#harry x albert
olipeaksforever · 3 months
they would find eachother in every universe
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qsomedia · 5 months
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"three tickets to Challengers, please"
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jokeringcutio · 7 months
The Grabber x Hufflepuff (f) Reader [1] (Explicit, warnings)
Because I noticed an astonishing amount of my Grabber readers have this one thing in common. It's the house. Hufflepuff. They all have Hufflepuff on their profiles. Summary: You're a Hufflepuff student and you get caught by the Dark Lord's infamous snatcher known as The Grabber.
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Fandoms: The Black Phone, Harry Potter Rating: Explicit Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, clad touching, non/con or dub-con touching, Reader is a Hufflepuff, Reader is Innocent. Reader is a virgin, Reader is a Mudblood/Muggle-born, use of little witch/littlegirl/little one, Reader is of age, Grabber has an innocence corruption kink, Reader gets kidnapped. Harry Potter 2nd Wizard War AU.
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Grabber x Hufflepuff [ 1 ]
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The Room of Requirement shimmered with the focused intensity of young witches and wizards, secretly preparing for the fight against the Dark Lord and his followers. You were among them, your wand tracing arcs in the air as you practiced defensive spells like all others. Some students here were younger than you, some slightly older. But everyone was practicing with the same passion. The air was thick with concentration, punctuated by the occasional crackle of magic gone awry.
"Hey," Ginny's voice cut through the hum of activity, pulling you aside. She was in the same year as you, although you hadn’t truly talked until you joined Dumbledore’s Army. Her eyes held an edge of urgency. "I need you to fetch some Hellebore Herb from the Forbidden Forest."
You nodded, a quick, sharp motion. "I can do that," you murmured, feeling the weight of the task settle on your shoulders. Slipping out of the school was a grizzly task nowadays. Students weren’t allowed to leave as it was said to be too dangerous out there now that the Dark Lord had returned. But you knew danger lurked inside the walls of your school as much as it did outdoors. Most of the staff at Hogwarts was sympathizing with the pure-blood radicals. If one of them caught you sneaking out of the school, they’d be taking their time punishing you with heavy torture spells.
Luckily, you were quite skilled at being silent, always alert, and excellent at not being noticed. Ginny knew this. It was why she usually asked you or Clementine Felley, a Ravenclaw with similar skills but a year below you two, to do these sorts of assignments.
Because you’d been doing this for a while, you had grown confident in your skills. In the shadowy corner, you slipped into your school robe to protect yourself from the cold outside. You made sure to flip your hair from underneath it before donning the hood and hiding it again.
The yellow and black of Hufflepuff covered you, and you were glad you belonged to that house. Somehow, the yellow became just another shade when you were out in the dusk or dark, resembling green or brown and adapting to your surroundings. You ran your fingers over the emblem, feeling the rough embroidery against your skin, before you grasped a wicker basket, its weave tight and firm.
Creeping out of the Room of Requirement, you clutched the fabric of your robe close. The corridors loomed silent and watchful. You knew the stakes — capture meant punishment, Crucio, or worse if the Carrow siblings got their hands on you.
As the doors groaned closed behind you, you drew a deep breath. Every shadow could hold a spying eye, a guard, or an enchantment meant to betray your step. But like so many times before, you made it out of the school with practiced ease. The Forbidden Forest loomed, a dark maw ready to swallow you whole. Your heart thudded against your ribcage, but you pushed forward, feet whispering over fallen leaves and twigs.
Like you had hoped, nothing happened. You weren’t spotted. There was no alarm raised. And the deeper you got into the forest, the more at ease you started to feel. Not that there weren’t countless of dangers here, but with your wand and your knowledge of spells, you felt you could handle the forest’s creatures.
The underbrush crunched beneath your knees as you knelt, fingers sifting through the damp soil. You found the Hellebore — a sinister beauty with its deep green leaves and delicate blooms that belied the poison lurking within. Your breath came in careful puffs, visible in the twilight of the forest.
"Aren’t you a brave girl?" The voice was like gravel, grating against the hushed whispers of the trees. It struck a chord of fear, sending a shiver down your spine.
Your gaze lifted, heart beating high in your chest. There, a few feet away from you, a devil's mask leered down at you, eyes hollow pits of malice. You instantly recognized the foul creature from pictures in the newspaper. Moving images of the same mask, two hands raised next to it, showing the same rings you saw now glinting on his fingers in the light of the moon.
