#hanky lee
biglisbonnews · 1 year
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Philippine Housing Industry and Key Government Leaders to Headline 31st National Developers Convention in Cebu City The Subdivision and Housing Developers Association, Inc. (SHDA) will gather key government leaders, creatives, and industry leaders in the housing and real estate sector as they host the 31st edition of the National Developers Convention on October 5 and 6, 2023 at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Cebu City. With the theme, “LOKAL NA BAI: [...]The post Philippine Housing Industry and Key Government Leaders to Headline 31st National Developers Convention in Cebu City appeared first on Orange Magazine. https://orangemagazine.ph/2023/ph-housing-industry-and-key-government-leaders-to-headline-31st-national-developers-convention-in-cebu-city/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=ph-housing-industry-and-key-government-leaders-to-headline-31st-national-developers-convention-in-cebu-city
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vampiremeerkat · 10 months
Do you think the Kankers are in any way redeemable? And if so, which of the three are the most redeemable?
Sure.. They've not killed anyone yet and behave well enough during class; they're able to share a room with others and not get violent or frisky. I'll have to believe both May and Marie have an equal chance to shape up when their embarrassing teenage years are over. Lee may be less redeemable, only because she's the eldest and had more time to get her act together. May is tempting to get the vote, but I don't think you crying over getting rejected by the love interest you've tortured all Summer is a sign of being better than the girl with the jealousy issues. Both May and Marie are emotionally extreme, and the only instance we saw May being approachable was when she'd been brainwashed. So, not herself. I can't give points to her for that. Nevertheless, I don't think the characters are supposed to improve, so this is all generally speaking.
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wascallywabbit1938 · 5 months
Who is your favorite Kanker sister?
Absolutely May, she's my not-so-beloved daughter, but Lee is also really damn funny and badass. Marie is just okay, doesn't hold a candle to the other two but i like her well enough
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We were Driving!
Where Mimo is obsessed with the way Chn drives :)
Words - 3.6k
Status - Completed
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abookisafriend · 1 year
the silver metal lover, by tanith lee: four out of five cogs
jane is living the pampered (and controlled) life of a wealthy woman's scion when she encounters S.I.L.V.E.R., a humanoid robot designed to be the peak of lifelike entertainment. perhaps he is a little too human, as jane falls suddenly in love. but how can you love someone you own -- or worse, someone whom somebody else owns?
this is a classic by veteran scifi writer tanith lee in the also-classic genre of "what if robots, but people?" I have read enough of these stories to wonder whether it isn't a little flat to ask whether a robot is a person when the robot is fictional. the author can decide. it doesn't really answer the ethical question of whether we can create artificial persons or how we'll know when we've actually created sentient life. despite that, this is an engaging story with flamboyant, memorable characters, and I think it rather makes a change to have a young woman fall in love with the android rather than finding ourselves with another male sexual fantasy of a perfected female slave. one must admit, that's where these stories often spring from; see <i>ex machina</i> for an example of the tease or westworld for an entire series based around that premise. (mind you, both stories only start with the fantasy -- but it is undeniably right there in the foreground.) this story is also enjoyable for a relatively early embracing of queer characters. it's a quick read, and you can get it in a cheap paperback edition.
one of the most interesting aspects of the book is the portrayal of jane. she's very young, and her sheltered life has left her a bit of an ingenue ... innocent and inexperienced. one can read the story as a coming of age novel, the story of jane's attempting to come into her own, as much as a star-crossed love story. most of the other characters are sketches rather than deeply developed, but they feel somehow real, and the most ancillary, least developed characters have a vibe that i associate with the classic scifi (e.g. asimov) that i read as a kid, so it works somehow; they feel like they ought to be part of the world.
overall, i recommend the story to anyone looking for a romance with a classic scifi feel, especially if you like the clank-clank.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 9 months
Summary: Steve and Eddie bond over hating Billy Hargrove, and then they suck face.
Steve dove into the closet and leaned against the wall, sliding a broom through the handles of the storage closet. He sighed in relief as he leaned his head back. He froze and tensed up when a pair of boots appeared under the door. They stood there for a moment before stomping away. Steve moved back into the storage closet and turned around to find the light. Suddenly, it came on, and Eddie Munson was staring at him, only inches away from his face. Steve jumped and stopped himself from screaming outloud.
"Did you just lock me in here with you?" Eddie asked.
"Sorry, Hargrove is out there, and I do not want to face him," Steve said quickly.
"Keep that fucking broom exactly where it is then," Eddie said and slid to the floor. "And have a seat."
He patted the floor next to him, and Steve plopped down beside him.
"You hate him too?" Steve asked.
"With all my fucking heart," Eddie said. "Honestly, a little scared of the guy too."
"He's definitely a psychopath. I don't enjoy the way he stares at me or follows me. Normally, I wouldn't have a problem if a guy has a crush on me but this guy. . . Especially ones who nearly murdered me. . . Well, if it anyone else, I'd be asking for his number, but his personality is way too ugly," Steve said.
"So, you don't really care who knows that you like guys?" Eddie asked.
"I like both and no, not really. I figured you would be safe with the hanky and all," Steve replied.
"Oh, that's just a cool metalhead thing. Does it mean something?" Eddie asked.
"Yeah," Steve grinned.
"Damn. Okay, well, that explains some things then," Eddie blinked. "Not that I'm complaining or anything because I like both too. It took me a while to figure that out."
"We all figure things out on our own time. We get there eventually," Steve shrugged.
"Yeah," Eddie said softly. "I never thought I'd meet someone exactly like me, though. Bisexual. I mean, there's Hargrove, but I'd rather gouge my own eyes out. You know, most people think we have the same taste in music. Sure, he listens to heavy metal, but what that jackass mostly listens to is glam metal like Motley Crue. He's a Tommy Lee wannabe douchebag. Normally, I respect all music but I hate Tommy Lee."
