#have fun reading there’s also a lot of notes here hehehe (:
divine-knight-hand · 5 months
Mistletoe Hijinx
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Loki Masterlist || Full Masterlist || Read on AO3
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x Female Reader
Summary: What's to follow when the Norse god of Mischief leads you under the mistletoe at an Avengers Christmas party? Mistletoe hijinx!
Content Warnings: Enemies to lovers, smut, fingering, unprotected sex, and... MISTLETOE HIJINX!!!
Notes: Happy holidays, @simplyholl!!! I was lucky enough to be your Secret Santa in @fictive-sl0th's Secret Santa event. I also have to thank you, because as I was reading your request, you gave me the perfect title for this. Hehehe! 🤭
This is also (kinda?) my first time actually writing an enemies to lovers fic, so I hope you enjoy what I came up with!
Word Count: 2,617
Dividers by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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The lobby of the Avengers tower was filled with seasonal music and casual chatter. This party was a lot calmer than Tony’s usual ragers, but that was probably because it was an Avengers-only event. That meant no random snobby rich people were invited, for which many of us were extremely grateful.
“Glad you could make it, rookie.” Tony winked as we tapped our glasses together before sipping from them.
I rolled my eyes. Despite the fact that I’d been an Avenger for a little over a year now, Tony still insisted on using that ridiculous nickname. I stopped arguing with him about it a while ago.
Unfortunately, once I rolled my eyes, they landed on a figure that sent a familiar fire coursing through my veins. Loki noticed my gaze on him and shot me a condescending smirk, paired with a wave of the same nature. Damnit!
“Why don’t you go mingle with the masses?” Tony lazily waved his hand towards the center of the room before walking off to chat with Steve.
I immediately darted towards a nearby door in the hopes of finding a bathroom to sulk in before feeling a cold hand around my wrist. “Leaving without so much as a hello? You wound me so.”
I sighed, accepting my fate before turning around with a forced smile. “Loki! Hi…”
“Hello, agent.” His lips curled into another trademark Loki smirk. God, I love when he smirks at me like that… I mean- I hate it! I hate that stupid smirk!
I fought back a scowl for the sake of keeping up appearances. Just because I couldn’t stand him didn’t mean the rest of the team had to know that. It was a matter of professionalism and all that mature adult stuff.
“Are you going to make conversation now, or stare at me as if I’ve just risen from Helheim?” He softly chuckled.
“Maybe you should go back.” I retorted with an overly wide grin.
“Ouch.” Loki dramatically held a hand over his heart. “That tongue of yours is sharp as ever.”
“Not as sharp as the knife I want to drag across your throat.” My cheerful mask slipped, just for a moment, but it was long enough for him to notice.
“Upset with me already?” Loki softly chuckled. “But I’d hardly had my fun with you yet.”
I didn’t bother trying to force a smile anymore. “Not tonight. I’m here as Tony’s friend, not your plaything.”
“Is that what you believe I consider you to be?” He moved closer to me, and I instinctively inched backwards, suddenly feeling small.
“I- I don’t know,” I stammered. “I just-”
“You just, what?” Loki cut me off. “You wish to back down already? You seemed so sure of yourself just a moment ago. Where did the fire in your eyes go, agent? Don’t tell me you’re about to start sniveling in a pathetic display. Not after you set my expectations of you so high.”
My cheeks burned. Not only were his comments plain rude, but they were humiliating, too. Along with my embarrassment, I felt something twist at the pit of my stomach. It was vile, and my vision slowly went red. I stopped moving backwards, biting my lip hard enough to almost draw blood.
But, that wasn’t enough to stop me from freaking out.
“Just leave me the hell alone, Loki!” I blurted, shouting above the music.
He reeled backwards in surprise, giving me a little space. I didn’t even care that everything suddenly stopped and all the eyes in the room were silently turning on us. I was fed up.
“I’m sick and tired of this!” I roared. “Okay? I’m done!”
“Uh, Y/N?” Tony quickly approached my side.
“Not now, Tony.” I held a hand out in his direction, eyes unmoving from Loki. “Did you seriously think I’d put up with you forever? Like, god, I can’t fucking stand you, and I’m not playing nice with you for the sake of saving face anymore!”
“Y/N…” Tony cut in again.
“Not now, Tony.” I hissed before continuing. “And you have some nerve going out of your way to try to make my life a living hell. Every. Single. Day. From the moment I joined this team, you wouldn’t let me catch a single break. What, are you trying to prove some point? To get under my skin or make me mad so I’d blow up in front of everyone? Well, it worked!” I threw my hands out in a dramatic gesture. “It fucking worked, because I’m pissed! Good job, Loki. Great. Fucking. Job.” I slow clapped as the god in front of me raised an eyebrow at my theatrics, but made no effort to respond.
In fact, the corner of his lip twitched up into a knowing smirk, and the audacity of the action sent another wave of rage coursing through me. “Is something funny, Laufeyson? Is this a fucking joke to you? God, I just wanna slap the sh-”
“Y/N!” Tony cut in once again.
“WHAT, TONY?” I roared, finally turning my attention to him.
He vaguely gestured up at something above my head. “Before you keep tearing into reindeer games over here, you might want to look up.”
“What the hell are you-” My blood ran cold once I my eyes landed on the real reason why everyone was staring at us.
“I believe Midgardian tradition states that those standing together under a mistletoe must share a kiss, yes?” Loki purred.
“‘Tis the season~” Tony remarked before sipping on the drink in his hand as he slipped away.
I glared daggers at his back, hoping he could feel it. I noticed him shiver under my gaze, and almost felt pride at my handiwork. Almost.
Loki clearing his throat brought my attention back to him. “I don’t believe I’ve gotten an answer from you.”
“Huh?” I didn’t remember him asking me a question.
Loki scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Are you so dense that I must be direct with you?” I opened my mouth to make a retort, but he continued before I could get a word in. “May I kiss you?”
Heat immediately crept into my cheeks. If I said that I didn’t want to kiss him, I’d be lying. Loki was rude and obnoxious, but he was also gorgeous and clever. Sure, his mischief and plots got on my nerves, but my feelings for him were enough to drive me crazier than any scheme of his.
I squeezed my eyes shut, pinching the bridge of my nose. “Fine, let’s just get this over with.”
Loki softly chuckled. “As you wish.”
My heart fluttered as he began to lean in, and I closed my eyes before our lips touched. It was soft at first. Sweet, even. Then, he pushed me against the doorframe, parting my lips with his tongue as my hands reached out behind me in surprise.
There were whoops and shouts from our onlookers, but once Loki wrapped his arms around me, the world fell away. As he deepened our kiss, I moved my arms to grasp at his back, pulling him closer.
The kiss, it was electrifying, but it was all too short. Loki broke away first, and I was suddenly overly aware of the cheers around us. My cheeks burned red, and I sputtered nonsense, trying–and failing–to formulate some idea. Any idea. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t believe Loki actually kissed me!
“It would seem our agent here is struggling to get a hold of herself.” He chuckled before sweeping me off my feet to pick me up bridal-style, eliciting a surprised yelp from me. “I think it best we retire early. Off to my chambers, we go.”
I heard the rest of the team whooping, one of them even letting out a whistle as Loki walked off with me. I was stunned. What was happening?
“If I’d known a kiss was all it took to silence you like this, I would have done it a while ago.” I felt his chest shake as he laughed to himself.
“Rude.” I swatted at his shoulder, but I couldn't fight the smile tugging at my lips.
We finally arrived at his room, and he gently set me down on his bed. “I believe there’s a conversation to be had between us.”
I gulped as he doubled back to close the door. “What is there to talk about?”
He sat down next to me, raising a skeptical eyebrow at me. “Don’t tell me you felt nothing after that. Believe it or not, your silence was very telling.”
I looked down at my hands in embarrassment, twiddling my fingers. When I didn’t immediately respond, he continued. “Just as it is now.”
Another moment of charged silence hung between us before Loki finally lost his composure. “This silence is maddening! Tell me, agent. Do you love me?”
My eyes snapped to him. Did I hear that correctly?
Any coherent thought vacated my brain when he began to lean in closer. “Do you burn for me, as I do for you?” My breath caught in my throat as our faces were mere inches apart. “And don’t try to lie to me. I felt your hands at my back as we kissed. As you were lost in our passion. You couldn’t get enough of me, could you?”
My cheeks burned with humiliation as his mouth widened into a grin. “Worry not, pet. I have no problem granting you what you seek, as long as you ask.”
“And what is it that I seek?” I dared to ask, though my words came out no louder than a whisper.
“Tell me.” His voice dipped low. Sultry, even. “I want to hear you say it.”
I slowly reached up, hesitantly cupping his face in my hands. I felt sparks under my fingertips where I touched him. I wasn’t sure of much at that moment, but I knew exactly what I wanted.
“You.” I breathed. “I want you.”
“Be careful with your words, darling.” He softly chuckled. “If I had my way with you-”
“Kiss me.” I cut him off. “Kiss me again… Please…”
“And not a mistletoe in sight.” Loki murmured, “Very well…” He slowly pushed me onto my back before bringing his lips back to mine.
This kiss was just as electric as the first. He once again made the bold move of parting my lips with his tongue, and I eagerly let him. Satisfied, he lowered his body against mine, hands traveling along my hips. I moaned into his mouth, grasping against the leather on his back. Any sweet pretenses were gone, replaced by a heavy air of passion.
A dull throb drummed to life between my thighs, only made worse once I felt his growing bulge against my leg. I never would have thought that I’d ever kiss Loki once, let alone twice, and with this desire between us. I was almost dizzy. A hunger suddenly grew in me, and I already knew the only person who could satisfy it.
When our lips parted, I breathlessly muttered, “More…”
“Needy little thing.” Loki softly chidded. “Why don’t you use your words and tell me what it is that you want?”
God, he was so cocky! But, for some odd reason, I still needed him…
“Please,” I desperately gripped the front of his tunic. “Fuck me, Loki.”
His gaze darkened as his eyes trailed over my body. “Oh, how I’ve dreamt of hearing you say that.”
With a slight tilt of his head, his seidr washed over us, and we were both bare. I shivered against the sudden draft before he lowered his body back against mine, pulling me into another kiss.
As one of his hands came to rest at my hip, the other strayed along my outer thigh, before trailing back up the inner side to tease my slick cunt. A rumble of approval came from deep in his throat as he worked me up. My fingers tangled in his hair as I let out another moan.
When we broke our kiss to catch our breaths, he brought his fingers to his lips, slowly licking them clean, all while keeping eye contact with me. I thought I would go into cardiac arrest.
“I suppose this would be your last chance to leave.” Loki’s cheeks were dusted in a light blush, sweat beginning to build at his brow.
“If I wanted to leave, I wouldn’t be here.” I insisted. It was true. I couldn’t explain it, but something kept me here. Maybe it was just physical, but that didn’t feel right with me.
A smirk tugged at his lips as he began to tease his tip at my folds. “Gods, you don’t know what you do to me…” He grunted.
