#harmonica stim
muppetstimmoment · 5 months
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Lola Stimboard!!! [For @mysafespaceblog13 !!]
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gummi-stims · 5 months
Could I please ask for a stem board of moomintroll and snufkin? Please and thank you 💙
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I hope this is good! c:
🤍- x -🤍
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hazyaltcare · 2 years
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A stimboard for Kosma (Honkai Impact 3rd) with themes of harmonicas, claws and switchblades.
🔥 💬 🔥
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🔥 💬 🔥
Mod Haze (⭐Hailey)
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altraviolet · 8 months
hi! :D
someone asked about the energon harp a little while ago & you mentioned the glass harp being an inspiration for it. i suddenly had an Insane Brain Moment where i remembered the existence of an awesome instrument called the glass harmonica (or glass armonica, i believe it's called both!) and while i'm not sure if it fits that "richer" sound you described, since it's not that different sounding from the glass harp (as it's its succesor & the playing principles are the same with the water and glass and everything), i think it's another thing i personally was imagining while reading TEG :)
here is a video about it if you, or anyone else, are curious: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVqqNigImtU (it's a bit long but definitely worth a watch or a skim through if you ever have the time - the guy made this one himself i believe, and he talks about its fragility & complexity/the skill needed to play it, as well as some history behind it, and i just think it's such a beautiful instrument that everyone should know about LMAO)
it's also the sort of sound i imagine the resonances of the crystals having, that ethereal, echoing (lol) & almost haunting sound. especially the way the chords played are either beautifully harmonious or off-puttingly dissonant depending on the notes played. at one point i think the cameraman mentions about it being hard to listen to when not played correctly, and that to me is how i imagine the unpure crystals to sound - some harmony with a scratchy, unsatisfying underlayer of discordance mixed in there.
i have this tendency to link everything i possibly can to my interests, so rewatching this video and hearing again about the fragility of it made me have another brain moment and i somehow managed to link that to the way soundwave's crystals shatter. bit more of an abstract link but a link nonetheless xD i suppose the thought process does make sense though
apologies if you are already aware of the glass harmonica and i'm just repeating stuff you're already aware of!! and apologies if this seems random/like an unnecessary ask or something, i wanted to share my thoughts but i don't really have anyone else to talk to about TEG that would get it if that makes sense, so i figured why not share with the author directly ! (and again. i think everyone should know about the glass harmonica it's sick as hell)
actually. while i'm already here typing out an ask i might as well add another thing or two
how do you imagine soundwave's visor transforming away from his face? i can't remember if you go into detail in the fic about it. i think when i first read it i imagined an iron man mask -like transformation with part of it going up over the top of his head? but i'm not sure whether that makes like, any sense with how cybertronians typically transform LOL
and another thing- im autistic and the way you write soundwave sometimes reminds me a LOT of myself, both through the way he expresses himself and also the way hes treated by the lost light crew. there's a scene at/near the beginning of when the crystal club is formed (? i can't remember the exact chapter or point in the plot) where soundwave sees that his great work has the potential to finally be worked on and he's so giddy and elated and laughing and his tentacles are rolling through the air and laserbeak is spinning around and !!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAH idk that reminded me so so much of myself. like that was stimming if i've ever seen it xD
i don't know if you're neurodivergent as well & the way he's written is deliberately allegory for that but it was really fun to relate to him in that way, even if it wasn't intentional. there's a ton of other things soundwave does that to me read as autistic traits & experiences and i think that's awesome
okay that's all :3 i'd also like to say a general thank you for writing the fic (& keeping going for so long!), your writing is truly incredible and brings me so much joy to read and like many others i've started reading mtmte because of it ^_^
I think I saw this same video, briefly, while researching the glass harp :) the glass harmonica has more of breathy sound to my ear. but you are more than welcome to adopt it in your brain for the sounds of Nautica's harp! the fragility link between the glass harmonica and SW's crystals makes total sense.
