#and their lyrics make amazing fic titles
semercury · 9 months
I don't want to be at work I want to be home writing some silly little words.
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verstarppen · 9 months
omfg i love your fics they’re so funny 😭😭 i had an idea for a max fic that i think you would do so well 🫶 so like she’s his teammate and she has a bf (no idea who but prob another athlete or something since they tend to kinda be fboys 👀 but not another driver please because those dynamics make me cringe in second hand embarrassment 🙏) then he like cheats on her publicly, but she decides to live in idgafistan and max helps her make her ex jealous 😝 but he’s like actually been into her for a really long time and everyone ships them and stuff and then he bags her with his irresistible chronically offline awkward white boy rizz 💋
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summary; cheaters deserve to get cheated out of their career, or at least that's how max justifies destroying your ex's life
pairing; max verstappen x fem! red bull driver! reader [ no faceclaim ]
warnings; suggestive language, swearing
a/n; DISCLAIMER the boyfriend is made up and also a sims 2 reference, if by chance there is a real tennis player by the name of Dominic Lothario im so sorry sir this was not written with you in mind ALSO this is my VERY sneaky way of telling everyone my favorite song is trophäe by paula carolina so naturally i had to shove the word trophy everywhere to justify using lyrics as the title I HOPE I DID YOUR PROMPT JUSTICE also i skipped over singapore because we don't talk about singapore
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liked by ynln7, charles_leclerc, pierregasly and 2,104,962 others
maxverstappen1 The only time I've cheated.
view all 798,301 comments
feeltheorange WHAT DID HE SAYYYY
meepshoemaker the double take i just did cracked my neck
yukinator22 NAHHHHHHHHH
ynln7 everyone has permission to laugh i came up with the caption
pierregasly Thank god charles_leclerc I'm going to hell I laughed before I saw your comment pierregasly Me too ynln7 assholes (affectionately)
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liked by christianhorner, maxverstappen1, charles_leclerc and 4,592,577 others
ynln7 anyway
view all 909,289 comments
christianhorner This is not the team bonding I was talking about
charles_leclerc Shut up, some of us have waited years for this pierregasly Seconded danielricciardo Third...ed?
simplyclerc LET HIM COOK
lionkingseb max verstapprizz
mcmango he saw an opportunity and he took it
redbullpapaya i manifested this with magic beyond the human comprehension
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liked by maxverstappen1, ynln7, christianhorner and 2,102,094 others
redbullracing An immaculate performance today from @ maxvestappen1 and @ ynln7 that’s a 6th Constructors’ Championship for the team!! 🏆 CONGRATULATIONS, WORLD CHAMPIONS!!
view all 869,291 comments
super_max they know they ate
staraikkonen the blueprint for all powercouples
angelricciardo talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference
dominic_lothario 👎
redbullracing Shouldn't you be looking for a job? What are you doing in our comments.
kirbyvettel MAXY/N SWEEP
maxverstappen1 The trophy is not my only win this week @ ynln7
ynln7 ok now let me pass you maxverstappen1 No 🧡 You're pretty in p2
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liked by maxverstappen1, charles_leclerc, christianhorner and 693,420 others
ynln7 celebrating the win the RIGHT way (playing f1 2023)
view all 108,003 comments
easportsf1 Amen
ynln7 LMAO
maxverstappen1 I let you win
ynln7 bruised ego alert
christianhorner Such a RESPONSIBLE team, aren't we?
orangleclerc THE T-SHIRT
strawberryrosberg Did they turn down the afterparty invite for this because mad respect
charles_leclerc Tell me your record, I'll beat it
ynln7 in your dreams, leclerc maxverstappen1 Beat us in real life first charles_leclerc First of all.
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pic credits: instagram and pinterest
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papurgaatika · 3 months
Nothing Fucks With My Baby
Pairing: Joel Miller x F! Reader
A/N: This got so out of hand so fast, but it is FINALLY here. This is for all my Joel girlies with crazy daddy issues, I see you and I get you. I really didn’t mean for the first half of this fic to be so angst-filled, but I think the smut is a good trade-off for it in the end. AS ALWAYS humongous shoutout to my beloved beta readers @joelsdagger and @carlynkurin yall kill me with your comments and I love yall so much. And yes the title is a Hozier lyric, I love that guy. Remember that TLOU is created by a zionist so please look at the resources at the end of this fic and in my bio on ways to donate and educate yourself!! Tags: daddy issues, minor misogyny, minor body shaming, angst, Joel wants to beat up reader’s dad, age gap, daddy kink, pillow humping, exhibitionism if you squint, oral (f receiving), Joel Miller’s filthy mouth, breeding kink, cumplay kinda, protective Joel, no outbreak AU, no use of Y/N Word Count: 5.3k
Visiting your parents with Joel for the first time brings up some bad memories. And lets you make a few good ones too.
(aka Joel hates your parents and fucks you in your childhood bedroom)
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Your fingers stilled over your phone, minor panic setting into your bones when you got a text from your mother asking you to come over for dinner with her and your father. Now you loved your parents and you think they loved you too, in whatever weird way they showed it, but your relationship with them was never amazing. They were overbearing when you lived with them, always expecting the most of you but never recognizing what you actually did, like you were never going to be enough in their eyes. You were a grown woman, a degree in hand, and jobs lined up, but with rent at an all-time high and entry-level positions barely paying enough, you had sucked it up for as long as you could and continued to live with them. The passive-aggressive remarks about their friends’ kids moving out and about your degree essentially being a waste barely mattered anymore, you kept your head down and didn't engage unless you really had to. Your daydreams of moving out and being independent dwindled a little with every snide comment your father made, but you were living rent-free so you didn't say anything. 
But then you met Joel, and Joel couldn’t see a single flaw in you, his perfect angel. You weren’t even planning on dating anyone, especially not someone this much older than you, but there was just something about him that drew you in. You could still remember the day you met him like yesterday. You had been driving home after taking a much-needed weekend to go see one of your friends from college and managed to run over a nail and saw your tire pressure going down. You had pulled over and contemplated calling your father, but the idea of him driving out to lecture you on being a better driver and why he thinks women shouldn't drive just gave you a headache. So, being the self-determined woman you were, you got out of your car, popped on a YouTube video on how to change a tire, and knelt next to your car. 
Granted, the video wasn’t helping you out much, and your headache was getting worse under the blistering Austin sun, and you felt the tears start to brim in your eyes as you rested your head against the door of your car. You were seconds away from sucking it up and calling your father when you heard a gentle, “Do you need any help, ma’am?” You’re not one to usually take help from men, especially not random men on the side of the road, but your head was pounding and your eyes were red, and something about his voice just put you at ease. So you sigh and nod, explaining how you really did try to change it, but it just wasn't working and he shoots you the prettiest smile you’ve ever seen in your life. “I’ve got it for ya don’t worry, it’s just a tire ‘ain't worth those tears.” 
You stand to the side as he kneels down to take a look at the damage before standing back up and grabbing the tools from your trunk. His arms were working on unscrewing the bolts of your (now useless) tire, and you couldn’t help but stare at them. His sleeves were pulled taut over his biceps and beads of sweat were rolling down his tanned skin. You watched as the fabric of his shirt clung to his belly and his gray-streaked hair grew damp from the heat, finding yourself unconsciously biting your lip when your eyes linger on the veins that strained under his arms. He lets out a soft grunt when he gets off the ground and turns to look at you. “I don't think it’ll be safe to drive on your spare sweetheart, let me call you a tow.” 
“Oh! No, it’s okay really,” your eyes go wide and your brows furrow as you try to figure out how much it would cost and who you would even call to come pick you up, but he’s already dialing a number into his phone and telling them they owe him a favor before hanging up and giving you another smile. “You really didn’t have to do that-” Your words falter because you realize you don’t know his name.
“Joel. And I couldn't let ya deal with it yourself, my mama raised me better than that.” You blush softly at his words, genuinely grateful to have met him. You let out a breath, your tears having subsided and your heart rate finally calming down before sitting back down on the ground, fully expecting Joel to walk back to his truck and head out, but are instead met with a frown when you look back over at him. “Can't just leave you here like this sweetheart,” he sighs looking down at you, “Let me take ya to the garage at least, just so I know you’re safe.” 
Quite honestly, you weren’t used to someone treating you with this much care and attentiveness, you weren’t sure what to do with it. But the worried look in his eyes and the warmth of his voice have you nodding, taking his hand and getting into his truck to go to the garage with him. You sit in surprisingly comfortable silence for the next few minutes until you decide to be bold and ask for his number “Well, just in case my tire pops again” Your words are matched with a small grin playing on your lips, and JoeL, well joel was a goner the moment you had said those words. 
You and Joel had moved relatively fast, only being together for about eight months before you were packing your stuff and moving in with him. He had heard all about your parents before then. He saw the tears that fell after a fight with them, heard the words they threw at you while you recounted to him, and he could never imagine treating someone, especially not someone as perfect as you, like that. He could recount how many times you would curl up into him, breathing in his scent to try and calm down while he ran a soothing hand over your back and told you it was going to be okay. So it was no surprise that he had a few choice words when you mentioned that your mother had asked you both to come over. “Dunno how civil I’ll manage to be, sweet girl” he groans into your shoulder, arm draped over your middle as y'all lay in bed. You giggle softly and tilt your head to the side so it’s leaning on top of his slightly. 
“Gonna have to be,” you catch his fingers in your own, running circles over the rough skin to soothe yourself. “I haven’t seen them since I moved out... I just want them to be okay with us I guess.” A sigh leaves your lips when you think about how displeased they used to be about anything that you ever did growing up, that displeasure skyrocketing when you started seeing Joel. 
You feel him still your fingers, taking your hand and wrapping it with his own, before shifting to look at you fully. “I can’t promise they’ll be okay, sweet girl, but just know I’m in it with you forever okay?” He brings your hand to his lips and presses a tender kiss to your knuckles and you feel your eyes start to water as you nod. “Now, we don’t need to think ‘bout it for a while, lets get some sleep yeah?” You curl into his side and mumble out a soft okay before letting yourself drift off, feeling the weight of his arm draped around you. 
The rest of the week passed with relative ease, you were busy with work and Joel had been doting over you more than usual to keep your mind off of things. Eventually, Friday rolls around and you find yourself in Joel’s truck fidgeting with the rings on your fingers, heart pounding in your chest. You’re staring out the window lost in the endless stream of anxiety that is your brain, until you feel Joel's hand, warm and heavy, running small circles on your knee. You let your hand rest on top of his, basking in the intimacy of it all before he pulls up to your old house. You can feel your breathing start to quicken, chewing on the inside of your lip, before looking over at him. “Wait, baby, can we go back, I can’t do this. I’m not ready,” your words were tumbling over each other, panic clear on your face. 
“Hey, hey, look at me angel. It’s gonna be okay. We can do this okay?” His hands are on your cheeks making you look at him, and you subconsciously lean into his touch. “I don’t like them any more than you do, but I’ll try to be on my best behavior, and if we go in and you wanna leave at any time, we’re outta here okay?” He breathes out a small sigh of relief when you nod, a small giggle leaving your lips at his words. You take one last steadying breath before throwing open the door of the truck, smoothing out your outfit, and letting the flowers you had picked up for your mother rest in your arms. 
You knock at the door and feel your nerves setting in again, but Joel's hand is holding yours and you feel like he’s pulling you back down to the ground again, keeping you steady. You’re both met with a loud laugh and are pulled in for a hug when your mother opens the door. “Oh! Sweetheart, it’s been so long since I’ve seen you! You certainly look like you’re eating well.” You did not miss those passive-aggressive comments at all, so you hand her the flowers with a tight-lipped smile, mumbling something about just having more time to make the food you enjoy, 
And being the attentive boyfriend that he is, Joel senses your discomfort immediately. He turns on his southern charm and throws one of those gorgeous smiles at your mother, complimenting her cooking and how good it smells in here. “If her cooking is any indicator, I’ll be asking for a to-go bag tonight.” Your mother just blushes and goes on about how her food isn’t that good but she hopes he likes it. You grin, watching the two of them interact helping your nerves dissipate slightly. Joel was always a charmer, that’s why you were drawn to him, he knew how to make you feel safe which was something you had seldom felt in this house. 
You’re sitting on one of the chairs, head leaning against his shoulder while he laughs at something your mother says. It finally feels like you can breathe like you don't have to put your guard up because Joel does it for you. And then suddenly it’s like the floor is being ripped out from under you as your father makes his way downstairs. It was like you were 16 again begging to get his approval for anything, waiting for the day someone would whisk you out of that house. You sit up straight and move your head from Joel’s shoulder and let your eyes dart to his, and he is visibly angry. Joel knows about your father, the fights and the screaming matches, the way you were so similar it made you sick, and he just could never understand how someone would ever treat their child that way.
Now your father isn’t necessarily short but Joel was looming over him, eyes burning daggers in his direction as you both stood up to greet him. Joel’s hand envelopes your fathers in a grip that looks like it could break a bone and you give your father a curt nod and however much of a smile you can muster up with a quiet “hi dad.” only to be met with a grunt like you weren’t even worth sparing a few words to say hello to before muttering and going to sit on the couch. “It's alright Joel… he’s just like that baby... let it go.” you manage to press a kiss to his cheek to let him know you’re alright, it wasn’t like you were expecting the world's warmest greeting anyway. 
Joel tries to let it go. He really tries for you. But it is so hard being nice to someone who hurt the person you love. So he brings up Sarah, not out of spite really, he just loves to talk about his girl. “Comes up to visit almost every month, jobs got her real busy though,” he says, taking a sip of beer, eyes focussed on your father across the table. “Couldn't go without seein’ her.” Joel’s face immediately brightens up when he talks about Sarah, the pride he feels for his girl sparkling behind his eyes. 
Your father is not a man who is good at hiding his emotions, anger, and resentment showing clearly on his face. “‘M sure it’s nice to have a daughter who amounts to somethin’,” you feel your blood go cold for a moment, tears stinging in your eyes as you duck your head down to look at your plate very carefully. Joel’s hand is immediately squeezing yours, bringing you back down to earth, back to him. You take a deep breath to respond, but before you even get the chance, Joel’s voice is hurdling at your father. 
“Sure is. You’d understand what it would feel like if ya made any effort to be in her life.” The silence in the room is eerie. You cannot remember a single time in your life when your father didn’t have something to say, something to hurl at you in a fit of anger, only to claim it never happened after the fact. You feel Joel squeeze your hand again as your father shoves a forkful of food into his mouth, not making eye contact with either of you. Your mother just looks between Joel and your father silently, apparently still unwilling to stand up for you. You press your eyes shut for a moment at the absurdity of it all; the absurdity of bringing Joel to meet your parents, of him trying to defend you, at the idea that you had truly believed that your parents would have changed. You knew better than to hope for things like that. 
The rest of the dinner passes in relative silence, save for a few questions your mother asks Joel about his work and a minor argument that ensues because Joel mentions his love for the UT Longhorns after your father brings up his love for the Aggies. You roll your eyes at Joel when he throws up the Hook ‘Em hands before you get up to wash the dishes, only stopping when Joel tugs at your wrist. You look down at where he’s sitting, eyebrows raised at you because you're well aware that washing the dishes is his job “Baby it’s okay, I'll just do them today”
Joel just shakes his head and pulls at your wrist again, essentially pulling you back into your chair. “Don’t think so angel, you know that’s my job,” you giggle with a small nod of your head before the both of you turn to look at your father who is scoffing from his seat. “‘S there a problem?” 
Your father rolls his eyes at Joel, clearly still upset about how dinner went. “Just think you should let the woman do the woman’s job, ain't yours to do.” Your father barks that out with such ease that Joel thinks he sees red for a second. He grew up helping his mamma around the house when he was younger and became even more fond of cooking and cleaning when Sarah was born, so it is safe to say that he doesn’t agree with the idea that housework is a “woman's job.”
You know how Joel feels about this but your father is getting irritated again and you’re not sure if you’ll be able to take another argument between them, so you’re trying to grab the plates from Joel again. But stubborn as he is, Joel does not let up, especially if it means letting your father think that he’s right. “I don’t think so, sweet girl. Ain’t the 1950’s anymore, if you’re too pussy to wash a dish wouldn’t consider you a real man.” Your mouth falls open slightly, and you try to bite back your smile when your father huffs and gets up from the table muttering something about not knowing a real man if it bit him in the ass. 
