#harley and cecil are friends
just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
No one:
Absolutly no one:
My brain at 3 a.m: But what if Carlos was the Batfam support scientist and Cecil was a rogue but like the way Waylon eating cops to save his comunity is rogue behavior?
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constellama · 1 year
Being a podcast fan is so funny when you have other podcast listening friends and you’re trying to get them into another podcast but you only have other podcasts to compare it to.
Yeah you should listen to find us alive. It has the vibes of wolf 359 but also the humor is comparable to red valley I think. Yeah Dr. Harley is like Eiffel but without the same trauma and pop culture. No he still has the drinking problem. He’s like Eiffel if Eiffel spoke like Cecil Palmer. Yeah him and Dr. Klein are like Eiffel and Minkowski but reversed. Then again Klein’s unprofessionalism is almost on par with Clive Shill. Minus the extensive and creative insults. Yeah and then there’s Agent Love she’s like Melanie King if Melanie was smaller and more angry. And then there’s Dr. Lancaster who kinda reminds me of Martin. Martin but American. Yeah you should listen to find us alive.
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dontbelasagne23 · 2 months
Truly no one is doing non canon yaoi like harlanc from find us alive.
What happens when you take a gay theatre kid psychologist who feels an unhealthy personal responsibility for everyone around him and give him a Cecil palmer from nightvale sounding man who works in communications, who has an alcohol addiction, a desperate need to be useful and a love for theatrics?
You get an insane ship dynamic with stupid funny lines such as:
“tell me about your feelings Harley I have a saw!”
“(Amused exasperation)”don’t touch my stuff what’s wrong with you?!”
And painful lines like “(more desperate than angry) I don’t fucking care about the cut lanc. Why didn’t you tell me?!”
“You’re not supposed to handle it by yourself. Thats why we have team members.thats why we have therapists. That’s why we have friends Orion”
“Your running from the problem Harley-”
“You’re the problem Lancaster. I’m running from you”
(Yeah these quotes are all from the same scene sue me it’s their best angsty scene)
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qibsichan · 3 days
Poppy Playtime’s Lore (Smaller Bodies)
Not all of this has been said in Smaller Bodies but I’ll elaborate in Destroy-A-Toy. For now, here’s a post both for my own reference and for anyone keeping up with the AU!
First off, Poppy’s real name is Cecilia Ludwig.
Here are some reasons for the name Cecilia.
Floral and fancy, delicate
The name “Cecilia” means “blind”. Same root as Cecile or Cecily. As a character, Poppy is extremely ignorant and blinded to the world around her.
Implies that poppies are not her origin (which they’re not)
As you can tell by the surname, she was the daughter of Elliot Ludwig. I’ve had this headcanon for a very long time but don’t think I ever officially wrote it in… Cecilia’s death caused Elliot so much pain he became enclosed in his office; not sleeping, not eating, not showering. Clearly unfit as a founder and CEO. This let people like Harley Sawyer and Leith Pierre get into the company’s higher spots.
Ludwig doesn’t care about the experiments or the cruelty they suffer. He cares about getting his kid back. He’d be great friends with Afton just saying
Anyway, Cecilia was six when she died. I’m not sure how she died but as symbolism it may be something optical or brain-related. That would also make Poppy’s perfection more impactful.
Destroy-A-Toy would be PERFECT to explore this since the plot centres around a toy pruning!
And I can imagine her being all
“EWWWW they don’t work right…”
“No one works right, Poppy.”
“I do!”
“…you’re the only one.”
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phoenix--flying · 2 years
hello I'm on another TA rant 🤞
We only have five canon TA members who are named, Luke Castellan, Chris Rodriguez, Ethan Nakamura, Silena Beauregard, and, Alabaster Torrington. So I'm gonna expand on these guys as well as introduce some other canon characters I hc as former TA members who returned to/joined CHB and when they joined the TA.
Luke, Silena and Chris were in the army from the start, after TLT. Ethan joined during BoTL. We don't know when Alabaster joined.
I've headcannoned that Alabaster and Ethan left CHB after TLT through the Labyrinth entrance by Zeus's fist, there they were just kinda rogue until around TTC while they're separated, Alabaster runs into a scouting group from the TA and is brought to Luke. He joins at 14/15.
The other canon kids I hc as former members include ; - Ellis Wakefield - Mitchell - Valentina Diaz - Cecil Markowitz - Lou Ellen Blackstone - Clovis - Harley
allow me to explain 🤞
Ellis, Mitchell and Clovis were picked up by the early TA while they were alone, before they came to CHB, Luke explains what they are and who the TA is and what they're fighting for. They join the TA. All three of them remain in the TA until the war ends.
Valentina was an unclaimed demigod in the Hermes cabin, resentful and angry and wondering who her mother was. When Luke left, whe followed. She also stays in the TA until the war ends.
Cecil was, also, an unclaimed demigod in the Hermes cabin(like dude rlly) when Luke left, he was inclined to join but he didn't want to leave his friends. But when Chris tells him 'Hey, I'm leaving. Feel free to IM of you decide you want to come.' he decides to join. He stays in the TA until the war ends.
Lou Ellen was again, an unclaimed demigod, or that's what most people thought. Hecate, unlike most gods, make her children aware she is their mother but warns them that she can't claim them due to the lack of respect, naturally, this annoys her children. So when Alabaster disappears and Cecil decides to leave, she follows. She stays in the TA until the Andromeda explosion, then she leaves. She doesn't rejoin camp until a few weeks after the war ends.
HARLEY 💖💖💖 this is based on an idea from @m4gp13 in the server 🤞 As we know, in SoM, the Princess Andromeda was populated with misted mortals. Harleys mortal family, his mother, her husband and their kids, were in those misted mortals. It isn't until Harley starts to notice the monsters do the TA realize he's a demigod. Harley is happy to stay aboard when they drop the mortals off when they explain that he's a demigod. He stays until the end of the war.
