#hannukah dean
competitive-frog · 9 months
merry happy everyone
-mr winter
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chrispineofficial · 9 months
more fics with jewish dean please i want him doing christmas for sam and john as a kid then quietly turning around and scrounging up candles for hannukah, keeping a meticulous watch on the calendar every year despite the timeless feeling of their constant travel so he can privately observe yom kippur and do his best for other high holy days like his mom used to like - dean feels such kinship with his mother and with his jewishness that sammy just doesn't because he doesn't remember mary and john doesn't remember all the jewish holidays, doesn't think to celebrate them because Christmas is right there and even christmas isn't a priority for him but dean remembers, dean knows dean gets more jewish the older he gets because he clings to it, seeks it out, dean dreams of having a home with a mezuzah
i'm so sorry i'm just rambling at you i'm just very passionate about jewish dean
ohhhhh my god anon. i am compromised this is beautiful thank you sooooo much also anyone feel free to drop jupernatural fic links on this post hi for the love of god hELLO
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For the Christmas prompt thingy! Honestly I'll take all the help I can get getting into the holiday spirit. (I literally just got back from seeing the nutcracker for the 1st time ever and while i loved it, still nothing as far as holiday cheer goes😔)Obviously you know which one of your oc couples is my favorite and i never get tired of(S+C(+E)), but if you want a break from them, I also accept Dean and Kat or Stiles and Sadie. Any # tbh but 3, 7 or 10 caught my eye. I appreciate the help 😅🎄
I know that this took me until Christmas Eve-Eve, but I hope that it still gives you a little boost. I knew exactly which one I wanted to do as soon as you sent this.
iv. taking their time picking the tree
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Christine had experienced almost every kind of Christmas she could imagine. She’d had years where she and her dad had just gone to the movies and eaten Chinese food. She’d had years where she went to a big Christmas party thrown by whatever company her dad was working for that year. She’d had Christmases where they decided to skip Christmas and try to recreate Hannukah the way her mother would’ve done it. Big Christmas, small Christmas, or no Christmas—Christine didn’t have a lot of expectations.
This year, though, she knew things would be different.
Once everything in Hawkins had settled and healed, once she’d finally grabbed her diploma without being eaten by an interdimensional monster, Christine left Indiana behind for MIT. Moving to Massachusetts might’ve been bittersweet if she hadn’t taken so much of Hawkins with her. It was hard to miss home when she was sharing an apartment with Eddie and Steve.
There hadn’t been much debate about the situation. Both boys cared more about Christine than anything keeping them in Hawkins—except Wayne, who Eddie called pretty much every day. He worked for cash at the local mechanic, Steve climbing his way to up to assistant manager at a nearby movie theater. They split rent and groceries three ways, which meant Christine was saving loads on room and board. It also meant spending every day with two of her favorite people.
Most days it was a little slice of heaven.
Today, it was decidedly not.
“Will you two stop arguing?” Christine begged. “My feet are about to freeze in these boots.”
“I’ll stop arguing when Eddie takes his head out of his ass,” Steve complained. He had his arms folded over his chest, giving Eddie a stern look. “We’re not getting this one. Pick something else.”
“No,” Eddie said stubbornly. “Why would I pick something else when we could have this beauty of a tree?”
“Because this beauty of a tree isn’t going to fit through the door, let alone in the living room. It’s about three feet too tall.”
“Wha—no, it’s not.” Eddie scoffed, struggling to hold the tree upright as another gust of wind blew through the lot. “Okay, it’s tall, but once they do a fresh cut on the bottom and we trim the top—”
“Dude, they’d have to cut the damn thing in half! We’re not buying it!”
Eddie swore and dropped the tree back against the fence, which creaked dangerously under the weight. “Well we’re not buying that shrimp of a tree that you picked out. Why the fuck would we get a three-foot Christmas tree?”
“Because it’s practical,” Steve said for the hundredth time. “The apartment’s already too small for us and, unless the tree’s gonna pay rent, I’m not letting it take up a quarter of the living room.”
“It’s for one month, Harrington. Don’t be a Scrooge.”
“Hilarious. Have you even read that?”
“What, because you have?”
“Guys, stop,” Christine pleaded. “Can’t we just split the difference and get a five-foot?”
“No,” the boys replied in unison.
Christine whined and snuggled further into her winter coat. They’d been standing in the tree lot for almost an hour, but with the wind chill, it felt like four. Even with two pairs of socks, her boots, her gloves, her sweater, scarf, coat, and hat, Christine could feel her blood starting to crystalize in her veins. Eddie seemed to be impervious to the cold, merely adding a hat and gloves to his usual ensemble of ripped jeans and flannel. Steve was bundled up in his peacoat, but he was so irritated that his anger was doing a better job of keeping him warm.
She knew, in theory, why they were having this argument. Steve had grown up with an over-the-top Christmas every year, a tree larger than God in his living room. Eddie never had that opportunity. In the trailer with Wayne, the most they ever did was hang up twinkle lights in the living room. This year, in their own apartment, they had a chance to do Christmas their way. They just couldn’t decide what their way was going to be.
“I still say we get a fake tree,” Steve huffed. “It’s less money in the long run and—”
“Over my dead body, Harrington.”
“Oho—we’re getting there, Munson!”
“Come on, angel, back me up here,” Eddie said, turning his puppy eyes to Christine.
“We’re not getting a fake tree,” she sighed. Eddie punched the air in victory and Steve groaned, sour until she added, “Because if we get a fake tree, it means I’ve been standing here for an hour freezing my ass off for no reason. I literally do not care what kind of tree we get. So help me, God—you two are gonna pick a tree, strap it to the car, and take me home before I take that seven-footer and shove it up your ass.”
“Wow, okay, uh…” Steve scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. “Which one of us?”
“Both of you,” she growled, “one on each end.”
The boys winced, then exchanged a look of resignation. Eddie shrugged and tipped his head to the side, a silent “you heard her” to Steve. Steve pursed his lips and looked around the lot one last time before he folded.
“We’re not doing anything bigger than six feet. And you’re vacuuming, Munson! If there’s a single needle in the carpet come January—”
“Then you can use me as a tree topper next year,” Eddie said, hand over his heart. “Aye-aye, Captain.”
“Oh, fuck you, Munson.”
“That’d be great, thanks.” Eddie winked as walked around Christine, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her back into his chest. The boy was like a furnace, heat radiating through her layers as he kissed the top of her head. “But I think we have to thaw-out the princess first.”
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python-string · 4 years
in an angel kinshift from lighting my menorah for the first time this year!
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Bob Dylan harmonizing on harmonica to “Hava Nagila,” with Peter Himmelman & Harry Dean Stanton, Chabad Telethon, 1989.
