#have you seen them ragdoll cats
gummy-sharks666 · 10 months
If Shadow Prove was a type of cat he’d be a ragdoll I am not elaborating
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pangur-and-grim · 2 days
I'm looking into getting a purebred cat for the first time because I've developed allergies, and it's such a different world from my niche corner of dog breeding, I'm so lost How common is it for cat breeders to focus on temperament over conformation? I've shown a dog and been to many shows, and am working on a breed in development. I'm uncomfortable with a fixation on "correct" appearance versus a heavy focus on what an animal's quality of life is and what they're like to live with If I'm paying more for a kitten than I charge for a puppy I want to know the breeder has done a lot of handling and enrichment, grooming conditioning (for relevant breeds), and pair their cats for temperament strengths and weaknesses, not just conformation. What should I look for on a breeder site/what should I ask without sounding rude? I also have seen a couple breeders advertise a health guarantee including FIP for one year, and I'm wondering how that's possible. Can you really guarantee against it? I'm so sorry you and your gremlin are going through this, it sounds like a rollercoaster!
it's difficult to answer your first question! cat breeding seems more…..casual in terminology than dog breeding, if that makes sense? 
with temperament, there’s a stereotype for each breed (Bengals = active, Siamese = yowly, Ragdolls = angelic beings, etc). breeders often have a page on their site explaining their idea of what the breed is (the ideal appearance, personality, and so on), and then a section with their breeding cats, with blurbs for each one. and they usually also have social media, where you can see how these cats slot into their lives.
if you’re from the states, be VERY WARY of breeders who cage their cats! that’s more of a cultural norm there, and personally, I prefer breeders who treat their animals like family members and live alongside them.
here are two examples of breeders who go above and beyond: Praticalcats and Trillium Devon Rex. their sites give away how obsessive they are about their animals - all the articles on Praticalcats, and all the genetic testing on Trillium - and I would feel comfortable recommending them to anyone who asked.
as for over-emphasis on a “correct” appearance – for each breed, there will be a certain look that’s a red flag. Devon Rexes that are too brachy, Maine Coons that are too large, Siamese that are too spindly, etc. if you do enough research on your breed of choice, you’ll start recognizing it. the cat will look more ‘special’, and more ‘like it’s breed’, but it’s an exaggeration at the cost of other qualities.
for specific questions like what handling they do, whether they’re conditioned to tolerate grooming, and how the cats get paired with buyers, most of the time you have to contact a breeder to ask that. there should be a mini job interview before any money changes hand, where the breeder grills you, and you get to return the favour. if a breeder skips this, I’d consider that a major red flag. and don’t worry about sounding rude, a good breeder will be delighted that you care so much about all of this!
and now, the guarantee against FIP – what are they guaranteeing, exactly? it might be a guarantee that they’ll replace the kitten if they develop FIP (the contract with my breeder had a similar clause). but if they’re guaranteeing that any kitten from them won’t develop FIP, then that’s nonsense. basically all young cats get exposed to the feline coronavirus that causes FIP, and whether they develop it or not is just a lottery gamble. I'd be suspicious of any breeder who claims that their kittens are exempt from this.
anyway, I think I've answered everything. hopefully that was helpful, and not just me rambling!
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sanguineterrain · 11 months
Hi! I saw your post on Halloween prompts and if your still taking them may I request
Jason was born a werewolf and they're used to their transformations and abilities. They're out on a walk when they find Reader, a human-just-turned-werewolf. Jason decides it's their job to take care of Reader until they're able to use all their powers efficiently, etc. Both didn't expect to catch feelings along the way.
Werewolves are actively hunted down and humans even carry specific silver items and spray to ward them off if they suspect someone of being one. Reader finds Jason, an injured werewolf, hiding in their backyard. They don't have the heart to chase them away, instead opting to heal and hide them away from the hunters after them.
Fem!reader if possible?
Prompts from @promptspa
hi there! thanks for the prompt. i decided to go with the 2nd one, but i tweaked it a little. reader is gender neutral simply because there wasn't any moment to identify gender, but you are free to picture them as female! hope you like :)
werewolf!jason todd x gn!reader | injured jason, tending to wounds, wolf form, reader and jason knew each other when he was robin.
"...In other news, reports of animal attacks have skyrocketed, leaving Gotham citizens paranoid. The mayor is enforcing a six o'clock curfew, urging citizens to lock their doors and keep pets inside. Now we have Dan with the weather—"
You mute the TV, stand, and stretch. The wind howls outside, rattling the roof slats. Dan, the weatherman, soundlessly describes how it's only going to get colder this week. That reminds you of Lucy, your Ragdoll. She's been outside for most of the evening.
"Lucy," you call, opening the bag of cat food. Usually, the sound causes her to race into the kitchen, claws clicking on the floor.
But there's no sound. You stop what you're doing and stand instead, moving to the stairs.
Animal attacks. Your stomach churns at the thought.
Gotham News often exaggerates that stuff since they're so anti-lycan. Werewolves don't attack animals and haven't done so for centuries unless they're desperate for food. But most citizens don't know that and will happily buy into the scare tactics. You can't afford to, living miles outside of the city.
You head outside when Lucy still doesn't appear. Logically, you know werewolves wouldn't attack your seven pound cat that's seventy percent fur. You know that. But something still feels wrong.
You search around the house first, using your phone as a flashlight. Then you walk toward the shed. That's when you hear meowing.
"Lucy!" you yell. "It's alright, Lucy, come on!"
Lucy makes no motion to move. She meows incessantly, urgent, yowling meows that make you rush over and check her for injuries. She continues to meow, even when you don't find an injury.
"What's wrong, Lucy? What's happened?"
You stroke her back, but nothing calms her. One time, she ran into a skunk, and that had spooked her. It also resulted in three baths to get the smell out.
But the skunk had attacked her then. Here, Lucy is unharmed, but whatever she's seen, it's scared her beyond comforting.
She continues to meow, eyes fixed on the shed. You take a deep breath and go to the shed. Lucy's meows get louder.
"It's alright, Lucy," you say, but now your heart is thumping. The wind rattles the padlock, which is odd, so you shine the light on it.
The lock is broken. You pull open the door, ready to run.
A soft whine comes from inside the shed. You shine your light, and the creature shies away, except it's too big to avoid the light completely. Too big to be a regular animal...
You make out black fur, large ears, and a tail. You gasp. The wolf whines again, curling into the corner like it's trying to make itself small.
There's a trail of blood on the ground. Without getting closer, you can't tell where the blood is from. But if it's enough to make the creature whine, it must be a deep wound.
"I'm not a hunter," you say slowly, and its ears twitch at that. "I'm not here to hurt you. No silver, see?"
You pull out your pockets, unzip your coat, and show your hands. The wolf watches you silently. Its head comes into view, and now you can see that the wolf is male.
And his eyes. His eyes are what confirm your suspicions; they are too intelligent to not be supernatural, glowing an eerie green.
He's an adult wolf, from what you can tell, but still young, his fur dark and thick. His youth doesn't make him any less intimidating, though. He looks much like the pictures of werewolves the antis use to scare people: huge, long body, glowing eyes, claws. He must be double your size, at least.
Lucy has stopped meowing. Now she just stares alongside you, keeping her distance. No wonder she was so distressed.
The wolf suddenly stands, and you take several steps back, heart racing. You hate being scared, hate letting the news report get into your head.
The wolf lies on his back with jerky, uncoordinated movements. He makes a desperate noise and shows his belly.
Knife wounds. Big ones. If he wasn't a wolf, he'd be dead.
"Holy shit," you say. "Oh my God."
This is as vulnerable as any creature can be. But you're just as much a stranger to him as he is to you. Why is he trusting you like this?
You've only known one werewolf in your life. And he's never coming back.
The wolf whimpers again. You nod quickly.
"Okay," you whisper. "It's okay. I'll patch you up."
The wolf sags against the ground, and you run out of the shed, your stomach turning at the thought of another wolf dying.
Lucy follows you, clinging to your ankles, and you try not to trip over her as you gather supplies from the house. She doesn't follow you back outside.