"He dresses like a douchebag too," Steve said. "He's abusive to everyone, including his own stepsister. He's racist too. I had to pull him off one of the kids I babysit. He nearly caved my face in."
"He's a fucking monster. His father's just as monstrous, I heard, but it doesn't justify him passing it on, especially if it's his kid stepsister. Honestly, I'd rather have you back as king," Eddie said.
"Seriously?" Steve asked.
"If you think you were bad, think again. I wouldn't even classify you as a bully. You actually tried to keep some of those jocks in line," Eddie said.
"I just never thought it was all that funny that they did that. It never made sense," Steve said.
"Well, then, it makes you a million times smarter than they are, big boy," Eddie said, nudging him.
"You know, I think he's probably gone by now," Steve said.
"Or he's lying in wait," Eddie whispered, leaning in close to whisper in his ear.
Steve could feel his breath against his skin, and he shuddered. Eddie placed a hand on his leg and caressed his knee gently.
"What are you doing?" Steve asked softly.
"Getting closer to you, it's kind of scary out there," Eddie said coyly. "What's your favorite kind of music?"
"Hmm, I'm not sure if I have a favorite kind. It's kind of all over. I don't really lean towards one genre. I do, really like Queen and Bob Seger," Steve said.
"That's respectable. Queen always rules," Eddie said. "I've listened to Bob myself."
Eddie moved his hand from his knee to his chest, rubbing his ringed fingers against Steve gently. He was practically snuggled against Steve’s side. Steve looked down at his hand before finally looking at him. Their faces were very close now, their lips almost touching.
"There's something that I didn't tell you," Eddie whispered.
"What?" Steve asked.
"What eventually led me to realize I liked both. . .is you," Eddie said.
"Yeah?" Steve asked hopefully.
Steve leaned forward and closed the distance between them, his lips pressing against Eddie's in a soft, tender kiss. Eddie moved against him, cupping the back of his head and pulling him deeper into the kiss. Steve opened his mouth, allowing Eddie's tongue inside. It wasn't enough for Eddie, however. He needed to be closer to Steve. He threw his leg over Steve and straddled his waist as he sunk down into his lap. Eddie gasped and licked into Steve’s mouth as he gripped the nape of his neck. Steve broke the kiss, gasping for breath.
"Freshman Steve is screaming inside me right now," Steve said.
"Wait. . .you've had a crush on me since you were a freshman?" Eddie asked.
"Loser," Eddie cackled and kissed him deeply while Steve laughed against his lips.
Steve broke the kiss again, grinning.
"We should probably leave before we develop a problem," Steve said.
"But Steve, what if he's still out there?" Eddie asked and paused. "Besides, what if I want to develop a problem?"
Steve laughed and leaned his forehead against Eddie's.
"If he's still out there, I'll protect you," he said teasingly.
"Steve Harrington, my hero. Well, come on, big boy, let's face the music," Eddie said.
They stood up and slid the broom out of the handle. They opened the door and slowly walked out of the closet. They looked both ways down the empty hallway. The coast was clear.
"Wait, why were you hiding in the closet?" Steve asked.
"I hook up with the janitor sometimes," Eddie replied.
"You do not! Art is a happily married man," Steve said.
"Okay, so, I don't," Eddie cackled and paused. "Wait, why are you on a first name basis with the janitor?"
"I eat in the storage closet sometimes," Steve said. "When I can't use my car."
"Not anymore. Art is going to have to be disappointed. You're sitting at our table from now on," Eddie said. "Jesus H Christ, storage closet and your car? I want to eat your face."
They walked down the empty hallway, their pinkies brushing up against each other's occasionally.
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itspkuwu · 5 months
Why I Think Marie Kanker Can Be A Good Person
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I truly don’t think that Marie is really “evil” (unlike Lee). Even in the show, she does have some nice moments. My conclusion: Marie is only the way she is due to being under Lee’s bad influence.
People would say that it’s only May who’s under the bad influence. But let’s really think about this. We’ve seen Marie vent out her anger in Hanky Panky Hullaballoo in a HEALTHY way through painting. Sure, her art was passive aggressive, but nobody was actually getting hurt. Even if it was only shown once.
And Marie isn’t individualistic like May. Marie relies on Lee for practically everything. Imagine if Lee wasn’t around. Would Marie be as cruel? Would she be jabbing at May? Because Lee often says things like “Good one, Marie.” whenever Marie does jab at May. So the backup “support” from Lee is still fueling Marie’s train. Every bad thing Marie does comes from Lee.
Oh and another thing! When Marie was bickering with Jonny over the pie slice. Was Lee around? No. Therefore, did Marie see the need to pummel him? No.
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Like I said, when Lee isn’t around, Marie will fight vocally. But not physically. Case and point: This scene from Hanky Panky Hullaballoo
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Lee is even the one who points out to Marie that Double D is “flirting”. And instead of instantly going after May with direct anger, the scene fades out to show Marie venting through passive aggressive painting, which is actually a healthy way to deal with anger. This time, unlike other times, she was able to hold herself back. For the sake of not wanting to hurt her little sister again. And she’s not even facing Lee, most likely knowing Lee already disapproves of her artwork.
But unlike in Fistful of Ed when Marie was fighting with Jonny over the pie slice, Lee is around. The frustration of wanting to know what’s on those cards Jonny’s running with, and thinking that Double D is her significant other, sparking jealousy, is already bad enough, but remembering that Lee can clearly see what’s she’s doing, and probably already aware that Lee is expecting her to use violence, and is even watching over her argument with Jonny…
This is what causes Marie to snap. The peer pressure of needing to prove her reliability.
So, if not for the bad influence from her older sister, who is Marie Kanker?
If you look hard enough, Marie is actually pretty smart.
She’s logical and wanted to call the cops when the ship in a bottle was stolen.
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And no, this isn’t like in A Twist Of Ed where Lee also wanted to call the cops. Lee only used that as a last resort. Meanwhile it was Marie’s first, and actual reasonable instinct.
