#have you seen the way greg looks at him?
gregmarriage · 1 year
on a tomgreg betrayal, i honestly don’t think it will actually happen. the chances of it genuinely happening seem very slim. i think there’s probably gonna be the possibility offered to one or both of them, one or both of them will get scared the other will actually go through with it (most likely, tom will be worried that greg will turn against him somehow) honestly? i just imagine a boar on the floor style situation where it’s tense and there’s a moment where you think one of them will betray the other, but they don’t. this later solidifies their relationship and could perhaps lead into the meaty stuff, i.e, the romantic side of things.
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gregoftom · 1 year
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oh they fr had bitchnasty sex after this
#tomgreg#I CANT BREATHE HAHAHAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa oh wow. ohhhhhhh wow. oh wow. hahahahahaaaaaaaaaa wow.#GREG REALLY SAID: YOU WANNA FUCK ME SO BAD IT MAKES YOU LOOK STUPID.#the way tom goes OHHHhhhh at greg getting bold is Exactly the same tone me and my gf use with each other. just. you know. for reference.#BUT GREG'S LITTLE HEAD GESTURE BEFORE HE SAID PROVE IT LIKE HE REALLY MEANS IT?????? I GOTTA GO#also i'm sorry but they both read so fucking gay to me like so gay. esp greg in this moment. his line for comfry is so like.#it's so. like you just wouldn't do that. i think. if you were straight. I DONT KNOW I JUST FEEL A KINDRED SPIRIT IN HIM I GUESS.#''she seems like a nice.... person'' GIRL WHAT KIND OF ANSWER IS THAT AND THE PAUSE BEFORE PERSON I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE.#i  know what you both are.#like. fuck what else can i say about this scene. they're insane i guess????#oh btw i know for a fact tom thinks greg is the most beautiful weird ass creature he's ever seen#like you know a sea creature that's kinda weird that you'd find at the bottom of the ocean that you see in an aquarium#and you're like wow!! that's odd! but.... so beautiful#like that's greg to tom. yet he's like SHES SO PRETTY AND YOU'RE SO GROSS HAHAHA#like. i see what you're doing you fucking avocado you're like oh don't bother going after her bc you're sweet and she might actually say yes#she might like you for what i like you for and y'all might hook up and i can't be having that!!!#like he's so transparent lmfao.#how do i know tom thinks greg is beautiful?? well who else do you say would be fit to take over from your beautiful wife if she died#ALSO tom is just surprised that greg bit back he's not even like. angry? idk i feel like if anyone else said that they'd be#family guy on the floor pose#about shiv being out of his league i mean#HE EVEN LOOKED AT GREGS MOUTH WHEN HE DID THAT LMFAOOO HE THOUGHT THAT WAS HOT#GOD I HATE HIM HAHAaaaaaaahh#AND AFTER GREG SAYS PROVE IT IT JUST CUTS OFF?!??! DID YALL GO FUCK IN THE BATHROOM IM MDDDWDWKDW#ALSO IF YOU LOOK AT PREV POST/WHAT HAPPENED PREVIOUSLY. THEY TOUCHED EACH OTHER LIGHTLY DIDNT EVEN HUG.#and as i said it felt sort of like ''i don't wanna spoil your outfit we can do that later anyway when we fuck raw''#then you get this. and the cut off. so like. come on what the fuck am i supposed to think. just ignore it??#ALSO sorry. sorry. BUT TOMS FACE DURING IT ALL HES LIKE 20 YEARS YOUNGER!!!!!!! AAARRAHgh#ALSO!!!! sorry. sorry. sorry. but why are the colours the bisexual flag in the bg. why. for what reason.#tom keeps looking at gregs mouth all throughout talking about how he fucks. so fuck him. prove it pussy.
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theemporium · 5 months
blurb request for oscar - maybe he gets jealous/possessive and this is the first time you see this side of him
thank you for requesting! and thank you to @scuderiahoney for brainstorming with me since it's partially her fault i am writing oscar again!!🫶🏽
It genuinely didn’t bother him at first. Or at least, not that much.
He had noticed it. He would have been fucking blind to not notice it. In fact, he wasn’t the only one to notice it because Lando had brought it up to him. They had been walking through the paddock, making their way back towards the garage after a press conference when he spotted the two of you in the distance. 
“Does it not bother you?” Lando had asked, pausing whatever conversation they had been talking about to nod towards where you were standing. 
Truthfully, Oscar didn’t even need to follow his line of sight to know exactly what he was talking about. But he did anyway, maybe because some twisted part of him liked torturing himself that little bit more when he found you deep in conversation with one of the intern engineers—Oscar vaguely remembers his name being Greg or something along the lines.
“No,” Oscar told him, and it was only partially a lie. “She’s just talking to him.”
“They seem close,” Lando noted, glancing towards his teammate with a knowing look.
“I trust her,” Oscar had replied. And he did trust you. He trusted you irrevocably. He trusted you with his life and his heart. But that didn’t mean something deep in his stomach twisted whenever he saw you laughing away with Greg. 
“It’s not her I think you should worry about,” Lando muttered under his breath, but they had reached the garage by that point and the conversation never continued.
But despite his trust in you, he didn’t trust Greg—not one single fucking bit.
Because it wasn’t just a passing interaction or a budding friendship. It was starting to creep into something more, something so slow and subtle that maybe other people didn’t notice but Oscar fucking did. He noticed it every single time. 
The second he wasn’t by your side, Greg would jump in. The second he had to get in the car or talk to his team, it seemed like Greg had taken it upon himself to keep you company. The second you were in the paddock after not attending a few races, Greg would be greeting you like he hadn’t seen you in years. 
Oscar tried to push down the bitter feelings bubbling in his stomach. You didn’t look uncomfortable or bothered by Greg’s company, and the last thing he wanted to do was come off as some controlling, territorial boyfriend who dictated who you spoke to. If anything, it should have been reassuring to him that you were making friends in the paddock to spend time with when he was busy with the team. 
He just really wished it wasn’t Greg.
Yet, despite his restraint and promise to himself to keep his mouth shut as long as you were happy, Oscar could only be pushed so far before he snapped. 
It was a good race. In fact, it was a great fucking race. After what seemed like a disappointing qualifying that was setting up a shittier race, Oscar hadn’t had high hopes for the weekend. In fact, nobody in the team did—for either car. But it felt like something had just come alive in the car and the second the lights went out, there was a new buzz that had him speeding through the pack. 
It wasn’t a podium weekend, which was always a gutting occurrence. But ending the race in P4 was more than enough for Oscar when the team weren’t even sure if he would make it in the points. He was buzzed, he was on a high and he felt like some of the stress of this weekend had been taken off his shoulders. 
However, when he made his way back to the garage to celebrate with the team and you, he was confused when he was unable to find you the second he got out of the car. That confusion fizzled into something far more bitter and resentful when he noticed Greg huddled beside you, yapping your ear off as you stood there, nodding and smiling. 
He didn’t even realise he was making his way over until he had saddled up beside you, his arm curled around waist like the touch would ease some of the tightness in his chest.
“Sorry, mate, mind if I just steal my girlfriend for a second?” The words had left his mouth, but the usual friendliness was long gone. His words were sharp, blunt even. And he genuinely couldn’t bring himself to care in that moment as he dragged you away before Greg even had the chance to open his mouth, his body working on pure muscle memory to lead you both to his driver room.
It hadn’t even hit him what he had done until the two of you were finally in the privacy of his driver room, the door locked and the rest of the world shut out. 
“Oscar,” you said his name and the tightness in his chest returned.
“I’m sorry,” he blurted out before you could even say anything more. “I just…he is always there. He is always fucking there and I just wanted you for myself just once. All I could think about since I crossed that line was hugging you and then I got out the car and I just saw him and—” 
But his rambles died on his tongue when he caught the way you were staring at him, a soft smile playing on your lips. 
“What? Why are you smiling like that?” Oscar questioned, his brows furrowing together. “I just acted like a caveman and you’re smiling.”
“A caveman,” you repeated with a snort, shaking your head before you took a step closer to your boyfriend. “Well, caveman or not, I thought it was kinda hot.”
Oscar blinked. “Huh?”
However, you just shrugged your shoulders. “What? You’re always so calm and collected, it was nice seeing you get a little worked up.”
He watched your expression closely. “So, you’re not mad?”
Your face softened as you reached for the boy, winding your arms around his waist. “I’m not mad, Oscar. If anything, I’m more relieved. He was kinda annoying, like he never shuts up.”
Oscar let out a relieved breath, but his frown remained as he took your face in his hands. “You should have told me if he was bothering you.”
You shrugged again. “It didn’t seem worth the drama,” you admitted. “You should have told me if it upset you.”
“I didn’t wanna seem like a dick,” he confessed with a sheepish expression on his face. He paused for a moment before thinking better of it, pulling you against his chest as he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck. “I promise I’ll tell you next time if you tell me too.”
“Deal,” you murmured as you sunk into his embrace. You waited a few moments, expecting the boy to pull away but he never did. “You good?”
“Yeah,” he spoke, his breath fanning over the skin of your neck. “Just…makin’ up for the lost time he stole from me.”
You snorted. “Yeah?”
“Mhm,” he hummed innocently.
“I’m not going anywhere,” you assured the boy, smiling a little when you felt a soft peck against your neck. “But I would really appreciate it if you could go shower first. You kinda stink.”
Oscar snorted. “Geez. Thanks.”
You grinned. “C’mon, caveman, the quicker you shower, the quicker I’ll hug you again.”
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 3 months
Sam and Dean Winchester & little sister!reader
Requested by anonymous
Synopsis: You go with your brothers to a bar, but things turn sideways when a stranger won’t leave you alone.
Warnings: creepy guy, scared reader, protective Sam and Dean
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Another hunt. Another town. Another bar.
After you guys had moved into the bunker, some stupid, stupid part of you thought that maybe some things would change. But some things would always be the same.
You didn’t mind the hunting, you really didn’t. You didn’t want to do it, and you wished your brothers had a safer life, but you understood at least. They helped people, and that was everything.
But you hated this; being in a town full of strangers in a bar full of people much older than you, huddling in a corner waiting for your big brothers. There was nothing like not belonging while being surrounded by drunk, adult strangers.
Usually, the adults would stare at you like you were an alien for a moment or two, then ignore you. Young teens weren’t common in bars, but it wasn’t interesting enough to keep them from their good times.
This time, something was different. A man near the bar had been staring at you ever since you walked in the door. You had even gone to the other side of the bar to avoid him, but he followed. He hadn’t approached you, but he wouldn’t stop staring. Since he’d yet to go near you, you didn’t see a reason to bother Sam and Dean about it.
But he was starting to freak you out, so you found yourself trying to locate Sam or Dean in the crowded bar.
You were so distracted looking for your brothers that you hadn’t seen the man approaching.
“Name’s Greg,” he greeted.
“Hi,” you muttered, still glancing around for Sam and Dean.
“What’s a sweetheart like you doing here alone?” Greg asked in a sickeningly sweet voice.
“‘M not—“ You were squirming in your seat now, and Sam and Dean were nowhere to be seen. “—not alone.”
“Now don’t be nervous.” Greg took the seat next to you and scooted it closer so that his knee was touching yours. You tried to scoot back, but you chair was already against the wall. You couldn’t go back, and Greg was angled in such a way that if you got up, he was blocking any easy exit.
“I have to find my brothers,” you said, deciding to risk it and stand up, attempting to squirm past the man.
Your whole body stiffened as though someone had dropped an ice cube down your back. Greg, still sitting in his own chair, and grabbed your leg right above your knee when you stood. His fingers were curled, gripping you much too tightly.
“Hey now,” he said, trying to keep up the sweet tone but sounding annoyed. “No need to rush off.” His fingers slackened their grip, but once he let go he stood, towering over you much too closely. And then the hand that was on your knee was on your shoulder, his fingers digging into the sensitive skin near your neck.
“I-I have to—“ your voice caught in your throat when his grip tightened painfully.
“No you don’t,” he all but commanded. “Just stay right here with me, nobody’s gonna miss you.” He shifted forward until all you could see was him. Your back was up against the wall; you had nowhere to go.
“Please don’t—“
As soon as Greg had appeared, he was gone, and in his place stood the men you’d been so desperate to find.
Dean was shoving Greg toward the exit, and Sam was right there with him until you called out for him.
Sam turned hesitantly, leaving Dean to deal with the creep as he rushed to you and began to examine you.
“Did he hurt you?” Sam demanded.
You shook your head even as you rubbed your sore shoulder. This didn’t go unnoticed by Sam, who pulled aside your sleeve just enough to see the bruises already forming near your neck. His jaw ticked, and he turned to go after Greg, but you grabbed onto his sleeve to keep him near you.
“Don’t go,” you pleaded, and he relented immediately. The moment his arms wrapped around your shoulders, you all but melted into him. The adrenaline that had been pumping through your veins since the moment the man laid his hands on you now felt like a foreign substance pulsing in you, clogging your lungs and burning your eyes and making your knees weak. Your big brother held your weight up effortlessly, rubbing your back and breathing with exaggerated slowness as an example for you to slow your own ragged, racing breaths.
“You’re ok, you’re ok,” he breathed over and over again. “You’re safe now, I’ve got you.”
“Hey.” Dean’s voice had you peaking out from the safety of Sam’s arms. He was standing next to you now, his knuckles suspiciously bruised and bloodied. “Hey, you ok sweetheart?”
You nodded weakly, still resting against Sam. Dean pulled his jacket off and draped it against your shaking shoulders, and the familiar weight and scent washed over you and seemed to abate the adrenaline in your system, at least a little. You took a slow, deep breath that matched Sam’s.
“Let’s get you to the Impala, ok?” Sam suggested gently. You nodded, and Sam kept his arm around your shoulder as the brothers ushered you out. There wasn’t a moment when you weren’t completely surrounded by their protective presence.
Sam guided you into the back of the Impala before joining Dean in the front seats.
Dean glanced back at you every few seconds in the rearview mirror.
“How’s it going back there?”
“‘M ok,” you mumbled, and Dean’s eyebrows curved downward as his mouth retreated into a thin line.
“Ok,” he sighed, and you knew he didn’t believe you.
It didn’t take long to reach the motel, and once the three of you were settled inside Sam spoke again.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
You shook your head quickly, bringing your legs up to your chest and hugging your knees.
“I’m fine,” you said shakily. “He just—he got a little pushy…and grabby.”
“Grabby?” Dean gritted his teeth. “I knew I should’ve hit him harder.”
“I don’t want to talk about it anymore,” you sighed.
“Ok, ok.” Dean rubbed his face. “I’m sorry.”
“This isn’t your fault,” you said quickly. “It’s not—it’s not that big of a deal.”
“Yes it is,” Dean insisted. “And it’s not going to happen again. Either me or Sam is gonna be with you next time, we’re not gonna leave you alone again, ok?”
You nodded. “Ok, that…that sounds good. In case there’s another time.”
“There’s not gonna be another time,” Sam said, pulling you into his arms. “We’re gonna be there. Always.”
@nyotamalfoy @mrvlxgrl @chocorade @aestheticdaisies @inlovewhithafairytale
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kaicubus · 10 months
Dating Rodrick Heffley
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₊˚⊹♡ ∘₊ ───────────── ₊˚⊹♡ ∘₊ ─────────────── ₊˚⊹♡ ∘₊
warnings ✩° : fluff headcanons, cursing.
pairing ✩° : rodrick heffley x fem!reader
authors note ✩° : this is so random but i was on tik tok and i saw an edit of him and i was slapped in the face with this idea!! yiPEEEEE!!!! this is the content i intended on posting when everything settled.
Your parents are convinced that Rodrick is a bad influence on you, and they're right. Being with Rodrick has changed you for the worst and for the better, he’s seen you at your lowest and your highest. But he’s proud of you no matter what happens. In fact, he’s your biggest supporter.
