#harry's tiger tattoo
0nlythrowharrybeaux · 2 years
Young American - Part 11**
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Finally!!! This one's sweet and smutty! There is visual inspo for the female pleasure part - here it is (18+ ONLY! NSFW - watch at your own risk!)
Warnings: Slight exhibitionism, oral sex (male and female receiving), unprotected sex
Series Masterlist
WC: 10.5K
When Y/N got home she immediately went off to have a body shower to ensure that she was fresh and ready for the evening ahead of her and after that they were chatting as she packed her overnight bag to take to Harry’s place and then finally it came to choosing her outfit for the night. She was buzzing with anticipation as to what he had planned for them, she knew it would be good because they left work early, it was a little past 3pm actually and apparently he had talked to Auree about it in advance so she figured he need that to ensure they had enough time to do whatever it was he was gonna have them do. He told her to be ready by 4:30pm.
“Do I need to wear casual shoes?” Y/N asked Julie who seemed to be in on this entire thing.
“Ummm…you’re not going to do like crazy amounts of walking but some.” She said and Y/N bit her lip as she thought about it.
“Harry said I can be casual.”
“Yeah, you totally can.” Julie said.
“Can I wear a skirt?” Y/N asked and Julie nodded.
“OK… so I’ll wear a skirt because it’s a date.”
“It’s still cold out.” Julie reminded.
“I’ll wear pantyhose.” Y/N reasoned, “Oh and my platform, ankle boots!” She said with excitement, “I haven’t worn them in a while.” She smiled as she started to dig through her clothes to piece together the outfit. It was definitely causal, but still nice and trendy in her opinion. 
“So…Harry.” Her aunt brought up again and Y/N smiled, “How had are you falling for him?” She asked with a smile and Y/N giggled.
“I mean…hard.” She shrugged and then bit her lip, “He’s just…I’ve never met anyone like him.” She explained, “I never told you, but when he first got here he was the worst to me. We had beef. Like I wanted nothing to do with him!” She explained and Julie looked shocked.
“Yeah, he was the worst. I hated him.” She giggled as she thought back on it, “Actually when he called you that time I was home with the migraine?” She asked and Julie nodded as she recalled, “He called you to check in because he thought I had quit the apprenticeship. That’s how much we weren’t getting along.” Y/N explained.
“No way!”Julie gasped, “Sweet, shy, and adorably-dimpled Harry?!” She asked, still in complete disbelief.
“Oh yeah! He was not himself and ummmm, after that he talked to me and apologized, took full responsibility for being an asshole and he asked if we could start over and I said no, that I appreciated his apology and that we were good, but that I didn’t want to spend more time with him than necessary because I just didn’t trust that it wouldn’t happen again. Like I only had bad experiences with him and boy, did he turn it around. He didn’t try to force me to be friends with him or anything, he just changed his attitude and hoped that I would change my mind. That time at the halloween party, that was our first time hanging out-”
“And you ended up in the same bed.” Julie grinned.
“Nothing happened.” Y/N mumbled, “I got up there because in his drunkenness he told me that he had a hard time sleeping in new places and so I got up there with him.” She said and Julie pouted with endearment, “I know!” Y/N cooed, “After he explained himself and apologized and then the party I just…had a huge soft spot for him and it just…grew, I guess.” Y/N shrugged, “He was so sweet and such a big softy, like that’s who he is! He was just struggling a lot, I think with his mental health too after moving here all by himself, he never explicitly said it, but you can tell, you know?” Y/N said and Julie nodded. “Once we accepted that we liked each other things just went really quickly from there and he’s been great ever since. I mean he’s almost 30, so I’d hope he’s mature about stuff.” Y/N giggled.
“Yeah, with men you never know…” Julie mumbled and Y/n giggled.
“Exactly…but yeah, it’s been working and I know I’m only 24, but we work and we both care about each other and open up to each other and I’ve never really had that with someone. Like where it just seems easy and natural.” Julie nodded as Y/N explained.
“Do you love him?” Julie asked with a giddy smile and Y/N felt the entirety of her blood rushing up to her face.
“Ummm… I think so.” She said in a small voice, “I ummm- yeah. Yeah, I guess I do.” She admitted and Julie shrieked in excitement!
“Oh honey! Love is such a wonderful thing!”
“It is. I mean, I’ve been in love before, but it does feel different this time. More intense.” She said and Julie nodded as she listened to everything that was on Y/N’s mind. From her joys about it, but also her fears because in truth, Harry could decide to go back to England at any point and what would happen then? A lot of her concerns were legitimate and as Julie listened on she was able to hear how Y/N would talk herself down from crossing that bridge before it was due time. Y/N was incredibly mature for her age and had  down some rather important skills that would help her better navigate her life. Yes, she did  require a lot of therapy late in her high school years and through her college years, but it had made her the person she was today and Julie couldn’t be more proud of her.
“Well, I think it’s this is wonderful and well, you know that no great love comes without it’s challenges, but if Harry feels anything close to what you do, which I mean, I personally think he does…” she said and Y/N blushed all over again, “Everything will be alright.” She said and Y/N smiled and nodded. Just then, her phone dinged and Y/N squealed as she read that Harry was on his way.
“OK, I have a little over twenty minutes to get ready!” She panicked and rushed around to get herself together so Julie let her be. Harry was punctual and Julie let him in and she held back from cooing in endearment when she sawthe bouquets of flower he had brought along with him. Well there were actually two.
“Hey, welcome back!” Julie said as Harry stepped inside and he smiled.
“Thank you, it’s great to be back.” He said hugging her as she leaned in and she patted his back a few times, “So, these are for you. And-”
“Yeah, the bigger ones are for Y/N…” she said with a grin and he nodded bashfully, “she’s almost done getting ready, are you thirsty?” She asked.
“No, but I’ll follow you into the kitchen." he said and they headed over. She pulled out two vases to put the flowers in and he assured her he could fill them as she notified Y/N that Harry had arrived. He only waited another few minutes before Y/N rushed into the kitchen and Harry immediately stood from his seat. Y/N started smiling when she saw him; they were almost matching. Well, they were both wearing sweater vests, she giggled.
“You look cute!” She grinned with excitement and he bit his lip as he looked her over.
“And you look…perfect. I really like that skirt.” He said before rolling his lips together as he looked her over once again and Julie rolled her eyes as she put some dishes away.
“Thanks.” Y/N responded timidly as she played with her fingers nervously.
“Yeah, ummm, ready to go?” He asked and she nodded.
“Yes, my bag’s already out in the living room.” She assured and he nodded.
“OK. Well Julie, thanks for the hospitality.” Harry said as she turned around and he hugged her quickly.
“Anytime, lover boy.” She said and he chuckled, “Thank you for the flowers, they’re lovely.”
“Course.” He hummed before pulling away and letting Y/N say her goodbyes.
“Behave you two!” Julie called after them as they headed out of the kitchen.
“Always!” Y/N called back.
As soon as they got into the living room she reached up to his jaw and he grinned as she tried to pull his face down towards hers. He easily gave in as their lips met in a hot and fiery kiss. It was a lot of sucking of lips and tangling of tongues as his hands smoothed down her back and very easily traveled up the back of her skirt. He could feel her warm skin beneath the thin pantyhose she was wearing and he squeezed at her ass with need. He wanted to swat it and spank it until it was stinging and sore all while her drenched little cunt took his cock. He hadn’t stopped thinking about finally having sex with her when he got back. He couldn’t wait any longer, he had put off his own pleasure for too long and he didn’t want to do that, not with her. Any time they didn’t have together like that because of his own need to slightly torture himself was foolish and wasteful, he didn’t want to miss out on her, not even for a second.
“Are you two going to ever leave?” They heard Julie call out from the kitchen and this made them laugh until their kiss was no longer possible.
“Yeah! We’re going now!” Y/N said before kissing Harry’s lips once more and he grabbed her big tote and soon they were heading over to his car. “So where are we off to first?”  She asked and he grinned.
“Well it depends on how hungry you are.”
“Not that hungry, I had a nervous snack while I got ready.” She confessed and he chuckled.
“Me too.” He assured her and she grinned, “OK, so let’s do the other thing first.” He said and she groaned.
“Can you give me a hint!?” She asked as they took off and he hummed pensively.
“Hmmm…” he wondered as they drove to get on the freeway, “Ummm, a native Californian has never done and would probably never do it.” He said and she squinted her eyes as she thought about it.
“Yet you’re taking me to do it?”
“Julie assured me you would love this.” He said and she giggled.
“I love that you consulted her.”
“Who knows you better?” He asked and she nodded.
“That’s very true.” She smiled.
“You’re gonna like it.”
“I know I will.” She said as she turned to smile at him. She was so busy admiring his gorgeous and perfect side profile that she didn’t notice that he had placed his hand at the center console, palm up, waiting for her to take it.
“Hold my hand.” He said and she shook herself out of her little trance.
“Huh?” She asked and he chuckled.
“My hand, baby. Hold my hand.” He said again.
“Oh! Yeah, of course.” She said and intertwined their hands together. 
She glanced down at the sheer difference in size of their hands, it made her body tingle when she thought about all the things he had done to her just with his hands. It had been a while since she had sex and she was desperate to have it with Harry. She hoped that’s why he was asking her to stay over. But if it wasn’t she was going to ask because there was nothing that she wanted more than to be close to him in that way. She wanted to experience what he had given her the last time they were together. She had never felt so incredible in her life, it was life altering and she craved to once again be completely and totally at his mercy. When she finally focused back on the road she saw that they were leaving L.A. and taking the 101 Northbound. She didn’t say anything more, she just rested into the seat and enjoyed the ride as she hummed to a song called Sweet Marie and it was rather obscure though, so she glanced to him in confusion.
“I love this song. How did you..?” She smiled and he grinned, “Julie…” she said lowly.
“She helped me make a playlist.” He confessed and she giggled, “Told me you always sing that song. I like it.” He said and she smiled as it came to an end, then a very familiar tune played over the speakers.
“And High Horse?” She asked and he chuckled, “Kacey Musgraves makes me weak.” She said.
“I actually added that one. I just wanted songs that reminded me of you or us or something.” He confessed and she bit her lip to suppress the size of the smile that threatened to break out on her lips, “Ready? The bridge is the best part!” He said and she nodded.
“DARLING YOU TAKE THE HIGH HORSE AND I'LL TAKE THE HIGH ROAD! MMMM.”  They both sang loudly at the top of their lungs before giggling.
"If you're too good for us you'll be good riding solo! Yeah, I think we;ve seen enough, seen enough-" Y/N continued to sing along and he bopped along to the song, doing the harmonies to the melody. And that’s how the rest of the car ride went until he was exiting on Sunset Boulevard, so she assumed they were going to Hollywood… then as they came up on Cahuenga Avenue he made a right and as she looked around she laughed as she glanced to him, seeing what exactly was on their left.
“No fucking way!” She giggled as she saw the big sign that read “PARKING! Hollywood City Tours!” 
“Julie told me you’ve always wanted to go but couldn’t justify paying for it.” He chuckled as they pulled in and the person at the little kiosk asked to see the passes for the tourist attraction and he showed them quickly before he was told to continue on.
“OK, so you decide to pay money for me to have this experience I can’t even justify paying for?” She laughed as he parked.
“Look, I have yet to see any of the attractions myself and if you must know, I am really curious as to where Leo lives, so this is for the both of us.” He said through some laughter and just like that they were ready to get off of the car.
Harry rushed over to her side to help her out of the car before locking it and shutting the door and they proceeded to follow the crowd of people heading around the corner to the rendezvous point. It was a 2 hour tour, so there would be tons to see and soon they had settled into the little bus and they were off and seeing all of the iconic attractions of the rich and famous of Hollywood. They were having a blast and taking all of the cheesy pictures at every attraction, but while on the road to their next destination they were cuddled close and whispering to each other about the people watching they were doing as they drove down the streets of Hollywood. It really was a blast and soon they were stepping off of the bus with the rest of the tourists and waving goodbye to their guide as they headed back to Harry’s car hand in hand.
“So what’d you think?” He asked and she grinned.
“I loved it. I learned stuff I didn’t know.” She mused and he hummed, “What about you?”
“Yeah, I liked it too. But to be quite honest, I was expecting a lot more from Leo’s house…Can’t say it was anything spectacular.” He confessed and she nodded in agreement.
“Yeah, I don’t know why I like pictured him living in like a spaceship or something…” she mumbled as he keyed opened the car door on her side.
“When you say spaceship I think Scientology and then I think Tom Cruise. They’re the ones who believe we’re all these ancient alien beings or something. No?” He asked as he helped her settle in and she started laughing as he went around to his side.
“I think you might be confusing a few things there.” She laughed as she watched him settle himself into the driver’s side.
“M’definitely not.” He looked to her before starting the engine and they had a playful argument about this as they drove down the very lively and busy streets until they were in a very familiar area and soon they were pulling into the sushi restaurant that they had eaten at with G and Rosa a few months ago. She had gone since then, but he hadn’t been with her.
“I love this place.” She hummed in excitement and he smiled as he helped her out and they were soon led back and ironically it was to the table where he had been seated at when they ran into each other. She didn’t know if he recalled that detail but she did.
“Your server will be with you shortly.” The host said before hurrying back to their post and they both thanked the guy.
“Not to put a damper on the mood, but this is where you sat that time we ran into each other. Remember?” She reminded him and he nodded.
“Yeah, I know.” He smiled, “I literally was so depressed the last time I was here…” he said and she pouted.
“Baby,” she sighed, “should we ask them to move us?” She asked and started to glance around for the server.
“No, it’s alright.” He assured her, “I called ahead and asked them if we could sit here.” He explained.
“Aw baby, why? Don’t want you to be bummed out.” She said and he shook his head.
“I’m not.” He responded, “Finally got my date, didn’t I?” He asked with a little grin and she smiled and nodded.
“That you did.” She smiled at him and reached for his hand.
“You’re better anyway.” He said with a smile as he squeezed her hand a bit and she shrugged, rolling her eyes playfully as if saying “obviously”.
“I mean, I didn’t want to be the one to say it…but only an idiot would pass you up.” She said and he blushed at her compliment, which made her feel quite good. He’d been so easily flustered lately and maybe it had been the distance? She couldn’t speak for him, but absence had certainly made her heart grow fonder. Because of that, now she was less bashful about flirting back and making him feel as special as he did her. She didn’t want to waste her time with being bashful or subtle about her feelings for him, especially when he constantly put his admiration for her out there the way he did. The least she could do was reciprocate.
“Thanks.” He smiled tenderly at her, “I know that wasn’t the best night for me, but I wanted to sit here anyway because this was also the literal spot where I realized that I wanted more with you.” He said and her smile faded and a sentimental look washed over her features as they softened up, “Wanted to come back here with you and tell you that it’s been…a while for me…liking you.” He said and she squeezed his hand, “You’re just such a beautiful person and you showed me exactly who you were in that moment. Even if I wanted to not go there at first, it couldn’t be helped, not after that night. After everything I had put you through, for you to show me kindness and care like that,” He paused for a moment as his eyes bore into hers intensely and she bit her lip as her heart started to beat intensely as she recalled it too, “in that moment, with that simple act of compassion, you completely ruined me for anyone else.” He confessed and she felt the air completely leave her lungs as his gorgeous eyes stayed on her own, “And I’ve wanted you more than anything ever since.” He finished quietly. She could cry just hearing this. All that time he liked her?
“I don’t even know what to say…” she smiled and squeezed his hand, she wanted nothing more than to climb into his side of the booth and kiss him breathless.
“You don’t have to say anything, I know things were different for you then, but I just wanted you to know that I’ve been in this for… a while.” He smiled and she nodded. She knew just the thing to say to him, but she didn’t want to do it here and now, she wanted to do it when she had the space and privacy to love on him too. But now she felt like that moment couldn’t come soon enough. The words kept clawing their way up her throat and it was so hard to ward them off as their evening carried on. How was she not supposed to fall in love with him when he did things like this? It was impossible not to! He was so sweet and endearing and a true romantic at heart and she had never been with anyone who was this thoughtful before; it only made everything she felt for him more intense.
After they finished eating they took a little walk down the street to get some ice cream even if it was cold out. They ended up sharing a small cup as they walked down the cute little strip of shops. Harry was telling her about his time back home and the pieces he had been able to do and how thankfully, his confidence in himself and his work had been restored, he knew he needed to be patient. She was feeling giddy as they walked back towards his car, hand in hand and just before he opened up her door he pressed her against it and she moaned as their lips molded together. Her hands slithered up his chest and looped around his neck as she craned her own neck upwards to have better access to his lips.
“Mmm…just letting you know,” he said between kisses, “You’re in for a very long night, baby.” He disclosed before kissing her again and she smiled.
“Is that so?”
“Yep.” He grinned before they started making out again, “Gotta,” he paused to make out with her just a little more as her tongue teased his bottom lip, causing their kiss to deepen and intensify and then he pulled back with a bit of a wet gasp, “Gotta make up for lost time.” He reasoned and she grinned and he growled lowly as he leaned down and tugged her now swollen bottom lip between his teeth and sucked on it. She whimpered as she felt him fit his knee between her legs and raised it a bit. It brushed up her inner thigh but didn’t quiet reach where she was wet and aching for him already and then he let go and kissed her forehead, “Starting now.” He smiled as he spoke against it, she couldn’t see it, but she could hear it in his voice, “Already wet for me?” He asked as he looked down at her and she nodded up at him, “Good, baby. I’m aching for you.” He mumbled as he pressed his hips forward, because of their height difference he reached more of her lower stomach, like right below her navel and it made her gulp as she rolled her body into his own. They were in a darker spot of the parking lot, but it was still very much a public place and the idea of getting caught doing even this had her on edge, but she didn’t care as much as she thought she ought to.
“Can we please go?” She asked and he smirked, “Need you so bad, H. Please.” She pleaded with him and he smirked, his dimple carved deep into his cheek.
“Always with those impeccable manners, baby. S’gonna be my undoing one day.” He hummed before scooting them over a bit and she heard him unlock the car door and she smiled up at him.
“Thank you.” She said and he smirked again before he helped her down into the seat before shutting her door and hurrying over to his. 
Harry was trying to get home quickly, it was a lot for him to be sitting beside her without fully being able to touch her or give her his undivided attention. His body was running hot all over and he felt like he would implode if he had to wait another second before he was able to touch her in the way that he wanted. He just wanted a taste of her, he’d been clinging to the memory as hard as possible, but it just couldn’t be replicated. He saw how her fingers were clutched together tightly in her lap and how her thighs would rub together every now and again and it only made him even more horny than he already was.
“Baby,” he grabbed her attention and she turned to him, “I need you to touch yourself for me and let me taste.” He said to her and her eyes widened for a second at his request, “I just need to taste you.” He repeated again with a hint of exasperation in his tone before turning back to the road and she sighed.
“God, I want to but my pantyhose go above my skirt, baby. I’d have to take everything off since I’m quite layered.” She explained with a pout and he groaned.
“Baby, just tear them where it counts.” He said and she giggled thinking he was joking but when she looked at him she knew that it hadn’t even been a suggestion, he was telling her to tear her pantyhose.
The look on his face was serious and almost pained to an extent and that made her want to be good for him, to do as he said. So she pulled off one of the rings she was wearing, one that had some texture around the accent stone, and brought it down between her legs and scored the pantyhose along the top of her inner thigh, right up near the crotch. After a second attempt she felt the material split and she slipped the ring back on and then widened her legs a bit more before reaching in between them with her left hand, making the tear bigger as she wiggled her fingers beneath the thong she was wearing. As Harry glanced over briefly he saw her getting in there and licked over his lips, already salivating in anticipation of tasting her, her flavor was his absolute favorite and there was nothing more he wanted in this world than to be buried between her legs. Y/N bit down on her lip as she swirled two fingers into her folds, she was soaking wet, she hadn’t expected anything less, but she had really tried to be patient about getting off, like he was. She had only touched herself twice since he had gone back to England and she understood the appeal of it afterwards, how it made her feel powerful and strong, disciplined. She knew he would like that.
“ Baby, please…” he strained and that’s when she realized that she had been playing with herself for several moments. 
“Sorry, it’s been a while.” She said glancing to him and he glanced back at her with a look in his eyes that screamed “why would you say that to me?” And it made her feel really good, “Got carried away.” She said as she drew her fingers away from herself and offered them to him over the console. 
As the traffic slowly came to a stop he came at her fingers tongue first and sucked them clean. Y/N felt a shiver radiate through her body at the feeling of his tongue and mouth around her fingers, she couldn’t help the moan that left her mouth as he sucked fervently, even after he had sucked away her arousal from them.
“Fuck, missed that. Missed you.” He mumbled as he grabbed her hand and kissed her open palm.
“Missed you too, could hardly get off without you.” She said and he groaned lowly, the traffic was still stopped.
“Hardly?” He asked and she nodded.
“I struggled. You’re so good at the edging part and I just get carried away and come too fast, so after the second try I just decided to wait for you to take care of it when you got back.” She explained.
If only she could read Harry’s mind… he had so many things he wanted to do to her to make her feel good. He had actually brought back some of his sex accessories with him that he had left in storage at his grandmother’s house (odd, but he knew she wouldn’t snoop like his mom might). He was well aware of what he liked and the ways in which he liked to push his partners, but he had yet to have that talk with Y/N and it was something he needed to do soon because so far he’d been playing by what he was into and she was very open to it, but he also wanted to know what she liked and give her that. Something he had been thinking about constantly was restraining her and pleasuring her until she couldn’t take any more, until she was completely spent for him. She would be so good for him, he was certain. She’d struggle minimally…she’d trust him and let it happen, let it run its course. He wanted to praise her and compliment her until she was blushing and bashful. He wanted to whisper filthy things to her while he filled her up with his cum over and over again.
“Fuck me…” he mumbled under his breath as her words processed in his mind “How do you want me to do it this time, hmmm?” He asked and she bit her lip.
“Like we are now.” She said and he grinned, “Having to wait all day has been…hard, to say the least. But I don’t mind because I know you’re worth the wait.” She hummed as she shifted a bit in her seat. 
Her words just about melted Harry’s brain, no one had ever said that to him, that he was worth the wait. It made his heart skip a beat and for goosebumps to break out on his skin. He felt like he had been waiting his whole life for her and despite his want to just ease his way into everything with her, he knew in that moment that he couldn’t avoid labeling what he felt for her any longer. He was in love with her; he was absolutely wrecked for her. He looked into her eyes and they just stared. They weren’t even sure for how long because next thing he knew the car behind them was honking loudly, indicating to them that traffic had started to move and they glanced up to the road in embarrassment only to see that the car ahead of him had maybe only moved up about 5 feet. So he turned to Y/N with a grin and she giggled as she showed him her middle finger and he nodded so they rolled the windows down and both stuck their hands out, giving the very impatient driver behind them the finger before pulling their arms back in as they laughed.
“What an asshole, where are we supposed to go?” She scoffed and Harry shook his head.
“Right…but back to what you were saying…” he grinned and she got all bashful and shrugged.
“I guess I like the teasing.” She accepted and he smiled and reached for her thigh as he leaned over and she met him the rest of the way to kiss him. She tensed up for a second when his fingers inched between her legs and ultimately they parted in a soft gasp as they slipped under her thong and pet at her drenched folds, “Love how wet you get for me, baby.” He said against her lips before sucking at her bottom lip, “Your little clit’s already so fucking swollen.” He smiled and she whimpered as he then reached lower, he was slipping into the crease of her labia and looking for her entrance and finally he did and rubbed over her little hole as she moaned up at the ceiling, “Fuck, c’mere.” He said as he pulled her close and smeared their lips together in a desperate kiss, still not pushing his finger inside, as much as he wanted to feel her warm and tight walls around it.