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undeath1245 · 1 year
The disassembly drones' former names
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I figured that I would share this headcanon with all of you sooner or later. You know each of the disassembly drones’ serial designations? Well, what if their letters were based off their former names back when they were worker drones? And I’m not talking about the first letter of their names. I’m talking about the name of the letter in each of their names. For example, N’s former name was probably either Kenneth, Bennett, or Leonard, and V’s former name probably either Venus, Vivian, or Genevieve. J’s former name was probably either Jamie or Jane, the latter of which I was initially going for Mary Jane (yes, the same name as the famous supporting character from Spider-Man). I’m unsure about CYN or Cynthia, though, largely because that she probably died long before the events of the series that she wasn’t converted into a disassembly drone. Besides, for all we know, she was going on a crazy, murderous rampage that she had to be put down. And if she was converted into a disassembly drone, her designation might be either C from the first letter of her name or T from a phonetic of her name (Cynthia).
The former names should go as followed:
A – Ada, Eva, Avery, Abraham, Adrian
B – Beatrice, Bianca, Phoebe; Sabine
C – Caesar, Cecil, Casey
D – Diesel, Delia, Deanna, Heidi, Nadine
E – Edith, Eden, Elaine, Ian
F – Efrem, Jeffrey, Stephanie
G – Giovanni, Georgina, Regina, Eugene
H – Rachel, Horatio
I – Isaac, Ivan, Isaiah, Ivy, Iris
J – Jane, Jamie, Jayden
K – Katie, Kayla, Casey
L – Eleanor, Elliot, Elias, Elvis, Elmer; Bella, Angelica, Melanie, Danielle, Michelle; Denzel
M – Emma, Emerald, Emmett, Emmerich, Clementine
N – Kenneth, Bennett, Benedict, Leonard, Henry
O – Ophelia, Olivia, Odette, Opal
P – Peter, Penelope
Q – Cueball, Queue
R – Archie, Armand, Charles, Harley
S – Essence, Estelle, Esther, Jessica, Lester, Marquess
T –  Christina, Valentina, Misty
U – Ulysses, Unity, Eunice, Eustace
V – Venus, Vivian, Genevieve
W – Winston, Wilson
X – Xavier, Rex, Alexander
Y – Wyatt, Wyvern, Wyoming
Z – Ezekiel, Lindsay, Suzie
I also want to share that I used to have a theory that J, N, and V used to be regular secretary drones before being converted into disassembly drones, as well as my former headcanon that N used to be friends with his assigned human coworker.
Anyway, that’s all I have for this headcanon for now. This might be re-edited soon, but if you’d like to add in some additions, feel free to do so in the replies and reblogs. You can use this list as an outline for your OCs if you want. And I’ll see you all next time.
P.S. If Uzi were to transform into a disassembly drone, should her designation be either U or Z?
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b33viemm · 2 months
1.) what’s the first podcast you listened to?
Seriously/regularly? Probably TMA
2.) what’s a podcast you’ve cried over?
Uhm. TMA
3.) Favorite podcast pet? (Idk if that’s worded weird but like if one of the characters has a cat or smth)
Man... I think Dumptruck is kinda silly... potato creetur...
4.) what podcast has the best soundtrack/music?
Music specifically I feel like I gotta say woe.begone. It has its OWN REAL SONGS
5.) what’s a podcast that you really like but find it kinda hard to follow the plot?
WOE.BEGONE. I'm not done with it and so far it's good but like. What the fuck. How does this go to >150 episodes.
6.) what characters from different podcasts do you think would be friends?
Agent Love and Tim (goober shenanigans)
7.) what characters from different podcasts do you think would hate each other?
Hot take I actually think Jonah would be really annoyed by Clive Shill. He would hate Clive Shill.
8.) what’s a podcast where you mix up the characters voices?
Sometimes I get people from SCP: FUA mixed up but I think I'm better at all the podcasts in general.
9.) what’s a podcast that you know the characters so well you can recognize their breathing?
Uhm. TMA...
10.) what’s a podcast that you wish you could listen to again for the first time?
TMA. I kinda spoiled myself and I was paying attention as much as I should've, so I failed to put together a lot of stuff the first time around.
11.) what’s a podcast you’ve listened to more than once?
TMA. I think it's like... 4? 5? times now.
12.) what’s a podcast you wish more people listened to?
SCP: Find Us Alive!!!!! I love these people. They're so queer and neurodivergent...
13.) what do you like to do while listening to a podcast?
I know people struggle with this but I often times just lay there and listen and not do anything. I can't read or anything like that or I'll get distracted, but I've played games at the same time before.
14.) who is a podcast character that you love?
Uhm. J...j...j...on...
15.) who is a podcast character you can’t stand?
Basira. I fucking hate you Basira...
16.) what songs do you associate with a certain character/podcast?
Jon e than Sims...
17.) what’s a podcast that you can’t stop thinking about?
TMA all the time... but also WOE.BEGONE cause what the fuck.
18.) are their any podcasts that you regret listening to?
Nope! Hopefully never.
19.) whose your favorite podcast couple?
Is it predictable to say Jon and Martin... I also love Harley and Lancaster.
20.) whose a podcast character that you think would dress really cool?
Is cool the right word the describe Cecil Palmer. He would dress... uh... if you know you know.
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mrsnazariowrites · 2 years
The Edge of the World: Chapter 19
Perfect Match AU - Damien x MC
Supporting lyrics are from Within Temptation’s song- Dangerous.
Rating: M, Word Count: ~ 1780
Summary: Backed into a corner, there is a nasty surprise in store . . . but for who?
For more content/to catch up, see my Masterlist! And if you’d like to be tagged in anything, let me know
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It's dangerous to sacrifice,
It makes your blood run to throw the dice
It's dangerous, it's what you like
It's what you'll fight for to live this life
As soon as Harley grabbed Maya, everyone sprung to action. Damien had pursued them, but before anyone else could follow, Cecile's guards charged at them from all sides. In spite of that, the group was holding their own surprisingly well.
