#hashtag imposter
alexicollins · 7 months
"Vulnerability" by Alexi Collins
In the echoes of my upbringing, I was taught to steel my heart, to suppress the tears that threatened to spill, to embrace stoicism in the face of hardships.
"Suck it up," they snapped, as if tears were a sign of weakness rather than a tribute to resilience.
Yet, amidst the thorns of adversity, I discovered the haunting beauty of pain, the crimson slashes against the canvas of my heart bore witness to the depth of my humanity, each scar a testament to the resilience of my spirit.
In my moments of deepest anguish, I discovered a beauty that transcended the confines of suffering, a beauty that lay in the courage to remain open despite the wounds inflicted.
I unearthed glimmers of profound beauty, delicate petals blooming alongside the wreckage.
As I gazed upon those who had heeded the call to harden their hearts, I saw the cost of such fortification.
I realized that to harden oneself would be to deny the very essence of being alive; this exquisite dance of light and shadow, the tender connections that bind us to one another.
For what is lost when the heart grows cold?
The symphony fades to silence, the colors of life muted into grayscale, and the beauty of existence dims beneath the weight of indifference.
So, despite the echoes of admonishment, of being named sensitive and weak, I choose to embrace the tumultuous symphony of my soul, to stand unguarded amidst the storm, to feel each pelt of rain against my bruised skin, for even in the midst of pain, there lies a beauty that transcends all bounds.
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wannaseenirvanaa · 6 months
i can never tell if im being my authentic self like do i like this thing or do i like it bc i think others will like me bc i like it
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ladyscribbles · 2 years
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This is called “bright future in paper cuts”.
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aentchenphotography · 2 years
Starting anew
I won't role-play on this account anymore. Those times are over. Instead I will use it for my photogrpahy~
I will post some recent works
at the end of this little post
I'm Anna you might know me as seriouslySirius my former account name. I changed that to build a new page, dedicated to photography. Please bare with me and welcome this change~
I'm doing mainly cosplay photography based in german and if you're interested you can also find me on Instagram and Twitter~
Feel free to unfollow if you aren't interested but on the same note if you are curious or already like my art feel free to stay or follow. <3
I wanna show you some recent work of mine to give you an example of the photography style you will most likely see here.
My Cosplay Photography:
You'll definitely will see a lot of that as it is my main focus.
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And then whe have the category random art and casual portraits~
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And for those who enjoy nature, animals and perhaps urban photography? Yeah I also have those in my repertoire ~
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In the end this is just a small amount of the actual photos I took over the past 5 years so stay and you'll see more~ <3
Also in future posts I will link the Instagram posts/ profiles of the models directly under the post because crediting them is just as important as crediting artists! These photos however, you can find then on the Instagram Link that's given~
I dont have a watermark on my photos yet but if I see them reposted without credit anywhere I will put some on. Just be respectfully please! I don't care about posting them somewhere else as long as credit is given! That's not to hard to understand right? :) thank you!
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ali-yona · 3 months
I was feeling severely underdressed in comparison to everyone here but then I remembered I spent an hour on my makeup and i'm walking around in 3 shirts and fishnets in 90 degree heat
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lesbianraskolnikov · 4 months
His burnout... his burnout!!!
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Instead of concluding that you did well through luck, recognize that you are good at working under pressure. Instead of seeing feedback as negative, see that it is useful and recognize that the more you hear other views, the more you'll become used to them.
The Imposter Cure, Jessamy Hibberd
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Leaked Synopsis of Season 2, Episodes 1-10
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Synopses and titles were found on Rotten Tomatoes.
S2 Episode 1: Aftermath One year after Mandroid's defeat and the Emberstone's shattering, the Maltos go on a search for the shards. When a Decepticon creates a new foe from a broken shard, the Maltos realize life in Witwicky is about to be chaotic.
S2 Episode 2: In Ruins While searching for Emberstone shards, Mo and Thrash stumble upon ancient ruins where a Quintesson Executioner lay in stasis. The duo try to care for the creature, after it follows them home but they fail to realize it has a plan of its own.
