#hatching 2022 spoilers
meowsequence · 6 months
The paradox of white chest plate is solved!
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Warning: 1) Heavy spoilers 2) Lots of text 3) My point of view may change later
Let's recap some "Fake Ending" and "Continue Game" events:
Elster enters the Gates and goes through red desert. Red is the colour of bio-resonance and Ariane's wrath and suffering, or, in other words - Hell. Loops are also part of Hell.
She sees many corpses which are not (!) results of "Leave" ending - these don't look like they died with inner peace, they are far from Penrose-512 and, most importantly, they are still in Hell. These Elsters just never found the Ship or didn't dare to come closer. Remember Ariane's "come closer" call?
This time Elster finally made it to the ship! But then she got injured by invisible strike. Invisible means bio-resonance and there is only one bio-resonant in Hell - it's very creator Ariane. She didn't forgive Elster. Red part of Ariane feels betrayed and who can blame her?
Despite feeling Ariane's wrath, which hurts in many ways, Elster keep going. She puts her hand on the ship and awful noise stops. She climes up Penrose-512 and tries to open the hatch. "Ghost in the Shell" reference shows that Elster does not care of her body, she didn't forgive herself neither. And she fails. Again. And she falls down dying. Again.
She's actually dead, just look at her eye at main menu! The tragic story of Penrose-512 repeated.
We chose to continue and we see memories of Elster and Ariane being happy (interesting detail - back window is blue here)
We coming back to Elster's dead body and see how Ariane's figure appears next to it. Then we see how Ariane's face blends into bandaged version. I guess we can read it as Aline taking over Ariane or it is Ariane's other side kicks in as she looks at poor Elster? The side that is tired of suffering and wants it all to end - the White (sorry, white won't be visible) colour side, aka what's left of original Ariane. (Is it a proof that there are 2 long-haired Arianes in the line-up, so either one of them Aline or Ariane has 2 sides?) And then…
Elster's last memories are taken out of Red Hell (and therefore - out of loop) into White (snowing) Limbo. Just same way it was transferred from dead Elster on Penrose-512 to Hell in the beginning of the game.
Elster opens her eyes and climbing back. She does not use the hatch. Instead she appears in Ariane's room on the same place where original Elster-512 died. She has another dreadful injury now - her heart was brutally ripped out. That is the scary price for another try. It is hard to admit, but love was the reason of Elster's failures. And now she's desperate enough: she gave a promise and she'll do anything. We see exposed blue bones, blue is Elster's colour. And Ariane accepts Elster's hart as a sacrifice and… forgives her?
Finally, we are approaching the chest plate paradox that is announced in the title! But first, couple words about our sponsor… Do you like brain rot? Have you ever been going to bed and saying "man, I wish I had something to think about again and again instead of healthy sleep"? Try Signalis! Providing broken harts and sleepless nights from 2022! And if you are an artist, you are cursed for additional 50%! Okay-okay, now serious XD
Remember that we are still in White Limbo, outside loops of Red Hell. Another Elster's body we find by the cryo-pod is not a result of other in-Hell endings! It shows us WHERE and HOW we should have died! Arm/armour - is a sign of Ariane's forgiveness. We cover red chest plate and arm markings (the colour of Ariane's wrath) in white and blue - colours of Ariane and Elster. And that will protect us. Now she's ready to jump back to Hell. Now Red side of Ariane can't stop her anymore! What she's gonna do about it, huh? Except… hm… driving Adler mad and wake up Falke? >_>
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Red Flowers: Rambles About Camp 2, Glomas, and Chapter 7
[JP spoilers ahead, you have been warned]
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For context, in this part of the event, Film Studies Club and Board Game Club just shoo’d away the forest fairies, and then they talked about why they were trying to put out the campfires. Then they started talking about the forest fire that happened back then: a miner’s campfire accidentally got too big and the fire happened. And then that screenshot comes up.
Vil also says “red flowers” in the JP.
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This is insane to me because in the JP version, Camp Vargas 2 was the event directly before Glorious Masquerade. Camp happened late September 2022. Glomas happened the next month.
But it’s also so interesting too because!! A friend and I were talking about it because the red flowers that Rollo grew in Glomas are forbidden flowers! They were a thing in the past at one point. Fae would have known about the flowers, because in the first place, they’re fatal to them. The red flowers absorb magic and they will keep absorbing magic until the mage user has no more magic. And as beings literally made of magic, this is definitely deadly for fae. So in a way, this tidbit of information packs so much worldbuilding, not just about the forest fire, but also the perspective of fae.
Worth interesting to bring up here: Red flowers most likely came from Maleficent: Mistress of Evil. In the movie, humans made red dust from it to kill fae in the human-fae war. As that war is canon in Twst, it wouldn’t be a surprise if the Silver Knights (the humans) used them against the faes. So with that context, fae would see red flowers as a horrible thing, and to conflate it with fire, which kills living things too… yeah.
And now that we’re on this topic, we have to talk about chapter 7 because I am haunted by the fact that in the Maleficent movie, the faes do win against the humans.
But in Twst? We clearly see that that’s not the case.
Briar Valley was once called Land of Briar, as seen in the title cards showing the location in Lilia’s dream, connoting that it used to be much bigger. If you look at the map of Briar Valley, you’d also see that there are division marks on the country itself.