You finish helping your mother put leftovers in the fridge, save for a bag filled to the brim with leftovers for Joel, and catch a glimpse of Joel smirking happily to himself while the sink runs hot over his hands. You sneak behind him and press a kiss on his shoulder blade, letting your hands snake around his waist. “I’ll be honest baby, kinda hot watching you tell him off like that..” You hear him huff out a laugh before he shuts the water off and spins you around in his arms, pressing a kiss to your lips before letting his mouth drop to your neck. You giggle as he nips at your skin lightly, but push him off gently after a moment. “They’re gonna see you, Mr. Miller, gonna get me in trouble.”
“Is that so?” his hands are on your waist, prints from the water on your shirt. He grins down at you, eyes glinting with mischief. “let ‘em see baby, not their little girl anymore, all mine now.” He presses another kiss to your neck, finding the spot right above your pulse point and drawing a small mewl from between your lips, before standing up straight and letting go of your waist, a grin plastered to his face. 
“You’re an absolute menace, you know that?” You squint your eyes at him, poking a finger into his chest, eliciting a laugh to tumble from his mouth. You give him a small kiss again and find yourself smiling into it. “‘M ready to go home now baby,” you murmur against the plush of his lips, wanting to feel his hands on your body again. Joel simply nods and grabs your purse for you while you say an awkward goodbye to your parents. You take your purse from his hands and open the door only to be met with the sight of rain. You were used to how quickly Austin would flood when a storm hit, you had grown up with it, but you hadn’t checked the weather and this was certainly dampening your plans to go home. 
You turn around to face Joel, eyebrows furrowed and before either of you can say anything your mother is swooping in. “Well, now I cannot send you two out in this weather! I have your old room set up still, and Joel can take the guest room!” Your eyes lock with Joel's, taking in the look of shock on his face. You should have assumed that your parents would be weird about letting Joel stay in the same room as you, despite living with him, but you were still caught off guard. 
You say your goodnights and thank yous, your father’s grip on Joel’s hand dangerously tight, before showing Joel up to the guest room giggling about having to be apart for the night. “Dunno how I’ll be able to sleep without you angel,” he groans sitting down on the old guest bed. 
You roll your eyes and kiss the scar on his nose “Sure you’ll be okay for one night cowboy, I’ll see you in the morning, ‘kay?” He just scrunches up his nose in response and plants a few more kisses on your lips before letting you walk out to your room. You can hear him exaggerate a sigh as you close the door and walk back to your old bedroom. You grin to yourself before walking into your room, taking in the sight of what used to be yours. Your hands skim over your dresser, the drawers mostly empty from when you packed in haste to move in with Joel, dried petals from the last bouquet of flowers he had gotten you still sitting in a small jewelry box. Pink sheets, pink pillows, and at least five stuffed animals still sit in their perfect setting on your bed, and a pang of guilt for leaving them bubbles up inside of you. You sigh and pull out an old shirt from the drawer and slip into it, foregoing pants and just staying in your panties. 
You spread out on the bed making futile attempts to fall asleep. It wasn’t like you needed Joel to be next to you, but you missed his hand draped around your waist and the way his body was a literal furnace to the point where you had to take the blankets off. Your mind cannot stop thinking about him. The way his hand was on the small of your back when you came into the house, the way he stood up for you when your father was speaking, the taste of his lips when he pulled you in for one last kiss before you left his room. You let your fingers trail down your body, sneaking into your panties and letting out a shaky sigh when you feel the slick pooling between your legs, eyes falling shut for a moment before situating a pillow between your legs. You press your face softly into one of the stuffed animals Joel had given you, the smell of him just barely lingering in it, and start to grind your hips down on the pillow. Your breath hitches when you feel the pressure on your clit through your panties, moans muffled by the bunny as you grind your hips down chasing your pleasure. Your eyes are still shut imagining Joel, lost in your pleasure until you hear a low whistle behind you, making your head whip around, your heart pounding a mile a minute. 
And there he is. Joel is leaning against your door, when he got in is beyond you, his eyes are hungry and locked in on you, eyebrows raising when you stop to turn around. “Why’re you stopping, baby? Go on, put on a show for me.” Your mouth opens to answer, but he’s cutting you off with a small tsk and a shake of his head “Nuh-uh. Don't get shy on me now, sweet thing, keep going.” His voice leaves no room for discussion, and his hands are on your waist pulling you flush with the pillow again. You whine when his hands leave your body, and try to turn around to grab at him. He pins your hips back down to the pillow, a low noise leaving his throat. “Like you were before, wanna see what you used to do when you miss me” 
A whimper leaves your mouth and you lay your head back down on the bed, pussy grinding on the pillow again. You move your hips back and forth, breathing becoming heavier as you angle your hips a bit higher and you bite back a whine as you clench around nothing “Joel please-” you plead, looking up at him over your shoulder with wide eyes,  “want you to touch me,” A small shudder movies through your body as you whine at him again. 
He just shakes his head at you, eyes not leaving your clothed cunt, “Not yet baby.” He brings his hands back to your waist and traces small circles into the skin just above your panties. 
  “but-” You keep grinding but throw a pout at him trying to get his decision to sway. 
He swats at your ass, not hard enough to leave a mark but enough to be a good warning “You arguing with me baby?” His eyebrows are raised, the look in his eyes not one that wants to deal with a brat tonight. 
You shake your head with a pitiful no sir and keep grinding on the pillow, your panties fully drenched by now. You feel your hips start to stutter as your climax catches up with you, a sheen of sweat covering your body. Your stomach is clenching and your breaths are ragged, “Joel- fuck gonna cum, oh god- fuck-” You babble at him, words muffled, legs trembling lightly, and eyes falling shut as you’re hit with your orgasm, face falling into the stuffed bunny again. 
You try to steady your breaths after coming down from your high, eyes still closed until you feel his hands sneak around your waist and under your shirt, grabbing your tits softly. “Fuck, you’re such a filthy girl, probably did this all the time when you thought about me? Desperate fucking thing.” You groan into his touch, and arch your back into him when he pulls you flush against his chest. He grabs at the hem of your shirt, before pulling it off and tossing it to one of the corners of the room, fingers playing with your sensitive nipples. You let out a squeak when he tugs at them before he lets go and presses his hand over your mouth. “Quiet. Gonna wake up your parents, or is that what you want, hmm?” His hand dips into your panties, rough fingers swirling over your clit “wanna get caught in the room you grew up in?” 
A whine leaves your mouth, muffled behind his hand, as you try to grind into his fingers. He brings his hand back to your nipple, flicking at the nub and making you jump. “Joel please- need it” You plead as he circles your clit. 
Joel pauses, drawing a pathetic whimper to leave your lips. “Came already and want another one? Greedy fucking thing” You nod at his words before yelping when he throws you down onto the bed and pulls you down to the edge of the bed by your ankles. He throws your legs over his shoulders and you buck your hips into the air, trying to catch his touch. He rests his head on the plush of your thigh, eyes on yours, waiting for you to ask for what you want. 
Your eyes are pleading with his, hoping that you can get out of having to beg by batting your lashes at him. “I’ll be so good for you, please.” your lip trembles a bit, hips still moving in the air, trying to get into his mouth. He relents and his lips press against your thighs, his stubble scratching at it gently, before pressing a kiss to your clit, making you jump softly. “Fuckk thank you.” Your head falls back as his tongue sweeps over your weeping cunt, his arm pinning your hips down to keep you from bucking into his face. 
His tongue dips into your slit, making your back arch off the bed as your hands fist in his hair. His lips wrap around your clit, and your hand clamps over your mouth to stop the obscene noises you were making from leaving it. His fingers tease your entrance before slipping into you and thrusting in and out at the same pace he was flicking his tongue. You feel your thighs start to tremble and clench around his head, your grip on his hair growing tighter as you feel your second orgasm hit you, red hot in the bottom of your spine, and up to the tingling in your fingers. Joel’s pace does not slow down as he coaxes you through it, hitting all the right spots. “Fuck look at her baby.” He says pulling his fingers out of you and spreading your slick over your pussy. “Fucking weeping for me. I’ll give her what she needs don't worry” 
His fingers press against your lips, and you let them into your mouth, tasting yourself off of him and groaning at the taste. He drags his spit-covered fingers down your chest, relishing in the fucked out look on your face. He takes off his jeans letting his cock spring free, dumb bastard going commando at your parents' house, and spits into his hand before fisting his cock in your line of sight. You whine at him, pouting your lips at him, cunt dripping down your thighs onto your bed. He chuckles at you and brings his hands to your waist, before slipping his cock into you, a hiss leaving your lips at the stretch. “Look at that sweet girl, taking me so well.” He moves so his cock is buried to the hilt in your cunt, the coarse hair that surrounds him pressing into your pelvis. 
You try to rock against him, to gain any friction. “Joel please move... please I want it” You plead with him, hands moving to wrap around his wrist. “Gonna be so good for you Daddy, please” And that does him in. He lets out a groan and thrusts into you with enough force to move your headboard. His cock is hitting you in just the right spot, filling you up almost too much. 
You feel yourself clench around him as his hand tightens around your waist, one of your legs wrapped around his back, pulling him in deeper. “Gonna fill you up so good angel,” he says as your pussy clenches around him like it was begging for his cum. “Make you all mine, show everyone who you belong to,” his thrusts are growing messier, and you can feel another orgasm building in the pit of your stomach, and it’s almost too much. Your toes curl and you meet his thrusts as you let out a pathetic slew of pleasepleasepleaseplease before you feel him cumming inside you with a soft pant of your name. You feel him pull out of you slowly, his cock replaced with his fingers. “Said I was gonna make you mine, gotta make sure it takes.” His fingers collect the cum that leaks out of you in the most obscene way and pushes it back into you, as a shaky breath leaves your lips at the depravity of his words. 
“Fuck thank you, baby,” You manage to get out after what feels like an eternity of recovering from your orgasm. Joel shoots you a sleepy grin, before wrapping his clean hand around yours and laying his head down on your chest, looking up at you with love in his eyes. 
“I should be thanking you, sweet girl. Did so fucking good for me” You grin and look down at him with sleepy eyes and run a hand through his hair. 
“You know you gotta get back to the guest room right?” You ponder, realizing the situation that you were in. The idea of your mother waking up to find you naked and stuffed full of Joel’s cum was horrifying. 
Joel just grins back up at you, pressing a kiss to the underside of your breast before pushing himself up off your bed and peeking at the window. “Dunno baby.. Rain stopped a while ago, I'm ready to just get outta here.” He raises his eyebrows at you, sliding back into his jeans as you drop your arm over your face with a dopey smile playing across your lips. 
“So long as you carry me to the truck, I'm game, baby” You bite your lip and smile up at him as he tosses your dress at you before he scoops you up and tromps down the stairs quietly and puts you into the passenger seat before getting in and pulling out of the driveway. “Thank you for being there tonight baby.. I love you.”
Joel just smiles at you, half asleep in his passenger’s seat, and runs a hand over your knee before grabbing your hand and pressing a kiss to it. “Love you too angel. Don’t plan on ever making you come up here again though” You just giggle and lace your fingers through his, extremely content to just spend the rest of your days with Joel, not worried about your parents.
A/N: From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free READ: This account stands with Palestine unequivocally, and so— I require everyone who interacts to educate themselves, and support/donate. READ THESE; 1, HELP HERE, BOYCOTT. silence is complicity, do not scroll past this. DO NOT BUY THE REMASTER, TLOU2, TLOU1, OR ANY GAME FROM NAUGHTY DOG! neil druckmann (the creator) is a zionist. PLEASE READ THIS. AND REBLOG THIS.  Thank you for reading, and free Palestine
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wonijinjin · 7 months
seventeen’s hiphop unit when their s/o falls asleep on them
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author’s note: was feeling tired, wrote it quickly hehe. let me know if you guys want the other unit versions aswell! the vocal unit version of the fic is available here.
synopsis: what the title says
word count: 0.7k | genre: pure fluffiest fluff | pairings: hiphop unit x gn! reader | warnings: mention of food in wonwoo’s
you were laying in bed with cheol, pillowtalk being the routine of most of your nights, just casually discussing how you spent your day. “then i had to scold mingyu because he wasn’t listening and we couldn’t make progress regarding the lyrics.” he explained, voice low and quiet, waiting for your usual giggles about his members being silly as always, but silence was your only reply. he looked down at you on his chest, seeing your eyes closed, mouth slightly open, a bit of drool coming out of it, right onto his shirt. “seriously? man, my shirt is gonna get soaked.” he sulked jokingly, knowing fully well you couldn’t hear him, otherwise it would’ve earned a betrayed whine from you. “you are lucky you’re cute, i will let it slide this time.” he giggled while trying his best to keep his voice down as much a possible. he rubbed your back while looking head over heels at you, easing you to dreamland even more so, whispering. “good night my love, see you in the morning. i love you.”
wonwoo knew you were tired the moment he saw you when he arrived at home, so he figured that it would be a matter of time when you were gonna stop fighting sleep and let your eyelids get heavy. he was editing the photos he took on his walk earlier, you snuggled up into his side, watching him do his magic in different editing softvers on his laptop. “these pictures are so pretty wonwoo.” you said sleepily. he smiled softly while looking into your eyes. “thank you sweetheart, but you are way prettier.” his cheesy line normally would’ve made you burst out laughing, but as he expected you were already half asleep, eyes closing for longer amounts of time every minute. a moment later he sensed how your head felt heavier on his torso; he kissed your forehead and patted the crown of your hair, smiling sheepishly to himself seeing you rest at last. “my sweet baby.” he said while shutting his laptop down, holding you closer to him.
“wow, the special effects are amazing!” you commented to which mingyu hummed in agreement. you and mingyu were watching a movie, your head in his lap. you were invested in the plot, but it was a bit late in the evening. in fact it was so late that mingyu had actually kind of dozed off for a few minutes, resting his eyes after hours of work with woozi in his studio, the screen’s hue taking a turn on his optic nerves. when he opened his eyes he did not expect to find you asleep, especially since you chose the movie; it was one of your favourite director’s new films. he took a moment to just stare at your face shamelessly, feeling like he was falling in love all over again; your cheeks were squished into his thigh, nose scrunching up from time to time thanks to a few strands of hair tickling it. you were just so adorable in his eyes. he brushed the hair out of your face, stroking your cheeks gently. “i am so lucky to have you. i will always protect you, my darling.” he muttered, draping a blanket that was resting on the couch next to him over your slumbering form.
you were in the practice room with vernon since he had to work overtime with their newest comeback approaching, you offering to stay until the end so the two of you could go home together. he knew you were exhausted from all the exams you had to take, and even tried to talk you out of staying, but you insisted, getting into a comfortable position on the floor, head resting against the wall. he sat down next to you, drinking a bottle of water while you put your head on his shoulder. “i should’ve urged you to go home. look at you, so tired and in an uncomfortable room!” he whined, feeling extremely guilty about the situation. you didn’t reply to which he raised his head a little, upon doing so seeing your relaxed face, soft snores and breaths escaping your mouth. he slowly lowered your head into his lap, but not before putting his hoodie on it, making up for the lack of a soft pillow. “i should take a break anyways. sweet dreams, babe.” he smiled, gently kissing your lips.
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xob1tchs · 10 months
can you do an ethan landry x female reader fic where reader appears innocent but actually isn’t?
tyy i LOVE your fics 🫶🏽
dirty babe
ethan landry x fem!reader
warnings; smut 💀 begging, fingering, kissing, unedited
a/n; it’s JUST THAT NO1 MAKES ME FEEL THIS WAAAAY 😼 the titles to all my works are songs/lyrics im listening to when i finish the work btw! lil fun fact 😆 neways, hope u like!!
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“you tricked me, you’re a liar” ethan coos from above you, eyes big and round, expression innocent – drawing a whine of disapproval from the back of your throat, shaking your head vigorously.
he tuts, knee pressing to your core through your panties, making you squirm, fingers tangling in the bedsheets.
when he’d started dating you, he was ecstatic – not only because you’re amazing, and he gets you all to himself, but because of how inexperienced you’d seemed. he loved the way you were clueless in the bedroom, leaning on him for everything, surrendering yourself to him completely.
he loved the thought of being able to slowly diminish that innocent flame inside you, completely corrupt and ruin you to his desire.
until he’d caught you humping his pillow, whining and crying, plush thighs clenching around the pillow, angelic features turned up in pleasure. pleasure he thought only he could give you.