I absentmindedly licked my lips. “Then show me.”
Without another word, Loki pushed in, slamming into me with another kiss as he immediately set a brutal pace. He was rough, grabbing my hips so hard, I figured they would bruise. With each thrust of his hips, the sound of skin against skin rang in my ears.
My back arched off of the mattress, and I raked my nails down his back as his kisses trailed along my neck, quickly turning to bites as growls that sounded almost animalistic tumbled from his throat.
“Loki…” I moaned. “Ohhh, Loki… God… Don’t stop…”
“Norns…” He groaned. “You’re taking me so perfectly… Ah- That’s it, pet… Tell me how I’m making you feel…”
“So good…” Tears started stinging at my eyes. “God, it- Ah- feels so good…”
Loki was unrelenting in his pacing. Had my hands not been at his back, I knew they would have gripped the sheets for dear life. As I felt the tension building in my core, I felt that the only thing keeping me tethered to this plane of existence was the feel of Loki’s body against mine.
As he continued, I quickly neared my peak. “I- I’m getting close…”
“As am I…” Loki rasped. “Cum for me, darling.”
With that, I felt the tension snap in my core, and my eyes rolled back.
“Ah- L- LOKI!!!” I cried out as my inner walls fluttered around his cock.
Loki helped me ride out my high until his own orgasm washed over him. His length twitched, spilling its seed inside of me.
Once we came down from our peaks, he slowly pulled out of me, and I whimpered at the sudden empty sensation I felt.
Loki then rolled us over, using his seidr to clean up the mess dripping between my legs, as well as conjure a blanket over us while he held me to his chest. I felt his hand pet my hair as we worked to catch our breaths. 
As Loki and I laid in post-orgasm bliss, he raised a curious eyebrow down at me. “You know, I don’t believe you ever answered my question.”
“Huh?” I didn’t remember him asking me a question. Though, it was hard to think of anything through the ecstasy-born haze still in my brain.
He grabbed my hand, fingers interlocking with mine. “Do you love me?”
My heart fluttered. This was serious. I mean, I literally let him fuck me into his mattress, but did I love Loki? Could I consider what I felt towards him… love?
I cared about him. Deeply. He was a nuisance, but one I enjoyed having around. I couldn’t imagine a life without him. Especially not after tonight. I needed him with me for the rest of my life. I just knew it.
I gave his hand a squeeze, a smirk tugging at my lips. “I do.”
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Tagging: @eleniblue @mischief2sarawr @joyful-enchantress @mochie85 @muddyorbs @holdmytesseract @lady-rose-moon @superficialdomina @cultofcarter @coldnique @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @smolvenger r @loz-3 @lokisgoodgirl @acidcasualties @glitchquake @nyxlaufeyson @fandxmslxt69 @holymultiplefandomsbatman
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mulberriesandtea · 11 months
So wellcheer's story is like, this employee getting drugged and taken aboard a ship, and eventually coming to enjoy his work there, finding it better than working in the city. In general this reads to me as the escapist fantasy of the employees, wanting something that's more fulfilling, more satisfying, hoping for a change. While I think Hong Lu having it is somewhat self explanatory, I think we need to consider Ryoushuu as well, since both can provide context for one another. I will also bring up the fact that someone pointed out they could correlate to the types of work that give grape wellcheers, those being attachment(being kind and friendly) and repression(denying the abnormality in some way)- which I didn't quite agree with at first, but I think I understand better now that yes, it's likely. With that out of the way~! Let's talk about Hong Lu, since he's the one we understand the most about! These are not clean sections by the way. They're ramblings of a mad man.
"Tadaa~ Transformation complete! Hah, we've a boatload!" 
- Hong Lu Awakening
I think Hong Lu's is specifically meant to represent denial as his form of escapism. He denies anything that happens to him, and instead focuses on other things. We can note that Hong Lu seems to enjoy film in some way, and often mentions boredom and 'entertainment.' Not to mention Land of Illusion(I stare at the 5 gloom cost good fucking lord). Yah. Anyways, his magical girl transformation is an obvious reference to well, magical girl shows. Y'know, the kind of shows you watch and go 'man I'd love to be just like her" at least according to people. Understanding that, as well as pointing out that in both his Dimension Shredder and his Roseate Desire he seems a lot more overtaken by the abnormality than Yi Sang and Ishmael respectively in their awakenings(Yi Sang at least has both arms and Ishmael seems really not to be having a fun time), I think I can safely say that I think Hong Lu being on the boat is quite literally him fully accepting the fantasy of it. Have any of you method acted before? I have done it before, but not correctly, and I'm easily swayed by the emotions and thoughts of the characters I overtake, it's incredibly hard to maintain a divide between 'yourself' and 'your character' if you don't properly understand yourself- I mention this because it's quite literally what the Sinners do. I know this seems random to bring up but I hear me out here. I think it's clear that method acting wise, Hong Lu gets much more lost in his roles than the other sinners- I'd argue Canto IV especially shows this. Some of the others seem to also have trouble with Canto IV's play scene, but I believe the difference between that and their EGOs is how prolonged it is. Hard to explain, but yeah, Hong Lu quietly gets much more lost in his roles and it really does show in his EGOs- which is likely part of the escapism of it all. TL;DR I think his thing is denial, and as such, he represents the Repression half of the Wellcheers Grape Soda, and the reason he's on the boat is that he's *fully* invested in the EGO.
...Someone more into method acting should explain it better and see how it works within the context of EGO.
"Go on, open wide. Relax and cram this drink down your throats, heheh." 
- Ryoushuu Awakening
And that brings us to Ryoushuu, who I think represents the Attatchment side. And that might sound really weird at first. Why is the friendly one who seems to be more open with everyone Repression and the one who quite literally would attack other people and seems much more distant from everyone else despite it being several months now be Attachment? I'll explain more in Hong Lu's corrosion section. Anyways Ryoushuu! I think, in a way, her EGO, and the fact it's Zayin, is rather important- I'm still not quite sure on that aspect outside of 'it is really notable Gregor and Ryoushuu have Zayin EGOs.' I think her form of escapism is much more external than Hong Lu's- of course there's her tendency to smoke, but there's also her tendency to get obsessed with her art- and I think the fact that art is often heavily affected by the emotions of the creator is important. Art's a form of venting in a sense, but the way Ryoushuu does art she forces other people to deal with her problems. It's hard to explain gosh. Basically, she's very much ignoring her problems by creating art- she's not solving the root problem, she's not actually understanding why she's feeling that way, she just doesn't deal with it. THIS IS SHORTER THAN HONG LU'S SECTION BUT IN MY DEFENSE-
"The seagulls... They keep crying and screaming away...!" 
- Hong Lu Corrosion
So yeah these two. Ryoushuu's based on a man who committed suicide after the death of his daughter(who we know is dead in Limbus too, Fourth Match Flame and Red Eyes very heavily imply that, not to mention how Ryoushuu reacts to Outis during Hell's Chicken) and very much so has self-destructive behavior(said staring directly at Indiscriminate Art, which passive wise is exactly the same as Self-Neglect, and her smoking habits), while Hong Lu seems to very much have a persona of being cheerful and oblivious to the point of where it's very hard to tell if he's being genuine or not(The one potato joke in Hell's Chicken)- a persona that has not cracked yet in story, even when Faust attempted to break it with a sledgehammer(Once again, Hell's Chicken). I mention this because his persona has cracked in his EGOs- and this is one of them. I argue that both of their egos will be them no longer able to confide in their coping mechanisms of escapism, and their reactions to that. Hong Lu's EGO specifically shows him with the net stuck around him and in his mouth, and with him seeming almost panicked and lost. It's very particular he seems focused on the 'seagulls' which can seem a bit random, but I believe this is due to the 'seagulls' representing his last thread of escapism- his world, literally and in his denial, is falling apart. I'd argue that Ryoushuu's will be somewhat similar, also representing her thread of escapism falling apart- likely to do with either Yuzuki’s death or her completion of the ‘Hellscreen,’ and her being unable to deal with it.
I think they'll both be either Lust or Gluttony EGOs put a cute little thumbsup here
Of course I can be like, completely wrong. Anyways it's like 3 in the morning stream heart's claws by vane(flashing colors warning): 
i wanted to post the sodas but that’d take too long
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merakiui · 3 months
Surreal horror has always been one of my favorite types of horror because of the unsettling atmosphere and the reality-bending and you wrote it so well! You did amazing when you wrote the dream sequences in DRU, and now to actually read a whole dang fic with the theme?? With Trey of all people???? OTZ OTZ OTZ You've unlocked so many new possibilities with his Doodle Suit, truly the Gaslighting King of all time 👑👑👑
AND THE SYMBOLISM!!!!! please please please please ramble about them if you want-- I'm having so much fun rereading this fic again and again. The Violet Butterwort caught my attention cause isn't that a carnivorous plant? 👀👀 Trapping insects in its leaves like a certain grass-haired man??? 👀👀👀
Anyway, all I'm saying is, Trey is not the only chef around cause you definitely COOKED with this one 🔥🔥✨✨
I'm so happy it tickled your brain! I adore surreal horror in film and writing. There's just so much potential for the craziest of things to happen! Dream sequences or sequences that feel like dreams are some of my favorite things to write. The ones in DRU are also just as surreal. <3 I originally wanted to write this concept with Jade (Kalim was second on my list), but I decided upon Trey in the end because I think he suits the surreal horror vibes so well! Doodle Suit + the power of seamless gaslighting........ what a terrifying combination.
I wanted the story to feel obscure and almost like a trip with the imagery and descriptions. Sort of like the vibes in Alice in Wonderland. Just,,,,, utterly bonkers.
👀 you are very right about the butterwort hehehe!!! As for other symbolisms/details, these are the main ones in the story! I left out some of the symbolisms of various lines or words because that would make for such a long analysis of my own work. ^^;;;
It is under the cut due to length (forgive me)! A warning for mentions of sexual assault and drugging!
✧ the binary can be translated into messages. :)
✧ the feeling of itchiness - feeling as if you don't fit in your body after it's been violated. Feeling like something (trauma/blocked memories) is beneath your skin and you can't get it out no matter what you do. Also, itchy as in discomfort.
✧ grass - this is meant to be Trey. It's how Reader views him throughout the story.
✧ violet butterwort - as you noted, it's a carnivorous plant that traps insects! It's also a symbol of resilience and a common charm used to ward off supernatural evils.
✧ birthday cake with 20 candles - the plot is that Reader and Trey are/were in a relationship and on Reader's twentieth birthday Trey drugged their tea (chamomile) and had his way with them when they were half-conscious. Thus, Reader was never able to indulge in their birthday cake because Trey took it all. Cake can also be a metaphor for Reader's body.
✧ the line "it will take twenty more..." is in reference to the healing process and how it's going to take Reader time to heal from everything.
✧ xylophone chimes/broken glass - the juxtaposition of something sweet-sounding with something jarring.
✧ the white rabbit - a sense of innocence/comfort lost.
✧ "Soups are easy to eat. Easy to slip special sentiments in." - a reference to drugging.