“Please, daddy, need to feel it inside.” She whimpered and he groaned as he shook his head.
“Tonight I’m giving you my cock.” He said through bated breaths, he felt like his blood was boiling with need, he had not felt this out of control since he was a teenager, it was exhilarating, “Want to open you up with it, yeah? So fucking wet I know we can get it all in on the first try.” He said and she swallowed hard and nodded.
“Oh fuck, yes please.” She panted as his finger continued to swirl around her entrance.
“Yeah.” He smirked, “Gonna fit my whole cock into this tight little thing, you’ll see. Gonna fill you to the brim, baby and then I’ll give you my cum.” He practically growled, his voice was so deep and lust-filled that is covered her skin in goosebumps, “Want to watch my cum dripping out of this little hole.” Y/N moaned just at the thought, “Would you like that, baby?” He asked and she nodded as she swallowed thickly, “Use your words, baby. Want to hear you say it. Say it for me.” He insisted.
“W-want you to fill me up with so much of your cum it’s dripping from me, daddy.” She sputtered out through her swollen lips.
“Mmmm…been waiting to make you my little cum slut.” He hummed with excitement, “M’warning you now, you better keep it all inside, if not I’ll have to punish you.” He said lowly and she moaned, “I want you to keep it nice and hot inside your delicious, little cunt where it belongs.” He said before melting their lips together again. Harry had never said that to anyone before, but it just felt right to say to her, “Fuuuck, I want you so bad.” He moaned before their tongues met. He was impossibly hard in his pants and it hurt; his cock and balls were aching from neglect and anticipation. 
“Want you too. Need you.” She sighed against his mouth. It made Harry feel so good about himself and about what they had with each other.
“I need you too. I need you so bad, baby. M’gonna take great care of you, OK?” He assured as he pecked her lips a few times and she nodded, he always did, “Want to make you feel so good you forget your name, forget where you are. Want you to only see me.” He shared as he caressed her face and she inhaled sharply as she felt a wave of heat roll through her entire body.
“How much longer are we gonna be stuck in this fucking traffic.” She sighed in irritation and he shook his head.
“It’ll clear up soon, don’t worry. We’ve got all night.” he assured Y/N. Both of their faces were glowing red from the brake lights of the car before them. And suddenly the lights dimmed and he looked forward and saw the car before him start to roll forward and he turned back to her and grinned, “Manifestation 101.” he giggled and she shrugged, “Learned from the best.” He said as he started to take off as well. After a few moments the flow of traffic picked up and soon they were back to a reasonable speed and soon approaching the exit to get to his place and it was all flow from there.
As soon as Harry keyed them into his place Y/N set down her overnight bag and turned him around and pushed him up against it, a low grunt escaped his lungs at the harsh contact against his back but that didn’t stop him from kissing her back the moment their lips made contact. With his sight being impacted by the darkness the feel of her lips was a lot more enjoyable and the sounds of their harsh breathing and kisses were overpowering everything else. Y/N bunched up his vest in her fists and he took the time to smooth down her body with the palms of his hands, feeling the different textures of the fabric shielding her skin from his touch. As he felt around he found the zip of her skirt and he gently tugged at it.
“May I?” He muttered against her mouth as she kissed at his lower lip as she nodded.
“Yes. Please.” She insisted and he smiled as he tugged down the zipper and felt around to ensure there was no clasp before giving it a little tug to get it just under her hips so that it slid the rest of the way down on its own. Harry then ran his hands up the sheer material of her tights over her hips before gently grazing over her bum with his nails, the slight tickle made her titter a bit and he smiled at her response to his teasing and feathery touch.
“Should we take this to my bedroom?” He asked and she nodded without any words and he kissed her deep and slow before parting from her mouth, “OK, C’mon.” He said finding her hand that was still on his chest and intertwining their fingers, before heading off, he first bent down and collected her skirt before walking them through the darkness. His bedroom had no windows to grant them even the slightest bit of moonlight, so he helped her to the bed and she sat as he rounded the corner of it to switch on the reading lamp he had on the bedside. 
“You got a headboard.” She exclaimed as she looked around and he chuckled as he stooped down before her and kissed her.
“To be fair I’ve had for a while, I just put it up.” He defended and she giggled. Even if he’d just gotten back from England, there was not a suitcase in sight. It seemed he had unpacked immediately, “And I even unpacked as soon as I got home last night.” He said as he pushed her down into the mattress and she grinned as he confirmed her thoughts.
“Is that so?” 
“Yeah, baby, I don’t feel how I used to before. Well now that I h-have you.” He said and her smile completely dropped as her eyes softened as they just stared at each other for a few seconds. 
Truly, they had both been lost and wandering in their own ways without each other and now that they were together it felt like things had finally started to fall into place for each of them. Maybe they were both scared to verbalize it, but the way they were looking into each other’s eyes said exactly what it was they wanted to get out. It changed the energy in the room dramatically, it brought the tension between them to a new and unbearable high and soon their lips were colliding ardently once more as they started to undressed each other, when his trousers came off Y/N immediately fell to her knees and tugged down his briefs as she kissed up his thighs, stopping a second to smile at the tiger she had given him.
“You first, last time I was-”
“H, stop neglecting yourself, just this once, please?” She asked looking up to him as he was trying to pull her up from between his legs, “Love everything you do, but believe me, this is what I’ve been dreaming of the most.” She confessed and he bit over his bottom lip and nodded as he sat down on the mattress, bracing himself as he felt her warm breath fall over his fully hard cock. It twitched at the slightest form of attention and she smiled as she moved to kiss and suck at his inner thighs. 
She had missed his body so much, not even just sexually, but seeing it before her, feeling it close to hers, he was always so warm, and his muscles were so evident even though he wasn’t trying very hard to flex them. She had never been with anyone as gorgeous as he was. Maybe it was because he was nearly five years older than her, she had never gone for anyone more than 3 yeas her senior, and he clearly took very good care of himself; he knew what mattered. When you’re young, yeah some people work out and watch what they eat, but they’re not actually living healthily by going on bingers and pulling all nighters - that wasn’t Harry at all. He even said so at Vy’s party, so the way he looked after himself was evident all over his body and she absolutely adored it. 
Harry felt like he was going to burst at the seams as Y/N’s slow and torturous sucks and kisses trailed higher up his thighs. Everything about her was perfection to him and he patiently waited for her next move, clutching the sheets hard beneath him as he just barely licked at his tip, causing his mouth to fall open and moan. She moaned in response when he expected a smug smile, but this told him that she wasn’t taking her time to tease, she was just enjoying the moment, like he was. His brows creased in response to her warm and soft palm wrapping around  his erection and she then gave it a gentle squeeze before she started tugging up and down slowly, stimulating all of the nerves that were so sensitive from the blood that had rushed down to his cock.
“Fuuuck…” he mewled breathily as she started to suck at his tip fervently. It was making his thighs and abs tense up impossibly tight. Yes, he wanted to feel good, but not to the point where he completely lost himself and this was over too soon. But the things she was doing to him with her mouth had him feeling like he was levitating. The sounds coming out of him as she stimulated all of his most sensitive spots were spurring her on until she could feel his thighs trembling, “Shit!” He gasped, “Y-you’re gonna make me come!” He warned her as she took him all the way down to her throat, “Oh baby, I’m gonna come!” He warned again, but she didn’t plan on pulling off as he started to thrust up into her mouth. It wasn’t particularly comfortable since he was big, but she wanted to taste him again, just as he had been so insistent on getting a taste of her, “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!” He chanted as his hips thrust up into her hot little mouth without his permission. It was all so wet and sloppy, even his thighs were sticky with her saliva and it just pushed him over the edge completely and with a drawn out moan he started to shoot his cum down her throat. Harry grunted as he held her down for a few seconds, riding it out still down her throat.
Y/N was swallowing down the thick and generous gushes of his sperm as best as she could, but she knew there was bound be a little bit of a mess. And when he released her and she came up for air with tearful eyes and a slightly burning throat she saw that she had definitely dripped down onto her shirt and she just sighed as she rested her cheek against his bare thigh, looking up at him with a few tears streaking down her cheeks from how deep he had gotten in. Harry was still collecting himself and catching his breath, but that didn’t stop him as he swiped two fingers along her chin and the corners of her mouth to clean up any of his residual mess and she glanced up to watch him sink them between his lips before smiling down at her.
“Alright?” He asked and she smiled and nodded.
“Needed that.” She responded hoarsely and he smiled as he then wiped at her tear-stained cheeks with his thumbs. Yeah, he certainly didn’t want to be the first to come tonight, but on the plus side, now that his first orgasm was out of the way he’d be able to last a lot longer when he got inside of her. He quite literally wanted to take her breath away. She had never really talked to him about her past sexual encounters, so he had no idea what they had been like or if he was even a serious contender for best lay ever, but he wanted to be. He wanted to be the best for her, just how she had been then absolute best for him. She hummed as his fingers raked through her hair and then she giggled.
“Are you trying to put me to sleep?” She questioned, a hint of a slur dripped over her voice and he sniggered.
“No, definitely not.” He assured and she blinked up at him lazily.
“Then stop.” She suggested through a giggle and he bit his lip as he ran his hand back and collected as much of her hair as he could before suddenly yanking it back and she gasped at the sudden rough action. Her scalp stung a bit but in a delicious way, it made her even more wet as the sting seemed to travel through her body and give it more warmth.
“What about this? Is this better?” He asked and she smiled up at him with these “fuck me” eyes that never failed to make his heart skip a beat, “Hmmm?” He pressed again and she swallowed thickly as she nodded, “Use your words for me, baby.” He ordered, it wasn’t as demanding as it was teasing and it made her melt when he got like this.
“Yes, daddy.” She responded lowly and he smirked. 
She was perfect, everything he had ever dreamed of, and she was about to make him break the record for shortest refractory period ever - he already felt the blood starting to rush through his body and focusing around his groin. Everything about her lit his fire, she ticked off boxes he didn’t even know existed before and he loved that she was a mixed bag of prizes only, everything about her was good. She was certainly a little younger than he would typically go for, but that was just it, he never intended on going for her, she was just there. The universe, fate, god, whatever was out there…it had gifted Y/N to him and he couldn’t get over how lucky he was.
“You’re so fucking perfect, you know that?” He asked and she smiled softly at him, “Such a good girl for me.” He hummed as his eyes scanned over her pretty face and stretched out neck, he wanted to suck and bite at it. He needed to get her naked now. Suddenly she was squinting as she looked at his right hand and he looked to her in confusion as she reached for it and he gave it to her as he released her hair and she smiled down upon noticing his birth mark over his right wrist and then she looked up at his eyes, still smiling before she kissed it and he had to bite down on his lip to not smile so hard, but his heart was pounding hard in his chest.
“It’s cute.” She said and he grinned bashfully.
“Do you have one?” He asked her and she nodded as she stood up and extended her left forearm to him and he saw just a slightly darker little splotch on her skin.
“S’really small though.” She said and he hummed and kissed it too, which had her body also swimming with excitement and endearment towards him.
“So that just means it’s cuter.” He said as he kissed over it again and then down her wrist and to her open palm. His eyes glanced up to hers as he did it again and she smiled at the slight tickles as her fingers from her right hand busied themselves with his hair. He kissed at her palm again, all while looking into her eyes, “You’ve got me, ” kiss, “Right.” kiss, “Here.” kiss. He hummed and she felt like the blood in her veins had been replaced with that popping candy. Every part of her was tingling and her stomach was swirling with the most pleasant mix of joy and adoration, her skin was covered in goosebumps as their eyes bore into each other’s for what felt like the millionth meaningful time that night and it made her heart continue to grow in size, he made it hard to breathe. Before she could even say anything he flipped her hand and kissed the top of it, “Can I finish undressing you?” He asked her and she nodded.
“Yes.” She barely got out and he smiled as he stood and pulled off of the shirt she had on, skimming down her stomach before reaching the hem and pulling it off, and then she was just in her underwear and he was looking over her body with a lethal mix of adoration and lust. It made her feel gorgeous and special and it was addicting, the way he looked at her took her breath away.
Harry’s hands slid around her waist and them up towards the clasp of her bra and he snapped it undone quickly before sliding it off her body and tossing it onto the bedside table, then his fingers reached back down to roll down her tights and her thong together. The lower they got, the lower he went… he kissed down her stomach and then her hips, her thighs, her knees…and when he got to her ankles he had her balance herself on his shoulder as he got it all the way down and kissed her ankle as he took the tights off, and he did the same to get it off of her other leg. His big, warm hands ran up the back of her legs as he pressed his face against her vuvla, kissing her and taking in her scent, he was obsessed with it. He kneaded at her ass and then landed a few smacks on it, making her gasp as the sharp stings left on her skin before he rubbed it over.
“More please…” She requested breathily as her head rolled back and he grinned and landed a few more smacks before roughly kneading at her ass to ease the pain a little. Her skin was littered in goosebumps afterwards and it drove him absolutely crazy, maybe next time she’d let him spank her little cunt; if she liked this, the latter would have her dripping wet for him - well, more than she probably was now.
“C’mon, want you to sit on my face, baby.” He said lowly and she obliged as he laid down against the pillows at the head of the bed and she followed, kneeling over him and giving him a moment to get comfortable before she started to lower herself. She bit her lip to suppress her smirk as she glanced down to his mouth already open, tongue out and ready to get a taste. She didn’t prolong his torture and just had a seat and he moaned in pleasure as soon as his tongue wedged itself deep against her folds. This caused her to tangle her hands in his hair as she ground down along with his movements. It couldn’t have been more than three  minutes before she was steadying herself on the headboard, crying out as she unexpectedly got washed out by an orgasm. She was trembling above him as he moaned against her sensitive pussy, his licks and sucks slowed down as he eased her off of it, but he wasn’t done yet, he needed more. So when she had come down enough he helped her lay down and he made out with her for a bit before he went back down and got his mouth back onto her pussy. 
He was slower this time, tickling her clit with the tip of his tongue before started to kiss at her gently, his tongue rolled out before he’d pucker up and kiss at her throbbing little bud and all she could do was fall back and enjoy as he took his sweet time to make her feel good. And this was something he was exceptional at, he used his entire mouth to get her off, she had never experienced anything like it. It caused a chill to rack through her body  as she held her legs open for him and gave him room to do his thing. His warm and heavy tongue gave her consistent and heavy licks as he swirled around her little button deliciously. He then extended the range of his tongue, licking from lower down and laving up to her clit again, over and over as she moaned and whimpered. For him, his lips sometimes closed to suck and it drove her up the wall.
“Mmmmmgod, you’re so good at that…” she mewled dramatically as he started to go faster and licked from her entrance up to her clit, “Oh god!” She gasped when he started to flick his tongue side to side until her walls were tightening up impossibly and the he started to slow down again, still continuing to use his mouth on every part of her sopping pussy. She started losing control of her hips, bucking them up slightly, eager for more as he orgasm started to approach once again, “I’m so close, baby! So close!” She moaned out. This only encouraged him as he reached to her cunt and used his index and middle finger to spread her open and expose her clit and he started to really focus his licks from her little hole to her clit and he made her writher beneath him as the muscled in her stomach started to tighten to the point of pain, but it just felt too good. Especially when the tip of his tongue dipped into her entrance over and over, the nerves there were so sensitive that it started to make her back arch.
“Mmmm, come for me.” He muttered against her and she immediately let go. His licking  intensified as he worked her through her orgasm, he managed to pull another little one out of her when he flicked at her clit and swirled his tongue around over and over until she was digging her fingers into his hair and shaking.
“Please… please…” she panted tiredly and he hummed, pulling back for a second before kissing at her gently a couple times before pulling away completely and helping her legs back down onto the mattress. She was still quivering with the aftershocks as his hands smoothed up her legs. He kissed at her knees before settling his body over hers and connecting their lips together. His erection was at full size again as he lowered his hips against hers she whimpered into his mouth.
“Sensitive?” He asked and she nodded, her vision still blurry from her last few orgasms, “Just let me know if you want me to grab the condoms. Or if you’re spent we can just have a warm bath.” He said and she reached around his neck and connected their lips and shook her head.
“If I don’t want to use a condom?” She asked and he moaned as he kissed her deeply.
“Right, your implant.” He said and she nodded, “We don’t have to, but I just want you to know that I don’t expect it just because you’re on birth control.” He said and she nodded.
“Thank you, baby. I do want to feel you if that’s alright.” She said quietly.
“It’s alright.” He assured and he moaned quietly as he felt her hips adjusting, his cock sliding around and making her tingle, “Want it inside?” He asked and she nodded.
“Please. Want to feel it inside.” She was well aware that he had done nothing to stretch her out for him, he had told her he wanted his cock to open her up and she was just fine with that, she was turned on enough for things to go smoothly. He adjusted himself so that the tip of his cock was sliding down to her entrance, he was gently pushing against it, wanting to make her body open up all on it’s own for him. She was so sensitive there and moaning as she felt him right up against her.
“C’mon baby, take it. Relax for me.” He hummed and she nodded, exhaling shakily and realizing her body as he pressed against her again and they both moaned as his tip sunk into her wet and tight pussy, “Fuck.” He groaned lowly, she was so tight and hot around him as he started to sink in deeper, her walls opened up as he spread her open, moaning against her mouth at the feeling of her pussy swallowing his cock and drawing it in deeper and deeper. She hitched her legs up against his hips to allow him to get in all the way and they both sighed as he bottomed out. He ground against her and her eyes rolled back as her nails raked down his back and he hissed at the sting.
“Move. Please move.” She requested and he nodded as he started to thrust slowly at first, watching her body react to his, he was trying not to get lost in the feeling of it all. Her hips moved along with him and when her walls would flutter around his cock it felt like he wouldn’t be able to hold out. 
“Mmmm, you feel amazing, baby.” He moaned against her mouth.
“You too, you’re so deep.” She whimpered and he grinned as he shifted a bit and her brows creased as her mouth fell open in shock as he nudged into her g-spot, “Oh fuuuuck, right there!” She praised as her eyes rolled back.
“Yeah, baby? Feel’s good?” He asked, voice breathy from his actions as his hips snapped into her over and over again in deep and intentional plunges. 
“Yes, you feel so good!” She whimpered as just feeling him there started getting her close to her climax at an alarming rate.
“Rub your little clit for me, baby.” He panted and she did as he told her, her fingers passed over her swollen little bud over and over, it was nearly making her eyes cross with both of their actions combined. 
They were both struggling to breathe as the pleasure they felt started to overcome their bodies. Their eyes were locked on each other’s as they moaned and breathed each other’s air, bodies warm and damp from sweat as they worked hard to make each other come undone. Y/N wasn’t only reeling from the feeling of him deep inside, but as her free hand ran over his warm and toned body. He was built to perfection and it made her hot all over. He started going harder and faster and her legs started to shake around him as her abs tensed up.
“Fuck, can feel you squeezing me…” he groaned, “Come for me, give it to me, baby.” Harry panted, his brows creased as her tightening walls brought him even closer to the edge than before. 
He couldn’t hold on anymore, his body was just on the brink and he couldn’t hold off from it. Just then. Y/N cried out as she started to flutter around his cock. Her back arched and her eyes blurred over with tears as she started to wither over his cock. His thrusts were relentless as he chased his own orgasm and it was spurring on her own for even longer. She rubbed at her clit faster and faster until she gasped upon feeling the first gush of her cum squirting from her body. It covered her in goosebumps and her ears started ringing at the overwhelming pleasure coursing through her body and sending each and every nerve ending in her body into overdrive. She writhed beneath Harry and swallowed down his grunts as he thrust harder and deeper than before, making her gasp as he spilled his load inside of her. She could feel his warmth filling her up deliciously. Pump after pump of it made her all warm and even more sticky than before. He moaned as he looked down between their body to see her leaking her and his cum as he continued thrusting slower now to ride it out until he finally kissed her again and slowly rolled his hips to a stop. They were hardly breathing properly, but he didn’t care as he smiled against her mouth and tangled his fingers in her hair.
“So fucking perfect. You’re so fucking perfect.” He mumbled to her lovingly before kissing all over her face. Her ears were still slightly ringing from the intensity of it all and all she craved now was to be completely enveloped in his warmth.
“This was perfect, thank you.” She whispered and he chuckled breathily.
“No, thank you, baby. For letting me in like that.” He whispered and she swallowed the lump of nerves that was lodged in her throat, but she couldn’t hold back anymore, not when they were looking at each other the way they were right now, the way they had been over and over throughout the night…
“Yes, baby?” He asked with a small smile and she swallowed thickly.
“I-I love you.” She said in a small and timid voice and she worried for a moment when he didn’t respond verbally, but soon his lips were gently connecting to hers and their eyes fluttered closed as the kiss continued before he took a breath and his forehead pressed to hers.
“I love you too.” He whispered, “I love you too.” He repeated with a smile.
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@sunshinemoonsposts @matildasatellite @sad-avocado @sunflovverharry @cherrysulewski @angelbabyyy99 @gurugirl
@daphnesutton @jessitpwk @permanentllyharry @here4thefanfics
LMK if you want to be added to the list:)
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voxina · 1 month
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269 notes · View notes
twopoppies · 8 months
hi!!! ok so I need a lil help, I just saw some people saying Harry got his tiger thigh tattoo bc his nephew was going to move countries and thought Harry would forget him so he drew a tiger and then Harry tattooed a tiger for him. is this true???? I've never heard of a meaning for the tiger tattoo at all...
WTF? Where did that story come from? I’ve literally never heard that. I don’t think we ever got a story about his tiger tattoo and people just decided it was a pun, like some of his others (Rib cage, heart on my sleeve, butterflies in my stomach etc). This is a thigh-ger. That nephew story sounds made up to me.
Honestly, the best part of the Tiger tattoo is that when we first saw it, he was attempting to make a gay innuendo (Harry bottoms), but everyone got distracted by his new tattoo. He must have been so disappointed in us.
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daddybuckethat · 2 years
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Same SpongeBob, same.
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avalentina · 1 year
I know they have always been my favorite animal, ever since my first visit to a zoo I had to, have to, my brain just goes "GET ME TO THE TIGERS!" white tigers especially. They are majestic and beautiful and two of my all time biggest crushes have tiger tattoos, I'm starting to wonder if the universe is trying to get me to get one.
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Heaven help me.
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gurugirl · 11 months
Under His Bed | bfd!harry
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best friend's dad!harry x reader
Summary: Harry invites you to stay at his house for the night and the following morning you both get an unexpected visitor. Based on this request.
Word Count: 4479
Warning: 18+ only, smut, cheating, lying, age gap, breeding kink
Best Friend's Dad!harry Masterlist
Harry showed up at your apartment after you’d just gotten home from work. You hadn’t made any plans to see him that day but you definitely weren’t disappointed when you saw him at your door.
“I just got home and I need to shower really quick,” you said as he attacked you with his mouth. His face was unshaven and the scruff was a bit more grown out than normal. You grasped his face and laughed as you bent back from him, “I’m serious!”
But your giggles and sweet smile were all that Harry noted as he ignored your words and kept smushing his lips against yours with his own smile on his face. He smelled like the fresh outdoors. The weather had cooled down significantly over the past few days, but it was only temporary. It would warm right back up. You were enjoying the cool down, though.
And Harry’s skin was chilled. Like he’d been outside for a bit. You pushed at his chest, still puffing out laughs through your nose at the way he was pawing at you, “You’re cold. Do you want to shower with me?”
