#harlon the hunter
valyriansource · 28 days
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Harlon the Hunter and Herndon of the Horn, twin brothers who built their castle atop Horn Hill and took to wife the beautiful woods witch who dwelled there, sharing her favors for a hundred years (for the brothers did not age so long as they embraced her whenever the moon was full).
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asoiafandotherbooks · 11 months
Dragon Babies: The Cost of a Magical Bloodline | ASoIaF & HotD Theory an...
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doyouknowthisactor · 1 month
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By "roles" I mean playing a different character, and in a different piece of media; someone playing one character across a franchise only counts as one thing for the purposes of this poll, as does playing multiple characters in one franchise/piece of media
Below are some of this actor's roles. Please only check after voting!
Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power as High King Gil-galad
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter as Abraham Lincoln
Flags of out Fathers as Harlon Block
In the Heart of the Sea as George Pollard
Walker has also had a significant stage career, originating the role of Patrick Bateman in the OBC production of American Psycho: The Musical and Andrew Jackson in the OOBC of Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson. In 2019, he was nominated for a Tony for the revival of All My Sons
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waywardsou2 · 4 months
Yesterday I saw some art on Tumblr for a Modern AU with Tech Echo and Crosshair in it. I said to my mum "What names would they have if they were in a modern AU coz you can have a guy legitimately called Crosshair lol" and then she proceeded to name them. Which spiralled into naming every clone I could remember. And so you have this list
Crosshair - Crosby
Echo - Eric
Tech - Tye
Hunter - Harper
Wrecker - William (Willy)
Omega - Olivia
Fives - Fred
Rex -
Cody -
Wolfe - Wolfgang
Gregor -
Cut - Curtis
Hardcase - Harlon
Heavy - Harry
Droidbait - Darius
Fox - Felix
Scorch - Scotty
Cutup - Kyle
99 - Nigel
Gree - Greg
Howzer - Henry
Mayday - Markus
Boil - Brad
Bly - Blake
Waxer - Wyatt
Emerie - Erica
Thorn - Terrance
Charger - Chase
Dogma - Dallus
Kix - Kelly
O'niner - Owen
Slick - Simon
Tup - Tony
I lost it and my brain melted at half of them. But it was good fun lol
These are my official head canon name now
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Some Celebrated Children of Garth Greenhand
❀ John the Oak, the First Knight, who brought chivalry to Westeros (a huge man, all agree, eight feet tall in some tales, ten or twelve feet tall in others, sired by Garth Greenhand on a giantess). His own descendants became the Oakhearts of Old Oak.
❀ Gilbert of the Vines, who taught the men of the Arbor to make sweet wine from the grapes that grew so fat and lush across their island, and who founded House Redwyne.
❀ Florys the Fox, the cleverest of Garth's children, who kept three husbands, each ignorant of the existence of the others. (From their sons sprang House Florent, House Ball, and House Peake).
❀ Maris the Maid, the Most Fair, whose beauty was so renowned that fifty lords vied for her hand at the first tourney ever to be held in Westeros. (The victor was the Grey Giant, Argoth Stone-Skin, but Maris wed King Uthor of the High Tower before he could claim her, and Argoth spent the rest of his days raging outside the walls of Oldtown, roaring for his bride.)
❀ Foss the Archer, renowned for shooting apples off the head of any maid who took his fancy, from whom both the red apple and green apple Fossoways trace their descent.
❀ Brandon of the Bloody Blade, who drove the giants from the Reach and warred against the children of the forest, slaying so many at Blue Lake that it has been known as Red Lake ever since.
❀ Owen Oakenshield, who conquered the Shield Islands, driving the selkies and merlings back into the sea.
❀ Harlon the Hunter and Herndon of the Horn, twin brothers who built their castle atop Horn Hill and took to wife the beautiful woods witch who dwelled there, sharing her favors for a hundred years (for the brothers did not age so long as they embraced her whenever the moon was full).