✧ "Soup is what becomes of your brain when your body is too itchy." - disassociation during something traumatic (in this case, sexual assault).
✧ the hedge maze that never has a true exit - the feeling of being lost and trapped and never having a real escape.
✧ the grass bow around the white rabbit's neck - the obsessive and unhealthy hold Trey has on Reader. How he can't let them go.
✧ static - lots of noise and amidst the noise there's Trey, whose own voice is sometimes static and other times soothing enough to cut through the static.
✧ the sequence of "it's here and then there and then here again..." - an allusion to the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland when he's giving Alice directions, but they're all over the place.
✧ every time the grass whispers or speaks - things Trey told Reader when he assaulted them.
✧ "In and out. Out and in. In and out. Out. Out. Out. Incessant itchiness. Get it out." - double meaning for breathing but also the act of sex (thrusting).
✧ the questioning of "that didn't just happen, did it?" - how Reader feels in the aftermath. But also just a general question in response to gaslighting. A consistent questioning of one's reality.
✧ Reader's association of the word "gross" with cake (especially birthday/confetti cake) - it ties into the above and also the part in the story about favorite foods and memories.
✧ teeth falling out - usually, in dream interpretation, this symbolizes a recent loss or mourning of something lost.
✧ hyperdontia - the horror of having a mouth and a voice but never being able to use it because it's so clogged with teeth, so no one will ever listen to or hear the things Reader desperately wants and needs to say.
✧ Frozen Charlotte dolls - Victorian era dolls that could float in the bath. They were also baked into cakes. They're called Frozen Charlottes based on a folk ballad called "Fair Charlotte," which tells the tale of a young girl (Charlotte) on her way to a ball with her lover (Charlie). It's dreadfully cold out, but she frets over the fact that wearing a coat will prevent everyone from seeing her pretty dress. She freezes to death on her way to the ball and arrives in her carriage as a frozen corpse. I think these dolls are fascinating and so cute, so I just wanted to compare teeth to Frozen Charlottes. The description of having a dozen tiny dolls stuck in your throat made for unpleasant imagery, so I wanted to write it!
✧ "A black rabbit blinks up at you with its milky-white eyes. Its nose twitches. Once. Twice. Thrice. A loud gust slithers through the field in which you currently observe, surrounded by decaying greenery and wilted wildflowers. They sprawl endlessly, clawing at the horizon beyond with broken fingers. You watch monochrome tones sway, dried petals flaking off like scabs against a battered, bloodless sky." - this is the same paragraph as seen in the beginning, only certain details have been changed. It's a hint at some sort of cycle that Reader's just only beginning to see. Idyllic beauty is no longer so blinding now that Reader sees what they didn't notice before.
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angevinyaoiz · 11 months
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"In Exchange for Honor" by Pascal's Chimaera
My short Richard/Philip comic I’ve been working on! Inspired by the famous Gesta Henrici II/Roger of Howden quote, although less about the bed sharing and more about the weirdness and artifice of public performance of relationships, hehehe. Lots of room for delusion, but also fun thematics to explore...
Anyways, I have more comics on the way I want to work on eventually in this vein... But you can see a bonus comic as well as more of my more detailed notes and thoughts from my reading my site post here.
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relax-and-read-on · 5 months
2024, Hello!
What a year it has been, right?
I usually try to talk only about warhammer 40k on this blog. I don't like mention if my personal life, or politics, or even other fandom, really. That said, this year was... Far from easy for me. Health problem, job problem, finances, politiques, (shout out to all the queer french canadian who are also scared shitless!), moving in a new place, insane inflation....
I had given myself the huge objective to publish 200k words for 2023. At the end, this is the result:
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108k words. You can also add about 50k of unpublished original work. Here is the list of fic that I have published/updated in 2023 (by view count), and some little thought/insight on them:
Agency - My big fem primarch au. You can really see me grow, if you read it from start to finish. It's been *years* since I started this fic, at this point, the ending that I have planned is like my white whale. One day.... One day, I will defeat it. Terribly hard to write but SO satisfying
Tales of different lives - if Agency is my dark nemesis, than my planet swap is coming home to a soft bed. It's so easy and FUN to write that au. I know not everyone like the lighter take toward the world this one take, and that's ok. Sometime... It's just nice, to have softer things, especially after such a year.
Phantom of the (warhammer?)-pera - I am begging you. On my knees. Read this one. It's my fav thing I have ever written. It's so much fun. It's totally INSANE and I loved every moment of it. I want to go back and fight the formatting again, to finish implanting all the notes. They are SO much fun. Also has AMAZING cover art by @skrankku !
Five times People tried and failed to Seduce Roboute Guilliman to Chaos... - Absolute surprised to me how people loved that fic. Ngl, I was actually sick/very depressed when I wrote it, but it warm heart that other enjoyed it.
This Once Nearly Was Mine - This one does not count, it's @kingwithpaintedfingers AMAZING Vulkan's POV to Castle of Glass, my Mortarion/Vulkan soulmate au. I am amazed and humbled to be able to work with such a great writer, and be able to call you a friend. I HIGHLY recommend all their work.
Trust - I had to actually check that one, and turns out, it was the update to my Talos/Septimus fic! Can you believe that I forget my own fic?! I am silly. Surprisingly delightful. I need to write more of this ship.
Birdcage - written for an exchange, specifically for @funboxsupreme , another criminally good writer. This fic, in my humble opinion, is some of my best writing. Extremely dark, I also SOMEHOW managed some really cool "special effect" in it, and I am PLEASED with myself.
In the Garden - a VERY quick and horny piece for Nan, a PROLIFIC writer whom I cannot help but be in awe of (also heeeelp I don't have your tumblr, poke me and I will tag you!)
Old Crows and Young Cardinals - This is an interesting one! This fic seem barely started, but it's mostly because the rest of it require MASSIVE planning and careful writing, as it deal with time travel and has a stupidly complex plot. I cannot wait to unveil more of it.
By proxy - hehehe, another really cool gift for a friend, this time for Lieara/Allyria! Even if this list is making me realise how many of yall tumblrs I don't know. I feel like an Old man trying to remember phone number lmao.
Day 2 - Bootworship and Sister of battle - a fun little fic part of the "40 kink for 40k" challenge that I NEED to continue, started by the wonderful @iapetusneume . Also.... Lesbian. Need more Lesbian.
The only way - A other fic that I had completely forgotten that I wrote. It's such a strange feeling, to reread your own words and go "I did this??" It's not bad, but it was written during one of those hard period of the year, and as such feel extra alien to me.
Day 1 - Geneseed, but sexy and Homeworld - another 40k for 40 kink fic, this one was a LOT of fun to write! Amd kinda specifically made for @bobthebobhere , another good friend in this fandom!
The miracle of science (and children) - a gift fic that was supose to be part of an exchange, but took too long! This one is for @shootertron-stuff , an artist that I highly respect and love! If you like it kinky, go tead their stuff, they are an inspiration.
In the Lion's Den. - Hahahahahaha lmao. So, fun fact: On reddit, there is a user who post horribly misogynist/homophobic Tau torture porn with his OC chapter. I got mad, and wrote a spit gay porn fic of his OCs. To his credit, he rolled with it and was amused at it. I still don't like him, and never will, but I have his blessing to keep it up, so!
The Bird, The Wolf and the Keeper - a little experiment, in poetry format fic. I liked it well enough, and will attempt some more in 2024 I think :)
(A secret fic exchange, yet to be revealed)
(another one!)
So.... 18 fics total. I think there should be pride in that. I like the variety of them, even if I want to push out more, do more unique and stranger fic, for 2024. It was a difficult year, but creating so much made it easier, made it more worth it. I am... Happy, with it all.
If you have questions about my fics, now is the time! Otherwise, I will see you soon, with more writing, and more joy in sharing.
I wish you all a wonderful year 2024, better than the last, safety, comfort, and peace. May we all had fun in this fandom!
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ragnarokhound · 6 months
I’ve already left a comment on intricate rituals, but I just realized I forgot an important part. Having experience with toys but not other people is such a fun solution. My fave. Yes he can take it (yes you will be the first). The possessiveness of it all!!
But also from author’s perspective being like. Nah I don’t wanna deal with That. Absolutely valid <3
frank discussion about sex & the porny bits of my fic that got. really long somehow? below:
Hehehe yes - when I was writing, I hadn't necessarily intended that to be read as 'Tim's never bottomed before', but I realized belatedly that even if he's bottomed in the past, he certainly hasn't ever bottomed for an alpha >:3c
a lot of Jason's 'we don't have to, babe 🥺' came from anxiety about pushing for too much too fast as much as it came from the practical sentiment of 'knots are a lot to handle when ur body isn't made to take them' lmao
(because, well. look at his behavior for the entire fic, the boy spent six months gently boiling the frog of their relationship. the kind of wretched anxiety that spawns that behavior doesn't go away after one lousy love confession OTL TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE)
And Jason's been all up in Tim's business, so he KNOWS Tim hasn't been having a lot of sex because uh. He'd be able to smell it for one fjdslafjs and Tim would probably tell him about it for two fdjlafjk they talk about everything ugh they're soooo married in this fic it's disgusting lol
but like! Tim's never been with an alpha before!! of course he's never taken a real knot!! Jason would be the first OwO And it was one more way to shove another possessive omegaverse trope about Jason being jealous over Tim without it actually being awful fufufu
Hearing that Tim would be able to take his knot gave Jason extreme whiplash from 'wait what, how would you know that, who's been touCHING YOU' to 'holy fuck you've been prepping yourself? for me? that's so hot' and I am very here for any opportunity to indulge in possessive tropes with mostly just sexy consequences, especially with these two ;)
On another note, I genuinely think toys are great for testing out what you like, without fear of judgement and without worrying about 'doing well' or whatever. You can focus on yourself! You can see what works for you! You can discover your size kink-
- or lack thereof without it being tangled in complicated feelings or anxieties.
I looove the image of control freak Timothy Drake figuring himself out with toys once he knows that's an option (though imo he also doesn't give a fuck about what other people think enough that he'd be fine exploring with another person djslfa but i digress) and I love the image of control freak Timothy Drake wanting to experiment specifically with his partners to figure out all the ways they experience pleasure @_@ he wants to know how they're compatible, and he wants to know what makes them tick!!
*COUGH* anyway thank you!! I'm so glad you enjoyed the fic, and that you enjoyed that part specifically <33!!