>how do you imagine soundwave's visor transforming away from his face?
the story has not addressed this yet. it will, so I won't answer because spoilers
>it was really fun to relate to him in that way, even if it wasn't intentional
other autistic folks have made similar comments! I didn't write him specifically to be autistic. I wrote him to act in a way that I thought was a logical conclusion to the scant canon we got in TFP + the fanon of his emotion-suppressing protocols. but if you feel represented in a positive way than that can only be a good thing, I think!
yay, I'm glad that you've started reading MTMTE! I hope you enjoy the story. it's not perfect, but it is fantastic. it was the first time I saw character arcs in action and understood them to be so. previous to reading MTMTE, I never cared about characters in the books I read. I was more enamored of the world/setting, or the science/magic, etc etc. post-MTMTE I finally understand what people mean by characters being the most important part of a story. I learned a lot reading it =)
thank you for the kind ask!
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pompadorbz · 2 years
I Taka should get more into music but play not-so-popular instruments, like the harmonica or accordion. Also, since you have the pyro headcanon with Taka then I really feel he should get into the pyrophone aka fire organ
I LOVE ROTATING TAKA GETTING INTO MORE MUSIC... Him getting into weird instruments is also funny because like... In my experience, being put into a place filled with different, slightly more unorthodox instruments is like being in a room full of stim toys. I WILL be walking around there for 20 minutes and touching everything. I just looked up a pyrophone THATS SICK AS HELL although I'm actually not all that into how it sounds? I'd have to look at more things... For Taka I can see that becoming a purely observational thing. All other senses are blocked out it is just him and fire organ together forever for the rest of all time.. When it comes to Taka liking music, I think it'd be really funny if he went his whole life being a genuinely pretty good vocalist without knowing it?? Nearly all of it comes from, of course, over-studying a topic for class. In this case it'd be choir in elementary school. I wanna put him in a scenario where Sayaka hears him once and is mind blown that this guy doesn't sing half bad.
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rtc headcannons because ive fallen deep into this musical
noel drinks from wine glasses and exclusively wine glasses
ocean has a fringe/bangs but doesnt know how to grow them out so she just pins them up with headbands
ricky has so many badges its a problem at this point. just buckets upon buckets of badges.
i am making them all autistic bcs im autistic and i need more autistic characters damnit
ocean has a special interest in politics and literary analysis
noel has a special interest in france, poetry media analysis
sometimes they discuss different films and books together and yes they get very heated over their wildly differing interpretations
ricky (obviously) has a special interest in space and cats, but also video games.
constance has a special interest in autism itself, flower language and art history
penny (be aware i have not seen legoland yet so take this with a pinch of salt) has a special interest in animals and mythology
mischa has a special interest in horror and rap, as well as linguistics
noel speaks pretty good french. he uses duolingo but he hates the notifications because they annoy him at the most random times
ricky uses all pronouns, no preference. and by all, i mean ALL. you could bring out the boink/boinkself pronouns and shed be chill with it
constance really likes hot chocolate with cinnamon and two shots of caramel in it
penny has mild heterochromia. one eye is green and the other is a darker green with a brown rim
ricky has an aac, but they all know at least basic sign language. theyre still learning
ocean stims by bouncing on her tiptoes. one time she fell over in the middle of a big speech because she tipped forward. she was fine but very embarrassed. noel was no help
noel's mother is from a french-speaking provenance/precinct (i think thats what theyre called)
mischa owns two hats, but flips them inside out so it looks like he owns more
noel has tried white wine. he doesnt want to admit it but he absolutely despises it
penny has textural issues with anything slimy. she tried a facemask once and almost broke the wall from slamming so far backwards into it.
mischa has talia's number memorised, but still keeps a litle slip of paper in his phone case with her number on it
ocean colour codes EVERYTHING. if even a single colour is out of place on anything she will spend ages trying to fix it
everything noel owns is very low contrast, and most of it is some variation of dark, desaturated reds and blues or monochrome
ricky owns a pair of purple cat ears
ocean isn't one for sweet things but adores chocolate oranges.