Literally the human-fae war has been twisted in this game. And that’s so fucking beautiful because in the original Sleeping Beauty, the humans won against Maleficent. Fae was the villain in that movie. But in Maleficent: Mistress of Evil, it’s the faes who won. Humans were the villain. And THEN you see here that the humans won, but now you can’t really tell who’s hero or villain. It’s easy to say the humans because fae like Lilia are protagonists in this game… but remember too that Silver is fully human And may or may not be descended from the Knights and Sebek is half human. Ffs, Yuu is human.
Anyway, consider that Maleficent lives despite the red dust used in the war. But now think: if the silver knights Do use the red flowers, that may have been what killed Malleus’ mother… and the one who lives is Lilia.
Consider too that in Maleficent: Mistress of Evil, one of the three fairies died to that red dust protecting the other fae :-) the blue fairy specifically. Noteworthy too that she’s the one who lifts Aurora’s curse such that she doesn’t die but just sleeps till she’s given true love’s kiss. Kinda… like how Malleus was born. Needs to be given love to “wake up”, to be hatched, to live. Like how Aurora needs to wake up via true love’s kiss to live. Merryweather in that sense is kinda like Lilia.
How haunting then that if Twst didn’t twist (heh) Maleficent surviving the war and made Mallenoir live, it could have been Lilia (who was the one who helped Malleus hatch) who died from the war.
Anyway, next chapter 7 update is probably gonna be so fire (haha) !!! But now it’s food for thought for glomas 2
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 5 months
reading roundup: April 2024
oh my god you guys I've read SO MUCH this month!!! I got BIG into reread N.K. Jemisin's tremendous Broken Earth trilogy and it's been jaw-dropping, and I have been reading a HEAP of comics and manga a
on the extremely off chance there's anyone following me who doesn't think comics, manga, graphic novels, etc don't count as "real reading" lmao lol get out of here??? you're on the Reading 1000s of Pages of Old Batman Comics blog. go feel the whimsy of reading a whole graphic novel in one afternoon and maybe you'll calm down.
ANYWAY!!! what have we been reading?
Earthdivers Vol. 1: Kill Columbus (Stephen Graham Jones, Davide Gianfelice, Joana Lafuente, 2023) - Stephen Graham Jones is one of my all-time favorite authors, and I was super excited to check out his first comic series. Earthdivers takes place in the wasteland of the 22nd century, where four Native survivors have hatched a plan to try to stop the disasters that are killing the world: use a time-travelling cave to send one of their number back in time to kill Columbus before he can launch the colonization of North America. it's a one-way trip, and the time traveler will have to be ruthless to achieve their goal. beyond the attention-grabbing hook of killing Columbus, this story dives (you see what I did there) deep into an exploration of what it means to sacrifice everything for a cause and find the will to be ruthless in pursuit of the greater good. I'm not 100% sure I tracked all of the twisting threads of time travel in this first volume, but the hook is compelling and Gianfelice's art is beautiful, so I'm really looking forward to seeing the series progress!
Spoiler Alert (Olivia Dade, 2020) - at this point I've written 8000+ words about this book on my patreon and it's becoming difficult to figure out what else to say or how to say it briefly. this book ties itself up in knots with its contrivances and makes both of its protagonists look dumb in the process. I don't like either of these people but - spoiler alert! - I still think April can and should do better. Olivia Dade please call me I just want to talk.
Delicious in Dungeon Vol. 1-3 (Ryoko Kui, trans. Yen Press, 2017) - I don't need to explain Dungeon Meshi. surely you've seen the gifs of Dungeon Meshi. all that matters is that I fucking love Dungeon Meshi, this shit rules and it's going to be so hard to hold off on reading Volume 4 while I try to prioritize some other books first. this world is great, the characters are a delight and a joy, and the way that Kui is so fascinated by the food and biology and exploration of adventurer fantasy tropes in her world makes my brain go wheeeeeeeeee!!! I'm having so much fun.
The Fifth Season (N.K. Jemisin, 2015) - historically I've very seldom reread books, but I'm starting to think that I need to change my stance on that. revisiting the Fifth Season years after I first read it, with the time to really enjoy it and also the maturity and perspective to actually appreciate what Jemisin is cooking, has enhanced the experience immeasurably. a thing that really struck me this time was how artfully Jemisin depicts the way orogenes are conditioned and groomed from the jump to be subservient and scared and willing to settle for life at the margins of society; it's not something that I could totally understand the nuances of when I read this book fresh out of my first year of college. this novel and its sequels are so brilliantly devastating, I cannot say enough great things about them.
My Pancreas Broke, But My Life Got Better (Nagata Kabi, trans. Jocelyne Allen 2022) - I did it, I'm officially caught up on all of Nagata's works that have been translated into English! and man, I'm still worried about her. the experience of reading My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness hasn't quite been replicated for me; I think that was a once in a lifetime event, although I've certainly found a lot that I relate to in Nagata's subsequent struggles to sort of out anxiety, independence, art, and figuring out what kind of relationships she event wants to have in her life. at this point I feel like I'm just reading the illustrated life updates from a friend I haven't seen in a long time who stresses me out because her life is a mess. which is still interesting! but god I hope something good happens to this woman soon.
The Obelisk Gate (N.K. Jemisin, 2016) - The Fifth Season is a book about the end of the world and of one woman's personal apocalypses that happened prior to that. its sequel, the Obelisk Gate, is a book that's extremely preoccupied with the tedium of figuring out how to run a halfway-functioning society in the midst of the apocalypse, which is genuinely fascinating stuff. and it's also a book about the fear and desperation and sheer levels of exhaustion that might drive someone to decide that, fuck it, maybe the world should end and we should be done with all of this, actually. it's also a book about devotion and dependence and destruction and devouring people you love in a VERY literal way, which it must be said is pretty sexy. the stuff that pops off between Essun and Hoa in this book makes me think of Octavia Butler in the best way; I think she would have adored them. I'm so excited to get to the final book and see how this all pays off, because the first time I read it I barely understood a single goddamn thing that was happening.