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mickmundy · 10 months
i am now hooked on bushmedicine bc of your fics, would u happen to have fic/blog recs? 👀
OH MY GOSH EEE THANK YOU SO MUCH MY FRIEND ;__; I'M SO HAPPY YOU'RE ENJOYING MY SERIES!!!! ;u; as for recs.. ohoho... yes... i do.., fortunately i have amazing talented friends whose work i admire and adore!!! just going to say that this list is by no means exhaustive or complete and is being done completely off of the top of my head, so PLEASE don't feel bad if i leave anyone out!! ;__; <333
also i'm really not super active on here so i mostly know twt accounts but i'll do my best! i'll firstly advise you to just look through my bushmed tag on my blog. lots of great folks in there!! ^v^ so much talent!! aoguaougaaa!!! and to my friends who have supported me with my own fics thank you so much ;;; i owe u all everythign!! <333 going to stick this under a cut since it's kind of lengthy!!
for fic recs, i actually don't have a lot of time to read many, sadly!! ;_; BUT i'll gladly point you in the direction of some of my besties' fics that i have read and absolutely adore!!:
see that my grave is kept clean by @fairyouth.... my favorite. john is a freaking MASTER of writing them and i love his big huge creative mind!!
heatstroke by @eurovamp... kat is so talented!! i LOVE her interpretation and they have so many fun au's!! i haven't gotten a chance to read it but she also wrote a bushmed naga fic that they've been talking to me about and AAHHH IM SO EXCITED TO READ!!
as for fanart, i'll also use this as a chance to promote my lovely talented friends!! i don't speak for them of course but i believe some of them (myself included) might be more active on twitter, i'm not sure! :( but i'll rec them here regardless hehehe!! some accts are ns/fw too so just a heads up!
@lovey2dovey2 YESSS FELLOW MEDSNIP LESBIAN!!! HEHEHE!! she's SO talented and kind, and all of her interpretations are SO fun and creative!! absolutely adore her art style!!
@5piecechickendinner / @5piececockdinner DEEEEEE absolutely stunning pieces, great moody art and a joy to talk to!! a blast to talk headcanons with too!!
@rabidratbaby -> twitter acct! amazing pieces, conveys such tenderness and sweetness in their art, both nsfw and sfw!! super chill and immaculate vibes in general!!
@radioactive-gremlin -> support her on patreon! char's got it all... lighthearted silliness and super sexy comics!! a total delight to follow and befriend!
@lubby-beez LUB!! so sweet to know, and the queen of saucy medic art!! amazing coloring and body type representation and super fun ocs!!
@poisonedflame if you follow me on here you've probably seen me reblog ren's amazing sfms quite a few times hehe... so kind and talented, huge-brained and a wonderful friend!!
@skymacaroon fantastic art and super fun to talk to, absolutely love how he draws medic and sniper!!
@oldkamelle one of the accounts that warmly welcomed me to tumblr.. ;u; very kind and so great to talk to, totally wonderful artistic talent!!!
as for folks who i am not very close to but whose works i still adore and cherish and scream so normally and lovingly any time i see them on my tl and who i want to still give some spotlight to! i hope it's okay that i'm tagging you in this! ;-;
@goo-p absolutely no notes... ellís's style yields so much range for whimsy And more somber/serious pieces... absolutely stunning!! a joy to work with creatively and to speak with!!
@hootsimedes such cute style and so many amazing creative ideas!! and so kind!! ^u^
@halfhihat SUUCH a cute style!! absolutely love the cute little comics he draws!!
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bcbdrums · 7 months
For the Headcanon ask board, can you do number 3 and 5?
Thanks for the ask and sorry for answering so late!! Uhhhh.... Uhhhh... You gave me tricky ones!
3. Romantic headcanon for fave ship.
Okay so my fave romantic ship is actually SoMa. You probably were hoping for another pair from me though heheh so I'll do two for this one.
I'm realizing that I'm not good at thinking of romantic headcanons for SoMa, because I see them as kids and not getting too romantic till post-canon... So I guess these are more just...intimacies? I like the idea that Soul helps Maka on and off with her boots. Look at those things... They are HEAVY. And I honestly can't tell without going back to look at screenshots but it looks as if the metal? Is an external thing, kind of like the spikes you put on snow boots to walk through ice? It looks like the metal may be its own thing altogether that she wears just for combat's sake. Which...well man, her legs must be strong. But yeah... I feel like Soul helps her on/off with her boots. Which is quite a personal thing. And then Maka, I feel like she does Soul's laundry and specifically hand-washes his head bands for him. Rich boy don't know how to do laundry when he first comes to the academy, fight me... And rather than make fun of him, Maka just...helps. And with the head bands specifically she takes that extra care because they're important to him, to the look he's after. And she never says a word about it, and he probably only shyly and guiltily tells her thanks every other week or so. They don't talk about it. It's just something she does. And then...I like to think he lets her hear him play. Like if he's sitting in his room, writing a new song on his guitar... She creeps up to the door to listen, peering in the crack... He left it open to let her know she's welcome. And she just sits there silently listening to him compose, knowing that in itself is a gift. And he lets his soul be seen in that way, cuz that's so deeply personal.
As for Spirit and Stein, which is who I assume you were really asking about... Shockingly I prefer them platonically, but on the romantic side... And this is all post-canon thoughts for me, for these two, btw.
I think they're actually absurdly gentle with each other, when it comes to physical things. Too much past baggage for both of them individually and together, so they are extremely cautious together and make no assumptions. And if ever things heat up they take a step back and make sure they're both okay. They take things at their pace, neither rushing ahead of the other. Also, Spirit is the one in charge lol. Also I think they spend a lot of quiet time together. Spirit reading some deep book about the history of witch-kind, Stein next to him on the couch studying weapon soul anatomy on his laptop. Till one of them falls asleep against the other, and then oh well trapped forever now guess it's nap time. Just...quiet intimacies like that. They've been together so long that words aren't that necessary; just being together is enough. They already know what the other is thinking. Apparently I'm not creative with romance lol.
5. A crossover related headcanon.
Ho-boy. I don't care for crossovers, lol. But here we go...
Guess I'll pick Kim Possible because it's the thing I have spent the most time in for the last four or five years. (My gosh who let me do that oh it was me oops.)
Mental image of Stein looking at Dr. Drakken, the two sizing each other up, noting each other's similar scars... (my gosh I have a type and that type is mad scientist apparently) and Stein privately thinking to himself... Why is this guy blue? Why's his girlfriend green and have these crazy powers that def aren't soul wavelength? Gotta "befriend" these people and then dissect them.
Meanwhile Dr. Drakken is looking at the screw in Stein's head like, boy you got a screw loose for sure if that's in fact real and how are you still alive? Are you a zombie? Feeling a little scared of him.
Until. Spirit just de-transforms out of Stein's hands and Drakken is like....human weapon??? Okay time to "befriend" these people and figure out how to get my own human weapons.
Basically, mad scientists figuring out how to manipulate the other toward their personal goals.
I'm not creative lol I'm sorry. Crossovers are just not where my thoughts go. Hope it was entertaining enough anyway.
Thanks for the ask!
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not-alien-girl-v · 1 year
Hi!!! I was wondering if I could request a pre-death Kyle Spencer x Gn!reader?
Something along the lines of the reader being forced to go to a party with their friends and being obviously uncomfortable so Kyle comes over to talk to them and hopefully make them more comfortable but they keep blowing him off (in like an anxious way) and he just keeps persisting until they finally get comfortable enough to talk to him. Then something happens between reader’s friends and the rest of Kyle’s frat boys (like an argument or something) which makes reader kinda shut down so Kyle brings them outside and helps them and eventually asks them for their number or something?
I’m sorry that was so all over the place, my brain can’t have a single thought at a single point of time LMAO. Thank you in advanced for even just reading this and a bigger thank you if you decide to try it! <3
warning: language uhh party stuff like drinking or whatever. i don’t know. does anyone actually read these
note: hehe i took my sweet time writing this hehehe. also this sucks
“i didn’t say it wouldn’t be fun, i just said i didn’t want to go,” y/n snaps from the backseat. hazy yellow lights from december-like decorated houses whirr past the window their head rests on and the others occupying the car are getting on her last nerve, quite frankly.
some enjoy living a wild life, or at the very least a life of excitement, and that’s perfectly fine. it’s the way y/n’s friends choose to live their own lives, and as adults, y/n respects that. they just don’t understand why their dumbass friends need to rope y/n into it all.
tonight, the culprit is violette, a young woman not notorious for living a party-filled lifestyle, but quite prone to speaking her own mind, which gets her lots of attention, and in that, invited to crazy parties like the one y/n is currently being dragged to, but it can get her into trouble quite often. too often, in y/n’s opinion, but that’s violette’s problem, not their’s.
“do you ever want to go?” violette drags out their annoyance verbally, and if y/n’s arms were longer, they’d reach up front and smack her, but lucky for violette, she was the one driving, and y/n knew better than to cause a car accident. it would prevent them from going to the party though…
shaking the thought from their troubled head like an etch a sketch, y/n finds the words to clap back. “no! how many times do i have to make that clear! i hate parties!”
violette sighs. “then why did you agree to come over when i said we were getting ready?”
“i thought we were just gonna play dress up…” y/n trails off, trying not to cringe at their own words, something they do too often. sometimes it’s better to just shut up and let them have it.
“what are you, 10?” y/n’s mouth opens to speak but violette won’t allow it. “who cares. anyway, we’re here now. you can stay in the car like a freak or you can come socialize like a normal adult. your choice. but you can’t leave because i’m getting shitfaced tonight.”
the door slams behind violette as she skips off to the party and now y/n sighs, feeling like it’s all they ever do these days. y/n hates parties, but they do love violette, and ditching them alone at a party would be a trashy friend move, right?
right! so with that, y/n gets out of the car, feeling renewed in their sense of meaning at this event. they’re not here to mingle, to get drunk, anything stupid like that, they’re just here to watch their friend. that sounds perfect.
kicking rocks across the paved walkway up to the door, y/n approaches the big wooden slab tastelessly left open, like a big neon sign saying ‘come on in!’
something about that calms their nerves just the tiniest bit, knowing that anyone is welcome here, and with that, they open the door, mentally screaming in relief when no heads turn once they enter, no record scratch or loud gasp.
still, they don’t feel at home, but it’s a good start. they hope they can stay undetected like this forever, just a minor background character in everyone’s narrative.
scanning the room, they find an empty lounge chair in a mostly empty room, a few stragglers leaning against a wall, red solo cup in hand but ultimately talking amongst themselves, making it a perfect place for y/n to sit and look at their phone for a good long while.
but alas, it wasn’t meant to be. unbeknownst to y/n, their mousy entrance did not go completely unnoticed. the moment they stepped foot through the door, they caught the eye of a a young blond man, surrounded by his pack of likewise young men, all identical in breed and morals, at least in y/n’s opinion, who crowded around him in conversation so densely he nearly lost sight of the attractive individual making their way to the living room.
it wasn’t until he broke free from his hoard of young men did he catch sight of them once again, sinking into a chair, his favorite chair, as this was his frat house/residence. he soon decided this will be his talking point.
“great chair, huh?” he sneaks up behind them like a creep and watches them jolt in surprise, turning around slowly like a character in a horror movie about to get murdered, and sends him a nod paired with a tight lipped smile.
expecting them to have actually responded, kyle takes a moment to himself to recollect himself, finding another approach quickly enough before it’s too weird how long he’s been standing behind them, staring at the back of their head.
“so, you come here often?” kyle pressures on them to talk, wondering if their voice is as lovely as they look. he knows it’s a stupid question, as he lives here and he’s never seen them before, but he doesn’t care at all.