most of the time they all eat lunch together in the choir room
penny is a vegetarian bcs she doesnt like the texture of meat, ricky is a vegetarian because hes allergic to red meat
when ocean found out noel works at taco bell she spent a week going up to him at work just because. she still goes occasionally. noel dies inside a little bit more each time
noel actually managed to convince some other kid to day the second line in the nativity play. hes still proud of that one
mischa really likes rasberries
ricky loves to sleep in hammocks, but its a pain getting in and out of them so they dont do it often
noel's mother owns a lot of old french dvds which is how noel got into them
constance is very good at playing instruments, like harmonicas and flutes.
noel used to buy those fake sweet cigarettes all the time and pretend he actually smoked. he didnt like the flavour though. too chalky
mischa really likes palma violets.
penny doesn't watch movies often, but when she does she asks a lot of questions
noel really likes dramas, but he doesn't say so that often
for a bonding activity they all made bracelets for eachother, but none of them knew how. they picked who theyd make the bracelet for out of a hat. ocean researched before hand and made a nice flower chain for penny. penny made a green singlet with star beads for ricky. ricky made a red bracelet with "bad egg yt" on it for mischa. mischa made a purple and white bracelet for constance. constance made a black and red bracelet with a rose charm on it for noel. noel made an orange and blue bracelet with a shell charm and the word "lake" on it for ocean
penny wears hers and constantly fiddles with it. ocean keeps hers despite being annoyed by the word. mischa wears his often, but its slightly small so hes very careful to make sure it doesnt snap. noel keeps his on his bedside. ricky wrapped his around one of his crutches. constance wears hers often as well, and keeps it in a small box specifically for the bracelet.
noel stims by rubbing his fingers and fixing his collar
ricky has made an entire map of the solar system zolar is on. zey made it on a giant piece of a1 paper and hung it by his bed
ocean is scared of boats. the irony is not lost on anyone. however noel is also scared of boats, so he doenst make jokes
penny eats paper sometimes. not often, but often enough to concern the choir. she prefers plain and hates tissue paper
noel owns a large notebook for his favourite pieces of poetry/writing to be written in. it has a large design of roses and skulls on the front and is on a fancy textured cover. he keeps it in pristine condition and has shown exactly two people that it even exists. his mother and mischa
mischa sends noel song clips to review and noel sends him poetry snippets
constance and penny spend evenings at the cafe together, they do their homework there and they talk for hours once shes finished
penny and ocean are actually pretty close, those two and constance sit together in most lessons and convince the teacher to put them in a three for pair activities.
noel knows talia is real and they're actually friends. mischa is glad they get along and someone else believes shes real.
this led noel to learning some ukranian and talia learning some english to avoid the hells of google translate
ocean began learning french to spite noel but actually quite likes the language
constance really likes the count of monte cristo
mischa canmot finish books for the life of him. he begins reading, gets bored and remembers twelve weeks later he even knew of the book
there is a singular shitty library in uranium in st. cassians. its old and decrepit but the librarian is nice.
ocean volunteers after hours in the library on thursdays and fridays
ricky and penny watch animal documentaries together. they also spend a lot of timw with rickys cats. penny loves them
noel has tried that french whipped cream hot chocolate and loves it
ricky doesbt like throwing away her clothes so they sew the holes up with penny and ass little patches on them.
constance and penny read together and penny likes to help constance in the cafe with things like sweeping and clearing tables
mischa and ricky are bros. they watch sci fi together, and tend to watch a lot of scifi horror
noel and ocean hate eachother in the "you are genuinely so insufferable. i never want to talk to you, no, i dont even want to see you again. of course we're still on for saturday i'll meet you at ten, see you there" kind of way
penny dyed her hair blonde and noel dyes his hair black. his natural hair is a pretty dark brown but he likes his dark dark.
