#haven’t decided if I’ll use this in This Rough Magic yet lol
avelera · 1 year
Concept: Hob-rescues-Dream fic where Burgess insists that Hob take stimulants if he’s going to be around Dream so he doesn’t fall asleep, and that’s how Hob discovered he’s had undiagnosed ADHD for over 500 years when he’s suddenly very sleepy and very very focused on getting Dream out of that fishbowl
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1d1195 · 2 years
Help me write!
Does anyone have a suggestion of what they want to see next? I have several storylines all over the place.
Here are some of the things that are all half finished if you want an idea of what I’m thinking about:
1. Niall blurb: fluffy drunken love admission, college-level, very short, minor edits needed but could be posted soon. 2. Niall song writing: Broken by lovelytheband (been trying to piece this together since the song came out 4 years ago, still in very early stage and ROUGH) 3. Louis song writing: State Lines by Novo Amor, college-alumni weekend, haven’t seen each other in five years, yada-yada-yada 4. Harry blurb: girls night out, guy openly flirts with her, Niall to the rescue, very fluffy and cute, fairly short, needs a bit of editing before posting 5. Niall blurb: best man at Louis and Eleanor’s wedding. Maid of honor. Used to date, yada-yada-yada... (this is very rough, please don’t pick this one, lol) 6. Harry writing: beach vacation, next door air bnb, beach friends (might contain something sexy, haven’t decided yet) needs quite a bit more but would probably be good given it’s summer where I am. 7. I do have 5 completed check-in blurb extras from my Therapy series. (and one half-finished one) But where I just finished that mini series I feel like it’s too early for a check-in; but you lmk 8. Harry writing: VERY sad context, best friend Harry, comfort, etc. (probably like a quarter finished and could be a two-parter) 9. Harry writing: If you ever read or saw Normal People I recently binged it during my depression episode this month and it’s 100% based on that with some significant departures from the show (I have not read the book so don’t @ me if the show sucks, I still found it moving). This is not even a little done and very disjointed right now 10. Harry writing: teacher Harry, hall neighbors, will be multiple parts, don’t want to give a lot away as I’m trying to work in a little magic that I’ve never really done before. Not done, probably will be multi-part 11. Harry writing: I can do another part of the Physics tutoring series in between something else. 12. Song writing: Louis, Niall, Harry. I’ll keep it a surprise about the song but it would take place in like the 80s/90s or something (not a lot of tech) 13. “Enemies” to lovers: Been watching a lot of these on TikTok lately :)
So let me know what you think. You can drop an ask, send a message, or reply below (but since this is my secondary blog, I can’t reply back directly). I’d love to hear from you all :)
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futurewriter2000 · 3 years
Little Secrets - pt. 3
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A/N: I had been writing this for days but I really love the idea of where this is going. Lol. Also, I would like to thank @barkermarkersharker for the lovely idea that I just had to use. Also, this will be more than a three part I guess.
Your father has been dragging James on all sorts of social gatherings all week. He has been excited but also exhausted. He had come home only to eat and sleep, except on Wednesday. That day he went hiking with Sirius before collapsing into his bed.
A rough week for James Potter but it was Saturday and he will soon be home. Sirius and you had been getting along well. You haven't been holding any sort of grudge towards James but you had your moments where you mentioned some sort of remark of the whole keeping you a secret thing.
Now that he is free this week, he can finally help you and Sirius bond.
He came home with a smile on his face, excited that his week of torture was over. He dropped his bag on the hall and ran up stairs. He barged into his room to find Sirius but he was nowhere in sight. He than ran into your room and you weren't there either.
His brows furrowed, his lips turned down and he ran back to the kitchen. "Hey mum." he said as he gave her a kiss on the cheek and grabbed a fry from the bowl. "Where are Sirius and (y/n)?" he asked, sitting down on the chair and looking at the porch, thinking he will maybe see them there.
"Well, they're at the beach, honey." his mum said, furrowing an eyebrow at him. "I thought they told you?"
"No." he replied, a bit disappointed at the answer.
"Well, it was all last minute. (Y/n) woke up earlier than usual and at breakfast both with Sirius decided to go to the beach with some of her friends." she smiled, thinking to that morning. "You and your father were already gone but you two should have seen them together. We were all laughing so hard this morning. They even invited me to come but I said no because what would me be doing there at the beach with all them youngsters." she continued to smile brightly. "They were both so persistent that I really thought they wanted me to come- do you think there could actually happen something between them?" she asked out of curiosity, looking at James.
James however, choked on his fry and started to cough. "What?"
"Sirius and (Y/N). They seem to get along so great. Like they're meant for each other and I wouldn't mind Sirius becoming my son in law. And imagine what gorgeous babies would they have together."
"Oh! Mom!"James stood up, laughing but feeling horrible inside. "Please, stop. (Y/n) is not a wizard and Sirius is. Even if they do get along, they are both meant to live in two completely different world." he started to get a bit agitated, pouring himself a glass of lemonade.
"We all live in two different world, James. If it wasn't for (y/n), your father and I and you wouldn't know about certain, amazing things about Muggles."
"Yeah but!" he turned around, raising his tone and opening his arms to explain something he couldn't even explain to himself yet. "No. No... they're not..."
"I think there is something between them." your mother smiled, meanwhile James only glared at her. "You don't get along with a person that well and think of it as just friendship."
But you liked girls! - James wanted to scream but knew he couldn't have outed you to his parents. You've always preferred girls over guys, anyway. He only remembers one guy from your whole life that you had had an interest in. All the others were girls.
You can't with Sirius. He's... and you are just not right for each other. Just not!
Your mother could see the injustice James felt in his bones right now. He was frustrated with the idea of you and Sirius together. She tried soothe the tension in the air, turning to James and telling him. "Why don't you go to the beach as well? Meet (y/n)'s friends."
"I already know them mum." he pouted.
"You know of them, James. There's a difference. There's nothing wrong with having Muggle friends."
"I know it's just... what am I supposed to tell them if I can't mention magic at all? Like what do Muggles even talk about?"
"There is more to life than just magic, James." was all what your mother said back.
James didn't dress much to the beach, since it was quite windy, as per usual. He wore his usual white jeans with a brown belt, white T-shirt and a jean T-shirt blouse with rolled sleeves. He was walking through the beach to find you and Sirius but the two of you were running around like two wild beasts, laughing so loud he could spot you from a mile away.
You were piggy back riding Sirius and he was running from towards a small group of friends. There were another couple, racing the two of you.
The two of you obviously ran. If Sirius was anything athletic, he was fast. That boy ran from every single Prefect, Head Boy, Head Girl, Professor, wolf-Remus, odd forest monsters and Filch in that school. Of course, the two of you won.
He threw himself, and you, on the blanket, both rolling and laughing as well as cheering.
"HELL YEAH!" you raised your palms in the air as Sirius high-fived them both.
"Why are you panting? I was the one carrying you and running."
"Hey, this was a two people effort. I was your moral support up there." you smiled and all of you laughed before Sirius eyes darted to the approaching figure and his smile suddenly fell, then rised up again.
You turned to look and saw your brother approaching the whole lot of you with a faint smile.
"BROTHER!" you jumped to your feet and ran towards him.
"Don't hug me! Don't hug me!" he started to avoid you by running backwards and putting his hand up. "Stay away from this fit."
"Really?" you glowered at him, then kicked sand at him.
"You rat!" he shouted and started to chase you, grabbing you around the waist and lifting you up.
"PUT ME DOWN! NO! NOOOO!!!" you screamed and laughed at the same time because you knew what he was about to do. "You'll wet your shoes!"
"Not if I throw you." he laughed.
"You don't have the strength."
"But I have magic." he grinned and you gasped.
"You prat! You wouldn't."
"Please don't. DON'T! JAMES!!" he was getting closer to the water, laughing.
"You'll get to clean the dishes for the whole month and the bathroom when it's my turn."
"A WHOLE MONTH?!" you exclaimed. "Hell no! Throw me into the sea. I don't care." you stopped resisting and he let out a laugh, taking a few steps forward and just dropping you into shallow water.
You had returned back, completely wet and cold. You grabbed the extra blanket from the ground and plopped yourself down, glaring at him.
"I will murder you when we come home and I will bury you next to Minki."
"Then you'll really have to clean the dishes and bathroom every month."
"I don't care." you turned your head dramatically, before laughing with him.
"Here." said James and gave you his red sweater.
"Thanks." you said ,grabbing it, taking your wet shirt off and putting it back on, later taking off your soaked bra under it. "Thank God, it's summer." you praised under your breath, leaning back on your arm and looking around, seeing both of your friends making googly eyes at your brother.
"So how was the meeting Jamie?"
"Dull." James mimicked your position. "Sooner than later, you realise that all the gatherings and the meetings and the parties have the same system. Talk about old friends and family first, turn to business and end with something like; we'll keep in touch."
"You had your fun then." Sirius smiled but looked at you when he did.
"Any lassies you caught your eye on?" you asked, looking at your friends from the corner of your eye.
"If you didn't come with dad on these gatherings, what makes you think other lassies did?"
"A question, brother. No need to get fussy about it." you said as you wanted to change the subject but Sirius caught you to it.
"OH MERLIN! A PIG!" he shouted and got on his feet. "It's a pig!" he started to jump excitedly.
"Sirius don't you even think about it..." you said but he was already running towards it, scooping the baby pig into his arms and starting to pet it. An old man approached him and the next thing you knew, Sirius was giving the man money, over-excited for the little pink being in his arms.
He ran back to the group and lifted the animal in his arms. "I got a pig!" he said like a little boy who had got himself his first toy.
"Oh my, God."
"I like the name Arnold." you said as you continued to pet the little pig next to Sirius, cooing at him.
"For the thousandth time. HER name is Treasure."
"I'll call you Arnold." you said at the pig as it smiled at you and bumped her nose at your fingers.
"Treasure!" he pulled the pig closer and kissed her forehead. "Don't you listen to her, Treasure. She wasn't the one who took you in, she doesn't get to name you." he glowered at you and you stuck your tongue out at him.
Meanwhile James was walking behind the two of you this whole time. Your mother was right. The two of you did get along great, even better than usual and he felt excluded from his two best friends.
And the worst part was that the two of you didn't even notice it. The two of you didn't notice how miserable he was- that was such a selfish thought. He should be happy that the two of you were getting along.
He was arguing with his mind.
"So, Jamie!" you ran back to him and wrapped your arm around his. "You are the tie-breaker. Arnold or Treasure?"
James let out a laugh. "How about Mum-will-kill-you-two?"
"Don't be buzz kill, Prongs. It's Treasure because I had found her and she is the biggest treasure in my life."
"He's turning into mum." James whispered to you but loud enough for Sirius to hear him and narrow his eyes at the two of you.
"Oh, darn. Dad's got two of them now." you started to joke.
"Hope Euphemia won't get jealous." James continued as the two of you snickered.
"Dad's gonna go bankrupt. Has to buy another ring. Should we call you mother now, Sirius?" you raised an eyebrow at him.
He put the pig down and pointed at the you and James. "Treasure. Attack!"
But Treasure just sat on her bum and gave Sirius googly eyes.
"Awww!" he scooped her back up and waddled her. "We should go shopping tomorrow." he smiled at the two of you. "I want Treasure to keep up with fashion."
"Buying her a leather jacket and a curly, black hair wig?"
"Don't you listen to her. You've got pretty pink hair." he kissed her forehead and went into the house.
"You have some weird friends, Jamie." you shook your head.
"They're not weird. It's just him... that's a bit extra..."
"I can still hear the two of you! I am NOT extra!"
James has become more fond od Treasure through the evening. He was sitting on his bay window, looking through at the distance where the field stretched into the distance. Treasure was lightly snoring in his lap as his hand was caressing her tiny head into sweeter dreams.
Treasure started to breathe a bit harder during her sleep, so James lightly opened the window and let the summer breeze wash over her. It was almost as that little pig's mouth curved into a thankful smile. Despite the fact how much everybody disagreed on the pig becoming part of the family, James was really thankful for this lovely little being in his lap. He always had a feeling about animals. Even Minki, his mother's old cat, seemed to crawl onto his chest when he was laying and purr over his heart. Mother said it was a miracle because Minki never liked anybody, not even your father or you but through the years, she got a bit softer for everybody.
"Tell me what's on your mind and I'll tell you what's on mine?" James heard Sirius say from the outside.
His attention wavered from the pig to the voices bellow him. He completely forgot his room is right above the porch but he didn't intend to listen.
He heard you laugh and then stop to pause. He knew that pause. "You know today was the first day I saw James jealous of me." you let out a laugh and James furrowed his eyebrows at your statement.
"I wasn't jealous." he whispered to himself. "Was I jealous?" he asked the sleeping pig on his lap, than thought back to today and concluded. "I was maybe a wee jealous."
"How do you know he was jealous?" Sirius asked and you smiled with a roll of your eyes.
"It doesn't take a mind reader to see this." you snorted, than pulled yourself on the fence as you usually did. "Plus whenever he's having angry thoughts the space between his eyebrows furrow and he looks extremely tense. I keep telling him that that is his tell but he never listens."
You were right. You do always tell him about his little tells but he just does them subconsciously.
"I remember before I turned eleven, James would constantly make me jealous by telling me about magic. How he started showing his magic abilities when he was seven and I was ten but didn't even show a tad of it." you started and your voice started to quiver a bit. It was when you started to show your rawest side. You didn't much open up to anybody but when you did, you really went into the most deepest parts of yourself. "When we found out I was a Squib, James stopped with the whole teasing but it was too late, you know? He had already told me about Hogwarts and given me such expectations to be sorted into the same house as him or a Hufflepuff. He loved Hufflepuffs... and I remember crying when Dumbledore told me and my parents that I can attend Hogwarts for magical knowledge but will never be able to preform it. I can never forget the disappointment in my father's eyes. He was so shocked that I was a Squib, it was his reaction that made me cry so hard that day." you continued, speaking in a calm, controlled voice. "I didn't want to stand out in Hogwarts so I said I don't want to. James told me I could still go to Muggle schools and become more magical and successful even if I'm not a wizard and that gave me hope." you smiled and James mathed your smiled from another room, still listening. "Though it always bugged me- the whole Squib thing. We came from such a powerful wizarding family and I was the one who got born without it."
"It happens even to the best of families, (y/n)." Sirius tried to reason but you only smiled. "It happened to my family as well... but... she married a Muggle so... it sort of made sense..."
"Exactly. Both of my parents come from powerful families, that's why it didn't make sense to me and I couldn't understand why nobody did any more research. They all just accepted it."
"But you didn't?"
"No. I didn't." you replied determined. "It didn't make sense to me. It was like a whole family line with black eyes and black hair and black skin existed and all of a sudden a ginger with blue eyes and fair light skin was born to that family. And I know it happens in family but not in this family, you know?" you tried to explain. "And I know James and I are different from each other, thank God. It makes sense because my father's side of the family are all alike, which is from whom James takes it from but my mother's side is diverse, that's why our physical features are so different. Genes. Those genes make sense but magical genes? Wizards marrying wizards in my family and it just didn't make sense to me. I couldn't let it go."
"The stubborn gene." Sirius tried to joke and James snorted at his comment.
"I was always jealous of James. I just never showed it but then I was in London with my friends- it was a school trip- and there was this psychic."
"Oh no."
"I know what you're thinking but let me explain!"
"Muggle Psychics are such a skam."
"Let me explain you broom flying shit."
"Alright. No need to get mean." Sirius backed off, meanwhile James was holding his laughter in the other room.
"Psychics feed off an energy and vibrations. Yes, some are skammers but there was something different with this woman. When we locked eyes through the window, I got this odd shiver down my spine and something about her eyes... it felt so real...
'++ You were standing in front of store and it felt like it was only you and the store in this world. Your friends were nowhere by but that was the last thing on your mind. You had been there and the store and the mere nothingness of the world.
You opened the door, they jingled and spread an odd athmosphere on your body. You didn't know whether you felt anxious or free. Perhaps the feeling of freedom gave you a bit of anxiety as well.
"Come in, child." you heard a voice from another room and before you even took a step, she was already in sight.
She was leaning on the wall, dipping her tea bag into the boiling water. She wasn't like those psychics the television represents. She wore a long dress that was tight around her waist. She was in a nice form and you couldn't figure out whether she was 30 or 40.
"I'm 52." she answered your question before giving you a pleasant smile with beautiful teeth and making her way into another room. "I know, I don't look like it much but that's the power of magic." she continued to say, poking her head out of the room and grinning. "But you would know everything about that, wouldn't you?"
You felt something swallow you but you gathered your thoughts quickly. "Unicorns, fairies... all of them live in my backyard, yes." you said as you also made your way to the room, letting your hand brush the colourful crystals hanging on a silver chains.
"They're all around you, you know?" she smiled and you furrowed your eyebrow at you. "Fairies I mean but they only appear if they want to, that's why you've never seen them. They don't want to appear."
"Alright?" you sounded doubtful.
"Come on, sit."
And you sat.
She sat across from you and opened her hands on the table. "Go on. Give me your hands. You didn't walk in here just to stare at me."
And as soon as you gave her your hands, you felt this magnetic pull towards this woman. It was something you gave her and it was something she gave you back.
Her eyes were closed but the way her lips pursed together and eyebrows furrowed, you knew she was a bit confused. "Oh dear..." she mumbled under her breath but regained her posture and mind. "What we're doing right now are exchanging energies darling. The Universe is responding to it, giving me a download. Whether you believe in the Universe, the energies, vibrations or the Law of Attraction, it does exist. You cannot fight it. It simply exists." she continued to explain and you listened. "Your inner child is in need of healing- I see you still haven't moved on from something that had caused a massive change in your childhood..." she opened her eyes a bit. "Magic?"
"I... I don't have magic."
"Oh, honey. You don't need to move a feather to have magic." she gave you a loving, caring smile. "We all hold magic inside of us. You just have to believe in it."
And it was in the way she spoke that she gave you a large amount of hope. All the anxiety was gone- as if it never existed. You just wanted to stay in there forever.
"I also see you've been troubling yourself with a question for a long time and I'm here to give you an answer..." ++'
"What did she say?!" Sirius exclaimed in anticipation. He was really invested in this whole story, meanwhile you had to take a moment to breathe.
"Well... in the beginning when she said "Oh, dear..." she was referring to the black magic I carried inside all these years." you tried to smile but it squeezed your heart. "I don't have it anymore. I washed it off a year ago but what really made me upset was that if I washed it before I turned eleven, I could be a witch myself." you looked up, trying to show him that you weren't affected by talking about this, though clearly you were.
"What do you mean?"
"When my nana was alive, on my mother's side, she always forbid people to come when mother was pregnant with James and when James was just a baby. When they did come, she would sage the house and search it from head to toe because people could have left omens or something that would do something to a child. Despite the fact that she was a wizard, she was extremely superstitious. At least, that's what mum told me. It annoyed her a bit." you paused. "She died not long after James was born and before I was conceived and Nora, the psychic told me that nana has been protecting both of us from the other world but she couldn't protect me in this world like she had done with James."
"Meaning what? Somebody did black magic on you?" Sirius furrowed his eyebrows meanwhile James was listening up there, just as confused.
"Nora talks to the spirits, and she talked to nana. Nana said that my father's auntie was the one, attempting to put black magic on James but was unsuccessful. Then tried again with me... bringing a whole tea set as a present and Nora said that teas have an enormous power, whether we know it or not. It can heal you but it can also sicken you- herbs an all."
"Yeah, I know. I've been taking Herbology with agony but still listened to it."
"The tea set was cursed and whenever my mother drank from it I would consume the black magic that came with it. It created a blockage for my magic and when I turned eleven, it finally did its job by never letting me use magic at all." you smiled but a tear rolled down your face. "She told me I could still have magic, you know? If I removed the black magic, I'd remove the blockage but there was a catch."
"I'd become an Obscurial." you looked at him and his eyes dawned with a loss of hope. "I know, I was disappointed as well. I didn't want ot be an Obscurial and I had already created the Muggle life, accepted it and loved it- so I gave up on magic. I didn't want that kind of magic. I wasn't desperate like I was when I was a kid but still it hurt.- She told me how to get rid of the black magic completely and I had followed every step. I felt lighter afterwards, like something has been lifted off my shoulders. I didn't know I was carrying something so heavy all my life but I felt fantastic after it."
"Did you tell your parents or James?"
