dungeons of the Dark Elves. The lord of Gauntlgrym won’t be happy if the party comes back empty-handed – and with his dead son’s body.
“He must have found a whore to spend the night with and forgot about us,” Selynn says. She has never liked Irbis – the human man cares only about ale and gold and would sell all of his companions for a good pact with a devil.
“You have a dirty mouth for an elf,” the Dragonborn notices.
“I’ve been through such shit within my lifetime I have every right to swear like a drunken dwarf.”
Whatever the Dragonborn wants to say next is interrupted by loud steps.
“And who am I supposed to talk to?” A young woman demands and her voice echoes through the cave.
“This one” Irbis answers, letting a stranger approach the corpse.
Sylenn turns her head.
She sees a young woman in a black traveling armor. Her long silver hair, so common for Moon elves, is braided. 
“This is Alethaine,” Irbis announces. “She is going to talk to that… body. So good I’ve met a necromancer in these lands!”
Alethaine yawns.
“Good morning.”
“It’s almost sunset,” Sylenn says.
“It’s morning when I wake up,” Alethaine bites her lower lip. “Alae, etriel,” she adds in Elven.
Sylenn meets the necromancer’s eyes and feels a wave of uneasiness. 
The girl looks like an elf. Pointy ears, slim and delicate body. But there is something off about her, as if she pretended very hard to look like Tel’Quessira.
But wasn't one.
“Oh, and they say all dragonborns look alike!” the Dragonborn laughs. “Look, Sylenn, you could have been sisters!”
“She looks nothing like me!” Sylenn whispers as quietly as she can. Alethaine’s ear twitches and Sylenn realizes the necromancer can perfectly hear her. “Besides, there is something… strange about her!”
“My mother is half human,” Alethaine says looking at the mutilated corpse. “Maybe, this is what bothers you?”
As if there were such a thing as a pure-blooded elf, Sylenn thinks. No, it’s something else about her that makes the old elf shiver.
“We are so lucky to find someone who can talk to the dead!” Irbis announces. “I entered the tavern, no hope to help the cause and that… that young woman was beating a cleric of Lathander with a book.”
“My dad taught me to beat the shit out of perverts who eye me out,” Alethaine casually says. ‘Hope the bastard has a concussion.”
“I think you broke his spine.”
“Even better!” Alethaine sits beside the corpse looking at the body with such tenderness as if it was a child or a cute animal. “Who is going to ask the questions?”
The Dragonborn pushes Sylenn forward and the warrior approaches. No, the body doesn’t disgust her.
It’s the young elf who scares her. 
“Only five questions,” Alethaine says, puts her arm to the dead man’s chest, and mutters a spell. The corpse stirs and its eyes glow green.
Sylenn has witnessed death. But necromancy is so unnatural and disgusting that she hates the very idea of the prince's body being violated this way.
“Where is the map?” Sylenn asks.
The corpse is silent. 
“You asked it the wrong way,” Alethaine says.
“Where is the map to the Dark Elves’ lair?”
“They burned it.”
“Fuck. Who?”
“The one who killed us,” the corpse says.
“Who killed you? And where is the lair?!”
“I don’t know.”
Alethaine grabs Sylenn’s hand. “You have one question left!”
“Who killed you?!”
And the corpse goes silent.
“Very informative,” Ibris mutters.
“You still have to pay me!” Alethaine says. “Ask better questions next time!”
Sylenn pulls away. Everything is lost. They better run to the town and warn than the Dark Elves will probably try to attack them soon enough…
“Watch out!” Ibris yells.
A shadow detaches itself from the walls and pierces the human with its claws. Blood spills on the stones
Sylenn grabs her sword. The whole place bursts with movement. Shadows, screeching and wailing, surround them. The Dragonborn falls and Sylenn knows he is already dead.
“Oh fuck…” Sylenn mutters.
Alethaine jumps on her feet. 
“Do something!” Sylenn yells but the shadows surround Alethaine threatening to destroy the young necromancer with necrotic damage.
But instead…The claws don’t hurt her, as if she was an undead. Alethaine looks pissed and angry as if someone spilled her ale in the tavern. She pushes Sylenn away from the shadows and despite all the heavy armor, the elf feels herself thrown away like a kitten.