Now that got his attention, “Of course I would.”
You pulled out an extra towel for Harry as you let the water warm up, “What did you do today? You smell like you were outside all day,” you asked as you reached into the stream to test the temperature.
“I smell like I was…” he shook his head and looked at you like you were crazy, “You can smell that?”
You nodded, “Yeah. Just smells like you were outside. It’s like a fresh, chilled air smell. Hard to explain. You don’t know what I mean?”
“Not really and I was golfing before I came over.” Suddenly his arm was around your front and his chest pressed into your back, “You’re not pregnant are you?”
You whipped your head around to look at him, “What?! Why would you say that?”
“Because you said you can smell fresh, chilled air. That sounds like the superpower of a pregnant woman,” he grinned.
You scoffed and pushed at him so you could take your towel off, “Water’s ready.”
You both climbed into the shower and you continued, “I’m not pregnant, though. Don’t worry,” you grinned as you picked up the soap. Harry’s comments recently had been very teasing but you wondered if there was some truth to his words.
Harry wet his hair and sighed under the warm stream before switching places with you, squirting soap into his hand to lather up, “Do you want to be?”
You paused your motions and stared at Harry bewildered, “What are you…?” You laughed at his cheeky attitude, “You’re insane.” You honestly didn’t know if you were ready for that conversation. Or if he was even being serious. But of course, his little suggestions and the way he’d talk about stuffing you with his babies did give you a bit of a longing you never had before. You were sure it was only because it was Harry.
Harry grinned and pulled his lips into his mouth as he rubbed suds over his torso and you began to lather soap over your skin. But you couldn’t take your eyes off of him. Looking at his fit, toned body never got old. And he wasn’t one of those guys that only had buff arms or buff pecs. He was masculine and nicely muscled everywhere. His thighs always got you. They were solid and every time you held on to them when he was fucking you– the way they bulged and rippled under your hands… you could get wet from just thinking about that alone.
Dropping your sight to his tiger tattoo and then upward to the center of his thighs where his other masculine feature hung in front of them you bit your lip. He was half hard already.
Harry pulled you into his arms, your soapy, wet skin slipping against his as he cupped your face and practically devoured you with his gaze alone, “You’re so pretty. You wanna come home with me tonight? Test out my bed?”
You slid your arms over his shoulders, “What if your wife comes home? Or Fae stops by? Or the neighbors see me?”    
“Don’t really care that much. Doubt any of that will happen.”
You frowned and tilted yourself back in his arms so you could look at his face squarely, “Why are you so loosey-goosey about this lately? You don’t care if we get caught?”
Harry shook his head, “I don’t know. I think I just rather be with you and risk it than be without you and on the safe side.”
You smiled softly at him and breathed out through your nose when you felt his fingers lower to your bum. It felt like silk the way his hand traveled down your wet curves before he groped your cheeks and pulled. It was then you felt his cock was no longer only half hard. He was solid against your hip.
You both grinned at one another knowingly as Harry reached behind you and turned off the shower before picking you up and carrying you into your bedroom. You yelped and laughed, “Harry! I wasn’t done!”
“You’re done when I say so, little girl,” he lowered you to your mattress and climbed up over you, pressing his lips to your mouth, his tongue finding yours and his fingers traveling up your ribs and to your breasts.
You and Harry had been seeing each other just about every night since Mrs. Styles went to stay with her sister. It had been… really nice. But you had yet to go to his place because of the risk. Your apartment was less obvious.
Harry lowered his mouth to your neck and tongued over your still-damp skin, “I love you so much, Y/n,” his warm breath heated the droplets of water on your neck and your shoulder and you moaned.
“I love you, Harry,” you whispered with your eyes closed. Harry lowered his lips to your breasts, sucking and squeezing at them.
He pushed your thighs apart and lifted one leg as he kept his eyes on yours before he ducked down to give a hot, wet kiss to your pussy.
When he sat back onto his haunches his pink lips were parted and he looked like a man on a mission, “I don’t know how to explain it, Y/n,” he smoothed his palms over your thighs and up to your tummy, “The way I feel about you… how much I want you. Fuck it’s like a need. I don’t know if I can ever go back to sleeping next to my wife again now that I get to have you almost every night,” he watched the path his hands were making up your ribs and to your breasts. He pushed his thumbs into your nipples and then leaned over you, his cool wet hair dripping over your skin as his hot mouth covered every inch of your tits and nipples.
You moaned and grasped at his shoulders then his lats as he moved up your body and pushed his mouth to yours. You could feel his warm cock over your pussy, just pressed over you teasingly.
He parted from the kiss and brought his hands up to your face, “I love you and I don’t feel like that phrase even cuts it. God, I have to just…” he sighed and dotted a kiss to your lips before continuing, “Make you mine. Want you, Y/n. In every way. I mean it. I can’t be with anyone ever again.”
You brushed your fingers over his cheekbones and then into his hair as you wrapped your legs around his waist and pulled him down flush to you, “Harry… that’s how I feel too. It’s such a deep need and I can’t describe it.”
Harry rocked his hips and you enjoyed how his big cock slid through your folds back and forth slowly. You were wet for him. Your body always ready and open for his cock somehow. Nothing and no one had ever turned you on like Harry did.
As he kept his eyes on yours he pressed his bulbous crown to your entrance and began to push into you. You gasped at the tight fit and he grinned at your reaction.
With your legs wrapped tight around his waist and your ankles crossed together he thrust in and out, long and languid, delicious strokes. His chest was pressed to yours and he moaned as he felt you around himself, your slick walls taking him fully, meeting the spot that he nudged into when he couldn’t reach in further.
You both breathed in steady, timed exhales as your bed’s mattress gently squeaked.
Everything between you was slippery and Harry’s arms began to shake as his breaths became more labored. He ground himself into you and his pelvis was glued to you, pressing into your clit making your brain mush.
“Shit, Y/n…” he whined when he felt you clench and stiffen. Your legs keeping his crotch and his hips connected to yours.
Your babbled words were unmistakable cries of pleasure as you pulsed around him in your sudden orgasm. Harry choked his own words out, lips against your ear, “My everything. I wanna give you the world…” his strong hold on your body as he released into you ached. You already had bruises on your thighs, your ass, your hips, but every time he whispered sweet nothings into your ear it left a lasting mark on your heart. The bruises on your body were all temporary but you would never forget his words.
.           .           .
Walking into the Styles’ home knowing you’d be sleeping with him in his bed, the bed he shared with his wife, well… it felt so much more evil than doing it at your apartment. It felt like a blatant disrespect. A clear signal that Harry was allowing you into the space his wife once occupied. Along with his words to you earlier in the day at your apartment, I don’t know if I can ever go back to sleeping next to my wife again now that I get to have you.
“Are you sure this is okay?” You took his hand and looked up at him.
He furrowed his brow and nodded, “Of course it is. Baby, I just want you with me. Thought it would be nice for a change of pace.”
And oh was it nice. Harry’s bed was big and soft and the sheets were buttery. And he made love to you until you both fell asleep. You didn’t even wake once at all during the night because the bed was so nice.
It wasn’t until your alarm went off that you woke up. 9:00 a.m. on the dot. You stretched and yawned and Harry reached for you and groaned with his face in your hair, “Don’t get up.”
You giggled and turned to face him, “I have to work, Harry. And you still have to take me all the way to my apartment so I can get my car.”
“How about I just drop you off and I’ll pick you up when your shift is over and you can come stay here again with me.”
You pressed your lips to his and hitched your thigh over his hip, “Either way, I’ve got to get going.”
“But if I take you to work that’s an extra half hour we’ve got,” his long fingers made their way down your side to your bottom, “that’s an awful lot of extra time.”
“It kind of is actually. We could make a big breakfast. Or… oh! We could get in a run! How does that sound?” You laughed as Harry’s fingers pinched your bum and then moved up to your ribs and he began to tickle you.
“I hate to say, Y/n, but you’re no good at running and you know I’d just be the one to wind up making breakfast. But if that’s really what you want then I guess we can use our time that way instead,” he grinned as he began to move away but you tightened your hold on his hip with your thigh and pulled at his arm.
“Harrrryyyy…” you whined his name with a giggle.
He put his hands up to your face and looked at you innocently, “What is it, honey?”
You rolled your eyes and groaned. He always did this to you. He knew what he was doing and even though his hard cock pressed into your inner thigh was a dead giveaway of the state he was in he was good at making you fold.
You sighed and pressed your palms into his chest, pushing his back into his mattress and straddled him, “I love you, Harry.”
The pleased smile on his face was warm and loving. You pressed yourself over his hard shaft and leaned down to kiss him. It didn’t take long for your body to heat up and your pussy to begin to slip over him easily. With your lips moving together he kept a firm hold over your bottom, fingers reaching around to test you for wetness every now and then.
When you looked at the clock you decided there was little time to waste and you were quite wet so you sat up and pressed yourself down over his tip.
“Shit. Just like that huh? Needed my cock that bad did you?”
You swiveled your hips and moaned softly in answer and Harry’s lips parted with a quiet gasp as you squeezed yourself over him, unhurriedly moving him in and out.
It felt good to have Harry like that in the morning. It was something you didn’t want to be without. And as apprehensive as you were when you got to his house the night before about sleeping with him in the bed his wife slept in you quickly forgot all about what had you feeling bad. Harry saw to it that you were happy and feeling good. As he always did.
You leaned down, pressing your chest into his, Harry had his hands at your bottom, pushing and pulling at you, slipping you up and down his cock as you kissed the edge of his mouth. You both sighed as you pressed your lips together and slowly kissed. You stuffed your fingers into his hair and he grunted when you pulled gently.
But then he lifted his hips and began to thrust up into you, the tip of his cock smushing into your cervix, and you gasped. Harry laughed and then you lifted so you could see his face.
The first swat to your bottom was unexpected and had you yelping and jolting in surprise. But then he did it again and you pulled at his hair, “Haarrryyy…” You moaned his name in protest but it was more like pleasure as he popped your cheek again and you laughed. You squeezed your thighs around his hip to still your movements but he gripped onto the soft flesh of your ass and kept pushing and pulling, causing you to glide up and down his cock.
“Oh my god…” you breathed as you pressed your palms into his chest and moved with him. Your pelvis was tilted over his and it had you fuzzy and moaning with each glide of your clit over him.
“Damn, baby…” Harry squeezed your bum with a pinch, “Your pussy is so creamy. Just drawing my come out little by little like this.” Harry groaned his words. It was true, his steady stream of precome was dribbling into you with each thrust. Your warm, slick walls always drew his cock in deep, milking him perfectly.
“Yeah? S’that feel good, Harry?” You squeezed as you drew your hips up and he moaned, digging his fingers deeper into the meat of your ass, “Cause it feels so good for me.”
“Fuck. M’gonna need it like this every morning. Okay?” He gritted his teeth as he watched you jostle gently over him, your hips canting and tits softly swaying, “Keep you with me for good. Make you all mine, get this fertile, creamy pussy loaded with my sperm every day.”
You coughed out a cry, “Yes! Please!”
Harry shifted himself, bending at the knees, feet flat onto the mattress, and began to push himself upward into you faster. You gasped and held onto his shoulders as he rocked into you from beneath, the sound of wet skin connecting and slipping together filled the room. Now you were being punched up with each of his strokes, deep into your pussy over and over again.
“Want my come, and my babies honey? Would you like that?” Harry’s words were spoken tight and whiney as he trembled from the exertion of his muscled thighs working himself into you.
“Want it. Want you to make me yours,” you spoke between gasps as your cunt tingled in indulgent lust. Your pussy gripped him tight as you felt the ache of his head ramming through your walls.
Harry gasped with your tight squeeze around him, coating him and gliding over his twitching cock. You both cried out, intoxicated with love and physical need.
You couldn’t stop the wave of your orgasm from bursting as you shook and clamped down over Harry. He gripped you tight and continued fucking into you, moving you along his shaft as you came with whimpers and moans.
“Holy…” Harry gasped as he felt you fluttering and clenching around him deliciously. You were a tight fit but you were gushing around him and he used his leverage to tug you up and down, letting you feel all of him as you writhed in ecstasy.
“Oh fuck, honey!” Harry moaned when he felt his orgasm burst out of his balls. He pulled you down onto his hips and pumped himself into your walls, teeth clenched, groaning, chest flushed in heat.
You could feel him twitching and unloading into you as he loudly moaned in rhythmic bursts.
When you finally caught your breath you collapsed onto his chest, still trembling. Harry’s big hands ran up and down your spine soothingly while you both breathed heavily.
Harry brought a hand up to the back of your neck and pulled you up, pushing your mouth to his.
As your lips were still pressed to Harry’s you both heard Fae’s voice suddenly, “Dad?!”
You’d never moved so fast in your life as you pushed yourself off Harry and jumped out of his bed.
Harry sat up quickly and dashed to his dresser to grab a pair of shorts, “Just… stay here…” he glanced at you as he rushed his words out and jumped on one leg to pull his shorts up. Grabbing a shirt he put it over his head and jogged out of his bedroom, closing the door behind him.
You had your hand pressed over your chest and stood between the wall and Harry’s bed as you heard muffled voices coming from downstairs. You couldn’t move for a few moments. Finally, looking around his room you saw your clothes draped over the bench at the foot of the bed along with your bag and purse. Walking toward the bench you shoved your things under the bed and slid your t-shirt on over your head. That had been a very close call.
Harry was surprised that his daughter had stopped by at all. By the time he got to the bottom of the stairs he’d pulled his shirt over his head but his cock was still half hard and his hair was a mess. Not the most ideal way to greet Fae but he didn’t have much choice. Better that than the alternative. He didn’t even want to think about how that would have gone down. His bedroom door had been wide open as you two had been having sex, loudly.
“Hey, hon…” Harry hugged Fae loosely and smiled.
“What were you doing?” She looked him up and down in scrutiny.
“I just woke up a bit ago. Was sitting in bed looking at my phone. Haven’t really done much of anything yet.”
“You’re all sweaty,” she groaned and turned to walk upstairs.
“Where are you going?” Harry rushed behind her.
“I left a suitcase in my room and I wanted to bring it to my apartment,” she paused and turned back to him, “Why are you so jumpy?”
Harry’s heart was pounding. He knew he was probably quite jumpy given the circumstances, “I just didn’t expect you. Caught me off guard.”
Fae looked at him like he was crazy and turned to finish ascending the stairs.
Harry followed close behind his daughter and spoke loudly, “Well, you’re always welcome to stop by Fae. You know that.”
“Why are you shouting? Are you okay?” Fae scrunched her brows and shook her head at her dad.
You heard the commotion and then Harry’s voice. Kneeling down behind the bed you kept your eye on the bedroom door. Just in case Fae should enter.
“Yes, I’m fine. Sorry,” Harry lowered his voice but hoped you heard him. He imagined that you already were hidden and aware of everything going on. He doubted his daughter would need to go into his bedroom but still.
Harry leaned against the door frame as Fae looked through her closet for the suitcase, “It’s not here. Do you think it’s in your room?”
Harry’s heart rate picked up once again, “No. I doubt it. Haven’t seen anything like that in there.”
Fae sighed and peeked under her bed, not finding her suitcase, “I’m just gonna check in your closet if it’s okay,” she spoke as she walked toward Harry who was at her doorway.
Harry put his hands on Fae’s shoulders to stop her, “No! Uh… I’ll go check. Just keep looking. I’ll be right back!”
“Seriously, Dad. What’s wrong? Are you hiding someone in there?” Fae laughed out her last sentence but Harry stopped in his tracks and turned to look at his daughter with wide eyes.
“Why would you say that?”
Fae stopped and cocked her head, “Well, I was kidding. But you’re starting to make me think I wasn’t far off.”
Harry licked his lips and shook his head, speaking loudly once again, “No. Of course, I’m not. I’ll check in my room you just… keep looking in your room. My room’s a mess. I don’t want you to see it.”
However, if there was anything about Fae that was consistent from childhood through adulthood it was that she was nosy, and if she wanted to find out information she would.
You panicked and slid under Harry’s bed just as the door opened. There was no good spot to hide in his bedroom. The bathroom or the closet was an option but those were no better than just being under his bed.
Harry stepped into his room and looked around, not seeing you he moved to quickly look under his bed and saw you on your back with your eyes closed, “Nothing under here,” he spoke loudly and Fae passed him into the room to open his closet.
“Your room’s not messy, Dad. You’re being really weird.” She looked into his closet and up on the shelves, not finding the suitcase.
“Dang. Wonder if Mom took it when she left. I’ll have to call her. You sure nothing’s under your bed?” she stepped toward the bed and Harry quickly hopped in front of her.
“Nothing’s under there. But I think there are a bunch of things in the hall closet. Let’s go check there.”
Fae pointed at her dad, “I’m on to you. Something’s going on here and I’m going to figure it out.”
She walked past him to leave his bedroom and Harry let out the breath he was holding.
You were sure you’d been caught when Fae stepped into his bedroom. At first, you figured there would be no reason for her to go into his room but you were clearly wrong.
You continued to lie still under his bed with your bag at your feet as your heart thumped loudly in your chest until the moment she left. You opened your eyes and waited. You weren’t going to move until you knew for sure the coast was clear.
It took a few minutes. Harry wanted to wait until he saw Fae pull away in her car before he gave you the all-clear.
Running up the stairs toward his room you heard him as he ducked down on the side you were laying, and put his hand on your arm, “Hey, baby. She’s gone.”
He helped you out from under the bed and you felt like you were in shock. The morning had started off so perfectly but the reality of what you were doing crashed down on you when your best friend arrived.
You were even still wet between your legs, Harry’s come on your thighs, as you hadn’t had a chance to clean up.
“I’m sorry, Y/n. Are you okay?” Harry pulled you into his lap. He sat on the rug and cradled you into his arms.
“I don’t know. That was… I feel awful about this.”
Harry put his hand to the back of your head and kissed your forehead, “Don’t feel awful. We can’t help our feelings, Y/n.”
You nodded and closed your eyes, “I know. I just wish the circumstances were different.”
“Me too.”
Fae’s surprise visit put you behind on getting ready. You didn’t have time to shower after wiping up and getting dressed and now you had no choice but to let Harry drop you off at work so you wouldn’t wind up being late.
Harry parked at the front of the restaurant and you leaned in to kiss him goodbye, “Thank you, Harry. See you tonight.”
He grinned and pulled at your arm, pressing his mouth back over yours once again before parting from the kiss, “I’ll be here to pick you up at 8.”
The moment you walked inside your boss was there with a confused look on her face, “Is that your boyfriend?”
You paused and looked outside as Harry’s car drove off and then back at your boss. You hadn’t expected that anyone would see you, “Uh. Yeah. He is.” You figured there was no harm in admitting he was your boyfriend to your boss.
“Interesting.” She gazed out the glass entry into the front, “He looks awfully familiar. Except the man I’m thinking of is married and probably 20 years older than you,” she shook her head and looked back at you. “Same car too.” She raised her brows and sighed as she looked at her watch, “Well, anyway. Your first table was just sat. You should probably go clock in.”
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jarofstyles · 5 months
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idk where this came from tbh but I loved how It came out. 95% smut but I know y'all will never complain about that so :p 
Check out our Patreon for early access and 160+ exclusive writings
Warnings- smut, teasing, slight public play If you squint, slight degradation, but lighter compared to our other stuff. Cute
Y/N could feel his eyes on her as she walked back towards him on the beach, his sunglasses doing little to hide the stare down he was having with her body. She’d known that this bathing suit would probably make him a little handsy, but it had been vastly underestimated how much it would distract him. There was not a single word being absorbed around him and she sort of felt like prey as she made her way to the rented cabana, tummy rumbling with both nerves and anticipation.
“What’s this, darling?” He asked as she flipped her sandals off on the raised wooden platform to avoid the spread of sand the best she could. He’d beaten her out here to set up their towels and made sure the daybed was good to go, as Y/N couldn’t handle another full day in the sun and needed the coverage the cabana would offer. He was being a doting and sweet boyfriend and she’d been planning on making him crazy.
“Hm? Oh, I got us those drinks in the coconuts.” She hummed, handing him one. It was part of the charm, their vacation essential, but he didn’t give the drink a second look before placing it on the little side table offered with the package. A tingle ran up her spine as warm hands grabbed the back of her thighs, urging her to step between his spread thighs while his brows furrowed behind the tinted lenses.
“You know that’s not what m’talking about, love.” He winced slightly at the light as Y/N pushed the glasses up into his hair so she could see his mossy eyes, resting her hand on his warm shoulder before taking a sip from her drink. It was a coconut rum cream type of thing and she knew she was going to be wasted on these, but that was the point. Wasn’t it?
But she was playing coy, tilting her head to the side as she gave him a look. “What do you mean, then?” It was exciting to play games with him. To tease him. Harry was a passionate man with a lot of redeeming qualities, but he was the most fun to tease. To watch him narrow his eyes at her and think about how she was most definitely going to pay for it later. It spiked her adrenaline, heartbeat quickening as his hands moved over her ass and to her hips. His thumbs dug into the dips back there, a deep exhale leaving his mouth and washing over her bare belly, heat pooling between her thighs as he leaned forward to press a chaste kiss right above her belly button.
“This bathing suit. I didn’t see you pack it.” He let her off the hook for playing dumb, rubbing his circles into the dips as he watched the corner of her lip temple as if trying not to smile. “I would remember a little thing like this. Barely fuckin’ there, is it?” His eyes found the tied strings at the sides of her waist. That was dangerous and the entire point. It was a deep red, the smallest thing she’d ever worn in public, and tied behind her neck and at her hips with flimsy strings. It was made to taunt him, make him needier than ever, and a bit of payback from the tiny yellow shorts he loved to wear. He knew just how much she loved his thighs and exactly what it did to her to see them exposed. Knowing what she liked to do on his bare thigh, right over the tattooed tiger.
“Oh, this old thing?” She smiled as innocently as she could. “It’s something from a few years back. I think my chest has gotten bigger since I originally bought it, but that’s not a problem… is it?”
“Actually,” Harry breathed. “It is.” He was quick to pull her into his lap, a squeak leaving her as he gave her a dark look. “Because you know exactly what this was going to do t’me and how it was going to make me feel, and you put it on anyway. You, you can hide when that perfect cunt gets wet and sticky. But me?” He glanced around before pulling her further over his lap so she could feel the growing bulge in his own bathing suit. “Can’t do much without scarring the rest of the people at this beach. You’re causing problems on purpose.” The voice he used was hushed and deep, going straight to her core. Of course it was the goal to get in trouble, but his reaction had been better than she anticipated. He shifted her slightly on his lap, subtly moving her over his length under the guise of adjusting her. “How do you think this is supposed t’get fixed? Want me to go have a wank in the restroom?”
“Nuh-uh.” She grinned. “I told you. I want all of you this trip.” Leaning to the side to place her own drink down, he hissed at the movement of her over his growing prick. “You’re not wasting a drop of you. It’ll get fixed, but m’not gonna rush off the beach before I’ve had my drink.” She shrugged, taking her hand that had been cooled by said drink to hold the side of his neck. There was a lot more satisfaction than she could admit when she saw him shiver at the temperature change. “This is my payback for those stupid yellow shorts you wore yesterday.”
Harry knew she could be vengeful. This cat and mouse game that had been him pursuing her had bled into the relationship and he loved that she liked to tease- but he loved that she was seeking a punishment out of it. “You know what I did in return for that?” He clicked his tongue. “I took you to the dressing area and fingered you until you dripped down my fingers. Had to hold your loud fucking mouth quiet, but I took care of it.” It wasn’t doing much good to think of it, especially considering his current predicament of trying not to get painfully hard, but it was one of his favorite things they’d ever done. Making Y/N melt into a desperate, horny mess had been one of his favorite pleasures in life, but knowing she was too needy to wait had stroked his ego.
