#has to get carried around by 4 dwarfs
raeyhem · 2 years
fuck dude i love god troubles me so much because all the characters are fucking losers. none of them are cool. none. protagonist, chosen one, child of a god and monster? she's literally a one in a million failure. cringefail girloser. she's poor, she's lazy, she's an icon. threw a guy into the stratosphere twice and then cried in a haunted house. the pretty, powerful looking immortal? moron. malewife. pathetic with his cunty little outfit. never had a full thought in his life. he's a phone btw. the aloof, standoffish "cool guy", strongest in the Monster realm? he only cares about video games and cat food (he's a cat). idiot. prefers to remain as a cat 90% of the time so he doesn't have to do things. can't cook. they're all insane. nearly defeated by 3 bugs and a rat. whatever
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sanjisblackasswife · 9 months
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(twt link mentioned and linked below)
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Suguru is just so…big.
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Nobody talks about how big he really is.
His white haired bestie may be taller, but Suguru is BIGGER.
Roughly 6’3-4” and his hands are actually larger than Gojo.
He knows how big he is too.
He knows how blessed his body is.
He knows how broad his shoulders and how huge hands are.
Most importantly—
he knows how infatuated you are with his size.
“Stop fucking me with your eyes.” You mumble, back facing him as you lotion your body in front of your bedroom mirror.
You knew it was Suguru, you didn’t have to look up at the mirror to see his huge reflection of him leaning on the door. He smirks, inching closer to you not tearing his eyes away from your thong complementing your pretty ass.
“Or what.” His warmed hands cup the bottom of your butt, giving it a loving squeeze and slap, you shriek at the force. He has always been so heavy handed but you smile, “Sleep like this.”
“Like what?”
“Like…” He exhales as he turns you around to face him, even at your height you still had to look up at him, also feeling like a child being scolded he looks down at you briefly before squatting , “This..sleep just like this.”
“Are you crazy it’s freezing—-“
“I’ll keep you warm.” He says plainly, but his voice was lathered in mischief, everytime you sleep with just your panties on with him, somehow and someway they end up on the floor, long gone before falling asleep.
You smirk, almost giving in to his sweet tone, his hands rubbing in your arms, he pauses, giving your tummy a kiss.
“Sugu..” You pathetically moan out after the 4th kiss that led to your clothes crotch. He pecked it once.
once more.
Before he looked up at you.
He still looked so big, even on his knees.
You brush his bang, his hair felt like silk. His strong arms squeeze under your bottom causing you to be pulled closer to his mouth, he smiles, “Please?”
“Please what…” You tease, Suguru immediately starts to poke his tounge through his cheek seeing you be so amused, “You want me to sleep with no shirt on you little pervert?”
Suguru knew for a while you had a size kink. You always had a specific glint in your eye whenever you looked at him beside you in the mirror, when he carried you with one arm, when he’d pick you up to kiss you, when he fucked you against the wall, when you seen how he dwarfs your hand, the way how you struggle to take just 2 fingers knuckle deep inside you
So you do both.
it was just so much he did to show his size he eventually caught on to how much you loved it.
That being said, whenever you start to get smart mouthed it doesn’t take long until Suguru reminds you—-
“Actually…” Your boyfriend stands up from his position practically rising up and becoming 3 times your size again which you don’t know whether to bite your lip or smirk.
“I want to see you looking down at me eating your pussy.”
“THEN…to see you sleep with no shirt on.”
You wanted to talk back again but without fail he scoops you up, with your body hanging over his shoulder and a swat to your ass that causes you to wince again.
You could fight back, you usually do, but unless you say the safe word you can’t stop him. He has those muscles for a reason,
he is stronger than you.
“Sssshit Sugu—!”
Strong in so many ways for your benefit and his. Like how he has keep your thighs spread using his forearms while his tounge swirls on your tiny clit and his middle and ring finger squelch inside you back and forth.
You can hear his groans whenever you clench down on his digits, he curls them to watch you arch your back up off the pillow he made you lay on for extra support.
His warm brown eyes look at you, how your hands always creep to your nipples to give a tug whenever he eats you out.
“So fucking cute.” Suguru thinks, he loves you so much, but right now he loves your body’s reaction to him even more.
“‘Ganna cum…Suguru…Fuck Suguru!”
You couldn’t squirm away if you wanted his hands now gripping your hips just didn’t allow it.
Suguru was just so strong.
“Ah ah.” He gives your pussy a slap, the wetness of his saliva and your arousal sprays on his finger tips. He damn near groaned at the sound and sight, “Stop moving and let me finish….put your feet on my shoulders…there you go good girl.”
You felt him begin to lift your lower half up off the bed. Still slurping and sucking on your clit you reach to grab anything; pillow, sheets, whatever because at this angle— seeing his bun fall loose and the veins on his arms pop you were close.
So close .
His hands gripped the bottom of your ass, still holding you up kneeding the fat of it.
“Sugu! Suguru Yes! Yes!” Your moans like velvet in his ear as you chant and breath out his name.
Coming down from your high, he still gives you soft kitten licks, they tickle a bit so you trip grip his arm, signaling him to stop but he just glared at you, and winked. Still holding you up you begin to whine.
“Mmmhm.” He pops off your clit, “But I know you still want more.”
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extrajigs · 1 year
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The FOOD POST!! Or well the build up to it. I figured before I could get started I need to first clarify some staple crops for Mirum. Not including most fruits cause hoo boy. These are crops of the floodplains, aka most populated areas of Mirum.
Big ass infodump to be found below!
First to be explained the flood plains have FIVE distinct growing 'zones' which are classified by how likely they are to be subject to flooding, as well as the associated fire risks. ZONE 5: Never Floods These areas will as stated, remain above water for all but the most record breaking seasonal flooding. Hilltops and highlands basically, this also means that they are at risk of tinder buildup and highest likelyhood for fire so watch out! ZONE 4: Occasionally Floods These areas are most of the time dry, maybe underwater at the peak of the season or if it was particularly heavy rain or maybe not at all! This level is also were most settlements will be built around, with some overlap into the areas before and after it. ZONE 3: Always Floods/Drains This is the majority of land in the Mirum Floodplain, these places will be sunk for minimum of 3 months of the year but above water the rest of the time. Plants that reside here have no way of not dealing with the flooding and this is also where we flip from Flooding to Draining! ZONE 2: Occasionally Drains The rivers of Mirum, these areas will most likely remain flooded for the entirety of the year. Only maybe draining out during the height of fire season, but even then its not super common. ZONE 1: Never Drains These are the deep bellies of Mirum's rivers and lakes. Where only years of lack luster rain and drought will drain them, a once in a century catastrophe! But typically they will remain filled with a substantial amount of water year round.
NOW PLANTS TIME! 1. Twin Leaf- These plants are grown in Zone 5 mainly for their fibrous stalk and leaves. The stalk is useful for making rope and all that jazz while young leaves are snipped off to be snacked on. Mature leaves are waxy and inedible once split, but young leaves are similar in texture to cabbage. 2. Dwarf Oak- Actually not related to oak at all but moreso named for the similarities in the nuts from the two plants. Here though the 'acorns' are filled with a milky substance that makes a pretty good butter substitute. 3. Funion- Yeah this is an onion, but like a fancy fantasy themed one. If I could just slap an onion in there I would. 4. Brittle Palm- This palm is covered in woody remnants of its old leaves, to get to the good bits you have to peel it down to the center. Ever had heart of palm? Same thing, only a bit saltier.
5. Bubble Grass- This grain spends all year waiting for the flood waters to come in, where it has two distinct seeds awaiting. Light air filled seeds to ride the current inland and heavier seeds to sink down with the receding water. It is named for the fact that these heavier seeds fizz and bubble on the way down. 6. Water-Tato- Listen potatoes are also ESSENTIAL to any world. How about these guys grow big ole tubers to last through the flood? Once they get sunk underwater the leaves die off and it waits out the flooding. Then it uses stored energy to pop right on up again! 7. Never Sleep- This plant reacts to the flood season by letting it's outer wood and leaves rot away, regrowing itself from the inside out! However the chemicals it produces to stave off bacteria and decay are quite potent stimulants. Thus it has become quite popular with chimera looking to get a rush at the expense of their overall health! 8. Stone Flower- These fruits grow on tall stalks until their weight eventually sends them down into the waters below. They float along thanks to sweet, spongey tissues carrying along a big ole seed in the center. Taste like a savory strawberry.
9. Chew- A fun, underwater grass with tough outer stalks and soft, sweet insides. You could go through the trouble of peeling it or always just chew and spit it out once you give up! 10. Rubber Weed- A seaweed, or well waterweed? Not really in the ocean. A waterweed who is actually seaweed and is treated as such! Would be very good dried and salted.
11. Tile- Named because a big patch of these can hide the water below completely, they are big ass water lilies farmed mainly for the soft fleshy lumps grown on the underside of their leaf. Though there are a bunch of thorns scattered in there. I wanna imagine that they taste of mild artichoke. 12. WATER-TATO DELUXE- I want to say this one is more similar to turnip, but its still there baby.
13. Oil Leak- These are underwater flowers. They bloom during the flood season and rely on poor creatures swimming through the clouds of oily pollen they spit up and sinking into the flower patch below, slowly suffocating as their writing only furthers the cycle of death. Also if you get it on you then you'll be feeling sticky for weeks after. Fun to smear on your friends!
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downstarr · 7 months
The Consort (complete)
The Consort (11364 words) by downstar Chapters: 4/4 Fandom: The Hobbit (Jackson Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield Characters: Thorin Oakenshield, Bilbo Baggins, Balin (Tolkien) Additional Tags: Thorin Oakenshield Lives, Domestic Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield, Established Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield, Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield Fluff, Consort Bilbo Baggins, POV Bilbo Baggins, Sassy Bilbo Baggins, Misunderstandings, Dwarf & Hobbit Cultural Differences, Dwarf/Hobbit Relationship(s), Dwarf Gender Concepts, Dwarf Courting, Domestic Fluff, Non-Graphic Smut, Humor, Fluff and Humor, Cultural Differences, Domestic Bliss, Domestic Boyfriends, Gentleness Series: Part 2 of The Quiet Moments - Bilbo and Thorin Summary: After a confession of their feelings, Bilbo returns to Erebor with Thorin. The great city is in the process of rebuilding, and Thorin is settling into his role as his king. Word is getting around that their king has asked an outsider - a hobbit! - to be his consort. Can their burgeoning relationship survive the pressures of kingship and cultural misunderstandings? --- This fic carries on in continuity from my one-shot The King and the Hobbit. It's part of a series of one-shots or short pieces that exist within the same continuity and in the same timeline. Check the previous fic in this collection for the story of how the two of them got together.
One evening, a few weeks into his stay in Erebor, Bilbo sat hunched over a heavy metal desk, perched high on a pair of cushions, his hairy feet dangling off the edge of the chair. He’d been hard at work for hours, drafting what would one day become the first chapter of their fated quest. 
Thorin approached him from behind and set his hand on Bilbo’s shoulder. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to his temple. “I’m going to sleep. Join me when you’re ready. Don’t hurry on my account. Your candlelight does not bother me.” 
“Mhmm, be there soon,” replied Bilbo, his brow furrowed in concentration as he mouthed the words of the sentence he was trying to get just right. “Ah, Thorin, Thorin…” he looked up suddenly and swiveled around.
Thorin had just finished ducking out of his embroidered tunic. The flickering light of the roaring hearth set into the wall and the dim glow of the sunstones huddled up against Bilbo’s plants tossed flattering shadows across the thick muscle of his back. It also highlighted the pure white scar tissue rimmed in silver where Azog’s blade had sliced him through. Elvish medicine had saved his life, but he would always bear the mark of his nemesis and feel the wound echoed in the movement of his body. 