Being over after school every day means you bond really well with his family, and they love you since you seem to have a better influence on him than anything else. I mean, ever since you two started dating, he’s actually been doing his homework and his attendance has significantly improved. That being said, you are definitely a celebrity to Rodrick’s little brother and his friend, Greg and Rowley.
Speaking of the two, you're like their saving grace when it comes to shielding them from the teenage angst that is Rodrick—or in their eyes, the biggest bully they've ever encountered.
There have been many times where Greg tries explaining to you just how bad of a brother Rodrick is, but he never gets farther than a few words before Rodrick slams the door in his face or spills some drink he’s holding onto him.
He’s not that open to listening to your kind of music (if it’s drastically different than the kind of stuff he would listen to) but in secret...in secret he kicks his feet and twirls around imagining you doing the same thing to all the lyrics. He’s a cutie patootie when he’s not being a resentful menace.
Despite that, you spend most of your after school days in Rodrick’s bedroom, garage, or his van just talking about things or listening to him play. He plays a kind of music you never thought you’d listen to before, but have grown to like because not only does he have CDs of all his songs burned into them, but plays other music similar to that genre.
He makes multiple efforts to teach you the guitar with you on his lap and the guitar pressing you both together, but all those times Greg comes in because he wants to try and get on your good side.
If you're not there at band practice, like how you normally are, Rodrick makes all these mistakes and fumbles with playing. Since you're the designated band girlfriend, it’s pretty much a necessity for you to be around him when he practices, otherwise he gets nothing done. Sometimes it’s a problem, but for the most part, you’re like his buff.
Rodrick’s banned from your house because he tried sneaking in your room through your window, but he ended up landing on your mom’s patch of freshly bloomed flowers. When she found out, she wasn’t happy, and even though she tried so hard to excuse his looks, his lack of direction, his rebellious nature, she just couldn’t excuse the sad death of her flower children. So she banned him. Now you guys have to meet in secret or at school or his house, just anywhere not near your house.
He still makes an awkward effort to get your parents to like him, but it never really works out. He either shows up late or shows up with half his clothes missing or drenched in strange fluids because of pranks pulled by his little brother on his way out.
“Mrs. and Mr. L/n—”
“Lime green paint...on my white porch. Can you believe it, honey?”
“Just go, kid.”
He gives you rides to and from school in his janky ass van, but it’s your only form of transportation so you don’t complain. Everything pretty much happens in that van. Everything.
His form of PDA is wrapping an arm around you loosely and just walking with you, not so much holding your hand. He also really likes just resting his arm on your head or squishing your cheeks together to make funny faces even if it pisses you off sometimes, he thinks it’s cute.
Free band dates!! Meaning that, you get free access to Löded Diper gigs, and the best seats watching your boyfriend and his band mates thrash around. You also get free merch...teehehehehe...
Oddly enough, Rodrick ends up turning soft for you and doing things no one in his family would expect out of him. Like taking you out on drive in dates, or getting you flowers, or just smiling more. Not saying he’s emo or edgy, but he is pretty punkish and reluctant to show any sort of affection. It certainly is off putting to Greg at least. 
He asks you to do his eyeliner because you have an unlimited supply of it, and at least he doesn't have to use his mom’s anymore. People can usually tell when you do his eyeliner and when he does it himself; it’s pretty easy to differentiate.
If Rodrick doesn't want to be someplace and is dragged along by his family, the mere mention of you attending the same event makes him suddenly excited to be there. More excited than the planner. He’ll go on tangents about you, and it really doesn’t matter who’s listening. He looks all bad and mean, but as soon as someone talks about you, his face changes completely.
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delfiore · 10 months
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pairing: tara carpenter x reader
synopsis: your ex-girlfriend is a drunken mess at a college party and the only person her friends think to call is you.
word count: 1.8k
warnings: extensive talk of vomit, mentions of ghostface attack
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Your phone blared in your ears like some kind of end-of-the-world siren. Groaning, you lifted your head from your laptop on the desk and answered the call. Mindy’s voice sounded in a panic as you caught a glimpse of the time, 11:46pm.
“Y/N, we need you at Greg’s party. Tara is literally blacked-out drunk and she’s like throwing up non-stop, and we don’t know what to do. She won’t let us take her home and—”
“Woah, woah, woah, slow down,” you felt the oncoming headache in your temple. Your hazy mind began to spiral.
Mindy had been gracious enough to allow you space after the breakup. You were a part of the friend group but chose to distance yourself afterward, but Mindy and Anika were the ones you still talk to occasionally. Sometimes the way they bounced between you and Tara made you feel like the divorced parent hanging out with your kids every two weeks.
“I’m studying for finals.” You rubbed your eyes.
“Please, Y/N. She won’t budge. If it weren’t this dire, you know I wouldn’t call you.”
You knew it was true, but it’s only been two months.
News of the party had been bubbling around campus for a few weeks now. Everyone has been talking about Greg Hansen’s end-of-semester party, even if you weren’t coming, the gossip was what kept it alive. Even more so when it was a party thrown by someone from your major; you were always hearing about it. So you also knew where it was.
When you arrived, you couldn’t be more appalled by the concoction of weed, sweat, and beer wafting in your face the moment you walked through the door. In the corner of the living room was Greg Hansen, chugging beer from a tube as his henchmen hyped him up, being the life of the party as always. But you needed to find Mindy and, eventually, Tara.
You texted an ‘I’m here’ to Mindy and looked around for any sign of a familiar face when a hand clasped around your shoulder. Turning around in fright, you relaxed when you realized it was Chad.
“She’s in the bathroom. This way, come on.”
Mindy couldn’t answer your text because she and Anika were busy holding back Tara’s hair as she was emptying the contents of her stomach. Sure you’ve seen how bad Tara can be after parties. but never this bad.
“Good, you’re here.” Mindy turned around, relieved. “We need to leave, now.”
A groan escaped the raven-haired girl’s mouth as she sat back against the bathtub. It was then that you got a good look at her face, the first time you did in months. Suddenly it felt hard to breathe.
“Tara, come on. I’m taking you home,” you said.
Her eyes opened slowly. They were glazed over, but there was a moment where her eyes met yours and you thought she had sobered up, but soon after she pulled herself upright, groaning again before staggering out of the bathroom.
“Tara, where are you going, man?” Chad asked, dejected.
She didn’t respond.
Without an answer, she found the near bottle, not caring what its content was, and felt for an empty red solo cup.
You scoffed and took the cup from her. “I think you’ve had enough, don’t you think?”
“I don’t care what you think. Give it back.” Tara protested and reached for the cup in your hand, which you have extended far beyond her reach, the other arm pushing against her. Her frustration was apparent as she shoved you aside with a cry. “Get the fuck away from me!”
“Tara, enough.”
She held your gaze like there was fire in her eyes. Her lips wobbled, as she looked back at her friends behind you with a betraying look. You knew you had won from the way she pulled her arm away from you roughly, and looked out at the ground like a scolded child.
“I’m taking you home.” Your voice softened and gestured towards the door. Tara staggered towards the exit but crumbled against a wall like a piece of paper. You quickly grasped her hand to support her, but she swatted your hand away and made her way outside herself.
You sighed and turned towards the Meeks-Martin twins. “We’ll be okay. You guys can stay if you want.” The twins looked at each other and shrugged before going their separate ways back into the party.
You found her on the lawn, squatting on the ground and groaning.
“Come on, don’t be stubborn.” You rolled your eyes and tapped your foot impatiently. “I was in the middle of revision.”
It was a weird sight, seeing her in the passenger seat of your car again after you had made it your mission to get rid of everything inside that reminded you of her; a half-drunken water bottle in the door compartment, a few hair ties in the cup holder, her forgotten sunglasses in the glove compartment. You had thrown all of it away before proceeding to have a mental breakdown in the driver’s seat.
“Jesus, who the fuck puts the seat so far back?” You heard the girl next to you mutter, as she scrambled to pull the seat forward.
You looked out your window to hide the grin that made its way onto your lips. Tara was smaller than your average passenger, and that seat hadn’t been seen so far up in a while.
“Can I go now?” You said mockingly.
“Yes,” you heard her mumble into the window, propping her face on her hand.
The ride back to her apartment was mostly silent, except for the handful of times you heard quiet gags next to you, to which you grimaced and handed her a plastic bag you found lying around.
“Please don’t barf in my car. I don’t think I can forgive you for that.”
At a red stop, you grabbed your phone to check the time; 12:16am. You felt her eyes on you, her inebriated, yet dreamy eyes, that you knew if you looked you wouldn’t be able to look away. Try as you might, you couldn’t resist. Her body was shifted so that her head was resting against the window and her legs pressed against her chest. But what made your breath hitch was the way those eyes were trained on you. There wasn’t any sign of that hatred or fury or whatever she felt that was spilling out of her with the alcohol; with her bangs tousled over half her face and hooded eyelids like this, Tara just looked lost and defeated, and in need of a kiss.
She always looked like this, in need of cuddles and kisses, after parties and you were always ready to take care of her.
The red light on her face shifted to green, and you quickly pressed the gas pedal to bring her back home, then you could go back home, and everything would be back to the way it was.
You’d be happily carrying on with your life without Tara in it.
Despite rejecting your help earlier, she did end up needing it when both of you dragged each other up the stairs (you more than her) to her apartment. The light in the hallway was off, which meant her sister wasn’t home.
You tried to set her down gently, but she threw herself onto the bed like a body bag, face-first.
You called her name once, twice.
“Are you gonna sleep in that?”
“In a full face of makeup too?”
No reply. You shook your head and pulled her sitting up, and shed her jacket.
But she was still looking at you, the way she did in the car. You sat there, dumbfounded.
You had to go, revision was waiting.
“Wait,” she said, grasping your hand.
You refused to look at her.
She sounded like she didn’t know what she wanted from you either. There were noises of hesitancy coming out of her mouth, but nothing to convince you.
Until she said, “I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry,” she pressed.
“No,” you shook your head, and tried to leave, but she had grasped your arm desperately.
“Wait, please.”
You were grateful for the dark room, because you were sure you had tears in your eyes.
“I was scared that they’d hurt you. I thought you’d be safe away from me.”
You shook your head. “No, no. You can’t do this. I was just getting over you.”
Your pleas fell on deaf ears, as she tilted your face to her, resting her forehead on yours.
“Kiss me,” she whispered.
“Tara, please.”
She cupped your cheeks softly. You could smell the alcohol in her breath when she leaned in. You couldn’t stop it—you’d be the biggest criminal if you did—when her lips tasted so sweet.
Tara sighed, and pressed her body flushed against yours.
You remembered the night you were kissing her, just like this, when the attack came. You just wanted to protect her, to keep her behind you in case the masked killer got to her, but the next moment there was just so much blood. You were told you almost flatlined twice. Tara thought that was enough and ended things.
“You told me that I was a liability,” you said quietly.
“You know I didn’t mean that. I just thought it’d be easier for you . . .” Tara shook her head. “I’m sorry, Y/N.”
You thought you were imagining her saying it, but she might as well have without the accountability of sobriety. Tara Carpenter apologizing, now that’s a sight to see.
In the midst of the haze, she had pulled you on top of her on the bed, still kissing you like her life depended it.
“Tara,” you pulled away, your chest heaving against her. Sitting back up, you let out a shaky breath.
She was watching you with those doe eyes, her fingers finding their way between yours.
“Will you tell me all of this when you’re sober?” You asked, but you knew what the answer was.
“Yeah,” you breathed out. That’s what I thought.
You kissed her forehead softly and left without another word.
Tara Carpenter, as much as she vehemently denies it, was still very much haunted by her past. As much as you loved her, you wouldn’t let yourself be dragged down that rabbit hole, not again.
It might have started raining. You couldn’t quite tell because the streets were already glossy from the blur of your tears.
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despite-everything · 2 years
what if guillermo and cousin greg met. what do you think would happen
the most awkward possible encounter ever documented on screen
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ashwhowrites · 15 days
Hiiii I’m the anon that sent this: Reader gets broken up with by a guy that she actually really liked but in reality this guy was a douchy football player that was rude to her friends (but she didn’t know about that.)
It was meant to be a request if you’d wanna write it!
And id say that Eddie does have a crush on reader.
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
The friend
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Y/N waited years and years to fall in love. She grew up watching princesses find their prince, and she wanted to feel that. She wanted to feel loved by someone who chose to, someone who looked at her and would do anything to be with her. Even if he had to fight everyone to do it. She wanted to see what it felt like to be cared about.
To her, Greg did just that. She was smitten with the jockey football player the second he sent her a dazzling smile during a game. It was like his eyes found hers in the crowd, it was fate.
It didn't take long for him to ask her out and for her to say yes immediately. She was swept off her feet and never landed. He was sweet and romantic. He showered her in love and compliments. She thought he was perfect all around.
Eddie and her friends had other thoughts. Greg was two-faced but Y/N wasn't aware of that. Chrissy hated Greg, and she hated cheering for someone like him. He was selfish, cocky, and an ass. It took a lot for Chrissy to dislike someone, and she hated Greg, that meant something.
Eddie had two reasons to hate Greg. One reason was that Greg never had nice things to say to or about Eddie. Greg believed he was trailer dirt and a freak, just like everyone else. But Y/N didn't know that. The second reason was that Eddie was helplessly in love with Y/N.
Did he have the chance to go for it? Definitely but he was terrified. It was scary enough to tell a girl he liked her, but to tell his best friend? He wasn't sure he could handle the rejection.
Eddie and Chrissy grew closer over their dislike for Greg. Chrissy knew Eddie was in love with their best friend before Eddie realized it. Chrissy never understood how Y/N didn't catch on. Eddie was in no way good at hiding it. He stuttered over sentences, clumsier than ever, smiled the second she looked at him, and he'd do anything she asked.
Once Eddie saw her with Greg, he believed that was his sign that they would never be anything more. Eddie and Greg were two completely different people.
When the news broke out that Y/N and Greg broke up after almost a year together, many people had things to say. But no one would say it to her. Eddie felt relieved that his year of suffering was over. But he knew it was a matter of time before some new guy came along. He wasn't sure he could let that happen.
"I don't understand why he broke up with me," Y/N sobbed. Her head was in Eddie's chest as she soaked his band tee in her tears.
Eddie softly held her in his arms. His chin was on her head as his fingers ran through her hair.
"I don't either, babes." And he was honest. He couldn't imagine ever breaking up with her. She was easily the best person anyone could be with.
"Do you think it's because I'm not pretty enough?" She sniffled, her head facing him as she pulled back away, letting him search her face for the flaws she believed she had.
Eddie smiled and cleaned off her tears with his thumbs. Her red puffy eyes, wet cheeks, and trembling bottom lip. He couldn't lie to her.
"No. I think even right now you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."
Eddie was dead serious. A sense of truth in his eyes as he barely blinked. His voice was deep and low, with no sounds of jokes.
The intensity in his face made her nervous and shy. She dug her head back into his warm chest as she held him tighter.
"He's the idiot who let you go."
Eddie was patient as his best friend recovered from the breakup. Chrissy and Eddie high-fived behind her back, sharing smiles and looks.
"I heard you and Greg broke up! Congratulations that guy was a di-" Dustin's voice was cut off, replaced with a groan.
Y/N turned around confused, Eddie standing next to Dustin with a smile. Dustin held his arm with a whimper.
"Congratulations? What does that mean?" Y/N pushed further.
Eddie and Chrissy looked at each other, trying to think of a fast lie.
"I know someone who likes you! It's a congrats to him!" Dustin said with a smile as he covered his lie. He looked to Eddie for approval and his smile dropped at the look on his face.
"Who?" Y/N perked up. For once, after a long week of crying, she smiled.
"That's not his place to tell. Why don't we go to lunch?" Eddie said, grabbing Dustin's arm and dragging him down the hall.
"That was weird," Y/N said as she turned to Chrissy.