The Grabber.
His name slithered through your mind, conjuring images of snatched souls and vanished faces. His jacket hung open, revealing a swath of bare chest, skin pale in the moonlight, betraying he was just another man.
“What are you doing, lovely?” The voice was so deep and low that you felt it deep in your core. You squeezed your legs together uncomfortably, hoping the man didn’t notice the gesture, as you slowly rose from your knees.
Even standing, the man was at least a head taller than you. If not more.
“Well?” He tilted his head, the mask mocking you as it slanted.
"Collecting herbs," you managed, voice a mere wisp of sound. You tucked the Hellebore behind your back discreetly.
"Oh,” the man made a mocking sound that was almost called gentle. “Sweet thing, aren't you? Voice like honey." The Grabber cocked his mask, angling it in such a way that his eyes could trace you up and down. You could feel it, felt his gaze as it roamed over every inch of your body. It felt intimate, the way he studied you.
He stepped closer, the scent of earth and something darker emanating from him.
“Well, aren’t you going to tell the big bad man what kind of herbs you are collecting out here, on your own, at the cusp of midnight?”
You knew he had you there. No student was allowed in this part of the forest or indeed allowed to roam outside at night. In fact, no students were allowed out at all. And by your robes, he could easily tell you were still a student, that you belonged to the school nearby.
A man like him, working for the Dark Lord himself, would not let you go unpunished. He would either hand you back to the school, or he would dish out the punishment himself. But with his reputation for being a man who tortured his victims and made innocent people disappear, you had a feeling which one it would be. The others wouldn't get their herbs today. You had failed them. For a short moment, you wished one of the Carrow siblings had caught you on your way out instead.
“I-I will,” why was your voice trembling? Why did you stutter? Were you truly this scared of the legendary snatcher who was said to be more demon than man?
“Very cute all the stumbling,” the man interrupted you. “I don’t care what you came here to collect. All I care about is that you are being naughty. Being out here, on your own, late at night. There are all sorts of bad men prowling about. Hadn’t you noticed?”
You blinked, clearly confused by his words because he obviously was one of these bad men himself. Why else would he trod around wearing a demon’s mask, bare-chested, in the middle of the night? He was out here, hunting.
Did that mean that others were nearby? That you somehow had been unlucky enough to cross paths with the ones he was chasing. People the Dark Lord wanted to see dead.
“I-I am s-so sorry. The H-herb I needed only grows at night and I thought-" you lied.
“Hellebore Herb,” he interrupted, cutting you short yet again. Of course, he must have caught sight of it. You nodded, realizing that although you had been trying to hide it behind your back, there was some more Hellebore near your feet. It would have been an easy guess.
"Well, well” he muttered, and you watched as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. The way his jacket swayed about revealed a hairless stomach with trained abbs, slightly pudgy but you supposed that came with age.
“Are you a full or half-blood?"
Huh? It was a sensitive question, but you could guess why he would ask it. The Dark Lord wasn’t keen on anyone not considered pure. You could lie to him. You knew you should. But something about the glint behind the dark holes of eyes in the mask told you he already knew the answer.
"Neither,” you reluctantly admitted, hanging your head in defeat. The herb dropped from your hands, fingers outstretched behind your back. “Muggle-born," a reluctant whisper and most definitely a death sentence. To lie was folly; he would know. To think all your bravery and good intentions would end here, tonight. That your defiance would be squashed down by one man and an unlucky encounter. Fear danced along your nerves, yet you forced stillness upon your frame.
"Charming," he murmured, surprising you as he closed the gap between you. The brush of his fingertips against your hair sent an unwanted tingle down your neck. "I would love to take you home."
You stiffened, the words wrapping around you like chains. There was no mistaking the implication, the threat veiled as a compliment. He wanted to snatch you the way he had done so many others. But there was something else underneath, something thick with arousal.
His presence loomed, a specter of dread. His breath grazed your cheek, slipping out from underneath the mask as he studied you with a sidelong glance. You let him touch your hair, let him believe he held sway. Inside, your thoughts raced — plans, strategies, hopes all tangled in a desperate knot.
"Would anyone miss a sweet little muggle-born witch?" he cooed, playing with a lock of your hair. His closeness disgusted you, but you tried to use it to fool him. Your hand slipped into your robe, ever so carefully, and searched for your wand, mentally preparing to knock him back with a spell.
