#having a stand is great for doing gay poses with yourself
green-torsos · 9 months
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Dio and The World
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havinghorns · 10 months
I've thought a while about the anon ask who asked stuff about passing and "posing like a girl" (and you pondered after it what specificly are the things that would make you or someone not pass as a man)
I hope this does not cause you distress, but I think its something fundamental about the shape of your face and shape of your body from head to toe that in many peoples minds must clock you as a "woman", and sometimes posing and feminine things emphasize that. Some roundness in shapes and proportions that human brain cannot really unsee.
Which is fine I mean I do still see your style and how you express yourself and the way you look as very gay and masculine. If I didnt know better and just saw some picture, I'd propably think you are a really muscular gay woman. There are some pictures where Id propably say I am looking at a man.
There are some things we are born with that we cannot escape, some people who transition have more passing looks than others from the beginning. I dont know if you pass as a man in your daily life or not and will or can it change or not but what I do want to say is that either way you are really cool, dont let those things ever get in the way of your art and self expression and you being you. I know dysphoria and the pain and anxiety it causes wont just magically disappear like that but I'm still going to tell you that youre great as you are.
I guess this is hardly an "ask" but something that has lived in my brain for days.
I gotta say Anon, I'm not...entirely sure why you sent this? Like it's not hurtful but I also don't really understand the point. I feel vaguely patronized here but I'm going to just assume the best that you're...trying to help?
I mean...yea I know that LOL. I'm not delusional--I'm 5'4", I have a very round face and big legs, a high voice and a not particularly butch way of standing/walking/emoting/speaking. People just day-to-day probaby do often see me as a muscular woman, and like, if it's not someone that I need to interact with regularly, that's fine, who cares? It hurts no one (not even me, really)
When I say I'm interested in the things about me that maybe read as more masculine/feminine, it's not like...so I can change these things, or even to really identify them for myself. I just think it's interesting on like, a social level. Like at a certain point it's hilariously reductive--literally nothing else I've done has changed "ma'am" to "sir" then cutting my hair really short because that's just how society's brain is wired. But I like long hair so...it stays.
Any interest in "passing" really comes down to being vaguely masc enough that all the dudes trying so hard to keep their eyes on their own dick in the restroom don't catch enough femme vibes out of the corner of their vision to start a fight TBH.
And uh. Yeah no it hasn't stopped my self-expression or art or anything for...yeah 35 years now so I think we're good?
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panickinganakin · 1 year
stepping stones to hell ch. 3 (ronance fic)
this is chapter 3 of an ongoing fic, you can find all previous chapters here. 
word count: 2,310
After soundcheck Robin made her way back to the dressing room areas. She needed to drink water and ice her wrists with what little time she had left. She knocked on the first dressing room door, hoping Steve would be inside. 
“Come in,” she had heard his voice from the other side. 
Relief flooded through her just at the sound of her best friend's voice. She pushed the door open and groaned. As she shuffled into the room, Eddie was already holding a bottle of water out for her. She grabbed it thankfully and plopped down on the couch next to Steve. “Well, how’d it go?” He asked. 
Robin waited until she had drunk almost half the water before answering. Trying to decide what to say. “It went well. I wasn’t expecting Nancy Wheeler to be there. Why didn’t you say that?”
“Well, I just know tensions used to be high between the two of you. I was afraid you might turn the offer down had I told you beforehand.”
Robin cocked an eyebrow. “What are you talking about? I’ve always liked Nancy. Sure, we may have not been compatible friends back in the day but.. I’ve always respected her as a person and not to mention she’s a hell of a writer.”
Eddie lifted his water, “Cheers to that.”
“It was nice though. Nancy asked me questions that mattered and that were centered around what I had to offer to men. It was a really good environment. I fear the pictures might look… Well, I don’t know.” She looked in the large mirror across from them. The lipstick didn’t look bad. She didn’t look bad. “Okay, fine. I look great. But, I just feel like posing is hard. I probably look like a stiff board.”
Steve laughed then patted Robin’s knee. Robin’s thoughts drifted back to the last question Nancy had asked her. “What do you guys think about me coming out?”
Steve tilted his head but it was Eddie who spoke first, “To who?”
“Like everyone?”
Robin could feel her cheeks heating, “It was just an idea. I just thought maybe,” she started but paused to hear any protests. But they both were silent and listening closely. “Well, you know the point of this is to like, be a role model right? Women for women and such. It’s important for young girls and women to have women in all industries they can look up to.”
“Okay, go on,” Steve encouraged. 
“But, what about queer women? Like sure there’s representation with me doing an article cursing the patriarchy but what about what coming out could do? I just think of someone who was like me. Young, confused and just wanting someone to look to. I just-” she choked. Why was it so hard to say? “I just think coming out could give hope to people out there. Not just gay women, but anyone in our community. I’m just afraid of opinions.”
“Opinions of who? We already know your gay, babes,” Eddie said. 
“Well, what about Nancy? Will she even publish a story focused on a gay woman?”
Robin bit her nail but Steve smacked her hand away from her mouth. “We just painted those.  But, no? Why would Nancy care?”
“Well, because, well-” But Robin had nothing to add to that. Of course an all woman magazine would be progressive. 
“I think you’re more scared of yourself than anyone. Why?” Eddie asked. 
Robin rolled her eyes. She hated when Eddie spoke deeply and started making sense. “I’m not scared.”
“Really? You’ve only ever had one girlfriend and you wouldn't even bring her on a double date.”
Robin threw up a hand, Steve had no right to bring that up. “I was young! I’ve been busy. I’m not dating because I don’t want to. I just can’t right now. I’m focusing on this band, obviously.”
Eddie and Steve exchanged a silent look and Robin groaned. She hated when they spoke with their minds. “Nevermind, just forget it.” 
She stood up and grabbed an extra water. Before she made it to the door Steve stopped her, “Robs. You know we are proud of you no matter what. We will always support you and stand behind your decision. You can come out in this article or months down the road. Don’t ever ask us how you should do it. We are standing behind you no matter how.”
Robin’s chin quivered and she nodded, “I know that. I love you guys and I’m very thankful for you both. I’ll think about it. Maybe I’ll know after the show.”
Robin followed the hall down to where she knew dressing room ‘C’ was located. She tapped on the door twice and pushed it open before hearing a response. Gareth was sitting on the sofa, tapping drumsticks against a practice pad. He looked up and smiled, “Oh hey, Bubs. How did the interview go?” 
Robin took a seat beside Gareth and sighed dramatically. She laid her head on his shoulder and he wrapped an arm around her. She couldn’t remember when Gareth had given her the nickname but it had been years of him using it. Their practice sessions had led to them becoming very close. He was practically her best friend after Steve. “It wasn’t bad, was it?” 
“No, no. It was fine! Nancy Wheeler was actually the person interviewing me.” 
“At least you knew someone. Did they take photos?” 
Robin nodded, “They did. I felt sort of silly alone but I think it’ll be okay. The work they’re doing is great.” 
“That’s good, I know how much it means to you.” 
That was true. Robin was very grateful for all of her bandmates. On more than one occasion they had stood with her, signs held high at different protests. Not only gender equality protests but also LGBT protests. “I think it’s going to be good. Nancy is a phenomenal writer.” 
“One of the best,” he agreed. Robin notes his silence and he knew he was thinking of her article she wrote for Eddie. Truly she deserved a large portion of credit when it came to Eddie’s name being cleared. 
The door swung open quickly and Nancy’s head popped in. Her eyes went big, “Oh, I am so sorry! I didn’t mean to interrupt anything. I just missed something but,” Nancy looked down at her notes, her brows furrowing. “Uhm, I’ll just find you after the show.” 
She turned and shut the door behind before Gareth or Robin could respond. “That was weird. Maybe go talk to her?” He suggested. 
Robin debated it for a moment then stood up, letting out a small sigh. She exited the room and saw Nancy standing at the end of the hallway. She held the notepad in her hands but was looking straight forward at the wall. “Uh, Nancy? What did you miss?” 
“Oh! Oh, uhm,” she paused. She looked down at the notes and sighed, “Nevermind. I had read it wrong, I thought I missed half of the answer to the growing up question but I drew an arrow to the margin and for some reason I missed that.” She inhaled, “Sorry I stormed in. I didn’t mean to interrupt your privacy. Steve just told me where to find you and,” she shook her head then smiled. “Please tell Gareth I’m sorry.” 
Robin raised an eyebrow. Nancy was acting like she had walked in on something scandalous. “Oookay. It’s not like either of us were offended. He was just asking me about the interview.” Robin took another step toward Nancy, “You said you’re going to stay for the show?” 
“Huh? Oh, yeah! Steve said it was fine and I wanted to take some notes to maybe have some stuff to fluff up your article. Is that okay?” 
“Do whatever you want,” Robin gave a smile then thought again about what she had discussed with Steve and Eddie. “How long does it take to run an article?” 
“Well, we’re hoping we get this one bumped to the issue that drops in two weeks but it really depends on the printers. It may be next month's issue.” 
“Okay, cool. Does that mean we could change some things around?” 
Nancy raised an eyebrow, tucking her notepad under her arm. “Like what?” She smoothed her shirt down and Robin noticed now she was wearing a short gray skirt, almost the color of her shorts. “Was there something you didn’t like?” 
“Oh, no! Everything was great! I just feel like I could have answered one of the questions differently. You know,” Robin paused to take a breath. Her chest felt funny as the internal debate with herself started again. What would the outcome of this be? Would it have the impact she thought? And why did she feel the need to have validation? “Maybe I’m just overthinking stuff. Everything was great.”
Robin rocked back on her heels and Nancy looked at her curiously. She needed to change the subject so she clapped her hands together. “Have you ever been onstage before a show? The doors open soon but we have enough time to take a tour. Would you be interested?” 
Nancy’s face cracked into a smile and she nodded, “Yes! That would be perfect!” 
“Come on,” Robin motioned for Nancy to follow her. 
They walked through the hall staying silent, Robin was unsure of what to say. It was nice though, she has to admit. Being around someone from her past and a woman at that. 
As they approached the black curtains that separated them from the stage Robin quickened her step to go and hold them open for Nancy. 
Nancy stepped out on the stage slowly with Robin following. She turned taking in the whole venue. “Holy shit,” she said almost breathlessly. “It always seems so big when you’re out in the crowd but seeing it from this angle?” 
Robin watched Nancy as she stepped towards the middle of the stage. With the overhanging light above, Robin could see the colors she had added to her hair better. There were blonde streaks but also reddish brown ones. “This many people? All around America? Incredible.” 
The room had an upper balcony seating with back of house seating in the back as well. The pit stretched to the seats in the back making the venue able to accommodate nearly five thousand people. Tonight was a sold out show. One of the largest they’ve played. 
Robin took her usual seat at the drum kit, “London. Mexico. Brazil. We’ve been a little bit of everywhere now.” 
Nancy shook her head as she turned to look at Robin. “That’s so crazy. It seems like just yesterday we were still in Hawkins. Now you’re on planes, touring the world.” 
“Plans suck. The worst. I have to be medicated just to step on one.” 
Nancy chuckled, “Really? I don’t think they’re that bad. I kind of like being that high up. It’s nice looking down at the world.” 
Robin shook her head, “You’re bonkers. I can’t even look out the window when I’m on one.”
She laughed softly before sitting at the edge of the platform Robin’s drums were on. She stared out at the empty room for a long moment before Robin saw her shoulders lift in a shrug. “I’m really proud of you and the rest of the guys. It’s so crazy, don’t you think?” She turned to look at Robin and the light caught the glitter in her eyeshadow, “You guys started playing music and now you’re doing it. You’re living out people’s dreams.” 
Robin nodded, “You are too. I mean, you always wanted to write, right? And I mean, all those times you were dismissed and made to be a secretary? Now look at you! You own your own magazine and employee only women. That’s so fucking bad ass.” 
Nancy’s cheeks turned pink and she nodded, “I think we both turned out pretty badass.” 
“Doors in five!” A security guard shouted toward the stage from the back of the room. 
Robin gave a thumbs up, hopping off the platform. She offered a hand to Nancy to help her up. Nancy pulled herself using Robin for support. “Thanks for showing me this. It was super neat.” 
“Are you going to watch to watch the show from side stage?” Robin led them back behind the curtain and towards the dressing room areas once again. 
“Well, I actually got Steve to agree to an all access pass. I’m going to watch from the barricade.” 
“Nancy Wheeler,” Robin said in sort of shocked but delightful tone. “I did not take tour for a barricade kinda girl.” 
Nancy made a snorting noise, “Okay, one thing about me? I love live shows. Another thing? Stepping Stones to Hell? Favorite song ever.” 
Robin felt a small bulb of pride fill her chest. Gareth had actually written that song with Eddie. It was her favorite to play because she had an extended drum solo while the rest of the group paused for water. “Well, Wheeler, that just happens to be the best song we play live.” 
The two them entered a room where there were more snacks and refreshments. They both took a water then sat down across from one another at a table. “Are you supposed to have favorites? Isn’t that biased?” 
“I think you’ll know why after you see it tonight.” 
“Alright then, looking forward to it.” 
“As fun as this has been, if you want barricade you better be getting down there. It’s going to fill in quick once the doors open.” 
She stood, finishing off her water then bowing her head slightly. “Thank you for the advice. Im looking forward to your show.” 
“At least you know it’s mine and not the guys,” Robin said jokingly. 
Nancy shook her head with laughter, waving at Robin before hurrying out the door. 
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eemeelyy · 3 years
Hello, baby! Hope you are alright! Could you write something for zendaya x fem reader where they are friends and are dating two different guys but they broke up and they are like 'screw it lets travel' and they go and there they fuck all the time and maybe its reader's 1st time with a woman and at the end are like 'yeah... we dont need men' sorry if it's too specific! You dont neet to write it if you dont want to ❤❤
I dug into my own little box of emotions for this, so I think it got a little more serious than intended. Anyway, hope you like it ❤️
Vulgar Language and Smut ahead! Minors, do not interact!
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What happens in Italy…
You and your boyfriend had gone to the first screening of your new movie together. You and Zendaya had played two young women discovering themselves together. There were some rather steamy scenes in it and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t like it, especially when you saw it on screen.
Zendaya and you, however, became great friends over the course of filming. You started to hang out in your free time even after filming was over and were now posing for pictures together on the red carpet, bright smiles on your faces. Your boyfriends were standing off to the side, watching with frowns.
He didn’t talk to you all evening and when you arrived back at your place and you wanted to head to bed he stopped you with gritted teeth.
“Y/N, can we talk about what happened tonight?”, he asked when you were halfway down the hall.
“Why, what happened tonight?”, you asked, leaning against the wall next to you.
He didn’t step closer, you didn’t come back. You just had this chat with at lest five metres between you.
“I don’t want you hanging around Zendaya anymore”, he crossed his arms.
You stood up straight and let out a small, confused laugh, “What are you talking about? No.”
“Do you have a thing for Zendaya? Y/N, are you gay?”
“I’m not gay. I’ve never had a thing with a woman before. That was for the movie. Oh my god, did you think me and Z-?”
“No. I mean, not yet. I don’t think you’d cheat on me”, he uncrossed his arms and started shifting his weight from one leg to the other, “I should go. I’m sorry, Y/N. I can’t do this anymore. I’ll pick up my stuff later.”
You looked after him with scrunched eyebrows as he left the key to your house by the door and left. You watched him from the window when he got in his car and drove off.
The first night after he was gone you were angry. You didn’t sleep but did everything that came to mind to calm your rage. You packed up his things, exercised until you were drenched, you took a cold shower, you raided your own kitchen, and cooked and baked everything that came to mind.
The afternoon of the next day, his roommate came by to pick up his stuff. You didn’t talk at all but you did feel his eyes judging you as if you actually had cheated. Which you didn’t, of course.
Since you had pulled an all nighter full of rage you went to bed early that night. You were laying in bed and stared at the ceiling. Alone with your thoughts you remembered that he had left you because he thought you were gay. But you weren’t gay, right?
Frustratedly, you pulled a pillow over your face and screamed into it. You slept nearly twelve hours that night and were woken up by your phone dinging with incoming messages.
Are you okay? - Zendaya.
I think we should talk. - Zendaya.
It’s a bit important. - Zendaya.
Screw it. I’m coming over. 20 minutes. - Zendaya.
You groaned and got up. You quickly put on some track pants and a big white shirt, so you wouldn’t be in nothing but knickers when you opened the door. You had another five minutes left and quickly made yourself a coffee to wake up. In the reflection of the coffeemaker you noticed your tired and puffy face so you quickly splashed some water from the kitchen sink into your face and wiped it with a your shirt.
The doorbell rang so you picked up your mug and went to open it. You buzzed the gate and saw Zendaya approach in shorts and a similar shirt. She smiled at you from afar and you stepped aside to let her in. You closed the door behind her and leaned against it, looked at her and smiled a little.
“Are you okay?”, she asked.
“Yeah”, you breathed out and looked down.
“Uh-huh”, she raised her eyebrows and head waiting for you to say something.
You looked at your feet and wiggled your toes, then pushed yourself away from the door.
“Do you want to drink something? I just made coffee, you want one? Er, I can make you tea. Water? I guess I could mix something if you want but it’s not even noon yet.”
You walked ahead into the kitchen and started fussing around to get the attention away from your mental state. She followed you and grabbed your shoulders.
“I broke up with him.”
“Who?”, you asked.
She raised an eyebrow, waiting for the penny to drop and then your mouth formed an o-shape and you looked around for something to say.
“I’m sorry”, you decided on.
“Why?”, she asked with a small laugh.
“I don’t know. I think that’s something you’re supposed to say when someone tells you bad news.”
“You think it’s bad news?”
“No, I-, I don’t know. What do you want me to say?”, you shrugged her hands off and leaned back against the counter, your arms crossed around your middle.
“I want you to tell me why you haven’t texted me back since the premiere”, she crossed her arms as well and leaned against the counter opposite from you.
“My phone was dead”, you muttered.
“For two days?”
“Yes, actually. I tossed it into the furthest corner of my bedroom after he broke up with me and left it there until late last night. Then I found it with a massive spider-app and put it on the charger”, you shrugged.
“He broke up with you?”, she asked, her eyebrows raised in concern.
“And he hasn’t contacted me since. I could do better, right? I mean, he lives in a bachelor pad with this other guy who picked up his stuff for him, and was jealous about everyone I worked with. I payed for every dinner. Why did I-? Fuck, I set myself up for failure”, you put your head in your hands and shook it.
“You can’t blame yourself for bullshit-people”, Zendaya put a hand against your arm in comfort.
“I can blame myself for associating with them”, you argued.
“Do you also want to get away from bullshit-people for a bit?”, she then asked.
You sighed, “More than anything.”
“Alright”, she stepped away and went to your laptop that sat on your kitchen table, “Clear your schedule. Two weeks away from bullshit-people. Can you unlock this for me?”
You sat down next to her and did, “What, you just want to leave everything for two weeks and go somewhere?”
“What’s everything? Noon can stay with Darnell and you and I don’t have any obligations”, she shrugged and looked up flights and hotel rooms, “Where do you want to go?”
You sighed and rubbed your hands over your face, giving yourself a moment to think, then you looked at her again and gave up, “Italy?”
“I love Italy”, she put it in.
Less than a week later you entered a beautiful, large hotel room with a view over a piazza in Sicily. You had decided to share a room and, thus, a bed into which Zendaya jumped right after entering. You quickly tipped the man who had helped you get your things up and closed the door. Then you jumped next to her and both of you laughed.
“This was a good idea”, you told her.
“I knew you’d say that”, she smiled.
For a moment you just laid there and smiled at each other. You couldn’t help but notice her beautiful features and when you caught yourself doing that you cleared your throat and got up.
“So, tiny place, beautiful beaches, incredible food. I could do with incredible food”, you announced.
She sat up and nodded in agreement. Bad idea.
Here you were now, dressed up in a very stereotypical restaurant. Meaning it was very intimate and just set you up to fall in love. However, for the night you two had ordered a pizza to share and a bottle of Lambrusco. You had the friendliest talks about anything and everything. Talking about bullshit-boyfriends and joking about not needing men at all.
When your laughter died down, the pizza was finished and you were on your last sips of wine the thought crept in the back of your head that tonight was not all jokes.
“Y/N, can I ask you something a little, well, more serious?”
“Uh-huh”, you raised your eyebrows in anticipation.
“Why did you break up?”, she asked quietly.
“It doesn’t matter”, you shook your head and looked into your glass.
“I broke up with my ex because I’m into someone else”, she admitted.
You looked up with wide eyes, your heart beating faster, “Who?”
“Your turn now”, she dodged the question.
“He thinks you and I- He thought I had a thing for you”, you admitted.
“Do you?”, she started to move closer across the small table between you.
“Your turn now”, you mirrored her movements.
“It’s you”, she whispered when there was barely any space left between you.
You stared at her for moment and bit your lip, then you moved back and gave the waiter a hand motion to show him you wanted to pay. She stayed there for a while, just staring at you and trying to figure you out. All the while the waiter came and you paid for both of you. You downed your wine and took her hand.
“Come on.”
She got up with you and you walked back to your hotel, not letting go of each other’s hand the entire time. You entered your room and you leaned against the closed door.
“Yes”, you said.
“Yes what?”, she looked back at you.
“Yes, I do have a thing for you.”
Her eyes lit up and mouth formed a little o-shape.
“But I-I’ve never done this. I’ve never been with a woman before. I’m not even sure about my sexuality anymore. I mean, I never put a label on it. And I won’t. I’m just… I know, I’m not supposed to say this, but I’m confused.”
She got up and interrupted your rambling, “That’s okay. It’s okay not to have a label. You can be into whomever you want to be into and it doesn’t have to say anything about you.”
She put her hand to your cheek and started to stroke it with her thumb. Again, you just stared at each other for a few moments. Your eyes flickering from each other’s eyes to each other’s lips.
“What do you want me to do?”, she whispered.
“Can you- Would you kiss me?”
She smiled and pressed her lips to yours. She guided you through it and it felt like you’d never kissed anyone before. She opened her lips slightly and touched yours with her tongue, asking you to let her in. You smiled into it and opened your lips for her. You danced, with your tongues and your bodies. Your hands started to roam each other.
In a trance you started to walk, making her walk backwards until she hit the bed. She pulled you down with her and turned you over until she was on top of you. She pulled away for a moment.
“How far do you want to go?”
“As far as I fucking can.”
She laughed and you joined in.
“Help me?”, you asked.
She nodded and unbuttoned your blouse, revealing your dainty nude bra. She bit her lip and let her hands glide from your collarbone, down to the button of your beige trousers. She opened it and you raised your hips so she could take them off completely and then she looked down at you.
Your blouse was open and pulled down your shoulders, you wore a lacy nude bra and simple white cotton panties. You felt heat rise in your cheeks and instinctively tried to hide yourself. She smiled and laid a hand against your cheek. When you looked back at her she started to let it wander down your neck, across your sternum. She added her other hand to hold your waist as she leaned back down and kissed you again.
“May I?”, she asked with a hand on your waistband.
You nodded and lifted your hips a bit again so she could pull them off.
“Y/N, you’re beautiful”, she said, looking back up at your face.
“Says you”, you tried to shrug it off.
Zendaya gave you a bright smile and brought her lips back down to yours as her fingers moved to your centre. You tangled one hand through the hair on the side of her head and moved the other to her exposed waist. When she touched your clit and started to rub you moaned into her mouth. Your hands dropped and she moved away from your face so she could watch your expression as she fingered you.
It didn’t take you long to cum over her expert hands. When you climaxed you opened your eyes and mouth in bliss and looked right into her glowing eyes. She smiled at you as she rubbed you through your high.
And that’s how your next two weeks went. At first you kept worrying that you looked as fucked-out as you felt but after a few days it just turned into the blissful feeling of actually being fucked-out. You’d order breakfast to your bedroom everyday and take your time in the mornings. Sometimes you’d have a few orgasms before you even left your room.
You’d spend your days exploring the small town you’d decided to spend your vacation in or at the beach, lounging in the sun and swimming. At night you’d get dressed up to have dinner at one of the romantic little restaurants in the city and then went back to your room excitedly to fuck each other to sleep.
On your last morning you were sitting naked in bed again, a big array of breakfast food and coffee on a tray between you. You were eating in silence. A slight wind and piazza-noise came through the open window and there was the occasional munching-sound or slurp of coffee.
“What happens now?”, you asked, looking down.
“I think, we need to hurry up a bit, actually. We still need to pack up and check-out’s at twelve, latest”, she shrugged, focused on the mandarin she was peeling.
“That’s not what I mean”, you looked up, “I mean, when we get back. Is this like a ‘what happens in Italy stays in Italy’ sort of thing or what happens when we get back home?”
She looked up and smiled a little, “What do you want to happen when we get back home?”
“I want- I just had two weeks of the best sex of my life. And we have the best conversations and the nicest times together, that part even before Italy. And my heart always beats a little faster when you smile at me”, you admitted, quickly putting a piece of bread in your mouth to shut up.
She laughed a bit, “Keep going.”
You just kept chewing the rather big bite of food and stared at her, silently begging her to say something first.
“My heart beats a little faster, too, whenever you do anything, to be honest”, she looked down with a timid smile, “I really like you. And if this is a ‘What happens in Italy stays in Italy’ sort of thing, then I don’t ever want to leave Italy.”
You had finally gotten down your food by the time she finished and looked up at her, “Me neither.”
She smiled brightly and leaned across the tray to kiss you, just shortly. Yeah, you wouldn’t leave that in Italy.
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butwhyduh · 3 years
Can you write something with Cassandra Cain/ Black Bat and the prompt ‘sexy training/sparring’ with supersis!reader?
Ooooo Interesting idea.