"No." you shook your head. "I didn't want to burden them with this knowledge and they already accepted the whole Squib part of me and I got closure as well... knowing that I wasn't picked out of the family. I was just a wee unfortunate." you smiled, looking up at the stars. "Nana said through Nora that she'll always protect us- all of us and she told me that I should try to find my own magic in the world, how special I was and all of those things. Some days, I really do feel like she's with me. Sometimes when we eat together or the days I sit here and look up at the stars." you laughed. "It sounds a bit crazy but-"
"No...it doesn't." Sirius said as he took your hand in his, smiling at this magnificent woman in front of you.
James already closed the window. He couldn't believe what he just heard. He knew your father's auntie was a bit odd but to do black magic on her own family is just fucked up.
He needed to know something. He needed to go to the attic.
Meanwhile you and Sirius were still on the porch. Still so wonderfully living among the stars. You jumped down from the fence and leaned back. Whenever he would touch you, you felt a rush of emotions go through you- those anxious butterflies banding together in your stomach and trying to burst free. Your cheeks would heat up... and whenever Sirius was close, this close, you would even get afraid of what he might do next.
Flirting was one thing for you; fun and easy but when it came to real feelings, that was when you were a complete mess.
Sirius was standing close to you but he didn't touch you. "All that talk about energies..." he started, breathing a bit heavily as he was getting closer to you. "Does that mean we exchange it too?"
"Yeah." you replied with shallow breathing.
"And when I touch you like this..." he said, taking a hold of your hand and lifting it up a bit, interlocking his fingers with you, then looking deep into your eyes. "Do you feel it?"
"I feel it..." you replied, staring into his lips, marvelling at their beauty as your whole body would pulse.
"And now?" he asked, placing his other hand on your hip and pushing you gently on the wooden pillar.
"Uh..." you swallowed thickly as your heart rate started to beat abnormally. "I feel you..."
He pressed his forehead onto yours and started to close the gap between your lips. "Good..." he growled a little and pressed his lips onto yours. His body, hot, pushing you against the pillar, meanwhile his hand on your hip squeezed you tightly, releasing a pleased whimper from your lips. His strong arms would wrap themselves under your thighs and lift you up until they were wrapped around his waist. His kisses deep and passionate caused your head to swirl. Your fingers dug into his curls and tugged on a little, causing a satisfied smile to appear on his lips.
He would pull away for a moment, gaze into your eyes than to your every feature. He would start to remove your hair from your cheek, just to take a closer look at you. You were amazed by his strength. He was holding your whole body weight with one hand that it only made you feel more attracted to the man.
Than before you knew it, something fell on the floor in the living room, making the both of you jump and look who had just caught you.
"Oh, bloody hell!!" Sirius gasped. "Treasure, what the hell?" he looked at the pig as the pig happily jumped towards him.
"I think she's a bit jealous." you giggled, meanwhile Sirius scooped the little being into his arms.
"Does this look jealous to you?" he turned her towards you and the pig was simply enjoying the little belly rub, smiling at you as well and trying to sniff you.
"I still can't believe my parents didn't allow me to have a fish but allowed you to bring a whole pig home."
"I think you're the one jealous." he raised an eyebrow meanwhile you rolled your eyes.
"I could never be... especially of this gorgeous little piggy." you rubbed her belly as well as she let a few pleased squeeks.
"I thought Prongs was babysitting you?" he tol her. "We shall find him, shan't we?"
However, James was sitting in the dark attic, surfing through old boxes of his grandparents things. Especially his nana's, which he regretted a bit when he pulled out old lingerie.
"Oh, ew..." he quickly threw it away. "I did not need to know that." he surfed through the old box, finally finding what he has been looking for...
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nikibogwater · 3 years
Two Worlds, One Family--a Mermaid AU oneshot
I don't know, y'all, it's ten after one and I can't think of any other titles so just accept the cheesey Phil Collins reference and go with it--
A few weeks ago, my dear FMA Buddy Willow requested a fic set in my Merman!Douxie AU (you can see the rough character designs for that here). Well, today, I desperately needed a break from working on the RotT fic, but I also still felt like writing, so I sat down and cranked this one out in basically one sitting.
It uh, sort of got away from me, I'll admit lol.
We've got sappy Siren!Zoe x Merman!Douxie, Underwater Found Family, Archie having to be the Adult of the group, and also an honest-to-goodness argument between our favorite Magical Siblings, which is something I've sort of always wanted to tackle, but I was never able to find a good way to do it while sticking to current canon. Here, they're both younger and have been in a pod together for several hundred years, allowing the stress of their situation to build up and--Y'know what, I'll just let you guys read the dang thing now.
The black waves rolled beneath an inky, starless sky. A freezing wind cut through the air like a knife. Salty foam sprayed up from where the water lapped against Zoe’s perch. It was a thoroughly miserable night to be away from her nest.
But still, she waited.
She shivered and folded her wings around herself tightly. Twenty-seven years, one-hundred and eighty-three days. That was how long it had been since she’d last seen him. He had said in his last message that he would be here tonight. And so, no matter how fiercely the wind beat against her, no matter how badly the freezing spray stung as it hit her, she refused to move. Douxie’s life was already haunted by uncertainties and betrayals. She would rather die than contribute to such things.
Finally, she heard him. His call was masked beneath the sound of the sea, but she could feel it reverberating through her like a roll of thunder--the steady, fast-paced, yet gentle clicks of a merman searching for his mate.
Her wings snapped open, and though the rush of cold air that met her was unpleasant, she didn’t flinch. Electric blue eyes stared fixedly at the water below her for a moment. And then she finally saw it--the silvery sheen of moonlight hitting dark blue scales.
Zoe didn’t even wait for him to make it all the way to the surface before she dove in.
Douxie tumbled back in the water as she slammed into him, and for a few joyous moments, his world was made up entirely of swirling bubbles, warm feathers, and the feeling of Zoe in his arms. He had just enough sense to bring both of them back up to the surface before her lips were on his. Her wings closed around him tightly, and he could feel the tingle of her electric magic in the water around him, but she was just as careful as ever. She’d never shocked him, not in all the years they’d known each other.
“Sorry I’m late,” he breathed, once she’d pulled back for air. She shook her head, nose brushing against his.
“Doesn’t matter,” she said gruffly. Her voice was choked with tears, but he knew better than to point that out. “I’m just glad you’re here.”
“I never would have guessed,” he chuckled, trailing a few kisses down her cheek as she huffed and half-heartedly swatted his shoulder. There were a few moments of silence as they simply held each other, broken only by the sound of the waves and a few soft, contented clicks from Douxie. Zoe had asked him centuries ago why he always clicked when he was happy. He’d seemed genuinely surprised to hear that she didn’t do the same. Merperson biology was a very strange thing indeed. Finally, Zoe picked her head up from his shoulder and looked him in the eye.
“Nari and Archie?”
“Safe,” he answered. “They wanted to see you, but I didn’t want to risk bringing Nari up to the surface, and Archie agreed to stay with her. We had a close call with the Order a few weeks ago off the coast of Ireland--they never actually saw her, and I don’t think they know she’s been hiding in the ocean but...” He shook his head, sighing wearily. “...They can’t know where she is. Not ever. I just couldn’t let her come with me tonight.”
“I understand,” Zoe said, brushing his wet bangs out of his eyes.
“How is the flock?” Douxie asked.
“...Surviving,” she replied after a moment’s hesitation. “...We lost Ariadne to a navy ship two years ago. They shot her right out of the air....took her body on board and we couldn’t get her back. We don’t know what they did with her corpse.” She felt him shudder at the news. He pulled her back in and kissed her temple.
“I’m sorry,” he breathed, and she knew he meant it, knew he felt her pain as keenly as if it was his own. He always was a little too empathetic for his own good. Still, she couldn’t bring herself to tell him that, so she simply clutched him tight and let him stroke her hair, as the waves gently rocked the both of them.
“The world’s getting more and more dangerous for people like us,” she murmured into his shoulder. “And the ironic thing is now it’s all because of mortals. As if angry demigods and warmongering trolls weren’t enough on their own.”
“Killahead tipped the balance in their favor. But I’d hoped they would use that as an opportunity to make peace with magic. Not try to exterminate it for good...”
“You’ve always put too much faith in humans, Douxie,” Zoe sighed.
“Perhaps,” he admitted, hand still carding idly through her feathery locks. “...Merlin was a human too, though.” Zoe snorted at that.
“If that crotchety old windbag was the best humanity has to offer, then it’s no wonder things turned out like this.”
“He saved my life, Zoe,” Douxie argued softly, pulling back to look her in the eye. “I would never have met you if it weren’t for him.”
“I still say he was a far ways off from being a ‘good man,’” she retorted. “...But I understand your loyalty to him.” Douxie felt her right wing shift around him--the same one he had bandaged and tended all those centuries ago. “...Enough of that. I have more important news for you. There’s talk of a secret community of magical creatures like us forming in the New World--a settlement off the western coast. The trolls found a new Hearthstone there, and they’re building a sanctuary. The water there is supposed to be charged with all kinds of magic, and I’ve even heard rumors about merpeople living there. The flock has decided to migrate there, at least temporarily. I would advise you to do the same. Nari would be happier in warmer waters, and there’s a chance you could join a larger pod there. You haven’t seen one of your own species in centuries, right? And we...” she faltered, realizing that she was letting her eagerness get the better of her now. “...we could be together again. No more of these long separations.”
“...It almost sounds too good to be true,” Douxie breathed.
“Maybe it is,” Zoe chuckled mirthlessly. “But we won’t know unless we check it out for ourselves. I’m leaving with the flock in the morning.”
“I’ll....consider it,” Douxie relented. “If it was just me and Arch, I’d be on my way there tonight, no hesitation. But now that I have Nari to protect--”
“I get it,” Zoe cut him off quickly. “I just....thought I’d let you know. In case it works out somehow.” She looked down, the hand that was resting over his heart clenching into a fist.
“...Hey.” Douxie tilted her chin back up to look her in the eye. “Whatever happens, wherever we go, I know we’ll always find each other again. That’s what it means to be a pod.”
“...Right.” Zoe gave a half-hearted laugh, and gently bumped her forehead against his. “Alright. Now I want to know what you’ve been getting up to. Tell me everything.”
“We’d be here all night if I did that,” Douxie chuckled.
“Sounds good to me,” Zoe murmured, drawing him close once more.
Douxie didn’t return until it was almost sunrise.
Nari hadn’t been expecting anything else, but she still couldn’t help the way her heart twisted in her chest at the sight of his exhausted, melancholy countenance. He slipped into the den quietly, stopping just long enough to renew the concealing spells around the entrance, before floating to the floor with a sigh, burying his face in a still-sleeping Archie’s fur. He’d hardly been there a full minute when he blearily opened one eye, and looked around as though he was missing something.
“Nari?” he whispered into the darkness. “Everything alright?” He must have felt her aura--there were times when Nari found the magical bond they shared somewhat inconvenient. She sighed, unhooked her tail from the frond she had anchored herself to, and flitted over to him.
“All is well. I....woke early.” The truth was, she’d been awake for most of the night, head too cluttered up with unwanted thoughts to let her rest. She curled her tail up beneath her and settled on the floor. “How is Zoe?”
“Beautiful,” Douxie answered without thinking, then turned bright red. Nari stifled a giggle in her hand. “I-I mean she’s fine. The flock’s down to just twelve sirens now... The mortals are getting braver and more dangerous. They’re going to fly west and try to find safer nesting grounds.” He paused, his tail swishing up and down thoughtfully.
“...Douxie?” Nari prodded.
“Zoe was telling me about a settlement across the ocean--a secret community of magical creatures. There’s a Trollmarket near the coast, and....possibly merpeople like me. That’s where she and her flock are going now. She... She wants us to go too.”
“This idea troubles you,” Nari observed, feeling the way his aura was turning with uncertainty. “Why?”
“It’s quite literally on the other side of the world,” Douxie explained. “We would have to cross open waters to get there, and even with my magic, the journey could take months. There’s no guarantee we would be able to find safe places to hide on the way, and even once we get there...” He sighed, ears drooping slightly. “...I don’t know if we’d really be safe.”
“We will never be safe anywhere, Douxie,” Nari said softly. “For as long as you are with me, you will be in danger. The Order will continue to search for me. They will not stop until they have found me and opened the Genesis Seals. They are not limited by time and space as we are. They could find me on the other side of the world just as easily as they could here.” She hated the way his aura seemed to grow cold as she spoke, his hand clenching against the stone he was resting on.
“...So what are you saying?” he asked after a long pause. “Do you think we should go?” Nari looked down, hands wringing in her lap.
For nearly five-hundred years, Douxie and Archie had dedicated their lives to caring for her. They had been her fins when she was still learning to swim, her warmth in the cold, deep waters of the north. They had been her guardians, and more than that, they had been her brothers. Both Douxie and Archie had taken her into their tiny pod, accepted her as one of their own, though she could not be more different from them if she tried. She had lost count of the number of times they bled for her, and she for them, as they fought to withstand the dangers of the sea together.
But she could never ignore the longing she felt in Douxie’s spirit, his heartache every time he was forced to part with Zoe in order to take Nari to safer waters. She couldn’t blind herself to the tears she knew he shed when he thought he was alone, couldn’t pretend all was well when that empty space in his heart hurt so much he couldn’t keep his aura from twisting in pain.
Which was why she now found herself telling him something she had never wanted to tell him.
“...I think you and Archie should go,” she whispered. “...and I will stay.”
Douxie’s tail thrashed suddenly, and his soul sparked with something akin to anger. Archie snorted and whipped his head up, ears perked and blearily searching for the source of his Familiar’s distress.
“No.” Douxie’s voice was hard as he grasped her by the shoulder. “That’s not an option.”
“You know it is, Douxie!” Nari argued. “You are not bound to me by the laws of magic, I am not your appointed ward--You could be with Zoe if you would only--”
“If I would only what? Cast out one of my own? Break my pod apart?!”
“Who are we casting out...?” Archie yawned. “Can it wait until morning, perhaps?”
“But you love her!” Nari argued desperately. “You deserve to be with her, you deserve better than this.”
“And I also love you! I don’t give a damn about the wizarding customs, you are part of my family, and down here, family is just as much of a binding contract as any ward-appointment or whatever!”
“Oh for the love of Poseidon, didn’t you two just have this fight not three decades ago?” Archie snapped. “Nari, you know how important pods are to merpeople--that includes mates, friends, offspring, and siblings. We leave none behind, no matter the cost. And if you’ve got a problem with that, well you should have considered that before agreeing to come with us all those centuries ago. I did try to warn you, after all. Now both of you, settle down and get some sleep, for goodness’ sake! It sounds like we have a long swim ahead of us.” He swam around in a circle three times, and resettled on the ground. Douxie opened his mouth to argue further, but Archie grabbed the front of his shirt with his teeth and pulled him down on top of him. “I said settle down,” he huffed. “You too, Nari. I know you were awake half the night working yourself into this state.”
“I was not working myself into anything,” she grumbled, curling up between Archie’s paws.
A long, heavy silence fell upon them. Nari could feel Douxie’s aura gradually settling, as anger gave way to exhaustion. She could have sworn he was almost asleep, when suddenly, his hand found hers and squeezed it.
“...I won’t settle for less Nari,” he whispered. “That’s why I won’t leave you. I need all of you--Zoe, Archie, and you, and I won’t....I can’t stop fighting until all of you are safe, and we can all be together. I know Zoe will be alright with her flock, and we can always find each other again. But I won’t leave you to face the Order on your own.” She heard him shift, readjusting his head where it was pillowed against Archie. “...I’d rather die.”
Nari swallowed the knot that rose in her throat and squeezed his hand in return.
“...Merpeople are so very unusual,” she murmured. “Even after all this time, I’ll never fully understand you, or your ways. But....I am truly happy to be part of them--part of your pod--even if I cannot fathom these sorts of bonds.”
“You’ll get it eventually,” Douxie huffed. “...Anyways, Arch was right--”
“I’m always right,” the Familiar interjected without bothering to open his eyes.
“--we should get some sleep. I guess we have a long journey ahead of us.”
“You have decided then?” Nari asked.
“The opportunity’s too good to pass up. Just promise me you’ll stay with us.”
“...Alright,” she whispered. “I promise.” There was another pause. “...And I love you too. More than I know how to say. That is why it hurts so much to know when you are suffering.”
“I know.” Douxie’s hand squeezed hers one more time, and Archie shifted his head to rest across her shoulders.
Come what may, they had to stay together. That was what it meant to be a pod. And though the thought of the journey ahead of them was daunting, it was made easier by the knowledge that they would undertake it together. And that at the end of it, the last missing part of their family was waiting for them. The pod would be whole again at last, safe in a secret haven for all displaced magical creatures.
A haven that would, in another few centuries, come to be known as Arcadia Oaks, California.
Hope you enjoyed, Willow! Thanks for reading. ✨
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janedrakey131 · 4 years
zukka hp au part 5
I’m so flattered people like this au. I didn’t think I’d be posting again so soon, but I had some more ideas last night. If you’d like to catch up:
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9 part 10 part 11 part 12 part 13
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My brief, very long, not at all fleshed out plan based roughly on what year Sokka is in and other associated events:
First year
Sokka’s first year is boring 
He meets Zuko, makes some friends in his house, probably a bunch of OCs
He finds the kitchens on day 2
Hogwarts just hires people who like to cook, who cares whether they’re magical beings or humans or whatever, there’s all sorts of really cool kitchen magic though
He’s always asking questions in class and you can tell why he’s a Ravenclaw
He wants to learn about everything
And once he knows how to do more than shoot a few sparks, he’s going to start inventing
He’s going to do some truly awesome things with transfiguration and potions
And I can’t wait for him to start arithmancy
Like let me tell you, Sokka is a genius, and he’s probably going to be the only one who understands magical theory 
This just ended up being a rant about Sokka, so moving on
Second year
The fun starts
Katara and Aang are finally here
Sokka doesn’t know Aang is the avatar
I’m very tempted to have both Katara and Aang be in Hufflepuff
And they run into Sokka in the kitchens
He does a double take, like who is this boy with my sister??
But Aang’s a sweet kid
So Sokka is immediately like we’re bros now, I don’t make the rules
Iroh starts working at Hogwarts (sorry, I changed my mind from herbology) as the potions professor
He comes in on the train with Zuko who just got banished (I actually...might change the specifics)
Sokka doesn’t know what to make of that
Azula is also skulking around annoying Zuzu 
But I think she secretly cares a bit and threatens anyone that looks at his scar wrong, because Zuko helped her a lot with some stuff
I think she’s going to be in the same year as Katara and Aang? I’m not sure
I have plans for Azula
I think Mai and Ty Lee are going to be in Zuko’s year, but closer to Azula
Mai and Zuko will date at some point
I think Mai will end up with Ty Lee
But she and Zuko had a short relationship
I think it was more expected of them by their families that they date
But they’re good friends now
I’m not doing this betraying and cheating and hurting other characters to find out who you are thing
Everyone is having wholesome relationships that just don’t work out
(Sidenote, I’m changing things, and characters might end up a bit OOC for atla, and I’m really sorry, but this is just wish fulfillment for me)
Anyway, there’s a plot to find the avatar 
The mini gaang (toph isn’t here yet) learn the prophecy (still working on it)
Third year
They find out about Sokka and Katara’s mom
I don’t think Hakoda really knows what happened either. I don’t think he was in the country at the time
I also have some ideas for the water tribe/fire nation beef, but I just made the realization that if I spell everything out in these posts, what’s the point of writing for Ao3 XD
But spoilers, it’s going to be pretty angsty
But I like happy endings, so I may find a way to fix it
I have this whole idea that if Suki or the Kyoshi are also werewolves, they have really cool rituals to respect and honor the moon spirit and that allows them the ability to turn into wolves whenever they want and not just the full moon
So other people can also be born as werewolves, but different groups have different ways of being a werewolf
Also, I believe I said Zuko starts following Suki around thinking she’s the avatar
And then Sokka decides to fake being the avatar (I completely forgot when I said this would happen, so I’m assuming it’s this year or the next)
This is about when Sokka’s letters to Hakoda start going on about Zuko’s everything even more
Fourth year
Zuko (Zuko’s fifth year) witnesses something unspeakable
Sokka is kidnapped
Zuko saves Sokka
That’s all the detail I have on this XD
But the unspeakable thing and the kidnapping are going to be this year’s mystery
Zuko, the idiot, still thinks Sokka is the avatar at this point
Aang is like no
But doesn’t bother to say he is
So Zuko thinks Katara is the avatar for a hot sec
But has some nonsense logic that there’s no need to stop following Sokka, because if he or his sister are the avatar, of the two, Sokka’s more likely to give something away
Which okay, Zuko, not actually terrible reasoning, except Sokka’s been leading you around by the nose for ages
There’s none of this the avatar rotates which element they can use
Because that’s predictable
And half the fun is that Zuko is trying his best, but has zero clues
Fifth year
This is the big question
I’m not sure what to do with this year
I hope Sokka can start inventing
I want him to make some cool shit
There won’t be an equivalent of the DA as far as I can see :( I can’t figure out how I’d structure that
I think it would be really cool to see them all learning how to use their elemental magic though
Toph and Zuko don’t really need the help
Katara and Aang have always had to deal with all the crap going on, so they haven’t had much time for it
I’m wondering if I should bring in Paku
Aang has it rough, because air magic users are really rare now
So I think he might work with Iroh, because he’s studied other styles of magic extensively
Sixth year
I think Mai had to figure out she was bi
I truly think Zuko doesn’t have time for gender
For like five years, he’s like DO YOU KNOW WHO THE AVATAR IS and if you don’t, he’s already forgotten who you are
So my headcanon is that he’s pan and when he and Sokka eventually get together, Sokka doesn’t know anything about his orientation and just knows he dated Mai, so he’s like “are you cool with me being a dude? Sorry, I just know you’ve dated Mai, so just checking haha?”