"Everyone is missed by someone," you replied, your voice steadier than you felt.
"Ah, but will they look for you?" The Grabber's tone was a taunt, a predator enjoying the quiver of his prey.
They would. They had to. Ginny and the others would notice if you didn’t come and deliver the herb. They would alarm the others, start a search for you, make sure your parents were informed. And then, the true search would start. No matter how influential the Dark Lord was, he couldn’t stop your loved ones from searching for you. They would, you just knew it. You were loved. You clutched your wand in your fist, preparing to attack.
"Let's find out," the moment the whisper reached your ears, his hand left your hair. You felt how his hand slipped into yours, disarming you by taking your wand. How had he known that you'd reached for it? That you held it? "You don't need that, little girl. Wands are for grown-ups," he teased, voice sing-song. And you silently fumed because you were an adult. Even if it hadn't been for that long. How belittling the man sounded, how he seemed to take pleasure in making you feel small. Then, his mask came closer again, forcing you to lean a little more backward.
"Run, little girl," the Grabber hissed, and without a second thought, you spun on your heels and you ran. With a twist of your body, you broke free from his grasp, feet pounding against the forest floor as you sprinted toward safety.
You could hear him, the laughter that bubbled up from his throat, rich and deep and terrifying.
"Run, little witch, run," he taunted, delight evident in each syllable. "I do so love a chase."
Branches whipped against your face, leaving hot, stinging trails in their wake. Your lungs burned with exertion, the distance between you and the safety of the school shrinking with every desperate stride.
You could reach it, you had to. At this point you didn’t even care if any of the guards spotted you and if they crucioed you until you wished you had never been born. Anything was better than this. Anyone was better than this man. This demon who you’d read about.
Kidnapping. Torture. Unethical spells.
If he got you, you’d never see the light of day again. You’d be done for. You'd die a horrid death.
The outline of the school loomed into view. Just a little further. You pushed yourself beyond your limits, limbs stretching, going faster than you ever had, before your freedom was snatched away. An arm snaked around your waist, making you tumble. His hands clamped over your mouth, stifling the scream that tried to escape. Together, you crashed into the underbrush, his chest, a wall of heat and hardness, pressed against your back. The scent of him enveloped you—earth and sweat and something darker, unnamable.
You fought to breathe, feeling the strain of his fingers against your lips, pushing tightly so they couldn’t even part. You tried to wiggle out of his grip but he only tightened it, hissing in your ear as something hard poked against your butt and you instantly came to a still, eyes wide open. That wasn’t…?
"Shhh," he hissed as a guard's lantern light flickered in the distance. "Not a sound."
You had no choice but to wait in his embrace, feeling his chest heave rapidly up and down behind you. His palm warm against your lips, his heart hammering against your spine. Sweat from his naked chest brushed against your robe.
The moment stretched, an eternity wrapped in seconds, until silence returned and the light of the lantern disappeared into the dimness of the night. Then he rose, pulling you with him, his grip ironclad and unyielding.
"Be silent. Don't make this difficult," he commanded, his hand was upon your arm, gripping you tight, as a wand was raised by the other. It took less than a second for you to realize what was about to happen, but you didn’t have time to counter his spell or try and get away.
You knew what came next—the sensation of being squeezed through an impossibly tiny space, the world blurring into darkness. Apparition. A forced journey to an unknown hell.
You now stood somewhere else, in someone’s living room by the sights of it, too busy taking in your surroundings to stop how the Grabber replaced his hand from your arm to your neck. The squeeze was painful, bringing tears to your eyes, and your hands darted up to try and alleviate his grip. But to no avail.
The man forced you to walk from the living room to the kitchen. Standing in front of a white door, you couldn’t distinguish the soft muttered words that were muffled by the mask, but it was clear he was using some kind of magic to unlock and open it.
A deep and dark room appeared, a staircase leading down to it. Like a basement full of concrete. Then he pushed you through the door.
The grip he had on your neck was firm enough that it became difficult to breathe, as he guided you down the stairs and into what seemed to be a grey and mostly empty room.
The basement was a tomb of dampness and decay. You were thrown onto a mattress that reeked of rot, each spring groaning in protest. He loomed over you, a shadow stripped of humanity.