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She keeps her history with her, and corrected Double D when he thought it was “Eddy’s land”.
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She also has an artist side. I’ve already shown her painting, but earlier on in the same episode, she referred to May as “Vincent Van Stinko”(which I’ll explain why she jabs at May further down) So Marie clearly knows famous artists from history.
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She even seems to have a liking for mechanics. She became very excited when Eddy tricked her into thinking there was an abandoned car axel near by.
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And it could be argued that they ALL have a thing for car mechanics, like when they’re all reading a magazine about tire irons, or when May says “I love truck tires!”
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But this trait especially shines through with Marie in The Mis Ed-ventures video game. In The Nightmare On Ed Street level, The Eds are to bring a gift to each Kanker Sister. Marie’s gift is a can of axle grease.
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Oh, and in case you’re curious, Lee’s gift is another stupid ship in a bottle, and May’s gift is a book about taxidermy. (poor girl probably thought it was about stuffed animal toys)
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And I don’t know if it’s just me, but I swear I can only hear Marie and May giggling and being excited over the tire irons magazine. Not Lee. Just listen:
Probably just another form of manipulation. Pretending to be just as thrilled as her sisters to keep their un deserved trust towards her. Or maybe I’m just crazy. But I prefer to go with the former.
And Marie DOES have really sweet moments. She was playing movie star with May and even hugged her later on in Homecooked Eds.
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(i’m obsessed with this picture of them hugging) She used that same camera a lot in the episode so she’s into filming.
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And most important of all: She doesn’t instigate like Lee. And I feel she only jabs at May to gain Lee’s approve. She’s afraid of Lee herself, and only uses violence when Lee is around. Like what I said before with Jonny and the pie slice.
In conclusion: I’d call Marie a creative individual. Who knows how to open her heart, but has it locked away again by Lee.
And Marie even jabs at Lee too. Probably to get back at her for making her bully May. My favorite example: When she yanked out Lee’s arm pit hair.
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Marie was ignoring May when she asked her to flip her over. And right before Lee jumps onto Marie and goes “Can’t you hear your sister talkin to ya?”, probably to instigate more sarcastic teasing upon May, you can see Marie frowning a bit. She must’ve felt bad for her and maybe even regretful when she heard Lee tell May to shut up. And so, to get back at her, she seeks the opportunity to cause Lee even a little bit of physical harm and calls her a “sucker”.
To me, Lee is like this angry, evil villain boss. Meanwhile Marie and May are her two little “minions” who secretly want to leave, but are too afraid to. Or in this case, don’t know any better. And I’m just trying to proof that Marie DOES act like an actual person. Something I definitely cannot say about Lee. Think about it, what other character traits has Lee shown other than bully, creep, and (I guess) leader?????
I don’t really know how to end this post lol. So I’ll just say I’d like to hear your thoughts on Marie :3
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owmylasagna-blog · 8 months
So, what's the real appeal in Ed/May? I see that this popular, but over all the show I see aproximately zero positive moments/development between them, including in the finale. Nothing positive, I can't think of anything that wasn't one-sided or outright negative. And I think Ed deserves faaar better than her; I don't see him just forgeting all she made and sudenly falling in love with her (fanfics where they're just dating out of nowhere specially irks me) without any explanation or development.
The appeal seems just ''pair the dumb/goofy ones'' (why not Ed/Nazz? Or Ed/Rolf? Or even Ed/Jonny?)
Honestly, I'm under the impression people only ship it as a Beta Couple for Edd/Eddy, and nothing else more. Your reasoning?
Wow I’m actually pretty glad I got this question because I’ve had a half baked post on this very subject that’s been sitting in my drafts for weeks. Now I have a reason to actually share it.
And from the jump, no I don’t ship Ed and May solely because I’m an eddeddy shipper. I actually see some interesting potential here! I also ship Ed wildly because he’s just a lover boi in my mind. Perhaps even most wildly out of the entire cast of the show: I have the receipts for dabbling in edrolf and ednazz but I can really only imagine those pairings as little flings.
So what is it about edmay that works?
Of the three Kanker sisters, May actually seems to be the only one to genuinely have a crush on her preferred Ed. It goes beyond the typical taunting and harassing her sisters subject the other Eds to. The intro to Hanky Panky Hullabaloo is a prime example of this: May makes a mushy valentine and Marie and Lee make fun of her for it. Afterwards the two talk about May behind her back: “Now we know who got mom’s genes.” “Hormones”. I think it's an interesting summary of how the sisters have differing perspectives on relationships and how they think about boys/men. While Marie and Lee are more disenchanted by romance, they see May as more naive and prone to getting emotionally attached in the same way their mom probably falls for one disappointing man after another. Anyway, the point is that I think May cares whether Ed reciprocates those feelings while Marie and Lee don’t with Eddy or Edd.
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Now we have Ed’s reactions to May. In the earlier seasons, he doesn’t seem as averse to the Kanker harassment. Honestly sometimes he’s sort of enjoying it or just not bothered at all. I don’t think Ed generally would show his interests or feelings in a very typical way. Actually the most damning evidence that he might actually be attracted at all to May or just girls period are the moments where he is acting the most repulsed by them. We are talking about a 12 year old after all, probably a bit panicked by some new hormones and feelings about “icky girls”: to me, it reads as the early stages of immature boyish attraction.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t include at least one reference to the Ed-cyclopedia that is Kevin Lordi (as per usual), who got the scoop that the writers toyed with the idea of making Ed and May canon in the earlier seasons, even scraped S2 episode where they are caught kissing in the bushes being the basis for HPH (Lordi 2017, 2018).
So what is in this ship for them? I really like exploring this ship because of many of the parallels I see in their characters. I think it’s safe to say that Ed and May are respective outliers in their trios: May being the younger punching bag to her older sisters, Ed sort of being off on his own planet or plane of existence from Edd and Eddy most of the time. I could see both naturally branching out on their own while the remaining two are prone to buddying up. Other similarities, as you mention, also make them a cute pair: they are goofy, a bit ditzy, naturally kind hearted, a bit off beat, a tad (or a lot) gross. Nothing wrong with that!
