#hands under my chin tehe
murdrdocs · 9 months
hey celeseiekins 😋🐞
omg hey jujikins what brings u here today
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rosedtae · 2 years
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—PAIRING: Jungkook x reader
—GENRE: fluff, established relationship
—SUMMARY: Jungkook always knows how to make your grumpy ass feel better.
—WARNING: clingy couple shit <3 (oc is angwy), lots of skinship , KiSsInG
—A/N: More clinginess tehee, cuz if u can’t get it irl you imagine a fake scenario out of it. I’m too tired to edit this so…
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There are some days when you just feel too sulky to even get up from bed, and today is definitely one of them. You usually love rainy days but not today. The gloomy weather is not helping your already gloomy mood. And why is that? Well for starters you woke up and your boobs were aching. You tried very hard to not let it ruin your Sunday but then you found out that your boyfriend ate your donut.
That was it for you. The last donut that you thought you'd eat happily in the morning after breakfast was now eaten by your boyfriend (And it was your favourite salted caramel donut). The look that you gave your boyfriend after closing the fridge made him realize that he was in trouble. You are not usually dramatic but all you wanted to do was eat your damn donut. So in the end you ended up crying-yelling at him, yeah eat all my damn donuts you muscle pig, were your exact words.
And now that you are sulking in your bed - watching a rom-com where the couple is kissing in the rain, while it is actually raining outside as well, do you realize that fighting with your boyfriend wasn’t a great idea. Now that your anger has dissipated, you acknowledge your mistake. You shouldn’t have yelled at him. And now you are thinking about his doe eyes, how he said he was sorry for eating the donut. All you want to do now is kiss that cute boyfriend of yours in the rain. 
Why did you have to yell at him like that? “agh,” you groan before getting up from the bed to go to Jungkook. Your heart feels heavy and apologetic but your mood is still not that good yet.
Jungkook is sitting on the snuggle chair, looking perfectly cuddleable as he scrolls through his phone. You clear your throat to get his attention, but he keeps his focus on his phone. His audacity to basically ignore you makes you huff; forgetting why you were there in the first place you walk up to his chair (stomping dramatically). Jungkook finally notices you standing right in front of him; he looks at you with his doe eyes, offering you a smile. But you only pout in return, crossing your arms. You open his arms, sitting on him sideways before resting your head on his chest. He wraps his arm under your legs to pull you closer. 
“What’s wrong baby?” he places a feather-light kiss on your eyelid, cradling you lightly. “Your phone is taking my share of your attention,” you mumble, not making eye contact with him. Jungkook giggles at neediness - making his warm chest vibe rate under your ear. “My baby wants attention,” he coos, not being able to stop smiling. He loves it when you get needy.
“I want you,” your arms wrap around his torso to snuggle your face in his chest.“You already have me,” he replies in his soft warm voice, tugging a stray strand of hair behind your ear. “Closer,” you whine. 
You untangle yourself from his arms, looking at him while you think deeply. Jungkook raises his eyebrows in question, opening his arms and urging you to come back. “This won’t do,” you think out loud as you place your hands on top of his shoulders to change your position. 
Your legs now straddle his lap, resting your chin on his shoulder as you let him hug you back. His arms wrapped around you fills your body with warmth, causing you to sigh in relief. “Better?” He asks, pecking your neck.
 “Not close enough but this will have to do,” you relax your body in his arms - finally feeling comfortable after a long day. “And I’m sorry I yelled at you earlier,” you play with the fabric of his white sweatshirt. “I didn’t mean it, babe, you can eat all my donuts,” you place small kisses on his neck and shoulder as an apology.
Jungkook giggles, clearly enjoying the affection as he traces patterns on your back, “it’s okay baby, I think it’s because you are pmsing.” 
Your first reaction was that of irritation but now that you think about it, your date is coming soon right? “Hold onto me,” you say before leaning back to grab your phone from the coffee table, Jungkook immediately holds your waist. “Umm yeah, I’m getting my periods in two days,” you reply after checking it on your phone. 
Jungkook gives you a triumphant smile in return. “Whatever, you are pissing me off again,” you snuggle back in his neck. It’s not the first time that this has happened. He somehow finds it out even before you pay any attention to it. He’s like your own human-menstrual-cycle log book. “How do you know it each time?” You ask curiously. “Well let’s see,” he points his fingers out, “your stomach was aching recently, you also mentioned your boobs hurting, you were being grumpy and moody-“
“Okay okay I get it,” you cut him off. You play with the hair on the nape of his neck, smiling at how much attention he pays to you. “I just know you like the lyrics of my favourite song,” he winks.“Where’s my best boyfriend of the year award,” he flips his hair. “Yeah sure,” you huff sarcastically, not willing to stroke his ego.
You lean back to place your phone back on the table. Your sweater rides up in the process, causing Jungkook’s hand to brush against your bare waist. A small giggle escapes your lips at his ticklish touch. 
He notices your reaction and you can clearly see the smirk curling up his lips. You squint your eyes, giving him a questioning look. Before you could even ask, his hands start lifting your sweater to tickle you. “Omg babe~” you whine squirming on his lap as he tickles you mercilessly. “Stop, Jungkook,” your eyes start watering from laughing too much.
 “Say I’m the best boyfriend ever.”
“Omg you are the best boyfriend ever,” you try to speak between your giggles. “There you go,” he finally stops after you literally start kicking around. Your hands rest on his shoulder as you take deep breaths to calm yourself. And suddenly you notice the proximity of your lips. His plump lips are just begging to be kissed. You look up at his eyes before looking back at his lips, leaning in for a kiss. 
“Umph,” you groan as Jungkook throws you over his shoulder instead of giving you a kiss. At this point you are not even surprised; he just loves throwing you over his shoulder to carry you around.
 You lift your head up to see where he’s taking you. “Jungkook, it's raining outside,” you say as soon as you see him stepping outside the sliding door. 
“And?” He slides the door close behind him before stepping into the rain. 
You yelp as soon as the cold raindrops fall on your body. Jungkook slides your body down, placing his hands under your arse as you wrap your legs around him. “Put me down?” you ask softly, pouting a little. “Cute,” he gives you his signature bunny smile, placing a kiss on your nose before letting you stand on your own. You look up at him, gazing deep into your eyes. And all of a sudden you find it hard to maintain eye contact. Your cheeks start heating, feeling shy because of his gaze. 
Jungkook finds it all too sweet. He knows that look, the one where you look at him through your eyelashes while a smile starts creeping up your lips slowly until it lifts the apples of your cheeks, making you all shy. Damn, he adores that look. 
Your hands cover your face as try to hide in his chest, but he stops you from doing so. “Baby, are you feeling shy,” he slowly pulls your hand down to see your face. “Aww my baby’s all flustered,” he teases you. “Aghh, shut up it’s your fault,” you smack his chest playfully. “Mhmm, and how’s that?” he gives you that look again. That intense ‘oh I’m so in love with you’ look with a glint of playfulness. Does he know how dangerous that look is? 
You try to run away from his teasing but he grabs your wrist, stopping you. He pulls you back, caging you in a back hug, “you don’t wanna get tickle attacked again, do you?” 
“No,” you reply, already giggling. “Then don’t run away from me,” he places a kiss under your ear, making your wet body squirm. 
You turn around to face him. His hands cup your face, caressing your cheek with his thumb. He leans in and your eyes automatically close - his musky scent and the smell of rain blessing your nose. He tilts his head, brushing your nose with his as his lips hover your yours. You try to close the gap as the heat in your body reaches its peak. A soft chuckle escapes his lips before you feel the weight of his soft lips against yours. The cold metal of his lip ring placates the heat but makes you feel hotter at the same time. Your tongue licks his bottom lip to play with his ring but he opens his mouth deepening the kiss. You moan into the kiss, placing your hands on his chest. The kiss is deep, slow, and sensual. The rainfall only makes it more romantic as your wet bodies cling together. A really good cure for your mood swings. You finally break the kiss to breathe.
Jungkook brushes his thumb over your wet swollen lips before giving you another peck. You sneeze when a wave of cold wind hits you. Jungkook wraps his arms around you to give you his warmth.
“Let’s take a shower and change before you catch a cold.”
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Tagging: @koostarcandy
・゚: *・゚:* *:・゚*:・゚・゚: *・゚:* *:・゚*:・゚・゚: ・゚: *・゚:* *:・゚* ゚* ・゚: *・゚:* *:・゚
Tell me your thots♡ about this chapter, so I know y’all aren’t just a bunch of bots >:)
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dokifluffs · 3 years
You’re Safe | Sakusa Kiyoomi
Pairing: Kiyoomi X Reader (female) 
Genre: MAFIA!AU, dad and husbando tehe, fluffy, action? thriller??
Author’s Note: mafia 🤝 protective 🤝 domestic father figure 🤝 SAKUSA
Warnings: k*lling, blood, vivid imagery, LONG, language
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gif from @rivaillerose​ 🖤
“Y/N,” a husky voice spoke your name, pulling you from your much needed rest as life of being a new mother had been challenging though so far, it wasn’t anything you couldn’t handle
“Y/N, darling.”
You groaned in your sleep, not wanting to wake, to leave the warmth that you were so comfortable laying in
The edge of the bed shifted as a weight sat down beside you, making your body move toward the person
You brought yourself to open your eyes as heavy as they were, your vision clearing to find your husband sat beside you, his mask pulled down to his chin
The room was gloomy and gray though the curtains were open, not a bit of sunlight shining through as he looked down to you with gentle eyes
Despite his softer side with you, he was still the head of the clan - and his appearance matched him as well
He donned a black wool overcoat with the same colored turtleneck and mask
“What is it, Omi?” You asked sleepily as he cupped your cheek with his black gloved hand
His black gloves were always an accessory he had on him, whether he was wearing them or not
He had a thing with germs but he also saw no need to get his hands dirty when his men were always there to do the job for him
You nuzzled your face into his touch, very tempted to fall asleep holding him close but as your mind woke up more and more, you remembered what today was
What he had to do, where he had to go
“I’m leaving soon.. I’ll be back in a few days..” he whispered as he moved a strand of your hair from your face
You wanted to pretend you didn’t hear these words, that he never told you he had to leave or when he did
A part of you wished he left without telling you but an even greater part was so grateful that he woke you
“Do you really have to go again?” You squeezed his gloved hand as you sat yourself up straighter
“You know how my father is... He wants to make sure things are... under control.. I promise I’ll be back in two days.”
The way he spoke, the words fell so effortlessly from those lips, his voice low and cutting through the space yet he spoke at a volume as if he was telling you a great secret
“You said that last time and he kept you with him for a couple weeks...” you thought back to that time
You were seven months pregnant, almost eight, at the time and it was like he fell off the face of the earth
You couldn’t go anywhere or do anything but reside in the manor and you couldn’t even talk to him
You were alone again
“Don’t go...”
the nights in bed alone, the cramps, emotional rollercoasters, motion sickness, nausea
You at least wished he could have called you
The nightmares you had, the worst case scenarios playing in your head until you woke up with tears streaming down your face, only for you to cry yourself silently back to sleep as fear pooled and plagued you from within
He could see the sadness in your eyes and he could remember vividly the mental torture he was put under
No communication to you and all he could at most to see you was through the hidden cameras all connected to his phone  
Even checking in on you had to be done in secret, all to make sure that he was strong enough to continue on the family business even if he had to lose you or be away for unpredictable amounts of time
It was unbearable then and it was still unbearable now
He never asked to grow up into the business of the underworld, let alone take it over from his father at the prime age of 20 four years ago
He never wanted your life to be taken away when you two had already been together when he was recruited
“I’m sorry, darling, but you know I have to,” he sighed. “You know how my father is.” He cupped your cheek and kissed your temple then lips before he stood
“Am I going to lose you?” Your voice broke the silence, breaking through the white sound of the downpour outside
But you had stopped your question early
“Am I going to lose you today? Tomorrow? One day?”
He stood frozen in his place before he could reach for the knob
“No, Y/N. You won’t.” His eyes paused for a bit on you as he thought about his response, the fatigue of being a mother was already showing. “I’ll be able to call you this time and I’m the head now. The only title my father has to me now is father.”
“You won’t.” He stepped back over to you leaned down to kiss you again. “Not today at least…”
“I’ll call you at supper time, darling. Have a good day.”
You did your best to hold onto his hand as long as you could, to remember his touch, his voice, his scent, the way he looked before he walked out those doors
Because some days or nights, you never truly know if you would ever see him again
And it terrified you
The sound of the rain only seemed to get more intense now that he was gone and you were here
But now your day was beginning now that you were awake
You slipped out of the king sized bed, leaving the warmth you had slept in as the soft carpet at your feet, your toes sinking into the fibers
Brushing your teeth, showering in the grand bathroom of the manor, it was a life you surely never expected but here you were
Kiyoomi’s father and his entire family had built their name from nothing to the global known corporation that it was today
You dried your body off, finding what to wear today through the walk in closet and once that was found, it was breakfast
“Good morning, madam, shall I bring you your breakfast to the master suite?” Your right hand maid had greeted you as you stepped out as she carried the laundry with her
“Oh, thank you, Olivia, but I’ll head down to the kitchen after waking D/N,” you smiled to the older maid that had worked for the Sakusa family for decades
All the staff that worked and lived in the estates on the property outside of the manor were trained security, men and women, whose jobs were to protect the main family, to serve them, and to keep others who would pose a threat away and out, even if it meant killing them
But you always tried not to think or wonder about how many people these staff have killed or beat up or anything whenever you interacted with them, especially when they greeted you with a smile
They were there to protect you and to make sure that nothing and no would would ever harm your life
You stepped into the nursery, the wide room decorated with warm lights and stuffed animals, some more than twice the size of your daughter
“Hi,” you smiled so brightly seeing your baby’s eyes already open, looking up to you as she sat in her crib, holding onto her blankie. “Good morning precious,” you lowered the front gate of the crib so you could kneel down to her level
Sakusa sat in the limousine as he watched the scene of you and your daughter in the nursery, wishing he could just turn the car around and to stay home
Things were in balance, he knew this already but his father’s orders were orders he still had to respect
He clicked off his phone, tucking the device into his pocket as he was to be in the car for quite a bit of time before he would get to his father’s
The biggest smile spread on her face as she laughed seeing you, her bubbliness seeming to make all the gloominess disappear
“Let’s get you changed~” you chimed as you lifted the baby girl into your arms, getting a whiff of her heavy diaper and finding an outfit for her day 
“Olivia?” You called into the custom intercom by the nursery’s closet, though there was practically one in every room
“Yes, madam?”
“Sorry for troubling you, but could you actually bring breakfast for D/N and I up to the upstairs loft? You could even send it up the dumbwaiter and that’s fine too.”
“Of course, would you like the usual?”
“Yes please, thank you.”
You carried your little girl toward the upstairs loft, one of your favorite areas of the house since it was significantly smaller - well almost - than the living room downstairs
The loft didn’t extend all the way downstairs like how the ground floor’s living room ceiling extended to the second floor
More than ten thousand square feet of property, more rooms in the manor than you knew what to do with them
Four guest bedrooms with full bathrooms, a grand study and two story “little” library, two main bedrooms in addition to the master bedroom and a nursery
So much space, all sorts of technologies, gadgets and gizmos of all sorts in the house
All the systems in the house was made by the Sakusa corporation to ensure security
This even included your and Kiyoomi’s custom made phones
There was also the basement- all sorts of fun activities to be done: a pool, pool table, living room area that opened up to the backyard with the bar and barbecue, the fire pit
and finally, there was the cellar that was the only place Kiyoomi had requested that you never go - and you never did 
You knew that look in his eye, that tone of voice and you knew he had requested this for your best
And most importantly, there were three safe rooms, all three upstairs with hidden entryways to protect you, official guests, and anyone in the family
Before you knew it, Olivia had made her way upstairs with the breakfast as you played with your daughter in the loft, bouncing her on your lap sat on the wide couch
The loft was brightly lit and open, toys of all types for your daughter to play with as the TV played the morning kids show
As filled as the house was with the special staff and things to do, it still felt so lonely and empty as you sat there
You had tried to chat and converse with them but they never loosened up, always keeping all the formalities but it was never any use
The storm outside seemed to be getting worse as your eyes gazed to the horizon, spotting the trees at the edge of the estate where all their branches had been swaying in the wind, the paler, underside of their leaves revealed
Thunder began to rumble in the distance with the occasional flash of lightning but both unbothered your daughter and you as the two of you remained in the loft  
You watched as she rolled about on a blanket, playing with her stuffed animals and the other interactive toys that played music to keep her entertained while you watched the TV, finding nothing remotely as entertaining to watch
But just before you could change the channel to yet another disappointing channel, your attention was pulled to your phone vibrating beside you, your eyes lighting up as you saw the caller ID
“You seem so bored,” Kiyoomi’s deep voice sounded through the phone but he spoke the truth
You were tired and bored but you didn’t want to sleep - it would only make you unable to sleep later tonight anyways
“I am,” you sighed as you muted the TV. “How far out have you gone?”
“Actually, not too far. Only about half an hour since there was a major accident on the highway so we had to take a detour. But traffic is terrible so we were stuck for quite a bit before we could actually exit,” Sakusa almost groaned thinking about the terrible accident
How he was stuck in a single place for practically twenty minutes
“Wow, do you know what happened?”
“Well there was a…” his voice drowned out in your ears as you could hear something that didn’t sound like rain or thunder - they were too distinctly different
Loud bangs echoed in the distance, bringing your attention elsewhere though all you could look was outside the wall window to the dark skies  
But you couldn’t see anything except the normal background of the property but it was just silent again with the white noise of rain washing down the glass, followed by thunder and a flash of lightning as the storm brewed closer and closer
“I’m sorry what? I missed what you said... I think I heard… something weird..” you spoke as you looked outside the windows that looked to the back of the property
You could hear echoes of movement downstairs, the bustling business of the special staff in the house but it sounded standard... or so you thought
“What did you hear?”
“..I don’t know.. maybe it was the storm and I’m just distracted...” you smiled into the phone as you spoke while your daughter happily crawled to you, laying her head on your legs, her puffy cheeks round as ever
“Well, you two were my only source of entertainment so far this trip,” the corner of his lips curled as he picked off small specks off his suit
“That makes one… of us-“ your thought died out in a matter of seconds
You heard louder, clearer bangs while the staff that had been stationed with you just outside the loft talked over their ear coms to another elsewhere
Before you could continue your sentence or call, the bangs only got louder and your body reacted faster than you could say or think
Clear gunshots began firing at the front entrance, echoing off the high walls and ceilings of the manor while the staff worked on securing the doors and all other entrances and possible ones
“Y/N?” Sakusa could only hear the subtle commotion happening but it was clear you weren’t on the phone. “Shit shit shit..” he stayed on the line as he changed to the security cameras he had access to he used to watch you and your guys’ daughter
Looking through the camera surveillance, he caught a glimpse of you disappearing with your phone in hand while your arms carried your daughter as you disappeared toward the bedroom
“Turn back now,” Kiyoomi howled as his driver did just that, not wasting a single second
You ran into the master suite’s walk in closet that led to the entryway of one of the safe rooms, your baby girl in your arms as she held on to you  her whines already beginning before they would turn into cries
“Shh, it’s okay, baby, mama’s gonna protect you,” you smiled, whispering, your voice already shaky, lips trembling as you pressed a little kiss to the top of her head. “Even if it costs my life, precious.”
You moved, leaving the master suite and stayed low as you walked across the “bridge” that connected the loft to the other half of the house
Peeking down, you could hear groans of agony, puddles and splashes of of blood on the floor and walls, empty bullet shells on the ground, shards of glass and broken windows
“Search the house, find that bitch,” a deep voice yelled through the manor as for the first time since the loud bangs happened, it sounded so still, like any normal rainy day
But this was far from normal
You crawled across the marble flooring toward the library
There wasn’t any safe room here but the safe rooms were sure to be where they would look, whoever they were
They were able to get through the security, it seemed like the staff was dead
You silently stood as they scoured the lower levels - you could hear them and all the destruction they were havocking
The cars outside the window blurred into mere colors that passed as the limousine sped through the roads back towards the manor
To save time, they went toward the back roads — it was just the slightest bit longer but time could be shaved down since there were no cars anywhere
“Step on it!” Sakusa commanded as his men readied themselves. “Call in Unit 0,” he demanded as he kept his eyes on the cameras, trying to find you yet he couldn’t see you in the master suite’s safe room
Unit 0 being one of the few very highly trained professional assassins and killers who were at the disposal of the Sakusa family whenever needed
He scoured through the cameras, not even caring about all the destruction being done, all he needed to see was where you and your daughter were
You carefully entered the library, shutting the door behind you as you walked over the wooden floors carefully
Every step made your palms sweaty but your heart stopped after hearing a loud creak in the old floors
The worst part was that there was no way to lock the doors
outside of the door, you couldn’t hear too much but you could still clearly hear the storm as a great big window stretched from the floor to ceiling so all the lighting in here was natural
There was something about the walls surrounding the library that made it sound proof in a sense
You constantly bounced your baby girl in your arms to keep her calm as you tried to get a look outside as you approached one of the corners toward the window
“Search upstairs,” one of the men demanded as a handful of men ran upstairs. “Find her.”