❀ Bors the Breaker, who gained the strength of twenty men by drinking only bull's blood, and founded House Bulwer of Blackcrown. (Some tales claim Bors drank so much bull's blood he grew a pair of shiny black horns.)
❀ Rose of Red Lake, a skinchanger, able to transform into a crane at will—a power some say still manifests from time to time in the women of House Crane, her descendants.
❀ Ellyn Ever Sweet, the girl who loved honey so much she sought out the King of the Bees in his vast mountain hive and made a pact with him, to care for his children and his children's children for all time. She was the first beekeeper, and the mother to House Beesbury.
❀ Rowan Gold-Tree, who was so bereft when her lover left her for a rich rival that she wrapped an apple in her golden hair, planted it upon a hill, and grew a tree whose bark and leaves and fruit were gleaming yellow gold, and to whose daughters the Rowans of Goldengrove trace their roots.
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___________________________________________________⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀House Gardener ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ___________________________________________________
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rhea-florent · 3 years
TRUTH SERUM: It's time to make the 8! What one person would you bed from all the different regions of Westeros?
“Make the eight, you say?” Rhea laughed, inevitably finding the phrasing amusing. And the thought exercise in itself was rather entertaining to think about. “I’d like to skip the Westerlands and Iron Islands. We don’t see eye to eye these days, to put it mildly. But well, let’s get it out of the way. I’d say Theomore Westerling and Morra Greyjoy,” she said in a disenchanted, dull manner. “For the Vale, it would be Tristan Hunter. For the Stormlands, Rogar Baratheon. Now, Dorne,” she paused, tapping her chin as she gave it some thought, “Probably Asra Dayne. For the North I’d have to go with Rodrik Stark, then former bastard now prince Cian Tully for the Riverlands, and the Crownlands...I mean, I’d rather not get entangled with the Targaryens because half of them go mad and they have an unhealthy fixation with their overgrown pets, but Daemon would be my pick. And for the Reach,” the words trailed off into a hum and Rhea smiled, “I’d say Harlon”.
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( @theowesterling, @kingvmorra, @longbowhalllord, @sellswcrd, @mcrningsword, @rodrikofwinter, @rxverlanders, @daemonntargaryens & @harlonvflowers )
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theshijlegacy · 4 years
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Zeyta "respectfully declines” Fane’s offer.
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felicjana050896 · 3 years
Twins in asoiaf:
Recently, I noticed a comment on the internet saying that brother-sister twins are only Targaryen's and that this is another proof/hint that Jaime and Cersei are Targaryen, so I decided to check it out and search for all twins in asoiaf, here are the results:
Twins of one sex from other homes:
Twin brothers:
Aron and Emrick from Fair Isle.
Arryk and Erryk from Reach.
The Fossoway Twins from Reach.
Alyn and Androw Frey.
Dickon and Mathis Frey.
Jaime and Tywin Frey.
Harlon the Hunter and Herndon of the Horn from Reach.
Steffon and Symon Hollard from Crownlands.
Jason and Tyland Lannister.
Martyn and Willem Lannister.
Tywald and Tion Lannister.
Hobber and Horas Redwyne.
Benjen and Brandon Stark.
Cregard and Torrhen Stark.
Twin sisters:
Bandy and Shyra from Winterfell.
The Drinkwater Twins from Dorne.
The Fowler Twins, Jennelyn and Jeyne from Dorne.
Sarra and Serra Frey.
Alysanne and Arianne Tarth.
Now the Targaryen twins of one sex:
Aegon and Aemon Blackfyre.
Aerea and Rhaella Targaryen.
Baela and Rhaena Targaryen.
Maelys Blackfyre.
and the Targaryen twins of two sexes:
Aelor and Aelora Targaryen.
Daenerys Targaryen (daughter of Aegon IV) and stillborn twin brother.
Jaehaera and Jaehaerys Targaryen.
Jeyne and Jon Waters, children of Alyn Velaryon and Elaena Targaryen.