Both come from pretty bleak home lives, lacking in support or parental nurturing. For this reason, you see them often compensating by being the nurturing types themselves: Ed being the protective big brother to Sarah and his two best pals, May often playing out a maternal fantasy (more than once she plays mommy and baby in the show; coddling Jimmy in BPS). Now just think of a relationship where these two get together!!! Having an outlet for compassion AND on the receiving end of it. I think they have the potential to have a very sweet relationship ripe for healing and personal growth.
I see them coming to appreciate each other with a bit of time and maturity, maybe striking up a friendship first before actually dating later in their teens or early adulthood. Oddly enough I make lots of parallels between Edd and May as well and could easily imagine some aspects of Edd and Ed’s friendship manifesting in edmay. The biggest factor being what I said about May having this maternal care-taker drive. Seeing as the Kanker sisters just about raised themselves and had to grow up really fast, you end up with a very “parentified” child. And if Edd isn’t the poster child for being a parentified kid I don’t know what… Anyway, in the same way that Edd acts as a stand-in parental figure to Ed I think May would quickly take on a similar role. I’m NOT endorsing this dynamic as 100% positive!!! I think it would be complicated! But it’s an interesting ship dynamic nonetheless and I’m trying to explore that in my aged up AU now.
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Gentle With Me
Lee Sangyeon x Reader
Summary: "He tells me he's gentle when he wants to be, so I think he wants to be gentle with me."
Word Count: >500
Warnings: gender neutral!reader, college au, mentions of smutty times, fluff, slice of life, typos, etc.
A/N: this fic is inspired by this song called touch thank by quinne so listen to it while you read or not ig Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @sloanexx have since cross posted on ao3
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He was the type of guy that you followed around campus. He was the type of guy you left flowers on his desk for. He was the type of guy you made signs for during sport matches.
Because he was the type of guy that waited for you outside your dorm every morning. He was the type of guy that bought stickers from a street vendor cause it reminded him of you. He was the type of guy that knew your milk tea order by heart.
Sangyeon was that type of guy that was everyone's type. And holy lottery, I was his.
He had promised Jacob and Juyeon a basketball match for a while now, which was why I was in the bleachers with Kevin's superstitious girlfriend, rambling about how she was scared Kevin still had remnants of bad energy on his back cause they recently got stuck in the haunted music room.
It was a lot, and a really long story.
Our said boyfriends were now jogging towards us, out of breath and sweaty.
Sangyeon comes to my side and grabs his water bottle. He places his hands on his hips as he catches his breath. I fish around my pockets and bag for a hankie but only find a bunch of crumpled tissues for Storbux. I grab them and wipe his damp forehead. He finds himself smiling because of it.
"Such a good girl," he mutters softly with a lopsided smirk.
I ignore him for the most part, besides the fact I slap him on the chest.
He lets out a soft laugh and we turn to Kevin and his girlfriend as he assures her that the fact he tripped a while ago was not because the ghost of Pachelbel was out to get him.
Sangyeon chuckles, "you been sharing adventure stories about your boyfriends?" he turns to me with a playful look, "d'you talk about our picnic?"
My lips part, does he honestly think I would talk about how he went down on me at he park?
"No," I raise a brow, "we were just talking about Kevin."
Sangyeon purses his lips into a small frown, "nothing about me, baby?"
"Nah, you're pretty boring."
The three of us laugh at that, but Sangyeon gives a small smile.
Just as Kevin runs off after the boys heckle at him for kissing his girlfriend too much, Sangyeon leans in and whispers, "we'll see if you think bending you over in the bleachers is still boring."
My eyes widen as he pulls way with a smirk and runs out to the court.
I remain there, frozen, and Sangyeon's ego soars as he steals the ball from Changmin, calling out, "this one's for you!"
He dribbles the basketball then dunks it successfully. He chuckles while jogging around and points at me while the rest of the guys give mixed reactions of annoyance and excitement, depending on which team you were one.
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broke-art-girl · 6 months
"Lick It Up." By Broke_Art_Girl
(This is an gift to A_Tw1nky_Guy on AO3)
Fandom: Bones and All, Kiss (Band), Webkinz.
Summary: Lee gets hungry after hanky panky. He ends up coming home in a lot of pain. Reader comforts him and gets him some Webkinz and KISS merch.
Words: 3k+
Characters: Lee, Gender Neutral Reader (specifically did not say Y/N))
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54960784
We sit cuddled up on the reclining sofa you bought after we.. broke the futon doing unholy things. Oops.. But you've kept asking for that position since, so…
“I wish this place had more of you in it.” You say out of the blue as we watch evening jeopardy and do aftercare.
Kissing and holding each other softly. Surrounded by each other's smells and warmth. I'm pretty tired, I figure I'll have to go find something in a day or two but I'm not too worried about it right now. I'm sure your tired too, so I keep good check on how much water your drinking and if you feel sleepy.
I chuckle. “My dirty boxers are all over the place, I think that's enough.”
I got a sharp punch to the arm about halfway through that sentence, but it was worth the blush on your face. “You know what I mean!” You hiss cutely.. I think it was meant to be harsh. “Other than your Webkinz collection, there aren't many signs that you live here.”
I sigh. Usually that's the point. Don't have a lot of stuff in case you have to bolt in the dead of night. I hate this but I still keep that old blow up mattress in my truck. Just in case something happens.
“Yeah. I just don't have much to put in here.” I say with the least amount of sadness possible in my voice.
“Well, we'll have to look for things you like when we go thrift shopping and yard saling. I bet a record player would be perfect right-” you drag it out, holding your thumb and index fingers up on both hands as if you were framing for a camera shot. “-there.”
You're focused on a small table under the mounted TV.
I nod. “It would.”
Its 12am and all I can think of is Food.
