#has anyone ever had their arm half eaten by a fish?
sneakypunmaster · 1 year
Who doesn’t speak to the fish?
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What do you call a fish with no eyes? A fshhh!
I’m sorry @pillowspace but this is all I could think of when reading that part of chapter 4
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umbralsound-xiv · 1 year
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I will not deny that i was exhausted, but there is only so longer i can linger in a bed before my stomach gets the best of me. I left her with a kiss and the promise i would return as soon as i had eaten something...
Eir Fellfrost lazily dices a potato. He'd managed to peel the vegetable without too much incident, only nicking himself in the finger once. The gentle simmer of a pan hums atop the stove, the room otherwise quiet.
Mahi'a Tehrfel enters the building with a burst - entirely accidental if their hurried apologies to Naino were anything to go by. In response they make sure to close the doors ever so softly behind themselves, only then stopping to stare at the vastly altered decor. Wasn't there a fish tank there before? The sight held their attention for a remarkably long time until it was forced away, inspired to look for other differences with the apparent lack of other individuals around. That thought was quickly disproved as they headed to the stairs on the left, halting halfway down with a bright smile.
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "You're cooking! What a surprise, entirely out of character!"
An onion was his next victim. Turned on it's side, he slices it in half lengthways, pulling away the skin before running his knife though the segment. The sound of a door; he pauses, listening, holding his breath as dread briefly snared him. But when the sound of a long-unheard and familiar voice sounds, he halts. But footfalls prove him right, turning his head over his shoulder with an equally bright grin, abandoning the cookery for only a moment. "---Mahi'a!" Their name, the first thing out of his mouth as proof of friendship. "---It... It has been so long! It is... So good to see you." Despite the joyful turn, Eir's gaze flicks over their form, to ensure that they were, in fact, well.
I... I had never imagined it could have been them returning. I will not deny i harboured some small note of worry throughout the moons they were not in the house, but... I had no reason to assume they were in danger. They left to study, yes...?
I am glad to see such worries were unfounded!
Mahi'a Tehrfel's expression only lights up further at Eir's reaction. His response was enough of an invitation for Mahi'a, and they rush forward to wrap the Viera in a tight hug whether he like it or not. Clearly no thought had been put into Eir's cooking further than their initial comment, certainly not any thought towards whether he may be holding any sharp objects at all. "Has it? Here I thought the time would fly by for you! Don't you blink and it has been a few years? - That must make me incredibly special for you to miss me..." they go on without pause. They appear well altogether, albeit somewhat damp from the rain outdoors, the same excitement showing bright in their eye.
Eir Fellfrost is, thankfully, no longer holding anything otherwise pointed or onion shaped, both hands free to wrap his arms around Mahi'a in turn, giving them a squeeze, briefly settling his head on their shoulder. "--No, i have the blessing, or curse, of feeling every single moon i am alive. But it is mostly a blessing, these suns." He smiles, offering a short hum as he pulled away. Thankfully the only thing that bubbled away was rice, the other pan yet to be heated; nothing in any kind of immediate peril. "You are my -friend-, Mahi'a. Of course you were missed. You have been well, i hope? You have been... Studying, yes?"
Mahi'a Tehrfel remains happily oblivious to any kind of cooking disaster that had been narrowly avoided by Eir's actions. They keep their firm hold on Eir up until the point he tries to pull away, ever so graciously releasing his grip yet offering nothing else in terms of personal space. "A blessing! That's good, it means everything has been going well?" they ask quickly, finally taking the chance to eye Eir over in return. "I have missed you too! I wondered if anyone would be lingering outside of their quarters, I'm so very glad I came across you! Not that I would be -displeased- to see anyone else - well, that may be a small lie," they pause for a second, then discard the thought. "Studying! A fair bit, yes, it has been interesting. Much better than I thought. What have you been doing!"
Eir Fellfrost: "Save for a few scrapes here and there, all has been remarkably well. Peaceful, even, dare i say it." Though he meant it, the tone carried some small hesitation. Eir does not seek to move any further from Mahi'a, but does spare a glance to the pan, and back. "I came to make breakfast." A pause. "...Lunch, now, i suppose. I slept both too long, and not long enough. What were you studying?" He asks, curious, before adding. "---We went to the East, some moons ago."
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "Peaceful?" Mahi'a repeats, appearing almost aghast by the description - quickly enough their smile returns to disprove any kind of serious response. "I thought you said it was good, not boring!" Chiding aside they give a small laugh, briefly following his attention to the nearby pan, as if surprised to be reminded of its existence. Not that it lasts long, they quickly return to focusing on Eir intently like nothing else is present in the room. Mahi'a gives a small hum to the question, this pause lengthier than any other as they try to put as much care into a response as possible. "Thaumaturgy," is their first attempt at a reply, and a little more silence follows before they elaborate. "Mostly thaumaturgy! Controlling aether far better than I had before, it feels a lot more purposeful now. There were some casualties, but that's fine! I've been told it happens. Nothing to worry about there."
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "What was the East like? Did you eat noodles, like the ones Aethwyn makes? I always wanted to know if his were authentic or not."
Eir Fellfrost: "Peaceful. Contracts and the like have still been happening, but nothing quite so... Volatile. That is to say, everyone has returned relatively unscathed, or at least able to be mended in the infirmary." Eir flashes a smile, setting a hand briefly on Mahi'a's shoulder before he returns to cooking, more than able to continue both that and the conversation, occasionally looking over his shoulder to them when the knife wasn't so dangerously close to his fingers. "Thaumaturgy. I know little of it. A... Friend, some many cycles ago was well versed. But i have little more than a teaspoon of aether on my own, and so the thought never crossed my mind so much. I had not known you were so gifted." At the mention of casualties, his brow knits, a little concerned as he glanced back. "...Casualties...?" He dares to ask, moving onto a brighter topic. "The East was lovely. A beautiful land, and pleasant people, for the most part. Though Sayuri mentioned that could very well be because i am a Viera, and it was the year of the rabbit." A pause. "...I ate some during my time there, but have not tried his. Sadly, i could not give a verdict." He grins, half amused.
Mahi'a Tehrfel releases a long sigh at the continued description of peace, followed by a quiet laugh. "I suppose that is good, yes! As long as something has been happening, most people being well is important," they agree. Somewhat. Once Eir moves away there's a hint of disappointment in their expression, and they ensure it doesn't last as they step aside to lean against the counter. Close enough to watch what the Viera is doing, but perhaps not enough to be directly in the way. "Have you seen me use it? I might not be gifted, you don't know!" they say with a grin. "...I would like to think I am, though. At least if I keep practicing, which I intend to! It's almost felt like a little bit of a relief to use to again, to feel like I know a little more about it than simply following instinct. That hasn't gone too well in the past." To whatever memories come from that, they shake their head. Thankfully Eir's hesitant inquiry was enough to distract them, and they laugh again. "I melted my gun. I've been told it happens - not with firearms, usually, maybe I should be proud of that part?" they offer, incredibly entertained by the idea. "Lucky timing for your trip! I imagine they would be nice anyway. Hopefully. It's a fun coincidence! ...And I am amazed you have avoided his noodles, I feel like they are forced on me every time I see him. That is no matter, I'm sure the ones you had were much better! Just don't tell him I said that."
Eir Fellfrost continues to chop and dice onion, and this, along with the potato, is set in the pan, a hiss of a sizzle as it comes into contact with the oil. "I.. Do not think i have. But then, i do not think i have ever seen you fight. Considering my place is off and away from the battlefield." A pause, as he considers, murmuring quietly. "...A contract was posted this morning. There are not so many details, but..." He does not speak on it much, more than happy to divert from the subject. "...You melted your gun?" A bewildered glance is given, and whatever question he had next somewhat failed him. "...I... I would ask how, but i do not think i would understand even if you explained it at length. Are -you- okay?" He tries to imagine, a firearm melting into a puddle, and the sheer force needed to do it. "...Lucky timing indeed. I even ended up performing. In the Mujikoza, no less."
It was exciting! To speak of our respective time away. I suppose that is a good thing in absence; the tales we tell when we once again find ourself in the company of the other. It heartens me to know they have been not only well, but such an absence has been productive.
Mahi'a Tehrfel sways a small amount where they are leaning, looking from Eir to his cooking curiously while listening along. The mention of a contract, however, has their gaze immediately fix back on Eir in delight. "I know! - No. I don't know, I didn't. What's the contract? Maybe I should wait to find out, but a hint would be nice... I wonder if I can go..." their words ramble on for a short while, far beyond noticing Eir's displeasure at bringing it up in the first place. "I did," they say at first, with a surprisingly solemn turn. When they speak again it's as if it was never there at all. "It was curious! I hadn't expected it. Hmm. No, I had expected it a bit, it was never made for what I was using for. I'm probably lucky that it didn't happen before! And I was in the process of commissioning another weapon at the time, so it was only a short wait to have something usable once more. Very lucky indeed! It didn't even hurt very much at the time. Did you know metal can -evaporate-? It's a tremendous sight." They finish, fairly dreamy within the event of recalling the event. "What's a Mujikoza? Is it important?"
Eir Fellfrost: "I... Do not see why not? I know little of it, but it only says to be prepared, and that to dress for non-spoken combat. So i suppose that is a relief, in that they are not fighting people. I see no reason why the... commander, would not let you attend..." Though as he trails, he pulls his lips into a short frown, then regarding the food. He slowly reaches for a spice jar, hesitating... "Glad to know that you are not left without arms to defend yourself with. The scent of melting metal is..." His nose is briefly wrinkled at the memory, which he pushes back down into his thoughts. "...What... Were you using it for, if you do not mind my asking?" Spices are opened and hastily added without any kind of measurement, re-settling the jars back on the rack. "It is a... Grand sort of theatre. A stage. They host all kinds of performances, plays, singing... Dances. Some wealthy man asked me to dance for a crowd; and quite the crowd is was." He hums, quietly. "...Good coin for it, too."
Mahi'a Tehrfel nods enthusiastically, more so with the confirmation that it will not be against people. "That is fantastic! I will have to pay attention for when the briefing is, what a good thing to return to. No downtime needed at all!" they say with glee. It is cut somewhat short as this time they note Eir's frown, pausing to tilt their head at him. "Is something wrong?" For the first time their voice betrays a small amount of sincere uncertainly, not at all sure what to make of Eir's body language. "That... the gun, right. It is usually better to channel the aether through a weapon of some kind, it helps in terms of concentration and focus on your spellwork! Plus, if something goes wrong, it's the weapon that explodes or melts instead of you! Very handy. Usually these things are metal, and different kind of metals react better depending on their structure and any treatment they have had. My gun wasn't made for anything like that, so the more aether that was used..." Mahi'a splays their fingers in a small gesture of an explosion, then smiles again. "That is incredible! The coin is a bonus, of course, but they must have appreciated your talents greatly!"
Eir Fellfrost: "Nothing... Wrong." He confirms, a faint yet worried smile on his features. He slowly stirs the pan of frying vegetables, tossing them up in the air briefly to ensure each diced cube got an even coating. "I just... I worry, yes? My friends and those i care for, running into a battlefield. I know you will all likely be fine. But it does not stop me worrying." The pan is set down, now rummaging in the icebox for something. "...You usually need a... Focus of some sort for aether, yes? I have seen mages, with their staffs and staves. Conjurers, too. You are telling me you attempted to use a firearm for such a thing, and it... Melted?" He blinks, a little startled by the mere idea of it. "...And i should like to think so. The crowd seemed pleased enough. They even gave me the outfit they had tailored for me, to keep."
Mahi'a Tehrfel eyes him somewhat suspiciously at first, not quite believing him, or the connection he had provided for his behaviour in the first place. As much as it pained them, they moved the thought aside not to pry any further - for now. "I know! I know, but someone has to do it, right? That is why the jobs are taken in the first place! If not people who are more suited to fighting, other people might get hurt..." they trail off, frowning at the idea. "Yes, focuses! They're very important, usually combined with the weapons themselves. That's why many staffs or... whatever people choose, actually, are adorned with crystals, or include cores of bone and so on! Well, that's for thaumaturgy. I think conjurers prefer wood and those kind of things, I don't really know about that," Mahi'a waves a hand dismissively.  "But, yes! The gun melted. It didn't have any suitable focus in it regardless. The new one I am getting has a crystalline coating on the chamber, as well as a taurus bone core in the grip. It should fare better, and even so I am enjoying using the staff for now! It's very different, once the firearm is completed it will be interesting to compare the two. I imagine the staff will always fare better in terms of aetheric use, it simply has better attributes, but the gun will do in a pinch if I need something easier to travel with!" Mahi'a nods happily to Eir, as much as they eagerly ramble about their own work they're quick to show their interest in his own trip. "Really! Can I see one day? That's such a wonderful gift to receive, as if the memory wasn't enough!"
Eir Fellfrost: "...I.. Suppose they do. I know it is for the best, that the contracts are taken by capable people who can ensure the least harm done. It would be somewhat silly of me to join a mercenary company and then complain that people had to go fight things." Another flicker of a smile, and some attempt to comfort himself. "Hm... I did not know there was so much difference between the makings of them both. I knew only that they were essential for spellcasting, but little else otherwise. But i suppose it makes sense, each art does differ greatly from what it can and cannot do, at least from what i have seen. And at the very least, you need not wait so long for a replacement, and a hopefully more suitable one at that. Did you choose the materials yourself, or... Was it by a reccomendation?" Eir checks on the rice, and quickly removes it from the heat. "Of course you can. During the renovation, they even put in a stage. They have never explicitly mentioned it was intended for me, but there is no reason i cannot use it. They plan to open this to the public, for both food and drink, so i hear." A tilts of his head towards Mahi'a, then. "...I do not suppose you are hungry, from your travels?"
Mahi'a Tehrfel nods to him, hopefully comforting enough! Yet they are quickly moving on to the next thought in record timing. "Conjurers are more in tune with nature and the elementals! So it makes sense that they would use a more natural focus. A budget white mage -" They quickly grimace at the thought they hadn't meant to say out loud, or perhaps what had continued afterwards. "Yes. Yes! It was half and half, I took recommendations and then went out to gather what I thought was necessary. That ended up making it cheaper, and... hm. I don't know! It feels better knowing I had a hand in how it was made in one way or the other. I did the same with the staff too," they explain, looking over to view the rice Eir had been cooking. "I knew a lot about what materials would be good in terms of a focus, not so much the general make-up of the weaponry. All of the rest is beyond me! I shan't be a weaponsmith anytime soon, that is for sure." Mahi'a gives him a smile. "The... renovations? Oh. The house, here? I haven't seen all, it has appeared very different so far! Seeing you dance here would be lovely, and - Where did they put all of the fish?" they ask, with a small amount of fleeting concern. "I - Hm. I am a bit hungry. Did you make too much food again? Or is this a convenient excuse?"
Eir Fellfrost: "Suppose that does make sense. And Thaumaturges aligned more with... I do not know. More destructive magicks, i suppose, they need other such things, bones, jewels, as you say." He nods, somewhat surprised he'd managed to grasp it, though that could be in part to Mahi'a's explaination. "There is always some joy in making things for yourself, i suppose. I have no such skill besides food; everything i have has either been purchased or made for me. Suppose it makes it more... Sentimental?" Having retrieved it from the icebox earlier, cream is poured into the pan along with a vibrant red puree from a jar, creating a vibrant, flavourful mixture. "Yes. Upstairs is something of a... Library garden? And down here is a bar, and a kitchen." He chuckles faintly, at the mention of the fish. "...There is still a tank of them in the lobby. But some of the bigger ones were relocated into the fountain." Two plates, then, are plucked from the rack. "...I have long since given up on making any size of small portion when it comes to food. But with a house full of people, it is likely to all get eaten." One person came to mind in particular, a small sigh from Eir's nose at the thought of them.
I am almost surprised -he- is not here, considering my cookery. For once, he leaves me to my task in the kitchen, and i do not have to continually look over my shoulder or endure his prying.
I am sure he will find the leftovers later.
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "Yes, destruction!" Mahi'a announces gleefully, managing to sound far more unhinged than they likely intended to. "No asking elementals, using your own aether to rain down devastation on your enemies! In the past that tended to involve Black Magic or even Voidsent though those practices are... somewhat frowned upon now..." their tone turns disappointed temporarily, and they shrug. "Anyway! Sentimental, personal. It's good to have a bigger connection to it, I imagine even more so with your cooking and dancing! It comes from you, and offering to others is... something much more powerful in itself! They are exceptional talents to have," Mahi'a insists. Meanwhile they watch Eir's cooking with intrigue, not at all sure of what he was pouring into the pan, but it at least -smelled- nice. Though that was the case with anything involving fried onions. Mahi'a's head bobs while watching the cooking continue. "Library garden... I will have to see. And check the fountain for the bigger fish. But maybe they don't recognise me after it has been so long..." they mourn, jokingly. Of course it was jokingly, they weren't entirely sure how long they had been gone at all. "Well! If you have enough, I would appreciate some. Your cooking is always amazing, I'd be a fool to turn it down when offered."
Eir Fellfrost: "...I suppose. Cooking and dancing are very different things. Suppose the things i create are always a little more... Transient in nature. But that does not detract from their worth." He piles rice onto two plates, and ladles out the spiced vegetables, offering one to Mahi'a with a smile. "...I had not realised you were so attatched to the aquarium." He laughed, opting to pass them and make for the table. "So you are back... On a more... Permanent basis? Or is it a flying visit?" Eir asks. Some hope clung to his tone, as he regarded the Keeper with a glance he fought not to be pleading.
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "Very different! But they are both for people, yes? It's nice to be able to give people things, good food, entertainment, especially when it is tailor made for individuals or an audience! It's personal," Mahi'a goes on dreamily. Their grin returns quickly as the place of food is offered, and they are happy to follow Eir out into the dining area. "Thank you! - I am not sure! I think permanently? I have made plans to travel a little more, though nothing as long..." Mahi'a thinks about that, then nods to confirm their own statement while sitting down. "Small things. It will be good to stay here again!"
Eir Fellfrost: "It will be good to see you on a more frequent basis. I have missed speaking with you..." He takes a forkful, speaking between bites. "Any particular place you will go? Or have you yet to decide? I plan to go to Thavnair... Soon. Though i am not so sure on exactly when."
Mahi'a Tehrfel immediately becomes distracted from their food by Eir's compliment, smiling warmly in surprise. "You have! Honestly, I was a little worried you would be grateful for the break! It wouldn't be the first time I have heard that, but... I am glad. So very happy. I have missed you a lot, it is more than enough encouragement to stay knowing you feel the same way!" they announce joyfully. "Thavnair... are you going with Sayuri again?" Mahi'a tilts their head at their own question, then nods. "Back to Coerthas for a little bit, maybe just a day or two. Nowhere as exciting as your plans!"
Eir Fellfrost: "Greatful for the--- Mahi'a!" Eir half chides, laughing. "No, absolutely not. Long i might live, but i never tire of spending time with friends. Asides. I still need to find a suitable stuffed animal and a story with it, yes?" He lofts a brow, amused for the promise he had made moons ago, now. "Yes, with Sayuri. The East was her home, and she showed me much of it. It is a beautiful land, if... Not something of a sad tale in places. But i do not regret seeing it, if only to understand and learn." Another forkful hastily taken to silence himself, as to hide the awkward silence as he thought and spoke, and any expression he might have given for it. "Thavnair was my home, once. And in turn, i would like to show her all the things that brought me joy in my younger cycles." Humming, he slowly furrows his brow; in thought, rather than anything so negative. "I... Have never been to Coerthas. I know only that it is somewhat inhospitable. In weather and people, both."
...Though, i am no stranger to the snow. Though any suitable clothes i have are...
...I will have to purchase some new overcoats, perhaps.
Mahi'a Tehrfel can't help but laugh along with Eir, either not harbouring their doubts too deeply or quick to move on before they become a problem. "I will hold you to that!" they joke with a grin. "And you do! Yes, I have not forgotten. It was a -promise-, I am expecting only the best! And a suitable animal to add to my collection. Not that there are many animals in it, but one would... kind of fit..."
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "That is good. Seeing a little bit of either of your histories, how nice," Mahi'a states, initially struggling to put quite as much enthusiasm into their compliments. "Hopefully it shall be a good trip for you both! Do have fun there." With that they only nod once again, finally recalling the plateful of food Eir had so kindly provided them, taking a forkful of it appreciatively. "Coerthas is not that bad... cold, yes, that is why you wrap up warm! And the people are fine! Maybe the Elezen can be a little difficult, but that is Ishgard's influence for you. If you met my father's family you would know they are lovely! Not at all as closed off."
Eir Fellfrost: "Only the fluffiest, softest of stuffed animals." Eir retorts, head inclined with a smirk. "...And i have been doing much in the ways of reading in my spare time, so a suitable story would not be far behind." A few more forkfulls of curry and rice see him mull over his words. "It should be. I.. Learned my home stands, still, after so long. So..." The hesitance makes another arrival, opting for another bite. "...You are from Coerthas?" Eir asks, a little curious. "...I did not know Miqo'te hailed from such a place."
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "You are raising my hopes for this fabled animal even further! I hope you understand the consequences of your actions, I will be judging how all of this goes..." Mahi'a jests with a laugh. "You're so prepared! I didn't expect this, how exciting. The time is coming, but what promises will there be afterwards? You'll have to make some request of me to make all of this fair, I wonder what it shall be..." Mahi'a sways thoughtfully where they are sat, eating a little more. "It does? Oh, the memories! I hope that everything goes very well when you are there," they say, with a soft smile. "I am from - near enough Coerthas! The mountains nearby, a bit further than my family as a whole. But yes! Miqo'te are from all over, in small numbers outside of the typical areas, anyway... I think some must have been driven out as Coerthas changed, but many of my kin remained."
Eir Fellfrost: "Well, hopefully such a thing will be deemed worthy. How could you say no, to those little button eyes, Mahi'a?" Eir teases, chuckling at the thought. "...Prepared enough! Though i have been reading a book about Eorzean faerie tales. At least half of them are ominous and dark to some degree, and i was hoping for something... Nicer." His head bobs a little at the mention of Coerthas, and Miqo'te. "...Suppose that makes sense, considering. Some are not so like to give up their home. You must be more than used to the cold by now, then. I have yet to venture; with little need for work, either that set by Mist, or my own dancing. Something makes me think they may not appreciate me dancing about half-dressed in the middle of the street." A face, then. "...Nor would i, come to think of it. A little -too- cold, in places."
While it is no secret i have grown increasingly fond of the cold, there is some significant difference to my opinion depending on the source of it.
The cold that surrounds Sayuri is akin to a gentle breeze, on most occasions. A cool wind in an oppressive Thavnairian summer. The first fleeting snowflakes of a blizzard.
That of the commander feels like standing beneath an impending avalanche.
Coerthas... I do not know. Garlemald was cold enough. Bitter, and devoid of all warmth, save for that made by your own hands.
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "It is not myself who will take offence! It will be all of the others, will the Ahriman accept them? It's hard to say... I will, of course, love whatever you come up with," Mahi'a insists, then pauses to watch Eir. "...What kind of tales?  Can I borrow this book after you tell me the story you pick? It could be interesting to see what is there, and I have been wanting to try and read a little more fiction work. I have found it can actually be somewhat fun..." Mahi'a nods, even if they do pull a small face at a thought that trails it. "I think I am used to the cold! I lived there for quite a while, and Ishgard itself once I was able. I much prefer it over the heat, easier to deal with, the heat just... permeates everywhere..." They shudder. "Ul'dah could be bad enough at the wrong time! But if you were to dance there, you could dance indoors! They at least heat their buildings comfortably."
Eir Fellfrost: "The... Ahriman?" Eir at least now knows the context of stuffed animal he should get, marking the fact with a short nod. "Tales of creatures in the woods. Strange dissappearences, moogles -- Plenty of cautionary tales. Though i suppose they -are- only stories. When i have read it, i will bring it to you. You... Do not read a lot of fiction?" He asks, now more than halfway through his meal. "...I prefer warmer weather, but do not mind so much for either. Warm is pleasant if you have somewhere to shelter from the sun, and the cold the inverse, if you have somewhere to warm up. I am not... Opposed to dancing in Ishgard, only that i do not think my art to be so... Appreciated, there. Each i have met has seemed a little... Mm..." He doesn't seem to have the right word for it; at least one that isn't an outright insult. "...Save for perhaps Mist. But i do not know her well."
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "I would like to see what you have found! That sounds... curious. It could be interesting," Mahi'a determines before shaking their head. "Not really, they're..." They pause, then sound as if they are mimicking someone. "A waste of time! How do you expect to further your knowledge when stories are all you read? What power will you gain from that?" They lapse into laughter afterwards, privy to some unspoken joke. Once calmed some, they attempt to return their attention back to the conversation at hand. "Ah - ah! Yes. You're right. I am not sure how they would react either, honestly, there must be some who would enjoy it! Though that doesn't make it sound as lucrative as anywhere else you can dance..." Mahi'a sighs. "Most are conceited and insular at best, yes..."
Eir Fellfrost: "...And who told you that, hm? Goodness, should you ever read for fun or some other such thing. Pursuits of enjoyment are just as important as pursuits of the mind. What else would we do for fun, when it came to reading?" By the tone, Eir had surmised at the very least that Mahi'a was imitating something said previous to them. "...They would hire me, should they want me. Though my time is a little less plentiful towards the end of this sennight. Much to do. And i should not shirk my practise for Moonfire as i did last cycle." A small, simpering smile is given to that. "...Perhaps in time, i will go to Ishgard. It has been so long since i have seen snow proper."
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "I do plenty of things for fun," Mahi'a states, instantly defensive of the implication. "Just not always that kind of reading. I still like reading! This is why I have so many books. I have read all of them - I think. I'm pretty sure." They go on to grumble rather half-heartedly, all the way avoiding answering Eir's one and only question. Hopefully with all of their talking it is enough of a distraction to take away from it in the first place. "Alright! That is fair, it's much more important to you. Perhaps in the future I should take you to Coerthas and Ishgard in turn, then! It could be a fun trip. No responsibilities needed, only snowpeople, snowballs... if you haven't been, I wonder if you have done anything close to sledding? That is fun too!"
Eir Fellfrost: "I suppose that is fair; reading and learning can be just as fun as reading for leisure. I had not quite meant it like that. What else do you do for fun?" He asks, though quietly tucks away a note to ask about the collection of books in more detail, sometime. "...I would not be adverse to it. But i would surely need to go shopping for some warmer wear beforehand. Fond of the cold i am, but i would not like to invite frostbite." A small chuckle, musing at the idea. "It sounds fun."
Mahi'a Tehrfel hums softly, putting their thoughts in line. "I like to travel. And find out whatever I can from where I go, everywhere is so different, it is fun to learn the history and how it has developed over time. How they are now... as well as simply see the sights. I do need to travel more, even for all my time away I have lapsed in that for my other interests." Mahi'a smiles. "Though they are fun too! I love learning more about how I can manipulate aether. Though for more... traditional forms of fun, I suppose! I like different games. Board games! There are so many smaller, niche games out there, maybe I should start trying to collect them as I collect books! Then I could play with others in the company..." They smile at the thought. "Yes! Get properly prepared and then we can have a trip, then maybe wander Ishgard... for as... unwelcoming as it can be, there are some very lovely places there!"
Eir Fellfrost: "Travelling is pleasant, though... A little daunting on occasion. I enjoy travel for the food, for the most part. Sightseeing, too. The sights in the East were perhaps my favourite; there was a valley where each pool carried a different colour of water. I still... Have yet to find a book telling me why." He considers, finally finishing his meal. "I... Have never played so many. Cards, from time to time, but nothing with too complex a ruleset. But i am sure there would be many people who would enjoy playing with you, should you find something." Another short nod of his head, considering. "...What is your favourite thing about Ishgard? Aside from it being cold, insular, and full of dragons... I do not know so much about it, save for that is where Sayuri and the commander go to train." He fought, to keep the disdain away from 'commander', something he had well practised in the last few moons.
Mahi'a Tehrfel happily nods along in agreement. "It is very fun! For all you can experience, different people, food! Sights... the water sounds curious," they add, as much as compliment as that portion can gain. "Hopefully you shall find out! Would you want to play the games with me too if I learned how they worked? I would like to spend more time with you like that! They may have fairly easy rules, after all."  Mahi's grants him a bright smile. "The people may be insular, but they are interesting! They don't want to talk to outsiders, but they can be convinced, that challenge in itself is so much fun! I enjoy where the city is itself more than all. I have climbed up the walls more often than not, looking over the Sea of Clouds. While there's a city behind you, there is nothing below and ahead then a blanket of white. Even on the clearest day there is no indication of the ground far below, if it exists. It's incredible to see."
Eir Fellfrost: "...I would not mind learning, though it has been a while since i did anything like it. If you find a fitting game, i would gladly play it with you." He smiles, the thought of simpler things bringing him some comfort. "That sounds... A little alarming. But i would still like to see it. I have never..." He pauses. "...I have never seen somewhere quite like that... Even for all of my long cycles. Ishgard sounds much more interesting than first thought. Perhaps i should ask Mist about it, the next she calls on me for work. Maybe she too, will have suggestions?"
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "I will look out for a good game for us to play! At the very least, there is something alike dragonchess that we can play - simply at its heart! There are more complicated tactics to something like that, though I have had no reason to learn them. We'd be on a somewhat even playing field if you got used to it," Mahi'a smiles to Eir. "It's incredible! Especially at sunrise or sunset, when all of the clouds above and below become pink and orange... Sure, it takes some effort to get a good view, but it is worth it!" Their excitement grows further at his suggestion and they nod eagerly. "Yes! She will know better than most, I'd wager. When I return to Coerthas I can also look into it a little, look what those visiting tend to go for - tourists, right?"
Eir Fellfrost: "...Such is the name of people who visit for fun, i suppose. I mind not for being a tourist." Eir laughs. "And i would learn the rules, it if meant we could play together. Dragonchess..." He echoed. "I do not think i have heard of it. But i have never been much of a tactician, so i should think the playing field skewed somewhat in your favour."
Mahi'a Tehrfel laughs and nods. "It does require a lot of tactics, yes! Though I wouldn't say I am the best at them, not when controlling more than one thing at a time. It is a lot and easy to get focused on one area or another... Maybe you will surprise yourself and end up with a talent for it! I imagine it will be good fun to try at least once." With a smile. they add: "And after all, I will be looking for other games! Ones we are both new to will be nice and fair in the long run."
Eir Fellfrost: "Even if i am bad at it, that does not mean i cannot have fun, hm? I was not a natural when it came to dancing, but that came with practise. I will enjoy it either way." He hums, content for the conversation before he battles off a yawn. "Perhaps i will look for them on my travels, too. Now that i know you have an interest, hm? I go a good many places with my dancing and duties."
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "Exactly! Most of them take a fair amount of learning to feel like you know what is happening, or that you're at all -good- at the game," Mahi's agrees. "That would be lovely! I am not sure what games they have elsewhere, perhaps something vastly different to what we can find around here! It would be good to give them a try if they exist. What a good idea."
Eir Fellfrost beams. "And perhaps when i go to Thavnair, i will see if there is anything i can bring back from my travels, then. There was a game my..." He trails, almost hesitant for a moment. "...That others used to play, with a board and pieces, but i do not recall the name." He rises to his feet, to collect the finished plates, carrying them off towards the sink.
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "Yes! I would love to see what they may have there, perhaps you will find what you can remember! At that point, it shall be your responsibility to teach me about the game, even a small amount of experience would make you the expert..." Mahi's grins and rises up from their seat, watching Eir progress around the kitchen. They do follow after a short pause, however they make the choice to scale the bar rather than go through the doorway as normal. "I might go and check on my room soon enough! I have a few things I need to put away - as well as... some things I may need to remove from the room. You're going to be around for a while, aren't you?"
Eir Fellfrost turns his head to find the clatter that was, in fact, Mahi'a's way of entering the kitchen. Eir stares a little incredulously, but his expression soon softens as his friend draws to his side. "A fair plan; you should tidy before i come visit to read to you." He laughs, turning on the faucet to wash the plates. "I do not plan to leave for Thavnair for... Some moons, at least. I will let you know before i plan to leave. But before then, if i am absent, i am simply going about my duties, and will return, soon enough."
Mahi'a Tehrfel pays no mind to the look Eir gives them, stopping beside him and his washing up. They do briefly look a little guilty at the sight, interrupted by their own laugh. "Right! Do you not think my room is tidy? I am doing my best in there! I swear my belongings have a mind of their own, every time I go in they are in a different place..." They almost appear sincerely troubled by this comment. Eir doesn't get too long to see it, though, as Mahi'a quickly goes to capture him in a new hug, washing up or not! "Good! Then we shall see plenty of each other in the near future! I will warn you when I am going off on my travels, too."
Eir Fellfrost: "I--- I never said that! My own room can be prone to chaos on occasion, and i like it to be well kept when i am expecting guests!" He laughs, half surprised at the hug but no sadder for it. Hands full of plates and soap, he doesn't quite return one properly, opting simply to lean into them. "Then, i will see you soon, hm? Book and stuffed animal in hand, if not somewhere else in the house." He grins.
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "Your room -has- been remarkably tidy when I have visited...." Mahi'a comments, mentally comparing the two. Not that there was much to consider, the two rooms differed vastly in terms of tidiness. While their hug had been a surprise, they don't linger for too long to disrupt his cleaning, a quick squeeze before they release the Viera once again. "You will! I... will leave you for now, then! Especially is there is a potential contract. Thank you for the food!"
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "And... you cleaned up...next time you should let me clean up!"
Eir Fellfrost huffs quietly. "...You do not have to. The cooking was just a little kindness, and you happened to be here. But i will allow it." He smiles, though it pains a little at the mention of the contract. "...Of course. You should take time to prepare. Do... Be careful, yes, Mahi'a?" A pause, as his head tilts. "...I will see you soon enough, i am sure."
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "It was a kindness I would like to repay! And... as I am still working on cooking, if I can help with the cleaning up then that would be a little help!" Mahi'a gives him a bright smile. "I will be careful! I am always careful. And I will see you later, I am sure! Take care in the meantime!"
Eir Fellfrost smiles warmly, finishing the dishes and setting them to dry. "...And you, Mahi'a. Best of luck, hm?" He offers a short wave, drying his hands on the towel.
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "Thank you! Have a good evening, Eir, I look forward to talking to you again!"
It is... So nice, to have them back. It is a known fact i do not make friends so easily. But with Mahi’a..?
It was as simple as telling them that we were friends. That we were friends, and so long as that was the case, we would enjoy the company of the other.
...Coerthas. That should be... Interesting, if nothing else. It will be a pleasant way to spend time, too.
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rhinestone eyes
PAIRING: Rich Boy!Eren x Fem!Reader
WARNINGS [present+future]: infidelity, dubcon, gaslighting, manipulative and toxic behavior, toxic relationship, sexual content, yandere tendencies, suggestive hand-holding
part one
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There's a sneer on Eren's face as green eyes behind Versace aviators glide over your form, staring you up and down. His gaze is so penetrative, it makes your teeth chatter. Maybe he was just checking you out. Maybe he was scrutinizing every blemish.
You suddenly feel so very small in your tennis skirt, the tight collared shirt stretching over your breasts, and wished that today out of all days wasn't when you decided to dress a little more stylish.
"Fancy seeing you here." His voice is nonchalant but there's a tone of humor that accompanies his brisk words. How long would it be until he laughs at you?
