#happiest of birthdays to the best leader ever
limjiminz · 1 year
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108 notes · View notes
winterchimez · 1 year
Insanity | Ji Changmin
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SUMMARY: It has been several years since Gotham City mourned the passing of the previous Robin, Ji Changmin. However, as you continue with your career as Batgirl to protect the city while filling in for your mentor, Batman, you eventually discover that Changmin was alive all these years after all but has now turned into the city’s most wanted criminal. It is your job to eliminate him for good, but you just can’t bring yourself to do so. How could you? Especially when you still have feelings for him even after all these years. 
PAIRING: robin/joker Changmin x batgirl f!reader (feat. nightwing Sangyeon)
GENRE: batman au, angst, crime, thriller, some fluff, slight suggestive
WARNINGS: nc-17, slow-burn, violence, manipulation, mentions of drug trafficking, torture, traumatic(-ish) childhood, time skip, characters' death, kissing, mentions of weapons (guns, snipers, blades, etc.), blood, both Changmin & Sangyeon are just SO flirty here
WORD COUNT: 14,136 (wowza)
A/N: happiest birthday to my pookie, my beloved lil 妹妹 whom i love so so freaking much and would protect with the rest of my life, @sungbeam 🥳 you've been there since day 1 of my writing journey, and no words could ever describe how much you mean to me 🥹 i hope this fic would somehow be a worthy gift to you miss beam 😮‍💨
also this is my first time writing a superhero au, so pls bear with me it might not be the best i apologise 😭 (this is by far the longest oneshot ive ever written oops—)
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Year 2X42
“There have been reports of cases of drug trafficking on the outskirts of Gotham City, and the league have decided to deploy you and your team for the job since it is your area of residence, after all.” 
Turning around from his chair, the male looks up at his huge monitor, seemingly replying to the person on screen as half-heartedly as possible. “Sure, Clark. Leave it up to me to deal with the dirty business of the city.” 
Clark—better known as Clark Kent or Superman, then quickly shifted his facial expression towards his good old friend, indicating that the situation was far more gruesome and serious than it used to be. 
“Bruce... just a fair warning. You do know who the mastermind of this particular crime spree is, especially when you have dealt with him for decades. You certainly don’t plan to bring your two kids with you, right?” 
That was when he immediately brought up his fingers to massage his temples. Bruce knew he would eventually bring them up on this particular topic. Why wouldn’t he? Especially when his two kids, whom he is especially proud of—you and Changmin, have assisted him in many of his work. 
You both have been registered in the league’s system for quite a few years now, Changmin starting a little ahead of you since he was a few years older than you were. Both you and Changmin have lived in poverty in the dark slumps of the outskirts of Gotham for many years, having been abandoned by your parents from a young age. It was tough to live in Gotham City, especially when the city was often tied with crime and corruption. If only you were born into the upper class, then you would’ve had a better chance of survival. 
Unfortunately, you and Changmin just had to end up in the city's lower class. All Changmin knew about his parents was that his mother was a prostitute, and he ended up becoming an aftermath of a one-night stand. Hence, he was immediately dumped on the streets right after birth. Some kind-hearted families took him in for a while, but eventually, he needed to venture out on his own to ease the family's expenses. 
On the other hand, you had a relatively good upbringing until your parent’s murder when you were 9. Having no other place or family to turn to, you eventually find your way into the slumps. 
And that was when you met Changmin. 
By then, Changmin had already created a reputation for him. He somehow became the so-called “leader” among the troupe and led the kids around to make a decent living even during the worst situation possible. He treated you like a little sister, and you both became inseparable as time passed. You both would always stick together, even going up to the main city to look for food to provide for the others back at your so-called home. 
It wasn’t until several years later, both of you aged 16 and 14 respectively, that you came across the infamous Bruce Wayne himself. He was out on a business around the slumps—seemingly tracking down one of the most wanted criminals then, which was also when he found you two and the rest of the kids. 
Thanks to Mr Wayne’s contribution, he placed all of the kids into a care facility sponsored by the Wayne Enterprises, where they would finally have a rooftop over their heads and a better future ahead of them. On the other hand, you and Changmin have seemingly intrigued the man himself, and he decided to take you in and raise you two as if you were his children. 
It turns out that his intuition about you both wasn’t wrong after all. Both of you possessed a higher intelligence level than usual and could pick up combat skills almost immediately. The first time he brought you both down to his training station to have a go, you adjusted quickly to all the provided gadgets. With the help of his trusted butler Alfred, both of them made sure that the two of you were trained to be skilled fighters and have a loving family of the four of you. 
It was obvious among the two of you that Changmin stood out a bit more and earned the title Robin at 18. All you knew was that Mr Wayne had raised an individual before you two and he was the original Robin, but certain things happened along the way and he hung his cape up, never to return. All you could assume was that he had enough of his life as the superhero himself and perhaps created a new alias to start anew. Discussing it was hard with Mr Wayne, so you’ve never pressed further. 
You were certainly a bit jealous at the beginning as Mr Wayne would only take Changmin with him out on missions, pressing that you needed more practice or it was too dangerous for a woman like you. But you proved him wrong and finally made a name for yourself about a year prior.
Batgirl. The first ever in the family. 
With that, Mr Wayne has trusted you enough to take you along on his missions and eventually assign minor ones for you both to deal with when Batman himself isn’t present to deal with them personally. 
You and Changmin made a great team, and it might even become the best combo Batman has ever seen. Even better than himself than the original Robin decades ago. 
So it all came down to making the decision. To take you both along with him during this special assigned mission from the league or not? It was a risk, especially when the mastermind behind this mission was someone who had been hunting Bruce Wayne himself for as long as he could remember. Dealing with him has always been a life-and-death situation. 
The Joker. 
But Mr Wayne trusted you both, and it was about time for him to prove to the league his proudest achievement just yet. 
“I’ve made my decision, Clark. And there will be no second thoughts about this.” He paused briefly before finally tilting his head up to the screen and looking at his friend seriously.
 “I’m taking both of them with me.”
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“Come on, Y/N. You can do better than that.”
Changmin pinned you down to the ground and head-locked you, ensuring you had little to no escape from him. 
You both were sparring as usual in the training station in the Batcave, and it is always a competition between you two. Just as the male thought he had everything under control, you freed yourself from his grasp and turned him around. The next thing that happened was that you were hovering over him and pinning both of his arms above his head. 
“Says you, Robin. This is now my 35th win, and you owe me a bowl of Akamaru Ramen down the streets later tonight.” You smirked.
“Sheesh, Batgirl. Seems like you have improved from the last time we sparred.” He gives you a wink, and you roll your eyes up, trying your best to ignore his flirty remarks. 
It wasn’t long before the two of you broke off from your positions as the familiar grunt filled the entire training room. 
“You’ve gotten a new mission for us, Mr. Wayne?” Changmin asked enthusiastically, desperately wanting to be deployed almost immediately and showcase his newly perfected martial arts skills and new gadgets he had just gotten from Alfred a week ago. 
“Slow down, cowboy. I am going to need you two to listen to me very carefully. And I will not allow a single mistake to happen for this one.” 
With that, both of you followed your mentor right back into the control room where the batcomputers were stored. It was clear that Mr Wayne was here minutes ago and had just recently hung up a call from someone from the league. You guessed it would’ve been Superman since he would be the main person to contact Batman often, being the league's chief. 
Mr Wayne then leaned back onto the computer desk, crossing his arms as he pressed play on one of the remotes that were situated in his hand. Immediately, the video footage on-screen depicts a series of trucks entering a secluded area outside Gotham City. It was rare as the number of trucks slowly grew each second. 10, 20, and eventually up to 30 of them. 
Once the trucks were parked around the area, one of the drivers, whom you both assumed to be the squad leader, got down from the vehicle and opened up the trunk boot. And that was when you both saw it with your own eyes. 
Heroin. One of the most life-threatening ones to humankind. 
Just as you thought it would be over, another figure pops up on-screen, someone you have all been familiar with for decades. Too familiar with to be exact. 
“Joker.” Changmin clenched his fist, his eyes now narrowed and his facial expression seemingly changed almost immediately compared to when he was back at the training station. 
You know how much beef The Joker has with the Bat Family, including Changmin. As much as he was the ultimate archenemy of Batman—he was also, in fact, the same for Robin. Changmin had his fair share of encounters with the infamous enemy, and neither had been pleasant. Adding salt to the wound, he would often return with an injury whenever he faced the psychopath himself, never once coming back home in one piece. 
But usually, it was both Batman and Robin who dealt with The Joker, not Batgirl. So why even did Mr Wayne request for your presence this time? 
As you open your mouth to get an answer, Mr Wayne beats you to it by explaining the situation in detail.
“I know we have dealt with the madman himself countless times, and it’s nothing new that he would do such a thing. But judging by the amount of drugs he had smuggled in this time, I fear the worst could happen.” 
“Mr Wayne, you don’t think…” Changmin proposed. 
“It is exactly what’s on your mind, Robin.”
No way. The Joker plans to drug at least half the population of Gotham City. 
Knowing him, he could execute such a plan in countless ways or methods. Besides, he would definitely strike when law enforcement least expects it to happen. Hence, it is up to the Bat Family to put a stop to this massacre from happening. 
With that, Mr. Wayne turned towards you and began speaking up again. “And I thought we could definitely use a little more manpower for this job.” 
You were ecstatic, to say the least. Going on a mission with both Batman and Robin? Oh lord, that would be a dream come true. Most of the time, you were either often deployed on minor cases that you could’ve dealt with on your own or paired up with Changmin to deal with slightly more dangerous matters that were right up your alley and didn’t require the presence of Batman to clean up the dirty work. You have probably been deployed just once or twice with Mr Wayne himself, but not with both of them present. 
But you were hesitant. You have never encountered the madman himself before, while Batman and Robin have. So what in the world was Mr Wayne thinking to bring you along for this mission? 
Was it a test for you? Was it for you to prove to him how much you have grown? Were you finally going to make a name for yourself and be as famous as the duo already are in Gotham City? 
As much as you liked your last idea, you were still reluctant. 
“I… I don’t know about this, Mr Wayne. With all due respect, I deeply appreciate the opportunity given. But are you sure a common girl like me could do the job?” Your voice was shaking, unsure of this whole situation at hand. 
But Mr Wayne steps closer to you, placing one hand on your right shoulder. “You are not just a common girl. You’re Batgirl. You are my pride and joy, and it’s time for me to finally show the world how amazing you are and that you are finally ready to join the Justice League.” 
Your ears perked up at that. Even if he seemed cold outside, Mr Wayne always knew the right words and timing to comfort you. That was all you needed to know to be sure that you were needed for this mission, and there was no mistake. 
At the same time, Mr. Wayne pulls Changmin towards him so he is now hugging you two. “Batman could always use some good sidekicks by his side, and tonight is the night.” 
Finally, he breaks off the hug and puts on his stern face, which the public has grown familiar with. 
“We leave tonight in two hours. Gear up, kids.”
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It took Alfred less than an hour to figure out the exact coordinates of the exact location where the drug trafficking was taking place. Thanks to that, the three of you immediately hopped into the batmobile and eventually reached your destination within 15 minutes. 
After parking the vehicle somewhere undetected, all three of you used your batclaw to get yourselves up to the higher ground, now examining the entire base area of operation with your own eyes. 
The area was an abandoned factory, where the men had begun unloading the bags filled with heroin. A few individuals stood out as they possessed a walkie-talkie around their hips, indicating that they were responsible for giving orders and communicating. 
Upon closer inspection, all of the trucks used were freezer trucks— all embedded with the Wayne Enterprises logo all over the exterior of all 30 trucks. There was no doubt they could bypass the security borders, and it was very bold and cunning for them to do so as well.
“There is no way I’ll let them tarnish your name, Mr Wayne. This is all a sick joke.” Changmin said furiously, already ready to hop into action. 
“Easy now, Robin. Let us establish our roles before going into action without a plan.” You stopped your friend by placing your hand on his chest. 
“Batgirl’s right. Now, listen to me, you two. As this operation is way too dangerous, there is no way I’m letting you both step close to The Joker himself, did I make myself clear?” 
Mr Wayne immediately turned his direction to Changmin, knowing fully how he would definitely be the type to act all mighty and head straight for The Joker’s head. But given the situation and the look in Mr Wayne’s eyes, Changmin had no choice but to obey his commands if he wished to return home in one piece. 
“I will be the one who’s going to go for the psychopath. I need you two to clear out all of the thugs and workers here. Once you’re done, contact Alfred and he will let you two know on what to do with the large amount of drugs. If you ever come across The Joker, don’t engage. Call me and I’ll be there as soon as I can.” 
With that, Batman gives a pat on both of your shoulders, extends out his cape, and flies all the way down—taking down several henchmen at once and quickly making his way down into the basement, where The Joker would most definitely be. 
“Alright, Robin. You’re the senior here. Tell me what to do.” You nudged Changmin’s shoulder, waiting for his reply. 
He smiled at you and crossed his arms before filling you in with his plan. “Okay, Junior. Listen and watch. You and I will clear off the thugs from the main entrance first, and then we’ll hack into the system and get in to deal with the rest. I’ll leave the hacking to you as the computer wizz of the team.” 
“Sounds like a plan.” 
Within seconds, both of you extended your capes and flew all the way down, both taking down a thug at a time. Immediately, the enemy noticed your presence, and about 20 men seemingly emerged from the shadows—all armed with baseball bats, ready to knock you both out.
But 20 was just a number as you both were skilled in martial arts—it was only a matter of time before you two eventually defeated them all to clear the pathway to access the main door. You immediately took out your remote hacking device to open the main door, and within seconds you succeeded. It was Batgirl’s forte, after all. 
As the door pried open, there were more who had been expecting your arrival. Some of them were equipped with shotguns and snipers this time, but that didn’t bother you both that much. Working together with Changmin, each of you took one side of the hall, landing a punch or kick to knock these bad boys out. 
Huh. This wasn’t as difficult or dangerous as Batman had mentioned. Now why would—
Your thoughts were interrupted as you felt a bullet graze through your shoulders. It definitely stung and blood was now oozing out slowly as you clutch onto your open wound with your hands. You were turning around to see who was the culprit behind this. 
Suddenly, you felt your limbs start to go numb, and you immediately collapsed onto the cold solid ground. 
What’s happening? Why is my body aching all of a sudden? 
Still trying your best to look around your surroundings, you were starting to feel your eyelids drop, which was a very bad sign. 
No. No. Batgirl! Stay focused! 
Finally, your eyes fall on one individual who stands out from the rest of the crowd. As the individual slowly made their way towards you, you noticed how the other thugs had begun to back off, making out a pathway for the individual to come to you without having any obstructions in their way. 