I Hate This Place Vol. 1-2 (Kyle Starks, Artyom Toplin, Lee Loughridge, 2022-2023) - a short and spooky comic series that wraps up in two tight little volumes. I have some gripes with the pacing, but it makes for a fun afternoon read. a mid-tier streaming service is going to adapt this into a live action series within a couple of years, mark my worms. personally I'm fancasting Mackenzie Davis as Gabby and Samira Wiley as Trudy.
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wayward-delver · 2 years
 Hatching (2022 Finnish Horror Film) through use of almost exclusively high quality practical effects created one of the most terrifyingly convincing/original monster designs I’ve seen for a film this century. 
Easily on par with Alien and Jurassic Park in quality, both in effects and story.
(Don’t worry, this clip is spoiler free)
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taxidermy-chic · 2 years
Thoughts on Hatching (2022) (no spoilers)
I watched Hatching (or in the original Finnish, Pahanhautoja) a few days ago and I simply cannot stop thinking about it! It’s common for me to go on the internet and read up on artsy horror movies after I finish them, but for this movie there’s just so little available online about it. Minimal reviews and synopses on YouTube, nothing on Reddit, etc.
…Luckily Tumblr has a little on here about it! I saw others notice the intermingled themes of blood and motherhood, I noticed that as well. Someone pointed out the scene where she was shopping for birdseed potentially represents her shopping for menstrual products. Interesting interpretation.
One thing I haven’t seen anyone talk about yet, though, is the scene right at the beginning of the movie where the mother is singing her son to sleep and he just keeps interrupting her yelling “more, more!” Like she’s **a songbird stuck in a cage for his entertainment**. The daughter then joins and the two of them sing together for the son/brother. He remains unsatisfied…..
Later when the mother’s affair is revealed, one line stuck out to me a lot. She mentioned how refreshing it was to do something for herself for a change, something that doesn’t involve being in service to someone else. A lot of the discussion online tends to paint the mother as a selfish narcissist who cares only for herself and her image. I’m not disputing that. However I do think there’s a more nuanced, deeper analysis to be made about the mother’s selfishness. A lot of mothers have spoken about feeling drained by the expectations and pressure of the role of “mother”, losing your identity in parenthood, struggling to find time and energy for yourself outside of the role of mother. I do think there’s something going on narratively in that direction. The mother in Hatching is simultaneously over-selfish and gives too much of herself to others. And without going into spoiler territory, the ending of the movie kind of points in that direction as well, given the fate of our main character, the daughter Tinja.
There’s so much pressure on women to be absolutely perfect, always, even behind closed doors and in so-called safe spaces. This movie is so, so, so good and kind of therapeutic in that regard. I just kept thinking about how women are supposed to be perfect… but womanhood is bloody, it’s feral, it’s the wilderness, it cannot be tamed.
Edited to add: the mother’s acrylic nails look like bird talons
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burgerrat · 10 months
PoTP AU: Paradise's antichrist Q&A (an infodump really)
(because I need to talk about my silly au even if 3% people read it ejdjdns)
Let's start with something easy... who or WHAT is Johann Leach?
Johann is... well, they are meant to be percieved as the antichrist within the PoTP universe since they are the result of, what is essentially a right-hand man-vessel for The Devil (Swan) and a fully human person (Winslow) having an offspring.
It's a bit complex to pinpoint exactly in what category Johann would fall under. A hybrid of regular-human and not-entirely-human-anymore-because-of-a-contract ?? Despite their appearence and some of their abilities which can be considered supernatural, they learn and grow much like a human child.
But also.... however Johann will turn out to be as an adult will be reflected from how the parents that raise them are. It's sort of like a changeling kind of situation?? For example: because Winslow and Phoenix are raising them, they will grow up to share MANY physical features that resembles them; this also applies with the mental growth ofc, and it's also where Phoenix becomes extremely important because she helps teaching proper morals and helps Winslow during his emotional ups and downs because of what he's been through. In a way she is what helps Johann become more human, metaphorically and literally.
Now, IF Johann would be left solely in the care of Winslow, or worse- Swan, they'd grow to be a monster. While Winslow is capable of showing parental care and uncondotional love- his emotional instability regarding the Paradise and his boss would lead him to, unitentionally or not, teach Johann that hurting others physically if they have hurt you or wronged you is okay and justified; his insecurity of his disfigurement and fear of his own child rejecting him because of what he really looks like would cause him to Never take off his mask ever for Johann to see him. This would lead Johann to become insecure as well, feeling like they lack some sort of trust/closure with their only parent, as well as becoming more monster-like too, adapting a more bird-like appearence that resembles the Phantom. And on the other hand, if Swan were to raise Johann- they'd look even worse, like a mockery of Swan's actual charming appearence- they'd be a flat out ghoulish, gollum-esque caricature. They'd grow to be more animalistic too since they would not be taught anything at all and instead be hidden from everything and everyone, like a secret one's ashamed to expose; they'd only be fed and occasionally, used as a tactic of intimidation towards workers. Swan wouldn't view Johann as his own child (despite y'know, him being the cause of them existing) and more of a minion he can exploit, much like Winslow. He would be fascinated, but unfortunately would not have a caring bone in his body to raise a whole ass kid.