"Why are you smiling like that?" Y/N asked. Chrissy stood with a huge cheesy grin.
Chrissy snapped out of her daydream of Eddie and Y/N finally together. Quick with a lie.
"It's good to see you smile again, now let's go eat."
Another week passed. Two weeks since her heart was shattered but she could feel herself healing. She had to thank Eddie for all of it. He was always there, holding her as she cried and talking her through everything.
Her mind was still thinking about who Dustin was talking about. The idea of a guy liking her made her feel less insecure. Maybe Greg was the problem and not her. She drew blanks as she tried to think who it was.
She hoped it was Eddie, but that felt like throwing wishes in an empty fountain. She was nowhere Eddie's type. She wasn't edgy enough or listened to the same music he did. She barely understood Hellfire and his ideas. He wasn't much of her type either, but there was something about him that she would never find anywhere else. He was one of a kind and she figured that's why she fell for him so hard.
Eddie never made moves, so she figured he didn't like her. That's why she had no problem going out with Greg. She thought maybe if Eddie showed jealousy, she'd have her answer. But he was just the same, nothing changed.
She was staring at the wall as Eddie woke up from his sleep. His tired eyes took her in. He had his arms around her already, he pressed his chest against her back tighter. She felt her body get warm as his arms squeezed her against him and his face snuggled into her neck. The soft breaths of his nose hitting her skin, his warm body against hers. Do all best friends cuddle in the same bed?
"How long have you been awake?" His deep and tired voice made her bite her lip. She wiggled in his arms, he loosened them as she turned around to face him. She kept herself in his arms, snuggling closer until she was nose to nose-with him.
"I never fell asleep," she whispered
The moon shined into the room, reminding her she had been trying to sleep for hours.
"How come?" He asked, his palm flat against her back as he softly rubbed the bare skin as her tank top slid up. She shivered as his hands touched her skin.
"A lot on my mind," she said truthfully. She admired his eyes. No matter how many times she looked into them, the brown continued to take her breath away. She took in the rest of his face. The bridge of his nose, the red lips she craved to taste. The slight hair growing above his lip, she knew he'd shave in the morning, but she loved being the only one who got to see it. His frizzy hair spread out on her pillows.
"Greg?" Eddie asked, admiring her face the same way she was with his.
"No," Y/N said, "about who that guy is Dustin brought up." She nervously bit her lip as she watched Eddie's reaction.
"Oh, how come?" Eddie asked, he hid his nervousness with a yawn
"Do you know who it is?"
"Uh no," Eddie said his eyes looking elsewhere
"Then why are you looking away?" Y/N smiled, she poked his cheek
He nervously laughed
"I don't know who he is," Eddie said, looking into her eyes as he finished the sentence.
"Such a bad liar! tell me," she squealed excitedly. He groaned as she left his arms. Sitting up, she looked down at him.
"Why do you want to know so bad? Are you ready to move on?" Eddie asked, maybe this was an opening.
"I don't know. Feels nice to know someone else likes me. And depending on who it is, I think I'm ready to give it a shot." She shrugged
"I can't say who it is, but I'll give you some hints." Y/N smiled as Eddie sat up.
"He has dark hair and dark eyes, he admires your beauty. He likes how smart and creative you are. He loves it when you laugh, it makes his heart race. He smiles whenever he thinks of you. And he's been dealing with these feelings for years." Eddie said, too lost in his confession that he was scared he gave too much away.
"So you are close friends with him?" Y/N asked, she turned her head in confusion. She would not believe that any of Eddie's friends had a crush on her.
"I think I said too much," Eddie chuckled nervously and laid back down. His head hit the pillow and he closed his eyes. "Let's go back to sleep."
Y/N thought in silence for a few seconds. She thought long and hard about what he said. The guy he described matched his appearance. Eddie always complimented her looks and laughed at all her jokes. He seemed nervous to talk about the guy, scared he said too much, which meant he was worried she would find it out. He dragged Dustin away when he brought it up, which told her he was worried Dustin would spill the beans.
"Y/N?" Eddie asked, cracking open one eye
It was Eddie
Eddie had a crush on her!
"Y/N" Eddie said again, both eyes open as he went to sit up
But Y/N pushed his body right back down as her lips smashed on his. Eddie's eyes widened in shock as her lips moved against his. Her hands were on his shoulders as she leaned down.
After his shock, he kissed her back. His hands reached up and held her hips. Their kiss grew deeper as Y/N straddled his lap. He sat up, lips still attached to hers. He moved on hand up to her head and pushed her head further into the kiss.
Y/N felt every part of her body light up with electricity. Her hands moved into his hair. Something she spent years wanting to do. His lips tasted better than she imagined. He was soft but controlling. It made her head spin.
Eddie pulled away, his eyes heavy in lust.
"That was...wow." Eddie breathed out, he blinked a thousand times. Believing if he blinked hard enough, this moment would vanish. But to his luck and prayers, she was still on his lap.
"You are the friend," she said, breathy as she still waited for air to return to her lungs
"Uh yeah," Eddie nodded
"Thank god," she smiled before her lips smashed into his again.
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@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37 @bellaisswagger @arlx @ineedmentalhelp123
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hotchsprincess · 1 year
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hi besties!!! it’s @greg-montgomery and i’m gonna be posting some of my stuff on this blog until my other blog gets fixed (if it ever happens lmfao)!!! 🥰
anyway! aaron is a clingy bitch rights!!!!!!
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
No matter how tired someone might be, sleeping for the first time next to their crush can make their sleep come a bit slower; especially when said crush is their boss who they have never held eye contact with for more than two seconds at a time, because it gets too much.
That’s how you justify laying awake at 3 am, staring at the ceiling, while Hotch next to you has been snoring like there’s no tomorrow for hours now.
You turn to your side so you can properly look at him. He’s laying on his stomach, his pillow is squeezed by his strong arms, his mouth is slightly open, and the skin between his eyebrows is less wrinkled than usual. It makes you smile.
If one person in the world deserves a good night’s sleep, then that person is Aaron Hotchner.
The urge to reach out and trace his eyebrows with your thumb or mess with his hair overcomes the shyness you always feel around him. He’s asleep after all, so he’d never know, right? But the moment you slightly raise your hand form the mattress, Aaron shifts in his sleep and his movement makes you freeze. Just a second later, his eyes open and he stares at you confused.
You almost start talking, trying to come up with an excuse as to why you were ready to touch him, only to remember that he saw nothing. Your arm never got to be near him. So why is he staring at you like that?
“Hotch?” you whisper.
He doesn’t respond, instead he softly blinks at you before blessing you with the most beautiful sleepy smile you have ever seen. Aaron is smiling at you and you forget how to breathe.
Before you even have the time to process what is happening, his arms let go of the pillow he’s been holding and one of them is suddenly wrapped around your waist.
As if that’s not enough, his whole body moves close to you – practically on top of you - and his face is buried in your chest. You can feel his smile against you.
Who knew Aaron Hotchner would be such a clingy sleeper?
You’re not sure what you’re supposed to do next; afraid to move or touch him in any way, while he’s wrapped around you like a koala.
“It’s late…” his mumbled words against your t-shirt interrupt your thoughts. “Sleep.”
“I will,” you say back.
Maybe you should do just that. Sleep.
You let one of your hands get lost in his hair as the other rests on his back. Your legs are already intertwined, thanks to him.
A quiet giggle escapes your lips. You press a sweet kiss against the top of his head and whisper to him ‘good night’ before joining him in his blissful sleep.
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davenporttf · 10 months
Bear Trap
Jake was a total dick and he was fine admitting it. He had the body to compensate for his short temper and overall unlikeable personality. He liked to think of himself as a real tradie through and through. He didn't care what the other guys thought of him because he knew he could do the job of three men by himself. When it came to the ladies, he was fine cutting things off after they started getting feelings. "Who hurt you?" the last one said when he broke it off. He smiled and replied "That'd be you for having to listen to you."
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The crew had been working on a new apartment complex for a few weeks. The days were long and the middle of summer brought some very hot afternoons. Jake was working on installing a new water pipeline to the complex and removing the debris from all the jackhammering. They had been going at it since 7am and with the sun now beaming over him, he was feeling dehydrated. He forgot to bring his own water and was starting to regret it. He signaled over to the other guys that he was going to take a quick 15, and started walking towards the next door apartments.
Typically the neighbors next to their projects hated seeing them because of all the noise. He would see the dirty looks from the balconies but he would just wave at them to piss them off. Today he was going to play nice though, and beg for some water with a smile and an arm flex.
He went up to the first door and rang the doorbell. A few moments later, a loveable bear named Greg answered the door. He filled the door with his sturdy frame, and smiled at Jake. "Can I help you?"
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"Hey man, sorry to bother you but I forgot my water today. Could I trouble you for some?" Jake said with the most charming smile he could manage.
"Yeah, of course! Why don't you come in and cool off and I'll grab you some water. I have the AC on." Greg offered kindly.
Jake was not about to pass up some free AC despite his reservations. "Yeah sure. Thanks, man." He entered the studio apartment looking around at Greg's very tidy apartment. "Have a seat on the couch, I'll grab you something to drink" Greg said as he walked to his kitchen.
Jake continued to look around and noticed some of the pride flags posted around the living room. "Awe fuck, a fag. Just great." he thought to himself as he took a seat on the sofa. He didn't like how all the gay guys looked him up and down. He worked hard to look good for the ladies, and felt uncomfortable when men shot glances his way. He had the urge to leave but the AC was feeling great against his skin, so he shoved his disdain to the side.
Greg could sense the hatred from Jake, and his overall douchebag demeanor. He had seen him for a few days now arguing with his coworkers and catcalling the women walking by. He didn't like the ripped guys, and tended to go for bears like himself. He had been living alone for a few years and with the rent about to go up due to the complex being built nextdoor, he was struggling. He didn't have an extra room to split with a roommate, and he wasn't having much luck in the boyfriend department. In the kitchen, Greg came up with an idea to fix his problem. He pulled out a bottle of water from the back of the fridge that he bought from a specialty store he frequented.
Greg walked back into the room and handed Jake the bottle of water. "Here ya go! Feel free to enjoy the air for a bit. You guys really seem to be working hard out there." Jake didn't waste a moment, and started chugging the water. The water tickled going down his throat and the water tasted so refreshing. He continued to chug the water as a bubbly feeling developed in his abdomen. Gurgles began to become audible as his stomach started to expand outward. Jake could feel his waistline pushing out against his jeans becoming more uncomfortable by the second. The water was too refreshing to stop so with his other hand he unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down to make room. Jake's pecs softened and inflated, losing definition. His arms became heavier with his biceps growing more doughy. His face rounded and lost it's definition with his chinstrap widening to a full beard.
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With one hand on his belly rubbing it for comfort, Jake finished the bottle and looked around at his new form. He wanted to be disgusted with himself but his grip on his prior life was slipping away. He was liking the way he felt more powerful by his size and ran his hands all over. He looked around at the apartment feeling more at home.
"You look good handsome." Greg complimented as Jake looked up at him. Jake could feel himself growing attracted to Greg, especially his handsome features. Memories of them meeting out by the construction yard surfaced. He was always on the heavier side and the crew loved how strong he was moving around the debris. Greg had walked by one day and he couldn't help but catcall him. Luckily, Greg was flattered and found Jake extremely attractive sweating in the hot sun. Moving in together was the greatest thing to happen to him, and it helped that they could split the rent.
Jake started to paw at the bulge in his briefs, thinking of how sexy his boyfriend was. "What's say we cool off more in the shower?" Jake said devilishly. He got up and walked over to Greg adjusting to his newfound size. He took Greg by the hand and lead him into the bathroom for some much needed fun.
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ssaaaronmontgomery · 10 months
feral hotch friday!!
ok ok so the song shameless by Camila Cabello the part where it says “there’s just inches in between us i want you to give in”
Imagine Hotch and reader having sm tension like everywhere and there’s like those looks and the slight touches and then one day in hotches office he’s about to walk out she’s walking in and there’s barley space between them and then he’s like fuck it and they kiss 🌚🌚
Warning: Brief hurt/comfort, pining, making out in Aaron's office 🤭, fluff, slightly suggestive at the end, I think that's all!
Word count: 1.7k
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x fem!reader
A/n: This feels feral in some soft of sfw way???? And I love it tbh 🤭. This one WAS proofread for a change! This one is sfw<3. Gave this more plot than I meant to but that's okay 🤭. Let me know what you think 🫶.
Forever tags: @greg-montgomery @boredelle @hotchsdoormat @ssahotchnerr @cr1minalskies @beardedhotchh @hotchnerbau @ssamorganhotchner @mrs-ssa-hotch @canuck-eh @luvehotch @callm3c0nfus3d
Hotch: @14buddy22 @pastanoodles11
Let me know if you want to be added to my tags 🫶
Months had gone by with this tension between the two of you. Something was there and it only grew with time. It was always lingering looks and touches that weren't entirely innocent. They lasted a little longer than either of you would deem appropriate.
You were attracted to Hotch as soon as you met him. He was a handsome man and not only was he good looking but he was smart and that just made him even better. The problem was that he is forbidden. He is a forbidden fruit to you just as you are to him and you both know it. It's why it never went any further than those long looks and little touches in the last six months, though they did become more frequent.
The first time it happened you had been working with the BAU for about a month. It was just his hand bumping yours when he reached for a file you had your hand resting on. It was a case everyone had been working hard on and yet no one could figure out who the unsub was. The team all sitting at a table going through stacks of files and when Hotch reached for the file accidentally touching your hand in the process, he didn't move it right away. You both looked at where your hands were touching and then at each other but after a moment he moved his away, file forgotten. You were both exhausted and neither of you really thought too much of it at the time. Even if you both felt warm and fluttery inside, the other didn't know it.
The second time something of this nature happened was when you were wearing something a little different from your regular work attire. It had been a few months since you'd joined the team.
You, JJ, Penelope, and Emily had all been out for a girl's night when another case came up. You didn't have time to change before coming in so you were stuck wearing a skirt that was a little on the shorter side and a top that showed a little more until you had the chance to get something more appropriate out of your go-bag. All Hotch had ever seen you in was your work clothes so to say he was a bit surprised by your more revealing outfit would be an understatement. He couldn't keep his eyes off of you and he knew you were aware but again neither of you mentioned anything.
Of course you both had other, smaller moments between but these were the ones that were most memorable for the two of you.
The third time was when you sat next to each other on the jet. This time it was after a case had ended poorly. Everyone felt very low. You had been on the team for five months now and the job finally started to crack you a little.
You were sitting in the back alone. It was a more personal case for you. It hit you a little harder than most of the team and Hotch could see that. He didn't know why it did, he wasn't even sure if you knew why it hurt you more. Maybe it was just really dark and it had finally taken a toll on you. Whatever it was, he wanted to be there for you. He wanted to offer you comfort even if you two weren't very close.
In truth, Hotch tried to avoid you sometimes. He didn't want to let his feelings and emotions win. Not when it could drastically change your professional relationship or put one or both of you in a difficult position regarding your jobs.
But seeing you alone and hurting was something he wouldn't let you go through. Maybe he couldn't stop the hurt you felt but he could keep you from going through it alone. So he pushed his feelings aside and sat next to you.
In all five months of being on the team not once had the two of you ever sat beside each other on the plane. Not a single time. Other places where he wouldn't be next to you quite as long? Yes. But never on the jet where it would be much longer and closer. So when he did, it shocked you. You looked up at him and he could see the tears in your eyes. He could see how your shoulders slumped and how defeated you looked. He had never seen you look this way and it broke his heart to see it now.
As soon as he put his hand on your shoulder you melted into his side and he held you close. It was a little awkward but it was still comforting. It was awkward because you two hardly ever spoke unless it was work related and the only touches either of you had ever shared were hands bumping or his resting on your lower back when he was moving around you or ushering you somewhere.