the choir hang out every saturday. they do things like hang at the cafe or go to the mall.
in an everyone survives au, none of them like cars that much after the rollercoaster
post canon penny hosts memorials and told talia about what happened. she was devastated, but penny felt she needed to know. she also managed to stop taco bell from making the hungry hombre meal
noel cannot stand fast food after working at taco bell because hes seen how its made.
noel is friends with a coworker, a woman in her late thirties who knew his mother briefly in highschool.
ocean cannot handle spice at all. she can barely hold her own against the lowest spice rating on a nandos menue
ricky talks to noel about zolar and all xeir ideas for it. noel is fascinated by just how detailed and extravagent it all it, so he ignores the sexy cat people
ricky convinced the rest of the choir to watch cats. there is now a mandatory background check before each movie on movie nights
ocean wears a lot of yellow and blue
because of oceans oarents, she has very limited internet access, so she normally uses a laptop her parents dont know about, courtesy of constance, at the cafe
constance writes fics on ao3. not often, but she does. shes pretty good at it ngl
noel's mother actually gave him the monique wig
when asked for a self portrait noel gives two- one of monique and one of him, often side by side
will probbaly do more later, maybe focused more on shipping and identity bcs i wanna make one on that
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wings-of-sapphire · 2 months
Making weird auditory stims (acapella harmonica of the Batman theme song) to ward off migraines is the best 👍
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lifeisablackhole9 · 1 year
hmm. i’ve almost entirely lost my appetite over the past few days. i’ll consume less than 500 calories and even that will feel like too much. that’s not good. i wanted to loose weight to solve a health problem, i really didn’t want to create another on in the process. awesome.
i’ve been taking like half an edible so i’ll actually eat dinner but i really don’t want to rely on that either. weed and alcohol are supposed to be fun once in a while things for me, not something i become dependent on. really don’t like this at all but i currently don’t have any other choice. i was able to eat a bag of popcorn with some cereal in it for dinner but like that’s not enough and yet it was too much and i just. gah i hate it.
depressions getting worse too i’m afraid. it always gets bad in summer tho so i’m not too worried about it. it’s not as bad as last year. then again that’s a tough act to follow. i just get so hot and sweaty and it makes sleeping so hard and it just kinda snowballs ya know. i’m so tired and i just want to stop.
it’s not dissociative yet but i think it’s gonna get there soon. i’m already struggling to keep my room clean. i haven’t been emptying my pockets either when i change clothes. the only thing i’ve been keeping up with is showers really and that’s because i hate being sweaty.
i haven’t even been able to work on my piece for an. event. that i’m writing for that if you don’t follow my hawks sideblog then i shan’t say what the event is. but. yeah, it’s due on the 16th and i just. cant do it and i hate that. reminds me of when i was a kid and couldn’t do anything right.
something else that’s been bothering me is like. okay so i’ve been single like my entire life, right? no big deal. i can handle being alone (this is almost the truth). until i remember like. valentine’s day is actually one of my favorite holidays right? i love the aesthetic, i love the romance. all of it. but i’ve never actually gotten to celebrate it. and i just remembered that and it made me really sad. like no matter what i tell myself. no matter what i do or don’t come to terms with. no matter what i actually want. i know i’m going to stay single. i know i’m never going to actually get to celebrate one of my favorite holidays. and that makes me sad.
and i know i’m staying single because like. i’m not a person people take long term interest in. i never have been and i never will be. the only people who have taken interest are people looking for casual (nothing wrong with that, but i’m not) and like. that sucks. but i also know why.