So, where does that leave us?
It's a bit difficult to say- Johann Leach is a demon-human hybrid who's growing behaviour is very resembling of a changeling. It was mostly inspired by parasitic birds' behaviour of copying the host's babies, from movements down to even physical patterns (such as mouth markings for the mother to recognize as her own), and the movie 'Hatching' (2022).
They may not be entirely human, but their fate is going to be entirely shaped (quite literally) based on what influences are in their life, much like a human.
What supernatural abilities does Johann possess?
They are not many, but they sure are funky!
First and foremost, Johann has the ability to alter their physical form based on their parent/caretaker, as time goes on- they will grow to look like them even though they are their own person; while they can't get rid of their tail (which can just be hidden within clothes and such), their hind legs with change with time and gain a more human form- although if need be (as a mature adult), they'd be capable of transforming them back if they feel the need to flee out of impulse or for feeling threatened, which leads us to the second supernatural ability they have- which is an unnatural speed level. Don't get me wrong it's not some Sonic-level speed, but they'd be able to keep up with a vehicle, mostly thanks to their back legs. (They find it easier to run on all fours too but that is often discouraged by Phoenix because it'd be unnerving to see a human run full-speed towards you on all fours)
This one's more of a supernatural quirk I think... but Johann has retractable dark grey fangs. Again, the color of their teeth is thanks to the previously mentioned behaviour of them copying their caregivers and becoming more like them overtime- Winslow has metal teeth, Johann is copying that dark color pallette (although they do not shine like Winslow's because theirs are completely organic). Their teeth retract into their skull when unused to preserve sharpness + so they can nibble on Winslow as hard as they like since their mouth's basically toothless.
Their teeth being retractable is both an inspo from Toothless (HTTYD) AND a metaphorical reference to Winslow having to get his teeth pulled and replaced when he was first put in Sing Sing 👀
And last but not least! Johann is capable of a banshee's screech, able to break glass and rupture eardrums, when extremely overwhelmed, under pressure, or being overcome by fear- it's kind of a 'fight or flight' vocal response to stun or shatter whatever's causing them distress. Again, this is a metaphorical reference to Winslow's blood-curdling screaming, except it can cause actual damage other than scaring Beef.
How was Winslow able to concieve Johann? What happened?
So this was Winslow's moment of revelation that led him to suspect something paranormal was going on even before Johann was born. Not because of this kinder-surprise pregnancy but because of the 9 months that would follow, I'll elaborate in a moment.
I don't want the idea of Winslow being pregnant to be like THE 'shocking' moment since yanno, trans men are a thing and it's quite natural. I personally never had a staple picture of Winslow being strictly AMAB or AFAB so it's just like- whatever fits best in xyz context and in this case it really doesn't matter. He's "the bearer of the curse" regardless.
Obviously the reason he had a kid in the first place is because he'd been getting intimate with Swan often, whom unbeknownst to him happened to be a Devil Vessel™️ and it just sort of happened. Winslow himself wasn't even aware until he started noticing that a lot of strange symptoms (mainly nausea and fatigue) mixed with a pot belly he couldn't explain, since he could barely keep anything down, could be pregnancy symptoms.
And it doesn't end there. It gets- well, worse and better? During this time period he sort of gains paranormal powers himself, being the carrier of a supernatural creature and all, and he may or may not have caused some chaos here and there during manic episodes (as a result of mood swings + vengance towards Swan) where he believed he was untouchable. (don't worry he quickly loses them after Johann's birth); but also this has it's downsides- with the usual physical pain and discomfort aside, Winslow would experience things such as vivid night terrors where he gets to witness the never-ending suffering in Hell (with a cameo from the Devil himself possibly), projectile vomiting a red mucus-y substance (looks like blood but it is Not blood, it appears to be corrosive towards holy symbols... ), seeing Swan for what he really is, literally. He can see right through his eternally-young facade during these 9 months and each day he's greeted by an increasingly elderly, melty-faced, horned, devil-tailed, and overall monstrous Swan which noticeably puts him on edge every time; and last but not least- somehow Winslow becomes a sort of 'beacon' between his world, and what one would presume is Hell... he becomes the center of attention of some demonic entities who come to foolishly taunt him or push him around- not harm him directly since they're aware of what he's carrying. Now, this can be quite unsettling- but it becomes annoying real fast + it's also a great stress reliever for him since he can't keep killing workers at Paradise if he wants Phoenix to leave without a scratch. And uh. Perhaps use said demons an additional raw snack.
What supernatural abilities does Winslow obtain during this time period?
Mostly telekinetic powers like you'd see in Carrie (1976)! He can move things or flat out shatter them just by intensely glaring at them; he can walk on walls and ceilings, even lie on them (it seems gravity no longer has a logical grip on him for 9 months...); a heightened sense of smell like a cat, which he mainly uses to sniff out foods he's craving- he'd also be capable of landing on his feet or on all fours. He would never ever manage to fall and hit the ground even if he tried. Regardless of how he falls, he will even straight up float in mid-air mere inches from the ground. He is not allowed to get hurt.
How did Winslow successfully keep Swan in the dark about this?
While he did use his powers to help himself keep this a secret from Swan, it's a miracle he didn't find out really. Winslow is not a good liar, so when it came to hide the more 'noticeable' physical changes he was going through, he'd wrap himself up in his cape like a vampire whenever Swan approached him and deliberately act overly dramatic to go along with him hiding in his own cape to make his boss believe it was just 'one of those days'.