“OBEY” Alethaine orders. “BEGONE!”
The shadows curl around her. Sylenn thinks the creatures don’t understand why they can’t hurt the weird woman. 
Her eyes glow green. 
The last thing Sylenn remembers is the shadows running right through her.
Sylenn wakes up her head upside down. She notices a narrow pathway below her and also the fact someone is carrying her on their shoulders.
In a full heavy armor set.
“Easy money, easy money,” Alethaine mutters. “You, guys, didn’t even have loot I could scavenge! It seems like these are bad times for adventuring finances, am I right?”
Alethaine carries Sylenn as if she were a child. More than that, her sword and bow were still on her and it seemed like the necromancer couldn’t care less about the weight.
The sun still shines in the skies and Sylenn suppresses the irrational fear the girl is a vampire. 
“Since you woke up, etriel, where to go next?”
“I’m Sylenn. Don’t call me etriel, I am not a noble.”
“All right, even better! So, where?”
… Alethaine finds Sylenn’s house when it’s already dark. She opens the door with her leg and the loud slam echoes through the empty streets.
Then, the necromancer gently places the wounded fighter on the bed and stretches like a lazy cat.
“You are wounded,” Alethaine says. “Do you have bandages?”
Sylenn tries to get rid of her armor but can’t. All her body aches and she realizes she has a burning wound on her stomach.
“Stay still,” the necromancer orders and starts to unlace the straps.
“Do you know how to do it?” Sylenn wonders. “Or you only tend the dead?”
“My mother is just like you. Constantly comes home in her armor and it’s just meat and blood under it. I’ve learned to tend wounds at a very early age. Well, she doesn’t wear heavy armor - says it restrains her in a fight”
“So your mother is a berserker?”
“She prefers ‘barbarian’ but yes.”
Sylenn relaxes and allows Alethaine to bandage the wounds. Another wave of fear passes through the elf when she notices how the necromancers lick her lips at the sight of blood”
 “What are you?” Sylenn asks. 
“What do you mean?”
“You are not an elf but you look like one. Try to act like one. But you can’t lie to the elves, we know you are not one of us. So, I ask you again, Alethaine, what are you?”
Alethaine sits in the armchair looking straight into Sylenn’s eyes. The girl is so fucking pale she could have been a ghost.
Then she opens her mouth.
“What the…” Sylenn elbows. “Are you a vampire?!”
“I am a dhampir. This is much worse! I once bit my dad’s wrists and the flesh wouldn’t regenerate for a month!” Alethaine smiles. “And it’s a little bit offensive considering I saved you.”
Sylenn lies back on the bed. Dhampirs… Half-dead children of vampires. Sylenn thought they were legends.
But one of them sits in front of her. 
“I can leave,” Alethaine says. 
“Don’t be ridiculous. Stay. You’ve saved me. Be… my guest.”
It’s nice to have someone to talk to. Someone who doesn’t see a five-century-old elven warrior in her. Alethaine speaks in perfect elven and curses like a sailor. Her eyes burn as Sylenn tells her about her own adventures and about elven history. As she concentrates on the stories, her eyes glow red and she bites her right thumb.
By the morning Sylenn finally manages to get into reverie – and this one is bitter again.
Her leg is broken in two and she limps returning home. Hunting has gone wrong and she fell from the hill, snapping her delicate bones.
She mutters curses all the way back and then collapses in the armchair.
Then she realizes she isn’t alone.
Astarion, her Little Star, stands in the center of the room, arms wide open. His eyes are closed and a smile lingers on his pretty face. He is only fourteen and he still retains many of his child features, but Sylenn can already see the adult he is becoming. 
He is in the reverie, deep in his own memories – or, maybe, shadows of his past lives. Or ghosts of his future, should he inherit the prophetic gift. 
The sun showers his face in its warmth and Sylenn forgets about pain. 
Her boy, the gift from the gods. 
She just keeps looking at him. 
Until the memory fades away.
Sylenn gets up – her wounds are more or less healed. The elf feels dizzy as she goes downstairs.
And sees Alethaine cleaning the set of armor.