That green hair. That pale white skin. And those horrendous blood-red lips.
“My my, who do we have here for company tonight? Huh, seems like I’ve got a new visitor in town!” It was that sinister voice all of you have grown accustomed to. God, he was now right in front of you, squatting down while placing his pistol right onto your skull, which was the weapon you assumed he had just used to shoot that bullet that grazed you a minute ago.
“Good heavens, if it isn’t the infamous Batgirl that has been the talk of the town! It seems that Batman can no longer contain his little one and finally let her out of the cave!”
As taunting as his demeanour and voice were, you were still struggling and fighting with yourself to keep yourself awake and not fall into his trap while trying to figure out an escape plan or counterattack right back at the madman himself. The Joker constantly pressed the tip of the pistol into your skull, applying slightly more pressure each time he did it. 
Batgirl… please… do something— 
“Stay away from her!!” 
Both you and The Joker dart your eyes in the direction of the voice, and sure enough, you find Changmin just a few meters away from you now, holding a shuriken in both hands, aiming towards the madman himself. 
“If it isn’t my favourite superhero boy, Robin! How have you been, my dear, it has certainly been a while since we last met.” 
Changmin wasn’t interested in playing games with The Joker and he immediately cut to the chase. “What have you done to her.” 
“Oh no, nothing much. Just loaded my trustworthy pistol with some infused poison bullets. And your poor girlfriend seemed to have taken a close shot of it, so she is unable to move now.” This time, The Joker grabs a chunk of your hair and pulls them up aggressively, which was where you were also pulled up from the ground against your will. 
Both of you remembered Batman’s warnings to never engage with The Joker and to contact him immediately. But there was a problem—you were wounded, and you both were now surrounded by tons of thugs around you, with the madman himself threatening your life at this point. If only you weren’t poisoned, perhaps you both could have pulled something off quickly to distract him and contact Batman immediately. But you were stuck, and there was no way Changmin would take his eyes off you, especially when The Joker was right in front of you, having full control over you now.
Changmin’s tut was visible and loud enough for you to hear even meters away, and you knew you both were stuck big time. 
“Tic toc, tic toc. Robin. I might as well just fire the fatal blow into Batgirl’s skull if you keep standing there!” The Joker taunted, and immediately he was loading his pistol again, getting ready to fire this time. 
In a flash, Changmin aimed and threw one of his shurikens at The Joker, and he quickly made his way towards him, landing a punch right into his abdomen and then quickly picking you up and moving to higher ground. 
“You’ve gotten a little heavier, haven’t you?” Changmin teased; clearly, he was panting. 
“Please… not the time, Changmin. We’ve got to contact Mr Wayne now.” 
“Hah.. right.” 
Just as he was about to ring Mr Wayne, Changmin immediately felt an excruciating pain, and his entire body felt numb. Within seconds, his grip loosened around you and he fell back to the ground. You were now trying to understand what was happening when you realised that The Joker fired that shot right into Changmin’s back. And now, he was poisoned as well. 
“Well, what did I say, kiddos! You’ve got to make a decision quickly before I land that shot! Oh, don’t worry, Batgirl. The poison is not enough to kill Robin immediately—he will die a slow and painful death instead.” The Joker and his thugs were slowly approaching Changmin, and you were all alone on the higher grounds, having to witness this scene helplessly. 
That was when you finally received a transmission from Batman.
“You two, change of plans! I’m going to blow the entire place up. Both of you get out of there immediately!” 
Within seconds, bombs began to detonate one by one, and the abandoned factory was now slowly collapsing. It was chaos, and everyone was running around frantically while trying to escape as best as possible. 
You tried your best to push yourself back up, supporting yourself with the pillar right beside you. Equipping your batclaw, you have decided to swing back down to get Changmin out of there. 
But you were too late, for The Joker was now grabbing Changmin by the shoulder, seemingly backing off to enter back into the abandoned factory. 
“It seems that this operation has failed, and I am not having one of you escape alive, that is!” 
You ran towards them, but the next thing that happened, the final explosion blew you away, and all you could hear was a siren. You tried to keep your eyes open, and all you could see was the entire factory up in flames, not a single human in sight. Before you passed out, you could vaguely make out a black figure approaching you, your mentor. 
And what happened after all of that was then a blur. 
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It has been a week since that fateful incident. 
When you have jolted awake from your slumber, you find yourself on the operating table back down in the Wayne Manor. You’ve had an oxygen mask placed over your mouth, with some IV drips inserted into your arms. How long has it been since then? 
Just as you are about to stand up, Alfred makes his way into the room while passing you a tray of food to fill up your hunger. 
And that was when you remembered the events that happened. 
You begged to know the details but Alfred remained silent, not wanting to speak up just yet. But eventually, you’ve managed to get him to spill the tea, and you wish you could’ve taken it all back instead.
After the explosion, Batman was the one who scooped you up, took you back into his batmobile and brought you back to Alfred immediately. He tried his best to search for Changmin and The Joker amidst the blazing inferno, but all he could find was a piece of fabric from Changmin’s outfit and from The Joker, which could only mean the worst. 
You screamed. You placed your head down into both of your hands and began screaming frantically. In order to save you, he took on the bullet, knowing very well that The Joker was planning to aim it at you. That explained why he turned his back towards the madman back then to shield you from taking another shot of the poisoned bullet. 
Mr Wayne did not take it well either. He secluded himself in his room for days and wouldn’t step out from it, even when the league called multiple times to ask for updates regarding the case. It was all up to Alfred to take up the job in his presence. 
But the days then passed into a week, and now all three of you were standing in the pouring rain of Gotham Cementary, overlooking the newly carved headstone that read your partners-in-crime’s name and span of life. 
How badly you’ve wished that all this was a terrible nightmare, and you begged anyone to put some sense into you and wake you up from this bad dream. As much as you pinched yourself, it surely was a reality. You dropped down onto your knees, resting your head on the headstone, crying your heart out loud. 
Why did it have to be you? Why did it have to be this particular mission? Just. Why? 
Mr Wayne and Alfred said nothing as they stood in the rain with their eyes closed, not wanting to accept reality either. Countless thoughts were also going through their mind, along with the guilt and sadness—the same emotions that you were feeling. 
But what pains you the most wasn’t his passing; it was how you’ve never got to confess your love for him after all these years.
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Year 2X47 — 5 years later
It was your usual routine as you were back down in the training station once again, both of your fists tied up with the usual white bandages as you landed one punch after another onto the punching bag. You have always loved to keep yourself busy—always finding the time to improve your skills whenever you had some time to spare in the Wayne Manor and Batcave. 
It surely hasn’t been easy since that fateful day five years ago. Since then, Batman has forbidden you from taking on any missions involving The Joker—quite frankly, you were thankful for in one way or another. There was no way you could’ve forgotten about what happened then so easily and faced the psychopathic killer himself. Instead, you were left with crimes that the GCPD occasionally required some assistance with. 
You had to thank the GCPD for even requesting your help. Otherwise, you would’ve rotted away in the comforts of your room and sulked for years. At least fighting crime and assisting them was also a way to keep your mind busy and away from all of the negative thoughts. 
Just as you were done with your training, you heard a sudden ping from your earpiece; it was from Alfred. 
“Batgirl, report to the control room immediately, please.” 
Once you have gotten the message, you quickly put all of the equipment away and shut down the room. You hoped that the mission for tonight was something worthwhile.  
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You were baffled, to say the least, when you approached the computer screen. It wasn’t from the GCPD tonight but from the league. Since Batman was away at the moment, you had no choice but to step in for Mr Wayne. 
Accepting the call, the screen immediately opens with Superman on screen—even he was surprised that you would answer the call. But there was no time to waste and he eventually cut to the chase. 
“Joker is back in town and he is plotting another major catastrophe that could bring the entire Gotham City down. He is planning to eliminate the GCPD and take over the city.” 
What a jokester the madman himself sure is. 
“But I am aware from the last mission that you’ve had that Bruce forbids you to step close to The Joker himself. With Bruce being away to deal with some league missions, I’m afraid the only person I could turn to in Gotham City is you.” 
Well, that was true. It has always been the three of you in Gotham City. Now, only the two of you were in the picture since Robin’s passing. It was up to you to take on the job or not. 
You have definitely shown some hesitation there, and given your facial expressions, it was clear that you needed some time to think about it. Superman then decides to give you at least ten minutes to make the decision and he hangs up the call. 
One thing is for sure: Alfred was against you going alone alone on this mission. With the absence of Batman, there was nobody who was going to be your sidekick this time. 
If only Robin were still alive, that is.
Alfred’s feelings were valid and understandable, especially when he has been concerned about your well-being since that day. He has also been your father figure, just as Mr Wayne had done all these years. 
But if no superhero was available in Gotham City, you were practically left with no choice but to face your worst nightmare. You gave yourself a deep breath and mentally prepared yourself that it was about time to overcome your fear—it was time to face the madman himself while putting closure to all of this. 
You made a promise to Alfred that you would always keep in close contact with him by constantly sending him transmissions to let him know each and every single one of your movements. And this time, you will immediately retreat if you’ve sensed danger or threat to your life. 
You were definitely not taking risks anymore especially facing the psychopath himself all alone. 
Returning the call to Superman, you huffed and closed your eyes before opening them once again to stand firm on your decision.
“Send me the coordinates of the location.”
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You arrived quickly at the designated location on one of the rooftops of the nearby buildings, which gave you a clear look at the GCPD. Just as Superman has stated, the police department was in an awful state—countless windows were broken through and there were plenty of hostages within the building. These hostages also included the policemen themselves. 
You knew you would definitely not act hastily, given the current situation. It was just you—you’re all alone in this madness. You had to think carefully about your next plan of action if you wished to keep all of the hostages and yourself alive, that is. 
With that, you took out your binoculars to scope out which floor would be the best for you to infiltrate—the fourth floor. Using your batclaw, you aimed at the balcony of the building and swung away into the floor itself—crashing into the glass windows while taking down the few thugs that were stationed there. It wasn’t too hard for you to find the lighting control panel which you used your remote hacking device to crack the code open and shut down the lights from the entire building. That way, you’re able to roam around without being detected easily. 
Quickly jumping and breaking down the glass tiles from the current floor onto the ground, you managed to take down the thugs one by one by doing so undetected. Once that was out of the way, you freed the hostages by cutting through the ropes they were bound with using your batarang. 
“The Joker is on the top floor with Commissioner Gordon. Please be careful, Batgirl.” One of the officers warned you.
Taking that down mentally, you slowly made your way up to the top floor, eliminating all enemies that were in your way. 
Eventually, you’ve come face-to-face with The Joker while the commissioner is tied onto a wooden chair. But something felt different. 
The Joker himself was wearing a clown mask over his face. Why did he decide to do so? Was it because he was wounded from a previous crime spree he was on? Or did Batman manage to land a blow on one of his missions? 
“Well, what do we have here? If it isn’t the infamous Batgirl! It has been a few years, sweetheart. It’s a pleasure to be able to see you again in person.” 
Even the voice sounded different somehow.
“What is your purpose, Joker. Why even consider taking over the GCPD.” 
He chuckled. “Oh, honey. I’ll be a dear and tell you why, hmm?” 
He walked closer to you and you couldn’t help but take a few steps back. Eventually, he stops about a few centimetres apart from you and bends down to be at eye-level with you. 
“I do very bad things honey, and I do them very well. And nobody is going to stop me because they fear me, and I fear nothing. So I will gladly take on any chances I can get in this beloved city of yours and turn the tables around, doesn’t it sound tempting?” 
Not wanting to hear his sick jokes anymore, you quickly balled up your fist and landed a punch directly onto his face, but his hands were quick enough to grab hold of your fist, stopping your tracks. 
Since when did The Joker have such great agility? 
“Seemed like someone’s been working on their reflexes since we last met, haven’t we.” The Joker taunted before trying to grab hold of this pistol behind his hips and aimed the bullet at you. He shot a few times, but each time you dodged them to the best of your ability as you were constantly running around the room. 
Once you were at a distance between you and he was, you took out your batclaw and aimed it at the pistol, which you managed to bring it over to your side—loaded it before pulling the trigger and aiming at the mask he was wearing. 
Sure enough, one of the bullets managed to penetrate through the mask and it was surprisingly way more sturdier than it was. It managed to form a small crack, but the blow was not enough. Perhaps your only choice was to have a close combat range, and you would either take it off or destroy it to find out who is really behind that mask. 
It took a while before you managed to come close to The Joker as he was shooting you from afar. Once you’ve done so, you managed to grab hold of his arm that was holding the pistol and punched right through the mask. You’ve succeeded in destroying it with your brute strength in one blow. 
But you wished that you could’ve taken it back.
Whatever that you’ve just seen was horrifying, and you were in absolute shock and denial.
There’s no way. It absolutely can’t be. 
He… but he’s…
“Cha-Changmin…?” You stuttered, and your eyes widened. You thought you were hallucinating. That can’t be. He died 5 years ago, and you and Mr Wayne were there to witness it all. 
Is this some sort of joke? A reincarnation? Another bad joke from the real Joker himself? 
You backed away, and so did he. You could tell that it was fine for now, and he wasn’t going to shoot because he seemed as baffled as you were. As much as you want to pinch yourself to wake you up from this bad dream, you notice his sincere eyes. One that you’ve always loved since you both met at the slumps. 
Unbeknownst to him, a single tear drop eventually fell onto his face, ruining the white makeup that he had got on him. He gently raised his hands and touched it, looking bewildered as if he had no idea what was happening. 
You did what you thought was best at the moment, taking a step closer and reassuring him that it was all alright and how much everyone had missed him.
How much you’ve missed him, to be exact. 
“Don’t come any closer. Please… stay away from me!” He protested, taking several steps back to keep a distance from you. He then placed one of his hands on the side of his head as if he remembered something—or rather, it actually triggered something within him. His pupils were now shaking, and you desperately wanted to help and hold him close to you. 
Then, you both heard footsteps coming up the stairs, which meant your alone time was up. The officers were bound to capture The Joker and place him behind bars for good this time. 
Just then, Changmin regained his composure and aimed his pistol directly at you. Before loading the gun, he said one last sentence to you.
“The person you once knew me as has died.” 
With that, he pulled the trigger but he missed his shot. Instead, it landed on one of the window latches and it broke apart—giving him the immediate escape route as he ran and jumped out of the building. You stood there, baffled by the situation, while the officers had now filled the room scanning for signs of The Joker. 
Commissioner Gordon approached you, thanking you for saving his and his comrades' lives. He also reassured you that they will be keeping track of The Joker’s movements and keep you updated with anything.
But only one thing filled your mind and you needed answers desperately. 
Changmin was alive this whole time. But how?
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You quickly made your return to the Batcave and immediately approached Alfred. You needed to know that whatever answers—even the tiniest detail, could help you solve the puzzle. 