“liar’s don’t get rewarded, do they baby?” he frowns, knee slowly moving away from your core, until he supports himself on his heels, staring down at you with lust blown eyes,
you squeeze your thighs together, rubbing, trying to find some sort of relief “didn’t lie!” you cry, pressing your cheek into the mattress, nosing the sheets, drowning in the smell of ethan.
he tugs his shirt over his head, fingers grazing down his muscled torso to the button of his jeans, catching your hopeful gaze, stirring excitement in his chest – until he stops, waving his finger infront of your frowning face “nuh uh” he clicks his tongue.
his strong fingers wrap around the underside of one of your knees, forcing your legs open, smirking at the wetness staining your panties, he leans down, face inches form yours, wet lips smacking against your own as he moves your panties to the side, fingers plunging in abruptly, he swallows your moan, mouth smiling against yours as you mindlessly teethe and lap at his lips.
he sets a rough pace from the beginning, palm smacking against your mound, loud from your juices.
you squirm under him, clenching around his thick fingers, jaw going slack as an orgasm swims in the pit of your stomach, already so close from not finishing earlier.
you don’t need to tell ethan for him to know, he sees, the way your brows pinch together, how you become quieter with every pump of his wrist. so he rips away, sitting back against his heels, smiling as you cry out.
“p-please ethan! baby, baby please” you pout, squirming uncomfortably against the soaked material of your panties, cotton fabric hot and itchy against your sensitive pussy.
he sucks a breath through his teeth, contemplating as his fingers ghost the heat between your legs, hooking one side of your panties to tug them down, flinging them to the ground.
he tugs the hood of your clit up, pressing his thumb flat against the nerves, smiling when you squirm underneath his touch, whining out his name under your breath, teary eyes rolling to the back of your skull.
he rubs a gentle circle, sliding down your slit, spreading your labia folds, making heat rise up your neck as he stares, thickly swallowing drool that pools in the back of his throat.
he bends down, tongue pressing against your cunt, slurping loudly at your juices “i’ll let you cum baby, but not right now” he smiles, full lips slick with arousal as he creeps up your body to press a kiss to the tip of your nose, before he dives between your legs.
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27thswan · 6 months
❝ 𝐰𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐠𝐨 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞. ❞ hsr x reader
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synopsis. daycare teacher of lil kindergarteners meets one of her lil kindergarteners' parents, or in this case; parent. a father.
warnings. march, dan heng, and the trailblazing twins as welt's kids. yanqing as jing yuan's. silver wolf as blade's. bailu as luocha's.
author's notes. i love making song lyrics the titles of my fics !!
pairings. blade, jing yuan, welt, and luocha x gn!reader (seperately)
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jing yuan first meets you at yanqing's kindergarten. while he picks up the cutest child in the world; aka yanqing, he sees you walking up to him, and dear god were you pretty.
he zones out while you talk about how swell yanqing had been doing in class! so much so, he gets a candy bar! yippee!!! zones back into reality when he sees you carrying his son, in your hands.
the exact moment he wanted to put a ring on your finger already, he didn't know yanqing's teacher would be so... attractive.. and kind..
kind of red when you pat him on the back for being a good dad
blushy and stuttering everywhere when you decide to ask if he had a mother.
"o-oh he d-doesn't really have one" "oh, i see, my apologies for bringing it u-" "its okay, its fine d-don't worry!"
the way you both got to talk more was outside of school, where he bumps into you, spoiling your drink onto the gravel of the sidewalk.
immediately apologizes and offers to reimburse you for the fallen drink, but he realizes it was you, your soft spoken voice telling him there's no need to compensate the drink at all
will take the chance and hold your hand on the way back to the café you got your drink at.
and while you were in shock at how he was so persistent about it, it was definitely very cute. you did notice the small tint of red on his cheeks.
asks you out with a cute lil pick up line he wrote down quickly, along with his number, in hopes for yours. and thankfully you did give it.
and spending the afternoon with his happy crush wasn't so bad. getting to know you as a person, in a quiet cat café, with no one to bother you both, other than distant meowing.
oh no! it just happens to be raining! and you didn't bring an umbrella, and he didn't either..
running back to his huge home, which was nearby, and thankfully yanqing went out and unlocked the gate for you both in a raincoat.
heavy rainfall, it didn't seem like it'd stop anytime soon. so you really had just planned to stay 1 night. how cliché...
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welt picking up his fussy children from daycare, march, dan heng, caelus, and stelle, poor guy couldn't help but fall for you
how.. do you have.. the patience.. to take care.. of 20 kids..
it's attractive to him tbh, hats off to you, but man you were hot as hell, and he looked like he just got off a 20-hour shift.
was kind of embarrassed, he was falling for someone at first sight, really fell for how good you take care of his kids
how do you get them to sleep so easily, how do you get them to stop being mad and eat their vegetables..
amazed, and will ask questions. and gives you his number, just in case he'll need help with his little circle of kids.
the kids probably have called you mom/dad by accident too, and i mean march, dan heng, and the two gray haired twins.
loves the way you take note of what each child likes, so you remember what each kid would like as a gift at the end of the month.
giving the twins toy baseball bats so they'll get better soon, giving dan heng books of fiction, and facts, and gifting march a polaroid camera to capture moments in time, for her to look back on.
god just marry him already. how the hell are you actually so good at doing what you do??? no way you remember what 19 other kids like.
needs someone like you, so that's exactly what he'd do. had the courage to ask you out while hanging out, bowing and everything, arms out presenting a gift to your liking. please accept it!
you do accept it! and land a passionate kiss on his soft lips too!
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blade is not good at socializing with others for sure. even as the father of his former younger sister; now that he was old enough and financially stable, he became her father legally woo!
silver, who blade nicknames silver wolf because of her ign (in-game-name) on her and his favorite game to play together, takes a lot from her older br- i mean her dad. and because of that, she tends to be just as quiet as him (unless she's close with the people she talks to, only then does she talk more)
but blade's recently noticed how while she rambles about school and how she started making more friends at kindergarten. he was proud to say the least, but he also noticed how often she mentioned a certain name, yours.
"who's y/n, silv?" he quietly said, looking over to his small daughter who sits slightly across him, coloring on sheets of paper happily. "my new favorite teacher. they helped me make my new friends today."
he nodded, deciding the next day when he picks her up, that he would try to meet you
and oh god
gosh uh you were definitely attractive, kind of peeked through the window while waiting for silver wolf, and oh wow
hasn't been more thankful that silver wolf sees him and brings you over to him to introduce her two favorite people to each other
ok he may be a bit socially awkward but he has his way with his actions, and when he does speak, it might be short, but it's poetic.
oh but he's also like "no way you remember to give each child a gift to their liking" how do you remember all those little peabrains' interests?
no way you gave silver wolf animal crossing
he's in love, very clear.
older sister kafka def teases him about you when you come over to tutor silver wolf (over call because kafka works internationally lol)
anyways pls marry him soon or he'll explode
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luocha adores his daughter; bailu. teaches her all the rights and wrongs, and the rights from the wrongs, left from right, alright you get my point.
but recently he's felt like she's growing a little more distant from him, because yes he's a busy father, and also because she's met someone new
his daughter, his bailu wouldn't replace him right??!?!?! all jokes aside, he just noticed that bailu started to mention a name of a teacher more often; you.
"you should meet them papa! they're a very nice person!" bailu says, dragging him alongside her for him to meet you because you taught her how to draw stars!!
oh gee gosh you kinda cute.........
"they taught me how to draw different shapes, pa! look! its a star!" bailu quickly ran over inside the classroom to snatch the paper with her masterpieces bestowed on it. proudly showing it to her pretty blonde-haired father who's in awe of the cute teacher who taught his daughter HOW TO DRAW STARS/.11?!!@>@
he's like "oh. oh." he's a doctor but this the first time he's ever felt like this for someone.
and ohh bailu knows how he feels about this. she KNOWSSS, and she got her dad!! will definitely set you both up (somehow)
yes shes in kindergarten but she just built diff
i hc that luocha likes coffee because he has to stay up and do doctor stuff, and he has specific favorite brands that he can't always get (because for some reason he's that busy) so he has to get the cheap brands (that he hates because its all just instant coffee)
and bailu knows abt that, so she goes secret shopping with you while you and the rest of the class are on a trip (there are other teachers present there while on the trip you are responsible adult here!!!!)
"aren't you 5? why do you want coffee?" "papa"
then she puts those coffee brands he loves in a lil gift box + a bracelet you both made for him (most was you but yeah)
and she gives it to her dad once you both come back
ok he asks you out the end
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i'm tired sowwy for making luocha's part short
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tryingtofindava · 20 days
i saw the tyler fic u did where instead of him being impale, it was his gf! do you think u could do that but with aiden’s gf and the ceiling? 🫶
A/N: is the title lyrics from Low by Flo Rida? Yes. Do I think I’m hilarious for this? Also yes.
: ̗̀➛Back to Source
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Covering Ashlyn’s ears with your own shaking hands as she trembles from the crazily loud bangs coming from Taylor’s shotgun.
Watching as she shoots the ever loving fuck out of the creepy massive centipede. “… Yeah, uh- Tay, it stopped moving.” Aiden nodded with an uncomfortably big smile, though his semi assuring words fell upon deaf ears.
Giving her a thumbs up as he’s crouched right beside you while you help Ash, having a hand on your shoulder and giving you light squeezes to comfort you or himself, you couldn’t tell.
Taylor upon taking notice that creature is in fact dead…. Hopefully… She lowers the gun as Logan comes up behind her, grabbing her shaking hand soothingly. “We need to hurry in case it recovers.” He spoke reassuringly to the panting Taylor.
Watching the others rummage around the small office while you stood watch at the doorway, was a stressful experience having to keep watch to make sure no phantoms got in and keeping watch over Tyler (who was getting patched up by Ben).
.And no one could find the keys… “Where are they?!” Taylor seethed, slamming shut another keyless drawer.
“Coach must’ve moved them again!” The brunette complained while starting to sigh through another drawer. “Does he move them often?” Ashlyn asked doing her own searching.
“Yeah, because idiots like Jay and Conner keep messing with them!” She scoffed. You would’ve giggled at Taylor being so frustrated for what seems like the first time ever if it wasn’t for your current situation.
You were leaning against Aiden who was fiddling with his army knife, flicking the blade out and flicking it back. “I feel a minor sense of Deja-vu.” He murmured in your ear while smiling to himself. It never failed to amaze you how your boyfriend could always smile no matter what was going on around him. “We have 3 minutes left,..” Logan called out.
Ashlyn perked up at a certain sound her super hearing picked up on, she looked over at you and Aiden. “Guys, there’s a straggler.” Carrot-top warned. Aiden sniggers, nudging you “Yeah, I can hear it running.”
And with that he stabbed the smiling demon monster right in the face, making you cringe at the disgusting squelch sound it made pulling the knife out of the phantoms face. “Got it!” Aiden hummed enthusiastically, skipping over to Ash to show her the black substance it left on his knife.
She of course rolled her eyes, ignoring the blondes antics, her eyes falling back to you. “Is there anymore, Y/n?” She quipped in curiosity.
You peaked out the door, looking left and then right. “Uhhh… nope, we’re good.” You answered, looking over your shoulder at her.
The walls and ground shook, “Huh…?” You mutter to yourself in confusion. “EVERYONE GET UNDER SOMETHING!” You heard someone yell, you were too busy keeping yourself balanced to register anything else in the moment.
The last thing you saw was Aiden reaching out to you, before the ceiling collapsed. “Y/N!” He shrieked, racing towards you. That’s when it all went black.
“C’mon! Get her under the table!” Taylor helped Aiden carry you to the table, everyone crawling under it. Logan, Ben and Taylor hiding under the desk on the other side of the room.
Aiden cradled your body in his arms, rocking back and fourth with he was staring at your face in horror. Blood was leaking from your forehead, and it was also trickling from your nose.
Aiden was on the verge of tears as she wiped the blood from your nose, that’s when he noticed your eyes were wide open and an unsettling grin stretched across your face.
In the real world Aiden shoots up from his sleeping spot, looking around the room until his eyes fell on your shaking form. “Y/N!” He yelled out again. Which caught the attention from the adults in the room over, including your parents/parental figure.
Before he could even get to you, the adults were already around you. Trying to assist your violently thrashing form. You coughed and wheezed, “I’m okay! I’m fine!” You assured the adults, while also trying to calm your heart and and breathing. “-M okay, really…!”
Aiden pounced on you, hugging you tightly, muttering incoherent words while pressing small pecks to your hair and forehead. You leaned into his touch, tears welling up in your own eyes just like his own.
“Don’t scare me like that again.” It was the first time you’ve ever heard him sound so serious…
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venus616 · 2 years
i'm just saying you can do better; {p.p.}
Pairing: peter parker x f!reader (gif is tasm but you can interpret this as any peter parker)
Summary:  tell me have you heard that lately? i'm just saying you can do better... and i'll start hating only if you make me. (lyrics by drake, marvin's room)
translation: you and peter have been best friends for years, you had a crush on him but eventually got over it and he noticed you're about to move on to some other guy. he just had to get something off his chest before you did that
Warnings: friends to lovers, smut, alcohol mentions (margarita, beer, shots), vaginal fingering/sex, oral sex, praise kink (if you squint), jealousy, language, unprotected sex, 18+, NSFW
Word Count: 5.6k (2.4k is smut LOL)
A/N: once i decided on a title for this fic i couldnt stop humming marvins room sjdjnfjnd but yeah this was fun to write it was a previously abandoned wip (my first one ever for peter actually) that i revised the plot for almost entirely and this came out way better than i expected shout out to my oomf / friend for reading both times
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She usually kept to herself and her closest friends, Peter being her best one. And don’t get her wrong, she loved Peter. There were no words for how much adoration she had for him, but unfortunately, she wasn't the only one. 
Peter was their college’s most eligible bachelor, how could he not be? Top of his class, the freshmen’s favorite Physics TA and possibly the cutest guy at the school. Don’t get him wrong, he’s not necessarily a playboy but it was definitely a step up from his social standing from Midtown High. He enjoyed the attention, he’d be a fool not to. Especially because he’s being noticed as himself and not just when he’s in the suit. So yeah, he went on a few dates here and there. Hooked up with a couple people in the bathrooms of frat parties. Even flirted while he was helping students on their problem sets. 
Unfortunately for her, she had to hear all about it afterwards. 
Whether it’s from his end, a guy talking about the encounter in the dining hall or a girl talking about it before her organic chemistry lecture. She wasn’t the biggest fan of it, it hurt seeing someone she loved dearly, after realizing how deeply that love ran once he was single again, not manifest into a deeper relationship. Peter had been a core part of her life since high school, Aunt May adored her, her family adored him. She was even there for his break up with Gwen Stacy so she could study abroad. 
As they got older she understood those were the things that just came with being the best friend to someone who was as amazing as Peter which is why she didn’t risk changing it. She accepted her place in his life and eventually those feelings of consistent jealousy that would flare during the first few months of their freshman year subsided. Sometimes they would come back up but she pushed it aside as false hope as there were outside parties involved. For example, the few times when her friends (that weren’t also his) accused him of being flirty. Each time, nothing came of it. So she refused to read too much into it until he said it explicitly. 
She finally chose to actively move on from this high school crush, that she even started seeing someone from one of her classes and they were planning a third date for this weekend. This, because of course, came up during their hang out with their mutual friends in her and Felicia’s campus apartment. They were hanging out to take the edge off after midterms from last week and crowded in the kitchen counter playing bartender during. This was one of the rare times Peter could make it, so she appreciated the quality time with him. 
After Felicia made a small margarita for her, she started asking how it was going with Johnny from the Bioethics course. Everyone’s chatter dropped considerably because everyone was interested in the prospective relationship in bloom with the Johnny Storm. She stuttered before clearing her throat, clearly embarrassed. 