There have been times where Swan came comically close to finding out, like one of them running jokes in cartoons. He suspected Winslow was doing something, for example: it couldn't be a coincidence that every camera would keep breaking as soon as Winslow would enter a specific room that very camera was in... but he'd chuck it to being something with reasonable explanation other than, yanno, suddenly developing demonic powers because you're carrying the antichrist? That'd be ridiculous.
Only Swan had some form of what you could call a 'supernatural power', being eternally young and practivally immune to any harm done to him... right?
How did Swan feel about the whole ordeal?
To say that he was fuming during these times would be an understatement. He couldn't understand what in the world was wrong with his songwriter and, what he despised most of all, was that Winslow was somehow sabotaging his cemera equipment- which left him unable to keep an eye on him and potentially lose footage of himself. He was losing control and he hated it.
How did Winslow feel about the whole ordeal?
At first he had no idea what was happening to him either- at first he thought he was dying. Some irreparable side-effect of doing so many drugs while working (which, by the way, he would now violently vomit back out if he tried taking them. Same going for alcohol. His body straight up rejected specific things.); then he believed he had gotten terribly ill or something... then came the powers, which initially scared him- then fascinated him because of course it reminded him of Faust, followed by pure malice as he now finally feels like he has an upper hand over Swan. Somehow.
He, again, didn't fully understand what was happening to him until the day he felt a kick in his stomach when all the pieces of the puzzle sort of fit together. He still wasn't sure why he had powers now, but one thing he was sure of: all this could be traced back to Swan.
And while this did turn on a lightbulb in his head that "huh. Maybe signing my name in blood on a comically large contract isn't very normal. Something's fishy about my 'boss'." This is Winslow we're talking about, and he quickly shoves that realization aside to mischievously plot how to use his new powers for revenge, and of course he has moments where he's on a power trip and feels like he can kill whoever he wants do whatever he wants; this leads to delusions such as taking over the world AKA the music industry but thankfully he never actually acts up on these thoughts.
Lesson of the day: don't give the mad composer psychic powers.
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yautjan · 2 years
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I posted 1,936 times in 2022
That's 1,899 more posts than 2021!
42 posts created (2%)
1,894 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 297 of my posts in 2022
#pokemon - 70 posts
#in tandem au - 48 posts
#submas - 45 posts
#moose works - 24 posts
#fanfic - 22 posts
#ao3 - 22 posts
#pokemon fanfic - 22 posts
#fanart - 20 posts
#pokemon fanart - 17 posts
#ao3 update - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#also shout out to myself for opening this in paint so i could figure out what the paper says but it's just the wikipedia entry on trains
My Top Posts in 2022:
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@betasuppe has such good OCs. I wanted to draw their character Mina looking fancy (for a conference maybe?) while playing DND today. It’s not perfect but I just Love her So Much. 10/10 design. I love her.
24 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
Interest Check
how would people feel if i started a small discord server for submas / general pokemon tomfoolery? since quite a number of people have joined my mutuals here as fans of my work.
i think if i did i’d like to be 18+; not because i hate teenagers or love nsfw stuff but because i’m SO much older than 18 and i'd rather curate a space for older fans. 
would be nice to have a place to post spoilers, scream about my own stuff, and also scream at pokefarm q for not hatching me the melan joltik i so desperately crave. 
28 notes - Posted June 3, 2022
Chapter 29 of my fic is FINALLY up! Thank you for being so patient through that hiatus! In which Ingo and Dawn meet up with Lian and talk about Kleavor a lot. 
31 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
I am gonna try and make an effort to use my tumblr more for my actual projects, and since I just posted chapter 7 of this Pokemon fanfic I figure now is a good time to actually yell about it here. 
If you like PLA and Gen 4 and the Subway Boss twins then man have I got a story for you
32 notes - Posted April 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Ok but why does the new Scarlet Professor lady look like she was painted by one of these bad boys 
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46 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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world-store · 2 years
2024 Subaru Impreza shown with in-development STI parts