“no, first time,” their hands wring together behind their phone, picking at their pop socket and kyle perceives this as just a simple gesture of boredom, which is something kyle can easily fix for them.
taking a leap of faith, he perches himself on the arm of the chair. y/n leans ever so slightly into the other arm, away from him so they can keep a closer eye on him to make sure he’s not up to something, which he seems as if he may be.
“cool, really cool. you drinking anything tonight? anything i can getcha?” once he’s in host mode, y/n relaxes just the slightest in the knowledge that they just need to shoot him down and he’ll leave them alone soon.
“no, i’m driving,” they nod their head in an attempt to convince him they were alright and he could leave now, but he didn’t.
“oh, you’re here with somebody? who are you here with?”
again, their hands go to the pop socket on the back of their phone, popping out, popping in, out, in, rapid fire. their gaze steadies into the other room, onto violette, who’s playing beer pong with a few frat guys who’s names y/n never bothered to learn, not that they needed to know them anyways.
kyle follows their line of vision, landing on violette. “you’re here with little miss crazy? how’s a person like you become friends with a girl like her?”
y/n’s not sure what this guy’s deal is but he just will not leave and do anything else. it’s not that he’s annoying, or that he’s unattractive, because that’s actually far from the truth, but y/n didn’t anticipate meeting someone new tonight, they need at least a week to prepare before having brand new interactions with a stranger like this, it’s just what introverts do.
“i don’t know, she’s just my friend,” not once in this entire conversation does y/n fully meet kyle’s eyes with their own and somehow he doesn’t realize it at all, but he doesn’t need to when a loud commotion begins in the other room.
“get the fuck out of here, you bitch!” a man, one of kyle’s boys, yells at someone who y/n can only assume to be violette, and their suspicions are confirmed when they hear violette screaming back.
“why? because you don’t want your besties to know how rapey you are?” violette’s voice echoes through the entire house and everyone’s attention is unintentionally drawn to the fight slowly accumulating.
“is this not concerning to you?” y/n finally shows genuine interest in speaking to kyle, it’s a shame that it’s paired with a look of worry written on their face. their breathing is picking up rapidly and their body starts to shake.
“this whole thing? it happens twice a week. we don’t call her little miss crazy for nothing, always coming in here, stirring up something big, we just let her, it’s good entertainment,” kyle shamelessly smiles at his own words as he stares at the theatrical argument unfolding, but when he turns back to look at the person who’s name he never caught, they’re gone. one quick slam of the front door informs him where they went.
he bounds through the door, head whipping back and forth until he spots them on the pavement, leaned up against the back of a car, head in their hands. confused, he approaches with care.
“hey, you alright? what happened in there?”
their breathing is still labored and quick, like they’re hyperventilating and kyle doesn’t really know what to do other than take a slow seat beside them, back leaned against the car he hopes is theirs and not some random person’s.
still, he’s not sure on what to do, but he wraps a careful arm around their shoulders, weary not to seem too creepy by this action, and he gently rubs his hand up and down their shoulder.
it takes a few minutes of deafening silence for y/n to calm down and fully recover, but once they do, kyle has no idea what to say, so they realize they will have to break the silence.
“i’m sorry, i just really can’t handle fights like that,” y/n doesn’t move from next to him, in fact, they stay frozen in place in hopes kyle doesn’t want to move, either.
“it’s okay, they aren’t for everyone.”
when neither of them know what to say after, kyle changes the subject. “i’m kyle by the way.”
the moon is out tonight, it’s shining brighter than usual, and y/n can’t remember if it’s a waning or waxing gibbous, or what gibbous even means, but it sure is beautiful.
“so, now’s the part where you tell me your name.”
“oh, right. it’s y/n,” they grin. kyle smiles back.
“it’s nice to meet you, y/n, is this okay?” y/n’s eyes narrow in confusion until they realize he’s referring to his arm, still layed upon their shoulders.
“yeah, it’s fine,” they try their hardest not to stutter their words and sound stupid but it comes out that way, anyway. who cares?
“well, you really need to learn to let loose if you’re gonna be going to parties and all that. maybe i could help you out a little.” kyle stands up, pivoting back to face them and outstretching his hands for them to grab. he hoists them off the concrete.
“oh really?” they sound condescending but they mean it genuinely, what could he have to offer?
“really. one condition though,” one pointed look to them and they can’t help but laugh a little just at his ridiculous aura.
“what’s that?”
“that you give me your number.”
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khaleesiofalicante · 5 months
I'm back!!!!!!!! Omg I have so many things to tell you you will get sick of me. First of all. Happy new year!! I'm not much into holidays and I don't really like December, but I'm actually looking forward to this year because it feels like it's going to have many new things...
Anyway, I have been keeping up with LBAF as it comes out because I am weak and can't resist not reading it. I haven't talked here about it but trust me if I say it is in my mind 24/7. Like, I can be in class just thinking "wait what if Lance destroys Idris because Theia dies???" And then I accidentally don't pay attention for the rest of the day... I have a problem and I have no intentions on getting better :)
Leaving that aside, I have so many things to catch up to you!!! Mmmm I think I haven't been here since August? Omfg... Many things happened, my phone stopped working for like two months, my family renovated my house and it was a mess for like a month. Exams were horrible but I'm done with that shit (at least for now). And there's probably tons more, but I'll remember them as I go by...
Oh, and so much drama istg... I accidentally got the lead role on a play some guys a little bit younger than me are doing even though I technically didn't audition... And I also got into a situationship(?) with someone😬. Don't ask me how I got here, it had more to do with me being an idiot and also no one but Andrew knows (he's had a great time making fun of me 🙄 lol) because I like to keep the fact that I'm stupid to myself. So I'm doing some secret "dating"/ just friends who kiss each other thing. Yeah, that's a whole other story, let me know if you want the whole story because it's actually really funny and stupid and it makes the whole my-life-is-a-comedy thing to keep getting more fitting every time lol.
I will leave the theories and screams in different asks because they are a lot. I HAVE NOTES AND RECEIPTS YOU WILL WANT TO BLOCK ME!
But also, hoping you are feeling better!! 💙You better be having some rest or I am throwing hands🔪
Happy new year. I am kind of looking forward to this year too 👀
I saw a tiktok about friends to lovers and istg my first thought was NOT my characters but "man I wonder what Noah and Andrew are up to dcjkncjksndks" I AM SORRY
And omg so much has indeed happened and please feel to give me the tea about the situationship 😏.
I am feeling all over the place and can you believe my doctor had the audacity to say "what is most crucial is stress management because stress can make your condition worse" and I was like "MY GUY-" jdfnjksdfnks.
PS - I could never ever get sick of you. looooove you 🧡
PPS - Thanks in advance for all the LBAF asks. I was delirious when I read them and now I can read them 'properly'.
PPPS - I hope the lovebirds (the actual birds, not like real people hehehe) are doing well 🥺
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divine-knight-hand · 9 months
Safely Endangered
Prequel: True Liberation
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Series Masterlist || Loki Masterlist || Full Masterlist || Read on AO3
Summary: Five years before the events of Chapter 1, Y/N indulges in her weekly escape from the confines of life, but a few new faces in a dangerous situation serve to change everything she’s ever known.
Notes: I put a heck of a lot of time into this, for a work that has no sexy times in it. Hehehe! Also, it's very much giving a bit of old Wattpad vibes in my opinion, but I still like how it came out! I hope you do, too!!!
This piece features some German, which is yet another language I don't speak, so feel free to correct any mistakes I may have made.
Content Warnings: Graphic descriptions of violence and death, discussions of death at length, shootout scenario, cussing that would make a sailor blush, and brief religious imagery (again, just a sentence, but I wanted to give a warning, anyways)
Word Count: 4,776
Dividers by @cafekitsune
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I hated my life. I had a boring job in a boring town, contributing absolutely nothing to a boring society. I had no ambitions, no goals, and nothing to look forward to. I just dragged myself through each day like a mindless drone. Then, I just went to the home that I still shared with my parents, laid my head down on my rock-hard pillow, and fought for sleep on my lumpy mattress every night just to do the whole thing all over again the next day.
In short, life sucked.
However, there was one night a week where I finally got a break from all the excruciating monotony. Friday nights, I went to a small nightclub in my town to drink and dance the week’s hardships away. At first, I thought it was foolish to get excited over some nightclub, but I realized that just the mere thought of doing something exciting and fun pulled me through the week. It kept me sane.
So, I made it an event. I dressed to the nines in the tightest dress I could find, found myself the pair of high heels most likely to break my ankles, and bought the shiniest jewelry I could afford.
It was a long process to get dressed each week, but Friday nights filled me with the motivation to do it, because I knew that at The Lively Vixen, I could taste what it meant to feel alive.
────༺ ♰ ༻────
The bass emanating from the DJ’s booth seemed to rattle the very foundation of the building. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, allowing its vibrations to move through my body and fill me with life. I’m here! I made it here another week.
I opened my eyes and made my way into the neon scenery. Bodies collided on the dance floor in a large vulgar mosh pit under the strobe of vibrant lighting, and the smell of alcohol tainted the air, tempting some dancers to step away from the party for a quick drink.
I headed straight to the bar, leaning against the table as I locked eyes with one of the bartenders. She was a petite blonde about my age with bright green doe eyes and a round face that sported a light dusting of freckles over the pale skin of her cheeks and nose. She was gorgeous. Unfortunately for her, that kind of beauty never came without consequence in her field of work.
“Don’t worry about me.” She’d said on one of my first visits to The Lively Vixen. “The creepiest men give the best tips.” Then, she winked and swayed her hips as she crossed the bar to take an order from a man who’d been staring at her the whole time.
As she neared where I was standing, I cocked my head with a playful smirk. “Hey, Jill! How’ve you been?”
“Absolutely terrible.” She remarked with a smile that convinced me otherwise, “You know the party doesn’t start ‘til you get here.”
“Well, consider the party here.” I opened my arms in a dramatic gesture as Jill clapped her hands.
“You never fail to be the highlight of my work week.” She giggled. If only she knew that she was part of mine, too. “Should I put you down for your usual?”
I place a hand over my heart in another dramatic gesture. “You know me so well. I would love that.”
“Alright! I’ll have your drink to you in just a moment.” Jill trotted to the back of the bar to prep it as the DJ switched songs across the room.
I perched myself on the stool right next to me and turned to survey the crowd as the mass of bodies jumped and clashed to Rihanna’s Please Don’t Stop the Music.
A dark shadow grabbed my attention as it flashed in the corner of my eye. I turned to look as four unfamiliar figures walked in the door.
A woman with soft features and hair that cascaded over her shoulders in honey brown waves had an arm locked in that of a tall muscular blond man with hair that stopped just past his shoulders and a beard that matched in hue.
Next came a slender woman about as tall as the blond, with raven hair that fell just above her mid-back. Her angular face wore an expression as dark as her eye makeup. I shuddered at the sight of her, a chill crawling up my spine.