i don’t know for sure what’s going on with me, be it adhd, autism, both or something else that’s not even on my radar. but like, i need stimulation. some of its touch because i tend to dissociate a lot. some of its movement, that’s why i got the chair i have, so i can rock in it when i need to. but a lot of it? it’s sound. i need something in my background most of the time. usually music. and i really can’t stand headphones and inears for long periods of times. so i have it playing off my phone (i don’t do this in public i am very much capable of shame don’t worry) and like, at full volume. sometimes i use a speaker. other times i need to make the sound. one of my favorite stims is to just blow into my mini harmonica as long and loud as possible. every hates that!! so much that i don’t even get to do it very often.
i’m either way too loud, or way too quiet. i tend to go mute or almost mute a lot, but i still want open communication. do you know how hard it is to find someone who will just be around you when you want company but don’t want to socialize literally at all? everyone always feels the need to fill the silence instead of just. existing. at the same time someone else is.
i also just miss physical contact. like a lot. i used to get a decent amount from friends but now i hardly see them and i just feel so disconnected from everything. i just got my weighted blanket back from the dry cleaners and i’ve just putting the entire thing on my chest to pretend it’s like. a person.
hell, i’ve changed my sleep white noise from just a storm to one that’s got a heart beet and breathing in it because i just can’t do this anymore. that’s so fucking sad and pathetic like what?? the fuck???
my anxiety is getting really bad, too like, i’ll keep feeling like i’ve Done Something Wrong™️ and i have to keep reminding myself that no. i haven’t. you’re not at the job where you were always in trouble because the rules kept changing on a whim without telling you. things are consistent now. you’re not going to get in trouble for things out of the blue now. it’s okay.
i should stop, the app just had a heart attack over me typing. sorry.
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ohthestoryteller · 4 years
my classmates have learned more about me through my camera on zoom than from being in my class for years
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sunnydotjpeg · 3 years
Nobody asked but I’m bored and listening to the mechs on a car ride so here’s my mechs gender/sexuality headcanons :)
Jonny: he’s a trans man!! he/him, either gay or aro I can’t decide which. Maybe both. Who knows. He has adhd and stims with his harmonicas. Nastya has to make him sleep when he hyperfixates on writing an album
Nastya: she/her trans lesbian! Jonny’s sister also. She’s autistic and has temperature and light sensitivity :D
Ashes: they/them pansexual icon, has tourettes
TS: it/its, technically aro but it’s just here to Have Fun With Its Friends (queerplatonic), also autistic! Likes textures and clicks its heels to stim a lot
GP Tim: any pronouns including neos, bisexual, steals raph’s skirts bc he likes the swoosh
Brian: he/xe, gay, I love him and Jonny so they’re either romantic or qpps, xir hair is super soft somehow
Ivy: he/she trans ace lesbian (or maybe pan bc prisonmechs,,,) also autistic and adhd, infodumps <3
Raphaella: she/her trans girl, bisexual, is she autistic? probably,
Marius: he/him, trans and bisexual, qpps with Raphaella because they’re Best Friends
And of course the honorary mechanism:
Lyf: they/them, chaotic bisexual, Done With This Shit
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you ask for autistic jonny hc's and i shall deliver. even though he doesn't play any instrument except the harmonica, he loves to stim by tapping his fingers or hands like he plays All Of Them. air piano, air drums, air guitar, air glockenspiel. he's a one man stim band
He is!! I think a lot about how he stims on stage, especially in death to the mechs. I dont remember if I posted this to my other tumblr but heres some a stim doodle I drew back in January :)
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hinagamoizaf · 3 years
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Chapter 16: A Musician and His Muse (Colourised) The finale for Mon ange & my Yakari/Hiyama two-parter
An snippet :
I can’t stop stimming my hands, the sound of my girlfriend washing up in the bathroom. For tonight, I asked if Gabumon and Tailmon could wait in the digital space Koushiro provided; bless their hearts for understanding. Hikari-chan comes out with a gentle smile, and behind her, I can see the pregnancy test resting on the sink.