You return to the shed and thread a needle. Then you take a step forward and wait. When he makes no move to attack, you close the distance slowly and crouch by his belly.
His fur is matted and torn in odd places. Carefully, you place a hand on his belly. He doesn't move.
"I'm going to pour the antiseptic now," you say.
The wolf watches as you do. He tenses but doesn't make any more sounds as you clean his wound. Almost like he's used to the feeling.
You feel up his fur for other wounds. That's when you feel a scar that runs from his chest to where his bellybutton would be. It's Y-shaped.
"What—" you say in horror. "What did they do to you?"
The wolf whines again.
"Right, right. Sorry. I'm going to sew you up."
He lets you tend to his wounds without a hitch. He's unusually comfortable with your touch; he doesn't howl or flinch when you touch him, and any warning sounds are gentle.
You finish the stitches and top it with a bandage. He waits patiently, not moving an inch. You haven't done this in years; you never thought your medic training would come in handy again.
Nightingale. That's what the Bats called you. That's who you might've become eons ago, until...
"I won't turn you in," you say when you finish.
The wolf blinks at you.
"But you know that, don't you?"
He protests when you pull a blanket over him. He whines and nudges you away with his nose.
"It's cold here, and I can't carry you inside," you say.
He drags the blanket off with his teeth and throws it onto your lap. You smile and put it back on him.
"I'll be fine. I have blankets inside. Get some sleep."
You start to stand, and his whines become barks. He tries to stand with you, pawing at your knee.
"Whoa, hey! Don't, you'll pull your stitches. What's wrong?"
He barks again, and nods at the forest line outside in the distance. Then he licks at his bandage.
"You're afraid the people who hurt you will get you?" you ask.
He chuffs and licks your hand.
"You're afraid they'll get... me?"
He nudges your shoulder. You touch his head and make a soft noise.
"Okay. I'll stay and keep watch. If I hear anything, I'll wake you, alright?"
The wolf grunts, then finally lays down. He shuffles closer to you, so his body is practically on your legs. He runs hot, and with him so near, you hardly feel the cold.
The wolf falls asleep before you.
It has been a long time since you trained with a Bat, and your nocturnal practices have faded since then.
So you wake up in the shed with a backache.
Black fur tickles your hand, and you open your eyes.
But it's not a wolf at your feet; it's a man.
A man wearing a dead boy's face.
He awakens as you do, bare and bandaged beneath the blanket. Those odd green eyes stare at you. They're wrong; all of him is wrong, but his face... you know that face.
"Jason?" you whisper, chest tight.
His sigh is full of grief.
"Hey, Nightingale."
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mudkirby · 8 months
Pebbles In order of appearance.
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@druidshollow lore lore lore Dune lore lore
@flickering-nightfall whole reason I draw Pebbles the way I do since first exposure
@toxictoxicities b u f f
@dennis7231 still waiting on them dropwigs >:)
@weepinglilvessel ant snooooot
@mudkirby me :> 🔫
@shkika love your Suns
@northflowerowo Sorry I shoved him so far down lol
Honourable mentions/ shout outs: @trashiiplant Howwow Knight and Wainwowld :D
@kelnexia is lurking.
@daszombes Thank you for explaining lore, giving us peak story telling and characters to simp for in the form of the Iterator Logs. What? No Pebbles? Don't care. You're on here now.
Druid's Hollow, the first time I ever saw your YouTube channel was with the Distant Frontier video after just having gotten into Iterator Logs. One of the most pivotal pieces of media you've made in my life was God- Jake Daniels. That single video alone gave me the push I needed to make my first Rainworld oc Parting Clouds. The stories surrounding your characters (and Dune) are creative beyond my ability to write stories. Keep up your top tier memery.
Flickering Nightfall, I'ma put this in a nutshell. Duckdance. After that I found your blog via Google before I made a Tumblr and became enthralled by your content. From something as obscure to me as Infinity Train to Pebbles ragdolling, you were essentially my gateway into liking Iterators. I love the purple. I need moar.
Vic, b u f f I haven't known your blog long and was introduced to you through the My Goodbye animation. Since I was sort of entirely new to Rainworld at that point, I had no idea what was happening. I just saw a well drawn thing and went "oooooo". I'm all for Suns' antenna twitches and NSH box head. Also, body pillow 💀
Dennis, one of the first blogs I found when I first started Tumblr. I found you through the @iterator-ask-blog and found bullying Pebbles hilarious. I love the way you draw the yellow things on his head and I just appreciate that you do digital in general. I do not, will not and proceeds to die if I must. I've seen quick progress with your art style as well. Keep going.
Vessel, I barely know you. Who da heck are ye? I saw your art style once and knew I needed to follow. The way you draw Pebbles and Moon are so satisfying to stare at for minutes and I had way too much fun replicating that s n o o t. I don't know what you're up to with them aside from chaos. Murky Seas' story and design are fantastic. RIP
Shkika, I only found you through the @ask-looks-to-the-moon blog and love the way you draw the Iterators. It's very stylistic without straying too far. The three fingered hands to the goofy faces Moon expresses makes me smile. B a l l s. My Suns design was more so inspired by the way you make him as you were somehow the first Suns exposure. You're the only reason I can't see him without fluff. How did you make Pebbles cute kavvkatkcfadal
Northflowo, way back in 2022 in my first exposure to Hollow Knight, I found your channel through the Baby Mantis skin video with Nosk along with the lore in a nutshell video. Any other content I saw I forgor. In any case, your channel was there in my search for knowledge on that game. Fast-forward to the near conclusion of 2023 when I was first introduced to Rainworld. In my hunt for memes and more knowledge, I found the other lore in a nutshell video and realized you were the perfect channel for me as you had plenty of other content on that subject. Your art still manages to astound me, especially with the shot you did in the map Pliocene and the Warrior Cats redraws like with the waterfall. I'm trash at drawing backgrounds and might learn something from you.
And of great importance to me, @bornt-urnge/@zigmatism
@kitterjitters /@offended-dragon
Thank you for every moment of drawing from Pokemon to Kirby to Mire (oc) and anything else. You have made some of the largest impacts on my life, drawing, game choices and I've enjoyed every moment. I want to have more ridiculous sessions like that in the future and look forward to it.
Some of you have been around in my life for some time and others I've just found. All the same, every single art piece you've made has inspired me no matter how polished, memed or "trash". All of you have made an impact on me, no matter how miniscule. I look forward to the future with anticipation for all of your art. Have a terrific year, and with my deepest gratitude, thank you. Thank you for being here. Thank you for reading this.
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empressofthewind · 4 months
Top 10 Animal Comparisons for Near
inspired by this iconic post by @13eyond13 :-)
10. Gecko
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geckos made it onto the list because of their round black eyes and solitary nature. i also found it interesting that the oldest known gecko lived to 27, which is the same age we see Near in his last canon appearance.
9. Hedgehog
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wary of people and not easily trusting. generally solitary, although capable of forming few attachments, and most content in familiar, comfortable environments. both show tendencies to curl in upon themselves.
8. Squirrel
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curious and intelligent with impressive memories and problem-solving skills. also seen to be quite cunning and have a variety of tricks and schemes to deceive potential predators or food thieves. they would have been higher on the list if not for the fact that they are known to be very active and social.
7. Raccoon
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not as strong a comparison for Near as they are for L, but they are known to be highly intelligent, cheeky and mischievous, much like Near. the comparisons are similar to those of squirrels, but ranked slightly higher due to their more solitary nature.
6. Rabbit
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intelligent and inquisitive but can easily become bored. the appearance is the main feature that made me rank them so high, with reference to the round black eyes, small build and (for some breeds) white aesthetic. they also typically spend their entire lives in the same place and do not move far from their warren, which reflects Near's preference for staying indoors in one place where possible. rabbits probably could not catch a plane by themselves.