In fact, all twins that do not have Targaryen blood are twins of one sex (also in the Lannisters, by the way even Tyrion in his ADWD dream and in his thoughts in AGOT does not dream of having a twin sister, but a twin brother), only in Targaryen we have twins of two sexes, could George really make a clue of such a thing to Jaime and Cersei?
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Summary: In a single tragic moment, Maggie loses everything. With nothing to live for and severe wounds, she is ready to let go. Instead, she wakes up in a strange place with a doctor promising a miracle. But all miracles come with a price. A prequel made of @badthingshappenbingo​ prompts. 
*please read the tags and content warnings*
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Chapter 1: Spark
Maggie sat on the couch, her legs stretched out onto the coffee table in front of her. It was getting dark outside. They were supposed to already be gone. Her mother had planned this vacation weeks ago. It was the last bit of time they would all get to spend together before school started for Maggie, Hunter, and Lilliane. And the last time Jacob would be spending a vacation with them for a long time. He was leaving for boot camp in a few weeks. Their mother wasn’t ready for anyone to leave the nest yet, and her frantic energy had taken over the entire summer.
Although Maggie didn’t want to spend the last week of summer in a beach house trapped with her father, she did want to go have fun. But of course, he was late. It wasn’t unusual for Harlon to leave the courthouse late, but this time he had promised her mother that he wouldn’t be. They were supposed to leave two hours ago so they could get to the beach house early in the morning. That wasn’t happening now.
Jacob stretched out on the couch beside her, nudging her with his foot. “Hey Maggie,” he sang her name.
She knew he was just trying to annoy her. So far, he was succeeding. “What?” she asked, rolling her eyes.
“Are you going to tell dad?” His foot worked its way under her thigh.
“Tell dad about what?” She slid as far away from him as she could, but his foot could still reach her.
“About Brandon,” he whispered, loudly.
Their mother stopped pacing to look at Maggie. “Who’s Brandon?”
Read on AO3
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klaradox · 4 years
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Herndon of the Horn is a legendary son of Garth Greenhand and ancestor of House Tarly. He and his twin brother Harlon the Hunter built their castle atop Horn Hill and took to wife the beautiful woods witch who dwelled there, sharing her favors for a hundred years. The brothers did not age so long as they had intercourse with her whenever the moon was full.
This image will be featured on my upcoming map of THE REACH.
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highgcrdxn · 5 years
( ♛ truth serum ) : if you could swap places with anyone in history, who would it be?
“I quite enjoy my place.” Persephone had regrets in her life certainly, but none great enough to wish herself away into a new life. “Though I suppose if I didn’t have a choice... perhaps the woods witch who married the twin brothers who founded house Tarly - Harlon the Hunter and Herndon of the Horn. Or perhaps Maris the Maid, the woman who was so beautiful she inspired the first tournament in Westeros - her hand in marriage the prize. Over fifty men competed and she still picked her husband herself. Or maybe Florys the Fox, a clever woman who married three men and none of them were aware of it. I imagine none of them were overly powerful women, but it sounds like they all led fairly interesting lives, no?”
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godsofterror · 7 years
Sam of the Horn
If you look at the background of the Tarly family, and their castle, Horn Hill, it turns out that there are some very unique features.
The Progenitors
The female progenitor of the Tarlys was a woods witch. She is never named & she would fuck two Tarly brothers every full moon. These two brothers were very different. One, Harlon the Hunter was a hunter. The other, Herndon, was not - he was called "Herdon of the Horn".
The Tarlys Today
Samwell Tarly is the descendant of two twin brothers with two very different skill sets, plus a magical woman (or COTF?). Somehow, the Tarlys have a Valyrian steel sword, the greatsword Heartsbane. This is an important, almost mythical Reach family.
Randyll Tarly clearly takes after his ancestor Harlon the Hunter. First, he is a hunter, one of renown, & a great general.
Sam's younger brother Dickon would also appear to follow his ancestor Harlon. Like his father, and like Harlon, he is a Hunter.