So feeling a bit odd the first time he completely embraced you was understandable. Especially when he hardly ever embraced anyone on his team. He likes you and he has you so close. He's holding you the way he's wanted to since the moment he met you, not with the circumstances he wished for but holding you and comforting you nonetheless. He would kiss you if he thought it could help but this is far from the right time or place for that. You don't need his lips right now. You just need his arms around you and that's what he'll give you.
From there the touches only continued to grow. To linger more and more. Happening more often. As would the looks. Everything between you two was tense but also...a sort of love story. Someone you want but can't have. Someone you need but is forbidden to you. It's not fair. There is clearly something there. It's clear to most but surprisingly no one has commented on it.
Hotch made it a point to leave the office a little earlier more often because he knew it meant running into you on the way to his car. Normally he would be there so late that everyone else was gone before he left. He tried to time his departure from his office just right so he would get to walk with you as you left. When you walked to your separate cars he would watch you for a moment before finally leaving.
You wouldn't say it was a routine for him to walk you to your car because it wasn't every single day. More like once or twice a week when there wasn't a case. And technically he didn't walk you to your car but rather walked beside you until you stopped at yours and he kept walking until he reached his. You always waved goodbye to him once you got to your car though. It always made him smile.
Or the number of times he brought you your favourite coffee. He would make sure to hand it to you instead of setting it down next to you. This way his fingers were bound to brush against yours as he transferred the cup to your hands from his. The way you always smiled at him and looked into his eyes as you thanked him. It brightened you up and in turn it did the same to him. He would always return your warm smile with one of his own. Of course watching you enjoy your first sip before telling you to have a good day and leaving to busy himself in his office.
He always did it during cases because it helped you relax when you were stressed. Knowing he was there and thinking of you. It may have eased the tension from the case but it only added to the weird little thing you two had going.
Today you had to drop something off with Hotch before heading out for the day. When you got to his office door you knocked before walking right in and to your surprise, Aaron was trying to walk out. You nearly collided with each other. Aaron gently gripped your arms to steady you after you had stumbled slightly.
Your faces so close together. Closer than they ever had been. Even when he held you on the jet your face wasn't this close to his. You could feel his breath fanning across your face and he could feel yours.
"Hotch! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to-"
You start to explain and apologise to him but before you can finish getting your words out you feel his warm chapped lips pressing against yours. For the first few seconds it is timid but once you realise what is happening and you are able to find your footing again, you kiss him back. It quickly fills with passion. You can feel the need and desperation as you both move your lips together. When he swipes his tongue across your lip and you allow him in you can feel the desire grow more and more.
The kiss only builds. Everything you and Aaron have been pushing down for months now finally coming to the surface. Your hands tangle in each other's hair as you both try to deepen it. One of his hands reaches around to your lower back and presses you against him more firmly before breaking the kiss. You both needed the break to breathe. All either of you can hear is the panting coming from each other.
He leans in and kisses you briefly before parting again and pressing his forehead to yours. Both of you are still trying to catch your breath. When he speaks you can feel the warmth of his quicker breaths against your lips and it makes you tingle.
"Do you have any idea how long I've wanted to do that, y/n?" Another chaste kiss to your lips.
"No. But if it's as long as I've wanted you to then it's since we first met." He chuckles a little and kisses your cheek and then forehead. "That sounds about right."
"I wish you had done it sooner." You smile at him and he grins.
"Well, you have me now. Maybe we should get out of the office and see what else we've been missing out on?" He raises his eyebrows and smirks slightly. He still has you pressed against him. "Let's not waste another second."
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calaisreno · 1 month
Loyal, So Quickly
Greg and Mycroft have another chat. See An Arrangement.
560 words / Prompt: Intimidate
Mycroft Holmes doesn’t do things like other people, Greg realises. Where another man would text or call, ask to meet for coffee, Holmes kidnaps people. 
Not exactly kidnapping, but it’s a bit intimidating to be followed by a black car, invited in by a beautiful woman who does not smile. Maybe that’s a condition of working for the man: no smiling allowed. 
“I assume you’ve met my brother’s flatmate,” Mycroft begins without preamble.
“John Watson,” Greg replies. “Yeah, I’ve met him.”
“What do you think of him?”
“Seems like a good bloke. I mean, I think he’s trustworthy.”
“What makes you say that?”
“I can see he has a steadying effect on your brother. He keeps Sherlock’s attitude in check at a crime scene.”
Holmes seems to be making a mental note of this. “How much does Watson know about my brother’s habit?”
“When he found out about the drugs, I could see he was surprised. It didn’t take the world’s only consulting detective to see that he won’t tolerate that. Now that he’s aware, he’ll have an eye out for it. A doctor’s eye. Sherlock’s not going to jeopardise their relationship, though.”
“And what relationship is that?” The grey eyes narrow. 
“Your brother doesn’t have friends, Mr Holmes. Even me—he doesn’t consider me a friend. I’m just DI Lestrade, the person who supplies cases and needs Sherlock Holmes to solve them for me. We don’t hang out, have a pint and discuss the footy. We’re colleagues, I suppose.”
“You’re suggesting that he considers Doctor Watson… a friend?”
“I don’t know. Never seen him with a friend, so I’m not sure what that would look like.”
“And what about Watson?”
Greg remembers after the cabbie was shot, talking with Sherlock, who was wound up, talking a mile a minute, describing a man with a strong moral principle, a crack shot, a fighter. He’d noticed Watson standing behind the tape, waiting for Sherlock, looking innocuous. And he’d realised. Sherlock himself hadn’t realised until a moment later, when he begged Lestrade ignore me. 
He felt a bit proud, seeing something Sherlock hadn’t seen. So he watched, and saw more. Sherlock, walking towards Watson, Watson looking at him. They exchanged a smile and a few words, and he knew. 
He didn’t know Watson well yet, but he’d worked with Sherlock for a few years, and had never seen him look at another person like that. Admiration. Longing.
And then there’s the unsolved murder of Jeff Hope. Well, that bullet anyway. The man died of an aneurysm, but technically it could be murder, if the gunshot was what set things off. Not that he’s going to share his suspicions about that with the elder Holmes. No point setting up Watson for another interview. Though he’s sure that if anyone can stand up to Mycroft Holmes, it’s John Watson.
The look on Watson’s face. 
I think he would kill for Sherlock. I think he would die for him.
“He’s a loyal one. You can trust him. He won’t leave.”
Holmes is quiet for a long moment. Then he nods. “I hope you’re right. I think he could be the making of my brother. Or he could make him much worse. Either way, I will be watching.”
His smile reminds Greg that he’s not the only one likely to be followed by a black sedan.
I'm posting my #mayprompts2024 here on AO3 and in this collection. Please add yours!
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chelseeebe · 7 months
promise, part 2.
eddie is all too familiar with angry men and their incessant need to destroy. but can he put a stop to it this time?
read part one here.
okkk so this took so long and for literally no good reason other than that i am a lazy bastard! i really really enjoyed this n i hope you do too even if it is three weeks late
18+. mdni!! smut. heavy themes, references to domestic violence throughout. mentions of guns and other violent themes. i understand this is not suitable for everyone so please read ahead at your own risk.
the last two weeks have been fucking torturous for eddie. you won’t speak to him, won’t even look at him and at some point, you’d obviously requested to move your shifts so you didn’t have to see him.
he feels like a failure, helpless as he watches you groan as you walk, a shell of the woman he shared such tender moments with.
today must be his lucky day, james had called in to tell graham he couldn’t get in to work so it’d just be you two behind the bar. you disappear into the back the second graham leaves, not uttering a word to eddie as you go.
greg, eddie had now learned the assholes name, regularly sat in the bar. watching as you worked like some fucking stalker. jumping up from his seat the second you finished and rushing you out of the bar. that or he’d sit outside the minute you finished, obnoxiously honking his horn to signal that he was there.
eddie wants to kill him. there’s no forgiveness for these people, he knows that better than anyone. the man most definitely didn’t deserve you or your kind soul. he didn’t deserve a pardon for his crimes and eddie feels the need to be the one to inflict justice on this smug asshole.
he peers around the bar, there are a few regulars scattered around but your delightful boyfriend seems to be absent so he takes that as his opportunity. ducking out the back and into the cellar where he can hear you rummaging around.
‘are you okay?’ he asks, not meaning to alarm you but it obviously does as the box comes clattering down to the floor, clutching onto your chest for dramatic effect.
you don’t reply, instead choosing to pick up the box and continue with whatever pointless task you’d anointed yourself. he grits his teeth and takes a step closer, he really doesn’t want to box you in but fuck, all he wants is for you to acknowledge him.
‘just look at me,’ he pleads, reeking of desperation, yet he’s willing to go lower.
you pause and eddie can’t see your face but he’s sure you’re contemplating it. it’s safe here, greg’s nowhere to be seen and it’s not like eddie’d be quick to run and tell him.
the absolute anguish in his voice must be enough to get you to turn, albeit painfully slow. making eye contact with him after a long and lonely two weeks of nothing. he immediately feels a hundred pounds lighter, confirmation that you don’t hate him. he knows that. knows that you’re being manipulated but it’s nice either way.
‘eddie-,’ you warn, closing your eyes. there’s pain and confusion written across your face and it’s tearing his heart apart just to see. he wants to just scoop you up, get away from this wretched place and not look back.
‘don’t,’ he breathes, rushing forward, hands gently holding onto your arms as he gets a proper look. there are no new visible bruises but who’s to know what’s actually been happening. ‘don’t apologise i just- are you okay?’ rushing all of the words out at once.
you look up at him with wide eyes, brimming with tears as your bottom lip quivers. and then you do something he’d never expect, lunging forward and planting your lips on his with a haste. knocking the air from his lungs.
there’s a brief moment of hesitation, contemplating if this was a bad idea. but even if it was, he doesn’t care. kissing you back with an urgency he didn’t know possible. you’re like water, he needed you to feel alive. feeling whole again as your bodies connect once more.
it doesn’t feel real. having you here in his arms once more, and maybe he hadn’t realised quite how empty he’d felt without you until he feels your arms loop around his neck. you’re pressed against him and yet it’s still not close enough.
eddie’s tentative, moving with caution as he’s not sure just that what’s happening is even real but his hands are needy, gripping onto your hips as he backs you into the rickety old shelving unit. hoisting your body onto the wood, slipping into the space between your legs.
it’s not enough and at the same time too much. feeling your tongue slide between his lips as you move your hips toward him, hand sliding down to lazily unbutton his jeans. a deep groan vibrating in his throat as your delicate fingers brush against his already strained cock.
he has to remind himself to be careful, he has no idea what you’d actually endured, what injuries hid beneath your clothes. but his fingers brush against your ribcage as he lifts your shirt, pulling a harsh gasp from your mouth into his, head jerking back with an almighty force.
his mouth hangs open as he peers down between your bodies, ‘what the fuck?’ forcing it’s way out as his fingers reveal the deep violet bruise painting your rib. grip tightening on the worn cotton as you shy away, swallowing the rising anger as he lets go of your shirt.
eddie will wring his neck right now, with zero hesitation. he feels sick just picturing the horrific things he’d done to you. you duck your head, tears spilling over onto your warm cheeks. his hand flies up, cradling your cheek in his palm as his thumb extends to wipe away the salty tears.
‘let’s go, right now- anywhere you want, we’ll go,’ eddie jabbers, tilting your chin upwards so you’re forced to look at him. in this moment, he knows that he’d do anything if you just asked him too. hell, he’d do it without you asking too. and he needed you to know that, he really meant anything.
‘and go where? i can’t leave, eddie, why don’t you understand that?’ you bark, shifting on the creaky cabinet.
he knows your anger is misplaced, you don’t mean it. at least not towards him. eddie was just the easy target, at the right place at the right time. weirdly, it settles something in him. knowing that you know that you can shout at him, you can kick and scream and cry and yet he’d still never lay a finger on you.
‘anywhere,’ his eyes desperately search yours, ‘out of hawkins.. away, forever,’ pleading with you.
‘i.. can’t,’ you sob, shoulders shaking, ‘he’ll find me and he’ll kill me.. kill you too,’ your palm rests atop of his on your cheek, lashes sodden and stuck together with tears.
‘we can,’ he nods, ‘i promise you he won’t find us.. he’s not going to hurt you ever again,’ eddie’s thumb still strokes your cheek, trying his all to assure that he’s right, that you can trust him.
you pause for a moment, blinking away the forming tears as you hiccup, ‘where will we go?’
eddie doesn’t care where you end up just as long as it’s away from this hell hole. away from that maniac.
he herds the disgruntled regulars from their seats and out of the door, telling them to take their drinks with them, he’d close out their tabs for them. it’s not like he really gave a shit. he’s sure that graham would understand eventually, a couple of glasses and a few measly dollars were worth far less than your life.
‘just wait here, okay? i’ll be right back,’ squeezing your hand before he hops out of the van. wayne would be here somewhere, he just has to figure out where.
a couple of the guys he recognises point him in the right direction, walking into the warehouse on a mission. he wanted to get in and get the fuck out before anyone else realised the two of you were gone. he just couldn’t go without at least telling wayne.
‘what the hell are you doing here?’ wayne looks up at his nephew, wiping his hands with a dusty old rag as he gets up. he looks concerned rather than angry, and for that, eddie is grateful. wayne knows that he wouldn’t dare bother him at work unless it was serious.
eddie doesn’t really know how to start, how are you supposed to tell you’re uncle that you’re running away with the same girl you’d harboured in your trailer for weeks?
‘hey.. wayne,’ eddie swallows, feeling like a small child, ‘look, i gotta go for a bit.. it won’t be long, just a few weeks ‘til this all blows over,’ babbling to get the words out quicker.
‘woah, what? is it that girl again?’ wayne asks, one eyebrow raised.
eddie nods, glancing back towards his van though it was out of eye sight. he’s eager to get back, not keen on leaving you alone for too long.
wayne sighs, glancing towards the ground before he gives eddie an approving nod. it means more than eddie could ever imagine.
he had never forgotten the deep regret wayne had held for his mother. not that wayne would ever say, but eddie knows it still kills him inside, knowing that he couldn’t help his sister. it’s not something he’d ever be able to let go of, guilt wracking his bones until the day he died.
eddie smiles slightly before going to head off back to the van, ‘wait.. hold on,’ wayne calls out, hand dug into his pocket.
he pulls out his wallet, shoving a wad of cash into eddie’s shaking hand. he looks to his uncle with a bewildered expression, there must be at least a hundred bucks here. far too much for him to accept.
‘take it,’ wayne asserts, holding his hands in the air, ‘take her up to fort wayne.. it’s quiet, no one’ll even look at you.’
eddie smiles, a genuine smile that makes him feel a hundred times more guilty for what he’s about to do.
he says a quick goodbye to wayne before slipping back out of the door but instead of making his way back to his van, he slips off to where wayne parks his car. he is a terrible nephew and he’s sure he’ll pay the price for this but he has to.
wayne would understand. eventually.
a quick look around the empty lot before he tries the handle, knowing wayne rarely locked it. ain’t no point in stealing this old thing, he’d echo when eddie would remind him.
he leans over, opening the glove compartment to reveal the pistol. he’d known it’d been there for years, since his dad had been in prison at least. before that, it was kept in the drawer beside wayne’s bed. just in case.
sliding the cold metal into the back of his jeans, making sure his denim jacket covered the bulging handle and slamming the door shut again. he’s not expecting to use it, but he wants to make sure that if he has to, he can.
you perk up when you see him approach, confused as to why he’s headed to the back of the van instead of the front. but he can’t have you see it, shoving it into his duffel bag before sliding into the drivers seat.