5. Seal
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much like the gecko, seals came to mind because of their big black eyes and solitary lifestyles. they move in packs for safety but are not typically close with other individual seals, which mirrors Near's preference for working in a team despite having no close personal relationships outside of that. however, seals are much higher on the list because of their tendency to lounge around on rocks or play alone when they aren't hunting, which reminds me a lot of Near. they are also known to be intelligent and cautious.
4. Arctic Fox
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quite small and unassuming but sneaky, clever and adaptable. arctic foxes are not as strong or aggressive as other breeds but are very cunning, and sometimes follow larger animals like polar bears while hunting for protection and to find prey. in terms of aesthetic, the arctic fox specifically reminds me a lot of A-Kira Near with its white fur/dark eyes combo, long body and graceful aura. foxes are also commonly associated with the zodiac Virgo, which is Near's star sign.
3. Sheep
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a very common comparison for Near based on appearance. both are calm and level-headed with a high level of intelligence, and very strong memory and recognition skills. despite being known for their placid nature, sheep can have a wide range of emotions, much like Near.
2. Cat
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rolls around on the floor, plays with toys and is often destructive while playing. looks innocent but is actually a little bastard. my specific choice for him is a ragdoll cat because of their placid temperament, mostly white colour palette and preference for the indoors (and also because i am a ragdoll owner myself, so i am very biased <3)
1. Frog
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self-explanatory i suspect. he may not share the most personality traits with frogs, but their overall vibe is too similar to rank any lower than first.
bonus comparison, in case you aren't convinced:
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gamequoteshowdown · 1 month
Quote 1: "But what did I expect? You're a stupid stupid idiot gamer like the rest. And I easily outwitted you! I outwitted them all!" - P03, Inscryption
Quote 2: "What’s it like to feel pain? Does it make you feel alive?" - Yomiel, Ghost Trick
Propaganda under cut
Quote 1: P03 has many good quotes but I consider this his best for many reasons. It displays his cockiness by having him gloat about his victory prematurely, it displays his ego by having him brag about "outwitting everyone" (he really didn't, he just got lucky in a lot of aspects; the only person he technically "outwitted" was the player), and most importantly he calls the main character a "stupid stupid idiot gamer".
Quote 2:
ITS SO COOL. OUR MAN IS TORMENTING A GUY HE WANTS REVENGE ON. THIS IS RIGHT AFTER HE FORCED THE GUY TO WALK UP THE STAIRS ON BROKEN LEGS. HES SO FULL OF HATRED. he gets shot, his body ragdolls back and then is dragged back up like a puppet. He slams his hand on a burning stovetop. He’s so mad. I’m saying things out of order I know but like chapter 15 is so so good I just play through it for fun sometimes. God. I had seen an out of context screenshot of this specific line and was looking forward to it the whole game. Imagine you’re a guy who hasn’t been able to feel anything for 10 years. You’re face to face with one of the people who’s actions led to your death, your fate of puppeting everything around you but never experiencing any of it in a tangible way. He’s collapsed in pain because of what you’ve done. You’re taunting him because you want him to suffer, but even in his suffering, he has something that he stole from you. You can’t help but let out a jeer. “What’s it like to feel pain? Does it make you feel alive~?” Sure, it probably makes him feel like he wishes he wasn’t alive. But that’s part of living too, isn’t it? And isn’t that ironic? That even as you’re clawing him apart as some desperate misplaced revenge, he gets what you’ll never have again? Mind you, Yomiel at this point is like. Really fucked up. I’m writing this assuming anyone reading this propaganda either doesn’t care about spoilers or already Knows, but the fandom has trained me well so I gotta give one last warning lol. This is Yomiel after his only friend, a cat who’s life he shared when he was a new ghost and hadn’t remembered himself yet, is dead. The one thing he cared about, and it was his fault. He missed the shot and killed his only friend. So like. He was always planning on taking revenge, but now he’s even more angry, and hurt, and he blames the people involved in the incident. I’m pretty sure he’s already figured out that Jowd had escaped but he had still killed Jowd’s wife and ruined his life. Cabanela is the other most responsible person for what happened in Yomiel’s mind, and oh is he going to make it slow, make it hurt. And that. That weight, behind the banger line, is what makes me feral.
Mod Note: I LOVE GT (thats it)
@sleepywabbit09 @stormcloudsandshadows @kirexa @ghost-trick-heritage-posts
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felinefractious · 3 months
hey, so my brother sent me this person's cat online and was wondering why it was cross-eyed. i've learned a lot of info from you so i tried my hand at guessing, but i don't want to believe what i said just because i think it's right.
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i told my brother the cat in question looks to me like a tabby x ragdoll mix. i know ragdolls are commonly seen with higher chances of cross-eyes, and when i tried to search 'ragdoll tabby' i only got them mixed, not the pattern itself.
i brought up how the weird white patch on the cat's muzzle could be coming from the ragdoll's side, and the pointed out that the [from what it looks to me] shorter fur and less puffy build could be the tabby.
here's some more pictures of the cat [again this cat isn't either of ours so i can only send what i can find. however the cat owner is softwilly on social media]
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regardless if you end up helping me with this i do appreciate what you do as i've learned SO much about cat genetics through your page and being a cat lover it's like a treasure trove of cat education! have a good day/night :]
Hey, I’m glad you enjoy the blog! I like your icon, hyenas are awesome.
So “tabby” is not a breed, it’s a pattern. That feels like a good place to start!
Our adorable little house cats were once upon a time descended from the African Wildcat, so the default/wild-type appearance before all of the mutations and breeds and such came into play would resemble this ancestor.
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Talk about family resemblance!
The Domestic Cat on the top [source] is a shorthair black tabby, closely resembling the phenotype of the African Wildcat on the bottom [source].
A mutation on the agouti (tabby) gene causing an increase in the production of black pigment is where out solid colored cats come from.
UC Davis page on Agouti
Due to other genes which determine and influence the presentation of the tabby pattern we have quite a few tabby options now. To keep it simple these are primarily mackerel, spotted, classic and ticked but can be modified even further the more genes we add in (bengal modifier, wide band, etc).
Since tabby is the original flavor cat the majority of stray/feral cats you encounter will be sole flavor of tabby but various types of tabby patterns are permitted in many, many, many different breeds.
The white smudge on the face as well as the bib and mittens are due to one of several mutations on the KIT gene. These mutations are very common in domestic animals which is why piebald patterning is so widespread in domestic varieties but rare uncommon in wild specimens.
UC Davis page of Dominant White & White Spotting
So although this is a mutation and not part of default settings it, like solid cats, is incredibly common to find cats with white markings in the wider stray/feral population as well as in a huge variety of cat breeds.
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Here is a black tabby point Ragdoll with white mittens [source].
The distinctive masked pattern is caused by mutation which effects pigmentation, ranging from being fully normally colored (wild type) to albinism. In between this range we have colorpoint, mink, sepia and most recently mocha… but I’m only going to discuss colorpoint right now.
The colorpoint pattern is a form of albinism influenced by body temperature, turning the cat into a living heat map. Pigment is turned off in warm areas and is produced normally in cool areas, such as the extremities. So if you peeled the colorpoint off of this Ragdoll they’d look a lot more similar to the cat you’re sharing!
UC Davis page on Colorpoint Restriction
This is another mutation notably absent from our default wild-type and is a little less common than solid or white-spotted but still pretty well distributed throughout the stray/feral population as well as being accepted in many breeds.
Unfortunately there seems to be a higher incidence of strabismus (cross-eyed) in pointed cats than those with full color expression, not just Ragdolls. Nystagmus (involuntary eye movements) is also unfortunately common, which @the-adventures-of-dave’s Kepler (Bengal) has.
But pointed cats don’t have a monopoly on these problems! There are plenty of pointed cats without eye problems and there are plenty of full expression cats with eye problems. Sometimes cats are just cross-eyed, just like how sometimes people are just cross-eyed.
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The truth is most cats aren’t any breed or a mix of any breeds, they’re just… cats!
Cats and cat breeds aren’t all that similar to dogs and dog breeds. Cat breeds are a relatively new occurrence, often have allowable outcross with other breeds, and comprise a miniscule portion of the overall feline population.