The roles reversed, though? He wasn’t too sure. It would be noticeable if she was on her knees in the dressing tents, not just looking like an innocent couple leaving more tents open by changing under the same curtain. Her chest was distracting. It was glistening from the aftermath of freshly applied suncream, her breasts on full display and hanging just the way he liked. This bathing suit was his personal heaven. Or hell. He hadn’t quite decided yet.
“So how are you going to take care of me?”
Y/N knew she had been a little cruel, sure, but she could still feel the slight ache from how he’d fucked her last night. She wanted it again, but harder. He’d been a little soft beforehand and she figured he’d make use out of a little motivation.
“Aw, my poor baby.” She cooed, stroking his jaw as it clenched. “Getting hard for me. Can’t help it when you see my tits, hm? Or is it all of it?” There was a moment she pretended to think while he glared at her. “Probably all. But I’m not extremely cruel, Harry. Just giving you a taste of your own medicine. You failed to mention that you made me wait 3 hours until you took care of me.” It felt longer. “So we’re going to sit on this beach for 2. I’m going to have my drink, read my book, enjoy the warm breeze, and you’re going to sit with me. Then we can go back to the villa and you can do as you please.” She hummed, placing a wet kiss to his forehead before standing up from his lap. A towel was tossed his way, which he failed to catch because he was trying to pull her back into his lap. “Use this to hide yourself.” The smugness she felt was unmatched as she grabbed her book and found her way to the other side of the daybed, laying on her back to start the hardest reading session of her life.
Harry didn’t make it easy on her. Not that she thought he would, considering she knew both of their histories of being menaces when in the mood, but she hadn’t expected to be so heavily affected by simple touches.
His fingers drew circles over her exposed hip as he spooned her, pretending to read over her shoulder. Quiet breaths puffed over the side of her neck as he nuzzled into her, sponging kisses there like clockwork. It was chaste enough that she couldn’t really scold him for it, but that didn’t mean it didn’t make her throb between her legs. It was her fault, she was torturing her own self with drawn out foreplay. Y/N rarely ever made Harry wait for it- she was far too greedy- so she struggled with holding her guns as she felt his fingers move further down to the bottom of her stomach, thumbing over the top of the little bathing suit bottoms.
It was a miracle she’d survived that far, and despite it only being an hour and 42 minutes, she thinks that it was good enough.
Pushing her into the villa, Harry’s hands rushed to tug the strings off of the suit, starting with the bottoms. “You evil little thing.” He growled against her mouth, pressing her up against the door as the red fabric fell to the ground and his hand slipped between her thighs. “What was the point of that, hm? You like being bad, pissing me off?” Fingers slid between her swollen, soaked folds and coated his skin just the way he knew it would. “Tortured yourself too. Could have just told me you wanted me to fuck you again and we could have spent the day in here.”
Y/N whined as she felt a digit sink into her, leaning further back against the door as he moved it slowly in and out of her. His fingers were thicker than her own, longer, making it much easier for him to reach places she couldn’t when she pleasured herself. His hands had always been a weakness for her, knowing how skilled he was in using them to create both art and pleasure. Coaxing the perfect orgasms from her since he’d met her. “Y-You teased me first.” She huffed, eyes fluttering as his mouth sucked over a part of her jaw that he knew would make her weaken. “What did you expect?”
“I expected you to be a big girl and tell me what you wanted, rather than parade around in this slutty little bathing suit and make me wait two hours before I could do anything about it.” He grumbled, teeth scraping over skin making her whimper. “I expected you to keep me in bed and spread your gorgeous thighs for me and tell me that you’re the neediest little thing, and you want my cock. I would have done it in a heartbeat. Instead, you chose to be a fucking brat. Because if you wanted to work me up, if you wanted me to be frustrated? It worked.” His opposite hand came down on her bare ass, the slap resonating through the villa and sting making her gasp. “What was the end goal?”
His finger was joined by another, making her eyes flutter and her brain slow down a little bit. He knew what he was doing- he always did. “Just wanted you to feel… to feel like I did. You made me wait and…” Her voice trailed off as it bled into a moan, his fingers hooking just so to hit the spot she needed.
“And?” He asked expectantly. “And what, sweetheart. Because I recall taking care of you. Even soaking, no one could tell. But everyone would be able to see my dick if I didn’t have that towel. Is that what you wanted? Wanted everyone to see me?”
“No!” She hissed. “No it’s- It’s mine. I just wanted, I wanted you to feel what I felt.” Her head fell back against the door with a thump, spreading her legs a bit more. Harry knew exactly what he was doing, he knew exactly what to do to make her weak. His quickening fingers and his hand gripping the side of her ass, he was making her see that she was definitely going to pay for it. “You’ve been driving me crazy the whole vacation and I… fuck.” Her words trailed off, the feel of the heel of his hand tapping against her clit with his thrusts making her brain fuzzy.
“You think you haven’t been driving me insane this whole time?” He asked, tone incredulous. “Think I havent been losing my fucking mind watching you walk around in these little bathing suits and sundresses? Think I haven’t had to be mindful of what m’wearing or what we’re doing because all I want to do is bend you over and hike up those dresses or pull down those bottoms and sink right back where I belong?” His voice hissed against her ear as he kissed over the side of neck, the sloppy pecks making her breathing pick up. “Because I have been fucking insane, I’ve been trying to be decent and make sure m’not hogging you in bed and let you go to the beaches and to the shops and to dinner, but I’d be perfectly happy with you in here, with our view of the ocean and you warming my cock.”
Y/N could feel herself getting close. It was hard not to with how worked up she’d gotten trying to tease him, the way he was talking to her, how his fingers always managed to coax the orgasms out of her faster than anyone else- including herself- ever had. “I would have- I would have, I want that, please.” She begged, which Harry knew all too well what that tone of voice meant. She was deliciously close, the slick of her arousal dribbling down his hand and she was just right there-
And he stopped. Y/N whined, tears welling in her eyes as she looked at him in disbelief. He was so generous with her pleasure that she hadn’t been expecting that in the slightest.
“If you hadn’t been a brat, maybe I would have let you.” He took his fingers from her, bringing them up to his mouth and made a show of licking them clean. Running them over his tongue with a soft hum and making a show of it as she scowled. “Mmm, none of that, my angel. You’ll get what you want. Just be patient.” Without another word he lifted her up, making her squeal as she was carried across the place before being deposited in the bed. Seeing as he was shirtless still, it was quick work to get himself naked, shorts kicked off to the side as he crawled up the bed and found her mouth right away.
She could taste herself on his tongue as he kissed her deeply, fingers finding the knots behind her neck to undo the swimsuit. It was quick work to pull the cups down, exposing the soft chest he had been obsessed with since day one. Pulling away with wet lips, he looked down at her exposed breasts, pebbled nipples calling to him as he grabbed under her arms to pull her up on the bed and stayed right where he was. “You know how cruel it is to have these right in front of my face, unable to do a thing?” His hushed words made her nod. She did know, she knew exactly how much he loved her chest and just how crazy it would drive him. “I know you did, pet. You know how much I fucking love your body.” His fingers plucked both nipples, squeezing lightly to make her gasp.
“I’m sorry.” She whispered, feeling the heat throbbing even hotter as she looked at her. There was something in his eyes, the full lust, the desire and hunger that made her feel like the most desired person in the world. Like no one else could compare. Harry had the ability to make her feel as if she was the only one he’d ever had eyes for, the only one he ever would. She wanted to be his forever, hold on to this feeling and let it grow. “I’m sorry, I just wanted you.” Her whine was cute, he thought, but the apology didn’t cut it.
“I don’t think you are, my love. But you will be.” The man’s tongue brushed through the valley between her breasts, tasting the salt of her skin and the ocean air as it moved to the right one. He was getting her wet as he trailed down to her nipple, moving his fingers out of the way so he could do his job.
If you asked Harry if he was an ass or breast man, he’d tell you he was both- but he had a significant soft spot for Y/N’s chest. He’d been obsessed since the first time he saw her, but more so the first time she took her shirt off and let him suck on her. She was so sensitive, the little whimper she let out proving it as her fingers threaded into her hair and she pushed him further into the soft flesh. Hips moving while she tried to grind against his thigh feeling his lips pull more of her nipple into his mouth and sucked on the raised skin.
“Fuck me.” Y/N breathed, Harry’s thigh giving her a bit of mercy as he pressed it against her cunt. It limited how high she could move her hips, but he didn’t stop her from rubbing against him. His lips pulled and sucked, swirling his tongue over the nipple as he groaned against her breast. She could feel his cock against her thigh, feel it leaking over her skin and felt the desperation rising in her stomach to get him inside. She craved it just as much as he did, and had half a mind to demand him to make good on his promise of keeping him tucked inside of her so they could go again and again and again. It was an addiction, how his body made her feel. Desperate and needy, wet and achy, she had the best man to take care of her but he loved to fucking tease. “Inside me, please. I’ll be good, you can do it hard, I just need it. M’empty.”
Harry ignored her, pulling off of her right nipple and switching to her left. This time, though, he kept his eyes open and watched her face scrunch up with pleasure. It was able to be felt smeared all over his thigh as she ground herself against it, making a mess of him before he was even inside of her, but he loved it. Making her this desperate was his favorite thing to do and it wasn’t hard. His girl was sensitive and needy and he took pleasure in making her teary and begging for him. It was his payback.
Y/N mewled as his teeth scraped over the swollen nipple, hips jerking and hands tugging sharply at his hair which only spurred him on further. Sucking harder on the bud and making her keen out loud, hips bucking into the air before he finally released her. If he did too much he could probably make her finish from that, but that was something he wanted to try another day. His dick had been throbbing for hours now, and he wanted some relief.
“Lay on your stomach.” He ordered, watching her scramble to listen. He had gotten his point across and he knew it, a self satisfied smirk coming on his face as he pulled his briefs down and gave himself a few tugs. She laid down just as he said, her cheek to the pillow as she looked back at him with a soft pout on her lips. His sweet girl, desperate for his cock but trying to make it up to him now for being a tease. “Looks like you can listen. I’m so proud of you.” He crooned, kneeling on the bed and finding himself between her spread legs. “Ass up for me, darling girl. Let me see.”
She did as asked again, shuffling her knees so she was spread and tilted up for him. Her cunt was dripping and hot, empty and aching for him to fill her. Her plan had backfired significantly but at the end of the day, all she wanted was his cock. That’s been the goal this whole time. “Please. I need it, H.” She whispered, gripping the white sheets. “Give it to me. I can take it. M’sorry for teasing you.”
“I’m sure you are.” His hand spread her ass open, spitting over her hole and letting it drip down to her swollen clit where he took the tip of his cock and spread it all over her. “You know, I had a plan t’punish you even more, but.. Turns out, I’m fucking weak for this cunt.” He sighed, pushing the head into her and watching it stretch her a little bit. “I’m just as greedy for it. So m’gonna be nice to you and give you what you want, but I’ll remember this later.” His head pulled forward as he sunk deeper in, the hot channel making his brain go a bit fuzzy.
“Fuck, you’ve got perfect pussy, baby.” His tough exterior faded as his hips met her ass, exhaling sharply. “Can’t resist it. Make me a fucking mess every time.” The warm air flowed into their villa through the open door with the sea view, making him pause. Leaning down, he wrapped a hand around her throat and pulled her up to look at it, letting her shaky arms hold herself up as he began to thrust into her welcoming cunt. “Look at where I’ve brought you, baby. Beautiful views, but… This one will always be my favorite.” Lips brushed her ear as the sloppy sound of her soaked cunt being fucked by his prick filled the room. “Seeing you take my cock is my favorite thing. Most beautiful thing in the world, love that you let me own you like this.” His lips pressed against her cheek as she moaned. The firm grip around her throat had her fuzzy, this position making him feel so goddamn deep that she could barely breathe.
“I love it, I love you. Love your cock, love how you make me feel.” She babbled. “Just… Don’t pull out. Please.” Her begging seemed to spur him on, the slap of skin against skin getting louder while he fucked into her. The man was always greedy for her but his sexual frustration was showing, not at all going easy on her. It wasn’t mean, it wasn’t punishment, but pure lust. This was need, and Y/N was happy to be on the receiving end of it.
“M’not going to, baby. Promised you that you could have every drop.” He was nearly purring, breathing a bit heavy but more than satisfied as he fucked into her over and over again. “That’s a lot of love, but m’happy to hear it. Just want to make you happy, make you feel amazing. Don’t have to tease me to have my cock next time… just have to ask me in that pretty voice and give me those gorgeous eyes and I’ll give you anything you want.”
Y/N nodded even though his words sort of went through her. His slight adjustment to his position had him hitting the spot he needed to hit and she was making a fucking mess. She knew she was, hearing the wet sound increasing as he cursed under his breath. It was hard for her not to shudder as she gushed around him, feeling his balls tap against her clit as her watery eyes were forced to look out to the ocean. No words could leave her besides his name and a string of moans. His name was the only important thing, according to her brain.
“Got your cunt all sloppy for me… god, baby… I love you.” He moaned, feeling a little wrecked as he took a glance down to see himself covered in her. Wet and glistening from her how good he was giving it to her, it was another one of his favorite views. “Love my sweet girl and her sweet pussy, m’gonna give it to you over and over… fuck, you’re going to make me cum.” It was hard to keep holding on. Her skin was hot and he could feel he ragged breathing against his palm, her pulse thundering against his fingertips as he worked his prick into her weeping hole. “Never going to stop makin’ love to you, my perfect girl.”
Her orgasm surprised them both. He felt it come on as she whimpered his name, rippling against his cock and squeezing him hard as she shuddered underneath him. Her body fell forwards on the bed and he was done for, releasing her throat to fall on top of her and give a few more sloppy thrusts. A guttural groan left his throat as he buried his face into her neck, feeling his cock pulse and balls tighten as he unloaded inside of her. Keeping himself buried as promised, he ground himself as deep as he could and let it stay deep as his hips twitched, breathing heavy and hot against her skin. “Shit- god.” He croaked, pressing a sloppy stream of kisses from her neck to her cheek. “Fucks sake. Knew I wasn’t going to last a long time but, christ.” A drunken laugh left his throat as she hummed, turning her face with a pout.
“Kissy?” She whispered, lips puckering and effectively making his heart melt. He’d never say no to a kiss from her. It was an immediate wish granted, leaning closer to kiss her but making them both moan as the shift made his cock push further into her. He didn’t break away for a few moments though, pressing sticky pecks to her lips and sighing happily once she laid her cheek back on the pillow.
“Have a really hard time saying no t’you, sweetheart.” He admitted, keeping his face in her neck as he tried to recover.
“Good.” The girl’s voice was still a little shaky. “So you’ll go get me another coconut drink before we go again?”
“Again?” He laughed against her skin, biting down gently to make her yelp. “Fucking minx, my lovely little slut. Course she wants t’go again. I shouldn't have given you the benefit of the doubt. You’re my greedy girl.” Though no one would ever hear Harry complaining about that. His recovery time may need a bit of work if they were going to spend all day here though. “I’m gonna say yes, but only because I want you to lay here and keep my cum inside you.” The man was definitely catching her onto her neediness. “As hot as it is when it drips down your thigh, we don’t want to waste any. So lay here and be pretty for me while I go get you that silly little drink. M’not gonna go as easy next time.”
“Sounds perfect.” The giggle was music to his damn ears. “But don’t forget the cute little umbrella, kay? Need it to be part of the experience.”
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zipper-ghost · 5 months
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Based on a fic I'm working on where Kim and Harry have to go undercover at a gay club
Read the fic on ao3
(lines in bold are Harry’s skills talking. I haven't specified but you can guess)
A chill wind whips their faces as they step onto the precinct roof. They huddle together, facing each other, Harry’s broad body blocking the wind which would snuff out the lighter flame. Kim lit his cigarette and then lit Harry’s. Harry recently switched from Menthols to Kim’s brand of chestnut-flavored cigarettes. Kim hasn’t asked about it even though he noticed.
As the smoke fills his lungs Kim’s whole body visibly relaxes. A softness falls across his expression, his gaze grows distant. You don’t know if it’s the ritual of smoking at the end of the day or the nicotine. The smoldering end of the cigarette is reflected in Kim’s glasses, as are you. They lean against the railing and watch the sunset over the horizon in silence. Harry waits for Kim to start. 
The jingling of Kim unzipping his jacket makes Harry stand a bit straighter and bite the filter for his cigarette. 
“Shall we start?” Kim says taking out his notebook and flipping it open. 
You nod, trying not to linger on Kim’s now exposed collarbone. 
“How do you think the investigation is going?”
“Kmn, we seem to have hit a dead end. Even though we’ve made contact with the suspect the name he has been using in the club scene seems to be an alias. And his tattoo doesn’t seem to be related to any known gang or criminal organization. We are still waiting for the lab to get back to us about the particular strain of hallucinogen that was in the victim’s system.” 
“It’s worrying…”
“What is?”
“Well, the drug the victim overdosed on- it’s not something we’ve come across before. There is a chance that there will be more overdoses like this.”
“We can look into who the suspect’s supplier might be.”
“He might not have a supplier here.”
Kim glances at Harry. “Why do you say that?”
“The suspect is Seraise. They said he was bragging about being an aerostatic pilot on leave. Maybe he brought the drugs from the Safre empire, would that be possible to find out?”
“I can look into it.” 
For a moment it is silent except for the sound of Kim’s pen on paper. A motor carriage speeds across the street below. Sodium street lights are switched on as the sky grows darker and stars begin to appear one by one. 
“How long do you think we have until he returns to Safre?”
Kim taps the page with the back of his pen. “It’s hard to tell. He has been here awhile, might be any day now.” 
“He probably won’t come to that club anymore,” Harry adds.
Kim’s eyes crinkle. He is smiling though only you would notice. 
“No,” Kim says, “not after you scared him off.”
“I didn’t scare- I am perfectly capable of flirting.”
“Sure, you are,” Kim replies around his cigarette, his flat words dripping with sarcasm. 
“I am! I was just not his type is all. He must be into twinkles-”
“Twinks,” Kim corrects. “Like our victim.”
“Hm.” Harry exhales a plume of white smoke that dissolves into the night. 
“So Kim, what’s your type? Twinks, bears, otters, cubs, tigers, rabbits?”
Kim’s face remains unreadable but his shoulders tense, the pages of his notebook crinkle under his grip. 
He answers after a brief but notable pause. “I don’t have a type. And you made up the last few at the end.”
“Everyone has a type! Are you saying you have no preferences when it comes to who you find attractive?”
“I’m more interested in personalities.”
“You’re such a fucking liar. Come on Kim.”
“Enough detective. We are still in the middle of our briefing and this is irrelevant to-”
“This is relevant to the case,” Harry insists. 
“Fine,” Kim says begrudgingly. “If I had to describe it, it’s say my taste in men is … questionable.”
“Questionable? What does that mean?”
“It means I’m attracted to men who are bad for me or impossibly out of reach. Now if you are satisfied can we get back to the case?”
Harry smiles. If you are smart about it, you could get more information from Kim. “Well your answer was kind of a cop-out but I’ll let it go for now.”
Kim furrows his brow at Harry, a look that says ‘Don’t you dare.’
You feel your knees buckle under the force of Kim’s glare. You grab the railing with one hand. 
“Aren’t you going to ask me about my type?”
“I don’t have to. I already know.”
“What? How do you already know?”
Kim turns back to his notebook and pretends to read. “Because it is obvious. You like them young, waifish, and pretty. Someone mysterious and fragile, someone who you can save.”
Someone to be your redemption. 
“That- that's not true- not everyone that-” Harry stutters. Kim’s blatant description of Dora throws you off kilter. Talking about her is taboo. Even though Kim knows about her and what she did to you he had never brought it up. He knows you still have nightmares of her. 
“Well, just in Martinaise there was Klaasje, Lilienne, the smoker on the balcony, and-”
“Wait- the smoker on the balcony?”
Kim raises an eyebrow. “You were smitten. You went on and on about him, ‘he is such a good listener, I felt heard when I talked to him. He smelled so good, how can someone smell so good?” Kim covers his mouth to hide his condescending grin. 
A formless darkness claws inside you. It feels terrible to be judged, to be teased, but you can’t quite put into words what you are feeling, or why
“You sound jealous,” Harry snaps back. 
Kim sighs. “I’m not jealous. I’m a detective and I notice patterns of behaviour.”
“Well you're plain wrong in this case. You’re not like that-”
“I’m not like what?” 
“Like…” Harry’s breath stutters in his chest. Kim isn’t like Dora or Klaasje or Lilienne or the smoker on the balcony. He isn’t like them and still…
You look at Kim’s cigarette and feel a pang of jealousy. You wish to be that cigarette cradled between his lips. You want to burn into ash, you want to be the bitterness on Kim’s tongue. You want to be the smoke filling his lungs, the nicotine flooding his bloodstream. You want to be Kim’s addiction, you want to be part of him, deep and inextricable. 
“I…” A tidal wave of desire crashes through you but you can’t say the words.
Kim snaps his notebook close. “I guess we’ve reached the end of the briefing. Our conversation is no longer productive.” He tosses his half-smoked cigarette to the ground and crushes the lit ember beneath the heel of his boot. 
His face is unreadable as usual but Kim is upset. 
Damn it. You’ve fucked up Harry. 
Harry follows Kim down the stairs from the roof. 
“I’m sorry Kim, I didn’t mean to make you angry.”
“I’m not angry Officer. It’s late and we won’t any more progress today, you should go home early.”
He is lying, if he isn’t mad he wouldn’t call you ‘officer’
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eveningepiphany · 1 year
innocent | H.S oneshot
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my masterlist
summary: while on the couch, harry ends up with innocent y/n on his lap, and she gets unexpectedly very worked up over his thigh being under her, and he does something about it.
warnings: SMUT! thigh riding, dirty talk, handjob (m receiving), best friend! harry, and a whole lot of praise kink.
requested by @shqtteredcrystql1
a/n: i absolutely love this request. thank you so much to the lovely user above who pmed me with it. <3
You shake your head at yourself.
You had not thought any of this would lead to you feeling so suddenly.. needy. But it has?
You were sitting in the lounge room of the beach house you were staying in, watching a movie with Harry while both parts of your family had gone out for the evening.
You and Harry had opted to stay back. The crowded bars being not your vibe for the night, and wanting to just chill out at the house for a while.
The movie was not long beginning in the background on the TV, with bags of half eaten snacks resting on the wooden coffee table— not that you could see any of it, as it was to the back of you.
It started when Harry and you fought over the blanket on the couch.
Pulling it off eachother just to be difficult, and roughhousing until he proposed a quick solution when your fingers started prodding his rib cage as pay back.
“C’mere— c’mere!” He rushed out, hands up in defeat as you technically won the mini physical brawl. Even though you know if he really wanted to win, he would a hundred times over, given his strength.
You went still and frowned as he didn’t follow up with a verbal explanation, and just held hands out for you to come to.
“Why?” You said, slightly amused.
“Because.” He stated.
So you moved forward to him, his hands coming in contact with your hips, and seizing you forward.
Bringing you seated in his lap.
“I can’t actually watch the movie, H.” You flush at your positioning. His hands still bracketing your waist like it’s nothing.
Which you’re confused why you’re reacting like this.
This has never happened to you with anyone else. Only ever with Harry.