Thorin looked over his shoulder and lifted a brow when Bilbo called his name. “Mhmm?”
Bilbo found himself staring. He still wasn’t used to seeing the dwarven king in a state of undress, especially in so casual and intimate a moment. A physique such as Thorin’s was unknown among hobbits, which went some of the way towards explaining why Bilbo had never found a lover among his own kind. There was much more there, of course, but the physical nature of his attraction had caught him off-guard more than once since he’d found the courage to acknowledge it. 
Thorin noticed Bilbo’s wandering gaze and turned around. He made a bit of a cheeky show of leaning up against the wall next to the hearth, as if aware that the firelight did much to flatter his body. 
Bilbo swallowed, twitched his nose and tap-tapped his pen against a spare bit of paper he used to blot the ink. “Do you…” he cleared his throat, “...do you think there’s someone who could teach me Khuzdul? I should like to add some dwarvish script to my book. I’ve also heard that Smaug left the archive virtually untouched and there are many wonderful and ancient tomes that are still in good condition. But I can’t read any of them. And that…” he rapped his pen again, “... is a speeeeecial kind of torture.”
Thorin was a stoic man, capable of very subtle expressions. But the delight at hearing Bilbo’s request was immediate and obvious. He smiled, his eyes lighting up as warm as hearthfire. He crossed the great chamber to Bilbo’s side and reached out to cup his cheek. “I will send for a scholar from the Iron Hills to be your tutor. You will have the advantage of learning under a master of languages.” 
“That’s really not necessary. I can muddle along with some references and a helper. I don’t want you to go to a lot of trouble,” Bilbo replied. He felt the tips of his ears burn red, and he was suddenly grateful for the mess of his hair and the low shimmer of light. 
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features I would want to see in Dwarf Fortress
I've only barely started playing the game
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and I haven't tried any mods, so some of this might already be out there. I also am not a programmer, and I kinda don't expect any out there to have more time and energy for making mods, than they have ideas for mods. Just sharing ideas for fun.
Barbers - it might be that the majority of players don't care that much about how things look, or about sending dwarfs for a spa day, but I'm still a little let down at everything unexplored.( In fortress mode, as far as I've explored it) there's no cosmetics or hair styling.
paper crafts- crafting workshop should have more things that can be made from sheets. at least hats and figurines. they should get destroyed by water. this is my dumbest idea.
Clothing mending- clothier shop should have a task for "mend clothing" A worker takes a cloth or a leather and 2-4 clothing items and takes a level or two of wear off of them. Maybe clothes without any wear go to "reinforced with (material)"(As far as I can tell decorating or adding 'images' to worn clothes just makes them more expensive but still worn out)
Things that have almost certainly been modded by someone somewhere
Surnames - or some kind of family identifier.
distinct sprites for babies - I let a human warrior take up residency and she had a baby a few weeks later, and it's jarring to have the visual of a full sized naked man being carried around.
has any one made a bigger mod / total conversion mod, like The Long Night, that's woodland creatures?
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pastanest · 2 years
A/N: if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post.
Brienne x gender neutral!reader
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Brienne x short!S/O
- so given that in the show Brienne is a staggering 6’3, the majority of the population will be dwarfed by her unless they have some giant’s blood
- however, people who are already deemed short by the rest of the world (dont bother standing up, we wont be seen ✌🏻😔), are PARTICULARLY short in comparison to Lady Brienne of Tarth
- while Brienne makes a point to not judge people on their physical appearances, as so many have done so harshly to her, she does notice your height or lackthereof
- and as much as she tries her hardest to not make any assumptions about you, she cannot help the natural protective instinct through which she views you as maybe just a little more fragile than she is
- but she would never tell you that
- until you are married or something probably
- Brienne has never spent so much time so close with someone of your stature and she admires the ways in which you have adapted the world around you to meet your needs. your ability to climb and reach things that she can grab with minimal effort, the length of time you can spend on your tiptoes to see over things that are in your way, how quickly you can find a solution to the problems your height presents to you
- she admires your resilience and finds it very endearing, she could watch you climb things all day if it werent for her instinctive response of grabbing whatever you need to prevent the risk of you falling a single inch life or death to you let’s be real
- while out with her and Podrick, with an established friendship, Pod jokes about how different your view of the world must be from Brienne’s and that you should get on her shoulders to see the world on a whole new level
- and Brienne is so game bc tysm Podrick for giving her an excuse to lift you up tytyty she is forever in your debt and will never snap at you ever again
- she is so gentle when she does lift you up, acutely aware of how big her hands are on your body as she places you on a high enough tree stump for you to then climb on her shoulders
- you are literally up there for 4 seconds before your fear of heights kicks in and you are begging to be back on ground level lol
- and Brienne is all 🥺🥺🥺 omg did not mean to scare u bb
- but then you express how beautiful the world must be to her, seeing so much of it like she can all the time, and that every time you look at her you’ll remember the glimpse you got into her world and needless to say she is just IN LOVE
- but let’s not get it twisted, just because you’re short DOES NOT MEAN you will not go feral if someone tries to hurt Brienne with words or violence
- you’ll go ham in your own way. like an angry rodent
- and it doesnt matter that 99% of the time Brienne grabs you before you can commit any crimes and you are left a flailing ball of small limbs in her arms that are barely even trying to hold you back, it’s the sentiment
- as the two of you get closer, Brienne only grows more protective of you
- and if you think she’ll tolerate other people making jokes at the expense of your height, you’d probably better check the pile of bodies with sword-shaped stab wounds on the boat sailing out to sea
- once your friendship transcends into a romantic relationship, the height-related petnames come in
- Brienne cant help herself from calling you “little one”, “little love”, “little dove”, “little angel”, you are too precious to her in every possible way
- your knightly lady will take ANY excuse to swing you up into her arms and carry you around
- and she loves nothing more than holding you as you drift off to sleep, completely shielding you from all harm and keeping you warm from even the harshest winter
- but she also treasures the nights when you hold her, your smaller hands drawing gentle patterns on the side of her face and running through her hair as she rests her head against your chest, feeling safe and secure and loved in ways that only you have ever made her feel
- overall, she would love you no matter your height, but when you look up at her from your place approximately 4 inches from the ground, she knows there a few things she could adore more
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fangirlstorycreator · 11 months
Would you be willing to write a short story about Geralt? Where he saves us from being captured by something evil?
Absolutely! I'm more than happy to write a story for you about Geralt p.s. I'm sorry for the late response, work takes up lots of my time nowadays. I tried to make it short, but I got a little carried away. I hope you enjoy 💚
The entire village had been more and more on edge the past few weeks, ever since that arch Griffin attacked the village and started stealing the live stock....aswell as other things...Your neighbor's son was one of the many people who had been snatched by the beast, there had been at least 3 other people that were taken straight from the village. You hated it, you hated being hear, and you didn't want to stay anymore. You were at an age where you could leave the family home if you wished, but it was having the coin for it.
Thankfully you had been working in the village tavern to save up and travel to a better location, you didn't get much in there considering it was such a small village, but White Orchard was all you knew. You had read up on the maps to where you thought a good place would be, and you had decided on Novigrad, you weren't a sorceress so there wasn't as much danger there. But anywhere was better than White Orchard right now, and a few weeks after yet another person was taken by the arch Griffin, you had enough coin to travel to Novigrad and possibly enough to get a place of your own. If not, you always had a travel tent and supplies. You said your goodbyes to your family and headed to your horse in the stable, you were glad to be rid of them, they weren't the most loving of families.
Your mother was quite spiteful and made you clean and cook whenever you were in the house. And your father was always looking for suitors for you to marry you off, he was only happy knowing he could get some money off of you. You climbed onto your horse and headed out of White Orchard and on the path to Novigrad, it was a long way to go, but you were more than excited. You finaly had your freedom, and you knew it was a dangerous world out there, but you didn't care, you knew how to defend yourself. You never told your family, but you did practice fighting skills when you snuck out of the house when everyone was alseep, and you did the same in any spare time you had too. There was even one time you killed 4 drowners all by yourself with ease, it was like dancing, you knew all the steps and how to kill them, it just made you feel so proud. It was a tiaring week travelling up to Novigrad, but you made it in the end, feeling more than exhausted. You had camped up during the evenings in woods and across lands as you traveled, but the thought of a bed was keeping you going. By the time you arrived it was about 11.30 in the morning, and it was so much busier hear than White Orchard ever was. The streets were filled with people, food and weaponry stalls, children running around and people going about their day. You lead your horse around to try and find a suitable place to stay, when a sound got your attention, it sounded like someone who had either hurt themselves, or was just grumpy and in need of assistance.
It looked like it came from what looks like a run down tavern called The Rosemary and Thyme, it's definitely seen better days. You left your horse outside and walked to the wide open front door, and inside you can see that it's a mess in there, like people had broken in and slept in there. You hear the noise again, and it looks like someone is trapped under a large sheet that has tangled around them, it must have fallen on them from the ceiling. "Ah f#ck it! Stupid thing, get off!" The voice shouts "Let me help you" You say as you walk over and pull the sheeting away from him, revealing him as a small dwarf. He had reddish brown hair in a mohawk, and he wore green and brown clothes with an axe on his back. "Ah, thank you lass. This stupid thing fell on me, and I couldn't find a way to get out of it" "Your welcome, although I am suprised you didn't just cut a whole through when you couldn't get out. Just seems like an easier way to me" "Well that's a thought, but I didn't exactly have a knife handy" You raise an eyebrow in an amused way and look at his axe, making him look at it too, then back at you with embarrassment. "Oh eye, I guess you have a point" You both chuckle as he rubs the back of his neck. "I haven't seen your face hear before lass, you new?" "I am yes, I've just arrived hear from White Orchard" "White Orchard? That's at least a weeks travel, you must be exhausted" "I can't deny that, I was just looking around for a place to stay the night, before I try to find a place of my own. I don't supose you could direct me to the nearest available tavern could you?"
"Eye, I could. But I'm guessing you haven't got much cion with you? Don't take it personally, I can just read people" "I can't deny your right about that, but being on the road for a week is tiaring, and a bed would be wonderful tonight" "I have an idea, if your willing to help me clean up this mess, you can stay hear if you wish" "Really? How much coin would you like?" "I don't want you coin lass, just a hand cleaning if that's alright" "Oh? Are you sure?" "I'm positive. You see, many people hear in Novigrad don't act like you, if they see someone in need of help or, in my instance, stuck! They don't exactly lend a hand out of the kindness of their hearts. But I can see something in you, and I'd like to show you my gratitude" "Well that's, very kind. Thank you-oh umm, I didn't catch your name" He holds his hand out to you and you gladly shake it "Zoltan Chivay, it's a pleasure to meet you" "Same hear Zoltan, my name is Y/N" After introductions, you start to help Zoltan clean the tavern, it looked like at least 10 people were crashing hear. "If you don't mind me asking Zoltan, why is this place a mess?" "There were all these people from the streets who were staying hear, and the new owner has disappeared somewhere. Gods knows where the #sshole has gone" "You know the owner?" "Kind of, his name is Dandelion. We've been mates for a few years now, and the last I heard he was staying hear, but then I see all these bums hear instead. Thankfully at the time, another close friend of mine helped me get rid of them, and it turns out that he was looking for Dandelion too, hence why I'm doing the cleaning by myself, well, I was"
"Let's hope your friend does find him then, and he'll be happy this place is nice and tidy for him" "I couldn't agree more, this place is looking almost brand new. Now that this is all done, why don't I show you upstairs and you can pick a room?" "Thank you" He leads you upstairs and you choose a room with a lovely looking bed and plenty of space. "Why don't you have a little rest lass, I'll be right downstairs if you need me" "Thank you Zoltan" He leaves you in peace and you put all your stuff down on the chair beside the bed, falling into duvet and snuggling up in it's warmth, you fall alseep within minutes. You awake about 2 hours later feeling refreshed and much better than you had before. Sleeping in a bed instead of the floor really does make a difference, you straighten yourself up, just as you hear talking from downstairs. You recognise Zoltans voice, but not the other. You made your way downstairs and just as you take the last step, you seen Zoltan talking to someone who was very tall, had long white slightly messy hair, and his eyes were yellow like a cats. His armour was very well tailored to his physique, and he had two swords on his back.