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baltha-zara · 3 years
Anyway for his first Hannukah I think Jack would try to blow out all the candles in the menorah thinking that’s what you’re supposed to do because that’s what you do on birthdays and it would make Dean damn near have a heart attack
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anthonycrowleymoved · 4 years
I did already ask for an receive the fuck me boots for hannukah and I wear theme every day. However today, my mother, my own mother had the absolute gall do give me the “If not gay why fruity little jean jacket” jacket and be like, it goes with ur look I think.
diagnosed dean kinnie by ur mom
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buckbylightning · 4 years
Positive 20 Questions Tag Game
i was tagged by @starlightcastiel​ love you dear 🥺
under the cut bc it’s long
1. name 4 fictional characters who showcase your personality the best, with explanations if you want.
chidi anagonye -- i, too, have trouble making important decisions bc i am worried abt hurting the people i love/ ruining my entire life if i pick the wrong thing to eat for lunch
tbh evan buckley -- absolute moron w a heart of gold, babey
castiel -- sometimes makes bad decisions but loves their friends a lot in love w dean winchester
kitty pryde -- gay, jewish, nerd
2. aesthetic
uhm. converse and pink earbuds and sitting in the grass on a sunny day. stories about love saving the day. baking cookies and watching movies with friends until 1am wrapped in fuzzy blankets. peanut butter and apples. longs hugs, small plants, big laughs.  
3. favorite musical/play? (if you’ve never seen a musical or play, one you’d be interested in seeing?
come from away!!!!!
4. what is the best compliment you’ve ever received?
oh god i don’t know
5. how many times have you been in love?
i’ve never been in romantic love but i love my friends so much
6. embarrassing story or fact about yourself that makes you laugh now?
i wouldn’t say it makes me laugh but i have a scar on the top of my head from a birthday party in 3rd grade + a run-in with a curling iron. if my bangs get cut too thick or i part my hair wrong it shows up 
7. favorite disney/pixar movie?
tangled, maybe?
8. favorite flower or plant?
9. what’s your favorite holiday?
hannukah/christmas. there’s something abt the festivities that just makes the air sweeter around that time. it’s about love and family.
10. name three things that made you laugh or smile this past week.
@demondeals​ has honestly been a saving grace
the brooklyn nine nine season finale
talking w my friends last night 😊
11. what song would you play to introduce yourself to someone?
the justice league unlimited theme song 
12. name something that truly makes you feel peaceful even at your most stressed moments.
sitting outside in the sun listening to soft music
13. what do you, did you, or would you study at college?
i’m currently on track to transfer into the film and media studies major!!
14. this is kind of a weird one, but which outfit of yours makes you feel most like yourself?
idk just blue jeans, a fun collared shirt, and converse. or like, a big fluffy sweater. 
15. what is a quote you live by?
be of good heart. this was the title of my blog for a really long time and it’s simple but i think it’s special
16. name the funniest playlist name you have.
none of mine are very clever but i like ‘songs to fall down in the shower to’
17. make a reference to an inside joke you have with someone you love with zero context.
18. what is a message you would give your younger self if given the chance?
bruh i’m still young
19. who is your favorite family member? (if you have no good blood family members, feel free to mention someone in your found family)
20. what’s a secret dream of yours?
to be good at something
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the-real-anywolf · 5 years
Destiel Advent Calendar 2019
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Title: Welcome to the Black Parade
Tags: Dean Winchester/Castiel, Destiel, Dean Winchester, Castiel, Rufus Turner, Bobby Singer, Angst, Forgiveness is the Name of the Game, Explicit Sexual Content, Inspired by Song Lyrics, Happy Hanukkah
Summary: Dean Winchester has walked hand-in-hand with death his entire life. When it's time to lay his weary head to rest, will he finally find peace?
Written by: @eyesofatragedy67​ (Eyes_of_a_Tragedy)
Notes: Somewhere in the process of this advent calendar, Frankie said, "Can day 22 be Hanukkah related?" and we all went, "Yeah! That's a great idea!" And then day 22 sat with a note… Hannukah… for what felt like forever. There was a group chat conversation about the fact that none of us are Jewish and really don't know much about the holiday. But I snagged it anyway.
This fic is not a Hanukkah story, and honestly is the merest of nods, but I do think it's important to acknowledge it. For those of you who do follow the beliefs, I wish you the happiest of Hanukkahs! Please don't kill me.
This story is inspired by the lyrics of "Welcome to the Black Parade" by My Chemical Romance. It's a song about death and how it affects those left behind. But it's also full of power and life. It holds strong personal meaning for me, and screams Dean Winchester in my head.
I hope you enjoy!
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21890575
Day 22: Welcome to the Black Parade
The sky was a bruise of grey and green, and that sickly yellow you only saw on damaged skin. Dean Winchester was parked at Rufus's cabin, crashed out on the hood of his trusty sidekick, legs dangling in front of her grill, waiting for the floodgates to open.
He needed the rain on his face, the water pelting his skin, cleansing him, absolving him of the guilt he carried. He needed the mask of it. To hide his tears.
It had been years since he'd felt this loss, years since he'd grieved the son of a bitch who'd moulded him into the soldier he still was, to this day. But the years had been long, and so much had happened. And if Dean was being completely honest with himself – hell, with anyone – he'd admit that the man who had appeared in the bunker wasn't as much of a monster as he'd made him out to be in his mind.
Fuck knew John Winchester hadn't been a perfect father. And Dean was well aware of the fact that he carried some serious baggage, due to the years of abandonment and neglect, while his dad had kicked around – saving people, hunting things.
The family business created a rift between the Winchesters that leaked like a sieve.
But Dean and Sam had come through okay. They were strong together, had done good in the world. Until Chuck came and fucked it all to hell.
Talk about some A+ parenting.
As the skies rained down on him, Dean let go. He let himself mourn the loss, again, of the man who had shaped his life. Thought back to the times that weren't awful, though some would argue they were few and far between.
He railed against the wind, lungs burning molten rage; then his throat locked up, nothing but stilted exhales escaping.
Eyes still closed, he felt a soothing presence close in. Hands gripped the outsides of his knees, hips moving between them. Dean threw his arm over his face and gulped in a ragged breath.
"Hello, Dean." That rumble of comfort was everything he needed.
Dean pushed himself up and wrapped himself around his angel, burying his face into Cas's neck, where he smelled like honey-sweet lightning.
"You're going to get sick if you stay out here much longer, my love," Cas whispered into the freckles dotting Dean's cheekbone.
Fuck, what had he done to deserve this man? He had no idea why Cas always came back to him, but he was done fighting it. Done getting in the way of what they both wanted. He'd be damned if Cas's name got added to the list of Dean Winchester's Greatest Misses.
He looked into the storm of Cas's eyes. "I love you. I love you with all of the words I've never said, for all of the years you've stood by me, all of the shit you've put up with…" Blue lit up his sky. "Cas, I'm ready."
The honey melted away, leaving ozone and fire in its wake. Cas tugged his hips closer, hauling him off Baby's hood. Dean wrapped his legs tighter around Cas's waist, relinquishing some of the weight, as Cas carried him into the cabin.
They made it as far as the fireplace before Dean tugged Cas down into a desperate kiss, nipping at his lips. Sunshine burst on his tongue, all warmth and fresh green growth after the rain.
Hands tore at his clothing, drenched t-shirt plopping to the ground, soaked denim falling to his feet. And then his angel was kneeling before him, unlacing his sturdy leather boots and peeling off his socks so he could step out of his jeans.
Cas was his savior, divinity defined.