He scowls, "Are you mute or something? Why aren't you greeting me back properly?"
"Eren," You took a deep breath, "What are you doing in Paris?"
It occurs to you that you've never seen him out of his uniform before. He's wearing a light blue button-down, half the buttons left unfastened, polo shorts, an expensive black watch glittering on his wrist, silver rings on his slender fingers, and a thin silver chain dangling around his neck.
He's also acquired a new piercing, industrial, judging by the bar across his ear. The silver glints harshly under the sun.
"Are you done burning holes through me?"
You blush, embarrassment coloring your cheeks: "No, I'm just surprised." You tucked a loose lock of hair behind your ear, "Didn't expect to run into anyone I knew in another country."
You were just taking a pleasant walk in the acclaimed Champs-Élysées, the avenue every bit as a picture-perfect postcard as it had been described.
"Have you eaten?" The question is spoken with a sigh like he couldn't believe he was asking you this, and you couldn't either.
"Oh, um, no?" You responded, bewildered.
He runs a hand through his dark hair, which reached the nape of his neck by now: "I know a cafe around here. Let's get brunch. We'll talk there."
You don't know what possessed you to nod but you did so, trying to match his quick and long strides. The walk was silent, presumably because the two of you were saving your burning questions for the cafe.
He rolls his eyes when you stutter through your French. He raises a hand, and simply tells the waiter his order and dismisses him. His French is flawless and you're tempted to ask him how it's so good, but you already know the answer. Probably had hordes of tutors to help him.
Merci Monsieur
"Wait," You remark to Eren, "I didn't order."
"I ordered for us. Pain au chocolate, savory crepes, eggs, and ham. Coffee after. For me. Hot chocolate for you because you don't drink coffee."
Oh. That actually sounds good. How did he know your beverage preferences?
He fishes out a cigarette from his pocket, skinny and hand-rolled, "So what are you doing here? No offense but you don't exactly seem like you can afford a vacation to France. "
Now is your turn to sigh. You've nearly forgotten how blunt he could be: "Here on an internship. For art" You supply.
"I assume you just regularly come to Paris every summer?"
He doesn't deny or verify your statement, "Something like that."
"So you're staying at a hostel or?" He asks, exhaling a thick cloud of smoke that makes your nose wrinkle.
The waiter comes by with food, and you turn to Eren with a sour look, "I sincerely hope you're not going to smoke while we're eating."
To your utter surprise, he ashes the cigarette. You were expecting a witty and mean retort at the very minimum, not silent compliance.
You pick up the earlier conversation, "Well, I'm actually staying with my boyfriend." You mummer the last word quietly but the viridian-eyed boy's ears are keen. You don't notice how his grip on the knife tightens.
"You're staying with your boyfriend?" He repeats.
You nod, "Yeah, he's an art student too."
The rest of the meal is completed in sparing small-talk and lengths of silence. But it's not awkward. It's weird. On one hand, having brunch with Eren Yeager in fucking Paris, heir to a billionaire pharmaceutical company should feel surreal, but it's strangely peaceful. You feel more at peace sitting across from him in France than you did when he sat next to you in homeroom.
When it's time to pay the check, Eren looks amused by the very notion of you digging into your purse.
"What kind of gentleman would I be if I let the lady pay?" His words are spoken with a teasing smile.
You roll your eyes but can't help a glimmer of a smile from peeking through on your lips, "Didn't take you much for a gentleman."
He tosses his black card on the bill, "You'd be surprised."
What's there left to do now? Is it time to part ways? There's a part of you that craves more but life has taught you to not be greedy when you already have so so much.
You dabble the corner of your lips with a napkin, "Well, this has been fun-"
"Wait, uh, do you wanna check out the Louvre? Since you're an art student and all, you might uh enjoy it."
You stare at him. Is he tongue-tied?
"You've probably there been a million times already."
"Yeah...but you haven't been, right?"
You blink before breaking into a smile that Eren is sure is going to give him heart palpations, so sunny and bright.
"I would love to!"
You guys check out Mona Lisa for the sheer novelty, and you're bouncing around the museum, oohing and ahhing at the chiseled statues and Renaissance paintings. There is so much history here, it blows your mind.
Eren finds himself watching you more than the paintings. You have this veneer of snark that you wrap around yourself like a protective gauze (maybe that's how you maintain your survival in a world of hyenas) but you're different now.
You're yourself. Watching you here come alive in unbridled enthusiasm, eyes widened in passion, makes him reach out to his pocket and fish for his disposable film camera. He doesn't know if he's ever seen anyone in his vapid life look like the way you do, so filled with a zest for things that are greater than themselves.
He wants to burn you into his memory, praying to all the gods that you won't notice when he takes a picture of you admiring a bust of a goddess. He slyly tucks his camera back into his pocket.
The world seems to stand still when you tug his hand to show him a painting, an expression of unadulterated wonder on your face. But when you realize you pulled his hand, you immediately drop it like hot coals.
Why do you look so worried? Why do you look so scared?
"You can hold my hand if you want. It's-it's okay." He can't believe he's gotten the words out.
You're taking too long, your hands still hanging limply by your side, an indiscernible expression on your pretty face. Eren doesn't understand why it makes him so mad, why your sudden hesitation grated his nerves. Deciding to make your choice for you, he grabs your hand, squeezing your palm as he flashes you the charismatic smile that's got him out of countless incidents.
He doesn't like the expression of worry marring your features. Where did the happy jovial girl go? Just a few seconds, you were poking him with sparkles in your eyes, "Look at this Eren!" and "So beautiful, right?"
He forces another smile: "Show me the painting you wanted me to see." Maybe it was meant to be a request but it comes out as a demand.
You cast a glance at your joined hands, his grip borderline painful. "O-okay."
You lead him across the floor, and Eren can feel the stares of people around him. They are smiling. An older woman utters a "Un si charmant couple."
You take him to a grand painting. It's haunting and dark, swirling with so many shades of dusty red from vermillion to scarlet. A pregnant woman lies reclined, arm hanging and head lolling. She appears to be asleep, and there is a cacophony of men around her portrayed in varying degrees of stress.
"Death of a virgin", you breathed.
Such a macabre name, Eren thought as he gazed longer into the painting. He loosens his grip on your hand, testing whether you would pull away.
You don't.
It's raining outside and you're giggling.
"Fuck" Eren swears, "I'll call a cab."
You're a vision drenched in rain. Your clothes are soaked, and he could see the outline of your bra from your thin shirt. But it seems like you don't even care.
"Let's just enjoy it!" You cry out. There are thick droplets stuck in between your eyelashes, and you smell like rain too. It's dangerous, he can see chords of purple lightning flash the sky, thunder booming, and it's like you're dancing, the way you move so effortlessly.
You hook his hands in yours, "Doesn't this feel good?"
He feels like all his sins are being washed away, all the impurities and muck that clung onto him after nineteen years of existence. His heart nearly jumps out of his throat every time he looks at you.
He cups your chin and kisses you. When he feels the threadbare resistance, he kisses harsher, tongue and teeth swallowing your protests, coaxing your mouth open with a skillful pinch to your nipple. He pulls away just before you feel like all your breath has been robbed.
You're stunned speechless, "Eren...I...h-have a boyf-"
He kisses you again. And this time you kiss back, holding nothing back.
taglist: @candy-hime @cinnamon-n-roses @forwardpair
inspo: @candy-hime's rich boy!shoto. the iconic golf club one <3
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ayo!! congrats on 666 <33 I'm not sure if its much of a request but I love how you wrote the demon kids personalities! I was wondering what kids of personalities you would see the other brothers kids having? Hypothetically of course (unless 👀)
BRO- I’ve actually been thinking about this for a while! Fan kids are fun to think about, what can I say? Now, these kids aren’t canon to the Awfully Familiar series, the HOL is crowded enough as is… but I hope you enjoy anyways!
(I’m giving all the kids names just so no one gets confused with which kid is whose)
Levi’s Kid
Uh let’s use probability to figure out how rare children of our snek boy are. The Otaku left the house (unlikely), spoke to a human being (very unlikely), did the devil’s tango with them (impossible)
I’m kidding, but seriously what the fuck why did this human exchange student look so much like Levi? Was that a tail? Hehehe… what a weird practical joke…
(I’m calling this MC Percy. Three guesses as to why)
Okay, onto the kiddo’s personality. I’m picturing them being REALLY hyped and REALLY enthusiastic about their hobbies and isn’t afraid to yammer about them. They’re good at what they do and they’re damn proud of it! They turn their envy into *~inspiration~* and get better at the things they enjoy doing!
In all fairness to Levi, it’s a bit easier for his kid because Percy isn’t literally being eaten alive and consumed by this sin every waking moment of his life… perks of being half human! :D
Percy loves swimming, and the ocean, and fish, and they brought a shark back from the beach- wait hang on a second-
It’s not uncommon for Levi to be hardcore gaming while Percy swims around in the fish tank.
The pair of them have a very good relationship, Percy is kind of Levi’s hero with how eager they are to get better at the things they love doing and how they almost never self pity spiral. The one issue is… ugh… Percy is a 🤢…. Sorry. Percy’s a 🤢 🤢-
Other than that, the two get along swimmingly. (Ba dum tisssss)
Percy’s reaction to Levi’s cool military titles is basically “WOAH! YOU HAVE BOATS?! CAN I GO ON ONE?!” And Levi would be a monster to decline.
Percy wore a pirate hat despite Levi telling them numerous times that they were a part of the navy, they CATCH pirates. Which are apparently still a big problem in the Devildom…
Also, Percy and Lotan absolutely adore each other. It makes Levi very happy
Satan’s Kid
Satan’s a pretty charming guy, and it’s canon that he’s amazing at seductive speech craft so it’s no surprise that he was able to seduce a human.
You know what is a surprise? The fact that Satan, the smart one, didn’t think to use protection! Like- DUDE I EXPECTED BETTER FROM YOU.
Whatever, anyway, when this kid slammed onto the floor of the assembly hall no one had time to react when the kid suddenly grew horns… and fangs… and a tail… OH FUCK THE KID WAS GOING THROUGH THEIR FIRST TRANSFORMATION WHAT THE FUCK-
(For simplicity’s sake, I’m going to call this kid Lyssa, mainly because of the meaning of the name)
The first thing Lyssa did was launch themselves straight at the first person they saw, and I ask you to guess exactly who sits in the middle seat of the assembly hall. That’s right… Satan… yay…
This kid nearly clawed his face off in the span of two seconds and it took Lucifer and Beel working together to drag them off of him and then Asmo had to step in to use his powers to calm them down. Well. That was eventful.
So Lyssa has a volcanic temper and they’re honestly really bitter and upset at everything, which is something that’s supposed to come in adult life, not so early. So what’s up with this kid? Well, when you’re born with a burning rage deep inside you that can be set off at even the slightest inconvenience and because of that everyone around you immediately assumes you’re dangerous or crazy can really do some damage to a kid.
So who oh who is Lyssa going to blame for this…? Hmmm… who is responsible for the anger? *Side eyes Satan*
“Wow, this kid is blaming me for passing down my wrath even though I couldn’t control giving it to them and if I had the choice I would have made sure they wouldn’t have to live with it and they’re mad at me for subjecting them to existence itself… wow this feels so bad :( who would treat someone like this..?” “*Dad sigh*”
The two of them do eventually get along. It’s actually Satan who extends the olive branch and offers to help them control their anger. As the two spend time together, Lyssa’s intense hatred slowly subsides.
So… what’s Lyssa going to do now? They’ve spent so much of their life being defined by their anger… who the fuck are they????? U-uh… cats! Cats! Lyssa likes cats! Is liking cats a personality? No? Okay… um… Music! Music is relaxing! Lyssa likes music! Um… um… ooo- look at that! They like space! And stars!
You knew what they don’t like? School. Lyssa doesn’t like learning in a controlled environment where they’re being told what to learn. Leave them alone so they can go read about space.
Beelzebub’s kid(s)
*munch* *munch* *chew* *chomp* huh, *chomp* why does the takeout- I mean the human look so much like him…? They’re his kid..? *choke* *cough* *cough* …Huh. Want some chips?
Surprisingly chill first meeting. Well, Beel and the kid were chill, everyone else was freaking the fuck out.
I’m calling this kid Pepper. Why? Fucking guess.
Pepper themselves is just… chill. They’re sort of like a capybara, their vibes are just so immaculate that everyone wants to hang out around them.
Unlike Beel, Pepper’s penchant for food mainly comes from “food is good.” instead of “my body is literally eating itself alive every second of the day and I need to be eating something at almost all times in order to stave off a rampage.” Beel is very happy that his kid doesn’t have to live with food constantly on the brain.
All was well until three days into the exchange program when Pepper asked at the dinner table “so when are we bringing my twin down here?”
…twin genes man… twin genes…
Second kid, I’m calling them Cane. (CANE PEPPER, GET IT?! GET IT?!) this kid is less like a capybara and more like a honey badger. They don’t give a shit.
Here’s the thing though… they’re identical twins.
Cane is basically Beel but smaller. They follow Beel to the gym and usually get stopped at the door. “Kids aren’t allowed in the gym.” Ha, the rules don’t apply to Cane, they just cross their arms and raise their eyebrows and whoever is stopping them just steps aside. Don’t fuck with the honey badger kid.
Pepper and Cane are super close though, but don’t ask if they have a telepathic link or something, Cane will fuck you up and Pepper won’t be able to stop them. (I know a pair of identical twins, and the amount of times they’ve been asked if they can read each other’s minds is enough to make anyone homicidal)
Belphegor’s kid
*squints* how’d this happen..?
Whatever. When Belphie’s kid woke up on the floor of the assembly hall everyone took one look at this kid and collectively went “shitballs”
Belphie was in the attic and his kid was wandering around the house like they ran the place! What the fuuuuuuuuck was Lucifer supposed to do with this????
Anyway, meet Arien.
Arien, how does one describe this little hellspawn? Well, one would call them the brood of Lucifer or the spawn of Satan but that would be false because this manipulative evil devil-child that crawled straight out of a teacher’s nightmares is BELPHIE’S kid. And it fucking SHOWS.
This kid won the demon/human genetic lottery and they’re going to make it everyone’s problem. Basically, they’re sin is sloth, but unlike Belphie, Arien’s is more voluntary, if that makes sense. They sleep and slack off because they like not doing work, not because they’re always tired. They have this sort of lazy relaxed facade that vanishes the second it’s not needed, it’s honestly kind of terrifying.
They quickly learn that if they just pretend to be having troubles with being constantly tired, the rest of the house will go easy on them if they miss their chores and schoolwork.
Jeez Louise when this kid met Belphie…
They both just stared at each other for a solid five minutes before anyone said anything. Belphie somewhat nervously started up his “oh woe is me get me out of here :(“ charade, and the kid played along for a few weeks, until of course, they got suspicious.
You remember how Belphie guilt spiralled with L!MC? Yeah imagine that but 40 times worse, and he hadn’t even done anything yet.
But yeah, blah blah blah Arien breaks Belphie out, they don’t die, family’s back together, happily ever after. But not quite. Arien’s “oh no I’m sorry I’m sleepy…” charade was found out and boy howdy was everyone pissed.
Surprisingly, it was Belphie who gave Arien the wake up thwack, but Arien called Belphie out on his laziness so Belphie was forced to become a better example.
The way they fixed Ari’s behaviour? Extra chores, extra schoolwork, extra everything, and the boys did nothing to help. Basically, “this is how we felt! Deal with it!”
It worked… thankfully.
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clairecrive · 3 years
Billy idea that I have no time to write myself loool: reader and Billy are friends with benefits. Reader is happy with the arrangement and knows Billy is sleeping with other women but she doesn't care. It's not serious with them. Billy however hadn't really thought about Reader sleeping with other people and he finds out. Maybe from friends (Frank, Curtis and Karen because hello AU) or maybe all of them are out at a bar and he sees her go home with someone else? But he gets suuuuper jealous about it and realises he wants more. I'll leave it up to you if Reader wants more too. Angsty jealous Billy though, am I right? Lmaooo (this is faulty-coding btw, hello 🖤)
A/N: omg hi! I love your work so much I feel incredibly honoured that you chose me for this request! I hope you like it x This is also for this anon, I've combined the two requests since they were similar.
Warnings: angst, jealousy, slut-shaming, hurt-comfort, smut at the end
Word count: 3K +
Tags:@blackst0nes7077, @thefictionalgemini, @tarkanelima-blog
@pansysgirlfriend, @acciorudolphx @supernaturalcat7, @crazyclownchick (I don't know why it won't let me tag you)
To add yourself to my taglist, fill in this form.
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"Hey, stranger." A familiar voice and then his familiar touch on your back before he sat in front of you.
"Hi, Billy."
"it's been a while," he mentioned casually while his eyes took you in.
It had been more than a while, actually. Last time you saw Billy had been over a week ago. Well, you hadn't really seen him, that was the problem.
Ever since you had started your "agreement" you'd drop by his office from time to time to surprise him. He had told you that he deeply enjoyed office sex while you had never had it. Needless to say, it soon became one of your favourite things.
And that was why that day, you were at Anvil. You hadn't told Billy that you were coming. It wouldn't have been a surprise then, would it? However, when you stepped in front of his door, just one touch away from opening it, you heard it.
Well, heard her actually.
It was Billy that ended up surprising you that day. You usually loved surprises but that one you would have gladly skipped.
Although it had taken you most of a week to come to this realisation, you realized that it was actually a good thing to happen. The thing you had with Billy wasn't labelled. It was fun but it wasn't serious. Despite the fact that you were friends and hang out with the same group, you had never committed to each other.
And you were honestly fine with it. You enjoyed your time with Billy, outside and under the sheets.
It had been months though and you hadn't wanted to acknowledge it but it wasn't enough anymore. Billy's role in your life was ambiguous. He was your friend sure, but one you'd have sex with. He wasn't your boyfriend but he was the one you'd spend the most of your time with, the one with whom you were intimate.
You wanted more, you realized. Enough with these half measures.
Billy will understand, you told yourself. He inwardly made it clear where he stands. Time to broaden your horizons.
And, as matter of fact, you had. It was true that the ocean is full of fish but you hadn't had a lot of luck with them before. Sure, Jake was nice. He was polite and nice. An overall good guy.
He was just lacking a... je ne sais quoi that made you unsure about it. But you were willing to give him a chance and so you kept going on dates with him.
Needless to say, you hadn't spoken to Billy since that impromptu visit to his office.
"Been busy," you offered him taking a sip of your beer. It was a lame excuse but you couldn't care less. Karen offered you some appetizers. You stared at them for a bit before shaking your head refusing them. Ignoring Karen's questioning look, you took another sip.
"Yeah, she's been busy alright." Frank's low chuckle came from the other end of the table.
"Meaning?" Billy asked, now curious about the implication seeing how your cheeks had suddenly turned red.
"She met someone," Karen chirped in, winking in your direction.
Mentally facepalming you, you swore them off. It wasn't the way you wanted Billy to find out. Not that you cared what he thought since he couldn't be bothered to be as transparent with you, but still. You hated being put on the spot.
"Has she now?" Billy's eyebrow arched and he gave you an amused look. But his jaw clenched and that gave him away.
"Not that it's any of your business. But yes, I have. His name's Jake, he's a nice guy." You explained briefly, ignoring the intensity of his stare.
"So you're that kind of person then." Leaning over the table, his voice took an edge he had never directed at you. "Ditching her friends as soon as she meets a guy?"
"You know that's not true." Narrowing your eyes at him you were almost offended by his institution if it wasn't for the fact that you knew that it was his bruised ego speaking.
"Tell that to my many unanswered calls on your phone."
"That's not on Jake," you scoffed taking a sip. His eyebrow arched while his hands gestured to you as if to say "do tell".
"Let's just say that I saw firsthand just how busy you keep yourself when I'm not around." You tried to keep the bitterness out of your voice, you really did. But without success.
Billy's lips pursed in thought. You had no doubt that he had an inkling about what you meant but he couldn't figure out to what exactly you were referring to.
"So is this what it is? You being petty because I've been with someone else?"
"That's me wanting more for myself and taking it."
"If you were that insatiable, y/n, you should have just told me."
"Stop making me sound like a slut, Billy. That is not what this is about."
"Isn't it? Because that's exactly what this looks like to me."
Pursing your lips, you refused to show him just how much he had hurt you. Nodding your head you decided that you'd had enough. You did not have to sit here and take his bullshit.
"You know, Billy. Slut-shaming isn't a good look on you." Waving to your friends, you quickly told them that you had to go. An emergency you said. But they knew better, their eyes fixed on Billy as he watched you walk out of the bar. Hands tightening around the bottle of beer he had ordered, he stood up once you disappeared amongst the crowd.
Without bothering to explain himself to the group, he simply followed you outside.
"Y/n." He called your name once he saw that you were already a bit far from the bar. In a couple of quick strides, Billy had gotten to you since you had slowed down.
"Go away, Billy." you didn't bother to look at him.
"Wait, wait," he said gently taking hold of your arm to get you to stop. And you did but stared at his hand on you until he dropped it and took a step back. "Look I'm sorry, I was an asshole." he apologised.
You only nodded to show him that you understood him but didn't offer any words to assure him that you forgave him.
"And I'm sorry you had to find out about Madani that way." He added hoping to make things right between you.
"Don't worry, it was actually an awakening for me." You added briefly looking at him. Tone harsh and unapologetic. You were still too mad at him to care about being considerate of your voice.
"Yeah, it made me realize that this," you gestured between the two of you, "was not working out for me."
"Oh really?" now the word had lost every tint of disbelief it had before. It was more like he was challenging you. Like he didn't quite believe you.
"Yes." you stood your ground pushing your shoulders back, "I figured out that I want more. And I know that I'm not going to get that from you."
"It was good while it lasted though," you called over your shoulders as you turned, ready to get the hell away from him. But the words he said though, made you halt on your feet.
"Who said you're not going to get that with me?"
"That would require feeling something for me other than lust, Billy." you snicked not fully turning around to face him, just your head.
"Who says I don't?"
"Madani, maybe?"
"She doesn't mean anything, y/n." He scoffed rolling his eyes.
"Of course you'd say something like this, Billy. Doesn't help though." As if him admitting to having meaningless sex with other women could help his case. Men. Fully done with this conversation you gave him one last look before turning away again.
"I know why you didn't eat those appetizers before." Again, after a few steps, his voice made you stop. This time, the implication of what he meant, sat heavily on your shoulders making you tense. Still, you didn't turn around.
That didn't deter him though.
"I know that you love them but they remind you of your grandfather. He used to make sure there would always be some of those at home whenever you went to visit him. And I know you haven't eaten them since-"
He stopped when your head whipping to him, eyes glaring.
He was right. You knew it, he knew it. But him strumentalising your beloved grandfather's death to get through to you? That was low, even for Billy.
Not only it called for you to acknowledge out loud that your grandfather wasn't there anymore but it also surprised you because you didn't think anyone would notice something so small.
"What are you saying, Billy?" Eyes glossy, like everything someone mentioned him, you tried your best to not let your voice waver.
"What I'm saying is that I care about you, y/n. I care enough to notice things. The tiniest details that you don't even know are there. Like that every time you're reading and something bad happens, you press your hand on your chest over your heart, as if you wanted to stop the pain from coming or something. Or that you always cook whenever you miss your family even if you never say it out loud. Or-"
"I get it Billy." you raised a hand to stop him. "You're observant. I knew that. That's basically what you do for a living. Not counting that you're a fucking sniper."
"Maybe," he conceded slowly taking a step in your direction, "I notice things, that's true. That doesn't mean that I store them in my mind, though."
"I care about you, y/n. A great deal. Enough to notice all the little things that make you you and enough to memorize them."
"I don't know if I can believe you, Billy. If you cared you wouldn't be going around sleeping with other women. And I know-" you added when you saw his mouth open to protest- " I know that technically we weren't together but still Billy. A technicality is not going to earn you my trust." Shrugging your shoulders you opted for being honest with him. You had never lied to him and you certainly weren't going to start now. Billy had never lied to you either, not that you were aware. And even if this thought should have reassured you, you were still hesitant about believing him.
"Then give me a chance to do so. Let me prove to you just how much I care about you and how little I care about everything else." He insisted, taking another step and then another until he was in front of you. Hands on your jaw, he delicately craned your neck so that your eyes could meet.
The height difference had always been a reason for jokes among you. It was no secret that Billy had a slight size kink, at least not to you, and so more often than not he'd use that.
Thumb slowly caressing your jaw, his eyes flickered between yours. They were full of hope, of promises but there was also a lot of vulnerability. Billy was not the type to be so forthcoming about his feelings. The fact that he had been with you, on a side street nonetheless, was a demonstration on its own.
Sighing, you knew you needed to decide. Yes, hearing Billy having sex with another woman had hurt you but you were not together. While that didn't make it hurt any less, it made the situation slightly less grave. He hadn't cheated on you, not really. You hadn't told him you wanted more. Hell, before that you didn't even know that you wanted more.
And now that you knew, now that he knew as well, here he was promising it to you. He wanted to give you exactly what you wanted. So could you really say no to him?
Of course not.
"Yeah?" a big smile grew on his face, his eyes twinkling in joy.
"Yeah, I'm going to give you a chance. Only one, Billy. So you better not mess this up." Poking his chest with a finger you warned him that this time around, things were going to be different.
"You're not going to regret that, babe." His eyes held a solemn promise. Just briefly though because soon, they were back to their usual mischief. Billy leaned to you, his lips meeting yours in a small kiss.
At first.
He kissed you soundly, his mouth perfectly on yours, building his tempo slowly. Then, you felt his tongue on your lower lip and you knew that things were about to escalate quickly.
Not that you minded of course, but it was not appropriate to do what you had in mind in the middle of the street.
"Billy," you moaned slightly leaning back to warn him that you couldn't get too carried away.
"Call that Jim guy," his mouth peppered small kisses along your jaw, "tell him that it's over. That he never stood a chance," he moved down on your neck.
"Let's go home so that I can show you how much more I can give you."His mouth had trailed back up and stopped so that it was hovering over your ear. His voice was low and breathy and husky and fuck it sent a wave of pleasure right in between your legs.
No sooner had you stepped over your threshold than Billy's hands were on you. The door barely closed, he pushed you against it. His hands cradled your face, effectively keeping you holding you in place while his mouth ravished you.
You gladly let him do as he pleased. Mouth opening to welcome his tongue while your hands gripped his jacket to keep you steady.
"Billy," you whimpered his name as his lips left yours. You tried to follow them by getting on your tiptoes but he didn't let you. Chuckling, he gave you another small kiss.
"Yes. Remember that it's me that it's making you feel this good. Me. Not Jim or whatever his name is, not anyone else. Me." He growled on your lips while one of his hands gripped the hair at the nape of your neck making you gasp.
Staring at his glowing dark pits you couldn't do anything other than nodding feverishly. You were at his mercy. Completely. And Billy knew that and it did nothing but please him to no end.
You'd always enjoyed whenever Billy was rough with you but him being jealous and kinda possessive too? Game changer.
Smirking at your reaction, his hands moved lower on your body until they hatched behind your knees pulling you up. Biting your lower lip, he swallowed your whimper for the friction once you wrapped your legs around his waist.
Billy didn't waste any more time, in quick long strides he was in your bedroom and threw you on the bed. You'd almost giggled when you bounced on it if it wasn't for the savage look in Billy's eyes.
Fuck, he looked so sexy. A sin.
For a moment, he just stared at you laid there waiting for him. A hand quickly wiped his face before he unbuckled his pants. Now it was your turn to stare at him. More like ogle but you knew he didn't mind.
Shedding his pants, he crawled over you until his face levelled yours.
"I'm going to give you exactly what you want. And then some more." He promised, nipping your earlobe. "You're never going to feel the need to look for other guys."
"There's no one else I'd rather be with, Billy."
Your hands trailed over his still clothed back before tangling his always perfectly styled hair. "Only you." You whispered in his ear.
If it wasn't for your hand on his back, you would have missed him tensing. "Say it again," he demanded, his head still in the crook of your neck.
"You're the only one I want, Billy." You repeated knowing fully well how he struggled with accepting love and affection. This meant to him just as much as it did to you. He was giving you the promise of commitment but so were you. And despite the fact that you had already been loyal to him, you knew how important it was for him to hear the words.
"There's no one else for me either, y/n. Never was, never will be." He raised his head to say this. It was a confirmation, yes, but it also felt so much more coming from him.
He had been telling you how much he cared about you since you left the bar but somehow, him saying it again now held more meaning.
"You promise?"
You felt childish and it was probably pathetic of you to ask him again. But this was you being vulnerable, letting him know that you needed him. And you trusted Billy.
"You're mine." He said instead. One of his hands coming to cradle the back of your head while the other closed around your right breast.
"And I'm yours."
And here it was, the promise, the reassurance you needed. His lips met yours in a bruising kiss. It was wet and more teeth and tongue than anything but it was passionate. You were claiming each other.
Not separating your lips, he used his hands to get rid of your clothes. While he unbuckled your pants, you took his shirt off. Him doing the same with yours while you pushed his brief down on his legs.
Once you were completely naked, Billy crawled back over you. His hands resting at the sides of your head. He was everywhere. You could feel him between your legs, your arms wrapped around his back, your vision field occupied by his beautiful face.
He was everywhere, he was everything.
"And now, I'm going to leave no room for doubt in your mind anymore." He whispered on your lips, his cock rubbing over your slit teasing you about what was to come.
You had asked him for a commitment and fuck if he didn't commit to it. All night long.
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vidalinav · 3 years
Life’s a Beach (1)
I underestimated how long this fic was, so I smashed them together. I will continue just posting snippets and writing it like that (and then smashing them together), but since most of you will already have read it, I will include a bonus scene at the end. My thank you for putting up with my unconventional writing process. 
Summary: Tarquin comes to town and Cassian is jealous. 
Cassian doesn’t like when Tarquin visits.  
Never mind the ban from the Summer Court or that at one point, blood rubies pilfer their court. Never mind that Summer crowns him holier than the seas and the sun. Cassian doesn’t like the ease in which he walks. He may not have his usual royal garb, but he glides along the Sidra. The mighty king out for a stroll.  
Nesta looks like his queen.  
His mate is bright and beaming, huffing laughs and smiling wide as she praises his ideas. Cassian has ideas, too.  
But Nesta isn’t interested in his ideas as he follows them around. Nesta just continues smiling. Her skin glows with the sun, the apples of her cheeks turning a pretty shade of apricot as Tarquin notes the dying rays. Are you a poet Tarquin? Cassian wants to ask, but knowing the High Lord, he just might be and Nesta fucking loves poetry.  
Her cheeks remain pink and Cassian resists grabbing her hand and dragging her back to the house. You’ll die of heatstroke; he might say if she protests. But no.  
He won’t.  
He promises to be on his best behavior.  
Even so, Cassian can’t help eyeing buildings as they pass. Just break one, he urges. One and we can ban you from the Night Court. But that might mean, Nesta spending some time in Summer, with her good friend Tarquin, who makes Nesta beam like that, make her cheeks red like that.  
All Cassian sees is red.
All Nesta looks at is Tarquin.  
“You know, I never thought someone as young as you would be so conniving.”
Conniving? Cassian isn’t paying attention, but at the word, he’s ready to deem it insulting enough to fight Tarquin if Nesta so much as gives him a look. But Nesta only listens as Tarquin speaks. Cassian can’t even read her expression. It’s blank as she stares.  
“I admire that quality,” The little high lord says.  
Admire someone else, buddy.  
Nesta only snorts, the words making her laugh.  
The light plays with her eyes as she smirks. They look bluer today. Less silver. Cassian has to think that it has something to do with Tarquin. Tarquin who brings out the blue in Nesta’s eyes, who brings pink to her cheeks. Never mind that it probably has more to do with how bright it is today.  
“You’re too smart,” he remarks, and Cassian wants to roll his eyes. Nesta is too smart, too smart to be hanging around with some pompous flatterer. “No wonder you’re good at this game.”  
“What game?” She asks, lightly, but even Cassian can hear the caution. Her voice slowing as if coaxing an answer from his lips.  
“The game we all play. These situations that have us playing with life whether we want to or not.” Nesta lilts her head curiously, waiting for further explanation and Cassian waits too, because he’s not sure he understands. Tarquin looks like he’d rather not speak of it, but he continues even so.  
“Fae are good at games–invented them really. Court politics, morality, marriage, and bargains. I have to believe you’re good at them. Not just because I’ve seen you, but because I know what Eris offered as soon as he had you in his arms… It’s always the smart ones who win these games–the most clever.”  
Nesta rolls her eyes as if his words offer no great importance, “It’s never the smart ones who win.” She counters. “Not the ones who are strongest or the most magically gifted or the one who smiles the sweetest while she glides across the floor. There is no game that you can win by being the most beautiful person in the room… No game I’d want to play anyways.”  
“Then who does win?” He urges. Tarquin almost sounds desperate for the answer, and Cassian has to wonder if Nesta has woven a spell around him too just as much as Eris.  
“Whoever’s luckiest,” Nesta shrugs simply, “So there’s no point in trying so hard… We all end up in the exact place we were always supposed to be in.”    
She doesn’t sound happy about that either, and something about the tone makes Cassian want to hold her close. Make her remember that it’s a joy to be here. To be together, even if it is with another male who skin beams with the summer sun.
I’m lucky to have you. 
He hopes she knows.  
“Then you’re lucky,” Tarquin notes, “And blessed. You’re blessed and lucky. Smart and clever.” He laughs as if brushing the seriousness off, “Is that why you’re so good at cards? Azriel was moping last night. I thought that had something to do with you.”  
Nesta lifts a casual shoulder, a soft smile playing on her lips. Cassian thinks even that is a play–some move she knows will help her counter his attack. “Azriel loses because he wants to win and it’s easy to win against someone who’s already shown their cards.”  
“Motivations are everything.”  
“Yes,” Nesta nods frankly, “so why are you here?”  
Cassian wants to know, too.  
Actually, Cassian wants to push him into the Sidra and see if pretty fishman can float, but he’ll take Nesta’s verbal spar in any case. If he runs back to the House with his tail between his legs, Cassian will consider it a win for the both of them. His lovely strategist.
But Tarquin doesn’t run. Cassian doesn’t think Tarquin will ever run from Nesta and that simple fact makes him furious. That there is another male in this world who will see Nesta and not balk, who will know Nesta and not grimace.  
Cassian is not the only male who stays. Not for the power or the beauty or the poise, but because underneath all of that is a female who can conquer as much as she can tame. Whose voice sounds like the sea, whose eyes are crystal clear waters, whose mind rages against the tide.  
Tarquin breathes in ocean air.  
Every morning, he fishes on the coast. Every evening, he sleeps to the humming sea. Who would know Nesta better than someone who dreams of waves?  
So, it doesn’t come as any surprise when Tarquin looks to him, as she asks her question. Why are you here?  
“Because I want to know you.”  
A fool’s choice.  
“I’m not foolish enough to claim you,” He adds, “and I’m not foolish enough to think you’ll ever be claimed, even if you have a mate. No offense, Cassian.”
Offense taken.  
“I’m not even foolish enough to think I can even begin to know who you are or what you’ve been through… But when you looked at me that day in the Summer Court, and asked me to help your family, offered me anything that you could give me alone.”  
What? Cassian looks to Nesta, but she promptly ignores him, staring at Pompous Prince Tarquin.  