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"Ah there she is! Y/N, why don't you come and say hello to my friend hear. This is Geralt"
You walk over and offer your hand to let him shake it, he's a little hesitant at first, but he does shake your hand. "Hi Geralt, it's a pleasure to meet you" "Hmm...likewise" He isn't very smiley, maybe he's having a bad day. "Well would you look at that Geralt, someone nee who isn't scared of you" What does he mean by that?" "I'm sorry? Why would I be scared of him Zoltan?" Geralt takes his swords out, sits to a chair and starts to sharpen them. "Because I'm a witcher.....most people either run from me or.....there was one time a woman vomited" "Ok...but I don't exactly see what's so scary if I'm honest" Zoltan gives an amused look towards Geralt, eager to know his response. "You do know what a witcher is don't you?" "Yes I do know who you are" "I kill monsters....I'm a mutant, witchers like me are seen as outcasts and aren't exactly welcomed by most....and a lot of the time, what I do frightens everyone else....society doesn't exactly approve of my kind" "Ok....well I personally still don't see what's frightening about you" "Have you really seen me then? The yellow eyes, the swords" Zoltan snickers and says "The no sence of humour, the constant grumpy face" Geralt just gives him a stare and Zoltan chuckles and looks though his things. "Yes, I see the eyes, the swords but....it doesn't frighten me. If I had met you or another witcher on my travels I wouldn't be frightened of them either. Yes you kill monsters, but your saving lives. I'm guessing you've saved more lives killing monsters than you have frightened people?"
"Hmm..." he says with a slight curve at the corner of his mouth, like he's trying to keep a smile at bay. Zoltan laughs and grabs Getalt by the shoulders in a playful way "You see Geralt, I told you this one wasn't like others around hear, that's why I'm letting her stay. Y/N, in the next room is the kitchen, why don't you make yourself something to eat while me and Geralt have a chat? You must be famished" You agree and leave them too it, and once your all finished, you come back, to see that Geralt is gone. "That was a quick visit from your friend Zoltan" "Yes, it usually is with Geralt. You see he's looking for Dandelion and when he's focused on things like this, he isn't talkative. And when he is, it's only for a short time, your lucky you got that much out of him lass" "Why does he think he's frightening? What's so scary about him?" "Hehe, I like you lass. There aren't many people who see Geralt...all they see is a witcher. A mutated monster slayer that's a danger to everyone, but for as long as I've known him, he's been a true friend, and nothing scares me. I could tell he liked you though" "What makes you say that?" "Well, when he's been around the company of women over the years, he's either being talked down too or used for their own personal gain. I don't think he's had a young woman talk to him like a real person for years and years now. His ex....Yennefer...they were a complicated couple, they cared for eachother deeply, but there was trouble there too. I think that's why he's quite cautious with new people, especially women"
"So shall I try to keep out of his way then? When he comes back?" "You can do whatever you like lass, your staying hear now so he's bound to walk into you from time to time" "Time to time? I'm only staying the night aren't I? Because I helped you, then I'm going to try and find a place of my own" "Eye you can find your own place lass, but it's not that easy, and with not much coin it's going to be more difficult too. You can stay hear until you find a place of your own, weather it's days, weeks or more. Your welcome hear" "Zoltan that's.....so kind...I don't know what to say" "Don't mention it lass. Now! I believe there is a few rooms upstairs that could do with a tidy, care to lend a hand?" From that day on for the next few weeks, you helped Zoltan get the Rosemary and Thyme back into shape, while also seeing Geralt come by from time to time, always with a new lead and more information to finding his friend Dandelion. You even got a smile out of him once, it was small, but it was still there.
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The longer you stayed, the more Zoltan and Geralt liked you, and when Geralt wasn't there, you helped in keeping people out who weren't meant to be there. Zoltan was impressed with your fighting skills, and secretly laid them onto Geralt, and even he was impressed, it takes a lot to impress him. One night, you were just finishing up in the kitchen when a large bang was heard by the door, you ran in and see Geralt had fallen through the door and was covered in blood, and it was his! "Oh my god! Geralt!" "Zoltan-where is he?!" He says through gritted teeth, trying to hold back the pain. "He has my-my backup potions! I-uurrggg! F#ck!" Zoltan wasn't in the Rosemary and Thyme, and you had no idea where he was either, you still had to help him. "Come on, let me help you up, I'll get you fixed up" "This is-hhsss! F#ck! You can't help me with this"
"Oh shut up of course I can, come on, I'll take you upstairs" You hold onto him and have his arm over your shoulder to support him, and take him upstairs. He's in a lot of pain and is struggling to walk too, what the hell happened to him? You kick the door open and help him to lie on the bed, he falls onto it grunting and mouthing the word "f#ck" You pull out the medical supplies and help to remove his shirt, that's where the blood is coming from. He lies back and you start to wipe away the blood to see a large cut across his chest, you can stitch it up, but it's going to hurt him if he doesn't lie still. "Hear, bite down onto this Geralt" He can see the seriousness in your eyes, he opens his mouth and you put the wrapped cloth inbetween his teeth before you start to seal up his wound. He grunts and moans in pain into the cloth, you try your hardest to talk to him through this, distract him and go as quickly as you can. It's all sewn up and the bleeding had stopped, and still no sign or Zoltan. "She should be back soon Geralt, and he should have your witcher potions too. I'm sorry I can't be any more help-" Geralt can see the fear and worry in your eyes, and his hand gently rests on top of yours. "It's ok.....you've really helped me....that's more than I could ask for....." "Can I get you anything? Some water?" He nods in agreement and you bring a cup of water to his lips, he drinks it gently, still in pain, but not half as much as he was.
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"Geralt?! There's blood down hear! Is everything alright?!" You shout back to Zoltan that Geralt is upstairs, and Zoltan runs in to see what has happened.
"By the gods! I have your potions right hear" Zoltan pops a bottle lid off, handing it to Geralt, and he knocks it back in one go, making him cough a little and his eyes and the area around them turned black. Geralt passed out, and you had no idea what just happened. "Zoltan, what happened to him?! Is he ok?!" "He'll be alright lass, this is what happens when he has his witcher potion. It's a terrible thing to take, but it fixes him from the inside out. He'll need to sleep it off now. What exactly happened?" "I don't know, he just barged through the front door covered in blood. I did all I could do to help him, but I don't know if it was enough" "Of course it was, you've patched him up nicely I can see, that's something he can't do himself" "What can I do to help him Zoltan?" "Nothing now lass, he needs to sleep it off and he'll be back to normal once he's rested. Now lets leave him in piece shall we?" You and Zoltan went about your afternoon while Geralt slept upstairs, and once it was night time, you both were sat at the table playing cards when Geralt finaly came back down, and he looked so much better. "Ah there he is! The mighty Geralt has awoken from his beauty sleep" "Hmm...your funny Zoltan" Zoltan chuckles as he approaches Geralt to give him a friendly embrace. You however, feel a little awkward from earlier, seeing Geralt with his shirt off. Not only that...you saw how many scars he had...you felt so bad for him, and honestly didn't know what to say. So seeing as him and Zoltan were talking, you just slipped off to bed and left them too it, you wouldn't want to get in the way of their business and make things awkward.
You has relaxed in your room reading a book for the last hour before you felt like going out onto the balcony for some fresh air. The balcony was all around the top of the Rosemary and Thyme, so whoever was staying in these rooms could walk out whenever they wanted, right past others rooms too. It was dark outside as you leant against the balcony, taking in the crisp cool air, and feeling more at ease. "Hey" "Huh! Who the fu-Geralt?! What are you doing up hear?" "I didn't meant to make you jump" "No no it's fine....why are you up hear?" "I was hoping to speak to you" "What about?" He makes a little smile at the corner of his mouth. "I wanted to come and thank you for helping me today" "Oh....there's no need to thank me" ".....why wouldn't you think you deserve to be thanked?" "Well I was just doing what any normal person would do" "....Hmm.....except....there aren't many that I know who would do what you did....or actualy had the medical knowledge to do what you did.....help like that doesn't exactly come easy to a witcher"
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"Zoltan would had done the same thing" "But Zoltan doesn't have medical knowledge...yes he had my spare potions, but when it comes to injuries that I sustained today, potions can only do so much. If I had just had them, I still would have been close to death from the blood loss"
"Being a witcher can't be an easy life for you, I'm sorry you have to go through that Geralt" There it was again, that tiny little smile. "Why did you leave when I came back downstairs Y/N?" "I could see you and Zoltan were busy, and I didn't want to get in the way of that" "....Hmm....and the real reason?" "...I.....I didn't know what to say to you....and I....." "You were shocked at my scars weren't you?" "...Yes....how....how many times have you been hurt like this?" "More times than I would have liked....I know which scar belongs to each fight I've had....it's just normal for me" "....I'm sorry that's happend to you...that it STILL happens to you" "There's no need to say sorry, it's my life...and I've accepted it" He walks over to you slowly and rests his hand on top of yours that's resting on the balcony. "Y/N....you saved me today....if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be like this. I want you to know I'm grateful for that....grateful for you.....and I promise you this, I am in your debt. If there is ever a time where you are in danger or need help, I give you my word, I will be there" "Geralt, that's not necessary" "But it is, the care and understanding you've shown me since knowing you is extremely rare to find, and I'm over a hundred years old.....anything, and I mean anything you need help with....I'll be hear for you...ok?" "Ok Geralt....thank you" You give him an unexpected hug, and at first he is frozen with his arms out wide, not knowing what to do. But when he feels your heartbeat and knows your comfortable with him, his arms wrap around you too, hugging you back just as nicely.......however, during Geralt's visit in Novigrad to find Dandelion, he had made an enemy whist being there, a man by the name of Whoreson Jr...and one of his men was outside the Rosemary and Thyme....witnessing Geralt hugging you....and that wasn't something that this man was going to keep to himself....
The next morning, you Zoltan and Geralt were in the main room of the Rosemary and Thyme, and Geralt was just telling Zoltan that he was going to speak to someone who may have information about Dandelion, someone who Dandelion used to be with. "Now are you sure this lass is one of Dandelions?" "I'm sure, it says so hear in his journal. And you know Dandelion, I could bump into any random woman on the street and he could have slept with them" "Ah ah Geralt, you can't have a go at Dandelion for that when your just as (friendly)" You giggle under your breath, and Geralt and Zoltan surprisingly like that. "You have a point Zoltan, ok I've got to speak to this woman, stay safe both of you" Geralt said before leaving and closing the door behind him. "What are you up to today then Zoltan?" "I've got to get some more arrows made up by the docks, I'm only going to be an hour or so, you want to join me?" "No that's ok, I need to swing by the market and find something nice to make to eat for later" "Maybe something with a bit of pork?" "Zoltan you've had pork for the last 3 nights!" "Eye! And it was delicious every time" You both laugh as you each leave the Rosemary and Thyme, going your separate ways, Zoltan heads to the docks and you walk down the street to the food stalls. It was lovely just walking around and seeing new people as they did their own thing....but for some reason, you started feeling on edge, almost as if you were being watched..... you looked around but couldn't see anything strange.....but you could still feel it. You walked back to the Rosemary and Thyme and locked the door behind you, making you feel just a little safer, but that feeling of being watched still hadn't gone. You weren't taking any chances, you had your weapon on your hip as you stayed inside, and you weren't going back out until Geralt or Zoltan came back.