And Zuko’s so done with all the random crap he’s dealt with that he’s like “wow, you have a dick? Congratulations”
But then realizes Sokka’s actually concerned and talks it out
Anyway, everyone’s leveled up now, we’re all masters at elemental and non-elemental magic (seriously, Sokka could’ve sat for his NEWTs last year if he wanted to. He’s that far ahead and magic is that intuitive for him)
I have no idea what will happen this year lol
I kind of want an invasion of Hogwarts, I know I’ve been trying not to just blindly follow the books completely :/ So I guess we’ll see?
I’ll have to work on that
I’m such a sucker for the villain waits until the end of the school year to attack
Because it’s so dumb
Like I will find the avatar! *shakes fist* But education is important, kids
Like okay, Sozin
Maybe I can have Roku finally escape that mirror
I kind of want the past avatars to be spirits that anyone can interact with
But most people don’t know how
So the Kyoshi can interact with Avatar Kyoshi as well as other relevant spirits
Seventh year
The plot?? Who knows yet
I do know that Zuko’s graduated
And they’re all crying and like wtf do we do now
Because Sozin’s still around and they’ll miss him
And finally Zuko leaves
And he shows up as the assistant DADA professor and he’s like “Hi, Zuko here” and then he’s like “I mean, fuck, Professor Zuko, I mean, fuck...just call me Zuko. You guys all know me”
And the gaang is all like wtf Zuko, we thought we would only see you for breaks
And he’s like you really thought I’d leave you
The plan is that he’ll be an apprentice for a year or so and then take over as professor
Toph punches him so hard, Katara has to heal the bruise
I can guarantee a happy ending
I’ll do whatever angst on the way, but they’ll all be happy
I’m like 89% sure they’re all going to end up working at or around Hogwarts (why work for the government, when you can invest in teaching all these talented kids)
One more thing, there is going to be rep in this au. I know there’s at least one aro ace character. Multiple bi characters. One gay character. One pan character. One trans character that I know of, but I need to plan that out a bit more. Some of these orientations and identities, I can’t speak to personally. For instance, while I know a decent amount about the medical aspects of transitioning, I don’t think I’d be able to write the experience of gender dysphoria and give that its due right now. So unless it’s something I have first hand experience with, most of the individual emotions as part of figuring things out might happen off screen. That doesn’t mean I won’t bring up issues the characters may have had in the past, but any that I talk about, I’d have to do more research into first. Also, partly because this is mostly from Sokka and Zuko’s perspectives, we’re mostly going to be present for what other characters tell them about their experiences
I hope you continue to enjoy this au! Sorry, this got so insanely long. The next couple weeks are going to be a bit crazy for me, so I thought I’d write this up while I had the chance. I’ll be back soon though! If anyone has any suggestions or questions, please let me know :)
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9 part 10 part 11 part 12 part 13
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babybottlepop96 · 4 years
Kakashi x Reader
A/N: this is SFW, unless y'all want a NSFW part 2, then I'll be glad to give y'all some of the nasty! Lol this ended up being like a mystery Guy type kinda thing, not at all what I intended but that's how it ended up. I just didn't realize that I didn't say the guys name till the end of the story and felt too lazy to go and add it in. Lol, so sorry! Hope you enjoy! Let me know if you want a part two!
Ever been a young kid with a crush on an older boy? An older boy from another village? Granted, I'm twenty one years old and he is in his early thirties now, but you just KNOW he would never think of you the same way because one) he is older than you, two) he is literally the hottest guy around and could have ANY girl he wanted, and three) you would never even have the chance because you also happen to be the sister of the one tailed host? Not to mention that my fraternal twin brother has magical puppets that could kill you just from being fucking creepy. Yeah… that's me. Always admiring from afar. Always wondering what could be and what it be like to actually have someone like you back. 
"(Y/n), you're spacing again." Temari spoke as we ate our ramen. She was sitting next to her boyfriend, Shikamaru. She was so lucky. 
"Aug this is such a drag. Just talk to him." Shikamaru chimed in.
"And have my soul leave my body? Yeah, no thanks! I'd rather just think of the "what could be's" instead." I spoke, just barely above the whisper so the  person wouldn't overhear. "Besides, it's not like they like me back." I rested my chin in my hand and picked up noodles with my chopsticks just to let them fall back into the bowl.
"Come on now, this is just getting ridiculous. Just tell him! The worst he could do is say no." Temari tried again but I huffed, feeling thankful these were the only two in the whole world who knew about my secret crush.
"And then feel foolish and heartbroken? To feel like I could never show my face in the Hidden Leaf again? Once again, no thank you." The couple sighed but didn't press any farther. Finally, they gave up.' I sighed to myself before trying to finish my bowl of ramen.
The three of us finished our food and set about wandering the village. Not like we haven't been here tons of times. I'm not really sure why I tag along with Temari when she comes to visit Shika. Maybe it's because I just want to get out of Suna, get away from all the sand. Or maybe it's because I just want to see his face and torture myself with something I could never have. 
Temari and Shika were a few places ahead of me, talking and Temari giggling at something her lazy ass boyfriend said, a small smile gracing over his face as he looked at my sister. I couldn't help but space off and stare at them for a moment. They were so in love even if they didn't realize that they were yet. Out of all the guys my sister dated, he was definitely my favorite.
"Oh! Fuck!" I shouted as I bumped into something hard and fell backwards, landing hard on my ass. A small shriek leaving my lips as I fell. 
"Oh! I'm sorry." That voice… oh fuck that voice. I looked up to see a worried expression written all over his face. "I wasn't paying attention!" He stuck out his hand for me to grab and as I did so, a small blush graced my cheeks.
"O-oh, it's okay. I wasn't paying, um, I wasn't paying attention." I laughed nervously. A small smile and an expression of relief flooded his face.
"Neither was I. Sorry if I hurt you." 
"Nah, it's all good." I said, my head looking down, hands behind my back, kicking an invisible pebble away. The two of us didn't say anything for a moment, just kinda… awkward?  Yeah… awkward.
"Well, I should go. I'm meeting my team for training. Uh… see you." And he took off. I starred until he was no longer a speck in my sight of vision.
"That was so fucking painful, (y/n)." Temari groaned as she and Shikamaru walked over to me.
"Aug! I know! I just…. WHAT DO I DO?!" I Groaned, feeling so weird that I, a great sand ninja, can't even talk to the guy I like without sounding like a complete nerd. 
"Just talk to him." Shikarmu said, his voice bored with a hint of "I'm so done with this shit" tone in his voice. 
No one said anything after that, they knew I wouldn't talk to him. So, we continued on our merry way around the village. At the end of the day, Termaro decided she was going to stay at Shikamaru's place instead of the inn. With our goodbyes said, I headed towards the inn to silently cry to myself and maybe self pity eat more ramen. But as soon as the inn was in sight, I heard someone calling my name. Not just any voice though, his voice. That smooth, rough voice that could only be his. 
I turned around and there he was, in all his handsome glory. Perfect hair, contagious grin, beautiful eyes… amazing body. "(Y/n)!" He breathed out heavily. "I… I need your help!" I smiled at him.
"Sure! What's the problem?" I asked, keeping the blush that threatened to invade my face at bay.
"You see, there's this girl. She is super smart and really fucking gorgeous and I was wondering…. Could you please tell me what you would think would be the best way to ask her out?" He spoke, a stupid smile on his face and a small blush also dusting his perfectly sculpted cheek bones. My heart dropped to my stomach. He didn't like me. I fucking knew it! But that didn't stop the tears slowly making their way to my eyes. I blinked and took a deep breath.
"Well," I began, "I always imagined a guy coming up to me, holding a single purple flower. He would be all nervous and shy about it. He would just smile and say he liked me and wanted to take me out." I spoke honestly. Yeah, a bit cheesy, but it's cute! Fight me! He nodded in response and smiled.
"Thank you so much!" With that he took off. I turned and hurriedly went to my room. I literally just told the guy I liked how to ask a girl he liked how to ask her out the way I dreamed he would ask me out.. I should've just given him my dream wedding plans while I was at it! I flopped on the bed and gave a loud groan. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! I should've just told him I liked him a while ago and MAYBE that would be me he was asking on a date.
I decided to get a shower, the long three day journey here and walking around all day left grimy and disgusting. I stripped off my clothes layer by sweaty layer and hopped in the shower. The water felt great running over my skin, I scrubbed away the dirt and washed my hair. I stepped out just in time to hear a knock on the door. I wrapped a towel around me, thinking it was Temari forgetting something. I walked to the door and opened it, only to see HIM standing there, holding a small purple flower. My eyes widened and I think my heart stopped beating for a moment.
"K...Kakashi?!" I squealed. He didn't say anything, his only visible eye wide as he looked at me. I looked down, forgetting for a moment that I was only in a fucking towel. I quickly closed the door just enough to hide behind it. "Wh-what are you doing here?" I asked, trying to keep my nerves at bay.
"What? Oh! Um.. well…" he just handed out the small purple flower towards me and I swear I would have fainted right then and there. "This is… um… well… um…." He stumbled over his words and I swear my face was a dark crimson. "Would you maybe wanna go out to eat tomorrow?" He asked looking away. 
"Yes." I wasn't even sure if I spoke it or said it, I was so in shock this happened. Was I dreaming?
"Cool, well...bill see you tomorrow then!" He turned quickly and left before I got the chance to do anything else. I looked at the flower he gave me as I closed the door. 
After so long, I finally got the chance to go out with Kakashi! Temari would be happy and Shikamaru would finally get the chance to say I told you so. Only one more problem to be handled….. Kankauro and Gaara. 
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40sbarnes · 5 years
Medici: Spymasters of Florence
Chapter 2: Ring Ring
so here’s part 2!! sorry it’s been a while lol, i will be trying to post a new chapter every sunday from now on
pairings: lorenzo x reader (slowburn), lowkey some francesco x reader but not really
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"Work for you?" You questioned, your harsh hold of the blade against Lorenzo's neck faltered, but only for a second. By the time he took his next breath, the cool steel was threatening to break skin again as the air made its way through his body.
“Isn't that what you do, thief?" His title for you sounded like it pricked his tongue as it left his lips.
"Maybe," you shrugged shamelessly, not everyone could be born into the richest family in Florence, "but why?"
His eyebrows furrowed for a moment, his smirk remaining on his lips no matter how close you got to slicing a viral artery. "I thought you were smarter than that, y/nn," he tutted. You despised how calm he was even with your favourite dagger to his throat. "You work for the Pazzi's," he mused. You already knew what he was insinuating, but you had decided to go down the clueless route. Try your luck.
"You know nothing of what you speak, Lorenzo," you shook your head slightly, your eyes trained on his, "that was a once off," you lied effortlessly.
"You're not making this easy for yourself, y/n," he warned.
"Need I remind you that it is I who has a knife to your throat?" You were quickly wearing of his overconfidence. You were in control here.
"Need I remind you that you're in my home, the Medici home, and I could have my men in here within a second if I pleased," his cocky smile faded, his anger finally showing as he bared his teeth at you.
"Go ahead," you raised an eyebrow, calling his bluff as you repositioned the knife so the tip of the blade was aligned with his Adam's apple.
You could see his frustration clearly. "What would be the point in both of us dying?" He questioned, trying to recollect himself. You knew he was trying to utilise his infamous 'way with words' you'd heard of.
"You're right..." you sighed, acting as if you were going to pull away before using your free hand to cover his mouth. "Call your guards now," you grinned, your eyes wide with excitement as you slowly tipped his chin upwards with your knife. You watched as his own grew bigger with fear. You had finally shaken his facade.
Lorenzo tried to speak, but it was muffled by your palm. "Please," he mumbled against your fingers, you hadn't expected him to beg you so quick, you moved your hand away slightly. "I'm not stupid either, I know this is about gold for you. You know I have more than the Pazzi's. But if you would work for-" he lifted his chin higher, straining as you dug the knife under his chin, a millimetre from spilling blood onto his carpet, "work with," he corrected himself, sharing a smile with you when you approved of it, loosening your grip slightly, "you could still get paid by the Pazzi's, and then get the same from me with barely any extra work," he finally finished his pitch.
"Double," you negotiated, stepping back from him, finally freeing him from your grasp, your blade still in your hand. He ground his teeth together after scrunching his nose at your proposition, you were clearly testing him.
"I don't know if you're worth that yet. All I've seen is a failed attempt to steal some parchment and you not so slyly break in here," Lorenzo teased, raising his brows as his grin returned, "I don't even know if I can trust you yet, and you don't appear to be the best thief."
"Do you truly think so little of me?" You scoffed, raising your hand to reveal the ring he had been wearing previously, now in between your thumb and forefinger, shaking it slightly as if you'd performed a magic trick. "Ha, ha," he laughed dryly. "What about your loyalty?"
"The trust is part of the fun. Double or nothing," you held your hand out, so he could take the ring back.
"Keep it," he sighed, walking back around the table to sit in his chair, "double it is." He knew you were well worth it, no matter how irritating you were. An inside (wo)man was invaluable at this time. He needed you.
You grinned, slipping the ring onto your finger as he began tiredly talking to you about your first mission.
You played with the ring idly where you sat waiting at the Pazzi fountain. You had always loved it here, the atrium was forever peaceful. You had been doing odd jobs for Jacopo for a couple years now, although he hadn't had as many for you as of late, you always delivered, just like you were doing now. You felt into your bag to ensure the parchment Lorenzo had returned to you was still there. It was all in his plan. You could still betray him. You had the parchment. You could tell Jacopo you only went along to get it back. Sure, he'd be upset you lost it in the first place, but your new intel was worth so much more, he wouldn't even care about your mistake. You were pulled out of your thoughts of becoming a triple spy by a voice.
“Who's the lucky man?" Guglielmo seemingly appeared out of nowhere, taking your hand to admire your new jewellery, his head almost in your lap as he took a seat beside you.
"Wouldn't you like to know?" You teased, ruffling his hair slightly as you pushed him away, both of you chuckling. You heard the familiar creaking of Jacopo's door opening. You turned to face the sound, seeing Francesco exit the room, seeming disgruntled. His eyes jumped between you and his brother.
"Y/n?" He greeted, a trace of a smile appearing on his lips. You hadn't seen him for a while, seeing as you weren't around as much.
"Francesco," you stood up, straightening your dress as you did. Your eyes locked, and you stood still for a moment.
"Bellodini," Jacopo's voice rung throughout the atrium as he stood in the doorway impatiently. He simply motioned towards his office and you followed.
Francesco grabbed your arm just before you entered. "Will I see you later?" He questioned, his face hiding any emotions he might've been feeling.
"Will you?" You countered, before going into Jacopo's office.
"Close the door behind you!"
He'd never say it, but it was evident Jacopo was delighted with your work. He had only assigned you that job a day ago, he clearly expected it to take you longer to find a secure way into the building without being caught. You didn't care to mention that you hadn't precisely located that point. It didn't come up.
"Thank you, Messer," you dipped your head slightly as you accepted the small purse of coins. You made a mental note to collect your subsequent pay from Lorenzo. "Is that all?" You questioned, ready to leave.
"Not quite," Pazzi lifted the parchment you'd retrieved to a candle burning on his desk, watching as it set alight, "just one more small task I wish of you for now."
You closed over the office door on your way out, your new orders fresh in your mind. You were deep in thought, wondering whether to just complete it or run to Lorenzo first.
"Y/n," Francesco turned away from his conversation with his brother when you emerged, "are you busy?" He held his chin high, his voice rough as he asked the question.
"Always," you reminded him, sliding your payment into your bag as you walked through the atrium to leave.
"Perfect," he grinned, falling into stride beside you, "we can catch up," he threw an arm around your shoulder. You couldn't help but laugh as you shook your head at his audacity.
"Bye guys!" Guglielmo called as you left him behind.
"Bye!" You both yelled, turning backwards to wave before making your way back onto the busy streets of Florence.
"I missed you," Francesco admitted, as you  walked away from a perplexed stall owner, chuckling together.
"I don't blame you," you shrugged, although you couldn't hide your smile at his words. You didn't really have anyone, at all, really. Francesco was probably your only friend, even though you acknowledged that you were defintiely not his only one, he was always there for you. You didn't care much for friends, but you cared for him.
"I missed you too," you finally conceded. His smile reached his cheeks, and in that moment you decided you wouldn't bother telling Lorenzo about your new mission just yet. You'd see what you discovered first, it would probably be nothing anyways. You figured there was no point in having to talk to him for a dead end.
"How couldn't you?" He teased, as you stopped walking. "It's getting dark, I'll walk you home," he decided.
"Oh will you?" You lifted an eyebrow. "Who said I was going home?"
Francesco didn't respond at first, how was he supposed to? "Be careful?" It was more of a question.
"You know I always am, besides," you smiled, before sliding back the slit in your dress to reveal the dagger he'd given you in its holster on your thigh, "you always walk me home," you winked.
Francesco's hand fell onto yours to push your skirt back, his eyes shooting you a warning although a small grin remained on his lips, "you still have that?"
"Goodnight, Francesco," you leant up to give him a brisk hug, ignoring his pointless question, before leaving him on the street.
The wind was colder by the docks, it always was. You made your way down the cobbled road towards the gathering of stalls by the largest dock. It was a black market of sorts, but to you it was just an easy place to sell the goods you borrowed. You had just so happened to borrow some other shiny things when you had been leaving the Medici's, besides the ring.
You approached Carolina, the older woman you always dealt with. She gave the fairest prices, although that wasn't saying much, and seemed trustworthy enough. You dropped your bag down onto the wooden counter as a greeting.
"Hello to you too, y/n," she opened your bag evaluating the goods. "You haven't stayed away long, when did I last see you? Wednesday? Have you snaked your way into another rich family?" She smiled jokingly.
You held back a laugh at how accurate she was without knowing it. "Rich family?" You acted oblivious.
She lowered her voice before speaking again, one of the reasons you believed her to be trustworthy, "don't act like you just didn't spend the day with that Pazzi boy." She knew you did jobs for the Pazzi's, you had shared a drink one lonely night, but luckily she had never broken the trust you stupidly placed in her.
"You know I'm a lot smarter than to steal from such a family," you rebutted. You would never steal from the Pazzi's at least.
"This is some fine china," she commented, taking it all and stashing it away, before handing you your gold.
You examined it, it seemed generous. Thank you House of Medici. Before you had a chance to pocket it, Carolina grabbed your hand, turning it over to look at your ring.
"Not selling this?" She questioned, her eyes fixed on the jewellery.
"Oh," you had forgotten to take it off. You had meant to put it in the bag with the rest.
"It's not like you to accessorise, dear," she pulled away, allowing you to put your money away, "so what's your price?" She always loved a good haggle.