“Good morning, Sylenn,” Alethaine bares her fangs. “You’ve slept like a human.”
“You shouldn’t have…” 
“No worries, I don’t want to go outside. That dick of a Lathander priest is looking for me anyway. It’s not like I can't run away from a halfling but if I can keep a low profile, I should. Oh…” She looks at Sylenn. “Are you all right?”
Sylenn blinks and realizes she’s been crying. “I… am. Bad memories. And good ones.”
“I can listen if you want,” Alethaine implores.
“How old are you?” Sylenn suddenly asks. “You look rather young for an elf to be on her own.”
“I am twenty-four. I just look… smaller. Because I am a dhampir, you know.”
“Oh, I see… But we rarely let our children go when they are younger than twenty-five. Though, I let mine.”
“I was raised in a human village, and my mother is half a human…And my dad… well, that's a story for another time.”
Sylenn sits down. She rarely talks about her son but for some reason, she feels like she will die if she doesn’t tell her sorrows to that stranger. 
“I had a son. Many years ago. He was your age when I let him go and he died fifteen years later. He was my only one. I still see him when I reverie.”
“Oh,” Alethaine says. “I am sorry.”
Both elves are silent. Alethaine looks out the window.
“You know… I sometimes think that if I die, my parents will never know what happened to me. Or they will decades or centuries later.”
Sylenn bitterly smiles. “We elves think we are invincible. But we are not. Death is a rare guest among us, but there is nothing scarier than an elf burying their child. I lost my daughter when she was four, had a miscarriage – and then my son was just killed. Some clerics even thought I was cursed. Though, almost every human has been through the same shit. That corpse you were talking to is the only son of a local ruler. And he will have to bury him.”
Alethaine is silent. Her face resembles a mask and it’s difficult to decipher her emotions. 
Then the dhampir stands up and hugs Sylenn burying her face in her chest.
“I am sorry, Sylenn. I am sorry for what has happened to you,” she says and her words are sincere. Sylenn allows tears to flow down her cheeks as she strokes Alethaine’s back. 
What are her parents like, Sylenn wonders. Since she is a dhampir, one of them is a vampire. She mentioned her mother, a warrior like Sylenn. But about her father? Do vampires raise their children? Anyway, whoever was responsible for Alethaine’s upbringing did a good job. A necromancer and a dhampir, she saved Sylenn, tended her wounds, and listened to her.
Sylenn makes a mental note to mention Alethaine in her prayers next time. May her parents never have to go through what Sylenn did.
“Well, I suppose I need to flee the town,” Alethaine smiles. “I think I should go to Waterdeep. I can easily mingle with the local weirdos!”
“Thank you, Alethaine,” Sylenn smiles. “I am sorry for being rude”.
“I got used to elves staring at me as if I were a doppelganger.”
“I-I don’t have money to pay you,” Sylenn gets up. “But I want to.”
Sylenn goes to the basement. Turns off the protecting sigils and takes a small chest out of its hiding place.
“I want to give you something,” Sylenn returns to the room. She places the chest on the table and opens it.  “When my son said he would leave me with the first snow, I decided to make him a parting gift” Sylenn takes out a circlet. “But I was no artisan and I didn’t finish it. I was supposed to give it to him when he would return to receive his adult name…”
“But he never did,” Alethaine finishes. 
“I finished the circlet anyway but I had no one to give it to. I don’t have children, I will never have grandsons and granddaughters. And this thing just lies here reminding me of what I’ve lost.”
Sylenn takes the precious circlet and crowns Alethaine’s head. The circlet fits her perfectly and suits her hair. The small star is placed in the center of her forehead. 
“You can’t give it to me,” Alethaine mutters.
“I can. Take it. It’s yours. Things are made to be used. You are a beautiful young woman, wear it. Besides, I don’t think you’ve had a lot of elven adornments.”
Alethaine looks at the mirror and smiles baring her fangs. Sylenn chuckles: maybe this one is half-dead and a necromancer, but a girl is a girl.
“Thank you, Sylenn.”
“But don’t you dare sell it. If you do, I will find you,” Sylenn threatens.
“I wouldn't even think about it!”