Pedigree, Purebred, Mixed Breed, Random-bred - What’s the Difference?
What’s the Breed of Your Cat?
So this is all a very long way to say that the very dashing cat you shared is most likely a black tabby Domestic Longhair with white spotting and the strabismus is likely unrelated.
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yandere-daydreams · 11 months
Cuteness aggression post I was genuinely expecting all of the jjk men to just grab darlings head and just shake it vigorously like you do with a cat or small dog
i do think most of the jjk guys would be too aware of their own strength to ever get genuinely close to violent with their darlings (mahito excluded), but i've been harboring the little hc that gojo tends to just. uh. scruff you like a kitten and carry you under his arm when you're not cooperating and he doesn't feel like arguing with you. you've seen him throw around his students like ragdolls, but there's a difference between watching him toss around an angsty sixteen year old and having him tote you around like a duffle bag while he has a casual conversation with his 'coworkers' and goes about his day. geto has also been subjected to his menace behavior and had developed the knee-jerk reaction of going completely limp whenever his feet leave the ground, which is all fun and games until his darling tries to pick him up playful and he just. collapses on top of them. dead weight instantly. hurt people hurt people etc.
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live-laugh-lenney · 7 months
Hehehehe for George and Arthur what if their missus has a pet, and their pet never ever like them hahaha
oh my god, this makes me howl-
it's a cat.
a fluffy, white ragdoll cat with the most beautiful eyes and the most softest fur and it's her life and soul.
when they first met and first got to know one another, it was a topic of conversation they never really dwelled upon and she figured it just wasn't something he needed to know until he was a frequent visitor to her home; it wasn't that it would confuse the cat but it was simply because she was a little timid around new people, would hide and shy herself away when she had guests over, and she wanted her to be sure of him.
"so, i have a cat. probably asleep on the back of my sofa so just be a bit quiet when you come in."
"a cat? this is brand new information."
and she could tell, as soon as the cat took one look at him, that she didn't take an instant liking to him. she hissed in his direction when he slowly walked towards her, swiped at him with her paw when he went to stroke her, growled at him when he tried to scratch her head.
"i suppose you're not really used to women denying your love, are you?"
"it's a cat."
he says it so defensively and it humours yn as to how he pretended how unhurt he was, on the outside, over her cat not liking him. on the inside, she could only imagine him panicking over it being somewhat of a deal breaker for her - if the cat says no, he's got to go.
all yn tells him is that she'll make herself known to him when she feels more comfortable around him.
"it won't happen straight away. but, the more you come over, the more she'll get to know you," she says and george just frowns at her, every single time she reminds him, "trust me. it's a slow process."
she was the cutest ragdoll cat he'd ever seen and he was drawn to her as soon as he walked through yn's front door, wanting to give the cat a stroke over her fur or just a few pets and scratches between her ears every time he saw her... except, she just wouldn't allow it.
scratch after scratch, bite after bite, growl after growl. and yn always felt bad when he asked for a piece of tissue or a plaster because the cat had scratched at his arm and caused a cut to form on his skin.
it's a long process.
almost half a year.
there's moments where it looks like she's getting more comfortable around him. she'll sit a little closer to him, having started in a whole different room when he first started coming over, and she'll walk passed him without hissing. she'll allow a little head scratch before she gets up and walks away, to find another place to curl up into a ball, and she won't swipe at him now that he's a bit more frequent in the flat.
and it stuns yn, one day, when she comes home from work and sees her cat loafing on george's chest as he lays on her sofa.
"please don't do anything loud," he whispers at her, shaking his head softly, as the cat purrs in pleasure from the scratches he's giving behind her ears, "she's been sat on me for about an hour now."
"i'm simply amazed," yn says, carefully placing her keys down on the side and there's a moment, where her cat's eyes widen and her purrs stop and george thinks the moment has been ruined, until she slowly closes her eyes again and gets a little more comfortable, "how did this happen?"
"i don't know. i let myself in and she just, she just came and sat on me."
and from that moment on, her go-to place is george. whether it be his chest or his lap or simply just beside him. she follows him when he goes into the kitchen, she meows for his attention, she always tries to take food from his plate and he just can't ever be mad at her... not after their progress.
it's a dog.
a miniature, longhaired, dapple-coloured dachshund that she adores.
arthur hears him before he sees him; when he knocks on her door to announce his arrival, there's non-stop yapping from her puppy that he felt a little bad to have caused. unsure of what he was about to be hit with when the door opens. he knows she owns a pet - she's been no stranger to posting about him online and he was an avid follower of hers online and always reacted to her instagram stories when she posted herself and her pup on a walk through london's parks.
he's expecting an ankle biter. snuffling his face into the side of his trainers, scratching at the legs of his cargo trousers, softly yapping up at him for attention, sniffing around him to get a scent of him.
except, arthur is met with something ironic; her dachshund trying to stand guard, acting tough and standing in between herself and him, growling whenever he tried to step around him and make his way to yn as she watches the scene unfold before her.
"he's just not used to you yet."
"well, you best get used to me. i'm going to be here a lot more often," and he speaks down to the dog as he crouches down to it's level and lets him take a look at him, reaching forward to scratch his head in between his ears... except her puppy scuffles away and hides behind her legs, "so much for looking tough, big guy."
most of the time, her puppy will either sleep in his bed or entertain himself with the many toys he has on her living room floor. he'll shake them, bite them, wrestle with them, kick them around... and yn, so often, would chuck them for him to show off to arthur how agile and excitable he gets when someone plays with him - but when arthur gets the chance to throw him a toy, to try and play with him, he just ignores the attempt and scurries on over to yn's feet where he sits and waits for her to throw something so he can play fetch with her.
and it's quite comical.
arthur looks dejected. unhappy. sad, almost.
"do i give off bad energy or something?"
"he's only just met you. give it time."
"next time i take him on a walk, you can come with me. you can walk him, if you want?"
and he tries to.
he's dressed for the cold weather; hat over his head, layers of clothes on his body, trainers on his feet, gloves on his hands. and he has hold of the lead... except yn's puppy barely moves. he tugs on the lead to try and get him to walk but he stays put. and people who are passing find it amusing. they laugh, they joke, and arthur can't help but laugh nervously.
"help me."
yn takes over and he just feels so frustrated.
and he knows he shouldn't because... well... it's a dog.
but all it takes is for him to buy him a new toy for his 'birthday' and give him a couple of intensely flavoured treats (and sneak some food from his plate and into his bowl) and they slowly form a special bond that yn loves to watch. to the point where he whines at the door once arthur leaves to go home, to the point where he's excited to see him at the door, to the point where arthur can take him out on his own and he behaves like an angel. xx
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genmaichafan · 6 months
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i did my best boss o7 again almost not following the prompt
no beta we just die
“You know you can tell me anything la Mia preda?”
Donna sat next to you on the long and upscale couch. She sat close but out of arm's reach. Her body language attentively leaned in but open.
You looked deeply into her eyes, sparkling a beautiful brown in the dim artificial lighting of her house. You would love to have gotten lost in them but it would've been rude to ignore her.
“Yeah.” you trailed off into thought despite being aware the answer was not quite good enough.
You always got a sense of danger coming from Donna after she clearly caught wind of your affections. Although you'd thought that you were mostly past the point of being just a lay because well it's been a couple of weeks of hanging out with Donna and there had been none of the aforementioned “laying”. In fact this was the first time you were in Donna's house where you didn’t feel you were in ‘danger’ of being a one night stand. Even if in past times you only made it as far as the door.
Despite the big step you were much more comfortable that you were not just going to be eaten up.
You had the sense in the past people only came in to never come back, whatever reason that was. 
You were not letting yourself be one of those people.
You made sure to try to get to know the real Donna and not just her professor, but damn if she didn't keep you at arm's length.
“Something wrong? You put the smile back on your face.
“No, I'm fine just thinking about you.”
This caused a wry smile to crawl onto Donna's lips.
Ah. there was that sense of danger again.