Dean carded his fingers through that thick, dark hair and stroked his thumb over the shell of Cas's ear, looking down at the best thing that had ever happened to him.
"Cas…" he whispered, shivers racing down his spine.
And Cas – the beautiful, crazy genius – ran his hands up Dean's exposed skin, over the cotton that was his last barrier, and stripped him bare.
Blade-calloused fingertips caressed his hips, teased over his soft midriff, perfectly chapped lips following their path. A flick of tongue over the tip of his cock almost brought Dean to his knees.
And then it was all wet heat surrounding him, the gentle brush of stubble against sensitive skin, and Dean fumbled to hold on.
One hand tangled in his lover's hair, he reached the other out, grasping for purchase and something to ground him. The heavy thunk of an object hitting the floor only briefly distracted him.
"Oh, Cas," Dean moaned, living in the feel of his angel's mouth on him, full of worship.
Teeth lightly grazed their way up his shaft, and Cas pulled off, leaning back with glazed-over eyes. Dean wiped at the moisture at the corner of his mouth, then brushed his thumb over the angel's lower lip.
"You're so fucking beautiful, Sunshine." And the light that shone behind those stormcloud eyes was more radiant than the stars.
"Dean." Cas looked up at him with wonder, then surged up to plunder his mouth. They kissed with all of the passion they'd repressed for so long.
And Dean groaned as Cas gripped him tight and jacked him like they didn't have until the end of time to finally love each other true.
"For cryin' out loud, Bobby. It's not that I'm not happy for the two of them. I mean, it's about damn time that fool of a son of yours got his head out of his… but that's my fireplace they're defiling! And my menorah on the floor! You'd think they could show a little respect."
Bobby pointedly did not glance in the direction of Rufus's living room, did not need to see his boys finally taking that bull-headed last step.
"Let them be, ya’ idjit. They've given everything for this moment. And, yeah, I don't want to see Dean's naked ass, or what the angel's packin' either. But this is their place now, and we're the intruders."
Rufus reached for his bottle of Johnny. "Do you think he knows?"
Pushing an empty glass over to his friend, Bobby nodded. "He knows. He's finally letting himself have the life, the love he's always turned away from. Maybe it's not orthodox, but this is his heaven. And he's finally free."
He wiped a tear from the corner of his eye, fighting back the grief for the sacrifice his boys made. If they could carry on, grab their peace by the throat and run with it… well, they'd goddamn earned every minute.
Bobby picked up the glass, now two fingers full of amber liquid, and raised it in a toast. "Happy Hanukkah, you damn drama queen."
Rufus clinked his glass to Bobby's and replied, "Merry Christmas, you old coot."
Their grins turned to grimaces as loud thumping started from the other room.
Your memory will carry on...
End Notes: I wanted to play with the idea of fathers. Some of you might not be thrilled with my portrayal of John here, but this is coming from a place of serious contemplation for Dean. And I liked the idea of him shedding the darkness and hurt he's carried for so long, that in his personal heaven, he's free of that burden and can finally fly unafraid.
I love the idea that he's open to love, in all of its myriad forms. Because without John Winchester, who knows if Dean would have had Bobby Singer as his surrogate father, Rufus as his crazy uncle, Cas as his guardian angel?
I wish you all a wonderful holiday season, and truly hope 2020 brings you amazing things!
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ao3feed-harrydraco · 5 years
by Blowfish_Diaries
Harry and Draco have decided to cohabitate. And to throw a Hannukah party. Enter latkes, spreadsheets, and Pansy beating everyone at dreidel.
This is a fluffy, domestic fic to celebrate the holiday season and add another chapter to the "How to Handle a Matzo Ball Soup Emergency" series.
Words: 10445, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of How to Handle...
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Scorpius Malfoy, James Sirius Potter, Lily Luna Potter, Albus Severus Potter, Original Male Character(s), Pansy Parkinson, Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, Ginny Weasley, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Neville Longbottom
Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Additional Tags: Fluff, Smut, Seriously just so much fluff, I needed something light and happy in my life so this is happened, Hannukah, Jewish traditions, Latkes, Hermione Granger & Draco Malfoy Friendship, ron is a good friend, The Potter children are precious angels, Maybe - Freeform, Discussions of sex, So many questions about sex, Domestic Fluff
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roxy-davenport · 8 years
Eight Days of Winchester
Title: Eight Days of Winchester
Prompt: Jewish/Hanukkah/ For @saxxxology’s SPN Holiday Challenge
Word Count: 5,534 (Whoops)
Warnings: None
A/N: Fluff, Young Dean, Young Reader, Young Sam. This is told in the reader’s POV. I huge thanks to my beta @dr-dean for letting me pick your brain about Hannukah. You were a very thorough and awesome beta answering every single question I had. Thank you so much.
Also on A03
Day 1
 My mom invited this guy over to dinner. She barely even knows him but I can tell she likes him already. It’s been awhile since she found someone she liked. I promised her I’d be on my best behavior. She informs me the man has two very handsome sons -- she’s seen pictures apparently. I had an eye roll so epic I think my eyes actually rolled all the way back into my skull. But I put on my favorite dress just in case she wasn’t lying. I didn’t hold out much hope. My mom insisted the boys all come over and taste some good home cooking. The man, John I think she said his name was, said he wasn’t much of a cook and so mom insisted they come over. The holidays were supposed to be family time but I couldn’t hold it against mom. If this guy made her happy, I could give him a chance.
 Mom got out the Hanukkah menorah along with the candles. I always thought the menorah looked pretty with colored candles.
 “You remember why there are eight days to Hanukah, right?”
 I rolled my eyes yet again.
 “Yep, I remember. The eight branches represent the eight nights.”
My mother grilled me every year -- as if I could ever forget. Who needs religious classes when you got mommy dearest, right?
 “In Hebrew the word “Hanukkah” means “dedication.” The name reminds us that this holiday commemorates the re-dedication of the Temple in Jerusalem after the Jewish victory over the Syrian-Greeks in 165 B.C.E. The Syrian-Greeks had seized the Jewish temple and dedicated it to the worship of the god Zeus. The Jewish people resisted being forced to worship a false god and give up what it meant to be Jewish. If anyone practiced Judaism they would be given the death penalty. So Jewish rebels, the Maccabees, retook the temple to “purify” it by burning ritual oil in the Temple for eight days. They only had a small amount of oil which could only really last for only one day but surprisingly it lasted eight days so we now we celebrate that miracle. And because of this, the menorah in synagogues must always be lit; it must always have an eternal flame. You’re better than any religious school.”
 Mom chuckled.
 “The one candle that’s higher than the rest is called the Shamash, or helper candle, and that’s the candle you use to light the others.“
 My mom looked impressed that I actually remembered everything.
 “We have to light the candles right after sunset. If they’re late we’ll have to do it without them.” I told her hoping that we wouldn’t have to celebrate Hanukkah with strangers.
 “They won’t be late. I don’t know if John has ever taken part in Hanukah before.”
 “He’s not Jewish?”
 “No he’s not Jewish, but you should have seen his face when I asked him to celebrate with us. He was practically beaming. The poor man must be so lonely. It’s a shame his wife died. He’s such a good man. And besides, dear, we’re reform Jewish. If we were orthodox dating a goy (non-Jew) couldn’t be done.”