The next thing you know, the window behind you smashes and in flies this monstrous creature! You had seen this thing before in books, it was a harpy! And it wasn't alone! Another 4 of them came in through the same window and started flying around you trying to hurt you, where the hell did they come from?! You grabbed your weapon and swung at each one that tried to hurt you, killing them just as quickly as they broke in through the window. All 5 of them laid dead, but something was off? You knelt down to see chains wrapped around each harpy's leg, like they were captive or something? But who, or what was holding the other end? Before you had a chance to think, a massive blow is struck to the back of your head, causing you to fall to the ground in pain, seeing double in your vision. You feel 3 lumbering men grab you, hoist you up onto your knees and hold your arms so you can't more or defend yourself. Then this figure walks in front of you, kneeling down to be at eye level with you, he looked hideous. A long boney nose, a scar on his upper lip and a face that should be hidden in the darkest of places. "Interesting....I expected the harpy's to do a better job. You said they'd work Harrison!" One of the men cower at his voice, this man infront of you spoke again. "Well no matter, there are other things we can do with you....tell me my dear...where's the witcher?!" You stay firm and quiet, not saying a thing. "Oh ho ho...so that's how you want to play it is it?"
Just then, he struck you in the face extremely hard, causing blood to form inside your mouth. He grabs your chin and makes you look at him. "I said, where is the witcher! Tell me b#tch!" You spit blood into his face, causing his to let go of you, and fall back onto the ground. "Ugghh! You stupid little wh#re! You'll pay for that!" He storms up to you again and punches you out cold, the men let you go and you fall to the ground. "What are we going to do with her boss?" "We are taking her back to house! And then you will leave her to me....I like ones who are feisty! Their body's and minds are so much more fun to break! Plus....it's something fun to do while we wait for the witcher! Once he sees this place, and notices her disappearance, he'll come....and we'll be waiting...." Whoreson Jr snaps his fingers, and one of his men grabs you and hurls you over his shoulder, leaving the Rosemary and Thyme....and Whoreson Jr leaves a little note....Hours went by before Zoltan came back "I'm sorry I'm late lass, I got hold up by the man selling me my weapons. He's a real-Oh sh#t!......What the hell happened? Y/N?......Y/N!!" He saw the carnage and the harpy bodies, but no sign of you. "Y/N!" Still no answer. Zoltan was just storming back down the stairs when Geralt walked in, and his face was filled with confusion and anger.
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"Zoltan?! What the hell happened hear?!" "Geralt! I don't know! I've just got back and there's no sign of Y/N!" "What?!" Geralt uses his witcher sences to examine the room for any clues, his senses helped him understand what happened. "This window was broken from the outside, and the chains around their foot indicate they were being used to scare whoever was hear, it had to have been Y/N. The wounds on the harpy's were made by the same metal that Y/N's blades are made from, she killed them. But her blood is on the floor, both droplets....and what looks like projectile, almost like she spat it out. And hear, footsteps, large, too large for Y/N....I've seen this footstep before" "Let me guess, Whoreson?" "Without a doubt....the question is, why did they attack her? And where is she now?" Zoltan looks on the back of the door, and there is a note pinned up by a knife. "Geralt..." Geralt sees what Zoltan is looking at, and he rips the note away to read it.
You know who this is, and if you want to see your little lady friend alive again, you know where to find me. You might want to hurry though, she is quite a ravishing beauty....I have many ideas on how I can....claim her....the clocks ticking witcher, the longer you take, the more she suffers. It's up to you, I don't mind you taking your time though....oooh the fun I'm going to have with her before you arrive...the excitement is almost delicious....
Geralt threw the dagger against the wall in anger "F#ck!" "That b#stards got her hasn't he?" "Yes, and he's going to hurt her" "I doubt that's all he'll do Geralt, you've heard about what he does to young woman and girls haven't you? And I'm guessing if I know Y/N, she didn't go down without a fight. And that's only going to make Whoreson angrier" "I'm going to after him, and I'll kill him myself. I can't let him hurt her because of me. Hand me my swords Zoltan, they will know the taste of Whoresons blood" What felt like hours later, you awake in a daze, tied up against a pole in a dark and poorly lit room. Your head is hurting and your feet and hands are bound, it seems your chest and midsection are tied up in rope against this pole too, whoever did this does not want you to escape. The door on the other side of the room opens, and in walks the same man who hit you. "Ahhh, your finaly awake my dear. Did you sleep well?" You make no response, just give him a look that could kill. "Naww, what's the matter? Your head hurting? It was your own fault you know" "Is that right? Because usually if someone else's fist hits my face, it tends to be THEIR fault!" "Ooh! There's that fiary spark I saw in the Rosemary and Thyme! You know you shouldn't have spat in my face like that" "Oh really? Well next time someone breaks in with monsters and weapons trying to kill me I'll do a little dance of joy shall I?! Who the f#ck are you?! And where have you taken me?!"
"Oh how impolite of me, my name is Cyprian Wiley. Otherwise known as Whoreson Jr.....and you'd do better to know not to f#ck with a crime boss of Novigrad!" "I haven't done anything to you or got into any wrong crowd. Why take me?" "Hmmm, clever little lady aren't you? Well your more of a....means to an end so to speak...." He sits on a chair in front of you, while your still tied up. "You see, your witcher friend Geralt has been snooping in and around my business recently, and I don't take to kindly to that. However...Geralt is quite......elusive. He isn't exactly easy to get a hold of. So we've had to resort to other measures.....you" "There's no point in taking me, I'm not exactly someone of great importance to Geralt" "Oh really? So that wasn't you my men saw talking to the witcher last night on the balcony? And also hugged him?" You were stunned into silence, someone was watching you both? "Just as I thought.....Geralt will know about your kidnapping, and when he does, he will play right into my hands!" "I think you underestimate him" "I beg your pardon?" "I said you underestimate him. We are talking about Geralt hear? The same man who single handedly took out a leshy, werewolf, fiend, shaelmaar-" "I don't give a sh#t!" "Well you should. Geralt is capable of many things any normal man couldn't do, you seriously think you're men have a chance against him?"
"My men are going to crush him, I have all my men ready with their weapons for when he arrives. And....as for you..." He leans in close and you can smell his disgusting cigar and ale breath. "I plan to make you mine! But....I like you....I won't have you until you beg for it! So? Are you going to be a good girl and become my own personal little sl#t? Or are we going to have to do this the hard way? Beating out a submissive side to you is fun, but I don't mind which way you choose" "I would rather die than ever touch a grotesque, cowardly, abusive and arrogant piece of sh#t like you...." He smirks as he stands back up, staring down at you, he chuckles, then says "Have it your way then...." While you were in Whoresons home, Geralt had arrived and was trying to find a tactical way to get in. He can see men on every door and there are men around the property with crossbow aimed on the house, the best thing to do would be to sneak around the property and take out the men with the crossbows- "Screams!!!" Geralt's train of thought is cut off by the sound of you screaming out in guttural pain, he needed to get in there, and be needed to do that fast! Meanwhile, back inside Whoresons house, you are still tied up, but instead of being tied to the pole, your on the floor of the room. Whoreson has pulled you from where you were and has been attacking you in any way he can, bruising you, cutting you, beating every inch of you and breaking many bones. He broke your wrist bone, your ankle, and the one that made you scream, alerting Geralt, was where Whoreson broke your lower leg bone, you had never felt pain like it.
Your on the floor in pain, tears streaming your face and unable to do anything to help yourself. Whoreson kneels beside you, smiling with a cruel sneer "Are you ready to admit defeat yet? Are you ready to be mine?" "I hope your death is slow....and agonising..." "I highly doubt it will be....yours on the other hand...." He says as his hand reaches out to wrap around your throat, slowly cutting off your air supply. "Your death....is mine to collect!" The door smashes down with a tremendous crashing noise, frightening Whoreson to back up from you as Geralt storms in, fury etched on his face. "You! How did you get past all my men!?" "You underestimated me" Geralt says before knocking Whoreson out cold, then Geralt drops his sword and unties you from the ropes. "Geralt-" you manage to say in a pained and tearful whisper. "Shhh shhh, it's ok....your safe now. I'm taking you back to Zoltan"
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He removes the ropes and helps to sit you up against the wall as he checks your injures. "Can you walk?" "I-I don't know-my leg-" "It's ok, it's ok....just take deep breaths for me ok? I'm going to keep you safe and make everything better" He wipes away your tears just as Whoreson wakes back up, to which Geralt storms over to him and pins him against the wall by his throat. He pulls out a blade and runs it through Whoresons shoulder, making him shout in pain as he's literally pinned to the wall. "You f#cking mutant! I'll kill you for this!" But Geralt is more interested in you as he kneels down to see if your ok. "Fight me like a man!" "You don't behave like a man, you behave worse than a monster....and you know what witchers do to monsters....." He stands up, grabs his sword and runs it into Whoresons gut, moving it up to slice more and add more pain too. He pulls out the sword and wipes the blood away as whorson falls to the floor, and the light slowly leaves his eyes, being nothing more than a dead body.
Once Geralt put his sword back, he was down at your level again and rested his hand against your cheek. "I'm so sorry Y/N...." He carefully picks you up and holds you close as he walks you out of Whoresons house, your still in so much pain, but Getalt is very gentle with you, and does everything he can to make you feel more comfortable as he takes you back to Zoltan. You had passed out by the time Geralt brought you back, and Zoltan was waiting up in your room with the medical supplies. Geralt very gently laid you down on the bed and they both started to bandage you up and help with your wounds, it took a long time, especially the broken bones, the leg was the most difficult. You had been passed out for a few hours while Geralt refused to leave your side, Zoltan came back a little while later with a drink of ale for Geralt, he could see the guilt in his eyes. "Geralt my lad....she's safe now" "But she's still gone through all of this Zoltan....if only I had been hear with her....or got to Whoresons sooner...." "You can't change the past, but you did change her future. You saved her, if you hadn't had done what you did, she wouldn't be hear right now.....just like she did with you" "I just.......I wish I could have protected her" "I know Geralt.....but she's back hear now, and safe...that's what matters....why don't you get some sleep? I can watch her" "I'm not tired.....I'll be fine" Zoltan gives him an understanding look "Alright lad....I'll see you in the morning" Zoltan heads to his own room as Geralt stays with you, his hand delicately resting on top of yours.
A few hours later, you start to stir from your unconsciousness, your a little groggy but the pain you felt before you passed out isn't half as bad as it was. Right now it just feels numb, and your leg feels very stiff, thankfully you can't move it right now to feel any pain. "How are you feeling?" "....Geralt?....what happened?....did I pass out?" "Yes, but it's ok. I would have been exactly the same way if I'd had gone through what you did" All the memories start flowing back to you, what Whoreson did, when he took you, the harpy's. "Geralt I'm so sorry" "What's with the tears? What do you have to be sorry about? You didn't do anything wrong" "But I couldn't stop them, someone hit me at the back of my head before they grabbed me. I couldn't fight back-and oh by the gods, the harpy's-" "Y/N look at me, I promise it's alright" "But-" "No buts, just try to relax ok?....you need the rest" "Geralt?" "Yes?" "Why did you come and get me?" He looked so confused "What do you mean why? Why wouldn't I? You saved me remember?" "Yes...but I'm not your friend or someone who is useful to you....I'm someone people wouldn't miss if I was gone" "That's bullsh#t, why would you think that?" "Isn't it obvious? I'm not exactly an experienced fighter, I'm new to the world outside a tiny village, and I couldn't even stop myself getting taken by Whorson Jr" ".....Y/N.....look at me...." When you look at him, he has tears and pain in his eyes, something you had never seen him show before.