“You know i don't wanna just sleep with you right?” you couldn't help but blurt out in the moment. While maybe not true to the initial impression you truly meant it. Feeling slight guilt for the initial lusting.
Donna's face shifted into an expression of slight melancholy and culpability.
“What if i told you that's what i wanted from you instead.:
“I wouldn't believe you.”
Despite all Donna tried there was a loneliness about her, big and apparent as an Olympic size swimming pool.
It wasn't immediately fathomable to the average person why she would be. She was quite the popular person on an opinion-al level and mostly kept to herself otherwise.
But to you it seems it was clear as day every one that comes leaves the way they came.
Donna was silent. She could say the opposite but a silent understanding was that it'd be a lie.
“And if you knew the real me, if I actually did want more, would you leave?”
“Never.” you didn't hesitate to answer back.
“ the most amazing part is that i somehow believe you [y/n]”
“Then let me make you more than believe.” you reached a warm hand towards hers. Gently lacing your warm fingers with her icy ones.
She stared at the contact with a shy smile. You've never seen you look so bare.
It's been a couple weeks since you've gotten Donna to open up. You've learned many things about her. A couple of things being:
Donna's is actually shy and embarrassed often enough to see her face flush a bit. Especially when she receives compliments from you nowadays. It seems she really believes you now, and doesn't keep you at arms length.
The few times you had seen Donna eat it had been medium rare meat. You'd offered to cook for her but she insisted that you don't since she was a picky meatatarian. Which you'd tried to scold her about but she assured you that she was as healthy as could be.
She loves cats and she has one of them of her own named Angie: A ragdoll with unique markings.
She's slightly allergic to the sun, and that's why she mostly lives at night.
And while naturally shy she'd learned to be confident in her ‘many’ years alive. (although she barely look 30)
You've noticed that her ears twitch excitedly when she sees you for the first time that day.
And finally noticed that when open she truly loves people and things deeply.
You went to knock on Donna's door for the third time this week, and like all the others Donna seemed to have noticed you coming because before you had time to knock she had already opened the  door.
Donna seemed genuinely happy whenever you came over and you could say the same.
“Mi-” she coughed loudly 
“[y/n]- would you like some wine this very late evening?”
“No thank you, I know you don't personally drink.”
Hearing this Donna couldn't help but pull you close to her.
“That's true, I prefer to get drunk on your presenza.”
Wrapping her arms around your waist; Donna smiled at you dreamily.swaying gently while humming, savoring the moment between the two of you. Leaning into the moment you rest your head on her chest.
Making note of,, the lack of heartbeat…?]
Donna was truly enraptured by the moment to notice the worry going on in your head for your lover.
You slowly pulled away.
“Donna, are you feeling well?”
“Better than ever, why?”
“Your heart beats are very faint, I can't hear it.” you half lied.
“Ah, don't worry, that's not a problem.” she gave you an assuring smile.
“It's been like that for a long time.” she assured you. Holding on to your hand leading into the next area of the house. She really did seem ok so you pushed worry and that ever bleeding sense of danger away for the time being.
_____ Donna leads you around to a part of her house that you had seen but really explored before. The most noticeable feature was a slightly ornate door that clearly led to the backyard.
You had never been there but you could tell it was a special place for Donna.
Yet today, She let you in.
It was the most splendid beautiful garden the moonlight could provide.
All the flowers were heavily budding, the various smells of each mixed and perfumed the air in an enchanting way. 
You felt gifted to be shared with this.
“-[y/n]” again she almost called you something else and hesitated. Donna was clearly holding back. 
“I wanted you here specifically tonight because this moon the flowers will bloom, and i wanted it to share it with you [y/n]”
Just like a flower a smile blossomed across your face.
“Thank you, I know how special this place is to you.”
Donna bit her lip and wrapped her arms around your waist once again.
“Of course m-mi tesoro” she paused, not sure if you could understand what was being said “my darling..” 
You beamed in the moonlight as you returned the gesture. Resting your arms on her shoulder, lacing the fingers behind Donna's neck.
Finding yourselves intimately close once again you could feel her exhale against your skin. Her hands moving down to the small of your back. Both your gazes flickering between the others eyes and somewhere lower.
“Mi tesoro, may i kiss you.” you nodded as the distance closed between the two of you. Sharing the first of many kisses. Paying no mind to the now blossoming flowers you had come here for.
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reidsbookclub · 1 year
comfort fic for spencer reid x badass!reader watching one of those ASPCA-like commercials and spencer looks over and reader is BAWLING and he is so confused and yet wants to comfort r. maybe he promises to take her to the shelter the next day or something 👀? thank you <3
2 + 1 = 4?
AN: I’m sorry if this feels rushed. Also yes I know theoretically it’s virtually impossible for it to be the same cat but work with me here please I tried to make the timeline work since this is S1- S2 Spencer
Spencer was in awe of the sight before him here she was crying her eyes out, one would think something terrible and life threatening had happened but no, it was a commercial. Here she was, the person who Spencer had seen just a night earlier take down an unsub all by herself , crying her eyes out because the local shelter would be closing.
“Sunshine? Sunshine someone will adopt them it’s going to be ok” he said in a low whisper trying to calm her down
“But—but what if they don’t? What’s going to happen to them Spence? Will they be homeless—or worse?” She replied in between sobs.
“Ok what if instead of sleeping in tomorrow we wake up early and I’ll take you to the shelter. We can adopt one together—we we have been talking about expanding our little family after all” he said blushing to which looming up at him with excitement in her eyes she responded “now let’s go right now”
Spencer was amused at her child-like excitement “sunshine we can’t it’s 3:30 am” he said giggling.
She was the first to wake up, making sure to be ready by the time a half-asleep Spencer finished his coffee.
The ride to the shelter consisted of an excited Y/N screaming Taylor Swift and an wonderstruck Spencer taking in the view from the passenger side.
“I think we should get a puppy” she said, “a big fluffy one with a brown patch in his eye”
“That’s specific” Spencer muttered, and continued looking at our the widow, “ I was thinking more in the likes of a caramel colored bunny”
“But babe,” she replied, “bunny would be too much to take care of”
“And a puppy won’t?” He said chuckling.
They spent the whole 45 min drive talking about what animal they would adopt.
Once inside the shelter they passed a an African Grey parrot called Buckley, he used to belong to an elderly couple and would scream “spank me!” Every time someone passed. Spencer couldn’t help but be startled at the parrot shaking his head immediately.
As they approached the dog kennels Spencer could tell she was begins to feel discouraged not finding a pet that she felt connected to. It all changed when they stopped at the last kennel she saw a white and light grey fur Ragdoll cat. “Can we please see this one?” She asked the shelter volunteer.
They were both amazed at how the cat, whose name they learned was Dusty, walked right up to them and began asking for head and tummy scratches. “What’s her story?” Spencer looked up towards the volunteer. Who answer in a whisper, almost as if he didn’t want Dusty to hear and be reminded of it, “Dusty was abandoned two blocks away from here, she hadn’t eaten anything in a while it seemed like due to how skinny she was. But she never lost her friendly personality”
Spencer looked from the volunteer towards y/n and knew just by the look in her eyes that Dusty would be coming home with them. “Spence, babe I want her. Let’s take her home with us.”
“How soon can we take her?” Spencer asked the volunteer who scratched the back of his neck nervously, “well you see I don’t think you’ll want her..maybe how about…” but as he was looking for another cat to show them Spencer asked, “why not her”
“Well she got attached to another cat we have here at the shelter, a Chartreux, we wouldn’t want them separated but we also won’t pressure you to take both since the Chartreux, has been through a rough time. He is actually nameless at the moment which is sad because he’s a senior cat but his previous owner was brutal so much so he is blind in one eye.”
“Can we see him?” Spencer asked.
“Sure, he’s being checked by the shelter’s vet as we speak follow me”
The minute they saw the second cat from the window Spencer and Y/N knew that he would be going home with them and without looking at Y/N for confirmation he spoke loudly, “we’ll take them. Both of them.”