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The new Subaru Impreza hatch premiered in LA last November has made in Japanese debut at the Tokyo Auto Salon – replete with STI performance parts for a sporty edge. While hardly a return to the days of the full-on WRX and STI hatchbacks, this version does at least add some performance flavour. Offical details are sparse, with Subaru’s statements limited to a confirmation that the STI parts pictured are “under development and customised to sportier specifications”. There are some new black alloy wheels, side skitrs, a branded roof spoiler, a glossy front bumper lip, and a very Honda Civic-style centre-mounted dual-pipe exhaust. It’s unclear what suspension and performance upgrades there are, if any. The Japanese-market model pictured uses a Boxer hybrid, however there’s another slightly punchier performance option in the US: a 136kW and 241Nm 2.5-litre flat-four with full-time AWD, torque-vectoring, and a CVT with eight preset gear ratios and paddle shifters. Apparently the new version Subaru Global Platform underpinning the new Impreza is 10 per cent more torsionally rigid, and includes a full inner frame. With 3.4 times more structural adhesive than before, the Impreza is claimed to be lighter than before too. Subaru Australia still has not confirmed when the new Impreza will come here, simply stating: “Impreza has been part of the Subaru family for 30 years, and we look forward to sharing more details for the Australian market in due course”. As to the future of STI parts in Australia, the company is keen to capitalise as much as it can. As announced last March there won’t be a new Subaru WRX STI, but the Subaru Tecnica International brand isn’t dead. The company’s local arm detailed various styling packages for the WRX sedan and Sportswagon (Levorg) last October, and the company has hinted at an electric STI future. “As the automotive marketplace continues to move towards electrification, Subaru is focused on how our future sports and performance cars should evolve to meet the needs of the changing marketplace,” it said in 2022. “We acknowledge the long love affair Australians have had with the WRX STI, and the STI brand,” Subaru Australia managing director Blair Read later told local media. “The STI engineers and that team, that did all these great things, haven’t packed up and gone home. They’re still there. “Part of that change in direction with the STI brand is how it can play a role not just in one model variant, but across all the product. There is exciting options and development in a number of different areas that will feed its way into all the different models.” MORE: How Subaru plans to keep STI alive Read the full article
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cinegoremagazin · 2 years
[:hu]Hatching ((Pahanhautoja)) (2022) (A keltetés)[:]
[:hu]Hatching ((Pahanhautoja)) (2022) (A keltetés)[:]
[:hu] A 2022-es évben meglepően jó volt a horrortermés az európai országokban. Idei szerkesztőségi toplistánkon rögtön három északi gyártású film is helyet kap majd, és talán ennyi spoiler belefér: A keltetés című finn darab is köztük lesz. (more…)
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rickztalk · 2 years
'General Hospital' Weekly Spoilers: Esme Prince Hatches Evil New Plan - Dec 26-30
‘General Hospital’ Weekly Spoilers: Esme Prince Hatches Evil New Plan – Dec 26-30
General Hospital, next week’s spoilers find Esme Prince hatching a risky new plan to escape Wyndemere in the week of December 26-30, 2022. Also, someone gets in over his head while another makes a confession on GH. Take a look into next week with the latest spoilers for the ABC sudser. General Hospital Next Week – Esme Prince up to No Good On GH next week, Esme Prince (Avery Kristen Pohl) puts a…
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chaoticrushu · 2 years
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I posted 29,541 times in 2022
53 posts created (0%)
29,488 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,137 of my posts in 2022
#ntn spoilers - 138 posts
#kenobi spoilers - 113 posts
#nona the ninth spoilers - 84 posts
#baru cormorant spoilers - 48 posts
#htn spoilers - 48 posts
#acofaf spoilers - 43 posts
#baru cormorant - 38 posts
#the traitor baru cormorant spoilers - 21 posts
#archive - 19 posts
#nona spoilers - 18 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#nona being able to read intimate and intricate details about people's personalities based on the way they move and hold their body to a poin
My Top Posts in 2022:
Top 5 Cosmere foods?
1) Yolish Instant Niidles
2) Strawberries
3) Chicken
4) Lurnips
5) Womens food (I like sweets)
16 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
“Muire Lo offered a linen napkin for the grapefruit. He’d folded it into a perfect triangle, like a lateen sail. “Our frigate Lapetiare is still in port,” he said, “and will not sail for a week.”
“Oh,” she said, straightening. “Oh.””
I did not add the italicization. Bari literally does an italicized oh when she remembers Aminata's still around.
Aminata x Baru for 2023!
24 notes - Posted January 26, 2022
Rereading The Tyrant Baru Cormorant, and I found this line,
"her smooth, fat-padded stomach bare.", The Tyrant Baru Cormorant, Chapter 8
As a description of Tain Shir. And I love this. This is Tain Shir, the Bane Of Wives, this being of amazing skill and strength who literally every one in these books(AFAIK, might have forgotten someone) is terrified of. She was "born to a red moon and the flash of summer heat lightning", "born out of the light and the sea wind."
Look at this description of her:
The sailors stare at Shir in warrior awe. The scar-streaked hatch of her back, clamped shut over brute muscle. Her pillar-thick legs. Heavy arms and strangler’s hands all limber and loose. Upon her tall torso one of her breasts is cut crosswise by an old and devastating scar. The soft of her gut would disqualify her from the gymnast pageants in Falcrest but she is not a gymnast nor is her work a pageant. The Monster Baru Cormorant, Interlude: RNS Shulane
She's a force of nature in these books, almost a superhero in this book of realism.
And she's got fat! She doesn't have a six pack, she's not made of muscles, she has a "fat-padded" stomach!
I love this so much!