Hayden, Dames, and Steve  formed a protective ring around their friends, taking the brunt of the guards swarming them, and tasing whoever they could. With their superior strength as their biggest advantage, they stood their ground and flanked the guards at their respective sides. Sometimes they switched to grabbing at any that tried to sneak up on their friends, tossing them into the walls of nearby cargo containers. 
Sloane hung back with Nadia, clutching Dipper as she looked for some means of escape. "They're coming in from all sides!" Sloane exclaimed. "There has to be something we can do!"
There was a grunt nearby as Alana tossed a guard into a  pile of boxes. She stood in front of them, knocking down any who got too close. "Yeah," She panted, maintaining her defensive posture. "Any chance you can convert your friend's arm into a sonic cannon or something?"
"No, Matches aren't designed for that!"
"Well we need one!"
A large foghorn sounded from a distance. Sloane looked in the direction it came from and felt her heart sink.
A moderately sized boat was approaching the docks. Not too far behind was a larger ship, floating further out. "Oh no," she said. “The ship’s here." That got everyone else's attention and they began to falter. Was this it for them? 
Noticing their deflated expressions, the guards slowly stopped their assault and looked in the same direction. A smirk appeared on the face of one of the more aggressive guards. "Perfect timing. Surround them, now!" At his command, the guards began to group up, closing in on them. 
Sloane and Nadia were holding each other's hands, shrinking back behind Steve as they tried to quell the fear rising in them. Steve grabbed a pallet and lashed out, knocking a few of the guards away. "Back off!" He snarled. "I won't let you hurt them!"
Suddenly, Dames doubled over, a pained gasp escaping him. 
Hayden caught him before he could fall. "Dames?! What happened?" He watched in alarm as Dames clutched at his chest, groaning as his eyes glossed over.
"No, Dames! Not now, please not now!" Nadia shook him roughly despite his taller build. "We need- hey, get off me!" She recoiled from a guard reaching to grip her arm. Steve lunged at the guard manhandling his girlfriend, but several tasers were already pointed at him before he could get close. Hayden tried to balance between supporting Dames and swinging at anyone coming near him, but it was futile. 
Sloane rushed to help, only to be stopped by a pair of arms grabbing hers and locking them behind. She looked around, panicked, as the crowd parted for Cecile. 
Cecile strode towards the struggling group. "You’ve got guts, Sloane. I’ll give you that.” The sarcasm was evident in her tone. "But you've lost. You're outnumbered. Now give up, before I consider adding to the list of charges I have against you. It already looks like a novel as is." She took another two steps forward, sneering. "If it’s any consolation, there’s someone I plan for you to meet. You’re in for quite the reunion."
Sloane knew exactly who she was referring to and a sense of deja vu overcame her - a terrible memory that was stirring an unusual anger within her - all it took was that condescending tone and now in lieu of fear, she was seeing red.
Four years she'd worked under her, went along with policies that defied everything she believed in - a fact that was more apparent with everything new she'd been discovering about Eros lately - all because she'd been too scared to stand up for what she believed in.
Clenching her fists, Sloane glared fiercely at Cecile. "So charge me," she hissed.
Cecile smug expression froze for a second. “Excuse me?”
"You're a terrible boss and a terrible person, Cecile! At this point, jail is better than ever working with you again!"
"Hmph. You're really not the same person I recruited four years ago.” She cocked her head to the side, smiling thoughtfully. “Rowan wasn't kidding when he praised Match #109's success." Then she nodded to the guards. "Cuff them and get them to the boat. I bet Harley’s rounding up the others right now."
Everyone braced themselves for the inevitable . . . a pin drop silence followed.
When nothing happened, she whirled around to face the head guard. "Do I need to repeat myself? Get them!"
And then to everyone’s shock, he twitched in place and slumped to the floor. 
BANG! And another guard went down.
Cecile nearly dropped her tablet as she looked around wildly. "What the hell?!" The guards manning the docks were gone. One of them was being tossed overboard by a young blonde woman.
The woman turned in their direction, locking eyes with Cecile, then with Hayden. "Now!" She yelled, without missing a beat.
And just like that, the docks erupted into pandemonium. Out of nowhere, several other people jumped out from behind the surrounding cargo containers and charged towards Cecile’s battalion. 
The group watched, flabbergasted, as guards were picked up and tossed aside with impressive strength. Any blows coming their way were blocked and countered with ease while also protecting their comrades in an obviously coordinated effort. 
Hayden looked between the newcomers and Cecile as he tried to remember if he’d seen them before. The young woman who'd ordered the attack came into view and he felt a peculiar twitching sensation in his head. 
"Is it just me or do some of them look familiar?" Sloane piped in. 
Hayden watched the woman closely, more curious now. “I don’t know, where could-" Suddenly, the woman appeared in front of him.
"Hayden Young?"
He perked up at that. She mentioned my name first, not my serial number. "Um . . . yes?"
"My name is Hailey." She said, "We're here to help you."
He felt Nadia move beside him, but then held out his arm, stopping her as he watched the woman hesitantly. From the way they'd first targeted the docks and were now making their way through the quagmire of guards, it was clear that this planned attack was against Eros.
What wasn’t clear was the who or why of this scenario. 
Or whether this was all another trick.
"Prove it."
The woman reached out and placed her hand on his shoulder. Hayden noticed a haze of white in the corner of his vision and before he knew it, an image of a control room flashed before his eyes. 
The light blue computer lights gave the area a futuristic glow. In the middle was a flat table with metal straps hanging down the sides; human figures lined the walls of the room. Their closed eyes then opened one by one.
"Intruder . . . Intruder."
There was another flash of white and then- 
“Go, Maya! Take the others and run! We’ll hold them off! Once you’re clear, we’ll head to the generators and give Eros your regards.”