Sylenn hugs Alethaine again. “Uluvathae, Alethaine.”
“Uluvathae, Sylenn.”
Alethaine goes outside and soon disappears in the dark.
Sylenn is alone again. Suddenly, she feels like pieces of her sadness have gone, as if Alethaine somehow took them away. Well, Sylenn isn’t old – she has centuries of life ahead.
Maybe it’s too early to bury herself.
She is going back to Evereska. Her husband, Caeldrim must have died already, he was much older than her – so she needs to pay respects to him. And then… Then she will decide what to do next.
Sylenn has the next reverie on the road to the east. She hopes it will be something neutral, something that won’t harm her soul but the memories are merciless to the elf.
Sylenn enters the library. Her mind is preoccupied with the news about Yuan-ti’s attacks on the elven settlements. Fucking serpents need to learn Tel'Quessir had been here before them and will stay when the snake become ashes. 
“Thinking of the snakes again, o’si?” Astarion asks.
He is nineteen, still an adolescent, not an adult. He reads a book on human laws and customs and bites his right thumb as it helps him to concentrate.
“Is there something about them in these books of yours?”
“No. Did you know that humans have so many laws about inheritance and burial?” Astarion flips the page. “Listen!”
Sylenn tries not to show that those things sound boring to her. History, that’s where her interests lie. But Astarion is so enchanted with all these articles and small details and many differences between the tribes and cities of humans that she listens.
At least, she can reverie to hear his voice again.
Sylenn wakes up crying again. She looks at the starry sky and sniffs.
Weird, she later thinks that the necromancer, Alethaine, was biting her right thumb the same way Astarion did centuries ago.
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y-rhywbeth2 · 2 months
In a recent ask you mentioned that Lolth isn't a part of the Faerunian pantheon, she's a goddess of the Dark Seldarine.
How do the various pantheons interact? Do gods maintain relationships with deities from other pantheons at all? Only certain ones who influence their business on Toril? Tiamat didn't like the idea of sharing Tyranny, but dragons are kind of their own thing.
On inspection, by 3.5e Tiamat had successfully joined the Faerûnian pantheon (she came to Toril as part of the Untheric pantheon, and is also part of the draconic pantheon, although Toril's resident dragons got fed up with the gods over 10,000 years ago and pointedly ignore this fact.) While she is tyrannical, she doesn't hold the portfolio of tyranny in human or draconic aspect so there's not much clash with Bane per se*, although the concept is within her domain. Her doctrine espouses that she is a freedom fighter railing against the 'real' tyrants (other gods), so she's not a god of tyranny within the Untheric or Faerûnian pantheon even though she would be if she won. (She'd be god of everything if she won).
*Tiamat didn't get along with Xvim, so one assumes she and Bane are also rivals.
Pantheons are their own spheres of influence, and as a whole are divided along geographic/cultural lines, and as groups mostly ignore each other so long as the other doesn't intrude on their territory or start pinching their worshippers, at which point things start getting tense (pantheons - particularly the demihuman pantheons - get snippy when other gods start trying to lure their mortals into their clergy or worshipping them too much, and the Mulhorandi pantheon does not care overmuch for having to share areas like Unther with the encroaching Faerûnian pantheon due to the land having such a mixture faiths that neither pantheon can claim the area is 'theirs' (and the locals are sympathetic to Tiamat's cult despite her CE ways, because she's basically the last of their original pantheon left and railing against the foreign priesthoods in their lands).
When a pantheon loses too much ground - by worshipper count, or geographic territory, or too many deities destroyed, or whatever - Ao dissolves the pantheons and the survivors have to move into other pantheons, as with the Untheric pantheon, which used to have Tiamat, Bahamut and Hoar as members. Bahamut was once Marduk, but that aspect of his died early, and Hoar used to be known as Assuran.
But pantheons don't generally seem to fight, with exceptions where one pantheon's group historically threatens the others' (Seldarine vs Dark Seldarine, Orc Pantheon vs the Seldarine and the Morndinsamman, etc).