“I’d never seen anyone want so badly. I wanted to know what that felt like. Know what stirred so deeply in your heart that you looked at me like you’d give me the entire world for just one yes.”  
Tarquin raises a shoulder and Cassian tries not to swallow so loudly. He thinks he might have to shove a fist down his throat to stop his screaming, “You’re a question I keep mulling over and I’ve yet to figure out what the answer is. I don’t even know if I could know the answer if it stared me in the eyes, but I would like to learn. To feel half of what you feel, to learn how to love so truly.”
Cassian replays her answer as he sleeps. He goes over it and over it and over it again. At some point, he wakes her up in the middle of the night, shaking her shoulder.  
“Nesta,” he whispers, “Nesta? What did you mean?”
His mate only groans, her brows furrowing, as she burrows further into blankets. Cassian knows he’s playing in dangerous territory, but he can’t stop thinking about. It’s driving him insane.  
“Nesta, what did you mean?”  
He says it once louder, shaking her again. Nesta only juts out her elbow, hitting him in the rib. Cassian holds in the heavy moan as he clutches his chest, and Nesta settles in her sleep.  
Still, Cassian can’t give up now. “When you told Tarquin you’d think about it, what did you mean? Nesta?”  
Cassian grasps her shoulder, shaking her lightly, “Nesta!”  
“What?” Nesta yells, leaning up so fast, she almost hits her head on his chin. “What do you keep yelling about? I’m trying to sleep!”  
Even furious and half-asleep, she looks beautiful. The strap of her nightgown slips down one shoulder, and he trails the movement as if his own fingers push it down. Nesta crosses her arms, and he swallows down the want. Not an appropriate time, Cassian.  
She raises a brow, “Well?”  
“I wanted to talk,” he says simply.  
Nesta looks to the clock on the wall, glaring at him exasperated. “At two in the morning?”  
“Good a time as any.”  
She looks mad that much is true, and Cassian wishes to appease.  
His mate is tired, so he’ll fluff her pillows, rub her shoulders while she relaxes enough to tell him exactly what she means when she tells Tarquin she’ll think about it. As if his I want to get to know you is an offer she can’t refuse.  
But as he fluffs her pillows, Cassian can only think of Tarquin.  
He would have waited to speak to her, prioritizing Nesta’s health over his wants. Just this morning… or yesterday morning, the High Lord of Summer makes sure to ask Nesta if she’s eaten as she reads her book on the couch–a fact he finds rude to say the least–and when she says no, he offers to make breakfast for her. Oh, so generous of him. Never mind that they have a House who cooks their meals.  
Cassian scoffs as he thinks about it. What High Lord plays chef? And who is he to ask if Nesta’s eaten as if his mate isn’t being taken care of?  
He yanks at the pillow, beats at it, punches it. He can’t help but imagine Tarquin’s face. He can see feathers jutting from the cushion, and still he hits. The cloth lays in the cinders on the bed before he stops.  
Nesta sighs at the mess, grabbing one of the pillows from his side, clasping it to her head.  
“What are you doing?” Cassian asks.  
“Hoping I suffocate enough to pass out.”
Her voice is muffled, and he grasps at the pillow. Her hair is a ruffled mess. It splays out on the pillow in waves. Cassian can’t help but breathe at the sight of her and the sound is a sigh of relief.  
She’s his… Or as much as Nesta can be his.  
She chose him.  
Nesta with her matted hair, the side of her cheek pink from where she pushes up against the pillow, her silver nightgown making her skin glow in the light of the moon, chooses him.  
Shouldn’t that be enough?  
Cassian rubs at his face, feeling all too shameful. “I’m sorry. I just–” He takes in their bed, feathers littering the duvet. Suddenly, he feels like a little kid. What was he doing beating a pillow like that? Waking Nesta in the middle of the night? 
“You’re jealous,” Nesta says.  
Her voice echoes in the room, and Cassian frowns at the words. Of course, he’s jealous. That much is obvious. He’s always jealous.  
Nesta is beautiful and powerful and smiles like she grants the sun its light, and males flock to her like moths. Not just any males either but stupid princes and arrogant High Lords and stupid, arrogant Tarquin!
Nesta only grabs at the pillow in his hands, setting it under her head as she closes her eyes. He waits for her to speak, but he can only hear the ticking of the clock, on and on as time passes.  
Nesta doesn’t say a thing.  
“That’s it? That’s all you have to say. You’re jealous and you go back to sleep.”  
The pretty pink of her lips purse, but she doesn’t even open her eyes as she says, “If you were looking for comfort, you shouldn’t have woken me up at two in the morning.”  
Well… damn.  
Cassian settles back at his side, crossing his arms as he stares at the ceiling. He’s one less pillow down, but that doesn’t bother him much. It’s the thoughts that don’t quiet even for a second. Stupid mating bond.  
That thought though has him looking to Nesta. No, he loves that mating bond. He loves her. And even if Tarquin wants to impede himself like a wall between them, Cassian will still love Nesta Archeron.  
He closes his eyes repeating those words as if they’re a lullaby that will let him drift off to sleep. I love Nesta Archeron. I love Nesta Archeron. I love Nesta Archeron.  
The words don’t comfort him even a little.  
But Nesta sets her head on his chest. She tucks herself in to the crook of his arm and Cassian squeezes gently–he tries not to hold on too tight.  
She must sense his surprise. Whether that be from the bond or because Nesta knows him like that back of her hand, he doesn’t know. But she blinks one eye open, looking at him with bright grey and all his fears are assuaged.
“You should hold me since you woke me up.”
Cassian can only blink, nodding his head as she wraps his arms around her, and he settles in. He can hear her heart beating and he can hear her soft breathing and Cassian can go to sleep to this. He can.  
Cassian will hold her until she tells him let go. Cassian will not let go.  
Still… he can’t help it.  
“I bet Tarquin can’t hold you like this.”  
Cassian only gets mouth full of feathers.
Tarquin tells Rhys that he’s going to stay for two weeks. During this time, they’ll talk of treaties, draw up some plan of trade, some easy comings and goings of Night Court and Summer Court residences. Cassian tells Rhys that they don’t need a treaty. Throw him out now, he thinks.  
“Is something going on with you?” Rhys asks, leaning back in his chair, ever the High Lord. Cassian is starting to hate High Lords.  
Cassian crosses his arms, grinding his teeth. He’s in the sitting room in the estate. Amren solves a puzzle as if nothing about this meeting is important at all. Mor talks to Feyre by the dining room, gossiping rather than listening to Rhys moan about Tarquin and peace treaties. Nesta, not that she goes to these meetings, is out doing gods know what with Tarquin who wants to view the city.  
Take me to all your favorite places, he says. Cassian rolls his eyes just thinking about the way Nesta’s light up. Bookstores and restaurants and museums. She knows them all. Nesta goes with him, first. Why does Tarquin care? Is he planning on buying a winter house in Velaris?  
Cassian’s blood runs cold at the thought.  
“He’s jealous,” Azriel says, throwing a scroll at Rhys which he easily catches.  
Mor’s head jerks up at the word, even Feyre smirks with interest.  
“No,” Cassian dismisses, but he’s never been a good liar. His voice pitches high and Rhys eyes him with humor, “I… just think that we don’t need Summer Court resources, when we have an abundance of them already.”  
“You’re also banned,” Amren comments helpfully, “I would say that makes you the most biased towards these dealings.”  
“Your boyfriend is from the Summer Court; wouldn’t that make you the most biased?” Mor asks. Amren simply shrugs.  
“I mean have we considered that. That male banned me and now we’re opening our borders?”  
“Our borders have always been open,” Feyre says, not so helpfully. The look she gives him has him sinking in his seat. “Also, you wrecked the central magistrate.” 
“They’ve rebuilt it,” Cassian argues.  
“You mates are all the same,” Amren groans loudly, “She’s not going to fuck Tarquin.”  
“Shut up Amren!”
“That’s the best you can do? I’m sure Tarquin’s more eloquent.”
“Amren,” Feyre says, giving her that motherly reprimanding look. An expression that Cassian supposes comes with the motherhood package.  
It does the trick.
Amren sneers, but she settles back where she sits on the floor, picking at her puzzle. Cassian has the sudden urge to knock the pieces off the table, just for the comment alone.
“Nesta loves you, Cassian,” Feyre says, her voice light and calming. Too bad it doesn’t calm him, and he doesn’t want to talk about this now even if she goads. “What’s there to be jealous of?”  
Cassian already knows this answer. He knows this answer this morning, the other night, the minute summer enters Velaris spring. It’s not that Nesta loves him. Cassian knows Nesta loves him. It’s that he lets his guard down. He forgets the most crucial information of all–
Nesta is easily lovable.  
Sure, she might give a sneer or two at someone who annoys her well enough or beat the living daylights out of someone who threatens those she loves, but Nesta is an easily lovable dork.
She laughs at stupid things and it’s the most beautiful sound he’s ever heard. She’s a goofball! He swears she knows every book in that library. She absorbs information like a sponge, will rant for hours about everything she learns. Her thoughtfulness knows no bounds. They’ll be off at the market and if she sees something that looks like Gwyn or Emerie or himself or whoever, she has to have it. She has to give it to them. They go to get cinnamon buns and she orders enough for the priestesses. She remembers everyone’s birthday. She learns the name of every patron and their families and their language and their holidays. It’s not hard to love Nesta.  
Who would not love Nesta?  
So yes, he has something to be jealous of.  
“You look stressed,” Mor notes, her eyebrows raising.  
Amren nods, “You look like you’re going to fight someone.”  
“Or puke,” Azriel adds.  
“Just don’t fight Tarquin,” Rhys concludes, “I can’t ban you from the court, but I can certainly make sure you’re away in Illyria while he’s here.”  
“You guys are really supportive, you know that?”
“Well at least we’re not trying to steal you’re girl,” Mor teases.  
Cassian gives her a glare, but she only laughs a bright sound.  
“I’ve never seen you jealous,” she says.
“I’m not jealous.”  
Azriel raises a pointed finger, “what about that one time you threw that rock at that window?”  
“Or when you broke that male’s nose,” Rhys suggests.  
Amren rolls her eyes, setting down a piece of her puzzle, “How about the last time we all went to a bar.”  
Mor, Azriel, and Rhys look to each other, contemplating the words. Cassian watches as they nod their heads slowly.  
“Oh yeah.”
“You’re right.”  
“You were jealous then, too.”  
“I was not jealous,” Cassian insists.  
Thankfully, Feyre–sweet Feyre offers him relief. She raises her hands, and Cassian thinks he’s glad to have such a loyal sister-in-law. “Guys, he was not jealous.”  
Thank you, Feyre.  
“He was territorial.”  
The others voice their agreement before Cassian has a chance to speak–to defend himself from this defamation of character.
Not that he can defend himself.  
He remembers that day all too well…
It’s the first Nesta goes to a bar with them. The first time she goes to a bar in a while, and she’s nervous. But she looks beautiful. So damn beautiful that he thinks he might suggest staying in. She has on a black dress with these tiny straps and a necklace that makes him want to trace her neck with his tongue until she’s mewling and soft and pliant. But she’s nervous, so he only kisses her forehead.  
We don’t have to drink he says. I won’t drink either, he promises.  
Cassian turns out to be a bold-faced liar.  
He’s drunk by the time the first band plays. He keeps gobbling down the drinks. Nesta gets them for free. Martinis, vodka sodas, gin, and whiskey. All manners of shots. Every alcohol keeps floating her way. The males seem to think they only need to find the right one. The one Nesta prefers and they take it as a challenge. He remembers asking if she even needed their money all those months ago, and she only shrugs a shoulder. Haughty and much, much too beautiful.  
Nesta offers to send them back, but Cassian gulps them down one by one before she can even call over the waitress. I can take it, he says.  
Once again, Cassian is made a liar.  
They have to carry him out of that bar. At some point, he remembers flying over the city as Rhys and Azriel chase him through the streets.  
The only way they get him down is by Nesta calling for him. An easy trick, he thinks. If they asked him, they should have tried that first. Of course, he answers his mate when she calls.  
When he meets her, crawling back with his wings drooping to the concrete, Nesta only opens her arms as if she wants him to hug her. Cassian hugs her. He… climbs on top of her, really.  
But she combs her fingers through his hair and Cassian hunches over to lay his head on her shoulder and the next thing he knows… he’s lying in bed, a glass of water and some headache powder on the side table.  
She’d hit that nerve in his neck.  
Cassian wants to scoff just thinking about it.  
“Where is Nesta anyway?”  
The question has Cassian grinding his teeth, he can hear the noise in his ears. With fucking Tarquin.  
“She’s out,” he says instead.  
“Out where?”  
“Out to museums,” He lists thinking of all the places Nesta enjoys. “Or picnics.” All the places that Nesta will smile at. “Or restaurants.” All places Nesta will bubble up with laughter, that she’ll blush with glee, that she’ll gaze at wistfully with that bastard Tarquin. “Or maybe romantic boat rides. The one in that fucking swan.”  
Cassian doesn’t even know he grabs on to the throw pillow, but the next thing he knows the cushion is torn in half and the stuffing falls out like billowing snow.  
The others look at him strangely, but it’s Feyre who takes a cautious step towards him, taking the pillow from his hands.  
“And when will they be done?”  
Cassian rolls his eyes, looking to the clock. “I meet them in a half an hour. We’re getting lunch,” he mocks in a voice that doesn’t sound anything like the High Lord of Summer.  
Feyre hums in answer, her eyes widening innocently. Cassian stares in suspicion.  
He watches as the others look to each other, too. Azriel to Mor. Mor to Rhys. Rhys to Feyre. Feyre to Amren. And then all of them look back to him.  
It’s Mor who bounces brightly, “I want to go!”  
“I’m going, too,” Rhys announces.  
Feyre crosses her arms, “You can’t go. I’m going! Someone has to watch the baby.”  
“Let Nuala and Cerridwen watch the baby! I’m supporting my brother.”  
“I’m supporting my sister!”  
“Oh, for cauldron’s sake,” Amren groans, “just bring the boy!”  
Cassian frowns as they start packing up around him, yelling at each other for their coats and… baby carriers.  
Amren only pauses to laugh at the look on his face.  
“It could be worse, you know,” She says, her voice something she probably thinks sounds soft and comforting, “Tarquin could have already made some move. What do males say these days? Oh right, I want to get to know you or something equally as vomit inducing.”  
Cassian simply picks up the throw pillow to his left and screams.  
The evening of their first outing, Cassian can’t button his shirt. He should've taken that as his first sign that things would inevitably go wrong. 
“Are the buttons winning?” Nesta asks lightly. Cassian huffs a curse, hiking the shirt over his head. It gets stuck around his neck and he groans out a response.
Fine, he thinks. I give up. 
Nesta laughs at his slumping shoulders. 
“It’s the wings,” He says, muffled through the cloth. His wings drift up and down as if huffing themselves, showing her that they too are thoroughly annoyed. “This shirt isn’t made for Illyrians.” 
That’s a lie, but Nesta only hums. 
“Well... as much as I like you topless and I do like you topless.” Cassian can feel her hands trailing up his ribs and he squirms at the ticklish touch. “I don’t think it would be appropriate for public outings.” 
“You mean you’d be jealous,” He breaths. Nesta pulls the shirt down, unbuttoning and buttoning it again. His mate makes it seem far too easy, and she smirks up at him when the shirt is fully on. Her lips painted in red. 
The fresh air is cool in his lungs without the noose of dress ware, and he winds his arms around her, breathing in her scent. “All those females looking. Males too. What would you do if they propositioned me?” He urges, holding her closer, bringing her hips to his. “Cassian, Cassian, take me in your arms.”
He dips her low as if they’ve finished some waltz, and lifts her high until her leg is around his waist. That’s when he notices the slit in her gown, running all the way up her thigh. 
“They’ll chase me through the streets, you know. I’m a very hot commodity.” 
Nesta doesn’t even laugh. In fact, she merely lifts her eyes, her expression blank in that very Nesta way of hers.  
She fingers the collar of his shirt and Cassian can’t help but follow her hands. He thinks of every place those fingers can touch. “You wouldn’t be so difficult to catch. All it’d take is some buttons.” 
Cassian roars with laughter and Nesta smiles at that. A small turn of her lips. 
She turns back to the vanity, though he can’t say she’s not already perfect. He’s about to say so too, but that’s when he notices the dress. 
It’s hugs her every curve... the way Cassian only wishes to hug her. The black brings out the gold in her hair, in her sun-kissed skin. There’s a slit, Cassian knows, and tiny, tiny straps. 
Cassian moves towards her without a second thought. How anyone can think when they look at Nesta Archeron, he doesn’t know. He grasps her arms, dipping his head low. He places a reverent kiss on her shoulder and Nesta looks at him through the mirror, blinking up at him with those big, magnificent eyes. 
They’ve never fucked in front of mirror before.  
Cassian makes a note. 
“You know, we can always skip this... thing. Who would even notice if we're gone?” 
“Considering it’s for us, I’d say plenty.” 
She says the words with enough disdain that Cassian frowns at the tone. She  looks away as he catches her eyes.
“Do you not want to go?” He asks, dropping his hands. 
“I want to get this night over with,” she says, with a certain bite that has him backtracking. He runs over the day and all things she can be mad at him for, but he finds nothing, so he doesn’t understand.  
The night is for them. 
To celebrate her more than anyone. There’s been so many celebrations for her these past months as if they’re making up for lost time. Cassian doesn’t mind. Nesta should be celebrated. And Nesta doesn’t seem to mind, though she’s rather quiet during those outings. 
That’s not unusual. 
He used to think Azriel was the most introverted of them all. But Nesta beats him by miles. 
“I just don’t like that we always have these. Why can’t everyone just leave us alone?” 
Cassian stares at her reddening skin. The way her eyes dart back and forth, trying not to look to him. His frown deepens at the way she hides. 
He thought they were past this. 
Cassian is the first person to admit that he doesn’t know Nesta. Not in the way he wants to and Nesta seldom tells him much. But he at least knows her well enough to know that when she gets upset, it’s rarely what she says it is.
So Cassian takes inventory. 
They’re going to a get-together. They’ve done that before. They’re wearing formal clothes. They’ve done that before. They’re meeting the same people. Yes, that’s correct. The only thing that’s different is... the location? 
“You have a problem with the restaurant,” he guesses. 
Nesta merely lies her chin on her palm. 
“It’s new... they have good food... so I hear. It’s got great music, which you like. It’s got a bar,” Cassian’s gaze whips to her, “Is it the bar?” 
Nesta rolls her eyes, but he can see the way her cheeks flush a bright pink. The color softens something inside of him, makes him want to hug her and hold her and get rid of every bad thought in her head. 
The bar. Of course. He sees the way she cringes at alcohol, the way she shifts in her seat when a dinner turns into an after party. She doesn’t even like most of their holidays for that reason, because they all get drunk and she sits in the corner not knowing what to do. Nesta hates being embarrassed.
She can drink if she wants, he tells her, it’s her choice. They won’t judge her for it, he affirms, but... Cassian can’t guarantee that and Nesta knows that’s a lie. Nesta doesn’t even touch liquor. 
Cassian feels his chest start to sink and he must show it on his face, because she scoffs. 
It’s bad enough she doesn’t want to go to the city most days. She’s told him it’s because she’s scared to face who she was, afraid that she’ll be back there soon enough. Cassian can’t reassure her well enough. We can face it together, he says. We can face it all. But it’s been baby steps and these outings are the only times she pushes her limits. 
Cassian shifts her around, laying his hands on her cheeks, rubbing at the heated skin. “We don’t have to go if you don’t want.” 
“I don’t want to be a coward.” 
Cassian shakes his head, “you’re not going to be one if you go and you’re not going to be one if you stay.” 
Nesta sighs, and Cassian kisses her forehead because he doesn’t know what else to do. He doesn’t know how to instill in Nesta that she’s the strongest, bravest person he knows. How does he convince her of a truth that’s so obvious?  
She isn’t going to change her mind that much he knows, but damn him if he let’s her wallow alone.  
“I won’t drink,” He offers, “We can play cards, dance a little... I promise I’ll try not to step on your toes again.” 
“I want you to enjoy yourself,” She says, her lips pouting in that way that makes him want to kiss her nose and her cheek and every place that he can touch. “To have fun.” 
“You are fun and I enjoy myself plenty with you.” 
Little does Cassian know that the enjoyment of the night is him knocking back barrels of drinks, stripping to his underwear, and running head first through the streets. 
To be continued... 
LOL. This fic is insane. Because not only do you get snippets before you get the final chapter, you get snippets in the final chapters. Snip-ception. 
Tagged:  @my-fan-side, @sophilightwood, @nestaarcher0n, @duskandstarlight, @soitsgorgeous, @ekaterinakostrova @swankii-art-teacher, @lordof-bloodshed, @arinbelle, @thewhelk, @daisy-in-danger, @highqueenevankhell, @lovelynesta, @sirendeepity, @champanheandluxxury, @ladynestaarcheron, @moodymelanist, @teagoddess99, @spoilersteph, @angelicvoice19, @bo0kmaster69, @drielecarla, @generalnesta
I think that’s it. Also know that if you asked to be tagged on snippets, I am going to tag you MANY TIME throughout the day... so be cautious about that. 
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barzzal · 4 years
between halls and thin walls → part two
summary: friends who fool around almost never work. almost.
↳ pairing: mathew barzal x you
↳ warnings: swearing, sex toys, masturbation, sexual/suggestive themes, and yenno, mathew :(
↳ genre: angst, smut, roommates au, best friend’s best friend, friends with benefits, 18+ minors dni*
↳ length: series; part one, part two (5.9k), part three, part four, part five, part six
↳ masterlist: the barn
↳ track: listened to a lot of beyoncé for this one !!
note: part two’s here!! and i know it’s late for an update but i just wanna thank everyone for commenting on the first part 🥺 really glad that you guys liked it. reading your tags are everything to me it means a lot! happy reading <3 (gif used: mine)
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You come out of your bedroom dressed and ready for work. Your handbag was slung over the depth of your forearm as you headed for the kitchen and the other, scrolling past emails on your phone, admittedly bracing yourself for the mess you know will eventually greet you.
To your surprise, what you see instead were Mat Barzal’s guns rippling through the jet black sweater he had worn last night. A memory that sent your mind to less than eight hours ago, before eventually landing on what happened shortly when the two of you had woken up.
“Thank god you haven’t burnt the house down.” you kid, placing your handbag atop the island.
Mat spares you a quick glance, rolling his eyes whilst he lets you watch him whisk some eggs for breakfast.
“Like it?” he cocks, pertaining to how your eyes were pinned hard on his biceps that he was, for the most part, effortlessly sporting. It’s true, though. He didn’t need to flex because it was just there.
“Coffee or Juice?” he asks, as the kind friend and roommate that he is. 
Anthony, as surprising as it was, takes incredibly long showers. If people hadn’t known him well, they’d easily think he’s abusing himself there. But you’ve got to admit that not having him around felt nice for you didn’t have to feel so seen with Mathew.
‘Course, there’s nothing more, like a fix-in on the side, to your set up. You just appreciate the feeling of not having to lie to Beau about all the ugly concealed underneath all the innocent gazes you and Mathew exchange.
“Coffee.” you answer shortly, realizing that you forgot the material you need for today’s meeting.
“Where are you going?” Mat asks when he catches you receding out into the hallway. You didn’t bother looking back, “Forgot something!”
He gets back to whisking the eggs when a chime comes off his phone. He takes it from the counter, placed just before the plates he left to dry last night, absent-mindedly putting the bowl he was holding onto the island, toppling over the green juice he has prepared for himself. 
“Shit.” he curses as soon as he sees it for it was already spilling all over the place, making the mess you’ve been secretly anticipating the moment Mathew said he’d make breakfast.
Panicking at how you’d see he’s successfully screwed such a no-brainer task, Mat grabs the first thing he sees on the marbled surface and uses it to clean the mess he’d made.
“Huh.” he muses to himself, realizing that the silk fabric didn’t do much in helping him clean up. He tosses it over the sink carelessly and grabs a few napkin rolls from one of the cupboards. 
So much for making an effort to feed Anthony Beauvillier. 
“Now, that was fast.” you say with a smirk once you’ve entered the kitchen, startling Mathew as he continued cleaning up after his mess. 
“Ha-ha. Very funny.” he sarcastically laughs, discarding the paper towels onto the sink along with the used ones. 
Thankfully, your stuff was at the other side of the island so it was very much safe from all the chaos happening at the other end of the marbled surface. However, your laugh dies down the second you realize that your handkerchief was no longer where you’ve last put it.
“Hey,” you call on Mathew, “What’s up?”
“Have you seen my handkerchief? I know I left it somewhere.” you anxiously ask, eyeing every corner of the room hoping to see Nana’s handkerchief, the one she gave to you on your 18th birthday.
“What does it look like?” Mat asks, now holding a pan in his hand as he prepares breakfast.
You proceeded to describe your grandma’s handkerchief in the most specific and perhaps excruciating detail Mathew has ever heard someone talk about something as mind-numbing as a handkerchief.
Despite that, Mat lights up the moment it hits him, not realizing the bigger mess he’s about to walk into. He rejoices at how he knew exactly what you were looking for, “Oh! You mean this?” 
With clueless eyes, you watch Mat go over the sink after he wipes his hands dry, fishing out an all too familiar fabric from the sink. Once your eyes land onto the cream colored silk handkerchief, with details carefully sewn by hand, drenching in what seems to be Mat’s morning drink, your heart falls to the pit of your stomach. 
“What did you do??” The sudden rise in your voice startles an unsuspecting Mathew. You eagerly went over to his side and hastily snatched the smooth fabric off his hands, “It’s ruined!”
“What? I didn’t know it was yours!” Mat’s eyes are wild with confusion. Puzzled at how you were so fixated on the useless fabric. It didn’t help him anyway. There’s nothing much left to do but to throw it. It’s garbage. 
“You ruined it!” you lash out, letting Mat get eaten up by the sudden anger bubbling inside your guts but he was rather quick in defending himself, “I didn’t know it was yours since I grabbed the first thing I could find. Why are you getting upset over a shit-ass handkerchief?” 
Your mouth falls and you shake your head, finding his defensiveness quite appalling. “You’re an ass.”
“Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was yours.” he explains, “Come on, it’s just a stupid handkerchief I’ll just buy you a new one.” he tries to laugh the tension off, sporting his signature grin.
Mat take shots of the stunned expression on your face, “Stupid?” you repeat what he said, your eyes already starting to sting with tears. Clearly, you were far too overwhelmed to even acknowledge Mathew’s half-assed apology.
“You’re a fucking asshole.” your words bite and that’s when things took a turn for the worse. 
“I said I was fucking sorry! What the hell do you want from me? Shit a fucking hanky?” he rans a hand through his hair, “Do you realize how childish you’re being right now?”
Outraged, and perhaps disappointed by how he was too high up his horse, your voice takes up a higher tone, entering what seems to be an early screaming match between you and Mathew.
“Could you just–” you breathe, “for one second– stop being so goddamn stupid and get over yourself!?” were words that welcomed Anthony the moment he stepped into the kitchen, towel wrapped around his waist, a grin on his face visible as he poured himself a glass of water, inviting himself in the screaming match you and Mathew have exclusively put forth for him.
“Stupid is not when you’ve already apologized a hundred times! Stupid is being such a crybaby and a bitch about it!” Mathew retorts, gaining his better end of the argument.
“What a beautiful morning, isn’t it?” Anthony chimes in, a hand resting on his chin, adoring his two best friends upon getting used to the best worst duo he’s ever known in his life. 
“Shut up, Beau.” you say, throwing him a glare.
“Well, beautiful is definitely not in Y/N’s dictionary.” Mathew chides with a smirk, enough to earn himself a scoff from you. 
“You know what? I don’t have the time for this bullshit.” you cuss, finally retreating, your already heavy heart taking a better hold on your thoughts, blocking your ability to even come up with a clever remark to come back at Mathew.
You throw the delicate, yet already ruined piece of fabric towards his way as hard as you could before marching out of the kitchen and head off for work.
“Fucking unbelievable.” Mathew curses under his breath once he catches the silk linen, shaking his head as he turns his attention back to the morning task at hand. 
You were fucking unbelievable.
Once the boys were left alone, Tito raises a brow, briefly looking back after your footsteps, “What happened here, anyway?” he asks, having realized what must’ve caused such a heated argument so early in the morning. 
“I used this handkerchief to wipe the whole thing off and she just went ape shit! I mean–” Anthony cuts Mathew the moment he recognizes the thin cloth he was holding.
“Woah, woah. Wait a minute, you used this?” he muses, stressing on the possibility of what might have been Mathew’s biggest mistake of the day, his eyes darting between him and the fabric.
With furrowed brows, admittedly weirded by how Anthony reacted almost the same way you did a while ago. “It’s just a handkerchief, man. I can go buy her a bunch if that’s what she wants.” he says defensively.
Anthony shakes his head wildly, his irises now dilated as he examined the stain already sitting on the material. “No no. Oh god no.” He says, snatching Mathew’s phone from the counter to google quick remedies that might remove the said stain from the already ruined cloth. 
“What do you mean no? You guys spend way too much time together, you’re beginning to be as weird as her.” He scoffs, sipping on a glass of water. 
“No, you dumbass. This was her grandma’s!” Anthony says, eyes fixated on the delicate handkerchief. Remembering how you’d told him how long it has been in your family that having Nana give it to you after all the years you’ve spent admiring it from afar meant so much to you than anything anyone could have possibly given you.
“So?” Mat casually replies, closing his arms to his chest before adding, “Is she dead or something? Didn’t you guys visit her for the Holidays?” 
“What?? Why would you even say that?– You’re such a jerk.” Tito shakes his head, appalled by how Mathew easily shrugged the matter off when he knew full well how sentimental he himself could be.
“Well, how am I supposed to know?? If that thing’s so important I wouldn’t leave it on top of some random shit lying around!” He counters, defending himself for reaching for the nearest cloth he could find when he did whatever he does best when he’s in the kitchen.
Tito clicks his tongue and looks at Mathew exasperatedly, “Tell me, where did you find this exactly?”, to which Mathew only answered with a quiet voice, “It may or may not have been placed on top of her purse…” he avoids Tito’s gaze, finally catching on how he was the one in the wrong. 
“See? Jerk. Now, go figure out how you’ll take the stain off.” Anthony demands, his voice embraced by a definitive tone. One that made Mathew know he wouldn’t be able to persuade him into letting this go. 
Tito takes one good look at Mat’s catastrophic attempt to feed the house, striding his way out of the kitchen, “And make sure you apologize!” he adds, footsteps receding into the hallway, leaving Mathew scratching the back of his head out of guilt and frustration.
You have spent the following days either avoiding Mathew or ignoring his existence completely. Anthony talked to you the night that incident happened and assured you that he would do his best to have it fixed. You didn’t want to bother him nor take time off his already busy schedule, but you were just so bummed to even say a word.
That night, you spent the entire evening in your room, facetiming your mother, saying how much you’re missing home. You can’t bring yourself to tell her about the handkerchief. For some people, and that people being Mathew, it might’ve been just some silly thing but Tito knew how much that small piece of cloth meant to you. 
Mathew, on the one hand, was for sure guilty to his bones. He didn’t see you that night nor the nights that followed. He didn’t think much of it but when he found himself searching for that same handkerchief in the hopes of replacing it only to find out that it was nowhere to be found in the market, was when he did realize that ruining the one thing that held you closer to home was the last push your non-existent relationship with him had to have for you to finally lose any ounce of amour nor civility you once had for him. 
Anthony wasn’t a stranger for said changes either. He began waking up to a still apartment enveloped by a wall you profusely built between you and Mathew. You even unknowingly shut Tito out in the process as well. It was like you were grieving. Like, it was a whole different kind of heartbreak he knew he can’t get you out of that easily. 
You tried making it up for your best friend of course. Knowing that you haven’t been yourself since that day. You thought about the possibility of having taken the whole thing too seriously that you might’ve overreacted a bit. Nonetheless, no matter how much you try to push it in the back of your head, Mathew’s mere presence began irking you in ways it never did back when you used to enjoy the bickering you exchange with him, especially in bed.
“Thanks for dinner, belle.” Anthony politely says, earning a smile from you so effortlessly upon hearing the pet name he uses for you. Something Mat only shrugged off, trying to piece out the same gratitude, “Thanks, y/n.” he genuinely adds. But as expected, he had nothing.
You pick up all the empty plates, including Mathew’s, who was sitting in front of you while Anthony sat at the end of the table. Tito hurriedly wipes his mouth with a napkin and takes the plate from you, “Let me help you with that.” he says with the same kind eyes that has never failed to win you over. 
“Yeah. Okay, sure.” you shortly answer, leading the way towards the kitchen, leaving one Mathew Barzal feeling small and alone at the dining table. 
If there was one thing you’d gladly acknowledge after all the years of watching people kiss Mathew’s ass was that he was is really good. He’s fast and he can do unimaginable damage on the ice. There’s no denying that he deserves to be the face of the New York Islanders. But we know you don’t care about any of that. The only thing you care about was how unbelievably good he is at everything he does that not even you or your pink rubber toy could suffice. 
He was just that damn good. 
As your eyes shut whilst you mount your pleasures on your own, biting your lips to choke in your own moans, Mathew handling you was what circled your mind since you started defiling yourself in the bathroom. You let your arousal be washed away by the warm water trickling down your skin, envisioning Mat’s rough hands grazing your body, touching your core like his hands were meant to do nothing else but that. 
It was wrong and pathetic, but you couldn’t think about anything else. You and Mathew have been avoiding each other for days. The dynamic went so much worse than when you weren’t sleeping together and you know that Tito was bound to notice it soon. Thankfully, the boys were on another roadie for a week so you had quite some time to think things through about your current sitch with Mathew. You didn’t like any of it because it felt like you gave a fuck (which obviously, you didn’t). You just feel obligated to sort things out with the biggest ass that ever lived because you didn’t want to involve Tito into the mess you’ve wrongfully made yourself. 
You hop off the shower feeling unsatisfied. You haven’t gotten laid since the last time you were with Mat. Which is sad, not just for you but also for her. You’d think considering the boys aren’t around you’d bring someone home, maybe even one or two. But just thinking about going on bars alone so you could find a potential bone-mate is already far too tedious and you weren’t in the right state to do so. You had so much going on at work, anyway. And you can always use a wand to scratch an itch. Neither would satisfy you more than how someone-who-will-not-be-named could, but you might as well be pathetic without having to hook up with some random dude whose name you’ll eventually forget in the morning. 
You opted to wear an old pull-over you borrowed (took) from Tito years and years ago and partnered it with some leggings so you’d be comfortable enough for the rest of the night. You have nothing else to do and you are already fed up with your workload that watching a crappy movie off of Netflix doesn’t sound like a bad idea. 
With a giant bowl of popcorn and two bottles of beer in your hands, you march your way into the living room, ready to spend the night binge watching romantic comedies, crying and laughing in between. Or maybe just fall asleep on the couch while your comfort TV series is on. 
The boys won three games out of the four that they had during the trip and you only saw the ones they won so you were thankful that you didn’t have to sit at home alone watching their faces fall after that OT lost against the Flyers. Anthony phoned you that night and you can just feel the relief in his voice that you didn’t have the time to see it. They weren’t playing like they should. Thankfully, they were able to bounce back. 
Your eyes were beginning to grow tired halfway into the movie when you hear the front door open, followed by luggages dragged into the house tirelessly. 
“Y/N?” Anthony calls out.