Hayden blinked rapidly as his vision cleared. When he looked back up, the blonde woman was still standing there, smiling at him.
"Remember me, now?"
"Wait, what?!" Hayden blinked in surprise. The woman hadn’t moved her mouth but he’d heard her voice nonetheless. "What- how are you doing that?"
"Sloane linked our minds so we’d stop doing Eros’ bidding remember?" The woman actually spoke out loud this time. 
"Oh . . . I see. We did something similar with Dames. So you can see everything I see."
"Kind of. But more of that, later. We have to get moving."
Just hearing that felt like a huge weight was being lifted off his chest. Then he turned to his friends who were still watching, confused. 
"They’re the Matches we freed from the Arctic!" Hayden exclaimed. "The army Eros tried to turn on us."
Nadia let out a cry of relief. "Well what are we waiting for?! Haul ass everyone! We have to find Damien and Maya!"
At that, Dames tugged at Hayden's shirt, having managed to recover from his episode. "I'll go, I know where they are." He said, still clutching at his chest. "The rest of you go with Hailey. You'll be safe with her people."
"By yourself?" Hayden looked to his friends, then back at Dames again and shook his head. "No, I'm coming with you. If Harley tries to pull another fast one, you'll need backup."
"Whatever you do, make it quick." Hailey said curtly. She pointed in the direction of several other Matches that passed by, carrying heavy crates. "We can't stick around here for long."
Hayden glanced at the crates and had a slight idea of what they were planning to do. "Got it. Just focus on getting everyone else out of here."
Not needing to be told twice, Alana rushed ahead with Steve, Nadia and Sloane following closely behind her. Hailey led them along, quickly dispatching anyone who tried to flank them. Soon enough, they got closer to the edge where a small lifeboat was waiting for them . . . as was a very furious Cecile.
She had barely recovered from her shock and was looking wildly between her guards and these newcomers; her hair and clothes now frazzled from being caught up in the chaos around her. She began typing frantically into her tablet, simultaneously yelling orders and demanding to know what was going on. It was honestly comical to see someone who was usually so put-together falling completely apart.
At least it would be more-so if Sloane wasn’t equally angry at her for everything that had happened.
Cecile noticed them approaching and rounded on them. "You!" she pointed aggressively, shoulders quaking in rage. "You just wait, I'm gonna ruin your pathetic-"
Without a word, Sloane yanked the tablet from her hands and swung it back around, smacking it square across Cecile's face.
Everyone watched, astonished, as Cecile lost her balance and tipped over the edge of the docks, landing unceremoniously in the murky waters below where she was soon entangled by the vines and algae. 
"Jesus, Sloane . . ." Nadia gaped at Sloane, who shared her expression.
A slight smirk spread on Alana's face. "You really are full of surprises, Glasses."
"I . . . don't know where that came from." Sloane said shakily. "But it felt good."
Hailey looked like she was about to say something else, but then just smiled and gestured to the boat. "After you . . ."
We're going on and we'll never stop
We're going on till the worlds collide
It’s dangerous, dangerous, so dangerous
@darley1101 @burnsoslow @sawyeroakleyscowboyhat @flowerpowell @queenbirbs @sfb123 @choicesfanaf @park-nazario @kat-tia801 @kingliam2019 @missameliep @moonlightgem7 @my-glitter-heart @princess-geek @rookiemartin @rainbowsinthestorm @xantheaugustine @squid-princess-teach-swallow @lilyoffandoms @choicesficwriterscreations
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novemberwasgrey · 4 years
Do you have any Hermes cabin headcanons?
Most Hermes boys have curly hair
Julia and Alice accomplished the biggest prank of the century: when the Hermes cabin finally got bigger to welcome more campers, they secretly paid little Harley and Leo for them to build a secret room under their bunks where they could hide everything they steal from their siblings. Wallets, Travis' fav sweater, Cecil's shoes laces... Everyone is still fighting accusing each other of stealing their stuff, not knowing their sisters got them good
Leo is friend with most of them. They're familiar with the mechanism Leo displays: making jokes to hide your pain
Because of the myth of Hermes stealing Apollo's sacred cattle, Cabin 7 and Cabin 11 are the ones in charge when they do a BBQ
All the Hermes kids who knew Luke forgave him and considers him as a hero, except for one person: Travis. When Luke left camp dragging Chris and most of their older siblings in his army, he also left an incredible amount of responsibilities on Travis' shoulders since he became cabin counselor. Travis had to deal with everyone panicking, younger ones who didn't understand the situation crying and asking for Luke constantly, other campers frowning upon them because they're the traitor's siblings, etc. For years until the end of the Titan War, he'd been emotionally and physically drained on a daily basis not saying anything, not even to Connor because he didn't want to burden them all. That's why he's also one of the only demigods being friends with Drew: he knows she feels the same about Silena.
Not all of them are mastermind pranksters, most of the time it's the Stolls, Julia and Alice dragging everyone in their crazy ideas and then you have Chris and Cecil fixing their messes being like "we're not involved in any of this! Sorry for them!"
They know millions of ways to sneak out of camp without anyone noticing... Especially to go to the McDonald's across the camp's road. Nico is usually with them.
If one of their pranks gets too harsh, they instantly apologize and deals with the consequences: One day Travis and Connor pranked Clarisse by locking her in a closet for hours. What they didn't know is that she's claustrophobic (most Ares kids are but she's even more since the Labyrinth). Everyone wondered where she had gone and they ended up cracking up and revealing where she was. Clarisse's brothers, knowing how bad her anxiety was, ran to the closet she was locked in and found her petrified against the wall after having a panic attack. The Stoll apologized for hours, especially because Chris was so furious he almost threw them in the lake, but they did feel bad. Clarisse eventually forgave them after using them as punchingbags for training.