Alfred was quiet at the beginning, debating on the right words to tell you the truth at this point. Apparently, Batman has found out about this a year prior, knowing very well that Changmin was alive and well, and has somehow taken the persona of The Joker. But according to Alfred, Mr Wayne was still looking for answers about how it had all ended up this way.
As much as you were furious about not knowing this earlier, there was no way you could’ve blamed it on Alfred. He was simply following Mr Wayne’s orders, and that was to keep you away from anything relating to the madman himself. 
“Fine. Then tell me where Mr Wayne is, and I’ll confront him myself.”
“That’s the thing, miss Y/N. Master Wayne has been on a league mission for the past few weeks, but I haven’t heard from him. I myself have been trying to track down his coordinates but to no avail.” 
Now that was strange. Disappearing for quite a while wasn’t deemed unusual in Mr Wayne’s books. But more than a week? That was definitely a red flag, and someone must look into this matter. 
Taking in a deep sigh as you were overwhelmed with everything happening, you calmed yourself down and spoke to Alfred in a low voice. 
“I’ll find the answers to all of them.”
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You decided to head back to the rooftops of GCPD, where the Batsignal was located. Commissioner Gordon often used it to signal to summon the Bat Family whenever they needed help. But it seemed as if the searchlight was destroyed and torn apart—revealing that whoever had done this definitely held a grudge against you and your squad. 
You did contemplate using it to reach out to Batman, but with this option down, you were now back to square one. 
If Alfred cannot contact Mr Wayne through transmissions, then you wouldn’t stand a chance either. 
God. Think, Batgirl. There’s got to be a way to contact—
“It seemed as if the rumours were true after all.” 
You were startled by the sudden voice coming from behind you. As a common reflex, you immediately throw a punch towards the individual’s face—only to be stopped by their hand grabbing onto your fist. Once you got a glimpse of who it was, your eyes widened. 
“Ah, I see you have heard about me before. Then that saves up the trouble of having to introduce myself. Also, sorry about startling you. It’s my fault.”
As both of you backed down and composed yourselves, you finally got a good look at the individual standing before you. He was tall and definitely well-built (a little too well-built to your liking actually); he wore a black with some outlines of a blue suit and a domino mask. Even through the mask, he was a pretty darn good-looking individual. 
“Ogling at my beauty during our first meeting already?” He teased.
“Are all Robins meant to be this flirty?” You shot back. He chuckled and his voice somehow lightens up the mood for a bit. 
“Ah, so you knew about my backstory.” 
“Well, I learned about you through the files Mr Wayne kept in his office a decade ago. Consider that a time when I will snooping around his stuff because I was curious about many things.” 
“Bruce definitely has loads of secrets that he keeps from others, alright.” He shook his head, thinking that his former mentor was still the same old individual he had known for many decades. 
As far as you know, Nightwing was the first Robin and has worked alongside Batman for many years, even longer than you and Changmin ever did. He was a former circus acrobat when he was younger, so his skills and agility had to be one of the toughest Gotham City—or rather, the league has ever seen. At one point, you have once heard that the league has appointed him to look over the younger superheroes, the Teen Titans, from time to time. So he has got plenty of things on his hands to deal with. 
But there was one question that has pondered you for long enough. One that you knew you could never ask Mr Wayne and Alfred themselves because they definitely weren’t comfortable bringing up this topic. 
Nightwing somehow knew this topic would come up eventually, and he decided to indulge in your curiosity for the time being. Leaning back towards the headlight, he crossed his arms and told you about his backstory.
“To begin with, Bruce had taken me in ever since my parent’s murder when I was 8. He trained me to be a soldier, his sidekick and I’ve never left his side for 20 years. But you know what they say—when the time comes for the baby birds to leave the nest, then there is no explanation needed.” 
“So you left willingly?” You questioned.
“In a way, yeah. Now I mainly patrol crimes in Blüdhaven, occasionally returning to Gotham City to assist Bruce and the team if needed. Commissioner Gordon seems to really enjoy my company after all.” 
The way he spoke lit up the mood, and you could tell how he was definitely worth being the first Robin. Anyone would agree on how behind that jovial and friendly smile he possessed, he could be one of the most feared individuals on the battlefield. 
Given that he was trained by the one and only Bruce Wayne himself, he has then gained insane human strength, speed, agility, and even reflexes. He was definitely the type you would want to anger the least—otherwise, you would definitely find yourself being killed by the 50,000 volts of Escrima Sticks that he always carried on his back. 
If a superhero like him is back in Gotham City during such a right timing, you assume he’s probably back for the same reason as you did, more or less.
“Say, are you perhaps back for The Joker?”
“Yeah, but there’s more to that. The Justice League has contacted me to investigate Bruce’s disappearance as they couldn’t contact him for a week now.” 
Disappearance? Now that’s new for you. You knew that he was away for some league missions, but never would you have thought that he would actually disappear. 
Could he have done it himself for an unspecified reason? Or worse, has Mr Wayne fallen into the traps of the enemy? 
Now that is something you definitely have to look into as well—because finding him would be the key to knowing about Changmin’s faked death for the past several years. 
“Count me in, Nightwing.” 
“Woah, slow down Batgirl. What makes you think you would wanna come along with me?” 
“Well, for one, the current Joker is somehow the former Robin that we all thought he died. But I’ve just encountered him days prior, and he is very much alive and well. And I need answers.” You firmly stated, and you did not take no for an answer. Clearly, Nightwing had sensed that in you and knew there was no point in convincing you otherwise.
“Hmm, this seems more like a romantic couple reunion situation to me.” He teased.
He wasn’t wrong though. 
“He’s family and I deserve to know, Nightwing. Please.” You emphasised the last word while taking a few steps closer to him as you stared into his eyes. 
He looked at you for a few seconds before he eventually put on a smile. He gently laid his hands on your head and patted you. “Alright, girlie. Let’s figure out where would be the best place to look for them.” 
Just when he finished his statement, a radio transmission was sent in through his earpiece, and he shared one of them with you to hear the message.
“Reports have stated that there were sightings of The Joker near the ports, and he has gotten several hostages with him. All officers on duty, please report to the site at once!” 
“Then that’s where we’re headed, sweetheart.” 
Immediately, you got your batclaw out, ready to start swinging across the buildings to head to your destination. You looked at Nightwing in confusion as he stood there and stretched his muscles.
“Well, aren’t you leaving too?” 
“Oh no, you get to the location first. Don’t worry, I’ll catch up in no time. I was a former acrobat, after all. Don’t need no batclaw to swing around buildings.” He winked, and you rolled your eyes back slightly as you started to get used to his flirty remarks. 
Before you made your move, he spoke to you one last time before you two were to part ways for a bit. 
“Call me, Sangyeon. It’s much better than repeating my superhero name all the time.”
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Just as you reached the port's entrance, Gotham City had to start a heavy downpour, making the situation much worse. 
But it wasn’t something you weren’t used to since you have been in such conditions before on several missions. However, since the motive tonight was to find both Changmin and Mr Wayne, you couldn’t help but feel nervous, something that you haven’t experienced in a while. 
At least not since that fateful day 5 years ago. 
Shaking your thoughts away, you calmed yourself down and reminded yourself that the hostages come first, then family. 
You ran to the gates but saw that they were already hacked open. Just then, Sangyeon jumps down from one of the higher buildings and places his hands on one of your shoulders. 
“They don’t call me a hacking wizard for nothing.” 
“Well, guess I have a rival in this field of work now.” You chuckled. 
“Alright, let’s go.” 
As you both entered the ports, a group of thugs were already on standby, as if they were expecting your arrival hours ago. Each of them was armed with a weapon, ready to put up a fight. 
Sangyeon then gets both of his Escrima Sticks out from his back and positions himself in his offensive state. 
“Wanna see the famous Nightwing himself in action?” 
“Just be careful out there.” You replied. 
“Always have been.” 
As soon as the thugs began charging towards your direction, the both of you did the same, beginning to take down the enemies one by one. 
It seemed that Sangyeon wasn’t all talk and thought highly about himself because you’ve now witnessed how skilled and quick he is at combat with your own eyes. He could take out at least 4 at once, leaving no room for them to retaliate. None of them stood a chance against the superhero himself—quite frankly, he could handle them all on his own if needed. 
You have definitely improved from 5 years ago too. You were now much quicker and your skills have upped a level—handling several enemies simultaneously. With the new gadgets that Alfred has equipped you with, you definitely found it a lot easier to deal with the enemies and not just entirely rely on pure brute strength. 
Within 10 minutes, both of you have successfully wiped out the entire thugs, and they were all lying lifelessly on the ground, allowing you to move on to find the hostages. 
“Well, aren’t you a rather good fighter yourself, Batgirl.” Sangyeon was surely impressed with the way you presented yourself tonight. 
“Now that’s flattering coming from the former Robin himself.” You counterbacked, and you earned a laugh from the man himself. 
“This isn’t over yet, Y/N. There are definitely more thugs lurking around the area. I suggest we split up and take on each side, and I’ll let you know if I come up with anything.” 
“Sounds like a plan.” 
“Let me know if you need help, okay? You’re not in this alone.” 
Thanks, Sangyeon. It means a lot. “I’ll contact you soon.” 
Splitting up, you decided to take on the right side of the ports, defeating the thugs in your way as you slowly made your way through. Eventually, you found hostages along your way, and you freed them by using your batclaw to cut through the ropes they were tied up with, and they ran to their safety towards the GCPD at the front entrance. 
Finally, you have reached the last destination that you could’ve scooped out for any remaining hostages, the lighthouse. 
Fingers crossed, you were mentally praying before making the move that Changmin would be there. 
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It seemed that you had deduced your theory correctly, and sure enough, he was there—holding up several hostages, ready to throw them down into the deep, freezing ocean. 
“CHANGMIN STOP!!” You screamed, and that got his attention.
He turned back to look at you, and his eyes widened upon the contact. It was you again; this time, he wasn’t wearing a mask anymore. 
It seemed as if he hadn't recovered from the encounter days prior because he was beginning to malfunction again, and how badly you just wanted to help him by taking him back for good now. 
“Please… Changmin. Let us talk. Please, talk to me about it.” You begged, and unknowingly tears began to form in your eyes. 
Immediately, he dropped the hostages down onto the concrete floor, and they quickly ran for it. His attention was now entirely on you, eyes widened while trying to make sense of everything.
“Y/N… I… All these years later… I can’t…” 
“No Changmin. You can, and you will come back to us.” 
Come back to me.
“What have I done? I’m… I’m a monster now, a terrifying criminal and psychopath. I’m beyond saving.” He now stares down at his bloodied, shaking hands, and his speech begins to stammer. 
“No, you just need to press reset. And we will help with that.” 
Let me help you. 
“Why? Why, Y/N? After all these years and everything?” Tears were now beginning to form in his as well, and he was trying his best to hold them back.
“Because I love you and have always been after all these years.” 
You were now slowly taking one step at a time closer to him, and he slowly did the same but backwards. 
“Y/N… No, you can’t.” 
“I can and I will. I have longed for you endlessly, and I always find myself coming back to you, even if you are no longer Robin.” 
“That’s not true.” 
“It is. And I will prove it to you.” 
Changmin was now pinned against the guardrails of the lighthouse and he was stuck with nowhere to run. You were now standing right in front of him—centimetres apart, when you gently laid your palms onto both sides of his face, slowly rubbing away the white makeup that sat on his face. 
He then looks down at you, standing motionless before muttering a quiet: “I warn you. I’ll break your heart.” 
You smiled back at him. “I know you more than you know yourself, cowboy. Fill me more with that dangerous love of yours—there’s nothing Batgirl can’t take on anyways.” 
With that, you quickly took Changmin into your embrace, and the tears that formed within his eyes began to drip down slowly. 
Yes, Changmin. I’m here now. I will protect you from all of this madness— 
That short-lived moment was then interrupted abruptly as that familiar chilling voice from years ago started to haunt you.
“My my, what do we have here? A little family reunion, isn’t it?” 
Both of you turned behind to see the real Joker standing in front of you, with a syringe containing a rather intriguing green liquid, while having a group of thugs behind him. 
You and Changmin were now cornered, and there was no way to escape. It seemed as if history was repeating itself. 
“Damn, I guess the dose wasn’t enough for that Robin boy to take on my persona fully. I guess the test was an ultimate failure.” He was now flicking the syringe bottle; his eyes were now entirely on you. 
“Hmm.. maybe another test subject would be worth trying out… someone whose name rhymes with Batgirl.” 
The Joker was taunting you and moving closer to you now. You had to think of something quickly because clearly, Changmin was in no state of fighting back. You could use one of your gadgets for close-range combat, but given the number of enemies you were up against, there was only a 50% success rate. 
Maybe I could use a smoke bomb to distract them while I think of something real quick—
“Batgirl!! Dodge and leave right now! Trust me!!” 
That voice. It was Sangyeon. You quickly redirected your attention to the opposite building across the lighthouse. He was now equipped with several explosive batarangs, and is now aiming towards your direction. Once he let go and threw them towards you, you quickly grabbed Changmin and jumped straight down into the cold, freezing ocean.
As soon as you both touched down into the waters, the explosion went off and the parts of the lighthouse came crumbling down along with the enemies that were on it. 
Before you knew it, both of you were slowly beginning to lose air before finally being fully engulfed by the ocean waves.
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It has been a few days since that encounter with The Joker himself at the port. When you dived into the ocean, you tried your best to swim towards the shore while carrying Changmin with you—despite the constant moments where the ocean waves would engulf you both while trying to swim back up again. As soon as you reached dry land, you immediately passed out before seeing Sangyeon coming to both of your rescue.
When you finally came to, you were left with just a few minor scratches and nothing major. You demanded to know where Changmin was and eventually found it lying on the operation table—the same one you were lying on 5 years ago. An oxygen mask was attached around his face, along with an IV drip by the side. 
According to Alfred, it seemed that Changmin was systematically subjected to a wide range of shock therapy and torture over the few years that he was captured alive by the psychopath himself. Eventually, Joker decided to take things a step ahead and injected various serums into his body, eventually leading to his breakdown. Hence, he decided to let Changmin take over his identity for a period of time while he went into hiding.
It was definitely a lot and hard to take in for you. You couldn’t imagine how brutal it was for Changmin over the past few years, all wounded and injured from that fateful day, only to be taken back to The Joker’s lair and left to experience all of the barbaric tortures he had up his sleeve. 
You stood right at the windows of the operating room, placing your hand on it while trying your best to hold back your tears. This went on for a few days—it was best to let him rest after all.
Sangyeon was staying for a while as he was still on the mission to track down Mr Wayne’s location, and he would often check up on you as well, ensuring you that Changmin would be alright and he would wake up real soon. 