Super sized burger combo? McFlurry? Fries at the bottom of the greasy bag?
I want the server.
My head is foggy and my whole body feels like I'm on fire. My stomach is growling loudly.
I needed it. Flesh. Warm, bloody, human, flesh. I'm hungry.
And you're lying next to me.
I don't know what happened! It was fine hours ago, then all of a sudden, I felt like I hadn't eaten in months.
Sneaking out is always the hardest part. You're so sweet and understanding about my “condition” as we call it, but God bless you, you get so clingy every time I need to go.
“Lee?” You groan as I slowly slide my torso out from between your legs. I swear you treat me like a body pillow. I pretend to hate it but truth be told, it makes me feel wanted.
“Mhm?” I answer, hoping that you're sleep talking.
“Where you going?”
The tone of your little voice breaks my heart. “I'm hungry, I'll be back soon.” I whisper as I lay a hand on your arm over the old comforter. I felt like anything more would push me over the edge.
“Kiss?” You ask, practically beg.
I hate this part. The longing, the need, the lust, desire, and hunger that prevents all of it.
“I can't.” I mumbled through gritted teeth.
Usually I can give you maybe one or two pecks on the lips, every makeout session has to be broken up into little pieces, breaks in the bedroom. I have to make sure I'm careful with you.
And my heart broke even more.
“I'll be back before ya know it, I swear, just go back to sleep.”
“Love you..” You whine, I can tell you're hoping that it will make me stay. But I can't.
“Love ya, too.” And as quick as I can I have my clothes on and shoes tied. It's only then that I notice one of my Webkinz on the floor. I quickly stoop low and grab him. A small husky I named, Bandit.
“Can you hang on to him for me? He keeps falling off the bed.”
You smile in the dim light. “Course.”
“Thanks.” I smile down at you. Yearning for that kiss I can't have.
I'm out of the room now, grabbing my pocket knife, phone, and keys to my old truck.
I hear you call for me right as I unlock the door. I quickly run back to our room. Well, your room, it's your apartment. I just live here...
“Yeah?” I ask.
“Be safe."
I smile to myself. “I will. Love ya.”
“Love you more!”
I chuckled. No way.
My shoes kept sticking to the bottom of the sidewalk, I looked back to make sure there weren't any footprints left in blood. I can just imagine what I look like. The apartment security wont like that. God I feel sick to my stomach. I go around to the back of the apartment where there's a water hose. I use it to spray myself off as best as I can. The cold water and the pressure was like icicles stabbing into me all over.
I was soggy all over, my jeans causing me to chaf like balls all the way back into the apartment. I cringed at the feet squelching sound across the carpet and the puddle that dripped off me in the elevator.
After I snuck back into their apartment, being extra careful of the squeaky hinge, -God I need to spray some WD-40 on that thing, I keep forgetting.. Anyway! I creep to the bathroom under the mildly flickering streetlight. Dogs barked as the pipes rattled all the way down to the water heater in the boiler room. I hope they didn't wake you up. I'm sorry if they did, but I can't face you looking like this. Like a savage.
Excess blood that didn't come off with the hose dripped down my chin, sprayed across my abdomen. It's disgusting even to me, let alone the Non-Eater in the next room. I grabbed a black washcloth I stole from the salvation army.. sorry salvation army.
The Old spice you got me for Christmas always makes me feel.. normal.. somehow as it buffs away the gore I cause. You like the husky warm smell, and I like the attention you give me when I smell like that so that's a plus. I scrub everything away, making sure to take good care of my joints; under arms, neck, between my fingers, behind my ears, stuff like that. Cracks and runs in the skin where it could get stuck and dry. Especially in my nails.
I wash my hair with your shampoo, supposedly it's color saving somehow, I don't know. I just like the feeling it causes on my scalp. All bubbly and soft. It smells like you.
My stomach just keeps feeling worse and worse. I know eating junkies isn't the best thing to do, but nobody else was out at 12am. I've had to tough out many illnesses, thankfully the worst thing ive ever gotten is the flu.
Your name rings through my head the whole time. It's perfect. It's home. Even though you prefer a pet name; baby, honey, or the most heavily southern twanged version of darlin’ I've ever said, (and oh I love when you call me cowboy~) I like your name, your actual name, the best.
I heard the thudding of foot prints as the cramping almost folds me.
“M-mhm.” I groan in discomfort.
“You okay?” That sweet little voice.
“Yeah, I'm alright, Darlin'”
I hear you get giddy, giggling and squealing in excitement, it distracts me for a moment as I smile.
“You hurt?” You ask.
“Nah, just a stomach ache.” I reply, starting to finish up.
I can see the outline of your pj's. My big ol hoodie that hits your body in just the right places to make you look like a little kid and a runway model at the same time. I remember days when that hoodie was the difference between just being cold and getting hypothermia for me on the road. I'm thankful I don't have to live like that anymore with you.
“I've probably just.. um..” I search for the vaguest word possible. “Food poisoning..??”
“Oh.. bad flesh?”
“Please,” I drag out the word. “-don't say that.” I shake my head, the warm water feeling less like a hug and more like tiny stabs. "That word should never come out of your mouth." I sigh.
You paused. “But, am I right?”
I give a deep sigh. “Yeah..” I say after a bit. The running water and small barking are the only sounds for a little. I feel like maybe you don't take this nearly as serious enough as I want you to. Like you think it's some kind of fantasy.
“Okay. Maybe tomorrow you can just rest.”
“Yeah, I gotta lay low for a bit. After.. you know-”
“-yeah.” You say as if it were nothing. “Well, I have work tomor-”
“-I'm gonna get a job too, don't worry, I just can't-”
“-yeah, right, I know.” You sigh.
We take turns trying to get a word in over each other until I'm clean. Probably twice as clean as anyone in a hazmat suit. I hop out, covering my semi chaffed junk and smirking because I know how you think. I think the same way.
I wrap a towel around my waist and immediately begin scrubbing my teeth. Pre-rinse, Brush, Listerine, Floss, everything. All while feeling like I’m gonna vomit any second.