And it’s not the first time it’s happened with him. You get big feelings often when he’s near you. They come out of nowhere, when he touches you gently during conversation, or when he flashes you a dimple in his smile.
And this warm feeling will swell in your chest, bubble down into your stomach… and sometimes further. It will simmer down in between your legs.
Leaving you with this feeling of being hot and bothered, in a completely foreign way.
Usually it’s only faint. A quick, fleeting feeling for you. However you’ve never had yourself situated on his lap.
His strong and muscly thigh straight underneath you— mostly bare, his shorts riding up to leave the hair dusted skin visible. His tiger tattoo hidden under you.
“Sorry, want to turn around?” He asks with a teasing lilt in his voice.
Your head snaps up from where you were looking at where your body met his— your pupils blown out a little.
Your eyes lock with his, and your reminded that this is your harry.
Your favourite person. Your best friend. Who has pretty green eyes, paired chocolatey brown curls that fall over them, and frame his gorgeous face.
Who smiles at you like this all the time, like you’re also his favourite person.
“Well i did want to watch 10 things I hate about you, instead of listening to it.” Your hands are resting on his shoulders, and he lets out a chuckle at your gentle quip.
“Alright, darling, let’s turn you around.” He laughs at you, rotating your body himself— handling you so that your facing the screen, your back plastered to the hard wall of his chest.
The new position evokes a flutter from your core, one completely unexpected to you.
And you’re hyperaware that there’s very little separating his leg from the sudden heat between yours, just a thin pair of sleep shorts.
“Better?” He asks casually into your ear, pulling the blanket to cover your laps.
“Yea, thank you.” You breathe out, sounding a little airy.
Your eyes find the screen, but your wholly distracted by his body.
His thumb circling your hip, the gentle breath from his nose hitting the back of your neck, and again, his thigh underneath you.
Your heart is stuttering.
You’re so— confused?
He’s your best friend. You know that, and you’re not sure why you’re feeling like this. If it’s normal?
Another concern of if he can feel it. Feel you.
The heat radiating from you.
You zone out a little, eyes locked on the movie screen. Eventually your breathing evening out for the most part, as you adjust to what was happening.
Focusing momentarily on the comfort of your surroundings. Harry practically enveloping you, the feeling of the couch pillows warm and soft around you.
The gentle hum of the waves crashing from the nearby ocean, sounding through the cracked open window.
Which the breeze being carried through it is just the right temperature, and just strong enough to have the candle flames flickering on top of he TV cabinet.
There’s a warm glow cast across the room from the array of candles, and salt lamp turned on in the corner.
Everything about it was homely, and comforting. And you tapped into the euphoric amount of bliss that surrounded you.
After a few minutes, Harry moved, shuffling his hips back to prop himself up.
His thigh underneath you dragging your thin sleep shorts along your centre, the pressure of his muscles rippling as he adjusted with your weight atop him causing an unbelievably pleasurable feeling to strike through you.
A whine slips past your lips before you can even stop it. The desperate sound filling the room, and it’s too late to take it back. Because you know he’s heard it with the way he stills immediately.
Embarrassment starts to flicker through you hardly a second later.
“Y/N?” He seems to almost whisper from behind you.
“God— sorry— I don’t know… I don’t know why that happened.”
He laughs, the sound golden and dipped in honey as it enters your ears, “Did you just moan?”
“No!” Your skin is flaming as you deny quickly.
He pushes his leg up to press into you again, and you purse your lips together as you try so hard not to let a sound out, or roll your hips instinctively against him.
You fail with the latter of those two things, your body pushing into his leg before you can even try to stop it.
“Hm, what’s gotten you all worked up, darling?” He let’s his hands run up along the side of your rib cage, and is admittedly very curious to what your feeling right now.
He was surprised at first, but fuck, your innocent little whimper has him feeling like he’s got a point to prove.
And he wants so badly to have you come undone under his touch.
“I— fuck…” you lean your head back into his shoulder, unable to form words.
His eyes skate down the profile of your gorgeous face, and further along your arched body.
“Want me to do something about the heat between those legs of yours, baby? Can feel how hot and bothered you are.”
“Harry…” you sigh out as you begin to give into the situation, “please.”
“Alright lovely, since you’re rubbing yourself all over my leg, keep going.”
You frown a little— well it feels good as far as your concerned now. But your unsure how to just continue.
“Here,” he turns you around again, and for a second smiles at your flushed and flustered face.
All the sudden the eye contact has you tingling again, his face enough to have you a mess in his hands.
His hands guide yours to rest on his shoulders, and then his own slide back down to your hips.
“Now, just keep doing what you were before hm, rub yourself on my thigh okay?”
He watches as you experiment with the movement, rolling forward on with your body and moaning at the sensation that it evokes in you.
“Oh.“ you grind against him again, harder this time.
You clench, and he pushes his leg up into you with a moan from himself as he feels your cunt clamping around nothing.
“Fuck, y’gonna tell me why you’re so wet?” He grabs the back of your neck so you’re looking at him.
“I don’t know…” you whine, humping along his thigh. The thin fabric of your shorts going damp from your arousal.
“Your thighs. Your hands. You.” You speculate aloud, watching his pupils blow out with desire.
“My thigh under your cunt get you all worked up?”
“Yes— yes!” You groan out, jaw falling lax as your clit gets caught just right between the shorts and his thigh.
“Baby, take the shorts off. Wanna feel y’soak onto my leg.”
You hardly hear him, still pushing onto him until he physically has to lift you up.
He chuckles as you whine at the absence of contact.
“Tell me, Y/N, Is this okay?” He confirms, pulling your leg from in between his, so now you’re laying practically bridal style in his arms.
“Please. Take them off.” You nod eagerly, back arching in his hold.
He laughs, hair falling again across his brow.
“Let me savour this okay. Look too pretty for your own good.” He mumbles, leaning down to let his lips meet the skin of your neck.
You groan as he sucks the skin into his mouth, and his hand skates up the hem of your shirt, running between the valley of your braless breasts.
“If you need to stop,” he licks over the skin on your neck he was just abusing with his teeth, “let me know, love.”
“I won’t, please keep going…”
You hiss as his hand wraps around your tit, letting his finger tweak the peak of your nipple before running it back down, past your belly button to settle between your still covered pussy.
“Where were we,” he hums gently, rubbing you over your soaked through shorts.
“Off, Harry, please.” Your sentences weren’t properly formed, and you scraped your nails down the muscle of his tattooed bicep.
“God, listen to you. Can you hear how whiney your pretty voice sounds?”
He says it in such a way it sounds like a compliment. The typical connotation of whiney being negative. But he says it like you’re an angel for it.
He peels your shorts down your legs, and audibly groans at the sight of your naked cunt in front of him.
“I should’ve known you didn’t even have a pair of panties on.” He gently taps over your bare clit, and the light touch still has you squirming.
He rubs you a little, allowing the pads of his fingers to tease your entrance. Not before man handling you back on top of his thigh.
Your blindsided by how amazing everything feels.
“Alright darling, use me. Grind that wet little cunt on my thigh to get off.” His words have you fluttering around nothing, and him feeling your bare entrance clenching atop his skin makes his already hard cock twitch beneath the waistband of his shorts.
His hand comes down to palm over himself, delivering a gentle squeeze to try and relieve some of the pressure down there.
You pant as you resume a relatively fast pace, aided by the fact your arousal is dampening his leg. Making it easier to slide yourself on.
“Mmm, god. It feels so good!” You moan out, hands coming to his shoulders to brace yourself.
“So does your pussy on my leg, baby. You’re so wet for me. Who would have thought my little Y/N would get so worked up over sitting on my thigh of all things.” He praises, hands coming to cup the swell of your ass
“No one’s ever— fuck— made me feel like this.” You cry, the stimulation along your clit euphoric.
“Ever, huh?”
You nod, “Ever.”
He could just moan at the thought. That his sweet thing is completely foreign to sexual experiences with other people. That you got all wet on his thigh and had no idea why.
The idea that you weren’t sure why you were trying so hard not to push your pussy onto him. And that you’re probably so sensitive down there, so reactive.
That last one has him struggling not to place you on that coffee table and fuck your hole with his tongue.
He only held back because the sight of your riding his thigh was indescribably hot.
“Good girl f’me, let me help you, make y’come all on my thigh.” He hummed, pushing his leg up to add some more pressure on your clit.
“Harry!” Your pretty voice moaned out as his hands came to guide your hips, to push them faster and harder against his skin.
The control he was taking over you was enough to make you almost drip. Because even if he was so gentle about it, it was insane.
He pushed your bucking hips down, and his leg up, making a delicious pressure that had an unfathomable heat simmer between your legs.
“I wanna come on your leg, Harry, please…” you’re pleading him, hips messily fucking over his skin.
“Yea, baby? My perfect little slut.” He tests out the nickname, watching as your whole body reacts with a quiver at his dirty mouth.
“Oh, you really do like it dirty…” he realises out loud, smirking as you moan.
“Look down at your cunt riding my leg, humping all over it.” He gently laces his hand in your hair, tilting your head down, “How about when you’re done, I get you on your knees and make you clean it up?”
Your mouth goes slack, and it’s baffling to hear such words coming from him.
Yet he could ask you to do anything at this point and you’re convinced you wouldn’t even hesitate before doing it.
“I will, I will!” You nod, thighs quivering on each side of his own.
“Cmon pretty, fuck,” he bucks into his hand that was stroking over his fabric-clad cock, “wanna watch you come. Hear you cry out my name.”
Your clit was pulsing along his now drenched tattoo, and you could feel your muscles tightening in your stomach.
The simmering feeling in your core that you had originally started with has turned into a pot that was about to boil over.
“Harry, ohmygod—“ you whined, falling further into his chest, hands coming up to intertwine with his hair.
He pushed his thigh up against you, and the pressure finally peaked, and you teetered on the brink of orgasm.
You were moaning into his ear, and he could feel your pussy clenching around nothing, waiting for that final little nudge.
“Good fucking girl, let it all go f’me.” He growls into your ear, accent husky, and the words zip straight to where you needed it.
You let out a loud moan of his name, nails dragging down along his shoulders as you messily grind through the pleasure.
He is groaning at the sight. Just as fucking beautiful as he imagined.
Your back arched, and he could feel your cunt pulsating around his leg. It was filthy, and he loved every damn second of it.
“Oh, god— harry, please!” You whimpered, your core jutting against him still, but now with slower more irratic movements.
“That’s it, ride it out on me love. Fuck.” He curses as you absentmindedly drag your lips down the column of his neck.
You slowly come to a stop, the stimulation too much for you now. And your panting as you pull back to look at Harry, and the mess you made atop his thigh.
You lock eyes with him, his hair is messy, and cheeks are flushed. You smile at him, leaning forward to place a gentle kiss on his also smiling lips.
You glance down between your legs, spotting immediately the glistening skin of Harry’s leg, and how his finger reaches to get a sample and bring it to his lips.
Watching, he sucks his finger into his mouth, humming at the taste of you on his tongue.
“Taste like a dream, my darling.”
He gathers some more on the same finger, bringing it up to your own lips, letting you suck on them.
“Mm, good isn’t it? Look so good with your mouth wrapped ‘round m’fingers.” He praises, eyes darkening at the sight of your lips sucking his long digits.
You slide off them, taking in his beautiful appearance again. How the warm glow of the lounge room light is casting over his tan skin.
You’re still a little muddled about everything that just occurred. And that the little crush that’s always festered in your head when it comes it Harry has just led you here.
Him being the first person to ever see your pussy, and make you come. On his thigh of all places.
“Thank you…” you flush, a little shyness coming out.
“Don’t get shy with me baby, just watched y’come on my thigh. No room for that.” He smiles, pulling you into his chest.
“Now,” he begins again, stroking the small of your back, “let’s go get cleaned up before everyone suddenly comes home to you still half-naked on my lap.”
You laugh a little as he pecks your cheek, “then we can come back to the couch, and rewind 10 things I hate about you and share some ice cream, m’kay?”
“And uhm, what about you?” You gesture to the tent in his shorts.
“Worry about that another time, alright lovely. Not tonight, that was all for you.” He confirms.
“It’ll just… go away?” You frown, confused— and a little embarrassed you didn’t know what would happen with it.
“Should mostly. Might still have a semi, since all I’m gonna be able to think about is what y’taste like. But again, you can worry about me another day.”
You shake your head, “i want to worry about you now though…”
He blinks slowly, “Fuck, well if you keep bloody begging me to get y’hands on my cock, I’m not gonna be strong enough to tell ya no.”
“Never, uh, done this before. As long as that doesn’t put you off.” You shrug, watching his green eyes flick between your hand and his erection.
“Don’t stress, darling. I have been pretty much about to come at the sight of you, I don’t think it’s gonna take much.”
“And for the record,” he rests a hand on your hip, “nothing could put my off of you. Especially when it comes to you touching me.”
You nod, slowly. Still a little unsure as you reach down to pull the waistband of his shorts from his laurel-adorning hips.
He lifts his hips so you can pull them down, far enough that his cock springs out of them.
Your lips parted at the sight, his flushed tip, with beads of precum seeping out, blotting along down his shaft.
His cock was as gorgeous as you’d imagined. Because of course a pretty boy like him would have such a nice cock.
Not that you have much to judge off, but if the smooth skin and the sudden overproduction of saliva in your mouth was any inkling… you would say he was perfect.
Your hand reached to stroke along him, noticing the lack of lubrication.
You put to use the gathering pool of spit in your mouth, and you pursed your lips to let some of it drop down onto his tip.
He had a whole body reaction as he felt your warm spit slip down the head of his cock. A moan sounded from him, and he sounded like an angel.
“Fuckkk, already spitting on my cock. Little minx y’are.” His eyes went half lidded, and he fought to keep them open. Just to watch your all too curious expression and your hands glide over his cock.
“Faster?” You asked, looking for advice.
“Squeeze it, baby. Then stroke it.” He directed, struggling to form the words.
Then struggling even more not to cry out as you did just as he asked.
“Y/N.” He hissed, bucking his hips up as you started stroking his cock with a moderate pace.
“You look very pretty.” You meekly stated, admiring the way his face has flushed and lips have parted all from your touch.
You speed up your hands, watching intensely as he takes his bottom lip between his teeth in attempt to control himself.
“My god, your hands…” He moans, arm coming to drape over his forehead as he rolled his hips into your warm hand.
You took liberty to swipe your thumb over his tip, and your eyebrows raising as his whole body shudders.
“To know you’re fucking my cock with your spit and your hand.” He sighs out, heat building in his stomach.
“Can I touch here too?” Your hand gently ghosts over where his balls are, and you’re not sure if that’s somewhere he wants you to touch.
“Fuck yes, baby. Ohhh god, I’m gonna come so fast.” He is moaning suddenly without care as you massage him attentively.
Dragging your hands back up to his cock, you continue to stroke and rub along him.
“Want to see you finish too…” you smile, also excited to see the way his body reacts when he comes.
“Cant wait to paint your hand in my fuckin’ come.” He pants, hand gripping the couch cushion near his head.
He can probably feel you getting wet on him again. Seeing him like this has you a mess.
“Fuck— any faster and I’m gonna come on your hand Y/N.” He moans, now his thighs being the ones trembling.
You fuck his cock with your fist faster, in awe of the way he moans out as his orgasm hits him.
Ropes of his warm come spurting out his tip, spilling down your hand as you keep up the pace.
Waiting until he whines with the overstimulation.
“Fuck, you’re perfect.” He shakes his head, blissed out from his orgasm.
Hazily taking in the way you lick a stripe up your thumb, where his come had landed.
You enjoyed the flavour of it, salty and overall pleasant on your tastebuds.
“Can I?” You leant down, wanting more off his cock.
“God, love— wanting to clean the come off my damn cock it tasted that good.” He praises you, letting your mouth gently slide over his softening dick.
You make quick work of the mess, and he remarks shortly, “fuck, gonna have to spend some more time later with your mouth wrapped around me. You’re like an angel.”
Once you’re done, you pull his shorts back over him and watch him smile, dragging you in for another soft kiss— regardless of whether his dick was just in your mouth.
“Alright pretty, let’s get cleaned up before you start grinding anymore on my thigh. Can feel you already getting wet again.”
“Yes, Harry.” You whisper, letting him pick you up and carry you to the bathroom.
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0oolookitsme · 1 year
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Buckle up besties because I'm taking y'all on a wild ride! I'm hosting 'Kinktober', which means that kinky-smutty fics will be on your dash for the whole of October! We'll be celebrating for 7 days -- the fics will be spread out throughout the month. The titles and descriptions will be added along with the fics, and the schedule will be like this:
2 OCT, Mon: (DWD!Harry x DWD!Y/n) Guided Masturbation, Phone Sex
Been Thinking - Harry calls Y/n to tell her that he would be staying in the office for the night, but Y/n'd been thinking about him all day and just wanted him so bad. (WC - 1.6k)
7 OCT, Sat: (Artist!Harry x Housewife!Y/n) Praise kink, Face Sitting
Better than the Dream - In which Y/n woke up on rubbing against Harry's thigh in her sleep and when Harry offers to take care of her, she can't help but let her insecurities creep-up on her. But, Harry still ends up persuading her into enjoying her time while their toddler's gone. (WC - 1.7k)
9 OCT, Mon: (Model!Harry x Fashion Designer!Y/n) Mommy kink, Dry Humping, Mirror Sex, Over Stimulation
Another One? - Y/n told Harry that if he's good for her throughout their time at the small get-together, she would reward him at the end of the night. But, Harry ends up getting a bit overwhelmed, and then rebellious -- causing Y/n to, instead, punish him. (WC - 4k)
14 OCT, SAT: (Baker!Harry x Florist!Y/n) Thigh Riding, Teasing
The Thigh Tattoo - In which Y/n finally accepts that Harry's tiger tattoo is her favourite, and finally shows it some 'interest'. (WC - 2.1k)
16 OCT, Mon: (Footballer!Harry x Art Director!Y/n) Daddy Kink, Face Fucking, Breeding Kink, Praise Kink
Daddy of Three - Harry is such a good father that Y/n can't help but want another baby, and who is Harry to deny her what she wants? And, while he is going to be a daddy for two -- he can't help but point out that Y/n needs one at all times, as well. (WC - 2.2k)
21 OCT, Sat: (Singer!Harry x CEO!Y/n) Sir Kink, Degradation Kink, Choking, Begging, Spanking
So Despicable - In which once Y/n is home, she can't help but feel as if something is off with Harry. She only comes to know the cause once he's got her laid across his lap and is telling her just how despicable she is. (WC - 2.1k)
23 OCT, Mon: (Devil!Harry x Assassin!Y/n) Knife Play, Biting, Marking
Feel Special Now? - Y/n pulls Harry's leg by asking him why she can't mess with the devil. How else were she to feel special? Thereupon, Harry makes sure she knows just how many merits she has for being dear to him. (WC - 1.5k)
Please come into my inbox and tell me your thoughts, feelings, and favourite moments. Feel free to send in requests, and ask if you want to be added in the taglist for this! Thank you <3
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watchmegetobsessed · 2 years
A/N: the pic screamed to be turned into somethig dirty, so here we are
SUMMARY: There's just something incredibly delicious about seeing Harry sunbathing.
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That’s what comes to your mind when you see your boyfriend spread out on the sunbed like a starfish.
Like a sexy, slightly sweaty starfish with thighs that make your mouth water and a sight of his naked chest that’s screaming to be touched.
You chug down the rest of your cocktail that you’ve been sipping by the bar and excuse yourself from the conversation before making your way over to Harry. He looks peaceful, his skin is glistening in the sun and you very much like the tan he’s gotten lately. You eye how he rolled his shorts up so the sun can reach more of his thighs, the tiger tattoo is out in the public. You don’t want to look like a creep, but you want to snap a picture of him like this so badly. You fight the urge and just climb to the bed, pressing an open mouthed kiss to his sternum to let him know you’re here.
“Mm, I really hope it’s you, Y/N,” he mumbles, keeping his eyes closed, but his hand that lies closer to you moves up and finds your thigh as you sit on your heels next to him.
“And what if it’s not?” you huff, pretending to be hurt he would let another woman touch him like that. A smirk spreads across his face before he finally peeks at you.
“I know what your tongue feels like on me, knew it was you.”
You smack his thigh and then leave your hand there, giving it a squeeze, feeling up his muscles under your palm. Harry closes his eyes again and you shamelessly eye him up. The line of his sternum running between his pecks, the gentle outline of his ribs, the fern tattoos that run right above his swimming trunks… You’re feeling yourself getting wet and he is not even doing anything, just lying in the sun, getting tanned.
Your hand wanders higher and higher on his thigh until your fingers brush underneath the fabric, moving dangerously close to what’s hiding underneath.
“What are you doing?” he asks in a husky tone.
“Nothing?” you reply, but keep brushing your touch over him, gently scratching him with your nails. A low growl bubbles from him as his muscles twitch under your palm. His hand cups your leg again and he squeezes you, but doesn’t say or do anything.
You want him. So badly that you’re afraid if you stand up your bikini bottom might be drenched from your arousal. But he doesn’t seem to get what you’re trying to imply, he is still lounging without a care, so you decide to make it clear what you want from him.
Leaning forward you get on top of him and kiss his lips softly before moving your mouth to his ear.
“If I don’t have your cock down my throat in the next five minutes, I’m gonna have to find someone else to fulfill my needs.”
His eyes pop open, you knew this would get him going, it’s your joker card to play with his jealousy and this time is no exception either.
“I’m sweaty,” he warns you, but it just riles you up even more.
“Perfect, delicious.” “Room, now,” he orders and gets up so fast you can’t hold back a chuckle.
He grabs his towel and phone in one hand, the other closing around your wrist as he pulls you after him, not even dropping a word to his friends and colleagues lounging around as well. It’s just the two of you in the elevator and as soon as the door slides closed you jump at each other, mouths clashing, hands grabbing at each other and you palm him almost too aggressively, feeling him growing harder with each passing second. Arriving at your floor you basically sprint out and down the hallway to your room, you’re kissing his jaw, licking his neck as he tries to open the door with the keycard, but he can barely find the reader with your hand gripping his cock.
“Fuck,” he groans when the door finally clicks open and you practically fall into the room.
“I need your cock,” you whimper and the two of you don’t even make it to the bed before you drop to your knees on the carpeted floor and tug down his trunks eagerly, setting his cock free finally.
“Fuck, Y/N,” he breathes out when you grab the base and lick him up, wrapping your lips around the head as his hand moves to the back of your head and he gives you a little push as you take him into your mouth finally.
There are occasions when you like to take your time, taste him, play with him, but this is not what you want now. You need rawness, you need him fast and hard and you want him to fuck your mouth like he means it.
You don’t have to speak for him to know what goes on in your head, just one look up at him is enough for him to get the message.
“Such a needy little thing. Want me to fuck your pretty mouth?”
You nod and bob your head, pressing your tongue against him in your mouth.
“Gonna make you gag on my cock, princess,” he breathes out before he takes your head in both his hands to keep you secured in his hold and he starts thrusting with his hips, his cock moving in and out of your mouth rapidly.
He keeps hitting the back of your throat, saliva is running down your chin and tears are dwelling in your eyes but you want him to keep going and use you.
“Touch yourself,” he grunts, always thinking about you as well.
With one hand you grab onto his ass, fingers sinking into the flexing muscles while the other one moves between your legs, dipping under the fabric of your bikini. Wetness coats your fingers as you swipe them between your lips, smearing your arousal over your clit before you start working on it.