‘you ready?’ he asks, blowing the air out of his cheeks, relief washing over his face.
you nod, smiling slightly. he can tell you’re worried and until you get the hell out of here, there’s not much he can do.
well, he had contemplated just driving straight to that asshole’s house and shooting him at point blank range but had ultimately decided that probably wasn’t the best idea. a life in prison could never compare to a life on the run with you.
the drive up is quiet and eddie can see your shoulders visibly relax the second you near the motel. as if an invisible weight had been lifted and you could finally be yourself again. the second hand relief makes eddie feel light, you were you again with miles of land between you and that prick.
it’s not exactly the ritz but it’ll do for a week or so until eddie can figure out what to do next. he figured he’ll call wayne on friday, ask him to do some snooping to see if coming back is an option.
you’re sprawled out on the bed, quietly watching the flickering tv. eddie glances over at you, he reckons he’d do just about anything for you. if it were possible, he’d fly you both to some faraway island where no one could ever hurt you again.
‘what?’ you ask, realising that he’d probably been staring a little too long.
instead of replying, he makes his way over to the bed, sitting down in the tiny space between you and the edge of the bed. he so badly wants to touch you but after earlier, he’s reluctant to accidentally hurt you again. seeing you wince and pull away like that had shattered his heart.
‘nothin’, i just like looking at you,’ placing his hand on your knee, it seemed a safe spot.
‘shut up,’ you smirk, shying away from him as your cheeks flush. you’re not helping him one single bit. adoring when you let the tough girl persona down a little, but only if it’s around him.
his hand slides down your leg. he’d like to revisit your moment earlier but only if you want to. it sounded sad really, but he’d felt rather touch starved the last two weeks.
your eyes slide back to him, a glimpse of a smirk on your lips. eddie has a better idea. now he’s never done it before but how hard can it actually be? maybe he’d seen it in one of those magazines wayne definitely shouldn’t have left lying around.
he fully gets onto the bed, perched on his knees just by your legs, spreading them open with a gentle touch to your thigh. you oblige, looking down at him with twinkling eyes.
‘i don’t wanna hurt you..’ he sighs, remembering the harsh bruise that adorned your ribcage. he’s not sure what else is hiding under your clothes, reminding himself to be gentle.
‘you won’t,’ you whisper into the air, reaching down to entangle your fingers into his hair.
you’re a work of art from this angle, from all angles really, but the way your lashes cascaded shadows over your cheeks and your lips wet with anticipation staring down at him made him appreciate it so much more.
his hand creeps up, gently lifting your shirt just enough for the dark bruises to peek out of the bottom. his breath hitches in his throat, moving upwards to place a single small kiss to the surely sore area. your eyes flutter closed, fingernails scratching his scalp as he descends back between your legs.
eddie is sure to be tender, unbuttoning your jeans with trembling fingers, your hips bucking up to allow him to slide them down. the ferocity of your earlier encounter had been lost in exchange of this soft, gentler approach. it makes him feel all the more closer to you, knowing that you trust him wholeheartedly to see the broken parts of you.
he discards your jeans off the side of the bed, your bare thighs now warming his ears as wraps his arms around them. peppering kisses to the faint markings of past bruises, the low sighs coming from your mouth sent shivers down his spine.
stopping just before he gets to your underwear, sending one last look upward while his fingers hook around the lacy waistband. ‘you’re so beautiful,’ it comes out unprompted, marvelling at your features in the dim light.
you shy away, hiding your face in the pillow as his lips twitch into a smile, tugging your underwear down as you move for him, thrown somewhere on the floor while his lips continue to move lower, dotting kisses as he goes.
he’s slow at first, tongue circling around your sensitive clit, your jaw hanging slack as your fingers pull gently at his hair. his mouth laps eagerly at your sopping cunt, hoping to god that he was doing this right.
if the noises tumbling out of your mouth were anything to go by, he thinks he is. strangled moans just barely audible as you continue to hide in the pillow, your legs becoming restless around his shoulders.
eddie’s eyes don’t dip, tapping your thigh in an attempt to get you to look down at him. he wants to see how good he’s making you feel, relishing every second you weren’t in pain and instead moaning under his influence.
‘holy shit,’ you gasp, hips writhing against his mouth. his mouth vibrates against your cunt when you finally allow him to see your face, moaning into the space between your legs.
you are all over him, dripping down his chin, spread across the tip of his nose, even wetting the collar of his t-shirt. his tongue darting up and down between your folds, noting exactly when you’d tighten your grip on his hair, when your eyes would roll back. that’s when he knew he was in the right spot.
eddie’s arm unwinds from your thigh, daring enough to slide two fingers into your entrance, enjoying the chorus of raspy profanities that left your mouth. he wants to be inside of you properly but he can’t, not with what he suspects is a broken rib. no amount of desperation would allow him to even think about possibly harming you again.
‘oh my god eddie jesus christ,’ your voice pulls him from his thoughts as your head lols back against the pillow, chin pointed to the ceiling as you thighs begin to tremble around his head.
his fingers continue to pump in and out, merciless with his tongue on your clit, feeding off of your moans. the way your body reacted to him made his head spin, going dizzy at the feel of your walls clenching around his fingers.
‘shit,’ you whine loudly, ensuring everyone in this dump could hear how good he was, ‘right there eddie please don’t stop,’ drawing out your words as eddie carries on exactly as he was. sucking gently at your clit as his fingers curve upward.
the sounds that follow are simply unholy. whining as you come undone around him, thighs clamping around his head as you cum, your entire body practically vibrating as re-emerges from between your legs.
his mouth is shiny with your arousal, lips glossy and plump as he gazes upward. watching carefully as you float back down to earth, his palms still holding onto your fleshy thighs. he doesn’t make the effort to move, not just get. enjoying the sight of your blissed out face from here.
‘wow,’ you remark, chest heaving as you pull the blanket up around your shoulders. your hair fanned out over the pillow with warm cheeks to match.
‘what? has no one ever done that before?’ he questions, crawling up the bed to slide in next to you. he should shower but he’ll wait for you to drop off to sleep before he leaves you alone.
‘yeah but not like that,’ relaxing into the duvet.
eddie grins to himself. it’s like a badge of honour he’ll proudly wear.
eddie gets up from the bed with a groan, dressing himself in his discarded clothes and slipping his jacket on. you were in and out of sleep and he was really hoping to slip out when you weren’t awake, there was no need to worry you anymore.
‘what’re you doing?’ you mumble from out of the blanket, squinting over at him.
fuck. he didn’t have an excuse.
‘i’m just.. getting a drink, you want anything?’ hoping that your sleepy state would stop any further questioning.
‘mmm..’ you hum, reshuffling, ‘m&ms.’
‘m&ms?’ he repeats, stuffing his feet into his shoes with a tiny grin, pulling his jacket over his shoulders as he nears the door.
‘okay,’ he chuckles before stepping out, making sure that the door is locked not once, but three times before he slips off downstairs.
now, he would get your m&ms and a coke but that wasn’t exactly why he’d come out. shoving his hands into his pockets as he scans the parking lot. he hadn’t said anything on the drive but he was certain you were being followed.
the same black dodger had been in his mirror for the majority of the drive up and now he wanted to make sure it hadn’t followed the pair of you here.
he does a quick sweep of the parking lot but it’s mostly empty bar his van and a couple of other cars that certainly weren’t the one he was looking for. he’s not a hundred percent sure that you weren’t being followed but at least now he’ll be able to sleep tonight.
you’re still dozing when he gets back, attempting to be quiet in case you were asleep but it doesn’t work as your eyes open the second the door closes.
tossing you your bag of m&ms before shimmying out of his jeans, collapsing into the empty spot on the bed next to you.
eddie can’t help but determine how he’d get the both of you out of here if he had to. remembering the pistol that sat at the bottom of his duffel bag.
‘you okay?’ you speak up, peaking from the blanket as you shuffle towards him. you take his hand into yours, holding it with both hands, tracing lines and patterns onto his palm as your head rests on his chest. ‘can i ask you something?’
‘go ahead,’ he’s slightly confused and fighting sleep as your fingers trace nonsensical shapes on his hand.
you pause, letting out a nearly inaudible sigh, ‘what happened to your mom?’
eddie freezes, eyes forced open as he looks down at the back of your head. you don’t turn to look back at him, staring at his hand instead. he realises that this question and subsequently his answer would probably be hard for you too and as much as he doesn’t want to think about it again, it’s necessary if he doesn’t want the cycle to continue.
his teeth dig into his bottom lip almost painfully, the words struggle to form no matter how many times he told this story. people didn’t really ask, not anymore, not since he moved to hawkins. he was grateful not to be known as the kid with the dead mom anymore. always feeling like people crept around him, walking on egg shells in case they said something wrong.
‘my dad killed her,’ he squeaks, fingers clamping around yours. there’s no nice way to say it because he did.
eddie can feel you freeze, swallowing the lump from your throat, still avoiding looking at him. he can tell you’re upset but what was he supposed to do? lie?
he squeezes your hand once more, sighing softly, ‘i’m sorry.. i- i didn’t think,’ placing your intertwined hands on his chest, feeling guilty as sin.
‘no.. it’s okay, i get it, i’m just..’ you finally twist round to look up at him, eyes brimming with tears, ‘i don’t want to die,’ you sounded tiny. more of a petrified child than the brave woman he knew.
his heart pangs with utter despair, hating himself for being responsible for that thought ever entering your mind. his arms wrap around your waist, pulling you closer, ‘you’re not going to,’ his fingers find their way into your hair, running his fingers through the strands, ‘i’ll make sure of that.’
and he will. it’s a promise that he’ll never break. not a chance in hell.
eddie can’t sleep, not for longer than twenty minutes anyway. he hasn’t since you guys arrived.
he can hear the clock ticking in the far corner, taunting him. accompanied by your soft snores as you lay sleeping soundly next to him. you’re something of an angel when you’re asleep and it leaves eddie questioning how anyone would dare to hurt a single hair on your head.
there’s a scuffle somewhere outside, a raised voice coming from the direction of reception. sliding his arm out from underneath your body slowly so to not wake you. peering out of the window down into the dimly lit forecourt.
that’s when he sees him. sees his car parked hastily next to his van.
his heart drops.
what’s he going to do? bang on every door until he finds the right one? wait outside until you dared to show your face?
he’s seen eddie’s van before, that’s for sure. so he knows you’re here somewhere. he just doesn’t have to know where exactly.
eddie steps into his jeans, pulling his discarded shirt over his head as he rummages through his bag for the gun. he doesn’t have to use it, it’s just a warning. a bit of backup if things went south, that’s what he keeps telling himself anyway. he slides the cold metal into the back of his jeans, hoping it’ll stay there.
he looks over at the bed again just to make sure you were still sleeping before slipping his shoes on. sending a quick nonsensical prayer to his mom before quietly unlocking the door and sliding out into the night.
the conversation is quieter now, eddie can barely hear it without straining but he knows he’s still here. sneaking down the stairs with a single clue what he’s actually going to do when he sees that prick.
as if he was summoned, greg storms out of the reception just as eddie reaches the bottom of the stairs, stood gormless as he gathers the nerve to say something.
he doesn’t have to, gregs eyes are already on him, filled with venom and vitriol. he’s an angry looking fella without knowing his vile history.
‘i fuckin’ knew it,’ greg nods to himself, ‘where is she? we don’t have to make this any harder than it already is.. i’ll take her home and we can forget about this little stunt,’ as if it was ever that simple. so he’s deluded as well as being a little bitch.
‘i don’t think so,’ eddie shakes his head, taking a step forward, keeping his composure despite his stomach twisting into knots. his hand is poised behind his back, fingers resting on the cold handle.
greg laughs, full belly laugh, like some psycho, ‘okay, i asked nicely.. you think i won’t break down every door until i find her?’ they’re almost face-to-face now, eddie can see his cheeks are flushed, sweat dripping from his forehead.
‘i told you.. it’s not happening,’ eddie swallows, fingers tightening around the handle, ‘so you can get back in your car and fuck off,’ his chin tilted slightly, greg has an obvious height advantage but that means nothing to him.
‘and i’m telling you that it is,’ his knuckles coming to shove eddie’s shoulders. eddie’s grateful for the experience, he’s been pushed around his entire life and was yet to let any of those losers win. this was no exception.
eddie’s jaw clenches, pulling the gun from the back of his pants, still hidden behind his back as he works out whether he should blow the brains out of this prick or just scare him a little. he knows that going to jail would help either of you, albeit greg deserves a fate worse than death, he can’t be the one to decide that.
instead, he keeps a somewhat rational mind, pressing the barrel against greg’s ribcage, narrowing his eyes as the other man realises what he was doing. ‘i’m gonna tell you again,’ eddie breathes shakily, ‘fuck off,’ his finger firmly on the trigger, he’s not certain that he won’t pull it.
tempted to just end this whole thing right here right now.
‘what the fuck?’ greg spits, removing his hands from eddie’s chest, ‘a gun?’ he scoffs, his features softening ever-so-slightly, ‘you’re as fucking crazy as each other.’
eddie presses the cold metal further into his skin, hoping at least to leave a sore mark if nothing else, ‘you’re gonna leave her alone,’ swallowing the rising anger in his throat before he continues, ‘you don’t talk to her, you don’t look at her- hell, you don’t even get to think about her anymore because i will kill you next time.. i promise,’ teeth gritting together as the other man trembles.
‘fine.. fucking- fine whatever,’ greg gives in, the beads of sweat now dripping down his face. he’s pale, knees shaking as eddie pulls the gun away, making sure to keep it pointed at his feet as he backs away.
eddie’s eyes don’t falter, stern and unforgiving as he watches the snivelling weasel run off. he wishes he did more. roughed him up a little, maybe even a little warning shot just to show him he was serious but then he thinks back to the image of you curled up in bed, blissfully unaware that he had tracked you down and perhaps it wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
you’re safe. he’s gone, for now at least, and that’s all that matters. you never had to know this even happened, eddie could keep that secret so long as it meant you were safe. that that man couldn’t hurt you anymore.
‘you deserve each other,’ greg yells before climbing into the beat up old beemer. eddie keeps the gun raised, snarling as he pulls off, leaving a trail of dust in his wake.
the adrenaline rushes through his veins, making sure the car is truly gone before he puts the gun away. his first instinct is to rush back up the stairs to check on you, ensure that you’re still there, that you hadn’t witnessed any of that.
but he doesn’t.
rather pulling out the box of cigarettes from his pocket and lighting one up, eyes honed in on the entrance to the motel, waiting and perhaps slightly even wishing that he’d dare to come back so he could really kill him this time.
thirty minutes must pass before he sighs, deciding to give up and go back to the room. the wooden stairs creak under his weight, the sun now beginning to peek through the clouds, lighting up the dull sky.
you’re still sleeping soundly when he gets back, soft snores filling the room as he re-hides the gun. there wasn’t a need for you to ever know he’d even had it, not anymore.
peeling his jeans off and climbing back into the bed, cautious not to wake you as his arm snakes around your shoulders, pulling your body onto his. the feel of your sleeping body instinctively moving closer could fuel him for another hundred years. eddie would that again and again if it meant you woke up tomorrow with a smile on your face and healed bruises.
you stir, face scrunching up as you look up at him, ‘where’d you go?’ barely able to keep your eyes open, head nuzzling into his chest as it rises and falls.
‘for a smoke,’ thinking quickly. maybe one day he’d tell you the truth but certainly not today. ‘go back to sleep.. it’s okay,’ he soothes into the top of your hair. you do, body nestled into his side and sleep takes back over.
and for the first time in weeks, eddie lets himself feel tired. with heavy limbs, drooping eyelids as he allows himself to succumb to sleep.
going back to hawkins is an ordeal in itself. eddie had expected wayne to be angry over the whole stealing the gun thing, but he hadn’t quite expected him to lose his mind quite so much.
