#harlie speaks
bakubabes-tatakae · 10 months
Hi, can I ask why you say 'no minors' on your posts?
All of my NSFW posts say no minors because it's content that minors shouldn't view! It's made for viewers who are 18+. It's to keep both myself and the minors that might happen upon it safe! Minors are fine to interact with all of my SFW posts though!
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Since James Workshop followed suit with every other fantasy creator on making their (space-)elves speak Irish, I think all Aeldar should sound Irish. More rural Irish for exodites and less so for Harlies but all of them do.
Except Drukhari, who are incurably Norwegian.
I mean, I don't disagree with you. Aeldari culture and naming conventions are derived from real world Celtic culture. I think they should... sound mainly like different dialects of Irish with Scottish and Welsh sprinkled in.
I even think the Drukhari should be Irish, tbh. "Klaive" is literally the phonetic spelling of "Claíomh", which is "Sword" in Gaelic. They should just be like... sinister, unseelie Irish.
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thewritingduck · 2 years
How To: Mary Sue! (AKA what to avoid)
So I wrote this a few years ago for a creative writing class but suddenly remembered it while I was talking to one of my friends. This is a satire piece meant to make fun of the Mary Sue stereotype. (Note: if your characters do have traits like I describe then that doesn't mean it's a bad character. I'm trying to purposefully exaggerate typical Mary Sue characteristics.) This makes me laugh every time i read it again and I hope you all enjoy it. Thank you for reading <3
Genre: Satire, Tutorial
General Tags: Nothing really, Old Work, Mary Sue, Original Work
How to Write a Mary Sue
(AKA What to Avoid)
Step One!
When designing your character don’t forget to make them look absolutely perfect! Sue’s always look beautiful and turn every eye there way. Make sure their figure is pretty. Oh but don’t worry about anatomy, who cares about that anyways.
Step Two! 
The Face is important. A small nose, big lips and big bright eyes are a sure fire way to make heads turn their head her way.
Step Three! 
Don’t forget Colors! Another thing that makes Sue’s stand out from the boring normies are their exotic and beautiful colors of their hair, eyes and sometimes even skin. One popular one is Blazing red hair with violet eyes. But you don’t have to be limited to that at all. Go ahead and give them rainbow hair and one eye bubble gum pink eye and the other eye red with a black sclera.
Step Four! 
Stepping away from the physical, let's make your Perfect Sue even more perfect. After all, who isn’t going to love someone who is perfect inside and out? Starting with her personality you need to give her a set of traits that will show everyone just how perfect she is.
One list, although this list not strictly personality related, that fits Sue’s almost to a T is the following; brave, beautiful, talented, genius, athletic, loved, admired, fast, fierce, heroic, talented, powerful, wise, modest, kind, strong, and most importantly talented.
Step Five!
Now to name your amazingly beautiful and stunning Sue. You could of course go with a simple and classy Mary Sue but then it could be washed away by all your other stunning Sues. I recommend going and finding something relating to their profession or just their epic story in general. For example, Mary Amethyst Star Sue, is an officer who works at NASA and has purple eyes. You can do any number of name combinations and don’t be afraid to have long names after all there are many sues with names like Marrie Aiko Arwen Harlie Valentine Sue. 
Step Six! 
Let’s Talk about flaws. “What!? Flaws!?” I can already hear you cry, “But you were talking about making Mary Sue perfect! How can she be perfect with flaws?” Don’t you worry dearest reader, let me explain. By giving them flaws like Clumsiness then it makes them cuter. Bumping into hot guys and dropping their papers is a perfect way to set them up with a love interest. Oh but don’t let them get into trouble with their flaws. After all, they’re perfect and perfect people don’t get in trouble.
Step Seven! 