You give me small light kisses on the hand that's gripping yours as we walk to the bedroom. You insist I lie on the side you usually sleep on, because it's warm, so I do because I don't feel like arguing. I wrap my arms around you and you do the same, nuzzling into my chest. You try to help me feel better, offering me pain killers that grew too weak when I was like.. nine, cigarettes, and eventually give up.
“I just wanna sleep.” I whine, holding the cramping spot on my stomach.
“No cigarettes? Wow you must be really sick.”
I chuckle. I do need to quit, road jitters aren't the best. And a pack only lasts me a week nowadays. “Yeah. Like I said. Food poisoning.”
“I understand.”
“Good.” I say as I pull you close. You take your hand and start rubbing circles on my abdomen. I grunt and groan as you hit sore spots but all in all it feels good.
After the bite of quietness we both took, I whisper, “I'm glad I have you.” as you keep rubbing.
“I'm glad I have you, too.” You whisper.
You cuddle and nuzzle my chest and face as I get tired. My eyes get heavy and I start to slowly pant after the pain gets a little bit worse until finally it calms a bit. After more kisses to my cheeks and eyelids, I'm finally able to nod off, uncomfortably.
The next morning I wake up and you're at work, I assume. I feel a hanger pressed under my thigh. I smile as I take it away and bring it up to scratch my back with. Then I chuck it across the room in the pile of clothes you went through before picking whatever you wore. I'll just have to see this evening. I go to sit up and immediately fall back to the mattress. My stomach aching all the same as it was hours ago.
I groan, holding myself. I raise the sheets and look for a plushie, any plushie. Something I can hug for comfort. I can't just white knuckle my way through it this time. I’ve gotten some serious virus or something. I don't Google it though. I don't wanna be convinced I'm dying before I really am.
Finally I see one on the floor. Ugh. I reach down painfully and pick them up, holding them to my chest and gasping as I feel a little of last night's dinner digest. It hurts a lot, but all of a sudden, the pain fades.
Probably a bone. I suddenly thought. They could hurt like this.
I sigh thankfully. My guts are still sore from (probably) being scraped around by a finger or something, but whatever it was hit my stomach acid and like magic, it was defeated. I lay still, hurting. Until my bladder said he needed attention. Now!
I sat up and tasted blood in my usual acid reflux. Yep definitely a bone.
I waddle to the toilet, flip up the lid and piss a big ol piss. I close the lid and flush, washing my hands with the bath and body soap you bought for this month's “holiday.” I've told you a million times. “They're smoking crack and taking your money.” but truth be told… It does smell good. I like the little kitty cat sanitizer you put on my keychain. It smells like eucalyptus.. and sometimes it helps me not be so stressed. When I see it, I think of you.
After I wash my hands I go to get a fancy bottle of water from the fridge door. Fiji? Feejee? Feje? Fi-jeez. I got a Fij-headache. I guzzle some of it and plop down on the couch grabbing the remote on the table. Suddenly I hear;
Yeah yeah!
Don't wanna wait till you know me better!!
I let out a frightened yelp. Where the hell is that coming from?!
Let's just be glad for our time together!!
I look down at the remote in my hand. Not the TV remote. Yamaha? What's that??
Life's such a treat and it's time you taste it!!
I agree, Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons, but why are you in my house?! I turn around and around looking for a speaker or anything.
There ain't a reason on earth to waste it!
It aint a crime to be good to yourself!
Oh, investigations can wait, I can't help but sing;
"Lick it up!! Lick it up!! U-U-UP!"
"Lick it up!! Lick it up!! U-U-UP! Oo yeah!"
As the chorus plays out I burst into the bedroom and grab all my Webkinz, I grab your hair brush. Setting them down on the couch and rushing back to “the stage” just in time to catch the next verse.
Don't need to wait for an invitation!!
"Da nuh nuhh. Da nuh nuhh."
You gotta live like you're on vacation!!
"Da nuh nuhh. Da nuh nuhh."
There's something sweet you can't buy with money!!
"Lick it up, woo, lick it up!"
It's all you need, so believe me, honey!! It ain't a crime to be good to yourself!!
Then as I'm getting ready to start the chorus, the music stops. I let out a loud groan, only now remembering that I didn't put it on. I finally see the little box sitting on the table under the TV. I walk over to it and see a hoodie and a note.
“Here's to my little cowboy. I love you, I hope you feel better. I'm out getting your other gifts, so jam out.”
And your name written right at the bottom. In your unique little scribbling.
I just die a little inside. And get hard.. but that's not the point
Yamaha is printed on what looks like a record player, sitting right where you wanted it. A hoodie with the Lick it up album photo on it. I look at the tag and see it's my size. I immediately throw it in the wash with a couple other things so I can wear it as soon as possible.
What else could top this.. I wonder. About this time you walk in the door.
“Lee! I'm home!”
I rush out from the laundry room and wrap you in a big hug. “Mhh! I love it!!”
“Aw, I was hoping I could see your fac-”
“Wait, why are you home? It's like 2pm, you don't get off till 5pm at least.”
“Well, I got off early after I saw some stuff on Facebook marketplace. I wanted to get it for you and the seller wasn't available after 2pm.”
You hand me three Walmart bags. Eatch one is filled to the brim with Webkinz plushies. Each one is one I don't have. They all have their codes and they are in perfect condition. As I'm sitting there in shock taking them all out of the bags, you hand me what looks like a picture frame of the Lick It Up album cover.
“Oh my God!! Wow, thanks, you didn't have to."
"I know but I wanted to."
"I could have just hung the record sleeve. I mean you got me all these Webkinz!!”
“Oh no, this is not an album sleeve. Look closer.” You say in a teasing way as you point to something in black ink.
Paul Stanley. Gene Simmons. Eric Carr. Vinnie Vincent.
“I got it for like a hundred bucks. I had to go pick it up. That's why I was gone.”