Warning: suggestive but no smut
Another complete mission done and the post mission meeting was coming to a close and you just wanted to take your shower and go to bed. Nightwing finally nodded and you started walking up to your room along with everyone else.
“Hey, can I talk to you,” he asked and you turned around. The others filed out around you.
“You were reckless. You could have gotten hurt today-“
“I don’t have a scratch on me-“
“And if they had Kryptonite or magic, you’d be dead,” he finished his sentence. “You need training before I let you go back out in the field. You’ll get someone hurt. Mandatory remedial training starts tomorrow.”
“Wing- really?” You protested.
“Yep! And I have just the person to punch you into shape,” Dick said with a positivity that was purposefully annoying.
“Black Bat,” he said while leaving the room.
“… Black Bat?” You mumbled after he left. So you’d worked with her a few times. She’s an insanely good fighter and her outfit is super scary. And you might have a tiny huge crush on her.
The next morning you were surprisingly nervous. Was it the fact that your heart beat a little faster when you thought of spending all day with her? Maybe. Was it genuine worry that she might find a way to actually hurt you? Maybe. We’re you gonna get your ass beat? Absolutely.
Cassandra and Dick walked in together and he rubbed his hands together happily. She was wearing black Lycra clothing and no mask. Her black hair was chin length and brushed back from her forehead.
“Okay so Cass is gonna train you with some defensive and offensive maneuvers but first we just want you to spar. No powers from you,” he looked at you. “No speed, no flight, and definitely no super strength. Cassandra is still a regular human. Even though she kicks everyone’s butt,” Dick said in a false whisper. Cass had a small smile.
“I’m not worried,” she said and her smile grew. You smiled nervously. You were gonna die.
“Alright, let’s spar,” Dick said.
“Okay,” you squeaked out.
Cass got in a fighting pose and you held your hands up. She immediately swept your legs from beneath you and you landed on the mat solidly. You tried to jump back up but a kick to the side had to landing on the ground again with a small oof of air puffing from your chest and if actually hurt. That was a new sensation.
“You are.. durable,” she said conversationally as she danced around you and you barely dogged most of her punches.
“Uh yeah, part Kryptonian,” you answered and another kick landed on your ribs and you were wincing in pain. How was she actually hurting you?
“That kick would have killed anyone else and she barely reacted,” she told Dick. He nodded. “But she is not trained to fight. Only strong enough to be hit,” Cass added.
“I’m right here,” you protested. “Wait, killed??”
She kicked your legs from beneath you and you landed bodily on the ground. Cass quickly wrapped her legs around your arm and shoulder in a hold and pulled. It didn’t quite hurt but you weren’t able to move either.
“Do you tap out,” Dick asked and you kinda pulled your arm for Cass to go along with it. You tried to sit up and was rewarded with a kick to the same spot on your side as before. It dropped you back to the floor.
“… yeah,” you groaned. She immediately let go and got back in a standing position. You rolled to your feet slowly.
“No super strength,” Cass reminded you.
“Again? You beat me easily,” you said.
“Make it less easy,” she smiled widely and your heart pounded in your chest at the sight, even though it meant she was going to beat you up again.
Dick’s phone went off and he walked to the edge of the room to answer. You took the break to grab some water. You weren’t tired exactly but it was something to do. He came back with an apologetic look.
“I’ve got to go. But you two keep it up. Cass knows what she’s doing. Sorry,” he said.
“It’s okay. We’re having fun,” she said.
“We are?” You said surprised.
“Yes, I don’t have to hold back.”
“Great,” Dick said as he left the room and you up Cassandra’s mercy. Your nerves went sky high. You were way too attracted to her to act normal in this situation.
She stood back in a fighting pose and motioned for you to attack her. You gave a punch far from full strength and before you could blink, she had hit you twice in the ribs with the side of her hand and pulled your hand behind your back and upwards.
“Don’t leave yourself open. Hands up,” she commented while releasing your hand. You nodded.
You started again with a punch and this time you blocked one hit but she kneed you in the stomach instead and you groaned. How hard could she hit?? She knew what areas to hit. You tried to punch her and she knocked your legs from beneath you and you hit the mat again, this time on your back.
Cass straddled your waist and started hurling you with a barrage of punches that you could barely dodge. You tried to hit back only to have her tie your wrists with a rope you hadn’t even seen her grab from some pocket. She was lightning fast. You pulled at them before stopping when you realized you couldn’t use your super strength in the fight.
“Do you tap out,” she asked and you could only stare at her. Holy shit you were too gay for this. Way too gay. She was straddling your waist ffs.
One of those things that wasn’t public knowledge was her increased abilities to read body language. Cass studied you and the way you moved and looked at her and it didn’t take much to learn what was on your mind.
She increased the pressure by pulling your wrists. You gasped. “Do you tap out?” Cass repeated, looming over you.
“I- uhh,” you stuttered. Your mind was gone. Smoke. A pretty girl was on top of you.
“Why are you… flustered,” she asked. She was staring at you like a detective. Was she bending closer? Her heartbeat wasn’t louder, you realized. But that didn’t mean much to a bat who probably trained that away.
“Well- you’re, I mean,” you stuttered again. She was definitely bending down towards you and you froze. Cass bent by your ear and your skin tingled at her breath.
“You find me distracting,” she whispered. It wasn’t a question. “You often watch me train.” She ran her teeth along the edge of your earlobe and you loudly inhaled. Your hand wrapped around one of her wrists lightly as best it could. Cass turned her head and you couldn’t help but look down at her lips.
“You’re brash. And reckless,” she stated and you gulped. She looked your face over before continuing. “But you have a kind heart.”
You turned your face to better accommodate a kiss if she wished. Hopeful but certainly not expectant.
“Too bad you can not fight,” she mused before pressing her lips against yours. You melted in her touch. You tried to cup her face or hug her or anything to only feel the rope around your wrist. She nibbled on your lip and you ripped the rope to thread your hand in her hair.
She pulled back. “No super strength.”
“None,” she said tilting your chin up towards her. You put your wrists back where she had them. She pressed her lips back against yours and you couldn’t help the soft sounds you made. You pulled away at the noises in the hall.
“Nightwing,” you breathed and Cass was up and standing like nothing happened within a second and right before Dick opened the door. You, of course, looked like an idiot laying on the ground.
“Any progress,” Dick asked as you stood back up.
“Uhh,” you started.
“She will learn,” Cass answered. Dick was looking at you and Cass grinned like a cat at you from behind you.
“Yep,” you said and he smiled.
“Good. We’ll schedule it a few times a week,” Dick said while typing on his phone. Probably making the schedule already. “Just until Cass decides you’re ready. Now you have flying training with Koriand’r. You’ll be in fighting shape in no time.”
Hours later:
“So how is Y/n doing?” Clark asked Dick.
“Good. She’s training to be a better fighter before I put her out in the field.”
“Who with?” Clark asked with a frown. “Even though she didn’t grow up fighting, she has super streng-“
“Don’t worry. She’s training with Black Bat and to be honest, she probably won’t get a single hit in,” Dick said with a grin.
“I’m surprised she didn’t faint,” Clark said jokingly. Dick’s smile dropped.
“Is she having an health problems or anything-“
“No no. She’s just a… big fan,” Clark said. Dick nodded casually before realization hit him.
“Like that?”
“Hahaha yeah,” Clark said with a laugh. “Anyways, I’ve got to go. Talk to you later.”
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shorkbrian · 3 years
Also hi I watched Chaos Walking yesterday and WOOF Mads Mikkelsen can get it unf.
But then I was also like fantasizing like.... what if all the women were gone..... and some men just couldn’t handle their urges without some sort of outlet?
Like I could see this with Denki.
“You’re really pretty, for a boy I mean. You almost look like a girl.” Is something he says in passing, almost like a joke, or, you hope it’s a joke. You laugh it off either way, forget about it, don’t think about it.
“Don’t you ever get tired of fucking your fist?” And yeah, that’s an odd question, but when he poses it to the Bakusquad, they all agree, so it’s not a weird thing to say apparently.
“I wish girls were still around, I just wanna fuck someone, I don’t wanna die a virgin.” He’ll lament, before getting hit with a barrage of empty soda cans.
“Virgin? Denki, you’ve fucked your way through the entire school.” Sero snorts, and Bakugou scoffs.
“Yeah, you’re a fuckin’ man-whore Pikachu.”
Denki sighs dramatically, flopping backwards onto the bed. “But that was before, when there were still girls. I’m so pent up, I think my balls are gonna burst.”
Kirishima shakes his head, goes back to the game on his phone. “You’re a perv, Denki.”
And that’s that.
You catch the odd staring, his heated looks, how he tries to find excuses to touch your skin. 
“You’re all soft, you have really nice skin.” Is his justification.
In the locker rooms, you take to waiting until everyone leaves before you start to change, just because Denki spends too much time with his eyes roving over your form.
You’re expecting it, really, when he comes knocking at your dorm.
“Have you ever thought of getting fucked?”
It’s such a blatant, no-filter question, exactly the kind of thing Denki says on the regular. Still, you sputter, face going red.
“Denki, you’re very handsome, but I only feel for you as a frien-”
“But have you thought about it? Ever had any dreams?”
He’s so bold, kicking his feet, nonchalant, as if you and him are talking about something as mundane as the weather, or your grades.
“I just think that you’d be really good at it, y’know? You have a really feminine figure.”
“Denki....” You start, giving him a glance. “I’m not a girl, I don’t have the necessary... um... bits...”
The blonde laughs, leans forward. “C’mon, you’ve never heard of gay sex? You get fucked in the ass - I’ve heard it doesn’t even hurt if you use lots of lube.”
You’re silent, don’t know how to respond. You’ve never really thought about it before, but then again, your sex drive isn’t as high as some other guys, specifically Denki.
“Would you let me?” Denki’s far too close, had moved from your desk chair to sit next to you on your bed, leaning into your space. You lean away.
“Fuck you.”
It takes a moment for you to realize that the blonde isn’t cursing at you. No, he’s propositioning you.
“Uhhh-” Is all you manage.
“I bought a bunch of new lube, and I’ve actually looked stuff up. I know, “Denki doing homework” isn’t a common sight, but I’m serious about this.”
He’s rambling on, completely oblivious to your discomfort as you’re seated next to him. “I think it’ll be good for both of us, really.
With that, he stands, gives you a smile, pats your head. “See you tomorrow then. And don’t worry about the details, I’ll bring all the stuff we need!”
The Bakusquad (Is it really the Bakusquad without Mina?) ribbed you about it the second they saw you.
“You’re really gonna let Sparky near your ass? Dumbass.” Bakugou barked out, and you immediately cringed. Had Denki told them about him asking you? You hadn’t even really said yes!
“Tell me how it feels-” Kiri interjects, popping another handful of chips into his mouth. “I’m kinda lookin’ for some stress relief m’self.”
Bakugou smacks the redhead across the back of his head. “Shut the fuck up.”
And that’s your cue to leave.
Denki knocks on your door again a few days later, and you barely open it an inch before he’s almost knocking you over in his excitement to come in, his backpack slung across his shoulder.
He dumps the contents out on the bed, and you blanch, turning to your friend to begin explaining that you aren’t comfortable with this, that you aren’t willing, that Denki’s just a friend-
But the blonde is too excited, already pushing at you, knocking you off balance as his lips press to yours, warm and smooth with chapstick, berry flavored.
His hands wander into your clothes, unbuttoning your shirt as you try to distance yourself, unzip your pants even though your grab at his wrists.
“Denki, wait-”
“Can you put on the girl’s uniform? I think I got a size that’ll fit you. Here, lemme help.” And small hands are tugging your own shirt off, quickly replacing it with the girls version, trapping you within a cloth prison. It’s a bit too small for you, arms a bit too big, shirt a bit too short, riding up and exposing your tummy.
You yelp when Denki rips down your pants, along with your boxers. Trying to cover yourself with your hands is a lost cause though, because Denki just smiles up at you, grapples with you until he can pin your hands to your thighs.
“You’re so small down here, you really are like a girl! I bet you’ll look so cute in panties-”
You try to fight him as he guides you into the panties, try to tell him no as he slips your legs into a skirt.
But your friend won’t listen, easily avoids your trembling, thrashing limbs.
You’re face down before you know it, skirt flipped up past your ass, panties pushed to the side.
Denki’s got a finger in your ass, slick with lube, and it feels so wrong, doesn’t feel good, and you don’t want to cry like a bitch, but it almost hurts, and burns, and the stretch is too much-
But it’s not like Denki’s going to listen to you telling him to slow down.
Everything is happening so fast, and your head spins. You don’t want this. You don’t want this. You don’t want this.
It doesn’t hurt too bad, especially when Denki pulls his finger out to squeeze more lube across your hole. He pushes two fingers in this time though, and you keen as the stretch becomes painful, too tight.
“Just relax, you’re doing great. You’re all soft inside, like a girl. You know you’re sucking my fingers in, right? Knew you wanted this.”
He won’t shut up, and you try to drown out his voice as he stretches you out, holds down your back with his other hand so you can’t move around too much.
When he thinks you’re ready, (which you definitely don’t think you are) his fingers pull free, more lube is squirted onto your hole.
There’s a sticky, rhythmic squelch that you recognize as the sound of someone jerking off, but before you can look back, Denki’s lining himself up, teasing your ass with the head of his cock.
“Don’t worry, I’ll go slow.” He tells you, flashing a wink your way. “Gonna make me cum if I shove in all at once.”
That’s comforting.... sort of (not really).
He refuses to touch your dick at first, but finally relents and wraps his hand around it right before he comes, calling it your “clit” and cooing at you like you were some dumb little girl as you shook beneath him.
When Denki finally finishes, he pats your shoulder, says something about doing this again sometime “You’re real good at this.”. 
You just collapse against your bed, too tired and spent to argue with him.
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peachbear88 · 3 years
A Whole New World (Pt 4)
A/N: Part 4! Hopefully I can cram the rest of the series into 5 parts. So hopefully, the next one will be the last one. Hopefully.
Spoiler alert: Pietro is gay here. :) IT'S AN AU PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!
Genie encircles you, examining you with almost judging eyes.
"Skinny figure, barely any muscle." He prods you and you recoil.
"We can make it work." He shrugs, pulling up what looks to be a flimsy notebook of materials. "I'm feeling a... Periwinkle!" You attempt to peer over his shoulder.
"What's periwinkle?" You ask, concerned as a pair of glasses and measuring tape appear.
"No! Chautrese!" He exclaims, swirling around you fast, whipping up a small cloud of dust. You cough as the dust dissipates noticing the immediate change of clothes. "No Genie! You're slipping!" He says, slapping his forehead. You do a little twirl in the sparkling blue puffy dress, gesturing to the massive black hat on your head.
"This is a big hat."
"No it's not a big hat." He snaps. "We gotta go bold n' gold!" A massive roll of golden fabric appears as he tears massive pieces of it off of the roll before wrapping you up in it. When you emerge, you find yourself wearing a thick golden suit, a cape draping off your shoulders. "Ah man! No! It clashes with your eyes! No!" He flips through his notebook again.
"This is kinda heavy..." You mutter and the genie's eyes light up.
"Yes! I've got it!" He takes a massive breath, fussing over you once again until you emerge. This time you come out wearing a sleek black suit, white dress shirt and a small golden watch. The carpet claps enthusiastically while the monkey wanders off. "And the crowd goes wild! The genie's on fire! The genie's on fire!" He exclaims into a megaphone before dropping it and zipping around the area, bright fire trailing after him everywhere he goes. "Somebody put me out! I'm too much!" He screams and a giant rain cloud appears above him, drenching him and effectively putting out the massive fire. He snaps his fingers and a tall mirror appears in front of you. "What'd you think kid?" You pose, smiling confidently.
"I like it. I think it's really me." The genie tuts as you continue staring at your reflection in the mirror.
"Well technically it's me but yeah, I get you." He scratches his neck as you tear your gaze from the mirror.
"Who am I again?" The genie avoids your gaze, still scratching the back of his neck.
"Uh Y/N Stark? Duh. The youngest of Stark Enterprises." You turn to face him, skepticism clear on your face.
"Is that a real company?" He nods vigorously.
"Oh yeah. A New York company. They've got a website and everything." You arch an eyebrow but he doesn't expand. "All right let's get you to your girl!" He exclaims, clapping his hands.
You fidget nervously at the entrance hall of the Maximoff's living quarters.
"What's taking them so long?" You mutter. Genie elbows you, making you wince.
"Relax kid, you'll do fine." The giant door swings open and your head snaps up to see Oleg, the CEO of M Towers, Loki, the COO, Pietro, the apparent heir of the business and of course, Wanda. Your jaw drops a little at the sight of her, looking flawless as ever. Genie leans over and nudges you. "Might wanna close your mouth kid." Your jaw immediately flies up so hard that you bite your upper lip. You inhale sharply as a little blood trickles down into your mouth. Ignoring the strange look from Wanda, you greet Oleg with a nervous smile.
"Welcome Ms. Stark! It is our honor to welcome you our humble abode." Oleg greets you and you do a little bow only to hear the genie snicker beside you.
"Why are you bowing?"
"I dunno, it just felt right!" You exclaim quietly, standing back up awkwardly. "Yes, it is just as great an honor to uh- Meet you eh- brilliant sir." You choke out and your face heats up at the strange glances you recieve.
"So, it is apparent you are here for one of my children's hand in marriage? Pietro perhaps?" Oleg offers and you politely decline.
"No, thank you sir. I'm actually uh- I'm actually requesting for Wanda's hand in marriage." Loki stares at you while Oleg arches an eyebrow at you. You tug nervously at your shirt collar, positively bursting from embarrassment.
"Mention the gifts." Genie whispers and you sigh in relief.
"Right! We have gifts!" After a moment of silence, you lean over to genie. "We do have gifts right?" The genie sighs before clapping loudly, startling both you and the Maximoff twins.
The glass door behind you swings open as servants march through the doorway, large platters of artifacts and more balanced on their shoulders.
"We have artifacts, money, spoons, tiny spoons! How do they make them that tiny?" You exclaim.
"Tiny spoons!" Pietro repeats, flashing you a reassuring smile which you gratefully reciprocate.
"We have jams." You point at a crate of jams in the corner.
"Jams?" Loki asks disbelievingly.
"Yes jams." You bite back snarkily. The man did push you off a cliff, it's normal to hold grudges. "Yam jams, fig jams, date jams. Seedless, exotic jams." Genie sighs.
"Step. Away. From. The. Jams." He gets out through gritted teeth.
"Jewels! We have them!" You say nervously, your hands shaking so badly you decide to hide them behind your back. "And that! Hidden for suspense!" You point at an item covered by a golden cloth. Genie lets out a sharp exhale of air. The servants pull the cloth off, revealing a golden spinning wheel.
"Is... Is that a wheel?" You hear Wanda mutter to her brother.
"It's very expensive." You reply, flashing what you hope is a suave smile at her.
"Right. And what do you hope to buy with this... expensive item?" She asks coolly, unfazed.
Pietro's head snaps up to look at you as audible gasps go around. Oleg's eyebrows furrow while Wanda just stares at you.
"Wow." Genie whispers as you slowly comprehend your mistake.
"No! No, no, no, no. A moment with you. A moment. Yeah. No. That's not what I..." You trail off, your ears turning bright red with embarrassment as the genie mimes a little explosion.
"Are you perhaps suggesting I am for sale?" Wanda quips and you melt, her pure green eyes staring right back into your e/c ones.
"Of course..." You reply, entranced by her beauty. Pietro gives you a pointed look while you correct yourself. "Not! No, of course not!" Wanda looks down at her feet while Pietro purses his lips.
"You know, it's cold and it's dark in that lamp. Honestly, I prefer it to this." Genie whispers, patting your shoulder.
"Please excuse me." Wanda says after a bit, gathering her wits. "I need to go and find some bread." Pietro cringes.
"For the jams. You did great." He flashes you a sympathetic smile before following his sister out of the room.
"You will get the chance to speak again. We hope you can join us tonight Ms. Stark, for the New Year's celebration in the gardens." Oleg sighs, exiting the room with Loki right on his tail. The moment they are gone, the genie turns to you.
"In 10,000 years, never have I ever, been this embarrassed."
The two of you make your way to the Maximoff Gardens, you tugging at the hem of your black suit jacket.
"So what do I do?" You ask as the genie dusts of his top hat and rearranges his tie.
"Just do whatever you normally do at a party." You shuffle your feet around a little.
"I, uh... I've never been to a party." He stops walking to stare at you.
"Oh no. Then you gotta go back to the room 'cause you ain't messin up this night for me." He instructs but is interrupted by a tall figure, stepping out of the shadows.
"Ms. Stark. May I have a word?" Loki asks as he eyes Genie. "Without your servant." You pause for a moment before locking eyes with Genie, who understands.
"Right. I'll just be over there, minding my business." Genie says, awkwardly pointing to a well lit corner, far away from Loki and you. Loki's eyes watch the genie thoughtfully before you clear your throat and he returns his attention to you.
"So... What do you need?" You ask cautiously, testing the waters.
"I know who you are." Loki interrupts, his cold eyes boring right through your facade. You gulp, waiting for him to continue. "You're a person of great ambition like me." He finishes, flashing you a tight-lipped smile. You almost sigh in relief, returning a polite smile.
"I don't believe we've been properly introduced." You stick your hand out and he grabs it with two fingers, a look of disgust apparent on his face. "Y/N Stark of Stark Industries." His forced smile grows wider.
"Loki, COO of M Towers." He leans uncomfortably close and you take a step back. "I could be a valuable ally to get you what you want." He drawls and you gulp, remembering how the last deal you had with him went.
"That is a very generous offer but uh-" You scan the crowd. "Oh is that Ms Maximoff over there? I better not keep her waitin-" You scramble for an excuse by he grabs your arm, whirling you around, his golden scepter dangerously close to your face.
"Perhaps I'm not making myself clear." The scepter gets closer and closer to your face before another pair of arms wrap around you and pulls you away. You turn to see the smiling face of the genie.
"Ms Stark? Your presence is requested." He gestures vaguely to the crowds of people, dragging you away from Loki. "So I'm guessing that's the guy?"
You nod.
"That's the guy."
"Alright, there's your girl. You just have to walk over there and ask to dance. Oh and it looks like her insanely attractive brother is going to get some punch! Feelin' a lil' thirsty myself." Genie whispered in your ear, readjusting his hat as you approached the center of the garden. Fear wrapped its icy hands around your heart and you froze.
"I can't do this." Genie groans and pulls your hands away from your face.
"Hey, no. Kid, this is a party." He emphasizes, gesturing to the masses of people and buffet tables. "I live in a lamp. Do not mess this up for me." He makes a threatening chopping gesture with his hands. You raise your own appendages in mock surrender.
"Alright!" Genie claps as you roll your eyes and make your way over to Wanda. You gain confidence with every step and you open your mouth to greet her but another man rushes forward, a blond one with an obnoxious smile.
"Ms Maximoff!" He says, raising his hands as if he were about to get on his knees and bow down to her. She arches an eyebrow as Pietro sighs.
"You! You're... still here." She gets out through a tight lipped smile. The blond man stands regally in a black suit with golden linings, his laugh joyful and careless. You instantly turn around, opting to sit on the side of the fountain instead of asking Wanda to dance.
"What are you doing?" Genie whispers harshly and you jump, turning around.
"I'm uh... making sure the water is a good temperature... Yeah, that's what I'm doing." You reply and he sighs, sitting down beside you. One glare is all that it takes to melt your lie. "I just... How can I compare with him?" You gesture to the blond man who's still completely oblivious to the eye-daggers he's receiving from Pietro. "He's so confident and rich and powerful an-" Genie cuts you off.
"Listen kid. You have to be more confident about what you have to offer." You scoff, watching as the blond man reluctantly leaves Wanda.
"What do I have to offer? I'm nothing but a poor kid from the streets. Now Y/N Stark, Stark has money, jewels, jams..." You trail off, looking at your hands.
"It's not about the money. You have to be yourself. That's the only way it'll work. You said you already had a connection right? So use it. Y/N Stark might've gotten you to the door but Y/N Y/L/N has to open it." He finishes, looking at you expectantly. You open your mouth to respond but your attention is caught by Oleg, who raises a toast glass your way. Smiling, you stand up, raising your own glass.
"Ah, see, Oleg does like me!" You murmur and Genie raises his glass next to you.
"Great, well maybe he'll let you be his wife."
Wanda scoffs watching you and Genie toast to her father.
"Another person more interested in Papa." Pietro leans towards her.
"Someone jealous?" He smirks as she flushes, pushing him playfully. "Ooh and she comes with an incredibly attractive friend. Please make it work." Pietro begs, his eyes trailing after Genie. Wanda stifles a laugh, watching her brother's beady eyes.
"And what about Y/N?" He sighs, placing his hands on her shoulders, squeezing gently.
"Oh look at her. She's trying so hard."
"That's the problem."
You pace around the garden, avoiding Wanda at all costs with Genie trailing right behind you.
"Ooo! Show time!" Genie whispers and you shake your head, smiling.
"No, I'm waiting for the right moment." Genie smiles right back at you, wiggling his fingers.
"No, we're done waiting." You feel an invisible force tug at you and you look down to see your feet being forcibly dragged towards Wanda.
"Genie. Genie!" You whisper forcefully but he just keeps smiling until you reach Wanda. Pietro immediately notices your presence and whispers to Wanda.
"He's here! Act natural- Hahahahaha, hi!" His sentence fades off into forced laughter and an even odder greeting. You give him an odd look before clearing your throat to gain Wanda's attention.
"I'm sorry. Uh- about the jams and uh- the jewels and the uhm. The buying you." You stutter, feeling the tips of your ears heat up. A slow tune fills the garden and you tug at your shirt collar. "Would you like to-" Wanda cuts you off.