"Let me have a look at you," he demanded, settling before you and reaching out without expecting an answer.
You felt like a trapped animal and tried to crawl away, but your robes obstructed your movements. And where would you go? There was only a wall behind you, the grey concrete looked chipped and filthy, but also sturdy. You’d need your wand to get out of here.
The man’s hands were already untying your robe, pushing the cloak aside at both sides. Fear twisted inside you, a serpent coiling tighter with every passing second. Veins were visible on the male’s hands. He must be an older man, you thought. And strong.
You tried to struggle and pushed your hands against his arms in an attempt to stop him. But he only stopped his movements to shush you, angling his mask your way before his hands slid past the fabric of your clothes once more.
"Yellow and black," he mused, fingering the edge of your school robe with a touch that was both reverent and mocking. "I always had a thing for Hufflepuffs... loyal, kind, innocent. Wouldn't harm a fly." His voice dripped with sarcasm even as his fingers delicately parted the fabric to reveal your uniform beneath.
You held your breath, trying to shrink away from his probing gaze, but here there was no safety for you. He leaned in closer, heat radiating from his body as you deliberately tried not to look at the bulge he was sporting in his pants. "But innocence is often just a facade... physically they are pure. But mentally," here he chuckled.
"Please..." The word escaped your lips as a whisper, a feeble attempt to preserve some dignity.
A low growl rumbled from the depths of his chest and his nails pressed into your skin as his grip on you became more bold. “I like it when you beg. Makes you look cute, honey.”
You whimpered sadly, realizing that begging wasn’t going to save your life.
"Quiet now," he murmured, his voice a velvet threat. "You won’t need this."
The robe was pushed down your shoulders without a fight.
"Shh," he hushed you, his fingers sliding up the sensitive flesh of your bare thigh, just above your stockings, causing an involuntary flinch.
His coarse fingertips traced dangerously close to your skirt now. You couldn’t help it. You weren’t a fighter like the Slytherins or Gryffindors were, but you had your boundaries. With a sharp movement, you brought your elbows down to harm the man, but the Grabber was quicker. He caught your wrists with just one hand. A sad realization that his hands were large and strong enough to subdue you. You wiggled ineffectively, feeling the grip around both your wrists tighten.
"Cute," he chuckled darkly, taking pleasure in the shiver that coursed through you.
"See," he breathed out, his hand venturing beneath the pleated skirt, touching you where no one had ever touched before. "You are going to love this." His words were poison, staining the rawness of the moment with vile certainty.
"Stop," you tried to command, but it came out as a whimper, your own body betraying you under his invasive touch.
His fingertips stroked past your covered folds, the crotch of your panties dampening with each intimidating stroke. The pressure was just right, pressing down tightly enough to stimulate your clit through the soft cotton layer until he had you squirming. Soft mewls escaped your lips instead of pleas while he still held your wrists up with one hand, making it impossible for you to fight him off or crawl away from his touch.
"Ah, there it is," he whispered triumphantly as his finger traced over your damp core. "Your mind's as filthy as they come, little witch."
Panic clawed at your insides, yet amidst the terror, a spark of rage ignited. You hated him, hated his touch, his violation of all you held sacred. You loathed the way he made you feel; exposed, vulnerable, and worst of all, responding despite yourself.
"Doesn't this prove your point?" you spat out with venomous defiance, despising the trembling of your own voice. You were wet, you could hear it now. You felt your nipples peak underneath the fabric of your blouse, their tips pressing through the layers of clothes you were still wearing. But you had no doubt he had caught sight of it.
“Who said I wanted to prove anything?”
For a moment the two of you sat in complete silence while his fingers still rubbed your clothed core. Slick sounds emerged from between your legs while the Grabber stared at you. Was he waiting for an answer?
You tried to control your breathing, thankful when he finally lowered his other hand and with it your wrists. Your arms were starting to feel sore. Yet, that didn’t distract you from the warmth that was slowly building up inside your core. A tight coil was inside your tummy, your legs started to tremble. Whatever function your panties were supposed to have was rendered nihil as he flicked and fondled your clit through the now-soaked-through piece of garment. The fabric clung to your folds, making it easier for him to brush his fingers and the cloth deeper inside, even being as bold as to try and dip a fingertip in until you moaned and thrashed against him.
You turned your head aside, unable to look at him and his devilish mask as an orgasm was rapidly approaching. Your body trembled under his touch as the finger pushed against your entrance once, twice. And then suddenly withdrew.