Your jaw is sore and you keep gagging as he goes deeper in your mouth with each thrust, but it’s what keeps you going. You see his chest rising and falling rapidly, his skin is glistening from the sweat that’s now not only because of the sun, but you as well. He looks so delicious, you want this sight tattooed into your mind forever.
“Shit, I’m gonna come, baby,” he warns and you know it’s a question too. He wants to know where you want him to come, so you push your nails into his ass, letting him know you want his cum dripping down your throat.
Your hand is vigorously moving on your clit, bringing yourself closer and closer to your own orgasm, but you can’t catch up with Harry. A few more thrusts later he comes hard and loud, your name falling off his tongue over and over again as his movements fall out of rhythm. You keep your eyes locked on his face, drinking up the sight of his orgasm, the way he is gasping for air, his eyes roll to the back of his head and his chest waves from the excitement.
He pushes your head away from him, his cock slipping out of your mouth with a sloppy sound and you swallow every drop of cum, showing him your empty mouth when it’s gone. He wastes no time to pull you up from the floor and kiss you hard on the lips before he turns you around, locking your body against his with one arm while his other hand moves to replace yours in your bikini bottom.
“Harry!” you cry out when his fingers start rubbing on your clit, applying just the perfect amount of pressure. He knows your body almost better than you do, because he builds your orgasm up so fast, it’s ridiculous how he does it without even pushing a finger inside you. Harry knows penetration is not everything, that the right moves at the right spot could do more than just shoving two fingers up your pussy.
Your head drops back to his shoulder as you arch against him, his free hand coming up to grope your breast, making it spill out of your bikini top. You’re throbbing, aching for release and Harry doesn’t disappoint.
You come hard, screaming his name, shaking in his hold, you push against him with so much force he stumbles back and flops down to the edge of the bed, pulling you with him, holding you tight in his embrace as you sit on his lap. You gasp for air, coming off your high while he keeps kissing your shoulder, neck and the side of your head.
“That was…” you hum, but don’t find the right words.
“Love it when you get horny randomly,” he chuckles. You crane your neck to look back at him with a sloppy grin.
“Can’t help it, you looked so delicious.”
He just grins and kisses you, this time it’s slow and lazy and when you feel him growing hard again underneath you, there’s no wasted time as you push him back on the bed and climb over him.
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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0nlythrowharrybeaux · 2 years
Young American - Part 5
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FRIENDS, THIS IS A GOOD AND LONG ONE 😮‍💨😏 A little earlier than usual because I will be very busy this weekend, but I hope you like it! Thank you to all of you who read and interact, it means the world to me!
WC: 10.7k
Series Masterlist
Also on an unrelated note, I'm going to 2 more LOT show and was thinking of maybe doing a little merch giveaway? Perhaps a LOT soup tote? LMK if that would be something you're interested in if you were unable to attend any shows! ☺️
Warnings: Talks about Alzheimers, death, depression, cancer, blood, pain, tattooing
Y/N wasn’t really sure what to expect on Monday when she got to the shop in terms of her official friendship with Harry. Since Sunday was her “day off” she didn’t see Harry or even hear from him, but she still felt giddy and nervous as she got through her tasks quickly and eventually got to the drawing table. She had done herself up just a bit more in the makeup department, she always got a little more of a confidence boost when she did her make up. It wasn’t anything crazy, she just added a thin winged liner and a red lip tint with some gloss over it. It stood out a bit since she was just wearing a white tee tucked into her black, high-waisted jeans and her go-to checkered vans adorned her feet. Y/N kept telling herself that it was because she just felt good, she had a little bit of a pep in her step today, but all that flew out the window when she heard the back door of the shop open and she perked up, preparing to see Harry, he was always the first to arrive as she turned back when she heard the steps lead into the studio she was met with G.
“Oh, hey! You’re early!” She said with a smile as she stood and he scoffed.
“Early? It’s 9:30.” He said and she frowned.
“Is it?”
“Yeah.” He chuckled, “Got lost in the drawing, did you?” He asked and she smiled and nodded. She felt a little worried, Harry was never late, “Show me what you’re working on?” He asked and she guided him over. As she showed him the new designs they made some small talk about his grandparents anniversary party and he shared that he had also been out yesterday and was curious about the Halloween party she bit her lip for a second before speaking.
“Ummm, maybe we should go for a drink after work.” She said and he looked at her with some confusion.
“Well I can’t tonight. The boo-thing and I wanted to go see a movie, sorry.” He said.
“It’s cool, we can do tomorrow.” She assured and then the door opened again and in came Rosa, “She lives!” Y/N laughed and Rosa sighed.
“I’m so sorry! I got hella cross faded and it hit right before we were leaving to the party and I was vegged out and eventually just passed out. I texted Harry!” 
“You did not!” She laughed and then pulled out her phone to show proof and as she searched through her messages she frowned and her and G just giggled.
“OK, I thought about texting Harry.” She laughed in slight embarrassment with Y/N and G. They chatted a bit longer and then Vy came in and cheerfully greeted everyone as she rushed to set up for her appointment and shortly after Rosa headed off to open up the shop and Harry still wasn’t in. It was a slow morning for G so he gave her some pointers on some of the new designs she had made so that they could be more tattoo friendly and she took note and as they wrapped up that conversation he let out a big yawn.
“Well, I’m gonna make some coffee, want some?”
“Yeah, I’ll come with you.” Y/N smiled and they walked into the lounge and she started getting out the grounds and their mugs. Suddenly they heard the door open and in came Harry, sunglasses still on his face, his motorcycle helmet nestled in one arm as he ran his free hand through his thick, brown curls. He was wearing some distressed denim, the fit was loose on his legs and his broad shoulders were draped in a worn leather jacket. He was wearing one of his usual t-shirts underneath, but god did he look astounding.
“Hey G!” He greeted happily as he passed by and when he reached Y/N he gave her a little side hug, “Hey you.” He hummed lowly as he pressed his cheek into the top of her head.
“Hey.” She responded with a bashful smile, trying her best to will away the rosy color of the blood rushing up to her face. After a few short seconds of being in his embrace Harry pulled away and headed to the storage lockers to set his things down. When she looked over at G he was smirking at her and she rolled her eyes and continued with adding the coffee grounds to the filter.
“Can you add a little for me?” Harry asked.
“Yeah, of course.” She smiled up at him, “Long morning?” She asked and he sighed as he shrugged off his jacket.
“Yeah, on my way here I got a flat on the highway. I had to get towed to a gas station to fill up and well, you know how tow trucks take forever and charge like hell.” He explained and both she and G hummed in understanding, “But it’s all taken care of now, thankfully.” He said with a smile as he came up beside Y/N to grab his mug out of the cabinet.
“That’s good. Glad to hear you’re alright and everything worked out.” G said and Y/N nodded along in agreement.
“Thanks.” He responded and then he turned to Y/N, “You look extra dolled up today.” He acknowledged her extra effort.
“Oh yeah? Just… felt like switching it up a little.” She shrugged nonchalantly, but internally she was happy that he had noticed. 
“Well, you look good.” He said more quietly, probably feeling a little bit timid since G was in there with them, but it surprised her that his presence didn’t deter him from complimenting her at all. 
“Oh! Ummm, thanks.”  She smiled at him again and Harry smiled timidly at her and she could see G grinning from her peripherals. 
“Did you already talk to Rosa?” He asked with a grin as he leaned against the counter as she started up the coffeemaker.
  “Oh my god, yes!” Y/N giggled and Harry shook his head from side to side.
“At least we know she’s alive. She was in a proper state yesterday.” Harry disclosed and she giggled.
“I can only imagine.” Y/N hummed and she looked to G who was texting fiercely on his phone. She was just waiting for her phone to ding with a longwinded message.
“Speaking of the devil.” Harry grinned as Rosa walked in and she rolled her eyes with a grin on her face, “Morning.”
“Good morning, Harry. Ummm, do you have a minute? Someone is asking for you up front.” She said and he nodded and left with Rosa. 
“OK, I cancelled the movie we’re going for drinks tonight.” He said and and she laughed softly and shook her head.
“It’s cool, it can wait.”
“Maybe it can, but I can’t. I need to know what is going on there.” He said quietly.
“Nothing. We’re friends now.” She shrugged.
“Bull! You hooked up.” He said more quietly and she shook her head.
“Really we didn’t!” He studied her face with squinted eyes, “Ughhh, we’re going to lunch then. I literally cannot wait to hear it all.” He said to her and she giggled.
“OK, lunch.” She agreed.
G could not stop smiling as Y/N told him about her time spent at the Halloween party with Harry. It was good that she and Harry were able to put their differences aside and have fun together. He was starting to grow a soft spot for him as she talked about how funny and sweet he was. 
“-and then Vy took us up to the guest room so that I could go to the bathroom without waiting in the long ass line and we just stayed up there talking.”
“Talking you say?”
“Yeah, just talking, and drinking of course, but ummm… he was just really bummed about how we had gotten off on the wrong foot-”
“Yeah, he was so apologetic! And you know, I was letting him know that it was OK and we watched a rom-com turned drinking game…Well, I let him think I was drinking too but I just hate taking Ubers alone if I’m drunk and well he asked if we were friends and I told him that I think we are and he got really happy about that. You should’ve seen how pretty his smile was, I swear my heart grew five sizes just seeing him beaming like that.” She pouted with affection and G cooed, “Then it was just time to go and well, he had driven himself and didn’t want to leave his car so he let me drive his car-”
“The Ferrari?” He asked with shock and Y/N nodded.
“He was so drunk, I thought he was joking! But then he was like I swear I trust you and he wanted to go home so I agreed to drive him. Then he like passed out and I have no idea where he lives, so I had to take him to mine and he stayed the night.” She shrugged, leaving out the part where they shared the bed, “He stayed for breakfast and then left for the shop and that was it.” She said.
“And he remembers all of this?” G asked and she nodded.
“Yeah, he ummm, he checked in the next morning and apologized if he was a handful or whatever, which I assured him he wasn’t and yeah.”
“How do you feel about all of this?” He asked and she shrugged and smiled.
“Good? I mean, he’s literally the sweetest person ever and he’s really proven himself to like, makeup for the beginning.”
“Well, I’m glad you guys are good now because now I can say how fucking good he looked when he came in today. Not really the type I go for but damn.” G said with arched eyebrows and Y/N giggled with warmth in her cheeks.
“Yeah, he did. Didn’t he?” She said giddily before taking her lip between her teeth.
“He was totally flirting with you, by the way. This morning.” G pointed out and her cheeks felt warm all over again as he recalled this detail and recounted it to her.
“Oh my god…he was just being nice.” She waved it off.
“Sure, sure… I might be into guys but I’m not blind. Flirting is flirting in any sexual orientation.” He said pointedly and she rolled her eyes. 
The rest of the afternoon was pretty quiet. Y/N was just doing some inventory in the supply closet while everyone else wither worked on their clients or on new designs. She was in the middle of counting the boxes of gloves when suddenly Harry came looking extremely irritated and she jumped a bit at his surprise intrusion.
“Sorry, I just need a moment.” He huffed.
“Alright. Do you want me to go?” She asked him as she set her clipboard down on the nearest surface.
“No. Stay.” He insisted, searching her eyes and she nodded as he looked down to the ground and took slow, calming breaths, but his hands were balled up in fists at his sides. She tentatively reached for one of his hands and he unclenched it, allowing her to take it and she just squeezed gently. He looked back into her eyes and she could see that he was so upset that it looked like he was going to cry.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” She asked gently and he exhaled through his nose.
“Well, first the whole thing with the tow truck. I mean, it was an expense I wasn’t expecting to make and rent is due on Friday.” He explained, he was clearly stressed out about it, “And now, I got a call from the company that’s shipping over my things and they lost some really priceless art that I had. Stuff my grandfather had painted. They’ve been searching but still haven’t been able to track where it went.” He said and paused, that seemed to be what really was upsetting him, he exhaled shakily and she squeezed his hand again, “That’s all I had left of his.” He explained with tearful eyes.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, Harry.” She said compassionately, her hand trailed up his arm from his hand and she smoothed over his bicep gently, “That’s super shitty.”
“Yeah. Fuck…I’m so angry I can’t even see straight…ughhh!” He groaned and she frowned and just hugged him. He stayed frozen for a second before he hugged her back. They were quiet for a few moments.
“Want to take a little walk? Get some fresh air?” She asked and he nodded against her, “OK, C’mon.” She said softly as she rubbed at his back before letting go. They headed out through the back entrance and he groaned again when he saw that his bike had a flat again.
“For fuck’s sake!” He exclaimed and sighed as he bent down to inspect the damage.
“Gosh, today is just not your day…” She said and he shook his head.
“Yeah, tell me about it.” He mumbled.
“Well look, one of my aunt’s friends is a mechanic, has his own shop and all. He does his own towing and I think he does tires too. I can call her and see if they can get this sorted out for you?” She offered and he turned to her.
“Do you know how much that might be?”
“Not sure, but cheaper. He never charges us if we need towing, being family friends and all. Or if he can’t work on what you need he can at least refer you to someone who will give you a good deal?” She said and he sighed. Harry hated feeling helpless and limited in what he could do. Things had been better, but he hadn’t replenished his savings enough to be able to deal with an unforeseen circumstance like this twice in one day.
“Yeah, please. Anything would help at this point.” He said and she nodded.
“I’ll call her now. Maybe if they come soon you’ll have it before the end of the day?” She said and he nodded, “OK, let me go get my phone.” She said and rushed back inside. She came back out and they started walking out of the lot with him at her side as she called her aunt and explained the situation. She was more than willing to give their friend, Andrew, a call and soon she hung up as they reached the corner of the street and they lingered there for a moment.
“Thank you.” He said and she smiled.
“I’m glad I could help with at least one thing.” She responded, “You wanna talk about the paintings?” She asked and he nodded.
“My grandfather and I were close. He was into art and that’s how I started to draw and paint.” He explained, “It was something we did together when I was growing up and when I told my mum that I was not going to continue in college to pursue tattooing he was… surprisingly supportive.” He smiled as he looked to her and she smiled.
“That’s sweet!” She hummed and he nodded, his dimple carved into his cheek and it made her swoon with endearment.
“Yeah, I was surprised but he believed in me, you know? Shortly before I started my apprenticeship with Eddie he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.” He explained and she frowned, “It was hard for my nan to look after him on her own and my mum could only help so much with work and all. Like we helped how we could but it was really hard when he’d have bad days, so eventually she got him into an assisted living home but that just really accelerated his deterioration. I would visit every week and we would paint together. He didn’t remember me as his grandson, just as the kid who would come paint with him. Those were the paintings they lost.” He said and Y/N frowned.
“I’m so sorry, Harry. I’m sure they’ll turn up.” She said hopefully and he sighed.
“I hope they do. They mean a lot to me.” 
“Yeah, I can see why. Did he ever get to see you tattoo?” She asked and he smiled and nodded.
“Yeah. He had these few weeks where he was just super lucid, like right before the final crash,” he explained and she nodded for him to go on, “and he wanted a tattoo from me. That was the first official tattoo I gave. He paid me and everything.” He chuckled and looked at the ground as he shared the story with her. It brought tears to her eyes because this one hit close to home because the reason she wanted to tattoo was her aunt, Julie, a cancer survivor and so close to being in remission right now. There was a point in time where they weren’t sure if she would make it, but she had always said that she wanted Y/N to tattoo her before she died and Y/N intended on making good on her promise.
“Awww, Harry, that’s so cute.” She sniffled and he looked over at her when he heard her sniffle.
“Oh, don’t cry!” He pouted and she giggled and swiped at her eye to wipe her tears, “You’ve ruined your eyeliner.” He tutted, looking between her eyes with a small smile and she huffed, “Here, I got it, love.” He said softly as he leaned closer to her face and just swiped the wings away with a little rubbing of his thumbs. She felt her heart pounding hard in her chest as his eyes focused intently on her face to ensure that nothing else was out of place. She did everything to withstand the temptation of looking at his lips, “There. Sorry for making you cry and ruin your pretty makeup.” He hummed before pulling his hands away.
“It’s fine.” She giggled with a shake of her head and he smiled, “What did you tattoo on your grandpa?” She asked.
“A portrait of my grandmother from their wedding day.” He said and Y/N smiled.
“That’s so sweet.”
“Yeah, he was a romantic. He was so in love with her and always went above and beyond for her.” He recalled, “I don’t know, I just really looked up to him and he meant a lot to me, you know?” He asked and she nodded.
“You’ll see, they’ll turn up, Harry.” She spoke with certainty and he chuckled as he looked to the ground as he shook his head, “What?” She giggled.
“You always speak in absolutes. Like you’re just so sure of everything.” He pointed out.
“It’s manifestation 101!” She grinned and he chuckled.
“Hmmm, do you find that things usually go your way?” He asked and she shrugged.
“I’d say so? At least most of the time I feel like I get my way.” She pondered on it for another moment, “I’ll continue manifesting that they find your paintings.”
“Please and thank you.” He said lowly and a moment of silence passed between them, “And thank you for listening to me. I know that none of this stuff really concerns you but I feel better when I talk to you. So thanks for just being here, I guess.”
“Anytime, Harry. What else are friends for?” She asked with a smile and he smiled back. Just then her phone rang and she saw it was her aunt, “It’s my aunt!” She said and answered right away. She informed Y/N that Andrew was on his way to the shop to get Harry’s motorcycle and to just keep an eye on her phone because he’d call her when he arrived. She agreed and with that they made the short walk back to the shop. It was only 30 minutes later that Y/N was rushing over to Harry that Andrew was out back and they went over to meet him. 
Harry handed over the the motorcycle keys and Andrew mounted it not he tow truck and got Harry’s number and let him know that he wasn’t too sure if they had the exact tires for his bike, but he would check and let him know. He said he’d also ask any neighboring shops if they had any in their inventory if he didn’t have it, if not he’d have to order one. Harry nodded and in a moment that Y/N went off to grab Andrew a water from inside he nervously brought up to him his concern about the cost.
“So ummm, do you know about how much this’ll be? Things have been a bit slow for me as I’m new in town and I’m just a little strapped for cash.” He confessed in slight embarrassment, “Or we could do like a payment plan if you’re open to that, or-”
“Don’t worry about it, kid. It’s just a freaking tire.” Andrew said with a steadfast smile.
“A-are you sure?” Harry asked Andrew nodded.
“Yeah, man. We’re good.” Andrew confirmed with a nod and Harry thanked him profusely until he took off. 
He and Y/N did a few tattoos after that and it was around 6:30pm when Andrew called Harry and let him know that he didn’t have any tires that fit his bike in his shop, but that a buddy of his could get his delivery guy to send one over the next day and that he could have the bike ready for pickup by closing time the following day and Harry assured him that was fine and that if he ever wanted to get tattooed he was more than welcome to ask for him, that was the only thing he could really offer him and Andrew said very happily that he might actually take him up on that offer at some point and with that they were squared away. It was closing time and they were all tearing down for the day and before she got to cleaning Y/N came up to Harry.
“Hey, what did Andrew tell you?”
“It’ll be ready tomorrow by closing, he couldn’t get a tire today.” He explained.
“Oh OK, that’s good. Do you need a ride home? Save you a couple bucks on an uber or something.” She offered.
“Ummm, if it’s not a bother that’d be great.” He said and she nodded.
“You got it. Let me just finish cleaning up real quick.” She said and he started helping her sweep as she disinfected the chairs and stations. 
Slowly everyone else started filtering out, calling out their goodbyes. She and Harry only stayed over about 15 minutes after everyone else and they soon were heading out to her car. He settled in and once again, that scent of hers just overwhelmed him completely, it took him over in the best way. It was sweet and fruity and completely intoxicating. As soon as the car switched on her radio started blasting Bon Iver and she rushed to turn it down and he chuckled.
“Jeez, sorry.” She giggled, “I have car concerts so that I don’t get road rage.” She explained.
“It’s cool.” He assured, “That’s me, too.” He chuckled, “I like Bon Iver too, they’re good.” He smiled.
“Sick.” She responded as she waited for her engine to warm up a bit. He was subtly looking around the space and then spoke up.
“You know, this is the cleanest girl’s car I have ever been in.” He pointed out as he looked around.
“Oh really?” She smiled with pride.
“Yeah. Usually they’ve got a mess in the boot and like a whole wardrobe in the back seat and like there’s always like fifty half drunken water bottles for some reason but you can hear a giant Hydroflask clanking around somewhere, though?” He questioned and she laughed loudly, her eyes watering with happy tears. She definitely had friends with that issue, he laughed along with her, he loved her laugh, it was probably one of his favorite sounds. “I mean that can’t be good for the environment, can it?” He posed the question through a giggle and she nodded in agreement.
“Yeah, I don’t know the logic behind that but I do know some people with that issue.” She disclosed as her laughter dwindled into a breathy chuckle.
“Yeah, that’s my sister Or at least it was before she had kids.” He said and she grinned before she bit down her lip and looked over to him.
“Are you guys close?” She asked and he nodded.
“Yeah, pretty close.” He confirmed and then sighed.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you or-”
“Oh no, it’s OK. I just forget that I’m so far away from them sometimes.” He explained and then smiled up at her, “W-would you like to stay over for dinner? I can order something in? Obviously on me, as like a thank you for all your help today.” He offered and she smiled at him.
“Ummm, yeah. That’d be nice. I’d really like that.” She accepted and he looked out the window and exhaled, as if he had been nervous to ask her, and it made her smile, “Let me just text my aunt real quick and then you can tell me where to go.” She said and he nodded. 
After a few moments they were taking off and he was directing her towards his apartment. It was about a twenty minute drive to his place and about ten minutes of driving around the block and joking that the food would arrive before she found a parking spot on his street. Finally, someone left and she quickly fit her car into the spot and cheered excitedly at finally finding somewhere to park. It was around the corner to his building so he took advantage of the walk to call and order their dinner and soon they were going up to his floor in the elevator. 
His building wasn’t all that new looking, but it was still nice and it looked like it had been remodeled inside. Harry also explained that his apartment had been upgraded, so he had some of the newer features and an in-unit washer and dryer which he was extremely grateful for. He pulled out his keys and let them inside before he flicked on the lights at the entrance. She immediately looked around and saw that he still had some boxes up against a wall and packages. He had been here for months already and the place still didn’t really look lived in, it looked like he had arrived a week before and it made her a bit sad for him. It did smell really good and relaxing though and it was very clean, which she was not shocked at, but it was still nice to see that since most guys living on their own tended to be a little messy and gross in her experience. He slipped out of his shoes so she did the same and followed him further in.
“Do you want water or wine?” He asked as he switched on the kitchen lights.
“What are you having?”
“Just water for now.”
“OK, same.” She agreed and he went ahead and served her a glass. She saw that he had no dining table in the spot that was presumably the “dining area". He had a couch though, it was big and velvety, so it looked comfortable. He also had a TV and coffee table before the couch and a rug underneath the coffee table and bordering the couch legs.
“I know this place is a state.” He said lowly as he came up beside her and she smiled up at him.
“I mean, you’ve only been here like four months.” She teased and he grinned and shook his head.
“Hey, in all fairness I do own more furniture, just building it is a bitch.” He excused, “Like my dining table is in there.” He said pointing to one of the larger boxes against the wall. “I built two chairs and just gave up on the other two.” He explained, “It’s hard doing it alone.” He explained and she bit her lip and looked up at him.
“I can help you if you want?” She offered, “I’m quite good with the Ikea furniture.” She smiled.
“Nah, I can figure it out. You’re my guest tonight, not my builder.” He said.