You hit the movie on pause and hurriedly make your way towards the hallway. “You’re home already?”
They were already taking their coats off when you met them halfway, Tito was putting his away while Mat had just taken off his toque and was running his hands through his hair, unconsciously meeting your eyes upon hearing your voice. 
You quickly break it off when you give Tito a quick embrace and plant a small kiss on his cheeks, “I texted you.” he says, eyebrows quirked, surprised that you didn’t know. 
In an effort to avert any more of his questions you immediately point towards the movie you had on, “Haven’t checked my messages, sorry.” 
“So, you guys ate dinner?” you ask, passing Mat a quick look. One that came as a surprise because he wasn’t even hoping to hear a word from you given the way you two left things a little too on the edge, screwing with the whole thing even more. 
Mat avoids your irises and faintly nods. 
“Big win tonight huh? Told you, you can do it.” you say with a beaming smile, nudging Tito with your hips as you get back to watching your film. “You gotta do what you gotta do, babe.” he winks, lugging his stuff around towards his bedroom. 
“Barz, don’t stay up, Trotz needs us first thing in the morning.” he looks back, reminding Mat who was already standing in front of his door, “Yeah. Sure.” he replies shortly with a tired voice. 
You and Anthony bid your own goodnights whilst Mat mutters a quiet “Night.” when you nodded his way, clearly not enjoying any of the first awkward encounters he’s yet to have with you. Seven days is quite a reasonable time for your anger to dissipate, a short yet seemingly long period of time that’s just enough to kill off whatever guilt Mat had initially felt before you parted ways.
“Alright, I’m off.” Tito casually declares, putting on his watch. “There’s food in the fridge, and tell Mat to go easy on my beers.” he gives you a knowing look as he bends down to give you a kiss on the cheek. 
Tito had been seeing some mystery girl for quite some time now. He hasn’t told you anything spicy in particular but by the looks of it, you could already tell that she has him towed. 
“Good luck, loverboy.” you say, swatting his hand away and pushing him out to the door. The two of you cringe at what you said, sharing one last laugh before you watch him disappear out into the hallway.
The apartment was cramped the whole day because Anthony and Mat had the day off. Tito had plans for the night, obviously. As per you, you had plans lounging in the living room, switching through channels in the hopes of stumbling on a show that isn’t half as bad than the rest. 
Thankfully, a Sandra Bullock film was on HBO.
The Proposal, to be exact.
You decide to dive in the film with a cold bottle of beer on your hand. There was no way you’d be washing down the effects of a naked Ryan Reynolds with a glass of water. You haven’t gone mad. 
The film was already at the part where Sandra was proposing to Ryan when you hear Mathew’s door open. You haven’t talked since the night they came back home other than the small nods you exchange upon passing by each other. All of which are mind-numbing and impossible to swallow. The awkwardness has not dissipated completely unlike what you presumed. You were just grateful Tito was always around that you didn’t need to be alone together. 
Alarmed by another impending awkward encounter, you clear your throat and turn up the volume a little to remain focused on the film, investing your sole attention to it even if you have seen the movie countless times. 
Mathew, in his sweats and a gray shirt on, carefully makes his way out the hallway and into the common area after snatching a glass of water from the kitchen. You see him move further into the room but you make sure that he knows you weren’t paying attention. You take that he must’ve been thirsty and needed a drink but you don’t see him move further in the corner of your eye like he was making his way back in his room. It almost seemed like he was actually waiting for you to look his way.
Hesitantly, you follow your gut feel and see him standing a few feet away from you. “Yes?” you ask when you catch him staring. 
Mat blinks a few times, “Hi.” he takes a deep breath, trying to shake off the awkwardness circling the two of you.
When the only thing he gets from you is a tight lipped smile, he shakes his head and proceeds to walk where you were seated. 
“Mind if I join you?” he asks, his voice deep and clear enough to send your mind elsewhere. 
Regardless, you contain yourself and return a polite smile, “No. Not at all.”
“So, what are we watching?” he sits once you gestured onto the other end of the couch. 
“The Proposal.” you answer before throwing a question yourself, “Aren’t you supposed to be resting now?” you shake your head, absentmindedly chuckling. Not intending to make him feel that you’ve forgotten about what he’d done weeks ago. 
“I couldn’t sleep.” he props his back and lets himself sink in the cloud couch, his legs spread wide eating up most of the space left for the two of you to share. “Oh. I only like him when he’s Deadpool” he points out, cringing at how you were watching another one of your romantic comedy films.
You roll your eyes, admiring how he’s trying to break the tension between the two of you despite his unsolicited sentiments, “I like it when we were on not-speaking terms.” 
Mat mocks you for a while but decides to watch the movie so you let him be and get back to the film, letting a giggle slip every now and then. Something you thought Mat wouldn’t notice.
Watching the remainder of the film went with ease. ‘Course, Mat would steal a few glances here and there (ones he thought had gone unnoticed), but overall the quietude between the two of you was bearable. Almost like it was just two buddies hanging out. 
Although, not long after, your eyes were torn away from the huge flat screen when Mat spoke, “By the way,” he looks at you and calls your attention. 
Puzzled, you watch him take something from his pocket, “Here.” 
Once you see what he has in his hands your heart froze. Mat carefully hands you the cloth with an apologetic smile; his eyes soft with a hint of hope as he watches your reaction. 
“What– How?” you ask in bewilderment, failing to comprehend how he was able to fix the handkerchief. It looked the same as before. All of its details were in place, it was good as new. You were holding Nana’s handkerchief. 
Mathew didn’t bother to dance around and just offered you a quiet chuckle, evidently enjoying the wide smile painted on your lips. “Don’t worry about it. I just wanted to say that I’m sorry.” he apologizes, shielding you from all the strings he had to pull just to get that cloth fixed up.
You hold the smooth and delicate piece in your hands as you look at Mat, letting your feelings get a better hold of you, “Thank you.” you say, unknowingly reaching out, your arms wrapped around his neck as you give him a quick peck on the cheek. 
Mathew’s hand instinctively finds your back to support you, startling himself in the process. Nonetheless, the thought was easily shrugged off by how close your faces were, your smiles fading once you meet each other’s gaze. You feel the same rush you felt the night you and Mat got involved for the first time. Your hand was placed rather endearingly on his cheek, your faces, just like all the other times, unreasonably close to each other. Mat then clears his throat and only looks you in the eye. 
Afraid that the innocent hug would lead to something more, perhaps another mistake to be jotted down on the board, you breathe a laugh and break away, “Uh, thanks again. It really means a lot.” 
Mat must’ve sensed that you were being cautious so he puts his guards up and returns a chuckle, “So… we good?” he asks, reaching out a hand your way. 
Your fingers slide into his, gliding its way perfectly, your hands fitted well with his despite the obvious difference in proportion. His grip tightens in the most comfortable way possible. 
A smile breaks off his lips once he hears you answer, “We’re good.”
“I should probably get some sleep.” Mat tells you the moment you pull your hand away.
“Are you gonna be okay here?” he adds.
You looked at him, not wanting him to be obligated to keep you company, “Oh, yeah. I’m a big girl.” you say, making Mathew grin, shaking his head.
“Alright. I’ll be in my room if you need anything.”
Not picking up on whatever sloppy insinuation Mat has thrown out carelessly into thin air, he hears a simple “Mkay.” 
Thus far, letting him know that his subtle invitation was far from being RSVP’d.
“You’ll be in your room?” Mat scoffs, staring at the ceiling while he lays on his bed, “The fuck was that, Mat?” he scolds himself for always coming up with the worst things to say. 
Mathew would be lying if he’d say he hasn’t thought about you (or doing you) for the past week of not being around home. But he definitely wouldn’t deny that the roadie kind of made things easier for him because then he didn’t have to stomach seeing you walk around the flat looking like the hot piece of ass that you were in his eyes. 
Mat knows he needs to pull his shit together. He wasn’t some 13 year-old boy raging with hormones. He needs to control himself around you and he could only do that once he learns how to push this whole thing between the two of you behind him. 
What happened with you and Mathew shouldn’t have happened at all. It was just a moment of weakness, and he hated that he’d let his dick (and apparently, him being one) ruin the relationship he once had with you. 
Before that night, seeing you do yoga and work out on the terrace was just seeing you drenched in sweat, and in your work out clothes looking icky and constipated. Something he’ll later on tease you about and he’ll end up catching the water bottle you throw in his face. But now, after all that fucking, seeing you sweaty and all worked out in the same yoga pants is just like walking into a porn commercial. Like the ones they show before the actual porn. In fact, he doesn’t even have to watch any of it. Tents and Boners were pretty much sponsored by you from then on. It’s sick, and he knows it. 
However, the tension he feels with you is palpable that he’s even certain that you feel it too. But how can he be wrong? He sees how your eyes blink a few times when he’s fresh out the shower, he sees you follow his trance when you thought he wasn’t paying attention, and you never fail to slide him shadowed hints with every touch you “accidentally” pass at him. The kind that’s short enough to remain innocent but not so much as to keep him at bay. Mat hated everything about it. He hated that he wanted you– and he hated that he thinks he might be right about you wanting him too.
All that self-loathing aside, did he regret it? 
That was one of the things he feels bad about. Because as much as he wants to lie and push it aside, he didn’t regret any of it. He didn’t like you that way and just thought about you sexually but he just wishes that you could push past this and just be friends. He was still sexually attracted to you, yes. But he knows he’d eventually get over it and be back on his game. That is if he can ever find someone who’d be as good as how you were the last three times you’ve let him be with you because it would really help him a lot if he could stop picturing your mouth getting stretched by his cock every time he hops into the shower.
Mat was pulled from his thoughts when he heard a knock on his door. The shy banging sound made his heart beat rapidly in an instant, knowing full well that the two of you were alone in the house and that Tito was, in no way, going to be home for another hour or two.
A faint knock follows the first one before he gets to the door. 
“Hi.” you greet him, a moment unfolding like it was déjà-vu.
“Did I wake you?” you sheepishly ask, your hands balled into fists before eventually settling down to hug your own build, unsure of where to put your hands exactly.
Mat quickly shakes his head, “No. I couldn’t sleep myself.”
You offer him a smile, acknowledging how he’s been nothing but good to you ever since they got home. Of course you wanted to get your hands on him being that you were completely dry and horny ever since you’ve ignored him completely, but you haven’t gone mad and you weren’t a complete neanderthal. You can keep your hands to yourself and act like a decent human being. 
“I’m sorry for making things weird between us.” you say, your eyes heavy with guilt. “But I’m only apologizing for being so unreasonable for the last couple of weeks.” you reiterated.
To which he only answers with, “You shouldn’t be. You have every right to be unreasonable– and I know that I’ve been a giant prick that day. It’s what I deserve.” he bites his lower lip, scratching his brow as he continues, “That’s why if there’s someone who owes someone an apology, it should be me. What I did was pretty crappy, so… I’m sorry.”
Like all the other times, Mathew towers over you wearing the same confidence he does when you’re around. Your bodies were reasonably apart from each other but close enough to mean something else if someone had walked by. Mathew was still in his room while you were out in the hallway, separated by the thin line made by the door frame. 
You feel Mat’s steady breathing and everything went still. He looks down at you, pretty eyes drowning yours. His messed up bed hair ridiculously makes up for how dressed down he was. No, actually, he looks fine even when he is. And all of that sight instantly makes your throat dry as you feel something curl in your belly, enough to make your hands sweaty as the thought of tasting his lips again cruised your mind entirely.
Mathew was no stranger to the said feeling either. He watched you punish him more at how plump and inviting your lips were. Or how your hand brushed on your clothes as you remain uncomposed under his gaze. 
Mat was becoming accustomed to how the two of you meet. Same time, same place, only this time, a different hallway. He steps further and crosses the line that divides the two of you, making you take a deep breath as his scent floors every nerve in your body. Waking what has been awake ever since that moment you shared back in the living room even more. 
“Yeah, okay.” you gather yourself, “I– I should probably head back.” 
Just by how his shoulders dropped, you knew you had said the wrong thing. And you hated that you did. Mat clears his voice and swallows, breaking off his gaze, “You probably should.” 
“Good night, Mat.” you smile, trying to regain yourself. 
“Good night.” he replies as he watches you turn your back before finally closing the door behind him. 
Frustrated for he was already starting to feel things more than just being “sorry”, Mat leans against the door and runs a hand through his hair. He takes a deep breath and tries to get you out of his head. 
He was about to walk away from the door and sleep off his frustration when he hears your faint footsteps on the other side of the door. He rests his head back on the wooden surface and sighs, “You’re still out there, aren’t you?”
There was a total silence for a moment, devoid of the knowledge of how you had your fist, ready to knock yet again, suspended in mid-air. 
Mathew hears you deny sheepishly, “No.” 
You hear him let out a small laugh, knowing that he was trying to contain himself. 
The door sprung open again, and for a second you thought how what you’re about to walk into will start another mess for you and Mathew. But how could you possibly think about it that way when you have nothing else but this man standing at the other end? 
A friend that took no seconds to waste as he finally lets his thirst and perhaps foolishness, get the better hold of him once he cages your heated face in his hands, crashing into your lips as fast as he’d taken you to his end of that thin gray line that has once irkingly parted him from you. A gray line you’re both willing to cross if that meant sharing another night in between halls and thin walls.
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I’ll Make This Feel Like Home
I’ve been sitting on this WIP for a while, so I finally decided to finish and post it! It’s just pure self-induglent Sambucky domestic fluff, but my heart really needed it after watching those scenes of them together in Louisiana. 😍😍😍
Sam x Bucky (4.8K of pure fluff, rated T.) No applicable warnings other than TFATWS spoilers for anyone who hasn’t watched the series yet.
"That," Bucky says as he pushes back from the table and pats his stomach, "was the best goddamn meal I've ever had. Seriously, like ever. You really outdid yourself," he tells Sarah, who gives him a shy smile in return.
"Thank you, Bucky," Sarah beams, her smile growing even wider as she reaches out to pat his shoulder. "I like this one," she tells Sam. "He's a keeper."
"Yeah, he sure is," Sam grins. "I thought about returning him a couple of times, but he kinda grew on me," he winks while slipping his hand under the table and squeezing Bucky's knee.
That causes a very attractive blush to spread across Bucky's face, and Sam can't help thinking about all of the ways he could make that happen again.
Bucky gives Sam a private smile and says, "I guess you're stuck with me."
"I can live with that," Sam happily agrees.
"Will you be staying long?" Sarah asks Bucky as she stands up and starts collecting their empty plates. "Not that I'm kicking you out, I promise. We have plenty of room, and you're more than welcome to stay as long as you like."
Or forever, Sam thinks, but he keeps that to himself.
This thing with Bucky, these fond looks and lingering touches, that's not exactly new territory for them.
It's just been a while, and Sam's a little unsure of the protocol here when they've only spent a handful of days together after nearly a month of radio silence.
That wasn't Sam's choice, but Bucky was furious when Sam mentioned that he was going to turn in the shield. Sam hadn't even done it yet, but it still led to an ugly argument which ended with Bucky refusing to answer Sam's texts or phone calls after that. Things only got worse from there when the government gave the shield to Walker, but Sam didn't feel like he had much of a choice in the matter.
Sam's no fool, he knew the government wouldn't allow him to become the next Captain America. It had been a sweet gesture on Steve's part, but it left Sam with more questions than he had answers for.
After they returned from the blip, Sam ended up living in Wakanda with Bucky for a while since his previous apartment in D.C. was long gone. It was a hard truth to accept, but a lot had changed in five years. Sam knew he could go back to Delacroix and live with Sarah and the boys, but he wasn't quite ready for that yet.
Not that he didn't miss them dearly, but he wanted to take some time to adjust to this new normal before moving back home. It was a lot to process at the time, and Sam definitely didn't want to give Sarah any more reasons to worry about him.
Naturally, Shuri and T'Challa happily opened their hearts and home to him when Bucky explained Sam's situation. They were extremely gracious about it and assured Sam that he was welcome to stay as long as he wanted.
That only ended up being a few months, but it allowed Sarah to prepare for Sam's return, and for Sam to be in a much better mental state.
Truth be told, Sam's not quite sure he could have recovered as quickly as he did if it weren't for Bucky.
Bucky, who hadn't even hesitated to ask Shuri and T'Challa if Sam could stay in Wakanda with them.
Bucky, who had been nothing but sweet and charming to him the entire time Sam was there.
Bucky, who always held and comforted Sam when he needed it.
Bucky, who never judged or pitied Sam when he cried.
Bucky, who always dried Sam's tears with a gentle touch.
Bucky, who understood that anger was a perfectly valid emotion, given everything they'd been through.
Bucky, who was typically a man of few words, but happily talked Sam's ear off whenever Sam needed a distraction from his thoughts.
Bucky, who has been through his own share of personal horrors, but always put Sam's comfort and well-being before his own.
Bucky, who quickly became one of Sam's very best friends and completely stole his heart.
Their nights together in Wakanda were Sam's favorite because they would often lie on a blanket under the stars, just the two of them. They told each other things they never shared with anyone else, not even Steve, and Sam really enjoyed getting to know the real Bucky.
Their interactions always remained platonic, but Sam would be lying if he said he didn't want more. He often wondered if Bucky did too, but Sam ended up leaving before he had a chance to find out.
Back in the present, Bucky shakes his head in response to Sarah's question as he gives Sam a wistful smile.
"Nah, I wish. I've got some things to take care of back in Brooklyn, so I'm leaving tomorrow, actually. But," he adds hopefully, "I would love to come back for another visit sometime. If that's okay."
"Absolutely," Sarah nods. "You're always welcome here anytime, so don't be a stranger," she says as she leans down and kisses Bucky's cheek.
"Watch yourself, baby sister," Sam glares as he swats at her with a dish towel.
"Do that again Samuel, and I'm throwing out the rest of the beignets," Sarah threatens.
"Okay, truce," Sam relents as he holds up his hands in mock surrender. Sarah's beignets are his favorite, and he doesn't doubt that she would throw them away just to spite him.
"I better have another one, just in case he decides to stick his foot in his mouth again," Bucky tells Sarah as he reaches for the plate of leftovers.
"Oh, you think you're cute, huh?" Sam smirks as he snaps the dish towel in Bucky's direction this time.
"Not as cute as you, Samuel," Bucky drawls just before taking a bite of the fluffy pastry.
Sam's entire face flushes hotly as he looks up and meets Bucky's eyes.
Is he…flirting?
It's been a while since anyone has flirted with him, so Sam is a bit out of practice. Still, there's a mischievous twinkle in Bucky's eyes that Sam hasn't seen in months. The warmth suddenly spreads from his cheeks straight down to places that he doesn't want to think about with his little sister in the room.
"Well, at least we agree on something," Sam jokes as he plucks the half-eaten beignet out of Bucky's hand and pops it into his mouth. It's a weak reply, but it's all his brain could come up with after being caught off guard like that.
Bucky isn't even fazed, he just reaches for another beignet and eats it in two bites. "God, these are amazing," he moans.
It's pure torture for Sam, watching helplessly as Bucky licks the powdered sugar from his lips.
"Thank you," Sarah says as she places a sealed paper bag in front of Bucky. "These are for you to take home with you. They won't be quite as good as they are when they're fresh, but just heat them up in the oven for about five minutes and they'll be pretty close."
"Marry me," Bucky says dramatically as he reaches for both of Sarah's hands. "Make an honest man out of me, Sarah Wilson."
"You're sweet," Sarah giggles as she pulls her hands back and dusts them off, "but I don't feel like being turned into fish food."
"Empty threats," Bucky waves dismissively in Sam's direction. "He'll eventually learn to accept our love."
Sam almost chokes on his beer at Bucky's words. He knows it's all a joke and he's pretty sure (okay, somewhat sure) that Bucky isn't actually interested in his sister, but it still leaves a very unsettling feeling in his stomach.
Especially because Bucky can really lay on the charm when he wants to.
"I'm going to miss you," Sarah tells Bucky as she holds out her arms and wraps him up in a hug.
No, Sam is absolutely not jealous about that. He's just going to drink the rest of his beer and pretend like he doesn't want to pry them apart. (He is secretly thrilled that they get along so well, but he can obviously never let them know that. It would give them too much power.)
"I'll miss you too, sweetheart," Bucky says as he lifts Sarah right off of her feet and swings her around. "I promise I'll be back, though."
"I'm holding you to that," Sarah tells him while poking Bucky's chest.
"Please do," Bucky laughs as he sets her back down.
"Okay gentlemen," Sarah says as she continues stacking plates next to the sink, "any chance you guys might take care of the dishes so I can pry the boys away from their video game and tuck them in?"
"Of course," Bucky nods while reaching out and offering Sam a hand. "You wash, I'll dry?"
"Deal," Sam grins as he lets Bucky help him to his feet. Not that Sam needs it, but he loves that Bucky is so delightfully chivalrous.
"Don't let him trick you into doing all the work," Sarah warns Bucky as she pulls him into another hug. "And you better come down and say goodbye before you leave tomorrow."
"Yes ma'am," Bucky says as he gives Sarah one last squeeze. "Thanks again for dinner, and just for everything, really."
"Thanks for always keeping my brother safe," Sarah smiles at them both as she exits the kitchen.
"Your family is amazing," Bucky tells Sam once they're alone. "Cass and AJ are the sweetest kids, and I'm really going to miss this place."
"Don't miss it for too long then," Sam says as he claps a hand on Bucky's shoulder. "I know you have stuff to sort out in Brooklyn, but you can always come back here afterward. Maybe stay a while and make a proper vacation of it," he suggests.
"I thought we were going to take separate vacations?" Bucky teases.
"I've got Carlos and his fillet knife on speed dial, just so you know," Sam jokes as he grabs two more beers from the fridge and hands one to Bucky.
"I'm kidding," Bucky says as he accepts the bottle. Their fingers connect briefly, and Sam wishes they could live in this moment forever. No threats on their lives, no drama, just each other.
"Well I'm serious about you coming back. You up for it?" Sam asks.
"Definitely," Bucky nods before taking a sip from his beer. "Just let me tie up some loose ends in Brooklyn, then I'm all yours," he winks.
It's a common phrase, Sam realizes, but it still causes a sudden warmth to bloom in his chest.
I'm all yours.
Yeah, he could get used to that.
"Works for me," Sam says as he sets his beer down and turns his attention to the sink.
Bucky's words keep replaying in his head like a broken record: I'm all yours…I'm all yours...I'm all yours… so Sam has to occupy his hands before he does something reckless.
"Here, let me help," Bucky offers as he grabs a clean dish towel and joins Sam by the sink.
Bucky's 'help' turns out to be nothing but a distraction since he's pressed up against Sam's side, warm and solid. Sam's not really sure when Bucky started wearing cologne, but the one he's got on right now smells familiar. It's probably one of his own, Sam distantly realizes, since they both showered just before dinner.
Bucky hadn't brought much with him besides a single change of clothing, so he likely hadn't packed many toiletries.
"Are you wearing my cologne?" Sam asks out of curiosity, not that he minds in the least. Bucky usually just smells like fabric softener, which always makes Sam want to hold him close and breathe him in.
"Yeah," Bucky admits, "I hope you don't mind. I didn't bring any, so I just wanted to smell nice."
"You do," Sam says as he nudges Bucky's shoulder. What he doesn't dare mention is the fact that Bucky smells exactly like he probably would if he woke up in Sam's arms, with their combined scents mingling together. "You look nice, too," he adds in what he hopes is an appreciative tone.
Since Bucky neglected to pack anything to sleep in, he's wearing one of Sam's favorite T-shirts and a pair of his sweatpants. The shirt is a bit snug, but it clings to him in all the right places.
"Thanks," Bucky blushes as Sam hands him some plates to dry.
"You're welcome," Sam says while trying his best not to think about how much better that shirt would look on his bedroom floor.
"Do you think Sarah would share her beignet recipe with me?" Bucky asks a moment later.
"Doubtful," Sam snickers. "She's definitely taking that one to the grave with her. Hell, I don't even know it," he confesses.
"Oh," Bucky frowns. "Well, maybe she can still teach me how to make 'em even if we use a different recipe," he muses. "They're so goddamn addictive."
Shaking his head, Sam says, "they'll never be the same. You need water from the bayou to make them just right."
"Bullshit," Bucky scoffs as he gives Sam a playful shove.
"Hey, don't mock the process," Sam laughs, "but I can teach you if you really want to learn."
"Cool," Bucky grins. "I did a lot of cooking when I was in the Army. I wasn't half bad at it, actually."
"I can see that about you," Sam nods. "Especially living in Brooklyn. I bet you'll turn into one of those foodie snobs in no time."
"Nah," Bucky shakes his head, "I've never been too picky when it comes to food. My ma always taught me to eat whatever was put in front of me, so I doubt I'll ever become a snob about it."
"Sounds like she raised you right, then," Sam smiles.
"Guess so," Bucky agrees as he ducks his head shyly.
They work in companionable silence for the next few minutes, with Sam washing the dishes and then handing them over for Bucky to dry. The kitchen has a nice, wide sink, but no luxuries such as a dishwasher. That's fine with Sam, though. He's glad Sarah chose to preserve the original architecture, rather than overload the house with too many modern fixtures.
"Are there any more dishes left?" Sam asks a little while later as he's rinsing off some forks.
"Nope," Bucky says as he reaches around Sam and shuts off the tap. "All done," he adds in a low voice as he anchors his hands on Sam's hips and presses himself close.
It's so unexpected that it shocks Sam into dropping the forks back into the sink.
"Shit," he curses as soapy water splashes the front of his T-shirt.
"Sorry," Bucky laughs, clearly aware of the effect he's having on Sam.
"No you're not," Sam fires back because Bucky knows exactly what he's doing.
"No, I'm really not," Bucky purrs as he tucks his face into the curve of Sam's neck.
Sam had forgotten how sexy the scrape of stubble could feel. Sweet Jesus.
"Are you nuzzling me?" Sam tries to play it cool, but his voice betrays him by cracking slightly.
"Mmmhmm," Bucky confirms as he rests his chin on Sam's shoulder. "Just let me know if this makes you uncomfortable, and I promise I'll stop."
"Okay," Sam says a bit shakily, "did you accidentally eat some catnip?" Friendly touches are pretty common between them now, but there's absolutely nothing platonic about the way Bucky's got him pressed up against the counter.
Bucky chuckles at that while slipping his hands under Sam's shirt and trailing them over the smooth skin just above Sam's waistband. "I'm fine, Sam."
"Well something's up," Sam insists, but he doesn't pull away.
"Not yet," Bucky leers as he gives Sam's hips a squeeze. "But maybe if you play your cards right."
"Buck," Sam freezes, because that is entirely possible to misinterpret, "are you flirting with me?"
"Well, if you have to ask, then I'm obviously doing it wrong," Bucky laughs again. "I was a lot smoother back in the forties, I swear."
"You're doing fine," Sam praises as he melts into Bucky's touch. "You just caught me off guard, that's all."
"I'm full of surprises, sweetheart," Bucky whispers as he grazes his lips against Sam's neck.
Sam can't help shivering at the touch, because Bucky's lips are a warm contrast to the crisp evening breeze filtering through the open windows. The sweet scent of gardenias fills the air as Sam tries to calm his racing heart.
It's just Bucky, he thinks, which would have completely unnerved him once upon a time. Now it's a familiar comfort, like his favorite sweater, or the melodic sound of his nephews' laughter. Still, he can't seem to contain the flutter in his chest because he knows they're crossing a line that they've been cautiously avoiding for years.
"I like surprises," Sam says as he turns around and grips Bucky by the front of the T-shirt. The fabric is soft, and he can feel the heat from Bucky's skin seeping through it.
"I like you," Bucky counters as he cradles Sam's jaw with one hand. With the other, he hooks his fingers into Sam's belt loops and hauls him closer.
"I like you too," Sam admits as he drops his hands down and settles them on Bucky's waist.
"Glad we're on the same page," Bucky grins as he sweeps his thumb over Sam's cheek. "Would it be terribly old-fashioned of me to ask for permission to kiss you?"
"Yes," Sam says, eyes sparkling with delight, "but I sure hope that's not gonna stop you."
"Consider this my formal request, then," Bucky winks as he tilts Sam's face up.
"Permission granted, Sergeant," Sam murmurs just before Bucky kisses him. It's a slow, sweet drag of their lips at first, then Bucky carefully changes the angle as he cups the back of Sam's neck and deepens the kiss.
Sam lets out a whimper as he reaches up to run his fingers through Bucky's hair. It's the shortest it's ever been since Sam has known him, but he loves it like this. Bucky barely looks older than he did in the forties, and he's still every bit as handsome.
"Finally," Bucky pants shakily against Sam's mouth. "God, I've been wanting to do that for so long."
"Me too, baby," Sam replies as he wraps his arms around Bucky's neck.
"Well then, I guess we'll just have to make up for lost time," Bucky suggests as he leans in for another kiss. It's every bit as sweet as the first one but slightly less gentle as he pins Sam to the counter and rocks their hips together.
"Fuck," Sam groans as he pulls back suddenly and rubs Bucky's cheek. He can hear the TV upstairs so he knows that someone is still awake. Probably Sarah, but it could easily be the boys since it's not even that late. "As much as I really want to take this further, we can't right now. Not until we're sure that everyone's asleep."
"Sweetheart," Bucky says as he slides forward and nudges their noses together. "You don't owe me any explanations. This is your house and I would never want to make anything weird for you and your family. Especially for you, Sam."
"I know," Sam nods, "and I really appreciate that. I just wish we had some privacy, that's all."
"We will," Bucky smiles while adding, "they've gotta fall asleep sometime, right?"
"Right," Sam laughs as he kisses Bucky softly. "You're amazing, you know that? Just in case I don't tell you enough."
"Wait, does that mean I'm not as annoying as you like to pretend I am?" Bucky teases.
"No," Sam grins brightly, "you're definitely still annoying."
Bucky rolls his eyes fondly as he reaches for Sam's hand and steers him into the living room. "Well you're no picnic either, baby doll," he says finally as he drops down onto the couch and pulls Sam into his arms.
"Must be why we're perfect for each other, huh?" Sam winks as he settles onto Bucky's lap and kisses him again.
"Must be," Bucky agrees as he wraps his arms around Sam's neck and kisses him back.
"So, there's something I wanted to talk to you about," Bucky tells Sam a while later when they're curled up on the couch watching TV.
"What is it?" Sam asks as he sits up and turns to face Bucky. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, everything's fine," Bucky replies. "But I kinda broke the lease on my apartment, so that's why I'm heading back to Brooklyn. There's not much left in it, honestly, but I have to pick up the rest of my stuff and then just turn in my keys. I could use some company though if you wanna come with me?"
"Of course, baby," Sam says as he reaches out and squeezes Bucky's knee. "Oh shit, I should probably check for a last-minute flight, though."
"No need," Bucky tells him. "I, uh, kinda hoped you'd say yes, so I already got you a ticket."
"And what if I said no?" Sam challenges.
"Oh," Bucky frowns, "then guess I'd just go alone and miss you the whole time."
"Who knew you were such a drama queen?" Sam smirks while leaning in to kiss Bucky's pout away. "I'm kidding, baby; I'd love to go with you. But wait, where are you moving to then?"
"Well," Bucky blushes, "that's what I wanted to talk to you about. I used to love living in New York, but it's changed a lot since I was a kid. It's too damn loud, for one," he laughs. "That, or maybe I'm just not cut out for big city life anymore."
"So, you're leaving the city," Sam says, but it's not a question. He tried to talk Bucky out of moving there in the first place, but he figured it must have been a comfort thing. It's the only place Bucky has ever lived, so it made sense that he'd end up there, at least for a little while.
"Yeah," Bucky nods. "It's just not home to me anymore. I mean, I guess it hasn't been for the last eighty years, so I think it's time to move on."
"So where did you have in mind?" Sam asks. He doesn't want to assume anything, but he suddenly feels pretty hopeful about what Bucky may be getting at.
"Here," Bucky says while brushing his lips against Sam's. "You're home to me, so I just wanna be wherever you are, baby. I already looked up some apartment listings earlier and I found a few that looked promising. I mean, if you're cool with all of this. I don't want to make you feel pressured, or make things weird, or - "
Sam cuts him off with a kiss so intense that it leaves them both completely breathless.
"Bucky," Sam pants a moment later. "Are you kidding me? You know I hated the idea of you living all alone in Brooklyn, and I hope you know that I always want you around me."
"Always?" Bucky blushes as he shifts closer and rubs his nose against Sam's.
"Always," Sam repeats as he tilts his head and kisses Bucky again. "You're not gonna need that apartment, though."
"I won't?" Bucky says while giving Sam a teasing grin. "How come?"
"Well," Sam explains as he hauls Bucky off of the couch and leads him over to the window. From there, they have a perfect view of the backyard which is bathed in the soft glow of moonlight. "I was actually thinking about building a place for us. We own this land and there's plenty of extra room," he adds while gesturing out the window. "So I was thinking we could build an extension for ourselves, sort of like a guest house. That way, we'll have our privacy, but we can still be near Sarah and the boys. What do you think?"
"I think that sounds like a goddamn amazing plan to me," Bucky says as he turns to wrap his arms around Sam and pull him close. "I haven't known your family for even a whole day yet but I already love them almost as much as I love you," he smiles before leaning in for another kiss.
"Whoa," Sam gasps. "You love me?"
"So much," Bucky nods. "I know it's probably way too soon to say it, but - "
"No, it isn't," Sam disagrees as he gently trails his fingertips over the scruff on Bucky's jaw, "not if you really mean it."
"I've honestly never meant anything more," Bucky murmurs as he steals another kiss. This one is just a quick peck, but Sam still feels it all the way down to his toes.
"Bucky, I - "
"I don't expect you to say it back," Bucky quickly interjects before Sam can even get a word in. "I just wanted you to know how much you mean to me, sweetheart. I know I'm not good with words, and okay, most of the time I'm just not good at expressing myself in general, but - "
"Bucky," Sam tries a little more firmly this time as he rubs the back of Bucky's neck. "I love you too. I've known it since Wakanda for sure, but probably even before that, honestly. You may be a pain in my ass sometimes, but you're the only one I trust with my heart," he finishes as he tugs Bucky forward and kisses him deeply.
"Holy shit," Bucky says as he pulls back and gives Sam a hopeful look. "You love me? Like really?"
"Really," Sam nods as he reaches for Bucky's hand and drags him back over to the couch. "I know it's been a while since we've talked about it," he continues once they get settled, "but I honestly don't know where I'd even be right now if it weren't for you. I was really struggling to accept how much life had changed after the blip, but you," Sam pauses as he turns toward Bucky and scoots closer, "you were my knight in shining armor. Literally," he emphasizes as he reaches for Bucky's vibranium hand and squeezes it. "Thank you, baby. That really meant a lot to me, just in case I don't say it enough."
"Sweetheart, you of all people have nothing to thank me for," Bucky says. "You deserve the world, Sam Wilson, he whispers as he takes hold of Sam's jaw and kisses him again.
"Thank you," Sam pants between kisses. "It's not a competition, but you know you deserve nice things too, right?"
Bucky smiles softly as he leans back and grips Sam by the shoulders. "Baby, I've already got everything I could ever possibly need or want right here."
The with you part goes unspoken, but Sam hears it anyway.
"I love you," Bucky continues as he gives Sam's shoulders a reassuring squeeze. "When I escaped from HYDRA, I never dreamed that I could be happy again, or that I'd fall in love and have a shot at a normal life. Not that anything about our lives is exactly normal," he laughs.