Shaking, you sat there, blinking confused before you turned your head to face him. Your body felt hot, between your legs, it was burning with desire. The orgasm was so near that you could feel the first tremors already racking through your body. But he had stopped on the cusp of it, withdrawn as a form of pure torture. Leaving you undone, a trembling and whimpering mess on the dirty pale mattress.
You looked up at him, cheeks red and eyes full of arousal. Even forgetting to lower your arms now that his hold on you was gone. Not that you wanted him to have sex with you, but you were the epitome of a woman on the cusp of ecstasy - eager to have your bodily desire fulfilled. You wanted to feel good. Your mind was now conflicted, torn between wanting him to finish and wanting him far away. You looked at him, flushed, eyes begging him to finish what he started. No wonder a low groan escaped him while he squeezed the bulge in his pants as he rose to stand tall again.
“So innocent,” was all he announced before trying to run a hand through his shoulder-length hair. It must be a habit, you realized, mind still hazy with lust, because the movement had no purpose. The man’s mask was clasped behind his head with several bands. His fingers couldn’t properly run through his hair, and he had to halt his movement and lower his arm again.
You smirked up at him, as if you’d just found out a secret about him.
If you could undo those clasps, you could see his face. If you could escape, you could pass that information to the others. He’d finally be an easy prey.
A sudden movement shook you out of your thoughts when he suddenly dipped his hand inside the pocket of his own jacket. Your wand slid out, the hand in which he held it still glistening in the dark from your juices.
"M-My wand," you whispered, the sound barely escaping your lips.
"Shhh, little Hufflepuff," he cooed mockingly before holding your wand up high, seemingly to study it.
And you finally propelled into action. Your wand was an extension of yourself, of your magic, and it shouldn't be in his possession. You scrambled onto your hands and knees in an attempt to jump up and snatch the wand out of his hands, even if he was that much larger and even if you probably couldn’t reach it when you jumped anyway. But you had to try it. You had to get it back.
Your wand was the only thing that could get you out safely.
The Grabber seemed to have predicated your move. It only needed a whisper of his lips, and you sat frozen.
“It works well,” he muttered, words muffled by the mask. And you had no choice but to watch as he lowered his arm. Your breath caught as his fingers, rough and calloused from years of unforgiving work, slipped into the pocket of his dark robes, taking with them your wand—your lifeline.
He patted the pocket of his jacket as if to taunt you, the jacket smacking against his hip as it still hung open to reveal his naked chest. You could see his belly roll with each deep breath taken. He was still aroused, taking delight in playing these games with you.
A whimper escaped your lips, unbidden, raw with the fear of helplessness.
"Isn't that just adorable," the Grabber mused, his voice a low rumble that resonated through the cavernous basement. You watched, heart pounding, as he prepared to leave, the satisfaction in his stride unmistakable. "Don't worry, pet. You won’t be needing that while you’re here."
You watched him as he made his way to the door. If only he hadn’t put that spell on you and you could still move… But as it was, all you could do was sit and watch as he carried your only hope for survival with him.
“I think I’ll just add your name to the list of deaths," the low husky murmur of the Grabber surprised you. It came unasked, just another way he was mentally manipulating you, you guessed. "No one’s gonna ask for you. But you know, future reference. In case anyone decides to start prowling,” he paused, turning his mask to face you from over his shoulder. “It'll just be another whoops. My hand slipped. Killed a pretty little girl out in the forest. Mud-blood witch. I had my orders.”
Anger raged inside of you, boiling under the frozen surface. You wished you could grit your teeth, curl your hands into fists, growl even. But you could do nothing.
He'd report you as another casualty, another life claimed by the darkness he served.
"It’s a cheap trick, but it works every time," he said casually. "Mostly had boys before you. This will be new." The implication hung heavy in the stale air, a sentence without an end, and it was suffocating.
Why? You wondered. Why not just kill them? Why take them home?
The Grabber paused, the mask changed direction until it almost looked like the demon grinned. "I like to play a game. Only with the cute ones though.”
Panic seized you and you felt like you suddenly couldn’t breathe. He hadn’t just read your mind, had he? Merlin, please don’t let him be a Legilimens.
The Grabber fully turned back to you, the demonic mask’s expression seemed to have changed. But surely, that must be your imagination. Or had he cast a spell on it?