Sam, however, seems to be cut from different cloth. Randall is deeply disappointed in his lack of martial prowess. But he is strong in his own ways, as we see throughout the books. It may be that he just inherited another side of the Tarly family - perhaps Sam is "of the Horn"?.
Tarly Sigil
It's clear even from the Tarly sigil that the hunter side of the family is dominant, but, if you look closely at the Tarly sigil, you'll see that the hunter has a horn at the ready.
The horn side of the family, from Herndon of the Horn, while overlooked, is very important. It's called HORN Hill after all.
Three Horns
In the story there are 3 important horns: Dragonbinder, Mance's horn burned by Mel, & the Horn of Joramun (or Horn of Winter). Of the three, the most important is the Horn of Joramun (HOJ). Blowing the horn "woke the giants from the earth." Damn!
So the HOJ is damn powerful. It may even bring down the wall. So, Mel wants to destroy it. And she thinks she did, but I don't.
Most readers don't, I'd say. The consensus opinion (FWIW) is that the Horn of Joramun is a broken horn found by Jon and Ghost.
Jon and Ghost found the HOJ north of the wall near the Fist of the First Men. Eventually-importantly-it was given to Samwell Tarly.
When Sam is sent south to Oldtown (100 leagues from Horn Hill; which is close in ASOIAF), he still has the broken horn.
Sam's role
Samwell is "of the Horn". He is not a hunter, clearly, so he does not follow Harlon. He is of Herndon.
A descendant of a magical family, with two distinct sides/natures, one of which is "of the Horn", now has a magical horn. Huh.
Even more interesting, Sam has been sent to Oldtown, an extremely interesting location with a lot of mystery and myth surrounding it. It sure looks to be a big part of TWOW and ADOS and the upcoming wars.
Now, if you subscribe to @PoorQuentyn 's Eldritch Apocalypse, you suspect that Euron will be attacking Oldtown. I agree with him there. And, the theory continues, while there, Euron might grab the Horn of Joramun and use it to bring down the wall. Well, I question that part.
If you read this Tumblr, you know I'm focused on the inspiration for the Gods of Terros. It's mostly Lovecraftian. I recently published a theory which posits that Euron is an avatar of Nyarlathotep What does this mean?
Well, it means that there is little need for Euron to bring down the Wall. He is going to summon the Lion of Night - Nyarlathotep again - to begin a new Long Night.
So why have Samwell of the Horn carry a magic horn from the Wall to Oldtown, if Euron won't use it? Who would use it then?
What character is directly associated with horns? What sort of magical person could weld the horn? And where would they use it?
To me, the answer is clear. It's Samwell Tarly -- Sam of the Horn -- that will use the Horn of Winter to wake giants from the Earth.
And the place where he blows the horn? What better place to blow the Horn of Winter than Horn Hill?
This combines the role of Sam, the supposed weakling who killed an Other, with his ancestral nature: Sam of the Horn.
Why does Samwell of the Horn blow the Horn of Joramun? Let's explore that quickly.
Sam's one special power is that he is a voracious reader. And now he is in the place with the most books in the world - the Citadel.
Once he tells Sarella and others about the Others, they will begin to research them in the libraries of the Citadel. Any scrape of forgotten knowledge that does not exist at the Wall will exist in the ancient books of the Citadel.
What if Sam finds out that the Others are a deeper mystery than first expected? What if he finds out truths about the Wall that turn everything about the mission of the Night's Watch around?
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diceperado · 8 years
Dark Heresy Moments #18
Alright, so the last session was a bit more action-packed, but now we really had to get back to business. We had no unsolved cases at hand that we could do much about, so we decided to head to the nearest inhabited Imperial world. Deynor left the party for good before our departure. 
The world we arrived at is basically a banana republic on a planetary scale complete with the kind of president that would make Vladimir Putin proud. And yes, before you ask, of course he has giant golden statues of himself that follow the sun’s rotation, because wouldn’t you? 