S2 Episode 3: Control Alt Delete Hashtag helps the Autobots get rid of all the old GHOST stuff around base, which has her feeling like her GHOST van alt-mode is obsolete too. Meanwhile, Shockwave needs to acquire a GHOST hard drive that holds a key to Starscream's master plan.
S2 Episode 4: The Butterfly Effect Robby, Mo, Twitch, and Thrash attend a carnival where Robby develops a crush on a new student, while Twitch, Thrash, and Mo encounter trouble with the carnival's Fairmaster. As the heroes battle Fairmaestro, they unlock a new power: cyber-syncing.
S2 Episode 5: Togetherness Jawbreaker wants to cyber-sync, but he's left out. Walking home, he saves Aftermath from a woodland monster. The two spend the day together and accidentally sync into one awkward bot.
(Episode 6 is missing.)
S2 Episode 7: The Imposters Twitch and Spitfire accidentally swap bodies; it's hard for both to avoid getting caught behind enemy lines; the Decepticons plan to attack Twitch's friends and allies.
S2 Episode 8: Dude, Where's My Trailer? Optimus lands a prestigious photoshoot, so Robby and Hashtag take his battle worn trailer to get detailed. Unfortunately, the Decepticons steal it from them, leading the kids to race the clock to get it back in one piece.
S2 Episodes 9-10: Witwicky (Parts 1-2) Mo and Hashtag find a giant secret beneath Witwicky, and Starscream plans to use it for evil. To do so, Starscream needs to rebuild the shattered Emberstone. Robby rallies his family and the Autobots to stop him, and end the chaos once and for all.
Release date: June 7
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aesethewitch · 2 months
#OcculTea Masterpost
Earlier this year, witches took to social media (mostly YouTube and Instagram, from what I can see) to talk about witchcraft in the social media landscape: community, influencers, grifting, impact, imposter syndrome, and more. They did this as part of the hashtag “#OcculTea” in a call to the community of internet creators to come forward and talk about their experiences. The tag was started by Ella Harrison, the Red Headed Witch, and the Polish Folk Witch to generate really important conversations across various social media sites.
The Polish Folk Witch actually created a playlist full of videos from witchcraft creators, which you can take a look at here if you’d like to watch a few.
I’ve spent quite a bit of time watching videos from various creators with their responses, and it got me thinking about how I’d answer those same questions. Our formats are different, and our internet niches are different, so our perspectives on the same topics are obviously different. So, here we are: I’m bringing #OcculTea to Tumblr! (I’m not the first; a handful of others have answered the same questions in the #OcculTea tag, and you should check them out!)
If you want to take part in this tag, please do! I’m not directly tagging anyone, so there’s no pressure. The list of questions can be found here. If you make a post, tag it as #OcculTea! I’m following the tag, and I want to see everyone’s responses. (:
Now, without further ado, here is the list of post links, organized by category:
Introduction & Topic 1: Impact on Community
Topic 2: Influencer Authenticity
Topic 3: Imposter Syndrome and FOMO
Topic 4: Capitalizing Off Community
This was fun to put together! I won’t directly tag anyone to respond with their own answers, because… well, this has been a beast of a project that’s taken several days to type out and more to edit. But if you’re a witchy content creator here on Tumblr, please feel free to check out the list of questions and post your own answers!
Replies, reblogs, and asks on any or all of the topics covered in this post series are very much welcome.
(And if you did enjoy this series or my other work, consider tipping me over on Ko-Fi! Thanks!)
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mj-iza-writer · 8 months
Sp Special Containment Part 5. I hope you enjoy.
If you'd like a reminder on how the story is going or if you are new to this story check out the hashtag SP Special Containment.
Whumpee watched as Jaimie was pushed out of the room. They had a terrible feeling in their stomach. No matter how much the director, Caretaker, or anyone tried, they were scared to death.
A sudden smell caught Whumpee's attention.
"Wait Caretaker", Whumpee pleaded.
Caretaker stopped. Along with the director.
"Undo my straps now", Whumpee gulped, "don't go out into the hall yet, undo them though."