 My mother was so happy at sharing a tradition with a man she barely knew. Maybe my mom was as lonely as this John man. Maybe they could make each other happy. She was totally head over heels for the guy even though he didn’t see her an awful lot every month. This John character kept leaving to go off on “jobs.”
 Hello! Red flag right there, mom! He’s probably in the mob or a cheat. I mean how else could you explain the long absences? Maybe he even had another family somewhere. But I wouldn’t do anything until she came to the same conclusion. I’d play nice and get to know him until then.
 A ring at the door signaled their arrival. My mom tidied up her appearance, fixing her hair and her makeup. Mom opened the door beaming at John. I stood behind her my face not giving anything away. John smiled at me as he extended his hand to me.
 “You must be Y/N. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
 “It’s nice to meet you, too, John,” I answered back somewhat sweetly.
 He had a firm handshake and a very friendly maybe too friendly smile. There was movement behind him and my eyes darted to behind his back. John introduced me to his sons, Sam and Dean. One was very shy and small but sweet. He shook my hand rather nervously might I add. The other boy was older and taller and he just winked at me. I shivered at the feeling, excitement coursing through my 18-year-old body. He spelled danger. And for me, a girl who never left the small town I grew up in or got into any trouble, this boy spelled a different, more fun kind of life. That wink spoke volumes to me.
 I haven’t even kissed a guy yet much less made out with one. Dean looked very experienced to me. I gulped nervously in his presence. Dean noticed and smirked back at me. Self-righteous prick. He was infuriating and sexy all at the same time. I never liked any of the boys in school. Then again boys like Dean never attended my school.
 Mom brought out the menorah and placed it on the table along with the kosher candles. Dean and Sam were intrigued to see what was going to happen. Dean of course took this moment to get closer to me this time his eyes roving up and down my figure. I rolled my eyes at him. This boy had only one thing on the brain. He was hot yeah but come on a girl needs more than just hotness. Or does she?
 Mother and I placed the candles in their respective places in the menorah. Mom used the match to light the Shamash, the candle in the middle first. I then took that candle and lit the one next to it before placing it back in the middle. My mom recited the blessings as a way to pay respect to God and our Jewish ancestors.
 “Adonai , shehekheyanu, v’kiyamanu vehegianu lazman hazeh.”
 You and your mother both said, “Amen” at the same time. Your mother smiled at you before addressing the guests at the table motioning everyone to sit down and eat.
 I could feel his eyes on me the entire dinner. To make matters worse my mom talked about me. I hate being the center of attention. I know it’s normal for moms to want to brag about their kids but with them? Ugh. At the mention of stellar grades, all eyes were on me. I looked down at the floor, blushing profusely.
 Sam perked up at the mention of good grades. He started engaging me in conversation about literature and homework. I went from being shy to outgoing in a couple of minutes. This Sam boy made me feel comfortable. I found out he wrote stories and so did I. He told me he would make sure to bring some of his next time when he saw me. I in turn promised to hand him some of mine. I was so excited to show someone my stories and read his. You can find out a lot about a person through what they choose to write about.
 Dean didn’t miss the exchange between his brother and me. He was making grumbly sounds throughout. I just chose to ignore his rather puerile behavior. He was probably grumpy that his brother was not only talking to me but responsible for my smile.
 As if that’s my fault. Dean got really moody and quiet, picking at the food on his plate. I liked Dean, I really did. I just bonded intellectually with Sam -- no biggie.
 I tried to engage Dean in talk about books or other things. I didn’t find anything in common with him, but I wanted to. I couldn’t explain it but I felt drawn to him like a magnet.
 “Thank you, John, for coming during the holidays. It’s nice to celebrate with more than just the two of us.”
 “It’s been awhile since I celebrated the holidays myself and I’m glad my boys can get some culture in.”
 Mom smiled at John before turning to me, handing me a present. I smiled at her. Dean raised his eyebrow at me.
 “We get one of these everyday.”
 Blushing I reached out to quickly grab the gift. I felt awkward opening it in front of everyone, but my mom’s warm smile egged me on.
 “Wait, you get eight days worth of presents? Dad, can we be Jewish?”
 “Dean!” John said forcefully in a hushed voice.
 I stuck out my tongue at Dean. He in turn rolled his eyes. On top of the present I got delicious little chocolates called gelt that looked like coins wrapped in a gold foil. The main present was THE game I wanted for my Playstation 4. Sam’s eyes went wide when he saw that. Dean groaned. They left soon after that, John saying that his boys needed some sleep.
 Day 2
 The second they came, mom ran to hug John and grab the menorah. Mom placed the candles in the menorah from right to left and then lit the shamesh, the candle in the middle. I then lifted the shamesh out of the menorah and lit one candle before passing the shamesh to Dean who lit another candle. Mom showed Dean where the shamesh belonged on the menorah.
 I started to blush at the intense stare he was giving me. Mother closed her eyes and started chanting.
 “Baruch Atah adonai Eloheinu Melech Ha’olam, asher kidshanu b’mitzvitav v’tzivanu l’hadlik ner shel Hanukah. Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech Ha’olam, she’asah nisim l’avoteinu, b’yamim haheim bazman hazeh.”
 Everyone said, “Amen.”
 We all smiled and took our respective seats at the table. The more I talked with Sam, the more Dean slumped in his seat across from me. Sam and I just had so many things in common. I had no idea why Dean was being so dramatic. I didn’t like his brother like that. Sam was cute but I wanted Dean.
 “Y/N. Could you pass me the…”
 “The potato latkes? Sure Dean.”
Dean nodded, “Yeah, those.”
 “They’re really good, right?”
 “Man, I could eat these every day.” Dean confessed.
 “Wait till you try my mom’s homemade cherry blintzes. They are out of this world.”
 Dean’s face lit up at the talk of food. It was then that I learned the way to his heart. Thankfully, my mom had taught me how to cook.
 I fell into an easy conversation again with Sam but took quick glances at Dean who always smiled back at me.
 After dinner was finished, I opened my present and found another PlayStation game. This time Dean didn’t groan. Instead he watched my face light up and he smiled. He wanted to stay and talk to me but his father insisted they leave. You gave Dean half of your chocolate gelt, 5 pieces to be exact.
 “For good luck,” I told him.
 He slipped one into his mouth closing his eyes as the taste.
 “This is delicious.”
 Dean couldn’t stop smiling as he waved good-bye to me.
  Day 3
 John didn’t come today. He said he had to take the boys a few towns over to their aunt who had just given birth. Of course, I understood and my mom and I were happy for the new baby in their family. But I missed Dean. It wasn’t the same without him. I barely knew him and I missed him already.
 I lit the menorah adding another candle. I looked at the candles seeing just candles. When Dean was there, they looked like amazing lights. They made his face sparkle almost. He seemed so fascinated by the whole ritual. I was swept up in how he saw it.
 I sat there with my mom talking about school, nothing important but she noticed I was a bit apathetic. I didn’t smile like I did when Dean was there.