The scoured through all the rooms, flipping every room apart, destroying things, tearing the curtains off, flipping the beds, wrecking the nursery
You peeked out the window that faced the front of the manor yet all you could see were broken things and to your horror, more lifeless bodies of the manor’s staff
But before you could look out any longer, a large rock was launched at the window, breaking the glass, shattering it
Your baby girl let out a loud cry in fear, making your heart drop
“No, D/N, shhhh, please, it’ll be okay, we’ll be okay.” You quickly pulled open the latch to the library’s hidden passage where the door was one of the bookcases
As soon as you closed the bookcase, you heard the door to the library burst open
Several men, guns ready
You scanned your finger print for the room to be safely locked however it wouldn’t let you. All you could do to make sure the room was locked was to see your body to keep the door shut and still
They walked through the wide open doorway to the library scanning the two open floors that was connected by two black steel staircases that wound their way up and down, connecting the two floors
“Shh, please,” you whimpered to your daughter as she cried into your chest as you stayed by the passage’s door so you could look out the peephole
They pulled books off the shelves, throwing them from the second level to the first, knocking the paintings off the walls, ripping them by sliding their knives through the canvas’, kicking them, breaking the frames
The ground shook as you heard a a loud boom, making you jump in your spot, the ground rumbling and shaking below where you sat
It sounded like a bomb went off on the lower level but you assumed it was the cars in the garage since you could hear the repeating alarm sounding off
Your daughters cries began to start back up at the loud noise, as you did your best to shush her
“Shhh, it’s okay,” you whispered to her as you wiped her tears, keeping her face to your chest as you stroked your trembling hand down her back as tears trickled down your cheeks and dripped off your chin
The limousine slid on the gravel outside the manor as Sakusa’s men sprang to action from the vehicle
Kiyoomi stayed in his seat, continuously scouring through the cameras but you were yet to be found
He couldn’t find a single trace of you
His men, as well as unit 0, entered through the blown open entrance, broken shards of glass crunching beneath their steps as they surrounded the estate the best they could, splitting up to eliminate the intruders
“Where are you, Y/N?” His heart hammered in his chest as he desperately tried to find you yet nothing
But before he could look any further, his heart dropped seeing the red system failure message. Whoever these people were, they were impressive, but not fast enough
Kiyoomi now meant business now that he had no access to actually see if you were okay
He ran out of the limousine as gunshots could be heard all throughout the house as half his men made their way to the upper level while the other half wiped out the intruders on the lower level
He followed behind unit 0, making their way upstairs
He clung onto his gun tightly in his hand, finger ready on the trigger as he barged into the master suite, firing two bullets into the chest and head of a large man as he was pillaging the closets
All the precious jewelry he bought for you were now stained in the pool of the filthy blood of the man who had the audacity to enter the premises
His heart almost dropped seeing him in the closet in the first place but it didn’t seem like the man noticed the entrance to the safe room behind the clothes on the hangers
As he pushed the luxurious wardrobe aside opening the door and to his fear, you were nowhere to be seen
More gunshots sounded off, echoing through the halls, sounding off the walls
He couldn’t focus, his thoughts incoherent, unfinished sentences running in his head as he just ran, killing those in his way to find you
A gun war was going off throughout the library as Sakusa’s men fired at the intruders on both levels but they had great firepower too
Both sides hid behind the marble pillars, the different bookshelves and furniture in the room as the rain showered in
Your baby girl cried loudly, her shaken cries sounding off throughout the passage
“No, no, no, please, baby.” Your heart raced as you dared to look out the peephole, only for it to drop as you saw a man you didn’t recognize yell something to another man near him
The man he yelled to fired more shots while the other one approached the passage entrance, banging noises coming through the bookshelf
“She’s in here! Hold them off!” The man yelled
“No, no, no.” Tears welled in your eyes as you did your best to keep the door closed but there was no actual way to since this was just a simple passageway
Your daughter cried loudly in your arms while you gave it your all to keep the door closed
Amongst all the shots being fired, Kiyoomi heard the words the man yelled and then it clicked
He knew where you were
“No.” This one word repeated in his head as he pushed through the front, racing past the bullets being shot towards him as he ran on pure adrenaline
“Boss, no!” His men yelled but this only got the intruders to focus on him, giving them the opening to shoot them all
Kiyoomi shot the man closer to him in the legs before letting his body move on pure killer instinct as he grabbed the man who had fallen to his knees by his jaw, snapping his neck
The other man changed his focus to Kiyoomi as he stood to his feet while the other struggled to pull his gun from his holster
Kiyoomi towered over him as his body moved on his own
He kicked the man to the wall, pressing the barrel of his gun to the man’s chin, pulling the trigger without a second thought
You squeeze your eyes shut, facing the other way from the door, bracing yourself
“I love you. Mama loves you, baby,” you whispered as you cried, a loud rumbling filling your ears as you felt the door being forced open
This was it
You were going to die
Your daughter was doing to die
you let out a blood curtling scream feeling the hands of whoever grab onto you, pulling you, kicking your legs to try to fight 
“Y/N, Y/N, Y/N!” Kiyoomi’s familiar voice sounded louder and louder over the rumbling you heard in your ears from clenching and bracing your body and your daughter’s
“It’s me, It’s just me!” He soothed you as he turned you
You couldn’t explain or even begin to describe the relief you felt wash through your body, your heart racing and slowing down at the same time as you broke down, your cries mixing with your daughter’s
“You’re safe, I’m here,” Kiyoomi pulled you into his arms, your body shaking terribly in his arms as you cried into his chest, all the fear you felt flooding your senses
“I know, I’m sorry this happened, but you’re okay. Everything will be okay,” he whispered as he pulled you into his lap, keeping the passage door somewhat closed
You were already put through enough today and he didn’t need you to see the second degree murder crime scene he had committed right outside
“I’m here, I’m here.” He reached up and pulled his mask off as he kissed the top of your head all over, wiping away your tears with his thumbs but you couldn’t stop crying
But that was entirely fine
“But Y/N,” he held your face in his bare hands, his normal gloves off as he stroked his thumb over your cold, damp cheeks
“Why didn’t you go into the safe rooms, darling?” His own voice was unsteady, his lips quivered, eyes teary. “I looked for you and I couldn’t find you and I thought I lost you..” His voice broke off as he gathered himself the best he could, taking deep breaths
Seeing Kiyoomi like this, it broke your heart even more
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what… I was just scared and- and-“ It hurt you so much
Everything about today did
But just this moment was Kiyoomi, it also touched you
He was such a stoic man, usually one to show a softer, affectionate side with you but this was the first time you saw him shed tears
A man who had taken so many lives was now showing his true emotions for the two lives he would give his own live for a hundred times over if it meant you and your daughter was okay
“I know, I know, but you’re safe,” he let out a deep, relieving breath as he hugged your head closer, your body shaking uncontrollably in his arms
“And hey, shhh, it’s okay baby. Papa’s here.” He stroked your daughter’s head as she sort of calmed down as the two of you sat together, doing your best as parents to shoo away her sadness while his men did their best to first and foremost clear the bodies and blood
You absolutely did not need to see that after today
“You two are both safe.” He breathed as he pulled you two impossibly closer, letting the shakiness of his own heart disperse  
“You’re safe…”
~~~~~ Thanks for reading! Masterlist for more! Please do not repost anywhere else! 
Tags (let me know if you wanna be tagged or removed for all my haikyuu posts): @makeusfreefromthisfandom @yams046 @sunboikyo00  @kara-grayson04  @fortheloveofbakugo @tsumtsumsemi @1-800-wholesome @yamagucci @realityisoftendisapointing @plantisnotplant @pink-panda-pancakes @differentballooncollection @osamusamusamu@therainroguefanfiction @euphorihan @turquoiselace @macaronnv  @oxmaddy @mrkoala4prsdnt @curiouslilbeast @plantisnotplant@therestless101 @abcdaichi @oyasenpai @kaaidalupita @lovinnoya @wisepandaslimeland @killuaking @kattykurr @bbymilkbread @tsumtsumland @suunikimchi @woah-there-cowboy-or-cowgirl @amandahh626 @nabisonyeo94 @wntrmn @dai-tsukki-desu @peteunderoos @ohyoumakemelive @aka-a-shii @shinhiromi @wompwomphq @lollypop-lam @isentsworld @blue-melody @u-wakatoshii @moondriplets @lovinnoya @yuueisteria @humanitysbiggestsimp @cjphoenix135 @inarizaki-captain @closetfurrytsukishima @chibichab @kageyama-i-want-tobiors @kuroosbixh @lavearchives @sweet-sour-devil-ish @daichis-kitty @creepyproxies @itsmarziapei @skyh20 @yehetstudies @that-chick212 @proherotheflamehashira @celestair @katiea03 @manga-only @chesirekittycat @ilovecheese08 @amy-yurima @realityisabitch-blr @suga-tofu @ushislittlewife @nabisonyeo94  @aaprilshowers @emotional-ayato @to-move-on-means-to-grow @kellesvt @haikyuu-galaxy @8-eight-8 @xiaoqiji @japanesevenom @cemeiia @pantherhappy @sassyglassesbunny @devilgirlcrybabiey  @ushijimacentral​ asd
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genderlessluka · 3 years
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Zero is a cave creature who hoards a bunch of precious minerals and gems
He gives them as gifts to his partner or to people he finds interesting
Probs has some sort of ground type power I haven’t figured that out yet
HES VERYYYYY FLUFFY. Fluff all over the place. He gets even MOREE fluffier during winter so he can keep himself warm, and his partner 😏
Venus is a naga who mostly lives in bodies of water
When he gets into the water, his hair because a blueish white so he can fully camouflage himself
His right eye is FUCKKEDD from being attacked by another creature, so he where’s a blindfold to hide that weakness
But with his partner, he takes off that blind fold and lets them touch his scar
Baku is a dreameater demon! He mostly lives in his own lil void space or just roams around place to place
He has lil holes on his face that act as mouths! He also has another vertical mouth from the under of the chin to his collar bone, which is why he wears his lil face mask to cover it to avoid scaring people
He actually does have an “og” form! His true self is just a shadow-ish creature he just likes having a physical form so he can eat, drink and hold his partners hand 😳
His hair can also be grown to whatever length! While being actual hair, it also acts as a galaxy type of thing? Basically just magic hair ooOoOoo
He also enters his partners dreams to take away their nightmares or just hang out
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siriusmydeer · 3 years
idk if you write for reg but 🐞 soft smut with regulus pls?
i combined this with another request bc i’m lazy
warnings: face sitting, clit play, praise, pet names, fem!receiving oral, this was rushed i’m sorry
word count: 0.5k
“C’mon Dove. f’me.” Regulus gently cooed above you, the searing heat of your chests blending together as he whispered faintly to you; his fingers diligently sliding your sodden tresses behind your ear, sighing faintly at his request, your arms, nevertheless, remained in a feeble clutch around his ivory neck.
The apex of his jugular carefully painted in spots of carmine and mulberry blemishes distinctly from the suckling of your lips. His thumb dipped down to gently separate your jutted lip, the flesh of your margin merely revealing your granulating teeth that ground against one another in pleasurable anticipation.
“Yes, Please.”
“My good girl, being so polite.” His face was plentifully keener than previously, this time he whispered against your skin, the formation of his lips smearing against your own; a delicate teasing instantly following. Turning himself over he glimpsed as your calves had steadily collided with the luxurious bed and you were perched prominently upon his torso. “Hop on, Dove.” He grinned slyly whilst his spine had melded onto his mattress, viewing as you steadily skidded your knees across the silken sheets, now alighted with your cunt adjacent to his lips.
Before diving in completely his hands had intuitively grasped at the flesh of your bum, gently kneading before his tongue had swirled around your clit. The steady movements of his tongue inclining upon every crevice of your cunt emanating a faint gasp from the cerise cavern of your trachea.
Your had head swung back murmuring inaudible pleas, the particular effect of your hands twisting around his tendrils causing a groan to erupt amid the comfortable pillows of your thighs , whilst he etched your upon uncontrolled release, the lasting imprint of this memory gluing into your skull at the delicacy of his lewd actions, the actions of his mouth not hast nor slobberish but emotive for such actions you had both been participating in.
The most audible noises to be undoubtedly heard were your hushed mewls and the low fire crackle in the reasonable distance. A nice blanket of mutual love and elation pulling you under, falling through the luminous stars as a minor broil in your abdomen inevitably began to spillage out into your belly. Nothing earth-shattering nor spotty vision-like with stars dancing across your vision. Just one caring for another amid intense amounts of innocent pleasures. The actions of the previous hours coercing your frail body into tremendous fatigue, his entreaty as a particular gift for the day celebrated as you had devoted the past year together.
He had ceased his works with a chaste kiss to the throbbing button and weaning you to carefully lay atop his torso. Your body immensely sluggish as to where he had to precisely control your movements; your chin now propped on his brawny shoulder and your bodies melding in the emerald silk of his prefect dormitory.
The familiar words ‘I love you’ melted off his tongue like honey. A small quirk in his lips formed when he caught sight of the twinkle gleaming amongst your optics at the distinct articulation. Just slow moments where you wouldn’t have to absentmindedly worry if the Slytherin would be tangled in your sheets the following morning.
The confirmation of his low words only meant to promptly fall upon your attentive ears was enough, “You’re mine darling girl, happy anniversary.” he finished with a chuckle.
taglist: @lily-evans-is-my-mommy-tehe @miss-starkov @ronbrokemyheart @aricela @moonyinthelight @bikinibottomspeach @myalo-vasano-psixis @i-love-scott-mccall @wh0reforthemarauders @kirascottage @fives-cup-of-coffee @myloveforluna @abbott27 @hufflepuffsfordraco @slytherclawbitch @ggmniy @90steaology @voguetoday
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caelimonoceros · 3 years
moonlight — childe
pairing: childe x gn!reader
wc: 1.9k
tags: fluff, it’s just fluff, established relationship, i guess a lil light angst if you squint, childe lovable dork number one
notes: of course my first piece is about childe my one and only…my beloved…please come give me some constellations <3 pls enjoy! i’m planning on writing some more similar pieces with some other characters but i really wanted to post this one now tehe…interacts/reblogs appreciated!
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Just as the moon guides the tides in and out of the shore, she pulls you to him—Childe, quiet in his solitude and unsuspectingly calm on the beach.
You find him on the beach just north of Liyue Harbor, on a long stretch of tan sand with a sheet spread out under him. Uneven rocks pin down the corners of the makeshift sand-protection, and you can make out the shape of the Harbinger’s jacket and boots settled next to him.
Upon hearing your soft footsteps crunching on the sand, Childe perks up. The slight curve of his posture, betraying a weeks-old exhaustion, straightens into a bright smile and a cheery wave, the welcoming facade he throws around to unsuspecting strangers who won’t ever make the plunge into the depths of his heart. Blue eyes, blue like the ocean and the cosmos and the frost on your skin after too many hours spent trekking around Dragonspine, pierce the dim night, only lit up by the small lantern next to him and the faint blue glow of his vision. They give his skin an unearthly glow, the warm light of the lantern bringing out copper highlights in his hair while the blue of his vision drives deep shadows into the far side of his face.
The night is peaceful in its simplicity, watched by the careful eyes of the moon and her starry companions. Childe’s smile brightens as you settle next to him, kicking off your own shoes and stretching out across the oversized blanket. Your own bag, full of warm midnight snacks and soft blankets, hits the ground as you do, and rolls with a soft thud.
“You made it,” Childe inches closer, quick to put his hand over yours and fold your fingers together. You let him, settling your joined hands over one of your thighs and sitting to lean against his shoulder.
“Yea. The slimes didn’t drench me.” You huff, eyes pointed out towards the water; then slowly drifting over to him.
“Well, since the slimes didn’t get to you, I was thinking…” Childe rubs a gloved thumb over the back of your hand, directing your attention. The leather is rough against your skin, worn equally from working a weapon and signing bank documents.
“Your ideas are always awful. I wanna know,” you lean into him.
“Midnight swim!” He says cheerfully, pointing out towards the water with his free hand. “The weather has been so warm lately that I’m sure the water will be as well. Plus, it’s just the two of us! Wouldn't that be nice?” Oh, you don’t want to crush his dreams and his eager, giddy smile, but you are not going in that water. No thanks, you are perfectly content to stay warm and dry on your big, spread out blanket and watch Childe make a shivering fool of himself before he comes back and soaks his half of the blanket.
“I’m not going in the water, especially not in my clothes, Childe. It’s cold out.” Childe blinks at you, as if he doesn’t understand the problem for a moment before sighing, as if he knew this would be your answer.
“Fine. But I’m going to go in, and I'm sure you’ll join me in no less than five minutes!” He says it so confidently, living up to his namesake so easily that it makes you swallow down laughter. The tall Fatui makes sure to blow you a dramatic kiss from the water’s edge, before he turns his back entirely. Really, you are completely content to watch him enjoy himself in the shallows. It’s refreshing to see him so light on his feet and in his words.
The soft moonlight illuminates his back, drawing out the folds of his dark shirt. The metal accessories around his belt glimmer in the cool light as well, twinkling like stars at you, but you’re almost mesmerized as you chase the patterns of moonlight across his ever-moving form. The water is so clear, reflecting him and the mountains situated behind you, every trace of silvery-white light that dances down an uneven slope or a curving tree branch rippling amongst your lover’s own reflection.
“You know, the water’s still warm!” Childe calls after a few minutes of peace. He’s rolled his pants up to just under his knees, but they’re still being soaked by waves of water. From your warm, dry, position on the shore you’re inclined to protest, but a shimmer in cerulean eyes not brought on by the moon or stars cuts your words before they can begin. He begins making his way over to you, sloshing through the water and then up onto the sand.
“C’mon, just stick your feet in. I promise I won’t let you drown.” You roll your eyes at his proposition; the way he walks so arrogantly over to you and crouches ever so slightly, extending a hand to you. He’s tracked wet sand onto your clean, safe haven, and his wet pants are dripping seawater on your bare shins, but you still hold your tongue all the same.
“Please? It’ll be fun. You don’t have to, but I think you’d enjoy it.” The Fatui offers his hand with a little bit of a wave this time, and you give in to his easy smile and comforting presence. It’s hard not to, hard to resist the way he sweeps you into the ocean, the same way he’s already swept you away entirely like a pebble torn from shore.
The water is still warm, but it’s still much cooler than your skin and you shudder as you’re exposed to it much too quickly. Childe’s grip on your hand is too tight, his excitement adorably obvious as you come to a halt some ten feet into the water, where it rises just above your hips.
“See? It’s not bad at all.” Childe leans down, his face mere inches from yours, and sticks his tongue out playfully. You resist the urge to pinch it between your thumb and forefinger, instead flicking his forehead gently, just enough for him to recoil as if you’ve shot him and dramatically clasp a hand over his head.
“It’s not bad at all,” you mimic, unable to stop yourself from laughing at the ginger’s over-the-top reaction. Cute, he’s so cute sometimes and you doubt he truly knows it, cute when he drops something from his chopsticks or shoots an arrow into the ground or trips over a loose rock when he’s pretending not to stare at you. Cute when his guard is down, when he’s not a battle-hardened warrior and traces of the myth you know to be named Ajax are allowed through the ever-present cracks in his facade. Just as you’re lost in thought, a spray of salty water meets your face, and you close your eyes and cross an arm over your forehead quickly.
“That was uncalled for!” You complain, but it trails off into laughter as you return the splash back at Childe.
“Hey, your aim’s not half bad!” He’s even quicker to fire back, and soon the water around you both churns enough to drown out your shared laughter. Your clumsy feet, weighed down by your movements kick up sand and cloud the water, and you brush grit from your face and hair after a particularly well-aimed splash flattens it down your back.
“That’s practically an insult, coming from you.”
“My aim isn’t that bad!” Fake offense riddles his tone, one hand placed over his poor, scandalized heart.
“Will you be less arrogant if I tell you I’m enjoying myself?” You dodge most of another splash, but even when you’re complaining you find your jaw beginning to ache from a wide smile.
“So much for staying out of the water,” Childe taunts, gesturing to the soaking mess you’ve become. He’s no better, water dripping down his face in rivulets, blinking the salt away from his eyes instinctively and pushing the wet hair back from his view.
“This is your fault, you know,” you tell him, but the complaint holds little water. He lets you splash him again, a full wave that hits against his chest, and you take another step closer to him—just close enough for him to hook a gangly leg around your own and pull you down, spinning gracefully and catching you just as your hair begins to fan out in the water. One arm holds securely under the middle of your back, while the other settles on your hip.
“You just can’t stay away from me, I know.” The smug confidence he wears is equally endearing and enraging. You begin to counter him with an asshole—, one hand moving up to poke his cheek, but before you can make contact he completely retracts his arms and you submerge with a shriek. When you come up moments later, coughing and spluttering in surprise, Childe is laughing so hard that he’s bent over with his hands on his knees. He’s completely unsuspecting, the perfect target for you to grab the back of his head and shove his face into the water, too.
Except, Childe topples over his own long legs, the two of you falling down messily and his head bumping against your knee as you land flat on your butt. He makes a face, rubbing his cheeks as he kneels. Despite how you joke around, it’s clear that the bump actually hurt, and you can’t help but feel a little pang of guilt at the genuine pain he displayed. Holding his head, Childe moves closer, until he’s easily looming over you with your hands braced against the sand and the water level just under your chin.
“You’re so difficult,” he sighs, your foreheads pressed together. The feeling of salt grinding between your skin is just on the edge of unpleasant, but nowhere near enough to make you back away. “Nearly gave me a black eye there.”
“Aren’t we both?” You smile in response, cupping a cool, wet hand over the cheek he’d hit on your leg. His eyes flutter closed, and he breathes out a sigh against your nose as tension visibly drains from his shoulders. It’s like the final traces of his daily life have fallen away with just your touch—gone is the hedonistic Childe, the calculating Tartaglia, leaving only the scattered fragments of a Snezhnayan boy far from home. Even at peace, there’s a longing in the way he looks at you—eyes wide as if in disbelief, unable to hold your gaze with all of his defenses stripped down.