All you could do at this point was hope for the best and that Changmin would return to his usual self when he woke. 
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The bright glaring lights blinded Changmin’s eyes as he finally struggled to open them up. Once he has finally adjusted his sight, he tries to make sense of his surroundings. 
He was back at the Batcave—all patched up and had an IV drip right into his arms. He tried turning his head around, trying to take in everything as he struggled to regain his memory. 
And that was when he remembered that the both of you were up at the lighthouse, desperately trying to escape The Joker. 
Almost immediately after that thought, a pair of arms wrapped around him tightly as he tried to sit up from his bed. 
It was you whom he had been longing to see. 
God, how much he had missed your embrace. Your scent, the warmth you gave, and your bright, bubbly persona that radiates whenever you are around him. 
And now he’s back to witness it all close-up. 
He returned the hug to you, squeezing a little tightly and clinging onto you for dear life. He wouldn’t let you go anytime soon, and he wants to savour the moment and make it up to you after being away for years. He slowly turned his head to take the sweet strawberry scent of your hair—ah, you were still using his favourite shampoo. He couldn’t help but to also rest his lips on your scalp as well. 
“Changmin… I don’t even know where to begin…” You muffled since you were squeezed into his big muscular chest.
“Let’s just stay like this for a while, hmm?” 
Silence. But it wasn’t awkward in the slightest bit. Instead, you both appreciated it—a lot was happening in both of your minds. 
He’s back. He was back in his comfort zone, former residence, and home. 
You were his home. 
There were just so many things he regretted back then too, how he wasn’t able to save you and ended up being held captive and tortured by The Joker himself. Most importantly, he regretted that he couldn’t tell you how he felt about you, especially when he had seen you more than just a friend and sidekick for years. 
But now that he was alive and back in the game, it was his chance. 
Gently grabbing your shoulders, he pushes you away so that you look at him deep into his eyes. He takes in a big breath before he decides to spill the beans. What he didn’t expect was that you spat out the same exact thing that has been lingering on his mind, word by word. 
“So uh, I thought you should know that I’ve had feelings for you for years now.” You both said at the same time. It took a few seconds for the both of you to process what the hell actually happened before bursting out in loud laughter. 
“Gee, Y/N. And I thought it has been one-sided for years, and all those flirty remarks I’ve made were just for show, and my efforts have gone down the drain.” 
“Well, I’m pleased to tell you those flirty remarks worked.” 
You both giggled before Changmin decided to press on. “So when did this lovey-dovey feeling start?” 
“Maybe around when I was 12?” 
“Hah! I win. I’ve liked you ever since you came into the slumps.” 
“That isn’t a victory, Changmin. It just shows how whipped you have always been and how easily you actually fall in love with someone.” 
“Hey, it's not my fault when my love interest is actually a rockstar who excels at everything she does. Mind you, she is the best computer wizz I’ve ever seen with that long luscious brown hair of hers.” 
“Yeah, you’re insufferable.” You huffed. 
“But admit it, you like it.” He winked back at you, causing you to slap him on the chest while rolling your eyes back. 
It was when he decided to lean in a bit closer while gently placing his fingers around your chin, lifting your face so that he could see you clearly. 
“Since my princess literally saved my life, it is time for her prince charming to return the favour, no?” 
You gave him a confused look. “Whatever are you planning, Mr. Ji Changmin.” 
“Something that starts with the letter K.” 
He then swipes his finger on your lips to feel those luscious, juicy lips once before crashing his onto yours. And he was right all these years, after all—on how good they tasted, and it was definitely a kiss that was worth the wait and savouring. 
You didn’t reject it at all and proceeded to adjust your position so that it was easier to ease into the kiss. Tilting both of your heads to grant more entrance while your fingers moved up into his hair, Changmin did the same while his other hand rested on your waist. 
How badly he wished to stay like this forever. To kiss you, hold you tight, and never let go nor fail you again. He made a promise to himself this time that he was definitely not going to repeat the same mistake, and he was no longer going to hurt anyone else.
Including you.
The intense moment was abruptly cut short by a low grunt coming from behind. It was Sangyeon.
“Well, it seems as if I have chosen the wrong timing, haven’t I?” 
Oh, how badly you knew he somehow did it on purpose. You were definitely going to make him pay real soon.
Changmin being innocent, brushes him off and asks if something was the matter (since, technically, he hasn’t encountered how flirty he could be). 
“I’m here to ask you about Bruce. I’m sure you have some information that is worth hearing about.” Sangyeon then crossed his arms, and immediately his facial expression shifted, and you both knew well that it was time to get back into business. 
Once Alfred came to ensure that Changmin could continue his daily routine as usual, Sangyeon immediately cut to the chase and began pressing on the topic of importance. 
“It was definitely a recent thing, I would say. The Joker tortured me for a few years before finally making me into his other half to take over his dirty job for him while he disappeared into thin air. And it was recently when I actually saw how he was dragging a body down into the basement of his lair. If it aligns with what you have in mind, then I’m sure it is worth checking it out.” 
All of you pondered what Changmin said. It could be Mr Wayne who was under the hands of The Joker at the moment. According to Sangyeon, there have been reports of sightings of the man on the most recent site where Mr Wayne was last seen. 
“So that would be the first place for us to look at, I suppose?” Changmin questioned.
“Supposedly, yes,” Sangyeon answered bluntly. 
Just as all of you would start gearing up to head out to the place of interest, the batcomputer began blaring—it was from Commissioner Gordon. Picking up the call, all of you were met with a very distraught commissioner. Something must’ve happened. 
“You guys have to see this right now.” 
Immediately, the commissioner forwards a link that redirects all of you to a live webcam. 
It was live. And there on screen sat a badly wounded individual, tied up on a wooden chair with only a single light bulb above his head as their only light source. 
It was Batman.
The Joker swiftly turned the camera towards him, and he placed this huge menacing grin on his face, knowing that he was up to no good once again. 
“Welcome, my fellow watchers to tonight’s grand show! Ah, it seems as if the entire GCPD & the Bat Family are here to witness the epic performance of the century!!” 
The Joker then turns the camera back to Batman as he begins circling him, continuing with his act. 
“Now, I’m pretty sure we all recognise this lovely individual right here. Isn’t it a bummer how he’s all wounded up badly? When he is supposed to be the strongest superhero in Gotham City?” He began laughing and then slowly stood behind Mr Wayne, bending down to rest his hands on Batman’s shoulders. 
“It seemed as if my very first experiment had failed terribly, given that Robin had escaped thanks to Batgirl & Nightwing. Perhaps the 10,000 volts of shock therapy & the dosage of my serum weren’t enough throughout the years Robin was held captive at my lair. But fear not, ladies and gentlemen! For I have a new subject now, the famous Batman himself, and I wonder what would happen if I turn him into a Joker?” 
The madman then walked over towards the right, and his hand gripped the latch of a switch, and all of you wished you did not have to witness what came next.
Pulling down the latch, it triggered the shock machine and Batman was screaming at the top of his lungs, clearly in a lot of pain while the high electricity flowed through his entire body. It went on for a good 10 seconds before The Joker finally decided to turn it off. Then, he walks towards the front of the camera, completely blocking Batman out of the picture. 
“Here’s my suggestion, fellow Bat Family and the officers at GCPD. I will be kind enough to tell you my location. Come to the abandoned Nightville Amusement Park in an hour. I’m pretty sure your “father” here would want his children to come save his ass, no?” 
The Joker then laughed menacingly again before ending the livestream. 
Oh my god. 
Batman is now in the hands of The Joker. And he has clearly shown all of you that he wasn’t kidding and meant serious business. If neither of you were careful, Mr Wayne would be next in line to get killed. 
All of you will definitely have to come up with an actual plan and strategy before heading to the site, and this time you will stop this whole fiasco the psychopath himself has planned. 
Thankfully, that was where Sangyeon came in and he began to take charge of everything and everyone as he gathered both sides to listen closely to his words. 
“Are you with me, lads?”
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The clock struck strictly at 10 at night as the three of you arrived at the amusement park. Based on Sangyeon’s lead, he deemed it too dangerous for the officers to tag along at first. The plan was to let the three clear out the place until 80% of the thugs were wiped out, and then the GCPD would step in and scope the place out. Commissioner Gordon couldn’t agree more. 
On the other hand, Alfred remained at his position in the Batcave in front of the monitor screen, keeping you three updated with everything going on around your surroundings while being the middle person to communicate to the GCPD upon Sangyeon’s orders. 
As you three stood in front of the amusement park gates, Sangyeon decided to break the ice and loosen the atmosphere for a bit. He focused on Changmin, who was clearly doing a few stretches here and there.
“So how does it feel to be back in the Robin suit, young lad?” 
“Is it bad that the suit’s gotten a little tighter?” 
“Well, guess that’s some good news for you, Batgirl.” He then poked his head out to look at you, who were standing on the far right side. 
Dear heavens, Lee Sangyeon. I swear, for the love of God— 
“What about yours, mister? I’m sure all of the time that’s gone to leading the Teen Titans and patrolling Blüdhaven has taken a toll on your romantic relationship.” You fought back, but clearly, he doesn’t back down easily.
“Nah, I have my ways. She’ll come back to me when she’s bored and lonely. She always has been anyway.” 
Huh. So he does have a certain special someone. That is definitely going to be added to your books of “things to stalk more about Nightwing’s dirty secrets”. 
Clearing your throat to bring everyone back to reality, you turned your head back to the entrance, where all of you began to hear the footsteps growing louder each second. 
“Mr Lee, there’s about 60 thugs headed your way. Be prepared.” Alfred’s voice chimed into the intercom. 
“Well, 60 is just a number.” Sangyeon proclaimed. 
“So what do we do now?” You asked. 
Then, Changmin stepped forward and stood in front of you both. “We fight.” 
Immediately, he charged towards one of the thugs and wrapped his legs around his neck, pinning him down to the ground and punching him hard enough to knock the individual out cold. Not wasting any time, he began moving onto the thugs one after another. 
“Gee, your boyfriend’s one impatient little fella, isn’t he?” 
“And so are you, Nightwing.” 
You and Sangyeon did the same by charging towards the enemies. It was as if the tension and atmosphere were different tonight, and you felt the company that you had been longing for years. With both Robin and Nightwing with you, you knew that you were all in good hands and reaching The Joker himself wouldn’t be a problem this time round. 
The three of you worked amazingly as a team, performing a combo of attacks and matching one another’s fighting style almost instantly, even though it was the first time the three of you fought together. Sangyeon was definitely impressed, to say the least, that Bruce had gotten himself some good young sidekicks to fill in his spot after he had left. He was smiling like a proud older brother would as he looked at how you and Changmin battled. 
The enemy was successfully wiped out within 10 minutes thanks to the great teamwork. With that, the screen from one of the televisions that hung loosely at one of the lamp posts started broadcasting what seemed like a live message. 
The Joker. 
“Well well, I must say, an amazing job well done as a team!! Bravo bravo, you three have certainly exceeded my expectations! Now, moving deeper into the parks will not be that easy. So choose wisely and find out where Batman and I could be. Adios for now!!” 
“God, will he stop with all of these taunts?” You complained, getting sick and frustrated with all of his jokes by now. 
Changmin then walked close to you and placed one of his hands on your shoulder. “It’s okay, Y/N. We will definitely get Mr Wayne back home safely.” 
“Yeah… we will this time.” You tried your best to return a smile. 
Sangyeon then makes his way towards you both to inform you that it was best to split up to narrow down the possible location where The Joker and Batman could be. Before he could even suggest the plan, you gripped Changmin’s hands tightly, intertwining your fingers with his. 
“I suppose you wouldn’t mind Robin and Batgirl taking on one side of the park, right?” 
Sangyeon stared at you both for a moment, and you were clearly not budging, standing firm to prove that you were taking no as an answer. 
He immediately sighed and agreed to your request. “Okay okay, lovebirds. Just make sure to do your actual job.” 
You swear if it weren’t for him being your senior and part of the Bat Family, you would’ve whooped his ass and sent him back to his rightful place. 
“Alright, jokes aside. Both of you, please contact me as soon as you find out something. Don’t even try to act bravely and jump into your demise. I mean it.” 
It all sounded too familiar. It was precisely what Mr Wayne said to the both of you 5 years ago. The Sangyeon that stood before you now wasn’t the flirty yet annoying senior you have come to despise. Now this man is feared across the nation, and one you would look up to actually. He was the spitting image of Batman.
“Understood, Sangyeon. You should be careful out there too.” Changmin said firmly. 
“Kiddo, I always have been.” 
Within seconds he was out of sight, jumping down towards the other side of the park as he made his way quickly through the thugs. 
“So, what do you suggest we do then, miss Y/N? You clearly asked me to stay with you.” 
“Well, for starters, let’s look around and get rid of the thugs along our way to find Mr Wayne as soon as possible. Find The Joker, put him behind bars, and that’s a wrap.” 
“Sounds good to me. Lead the way, Batgirl.”
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Both of you went to each section of the park and searched every crook and corner to see if there were any traces or clues to where both of them might be. 
If you were to deduce, according to the live footage—they were either at higher ground or beneath the amusement park. You tried searching for a latch which would lead you down but to no avail. 
It was when Changmin finally called out to you as he noticed one of the buildings furthest from you had a little light source coming out from it. It led up to one of the roller coaster rides, and the stairs were clearly destroyed so that the officers could not reach high ground alone. 
Only those of you equipped with the batclaw could swing your way up to the building itself. 
On both of your signals, you both immediately launched your batclaw and quickly made your way towards the source, hoping that it was finally where your mentor would be.
Please, Mr Wayne. Please hang in there. We’re coming.
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“Hmm… it seems as if your kids are taking a little longer, don’t you think? The Joker was now swinging his pistol around his hands, growing impatient as there was no sign of either of you coming anytime soon.
That was when Batman slowly tilted his head up as he tried his best to mutter a few words back to counterattack his remarks.
“Don’t… underestimate my kids… they’re a lot… stronger than… you think they are…” 
The Joker immediately threw a punch right into Batman’s face once again. “You know clearly that’s not the right answer, no?” 
“Well, clearly you aren’t thinking straight, Joker.” 
His eyes widened as he turned towards the source of where the voice came from. When he finally did, he found Changmin already in position with a few shurikens within the palm of his hands, and you did the same while holding onto your batclaw.
“Why, if it isn’t my wonderful “son” back in town! How have you been? Papa has missed you loads.” 
“It’s over, Joker. Your spree of crimes ends tonight and you’re finally going to jail after all these years.” Changmin declared.
“Disrespecting your papa, I see. Well, then. I’m sorry but it seems like I will have to teach you and your little girlfriend a lesson then.” The Joker slowly walked towards you with a group of thugs emerging from the shadows behind. Just like 5 years ago, they were all equipped with their weapons, the right to strike whenever. 