 I ate my chocolate by myself opening my present and smiling. It was the DVD of a movie I was dying to see. I was overjoyed and ran to my room to watch it, forgetting about Dean for the moment.
 Day 4
 I literally ran home from school smiling, only to find two place settings on the dining room table and not five. No Dean tonight, either.
 I went through the motions again lighting another candle and saying the prayer. Hannukah wasn’t as much fun without Dean.
 I was starting to get worried that maybe John had really left town not just away on a visit. He said he would be back by now. He called mom when we were having dinner and assured her that the boys would be there the next day. He sounded sure on the phone so I chose to believe it, looking forward to the possibility of seeing Dean.
 The present I got was a gorgeous silk scarf, the kind my mother said I had to be older to wear. I guess I was old enough.
 “I see the way you face lights up when he’s here. I see the way he looks at you. As much as I hate it, my baby girl is growing up.  And older girls need nice scarves, grown-up scarves. Dean is a fine boy to pick by the way.”
 I blushed and looked down at the ground. Mom smiled and kissed my forehead. I fall asleep with a smile on my face knowing that tomorrow Dean would be there.
 Day 5
 The second the door opened I looked over at Dean. He looked exhausted and he had a cut on his cheek. He was wearing long sleeves but he kept itching his arm. I glanced down when he lifted it up a bit to scratch noticing a deep cut. He followed my gaze and covered up his arm quickly. His father glared at him, which made Dean shrink. John then looked my way but I ignored the patriarch and instead hugged Dean. He was surprised by my actions before he hugged me back slowly, tentatively as if I’d run away. After a few seconds he smiled and sighed into my arms. I stepped back and looked sheepishly at him. He winked at me and whispered in my ear before walking into my apartment, “I’m fine, honey. It’s just a cut.”
He looked me up and down and I did the same.
 The two of us didn’t notice what our parents were doing or saying. We were in our own world. Dean only noticed that they were holding hands so he reached out to hold mine smiling at me. Sam cleared his throat feeling awkward. Dean tried to withdraw his hand not wanting to make his brother feel awkward but I grabbed onto his hand and wouldn’t let go. I turned to Sam and handed him one of my stories.
 “Oh man I’m so sorry I--.”
“No need to apologize, Sam. You’ll bring them when you can. I’d love to know what you think of my story. I really hope you like it.”
 “I would be happy to read it. Thanks.”
 I nodded at Sam who suddenly seemed to be more comfortable in the room. Dean smiled at me noticing the change in his brother.
 Mom lit the shamesh and you and Dean were tasked with lighting the rest of the candles. You divided up the task moving from left to right. Mom said the prayer, which always ended in a unison, “Amen.”
 The two boys ate almost all the food on the table. I stared at them confused. Didn’t their father feed them? I mean mom was a great cook but really?
 As I did every time, I gave half of my chocolate to Dean. He shook his head but I placed it in his palm and closed his fingers around it.
 “I’m Jewish, Dean. This is my thing. I get Hanukah gelt every year. There are 10 pieces here. Share it with me. Your family never gets them. Enjoy it.”
 Sam raised his eyebrows at me about to say something but Dean made a face and Sam backed away. He looked away sheepishly. Dean looked down at the chocolate in his hand and gave Sam two of his pieces. Sam’s face light up, his fingers anxiously ripping off the gold fold and putting them both into his mouth. His eyes grew wide tasting how delicious they were.
 I opened my present to find one of your favorite books, The Girl Who Owned the City.
 “You like books?”
 I looked over at Dean confused by his comment. So he doesn’t like books? Who doesn’t like books, I wondered. “This isn’t just any book Dean. This is a book about a virus that wipes out all the adults leaving children to run the world. It’s a feminist apocalypse sci-fi book. You should read it. You might like it.”
 “I’m not too big on horror or apocalyptic worlds. This world is scary enough.”
 I frown at his comment. That’s a bit dark for a 19-year-old to say. What kinds of things had he seen? Before I can ask what he meant, his father suddenly pushes Dean out of the door. I put the offhanded comment out of my mind not thinking anymore about it.
 Day 6
 We lit the menorah together before mom said the prayer.
 Dean’s eyes are on me during the whole dinner, completely distracting me and making me feel flustered. I didn’t notice the conversation John was having with my mother or how much closer they’d gotten. I do hear her laugh and it’s been so long since she even smiled.
 When I open my present I see it’s another video game I really wanted. I’m so happy and beg mom to let them stay over. Smiling she looked over at John silently begging him to say yes.
 When John nodded, the boys run up the stairs to my bedroom. I ran close behind them. I put the game in and immediately searched for multiplayer options. I handed Dean a black controller. He glanced at me like I was crazy.
 “You’re playing with us, Dean. Basically kick the bad guys asses.”
 “Oh honey, I can definitely do that. I have training in that.”
 Sam turns around and glares at his brother. Dean just shrugs. I watched the exchange completely confused.
 Reaching over Dean’s lap I place my hand on his controller. “You press this for a punch, this for a kick. This button is for a combo and this is to block.”
 Dean’s eyes glazed over at all the different buttons but once we started playing he got the hang of it, He cheered and groaned along with us. We were having so much fun we didn’t hear footsteps behind us. Mom told me that she found John just watching us. Creepy much? Mom joined in and they both watched us play games and smile. Even creepier. Thanks for telling me, mom. She even said, “When you’re a grown-up you’ll understand.” Whatever that means.
 Day 7
 Dean came to dinner dressed very nicely. I blushed when I saw him at the door. I was very happy that I had chosen a lace dress to wear.
 “I love a girl in lace,” Dean said suggestively.
 “And look at you. No more plaid lumberjack shirts but instead a leather coat and nice pants. You clean up nice, Winchester.”
 Dean blushed profusely and Sam laughed. Dean elbowed him to be quiet.
 Dean helped me light the menorah and even tried to pronounce the Hebrew words mom said.
 The second we sat down, Sam got my attention. He had a big smile on his face and a bunch of papers in his hands.
 “I just wanted to say that I love your stories, Y/N.”
 “Really?” you inquired, your eyes as wide as saucers.
 “Yeah they’re super creative. I brought mine this time.”
 “And I brought another story,” you added.
 “Awesome. I can’t wait to read it, Y/N.”
 “Same here, Sam.”
 The rest of the conversation with Sammy was about his stories. No one had ever taken an interest in your writing. I mean your mom did but she was your mom. That didn’t count. This was a boy taking an interest in you. I talked about the deeper themes in my stories and asked him about the themes in his writing.
 Dean didn’t feel jealous that I was talking to Sam. No moaning or growling from Dean’s side of the table. He simply beamed at me, happy and amazed that I could fit so well into his life.
 I watched him carefully after all the cryptic things he’d said in recent days. There was sadness in his eyes that night. I always thought it weird how I could read Dean so well. If soul mates existed maybe that would explain it. I don’t know how but I could feel guilt wafting off him in waves.
 This time I opened my small bag of gelt up and let Dean take as much as he wanted. Mom gave me my present, which I then shook trying to figure out what it was. It made a soft clicking sound.
 “A CD?”
 Mom shrugged.