“Yea. We are,” he concedes—so quiet that you barely make out the words over the sound of the wind and the soft movements of water. Difficult, and he’s right: nothing involving a Fatui Harbinger will ever be easy.
“I think you’re well worth the trouble,” you confess, letting your eyes meet his. They don’t shy away this time, there’s a blue fire blazing somewhere in the back of his soul that warms your cheeks and has your free hand clenching the sand underneath. Certainly well worth the trouble, for all of the moments he looks at you like this—holding the intensity of a thousand suns and all of the love and guidance offered by the moon, an entire universe dancing in his usually lifeless eyes.
And the trouble is most worth it when Ajax—not Childe, not Tartaglia, but Ajax, closes the miniscule gap and kisses you under the witness of the moon—you can be at ease.
“I am?” He teases, a whisper against your lips. You roll your eyes before the hand on his cheek slips to the back of his head, and you pull him close once more.
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mirobami · 4 years
Could u do a yandere rei fic where the reader is like the PERFECT darling. Like lmao ive been told that i would be the perfect darling because i would just do whatever a yandere says and just like follow the rules✌💖 tehe thx luv
↳ perfect - r. batsubami
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♥ GENRE: fluff, yandere.
♥ SYNOPSIS: yandere!rei with a perfect s/o.
♥ WARNING(S): yandere themes
♥ NOTE: Hi! Yes, of course, I’d love to do so! I’m going to put it under a cut, obviously this is yandere and it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. I made it into a scenario, I hope you don’t mind. Let’s get started!
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Y/N perked up from her spot on the couch and stood up from her seat, walking over to Rei to kiss her, just like Rei had said she had to do everytime. Rei smiled as Y/N pulled back and said, “I don’t want to cook nor I don’t want you to cook, can we just stay inside together?” 
“Of course, anything you want, Rei.” Taking her hand, Y/N led her to their shared bedroom and allowed Rei to cuddle her. She had told Y/N that she didn’t want her to sleep somewhere else that wasn’t close to her in case someone tried to take her away. It was clear that Rei would think about the worst case scenario and thus the worst solution possible.
But Y/N was compliant, which was absolutely perfect. She didn’t have to worry about Y/N leaving her. All she had to worry about was someone else taking her away. The sheer rage at that caused her to tighten her grip on Y/N, making her gasp a bit. “Rei...could you loosen your grip a little bit?”
“Oh, I’m so sorry, my love. I don’t mean to hurt you, are you okay?” Rei tilted Y/N’s chin up, concern washing over her face. 
“I’m okay, don’t worry about me.”
“Good. I don’t want you to trust anyone else, you belong to me and to me only.”
“Yes, Rei, I know. I’m only yours.” With a smile, Y/N pressed a kiss to Rei’s cheek, making her smile and relax. There wasn’t much Rei had to be picky about when it came to her. Y/N was perfect, it was as if she was here to only be Rei’s. She did everything she was told and followed the rules, all with love in her eyes.
Whenever someone had even remotely tried to flirt with Y/N, Rei would arrive in a blink of an eye, almost ready to attack. But her lover would just take her hand and say, “It’s okay. I love you, not them. I swear I’ll always be loyal to you and never look at anyone else.”
With that, Rei would kiss the top of her head and lead her away. Rei had also made her promise that she’d never look at anyone else, even resorting to keep her safe in her own place where no one else but her could see her.
“You’re absolutely perfect, you know that, right?” Rei said, her hands finding Y/N’s.
“Only because I belong to you, that’s why. I’d rather be here than anywhere else because I love you so much.”
It was those words that always made her smile. Y/N wouldn’t ever leave her. It wasn’t like she’d go far in the first place. There wasn’t much to be angered over, especially if her lover was practically an angel and only her angel.
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So, has been a while since I wrote and posted it in wattpad. I did it in my native language while I was really inspired because I love Near with my entire life, lol. It took me a while to translate because I was not in the mood and I do not see a lot of people who like the character, too. But I really wanted to post it again before 2021, I liked it the first time I did and it was the first scenario that I finished, so it has a special place in my heart, tehee.
I hope you like it and have in mind that english is not my first language, so please forgive me if there are any mistakes. Good reading. 💕🐢
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    The man who was once called Near was in his nerves. The notebook that caused so much loss and pain was now being sold and the easiest way to stop it was reaching the Shinigami. An easy thing to do, you may assume. The problem was the lack of eyes. Only six people, including Near himself, were able to see the Death God, and look for him with only those twelve eyes... well, it would take way more time than they had.
   With this thought in mind, the now L was trying to develop a mechanism that should be able to recognise a shinigami's face, or at least Ryuk's. The 3D image of Ryuk without his eyes would be enough to make a child cry (to be honest, even an adult), but not L. He kept the usual patience that made it possible for him to become the sucessor of the World's Greatest Detective while wondering himself if it wasn't pointless to try to do something so out of reach.  Even though he already knew it was near to the impossible to create a mechanism of that level, have to repeat that out loud to Lidner kinda that made him feel a little upset. It was not looking right to him.
      While putting the second eye on that monstrosity's replica, L wondered himself if the orders he was giving to Lidner and Rester were somehow different of just telling them to stay still. Not that move in some way would make any difference, A-Kira was truly smart, and seemed to be acting with extra caution. He really was a hell of a rival. The albino was feeling as if the whole situation had just become senseless. He wasn't really against A-Kira, he just got interested in him because of his intelligence, so way to go so far? But, even like that, the idea of just stand there frustrated him.
      He accepted his fate when Aizawa sent the security cameras fotages. Since that moment, he knew there was nothing else to be done.
— I see...
His monotone voice was present, passing a fake image of his usual cool temper while making the replica he had worked for the past few hours explode.
— That's it.
Was all he said while laying again on his back, taking off a piece of the replica that got stuck on his face when it blew.
— "That's it"? L, aren't you going to act?
— If the Shinigami is really moving under the floor, there's nothing much we can do. We can't localise him and even if we could, we would not be able to reach him — the man said while breathing heavily again and resting his left arm on his forehead — all we can do is to sit and wait.
Lidner was kinda worried. She had known the detective for long enough to know when something was wrong with him and it was not normal to see him admitting fate. But there's was nothing she could do while leaving the building together with Rester.
While his mind was lost in a fine line between one million of thoughts and any thought at all, Nate's eyes reached his phone, sitting next to him. Even if he wasn't really someone that into cellphones or things like that, for some reason he felt as if he couldn't avoid to look at it.
It didn't take long for him to grab it and disk the only number he could think of.
— ... L?
Only hearing her voice already made his heart slow down it's beats, making his muscles relax and his body release all the pressure, but he was not experienced enough to say it to her and leave the indifference behind.
— If you're not busy, come over.
      Only thirty minutes passed since he received a positive response to his "invitation" when it was possible to hear the sound of  the elevator opening, followed by sounds of steps that Near scarily could recognise.
— Hey... I'm here.
The characteristic softness of her voice sounded like an hearing therapy to Nate. But him, obviously, didn't even bother to look at her while kept piling balls and dices in what would become an endless tower if he wasn't stopped.
— L, what is that?
She asked already in front of him in the bed, referring to what used to be a replica of Ryuk.
— A Shinigami's wreck.
He answered in a simple way, without even looking at the female.
She blinked a few times, trying to process if he was being serious or making some kind of joke. The second theory didn't sound probable to her.
— Ok, this is... definitely not weird.
Her brow was furrowed in confusion, but she had a smile in her face.
The detective's company walked to the carpet beside his notebook's desk, where the biggest part of the "Shinigami's wreck" was found and started to take the pieces one by one, cleaning it.
— I wonder how you could break it to this level... it almost look like you blew it.
She said that as a joke, but was right. It was something common to happen, by the way.
— That's because I did.
— You... what?
She took a moment to process it, but soon after looked at him with an annoyed expression that was rare to be manifested in her face.
He already knew he was in trouble, but being her, it was easier to just sit and hear her scold.
— Near, why did you do that? You could've got hurt! If you wanted to get rid of it, you could just trow it on the trash or even ask Gevanni to do so!
The fact that she called him by his childhood nickname did not passed unnoticed by Nate, that secretly found the action adorable.
He left the pile of cubes and balls that was working on (that by the way now was already way bigger than it was when the girl first arrived) and now sat on the edge of the bed, in his usual posture, this time hugging his right leg and resting his chin on the right knee.
- Who knows.
She was mad because of how irresponsible he was with himself and it made she feel mad about his indifferent behavior towards his health too.
— Afterwards, why did you call me? Did you need me for something?
Her hands were now resting in her hips while she glared at Nate with a definitely not friendly face. She looked like an angry mom waiting for an answer.
He was going to answer, but didn't have time when she noticed the small cut in his cheekbone.
— Nate, you're bleeding...
She stated while approaching him, touching the cut's place in a delicate way.
— That thing cut you when it blew, didn't it?
— ... yes.
It was all he could answer while habitually started to play with a strand of his hair, maidely avoiding her gaze.
At this time, she didn't even bother on scolding him, just left the room without saying a word.
Near was divided in 50/50 if she was either walking to calm herself down or if she was looking for some weapon to finally kill him. Maybe both.
It didn't take long for her to come back, though, carrying a tiny towel and a single band-aid with her.
River watched carefully as she approached him and gently took his chin in her left hand, raising slightly his head so she could pass the towel slowly over his cut, cleaning it.
The man flinched lightly under her touch and she furrowed her eyebrows in the failed tentative to mask the fact that she felt bad for "hurting" him.
— This is you fault. If you were more careful, I wouldn't have to be doing it now.
Both Nate and the girl didn't notice what his eyes were doing, but he was staring at her. She looked so beautiful when focused that it was almost impossible not to feel mesmerised by her features.
He only realized that was gazing when she put herself to talk again, after finishing taking care of his cut.
 — I think I overreact... it was not that bad as it seemed.
Said and put herself up again, but before the she could leave, was surprised by a pair of arms evolving her waist. At first, she didn't know how to react to that. It's not as if they never hugged before, but it's been a while...
 She kept her hands in the air for fraction of moment, feeling her heart warm as River borrowed his face inconsequently in her chest.
— Nate...
— Let's just stay like this for one more minute.
— ... ok.
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sokkisky · 4 years
~baby bird part four~
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Want to make a request?: https://forms.gle/NyZgUcqkCPzHRvVn6
Discord: https://discord.gg/4H3m4vjMBZ
Weekly Poll: https://linkto.run/p/TA412KNG
Rating: SFW (Domestic) 
Pairings: Keigo Takami (Hawks) x Y/N 
Warnings: None :0 
A/N: So we all agree that Keigo makes a wonderful father? Yes? Good because I’m so happy to write more of dad Keigo. This is currently PART FOUR oh my gosh I’ve never had a series like this before. It’s thriving nicely if I do say so myself. Also I’m finding A LOT of Keigo requests nowadays. Interesting hmmm. Thank you guys so much I love them all <3
This writing is a mix of a couple requests and they go as follow: 
Dad!Keigo with his little girl please? :')
U ALREADY KNOW I LOVED BABY BIRD PART 3 ( how can u write so good like that ) let’s see can I request a part of baby bird? Shoot actually forgot to mention in part 4 of baby bird could you make it where the baby grows it’s wings and it’s flying all over the place LMAO
Tehe I’m already super excited! Thank you thank you thank you anon and @wafflesareniceandfluffy for requesting! I would make the title of this Tiny Wings if it wasn’t a series. I love you guys so much and I appreciate your support! I love the cute ideas I get in my requests box so much, like tell me this isn’t adorable. You can’t, I know lol. 
Thank you for your participation in our weekly polls! 
Make sure you take care of yourselves! Be kind to yourself and treat yo self! I love you so much and I’m always going to be here for you. I hope you enjoy! 
“Keigo this is insane! Get down!” 
You stood on the ground in front of you and Keigo’s home. He had your three year old toddler on his shoulders, grinning down from the roof of the building. She was bumbling and laughing, clearly excited to use her wings. You couldn’t help but he panicked as you stood below, looking up with a clear uncertainty in your heart. 
Over the past couple of weeks, your beautiful daughter’s wings had grown in and she was flapping around a lot. She tried jumping off counter tops and desks to fly a bit, with Keigo of course watching her every move. Her little legs moving fast as she ran, her cute red wings flapping behind her. Of course she had her father’s quirk. 
Keigo couldn’t be more proud of his little bird, flapping his wings showing her how he would take flight. He’d hover around, flying up to the high ceiling of your expensive home, smiling down at her. 
Keigo came down as your toddler laughed and giggled, her hands extended to him as she called out “Up! Up!” excitedly. Keigo smiled a bright smile and scooped her up flying into the air, his body spinning as they went. He made it close to the ceiling, his wings extending out wide as he held her out in front of him. You watched, amused from the couch as he flew around, not fast, holding her close to his chest. 
She laughed, her arms outstretched as her little wings flapped. “Wee!” she shouted as the flew in the air “I’m going to fly like daddy!” 
Keigo landed softly, setting her down before rubbing her hair. “You’re going to fly just like daddy.” he said, smiling softly. He stood up straight crossing his arms and smiling down at her. “You know what kid, I think it’s time you learn to fly.” he said, his hand to his chin. Your daughter gasped, jumping around happily. “Can I? Can I? Daddy, I fly?” she asked, her voice high as she bounced in front of Keigo. 
“Yeah c’mon kiddo let’s go.” Keigo replied, scooping her up into his arms and walking towards the door. It wasn’t until he got to the door that you realized he was being serious. 
You turned, standing up from the couch. “Where are you going?” Keigo turned, holding your daughter in his right arm. “To teach my baby bird to fly.” he said nonchalantly before spreading his wings and flying out of the door, with you running after him. 
Now here you were, watching as your husband held your daughter on his shoulders, standing on your rooftop. 
“Keigo you need to be careful!” you shouted up to him, your panic sinking in. 
“She’s my kid babe! She’ll be fine!” he shouted back before grabbing his daughter under her arms and holding her out in front of him. He turned her to face him. 
“Alright kid flap your wings for me.” he said smiling, making sure to keep her calm. Your toddler happily flapped her small wings, kicking her legs a little, giggling. Keigo grinned. “Alright listen, if you want to fly you have to listen to daddy and do what he says okay.” he said, his face becoming slightly more serious. 
Your daughter nodded happily. “Otay daddy.” she bumbled happily. Keigo nodded and turned her back to him. 
“Flap your wings.” he said, your toddler flapped her wings. “Don’t stop flapping okay.” he added. Your toddler nodded. 
Keigo held your toddler by her hands, her wings helping support her, her body in a T. Keigo grinning happily. “Look you’re already hovering!” he said excitedly. You looked on. A mix of pride that your daughter was supporting her own weight, and fear. You knew Keigo would never let any harm come to her, but you still had worry in your heart. 
Keigo pulled his wings back, bent his knees and took off, holding your daughter by her hands. Her wings flapped furiously as Keigo glided in the air, your daughter’s wings keeping her in her T pose in front of him. 
“You’re flying baby bird!” *he shouted happily in the air. Your daughter got excited, squealing happily and calling down to you. “I’m flying, look I’m flying!” she called out happily. You clapped your hands, happily watching them. 
Keigo flew in a few circles around the house before softly landing in front of you. He set your toddler down, her tiny wings dropping. Keigo looked down kneeling beside her. “Can you keep flapping?” he asked. She looked up at him and shook her head. 
“It’s okay sometimes our wings get tired.” he said reassuringly. He scooped her up into his arms. “Cookies and juice can help.” he added, grinning. Your daughter got excited, chanting ‘Juice and Cookies’ over and over again. 
You followed behind them. Such a beautiful baby bird, such tiny wings. 
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notanacousticsetcal · 4 years
the way i loved you - calum hood
summary - based off of the song “the way I loved you” by taylor swift. 
warnings - none
word count - 2.6k (oops)
a/n - I have some of these planned for luke too tehe. go check out my other two in the song series “begin again” and “broken pieces” also, this is not in chronological order. there are 2 calum flashbacks during the first two choruses looking back at 2 moments in their relationship.
He is sensible and so incredible and all my single friends are jealous. He says everything I need to hear and it's like I couldn't ask for anything better.
“Damn.” You shook your head in disappointment at the marked percentage atop the crumpled white paper. He glanced up at you with a look of concern.
“What’s up?”
“I got an 82 on this math test and I thought I aced it.” Grabbing a nearby pillow and shoving it in your face, you fell back against your bed as he laughed at your dramatic gesture from his seat on the floor. 
He sighed softly. “An 82 is still a great score. I’m sorry. I know you worked hard studying for that test. How can I make you feel better?” He asked sweetly.
“Hmm,” you ran your pointer finger and thumb along your chin like you were pondering a big decision. “You could... grab me a chocolate bar from the kitchen?” You smiled innocently up at him and he returned it.
“It would be my honor.” As he left to grab your candy, you opened your phone to a new message from your friend, Katie.
She had just received the picture you sent her a few hours ago of the beautiful, expensive, bracelet James had just bought for you. 
Katie: holy SHIT! that must’ve cost an arm and a leg. what I would give to have a boyfriend who cares enough to get me gifts. hold onto that one, he’s a keeper.
Katie was right. He was a keeper. A total gentlemen -- smart, kind and gentle. He always knew exactly what to say to make you feel better. But when you looked at him, directly into his sparkling blue eyes… you felt absolutely nothing. And it killed you. Because you really, really wanted to feel something.
He opens up my door and I get into his car and he says “you look beautiful tonight.” And I feel perfectly fine.
“Hey! How are you?” You said, approaching the brunette leaning against the white SUV. 
“I’m great now.” He smiled. He reached over and popped the passenger door open, gesturing for you to step inside and you quickly thanked him, sliding into your seat.
He sat down next to you, starting up the car. 
“You look beautiful tonight.” 
You wished you could even conjure up a small blush but you just looked down and let out a meek “thank you.” Where were the damn butterflies? Weren't you supposed to be feeling those right about now?
All you wanted was to feel something -- anything -- when you looked at him. You wanted to dream about him, miss him when he was gone, long for him to hold you.
But you think all that is still reserved for one person.
The one you haven’t quite gotten over. 
But I miss screamin' and fightin' and kissin' in the rain and it's two a.m. and I'm cursin' your name. You're so in love that you act insane and that's the way I loved you. Breakin' down and comin' undone, It's a roller-coaster kinda rush and I never knew I could feel that much and that's the way I loved you.
“Cal, pull over.” You sat up from your seat in the car, tugging off your seat belt and laying a hand on the door handle. 
“What? Why, are you alright?” Calum grabbed your thigh and gave it a squeeze. His brown eyes looked clouded with concern.
“I’m fine, Cal, just pull over. Please?” You gave him your best puppy dog face and watched him give in like he does every time and you smiled, laying a kiss on his cheek. 
As soon as the car was securely in park on the side of the road, you started to get out. 
Calum wasn’t sure what he expected you to do, but it wasn’t that. 
“(Y/n)? What the hell are you doing, baby, it's pouring outside!” He called after you but you shut the door before he could protest further and ran out into the street. It was a warm summer night around 1:00am and you wanted nothing more than to run around in the rain with your favorite person in the world.
Calum got out of the car and chased after you, wrapping his hands around your waist and spinning you when you tried to run away. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” Shivers traveled up your spine at the sound of his voice in your ear. You could barely hear him above the sheets of rain bucketing down onto the street. 
The street light above you illuminated him slightly and you shifted in his arms to look at him.
Your hand reached up to move his damp hair off his forehead.
“Dance with me?” The question leaves your mouth before you can stop it. 
“I’d jump off a cliff as long as it was with you.” His eyes never left your lips.
Before you knew what you were doing, you were leaning into him and catching his lips over your own. It's like you were built for each other. Crafted to fit together perfectly. Like he was your missing puzzle piece. You pulled away feeling tingly and filled with butterflies like it was the very first time.
His smile said it all. 
He pulled you into his chest and you swayed together, feeling the cool water on every inch of your skin. You were appreciative of the rain in that moment because without it, you were sure you would’ve burst up in flames. 
He respects my space and never makes me wait and he calls exactly when he says he will. He's close to my mother, talks business with my father. He's charming and endearing, and I'm comfortable.
You sat in your parents’ living room next to James, awkwardly silent and letting him do the talking. Your parents gave you questioning looks but honestly, you were just sitting there trying not to scream at him for always being so goddamn perfect. 
Calum always pushed you past your breaking point. He constantly poked the bear and didn’t give two shits about how much he annoyed you. He would slip up on dates and cancel plans and forget to call. He wasn’t perfect. Far from it.
James, he backed off when you were tense and never forgot a single date. He always asked about your day. He made an effort to be there whenever he felt like you needed him. He was sitting here with your parents carrying a pleasant conversation. 
You should be in love with him right?
“I’m working under my father right now, actually. It's fantastic experience and he has a lot of great connections already which is super, super helpful,” James said. But you didn’t really hear it at all. Your hand was in his but there weren’t those tingles. It didn’t make you giddy.
You felt bored.
“That’s wonderful. Being in a sturdy, reliable position that young is rare in the industry,” Your father responded, looking extremely impressed.
“Thank you, sir. And Mrs. (y/l/n), how’s that garden you started been going?” He turned to your mother as an appreciative smile bloomed on her face. It made you happy to see them happy.
You should be in love with him.
But you weren’t.
Your heart still belonged to that stupid boy with the big brown eyes and the even bigger heart. 
