#hasimoto thyroiditis
deebeautystudent · 2 years
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anchorsandmoons · 2 years
I figured I should do a kinda update. 
I just returned. while i was gone:
Graduated College. 
Got really sick.  got better. 
my sister got cancer. beat it. was fine for 5 years (cured).   then it came back this year but she beat it again. 
developed debilitating chronic migraines. suffered for years 24/7.  got it to a place where it is so much better with multiple treatments and I can finally function. but horrible memory and brainfog.  
fell in love with Twitch when I was sick.   
Mod for a lot of otv and friends and streamers i admire.   
Personal assistant to Peter Park 
Mod for 2 Kpop(former) Idols  eaj (jae park of day6) and mark tuan (got7)... the pandemic was weird...  the girl who started this tumblr would be proud.  
discovered I was right about having thyroid issues for the last 12 years and doctors were gaslighting me.  I have hypothyroidism and hasimotos. My blood tests were normal for 14+ years despite systems(thyroid blood tests are limited af in what they see) I finally forced them to do an ultrasound and proved I was right.  highly recommend. 
Developed 2 forms of alopecia. have hair topper and wigs though. 
gained a shitton of weight due to meds and wrong diagnosis.  but on a better path now. 
dated some assholes lol. 
grew closer with my friends.  
worked at jackbox games. 
bought more anime, gaming, and kpop merch than i should admit.  
I will post my gaming setup etc. 
glad to be back 
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noodlebutts · 4 years
I have antibodies to thyroid peroxidase!!!!! Aka i think hasimotos thyroiditis? So thats correlated with my chronic hives, and papers ive read said treating that can help with my hive. My allergist is giving me steroids for 5 days, and im continuing the antihistamines. Hopefully my doctor will call and perscribe me thyroid meds too
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thedrewway · 6 years
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Long but go read:: Any Hypo thyroid, hyper thyroid, or Hasimoto sufferers out there? There are many Isagenix customers that have thyroid issues, and it's a big reason that they were drawn to Isagenix! Did you know there's a difference between MILK (casein) protein and WHEY protein?? Two different things. Individuals who suffer from hypothyroidism typically have a gluten and casein sensitivity - both are endocrine hormone disrupters. This is why many doctors recommend NOT to consume milk products next to one's hormone medication. Milk (or casein) will bind to thyroid receptors. HIGH quality whey shakes do not contain casein. Therefore, hypothyroid patient's are safe drinking Isagenix shakes because WHEY protein is not goitrogenic. Recap: Gluten and Casein - BAD UNdenatured Whey - GOOD Not only is this important for those with thyroid issues, it is also good info for those with a dairy allergy or sensitivity. This is why so many people with dairy issues have no problem with our shakes! #nutrition #TeamUnity #weightloss #healthychoices #getsome #determined #isagenix #healthandwellness #goals (at Frederick, Maryland) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvHYRClBM2m/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1u4ml37q9ckcy
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odishaphotos · 3 years
Throat inactivity
Throat inactivity
Glandular hyperactivity disorder (Hypothyroidism or hypothyroidism in English or low thyroid or low thyroid) is a common interstitial disease in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormones, which can lead to dementia, dehydration, etc. Weight gain is sometimes associated with swelling of the front of the neck due to gait. If left untreated during pregnancy, the baby's physical and mental growth may be delayed, which is called cretinism. Lack of iodine in the diet is one of the main causes of malnutrition. In countries with high levels of iodine in the diet, autoimmune disease is caused by Hasimoto thyroid inflammation. Some of the most common causes include previous radioactive iodine treatment, hypothalamus or anterior pituitary injury, some medications, congenital hypothyroidism, or previous thyroid surgery. If the disease is suspected, a blood test should be performed to measure thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) thyroxine levels. To prevent this, people around the world need to eat iodized salt. It is treated with levothyroxine. Its dosage is controlled according to the symptoms of thyroid (TSH) and thyroid hormone levels. The drug is safe during pregnancy. Although iodine is needed in the diet, too much iodine can lead to poor throat function. Hundreds of millions of people around the world have been found to be deficient in iodine, but it is unknown at this time how many people will have a sore throat. In Western countries, 0.3–0.4% of people have hypothyroidism. Subclinical hypothyroidism (subclinical hypothyroidism) is a type of mild hypothyroidism that has a normal thyroxine level, a high TSH level, and occurs in 4.3–8.5% of people. Women have more hypothyroidism than men. The disease usually attacks after the age of 60. Dogs also get the disease, and rarely cats or horses. The word hapotyroidism is derived from the Greek word; Hypo means diminished, thyreos means shield and eidos means size.