Backstory. Tragic. Backstory. Kill off the parents. Kill off the siblings. Basically Kill everyone she’s loved before the story starts. Parent’s will only hinder Mary Sue’s path to excellence. If she’s a 3000 year old spirit who has a legendary blade that has chosen her and only her as it’s wielder then she is unlikely to have parents anymore anyways. Just make sure that she cries beautiful tears when she mourns the loss of her loved ones. And speaking of, their backstory should be not only tragic, but also epic. Normal characters are 20. Sue’s only look 20. If they are older, then you can fit more things about them that your characters can love about them.
Step Eight! 
Romance! Romance! Romance! Don’t skimp on the romance. She needs a driving force, and what better than the power of love? But of course her beloved can’t be just anybody. They need to be powerful, sweet, kind, and a perfect match for her, not that she wouldn't be a perfect match for just about anybody.
Step Nine! 
Don’t forget that despite all the people who love them, she still needs an antagonist. This person needs to be mean and nasty to her. If you make them loveable but two faced and jealous then everyone is sure to take your character's side. After all, anyone who hates a perfect character like Mary Sue must be evil and stopped at all costs.
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misspeculiar-chroi · 2 years
Speaking of your ex-girlfriend J/enny S/late who worked with C/harlie D/ay in I Want You Back (2022), you're also working alongside his wife M/ary E/lizabeth E/llis who is rumored to be your wife in the movie!
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jennrypan · 3 years
Listen. I love the new HarlIvy comic.
The art still is so cute to me and I love the colors and just!!! A complete comic of just Harly and Ivy shenanigans that takes place after the show !
Love to see it, wish I could actually read it somewhere without buyin a comic cuz im..lazy and I dunno any cheap comic book stores near me.
But its really cute
And no..no i dont wanna hear whatever..negative opinion you have on this comic /I/ like the comic, YOU dont have to, obviously.
Cuz sometimes..yall fugly goblins like popping in peoples posts just to shit on things they like when no one asked you
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ericbrandonrp · 3 years
She sighed deeply when he refused to come to the mirror so she could step out of it. "Just, come here, please? I have a huge brownie in it for you." She called out to him, waiting for him in the bathroom, well in the mirror anyway. -Harli
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"W--why would ye have brownies in the bathroom?? Now tha' jus' sounds despera'e. Why don't ye jus' come here? It's warmer an' more comfy on the sofa. I go' a blanket!"
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sinematically · 2 years
I really think that if I was a fictional character, I’d be a DC Femme Fatal
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We’re calling it a no-SBURB AU where Jade Harley wears contacts, wears historically inaccurate dresses, and apparently lives somewhere with a D or C climate type if we want to infer that from the surrounding flora. 
Clearer Jade version under cut!
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Here’s the version of Jade that doesn’t have the lighting or colors messed around with! This is the original, but upon adding a night time background I had to have the totally unexpected and entirely rude awakening that perhaps. Just perhaps. When it’s dark at night, you have to make things less visible. 
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jinx-jade · 3 years
The forgotten BlackCat
When the Waynes arrived home to the manor after another tiring charity gala, Alfred, Bruce, and Dick went down to the cave for patrol while the other Wayne's got some sleep. They hadn't expected someone to be in the Batcave. Bruce and Dick tensed, naturally dropping into defensive stances, Alfred just walking over to the computer.
"Apologies Miss Marinette, but I will be needing the computer to monitor Master Bruce's and Master Dick's patrol," Alfred informed her.
"No need to apologize Alfi. I was just using it to pass the time till you guys got back." Marinette claimed, hugging the older gentleman.
"Mom?" Dick questioned, relaxing his body.
"Hey kid, long time no see," Marinette claimed, causing Dick to run over and hug her.
Marinette, Bruce, and Alfred chuckled at his childish antics. Bruce making his way over to greet her.
"I didn't expect you to be home for another year or two," Bruce stated, causing Marinette to roll her eyes at his stiff and awkward greeting before pulling her husband into a kiss.
Dick jokingly gagged, "Ewww! Get a room!" He whined, causing Marinette to raise a brow before he realized his mistake.
"First of all I don't need to know, second of all we have a patrol to get to," Dick claimed, causing Marinette to laugh.