But I miss screamin' and fightin' and kissin' in the rain and it's two a.m. and I'm cursin' your name. You're so in love that you act insane and that's the way I loved you. Breakin' down and comin' undone, It's a roller-coaster kinda rush and I never knew I could feel that much and that's the way I loved you.
“Don’t walk away from me, (y/n), goddamnit!” Calum shouted as you stormed out into torrential downpour, outside of Calum’s apartment building. The street lamps were the only source of light this late in the evening. 
“Don’t tell me what to do, Calum!” You tugged harshly on your hair, groaning in anger and frustration. “Leave me the fuck alone, I’m walking home.” You continued to walk down the sidewalk but Calum was persistent. 
“(Y/n) stop! Why the hell are you so fucking stubborn all the time?” Calum called after you. His shirt was clinging to him tightly and his hair was stuck to his forehead. How did he always look good?
You whip around at his insult, wagging your finger at him in fiery disapproval. “Oh I’m the stubborn one? Don’t act like you care about me, Calum. If you did, you would actually spend time with me. You wouldn’t forget the little things. You would be there.” You admit you were being harsh, but he always found a way to push you. Every. Single. Button. You had. 
He made you want to slap him and kiss him at the same time. He made your stomach heat up and your heart rate quicken and your mouth dry. 
He made your head spin and your heart hurt and your knees weak. He made you a mess and you didn’t know if you loved it or hated it. 
“Do you actually think I don’t care about you?” Calum asked. You noticed his bottom lip quiver slightly and wondered if the dampness on his face was tears or the rain. 
“Sometimes it feels that way, yeah.” You cross your arms over your chest, feeling soaked to the bone and so cold you couldn’t feel your toes anymore. You looked down at your feet, trying to hide the fact that you were really hurting. You hoped the hot tears streaming down your face could be concealed by the cool rain. 
Calum noticed and stepped closer to you, pulling you into him. You attempted to resist but he started moving the hair out of your face and you were putty in his hands, like always. It felt like that first time on that summer night, dancing in the street. That felt like a lifetime away. 
“You know I care about you. More than anything.” He looks broken.
“I know, Cal. But I don’t know if that's enough anymore.”
He can't see the smile I'm fakin' and my heart's not breakin' 'cause I'm not feelin' anything at all.
You welcomed James inside and he went in for a quick hello peck on the lips but you felt yourself awkwardly turning your head so he only caught your cheek. He pulled away, clear confusion written across his face but you just gave him a small apologetic smile and tugged him towards the couch. “I think we should talk.”
James was perfect in every way. He was perfect when he bought you flowers. He was perfect when he remembered your coffee order. He was perfect when he remembered your sister's birthday.
But he wasn’t perfect for you.
You wanted him to be. 
Fuck, did you want him to be.
But you couldn’t do anything to change the fact that when he kissed you, you felt nothing.
When he hugged you, you felt nothing.
When he called you baby, you felt absolutely nothing.
You wanted it to hurt when you broke things off with him. Truth be told, neither of you took it very hard. He wasn’t the one for you and you both knew it.
And you had a feeling you knew who was. 
And you were wild and crazy just so frustrating, intoxicating, complicated, got away by some mistake and now I miss screamin' and fightin' and kissin' in the rain. It's two a.m. and I'm cursin' your name. I'm so in love that I acted insane and that's the way I loved you. Breakin' down and comin' undone, It's a roller-coaster kinda rush and I never knew I could feel that much and that's the way I loved you
“Ash, what if he doesn’t want to try again?” You bit at your nails anxiously while you talked to the drummer. Your phone was tucked securely between your cheek and your shoulder. 
“(Y/n), I’ve seen him every day since you two ended things and I can say with utmost certainty, he’s a mess. He finds a way to bring you up in every conversation and he regrets how much he let you down. He tells me literally every single day. It's getting really annoying, actually. My point is, if you gave him another chance, he would absolutely take it.” Ash finished his point with a sigh. “I have to go, (y/n). I’ll talk to you later, alright? Hang in there, kid.”
You smiled. “Alright, Ash. See you later.” You hung up the phone and laid on the plushy couch for a few moments longer, contemplating as you stared at the ceiling. 
“Fuck it.” You sat up and pulled on your shoes, tugging a jacket over your pajamas, bolting out the door before you had a chance to change your mind.
Hands fumbling in nerves and eyes darting all around, you found yourself standing outside Calum’s apartment. You reached up hesitantly and made two, crisp knocks on the door. You stepped back in anticipation, concerned you might vomit any second.
You heard some commotion from the other side of the door. “Coming!” Calum called. You hadn’t heard his voice in so long. 
The door swung open revealing Calum, shirtless and in a pair of sweats. His hair was longer and shaggier, like he hadn’t cared much to maintain it. 
You could see the moment of realization in Cal’s face. His eyebrows scrunched in surprise and confusion. “(Y/n)?”
You cleared your throat. “Um. Hi Cal.” You gave him a small apologetic smile.
“Are you alright? What’s going on?” Calum’s face became concerned as the reasons why you might be here circled his brain. He wondered if you might be in trouble. 
“I.. I um. I don’t really know why I’m here.” You shook your head in frustration as all your thoughts jumbled together and you found it hard to explain what you were doing at his front door. “Alright. I’m just going to say what’s on my mind and I want you to listen, alright?”
Calum opened his mouth to protest but you continued on rambling before he got the chance. “I’ve been with James these past few months, as you probably know.” Calum’s expression turned sour but you kept going. “I broke things off between him. Like 2 days ago.” You almost wanted to laugh at how quickly Calum’s face lit up. “He was perfect in every way for me. Like, perfect. And you and I are so not perfect…” There's that sour expression again. “But when I was with him… When I was with him… I wished I was with you. I missed the way I got butterflies when you held my hand and the adventures we had together and I missed your stupid dumb brown eyes and your lips and no matter what I tried, I couldn’t stop missing you. I wanted to love James. I really, really did. But loving someone is not the same as wanting to love someone. I couldn’t love him… I couldn’t because I-- well, I… I’m still in love with you.” You huffed and began fumbling with your fingers again. You couldn’t bring yourself to look at him.
“Are you saying you want to try again?” Calum asked, stepping past the threshold and closer to you.
You bit your lip as you pondered the thought. You didn’t really think about much past telling him how you felt. “I… I think I do, yeah.” 
You felt Calum’s hand tuck itself under your chin and pull your face up to look at him. He ran his thumb softly over your cheek and you found yourself leaning into his touch. 
“I love you, too. I never stopped.”
I never knew I could feel that much and that's the way I loved you.
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fatoujallovv · 4 years
trick or treat
ellie’s 200 follower celebration @evilhersxlf sent 🌻 for a fluffy elu drabble!
“Alright, showtime,” Lucas said with a wink, a twinkle in his eye as he grabbed the candy bowl to answer the door that had just been knocked on a little too enthusiastically.
or, for their first halloween living in their apartment together, lucas and eliott get ready for trick or treaters. read under the cut or on ao3!
i know they don’t really do trick or treating as much in france but for the sake of fiction let’s just pretend we don’t know that tehe
Eliott looked around their small apartment, at the fake cobwebs they’d used to cover the furniture, the skeletons and witches brooms they’d scattered around, at Lucas, holding a bright orange bowl, a concentrated little scowl on his face as he tried to arrange the candy perfectly inside.
Eliott smiled fondly as he watched on, Lucas switching around individual Reese's cups to give the bowl the most appealing look possible.
“You know, the kids just want to eat some candy. I think you’ll be okay if the kit kats aren’t distributed evenly in the bowl.” Eliott chuckled, approaching to wrap an arm around Lucas shoulder and give the muscle at the base of his neck a light squeeze as he joined him in staring into the bowl.
Lucas turned his head and tilted his chin to raise an eyebrow at Eliott, “You don’t know that. Our candy organization could very well be the thing that makes or breaks our first time having trick or treaters.”
“Hm, maybe you’re right,” Eliott conceded teasingly.
“I’m always right,” Lucas agreed with a smirk, returning his focus to rearrange one last piece of candy.
They had dressed up as Carl and Ellie from Up. When they had fought over who got to be Ellie, of course Lucas had won. It didn’t matter that his name literally was Eli, Eliott could never say no to Lucas’ doe eyes and his little pout when he was particularly determined to get his way.
Lucas wore a yellow sundress and an auburn wig with a matching yellow headband. He looked adorable. Eliott was left to find a tweed suit which he taped helium balloons to the back of, the bright colors floating above his head.
“You look great, you know,” Eliott giggled, stepping back to extend a hand. Lucas took it and spun under his arm, “I know,” He replied, floofing his wig with a smirk, “You don’t look so bad yourself for a grumpy old fart.”
Eliott shook his head with fond exasperation as Lucas stepped into his space to press a quick kiss to his lips before bopping him on the nose.
“Still think we should have been a raccoon and hedgehog,” Eliott sighed.
“No. No way, we are not exposing the children to furries.” Lucas teased, reaching to ruffle Eliott’s hair, forgetting it was cemented down into an old timey style with giant goops of hairspray and gel.
They settled into each other’s soft gaze, then, and with a light chuckle Lucas hopped up to tap one of the balloons above Eliott’s head. He could barely reach, even if he jumped, and the sight of it made a warmth spread through Eliott’s heart.
“Alright, showtime,” Lucas said with a wink, a twinkle in his eye as he grabbed the candy bowl to answer the door that had just been knocked on a little too enthusiastically.
Eliott watched Lucas’ face light up as he swung open the door, taking in the sight of the group of princesses, superheroes, and wizards. He’ll be such a great father Eliott thought, seeing how he knelt down to eye level and asked each child to tell him their favorite candy with bright, eager enthusiasm.
Eliott was standing off to the side in their entryway, watching the scene unfold as he imagined what it would be like to be the parents standing a few paces back on the landing of the stairwell – if he and Lucas had a little gang of tiny people to bring around to apartments like this one, to dress up in cute costumes and take a candy tax from at the end of the night.
They would wear ridiculous couples costumes and their kids would roll their eyes because you’re embarrassing us! but they would be happy. They would all be so happy. Eliott couldn’t keep the giddy grin off his face if he tried.
He hadn’t realized that Lucas had shut the door until he was wrapping his arms around Eliott’s waist, having placed the candy bowl on the floor by the door.
“I think that went well,” Lucas grinned, meeting Eliott’s eyes before chuckling and continuing with a teasing, “What are you all smiley for?”
“Nothing. Just thinking,” Eliott mused.
“Dangerous,” Lucas smirked.
Eliott rolled his eyes but paid the jab little mind, “Aren’t you gonna ask what I’m thinking about?”
“What are you thinking about, my love?”
“About us, our future. If we have kids one day. We could take them trick or treating.”
“Thinking far ahead, aren’t we,” Lucas giggled, “But you know you’re gonna have to marry me first.”
“Watch out, Lallemant, one of these days I’m gonna husband you up so fast you won’t know what hit you.”
“Dork.” Lucas shook his head – not without a fond smile and a sweet kiss, “I can’t wait.”
“Me neither.”
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meowdymista · 4 years
iv. i am
Part of the Devil’s Backbone project - Masterlist
Notes: includes Arthur x Abigail smut tehe
“Shove it, Ma.”
“Boah.” Arthur juts his chin to the door, setting his napkin on the table. “Walk with me.”
“It wasn’t an invitation, Jack.” His growl is ominous. 
The boy gasps as he is pulled to his feet. “Let go, Arthur!”
“Tha’s Uncle Arthur to you. Outside.”
“We’ll be right back, Abigail.” His eyes are sparkling dangerously, his tone forced polite. “Just gonna take a minute to cool off.”
“That boy’s gonna get what’s comin’ to him!” giggles Uncle.
“Shoot!” Abigail jumps to her feet, following them to the door. “Arthur!”
“We’ll only be a minute.” He looks back at her, eyes honest. She swallows, unable to speak as the front door closes and the footsteps move over the porch.
She rushes to the window in the boy’s room, keeping out of sight.
“What’s come over you?” The familiar growl is still as husky as ever.
“Leave me alone!”
“Alrigh’ lemme ask you again. What’s come over you, boah?”
“You’re not my father, Arthur! Why are you even here?”
“Is that it? Is that’s what’s botherin’ yer?”
“Nothin’ has to be botherin’ me! You just need to get lost!”
A dark chuckle reverberates through the glass. “Jack Marston. I am going to say this once, and I’m going to say it clearly so even your dumb pa could understand it - Never. Speak. To your mother. Like that. Again.”
“Or what?”
Abigail presses her hands over her eyes. She could almost hear the creak of skin pulling over Arthur’s knuckles. Don’t hit my son, Morgan! Do not hit my son!
When he speaks again, his voice is quieter, calmer, and all the more frightening. “Do you really want me to answer that?”
The silence is shaky and drawn out. “No, sir,” he eventually gasps.
Arthur claps his shoulder firmly, demonstrating a small portion of his true strength. “I’m glad,” he smiles, eyes tight. “Now how about we go inside and try to be civil.”
“Yes, sir.”
Uncle stifles a chuckle as she throws herself back in her seat, flattening her hair. The men walk back inside.
“Jack has something he would like to say to you, Abigail.”
He’s shaking, but Arthur’s stature is calm and relaxed.
“I’m sorry, Ma. It won’t happen again.”
“Good lad,” murmurs Arthur, patting him on the back, letting him know he’s free.
“Apology accepted.” Abigail forces a smile as the boy rejoins the table. She looks at the man, but he’s tearing himself a chunk of bread and eating like he’s been starved.
“So, Arthur,” says Uncle casually. “There’s rumours of some cows being moved from McFarlene’s to Strawberry for auction. Fancy some hustlin’?”
He tips the bowl into his mouth, wiping his face as he sets it back down. “Why? Do you?”
“I would love to, but this darn lumbago...”
“Ah, yes, the lumbago.” Arthur meets Abigail’s gaze and winks, making her laugh. “Think it’s best we keep from robbing the neighbours anyway.”
“I’m sure you could do it just fine!”
He stretches loudly, his lungs rasping as they have done for years. “Nah, I reckon we should sit this one out.”
“The McFarlene’s take real good care of their livestock-”
“Then maybe we should be lookin’ at buyin’.” He moves his plate out of Abigail’s reach with a shake of his head. “Y’all done there? Jack?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Good.” He piles the crockery on top of his own and moves towards the kitchen.
“Arthur! I can do that! You’ve been workin’ all day-!”
“So’ve you, Miss Roberts.”
She sighs, defeated, looking at her son. “Y’alright?”
“Yeah,” he mumbles, too embarrassed to scowl or look up. “I’m gonna call it a night.��
“OK.” Abigail watches him leave, biting her lip to keep her sigh inside.
Uncle yawns loudly. “Think the boy’s got a good plan for the evening. G’night, Miss Roberts. Mr Morgan.”
She wrestles to keep her eyes from rolling, settling on collecting the napkins for wash and the last of the cups he had missed.
In the kitchen, Arthur is already washing up, singing to himself quietly. The cups clack together as Abigail sets them on the counter, drawing his attention.
“Hey, you ok?”
“Yeah. I just… I don’t know what’s got into him of late. He’s so moody.”
He chuckles, drying his hands on the towel before opening his arms out. “C’mere.” She accepts the invitation, feeling herself relax as he pulls her into a firm hug. “He’s jus’ going through them changes. He’ll come out a man soon enough.”
“I don’t want a man, I want my little boy back.”
He chuckles, squeezing her tighter, cheek pressed against her head. “I’m sure you do. He’s growin’ up real fast.”
“Too fast,” she moans, laughing despite herself. She takes a step back to look at him. “Make it stop!”
He chuckles, his thumb stroking the back of her hand. “You know I can’t do that. All’s left to do is try to raise him up better than we was.”
“Hosea and Dutch did an alright job on you,” she smiles.
He chuckles again, dropping her hand to lean back on the counter. “Sure, if you want another outlaw.” Their gazes meet and Arthur holds it until she looks away, embarrassed. “You need to talk?”
She looks up unwillingly. His arms are spread again, his rugged face open with understanding and years of friendship. “Somethin’ like that;” She forces a laugh, folding her arms, keeping herself to the other side of the room.
Arthur walks over to wrap his arm around her shoulders, his blue eyes cutting with concern. He waits, not wanting to pressure her into confessing something she isn’t ready to, but the heat of his body is driving her crazy.
When she looks up, there is a flicker of surprise before their lips are smashed together. He begins to pull her in, kissing her deeply as she hurries to unfasten the buttons.
“Abigail,” he manages to gasp, pulling her hands from his shirt by her wrists. “Jack? Uncle?”
“They’ve gone to bed.” She tries to step forward, but he resists, still frowning. “Please, Arthur?”
He sighs, trying to find the words. “You sure? About this?” His forehead furrows deeper. “I don’t want- I don’t want to mess this up.” She stops struggling and begins to pull away. “Don’t get me wrong, Abigail, I want you. I want you like that, but-”
“Then stop talkin’!” She stares him out, waiting. Eventually his grip loosens, and she pulls herself closer, pushing herself onto her toes so she can kiss him.
He responds slowly at first, but then the hunger takes a hold of him too. As they pull apart to catch their breath, he hoists her up onto the cupboards, pulling her body against his, his hands pulling at her hips and legs. She throws her head back, gasping as he sucks on her shoulder, rubbing himself between her skirts. She forces her hands between their bodies and starts pulling at the rest of his buttons of his shirt, making him moan as her fingers pull through his chest hair.
He picks her up and turns on the spot, moving plates of meat and bundles of vegetables off the table to lie her on it. He pulls it out a little so he can stand between her knees, still kissing every bit of skin his mouth can reach. She pulls at her undergarments with one hand and trying to undo his buckle with the other, but a hand catches her wrist again, pinning it over her head.
A groan slips from her throat as his face burrows it’s way down into her chest, his free hand playing on the inside of her thighs. She can feel herself quivering and tries to move her hips to meet his palm, but he moves it away teasingly.
When his fingers begin to play at her entrance, he lifts his head to watch her reaction. The corner of his mouth tucks up into his cheek, as he feels himself growing harder. Unable to torture her further, he pushes in one finger, then two, and then pushes up to his knuckles. He kisses the hills of her breasts as her back arches. He lets her wrists slip free from his grip and doesn’t fight her when she pulls at his trousers.
“You sure?” he growls, moving his tip over the slippy labia, his thumb playing with her clit.
He pushes his way inside with one fluid movement. His hands grip her hips and pull her closer to the edge of the table, slowly moving his hips to thrust into her. He smiles, leaning in to kiss her, when he freezes, eyes wide.
“What?” Abigail turns her head and immediately swears under her breath. Arthur pulls out, turning around to stuff himself back into his trousers. Uncle passes the doorway, muttering to himself about a bottle of whiskey he must have left in the stable earlier.
When the latch clicks shut, they look at each other.
“My bedroom?” Abigail suggests. “Before he comes back?”
Arthur nods, unable to speak as they grab any loose garments and flit over the hallway.
“I shoulda put a lock on this door.” Arthur tugs the wardrobe so it overlaps the doorframe. “There. No peeking Uncles.” He turns around and pulls Abigail against him. “Where were we?”
She giggles, her stomach fluttering as he lifts her up to kiss her. Her legs wrap around his waist, her fingers pulling through his hair and over his neck and shoulders as he crawls onto the bed and lowers her down gently. He laughs, kicking off his boots as Abigail wriggles out of her skirts, revealing herself fully.
He whistles under his breath. “You ain’t changed a bit.”
“Shut up!”
“I mean it - you look…” He shakes his head, pulling his body free from his union suit. She sits up and pulls him down by the back of his neck, kissing him hard. He moans into her mouth, moving forward to hover over her, his member bumping clumsily against her pelvis. She reaches down and gives him the slightest of nudges, and immediately he’s back inside gasping against her shoulder as he begins to thrust.
Abigail chews her lip to stop the whimpers leaking out. Arthur is grasping at her flesh, guiding her hips, lifting her knees higher up his waist as he begins to plunge deeper. Her head tilts back, a great moan of satisfaction about to reverberate out of her, but a hand clasps over her mouth.
The latch catches again, followed by Uncle’s mumblings, as they still themselves, holding their breath. They listen to him walking back to the living room where he had set out his bedroll for the night.
Blue fixes on blue green as they resume carefully grinding their bodies together, trying to resist the urgency calling them both.
Arthur kisses her neck, and her teeth bite into his thumb in an effort to remain silent. The grinds begin to hasten as she feels herself growing closer to climax.
“C’mon girl,” he murmurs, his nose gliding over her collarbones. “C’mon, let me feel you.”
Her fingers rake over his shoulder blades, the air catching in her throat. Arthur’s low groan is guttural. “Yes, c’mon. Keep squeezin’ - ohh, there you go.”
Abigail pulls a pillow over her face to stifle the scream as Arthur continues to pound into her. Her hands spread and pull at the bed sheets as she pulses with pleasure, and it’s not long before she can feel him stiffening into an almost vibrating quiver.
He pulls out, grunting as his hand finishes the job, raining thick heat over her stomach. His shoulders sag, a wave of relief rushing out any last drop of urgency as the sheen of sweat beads down his neck. Abigail lies still, her bosom still rising and falling as she fights to catch her breath.
“Thank you, Arthur.”
He chuckles, patting her leg sleepily as he moves across the room to bring her a damp cloth. “Any time,” he rasps as he wipes himself from her skin. “Feel better?”
“Much. You?”
“Mmhm.” Dropping the cloth on the nightstand, he lies down beside her and pulls her into his chest. A hand drifts down her side as he kisses her forehead gently. “You’ve still got it, Miss Roberts. Whatever it is, you still got it.”