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kkelenca · 6 years
Health is dumb and bodies suck: an update, by me
The corticosteroid shot that was supposed to reduce the inflammation around my crushed nerves rebounded somehow and made things worse after giving me four magical days without pain after a year with it, so I have a surgical consult next week with the neurosurgeon to discuss exactly what we’re going to have to do to my spine to get me able to walk again
Despite every hasimoto’s symptom in the book and the antibodies coming up, every other blood test keeps looking too normal for the doctors I’ve seen thus far to be willing to try medication, so now I’m being handed off to a rheumatologist, since I have two other autoimmunes confirmed already. A ton of new blood work has been ordered for preliminary stuff, and now I’m already anxious again about what the fuck I’m going to do if this all magically “looks” normal too, when multiple people who know what kind of person I’m like have all separately come to the conclusion that tests aside, it’s basically impossible that my thyroid isn’t a disaster mess that isn’t working right and it’s even possible that it going nuclear after delivering Aidan is even what caused my lichen sclerosus to develop in the first place.
Meds don’t seem high enough and I’m very sludgey but I’m so sick of juggling stuff that I’m trying to just hold the fuck on until my body can work again, since I know that’s at least some of the stress, living in pain every day. A lot of stuff feels pointless and I spend more time thinking it would be cool if I had any sort of ideas for artwork and berating myself for it all being awful and not worth the effort to try anymore than actually doing anything. Ever. And thinking how long past due I am to just grow up and quit and admit I don’t have the ability to learn right in me and recognize that I’ve been getting steadily flatter and worse since Aidan was born.
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slimeybee · 6 years
Thinking I might have low thyroid/Hasimoto's cause boy does a lot of the symptoms sound like me
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eli-aural · 7 years
My odd symptoms
Hey guys, so i have a questions for those with hypothyroidism and Hasimoto’s. I still don’t have my diagnosis, hopefully will in a month, but i’ve read that weigh gain is one of the most common symptoms. I try to go to the gym about three times a week becasue school got in the way and my energy hasn’t been that great. Anyway, my question is about when did you start to notice you were gaining wheight? does it has to do with the amount of physical activity and diet and meds? I’ve always been slim and usually underweight, i can’t gain much muscle even if i try. Last week i told a friend about my hypothyroidism and he said “i didn’t look like i had it”. i really don’t know what he was expecting but he did ask me about my weight. He’s a nutricionist so i figured he might’ve thought about that first, and i’ve been noticing most people post about diets, recepies, weigh loss goals, and such. I really enjoy reading all your stories and knowing i’m not alone, though i don’t know what else i can expect from now on with my thyroid
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miranamarie · 8 years
Step through the looking glass with me....the true reflection...the inner beauty trying to be seen...respected...appreciated. Not some fun house mirror caricature...this chimera is not me. Google hasimoto disease....thyroid disease...histamine intolerance...SIBO Goal: 900c Intake, 3375 mL H2O. 5bs down. 3/5/2017
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bushra-ali · 4 years
This is because these factors either place a large burden on your liver’s ability to detoxify or reduce your liver’s detox ability, therefore increasing your toxic load. When it comes to diseases, having a toxic burden can worsen the expression of the symptoms of the following conditions, so lowering your toxic load may help alleviate symptoms: Allergy and asthma Diabetes Obesity Chemical sensitivity (any adverse physical, mental, or emotional reaction to the presence of a chemical smell) Fibromyalgia Fertility problems and birth defects Parkinsonism Bone marrow cancers – lymphomas, leukemia, multiple myeloma Auto-immune diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Hasimotos thyroiditis, etc. #detox #detoxify #cleanse #autoimmunedisease #bonehealth #detoxing #detoxtea #juicingforhealth #healthyimmunesystem #immunityboost #naturaldetox #dailyvitamins #healthylifestyletips #organicsupplements #detoxcleanse #boostmetabolism #digestiveenzymes #reduceinflammation #cleanseyourbody #detoxyourbody #healthyfromtheinsideout #dailuvitamins #thrivelevel #choosehealth #takecontrolofyourhealth #livehealthylivehappy #guthealthmatters #healyourgut #guthealing #functionalnutrition https://www.instagram.com/p/CCaaM8_pS_V/?igshid=1cwd7ea1j0rso
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treycantrell · 5 years
Flu at Our House
Remember when I said maybe things would settle down and I could bore you with work stories?  That was pretty funny!  My wife ended up getting extremely sick and went to the doctor and was diagnosed with the flu.  I work 12-hour shifts from 6 am to 6 pm, and this week was my short week, so I’m only “supposed” to work Wednesday and Thursday.  I started feeling bad on Thursday, and I got forced to work on Friday.  A force is when they go through the volunteer list and still have spots of overtime to cover, they then go through a list in order of seniority and tell you what day and what job you have to cover.  I found somebody that wanted to work half of my force, so I didn’t have to come in until noon.  When I got to work, I barely had the energy to walk to my line.  I thought I could do it when I woke up, but once I was there, I realized I couldn’t.  I went to tell the supervisor I needed to go home, and he suggested it as soon as I saw him. I guess I was a little worse than I thought.