"That's against policy", the director frowned.
"If you value your lives and this organization, you'll undo the straps."
Caretaker quickly undid the straps, ignoring the director.
"Okay give me a hard push out there, do not come out", Whumpee warned.
Caretaker took the chair and pushed it out.
The chair was instantly kicked over as it entered the hall. Whumpee rolled once, but got back up.
"Whumpee", Caretaker yelled, the Director instantly grabbed Caretaker and held them back.
"We'll get in the way", the director yelled, "we need to call back up now."
Aramais and Jaimie both heard the commotion, and McGee and Andy turned the chairs around.
"Is that..?", Andy started as they watched Whumpee fighting someone.
"Yes" Aramais fought against the straps, "why are you standing there, undo the straps, Whumpee needs help."
"I ca...", Andy got cut off.
"If you say you can't you'll be responsible for Whumpee getting killed, undo these freaking straps", Aramais fought harder.
Jaimie started to thrash in there chair, "McGee let me out."
Andy and McGee looked at each other and rushed to undo the straps.
Aramais made it just in time to catch Whumpee mid-air, he set them down and ran after the attacker.
"Oh the great Aramais, reduced to this", the attacker mocked, "you were supposed to be like me."
"Should have stayed down, Mitch", Jaimie ran in, "we won't allow you to hurt Whumpee anymore."
Mitch laughed, "they've lost their edge, I'll have to beat it back into them", he looked at Whumpee, "typical, let everyone else fight your battles, hide behind the tougher ones. That's why I got stuck with you, so I could beat you into a tougher weapon, one not reliant on others."
Aramais ran toward Mitch, "we don't have to do this", he yelled, "don't make me fight you."
"You're just chicken", Mitch dodged, and started to fight Aramais.
Mitch grabbed Aramais and threw him against the wall. Aramais groaned as he slid down.
"Don't make me fight you? How did that wall feel?", Mitch laughed.
Jaimie ran in, and got several good hits until Mitch grabbed her.
Caretaker couldn't wait any longer and ran out just in time for Jaimie to be thrown at him.
"No Caretaker", Whumpee cried out.
Aramais groaned and attempted to get up, only to collapse.
"This is beginning to be a waste of time", Mitch looked at Whumpee, "what's it going to be."
Whumpee started to black out.
"Don't bother going into survival mode", Mitch frowned, "I can still take you."
Whumpee's eyes rolled back and they started to scream.
Aramais watched wide eyed, he forced himself to get up and limp over to Andy and McGee.
Jaimie watched Whumpee for a second before getting up and blocking Caretaker.
Whumpee had slipped into survival mode, but it wasn't looking good still.
One sudden hit, Mitch fell back.
Guards came running in.
"Don't shoot Whumpee", everyone yelled in unison.
"That guard is an imposter", Caretaker yelled, "stand down, unless you can hit the imposter the human weapons are our only hope against this one."
Aramais eyed Jaimie, they both knew Whumpee needed help, but they couldn't risk the safety of their caregivers.
A burst of air was suddenly heard.
"Ouch", Mitch groaned as they looked at their side to see a dart sticking out.
Everyone eyed the guards, one stood aiming their gun at Mitch. A small smile crossed their face.
"Quite the marksman, we could use one of you", Mitch chuckled.
"There is no more us", Whumpee suddenly screamed, "to many lives have been ruined."
"Oh", Mitch mused.
Whumpee ran at Mitch, who intern prepared for the attack. Whumpee changed their direction, slid under Mitch, stood and pounced on Mitch's back.
They both fell to the floor, the dart seemed to slow Mitch a little now.
Whumpee grabbed Mitch's head and slammed it into the floor several times.
Mitch fell quiet or unconscious, Whumpee didn't care.
"I think you've made your point Whumpee", Aramais watched.
Whumpee continued to slam the head into the floor, "no, after the things he's done to me", Whumpee started to sob, "after everything."
Whumpee felt Aramais's hand on their shoulder, and suddenly froze.