Minority groups take their gods with them into other pantheon's territory, but it doesn't generally affect the hold of the dominant pantheon in the area (which is the way gods like it)
The peace holds on the understanding that followers of other pantheons do not attempt to proselytise or build temples and otherwise take members of that pantheon's faiths away from them while in their territories.
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Pantheons don't really seem have relationships with each other as a unit, it's more that individuals within them cultivate relationships with deities from other pantheons. By and large it seems inter-pantheon relationships are between the demihuman pantheons and the human pantheons, probably because the former don't have the worshipper numbers to hold geographic territory and they live within the latter's territory.
Pantheon membership isn't the be all and end all: While the Dark Seldarine is opposed by and to other pantheons like the Seldarine and the Morndinsamman, Eilistraee still has allies in those groups and is given exception by those allies in their opposition despite belonging to the Dark Seldarine.
Generally those with overlapping portfolios hang out. Hanali gets along with Sune and Sharindlar as other goddesses of love.
Due to the inherent magic of elves tying them to the Weave when they're on Toril, plus his position as elven god of magic, Corellon has a close working relationship with Mystra and her predecessors.
Sometimes the allyship is less because of overlapping portfolios and more to do with events and deals: Eilistraee and Mystra (the one before this one) became friends when Mystra helped Eilistraee save one of her priestesses as part of a deal to ensure the seventh Sister, Qilue Veladorn could be born.
And sometimes it's just making alliances because you both oppose some other dipshit in the political mess that is divinity.
Of course some of these deities are parts of more than one pantheon as a political middle ground:
Mielikki has an elven aspect known as Khalreshaar - the half-elven child of Hanali Celanil and Silvanus. Hlal, the dragon god of mischief, likewise has an elven aspect in Avachel. The gnome god Nebelun has kind of blurred together with/been displaced by Gond. Tymora is also part of the halfling pantheon, and sometimes they call her Shalamora and say she's actually always been a halfling goddess and Tymora the human goddess is just her playing a prank on them.
And then there are cases like Sharess, who is a fusion of the Mulhorandi goddess Bast and the elven goddess of hedonism and lust Zandilar the Dancer, born when Bast fused with Zandilar to save her from dying. Their fusion is of the Faerûnian pantheon, but these aspects are still worshipped in their original pantheons as they were.
Then there's the question of how many of these gods are aspects. During 4e it was decided that a lot of gods were actually just aspects of the Faerûnian pantheon: Sehanine Moonbow was Selûne's elven aspect, Yondalla was what the halflings knew Chauntea as. This is apparently how Ed Greenwood runs things in his own games, but in the larger scope of DnD may pose problems, because the Faerûnian pantheon is really tied to Toril and does not span the Planes and the demihuman pantheons often do. 3.5e on the other hand places the demihuman pantheons in the immigrant deity category rather than the native deity category Selûne and Chauntea belong to, so whatever I guess.
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lazysload · 2 months
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Thanks to author @eeldritchblast for the detailed and authentic game character sheet template. Link to the template. From myself, I only added the character voice paragraph because it's important to me :D
Loa can't be older than 135 years old. Time of Troubles took place in 1358, the events of BG3 take place in 1493. My guess is that she's about 87 years old.
Loa is a shortened form of Lo'larox, the name given by her drow foster parents. But she doesn't remember it after the lobotomy, and I'm afraid she never will. And I've never mentioned it before. Names are a problem for me, yes. In board games, I'm used to the shortened form of a name having to be no more than 4 letters.
Gale and she had professional conflicts over who was the better wizard or sorcerer. I was just thinking of Qara and Sand from NWN2. With Halsin, Loa has an incompatible worldview. She's still close to the philosophy of the gods of death to understand people like him. I think Loa should be able to have a lot of common topics of conversation with Nameless One. What can change the nature of a man?
Cassima is a star in the Forgotten Realms universe. Also known as the Bird of Paradise, or the Phoenix. Although elvish in origin, humans have also adopted the story of Cassima, a young maiden who was held to be an evil witch and burned at the stake. Before she dies, a god (Hanali Celanil to the elves, most often Selune or Lliira to humans) reaches out and transforms her into a Phoenix, a bird of flame, whereupon she rises up and joins the goddess in the heavens. This strongly echoes the full form of the name Loa. Also, my first selunite char for the Curse of Strahd campaign is named after this star.