You began to think, glancing at the ring on your finger, just imaging how much you could get, but all you could think of was Lorenzo telling you to keep it. It was quite beautiful, the gemstone - whatever it was- caught the light just right. "It's not for sale."
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snaamagica · 4 years
mala’s OCs pt 1: zetta intro
i’m preparing to do an aesthetics board for the magical girl AU for one of my OCs, and i’m making myself emotional thinking about her. i’ll do a nice writeup for her to go along with the board, but here’s a less fancy but still tl;dr summary of her:
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zetta contracts when she’s about thirteen years old, but survives many years, becoming a veteran in her area. i’m going to be making a new city setting for my OCs to roam around in, but if this was kamihama, she’d be from mizuna, i think. her parents are well off, though i don’t think i’ve... ever? decided what it is specifically they do? (and if this was set in kamihama, then they would have moved to japan at some point when zetta was young.) her very best friend and most important person in her entire world is riley, a boy she grew up with practically from birth. riley and zetta’s parents are longtime friends, and that’s why the two of them grew up together
zetta’s wish is “no one will ever hurt us again.” they have struggles with their families (and riley with bullies), and zetta is very protective — just as a person, in general, but especially of riley. (i’ll get into all of this below.) i waffle back and forth about how exactly it goes down, but i do know that zetta blows kyubey off at first. but, honestly, all he has to do is wait, because it’s only a matter of time before zetta would cave. she will do anything — anything — to keep riley safe. (in their original versions, they get married the second they’re old enough)
the way that her wish works is very on-the-nose, though; while she and riley are protected from things like someone causing direct physical harm, someone could still do something like, say, push them off of something high, and they would still get hurt. after all, physics is the cause of injury there...
she’s very scientific-minded, specifically mechanically-minded. she’s very into robots and the like, too. so her magical girl shtick is all very sci fi... actually, more accurately, i’m feeling cyberpunk for her design! her weapons are floating gears, which she manipulates using controls on her gauntlets. her unique ability is to create magical force fields. her element is light and manifests as electricity and storms. (i haven’t made decisions on any of her move names or her witch yet, but her design is going to have a focus on asymmetrical and androgynous styles. i think it’ll be a lot of monotones, white / gray / silver / black, but also with a bright neon green as the primary accent? maybe a darker, stormy blue-green instead of black?)
as a magical girl, she’s VERY interested in how magic works. she ends up having elements of mami, hinano, and even mitama and perenelle — she studies magic extensively and experiments with it, trying to figure out the limits of what she can do. zetta ends up being especially fond of imbuing items with magic. she’s a tinker, through and through! her protective streak combines well with her veteran status, too, and she ends up granting other magical girls the items she tinkers with to help them out. the item she makes the most use out of personally are a pair of magically imbued glasses that scans and displays information about familiars and witches
alright, this is already long enough, so personality, background, and the complex shit is all under the cut!
personality-wise, zetta and riley are opposites. riley is naturally quiet and shy, more prone to withdrawing under stress. zetta, on the other hand, externalizes. constantly. she’s very vocal, very assertive, and often converts vulnerable feelings into anger, which makes her feel like she has more control over herself, and more safe. but it’s very important to note that zetta’s anger is not a bad thing. part of what makes her so important to me is that she’s an exploration for me of anger being good, instead of something poisonous. i feel like it’s especially important to explore in the context of a girl being angry, too. on the flipside, riley has more of my personality traits in him, just some shuffled around and exaggerated to also explore the combination of passivity, trauma, and moral drive... but we’re not here to talk about him, lol
(i’m thinking he definitely knows about magical girls, though. zetta wouldn’t hide it from him, but he would want to support and help however much he can... while she tries hard to keep him on the sidelines and safe)
zetta has a very bad relationship with her mom, and that informs... everything about her. her mom wanted to treat zetta like an accessory to show off more than an actual daughter, and tried to mold her into the things she wanted her to be, which included very socially-typical feminine things. but zetta has a lot in common with her mom personality-wise, and rebelled from very early on. meanwhile, riley’s parents weren’t entirely... prepared? to be parents? tbh? both of them came from abusive backgrounds themselves and naturally had a lot of baggage from it, and weren’t sure how to handle being parents themselves. add in the presence of riley’s maternal grandfather, one of those said abusive forces, and bullies who took advantage of riley’s doormat nature, and zetta’s dad dying from sudden illness when she’s sixteen... zetta and riley both had rough times growing up
(i have a decent amount developed for their parents and why they’re like that and what their dynamics are like, but i won’t go into it here...)
but — as riley withdraws into himself, zetta steps up to the plate, coming in hot and heavy as his defender. zetta quickly comes to a point where she doesnt tolerate boundary crossing. and she reacts very strongly when those boundaries are crossed, because she refuses to let herself or anyone she cares about be stepped on ever again. she also develops a distinct “us vs them” mentality, where “they” are potential threats and she is willing to do anything to protect “us.” initially, her “us” is very small: just herself and riley. but over time, in all of her stories, she comes to expand that “us,” and becomes a uniting and protective force
i especially enjoy the idea of zetta in the context of the puella universe. i think she suits the thematics very well. she just... slots right in? i think her default story point would be at about 17 or 18, so definitely similar to hinano, yachiyo, and kanagi. i’m honestly very much looking forward to exploring her younger mindset, because i’m used to writing her when she’s over double her veteran magical girl age...
i think there’s a real possibility that zetta’s soul gem gets tainted a lot, and quickly. between her magical experiments and her tinkering, and how volatile she can be emotionally... she’d probably go through a lot of grief seeds, which means she’d need to really be on the ball with her witch hunting. i haven’t thought of any team members or anything yet, but i think it’d be a lot of fun to play with the dichotomy of some girls looking up to her, while she clashes badly with others due to her combative personality...
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shadowsong26fic · 5 years
Soooooo yeah. I know I’ve been kinda least-in-sight lately and have a very overdue Precipice chapter in the wings, etc., etc. Uh, basically, my BB got behind and then a little bit away from me. Deadline is not an issue in terms of completeness, but it’s gonna be quite a bit messier than I like at this stage in an event like this. Well, I’m planning to Power Through over the weekend and hopefully I’ll get more tweaking done than I expect? We shall see.
ANYWAY. I don’t know how March will look--more on that in Monday’s Coming Attractions post, of course, but work will get SUPER BUSY, along with other ongoing challenge commitments--but I’m still hoping to start posting my regular fics again? Lol. At least finishing Arc Seven so I can move on to Promises and Preludes because I’m super excited for some of the stuff happening there.
But for now, since I know I haven’t posted much lately, and because I’ve been rereading the Valdemar series so it’s been on my mind, I’ve decided to share some more from my Jedi of Valdemar AU! Specifically, this is the Ginormous Timeline of Doom that covers everything from, like, two years before Anakin gets to Haven to Leia’s kids’ generation getting Chosen, etc. (working in a Blended Canon because that’s how I roll) Obviously, this includes many spoilers for the AU in question--and also, because I like to keep certain plot points/character beats consistent, a few things for other fics. Also, this is an admittedly niche-appeal crossover with a fair amount of self-indulgent stuff in here JSYK.
Let’s see, what else...oh! Those of you who read the Family of Spies AU will recognize some OCs from there. One of them actually technically originated in the Valdemar AU, even. Nikolai and his brothers, who get mentioned here, are OCs of mine who in the regular timeline/galaxy are Kallus’s sister’s sons.
Also, Much Much Credit to Roommate TK for serving as a sounding board/helping with brainstorming/letting me use some of her OCs in this XD
I think that’s all the disclaimers I need so...here we go! Feel free to comment, question, etc., on anything in this post or whatever else you’re curious about!
Valdemar AU Rough Timeline (covering 64 goddamn years; including ages and broken into three arcs because easier to count, etc.):
-3 – Obi-Wan is Chosen (by Hondo) - Obi-Wan is 13; Padme is 11; Anakin is approx. 6; Bail is 15; Breha is 14; Palpatine is 40
-2 – Padme is Chosen (by Sabe) - Obi-Wan is 14; Padme is 12; Anakin is approx. 7; Bail is 16; Breha is 15; Palpatine is 41
-.5 – Padme’s parents and Mace are killed; Bail is Chosen as Queen’s Own; Palps becomes Lord Regent/Lord Protector (I haven't decided which title I like better yet) - Obi-Wan is 15/16; Padme is 13/14; Anakin is approx. 8; Bail is 18; Breha is 17; Palpatine is 42/43
0 – Anakin arrives in Haven after being Chosen by Ahsoka - Obi-Wan is 16; Padme is 14; Anakin is approx. 9; Bail is 18; Breha is 17; Palpatine is 43
2 – Obi-Wan is put into full Whites - Obi-Wan is 18; Padme is 16; Anakin is approx. 11; Bail is 20; Breha is 19; Palpatine is 45
3 – Padme is put into full Whites and Palpatine’s regency ends with a deceptively smooth transition of power - Obi-Wan is 19; Padme is 17; Anakin is approx. 12; Bail is 21; Breha is 20; Palpatine is 46
5 – Bail and Breha marry - Obi-Wan is 21; Padme is 10; Anakin is approx. 14; Bail is 23; Breha is 22; Palpatine is 48
6 or 7 – By now, the OT3 and a select few in their inner circle know that this is a Lifebond situation (not that they’re doing anything about it until Anakin, at minimum, has his Whites/finished his internship/etc., but they’re Aware and planning their futures with that in mind) - Obi-Wan is 22/23; Padme is 20/21; Anakin is approx. 15/16; Bail is 24/25; Breha is 23/24; Palps is 49/50 ((Note - I am going with an OT3 lifebond here for several reasons, including the fact that I don’t think Obi-Wan would be a very good Companion for Anakin (i.e., it would go like canon/Gala and Tylendel and No One Wants That), and this still showcases their extremely tight connection and also I like the OT3.))
8 – Anakin is put into full Whites; Dooku leaves Court and begins stirring up Trouble; discussion of when/who Padme should marry picks up/starts in real earnest. - Obi-Wan is 24; Padme is 22; Anakin is approx. 17; Bail is 26; Breha is 25; Palps is 51
9 – The civil war officially erupts - Obi-Wan is 25; Padme is 23; Anakin is approx. 18; Bail is 27; Breha is 26; Palps is 52
10 – Anakin loses his arm - Obi-Wan is 26; Padme is 24; Anakin is approx. 19; Bail is 28; Breha is 27; Palps is 53
11 – Dooku lays siege to Haven; Anakin and Ahsoka sneak out of the city and kill him - Obi-Wan is 27; Padme is 25; Anakin is approx. 20; Bail is 29; Breha is 28; Palps is 54
11 or 12 – Padme and Anakin marry (and make a similar private vow/commitment to Obi-Wan; Anakin gets the legal title because Obi-Wan emphatically does not want to be King, but doesn’t think he could refuse the responsibility if he was Padme’s legal spouse even if the Council/etc. would let him. Also Anakin becomes Weaponsmaster’s Second somewhere in here, but not 100% sure on exact timing, but almost certainly before the wedding.) - Obi-Wan is 27/28; Padme is 25/26; Anakin is approx. 20/21; Bail is 29/30; Breha is 28/29; Palps is 54/55
14 – Leia is born; her parents are not 100% sure who her biodad is but don’t particularly care. - Obi-Wan is 30; Padme is 28; Anakin is approx. 23; Bail is 32; Breha is 31; Palps is 57 ((Note: Luke is Leia’s Companion, as I’ve posted before, which is why he’s not here :D))
16 – Lavinia is born 2 years after Leia; her mother dies in an accident shortly thereafter - Obi-Wan is 32; Padme is 30; Anakin is approx. 25; Bail is 34; Breha is 33; Palps is 59
[ARC 2]
-4 – Leia is Chosen (by Luke); Lando and Amilyn arrive in Haven as Bardic students - Obi-Wan is 43; Padme is 41; Anakin is approx. 36; Bail is 45; Breha is 44; Palps is 70; Leia is 13; Lavinia is 11; Ezra is 12; Lando is 15; Amilyn is 12; Kanan and Hera are 25ish
-2 – Ezra is Chosen (by Ventress because the Kingdom clearly needed a little Pure Chaos) and joins Leia’s inner circle - Obi-Wan is 45; Padme is 43; Anakin is approx. 38; Bail is 47; Breha is 46; Palps is 72; Leia is 15; Lavinia is 13; Ezra is 14; Lando is 17; Amilyn is 14; Kanan and Hera are 27ish
0 – Kallus defects and comes to Haven with Zeb; Lando goes off on his Journeyman period - Obi-Wan is 47; Padme is 45; Anakin is approx. 40; Bail is 49; Breha is 48; Palps is 74; Leia is 17; Lavinia is 15; Ezra is 16; Lando is 19; Amilyn is 16; Kanan and Hera are 29ish; Zeb and Kallus are 35ish
1 – Pellaeon becomes Lord Marshall; Lavinia is Chosen (by Thrawn) and exposes her father’s crimes; Palpatine flees Valdemar (going West, discovering he has a latent Mage-Gift, and meeting Mother Talzin); Kanan is blinded as Palpatine has his minions try to kill the three people responsible for his downfall (Kanan, Lavinia, and Pellaeon) - Obi-Wan is 48; Padme is 46; Anakin is approx. 41; Bail is 50; Breha is 49; Palps is 75; Leia is 18; Lavinia is 16; Ezra is 17; Lando is 20; Amilyn is 17; Kanan and Hera are 30ish; Zeb and Kallus are 36ish; Pellaeon is 50
2 – Zeb and Kallus get their first kids; Ezra is put into full Whites; Amilyn goes on her Journeyman period - Obi-Wan is 49; Padme is 47; Anakin is approx. 42; Bail is 51; Breha is 50; Palps is 76; Leia is 19; Lavinia is 17; Ezra is 18; Lando is 21; Amilyn is 18; Kanan and Hera are 31ish; Zeb and Kallus are 37ish; Pellaeon is 51; Orryn and Mirah, are approx. 5
3 – Han meets Lando and is Chosen (by Chewie); I’m guessing Jacen is born around now, too? - Obi-Wan is 50; Padme is 48; Anakin is approx. 43; Bail is 52; Breha is 51; Palps is 77; Leia is 20; Lavinia is 18; Ezra is 19; Lando is 22; Amilyn is 19; Kanan and Hera are 32ish; Zeb and Kallus are 38ish; Pellaeon is 52; Han is 22
4 – Zeb and Kallus by now have all five kids probably? - Obi-Wan is 51; Padme is 49; Anakin is approx. 44; Bail is 53; Breha is 52; Palps is 78; Leia is 21; Lavinia is 19; Ezra is 20; Lando is 23; Amilyn is 20; Kanan and Hera are 33ish; Zeb and Kallus are 39ish; Pellaeon is 53; Han is 23; Nikolai is 14/15; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 9ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 7
5 – To the delight of their friends, Han and Leia finally start sleeping together and there is substantially less UST floating around - Obi-Wan is 52; Padme is 50; Anakin is approx. 45; Bail is 54; Breha is 53; Palps is 79; Leia is 22; Lavinia is 20; Ezra is 21; Lando is 24; Amilyn is 21; Kanan and Hera are 34ish; Zeb and Kallus are 40ish; Pellaeon is 54; Han is 24; Nikolai is 15/16; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 10ish; Mirah and Orryn approx. 8
6 – Lando and Lavinia start sleeping together regularly, but it’s Just Casual Let’s Not Make It Weird - Obi-Wan is 53; Padme is 51; Anakin is approx. 46; Bail is 55; Breha is 54; Palps is 80; Leia is 23; Lavinia is 21; Ezra is 22; Lando is 25; Amilyn is 22; Kanan and Hera are 35ish; Zeb and Kallus are 41ish; Pellaeon is 55; Han is 25; Nikolai is 16/17; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 11ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 9
9 – Shamie tells their dads they want to be a Sunpriest, studying with Chirrut in the Haven Temple; if he hasn’t already, Palpatine decides he no longer needs Mother Talzin and kills her; he starts building his power base/collection of client states in earnest - Obi-Wan is 56; Padme is 54; Anakin is approx. 49; Bail is 58; Breha is 57; Palps is 83 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 26; Lavinia is 24; Ezra is 25; Lando is 28; Amilyn is 25; Kanan and Hera are 38ish; Zeb and Kallus are 44ish; Pellaeon is 58; Han is 28; Nikolai is 19/20; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 14ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 12
10 – Leia and Han get married; Lavinia and Lando finally admit that Okay It’s Probably Not Casual - Obi-Wan is 57; Padme is 55; Anakin is approx. 50; Bail is 59; Breha is 58; Palps is 84 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 27; Lavinia is 25; Ezra is 26; Lando is 29; Amilyn is 26; Kanan and Hera are 39ish; Zeb and Kallus are 45ish; Pellaeon is 59; Han is 29; Nikolai is 20/21; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 15ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 13
12 – Jaina is born; Lavinia and Lando probably Officially Get Married or something - Obi-Wan is 59; Padme is 57; Anakin is approx. 52; Bail is 61; Breha is 60; Palps is 86 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 29; Lavinia is 27; Ezra is 28; Lando is 31; Amilyn is 28; Kanan and Hera are 41ish; Zeb and Kallus are 47ish; Pellaeon is 61; Han is 31; Nikolai is 22/23; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 17ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 15
[ARC 3]
-2 – Anakin dies. - Obi-Wan is 62; Padme is 60; Anakin was approx. 55; Bail is 64; Breha is 63; Palps is 89 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 32; Lavinia is 30; Ezra is 31; Lando is 34; Amilyn is 31; Kanan and Hera are 44ish; Zeb and Kallus are 50ish; Pellaeon is 64; Han is 34; Nikolai is 25/26; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 20ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 18; Jaina is 3
-1 – Obi-Wan dies, then Padme; Leia becomes Queen (Han is also technically King at this point, crowned and everything, but this is generally considered Leia’s reign rather than Leia and Han’s reign as Co-Consorts) - Obi-Wan was 63; Padme was 61; Bail is 65; Breha is 64; Palps is 90 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 33; Lavinia is 31; Ezra is 32; Lando is 35; Amilyn is 32; Kanan and Hera are 45ish; Zeb and Kallus are 51ish; Pellaeon is 65; Han is 35; Nikolai is 26/27; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 21ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 19; Jaina is 4
0 – Bail dies; Lavinia becomes Queen’s Own; Thrawn Chooses Pellaeon (who is a little bit What about the whole thing) - Bail was 66; Breha is 65; Palps is 91 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 34; Lavinia is 32; Ezra is 33; Lando is 36; Amilyn is 33; Kanan and Hera are 46ish; Zeb and Kallus are 52ish; Pellaeon is 66; Han is 36; Nikolai is 27/28; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 22ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 20; Jaina is 5
1 – Elena and Alysia are born - Breha is 66; Palps is 92 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 35; Lavinia is 33; Ezra is 34; Lando is 37; Amilyn is 34; Kanan and Hera are 47ish; Zeb and Kallus are 53ish; Pellaeon is 67; Han is 37; Nikolai is 28/29; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 23ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 21; Jaina is 6
2 – Baby Anakin is born - Breha is 67; Palps is 93 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 36; Lavinia is 34; Ezra is 35; Lando is 38; Amilyn is 35; Kanan and Hera are 48ish; Zeb and Kallus are 54ish; Pellaeon is 68; Han is 38; Nikolai is 29/30; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 24ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 22; Jaina is 7; Elena and Alysia are 1
4 – Palpatine starts his real push at the Border and so there is War; Lavinia and Rolan go to work building a network through his client-states; Kallus has probably taken Cassian on has his Second by now - Breha is 69; Palps is 95 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 38; Lavinia is 36; Ezra is 37; Lando is 40; Amilyn is 37; Kanan and Hera are 50ish; Zeb and Kallus are 56ish; Pellaeon is 70; Han is 40; Nikolai is 31/32; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 26ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 24; Jaina is 9; Elena and Alysia are 3; bb!Anakin is 2; Cassian is 35ish (maybe a bit older?)