At this moment, I don't know why, but my body decided it was a good idea to scream at the top of my lungs like a little fangirl. And cry. Yes. Cry.
“Aw! Baby!” You coo at me as I sob happily, my knees buckling under me.
“T-t-tank you!!” I stutter like a child. All soaked with tears, hugging all my plushies and the frame. My heart is racing and I can barely breathe.
“You're welcome, cowboy.” You chuckle. “Feeling better?”
“M-m-mhm!!” I hum as I pepper a dozen kisses all over your face.
You giggle and kiss me deeply on the lips. “I'm glad. Now go put it on. Your fans are waiting.” You say as you wave your hand towards the Webkinz.
Immediately I ran over to the player and put the song back on seeing that it had skipped. That's why it stopped playing earlier. I put all the new Webkinz on the couch with the others and grab your hair brush ready to jump and dance around, belting my heart out until I've lost my voice. Then you join so I wouldn't sound quite so bad “on stage.”
After this, we may need a new bed.. ;)
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n3xusride · 6 months
Stupid fucking prick. *I say slamming my shot glass onto the bar. I look at the glass with an hateful ire before Breathing all of my pent up tension out through my nose. I feel like I’m gonna cry. Getting dumped is one thing. But getting dumped and finding out the motherfucker who dumped you was also cheating on you the whole time. Yeah that just fucking sucks.*
God, fuck him, I just wanna get railed.
* I sigh mournfully under my breath. If I’m gonna cry I’d rather be getting fucked while I do it. I survey the room trying to find someone who catches my interest. Tucking a black hankie into my right jean pocket as I do so. Hoping someone will get the hint.
The night for a certain turtle mutant was... Less than eventful. He'd been at the bar for maybe 2 hours and honestly, he's just been sitting at the end of the bar, gazing out at the rest of the dim establishment while nursing a vodka cranberry. Watching the guys playing pool. Or the couples making out in dark corners. Ahh.. Night life. Nothin else like it.
Lee sighs through his nose, setting down his empty glass and flagging down the bartender. The hyena yokai wordlessly makes him another drink and sets it down in front of him with a small smile. Lee gives him a nod, then goes back to his people-watching. Looking toward the other end of the bar, his eyes stop on someone. Hah. Man, they look like shit. Emotionally.
He takes to watching them as they tuck something into their pocket and look around the room. Lee raises a brow, sipping his drink.
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instruth · 6 months
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A Little Secret
a little secret
a harmless flirt
under the carpet
sweep off the dirt
try to forget
‘neath the shirt
only regrets
under the skirt
hanky begets
a panky birt
©Johnny J P Lee
16 March 2024
A Gogyoshiren 10 Poem (teaser)
Photos Credit, Unsplash Images
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gettingfrilly · 10 months
What do you think the Kankers Sisters are like post-BPS? Do you think they changed a little bit or are they still Pepe Le Pew's understudies? (Personally i like to think that they slightly backed-off from the Ed's due to the ending of "A Fistful Of Ed" and the entirety of "Hanky Panky Hullabaloo" but that's just me :))
Yeah, I like to think they backed off a bit, especially now that the Eds aren't outcasts and thus won't be easy targets anymore. I like to think they grow up a bit and learn to focus on something other than finding men to do housework for them. I'd love if May stood up for herself a bit more and put her chemistry knowledge to good use. Would also like to see Marie get a gf and start a band. Lee... idk about Lee. I don't really think about her a lot! I'm sure she's still looking out for her little sisters though.
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wascallywabbit1938 · 9 months
Hi! May 1, 2, 3, 7, 8 :3
Eeee okay!
1. Honestly she reminds me a shite ton of one of my OC's (whom i will show off properly in due time DW) both in her design and personality, plus i just like how STUPID and GOOFY she is, she's a little goober i like her :). Also, May and her two sisters have a lot of mystery surrounding them, we don't know where they're from, we don't know how deep their love for their respective Ed's are, we're not even sure what they like or dislike because of how little they're used outside of being the end to the episode. All in all i like May because she's a dumb, goofy, stinky, grotesque little cretin that i like very much
2. Honestly you could just take everything i said for 1 and put it here buuut to be a little more specific, i like how she has potential to grow if that makes any sense? We've seen her more gentle and socially acceptable side in Hanky Panky Hullabaloo when she made Ed a little valentines card without any malicious intent behind it, i just like how much she cares about him despite how she goes about showing off said care. Aside from that i like how she mirrors Ed by often being used as a tool or a weapon by Lee and Marie, it's a pretty small detail but it's just really funny to me IDK why LuL. Also also her knowing a little bit about chemistry is honestly a very fresh take on the "idiot" character archetype, we need more dumbasses that are knowledgeable in a random academic field!
3. IDK if i've ever said this here but i don't like the Kanker kissing scenes that much, if at all, they're just kinda bland and annoying and seeing my little dummy being a part of them is just eugh. And the ending to Key To My Ed gave me pink eye because of how disgusting it was i'm sorry LMAO
7. Shipping her with Double D :), it's not exactly my OTP (EdMay for life babyyy) but it's honestly so cute seeing these two goofballs together, kinda wish we got more fanart of the two even outside ship art
8. Ignoring her existence in fanfics :(, this honestly happens to most of the cast which is kinda sad to see but i rarely see any mention of her or her sisters in fanfics (even when they are in the story they're always playing second fiddle to someone else (cough cough EddEddy cough cough)). Also i HATE how often she's sexualised like, are you dense? What's wrong with you leave her ALONE you backwashed son of a bitch
Yeah sorry about that i just can't stand seeing that stuff
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a-wholelotta-love · 1 year
Totnt 1938! Episode 5 thoughts!
Spoiler Alert!