"Dance? I'd love to." You gulp as she walks off.
"Yes?" You say meekly and Pietro slaps your shoulder.
"Go get her tiger." He mimics a tiger growl and you smile queasily before taking your spot next to Wanda.
"Dance?" You mouth to Genie and he smiles reassuringly, miming a little dance with his fingers.
"Just dance." He mouths back and you give him an exasperated look. The band strikes up the music, raising it even louder and Wanda wraps her arms around your neck making you flush bright red. As if possessed, your arms fling themselves around Wanda's waist, a little forcefully. Wanda flinches and you apologize. Genie cringes, making his little finger movements a little more subtle. The two of you glide gracefully across the room with the other couples and you smile to yourself. But then the beat speeds up and you find yourself tripping over Wanda's feet a few times, muttering rushed apologies every time she winces. You find yourself gliding away from Wanda, your movements becoming more erratic as your dance moves take a more eccentric, more hip hop style. People watch you in awe, giving you wide berth as you start break dancing. Pulling yourself up, you jump onto the stone fountain, eliciting sounds of surprise from your audience. You twist around, winking at Wanda who scrunches her nose up. Twisting back around, you take a deep breath before pushing backwards into an elegant backflip. The crowd you've amassed cheers and you turn around just in time to see Wanda slipping away through the crowds of people. The smile slips off your face and you gesture exasperatedly at Genie who doesn't seem to get the message.
"Strange. Very strange." Loki mutter before turning to his loyal guard. "Keep an eye on Y/N Stark..."
You flop down on the soft guest bed provided to you and Genie.
"I don't get it. What did I do wrong?" You mutter as Genie lifts a massive dumbbell, his blue muscles straining.
"I mean, if I can't impress her, I wonder who can." Genie responds and you give him an annoyed look.
"Really? You know what, you actually kind of have a point." You make your way to the balcony where you can see Wanda's room lit up. "If I only I just had a few more minutes with her..." You trail off, an idea popping into your head. "You need to get me over there." The dumbbell disappears with a poof.
"Is that an official wish?" You scratch your head sheepishly.
"No. More like... a favor. For a friend." Genie tuts, turning to face the massive mirror in the room.
"Genies don't have friends." You sputter in protest.
"B-but I thought you said you never had a friend like me." He whirls around, his face becoming comically large.
"No. I said you, never had a friend like me." He returns his attention to the mirror.
"You're right. You're right. It would've involved distracting a certain charming sibling of Wanda but it's oka-" Genie zips in front of your face, a smile on his face.
"Ah! I see what you did there! You hooked me. See you there!"
A soft knock comes from outside Wanda's massive bedroom. Wanda watches as Pietro opens the door, surprise clear on his face.
"Hey. What are you doing here?" He says, leaning against the doorway in an attempt to look casual. Genie clears his throat awkwardly.
"I uh... was noticing how pleasant the evening was. And I also noticed you, noticing how pleasant I am." He stutters and Pietro arches an eyebrow. Genie mentally slaps himself as he hands a bouquet of flowers to Pietro.
"Awww... They're beautiful!" Genie's face lights up. "Wanda will hate them. Tell Y/N the way to her heart is through her mind." Pietro finishes, handing the flowers back to Genie.
"Uh... These are actually to you. From me." Genie clarifies and Pietro turns bright red, snatching the flowers back.
"Sorry, give me a second." He slams the door shut in Genie's face and Genie recoils, mentally berating himself.
"'How pleasant I am?' God that kid is contagious!" Genie exclaims quietly. Inside the chamber, Pietro tosses the flower bouquet to Wanda, who catches it swiftly and gestures for him to go. He smooths his hair suavely before opening the door again.
"Continue please." Genie's face brightens.
"A stroll. Would you like to take a night stroll?" Pietro's eyes widen and Genie frantically begins to ramble. "I mean, only if you want to of course. You definitely don't have to." Pietro cuts him off by grabbing his hand.
"I'd love to." Wanda does a silent little fist pump inside her room. Pietro pokes his head back in, winking at her before Genie pulls him down the corridor. She smiles to herself before returning to her laptop.
"Wanda." She whirls around at the foreign voice to find you, standing on her balcony. A strange wave of deja vu hits her but she shakes it off, raising a throwing knife. You raise your hands, slowly walking towards her. She throws it at you and you dodge easily.
"Don't make another move. How did you get there?"
"Magic carpet?"
You continue your slow path towards her and when she finally lowers her knives, you let yourself have a small, mental celebration.
"I just came to check on you because you left so early." You mutter. "Did I go too far with the backflip?" She smirks.
"Maybe a little." You smile and she smiles back before turning back to her laptop, her friendly demeanor replaced with a colder one. "Actually, I'm glad you're here." You gulp.
"You are?"
"I can't seem to find Stark Towers. Care to show me?" Your eyes widen.
"Right! Yes." You make your way over to her desk. "Genie I need to find Stark Towers." You mutter under your breath as you pick up her laptop, swiftly turning it away from her. She raises her eyebrows skeptically but makes no move to stop you. You clear your throat. "Stark Towers!" A little genie appears on the Google Maps website, waving at you. You mouth 'Stark Towers', hoping that this little genie clone knows how to read lips. It quickly begins to paint until a small building labelled 'Fantasy Land' appears. You groan, shaking the laptop violently. A small hand places itself on the laptop, gently setting it back down on the desk.
"Have you lost your company?" You sputter under her expectant gaze before jabbing at a random spot on the screen, squeezing your eyes shut as you prepare for the worst.
"There it is." She snorts.
"I don't think that's possible. I've looked everywhere..." She falters as she examines the screen more closely.
"There it is." You repeat more confidently as she squints at the screen.
"How did I miss that..." She mutters as you gently close the laptop.
"Who needs Internet anyways? It's nothing compared to the real world." She stares at you coldly.
"Internet is how I see the world." You gawk at her sudden confession.
"Forgive me but... I thought a rich person like you could go anywhere they wanted." She smiles sadly at your naivitivity.
"Not this rich person." She turns away, staring at the elegant walls of her bedroom. An idea forms into your head and you take her hand gently, so as not to alarm her. She considers pulling away but she decides against it. You pull her towards the balcony.
"Come on, I'll show you what you're missing out on." You clamber over the glass railing and she surges forward.
"What are you doing?" You flash her a genuine smile.
"Sometimes, Wanda. Sometimes you just gotta take a risk." You hop off the balcony and she gasps, clutching her chest.
"What just happened..." She rubs her eyes as you float back up on the magic carpet. "A magic carpet?" You flash her a look that clearly reads I told you so, before offering her your hand.
"Do you trust me?" She stares at you.
"What did you say?"
"Do you trust me?" You repeat and she tentatively takes your hand.
"Yes." The two of you soar off on the carpet, zooming above the dark city Sokovia, her hand still entwined with yours.
"I can show you the world,"
"Shining, shimmering, splendid."
"Tell me, Wanda,"
"Now, when did you last let your heart decide?"
You tug at the carpet's tassels and it ascends up into the clouds.
"I can open your eyes,"
"Take you wonder by wonder,"
"Over, sideways and under,"
"On a magic carpet ride."
You fall back under the clouds and dip down, skimming the sea lightly.
"A whole new world."
"A new fantastic point of view."
"No one to tell us, "No","
"Or where to go,"
"Or say we're only dreaming."
Wanda's voice joins you in harmony. Her singing is the most beautiful thing you've ever heard, breezy and alluring. You clutch onto the carpet in fear of falling off in awe.
"A whole new world!"
"A dazzling place I never knew."
"But when I'm way up here,"
"It's crystal clear,"
"That now I'm in a whole new world with you."
She smiles at you as you squeeze her hand reassuringly.
"Unbelievable sights,"
"Indescribable feeling."
"Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling,"
"Through an endless diamond sky."
"A whole new world."
The two of you hurtle over a waterfall, the water sparkling below you like a million diamonds as she clutches your arm tightly, squeezing her eyes shut.
"Don't you dare close your eyes."
You chide and she smiles at you, her eyes twinkling.
"A hundred thousand things to see."
"I'm like a shooting star,"
"I've come so far,"
"I can't go back to where I used to be."
You soar back up into the clouds, basking in the moonlight.
"A whole new world."
"With new horizons to pursue."
"I'll chase them anywhere,"
"There's time to spare."
"Let me share this whole new world with you."
The carpet slows down, bringing you to a stop at the edge of Sokovia.
"A whole new world."
"A whole new world."
"That's where we'll be."
"That's where we'll be."
"A thrilling chase."
"A wondrous place."
"For you and me."
You stare at her, pure, unfiltered adoration clear in your eyes. In the distance, a small bit of smoke makes it's presence known as carpet glides over to it. You take off your jacket, hanging it on Wanda's shoulders, who smiles gratefully at you, leaning into your shoulder. Below you, a family lies peacefully on the grass, huddled around a modest campfire.
"They're beautiful." Wanda whispers, breaking the comfortable silence. You stare at her before she elaborates. "The people. Don't you think?" You smile, tucking a stray strand of auburn hair behind her ear.
"Does it matter what I think?" Her breath hitches as she pulls away slightly. You return your attention to the people below as the gears whirr in her head.
"The view is quite beautiful here but definitely not as beautiful as your humble abode." You chuckle at her observation.
"Good one. You flatter me..." Your eyes widen in horror as you realize what you just disclosed. She turns on her spot to face you.
"So how many names do you have Ms. Y/L/N?" You sputter as she continues her verbal barrage. "Who's Ms. Stark then?"
"I am." You signal for her to calm down but she continues.
"But how would you know the city so well? And have a place in the city too?"
"I came to Sokovia early." You exclaim in the spur of the moment. She stares at you, waiting for you to continue. "Because to know a people you have to see them for yourself. But you already know that. When we first met, you were disguised. In your own city!" She blushes and you gain confidence as your lie grows. "We arrived with jams, jewels and a magic carpet. Do you think a thief would have all that?" She stares at the sky thoughtfully.
"But how could I not recognize you?"
"People don't see the real you when you're royalty." You shrug, lying smoothly.
"I'm sorry. I'm embarrassed. I mean, you've seen more of Sokovia in days then I have in an entire lifetime." She takes your hand gently and you crumple.
"We should..." She looks at you expectantly. "We should probably head back."
"Already?" She regards you with sad eyes.
She shrugs off your jacket, handing it back to you as you help her off the carpet and back onto the balcony.
"Until tomorrow Ms. Maximoff." You whisper as the carpet lowers you to her eye level. With a jolt, the carpet pushes you off and you deftly catch the railing your nose only an inch from hers. She grabs you shirt collar, pulling you into a gentle kiss. You sigh and she smiles, pulling back.
"Good night Y/N." She whispers before gently pushing you off the balcony. You fall, landing on the carpet, who swoops you away back to your room.
Taglist: @username23345 @musicinourlips @gingerbreadcookieforlife @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @trikruismybitch @ima-gi--na-tion @nicole-rayleigh-hot @olsensnpm @peabrain112
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sluttyten · 4 years
Sweet Like Honey || part iii - finale
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sweet like honey || part i. // sweet like honey || part ii.
summary: being in a newly labelled polyamorous relationship with two idols is no easy thing, especially after what it took to get you to this point. but you have to make it work. you will. you do. the love is great, the sex is greater, and the three of you together is incomparable. 
length: 16,014
pairing: johnny x reader x seonghwa
tags: threesome, daddy kink, phone sex, voyeurism, gay sex, anal, blowjobs, safe sex, jealousy, some dom/sub, etc.
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Despite your promises, the security and happiness in your newly cemented relationship with Johnny and Seonghwa, you still found yourself surrounded by handsome idols at work. They no longer caught your attention quite in the same way as they had prior to that little ménage à quatre with Chan, but that didn’t mean that you didn’t catch their attention or that you didn’t occasionally still catch your imagination beginning to wander.
Seonghwa was there the day that you almost slipped up.
Ateez, MonstaX, and Pentagon were only three among the groups that were appearing on the show that day, and you were eternally grateful when you were given girl groups instead of either of the groups of the guys you’d hooked up with or your boyfriend’s group.
But since MonstaX was there, that meant Im Changkyun was too.
The moment he laid eyes on you, he winked. At the first chance he had to speak with you, he sidled up beside you in the hallway outside their waiting room, and he asked, “Still with those two boyfriends? Tired of them yet? I still think I could’ve fucked you better than either of them.” He leans closer, smiling at you. “We can probably sneak away, finish what we started back then.”
You almost let his smile intoxicate you, his proximity overwhelming you. Changkyun has this easy seduction to him that almost sucks you in, but then you remember Johnny and Seonghwa, and once more the way that Changkyun is looking at you starts to feel gross.
Before you have the chance to respond in any way to his advances, a shadow falls over you, a tall shape appearing in the corner of your vision before stepping even closer, nearly in front of you. 
“You’re pretty cocky.” Seonghwa says to his senior, using honorific language, but lacing each syllable with contempt. And then to you, in a voice so completely opposite the one he’d just used on Changkyun, Seonghwa asks, “Is he bothering you?”
Changkyun smirks. “Is this him, then? The other one?”
You put a hand on Seonghwa’s arm. He backs off, hovering just beside you, but addressing the other man, “I think you should go. She would probably appreciate it if you would stop harassing her at work. Or any time.”
Changkyun does leave them, but only because Kihyun pops his head through the doorway of their waiting room, looking for him.
To make matters even worse, Seonghwa’s still standing there talking to you when, just a few moments later, Wooseok passes by with two of his members. He looks at you for a long moment, and you let your eyes follow him down the hallway.
Your mind wanders to Wooseok’s large hands, the way he’d held you and been gentle and hit just the right spots inside you when you fucked. Even with Seonghwa, one of your two current boyfriends, standing beside you, your mind slips toward fantasizing about your ex-lover.
You can tell your period is coming up. Lately you’ve been ridiculously horny, a sure sign of your impending period, and you’ve been constantly wishing that at least one of your boyfriends would be able to lend you his fingers or tongue or dick to get you off. When neither of them are available, you find yourself staring up at your ceiling, imagining Johnny’s lips burning on your skin, or Seonghwa’s skilled tongue licking you up, Johnny’s fine fingers curled around his dick as he teases you with it.
But right now, with the warmth of Seonghwa beside you, and the lingering sight of Wooseok’s tall, broad form, you once more think about Wooseok and his big dick and that night you’d shared together. You wish he would’ve been down for the foursome, it would’ve been so nice. Not that Chan wasn’t.
You’re so caught up in your thoughts that you don’t notice Seonghwa glancing around to make sure the two of you are unobserved.
And then he grabs your face, his fingers and thumb pressing in on either side of your face, cheeks squished and lips involuntarily pursed. Your attention returns to him, gaze flashing to meet his eyes. Seonghwa’s eyes are liquid, molten jealousy.
“What the fuck were you thinking about, kitten? Daydreaming about Wooseok’s cock again?” He tutted disapprovingly. “I’m going to have to tell Johnny about this.”
You grab at his wrist.
A door down the hallway opens, loud voices and laughter spilling out. Seonghwa releases you and takes a half step back, putting a somewhat respectable distance between the two of you, not that the man passing by hazards even a glance at the two of you. You still cling desperately to his wrist, and as soon as the man is out of earshot, you whine.
“Seonghwa, please don’t. Don’t tell him.” You squeeze, stepping closer, not caring who sees as you press up against him. “I’ll do whatever you want. Just for you.”
He turns his head away from your attempt at a kiss. He shakes you off, and you step back, heart sinking as your boyfriend moves completely away from you.
“Get to work. You insist on keeping this job even though we could both provide well enough for you. You’d better work like a good girl, and maybe then I’ll consider not telling Johnny.” Seonghwa looks you up and down once more and then walks away, leaving you feeling like you’ve disappointed him deeply.
You’re so wrapped up in your worries, that you barely comprehend the two girl groups that you work with. The day’s filming passes in a blur, and then you’re off the clock, lingering outside beside a coworker as he finishes his cigarette. You just stare down at your phone, at the group message you have with your boyfriends.
“Love life troubles?” Your friend asks, blowing his smoke out in a steady stream. “I feel bad I never asked, by the way, but how did that go? When I snuck you Johnny from NCT’s number? Did you hook up?”
You fidget with your phone. “Yeah.”
He nods, doesn’t press you for more as he takes a drag. “It’s tough hooking up with idols. I met a guy, did I tell you? He’s great, really sweet and kinda naive, but that’s cute. I like him like that.”
“An idol?” You ask. He squints a bit as he lets the smoke flow from between his lips again, as if considering whether to tell you the truth or not, but at last he nods a confirmation. “Is it serious?”
“Is it serious with Johnny?” He nods down at your phone, which you realize has just lit up with a message which is clearly labeled as being from Johnny ❤️ .
You slip your phone into your pocket without reading the message. “Don’t change the subject.”
He smiles around his cigarette.
Neither of you answer the questions posed, and when he drops the butt of the cigarette to the ground, crushing it beneath his toe, the conversation is completely closed, and you go your own ways.
You check the message from Johnny as you’re on your way home.
“I’m already at your place,” reads his message.
You feel an odd warmth in your belly. It’s a sweet comfort to think of coming home to your boyfriend already there, probably warming up his spot on your sofa, getting comfortable. 
Lately both Johnny and Seonghwa have gotten comfortable enough to come to your place when you’re not there. Which has led, on more than one occasion, to you walking through your front door and finding your boyfriends tangled in a compromising position, usually making out, but once or twice with their hands down each other’s pants. You gave each of them a key to your apartment, so they can come over any time they like, and since the three of you declared a label for your relationship, they’ve really put those keys to use.
You shoot back a reply “ok I’m on my way!”
When you’re standing on the step of your building, you see that Johnny read the message but never replied. Odd. He rarely ever leaves you on read, even if you and Seonghwa do it to him all the time.
At the door of your apartment, you hear nothing from inside. Not the buzz of voices from the TV or anything, so you unlock the door and step inside. Only the light in your small kitchen is on, giving the place just a bit of light, enough to see that you don’t see Johnny anywhere, and instantly your heart rate spikes.
“Johnny?” You call.
He doesn’t answer.
You step out of your shoes, sit your purse and keys nearby, and when you look up again, you nearly jump out of your skin. A small, startled noise leaves your lips.
Johnny’s leaning in the doorway, his pale figure standing out against the darkness behind him.
“You scared me.” You press a hand to your chest. “Are you okay? Why are you just sitting here in the dark? And you didn’t answer my message.” You walk frrther inside, pulling your phone out of your pocket to toss over onto the sofa, pulling the belt from the waist of your skirt and you drop it to the floor. “Have you eaten? I’m hungry, we can call Seonghwa over, make a date night of it?”
Johnny jerks just head. “Seonghwa’s already here too.”
And then, to your utter surprise, the younger of your boyfriends appears from behind Johnny.
“He had some interesting stories for me, baby.” Johnny finally moves out of the doorway, coming over toward you. “Said I.M. was flirting with you today, and you did little to nothing to shut him down. And then Wooseok walked by, and you were almost drooling at the memory of his dick. Are you still a slut, baby? You’ve got both of us, but we’re not enough? You want to go back and try out those two again? Maybe some others?”
You start to shake your head, open your mouth to tell him, no, the two of them are all you really need.
But Johnny is then right in front of you. You can tell from the way he’s looking at you, the way he lifts a hand to stroke your cheek, tonight isn’t going to be relaxing for you. It’s time to face your punishment.
“You think you can still look at other guys?” Johnny asks you, his voice taking on a sweet tone. “I ought to show you who you belong to as you’ve obviously forgotten. Your pussy belongs to who?”
You reach for him, curl your fingers in his shirt. “You. You and Seonghwa.” Your gaze flicks past him to the other man. 
“That’s right, baby. Me and Seonghwa.”
You let Johnny manhandle you, moving you over to your kitchen table, bending you forward over it as he flips up the skirt you’d worn to work today. You squirm as he drags your panties harshly down your legs, leaving them tangled at your ankles. With your bare ass exposed, you feel both Johnny and Seonghwa staring at you. Johnny drags his fingers between your legs, finding you already dripping wet, so horny lately that just this few moments have gotten you incredibly aroused and wet for him.
You look up when Seonghwa steps into your line of view. He curls his hand over the back of a kitchen chair, looking down at you coolly.
“You told me you wouldn’t tell him if I was a good girl.” You pout up at him. “I was, Seonghwa. You know I’m always a good girl for you!”
He just curls his hand tighter over the back of the chair and pulls it away from the table, moving it back enough to give him a good position to watch from.
“We’re each going to fuck you,” Johnny tells you. “Gonna fuck you so you won’t forget whose you are. Hwa, I think you should go first.”
You turn to look back over your shoulder, to see as Johnny steps aside and gestures at your spread legs, open for Seonghwa. And when Seonghwa leaves the chair and walks over, Johnny clasps the other man by the back of his neck. Their eyes meet, and they silently communicate something that you don’t understand. And then Seonghwa leans in and brushes his lips briefly with Johnny’s.
Johnny repeats the move before gently pushing Seonghwa away towards you bent over the table like that. 
Seonghwa lays a hand flat on your back, pushing you down so you can’t lift up at all. Your cheek presses against the surface of the table, and you hear the clink of Seonghwa dropping his pants, kicking them away. He also strokes his fingers between your legs, making a satisfied noise at how wet he finds you.
“Gonna use your pretty pussy, kitten.” Seonghwa tells you.
You don’t care what he does. You just want to be touched, preferably to feel him inside you, fucking you good and deep. You want Johnny to do the same afterwards. You want them to reassert their claim on you, remind you that although you’ve fucked Wooseok and Chan and nearly fucked Changkyun, now you are only theirs.
Seonghwa doesn’t disappoint.
He lines his cock up with your entrance, and thrusts into you smoothly. You moan, feeling at last that hunger you’ve felt constantly for the last few days satiated again briefly now. Seonghwa grips at your skirt, gathering it in his fist to hold onto as he pulls back just to bring his hips smack forward against yours again. You can feel the table rocking, but you don’t care if it breaks on its fragile legs.
You like the way that he’s using you for just his own pleasure, fucking you a bit harder any time you moan out “daddy.” And the way that Johnny’s just watching the pair of you, it reminds you of the early days of you hooking up with either of them, when you used to fantasize about one of them watching as the other fucked you. When you turn your head to look at Johnny, you find that he’s hungrily observing the pair of you.
Seonghwa’s fingers quickly twist through your hair, tugging. “Don’t look at him. I’m the one fucking you, kitten.”
“Yeah, Daddy,” you purr as Seonghwa snaps his hips forward roughly a few quick times. “You’re fucking me so good, show me who I belong to.”
Seonghwa, who has always proclaimed that he doesn’t have that possessiveness or jealousy that Johnny does, shows quite the opposite right then, eagerly taking the chance to show you that you belong to him and to Johnny. You always play along when he tells you he doesn’t like the possessive stuff like Johnny. But you see the jealous gleam when you’re hanging on Johnny, or when you’ve given yourself to those other men.
He drags your head back by the fistful of hair, fucking you harshly. You grab at the table, wishing that you had anything to hold onto, to dig your nails into, but they just scratch over the surface as you cry out for Seonghwa. He releases his hold on your hair, and you press your cheek against the table once more.
“Your tight little pussy, sweetheart, feels so good,” he groans, lowering himself over you to keep the words quiet enough that Johnny can’t quite hear them. “You’re going to make me cum. Gonna leave your pussy a mess for Johnny to take.”
Seonghwa snaps his hips forward roughly once more, cumming deep inside you, then shallowly thrusting before he pulls completely out. 
You twist your head to the side to look at him. He rubs and taps his cock between your legs, palms your ass, and moans softly at the sight of his cum dripping from you. And then he brings his hand down against your bottom once more and takes a step back.
He says, “You can take her.”
You stay exactly where you are, bent over the table, the edge of it digging against your hips and belly. You feel Seonghwa’s cum, your pussy throbbing with your own need for release. And you wait for Johnny to come take you.
A few moments pass and at last you hear him stand from the chair, his footsteps treading across the floor to you. You wait, eagerly, to feel his fat cock stuffing you, but instead you hear a quiet thud as his knees hit the floor. You feel his breath against all the sensitive places, and then, at last, his lips and his tongue.
“Johnny, oh God!” You cry out as his tongue flicks between your legs, gathering up Seonghwa’s cum. He cleans you up just a bit, and right as you’re getting into it, trying to wiggle back against his face, Johnny stands up. His erection fits right up against you without going inside you, and he strokes the back of your head.
“Feel good, baby?” Johnny rubs against you. “You want to cum on my mouth?”
You whine and nod. “Yes. Felt so nice.”
“Yeah, tasted pretty sweet. You and Seonghwa mixed together.” He nudges the tip of his cock against your entrance, such a tease. “I know how much you wish it was Seonghwa eating you out, you love his tongue. But he’s been giving me lessons, honey, an intimate lesson practicing our oral skills, you know.”
You moan, trying to push your hips back to get him inside you.
“Do you want to hear more about it?” Johnny asks, and his fingers slip between your legs too, gliding over your clit in a way that has you twitching. “Or do you want to watch us? You haven’t seen us like that yet have you? Seonghwa all spread out, hard and dripping on my tongue, moaning and being such a good boy.”
At last, Johnny slides his cock into you. 
He fucks you until you feel sloppy, all wet from Seonghwa’s cum and from your own wetness. Each dip of his cock inside you makes you more and more needy, his fingers on your clit sending whimpers and whines from your lips. Johnny fucks you with long, slow thrusts, dragging it out, carrying you on slow waves of pleasure.
Johnny’s still taking it slow when you start really squirming, trying to get him to give it to you how you want it. His hand comes down on your ass.