"Will you be joining the Masters on patrol Miss Marinette?" Alfred asked, getting tonight's small vigilante group back on topic.
Marinette looked to Bruce, asking a silent question.
Letting out a sigh, Bruce claims, "It's your choice."
Sometimes Bruce forgets how chaotic his wife is, that tends to happen when your significant other goes away for a six-year mission.
However, it was something you remembered fairly quickly.
Especially when she somehow manages to meet up with her twin sister, Selina Kyle.
“Hey Cats, it looks like the Bat has a Copycat!” Harly said, a bit confused. Ivy raised a brow towards Selina in confusion as well.
“Sorry to burst your bubble, but Lina here is the copycat since I’m the older one and I did the whole Vigilante thing before she did her little villain/ anti-hero thing,” BlackCat claimed with a grin.
“Just because you’re older by a few minutes doesn’t mean you can hang it over my head.” Catwoman responded before hugging her sister.“Glad you made it home safely.”
“Glad to be home,” BlackCat informed her.
Patrol went smoothly besides BlackCat and Catwoman getting into a competition as to who could take down the most criminals.
Catwoman claimed that BlackCat only won due to having magic.
“Speaking of magic, is there any way your magic would prevent us from speaking about you?” Catwoman questioned while they were resting on the edge of a rooftop.
“It’s possible. Why?” BlackCat asked, looking at Catwoman in question before snapping her head to look at Batman and Nightwing.
“None of you have been able to talk about me have you?” BlackCat stated more than asked.
“Nope! Have fun introducing yourself to the other bats!” Nightwing said a mischievous grin on his features as he made his way home.
In the morning Marinette woke up for the first time in a while, in her lover's arms. She turned her body toward him so she could see his face.
"Good morning," Bruce said once Marinette was facing him. The corners of his lips pulled into a small smile.
Marinette smiled lazily at him.
“Good morning,” Marinette agreed, nuzzling closer into his neck. She forgot how warm he was. Almost like her own personal heater.
Bruce chuckled.
“Are you sure you aren’t at least part cat?” He joked, causing Marinette to nip at his neck.
He had forgotten that her love language is biting. However, it reinforced his joke about her being a cat, so Bruce found it entertaining.
“We have to get up in a bit, so please don’t leave too many marks,” Bruce said, rolling them over so he was now on top instead of next to her.
Marinette pouted at him till he pulled her into a kiss, letting her nip at his lips.
They were eventually interrupted by two sharp knocks on the bedroom door.
“Miss Marinette, Master Bruce, breakfast is ready. I also believe the young masters and miss will come looking for Master Bruce if he takes any longer to come down. Something about there being two stray cats instead of one,” Alfred informed them. The couple could hear the amusement in his voice.
“We’ll be down in a minute Alfred,” Bruce claimed with an annoyed sigh.
The couple got dressed and ready for the day before heading downstairs. The bat kids ambushed them at the base.
“Father I demand to know…” Damian trailed off at the sight of an unfamiliar woman. He waited a moment expecting her to leave only for her to raise a brow in response.
The room was silent for a bit before the woman broke it.
“If you’re going to demand something then you should finish your demand so the person you’re demanding from knows you’re serious.” She informed him, causing Damian to scoff.
“Seeing as it’s a family matter I suggest you stay out of it harlot.” Damian sneered with a glare.
It was clear that Bruce was going to step in, but the woman cut him off.
“A family matter you say?” She asked, ignoring the rude comment she made eye contact with Bruce and Dick, amusement clear in her eyes.
“Sorry about Damian here, but he is right that it’s a family matter.” Tim interrupted before Damian could say anything else.
“Aah. My apologies.” The woman said. The bat kids finally thought she was about to leave so they could ask Bruce who the other cat from last night is.
“I don’t believe I introduced myself.” She said, causing them to get a bit annoyed that the woman couldn’t take a hint. “I’m Marinette Kyle-Wayne, Bruce’s wife of nineteen years.”
“What!” One of them said, no one was quite sure who.