Abigail wakes up to an empty bed. The bed sheets brush over her naked body, confirming last night was not a dream. She forces herself to swallow any hurt, calmly reminding herself that she doesn’t need her son finding her in bed with a man that is not his father, when the door creaks open.
“Mornin’.” Arthur sets a tray on the bedside table, flicking his damp hair out of his eyes as he helps her sit up. “Sleep alright?”
“Sure.” She can’t help but smile at the cup, and he follows her gaze.
“I know how much you like your mornin’ coffee,” he explains. “Plus I felt breakfast wouldn’t go amiss.”
“Thank you!”
“Nah, don’t mention it.” He pats her leg and walks back out of the room. “The bath is waitin’ for you when you want it. I’m gonna go give Jack his breakfast to keep him busy if you wanna sneak over?”
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dokifluffs · 4 years
Not the End | Kuroo Tetsuro
Pairing: Kuroo x Reader (female)
Genre: heart warming fluff tehe
Author’s Note: Literally one of my most favorite things I have ever written so I really hope you guys like it too~!! 🥺🥰🥰time to embrace canon kuroo and make more fluff, even if it means breaking a 4th wall or 5th wall- dedicated to haikyuu, thank you for everything
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He knocked repeatedly on the door as clouds casted by in the sky, blocking out the sweltering summer sun
He wore a white oversized t-shirt with the periodic table on it and black jeans
“Where is she?” He thought to himself as he spammed your doorbell, hearing the chime echo inside yet there was no movement to be seen
He glanced at his watch seeing the time
He fortunately came early but if you didn’t come out now, the window of extra time would be shutting
He was growing just the tiniest bit antsy since he had been dreaming about this date for so long and now that it was summer and volleyball was over, he had the time
Tickets were hard to get for these museums he had planned and he had a whole day planned down to every hour
It was early in summer so it was perfect, not too scorching hot
He couldn’t wait anymore and pulled out your spare key from your flowerpot, putting it back neatly as if it was never touched
“Y/N?” He called, his strong voice echoing into what seemed like an empty house
He slipped out of his shoes and made his way upstairs, almost always finding you there if you never answered the door, his calls, or anything
Your bedroom was like your sanctum having all that you needed- an air con fan, tv, surround sound, and most importantly, your bed that you had all to yourself
approaching your bedroom, the door cracked open, he could hear the faintest sound of music playing 
“Oya?” He knocked on your bedroom door as he pushed it open, relieved to find you
But he didn’t know how to feel seeing you curled up wearing his stolen hoodie, still in bed when you knew about the time for today’s events
“Hey, what’s up? We have to get to the station-“ he paused when he saw you look up to him, uncurling your face from your pillow
Your eyes were red and cheeks tear stained, matching your pillow cover that you hugged
“K-Kuroo...” you sobbed, inching yourself in your little ball form toward him as he sat on the edge of your bed, the mattress dipping beneath his weight
“W-what is it?” He was surprised as you laid your head on his lap
His mind went frantic as he went through your messages in his head, trying to remember if it was a certain day he missed- it wasn’t anyone that he knew of’s birthday, not an anniversary date or anything
Why were you so heartbroken?
Your eyes glistened from the sunlight in the room as you teared up once again, little wet drops forming on his jeans
“R-remember that manga and anime I was watching?” You sniffled as you sat up, your pillow in your lap and your fingers playing with the hem of it. “The volleyball one?”
“Yeah, did a character die or something?” He tried to make light of the situation and it worked, just the slightest but your emotions were getting the best of you
“No, but the last chapter of the manga came out…” tears dripped off your chin as you swallowed a hardened lump in your throat, the words aching as you spoke
listening carefully, he could hear you were listening to a slowed down version of one of the opening themes- he only knew this because of how many times you would put on the themes while riding in the car
but this was the slowed down version, or as you called it the “moonlight version,” and it was setting the mood for you, making you more sad 
Kuroo remembered the day back in junior high/ end of grade school when you started following this manga about volleyball
“You need to stop listening to this, it’s just making you sadder,” he laughed awkwardly, pausing the song that was playing on loop. he knew this volleyball anime/manga meant the world to you, but not like this 
Your eyes lit up when you read or talked about it to him and he asked you why not play for the girls’ team but you settled on being the manager for Nekoma instead, wanting to cheer them on and also being with kuroo and kenma and all your other close friends on the team 
It made him feel like you loved the show and manga more than him sometimes and it kinda hurt since they were fictional characters and he was your boyfriend, a real life actual volleyball player
“All the characters got their story, they grew above and beyond, and the main character was finally able to make it to the world stage with his partner from the high school team and- “ your voice cracked as you spoke, the wound reopening, fresh in your chest as everything you read, everything you watched, all the glorious moments came rushing through your mind
Everything you fell in love with for the past eight years came rushing back and you loved it all so much, it made you so warm but it also hurt thinking about how there wouldn’t be any more to it
You wanted to curl into a hole and rewatch and reread everything as much as you could
No more chapters, most likely no more official arts- all you had left was the animated show that would be continuing and finishing in a couple months
“Kuroo, I don’t want it to end,” you sobbed, your hair falling, hiding your face
He didn’t miss how your knuckles turned white as you gripping your pillow, only able to imagine the heartache you were feeling
he knew very well how much this all meant to you, all the rants and extensive conversations you had with him, begging him to watch the show- especially because of a bed headed character that was just like him 
you reminded him so much of kenma- you talked, read, and watched everything about this story like kenma when he got a new game or was watching hinata play volleyball
You want to see more, hear more of the voice actors, the characters growing. You want to be beside all of them and see their story to the very end
All the antics between the characters that made you break into a smile or fits of giggles, all the cheers made for the different teams in your manga/anime- all were so addicting
“Hey, shhh,” he pulled you gently into his embrace, one hand holding the back of your head, the other rubbing down your back. “I know you don’t but all good things must come to an end, right?”  
He glanced at his watch just the slightest bit, seeing the time, relieved to know he still had enough
“Look on the bright side; you were able to read and watch it while it was still being made, you got to anticipate the next chapter and episode, seeing all the characters develop and become great people who’ve had such a great impact on your life.”
He pulled you back and wiped your tears away on your cheek
“This may be the end of the story, but it’s not the end for you; everything will live on inside of you, right?” He held your face in his hands, making sure his words got to you
“It won’t be the end of your life, or any of your favorite characters’. The story you were presented with came to an end but their lives are still going, just like yours.”
You buried yourself into his arms, muffling your cries into his neck as he chuckled, holding you
“Come on, get dressed and I’ll make sure all this sadness you’re feeling will go away. I’ll be the wind that’ll shift the storm cloud brewing above your head,” he stood up, still holding you and setting your feet on the ground
“I won’t let you be sad, not on my watch, chibi-chan,” he looked down to you with a smile as he pat your head. “Your body won’t even realize L-trytophan’s being converted into L-5OH-trytophan, converting serotonin by an aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase.”
The gawk you had made him let out his hyena laugh, just hurting his pride ever so slightly that he had made one of the smoothest lines in love-history and you didn’t even swoon
“I’m gonna make happy chemical in your body make your heart go doki doki,” he put simply to which you nodded, breaking in to a laugh, calling him a nerd under your breath as you changed
But he was your nerd, and he was right 
No matter where you were in life, you got to have this special manga and story in your life and experience it first-hand whereas others were missing it
Everyone lives on, even if you can’t see them
Thank you, Furudate, for bringing Haikyuu into this world <3
~~~~~ Thanks for reading! Masterlist for more! Please do not repost anywhere else!
Tags (let me know if you wanna be tagged for all my haikyuu posts): @yams046  @mazey-chan  @sunboikyo00  @kara-grayson04​  @fortheloveofbakugo​ @tsumtsumsemi​ @osamuonigiri @sam-ate-giorno​​​ @1-800-wholesome​ @realityisoftendisapointing@plantisnotplant @k-eijiakaashi​ @pink-panda-pancakes​ @differentballooncollection​ @osamusamusamu@therainroguefanfiction​ @euphorihan
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sunflowerdjarin · 5 years
Cleaning Up
Pairing: Robin Buckley x Reader
Summary: The reader comes to pick up Robin from work, things get heated in the back room.
Warnings: Light smut
@mixed-fandoms-girl Robin and the reader flirting at scoops ahoy
anonymous: Robin x reader! Smut, fluff, angst, anything you want! I want it all!
anonymous: request tehe🧚‍♀️please... robin smut... maybe you’ve been dating for a while and visit her at work? you can pick it up from there but. that is all i ask
You tapped your fingers against the cool counter of the Scoops Ahoy before lifting them to click the bell on the counter. “I swear to god, it’s less than 10 minutes till closing.” You heard a familiar grumbling behind the partition before it slammed open. Your girlfriend’s face greeted you with an unhappy look that soon turned into a small smile. “Don’t worry, I’m not here for ice cream. I’m here for something a lot sweeter.” You smirked, raising your eyebrows towards her. 
She moved to come to the front counter. “Is that so?” She asked, propping an elbow onto the counter. She rested her chin in her palm, her fingers nestled against her cheek. “You two are disgusting.” You heard Steve call out as he pushed through the doors to the front desk. “Come on, you know I’m your favorite customer.” You joked as Steve walk around the front counter onto the other side. “No, his favorite customer is a 12 year old.” Robin sniggered from behind the counter. “Dustin is 14.” He turned over his shoulder back to Robin, a slight attitude in his voice, “Now, I’m going home. Have fun cleaning up tonight.” He turned to walk out of the store. 
“I made a bet that if he could get a girl’s number today, I’d have to clean tonight. And if he didn’t, he’d have to clean.” Robin sighed, pushing herself off of the counter. You walked behind the front counter leading you to stand behind the register with her. “Harrington did the impossible and got a girl’s number?” You sounded mildly impressed as Robin started to clean off the counters. “It was Carrie Hoult’s number, don’t give him too much credit.” She grumbled as she moved to the back room. You followed suit, nodding, “Oh, so she’s still got a crush on Harrington.” 
“Not much has changed since 8th grade evidently.” She murmured as she continued cleaning, “But, why are you here?” She looked over her shoulder, still mildly shocked that you were here. “It’s late and raining out. I don’t like the idea of you riding your bike home so late and in the rain. Plus, I thought you could stay with me tonight and I’d get you to work bright and early in the morning.” You tried to say cooly, but it felt like the words were rushing out of your mouth. You and Robin had been an item for months, but yet you still felt an anxious rush talking to her sometimes. 
Robin turned around, a blush printed across her cheeks. She stumbled to find a quick witted line, but a fake gasp escaped her lips, “Does a certain someone actually care for me?” She threw her rag onto the counter behind her and placed her hands onto the counter leaning against it. She tugged her bottom lip between her teeth. The view of her in knee high socks adorned with her tattered red converse were already enough to drive you wild. 
“I do, a whole lot, actually.” You smiled as you moved towards her. You placed your hands on her waist, “Is that a problem?” You whispered, your lips were just barely far enough from hers that she could feel your breath against her lips. She shook her head shyly, “Not at all.” She whispered back lightly sounding out of breath. “Good.” You said smugly before pulling her into you, her lips crashing against yours. 
She jumped slightly, your hands lifting her up to sit her down on the countertop. “You’re going to have to clean these countertops again.” You joked in between kisses, feeling her smile against your lips. “Shut up.” She halfway laughed as her hands snaked up to your cheeks pulling her into you. Her legs wrapped around your waist keeping you close. Your hands moved up her body tugging on the shirt that was tucked into her uniform shorts. 
Your hands moved to caress her chest. A gentle moan escaped her lips, but was trapped in your kiss. You began to kiss down her towards her neck. Her hands tangled themselves into your hair. Robin let out a whimper as you sucked on the sweet spot on her neck. One of your hands delved under her bra gentle gripping onto her breast. Your thumb gently flicked across her nipple, her legs tightened around your waist. Your other hand wrapped around her back, pulling her incredibly close to you. A gentle, “Please.” Escaped her lips, sounding more like a prayer than anything else. 
“Come home with me.” You whispered into her neck, getting lost in her short light brown hair. “I’ll make it worth your while.” You pressed a gentle kiss against her neck before pulling away. Her hair now mused, lips swollen from kissing, and eyes hooded from the whole situation. “Okay…” She trailed off before coming back to the statement, “But you have to get your hands out of my shirt.” She cocked an eyebrow at you, a smug look running across her face. 
“Do I though?” You leaned in to give her a kiss, but your lips ghosted just above hers as your thumb ran back over her nipple yet again. A gasp escaped her lips as she arched her back into you. You pulled your hands out of her shirt, tugging your waistband out to tuck her shirt back into her shorts. Her legs unwrapped themselves from behind you as she loosened you from her grip. “You need to pick me up from work more often.” She joked as she eased herself off of the counter, before turning back around to clean off where she had been sitting. You wrapped your arms around her waist, pulling her back into your chest. “I will surely keep that in mind.” You muttered as you pressed a kiss onto the side of her head. 
“Now let’s get you home.” You smiled as you pulled away from her, but grabbed her hand instead, dragging her out of the ice cream shop, making sure to flick off the store lights on your way out. 
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eye-raq · 6 years
Daddy’s Home Pt.1: The Pull UP
Okay so ya’ll gonna trip off of this one HERE. Thanks to my girl @hdkween I had to do it man i had to!!!!!!
Summary: Erik serves seven years of his ten year sentence, getting out on good behavior to finally teach his girl who left him almost four years ago a lesson (A NASTY LESSON) *tehee*
WARNINGS: SMUT (18+) This is long, and nasty, and just badddd yall.  If I haven’t tagged you please let my ass know because everytime i make a tag list i loose it lmao!
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Mariposa County Jail.
That’s where she visited now. From her understanding, it was very strict. She got a further warning from her good friend Brianna, who had an ex-boyfriend there that she visited often.
“Girlllll, I'm just gonna warn you now, you can forget all the treats you could sneak in at the other jail, and paying off some of those crooked officers to fuck in the bathroom, NOPE. No bending the rules or you’ll be staying there too.”
Upon arrival there, Callie couldn’t even park and leave her 2015 Infiniti Q50 without some correctional officers approaching her vehicle to check it. She clutched her Pink tote bag, an attitude etched within her pretty brown features as she watched them attack her car, never missing an inch of space. After about ten minutes, they finally lifted from her vehicle, turning to escort her into the Institution.
It seemed they really wanted to be cautious, because now Callie had to go through a metal detector, also having to send her bag down the conveyor belt to get checked by a women correctional officer. Callie was used to this part, having to be searched before she entered, but not as extensive as her car.
She even received instructions before coming here to not wear similar colors that resemble that of the inmates. They wore blue from head to toe, so she wore an all black Pink tracksuit with her curly hair up in a simple top knot bun. After going through check out, Callie had to sign some forms, handing over her ID, stating her name, and date of birth.
“Callie Demetria Carter, 4/4/90.”
“Visiting?” The boring officer asked, his eyes never leaving the papers in front of him, the balding patch of thin hair on his pale head giving her a view she would normally laugh at if it wasn’t for her already overgrowing irritation.
“Erik Stevens.” Erik Stevens, graduate at MIT who took on the job as a hacker instead of an engineer.
At that the officer went to pull out a stack of visitors lists, finally finding Erik’s, scanning to see. Callie had always been curious to know who else visited Erik, her eyes staring through the thick panel of glass, squinting them to make out more than one name scribbled there.
“Alright, let's go. Leave all personal belongings here, and follow these few officers through that door to the phone room.”
Callie never had to visit Erik in a phone room. She always came to see him at the other institution in a wide open room where all inmates came to see their visitors whether it be friends, family, or even enemies. Callie tried to block out the image of the one visitor who sat next to her, the prisoner stabbing their neck repeatedly, before doing the same to themselves. Callie had nightmares about that for nearly a two months.
Finally lifting from the chair, Callie walked empty-handed as she allowed the slow swinging doors to close. It was a long dimly lit hallway, the sounds of her vans walking across the shiny hardwood flooring that had the smell of pine sol wafting from it. She gripped the zipper of her tracksuit hoodie tightly, her expression hardened.
Callie avoided her last visit to see Erik for reasons she didn’t want to bring up. She supposed Erik needed time to adjust here as well because he had transferred to this Institution for his own safety. Erik literally owned the last prison he stayed in called San Quentin State Prison. Erik had the warden and the correctional officers eating out the palm of his hand, he even had his own cell in a secluded area of the prison from the other inmates. That alone earned a lot of hate and jealousy towards him.
Callie remembers visiting Erik in the earlier stages of his arrest, face bruised purple and red from fighting, he even walked out with his orange jumpsuit undone, a bandage on his broad chest from an attempt stabbing in the courtyard:
“E! What the fuck?!” Callie wanted to cry.
“Aye! I told you, I got this. Don’t go wasting your tears on me. You got the weed right?” Callie’s somber expression turned to that of annoyance as she pulled out the plastic bag full of kush, his special kush that he smoked in jail to keep him level headed, especially if he planned on getting out on good behavior.
“Thanks, baby, you like my little Bonnie, always holding me down.”
Callie’s attention was brought back to the present as the doors to the phone room opened, revealing a long stainless steel counter sealed off by a thick pane of glass separated by a wall between each visiting area, a rusty black phone for the visitor and the prisoner to use, and hard plastic chairs. From the way this was set up, there would be no more weed for Erik and no more quick sex sessions. Callie finally takes her seat at the instructed area, pulling her chair close and pressing her elbows firm on the counter in front of her. As if on cue, the correctional officer on the other side of the glass opened the door, a buzz sounding out as awe transformed her face.
There, standing at 6’3 220 lbs with little beady beads in his hair, unkempt facial hair, and crisp blue pants with a matching top was Erik himself. Callie felt a blush creep up her face, all of the memories with this man flooding her brain again, giving the wicked imagery that she wasn’t prepared for. Adjusting herself in her seat, Callie clears her throat, trying her best to stare into the eyes of her incarcerated boyfriend, clear resentment festering within him. Callie couldn’t lie, she felt fear in her belly, even through the thick glass. Erik kicks back the chair, settling with a loud thump of the chains around his wrists, body slouched and eyes cold with fury. Callie took a chance to look around her, nerves a damn wreck before picking up the dirty phone, bringing it to her ear slowly. She motioned with a lift of her chin for Erik to pick up his phone, watching him snatch it up with so much aggression, fear churned in her stomach.
Callie could hear him breathing, his chest from what she could see rapidly moving as if he were suffocating on his rage.
“Hi E, how you been baby?” Callie licked at her dry lips. She waited for him to respond for what felt like a minute, the fingers on his right hand tapping at the counter deathly slow.
“I heard some things.” That's all he had to say to her, no hi princess, no wassup baby girl, no you miss me, just THAT. Callie felt disrespected, the number of times she would visit his ungrateful ass, and that’s all he had to say.
“Oh? So no hi how are you? No hey baby girl, wassup love, nothing?” She grimaced.
“Are you gonna confirm what I heard?” he gave her a dirty look with a shrug of his shoulders.
“I’ll entertain your rude ass since that’s what you clearly want me to do.” Callie seemed to have forgotten how aggravating her boyfriend could be.
“Word on the street is, my girl entertaining some other nigga.” Callie’s expression closed up, her fingers fidgeting while her eyes landed on a vein popping out the side of his neck.
“Wassup? You can’t speak?” Erik whispers with rage, his jaw tight and eyes bloodshot. He leans closer, his face almost pressing against the glass.
“It ain’t even like that.” She felt small. Callie felt like everyone in that room could hear what was going on.
“It ain’t even like that huh?! From my understanding, you let this nigga into my place, fucked this nigga in my bed?” He laughs.
“Erik chill out. I came all this way to see you.” She started to feel her anger stab at her brain.
“I’m finna break this MOTHERFUCKING glass.” Erik brings a single finger to the glass, stabbing it.
“I’m growing hella tired of the games Callie. You wanna stop with all that playing and tell me what’s really going on?” Callie’s leg fidgeted under the table, her eyes closed. She was afraid to even tell him anything from the reaction she was receiving right now.
“Fine! I met someone.” Callie nibbles on her fingers, her eyes wavering. He just sat there, immobilized with fury, his eyes deranged and a look as if he’d been slapped.
“You wanna run that shit by me again?!” The spit from his mouth hit the glass.
“I-I met a guy, his name is Lamont. We hung out a few times, and I invited him over. We kissed and he felt me up a little but that’s it! That’s all I didn’t let him hit I sware on my life!” Callie fucked up, she knew she fucked up. Erik had friends in AND out of jail. Callie briefly wondered besides his lawyer, were there others who would report things to him? She felt stupid.
“You stupid or what? You really thought you could fuck with another nigga while I was away? Especially since you’re MINES. What you thought I wasn’t gonna find out? I can’t believe your little simple ass.” He could taste the blood on his tongue from his rage. Erik pounded his fist on the counter, causing one of the correctional officers to approach behind him.
Callie rubbed angrily at her face, tears that she didn’t want nor needed, falling. She put up with Erik’s jailbird ass long enough, four years in jail to be exact. Callie had a lot going for herself, a college degree in Health Science, a great job with benefits and a salary wage, she wanted to feel guilty, but why should she? Erik landed himself in jail for credit fraud on multiple counts for some stupid job she warned him not to take, now he was serving seven to ten years behind bars.
“Fuck this, I don’t feel sorry about shit,” Callie yells, her limbs shaking.
“So you don’t feel sorry for getting with some clown while I’m in jail!!!?” Erik yells back into the phone.
“No, I don’t E. I feel like I deserve more than this arrangement we have going on.” Callie could see the hurt in his eyes, his nostrils flaring.