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askthetoppatclan · 4 years
What do you mean they're basically improvised? They are great! They couldn't possibly be practically improvised. (Sorry if this sounds rude)
Oh, it is, trust me. Let me give you some fun facts, under the cut, because its long:
-At first it wasn’t even planned that there would be an overarching story, but then the blog got so big that I decided to make a bigger story out of it
-Edna was at first supposed to be an unredeemable villain that was madly in love with Terrence, kinda like Harley Quinn, her beta design also showed that she had white instead of pink hair. That was abandoned though to make her still evil but also more sympathetic and instead give the main villain role to other people
-The royal toppat clan came only into existence because The Boss and Edna needed a group to belong to, they can hardly take the clan down by themselves. The Oracle and Papageni were made because I wanted very eccentric and easily recognizable characters that are also kinda intimidating. Also I thought it was fun to kinda counter the gender steretypes, with The Oracle being bald and Papageni having hair
-I came up with the Oracle by myself because I thought space themes and third eyes would look cool and make her unique. Papageni is inspired from the german opera The magical flute. There is a bird catcher named Papageno who found his love Papagena. They say in the opera that they would make many little Papageni’s. Naturally, all of Papageni’s 14 siblings are also named Papageni
-The Boss‘s design was undecided for the longest moment. At least the face reveal. I thought of multiple things but was never sure which one to take or if I should go for a screen or with what Right Hand Man has. When I got the idea for a full head screen I thought it was perfect for an intimidating reveal and the character, given that his expressions are sometimes the most detailed. It’s also cool because nobody can be sure now who he really is
-Seth wasn‘t planned to have a very big role, but he got so popular that I kept him longer in the story
-Clarkson was designed to be male at first, but then I went with a more androgynous design and make them agender. To make them mute was also a very late decision that I really liked
-Sanji was mostly supposed to be comic relief, but their mini story gives them just the right amount of importance
-I’ve grown to really dislike Dave because of a discord server I’m in, which is why he isn’t as prominent anymore. It was also a spontaneous decision to make him a member of the Toppat Clan.
-Cecil has mood changing hair because I couldn’t decide on a hair colour I liked. I went with the orange-brown first and then didn’t like it much anymore, which is why I went with mood hair.
-Papageni can’t read. He grew up in the woods with no education. The Oracle is teaching him. The two are also very close friends. The Oracle likes him in a romantic way but doesn’t pursuit it
-Lillia was at first supposed to be a minor character that gives edna motivation. Her sexuality and relationship also changed quite a bit. At first her and Right Hand Man were dating which is the reason why Edna hated her, but I abandoned that and instead made them good friends. Then I thought Terrence may have taken advantage of Lillia, but I also abandoned that, because I went with Terrence not being awful, just misguided and being a friend to the group. Then I decided to have Lillia and Carol Cross have a relationship before Lillia died. That is also the reason why Edna impersonated Carol. She knows her well and also likes her well enough because she made her sister happy before she died. Carol also hates Terrence
-There are multiple pictures of Reg in my folder where I forgot to draw the mustache on
- This entire escape room scene was planned, but the exact details are also improvised: The things I wanted to implement are: -Reginald seeing a more realistic version of himself in the mirror -Reginald coughing up the key Yeah, that’s kinda it. It was at first planned that Reginald’s more realistic version guides Reginald through a TV puzzle, but I scrapped that because of everything that had already happened.
-At first Reginald was supposed to face The Boss in the riddle duel, but I went with younger Reginald instead for more symbolism. My second idea was that it would be the boss at first before he would take the robotic head off to be younger Reginald, but I got scared people would think the boss is actually younger Reginald and I didn’t want to deal with that.
If you guys have any other questions feel free to ask them xDD
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randomfandomnerd · 4 years
Sunshine and Shadows- Chapter 2
Nico woke up to the sound of manic giggling. Groggily, he sat up and rubbed his eyes. He slipped out of the bed, moving towards the curtain with the hope of finding food. The blue material was ripped back and, to his surprise, Harley barged in, slapped a smiley-face sticker onto his t-shirt, and left again, still giggling. Nico looked up to see a smirking Cecil at the next bed over, sporting his own smiley sticker.
“Will thought it would be a good idea for him to visit and lift the spirits of everyone. He’s been hovering near for a while, because I told him you should wake up on your own, rather than with his help”
Nico responded.
A seemingly amused Will came in with a tray of plates of food, which he proceeded to hand out to the various inhabitants of the infirmary.
“You look so grumpy”,
he chuckled, narrowly avoiding a small Apollo child who seemed to be imitating Kayla by holding a clipboard and marching around on their tiptoes with a small bow strung to their back and the torn leaves of a very green plant on their head.
“Lillie, remember what I told you. No weapons in the infirmary!”
Lillie turned around and proceeded to aggressively skip out of the infirmary, knocking a side table over in the process, and scattering leaves along the floor. Kayla sighed, and put down her clipboard in order to clean up the damage.
“Sorry about that. She really wanted to help”
Will sighed and shook his head, before turning to Nico and setting a plate of food on the table near his bed. Upon closer inspection, the plate had an alarmingly high number of plants. Nico huffed, before selecting an apple and taking a bite from it, mumbling his thanks.
"So what am I meant to do now?"
He asked.
"Well, for a start, breakfast should be more than one apple."
Will replied from where he was putting away a pile of music sheets. Nico felt a pang in his heart, remembering how his mother used to teach him and Bianca to play the piano. Nico could never coordinate his fingers properly, but Bianca played beautifully, and he had liked to sit and watch her, mesmerised by the music. After she died, it was hard for him to listen to music, because it was unfair that music should continue when the people who made him love it were gone. People like Annabeth and Percy could save the world over and over and they still had each other and a billion other friends. Nico had nobody. Not really.