43 notes - Posted February 21, 2022
Seduced by the Ruler’s Gaze: An Indian Perspective on Seth Dickinson’s Masquerade |
79 notes - Posted February 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Compiliation of character descriptions in Gideon the ninth
While I did my best to collect as many quotes as I could, I'm sure I missed a few, especially towards the end of the book, when I got distracted by plot. If you have any I missed, put them in the comments, and I'll edit them in. I haven't done HtN yet, but I'll add quotes from there when I get to it as a separate edition
Second House
"They both affected the same tightly braided hairstyle and abundance of gilt braid, and also the same serious-business expression. They were only distinct because one wore a rapier and the other quite a lot of pips at her collar." - Chapter 18
"Judith is somewhat less completely scrawny than other necromancers on the cast, though she should be less built than Marta is; Judith is imposing, solemn-faced and reflective, Marta is more keen-eyed and restless. I imagined both as Tongan." TM's tumblr
Judith Deutoros
Marta Dyas
"Am intensely dark girl snapped to attention."- Chapter 8
"That was the cavalier in the Cohort uniform, who had a voice as crisp as her collar." - Chapter 11
Third House
"The first was a rather sulky young man with an air of hair gel and filigree, an ornate rapier at the belt of his buttoned coat. The cavalier. The other two were young women, both blond, though the similarity ended there: one girl was tall and statuesque, with a star-white grin and masses of bright gold curls. The other girl seemed smaller, insubstantial, with a sheet of hair the anaemic colour of canned butter and an equally bloodless smirk. They were actually the same height, Gideon realised; her brain had just deemed that proposition too stupid to credit on first pass. It was as though the second girl were the starved shadow of the first, or the first an illuminated reflection. The boy just looked a bit of a dick." GtN Chapter 7
At the bottom of the stairs, deep in the shadows, Gideon got her first good glimpse of the speakers. The strange twin-scions of the Third House were looking around, attended to by their sulky, slightly bouffant cavalier. Up close, Gideon was more impressed than ever. The golden Third twin was probably the best-looking person she’d ever seen in her life. She was tall and regal, with some radiant, butterfly quality—her shirt was haphazardly tucked into her trousers, which were haphazardly tucked into her boots, but she was all topaz and shine and lustre. Necromancers affected robes in the same way cavaliers affected swords, but she hadn’t tucked her arms into hers, and it was a gauzy, gold-shot, transparent thing floating out around her like wings. There were about five rings on each hand and her earrings would’ve put chandeliers to shame, but she had an air of wild and innocent overdecoration, of having put on the prettiest things in her jewellery box and then forgotten to take them off. Her buttery hair was stuck to her forehead with sweat, and she kept tangling a curl of it in one finger and artlessly letting it go. The second twin was as though the first had been taken to pieces and put back together without any genius. She wore a robe of the same cloth and colour, but on her it was a beautiful shroud on a mummy. The cavalier had lots of hair, an aquiline face, and a self-satisfied little jacket." - Chapter 9
"Coronabeth is massive, taller even than Palamedes, larger-than-life – statuesque, very bright gold hair, golden/bright skin, violet eyes. Ianthe is the same height but gangly and washed out. Skin colour defined heavily in Corona’s case as golden/olive-hued brown/tanned; Ianthe similar, but less radiant/more pallid whatever the case. Both have long hair: Corona’s should be big and bouncy, Ianthe’s flat/sleek.
Naberius is shorter than both, brown-haired (brown can be light, medium or dark, it’s not defined) and blue-brown hazel eyes. Also has lots of hair, cut short, but sense of pompadour/waves. I imagined all three as Pakeha/white." - TM tumblr
"Pale eyes" GtN chapter 10
"It was the lovely one; she had the sleeves of her gauzy robe haphazardly rolled up to each golden shoulder and her hair tied back in a tawny cloud"
Naberius terns
"He was not a short young man, but she had half a head on him, and a whole head if you counted her hair." - Chapter 9
"The Third’s main-gauche dagger was as gorgeously wrought as his hair" - GtN chapter 11
"He was about an inch shorter than her, with a frame that had been whipped within an inch of its life into perfectly sculpted muscle. He was narrow shouldered with long, long arms, and she was beginning to believe that he was not simply a douchebag who used lip balm, but a douchebag who used lip balm and had a very long reach." - GtN chapter 11
"The hard moue of his mouth" - GtN chapter 11
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313 notes - Posted February 20, 2022
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I posted 3,652 times in 2022
That's 1,645 more posts than 2021!
21 posts created (1%)
3,631 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 29 of my posts in 2022
#reblog - 7 posts
#always reblog - 5 posts
#writers on tumblr - 3 posts
#question - 3 posts
#tumblr staff - 2 posts
#free iran - 2 posts
#smut - 2 posts
#marvel fanfic - 2 posts
#all queued up - 2 posts
#fanfic rec - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 54 characters
#forget watching a show in a day lets do books in a day
My Top Posts in 2022:
I'm sorry but I started watching Hunter x Hunter
I'm on season 2 and I have a few things to say
My precious cinnamon roll I thought you where such a sweet boy but I see you and I still love you
My little demon baby I love you so much you have friends 😭😭 best friends
I swear if they ever end up not being friends I'm going to cry full blown bawling
Pyschos clown... De fuck... Literally how, why, how thought of him. Like 1st he gets turned on and the animation around it is just uncomfortable also he's crazy so crazy "Don't look at me like that it's really turning me on" he says while being death glared at
I'm only on episode 10 of season 2. Do no spoilers please but I am so invested right now.
1 note - Posted April 4, 2022
Is anyone else seeing these all over Tumblr lately? They keep using the most popular tags
I've been reporting when I see them since there's so many accounts that are doing it
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1 note - Posted September 24, 2022
Help me save Dragonia!
Come and join me in Merge Dragons! Use this Tag to add me to your friend list: AGUNGAQXGZ
Tap here to start playing!
The dragons need rescuing and we’re the only ones that can help:
. Hatch your own dragons by merging mystical eggs
. Build a camp for your dragons to live in
. Restore life to the land by harvesting essence
. Make your dragons more powerful by merging them
. Over 200 unique puzzles to complete and 600 quests to overcome
. Merge three of anything to make them bigger, better and more beautiful
. Over 200 dragons to discover
What will you discover?
1 note - Posted July 9, 2022
How anyone can watch this scene in the Princess Bride and not think they are lovers or something similar then I have no idea
3 notes - Posted November 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I'm sorry did Tumblr break?
All the posts are now white instead of my goth / dark mode. It literally hurts my eyes to see nothing but white backgrounds (gotta love medical conditions)
Is this happening for anyone else?