The last person to walk in was a man about the same height, but he looked like he could be the raven-haired woman’s male counterpart. His own dark locks fell in a similar fashion to the blond’s, but they were slicked back in a more clean style and pulled away from his solemn expression. There was something intimidating about him… but alluring, as well.
Despite being in a nightclub, the group seemed to be dressed for a business negotiation. I assumed they must have been rich, but wondered what they could possibly be doing in a small town like mine. Every week I went to The Lively Vixen, I could recognize almost every face on the dance floor. I knew for a fact I never saw this group before. Why would they want to come here of all places?
As the four entered the club, walking in the direction of the VIP booths on the other side, the raven haired-man was the only one to glance in my direction as they passed me. Time itself seemed to slow down as we locked eyes.
I wanna take you away Let's escape into the music
Long after he looked away, I watched the group cross the club. I had to force my eyes away from them as one of the bouncers lifted a velvet rope and let them into one of the booths. 
The sound of Jill shouting my name over the music made me jump. “Your drink.” She motioned to the glass she’d just set on the counter in front of me.
“Thank you!” I grabbed the glass and began to sip on it as Jill glanced at the VIP booths.
“Great,” She remarked, “another bunch of rich weirdos.”
“They’re not the only ones?” I asked as I risked another glance at the booth.
“Nope!” Jill patted the countertop. Any sound her hand made against the wood was muted by the blaring music. “Four guys walked in with these boujee hoes practically kissing the ground they walked on just before you got here. Those women are just trying to get that bank, if you ask me. They’ll probably suck their guys off for a few grand later.”
“Jill!” I snorted at her bluntness.
“What? It’s gotta be true!” She waved her hand in a playfully dismissive gesture. “But, if I were them, I’d totally do the same. The whole bartender gig doesn’t pay much on bad tip days.”
“Yeah, well, maybe I’d skip the part that involves coming out to a club in the middle of nowhere.” I added as I took a sip of my drink.
“I’m with you.” Jill agreed. “Now, you go enjoy your night. Don’t let me keep you stuck here. Just come back once you get thirsty, okay?”
“Of course! And I’ll ask for you specifically.” I slid off of my stool and smiled, lifting my drink off the counter. “Take care!”
“I’m trying.” Jill playfully waved and left to go take more orders.
Normally, I’d head straight to the dance floor and shamelessly flirt with a new man or woman of my choosing before dirty dancing with them and letting them buy me a new drink, but tonight was different.
I couldn’t get the image of the four people in that VIP section out of my head. Specifically, I couldn’t stop thinking of that raven-haired man. I was frozen, just a few paces from the bar. Why are they here? What do all these rich people want?
I tried to refocus on the loud thrumming music and let it drown out my thoughts as I willed my feet to shuffle towards the dance floor.
Baby, are you ready 'cause it's gettin' cold Don't you feel the passion ready to explode?
Bang! Bang! Bang! I jumped as the jarring sound drowned out Rihanna’s voice. I hadn’t even made it to the edge of the dance floor when it sounded.
The mass of bodies in front of me froze as screams rang out across the room. My blood ran cold. This can’t be happening…
Bang! Bangbangbang! Bangbang! When the gunfire increased in frequency, the dance floor suddenly became a mob as everyone made a mad dash to the door.
I turned to run with them, but tripped over my own high heel and fell to my knees. My drink crashed onto the floor, the glass shattering.
The mob was coming too fast, and there was already a crowd forming at the door, so I crawled behind the bar as quickly as possible to avoid getting trampled and hide from whoever was firing their guns.
“Shitshitshitshitshit!” I hissed as I moved across the floor.
Once I got behind the bar, I quickly abandoned my heels in preparation for a quick escape. I peeked my head out to check the door, but a bullet narrowly missing my face startled me into reeling backwards and colliding with a body that was hunched behind the bar with me.
I gasped as I turned around to see the raven-haired man who seemed equally shocked. “What the hell are you still doing here?” He hissed.
“Trying not to get killed.” I scowled. “I could ask you the same thing.”
He raised his eyebrows at my response. “I would imagine my own reasoning was obvious. Unless you were watching me merely for my good looks.”
I instantly felt my cheeks burn as I muttered. “Well, you don’t have to be a douche about it.”
We jumped as the bullets grew closer to where we were crouched. The man quickly took to his feet and fired his own gun at the origin of the sounds before crouching back down to avoid another spray of bullets.
My eyes widened at the sight of his weapon. “You’re a part of this?”
“No, I’m merely a participating onlooker.” His voice oozed with a sarcasm that almost made me want to slap him across his gorgeous face.
Would it hurt if I slapped someone with sharp cheekbones? I shook the thought out of my head. Get it together! You’re in a life or death situation right now!
“We can’t stay here.” Before I could process what he was saying to me, he grabbed my arm and hoisted me to my feet before dragging me into the kitchen door by the bar. “Trust me if you value your life.”
“I don’t seem to have much of a choice in the matter-” I stumbled, making my attempt at sarcasm more pathetic than anything else.
The man’s grip on my arm tightened to the point where I was sure my skin would bruise. “Do find your footing, would you?”
I glared daggers at him before he dragged me around the kitchen island, dodging the bartenders who were ducking for cover. I scanned the room for Jill, but I couldn’t find her. Oh, god! I hope she’s okay…
Just then, a man wearing a black suit with red accents ran in with a pistol aimed in our direction. The raven-haired man simply pulled me behind him and fired his own gun. I looked over his shoulder just in time to see the man fall dead with a bullet wound in his head. A wave of nausea crashed into me as blood slowly oozed out of the wound, forming a puddle underneath his body.
The bartenders on the floor let out a unanimous blood-curdling scream at the sight of the carnage as the raven-haired man dragged me out of the kitchen and back into the club. Despite the DJ being gone, and the entire club being empty, the whole venue was still thrumming with loud music.
“Can you tell me what the hell is going on?!” I shouted at the raven-haired man before he shot and killed another man in a red and black suit.
He just raised his free hand to his ear and muttered something barely intelligible under the music. “H…any…ft?” After a heartbeat of silence he growled “Damnit!” before dragging me to crouch behind the DJ booth, bullets whizzing by us all the way.
“If you’re not gonna tell me what’s going on, can you at least tell me who you are?” I shouted over the music.
He cocked his gun, having just reloaded it, and winked. “I’m your savior, of course.”
I scowled. “Right… AH-”
I was dragged onto my feet by a large hand that gripped my hair. All I saw was a long black coat with a little flash of fur as a new mysterious figure held me in a chokehold. The raven-haired man took to his feet and aimed his gun at the both of us, clearly struggling to get a clear shot at the man behind me. The DJ booth finally stopped playing music–possibly due to reaching the end of its predetermined playlist–so I could hear their voices clearly.
“Let my men go or I kill her.” The figure’s voice sounded right by my ear with small traces of a German accent before I felt something cold and metal placed against my temple. I recognized it as the barrel of a gun before I even heard him cock it. My blood ran cold. Is this how I’m going to die?
The raven-haired man furrowed his brow as his gun was still trained on us. “Leave her out of this, Zemo. She’s merely a civilian. She doesn’t associate with us.”
“But you Sons of Odin love keeping people who aren’t in our business safe, don’t you?” Zemo seemed to tighten his grip on me. It was a wonder I could still breathe, but it did take some effort.
“Some of us care not for that little code.” The raven-haired man scowled.
What the fuck?! I wanted to scream. Are you trying to save me or not?
I reached my hands up to try to pry his arm from my neck, but it was futile. I had no experience in fighting like this. I felt that Zemo was inherently stronger than me.
“Let… me… go… asshole…” I gasped, desperate for a way out.
“Oooh, this one’s a bit… how do Americans say… spunky.” Zemo chuckled, amused by my struggle.
“Fuck you!” I spat before bringing my foot up behind me as sharply as possible.
“Umph!” Zemo doubled over as the back of my foot connected with his crotch.
I grabbed the hand that held his gun and pulled it to my mouth to bite it. Zemo was wearing gloves, so I had to bite down considerably hard before he felt the pain and dropped the weapon. I wrenched myself free from his grip before lunging at the gun on the floor. I quickly spun back around, aiming it at Zemo with shaking hands.
“Easy, prinzessin.” Zemo looked up at me with shock, his brown hair a little messy on top of his head. His voice, however, was still smooth and condescending, almost as if he was convincing me to sleep with him rather than convincing me not to shoot him. “It wasn’t personal. My fight is with the man behind you.”
“Shut up!” My voice wavered as my finger curled around the trigger. I couldn’t imagine actually killing Zemo. I didn’t even know who he was. Besides, It wasn’t like I’d taken a life before. I imagined I would break down shortly after firing at him, before spending the rest of my life in therapy. He did just threaten to kill me, though. Maybe it would have been well deserved.
“Stop.” The raven-haired man wrapped one arm around my shoulders, moving my aim down to the floor with the other. “Killing this man would not be a very good idea. Let me handle this.”
“Yes, prinzessin.” Zemo looked back at me smugly. “Leave this to the men, eh?”
My blood boiled. What the fuck did he just say to me? I couldn’t believe the audacity of this man. First, he tried to kill me, then he has the balls to make that sexist remark after literally being held at gunpoint? Oh, no. I was not going to let that fly.
Bam! Before thinking my actions through, I sent a bullet straight into his shin.
“AH!” Zemo fell over, clutching the bullet wound. “Sohn einer Hündin! Ah- Verdammt! Oh, Sheisse!” His face scrunched with pain as his brow began to mist with sweat.
Once I was frozen with the realization that I’d just shot someone, the raven-haired man quickly snatched Zemo’s gun from my hands, clearly amused by his suffering.
“I believe we should get going.” He grabbed my arm again and guided me towards the back exit.
“I won’t forget this, Odinson!” Zemo spat as we left.
Once we stepped outside, the chill of the night air made me shiver. There were no more neon lights. Just the stars sprinkled around the full moon in the night sky.
The raven-haired man noticed I was cold and removed his suit jacket, revealing the tight dress shirt underneath that left nothing of his upper body to the imagination. He threw it over my shoulders. “There you go.”
“Thank you.” I breathed.
Suddenly, the darkness was filled with flashing blue and red lights as sirens broke the silence. He grabbed my arm and led me into the closest tree line. “We can’t stay here. Let’s go now.” He hissed.
────༺ ♰ ༻────
Finally safe from the heat of the cops, we walked along the sidewalk, the raven-haired man insisting on taking me home. The shock of me firing a gun for the first time eased, but hadn’t faded.
“Do you think he’ll recover from that?” I shuddered.
“Zemo? Yes, he’ll be fine.” The man waved his hand dismissively. “Unfortunately.”
I watched as my dirtied bare feet traversed the cold sidewalk. “I have so many questions.”
The man stopped beside me and softly coaxed my head up to face him. “Well, I do have some time before I must return to my associates. So, ask away. I’ll answer whatever I can for you.”
I took a deep breath and started. “Who are you?”
“Well, I am-” He started before I cut him off.