“Baby, steady.” He holds firmly to your hips. “This isn’t about you. It’s about me.” 
Not that you’re a selfish lover--you have on multiple occasions focused on just giving your boyfriends pleasure--but at this moment all you want is to cum, to have that horniness relieved that you’ve been suffering from no matter how much they attempt to satiate you. You cry as Johnny thrusts into you at his own, torturous pace. 
Johnny presses the heels of his palms into your ass, pinning you down flat, unable to move.
“Such a pretty little sex toy, baby.” Johnny coos at you. “Letting Seonghwa and I put our claim on you, letting us use you like this. Because you belong to us, right?”
“Right. I’m yours.” Your cheek slides wetly against the table’s surface, a tear rolls from your eye, crying from desperation. “I’m yours, and you should give me an orgasm.”
“We’ve given you over a dozen orgasms in the last week,” Seonghwa suddenly speaks up. “Horny kitten, what are we to do with you?”
The whine that comes out of you then finally drives Johnny to fuck you harder. It’s more of a wail than a whine. 
Johnny pounds into you, such a force that the table shudders, creaks. You hear a faint sound under it all that honestly sounds like cracking. He pinches your clit between his fingers, massaging it in time with his thrusts, and as you cry out again, Seonghwa covers your mouth with his hand, muffling your sounds that are loud enough to disturb your neighbors.
You cum around Johnny, and at last sink relaxed against the table. 
But Johnny’s not done yet.
He pulls you up, turning you around in his arms, sitting your ass on the edge of the table, and he brings your arms and legs around him, holding you securely in his arms. You tuck your head against his shoulder, mumbling meaningless sounds as he finally buries himself inside you and cums.
“I love you,” you sigh. “I love you, Johnny. I love you, Seonghwa.” You twist your head around and loosen one of your arms from around Johnny so you can reach out to Seonghwa. “Both of you are all I need.”
“Exactly right.” Johnny tells you, kissing you quickly on the cheek. 
He pulls out of you, and as you tug your skirt back into place, drag your panties up your legs again, Seonghwa comes around to take Johnny’s place. He cups your face between his hands, stroking his thumbs along your cheeks, wiping away the damp trails of your tears. “You are a good girl, kitten. I really do hate to see your eyes wandering, though.”
“I thought you’re not jealous and possessive?” You ask, tangling your legs around his hips. 
“Maybe you’re changing me,” Seonghwa suggests. “You and Johnny both are.” He looks over at Johnny who’s now moving around your kitchen, opening the refrigerator and the cabinets, drawing out items. “If I caught anyone looking at him for too long, who’s to say what I’d do.”
Johnny snorts out a laugh. “If you think you’d dom me, Hwa, I’d like to see you try.”
Seonghwa takes that as a challenge, breaking away from you to come up behind Johnny, wrap his arms around his neck, playfully they wrestle around in the kitchen until Johnny backs Seonghwa against one of the cabinets, and the younger of the two whimpers in pain as the handle of the door digs into his back.  Johnny stops, pets Seonghwa’s hair, then backs off to go back to what he was doing before.
“Are you making dinner for us?” You slide from the table. 
“Mhmm.” Johnny nods. “Wanna help, baby?” 
So he passes you a knife from your own knife block, and instructs you to start slicing the vegetables he’s pulled out from the refrigerator. Seonghwa runs out to go buy something to drink from the store a few minutes walk away from your apartment.
And hours later, after dinner’s done, after Seonghwa is tipsily flushed and feeling cuddly, Johnny declares that it’s time for them to go home. Seonghwa definitely has to work again bright and early tomorrow, and Johnny knows that someone has to get him safely home. You don’t want them to leave, but you understand it. So you kiss them both before they walk out your door together.
It’s exactly two days later, you’ve just gotten home from work and have heated up some leftover takeout you found in your refrigerator, just sat down to eat and scroll through SNS, when you see what information has the internet buzzing. 
In order to keep up on the information about the groups you deal with at your job, you follow various update accounts on twitter for many different groups. You’ve seen before the way that fans get excited when two idols from different groups (or sometimes multiple idols from different groups) hang out together outside of being on stage together at a music show. 
So everyone is currently buzzing about the fact that NCT’s Johnny and Ateez’s Seonghwa were photographed together the other night. You scroll through all of these images, though you’re not sure which were taken by sasaengs and which were taken by casual fans who just happened to see them. There are a wide variety of angles, many of them cropped closer from the original images, all of them depicting Johnny and Seonghwa walking down a street together with the hoods of their jackets pulled up, laughing and talking and eating the street food that you’d heard Seonghwa talking about as they’d walked out your door.
Mostly all the comments you see are people curious about how and why and when they became friends. Then, the farther you scroll, the more you see people suddenly making sense of a few things: Seonghwa posting dance covers of some of NCT’s songs, a few clips from several livestreams Johnny had done where he’d sung little snippets from Ateez songs. You even saw a clip from ages back when their promotion schedules first overlapped after you first began hooking up with him, when they’d both been on stage and there was a certain look in their eyes when they met. None of the fans knew what it meant, but looking at the clip now you knew that that look meant they’d already made their plan to come fuck you later that night. And what a wonderful night that had been.
As soon as all of these fans know that your boyfriends are friends, suddenly they keep getting questions about it in their livestreams. And from knowledge of their friendship, the imaginations of fans are inspired.
You’re visiting Johnny at his dorm, stretched out on his bed looking at your phone while he finishes talking with Taeyong about something. Haechan’s sitting at his desk in the corner of the room, headphones on as he plays a video game. So, to entertain yourself, you’re once more scrolling through Twitter, looking at not only the update accounts, but some of the fans you follow as well, and you’re startled to find that there are now people making fanfiction about your boyfriends, shipping them together.
When Johnny comes into the room, flopping down into the bed, wrapping his limbs around you to hold you tightly, you show your phone to him. “Look at this.”
Johnny takes your phone, eyes scanning what you’ve just found, a thread of tweets talking about the two of them. He laughs. “Not accurate. Imagine Seonghwa domming me? I know you’ve not really seen us at it, pretty girl, but trust me, there’s no way.”
You glance at Haechan in the corner, making sure that he’s still focused on his game when you ask Johnny, “So have the two of you fully had sex?” 
You can’t imagine that they had. Seonghwa and you shared nearly everything, and for him to not tell you that he and Johnny had actually fucked instead of just making out and jerking each other off, that seemed like a big secret to keep from you.
Johnny squeezes you more closely in his arms. “No, we haven’t. I mean, we’ve talked about it, but you know how he is. Hwa’s still getting used to all this.” 
That’s definitely true. Seonghwa has slowly been growing more and more comfortable with how he feels about Johnny. 
Johnny, on the other hand, is bold, but not pushy. He makes his moves and waits for Seonghwa to accept them. Johnny makes it clear that he’s already confident in what he feels, he’s all in with you and Seonghwa, showing equal amounts of attention and affection to both of you.
“Don’t worry.” Johnny kisses your forehead. “When we do anything, we’ll let you know. If you’re not there to witness it.”
You twist around and ask, “Don’t you just want your first time together to be just the two of you?” 
“Whatever makes Seonghwa more comfortable.” Johnny’s lips touch against your ear as he tells you, “He’d probably love to have you sitting on his face while I play with his ass, put him a bit at ease.” 
You squirm around, the heat of his words taking root in your belly. Your gaze flicks again to Haechan in the corner of the room. “Johnny....” Your tone is warning.
“Or, I saw this video the other day, well, actually someone sent it to me.” His eyes avoid yours, avoiding the question of who sent him the video, and instead he says, “The position was so hot, and I kept thinking about fucking Seonghwa like that. Do you want to see it?”
You whine and push at Johnny’s chest. “Don’t try to make me horny. For one thing, your roommate is right there. And also, I’m on my period, so even if he wasn’t here we wouldn’t be able to do anything.” 
Johnny hums and moans softly, dips his face into the soft warmth of your throat, kissing you there. You clutch at him even as you know that you should push him away, but Johnny just gets you started throbbing, a large mark sucked into the sensitive skin of your throat, and then he backs off with a satisfied smirk.
“I hate you,” you gasp. “Maybe I should’ve gone over to Seonghwa, he wouldn’t tease the fuck out of me like this. He’s always nice to me when I’m on my period.”
“Gives you cuddles and chocolate?” Johnny asks, putting his hand on your stomach. “Does he baby you through your cramps? What do you want me to do? What do you want now, huh?” Again he wraps himself entirely around you, cradling you in his arms against his chest, his legs entwined with yours. He looks at you, his gaze so intense. “You want attention, baby? How are you feeling?”
His tone, somewhat patronizing but in the best way, puts you right into a needy mood. You do want his attention, you like the way he dotes on you, especially right then with every ounce of his attention on you, ready to please.
Johnny watches, his lips quirking up in an amused manner, as you push your bottom lip out in a pout. “I have cramps, they’re not so bad right now, but I don’t like them.” 
“You don’t like them?” Johnny asks in the same tone of voice, soft and playfully babying you. “What can I do, baby? You want some tea? Chocolate?”
You nod. Johnny takes you by the hand, leads you out to the kitchen where he hoists you up to sit on the countertop while he boils some water and drops in a tea bag he fishes out of one of their cabinets, and when he sits a warm cup in your hands, you lift it to your face. “It’s too hot.”
Johnny takes the cup in his hands and blows on it for you to cool it off, keeping his eyes on you as he does. “Here, sweetheart. It should be cooler now.” He lifts it to your lips and tips it forward for you, and he watches you take a tentative sip of it. “Better?”
“Yes.” You take another sip. Johnny continues helping you drink the tea, talking to you in that same gentle tone until you’ve finished the tea, your cramps have subsided a bit, but Johnny still keeps you there on the countertop, fencing you in with his hands planted on either side of your hips. 
You like the warm fuzzy feeling of being so taken care of by him. Johnny takes that tone with you, he holds your hand and keeps looking at you, doesn’t step a foot away from you. He cradles you in his arms when you go back into his room, and even when Haechan finally disengages from his video game, Johnny doesn’t release you even though Haechan makes disgusted noises at the two of you being all cuddly and the tender way that Johnny speaks with you.
This is all you really want, you think, to be so taken care of by your boyfriends.
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Oddly enough, it’s you who has to go overseas, leaving your boyfriends in Seoul without you. You’re scheduled to be gone for a full week, so you ask them to water your plants and/or to take advantage of a place for them to get away from their members, a place to be together. 
When you’ve been gone for three days, Seonghwa calls you to talk as he’s walking back to his dorm.
A few minutes in he clears his throat. “I think I’m going to do it with Johnny. Are you okay with that?”
“Am I okay with that?” You laugh. “Seonghwa, are you? I’m happy for you. If you want to take this step with Johnny, that’s fully up to you and him.” You pause for a moment, and then say, “And I know that he wants you; he was talking about it with me a few weeks ago. And you know Johnny will be good to you. He’s always good to me, isn’t he? Not a fucking tease like you.”
“Hey!” Seonghwa complains good-naturedly. “I’m good to you too.”
You wish you could be there, not necessarily to be there when Johnny and Seonghwa really give themselves to each other the first time, but you wish you were there right now to talk about this face-to-face with Seonghwa. It feels odd to be having such an intense conversation over the phone.
“Hwa, I wish I was there,” you sigh. “I want to be there with you right now. Are you nervous?”
Seonghwa makes an uncertain noise. “Should I be?”
“No, not at all. It’s going to be so good, I promise.” You try to reassure him. “Are you going to my place?”
“Yeah. We’re going to make a date of it first, go out for dinner and drinks.” Seonghwa tries to keep his voice level, but you hear the excitement and the nerves in his voice all the same. “I’m back at my dorm. I’ll talk to you later.”
It’s actually three days later when you actually hear from him again. You’re heading back home in the morning, and you’re so excited to see them again. So excited, that when you’re sitting alone in your hotel room, you message them to beg them to FaceTime you since you know that they’re still at your place, and have pretty much been camped out there since their date night.
When your phone buzzes, you quickly answer it, grateful to see your two boyfriends faces smiling back at you with the familiar backdrop of your bedroom. But from a different angle than you’re used to seeing.
“Are you sitting on the floor?” You ask. “And is that my ice cream?”
Seonghwa pauses with a spoonful of your favorite flavor of Ben & Jerry’s into his mouth. “No,” he fibs.
Johnny is not eating your ice cream, but is eating candy. He explains, “We decided to give in to our guilty pleasures since we have the weekend off.”
“Enjoying yourselves then?” You ask, watching as Seonghwa enjoys another spoonful of ice cream and just smiles at you. “I’m ready to come home.”
“We’re ready for you to come home.” Seonghwa says. “I’m tired of Johnny, I need you.”
Johnny makes a face and steals the spoon from Seonghwa’s hand. “You’re not tired of me, you keep begging me to fuck you again. Baby, you should hear him when I fuck him, he sounds so sweet, like you.”
Seonghwa groans and pushes at Johnny’s arm, buries his face in his shoulder. “Stop lying! Don’t make her think that’s how it is!” He brings his face from Johnny’s shoulder to look at you through the phone. “Our boyfriend isn’t the entirely most dominant top he would have us believe. He can bot--”
Johnny slaps his hand over Seonghwa’s mouth, and you press your own smile into your hand at them.
“You better shut that pretty little mouth before I put it to work, doll.” Johnny says in a low voice. Seonghwa squirms, eyes darting between you on the screen and Johnny. Johnny raises his eyebrows and Seonghwa looks away, so Johnny drops the hand. “Pretty boy, just eat your ice cream.”
He grabs Seonghwa’s hand with the spoon already in it, scoops up a fresh spoonful of ice cream and urges it toward Seonghwa’s mouth, but Seonghwa fights back, trying to push it at Johnny’s face. They just end up play wrestling, and you watch the spoon fall to the floor of your bedroom, the ice cream slowly melting onto the wooden floor. 
Seonghwa manages to press Johnny to the floor, and you watch with a deep gnawing hunger as Johnny smiles and lifts his head up to kiss Seonghwa playfully. 
“You taste like fucking candy,” Seonghwa tells Johnny, and then he dips back in for another taste. They’re clearly all swept up, wrapped in each other, which is wonderful, but it just really makes you miss them.
“I’ll just leave.” You say when their kisses don’t let up.
Immediately, both of your boyfriends snap their attention to you. “You can’t leave!” Seonghwa slides away from Johnny, coming closer to the phone. “We’ll stop.”
“Maybe we won’t.” Johnny slips up behind Seonghwa, tilting his head so he can focus on Seonghwa’s lips. “Maybe she wants to watch us. Right, baby?” And then he’s looking at you, his eyes boring into yours even through the phone screen. “Do you want to see how pretty our Seonghwa looks with my dick in his mouth?”
Seonghwa buries his head on his arms with a groan, but Johnny laughs and you watch as you can see Seonghwa grinding up against Johnny. 
“You want to watch, baby girl?” Johnny asks you. Then he looks at your boyfriend. “Hwa, do we want to see our sweet girl? Bet she’ll look all pretty and flustered, start touching herself.” 
Seonghwa groans and looks into the camera at you, at where you’re already feeling quite hot and bothered. Nothing’s really happened yet, but your mind has cut straight forward to Johnny’s thick cock encircled with Seonghwa’s pretty lips. There truly is something about having your hot daddy boyfriend becoming such a submissive pleaser for your other boyfriend.
“God damnit,” you whine, “Now all I can think about right now is you licking his cock like it’s an ice cream cone.”
“You heard her.” Johnny moves around, moving so he’s on his back, and Seonghwa with an absolutely embarrassed but hungry look in his eyes fits between Johnny’s legs. 
Seonghwa pushes Johnny’s shirt up first, kissing Johnny’s abs and hips. And then Johnny twists his fingers in Seonghwa’s hair which has grown longer recently, which is something you only notice as Johnny gathers a chunk of it up in his fist. Seonghwa’s fingers slide over the front of Johnny’s pants, tugging and pulling until they’re down around his thighs and Johnny’s cock has popped up and taps the bottom of Seonghwa’s chin.
“So pretty, Hwa.” Johnny tugs on Seonghwa’s hair, making the younger boy tilt his head up so Johnny can see his half-lidded eyes, making you able to see the lust blowing his pupils into wide dark circles.
Johnny lowers Seonghwa’s face back down, and you watch him take your Johnny’s cock inside his mouth, his tongue darts out to wet his lips and then he holds it out to welcome Johnny’s soft tip. His fingertips meet, circled around Johnny’s erection, licking at it sweetly, just like he’d lick at an ice cream cone. 
And then his gaze cuts over to look at the image of you watching them through the phone. 
Seonghwa closes his lips around the tip and pushes down, sucking your boyfriend into his mouth while still staring at you. Your belly goes warm and fluttery as you hear Seonghwa’s moan, as you watch him take Johnny down without issue.
Eternally grateful that you’ve got this room all to yourself, that Johnny and Seonghwa can’t fully see what you’re doing, you slide a hand down between your legs, beneath the towel you’re still wearing after your shower, fingertips skimming over your clit. 
You must make a sound because then Johnny looks over also. You whimper involuntarily, continuing to move your fingers tenderly on yourself, stoking that flame.
“Fuck,” Johnny groans. He bucks his hips, impaling Seonghwa’s throat on his cock, making Seonghwa whine. “Do you like this, baby girl? Does watching us like this turn you on? She’s touching herself, Seonghwa. Can’t you see?”
Seonghwa makes a sound that’s a mix between a hum and a moan, still bobbing his head on Johnny, eyes trying to get a good look at you through the screen. But you’re touching yourself out of view; the only sign he can see is the way you’re biting your lip and the subtle movement of your arm.
Seonghwa pushes himself up, a line of saliva connecting his lip to Johnny’s cock. “Kitten, are you touching yourself? Have your fingers buried in your sweet pussy? You like watching us like this?” He glides his hand up and down Johnny’s length, and the older man grabs Seonghwa’s wrist, curls his fingers over his hand to make his grip tighter. He groans.
“Mm, yes, Daddy.” You press your fingers lower, getting them inside yourself, wishing it was Johnny or Seonghwa touching you. “I miss you both, wanna be there.”
“You’re home tomorrow? We’ll still be here, waiting for you.” Johnny grunts. His fingers knot inside Seonghwa’s hair again, and he pulls his mouth back down on him. “Oh, shit, Hwa. Baby, I finally understand you saying his head game is very strong.” He moans again, pushing his hips up, and Seonghwa takes it. 
Your thumb swirls against your clit, and you press your fingers deeper inside your pussy, imagining Johnny’s tongue on your clit, his fingers inside you while he holds you to his face, drowning his grunts and moans between your legs.
“Seonghwa, shit.” Johnny sits up, cupping Seonghwa’s jaw, dragging him up, pressing their mouths together feverishly. Seonghwa moves closer, sitting himself in Johnny’s lap, their erections rubbing together, though Seonghwa’s still clothed, grinding against Johnny.
They moan together, and you let the sound of yours join in, riding your fingers the way you wish you were riding them.
Seonghwa pushes his pants down, and Johnny wraps a hand around both of them, jerking them both off as they kiss. Seonghwa pulls out of the kiss to moan, blinking at you, at the way you’re holding your phone lower now.
“Johnny,” he murmurs, “Look, our pretty girl.”
They both watch, your heaving chest rising and falling, your fingers busy plunging inside yourself. And Johnny continues touching them, smirking as he listens to your moans and Seonghwa’s, his thumb sweeping over his tip, coming away with a string of precum that catches the light just right to have your mouth watering for him.
Johnny cums first, dropping his head back as he moans gutturally, his cum dripping down his fingers, spreading over Seonghwa’s cock as lube for him to keep jerking off his younger boyfriend. You cum with a sob, your legs closing around your hand, watching as Seonghwa desperately begins rutting into Johnny’s hand. 
A messy kiss and then Seonghwa slumps into Johnny, tucking his head against Johnny’s shoulder as he cums at last over Johnny’s fist. 
“What time’s your flight land?” Johnny asks. He wipes his hand off on Seonghwa’s pants, then reaches for the pile of candy he abandoned. Seonghwa slips backward off Johnny’s lap, stuffing his dick back into his pants, and he grabs up the ice cream, pouting when he notices that it’s melted. 
You tell him the time of your flight, promise to text them before you take off, and make Seonghwa promise that he’s going to have replenished your ice cream supply by the time you get there.
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They’re both still in bed when your flight lands in the morning, but Seonghwa stirs.
“You’re home,” he says quietly, flipping the covers of your bed back, inviting you in. “Missed you.”
You shuck off your clothes and slide in, resting your head on his chest, sighing happily as his arms fit around you, drawing you in tight. 
“I bought you more ice cream.” Seonghwa whispers. “And we stocked up on condoms again too. Johnny bought a lot of stuff for us to make dinner tonight, if you don’t mind us staying over again.”
You shake your head. “I don’t mind at all. I’d prefer to never have either of you leave.” There’s a few moments of silence as Seonghwa lets you really settle in, and you finally murmur, “I’m sleepy.”
“So sleep. We’ll still be here.” Seonghwa kisses your forehead.
Usually air travel has you feeling tired and gross afterwards, like you need to wash the stale air out of your hair, wash the grime of being around so many people in such an enclosed space off your skin. But you don’t care one bit about that, knowing that your sheets are probably in need of a wash anyway if they’ve really been fucking as much over the week you were gone as they made it sound when you FaceTimed them. 
Therefore, even as gross as you feel, when you wake up some time later you don’t have it in you to push away the head between your legs, kissing at your thighs. 
“Good morning, welcome home.” Johnny tells you, his lips moving lightly over your skin. 
“Where’s Seonghwa?” You ask with a sigh, moving your hand still heavy with sleep to interlace with his fingers beside your hip. 
“Went to get us some breakfast. Or brunch, I guess, since it’s almost noon.” Johnny kisses over your hip and your belly, resting his head against your stomach. “We really did miss you while you were gone. I love him, obviously, but it’s just not the same for us when you’re not here. One of the first times we had sex, when I was inside him, Seonghwa was babbling about having you there, riding him while I’m in him.”
You squirm. “How does it feel? Being inside him? Is it like me? Better?”
Johnny lowers his head, kissing his way back down your belly to the elastic of your panties, which he pulls down with his teeth and as that takes too long, you try to push them down with your hands, but Johnny puts an end to that. He grips both of your wrists between one hand, holding them on your belly as he finishes using his teeth to drag them down just past your pussy. Then he snatches them off with his hand.
“You didn’t answer me.” You whine, jerking your hands against his hold. 
“Don’t have to answer you, baby. I’m in charge, not you.” Johnny kisses your mound, centimeters from your clit. “I’ve been thinking about this since yesterday, when we saw you dripping knuckles-deep. You’re so sweet, sweeter than that candy I was eating. Do you want me to have a taste?”
“Yeah. Yes, please.” You jerk your hands within his grip, buck your hips. Just thinking about Johnny’s soft, warm lips.
Johnny’s tongue is just exactly what you need, lapping against your slit, sending warm slow waves of pleasure through you, and that’s what he gives you, smiling as you lift your hips up against his face, whining his name. 
He’s been at it for a few minutes, gotten you nicely wet and aroused, when the door opens and Seonghwa steps inside.
“Did you get started without me? Don’t tell me you sent me for breakfast just so you could have her to yourself.” Seonghwa comes to sit on the bed beside your head, strokes your hair. “I’ve been giving him lessons, does it feel good?”
“So good.” You moan. 
Seonghwa looks at your face for a long moment, and then suddenly he moves down, shouldering Johnny to the side. Johnny starts to push him back, but then you whimper, and Seonghwa leans in, covering your pussy with his mouth, his masterful skills at oral carrying you into an orgasm within a minute. 
Johnny edges in then, jealously getting Seonghwa to move to the side, and then he tries to imitate exactly what Seonghwa had just done, each move of his tongue and press of his lips. A second orgasm sweeps over you in the sensitive aftermath of the first.
Pleased, Johnny kisses his way up your abdomen to your chest, his fingers sliding up to cup one of your breasts while his lips go to the other. Until Seonghwa takes Johnny’s hand and pulls it away. Johnny pulls his mouth from your other breast to just look up at Seonghwa, his gaze dark and inquisitive.
“I brought breakfast, and if we don’t eat it now it’ll be cold.” Seonghwa tugs on Johnny’s hand. “Come on. We can eat, then have more fun.
Johnny reaches for Seonghwa’s hip, trying to pull him closer. “I found what I want to eat.”
Seonghwa, entirely flustered, darts his gaze to you and gives an awkward laugh. “Stop, not now, Johnny. Breakfast, I’m serious.” He steps back, walks over to your closet where he digs out a hoodie of his that you’ve stolen, and he tosses it over onto the bed. “Come on.” 
You don the hoodie, then hurry out of the bedroom after Seonghwa, slipping slightly on the floor as you run up behind him to wrap your hands around his arm. He looks down at you with a soft, heartwarming smile.
“What’d you bring us?” You sit down on his lap, reaching already for the breakfast he brought home. Johnny drops into the chair beside you, and you lift your feet up to rest them in his lap, and neither of your boys complain, instead they get out all the food, and the three of you dig in. 
You’ve had your fill after a bit, but there’s still more food that they both continue to dig into, and you just take comfort in being there, with them. You look between the two of them; Seonghwa’s inky black hair falls softly over his forehead like it was styled that way, looking exactly the way that you know his fans would call a boyfriend look (which is every look he has, for you). Johnny’s hair, recently dyed back to a dark brown, unstyled and handsome, his sweatshirt wrinkled from sleep. 
“I have the most handsome boyfriends, have I ever told you that?” You look between the two of them, their bare morning faces. Johnny’s cheeks bulge from the food he’s just stuffed in there. You reach over and poke one of his cheeks, and he smiles at you. Seonghwa wraps his arms more firmly around your waist, tucking his chin over your shoulder affectionately. 