But before leaving the orbital station and actually making our landing, we met with the junior team we’d half-accidentally recruited early in the campaign. Of course the corrupted colonial administrator we once considered arresting got promoted to interrogator. No matter, she’s got enough charisma to put battalions of karskins on their knees. Our new team member Kyyros (can’t remember the exact spelling so I’m going with the Discord nick) also joined the crew. Apparently he got assigned to us by accident due to some bureaucratic mishap... (ahem.) and it shows. The guy’s almost the size of a Leman Russ tank. Hell, he’s wearing our Ordo’s official colors. Yi is unsurprisingly confused and annoyed at this, because our team has generally tried to be as subtle as possible, but tells us that we’ll have to make do. My new assassin character Arzali commented, that he’ll make a fine distraction. He wasn’t even being mean. That’s basically what he’s most effective at. He even wears power armor witch chains and braziers and everything.
Anyway, for now we just have to work with what we’ve got. We socialize a bit with our juniors. Arzali got along pretty well with his fellow murder hobos Riyaansh (a bounty hunter) and Kuwat (a former gangster), exchanging professional tips and hints. The junior team’s medic wasn’t as pleased, after Arzli made some suggestive remarks (half-)accidentally, but she calmed down after we got to talking shop about new implants, and Arzali only got slapped around once. That’s pretty good for a Zerge. Meanwhile, Kyyros is relating his experiences on the frontline. Apparently he’s an old acquaintance of our tech-priest Chiro. 
Anyway, we finally had to get back to business. We hear that the planet’s arbites had confiscated unidentified alien weaponry during a raid. Chiro and Harlon, the junior team’s tech-priest, got to play with the new toys. The guns were made of some unknown, almost bone-like substance. There was no machinery inside - only some sort of a magical leech feeding on a warp-tainted crystal. Harlon, being the juniors’ designated wacko, decided to cut the thing open. Sadly, Yi’s untouchable powers cancelled out all the warp hilarity before it could even start. After a while of research the bolt heads concluded, that the weapons didn’t belong to any known race.
After the nerds had finished their bit, team stealth (Arzali, James and Norelle) + Kyyros decided to go look for leads by specifically seeking out the shadiest hive of scum and villainy in town. The joint turned out to be so shady, Norelle almost got turned away for being too normal. Once inside, Norelle went to talk to local gangsters, while Arzali and Kyyros watched her back. James acted as a lookout outside. After digging through a ton of innuendos, Norelle managed to arrange a weapons deal. The gangsters exit, and immeaditely afterwards James spots a bunch of ominously organized goons entering the bar from both back and front, which was interesting, because as far as we knew, we hadn’t stepped on anyone’s toes YET. 
A fight begins between us and a bunch of unknown mercenaries led by some dual-wielding gunslinger. Said gunslinger ends up flying towards the ceiling and dangling from a stripper cage like some edgelord ornament as his xenos-made warp gun malfunctioned while firing. Norelle managed to slip away unscathed with Arzali and Kyyros not far behind her. The mercs were stuck inside. The bar’s various criminal patrons had decided to engage in a good old rousing round of shooting everyone now that there was an excuse to do so. The gunslinger followed us on a hover bike and almost turned our loan car to scrap metal, before we shot up his bike.
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usatrendingsports · 7 years
Faculty soccer spring practices: High 10 place battles to control
Spring apply is about competitors. It is about 1s vs. 1s, full-padded scrimmages, younger expertise rising and place battles.
These are the place battles being fought round school campuses this spring that I am most excited to watch. Not listed is Alabama’s quarterback battle as a result of, no matter what Nick Saban says, Tua Tagovailoa gained that job in January (absolutely). You will discover a number of different quarterback battles although, and even one intriguing backup competitors. You may additionally discover quite a lot of true freshmen factoring into the combination. A number of these are already underway so it is time to get caught up as a result of spring is right here.