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orfeolookback · 1 year
Priests of Hanali must be the sexiest people in fantasy. this is why I made Ori a priest of Hanali in the Forgotten Realms setting ☝🏼😊
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tadbitfooled · 3 months
I wish to discuss gods and my muses' relations to them. In Toril, religion is an intricate part of the culture, as the gods are proven to be real and can directly affect life on the planet. The relationship between mortals and the gods seems to be very transactional, so we'll do a quick post about how my muses relate to the gods.
Brinus - Obviously, in Menzoberranzan, he has to exonerate Lolth, but he also favors Kiaransalee, the Dark Seldarine goddess of undead, necromancy and vengeance. He feels a sort of kinship with her, at times, so makes sure to include Kiaransalee in his prayers while keeping on the appearance of a Lolth follower for social clout.
Briza - The Jaelre family was exiled for exonerating Vhaeraun and the family keeps up the expected faith, but Briza doesn't feel much connection with Vhaeraun. She has very little religious connection and does what's expected of her but not more. Perhaps, in time, she could find a god more connected with her own life.
Durante - Durante, being the grandson of Mephistopheles, has a rough relationship with anything religious. He has no main deity, but he tends to pray to Sune, Lathander, and Beshada. The former two for artistic inspiration and the latter to save himself from further misfortune.
Frits - As a wizard, obviously he worships Mystra but also the other magical gods as well, such as Azuth and Savras. He also at times will pray to Deneir, as his field research relates to the god's desire to write knowledge down.
Gwenifar - as a cleric of Ilmater, she exonerates Ilmater and Ilmater alone. It's been pointed out by various religious figures that she has a special connection with the god, perhaps from the encounter in her youth and her deal she made to save her sister. It's known she has a strong blessing from him and his favor, but perhaps not at the level of a Chosen due to Ao's decree. Gwen does view it as a transactional set up and feels Ilmater fits her personal views best, plus he was the one who helped when others wouldn't.
Talilah - Follows the Seldarine pantheon, with prayers to Corellon Larethian, Erevan Ilesere, and Melira Taralen most of the time. It's an integral part of her life, for sure, but not something that she views as something that controls her. Just something that's there and part of her, like for a lot of other high elves.
Tavinkas - He's a bhaalspawn so before this, well, it was Bhaal. He was Bhaal's chosen. But after the game, it's Jergal, although Tavinkas would love to step away from death and perhaps, maybe eventually something less bleak.
Camp Followers
Anatol - he's a cleric of Lathander. That's who he prays to, who he focuses on, and he is very much wrapped up in his duties as a cleric and wanting to be heroic (I would've made him a paladin but that's old DND. Maybe I'll multiclass him). He is definitely a little bit obnoxious about it.
Kyrirthlila - follows the Seldarine pantheon, with special attention to Erevan Ilesere and Sehanine Moonbow. She does take her worship seriously, oddly enough compared to how she normally is about authority. But she views it more as working a deal with them, and feels like they're the ones who listen when she needs aid.
Arakhivaen - Big follower of the Seldarine pantheon. Obviously with attention to Corellon Larethian but also to Hanali Celanil. He is very devote in his worship, given the whole set up for elves and their pantheon.
Ingeleif - As one of Mystra's chosen, he has a very intimate relationship with the goddess and has for some time. His own skill eventually drew her attention as she needed to grow her power base and she gave him a years long trial to prove his worth. Having proven his worth, he now exonerates her and does her bidding as she wishes.
Klaudius - he is a truescar and high priest of Loviatar. He was raised Loviatan and happily embraced it, taking it even farther than his own parents did. He takes great pleasure in spreading pain as Loviatar requires and only wishes pain and anguish to flow through all of Toril.
Family of Canon Characters
Aella - Oghma and Milil, the deities over bards. Aella is very serious in her practice and will take any insult to either deity as a personal insult. It's an important part of her life and she respects both of these gods and their work.
Arzan - The Seldarine pantheon, with attention given to Solonor Thelandria, as he hunts vampires so he needs the favor of the god of hunting. He prays to the others, of course, but Solonor gets the most attention.