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"Your strength grows everyday, and what happened to you could have happened to anyone. Especially me. If you would have seen the amount of dangerous situations I've been in over the years of being a witcher, you would have seen me when I was vulnerable too.....this thing that happened to you, doesn't make you any weaker than me, the fact that your human and are healing so well with all these injuries is actualy incredible. In order for a witcher to heal, he needs potions, whereas your using your inner strength" A tear falls down your cheek as he says that, strangely it does make you feel a little better. He rests his hand against your cheek and says "You should get some rest now, you need it" "I honestly don't know if I can fall back asleep again" "Do you want me to help you?" "How?" "I can use one of my witcher signs, if you want to?" "Will it hurt?" "No.....I would never hurt you...." He sits up a little and raises his hand, making some kind of weird simble in the air, it's unlike anything you've seen before. Once he does that, you feel a kind of weird hypnosis seep into you "Now you close your eyes, and sleep this pain away..." he says in a soft and soothing voice, and as if like magic, your out like a light.
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Geralt was unable to be there as much as he was, as he had to find his friend Dandelion soon, so Zoltan was there to help you as you were still recovering from the kidnapping. After an incredibly long 12 weeks resting, your broken leg was finaly mended, but you still had to take it easy, and Zoltan refused to let you do any difficult chores around the Rosemary and Thyme. When Geralt did pop in, he was so kind and supportive to you through all that you had gone through, and his company was a genuine pleasure, he was more than happy to call you his friend.
A few weeks after that, you were now completely back to normal, except for the odd pain or small injury from the incident, and you were doing all the things you could do before. One day, you and Zoltan were just walking through Novigrad together looking at the stalls "Geralt said he's should be back today according to this letter he wrote, I'm sure he'll be happy to see you again lass" "I've missed him, I really hope he's found his friend Dandelion" "Geralt always gets the job done. So? Shall we head back?" "Yep, I'm all done hear" When you both arrive back at the Rosemary and Thyme, Geralt is standing in the middle of the room, with someone wearing an extravagant purple outfit. "Ah! Zoltan! Did you miss me old friend?" "Dandelion! Get over hear you pompous b#stard!" They both hugged and laughed at him finaly being back, and Geralt came and said hello to you. "How are you feeling Y/N?" "All back to normal now" "That's good...I'm glad your ok..." Dandelion walks over and takes your hand, giving it a kiss "And you must be the beautiful Y/N? My friend Geralt hear has told me all about you!" "All good things I hope?" "Oh yes, he couldn't shut up about you when he was bringing me ba-" Dandelion stops when Geralt hits his shoulder against him. "Anyway! Thank you for taking care of this place for me, I know you and Zoltan have made it look glorious!"
"Your welcome" "Right, to the business at hand! I will be turning this place into something much better once I've got some money, which should be very soon! Your room your staying in, is it adequate?" "Yes I suppose, it has a bed and that's more than enough for me" "Well! That can't stand! There is an upstairs room that's much bigger than the rest, and shall make sure it is all perfect for you!" "That's very kind Dandelion, but I don't know if I've mentioned that I am looking for my own place to live, that's why I came to Novigrad" "But you already have a place! Geralt told me that-" "Dandelion!" Geralt says in frustration, hitting him in the shoulder again. "I'm sorry, what's going on?" You ask, wondering why he's acting strangely. Geralt takes your hand and guides you to the window so you can talk privately. "It seems Dandelion cant keep his mouth shut and spoiled the suprise I had for you" "What suprise?" He looks out the window and points to a beautiful 2 story house on the other side of the street. "You see that house just there? That's yours now" "It can't be, I don't have the coin for a place like that" "No, but I did" "What?!" "Well, technically Whoresons money. He's not exactly going to need it anymore, so I use his coin to buy this house for you, you have a home now. And you are a friend to everyone hear, you will always be welcome at the Rosemary and Thyme, and anywhere any of us are" "Geralt I....I don't know how I can thank you for this" "I supose there is one thing" "What's that?" "You know I travel everywhere, when I'm back in Novigrad, maybe I could stay hear?" "Geralt, I would love to have you"
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dawn-of-worlds · 30 days
Heart of Bone
Kirrik has 1 + (2d6 => 6) + 3 = 10 points to spend. She takes two actions of Shape land (6) and two actions of Shape Climate (4) to fashion the uplands of Apponhik around the tower of bone, the mountains around them and the rivers that run from them. To the east of the uplands the land is drier away from the river valleys, but the high hills glitter with gemstones and sweet aromas drift from the desert plants on the winds.
Great Mother has shown him the way.
They all think he is a fool, but he is no fool. What is the wisdom of Tolinakka in the face of gods? When the Great Mother walked along the shoreline, and her beautiful bulk blotted out the sun, and her limbs dragged across the orchards of townships like the stick of a child along an anthill, they bowed their heads and dared not look, or fled from her wondrous advance. But he, he, he watched her. Great Mother needs no words. What thoughts can be communicated in the wise oration of a Tolinakka, or the rough chanting of a human barbarian, that Great Mother cannot convey with a wave of a single graceful, graceless limb, mighty enough to flatten mountains and gentle enough to cradle an infant?
He sets off up the Riqquka, the Great River, the River to dwarf all other rivers. Great Mother made it for him to explore, to discover. Alone he paddles through jungles infested with beasts terrible and poisonous, past the trading-posts and hermitages, up, up, against the current, until the forest thins. He meets places where Great Rivers join together, but he knows which direction to choose. When the current gets too strong and swift he beaches his boat and walks. And soon he sees it – a great waterfall half a mile high, the water tumbling down like the thunder that will end the world.
The escarpment stretches for hundreds of miles, he knows, though he knows not how he knows. But there are passes, ravines, gullies, and he finds them. He hikes, sure that one day a well-trodden road will run where his feet walk. And after three days ascent, he sees it.
A tower reaching towards the sky, the armbone of a god, lies before him. Beside it there is a vast lake, clear and beautiful, fed by rivers carrying water down from high pastures and forests of fruits no Tolinakka has ever tasted. Yet it is not all beauty - in the Lake are spires of soft stone made by the leeching of the god’s bone into the soil, and on the banks of the lake grow trees that hunger for bones to grow large and strong.
He will not return. His strength his spent. But he thanks Great Mother that she has seen fit to show him this before he dies. And when the next explorers come, they will know that it was he who discovered this place, and his name will be on their lips. Apponhik, this place will be called. He knows it.
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alleksistrash · 3 months
The Stone On The Wall
Chapter 7 of (?)
Previous Chapter:
When Bilbo woke up the next day, it was to the sound of hushed giggles. He didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but he kept his eyes closed to try and listen to who it was. A loud laugh broke out, before they were hushed to keep their voice down. Bilbo couldn’t be certain, but he thought it was Kili laughing. This made his chest feel lighter, hoping that the other voice would be Fili or Thorin. He wasn’t necessarily disappointed when he recognized the other voice as the elf lass that helped Kili, but he had been wishing it would be Thorin. He opened his eyes to look over, watching the pair. Kili was still lying on his back, a bandage wrapped around his torso. The red-headed elf was sitting next to his cot, holding his hand while they had a whispered conversation. Bilbo let them have their moment before clearing his throat, alerting them that he was awake.
“Mister Boggins! Tauriel was just telling me how you woke up yesterday, I’m so glad to see it for myself!” From how Bilbo was propped up, he could see the bright grin on Kili’s face as well as the blush creeping up his neck. The elf, who he assumed was Tauriel, bowed her head at him in greeting. “Hello Mister Baggins, I have heard many great things about you.” Bilbo looked down at where their hands were still joined before making eye contact with Tauriel again, smiling at her.
Bilbo laughed as he shook his head, “Whatever nonsensical fantasies Kili has told you, please ignore them. I’m just a simple hobbit lacking in common sense.” Bilbo kept a small smile as he thought about the journey to Erebor, from the trolls trying to eat everyone to staying at Beorn’s. He winced as he remembered the goblin caves and trying to rescue the dwarves from the Mirkwood dungeons. This reminded him of the ring, which he scrambled to look for in his trouser pockets. He relaxed once he felt the cold weight of the ring in his pocket, turning it over between his fingers before letting it go. 
Kili squawked in protest at Bilbo, spluttering out a response. “You defended Uncle Thorin from Azog all by yourself! Then you somehow broke us out of the dungeons, sorry Tauriel,” he glanced at her with his apology, which she laughed at, “and then you found the keyhole to get us into the mountain! Not to mention you even stole the Arkenstone from Smaug, you’re braver than a dwarf Bilbo!” Bilbo blushed darker at every statement, his ears burning. He was never one to like flattery, especially when he felt as though it was undeserved. However, before he could speak up a fourth voice joined them in the tent.
“You’re being too loud, Kee, you’re givin’ me a headache.”  Everyone turned to face Fili, who had managed to push himself up onto his elbows to look at his brother. He had a bandage wrapped around his head, causing his hair to bunch up over it. The sour look on his face fell when he looked at Kili, before seeing who was next to him. He smiled at the duo, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. Bilbo sighed, knowing it would be awhile for Fili to warm up to Tauriel, and even longer before Thorin would even think of looking at her.
Thinking of Thorin, Bilbo turned his head to face the dwarf, actually taking in how he looked. He didn’t give himself time yesterday to process what Thorin looked like, or what the extent of his injuries would be. He remembered Gandalf telling him how Thorin had been stabbed through the abdomen, and Dwalin had all but carried him back to the medical tent before he collapsed. He shook the image out of his head, forcing the tears welling up in his eyes to go away. He had to focus on the now, and how Thorin was still here, breathing and alive. He watched how the bandage wrapped around his chest rose and fell with his breath, the most peaceful look on his face that Bilbo had ever seen.
Fili coughed, getting Bilbo’s attention. He hadn’t noticed when Tauriel left, but he assumed it was to get someone to check on Fili. “You know.. Uncle was really worried about you Bilbo. We almost had to drag him away from your side when we got here, but Balin knocked some sense into him when he reminded him how angry you’d be if he stopped taking care of himself. He really cares about you. I mean, we all do, but.. It’s different for him, I think.” Fili rubbed the back of his neck, wincing in pain when he moved his head too fast. Bilbo felt his cheeks heat up, unable to believe what he heard. Thorin cared about him? How could that be true, when he barely even called him Bilbo? It was always master burglar, with the occasional Master Baggins.
Bilbo didn’t dwell on it for long, as the tent flap opened and Balin, Oin, and the elf who had taken care of him yesterday entered the tent. Balin seemed overjoyed to see both of the princes awake and alert, while Oin and the elf seemed disgruntled that they were already pushing their luck with their injuries. “Back down to bed with the both of ya! Can’t have ya rippin’ out yer stitches before they’re even close to being healed!” Oin limped his way over to stand between their cots, almost shoving Fili back down. Fili grunted in response, while Kili laughed at his older brother. He stopped when pain shot through his chest, causing him to hiss through his teeth. Oin scoffed at Kili, glaring daggers into him, royalty be damned. Bilbo laughed in earnest, relishing in the familiarity. He was glad to know that despite everything they had been through the past fourteen months, the company still acted like a close group of friends and family.