“What this punk nigga got that I don’t have?!” Erik smirks deviously then, his eyes low and predatory.
“Freedom.” Callie couldn’t believe she just said that.
“What a FUCKING SHAME. That’s all? Just freedom?”
“Freedom is better than dick Erik. Dick that you can’t sling behind bars.” Callie was on a roll. Did she know that from her words, she dug a deeper hole with Erik, but so? What could he do right? He was away for seven to ten years, by the time he got out she could be somewhere overseas living it up.
“You feel real tough on the other side of that glass. I’m giving you this one fucking warning Callie, DROP THAT NIGGA. Don’t look at him, don’t speak to him, don’t even breathe the same air as him.” with every word he spoke, he poked the glass so hard it shook.
“Erik, I’m tired of this shit. I’m sick of you trying to control me, I’m sick of coming up here with the same damn routine to see your sour ass, I’m TIRED! I’m fucking tired E.” Her eyes almost left her sockets as she spoke the words she’d been feeling for a while. Callie didn’t deserve this kind of lifestyle because of his mistakes.
“So WHAT?! You fucking leaving me?! What kind of girl of mines you supposed to be if you leaving me HUH?! Gon’ fucking dip out on me after all the shit I did for your ass. If the tables were turned you think I would do you dirty like this?! I can tell you now I WOULDN’T.” His voice was at its highest peak now, so deep and thunderous it earned the attention of practically everyone in that room.
“You are embarrassing right now! Calm your big ass down! You want the whole world to know our business?!!.” Callie scoots her seat back, lifting from her chair.
“Who the FUCK told you to exit! Were not fucking done Callie! I swear on EVERYTHING.”
“What?! Last time I checked I’m over here and YOUR over there!” Callie rolls her eyes at him, turning to leave with a middle finger to the sky.
Erik stands from his chair frantically, causing it to fall to the floor loudly. He snarls, nodding his head, pointing a warning finger to her retreating back as the officers lead her away.
“I’ll see you and that bitch ass NIGGA on the outside bruh!!!!!!” He felt the firm grip of the officers on his arms, causing him to laugh.
“Ain’t shit going on with me I’m GOOD.” Erik shakes them off. All he could see was her walking down that hallway, not even a backward glance.
“IT’S COOL BABY GIRL KEEP THAT SAME ENERGY WHEN I GET OUT!” Erik rubs at his nose, blinking his eyes rapidly while his fists clenched.
“Go ahead and bounce then Callie since you leaving.” He could feel his chains being pulled, his hurt face turning away from her blurred body as the officers lead him back to his shared cell.
Present Day: January 2019.
“Hey, Stevens!”
There were about four correctional officers headed towards his cell, the one leading the way going by the name of Johnson. All of them were big and intimidating, but none compared to Erik himself.
Standing at 6’3 246 lbs of thick muscle, body littered in tiny raised scars that represented each day he resided behind bars, skin a deep almond, hair in wild dreads that sat atop his head with a sharp temp-fade around the sides, bringing in the strong features that consisted of a broad nose, sharp brown eyes, wide lips that drew back into a snarl from the pull-ups he was currently doing, dark messy eyebrows, and teeth littered in gold.
“It’s showtime! Grab your stuff, were escorting you out.”
Erik drops down with a loud thud of his faded Timberlands against the smooth concrete of his cell, waking up his cellmate, causing him to groan. Erik gives Johnson a once over with his eyes, and a wicked smile before adjusting the drawstring to his pants, the fabric almost slipping from his waist to pool around his feet.
“It’s that time already Johnson? I thought my good behavior release didn’t start till next week on Wednesday?” Erik turns his chiseled back on Johnson and the others standing on the other side of his cell bars, walking over to his untidy bed, grabbing up the duffle he had already packed with some gear he definitely couldn’t fit anymore, throwing it over his shoulder.
“Where’s your shirt?” Johnson asked with annoyance.
“What’s the weather?” Erik looked up at the tiny window on the ceiling, the sun peeking through, staining his scared shoulders.
“It’s about 75 degrees.” Erik scuffs, pulling out a white long sleeve henley, throwing it on quick before walking up to the gate. Johnson begins to unlock it, Erik’s heart practically banging against his solid chest from how relieved he was to finally leave that shit hole. He served seven years of his sentence, SEVEN. He knew his lawyer would look out for him, the sexy bitch finally getting what she always wanted. The day Erik found out about his good behavior leave, his lawyer by the name of Marcia Grey requested to see him in private. Erik confused out of his mind showed up within that room to find Marcia in a tight nude bodycon skirt, with her white blouse undone giving him a full on view of her ample cleavage that begged to fall into his mouth. How many years has it been? Three years and eleven months since he had pussy? That’s about 1452 days. When he and Callie were together, they always had an arrangement of sex the four years before that, but since she called things off, Erik was left to beating his meat in hopes that the other prisoners couldn’t hear him.
Marcia made her intentions clear with Erik, that she wanted to fuck him in return for getting him his good behavior release. Erik didn’t have to be told twice, he lifted her up by the back of her thighs and fucked her a good two times, getting his nut in on that hard ass table. That was at least three months ago, now he really needed it craved it, and the only person to deliver that was Callie herself.
Callie Demetria Carter.
Could be Callie Demetria Stevens, She was lucky Erik loved her ass. He took his anger out on lifting weights, and punching bags, sometimes even racist prisoners who rubbed him the wrong way.
All that thinking, Erik hadn’t realized that the exit was inches away from him, the fresh air wafting his nose. FINALLY, no more smelling his cellmates shit in the middle of the night, no more quick showers because he wanted to avoid the homosexual prisoners who already gave him a look that made him want to break their faces in two, no more filling up on stale bread and ramen noodle hookups with tuna fish and eggs, and no more being pushed around by the crooked ass correctional officers.
Erik watched as Johnson opened the final gate to freedom, a car waiting for him ahead, HIS car, a 2018 NSX in electric blue.
“That’s you?!” Johnson was astonished.
“I might have been behind bars, but that doesn’t mean I ain’t got bank.”
Erik didn’t give a final farewell, walking up to his car, his good friend since childhood named Kendrick walking up to dab him up excitedly.
“Yee wassup big homie!” Kendrick pats Erik’s back.
“What’s good bro, YO, thanks for looking out for me while I was away, I owe you one big time.”
“That’s what friends are for right? You’re my nigga, of course, I was gonna look out for you.”
Erik practically runs to the drivers' side, itching to feel that leather on his back and smell that new car smell. Pulling off at 70 miles per hour, Erik starts talking business.
“My clean slate is already in progress from my understanding, I got some people in high places who owe me some favors.”
“AND, I found your girl, MISS CALLIE.” Kendrick clarifies.
“Is that RIGHT?” Erik’s grip on the steering wheel doesn’t go unnoticed, the leather making a loud crunching sound.
“YEP. she’s been dating that same nigga Lamont. Supposedly they’re going out tonight for a date, I think it’s RA Sushi on Lancaster Street.”
Erik’s irritation crackled.
He had something in store for her ass, just wait. He had a backup apartment where he did business that he could stay for a while, and then tonight he would pop up on Callie and her temporary nigga, serving up punishment by dick.
9:00 pm, Friday
“Look at you! You know how much I love RA Sushi.” Callie grabs Lamont's hand as he helps her out of his matte grey G Wagon, his hungry eyes never leaving Callie’s body. Tonight she wore a skin-tight camouflage bodycon dress, her lips painted a wine red, natural makeup on her face that brought out her hazel eyes, long hair done in soft curls, and her feet covered in nude So Kate red bottoms.
“I remember your love for Sushi Callie, figured we could start the night off right with dinner before we head over to the Hookah Bar.” Lamont stood at 6’1, a tall glass of chocolate milk with a bright white smile and chiseled features. His hair was shiny and black, blending perfectly with the fitted black sweater he wore and the dark wash denim of his jeans. He had a simple silver Rolex on his wrist with a silver rope chain, the smell of rosewood wafting her nose every time he took a step closer to her.
“Just hookah bar afterward? Nothing else you had in mind?” Lamont turned to her with a suggestive flicker of his thick black eyebrow, his lips turned up into a crooked smile.
“Callie you always want some damn dick.”
“What’s wrong with that? You telling me you don’t want to fuck?” Callie chuckles with a shocked look on her face. She never met a man who would turn down sex, especially if his women was ready and willing to provide that for him.
“OF COURSE I love fucking you Callie, but I was thinking tonight we could watch some movies, you know, get all boo’d up.” Callie actually scrunches her face at that. She hadn’t had the dick in about a week and all he wanted to do was lay in bed and watch movies? It was so foreign to her. As much as she hated to remember him, Erik never seized to please his women in AND out of the bed, that was before he got his ass locked up. Cali always wondered how he’d been holding up, sometimes thinking the worst, but she knew Erik could hold his own.
“Earth to Callie?” Callie hadn’t noticed her arrival in RA Sushi, standing in front of the hostess.
“Table for two right?” She asked all chipper.
“Yes, a booth near the window please,” Callie asked, watching as the hostess picked up two menus, escorting them to their table.
“You sure you good? You spaced out back there.” Lamont put an arm around her shoulder, squeezing her soft arm, bringing her body flush against his.
“Yeah, you know how I can get, lost in my thoughts.” They both settled into their seats, Callie letting out a deep breath before opening her menu to appetizers.
“You sure you telling me everything?” Lamont squinted his eyes in suspicion at her.
“Stop worrying about nothing and order us some appetizers! I was thinking we should share a bowl of ramen.” Lamont didn’t press her further, the waiter's arrival providing relief for her.
They both sat with glasses of water, undecided on what drinks they wanted with their chopsticks digging into the hot bowl of noodles, broth, beef, eggs, and veggies. Callie was so caught up in Lamont wiping some broth from the side of her mouth, that she hadn’t noticed the arrival of a special guest, but Lamont did.
“Can we help you brother?” Callie looks in the direction of Lamont's question to find THE ONE FUCKING PERSON SHE DIDN’T EXPECT TO SEE.
“AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” Callie screams in shock, jumping back in her booth seat, hitting her head against the brick wall. She whines in pain, her hand rubbing over her weave, eyes wide in terror, her hands shaking as they covered her mouth.
“Miss Callie Carter, AKA Daddy’s little slut with the trick tongue.” Erik rolls his shoulders, arms folded across his chest with his dreads freshly twisted and stroked to the side, gold-rimmed glasses on his face, a white v neck t-shirt with an oversized distressed denim jacket, light wash drop crotch jeans with red and black Jordan 1’s on his feet. He smiles brightly, revealing golds in his mouth. Callie could not remove her eyes from him, she COULDN’T BELIEVE that Erik himself stood before her with at least twenty pounds of muscle added to his body and a head full of dreads. Was this the nigga she left in the phone room almost 4 years ago?!!!
“What the fuck?! NIGGA, WHO ARE YOU TO SAY SOME SHIT LIKE THAT ABOUT MY GIRL? Did you lose your fucking mind bruh? Get the stepping homie!” Lamont was fuming now, ready to stand up out of the booth, but Callie put out a hand to stop him.
“Lamont!!! no, just no…”
Lamont gives Erik a nasty look before turning to Callie with confusion.
“You wanna tell me who this nigga is that claim you’ve been sucking his dick?” ERIK barks out a burst of laughter that caused a waiter to stumble with a tray full of hot saki shots.
“My nigga you don’t know?!! I’m the one Callie left almost four years ago.” Lamont had this dumb expression on his face that made Erik want to go upside his head even more.
“You lost you coffee faced nigga!? Check this out..”
Erik seats himself next to Callie, her entire personal space now filled with the smell of warm cinnamon, mint citrus, and Indian patchouli clouding her, it was provocative allure and power with distinct magnetic notes. Callie hated the fact that she loved the smell, she was livid because her seat grew wet.
“Since it seems that Callie here is the QUEEN of secrets, let me reveal her biggest one.”
“Erik DON’T” Callie yanks at his jacket, causing him to turn his blazing eyes on her.
“Get your fucking hands off me. You punished.” Callie felt like she’d been slapped in the face, her jaw slack and her hazel eyes almost leaving her sockets.
“Now back to you nigga with the temporary dick, I’m Erik, Callie’s man who’s been away in jail for seven years.” Lamont marinated in resentment, not a word spoke just pure hate in his eyes as he stared at Erik unblinking.
“You look like you wanna kill me right now, but I bet that shit doesn’t match up to how much I wanna end your fucking life,” Erik spoke that low and careful, so Lamont could catch every single word.
“And as for you,” Erik points to Callie without even looking at her.
“I told you not to come near this nigga, didn’t I? I told you not to breathe the same air as him and look at what we got.” Callie could only shake her head, her lower lip trembling. She didn’t know what would happen next, but she KNEW it wouldn’t be the perfect reunion.
“Say goodnight, Callie, we leaving.” Erik lifts from the booth, walking away a little to find Callie still seated.
“Oh? So Daddy gotta punish you further huh? That’s cool, I’m up for the extra work.” Callie looks at Lamont, his eyes staring down at the table without a single gaze at her. Erik whistles, getting Callie’s attention again as she finally lifts from the booth, now on her two feet.
“Sorry, Lamont.” She says over her shoulder, guilt creeping up her belly.
“Sorry, not sorry,” Erik says with a smile, knowing that Lamont wasn’t stupid enough to get up and try anything with him. Callie takes tentative steps towards Erik, all eyes in that restaurant on her like she was walking the walk of shame.
Erik holds up his hand to her, stopping her.
“What the fuck you doing?” He says with a harsh breath escaping his mouth.
“Is that how you're supposed to approach big daddy? You forgetting something?!” Callie’s body stiffens, turning her face away from him. He had so much CONTROL.
“You can’t be fucking serious right now Erik???” He cocks his head at her response.
“Oh I’m DEAD Fucking serious, get on all fours NOW, and crawl to me before I leave your ass in this restaurant.” Erik snaps his fingers, pointing towards the floor rapidly. Callie shakes her head, kneading her shoulder, she just couldn’t do it in public NO FUCKING WAY.
“I DON’T CARE WHERE WE ARE. You’re Daddy’s little slut who likes to be on her knees.” Callie massages the back of her neck, her eyes wavered as she lowers herself to the floor in the middle of that restaurant. She flips her hair over her shoulder angrily, placing her hands onto the floor now, crawling towards him slowly with her piercing hazel eyes on his dark deranged ones. Erik laughs bitterly, walking back towards the door with his eyes trained on his Callie, her plump body swaying with each crawling motion. Finally, at the door, Erik stands with his back against the archway, arms folded, waiting for her to kneel in front of him. Callie makes herself comfortable on her knees, her eyes still on him, because she didn’t want to risk pissing him off further in public.
“I been gone from that pussy for too long for you to entertain some other nigga, some wack ass nigga you stupid?! You thought you would get away with it huh?!” Erik kisses his teeth, bending over to grip her chin roughly. Callie gulps, her lip quivering.
“AYE.” She snaps her lips shut, her tongue rolling along the inside of her cheek.
“DADDY. Please, I’m-I’m fucking sorry okay I-I-I?!!”
“I-I-I-Too late Callie.” Callie could feel everyone's eyes on her, Erik looking up scanning the restaurant with malice.
“Fuck yall looking at?! Mind yall fucking business!!!”
Callie wanted to slap his fine ass clean across his face.
“FUCK-YOU-ERIK.” She said that with spite, already regretting it.
“Fuck me?! NAH, kill that IM FUCKING YOU. And I’m fucking you hard, and rough. Too many years in that fucking cell.” His voice grew so deep and terrifying. It not only had her fearing him, but it also had her pussy wet and calling for him.
The pleasure, the terror for the MAN.
“Round one of your punishment, I miss those naughty lips wrapped around my dick.” Erik lifted his shirt to his mouth, his hard, sensuous, able-bodied, sturdy, powerful, brick house frame came into view littered in these interesting scars that had her starstruck and dazed.
“Each one of these scars represents the number of days I spent behind bars, seven years worth of days.”
His thick fingers took its time to undo his pants, her throat bobbing and spit forming in the corners of her mouth. She salivated for this man, her face giving him a fake scowl. Erik knew her all too well, a mischievous smirk on his face as he stuck one of his hands down his briefs, pulling out a whopping 10 inches of thick dick, gripping it firmly at the base, Callie going cross-eyed as her eyes took in his thick head, and veiny shaft.
“What you supposed to do with this?” Erik could hear the audible gasps and objections from the people inside the restaurant. Callie’s tongue flicks her bottom lip slow, her eyes trailing from his impressive piece of meat to his sexy eyes.
“I’m supposed to suck it, DADDY.” Callie felt butterflies in her belly from that.
“That’s a start, and how you supposed to suck me off?” Callie wiggles on her knees.
“With both hands behind my back, using only my mouth.”
“THAT’S RIGHT. Only using that FUCKING MOUTH. No hands, just the lips, that tongue…”
Erik’s dick sits on her lips then, Callie’s head shaking from how good it felt to have that heavy thing rest on her bottom lip, staining it red.
“I don’t wanna see my dick, you better use that throat to your advantage! Make my shit disappear like you ain’t got no barrier!” He barked that shit out rough. Callie brings her hands behind her, opening wide, sinking her mouth on his stiff dick smooth and clean, her throat vibrating around him. It felt like home sweet home the way his dick sat deep to her uvula, her inner cheeks contracting around him giving his dick the best tension. She couldn’t believe that Erik had her on her knees, in front of EVERYONE with his dick in her mouth, fresh out of prison.
“Taste like it used to right? Ain’t change one fucking bit.” Callie nods her head, sucking him with a twirl of her mouth causing his dick to hit her inner cheeks each time, a hiss escaping his mouth deeply. She releases with a pop, spitting on it, then gliding her lips over him again, now bobbing her head quickly, the gurgling sounds so loud in her ears, the shock from the people around them became less audible. She loved it, every single inch of it no matter how upset she tried to be. She missed the dick, and it made her own the humiliation even more.
“Suck on my sack bitch.” That’s the only warning she needed, her mouth popping off his dick to suck on his hefty balls, Erik grabbing hold of his dick then, smacking her cheek. Her tongue thrashed wildly over him, sucking him up into her mouth one at a time, her pretty eyes taking in the strain of pleasure that was etched across his face.
“Look at you, for somebody that wanted to leave me so damn bad you sure as hell giving me a good welcome home present. Nasty ass.” Callie licks her way back to his dick, her lips sucking hard on the tip of his dick, which caused Erik to grip the sides of her face, fucking into her mouth so rough her nails dug into the skin on her hands.
“DON’T RUN EITHER LET ME TAKE THIS MOUTH.” He fucked her mouth like it didn’t belong to her, Callie’s body shaking and her entire face covered in spit. She couldn’t keep her eyes off of this sexy man, he was even sexier than before, and the thought of him fucking her tonight had her praying to God to wake up the next day with the ability to walk.
“Still got that dangerous tongue I see, FUCKKK.” He threw his head back, that lip she loved to suck on between his teeth.
“This my mouth now Callie, Let me cum in my shit.” Erik’s hips banged into her mouth faster and faster, his groans growing louder.
“FUCK YES!” She whimpers around him, his cum spilling out in loads down her chin, neck, and chest. It was SO MUCH, she couldn't even drink it all. Callie never knew Erik to cum that much.
Erik withdrew his dick, smacking her on the lips with it before scraping up some cum, feeding it to her. She drank every single drop with love and affection, her makeup ruined and clothes, the humiliation in the back of her mind.
Callie’s hands fought to gain control as she opened her apartment door, the hallway deathly quiet with the exception of Erik’s hard breathing on her neck. He yanks on her weave hard, pulling her back and causing her to slam her door closed after successfully opening it. Callie’s throat felt like she swallowed rocks from how sore it was, Erik, making her suck his dick again on the ride over.
“You thought you would run out on a nigga? Fuck another nigga?” Erik smacks her ass rough causing her to draw in a sharp breath.
“No! I-I no Daddy no!!!”
“No? So you didn’t fuck him?”
Callie felt him yank on her hair again, her right foot almost causing her to fall.
“I-I, EEEEEEE.” She knew if she told him, he would get her.
“shut -that-whining-up-right-fucking-now.”
“DADDY, pleasseeee.”
“SAY IT.” Callie hiccuped from her whimpering.
“Yes. yes, I did.” She felt his nose press into her face, taking a deep breath in, blowing it out, then take another deep breath in, holding it. She did it.
“Open that door baby girl, right now.” Callie felt Erik release her hair, her hand gripping the knob to let them into her place.
“STRIP.” Erik doesn’t wait for her to get to the bedroom, let alone all the way into her living room, watching Callie step out of her heels, pulling her dress up and over her head, revealing an emerald green g string underneath with a matching push up bra. Erik runs a hand down his face as he takes in Callie’s heavy titties, down to her round belly, straight to her pussy, down her thunder thighs, and finally landing on her pretty toes.
“My nasty little bitch got thick on me. Look at you, mmm, ass so phat pussy so phat, titties sitting pretty, chunky and sexy.” Callie clutched her chest, the look in Erik’s eyes making it hard for her to stand on two feet.
“Now you KNOW that pussy too fat to fit into a g string, look at it.” Erik takes off his jacket, pulling his shirt up and over his head, practically knocking her out with that killer body. He looked like he belonged in the military running drills. With a body like that he could lift her up and over his head, knock a nigga out with one clean punch.
“Pussy lips hanging over the sides, eating that fabric.” His tongue flicked his upper lip repeatedly. Callie’s eyes were trained there, her mouth hanging open.
“You like that? You like the way daddy flick his tongue?” Erik started teasing her then, flicking his tongue over his lips LL Cool J style, biting them with a wrinkle of his nose, puckering them, flicking his tongue between his fingers, she couldn’t take it.