My wife was given Tamiflu but was told it was probably too late for it to help her, so I started taking it as soon as I started feeling symptoms.  I know I didn’t feel as bad as my wife did, but that Friday and Saturday were rough. Not much went on at our house for the weekend, and we watch the news of COVID-19 as it made its way towards the US.
I’m really not sure how I feel about this coronavirus outbreak.  I don’t do much more than go to work and spend time at home, so I’m not too concerned about getting it.  I am worried about my wife, though.  She was recently told she had Hasimoto’s disease, which is an autoimmune disorder that attacks the thyroid.  She is currently waiting for DNA test results that will show the doctors which antibiotics will work for her.  She gets sinus infections that last for weeks and easily turn into bronchitis because the antibiotics just don’t seem to do anything, and the doctors just keep giving them to her.  And of course, we should have gotten the results of the test back over a month ago and finally gotten some answers, but the doctor’s office doesn’t know how to fill paperwork out correctly.  
I guess the only thing we can do is watch and wait.
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aaliawilliam-blog · 5 years
The Difference Between Hashimoto Thyroid and Hyperactive Thyroid
The first thing to understand Thyroid Support Review about the difference between Hashimoto Thyroid and Hyperactive Thyroid is that Hashimoto's is a disease while Hyperactive thyroid is a condition. The two terms are closely interrelated, but do not mean exactly the same thing. A condition is simply a state of being. In medical terms that refers to the state that a particular part of the body (in this case the thyroid) is in. So Hyperactive Thyroid is a condition where your body is producing too much of the thyroid hormones.
A disease is considered an abnormal condition that occurs because of some influencing factor such as a virus, poison, genetic errors, or anything "un-natural" that is affecting the function of the body. Hashimoto's is an autoimmune disease. This means that the body has incorrectly identified the thyroid as a threat (like it would a virus) and is producing antibodies that attack the thyroid. This usually results in a hypoactive thyroid and the gradual destruction of the thyroid itself.
There are two ways in which a person with Hasimoto's might actually end up exhibiting Hyperthyroidism instead of Hypothyroidism. The first occurs when the dying thyroid actually comes back to life for a brief period of time. If the patient is on medication to supplement their missing thyroid hormones then they might experience Hyperthyroidism symptoms during the short period of time that their thyroid is actually functioning.
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realfoodgangstas · 7 years
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“People often ask me if there is one thing that people with #Hashimoto’s could do right away to feel better and that is balancing your blood sugar!” Amen sister! Its simple….you don’t regulate your #bloodsugar you stimulate the #stress reaction. You stimulate the stress reaction over time you become hypothyroid. #Hypothyroid reduces your immunity and ability to get sugar into the cells. This turns from an acute #stress to a chronic one. Any type of physiological stress will cause weakened #immunity. For one our body is warn out, the tanks are empty and all the reserves are gone…and most of the #hormones that have been compensating for you are now working against you. Overtime this is how most end up with the infamous Mrs. Hashimoto’s. * When dealing with Hasimoto’s its quit complex but also quit simple. The principle is to restore immune system balance, thus regulating the thyroid. Balancing blood sugar, reducing/balancing stress, healing the #adrenals with food and reducing inflammation. When we regulate the immune system, through blood sugar regulation (thus reducing the stress response) we restore #thyroid function. * Dr. Kharrazian states: "In addition to an autoimmune disorder they include elevated #cortisol from chronic stressors; excess #estrogen, excess #testosterone in women, #PCOS; chronic inflammation; gut infections. TSH will be LOW, but T4 and T3 will be high. The body deals with this hyper metabolic effect by reducing conversion and increasing T4 and rT3. This is similar to jamming on the brakes in a car that is going fast. * SOLUTION: Read the post again 🙏🏻 #wearefood #consciousnutrition #restorationthyroid #eastwesthealing #realfoodgangstas
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