After another few moments of this, you excuse yourself to go shower, feeling gross from the travel early that morning and the subsequent sweaty and mildly gross feeling post-orgasms. The sexy after breakfast plans are put on hold when Johnny gets a call from his manager to come back to the dorm, and then you and Seonghwa decide to make the day a date, and you go shopping and see a movie, grab something to eat afterwards.
Johnny joins you there, sitting down at the table with you both, stealing a bite from your food, picking up Seonghwa’s drink and taking a long pull through the straw. He winks at you as Seonghwa groans and grabs it back. 
“You’re a menace,” Seonghwa tells him. His hand affectionately caresses the back of Johnny’s as he takes his drink back. 
“But you love me anyway.” Johnny leans back in his chair, glancing around the place. He’s not looking at Seonghwa then, but you are. You see the way Seonghwa bites his lip and looks down at the drink, then looks back at Johnny. You reach over and take his hand, give it a squeeze. 
Johnny sits forward again, steals another bite of your food. And then he finally gets to what’s on his mind. “So our dorm’s lease is up soon, and we have to move. My manager was showing us a few choices earlier. They all look pretty nice.”
“That’s good. Are you still going to have to room with one of the others?” Seonghwa asks. 
Johnny hesitates before answering. “That’s kinda something I wanted to talk about.” He runs his fingers through his hair, though it doesn’t do much as his hair just flops back into his face. “I do have the option to not move into the dorm with the other members. I could get my own place. For us.” He glances between you and Seonghwa, trying to read your faces.
“I’m still locked in on my lease for another few months,” you tell him.
“And I don’t think I can move out of my dorm.” Seonghwa says. He looks away from Johnny to mess around with his straw.
Johnny makes a noise of understanding. “I get it if you think that it’s still too soon to move in together, or if it’s just that you like having your own place, baby.” You frown and start to shake your head, because when was the last time that you could really consider your apartment your own place? Between the two of them, you’ve barely had the place to yourself since this all started. But Johnny continues talking before you can try to reassure him. He says, “Maybe I’ll still get my own place on a short lease. I haven’t lived alone before, and I guess just having that for a little while could be a good thing.”
You stretch your foot out under the table until it nudges against his. “Move in with me. Unless you really want to have your own apartment. But you can move in with me. You both basically live there as it is. And when my lease is up, we can move somewhere nicer. For the three of us.”
Johnny shrugs. “We don’t have to make any decisions right now.” 
And even though he says that, it’s all you’re thinking about for the rest of the day. When they’re back at your place later that night, messing around and cooking dinner while you do some laundry, you just watch them and wish that this could be your every day thing. Living together with both of them, happy in domestic bliss, never worrying that one of them or both of them will have to leave soon and go back to his dorm.
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Johnny does get his own place, and to celebrate, you and Seonghwa bring over a cake and some wine, planning to consecrate the new apartment with a good time on his first night.
When you walk in, Seonghwa’s already there as are Mark, Doyoung, Taeyong, and Jungwoo. They’re all helping Johnny shift around some of his newly bought furniture, so you just walk inside and take a look around. 
The apartment is nice, not extravagant or anything, but just nice enough to be his first apartment by himself. The kitchen is definitely nice enough, you notice as you take in the wine you brought. Johnny abandons the others where they’re messing with the entertainment center, making sure it’s centered, and he comes over to you.
“Hey.” He kisses you. “Do you want a tour around?”
There’s truly not much to tour. There’s the kitchen and living room which is basically all just one big room. There’s his bedroom, the bathroom, a laundry closet, and a narrow balcony.
When you come back in off the balcony, you’re feeling slightly chilled from the nice breeze as night falls outside, so you walk over to Seonghwa and wrap your arms around him. His arm falls comfortingly around your shoulders. It takes you a second to realize that Johnny’s members are looking at you, then at Johnny, then back at you and Seonghwa.
And for the first time you realize that they don’t truly know the extent of this relationship. They know you’re with Johnny, they’ve met you before as his fuckbuddy first and then as his girlfriend. They know Seonghwa as his friend. But now you realize that you don’t think they know that you’ve also been dating Seonghwa this entire time, and since they don’t know that then it’s very unlikely that they know that Johnny is also dating Seonghwa.
You look at Johnny for a cue on what you should do now, what your next move is.
He ignores it all. “Taeyong-ah, did you still want to stay and help cook dinner? I’m starting to get hungry.” He walks into the kitchen and opens his fridge, not that there’s much in it other than the cake Seonghwa brought earlier, a few basics, and the wine you brought.
“I forgot I was going to go to the studio, maybe another night.” Taeyong says, nudging Doyoung harshly with his elbow. 
You step away from Seonghwa to slump down onto the sofa, still feeling very judged by the members. The vibe in the room is suddenly very off, very careful like they all think that there’s some sort of a fight brewing. Seonghwa walks away toward Johnny in the kitchen, and when he comes to stand right beside him, Johnny confidently slings his arm around Seonghwa’s waist, twists the boy around between Johnny and the countertop, and then kisses him breathless.
Johnny breaks the kiss, but leaves his arm around Seonghwa’s waist, looking perfectly unbothered while, from what you can see of Seonghwa’s face, he’s trying to catch his breath and looking surprised. 
Johnny watches Seonghwa’s face for a second, then looks up at the four members, daring any of them to say anything. Mark and Doyoung look at each other, Jungwoo laughs, and Taeyong just looks between the three of you again before smiling at Johnny. “That’s unexpected.”
None of them truly seem too surprised about the prospect of Johnny being involved with another man, so you think maybe they’ve all known that part about him, but it seems that they just weren’t expecting him to be so involved with two people at once.
Taeyong leaves a bit later to go to the studio. Doyoung and Jungwoo help set up Johnny’s TV and the rest of the devices that fill the entertainment center. Mark awkwardly tries to ask Johnny how this relationship works, to which Johnny says, “Well Mark, when a man and a woman love each other and also love another man too....”before Mark falls into hysterical, almost panicked laughter.
It’s about two hours later when they finally leave, and it’s just you and Johnny and Seonghwa at last. You’d had to order delivery because there really was no food in the apartment yet, not enough for the three of you and his visiting members. As Seonghwa clears away the containers and trash, you grab the cake and the wine and bring them back to the sofa and the coffee table. You sit on one of Johnny’s sides, Seonghwa takes the other.
The wine is opened first. A couple glasses drunk. And then Seonghwa opens the cake for Johnny.
“I can’t believe you really got me a cake for this.” Johnny laughs and shakes his head, watching as Seonghwa lights the candles on top of it. “The wine is enough.”
“What kind of housewarming would it be if we didn’t bring you gifts like these to enjoy?” You ask. Seonghwa agrees with you, nodding along, and he sits down the lighter to scoot the cake closer to Johnny. 
“Blow out the candles, make a wish on your new place.”
Johnny looks at Seonghwa and then he looks at you. He closes his eyes and blows out the candles in one breath. 
And then his finger swipes through the frosting on the cake and smears it across Seonghwa’s cheek before either of you are aware what’s happening. Seonghwa yelps and reaches for Johnny, but Johnny laughs and goes to splop the remainder of what’s on his finger on Seonghwa’s nose. 
Seonghwa dodges the finger, instead opening his mouth and flicking his tongue out for just a taste of the frosting. Johnny playfully draws his finger back, sucking it into his own mouth instead.
You laugh as Seonghwa swipes what’s on his cheek off with his finger, and he jumps forward so fast that you don’t see it coming before his finger’s jabbing at your face in an attempt to make you a mess too. But you’re just quick enough to grab his wrist, and you pop his frosted finger in your mouth.
As your tongue drags over the pad of his finger, coated with a sugary sweet flavor, Seonghwa bites his bottom lip and groans. You hollow your cheeks, sucking on his finger, staring him right in the eye as you simulate a blowjob on his finger.
“That’s enough.” Johnny unknots your fingers from around Seonghwa’s wrist, and he pulls your boyfriend’s arm away. “Are we going to eat this cake or just cut straight to breaking in my bed?”
Seonghwa grins and licks his bottom lip where a bit of frosting sits. “We could eat the cake in your bed?”
Johnny slings his arm around Seonghwa’s shoulders. “Do you think I want crumbs in my bed, Hwa? Maybe if we were just eating it off of you, you’d like that wouldn’t you? Like when we...” His eyes dart towards you suddenly, piquing your interest. He clears his throat and looks back at Seonghwa. “You know what I was going to say, right?” Seonghwa nods.
“What did you do?” You ask.
Seonghwa smiles. “Hey, we cleaned up after. Washed your sheets and everything.” 
“While you were away, I learned he likes a little bit of temperature play.” Johnny explains. “So we used some ice cream. It melted everywhere and was really sticky and messy, but, baby, I’ve never seen our boyfriend as needy as he was then when I was eating it off of him.”
You know that their dynamic together is different than when they’re with you, but you still haven’t really witnessed it in person. It just hasn’t happened that way yet. Every time you’ve been together, it’s always been like it was before they had sex, with both of them still being very dominant with you. But from the way Johnny tells it, Seonghwa turns into a perfect little sub for him, which is almost difficult to imagine at times when Seonghwa can be so dominant with you.
Seonghwa lifts his wine to his lips, drinking the rest of it before he sits it back down. “I wouldn’t mind if we forgot about the cake. I’ve been thinking about you both all day. Mingi and Wooyoung were talking about sex earlier, and I just kept thinking about both of you.”
Johnny, with his arm still around Seonghwa’s shoulder, lifts his hand to tilt the younger man’s chin toward him. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” Seonghwa answers, returning Johnny’s stare in a way that has you looking away, both of them so intense that it causes a flutter deep within you.
You look back just in time to see their mouths meet. 
Seonghwa’s wine-stained lips look so pretty against Johnny’s pinker lips, and you just sigh and tip back your wine glass, letting it drain into your mouth. 
Maybe you feel a little jealous, seeing them both so wrapped up and enthralled by each other. You sit aside your glass and move closer, slipping yourself into Johnny’s lap and you reach for Seonghwa’s hand where it sits in his lap. He squeezes your hand and turns from Johnny’s kiss to your lips instead.
Johnny’s hand curls against your neck, his fingers gently prompting you to leave Seonghwa, and Johnny steals your kiss. Instead of complaining, Seonghwa puts his hands to work on undressing you, sliding your top up. 
Johnny groans as Seonghwa pulling your shirt over your head forces him to break the kiss, but the second the shirt’s gone, your mouths crash back together, and Seonghwa kisses your shoulder and caresses your breasts. You moan into Johnny’s mouth, feeling his hands join Seonghwa’s in exploring your body.
Seonghwa’s hand slides down from your breasts to the waist of your pants, quickly slipping his way inside. You squirm and moan, desperate already to feel him touching you, but his fingers stop inside your pants, just low on your mound. 
“Seonghwa-- Daddy, please!” You moan, pulling away from Johnny’s lips, but as soon as they’re freed up, Seonghwa ignores your pleas and dips in to claim Johnny again. His fingers are still irritatingly still inside your pants, and to top it off both of them have hands on you but they’re not really touching you. 
You whine, wiggling around, trying to get something out of this. Either something from sitting in Johnny’s lap, like grinding against his thigh or maybe his erection, or convincing Seonghwa to actually fucking slip his fingers just a little lower toward your clit. But that just makes them both withdraw their hands. 
Johnny dives a hand into Seonghwa’s hair, tugging just hard enough to draw a moan from Seonghwa. And you watch in desperate disappointment as Seonghwa’s hand that was just so close to touching you moves instead to palm Johnny’s bulge right in front of you.
It’s not fair.
So you interrupt them by grabbing Seonghwa’s hand, pulling it back into your lap, and with your other hand, you stroke Johnny’s hair and kiss the corner of his mouth. You push Seonghwa’s hand back inside your pants, and he allows it, up until you press his fingertip against your clit. 
He jerks his hand free and breaks the kiss with Johnny at the same moment.
“You’re being such a brat right now, kitten.” Seonghwa stands up, catches your jaw with one hand, holding it firmly so you stare up at him. Johnny just leans back into the sofa to watch. “You always get all of our attention. But tonight’s not about you for once. Tonight is about Johnny. So stop being a brat or else we’ll be forced to punish you, sweet girl. Now, you and I are going to make Johnny feel good. Got it?”
You nod and suck your bottom lip into your mouth, feeling chastised. 
Seonghwa just turns without another word and walks into Johnny’s bedroom.
Johnny shifts forward from leaning back in the sofa, and you slip back off his lap onto your own feet. He slides a hand up your thigh, your hip, your side as he stands up. He tilts his head toward his bedroom door, and says in a gentle voice, “Let’s go, baby.”
Seonghwa pulls Johnny in as soon as the two of you are in the room, returning to their embrace you’d interrupted. But then Seonghwa gets Johnny on his back on the bed, Seonghwa climbs over him, straddling him and continuing to make out with him, slowly rolling his hips until you can hear Johnny making low, satisfied hums of pleasure.
“Baby,” Johnny murmurs, gesturing for you to come closer, to join them on the bed. You step out of your pants before you slip onto the bed, and you feel Seonghwa’s eyes raking down your figure. Johnny, however, just looks at your face, brings a hand up to thumb at your bottom lip. “Stop pouting. He’s not mad at you. Are you, Hwa?”
Seonghwa just lowers himself down to kiss at Johnny’s neck, hands wandering to begin stripping Johnny.
Johnny sighs and strokes his thumb again over your protruding bottom lip. He fists a hand in the back of Seonghwa’s hair, tugging until the younger man lifts his head from Johnny’s throat. 
“You’re a brat too, you know that?” Johnny says to him. “If our baby wants some attention, we should give it to her. Just because you’ve been horny all day and want me to fuck you doesn’t mean that we should ignore how needy she is, like always.”
His thumb still rests on your bottom lip, and you open your mouth, dipping forward just enough that his thumb enters your mouth and you can suck on it. Johnny rolls his eyes toward you, watching you suck at his finger, completely enamored at the sight.
“She just wants to suck on something. Don’t you, baby?” Johnny asks. You nod. He replaces his thumb in your mouth with his pointer and middle finger instead, and then to Seonghwa he says, “Get naked, Hwa.”
Seonghwa does exactly that, nearly falling off Johnny’s lap in his rush to push off his pants and his shirt and his underwear, tearing Johnny’s pants off as well. Johnny sits up and grabs Seonghwa’s hips dragging him back into his lap, and his fingers fall away from your lips, quite wet with your saliva as he reaches around behind Seonghwa. 
Johnny presses his lips in the middle of Seonghwa’s chest just as Seonghwa lets out a sweet sigh and his eyes flutter shut. Johnny pulls his mouth back just enough to be able to say, “You’re already loose. Have you been playing with yourself lately?”
Seonghwa bites his bottom lip, but releases it to let out a gasp as Johnny slides in a spit-slick finger. 
“That’s hot,” you can’t help but say. 
Johnny looks over at you and kisses Seonghwa’s chest again. “Yes, he is. Baby, get in that drawer over there, will you?” You slide off the bed to open the drawer of his bedside table. “The lube and condoms,” Johnny tells you. 
When you turn back around from the drawer, you see that Johnny has tugged Seonghwa into his lap once more, and his two fingers are buried in Seonghwa’s ass, a sight that you’ve not yet been privy to. But now you see the pink hole stretched around Johnny’s fingers, notice how Seonghwa’s thighs quiver, how he clutches at Johnny’s shoulders with another little moan.
You move back onto the bed, dropping the little bottle of lube and the condoms beside Johnny. When you kneel up and run your fingers along Seonghwa’s torso, he shivers and looks at you through half-lidded eyes. 
“You’re so sexy like this, Seonghwa.” You kiss his chest as Johnny had done before, and then stretch up a little higher to kiss his lips. You feel Johnny shifting, hearing him pop open the cap of the lube, just as Seonghwa moans against your mouth. 
Kissing down his throat and chest, you work your way lower and lower until his erection bumps against your chin, at which point you open your mouth to suck at the sweet pink tip. 
“Ah, fuck,” Seonghwa groans, pushing his hips forward. “Johnny, I need you now too.” 
“One second, I’m warming it up a little for you.” Johnny says, and you turn your head slightly to look at him, and you see him working the lube over his fingers. Seonghwa throbs between your lips, so you return your attention to him.
Seonghwa pushes your hair back from your face, gathering it in his fist. 
You can tell the moment that Johnny makes his move, spreading the lube over Seonghwa’s entrance and pushing his lubed up fingers in. Seonghwa makes such a sexy noise and uses his hold on your hair to push you down on his cock.
His thighs still quiver, maybe even more so with the way that Johnny works him on his fingers, prodding against his prostate, and you suck his cock just right. It’s only a few moments before Johnny touches your shoulder, and you draw back. 
Johnny tears open the condom with his teeth and rolls it down on his cock. Seonghwa eagerly shuffles forward on his knees, his wet erection swinging between his legs, and he positions himself just above Johnny. You lean back, looking back and forth between your two boyfriends. 
Seonghwa’s eyes are soft and needy, locked on Johnny’s rather more lusty and dark expression. Johnny lays back, reaches down to his cock, and puts his other hand on Seonghwa’s hip, guiding the younger down onto him.
Seonghwa sinks down onto Johnny with a low moan that sends a wave of arousal coursing deliciously through you. You squeeze your legs together, lift a hand to your chest, and finally rid yourself of your bra so you can touch your breasts. 
“You feel so fucking good, Seonghwa.” Johnny moans, and he brings his hand up to Seonghwa’s cock, touching it lightly with his fingers as he coos, “And look at you, all flushed and dripping wet.”
He might as well be talking about you too.
You wrangle your panties down your legs, kick them off your ankles, and slip your fingers between your legs, dipping into your wetness with a pleased sigh.
Johnny glances over at you now, taking notice of what you’re doing. His hand falls from Seonghwa’s hip, snatching at your hand and drawing it away.
Meanwhile, Seonghwa starts moving, lifting up on Johnny’s cock and dropping his ass back down, forcing a moan from between his pretty lips. You squirm and try to break your wrist free from Johnny’s hold, just wanting to touch yourself at the hot sight of your boyfriend riding your other boyfriend. But Johnny doesn’t let up.
“Please, I need something.” You watch as Seonghwa’s cock bounces with each of his downward thrusts, leaving little damp marks on Johnny’s belly where it touches. “Daddy, can I please suck you off?”
Seonghwa pauses at the sound of your desperate whine, and he looks at Johnny first before he nods. He sinks down fully on Johnny, his hands spreading on the elder’s abdomen, and he pushes back and forth with his hips. “Yeah, come on, sweetheart. Let me feel your lips.”
You kneel on the bed and sink forward, wrap your fingers around him, and take him into your mouth with no hesitation. 
Seonghwa moans in delight, fisting your hair again as he rolls his hips back on Johnny’s cock and then forward into your mouth. 
And while you’re distracted on Seonghwa’s cock, you finally feel Johnny’s fingers over the back of your thigh, searching higher. His fingers slide between your legs, finding you so slick and wet that he plays his fingers there for a moment, just sliding his fingers through your folds. He pulls his fingers away just to swing them back up, placing a slap right there against your sensitive pussy.
You yelp, choking for a moment on Seonghwa’s cock, and that makes him swear and thrust farther down your throat, and Johnny rocks his hips up, driving his cock deeper inside Seonghwa. You start to draw back off his cock, needing to breathe, needing to beg Johnny to please fuck you on his fingers, but before you can, Johnny’s hand is on the back of your head, pressing you down on Seonghwa.
“Keep going.” Johnny demands. 
And then his fingers plunge inside you, and you lift up on your knees just enough that you can fuck yourself down on his perfect, long fingers. 
You whimper around Seonghwa, gagging as Johnny rocks his hips gently forward, driving the cock in your mouth deeper down your throat. Seonghwa moans and swears, reaching down to lace his fingers with Johnny’s in your hair. 
“Oh God,” he groans. “I don’t think I’m going to be able to....”
His hand falls loose from your hair, Johnny’s hand follows, and you pull back until only Seonghwa’s tip rests between your lips. You look up just to see that Seonghwa’s reached back to grasp Johnny’s thighs, and Johnny gently curls his fingers around the base of Seonghwa’s erection. 
“Gonna cum?” Johnny asks, jerking his hand over Seonghwa’s length while his other hand continues to pump his fingers inside you. “Already? But we’ve barely even started.”
“Don’t tease me.” Seonghwa pushes his hands down against Johnny’s chest, arches forward, and pushes his hips back to get Johnny deeper. Your jaw aches, but not in a bad way, just in the hungry way of craving Seonghwa’s dick down your throat again, so you dip forward until your lips meet Johnny’s fingers. “Shit, this feels so good. Both of you like this, ungh.” 
“Am I doing good for you, Daddy?” You pull back carefull, then hold your tongue out. “Do I make you feel good?” You run your hand up and down his length, stroking the underside of the tip with your tongue. 
Seonghwa nods, unable to speak as you and Johnny pleasure him on both sides. Johnny with slow deep thrusts, and your gentle assault with your mouth and your hand. You can tell exactly the moment that Johnny hits Seonghwa’s prostate perfectly.
With a guttural moan, Seonghwa cums, squirting his load over your tongue, filling your mouth with it. But you don’t swallow, just pull back and close your mouth while Johnny strokes Seonghwa’s cock and continues to fuck him too. He sits up to kiss at Seonghwa’s throat, though you do see him catch a bit of skin between his teeth and bite just hard enough to get Seonghwa to make another beautiful sound.
You kneel up so you’re just about level with them. All it takes is a light touch of your fingers to his cheek to get him to leave behind worrying the skin of Seonghwa’s throat.
Parting your lips just a little, Johnny and Seonghwa can both see what you’ve got waiting between your lips. You even hold out your tongue, peeking it just between your lips so they can see the thick creamy cum still held there. 
“Fuck, I need you to kiss me, sweet girl. I want to taste you and Seonghwa.” Johnny cradles the back of your head with one hand, tilting your mouth to slot perfectly with his, not a single drop of Seonghwa’s cum spilling until Johnny opens your lips and invites you to share, all while he still thrusts up into Seonghwa’s tight ass.
You don’t even care about yourself anymore. You’re just in love with the sounds Seonghwa’s making, half-muffled into the bedsheets. You love the way Johnny kisses you, swallowing down Seonghwa’s cum while giving you his grunts and moans and gasps when Seonghwa bounces on him or clenches around him.
When there’s nothing left in your mouth but the taste of Johnny and the lingering aftertaste of Seonghwa, you slip backwards, sinking onto your heels and then slumping sideways so you can look up at your boyfriends, both of them kissing again.
They’re a gorgeous sight to behold, all that bare golden skin and the soft yet violent press of their lips, the smooth moves of their bodies, the gasps of pleasure from Seonghwa. They look like artwork, like gods, like something you could look at for a long, long time and never get tired of it.
But they don’t stay like that for long.
Johnny maneuvers Seonghwa beneath him, rolling him over carefully so Seonghwa’s on his back, Johnny above him, thrusting now powerfully into Seonghwa’s ass.
Immediately, Seonghwa reaches for you, curling a hand over your thigh, fingers digging in as he draws his hand up to your core. 
“You’ve been so good for us,” Seonghwa gasps as Johnny grips his hips tightly and fucks in, and Seonghwa’s fingers sliding against your slit. “Your pussy’s so wet, kitten. Do you really like seeing us together like this? Thought you liked me strong and dominant, so how do you feel seeing me like this for Johnny?”
“I love it. I love it. I love you.” You moan as his fingers slide just barely inside you, always a tease. You bring a slightly shaking hand up to his head, run your fingers through his hair. “I love watching you and Johnny, you being so good and obedient for him, but still being like this with me. Still being my daddy even while he’s fucking you.” Eager to please, Seonghwa eases a finger inside  you. You sigh, “I want to be fucked too.”
A second finger joins the first. “Do you want to be fucked, kitten? Do you want me or Johnny?”
“Are you even up again yet?” Johnny teases Seonghwa, getting his hand between their bodies to feel his cock. “Big talk for someone who’s gone soft. And you already got one orgasm. Don’t be selfish, Hwa. I’ll fuck our girlfriend good enough for the both of us.” He pulls out and rids himself of the used condom. “Now, just watch, like a good sweet boy.”
Seonghwa pouts and glares, but he scoots aside to make room as Johnny rolls on a different condom.
You spread your legs, eagerly welcoming Johnny to fit between them. You just want to be filled, to finally be given exactly what you’ve been wanting. And Johnny fits in perfectly.
“Oh, right there,” you sigh.
You wrap your legs around his hips, twine your arms behind his head, just clinging to him as Johnny sinks into you. You want to kiss him, to feel Johnny’s plush, thoroughly kissed lips on yours right now, and he grants you that, kissing you with a lot of tongue, both of you moaning into each other’s mouths. His chest presses against yours, hearts pounding together, and Johnny tastes the moans fresh from your tongue.
Johnny slips his hand between your bodies, kneading at your chest, pinching your nipple between two of his fingers as he pushes himself upright to look down at you.
“Look at you, pretty girl.” He twists your nipple, and you groan, arching your back just a little up into his touch. His other hand holds onto your hip, lifting your hips to meet his thrusts, and his eyes trail down your body until his gaze falls between your legs. “You’re so fucking wet, oh God. Hwa, come look at her.”
He abandons playing with your tit to grab at Seonghwa’s leg, tugging to get him closer. 
As Seonghwa moves, pushing up onto his elbows and then sitting up further, you reach for him too. He offers you a hand, and you cling to it with both of yours, pull it onto your chest, over your heart. He looks down at you with the same look in his eyes as Johnny, a deep arousal burning there. 
Seonghwa hums, pleased, and he lifts his eyes to Johnny’s. 