“Let me go tell the vet then”
As they were waiting Spencer couldn’t help but feel drawn to the Chartreux cat he hadn’t taken his eyes off
“You ok Spence? You seem spaced out babe.”
“He reminds me of Reginald”
A spaced out Spencer replied in a sad and nostalgic manner “He was my mom’s cat. She had him since he was a kitten, I was 8-9. I would call him Reggie, he was exactly like this cat but he wasn’t blind in one eye. I used to take care of him when my mom was first institutionalized. During my first year of college my roommate left the door open and Reginald left, he never came back.”
“Spence?” She asked, “was Reggie microchipped?”
“I don’t know”
“Excuse me?” Y/N said knocking on the window that overlooked the vets clinic station
“Is either cat microchipped? We just don’t want any trouble if they are”
“Dusty isn’t but Im not sure about this one he’s been here since before I was working at this shelter, let me see” the vet replied.
“I’m sorry it looks like this cat is microchipped it belongs to a Diana Reid from Las V…”
“Las Vegas, Nevada address 42 Wallaby Way Apt 13B—she’s my mom. OMG Reggie is alive” Spencer interrupted. “I lost him my freshman year of college and he’s here in DC. How? Oh Reggie!”
The drive home consisted of Spencer telling Reginald everything he had lived through and for a split second she could see specks of child-like happiness in Spencer and with a job like theirs, that was the same as if she had won the lottery.
That night their bed felt smaller with two cats sound asleep by the end of the bed, using their feet as pillows but for the first time in the year they’d been together Spencer’s cold feet pressed on top of hers weren’t and issue.
@samuel-de-champagne-problems | @fightingdragonswithwho | @writer-in-theory | @pretty-boys-book-club | @kodiakwhiskey | @the-chaotic-cow | @nygmaperry | @reidslibrarybook | @luredwithpretzels | @justreadingficsdontmindme | @nomajdetective | @lilibet261 | @dontjudgemeimawriter | @serenity-lattes | @reidselle | @lcvingprentjss | @alexxavicry | @cafeacademia | @spencer-reid-wonderland | @paperbackprettyboy | @esoltis280 | @milla984
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surshica · 2 years
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EIGHT - umbrella
masterlist <3
borders will indicate when it’s time to read the written portion!! + please excuse anything grammatically incorrect and any typos !!
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﹙ᴗ﹏ᴗ﹚・。 ⁺ ✦
“NARUU!!” yn pushed through the bushes looking for a ragdoll cat and a tuxedo cat, normally cats don’t like rain but these two are obsessed with playing hide n seek in the rain with yn.
little huffs came out of yn running through the rain trying to find those two damn cats who just so happened to jump out the backpack. yn wasn’t the safest either as of right now, her pants were soaked at the bottom her socks were wet hee shoes were covered in water; she wasn’t having it today at all.
“SOMIII” yn whispered yelled, a frown grew immense on her face. the rain was getting heavier and she couldn’t find her cats, she wasn’t even sure if the cats knew their way back to the dorm which scared her. taking her hoodie sleeve she wiped off the rain on her face. ‘i should’ve brought a stupid umbrella’ she thought to herself.
luckily she had layered herself in clothing so she wasn’t that cold. asking around seeing if anyone has seen two cats; even showing them pictures but nobody has seen them. more and more worry started to grow on yn’s face. going off to the side of a building she went to get some cover.
texting mira frantically abt the cats but it ended up as a bunch of typos that mira somehow was able to read. quickly looking up she saw a black and white cat with a glittery pink collar, eyes growing wide “
“excuse me” “sorry” “sorry sorry” “excuse me sorry” was all that escaped the lips of yn following the cat, a small smiled beamed onto her lips as she got closer to her cat; her foot also smiled. flaring her arms around she braced herself for falling shutting her eyes, her breathed hitched waiting for the impact of the ground to hit but it never did.
an arm wrapped around her waist pulling her into a warmth, yn opened her eyes quickly—she met chishiya’s cat like eyes. her breathing hitched pulling herself away from him looking around quickly to see if naru was still near her. after looking around and not seeing the tuxedo cat she frowned.
“you know i expected a thank you or a chishiya?!” he mimicked her voice, “but a sad expression works as well” he stood up straight relaxing his shoulders. yn looked him straight in the eyes sighing “thank you chishiya…” she huffed quietly, earning a chishiya grin. nodding his head, he took out a ragdoll cat holding it against him. the cat purred into the warmth of chishiya; almost as if the cat was in love with him.
“your cat” he raised an eyebrow in question, yn’s eyes turned into stars quickly grabbing the cat kissing the top of its head, she turned into all smiles. “NARUU” she happily gasped. she quickly put naru into the bag closing it so he doesn’t escape again. Yn looked quickly at chishiya smiling, “how’d you find naru?”
“i didn’t” chishiya nonchalantly told her, looking slightly down at her “naru found me, i knew he looked fimilar thanks to kuina’s post.” chishiya’s lips formed an a line smile. “well in that case thank you still.” yn’s smile kept growing widely. there was definitely a silence. the silence was loud.
chishiya cleared his throat getting yn’s attention once again. he took his hand out his pocket and pointed to the cat that was cuddled up to chishiya on the right, “this your cat as well?” chishiya questioned. yn quickly grabbed the cat smiling, “yes this is somi! she’s a tuxedo cat” she pet somi a few times, a very wet cat. she sighed before putting somi in the bag with naru.
yn made sure to check the zipper was zipped all the way, she sighed in relief ruffling up hee hair before looking back at chishiya, she was going to give him. a hug as a thank you but stopped herself remembering she was soaked. chishiya let out a slight chuckle. “were you going somewhere that you had to bring your cats?” he sided eyed the cats that were curled up with eachother.
“yes, i was going to get them groomed.” she sighed. chishiya’s smacked his lips a grin twitching onto his lips, “do you mean the one near the cafe?”
yn nodded frantically.
“t..the one near the cafe.” chishiya sighed deeply trying to hold back his laughter
“YES WHY.” yn stared at him getting stressed
“well it’s closed” chishiya stifled a much needed laughter.
yn’s world dropped. her eyes dropped in despair. “WHATTTT” she whispered yelled not trying to get much unnecessary attention. chishiya finally got the giggles out of him staring her in the eyes his normal blank uninteresting face was back. “yeah it said it was closed and the lights were turned off so..” he cleared his throat putting one of his hand in his pocket.
yn’s face absolutely dropped in despair, “so you’re tell me i couldve stayed home and avoided all this?!” she tugged on her hair lightly. “don’t pull on your hair that can cause headaches..and yes you really could’ve stayed home” his voice rasped; he put his hand over her drenched wet hair. she looked up at him a chill going down her spine; was it the voice or was it the cold clothes clinging to her? it was probably the cold clothes. is what she wanted to think.
she felt a slight heat rush to her face, she cleared her throat. “well the fact i couldve avoided all this is embarrassing” she frowned slightly. chishiya smacked his lips lightly, “well since were somewhat close, want to go to the cafe?” chishiya side eyed the cats and yn. gripping the umbrella tighter as the rainy cold winds picked up slightly.
Yn perked up slightly smiling, “that would be nice.” chishiya nodded walking to the cafe with yn behind him, “a nice hot chocolate or tea would go nice about now” chishiya nodded knowing yn was somewhat behind him smiling, she truly did love the cafe. “well since you invited meee, are you going to be paying for me??” she joking questioned him; she was now infront of him turned around hands infront of her looking at him with a small grin.
chishiya looked slightly down at hee before shrugging “i mean sure.” yn eyes shot wide before smiling like a mad man. throwing her arms up in happiness, she had a slight bounce to her step. “i can’t wait to have a nice hot chocolate!” she started naming off what kind of hot chocolates she should get.
chishiya looked at the happy girl a small smile appeared onto his lips, he didn’t know why it appeared but he was staring at the happy girl. quickly wiping it off his face before she could notice, “don’t go too crazy, i’m not that rich.”
﹙ᴗ﹏ᴗ﹚・。 ⁺ ✦
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fantasiacafecat · 8 months
Most of my favorite skyrim modded followers and what I think what type of khajiit variant and furstock they'd be.