1. Clemson Quarterback
With the most effective line of defense in school soccer all returning and a loaded offensive roster, Clemson is constructed to win a nationwide title. However can it win one with the athletic Kelly Bryant below heart? We all know it will possibly win the ACC with Bryant, however a 24-6 loss to Alabama solid some doubts on his means to steer the Tigers by means of the Faculty Soccer Playoff. So does Dabo Swinney see a greater alternative driving the arm of sophomore Hunter Johnson? And even true freshman Trevor Lawrence? Johnson was the No. 2 pro-style quarterback within the class of 2017 in keeping with the 247Sports activities Composite rankings whereas Lawrence is without doubt one of the most hyped quarterback abilities of all time and the No. 1 participant within the 2018 class. If one of many younger weapons beats out Bryant this spring, meaning a brand new look and a extra high-powered passing offense. If Lawrence wins out, that would imply transfers for one or each of the blokes above him. There’s a lot at stake right here.
2. Ohio State Quarterback
Of the entire place battles on this listing, that is one that would impression a number of groups subsequent fall. Joe Burrow is eligible to be a graduate switch this spring as he battles redshirt sophomore Dwayne Haskins to switch JT Barrett because the beginning quarterback for the Buckeyes. Haskins dazzled final fall in a reduction function that Burrow conceded because of harm. This spring, each are wholesome, and each have passing means that this offense lacked below Barrett. Whereas Haskins is taken into account the favourite by outsiders, Burrow is an actual contender to win the job. If he does not, he’ll be one of the crucial coveted graduate transfers within the nation and can instantly make one other group rather a lot higher within the fall.
Three. Auburn Working Again
Gus Malzhan likes to pound the rock and he loves a bell cow again. In 2016, it was Kamryn Pettway’s 1,224 yards dashing on 209 carries. In 2017, it was Kerryon Johnson’s 1,391 yards on 285 carries. In 2018, each of these guys are gone and there’s no clear chief to step into the saddle. Kam Martin is essentially the most skilled returner with 453 yards on 74 carries final fall however as a smaller, all-purpose fashion again, he’ll have some competitors to be the first possibility. Others preventing for touches shall be sophomore Devan Barrett, redshirt freshman Jatarvious Whitlow, energy again Malik Miller and true freshman Asa Martin. It is actually anybody’s guess on who emerges as the first possibility however control Whitlow, a former highschool quarterback with uncommon athleticism that would have essentially the most upside of the group.
four. Nebraska Quarterback
Long run, we have a fairly good thought what Scott Frost’s model of Nebraska goes to seem like by utilizing UCF and Oregon as fashions. However Frost does not inherit a roster with Marcus Mariota and even McKenzie Milton at quarterback. He is inherited a pro-style quarterback room and recruited one gifted dual-threat possibility so as to add to the combination in Adrian Martinez. Can Martinez, an early enrollee out of Fresno, California, win the job instantly this spring? Or will Frost look to Patrick O’Brien or Tristan Gebbia? Each are gifted passers who do not possess the dynamic run factor that Frost likes to deploy. The spring quarterback battle will inform us rather a lot about what this group will seem like offensively this fall. 
5. Georgia Proper Sort out
I do know that Georgia has who some imagine is essentially the most gifted true freshman quarterback in school soccer on campus and I do know he desires Jake Fromm’s beginning job. However he isn’t the true freshman I am most thinking about seeing this spring. It is offensive sort out Cade Mays that has the most effective shot at profitable a job straight away. Andrew Thomas is predicted to kick over to left sort out to switch Isaiah Wynn on Georgia’s offensive line which leaves a contest for the best sort out spot on a unit that has shortly advanced into an enormous energy below OL coach Sam Pittman. Mays has a shot to win that open spot however to try this, he’ll must beat out Isaiah Wilson, a 6-foot-7, 345-pound redshirt freshman that was ranked by 247Sports activities Composite because the No. 16 participant within the nation out of highschool. However that will not scare off Mays who, at 6-6, 320 kilos, was ranked No. 22 total within the class of 2018.