A soft voice broke him from his dreaming, and Nico realised that he was blending in with the shadows. Desperately grasping at the bedframe, Nico drew his gaze up to Will's. The son of Apollo's eyes were blue like his father's, yet less startling. They were more muted in colour, calming and reassuring, just like him. Will tilted his head, and Nico, realising that he was staring, dipped his gaze to fiddle with the apple core in his hands. Will's hands reached out, and took the core, his fingers brushing against Nico's, before withdrawing while the blonde boy apologised gently. Nico waved him off. Everything he touched was destroyed. It was in his nature. He would do all he could to stop that from happening to Will Solace.
Will, it seemed, had other ideas.
“Nico, try sitting down. I’m really sorry. I don’t know what I’m doing. Gods, I’m so stupid, what kind of doctor am I? I should have researched more. How can I help if I haven’t researched? I’m sorry”
The son of Apollo was pacing back and forth and he had a length of bandage which he was wrapping and unwrapping around his wrist. Until he saw him on Half-Blood Hill, Nico hadn’t realised how stubborn Will was. Now, he was beginning to notice that the blonde was constantly self-doubting himself. It was normally less obvious than this, when he would always make jokes about how he was no use in battle because he was ‘just a healer’, but now it was clear that he was insecure about even his healing abilities. Sometimes it was easy to forget that Will was only 15. Sure, Nico was around the same age, but people were constantly calling him "kid", or on one memorable occasion, "young gloomy cupcake" (Coach Hedge had some interesting nicknames), but Will had gone from 2nd-in-line to head counselor in an incredibly short span of time. Nico still felt Bianca's loss as if it were yesterday. He couldn't imagine having to go through that twice.
When he had first arrived at, Camp Half-Blood, he had thought that being a demigod was the coolest thing that had ever happened to him, but now he frequently wished that he could have stayed in the Lotus Casino forever, with Bianca, oblivious to the world outside.
Plato once told a story about a group of people that lived inside a cave, only able to view the world from shadows projected onto the cave wall. One of them decided to leave the cave and found the world outside to be full of joy and wonder. When they returned to tell the others, they couldn't persuade them to leave the cave, because the shadows showed the outlines of terrible monsters and they didn't think it was worth the risk.
Nico had stepped out into the real world, but the joy and wonder was overwhelmed by pain and grief. He wanted to return to the shadows. There, he couldn't be hurt, and he couldn't hurt anyone else. It would be so easy to just slip away, it was so much easier leaving than coming back.
The worried voice cut into Nico's mind and fractured thoughts. It seemed bizarre that anyone would be worried for him.
"Nico, stay with me"
Will sounded urgent, like he couldn't bear the idea of Nico leaving. Nico recalled their earlier conversation, when Will had said that he wasn't stupid, because he'd decided to stay. Nico looked up into Will's frantic eyes, that somehow calmed him even when the owner was panicking, and decided that he would make an effort to stay, even if it was harder than leaving.
Link to pt 1:
@rainbow-sheepofthefamily @luna0713hunter @percabethfangirl @emava04 @seven-halfbloods
@nightmareghosts (sorry i didn't tag you earlier, your user has changed since you asked me to tag you)
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gaycey-sketchit · 3 years
Harley, B?
Unrealistic, but hilarious headcanons are honestly the main ones I have for Harley.
He’s good friends with Drew’s moms and opts to not mention this to Drew until one day the coordinator squad is chilling at Solidad’s place after a Grand Festival, Drew mentions that he’s going to go home for a while and Harley is casually like “tell Cecile and Ruby I said hi” and Drew chokes on his tea.
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ao3feed-petermj · 4 years
by RubyHunterOfArtemis
Peter Parker, along with seven other demigods are sent on a quest to save one genius billionaire playboy philanthropist from the mother spider, Arachne. Not without getting advice from the most legendary demigods to date; The Seven, of course. Will Peter Parker and his new friends be able to save this Avenger, all while hiding his secret identity, Spider-Man?
Heroes of Olympus and MCU crossover AU
Words: 1394, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Iron Man (Movies), Black Panther (2018), Ant-Man (Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Peter Parker, Michelle Jones, Harley Keener, Shuri (Marvel), Cooper Barton, Lila Barton, Cassie Lang, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Tony Stark, Ned Leeds, Athena (Percy Jackson), Apollo (Percy Jackson), Hades (Percy Jackson), Hermes (Percy Jackson), Hephaestus (Percy Jackson), Iris (Percy Jackson), Hera (Percy Jackson), Artemis (Percy Jackson), Arachne (Percy Jackson), Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson), Grover Underwood, Jason Grace, Piper McLean, Leo Valdez, Nico di Angelo, Hazel Levesque, Frank Zhang, Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, Malcolm Pace, Jonah Shawl (OC), Kayla Knowles, Austin Lake, Harley Kai, Nyssa Barrera, Connor Stoll, Travis Stoll, Cecil Markowitz, Chris Rodriguez, Butch Walker (Percy Jackson), Kyle Sanders (OC), Lilijana Monroe (OC), Chiron (Percy Jackson), May Parker (Spider-Man), Taffeta Keener, Abby Keener, Ramonda (Marvel), T'Challa (Marvel), Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne, Maggie Lang, Jim Paxton (Marvel), Clint Barton, Laura Barton, Nathaniel Pietro Barton, Pepper Potts, Happy Hogan, Billie Ng, Madeline Jones, Tiny McKeever, Mr. Robinson, Kako, Thalia Grace, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, Fleecy, Psyche, Wanda Maximoff, Vision (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Loki (Marvel), Carol Danvers
Relationships: Michelle Jones/Peter Parker, Cooper Barton/Cassie Lang, Cooper Barton & Lila Barton, Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds, Harley Keener & Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Harley Keener & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Clint Barton/Laura Barton, Shuri & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Peter Parker & Shuri, Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson, Hazel Levesque/Frank Zhang, Jason Grace/Piper McLean, Calypso/Leo Valdez, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Harley Keener & Tony Stark, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe) & Tony Stark, Clint Barton & Lila Barton, Cooper Barton & Laura Barton, Nico di Angelo/Will Solace
Additional Tags: Hunters of Artemis, Vibranium (Marvel), Anthropophogus, gigante, kobaloi, orthrus, Crocotta, Keres - Freeform, Spiders, Prophecy, Wakanda, My First Fanfic, Heroes of Olympus and Marvel crossover
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 4 years
Athena’s Spider
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3lziJRJ
by RubyHunterOfArtemis
Peter Parker, along with seven other demigods are sent on a quest to save one genius billionaire playboy philanthropist from the mother spider, Arachne. Not without getting advice from the most legendary demigods to date; The Seven, of course. Will Peter Parker and his new friends be able to save this Avenger, all while hiding his secret identity, Spider-Man?