Marinette started walking towards the kitchen, “I’m not sure about you but I would hate for Alfi’s food to get cold.”
“Hey, You can’t just say something like that then walk off!” Jason called out to her.
“And why not?” Marinette asked with a raised brow as she disappeared into the dining room.
Bruce let out a sigh before following his wife.
“If you wish to ask questions or eat I suggest we move this to the dining room,” Bruce said, the others following him.
Once everyone was seated the questions started.
“How the f...udge do you have a wife that no one knows about?” Jason asked, censoring himself when he caught Alfred’s eye.
“I knew,” Dick claimed, receiving a glare from everyone who hadn’t known.
“My magic decided to put protection enchantments around me. If you didn’t already know me then you wouldn’t know me. It also made it so you couldn’t talk about me.” Marinette informed them with a shrug before grinning.
“It’s the reason most people were under the impression that my sister Silena was the one in a relationship with Bruce, while no one being able to prove anything more than speculation. Since we look the same and have the same family name it was easy for their minds to fill in the blank with plausible information,” Marinette said, taking a sip of her coffee.
“Magic?” Cass questioned.
“I’m one of the Magic users and researchers for the Justice League,” Marinette answered. “I usually go by BlackCat if that helps your search,” Marinette said looking at Tim, who has the sense to look a little sheepish.
“And the reason we’ve never seen you in the manor?” Barbara asked.
“I was on a two-year research and retrieve mission that turned into a six-year undercover mission, so communicating with people not part of the case was difficult, visiting them was impossible and not allowed,” Marinette informed them.
The questions continued throughout breakfast.
Bruce couldn’t help the small smile he had at the sight of all his family members, home, and safe.
Writing prompt from @iamthemaribatanon : Brucinette, Fluff, Secret relationship, only Alfred and Dick know they are together
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sasster · 2 years
orfuse... are you anxious for the loved ones around you? considering how much you've seen in your life?
"When I first met Thanat.. I was met with a man whose lifespan had no end."
>His voice is low, whatever deal Thanat makes, he hasn't made it yet. No, he will make it within the next sweep or so. Orfuse has to be dead for that deal.
"That was quite worrying for me. But, ah. There was one time where I put my hands in Harlys timeline.. That saw that Thanny joined him."
>He shuddered at the thought. Or maybe it was the cold. Life was not good for Aelium, Benjin, or Zurven in that one. Or himself.
"I had to rectify that one."
>His gaze fell onto the book in his hand, he starts to drum his fingers against the cover as he thinks. A slow, rhythmic pace.
"We know how I feel about Harlys future. Now, my Addy.."
>He hums to himself, in the recent sweep the two of them actually grew a lot closer. Kismesis in name alone, at this point.
"He always seems to fade into obscurity in the end, my Addy.."
>Speak of the devil! Who is that entering the room now, a glass of water in hand and brows knitted together in worry?
"I heard you coughing -- What's that about me?"
>Orfuse beams.
"I was just letting my strange and intangible friend know that with the last of my energy, I would put you in the ground.
>That gets a laugh out of the purple blood as he fully enters the room and takes a seat at Orfuses side.
"Is that right? You're right, I probably couldn't take you."
==>Reliance is now available for questions.
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bakubabes-tatakae · 3 years
No shade Harlie but sometimes writers like you and others who just writes few words and get a thousand and hundred notes is unfair for people who writes lots of words than yours that only filled with smut. I think that with the writing you do that only has hundred words don’t deserve recognition because the writers who focuses on characterization with actual plot is a lot better than your cringy drabbles that has no characterization at all and only filled with smut gives no justice to underrated writers who spends their time really writing a good story and smut other than your cringy smut that unusually gets many notes and reblogs.
You don’t deserve to be in tumblr.