“Is it…?” I’m too afraid to put the question forward, Hikari-chan simply settles down on my lap. “Before that,” she pushes my hair back, soothing me with her dainty fingers, “How would you actually feel if I told you I was carrying your baby, Yama-kun?” I kiss the curve of her shoulder, burying a portion of my face against her skin. “Quite frankly, I would be scared. I’d be mad at myself for not using protection, for making you a mother when you’re only nineteen and in your first year of university.” I wrap one arm around her protectively, my other hand reaching out for her cheek; stroking it as I hold her loving gaze.
“But it would be everything I’ve dreamed of and wanted for since I was a kid: to have a family I’d care for even after I’ve passed on to the next life. And Ange , I love you so, so much, even if that day came right now - whatever I hold and am as a person, that belongs to you and our baby.” Closing her eyes briefly, Hikari-chan presses our lips together, and it’s now I realise she’s been crying. I hold her tighter, closer to my soul, and kiss her back. Between the sniffles, I feel her whisper against my lips : “...then I’m sorry it’s negative , Yamato.”
I blink in denial, then slowly pull away as my girlfriend’s face is fresh with tears and has a smile of mixed emotions. “Y-you’re not pregnant?” my eyes immediately darted back to the pregnancy test. “Not now at least,” she confirms with a hint of her own disappointment, “But I guess that makes the two of us...because deep down just like you, Yama-kun, I wanted to have your children too.” I adjust our position so we’re both lying on the bed, arms and legs entangled like a cocoon of comfort; facing each other after that pregnancy scare. “But that’s for ‘now’,” I reassure her as wipe away her tears, and in return my own form, “You know how we never planned on falling in love? But it just happened, it felt so right , and look at us now.” I’ll need to take Dad out as a special thank you one of these days.
“You’ve been by my side since we were kids, Yama-kun,” Hikari-chan tugs onto my clothes, resting her head against my chest, “Ever since we became official… no, even before that - you’ve been with me through it all. Helping and cheering me on with whatever is thrown my way...holding me just like this when I’m not ready to face them too.” “We’ll be parents one day, where you’ll be a kindergarten teacher and I’ll be an astronaut,” I share a dream of what could be our forever, “Tailmon and Gabumon would help take care of the kids while also helping save the world.” She gets a laugh out of that, her breathing slowing down as I feel the rise and fall of her chest. “You’d still strum your guitar or pick up a harmonica, I’ll probably be that Mum who won’t stop taking pictures of everything,” Hikari-chan’s voice is softer and lower, as if she’s about to fall asleep, “And we’d bring our kids for a picnic to the Digital World...perhaps on August 1st too with all the other Chosen Children...when we’ll have our immediate family, and extended on…” Her words turn into snores as I maneuver around for the blanket to cover us both. Before I slip into the realm of dreams myself, I catch sight of the pregnancy test one last time; then focus on my sleeping girlfriend. “I got us so worked up over something so small...but that’s what being a parent is. Ange , I’m sorry I made you cry again. I pray that next time and that next time will be a few years down the road - when you pick up the pregnancy test then, we’ll both be crying because you’ll have a star or two growing in your belly. And those stars will be our kids .” Just as I did that one Christmas night, I lowered my head to kiss Hikari-chan’s forehead. “Until then, let’s enjoy being young adults together, learning and growing with time.”
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the-old-moss · 4 years
37 for newsies related questions :)
I get really happy when Race plays the harmonica in Seize the Day. He pops up on screen and I stim and giggle like a child. He's doing his dance and playing the harmonica and he's vibing, I love it!
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autisticsnufkitten · 5 years
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Moomin (1990) 1x21, “Snufkin Leaves Moomin Valley”
this scene is chock full of more evidence of Autistic Snufkin!!
the Moomin family & friends are inside dancing together. meanwhile,  Pappa realizes that Snufkin is standing alone on their front porch, his back to the door. perhaps Snufkin planned to knock and come in once he’s enjoyed watching the rain a while -- it reminds me of how i do some extra stimming and make sure to get some solitude before going to an event i know will be loud and crowded. he’s preparing himself now to help keep sensory overload at bay.