6 – Jaina is Chosen (by Winter) - Breha is 71; Palps is 97 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 40; Lavinia is 38; Ezra is 39; Lando is 42; Amilyn is 39; Kanan and Hera are 52ish; Zeb and Kallus are 58ish; Pellaeon is 72; Han is 42; Nikolai is 33/34; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 28ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 26; Jaina is 11; Elena and Alysia are 5; bb!Anakin is 4; Cassian is 37ish
6/7 – Final battle with Palpatine; Lavinia’s diplomacy fragments his army; Ezra and Ventress and their Semi-Controlled Chaos carve a path; Leia slays him on the field - Breha is 71/72; Palps was 97/98 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 40/41; Lavinia is 38/39; Ezra is 39/40; Lando is 42/43; Amilyn is 39/40; Kanan and Hera are 52/53ish; Zeb and Kallus are 58/59ish; Pellaeon is 72/72; Han is 42/43; Nikolai is 33-35; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 28/29ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 26/27; Jaina is 11/12; Elena and Alysia are 5/6; bb!Anakin is 4/5; Cassian is 37/38ish
8 – Poe is Chosen (by Baby/BB-8) and comes to Haven; Breha has probably passed away by now but I’m not sure exactly when - Leia is 42; Lavinia is 40; Ezra is 41; Lando is 44; Amilyn is 41; Kanan and Hera are 54ish; Zeb and Kallus are 60ish; Pellaeon is 74; Han is 44; Nikolai is 35/36; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 30ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 28; Jaina is 13; Elena and Alysia are 7; bb!Anakin is 6; Cassian is 39ish; Poe is 14
13 – Lavinia dies; Finn and Rey are Chosen (by Shaak-Ti and Rolan, respectively) and come to Haven; Rose comes to Haven and she and bb!Anakin enter Healer’s Collegium at the same time - Leia is 47; Lavinia was 45; Ezra is 46; Lando is 49; Amilyn is 46; Kanan and Hera are 59ish; Zeb and Kallus are 65ish; Pellaeon is 79 (and has Retired by now); Han is 49; Nikolai is 40/41; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 35ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 33; Jaina is 18; Elena and Alysia are 12; bb!Anakin is 11; Cassian is 44ish; Poe is 19; Finn and Rey are 13; Rose is 11
Not in the timeline because Space (and also too many additional characters/ages to add): - Anatole and Ziya probably get married somewhere around when Leia and Han do (year 10 of part 2); he’s 22/23 and she’s about Nikolai’s age. Pavel goes into the Guard at roughly the same time, at 18/19; serves with distinction during Palpatine’s invasion; transitions to spying/covert ops type stuff somehow, working as an agent for whoever the Herald Spymaster is at this point (maybe Cassian? Doubling as Weaponsmaster (when said position is filled by a Herald) makes a lot more sense than doubling as Monarch’s Own, and those are the two we’ve seen…plus it would make sense with Cassian’s canon backstory.)
- Sergey, Alexsi, and Sofya are probably born in reasonable intervals over the next 10 years; Sergey will eventually be Chosen. Spellings on the boys’ names are still subject to change.
- Irene is still a Healer; though she’s a few years younger than bb!Anakin and Rose, probably 4 or 5 when they enter the Collegium.
- Bodhi and Jyn are still a big ol’ question mark (though I'm leaning towards her being the Companion and him the Herald?).
- Baze and Chirrut are around Kallus and Zeb’s age, maybe 5-10 years older. Chirrut is the Priest in the Haven Temple; Baze is retired Guard and currently a blacksmith.
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jenni42085 · 4 years
Made in the AM <Five>
Ch. 5
Louis' POV
Getting back on the swing of touring after a month off was hard. Plus being a person short was even more tiring with rearranging songs and trying to reset everything. But the second night was epic. The energy that the fans give off will instantly make you feel pumped and excited though.
After the meet and greet we all head back to the hotel. During the ride I see Liam and Alex deep in discussion about something. Niall has his head on her lap. While she runs her hands through his hair. Harry was zoned out listening to music trying to drown out them talking.
Sitting there long enough with out doing anything I decide to join in their convo. " What are you talking about?"
"Working out and stuff." Liam answers returning his attention back to Alex.
"What about it?" I ask.
Alex sighs slightly, "Niall asked why didn't I just do the weight loss surgery instead of working out. Since I was so stressed about being skinny."
"Ohh. And you don't agree with it?"  I ask.  
"Nah. I feel like doing that would be the easy way out with more complications than I would want to deal with. Plus hardworking never hurt anyone. You know?" she replies with honesty.
"I understand. That is good that you weighed the option before jumping into surgery like others do, but honestly you look fine."
"Nah, I'm a little pudgy and need to tone up per everyone lol. Plus get my parents off my back about my relationship status.  I'm single while all my cousins my age are either married, dating, or kids. They make me feel like the reason I'm single is my weight. I'm ok with being single I just would like someone for moments when I'm sad and beat myself up. Having girlfriends who tell me I'm awesome is great but having a guy to be your cheerleader is so much better."
Liam puts an arm around her and she casually rests her head on his shoulder. "I'll always be your cheerleader.  I just want you to love yourself first.  You are beautiful, but if you want to tone up, I've got your back."
"Me too!" Niall and I say at the same time. I turn around in the seat and get another look at them. "You guys look like a huge cuddle pile."
"Jealous?" Niall asks lifting his head from her lap.
"That is debatable. You guys just look cozy though."
"She has magic fingers. I swear." Niall says taking her hand and putting it back into his hair.
"I think I'm spoiling him. His hair is really soft so I don't mind."  Alex replies with some humor to her voice.
"So what is the plan for tonight? After you work out that is." I ask already knowing Liam and her would be working out for at least an hour. I'm still slightly amped up but I don't want to go out staying in for a hotel drinking, eating, and goofing off.
The two of them reply in unison, "Working out, then I don't know afterwards. Why? What'd you have in mind?"
"How about some chicken wings, drinks and etc" I turn the overhead light on to screen their expressions and they were all smiles. "I take that as a yes."
"You would be correct good sir." Alex replies with a horrible English accent.
"So after you work out come to my room and I'll have the food and drinks." I reply. This night is going to be fun.
Liam's POV
Harry had texted us to meet him in his room before I go work out with Alex. I meet everyone in his room. "So what is with the male only meeting?"
"Well, I just wanted to say sorry for my shitty mood. More importantly sorry if I seem not myself." He replies looking seriously sincere in statement.
"No worries, we know, we are all going through issues since Zayne left, then the tour, and the album. I'm just glad Alex is around because she is affectionate and her insight to life and music helps me open up to things I wouldn't normally want to listen to or write." Niall says while stretching out on Harry's bed.
"So is she really that good?" Harry asks with an unsure look.
"Honestly, yes. When you get into her bubble you can see that she is really open about things. I really want to listen to songs she wrote for Tori. I saw her texting her about a new song she was working for her as an album bonus track." I state.
"Can I work out with you guys tonight? Maybe she'll open to me when there isn't so many people around."
"You can try but I'd but I think you'd be better off if she is a little drunk." I state calmly.
"Seriously?!?  The is your brilliant idea?"  Harry exclaims.
I look at him with a smirk, "Yes.  Only way to get people to be nice to have have them a little drunk.  Do you have any other ideas?"
"At this moment..... no"
"Well, we will make sure she is a little drunk so you two can play nice."  Louis says.
Alex's POV
That work out with Liam was intense.  I feel so sore already but hopefully the hot shower will loosen my muscle enough to enjoy this night in with the guys.  Going to try to be nicer to Harry because I don't want the entire time on this trip to be awkward or me avoiding him.  While in the shower, I think on how to let the happiness I show with the others spread to Harry.  It wasn't that he was a bad guy, just not one for someone to judge me with out fully knowing me but, I guess that can be said to be the same of how I am treating him.  
After my shower, I smooth some Hemp lotion into my skin, braiding my braids into a Elsa from Frozen type of style.  While packing my MacBook and guitar there is a knock at my door.  Louis is standing there with a big smile on his face.  "Are you done yet?  We are waiting on you to get our party started."
"I'm coming I was just grabbing my stuff just in case inspiration hits me plus, I have to let Harry hear the song and maybe work on some other stuff."  I reply.
"So are you going to give him a break?"
I put my head down at his comment then look up at him, "Yes I'm going to try.  I don't want my whole trip to be awkward, but if he says anything else stupid or hurtful, there will be a throat punch in his future."
"Noted.  I will hold you to it."  he says with a wink.
"Why is he so worried about it?"  I ask making my eyebrows raise slightly.  
"He just feels bad about it because that wasn't his intention."  
"Fine.  Let's get something to drink."  I say to him with excited expression.
"Oi!  That's my girl."  Louis grabs my guitar then follows me out of my room to his.  We get in his room,  while he is setting up the drinks and food I check my emails.  Tori and I have been messaging back and forth regarding a few songs as bonus songs on her album.  My heart is telling my 'Beautiful Things' will have to be on there because is it a soothing song and it is just with the guitar.  The other song I haven't been quite sure on.  It is has been a thing I've been playing around with, I've called it 'Dear No One'.
"Where is everyone?"  I ask pulling my guitar out of its case.  
Louis is pouring me a drink, "Probably late.  Chances are that Niall and Harry are playing games and Liam is still is in the shower."
I take a sip of my drink, "Wow!  That is strong.  I'm going to need a chaser."  Louis hands me some apple juice to drink with it.  "Do you think they will be much longer?  Tori needs another song, and I need to do a rough demo to send to her it shouldn't take long."
"What shouldn't take long?"  Niall comes in with a curious expression.
"Recording a quick song for Tori to play around with.  Would you do me the honors of playing the guitar while I plug the piano in so I can just do this in one take?"  
"Sure!  Hand her here."  I hand him my guitar then sprint back to my room and grab my travel keyboard then hand Niall the music. "You named a song 'Dear No One'?"  He looks over the music sheet then gives me a curious look.
A sheepish slightly embarrassed expression crosses my face, "Yes.  It is a pretty good song.  I think everyone will love it."
"Ok.  You are the songwriter."  Niall says sitting down next to me at the table.  
" 'Dear No One', take one with Niall Horan on guitar."  I take a deep breathe and Niall starts playing and the door flies open.
"Hey!  You ready to party?"  Liam was actually acting like a party animal with loose fitting gym shorts and a tight tank.  
"Damnit. Liam!  She was about to record."  Louis shouts at him.  I let a small chuckle as he hangs his head in embarrassment.
"It's ok deary.  Here can you play this?"  I hand him the piano version of the music.
"Yeah, are you asking me to play while you sing?"
"Well of course!  Niall is on the guitar so I can just sing."  I reply.  He looks at the sheet music and shoots me two thumbs up.  I hit the record button and close my eyes. " 'Dear No One', take two featuring Niall Horan on the guitar & Liam Payne on the piano playing......
I like being independent
Not so much of an investment
No one to tell me what to do
I like being by myself
Don't gotta entertain anybody else
No one to answer to...
But sometimes, I just want somebody to hold
Someone to give me the jacket when it's cold
Got that young love even when we're old
Yeah sometimes, I want someone to grab my hand
Pick me up, pull me close, be my man
I will love you till the end
So if you're out there I swear to be good to you
But I'm done lookin', for my future someone
Cause when the time is right
You'll be here, but for now
Dear no one, this is your love song
I don't really like big crowds
I tend to shut people out
I like my space, yeah
But I'd love to have a soulmate
And God'll give him to me someday
And I know it'll be worth the wait, oh
So if you're out there I swear to be good to you
But I'm done lookin' (But I'm done lookin'), for my future someone
Cause when the time is right
You'll be here, but for now
Dear no one (Dear nobody) this is your love song (Ooo-Oooh)
Sometimes, I just want somebody to hold
Someone to give me the jacket when it's cold
Got that young love even when we're old
Yeah sometimes, I want someone to grab my hand
Pick me up, pull me close, be my man
I will love you till the end
So if you're out there I swear to be good to you
But I'm done lookin' (I'm done lookin'), for my future someone (Ooo-Yeah)
Cause when the time is right
You'll be here, but for now
Dear no one (Dear Nobody) this is your love song (This is your love song)
Dear no one, no need to be searchin', no
Dear no one...
Dear no one...
Dear No one, this is your love song."   I stop singing and open my eyes to see all eyes on me.  I hit the button to stop recording and look at the time, only three mins long not bad for the length of a song. A few seconds pass and no one has said anything to me. "What?"
"How do you not have a record deal?"  Harry asks, while singing I guess I was so focused that I didn't hear him enter the room. "You are great.  You wrote that?"
"Yeah, been on my list of things to perfect while working on song ideas.  I didn't want a recording deal  so I never went looking for one.  I wanted Tori to accomplish her goals, so I wrote for her to express myself.   So you like it?"  They all nod their heads at me.  "Thanks, Harry I haven't forgotten to let you listen to 'Drag Me Down' do you want to hear it now since I already have my stuff out?"
I think I asked him a little to quickly because he had a shocked expression on his face.  This was me trying to be nice, even if it kills me.  "Yeah, I'd love too!"  While finding the file on my computer Louis hands me another drink.  Normally I'm cold because I'm anemic but now I'm feeling warm peeling off the lightweight hoodie I had put on exposing me in just a pastel aqua cami to match my teal cotton capris from Old Navy.  I take off my flip flops and yawn quietly.  
When the song finishes Harry's expression is hard to read.  "You are quite talented.  I think stronger drums in there would get it a more intense feeling to it but your lyrics were great.  Again sorry for being an ass."
"It's ok, as long you can see my talent and acknowledge it."  I say with a bright smile, "Enough of the mushy stuff, let's drink, dance, and be merry!"
The rest of the night was composed of taken shots, drinking, and  playing drinking games.  Not going to lie it was nice being the only girl there. Louis decides to do some Truth or Dare which was quite fun with seeing Liam streak through the hotel lobby.  Niall giving Harry a lap dance and Louis telling us his most embarrassing story ever.  I was laughing at this story with tears in my eyes when he asks me "Truth or Dare?"
Feeling drunk and very brave I decide to be daring instead of a chicken, "Dare."
"Ok, I dare you to kiss Harry."
"Say what?"  I ask.  
"Kiss Harry.  Come on.  Don't be a chicken.  Show us that you guys will be playing fair."  Louis replies with his eyes looking glazed over from too much alcohol.  
<sigh>  "Do you mind Harry?"  I ask feeling the heat rise in my cheeks.  
"Nah, I don't mind.  Come here.  I'll rock your world."  I roll my eyes at his comment while he flashes me a cock grin exposing his dimples.  
"So cocky.  How do you know that I won't rock yours?"  I reply feeling all that liquid courage in me.  I stand up and sit on Harry's lap, he wraps his arms around my waist and it makes me blush.  I hope my fat ass won't break his lap.  He grins me at me reassuringly.  "You ready for your first kiss from a black girl?"  Before he could respond I kiss him.  At first it was a few pecks then I liked his lips so much I slipped him some tongue, next thing I knew it was game on, Harry's hands were exploring my body while my fingers were going through his hair.  After a few minutes I realized that I needed some air, so I pull away from him.  The room was quiet but I didn't care it was a good make-out session and it has been way too long.  
"Wow that was some dare."  Harry says barely loosening his grip on me.  I try to stand up to get something else to drink and he stops my movement,  "What are you needing?"
"I wanted to make another drink and then stretch out on the couch."  I suddenly feel shy about making out with him.  He stands up with me in his arms, shocking me as to how strong he was.  I give him a shocked expression.
"Here get comfy and I'll grab it for you."  He carries me to the couch putting me down and makes me another drink eagerly.
"Well, that was interesting."  Niall says as Harry joins me on the couch placing my feet in his lap.  
A small chuckle escapes my mouth, "It's go big or go home right?"
"That is true.  How was it Harry you look a little flustered,"  Liam asks playing on my guitar shooting him a big grin.
Harry sits quietly for a moment then squeezes my foot,  "I rather enjoyed myself.  Maybe all her hatred turned into passion."  I tense up at his comment, "Just joking.  I swear love.  I think you are naturally a good kisser."  
"Thanks.  You aren't too bad.  Can we play another game?"
"Sure, what do you have in mind?"  Louis asks while eating some nachos.
"Twister!!"  I say with a shout.  "Well at this point, it will be drunken Twister so this should be more fun."  Not sure what came over me, but when I got up from the couch I turned and gave Harry a quick peck then sprinted off to grab the game.
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bedlamgames · 5 years
Q&A #100
Yes, been a hundred of this things. Totally a meaningless milestone which is one of my oldest tags on here (assuming any are left after the purge...) still I thought I’d do something for it. 
Specifically I’ve gone back over the old Q&A’s and found some favourite questions and answers which I’ll be including in this after the usual round of outstanding ones. Possibly also with some extra commentary where appropriate. 
Anonymous said: Hey. Any pair of characters connected by an Owned relationship/reputation seems to crash the game if you use either one of them on an assignment. Any chance of this being fixed?
- That should be sorted in yesterday’s update. 
Anonymous said: Got a Forest Goblin with both Dancer and Clumsy. This seems like a very strange combination, but imagining it kind of makes me want to laugh my head off.
- Agreed I think that just works due to being amusing. Less poetry in motion and more of a limerick. 
Anonymous said: In No Haven 0.871 the trait " Elementalist: Air " does not appear when using the estimate value function.
- Cheers for pointing out that oversight. Will sort.
Anonymous said: Hi sory english isn't my native langage, In No Have 0.871 TF Edition I have aquired a slaver But with a bug first i don't know how i acquire her and two she had noting , no name no perk jus a little description i will copy the full examine optin on it : - - - - ExamineName: Race: - Sex: - Status: - Reputation: Traits: Condition: 0 Will: 0 Estimated Value: 0 has a flat chest, a regular pussy, and has an unremarkable ass. She is the same size as most goblins, and .She is . 
- That looks like an empty character in all respects. I believe there was an issue with Ritual Casting where that could happen and is now sorted. If you see it happen again please let me know what you were doing when they appeared. 
Anonymous said: Hey Bedlam, watched stream where you discussed not selling slaves debuff, thing is i always imagined slavers being in this business for fun and pleasure first, and gold second. I mean why else would they agree to live in some Skyrim style, long abandoned really, hard to get to fort in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by hills and marshes(at least that how i imagine it)? So maybe you could make something like,"no new slaves, or slave training for X days, getting bored" or something like that?
- It wouldn’t be too harsh at all. Just a bit of a poke to encourage that you’re business model is based around being a slaver over the leader disappearing to the coast for a week and returning with suspiciously large amounts of gold. In that case you’ve got to think that your slavers might feel that they’re surplus to requirements :D
Anonymous said: I hope you're happy for taking so many hours of my life away from me lol. But playing this again; got a question about NH. Any plans on making some rival groups that we can interact with? Diplomacy, getting tribute, ect. It would be kinda cool to have rivals that push you along 
Glad you’re enjoying it! 
Likely yes. There’s ways currently now to set up a few ways to get tribute every so often. More groups though who are more hostile than the not-witches in the marshlands or the mistress of the Ensnared Rose are sure to be a thing sooner or later. 
doof-ex-machina said: Have you read the Gorean saga by John Nornan? If yes, did it influence your vision of the No Haven world? Gor explores a legal female-oriented slave system, yheah, but there are pretty close similarities with NH in regards to the numbers of ‘fodder’ and the ways of training. Anyway, me personally thinks your world is even better because magic and draenei/succubi boobs, duh.
I haven’t but I am aware of them in general. 
NH is a lot more equal opportunities than Gor where males doing it to females, females doing it to males, and all possible variations of that including others like futanari and sissies are likely to happen. Still high praise indeed, thanks!
And now onto some old questions starting with one from before where I realised beginning to combine these might be a good idea. 
onedrift from 2015:  Trying this again...what's your coder fuel of choice? Red bull, Monster, coffee? None of the above? Soon to be bimbofied slavemakers want to know!
- Heh, totally giving my nationality away (if it wasn’t blatantly obvious already) but the fuel of choice is copious amounts of Earl Grey tea.
Anonymous from 2015: Hiya, been a fan of your work for a long time, captions and games thanks for making them, but a question regarding whorelocks revenge, is it possible to get the tangle infection and bonds of insanity? in all my time playing them I never had either I dont think.
- Not in the current version. Basically I wasn’t happy with the implementation in terms of how they were removed so I disabled them for a bit till I can sort it out… which unfortunately has lasted quite some time.
Soon as I got this No Haven update done they’re top of my list of things to sort in Whorelocks.
(Oh zogging hell. Still not done that yet... Extenuating circumstance for sure with NH taking off and WR was still in RAGS at that point, but even so)
Anonymous from 2015: This is probably a poor place to respond to your open-ended poll question, but have you looked into Twine?
- I’ve looked at Twine and when I one day get round to Rough Landing 3 it’s definitely going to be done using it, but to me it looks like an incredibly poor fit for working on No Haven.