And people like you are the reason that writers don’t want to post shit. I’m so sick and tired of you god damn people on anon that attack others for NO GOOD REASON. If you don’t like reading my shit then get the fuck off my blog. Block and move on with your lives. My drabbles that I’ve been putting out lately are from an event that I did forever ago that I’m catching up on for people that didn’t get their pieces answered. So just MOVE THE HELL ON. 👏
You guys are so fucking toxic. You bring people to their breaking point and expect them not to go off. Well guess what? I’m done. I’m going off now. You can’t expect people to hold their tongues forever. Do you get some kind of damn joy out of this? Honestly. I don’t understand it.
No shade? You’re literally telling me I shouldn’t be on tumblr and then telling me my pieces are cringe… which is exactly that, so what was the point of putting that part there in the first place!? People enjoy my writing, if you don’t like that then oh well. I’ve written many longer pieces that haven’t gotten very much recognition because of this shit. The smut pieces that I’ve been putting out are all pieces that people have requested, not just random god damn smut pieces that I thought of off the top of my head.
What the hell is wrong with people lately? I’ve been getting attacked for no fucking reason lately left and right and have been sitting here minding my business and interacting with the people who want to interact with me.
I’m just so done with people like you.
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kvothes · 2 years
Writing asks: 1, 4, 8, 28, and 29?
(i've done 4 twice already, hope you don't mind if i skip it)
your favorite album opener: julien baker's hardline. i even have a t-shirt!
a song that speaks the words you couldn't say: seeing things (MUNA's version) by harlie hickey, but the bitchier answer is you oughta know by alanis morissette
a song you always skipped, but ended up loving once you listened to it: dionne, the japanese house feat. justin vernon
your favorite album closer: male fantasy, billie eilish. like jesus christ dude
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flybi91 · 3 years
Extremely sad/angsty idea I had
Talks about Harly and Joker’s relationship, that says everything you should expect
Every year around the holidays all the villains in Gotham put business aside to go to the iceberg lounge with their significant others for Cobblepot’s yearly holiday party. They all just relax and socialize and basically discuss anything not crime related.
There was a table for people in relationships with a rouge so they could talk amongst themselves while they have drinks.
Harley’s talking again about how the Joker abuses her. Then she says something that makes everyone at the table go quiet and looks at her.
“A bad guy’s a bad guy, you all know how it is“
You takes a breath to collect your thoughts, images of seeing Harley with bruises and broken bones flashed in your mind. You’re almost positive of what Harley thinks but you need to ask, you slowly puts your hand on Harley’s. “Harley, what exactly did you mean by that.”
She snorted and took a sip of her cocktail. “I MEAN you kinda expect this kinda when you’re with a criminal, especially like ones we’re with. Not saying it’s right but ya can’t really be surprised. I mean Scarecrow’s probably done his experiments on you without you knowing“
Everyone at the table Recoiled a bit at he realization of what she was talking about. Before you can think of a reply your friend, Nygma’s wife, is looking beyond pissed at the rampant speculations of abuse and already speaking in defense of him.
“Eddie’s never done anything like that to me.“ You put your hand on her arm, trying to calm her down.
“Me neither.“ killer croc‘s girlfriend speaks up before you can regain control.
Harley rolled her eyes. “You’re telling me NONE of them have EVER done anything to any of you?“ She pointed at you accusingly. “I KNOW he gave you fear toxin“
Now you were getting pissed. ”Yes he did and it was completely consensual.“
Harley looked around the table absolutely baffled. “You mean non of them have ever-“
It was a unanimous no all around the table.
“Not even at Abner’s drunkest.“ You looked at the young woman sipping on some water. You didn’t talk much but you know she meet him in college and has stuck with him through absolutely everything,
Cobblepot’s current girl friend put her hand on Harley’s shoulder. You thought the man was scummy but even you knew Oswald would never hit a woman, especially one he was in a relation ship with.