“It’s fine. I mean, he’s really sweet of course. And fun-” 
“So have you guys hooked up?” Felicia cuts off. Peter smirks before looking to her for her response.
She feels her stomach flipping at his sudden attention to her answer.  
She plays it off before responding, clearing her throat. “Yeah,” she shoots a grin meeting with the eyes across the room before the room erupts in a light cheer. 
“We’re actually gonna see eachother again this weekend and go to his place in the city.” She smiles to herself in excitement. She bites the bottom of her lip as her friends shoot quirked up eyebrow glances her way. 
“Well let’s celebrate! You're gonna get some from THE Johnny Storm! Bottoms up!” Felicia announces. The rest of her friends follow suit as she tries to laugh off the burning up of her cheeks and ears, not realizing the news of her sex life would be this exciting. 
Peter bitterly smirks before taking a swig of his beer. He didn’t understand why this was such a big deal that Felicia practically had to make a show of it. 
He also didn’t understand his annoyance and attempted to play it off. It increasingly became hard as the questions advanced and she continued blushing, describing the last few dates with him. Peter’s ears particularly perked up at the study date she had with him, finding out that she had canceled on him for Johnny through this. 
Peter felt a twinge of disappointment in his stomach at this, not knowing if it was friend jealousy or something more. He knows he can’t be exactly mad, since the hangout they had planned was usually offhand, and he more often than not skipped out on those due to Spider-Man activities, simultaneously lying. He couldn’t blame her for eventually reciprocating, but for a boy? He hadn’t felt that let down by her since she admitted to him she thought his Bugle coworker Eddie Brock was cute. 
Peter took another swig of his drink distractedly, causing Harry to ask if something was on his mind, but he shook his head quickly, lying to alleviate any worries from his friend. 
As the night progresses and everyone decides that they’re the perfect amount of buzzed for a game night. After a few rounds of the card game B.S., she decides Candyland would be perfect, remembering that she has the game in her room. Not wanting to get up, she asks Peter to get it for her underneath her bed while he’s up throwing away his drink. 
He obliges and turns to her room door, opening it. His eyes narrow at the picture of him and her next to her bed, accompanied by other pictures he’s taken for their group outings. His pace quickened up across the room and he reached for the frame. Peter quickly turned behind him to make sure no one was coming in to check and turned back to smile at it. He remembered this day fondly, the day they went to the state fair and won her a plushy of her favorite animal. In this photo he noticed how big she was smiling while he was only smiling at her posing happily. Peter used his spidey skills to his advantage and just played it off, to soak into her admiration when he won.
He put it back down as he sensed the footsteps coming behind the door to reveal her opening her room door confused. 
“Pete, what are you doing? Hurry up, Harry is suggesting body shots again.” She giggled before sauntering over his body standing in front of her nightstand. He chuckled at the comment before she crouched down to get the game underneath her bed. She rose back up on her feet to meet his eyes, following her. 
“You’re being a weirdo,” She said putting her hand on his broad shoulder, with a false concern in voice causing him to laugh. 
He inhaled a little before quipping. “Are you ditching me to hang out with this new guy?” His voice raised a pitch to ensure the friendliness of the inquiry, attempting to mask his genuine offense. 
She then shrugged, and face suggesting she didn’t know or care what he was talking about. It was that moment Peter officially identified his feelings as jealousy. 
“If you’re referring to the one time,” she emphasized ‘one’, making Peter feel guilty enough to hang his head low in response, “I canceled on you then yes.” She rubbed the hand she still had on him on his shoulder. 
“I’m sorry and I’ll give you a heads up next time. Now can we go so you can stop acting like such a baby?” She playfully tapped his cheeks with her palm but he caught her hand, holding it a little longer than usual. 
Peter drank her gaze onto him as his hand engulfed hers, still remaining on her face. His fingers intertwined with hers as he leaned his face into her hand. Her breath hitched at the affection he was showing and slowly removed her hands from his, worried that one of their friends would see them with the door wide open. She broke eye contact, suddenly finding the boardgame in her other hand much more interesting. 
“C’mon, let’s go,” Peter’s voice interrupted her thoughts, and soon after so did his hand as it landed on the small of her back, caressing that area lightly until he found her hand again to quickly lead them way out the room. 
The rest of the night was odd to say the least. 
Peter’s hands were always grazing hers, or finding themself right on top of her thighs. Whether it was to flag her down from the competitive streak they were both showing from the game or laughing at her reaction to one of his bad jokes, his hands were just constantly on her body. 
Similar to other instances where she felt confused by Peter’s sudden affection, she attempted to play it off, but it got to a point where it was causing her heart to beat faster and a familiar heat to form within her stomach. 
She let out a silent breath of relief that her friends began to leave, expecting Peter to soon leave with Harry. She went to the kitchen to throw food away but found Felicia looking back at her with a mischievous but apologetic look on her face. 
“What?” She raised her eyebrow, ready to exclaim at her for leaving her with a mess when she agreed to set up if Felicia cleaned at the end.
“I have plans, sorry babe, but I will cook and clean tomorrow. I promise!” Felicia then dashed out after hugging her body quicker than she could think to respond, followed by the door closing behind her. 
She sighed, slightly annoyed that out of all times for Felicia to mysteriously disappear yet again, that she had to do it the night she would clean up. Quickly, she decided to get over it, said her goodbyes to mostly everyone and noticed Harry and Peter still talking. She decided to ignore it until they would eventually make their exit and started on the dishes while they had their conversation. 
“You’re not coming back tonight man?” Harry asked, confusion all over his face. 
“No I will. Something just came up, so I'll see you later, yeah?” Peter averted Harry’s eyes and Harry understood, or at least assumed he did. Just another one of Peter’s mysterious disappearances, so he left without any further questions. 
Harry quickly said bye to the hostess of the night causing her to look up from the sink when she saw Peter still in their apartment. 
“Are you still here, Parker?” She sounded in disbelief, causing Peter to scoff. 
“Am I not allowed to spend quality time with my best friend now?” She looked up from the sink to see him clutching his heart as if he had been stabbed, making her shake her head at his dramatics. 
“For your information, I wanted to stay,” He added on. She wiped down the sink and washed her hands before walking back into the main room where he had sat on the couch, landing on the spot in front of him. 
“I believe it’s called overstaying your welcome,” She bantered, causing him to playfully push her by her shoulder. 
“Whatever,” He rolled his eyes as the silence of the apartment filled the air. They both noticed it, realizing whatever was there in her room earlier was still in the atmosphere, especially prevalent now that they were officially alone. 
“I can’t believe you’re going out with him,” He puffed, muttering it a bit low compared to his usual volume. She furrowed her eyebrows, annoyed at the insuitation. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” She laughed pushing his shoulder back, mimicking his movement from earlier. 
“No not like that, I just feel like you can do better than him,” Peter let the statement roll off his tongue and she froze in response, attempting to understand what he just said. Her eyes landed on the ground, avoiding him again before she could think of a proper reaction.
She quickly shook off what she thought it sounded like, which she thought was jealousy and just took the safe, protective best friend route. 
“Should I have gotten your approval first?” She smirked, looking back up at him, reaching over to hold his hand in the safe way they always have. 
Peter took it a step farther, just like how he did earlier, and intertwined his fingers with hers yet again. 
“I think you should be with someone who’s more your type you know? A little more thoughtful,” Peter started, rubbing his fingers along the pad of her thumb. 
“He’s cool I guess, but you shouldn’t be with someone who’s so cocky,” He stated, making her laugh, causing him to laugh as well. 
“See you’re enjoying this. You want me to talk about him and beg you not to see him again?” Peter joked, causing her to gasp out as his accusations.
“Peter, you started this,” She pointed out, making his cheeks turn a few shades brighter at her acknowledgment. “I don’t know what’s gotten into you but it also just sounds like you’re describing yourself.” She comments before she could think, embarrassed at her assertion, but she knew if she didn’t call him out he wouldn’t stop it. The last thing she needed was one of her friends not approving of a guy she was seeing. 
“I’m your type?” He clocked her. She didn’t know how to react so she watched his face for any hint of how to proceed. He only smirked with a smile playing on his lips, letting her know how much he was enjoying this. 
“Oh shut up,” She smiles playfully before hitting him with her nearest throw pillow, him yelling out a whine, knowing it didn’t hurt. 
“For your information,” She started, mocking his voice from earlier. “You’re being just as cocky as him right now.” She firmly stated as he placed the pillow back in lap. 
Peter shrugged before readjusting himself to sit closer in front of her, dangerously close. It went back to feeling like 30 minutes earlier when he was all over her body. 
“Yeah? But it’s okay when I do it.” Peter teased, leaning his head on the couch watching his presence words fluster her. He could feel her heart picking up its pace and it dizzied him, knowing the type of effect he had on her. 
“I didn’t say that,” She argued back, making him draw his breath back in before egging on her claim from earlier. 
“But I’m your type,” He stated, she sighed in defeat, knowing he wasn’t going to drop it and played into it due to this. 
“I guess you are Peter,” She states lightly. If Peter didn’t have his Spidey senses on overdrive right now, he would’ve been convinced by the nonchalant act she put on right now. Instead, he respected her commitment to not allowing him to win, even when she’s flirting back. 
“Then how come you’re not going out with me?” 
What he said stunned her, she faltered momentarily before shrugging again with a smile. 
“You never asked,” She stated, a smile bouncing off of her lips watching Peter form an answer. They decided to skip over the fact that they had been friends for almost 6 years, but she knew that her honest answer was that the mere idea of him going out with her was out of the question because of it.  
Until now. 
He remained still for a moment and she fixated on where their hands met instead, wondering if they had ever held hands like this before. While she was thinking, and while Peter used his free hand to tuck her hair behind her hair, she realized the answer was never, because it had always been much more innocent. However, tonight was anything but that. 
“Can I try something?” His voice finally registered in her ears. Confused at his sudden switch, she nods. 
Peter hesitates, going in to kiss her. Peter’s soft lips connect to hers as his hand cups her face. She instinctively deepened the kiss, silently asking for Peter’s permission to do so. Their breaths began to shake from the intensity of the kiss. 
She practically lost her bearings when Peter’s hands made their way to her waist, pulling her towards his chest. She held onto his bicep, now flexed, as he hooked his hand underneath her leg to pull her around his hips where he sat. 
They were an entangled mess, Peter placing her where he wanted and her obliging, but not coming up for air as she leaned even more into the kiss. Peter chuckled in between the kisses when he eventually grabbed her hips to hover above his own. She groaned at his strength, leaning back in to attack his neck and jaw in kisses. 
She eventually started to nibble on his neck, finding his sensitive spot. He pants out, attempting to slow down her movements before bringing her closer.  
“Fuck, you’re really going in on me there,” He muttered before he forcefully plopped her onto him causing her to grind on his forming erection, grinning at his acknowledgment. Peter placed his hand on her back and pushed her closer to his chest, nose and forehead pressed against one another with only the sounds of their breathing filling the room. 
She leaned into his ear whispering lowly, “You like it.” She readjusted herself on him slightly, to grab on the waistband of his pants, tugging it down before snaking her other hand on the print straining against the fabric of his jeans.
Peter groaned, dick twitching in his pants from simultaneous surprise and arousal. He didn’t realize how different it would be sleeping with a close friend, but also underestimating how she would be in a sexual context. 
He threw his head back as she unbuttoned his pants, in disbelief of what was happening right now. When he brought his head back up to watch her movements he saw her kneeled before him on the ground, rubbing his erection through his boxers.
“Fuck, slow down,” He breathed out while pulling his jeans off. Right after, Peter raised his t-shirt right above his abs while she pulled his boxers down, cock semi-hard. 
Her eyes glazed over his body, only semi familiar with it whenever their friends went to the beach or the pool. She tried to hide her shock at he’s become exponentially toned since high school and just seemed to be getting bigger despite never actively going to the gym. She chose to pay it no mind and focused on his cock.
Mainly because she hated how attractive Peter looked right now, hair messy, shirt halfway off and looking down at her, closely watching her movements. The attention he was giving her was enough to make her want to shut down immediately. Their eye contact remained intense, both blown out with lust, both because of the compromising position the other was in. 
She maintained eye contact and wrapped her hand around his length, slowly jerked her hand around him. When he was hard enough, she placed one hand at the base of his cock and another right on top, running her thumb over the slit a few times once the pre cum came out. She looked down at the wetness pooling out from him and focused on her movements, not wanting to lose this pace he had been receptive to. He was fully erect at this point, almost bucking his hips into her hands getting him off.  
Peter was choking back his moans before he finally spoke. “Don’t be a tease,” He muttered. 
She giggled and the noise went straight to his dick, causing him to buck once more in her hands. 
Without saying anything, she placed the hand that had been on the base of his erection on his thigh and opened her mouth in an obscene way that was unfamiliar to Peter. Before he could take a mental picture of it, she slowly licked the underside of his cock up to his tip and wrapped her lips around him, her eyes never leaving his. 
He whispered a curse under his breath from the scene in front of him, realizing this was just the beginning. 
Her tongue swirled around the head of his cock, collecting the pre-cum that was previously spurting out and she dipped her head lower, dropping the eye contact to which Peter had a brief sigh of relief, becoming intimidated by the intimacy of it all. She shifted her focus on taking him whole and started to bob her head on him, engulfing his length with her mouth. 
He started puffing out, mumbling praises that only encouraged her. “Fuck, you’re taking me so good,” She only nodded, attempting to take him deeper while swishing her mouth around him and continuing to bob.
Peter felt a tension forming in his stomach and wanted to tell her to stop but it escaped his head as quickly as it came because of how good her mouth felt. Peter fought the urge to instinctively thrust into her mouth and just cupped the back of her head, pushing the hair out of her face as she continued to gag around him, the wet noises mixing in with his moans. 
“Don’t hurt yourself babe,” He said before moving a hand that was around her head to her cheek, making her look up at him. She bobbed her head a few more times, this time more shallowly and popped off his dick, gasping for air. 
A trail of her saliva dripped from her lips to the head of his cock making his stomach burst with butterflies from the image of how flushed, and fucked out she looked from the immaculate head she just provided him with. His heart swelled from the action and all he could do was wipe the spit from her chin and cup her face. 
“C’mere here,” He mumbled, bringing her to stand on her feet and lean down to kiss him. He kissed her rougher than the first time, presumably from the desire he’s built up from the foreplay.  She was still trying to pace her breathing and he could tell so he slowed down, but snaked his hands down to the waistband of her jeans, reciprocating the unbuttoning of her pants like she had done for him. 
She broke the kiss to replace his hands with hers and slipped them off. Shortly after she removed her top, revealing herself clad in some lacy underwear and a bra, standing before him.
“No fair, Parker,” She commented. He was briefly confused until she grabbed the hem of his shirt to remove it off of him, admiring his toned, relaxed figure in full view now. She kneeled back down on the couch cushions, her warm core hovering above his dick, teasing him as he could feel the heat on him with her knees on either side of his legs. 
He brought his hand in between her thighs, attempting to move her underwear to the side but paused at the wetness of her through the fabric. 
“So wet,” He tsked, making her smirk when he looked back up to her studying his movements. He placed her fingers firmly against her nub through the fabric, to which she grinded against, needing to feel his large fingers against her now throbbing clit. 
“Impatient, too,” He added, finally moving her panties to the side to insert a finger, making her throw her head back. She unconsciously rocked her hip forward at the penetration to which he met by repeatedly thrusting into her before adding another.
Both his index and middle fingers were fucking her, long and slender but big enough to feel the pleasure of the stretch once she had relaxed around him. Peter eventually curled his fingers inside of her and flicked his wrists while inside of her, causing her to squirm on top of him. The sounds of her wetness coincided with her moans, progressively getting more sensitive and impatient. 
“I’m gonna cum if you keep doing that,” She hissed at him, unable to control the steady rocking of her hips on his hands. 
“Good,” He said with a hint of satisfaction in his voice. He brought his other thumb to rub her clit, making her movements sputter and breathing erratic as he played with her to her finish. 
Peter felt her clenching around him more frequently and took advantage of it to thrust faster, curling his fingers back up to create more friction. She whined out at the change of pace and stimulation added onto her clit before eventually feeling the built up tightness in the lower pit of her stomach release, signifying her finish. 