 I tore open the wrapping paper and saw it was the album, Back in Black from AC/DC.
 “You love AC/DC?” Dean inquired.
 “Who doesn’t like classic rock?”
 “I’ve been trying to get Sam to enjoy more classic rock.”
 “I’d enjoy it more if you didn’t listen to it on repeat all the time.”
 Dean rolled his eyes.
 “Let’s listen to it upstairs?”
 I quickly nodded running up the stairs after him.
 “Door open kids.” Mom called out.
 “Yeah, Mom.”
 Sam took the hint and stayed downstairs. Glancing back, I saw him starting on his homework.
 The second that we got into my room I put on the album. I turned towards Dean. I was nervous so I closed my eyes and just listened to the music, letting it guide my movements. I danced in front of him occasionally opening my eyes to see Dean staring at me hungrily. He slowly walked me backwards into the wall. He put his hands on either side of my head as he looked down at me. I gulped trying to avoid eye contact. I was way too nervous for that so I stared at his chest. He carefully moved one of his hands from the wall to guide my chin up making eye contact with me.
 “Why so nervous, doll?”
 “I’ve never kissed a boy?”
 “Never? How is that possible? I would have thought boys would jump at the chance to kiss you.”
 “What school do you go to again?”
Dean chuckled. His hand slowly moved to my cheek as he caressed it. I closed my eyes, leaning into his touch.
 “That’s it, baby. Relax. I got you.”
 With my eyes still closed, I felt his face get closer and closer to mine, his forehead grazing mine. I felt his lips on my lips. Dean kissed me gently, carefully, almost reverently. He slowly moved his tongue inside my mouth cautiously playing with my tongue. My hands moved to his hair to hold him there. He took that as a sign and deepened the kiss, moving his tongue more inside my mouth. When we needed air he slowly disconnected his lips from mine. His thumb caressed my cheek. He stared into my eyes and I saw so much feeling there. He nibbled my bottom lip and my eyes fluttered closed.
 Dean and I heard a creak from the floorboards next to us. I saw him reaching into his pants to get what looked like a weapon out. Why does he have a weapon? His father cleared his throat and Dean’s hands fell suddenly to his side.
 “We gotta go, Dean.”
 Dean doesn’t argue with his father. I shivered silently at the harsh tone in which John speaks to his son. Before Dean leaves he kisses my forehead and smiles so mournfully. With several lingering glances he walked down the stairs away from me. John nodded at me and leaves quietly with the boys. I collapsed on the bed still high from that amazing kiss. If only John hadn’t interrupted us.
 Day 8
 Dean came over as usual. But everyone seemed uneasy, anxious even; their gaze never on me or my mother for too long.
 I lit the last candles for Hanukkah. Me, Dean, and mom said the Hebrew prayer.
 Dean looked at me sadly. I had no idea what was going on but with each passing second, I felt like I was dying. I could feel Dean pulling away. It was getting harder to breath.
 Moments later John shattered my world by saying that they had to move. I blinked continuously trying to blink away my tears, which Dean noticed. He looked more pained than before.
 The first decent guy to come along and make me feel amazing and then he has to leave? How cruel was fate?
 At that exact moment, the windows of my home were broken by some sort of creature. The creature was snarling at me. Mom ran away screaming. I stood my ground and started throwing things at it. Then I noticed another monster. The monster started barreling towards me. Dean acted fast tackling it to the ground. He gave the monster a hard kick making its head land painfully on the coffee table. Dean got up quickly grabbing you and ushering you into the kitchen.
 “We need silver. It’s a werewolf.”
 I didn’t ask any questions, I was beyond frightened and his voice commanded authority. I grabbed all the utensils and ran out into the living room with Dean. He threw two knives to Sam and John. I in turn threw a bunch of stuff at the monster, which distracted it. I clutched my knife focusing every ounce of strength I had into killing this werewolf. I thought about all the kids that teased me, all the bad stuff that happened, and channeled that anger. I pushed it backwards against the wall. I maneuvered under its claws and jammed the knife into its heart. It tried to scratch me as it was dying but I jumped high and rolled away from it.
 Everyone stared at me. John and Sam had already killed the other werewolf. Mom ran to me hugging and kissing me. The boys kept staring at me. I withdrew from my mother and walked over to Dean.
 “What the hell was that?” I nearly screamed at him.
 “I could ask you the same thing,” Dean answered back.
 “I take self defense classes, one. Two we lived in a very dangerous neighborhood when I grew up. So I learned how to fight at an early age. And three, I’m awesome. Thanks for noticing.”
 “Yes, you really are.” Dean said awestruck.
 Dean didn’t hesitate and grabbed the back of my head cramming his lips on mine. This wasn’t like the kiss before. This was passionate and rough. This was to show emotion, not to comfort a scared girl. I was no longer the scared, innocent, wide-eyes girl I was before. I grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him back just as passionately. My eyes fluttered open when his lips left mine.
 Dean practically growled.
 “I’m not leaving Y/N behind, dad. You saw what she did. I’m telling her and I’m not letting you out of my sight.” He said the last part to me holding my hand.
 John was about to say something when I spoke up.
 “Tell me what?”
 “Dean!” John warned.
 Ignoring his father Dean spilled the beans. “We hunt monsters. That was a werewolf. Our mom died from a monster, a demon actually and we as a family hunt monsters. We keep the world safe. And we have to leave. There’s a town two hours away. Five people have already died. It’s definitely a monster. Possibly a ghost. We can’t stay here. When dad said we were visiting our aunt that gave birth? That was a lie. We were on a ghoul hunt that took longer than anticipated.”
 “Your family hunts monsters?” It made sense. His cryptic comments; the sadness, the cuts, the gun, everything made sense now.
 “Yeah I know that’s--.”
 “Hunting monsters, saving people the family business…that’s awesome.”
 Dean was shocked.
 “And you want me to come?”
 “Yes Y/N I really do.”
 “Give me a moment. One moment.”
 I nibbled Dean’s lower lip before smiling back at him. I turn to my mom walking with her into the kitchen. She hugged me handing me a large book bag.
 “I heard everything honey. I may not like it but I know I have to let you go. You’re an adult now you can make you own decisions. I know how you feel about Dean and the way you fought. That was incredible. You weren’t afraid -- you acted decisively. I knew in that moment you would be leaving and I packed your favorite things. You are meant to go with them and save the world. John was never meant to be mine. I was meant to meet him so you could meet your beshert, the one you are fated to love, Dean. I’m terrified. It’s so dangerous but if monsters really do exist, someone has to protect people like me. You were meant for this Y/N. Go with them and know I love you always. You better call me regularly.”
 I cried as I held onto my mom. I never thought she would be so understanding. She was right, though, I belonged with the Winchesters.
 Dean was trying to stall. His father didn’t want to take me with them and they were furiously arguing. I could hear them all the way in the kitchen.
 I threw my book bag in the backseat and turned to Dean. “Thanks for stalling, Dean. Mr. Winchester, I know I’m only 18 but I choose this life and I don’t need a lecture from anyone. I am technically an adult. I planned on taking a few years off before going to college anyway. Get some life experience. I could have died from the Werewolf that must have followed you. I could have run away like my mom did and waited for you guys to swoop in, but I didn’t. We all could have died. Your sons included. But what happened? I saved everyone. And if you don’t take me, I’ll give Dean my number and go out on my own hunting monsters. Your choice.”