"No, definitely not," Sam agrees, "but we make it work."
"We sure do, sugar," Bucky says as he drops a kiss on Sam's shoulder.
"So how about it?" Sam asks as he reaches for Bucky's hand and laces their fingers together. "Do you think you could be happy here in Delacroix?"
"I don't care where we live," Bucky says as he slides onto Sam's lap. "Here, New York, Wakanda, fucking Mars, even. Delacroix is amazing, but honestly, I'll be happy wherever we are as long as you're there with me," he finishes as he tilts Sam's face up for a kiss.
"You know we don't have any of those fancy sushi joints here, right? Or those hipster coffee shops that you love so much," Sam teases.
"That's okay," Bucky grins as he presses a trail of kisses up Sam's neck. "I make damn good coffee actually, and I happen to know of a fantastic place to get seafood. The owners are a little grumpy, but you learn to love 'em."
"Is that so?" Sam pretends to glare as he pokes Bucky in the ribs.
"Yes it is," Bucky huffs while trying to squirm out of Sam's grasp. "And I think the one with the hot ass might have a crush on me."
"You better be talking about me," Sam smirks as he shoves Bucky backward and crawls on top of him.
"Only you, my love," Bucky says seriously as he wraps his arms around Sam's neck.
"Good answer," Sam winks as he bends down and kisses Bucky slowly. "I love you," he adds when he pulls back and rests their foreheads together.
Bucky smiles at that, sweet and soft and so ridiculously fond as he leans in and nuzzles Sam's cheek.
"I love you more."
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gummy-friend · 3 years
Hi! First and foremost, I really like your writing! Second, maybe 4 with G! Techno and H! Tommy? Thanks :D
Hello!!! Thank you so much!!!! :DD
And terribly sorry for the very long delay— I lost my original thought and was being petty to myself. But thank you for the prompt! I appreciate it! :D
"I would never hurt you"
Giant Techno and Human Tommy
Content warning: Language, mentions of blood, mentions of killing.
They say giants are vicious, they say giants are evil.
Well, to those people, Tommy will give them a middle finger. Because he met one. A giant.
His name is Techno, he's not evil nor vicious— In fact, Tommy will say that Techno is kind of a pussy. Techno absolutely refuses to go to the human villages, because "That'll be incredibly awkward", according to Techno. So he would just hunt for foods in the forest.
Tommy met Techno for quite a while now— after being exiled from his original village, he stumbled upon Techno's cabin, and got caught by Techno there.
It was not a fun time for Tommy, it took a while for Techno to let him go from a jar— he still don't know the reason why did Techno fucking lock him in a jar—before eventually releasing him to go off on his own. Techno made Tommy promise to not tell anyone about him, though, which Tommy agreed, and quickly ran away from the place.
But before long, Tommy came back to Techno. Tommy remembers, it was honestly an impulse decision of him.
It was nighttime when Techno let Tommy go. And it was nighttime when Tommy saw a mob of people from his village, holding pitchforks and torches, ready to go to where he was coming from. Techno's house.
Tommy smiled at the memory. Sure, he was exhausted trying to sprint as fast as he can, going towards Techno's cabin, trying to find Techno. It was a scary time for Tommy in the jar, sure, but not once did Techno tried to hurt Tommy, no matter how annoying Tommy was trying to be.
"HEEY!" Tommy shouted to the giant, who is in the middle of cooking food.
With a "Huh?", Techno turned around to meet a human he just released an hour ago, confused about his return.
"GIAN— TECHNO!" Tommy shouted again, panting between words "HUMANS!" He shouted, pointing towards the giant's door, trying to get his point across "HUMANS ARE HUNTING YOU—!"
Of course, Techno didn't believe the human. But still, he took precautions and peeked at the window, seeing torchlight and hearing hushed chatters and footsteps. A quick look at that, and Tommy saw Techno tremble— not because of fear, Tommy didn't sense any fear coming from the giant— while holding his head, pulling his long, pink hair. An unseen expression reflected in Techno's face before he once again trapped Tommy in a jar and ran away to their current location.
It has been two months since that incident, Tommy thinks. He still hasn't known much about Techno or his intention— like why did Techno brought Tommy with him when he ran away— but Tommy is currently living with Techno in a cave.
They say giants are evil, they say giants are vicious.
But Tommy hasn't felt like that ever since he moved in with Techno. It was a move with a lot of arguments, but after a quick explanation about how Tommy is afraid of villages after being exiled, Techno gave in and let Tommy stay with him.
"Techno!" Tommy called out to Techno, returning from his trip from the river— a basket full of fish on his back. "I'm home!"
Techno spared Tommy a glance from where he's standing— still focusing on cooking his food. "M-hm, give me the fish, I'll cook it" Techno nodded to himself, knowing Tommy is heading towards his direction.
With a "bitch, next time take the fish yourself" grumbled beneath his breath, Tommy gave the basket of fish to Techno— Who only gave a small scoff at the comment— and sat down not too near the fire.
"So." Tommy started, taking the plate of cooked fish from Techno. "Did you remember two months ago?" he continued, not yet eating his fish, instead staring at Techno.
The first week after moving in with Techno, Tommy asked Techno about his intention so many times— why did Techno take him with him, why did Techno avoid humans so much, especially since Tommy knew Techno is so skilled at fighting— and Techno always avoided the question. Without fail.
"Tommy." Techno sighed. Putting down his half-eaten plate of deer meat. "I told you not to talk about that"
"Why not?!— you fucking trapped me that one time, and you still haven't told me why" Tommy retaliated, But Techno ignored Tommy's protest, instead went back to avoiding the question by going to the cave entrance. Tommy took a bite out of his food before continuing "You're so fumkign skilled at fighting— I know! I saw you that one time when you were sword practicing—"
"Wait. Tommy." Techno's voice rang in a hushed tone— but Tommy was too focused in letting out his thoughts to realize it.
"— and then you have these times when you're so fucking creepy— chanting or some shit—"
"— and why the fuck do you live alone anyway? There's no way each giants live alon—"
"Tommy— shut up!—" Techno half-shouted, his voice being held back. Tommy only stared at Techno, the usually-calm giant raised his voice at him, and suddenly Tommy remembered the whispers about giants.
Giants are vicious, giants are evil
Those words reverberated in Tommy's head, and when he came to himself, he was trapped inside Techno's palm. Giant fingers wrapped around him a little too tight as he felt the vibrations of the ground shaking far below him and the sound of Techno panting. It reminded him on that night two months ago, when Techno trapped him in a jar, and those words reverberated inside Tommy's head
Giants are vicious, giants are evil
Are they really?
Minutes felt like hours to Tommy, and Techno finally stopped.
"Let- let me fucking go!" Tommy shouted from Techno's palm— much like when he shouted to be let go from a jar 2 months ago.
"Shh." Techno said. Voice low and halted. He's not even looking anywhere near Tommy's direction.
"No, fuck you— Let me fucking go—"
"Shut. up."
Giants are vicious. Giants are evil
No, no, no. Fuck no, Why does that thought has to come up now?
Tommy looked at Techno. Long, pink hair obscuring his face, a dark and heavy atmosphere covered both of them as the only voice Tommy can focus on is Techno's panting. His body now feels numb.
Just after Tommy felt like he's about to lose consciousness, he felt a sharp turn in his surroundings. The world turns into a blur as Tommy finds himself nauseous—
Before he felt a sharp pain on his head, knocking his consciousness out of him.
It's loud.
The voices inside his head all screamed the same thing. All screamed the thick, red substance the flows throughout living beings body. The voices inside his head screamed for blood
But Techno doesn't want that. He's changed. He's changed and he have tried to prove that. Not hurting the human child that came over to his cabin two months ago, not killing the hoard of tiny humans hunting him right now, trying so hard not to just take one of the tiny being flailing a pitchfork around and just... squishing them for a tiny trickle of the glorious blood—
For blood he already gave Chat animal blood. No human blood. He's changed. He's changed. He's no more the giant who drove his friend away, no longer the giant from the legend— having no mercy to humans. No.
But if he's changed then...
Why did he not protect the human he's sheltering...?
Tommy is a human that came across Techno two months ago. A human he trapped in fear of letting a hoard of human knowing where he lived. A human he used as a tool to remind hinself he's changed.
But overtime, the human had grown on him. Tommy is a... decent guy when you get to know him. Sure, he's loud, he's annoying, but he's... endearing. In some times Tommy talks to Techno about things he did at his previous village— how he saw a rabbit eating one of the villagers carrots, how he stole one of the villagers things, ....how he was exiled from his village...
It didn't broke Techno's heart, no. It was just.. sad. The kid had been exiled from his village and he ended up inside a jar in a giants house.
It was a day after that Techno let Tommy out of the jar— with a promise that the human won't tell anybody about his whereabouts, of course— while hoping the human will get somewhere to live.
To say Techno was surprised to see the human back in his house again, with a warning that a mob of humans going out for him was an understatement.
It was an impulse action from Techno to grab Tommy in a jar, really. But Techno saw the face of a horrified man and it reminded him of the faces of humans he'd killed— maybe, he can still save faces like these.
Maybe it's going to stay as a mere maybe afterall.
It's currently sunrise, Techno had found a cave hiding behind a waterfall— a secure place for him to hide— but Tommy have not yet to wake up. A small droplet of red stained his finger, but Chat seemed to not at all focusing on that — maybe a small part of Chat, really— but the majority of them are asking if Tommy is okay, if he's badly hurt or not. And with the constant ring inside his head, Techno can't help but feel very anxious about it.
The anxiousness was quickly dissipated, though. As Tommy let out a small groan and a small tremor in his figure, struggling to wake up.
"Tommy?" Techno whispered, finally relaxing his shoulder he didn't know were tense the whole time.
Tommy stood up— or at least tried to stand up— slowly, his arm trembling when a force is applied on it. But eventually, when Tommy managed to stand properly, he let out a shrilling screech at the sight of Techno.
"AAAH WHAT THE FUCK—" Tommy screeched, no longer standing up as he fell down into a sitting position. Trying to scoot away as far as possible from Techno— as far as the rock he's on lets him, at least.
A strange uneasiness tugged at Techno's heart. "T-Tommy...?" Techno repeated, slowly trying to reach out his hand to the small human— which the human respoded with an absolutely terrified look and a small shake. Techno stopped reaching out after that.
"H-How did you know my name?!" Tommy shouted out. The uneasiness tugs harder. "Where am I?!" He shouted again. and... "Who are you?!"
Techno felt like his heart is shattering. Tommy forgot about him. Each word feels like is hurting him.
"I..." Techno started, watching intently to Tommy's face full of fear and anticipation. "I'm Techno," He continued, very slowly in picking his words "and You're in a cave I found yesterday— after we escaped from a group of humans"
"Wait— why're humans hunting... us?" Tommy cuts off, "Did you— did you fucking kidnapped me?"
"No!" Techno said, refuting Tommy's accusation too quickly. But a small pause after his word made him realize that... he did initially kidnap Tommy. "...yes" Techno nodded, watching Tommy's expression pale. No— "The humans didn't hunt us because of that, though—"
"You... you kidnapped me." Tommy whispered, barely enough to be audible to Techno.
"Tommy— no—"
"YOU FUCKING KIDNAPPED ME, GIANT!" He shouted out, the pure emotion seething from him made him stand up. Techno's heart feels like it has been stabbed. "I— You—" Tommy took a step back, not registering how he's at the edge of the surface. Tommy let out a shriek as gravity pulled him down the fortunately not high surface.
Techno was about to reach out and help Tommy, but then he heard a quiet sob and saw the curled up form of Tommy.
"You... you kidnapped me.." Tommy said through his sobs. "What are you going to do to me now...?"
"Tommy." Techno called, a finger held out for helping Tommy to get up. "I would never hurt you"
° ° °
"Tommy." the giant called, a massive finger held out for helping him to get up. "I would never hurt you"
Tommy stood up with help from the giant— What was his name? Was it Tech...?— while looking up towards the giant figure.
A long flowy pink hair, two long pointed ears, two tusks poking from his mouth... Tommy remembered it was scary from when he first saw the giant, but for some reason, the assurance from him reverberated inside Tommy's heart. The nagging feeling of familiarity and "home" radiating from the giant to Tommy doesn't help either.
Tommy stared at the giant. He's kneeling, making his form a lot smaller than it should be. Tommy's glad for that. The giant already looks so much bigger kneeling, Tommy doesn't want to imagine his full height. At least, not right now. "are you sure..?"
The giant nods, repeating his words. "Yeah. I would never hurt you, Tommy."
Tommy stared at the giant. Looking at the concerned expression of the giant. Tommy felt reassurance bubbling more inside his heart. Tommy knows the giant is telling the truth.
Eventually, Tommy stepped out from his thoughts, realizing that he's still on the ground— he should go back to the top of the rock.
With very much difficulty, Tommy tried climbing the rock. The first attempt was very much a fail— as soon as he tried climbing, his arm gave up. Tommy guesses it's the numbness. The second attempt, though, Tommy got help from the giant. The giant gave him his palm as a platform.
"Thank you" Tommy mumbled, still feeling awkward— he guesses the giant also felt awkward— judging by the thick tension in the air. "Can- do you- If you said you didn't- didn't kidnap me," Tommy started, trying to break the tension, "then... can you tell me what really happened?"
The giant stopped for a moment, only watching Tommy. His eyes looked like it widened a little. But eventually, he let out a small huff and start telling Tommy a story. How they first met— the giant really did kidnap Tommy— but after a bit of explanation, Tommy understood the situation. The giant then continued telling about how Tommy warned the giant about oncoming group of humans
He then explained about them running away from the humans together— with the giant trapping Tommy again— and when Tommy asked why, the giant hesitated to answer,
"You.. you reminded me of my friend" the giant answered before continuing again. At the back of his mind, Tommy relaxed. Like it was something he needed to know.
The giant continued to tell the story. telling how Tommy asked to live with him. When Tommy asked why, the Giant said "You said you're scared of villages" and Tommy nodded after that. That kind of make sense— an eerie feeling rose at the thought of a distant, but familiar scenery of a village.
At the end of the story, the giant told the story of last night— about how they were chased by humans. The giant said they were bickering when the giant saw a hoard of humans marching towards them, so the giant quickly grabbed Tommy— forgetting to tell him about the current situation— and the giant apologized after that.
"so that's what happened" Tommy mumbled out, looking towards the giant— who looks slightly exhausted from all the storytelling. "Thank you, T- Tech- Tech- Techie..?"
Tommy can only watch as the giant's face changes into an expression similar to shock. "....what" a low— but not menacing— voice said.
"I- fumk- I forgot your name" Tommy meekly said— he's sure that the giant's not angry, but a giant is still making him nervous.
"Techno. Technoblade" The giant — Techno— huffed out.
"That's a fumkign dumb name" Tommy blurted out, but quickly slapped his hand to cover his mouth.
"It's okay. You said that the first time you knew my name too" Techno deadpanned. Tommy let out a very loud laugh at that.
"So uh— Nice.. Nice to meet you?" Tommy said after a moment of waiting his laugh to stop.
"Nice to meet you too, Tommy." Techno smiled
Giants are vicious, giants are evil.
A distant telling of a village rang inside Tommy's head.
Well, to those people, Tommy will give them a middle finger. Because he met one. A giant.
His name is Technoblade, and Tommy knows he's not evil nor vicious.
Thank you so much for the prompt!! I appreciate it!! :DD
The prompt is from here (I don't think I'll be taking more prompts though)
And.. Masterlist ! If you're interested in my other writings! :D
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dancingthesambaa · 3 years
The Smell of Plum Blossom Tea Ch 3
Summary: Just like a butterfly wing, a single act of kindness can change the course of the future, it certainly did for MK as a black-furred monkey put out a hand towards him.
Rating: Teen and up
Chapter 3: Shadows of the Past
“Mhmmmmm,” Mei's eyes sparkled as she munched on the moon cake on the outdoor patio. “This is the most amazing thing I have ever eaten, I don’t even think the chefs can top this.”
“I seriously have to ask your parents what they do one day,” Macaque said as he ruffled her hair and picked up the empty plates with his hands and used his tail to set down the plate of mooncakes right beside an assortment of origami made by both Macaque and the kids. They were in the shapes of people, a vulture, monkey, jellyfish, rabbit, lion, and other varieties of animals and objects. They had a little too much fun making them all. After he put the dishes in the soap-filled sink he took off his apron and sat down next to MK, who was stuffing his face, “cause there is no way they can have normal jobs to have a chef.”
“I think they dig stuff up,” Mei shrugged her shoulders.
“Archaeologist,” he mused as he snatched up a sugar ring from MK plate, receiving an outraged ‘Hey’ from MK, “Didn’t think they were the down and dirty people, though...” The first time he met them was when Mei wanted to go visit MK at their house for his tenth birthday. Nice people, a bit cutthroat and sharp tongue, but nice people, especially when it comes to the safety of their daughter. “I have been wrong before.”
“It’s nice to hear you admit that,” a deep voice chuckled as both the kids jumped up in fright at the unexpected voice.
“Yeah yeah yeah, can it kitty cat,” Mac grumbled as he took a bite of the sugar ring, then wrinkled his nose at the sweet taste. “Can’t afford Raki to hear that.”
A figure softly leaped down from out of nowhere and by the lanterns' soft glow, they saw that the figure was dressed in an extravagant red robe that had rings of gold displayed all across, but the kids were more focused on the figure being a giant lion demon than anything else.
“I brought Eight Treasure Rice Pudding,” he tempted him as he held up the dessert in one hand and a floating lantern in the other.
“Well then you're more than welcome to join,” the monkey jokes, “Happy New Year kitty.”
“Happy New Year,” he said as he put the tray down and gave a smile as he noticed that Macaque was not alone, “and a Happy New Year to the both of you as well, I’m Ahmed.”
“MK!” The boy greeted him as his eyes went from the figure to the pudding.
“Mei the name and let me say that the pudding smells really good,” she drooled a bit.
“Well I hope it is, here,” he cut a slice for the two of them and sat down on the other side of Mac once the two began to dig in.
“Delicious!” They both said in glee.
“Bottomless pit I swear,” the monkey demon muttered.
“Your food is just that delicious,” Ahmed teased and gave a small nudge to his shoulder.
“Flattery will get you everywhere,” Mac then took notice of his mane and gave a small eye twitch, “oi when’s the last time you took care of that mane of yours?”
The lion stiffens as he avoided eye contact, “oh not too long ago.”
“How long?”
“I don’t quite remember it could have been-,”
“How. Long.”
“....a few months ago.”
“I swear-what is with you guys and not taking care of your goddamn fur,” Mac grumbled as he forced the lion head to lay down on his lap as he began to fix his fur, “only can count on Bohai to take proper care.”
“But he doesn’t even have any fur,” the demon tried to refute, only to be met with a stink eye.
“And he can still take better care than the rest of you lot.”
“Does this happen a lot?” Mei pointed out the scene and MK nodded.
“Tons, usually it’s with Daiyu since she tends to get blood in her wings, the monkeys, or even me.” He can’t remember the first time he had his hair played with, but once it began it just never stopped. “He said that monkeys tend to the other fur when they care for the other.”
“Ohhh,” then Mei's eyes widened, and had to hold back a large smile as she realized that Macaque had been messing with her hair for the past month. He may be gruff, but he is just one big softy on the inside. Though she couldn’t help but take a longer look at the pair and noticed that the lion's eyes were closed in pure content...like a cat, she couldn’t hold back a giggle.
Ahmed's ears perked up and looked towards her, Mac's eyes didn’t even move from his grooming as he was used to both children's strange outburst, and he saw the young child just eerily smile at him. He decided that it would be better if he just ignored all of that.
Almost an hour later, Mei noticed that a soft glow of light was slowly flying above the forest. “Hey what’s that?”
They all looked in the direction of her pointed finger and it was MK who reacted first.
“Someone released their lantern! Can we do it now!” He eagerly said as he watched many more lights begin to emerge from the treetops.
Mac laughed as he pushed the purring cat off his lap, who didn’t take any offense as he stretched, and grabbed the lanterns, “yeah we can.”
“Yes!” He grabbed his lantern and waited by the edge of the patio with Mei.
“Don’t forget yours as well rocky,” he handed a lantern to the surprised Mei.
She blinked, a bit taken aback by the sudden action, but smiled brightly, “thanks fluffy!”
“Not fluffy,” he muttered as he slapped his tail at the back of the laughing lion's head. The two joined them with their lanterns and at once they all released it in the air as they all joined the small trove of floating lanterns in the air as the light almost illuminated the pink forest in its entirety.
They watched the scene until they could no longer see it anymore and when they thought it was all done they diverted their attention to the first crackle of fireworks and the kids cheered loudly as much more came.
“If I was a snake, where would I be?” MK hummed as he looked through the trees, hoping he didn't run into any creepy crawly spiders, as he tried to find his slithery friend.
The Qilin merely snorted as he laid down against the Yao grass, MK met him one day when he was visiting Whatever. He tried so many times to call him Shui Gui or Kappa, but the webbed spirit would just ignore him, and the horse-like creature trotted from across the lake and up to him, and after a moment of staring, just decided to take a nap next to him. Ever, MK managed to haggle that nickname out of him, once again busted out laughing and left a confused eleven year old.
“They have to be around here somewhere,” he grumbled as he searched further through the woods only to stumble upon an open clearing with an old house in the middle. “Huh, didn’t know anyone lived here.”
He walked closer to the home and he gave a cheerful yell “Hello! Anyone home?!”
No response.
“Doesn’t seem like they're here right now...let’s take a closer look,” he mischievously scurried over to the open window and peeked inside to see that it almost looked like he traveled back to the Tang Dynasty, see he has been paying attention to history, take that Dad.
“I wonder who could live here?” He pondered as he looked through the clean wooden and sun dried brick structure. “It actually looks clean, but everything is just so...well old?”
“What are you doing here kit?” He jumped up at the melodic voice.
“You scared me Ní!” He yelled at the Huli Jing, the brown nine-tailed fox.
“Well everyone needs a good scare every once in a while,” they said with a grin as they walked forward.
“Course I did,” he grumbled as he turned to face the shack, “so do you know whose house this is?”
Sadly, the fox smiled, “just one filled with fond memories kit, now come,” they nudged him away from the old home. “I heard that you were looking for our lost slithery friend of ours.”
“Yeah, they took my fidget spinner after learning that they could spin it on their tail,” he huffed as he once again.
“I presume you mean our Xian,” she hummed as they walked back to the trees.
“Who else?”
“Well there are our many reptilian friends amongst the trees, for all I know you could mean our biggest companion,” they teased.
MK looked at the fox as if they were crazy, “I don’t think that there even is a fidget spinner big enough for her.”
“You never know,” they swished their tails as they made it back to where the Qilin was and they took on a grin, “oh, it seems that we have found them.”
MK's eyes twitched as he saw that the snake was just chilling next to the horned horse beast as they played with the spinner, “Hey!”
All nine snakeheads lift at the voice and with a unison hiss, they promptly slither away with fidget spinner in hand, or rather tail in their case.
“Don’t you dare run! Get back here with that! I need it for class!”The boy yelled as he ran after the Xiangliu with much fervor.
“-but how?!” MK threw his hands in the air, “Monkey King has all these amazing powers, it doesn’t make sense that he can’t use them underwater.
“He is a stone monkey!” Mei pointed out to a section of the book as she leaned against MK’s bed, “stone sink, not float!”
“But he can still transform into all these different animals, can’t he just make himself a fish or something?”
“He is still stone!”
“But he can fly!”
“I don’t know magic,” she was half tempted to throw her book at her friend, she doesn’t have all the answers either.
“Then why can’t he use it underwater then?!” He was then hit by a thrown book as he fell off the bed, “you didn’t have to throw it at me.”
“Well maybe I did,” she crossed her arms and just laid down on top of him, “this is so confusing...maybe we can ask Mac, he knows a thing or two about magic.”
“He does,” the thirteen year old shot straight up, knocking Mei off, but then he slumped down when a thought occurred to him, “but he’s currently helping Ning right now.”
“Ning?” She asked as she sat back up.
“She’s a client,” he added.
“Oohh...I wonder what she’s in for?”
“When she sneezes or burps, she breathes fire,” MK easily answered. He already saw this happen when she first crawled in, she gave a wave to him, but quickly turned away when she sneezed. He is glad that the wood in the house has been enchanted to be fireproof, cause he doubted that there would have been a house standing after that fireball.
“She’s a dragon!” Mei got in his face, if there was one creature she loved it would hand down be the dragons.
“No, just a lizard demon.”
“Well technically dragons are reptiles,” she slumped down, her dreams of seeing the magnificent beast being thoroughly crushed. She then picked up the Journey to the West book and she gave an amused huff as she saw what page it landed on. “I still find it funny that your dad shares the same name as Monkey King rival.”
MK shared her grin, “it is pretty funny, like can you imagine him going toe to toe with the Monkey King.”
Mei’s grin widened, “the same monkey who let me put braids in his fur with ribbons!”
“The one who has a heart attack each time I get a bruise out in the forest,” he joined in.
“Who wears aprons when cooking food!”
“Let the baby monkey cling onto him!”
“He makes medicine for any demon or human that stops by!”
“He uses scented shampoo cause he likes the smell and it makes his fur soft,” the two couldn’t help but roll on the floor laughing.
“Do you want to hear something even more hilarious,” MK grinned.
“What?!” Mei asked after her laughter died down.
“There are some customers who even call him the Six-eared Macaque,” he snorted even louder.
Mei's face completely froze, “Huh?”
“Yeah,” he vigorously nodded, not taking any notice of his friend's change of mood, “I heard them call him with full respect and everything!”
“And what’s even better, he has six ears!”
“What?!” MK jumped up at Mei’s outburst.
“What was that for?!”
“You just told me that he has six ears?!” She began to shake him. “Do you not realize what you just implied?!”
“NoOoOo,” he shakily answered.
Mei then dropped him as she reached back towards the book and flipped through the pages until she found another, “oh my god, how could I have not realized it before!”
“What?” He asked as he managed to sit back up.
“Shadow manipulation, clones, stealthy,” she read out some of the powers, “they both share almost the same abilities! Hell, he even is a black-haired monkey!”
“Fur, but yeah and?” He still didn’t get what she was implying.
“And doesn’t he have super hearing?” She pressed further hoping that her dense friend would get it.
“Yes andddd?” He didn’t.
She pushed the book to his face, “Your Dad is the Six-Eared Macaque from the book!”
“What?! No he isn’t,” he snatched the book from her hands, “I mean it doesn’t make any sense, he may be grumpy, but he is not anything like the one from the story! He is downright mean and cruel!”
“Well, maybe he changed?!” She threw her hands in the air, “it won’t be that big of a stretch, I mean 500 years is a long time.”
“But I have never seen him fight before, not even when Daiyu would plead to him for a spar, he would just roll his eyes.”
“Maybe he just doesn’t fight when you're around,” she threw in her answer.
“But, but, but it just can’t,” MK threw the book away from him, “it just can’t.”
“MK,” Mei worriedly put a hand on his shoulder, “are you okay?”
“Yes-no-I don’t know,” he leaned on the ground with a groan. “He just can’t be the same one from the book okay.”
“Well, why not?”
“He can’t, he can’t because if he is then he has purposefully kept this a secret from me,” he whispered out.
“Then that’s more reason to ask him,” Mei insisted.
“No!” He shot up and grabbed her shoulders, “we can’t!”
“Well why not!”
“It might not even be him!”
“But what if it is?!” She countered back.
“But what if it's not,” he firmly stood his ground.
“And if it is?”
“It’s not!”
“It is!”
“It’s not!”
“It is!”
“It’s not!”
“MK, we have to ask him.”
“Ask me what?” They both scooted back in shock when the said monkey demon walked into the room. “I’m hoping by those reactions that you were just startled and not guilty of doing something you weren’t supposed to.” He decided to check out their yells after he had finished with his patient.
The two shot a look at one another.
“Yeah, nothing bad, nothing and at all,” MK nervously said as he scratched the back of his neck and avoided his golden eyes.
“You know that right there isn’t helping your case,” Mac deadpanned.
“It's just that we have a question,” Mei butted in as she grabbed the tossed book.
“Mei no,” MK tried to stop her, but she was determined to get her answers.
“Are you the same Six-Eared Macaque from the book?!” The pigtailed girl showed him the Journey to the West book up to him.
Macaque stilled at the question for a moment before easing down as he took a look at the book, “Huh, haven’t read this book in a while,” he said noncommittally.
“Well? Are you?!” Mei pushed him for the answer, she was not leaving until she got one.
Even MK was silently watching this whole interaction but didn’t move an inch, because deep down, even he wanted to know.
The monkey demon let out a sigh as he nodded, “yeah, I am.”
It was silent as the two kids took in that information.
MK's mind was racing, he didn’t know what to even think. The cruel demon in the story, the one who constantly attacked innocent people, killed so many, clashed fiercely against the Monkey King, is the same one who found him all those years ago and took care of him. It just doesn’t make any sense!
“Want to talk here or in the living room?” Macaque’s voice pierced through the silence.
It took a moment before MK finally responded, “living room.”
“Alright, I’ll go make some tea. This won’t be an easy talk,” he said as he began to reach out to ruffle his hair only to stop at his child's nervous stare. He puts his hands down and promptly walks out of the room and turns away to the kitchen, while he ignores the tight squeeze in his chest.
“So,” Mac sat down on the opposing chair from the couch that had the two kids on it as the pot of tea and a bowl of peeled mangos sat in the middle of the table, “where do you want me to start?”
“Were you ever gonna tell me?” MK blurred out first as he clenched his fist. “Or was this gonna be kept in the dark.”
“When you turned 18, I was gonna sit down with you and talk about this,” he firmly told his son. “I had no intention in hiding this from you forever.”
MK didn’t reply as he lowered his head.
“The beginning is usually a good place,” Mei tried to joke, but only the demon gave a small smirk as MK stayed silent.
“That’s as good a place as any, well before that book ever took place, before even the thought of the Journey took place, me and Sun Wukong were friends.”
“You were friends?!” This time MK didn’t stay silent as both kids shouted.
“Surprising right,” he mirthlessly chuckled.
“It never said anything like that in the books!” Mei exclaimed as she held up her book.
“Well first that’s a kid-friendly book of the story,” he pointed out the childish cartoon design on the front cover. “Don’t think they want kids reading books about graphic violence, especially with the disembowelment and all types of gore,” he muttered the last part quietly to himself. “And second, not everything you read or hear is correct.”
“History is told by the victors and survivors, not by those who lie dead,” he softly said.
“Oh,” Mei shuffled at the uncomfortable thought.
“So how did you two meet?” MK prompted.
“When we first met, he looted some food from a shrine and got caught like an idiot, which pissed off the mountain god.”
“He did?!”
“Yeah, this was way before he met Subodhi, the one who taught Wukong about how to take on immortality.” He reminisces back to the scene where he met his first friend.
‘Shit! Shit! Shit!’ Sun Wukong leaped from rock to rock as he tried to get as much distance as he could from him and the deity. He spotted a cluster of rocks that looked like it had some amount of cover as he leaped behind it and waited. “All I wanted was some damn food! How was I supposed to know that it was supposed to go to a God?! It makes no damn sense to just leave food lying out!” He whispered angrily.
“So you're the one who pissed him off,” Wukong managed to suppress a yelp as he noticed that he wasn’t alone in his hiding spot. It was a bit surprising to see that it was a Monkey demon like him, only with black fur and a red scarf hiding the bottom of his face. “One would think that you shouldn’t piss off a deity, but that is just my opinion,” he snarked.
“Well one shouldn’t leave food lying out like an idiot,” he shot back.
“So you decided to steal from a mountain God? Yeah, real smart,” Macaque drawled out. “Usually I steal from fields, but you took the idiot crown today.”
“How was I supposed to know that it was for someone!” He retorted.
“Just by looking at it dumbass, have you never seen a shrine before?”
“What’s a shrine?” He questioned.
“I’ll take that as a no,” he deadpanned. “How can you not know? Were you living under some kind of rock before?”
“No, I was born from one!” He cheekily grinned.
“...I don’t know if you're insane or if that’s just the weirdest thing I heard,” he then froze as he dragged Wukong closer to the rocks.
“Wha-,” he was about to break free but was hushed by his fellow hider.
“Shhh,” he silently pointed to the right of them and after a moment noticed that a shadow was getting larger. Wukong smartly decided, for the first time, to keep his mouth shut.
It was only after the shadow left did the two relax.
“So I guess we’re stuck here for awhile,” the brown-furred monkey sprawled against the rocks and made himself comfortable, “I’m Sun Wukong, but people call me the Monkey King.”
The other monkey let out a burst of laughter at his ridiculous name, “Ha! Yeah, no I’m not calling you that. I’m Liu Er Mihou.”
“Pfft, boring,” he grumbled back as he then got curious, “so why are you hiding behind this rock anyways? You certainly were here long before I was.”
“Well unlike you, I was taking a nice nap before this happened,” he smirked as he leaned back.
“Just napping you say,” his eyes happen to spot a bag filled with different goods and food.
“Well napping after I nicked off some things from the fields and market and unlike you, I didn’t get caught.”
“Would have been helpful, but-,” they were cut off when a huge explosion erupted from underneath them.
“You thought you could run from me you little ape!” The mountain God’s echoey voice boomed out. “I am one with all upon this mountain! Every pebble is my ears! Every rock is my voice! You can-,” he was cut off by a voice angrily yelling at him.
“I’m not an ape!” Wukong screeched as the two of them started to run.
“That’s what you're concerned about?!” Liu Er confusedly asked though it was laced with a twinge of amusement and fear.
“I have a tail!” He emphasized the tail carrying the bag of food. “Obviously not an ape!”
“You can’t run forever little ape,” the voice snarled out with every crushed rock booming behind them.
“You got one more time to call me an ape!” He yelled out as his eye twitched.
“And what are you gonna do about it little. Ape.” The voice mockingly said with a toothy grin.
“That’s it!” The angered monkey stopped in his tracks as he flung the bag over to Macaque, “hold this!” And with that, his eyes started to glow bright yellow as he flung himself at the God.
“What are you doi-,” he cut himself off as he noticed that the impulsive monkey that he was hiding with had suddenly begun to shoot lasers from his eyes. “Huh, maybe there was something about him being born from the stone that was true.”
“GHA stop that!” The Mountain God wheezed out as he was hit by another bludgeoning punch from the mortal monkey.
“Not so tough now are you!” He mocked as he sent a flying kick towards the immortal being, only for him to slink down into the mountain. “Oh now who's the coward! Come out and fight me!”
“This dumbass,” Macaque grumbled as he was half-tempted to just take the bag and run, but even he doubted that he would hold up against the enraged monkey like this. His ears twitched as he heard the lingering God about to move so he yelled to Sun, “you might want to duck, he’s about to strike from the left.”
Sun Wukong heard him and managed to leap high enough to avoid the Mountain God claws, “got you now fucker!” And with a couple of spins, he struck down upon the God and landed a killing blow upon his head. “That’s what you get.”
“Remind me never to piss you off,” Macaque said as he casually walked up next to him, tossed his stolen bag of food, and examined the dead God.
“Thanks!” He cheerfully reverted from his enraged form once he got his food and happily began to chew on an apple as he sat down against the fallen God. “So how did you know that the God was there?” He curiously asked as he took another bite.