4 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
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I posted 16,772 times in 2022
120 posts created (1%)
16,652 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 971 of my posts in 2022
#daily drawing - 40 posts
#dig draws stuff - 40 posts
#grian - 28 posts
#daily art - 22 posts
#hermitcraft - 21 posts
#dlsmp - 18 posts
#double life smp - 14 posts
#unreality - 13 posts
#dlsmp spoilers - 11 posts
#goodtimeswithscar - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#all the remaining people on tumblr love being obnoxious and being silly because this platform was never the kind of ‘faux casual but sfw’
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Picture taken 3 seconds before disaster
1,277 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
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I know it’s a bit passé but what if the hermits easter eggs hatched and they were tsums
1,514 notes - Posted April 29, 2022
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Spawned from a discord discussion lmao
2,416 notes - Posted June 3, 2022
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I’ve always told myself I would draw him when I got his design down. I’m sad that I only kind of sort of figured it out now.
I also tried to add a bit of humor in it below to make myself feel better.
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2,773 notes - Posted July 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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10,923 notes - Posted June 27, 2022
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aliulo · 2 years
(SPOILERS) Hatching Tide 2022 Notes
SPOILERS FOR HATCHING TIDE 2022 (I guess?) - marks a new thought. ! marks what I felt was important. + marks new section +"Hippity, Hoppity, Happily" -Jihli Aliapoh, Old Gridania: Wearing an egg shell is quite the look -*Eggsquisite* -*Eggstravagant* -Egg hunt? Proper bunny time !Jihli started egg hunt tradition after vision of the Twelve Archons -Another dream this year, about adventurer egg hunters -We recreatin': Master Pawlin, Lominsan chicken farmer, rabbit mammets -Hens not fond of the forest, Imma help -*Eggciting* Please -*Speggtacular* Now you're not even trying -Hens at Greatloam Growery, also check on Jihli's friend Nonotta -*Eggshausted* STOP -I'm surprised they didn't say "eggsplain" !Bizarre fluffy creatures running amok, egg thieves !CHICKEN MAN: Pawlin (more like Pawlin deez NUTS) -This has to be one of the mammets: Guess is they're programmed to hunt for eggs, and they've found them in the chicken coop -Imma calm them: Mediator ain't a job, but I'll do it anyway -Battle of the century between chicken and rabbit -Actual creature, mythical: does it want its job back? -"Happy bunnies": Sign of good fortune, maybe? Let's be friends -*Eggstravaganza* -We need the happy bunny, eye witnesses -Rabbit person, using linkpearl with Nonotta -An army of bunnies in the Twelveswood: Mirror Planks -FATE time "Happiness is a Warm Bunny" -CHAOS: Rabbit hunt !Saved the holiday! Excess eggs -Happy bunny here: This design feels familiar, somehow -Chickens and bunnies living in harmony -Crystal? I LOVE CRYSTALS -Come back later, pass out eggs -Passing out market eggs !Take my eggs, conjurers !E-Sumi knows the rabbit: "Traveler rabbit", happy bunny is northern term -Rabbits show up and vanish suddenly -Great success, Jihli! -Present?! Mammet bunny, crystal was a core !MORE EGGS -First, the Botanist Guild -Big rabbit, small rabbit -Master Bea-: Has to be carpenter and botanist leads -Uh-oh, chickens trampled greenery, nibbling on trees: We gotta go -Forgiveness :) -To the Altar -Two rabbits and chicken walk into a bar -Miounne, conjurer lead (or white mage?), lancer lead That was cute. Nothing super important, but the concept of the happy bunny is fun. Always neat to learn more about the traditional myths of the world!
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sbknews · 2 years
SHARK Helmets celebrates Bradley Ray BSB Championship win with one-off custom helmet
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SHARK-sponsored rider Bradley Ray celebrated a magnificent victory at the final round of the Bennetts British Superbike Championship at Brands Hatch circuit on Sunday, crowning him the 2022 Champion. His long-term sponsor, SHARK Helmets presented him with a one-off custom helmet to mark the special occasion. Bradley Ray entered the concluding round with a 66 point lead over his closest rival, ready to battle for the championship title in the final three races at the Bennetts British Superbike Showdown. After just one race Brad claimed the title by a focused run to fifth, securing 11 points which put the championship out of Glenn Irwin and Tommy Bridewell’s reach. Proud sponsors of newly-crowned Bennetts British Superbike Champion, SHARK Helmets unveiled a one-off special helmet and presented it to the 25 year-old rider. Designed in winning gold and black, the custom Race R Pro GP displayed the Union Jack to celebrate the British title. Brad Ray’s winning helmet design also features a nod to his family with meaningful quotes which his grandad would always say. SHARK-supported racers wear the Race-R PRO GP with its distinctive rear spoiler for ultimate aerodynamics. This high performance aero profile, developed in close collaboration between the SHARK Research & Development teams and SHARK’s MotoGP riders, is the result of the most advanced technologies in CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) studies. The Race-R PRO GP derives from a perfect alliance between unique design, security, aerodynamism and technological innovations. It’s not just SHARK Helmets-supported racer’s who can get their hands on the iconic Race R Pro GP helmet. The SHARK Race R Pro GP is available in six colourways including the all-new Zarco replica with an RRP of £1049.99 and £999.99 for the FIM variation. Check out www.nevis.uk.com or call 01425 478936 for more information or to find your local authorised dealer. For more Shark Helmets UK news check out our dedicated page Shark Helmets UK or head to the official Shark Helmets in UK website www.nevis.uk.com
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feedingicetothedog · 2 years
Pahanhautoja (Hatching) 2022 // Mother Stands for Comfort by Kate Bush
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