 “I can’t be responsible for you.”
 “You’re not, John. I’m responsible for me. I choose this life. This is my choice, come what may.”
 “You don’t know what you’re asking.”
 “So what? I go back to my normal life? Forget about Dean? Forget about how I feel? I can’t do that. You can’t ask me to do that. I finally find someone I care about and you rip us apart? I finally feel like I am meant to be somewhere and you tell me to go back to a sheltered life? Too late, Mr. Winchester. I belong here, I know how to fight and I promise you that I am making this choice. I don’t want to live an ordinary safe live and have a nine-to-five job. I want more. I want to be a hero like Dean.”
John groans, closing his eyes momentarily. When he opens them, they bore into you. It feels like he’s looking into your soul or something.
 I pointed to the house.
 “Go inside and speak with my mom, please. She has the right to send me with you. Please talk to her.”
 Dean grabbed his father’s arm pleading with him. “Y/N could do research. Only research. No hunting. She stays back. I will make sure of that. You, me, and Sammy go hunting.”
 I nodded agreeing with Dean. I would do anything to go with them.
 John looked between the two of us and then walked over to the house. John was in the kitchen for an hour arguing with mom while Dean and I were making out in the backseat of the car. Sam sat as far away from us as possible.
 By the time John came back, he sighed heavily looking back at the two of you. You stopped mid kiss looking back at him.
 “Well, looks like you’re an honorary Winchester Y/N. Call me John.”
 “Well John, my mom’s one stubborn lady when she decides something and so am I.”
 “I can see that.”
 “But you’re doing research. Dean will train you but no hunting until you can outsmart him and he’s been hunting since he was a child so that’s a tall order. No arguments or I’ll turn this car around. “
 “You’ll receive no arguments from me.”
 And just like I sped off to my new life as a hunter finally feeling like I belonged.
Forevers: @purgatoan, @killerofthesouth, @charliebradbury1104, @chaos-and-the-calm67, @chelsea072498, @everday-supernatural-af, @kalliravennee, @toogardenenthusiast, @winchesterprincessbride, @one-shots-supernatural, @take-me-tonirvana, @hellsmother, @ellen-reincarnated1967, @faegal04, @deals-with-demons, @mamaredd123, @atc74, @hamartiamacguffin
Dean Folks from my list: @ellen-reincarnated1967, @chaos-and-the-calm67, @buckymetallicstump, @faith-in-dean, @bennyyh, @ruprecht0420 @supernatural-jackles, @jesspfly, @webcricket
@aprofoundbondwithdean, @thing-you-do-with-that-thing, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @dr-dean, @nichelle-my-belle, @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid, @thegreatficmaster, @salvachester, @blushingsamgirl, @bkwrm523, @whispersandwhiskerburn, @lipstickandwhiskey, @impala-dreamer, @samsgoddess, @frenchybell, @scorpiongirl1, @for-the-love-of-dean, @cici0507, @fiveleaf, @deansleather, @curliesallovertheplace, @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname, @waywardjoy, @imadeangirl-butimsamcurious, @kayteonline, @supernatural-jackles, @idreamofhazel, @wevegotworktodo, @ilovedean-spn2 , @quiddy-writes, @wi-deangirl77, @deantbh, @mysaintsasinner, @chelsea-winchester, @sinceriouslyamellpadalecki, @fandommaniacx, @teamfreewillimagines, @deanwinchesterforpromqueen, @castieltrash1, @supernaturallyobsessed, @memariana91, @writingbeautifulmen, @captain-princess-rose, @plaidstiel-wormstache, @idreamofhazel, @revwinchester, @supermoonpanda, @ageekchiclife, @i-dont-know-how-to-write, @vintagevalentinexx, @ohwritever, @ruinedbydestiel, @winchester-writes, @mysupernaturalfics, @thinkwritexpress, @sammit-janet @bowtiesandapplepie, @itsemmyb, @ezauraemmaline, @matteson-crazed, @castielspahdehrah, @charliesbackbitches, @crzcorgi, @gryffindorable713, @deerlululucy, @walkingencyclopediaoffandom, @MrsJohnSmith, @manawhaat, @growleytria, @thegleegeneration, @samtomydeanwinchester, @sinceriouslyamellpadalecki, @i-never-said-a-pilot, @thewinchestielboys, @supermoonpanda, @sis-tafics, @amaranthinecastiel, @kittenofdoomage, @samanddeanwinchester67, @prettyxwickedxthings, @ferferelli @lilyoflothlorien, @myfand0msandm0re, @olitzisbae, @iridianuniverse, @the-morning-star-falls,  @shortandlongstories, @strange-inhumanity, @ackleslaugh @noisilyyoungpuppy, @fangirling-instead-of-working, @eyes-of-a-disney-princess, @chrisatplay, @kayteonline, @spnsimpleman, @faith-in-dean, @gimmethepieandnoonegetshurt, @for-the-love-of-dean, @mamaimpala, @winchesterfiesta, @zanthiasplace, @sleep-silent-angel, @pada-ackles-reads, @thing-you-do-with-that-thing, @gadreelsforbiddenfruit, @trenchcoats-and-bees, @curliesallovertheplace, @jencharlan, @not-so-natural-spn, @skybinx-blog, @thebunkerismyhome, @feelmyroarrrr, @beachy2014, @fandom-book-nerd, @tia58, @@sams-little-toy, @sunriserose1023, @saving-things-hunting-family, @winchesterswoonathon, @jotink78, @lucifer-in-leather,  @babypieandwhiskey, @howmanytuesdaysdidyouhave, @supernatural-jackles, @avasmommy224, @angelwingsandsupernaturalthings, @mysaintsasinner, @chelsea-winchester, @spn-fan-girl-173, @besslincoln-bruh, @wheresthekillswitch, @shelovesallthethings @maraisabellegrey, @notnaturalanahi
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ao3feed-tyrus · 6 years
in front of the fireplace 💫 9/12
by orrick
Oh, the weather outside is frightful. But the fire is so delightful.
Words: 659, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 6 of ⭐ 12 days of tyrus ⭐
Fandoms: Andi Mack (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: T.J. Kippen, Cyrus Goodman
Relationships: Cyrus Goodman/T. J. Kippen
Additional Tags: 12 Days of Tyrus, Songfic, day nine based on a christmas/hannukah song, let it snow let it snow let it snow - dean martin, i love the lyrics of this song they make me feel warm, me writing this: god i wish i had a boyfri, in case u havent caught on this fic is very warm, pretty short
from AO3 works tagged 'Cyrus Goodman/T. J. Kippen' http://bit.ly/2PZ16dn via IFTTT
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Awesome!!!!! I wanted some fun Jack Kline xmas ones :) oooo and hannukah dean Winchester..... I will look for some images to submit!!!!
Received them! I will save them, make a note about you wanting a Dean Hannukah one and try and get them made sometime this week!