Liu Er blinked at the odd scene and let loose a snort as he sat down a little ways away from him. “Well seeing that you managed to kill a God with your bare hands, mine is definitely not weirder than yours,” he said as he pulled down his scarf to reveal his two extra pairs of ears.
“Cool!” Wukong's eyes glisten as he immediately began to touch his ears.
Macaque only flinched for a moment at the unexpected touch, but became a little more at ease when he didn’t feel any sharp pulling or twisting the longer he touched them, but he batted his hand away, “Heard of personal space?”
It was after the two had eaten that Mac decided to speak again, “alright let’s make a deal.”
“What kind of deal?” Wukong hesitantly asked.
“You are shit when it comes down to stealing,” he bluntly told him.
“Rude, fair, but rude.”
“But I can.”
“Where are you going with this?”
“How about we team up for a bit, with your strength and my stealth, I think the two of us make out with a lot more goods than this,” he tossed up their near empty bags.
“Hmmm, I don’t know. How do I know that you can actually steal,” Wukong pointed out, but the six eared monkey smirked.
“Well you haven’t noticed this,” he tossed up the half eaten apple in his other hand.
“Wha-,” his eyes widened as he now noticed that the apple in hand had disappeared in a poof of violet energy. “How did you do that?”
“Misdirection,” he tossed his apple back to him.
Wukong blinked as he caught the apple then a large grin took up his face as he wrapped an arm around his shoulder, “I think that this is the start of a beautiful relationship.”
“And the start of so many headaches,” Mac couldn’t help but grumble out.
“Well you can only blame yourself.”
“I already am.”
“So you two had stuck together from that moment,” MK said as he stayed in his seat with his knees covering his face.
“For all of nine years, until he left to learn under Subodhi, then I was free roaming once more. Though I did learn a few things from Wukong as it made my travels a bit easier,” Mac said as he took a sip from his lukewarm tea.
“And he probably learned a few things from you...like how to steal so many things from the celestial realm,” Mei's eyes widened as the realization hit her. “Now that’s how he managed to do that! You taught him how to steal!”
The simian paused as that hadn’t occurred to him in the slightest, “...to be fair I didn’t teach him shit, he simply watched what I was doing and used it in practice. All the havoc he managed to cause in the celestial realm and below was his reckless ideas, I had nothing to do with that...for the most part.”
“But the Monkey King is an immortal being,” MK interjected, “and you're not...unless.”
“Yeahhh, I’m immortal too,” he sipped his tea at their dumbfounded stares.
“Once again, blame Sun Wukong for that.”
“I’m sorry, run that by me again,” Mac let the book hang freely from his hands as he listened to Wukong.
“You're immortal! You can thank me with words of praise and/or delicious food,” he cheekily grinned at him as he hung upside down from the tree branch above.
The monkey demon had to blink for a moment and take a deep breath before closing his book and putting full attention to his friend, “I’m almost scared to ask how the fuck you managed to pull that off, but also dying to know.”
“Well,” the simian jumped down to the same branch as Macaque, “I was kidnapped by Yama lackeys, which was uncool you know, I earned my immortality fair and square,” he huffed out.
“You got kidnapped by the emissaries of the God of Death...okay that’s kinda funny,” he cracked a grin.
“Well it wasn’t for me,” he crossed his arms, “so I kicked all of their asses and spoke with some old folks, who call themselves the ten kings which is a stupid title itself, to get things straight you know and they tried to do? They tried to pull a fast one on me and say that they meant to take another Sun Wukong, which I call bullshit on. I mean who else is a stone monkey that’s name is Sun Wukong?”
“No one,” Mac snorted as his partner threw his hands in the air.
“Exactly! So they take me to the place where they keep track of the ones dying and we all look around to find where those names happen to be and lo and behold, I found my name and you want to know what I did?”
“You erased your name,” he was getting more and more amused by this, he can only imagine the chaos that must have happened due to Wukong antics.
“I erased my name! And I also decided that I wasn’t gonna be alone in this so I decided to erase some of the other monkeys back at Flower Fruit Mountain and I found your name and I erased that too,” he proudly grinned. “You can’t believe the sheer amount of panic that was on all of their faces when they realized what I did.”
“I really can’t,” he chuckled as he then scooted over and wrapped his arm around his neck in affection, “thanks for immortality I guess, never thought I would ever get anything close to that.”
“Well a little more praise than that would be nice,” he teased as he felt the back of his head get slapped.
“Oh, I’m sorry your royal highness, did that harm your oh so precious fur of yours?” Mac took on a haughty tone, “let me be the first to go to my knees and bow for your kind gesture that you have bestowed upon me.”
“Shut up,” Wukong snorted as he nudged his friend's shoulder.
“You asked for it,” the black furred monkey tone returned to normal as he grabbed his book and began to read it once more. Though he was interrupted by Sun sprawling over his lap all of a sudden, “can I help you?”
“Read to me!” He demanded.
“Don’t you get bored with stuff like this? Actually, I’m surprised you haven’t already left to cause some sort of chaos at this point Sunny?”
“Meh, don’t feel like moving now, so read to me!”
Mac knew that when he got like this there was little to change his mind, so with a mockingly reluctant sigh he said, “As his highness wishes,” and began to continue where he left off. It was during that, when Macaque was lost in the book and Wukong was lost in the soft words, did two tails slowly curl up and intertwine with one another.
“You know, it’s a bit surreal to hear that the Gods are real,” Mei hummed out. “I mean reading about it is one thing, but knowing someone who actually met with a God is another.”
“If you think that’s surreal then that’s nothing compared to actually meeting one,” Mac pointed to her.
“So what happened next?” MK spoke up as he managed to get out of his curled up position halfway through the story and was instead leaning in close.
“Well you know what happens next, he gets a position in the heavens, his infamous havoc in heaven, left the heavens, fought some gods, got tricked by Buddha and he had the mountain pin him down for 500 years or so,” he casually said.
“Only you would manage to screw it up big time huh peaches,” Liu Er said as he jumped off the top of the mountain and back down next to his friend. “I mean, what were you thinking?”
“Heyyy mango,” Wukong nervously chuckled, “I might have pissed off all the gods in the heavens, you know how it goes.”
“Yeah I heard, but how did they do this,” he gestured to the entire mountain.
“Well, that was maybe...Buddha,” he softly said the last part, but Macaque didn’t have six ears for nothing.
“You managed to piss off Buddha themself,” he said incredulously. “How in the fuck?!”
“I didn’t piss him off!” He said in defense, “I just maybe lost a bet with him.”
“You lost a bet with Buddha.”
“Look, it's complicated!” He huffed as he tried to wiggle under the mountain, “look there’s a seal on the top of this mountain, if you can just rip it off I can easily-,”
“Already tried that,” he showed him his blackened fingers, “didn’t quite work for me.”
“Well shit there goes that idea,” he muttered as a horrible thought occurred to him, “Flower Fruit mountain! The tribe-you have to-,” he was cut off once again.
“Already have a few clones stationed there since you got that position in heaven dumbass,” he whacked his head, “you don’t have to worry about them, now let’s think of a way to free you.”
Wukong let out a breath of relief as he lay his head against the ground. “It ain’t gonna be easy you know.”
Macaque grinned cheekily at him as he sat down next to him and his dark purple daxiushan flared out underneath him, “who said it ever was,” he joked as he began to groom his friend's fur.
“Might have to go against the Gods,” he said as he relaxed to the grooming.
“You can’t have all the fun,” he retorted back.
The Monkey King merely hummed as the grooming went, they can discuss more later, but he sorely needed this.
“But you didn’t free him,” Mei quietly pointed out.
“No, I didn’t,” he shook his head as his tail silently swooshed behind him.
“But you did something,” MK noticed that something was amiss by his relaxed position as he ate a peeled mango.
“Welll, let’s just say that there was a reason why Guanyin happened to find Wukong.”
“You tricked Guanyin,” Mei deadpanned.
“I wouldn’t say trick, more like a gust of wind in the right direction,” he knew that he teetered along the line when he subtly diverted the God's attention to his friend. He heard through some of his contacts that they were looking for immortals for the Journey, so he managed to arrange some coincidental happenings that maybe got the Goddess of mercy to float in Wukong’s direction.
“You tricked Guanyin,” Mei still bluntly told him.
“Anyways,” Macaque ignored Mei as he picked up his empty cup, “then you all know the rest, Wukong infamous Journey to the West and all that.”
“But that doesn’t explain how you went from friends to enemies in the book,” MK pressed and watched as his father's shoulder slightly slumped.
“I-,” he looked down to his empty cup and sighed, “I was an idiot, I-I thought he was being tortu-something cruel was being done to him. When Tripitaka used that sutra, I thought they had managed to enslave my friend and harm him,” he gripped his cup before setting it down, he refused to dive further in that memory. “Clearly I was wrong and you know how that went down.”
The two once again became silent as they took in the information.
“Okay, okay,” Mei nodded as she crossed her legs, “but here’s what’s confusing me. In the Journey to the West, it told you were ruthless, but I know that in some other books it is said that you are a minor deity of trickery and medicine and that you would help wandering travelers by giving them medicine and give them protection by tricking the bandits and Gods. So what is that about?”
“Okay that minor deity thing is just not true,” Mac pinched his nose, “I still don’t know who even put that down in the first place.”
“How did you change?” MK added as well.
“Well,” he let out a soft smile, “I met someone.”
“Ooooo,” the two couldn’t help themselves.
“No,” he firmly told them, “No. No-fuck no. Hell no. Hell to the no. By all the Gods-no just no,” he shuddered. “It’s not anything like that at all.”
“Who was it?” MK asked.
“It was a weird man named Ping who found me on the side of the road somehow and decided to just drag my body to his house,” he snorted at their confused faces. “Yeah, that was me when I first awoke.”
Macaque groggily came to as he heard the faint sound of clinking metals coming a little ways away from him, but as he got up a sharp pain emerged from his entire body as he fell back to the bed.
“Shit, what the hell knocked me ou-...oh,” his memories came back to him in a rush as he remembered just who exactly did this to him. “Fuck, but why? Why, why why!” He gripped his fur and then his right eye as he noticed that there was a distinct lack of sight from that one, “it doesn’t make sense! Why the fuck would he, just why?!”
“So you're finally awake,” he had to freeze as for the first time in a long while, he was snuck up on, “you were knocked out for quite some time.” The monkey turned to see a graying middle aged man wipe his hands on the cloth.
“Who are you,” he went on the immediate defense. He doesn’t sense any celestial or demonic aura coming from him, but he knows it better wary than dead.
“People call me Ping,” he gave a small bow to him, “it’s nice to see you awake.”
“...Are you blind by any chance,” Macaque couldn’t help but blurt out. “Cause there's no way in hell would someone be happy on seeing a demon alive unless they were a goddamn monk…” he couldn’t help but narrow his eyes.
“Ohoho, believe me, I am no Monk,” the man chuckled as he began to pick up some materials from the side, “I have very little patience for just sitting around and meditating all day.”
“Can’t front ya there,” he grumbled as he tried to get back up only for him to wheeze in pain and cough viciously.
“Here, this will help your throat,” Ping handed him a steaming cup of tea that was next to a brown rabbit, which was a bit strange as he didn’t even notice it before.
The monkey hesitantly accepts it, he was unsure if the tea had poison in it, but decided that the human literally could have left him on the side of the road to die and spare him the troubles of killing him himself, so he took a sip of the tea and his nose scrunched up, “why is it sweet?”
“Not to your liking,” he chuckled as he sipped on his own cup.
“You know people-humans are usually terrified when encountering a demon,” he deadpanned as he realized that not only was he half clothed, but his six ears were out in the open. “Just saying.”
“And usually, most demons would have tried to take a bite out of me,” he retorted
“And that is usually enough to not even get close to one of us, let alone bring one to your home,” he emphasized.
“Well we're all a little bit crazy in this world,” Ping chortled as he ambled off to the other room. “You can leave when you want to!”
Macaque could only watch dumbfounded at what just took place as he loosely cradled the teacup in his hand. Though he could do without the rabbit gaze boring into him.
“So what happened next,” MK asked.
“I left,” he shrugged his shoulders.
“You just left?!” Mei shouted as she squished the fruit in her hand.
“I had no reason to stay with a man who just up and saved me for no reason, especially one who was so confident in his capabilities that I wasn’t going to attack him,” he pointed out.
“So where did you go?” MK asked next.
“A little bit of everywhere,” he lied a little, he may be spilling his secrets, but even he has a hard stop on some of his more personal ones. He was not about to tell them that he essentially stalked Wukong and his friends for a good portion of the Journey. “But, for some damn reason, I went back to Ping.”
“You went back?” Mei said as MK asked, “Why?”
“Curiosity? Boredom? I honestly still don’t know,” he sighed and leaned back in his chair. “But I just kept going back every few months and the strangest thing is, he would just give a slight wave and give me some tea. Each and every time, until eventually I stayed a bit longer.”
Macaque watched in interest as Ping began to crush some herbs together and mix them. He knows some of those plants and they tasted downright horrible. “What’s the point of making that? It doesn’t taste any good with food, old man.”
Ping simply chuckled as his rabbit laid silently to the side, “I'm not that old, unlike you. It helps with backaches, I know many of the elderly will need it in the coming winter, so it’s always good to prepare ahead.”
“Oohhh, that’s medicine,” Mac hummed. He hasn't seen much of it since he was able to heal fairly fast and also that usually medicine is one of the hardest items to steal due to it usually being hidden or secured.
“Would you like a closer look?” The graying man asked as he stepped a little to the side.
“Sure, why not,” he shrugged his shoulders as he watched with rapt attention to how the medicine was being made.
“He must have a lot of patience to be able to teach you,” Mei grinned.
The monkey huffed in amusement, “I honestly thought the same thing.”
“But how was he different?” MK hesitantly asked as all he heard was of Ping doing completely normal things. “How did he get you to...well change?”
“Does it matter that he was supposed to be some amazing being with special abilities,” he gave a small smirk.
“Well no,” he deflated a bit.
“Cause let me tell you that Ping was one of the farthest things to have anything godly about him. The only thing special about him was his strange ability to practically befriend anyone that passed him and that was it. He never went on any magical adventure, wasn’t appointed a great duty by a God, hell the man has never taken a single martial art or learned under any great sage before,” he couldn’t hold back laugh at their confused looks. “He never tried to force me to change into what he believed to be good.”
“Then why did you keep going back?” Mei jumped off the couch and leaned over the table. “If he didn’t have anything mystical about him, why did you keep going back?”
“Have you ever heard the age-old question on if you can teach a monster how to love?” He suddenly asks, throwing them all off guard.
“Cause the answer is no, but rather you have to show them,” he smiled fondly.
“...what does that have to do with this?” MK whispered out.
“He may not have any special abilities, but there was something about him, something- I can’t say good because it’s not strictly subjective in that, but just something comforting about him. About the way he wouldn’t bat an eye at my appearance, the way he would simply give me a cup of tea, the way he would let me stay when I had my bad days, just the way he was just was comforting,” he breathed in as he unhooked his fingers that he unconsciously grabbed together. “He was just Ping and that was enough for a monster to change.”
“You're not-/Don’t believe-,” he cut off both kids.
“I know I did...horrible things in the past, things can’t be redeemable no matter how many times I may help those, I couldn’t forgive myself, but he showed me that I could.
“I planted a seed.”
“Oh yeah, I was just as confused as you guys were too,” he smiled as he leaned back. “He straight up told me to plant a seed each time my anger or frustration overwhelmed me.” He threw his hands in the air, “I didn’t know what he meant, by the Gods know how many of those things I planted even long after he passed.”
“So he did pass away,” Mei said underneath her breath.
“Humans tend to do that, especially with one as old as him,” he said with a small smile.
“You still kept planting,” MK huddled together as he wrapped his arms around his knees.
“...Yeah,” he wrapped his tail around his waist in comfort, “I didn’t know what else to do and I know I raged and cried, but I couldn’t just go down to Yama and demand his soul back or up to the heavens and just steal a peach. Not even the drunk old man could change fate,” he whispered that last part quietly. “I’m not that strong, so I did the only thing I could and just planted the seeds and plant and plant until one day I was interrupted.
“I’m terribly sorry to bother you, but did you happen to grow these yourself?” The woman asked as she carried her child upon her back.
“Yeah, and?” He didn’t feel in the mood to even attempt to snark back against a human as he tended to some of the flowers.
“Well let me tell you that they're simply beautiful,” she smiled at him.
“Huh?” Mac froze at the sudden compliment.
“Yeah!” He looked down to see a young girl with a wide smile, “they are super pretty.”
“Very pretty,” another child shyly piped up as he peeled from behind his mother's skirt.
The monkey demon could faintly remember their goodbyes as they proceeded to walk away from him. “What beauty is there in a bunch of seeds?” He turned to look at his plants and for the first time, he realized that they haven’t been seeds in a very long time as they sprouted into a giant, pink, flourishing Plum Blossom trees-no not trees a blossoming forest.
“Oh.” He then decided to slowly walk through it all as he plunked a plum from one of the branches. “Damn, I must have been really out of it for so many years that I didn’t even realize that it...that it grew…during all these years it grew and grew into something beautiful.” He paused as he now realized what Ping was trying to show him for all these years, that even when he got angry and made so many mistakes, they can turn into something beautiful. He let out a full body laugh as he just screeched and screeched.
“Only you, you fucking coot! Only you would think of such a weird ass idea and actually be of help, I swear if you weren’t already dead I would be yelling at you for this!” He screeches as tears or amusement and anguish filled his eyes, “you made me plant a forest of mistakes and did a fuck you and made it something worthwhile, something beautiful!”
He eventually laid down with plum in hand, ears out as he listened to the chirps of the bird and rustles of the leaves and his heart didn’t feel as empty as before. “Couldn’t have told me straight out his thoughts,” he huffed with a watery smile as he took a bite out of the plum.
“You made this forest-the Plum Blossom forest?!” MK asks shockingly despite listening to the story.
“A good portion of it, yes, the rest done simply by Hòutû herself.”
“So what happened next?” Mei said as she kneeled and put her elbows on the table.
“Life happened and time slowly crawled forward and I slowly began to change and probably still will,” he shrugged his shoulders.
MK fidgeted in his seat before finally speaking up again, “so...what happens now.”
“That’s for you two to decide,” he stood up and stretched, “You're the only ones who can decide for yourself.” He picked up the empty plates and cup, “Take as much time as you need kiddos,” he began to walk away with a heavy heart.
He knew that he couldn’t force their minds into completely accepting him, but he prays, one of the very few times he does, that he didn’t fuck two of the few good things he had. He can accept that they may not forgive him, but he damn hopes that there is still a sliver of affection-he stiffen as he felt two pairs of arms hug tightly around his waist. “Wha-?”
“You can’t get rid of us that easily Goldilocks,” Mei smiled as she cuddled her face in his soft fur, “No amount of scares can force us away from you.”
“At first I was angry,” he heard his son's voice even when it was muffled against his fur. “You kept secrets and I didn’t like that, but you told me and I was so confused, still am, but you aren’t the same mean monkey in the past, I don’t think you would have saved me if you were the same as your past self and I am happy about that. I am happy that I know you now, because I may have not liked you and if I didn’t like you then I would have never stayed with you and I really don’t like that,” MK looked up at him with tears in his eyes as he hugged him tighter. “I really don't like the idea of never being here, being with you Dad, so thank you for being you, thank you and I love you so much.”
Liu Er barely had the forethought to place the dishes down before wrapping his arms around them both with a tight grip. “Well I guess you're stuck with me.”
“Like old gum stuck in your fur,” MK squeezed out through the fur.
“I swear you spend way too much time with Minsheng…love you too Starlight,” he huffed as he ruffled his child's hair.
“And besides,” Mei started, “you may be a grump but you're our grumpy monkey demon now. And if anyone tries to say otherwise then I would need to have a few words with them,” she ended with a wide creepy smile on her face as her eyes promised vengeance.
“I’ll direct them towards you little newt,” he chuckled as he also messed with her hair as well and gave them both a gentle kiss on the forehead.
“Fuzz butt,” she shot back then got a gleam in her eyes, “a fuzz butt who can teach us how to fight.”
“I’ll wear you down eventually,” she grinned, “sooo can we see what you really look like?” MK’s head shot up at that and shared the same gleam as well.
“Nosy, all of you,” he said as he gently pried them off of him, and in barely a flicker, he had transformed and he looked more...dangerous. His nails and teeth have become sharper, a few scars were more visible upon his hands and feet, the scar on his right eye was very prominent as it displayed a dull yellow pupil, even his ears seemed to add to his threatening appearance as the middle violet ear on the right was missing a portion of the upper cartilage.
“You look badass/So Cool!” Though he didn’t have to worry about scaring those two off as their eyes sparkled at his appearance and rushed to touch his fur as MK happily exclaimed as he put his face on his fluffy chest, “why does your fur feel even softer than before?!”
Macaque snorted loudly as he sat down on the floor and let them have a better reach, “shouldn’t even be surprised that was what you took away from this.”
“Seriously, now it looks like you actually know how to fight,” Mei ‘ooed’ as she felt some of his scars underneath his fur. “How’d this one happen,” she felt a faint scar right above the left shoulder.
“Well let me tell you that it all began by a river and I just found out that a certain monkey can’t fight underwater,” the two teenagers leaned in close as he began to tell the tale of the blood demon beast that rested underneath the river.
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fukurodaze · 4 years
five stars: part 2 | two hands
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IT’S EMBARRASSING: a third year cheerleader!reader x second year athlete!suna au
wc: 3.7k warnings: cursing
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a/n: happy birthday to suna rintarou <3
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"i’m just saying, the tail just has you dive into the good bits first.”
your close friend, nakamatsu honoka, replies to you in a serious manner. the two of you are in a highly solemn discussion regarding which part of fish bread is to be eaten first, all because you had purchased some fish bread right before your student council meeting and honoka had just happened to catch you on your first bite after practice. now, honoka argues for tail, and you argue for the head. 
“yeah, but it just feels... wrong. i mean-”
you don’t finish your sentence, because there’s a high-pitched voice calling your name.
your head turns and the empty hallway reveals ueno momo, the student council’s treasurer, free of her usual budget papers in hand. she brisk walks in a little bit of a frenzy, and as she catches up with the two of you, she asks, “hey, you’re dating that second year right?”
suna? you want to answer.
“what second year?” is what you say.
honoka almost audibly rolls her eyes at your denial, knowing too well of your recent time spent with the second year middle blocker. he’s cute, honoka remembers assuring you, having seen you curled up into a ball at her house, repeating the phrases why and “uegrh” after the mention of suna’s name.
ueno lightly slaps your shoulder, “c’mon. you know what i mean.” she gives you the same smile she gives everyone.
“now, you’re going to the boys’ volleyball gym right?” ueno asks, keen.
“i mean i guess i could stop by, why?”
“i’ll come with you,” ueno adjusts her backpack, “it’s been a while.”
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the gym is as loud as you remember it, even louder than the basketball team. it seemed like practice had just been at its peak intensity, and though you’re greeted with stoic eye contact from the coach and the sound of rubber balls hitting strong palms, there’s the unmistakably firm sound of a ball being spiked to the ground right in front of your face.
you would’ve shouted out a good “holy shit!” if it weren’t for ueno grabbing you by the hand and sitting you down on the bench near the coach.
you hear cheering next, and a bunch of glances towards you. it puzzles you how their faces, though smiling, seemed to possess a little glint in all their eyes at the spiker. 
of course, when it came down to everything, suna rintarou had to be the one who spiked the ball.
you glance at ueno, who’s fixated on the court, on someone on court, but you’re not sure who. still, you’re curious, “are you the manager of the volleyball team, or something?”
ueno doesn’t take her eyes off the court, “oh, no, i’m just close to the players. i like watching them play.”
you’re pleasantly surprised at the revelation, having not really known any members of the volleyball club except for a handful of the third years and suna, the boy who had found you sleeping like a rooster two mornings ago. he had even walked you to class for that day, and you’re not sure how to feel.
safe to say he had “ran into you” the next morning, and had walked you to class again.
you almost refrain from looking, because every time your eyes are on the court they somehow trace his figure instead of anyone else’s. he’s fast, and clever, and flexible, and sometimes even frustrating to watch because of how successfully he blocks. still, his face stays nonchalant, and though he looks in your direction from time to time, he always seems so unfazed.
his hand runs through his hair, shirt lifting up to wipe some of the sweat on his face, voice deep and loud when he congratulates his teammates.
his voice rings with every spike from his side, whether it be him or someone else’s. it sends chills down your spine, when someone serves the ball with a nasty spin, or when someone receives it so well that it makes an echoing sound. 
when the whistle blows and the players begin to run to the benches to retrieve their water bottles, you catch sight of ueno picking up a water bottle and coming back to her seat, watching as ojiro aran comes up to her and takes the bottle with a thank you, fingers brushing ever so slightly.
“are you two close?”
ueno only looks at you blankly, “i’m busy. i don’t date.”
suspicious, you furrow your eyebrows and lean back onto the wall of the gym, “the question wasn’t about dating.”
“what?” ueno defends, “ar- ojiro-kun is just a friend.”
“i never said anything about ojiro-san.”
“uh, yes you did. look, i’m not dating aran.”
you sigh in defeat, but pick up on the ‘aran’. it’s a matter of seconds before the coach calls the team over to the whiteboard rolling in from the storage room, numerous plays in hand for the interhigh. the coach’s and players’ voices are drowned out by your and ueno’s conversation, however, and it’s only when the coach gestures towards your bench with a shushing motion that you purse your lips and begin whispering to each other.
you hate to wish for a lingering pair of eyes on you.
when practice eventually ends, you and ueno keep sitting on the bench, talking idly as the boys get changed. just before the entire team goes back to the changing rooms, a solid glance from ojiro aran has ueno jump up and race herself to the entrance first. she tells you to stay “for a little bit”.
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in the locker rooms, there is cheering.
“suna rintarou, everybody!” miya atsumu is the most entertained by seeing his friend, who is usually the one that makes fun of him, harbour something as small and harmless like a crush - on a third year, no less.
“dude, suna’s beast mode fucking sends.” ginjima adds.
“yeah, did you see how he lifted up his shirt there?”
a round of laughs, even from kita.
“and don’t forget the way he went,” atsumu bends his knees, mimicking suna’s posture in court, voice deepening, “nice one, oomimi!”
oomimi snorts, “didn’t know he had it in him.”
there is another round of laughter.
“ay, it works, though!” osamu chimes in, “if she comes to interhigh with us we might as well win with suna like this.”
atsumu, shirtless, has his arm around suna’s neck, still in his practice gear, voice so loud that it’s almost a direct scream to the ear. suna sees the first years giggling, the second years cheering, and the third years stifling their smirks.
this has been going nonstop for weeks.
“hey, have you even talked to her though?” ginjima comes up to suna as atsumu puts his uniform back on.
suna raises a finger, “why am i supposed to tell you everything that happens between me and her?”
“so you did talk to her?” his voice is loud, and half of the room pans to suna.
“we were just walking-”
“shit, you walked her home?” osamu slides himself back into the conversation.
“not home. we just walk and talk or whatever.”
atsumu has his backpack on already, “hey, progress is progress. don’t you wanna date her?”
suna groans. he finally opens his locker.
“are ya actually serious about dating y/n-san?” aran mutters to suna from the locker beside him, and he almost nods. aran takes it as a yes.
“oh shit. good luck with that. don’t take it personally if she’s too busy for you.” aran shrugs, buttoning up his uniform. 
suna squints at the boy, “and how would you know?”
aran smirks, though it seems like he freezes for a split second, “nah. yer right. i wouldn’t.”
one by one, the boys exit the changing room. the twins had decided to go home together, aran by himself for unknown reasons, akagi with oomimi, kita back to the gym, and ginjima waiting for suna.
conversation unrelated to suna’s love life begins to fill the room, and suna is grateful for it. is it his fault for not wanting to talk about you? he’s eager towards you, yes, but that doesn’t help the fact that he’s practically always an internal hurricane whenever you’re near. it even surprises him how he’s gotten to walk you to school for two days now.
“our cheer team is fucking insane though. have you seen their basketball routines? sucks that they’re only on the bleachers for the interhigh.”
“yeah. the marching band doesn’t have as much time to play as well. and the cheer team can’t do any of those basic shoulder sits or basket tosses.”
ginjima raises an eyebrow, “right, and you would know what a basket toss is.”
“i don’t,” suna opens his mouth, before closing it again. you had told him about a basket toss. 
“y’know, you should just ask her out.”
“why?” suna has his backpack on, hands gripping the straps.
“whaddya mean, ‘why’? suna, she’s known in school for all these things. what if someone asks her out before you get to?”
suna tsks, and the grip on the straps of his backpack tighten. there’s a tiny sinking feeling in his gut that tells him he’s not good enough - at least, not for you.
the two walk out of the locker rooms and into the now empty gym. ginjima spots you first, still on the benches, looking through your phone, and he elbows suna in the rib before running to the entrance of the gym.
suna is left confused, slightly surprised, and makes eye contact with you. he comes over.
“hey.” he has his hands - three fingers, actually - in his trouser pockets.
you look up from your phone and stand up, “hey.”
“were you waiting for someone?” suna hates how the question comes out.
“well-” you’re not sure what to say, so you pull up your phone, “i was scrolling through food menus and seeing which ones were the best ones to get delivery. nobody’s going to be home, so i figured delivery would be good.”
“there’s this obaa-san nearby that sells fish cake soup and rice balls. we could get that.” he leads you out of the gym, and the two of you walk together.
“we... yeah. we could.” you try to quicken your walking pace to keep up with him.
(he slows down for you.)
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the obaa-san’s place is almost like a hut with a few benches and a table behind the school. suna orders the food with a wave and receives a ‘have a good meal, rin-chan’.
“how do you know the obaa-san?” you cross your legs as the two of you settle on the school’s entrance stairs.
“she works as my landlord. the school kind of pays her for me and other recruited athletes to stay there.” he unpacks the fish soup in high-quality plastic containers and passes one container to you along with two rice balls. you tell him thanks.
you chuckle when he takes a tiny bite into his rice balls, “so, rin-chan?”
suna almost chokes. it makes you laugh.
“it’s, like, such a cute name for...”
suna waits for your answer. you finish lowly, with a cheeky smile, “a person like you.”
“you saying i’m not cute?”
there’s a bright look on your face, teeth showing and eyes crinkled. you swat your hand that’s not holding your rice ball, “that’s not it!”
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“i’m going this way,” you motion. suna waves his hand as he stops on the roundabout where you turn, watching as you bid him goodbye. your frame, even from the back, is pretty, suna thinks, and he stays on the corner to see you off until you disappear into the other street.
but you don’t - your phone buzzes and it’s a message from the cheer team’s vice captain, kouno yuki, reminding you that the new cheer uniforms are still in the principal’s office, and that the principal’s good for nothing preference for their hundred-thousands yen school band over the ten-thousands yen cheer team would only result in the uniforms being stored in some absurd corner of the large school - again.
you make a whole 180 degree spin back to the direction of the school, finding suna still in the same spot he was before. he asks you as you jog towards the school, “what’s going on?”
“i need to go to principal’s office.”
“is she even still at school at,” he checks his phone, “seven?”
“i’m going to cross my fingers and hope she is.” you walk past him, and he follows you.
“you don’t have to follow me, just go home. i know you’re tired and all after practice,” you protest.
suna only shakes his head. it’s true that he’s tired, yet he finds that energy is the last of his worries whenever he’s with you - rather, his problem is having too much energy around you. 
suna stays behind you, brisk walking while you begin to jog with your backpack swaying up and down on your back. there’s one expression you make that burns itself in his mind; much like worry and concern, slight panic laced in your eyes and cheeks. he watches as you look at him once, and then straight ahead, because you never know how much an additional second might cost you. 
you’re going fast. but you need faster.
so suna begins to run. he runs, and the gap between his previous fast walk and your light jog is enclosed because he holds your arm gently as he guides you faster along the school’s walkways. the principal’s office is in building A, first floor. ten minute walk, five minute jog, two minute sprint - he estimates (he actually doesn’t know). but right now, you need to be there as soon as possible.
and suna can definitely do as soon as possible.
it takes longer for you to realise that the boy has your wrist in his large hand, taking you along with his speed. you make a sound of exclamation, noting how fast he is, and he mumbles a sorry that drifts behind him through the air and into your ears. it’s funny.
the summer air is cool and warm, and the sky finally gets darker. you see the outline of the moon as you try not to trip on the speed, and you concentrate on how it reflects itself on the current view you have of his back profile, tracing the small breaks and lines of his figure. when he stops, your eyes still linger on him.
suna glances up at the sign on the door, and you’re snapped out of your daze, “ah, we’re here.”
he lets go of your arm, and there’s a small emptiness that momentarily plagues the area.
“the principal’s still in there.”
you straighten up your posture, hand combing through hair as you use the front camera of your phone to fix yourself. you turn to suna, “how do i look?”
he gives you an awkward thumbs up and a ghost of a smile. “thanks,” you respond.
you give a knock on the door, and you hear a “come in!”. the door slides open.
you bow respectfully, and suna towers behind you, bowing as well. “just in time. i was about to throw away all these uniforms after they piled up in my room. there are lots of cheerleaders, it seems?”
you force a laugh, “yes, there’s around twenty. we usually split up for different routines with different teams throughout the year.”
“right. now that the badminton team is starting practice, where are you practicing again?” the principal is stern, yet her voice is high-pitched and gentle. it scares you sometimes.
“we’re alternating between the volleyball and basketball gyms, ma’am.”
“are you sure you’re not disturbing the teams? basketball and volleyball seasons are very close together. even the volleyball interhighs are,” she squints at her desk calendar, flipping from the july page to august, “about three weeks away. isn’t that right, suna-kun?”
your head turns when she mentions suna. he nods promptly, but then adds, “the cheerleaders bring lots of energy to the gyms, ma’am.”
the principal raises her eyebrows, “well, if you say so. i still think the band works just as fine. the band makes a rhythm. all cheerleaders do is follow it with their... pompoms, or whatever.”
there is a silence that you don’t know how to break. you freeze unresponsively.
“so, can we pick up the uniforms?” suna says, gathering his guts. you perk up, and so does the principal.
“right, the boxes are on that corner. the person told me you ordered ten medium, five large, five small?”
you nod, and before you know it, you’re carrying a box of ten medium-sized uniforms while suna carries the other ten. the two of you bow again to the principal and she gives an absentminded wave as the two of you exit the room, and eventually the building, in silence.
once out, you start, “what the fuck does she have against cheerleaders?”
suna lets out a laugh he’s been holding the second he heard the principal talk. he adds, “i wasn’t sure if she was joking when she said that thing about throwing the uniforms out.”
“did you hear what she said? the whole fucking, ‘their... pompoms, or whatever.’ or whatever? bitch doesn’t want to acknowledge that cheerleading is a sport and for what!”
you continue, “not only that, the way she went like, ‘are you sure you’re not disturbing’? um, excuse me? of course we’re goddamn sure because we’re on opposite sides of the gym! and all of us know how to focus at least!”
you go on and on about all the things that the principal had said, only fuelling your anger at the principal’s passive-aggressive distaste towards the cheerleading team. you’re thankful that suna supplies your thread of complaints with laughter and agreements at least.
when you finish your rant, you take a deep breath and turn to the boy, stopping just short of a few steps before the cheerleaders’ club room. “thank you for being there with me, suna.”
just suna? without honorifics? suna wants to ask. he brushes it off, “yeah. no problem.”