Their gazes press one against the other, but Johnny’s still planted deep inside you, his hips flush against you, grinding forward in a way that sends pleasure zipping from your clit through your lower body. 
Seonghwa breaks first, looking away again. He dips a hand down between your legs as Johnny pulls back, and Seonghwa’s fingers glide through the sticky wetness of your arousal, slipping two fingers in as Johnny draws his dick all the way out. Seonghwa’s thumb goes to your clit and he sinks down beside you as he works his thumb against your clit and his fingers stroke inside you, quickly working you up with the constant stimulation to your clit. 
And then his lips close around your nipple, tongue flicking out over the sensitive bud. 
“Oh, Seonghwa!” You moan, closing your eyes.
Your body is so sensitive from how long and drawn out this has all been, how much you have longed to be touched. So sensitive that just his breath over your wet nipple has you shivering.
And then his fingers are drawn away and you feel a sharp slap against your pussy that has you cry out and whimper, drawing your legs closer, but Johnny’s hands go to your thighs, gently pressing them apart. Seonghwa kisses your breast, and strokes his fingers soothingly over the new throbbing over your pussy.
“What did you call me?” He asks, his voice low, filled with that dominant tone once more. “What was that, kitten?”
“Daddy. Daddy, I’m sorry.” You whine, reaching for his hand between your legs, but he pulls out of your reach and you almost tense up, expecting another slap against your pussy. But it doesn’t come. He gently brings his hand back between your legs, teases the fingertip so lightly over your lips down there, swirls it once around your clit in a way that has new arousal gushing from you, and then he walks his fingers up your belly, higher up your chest, until he closes them around your throat. 
You can smell yourself then, right beneath your nose. You can feel your wetness on your throat, sticky and warm and slippery. Seonghwa doesn’t hold tight at all, just rests his hand there on your neck. His mouth falls again to your chest, leaving light open-mouthed kisses over one breast and then the other, paying a little attention to each nipple. 
You don’t move except to breathe. Each rise and fall of your chest beneath his lips, hitching when he stops to suck his mark on your skin, and finally you moan once more when Johnny enters you with his thick cock, teasing you at first by just dipping the tip inside you. Little shallow thrusts that are just torturous at this point and bring tears to your eyes. 
“Please,” you beg. “Please, Johnny.”
Seonghwa’s fingers flex, tightening just the smallest amount on your throat. He shifts a bit, and now you feel him hard against your side, his erection rubbing against you, damp at the tip. You moan, try to reach down for him, but he pulls his hand from your throat and grabs both of your hands, holding them together in his grip on your belly.
Johnny fucks in deep then, Seonghwa kisses at your throat, shifting a little higher up the bed.
“Daddy. Johnny. Oh, fuck, please. Can I cum? I want to cum.” You feel it burning within you all this desire. All you need is for them to pay attention to your clit, to just pour their affection over you.
Johnny bends forward over you, but as you lift your head hoping to kiss him, Johnny twists to the side, and you turn to watch as he instead kisses Seonghwa. Their tongues flash between their lips, and when Johnny starts to pull away, you see Seongwha’s teeth catch at Johnny’s bottom lip, holding him there for a second longer before releasing when Johnny’s hand vanishes between Seonghwa’s legs.
Seonghwa spreads his legs and you look closer and realize that Johnny’s fingering him again. His cock twitches, leaking slowly against his belly. 
Johnny thrusts into you at the same pace as he fingers Seonghwa. It’s almost enough to be totally infuriating because you want more, you want harder, you want to cum.
Tears burst into your eyes when you lift your hips and start trying to fuck yourself on Johnny, trying to get what you want. 
Seonghwa’s hands on your wrists squeeze and Johnny presses his hand to your hip, trying to pin you down, but you desperately wiggle and buck your hips, crying out in such a bratty whine, “Let me cum. Just let me cum, please. Mmm, Johnny your cock just feels so good I’m so close, I want it. Please give it to me.”
“I so love hearing her beg like this,” Seonghwa groans, lifting his hips to grind on Johnny’s fingers. “Maybe we should let her cum though. She’s been a pretty good kitten for us. Maybe she deserves it.”
“Maybe.” Johnny shrugs. “But not just yet.”
This is cruel. Normally they’re the other way around. Seonghwa loves denying you your orgasm, Johnny just wants to give it to you. But not now.
Johnny stops his thrusts into you, instead leaning down and you watch with bated breath and teary eyes as he kisses Seonghwa’s hip and then takes his tip within his mouth. You just know that he’s curling his fingers inside your boyfriend at the way that Seonghwa’s eyes flutter shut and he makes such a low sound of pleasure. He rolls his hips up.
Johnny pushes lower, swallowing around Seonghwa’s length, still working his fingers inside him as he begins to blow him, bobbing his head in perfect accompaniment to his fingers. 
But, so distracted as he is with pleasuring Seonghwa, you can’t take it any longer, and you squeeze your legs around Johnny’s hips and start lifting your hips, bucking up, trying to ride him while being held beneath him. Johnny shifts back on his knees in such a way that the next time you drive yourself down on him, he rubs just perfectly against your G-spot, and Seonghwa’s hold on your hands falls apart, so at last you plunge a hand down between your legs once more, and touch yourself, use your older boyfriend’s cock to get yourself off on while he pleasures Seonghwa.
Seonghwa thrusts shallowly between Johnny’s lips, fucking up into his mouth, then down onto his fingers.
He looks so sexy like this, face flushed, eyes heavy with lust, his lips parted and not holding in his heavy breathing or his moans. You let yours fall to match his, and Seonghwa looks at you, at what you’re doing, and the heat of his gaze on your body like this is what finally carries you into your orgasm.
The hot burst of it beneath your skin travels from your thighs to your toes, from your abdomen to your chest and down through your fingertips. 
Johnny can’t help the movement of his hips as your orgasm has you clenching and fluttering, squeezing so delightfully around him. 
You collapse back to the bed, but Johnny keeps going. Sucking off Seonghwa, fingering him, fucking you on his cock. You keep rubbing your clit as he goes, extending your pleasure, hoping to maybe get a second orgasm out of this. 
It works. Johnny moans roughly around Seonghwa as he cums, his hips jolting against you, his cock jerking, filling the condom inside you, and his hand on your hip comes in between your legs and he rubs your clit, still thrusting while he’s hard until you cum again.
This one sends sparks across your vision, everything shimmering like the night sky for an instant, and when you see your surroundings again, you realize Johnny’s moaning again as he pushes himself down to Seonghwa’s balls. You feel so gross and sticky between your legs, especially as Johnny pulls out of you, but doesn’t move from between your legs, too dedicated to sucking off Seonghwa to move.
Seonghwa’s fingers knot in Johnny’s hair and he rocks up against his face, moaning and sighing and looking such a beautiful fucked out mess.
“I’m so close, John. Ah!” He cries.
Johnny pulls off Seonghwa, gagging and coughing. Seonghwa’s cum splatters his belly, cock twitching as he shoots his load, Johnny milking him for all he’s got but continuing to work his fingers against Seonghwa’s prostate.
Seonghwa’s barely finished, still panting and thighs twitching, his cock going soft in a puddle of his cum, when Johnny pulls away and asks, “Who wants to go again?”
“Yeah, no. I’m worn out.” Seonghwa drops his hand onto his belly. “And I’m a mess. I don’t want to move at all. Ever. Practice tomorrow is gonna be a bitch.”
You smile and try to laugh, reaching over and sliding a hand under Seonghwa’s arm until he lifts it enough that you can wrap both of your arms around it, cuddling up to him with your eyes sinking shut.
Johnny kisses your knee and then your thigh, trailing a few kisses lower towards your sensitive core. He just gets in one lick before you whine and squeeze your legs around his head. 
“No,” you whine.
“Okay,” he says softy. He sits up, and closes your legs together, then moves off his bed. He looks down at the pair of you looking so satisfied and sleepy in his bed, both of you messy with sweat and cum. Johnny licks his lips and grimaces a little. 
“We still have cake to eat. Don’t pass out on me yet.” Johnny backs away from the bed, heading away to the bathroom. “I’ll be right back.”
Seonghwa kisses your forehead as you settle more into his side. “You know I wasn’t really angry with you earlier, right?” He asks. You nod silently. Seonghwa says, “Are you good? With all of that? Johnny fucking me and all that?”
“Yes, Daddy. I really, really am good with that. I love you both, I want you to love each other in the same way.” You kiss his shoulder. “I just don’t want you to forget about me. I’m sorry if I act like a brat sometimes, I just need you both, I love you both, want you all the time. So sometimes when I don’t have your attention....”
“I know, sweetheart.” Seonghwa kisses your forehead again. “You’re needy, and we love that. Don’t worry about us forgetting about you, that’s never going to happen. While I do.... I love Johnny, but never forget that what brought me here is all this love for you. I know he’s the same.” He strokes your hair, his voice low and gentle, “When you were away and it was just the two of us, it just wasn’t the same. We need you here for us to work completely. And we talked about that, about how when it comes down to it, we’re both here for you more than for each other. He’s just an added benefit.”
You tilt your head to look up at his face, to see his eyes and read the truth in them. You’re still like that when Johnny returns, carrying the cake and some forks, the bottle of wine, a damp cloth to wipe you both down, and a toothbrush hangs from the corner of his mouth.
He sits the cake and the bottle on the bedside table, tosses the cloth onto Seonghwa’s stomach. “Clean up,” he says around his toothbrush. 
Seonghwa does wipe at the cum on his belly, the lube between his legs, and then he sits up to prompt you to open your legs, to let him gently clean between them. He folds the cloth over to a somewhat cleaner section as he runs it over your belly and breasts. He’s careful as he cleans your throat, and then your face.
He kisses you once he’s done, and then he leaves you in the bed too.
Johnny’s been stood there this whole time watching, just brushing his teeth at the side of the bed, but when Seonghwa rises to his feet, they both leave for the bathroom again. Seonghwa comes back and steps into his underwear. He grabs your panties and a shirt from the floor and passes it to you as he sinks back down onto the bed.
Johnny returns with a fresh mouth and he also pulls his underwear and a hoodie on as he tumbles into the bed, dropping his head against your belly. Your hand falls to his hair, stroking it. 
“Feed me?” He requests, opening his mouth and looking up at you. 
Seonghwa leans over to bring the cake into the bed.
“This is a bad habit to get into, Mr. Suh,” you tell him, “You’d better not keep it up, because I don’t want crumbs in our bed.”
“And wasn’t it you earlier who said you didn’t want us eating in your bed?” Nevertheless, Seonghwa scoops up some of the cake on his fork and brings it down to feed your boyfriend. Johnny happily eats it, wiggling his feet as he chews, ignoring both of you. So Seonghwa gets a dab of icing on his fingers and swipes it once more on Johnny’s cheek, the same thing that set this whole evening in motion in the first place.
Johnny glares up at Seonghwa for a second, but when you laugh and lean down and lick it clean off his cheek, Johnny melts into a happy puddle again. 
Devouring the cake is sweet. Later falling asleep between your two boys, half-drunk on the wine and the sugar, leaves you feeling soft and warm and fully and completely and irrevocably in love. 
This is it, you think, as Johnny’s arm tightens around your waist, as Seonghwa snores softly (though he always denies it when you accuse him) with his head on the pillow right beside yours. This is it. This is everything you want from now until the end of time.
To be caught forever in this peaceful and perfect romance with your sweet Seonghwa and your honey Johnny.
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[The End]
a/n: first and foremost I just want to say thank you to the anon for sending me the three prompts from the prompt list that inspired me to actually fully write this part 3, and I’m sorry that I changed one of them slightly, but I just felt like it would fit better that way. I hope you liked it still! Also sorry it took so long for me to write this. 
also that last line... how do we feel about that? is it too cheesy? too gross? because after my final read through before posting this, I read it and was feeling very ehhh about it, but I’m leaving it. 
I hope you enjoyed this final part of the Sweet Like Honey series! As usual if you enjoyed it, please like, reblog, and/or leave a nice comment! Sharing it is always appreciated, and leaving tags is also greatly appreciated!
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g0ldengubler · 4 years
chapter 6~life is a “high” way
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(*i do not own this gif*)
A/N: this chapter is honestly one of personal favs because we get to see more of spencer feeling more confident in himself in a way while still being him and it’s just aaaaa :’) tomorrow you will get chapter 7 but then after that, expect chapters to come out a bit slower, including requests (which i am working on currently and thank you so much for sending them my way!). lots of my focus needs to be on my personal life but writing helps me get through all of that hell, so i’m in a very wishy washy position lol. thank you so much for the love on nauseous i love uuuuuu
Category: fluff w smut at the end
CW: road head, d/s dynamic, daddy kink
Word Count: 3282
before you read | last chapter | next chapter (coming soon!*)
Spencer parks in front of your apartment building and stays in his seat as you get out. You both had decided that packing up right away and not going to lunch was better. That way, you can learn more about each other on the way there. You couldn't wait to get inside that smarty-pants brain of his and find out what's really going on in there.
You shut the car door and start walking, but stop when you don't hear his footsteps behind you. When you walk back to the car, you see Spencer sticking his battery in the cigarette lighter to charge.
"You're more than welcome to come in, y'know." You chuckled.
Spencer looks up at you, licking his lips as he moves some of his hair behind his ear. "It's ok, I don't want to bother."
"You won't be a bother. I've been to yours, now you can come into mine."
"Oh, so that's how that works huh? You have to go into the guys apartment before the guy goes to yours?" Spencer said sarcastically.
"You know what I mean!" You pull open the car and grab his hand, "C'mon, Spence. You'll be fine!"
He giggles under his breath and comes out of the car. After locking it, the two of you head inside and up the elevator to the 4th floor. Once at your door, you unlock it and open up to 4 paws jumping onto you. You hear Spencer gasp in surprise and giggle at his reaction, making it seem like you were giggling at your two buddies. Sitting on your old couch was your next door neighbor, Seth, who was watching Pose on the tv.
"Thank you again for watching the boys while I was gone. I really owe you big time for doing this." you say as you get up from the floor.
Seth gets off of the couch and walks up to you to give you a hug. "Anytime! If anything, they can stay at my place when you go on a case-" He stops and looks over at Spencer, standing awkwardly by the door still and letting the dogs sniff him, "Although, it seems like this new case was a success."
"Shut up, Seth!" You giggle, lightly slapping him on the arm. Realizing you forgot your manners, you quickly try to take it back. "Seth, meet Dr.Spencer Reid. Doc, meet my neighbor, Seth."
Seth reached his hand out to shake, but Spencer politely denies. "Sorry, I-I don't shake hands. It's actually been proven that it's safer to kiss." You catch Seth's eyes looking him up and down. "Seth stop teasing him like that!" You laugh. Spencer wasn't into guys, but somehow Seth looking at him made you a little jealous. You're not even dating the man, y/n shut up, you think to yourself.
"You and I will talk later." He says.
"Oh, Spence! These are my babies. The scottie is Benedict and the husky is Draco."
The room went silent for a moment, Spencer trying to hold in a chuckle. "Yes, I did name them after Benedict Cumberbatch and Draco Malfoy. I've had them picked out since I was a teenager, don't judge."
"Oh c'mon hun," said Seth, "it's adorable that you named them the way you did."
"It is," Spencer spoke, "I didn't depict you as a nerd."
"Oh my god, you kidding? She's probably the biggest nerd I've ever met with all her Sherlock and other crime shows, Harry Potter, Doctor Wh-"
"Ok, I think he gets it Seth!" You cut him off. That was enough embarrassment for today.
"I will say, Benedict or Tom Felton could always come my way."
You slap him on the arm again laughing. You look back at Spencer, who was awkwardly chuckling along with. You then announce that you were going to get in the shower. "Seth, can you take them for a few more nights? We're going up to my dad's cabin back home for the weekend. Also, when I get out and do my makeup, you promised me that you would tell me how your date went last night with 'Mr.Perfect' as you said it."
"Bitch I have ALLLLLL the tea that I'm not missing on spilling!"
"Good. Now you two get along. And Spence," He looks up at you, his hazel eyes looking into you...
"Don't miss me too much, hm?"
Then you walked into your bathroom, trying to wrap your brain on the fact that you just said that to him.
                           ~Spencer's POV~ I can't believe she said that.
She left me here a little turned on. I could start feeling my pants getting tight and had to put my bag over myself as I sat on the couch so then I wouldn't embarrass myself in front of Seth. I looked around her apartment to distract myself of thoughts of being in the shower with her. She had a very interesting aesthetic. Walls white with old picture frames that had beautifully taken old photos in them. The lamps that were in the living room looked like they were from the 70's, old gold coating chipped off at some parts of the stand. While there was a vintage look to her place, it was also very modern at the same time, a minimalistic look took over her kitchen. She had a fake vine hanging from the wall behind her tv, some of it covering her maroon record player. In some ways, our aesthetics were similar. If she had a bookcase in here, I'd feel like I was at my place.
Seth and I began to get to know each other. I came to find out that Seth worked as a bartender at a club, and he enjoyed taking photos for his social media. "I would love to be a photographer," he said, "but right now it's just a hobby that I do mostly during the colder months." He says cold, cloudy days (especially if it's raining) were the best times to take photos, in his opinion.
"So," he says, "you work with y/n at the BAU?"
"Yeah, we've really become good friends in the past 9 days. It's like we've known each other for years. Plus, she's great out on the field. She's definitely someone myself and the rest of the team will never take for granted."
"Thank god," Seth said as I heard the water turn off, "She told me that it was her dream to be a part of the BAU. She would never stop talking about it when she was in college."
"Hm, she never mentioned that to me."
"Well, let her tell you on your way to the cabin. She'll love it."
After a little bit more conversation, y/n came back to the living room. Her hair was damp, not fully wet but not dry either. She had thrown on a white turtle neck shirt with a brown sweater vest over it. She matched it with darker brown corduroy pants, cuffing the bottoms. In her hands was what looked like to be her makeup bag. She sat down in front of the mirror that was in the corner on the left side of the tv (when you look at the tv), beginning the process.
Seth and y/n talk about his date from last night and got pretty detailed about it. He talked about how the man took him to a gay bar that was a few blocks from here, and how they danced and drank the night away. "Oh and then get this," says Seth, "we're pretty drunk at this point, right? Well at one point, the local queen that performed came up to me and tried to flirt and shit, thinking she was all that and a bag of lashes, and he saw how uncomfortable I was and stood up for me. And let me tell you, he was REA-DY to throw hands!"
"Stooooop he's literally a keeper!" y/n says.
Once she was done with her makeup, she gets up and goes back to her room, coming back out with her luggage. She goes over to the door to grab a pair of Vans and comes back to tell Seth and her children goodbye.
"I'll be back in a few days. Thanks again, Seth. I really-"
"Owe me one, I know I know!" Seth cuts her off, "Now go have some fun and relax, you need to after working so damn hard for this job!" He turns to me and waves. "And it was very nice meeting you, Doctor."
"It was nice to meet you, too! But please, you can just call me Spencer."
Seth smiles as we walk out the door. What this trip will bring? For once, I'm letting fate take the lead instead of science.
~Y'N's POV~ It had been about a few hours of being on the road. At this point, you were somewhere in Pennsylvania, but not sure if you were close enough to Philly to grab a cheesesteak. You think back to the start of the drive. You suggested that you'd be the dj because your library on spotify had a full range of genres with some songs you had no clue were in there. "It'd be a fun little journey!" You told Spencer. And that it was, a journey.
You ended up driving right by a dispensary before even leaving DC. Garcia told you that that's where she gets her stuff, but knowing that bringing a lot of weed across the country wouldn't be a fun trip, you two decided to go with the original plan and just wait till you get to Michigan.
You could tell Spencer was getting a kick out of your music library. While majority of the songs he didn't know, he was still being goofy and jamming out along with you, trying to match the same energy you were having. The songs that talked about sex, drugs, and/or alcohol surprised him every time, his jaw dropping or his eyes bulging out of his head as he listened to the lyrics. You couldn't help yourself but laugh at his reactions, which would make him laugh along with you.
You two weren't alone, however. You were pretty much sucking down on the carts you still had, although you both made a deal that whoever was driving could only get a little high if they wanted to, drinking plenty of water and eating snacks to sober you up a bit if needed.
Driving through Pennsylvania, you look out the window and onto the scenery around you. You weren't paying attention, however, because you couldn't stop the dirty thoughts that intruded your mind. You couldn't help to think about giving him head, since you hadn't done it yet because both times he gave you all the pleasure. You couldn't wait to get to the cabin and go straight to your knees for him. Suddenly, you tried to get them out of your head. 'You're getting way too excited, y/n. STOP IT!' you thought to yourself.
You decided to just feel everything around you, taking a few more hits from your pen before taking it in. Nineteen by Movements was playing; it was like you could feel the song itself and everything about it as you looked up at the very tall street lamps passing by. Nothing felt better than this moment. Just you and Spencer out on the open road. It felt like nothing could stop you two. You felt free, but you also felt safe and complete, something you haven't felt in a long time.
At one point, you couldn't take it anymore. It was 2:30am and Spencer was still driving. He told you to get some sleep but you weren't sleepy or tired at all. You tried to feel free but when you did, you thought of Spencer, which led to dirty thoughts. It was like you couldn't escape it, and every time the thoughts came, you couldn't help but secretly rub your thighs together for some kind of friction.
As you tried to get the thoughts out of your head, you look over to see a nice little surprise. The passing lights outside helping you see, you noticed the bulge in Spencer's pants. How in the hell would he be getting hard now of all times? Were dirty thoughts intruding his mind, too? Seeing that made you even more wet than you already were. This was your chance.
You look out to the open road in front of you, and gently graced your fingers across his bulge. You look out the corner of your eye...nothing. Not even a flinch. 'Playing hard to get, hm?' You thought to yourself. So you did it again, which made him shift in his seat a little, still pretending he didn't notice anything. Finally, with some kind of courage that you never knew you had, you grabbed his cock through his pants and slowly started to stroke it. His eyes came out of his head, letting out a small gasp.
"You know I'm driving, right?" He asked, "We could crash if I'm paying attention more to this and not on the road."
You give him a smirk, "It's almost 3am," you begin to say, but then you notice that you're the only car on the road, "and no one else is on the road right now."
You start to undo his belt with your one hand. "You pleasured me twice already," you continue, your hand successfully undoing the belt and undoing the zipper on his pants, reaching inside to pull out his already, fully hard cock, "I need to show my thanks somehow, don't I?"
Spencer shifts in his seat, keeping his eyes out on the road. You were kind of hoping he was looking for somewhere to pull over, but you wouldn't mind doing it as he drove. "You...you already did...b-by inviting me to your dad's cabin."
You stopped stroking and he almost let out a whimper. "I saw that bulge in your pants just a few minutes ago, are you suuuurree you don't want to...daddy?"
Just hearing the word 'daddy' made him grab your hair tightly. You smiled as you shifted your position in your seat to go down on him. When you were ready, Spencer stopped at a red light and pulled your face close to his, lips almost ghosting each other.
"You better make daddy feel good then, since you're being such a fucking brat right now." He whispered as you continued to slowly stroke him again.
You couldn't even react to what he said because once the light turned green, he guided your head down to his cock before letting the tightness on your head go and letting his hand rest on top. You decided to egg on your bratty-ness by teasing the tip, giving him kitty licks at first and then slowly just running your tongue in it, licking up the pre cum.
Spencer tightens his grip again, making you whimper. "I'm not sure doing that is a good idea, angel. Do you want to get punished once we're there?"
You shook your head no, but the thought of him punishing you made you feel yourself drip between your thighs.
Spencer moves his grip from your hair and slaps your ass with a huge SMACK, which made you moan loudly.  "You have to use your words, angel. Unless you want to be a little slut tonight."
You look up at him to see his eyes were still on the road. You smirk as you pump him a few times before taking his head in your mouth. You bob up and down slowly, hearing him grunt and curse under his breath. You step it up by going down a little lower, each time going back up and then going lower until you had all of him in your mouth. You stayed like that for a few moments, gagging on it.
"Oh fuuuck that's it...that's it baby, take my cock in your mouth, just like that." He says before pulling you off to let you breathe. He's quiet for a moment before he says, "Now I'm going to guide you, angel. You're gonna make daddy feel more good than he already was, got it?"
"Yes, daddy." you answer, knowing that he wanted to hear you say again.
He pushes your head back on his cock, moving you head faster than before. He couldn't get enough it, making you gag every so often and pulling you back up. Spencer's cock twitched in your mouth and you knew he was close. He controls your head faster, his rhythm getting sloppy.
"You want me to cum in that pretty mouth of yours, angel? You want daddy's cum?" He growled, trying not to thrust into your mouth as he continues to drive.
"Mhmm!" You moan, which almost made him go over the edge.
"Keep doing that for daddy, moan for me. God, I bet you just love having my cock in your mouth, but I'm sure you're just desperate for my cum."
You moan again. That you were. You wanted his cum so bad in your mouth so you could taste him; taste how good you made him feel.
"Don't...fuck...don't stop doing that, angel...that's it...fuck I'm gonna cum..."
And with that, you feel his cum shoot inside your mouth, letting out moans and cursing. You slowly continued to suck him, getting every last drop. When you did, you move up to face Spencer as he pulled over, showing his cum in your mouth at first and then closing your mouth to swallow and open back up to show him it was gone. The look in his eyes told you that that was the hottest thing he's ever seen.
Spencer pulls you in surprisingly and attacks your lips with his, as if he was hungry for them. He was almost eating your face but you didn't care, you kissed him back and let your tongues play with one another. You both pull away after a bit and he just looks into your eyes. You look into his hazel eyes and felt complete.
"Now, will you stop being a brat and get some sleep?" He asks.
You giggle as you quickly look at the time in the car radio. "It's 3:15," you said, "it's my turn to drive."