Chiela - a cleric of Sehahine Moonbow, that's who Chiela focuses her worship on. She is very studious in her work and feels Sehanine is the best suited for her and views the relationship as bit of a partnership between them.
Perun - Tymora, the goddess of good fortune. Being an adventure, he knows he needs as much good fortune as he can get. You can't pay him to pray to Mystra, even though people tried when he was a youth.
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caressofsharess · 11 months
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* worship me : a depiction of the demigod ‘sharess’ from baldur’s gate 3 and forgotten realms lore, penned by nyx [ she / they, 30 ]. please only interact if you are 21+, as this blog will contain mature content. info beneath the cut is pulled from a wiki, but i will be adding my own lore and headcanons into the mix. this is a sideblog, all likes and follows will be coming from @infernalbarbarian.
about. sharess ( pronounced: SHAH-ress ) known in the Mulhorandi pantheon as Bast, was the Faerûnian goddess of festhalls, hedonism, and sensual fulfillment. Passionate and willful, The Dancing Lady had the independent and hedonistic temperament of a feline, and encouraged her followers to spread pleasure to all. Sharess was an innate flirt and loved toying around with beautiful mortals; once she had her fill, she swiftly moved on to other sources of pleasure.
As Bast, she opposed the evil Set along with the other good-aligned gods of that nation. She had a close relationship with Nobanion, who shared her interest in felines, though Sharess did as much to annoy him as she did to entice him. She also had a romantic relationship with Anhur, though their opinion of each other varied wildly from absolute love to indifference depending on how many fights they had. As Sharess, she was an ally of Selûne, Sune, Milil, Hanali Celanil, and Lliira, and she opposed both Loviatar and Shar, the latter of which never forgot that Sharess escaped from her clutches.
The Church of Sharess was of casual nature, and her clergy were responsible for the running of many festhalls found throughout large cities in Faerûn. These festhalls sought to indulge every pleasure imaginable. Privately owned festhalls usually employed at least one or two Sharessan clerics. These festhalls cater to all the senses and include fantastic feasts, heavenly baths and massages, and every other pleasure imaginable. Wealthy festhalls often employ one or two mid-level Sharessan, and some Sharessan wander the countryside with Sharess’s blessing seeking new pleasing sensations to add to their repertoire.
The Church of Sharess probably celebrated the most festivals out of all the faiths of Faerûn. These revels were known collectively as the Endless Revels of Life. Even daily events, such as the rising and setting of the sun, presented a chance for Sharessans to revel. Their most beloved festival was the Midsummer's Eve festival, where the pursuit of pleasure had no boundary.
Sharess didn't have any orders as such, but a group of werecats devoted to both her and Selûne, and calling themselves the Eyes of the Evening, hunted down Sharran cultists on nights of the full moon.
Sharess was originally known as Bast, a Mulhorandi power who was the patroness of cats, and Anhur's lieutenant. During the Second Mulhorandi Empire (beginning −1048 DR), she subsumed the portfolio of Felidae, a beast cult deity of felines, nomads, and sensual pleasure. Struck by wanderlust, Bast traveled across Faerûn leaving many cults in her wake. During these travels, she also subsumed the divinity of Zandilar the Dancer, a goddess of the Yuir elves, gaining that goddess' portfolio of intense passionate love.
After Myth Drannor fell, she began to experiment with the darker side of pleasure and fell under the sway of Shar, and became known as Sharess. During the Time of Troubles, Sune freed Sharess from Shar's influence, when the latter tried to assassinate Sharess, as she had Ibrandul due to her reluctance to be completely dominated by the goddess of shadow. Sune doused Sharess with a chalice filled with waters from Arvandor's Evergold that restored Sharess' beauty and willpower, giving her the will and the edge to rebel against her mistress.