“You sure? I’m certain we can have it done by the time the food comes.” She said and he looked at her skeptically.
“I don’t know, but lets try.” He said and she smiled and he soon brought over a blade to open the boxes and his tool box. She didn’t know she needed to see him carrying a toolbox until he was coming over with it from down the hall that presumably led to his bedroom. They opened up the box and she glanced at the instructions as he set out the parts in the right places.
“Cool! Now that we’re organized, the rest is common sense.” She assured and he chuckled as they started working. There were definitely mistakes and plenty of laughter as they figured this out, but when his intercom buzzed indicating that the food had arrived they were just about to screw in the last leg of the table, “See!” She exclaimed with an uppish grin and he chuckled, “Just hold it for a second so I can screw it in while you grab the food.” He nodded and after a few moments he was dashing out of his apartment to find the delivery person and she was fastening in the final screws for the table. 
When Harry came back the table was right side up and she was smiling to herself as she wiped it down with a rag she had found in the kitchen. It made his heart flutter in his chest and he just wanted to set the food down, go up to her and take her pretty face in his hands and give her a big smooch on the lips, but he refrained from it and just set the food down on the kitchen counter before heading into the cabinet.
“Now I have an excuse to use my plates and cutlery.” He said and she looked to him in some astonishment.
“Ummm, what’ve you been eating out of?” She asked in bewilderment.
“Just disposable plates or like the takeout containers if I’ve order in.” He responded nonchalantly, as if it were the most obvious thing.
Y/N wasn’t sure what about this made her heart hurt a bit more, but she felt so sad for him. She was a firm believer in the need to do nice things for yourself, especially when you’re feeling down. Break out of the routine and not opt for convenience every time, show yourself you’re worth the effort through the little things. And in his case, well she wasn’t an expert but she could see that Harry was a bit depressed. The evidence was all around her. He hadn’t bothered to make this place feel like home yet and it really showed in the way he was living. He was surely having a hard time adjusting to the move, he hadn’t settled in and it was super obvious to her that it wasn’t just because he “didn’t have help” as he’d said before. It was apparent to her that he actually wasn’t bothered to get help with any of this.
“Harry, can I ask you something?” She said as she came over to the kitchen where he was quite literally opening up the brand new box his dinnerware was packaged in.
“Ummm, sure.” He said looking at her with a quizzical smile.
“You can tell me to go fuck myself if I’m overstepping, but ummm, are you…regretful of moving out here?” She asked and he frowned a little at her question, “Like it’s just that you’ve been here for four months and it looks like you’ve just arrived a week ago…” she explained and he did feel a bit offended and was about to tell her to just leave it but then she continued, “and it just… makes me sad that maybe you feel like you can’t make this place your home. Like, I don’t know, like I’ve seen who you are as a person and then I see your space and it doesn’t align.” She said with a confused pout, “It’s like…void of all of the warmth and loveliness that you exude as a person. It’s like there’s no joy here, I guess, and it looks like you just haven’t adjusted well is what I’m trying to say.” She finished as she twisted her fingers nervously together and he sighed, “Sorry, if I umm-”
“No, you’re completely right.” He interrupted her with a frown etching into his expression, “I haven’t adjusted well. And I just don’t have the motivation to just…do it. Do all this. It feel overwhelming.” He shared and she nodded as she listened, “I’m not going to lie to you, it’s been…” he sighed, “It’s been really hard to make this feel like home and I don’t know if it will ever really feel like it.” He said morosely and she pouted. In all reality that’s why he liked being out of his apartment as much as possible; he went to pilates at 6:30 almost every morning and didn’t come back until after the shop closed, he didn’t like being here. It didn’t feel like a home, not in the slightest. There was no warmth, no comfort, no safety.
“Harry, I don’t like that.” Y/N said worriedly, “Is there something that would help? I mean, I just don’t like the idea of you feeling like you don’t have a place to call home. Where you can feel comfortable and safe and relaxed.” She said, “Happy even.” She added, her voice soft and sincere. He would eat her up with kisses if he could, she was too sweet.
“I don’t know, I just think I need to like set everything up, start making it my space, you know? Make memories here and all that. Like actually live here, not just come sleep here.” He said and she nodded.
“Yeah, that’s a great start. How about this? I help you out with setting everything else up and you can do a little housewarming dinner for your friends. Well those of us from the shop and maybe any neighbors or people you know out here?” She suggested.
“Yeah, s’just you guys…” he said with a timid smile.
“Well we’re excellent company. Think about it, you can use your dinnerware-” he laughed at that, “and you can get little gifts or gift cards from everyone so that you can buy more stuff to make this place more homey and we can play games!” She said with a smile and he bit his lip and nodded.
“Yeah, I think I’d like that.” He said softly and she smiled.
“Yeah?” She asked again and he just looked into her eyes.
“Yeah.” He confirmed, and I really, really like you too, is what he wanted to tag in at the end.
“OK! Again, I can help you with getting everything finished up and even organize it if you want!” She said with a big smile and God was she making it so hard for him not to kiss her.
“Yeah, you’re the pro here.” He chuckled.
“OK. I’m gonna shut up now and we can eat.” She said.
Harry smiled and continued opening the box of plates as she opened up the take out containers their Italian food had come in. Everything smelled delicious and he was quick to rinse and dry the plates before handing them over to her to serve the food on them. He opened up the cutlery and rinsed those as well before handing her forks for them to use.They went over to the table to have dinner and used some of the complex’s newsletters as placemats to not stain the table. He brought out the wine and they ate and talked comfortably. He was really glad he had asked her over, it already felt a little more like his home. He washed the plates as she dried them off after they ate and they finished building the last two chairs of his dining table set as a TV show played in the background. It was near midnight when they finished doing that and they had consumed half the bottle of wine too. She was slumped against the wall and let out a big yawn, which he imitated.
“Can I use your bathroom?” She asked and he nodded.
“It’s in the bedroom, which is straight down the hall.” He said pointing to it and she nodded and stood with a groan and she stretched really quick before she started padding over, “And don’t psychoanalyze my bedroom, I’m well aware that it’s really depressing!” He called out after her and she laughed loudly as she headed into the dark room.
“Where’s the light?” She called out and he chuckled as he stood up and went down the hall and into his bedroom, “Behind you.” He said as he came into the dark space, but he was familiar enough with it that he went over to the bedside and switched on the lamp he had up there.
“Thank you.” She said and he nodded.
“And the light in the ceiling lamp just went out yesterday, I have to go buy a new one. I promise I’m not wallowing in darkness.” He said and she grinned.
“Oh shut up…” she mumbled and he sniggered as he let her head into the bathroom as he walked out of the bedroom and started stacking up the boxes that they had opened up. She came back out a few moments later, “Want me to help you take these to the dumpster?” She asked.
“Nah, I got it. There’s a chute down the hall.” He assured and she nodded.
“Harry, I’m sorry if I made you feel bad with anything that I said before. I didn’t want to hurt your feelings, I just…well, I…care about you and want you to feel good about your decision to come all this way and t-” she froze as he grabbed her face in his hands, they were just centimeters apart. Y/N felt her heart pounding in her chest, making breathing oxygen a chore and for her stomach to flip with a whirlwind of butterflies. She looked up into his eyes, glancing between them quietly.
“I know, love. Thank you for caring about me.” He spoke so quietly, as if there were others listening in but message was exclusively for her, “Especially after everything I’ve put you through-”
“I know. I know that you’re over it. I just can’t get over how you do that.”
“Do what?”
“Just…” he sighed, “Make everything better.” He said softly and she bit her lip and he mirrored her actions. He wanted to kiss her and bite on her lip and just make her feel good, as good as she made him feel, but in the best ways he knew how. She watched his eyes trail down to her lips and she decided to let her hands hug around his waist, making sure that she didn’t push him closer in case she was reading this tension all wrong, but she also wanted him to know that she was OK with this. He pressed his forehead against hers. He was mentally counting down from 5 before he just did it and kissed her, but suddenly her phone started blaring loudly and they both jumped slightly in response to the loud sound and he let her go so that she could grab it from the floor, the screen said Aunt Julie, so it was important that she answer it.
“Hello?” She answered, “Yeah, still here. Oh OK, I’ll head over right away.” She said softly, “Love you, bye.” She said before hanging up.
“Is everything OK?” He asked her in concern.
“Yeah, she just got really sick to her stomach and it really takes it out of her after all her chemo.” She explained and he frowned, “We can talk about it another time.” She sighed and he nodded.
“OK. Well, let me know if you need anything?” She nodded in acceptance.
“You too. Ummm, do you want me to pick you up tomorrow? So that you can just take your bike home after?”
“If it’s not too much of a hassle.” He said and she smiled.
“It’s not, don’t worry. I’ll text you, OK?”
“Yeah and ummm, thank you for helping me with all of this.” He said a little bashfully and she smiled a bit wider now.
“Anytime, Harry.”
“OK.” He chuckled and with that he let her out and she assured him that she could get down to her car just fine but he insisted on walking her all the way there. He could tell that she felt a little bit worried, but he didn’t press her for details as she agreed they could talk about this another time and so he just hugged her goodbye and waited until she was down the street before he headed back to his building.
Y/N had a long night, but thankfully her aunt was feeling better in the morning and she was able to pick Harry up as planned. He didn’t press her to talk about what happened after she left his place, which she was grateful for. He did talk about the proposed housewarming dinner though, which was a good distraction, he wondered if maybe doing it as a “friends-giving” type of thing would be convenient and she was really excited over the prospect of that.
Y/N had a busy day ahead of her, she would be tattooing two people in the morning and then another in the afternoon from her new designs. Harry had Ria and their sister coming back at around 11:30, so he wouldn’t be able to sit through her tattoos, but Auree was more than willing to make herself available to pop in and see how Y/N was trucking along. Everyone was really excited for her and kept giving her a dew encouragements as the time for her first client approached.
“Which ones are you gonna do today?” Harry asked as he came over to where she was creating the stencil for her first design of the day.
“Gonna do these poppies as a filler on some guy’s sleeve.” She said and he hummed, “Then the second is the leopard with the heart spots.”
“OK nice.”
“And the final one is the little finger gun one with the heart-shaped smoke at the end.” She said with a smile.
“That one’s cool.” He smiled and she grinned as she continued working.
“Yeah, really liked that one too.” She said.
“I like that tiger you did too.”
“Same! But no one has inquired about it.” She said looking to him almost in disbelief, “I thought that it would appeal more to the men, but maybe I was wrong.” She shrugged.
“They don’t know what’s good for them.” He said and she smiled. Harry really liked her design and he decided that he would claim it for himself. He moseyed his way to the front office where Rosa was checking the rest of the bookings for the day.
“Hey Harry, what’s up?” She asked without looking away from the screen.
“I wanted to get an appointment for a tattoo.” He said and she glanced up at him with a playful smile.
“Well sir, we are pretty booked up until the late afternoon.” She said jokingly with raised eyebrows and he chuckled.
“I’m serious.” He said and her amused smile dropped, “That tiger Y/N did is fucking sick and no one has claimed it so I’ll claim it before someone else does.” He said and she smiled again.
“Awww, supporting your mentee.” She cooed and he chuckled and nodded.
“Exactly.” He confirmed, “So what slots are available?”
“Well sir,” she said playing along again, “we have 5pm or 7pm available for Y/N. Tomorrow we have 11am, 2pm, or 5pm.”  She said and he hummed pensively.
“Hmmm, I think I’ll take the 7pm today.” He said and she grinned and nodded.
“Perfect, I’ll put you on the schedule.” She giggled and he grinned.
“Great. Thanks, Rosa.” He thanked her and walked back to the studio. He finished setting up for his appointment with Ria and then got to working on the stencil. 
Harry was excited for his appointment with Y/N though. All day, he thought about the placement he wanted for this tattoo, he roughly knew the size of it, but the more he thought about it the more he decided that he wanted to speak to her about it first and see what she had envisioned for it when she drew it. Around 2:30 in the afternoon Andrew called him that his motorcycle was ready and Y/N drove him over, it wasn’t too far from the shop and after he came back from that, the day escaped him. Now he was cleaning up his station after a walk-in, it was about his tattoo time. Rosa came to the back and smirked at Harry before she went up to Y/N to inform her she had one last tattoo for the day.
“Oh cool, is it a walk-in?” She asked.
“No, it’s an appointment for one of the new designs.” Rosa informed.
“Sick, which one?”
“The tiger.” She smiled.
“Oh my god, no way! I was so excited for that one!” She said to Rosa .
“Yeah, the client too.” She grinned.
“Oh OK, are they here already?” She asked with an eager smile and Harry smiled to himself as he disposed of the paper towels he had been using to clean his needles with in the garbage can.
“Yeah, he’s here.” Rosa said again with a grin as she saw Harry coming over quietly.
“What is this little grin about?” Y/N asked with a nervous giggle and just then Harry came up and rested his arm on her shoulder, “Harry, someone made an appointment for the tiger!” She said glancing up at him excitedly.
“Oh yeah?” He asked with a smirk and she narrowed her eyes at him.
“Why are you both acting weird?” She asked them.
“Y/N, meet your client, Harry.” Rosa giggled and Y/N’s jaw dropped open.
“Stop playing.” She scoffed as she shoved him away playfully.
“I’m not!” He insisted with a chuckle.
“Harry. Stop.”
“I told you I really liked the design.” He said sincerely.
“What’s going on here?” Vy asked as she came up.
“Harry wants Y/N to tattoo him.” Rosa grinned and Vy smirked at Harry.
“Oh really?” Vy said and Harry rolled his lips together for a moment and Vy raised her eyebrows at him.
“Harry, no way! What if I fuck it up?” She sighed and he shook his head.
“You won’t.” He assured, “I mean, I’ve trained you, haven’t I?” He asked with a mildly cocky grin and she giggled, “And if you do happen to mess up, any one of us can figure something out.” He said and she sighed and rolled her eyes.
“Can we have a moment?” Y/N asked Rosa and Vy.
“G needs to hear about this.” Rosa said walking off and Vy giggled as she trailed after Rosa and Y/N looked up at Harry’s eyes.
“Harry, seriously?” She asked with a small and disbelieving frown and he nodded, “God, now I’m nervous.” She huffed with anxiety and he chuckled lowly.
“Why though? It’s just me.” He said simply. He wanted to reach out and caress her cheek with his thumb, it was tempting.
“Exactly! You’re you!” She giggled.
“And you’re you. And you’re fucking good and I want your art on my body.” He said pointedly and she felt her heart pounding erratically in her chest. Just the way he said it made butterflies swarm through her stomach and it made her want to just kiss his pretty pink lips. Suddenly Auree and G were returning with Vy and Rosa to catch up on this little spark of excitement to the day.
“Are you sure?” She asked.
“Of course!” He smiled confidently.
“Jesus, OK.” She exhaled with a timid smile and everyone cheered as she agreed to tattoo Harry, “Let me just go to the bathroom real quick and we can get started.” He nodded and she rushed off. She was nervous out of her mind and as soon as she exited the bathroom G was waiting for her with a grin.
“He so likes you!” He smirked and she rolled her eyes.
“Oh my god, no.”
“He does. And well, if you think of it, this is a little cathartic after everything he put you through you can give him a little pain as payback. It’s cute, really.” He said and she shoved him off playfully. 
“You’re so annoying.” She mumbled under her breath as she came back to her station where everyone was standing around chatting with Harry, “Now, I don’t want anyone hovering because I’m nervous enough as it is!” She announced with a nervous laugh and they all grumbled against it, “Please, guys! It’s too much pressure.” She whined in an exaggerated manner and they chuckled, but agreed to just give her space to do her thing. Harry was happy about that though because he just wanted it to be them. If his apartment was properly set up he would have asked her to do it at his place, but alas it wasn’t ready yet so this would have to do for now. Everyone went about their business, stealing glances of them, but not intruding as she had requested. “Do you know where you want it?” She asked him quietly as she spared him a glance.
“Where did you intend for it to go when you designed it?” He asked and she sighed.
“Harry…” she whined and he chuckled.
“What? I want to consider your artistic vision for it. If I hate that I’ll tell you where I was thinking of putting it.” He bargained.
“Fine.” She said, “Come see the size again.” She said and he followed her to the drawing tables and she showed him the tracing she had done of it. It was the biggest one she had done for her new designs. It went a little over a medium size but Auree was cool with it when she had reviewed them, “Is that size good?”
“Yeah. Now where did you envision it when you designed it?” He asked.
“I was really thinking that it would look really cute on an ass cheek.” She said in the most serious tone she could and they both looked at each other before they burst out laughing and he shook his head as she knocked her head back like she usually did when she laughed and clutched at her stomach as she caught her breath, “Ah, I’m funny.” She exhaled and he giggled.
“Yeah, fucking comical. Now seriously tell me.”
“I was thinking upper thigh.” She said and glanced up at him, “What do you think about that?” She asked him.
“Ummm, I was thinking upper thigh too actually.” He said more quietly.
“Sick, we’re in cahoots.” She smiled, “OK, so let me make the stencil, did you want me to shave your thigh for you - like full client experience? Or can you do it yourself?” She asked and he chuckled.
“I can do it. You just finish that up.” He said and she nodded. It took her about 20 minutes to get the stencil ready and she let him look it over once more before got his pants down and got comfy on the chair, she glanced up at him and he gave her a reassuring nod before she laid the stencil down and pressed it against his thigh. It was thick and muscular and she had a primal urge to just get down there and sink her teeth into it and leave a hickey on it; mark it as hers. In a way, she kind of was marking it at hers. Her art was gonna live on it for the rest of his life. She glanced up at him once again and swallowed thickly.
“Are you sure about this? It’s pretty permanent.” She said lowly.
“I’m absolutely sure.” He smiled with certainty and she smiled at him again before getting the machine and getting comfortable on the stool. 
His pants were rolled down to his ankles and he felt a tiny bit exposed but he didn’t care, the prettiest girl in the world was about to ink her mark into his skin and he wouldn’t want to be anywhere else in the world right now. His spine tingled in excitement as she switched on the machine, he loved getting tattooed and he couldn’t wait for it to be her doing it to him. He watched her for just a moment and then she bit her lip nervously before glancing up into his eyes, his tummy fluttered in excitement and a heat started building inside of him at that innocent little gleam in her eyes.
“Ready?” She asked softly and he nodded almost robotically, “OK.” She whispered before licking over her lips and then focusing on the tiger stenciled into his skin and then she got to work.
She was quiet the first few minutes, really concentrating on getting the outline of it done and then she got to talking with him about his favorite tattoos and they had been at it for about half an hour before she finally asked him why he wanted the tattoo and he was honest, he just really liked it and she smiled at that.
“But I want you to promise me something.” He said and she hummed, urging him to go on, “You’re gonna shelf this design. I want it to be a one of a kind.” He said and she smiled as she continued working.
“I’ll think about it.” 
“Come on, years down the line when you’re a seasoned artist and they feature you on some TV show or Inked magazine this’ll be like a seminal piece that you did and you just never replicated it again because it was a special piece.” He said and she hummed.
“And what makes it so special?” She asked with a grin and he smiled.
“You’re doing it on me.” He offered an explanation and she grinned wider, “Not because I’m all that special,” he added in, “but because you’re so special that I wanted one of your first tattoos.” He explained and she smiled more tenderly at that, “But also because I don’t want people to copy it, I want something that’s uniquely yours, you know?” He asked and she fought her smile of giddiness as best as she could, but he noticed it and he was happy that he had made her feel giddy over that. 
They took a little break around the hour mark because her hand was getting a little sore, after all it was her first bigger piece and she worked more slowly than the rest of them. During that time everyone else came to check out the progress and with great reason praised her about it. The shop was dead, no one had come in during the time she started and now, so Auree just said they could close up early, there had been plenty of appointments and a good number of walk-ins to make up for an early closure. This made Harry even more excited because it really would just be them. G and Rosa lingered a little bit after they started up again and then left after about half an hour of chatting and looking on from afar. 
“So what got you into tattooing?” Harry asked and she smiled.
“My aunt Julie, she’s got like full sleeves.” She explained, “As a kid I just found it so cool.” Y/N explained, “I got into drawing and painting and she told me that she would want to get one of my drawings or paintings tattooed on her. She was always kind of the black sheep of the family, but we were always close.” She said and he hummed, “Wait. You’re not in pain?” She asked out of nowhere since she had started on the final finer details.
“I mean yeah, but I don’t mind it. I enjoy getting tattooed.” He said and she smiled and continued.
“OK, well we were always close and I was around 16 when she got diagnosed with breast cancer. It wasn’t good and she’s been fighting for a while. There was a point where we were prepared to say goodbye, I was 18 then. And her final wish was to have me design a final tattoo for her and I worked on it and ummm, out of nowhere her treatments started working and she got better and ummm I moved in with her for college and took care of her until she was all good to go, or at least as good as it gets. And maybe it was silly, but I made a promise to her that I would tattoo the piece I designed for her on her myself. That’s why when you told me about your grandpa I got a little emotional. She’s kind of been that supporter for me on this journey. Obviously, I finished college, but I was growing my portfolio that whole time and started my Etsy shop. And after graduation I started to search for the apprenticeship and ummm, two years later here I am and she’s been in remissions for almost a year now.” She said with a smile.
“That’s really fucking cool, Y/N. I think she should be your first official tattoo, fuck Ian.” He said and she pulled away to laugh and he chuckled as well.
“Yeah, I want her to be.” She said and he smiled.
  She kept working and it was nearing 9pm when he suggested ordering some food and taking another break to eat. She agreed and took advantage to notify Julie that she’d be late again before she was able to finish up. She maybe had about another half hour of work to finish. She was trying to work faster but Harry didn’t seem to mind, he encouraged her to go at a pace that made her feel comfortable. She ate quickly before resuming and Harry assured her she could pick it up as he finished up his own food. He was taking it like a champ, she could see how irritated and swollen the skin was where she was working, but he was doing well. Well, considering the amount of tattoos he had, she expected him to have some endurance.
“What was your most painful tattoo?” She asked.
“I think the laurels on my lower stomach.The butterfly on my stomach is a very close second. That one hurt just a wee bit less.” He said and she chanced a glance up at him.  “What?!” She gasped in shock and he grinned and lifted his t-shirt and she saw half of the laurels sticking out from under his underwear and well, apart from his extremely toned abdomen, she saw the large butterfly inked into them. “Jesus, Harry.” She giggled breathily and he grinned, “Did you cry?” She asked.
“A little bit yeah.” He confessed and she smiled, “Why are you smiling?” He asked and she pulled away again to laugh.
“I’m not laughing because you cried during your tattoos, I’m just laughing because you’re bonkers, my guy!” She exclaimed through a laugh and he chuckled, “How do your parents feel about your tattoos?”
“They don’t really care anymore. Like when I got my third one in the span of a month and then the butterfly shortly after they just checked if I was alright. Like psychologically because well, I was moving quite fast.” He chuckled and she smiled, “Obviously to them some of them are a bit questionable, but as long as I’m not fucking up my life they’re fine with my choices. How do your parents feel about yours?” He asked and looked down at the tattoo to see it basically complete and then he closed his eyes and winced.
“Starting to feel it, are you?” She asked and he nodded and grimaced and let out a low groan through a pained laugh.
“Yes!” He chuckled and she smiled, “I shouldn’t have looked!” He said and she giggled.
“We’re almost done. I swear.” She assured and he nodded, “But ummm, to answer your question, my parents are not too happy that I have a tattoo, specially with the size of it. I’ll show you sometime. But ummm…we can talk about it another time. Don’t want to dampen the good vibes.” She said and he nodded in understanding and it fell quiet for a few moments. Only the deep buzz of the tattoo gun and the soft music playing from her phone filled the space.