I picked a domestic cat breed and a wild cat breed for all of them. The descriptions won't have that much in it. It's more the looks I'm basing off on every character. I also picked a quad-ped and biped for each character too.
Inigo: Blue tiger/blue tabby. I mean since he's already a khajiit you can't really say you see him as anything else. But if he wasn't blue I think he'd be a white tiger variant and an American short hair. I think he would still be a Suthay and for the quad-ped he'd be a pahmar
Lucien Flavius: Orange and white tabby munchkin mix cat / Arabian sand cat.
Sometimes he reminds me of my cat named Mellow when she was a kitten honestly. I picked the Sand cat only because it's small and basically blonde.
I definitely think he'd be an alfiq mainly because I read something about them being more magically strong. I also think he'd be a Tojay or Suthay-raht.
Kaidan: Brown siberian cat/ Panther.
I picked what I thought was the most intimidating cats at the top of my and mind and picked these two. I would have given Kaidan the Maine Coone but they aren't intimidating at all and are one of the most gentle cats to have.
Definitely gives Cathay-raht or Senche-raht vibes.
Auri: Abynissian/ Cinnamon Caracal.
I picked both of these because these cats are known to be wild and energetic and they can also be seen with as red so ginger red head gang.
Definitely Ohmes-raht and Dagi vibes. Dagi for climbing and living in trees and normally I'd pick ohmes since the bosmer and phmes are very closely related, but I picked ohmes-raht because of Auri's wild nature matching with her having more cat like features.
Caryalind: Yellow Ragdoll / Asian Golden cat
The ragdoll is seen as one of the sweetest cats in the world and the fact their are ones with golden coats just scream caryalind. The Asian Golden cat is picked it just because of the golden.
He's like Dagi-raht and Ohmes vibes.
Nebarra: Fat Golden Persian / Pallas Cat.
I have a whole story of Persian Catbarra being found in an abandoned barn starving and almost dead from being mauled by wolves. When he's living with his 'savior' he has the biggest attitude but he low-key has the biggest heart.
There is art of him as a khajiit, somewhere. But it portrays him as a Pallas cat and now no one can convince me otherwise it's his spirit animal.
I gave him Suthay and Senche variants.
Khash: Russian Blue/ Rusty-Spotted Cat.
If khash was a cat I think she'd be quite Russian Blue, just because.
Tiny and dangerous. Only reason I picked the rusted-spotted cat
I think she'd be Tojay-raht and Dagi
Taliesin: Siamese / Serval. My mom always told me the Siamese had the attitude of every cat breed in the world.
And Taliesin being a high Elf with dark hair matches the servals gold fur with dark spots, and the first serval I seen had the biggest attitude I've ever seen. I think
Taliesin would be an Suthay-raht and Alfiq.
Xelzaz: Scottish Fold / Jaguar. Scottish folds are so cute and their name just sounds so mature and determined.
When I was younger I thought jaguars and leopards were the only big cats that liked water because if a video I saw of a jaguars swimming for fun.
Xelzaz gives me Suthay-raht and Alfiq vibes.
Lucifer: Oriental Short-haired / Iriomote wild cat I was either gonna pick the Cornish Rex or the 'dobby' cat for Lucifer mostly as a joke but I honestly do think that out of every cat breed he would be that.
The Iriomote-yamaneko is known for the meaning "that which has flashing eyes". If you look at the cat you'll notice it has eyes kind of similar to to Lucifer, and the fact that it's critically endangered and my lack of knowledge of this species reminds me that I barely no anything about Lucifer.
I think Lucifer would be Tojay-raht and Alfiq-raht
Remiel: Greyish/Brown Mackerel Tabby / Black Tiger (yes there was 10 found in India, look it up *beware there was a dead tiger was on the search*)
I honestly thought that her cat Numi was a Brown Mackerel tabby mostly because I thought the mackerel tabby looked the most like how I imagine Remiel.
When I think of Remiel and which colors resonate with her. I think warm dark colors mainly of Orange, red, and black. Which kind of reminded me of tigers the most, but I didn't want to give her the plain Bengal so I look to see if black tigers were a thing.
I think Remiel would be a Tojay and a Dagi mainly too climb in dwemer cities safely.
Gore: Tortieshell Tabby / Female Lion
I think the tortieshell matches Gore's beauty a lot honestly that's the only reason I picked the tortieshelk for him. I think if he'd have cats he'd have a torieshell and a Bengal.
I'm specifically saying a female lion mainly for the fact that Gore is someone who is drawn to packs and is more of a hunter and not like how Male lions are portrayed as the leader.
Gore is definitely a Suthay or Tojay-raht and Pahmar-raht. Normally I'd pick Cathay for Gore but in the conversation where he asks that you don't see him as a great-sword wielder because of him not being a someone who's super muscular and tall, it makes sense to give him a smaller body furstock because it stick to his character.
Eris Light and Shade: Nebelung (german cat) / Lynx
I only picked Nebelung because of the name and the color of its coat.
The lynx is seen as one that's very reserved and quiet. Only keeping to itself, which matches a lot with Eris's personality
I see her as an Alfiq-raht and an Ohmes.
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dragonciphering · 1 year
Okay so I’ve been having brain rot over MP100 ageswap!au but with Reigen and Mogami as friends. Here’s some of my headcannons so far.
Reigen has known Mogami sense he was 5yrs and can kinda sense his aura. But thinks that he’s just associating certain smells/colors with him.
Mogami’s aura feels more ‘friendly’ or ‘not as dangerous’ to Reigen then it might for others. (This fic describes how I would imagine Mogami’s aura)
Reigen either knows that Mogami is a psychic or is told by Mogami that he is one and they figure out/test out his abilities together.
The first time that Mogami astral-projects it gives Reigen a heart attack. And that causes Reigen to repeatedly poke his deadweight body with a stick ‘As revenge.’ until Mogami can find his way back into his body.
Mogami despite being a spirit (he’s not dead, but his spirit is out of his body) whacks him upside the head for that.
‘Hey! I’ll have you know that my reaction was justified! The way your body just….ragdolled was freaky’
‘So you poked my body multiple times without knowing what might of happened?’
‘Would you rather I had tried to get you to respond by pouring water on you or something?’
‘…I should’ve hit you harder…’
I love the idea of Ritsu, a grown ass adult, having beef with Reigen….But can you imagine the hilarity of Mogami having beef with Teru?
Like the first time they meet Teru, Mogami immediately tries to either exercise or de-curse him because:
‘There is no way in hell that someone made a conscious decision to wear that. I refuse to believe it.’ 
Reigen doesn’t try to stop him. He’s too busy trying to get his eyes to work again from seeing, in his words,
‘The ugliest, biggest, and most hurtful fashion disaster since Cat in the Hat, Barney and Chuck E Cheeze.’
Teru is frozen. He sheds a single tear while his remaining pride is verbally demolished by two 14 year olds. Shou, Dimple, and Tome can be heard cackling in the background. Even Ritsu let’s out a laugh.
‘Like your one to laugh Ritsu—”
‘What did you just say to me you child!?’
Ritsu had to be stopped from throwing hands by Dimple. Shou and Tome were to busy wheezing on the floor to do anything, while Teri was still having a crisis.
Mogami knows a lot of oddly terrifying knowledge about birds and bugs. No one know where he gets this information.
Reigen likes asking him questions/listening to him talking about them because it’s one one of the few times that he is the listener, but also because it’s only of the few times that Mogami outwardly looks genuinely passionate and happy.
They both have influenced each other’s mannerisms.
Mogami’s one is when he’s exasperated he copy’s Reigen hand gesture and does this. Or this.
Reigen’s one is his deadpan stare/unaffected look that he is almost always seen having on his face. Except when, y’know, he doesn’t.
Reigen still is unbeatable at rock, paper, scissors. And yes, Mogami will die mad about that. It one of the few things that he will put aside his grudges against someone for.
‘Listen up Teruki Hanazawa, because I will only say this once. DO. NOT. CHALLENGE. ARATAKA. TO. A. ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS. GAME.’