“I bet Lamont wack ass couldn’t eat the pussy like me COULD HE?” she jerked her leg to calm her pussy.
“Say no daddy.” He instructed.
“No daddy.”
Erik approaches her, taking his fingers to yank her bra down, her titties jumping out at him with surprise. Erik frantically lowered his mouth, sucking up her nipples in a sloppy manner, making lurid noises. Callie didn’t hold back a single moan as he attacked her heavy chest, her hand's yearning to touch him, causing him to smack it away.
“What I say? You punished right? Say yes daddy.”
“Y-yes daddy.”
Erik unclips her bra, tossing it to the side in her living room, grabbing two handfuls of her titties sucking her nipples so good it almost made her fall flat on her back.
“I missed this mouth daddy.”
“I bet your thick ass did. You can’t get nothing pass me.” Erik trails his tongue down her belly now, kissing and nibbling.
“You remember how daddy liked to eat the pussy?” Callie nods her head.
“You got a mouth right? USE THAT SHIT.”
“Yes, I remember.”
“So how Daddy used to do it then?” Without a further word, Callie got to the floor, turning with her back arched and bent over, her pussy spreading for him in that tiny ass g string.
“GOOD GIRL. You know your position like the back of your damn hand.” Erik kneeled in front of her, fisting her panties before ripping it clean off.
“DAMN DADDY.” Callie’s eyes rolled in lust. Erik’s hands came down on her ass roughly, watching her skin grow red. Callie winces, and each time she would assume he was done spanking her, she felt another ping of pain.
“OWW!” She wanted to grab her ass but Erik wasn’t having that.
“Say I’m so sorry daddy.” Erik’s hands weren’t letting up, Callie felt her eyes began to water.
“I-I-I’m so sorry daddy.” He wasn’t convinced. Erik takes three of his fingers, sucks on them slow, before arching her back further, sliding his fingers into her wet pussy in one motion, Callie’s fist hitting the carpet. She attempts to close her legs but NOPE, Erik wasn’t having that shit.
“APOLOGIZE BETTER THAN THAT BABY.” Erik pumps his fingers over her g spot, spreading her wider with his knees, watching the way her body bounced with a need on his fingers.
“Callie, what I say?!”
“IM SORRY!!” Erik’s hand came down on her ass again like a whip, while his three fingers pumped her pussy quick. Callie’s toes curled, and her ass jiggled from how forceful Erik stroked with just his fingers.
“CUM. That’s the only warning I’m giving you.” Erik wasn’t playing with her tonight.
“Mmm” *stroke* “mmm” *Stroke* “mmmmmm” *STROKE* *STROKE* *STROKE* It was sweet torture.
Callie’s body bent lower, her cries muffled into her arm as she squirts on her plush carpet.
Without warning, Erik bent down to her pussy, laying her flat against his mouth, his tongue thrashing and lips rubbing all over like a mad man. Callie felt like she was in another dimension the way he ate like a savage. He ate her like he was starved like he hadn’t eaten for months. She could only lay there and cry, and Erik just kept on going, aiming to give her orgasms that would shatter you from the inside out.
“FUCK MY FACE.” Callie began bouncing on his mouth, and everytime her pussy hit his lips, he would suck her up like she was running from him.
“Oooooooooooo I can't take it!”
“Fuck my face like I said, give Daddy that fucking pussy, MY fucking pussy.” She wiggled her pussy on his lips, the suction sooooooo gooooooodddddd it had her lifting from his mouth. This alone earned another thunderous smack to her ass.
“What I tell you to do?!!” His fingers gripped her hips hard.
“Fuck your face.” She shook madly.
“So where that pussy going? fuck-my-mouth-like-I-said-right?”
“Well let’s go then I haven’t eaten all day bitch,” Callie whines her hips on his tongue, Erik slowly french kissing her pussy, actual kisses involving the slow sensual movement of your lips, with the surprise of a tongue, and the deep suction of the mouth. That’s what Erik gave her, but with more force.
“HAHA, That's the way you feed a nigga some pussy.” She fought the urge to grip his dreads.
“Yeah, daddy yeahhhhh.” She whimpers repeatedly like a song, her body tensing up as Erik continuously swiped his lips and tongue over her clit. Callie’s arms gave out on her, her body collapsing as her pussy creamed his entire mouth, too weak to jerk let alone moan. She passed out on his mouth, Erik still sucking like she had some left, but her pussy felt like he sucked her dry. He parted her pussy lips, sucking on everything there, flicking his tongue in its wake, causing her to flutter, her belly growing tight. She places her head on her arm, rocking her body back and forth while he did what he came to do FUCK HER UP.
Erik came to give her that torture and now Callie was a moaning mess, her clit so sensitive and the pressure in her belly so tight that she lifts from him frantically, crawling away. Erik growls in anger, his dreads wild in his face. Callie couldn’t even make it to the wall without him slamming her against it, parting her legs, laying flat on his belly while he finished the job. Callies, toes pointed roughly into the carpet, thighs shaking, her hands gripping a handful of his dreads.
“Ima squirt, ima squirt!” She squeezes her eyes shut, the pressure knocking at her hard, and finally gaining access to Erik's mouth as she slid down the wall. She gave silent cries to his assault, finally feeling his lips leave her pussy, but of course, he smacks her there.
Erik’s chest rose and fell rapidly, lips set in a hard line as he removed his bottoms, kicking them off. She couldn’t keep her eyes off his DICK. It was so damn big it made her moan just from the sight.
“Oh don’t worry, you bought to get it now.” Erik picks her up and over his shoulder, guiding her to her room.
“I haven’t heard you cry enough tonight. I’m gonna make you scream from this dick.” Erik kicks open her bedroom door, throwing her down onto the bed watching her body bounce and jiggle.
“If I buss it wide open will you scream for Daddy?” Erik yanks her pillows and covers from her bed, kneeling between her legs. He brings his hand to her wet pussy, smearing the sloppy juices over his hand, and bringing it to his dick.
“If I pound you into this bed will you cry? I really wanna make that ass cry.” Erik pulls her legs back so far she winces, her feet touching her headboard and her knees touching her ears.
Erik leans over her, his dick sliding between her folds, whispering low into her ear, his breath fluttering against it.
“Daddy gonna stretch this pussy.” He whispers so low you have to be still to catch it.
“Daddy gonna beat it up.” Callie taps her toes against the headboard.
“Watch how daddy does it.” Erik lifts, his hands latched to the back of her thighs, his dreads hanging in her face, and his dick slowly sinking into her purposely. Callie frantically shakes her head, pushing at his rock hard chest, the texture of his scaring soft against her fingers. He jerked forward rough, causing her to bounce. She felt like the wind had been knocked out of her chest. Erik repeats himself, the sound of smacking flesh hard and rough in her ears, the springs creaking like they begged to break. She shook from the pleasure and pain as her eyes swam with tears and her jaw dropped. Erik went without stopping, Callie no longer differentiating between consciousness and unconsciousness.
“You watching me punish you, look what you got me doing.” Erik drew his lips into his mouth, his eyebrows scrunched and his dimples smiling at her.
“Keep them eyes on me, watch me fuck this pussy up.” She gritted her teeth, nothing left to do except to grip anything. Her eyes observed his dick fucking her while his pupils flared. Callie couldn’t take the way his strong arms held her big thighs open, and the way his thick dick went in and out with a stream of wetness coating it.
The momentum increased times 1000 now, Callie digging her nails into Erik’s shoulders, his big goliath frame pumping her pussy so hard, her body jerked like a fuck doll, a shrill scream escaping her mouth.
“There you go, that’s it. Scream while I’m in the pussy.” There was sure to be a gaping dent in the middle of the mattress the way Erik fucked her, using Callie’s pussy like a punching bag, his stamina insane just as much as that dick.
“I gotta cum!” Callie cries.
“You always gotta cum, ain’t nothing I don’t already know.”
“Daddy it’s right-there!” She screams to the ceiling. Callie’s pussy was THROUGH she couldn’t take anymore.
“Where the fuck is it?!” Erik searches with his eyes, his lip between his teeth while glowering.
“DADDY,” Callie jerks so wild that Erik’s grip on her slips, her liquid pouring on him.
“You getting more of this dick though so BEND OVER.” She couldn’t even move without falling into the mattress, Erik flipping her over, positioning her so that her ass was in the air pointed to the ceiling and her arch was so deep her spine was non-existent. Erik grips her wrists, jerking forward into her cleanly, her head throwing back before falling forward in defeat.
“Say fuck this pussy hard from the back daddy.” Erik jerks slow.
“Daddy-fu-fuck this pussy hard from the back.”
“Where your fucking manners??”
“Fuck-fuck this pussy hard from the back pleassse.”
If back shots could kill, Callie would be dead. If getting your back blown out felt like the dick itself fought to claim your soul through your pussy, then Callie would be a shell. Erik fucked like a monster, his dick not only residing in her guts but her damn chest. Callie turned to look at him in the middle of his assault with a tear stained face and a blank gaze, her hair a tangled mess and her lower lip quivering.
“You look lost, something I can help you with??” her ass was a tidal wave as it bounced off his body.
“Slow down daddy.” Callie practically pleaded with this man.
“How old are you?” Erik asked between deep breaths.
“So what that make you then? A little girl or a grown woman?”
“A grown w-w-women.”
“So be a grown woman AND TAKE THIS DICK, take it no problem.” Erik lifts one leg, crossing his arms on her back, fucking her as hard as he could go, Callie’s head falling to the mattress, so close to banging on the headboard. Erik noticed her eyes rolling to the tops of her lids, her arms going limp in his.
“I can’t believe this shit, my dick got you passing out!” Erik couldn’t help the triumphant smile on his face, His dick growing sensitive in her pussy he just KNEW he would feed her his cum.
“Whether you’re here with me or not tell me if you feel this nut in this tight SHIT.” Erik groans repeatedly, finally snapping his hips forward rough, his nails dragging over her skin. Callie felt possessed, her pussy like a cream filled doughnut. Her eyes snap open frantically, as Erik jerked himself empty, her arms flailing in his grip. “We don’t run from the dick Callie! Stop acting defiant.” Callie pushes at Erik with her foot, rolling off the bed and running for her bedroom door with a limp in her walk. Erik wanted to yell from how angry she just made him.
“WHEN YOU GONNA ACT YOUR AGE AND TAKE THIS DICK CALLIE?!!!” Erik lifts from the bed, his dick swinging, searching for her with a swing of his head, dreads shaking.
“We playing hide and seek now?” Erik chuckles deep, turning left in her living room finding call standing on the other side of the table with a pleading look and a continuous shake in her thighs.
“The fuck you doing?! Bring that ass over here now!”
“No E! I can’t take it no more the dick is too much! What the fuck You been doing lifting weights with the dick?!” She observed the way his dick stood erect, hard enough to break a damn brick in half.
“That shit just won’t go soft.” She cried like a baby.
His forehead creased in frustration, “when I catch you, I’m fucking you into whatever surface there is. EVERY TIME YOU RUN, it’s just gonna earn you a harder fuck.” Erik jolts left while Callie goes the other way, pausing when Erik makes a quick move to her side. She tried to run but her foot caught on the side of her dining room table chair, causing her to trip and Erik to wrap his big arm around her waist, lifting her naked body up and on the table. The plant in the middle falls over, littering soil on the surface and water. He has her ankles now, pulling on them and finally resting them on his shoulders.
Her eyes were glossy, head shaking as Erik spread her legs again, yanking up her hand and wrapping it around him.
“Put this dick in my pussy.” He instructs. Callie does as she’s told with a shaking hand, her pussy disobeying her advances from how tight and swollen she was.
“Oh so now the dick can’t fit?! It was just in there a minute ago!” Erik starts jerking his hips, the more he jerked, the more his dick would stab into her pussy. Callie’s brows drew together, her back arching as Erik’s stiff dick finally made its way into her pussy again.
“You know what I think?” Erik grips her hips, pulling her body onto his dick like she couldn’t move a muscle.
“I think you like to play like you don’t want me to fuck you. But guess what? I like the chase, the more you do it the more I want it.” His hips snapped forward and the muscles running along his abdomen flexed each time. Callie couldn’t take the sight of this beautiful man fucking her.
“You taking my pussy daddy?!!” Callie’s mind and body seemed to warp to his control. She felt him bring her knees to her ears, angling her body so that each time he pounded, her lower half would meet his thrusts. Callie screams from the deep diving of his dick, causing her to slap him hard across his face, so hard she could see the vein in his neck snap.
“DO THAT SHIT AGAIN.” Erik dated her to, his eyes damn near black, face contorted in fury. Callie slaps him again, the sound compared to the sound of a belt breaking skin. He growls.
“You so mad at Daddy fucking you into this table slap me again! Hit me again right?! Do it bitch since you so sick of me fucking this pussy up!” Callie started to punch at his chest, her hands now yanking hard on his dreads, bringing his head towards hers, his eyes squeezed shut from the tension. Erik stabbed his dick angrily into her, the table scraping against the floor now hitting the wall.
“You mad and I’m taking this pussy AND you can’t run.” He was smug about that. Callie’s walls clench and unclench around his dick then, her tiny hand coming to his throat then.
“YOU JUST LOVE MAKING ME SQUIRT HUH?” She yells. You could hear her wetness building inside of her like Erik was plunging his dick into a body of water repeatedly.
“You love ME making you squirt. Like I told you, I’m taking this pussy and every single squirt and cream with me.” Erik bit down on the hand that tried to choke him, causing her to wrap her legs around his neck, her body shaking like a wave, squirting on this mans dick AGAIN.
She watches as he slips out of her, bringing his mouth to attack her wet pussy.
“You eating it for what though?!!” She cries, her body already going limp from Erik’s tongue.
“Spread that pussy open Callie.”
“No nigga.” She pushes at his big head, but of course, his neck is made of muscle too.
“No? You don’t tell daddy no you tell daddy yes.”
Erik sucks her up so much her liquid began to form around his mouth in bubbles, she had NEVER been this damn wet. She couldn’t control herself, as much as she cried and pleaded her hips rolled over his tongue.
“Fuck you and that mouth!” She could feel it growing in her belly again.
“You love it when I make you cum stop acting brand new!!!” She screams, her pussy squirting on him AGAIN. She almost falls to the floor from the feeling, Erik’s face shining, his lips dripping, his chest and abs glistening. Callie slips from the wet table, backing away from his crazy ass before running to her door. Erik doesn’t move just yet, kissing his teeth in annoyance before looking down at his still erect dick. His conscious begged him to cum again, he had to. Imagine being away for so long with only a memory to beat your meat to and not the real thing. Erik walks into the living room to find Callie unlocking her door, slipping out. He runs like he was doing sprints on a race track, catching her by her hair, closing the door, and lifting her body to the door. There they both stood, naked in the hallway for any of her neighbors to see, and I guess they both got there wish.
“What the HELL is all that noise out here!!” Callie’s neighbor Miss Daniels yanks her apartment door open in one of her house dresses, old titties swinging and shower cap halfway off her head.
Callie didn’t mean to give the old women a heart attack she really didn’t, but the look on her face made it look like she needed medical attention. Erik didn’t even give the lady a glance, his eyes fixated on Callie’s voluptuous body up against that door.
“Miss Daniels go ahead back in he’s not gonna move.” Callie warns the women, watching as she closed the door softly, her eyes popping out her head.
“You catching cardio while I’m tryna get in them GUTS. You got the neighbors watching and shit fuck wrong with you?!” Erik takes his dick again, teasing her tight entrance before sinking back into her so deep her eyes roll cross-eyed. Erik smirks at this, now bouncing Callie on his dick so good and loud everyone in that apartment we’re definitely sure to hear now.
“You gonna run from this good dick again or act right?”
Callie’s lip trembles from the way his head glides along her g spot.
“Act right Daddy.”
“And if you don’t act right, what Daddy gotta do?”
“Punish me further.” She whispers
“Yeah, that’s what daddy gotta do. If you just let me paint them walls again with this nut, I’ll leave you alone for the night.” Erik opens the door, walking into the apartment with Callie still around him, bouncing her slow.
“You still keep that vibrator in your top drawer between your socks?”
Callie couldn’t believe this nigga wanted to use a sex toy on her after already torturing her pussy enough that night.
“Mhm.” That’s all she says, her head falling back and Erik’s lips and teeth latching to her neck. Back into her bedroom that reeked of sex, Erik puts Callie on the bed, walking to her dresser to find her vibrator. She had a few new ones now, pulling out a gspot one that he itches to use. Erik walks back to the bed, flipping Callie up on her side, resting behind her while bringing her leg up and to her shoulder. Erik couldn’t keep his hands from gliding along her wet, sloppy pussy, finally turning on the vibrator and placing it inside her sitting right over her spot.
“Ahh!” She attempts to curl her body up, making Erik dig into her hips, dick twitching as he sinks into her again with a shake of his head in blissful ecstasy, rubbing along her outstretched thigh before gripping a handful of her ass from behind. Erik could feel the vibrator jump along the tip of his dick each time he fucked up into her.
“DAMN, we gotta do this more often. Shit feeling good.” He bites her ear hard, causing her to screech.
“Shit feel amazing right? Say uh huh daddy.”
“Uh huh daddy yess” Callie’s body couldn’t help it, the way he rubbed in her and the way that vibrator glided on her spot had her shaking with pleasure.
“You don’t wanna run no more huh? You tired of running from this dick?”
“Yess.” Erik keeps his eyes on the side of her face, his dick buried deep like he was digging for gold. Callie turns to meet his dark eyes, bringing her mouth to his frantically, letting this man use his cum stained tongue to ravish her mouth. Erik wanted her wider, trying to stretch her body more and more so he could feel the vibrator too. That shit had him going wild, his teeth biting down on her bottom lip and his abs flexing on her back.
“You gonna cum daddy?! You better cum too since you fucking me so much!!” She spoke that through clenched teeth.
“Cum in me deep daddy pleaseee!”Callie asked innocently her hand gripping his face. 
“Fuck me good and cum in me deep DADDY! please, please fuck!” Erik trails his eyes down to her pussy, his head falling forward as he roughly fucked up into her, her body jerking and hands pulling at the last bit of sheets on her bed. She couldn’t take it, her head fell back against him and her eyes fluttered shut. Here she was, giving him her final squirt of the night, the most powerful squirt mixed with his thick white cum.
“LET ME CUM IN YOU DEEP.” Erik was frantic.
“So fucking deep you better SUCK ME DRY.” He bangs into her two more times, before shouting a string of curse words to ceiling, the pressure of his dick against that vibrator causing Callie to release herself all over him some more.
Erik slipped out of her slow, his dick throbbing, and the vibrator buzzing madly on the bed. Callie could only lay there, feeling the bed shift behind her from Erik rising to turn off the lights. She felt used and filled, laying in her own juices while Erik draped his heavy ass arm over here in the dark. He gives her cheek a sloppy lick, and then a kiss, snuggling close to her with his dick pressed between her cheeks.
“You off punishment. Get some sleep.” That’s all he says, his nose buried in her had and his breaths evening out into that of quick slumber. All she could hear was his snores in her ears, and all she could see was pitch black. Callie couldn’t help the frustration that began to settle within her.
This nigga then fucked her so good she couldn’t even sleep.
Fuck that jailbird.
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ograndebatata · 5 years
Heya!! :) For your Mateo’s Wizarding Ways - can I please request Mateo to teach Elena levaluq on his Tamborita. So not her Scepter but a whole new realm with a different magical instrument Tehe Chrissybell648 :)
Well… I admit I didn’t expect to start a response to a request with this… but if there’s anything I can say, it’s that I’m sorry. 
I know that doesn’t begin to cover it after the long wait you’ve endured, but… well, sadly, that’s all I can really offer, other than a response to your request itself. I really apologize I allowed my life to get in the way to the degree it took me this far to answer, and hope you find this enjoyable enough to at least somewhat cushion the blow of the long wait.
Here it is.
Edit 14/04/2019: Had to make a small correction because of a factual error I hadn’t realized before.Sorry about that.
Mateo’s Wizard Ways 
Changing Tools
A bit over three weeks after Los Tres completed their unfinished mission and became Los Cuatro…
This was weird.
It was the only word to describe this scenario, Elena thought as she stood in the improvised workshop Mateo had set up at Nueva Vista, holding Mateo’s lucky tamborita in her right hand, about to make her first try at casting a spell with it.
Yes, it had been her idea, but it still seemed weird that she was actually getting ready to learn tamborita magic. As much as she had nothing against magic, had always found Mateo’s spell-casting interesting , and had been interested in the subject to a degree, she had a busy schedule, and had always felt the Scepter of Light would be enough for her purposes.
But as fate would have it, she had been wrong about that, which was why she had asked Mateo to teach her magic.
And it seemed she was off to a bad start, because for whatever reason, something about the tamborita felt… off, for lack of a better word.
She couldn’t pinpoint what. She had seen Mateo wielding it lots of times. She had even handled it herself before, like when she gave it to him under the gazebo in the ballroom’s balcony balcony, on the night she had made Mateo her Royal Wizard and he had proved his worth to those who still doubted him. Yet now that she was sterling herself to cast a spell with it, it felt unnatural even before she had tried to unleash magic.
“What’s the matter?”
Elena’s heart gave the slightest of jumps at the sound, the tamborita shaking in her hand. For the faintest of moments, the odd feeling strengthened. Then a foot tapped the floor to her right, and next thing she knew Mateo was leaning toward her, his hazel-green eyes shadowed with concern, and his left hand to her back as his right one fell alongside his body, holding the tamborita they had found in Nueva Vista’s castle.