“And don’t say you’re my ‘savior’.” I glared at him. “What is your name?”
He chuckled, thoughtfully rubbing his chin before responding. “I’m Loki. Loki Odinson.”
“Loki…” I softly tested his name on my tongue. It was a beautiful name, unlike anything I’d heard before. “Okay… Loki… What just happened?”
“That, my dear, is a long story.” He started, extending his arm to me. “Allow me to explain.” I took his arm in mine and we began walking along the sidewalk again. “My father, Odin, rules over one of the grandest mafia schemes in your realm.”
“My… realm?” I was nothing short of confused.
“Midgard.” He explained, “The realm of the human race.”
“You speak as if you’re not human.” I snorted.
“That would be because I’m not.” He stated as if he was speaking of the weather and not confirming the existence of otherworldly beings.
Normally, I’d have thought this guy was a loon, but that night was so eventful, I was too tired to be skeptical. “So, what are you?”
“I am a god.” Where I once was too tired to be skeptical, I had the energy to laugh. “What’s so funny?”
“You’re a god?” I wiped tears from my eyes. “Really?”
“Yes, I am.” With a wave of his free hand, he conjured a small firework show and held it out to me. “I am the god of mischief, and I specialize in illusions.”
My jaw went slack and my feet stopped working. “W- wow… That’s incredible.”
Loki closed his hand and gave my arm a light tug. “Do keep walking. I’d prefer to get you home sooner rather than later.”
We kept walking and I kept the questions flowing. “If you know magic, then why didn’t you just kill all those guys with your powers?”
“That would have been simpler, wouldn’t it?” He smirked. “Unfortunately, mankind has yet to accept the existence of beings of my caliber. Me using my powers… well, it would have caused a scene, to say the least. We can’t work if we’re attracting too much attention.”
“Understood.” My brain was creating questions faster than I could ask them. “So, you’re a god and you’re in the mafia… Those people you came into the club with, are they also part of the mafia?”
“Yes. Those are my sister, brother, and brother’s lover, to be exact.” I shuddered when I remembered the stoic raven-haired woman. That was his sister.
“And where does that leave Zemo?”
“He’s part of our rival organization, HYDRA.”
“HYDRA…” I saw my house slowly coming into view. “So, the shootout started because you two are enemies? Did they step onto your territory, or steal from you? …Or something like that?”
“Now, you’re overthinking it.” Loki softly chuckled. “Our conflict tonight began simply because they fired first.” I remembered how quickly everyone on the dance floor froze after the initial blast. Why would the members of HYDRA just start shooting like that?
“Mmhmm…” I took a moment to think over everything that he was telling me. “One more question: Why are you telling me all of this? Aren’t mafia systems usually secret?” We made it to the front steps of my house and sat beside each other on the bottom step.
“Well, first of all, that was two questions.” I sent an annoyed glance at him before he continued. “Second, I tell you this because I have a proposal for you.”
I gulped. “Is it one where I get to stay alive?”
Loki laughed aloud in a warm sound. “Of course! I didn’t save you to kill you. Counterproductivity is not in my nature. No, rather, I’m impressed by you.”
“You’re impressed by me?” I raised my eyebrows. “Trust me, I’m not that impressive.”
“Or so you were led to believe.” I raised my eyebrows at him, prompting him to continue. “The workings of your realm can be oh so tiresome, wearing down its strongest warriors into mindless sheep who are fooled by a false sense of independence. But, tonight… Tonight, I caught a glimpse of the real you, unburdened by this society. You fought a man who wronged you, and you nearly killed him. That was impressive.”
I cringed. “I think that’s also technically illegal.”
“Forget the legalities!” Loki rested a hand on my shoulder. “You have potential. Besides, what’s left for you here?” I thought about that. What was left for me here? I had a boring job in a boring town. I had no ambitions, no goals, and nothing to look forward to. I just dragged myself through each day like a mindless drone. Like a mindless sheep. I was in an endless cycle of uselessness.
When I didn’t answer immediately, Loki continued, “I’ll tell you what waits for you if you come with me.” He stood from the step and turned to face me. “You can have an escape from the illusion of choice, in favor of a life of true liberation. Know what independence truly looks like. Live a life where you’re not crushed under the fists of those who decide your worth.”
The sun began to rise behind him, the sky creating a hazy outline around his tall figure. I felt like a disciple who looked up to her god with admiration and awe. I wondered for a moment whether he’d bless me or cast his judgment on me. All I knew was that I trusted him with my life once, and now I felt I could do it again, and again, and again for as long as we both lived. I would do whatever he wanted me to. I trusted him fully and completely.
“Loki…” I began as a black limo pulled up on the street behind him. “What are you asking of me?”
The back window of the limo wound down to reveal the blond man from earlier. “Brother!” He shouted. “Make haste! Father waits for us.”
Loki didn’t even pay attention to the shouting blond. He just reached his hand out for me. “Join me. Shed the weight of your mundane life and join me. Feel the relief of true liberation. Join me and the Sons of Odin. Let me take you away.”
A heavy silence fell between us. My answer here would be my defining moment. Was I willing to cast everything I ever knew aside and start over with this man I just met? Then again, what did I have to cast aside in the first place?
I slid my hand into his and slowly rose to my feet, breathlessly answering, “Take me away, Loki.”
────༺ ♰ ༻────
Of course, I didn’t immediately leave with Loki at that moment. My parents were expecting me home. I explained to him that I needed to at least give them some excuse as to why I’d be suddenly moving out of the house. I gave him back his suit jacket and warmly smiled, thanking him for the opportunity before rushing into the house and packing my things. I didn’t have a lot to my name, so I was able to get by with two large suitcases.
When my parents inevitably confronted me, I’d already had my story straight. While I was out, a traveling modeling agent found me and offered me a full-time job in New York. They were extremely happy for me, we shared hugs, and they told me to make sure to reach out every so often.
That night, Loki returned to pick me up and take me to my new life. We left for New York City together and he helped me settle into my new life. He had Natasha, a former spy from Russia who turned to the Sons of Odin for a better life, teach me how to fight. He introduced me to his sister, Hela, the boss of the Death District of the Sons of Odin, and his brother, Thor, the boss of the Thunder District.
He even showed me his large penthouse. As it would turn out, he set aside a room for me down the hall from his. He apologized for the arrangement, saying it was temporary until he could find me my own space to live. I didn’t care. I was overjoyed that I’d be able to live with the man who came to The Lively Vixen and saved me.
I couldn’t tell whether Loki saved me from my life or myself that night. All I knew was that he’d breathed life into my walking corpse. He’d spared me from the mundane and I would be eternally grateful. He was my hero. My savior. My god of mischief.
It was six months into my training that I discovered my feelings for him didn’t stop at awe and admiration. I had fallen in love with him, and those feelings only grew each day I spent with him. It wasn’t until my ninth month with the Sons of Odin that I confessed my feelings to him, and surprisingly, he reciprocated, and even confessed that he was never looking for other living arrangements for me. So, I moved up the hall and we spent our first night together.
────༺ ♰ ༻────
“You look absolutely ravishing, my darling.” Loki’s eyes sparkled as we laid in bed together, facing each other.
“And you are such a charmer, my god.” I purred.
A growl rumbled from the back of his throat. “Oh, how I love when you call me that. It sets my very soul aflame.”
“Then I’ll be sure to use every breath I have left in my lungs to call you all the things you like.” I reached out to cup his cheek in my hand. “As long as you promise to call me yours.”
Loki and I leaned closer to each other until we were just a breath apart. “I promise.” He breathed before wrapping me in his strong arms and pulling me into a deep kiss. I let myself melt into him and we stayed in each other’s embrace until we drifted off to sleep.
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Prinzessin - Princess
Sohn einer Hündin! - Son of a bitch!
Verdammt! - Dammit!
Sheisse! - Shit!
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byakuyasdarling · 10 months
🍋🍋 give me 2
Thank you, MIKA!!
Heheh, first off, something that did occur on this account… the CLAUDEning…
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The absolute WORST man (not even man, he’s a whole ass spider demon but that’s what I think is attractive, apparently) I’ve liked. He did fall victim to some… odd writing, which the OVA made fun of. This guy is arguably just sadistic,, but he also likes making doilies and is fully committed to the spider thing (adorable). Just imagine Byakuya but 50x worse, actually — that’s Claude.
I do have an S/I to be paired with him (she’s the Bl//ack But//ler S/I, and she’s also dead before the main story (though comes back on a technicality of the world’s rules — though I haven’t developed it)).I actually think her story concept is really cool, but obviously I had to expand and slightly revamp his character for it to work. Of course, because of the whole nature of it… they aren’t explicitly a romantic couple, like idk if he can even feel that tbh and I don’t want to pull a twilight and pair a 19+ year old with a 28387389290003-year-old demon. I think I wrote it that he cares for her but in a similar manner to Seba//stian and Ci//el as of recent chapters (as in, it was definitely initially a “I want to eat your soul” thing). He is my fuzzy wuzzy spider though.
And everyone knows my other traumatised skrunkle, Nob//uchika:
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Gosh this man is precious and needs a hug and needs to have a kiss on the forehead and omg omg omg h3 is so stressed waaa. The fan base says “oh he looks so daddy when he becomes an enforcer”, but I think he looks too different. I think it makes sense he becomes more muscular because of his work change, but his hair and face shape changing makes it so he reads as a different person. I’m very much a S1 fan and that is that (S2 is aight); S1 is god-tier though. I also think I probably like him best here because he looks like Bya (they also have the same voice actor).
His personality is also like Bya’s once he gives up the dick attitude (so the games past T//HH basically). Though, he deeply cares for justice and the people around him. He deals with a lot of self-esteem issues in S1 as well due to how much “betrayal” he has been though. He needs all the care in the world,,,
Also the creators gave notes on the type of girl he likes and stuff and I CAN DO BOTH BB ILY ♥️♥️
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lucyandthepen · 10 months
Hi, it’s me again ! 🍬anon.
So I have a few things to say hehehe.
First the other day, I read « last Eden » I just can’t wait to see how it will continue !!
Second, I just read your last one shot with mark and- omg. I loved it. Like, I really took my time to read it because I enjoyed every part of it. The moment where Mark and y/n opened mystery box, it was so so so cute. And also? Jealous mark ? From the moment I saw Johnny appearing and y/n saying that he is her « partner » I knew mark will misunderstood it 😭.
Also (I say also a lot, pardon me, English isn’t my mother tongue ☹️, so sometimes I struggle to say what I really meant lol), your smut was so well written like- I had butterflies in my stomach lol. I sometimes don’t feel very comfortable reading smut because sometimes it’s written in a was that makes me cringe but this one… beautiful 10/10 chef kiss 💋
+ I loved noisy jaehyun,,
I cannot wait to read your other works ! I think I’m your #1 fan because I come to your blog everyday to see if you posted anything new haha.