“Sweetie that’s just him. Why do you think he’s no one goes to him with ideas and plans. Why is he always the one to threaten and blackmail people into helping him.“
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seireiteiqueen · 2 years
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Welcome to my crazy blog my fellow simps. 😈
The name’s Harlie! My main blog is bakubabes-tatakaee, so I follow from that. I’m 26, she/her, and I’m a small business owner (if you can call an Etsy shop that 😂), nursing student, and full-time healthcare worker. 👏 I’m a major weeb and simp for anime man. 🤭 Come and talk to me about anything ! I’m always down to thirst, chat, and cause chaos. ✨ And here… here is your access to the Seireitei men and their accomplices… particularly Renji Abarai.
There are a few others that I will gladly write for on this blog, and I will thirst with you all about anyone from Bleach… but if you want to get your requests and thirst posts out first then hit me with these characters below.
Renji Abarai (will always take the top)
Ichigo Kurosaki
Grimmjow Jagerjaquez
Byakuya Kuchiki
Tags To Look For:
#harlie rambles - find all my random speaking languages here, basically whatever pops into my head
#harlie thirsts - find all my thirst posts and rambles about anime men under here
#moots <3 - find all my interactions with my mutuals here
#fic recs - any fic recommendations will be here
#blog recs - any blog recommendations will be here
#author recs - any author recommendations will be here
#art recs - any fanart recommendations will be here
#artist recs - any artist recommendations will be here
My ask box and DMs are always open if you guys ever need to talk. 💞 I’ll answer as quickly as I can. I’m always happy to talk to you guys. Never hesitate to reach out to me. 🥺
Emoji Anons/Name Anons Taken. 👇
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sunflowercub · 7 years
it’s 1am and im watching shin chan in dutch. hope ur all having an equally partyriffic saturday night
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scandeniall · 4 years
sobbing in cabo
pairing: oikawa x reader
summary/warnings: how could you be in the most beautiful place you’d ever been yet feel so terrible?/ just language. tiniest mention of alcohol
wc: 1.3k
It’s a paradise. Waves kissed the shore languidly. It was a song sweeter than any lullaby you’d ever heard. Distant waves shimmered, a mixture of sliver, blue and green. The seagulls chattered overhead and you wondered what they could possibly be saying. 
The setting sun was the most beautiful thing you’d ever seen. Similar to a watercolor painting the Cotton candied clouds melted seamlessly into the tangerine sky. The hotels balcony gave you a front row seat to all this and more. You should be in paradise. So why did you feel so bitter? Distant laughing from travel goers did nothing but cause your eyes to roll in disgust. They were so happy. Kids pranced around dragging their parents to some new sea find. Friends posed in front of the water snapping memories that’d last a lifetime. You’d practically gagged at the sight of couples going for their sunset walks on the beach. A glimmer in your peripheral took your eyes from their people watching. A soft greeting attempted to lighten your mood. Instead, you took the offered glass drowning the drink in one gulp. Disgust graced your face at the burn now present in the back of your throat. “That was disgusting.” “It was expensive.” His voice grew stronger as did his presence. You felt the sudden warmth gifted from the way he stood next to you. Arms crossed over the railing as he eyed the sand below. The two of you took in the sounds around you before he spoke up. “I’m sorry you know.”
“Of course you are.” The words are bitter on your tongue. You hear the sigh from beside you, as you roll your eyes. “You know Tooru. This spot is a dream come true. It should be a paradise, so I wonder why it feels anything but.” Your voice trails off as you catch sight of a couple in the distance. It appears to be mid proposal. The lovers running into each other's arms into a sweet embrace and your jaw locks in pure jealousy. God how you wanted that.
Oikawa eyes seem to spot the couple as well. His gaze shifts several times between them and you. He bites back his own annoyance, knowing it’d make things worse. He has to carefully choose his next words. “I’m trying here (Y/N). I really am but you're not even giving me the benefit of the doubt.”
He's cut off by your humorless laugh. “If you call this trying, then I’d hate to see not.” You finally tear your eyes from the couple to face him. You almost feel bad for the attitude until your met with his look of exasperation. Suddenly you're reminded of the purpose of your vacation in the first place. “You’re the reason we’re here anyway. We’re supposed to be spending time together, working on us. Yet you’re doing the same shit-”
“No.” You immediately cut him off, putting your arm up to prevent him from reaching out towards you. “You're never here Oikawa. Even on our vacation. There’s always someone for you to go meet up with who you haven’t seen in so long. Or another stupid pickup game. I’m tired of coming last in your life.” 