She continued to clench around his fingers as he continued to finger her despite her orgasm. She sobbed at the sensitivity she began to help but couldn’t help but continue rocking her hips into his fingers, riding them once again. She resumed panting out his name, begging him for something but couldn’t form the words.
“What?” He said, barely slowing down the thrusts of his fingers. 
“Fuck me,” She responded, hardly audible from the groans surrounding the statement. 
He nods, removing his fingers from her core, making her gasp at the sudden absence of him. She made quick work of her underwear, slipping them off her legs while Peter wrapped his hand around his cock, attempting not to completely jerk off to the sight of her.
She returned to her previous position, covering her completely naked form over Peter’s, feeling the tip of him right under to her wetness. 
She sank down on him, both wincing at the feeling of each other. All Peter could focus on was the softness of being inside her, her skin, the flesh of her thighs being wrapped around him, the closeness of their chests being pressed up against each other and the brief vulnerability she was displaying by wrapping her arms around his shoulders. He felt faint at the presence of her scent while her head was tucked into his neck, combined by the steady sensation of her rocking her hips onto his cock. 
“Peter,” She moaned. 
“Yeah?” Peter was hardly taken out of his thoughts, answering automatically as he grabbed onto the flesh of her hips to control at the speed he thrusted into her from under. 
“You feel so,” She groaned before continuing “So fucking good Pete. You feel fucking amazing inside of me.” She finished before plunging down faster onto him, making him look at her mouth agape.  He could feel her clenching even harder and more frequently around him, combined with her wetness from the previous orgasm and just from sucking him off, it was almost too much. 
Peter looked down to see where they connected and saw his skin glistening just from her arousal, and felt even more turned on. 
“You’re gonna kill me,” He stated mindlessly, still in awe of how sexy she looked right now. In Peter’s point of view, he struggled with deciding what to focus on. 
The way her tits bounced in front of his face, the way her ass and thighs felt when they smacked on top of his thighs repeatedly, causing the the jiggle of her body to be even more apparent, or how fucking close she was holding him. She alternated from both her hands clenching into his shoulders, or one hand on the nape of his neck and another pulling on his brown curls. 
A bonus was how she sounded moaning his name and a string of praises for how he made her feel. 
Of course, she noticed this. 
“You like that don’t you?” Her voice caught his attention, barely realizing she was actually asking him a question
“What?” He breathed out, sounding just as fucked out as he looked, the sweat of each other making his hair stick to his forehead. 
“When I say nice things to you,” She obliged to Peter’s physical request of her to slow down, which was him just forcing her movements to stop by the way he grabbed her. 
“Mmm,” He didn’t answer, just closed his eyes and threw his head back on the couch, avoiding her quizzical stare. 
“C’mere,” She said, pulling herself forward by pushing her weight on his shoulders and rising from his, now aching, cock. 
Peter’s attention was caught, he shook his head in disbelief of her and opened his eyes, still hanging low to hide his irritation that her heat wasn’t surrounding him anymore.
“You’re so cute when you’re upset,” She fake pouted, then proceeded to giggle. Peter didn’t want to find it as cute as he did but he couldn’t help himself. 
“You really are a fucking tease, you know that?” He growled before grabbing her by her thighs to lower herself back onto him and raised his hips from the couch to fuck her on his own pace. The force from his strength caused her entire body to rock from each thrust, but she relished in it, moaning out praise for how good it made her feel. 
“Peter,” She yelped at a particularly hard thrust. “Just like that,” Peter’s head spun at this. 
“Yeah, keep doing that, please,” She begged, fucking begged, Peter to maintain the force he had brought upon her. It was then he knew he played right into what she wanted when she taunted him for his praise kink. (He was then making a mental note of how well she knows him and how he’s probably just a little predictable.)
Peter was practically drooling to see her come apart on top of him like this, he threw his head back in the pillows once again to enjoy the view and moved one of his hands to her clit, putting pressure on her, bringing her closer to her orgasm. 
He felt it building up by the way she clenched on his cock and couldn’t contain his moans any more. 
“Moan, please I wanna hear you when you cum inside me,” She commented once he let a particularly loud one escape his lips. He was both shocked and embarrassed at the effect she had on him, because he almost came apart immediately at the invitation to cum inside her. 
“You sure?” He whined, trying to bring her to finish before him.
“Yeah, I’ll be right there with you,” She said, finding his other hand on her waist and intertwining his fingers with her. 
“Please?” Once those words left her lips he was finished. He instantly came inside her, her following right after. 
Their orgasms swept them both away, sensitivity coming right after as she struggled to detach herself from him. Peter didn’t allow this and continued to fuck her through both their orgasms, relishing the pain and the pleasure this decision came with. 
Her head was back in the crook of his neck when their movements slowed down and they had to catch their breaths. 
Once their hearts reached a normal rate and they removed themselves off of each other, Peter broke the silence. 
“Are you still going to see him?” He asked rather timidly. She didn’t understand the sudden shyness but decided not to comment on it. She shrugged in response before answering honestly. 
“Probably,” She averted eye contact with him, looking at where their hands connected, ignoring their full frontal nudity because this was somehow more vulnerable. 
Peter’s heart dropped, he wasn’t expecting that response, nor his reaction to that response. Without thinking about the weight of what he was going to say next, because he hadn’t been doing much of that tonight, he continued. 
“What if you go out with me instead?”
She looked him in the eyes again before responding. She didn’t know what she saw in his eyes. It was a mixture of fear, desire and hope. 
Then, it was her turn not to think before she responded. 
“Like on a real date?” She realized how that sounded when she said it aloud. 
Peter nods, knowing what she meant. 
“I meant what I said about us,” He paused, watching for her reaction. She hung onto his words, encouraging him to continue. “I want to go out with you and if I’m your type then what’s stopping us?” He joked. In her head this was so unsurprising because it seemed right up his alley to joke about some offhand comment she made before they literally had sex and laughed, because of how predictable her best friend is. 
“Well why didn’t you say anything before?” She inquires, shaking her head at how ridiculous he sounded. She studied his features again before he answered, watching him turn a few shades of pink. 
“I didn’t want to mess anything up. I don’t fuck my friends you know.”
“Up until now,” Peter smirked at this comment, she was always so quick to rival his own quips. 
He let the silence simmer before responding because he wasn’t sure just how she felt about this, him, or what they just did. He was afraid he had permanently damaged the friendship and wasn’t sure how he was gonna come back from it if that were the case. 
So, he asked. 
“Is it weird now?” He spoke barely above a whisper. 
“What part?” She had to ask before she could answer. 
“That we did it backwards.” He exasperated, feeling unsure of himself now that he had to verbalize what he meant. 
She shrugged again, this time affectionately, not wanting Peter to get frustrated with her or himself. 
“Maybe it can be a good weird,” She affirmed his anxiety by clarifying. 
Peter’s stomach erupted in butterflies. “Yeah?” He raised his eyebrow in excitement. 
“Yeah.” She bit her lip before leaning in to kiss him once again. 
His hands dropped back down to her waist to bring her in closer as the certainty between them was solidified.
A/N: okay so when i was writing this i imagined comic book f4 johnny storm especially bc of the dynamic he has with peter in the comics (spideytorch my beloved) but when my friend reviewed this she asked if it was chris evans and while that wasn't the intention that made it so much better so just clarifying it wasnt on purpose but if you did that i hope it was fun
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springdaybreaks · 1 year
lavender haze | l. jn.
➼summary: your subscribers anonymously agree that they could see the progress of you and jeno's relationship in your videos. / or in which jeno appears in your youtube videos.
➼tags: lee jeno x youtuber!reader; (kind of) domestic!jeno; fluff
➼warnings: grammar and tenses inconsistencies and intentional lowercase. unedited. no content warnings.
➼word count: 3,415
➼note: can't believe what started as a self indulgence ended up buried in my drafts for months lol. this fic is completely random and i had no idea why i even started writing this. but seeing this after finally coming back to my tumblr drafts just made me want to publish it. also i still suck at giving titles lmaoooo but i feel like the lyrics of lavender haze kinda fits them
iv. building new ikea furnitures for my new apartment (and giving up failing)
"hello everyone, welcome back to the channel! how are you guys? i hope all of you are doing well. so today i am going to build a cabinet which i am going to put under my tv! as you guys know if you watched my previous video, i recently moved to a new place and i am slowly but surely starting to make this place home."
you clapped your hands, "let's start, shall we?"
you opened the box and started getting all of the pieces out, lining it up on the floor near you. you were doing a pretty good job on your own until you started facing hurdles after hurdles. with a little bit more time, patience and effort, you managed to screw in the right screws and placing the pieces the correct way. but as you were near finishing the furniture, your concentration and patience were wearing thin. not to mention you haven't eaten yet.
"oh my god, is this stuck?" you grunted as you try to push in a piece to its place.
the piece didn't budge even a smidge. you sighed as you felt the strength leaving your arms. you lay down and stare at the ceiling hopelessly before turning your head to the camera.
"and here i thought assembling an ikea furniture was easy."
the door creaked open and you lift your head off the floor. you must've saw a familiar face as your face because you forced yourself to sit cross-legged again.
"you doing okay?" someone said behind the camera.
"this one got stuck and i don't have the strength to push it to its place or pull it out again," you pointed to the troublesome piece.
"you want some help?"
"will you help me? oh that would be amazing!"
there was some shuffling and the next second, there was your helper with his back to the camera.
"say hi to my subscribers!" your helper waved his hand but refused to turn around.
you throw your arms around his neck and pull him in for a hug, "this is my friend and my savior who kindly agreed to help me move my stuff here! he's a little shy, so we're gonna blur out his face for privacy."
"what are you having troubles with?" he asked.
you pointed to the troublesome piece and started explaining how you tried your best but couldn't move the said piece. you even showed him the instructions and told him how you followed the instructions exactly, but the piece still got stuck.
"okay, calm down. let's start with this one," he said and shoved the piece down to its place in a blink of an eye.
your jaw dropped as you stared at your helper, then your camera, "i should've asked for his help from the very start."
your helper chuckled and made himself comfortable on the floor, still keeping his back to the camera as he reached for the instructions.
"you just need a little more strength, y/n."
the video continued with a timelapse of you and your helper finishing the furniture; with you helping with the instructions and carrying the pieces and your helper trying his best in assembling it. the timelapse ended as the two of you finished. your helper got up to his feet and with your help, the two of you pushed the cabinet to stand properly.
"hey, i think we did a pretty good job!" you said to the camera.
xii. trying archery (ft. archery gold medalist!)
"hello everyone, welcome back to the channel! how are you guys? i hope all of you are doing well. so today i am here," you gestured towards the background, "at an archery range. and as you seen on the title, i am gonna be trying archery today! and i happen to have a friend that does or at least know how to do archery."
you gestured towards someone behind the camera to come closer. a moment later, a guy walked into the frame and stand beside you.
"introduce yourself!"
the guy bowed and simply introduced himself, "hi, everyone. i'm jeno."
"if you guys remembered the video where i tried building a tv cabinet, this is the friend that helped me build the cabinet!"
jeno kept quiet beside you, nodding along to your words as you start to explain your itinerary for the day. he only chimed in when he heard you saying how he was a archery gold medalist.
"no, wait a minute," he cut your monologue, "i'm not a gold medalist."
"yes, you are!" you protested.
"i'm not! it was only sports week at school, silly."
"mhm, and what about the neighborhood sports competition?" you crossed your arms.
"that doesn't count! my opponents were all old uncles!"
you gasped, as if what he said was scandalous. jeno rolled his eyes at your antics. "old uncles?"
"alright that's enough. now put your gear on," he turned you around and started pushing you to the counter where the staff had your gear ready.
you sped up the parts of the two of you getting ready. and finally the video started going on a normal pace when you and jeno were standing right behind the line.
"fear not, people, for i am katniss everdeen!" you said in a mighty voice, your chest puffed up.
"okay, katniss everdeen. now start practicing before you poke someone's eye off." jeno guided you to take up your posture, "now shoot by yourself first."
your first shot was awful as predicted. but so was your second and third. it was then jeno started correcting your posture again and the angle of your arm.
"now put your hand right on the corner of your mouth here as you pull the bow," he said as he took a place right behind you. "take a breath, hold it, and exhale as you release your bow."
you did as you were told and the camera moved to the target to capture your score. your arrow landed on the border of the second and third circle from the middle.
you jumped and shouted excitedly, "a nine! i got a nine!"
jeno smiled at your antics, his eyes curving to the shape of little crescent moons. he stood his ground even when you took his hand into yours and started jumping. but the small smie never left his face.
"let's do it again!" you said, "and we're not gonna go home until i get at least two bullseye!"
xix. meet my new friend!
"hello everyone, welcome back to the channel! how are you guys? i hope all of you are doing well. we're not starting the video like the usual, as you guys noticed, and that's because i have a surprise for you guys! anyway, before we start the video..."
you started doing your usual thing, talking about one thing and anything that happened since your last video. but in the middle of your talk, the sound of a door opening was heard. your eyes focused on something behind the camera, where the door was supposedly. your eyes twinkled and your lips were pulled into a smile.
"and as you can see from the title, i want to introduce you guys to my new friend." you scoot aside, "okay, now come here, jeno."
you looked at the camera and held out a hand, "jeno's not the one i'm introducing you guys to. i think you guys know him already."
jeno came into the frame, holding a white puppy against his chest. he greeted your subscribers with a small hello and a smile, and then he raised the puppy's leg and waved it, "hi guys!"
you let them do their greetings, looking at them with such warmth in your eyes. it was obvious how much you adore the puppy, and maybe even jeno. (your subscribers definitely went out of their minds when they saw the way you look at jeno and the puppy; some of them were so sure you were looking at jeno and some others believed you were looking at the new puppy).
you caress the puppy's head, seeing as it was just quietly snuggling against jeno. you cooed when the puppy yawned. jeno smiled warmly at you as you obsessed over your new pup.
"so, mind telling them how we got this little guy?" you asked jeno as you kept giving the puppy rubs on its head.
"me? i thought you want to tell the story," jeno scrunched his eyebrows. you gave him a look that made him sigh.
"so, it was thursday- friday night? it was raining outside when i got a call from y/n. to be honest, i couldn't really hear much because of the rain. she had to practically shout so i can hear her," jeno started rubbing the little pup with his thumb. "the only thing i could hear was that she couldn't let him get rained on before she hung up on me."
"it was raining and i had to move fast, okay?" you protested.
"mhm, sure. anyway, she came home sopping wet with this little guy clutched to her chest." jeno glanced at the pup before looking at you, "and she started crying about not being able to leave him alone in the rain."
"and that's how we got this little guy!" you cut him.
"mhm, said miss emotional," he teased.
"hey, i was really sad, okay? this little guy didn't deserve to be left alone in the rain!" you protested.
jeno stared blankly at the camera, "and now i have two babies to take care of."
(your subscribers didn't miss how jeno said you 'came home', leading them to assume that the two of you were really living together.)
xxviii. back home for christmas
"hello everyone, welcome back to the channel! how are you guys? i hope all of you are doing well. so today we are," the camera captures you on the passenger seat of a car, "on our way back home for christmas! oh, say hi to mr. driver!"
you moved the camera to capture the guy beside you; jeno, the driver.
"hi guys. merry christmas!" he said, taking his eyes off the road to focus on the camera for a second.
"well, technically, it's a couple days before christmas. but this video would probably be out after christmas anyways, so merry christmas!" you rambled.
"anyway, i'm gonna show you guys what i got everyone for christmas. and i'll probably gonna show you what i got for christmas too! so, stay tuned!"
the camera panned to where your white samoyed was currently sticking his head out. "hey, gureumi!"
the white dog looked at the camera in your hands and tilted his head in confusion. he shifted his attention to your best friend instead, nudging his nose to jeno's elbow that was resting on the console, asking for rubs.
"do you see this, guys? gureumi has betrayed me!" you complained dramatically.
you lay your head on top of gureumi's and snuggle the best you can, muttering, "gureumi, do you not love me anymore? i'm so sad."
the cheeky thing he was, gureumi ignored you and snuggled his face to jeno's arm instead. you whined against his white fur, "noooo!!!"
jeno's voice came from outside the frame, "alright, alright," he rubbed gureumi's face as best as he could before addressing you, "y/n, you know he loves you more than me so please seat properly."
you boo-ed but complied nonetheless, "buzzkill," and turned to the camera again, "well, we still have some ways to go so.... see you guys in a bit!"