“Y/N, let’s do our usual formation?” 
“Say no more, Robin.” 
Both sides struck simultaneously, and a heated battle soon erupted within the building. With the batclaw in hand, you use it to shoot to get the thugs close to you as you knock them out cold with your punches and kicks. Changmin, on the other hand, used his shurikens wisely and aimed at all of the thugs, not missing a target. 
The Joker managed to get this way close towards you both, but he always seemed to have missed his shot or he was often caught by either of you two, pulling him close and throwing punches while he backed off to regain himself. 
As all of the thugs were wiped out, The Joker was now the one being cornered by you two, and he clearly did not stand a chance.
“Hah! Don’t even think that you’re about to win!” He reaches into his back pocket and pulls up a vile of green liquid. However, judging from the container that was used this time, it wasn’t an ordinary serum now.
No. A poison gas bomb! 
“I guess you know what this means then. That saves a lot of trouble. Robin, this is for you!” The Joker was about to throw it at Changmin when he finally decided to change direction and threw it towards you instead.
“Y/N! No!!!” Changmin quickly jumps onto you to push you out of the way as the poison gas bomb detonates. 
But he was in no luck as Nightwing made his way here in time, destroying it before the gas spread around too much. At the same time, The Joker was pinned down by the one and only Batman, who was now free from being tied up thanks to Sangyeon. 
The GCPD officers then made their way here along with the commissioner as they handcuffed the psychopath and started taking him away.
“This isn’t over, Bat Family!! I will be back to haunt Gotham City again!!” Those were the sentences that The Joker kept repeating on a loop till he was out of the picture. 
Eventually, Mr. Wayne made his way toward you and brought you both into his embrace. 
“I knew you both could’ve done it. Welcome home, Robin.” 
Those words were enough to get you both all teary-eyed, primarily for Changmin though. He had longed to be reunited with his mentor, and how much he wanted to apologise for all of the trouble he had caused over the years. 
“Mr Wayne…I—” 
“It’s not your fault, and it was beyond your control. I’m sorry I failed you as your mentor. And father.”
He rests his chin upon Changmin’s head and closes his eyes before muttering something for you too. “You too, Batgirl. You have grown and I’m beyond proud of you.” 
You have yet to hear Mr. Wayne praise you like that. He doesn’t talk much, nor has he ever praised you in such a manner since he wasn’t really great with words. Hearing that from Mr Wayne himself, after all of what you’ve been through, was surely enough to get you bawl your eyes out in front of him. 
Sangyeon notices the little heartwarming family reunion and he can’t help but smile from afar. It was nice seeing how Bruce has gotten a new family on his own, and he is happy how you two were given a new life and beginning with him. A few seconds later, he decided not to interrupt, turned his heel in the opposite direction and started walking away. That is until Bruce’s voice stops him in his tracks. 
“Nightwing. Or rather, Sangyeon. Thank you.” 
He hasn’t heard those words from Bruce either in a very long time. Every time they met, Mr. Wayne often gave him a cold shoulder as he tended to focus more on the mission and rather cut to the chase. But Sangyeon knew that he had always been like that—it was just his way of worrying about his former sidekick. And how Sangyeon will always have a special place in Bruce’s heart. 
Without turning back, he raised one of his arms and began waving. “I’ll see you around, Bruce. Don’t get caught next time.” 
Mr Wayne chuckled for the first time in a while. “I won’t.”
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A couple of days had passed since that day and it was time that the Bat Family took some time off to rest up and relax. 
Mr Wayne was stuck in his room most of the time, with Alfred constantly checking up on him—bringing him his meals and checking his vitals to ensure that he wasn’t pushing himself too hard during recovery. Knowing him, Mr Wayne is definitely the type to wander around and get himself busy even when he is in no shape to stand up or perform his daily routines as usual. 
On the other hand, you and Changmin have been spending as much time as you could with one another. It wasn’t easy when Alfred often dragged Changmin down to the sick room, claiming that he hadn’t fully recovered and had no time to play around. You had to muffle up a laugh whenever you see Alfred taking him away to his second home now. 
It was a relatively calm afternoon as you decided to curl up with a novel in your room. Every so often, you would be reminded of what Mr. Wayne had told you last night about everything that has happened until now.
First and foremost, he apologised for keeping you in the dark about Changmin’s condition as he was afraid of losing you as well, and he wanted to keep you safe from The Joker as much as he could. But when you encountered Changmin at the GCPD, he knew his secret wouldn’t last long. 
He has been keeping track of both of your movements even when he was away on league missions, having elicited the help of Alfred. When you helped Changmin escape from the lighthouse, he knew that The Joker was definitely going to target you next without a doubt. Hence, he decided to surrender himself as bait—knowing fully that you both would definitely come to the rescue. At the same time, it also saves time in finding out The Joker’s actual hideout. 
As much as you thought he could be insane at times, you knew his methods somehow always work, and he has definitely thought them through. Giving a little scolding to Mr Wayne was all that you could do before it was time for him to rest up. 
Returning to your novel, you slowly reached the story's climax until you felt someone gently hit your head with a book.
“Hey, what was that for!” 
“Someone has been too invested or daydreaming to the point that she hasn’t heard me call out her name for over 10 times now.” He crossed his arms while giving you a pout. 
“Ugh, please don’t do that face, for goodness sake.” 
“Why? Because you like it?” He purposely widens his eyes ever so slightly. 
“You need to go see a therapist for real, Changmin.” 
Standing up from your couch, you decided to tuck your book away before walking towards him and wrapping your arms around his waist. 
“So, what brings you here today?” You asked while giving a little peck on his lips. 
“Well.” He pecks your lips back. “Alfred said that I’m fully recovered and I should be able to return to my usual routine with no problem.” 
“Should. Changmin.” You emphasised the word.
“Hey, I’ll prove to you that I am one healthy man. What do you say? Shall we go out on our first date?” 
“Hmm, tempting. Where are we going exactly?”
“Well, for starters, I still have to treat you to your favourite Akamaru Ramen that I promised 5 years ago.”
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A/N: who knows i might cook up a nightwing Sangyeon fic in the near future 🤭
taglist: @deoboyznet @kflixnet @k-films @flwoie @hokupi @zzoguri @kyusqult @tinkerbell460 @cheonsafics @sulkygyu @jaerisdiction @lngwayup
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beefdogcoffee · 11 months
A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JIANG CHENG, THE BEST UNCLE TO EVER UNCLE, AND ONE OF THE YOUNGEST SECT LEADERS OUT THERE!!!! I know life hasn't trated him well, but he still made it! I hope he has the happiest birthday ever with alot of presents and alot more hugs🥹
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socksjinie · 1 year
✿ crime 101 — obsessions and taunts in red ink | taehyung
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Ⓒ socksjinie — all rights reserved. do not repost, translate or claim as your own.
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synopsis. blossom's life goes into a spiral when she discovers who she has been obsessing over all these years.
genre. powerpuff girls au ; taehyung!brick ; fluff ; angst
pairing. taehyung x blossom
wordcount. 2952
warnings. mentions of fights, beatings, and lots of unresolved angst
a/n. to celebrate the birthday of this really special girl, who is actually bubbles of my real-life ppg's friendship gang. have the happiest day, deo, i love you more than acing my grades, going for my morning runs, and keeping up with my schedule~ෆ
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contact with the Rowdyruff Boys had never been the same for Blossom as it had been for her sisters. 
while Bubbles viewed life and people from very early on with positivism that could blind her sometimes and Buttercup had always been one to know how not to mix business with pleasure, Blossom had continuously struggled with both approaches. 
she couldn’t remember Taehyung or his brothers much from when they were little, apart of course the trouble their dad caused around the city—something that she was always responsible for taking care of. her memories of him from that time to middle school were always tainted by the position both he and she occupied. 
they were leaders, even when still children. and while she definitely tried her best to lead her sisters to exemplary behavior, always doing their best to save the city and fight crime, Taehyung did everything opposite with his brothers, so it wasn’t a surprise she didn’t want much to do with him. 
in school, they were rarely paired in the same class. she remembers having more shared teachers with Jimin than Taehyung himself. if she were honest with her priorities, fighting Mojo and his kids was just a side thing for her, her grades and social position came always at number one. 
and boy, being number one made her act crazy… 
that was all she needed to do from the moment she was born. be the number one at fighting crime, be the one setting the example, be the smartest you can be… the list goes on and on, so it wasn’t a surprise that she took that perspective to her personal life too. the only problem was that contrary to her heroine side, in school, she always had the same exact rival to compete with. and that made her want to yank her hair off. 
while Buttercup most times came home with teacher’s notes to their dad, saying she was once again fighting or disturbing class because of Jungkook, and Bubbles would confess at night that maybe Jimin was different or that he wasn’t so bad like his brothers, Blossom had nothing to say. or to worry, really. 
none of the boys was a problem for her, the only thing she needed to sort out was why the hell she wasn’t always number one with her grades in school. 
she knew she had a perfect score, she was the leading student in her own class, but then every time the month ended and she passed by the official board, her student number was second. 
the frustration was consuming her, and it lasted a long while. Buttercup was always making fun of her, most often than not joking about siding with the star of the school as she nicknamed the mystery student to be. Bubbles laughed and went along with the jokes. and Blossom did everything she could to uncover who the number one person was. it became her side project, but to her dismay, one with zero results. 
no matter how she tried, begged, and even baked a full batch of her infamous chocolate cookies to give to her favorite teacher as bribery, no one ever gave in. “it’s against privacy regulations” was what everyone seemed to say when she approached the subject. 
by the end of middle school, she almost lost her head and went through with Buttercup’s plan to steal the information from the school’s office. thankfully that same night they got a call from the Mayor and fighting crime became once more her priority, leading her astray from breaking the rules.
but then, her prayers were magically answered. 
Blossom loved routines, and every day since she was old enough to handle her own money, she stopped by the Cherry Pop. she came to know it almost fatefully, due to a robbery that happened at the store many years ago. at the time a couple of records had been stolen, as well as some of the cashier's earnings, and of course, she found the money with the leader of the Rowdyruffs. it was to expect, but deep down she still thanks Taehyung for introducing her unknowingly to what became to be her favorite store in town. 
and now, here she was, going downtown right after classes to pay the store a visit. it was almost the end of the school year, summer was knocking on the door and the sun's rays were already litting up Townsville. Blossom decided to stop by Cherry Pop’s and listen to the new records she knew had come for the summer when it happened. 
it was a rule Professor—their dad—always insisted they followed: their powers were only to be used when needed. and right at that moment, she didn’t need to hear conversations with her super hearing ability. but she still did. 
right before coming out of the store, she spotted two of her teachers across the street, talking while pointing to something inside a dossier. it seemed like a harmless encounter between the two of them, that later developed into something school related. it was almost the end of eighth grade which meant the final results were about to be hung on that stupid board, and curiosity got the better of Blossom. so she perked her attention to the two of them and begin hearing everything. 
“... Ugh, he’s such a good student… And I bet if it weren’t for that misleading monster they call father he would be such a nice kid too.” 
she watched attentively as Miss Margaret sighed as she agreed. “I know… I wish there was more I could do for them. Somehow, giving him my dusty record player for saving me doesn’t seem quite enough.” 
that piece of information has Blossom’s eyebrows knitting so bad they almost merge together. 
“I just don’t know how he keeps it. Every time – His grades are always up there… I mean. When does he study if he’s always doing his father’s evil deeds and covering up for his brothers when the cops show up? I feel like they are constantly down in the station– At least that’s what Sharon says, you know, her husband works there.”
Blossom has always been quick with her thinking, and by this alone, she thinks anyone would be able to figure out they are talking about Taehyung. no one apart from the Rowdyruffs has an evil dad in Townsville or goes around doing evil deeds like Mr. Clarkson described. and it has to be him because Jungkook can’t even be discussed when it comes to his grades as he doesn’t care enough, and although the covering up part seems like a Jimin thing, she had been in his class last year, she has seen his grades and it doesn’t come without much effort on his end. what shocks her, however, is the part where Taehyung saves Miss Margaret. that isn’t a thing villains do, and she would know, she has been fighting crime ever since she was born. 
“He’s just… Gifted, I reckon.” Miss Margaret’s statement has her snapping out of her thoughts. “He isn’t much of a reader, but I noticed that if he pays enough attention he’s able to remember about the subjects… You must notice it too. Explaining it once to him is enough. That kind of annoying student that comes once in a lifetime, I guess!” she chuckles as Mr. Clarkson agrees. 
“Well, too bad he got that suspension for the graffiti thing… Otherwise, he would definitely come first on the board, once again. And he deserves it. With everything the kid has to go through… I can’t even imagine!” 
suddenly, Blossom isn’t able to focus on the conversation anymore. her world starts to spin in a way she didn’t deem possible. 
Taehyung, the leader of the Rowdyruffs, son of Mojo Jojo, a criminal to heart that she has been fighting ever since… ever, is apparently the star of the school. the student she has been most ardently trying to unmask. the person that she viewed as her most formidable opponent and if she was brave enough to admit, the person she at some point began admiring from a distance. 
it was like suddenly discovering the earth was flat all along. 
that night was hell for Blossom. she had trouble digesting the discoveries and bumping into the protagonist of them later at dawn wasn’t the best option for her fiery angst. the Powerpuffs had received a call about some troublemakers causing a ruckus in the middle of the night, and the cops were adamantly fixated on taking them to the station at any cost, even if said troublemakers had fled the scene of the crime—a graffiti pig dressed as a cop in a brick wall by a well-known bar. 
Blossom had suggested to her sisters they should swipe town apart to cover more terrain, and now that she straight up bumped into Taehyung down an alley next to the Cherry Pop she regretted her decision thoroughly. 
“You!” she grits through her teeth and watches how he turns his head, his side profile shining under the moonlight. 
“What about me?” 
Blossom doesn’t know what frustrates her most. from knowing he is the one she wanted to find so badly to his nonchalant attitude as he turns back once again and proceeds to draw on the alley with his red canned spray, every little thing seems to poke at her somewhat short fuse. 
“It’s you!” she exclaims frustrated, partially embarrassed for not having a grip on her confused emotions or a better thing to say. 
Taehyung looks back at her, a crooked smile adorning his features as he shakes the canned spray, “Uhm, it’s me…? Unless you’re seeing someone else, Red, I’m pretty sure it’s just me –” 
“No, idiot! It’s you as in you’re the student I have to compete with!” 
The boy was about to paint another stroke but halts completely. Under Blossom’s furious gaze, he crouches down to place his canister on the floor before facing her again. 
“You don’t have to compete with me, you want to compete with me. It’s a bit different, Red.” 