"It's okay Whumpee, I'm here, and Jaimie is here", Aramais lowered themself to the floor, "Mitch did bad things to you, but you can't kill him... we can't... we can't do this anymore. We are not what they created us to be."
Whumpee gasped as they started to come out of their survival mode, Whumpee fell into Aramais's arms and started to shake.
"You were supposed to be like him?", Whumpee sobbed.
"Yes, that was supposed to be what I was meant for, but I wasn't like Mitch", Aramais rubbed Whumpee's back, "it's okay, everything is okay."
The Director was ordering the guards as Jaimie limped to Aramais and Whumpee and went down to hug them.
The guards soon arrested Mitch and placed him into a strong holding cell and restraints until they could figure out what to do with him.
After checkups for each of them Aramais, Jaimie, and Whumpee went to their holding rooms for rest.
The director asked that the caregivers let them rest for a while. He needed to talk to them before they went into that room.
Caretaker paced the floor waiting for signs of Whumpee waking up from their nap.
What was this going to mean for the human weapons.
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all. @villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @porschethemermaid @monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz @bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13 @notpeppermint @cyborg0109 @idontreallyexistyet @thebejeweledwatercat
Sp Special Containment taglist: @written-by-jayy
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genshinemblem564 · 1 year
Prologue Act II: Starlight
This chapter will focus on world building
A few days after your disappearance.
Venti stood in front of a throne where a woman sat. "So the imposter used a device to vanish in a flash of light?" "That is correct your grace.' The woman pondered for a moment before speaking. "Impossible, no mortal, no GOD in this world has a device like that" "There is more, we may be chasing two individuals, while the wind hates the imposter we've been hunting, it seems rather fond of this new individual." The woman looks shocked for a moment but quickly regains composure. "Guards!!" "Yes, your grace?" "Summon Kaedehara Kazuha." She commands with obvious irritation causing the guards to fumble in a panicked manner
Two weeks later Kazuha and Beidou arrive at the temple and were briefed on the situation "Ah. I see, the only person I encountered like that was a mysterious customer looking to leave Inazuma. Despite their ragged appearance they had a rather hefty pouch of mora, normally such a thing combined with the panic in their voice and the cloak and mask they wore would make me suspicious, but the wind was rather fond of them so I merely asked captain Beidou if it would be enough." Beidou chimes in "What's even weirder is when we got to our destination I told them they forgot their pouch they said "Keep it I can always get more if I need to" and went off. When I checked it there was fifty thousand mora inside, I h brought it to Ning to see if I had been tricked, but it was reaal, every last one. That's mor than I make in a month and they acted as though they could earn that in five minutes."
The more they went on the more the woman started to look anxious until "Enough, I've come to a decision, guards, I need nine of you to deliver a message to Teyvat's leaders, this hunt is to be non-lethal from this point forward, both are to be brought here alive, understand?" " Um, not questioning you or anything, but aren't there only seven nations?" The woman groans in annoyance. " This message is urgent, Sumeru is large with people living in both the forest and desert, and Inazuma is an island nation so we need a messenger for Narukami and Watatsumi island, understand?" "Yes ma'am." The soldier leaves. "Kazuha, can you find the traveler, Nahida has been with the aranara recently so they're the only one who can summon her. I need her to identify who the true imposter is once they're captured." "Yes your grace I will locate them at once." Once Kazuha and Beidou leave the woman is left with her thoughts. " Not only do they have a device foreign to Teyvat, but the world itself is fond of them and they can use the leylines. It's them it has to be, please, please stay safe (Y/N)."
I felt that a normal imposter au would boring so why not spice it up a bit. I haven't decided whether this would be a parent or sibling au hence why those hashtags aren't here, I'm leaning more towards sibling though. Sorry this took so long ADHD is terrible for schedules. Anyways I hope you enjoyed.