"But now you're all tired from pleasing daddy," he jokes, "so you get some sleep, and I'll drive. I really don't mind it. Honest."
"Are you sure?"
Spencer nods his head. You decided to give in and get comfy in your seat.
"Goodnight, Spence." You say as you move the top part of the seat all the way back. You grabbed your traveling pillow and placed it on top of your right arm, laying your head as you turned your body to face away from him.
"Goodnight, angel."
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Yandere Teacher Dream x Student George.
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This is the only exception I'll give. The rest will have to be Male x male readers. 
This was requested from Pokadeathpony
Disclaimer: I do not encourage anyone to do this sort of thing. 
Word count: 3679
Warning: There be violence, smut, an age-gap of 4 years, and I guess forced? George is 18 and Dream will be 22.
George POV
I heard my alarm go off and my mom calling me. “Honey! Time to get up, It’s going to be your first day at school!” 
‘Oh yeah, It’s going to be my first day at school!’ I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom to empty my bladder, wash my face, and brush my teeth. After I was done and went to my school uniform, I looked at myself in the mirror to see if I look good. ‘I look good today!’ 
I went downstairs to greet my mom and say goodbye to her. 
“Hey, mom!”
“Hi sweetie ready for your first day at school?” “Yeah, I am.” “Oh, my baby is all grown up! I remember when you were just a baby! Can I take a picture of you?”
“Mom!” “Oh please, sweetie? I wanna show all of my Facebook friends that you’re all grown and to show Karen that I’m good and raise you well as a single mom!” 
“Fine… But make it quick! I have school in a few minutes!” “Alright! Give me a pose!”
After a few minutes of trying to take the picture, she finally got the picture and posted it on Facebook and show Karen that she raised her son well. 
After a few tries, she finally got what she wanted and kissed me on the cheek, and told me to have a good day at school. “Have a great day at school sweetie.” “Okay, mom! I’ll see you at 4:30!”
I walked out of my house and made my way to Windlesham School Brighton. (Random high school I looked up) 
After a few minutes of walking, I finally made it. I saw there were still kids walking in and talking with each other about what they over the break and bragging about where they went. 
I was hoping to make friends cause I was always lonely. (Y’all know when you don’t have friends and you would eat alone at lunch?)
As I walked into the school it was loud, mostly from the girls screaming and talking at 300 dB. And they walk in these big packs taking up the whole hallway. (It was like this at my school)
I bumped into someone while walking through the halls and I heard a thump. The other person who got up helped me.
“Hey, you alright?” “Yeah, I am.” “What’s your name?” “Oh uhh, George. George Davidson. Uhh, what’s your name?” 
“Thomas. Thomas Simon. Or you can call me Tommy!” “Oh okay, nice to meet you, Tommy!”
“What class do you have next?” “I have… uh… Economics?... Yeah.” I said looking at my schedule. Just then we heard the bell ring signaling that class has just started.
“Aww, we don’t have to be in the same class. But we have most classes together after that though.” 
“Oh, I was hoping you could lead me to my class?” “Sure I can still help you. I can just say I was lost as an excuse.”
Time skip (only 3 minutes) 
After Tommy helped me get to my class, he went on his way to his class. I walked in and everyone’s attention was on me and the teacher looked at me with an unreadable face. ‘Great! They all were just talking but when I walked in they just stopped to look at me!’ 
“Are you in my class?”
(Has that ever happened to you?)
Dream’s POV
I was just in class ready to start class, show the expectation, behavior, and give the class syllabus. But these damn kids won’t stop talking.
“I hate my job,” I said underneath my breath, I was thinking of just quitting until the class door opened. And everyone stopped talking and directed their attention to the door, so did I. And I saw the most captivating boy in my life.
He was triggering something inside me. I noticed he looked embarrassed by all the eyes on him. I decided to ask him, “Are you in my class?” I was hoping he was. 
“Yes… here take a look.” He handed me his schedule and I felt his soft milky white hand graze mine, but it was only a moment before he snatched his arm away. 
“Let’s see…… Okay, you are in my class! Since you’re up here would you like to introduce yourself?” I see him shake his head no. 
“It’s okay now you can go sit anywhere but you will be given assigned seats, so don't be comfortable.” I heard the class groan cause they wanted to stay next to their friends. I’m going to put him upfront. 
Whatever he is doing, is growing. I feel like I want to protect him, I want to keep him, and let no one else get him. 
My other self was telling me that he is ours, while my other is telling me this is wrong and that I shouldn’t have a feeling for one of my students. But in the end, it was my other side telling me he is ours to have and to keep forever, and hurt or even kill anyone who dares to get between us. 
George’s POV
I was standing there just embarrassed by the way everybody is looking at me, Then I heard him say, “Are you in my class?” Took me a few seconds to comprehend what he said and I gave him my schedule to show that I was in his class.
“Yes… here take a look.” I handed him my schedule and he looked through it to confirm that I was definitely in his class. 
For a brief moment, I felt his big strong hand touch mine as I handed it in. ‘I wonder how it would feel to be manhandled by those hands?’ My gay thought was appearing, ‘Wait… What?! Why am I thinking about that?!?! He’s my teacher for crying out loud!’
After a few moments, he confirmed that I was in his class. “Let’s see…… Okay, you are in my class! Since you’re up here would you like to introduce yourself?” he asked me if I wanted to introduce myself in front of the whole class. I shake my head, no, I didn’t want to present myself. 
“It’s okay now you can go sit anywhere but you will be given assigned seats, so don’t get comfortable.” When he said that I was finally able to sit down.
I choose the sit right by the window. I feel like one of those main characters in anime where they have that scene where they look out the window, outside, looking at the peasants. 
Nothing was happening, the teacher was preparing and he seemed to daze off. I then felt a tap on my shoulder and looked behind me to see a boy. 
“Hi, my name is Wilbur. Wilbur Soot! What’s your name?” 
“Hi, my name is George. George Davidson. Nice to meet you!” 
I and Wilbur talked until we were interrupted by the teacher apparently, we talked so for too long. And we were about to begin class.
Dream’s POV
I was trying to get things ready but my mind kept going back to that kid. Maybe I’ll get to know his name when I do a roll call.
In the corner of my eye, I could see MY lover… ‘Wait? What I’m I thinking?! You know what, who cares! Yeah, he is my lover even though he looks 18 or 19. He is old enough I’m only 22!’ 
anyways I could see him talking to a random kid. Seeing that made me feel jealous, I looked at them with envy, I wanted to be the one that made him laugh. I decide to interrupt them and start the roll call.
As I was calling the names of my students and paid more attention to finding out who that kid was. “George Davidson?” 
“Here!” I see my angel raise his hand. Now I know his name. Few names later. “Wilbur? Wilbur Soot?”  
“Present!” I see the kid who was talking to MY George. Now I know who he is. Now I got to deal with him. 
Time skip (end of class)
I told everyone my expectations, how they should behave, gave out the syllabus, and did assigned seats. I of course placed George at the front and Wilbur at the back.  
“Goodbye everyone, have a great day and review your syllabus, and have it signed to get your first grade!” 
Everyone had left, leaving me alone in the room and the only thing I could think about was George. ‘Don’t worry darling, Daddy will have you’
George’s POV
It turns out that Wilbur and Tommy were friends and they introduced me to the rest of the group. Their names, Dave, Zak, Darry, Floris, Nicholas, Karl, and Caroline. Caroline was the only girl in the group but I finally made friends! I’m no longer alone!! 
Time skip to the end of the day.
All classes were over and I could finally go and sleep. ‘I miss my bed.’
I said goodbye to my new friends and I began to walk home. 
As I was walking home, I felt someone watching or following. I turned around and looked around to see if anyone was following. No one. 
But I’m going to take that chance. I remember watching something like this on TV. You should go or run in different directions so who is following would get lost by all the different routines you take. And I did that.
I went in different directions hoping to lose them. I finally arrived home. What I didn’t is that they still followed me and now they know where I live. 
“So that’s where he lives”
(But for real though, does that work?) 
Time skip to 2 months later
Still George’s POV
The first month was great, I had friends with Wilbur and Tommy being my best friends. But things changed
At the beginning of November (School starts in September in the UK. That’s what I got), Some of my friends began to go missing. First, it was Caroline, then it was Karl, Darryl, Zak, Nicholas, and Dave in that order. 
(To lazy to write their deaths) 
The atmosphere at school was dark. The once cheerful school full of normal kids became dark and everyone was scared, thinking they may be the next person. But all of the missing kids are related to me. 
The only ones that are left, Tommy and Wilbur. 
Dreams POV
As the days, turn into weeks, and weeks turned into months my obsession over George had grown. I began to deal with the “bad people.” 
I also learned some things about George. He is 18 years old, meaning that there is a 4-year difference, He was born in London, etc. 
I just have to deal with Wilbur. I know he likes George, It's so obvious. Tommy? Nah, I don't have to worry about him, He's going to move to a different school tomorrow, so he won't be a problem.
But now it's just Wilbur. I forgot too much George and Wilbur are in my last period class so I could just keep Wilbur behind. Time skip to the end of class
"Alright remember to turn in your work, tomorrow is the last to turn it in. Also, Wilbur, will you stay behind, I have to talk to you about something?" "Sure Dream." (I don't know his last name so yeah)
The bell rings signaling that the day is over and everyone can go home. Everybody rushed out of classes and walked outside while Wilbur stayed behind to "chat" with dream about something.
"Hey how about we go outside? To the rooftop?" I said with a wicked intention but he still accepts it.
"Sure." he was unaware of what was going to happen to him. We both walked up there and I told him to go stand by the rail. He complied and went to the rail, and I stood right next to him.
"You know what I got to say?" I said. "What? What do you need to say?" He questions with suspicion.
"George is mine." I pushed him over the rail and he spat when he hit the ground, killing him instantly. 'I'll let the police find him. They won't know it's me. I'll put the body in the dumpster.'
I went to drag the body into the dumpster where nobody can find it.
The next day came and I could finally claim George for myself. I would just stare at him lovingly, knowing that he will be mine soon.
George's POV
It was the last day of the week until the weekend came. Wilbur didn't show up today, I wondered why.
Throughout the day, Dream would give me weird stares, it was creepy. I was cautious of him. I don't know he seems suspicious if he is the one behind all this, I don't have evidence against him.
This suspicion went on for the entire day until it was the end of my classes. 'Finally, it's the weekend!' I thought to myself cheerful but that ended when I heard my name called.
"Hey, George could you stay behind? I need to talk to you about your grades." What about my grades? He said the same thing with Wilbur. Uhh, he's my teacher, he won't do something bad right?
"Okay, sir."
Timeskip to the end of the day. (Plot purposes)
It was the end of the day and I had to stay behind to talk about my "grades."
The bell rang and everybody ran out the door while I sat there in the front. "So, you know there is nothing wrong with grades," he said. "Then why am I here if my grades are good?" I replied
"But I need you to come over to my house and study for the upcoming test," he said with no emotion and with a straight face (gay face).
"I can study at home," I replied. "You can but I feel like it would be better if you study with me since I am your teacher and it would be easier." He replied.
"And if you don't then I'll drop your grade to a 40." He whispered in my ear. "Okay fine! Let me just text my mom."
"No, no need to worry I already called her and she is okay with that." He said nervously. "Okay."
"Fantastic let's get going."
No one's POV
George and dream both went out into the parking lot where George would go "study" at Dream's house. They went off and the car ride was awkward and nobody talked during the ride.
When they arrived, Dream got out and opened the door for George. And George thanked him for that. They both went and that's when dream struck.
He pulled out a syringe and ejected whatever was in the thing into George's neck, knocking him out. Dream smiled wickedly as he looked upon the now sleeping corpse of George. 'He is finally mine.'
A few hours later George woke up in the basement tied to the bed that was in there.
"What, where am I?!?!" He said frantically as he was trying to comprehend and remember the last that happened then he remembered, 'it was dream! I knew it!' he thought to himself.
Just then a naked dream walked down the stairs with nothing on but his boxers.
(oH lOrD HavE MerCy. Ignore the surfboard. I think this is dream cause when I looked it up, this was one of the results.)
Tumblr media
"Hey, there sweetie." dream said seductively. "It was you! I knew it was! You despicable monster!" George yelled at the top of his lungs. Dream was anger by what George just said. 
So he grabbed George on the thigh and turned him over to where his asscheeks were showing and he gave them smacked. He smirked when he saw them jiggle. George let out a squeal.
"Don't talk to Daddy like that sweetie or you'll get punished." Dream said while giving a smack on George's ass. "You molester!" George replied. Dream of course was not happy about this and gave 20 smacks.
After the 20 smacks on the ass. Dream began to plant small kisses on George's neck and nibble on his neck. That for sure will leave hickey's showing that George now belongs to Dream.
George was groaning and moaning at this. George was now rock hard. "I see you're hard for daddy now, mmm?" Dream in George's ear as he bits and George whimpering. George was now a moaning mess.
"You want daddy to continue? Mmm, baby?" Dream said seductively and George is now under Dreams enchantment. "Yes, Daddy! Please I need you!" George screamed while moaning.
"Mmm... I didn't hear you, baby you're gonna have to speak louder." Dream teased George. "Please I need you! I want your big fat cock to fill me up! I want your cum to flood my insides! Please I want you, I need you!" George said needy as he was still on his stomach shaking his ass. That provoked dream.
(Oh lord have mercy!)
"Yeah, you want daddy to continue?" Dream said and George rapidly nodded his head. "That's what I like to hear. Now take Daddy's boxers off," Dream said and George complied.
George slowly took off Dream's boxers while his other was touching his rock-hard abs, and his tongue playing with his nipples. All of this left dream groaning under his touch.
George was done teasing and he finally took off Dream's boxers, and Dream's large cock popped out. 'Damn he was packing down there! It's like 9 inches long (or 22.86 cm long.) and thick as a coke can!’ "What's wrong? Too big for you?" Dream said teasing George thinking he can't take him.
"Yes, I can! I'll try to!" George replied with determination in his voice. Dream just smirk and let him do his thing.
George began to give kitten licks on his massive member. Dream was groaning, "Stop teasing baby boy... And take it all in that little warm and tight mouth of yours." George nodded his and tried to take him whole. Keyword: tried.
George got his mouth around the head and slowly started to take him more. George only got halfway before choking. "You're doing well-baby!" Dream said while moaning as George's tongue was getting all of the sides. "Shit I'm to cum! Stop baby I wanna release inside you."
George got on his knees on the bed. Dream got behind George and began to lick the rim around George's ass. "AHHHH!" George moaned. "You taste delicious." Dream said while continuing. George was about to cum, Dream stopped.
"You're not cumming just yet baby, we gotta cum together." Dream said while trailing his tongue on the back of George's and licking his ear.
Dream grabbed the lube and squeezed some on his three fingers. He pushed his three lubed fingers inside of George. "Mmm... ahh!" George moaned as the fingers penetrated his tight hole.
Dream was trying to find George's prostate, meaning that he was going to have to go deeper. After trying to find his prostate, George felt a massive amount of pleasure going through his whole body. "AHHHHHH!" George moaned loudly as his prostate was being abused by Dream's fingers.  
"Looks like I found it." Dream said while taking his fingers out. George whimpered at the feeling of being empty. "Don't worry baby, you'll get something way bigger than my fingers." Dream said reassuring George that he'll receive much more pleasure.  
Dream took his fingers out. Dream began to tease the rim of George's ass with the head of the massive thing. George whimpered. Dream then thrust in George's tight hole. "AHHH!" George moaned at his hole was being shaped to fit dream's whole cock inside him.
Dream slowly thrusted in. "Please go faster..." George whimpered as he was moving backward to meet his thrusts. With dream thrusted faster hitting George's prostates immediately. "AHHHdchfbfcedrjcbu." George was on cloud nine as his prostate was being abused by a massive cock. It felt like he could see the stars.
"You like that huh? Do you like how my cock is pounding this tight hole of yours? Shit, you're milking my cock if you keep squeezing around me!" Dream as he was inching closer to his climax.
"Answer me!" Dream said while slapping his ass causing George to moan louder. "Yes, I like it! Wait no, I love it! I love your cock daddy, the way it stretches me out! Please give your milk!" George said he was closer to his climax as well.
"Fuck I'm going to cum! You better cum with me!" Dream as he was now aggressively pounding George faster than he was. George began to get tighter around Dream. "Here it comes!" Dream screamed. "Yes, please give it to me!" George said while moaning and groaning.
Dream came inside of George filling him up with his milk. Dream then but down on George's shoulder official marking George, with that George came as well. They both laid down as they both were exhausted.
George went to sleep and the last thing he heard before darkness consumed him was, "You're finally mine. I will never let you go. DEATH is the only thing that will separate us."
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mxmorganmorph · 2 years
May Memes - Morgan 🌷
@ollie-olliebaby: “Hey, if I told you I wanted to try drag, on a scale of one to tens across the board, how excited would you be?” 
"First, I would say ELEVEN!! Then I would say where are you and why are you not at my place immediately. And then I would say bring your own makeup just in case what I have won’t work for you. Then I would say again WHERE ARE YOU AND WHEN ARE WE GETTING STARTED?”
5 things you love about yourself 
"I love how incredibly talented I am at all things I do. I love how much I’ve grown into myself over the years. I love my eyes and how they match my hair. And despite it all I DO love my hair--it’s my signature, despite how untameable it is. It took me a long ass time, but I love my body, double chin, love handles, all of it. I just love being unique--wait, I think that’s six things.”
What did you dream about last night? 
"Okay, so I was at my high school, but it was also like, a mall? And then I was hanging out with my classmates who weren’t actually the kids I went to school with but smurfs? But I was acting like I’ve known them my whole life. Okay and then the high school/mall started to flood and I was riding a whale that turned into a submarine that took me to an underwater hair salon but it was okay because everyone could breathe underwater for some reason and the water was like, washing out everyone’s hair dye but also the hair dye was poisonous gas and--
Sorry where did I lose you?”
Have you ever wished on a shooting star? 
"Of course! What kind of curmudgeon wouldn’t?”
Describe the memory of the last time you felt true happiness. 
"Probably the first curtain call we had for Into the Woods. It was my first time performing theater in Redwood Hollow and the first time I’ve done theater in years. Just that feeling of being on stage and everyone standing up and cheering for you...it’s so different than any other kind of performance. Everyone worked so hard and there was just such a great energy that we’d pulled off our first show. Really amazing stuff.”
What is something you own that is important to you? What makes it so important? 
"Is it weird to say my ferret? Technically I do own him. He’s just been such an integral part of me building my life here at Redwood Hollow and I don’t know what I’d do without him.”
What’s your zodiac sign? Do you think you fit the general characteristics of that sign?
"Aries, babey! Passionate! Bold! Determined!” They strike a pose between each pronounced word. “I’d say those are all things that describe me, wouldn’t you? Of course you have your less-than-savory things like impulsive and impatient...I’d say I’m pretty textbook Aries.”
Have you ever written a love letter?
“Sure did. That was how the whole school found out I was gay. It was...honestly kind of a traumatizing experience. Whoops!”
Do you feel more connected to the moon or the sun? 
"I feel like I’m a night owl but definitely have more of a sunny personality.”
When’s the last time you felt like you were floating? 
“Honestly...probably the last time I talked to Ollie. You know that feeling you get after a really intense cry? Yeah, that.”
Do you believe in guardian angels? 
“Not in the spiritual sense. I do believe there are people who come into your life to look out for you, and I try to be that for others.”
What’s a smell that reminds you of home? 
“Weed.” They paused. “Sorry, you were probably looking for a less cynical answer, weren’t you? My Bubbe used to wear a scent called “Sunset on the Beach”--couldn’t tell you what was actually in it and I don’t think they even make it anymore. But I’ve smelled similar scents that remind me of it, and her.”
Name a song that makes you feel ethereal. 
“MacArthur Park by Donna Summers”
Talk about one of your most cherished childhood memories. 
"The first time my Bubbe took me to the theater. They were putting on a production of Follies. I didn’t have the slightest clue what was going on but it was the first time I’d ever seen anything like it. The singing, the costumes, the everything--it opened up my mind, heart, and began me on my gender journey. I wish I could meet the cast of that performance and let them know how much they shaped my life.”
Do you believe dreams have meanings or are they completely random? 
"Well my last dream SOUNDED pretty random, but I love hearing how other people interpret dream meanings.”
Do you believe in mermaids?
"From myth and legend? No. Those people who will wear a mermaid tail and perform UNDERWATER? Stronger and braver than any US Marine.”
What’s a song that gives off good vibes anytime you listen to it? 
“Do Your Thing by Basement Jaxx”
Name a book you don’t mind reading over and over. 
“Say what you want about Judith Butler, but Gender Trouble is a foundational Queer Studies work and a very good introduction to the subject.”
What do you do to feel at peace?
“I can get into such a zone when I’m styling a wig or doing my makeup, it really relaxes me. Unless I’m on a deadline, in which case it’s extremely stressful.”
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Monsters and Self-Acceptance in YA Lit: The Dream Thieves
The word monster “derives from the Latin monstrum, which is related to the verbs monstrare (‘show’ or ‘reveal’) and monere (‘warn’ or ‘portend’) [1].” Monsters have been a staple of our stories for hundreds of years. What do monsters, specifically in stories for young adults, warn us against? 
The Dream Thieves, a 2012 YA novel by Maggie Stiefvater, explores how monsters in literature can meaningfully characterize self-loathing and illuminates the path to overcoming it. The Dream Thieves is the second novel in a young adult fantasy series that follows a group of friends on their quest to find and obtain a wish from a mythical king said to be sleeping in the hills of western Virginia. In the second book, the friends learn that one of them, Ronan, has the ability to take things from his dreams; however, Ronan has little control over this ability and frequently brings monsters out of his nightmares. These monsters, I will argue, represent Ronan’s self-hatred and the journey he takes to tame these monsters is a meaningful tale of self-acceptance. 
In the first scene involving these monsters, we see one of Ronan’s dreams quickly turn into a nightmare. "Ronan could hear the night horrors coming, in love with his blood and his sadness. Their wings flapped in time with his heartbeat... Ronan was afraid of [them] in a ... permanent way that came from being killed by them again and again in his head.” When he accidentally brings two of the monsters out of his nightmare, he has to explain to his friends that “they come when I’m having a nightmare... They hate me. In the dreams, they’re called night horrors.’” Since the night horrors Ronan dreams of loath him, when he brings these monsters out of his dreams, he is essentially creating a physical manifestation of the hatred he feels towards himself.  
We do not immediately learn why Ronan is filled with so much resentment towards himself. The prologue, however, reveals that “Ronan Lynch lived with every sort of secret.” His first is that he has the ability to take things from his dreams, but we also learn that he has a “harder kind of secret. One you keep from yourself.” Both secrets are intertwined with Ronan’s monstrosity and his self-hatred. 
The first secret about his magical ability makes Ronan view himself as a monster:
“It was not the easiest thing to take only one thing from a dream… To bring any of the things from his nightmares — no one but Ronan knew the terrors that lived in his mind. Plagues and devils, conquerors and beasts. Ronan had no secret more dangerous than this… He remembered what Gansey had said: You incredible creature! Creature was a good word for him, Ronan thought. What the hell am I?” 
He remembers the words his closest friend told him when Ronan showed him something he dreamed for the first time: “You incredible creature!” Later, in church, “Ronan closed his eyes to be blessed” and silently prays, “please God what am I tell me what I am." Ronan’s strange ability allows him to take monsters from his nightmares, but it also causes leads him to view himself as a monster or creature. This ability also makes him constantly wonder what exactly he is. Later in the novel, a character looks at Ronan and plainly says “I know what you are.”  
This character is Joseph Kavinsky, a classmate of Ronan and his friends and an antagonistic force in their lives. At the beginning of the book, Kavinsky, as he is called, is mainly known for his wild parties and fast cars, and frequently street-races Ronan. After one of these races, the night horror that escaped from Ronan’s dreams in the first scene attacks him. Kavinsky drives up and shoots the night horror dead. As they are driving away from the scene, Kavinsky tells Ronan, “I know what you are,” and subsequently reveals that he, too, can take things out of his dreams, that the very car they are riding away in was dreamed up by him. Suddenly, Ronan is not alone. He still does not have a word for what he is, the “creature” that he is still does not have a name, but Ronan is no longer the only one. In fact, one of the first questions Ronan asks Kavinsky is “are there others?” However, Kavinsky just replies, “hell if I know.”  Despite his strong dislike of Kavinsky, Ronan is relieved. He is also disturbed that his secret – something only his friends know – is out. “Ronan’s heart twitched convulsively. It couldn’t seem to get used to this secret being the opposite of one.” But as we know from the prologue, this secret is Ronan’s only secret.  
We do not learn for sure what this concealed secret is until almost the end of the novel. After Kavinsky teaches Ronan how to take things from his dreams more deliberately, Ronan goes back to his friends. In a tense exchange as Ronan is leaving, Kavinsky says, “you don’t fucking need him” meaning Ronan’s best friend, Gansey. To this, Ronan responds “Wait. You thought- it was never gonna be you and me. Is that what you thought?” This interaction marks the end of friendly relations between the two dreamers and leads us closer to discovering Ronan’s second secret.
During the climax of the book, Ronan and Kavinsky meet in the dreamspace where they both take things from. Ronan asks Kavinsky “What’s here, K? Nothing! No one!” to which Kavinsky replies “Just us.” Ronan contemplates Kavinsky’s response: “There was a heavy understanding in that statement, amplified by the dream. I know what you are, Kavinsky had said.” This contemplation leads to the Ronan admitting his second secret:
‘That’s not enough,’ Ronan replied.
‘Don’t say Gansey, man. Do not say it. He is never going to be with you. And don’t tell me you don’t swing that way, man. I’m in your head.’