“I don’t want to compete with you! Up until fourth grade I didn’t even have competition. I was always first! And then –Suddenly you are always there in that fricking board! It’s my board, my first place!”
“Your first place?” He asks amused as he crosses his arm. “Didn’t seem like it this whole year… Or the one before.” 
Blossom bites the insides of her cheeks as she feels her pink eyes turning hot. the last thing she needed was to burn everything to the ground, including her favorite store, with her laser eyes just because of him. 
“It’s not so fun when people shove it to your face is it?” Taehyung adds. 
“That’s the difference between you and me,” she scoffs bitter, “I would never do such a thing.” 
“Oh, really? You seem to forget that I share the same powers you have, Miss Perfectly Right.” 
there is something hidden in his eyes that Blossom can’t quite figure out. he steps closer to her, and for the first time in her whole life, she views him as daunting, dangerous even. “And I remember quite clearly when you referred to me as a brainless kid to your friends on the patio, nothing but a pebble in your shoes. Guess I’m just fulfilling the description of the job.”
Blossom’s eyes fall to the damp concrete ground, searching for her past memories and balling her fists to the possibility of her being unjust with someone. but he was a Rowdyruff. they were the bad guys… so what if she called him an airhead? 
“You don’t even remember, do you?” Taehyung searches for her eyes as he scoffs. there is no ounce of anger in it like she expected it to be. he was just… disappointed. 
gulping down and sticking to her pride, Blossom shrugs. she did remember the moment now that he talked about it, and she did indeed make less of him but that was how she felt at the time, and at the moment she is still too reluctant to acknowledge he is any different than that. 
“Whatever. I guess it serves you right.” he kicks the spray canister he had been using to paint, “Good luck trying to be first from now on.” 
leaving no room for response, he flees the scene with a swoosh. 
Blossom’s shoulders sink and her world doesn’t stop spinning. just like that she is faced with the feeling that perhaps she is being the villain in someone else’s story. 
she hears the cops’ sirens from a distance and quickly retrieves the canister that had rolled up to the sidewalk, taking it with her as she flies home. 
for the months to come, Blossom keeps to herself. Taehyung isn’t in her class, again, and she is somehow relieved by it. the only time she sees him is whenever they have to fight each other and it always ends up being a rollercoaster of emotions for her. she takes the opportunity to release her pent-up anger toward him, but then, every time he ends up being arrested or badly hit by herself, her chest stings differently and she ends up returning home with a bad taste in her mouth. 
his good grades never stop coming nevertheless, which frustrates her to the point that even though she rarely bumps into him in school, she begins having trouble focusing on her studies. which is a first—one that she wished had never happened. 
and after the first half of ninth grade of her watching her world collapse around her, Taehyung decides it would be fun to poke at her wound a bit more and so he starts leaving badly drawn doodles of her face around school with words such as “wuss” or “loser”. 
at first, it was in her locker, which bothered her but not so much. a wet tissue resolved the problem pretty fast. but then when later on Patty Conklin started making a fuss for seeing it behind the gymnasium, the whole school started making funny faces as Blossom passed by in the halls. 
Buttercup threatened everyone with her looks as she started more and more coming to Blossom’s side in the hallways. and Bubbles was always turning the tables with reversible psychology or as she called it “leverage gossip”. but that was bothering Blossom more than Taehyung’s little revenge. 
she didn’t need people coming to her rescue. 
and so something in her blossomed. for the rest of ninth grade she fought harder, focused more, participated in more activities, studied better, and by the end of it not only did she come as a top student with several acclamations that their dad was sure to hang in their fridge but she also found her first boyfriend—Dexter. 
throughout the entirety of summer, she was able to put past her the whole Taehyung graffiti incident. she had managed to bump into him only twice, both being part of her job as he was once again involved with crime. and for the rest of it, she enjoyed going out with her sisters, or hanging with Dexter as they strolled around savoring milkshakes or the new records arriving at Cherry Pop. life felt normal again, the world was once more round and it spun her way. 
but then came the beginning of tenth grade. 
for the first time in years, she and Taehyung shared classes. not only that but someone in the secretariat thought it would be better for the students to have lockers placed near the classes they would be going to, and suddenly she had to see Taehyung’s annoying grin every morning before the first bell rang. their lockers being right across from each other. 
“Morning, Red.” he would say like a well-programmed clock as he leaned in his metal cabinet, red cap boyishly back, arms defiantly crossed. 
“Mind your business, Jojo.” she would hear Dexter approach like a knight in shining armor, scowling at the Rowdyruff, before she could snap at the boy herself. 
in return, Taehyung would send him a sly smile, not at all bothered by his presence. “Your panties already twisted, Dex? So soon? Sheesh.” 
and of course Dexter balled his fists annoyed, Taehyung knew how to get under his skin. Or everyone else’s for that matter. but Dexter also knew he was no opponent for a boy who could conjure fire with his hands, therefore his threats were just that... threats. 
“Go find yourself a wall to paint, airhead.” Blossom would come to the rescue and between her remarks and the way Dexter always kissed her cheek, placing his arm around her neck as they walked away, the smile would fade from Taehyung’s lips. 
although exhausting, it was a routine that Blossom was used to. she could even say that every time he would get into heated arguments with her while in class due to different points of view or better, due to pure spite, it was the fire she needed to boost her throughout the day. she wouldn’t change it. 
but it was only when he began missing classes the week after the Halloween party that she realized how much she didn’t want to change it. 
weeks turned to months, hatred turned into longing, and the heart she thought belonged to Dexter had always been in the hands of another. it had all been there, kept in a forgotten drawer much like the red paint spray canister with a cherry doodle that she looked at resentfully every now and then.  on its bottom, the words that taunted her for the years to come in his absence. Taehyung wuz here.
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lunetual · 2 years
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♡ HAPPY SOOBIN DAY ♡ wishing simply the happiest of birthdays to our best leader, the absolutely incomparable soobin. hoping for a year of happiness with plenty chances to rest and rejuvenate, and many, many reasons for throw-your-head-back laughter.
quick cc note: hehe........ i think u must all know the drill by now!! i will do my best to keep it quick but. i admit i do not usually succeed!
okay soobin and i... we go way back. in the way that you can go way back with an idol, in the way that i saw his intro video when it dropped, and can remember keenly where i was, sitting in a coffee shop in los angeles with my mom, puttering around before meeting with family for a funeral. auspicious! but in all seriousness. i remember thinking that he was just. SO adorable, and that he reminded me of. a puppy that hadn’t grown into itself quite yet. now, halfway through their first contract, soobin no longer reminds me of a puppy with too-big paws and ears but... sometimes i can still see flashes of predebut era soobin. :’) adorable. earnest. and eager to prove himself.
i think all of txt has grown so well, and i have all the faith in the world they’ll keep doing so. and i also think that soobin, for all he’d deny it, is such a huge reason for that. soobin bears the weight of leading big hit’s second ever boy group with such strength and steadiness and humility. i certainly wouldn’t have been able to do the same at his age, or now! and i think it speaks volumes that unilaterally the members chose him to lead them, and that their trust in him has been justly placed and upheld with great care. i think soobin’s greatest strength as a leader is his ability meet people where they are, and he has proved to be the perfect leader for a group like txt, who are all very distinct and different people, but manage to complement rather than clash. they’re a group where i don’t doubt that they genuinely enjoy each other’s company, and soobin cultivates that well with his own clear-as-day love for them that’s reciprocated in spades.
soobin is, as i mentioned before, inherently earnest. he’s honest. he may be shy but he’s always putting his best foot forward. he never hesitates to set boundaries when needed, and he’s protective of the people he loves. i think people look at him and instinctively understand that especially now, as he grows in confidence and gains a surer sense of self, soobin is always unapologetic in being who he is. when soobin said something along the lines of “i’m not going to beg for the love of people who dislike me” i think that really sums up the steely core he keeps tucked away under his dimples and silly laugh and his quieter nature compared to his members. just because he’s usually mild-mannered doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have a spine, and a strong sense of right and wrong.
i say this about all the tubatu kids but i feel so lucky to be on this journey, watching them continue to mature into just. really good performers, but more importantly, really good people.
i hope that this next year sees soobin grow even more confident in himself, in all areas of his life, onstage and off. i hope that he sees the fruits of his considerable efforts, and that any wishes he has for himself come true. i hope he gets time to relax, and to visit with his old friends, and that he continues to find fulfillment in his career and his personal life. and most of all, i hope his days are full of laughter and love and joy.
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heisenberg-simp257 · 2 years
Heisenberg❤️ Imagines and Headcanons
Savior in a Trench Coat
He Saved Me, But Why?
Landlines (Part 2)
The Bet
Knight in Shining Armor
He’s Jealous.
Advice from The Duke
A Fragile Heart
Leader of the Pack
Dense as Hell
Pushed Over the Edge
A New Life
Simple Enjoyment
To Love or Not Love
Night Terrors
Five Minutes?
A Good Father
A Moment of Peace
Lessons in Love
A Nice Evening
Maternal Instincts
Love Can be Painful
A Changed Man
The Illness
The Fear of Fatherhood
To Wait
The Power of Protection
Come to Bed, Darling
A Domestic Life
A New Arrival
A Downpour
The Blessings of Lord Heisenberg
Who Knew a First Kiss Could be a Last?
Heisenberg: An Emotional Analysis
A Love Letter?
DIY Wedding Rings
The Worst Kind of Family Meetings
Love Without End
You’re Really Not Lycan That
To Raise The Spawn of Lord Heisenberg
Moments of Reflection
Boulder-Punching Asshole
Lord Fashionista
Ethan Winters?
Just a Monster
Jealous Streak
Something Special
Chaos in the Heisenberg Household
To Have and To Hold
A Better Life
Forgotten Memories
This Isn’t a Family
A Heart Forged in Fire
Come Again?
Experiment Gone Wrong
The Dragon’s Keep
Village of Cruelty
Better Off Without Me
What Could Have Been
Mother Knows Best: Dimitrescu Edition
Words From The Duke
Fatherhood At Last
Nothing is Ever Lost
Second Drawer Down
Werewolves of Romania
Not All Who Wander Are Lost
The Terror of Darkness
It’s a Small World
The Fifth Lord
A Lonesome Morning
Once Upon a Time
A Start of Something Special
A Start of Something Special (Part 2)
The Night of The Ball
The First of Many
Electrical Problems? For Real?
And Baby Makes Three
Stalker Vibes
Simpler Times
The Happiest of Birthdays!
Holidays with the Heisenberg Family 🎄
Karl Heisenberg Being an Overprotective Dad when it comes to His Daughter and Boys
Heisenberg with an S/O who’s a Lycan Headcanons
Taking Care of Karl Heisenberg Headcanons
Karl Heisenberg with a Sex-Repulsed Asexual Reader Headcanons
Heisenberg’s Reaction When Asked to Change the Baby’s Diaper Headcanons
Heisenberg Comforts You About Your Eye Color Headcanons
Heisenberg Discovering Your Talent For Metal Singing Headcanons
Heisenberg’s Reaction to a Giggly and Affectionate Drunk Reader Headcanons
Heisenberg’s Reaction to His S/O Who Makes Him Little Trinkets
Heisenberg’s Reaction to an S/O with ADHD
Heisenberg’s Reaction to a Reader with a Very High Libido
Heisenberg with an MC Who Already Has a Daughter Headcanons
Post-Village Heisenberg with his S/O Headcanons
Heisenberg as a Grandfather Headcanons
Heisenberg and a Fem!Reader Who Doesn’t Like Wearing Traditional “Feminine” Things (Dresses, Skirts, High Heels, Makeup, Perfume, Ect.)
Heisenberg with an Insecure Reader Headcanons
Being BFFs with Heisenberg Headcanons
Self-Aware Heisenberg Headcanons
Heisenberg’s Reaction to You Crocheting Him a Sweater Headcanons
Headcanons For Heisenberg Who is Madly in Love With the Reader, Who Works as a Gardener at Castle Dimitrescu
Living in Heisenberg's factory Headcanons
Heisenberg with a Lawyer S/O Headcanons
Heisenberg with a Reader Who Adores His Experiments
Heisenberg with a Fifth Lord Who has Plant Powers Headcanons
Heisenberg with a Reader Who is an Absolute Ray of Sunshine Headcanons
Heisenberg With an S/O Who's Obsessed With Themselves
Karl Heisenberg with an Elegant S/O Headcanons
Halloween with the Heisenberg Family
Cute Heisenberg Headcanons
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winterflwers · 1 year
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happiest birthday to the love my life and the best leader ever, kim namjoon ♡
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onceuponaloonatic · 1 year
i'm bored at work and i thought up this little samo moment for my new fic. sorry it's unpolished i wrote it on my lunch break lol. please let me know any comments (or constructive criticism i'm working on revising the fic rn) !!
(and if your new here here's the stuff i've posted so far for my new fic 1 || 2 || 3 || 4)
tw: angst
“Are you recording?” Sana giggled as she looked up at her best friend.
“I’m coming, I’m coming.” Sana smiled when her wife emerged from the kitchen. Momo had a huge smile on her face, and Sana resisted the urge to swipe at the frosting on her cheek. Sana moved behind Nico’s high chair, smiling at the confused look on her baby’s face.
“Here you go, princess Nico.” Momo put a tiny bright pink cake down in front of Nico. There was one lit candle burning, and Nico seemed entranced by it.
“1,2,3 Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you,” Sana sang her heart out, moving her face next to her daughter’s. As she sang she nearly melted at the huge smile on Nico’s face. “Happy birthday dear Nico, happy birthday to you.” Sana and Momo both blew out the candle at the same time. Nico erupted in giggles, reaching her hands out and digging her fingers in the cake.
“Nico-chan.” Sana giggled, reaching for a paper towel while Nico tasted the frosting all over her hands.
“Let her have fun, Satang.” Momo giggled. “I made it baby sized, just for her.” Momo pulled the candle out of the cake, smiling as Nico watched her every move.
“Mama!” Nico screamed as Momo kissed her cheek.
“Go crazy Nico-chan.”
“Should I still be recording?” Nayeon laughed from behind the camera.
“Yes!” Sana and Momo both answered at the same time.
“Okay okay.”
“Is it good?” Momo giggled as Nico continued to stick her hands in the cake, bringing handfuls of chocolate cake and frosting to her mouth. Momo put one finger through the cake, tasting a little bit of frosting. “Oh no wonder you love it, I did an amazing job.” Momo smiled.
“So confident.” Sana rolled her eyes, moving over to Momo’s side. “It looked good, thank you for making her birthday cake.”
“Mm-hmm. Want a taste?” Momo offered her finger, which was still covered in frosting.
“Sure.” Sana smirked, wrapping her arms around Momo and pulling her into a kiss.