(Oh past me why would say such a thing even if it did make a lot of sense at the time. Let’s hope that guy was wrong)
Anonymous from Q&A #1: Title image is hype, cant wait for next update. recall you mentioned that you had enchantments planed for the update after next (or something there abouts) how far ahead have you planned ahead and any spoilers for the update after this one? :D
- Why thank you! I have several pages bullet pointed of what I have planned along with what I have in my head. For stuff not in the next update I’d say not counting more slave training assignments and options and more assignments in the other areas the big bits of content outstanding are;
Way more potions. (Still do do)
Enchantment/cursing of items system.  (Also still do do)
Crafting Devices. (Also, also still do do)
Ways to manage encampments when they get to large by sending slavers/slaves to new areas to provide ongoing gold/supplies along with the occasional assignment. (Oh dear, also, also still do do)
More stuff for you like going on every assignment, bad ends for some of them, more interactions, being enslaved and so on. Basically lots more sub and also some dom content for when you’re not managing the encampment. (Woo progress made! Bad ends for some assignments going on are indeed a thing. Still work to do as I do want to give Crossbones and Into the Depths the QAYL treatment sometime)
Special events that will occur every so often that will affect things be it for good and bad. This will include a way to get a lost slaver back though perhaps forever altered by their experiences. (Woo again this is done. Definitely could do with more done with)
Encampment reputation to reflect a slaver’s standing with how the other slaver’s see them. This will includes slavers becoming slaves and visa versa. (On a roll now as a great deal of this implemented)
More biomancy options and improving thanks to a multi-part assignment. There will also be other multi-part story based assignments. (Partially done and the biomancy multi-part assignment has been started)
And a bunch more basically but those are the priorities after this next update. Probably not all in the same update though.
Anonymous from Q&A #6: I would play the hell out of Paranoia set in No Haven.  
- Temptation to give slavers and you conflicting secret societies and agendas rising.
Y’know like…
Dire Panthers: A mottley band of young savage orcs, amazons and trolls out to raise hell by breaking stuff, setting stuff on fire and generally being a nuisance to everyone.
The Cooperative: A dedicated group of Frozen Queen cultists out to oppose the Human Empire by working together to make things better for the common people… till you know the Queen awakens and buries all the land in eternal ice.
Mage Smashers: Magic iz like wrong an’ stuff! We smash dem in dere stupid face till dey not so smart.
Fellowship-Fel: The denizens that lurk beyond our reality and infect our dreams with tainted nightmares are our friends! We must expose ourselves to as much corruption as possible to make ourselves like them. We see no flaws in this plan whatsoever, you see the chorus of whispers in our minds entirely agrees with us.
Psion: No changes need to be made whatsoever from the original version.
Trekksters: …and I think that’s enough of that, or further evidence of why I shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near RAGS or indeed tumblr when I have my old sourcebooks nearby :D
(Also apologies to most of you who have no idea what that was about!) (This is still far too much of a good idea)
Anonymous from Q&A #17: 2/2 and another hilarious one: Your succubus slave Jaeil was not looking so hot right now so Virholen just held her close and told Jaeil that everything would be alright. Jaeil was oddly quiet everytime you looked in on them and you wonder if they have resigned themselves to their fate. Condition: 45 (Change: 20) - Will: 47 (Change: 15)
After their mistreatment Jaeil sees no reason not to only care for them self as clearly no one else will leaving them hardened and even outright cruel. usc++
- You win best bug report in ages, that is beautiful :D
Anonymous from Q&A #37: Will there be other spirit races in the game besides wisps, such as undynes, gnomes, and dryads? And finally Im new to patreon. I decided to pay for the your character teir but ask for a unique because I dont really understand it. Is the “play your character” a scenario or what? And where do I go to talk with you on what I would like for it?
- True story, I had to google undyines and for ages I couldn’t work out what you were referring too as so many of the results were of that character from Undertale :D
Undines themselves would be no, but I do have a water spirit of a kind planned. (Still do!) Gnomes no, as I’m happy with Hakh Dwarven and the various Goblins as my short races. Dryads absolutely yes, and will be one of the advanced races. See the last Q&A for more details of those.
Thank you for your support! Those options are for those that want to play a specific character that isn’t available in the standard options or design a specific slaver that you can have in your encampment. If you want to see some examples of ones others have asked for before on the playable character front then Orc Wright Raptor, Lago’Mae Scholar or Goblin Underground Potioneer would be a good ones to look at to start off with.
As for the unique slavers then pretty much any of the slavers available under Strong Right Arm/Recruiter.
How much detail you want to go into is up to you. If you want to say oh I just want a Kitsune lady who likes to pole-dance then I’d put something together for your approval, or you can go full on detailing everything about them from their art, description, traits etc. and I’ll work with you to the point I’m happy having it as an option in the game. (Note: If you want an entirely new race like the Golems you need to go for the lore tier given the significantly larger amount of work involved)
For discussing please send me a message on patreon and we can take it further from there.
One thing to bare in mind is that patreon only charges at the end of the month, and so while I’m more than willing to talk it out, if you want to me to do a lot of work on your request I’m going to need to see a pledge go through first. It sucks I know, but this is the unfortunate reality of the internet that alas trust can only go so for.
I’m always happy to discuss things though, I really am, and some people have asked to pay some of their pledge upfront via paypal to get round this which is not a problem if that’s what you want to do.
valhallaimmortan from Q&A #47: I managed to get a elven smith who makes fancy armor that is usually masterwork quality, and equipped my ‘Basher’ Squad with it, the Basher’s are all Ogre’s who I recruited and I have a alchemist who seriously creeps me out with how many petrification potions he has been pumping out. I also like the Lago'mae Scholar how now the Lizard man is using her as his new project… poor Scholar… and I got to ask is it actually possible to recruit a keldan from the keldan mission in the city?
- I love this question, absolutely adore it, and you made the patron who requested the lizardman unique really happy when I mentioned it to them. If people want to send in their favourite/amusing/interesting slavers/slaves that have resulted from generation and gameplay I might do a tumblr post series on them called ‘Tell me about your Character’.
As to the question yes she should be on the critical result.
Anonymous from Q&A #61: Silly question. For clothing and armor, what in your mind is the major difference between micro, and impractical? I can’t really visualize a difference between the two when reading armor/clothing descriptions. Scandalously short is divergent enough that it creates its own image for me. The other two seem as if they would be interchangeable, but they aren’t since there is a distinction so what is it?
- Yay silly questions are always the best questions. Okay micro is where you have outfits that are recognizable bits of clothing but it’s incredibly brief so a skirt that’s more a belt than actually trying to cover anything whatsoever and/or a bikini top so teeny-weeny that it doesn’t even cover all of the nipples. Completely impractical though is the kind of clothing beloved by a certain kind of fantasy art which just doesn’t make any kind of sense whatsoever where looking good trumps any pretension of realism, and the only way it could stay on is either with copious amounts of glue or magic being involved.
Anonymous from Q&A #66: Hello again! I’m the guy who asked about the post-slave [slaver] titles. I’m going to very respectfully push the idea that ex-slaves should get unique titles. First, I honestly think having the unique titles is cooler. It’s more interesting to send a Chosen, an Acolyte, and a Hedge-Witch on an assignment than it is to send three Slavers. It’s a rarity thing, sort of? If you get a character who qualifies for one of those things, it’s a BIG DEAL. Secondly, it already changes with jobs, so…
- Alright, alright, you’ve twisted my arm :)
That should now be included for the most recent update along with a couple of new titles so that all of the more rare traits (not counting crafting ones) should have one. Let me know if there’s any issues as while it was a fairly straightforward change I didn’t get a chance to test that particular bit.
Thanks for reading and here’s to another hundred of these. 
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pensurfing · 5 years
Tearing Down Other Illustrators Does Not Make You A Better Illustrator.
The title says it all. But you’d be surprised how many mutuals I have that just get a sick kick out of “giving critiques that destroy a person’s whole being” simply because “it happened to them”. 
[[Jesus where to begin where to begin? Maybe disclaimers? Sure. At some point in the post, it will go from my calm, cool, collected tone to “I will cut a bitch’s throat”. If it hurts your feelings then that means the kitchen is too hot for you (probably because you do said nonsense) and now you gotta leave. Go sit, cool off, and then maybe try again. Probably when you’re a better person.]]
Let’s take it back to school:
In school, I failed at being a girl: mainly because I just failed to do ‘girl code’ things because I questioned it a LOT. Some girl code things make sense mind you, but not all of it. One of the girl codes that I questioned was “why are we being mean to the other girl if she didn’t DO anything and especially if she didn’t do anything to you?” Bam. The new target, me. It wasn’t anything I was ashamed about, I just don’t see the need of tearing someone down because they sit outside of your normal. Basically, the undertone of this experience is this: As a girl, if you made fun of other girls, it somehow magically made you prettier and more desired by your crush.” But you learn in grade school that this is not the case, and you especially learn in high school that this made you “a bitch”. Now fast forward a bit, looking back as an adult what were you supposed to learn from this? Girls pick on other girls usually when whatever little power they have is being challenged. Girls can also pick on other girls simply because they find the other girl pretty as well and this causes yet another inferiority complex. It will usually continue for a while simply because no one wants to question the ‘status quo’. 
Why did I bring all of this into play?
As an illustrator, there is such a thing as a genuinely great critique. Great critique states things APPRECIATED about the piece; things that can be better about the piece; and solutions to the piece that the then illustrator can then either use as advice or just take it as the critique it is. 
Then there’s just what I will call ‘straight bad-mouthing critique’. Nothing good to say about the piece, the person actually sits there and asks did the artist put eFfOrT into it. Tells them to just ‘draw more’. And some that just ‘rip the art to shreds’. Nothing good or positive. Said person will even go on to just insulting not only the piece but the artist and their character.  How did we go from ‘the piece in question’ to just calling the artist a terrible person for attempting to draw a ‘insert whatever it was here’? 
I do not give out the perfect critiques. Where someone will see ‘bad anatomy’ I’ll see ‘an attempt at foreshortening, and if they just...’ and I could go on. I see a bright color palette and warm tones in someone’s portfolio, someone else will see it as “you use to similar of colors and you need to get better at setting the mood with color in your pieces.” A difference of opinions is one thing, and it is up to the artist in question to decide which is more helpful. This is a different case and is USUALLY inspiring to create more variety to demonstrate your skills. What I no longer think I can tolerate is just words that do not fit into the situation or critique at hand. 
I have examples: 
I went to a portfolio review and had my artwork looked at by some professionals in the industry. (More professional than my...attempts... LOL! i’M a pRoFeSsIoNaL.) The main push for this was a couple ‘critiques’ that just weren’t helpful, useful, or even good. 
I had five pieces presented to said ‘it’s a coin flip’ critiquers: Designs, Finished pieces, Sketches, WIPs, Roughs, I mean I gave em a LOAD to look at. I sent this to a couple groups where we bounce around ideas and I have left them all and have not regretted a single moment of it. Out of the three I sent them to, two straight up ignored them. (I’m used to my artwork being ignored by my peers at this point. I haven’t gotten any feedback whatsoever to where now I just assume they do not like my art style and just choose to not say anything because it’ll come out wrong.) One group only made the comment that not only rubbed the wrong way but in a way took down a community(?) “It looks furry erotica. Only they would like this.” ((Paraphrasing, but only slightly. The tone towards furries was something I was not ignoring.)) Do not use furies as some group to be looked down upon. And if they’ll like it then dammit I’m printing it. I’m an equal opportunity money grabber here babe. 
“Hey Cait, her leg looks a bit short.” “Hey Cait, the colors here are awkward.” anything along these lines that actually were wrong with the piece could have helped. 
I don’t draw NSFW stuff (I should at this point. It’ll be my step before becoming a stripper.) But no other comment besides that per se doesn’t help encourage or fix what could possibly be wrong. I’ve had a share of bad critiques, but this one was just useless. I stopped showing my pieces in WIPs and rough stages because I just genuinely didn’t get good feedback EVER. It came off as: Caitlin your ideas are slipping, they suck... Caitlin this is just another black girl, what’s your deal? Well damn sway, sorry my black ass drawing black ass art is bothering you. I almost was sick of it. 
Now here is the portfolio review time by pros:
I go to it thinking “I’m just going to get my portfolio reviewed. No way am I good enough to stand in line for the job fair(s) going on.” So I got my reviews, the results? “Hey, I see you really enjoy backgrounds and telling stories with your finished pieces. Why don’t you draw more interiors so that way it cohesively harmonizes together better? It does great now, but you’d do pretty well adding more interiors.” “Wow, your linework is so crisp. Have you tried this technique? You have with recent pieces, great! Lets network.” “Your color choices are breathtaking. Here’s a tiny corner where your craftsmanship failed a bit, try buffing up this corner a bit.”
Good critiques, useful stuff! I was so pumped you know what I did? Went to the job fair half. My results? I have piles of individual business cards and personal. My professional network grew. (I guess I should log in and add things to Linkedin huh?) and I got a single big toe wet. (Not a foot in the door, not feet wet, just that one toe. But hey, ripples start waves. And as a surfer, you just gotta wait for the perfect wave ok?) 
I hadn’t gotten a good critique since college. In college, I will commend my professor for teaching this: How to give a good critique. Did some of my colleagues forget how to do this step? Yes. Do some forget that it isn’t their piece of concept and you can’t make someone DO anything? You bet. But it’s just a shame how with mutuals it’s “Caitlin your art isn’t great and is too black.” versus the reviews and studios that gave me the thumbs up and said, “call me later, otherwise I’m calling you later.”
Now do I think there is a slow “status quo” complex going on in my mutuals because now I’m no longer the sucky drawer? Yes and that’s a new rant for a different post. Does tearing down my artwork help theirs get better? Hell nah fam. They don’t even practice what they preach. 
I said all of this to say: I can’t stand people in ANY group of friends, art group, a community who does this. I can not. What do you benefit? Did your house get bigger? Is your butt bigger? Are you prettier? Is your artwork studio quality? Did a pile of money just land in your lap? 
No. It never works that way.
I started this habit to test out my theory and only one friend has caught on; that one still has my respect. After getting a bs critique, I’ll always ask how a person is doing and they’ll go on about how their day-to-day isn’t as good as usual. The one friend that caught on and I quote: “Woah Cait, I’m sorry. I took my frustration on you, let me look at this on another day when I’m in a better mood.” And guess what? She did. Gave a USEFUL critique and we moved forward. 
Sometimes if you're not in the mood to critique DO NOT DO IT.
I repeat:
If you are in a bitchy mood, do not destroy someone because your life sucks and you wanna take a massive shit on someone else. Doing so isn’t going to fix whatever is wrong in your world. It isn’t going to give you a large sum of money and isn’t going to make you a better illustrator. Do not take the phrase “tearing down the ‘competition’ so literally.
“Caitlin, are you sure you’re just bad at getting critique?” 
Nah. I’m bad at taking BS critique and pointless comments anymore and said critiquers themselves are just upset that I’m no longer being a doormat for whatever is wrong in their life. Other illustrators feel the same way too. 
“Caitlin, why do you look for critiques and get mad at people who don’t give good ones?”
Anyone in any field can acknowledge the fact that when you stare at something too long, you start to blur the object in question together. Is it finished, are there major flaws? A simple solution is just getting a fresh set of eyes to look it over. In any aspect of life: choices you made, something you’re prepping to cook, a document you’re writing, and guess what? A piece someone is drawing. It is a prosaic and even instinctual action to share and express ourselves with others for a response. Look at all the billionaires who invented social media. 
We as a community need to start treating each other better. And when someone asks for a critique, follow these instructions that were on so many damn elementary school walls but cleARLY we need these put somewhere again.
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Be better dolls. Be good and make good choices. This is the last text post I’m writing today. 
TRD: There are some people who still don’t think before they speak and I see it too often in my own life too. So I’m saying something about it. A reminder for something you learned in grade school: Being mean to other girls won’t make you prettier just like tearing down other illustrators and their artwork won’t make you a better illustrator. 
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birbleafs · 6 years
[fic] Silk and Steel
Rating: G Genre: . Game-Canon, Humour. Character(s): Sorey, Rose, Mikleo, Dezel, and Eguille, with mentions of the Sparrowfeathers. Warnings: Brief mentions of slight injuries, but nothing serious. Summary: In which Sorey and Rose engage in a friendly sparring match. A/N: Here’s my full piece for @zinestiria (with some minor edits). This was actually written sometime in Apr/May 2018, but hey, it still counts for the first posted fic of the new year, right? lol. This was a lot of fun and I'm grateful to be able to write more Sorey and Rose brotp moments for this project. Many thanks to the mods for all their hard work, and to everyone else who supported us by ordering a copy!
Fic can also be read on AO3
In retrospect, he supposed it all started with crabs. Well, crab hellions, to be exact. Which was an actual thing and not just a regular crab—Sorey was almost proud to say he and Mikleo had easily figured out how to tell the two apart after the incident on Camelot bridge. Both creatures had pincers capable of deadlock grips and tended to gurgle out foam bubbles. But regular crabs didn’t have more than eight legs and—as Dezel had assured them waspishly—definitely didn’t come in over thirty-feet-tall. Neither were they usually dressed in what looked suspiciously like tattered pieces of civilian clothing, unless crab-people were another thing Lailah had conveniently decided not to mention.
Sorey was glad, of course, that they’d managed to stop the crab hellions’ rampage through the port side town and had eventually purified them. But whatever tiny victories they’d achieved then didn’t seem quite enough for Rose. He was in the midst of helping Dezel tend to the injuries of a small squirrel (that they’d picked up after crossing paths with the Sparrowfeathers, on the way out of town) when she stomped up to him, fixing him with a scrutinizing glare. He stared up at her, startled, and then, perplexed. He’d just about managed to gently prompt Dezel to share a story about his friend Lafarga. But with Rose swooping down over them like a hawk now, Dezel had quickly reverted to his default aloofness, complete with monosyllabic grunts of disapproval. Sorey sighed inwardly—well, he’d tried, at least. He endured Rose’s scrutiny for two whole minutes, listening to the soft clatter of cutlery by the fireside where Felice and Talfryn were preparing supper, before finally working up the courage to break the awkward silence between them— “Um, Dezel?” Sorey began, hesitantly. “What’s Rose doing?” Rose only tutted, hands at her hips and her gaze still pinned squarely upon him. Dezel grunted, muttered something incomprehensible, and continued tending the squirrel. Its injured front leg was already bandaged neatly, but that didn’t stop the wind seraph from wrapping yet another unnecessary roll of bandage around it, if only so he could continue to avoid Rose’s gaze. Something shifted behind Rose, and Mikleo soon appeared at her side, fixing Sorey with an equally penetrating gaze. “Guys—” Sorey tried again, only to have Rose punch his shoulder. “O-ow! What was that for?” “Hm,” Mikleo said, and then sighed—a sign that he’d arrived to a decision of sorts. “I hate to admit it, Rose, but it is a bit worrisome. I regret not realising it sooner.” “Told ya!” Rose waved a hand. “And no worries! It’s still not too late to fix this.” “I honestly have no idea what’s going on,” Sorey said helplessly. “What’s worrisome and needs fixing?” Rose and Mikleo leaned closer over him, their expressions ominous, their eyes glimmering with fire. “You,” they said. Before Sorey could protest, they yanked him to his feet and shepherded him away through the shrubbery.