Next Chapter:
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moonlitcomet · 11 months
With how varied sizes seem to be in SRC do most houses have large our double doors and ceilings?
No. The size of a home or its entrances depends entirely on the community and culture it is built around. Homes belonging to large dragons are usually big with an open[if in a dry area] or removable[if in a rainy/snowy area] roof, while all homes in faun settlements like Ch'chkun City are extremely small, usually only having a 4 foot roof.
Such small homes are necessary for the city fauns because most of their city's volume is vertical, taking up very little space on the land and instead towering into the air. Humans don't even fit into most of their buildings, and dragons taller than three feet need to be kept in dedicated areas when dealing with faun businesses. Most of the land and ground real estate is where the tourism is, while the homes are higher in the air.
Dragons who don't live in hand-built houses usually make their homes in modified natural formations like caves, cliffs, or ravines. Don't be fooled though, many of these homes are fitted with running water and electricity, usually through faun-supplied solar panels or arcane runes. It's a really common sight to walk into a damp cave to find a well furnished room with a TV, computer, refrigerator, stove, etc... and to see a dragon on a gamer chair doing gamer things. Humorous thought in our eyes, but very normal in SRC.
Stickmen don't even have houses resembling ours much either. They usually have much larger homes with wider floor plans, built for large families and social groups to live together. While they are wide, they're not really that tall, so a particularly tall dragon won't find themself being able to fit inside. With stickman houses, having a second floor is a luxury, and you typically would only have a basement in an area where it would be necessary, such as one that is subject to strong storms like tornadoes.
All in all, Cierian homes are not typically designed to carry many species of differing sizes. Getting different species to live together is only really a recent thing, so if you want to have a home to house you and your 20 foot tall dragon wife, you'll need to build it yourself or commission an architect + construction crew to do it for you. Even Ryder's house, which has her, three sorcerers, two stickmen, a digidevil, one to two chickatoo, a griffon, and a blob, has notably unfitting roof size and furniture for the smaller fellows inside. Some of the chairs in that home absolutely dwarf .zip.
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eirian · 9 months
Our moon is so useless and pathetic compared to all of the cool moons out there in the solar system. While so much other moons have all these cool features, all our Moon did was hit us, and then get a free ride orbiting us for a few billion years.
Europa is such a cool moon, that it could potentially have liquid water underneath. The gravitational effects of its planet Jupiter, and some of Jupiter's other Moons (including Ganymede, a moon so sick, it is bigger than the planet Mercury, and almost as big as Mars; Callisto, another huge ass moon bigger than ours, one that might even have water as well; and Io, a pizza coloured moon with fucking sulfuric volcanoes) cause internal movement for the body, meaning there might not only be the biggest ocean currently known in the universe there, but it could very well have geothermic vents. Geothermic vents mean that there could potentially be life there! Our stupid ass moon can't do none of that shit, it's just barren.
How about Titan? Easily the biggest moon of Saturn, it is so big its gravity helps Saturn's smaller moons from crashing into the ringed planet - it is literally saving their lives! Could our moon do that? Nah, it's too pathetic to do anything of the sort. Not only that, but it is the only moon with a proper greenhouse effect going on, it literally has an atmosphere, and oceans made out of liquid methane (and some scientists think there might even be water). Could our moon have an atmosphere? The flimsy little dust bubble it has around it hardly counts, it's so shit.
Look at our friend Triton. It was a dwarf planet in its own right, and not only any dwarf planet, but the largest one, bigger than Pluto and Eris. However, the poor thing was brutally captured by Neptune, and is now in a orbit around the planet, going the opposite way from the other moons to show its uniqueness. It also has geysers that throw out gaseous nitrogen that it carries around in it, creating its own atmosphere, and making it one of the 4 places in the solar system with known geological activity, apart from the Earth, Io and Saturn's Enceladus (that motherfucker is covered in fresh ice and it's of the shiniest things in the solar system, cos it erupts water vapour). Could OUR moon have geological activity? Of fucking course not.
Even Charon is cooler than the moon, and it doesn't even orbit a real planet. Its around half the size of Pluto, and its so massive, it actually makes Pluto wobble around a point outside of Pluto itself, making it more of a duo-planetary system then a moon. It affects the environment so much scientists say that the other moons, rather than orbiting Pluto, orbit a Pluto-Charon system. Can our tiny-ass moon do that? No it can't.
So anyways, fuck the moon.
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snailstrailz · 1 year
Repost because the original fucked up!
Louie/Nilas (OC) fluff, no pikmin 4 spoilers, Based on the idea that Louie's love language is sharing food
Nilas rubbed their eyes before returning to scribbling at a notepad.
"I gathered more treasure and wildlife remains today. I do believe I may have discovered a new subspecies of bulborb mimic, which I managed to examine thoroughly before the leafling got his hands on it. Whatever he's making with it smells quite nice! Though I am a little reluctant to ask if he's willing to share, given his standoffish nature he's displayed. Though, the treasure, a fruit from this planet was a decent snack to hold me over. I have to promise myself I'll eat a real meal since Ellie isn't around to make me get up and have lunch at the moment. On the topic, still no sign of her nor Grove. If only l has Grove's tech talents. I could fix the radio and contact the rescue corps. For now, my only hope of finding them are the pikmin."
Nilas ran their fingers in their hair and sighed, setting down their pen. They relaxed in their chair, shooting up when they heard the sound of someone shifting behind them. Nilas whipped around in their swivel chair, seeing Louie in all his leafy glory. 
He flinched and the suddenness of Nilas' movement, one arm coming up instinctively. "Oh, sorry. I guess we spooked each other." Nilas chuckled awkwardly, "is there something you needed, Louie?"
Louie hesitated, "... yes, I brought you this." His voice was quiet, nervous. 
Nilas was so used to Louie being around food and food-adjacent things that they didn't even register him holding a saucer loaded with hot stew. "Oh?" Nilas was so caught off guard by this sudden generosity from the leafling and his unwelcoming demeanor. 
Louie quietly crossed the room to Nilas and handed them the warm dish, Nilas taking it because they didn't know what else to do. "...thank you, Louie." Nilas said in quiet bewilderment. They stirred the stew around a bit with the spork stuck inside it. 
"I noticed you skipped dinner." Louie stated flatly, fiddling with his fingers as he shifted on his feet. Nilas looked down at their food. A mixture of pikpik carrot, potato, and the dwarf bulborb all mixed in a thick aromatic roux. 
Absent-mindedly, probably because the appearance of a meal reminded Nilas' stomach that they were hungry,  Nilas scooped a generous amount of the stew on their spork and popped it in their mouth.
Flavor exploded on their tongue, making Nilas' eyes widen. They went for another sporkful at the same time they gulped down the first and took another mouthful. And another. And another. Nilas was so consumed with eating their meal that they didn't notice Louie was still standing there until they were about halfway through. Nilas swallowed what was in their mouth, "this is fantastic!" They exclaimed, making Louie shift and wring his hands more.
"...thanks." he murmured. Nilas raised a brow. Though his face was covered in leaves, they could tell from how he was carrying himself that he would be blushing. 
"I didn't think you'd notice that I forgot to eat. I didn't even realize." Nilas noted, scooping up more stew in their spork. As they spooned it into their mouth, they chewed slowly this time, savoring it's flavor.
"... I notice a lot of things." Louie replied, "I just don't do anything most of the time."
As Nilas swallowed, A silence fell between them. Louie wasn't one for eye contact, but his eyes were locked with Nilas'. His lips were firmly pressed into a line, but twitched at the corners. Is he trying not to smile? Nilas thought, chewing yet another clump of delicious bulborb meat. 
"So how have you been? I haven't seen as much of you lately." Nilas asked after swallowing and going for more. 
"...fine." Louie said.
Nilas looked down at the saucer as they prodded it with the spork. There was no veggies or meat left, just the scraped up remains of flavorful brown juices. 
"... I'll take that." Louie blurted, "... so you can get back to working." He added quickly, just now turning away in his fluster as he awkwardly swiped the empty dish from Nilas' lap and scurrying off like a scared breadbug.
"... thanks." Nilas said as Louie left. They weren't sure he heard them, but that wasn't at the forefront of their mind right then, unlike the strange fluttering feeling inside them and how they could feel their cheeks and eartips heating up. Maybe Louie and I will get along after all. Nilas said to themself. 
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invinciblerodent · 1 year
for that ask meme arvid, motion and formal 👀
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motion: How does your OC move? How does their clothing help or hinder their range of motion? Are they flexible, coordinated, clumsy?
-> This I actually find kind of funny, because by a stroke of luck, he wound up with 18 dex. (For mainly initiative-purposes, he's wearing the gloves of dexterity we got, but tbh, it's much funnier to me to think it's just naturally how he is.) So even though one might expect a dwarf in heavy mail to be all brute force, no grace, he's surprisingly coordinated. He might have very large hands, but they're quick and clever, and while his limbs are short and he's not exactly flexible (quite stiff from carrying the party AND all their shit) (he's, uh. very OP.), he isn't... totally hopelessly inelegant.
He'll be the first to admit that heavy armor is a hindrance, and it does slow him down a lot, but it's... still all he knows. All he's ever worn. He feels very unsafe otherwise.
When we went to get the githyanki egg (after having already killed everyone there, whoops), I used Arvid because nobody else had the jump distance to get up there, so... I like to imagine that Astarion was hopelessly shouting the instructions on how to disarm the traps from the shores, already braced for the inevitable-seeming explosions, and Arvid kinda just... learned how to do it, right then and there. To everyone's utter surprise. He was very, very impressed with himself for that too (as he should be, that was like... 4-5 consecutive successful investigation- AND as many dex checks). That success (and the high praise it is for Astarion to scoff about being relegated to the status of decoration) kept Arvid feeling quite good for a solid two days. Then they met Elminster, so, uh. Yeah, good feelings didn't last.
(I like to imagine that if he hadn't been trained as a cleric, he would be a rogue.)
formal: What's your OC's formal look? Do they like dressing up? Do they have different looks for different occasions?
-> The only formal look he has ever known is the Tempuran ceremonial armor he has only worn a few times in his life (it's like this bronze-gold color with red accents that really clashes with his complexion, looks awful on him), unfortunately. He's a rather austere person when it comes to it, very "utility-forward"- being both a priest, AND a small town man at heart with not many resources to spare, it was just when he got to Baldur's Gate like a year ago that he even started thinking about trying to look nice (which promptly ended with a "no, no, I'd just look silly, lipstick on a pig", poor boy).
Now, while he enjoys the idea of dressing up, he feels rather insecure about anything involving the possibility of him, well, looking nice, in a way that goes beyond being put-together and clean. He has it embedded in his pretty little head that that's about all he can hope to achieve with his looks. Cutting a smart figure, or being handsome, were... never really things he can say he's been accused of. (Well, not to his face, at least.) Either way, he's very much a "dark pants, plain shirt" person.
Side note, I've been looking at him so long that I barely even notice that he's blue anymore. I moreso just see that he's kinda pale, but his nose and cheeks are a pretty pink.
Which is actually pretty sweet, like I like to imagine that the characters probably see him like this too: at first he was this intimidating, thick trunk of a dwarf soldier that's both duergar-blue, AND armed to the teeth, but if you spend enough time around him and look a bit closer, he's just... a genuinely sweet person. He's withdrawn and buttoned-up, but he's kind, caring, wise, and so what if he's blue and burly, he wouldn't hurt a fly if he can choose to help it instead. When he lets his guard down, he's just nice to be around.