“Want to know what it’s called?” he taunted. And you thought. No. No, I don’t want to know what the game is called.
But instantly after, a different voice inside your head said otherwise. What game did he play with his victims, you wondered?
You almost heard the smirk that was hidden underneath the mask. “Since you asked so nicely,” he murmured, confirming your fear that he was someone who could read minds.
“It’s called the naughty game.”
Then he smoothly turned on his heels while a thousand thoughts clouded your mind. You watched him, his back to you as he ascended the stairs, leaving you to contemplate the twisted rules of his game. What happens if you're naughty? you wondered, a desperate plea for some semblance of understanding.
He halted, his silhouette framed by the dim light at the top of the staircase.
"You lose," he answered, the words echoing ominously off the walls.
And with that, he disappeared from sight, leaving you alone with the chilling silence, your wet panties, and your racing thoughts. ~ AN: More? ~
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repdragons13 · 21 days
I'm trying to write a college au 9-1-1 fic.
but I can't figure out what major to give the characters.
age-wise I decided:
Ravi and Albert: freshmen
Eddie and Buck: sophomores
Maddie, Hen, Karen, Chimney: seniors
Bobby and Athena: professors
Harry and May: hs sophomore and senior
Chris: 3 years old.
Yes, almost everyone is aged down but otherwise this cannot be a college au.
As of now I only have
Bobby: Theology Professor
Athena: Law & Ethics Professor
I would love help from #thepeople.
So, thank you. Bye Bye.
#1, lemme reveal this is actually also an urban fantasy au based on the world building of my books?🤭
Eddie ended up as a psychology major because he's had so much trauma (had Chris at 16, while actively being forced by his parents in a supernatural war, HES BEEN THROUGH A LOT) and he wants to give back.
Buck is an Elemental Literature (similar to world literature) major cuz in his alternate life coma dream he was a teacher.
Maddie is an Healing Studies major (basic med essentially) because nurse.
chim AND hen: alchemy & potion making majors (the hands on version of medicine) because I felt like it fit them to be more direct (?)
Karen is an aerospace engineering major because someone had to have a normal major. and also rocket scientist. her and chim met freshman year bc she was the only one who sat with him at lunch. Chim introduced them. henren already canon
Albert is an Elemental history major (but maybe he'll switch to business at some point I'm still on the fence), bc I genuinely didn't know what to give him.
ravi is obviously a property management major because as we're all sadly aware he is in fact a landlord.
oh, and technically Bobby's course is called Namology. and Athena's Elemental Law & Ethics. but same thing. oh, and Bobby's classroom is Class 118, obviously.
if anybody then wants to know their specieses lemme know.
Funny addition: did not realize this beforehand but I had previously literally already named the School of Law college ATHENA SCHOOL OF LAW. Athena Grant-Nash is really THAT GURL (technically it's named after the Greek Goddess but ssshhh that's a detail)
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frogeyedsoup · 1 year
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made this for my friend while i waited for it to get food
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amymbona · 2 months
Amyyy what fandoms are you in???? 😁🙏
Lemme tell you guys I am a fan girl.
The most intense besides Challengers at the moment is my love for Arctic Monkeys and One direction <33333 been to 3/5 concerts of the boys (it's literally gonna be 2 years since my Harry Styles concert tomorrow - the best fucking day of my life (HE LITERALLY WAVED BACK AT ME GUYS HE KNOWS I EXIST))
I love the whole world of Harry Potter, but mainly, I'm a Tom Riddle girlie. He's just sooo😫😫😫😫😫
For like four years, I've been building up my whole maladaptive world around the series called The 100 which I love as well. Guys if some of you have seen Love 101, let me know, cause that such a good fucking series.
I'm a part of Hamilton the musical fandom (proud Daveed Diggs girlie) and genuinely just love all the musicals. I danced in two in our local theatre 😁😁😁
FNAF fandom as well, and since seeing the movie, I have been obsessed with Matthew Lillard. So all his characters.
D-d-d-d-dream smp. GUYS! BEAR WITH ME. It was different in 2020/21 alright? I don't support any of the weirdos at the moment but I'm a proud Quackity, Tommyinnit, Technoblade, Eret and Nihachu fan 🫶
If the Far Cry or Bioshock series have their own fandoms, then I am a part of them.