“Eww you two not in front of the kid!” Nayeon whined, Sana and Momo just flashed her a grin as Nico shoved cake into her mouth. “I’m turning this off, you two are disgusting.”
Sana felt tears running down her cheek as the video cut to black.
She knew she shouldn’t be watching videos like this, but she was in a nostalgic mood that night.
It all started earlier that evening. Nico was feeling the effects of sitting at home all day, and in her boredom, she had decided to “make” a parade. She used string and toy cars to create floats for her stuffed animals to sit on, and had paraded across the living room for nearly an hour after dinner. She had even made herself a paper crown and designated herself the line leader. Her stuffed animals kept falling off, and Nico kept pausing to put them back, but Sana thought it was the most adorable thing ever. She took video after video of her daughter, praising her for her adorableness and creativity throughout the entire performance. Nico exhausted herself in the ordeal, so she went to bed early while Sana showered her with kisses. After cleaning up Nico’s toys, Sana had decided to go through her footage.
It didn’t take long for her to fall down a rabbit hole of Nico content. Her album for her daughter was not as big as she wished it was, it was hard to take adorable pictures and videos of her little girl when she had been in and out of hospitals her entire life. Sana tried not to take photographs that would make Nico sad later in her life.
At first, the photos of her daughter’s happiest moments had made her heart feel full, if not a little nostalgic. Nico was growing up fast, and even if there were hard times Sana just wished to press pause on her daughter’s childhood. She was waist deep in her emotions about her little baby growing up when she started coming across pictures with Momo in them. It didn't take her long to stumble across the video from Nico's first birthday.
They all looked so happy. Everyone was smiling, and Momo still looked at Sana like she was everything in the world.
Seeing Momo act like the woman she had fallen in love with again, even if it was just a video, made it feel like her heart was breaking all over again.
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faceglitchsworld · 1 year
It's the 17th of August here, which means that the best leader was born today.
Happy birthday Yonghoon 🥳
Have the collage I made for him 🥹
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The P A I N I went through for finding the pics you have no idea 😭
Google tricked me idk how many times with Kanghyun, believe me. I searched his name and the Pingu fanboy came instead, I don't trust my eyes anymore 😭
Anyway, despite my official blindness, I'll leave the letter for him now.
Dear Yonghoon,
It's been a while since your last update from the military. I must confess, even though I know that next year you'll be back to us, it seems like it's been an eternity since you enlisted.
I remember the shock I had when I heard the news. It was inevitable at the time, I knew that at some point you should have gone but still, it looked like sudden news regardless. Onewe are incomplete without your voice, Yonghoon.
But I also remember how you cheered us and told us that you'll manage to keep in touch with us in a way or another. And you did it. You really did it, Yonghoon.
I remember how my eyes were on the merge of tears when I saw you singing for your colleagues at the training camp. Your hair was freaking short at the time, a true bald scalp 🤣 But despite that, seeing you singing Universe_ in front of your colleagues, receiving applauses and love for your talent made me relieved a little.
Then I saw some group pictures from the training camp and I saw how happy you looked and how you got along with your colleagues so easily. Honestly, I'm not surprised by that, you've always been Onewe's social butterfly to me and I will not be surprised if you made a new friend there.
And I remember how, when "Still Here" came out, you called Giuk during the live and you sang a little bit of the song. It was another moment where I really felt how much I missed you. And I thought I would have been strong enough to endure your missing.
I look up every message and post you left on the fancafé, every time you perform with the military band, I'm searching every clip just to hear your voice again. I even listen to the little audio bits you left almost every month. I don't even check up the translations anymore, I just listen to your voice and that's it because I really missed you and I want you back.
Almost a year ago I decided to give you the title of Best Leader because of these actions. Since then I have met other amazing leaders who work hard for their role and keep the group together. But you...you're always the best one for me. I can't wait to see you with Onewe once again.
2024 is very near and when I see you being discharged I think I'll be the happiest Weve in the world. This is my birthday wish for you today. I wish to see you healthy and strong when you'll be back.
I hope this day will be bright and you'll spend the best time ever with your colleagues. And eat a lot of food.
Happy birthday, Best Leader ❤️
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stephstars08 · 2 years
First thing I am going to say is that I am so proud of Joe! In only just three seasons in the NFL Joe has accomplished so much! HE’S UNDEFEATED AGAINST THE CHIEFS! (Sorry I had to say that😜). I remember the night Joe got drafted like it was yesterday! Joe shows why he was drafted number one overall. Last season really reminded me of his final season at LSU. I remember hearing during the off season in 2021 that not many people were on the bengals because they weren’t sure how Joe was going to play because of his knee, he shut those people up real quick which is what he’s best at! If only people would realize, when you talk shit about Joe, he’s going to make you pay for it! Joe is confident which I love because that’s what a leader it! A leader needs to have confidence and Joe is the person that has the most confidence for that team! I love hearing his teammates talk about him! Joe is such an inspiration that I love seeing him interact with fans especially kids. I remember during training camp my mom came to me and showed Joe sitting in his car talking to a little boy and girl! That warmed my heart so much I couldn’t stop smiling at it! Another moment that made my heart warm was during a prime time game Joe signed this one little girl’s sign that said she came all the way from a different state to watch him play. Instead of having someone from the broadcast team take it back to the little girl he did himself! Joe inspires so many little kids! Not going to lie, Joe inspires me a lot as well. He inspires me by not ever giving up! Joe has fought many battles! Jim and Robin raised an incredible man! I love seeing his parents in the stands at his games! That’s another thing that warms my heart! Joe is my MVP! I know one day he will win MVP and I know one day he will win a Super Bowl! WHO DEY and Happiest Birthday To Joe Burrow!🧡🎁
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(All photos from BurrowDaily on Instagram!)
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oceana-official · 1 year
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liked by poison.ivy and 2,478,278 others
im_skye unnie!!! Happy birthday!!! Thank you soo much for being the best leader we could ever ask for!! Thank you soo much for being a shoulder we could lean on for the past almost seven years!! Thank you for being there with us during our most happiest and darkest moments!! I love you soo much and I'm soo proud of you!! Happy Birthday love!! 💜💜
view all 338,792 comments
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taglist: @stealanity @riikiblr @skz-libby
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minhypen · 1 month
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Minyoung (ENHYPEN) Profile & Facts
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Minyoung (민영) is a member of the Plus-One boy group ENHYPEN who debuted on November 30, 2020, under HYBE Entertainment.
Stage Name: Minyoung (민영) Birth Name: Park Min-Yeong (박민영) English Name: Madison Park Japanese Name: Arai Mizuki Position: Female Center, Sub-Leader, Main Dancer Birthday: December 23, 2003 Zodiac Sign: Capricorn Chinese Zodiac Sign: Sheep Height: 170 cm (5’6) Weight: N/A Blood Type: B MBTI Type: ESTJ (Her previous result was ESFJ) Nationality: Japanese Ethnicity: Korean Solo Fandom Name: Min-ions Representative Emoji: 🐰 Mic colour: Sparkly white
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Minyoung Facts:
She was born in Osaka, but she studied in a Korean all-girls school rather than a Japanese one
She has two representative animals, cat because of her eyes and bunny because of her teeth. That's why she's sometimes called a 'cat-like bunny', but bunny is the more often used nickname
Minyoung's mom made her take English lessons, so she is somewhat fluent in English
She used to play for her school's badminton team and even won gold in some inter-school tournaments
She has the second shortest training period in her group, training for only 10 months excluding I-Land
Her nicknames/titles are Pradagirl because of their ambassadorship, Alive Barbie-doll because of her perfect visuals, Minnyang-ie because of her resemblance to a cat, given by her members and Maddy Hopps because of her resemblance to Judy Hopps from Zootopia, given by her fans
She is said to be someone born for the stage, because she seems her happiest when she's performing
She is very close with her sister, who came all the way to Seoul with her when she started her training (Minyoung's birthday live, 2021)
Being an ARMY since 2014, Minyoung picked BTS's RM as her biggest inspiration
She said she wants to learn how to play the drums and the guitar, if she ever has time
She used to be very popular in her school for being on the badminton team, so she always recieved chocolates from the girls in her grade on White Day
Minyoung's pet is a white ragdoll cat named Tsuki (I-Land ep. 12)
Her favorite color is white, but beige is a close second
She is known for her luck that always helps her at the right time. Her members gave her the name Golden Hands because she always picks the best option during a random draw
She has admitted that she's the worst at flirting among all the members
Sunghoon said that Minyoung likes to go out a lot and can easily make new friends, describing her as a perfect extrovert
She likes to read books in her free time and is a big fan of the Harry Potter series. She has a 3-foot bookshelf filled with novels and also has E-Book apps on her phone
Her childhood dream was to become like Tiana, who is her favorite Disney princess
She would like to try writing and composing songs for a change from her usual contribution of choreographing
Likes: sweets, Korean hot dogs, Disney, plushies, sports, the color white, Enhypen, Sunghoon (Self-Revised Profile)
Dislikes: coffee, carbonated drinks, bitter things, unorganized bed, bugs, needles, slimy things (Self-Revised Profile)
(Details as of December 2023)
Is Minyoung your Enhypen bias?
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RELEVANTS POSTS Minhypen Universe | Career and Discography | Relationships
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© MiNHYPEN   (  𝒶ll 𝓇ights 𝓇eserved  ) kindly read the rules before interacting
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purplesurveys · 1 month
Do you live with your biological mother?  I do.
Have you ever tried peanut butter and bananas together?  No, I don’t like fruits and really love peanut butter so this has always sounded terrible to me.
What kind of music do you tend to like?  I’m all ears with K-Pop these days, but occasionally I’ll go back to English songs haha. I like songs with a darker indie/folk vibe, think the likes of Coldplay’s High Speed.
Do you enjoy listening to Eminem?  Not really. I don’t dislike him, it’s just that I don’t listen to a lot of rap in general.
What color are the sheets on your bed?  Beige.
Are you a member on Bzoink?  Eh, I was more a lurker than anything. I probably made an account when I was like 11, but never used it again and after that I just used it un-logged in and to look for surveys.
Do you believe in sex before marriage?  I don’t believe in it per se, it’s just that I wouldn’t bat an eye towards it.
When was the last time you went on a shopping trip with just your mom? March, but it was barely a shopping trip. We just went to a store to get a grand total of one gown for a birthday party we were invited to lol.
Do you agree that Wal-Mart is the best?  I would have no clue; I've never been.
Do you know anyone who married their high school sweetheart?  None yet but there are like two couples from my high school that's left standing, and I'm pretty sure both will lead to marriages at some point haha.
Orange or apple juice?  Orange.
Have you ever seen anyone die?  No, but it's one of the things I'm scared of having to experience. I know it's inevitable, so I'm dreading the first time. 
Is there anything really interesting in your family history?  Without doxxing myself, we had connections to the Spanish elite during our colonization years and I come from a family who governed and still currently governs one of our provinces.
What things are you interested in that you study or read about on your own?  History.
Have you ever given or received a lap dance?  Nope.
Would you ever creep into the subway tunnels to go exploring?  No thanks.
Would you rather be a world political leader or a rock star?  Uh rock star, I guess. Anything to keep away from politics lol.
Have you ever given someone a love letter that you wrote?  Sure. I used to give my ex one every Christmas as it doubled as a thank you letter for the year that passed.
Have you ever sent someone a surprise through the mail?  No.
Of all animated movies, which is the best one you’ve ever seen?  Toy Story :)
What are the best bands or songs to listen to while driving?  I'd be heavily biased because my answer would be BTS haha.
What is the happiest way you can start your day?  As long as it's a morning where I don't need to report to work, my morning is really happy enough.
What changes are you afraid of?  More people I know dying the older I get.
Have you ever wanted to be an actor/tress?  Never crossed my mind.
What is your biggest goal for this year?  Just saving as much money as I can. And getting insurance as I'm finally putting in the work to understand it lol. I was so financially irresponsible my first 3 years working that I'm just hyper focused on making up for it now.
Where do you want to be in 5 years? I hope I've travelled more by then. It would be awesome to imagine doing a different job by then, but that remains to be seen. I've been saying that the last 1-2 years now but I'm still here, so idk.
If you were traveling to another continent would you rather fly or take a boat?  Fly.
Where is the most fun place you have EVER been?  Chatuchak market in Thailand has to be up there. I've never had a bigger blast shopping haha. Hoi An in Vietnam too! The Cafe Apartment in Saigon was also so much fun to explore.
If you had to choose would you live on the equator or at the North Pole?  I already live near the equator so uh that I guess.
Get anything good in the mail recently?  I got RPWP last weekend!
If you could pick one food that you could eat all you wanted but it would have no effect on how much you weigh, what food would it be?  Pork belly.
When you see a stranger on the street does your first reaction lean towards thinking of this person as a potential friend or as a potential threat?  Threat.
What do you really want to buy?  I'd love to upgrade my phone for the bigger storage.
Do you know what you want to be when you grow up?  I wanted to be a writer, and I'm doing a lot of that now.
Who was the last person you cut out of your life intentionally?  My exxxxx.
Do you like watching scary movies?  They're okay.
Do you know how to fish?  Nope.
Have you ever been given a rose?  Yes.
Do you eat live fish?  Never tried it.
Would you get engaged right now?  No thanks.
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wonwooridul · 2 years
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happiest birthday to k-pop’s, seventeen’s and carats’ bestest, most talented, loving, sulkiest and cutest leader ♡ so so much love and respect for him ♡ truly the best person ever ♡ #CheersForScoupsDay
cr. x x | open for hd
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sk2lton · 3 years
hi~! i enjoyed your "second choice" post ㅠㅠ would it be okay if you make a version where the vice dorm leaders don't hold any romantic feelings for reader? like, they found out as a "pure" (for lack of better word) best friend?
thank you so much! ♥
in reference to this post. vice dorm leaders with a friend that likes their dorm leader!
꒰ note: hope you enjoy anon<3 please tell me if i misunderstood this req, ill fix it!! ꒱
— warnings: gn! reader, none
— characters: trey, ruggie, jade, lilia, rook, jamil 
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✿。 trey 
— you like riddle? he's happy for you! he's the best person to go to for advice on how to confess, what to get him for birthdays, and more. he's very supportive and can't help but try to bring you two together. he wouldn't want to meddle too much, but he'd drop the occasional hint to riddle. cue riddle ignoring it because he doesn't understand what trey is getting at. 
— if you wanted to bake something to give to riddle, he would definitely help you. he knows riddle well so he knows what he likes and what he doesn't, and is more than happy to share that information with you. he would also tell riddle good things about you and riddle's just confused because what does this have to do with alchemy class? it could end up in a possible misunderstanding.. but he didn't mean any harm, he swears! 
— he's great with advice in general. you think riddle is acting differently? he'll know why. he's able to decode riddle's thoughts on the fly with minimum inaccuracy.