“Okay, here’s the thing, Sorey—you kind of, uh, suck,” Rose declared, hardly batting an eyelid. She’d led them into a clearing away from camp and beside a gurgling stream. Even though he’d feigned indifference in the earlier conversation, Dezel had dutifully trailed after them as well, the squirrel now chittering upon his shoulder. “What she means is,” Mikleo offered, to soften the blow, even as he tried to hide his smirk behind a hand, “you’ve been slacking off from training and it’s starting to show. Your unarmed combat has been sloppy lately.” “Sloppy is putting it mildly.” Rose threw out her arms for emphasis, frowning twice as hard now. “That hellion this morning really threw you off when you lost your sword. Without it, you were like a sitting duck waiting to be shanked!” “Come on, guys. It wasn’t that bad!” Sorey said, slightly wounded at these sudden accusations. “So I was caught off-guard this one time…” Rose and Mikleo only exchanged a look, unconvinced. “One time?” Mikleo echoed, folding his arms. “What about the incident with the werewolf hellion just days before?” “Or that scuffle with the bandits while on the road last week?” Rose added. Sorey winced, brushing a finger gingerly at the small cuts across his right cheek. The cuts were healing, but his skin still felt tender to touch—the werewolf hellion had scratched him up pretty badly after it’d bitten his sword arm. And well, one of the bandits had gotten too close and very nearly gouged an eye out.  He didn’t like where this conversation was headed, but… All right, so maybe they both had a point. “Fine, so perhaps there were a couple of times I might not have dodged soon enough,” Sorey admitted. “But you guys covered for me then and it all turned out just fine, right?” Rose sighed. “That’s the problem! I mean, sure, you can count on us to keep an eye out  for each other during battles. But that doesn’t mean being careless and leaving yourself wide open!” “That werewolf hellion was a lot stronger than we had anticipated—even Edna and I got knocked around a bit,” Mikleo said. “But Sorey… Rose isn’t wrong either. While you have the advantage of seraphim to aid you in battles, there may be times where even we might not be able to fight alongside you, however much we wish to…” He trailed off, eyes downcast now. Sorey felt a twinge of guilt at Mikleo’s expression; there was truth in those words. The memory of his temporary resonance loss in Glaivend Basin—the helplessness, fear, and desperation a roiling dark cloud—still weighed heavily over them. “No, you’re both right,” he said. “I haven’t been as focused lately and look what that got me—bruises and bites that I could’ve easily avoided. And I could really learn a thing or two from you, Rose. You dive into battles with just a pair of daggers but still come out with little more than scrapes.” “Well, it’s one part Rose-awesomeness and two parts battle experience. But flattery will get you everywhere, so fret not! I know just how to help!” Rose said, clapping her hands together. At her signal, Eguille appeared beside her and tossed Sorey a short sparring stick. “Eguille’s been training me in close combat since I was a kid, so I’ve asked him to share some techniques that you might find useful.” “Not sure why Rose still thinks I’m one to offer pointers, considering how I got my rear handed to me by you at Rayfalke,” Eguille said coolly. “You’re a tough fighter, Mister Shepherd.” Sorey could only return an embarrassed grin. “That hadn’t really been a fight in your favour. I did have help from my friends—uh, the seraphim, after all.” “So the rumours are true then. Well, let’s start with the basics.” Eguille turned to Rose, who was twirling her sparring stick idly. “First rule of the Scattered Bones Fight Club,” Rose began, her expression solemn. “We don’t talk about the Scattered Bones Fight Club. Second rule: leave no corrupt officials or Shepherds alive—” “Righ—wait, what?!” Sorey flinched, incredulous, only to be met with bubbling laughter as Rose chanted, “Just kidding!” Eguille coughed politely, and Rose attempted a contrite Cheshire grin, gesturing for him to continue. “Always with the teasing, boss,” Eguille chuckled. “Anyway, back to the lesson. First rule of combat: never underestimate your opponent, even inexperienced ones. Sometimes you can learn a lot just by assessing them—when you’re able to discern your opponents’ drive and limitations, you can anticipate their moves better.” Eguille nodded at Sorey, watching as he mimicked Rose’s stance. “You’ve witnessed Rose in battle a few times. Let’s see if you’re able to assess her moves and spar one-on-one against her without relying on your magic tricks.” “Okay, I think I got this,” Sorey said, holding up his sparring stick and balancing on his toes the way Eguille had shown him. “All right, hit me with all you got, Rose. I’m ready.” He wasn’t ready. Sorey had lunged forward, right arm pulled back for a jab with his stick, when he realised his first mistake—letting Rose leap out of his line of sight; she was already gone in the blink of an eye. He wondered, briefly then, if Dezel had gotten nosy somehow and cast Wind-step to assist her—but no, Rose really was as quick as lightning. By the time he could react, Rose was already darting around him from the shadows. Sorey dodged, swinging his stick just in time to parry a blow—but not before he felt a sharp strike across the back of his shoulders. He gasped in surprise, stumbling forward. Rose landed lightly in the grass several metres behind him, keeping her guard up. She grinned. “Eguille’s right about you being a natural at rough-housing. Gotta work on your speed and footwork, though.” Sorey chuckled as he straightened up, raising his stick again. “I’ll keep that in mind.” “We Scattered Bones are more nimble than most fighters,” Eguille said. “Rose uses this to her full advantage. Think of your own advantage and strengths in battle, Sorey—use it as a counter-balance. You’re physically strong for your size, but agile enough to stay light on your feet. Keep your movements fluid like water, silent like silk; strike hard at your opponents, like steel. Try again.” Sorey exhaled slowly, taking a moment to reflect over Eguille’s words. Then, finding his centre, he dashed forward once again. This time, Rose rushed ahead to meet his attack directly, catching his stick with hers before jabbing her fist forward. Sorey blocked her flurry of punches and strikes, matching her speed step by step. Then, seeing an opening, he dove past her guard to knock the stick from her grip. But his victory was short-lived—with both hands free, Rose caught his outstretched arm, and using his own momentum against him, easily flipped him over. Sorey wheezed painfully as he hit the ground. His back was going to hate him in the morning. “Good disarming move,” Eguille said. Sorey wasn’t sure if it was praise directed at him or Rose, but praise was praise, right? “However, you let your guard down by assuming the fight was over when Rose lost her weapon; she easily worked that to her advantage instead.” Eguille held out a hand, helping Sorey to his feet. “So, second rule of combat: put the battle on your terms—you should always be acting, not reacting.” “Battle on my terms…” Sorey repeated, readying himself once more. “Acting, not reacting.” Rose was already on the offense, charging straight at him. Sorey moved to meet her rush, and then side-stepped away easily. He caught the flicker of surprise in her expression, before it morphed into a smirk. He returned the grin, eyes bright with daring, a playful challenge, which Rose readily accepted; pivoting on her heels, she darted around him like a fierce whirlwind. Sorey deflected her blows, searching for an opening to disarm her again. Acting, not reacting— He struck out as Rose swung her stick, felt her punch connect instead—hard enough to bruise his wrist—and his grip slipped from his weapon. Still, he pressed forward, ignoring the pain. He dodged Rose’s kick, before lunging forward enough to ram his elbow against her guard, knocking her off-balance. Yes! He grinned, unabashed at the unexpected win, and— “Sorey, the water—!” “Tch, watch it, you fools!” Mikleo and Dezel’s mental shouts were his only warning, before Sorey felt Rose seizing his shirt. “Gyeaaah!!” Rose yelped, tugging at Sorey as she flailed about. She slipped over the grassy bank, sending them both tumbling into the stream with a splash.
Sorey sat down beside Rose, handing her a mug of hot cocoa. “Thanks,” she said gratefully. They sat in comfortable silence by the fire as they sipped at their drinks, wrapped in blankets to keep the chill out. “Sorry about earlier,” Sorey said at length, his mug balanced carefully between his fingers. “I should’ve noticed how close we were to the stream before charging at you like that.” Rose narrowed her eyes and snorted, leaning in to nudge her shoulder playfully against his. “You’re too soft, Shepherd. All’s fair in combat if it keeps your hide safe. Besides, it’s not like that was the first time we’ve fallen into surging water together.” Sorey grinned sheepishly. “Still, I’m glad you weren’t seriously hurt or anything—o-ow!” This time, Rose elbowed him in the ribs, scowling hard. “Seriously? C’mon, it’ll take a hell of a lot more than that to put me out of commission. Let’s just compromise and say we’re both a force to be reckoned with.” “Fair enough.” Sorey let out a soft laugh. “Eguille did call it a draw, so I guess we both win this round, huh?” “Yup! And while it’s great to know we’re both capable of holding our own against each other in combat, I think I very much prefer us fighting on the same side.” Rose downed the last of her drink with relish before she yawned widely, leaning back to rest against the fallen log behind them. Sorey could feel the fatigue finally catching up to him just from watching her. His shoulders and back were already protesting the mistreatment from the day’s sparring session. “I’m really glad we’re on the same side too,” he said, stretching languidly to ease the kinks out of his sore back and settling down to rest beside his Squire.
“And together, we’re the bestest. Vigilantes of the people, for truth and justice!” Rose declared sleepily, one arm raised in a victorious fist-pump.   Sorey thought back to the look of fright and horror the townspeople had cast their way during their scuffle with the crab hellions that morning, and smiled wryly. He didn’t quite have the heart to tell Rose otherwise.
“All right, kiddos—get your suppers while they’re piping hot… Ah.” Eguille paused in his steps, balancing two bowls of stew and a basket of bread rolls on a tray. Sorey and Rose had both dozed off, their backs resting against the log as they curled close to the warmth of the fireplace. “Supper will have to wait till later then,” Eguille sighed, setting the tray down on a nearby tree stump so he could adjust the blankets over the two. He watched and listened—to the way the flames flickered a little brighter, to the sound of a stray breeze rustling the leaves of the canopy above—and glanced back at Rose and Sorey’s sleeping forms. “So the rumours are true, huh,” he murmured to no one in particular. He clasped his palms together over his chest, a show of gratitude. “This supper isn’t much, but I hope you’ll be able to share it with Rose and Sorey. Thank you for always watching over us.” The branches above bobbed lightly as if in response; while he’d never had any resonance for it, Eguille felt in that moment he could almost, almostsee the Shepherd’s seraphim beaming silently from the shadows.
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keelywolfe · 6 years
FIC: Two Degrees of Jeff, part 1
 or more properly:  Two Degrees of Andy Jeff
Summary: Two days in the life of Andy...er....Jeff, and his skeleton friends.
Notes: I’ve always liked an outside perspective on my favorite boys and Jeff’s is fun to write. Warning for mentions of depression.
Also on AO3
By Any Other Name masterlist, recently updated!
The Beanery was, by far, not the closest coffee shop to Jeff’s apartment. By his reckoning, the bus took him past two Starbucks on the way here. He didn’t mind going out of his way to meet Stretch, though; thanks to the ‘Monster Friendly’ symbol stickered on the window glass up front, they could pretty much guarantee being able to meet in peace for a coffee and a chat.
Not that they’d had any issues past the whole ‘bus incident’ but eh, why take a chance? Plus, they had great coffee.
On this particular morning, Jeff got there early so he could buy his own coffee before Stretch could do it for him. Passive-aggressive, maybe, but hey it worked. He wasn't quite at the same level with the baristas as Stretch was, but she gave him a smile of recognition before taking his order.
Twenty minutes later his coffee was gone, and he was still waiting. The buses in Ebott were pretty dependable and to be honest, so was Stretch. He loved texting, Jeff couldn’t imagine he wouldn’t send one or several if he was running late, probably laced with bad jokes and puns.
He gave it ten more minutes before sending one of his own. hey, you running behind? Not to get on your ass, I know you don’t actually have one
At the very least, that should have gotten him an lol, and more likely a bombardment of terrible jokes. But his phone remained stubbornly quiet.
Jeff chewed his lip, considering. He could text Edge, let him know he was a little worried. The problem with Edge was he didn’t do anything by halves and would probably be on his way home or send out the hounds or something. They were meeting for coffee, not planning world domination, there was no reason to hit worst case scenario right out of the gate.
Option two was to take a ride over there himself. It was only about a fifteen-minute ride and another bus would be here in five. If Stretch didn’t get off the bus, then Jeff was getting on it, he decided. He gathered up his stuff, tossed his cup in the trash and gave the barista a wave before he went out to the stop.
A few monsters got off the bus, one of them he recognized from the wedding and they gave him a toothy grin as they walked past. No skeleton monster though, so Jeff scanned his bus pass and took a seat. With his luck, Stretch was on the next one and they’d be like ships passing in the night, but eh, he’d rather risk acting like a bad romantic comedy than just sit there waiting.
No text came, no sign that Stretch was only running late. At the gate to New New Home, the guards checked his ID diligently even though Jeff was here a few times a week, and Jeff thought he might mention that to Antwan, let him know they were doing their jobs right. It was probably boring hanging out at the guard station all day, they could use some recognition.
The shuttle dropped him off and the brief walk to the house offered no answers. Edge’s car was gone, no surprise there, and a peek in the garage told him that his motorcycle was inside, beneath a heavy dust cover. Not that he thought Stretch had taken it out for a spin or anything; from what he knew, Stretch hated driving which was why he stuck to the bus.
Jeff knocked hesitantly on the door, then a little harder, and waited. The minutes ticked by and after a moment of internal debate, Jeff gingerly turned the knob. The door swung open, unlocked, into the darkened front room. Okay, now he was getting more than a little concerned.
The living room offered no clues, and neither did the kitchen. Not so much as a coaster was out of place, only a coffee cup was drying in the dish rack. The coffee pot was on, at least, half a pot still sitting on the warmer, but there was that faint, burnt smell in the air that said it had been there for a long time.
Jeff had never been upstairs and felt like an invader going up them, every creak accusatory.
The first room was locked and he left it alone. The second was a guest room, the blankets drawn tightly over the bed with military precision and the paint a welcoming sunny yellow. The third revealed a large bed, the blankets and pillows rucked up around a shape beneath them.
Okay, now he knew where Stretch was, so what did he do? Jeff shifted from foot to foot awkwardly, trying to decide. Let him sleep? But maybe he was sick or hurt or something, maybe he needed help.
It felt so completely wrong to walk around the bed, leaning in to get a look at him.
The covers were rising and falling ever so slightly with his breathing and his sockets were closed. It really was fascinating the way their skulls moved; they weren’t pliable like human flesh but somehow it worked. Magic, the universal answer to all Monster questions.
“Stretch?” Jeff whispered, reaching out to gently shake him, trying again, “Stretch?”
He stirred, his sockets blinking open. His eye lights were wide and almost fuzzy, and Stretch looked at him in confusion.
“andy?” Stretch asked, his voice rough. He cleared his throat and sat up. The blankets slipped down and left him bare to the hips and Jeff felt his face warm, looking away.
It was a note on how much his perspective had changed that he could be embarrassed to unintentionally see some naked bone. But then, Edge and Stretch didn’t look like Halloween decorations or science room displays; their bones were kinda similar to humans but not completely. Plus, they were so very obviously alive, their magic was visible in their joints, and the way their skulls were somehow malleable. They were Monsters that looked like skeletons, an important distinction.
“andy?” Stretch said again, and his gaze sharpened, taking in the room. “what...uh…” He hauled the blankets back up a little more modestly.
“Sorry, I was worried,” Jeff said meekly, a little embarrassed at coming all the way out here to creep into Stretch’s bedroom like a fucking idiot. Should have texted again or maybe knocked harder, he should’ve done something. “You weren’t at the coffee shop and…”
Stretch’s groan interrupted him, and he flopped backwards on the bed. “fuck, i’m sorry, i just…i was having a bad day and i went back to sleep.” He didn’t seem worried about Jeff sneaking into his room like an idiot, but then, that was Stretch all the way. His concepts of proper behavior were a hell of a lot looser than the ones Jeff had grown up with.  “i completely forgot we were supposed to meet. i’m really sorry.”
“It happens,” Jeff shrugged that off. To be honest, he was only relieved that nothing was wrong. Except— “Is everything okay.”
There was a long pause as Stretch seemed to actually consider the question. “yeah. i think so…shit,” he said suddenly, “i haven’t been outside to see the chickens, don’t even remember shutting off my alarm.”
“You want some help?” Jeff asked, equal parts hesitant and curious. “I haven’t seen the chickens yet outside of Instagram.”
That got him a grin. “sure, handy andy, come on out and live up to your name. give me a minute to get dressed, I’ll meet you downstairs.” He hooked a thumb at the door and Jeff went, sitting on the sofa until Stretch tromped down the stairs, dressed from toes to throat in jeans and a heavy sweatshirt, a bright knit hat on his skull.
The chicken coop looked sort of like a gingerbread house, except instead of Hansel and Gretel, three birds came barreling out of an entrance near the bottom, clucking eagerly as they waited by the wire mesh gate.
“sorry, gals, it’s a little late,” Stretch sighed, gently pushing them back with his toes as he opened the door. The chickens milled around his legs, getting even louder as Stretch poured feed into a little trough. They were bigger somehow than Jeff expected but what the hell did he know about chickens? He was more familiar with them in their nugget form.
Stretch left the door open as he came back out. “give them a minute and they’ll wander out to inspect you properly. c’mon, let’s have a seat.”
Beneath a large tree was a frankly charming little patio that wouldn’t be out of place at a sidewalk cafe, with chairs and a small table. Stretch dusted fallen leaves from both and sat down.
“you’d think the leaves would drive the Edgelord nuts,” Stretch said, stifling a yawn, “and that he’d have them bagged and tagged before they hit the ground, but he actually likes them. tries to say they’re good for the grass.”
“I like them, too,” Jeff admitted. “I didn’t see too many leaves where I grew up.”
“yeah?” Stretch chuckled. “me either. okay if i smoke?”
“It’s your yard.”
“it’s your lungs.”
Jeff shrugged. “It doesn’t bother me, go ahead, just exhale the other way.”
It was chilly out, well into October as it was, but in a good sort of way, the kind you could enjoy on your face so long as the rest of you was bundled up. There was a faint hint of smoke as Stretch lit his cigarette, but the breeze carried it the other direction. They were both in warm sweatshirts in the same autumn colors as the leaves, and it was nice to sit out here and watch the chickens, take in the breezy air.
Or at least Jeff thought it was, until Stretch tapped the ash of his cigarette into an ashtray on the little table, saying quietly, “i really am sorry.”
“It’s not a big deal,” Jeff insisted because seriously? What else did he have to do anyway? Nothing that he’d enjoy more than this, for sure.
“except for how you had to drag your ass all the way out here,” Stretch said. It was his tone of voice that was really bringing home how serious he was. Stretch had, not an accent exactly, but a way of speaking that was sort of laconic, his words rounded and easy. Right now, he sounded more like Edge, all crisp syllables.
“It’s not even twenty minutes and I was coming here later to meet Antwan anyway,” Jeff countered. “I didn’t have to take an Alaskan expedition or anything.” For a minute, he thought that was it and they could move past this, maybe enjoy the morning.
“you should probably know i’m not a very good friend,” Stretch said abruptly, ruining that hope. “i have a fuckton of problems that edge already has to deal with, so i won’t blame you if you want to back out of the whole friend thing.”
“Seriously?” Jeff groaned. “Man, you overslept one time. What kind of asshole do you think I am?”
“No but…look, it doesn’t make you an asshole to not want to deal with me.” He exhaled long and slow. “i have depression with manic episodes, ptsd, plus a laundry list of issues i could put together for you.”
“Okay,” Jeff said slowly. “So, you’ve got a diagnosis. From your therapist?” Something about that made a flash of discomfort cross Stretch’s face and he ducked his head, looking at his untied shoes.
“yeah,” he muttered.
“Good, that’s much better than WebMD. Besides, if you look there, it’ll probably say you have cancer.” It made him laughed a little in a way that sounded more like him and Stretch shook his head as Jeff went on, “We’re friends, okay? Even if you fuck up sometimes. Besides, this gives me an opportunity to fuck something up.”
Stretch gave him a wobbly smile. “you think you’re going to fuck something up?”
“Oh, I know I am,” Jeff said matter-of-factly, “If there’s one thing I’m great at, it’s fucking up. But if we’re both fuck ups then we make the best of friends, right?”
“i’m not sure that theory pans out. might need a little more study.”
“Sounds good.”
The chickens had wandered out of the coop during their stroll through the emotional minefield and were at their feet, shuffling through the leaves. Jeff flailed a little when the largest one hopped onto his leg, riding his wild movements easily and plucking at the front of his shirt.
“Oh,” Jeff stared at it in surprise, his hands rising and falling as he tried to decide what to do with them. “I didn’t know chickens were…friendly.”
“these ones are pretty friendly,” Stretch grinned. “they’re all hens. you can pet her, go ahead, noodle likes it.”
Hesitantly, he did, stroking the soft white feathers as the chicken clucked. “Oh,” Jeff said again, softly, “they’re nice, aren’t they.”