And then like... Philosophy? I KNOW IT'S NOT SOMETHING YOU'RE LIKE A FAN OF. But guys. I just know Albert Camus had such a big dick.
And well I'm a literature woman too, like Kafka (WE SHARE BIRTHDAYS), Wilde, Plath... And I'm an art girlie too. The biggest baroque fan out there tbh, I love impressionism and dadaism too, as well as the Ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt, the Etruscans...
I'm sure I could think of many many many others but mind's too empty now 😔😔😔😔😔
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murgaloo · 1 year
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Harry x Lois: Foolish one, stop checking your mailbox for confessions of love that ain't never gonna come; you will learn the hard way instead of just walking out
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Harry x Kasia: On a crowded street in 1944 and you were headed off to fight in the war, you still would've been mine and we would have been timeless
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Lois x Vernon: All I know is this could either break my heart or bring it back to life, got a feeling your electric touch could fill this ghost town up with life
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Albert x Webster: I can see you in your suit and your necktie, passed me a note saying "Meet me tonight", then we kissed & you know I won't ever tell
Speak Now (Taylor's Version) vault tracks as World on Fire (2019) couples
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lovetogether · 5 days
Sadly we do not use shipping as a full frontal outlet for the nuclear family esk idea of love in our mind and instead opt to use it as further exploration of a character and TBH we don’t think Harry brings much to the Table compared to Dale. We think Harry’s relation to Dale is pretty much in line with most other “straight faced” characters who meet Dale.
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purplelupins · 2 years
To my lovely followers who like Ethan Hawke! I wanted to do a shout out to three of my good friends who also write for his characters- please check them out, they are so talented.
@wayward-persephone - she does content for a plethora of Ethan Characters as well as some slashers on her main blog @lovely-cryptid
@mandowifey- For the love of god if you like Ray Harris go read her (so far) two part series about him…but grab an extra pair of panties. She has other Ethan content as well🤍
@dancingisdangerouss - last but NOT least…Penny. If you are looking for a depraved but deeply talented long fic writer…look no further. She has her work on Ao3, but you can navigate through her blog!
I shouldnt have to say this but please be respectful and kind to these writers and to any writer you come across on here…they are people and have lives so please don’t hound them for new content🤍
Much love!!!
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mandowifey · 2 years
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olipeaksforever · 2 months
Lynchian Boy
A playlist inspired by Lynch (anti)heroes and villians.
Featuring: Scott Walker, The Searchers, The Zombies, Martin Gore, The Replacements, Roy Orbison, Soft Cell, Nine Inch Nails, The Kinks, The Cure, The Chameleons, The Dave Brubeck Quartet, Cabaret Voltaire, Tuxedomoon & Cult With No Name, Chris Isaak, Duran Duran, Depeche Mode, Suicide, Cocteau Twins and Angelo Badalamenti.
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daemonwritesstuff · 5 months
MATCHUP TRADE WITH @sugutoad - 100% completed
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A/N: Hi Anna! im so happy to do yet another trade with you! these are so fun to do and hopefully we can do more soon haha. I hope you enjoy this so much as much as I did with mine.
Your Significant Other Is…
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You have been matched with Regulus Black! After some thinking about your other HP matches he seemed like a more better fit for you.
Kallias Black!
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The oldest child and brother! aka Regulus and Annas first child! He was born after you guys got married, He went to school the same time as the boy who lived did. they arent really close together since Kallias despises him for some reason. He is also Regulus's favorite child (he loves all his children ok??). Regulus was over the moon when he found out his son got into slytherin, He's very proud of his kids, even if they dont know. Kallias can get a bit too angry sometimes but calms down right away when his parents comfort him, he would do anything to make his mom and dad proud.
Illiana Black!
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The second and oldest child! the sweet and intellegent child of Anna and Regulus Black. She daydreams a lot because you know... she dreams a lot, and she can acheive those dreams! She's really good at all of her classes, the black family is very intellegent. She's always with her pet dog, Sirius, which annoys her uncle sometimes and Regulus is super happy about haha.
Fayette Black!
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The Third Daughter of Anna and Regulus Black! She's known for being super rebellious and mischievous. She gets in trouble a lot or playing with other peoples wands or causing chaos. She reminds Regulus to much like his Brother Sirius, they're just too alike! but it doesn't nessacarly make him annoyed or angered, he loves his daughter so much, he probably has to stop some arguments with her siblings. Regulus is a girl dad frfr.