Heroes of Olympus and MCU crossover AU
Words: 1394, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Iron Man (Movies), Black Panther (2018), Ant-Man (Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Peter Parker, Michelle Jones, Harley Keener, Shuri (Marvel), Cooper Barton, Lila Barton, Cassie Lang, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Tony Stark, Ned Leeds, Athena (Percy Jackson), Apollo (Percy Jackson), Hades (Percy Jackson), Hermes (Percy Jackson), Hephaestus (Percy Jackson), Iris (Percy Jackson), Hera (Percy Jackson), Artemis (Percy Jackson), Arachne (Percy Jackson), Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson), Grover Underwood, Jason Grace, Piper McLean, Leo Valdez, Nico di Angelo, Hazel Levesque, Frank Zhang, Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, Malcolm Pace, Jonah Shawl (OC), Kayla Knowles, Austin Lake, Harley Kai, Nyssa Barrera, Connor Stoll, Travis Stoll, Cecil Markowitz, Chris Rodriguez, Butch Walker (Percy Jackson), Kyle Sanders (OC), Lilijana Monroe (OC), Chiron (Percy Jackson), May Parker (Spider-Man), Taffeta Keener, Abby Keener, Ramonda (Marvel), T'Challa (Marvel), Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne, Maggie Lang, Jim Paxton (Marvel), Clint Barton, Laura Barton, Nathaniel Pietro Barton, Pepper Potts, Happy Hogan, Billie Ng, Madeline Jones, Tiny McKeever, Mr. Robinson, Kako, Thalia Grace, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, Fleecy, Psyche, Wanda Maximoff, Vision (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Loki (Marvel), Carol Danvers
Relationships: Michelle Jones/Peter Parker, Cooper Barton/Cassie Lang, Cooper Barton & Lila Barton, Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds, Harley Keener & Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Harley Keener & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Clint Barton/Laura Barton, Shuri & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Peter Parker & Shuri, Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson, Hazel Levesque/Frank Zhang, Jason Grace/Piper McLean, Calypso/Leo Valdez, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Harley Keener & Tony Stark, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe) & Tony Stark, Clint Barton & Lila Barton, Cooper Barton & Laura Barton, Nico di Angelo/Will Solace
Additional Tags: Hunters of Artemis, Vibranium (Marvel), Anthropophogus, gigante, kobaloi, orthrus, Crocotta, Keres - Freeform, Spiders, Prophecy, Wakanda, My First Fanfic, Heroes of Olympus and Marvel crossover
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3lziJRJ
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dccomicsnews · 4 years
    DC keeps the action fresh and alive with a new slate of DIGITAL FIRSTS titles every week that feature the imprint’s most popular pairings with Batwoman and Supergirl stepping into the spotlight and Aquaman taking to new depths!
DC hasn’t skipped a beat keeping its audience engaged and entertained. The publishing imprint has become dependent on the success of many of its affordably priced and expertly paced weekly Digital Firsts which feature top DC talent and many of its premiere characters in spectacular adventures you can’t get anywhere else. Below is a comprehensive list of the releases coming this week beginning June 8:
Monday June 8:
World’s Finest: Batwoman and Supergirl #2
“Faceless” by Sanya Anwar, Chad Hardin, Chris Sotomayor and Rob Leigh
Batwoman must go undercover in a highly secretive beauty company in order to track down a missing journalist. But what Kate discovers is far more insidious than she ever imagined!
“Exit Interview” by Andrea Shea, Mike Norton, Marissa Louise and Comicraft
Since arriving on Earth, Supergirl has always followed in her cousin’s footsteps. But when she’s fired from her internship at CatCo, Kara will have to forge her own path…
Tuesday June 9:
Batman: Gotham Nights #8
“Puppets” by Steve Orlando, Tom Lyle, Jeromy Cox and Troy Peteri
As a child, Dick Grayson saw his world come crashing down when his parents were killed by mobster Tony Zucco. Now Zucco’s son has been kidnapped by the Ventriloquist, and Nightwing is his only chance to make it home alive. Dick must make a choice: How far is he willing to go to save the son of the man he hates most?
“Lifelines” by Andrea Shea, Neil Edwards, Scott Hanna, Jeromy Cox and Troy Peteri
A kid from the Narrows, Duke Thomas, a.k.a. the SIGNAL, trained under Batman to become Gotham’s daytime protector. But his responsibilities as a superhero have vastly outweighed his responsibilities at home, and Duke becomes painfully aware of this fact when he realizes the member of the Xiqu gang who just stabbed him is none other than his childhood friend Danny Wong!
#gallery-0-7 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-7 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-7 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-7 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Wednesday June 10:
Harley Quinn: Make ’em Laugh #2
“Housewarming” by Marguerite Bennett, Isaac Goodhart, Chris Sotomayor and Marshall Dillon
Poison Ivy’s throwing a housewarming party, and Harley’s got to find her bff the ultimate gift. It has to be something special…something rare…and deadly would be a plus! Can Harley and her animal pals find Pammy the perfect present before everyone gets arrested?