I genuinely love him, lol.
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downstarr · 7 months
The Consort
The Consort (3189 words) by downstar Chapters: 1/? Fandom: The Hobbit (Jackson Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield Characters: Thorin Oakenshield, Bilbo Baggins Additional Tags: Thorin Oakenshield Lives, Domestic Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield, Established Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield, Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield Fluff, Consort Bilbo Baggins, POV Bilbo Baggins, Sassy Bilbo Baggins, Misunderstandings, Dwarf & Hobbit Cultural Differences, Dwarf/Hobbit Relationship(s), Dwarf Gender Concepts, Dwarf Courting, Domestic Fluff, Non-Graphic Smut, Humor, Fluff and Humor, Cultural Differences Series: Part 2 of The Quiet Moments - Bilbo and Thorin Summary: After a confession of their feelings, Bilbo returns to Erebor with Thorin. The great city is in the process of rebuilding, and Thorin is settling into his role as his king. Word is getting around that their king has asked an outsider - a hobbit! - to be his consort. Can their burgeoning relationship survive the pressures of kingship and cultural misunderstandings? --- This fic carries on in continuty from my one-shot The King and the Hobbit. It's part of a series of one-shots or short pieces that exist within the same continuity and in the same timeline. Check the previous fic in this collection for the story of how the two of them got together. I plan for this to be a short multichapter, likely 4-5 when complete.
Chapter 1
Bilbo Baggins was beginning to learn the difference between questing with a group of dwarves and living among them. 
He’d returned to Erebor with Thorin and the company of dwarves he’d first journeyed with what felt like a lifetime ago. The trip from the Shire was deeply uneventful, especially compared to their first trek. Bilbo found himself happy and at-ease, and it was wonderful to spend time with Thorin now that they had admitted what they felt for each other. 
The first few days in Erebor were also blissful. Bilbo marvelled at the progress the dwarves had made in the short time since the death of the great dragon and the Battle of the Five Armies. The architecture of The Lonely Mountain was built to withstand the ages, hewn as it was into the stone by master craftsmen. Even Smaug, in all his wicked greed, could not destroy all the dwarves had built.
It would still be a long time before Erebor retook its position as one of the great kingdoms of Middle Earth. But thanks to the wealth of Smaug, the assistance of the Elves of the Woodland Realm and the Men of Laketown (who Thorin gave their due in a share of the treasure) there was life in the heart of that lonely temple of stone once again. The population was small at first, but there were new dwarves arriving every day as word of Erebor’s liberation spread.
And there was new life in the heart of Bilbo as well. The grand chambers of the King Under the Mountain were far more lavish and adorned than anything Hobbits had ever seen, but one of his first tasks was to bring a bit of warmth and comfort to that stony chamber. He gathered up furs to make hard surfaces more inviting. He made sure that Thorin’s personal pantry was stocked with tea and biscuits and all the good things necessary when hosting a hobbit. He even arranged a trade with the Woodland Realm for a set of lanterns that captured sunlight. Their warm glow not only chased away the dark, but allowed green things to thrive beneath the ground.  
Thorin accepted all these changes without a word of complaint and with a twinkle of good humour in his eye. 
One evening, a few weeks into his stay in Erebor, Bilbo sat hunched over a heavy metal desk, perched high on a pair of cushions, his hairy feet dangling off the edge of the chair. He’d been hard at work for hours, drafting what would one day become the first chapter of their fated quest. 
Thorin approached him from behind and set his hand on Bilbo’s shoulder. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to his temple. “I’m going to sleep. Join me when you’re ready. Don’t hurry on my account. Your candlelight does not bother me.” 
“Mhmm, be there soon,” replied Bilbo, his brow furrowed in concentration as he mouthed the words of the sentence he was trying to get just right. “Ah, Thorin, Thorin…” he looked up suddenly and swiveled around.
Thorin had just finished ducking out of his embroidered tunic. The flickering light of the roaring hearth set into the wall and the dim glow of the sunstones huddled up against Bilbo’s plants tossed flattering shadows across the thick muscle of his back. It also highlighted the pure white scar tissue rimmed in silver where Azog’s blade had sliced him through. Elvish medicine had saved his life, but he would always bear the mark of his nemesis and feel the wound echoed in the movement of his body. 
Thorin looked over his shoulder and lifted a brow when Bilbo called his name. “Mhmm?”
Bilbo found himself staring. He still wasn’t used to seeing the dwarven king in a state of undress, especially in so casual and intimate a moment. A physique such as Thorin’s was unknown among hobbits, which went some of the way towards explaining why Bilbo had never found a lover among his own kind. There was much more there, of course, but the physical nature of his attraction had caught him off-guard more than once since he’d found the courage to acknowledge it. 
Thorin noticed Bilbo’s wandering gaze and turned around. He made a bit of a cheeky show of leaning up against the wall next to the hearth, as if aware that the firelight did much to flatter his body. 
Bilbo swallowed, twitched his nose and tap-tapped his pen against a spare bit of paper he used to blot the ink. “Do you…” he cleared his throat, “...do you think there’s someone who could teach me Khuzdul? I should like to add some dwarvish script to my book. I’ve also heard that Smaug left the archive virtually untouched and there are many wonderful and ancient tomes that are still in good condition. But I can’t read any of them. And that…” he rapped his pen again, “... is a speeeeecial kind of torture.”
Thorin was a stoic man, capable of very subtle expressions. But the delight at hearing Bilbo’s request was immediate and obvious. He smiled, his eyes lighting up as warm as hearthfire. He crossed the great chamber to Bilbo’s side and reached out to cup his cheek. “I will send for a scholar from the Iron Hills to be your tutor. You will have the advantage of learning under a master of languages.” 
“That’s really not necessary. I can muddle along with some references and a helper. I don’t want you to go to a lot of trouble,” Bilbo replied. He felt the tips of his ears burn red, and he was suddenly grateful for the mess of his hair and the low shimmer of light. 
“A king troubles himself where he pleases, especially when it comes to the happiness of his consort,” rumbled Thorin as he reached for Bilbo’s hand. He ran his thumb over the Mithril and white gem bracelet he’d given Bilbo when he pledged himself to him. The bracelet was a masterwork of the finest living dwarven artisans and featured knotwork that entwined dwarf and hobbit motifs. “I want you to be happy here, Bilbo. I know your heart aches for home when you are away from the Shire. And that call of home, which I understand well, means you will not always be by my side. While you are here, it’s my wish that you should want for nothing. A tutor to teach you my tongue is a small thing to ask. Especially as your desire to learn Khuzdul honours me.” 
Bilbo swallowed and lifted his hand to place on top of Thorin’s. “I suppose I’ll have to get used to a bit of special treatment. You’ll forgive me if it feels a bit strange.”
“It is strange for me as well,” said Thorin. “Don’t forget I have spent a long time in exile, with very little power. I could not even call together a proper force to retake Erebor. It was only through your bravery and that of our company that has given me what I have now. I will share it, in defiance of the sickness that nearly claimed my mind. The malady of the mind that destroyed my grandfather will not take me. What I want from you is to accept my generosity, as it is the sword I use to battle the shadows in the darkest corners of my heart.” And then his tone softened into a pleading one, “Can you do that?” 
Bilbo knew Thorin to be a man of exceptional strength. But he had seen his ghosts and his flaws as he locked himself within the heart of the mountain and hid away from his allies. He sensed that Thorin would always struggle against the demons of avarice, especially as he sat as King Under the Mountain, with greed and excess on display in every gilded corner.  But as he looked into Thorin’s eyes, he became acutely aware of how close to the surface those feelings still were. He was strong enough to keep his worst impulses from overtaking him, but they would never fully be banished. 
Bilbo had never confessed the secret of the ring he’d found in a musty, dark cave with a twisted, pitiful creature. But he felt the weight of it, as strongly as Thorin felt the shadow of Smaug that still twisted around him. They each had to guard against an outside force full of malice and darkness that neither would be able to ever truly escape. 
“I…I understand,” said Bilbo. “And I will try my best to accept your gifts. Though keep in mind that I’m a simple creature. You give me comfort and the honour of your company, and that’s enough to keep me quite happy, thank you.” His lips twitched into a smile. 
“Your tastes may be simple, Bilbo, but you are not. There was a time when I thought that too, but I was so very wrong. Come…” he pulled him gently. “Come to bed. In the morning, I will send instructions to the archive to prepare books for you. We have some for the young to help them read and write their tongue. That should allow you to get started as we await the arrival of your tutor.”
Bilbo took Thorin’s hand and hopped down from the chair. He gazed up at the dwarven king with warmth and fondness. “Thank you,” he said softly. And then he got up on his tip-toes and reached up to pull Thorin down. He kissed him sweetly, and then followed him back to their bed. Continue reading on Ao3
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heniareth · 2 years
Find the Word game
Thank you @yukichouji for the tag! I really enjoyed these games. They make me revisit sections I've written a long time ago (I keep them all in one document and it's probably 300-odd pages long) XD XD XD XD
"Ogre's getting closer, golem," Oghren shouted.
"It has less dead weight to carry, dwarf," Shale answered, but strained against the wagon to speed up.
An arrow hit against Wynne's blue shield, then another, and another. Behind the ogre were genlock archers. Dread sank into Astala's bones as hurlocks started breaking through the genlock ranks and running after the ogre, their sinister laughter echoing through the stone halls. Her hands uselessly tightened around the wooden planks of the wagon.
Claws (clawed. Close enough.)
"Warden," Zevran said, cutting her off, "Are we friends?"
Astala nodded.
"Then please, let me help. Like you allow Leliana to help."
Another sob clawed its way out of her throat, and this one wouldn't stay down. Astala allowed Zevran to pull her in and pressed her face against his shoulder, willing the world away. Zevran was warm. He didn't back away when the tears started to fall and stain his shirt. He didn't say anything, only rubbed small circles into her back and let her cry. At some point Astala wrapped her arms around him too. He smelled nice. None of this would help her terrible terrible crush and once this was all a memory, she’d probably look back at it with shame. Maker, she’d promised herself not to string him along, but she couldn’t- wouldn’t let go.
Warmth surrounded him, but when Zevran pressed his arms against his chest they were still cold. He wrapped the blankets tighter around himself and stared at the sleeping figure of the Warden. How could she endure temperatures like these? How could anyone in Ferelden for that matter? And with only one blanket! Truth be told, hers was a blanket made for a lord or lady of high standing; size and quality reflected it. As Zevran's eyelids started to grow heavy again, his mind wandered off to memories of his childhood; to kids crammed into one shared sleeping space, never an empty spot to his right or to his left; to little bodies huddled closely together around a hearth when the brief winters descended upon Antiva; to the whispered story of a princess who lent her bed to a pauper to save him from the cold. He'd have his own tale to tell now: how an assassin came to offer his bed to a Grey Warden, and she accepted only to share her blanket with him. And an assassin who had tried to kill her, no less! What a riveting story--although, truth be told, every Antivan he told it to would bemoan the tameness of it. He meanwhile wondered how it would end.
Shock (cw: drunkenness)
The dwarf was slumped over the table, staring up at them with bleary eyes too unfocused to properly see them.
"You're not bringin' me ale."
"Well spotted," Astala said and sat down in front of him. "Though I'll happily get you some if you make this worth my while."
The dwarf let out a dirty laugh. The shock of red hair on his head, thinning out by onsetting balding, wobbled about as drunkenly as he did. "Make it worth your while, eh? You wanna-"
"I want to know about the Deep Roads," Astala said and leaned forward, right into the alcohol-laden breath of the dwarf. "And I want to know everything you can tell me about paragon Branka."