Have a great day/night, take care of yourself <333
hello, my sweet candy anon! (i'm not on my phone, and i'm very lazy when it comes to looking for emojis on the laptop, so please excuse me using my words LOL!!!) re: last eden, i'm so grateful you gave it a shot! i'm definitely excited to see how it'll progress with you guys, as the story's still being built and changed here and there! i hope it's a story that'll continue to entertain you and others :)
ahhhh, you really called it! i see mark as a very jealous boi, but lowkey enough not to do it (only enough to sulk about it maybe HAHAHA), but he definitely read too deeply into the required closeness between mc and johnny! we'll forgive him bc hes CUTE when he's jealous!!! i really did love the mystery box scene; i loved thinking about how they could share this one thing together, like an experience that's kind of unique to them, just to bring them closer.
i'm unbelievably grateful you were able to enjoy my smut! i can't say i'm that great at writing it, which is exactly why i'm trying my best to write more of it to get better! action in general is very difficult for me to write, but i guess you can't improve if you don't do it at all, so it's always fun to try! i'm glad it wasn't something that made you cringe and that it was a natural read for you; that gives me a lot of motivation to get even better!!!!!!!!
as a side note: don't ever apologize for learning english as a secondary language! we're all trying to learn and get better, even me, and i've lived in countries where students aren't normally fluent in english and i've worked in the ESL industry for a while now, so it's nothing you have to seek pardon for! you're doing great, and i'm so proud of you. you're killing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
i cannot wait to hear more from you, and i hope we'll be able to talk a lot and enjoy talking about nct together! from today, i am also your number one fan. <3 i hope you have a wonderful day/night wherever you may be, and always stay sweet, my precious friend!!!!!!!
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urban-hart · 10 months
A VERY late contribution to the 'Tag People You'd Like to Know Better'. Thank ye, @lady-merian :3 for le tag
Three Ships: Rapunzel and Eugene Fitzherbert (tAngleD), Amy Santiago and Jake Peralta (B99), and @soundofmind's James Hawke and my own Hild Ashlund from our first complete rp because they're a freaking solid couple, okay??
First Ship: uhhhhh i can't actually think of a first ship?? I'm generally not too strongly in the shipping game as it is.
oh wait, wut dat?? something in the distance, fast approaching? OH??? a HUNGRY HUNGRY HIPPO??? OH NOOOO-
NOTE the writer perished before she could find an answer, so sad that she never got to choose :(((
Last Song: currently listening to 'The Heat' by Scrawny. (side note: i have found a voice claim for Aaron)
Last Movie: watched the Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey last night. I made fun of it basically the whole way through. That said, I do think it's fantastic entertainment, if nothing else.
Currently Reading: in addition to 'Lessons in Chemistry', I'm also delving into the Odyssey since I've finished the Iliad. still just in the beginning part with Telemachus, so I haven't seen my mans (Odysseus) quite yet.
Currently Watching: Already mentioned B99. I AM also watching a lot of 'Bluey' on my lunch breaks. Super cute, and such a thoughtful show. Very much deserving of its high praise. have had a vague desire to Blueyfy myself and blorbos, but settled for a Blueyfied Tilly :3
Currently Writing: ....does this tag game count?? hehehe, no i know. Merian, you did kindly suggest I share about any art project that may be in the works. And I do have something to share this time! It's the New Guy whom Agnes remarries present day
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he's a nice dude. as stated in the image, these are just rough passes. I'm leaning toward the more squashed face shape/proportions to the far left-- the gist is that he is a large-ish man. Agnes (who is at least taller than Lyall) is here to the far right for scale.
NO PRESSURE TAGS: @patchworkperceptions (that's right! anOTHer tag!! i mean, i know you already, but its a fun thing, just do it) @kingdomblade @apieters @roxirinart @awesomebutunpractical @mrsducky EDIT *points* @swordshards you too!! if you want!!!
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dearestones · 2 years
Hetalia Matchup: America
Warnings: Fluff.
Anonymous Request: Hi hello! First of all, I want to say that you are lovely! I really enjoy your writing ♡♡
Then, mm if it's alright, may I request a platonic matchup for Hetalia fandom? Oh, and I don't mind to be matched with male/female character! They're all lovely for me ♡
So... appearance, right? I'm average height. I have wavy red hair (that I dyed since I was in high school) and dark brown eyes. I have light skin... and my style of clothing, it changes everyday I think? Sometimes I wear hoodie and jeans, on the other day I wear white shirt and long skirt. Whatever fits my mood that day!
You call me Nacchan! I loveeee reading. I mostly read fictions, though! My favorite books are The Wandering Cat Chronicles, The Outsiders, Sherlock Holmes, Agatha Christie's novels, Frankenstein, Jane Eyre, andd some local novels from my own country heheh. I also love learning history and baking cakes!
Hmm, my personality... I'm not good with crowd, or talking to a lot of people in general. I'm good with talking to one or two people, but more than that and I will have nothing to say ahahah. To people who are closest to me, though, I'm really loud. I lovee talking to them for hours-- about anything! As long as it's fun and not offensive. I also love cracking jokes and making them laugh! My mother often calls me an airhead. Sometimes, she calls me crazy-- I know it sounds harsh, but it's not! Rather, it's a... term of endearment? Mm, I love making people happy, though. I want to be the reason they smile and laugh.
I kin Toga Himiko and Dabi from BNHA, Kanroji Mitsuri from KnY, and Amane Misa from Death Note.
I think this is all?
Thank you so much! I hope you have a wonderful day ♡
After reading through your rather lovely description, I think you match best with America!
Based on your physical description, America can rather tell that you’re a go with the flow type of person and that you don’t box yourself into one specific kind of aesthetic. That’s his favorite type of person to be honest; as long as you’re yourself and you’re comfortable, then that’s the way it should be!
Let it be known that America values you for who you are and not what you wear. 
He adores your red hair (and that may be because it reminds him of his ever favored “stars and stripes”) and will like watching it flow in the breeze. He says it’s because it reminds him of freedom, but it’s mainly because he gets distracted easily sometimes, but your hair is enough of a grounding force to get him to refocus. 
America isn’t always that big on reading fiction, but he can appreciate that you have great taste. As a former colony of England and a large importer of British publications in his local bookstores, he has a pretty good guess of what your tastes are. For your birthday and special anniversaries, you can guarantee that you will see a few new novels with your name on them (not literally, but written on a card and gently caressed with a red ribbon). 
So you’re sort of introverted? That’s quite all right with America! He can talk enough for the both of you when in large crowds, but once it’s just you two or with close friends, he hopes that you return the favor. 
You can talk about anything, on any day, and this man will look at you with hearts in his eyes. He loves a good debate and will engage you as much as possible, but he’s just as happy listening. 
Awww, you don’t have to try so hard to make America smile. He’s already smiling knowing that the both of you are great friends. But, hey! He won’t say no to a great big bellyaching laugh here and there. In return, he’s going to either make you laugh until you start tearing up or he’ll give you a few burgers just to get a second wind from all the laughter.
All in all, your friendship has a great foundation and is expected to last for many years to come! America loves it when you smile and laugh, but don’t hesitate to call him if you need a shoulder to cry on. You’re strong, but sometimes even strong people need a hand to help lift them up in hard times. 
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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rev-feaw · 1 year
My Short Review of Honkai: Star Rail after ~2 Weeks
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Hi!! This is gonna be my first post here.
If you’re a gacha games observer, Genshin/HI3 player or general Mihoyo enjoyer you are most likely already know that they just released a new game, that is Honkai: Star Rail. I prereg this game and made my account on the first day, and this is my loose review about the game so far. Please note other gacha games I’m currently play daily are Fate/Grand Order and Genshin Impact. I also tried Arknights for some months so maybe there will be comparison to them.
Combat: 7.5/10
I don’t like turn-based system for the God’s sake (looking at you, FGO) but the way they have AUTO really escalated the rate for me. The turn-based here honestly more fun than I thought!
Art: 8/10
OK. As expected
Music: 8/10
What should I critic from Hoyo-Mix
Exploration: 7/10
Please keep in mind this isn’t an exploration-focused game like Genshin. It does, however has funni descriptions about items, reminds me of 2D exploration games (something like Undertale).
Story: 7/10
I’ll be honest I play this just as a ‘gacha addict’ outlet and don’t really pay attention to the story, but imo this one’s harder to digest than Genshin, maybe HI3 player can understand better though.
Characters: 7/10
Not very much attachment too, heheh;; Unlike Genshin where I was very attached to Venti after 3 seconds in the game. But the MC is a menace of society, real rate is THE RULES ARE MEANT TO BE BROKEN/10.
Also they have “chatrooms”!! This is very cool, because I think they can keep any character relevant with this.
P. S. They REALLY need to add more battle voicelines. You’ll go crazy listen to “the rules--” everytime you turn up the volume.
Worldbuilding: 7/10
I’m not much a fan of their worldbuilding concept tbh, I think “planet” as a chapter’s setting is too massive, so many aspects about it left unpolished (one nation/planet isn’t very believable to me). But maybe I just don’t understand well.
Grinding: 9/10
AUTO mode is gamechanger. You also can change a relic’s main stat once/patch. Honestly this is the one that can make me linger around longer in this game. GI and FGO both aren’t this forgiving in time spent on farming :’D
Also unlike Arknights, u don’t need three stars or something to start AUTO your way out.
Endgame: 9/10
NGL, this game has better endgame content than Genshin. A LOT. It has something called “Stimulation Universe”. I think it’s similar to Arknights’ Annihilation that reset every week and earn rewards based on points. So rejoice if you’re strategy games enjoyer and like to play around with character builds, this game is good for you.
Gacha: 5/10
Why even bother. Just go with your starter characters.
UI/UX: 7/10
Dear Mihoyo: SKIP and LOG button WHEN??!!
Overall enjoyment: 7.8/10
Yeah weird numbers, but this is my overall, subjective rate. This won’t be my main game but since they’re not as grindy as my other games I think I can keep up by just playing casually. The minimal amount of grind also helped in increasing enjoyment in the overall strategy gameplay.
Unlike when u play Arknights where you have to massively build so many characters with so limited items and pretty hard stages (even for farming for early player) or Genshin with their chaotic artifacts farming..or FGO with their horrendous amount of doing the same 3-turns farming manually. If I had to go through things like that again here, I’ll drop the game immediately.
End Note (if still want to read, or just skip, lol)
If Star Rail was published before Genshin I doubt I’ll ever try it. Back then the only gacha game that can keep me for so long was only FGO (Since 2017, dear God) because I was soooo invested with their story and characters despite I have a massive hatred with their gameplay (lol). 
I often got HI3 ads on Youtube and I thought their visual is cool. But the game itself never interest me, because the playable characters are like 99% waifu so no, I prefer to have pretty balanced amount of dudes and chicks. Then in late 2020 Genshin was released, and I’m like... this is the one... the one I’ve been waiting for!!!!
I may write other long essays about why I was drawn to Genshin very much. And I was right, it was the only game that can pull me out from my FGO exclusivity, and made me realize that HI3 was not just a mere “waifu” game, and they give faith for me about HSR that was still in the beta back then.
Tl;dr Honkai: Star Rail is good. Don’t worry.
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