“Elena?” he added, somehow saying so much even though he had only spoken her name.
Feeling the faintest edge of weight above her eyebrows, she turned to face Mateo with a smile on her face.
“Don’t worry. Nothing’s wrong.”
Mateo’s calm gaze didn’t change, but the subtle way his eyebrows curled and the way his hand pressed an edge deeper into her back told her he knew she said that just to make him feel better.
The weight in her eyebrows also surging on the corners of her mouth, Elena explained, “I’m not sure what’s going on. But there’s something about this tamborita that feels…” she pursed her lips as she tried to find the right word. “…weird.”
Alarm jolting through her as she realized how it might sound like, she grinned sheepishly and added, “I mean, I know it’s a great tamborita, and I know it rescued us more times than I wish I had to remember.” A hint of dejection returned to her face. “But for some reason it doesn’t seem to like me.”
Mateo put on an over the top stern expression on his face and planted his right hand - still clenched around his tamborita’s handle - on his hip, even as he removed his left one from her back and pointed its index finger at the tamborita Elena held in a mock-threatening manner.
“Bad tamborita! Bad!” he fake-scolded as he waved his finger back and forth at it. “Be nice to Elena, she’s wonderful!”
A smile burst across her lips. Even with Mateo being an obvious goof to cheer her up, she could tell he meant it when he called her wonderful. He always meant it when he complimented her. And that made her happier than she could ever say.
“I don’t think scolding it is going to work, Mateo,” she quipped, a teasing glint in her eyes.
Mateo straightened himself.
“Worth a try, I guess,” he quipped back, the teasing tone in his voice belied by his happy smile.
Elena’s  own smile widened even further. Mateo was always so attentive to her. So kind, so considerate, so… so wonderful in general.
Get a grip! An inner voice shouted at her. How do you think you look making eyes at him like that?
Startled by the voice, Elena felt her face flushing, suddenly aware of how ridiculous she must look staring at Mateo like a lovestruck teenager - which she supposed she was, but that was beside the point.
Focus! The same voice insisted.
Doing her best to obey, Elena took a deep breath to will her blush to vanish.
“Seriously. Why does it feel so weird?”
A few moments of silence passed by as Mateo pondered the question.
“I don’t know. I haven’t had enough students to be sure. If I had to guess, it should be just a matter of habit,” He stepped forward, and again put his hand to her back. “But if you feel bad enough that you want to quit, just say so.”
Elena raised her free hand in reassurance. “No, I don’t feel bad. Just… odd.”
Mateo’s posture did not relax.
“Still…” he paused, tensing up as if he had to gather himself to speak. “…it may be a sign of something dangerous. Maybe we should look into this further before you do anything else.”
Despite the gloomy words, Elena felt her smile returning. Mateo really was wonderful. He had been thrilled to teach her magic when she had first asked him. He loved sharing that part of himself with others after years of having to hide it, and she could tell he was anxious to share it even more with her. And yet now that it seemed it might hurt her, his first instinct was to look out for her own well being.
She was more touched than she could say - but as it seemed to be her habit, she had to go against his advice.
Moving her tamborita to her left hand, Elena turned to him and rested her right hand on the crook where Mateo’s shoulder met his neck.
“It’s a risk I’m ready to take.”
It was a risk she had to take. She knew that now.
Yes, she had hoped that Shuriki being gone for good meant that actual threats to her kingdom would follow the same path, but it had been an all-too fleeting illusion. Not only had Victor and Carla Delgado escaped, but far too many things had ensued. First the malandros that had taken over Coronado had gotten far too close to potentially killing her and her friends just because the Scepter of Light had glitched at exactly the wrong time. Then the Macoco that had tried to find El Escudo had almost put an end to her life largely because her scepter had again malfunctioned right when it shouldn’t. And that was without getting into the fact that Orizaba might not be gone for good and would perhaps still be able to find a way to cross back over into Avalor and bring eternal night.
Yes, Mateo had been doing his best to find a way to fix the Scepter of Light, and Elena was beyond thankful for all the effort he put into it. But as much as it pained her, she simply couldn’t wait longer for Mateo to find the solution he sought. She had to learn to channel her magic some other way.
A heartbeat after that thought, Elena looked down in shame, removing her hand from Mateo’s shoulder. It sounded so unfair to think of him like that after everything he had been doing lately. He had been there for her for the fallout of Shuriki’s latest series of attempts on her life. He had consoled her as she cried her heart out over Cristobal’s betrayal. He had been reading every book he could find in his attempts at finding a way to fix the scepter. He had asked Zuzo and Cacahuate to search the Spirit World for any information on that matter. He had gone to Tepet Mul on Dia de los Muertos in an attempt to contact Amalay’s spirit for information about the scepter directly from his crafter. And on top of that, he had agreed to teach her magic when he was already teaching it to Isabel and was also teaching Olivia and Alonso by mail - at least as well as something like magic could be taught in such a way.
And all this when he was meant to be on vacation.
Even if they were less on vacation and more in the final stages of sorting out the mess that had ensued from finding out Cristobal was a traitor, he was still squandering all the time he could spend relaxing trying to help others, Elena herself chief amongst them.
Her heart growing heavier, Elena took a deep sigh. It felt so wrong to think Mateo wasn’t doing enough when he was already doing so much…
A spot of warmth returned to her back. Elena looked up, and met Mateo’s gaze, the concern in it so intense it almost hurt.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked.
She chuckled mirthlessly.
“I should be the one asking that.”
Mateo raised an eyebrow in puzzlement.
“Isn’t this too much for you? You’re already so busy. And you have already done so much for me…”
Her voice trailed off and her head turned to the floor again. Seeing Mateo so earnest about his concern for her made her feel even worse that, despite her best efforts to not do so, she kept abusing it.
The warmth on her back shifted slightly, and Mateo’s hand appeared before her eyes. At first it seemed to be going toward her chin, but then it froze for a moment before it headed toward her shoulder instead.
Despite herself, her eyes followed along his maroon-clad arm to stare into his hazel-green eyes again. The gaze in them was just as gentle as before.
“Elena, I told you I would be here for you no matter what,” he said, his voice even softer than usual and yet with more power than any bellowed decree some rulers she had met would make. “That hasn’t changed one bit just because we now actually know for absolute real that Shuriki is dead.”
Her heart seemed to grow until it was about to burst at those words. They were true, and Elena had known they were true for so long she had forgotten exactly when she had learned it, but something about hearing him say that, in that tone…
“If you really want to learn this, I’ll help you to the best of my ability,” he went on. “If you don’t, we’ll stop right here and now.”
Elena rested both her hands on the one Mateo had on her shoulder.
“I do.”
And she did. Even if her primary motivation was protecting her kingdom, she was indeed curious about how tamborita magic worked, about how different it would be from her scepter, and about what kind of other things she’d be able to do with it. Though she planned to keep Mateo as her Royal Wizard after she was crowned queen, there would probably be more than a few things about ruling that magic might help along, and knowing them herself might make ruling smoother in some ways - even if it might make them more complicated in others. This seemed like as good a chance to start learning as she would get.
As if he had sensed the change in her mood - which Elena guessed he had, given how well he knew her by this point - Mateo stepped back and gestured with his tamborita.
“Then whenever you’re ready…”
A smidge of doubt crept back on her. She didn’t know if she was ready. Now that she wasn’t focused on talking to Mateo, the weird feeling of holding the tamborita had returned.
But she supposed she would only know what happened if she actually tried to use it.
Standing as tall as possible, Elena took a deep breath, and aimed her tamborita. Then she clenched the handle tighter, narrowed her eyes at the bowl as if that made all the difference in the world, and brought her hand down on the drum’s surface.
Mateo’s heart jumped at the sound of the smack, as if Elena was about to flinch or shout in pain.
But she didn’t. While she frowned the moment after she hit the tamborita, the drum glowed upon being slapped like it was meant to when someone tried to cast a spell. It glowed white  rather than golden, but Mateo guessed that was just the color of Elena’s magic. And while the actual bowl remained just as static as before, that was normal. Even with all Elena had learned about magic - both during her time in the Amulet and after being released from it - and with how well she had done in the theory lessons he had been giving her over the last three weeks, this was still the first time she tried using a tamborita. It would be a borderline miracle if she managed to perform the spell properly.
Looks like she doesn’t agree. Mateo thought as he saw Elena looking from the tamborita to her hand, still with the same frown that had appeared after she had smacked the drum.
Perhaps it was related to what she had been feeling.
“What happened?” he asked.
She turned a hesitant sideways look at him.
“I’m not sure. Can I try again?”
Mateo pursed his lips as he pondered the answer. If Elena’s unusual feeling wasn’t just not being used to wielding a tamborita, it likely wouldn’t go away just like that. But as far as he could tell from Elena’s face and posture (and he had made sure to pay attention) she hadn’t been in pain. It should be safe enough, and it would let him see if it was actually more than lack of habit.  
“Sure,” he said.
Elena aimed her tamborita at the bowl once again.
“Llevaluq!” she shouted louder and more vehemently as she tapped the drum.
The tamborita glowed again. This time, the bowl started to rattle against the table’s surface. But rather than frowning, Elena actually had her teeth clenched as if she was both trying to push a heavy burden and trying not to exert too much strength.
‘Come on!’ he actually saw her mouthing through her snarl as her eyebrows pushed into one another.
The tamborita glowed brighter, and for an instant the bowl actually floated about a handspan upwards, but then the drim stopped glowing and Elena let out a deep sigh as she lowered her arms while the bowl clattered back onto the table.
Elena huffed in irritation, waving the tamborita up and down, like she did with her scepter when it glitched.
That one’s new. Mateo couldn’t help but think.
He frowned at himself at the thought. Now was not the time for fake-witty remarks. He needed to help Elena. And from what he had seen, he finally had an idea on what she meant when she said the tamborita felt weird and that it didn’t like her.
But he couldn’t be sure without confirming.
He started to raise his hand, but before he could do or say anything else, Elena aimed the tamborita again and smacked it as hard as if she was trying to break a stone.
“LLEVALUQ!” she bellowed, the look of strain in her face as intense as if she was trying to push a stubborn donkey with its hooves glued to the ground.
Mateo’s breath froze in the middle of his throat as a sudden black cloud seemed to come over them- and then, the white glow of Elena’s magic erupted around the bowl and the table underneath it, both of which shot up like arrows.
“XIMAGU!” Mateo shouted as he raised his tamborita and slapped its surface on cue with the table and the bowl smashing into the ceiling with a thunderous clap.
A golden-orange shield pushed past himself and Elena and slammed into the bits of debris flying toward them. Wood and ceramic flew through the room and bounced off the walls and rebounded from the closed door and clattered onto the floor.
Mateo counted to three as he surveyed the room, half-expecting to hear anyone stampeding inside to check on them. He hoped no one did, for Elena’s sake. She already had enough problems without added concerns about what someone would think of this. As much as Mateo knew it was a natural flub typical of early magic lessons, others might not agree.
But for whatever reason, no one burst in.
Perhaps no one was close enough to have heard. Or maybe they had decided that this kind of thing was ordinary in a wizard’s workshop. And while Mateo couldn’t decide if that was good or bad, at least they wouldn’t have to deal with questions now.
Masking a relieved sigh, Mateo lowered his tamborita, both the shield and the glow from the drum fading. Beside him, Elena lowered her hands, her breathing labored and her muscles shaking. Mateo reached a hand toward her, but this time halted it a hairsbreadth from her skin. If she was in pain, he might accidentally hurt her.
“Are you alright?” he asked.
Elena let out another labored breath.
“I think so.” Her lips curled into a sarcastic smirk. “But your lucky tamborita really doesn’t seem to like me.”
At Mateo’s quirked eyebrow, she added, “It’s like I try to channel my magic, but the tamborita only takes less than half of it and pushes the rest back into me.”
Mateo’s eyes narrowed pensively. His theory had been right, but all joking aside, this one really was new. The bulk of the problems he’d had when teaching magic so far were that his student wanted to cast a given spell but their magic was not yet strong enough to perform it properly. The only instance remotely like this had been when Olivia tried to cast ‘chiufetti’ on the night they first met and had both said the wrong word and hit the tamborita too hard.
But if the tamborita just didn’t channel Elena’s magic, there had to be something else at play.
“Well?” Elena asked, her eyes locked on his like she was trying to read a book written in very small font.
After a quick run through his knowledge on magic, Mateo started laying out his theories.
“Perhaps that tamborita is made of wood from the wrong kind of tree. Or it might actually be made of the wrong material. Or maybe you’re using the wrong type of wand.”
Elena frowned like she had spotted a weird-looking animal.
“Those things make a difference?”
He nodded. “They do. Not an insurmountable difference, mind you. In most cases, any wizard gifted and dedicated enough can learn to use just about every tool. But there seems to be a certain connection between a wizard’s land of origin and the kind of tool they use better.” He raised his hands and started listing by his fingers. “For instance, wizards from Enchancia are best with standard magic wands, typically made of wood. Wizards from Freezenburg and Norberg tend to be better at using warhammers, which are typically made of metal. And here in Avalor and surrounding kingdoms, wizards do better when using tamboritas, which are typically made of wood and leather.”
Elena nodded.
“And where does that leave me?”
Mateo snuck a glance at his tamborita as he thought.
“Well, we know you can use the Scepter of Light because you have Maruvian magic from your time in the Amulet. That’s the reason it was never magical when your father or Shuriki used it. And while the little bit of magic you had when you got out of the Amulet has grown since then, it hasn’t changed its nature.”
Elena’s shoulders slumped at his words.
“So I’ll never be able to properly use anything other than the scepter?”
On reflex, Mateo rested his hand on one of her shoulders. His heart leapt as he remembered his earlier concern about Elena being hurt, but she didn’t frown or hiss at his touch.
Mateo again allowed himself an inward sigh of relief before he kept speaking.
“I didn’t say that. We already saw you can channel magic through a type of wand that’s not ideal for you. And you could actually cast the right spell with such little training, which is quite impressive. But it’s clear you’d do better with something other than a wooden tamborita.”
“Like what?”
Mateo removed his hand from Elena’s shoulder and drummed his fingers along the tamborita’s handle as he searched for every bit of information he had read on Maruvian magic.
Then, he said, “I think I read something about Maruvian wizards typically using crystal tamboritas. If we find out how to make you one and you learn to use it, I’m thinking that would be the best choice.”
“How long would that take?” Elena immediately asked.
Mateo frowned. “Quite a while, if I had to guess. But it’s our best option.”
He had to hold back a chuckle at Elena’s pout, the one she always made at the idea of having to wait for something. Maybe it was mean of him to think so, but she looked so adorable when she made that face.
Then all the urge to chuckle vanished as her pout turned into a frown and she raised the tamborita to her face, looking at it as if it was made of silk paper and she had been told she’d have to fight a jaguar with it.
Mateo clenched his fist. The idea of her being in any kind of pain hurt as much as a physical hit. What would he give to actually be able to find a way to ensure in a foolproof manner that Elena would never be hurt again, to ensure she’d remain safe until the end of a very happy and long life…
Like heated water, the thought grew more and more intense in his mind. And then, as if the fire had been put out, it vanished. Such a thing didn’t exist. Even genies and Maruvian wizards of old were or had been unable to circumvent any form of harm. And he might be a better wizard now than when Elena appointed him, but that was still something he would never be able to give her.
Resting his hand on her back, Mateo spoke in the gentlest tone he could.
“Remember, your scepter is still working for the most part. And many people who care for you are still here to help you stay safe. Naomi, your sister, and your grandparents, all the guards…”
Elena raised her eyes from his lucky tamborita, now with a small grin on her face.
“And you,” she added.
He nodded. “And me.”
Always. He added inwardly.
Something about that must have passed onto his gaze, because her smile grew like a sunbeam getting wider as it peeked through a gap in clouds.
Then, a hint of the determination he’d come to know and love peeked through it and she raised the tamborita again.
“Can I try using this one just once more?”
Mateo chuckled. “I don’t think that will change anything…”
Her eyebrows set in a rigid line. “I’d still like to try.”
He moved his hand from her back to her shoulder.
“Are you sure you feel well enough for that?”
Her mouth set into a line. “I am.”
Mateo nodded. He knew Elena was the type who would on occasion put on masks to feel others less worried about her, but he had learned to tell the difference between those moments and the ones where she meant what she said. This one was the latter.
He looked at the pieces of debris that used to be a table, and then pointed at a broken piece of one of the table’s legs.
“Try to lift that chunk of wood until it’s about at the height of your head.”
She nodded in acknowledgment, and then aimed her tamborita and raised her other hand to slap it.
“Wait!” Mateo called before she could swing her hand down. “I need to do something that might help me get a better idea on how things are. May I?”
At Elena’s nod, Mateo stood behind her and took his right hand to her tamborita’s handle and his other to her left upper arm. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Elena sneaking him a surprised glance, but there was no alarm in her eyes and she made no attempt to move away.
“This way I’ll learn better what you mean about your magic. It might help when we’re studying better options.”
Elena nodded again, a smile on her face.
That was the last thing Mateo saw before closing his eyes, reaching out with his ‘magical sense’ to have a better idea on how Elena’s magic would work once she tapped her tamborita.
But she didn’t do it.
In fact, she didn’t move at all, other than what felt like slightly faster breathing and her seeming to nestle into his touch just an edge.
She really smelled good, Mateo couldn’t help but think. And felt so warm… And her skin and hair were so soft…
Why are you thinking that now? A voice that sounded a bit like a sterner version of his own told him. You’re meant to be teaching her, not snuggling with her!
Somehow managing not to flinch at the sudden inner remark, Mateo told Elena.
“You can try any time now…”
He felt her nodding.
For whatever reason, it seemed to him like she had nestled an edge further into him after those words. But before he could be sure, he felt her raising her free arm, then her magic built up underneath her skin, and her arm swung down as magic rushed through her.
Magic rushed under his palms as she performed the spell. And indeed, the way it felt when it rushed under her forearm was different from how it felt as it moved through the tamborita, indeed as if some of her magic had stopped at the wooden surface and refused to get further. He couldn’t see how far she was raising the piece of wood, but if he had to guess it wasn’t as tall as she had expected it to.
Her muscles tensed up under his left palm, and then more magic rushed along the tamborita’s handle under his right one before stabilizing again. A tired sigh left her lips, but magic kept flowing along the tamborita, although Mateo knew it was not at the same rate as she was pushing it.
Mateo opened his eyes - and opened them further as they widened in awe, as the piece of wood floated at just about the height he had asked Elena to levitate it to.
“Well done! You did it!”
Elena’s face glowed at his words for an instant. Then, it tensed up in strain as the piece of wood faltered in the air. Elena kept the tamborita aimed at it, but the slab of table leg floated back to the ground like a stone sinking into water.
“But you were right,” she replied. “It didn’t change anything.”
Mateo removed his hands from the tamborita and her forearm, but rested another between her shoulder blades.
“At least we figured out the essential. You can channel your magic through something other than the scepter, and you can use one specific spell when you want to. It’s a great start. Better than mine when I started trying out.”
Elena turned to him and shifted so she could hold the hand he had been putting to her shoulder blades.
“Thankfully I’m lucky enough to have the great teacher you deserved.”
Mateo could only smile as he gripped her hand in return, feeling a familiar warmth going back and forth between the two of them, conveyed both by the contact between their hands and the one between their gazes.
Then, Elena withdrew her hand from his’ and asked.
“So, what’s next?”
“I think we’ve done enough for one day.” The familiar pout returned at his words, but Mateo did not change his mind about what he would say. “Inner magic is like everything else. If you strain it too hard, it can be hurt, and sometimes suffer permanent damage. And you’ve strained it far more than you should for such a brief lesson.”
Elena sighed at his words, lowering her tamborita as she turned her eyes to the floor. He could imagine the struggle she was having. On one side, taking enough care of herself to be able to protect her kingdom from a magical threat if the need arose. On the other, the knowledge that if the need arose soon enough, it would be too likely for anyone’s taste that the scepter would fail and there would be trouble.
Hoping to get her to think about something else, “It’s a lovely day outside. How about we go to the beach?” 
Elena cracked a grin at his suggestion and bumped his chest with her elbow. “Alright, who are you and what have you done with Mateo? I’m the one who drags him out of the workshop, not the other way around.”
She playfully bumped his shoulder with her tamborita as if to make her words sink in. Mateo deliberately shrugged.
“Isn’t it nice to make a change once in a while? To be bold and daring on occasion?”
She chuckled.
“Nice to see you’re learning.” Her amused grin shifted into a pleased one. “And I do like your idea. Meet me at the balcony when you’re ready?”
At his reply, she handed over his lucky tamborita and left his workshop. Mateo went to put away the tamborita he had used for the lesson and followed her. But as he closed the door, he froze at the sight before his eyes.
The broken bits of table and bowl still lay scattered about the room, at the exact spots where they had landed after rebounding from the shield he had put up. If anyone came around while they were gone, it wouldn’t be a pretty picture.
You can take care of that later. The same ‘different version’ of his voice from a while ago told him, though it seemed to be using a softer tone than before.
Needing no more, Mateo closed the door to his workshop and went to his bedroom.
The voice was right. He could take care of that later. First, he had to do his best to help Elena cope with everything he wished she didn’t have to deal with. All he wished was that he’d be able to do it.
Unfortunately, he was old enough to know best.
Despite his best efforts, he might fail, just like he might fail at fixing the Scepter of Light.
But just like he vowed to do his best not to fail at fixing the scepter, he vowed to do his best not to fail at helping Elena deal with this.
No matter what.
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