Moominpappa initiates some small talk about the weather. but like some autistic folks, Snufkin doesn’t seem interested in that idle chitchat -- he acknowledges Pappa’s remark with a simple, one-word “yes,” but then switches to the topic he wants to talk about: the activity going on in the house. maybe he had planned on coming in immediately, but when he heard all the commotion from inside he decided to stay out until he could gather more information on what to expect. a lot of us autistics like to be well-informed in that way. and here’s Moominpappa, someone who can tell him what’s going on!
once Pappa satisfies Snufkin’s need for information, Snufkin moves straight on to a new subject, once that he perseverates on throughout the episode: the oncoming winter. Moominpappa is clearly startled by the sudden change of subject, going “huh?” and pausing before he replies. to him, it seems like a non sequitur. but for an autistic person, going ahead and saying what you want to say without worrying about conversational conventions is totally normal.
when they get inside, Snufkin stands quietly instead of greeting everyone. i feel like he’s just absorbing all the sights and sounds, letting himself get used to it. then when Moomin calls out hello to him, Snufkin replies not with any words but a tiny wave; Snufkin tends to be a man of few words anyway, but it could be that all the sensations at once are making it hard for him to talk.
Snufkin turns Little My down when she asks if he’ll dance with her. perhaps he just doesn’t like dancing. it might be that adding someone touching him to all the other sensations currently bombarding him would be Too Much; he’ll keep on taking it all in quietly, thank you very much. and Little My is totally fine with that!
finally, when the record player breaks down and everyone is disappointed, Snufkin offers to help...
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the gratitude they all feel (especially smitten lil’ Moomintroll!) is evident. Snufkin has found a way to join their fun in his own way -- not by having to dance like the rest of them, but by playing his harmonica like he loves to do.
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the Moomins love and appreciate their autistic friend Snufkin. they always give him the space he needs, and in doing so they get to enjoy his unique gifts!
what do you think?
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jessie-lou · 4 years
today we’re stimming with a harmonica!! 
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snufmin-is-life · 5 years
Long list of facts about Lilja:
What makes them cry?
-When she's alone for too long and becomes lonely. Whenever she's in a heated argument she almost always starts to cry. Sometimes when she's overstimulated she cries but very rarely.
How would your OC describe themselves?
-quiet but friendly. Loyal to close friends and family. Creative and loves to draw and write. Absolutely loves music and playing the banjo.
What does your OC smell like?
-Pine trees, sage, and mint (she likes being clean and smelling like it)
What spice best represents your OC?
What is your OC’s most listened to song/artist of the year? of the decade?
-She listens to Snufkin play his harmonica a lot, as for an official song that would be There Beneath by The Oh Hellos
How does your OC sleep?
What do they wear to bed? What positions do they sleep in? How many pillows/blankets/mattresses do they need? Lights on or off? Any specific rituals around bedtime?
-They wear a big nightshirt to sleep in that they got from Snufkin.
She usually sleeps on their side but sometimes on their stomach.
They use one pillow but have a lot of plushies they sleep with.
They have a lot of blankets on their bed because they like the feel of the weight.
Lights off, a small lantern lighted for a nightlight.
She normally reads or writes before she goes to sleep, or she occasionally messes with their banjo (but not too much as it wakes Moomin).
During winter it's harder for them to sleep.
A stranger smiles at your OC in public. How does your OC respond?
-If she's literally never met them before she keeps their head down and doesn't keep eye contact with them.
What does your OC do when they get a stain on their clothes?
-She'll try to wash it as good as she can to lighten it. She hates any reminders of dirtiness on their body or clothing.
What is your OC’s favorite item of clothing they own?
-Their small cloak (similar to a poncho?)
Does your OC generally assume the best or the worst in people ?
-She tries to assume the best in people.