‘you’re a fuckin’ idiot,’ wayne rages and eddie is grateful that he told you to stay in the van while he went to see his uncle at work. his anger doesn’t last long before his arms are slung around his nephew, pulling him into his chest with a loud sigh. ‘i’m glad you’re okay,’ wayne nods, staring into eddie’s eyes, ‘and she’s okay.’
eddie thinks he may just be off the hook until wayne starts up again, ‘but don’t you dare ever take my shit again or i’ll shoot you. got it?’ snatching the gun from eddie’s hand, pointing the handle at his idiotic nephew.
he can’t help but smile as his uncle rambles on, ‘okay wayne.. i’m sorry.’
unsurprisingly, eddie has to make a few apologies. namely to graham after the pair of you go crawling into the bar, tails between your legs, hoping for your jobs back.
‘you are welcome to work for me whenever you want to doll,’ graham points at you, his eyes soft until they turn to a sheepish eddie, ‘but you.. absolutely not.’
he wasn’t shocked, graham was a frugal bastard and eddie had excused a couple of sizeable tabs.. he’s just grateful graham hadn’t called the police on the pair of you.
‘oh graham, please let him work here again,’ you beg, eddie’s eyes flit to you, ‘i’ll control him better this time,’ beaming at the large man, that same twinkle in your eye that eddie could never say no to.
hell, who’s he kidding? he could never say no to you, full stop.
graham sighs, pointing his sausage-like finger at eddie who ducks his head down, ‘one chance.. if you fuck up, you’re gone, ya’ understand?’
he nods, offering a small smile in response. squeezing your hand since he really did owe it all to you.
what eddie never mentions, is how graham had pulled him aside on his first shift back, clapping the boy on the back, offering a sincere thank you for being the one to get you away from that monster. his words, not eddie’s.
eddie shakes his head, refusing to take responsibility, ‘that was all her.. she’s the brave one, not me.’
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generalfoolish · 4 months
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Into Your Arms
Summary: Your life is disrupted after a chance meeting with the 11th street kids, and despite your better sense you find yourself drawn to the chaos.
Pairing: Vigilante (Adrian Chase) x Fem!Reader
Warnings: *All of my works are M for mature so 18+ please; language, language, language, canon typical violence, sexual themes, canon-typical violence, gore descriptions, blood mentions, TW some PTSD related stuff
Word Count: 2.3k
Request: can I please request an Adrian Chase x fem!vet!reader...
a/n: I have the flu! Hope this makes sense 🙈 eep! edited to add the entire tag list
Master List | Tag List Form | Adrian Chase Master List
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With tears in your eyes, you stared down the barrel of a gun at the motley group in front of you. They were talking, their voices filling the small space, but you couldn’t make out their words over the roaring in your ears, over the man who was holding that gun and had said without an ounce of remorse that he was planning to kill you.
You’d been intubating an English bulldog when he came in with a busted up eagle–of all things. Your breath stuttered as he raised his voice, the force of it causing him to move the gun. It was funny. You were about to die and all you could think about was that dog in the back. 
Dr. Hurwitz had managed to keep the eagle alive, but it hadn’t been enough for the man in front. He’d kill you all because you’d seen his face. With blurry vision you looked away from the barrel of the gun and at the man himself. He was dorky–in that boy next door way. In a different life, you’d consider him handsome. He reminded you of the goofy labradors you saw each day at the clinic, with his big eyes and soft hair.
Fear gripped your chest, forcing your breath out in small, panicked puffs. You were only dimly aware of Greg, one of the other nurses, whispering at you to “get it the fuck together.” 
“Hey. What the fuck are you saying back there?” The man with the gun asked, looking between you and Greg. 
“Just trying to calm her down; she’s hysterical.” Greg told him, and as if you’d rehearsed it, another sob wracked through you. 
“Oh, god. Are you okay?” One of the women asked, her voice laced with concern.
“Of course not, she thinks she’s about to die.” The other man answered, the one who had come in the beginning with the eagle.
You felt worse than you had before, but now your brain was soaking up the visual information you’d missed. Despite his gun still trained on you, your eyes were drawn to Vigilante–that’s what they had called him. 
“What other choice do we have besides killing this veterinarian, this nurse, this nurse, and this male nurse?”
“You can just say two nurses, man.”
“If I just say “nurse,” I think people will imagine it as a woman.”
“He’s standing right there! We don’t have to imagine anything. 
“It must be weird, waking up every day and being a male nurse.”
“You’re a fucking busboy!” 
“Oh great! Now we definitely have to kill them, because you’re giving stuff away about my secret identity!”
“Do we really have to kill these people?”
The pause of silence was too much for you, the shared uncertain looks between the group. A small whimper left your lips, and you cursed the sound. 
You had higher hopes for yourself than this. You never imagined you’d be in this scenario, of course, but when it came down to it, you’d thought you would be able to handle yourself. Instead, you’d turned into a sobbing fool at the first sign of danger. You weren’t even begging. You just stood there, metaphorically pissing yourself and waiting to die.
You willed yourself to stand straighter, but kept your arms up in the air. You’d die with a bit of dignity, even if you’d had to summon every ounce of courage and self to do so. 
“No,” The blonde began and that was all you needed to deflate completely. The false bravado simply slipped from you as fast as you’d mustered it. The fleeting confidence roared in your ears, drowning the rest of the conversation. You let yourself be jostled around, ziptied, and left in the waiting room of the vet office.
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Your life gets simpler after that. You keep working at Dr. Hurwitz’s office; thanks to a considerable bump in pay, for not leaving (re: suing), you were finally able to drive a few hours to the coast for a little relaxation. You heal. The journey is as odd as the day that precipitated it. You settle back into your routine and can watch your regular procedurals–and don’t bat an eye at the guns, violence, and death. But a man talking too loudly at you in the office, his tone mean and cutting, and you’d crumple to tears in the staff room pawing at your phone for the speed dial number of your therapist. 
But it’s good, your life is good because it’s the one you didn’t expect to have. You take nothing for granted, and you spare yourself no criticisms. You learn to love yourself, and the inspiration of finally liking who you are seeps into every facet of your life. You take up photography as a new hobby, and you start going to the gym. It’s there you find a class in self-defense, and though you aren’t kidding yourself about your skill level against some supe, you figure you owe it to yourself to at least learn how to throw a punch.
You’re leaving class one night, taking a gulping sip from your water bottle, admiring the new ache you’d gotten from your sparring partner, when the street goes sideways. You hit your elbow hard, and barely register the clatter of your bottle and bag hitting the street. By the time you catch your breath, the attacker has made himself known. 
For a brief, blinding moment, you don’t move. Your chest is seized, your blood sluggish in your veins. You want to scream, run, fight, but you can’t move your stupid, useless body. A flash of blue, a great clap, and a spray of red followed by the kind of primal scream only the dying can make–and then you were being lifted up. 
Your elbow was a throbbing scream as your feet hit the pavement, right side up.
“You okay?” A man asked, though muffled from beneath a blue and black facial mask, you’d know that timbre and cadence of that voice anywhere. You want to scream, kick, spit–something to show this asshole that you aren’t the same scared girl anymore. But he’s lifted your arm to inspect the damage, and he’s taken his glove off. His touch is so gentle, the softest caress, that you actually answer his insane question.
“Yes.” Your voice is a hushed whisper, though not a scared, timid thing. 
“That was a sucker punch, by the way. You totally coulda kicked his ass.” You hissed as he pressed a particularly tender spot, and though he hadn’t seemed to be paying attention to you, his head snapped up. “That hurt? Oof, yeah. That’s a bitch. Let me take you to the hospital. We’ll take the Vigimobile.” He rambled off, nearly sing-song, and began to tug your other arm behind him. “I’m Vigilante, the car is mine, obviously. D’uh.” He paused only when I pulled back from him.
“What’s up?” He asked, looking around, like there might be a second thug.
“I’m not going anywhere with you.” You told him, exasperated. 
“Why not?” His head cocked to the side, and you have to literally shake the image from your head as you remember thinking of him as a labrador.
“Why not?” You echo, your voice nearing hysterical.
“Your elbow is dislocated, at least. Worst case, fractured. I’m the only one here. Your phone is smashed, and you don’t have car keys in your bag.” He lists off items by raising a finger with each point. 
“You tried to kill me four months ago!” You scream at him, throwing your hands up to accentuate your point, remembering the pain in your elbow too late. The sharp pain that slices through your body leaves a fuzzy ring around your vision, and you see Vigilante take a step towards you as the world tilts sideways for the second time of the night. 
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You groan as you pull yourself from that inky abyss, and smack your lips against the paper dry feeling of your tongue. 
“Where the hell am I?” You manage to croak out, and the shuffle of feet is the only indication you get that other people are around.
“Hospital.” A man’s voice tells you, and you have the funniest feeling you know the voice. The gentle comfort of that wraps around your delirious mind and pulls you back down.
The next time you awake it’s because of the sun. The windows were left open, meaning that the bright rays of the morning hit you full force. You blink harshly against the intrusive light, and remember being attacked. Fearful of the state of your body, you gingerly begin testing your toes and slowly you work your way up your body. You’re twitching your fingers when a knock at the door startles you. 
You don’t know the person standing in the frame, but you wish you did. He’s holding a balloon, flowers, and a stuffed dog. Confusion paints your face, and he waves sheepishly.
“Hi, you up?” He asks, shuffling closer hesitantly.
“Just barely.” You murmur back, shifting in the bed.
“They gave you a lot of pain medicine last night.” The man tells you. You wish you knew more about this whole bizarre situation. You couldn’t remember anything over the pounding in your head.
“That’s right, because I…” 
“Your elbow. It was dislocated, which is better than a fracture. But you did tear a tendon, which means you’ll be in a sling for a few weeks.” He explains, fidgeting with the stuffed dog.
“Did I have surgery?” You push, figuring he’ll at least answer some questions.
“No, no. I asked them to monitor you overnight.” 
“You…you might not remember me, but we’ve met before. I’m Adrian, and I threatened to kill you once.” You blink at his deadpan, waiting for the punchline. But you know he isn’t joking, somehow. You know him. He’s the one from the vet clinic, the one who saved you from the guy last night.
“Are you stalking me?” You ask, wondering partially if he’s here to finish the job. He laughs, too loudly.
“A little bit. I feel horrible about it.”
“The stalking?”
“No. When I tried to kill you. It was a precaution. But I’ve changed my mind about that. About a lot of things, actually. Anyway, I just wanted to say sorry for all of that, and I hope you feel better soon. I brought you some stuff.” He explains before dumping the stuffed dog in your lap and putting the other stuff on the nightstand. You try not to gape at him.
“Okay, I’m going to head out.”
“You just got here.” You say, surprising both of you. 
“You want me to stay?”
“For some reason, yeah. Would you?” With his eyes wide, he nods and takes the chair beside your bed. 
“How’s the eagle?” You ask, voice soft and unsure. Adrian picks up the conversation easily though and is soon animatedly telling you all about the bird's latest antics. 
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You’re not sure how Adrian became such a regular part of your day, but you find yourself waiting for his visit all the same. He doesn’t have a pet, but he comes by the vet clinic and asks for your advice on all his potential pets everyday. He also tells you about his day, his night, and anything else he can think of. When he isn’t talking to you in person, he’s blowing your shit up with memes and weird emojis. 
The idea of seeing him every single day would have made you want to call your therapist before, but after he saved you, his choices began to make sense. Maybe you were making excuses, but he had become such a stable part of your life that you began to love his daily visits. When he missed one, which happened from time to time, you were miserable. He always made up for it, though.
“I’ve got a cinnamon chai for the apple of my eye!” His voice rang out, drawing you from your small cubicle to the front. Your smile grew when you took him in, and his own was full on beaming.
“Adrian, you didn’t have to get me a drink.” You scolded, secretly pleased as you sipped from the steaming cup. 
“Course I did, I wanna do that stuff for you.” He told you bashfully. You wanted those things too, even if it felt insane to consider.
“Actually, I had something I wanted to ask you.” He began, and you watched as his tongue darted out to lick his lips. “Would you wan…I mean, I would like to, if you want to, uhm. Dinner?”
“Sure, Adrian, I’d love to.”
“Sick. I’ll pick you up at seven?”
“Okay, seven, it is.” You agree, taking another sip of your drink, and watch as he leaves. He must think you’ve looked away because he fist pumps into the air. You stifle your laugh and go back to work, thinking very hard about what you were going to wear.
@michi-reads @strawberriesandknives @uncle-eggy @fictionlandslanddreams @uwiuwi @lostinwinderland314 @kidd3ath @maplefire18 @zekegorilla @hypnoash @greenxtea0 @myguiltypleasures21 @Goblynnrockz @racetrackheart @ticharluv @likeficsinthewnd
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Ross Lynch: givemewhatuwant
*on tour with the driver era 2024*
“Y/N do you know where we are at?” Garrison calls from the back of the bus with all the boys.
The Driver Era has been on tour for about a month now, traveling all over the east coast showcasing their phenomenal songs that they made from scratch. I had the amazing opportunity to come on the tour as one of the equipment managers. This has been my biggest dream in my career, working at “The Doors Rock Shop”. It’s a well known instrument company in Atlanta Georgia where people would go to get a guitar and a crystal at the same time. I got this amazing job with touring The Driver Era with my cousin Poppy who is with us on tour as one of the tour photographers.
“Y/N!” Ryland shouts from the back. I look outside to see we are about to arrive to the venue in Asheville North Carolina. “we are about to pull up to the venue guys!” I said looking to the back of the bus and I see Ross in the hall with just pajamas pants on. “Word! i’m ready to stretch my legs and get out and move.” Ross said stretching his arms looking like he just woke up from a nap.
Ross and I have gotten really close on this tour. i’m normally not on their bus, i travel in a large van behind the bus with the crew. We haven’t stopped talking to each other whether it’s in person while im helping carry his beautiful gibson to him when he goes in for his solos or text. We make these jokes everytime I have to give his guitar to him in a show and I always make a bet with him about how many girls will scream “take your shirt off!”. Secretly I was jealous I couldn’t be those beautiful girls making him smile and shake his hips like that and pleading to take his shirt off for me. Having him as a friend is the best, I just know he could never like me that way. I’m his equipment manager, I lift speakers and drums for a living and he’s a fucking rockstar sex god. I mean look at his recent ex. like how can I compare to Jaz Sinclair. I have to be just a friend to protect myself from that energy.
Everyone ends up scattering across the venue to start their projects for the day. The show starts at 8 so I scramble around to the strings van to transfer the instruments to their spots on the stage so the boys can start soundchecking and tuning their guitars to the songs.
“Y/N why is it you’re always the one carrying the most stuff in the building when Greg is suppose to do that because of your knee.” Riker says from the green room where I walked in with a coffee for myself and him. “Riker i’m telling you Greg is so fucking slow I can’t bear watching him take 45 minutes to set up a guitar stand. I gotta get the shit done so I can actually enjoy myself for the day.” I express to him and i’m frazzled pinging from one corner of the stage to the other figuring out all the wires and amps so they can start their sound check.
“Y/N take a deep breath or a certain someone is going to come in here and see this and raise hell.” Riker laughed as he secretly points in the direction of Ross and Rocky’s green room. I roll my eyes and wave him off not believing a word he said.
Riker thinks he’s slick with trying to hook me up with Ross ever since we started the tour. i’ve seen the small hints of asking ross to come to me when he can’t find the setlist or where his extra picks are. Riker is basically our tour mom, he is making everyone smoothies and making sure everyone is hydrated before every show. Besides Ross, me and Riker have been attached to the hip.
“Shut up Riker before I grab a pair of scissors and cut your bass strings” I jokingly threaten him with a huge smile on my face.