“God, it always hurts when you know it’s almost done.” He said through gritted his teeth and she giggled.
“That’s a fact. I’m just doing the whiskers, OK?”
“Yeah, OK.” He squeezed his eyes shut and after a few moments she was pulling away.
“All done.” She said and he peeked his eyes open to look down at it and immediately flashed his biggest and prettiest smile.
“Fuck, that’s really good.” He exhaled happily.
“Yeah?” She asked with a bashful smile and he nodded.
“Yeah.” He hummed. A bit of blood was dotting to the surface so she grabbed the little water and antibacterial soap mix and spurted it on his thigh and glanced up at him before wiping over it with the paper towel.
“Ready for it?” She asked and he scrunched up his face and nodded.
“Just do it.” He said and held his breath as she gently wiped at the fresh tattoo, but the texture of the paper towel was rough and still made him tense up, but he didn’t let out a peep.
“Wanna take a look in the big mirror?” She asked and he nodded.
“Can’t waddle over with my jeans like that.” He chuckled and she giggled and grabbed one of his legs to untie his shoe and then the next one. Once they were out of the way she pulled his jeans off the rest of the way and draped them over the seat as he hopped down and headed over to the big mirror to inspect the work. He looked really happy with it and was getting all up in there as she took apart the machine and removed the plastic and continued with wiping down each part.
“Are you happy with it?” She asked him as she continued wiping down the machine parts.
“Fuck yeah! Yes, I fucking love it!” He called back enthusiastically and she spared a glance back at him in just his t-shirt and undies. She tried to not linger too long on the strong structure of the backs of his thighs or his adorable and perky butt, but it was sure tempting to stop and stare. She continued wiping down and disinfecting the machine as he snapped a few pictures of his brand new tattoo and kept admiring it, calling back compliments to her on her work. She felt proud of what she had done, also this was the longest tattoo she had ever done and she was pleased that she had made it through it with minimal breaks. She heard Harry coming back over as she removed her gloves and tossed the paper towels she had used. 
“You really like it?” She asked as she turned around, leaning on the edge of the counter of the station, he was just a few feet before her.
“I love it. I really do!” He insisted, “Thank you.” He smiled at her and she smiled again.
“I’m just happy that you’re happy with it.” She said and he came closer to her.
“I really am, I promise you.” He assured as he put his hands on her shoulders and she bit her lip to suppress the gigantic smile threatening to split across her lips. And he smiled and brought his thumb up against her bottom lip, “Don’t hide that pretty smile from me.” He said softly, a small smile of his own played on his lips, “Should be really proud of yourself.” He reassured her and she glanced down out of nervousness and bashfulness.
Harry removed the other hand on her shoulder and placed it right under her jaw and angled her up to look at him. The timid smile melted away from her face as their eyes met. Her fingers tightened around the edge of the counter further in anxiety of what his next move might be. She watched his pupils grow larger as he watched her lips while licking over his own. She was struggling to breathe at this point, she felt light headed and tingly and completely out of control as he leaned in closer until the tips of their noses skimmed together and she let out an involuntary whimper which caused him to grin as their breaths intermingled in the minuscule space between them. She wanted to beg but she couldn’t even speak from how on edge she was. His eyes flickered up to her own for a moment before they fluttered shut and she followed suit as they inched closer together and everything felt absolutely right with the world as their lips met in a tentative and hasty kiss. They pulled back and looked at each other before giving in again and joining in a fiery and much- anticipated kiss.
Harry’s hands grabbed her face tenderly and her hands bunched up into his t-shirt as they moved in sync, the only sound between them was that of their ragged breaths, their lips smacking together in wet little sounds, and soft moans of pleasure at finally relieving the tension that had been building between them. His lips were warm and smooth and eager against her own. Y/N felt like she was floating on a cloud of him, him, him at the feeling of his lips and tongue against her own lips and tongue. He smelled so good and he was so warm, it was coming off him in waves. The entire experience was consuming her. He was a good kisser and all she could do was let him keep going for as long as he wanted. She felt like she was no longer grounded to reality. 
Eventually, his hands left her face but only to tighten up at her hips and help her onto the counter as she draped her arms around his shoulders and squeezed his narrow hips between her thighs to pull him closer as their kiss grew deeper and more desperate. Both of their bodies were buzzing and their brains were fuzzy with overwhelm as the pleasure of their kisses sent a wave of warmth rolling through their bodies. Harry was quickly growing hard and he had nothing over him to tone down the feeling of his arousal, so before he lost control and went too far he pulled back from her lips with a soft smack and bated breaths and she pecked his lips once more and he smiled against them.
“Got the smoothest and sweetest lips, love.” He whispered and she felt her entire body shudder at his words and at the feeling of his thumb tracing along her swollen, bottom lip. Without any warning she rolled out her tongue and licked along the pad of his thumb and glanced up into his pretty, green eyes and proceeded to suck it between her lips, her eyes fluttered shut at the slightly salty taste of his skin on her tongue and she moaned softly, she wanted more. Harry groaned lowly as he watched this unfold and his jaw tensed a bit at the sensation of the warm, wet texture of her tongue against any part of his body. He wanted more too. So much more. But not here. 
“Fuck, baby…please, need you t’stop that.” He swallowed thickly and her eyes blinked open as she gently popped off to see his eyes clouded heavy with lust and his lip bitten beneath his teeth. He wasn’t expecting her to listen right off the bat, it made him smile at her, “Such a good girl.” He whispered and she smiled and hugged around his broad shoulders to pull him closer so that her lips were up against his ear and his arms were still draped around her hips. She leaned a bit closer and her voice was as light as a tickle but it left him burning like a wild fire as her words processed and echoed in his brain.
“I’ll be your good girl.”  
----- Tag List -----
@sunshinemoonsposts @anotherdudetteinthisworld @matildasatellite @sad-avocado @sunflovverharry @cherrysulewski @daphnesutton @gurugirl @angelqueen99 @slutfortigertattoo
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mydearesthrry · 1 year
how do you think new gf y/n would react to harry having olivia tattooed on his thigh?
i… think it would go like this 🤭
wrote this in 15 mins! if it sucks deal with it <3 missed you. enjoy!
very small amounts of sexual content under the cut!! teeheeee
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“Fuck, y’so perfect f’me,” Harry groaned out, eyes clenched shut as Y/N rubbed over his clothed cock, her hands clenched in fists in his hair, fingers entwined in the chocolatey brown curls.
“Feels so good, baby,” she whines kittenishly, not slowing her ministrations, hips moving in tandem with his own which bucked up ever so slightly.
“Take it off, mama. Need t’feel you,” He begged, grasping her hips to lift her off of him. Silencing her whine from the loss of friction with his lips, he traced the seam of her lips with his tongue, a soft breath leaving his lips and cooling her own. Granting him access, she angled her tongue upwards, his tongue following hers, tracing the tip of hers with his own. Y/N moved her legs off of Harry’s thighs, moving to push her shorts down her legs, not breaking their lips once. Harry soon followed after her, pushing his jeans down his legs.
Now clad in nothing but their undergarments, Y/N in a small tank top and Harry shirtless, she traced his body with her eyes, fully taking into account the fact that this was her first time seeing him as bare as he was at that moment. She wanted nothing more than to sink down to her knees and get him in her mouth, all the while admiring his body, but she knew they wouldn’t get that far today.
Sitting in front of him on her knees, his legs spread around her, she watched him with a matching look in her eyes, pupils blown and dilated, the color barely there anymore. Following his figure until she made eye contact with the ferns, she took her gaze a little lower until she got just to the tops of his thighs, admiring the tiger tattoo on his left thigh before looking to his right, a gasp getting caught in her throat.
“No fucking way,” She gasped, leaning forward onto her elbows, looking at the tattoo that so blatantly said ‘Olivia’, just written on his thigh.
“Um.” Was all he said, and she looked up at him bewildered.
“Oh my god. Baby, you’re such a whore.” She giggled, tracing the cursive ‘O’ with her index fingertip. “No, like this is really insane, I can’t believe you never told me you got her name tattooed.”
“Y’not… mad?” He said confused, pushing himself up to get a better look at his pretty angel.
“No, I mean— a little? But I get it, I think. I don’t really know what’s happened between you two, but… I think I get it. Moreso disappointed that you didn’t tell me about this like, yesterday, but, it’s whatever.” She sighed, resting her cheek on his right thigh.
“I can’t… believe y’not mad,” He mumbled, still staring at her cautiously.
“Do you want me to be mad?” She asked, eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
“No! I- no, ‘M jus’ confused, I guess.” He muttered slowly.
“I can be mad if you want, baby. Want me to get all upset? Claim you as mine?” She purred, climbing up his body to her previous spot, the heat from her clothed pussy warming his cock that was begging to be freed. A hand in his hair and the other around his throat, she pulled his head back, exposing his jaw to her. Leaning down and placing a few kisses onto the expanse of his jaw to his earlobe, she slowly applied pressure until she felt and heard the animalistic whine that left her boyfriend.
“I’ll claim you as mine, then make sure that you know you’re my slut, bet you want that? Don’t you?” She whispered into his ear, still placing butterfly kisses to his ear.
“Yeah, I want that, baby, so bad. Make me yours.” He folded, completely at her mercy.
“I will.”
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oh-sofarfromhome · 2 years
Warnings: smut, thigh riding, pregnancy sex, dirty talk, unprotected sex
Summary: Something as simple as Harry scrolling on his phone can send a pregnant Yn into a frenzy
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Yn steps out of the shower carefully, wrapping a fluffy towel around her as she makes her way to her bathroom sink and mirror, drying off and wrapping her bathrobe around her before she begins her after shower routine.
She smiles softly at her round belly, applying some cream to the forming stretch marks and just appreciating the growth. There were only three months left in her pregnancy, the time flying by and only making her and Harry unbelievably excited for their first child to come into the world.
When she’s all finished in there, she heads out to their bedroom to get dressed and sees Harry away and checking his phone. She takes in the sight of him just scrolling on his phone with barely any clothing, just some boxers. His hair is a bit messy from sleep and the stubble on his face is evident because of the early hours of the morning.
Yn gets a bit lost in thought, thinking about how he buried himself between her thighs when they got home last night, that same stubble leaving a delicious burn on her inner thighs. She clenches her thighs together unknowingly, and they’re getting a bit damp as she daydreams until she’s interrupted by the sound of a throat clearing.
She quickly snaps out of it, relaxing her legs as she looks to Harry who is now sitting up, his feet flat on the floor. Her heart speeds up when she sees the knowing smirk on his face, a glint in his eye as she gets a bit embarrassed that she’s been caught.
He’s just staring her down from his spot before reaching toward her. She steps closer so he can reach her and he pulls her to stand between his legs, leaning his neck up a bit to press a kiss to her lips. He moves her so she’s in his lap, her belly pressing against his a bit. His lips immediately trail down her jaw and to her neck, pressing chaste kisses to her collarbone.
Her lack of clothing beneath her robe becomes obvious the more he kisses her, a small wet patch starting to form at the spot she’s sitting. He chuckles when he feels the warmth, pulling away from her neck for a brief moment.
“Woke up needy f’me, hm?” he teases, softly nipping at a sensitive part of her neck. She hums at his question, reaching between them to his semi hard cock and palming it through his thin boxers.
“Seems like I’m not the only one needy,” she replies, quick to tease him the same way he did her.
“Guess you’re right,” he chuckles lightly, but his mood quickly shifts as he maneuvers her until she’s straddling his leg, “But we’re gonna get you taken care of first, how’s that sound?” he finishes, pulling away to look at her and make sure she wants this.
“Yes, please that’s okay,” she immediately replies, and he laughs softly at her excitement, making her pout and open her mouth to reply.
He beats her to it, rolling his eyes playfully. “Oh, shush. Just teasin’ you, baby,” he tsks, reaching to untie her robe and slip it down her shoulders and letting it fall to the floor carelessly. He wastes no more time, gripping her hips and helping her to move along his leg, right on his tiger tattoo.
The feeling shocks her for a moment, a small whine falling from her lips at the feeling of the muscle against her swollen clit. Her body bows a bit at the unexpected pleasure and her hand fly up to his shoulders to keep herself stable.
Harry just watches her intently, using her reactions to gauge whether or not he’s doing the right thing. His worries are gone within seconds, though, and he smiles in relief when she starts to work herself along his thigh, not leaving him to work as much while she chases her orgasm.
He knows she’s about to cum when her breath catches and her hips stutter, so he keeps his grip firm to not knock off her pace, knowing that her orgasm will go away if he doesn’t do the exact same thing he’s doing now. He goes the extra mile and starts to encourage her softly, praising her and the way she’s taking hold of her pleasure and showing him what she needs.
That sends her over the edge immediately, a loud and long moan leaving her lips as she cums hard on his thigh, her cum making the tiger glisten. “Just like that,” he praises, helping her come down. His lips are pressing soft kisses all over her to help ground her, sweet nothings falling from her lips. When she’s all recovered she sits up and presses her lips to his, shocking him with the intensity. He thought she’d be tapping out for the night but she has other plans, reaching into his boxers and taking his leaking cock into her hand.
He chokes on a surprised moan, bucking his hips into her hand as she starts to slowly stroke him, teasing him. She pulls away from his lips slowly, her chest heaving from the lack of air.
“Can I ride you?” she asks almost innocently, making Harry’s eyebrows shoot up. She hasn’t requested this position in quite a while, and understandably so. He takes one look at her and realizes just how much she wants this, but he always double checks to give her some time to back out.
“Yeah? Wanna be on top tonight?” he questions, his thumb rubbing circles on her hip. She nods enthusiastically, and he’s happy to meet her request, lifting his hips slightly to slip his boxers down enough to free his cock entirely. “Well, hop on then. Show me what y’got,” he teases, but he’s shutting up when she sinks down onto him, her swollen walls so tight around him he’s rendered speechless.
She sits with their hips pressed together until she gets used to the slight stretch, wasting no time in placing her hands on his hips and using them as leverage to move herself up and down along his throbbing cock. Each lift leaves his cock coated in her juices from her orgasm and arousal, some of the cream leaving a ring at the base of his cock.
“Fuck, feels s’good,” he whines placing his hands on her hips once more to keep her steady. His head is thrown back as she works herself on him, his mouth falling open in pleasure.
She goes on like this for about five minutes or so before she’s stopping her hips with an annoyed groan, making his head shoot up so he can see what’s wrong. Before he can ask, though, she’s explaining the reason for ceasing her actions.
“Hurts,” she whines, making him stop immediately and lift her up slightly to pull out of her carefully. He goes to speak up to ask what’s wrong but she speaks up first. “Gave me a cramp in my legs, can you try and spoon me, give it to me that way?” she questions, and he’s instantly obliging, helping her get into position.
“Course, mama,” he nods firmly. Slipping behind her and rubbing on her belly for a brief moment. “However you need it. Ready f’me again?” he questions once they’re all settled and he’s lined up at her entrance, her puffy folds snug around him.
As soon as he has her verbal consent he is slipping back into her in one smooth thrust, the angle pressing him against her g spot immediately. She moans out loud at the pressure, her hand reaching down to grip the sheet below her.
“Ah, that’s the spot, hm?” he grunts, starting to push himself in and out of her at a steady pace. She nods absentmindedly with a deep groan as she realizes she’s already close and this won’t last if she holds it.
It’s like Harry can read her mind, reaching forward and lifting her leg up at an angle, making him get impossibiy deeper. “Don’t y’dare fuckin’ hold back. Don’t have t’wait for me,” he grunts his words pushing her closer and closer combined with the angle. “You can let it go,” he coos, keeping his pace even so he doesn’t ruin this for her. “Cum for me, cum all over your husband’s cock,” he finishes, and that’s all it takes for her upper body to give out, her head falling against the pillow while her hips buck against his, her hole clenching so tight around him that he cums as well, thick ropes of cum coating her twitching walls.
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goldengalore · 1 year
Slutty Little Shorts
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Summary: Y/N is turned on by Harry’s tiny running shorts.
Word count: 880
Warnings: smut (sub!harry, dom!reader, teasing, edging)
A/N: I’m having a terrible bout of writer’s block. It’s like I’ve forgotten how to write stories 🙃 So I thought I’d just work on something small, like a random blurb about Harry’s shorts. Enjoy!
It’s a bright and sunny Saturday morning. Y/N stands in the kitchen, staring out at the garden through the window, admiring the meticulously arranged flowerbeds and vegetable patch that she and Harry planted together in the spring.
She doesn’t hear him enter the kitchen until he says, “Babe? I’m heading out for a run.”
Turning to look at him, her eyes are immediately drawn to the tiny orange shorts hanging off his hips, not even reaching the middle of his thighs. His tiger tattoo stares back at her.
“Wearing that?” she asks.
He looks down at his outfit. “Uh, yeah? These are the new running shorts I bought last week, remember?”
“I didn’t know you bought those for running.”
“What else would they be for?”
She shrugs. “To seduce me?”
He places his hands on his hips and glances down at the shorts again. “I’m not sure they look sexy enough to be used for seduction purposes. I mean, they’re neon orange, for one thing.”
“You can make anything look sexy. It’s like your superpower.”
She may be biased, but she can’t think of a single instance where Harry looked unattractive in whatever he was wearing. Whether he’s dressed in a tailored suit or a hoodie and sweatpants or as Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz, he never fails to look like a Greek god to her.
“I’m almost hesitant to let you out of the house wearing that,” she says, only half-joking.
“They’re just shorts, Y/N,” he laughs, oblivious to how thick and juicy and delectable his thighs look. “You’re acting like my ass is hanging out the back or something.”
She lifts her brows. “Is it?”
“Let me see. Turn around.”
He sighs and turns around slowly, keeping his hands on his hips.
“Seeeee?” He wiggles from side to side a bit, enticing her even more. “The ass is nicely tucked away. There is nothing to worry a—”
His sentence is interrupted by both of Y/N’s hands landing firmly against his cheeks. He jumps slightly in surprise.
“I love your cute little butt,” she says, squeezing it over his shorts, feeling the toned muscle flex beneath her fingers.
He frowns over his shoulder at her. “Little? I don’t do forty squats a day for you to call my butt ‘little.’”
“Forty squats, huh? How come I never get to see you doing those squats?”
“Because I’m shy,” he mumbles quietly, playing up the act.
She snorts. “Right.”
Moving her hands to his hips, she guides him back against the edge of the kitchen counter and stands in front of him. She pulls his head down to kiss him, instantly gliding her tongue across his plush lips and into his mouth. He tastes like toothpaste.
One of her hands sneaks into his shorts. When she reaches his cock and gives it a firm squeeze, he whimpers against her mouth. She knows he must be extra sensitive after how much she teased him in bed earlier this morning, licking and caressing his hard length, refusing to let him come no matter how much he begged and begged. It’s part of his punishment for coming without her permission last night.
“Y/N, please,” he whines, pulling away from the kiss. “Have t—to go for my run.”
Sliding her other hand to the back of his head, she gives his hair a sharp tug. He moans.
“I’ll let you go soon, puppy,” she tells him gently. “Just want to play with my toy for a bit.”
She kisses him again but just briefly so that she can watch his reaction as she pumps her hand back and forth over his cock in quick, unrelenting strokes. His mouth falls open. He’s almost panting in pleasure, and the sound is music to her ears.
“Stay still,” she warns when he starts rocking his hips against her hand.
His hands are at his sides, gripping the edge of the counter so hard that his knuckles have gone white. She keeps her eyes on his sweet face, grinning at how his cheeks flush a deep red under her watchful gaze.
“Oh, please, please,” he whispers as he gets close.
She pulls her hands out of his shorts abruptly and says, “Okay, I’m done. Off you go!”
She smiles and fixes his shorts around his hips before stepping back. “You can go on your run now, puppy.”
“But… But...”
“But but but what?” She tilts her head to the side, challenging him to continue, to ask her to keep touching him until he comes, but she knows he won’t. Because she made it very clear last night that he won’t be coming for the rest of the weekend and possibly the entire upcoming week if he keeps misbehaving.
So, all he does is stand there and pout. And while he has a knack for putting on the cutest puppy-dog eyes Y/N has ever seen, she’s not about to give in that easily.
“Oh, don’t give me that look. You’re the one that came down here wearing those slutty little shorts. What did you think was going to happen?”
She laughs evilly and starts to leave the kitchen, turning back in the doorway to say, “By the way, we need to buy you more of those. In all different colours.”
Thank you for reading! MASTERLIST
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merrybloomwrites · 1 year
I Can't Take It Back
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Summary: A mistake from a previous fling threatens an intimate moment. Aka the story that popped in my head after learning about the Olivia tattoo on Harry's thigh
Wordcount: 598
CW: light smut
It’s a lazy Sunday afternoon. Rain is coming down in sheets outside, so you and Harry decide to have a cozy day in. You’re in the living room, comfort movies playing on the TV with a fire going in the fireplace.
It starts out sweet and innocent enough. You’re sitting on his right side, his arm around your shoulders while you lean into him. It isn’t until the second movie starts playing that things start to heat up a bit.
You snuggle closer, shifting so that Harry’s hand moves down to your waist. You turn your head and let your lips touch Harry’s neck, not quite kissing, just teasing the idea of a kiss. After a few minutes of your lips barely grazing his skin, he starts to wiggle. You know his movements are to let out some of the tension building from your actions and you grin, happy to know the effect you have on him.
Finally, you decide to stop playing, and press a kiss directly to his pulse point. That alone has him releasing a groan, which you quickly swallow by slotting your mouth to his. He brings both his hands up to cup the sides of your face, and you begin to lazily make out.
You continue this for a while, content to just feel the way his lips press against yours, the way his tongue caresses your tongue, the way his fingers tangle through your hair. You’re in no rush, knowing you have the whole afternoon to enjoy each other.
Eventually you do begin to get worked up, and Harry’s hand moves to your leg, pulling it over his own. You’re straddling his right thigh and his lips start to press kisses to your neck.
His hands move to your waist, and he pushes down gently. You know that he wants you to press down on his thigh, use his leg for your own pleasure. You want to do that too, but instead of doing so, you pull back.
When he feels you pull away, he looks up at you, worried that he’d done something wrong. “What is it love, are you okay?”
“Yea, just, I want to move.”
“Of course, whatever you need.”
He pulls his hands off you, letting you shift where you want. You switch so that you’re now straddling his left leg instead of his right. Once you’re settled you put your hands back on his shoulders, giving him a look to let him know he can continue.
He’s confused; you can tell by the face he’s making that he doesn’t understand what just happened.
“Do you have a preferred leg?” he asks.
“Harry, I refuse to ride a tattoo of your ex-girlfriend’s name,” you state as though it should be obvious.
He immediately understands and barks out a laugh.
“I’m serious!”
“I know, love. I completely understand.”
“Thank you,” you say with a satisfied smile.
“Honestly, I’ve been trying to figure out how to cover it up but haven’t thought of a good idea.”
“You should just get some horns around it.”
“You know, cause the song Olivia isn’t complete because it never got the horns added in. So, add the horns here and say that’s what the tattoo is for.”
He pauses for a moment before saying, “You are an absolute genius.”
“I know.” You lean in so that your lips are right up against his ear. “Plus, I much prefer riding the tiger anyway.”
Harry lets out another groan at that, hands going back to your hips, and you pick up where you left off.
AN: I promise I'm working on You Can Start a Family chapter 10! But I got home from a long drive, saw the pictures from Italy and this idea popped into my head. I found it to funny not too write.
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