Does your OC listen to the same some on repeat for 6 months straight or are they regularly seeking out new songs?
-Almost always listens to The Oh Hellos and hasn't really tried to find any other band.
Is your OC good with kids?
Do they want kids?
Do they even like kids?
-She does best with older kids (7 and up) younger kids stress them out too easily. She's not sure if she wants kids, she's not too focused on that at the moment. She generally likes kids, especially due to the fact they're filled with imagination and wonder.
How can you tell if your OC is in a good mood? How can you tell of they're in a bad one?
-When she's happy she stims by foot tapping and stimming by shaking their paws.
When she's in a bad mood she avoids making eye contact, rubs their torso with their arms over and over (something I do), and also scratches their skin a lot.
What is the worst thing your OC has ever done? Do they regret it?
-Not sure if this is the exact worst thing she's done but once she was in an argument with Snufkin and she snatched his harmonica and threw it into the ocean. At first she didn't regret it but then realized that it would be like if someone threw their banjo in the ocean. She regretted it then. Later she purchases him a new one as a way to apologize.
What’s your OC’s favorite animal? Favorite mythical creature? Favorite cryptid?
-She loves foxes. Their favorite mythical creature is Pegasus. Favorite cryptid is either The Lock Ness monster or Moth Man.
Does your OC prefer Grand Romantic Gestures or little acts of care?
-Definitely little acts of care. She tends to get really flustered if it's a grand romantic gesture.
What does your OC do when they can’t fall asleep?
-Goes for a walk outside till she feels sleepy.
Does your OC dress for practicality or for the aesthetic?
-More for practicality. Don't get me wrong she likes fashion but would rather be prepared so practical clothes are better.
How does your OC respond to being told "I love you"?
-Usually with a smile and if she feels like it she'll ask for a hug.
What makes your OC go feral?
How does your OC calm down when they’re angry?
-Stimming and sitting in their room until she calms down.
Does your OC take a soup or a salad?
-Soup. She likes salad but it can be too cold.
What is the strangest thing your OC always carries in their pocket/bag, and why?
-An old stick doll that Snufkin made for them when they were little. It gives them good luck.
Is your OC more of a casual flirting type, a type to have crushes, or a falling in love type?
Is your OC more of a thinker, a talker, or a doer?
What kind of first impression does your OC give?
-Snufkin clone.
What would The Bad Place look like for your OC? what would be their specially tailored form of eternal torture?
-Loud sounds, flashing lights, basically an overstimulation goldmine.
What was your OC's first word as a baby?
-"Muumee" aka moomin.
Is there a smell your OC can’t stand?
What kind of socks does your OC wear?
-Wool socks.
How does your OC react to seeing a spider in their house?
-She always gets help from their dads to get rid of it. She's extremely scared of spiders.
What is your OC’s comfort food?
-Mashed potatoes.
How physically affectionate is your OC?
-She's ok with most physical affection as long as she initiates it. She's not especially huggy though.
Does your OC thrive on change or stability?
-Stability. She needs structure and a routine to thrive.
What are your OC’s three favourite scents?
-Snufkin's smoking herbs, the pancakes Moomin cooks in the morning, and lavender.
What colours does your OC wear the most? Which ones do they avoid wearing?
Purple is their favorite color. Neon colors she tends to avoid simply because they're very bright.
What was your OC’s childhood fear?
-She was scared of the Lady of the cold and the Groke.
What is your OC most likely to get arrested for?
-Messing with parkkeepers and pulling up signs like their pappa Snufkin.
Who does your OC call in the middle of the night when they need someone to talk to?
-Moomin. He's a great comforter.
Are they multilingual? what languages do they speak?
-All the languages that Lilja speaks from most fluent to least fluent: Finnish, Swedish, English.
If you OC were a fruit, what would they be and why?
-Passion fruit?
What is your OC’s opinion on candy corn?
-Flavor is tolerable and texture is eh.
What colour pen does your OC use?
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