(your subscribers kept commenting how you and jeno must be in a serious relationship because you're taking him home for christmas; meaning you're also taking him to meet your family and spend your time together. some commented how they're seeing jeno a lot more in your videos now.)
xlii. cooking my mom's recipes for thanksgiving
"hello everyone, welcome back to the channel! how are you guys? i hope all of you are doing well. so today we are going to try and cook my favorites of my mom's thanksgiving recipes!"
the camera captured you on your kitchen. you were leaning against the counter, focused solely on the camera in front of you.
"the reason i am cooking this year is because my family's gonna be the one coming here for thanksgiving!" you clapped your hands once, "and jeno's too! so, we... have a lot of things to do hence why i am definitely gonna rope jeno into this too."
the video cuts to a view of white tile floors the next second, a pair of black shoes sits at the edge of the frame. the camera tilted, almost falling, before a hand caught it in time.
"whew, that was close!" the camera caught jeno's eyesmile as he shot his face. "i'm gonna get into so much trouble if it fell."
jeno's face couldn't be seen clearly on camera. he wore a black hat and half his face was covered by a black mask. "oh wow, i look like i'm about to do something illegal."
he flashed the camera a cute eyesmile, "which i will- am never going to do," and flipped the camera to face what he was seeing- an empty shopping cart.
"y/n will be doing most of the cooking, so i figured the least i could do is help with the groceries. let's see what we need here."
jeno managed to go through the list fairly quick. the camera shot his face again, "okay, since we are done with the list. i think i deserve to get something for me, right? some snacks won't hurt anybody."
saying the shopping cart was full was an understatement. the list you gave him was only for a few recipes as your mother and his, respectively, insisted on bringing at least one dish for the dinner. but the snacks he was piling on the cart really had nothing to do with the dinner, and it was starting to cover everything else.
oh, he was in for a scolding when he got home.
(your subscribers couldn't help but to notice how jeno also tossed in a lot of your favorite snacks, and some even caught on his quiet mumbles about how 'this is y/n's favorite!')
lix. so... we got married?
"hello everyone, welcome back to the channel! how are you guys? i hope all of you are doing well. so..." you paused and chuckled nervously, "i got married?"
you put a clapping sound effect on the video, hoping it would soothe the somewhat awkward atmosphere. you smooth out invisible crickles in your shirt, clearly nervous for what you're about to reveal on the video.
"this video is probably a bit different than my usual ones because i think you guys are probably confused by the title. this may come as a shock to all, or at least some, of you..." you smiled, "but it's true, I am married."
"okay, i think i have to apologize for the sudden news. i know you guys probably have a lot of questions about it and since i am finally settled down from all the wedding and honeymoon festives, i can finally explain it.
"a lot of you guys have been questioning if i was dating someone since a few years back. i've also seen your questions in the comments about dating a certain someone. i realised i never even cleared it up, but yes, i was dating jeno long before he started to show up on my videos. neither jeno or me ever confirmed it whenever any of you asked because, well... with so much of my life -and in extension, his also- known to the public, i like to keep our relationship private. although i know some of you were really sure we were dating," you laughed.
"so a few months ago he proposed. out of the blue, really. i really didn't expect him to propose that day. and i know," you emphasized with your hand, "that a lot of you are probably dying to know how did he propose to me."
a smile started to bloom on your face as you remember his proposal. "it wasn't a grand romantic thing, actually. it really just was another day. we just finished our date and i just got in to the car. i remember that i was particularly stressed out on the last couple of weeks before that day and jeno took me out on a date because he could see how much the stress was affecting me."
"we were just talking in the car after our date. i don't even remember what we talked about," you laughed, "i just remember talking a lot and he was just staring at me. when i asked him a question, he just blurted out THE question."
"i really thought he was out of my mind! i told him 'you are joking, right?' but he looked really serious. and then i remember panicking because i thought i said the wrong thing. but then he just repeated the question again. i think i even asked him why but i don't think he's comfortable with me sharing all of the details he said during his proposal."
your cheeks were starting to hurt from all the smiling, but the smile was still there. the door behind you opened a little bit and someone peeked in, although the gap between the door and the walls were too small for your viewers to identify the person.
"though, one thing i could guarantee: what he said was really sweet and, dare i say, romantic. i think i cried a little bit-"
"no, you were full on sobbing by then." jeno's head popped in from behind the door.
"i was not!" you gasped as you swivled to his direction.
jeno grinned and came inside the room, heading straight to you with his arms out. he cradled your face and started making baby noises, "uuu, is y/n gonna cry again just from remembering what i said?"
you punched his stomach in return, laughing lightheartedly, "shut up, doofus. i was not sobbing!"
"mhm, whatever helps you sleep at night, baby."
jeno flashed out his eyesmile and pecked your lips. he leaned his head against yours despite the awkward angle, with him just slightly crouching down and you sitting on your usual filming chair. he stared at the camera and mouthed, 'she definitely cried.'
you elbowed his sides and tried to shove him off you. you whined when he stayed adamant, pasted to your side.
"go away!"
jeno shook his head, messing your hair, "nooooo, you're stuck with me!"
"go away! unless," you paused to look at him, "you want to tell the whole story yourself?"
"no thanks!" jeno laughed. he gave you one last kiss on your temple before exiting the room.
you rolled your eyes at his antics, but the smile never left your face. you put your attention on your camera again and continued where you left off, letting know your viewers how your family reacted when they knew about the proposal and how jeno actually had bought a ring for you about a year prior. how he brought the ring with him every where because he didn't want you to find out yet. how you went to south korea for your two and a half week long honeymoon, and visiting jeno's family there while you're at it.
"so... yeah. i got married and i am really happy. that's all i have to say for this particular video. i'm not sure if i'm gonna upload my wedding video or not because to be completely honest, the party was fun. but super chaotic, in a good way! i may scrounge up some footage from our honeymoon and upload them one day though. one day! i'm not promising anything." you laughed, "i actually like having some things just for ourselves. but i'll ask jeno how he feels about it."
"well, that's all i have for this video. thank you so much for watching and i'll see you guys elsewhere! bye!"
(your comment section blew up with a lot of 'i kNEW it! I KNEW THEY WERE DATING!!!' and congratulatory comments. but on the brief moment jeno appeared on the video, your subscribers could see how much you love each other, but more importantly how much he loves you. they obsess over how they could practically see honey dripping from his eyes when he looked at you, how he calls you baby, how he still teases you good-naturedly like in your earlier videos, and how he seems to like clinging to your side. in a cute way.)
© 2023 springdaybreaks.
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helaelaemond · 9 months
REQUEST TIME Because of your beautiful, beautiful mind, this idea came up after reading your amazing Billy fic (Only worth living if somebody loving you).
How about a Billy who, as you showed, is turned on by taking care of his SO, but turned on so much that he cannot help but cum from this?
I know it'll be great, as the idea mostly came from you and the EYE CONTACT will break me.
thank you for this wonderful prompt, and for trusting me with it! In @myfandomprompts I believe!!!!!!!
Title: This Is My Idea of Fun - part of the It’s All For You series but can be read as standalone
Pairing: Billy Washington x female reader
Summary: You've come back from a week long holiday with your friends, and your boyfriend Billy has missed you. He's missed taking care of you, touching you and tasting you, giving you everything you need. And in giving you everything you need, he finds his own satisfaction.
Cunnilingus, breast worship, nipple orgasm (female), hands-free orgasm (male), mild praise kink, pet names, established relationship, fluffy smut.
Rating: E
Word count: 4.3k
Warnings: references to Lana Del Rey (this whole series is based on Video Games - the lyrics and the vibes. JUMPSCARE I GUESS)
Tag list: @sylasthegrim / @myfandomprompts/ @arcielee / @babyblue711 / i forget who else might want Billy tags <3
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He grins as he waits for you at Stansted arrivals with open arms, and you fly to him. "Hey!"
Catching you in his embrace, he peppers your face with kisses, not caring that you're feeling gross from your flight, not caring that you smell of the stale aeroplane air, not caring, not caring, not caring. Behind you, your friends meet their partners, too, although none are as welcomed so lovingly as you (not that it's a competition - but it still feels good).
"I missed you!"
His heart leaps when you say that, and he runs his fingers over your hair. "Hmm. I missed you too. Didn't know what to do with myself all week. God, you look good. Look at your tan!" The Mallorca sun has warmed your skin and left you glowing, and he kisses your forehead. "You wore sun cream, right?"
"Of course!" you laugh, batting away his worries. "Factor fifty, three times a day."
"Hmm. I'm not sure it counts if you're adding tanning oil on top of it."
"Shut up!"
He grins and grabs the handle of your suitcase, and although you protest, he takes the rucksack from your back, too. When you turn towards the train station within the airport, he grabs your hand. "Where you going?"
"Aren't we-?" you gesture to where your friends are meandering to head back to central London.
"Absolutely not. No public transport for my girl."
"For God's sake!" you laugh again. "It's only a half hour train! You didn't have to drive. Couldn't wait to get me alone, huh?"
Billy ducks his head but gives you a glance. "You joke, but..."
You shove him playfully. Leaving him for a moment, you hug your friends goodbye and promise to see them soon, and then you go back to him. Arm in arm, you walk out of the airport. It's only been a week away from him. But you're giddy being back with him.
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After some convincing from your side, you'd agreed that you'd text every day, but not go into detail about what you're up to - that way, when you got home, you could tell him everything. At first, it made him nervous, but now that you're animatedly telling him everything as he drives down the M11, he's glad.
It's magic, seeing you like this. It's a beauty to listen to you talk about anything, let alone something that makes you so happy. He listens almost in a trance, and as he sits at a comfortable seventy-five in the outside lane, he rests his hand on your thigh. God, it's good to have you back.
By the time you've returned to the flat you rent together, you've told him all about your week-long holiday. Inside, it's clean and tidy, and on the living room windowsill is a fresh bouquet of lilac and lavender.
"Oh, Billy."
He smiles and kisses your temple. "Welcome home."
"Thank you."
You hug him for a long moment, just happy to be in his arms. But then his kisses move to your neck, and you squirm away. "No, stop. I need a shower. I feel gross."
Billy's nose scrunches as he beams at you. "Alright. Want me to unpack for you in the meantime?"
You think about telling him no, that he doesn't have to worry, but he strokes your cheek, and you're reminded how much he likes to take care of you, in his own way. "Could you?"
He nods.
"Thank you."
You take your time in the shower. You scrub every inch of yourself clean in an attempt to scourge travel from your skin and hair. By the time you've finished, Billy's unpacked your bags and stuck a wash on. It makes you feel all warm inside, the little gestures he performs that show he loves you. That you're his person to look after. You wrap yourself up in a towel and pad into the living room.
"All better?" he asks from where he's sitting on the sofa.
"Yeah. I need a proper brew, though. Want one?"
"Go on, then."
In the little kitchen, you pull out two mugs. They're ones you painted together on a date when you were still teenagers. He painted sprigs of lavender on his. It's what you smelled of on your first date. It's his favourite smell now, and your favourite flower. The memory makes you smile.
Strong arms encircle you as the kettle boils. A sharp chin finds its place on your bare shoulder. You put a tea bag in each mug, and a teaspoon of sugar in yours. Where Billy's mug has your signature lavender painted on it, yours has yours and his initials in a purple love heart.
"Shouldn't I be the one making you a drink?" he asks softly. His voice is low and smooth, every bit a comfort as a cup of tea.
"You've done plenty for me! But you can wash it up later, if it makes you feel better."
He laughs lowly, and kisses your neck. "Mmm. You smell nice now."
"Yeah, I didn't enjoy stinking of eau de Ryanair."
"Mm. Much better now. All clean. Just in time to make you dirty again."
You lean back against him as you cackle in delight. "That's a shit line, Billy! You'll have to try harder than that."
The kettle shakes as it comes to a loud boil, and you pour the hot water, followed by milk. The tea bags can stew for a few minutes.
"You want me to try different lines?"
"Hmm. Depends what lines you've got."
"I don't think I've got any."
You turn to face him and give him a smile. "You must have some. You know the right things to say in certain contexts."
He tilts his head down almost bashfully. "That's different."
"It's easy to say the right things when you're already half out your mind."
Heat flushes your cheeks, and you rest your hands on his shoulders to pull him down for a sweet kiss. "That's true. And you always know what to say then, anyway. How do you know what to say?"
Billy gently presses you back against the counter and places his hands on it either side of you. His gaze roams down your neck and to your exposed collarbones and shoulders. "Dunno. You just make me want to say them."
"Well, I'm glad that you do. You know, Sofia told us that Tom doesn't even talk during sex?"
"Yeah. Sometimes she has to even beg him to go down. He doesn't like doing it that much."
Billy meets your gaze with surprise in his eyes. "Really? Tommy?"
You nod.
"Huh. Maybe I need to get better friends."
That makes you laugh. "You should give him some tips!"
"I dunno. You think I've got anything worth sharing?"
You swallow. Butterflies have burst into your stomach. Just talking about it makes your skin tingle. And it's been a week. A week away from Billy might as well be a year. Yeah, a holiday with friends was really nice, but it had its drawbacks. On the second night you had cried because you missed him. Of course, your friends had laughed and rolled their eyes, and you'd got yourself together quick, but- but Billy.
"Yeah. You're alright at it, I guess."
His smile is so sweet as he leans closer to you. He tilts his head down and cocks it slightly to the side. "Only alright?"
You lick your lips. "Well. It's a better way for you to use your mouth than trying shit chat up lines."
"Wouldn't you prefer it was that way round, though?"
You try - and fail - to bite back your laughter. You're still blushing. "Yeah... when you put it like that."
"I missed it while you were away, you know?"
He kisses your lips softly, nipping ever so slightly. "Your taste."
The power he holds over you is unreasonable. When he pulls away, your breath is still held. "My...?"
He watches your face for a moment, and then grabs the cups behind you. "C'mon. Let's go sit down."
Where he goes, you so happily follow. Back in the living room, you sit on the sofa next to him and cradle the mug in your hands. You blow on the top of the tea, and take a sip. Mm. Tastes like home.
"So what did you do with yourself while I was away?"
Billy positions himself on the cushions so that he's close to you, facing you, his knee touching yours. "Work. Saw Lana."
"How is she?"
"Settling in, I think. Mum and Dad are happy she's home."
"Bit of a different climate to the Middle East, though." You smile.
He sips his drink, too, as his fingers ghost along your shoulder. "Hmm."
"How's work?"
He doesn't answer. But his expression is soft. His sweet blue eyes follow the line his finger traces on your skin, up the side of your neck, and then down to where the towel is still wrapped under your arms and over your body.
"Work's fine."
Another sip. And then he leans in and kisses your throat. The tea makes his mouth hot, and it draws a quiet noise from you. "I'm so glad you're home."
"Me too."
As he kisses your throat again, you take another sip. It's sweet, refreshing, soul-warming. The tea is nice, too. You smile softly.
When Billy's fingers carefully tug the towel open, you let it fall with a certain amount of relief. Since you came out of the bathroom in it, you've wanted him to do this. To welcome you home properly. From the moment he gripped your thigh in the car, actually, your heart has been quicker.
"Give me your cup." He takes it from your fingers, half empty, and rests it next to yours on the table. Another intimate gesture, a sign of him taking care of you.
Your body is dry now, clean and smooth and fresh. He runs his hand over your stomach and up your side, and his thumb caresses the swell of your breast. The other hand turns your face by the chin to look at him. He smiles slightly. "Hey."
"I missed you."
It never gets old, hearing that. "I missed you, too."
He kisses your mouth again. You close your eyes, and give into him.
How beautiful it is when you give into him, he thinks. You're clay under his hands, ready to be moulded, shaped, turned into something divine with the help of his touch. How you part your lips when he guides you makes his heart leap. He sighs when your tongues meet lazily. It's a hot and wet pressure that sends bolts of lighting down his spine.