When he says nothing, in an attempt to gather his thoughts you figure, you huff in annoyance. He had nothing to say. Your attempt at exiting the balcony is ruined when callused fingers grip onto your wrist. “I don’t know what you even want from me. You agreed to this when you agreed to us.” 
His words come out harsher than he’d intended. There was a flash of regret in his eyes that occurred once you snatched your arm away. He watched your movements carefully. He noticed how you went to speak at least three times, before closing your mouth. Each time was accompanied by a shake of your head. 
He watched how your brows would furrow then soften as you mentally calm yourself down. You were likely doing the countdown exercise he taught you harly on. It was something he’d learned right after highschool as a means to relax and focus. The faintest of memories of how he’d pepper hisses across your forehead to make you laugh when he annoyed you crossed his mind. It was something that seemed so far in the past and he shook the thought away. “Where are you going?”
“Away from you.” You tell him calmly as the glass door slides open. Youre both met with the coolness of the blasting AC and he notices the shiver that runs down your spine at the temperature difference. There's no surprise as he follows after you, eyes narrowing at how you seem to be gathering some of your belongings scattered around the hotel room. It quickly dawns on him that you appear to be packing. “What are you gonna run away instead of us talking about this?” Oikawa feels himself slightly panicking at the thought, yet forces himself to stay just as headstrong as before. “We still have more days here.”
“You do. I can’t deal with this right now. I’ve been looking at flights back home. You insisted we come here to fix us, but this is useless.” Oikawa notes the difference in your tone. You’d drop the combativeness and attitude. This time its replaced with disappointment. “I don’t even know why I thought shit would be different just because we’re across the world. Its so beautiful here and I can’t even enjoy it with you.”
Oikawa knows better than to approach you. He just knew that it’d make things worse. Right? He settles on the edge of the bed as you continue fluttering around the room. “Just stay an extra day with me. We can talk about this tomorrow. Just me and you yeah?” He lets out the quietest sigh of relief at your nod. At some point he’d grabbed your hand and you hadn’t pulled away. 
“I’m gonna go take a shower ok?” Oikawa only offers your hand a slight squeeze in response. The smile you offer him is empty and you’re not even sure you miss the warmth once he lets go of your hand.
The sun is nearly completely down once you get out of the shower. Your’e surprised to even see your boyfriend still in the room. You’d been in Cabo for about a week now and he’d gone out without you nearly every day. You wordlessly climb into the bed next to him eyes hyperfocused on the TV. The space between you two feels momentous. The two of you are on opposite sides of the king sized bed.
Your heads are in two different but similar places. You two still loved each other, but is that enough. You’re young adults, still growing and changing. Continuing to chase your dreams and perhaps you were growing out of each other. He was never around anymore and unknowingly pushed you into the bottom of his priority list. 
You’d wanted nothing more than to support him, but you needed more. You needed someone to tell you that they were proud of you. Someone who would put you first even if for one day. He couldn’t seem to do that. Not right now at least. 
That night as the two of you laid in darkness. Every once in a while if you listened carefully enough you’d hear the distant music from some likely party. You just knew the way the moon reflected off the sea was breathtaking. As you thought about the past 3 years with Oikawa and how you would've loved for this vacation to mend your relationship, you teared up. How could you be in the most beautiful place you’d ever been in and wanted nothing more than to cry. Never did you think you’d be biting back your tears in Cabo.  
a/n: uh yeah im very nervous about writing oiks and not doing him justice bc hes such a unique character but here we are. the 1st of my few non happy pieces. Inspired by Blackbear’s newest project (title is literally the song; sobbing in mexico. this is only loosely based/ more so just the vibe over the lyrics so yeah)
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