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adampage · 7 years
hello i request smth. traditionally jewish castiel teaching dean how hannukah works??
A Very Supernatural Hanukkah
Fandom: Supernatural (some fluffy Destiel at the end bc I can’t help myself)
Word Count: 909
Author’s Note: FORGIVE ME IF I GOT ANYTHING WRONG, I DON’T CELEBRATE HANUKKAH BUT I TRIED (also chalking up parts I know are wrong to creative license thank u love u)
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“Whoa, whoa…” Dean started, surprised at the scene before him. At the world map table, instead of the usual witchy tracking crystals or archaic texts, he found Sam, Cas and Jack sprucing up the place, with a large looking candle holder in the middle of the table. “What the hell is this?”“It’s a menorah? Right, Castiel?” Jack said, slightly unsure. “It’s for…Hanukkah, I think.” Sam and Cas nodded in reassurance.“Where’s the tree? Where are the Christmas decorations?” He frowned, sniffing at the air around him. Something different, something unknown.“Well, we were going to put up the tree closer to actual Christmas time, since it’s still two weeks away, and we don’t know when we’ll be back after our next hunt,” Sam reasoned, heading into the kitchen to show Dean what they were making. “The tree could be dead by the time we’re back.”“Okay, so that explains the lack of Christmas decor, but why the candle thing? I mean, we’re not Jewish.”“Well, no, but Jack asked Cas about it, and it turns out Cas, being an angel, knows quite a bit about the holiday, so…” Sam pointed to the fried doughy treats in the kitchen. “Latke?”“Smells awesome,” Dean smiled, though still slightly unnerved by the whole idea. “Can I?” He asked, hand reaching for one before a look from Sam stopped him.“After the lighting.”Dean grumbled, but nodded, following Sam back into the main room of the bunker. Jack was listening intently to Cas, who was softly explaining the story of Hanukkah to his adoptive son.“Now, the word Hanukkah means ‘establishing’ or ‘dedication’, because it was a celebration of the second temple’s cleansing, after having been pillaged in war. The menorah of the temple was said to have needed unadulterated oil to be lit. They found one flask, and the oil that should have burned for one day burned for eight.”Jack frowned. “Strange.”“A miracle. Now, they say that it was a story, that an eight-day festival was proclaimed for the dedication of the temple, and that oil had nothing to do with it, but I was there.”Jack’s eyes lit up. “Really?”Cas smiled. “Yes, the oil burned for eight days. What they fail to mention, because no one witnessed it, was that a certain angel went into the temple and lit the candle every night for eight days.”At this, Dean piped up. “You sneaky bastard.”Cas just shrugged. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” His eyes looked to Sam for back up, but Sam just bit his lip and averted his eyes.“Well, I only know what I’ve read, so there’s holes in the story from my point of view.”“Okay,” Dean said, sitting down next to Cas and patting him on the back, “that explains the eight candles and the food fried in oil. But why the ninth candle? And what are these silver coins?” He looked to Sam, who mouthed, ‘chocolate’, and he promptly bit into one, nearly chipping a tooth as he did so.“Sonofabitch.”“Gelt,” Cas explained. “Jewish currency.”“Cas,” Sam groaned, a hand covering half of his face. “I thought we agreed on chocolate gelt.”“Yes, but I found the real kind. I had them buried in a safe place.”Dean fought through the pain. “Are you telling me I placed a thousands year old buried treasure coin in my mouth?”“No one told you to eat it.”“Damn it, Cas.”Cas smiled softly, holding out a hand to Dean’s mouth. Dean flinched away, but Cas insisted. The moment Cas’s fingers touched his skin, the pain melted away.“Now, the ninth candle. The shamash, meaning 'helper’ or 'servant’. It’s used to light the other eight.”“So it’s almost like it honors those who serve,” Jack contemplated, “by putting the servant above the rest.”Castiel smiled kindly. “That’s a good point.” Turning to Dean, “would you like to light the first candle? It is the first night after all.”He looked to Sam and Jack, then back to Cas. “Sure, why not?”Holding the shamash in his hand, he hovered it over the first candle, then stopped. “After I light this, can we eat?”Cas looked at Dean with his big, bright blue eyes. “Of course, Dean.”“All right, then. Let’s light this baby.”
“So you’re tellin’ me this is an eight day celebration?” Dean asked Cas, the both of them huddled now in their own little corner of the room, legs sprawled and entangled. Dean had a whole plate of Jewish goodies on his lap, and he was eagerly delving into it.
Cas nodded, taking a small bite out of his own selection of fried pastries. “Eight nights, Dean.”“And you get to eat this food all eight nights?” Dean asked, stunned as his eyes rolled to the back of his head from how freakin’ amazing this food was.“Yes, Dean. Every night.”“Wow.” Dean whispered. “This is better than Christmas.”“Hmm, I don’t know,” Cas pondered. “I’d say there’s a few Christmas traditions that I enjoy just as much as this.”“Yeah? Like what?”“Mistletoe, for one,” Cas whispered.At this, Dean looked up from his plate, to the small branch of mistletoe hovering over him and Cas.“You learned quite a few things from that trickster brother of yours, didn’t you?” He grinned, leaning in.“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Cas smiled, pulling Dean in for a kiss.
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suexli · 8 years
Dear Dean,
Merry Christmas! or Hannukah! or...whatever you are celebrating this days. At the end of the day it’s about the people we spend our time with, not the holiday itself. Or at least that’s what I think. How’s everything going back there? What are you winter break plans? I hope you’re spending a wonderful time with your family and friends. 
Well, you said you wanted to hear from me while being on vacations so...take this lovely poem I wrote you.
What do we love about Christmas; Does our delight reside in things? Or are the feelings in our hearts The real gift that Christmas brings.
It's seeing those we love, And sending Christmas cards, too, Appreciating people who bring us joy Special people just like you.
Alright, I’m kidding, this is just something I stole from a really sappy Christmas card. I did sent you a small script I’m working on though. I shouldn’t be bothering you in winter break with my crappy writing but you said you enjoy reading it and I thought I could use a good opinion to see if I’m doing a good job with it. If you don’t want to read it, don’t. Is really not an issue.
Also... Momo is going to send you a small gift from me, please let me know if you received it. That owl always gets lost when it comes to presents. I kind of saw it and thought of you and I really couldn’t help myself!  please please please don’t feel like you need to give me something back. I guess I just get a bit too happy when it comes to Christmas shopping. 
Hope you enjoy it! 
With love,
Sue Li.
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my-ao3feed-trial · 6 years
in front of the fireplace 💫 9/12
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2PZ16dn
by orrick
Oh, the weather outside is frightful. But the fire is so delightful.
Words: 659, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 6 of ⭐ 12 days of tyrus ⭐
Fandoms: Andi Mack (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: T.J. Kippen, Cyrus Goodman
Relationships: Cyrus Goodman/T. J. Kippen
Additional Tags: 12 Days of Tyrus, Songfic, day nine based on a christmas/hannukah song, let it snow let it snow let it snow - dean martin, i love the lyrics of this song they make me feel warm, me writing this: god i wish i had a boyfri, in case u havent caught on this fic is very warm, pretty short
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2PZ16dn
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