6. Miami Cornerback
A devastating, career-ending harm to cornerback Malek Younger in Miami’s bowl recreation has left the Hurricanes with an sudden gap on the cornerback place. Luckily for Mark Richt, he has recruited rather well at that spot and he’ll look to a pair of true freshman as maybe his greatest choices to step into the fray. Gilbert Frierson and DJ Ivey are each early enrollees and a part of Miami’s greatest recruiting class since 2008. Each are round 6-foot-1, each are speedy and athletic and each are Dade County merchandise that needs to be able to compete.
7. Penn State Center Linebacker
Final fall, Jason Cabinda was the heartbeat of the Penn State protection. The Nittany Lions had been stacked up the center with expertise at defensive sort out, Cabinda on the mike and two gifted safeties on the back-end. Now, all of these gamers are gone and perhaps crucial substitute of the bunch would be the function Cabinda performed in the midst of all of it. Penn State might go any variety of instructions find Cabinda’s substitute and defensive coordinator Brent Pry will doubtless check out quite a lot of totally different formulation within the lab this spring. Among the many choices are Ellis Brooks, Jan Johnson, true freshmen early enrollees Nick Tarburton and Jesse Luketa or even perhaps outdoors linebackers Koa Farmer or Cameron Brown. The wild card in all of that is true freshman early enrollee Micah Parsons, who would be the most gifted participant at Penn State proper now, however has pure edge-rush means and may have rather a lot on his plate in 12 months One.
eight. Texas security
There shall be some quarterback drama in Austin this spring and it might lengthen into the autumn. Working again shall be a spring place of curiosity as nicely. However if you’d like intrigue, control what occurs on the security place. The Longhorns simply introduced in the most effective defensive again recruiting haul within the nation and safeties Caden Sterns and BJ Foster have wasted no time impressing the teaching workers. Brandon Jones and PJ Locke are the doubtless starters as Texas enters spring apply, however Sterns and Foster shall be nipping at their heels. All of this occurs earlier than three extra four-star defensive backs arrive this summer time.
9. Florida State Linebacker
New Florida State coach Willie Taggart and defensive coordinator Harlon Barnett inherit a roster licking its wounds from final season. For higher or worse, additionally they inherit a contemporary begin on the linebacker place. Matthew Thomas (85 tackles) and Ro’Derrick Hoskins (45 tackles) are gone from the center. So too is hybrid linebacker Jacob Pugh (21 tackles). Jimbo Fisher has recruited nicely, and the cabinet is not naked, however it’s inexperienced. Leonard Warner (18 tackles final fall) and Josh Brown are two names to know as guys with the bodily instruments and talent to take over that starter function, however there are many different choices. Emmett Rice has flashed however shall be restricted within the spring because of harm, and Dontavious Jackson and Andonis Thomas are succesful as nicely. With a clear slate and many expertise to select from, it needs to be an intense competitors.
10. Washington backup Quarterback
Bear with me right here. Washington’s quarterback room is loaded. Jake Browning is the no-doubt starter in 2017 and former four-star and up to date backup KJ Carta-Samuels transferred to play out his eligibility at UCLA. Chris Petersen simply recruited two extra four-star  quarterbacks which might be each already on campus in Jacob Sirmon and Colson Yankoff. Washington additionally accepted a switch from former five-star Georgia starter Jacob Eason. With Eason sitting out this yr (doubtless beginning subsequent yr with Browning graduating) the loser of the backup job between the 2 freshmen could possibly be on switch watch given the best way that room is stacking up expertise. And by the best way, Washington’s present quarterback commit Dylan Morris is without doubt one of the greatest throwers within the 2019 class. There will not be many footballs touching the grass in Washington practices for a couple of years. 
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theshijlegacy · 4 years
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Harlon Fane: (rambles)
Zeyta: he’s going to try to bargain isn’t he
Harlon Fane: “...clearly a question of money, not loyalty..”
Zeyta: I fucking knew it
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