“Oh God Riker what did you do to piss Y/N off again?” Ross said coming out of the side stage with a vintage baseball cap that says “i’m a local celebrity” with a white tee and baggy light washed denim pants. he slings his arm over my shoulder making us sway to the random song playing on the speakers. I look up to see him already looking down at me with that infamous smile he wears. “Nice Hat pretty boy.” i laughed and flicked the bill of the hat. “So which songs are we playing tonight? any newbies?” I smile back at him really hoping he’ll play one of my favorite songs at the show tonight. “Yes Y/N we are playing givemewhatuwant and Natural if that’s what you’re asking.” he chuckles and pulls away from me to pick up his guitar to start sound checking. I squeal and jump off the stage and start jogging to the doors to get the rest of the equipment “YES ROSS YOURE THE BEST” I scream at him and blow him a friendly kiss as I run out the door.
*Ross’ POV*
Y/N is the most precious and loving human I have ever met. she just brightens the room when she walks in. Whether it’s her bubbly personality or just her energy she radiates, it’s one of the reasons why I love having her close by. She makes me feel like life is worth living again. Heartbreak after heartbreak, I felt like love isn’t an option for me anymore. I have thousands of people falling at my feet but it never fills the void of feeling unloved. Hookups and one night stands can only do so much to the point even sex isn’t appealing to you anymore. Ever since Y/N walked into my life, it’s has taken a complete 180. I feel lighter. happier. I wake up excited for the day knowing I get to see and talk to the most beautiful woman I have ever met. She doesn’t compare to any girl I have ever been with or even seen. Befriending her was my first hit in the game and i’m ready for the home run. I want her to be mine. I need her to be my girl. I feel like I can’t live life without her by my side. she completes me in a way I have never felt before. I’m worried i’ll scare her away if I confess what i’ve been feeling inside. I just need to rip the bandaid and just go for it, be a man and express this to this wonderful girl.
*10 minutes before showtime*
“what’s our bet tonight Ross?” I ask him walking up to the band. I just finished helping set up the stage for The Driver Era after Valé’s performance. She did amazing as she does every night. Tonight however the energy feels a bit off. Ross looks like he’s in his head about something and I just don’t know what. Everything went smoothly today and the crowd already has such a good vibe for the night, there’s nothing else to worry about. “Ross? You good?” I asked while rubbing his arm while he looks off in the distance.
“Yeah i’m good, just in my head a bit. Nothing to worry about, probably stage fright.” he has a fake smile plastered on his face to try and not worry me. I know him better than anyone that he is in his head about something and it’s definitely not stage fright.
“Do you need to talk before you go on? you are not good. you can try and fake smile at me but you know it’s not going to work. What’s going on in that head of yours?” I step forward to see his full face instead of the side and look up in those beautiful hazel brown eyes he adorns on his face. he sighs loudly and closes his eyes before opening them he says. “Y/N there’s been a lot of shit going on in my life and ever since I met you, it seems like everything disappeared when you walked in the room. You make me so happy and giddy to the point I get antsy when I don’t see you first thing in the morning. You light up my life and I know we only have known each other for a month but I feel it. My God I hope you feel it too so I don’t feel like the biggest idiot before this sold out show. I like you Y/N, I don’t want to wake up without you by my side. Please tell me you feel the same.” he pleads and grabs
my face in his hands and put his forehead to mine.
“Just shut up and kiss me Ross. I’ve been waiting way too long for you to say those words. I just need your lips on mine before you-“ he slams his lips on mine before I could sentence my sentence. I wrap my arms around his neck melting in his arms loving every second of this moment.
“Ross let’s go! you’ll have plenty of time to make out with Y/N after the show, come on!” Rocky shouts from the side stage making us break away from our heavy kiss. I smile and push him towards his brother. “Lucky for you i’m going to be in the pit with Poppy helping her take photos. I promise to get the best angles, I might sneak a couple just for my entertainment.” I smirk and he laughs and kisses my cheek and runs on stage right on his cue.
The boys are rocking out and came out full throttle. I’ve been helping poppy this show because one of the extra photographers called out and couldn’t make it. I can already feel the energy in this knowing it’s gonna be a great night. “ Y/N why has Ross been staring and smirking at you all night? Did he finally have the balls to do it?” She smirks at me side glancing to the stage. I look up and sure enough he’s staring at me with hooded eyes with his hair clinging to his sweaty forehead. He squats down to my level and curls his finger for me to come closer. I take a step towards him and he whispers “you are making it incredibly hard for me to stop this show and take you backstage to have my girl strip that skirt off so I can fuck that beautiful pussy.” he kisses my earlobe and pulls away before I could even react. my jaw drops and I step back and look at poppy and she’s busting out laughing at my reactions and hugs me and squeals in excitement. She always said from day one that Ross will end up falling over me. I brushed it out because of stupidity and insecurities. Now i’m like ‘fuck she’s right…. again’.
“That man is already planning the wedding in his brain and he hasn’t even gotten in your pants yet. I saw the kiss when I was setting up. “ She says while snapping pictures of the band while they play “Natural”. I get excited and dance and sing along. I decide to tease ross a bit, i shake my hips to the beat and drag my palms up my stomach making my shirt ride up a bit. He notices and bites his lip and tilts his hat down and looks at me with sultry eyes. I wink at him and flick him off. he smirks and proceeds to perform the rest of the song.
The show finally ended and the boys are celebrating in the green room with a couple of drinks. I finished my job for the night when I start searching for Ross to actually start my night. I feel hands wrap around my middle and I instantly melt when I smell fresh body wash and sandalwood. “Let’s go to the bus, I promise to keep my hands to myself” Ross mumbles kissing my neck with his hands roaming my hips pulling me closer to his warmth. I chuckle and turn my head to see his face and tease his lips with mine before I dart towards the direction of the bus. I hear his laughs behind me when I get up to the door to the bus.
he meets me inside and starts teasing my neck again guiding me to the back of the bus. He closes the sliding door and locks it in place. I arch my neck towards him in a way to let him know I want his lips on me. He starts sucking on my neck behind my ear. he kisses all the way to my lips and he slams his lips on mine. I moan and run my fingers through his hair and tug at the ends. He groans in my mouth and starts unzipping my corset like top. I gasp when I feel the cold air on my bare back. The shirts comes loose from my body and falls at our feet. “Beautiful” He whispers to himself when he see my breasts in full exposure. He starts peppering kisses all over my breasts and he cups his lips around my nipple and start sucking to drive me wild. I moan a sound that has never escaped from me before and I tug his face up to mine “Just fuck me already Ross. I need you so bad. Feel how wet I am” I whimper grabbing his hand and pressing it to my core. he rubs his fingertips against the sensitive nub and I moan loudly biting my lip. He shrugs his pants off and throws his shirt somewhere while I undress myself as fast as I can. “I wanted this to be slow and make this moment last as long as possible but I can’t bear anything anymore. I need to be inside you baby.” Ross said as he slips on a condom with a groan. He pushes the tip towards my entrance and I close my eyes waiting for the first push. “Look at me Y/N. I need to see your face” he pleads. I open my eyes the same time he enters me and I gasp at the size of him. He slowly thrusts in and out letting me get used to his size.
“Faster Baby. Fuck you feel so good” I scream as his pace picks up. he grabs my leg and throws it over his left shoulder slamming his hips into the back of my thighs. He presses a hand against my stomach and I moan feeling him deeper inside of me. “Fuck baby I can feel it. My god your pussy is perfect. You’re so tight, you were made for me” He groans fucking me harder making me slam a hand on the window beside me. “Ross i’m so close. please let me cum. fuck baby” I moan in his ear and drag my nails down his back. “Yes baby. Let go for me. Cum all over my cock. Make a mess of me. “ he slams his hips into mine as we both hit our climax at the same time. he thrusts slowly while we come from our highs. I breathe heavily and rest my head on the armrest of couch. Ross slowly lays his head on my breast letting some of his weight fall on me. I run my hand through his hair and just smile wanting this moment to never end.
“Whatcha thinking about beautiful?” he asked slowly pulling out making me wince. “Just realizing how did I get this lucky? I don’t deserve you.” my eyes start tearing up looking at his eyes and studying all of his features. “You don’t deserve me? You got it all wrong baby. You are the most beautiful human I have ever laid my eyes on. We are meant to be here in this moment for a reason and I know down the road we will look back at this time and just laugh and smile about all these memories we have made together. I want to make memories with you forever Y/N. l- I love you so fucking much I can’t hold it in anymore.” He rambles sitting up on the L shaped couch and pulling me to his chest. I breathe in his scent and close my eyes. “Ross, I love you so much it makes it hard for me to breathe. I’ll love you to the day I die.” I look up at him and he slams his lips on mine putting a hand over my heart to feel the thumps of my rapid heartbeat. Our lips move and he slips his tongue in and our tongues dance along together lazily.
We finally had the energy to get up after 30 minutes of lazy kisses and just appreciating the moment we just shared. Everyone comes back to the bus after the celebratory shots.
“So where did both of you guys run off too earlier?” Garrison asked slipping on a hoodie and a crochet bucket hat I made for him in Wisconsin. “I don’t kiss and tell but it was definitely fun for sure.” Ross winks and pulls me to sit on his lap.
“They fucked in the back of the bus. there’s a hand print on the window to prove it.” Ryland said smirking into his tequila soda. I roll my eyes and tap the bottom of his cup to make it spill all over his neck and shirt. “Y/N what the fuck dude!” he shouts snatching napkins from Riker. I laugh so hard I snort and then that makes everyone in the bus have a laughing fit. I lean my head back on ross’ shoulder and he kisses the top of my head whispering “I love you” in my ear. my eyes start drooping and I fall asleep on the love of my life and already can’t wait to wake up to experience this life with him.
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chicago-pd-is-weird · 2 months
Hello! I wanted to ask if you could write an Antonio Dawson imagine where she’s his gf. Based on S3, Ep.14? The reader is Yates’ target. Antonio is worried about her & is more protective over her as everything is unfolding. As the reader is driving to Yates’ location he taunts Antonio through a video call saying he should’ve kept a closer eye on the reader or something along those lines.
At the end the reader shoots & kills him bc he tried to force himself onto her and when she fought back he wanted to kill her. Finally she breaks down when Hank and Antonio arrive but Antonio is there to comfort her & they go home together. Basically he’s there for her & expressing how he didn’t want her to lose her. And how he was thankful he arrived on time. Please & thank you!
Antonio Dawson x Fem!Reader
This was really fun to write, Anon! I took the episode and tailored it some, but I hope you like it nevertheless!
Requested by: Anonymous
Based on: 03x14 of Chicago PD - all ideas that come from it are not mine :)
TW: mentions of gore/violence as seen in the episode, mentions of stalking, attempted sexual assault
You returned home from New York. It was a horrible time, really. You hadn’t been able to recapture Greg Yates, no matter how hard you tried. As you looked out the car window, you felt a gentle hand come to your thigh, comforting you. You looked over to Antonio beside you, realizing how lucky you were to have him. “Hey,” he said softly. “Don’t worry about it. We’ll get him.”
“I know,” you hummed. “He’s heading back to Chicago. I’m sure of it.”
“His mistake. He’s on our land again. That’s how he was caught the first time.”
You took Antonio’s hand in yours, bringing it up to kiss his knuckles as he pulled up outside your apartment building. “I love you. See you later?”
“Let me walk you inside,” Antonio replied, getting out of the car to escort you.
“Come on, Toni, I’m a big girl with a big girl gun.”
Antonio hummed and pulled you close by your waist as you walked. He didn’t respond, but his body language told you everything. He was afraid something may happen to you, especially because Yates had taken a special interest in you in NY. Truthfully, you weren’t sure why, since you were nothing special.
Instead of fighting, you leaned into Antonio’s chest, looking up at him as you got into the elevator. “Toni, you’re scared.”
“Just trying to make sure my girlfriend is still around tomorrow.”
You sighed softly as the elevator got to your floor, taking his hand and pulling him with you and to your apartment. You keyed yourself in, then shut the door, taking off your coat and shoes. “Antonio Dawson, I love you, but you can’t completely shield me from the world. It’s no way to live. If Yates is coming after me, let him. What’s the difference between this and being undercover?”
Antonio sighed deeply, meeting your eyes. His were filled with deep concern, and he wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you close. “It’s completely different,” he replied. “Being undercover, they don’t know anything about you, and they’re not targeting you. This bastard, Yates, he’s targeting you. He knows everything about you. I-I just don’t want you working this one. He’s going to get into your head.”
“Sounds like he’s already in yours,” you said with a shrug, leaning up to kiss his cheek. “Look, Toni, the whole point is to not let him in. To not change. I’m going to keep working, just the way I always have.”
Antonio gently pressed his forehead to yours. “I can’t lose you,” he muttered, shaking his head. “If I lose you… I won’t know how to keep living.”
“You won’t lose me,” you reassured, gently nuzzling his nose with your own. “Hey, come here…” You gently pulled him to the couch, sitting on his lap and smiling a little, properly leaning in to kiss him. The kiss was deep and passionate, but kept a light tone to it, as you finally pulled away, but not far. You smiled again, whispering against his lips. “I love you, and nothing will ever change that. My love for you is so strong, I’d conquer death just to stay by your side.”
He smiled and pulled you back down for another deep kiss, hands wrapped fully around you, pulling your body as close to his as possible.
“(Y/N),” Antonio huffed as he followed you into the locker room, making sure nobody else was there before coming to your side. “You should stay at the district. I don’t like the idea of you being out there, with him, and neither does Voight.”
You rolled your eyes. “You’re just being overprotective, Antonio. I am still a detective and a damn good one, too. I’ve been in lots of situations where I’ve needed to be careful.”
“He’s completely obsessed with you,” Antonio replied, shaking his head. “He looked up your neighborhood, where you live!”
“Which means he’ll eventually make a mistake. I can’t let him get in my head and neither can you. Now, come on, there’s been three more murders and one attempted.”
You grabbed your gun and badge, pinning them on your jeans, then pulled on your jacket. Shutting your locker, you gave Antonio one last look, telling him you were completely serious. He sighed and simply followed you, riding with you to the scene. You looked down at your phone as an unknown number popped up. You sent it to voicemail.
It was brutal. Three nurses had been killed, and the fourth had been taken to the hospital. It didn’t look good. They’d been beat and tortured, and one even had a hand cut off. You shuddered a little, seeing how all four women had suffered.
“Alright,” Voight said as you all walked outside. “Antonio, Jay, go check on the person who lives upstairs, Nelly. (Y/N) and I will go back to meet Benson and the others.”
You rode back to the station with Voight to meet the SVU, a little upset he took you out of the field, most likely at Antonio’s suggestion. You sighed as you walked in and to your desk, but put on a smile when Olivia Benson and the others on her team walked into the bullpen. You stood to greet them, getting them up to speed on everything they missed in the last few hours.
Some time later, Antonio and Jay arrived back, Antonio looking distressed as he went straight to Voight’s office. You looked down as your phone buzzed. Unknown number. You sent it to voicemail again.
After a fairly short conversation with Antonio, Voight called you in. You went inside, shutting the door behind you. “What’s going on?”
“We found this at the crime scene where Nelly was kidnapped,” he said, handing you a note.
Too bad you’re at the station, (Y/N). You’re missing all the fun.
You shuddered, looking at the familiar cursive handwriting. You glanced to Antonio and Voight, then set the note on the desk. “So? He’s taunting us. Playing us. We can’t let him win by reacting to this.”
Antonio sighed and put his hands to his head, obviously stressed. Voight looked over Antonio, then looked to you with a soft shrug. “The safest place for you is here.”
“What?” You retorted, frowning. “You can’t bench me, Sarge. That’s hardly fair.”
“No, no, he’s right,” Antonio huffed. “I’m sick of telling you, over and over, (Y/N). You shouldn’t be on this case. You’re too close to it. He’s obsessed with you.”
“I could say the same about you,” you huffed in reply, rolling your eyes and crossing your arms. “I am fine.”
Antonio took a few steps toward you, grabbing your shoulders. “Just please, stay here from now on. Until we catch him. Please.”
“It’s an order,” Voight confirmed. “Sorry, (Y/N), but my number one rule here is that everyone goes home at the end of the night.”