“The Lady or the Tiger” by Gail Simone, Priscilla Petraites, John Kalisz, and Tom Napolitano
Harley Quinn delivers some long-awaited justice on behalf of a woman who’s been wrongfully imprisoned, but with a Harley twist. And by twist, we mean mallet.
Thursday June 11:
Aquaman: Deep Dives #8
“Breathless” by Marv Wolfman, Pop Mhan, Tony Aviña and Wes Abbott
The terror group Scorpio attempts to capture and dissect Aquaman in an effort to create superhuman soldiers!
“Whale Watch” by Cecil Castellucci, Pop Mhan, Rex Lokus and Wes Abbott
While escorting a pod of whales to safety, Aquaman and Mera discuss starting a family of their own, but their conversation is cut short when naval sonar tests disorient the pod, causing the whales to attack naval ships, and forcing Aquaman, Mera, and the Navy officers to save the pod before they hurt anyone.
Friday June 12:
Flash: Fastest Man Alive #8
“Rain on My Parade” by Dave Wielgosz, David Lafuente, Luis Guerrero and Rob Leigh
It’s the Flash Parade and everyone’s so excited…except for Barry Allen. This  is  his  least  favorite  day  of  the  year.  Can  a  superhero  showdown  with  the  villainous Tar Pit show Barry the best side of the parade or will the day be ruined?
“Cold Case” by Dave Wielgosz, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain and Rob Leigh
A radioactive beast runs rampant after an explosion at S.T.A.R. Labs. But is it man or monster, and can the Flash calm the creature before it destroys Central City?
#gallery-0-8 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-8 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-8 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-8 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Saturday June 13:
Teen Titans Go! Booyah #3
“Beast in Show” by Tom Sniegoski, Sarah Leuver and Gabriela Downie
After a long day of stopping an alien invasion, the Titans are all set to relax in front of the tube and watch the annual Jump City Dog Show…but what are the Brain and Monsieur Mallah doing there? And why does that dog look so much like Beast Boy?!
“Buttered-Fries Effect” by Ivan Cohen, Sara Leuver and Gabriela Downie
Future Robin arrives with a warning: “Do nothing!”
Sunday June 14:
Swamp Thing: New Roots #8
“Toys on Parade” by Phil Hester, Tom Mandrake, Hi-Fi and Dave Sharpe
Deep in the bayou, Swamp Thing continues to follow the fifolet, despite not knowing the mysterious spirit’s ultimate destination. On his way he encounters a strange and powerful girl locked away in the swamp, with magical friends and a monster at her door.
“The Ghost Light” by Phil Hester, Tom Mandrake, Hi-Fi and Dave Sharpe
Swamp Thing has been following the eerie light of the Fifolet as the spirit leads him to people in need of his help. But what if the mysterious ghost light has a deeper purpose? What if it knows more about Swamp Thing’s past than it lets on…and what if it’s trying to lead Alec Holland home?
  DC Digital First comics and free issues of the DC Essential Reads will all be available from participating digital retailers, including ReadDC.com, Comixology, Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, and more.
This Week In DIGITAL FIRSTS the World’s Finest Team-Up and the Sidekicks hit Gotham Nights! DC keeps the action fresh and alive with a new slate of DIGITAL FIRSTS titles every week that feature the imprint’s most popular pairings with Batwoman and Supergirl stepping into the spotlight and Aquaman taking to new depths!
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thedevildinosaur · 4 years
For the meme: bat rogues as a fandom and Harry Wells for characters??
AND I LOVE YOUUUU omg rogues? I can talk about rogues?? I love rogues??????
Favorite character: Riddler, always
Least Favorite character: Dollmaker, Professor Pyg, really has there been a recent addition who is at all interesting
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Hattercrow. Any combination of Riddler, Catwoman, and Batman. Harley and Ivy. Two-Face and Batman. Joker and Batsy, oops.
Character I find most attractive: Either Selina or Harvey
Character I would be best friends with: Harley, Jervis. They're fun. Harley likes to make friends and Jervis believes in being nice to people, so.
An unpopular opinion: depends on which h crowd I'm talking to LOL. On on hand, Joker is absolutely overrated and I don't think he should be so deadly or so prevalent. On the other, Joker can be a very fun character to write and read about and the possibilities for awesome Joker stories are endless. Back to the other hand, most Joker stories suck….. god I just flip back and forth.
My Canon OTP: Canon? Uhhh. Harley/Ivy?
Most Badass Character: so many of them have the potential to be badass, so instead may I substitute Least Badass Character: the Riddler. RIP u nerd
Most Epic Villain: Hard to answer. I think overall Harv has the most compelling storyline, even if most writers don't know to write a fucking Two-Face story.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Eddie and Jon. No deep reason, just don't like.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Honestly, all of them st one time or another. Special mention to the stupid edgy impulse to make Jervis a serial rapist or some shit, I hate that.
Favourite Friendship: Eddie and Selina, when they're allowed to be friends.
Character I most identify with: it's hard to say Jervis with how he's often written, but. In my head, by how I see him, it's Jervis.
Character I wish I could be: I haven't mentioned Roman at all, that's so wrong. I definitely don't wanna be him, but sometimes I would really like to channel one of his ranty rage fits because he's so goddamn hilarious.
How I feel about this character: I love him so much I named my first cat after him. I styled my work wardrobe after him. I chose my current pair of glasses because they looked like his. My haircuts grew shorter and shorter because I like his hair so much. I really identify with Harry a lot. LOL
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: CISCO, Joe, Barry, Cecile
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: JESSE
My unpopular opinion about this character: My favorite TomCav character. He even beat out Eo, ha. Really wish Harry could have just stayed around. I'd probably still be watching the Flash if he had.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: man he had a whole lot of hints and connections to speedsters and just….nothing ever came of that. Loads of potential.
Favorite friendship for this character: Cisco, Jesse, really I am so predictable 
My crossover ship: huh. Really don't know. Someone full of sunshine, probably. He does well with sunshine people.
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