Hey! So I am back again with my thoughts coz as mentioned this is a routine thingy now for clearing my head. Also, whoever is reading them knows that it's mostly my boi Rang centred thoughts and a few rare other ones 😂. So yes, let's talk about how we felt about the episode:-
Okay, so first things first, I was a lil sad coz I felt my boy Rangie had less screen time today. I know, I knoww, some of it was because he was disguised as a baby. Oh God 😂 but yeah. This season has spoiled me a bit and I want to see him in every other scene coz last season, I used to have to search for his scenes like looking for needles in a haystack. Can't go through that again Mr writers. 🥺 Okay, done crying.
Finally, Rang and his fox eyes 😍.Him being disguised as the baby and the baby showing a middle finger to the cop 😂 my boy's voice in the background all pissed coz he is feeling all suffocated in that tiny body 😂 I love him. When they took a shot at the baby, that animated baby jump and roll was so hilarious and then Rangie finally there with a babyy hanky on his neck. Gonna cherish that scene.
I loved baby Lee Mi ho and I am sad that we had to say goodbye to her 🥺. Yeon and Shin-ju giving full goodbye speeches while Rang refuses to say anything. Gosh, his fear of attachment kills me. We all know he adores her, he knows he adores her but hell shall freeze over before he accepts that. Lee Mi ho being more open and stating that she prefers the Bandit. Gosh, how happy Rang was about it and his "you are not too bad yourself 🥺". This boy will kill me.
I also like Ryu hong joo, the more I get to know her.. She did irk me at a point of time with how she is incapable of taking a no. But if I don't look at it, I like her character. She is strong, smart and protects her people with a ferocity that's admirable. I am looking forward to seeing her.
I have said this before, saying it again, I want to know what's Cheon Moo-young's story. Yeon was almost as happy to see him alive as he was to see Rang but at the same time, he is also suspicious of him. I really think I am gonna get hurt for him though.
The last 10 mins of the show gave me life. They were my favourite moments. Everyone can guess why 😂 Rang is slowly starting to like Yeo-hee and it's pretty clear. I find them really cute. I loved how a jealous Yeo-hee pretty much destroyed the room and Yang found it cool. 😂 Boy was impressed with how strong she is. And Yeon and shin-ju spying on their dates and deciding how good of a match those two are. 😂 Ah, please don't ruin this for us later. I won't survive.
Now, one thing, one small conversation that I can't help but discuss is when Shin ju asks Yeon if he can actually leave Rang and go. And he mentions that he can not, that Rang would again think he is being abandoned. This topic is something that I have too many strong thoughts about and I won't get into all of them but I just wanna say, what else is Yeon expecting. I love this future Yeon and how much he cares about Rang but I don't get his plan of action. What are you planning to tell Rang and when, this Rang is someone whose last thought of you would be being stabbed by you and then being left for dead. Now, you are here being all nice and if you don't give him any context and up and leave him in a month, what else will he think. He will probably have to seek therapy to try and make sense of what just happened. For all the progress that this season has made, can we please have Yeon and Rang have a heart to heart conversation. Like please. Coz, right now even I don't understand your reasoning Yeon for a whole lot of things. I will make a separate post to rant about that sometime 😅 but hoping that we do get a heart to heart chat.
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Look at this sassy motherf**ker. How am i supposed to not simp.
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dnickels · 10 months
The Agency assured the Warren Commission that, prior to the assassination, it had had no particular interest in Oswald and almost no information on him whatsoever. This had always seemed implausible. Oswald was only 24 when he died, but his life had been eventful. He had served as a radar operator in the Marine Corps, stationed at an air base in Japan from which the CIA flew U-2 spy missions over Russia; had then defected to Moscow, where he told American diplomats that he planned to tell the Soviets everything he knew; had been closely watched, if not recruited, by Soviet intelligence services; and had then, in 1962, after more than two and a half years in the USSR, returned, Russian wife in tow, to the United States. One would think the CIA might have taken somewhat more than a passing interest. Early on, Newman had photocopied the entirety of Oswald’s pre-assassination CIA file at the archive and brought it home. Morley came often to study it. “I had read something that said, you know, they only had five documents on him,” Morley said. “And it was like, ‘No, there were 42.’” [...]
Newman asked most of the questions. (Newman and Morley are still friendly, but each has a tendency to present himself as the central protagonist in the story of Jane Roman. Roman died in 2007.) He spread documents on the table and walked Roman through them, beginning with a routing slip from shortly after Oswald’s return from the USSR. It had been signed by officials of the Soviet Realities branch, of counterintelligence, of covert operations, and elsewhere. Newman asked, “Is this the mark of a person’s file who’s dull and uninteresting?” “No, we’re really trying to zero in on somebody here,” Roman said. Newman showed her the FBI report on Oswald’s arrest in New Orleans, for which Roman had signed on October 4, 1963. Newman then produced the October 10 cable, according to which the Agency had received no information on Oswald in over a year. “Jane,” Newman said, “you read this file just a couple of days before you released this message. So you knew that’s not true.” Roman protested that she had “a thousand of these things” to handle. But she soon conceded, “Yeah, I mean, I’m signing off on something that I know isn’t true.” Newman asked if this suggested “some sort of operational interest in Oswald’s file.” “Well, to me, it’s indicative of a keen interest in Oswald, held very closely on the need-to-know basis,” Roman said. She speculated that there had been an “operational reason” to withhold information about him from Mexico City, though she herself had not been read into whatever “hanky-panky” may have been taking place. After the interview, Morley and Newman stopped their recorders, thanked Roman, and stepped outside. “John and I looked at each other and said, ‘Oh my fucking God,’” Morley told me. They had coaxed from a highly placed former CIA official, on tape and on the record, an acknowledgment that top CIA officers in Washington had been keenly interested in Oswald before the assassination, so much so that they had intentionally misled their colleagues in Mexico about him for reasons apparently related to an operation of some kind. Later, Morley spoke with Edward Lopez, a former researcher for the HSCA, where he had been tasked with investigating the CIA. Lopez said, “What this tells people is that somehow the Agency had a relationship with Lee Harvey Oswald prior to the assassination and that they are covering it up.”
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