“I thought it was to tell you the truth so you can lie for us?” You rolled your eyes again, shrugging Antonio off you and walking out of the office. You sat at your desk, frustrated by the men benching you, especially when Yates was pining for your attention. They could use you to play him.
Everyone went back to their work, trying to find Yates. A few hours went by, and you rubbed your eyes, having been staring at the computer screen nearly the whole time. You let out a deep sigh, but looked up when Kim got the attention of everyone in the bullpen.
“The desk sergeant just called up. A package was just hand-delivered to the front desk, addressed to (Y/N).”
You stood, frowning. Everyone’s gaze shifted to you, then back to Kim, before eventually settling on Sergeant Voight. He looked around and nodded. “Evacuate. Bomb protocol. Someone call in the bomb squad.”
You grabbed your coat, heading outside with the rest of the unit. Antonio stood beside you, a hand on your back. You sighed. “A bomb? Not his style.”
“Maybe, maybe not. He could be trying something new.”
“He probably thinks he has to, since none of you will let me out of the district.”
Antonio sighed again, looking down at you. “It’s to protect you. Why can’t you understand that I just want to protect you?”
“I know you do, and I understand it, but being overbearing like this isn’t protecting me. It hurts me.”
“If it keeps you alive, I’m fine with that,” he said with a small sigh, kissing the top of your head.
You couldn’t help but lean into his shoulder. Because you were among the first out, you were near the back. Your relationship was known, of course, but you liked to keep things private as much as possible. “Jerk,” you mumbled. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” he replied, leaning down to kiss you sweetly before pulling away as Voight and the head of the bomb squad came over.
“It’s not a bomb, we x-rayed it.”
“Then I’m going to open it,” you replied with a shrug, moving from Antonio’s arms and toward the box, which was now outside. You slit the box open with a knife and unfolded the flaps. Your face contorted as you found a human hand inside, figuring it was off of the body from earlier that morning. You slowly reached in, pulling out a note that the hand was holding. Swallowing hard, you opened it.
Why won’t you answer when I call?
You frowned, showing the note to Antonio and Voight, then pulling out your phone as it vibrated in your pocket. You looked to them. “It’s a video call,” you said softly. You hit record on your phone before answering, holding it up so you could be seen in the camera.
“(Y/N),” Yates said, holding the camera out so that you could see him and Nelly. “So nice to see you.”
“What do you want from me?”
“You remind me of someone, that’s all. I like seeing you around.”
You hummed. “Is this what you wanted? Attention?” You turned the camera to show everyone around you. “Cause we’re all here.”
“It’s nice, but what I really want is you. We should meet up sometime. Just the two of us.”
“Let the girl go, maybe we can talk.”
“Mmn…” He hummed and held the girl tighter. “You’ll have to find her.”
“If you wanted her, why kill the others?”
He huffed. “Oh no, you’re trying to get me to confess. You’ve got people there, witnesses. Not only that, but I could probably guess that you’re recording me, aren’t you?”
“Just tell me where you are. We’ll talk.”
“Come and find me.”
With that, the camera dropped, showing a picture frame, then the call cut out. You frowned, furrowing your brow and looking to Voight and Antonio. Mouse started to swear, stomping his foot. “The trace couldn’t go through in time. We don’t have him.”
You sighed, playing back the video. You zoomed in on the picture at the end, then gasped. “Guys… I know where he is.” You turned the phone around to show them a picture of you and Antonio from when you first began dating. “That’s in my apartment.”
Antonio’s eyes widened, and he looked to Voight, who nodded. “Let’s hit it. Get the rest of the team.”
You rode beside Antonio, holding his hand and squeezing it. “It’s gonna be alright,” you said softly, though you weren’t sure if you were trying to convince him or yourself. Antonio didn’t say anything, just humming in reply. When you pulled up, the whole team gathered and breached your apartment. There was no sign of Yates, but the girl was stowed away in your closet. You helped her up and stayed with her until she got back to the district.
The detectives from NY promptly interviewed Nelly, finding that she was Yates’ birth sister. The mother detailed that she put him up for adoption in South Carolina when he was young, because he had been a psychopath since birth. They found Yates to be in a frenzy now, wanting revenge on his mother. It gave you hope, thinking that you may just be able to catch him. They planned to raid his mother’s place.
“(Y/N),” Voight said, moving to your desk. “You’re not coming.”
You huffed. “Sarge, not this again.”
“Stay here with Nelly and her mother. They need you.”
With that, Vought walked away. You frowned as you watched him go before Antonio came into your view. You looked up at him. “Yeah, I know, he just told me I can’t go. I don’t have to hear it from you.”
Antonio hummed, looking you over as he leaned his hands on your desk, then leaned down to give you a deep, tender kiss. You blushed, but reciprocated. You loved him. How could you resist? Knowing he could die at any point, every time he left the bullpen, especially if you weren’t there to have his back. You gently reached up, standing to meet him again, and massaged his shoulders. “Hey…” you said softly. “Just… Don’t let him hurt you, okay? If he’s obsessed with me, it means you’re also in danger.”
Antonio hummed and pulled you close, rubbing your back as he embraced you. “I won’t let him get to you. Promise.”
“That’s not what I asked, Antonio,” you huffed, holding him tighter. “Please.”
“I love you. I’ll do whatever it takes to fight for you and protect you, until my last breath.”
Tears came to your eyes. You silently hoped that it wasn’t a trap of some kind, swallowing hard. “Okay,” you replied, voice barely above a whisper. “I love you too.”
He kissed your head, then gently cupped your cheeks, wiping your stray tears away. He kissed you again softly before leaving to suit up with the rest of the team. You swallowed hard and let out a shaky breath, wiping your face and sinking back down to your desk.
“Hey, it’ll be alright,” Mouse said, trying to comfort you.
You looked to him, offering a half-hearted smile. “Thanks.” You sniffled and let out another breath, then tried to focus on the paperwork on the case, pouring over it again to ensure nothing was missed.
After about a half hour, Nelly came to your desk, frenzied. Someone was calling her phone from her dad’s, but it wasn’t him. It was the man who had kidnapped her. You quickly took the phone and instructed her to go back into the room she’d come from, snapping at Mouse to get him to trace the call. You then lifted the phone to take the video call, seeing Yates with Nelly’s father in-hand.
“So good to see you again,” Yates said with a smile. “Oh, sweet (Y/N), what would I do without you?”
“What did you do for the years before you met me?”
“I dunno…” he hummed.
“I figured out who I remind you of.”
You walked into the break room, shutting the door. “Your mother.”
Yates huffed a little, tipping his head. “Yeah? Yeah. I guess you do.” He hummed again and stared intently into the camera, as if he could see into your soul. “So, have you figured out where I am, yet? Or, are you going to let this man just die?”
You looked up as Mouse came to the window with an address. You read it over, connecting the dots. “Yes,” you said into the camera. “Your childhood home.”
“Then come. Come and see me, (Y/N)… Or else, he will die. And come alone. I detest those men who decided to leave you behind. So ungrateful. You deserve the same chance they do. You won’t have to prove yourself to me. I already know you. Everything about you.”
“I’ll come,” you said softly.
“See you soon.” Then, the call ended.
You shuddered, setting the phone on the table before quickly grabbing your coat, running to the parking lot. You grabbed your car, driving to the address and calling Voight to let him know. He told you not to engage, but you knew you couldn’t follow that order. You apologized as you put your foot further onto the gas and sped to Yates’ location.
Meanwhile, Antonio pushed the gas pedal as much as he could, knowing you were in danger and might do something stupid. “Dammit, (Y/N),” he mumbled. Suddenly, his phone rang, and he answered the video call, settling his phone in a cradle on his dash so he could pay attention to the road as well as the video.
“Well, well, well,” Yates’s voice rang out. “If it isn’t the infamous Detective Dawson. You should’ve kept a closer eye on her. You know you can’t save her now, right? She’s going to be mine.”
“Like hell she is!”
“But she’s rushing to my side. She’s coming to save me. And then she’ll be mine. She’ll be mine forever. I’ll be the last thing she sees. The last thing she feels. My name will be the last word on her lips. And you? You will be nothing.”
“You really think that? No. She doesn’t love you. None of those girls loved you!”
Yates huffed and rolled his eyes. “Dear Antonio Dawson, doesn’t even know what love is. Love is seeing the life go out in her eyes, slowly fading away, while she grips to you and pleads out your name.”
Antonio hit the gas pedal to the floor, gripping the wheel as tightly as he could. He was so ready to beat Yates to a pulp. “You lay one finger on her, and I’ll kill you myself.”
“It’ll have been worth it in the end, because she’ll join me in the afterlife.” Yates then looked up, smiling. “Oh, she’s here. I’ll see you soon, Antonio.” The call promptly ended.
Antonio punched his steering wheel, growling as he raced across the busy Chicago city to save you.
You climbed the steps, your gun gripped between your hands, finger on the trigger. You found Yates in a room upstairs with a large hole in the floor. He was holding Nelly’s father over the hole in a chair, a noose wrapped around his neck. “Hello there,” he said softly. “Oh, (Y/N), please come in.”
“Let him go.”
“I don’t think you want me to do that… You know I’m the only thing that’s holding him up, right?”
You sighed, then pulled your hands up, holstering your gun. “Fine. Then let’s talk. You untie him and let him leave here. Then you and I can talk.”
Yates hummed, looking you over. You disliked the way his eyes roamed your body, swallowing hard. He smiled a little. “Uncomfortable?” He asked. “I’m just undressing you a little. I wonder what you look like under there.”
You bit your inner lip, trying to keep your hands from shaking. “Just let him leave here, and we’ll talk. Just you and me. You know you’re running out of time.”
Yates hummed again, then sighed. “Yes, well, he will have to leave here, won’t he?” And with that, he let the chair go, the man going over. The chair fell to the ground, but the man hung in the hole. You gasped, looking down at him. Yates took the chance to grab you, pushing you against the wall. He let his hands roam your body, including your chest and crotch. You cried out, hands pinned at your sides as he pushed his body weight against you, then eventually pushing you to the ground. “You’re everything I imagined you to be, (Y/N),” he mumbled, pushing his lips to your neck and biting down, making you cry out in pain as his teeth broke your skin. He then sucked and licked at the mark he’d given you, grinding down on you, as he was now on top.
You panicked, whimpering and trying to get to the gun on your hip. He growled and pushed down on you harder. “Stop it. Stop!” He grabbed at your arms to subdue you. “Stop fucking fighting me! Stop it, or I’ll fucking kill you! Just like Nadia! Just like those nurses! Just like all the others!”
In the chaos, finally, you grabbed the gun and pointed it at him, shooting him in the chest. The bullet went straight through his heart.
He fell limp immediately on top of you, his blood pouring onto your body from the wound. You cried out again, tears rolling down your face as you pushed his body weight off you. Then, you stood and pointed the gun at him, your hands shaking, ready to pull the trigger if he moves again, even twitched. You didn’t take your eyes off him.
Antonio and Voight got there very soon after, seeing the scene, and you shaking. Voight slowly pushed your arms down to lower your gun. Antonio checked the body, confirming he was dead.
“I-I-I had to,” you mumbled, sniffling and breathing shakily as sobs came to your throat. “I had to!”
“I know,” Voight said softly, gently taking your gun from you and putting it in his own waistband. “It’s okay, (Y/N).”
Antonio came to you quickly, checking you over. He examined your chest, where the blood had stained your shirt, but finding no injury, he turned to your neck. “Hey, we’ll get an ambo here to check you out.”
“Antonio…” you whimpered, your knees buckling beneath you.
He caught you with ease, picking you up bridal style and carrying you out of the room and downstairs. He set you down outside in the grass, still holding you up to stand. “It’s okay, (Y/N), it’s okay. He hurt you. It was a clean shoot.”
“I-I…” You sobbed softly into his shoulder as he held you tightly. “H-He…”
“Shh,” he shushed you. “You don’t have to explain to me. It’s okay. It’s all okay.”
Hours later, after speaking with internal affairs, the paramedics, and anyone else who had questions, you were finally allowed to go home.
Antonio drove you, holding your hand the whole time. Then, he escorted you up to your apartment and inside, helping you into your bedroom. He helped you undress, taking the blood-stained clothes and throwing them in the trash. He knew exactly how you felt about them, without you even having to say. He helped you into the shower, then let you have some time alone as he made some tea for you.
You turned the shower hotter, as hot as it would go, letting it scald your skin. You didn’t know what else to do. You didn’t know what to feel. You didn’t know what to say. The knot in your stomach intensified, making you sick. You heaved up the contents of your stomach and then some, feeling like you had thrown up your entire insides. Your throat burned as you watched it wash down the drain. You fell to your knees as your body betrayed you, sobbing softly. You simultaneously felt everything and nothing. You were so overwhelmed that you were numb. You sobbed yourself sick, heaving now as nothing else came up. You pushed your head against the shower wall, which was cool in comparison to the water. You sobbed and heaved, trembling on the floor of your shower for what felt like days, though only mere minutes before you regained yourself. Your body was still weak, but you managed to turn the shower off. The steam hugged you, even in the absence of the scalding water. You slowly pushed yourself up to get out, then got a towel to dry yourself. You sat on the toilet, swallowing hard as you played out the scenario in your mind, over and over.
What had you been thinking? Antonio was right. You never should’ve left the district. You would’ve been safe there. You trembled as the air grew cooler, leaving bitter kisses on your wet skin. You swallowed hard again, then stood, stumbling into your bedroom and finding some clothes to put on. You were able to find some underpants, but then you found some old sweatpants of Antonio’s that he had left previously. You also found one of his old CPD shirts from the academy. Putting them on, the smell of him comforted you in his physical absence. It helped to soothe your mind, thus soothing your body.
Moving shakily into the living area of your apartment, you looked around for Antonio. He was in the attached kitchen, looking at something on the counter, then turning around with two mugs of tea in his hands. He stopped when he saw you. “Hey…” he said softly. “You look pale…”
You blinked slowly, suddenly exhausted. You moved to the couch, sitting down on one side of it. Antonio moved in beside you, setting the mugs on your coffee table. He put his hands to your face, his fingers surprisingly cold. It felt good to you. You leaned into his touch and closed your eyes.
“(Y/N)…” he murmured, gently holding your face. “What you did in there… it was the right thing to do…”
“I don’t want to talk about it,” you mumbled. “Please… just… hold me…”
“I can do that,” he whispered, nodding and pulling you into his lap, allowing you to sit sidesaddle. He brushed wet strands of hair from your face, grabbing your mug of tea for you. “Here, sip.”
“Toni…” you mumbled, shaking your head. “I just threw up all of my insides…”
“Just sip. You’ll feel better. Please.”
You sighed, but took a small sip of the tea, swallowing it before resting your head on his shoulder. He set the tea down, and rocked you gently, kissing your head and whispering sweet things in your ear for a while before just rocking you in silence.
“I’m sorry,” you finally whispered, breaking the silence.
“I should’ve listened to you… to Voight…”
Antonio sighed softly. “What’s done is done… I am always here for you… no matter what you choose. I just… I almost lost you today… I never want to lose you. You and my kids, you’re the best things to ever happen to me. I never want to lose any of you. That’s why I have this job. Taking these guys off the streets so that they don’t hurt you or Diego or Eva.”
“I know,” you mumbled, pushing your face into his neck, accidentally reminding yourself of the bite mark on your own. Your hand moved up to feel at the tender skin, wincing as you ran the pads of your fingers across every groove his teeth had left. You sniffled, trying not to cry again.
“Hey, hey,” Antonio gently grabbed your hand, holding it instead so you couldn’t feel the mark. “Shh, you’re safe now. I’ve got you. I’ve always got you.”
“I love you,” you whispered, sniffling again as a stray tear escaped your eye.
“I love you too, (Y/N).” He rubbed your back with his free hand, just holding you, all night long.
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