Hey, I got them all! And 2 out of 4 snippets with Zevran! I don't think I'll get a special prize for it, but it's satisfying XD XD XD XD
Thank you again for tagging me! I'm gonna tag @wild-houseplant @icy-warden @bumblewarden @oxygenforthewicked @themarkedkyusei and anybody else who sees this and thinks it's fun to find the words home, laugh, bind and sky (for when and if you want to do this ^^). I hope you have a splendid day and an even more splendid day tomorrow!!
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heisendaddysimp · 2 years
An Essay on Why Beastars is Peak Fiction and Not Weird
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tw: contains spoilers for the whole plot, summary partly copied from the wiki cause i was lazy at the spot where Legoshi and Melon where on the beach
Important Characters
he's a 17 year old Grey Wolf and partly a comodo dragon on his mothers side of lineage
he's part of the Drama Club where he looks after the lighting and the scenery during plays
he's a very passive character, always hiding his fangs and claws in front of everyone, but especially in front of the herbivores
he's used to smaller herbivores thinking bad of him because he's bigger than other Grey Wolves and often hides himself and stays in the background
upon meeting Haru he was fascinated by the rabbit, eventually developing feelings for her that he often cannot differnciate from his hunting instincts
she's a 18 year old and Netherland Dwarf Rabbit
she's the leader of the Gardening Club and it's only member, telling Legoshi that the plants are for her like her babies
because of her small and delicate build bigger animals often tend to think she needs help when she's e.g. carrying boxes around
in High School she started to sleep with different fellow students, somewhat losing some self respect
as a reason she names the fact that as a Dwarf Rabbit she always feared she could be devoured any moment so she tried to make the best out of his life and started to sleep around, this giving her a feeling of being alive
he's a 18 year old Red Deer, adoptive son of the Horns Conglomerate boss Ogma, finace of fellow Red Deer Azuki and the former leader of the Shishigumi
in school he was the school president and leader of the Drama Club, many even said he was worthy of being the next Beastar
he grew up on the Black Market, where herbivores and their meat get sold to carnivores, together with other children his age
his number on the Black Market was 4, which is also engraved into his right leg that gets later devoured by Legoshi with his consent
when he was still a fawn his, later to be adoptive father, Ogma bought him from the Black Market, taking him upstairs, giving him a knife and throwing him into a pack of carnivores to test him
upon Louis rather wanting to kill himself than to get devoured Ogma rescued him, giving him his current name and adopting him
he's a 40 year old Big Panda and doctor, who's specialised on curing carnivores from their need for herbivore meat once they've eaten eat
upon finding Legoshi passed out on a back alley of the Black Market he takes him to his home, thinking he also had devoured a herbivore, explaining to him the issues of carnivores after he woke up
later in the events he becomes Legoshis mentor, teaching him how to fight without like a herbivore without having to use his claws or canines
she's the second Grey Wolf of the cast, being the youngest with 16 years
just like Louis and Legoshi she became part of the Drama Club
at first she developed a crush on Legoshi until she found out he had feelings for Haru and not her, later on she seemed to have developed some for Louis, the both even dating for some time
she aspires to be the next Beastar to make a world where carnivores can live without getting judged by the herbivores, making Louis not only her lover but also rival
he's a 51 year old Horse and the current Beastar
not much is known about him, except that he hunts down criminals to ensure the peace in the city
important he gets when he teams up with Legoshi to hunt down Melon and arrest him for his crimes
he's the former best friend of Legoshi's Comodo Dragon grandfather Gosha, together they dreamt of becoming Beastar as a team
Important Villains
the Shishigumi is a criminal organisation only consisting of lions before their boss got killed by Louis
after Louis resignated from his position Melon takes his place, being something like a dictator for them and not caring if he has to kill one of his men
he's a 17 year old Brown Bear and the murderer of fellow Drama Club member Tem
the murder only happened because Tem had become such a good friend of his that he wanted to show him his true nature and stopped taking muscle relexants
when he devoured his dear friend he said he'll never forget his warmth and the taste of his blood and meat, claiming they were now one
upon Legoshi finding out he murdered Tem they had a battle on New Years Eve, the bear claiming that when Legoshi would defeat him he would destroy the friendship he and Tem had
he's a 24 year old hybrid, his mother being a Leopard and his father a Gazelle
he grew up without his father, his mother being very attached to her son
in school he always got bullied for being a hybrid, one time they took him up to the school roof and tried to make him jump from the roof and commit suicide but instead he pushed his bullies from the roof, commiting his first murder when he only was a pup
later on when he got home he and his mother had a talked and the schocking truth of her nature came to light: she wanted to devour her son, upon finding that out Melon made his mother his next victim
not much is known about the time between killing his mother and the current events
due to him being a hybrid neither meat nor plants taste good to him, he says that all tastes like sand to him, he also has no hunting instincts and no desire for sex
another side effect is that in the presence of herbivores he gets anxious but when he's near herbivores he feels like he wants to hunt them down
the hatred for his mother made despise his carnivore side, hiding his fangs behind a mask and covering his leopard spots with tatoos of melon leaves
he's a maschosit and sadist and additionally a sociopath, only feeling alive when he gets hurt and not caring about killing other animals
Plot in a Nutshell
The story begins with the devouring of Drama Club member Tem. Later on Legoshi meets important characters like Haru, eventually falling in love with her.
Together with his club they create a giant dinosaur statue for the Meteor Festival. On one preparation day Haru gets kidnapped by the Shishigumi, due to her seeming like fine quality meet to them. Upon Legoshi finding out she got kidnapped he makes his way to their headquaters, wanting to rescue her. He manges to rescue her with the help of Gohin. The same night Louis broke into the headquaters too, killing the boss of the Shishigumi and becoming their leader after disappering from school for months.
In the mean time Legoshi wants to find out who killed Tem. He goes around asks his friends and fellow Alpakas if they knew something, one of them giving him Tems old diaries. After that he finds out Riz was the one who devoured him and confronted him, having a fight in the boys shower of the dorms and a confrontation in front of the Nurses Office. Legoshi wanted to become stronger so he could defeat the Brown Bear and revenge Tem so he went to Gohin who trained him and became his mentor. Later on New Years Eve he and Riz met again and had a fight, Riz holding Drama Club member Pina the Dall Sheep as hostage, claiming he had devoured him too. Later on in the fight Louis, who knew about his plans, comes to see if Legoshi had defeated Riz, giving him consent to eat his tatted leg to give him strength in the fight. He managed to beat the bear and he got arrested for devouring Tem.
Because he devoured Louis leg, Legoshi became a criminal, having to leave Cherryton High, getting an apartment and started to work. But even if he wasn't in school anymore and Haru at university they still remained in contact, often meeting up.
After meeting Yahya for a second time he told Legoshi about his plan of hunting down the criminal hybrid Melon, asking him for help and even paying him for his work. The both of them go to an underground party was supposedly hosted by the hybrid, finding him and arresting him. But while Yahya was calling the cops Legoshi and Melon had a talk, the criminal telling him about his life as a hybrid. Upon hearing his story Legoshi frees Melon and let's him escape, wanting to know more about hybrids. Of course Yahya got mad at him.
In the meantime Louis accidentally met the Shishigumi, them taking him to their headquaters and chatting with him. But as soon as their boss, Melon, came back they tried to hide the Deer who had lost his horns minutes ago, the smell of him still lingering in the air. They can prevent Melon from finding Louis.
Later on Legoshi tries to follow Melon everywhere he goes, even in his usual tatting studio where a sloth tatts him as alawys. After Melon had left Legoshi followed him again until reaching the coast.
He gets shot in the ear. It turned out to be a trap. Melon tells the Shishigumi lions to get rid of Legoshi. They weight him down with concrete and tie him, preparing to throw him into the ocean. Lions let Legoshi say his last words. Legoshi asks if they will tell him Melon's weakness if he will be back on the beach in thirty minutes. They get intrigued and agree and throw him off the cliff. He is almost eaten by a shark, but saying "I am Legoshi the gray wolf" and "I'm friends with a spotted seal" in sea language (Sagwan, his neighbour and Seal, taught him this earlier) forces the shark to bring Legoshi to the beach. The Shishigumi are genuinely surprised.
The Shishigumi tell Legoshi about Kopi Luwak, an illicit hybrid organization and supposed pure-blood supremacy group controlled by Deshico the civet. Louis decides to help the Shishigumi get rid of Melon. They find the Kopi Luwak Research Center. Deshico agrees to help only after they sort the coffee beans out of his excrement and drink Kopi Luwak coffee.
Melon has a job of a part-time professor at university. He turns out to be Haru's history professor. She starts a conversation with him because of the homework she hasn't done. Melon for the first time has an urge to eat an animal, although he killed and ate his victims earlier. However, he's done that without any urges to eat. He grabs her the same way Legoshi did the first day they met. Haru is the first one to doubt Melon's species, she says she's long done with love affairs and is in love. She also notices that Melon was hugging her not the way a male would hug a female, but rather the way a carnivore would hug a herbivore. He stabs himself in the leg and is taken away to the nursery by a bystander.
Back in Kopi Luwak Center, everybody is drinking coffee. Kopi Luwak coffee has a special effect on carnivores: it's a stimulus for their feral instincts. Deschico tells Louis that Melon has a PhD in History.
Legoshi is feeling meat-drunk and tries to get home as soon as possible. Haru is waiting for him - she wants to stay overnight because she got scared of Melon's actions. He gets the scent of a male on Haru and asks if she enjoys her campus life. She gets extremely annoyed by that question and says that she won't restrict her freedom. Also, she tells him that every time she tries to kiss him, he rejects her. Legoshi tells Haru "Th-That's too risky. Physically, socially and economically". She insists on Legoshi to show her it to see if it's risky physically. Later, Legoshi shows Haru his dentures. They sleep together. Legoshi wakes up in blood-stained bedclothes. He thinks he ate Haru. His fur turns completely white. Turns out Haru is alive and just spilled tomato juice on the sheets. Legoshi gets together and promises he will make Haru happy. He gives her a kiss on the cheek and leaves to confront Melon.
At the hideout, Legoshi and Melon fight. Melon says how hard it was for him to grow up as a hybrid. Legoshi says he will raise his children with love "so they'll at least turn out better than [Melon] did". After a chase, Legoshi catches Melon, but police stop him from turning Melon to Yahya because they think it's a carnivore attacking a herbivore and the criminal runs off.
Addressed Issues
Casual Rascism
it is rather unnormal to see herbivores not having prejudices against carnivores
that carnivores are just driven by their hunting instincts and for nothing good other than causing harm is a widespread myth among the herbivores
Interspecies Rascism and Internal Rascism
as seen at the example of Melon, intersepcies individual get treated differently than pureblood individuals
some start to become the worst of themself (Melon) and others seek to be perfect to forget they are actually hybrids (Legoshis mother)
instead of society doing everything to make a place where hybrids can feel comfortable in their body they do everything to cut them off from society
Socially Accepted Illegal Activites
as mentioned, the Black Market is a place known amongst everyone, being very popular with carnivores and feared by herbivores
society doesn't seem to care about it, in fact they actually welcome it, because if the Black Market didn't exist the herbivours would fear for their life even more
next to meat they also sell ampules of blood or insectes as pusher
some herbivours even go so far to willingly sell their body, either as food or as stipper
just like mentioned before the Black Market gets accepted by society and not even the government seem to have a problem with it
(these are just some aspects i picked out because they are pretty obvious and similar to real life societys problems)
Thank you for listening to my TED Talk. I hope I could change your view on Beastars.
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