Dorian Black!
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Second Son and The Fourth Child! I think Kallias got a little jealous and upset when he got told that he's gonna have a younger brother, he wants to be the only son! enough with that though... Dorian is the peacemaker, he's everyone's favorite even if they don't show it, he's super popular In school and he knows it! He can be a little shy around people he doesn't know, so when his mom or dad is around he'll always hide or stay beside them, its so cute to regulus and Anna haha. He has to be forced to do his work or he'll be grounded which causes him to whine for a while but eventually stops. You always have to cook vegetarian meals for Dorian sinces he Vegetarian which you and regulus are fine with of course.
Nyla Black!
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The Last and Youngest Child of Regulus and Anna Black! The cutest child in the house, you guys spoil her a lot and she turned out to be a cute yet has no brain cells kinda bimbo. But shes very hardworking and Regulus is very proud of that as well. She's probably the first person in the black family to want to do more independent things in the house. one time when her boundries were being pushed too far she scared the person with some scary figure and lets say that person never came back...
Raising a Child — before, during and after
Regulus was probably only present for the three of his kids birth after Voldemort controlled his mind into maddness
It was hard to raise 3 kids on your own, you had help from his brother Sirius, and some other family members but it was still hard without having the father present.
But before that they raised their children with so much love that it would blind you. They would take their children to places they wanted to go and they would also buy their children as many toys they want
While Regulus was away, Anna did everything she could to make her kids not forget their father, she would tell stories about Regulus when they met at Hogwarts, how their dates were, etc...
After a while Regulus came back and there were a lot of tears... of happiness of course, it was good for Regulus to be back with his family again, he never let you guys go when he came back.
He would take his kids for ice cream and to the park on the best summer days possible, he even takes them to the pool and teaches his younger kids how to swim!
Overall, this family is very successful and very happy, for eternity.
Black Family: You were probably in an exchanged marriage with Regulus ngl, but in a good way, your family was rich and successful so why wouldn't they wanna get you both married! little did they know you guys were already dating, which shocked them but surprising it didn't make them mad, when they found out you guys were having kids they were so overjoyed, Sirius always comes to the house to spoil your children (only when his parents aren't there)
Family Dinner and Date Nights
Family dinners can be a bit chaotic since everyone is gonna talk over one another about their days, or just random stuff, sometimes even food fights happen with the younger ones! but they are stopped right away.
Usually its very nice when having dinners though, its always good to hear the kids talking and just having a good time
Date Nights happen very rarely since you both can be busy sometimes but you'll always try to find a way to get out of the house, and you'll get Uncle Sirius and Jaxrel to babysit the kids LMAO
Your dates with him are with you going to your favorite places, or staying in a cafe while its raining and hands are intertwined together, your love with Regulus is very peaceful and heartwarming.
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playhouseofdead · 2 years
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Albert is done
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endlessly-cursed · 1 year
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hppe23, pt two: they're also living the gay domestic fantasy <3 feat: sara rosier, carmine elderberry & albert & catalina rosier @potionboy3
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chaos-grimlin · 2 years
Heres who i write for so far!
Nubbins Sawyer
Bubba Sawyer
Chop top Sawyer
Billy loomis
Stu macher
Poly! Stu macher and Billy loomis
Sidney Prescott
Tatum Riley
Randy meeks
Micheal Myers(og micheal)
Any Dead by daylight killer or surviver(like ill write for them all)
Freddy Krueger
Jason Voorhees
Brahms heelshire
Laurie strode
Sally Hardesty
Franklin Hardesty
Vincent Sinclair
Bo Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
Leon s kennedy
Albert wesker
Neville longbottom
George weasley(i cant spell today)
Fred weasley
Ron weasley
Roman bridger
Mickey altieri
Tate langdon
Young Charles xavier
Peter maximoff
Johnny sawyer (from the TCM game)
I will watch more movies so i can write for more!
What i will write:
Anything! Angst and fluff and Smut
And ANY prompt anyone gives me
What i won't write:
Oc x character
Scat kinks
Piss kinks
Large age differences
I will normally use Gender neutral pronouns for Y/n unless the request says otherwise! You must state Y/ns gender like do you want Gender neutral (they/them), male (he/him), or female (she/her)
Love you guys have a good day!❤
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