“They are,” Stretch said. His tone was a little odd, a little quiet, but Jeff’s attention was on the chicken in his lap. The other two came over to inspect his shoes, demanding their share of his attention and Jeff couldn’t help laughing, trying to pet all of them at once while Stretch only sat at watched him, lighting another cigarette and smiling.
end part 1
Read Part 2
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feelingdylano · 7 years
Attention (Theo Raeken Imagine) ~Smut~
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(A/N: Usually I leave my notes for the end, but I thought to switch it up for this one lol here’s the long awaited Theo Raeken smut. I went easy on it, I was gonna go a bit more rough at it, but I decided maybe I should just go with something simple. This is barely my second smut that I’ve actually worked on, but first one to post. Obviously by the title, the idea was sparked from listening to Attention by Charlie Puth. A little summary before hand. (Y/N) and Theo dated for a while before he decided to break up with her and betray the pack. He’s been a pain in the ass to her ever since.)
Warnings: Rough sex, spanking, some choking, daddy kink, some jealousy?
            The iridescent lights bounced back and forth from wall to wall as the electronic beats continued to fill the air. Various of smells intermingled with one another, much like the bodies that continued to move and sway along with the rhythm. I wrinkled my nose as the sudden pungent smell of cheap perfume and vodka crept its way into my olfactory senses. At my side, Kira laughed and continued to press her body against mine as I ran a hand through my hair, bringing my attention back to the girl with a grin while we continued to dance.
           “Happy we dragged you out to this?” she asked over the loud music.
           “I’ll definitely be happy once I find myself a nice piece of arm candy,” I spoke closer to her ear.
           “What about him?” Her eyes flicked over to the tall Devenford prep freshman standing just a few feet behind us.
           “Brett Talbot?” I asked, raising my brows in slight surprise. “He’s a fishy!” (The term we tended to use on freshmen.)
           “Younger, but definitely a looker,” Kira laughed. “And actually, I think he’s a Sophomore now!”
           “Hmm, well then that’s definitely a game changer,” I smirked, turning back to the boy as our eyes connected. He smiled before taking a sip from his red solo cup, keeping his cool stance next to his group of friends.
           “It’s been months since you’ve been out in the game,” Kira spoke up again while I kept my gaze on the boy a little longer, testing the waters. “I think it’s time for you to get back out there and have fun!”
           “Oh, I definitely plan to,” I said, turning back to her as I placed a hand to her shoulder. “How do I look?”
           “Like a super model,” she smiled before giving me a playful wink.
           Taking in a deep breath, I straightened my shoulders before turning back and making my way toward the boy.
           “So, are you just gonna stand around looking too cool for school?” I asked, stopping myself just a few steps away as I crossed my arms. Brett seemed to chuckle as he held onto his drink, not bothering to say a word before I looked him up and down seductively. “Or are you going to ask me to dance instead of gawking?”
           The boy’s brows raised in slight surprise as he pursed his lips before nodding and placing his cup down.
           “I’ll definitely ask you to dance,” he smirked, taking a hold of my hand and leading me to the typical house party dancefloor.
           I bit my lower lip as Brett turned me to face him, wrapping my arms around his neck while his hands gripped my waist and tugged me closer to his body.
           “A little eager there, aren’t we?” I smirked. “We’re not even on a name to name basis!”
           “I’m pretty sure you’ve heard about me,” he smiled. “Otherwise, I wouldn’t have caught my name coming up in a conversation between you and Kira.”
           “Ah, I forget, the hypersensitive werewolf hearing,” I said, my brows raising slightly as I chuckled along with him. “I’ve heard about you from Scott and Liam.”
           “It’s a shame I haven’t heard about you though,” Brett gave a small shrug. “Would have been nice to know Scott had such an attractive beta in his pack.”
           “Make that human beta,” I winked playfully. “I’m just your typical human involved in the supernatural.”
           “A human,” Brett’s expression lifted in amusement. “And you think you can handle a big bad werewolf like me?”
           “I’m pretty sure I can,” I lowered my voice, biting the corner of my lip seductively.
           “Not likely,” a voice suddenly interrupted.
           My whole body froze as I turned to find the one and only Theo Raeken settle himself next to us, arms crossed.
           “(Y/N) talks a big game, but when it comes to it she doesn’t pull through,” the Chimera seemed to shrug. “But if you’re looking to waste your time, then by all means, go for it.”
           “What the hell are you doing here, Theo?” I hissed through gritted teeth, my eyes squinting into a deadly glare.
           “It’s a high school party, do you really think I would miss it?” He seemed to mock with a laugh, his blue eyes landing on me. “Plus, I heard you might be here, so I thought, what would annoy (Y/N) the most?”
           My jaw locked as I pulled away from Brett, my fists clenching as the furry inside started to boil over. He always knew how to push my buttons.
           “What the hell are you doing here, Theo?” A new voice seemed to growl.
           “I came to join the fun,” Theo shrugged as he turned to the alpha. “Do I need to hold out my hand and say I come in peace?”
           “Doubt that’s the case,” Stiles rolled his eyes as he pushed his way forward. It was as if the whole pack was being summoned.
           “C’mon guys, we’re still teenagers,” Theo forced a smile. “Can’t we just have one night where we all get along?”
           “You’re not welcome here,” Scott grumbled, his own muscles tensing.
           “Scott, it’s okay, I can handle this,” I spoke up, taking a fist full of Theo’s jacket and leading him into the hallway.
           I looked around, making sure we were alone before I dropped my hold on him.
           “What the hell is your problem?!” I finally let out as I shoved him. “We had an agreement!”
           “But how can I resist that cute little hot head of yours?” Theo smirked as he tried to reach out for my waist. My brows furrowed even further in anger as I slapped his hands away.
           “No, you’re the one who broke up with me, remember?” I retorted, crossing my arms as I glared. “The agreement was if you stay the hell away from me, you don’t get your head ripped off.”
           “You really think I can stay away from you though?” He bit his lower lip as he managed to snake his arms around me. “I mean, look at you. You’re still as gorgeous as ever.”
           My breathing hitched as Theo drew closer to my face, his hot breath brushing against my lips while my hands moved up to his chest.
           “Don’t do this,” I whispered, one of his hands reaching for the crook of my neck. “You don’t want me. You made that perfectly clear.”
           “What if I changed my mind?”
           I looked up into his clear blue eyes, feeling myself melt under his hold like I used to. Before I knew it, we were locked in each other’s lips, clutching at each other while our bodies begged for more.
           Theo grunted as I slammed him against the door, shutting and locking it in the process while we continued our heated make out session. His hands roamed and felt up my thighs, his fingers firmly gripping me before I leapt into his arms and wrapped my legs around him, not bothering to part from his lips.
           “God, I missed you,” he huffed while I moved down to his neck the minute he slammed me against a drawer for support.
           “Shut up,” I grumbled, roughly biting his neck and sucking on it briefly while I pulled him out of his jacket and quickly worked my way down to the hems of his shirt. Theo eagerly threw his articles of clothing before gripping at my body lustfully. I threw my head back and let out a moan as he moved down to my neck and shoulders, nibbling here and there. This only seemed to increase his desire as he gripped at my thighs once again, moving our place onto the bed. He laid me down with ease, his lips roaming from my mouth to my jaw and neck as I let out even more moans while his hand reached for my core. I could feel myself growing damper before I managed to flip him in my place, straddling his aching hips.
           Theo tried to work quick, attempting to pull me out of my dress, but I simply pulled away with a playful smirk, my hands pushing his wrists down.
           “Not yet,” I breathed out. My eyes flickered over to the nightstand, something catching my interest for a moment as a lightbulb went off in my head. Quickly snatching the item, I kept a tight grip on one wrist before locking it in one handcuff.
           “What the hell?!”
           “Shhh,” I hushed, lowering myself and kissing his lips gently. “Do you trust me?”
           Theo didn’t respond, instead, he allowed me to continue my work as I pulled on his other wrist and cuffed him to a pole of the headboard. I moved my lips from his mouth down to his jaw and finally his chest. Theo let out a moan in pleasure as I neared his hips, my hands gently tracing over his throbbing bulge. However, I pulled away and hoped off the bed, adjusting my dress in the process.
           “That was fun, but like I said, we made an agreement, Theo,” I sighed, making my way toward the door. “Now, stay the hell away from me.”
           “Where the hell do you think you’re going?!” He demanded, tugging at his wrists.
           “Well, I never got to finish my dance with the cute werewolf,” I shrugged, smirking slightly as I opened the door. “Face it Theo, I’m over you.”
           His chest heaved up and down as his muscles tensed and his eyes gave off that brilliant yellow glow.
           “The hell you are,” he growled, the handcuffs snapping off as he rushed his way over to me. This time, the door shut with my body slamming against the cool surface. A giggle escaped my lips as he gripped my thighs and swept me off my feet once again, his lips roughly finding their way to my own.
           My body fell back on the mattress as we both worked quickly, stripping out me out of my clothes while keeping our lips connected. Theo gripped at my lacy bra, snapping it with one hand before latching himself onto my breast. My head fell back as I moaned in pleasure. However, I gasped as Theo quickly reached down for my panties, pushing them to the side as his fingers worked their magic, only increasing my moans.
           “Oh god,” I breathed out, my hands sliding down his back, nails digging at his skin as he continued his motion. Theo gently nibbled down on my nipple and my eyes shut in pure ecstasy, feeling myself only grow wetter between his fingers. My breathing became uneven and I could feel my heartbeat quicken its pace as he moved onto my other breast, flicking my nipple with his tongue. A sharp gasp escaped my lips as Theo managed to slip in a finger, pumping in gently at first before moving onto two fingers. My head tossed back as I let out an even louder moan. He always knew how to get me going.
           Pulling myself back from my high, I quickly reached down for his throbbing bulge, rubbing my thumb against it before slipping my hand down his pants and gripping at his full length. Slowly, I began to stroke while Theo continued to play with me, having his own fun. Biting my lower lip, I felt a surge of pride as I felt his pre-cum fill my fingertips. He wanted it just as much.
           “God, (Y/N),” Theo groaned, pulling away from my breast. This gave me my opening as I pushed him off and managed to throw him onto the mattress. Theo huffed as I moved quickly and stripped him of his jeans and boxers, my hands and mouth hungry for more.
           The boy seemed to shudder as I quickly took him all in one fell swoop, bobbing my head rhythmically over his rock-hard erection.
           “Oh, God,” he moaned, throwing his head back into the pillows this time while I continued to roll my tongue, wrapping my fingers around him, and pumping him in the process. Theo looked down, his hands reaching down for my head as I continued my work, bucking his hips while I did. “Yes, baby. Don’t stop.”
           I moaned through my work, feeling my core literally aching for attention as he twitched in my mouth.
           “What? You want it baby?” Theo asked, a smirk crossing his lips as I finally pulled away, attempting to catch my breath.
           “I want more,” I huffed, biting my lower lip lustfully.
           A gasp ripped through my chest as I was suddenly tossed back onto the mattress, Theo’s hands firmly gripping at my thighs before flipping me over on my stomach. Quickly bringing my knees up, I pressed my upper body against the pillows, while Theo pulled me out of my panties and aligning himself with my wet opening.
           “You sure you want it baby?” He asked, teasing me with just the tip.
           “Give it to me, daddy,” I begged, turning over my shoulder, facing him as I bit my lip. This only seemed to drive him over the edge as he quickly slipped himself in. His thrusts started off slow as he tried to adjust himself to my tightness. However, it didn’t last as I moaned loudly, his rhythm turning forceful and eager.
           “Oh, Theo!”
           “(Y/N), fuck,” he huffed through his thrusts. “You’re so tight baby.”
           My hands gripped at the sheets, feeling myself shudder in pure ecstasy as he continued his motion. Theo tightened his hands around my hips as he poured out his sexual frustration in the act itself. I shut my eyes and moaned as he pulled a hand away and smacked my ass with just enough force to send waves of pleasure through my whole body.
           After a few more strokes, I pulled myself away from him, turning my body so I could face the boy. Reaching out for his neck, I crashed our lips together before a hand snaked its way down to his still throbbing member. I gave him a few pumps before he pushed my hand away and quickly thrust himself back inside me, not wanting to waste any time.
           “Harder,” I demanded, reaching for his free hand and placing it over my neck. Theo took the hint as he adjusted himself and tightened his grip only slightly. I shut my eyes in ecstasy and arched my back as he filled me in deeper, his hips following orders as he slammed into me. Theo groaned in pleasure, shutting his eyes as he focused his energy in not giving in just yet. The talk only grew dirtier from there, only reminding me of how much fun we used to have during our late night “study sessions”.
           “Fuck, daddy,” I moaned as he lowered himself to my ear.
           “You like that baby?” He asked, moving his fingers only slightly so his lips could brush against my skin, giving me goosebumps. My legs trembled, but I merely whimpered in response as he continued to pound against me.
           “Show me just how much you like it,” Theo smirked, pulling away and teasing my opening.
           “More,” I begged.
           “Not until you show—”
           He didn’t even get the chance to finish his sentence as I tackled him down, pushing him against the mattress and letting my mouth take over as I bobbed against his erection. My tongue swirled and I could taste myself before giving him my ultimate special move. Theo gasped and gripped the sheets.
           However, before he could reach his peak, I pulled away and quickly straddled him, my hand guiding him into my wet core. Theo bucked his hips as I slowly slid down, taking in every inch with ease. Adjusting myself, I finally allowed myself to relax and start bouncing up and down. Theo grinned and groaned as he reached up for my breasts, roughly kneading them while I continued to move my hips.
           “Theo,” I moaned as he began matching my rhythm, running a hand through my hair. The chimera dropped his hold on my breasts and lowered his hands down to my hips and lower back. I shrieked as my ride was cut short the minute he pulled my body over his. My lips crashed against his while his hands roamed down to my ass once again, his hips taking over motion this time. Knots started to form at the pit of my stomach and I knew I was going to reach my climax soon.
           “Fuck, baby, I’m gonna—”
           Theo picked up his pace as he moved down to my neck, sucking on it as he gripped at my ass a little tighter. I shut my eyes as he reached my sweet spot, rubbing at it frantically with his own dick.
           “Don’t stop,” I shook, feeling myself clench. “Fill me up, daddy.”
           “God,” Theo huffed, pulling away from my now bruised neck. He always loved when I talked that way.
His pounding only grew fierce, pushing my body to the limits. I was getting closer to my long-awaited climax. My toes curled and I only wished for sweet release. However, after a few more strokes, I felt the knot burst and my body tensed up for a moment, feeling the relief washing over me.
           “Fuck, (Y/N),” He muttered, before he started to slow down. There was a groan and before I knew it, I felt his hot cum fill up my walls, making me moan one final time. We both tried to catch our breath before I finally rolled over and plopped myself next to the boy.
           “I forgot just how amazing the sex was,” Theo panted with a chuckle.
           “So amazing it made up a lot of great stories,” I said, turning to him.
           “Like the time we did it out in the Lacrosse field,” Theo nodded.
           “And the time we did it in the school pool,” I added.
           “And every room of your house,” he smirked, wrapping his arm around me and pulling me over his chest. “How about we do that again? Maybe give our relationship another shot.”
           I took in a deep breath as I stood myself up and started to get dressed.
           “Why aren’t you saying anything?” Theo asked, once I finished.
           “Because Theo,” I breathed out, finally turning to him. “I meant what I said earlier. Even though this was fun, I’m over you. Besides, you just did this for attention. And maybe because you just hate the thought of me being with someone new.” I paused as I reached the door. “We still have an agreement. Stay the hell away from me.”
           With that, I took my shoes in hand and walked out of the room, leaving him behind much like he did when he decided to betray me and my friends. That night was the last I saw of Theo Raeken. But as I said before, at least a great story came out of it.
Part 1 / Part 2
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richmarc · 7 years
Update on paper #100117
So seeing that i never really admit my problems i tend to write my facts on paper but never all in the same breath or at the sametime, ill let my guard down for this second cause i simply need to clear my mind
Dear Tumblr,
I apologize that i have returned in a moments notice and i know I've been gone for a while. A bunch of controversial drafted post sitting in my file to never see the light of day and fears....excuses as to why i stuck with you so long. I remember when you were as private as a joke carved into a bathroom stall door, now your like the gossip newsletter flying around campus streets. I got dicouraged, knowing i was writing what I considered at the time "blue magic" and my product wasn't reaching the customers in mass quantity.
Lately i have been soul searchimg and quite frankly I didn't find what i was looking for from the moment i left, but i confide in you cause beneath the codes and backgrounds of what you are and the freedom I believe you give me, i feel as if though i have the power to make my stream line of data you keep my world. Ive changed in so many ways and have yet to dound a way to be satisfied by you, so like a battered relationship i guess for now I'll stick with you cause you and I are misunderstood and "I know you love me... i know you do <movie quote "
So ill share how shitty I feel and see what you or the universe will have to say about my open letter to you..
I have been wasting my time with females that i deemed to be a fit for me, just to be dissapointed at the end that they be on some bullshit.
I had a beautiful daughter that i don't have the honor nor the pleasure to be around, because we live in different places and I dedicate my life and time to working and making sure she has a future when she grows up and its not possible where she currently resides. Upon visits their always arguments and fucking ridicule from family begging me to sink everything thats for my daughter down the drain and restart because the memories are more important.
My daughters mother i love with all My heart and never thought I'll see the day we gotta be like this... madd some decisions that wasnt keen as to why we are where we are...on top of the fact that its been years now and forgiveness lesson i still haven't learned. I've told this woman my greatest fears of never wanting my daughter to wake up without me there and etc... and its not easy scraping the plate completely fucking clean to someone who ACCIDENTALLY made you live out that nightmare
So.....suicide would be pointless and selfish now cause you dont live for you cause the moment i seen my daughter and she seen me...I've glady destroyed my world and soley been working to build hers...cause despite the situation im first and foremost a fucking proud parent.
Not eveyone knows she exists, the world is becoming a encyclopedia of open information. Google face recognizing this mf been in multiple pics with you, that you took a shit in this Macy's and their reviews are 4.5, or you spent the weekend in Birmingham's motel 6 and you didn't state how you like your stay.... so due to the confusion i just state needless to say something thats so near and dear to me i don't post, comment, hashtag on cause the world doesn't need to join in that aspect of my life right now. I wanted to take it like it was when I was a kid, you know no twitters and ig's, summers actually spent outside maybe 2 people on the block with a Nintendo but yall all shared games... it funny some people cant remember what they wrote a year ago yet... a memory like that can never be clouded nor replaced..
I work 17hrs out of 24hr days for people who use me like an ox pulling A plough through a fucking field....
Lol... trynna be nice and not simply state its like being what african american always considers on topics pointed to racism... but you get the jist. Knowing everyday your mind wonders off and consider you better, knowing you can do better than this hoping and wishing the boss will shown you some love for a meal ticket to eat and thats no anology js......
To a man who appears to have the comparison of a marshmallow but not in wieght and stature, but color and feelings... dexterities very bleek and immobile. The kind of guy my father say look out for cause they can never look you in your eyes.
Trying to move up in the company and do something i consider something that'll be worth missing my daughters 1st etcs..... had the interviews a month's ago. A flood hits florida and somehow that had something to do with mu fucking response to advancing or not cause some asswipe want to go down and volunteer knowing he's going for the same postion I am and we gotta wait for this non relevant mf to come back to have a "fair shot" are you fucking kidding me? There's 2 slots open and im staring at what I want just fucking sitting there dusting... ok...
My bestfriend that I've loved since I was 15, come to find out basically been lying to me the past couple of years sending me mixed signals about what our relationship is and what it could be and all along she thought lying to me about being happy with the mf she's with and randomly coming up pregnant with twins with the mf was gonna hurt my feelings if she just kept it honest and told me i never had a shot to begin with, meanwhile leaving me looking like the thrist-bucket who's been chasing her and she never looked as like she wronged me...hmmm then to turn around and find another mf you know whos near and dear done the same thing and hid a pregnancy cause they didnt know how you'll feel
Friends are becoming distance from multiple sides of the globe,with the exception of the 3 goats you always keep, love....? Ummm next,
The new company who bought your apt complex decides to waltz they ass in ya spot to call bullshit and try to charge you $300 for something
Uhhhh you get the picture
I say all thst to say it's been a rough little min, thats for those who actually noticed my absence... I'm trying to contain the balst radius for when imma lose it, but this 2'5 9month tape recorder keeps me in check from losing it all and making me retain humbleness, even in my worst of times.....
Consider this a memoir for when I actually get to the sweetspot of life ,the scallops and stallions for breakfast portion
But fuck it we all human I just don't have a problem admitting the shits thats been killing me...
Until I need you again Tum tum
Sincerely yours,
Hypno Umbrella
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