“oh, and just thank you again for saying that thing. you know, about us bringing energy,” you trail off, but then pick yourself back up, “do we, really?”
suna, of course, knows from past experience that having you around a five-meter radius does some interesting things to his plays, but he makes sure to tell you sincerely and genuinely that the teams - or, the volleyball team, at least - appreciates the added warmth every monday and friday.
the two of you put down the boxes of uniforms inside the club room. you open your box out of impulse and a wave of excitement washes by, “oh my god, do you want to see me in uniform?”
suna flushes bright red - and it’s really obvious.
“you don’t have to get like that! okay, now shoo, imma change.” you swat your hands out, motioning for him to get out of the clubroom to change. it makes his palms sweat just slightly.
outside, suna tries to conjure up the image of last year’s summer uniforms, remembering their short sleeves and skirts, mostly white appearance with maroon accents.
his own mental image was proven wrong when you step out of the club room wearing a completely different uniform. this time it’s black with white and maroon details, ‘inarizaki’ in capital letters plastered over the back and front of your top. you do a little twirl, letting the wind sway your pleated skirt and rush slightly underneath your sleeveless v-neck top, smiling, “how is it?”
“i like y- it.” suna’s eyes widen as soon as he hears himself say it, so he tries to rewrite his words loudly, “it’s- it’s really nice. you look really nice, y/n-senpai.”
“thank you,” you look at him, “and you can call me y/n.”
“right. i’m suna.”
you chuckle, “you know, i designed this myself- okay, not really myself, but yuki helped me with it too. i thought the white got a bit tiring, especially since it doesn’t match with the rest of the school.”
“that’s good,” suna begins, but he doesn’t know how to continue, “yeah, that’s really good.”
suna finds that the night shines in your eyes better than any mirror reflects light; and seeing you, standing before him, smiling wide and eager to show him something you’re proud of, he only feels his heart soften and his harsh demeanour falter. somehow, he feels the urge to keep you close. 
when you come back with your school uniform on, the two of you walk again for what seems like the umpteenth time through school. still, neither of you complain - walking takes time, yet time spent with each other is always a good time spent.
“hey, suna,” you ask as the entrance gate comes near.
“yeah,” suna swallows, “y/n?”
“you live around here, right?”
he hums in reply, “just around the back.”
“oh. right.”
his question catches you off-guard, “no, we just go in different directions. i’m at the bus stop.”
“my place passes the bus stop from here, so. i can keep walking.”
you glance at him to find his eyes on you first. “okay.”
suna’s mind comes back to earlier in the afternoon, when osamu had reacted with wide eyes at the concept of walking you home and atsumu edged on the idea of dating you. he remembers ginjima the most: ask her out, before anybody else does.
but suna knows he can’t do that - at least not yet.
for now, the back of his hand only hovers over yours, unsure and fleeting, wondering how it would feel like to have your hands intertwined.
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taglist: @maitenight​ @natszoo​ @ssuna​​ @erens-piss-cleaner​​ @osamus-onigiri​​ @volleybloop @etherealiwa​​ @agaashesmilktea​​ @bicchaan​​ @anngelllla​​ @tycrackculture​​ @sins-over-tragedy​​​ @tsumuluv​​ @daichibrainrot​​ @underratedmage @sunasexual @kenmei​​ (if your url is bolded, it means i couldn’t tag you)
send an ask to be added to the taglist!
special thanks to roo @yooroomi​, as always, for beta reading this series!
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ask-an-aussie · 3 years
Aussie Wildlife FAQ
So here's questions I'm frequently asked as both a wildlife rescuer and carer and keeper at a wildlife sanctuary. Heads up, this is a long post, I've made the questions stick out so you can easily skip through. I've tried to make it as easy to read as possible, and to find what you're after, whilst also providing lots of info.
Poison Vs Venom, what's the difference?
Well, mostly, poison just never stops killing. Like if you poison an insect, then a bird or small mammal eats that insect and they slowly get poisoned by all the poisoned insects they eat, then something eats them, like an owl, and that gets poisoned, then as it rots the poison goes into the environment, etc. Poison never dies. Venom has to be injected, so yes you can be envenomated by a dead animal, if you are stupid. Poison can be inhaled, eaten/drunk or even through touch. So if a cow is poisoned you have to dispose of the body safely, if a cow is bitten by a venomous snake, technically you can still have steak for dinner.
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Are all Australian animals out to kill you?
They could want to kill us, I mean as a species we aren't that great. Their ability to kill us however is limited. So are all Aussie animals able to kill you? No. So we have lots of cute small mammals, like antechinus, dunnarts, pygmy possums and the like, that can bite and scratch but are very tiny bois. We even have lots of non-venomous snakes, pythons and blind snakes. Most lizards outside of Goannas can't cause too much damage. Echidna's are completely defensive, have no attack whatsoever. Lots of birds have no interest in you, unless you get near their nest. Freshwater Turtles, Little Penguins and Tawny Frogmouths all main defense is shitting really stinky shit at you. Even our venomous snakes, as long as you seek medical attention you should be fine. Considering we have the top 10 most venomous snakes in the world but average only 1 death a year that's pretty good.
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But you still have lots of dangerous animals right?
Maybe I should elaborate. Any animal is dangerous, including you, if given the right circumstances. I'm a lovely person but hurt my dog and you better run. Most animals don't want a bar of you. However, if you are a threat to them, or their babies, they will defend themselves. A lot of animals get tagged with the word 'aggressive' which I don't like, aggression is a human emotion that I've never seen in wild animals, or even pets and things. Mostly it's defensive behaviours that people read wrong. For example, the most venomous snake in the world is the Inland Taipan (found in Aust.), however the most dangerous snake in Australia is the Eastern Brown snake, less venomous but also less shy and lives in suburbia. Still, it only ever strikes at people when it feels cornered and needs to get you to back the hell off. And lets be real here, what else can they do? They can't yell and scream, they can't punch or kick. Legit their only option is to bite, and even then mostly it's a closed mouth strike to freak you out into stepping back, and most people bitten by snakes are given a 'dry bite' where no venom is injected, as they want to use it on their food not waste it on us. And 90% of snake bites that happen in Australia are people either trying to catch or kill a snake.
It's fairly simple. Don't threaten animals, don't give them a reason to be dangerous and you are fine. Crocodiles in the water? Don't swim there. Sharks around? Avoid swimming at twilight. Snake? Leave it alone. Nest with baby birds? walk away. You don't randomly show up in some strangers home and expect them not to react, so why do we expect different from animals?
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What animals are on the most 'dangerous list' then? Which animals should I really avoid pissing off?
Start with the obvious. Crocodiles, venomous snakes, sharks, some jellyfish, venomous spiders, stone fish, blue ringed octopus, birds of prey (our Wedge Tailed Eagle WILL attack drones, hang-gliders and helicopters if they come into their territory) Then you've got the less obvious. Ants - like meat ants, they will swarm over you then all bite down at once. 1 bite isn't so bad, a whole colony biting you, deadly. Then there's other ants in the Myrmecia family (bull ants and the like) that are just HUGE, and have massive mandables for biting and also can sting you, and are one of the most toxic insects in the world.
Wombats - Can run at 40km/hr, skull so hard it's the only thing a Tassie Devil can't eat, able to bite your calf muscle clean off your leg, oh and they have killer booty. A hard cartilage plate in their lower back that they use to block their burrows, and if threatened can lay down and as the animal tries to get past jam their legs straight and crush the skull of a fox against the roof of their burrow, easily break a dingoes jaw or even destroy your hand.
Kangaroos - yes they box, hahaha wouldn't it be funny to box with a kangaroo. NO. Kangroos box for fun but also to defend themselves and their mob. The Alpha male is the big buff one that looks like he's on steroids. He looks like that for a reason, to defend and protect his mob. DO NOT MESS WITH ANY KANGAROOs, but really don't mess with Big Daddy (for being the alpha he gets all the ladies) Kangaroos are made for this. A punch from a Kangaroo can easily break you ribs. They can lean back on their tail and bring both legs up to kick you, easily tearing you open, which they can do with the claws on their toes, and so basically dissecting you from sternum down. Oh and if they gran you round the neck for a 'Cuddle' DUCK AND RUN. They will hold you in a kind of choke hold and then bring their legs up to kick you and basically snap you in half. Don't even mess with Wallabies man, they may be smaller but can still do damage.
Tassie Devils - are extremely shy and slower than you, like you can actually run away from them. BUT. They have the strongest bite strength compared to size of any animal. The have a PSI of 1200 and males weigh around 8 kg. For perspective, Hyenas have a PSI of 1100 and males weigh around 50kg
Brushtail Possums - They may be cuter than the American Opossums but trust me, they don't want you around. They are solitary so most people have heard them fighting of a night, screeching, shrieking, hissing, growling and making darth vadar noises. Heads up from someone who has had to rescue them from awkward places (fire-places, BBQs, closets) They are stronger than you and they will f*** you up. Even without them meaning to I've gotten injuries from my joey Brushies, they get so keen on their milk when you put it in that they climb your arm and their claws are sharper than cats. Also the sheer strength of them. I'm stronger than I look but if they are clinging on to a tree you are gonna need all your strength to get them off. The can also bite your finger clean off. And I've seen injuries from people who feed wild ones and for some reason have been late to put out the food or something and they've climbed their leg or even jumped on them - stitches were required in a few of those cases (human skin is not thick like tree bark)
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What's with Magpies and swooping?
Simple, they have nests/babies and are protecting them. Australia Magpies are very smart and can recognise faces. If they think you are a threat they will try and scare you off. Just like if you're walking along with your toddler and there's a weirdo doing something strange you hold the kid tighter and closer to you and move through faster. But these guys can't just move their nests or their babies. The spot is chosen based on food availability and shelter from sun and rain, but also not being too cold. It's their spot. I've never been swooped by Magpies, other birds yes, but not Magpies. My local birds know me as the lady that cleans and fills the bird bath. Legit the Magpies sing a specific song when it needs filling to call me out to do it. So don't be a threat. If they are swooping in that area, try to avoid it or go through quickly. We used to have Plovers at my school, in the bush at the end of the oval. Never a problem. One day some kids go into the bush and stomp on their nest and eggs. After that they would swoop anyone who came close to there. So the school blocked off that end of the oval. Fair call. Wasn't the birds fault.
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Why is everything named so basic?
Oh you mean the snake that's black with a red belly being balled a Red Belly Black Snake, and the tree with all the doodles on it being called a Scribbly Gum? 80% of plants and animals found in Australia are found NO WHERE ELSE. So the early Europeans had a lot of things to name and when they tried naming it themselves they would get it wrong. 2 good examples are: The Death Adder (only considered highly venomous, not deadly, and not an Adder). Also you're only likely to get bitten if you stand on it or try to pick it up. The Australian Magpie, they saw a black and white bird so it must be a magpie. Nope. Actually not in the corvidae family but in the butcherbird family - Artamidae. So their solution was to either take the Aboriginal word, for example, Quoll, Kookaburra, Koala, Quokka, Taipan. Or name it after what it looks like/sounds like/ is found Boobook Owl - makes a sound like booooo-book Squirrel Glider Eastern Water Dragon Grey Headed Flying Fox Flaky Bark Tea Tree Old man Banksia This can cause confusion though as not every brown coloured snake is a brown snake, and not all Eastern brown snakes are brown. Squirrel Gliders aren't related to squirrels. Flying foxes are bats not actual foxes that fly.
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What do I do if I find injured wildlife?
Well, depends on the wildlife and where it is. If it's in a dangerous position, like the middle of a highway, don't try anything. First thing, call a wildlife rescue group, there are plenty around and they have trained people who know what to do. A quick google search should show you all you need to know, also the IFAW's Wildlife Rescue App will identify the closest group to you.
If it's a snake, adult wombat or kangaroo, or any other animal that can cause you serious injury, leave it be. The wildlife rescuers you call can give you basic info on how to help but mostly calling them is the main thing.
If it's something smaller, like a young animal or glider or baby bird and you are able to put it into a cardboard box that will be perfect. The 3 main things injured/ill wildlife need are warmth, dark and quiet. You don't need to worry about food or water. The rescuers will organise that. If you give food or water to an animal in shock you can cause more damage.
THE BEST THING IS TO DO NOTHING. I know this sounds stupid. But so many problems can occur from people who don't know what they are doing helping out. You know what they say about good intentions. For example, picking up a Koala like you would pick up a human child (under the armpits, around the chest) you could actually break their ribs. Also so many Koalas end up needing vet care during heat waves because people pour water into their mouths - they can get pneumonia as the water goes in too fast, it is not a natural way for them to drink. You can also get yourself injured or make the animals injuries worse. I have seen Kangaroos with broken legs get up and try to hop away from people. I have seen severe scratches on other people because they tried to pick up an animal.
What diseases can wildlife give me?
Well. I only know about Australian wildlife, and it's very different to other parts of the world. If you get a bad bite or scratch from wildlife you should see your doctor ASAP, get the wound cleaned properly and make sure your tetanus is up to date (same as if a pet gives you a bad bite or scratch).
There aren't that many Zoonosis that are around in Australia that are easy to catch. Mostly you have to be dealing directly with sick wildlife to get them.
The main thing is Australian Bat Lyssavirus. ABL for short. Now our bats can carry it. About 1 in 1000 bats may have it and you HAVE to be bitten or scratched for it to be transmitted to you. If you are bitten or scratched by a bat your chance is 0.1% of getting ABL but it is related to Rabies, so head straight to hospital for treatment. If you don't touch a bat you won't get bitten or scratched and so your chance of getting it is 0. Hendra is the other virus our bats carry, however it has to go through a horse before it mutates enough for humans to get it.
Basically it's only when you get involved with wildlife that your risk of getting a disease from them is higher than VERY unlikely. If you happen to help some wildlife, and you maybe wrap them in a towel or jumper, even if they urinate on it. You can just chuck it in the wash (I usually add a little extra disinfectant) and it will be fine. Treat it the same as if a pet had used it or urinated on it.
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What's some Good Wildlife Apps to have?
Well, there's so many out there now hey? Here's some that I've found handy or know people that use. WomSAT EchidnaCSI PlatypusSPOT are all for recording sightings of these animals (wombats/echidnas/platypus) this helps researches track where they are and how they are going which means we can help them more as well. OzAtlas - record a sighting of anything Australian, animal, plant, fungus, insect. FrogID - need to identify a frog? This is the app for you. Use photos or sound recordings, Field Guide to *insert state/territory* Fauna - Have a field guide on you wherever you are without having to carry a book. Seek by inaturalist - Helps you identify any animals, plants, insect, fungus. IFAW Wildlife Rescue - wildlife rescue app (currently for NSW only but soon expanding) will give you advice on what to do and put you into contact with the local wildlife rescue groups.
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Besides Cats and Foxes, what other invasive species have you got that cause problems?
First up, any invasive species causes a problem. In Tasmania they have issues with Sugar Gliders, because they are not naturally found there and use up tree hollows that other animals need. Invasive species cause competition for food, water and shelter. They can also bring in diseases that didn't exist in Australia before and that our natives have no defence against (like cats and Toxoplasmosis) Here's a quick list of invasive animal species in Australia. Cats, dogs, foxes, pigs, water buffalo, ferrets rabbits, horses/brumbies, goats, camels, Cane Toad, European Honey Bee, Common Myna bird, deer, donkey, common starling, common pigeon, black rat, brown rat.
There's more, there's reptiles, and weeds and fish but those guys ^ are the main ones that cause problems.
I am an animal lover but unless we get rid of these animals you loose more in the long run. I'm 100% against use of poisons, I prefer having people hunt them to be honest. If you know what you are doing and have the right equipment you can give them a quick, painless death. To give you an idea how bad invasives are:
The introduction of the rabbit is the main cause the Lesser Bilby became extinct.
The introduction of cats and toxoplasmosis is believed to be the main reason Eastern Quolls became extinct on mainland Australia
Rats led directly to the extinction of 5 of Lord Howe Island's bird species
30% of our land snakes and Goannas are at risk as Cane Toads are rapidly spreading and eat their eggs.
The Common Myna Bird is the 2nd greatest threat to Australian native birds (habitat loss being the 1st)
The fox population has been estimated at 72 million and consume around 190 million birds a year
There's an estimated 23 million wild pigs/boars and an estimated 2.6 million goats - all eating whatever they come across.
How can I help Australian Wildlife?
There's the stuff we already know, like reduce/reuse/recycle and don't litter. But there's other things you may not know about.
Turn off lights at night - any lights that you don't need, don't have them on, especially if they are outside. Lots of animals require insects in their diets, particularly moths, which can be distracted by lights. Zoos Victoria have launched educational stuff for this https://youtu.be/ZAcL4FKPtHw
Learn about them - It's not hard, there's multiple ways you can do it. There's books, tv shows, pod casts, you can follow sanctuaries and other people who work with wildlife on social media. Planting flora that's native to your area is great as different plants can attract different animals and it's much lower maintenance, being made for that environment. You can even find cool life-hacks like Lemon Scented Tea-Tree doesn't just smell amazing and feed lots of wildlife, it keeps the mozzies away! There's different kinds of nesting boxes out there specific to different species that you can put up to help 'foster' that species. You can even become friends with your local Magpies! Mine know me as the lady who cleans and fills the bird bath and all I had to do was whistle to them when I was done and now they are really chill around me and I get to watch their antics. Debunk Myths! - In learning about wildlife you can debunk lots of myths like: a mother bird won't take it's chick back if you've touched it (fake news!) or that snakes dislocate their jaw to swallow their prey (that would be soooo painful!)
Put out water - have a bird bath and keep it clean and full. Or if you don't have one or want to get one just put water out on hot days. Summer's getting hotter and hotter and our animals really suffer. So put out a nice pot or container of water. Don't forget to put a rock or a stick in it if it's a slippery surface (like plastic or metal) so that little animals and bugs don't fall in and drown, and keep it out of the sun if it's likely to heat up.
Check roadkill - it's not pleasant but needs to be done. Don't do it if it's a motorway or somewhere dangerous, but if you can PLEASE do. Roadkill sometimes looks dead but isn't and you don't want them laying there suffering. They may have pouch young if they are a marsupial or young nearby that will need care without their parent. And where possible get it off the road. Species like Tasmanian Devils, Goannas and Wedge Tailed Eagles feed on roadkill and can then end up as roadkill themselves. Even if you have to drag it, it's dead and not gonna feel any more pain. 100% of people I have attended a rescue for who have called because they stopped and found a joey or young in a pouch or hiding nearby have not regretted their decision at all. Even if they were late for work, they saved a life and it was worth it.
Avoid using poisons - insecticides, pesticides, snail bait and straight up rat poison. Like mentioned in POISON VS VENOM, it just keeps killing. There are so many other options out there and they aren't hard to find. There's stuff on the internet but also at Bunnings I've found more environmentally sound options that use Tea Tree oils and Eucalyptus instead and work just as well.
Don't feed them! - Most Aussie animals are gluten and lactose intolerant. BREAD IS REALLY BAD! and if not eaten it gets mouldy and causes disease. Putting out bird seed is the number 1 problem when we talk 'feeding wildlife'. WHY?
The 'wild birdseed' that you buy in shops isn't actually for wild birds. JUST LOOK AT IT, you don't see those seeds growing out in the wild. The main seed wild birds eat are Bottle-brush, She-oaks, Banksias, Wattle and Eucalypts. None of those are found in these bags of seed.
Even for seed eaters that seed you buy is too fatty and unbalanced
For those that don't usually eat seed, like Lorikeets, eating the seed destroys the specialised bristles on their tongues that they need to eat their natural food - nectar and pollen.
If you don't keep it clean you will spread diseases, especially psittacosis (beak and feather) for which there is no cure just a slow, drawn out death. You can also catch it and end up in hospital.
You cause an imbalance. Animals breed based on food availability, if you make food available they will breed but there might not be enough space or trees available and you create more competition and also they end up relying on you and if you go on holiday or anything they can die without that food.
You can cause health issues in other animals. Possums love bird seed but it makes them fat, making it harder for them to escape predators.
You will be feeding non-natives. For example, the Common Myna bird cannot survive on wild plants, but if there is a food source around they can. Got rid of Common Mynas in my neighbourhood by convincing my neighbours to stop putting out bird seed.
RATS LOVE BIRD SEED. Specially feral rats. Mice also love bird seed.
You make a predator hot-spot. It won't take long for predators to realised animals they prey on visit your feeding station and they will come. The most common predator I find around bird seed? Snakes. Snakes love rats and mice, rats and mice love bird seed. You do the maths.
If you want to feed them just do some research and plant trees that are food for them.
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How many species are endangered?
Sadly, it's almost quicker to list what's NOT endangered in Australia.
That's hard to say as there is different ways they can be endangered. In one area they may be common, but in another they could be disappearing. You can have Endangered lists at different levels; local, state, national and international.
But the most used list is the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List of Threatened Species has evolved to become the world’s most comprehensive information source on the global extinction risk status of animal, fungus and plant species. AKA the IUNC Red List
Here's a bit of a breakdown: EXTINCT 26 mammals 7 birds 4 amphibians CRITICALLY ENDANGERED 7 mammals 8 birds 15 amphibians 13 reptiles ENDANGERED 18 mammals 29 birds 18 amphibians 21 Reptiles VULNERABLE 51 mammals 40 birds 23 amphibians 35 reptiles NEAR THREATENED 43 mammals 37 birds 9 amphibians 21 reptiles
Then there's the "data deficient" category where they really just don't have the info. 10 mammals 11 amphibians 42 reptiles
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I will continue to update this post as I think of other things. Feel free to send me any questions you have
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secretwhumplair · 4 years
1,202 words | Original work: No Warrior (sequel to Bread and Water, p. 2)
Content | Fear, language barrier, painful healing, general physical weakness after injury/recovery, mention of: broken bones, starvation, sleep deprivation
Notes | Give him a break (: Or maybe a breakdown, what’s the difference anyway
Your sweet comments give me life, the taglist on this thing has grown so fast, thank you all so much! <3
Bonus | An music! Not for this episode specifically, just. *gestures vaguely*
Taglist | @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @whump-me-all-night-long @alliecat5594 @whumpadump1939 @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @whumpzone @angelstars @kixngiggles @whumpsy-daisies @maddamredders-yaoi @briars7​ @yet-another-heathen​
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​Yves spent the next few days curled up in his spot right at the bow.
Most of the time, the same man was there with him. Quite frequently, one or two of the others came by to chat. It terrified Yves, but they only ever threw him curious glances, occasionally words he didn’t understand. No one touched him.
That terrified him even more.
He just couldn’t understand.
The man fed him regularly, offering him bread, fish, dried fruit even. By night, he let him sleep under a thick wool blanket. Yves hadn’t realized just how much the hunger and lack of sleep had eaten away at him until he was slowly starting to recover, his head and stomach aching less and less, his thoughts slowly getting clearer.
He still couldn’t understand, though, and the tension was becoming unbearable. He knew this was too good to last, and every passing hour felt like it was piling onto a debt he would have to pay in the most gruesome ways imaginable.
Every day, the man examined his injuries, and it was a terrifying procedure every time.
Today was no different. The man had carefully gone over his broken arm, the whipmarks and bruises on his back, and now Yves knew he had to sit up. The first two or three times, the man had had to lift him up by his shoulders, which was terrifying in itself, but Yves found the idea of pre-empting it, of potentially making a mistake, even worse. By now he dared to, and the man didn’t seem to mind.
Still, it was awful, offering up his battered chest and vulnerable belly like that. Every time, he felt that this was the time his luck would run out, a punch or kick would land where it hurt the most, would crack his ribs up even more or dive into his stomach. Somehow, opening himself up like this was even worse than being forced, bound, dragged into position. He’d had to do it before, of course, knowing disobedience would be worse, but it made him feel even more helpless.
Today, again, no attack came, only the man’s hands dabbing healing salve onto his injuries. It took all of Yves’ self-control not to flinch from fear and pain. The cold air drew up goosebumps on his exposed skin.
Finally, they were done. The man helped him pull his shirt back on. Yves wished he would just draw back, leave him to his own devices, even though he didn’t have to strain his still aching shoulders and back as much with his help.
He retreated back under his blanket, cowering down again to protect himself, although he knew it was irrational; the man - anyone on this ship - could manhandle him into whatever position they wanted. He thought the air was getting colder as they travelled; soon he would be freezing even with the blanket.
Yves looked up to see the man staring intently down on him. His heart picked up. Was this it?
“x̷̷̸̨̢͜͠͡x̵̧̕͡҉́́͘ ̸͡͡͏̷̧͏͢x̸̴̨̢̡̀̀͟x̴̶̷̛̀́͘͠x̸̴̧̨̛̀̕͟x͏̴͜҉̧̛̀͟ ̷̷̶̢̨̛̕̕x̛̕͟͟͟͞͠͝x̸̵̴̴̴͢͝͡ ̴̸̵̨͘͢͟͞R̡̡̛̀͟͢͠͝u̸̢̢̡͟͝͡͠ǹ̷̨̧͜͏̛̀a̷̕̕͘͢͠͞͝r̸͟͠͡҉̨̛͜.”
“I don’t understand,” Yves whispered weakly. He’d said it so many times in the past few days the words had lost all meaning. Every time the man spoke to him, he felt his heart sink, like he was failing a critical test, a failure which would lead to - it hadn’t so far, but he knew that wouldn’t last forever.
The man placed a hand on his own chest. “Ŗ̶̀͞u̢̡͡͠ǹ̕͠͠ą̕͞͝r̴̴͞͠.“
Yves just stared for a moment. Why would it ever matter for him to know what his tormentor’s name was? But he certainly didn’t want to argue. “Runar?” he repeated obediently, hoping with every fibre of his being he was getting it right.
Apparently he did, because the man nodded enthusiastically. Then he pointed at Yves. “x̵̸̸̷̢̕͜͢x̷̢̨́҉͜͏͘x̡̡̛́́͘͘͜x̴̵̧̧͘͘͟͡x̸̸̨̢̧̀͟͢ ̧́͜͠͏̶͜͞x̴̧̛͞͠͠͡͠x̸̵̷̛̀͘͜͞x̷̶̨̡͏̴̸̀x͞͏̵̨̛̀́͝x̸̵̸̧̡̧͘͜?”
Put on the spot, for a dreadful moment, he thought he had forgotten his name. He shouldn’t have been surprised, he though feverishly, while digging for the answer that would satisfy the man - it had been months, years, a lifetime since he had last heard it.
But it plopped back out of cover in a moment. He almost cried with relief, and placed a trembling hand on his chest. “Yves.”
“Yves,” he whispered, unwilling to correct the man properly, but maybe he wanted that and Yves didn’t know what to do, he was too busy with his throat closing up over hearing his name, however poorly pronounced. It had been so long.
“Y̵̧̕v͟͟͡e͘͜͡s̸̴͟, x̵̧̢̛̛̀͘҉x̴͡҉̀͏̶̸̛ ͞҉̵̶̸̛̀͝x̢̨̨́͘͢͠͠x̸̨̨̧͘͟͜͜x҉̶̴̀̕͢͜͠ ͠͞͏̨̨͠͏̧x͘͠͏̸̢̧̢̀x̡̧̀̀͢͠҉͜x̛҉҉̸̧̛͜͡x͏̷͏̵̢́́͟ ͢͏́͘͜͜͜͞x̶̵͏͠҉̢̛͜x҉̧̢̕͘͘͘͢ ̵̀͘͘̕͢͢͠x̸̢͞҉̶́͡͠x̴̡͝͡͝͏̀͜ ̧̨̨͏̴̸̨́x̸̵̶̶̨̡̛͜x̴̶̡̛́͢͠͞x̸͜͠͏͏̴̛͢x̕͞͡҉̸҉̵̷x̸̴̨̀͟͏̴̡x̴̧̧͏̀҉͜͡x̶̸̵̡̛͢͢͡ ̢͢͜͝҉̡́͝x̵̸̡̨̀͢͡͞ ̴͏̵̸̧͘҉̧x̶̛͢͟͜͢͠͝x͜͜͝͝͝҉͡͞x̸̶̧̛̛͢͞͞x̶̴̨͘̕͏͜͠x͏̷̧̨̀͟͡͡?”
Yves looked up at the man as helpless as ever. Possibly more, since the shock of being called by his name - his actual, real name - still rang through his soul.
The man - Runar - reached out, took him by his unbroken arm, and lifted him up. Like every touch of his, it was gentle, or as gentle as it could be while carrying half his weight.
Still, Yves didn’t doubt that this was it, now, and when he finally stood, his legs didn’t tremble from lack of use only.
His balance was feeble after cowering down for so long, and the movement of the ship threw it off. He was clinging on to the man before he could stop himself. His heart skipped a beat, and he quickly tried to right himself. “I’m s-sorry-”
“x̡̨͘͝҉̨͞͡x̷̷̡̧̀́͞͠x͏̴̢̢͟͟҉͟ ̷̨̡̀͏̧͜͡x͏̡̀҉̧͡҉̨x̷̵̢̨̨͘͢͝x̶̵̢̢̢̛̕͟x͏̵̸̢̛͜͝͠.” If the man wasn’t so big and threatening and probably leading him to the others for entertainment, finally, his voice might have sounded soothing. But he put an arm around Yves’ thin waist that very clearly told him any attempt at escape was moot.
“I - I know,” he whispered, blinking back tears, keeping his eyes cast down. Maybe it would help. Maybe they would go easy on him if he was meek enough.
The man walked him along the ship, slowly enough for his trembling, neglected legs to keep up. He didn’t dare look up to see the wolvish looks of the other warriors, no doubt waiting for their prey.
But all that happened was that the man - Runar, he must remember, there must be a reason he had been told this - turned him around when they reached the mast, and walked him back. They were joined, briefly, by the woman who had spoken to him earlier, but she only asked, “G̡̀͘͜ó̴̡̢o̷̕͢͝d̶̛̕͢?“, the mockery only there in the word, not her tone. He didn’t dare do anything other than nod.
Eventually, they reached their spot at the bow again. Runar guided him back down into sitting.
He was smiling.
That was when Yves couldn’t take any more. Days of horrible tension, and he had been so sure now it would finally break, and - “Just tell me what you want! Please... just tell me what you want.” He broke down sobbing, and realized only as he said it that the man couldn’t have done that, even if he were so inclined. “I’ll do anything...”
The man didn’t react, for a moment - not that Yves could bring himself to look at him. Then, the blanket was carefully draped around his shoulders, and he heard, in a soft voice, more words in this language keeping his captor’s thoughts shrouded from him.
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Hey, I really love your writing! I noticed there's so little Usagi content (including from myself), so maybe if it's not too much, you can do the sfw alphabet with her? I'd like to see how you'd write her, thanks <3
Yep I’d love to! I wanted to write something for her as well so I’m happy you asked ❤️
SFW Alphabet | Yuzuha Usagi
{Alice In Borderland Masterlist}
{Main Masterlist}
Character: Usagi
Genre: fluff
Tumblr media
Usagi gif credit
*Based in real life, not in the Borderland
A - Affection
(How affectionate are they? How would they show affection?)
Shy bean
She’s not the most confident when it comes to affection, but she would love it to no end
Her love language would be acts of service
She would love just taking time out of her day to do things for you
She’s a sweetheart, so she’s always trying to put yourself in front of her no matter what
When she did want affection, she would have trouble having confidence to just straight up ask to cuddle, worried that she’ll annoy you
But you’d be able to tell when she did, because she would follow you around and try to keep your attention on her
B - Best Friend
(How would they be as a best friend?)
She’d be the most loyal and trusting best friend
She’s definitely the mum friend when she’s in a group, always trying to make sure no one gets into trouble and always checking if everyone’s eaten
She would be so friendly and trustworthy, probably spends a lot of time with you on free days and go out on little dates together
But she is so protective of the ones she loves
If anyone tried to hurt you or offend you, she would be so angry
Would become more mad than you at the person
Just don’t come between her and her best friend
C - Cuddles
(Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
After having a really tough day, or maybe missing her father, the thing she would adore more than anything is a really long cuddle session with you
You two would flop onto the couch and snuggle into one another, talking about your day was and pressing kisses on one another every now and then
You’d probably end up falling asleep, because her cuddles are so relaxing
Brushes her hand through your hair and scratches your head like a cat
Her favourite way to cuddle would just be lying next to each other while facing each other
She would like it because she can see your face and can cuddle as close to your as possible while still being able to kiss your face
D - Domestic
(Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking at cleaning?)
She’s such a mum, she would literally act like a wife the day you moved in together
She wouldn’t be incredibly fast to want to move in with you
Like maybe one and a half years together before you both even started thinking about it
She would be so excited though
I feel like she would love house plants, and also fish
You’d have a huge fish tank in the lounge room, and sometimes she would just sit and stare at them swimming around
She knows how to cook, so she would mainly cook the meals
Unless you wanted to help her, which she would always love
Probably ends in a food fight though with cracked eggs on both of your heads and Usagi complaining about the mess
E - Ending
(If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
She seems incredibly mature, so I think she would handle a breakup in the most healthy way possible
She would be upset for a while, but would wish for you guys to remain as friends after you’ve both been apart
If you broke up with her, she would take it really well
But if you didn’t give her a proper reason as to why you wanted to split up, she would get really upset and possibly struggle to act friendly with you again
If she broke up with you, she would feel so guilty about it, even if she had a really good reason to
She has such a big heart, so making you feel upset would crush her
F - Fiancé(e)
(How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
She would dream about marrying you
She’d be so open about it though
Like she would call you wife/husband/hunny without even meaning to
You honestly wouldn’t even have to get married because it would already feel like you were
She has such commitment for you, like she would devote everything to you
She’s literally not going anywhere, as long as you were in her life
G - Gentle
(How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
She would be so gentle with you both physically and emotionally during the first few months of the relationship
But as time went on, she would become more confident and less careful in her actions
She would like to playfight with you I feel
But she would always win, because she’s a climber with incredibly strong arms and legs
Sometimes she would run up behind you and jump onto your back in a surprise piggyback ride while laughing
Emotionally, she would always remain so gentle and understanding when it came to how you were feeling
Your comfort would always come first in every situation, so she would constantly check if you were feeling okay
This would range from when you were in a crowded place to when you were in bed together
Such a considerate and caring woman, she would make you feel so safe and comfortable when it came to expressing your feelings
H - Hugs
(Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Hugs 24/7
She can never get enough of them
Especially reunion hugs, like if one of you went away for a few days or even when one of your arrived back home from work, she would always love it when you run up to each other and jump into each other’s arms
Hugs from you would always make her so happy
Any chance she could get, she would wrap her strong arms around you and squeeze you as tight as possible
Her hugs are so sweet though
Every time she gave you one, it would send butterflies through your stomach
But it would also make you feel so comforted
I - I Love You
(How fast do they say the L-word?)