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0507-worms · 1 year
Do you have any fav 0507 fics you could recommend?
to be honest, it's hard for me to say because I'm rather picky when it comes to fics... that being said:
- The Old Man and the Shi(dou)
shidou gives kazui a back massage The Fic. has very nice kazui introspection, and is also kind of emotionally devastating... kazui's back pain is incredibly hashtag relatable
- milgram normie au
shidou moves into a new neighbourhood and begins a fling with his dilf neighbour because of said neighbour's bastard child. it's a cute premise and written from shidou's pov :) the second work is more 0507-focused but it's also a bit suggestive (although not explicit), so apologies if it puts anyone off.
ik these are very. Vague descriptors but I don't want to go into too much detail since that would mean spoiling all the bits that Get To Me and those are best experienced blind. all I will say is that quite a few passages from these live in my head rent-free :)c
also here are some that don't drive me quite as insane, but are enjoyable nonetheless:
- The Warden is Fine (Or... maybe not?) not necessarily 0507-centric as it's about them taking care of a sick es, however the interactions between them are sweet :) - i've got you an 0507 chapter from a drabble collection! protective kazui is nice to read :] - An Imposter Among Us incredible piece of literature, it's a wonder I can even comprehend its sheer genius. 10/10 would sussy baka again
also also because I'm normal here are some fics where they're not as prevalent but still drive me Nuts:
- haruka sakurai versus cold and flu season haruka is kazui's adopted son in this one, and 0507 only appears at the end, but it's a cute fic and their interaction makes me smile
- beautiful boy another adopted haruka fic, with some sprinklings of 0507 :) again, they're more prevalent at the end but what is there is incredibly wholesome... there's some interesting character exploration here and it's fun seeing them come together as a family :)c also shidou is flustered at one point and that's adorable
I hope this list is sufficient! ofc you can always read my stuff Wink Wink <- has only written one fic (but I'm working on more!!)
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Our Village
Going on tumblr is like having your own little village. And in your village, are the people and hashtags that you follow.
Sometimes you'll be in someone else's village, but they won't be in yours. Or it'll be the other way round, a person is in your village but you're not in theirs. And that's okay.
In our villages there's normally a whole range of people. People from different fandoms, people who may know from other social media, people you follow but don't know why (we still don't unfollow them). We also have our treasured haiku bot, one of the only bots we like visiting our villages.
Some of these people you consider a second family, a second home.
We can send mail to the people in our village as a way of getting to know them or interacting with them.
We can also pop over to their houses (blogs) to either look at their decorations (posts) or have a chat.
Sometimes, our villages get invaded by imposters (porn bots), but thankfully, we have an easy way to kick them out.
And last but not least, we have our village celebrities. Ones like @neil-gaiman and @mishacollins , who occasionally visit their village and our villages to interact with us.
- Musings by @enchantedlandcoffee / me
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vampelune · 1 year
remember when that person called me a little soft uwu hashtag trauma core cunt because i didnt draw imposter fat enough for their standards
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i literally feel insane you keep adding to your imposter story and its literally my life. I also have a shitty abusive ex who wss followed by a guy named peter that only liked me for my looks and I am now dating a man named will who I think is different. Are you fucking with me. be serious. Do you know me IRL
i even work in the outdoors field and like to cook with garlic mustard. my mom has low standards and low empathy from experiencing abuse. lover of plants. could be convinced of bigfoots. eldest sister. hashtag pure michigan. Next are you going to add the subplot about how I brush my teeth when I'm stressed out
That's pretty crazy! A lot of this is embellished from things I have personal experience with (because I decided to take "write what you know" literally), names of characters based on people I know have been altered (Peter being one of those altered names). Some other characters are amalgamations. The rest are made up. So I'm pretty sure I don't know you but maybe we're long-lost twins with a psychic connection? lol
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elytrafemme · 2 years
actually you know what trying to imposter’s syndrome my issues is kind of an embarrassing look for me considering i was just like “oh this is all normal and i’m just overdramaticizing it like my personality isn’t really that unstable -_-” and then all of a sudden i convinced myself one of my mutuals had hard blocked me and was on the verge of publicly losing my shit about it only to realize we definitely still follow one another and nothing has changed. but i was like seeing red over something i don’t care about because i don’t even really mind if someone blocks me curate your own experience 
maybe that’s normal though. hashtag slay
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