After that, Sharess spent much of her time in Arvandor, frolicking and pursuing pleasure in all of its forms, despite the warnings of her deific allies and the offers made by Shar, and guarding herself from Loviatar.
dossier. current name. sharess. previous name. bast. title(s): the dancing lady, the festhall madam, the lustful mistress, feline of felicity, succubus of sensation, mother of cats, foe of set. power level. demigod. alignment. chaotic good. status. immortal. symbol. cats. appearance. normally, she appears as a beautiful, maturely aged human, mortal female, around mid to late forties. the hair changes from dark to light, whatever she’s really feeling in the moment, really. the only thing separating her from mortal humans is her golden cat eyes. in her true form, her body looks about the same, same full curves, stunning figure. but she has the head of a black cat, same golden eyes. she stands at 5’9”. personality. sharess adores being around mortals, for the most part. she enjoys experiencing all of the big emotions. she lives for their lust, their greed, their gluttony, their sin, their joy, their deepest pleasures. you can find her crashing big celebrations to bless it with her presence, spreading ecstasy and delight throughout. she’s quite charming, and easily excitable, a shameless flirt — she will flirt with anyone and anything.
baldur’s gate 3. so this part is still being fleshed out, but for plotting purposes, i figure sharess will be one of the characters you can have help you in your fight against the elder brain and she hangs around your camp like isobel and dame aylin.
headcanons. one. in a fight, claw bracers are her weapons of choice. she can manipulate peoples’ emotions and can lower multiple enemies armor class at once, and make concentrating on spells almost impossible. she’s good at weakening defenses. she can also teleport in short, fast bursts, and her dexterity score is unbelievably high. incredibly fast, nimble and flexible.
two. she greets all mortals she meets with a tender kiss on the lips or the forehead, not in a sexual manner, just because she loves mortals so much, she finds them to be adorable and fascinating and she wants to bless each and every once of them with her influence.
three. after centuries of enslavement by the lady of darkness, every ounce of her own once unbreakable will siphoned and replaced only by pain, a thing once curiously pleasurable quickly became her nightmare. her prison. no more pleasure, no more bliss, only darkness and agony. after her escape, shar sent armies of sharran cultists throughout faerûn to hunt her down, forcing the demigod to abandon the realms she adored so very much. she retaliated by growing her own army, her own cult— orders of werecats throughout faerûn would gather in packs, hunt and kill any sharran cultists on sight in sharress’ name during each and every full moon.
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orfeoarte · 7 months
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Here’s Saros btw, you can tell me if the vibes are off or not but yeah pure aesthetic I want to squish him together with Ori
They can be the facial scar + one odd eye and pinned back hair duo, absolutely. Do tell me a bit about him. Ori as a priest would probably have some concerns about Saros's pact.
How would Saros react to a priest of Hanali Celanil? Someone who's adorned head to toe in gold trinkets and smiles at the beauty of the world, trying to keep a bright outlook even in the face of the tadpole?
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sparklebeamx · 2 months
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Revenge >:D
Claira Aestra Hanali-rezza[AF,Twitter]
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lawful-evil-novelist · 5 months
It occurs to me that I mentioned the Dream Visitors in Through Shadow take the form of someone the infected person trusts and I wanna give a few I actually have settled on to see if any of these are of interest to you guys:
Zaknafein: Azudonna
Briza: Abel (a human monk of Ilmater)
Nalfein: Jarlaxle
Vierna: Loch (a hexblood cleric of Hanali Celanil)
Dinin: Morgan (an avariel sorcerer)
Maya: Artemis Entreri
Drizzt: Catti-brie
Minthara: Quenthel Baenre
Shadowheart: Mithra Pashar (a half-elf cleric she saw often in the Cloister of Sombre Embrace, she has spoken to him but doesn't know his name, he is not a Sharran)
Karlach: Bel
Lae'zel: Vaira (a gish raised in the same creche)
Presently Unknown: Astarion, Gale, Wyll
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thelongestwalk · 1 year
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various quick sketches/wips of my player’s characters from one of my current campaigns - ‘Death on the Nyad’s Delight’. I love DM’ing so much and I love my players even more! Six strangers, three murders, 15 days until the river cruise docks at their destination: can they solve the case and make it off the Nyad’s Delight in time?
the investigators/suspects, left to right: Heiress Elenir Pilton, Haunted Miss Roki Roki, Con-man Samir Hanali, Hunter Mahledall Wingstrong, Socialite Ms Flanella Dooby and PI Heather Anspiria
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