He could kiss you all day and all night and never get bored, never need more. You're so soft and pliant under him. How sacred it is, to be wanted like this. Billy keeps hold of your chin as you share deep kisses, while his other hand spreads fingers wide and caresses your side. After a long moment, he guides you to lie back on the sofa.
"You're so beautiful," he breathes against your cheek.
You laugh breathlessly. "Even with these tan lines?"
Smiling, he traces the line over the top of your breast. Your skin is so supple here. "Yes."
"They look stupid."
"Better than there being no tan lines at all."
"I'd never sunbathe topless."
Just the thought makes his arms tingle. It makes him bite gently against the shell of your ear. His breath is hot against it. "You'd better not. Your body is for my eyes only."
That earns a soft sigh from you. "Says who?"
It's a poor attempt on your part to tease and challenge him, but already it's under his control that you've fallen. "You. Every time you give yourself to me like this, it's a promise that you're mine."
"You don't own me." But your voice is gentle, your smile wide.
"No? Then why have you stopped breathing?"
It's satisfying how you gasp under his touch. He kisses you deeply a final time before his lips find a path down your skin. He follows the curve of your jaw and the slope of your neck, and at your collarbone, he leaves careful bites to the bone. Between your breasts, he presses his nose and breathes hard.
Across your lower back, he splays his fingers and lifts you up slightly. You arch closer to him, and he hums lowly at the grasp on his sandy hair.
"So beautiful." He can't help telling you again and again. "You're so beautiful."
You laugh softly. "Stop being so sweet." But your eyes are closed, he sees as he glances up, and you're preening at his words.
"You want me to be cruel?"
Again, you laugh. "Alright. You can keep being sweet."
"That's my girl."
Billy kisses the underside of your breast, and brings one hand to the other to carefully massage it. He bites the delicate skin here and there, and makes a pattern of kisses around your flesh. As he neglects your nipple, you feel your areolas tighten at the stimulation and anticipation.
"Please," you whisper.
"There's no rush," he soothes.
"But I want you."
He kisses your sternum harder than before. "I know, baby. Just relax. I'll take care of you."
You whimper quietly. He's doing everything right, except this time he's being slow about it. He drags his pretty lips down your stomach and you tense, but then he returns back up to your neck.
"Relax," he whispers.
You try to let the tension go, but it's difficult when anticipation is coursing through you. You open your eyes to see him looking down at you. Against your waist, his thumb runs soothing circles.
"Take deep breaths for me," Billy murmurs. As he leans over you, his short hair falls over his eyes, and it makes you smile. You stroke his face affectionately. You do as you're told.
"That's it. In, and out, nice and slow. Good job, baby. Just like that."
As the tension slowly melts away from your body, Billy is satisfied. Barely holding back his hunger, he returns his attention to your breasts. As you lie comfortably on the sofa, focusing on your breathing, he strokes up and down your sides, fingers ghosting along the swell of your breasts. Circles replace strokes, the tips of all four fingers trailing wide over your flesh.
When his touch glides over your pebbled areolas, you sigh and smile. The expression on your face makes his stomach tense. God, he could come from that alone.
"Does that feel nice?"
The deep breathing you've been practising has you finally relaxed and almost in a haze of desire now, and you nod. Words are out of your grasp, but you give him an encouraging hum. The anticipation no longer feels like a burden - now, it's just a promise.
"It feels nice for me, too." Closer and closer, Billy's fingers get to where you want them. And then, with a careful grasp around the bottom of your breast, he licks over your nipple. The stimulation makes you whimper and arch up. He runs the tip of his tongue around it, watching your face carefully for your reaction. Against your other breast, his fingers mirror the action of his mouth.
Billy blows cool air over where his tongue has been. He smiles when you toss your head to the side in response. After taking a long sip of warm tea, he takes your nipple into his mouth and sucks. The heat and rush of blood is so good.
You try to rub your thighs together to relieve some of the tension, but his knees are between yours and you can't. Instead, as the tension at your chest makes your mind foggy, you clench and unclench, driving your pleasure higher.
He notices. He can read you. "Easy," he whispers. "Breathe." His eyes bear into yours, blue flame, and you nod, obeying him. He smiles. "Good girl."
Another whimper sounds in your throat. He rewards you with his mouth again.
"Oh, God," you sigh. "Yes. Please."
Not a single touch has drifted south of your navel yet, but that doesn't matter. The attention at your breasts is more than enough. Pleasure builds deep within your body at the touches Billy lavishes on you. Soon, your steady breaths are not so steady anymore. Your jaw is slack, your hands fists at your side.
"Yes, yes, yes!"
He pulls off your nipple only to latch onto your other one. His fingers replace his mouth quickly and between his finger and thumb he carefully twists and pulls on you. Teeth catch puckered skin, and the sensation sets your whole body aflame. It drives you higher and higher.
His free hand is firm around your back and he holds you firmly in his strong arm. You're drunk on his attention, seeing stars, consumed by him, by your Billy. The attention on your nipples is everything you need, and it builds and builds and your vision blacks out, you lose all sense of the world, and, and-!
"Fuck! Fuck, Billy! Yes, yes-!"
"Good girl," he hisses with your nipple between his teeth. His eyes are fixed on your face. "Just like that, baby. You're doing so well-!"
"Oh, shit-!"
As your orgasm erupts within you, you swear and writhe, burning. You twist and turn and arch, pleasure washing over you and making you cry out. It's overwhelming. It rips through every cell until you're shaking and mewling.
Billy's attentions slow, and after a long moment of taking you through your long peak, he presses his forehead over your heart. Hands stroke your sides soothingly, down your hips and thighs, and back up to your arms.
Silence follows. It's only punctuated by your heavy breathing, his quiet noises of encouragement.
"That was so good," he praises softly. "You're so pretty when you come."
You sling an arm over your eyes, but laugh softly at the praise. With your orgasm, some tension has been relieved from your body, but the haze in your mind remains. "Billy..."
"You want more?"
With flushed cheeks, you nod.
"Where do you want me?"
You trace your skin and drag a long line down your chest, your stomach, your hip. You spread your thighs and rest one foot on the floor for balance. The other is thrown onto the back of the sofa.
Billy lets out a shaking breath. "Oh, baby. You're so generous. All for me?"
The arm that was over your eyes now reaches for him, and you hold his hand. Lacing your fingers together feels as intimate as anything else. The butterflies in your stomach take flight again. "You."
"I missed your taste so much." He slinks down your body and kneels in front of the sofa. Strong arms twist you so that your legs come to rest on his shoulders. "Look how ready you are for me. Oh, you're so pretty."
His mouth is watering at the sight of you. Glistening, swollen, hot. His toes curl.
"Please," you whisper.
"What do you want me to do, baby?"
The pet name makes your thighs twitch. You used to cringe when you heard people call their partners 'baby', but in the most intimate moments with Billy, it feels so right. You're his. "Your mouth."
"Should I use it for 'shit chat up lines'?" And despite the overwhelming desire that shrouds you both, he grins.
God, it's so pretty the way his lips pull up like that. It makes his eyes sparkle, brings out smile lines on his cheeks. He's so loveable. "No. The other thing."
"What other thing?"
"You know."
He kisses the inside of your knee where it rests on his shoulder. "I know. But I want to hear you say it."
You blush - you hear your heartbeat in your ears. You feel it rush between your legs. "Please, Billy. Eat me out."
He almost growls in relief. "God, you're such a good girl. Thank you for using your words for me."
The praise makes you whimper. He's so good at it.
Between your thighs, Billy bites his lip. And then he closes the distance, and he's home. There's no home without you, not really, and this is the hearth. Warmth, fire, comfort. He loves your soul - but it's your cunt he worships.
His fingers make a 'v' shape at the apex of your thighs to spread you wide for him. The sight of your swollen clit, red and wet, makes him groan quietly. He tilts your hips slightly and presses his tongue first to your entrance, and the briny saltness of your readiness makes his eyes close. Your taste. Your fucking taste.
"Look at me." Your voice floats in the air like a song. His eyes open quickly and meet yours. It sends bolts of pleasure through him to hold your gaze as he runs his tongue up your length. Beneath it, your pulse rushes. A testament to how much you need him. How desperate he makes you. It's a love letter, every beat.
His tongue is soft while he pries at your entrance. The nerves there are stimulated in response, and your stomach tenses and relaxes in a familiar rhythm. Like he did around your nipple, here, he circles in a steady pace until you're arching closer for something more. As he sucks on your soft folds, you throw your head back and whine.
"Billy," you moan. "That feels so fucking good."
You're rewarded with a long lick up to your bud. He can't resist ghosting his teeth over it, and when you squeal, he smiles against your cunt. Each time you glance down at him, you meet his gaze. He can't take his eyes off your face.
Between his legs, his cock is neglected and aching. There is no stimulation for him, no relief. But it's like he's sharing in your physical pleasure now. He applies pressure with the flat of his tongue to your clit and rubs it back and forth, and the pleasure that builds for you also does for him.
Then, he pulls back.
"Shit, Billy-!" You glance down at him, panting, and see how wet his chin and lips and nose are. It makes you proud. All for him.
He can't keep away from you for long, though. Only a few seconds of respite are given to you before his tongue finds its place back on you. You're so warm and silky against his mouth, it's heaven. So slick and wet, too, impossibly ready. Billy nods his head up and down - still holding your gaze like his life depends on it - and lets his tongue pry against your entrance. Just a little angle change, and his nose catches the underside of your clit.
"Yes!" you beg. "Just like that, right there!"
But he can do more for you. He can be better, always better. With your thick scent filling his nose, your salty taste filling his mouth, he nips at your folds and then finally, finally, seals his lips around your clit.
Stars pop in his eyes now, not just yours. His cheeks hollow out as he sucks on you. Arms clamp around your thighs, biceps straining to hold you fast. Your own hands bury into his sandy hair to stop him from moving, too. You're locked together, bodies and souls.
"Yes!" you encourage again. "Billy, I'm so close, I'm so close, keep going, please, pl-!"
His mouth fills with your taste, with his own saliva, and he keeps suckling on you. Pressure is building in your stomach and his, and your cries and moans and begs push him, push him, push him. It's too much, he'll crack soon, he can't last much longer, not with your own climax imminent-
"Billy! Billy! Oh my God, oh my God! Billy! Bill-"
The lips around your clit wrench an orgasm from you that makes you scream. Your knees tighten against his ears and your whole body shakes. It washes over you for five seconds, ten, fifteen-! Your throat is raw from the gutteral cries, your cunt is throbbing from the tension and release, tension and release.
And then Billy is moaning between your thighs. His blue eyes are fixed on yours. But they're blown wide, and his hands are trembling, and then his jaw is slack, and his whole body jerks once. You whimper when you realise what's happened. It's the hottest fucking thing you've ever seen.
He’s come just from eating you out alone. No touch, no stimulation. Just making you finish has him spilling in his fucking trousers.
After a while, you both go limp. He barely has the strength left to climb on top of you on the sofa, but somehow he manages.
Minutes go by. Your breathing steadies. It matches up. Your hearts beat in tandem.
Peace reigns in your home.
After a while - minutes, hours, who knows? - you return to your body. The weight of Billy on top of you helps. Your hands find their way back into his hair, and you slowly massage his scalp.
You smile at the noise he makes. "You're brilliant. You know that, right?"
His face is tucked into your neck, sweaty and sticky. "For that?"
"For everything."
"Yeah. I mean, you're good at that." You laugh quietly. It makes him shake a little on top of you. "But everything else, too. You picked me up from the airport. You made sure the flat was spotless. You bought me lavender."
He kisses your neck softly. "This is all I think of."
"It's you, all for you. Everything I do."
You pull him closer and smile, letting your eyes close in bliss. "You're my heaven."
Billy strokes your sides. "You're my home."
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steadfastsaturnsrings · 3 months
WIP Inspiration Tuesday/Wednesday! :)
thank you for all of the tags: @loveyouanyway @spotsandsocks @cal-daisies-and-briars @exhuastedpigeon @lover-of-mine @dangerpronebuddie @wikiangela @disasterbuckdiaz @smilingbuckley @hippolotamus @jesuisici33 @diazsdimples @evanbegins @rainbow-nerdss @daffi-990 @your-catfish-friend @theotherbuckley @aroeddiediaz @fortheloveofbuddie @watchyourbuck @pirrusstuff @thekristen999 @elgascreamslikehell (if I forgot anyone, just let me know and I will add you :) ) - (Also I am still catching up on all of your amazing snippets!! <3)
Hi everyone! I am back with a new fic idea I hope to write soon! I'm imagining it to be a one shot. Here is the idea:
I was listening to the song bad omens by 5 seconds of summer
and it made me think of something that I believe is from the single dads fic @diazsdimples is working on. It was about either Buck or Eddie (I can't remember properly) sitting alone in their bedroom many nights trying to call and get a hold of his wife begging for her to come back home. And just the loneliness and hopeless he felt in the moment. (If this isn't from your fic and I remembered incorrectly James, I am sorry) (If this is from something else and someone knows what it is, please let me know and I will update the credit appropriately :) )
The vibe of this song just perfectly captures that feeling, and I want to write a one shot about it. I am imagining it being Eddie pre-118 but still in LA sitting in his room, Christopher was either sleeping or doing his homework, closing his door but leaving it open a crack in case Chris needs him, trying to get a hold of Shannon. Its dark outside when he calls her, and it will go to voicemail. He will plead with her, like he has in all of his previous messages, begging for her to come home. Eddie will either debate on calling her again before deciding against it or he will call her again, it will ring and ring and the hope will build in his chest before it goes to voicemail again. He won't leave another message. It will end with Eddie lamenting about his love for Shannon and his broken family and where it all went wrong. I am also thinking about maybe lacing lyrics of bad omens throughout? We will see.
This is an idea I hope to turn into a fic soon, let me know what your thoughts are :)
I already have a title: "I'm still making sense of having nothing left to say"
(No Pressure Tags!): everyone who tagged me is tagged back for Wednesday or Thursday depending on timezones + @loserdiaz @hoodie-buck @devirnis @barbiediaz @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @therapized-eddie @butraura @aspecbuddie @aroeddiediaz @try-set-me-on-fire @eddiebabygirldiaz @ronordmann @spaceprincessem @weewootruck @princehattric @bucksbackwardcap @l0v3t0hat3y0u @buddstiel @acountrygirlsfun @bucksbirthmark @chaoticgremlinwholikescheese @wildlife4life @epicbuddieficrecs @giddyupbuck @buddieswhvre @captain-hen
please let me know if you want to be added or removed :)
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mysadblacksoul · 21 days
Let's talk about Clancy, eh? (plus the livestream)
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So I'm watching the livestream (the vod) and I decided to share my opinions about each songs!
without the first 4 singles
But tbh I think I'm an Overcompensate girly, that before hearing the rest of this album this is my top 1
With Backslide as a close second
Wait why should I increase my volume
Oh that's why
It was a trap
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Okay Midwest Indigo, let's go I'm so ready
What an outfit Mr Joseph
Omg it's so bouncy
I love the shouty lyrics
This MV is so goofy what the hell
Okay so it's so happy, so funky I love it!
The drums make want to do a lil dance
Hope the next one won't be sad
Yes Tyler, this song will go so hard live, I agree
And yes, put Josh on the mic!
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Routines In The Night everybody
Oh so it's the rap one?
It's much less bouncy, but I can still tap my leg to it so I'm fine
You think that this is like the sister song to Ode To Sleep?
The chorous is so catchy what the hell
Yes! Give me those adlibs!
The dances, the visuals, the face card that never declines
What is he eating for Lord's sake
I can't pay attention to the songs when every time one ends those fools pop up on my screen again lol
"not every video is gonna be lore based" my ass
Wait so Routines is not lore oriented? But I see so many references :((((((
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So it's a crowd's favourite? Aight
Oh it sound so nostalgic
More rap? okay, okay
Omg the vocals????
It's so different, like I can't predict where are we going with the beat
The bridge is so out of place but so in place???
What is going on
No but I see why they like it, for sure
God I love all the Joshes in the MVs
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So Jenna's version will have another MV?
Sounds fun!
Oh it's soft version
So this is a fanmade mv for Jenna, how cute
No for real it is emotional, but in the best way possible
This version is filled with so much love, I can't even explain
The flashbacks to the young dudes? I might cry too
Yeah I se the vision. Like The Craving does feel more "right" played on the ukulele. It gives it much more emotion!