✿。 ruggie 
— he'll be one to tease you relentlessly. unlike somebody else... jade.. on this list, he would cease his teasing about your crush while you're in front of leona. come on, he has a heart! sometimes, he'll lead on as if he's going to tease you about it in front of leona, but he never does. 
— he's actually really supportive, although it may not seem like it! he cares about your happiness and leona's. if you needed any help, it would come at a price, but he would definitely try his best to help you. 
— i see him as somebody who's not very well versed in romanticism, so often he just blanks at most of your questions, but at the end of the day, he's trying. he'll often tell you where leona is when he's skipping class in case you'd like to join. additionally, he'll leave you two alone whenever you're talking to each other.
✿。 jade 
— jade is unfazed. he would probably tell floyd, then teasing from both of them ensues. their teasing is never-ending, even in front of azul. although when azul is around, it's more subtle, but still brutal. 
— he'll drop the occasional hint while you're in front of azul and watch as you desperately try to cover it up. my face is red because i just got back from flight class, jade.. then nervous laughter because all of them know you didn't have flight class that day. 
— despite seeming like he doesn't really care, he'll encourage you to be honest with azul. if you ever need advice on anything, he'll always respond with the best guidance he can give, and he'll reassure you too!
✿。 rook 
— he's excited for you! "love's a beautiful thing, isn't it?" he'd definitely offer to help get you closer with vil, and even give information on what he likes and what he doesn't. like trey, he'll just try to be the most helpful he can to you. 
— although, unlike trey, rook will also take vil's feelings into account so he'll try to ask vil some questions about what he thinks about you. he wants both of you to be the happiest you can be, so it would be very unfair of him if he only listened to how you were feeling! 
— i can see him also helping you set up a place to confess because he insists it must be in a beautiful place! he'll also help you with your outfit if you'd like. but, he'll do that only after he knows that you have a chance because he doesn't want you to prepare something nice just to be rejected.
✿。 lilia 
— you thought jade would be the worst to find out you like his dorm leader? wrong. sure, jade is bad with his teasing, but lilia's teasing is entirely different and arguably more embarrassing. as malleus' guardian, he'll constantly joke about how you're not good enough for his son, but it's all in good fun. 
— whenever he sees you talking to malleus though, he'll sneak up behind you, hanging upside, and surprise you. he would probably tell silver, but silver is so indifferent. it seems like he doesn't like the idea of you crushing on malleus, but don't worry, he's just playing around! 
— he's the type to hype you up to his friend like you're a celebrity. malleus, did you know that they once... then half the time it's something you didn't even do. then malleus is just so confused because it came out of nowhere and you never told him you could juggle while on a tricycle. when lilia makes up things about you, it's never something typical like "they're really smart," and it's always something like how you used to wrestle sharks in your homeland to tame them. is it believable? no. but does it entertain him? yes.
✿。 jamil 
— are you sure? he'll ask. do you know how clingy and high maintenance he is? try spending a day in my life and you'll understand. he'll continue to say. he's just astonished, but he doesn't show it outwardly. on the inside, his jaw has dropped to the floor similar to a cartoon and his eyes are bulging out of his head. 
— after he gets past the initial shock, he'll be very indifferent to it, though it might cause him some inconveniences workwise since you're around kalim a lot more so suddenly he has to make a meal for two. he wouldn't really mind your crush on kalim, as long as you helped keep him at bay. 
— don't expect any advice unless you beg him for it. he really isn't interested in your crush on kalim, so he wouldn't be really inclined to help, unless, as mentioned, you kept kalim at bay. only then, he'd probably pitch in a few words of advice.
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enhasfever · 3 years
➪ pairing: jungwon x gn youtuber!reader
➪ genre(s): cotton candy fluff
➪ tw: none
➪ wc: 2.5k
➪ in which for your boyfriend's birthday, you make a heartfelt video just for him...and for hundreds of thousands of others to see, also.
➪ a/n: 🥺 happiest birthday to one of my two sons, one of the many loml's, the bestest tiny leader, yang jungwon. (reposting this again bc the formatting was not working hhhh-)
you pop into frame with the cheesiest smile on your face, your body bouncing as you land on your unmade bed. "my boyfriend is an old man today!" you announce to the camera with over exaggerated jazz hands. "so, to celebrate his day of aging, i've compiled a bunch of my favorite jungwon moments that have been recorded and you all can sit back and relax with some snacks as you watch." your smile never leaves your face as you hold up a large envelope with the contents inside safely hidden from the camera's view. "and i have a special surprise planned at the end of the video. happy birthday, wonie!" with a swipe of your hand and expert editing from your end, the scene slides away into the first clip you've chosen.
the scene opens up to the same spot in your bedroom, except this time both you and jungwon take flying leaps into your bed and nearly land on top of each other. "hi, lovelies!" you greet enthusiastically as you wave with both hands, jungwon mirroring your actions. "due to popular demand after seeing the video i did with riki, i've brought my dearest jungwon to participate in the best friend tag." on the screen pops up over a dozen comments you'd taken from the tag you'd done with riki where your fans nearly begged for you to do the tag with 'the cute tiktok boy' they'd seen briefly in riki's version.
you turn to jungwon. "how does it feel to be the internet's most wanted tiktok boy currently?"
jungwon's brows lifted slightly in amusement as he looked from the camera to you, then back to the camera once more. "uh–"
"great," you interrupted with a loud clap of your hands, "let's get started then!" jungwon fell into a fit of laughter as he shoved you in retaliation for cutting him off. the clip cuts to later in the video after the more tame questions had been answered. "okay, pick a mini challenge to do together right now," you read from your phone before looking up at jungwon expectantly.
jungwon purses his lips in thought before his eyes light up and he sits straighter. "the chapstick challenge," he states confidently.
your eyes grow wide. "i– you do realize we have to kiss for that, right?" you clarified.
jungwon nods, a sly smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. "mhm," he nods. "it can't be that bad to kiss me, right? would you rather do it with riki?"
you're left visibly speechless as you continue to stare into jungwon's unwavering gaze for some few seconds longer before you wordlessly get up to retrieve as many chapsticks as you can find around your room. you come back with a decent handful of them and hesitate as you watch him close his eyes, waiting for you to apply the first flavor to your lips for him to guess.
you choose one and make a few swipes on your lips before capping the stick and dropping it back into the pile beside you. "okay, i'm ready." your voice audibly trembles slightly as you speak and you can see the way you begin to anxiously wring your hands in your lap. jungwon, however, is as cool and collected as ever as he opens his eyes only to close them again as he gently takes your chin between his thumb and index finger and tilts your head up slightly to meet his lips in a kiss.
the scene quickly disappears and reappears with the two of you sitting side by side once again, having edited out the next couple of kisses and the confession from the original video. "okay, so this has officially turned into the boyfriend tag!" you announce cheekily before reciting the first question. "how long have you two been together?" jungwon snickers and nudges you playfully as you check the invisible watch on your wrist. "about two whole minutes, i'd say," you answer your own question.
the clip cuts to a new video where you and jungwon are already in frame with art easels positioned in front of each of you. off screen, your laptop plays one of bob ross's painting tutorials which you both are trying desperately to keep up with.
"oh my god, wait, where did that tree come from?" you cry out between jungwon's loud cackles as he watches you trying to hurry and finish your clouds. "i looked away for three seconds, i swear!"
"do you want to pause it–"
"no!" you answer defiantly as you rush to clean your brush, "that takes away from the whole point of the challenge."
"i didn't realize this was a challenge..." jungwon trails off, his eyes still never leaving your canvas as you begin to slap on some green paint for the tree that had magically appeared in bob's painting. his loud laughter rings once more as he points to your painting. "it looks like a warped kermit the frog!" he wheezes out much to your displeasure.
"oh yeah? well yours looks like–" you seethe out semi-playfully, whirling around to make fun of his own tree only to find that he'd done it almost identically to the one bob had painted. your pouting expression only deepens much to jungwon's amusement. unable to come up with a valid critique, you resort to your last defense and stick your tongue out at him childishly.
without missing a beat, jungwon lifts his brush and swipes the remaining green paint down the bridge of your nose. your expression morphs into one of shock, then suddenly you're both attacking each other with your respective paint brushes. it then cuts to a later part of the video after your paint war had ended where you're both heavily concentrated on the tutorial with green paint stains littering both of you in various places.
the next clip cuts in mid-video where you and jungwon are both already at the convenience store with various snacks in the basket. you're manually carrying around the camera as you two walk through the store together and can't seem to stop making horrible food puns.
you pan the camera down the aisle quickly as you lightly jog to catch up with jungwon who is standing at the other end. "there's all of this food yet the only snack i see is..." you turn the camera to face you as you stand next to jungwon so it catches you both in frame, "me, of course." you smile widely as jungwon glances at the camera, then down at you as he thumps you on the back of your head.
"someone's got to keep you humbled," jungwon smiles a little in satisfaction as you pout dramatically and rub at the back of your head. but, much to your surprise as it shows on camera, he leans down and kisses the back of your head where he had thumped you and plants an extra kiss against your temple before turning to wander down a different aisle.
a wide grin takes over your face before you turn the camera to start capturing the store once again as you follow mindlessly behind jungwon. "but i am still a snack, right?" you call out to him, the audio vaguely picking up an affirmative response.
the next video opens up with you and jungwon both sitting in the car together, you in the driver's seat and him in the passenger's seat. you look completely relaxed and laid back in deep contrast to jungwon who seems like he's about to go into cardiac arrest.
"calm down, won, i haven't even started the car yet," you tease. "besides, there's barely anything for me to crash into. well, aside from that bush down there... and that lamp post in the middle of the lot... and that giant storefront behind us–"
"okay, just start the car!" jungwon groans, though the smile that creeps on his face is telling of his underlying excitement for the event ahead. without objecting or making a witty remark, you simply turn the key in the ignition and listen as the vehicle rumbles to life. "okay, now push down on the brake pedal while you shift the gear into drive."
"how do i– oh, you mean the PRNDL!" you beam, catching on to the instruction easily as you hold down the brakes with your foot and reach for the gear shift.
jungwon blinks and looks over at you with the most deadpan expression he can muster which doesn't last for too long as soon as you make eye contact with him. you both burst out laughing before you can even manage to put the car into drive.
"you really took the chance to reference that audio, didn't you?" jungwon shakes his head fondly, then changes his voice slightly as he completes the viral audio for you. "let's just relax and turn on the radio! would you like AM or FM?" he reaches up to suddenly turn the radio on, the abrupt loudness of the music making you visibly jump in your seat as uncontrollable laughter spills from your lips.
the clip cuts to a later point in the video after you'd been driving around the vacant parking lot for a bit. jungwon seems visibly more relaxed as he slouches comfortably in his seat.
"what if i just start doing donuts?" you wonder aloud as you drive the perimeter of the lot, quickly catching your boyfriend's attention as he sits up alertedly in his seat.
"please don't," he pleads seriously much to your amusement as he reaches over to grab your arm.
"will you at least buy me donuts after this?" you asked, batting your lashes for dramatic effect as you take your eyes away from the parking lot for a brief moment.
"i will if you watch the road and don't get us killed!" jungwon shrieked, his eyes growing wide as he quickly turned your face forward once more. sheer panic sets in your eyes instantaneously and your foot slams the brakes on, sending you both lurching forward in your seats dangerously.
it's silent for five whole seconds before you turn to jungwon and begin to shake him by the shoulder roughly. "there was nothing in front of us, you maniac!"
the final clip cuts in and you're traveling through your house with the camera in hand. "so," you clear your throat as the hoarseness becomes evident, "guess who tested positive for covid?" you make a sad face at the camera and point to yourself. "i've actually been in quarantine for a few days already, but i really–"
you're cut off by the sound of the doorbell which genuinely startles you as you glance offscreen towards the general direction of your living room. taking the camera with you, you fall out of the view of the screen as you venture to the front door. some shuffling is heard as you open the door, then a small gasp comes from you followed by a series of giggles. the camera then lifts up to show outside of your screen door where jungwon stands at the bottom of your porch with a giant smile on his face and a fast food bag clutched in his hand.
"eat with me!" he calls out, pointing to the bag of food he'd left for you outside of your door.
your laughter continues as you open the door and take the bag of food and the drink before reentering your home and letting the door latch closed again. jungwon pads back up the few concrete steps and sits down comfortably on your house's welcome mat, the glass door safely separating the two of you as you take a seat on the other side.
"you're crazy," you chuckle softly behind the camera as you find a good place to set it up to capture the two of you in frame.
"i just miss you," jungwon pouts as he begins to take out the food he had ordered for himself.
"it's only been three days, wonie," you smile as you find a good angle for the camera and finally start pulling out your own food.
"i can still miss you," he argued playfully before leaning forward and smushing his cheek against the glass. "give me a kiss."
you roll your eyes with a small smile before pressing a kiss to your fingertips, then to the place where his cheek is pushed against the door. "there," you hum, watching with the biggest heart eyes as he sits back with the most satisfied smile on his dimpled face.
the original video takes place on the screen once more, except this time you're in a different room. more specifically, a different house. the camera is set up near the end of a bed that isn't yours and shows you sitting in the center of it with the contents of the envelope scattered around you. a spool of twine and a bag of clothespins also occupied the space with you as you sorted through the many small objects.
"okay, so this is part one of jungwon's birthday surprise — this video is going to be part two after i upload it." you turn to the camera and hold up a few of the objects which can now be identified as polaroid photos. "he knows i've been obsessed with taking polaroid photos recently so i gathered up my favorites and i'm going to tack them to his wall. he'll be able to see my lovely face in his dreams," you smile cheekily and begin measuring out the length of the twine.
as you begin to pin the polaroids to the string, you hold up one to the camera every few moments and tell a summarized story of when and why that particular photo was taken. in almost no time at all, you have two full strands of polaroid photos of you and jungwon hung on the wall above his headboard. just as you finish tacking the last strand to the wall, the vague sound of the bedroom door opening catches your attention and you glance off screen as a wide smile makes its way onto your lips.
"what are you doing?" jungwon's voice chuckles as you hurriedly wiggle off of the bed to run off screen and greet him.
"happy birthday, wonie!" you shout animatedly before pulling him onscreen. "say hi to youtube," you direct, pointing to the camera which jungwon waves at before he turns to assess the work you've done. "you'll see part two of your birthday gift by tomorrow at the latest."
soon, you're being scooped up off your feet in a giant bear hug as jungwon spins you around before landing on the bed with you. you're both a laughing mess as you fall on top of him, and you just spend the next few moments looking into each other's eyes before you share a delicate, sweet kiss. the video ends shortly after with a heartfelt message written across the black screen from you to jungwon.
© enhasfever
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