She would treat the phrase like it would be committing her life to you
It would be such a big deal for both of you when she said it
It would take her a few months
But she would say it during a really sad moment actually
She had a bad day, being yelled at by her boss at work and it was also the anniversary of her father’s death, as well as her car broke down on the way home
She would come over to your house with tears down her face, searching for some comfort from you
You would make her a hot drink and sit on the couch for hours, just letting her cry into your chest and comforting her
She would realize then how much she loved and trusted you
Seeing you become so protective and concerned about her would make her realize that she wanted to spend her life with you in that moment
So it would just slip out, and you would say it back without hesitation
J - Jealousy
(How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
She would be somewhere in the middle in terms of jealousy
She wouldn’t be overly jealous, because she trusts you a lot
But if someone was too get a little too comfortable, she would put herself between you two
Although it rarely happens
If you were to flirt with someone else, it would upset her more than anything else
She’s confident in your love for her, so most of the time she wouldn’t ever think to worry about being jealous
But if something was to happen, I think her reaction would just be to pull you away from the person she’s jealous of
K - Kisses
(What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Random little kisses all the time
Even when just passing each other in the house, she would give you a quick peck on the lips
Her kisses are really delicate and gentle
Like she very much takes her time when it comes to loving you
She would like to kiss you on the nape of your neck
She always back hugs you and kisses you there while your doing work or cooking or something
Cute little cliché kisses
Like she would probably recreated the spiderman kiss with you
Or in the rain she would randomly pull you close and place her lips onto yours
L - Little Ones
(How are they around children?)
She would love kids so much
She’d literally play with them for hours
She finds them so cute and so entertaining, always bringing up having her own kids with you
She would definitely want to be a mother one day
Usagi loves the thought of having a happy family that she can look after and watch grow up
So if you have little siblings/nephew or nieces/cousins, she would literally melt every time she saw them
She has such strong motherly vibes, I just think all kids would love her so much
M - Morning
(How are mornings spent with them?)
She usually wakes up early and goes on a jog or to the gym
So most of the time she wouldn’t bother you and just leave you sleeping
But if she got back and you still hadn’t woken up, she would have a quick shower then crawl over you and stroke your face softly until you woke
“Good morning sleepyhead, it’s almost noon.”
Would sometimes wake you up with a hundred kisses all over your face
On the days you wake up early with her, you would go jogging or to the gym together to spend the time with one another
But then you would get back home and laze around for the next few hours
N - Night
(How are nights spent with them?)
I feel like she wouldn’t often stay up really late, so most nights she would be asleep before you
But it often takes her a while to fall asleep, so most nights you would stay up with her and talk and kiss
Would probably read a book before sleeping sometimes
The nights she would stay up light would be only due to you watching a movie together or if you went out on a late date
But most nights with Usagi would be really chill and cuddly
O - Open
(When would they start revealing things about themselves?)
She would take a while to open up, because she has an introverted personality
But when she eventually does, she becomes so much more confident in showing her affection for you and acting like herself
Opening up about deep subjects wouldn’t be a problem for her after a while, because she would love and trust you with anything
Like if something was bothering her, she wouldn’t hesitate to let you know
Unless she thought she was being a bother, which could never happen
Sometimes she would worry that she was reflecting her problems onto you
So you would have to reassure her that her feelings and worries always come first
P - Patience
(How easily angered are they?)
She’s super chill, nothing could ever anger her
She handles most situations incredibly maturely, so she wouldn’t have a reason to get mad really
In terms of arguments between you two, she prefers to see it from your side as well, so she can understand why you might be upset
She would always have a solution to frustrating issues
The only reason she would ever get really upset was if you stayed out later than usual and you didn’t tell her
If your phone died, she would understand
But if you just didn’t think to let her know, she would get angry mostly just out of worry
Q - Quizzes
(How much do they remember about you?)
She’d be able to remember most things
Well, she’d be able to remember the important things like your family and your favourite places/things
But when it came to remembering things you’ve asked her to do or you’ve told her, she would be quite hopeless
I think some little things would just slip her mind sometimes
But it was never a big deal, so you both would just laugh about it
R - Remember
(What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
Her favourite memory would be when you went to a cute little coffee shop together
I know it sounds simple, but she remembers every single detail of the date
It was one of her most fun days with you, and you also went to a park together and had a little picnic
Just little simple memories like that would always stick with her
Because I feel like she would value the small things in life that make her happy
S - Security
(How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
She’s actually very protective
Just in terms of your safety though
Like if you were even in the smallest bit of danger, her mother instincts would explode
That’s why she gets annoyed when you don’t tell her when you would be home longer than usual
When in public, she would never let go of your hand
She’s more of the silent protector than the shout in someone’s face protector
Like if she thought someone was going to hurt you, she wouldn’t drag you away without saying anything
But if they kept testing you she would probably kick them in the stomach
I think she would like it if you got protective of her
She would appreciate if you did the same to her, because you should always protect each other equally in a relationship
T - Try
(How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
She would put so much effort into everything
Every anniversary would honestly feel like a mini Christmas
Would buy and make you way too many gifts
You’d be so spoiled by her
On dates, she always tries to find really exquisite things for you to do together
Like you’d never be able to guess where she suggested to go next
It could literally range from a huge aquarium to a really fancy candle lit dinner together
She was full of surprises when it came to pleasing you
U - Ugly
(What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Sometimes she can act a bit too much like a mother to you
Like you feel like sometimes she forgets that you are an adult and you wish to do things yourself
It would make you feel bad more than anything, because she would try to do everything for you
Sometimes she would also tire herself out
She seems like she would be a workaholic, so you would have to tell her to stop working and come to bed
Pushes herself a bit too hard, which a lot of the time ended with her having a cry in your arms from stress
V - Vanity
(How concerned are they with their looks?)
She wouldn’t be too concerned
Like she would at least want to look decent before leaving the house
But in general she wouldn’t really care
If you were to go out on a date though, she would put so much effort into making herself look gorgeous for you
So mainly only on special occasions would she be really concerned with her looks
But just like everyone else, she can sometimes get insecure about her body
But you would notice, because she would wear baggier clothes than usual and keep checking how she looked in reflections around the house
After some reassurance and a lot of kisses from you, she would feel much better about herself
W - Whole
(Would they feel incomplete without you?)
She’s actually a very independent person
But I feel like she really craves that physical and emotional affection from another person every now and then
But say if you were to go away for a while, she wouldn’t react badly
She would get on as normal, but still call and text you everyday
But if the time you were away was a long time, she would begin to become upset and miss your touch a lot more
X - Xtra
(A random headcanon for them.)
She would take you rock climbing all the time
Even when she was just practicing in a rock climbing gym, she would love to watch you attempt the hard courses
She’d find it so cute watching you try to do her absolute passion
But she would also appreciate the fact that you were involved in it as well
Y - Yuck
(What would be some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
In a partner, I don’t think she would ever be able to be with someone who was bluntly honest
Like someone who didn’t regard people’s feelings before saying things
She would view people like that as super rude and judgy
She’s very considerate of others, so dating someone like that would probably embarrass her and make her feel bad
In general, I get a weird vibe that she just hates hot weather
I mean not a lot of people do, but she would rather stay inside on a bright, hot day rather than go to the beach
She’d find the sweat and the sunburns unbearable
Z - Zzz
(What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Usagi wakes up multiple times during the night
Like she can’t stay asleep for longer than 4 hours at a time
She usually gets out of bed around 3 times each night to go to the bathroom or get a drink of water
She would try her best to not wake you up, but sometimes you would and follow her out to the kitchen to check on her
She would fall back asleep instantly though
As soon as she was tucked back into your arms, she was knocked out
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thiswasinevitableid · 4 years
1. Siren Indruck NSFW, Duck is hauling supplies for the small town of Kepler on a tiny boat. Due to dangerous storms, Duck takes a longer but safer and less traversed route. He doesn’t know he’ll be passing through a Siren’s territory. A siren who is looking for a strong and sturdy mate
Here you go!
Duck never tells anyone what he finds on the beach that day. 
He’s fourteen, looking for useful flotsam and jetsam tossed onto the sand by an ongoing storm. What he finds is an empty boat and a merman, silvery tail impaled with a spear in a piece of driftwood. Each time he tries to free himself, he winces and is unable to pull the weapon from his body. When he sees Duck, his red eyes widen and he bares sharp teeth in a hiss. 
“It’s okay” the boy kneels in the bloody sand, “I ain’t gonna hurt you. Or, uh, this’ll hurt for a sec, but it’ll be better than tryin to ease it out bit by bit.” He grabs the end of the fishing spear and pulls. The merman shrieks, quickly clamping his hands across his mouth as Duck pulls his handkerchief from his pocket to bandage the wound. 
“There, you should be able to-”
The creature is gone with a whip of his tail, sliding down the sand and into the waves. As Duck stands, a strange song floats from the foam for the briefest instant. A seasoned sailor can tell a siren from a normal mer on sight; Duck has never been to sea. It’s weeks later that he wonders what events resulted in the wounded siren and an empty boat. 
Any other day, Duck would put off this run until the black clouds no longer hung over the horizon. But the supply run last week didn’t come, so the isolated, coastal town of Kepler is running low on, among other things, the medicine needed to treat an illness spreading from house to house. He could put this off until tomorrow, but he won’t sleep well tonight if he does.
The boat loaded, he starts out to sea under unfriendly skies. Today is a day to follow the coastline and then circle Greenbriar Island to reach Kepler, rather than trying for a straight shot.  It’ll double his travel time, but it’s far safer in a storm and no one but a few locals know how to navigate it. Duck takes this route once or twice most years. This summer alone he’s had to take it six times, with today making a seventh. The abnormal number of storms weighs on the minds of coastal residents. Duck tries not to obsess over it, given that it’s solidly out of his control and there’s no use fussing over wind and rain; there’s only getting through them. 
Halfway through his journey, a rogue swell catches the underside of the boat and drags it along a rock, springing a leak in the hull. He ties off on a thin spire of stone, clambering onto a rock to try and repair the damage. It’s not a big leak, but it’ll be trouble if he lets it go. 
As he’s laying awkwardly with water lapping up his legs, a human head rises from the water a few feet from him. Silver hair, red eyes and, when it smiles, very sharp teeth. Harmless mermaids have teeth much like his own, which means he’s alone in the ocean with a fucking siren.
Duck’s learned many things since that day on the beach; how a song can paralyze a man better than poison, how the bite marks on the skin of certain bodies that wash ashore are called siren kisses
The siren begins swimming closer. Duck sighs, “If you’re gonna drown and eat me, can you do it on the way back?”
Red eyes blink, confused, but the siren stays where he is. 
“If I don’t make it to Kepler, lotta folks’ll get sick, some will even die. And I don’t think you got much use for medicine and canned food.”
The siren shakes his head. 
“Glad you understand.” Duck finishes his repairs under watchful eyes. At one point, the siren swims all the way to the rock Duck is perched on, resting his chin on his hands, as if enjoying the view. 
Duck scrambles back into the boat the moment he’s done, but no cold fingers try for his ankles and no splash announces something lunging upwards after him. A cautious glance as he starts the engine finds the siren sitting on the rock, silver-blue tail still half in the water. When he notices Duck looking, he waves. 
The rest of the journey goes as planned, the relief on folks faces when Duck docks worth the peril. When he reaches the siren’s territory on his return, no song tempts him. A lithe shape keeps pace with the boat, fin breaking the surface now and then. When he hits open water, the siren turns back, disappearing from view. 
There are sex dreams, and then there’s whatever the fuck Duck is having right now. Fingers stroke his hair, cling to his shoulders. Kisses coat his face and a voice whispers his name as the speaker offers themself to him again and again. He sees himself tangled with a man, face always just out of focus, who spreads his legs and lips so Duck can sink himself into the heat of his body. The dream is endless and he doesn’t care, doesn’t ever want to wake up. 
Saltwater in his lungs renders that desire useless. He snaps back to consciousness as another wave hits him; he’s up to his neck  in the cove below his house. 
“The fuck?” It’s only his footprints visible in the moonlight in the sand, so no one dumped him here. 
“Oh dear.”
“Jesus!” Duck stumbles back as glowing eyes peer around a rock. It’s the siren from yesterday, swimming purposefully as Duck wades backwards. 
“Look, uh, when I said I wanted you to wait to eat me, I wasn’t bein serious. Or, uh, I was, but I meant I didn’t want to be eaten ever, not just then. It was a, uh, a joke.”
“I am aware.” The siren stops as Duck topples on his ass in the shallow water, “and I am sorry. I, ah, I did not mean to lure you from your bed. I was not aware my mindless singing was enough to wake you. In most futures, you slept until dawn.”
“Uh huh, sure, because sirens are known to just serenade folks without wanting to drown ‘em.” 
“We do it more often than you might think.” The siren sighs, “I came here to keep you safe, and succeeded only in making you afraid.”
Duck, having scooted inelegantly onto dry land, watches the tan upper body of the siren sag. It’s awkward, a word not associated with this kind of mer. That suggests he’s telling the truth. 
“You gonna tell me why you’re playin watchdog at my house?” 
The siren chirps, intrigued, “In all but one future you told me to go away.”
“That’d just leave me with more questions. And so far, you ain’t done anythin other’n watch me; if you say this was an accident, I’m willin to hear you out.”
“Wonderful!” The siren claps his hands together and the tip of his tail flips out of the water. Then he clears his throat and recites, “I am known as Indrid Cold. As you noticed, I am a siren. I am also a gifted seer, artist, and lifeguard when humans are unconscious and thus will not try to kill me for rescuing them. I am an excellent fisher, and well-liked and/or feared by the larger creatures of this coastline. This is why I think I would be an excellent mate.”
“O-kay. Did you call me out here to practice your personals ad?” Duck smirks, charmed by Indrids earnest tone.
“This is not practice. I did a great deal of that earlier today. This is my formal declaration that I would very much like you to be my mate.”
“Ma--hold on.” The images from his near-fatal dream return, “were you singin’ to hit on me?”
Indrid crosses his arms, “For the last time, that song was not for you. It was about you, because I was daydreaming and my formless melody unintentionally conveyed the contents of said daydream into your mind.”
“So everythin in it, all that wild fuckin stuff, that’s stuff you wanna do with me?”
A nod, accompanied by a flash of white light under the water. 
“Because you are strong, and handsome, and capable on the water. I watched your futures yesterday and today and saw you are kind as well, well-liked by other humans but a little lonely at night. You are very nice to that small land-otter that lives in your house.”
“You mean the cat?”
“That’s the word! Yes, you are nice to your cat. You are not brash or cruel, and you look so very nice without a shirt. I...I like you, Duck. You are everything I want in a mate.”
“Feel like I might be missin’ some gills and fins.” He jokes to cover the fact he’s scanning his mind and body for the same dreamy lull he felt during the song. What he finds in it’s place is his ego purring from praise and wondering exactly what a siren would do for his mate.
“There is no rule that says I must choose only my own kind for such activities. I, ah, I know it is strange, given how little we know of each other, but I thought that, ah, since humans will have casual sex with each other maybe we could, or, ah, that is…” He’s watching Duck with such unconcealed hope that the human almost joins him in the water.
“Indrid, I’m real flattered. But I’d be a damn fool if I didn’t point out this feels like a fuckin trap. Pretty easy for you to drag me to my death once we’re, uh, in the middle of things. Not that I’m sayin you would.” He adds when the sirens smile dims. 
“A sensible concern. May I join you on land for a moment? There is something I want to show you.”
Duck pats the sand beside him, eyes following the ripples of Indrid’s tail as he swims, slithers, and slides onto the beach. It reminds Duck of an oarfish, though when Indrid spies him looking the scales flash deep purple. 
“Look there” Indrid points toward the end of the silver ribbon of scales; a round, white scar stares up at Duck. The details of a day over two decades in the past return to him.
“You’re the siren I found when I was a kid.”
“Indeed. I remember you by your eyes, though your face has some echoes of that day in it’s curves. You saved my life, showed me mercy when I expected none. Sirens do not forget a favor, and we do not kill those who once spared us. I will never harm you, even if you turn me away tonight. You will be safe, whether that is in my arms or merely in my territory.”
Duck avoids the stranger sides of life by the sea, citing a lifelong incompatibility with the weird. Turns out all he needed to find his exception to that rule is a handsome siren looking at him like he set the tides in motion. 
The human runs a finger up the sirens tail, sparks of purple and pale blue light igniting in it’s wake. 
“Didn’t know y’all changed colors.” He pets Indrid’s hip and the whole tail lights up this time. 
“I am a deep-sea siren by birth, we use light to communicate emotions.”
“Mind, uh, loopin me in on the conversation?”
“Purple means desire. It’s a common color in mating displays.” Indrid watches Duck’s hand  glide along his scales, and a burst of pale blue reflects across their faces. 
“And that one?”
“Submission.” Indrid murmurs, “it is, ah, not the most desirable color to show. My kind value strength and power; enjoying the opposite is an invitation to mockery.” The siren’s eyes stay downcast, even when Duck smooths silver hair from his face.
“Now, I like to joke as much as the next fella, but that don’t seem like somethin to tease about.”
“No?” Indrid’s gaze flicks onto Duck the instant before the man straddles him. Duck doesn’t even have to push him onto his back; he goes instantly, hands flat on the sand and tail twitching excitedly in the shallows. 
“No. Seems to me a sweet thing like you oughta be takin care of.” 
Indrid snickers, “That is not usually an adjective one uses for meAHahnn” he arches as Duck tugs his hair.
“Let’s get one thing straight, sugar; I decide what you get called. I wanna call you the most perfect creature in the sea, I will. And if I wanna call you a needy little mer who’s good for nothin but gettin fucked into the sand, you’re gonna nod and say ‘yes.’ Understood?”
The blue light flashing up his tail brightens, “Y-yes but, but why do you call me sugar? That is a food.”
Duck giggles, leans down to brush their noses together, “It’s a nickname, call you it because you’re sweet and I can’t wait to get my fill of you.”
“Ohhhh, I see.” 
“You wanna see somethin else?”
“Very much soOH, oh goodness.” Indrid gasps as Duck forces his gaze towards his cock attempting to free itself from his boxers. He grinds on the supple muscle of his tail to take the pressure off, chuckles when the siren whines and tries to kiss his chest. 
“Since you’re the only siren I’d ever even consider fuckin-” Duck pauses as Indrid moans loudly, digging his fingers into the sand, “you gotta show me how to go about it.”
“If, if you just continue as you are a little higher upyes, yes right there” He rolls his hips, purrs with such a blissful expression that Duck is powerless to do anything but kiss him. His affection grows when he notices Indrid clearly restraining his kisses so as not to catch Duck’s mouth or tongue with his sharp teeth. The last guy he fucked shoved his tongue down his throat without any build-up or finesse, and now all he can think is if only Indrid had made his feelings know sooner, Duck could have done away with shitty human dates and had an obedient, eager mer instead. 
“Mmmmm” Indrid licks his lips, runs his fingers up Duck’s sides, “kissing is nice. It is not something sirens often indulge in, so my chances to do it are few and far between.”
“Ain’t that a shame” Duck kisses the corners of his mouth, “lips like these were made to be kissed sore.”
Indrid purrs, wiggling his tail, and Duck looks down to see a slit opening where his clothed cock has been rubbing. 
“Huh. Kinda figured you had-”
“-I have both this and an appendage below it much like your own.”
“Handy.” Duck, in no mood to climb off the purring, otherworldly man, eases the waistband of his damp boxers just under his balls. 
“This, uh, this ain’t gonna actually create a, I mean, I don’t wanna accidentally-”
“Nono, there is no chance of procreation”
“And you’ll be okay with so little of you in the water?”
“Yesyes I will be fine.” Indrid tugs at his hips, bucks his own into the air in frustration. 
“Just checkin’ oh, oh fuck” Indrid is tight and ridged around his dick as it slides in, “fuckin christ, no wonder sailors’ll crash into rocks at the offerin of fuckin a siren, wait, fuck, that was probably rude.”
“I will let it slide” Indrid teases, the end of his tail curling around Duck’s left ankle, “on account of your body is so lovely I would beach myself and die gasping on your doorstep for a chance to touch it.”
“No need for that. All you gotta do is wait here like a good little mer and I’ll fuck you as much as you want.” The slit pulses as Duck slowly fucks in and out, and he knows he’ll have to throw out all his fleshlights after this because nothing will ever compare to the deliciously alien feeling of Indrid around his dick. 
“Do, do not joke about such things.” Indrid whimpers, clinging to his shoulders.
“I ain’t. You wanted a mate, right?”
“Yes, you, so very badly.”
“Well, you got one, and you feel so goddamn good on my cock I ain’t inclined to let you swim off and be someone else’s.”
“I do not want to, I only want you, please, please let me stay.”
Duck stills his hims and the siren writhes as he leans down. The human cups his cheek, “I want you to stay, ‘Drid. I wanna get to know you. Long as you promise you ain’t gonna fuck me unless you want to, and not because you’re scared I’ll turn you loose.”
“I promise.” Indrid initiates the kiss this time, purring when Duck takes his time kissing back. 
“Good. Now that we got that cleared up” Duck sits up, “be a good mate and take what I give you.” He fucks in as hard as he dares, dives back down to kiss Indrid’s lips and throat as the mer’s cock emerges. Duck finds he can grind his ass along the twisting shaft at the same time he drives his own into Indrid’s body, resulting in a wail of pleasure and teeth sinking into his shoulder. 
“Sorry!” Indrid squeaks, hiding his face in Duck’s neck, “it, it is a reflex-”
Duck yanks his head back to his shoulder, near the first mark, and holds it down, “Do it again.”
Indrid trills and pain lights up Duck’s body, the perfect counterpoint to the pleasure coursing through him with each roll of their bodies. The siren chirps and moans, nips his arms and ears, slides his tail along his legs as his cock pumps frantically against his ass.
“That’s it sweet thing, cum for me while I fuck you. Show me just what my mate is for.” Duck bites Indrid’s neck and cum splatters the backs of his thighs as Indrid’s repetitions of his name drown out the noise of the waves.  Duck’s orgasm follows fast, sweeps through him like the crescendo of a song carried on the night air. 
Duck stays buried in him well after he’s finished, mind already conjuring images of tying Indrid down in shallow water and keeping his cock warm all day.
“Yeah, sugar?” 
“I, ah, I need to get back in the water.”
“Oh shit, yeah, sure.” He pulls out, tosses his sea-soaked boxers up the beach as Indrid slides into the sea. Duck wades in, stopping where it’s waist deep as the siren swims lazily circles around him. 
“Such a perfect mate.”
“Glad you still think so.”
Indrid curls up to him, rubbing their cheeks together, “Thank you for indulging me. Do...do you wish me to come back tomorrow? Or to stay tonight? There are no other mers between here and my territory, so there is no reason I cannot count this stretch as mine.”
Duck kisses one of the hickeys blooming on tan skin, “How’s about you stay the night. We got some things to talk about. And, if you’re real good, I might let you fuck me when we’re done.”
Indrid grins, “My dearest one, I believe we have a deal.”
Nowadays, if you ever go near Kepler and the surrounding islands, you may hear people talk about Duck Newton, beloved native son, skilled park ranger, and the only man receive siren kisses and live to tell the tale. 
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jilytho · 4 years
Fake Laughs and French Fish
"You laughed in a restaurant but you have a really ugly laugh so I thought you were choking" au. The opposite of a meet cute bc James is an idiot. idk what this is but Happy Jilytober!
Read below or on AO3 or FFNT
It was James’s least favorite kind of restaurant. The kind of place where sure, the food is good, but the portion is barely big enough for a snack and the music was too soft and the tablecloths were too stiff and there were too many types of forks that he didn’t know which was meant for salad and which was for stabbing into his thigh. 
All places should have prices on the menu, smarmy little French places were not an exception. But Peter’s birthday had been last week and James had missed the party to deal with a work emergency so he owed him dinner at Peter’s choice of restaurant. And of course, Peter had to pick the most pretentious place in the city. 
Sirius and Remus were there as well, of course, they could hardly go anywhere without them. It was exactly the kind of place Sirius grew up in, and although he had gotten very comfortable with fast food since he was exiled by his family, he still seemed to fit in perfectly at this kind of place. 
As much as James loathed the whole joint, he grudgingly admitted it was worth the hefty bill to watch Peter’s whole face alight with joy as they sat down. His head was on a swivel, swooshing from side to side, tittering with excitement. 
Just as the young waiter brought their appetizers over, a mushroom risotto and salmon tartare, Remus was in the middle of thanking him and requesting more water when a large man at the table behind them snapping his fingers, head turned to look at the waiter. “Well, that’s just rude,” Remus murmured under his breath. James and the waiter both watched to see a large beefy man glaring over at them, beckoning the waiter with two fingers in a way that made James’s skin crawl. He was sitting with two women, James could see the whole table quite easily when looking past Remus’s right earlobe. The woman on Whale Man’s right looked like she was being choked out by her string of pearls, lips pursed, a nose slightly too sharp for her face, and what appeared to be a stick up her ass considering the daggers she was shooting between the other woman at the table and the waiter. His eyes found the second woman, the one being subjected to Miss. Bony Lady’s eye daggers and was shocked he hadn’t noticed her the second she sat down. That hair was not something that should ever go unnoticed by anyone. 
He couldn’t even see her face, as she was hiding it between her hands, and glaring down at the table, but he found himself craning his neck, trying to get a glimpse. There were waves of hostility trolling off of her and every element of her body language seemed to be screaming “DO NOT ENGAGE” . Her hair was forming a wall of fire, curtaining around her face, protecting her from the angry glares of her dinner mates. As the waiter walked over to their table, after nodding politely at Remus, he watched her emerge from her hands to grimace up at him apologetically.
He couldn’t hear what the whale man was saying, and subconsciously heard Peter start to tell some story about work and dish out portions of their appetizer, but he couldn’t pull his eyes back yet. The girl was flushed and glaring at the bony woman, saying something hushed but clearly angry. Her nose was scrunched up, nostrils flared and as angry as she looked he started to wonder if she’d giggle if he booped her nose, all scrunched up like that. Started cringing at himself for thinking about something as ridiculous as that. 
From his distance, he couldn’t make out the color of her eyes, just that they were bright and sparkling and even from ten feet away he could feel the passion and emotion coming off her. 
When the waiter had finally left, dismissed with an angry wave of Whale Man’s hand, he watched the red head roll her eyes, and twist her neck like cracking it would release the anger built up in her. He wondered how creepy she would find him if he offered to massage the shoulder for her, maybe there was some chiropractor-esque or glowstick pickup line he could use to impress her. Cheesy lines had never done him good in the past but she looked like she could use a laugh, maybe she’d think it was funn-
“Right, James?” James tore his eyes away from the girl to find all his friends staring at him, looking for his agreement on something James had not heard a single syllable of. 
“Erm, yeah, right. Of course,” he nodded strongly, reaching for his water to gulp down and give himself a chance to calm the flush slowly rising up his neck. 
Peter looked pointedly towards Remus, “See I told you, Lupin.”
As James busied himself with pushing risotto onto his spoon- the smallest spoon closest to him, was that meant for desert?- he carefully ignored Remus’s eyes on him, silently watching James and nodding to Peter. 
“Mhm, Pete. Looks like I was mistaken.” 
The rest of the course went by smoothly, James kept his eyes off of the Magical Mystery Woman as best he could, forcefully making himself enthusiastically engaged in Sirius’s discussion of the lineup of next week's game. He was in the middle of making an argument for why Johnson should start as center, not Malinsky when he got stopped mid sentence by Whale Man clearing his throat loud enough for half the bloody restaurant to hear and his entire argument went to shit. 
Honestly, who did this bloke think he is, the bloody Prime Minister? Mystery Woman was too perfect to be putting up with this. Why would she go out in public with this oaf? Was he her brother? She seemed perfect but having him as a brother-in-law would really put a damper on the future marital bliss. She was gripping her knife so tightly it had to hurt, maybe he should offer up his own hand to squeeze instead, that’d be less painful he was sure. No. No, that was weird. He shook himself again and wrenched his eyes back to Sirius and resumed his argument.
They were just getting ready to clear their plates and ask for the desert woman when it happened. Mystery Woman’s table was still on their main course, she had ordered the fish, exactly the same meal James had eaten. Was that a sign of compatibility or what? If anyone had asked him later he would have sworn he was paying full and complete attention to Remus’s story of Dale from accounting messing up again but he was somehow also subconsciously completely and totally aware of every single one of Mystery Woman’s movements because he just knew she had just placed a delicate bite of fish on her fork and was chewing lightly when she let out this hacking, squawking, horrific noise. 
Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god she is choking. My dream girl is choking and is going to choke on fish and DIE before I even learn her name. If she dies before I know her name I won’t even know what funeral to go to and how to mourn her properly and how would I even introduce myself at that funeral, ‘Hi, I stalked this girl from ten feet away and fell in love and will now live the rest of my life single and alone.”
If anyone were to have asked, he was positive he was still sitting at the table, nodding along with Remus. Somehow, without his conscious noticing, he had thrown back his chair and jumped to his feet, sending his chair falling backwards, narrowly missing a passing waitress. He practically leaped across the empty space, flown to behind her chair, gripped her shoulder tightly, and began to slam his hand against her back. 
“Ma’am, miss, oh my god are you alright? Can you breathe? Can you hear me, miss, oh my god WE NEED AN AMBULANCE, breathe ma’am breathe!” James yelled at her, pounding against her back, mentally preparing to perform the heimlich maneuver, he had never learned it properly but he saw it on a crime show once and it worked there maybe it would work now? He was really regretting not taking that First Aid class with Remus when she suddenly yanked herself out of his grip, leaping to her own feet and spinning around to face him, red hair flying into his mouth as she turned. 
Green. Her eyes were green. Green and bright and shining and gorgeous, oh my god she really can’t die now. 
“Oh my god, are you alright??” He reached out again to grip her shoulders tightly, had him slamming on her back dislodged the fish? Would she live? Was he a hero? 
“I will be when you explain why you just hit me repeatedly.” She crossed her arms over her chest, seemingly cross. 
His eyes widened and he looked around for someone else to agree and call him a life saving hero. Whale Man and Bony Lady looked bewildered, like he had just suddenly sprouted into a fish, instead of saving their dinner mates life.  All across the surrounding tables, he was met with concerned stares and the mortifying sinking feeling that he had completely misread the situation. 
“I- um. I saved you! You were choking! I saved you….. Right?” He dropped his hands from her shoulders, one immediately going to fix itself in his hair, face burning bright red. 
“I wasn’t choking, why did you think I was choking? Are you a doctor?”
He could hear Sirius laughing now. Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. “No, just erm- a concerned citizen? Trying to ah, do my civic duty, preventing fish related deaths, I- erm- I’m sorry I really thought you were choking you made like a hacking sound I thought you were dying, I really just wanted to help” he tugged on his hair, averting his eyes to the floor. Not only did he ruin his chance of getting Mystery Woman to fall in love with him but now he has basically assaulted her, dear God he is never going to live this down. 
“That was a laugh.”
His eyes shot up to meet hers, “A what?”
“A laugh. I was laughing.”
“That was not a laugh. That was a deadly sound. Nobody in the world has a laugh that horrible.”
“Hitting me AND insulting me now, wow this is really my lucky day.” 
James’s jaw dropped. He couldn’t even wrap his brain around the fact that he had just insulted her laugh just that this seemingly magnificent girl laughed like THAT. He couldn’t help the little chuckle that escaped him. 
“Thats your real laugh? Oh my god I’m so sorry.” 
“Sorry for insulting me or sorry that that's what my laugh sounds like?”
“Erm… both?” 
She giggled then as well, light and small, and very, very different from the choking sound he heard earlier. 
“See!” He pointed at her accusingly, “now that’s a laugh! That sound before was a dying bird and I won’t have you tell me otherwise.”
“Well,” her eyebrows lowered and she leaned in a little conspiratorially, whispering her next words, “the joke wasn’t actually very funny. I suppose my fake laugh may need a little more work before I attempt to use it so publicly again.” 
The two shared a grin and wow was he screwed. 
“You know,” he leaned in again, “I’ve been told all my laughs are top notch, fake and real, and if you were every interested in some tutoring, I suppose I could-”
“Ahem,” Whale Man cleared his throat again, “If you’re done disrupting our evening, I would very much like to return to my meal.” An apology on the tip of James’s tongue when he was cut off by Whale Man continuing to blabber, “Honestly, the heathens they allow to enter this establishment. Absolutely zero respect. Didn’t anyone ever teach you manners? Of course you attract this sort” The last words were directed to Mystery Woman and all the desire to apologize to Whale Man disappeared immediately. It wasn’t her fault he was an idiot who started hitting her. 
He was prepared to say just that, and apologize to Mystery Woman, when she cut him off herself.
“Now you listen here, Vernon-” Mystery Woman began, red anger creeping up her neck.
“Lily, honestly,” Bony Lady cut in, “Just sit down and let's finish our meal and go, you’ve made enough of a scene.” Bony Lady’s tone was low, but sharp and cutting and seemed to send a shiver down Mystery Woman’s - or was it Lily?- spine. 
He had a feeling she would have kept going, but also had a burning desire to run from Bone Lady’s eyes. It felt like they were piercing straight through him. 
“I’m sorry,” he started loudly, one hand back in his hair, eyes quickly finding those incredible green ones, “I’m truly sorry for interrupting your meal and um hitting you and insulting you. Truthfully, you’re just spectacularly gorgeous and I thought you were choking and kind of lost my head a bit, I suppose,” his eyes averted quickly at that admission, missing the way hers started to fill with mirth and eyebrows began to creep up. “I’ll leave you to your meal.” 
He turned on his heel and returned back to his table, picking his chair off the ground and sitting, adamantly avoiding eye contact with his friends. He felt her eyes burning into his neck and stared determinedly down at his fork. 
“So you’ve gone crazy,” Sirius states, matter of factly with a shit eating grin, “that’s fun.”
“I thought she was choking,” he murmured under his breath. 
“What was that, James? Couldn’t quite hear you. Speak up now or one of us will have to beat it out of you.” Peter could barely finish his sentence before him and Sirius began to guffaw obnoxiously.  Even Remus was chuckling. 
James groaned and covered his eyes with his hands. “Can we please just go, I will pay double if they bring the check right now.”
“Oh Jamie dear, why the rush?” Sirius tutted, “We ordered desert while you were busy saving lives! We wouldn’t dream of leaving before Pete gets his birthday desert!” 
Muttering “tossers” under his breath, James set his jaw and raised his eyes to meet his friends, and not to look past Remus’s ear to Mystery Woman again. 
By the time desert had arrived, James had been properly roasted by his mates about twelve times over and they had slowly moved onto other topics, all being other times James made a fool of himself in public. Sirius had just left for the restroom leaving Peter with the task of making James’s life hell.
Peter was just getting into the climax of his own personal favorite James humiliation tale, the Koi Pond Incident of ‘09, when James’s bite of tiramisu was interrupted by a light slapping against his back. 
He spluttered and coughed grossly, ready to whip around and smack Sirius, assuming it was him, when he felt hot breath on his ear and a flash of red in his peripheral and completely froze.
“You alright there? Wouldn’t want you to choke. Just being a concerned citizen and all.” She murmured into his ear, teeth centimeters away from nipping it.
He turned to face her, gaping at her sudden closeness to find her smirking face mere inches away from his own. 
“Thanks for that,” he croaked. 
“Of course, always on the lookout. Doing my civic duty,” she winked. She winked. What the hell did that mean, oh my god, this woman would be the death of him. 
“Here,” she pressed a slip of paper into his hand. “Just in case you want to stop me from choking at dinner another night too.” And then she winked again, spun on her heel, red hair whipping him in the face and left with another tinkling laugh. James stared dumbly down at the numbers on the paper, memorizing them immediately.
“Holy fuck, James. What was that?” Pete stared at James’s dumbfounded face. Sirius chuckled lightly from behind him, apparently having returned in time to watch the entire exchange. 
“That, my friend,” Sirius clapped a hand down harshly onto James’s shoulder, “may have just been the future Mrs. Potter.”
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