Now you just bully him lol. Tyler has two hands to hold two ukuleles, this is lore guys
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Lavish whoo!
Before we start why the hell is the title of this song the only one written in different font in the lyric sheet in the CD, huh?
O damn man in black, get it I guess
The vocals are so dreamy, so different
Another leg mover
Why all of this songs are so catchy are you putting crack in it or what
It's also very chill so far
I also really like the use of the strings, it makes the song more full!
It kind of sounds like a movie soundtrack? Or is it just the MV that makes it feel this way
The silliest MV so far lmao
And seeing the amount of work that went into it makes it even better
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And now Navigating!
I have to stop myself from looking for lore
I'm 3 seconds in, why it already sounds like a bop
This might be my new favourite song from this album
The electric guitar? With the synth? 11/10
The chorous is so amazing, simply
Will the bridge be sad or will he scream
Oh come through with this bass
Where did he go irl lmao
No for real it might be my favourite now, sorry Overcompensate
The Bandito one is the real one, write that down
What the hell Tyler, we have such a different taste then
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Snap Back let's go!
What is going on
I'm like a second in
Oh no, it's broken
Instead of Snap Back premiere we have the premiere of Next Semester (ukulele version)
I'm not mad at all
Okay, let's go for real this time
Oh it's so dreamy
So this is the MV with head shaving lmao
BACKSLIDE, I heard that everyone
The drums are really shining on that song
And I love the contrast between low tone verses and more melodic, high alibs in chorous
The bridge seems sad I fear
Or are we picking up the tempo?
Nah we are putting more adlibs now!
Even better
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Oldies station better be nostalgic
And quick question before we start, what the hell did you do to Josh?
Is this ballad?
Soft, fun and with funky vocals!
The lyrics are so beautiful, god
Omg Josh lmao
What a contrast to the song lol
Oh we are switching
I don't know how to justify it, but it feels like such a twenty one pilots song
Like it just makes sense for them to make it
I really like it
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Honestly At The Risk Of Feeling Dumb sounds silly from the start
So is the MV
I really like the rollercoaster of the vocals. They are kind of all over the place, but still makes a lot of sense
It's the beat drop on the "drop"
Oh rap some more sure!
Why does he want to fight in every MV
Very fun, very chill and then you have the post chorous that are hard hitting
Love the contrast
Am I crazy or did they use kalimba in the end? I might be wrong tho
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That's so sad that we are already finishing
One last track
Paladin Strait whoo!
I'm afraid that this one will be the sad one
The tears producer
The heart clencher
The ukulele strikes back
Love those low vocals
It's a song to sway this time
The drums strikes back
I don't know why it kind of sounds like the end of the western movie. Like after the good ending the cowboy is walking towards the sun, you see my vision?
This song is full of hope, so amazing
God the lyrics sounds like Clancy is finaly free
I might cry
It sounds like good ending to the trilogy
So it feels like a scam
It's too good to be true
But I don't know, maybe after all the ending of this story is good for all of us
What, is the silence in the official audio or is it just the end of the livestream
wait guys no
Now I need the MV to see what the hell is going on
The End
Nah, I'm not leaving you like this
I still think that Navigating is my fav from the new songs
But I'm gonna go listen to the album some more and then decide for sure
It's a good mix of everything, very twenty one pilots style
I just wished for more rage and screaming, but we need to be calm sometimes, I get it
There isn't a song that I don't like, that's for sure
So yeah! This are my feelings, thoughts (and prayers)
Give me your favourite song in the comments!
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bazzybelle · 3 months
Don't You Look Good In Red
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TITLE: Don't You Look Good In Red
RATING: Mature
Hob Gadling is a broken man. He’s been a broken man since the head of an up-and-coming mob family murdered his wife in cold blood and left him for dead. For the last five years, he’s been away from the city, training and planning to bring that man’s empire down piece by piece. Hoping to do whatever it takes to allow his wife to finally rest in peace. But when he meets a shy, sweet, and fascinating man at the local pub, he begins to re-evaluate his thirst for vengeance. Maybe he can go back to who he used to be. Maybe he can allow love back into his life. Maybe he can find a way to be whole again. Or die trying.
Special thank you to my INCREDIBLE artist, @kitsune2022-artish for creating the BEAUTIFUL artwork you see linked below. They have perfectly captured the vibes of the fic within their suspense-filled movie poster creation. It was an honour working with you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Here is the link to their AMAZING ART!!
More notes and thank yous tagged below!
NOTES: After changing my idea right as signups closed and then writing 80k words in like 3 months, I am excited to FINALLY share my fic for @the-centennial-husbands-bigbang.
I am SO proud of this fic. It's been one of my favourite fics to write, and I hope you all enjoy it. For the friends in the Sadman server who were all screaming about "Reacher", you guys do not know how difficult it was for me to keep my mouth shut as you were all begging for more Badass Hob, more Fighter Hob, more Snarky Fucker Hob.
I hope this fic scratches that itch for you.
All the thanks and love for the Mods involved with CHBB! You guys have all worked your butts off to make sure this event ran as smoothly as possible. You were all so supportive and kind and encouraging. Thank you to my assigned Mod, @spockandthings for being so kind and reassuring and willing to lend a helping hand.
Thank you to my amazing Alpha-readers, @ginjones and @purplesauris, as well as my Beta-reader, @garnetcapricorn.
Finally, thank you to my friends over at The Sadman server, for all of your love and support and for welcoming me into the community. Thank you to the Shaxberd Sprint group for fighting against lack of motivation and stress with me. We did it, friends!!
The title of this fic, as well as the titles of the chapters were taken from the lyrics of the song Good in Red by The Midnight. I HIGHLY suggest looking them up on Spotify, because they are amazing!
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jahayla-parker · 3 months
📱SMAUs: The 2 request limit for this applies to 2 of the same character (in other words, you can send in more than 2 SMAU requests so long as it’s a max of 2 per character) this can include fictional and nonfictional characters. Please include any side characters, events/details, or other information surrounding the SMAU request. If you want it to be with a specific type of reader, please be specific. You’ll get a SMAU fic with at least two posts from the reader and 2 from the character chosen.
oooooh okay hear me out- freddy carter x singer!reader (+ sab cast). where she has a new album to announce while the sab crew is announcing s2? and it's just the cast hyping y/n up and her hyping them up <3
Reflections and Renewals : Freddy Carter x Reader (& Platonic!SaB Cast x Reader)
Descr: SMAUs of Freddy Carter’s girlfriend/wife (unspecified) singer!reader and the Shadow and Bone cast supporting each other on their latest releases!
Warnings: few curse words, minor flirting, that’s all I think!
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Liked by freddycarter1, kittheyounger, jessie_mei_li and 10,358 others
yourusername: I did a thing… 🤭
My new album Reflections drops in late March! 🎵
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freddycarter1: So proud of you, my darling virtuoso ❤️
yourusername: My #1 fan❤️❤️❤️
jessie_mei_li: @/yourusername we’ll see about that, I’ll fight for that title ❤️🤺
freddycarter1: also, “did a thing” as if you didn’t record the most profoundly brilliant piece of art yet again 🙄
yourusername: ily ❤️
benbarnes: stoked! sneak peak for your mate?
yourusername: for THE Ben Barnes? But, why of course 😉
amitasuman_: You look stunning! Another album already?! 👏🔥
archierenaux3: y/n, for real? Is this one going to make me cry again?
yourusername: if I say yes will it prevent you from listening? 🫢
archierenaux3: @/yourusername absolutely not! Are you kidding? No force on earth could prevent that xxx❤️
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Liked by yourusername, shadowandbone, Ibardugo, and 15,075 others
freddycarter1 Still waiting on that crow emoji, @apple?
Season ✌️ March 16th
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yourusername: KANEJ!!! 😍😍😍
yourusername: honey, you look sooo good ❤️
freddycarter1: pot calling the kettle black there, my darling 😘
amitasuman_: 🪶 we definitely need a crow emoji, let’s get on with it @/apple
yourusername: I agree but while we’re at it, I also need a new phone in general cause I drowned this one with my tears over this beautiful photo of my favorite TV couple 😭
amitasuman_: @/yourusername stoppp ❤️❤️
yourusername: @/amitasuman_ can’t stop, won’t stop. You are both so talented and pretty 😍
yourusername: can’t wait to let my gifted man take over the television screen day and night as he so perfectly embodies Kazzle Dazzle once again 👀🖤
freddycarter1: you’ve lost it my dear 🤣❤️
yourusername: @/freddycarter1 for you & the rest of the S&B cast? 🤷‍♀️ I’m fine with that!
kittheyounger: let’s go! 🪶🖤
yourusername: I need more Wesper content Kit ⏱️
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Liked by freddycarter1, paddygibson, lewistanofficial, and 9,320 others
yourusername: You have all been so supportive with me announcing this new album, so here’s a sneak peek into the contents 🥰
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freddycarter1: bloody hell, you’re radiant ❤️❤️❤️
freddycarter1: PSA: for those wondering, as amazing as the song titles are, I assure you the lyrics and tracks themselves are somehow far more enthralling 😉
yourusername: Freddyyyy 🥹 you’re too much ❤️
freddycarter1: @/yourusername I’m simply verbalizing your skillset, love 🙌
paddygibson: sounds incredible already y/n/n!
calahan.skogman: wow! I’m at a loss for words… all I can say right now is… wow!
amitasuman_: so very intrigued 👀
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Liked by freddycarter1, yourusername, lbardugo, and 22,479 others
shadowandbone: We all have debts to pay. Two days 'til Shadow and Bone Season 2.
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yourusername: 😍 these next two days better pass quickly!
freddycarter1: brick by brick 🖤
yourusername: When these aforementioned debts are paid… Can I be your next investment? 🫣
freddycarter1: @/yourusername 💀 love … 😂
benbarnes: This is one ace of a promo poster 🙌
yourusername: couldn’t agree more, but so is yours!
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Liked by freddycarter1, yourusername, amitasuman_, and 21,564 others
shadowandbone: You’re not ready for S2. But it’s here! ☀️
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yourusername: Has it been even 12 hours since it dropped? No. Have I already binged all 8 episodes? Yes. 🙌 Will I wait patiently for S3? No. 🙅‍♀️ Am I in love with this cast? Yes. 💯 That’s all. ❤️
amitasuman_: … Did you truly?! 🥹
freddycarter1: @/amitasuman_ she did 😂
yourusername: @/amitasuman_ @/freddycarter1 course I did 💁‍♀️ you’re all so unbelievably and incredibly talented 🙌❤️❤️
yourusername: We finally have everyone together 😭 couldn’t have asked for a better cast for any of the Grishaverse characters 🤩 p.s. you all look PHENOMENAL ❤️
lbardugo: agreed y/n! 🖤
yourusername: @/lbardugo and a special thank you to the most wonderful person who made it all possible 🙌🖤
jessie_mei_li: ☀️🖤
yourusername: Love you trying to intimidate Nikolai! And looking stunning while doing so! 😍
jessie_mei_li: @/yourusername ilysm xxx
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Liked by freddycarter1, jacktwolfe, longbrophy, and 9,324 others
yourusername: It’s here! I’m so thrilled to share these songs with you!
My latest album, Reflections, is officially available on Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, Pandora, and wherever else you listen to music! It’s also set to hit stores this afternoon!
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freddycarter1: just when I think I couldn’t be more proud, you prove me wrong ❤️ just like this album, you are truly exceptional, darling. xxx
yourusername: 🥹❤️
jacktwolfe: unreal! It’s staying on repeat all day ❤️
amitasuman_: girl, you killed this! 🙌
archierenaux3: already crying… you’re so talented it’s unbelievable xx
longbrophy: I officially have a new favorite album 🥰
calahan.skogman: damn, you seriously have a way with words!
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Taglist: @ell0ra-br3kk3r @missdreamofendless @nikfigueiredo @b3kk3r-by-br3kk3r @alex-kazbrekkersimp @opheliaofficial07 @historynerd77 @el-de-phi @whistle1whistle
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lastflowerofyourhouse · 4 months
song lyrics to use freely as tlt fic prompts/titles (a.k.a, i think these would make really good fics but i can't be fucked to do it myself):
and all the angels say, you are all to blame (and all the angels say, you are all the same) - all the angels, my chemical romance
and all the kids cried out "please stop, you're scaring me" - control, halsey
and the punchline to the joke is asking, "someone save us" - heaven help us, my chemical romance
and the salt of the sea and the absence of green are the death of all things that are seen and unseen - wasteland baby, hozier
and you're walking away (and i will die in this place) - kill all your friends, my chemical romance
bones, bones, bones (hell, we're all alone!) - skeleton appreciation day in vestal new york, will wood
but do you feel like a young god? (you know, the two of us are just young gods) - young god, halsey
but in my darkest fantasies, i am the picture of passivity - girls against god, florence + the machine
cold in my kingdom size, fell for these ocean eyes - you should see me in a crown, billie eilish
i bit the apple cause i loved you, and why would you lie? - rät, penelope scott
i don't love you, i just love the bomb - the bomb, florence + the machine
i lay my heart down, with the rest, at her feet - the angel of small death and the coedine scene, hozier
i look like jesus, so they say (but mister jesus is very far away) - kiss me son of god, they might be giants
i'll give you all the nails you need, cover me in gasoline - heaven help us, my chemical romance
i'm just afraid of forgetting, and i am afraid of dying (without you, yes i do) - fear of dying, poppy
i thought of angels choking on their halos (get them drunk on rosewater) - just one yesterday, fall out boy
i want blood, guts, and angel cake - teen idle, marina
little girl, don't let them sell you any armor - ribs, the crane wives
marrow made a wife of eve (but no one gave up a rib for me and mine) - ribs, the crane wives
my church offers no absolution - take me to church, hozier)
the truth that hovers in the silence (the love of god is often violent) - flesh and blood, skippocalypitc
to god, i imagine it all starts to sound like applause - that unwanted animal, the amazing devil
to thine own self be true, then it is you who are the problem (not the things you do but something sick inside) - blackbox warior, will wood
what's in is despair (what sin is despair?) - the end, my chemical romance
well hello, my hollow holofernes (i wink but you don't get the joke) - that unwanted animal, the amazing devil
well i know a thing about contrition (because i've got enough to spare) - house of wolves, my chemical romance
you think, you think you're pretty smart (but i can cause a little pain) - visitation of the ghost, the brokebecks
associated, to me, with various characters and concepts, arranged alphabetically.
any of these songs would also make a very good animatic.
no i'm completely neurotypical why do you ask
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frownyalfred · 3 months
admittedly im not very familiar with the songs but throwing my 2 cents in for potential sequel title ideas: -The ticking and the tocking clock - Somewhere in between (not quite the same cadence as the others but immediately made me think of the joker w the warehouse bomb countdown clock so had to include it lol) -The Night and the Daylight - Somewhere in between (à la its always darkest before the dawn, it gets worse so much worse before it gets better vibes) -A Storm in the swimming pool - How to be Invisible (sounds kinda angsty and fits w the naming convention lol) -The edge of a mirror - An architect's dream (also bit of an angsty vibe. mirror of the joker killing robin and now wanting for sure nothing good for the twins [and bruce]?) - A veil of diamond dust - Nocturn (why is the diamond dust? diamonds are formed under pressure but even they will eventually crumble to dust if too much force is applied. Veil as in wedding? or as in the veil between life and death? a death shroud is also just cloth like a veil is. veil is also used meaning to cover or conceal)
ive fallen down a rabbit hole of reading all the lyrics and trying to think of angsty interpretations of them so i'll stop here 😂 its always fascinating to me all the different reasons authors have for their titles, for me i feel like that would be the hardest part i stress over what to name my pets in video games let alone a fic other people are going to read 😂
Whatever the title of the fic is im sure it will be amazing as always :D
Ahhh thank you for these! I am super weird about naming fics. All of the titles tend to be lyrics and usually lyrics from songs I’ve either been listening to while writing, or lyrics that fit what happens in the story itself.
I really want to make a lyric from Aerial work for this fic, but as you’ve noticed Kate Bush gets pretty weird outside of the ones I’ve already chosen.
I’ll find something! I need to percolate. Thank you for your help :)
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