‘I am only telling you this for your own sake….and so you can’t say I didn’t warn you.’
Mogami then walked away without saying anything else with a murder of crows deciding that, that specific moment was the time to caw ominously. And leaving a confused and slightly terrified Teru behind.
(Thought you guys might want to be @‘d :D)
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invisibleraven · 3 months
going to a cat café for Reggie/Willie please and thank you
"I'm really more of a dog person," Reggie commented as Willie dragged him towards The Mat Catter Café.
"I'm not saying we bring one home," Willie replied. "But I thought it would be fun to enjoy some yummy treats while cute little kitties roam around."
"I do like treats..."
Willie grinned at that, bringing them in and asking for a table in the kitten room. They were seated quickly, and Willie cooed as a little tabby wound around his ankles.
Reggie smiled, loving how happy his partner looked, giving the kitten scritches while he looked over the menu and decided on a tray of pastry and lemonades to enjoy.
"While it might be tempting, please don't feed the cats any of your food," the hostess requested. "We do have treats for sale if you want though."
"I'll take a bunch!" Willie said, now cuddling a little orange cat while the tabby napped off on a stool nearby. He only let the kitten go as their food was delivered, though the cat was happy enjoy a nap in his lap.
"You're enjoying this way too much," Reggie said, though he was smiling as Willie pet the kitty while munching on a croissant.
Willie shrugged, and took a sip of his drink. "I've always liked animals, and my favourite group home growing up had a few cats. I even rescued a stray or two behind the club but Caleb made me take them to the SPCA since he was allergic."
Reggie smiled softly-Willie didn't like talking about his youth growing up in the foster system, so a happy memory of that time was a rare and precious thing. They had bonded over their terrible families and had strived to give each other the love and affirmation they had been denied for so long.
The waitress returned, giving them a small bag of treats, making a few pointy ears perk up. Willie attracted a tuxedo cat and a fluffy ball of white fur that the waitress told them was a ragdoll.
Reggie had to laugh as Willie was swarmed with cats, but he looked so delighted, he didn’t car about the amount of fur coating his clothes or the tiny needles from cats kneading him.
“You wanna try?” Willie asked, holding out the bag.
“I mean we should leave some cats for everyone else,” Reggie teased. But he still took the bag and held his hand out to the few cats roaming around him.
Finally a little calico with one eye came over, sniffing Reggie’s hand, rubbing at his fingers and gently nipping them before taking the piece of freeze dried salmon. Then jumped up into Reggie’s lap, spun around a few times and settled into a ball.
“She’s vibrating!” Reggie exclaimed.
“She’s purring Sparky,” Willie replied. “Means she likes you.”
Reggie was awed by how trusting this little cat was, and he gently stroked her soft fur. He felt his breathing slow, his whole body relaxing with the movement and the gentle purring.
“Oh wow,” the waitress remarked as she came to take their dishes. “Pirate never does this.”
“On people,” she clarified. “We’ve had a real hard time getting her adopted because she’s so anti-social. She was abused, so she has a hard time trusting.”
“Is that how she lost her eye?” Reggie asked, laying his hand over the cat’s head, rubbing behind her ears.
The waitress nodded sombrely. “She’s fine now, and gets along fine with the other cats, but I’ve never seen her act like this with a human before.”
“You think she likes dogs?” Willie asked.
“Loves ‘em,” the waitress replied. “We’ve had her in a few foster homes and she loved the dogs there, just not the people.”
Reggie looked up at Willie, then down at the cat who shared so much background with the two of them. Who chose him out of everyone. And he couldn’t bear to leave her here.
“Can I get an adoption form?” he asked. “I think it’s about time we got Chewie a little sister.”
“Told you that you’d like it in here,” Willie snarked.
“I blame you,” Reggie said as Pirate glanced up at him, yawned and curled back up to resume her nap.
“I take it all,” Willie remarked. “Until you become a crazy cat dad and fill our house with felines.”
“I think she’ll be enough,” Reggie replied, petting the cat once more.
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felinefractious · 4 months
hi! love your blog, i love getting to see all these cool cat colors i didnt even know were a thing LOL like i didn’t know there was such a thing as lilac or cinnamon but theyre so pretty.
ive been looking into getting a ragdoll in the future, the ones i have met have been the sweetest cats and they’re so pretty.
ive been doing research into possible health concerns they can have, and all im really seeing is the same things your typical random little guy could have when improperly cared for and things like that. kidney disease while on a bad diet, issues with hairballs when not brushed and groomed properly due to being long haired, etc. ive seen a few places say that they’re more prone to respiratory issues and heart disease, but the latter also seems to be something that breeders work to make sure their cats are safe from? at least in my research.
i guess im basically just wondering if you know anything else that can affect ragdolls specifically, or if there’s anything horribly unethical that’s totally swept under the rug or hidden about them! additional things to research and places to look would be appreciated, i never know where to research stuff like this reliably and you seem to know where to find some good info and stuff on cat breeds :)
thank you in advance for any help you can give, i hope have a good day!!
I’m glad you enjoy the blog and are learning about some new colors!
Ragdolls are definitely cool cats and they’re a pretty health breed, one of the major things to be mindful of is that this assessment only applies to well-bred individuals from good breeders.
Common breeds mean a lot of breeders which, unfortunately, also means a lot of scammers and bad breeders.
And the Ragdoll is a very common breed so there are a lot of not so good breeders out there… and the temperament and health of these backyard bred cats is a gamble, one that can end in heartbreak.
Now with that warning out of the way the big thing to worry about with the breed is Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. Fortunately the mutation responsible for this condition in the breed has been identified and can be tested for. Staying on top of heart health is an absolute must for a good breeder, this means regular echocardiogram’s as well as DNA testing.
The other big ones are Polycystic Kidney Disease and Progressive Retinal Atrophy, both of which can be tested for. These are common inherited disorders in the purebred population, you’ll have a hard time finding a breed which neither of these have been documented in.
Mucopolysaccharidosis VI is a storage disease that has been documented in the Ragdoll breed but it can be tested for and I’m not sure how common it is in current breeding populations.
A breeder shouldn’t cut corners when it comes to health testing, there are several commercially available tests which look for a wide variety of inherited disorders. Optimal Selection is becoming increasingly widely used, although personally I would feel most comfortable with testing submitted through somewhere like UC Davis.
But HCM is the big big one because heart disease is a silent killer. With the other conditions clinical symptoms will be apparent but a cat with HCM could appear normal and you wouldn’t know without testing. And remember - not all cardiac cases will have a heart murmur, either!
The other thing to keep in mind with Ragdolls is they seem to be more prone to developing Feline Infectious Peritonitis. This one is a little more complicated.
FIP occurs due to mutations in the feline coronavirus, which is a common viral infection in cats. Until recently FIP was considered nearly 100% fatal but thanks to Dr. Niels Pederson we now have a promising cure. One of our patients was actually one of the original study cats and has been doing well all this time, she’s amazing to work with - like a piece of living history!
One of the big problems with the treatment is the legality of it… for a long time it was only available through the black market and could easily run you thousands of dollars. Treatment is gradually becoming available through legal venues but it depends on where you live.
Anyways, the point is that we don’t know exactly why these mutations occur in some cats and not others but there’s strong evidence that there’s a genetic component - it’s common for related cats to develop FIP, we’ve seen this multiple times with littermates. We also know that it occurs at a higher incidence in some breeds than others…
And presumably your kitten wouldn’t have been exposed to feline coronavirus at the cattery but it’s not unlikely that they would be exposed at some point in their life given they don’t reside in a bubble… and if or when this happens what are the chances it’ll become the dreaded FIP?
So mitigating this risk when purchasing from a breeder can be a little more complicated… it’s not something I think should turn you off of the breed but it is something to keep in mind - and if you look into a breeder that seems good but has a lot of reviews or reports of their graduate kittens and cats developing FIP? Probably best to keep looking.
I think that’s a pretty good summary on the breed’s health but people are always welcome to chime in!
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