‘That’s not what Gansey is to me,’ Ronan said.
‘You didn’t say you don’t swing that way.’
Ronan was silent. Thunder growled under his feet. ‘No, I didn’t.’” 
Up until this point, Ronan has not said aloud - or even thought about - the second secret mentioned in the prologue, but in this climactic scene of the novel, Ronan replies with, “no, I didn’t.” We now see that the secret Ronan kept from himself is about his sexuality. This revelation sheds light on why Ronan’s mind was filled with monsters that hated him, and casts light on another reason why he also viewed himself as a monster.
The author, Maggie Stiefvater, has said that the most important part of writing her stories is “getting into the reader’s head and moving the emotional furniture around.” As book reviewer Lee Mandelo notes, in regards to Ronan’s “sexuality, his secrets from others and himself, his attraction to Adam and Kavinsky in equal and terrifying measures” Stiefvater is “‘moving the emotional furniture around’ while the reader isn’t looking.” While we haven’t seen Ronan contemplating his sexuality in any part of the book, we realize that the parts we have seen (Ronan’s shame, self-hatred, and fear of his secrets being revealed) all tie into his sexuality as well. Ronan remembers Kavinsky’s earlier statement, “I know what you are,” but where before it meant that Kavinsky knew Ronan was a dreamer, here it means he knows he is gay. Stiefvater continues this emotional work after we realize the reason for Ronan’s self-loathing. 
After Ronan’s “no, I didn’t,” Kavinsky, spurned by Ronan, takes a monster of his own from the dreamspace. Ronan knows that the monster, now in reality, poses a great threat to his friends in the waking world. Ronan needs to dream up something to combat Kavinsky’s monster; Then a night horror appears. Since these monsters “never want anyone else,” Ronan laments, “this won’t save anyone.” A friend in the dreamspace tells Ronan, “‘It’s only you. Why do you hate you?’” The statement “it’s only you” cements the supposition that Ronan’s night horrors are an extension of himself, particularly the part of himself that loathes what he is (both a dreamer, and gay, as we now know).  However, Ronan considers what his friend says and in response to “why do you hate you?” concludes, “I don’t.” When Ronan wakes up he brings the night horror with him, but this time the monster does not set out to kill him. It saves his friends from Kavinsky’s monster. “The fire dragon pitched towards Gansey and Blue. Ronan didn’t have to shout to his night horror. It knew what Ronan wanted. It wanted exactly what Ronan wanted. Save them.” The night horror had always “wanted exactly what Ronan wanted,” but it is only after Ronan realizes that he does not hate himself anymore, that the night horrors do not wish him harm. 
The other dreamer, Kavinsky, does not get the self-acceptance arc that Ronan does. Ronan’s journey of self-acceptance quite literally saves his life when he tames the dream monsters that represented his self-hatred. The opposite happens with Kavinsky. Kavinsky shares both parts of Ronan’s identity that gave him so much shame and self-hatred: a gay teenage boy, who is also a dreamer. Kavinsky does not have a “I don’t” moment regarding his self-hatred, and while Ronan’s monster learn to obey him, Kavinsky’s monster (and perhaps his self-hatred) destroys him. As the two dream monsters combat, Ronan notices that Kavinsky is standing purposefully in the path of destruction. Ronan shouts to Kavinsky to get down, but “Kavinsky didn’t look away from the two creatures. He said, ‘The world’s a nightmare.’ A second later, the fire dragon exploded into him. It went straight through him, around him, flame around an object. Kavinsky fell. He crumpled to his knees and then slumped gracelessly off the car.” Ronan remarks that “Kavinsky was dead. But he had been dying since Ronan met him. They both had been.” Both characters started off in the same place: depressed, amazed yet terrified at their ability to bring things from their dreams, coping with alcohol and street racing, mired in self-hatred and internalized homophobia, but only one of the characters makes it out.
The opposite endings Ronan and Kavinsky receive show the dangers of not accepting yourself and warn us of the self-hatred that often comes with having a marginalized identity. This story is steeped in a magic: there’s dreamworlds and kings and nightmare monsters, but it is a story completely applicable to real life. Ronan also starts off wondering “what am I?” and worrying that the answer is a “creature.” This parallels how certain identities can make one a monster in the eyes of society. Thankfully, Ronan realizes that he is not a monster for either secret or for either piece of his identity.
When I read The Dream Thieves for the first time years ago, I was somewhere between my own “no, I didn’t” realization, but before my “I don’t” moment. I was so moved by Ronan’s story. After watching Ronan progress through The Dream Thieves, burdened by the secrets he will not admit and terrorized by the monsters of his own creation, we can rejoice when he tames his monsters, accepts himself, and realizes he does not deserve his hatred. I can only hope that young readers will look at how undeserving Ronan is of his self-loathing and how he unlearns it, and undertake that same journey themselves.  
This story lays a roadmap for young readers to forgo the self-loathing they may feel at certain aspects of themselves. Reader can to find love and adoration for characters who have yet to find love for themselves, and in watching these characters find ways to accept shunned and monstrous parts of themselves, they can be encouraged to embark on their own journeys of banishing self-hared.
Perhaps this is why there are so many memorable stories of monsters being transformed by love and self-acceptance, such as the recent The Shape of Water and the enduring Beauty and the Beast. Regarding this last story, psychologist John Gressel P.h.D., says the story encourages us to “find the beauty in the beasts in our lives.” He tells readers to
“Think of some part of you or your life that you don't like, can't accept, wish were otherwise… some aspect of yourself or your circumstances that has you feeling trapped, that you hate, that you want to go away or to escape from. According to this tale… you must learn to love this very thing you currently hate... Until you do, you are trapped in this prison cell of not accepting yourself or your life as it is. It is only through this kind of self acceptance, genuine and complete, that… we can unite with this previously unacceptable feature of our lives and live happily ever after. This is when that which we despise is transformed into something beautiful.”
In Beauty and the Beast, the Beast is literally transformed by earning Belle’s true love. As Gressel points out, Beauty and the Beast – and I would argue Twilight and The Dream Thieves –encourage the reader to “learn to love [the] very thing you currently hate.” Monster stories geared towards young people, whether in classics from the 1800s or in modern Young Adult novels, are a great opportunity to warn young readers of the dangers of self-hatred and the power of loving and accepting yourself.
In The Dream Thieves, Ronan’s self-hatred is literally a threat against his life. His dreams are filled with monsters that hate him as much as he hates himself, and he has to contend with these monsters when he brings them into his waking life. After accepting his sexuality, his monsters – and his self-hatred – are transformed similarly to how Gressel describes the meaning of monster stories happening when something “we despise is transformed into something beautiful.”
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Pink in the Night- Catradora
Word Count: 4491
Catradora high school AU. Best friends to lovers. Adora is the ever oblivious captain of the school's football team, The Horde, and Catra is just a gay panic crushing mess who's in love with her best friend.
“Hey Adora.”
Adora spun around, her hand still on the towel she’d just slung around her neck.
“Catra!” She beamed, and Catra felt a little stir in her chest. Adora was decked in her football attire, exposed arms accentuating her muscle definition. Refusing to get caught staring, Catra twisted her lips into a smirk, shifting her gaze up to Adora’s eyes as a blush began to blossom.
“How was practice?” She asked, shifting her weight and placing one hand on her hip. A defensive pose. Though the only enemy is my traitorous heart. Catra thought with poetic annoyance.
“Great! Though I might have a little bruise forming from a ball Lonnie didn’t aim too well, but it’ll be fine.”
“Let me see.” Catra stepped forward, and Adora brushed her off.
“I’ll get some ice if it swells anymore.” She promised, and Catra rolled her eyes.
“Any more? ” She repeated dryly, eyes roving for a raised spot.
“Catra I swear I’m fine!” Adora’s words were exasperated, but her eyes were fond when she met her friend’s gaze. Catra felt herself begin to soften as well, and an unbidden smile rising.
A heartsick pang only Catra could feel ruptured the peace, and she leaned back against the locker beside her, faking relaxation. “If you say so.” She lifted one corner of her mouth to prove she wasn’t actually mad, and Adora moved to take off her jersey.
Catra whipped out her phone to give her somewhere else to look, but she couldn’t help but peer over the edge as Adora stripped down to her sports bra and threw on a tshirt with the lettering “Etherian Horde.” The cheesy design wasn’t flattering on anyone, so why couldn’t Catra tear her eyes away?
Face practically on fire, Catra ducked her head, hoping to at least somewhat hide her cheeks.
Catra cursed Adora for having this effect on her, scrolling aimlessly through her instagram with her thoughts only on the girl in front of her. The stupid blonde with stupid mucles and a stupid adorable smile.
Actually, Catra had to admit that her own hormones were probably partially at fault too. They were also stupid.  
“Ready to go?” Adora called her attention, helmet under one arm and gym bag in the other hand. Catra shrugged her own backpack, and reached forward to grab the water bottle from the blonde’s hands. Their fingers bumped, and Catra jerked back like shocked. After her mini gay panic attack at the lockers, physical contact was not optimal for recovery. And she was nothing if not dramatic.
“Catra? Are you okay?”
Fuck fuck fuck fuck- “Yeah of course I am, I just uh… muscle spasm.”
Adora gave her a funny look, and Catra shoved her shoulder. “Oh cut it out.” She scowled, and Adora burst out laughing.
“Muscle spasm?” She repeated in between giggles, and Catra felt her ears heating as she forced down a small giggle of her own with a frown.
“Yes! Now stop that.” Her voice bordered on whining, but Adora was merely set off again.
Groaning, Catra slid a hand down her face, peering at Adora through the space between her fingers. The slightly annoyed girl cleared her throat, and Adora gathered herself.
“If you’ve finished,” Catra started with emphasis, “want to go get a shake or something? I just got my paycheck yesterday, so I have money for the first time in two weeks.” Despite the fact that she hadn’t had spending money in two weeks, Catra didn’t regret anything. She had spent her last paycheck getting them both matching rune tattoos that read “Promise.”
To Adora it was probably some sweet nod to their promise of friendship as kids, but Catra held the vow close to her chest with an iron grip. Maybe she’d never be able to have this girl the way she dreamt of, but the word reassured her that Adora still wanted her… even if it wasn’t the same way that Catra wanted her .
No one except an obsessive linguistics nerd would be able to tell what they said, so Catra was safe from rumors as well. It was bad enough she’d had to survive them all throughout middle school, after one time a kid saw them holding hands. It hadn’t, and didn’t, stop Adora and Catra from holding each other close whenever they needed the other. With or without a crowd.
Even so, that was middle school. Middle schoolers were nasty little toes and always looking for someone to throw under the bus. Most of the highschool students were mature enough not to care, and if they were homophobic pricks, they knew not to mess with Adora. Not because she was threatening, rather, she was liked by everyone. But as the best athlete in this school, between both the boy’s and girl’s team, she practically had celebrity status.
That said, she also did have very big muscles.
Before she would do something stupid like loose all sense and stare at said muscles, Catra turned and stalked out the door, combat boots smacking the wooden floor. “Come on!” She called, and Adora hurried after her. It only took a moment for the blonde’s track shoes to line up with Catra’s own footsteps, so they were walking in sync. A smile came to Catra’s lips as she recalled memories of skipping together down the sidewalks, arm around each other’s shoulders while they struggled to match each jump exactly to the other’s.
As if on queue, Adora brought her arm to rest on Catra’s shoulder. The brunette scowled, as she did whenever Adora flexed the inches she had on Catra. Instead of shrugging it off, she saw her opportunity and jabbed her elbow, half playfully, into Adora’s side instead. Caught off guard, Adora yelped and stumbled before tripping and going heads over heels over a bench.
Catra peeped over to see her sprawled on the ground, head having landed on her backpack and feet sticking up in the air. Adora glared at her, disheveled but eyes bright. Laughing freely, Catra had to lean on the bench to support herself.
“Don’t just stand there, help me up!” Adora reached her hand up, a lock of hair hanging in front of her eyes that escaped her ponytail.
“Just give me a minute.” The sight of her messy hair unreasonably set her off again, and Catra held up a hand as she continued struggling to catch her breath.
Through her laughter, Catra hadn’t noticed the sound of footsteps before they were too late.
“Adora, what on Earth are you doing down there?”
“Shadow Weaver!” Adora sputtered and attempted to straighten, instead managing to hit her head again on the locker. “I was just uh, I tripped.”  Catra muffled another laugh with a cough.
“You tripped.” The coach repeated, disdain filling her voice as she looked over at Catra. Despite herself, Catra felt herself stand a bit taller. Eyes narrowing, she continued, “I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself just as the season is starting to peak.”
It was clear Shadow Weaver knew Catra was to blame, and also that she had no sense of jest. That, plus Catra had the strange sense that Shadow Weaver just hated her. She suspected it had something to do with the lesbian flag in her locker.
“Of course not!” Adora’s breathy response drew both of their gazes to her, and Catra took pity, snorting again. Extending a hand, she ignored her jumping heartbeat and clasped the blonde’s grip in hers. She had a nice view of Adora flexing her arm to pull herself up, and despite struggling with the physical contact, Catra couldn’t complain.
Shadow Weaver glowered at Catra as if she could read her thoughts. It was all she could do not to stick her tongue out at the Head Coach.
“We’re going to be on our way.” Not relinquishing her hold on Adora’s hand, Catra pulled the football player behind her and away.
“Bye Shadow Weaver!” Adora managed to call before Catra made a sharp turn out of her sight.
As soon as they were out of earshot, Adora hissed, “Catra, what was that all about?”
“She was rubbing me the wrong way.” Catra huffed, continuing to march on.
“You were rubbed the wrong way? I was literally on my back the entire conversation!” Adora exclaimed, and Catra cackled.
“Oh how I wish I got a picture.” She paused to laugh, “and then when Shadow Weaver came and I didn’t help you up you should have seen your face. It was all like “ah no! Betrayal. ” Catra lifted her free hand up and dramatically twisted her face.
Adora sighed, her face melting from annoyance to a bemused smile at Catra’s reenactment. Her curved lips kicked off something in Catra’s chest, and she thought she would do anything to keep Adora smiling.
This time Adora tugged her hand as she continued her walk, and Catra looked down at their pressed palms with slight shock. She’d forgotten about taking Adora’s hand, they had fit together so naturally. Now it came rushing back, and she was frozen with not knowing if she should tear it away or let it be.
Settling for not doing anything and letting Adora take the lead, Catra knew she looked like an overenthusiastic kindergartener had taken a red stamp to her face. That is to say, a red flustered mess.  
Taking an extra large step, Catra came up along Adora’s side. Adora fished around in her pocket for a moment, before retrieving her phone. Before Catra realized what she was doing, Adora had angled the camera at their joined hands and snapped a picture.
Ripping her hand away, Catra jumped back, cheeks burning. “What are you doing?!” She spat, and Adora looked at her with slight reproach, though if Catra wasn’t mistaking, she looked a bit flustered herself.
“I was trying to take a picture of our tattoos!” She stuttered out. Catra felt a pang of guilt. I must’ve freaked her out. Again.
“Well we don’t need to be holding hands to do it.” She grumbled, secretly wondering how she could get that picture. Hand feeling cold suddenly, she shoved them both in her pocket with a glower at the traitorous limb.
Catra looked up at Adora, an awkward silence stretching. Adora’s ears were pink as she looked at her phone, and Catra tapped her shoulder.“Sorry, I just…” There were a million ways to finish the sentence, but none that wouldn’t make this any more awkward. Opting to leave it open ended, Catra didn’t finish, instead stepping forward to push open the door with her shoulder.
“Ummm… did I tell you about how Kyle let the frogs loose in the science lab yesterday?”
The momentary tension dissipated as Catra continued her story, animated with grand gestures and facial expressions. She warmed as Adora laughed, the late afternoon sun making her face glow.
Catra kicked open the door of Mystacor Cafe, and made her way to their typical table in the window.
“Adora,” Catra turned her head, and frowned when her blonde wasn’t beside her.
“Adora?” She turned completely around, and wasn’t entirely surprised to see the athlete exchanging high fives and greetings with groups at other tables as she passed.
Glimmer waved in her direction. “Adora! I saw the pictures you sent me, I take it Operation Get the Cat-” Her face went stricken when she caught Catra’s eye, and the rest of the sentence was finished also as a mumble, “is going well.”
Completely confused, Catra looked over to see Adora glaring at Glimmer, cheeks flaming red. She was refusing to look back at Catra.
Operation get the Cat?
Adora still wouldn’t look at her, and went back to talking to the cheerleaders, who were beginning to look a little too flirty for comfort. Trying to shake off any tangles of jealousy, Catra sighed, dropping her bag as she slid into her chair. Propping her feet up on the table, she considered the rips in her jeans, deciding that they would look even better with another a little further up her thigh.
Tilting her head, Catra studied Adora. She would look good with a few rips in the sleeves of her jacket… just to spice things up.
“Hey, Brain-Damaged!” Adora turned her head, and Catra burst out in laughter, almost falling out of her chair.
“Did you actually  just respond to ‘brain-damaged?” Catra wheezed. The group of cheerleaders who Adora had been talking with looked over at her with curiosity, and Adora crossed her arms, pink tinging her cheeks. “Well, you were talking to me weren’t you?”
“Yes, but still. ” Catra hopped up onto the table as Adora rolled her eyes. “It wouldn’t be the first time you’ve called me that.” She grumbled, and the brunette smirked.
“I think it suits you.” She announced, her voice taking on a teasing lilt. Adora seemed to be seriously considering marching over and pushing her off the table. Both to aggravate her further, and make sure Adora couldn’t literally shove her over, Catra stretched out so she was lying on her stomach. Head propped in her elbows and feet kicking, she concluded “along with idiot” with a wink.
Catra started, making a noise akin to a hiss.
“GET OFF THE TABLES!” Glimmer called from behind the counter, where she was working.
“Oh, can it Sparkles!” Hopping off the table, Catra turned to acknowledge her friend with a stuck out tongue. She returned it before turning back to the coffee machine.
“Are you done tormenting Glimmer?” Adora sat down across from her, and Catra looked up at her. Bits of hair were falling out of her ponytail and sticking to her forehead, and there were a halo of flyaways. It looked damnably attractive.
“I wasn’t tormenting her.” Catra emphasized. “Actually, I was trying to bother you. She just had to spoil my fun.”
“I think she was more concerned about doing her job than ‘spoiling your fun.’”
“Whatever. By the way, I was thinking about customizing your sports jacket…”
Adora gave her a wary look, ““What exactly did you have in mind?”  In response, Catra held up her long black painted nails with a wicked grin.
“Absolutely not.”
“ Ughh fine, you’re so boring.” She squinted, tilting her head. “It would look good with two little rips on each arm…” Leaning forward suddenly, she was about to slice, but Adora grabbed her wrist.
“ Catra.”  Adora looked down at her sternly. “We are not ripping up my team jacket.”
Catra held her gaze defiantly for a few moments, and there was a shift in the air between them. She couldn’t say what it was, but suddenly she wasn’t looking at Adora’s eyes, but rather…  in them. Her heart fluttered and her wrist went weak. The moment stretched, and they were only inches apart…
Adora blinked, and the spell was broken. She dropped Catra’s wrist in a rush, her eyes darting away as color bloomed across her cheeks. Catra felt her mouth fall open slightly in shock, though she didn’t know if it was belated shock from the moment or the fact that it had ended. Blood rushed to her cheeks as sat back, still in temporary mental paralysis.
Adora had just looked into her eyes, and then blushed.
But… she had also pulled away.
The mixed signals made Catra want to scream, but was there a possibility?
Adora stood up suddenly and gestured with her arm, turning her face away. “Come on, let’s go order.”
They went to the counter, ordering their usual milkshakes, chocolate for Catra and strawberry for Adora. Mere seconds after they’d sat down, Catra reached over and snatched Adora’s shake, holding it out of her reach as she “taste tested.”
Catra held it up and behind her head, leaning as far back as she dared while Adora reached over the table. “You- you pest!” Adora shrieked, and Catra laughed two times harder.
“ Pest?” She repeated, teasingly mocking. “Who says pest?!”
“Glimmer said it yesterday.” Adora huffed, continuing to reach.
“Actually, that is a very Glimmer thing to say, but not something I’d expect you to repeat.”
In a last ditch effort, Adora jumped out of her seat and lunged. Catra’s chair tipped back, and suddenly she was falling as the blonde reached forward to try and stop it.
It was like slow motion. Adora, moving in an attempt to stop Catra from tipped completely backward, stepped forward and onto a forgotten gatorade. The bottle rolled and her foot slipped out from under her, and then she was going down as well. Falling forward towards Catra while she backwards, Adora threw out her arms to stop herself from face planting into the other girl. Catra landed on her back with a shock, but whatever breath was left in her body left her lungs when she opened her eyes to see Adora’s face millimeters from her own.
A deep blush spread across Adora’s face, starting at her nose and working its way until the entirety of her cheeks and forehead were reminiscent of a cherry.
Neither of them made a move, and Catra’s heartbeat was beating so erratically she was certain she was seconds from a heart attack.
That would be a fun gravestone. “Cause of death: Gay panic induced heart failure.”
Her eyes traced Adora’s eyelashes, dark and full despite her blonde hair. The grey-blue of her eyes locked into hers, and Catra inhaled sharply.
Was there a heterosexual explanation for the way she was looking at her?
Blood rushing through her head, Catra froze as Adora’s face moved minimally closer to hers, lips tingling with anticipation, and thoughts whirring into white noise-
“Hey! Catra, Adora!”
Like a shaken soda pop, Catra jolted backwards, and Adora stood up so fast it seemed impossible. Breathing heavily, Catra tried to make up for the lack of oxygen intake from the last, what- minute? Five minutes? Ten? How long had Adora been there, face in front of hers, inching closer….
“Uh…. sorry.” Adora gave her a hand, and Catra pulled herself up. They were inches away again, and the brunette took a jittery step back. Her hand tingled from the contact, and she shoved them in her pockets, unable to look Adora in the eye.
Bow was looking between them, an unreadable look on his face.
“We fell.” Adora explained, breathless. Catra sneaked a look at her, and saw the pink was refusing to fade.
The possibility that Adora could ever like her back seemed so absurd mere week ago, even an hour, but now… Catra didn’t know.
But… was it?
Overwhelmed with thoughts and shaky nerves, she crouched to pick up the strawberry smoothie. It’s contents were all over the floor, and Catra was about to stand up again to get napkins when Adora crouched down.
“I’ve got it.” She started to clean up, paper napkins in hand. Their shoulders were touching, the blonde’s ponytail brushing her cheek.
“Uh, thanks.” Adora turned to Catra, and once again their faces were far too close.
Knees weak, Catra stood up and stumbled into her seat. Bow had turned it upright, and he was now leaning against the table.
“Sooooo…” He looked at her again, one eyebrow raised. Catra gave him a glare, and he raised his hands.
“So.” Adora plopped in her chair, her cheeks still stained slightly pink. Catra thought of the pink contents of the strawberry milkshake spilled on the floor, and Adora’s eyes meeting her own…
It was all too much to take in.
“I just remembered I have… uh… extra, er, calc homework. But I will catch up with you later!” Not even waiting to see their reactions, Catra slung her backpack over her shoulder and tried not to run out the door.
Scaling the tree alongside the house with ease, Catra came level with the second floor window and knocked.
She didn’t even have to wait a full two seconds before the curtain was pushed aside. Adora was wearing a black tank top and sweatpants, her hair up in it’s classic ponytail, though it was messy, as if she hadn’t bothered to redo it since this morning. Catra tried to ignore how the tips of her ears felt slightly warmer.
The window opened with barely any complaint, and Adora poked her head out. “What’s up?”
“I’m heading up to the roof if you want to join me.” Catra let go of the branch with one hand, so she was leaning out precariously.
“Show-off.” Adora mumbled, and Catra winked. The blond’s gaze immediately flicked away, and Catra felt a little jump in her chest. Adora turned to grab a blanket before starting to crawl out of the window with some difficulty, despite having done this regularly since they were kids. Catra leapt up the branches until the top of the house, where she transferred to the roof with ease. Adora came in her own time, and settled beside the brunette, shoulders touching as their legs dangled over the edge. The sun had just set, and a hazy dusk was settling over the town as they looked out.
They didn’t speak for a while, just sat with each other. For years they’d been doing this, and they had gotten to the point where silence spoke just as much as words.
But now, the silence was charged, and Catra’s mind was full. Full of Adora. The girl beside her, who had always been beside her. She who had bangaded scraped knees, laughed off mean spirited teasing, taught her how to ride a bike, sat with her when no one else would… all the way up until their relationship now. The person who was always there for her, whether it was to do something small like make fun of Shadow Weaver’s pretentious dresses, or provide a place to stay when her parent’s fighting got too loud.
Fueled by these emotions, Catra moved her hand to settle on top of Adora’s.
Adora started. Catra kept her hand there, frozen as she waited for Adora to make a move, waiting for rejection. Though the action itself was miniscule, Catra could feel how everything shifted.
Her hesitation was brief, but the time it took almost killed Catra. Instead of moving away, she flipped her own hand palm up and intertwined their fingers.
She felt a flutter as her breath caught. Feeling almost above her body, Catra turned to look at Adora. A moment later, the blonde turned her face as well.
The space between them was practically nothing, and the rest of the twilight fell away as she caught Adora’s eyes. There was something there, a wanting, as they searched Catra’s own.
Adora leaned forward, and Catra did the same.
The twilight fell away, as did her stomach. The kiss was tentative, and lasted only a moment, as if they were both uncertain. When they met each other’s eyes again, Catra moved back the tiniest amount.
“Do you really want this?” She asked, her heart and voice trembling with anxiety. This was the chance for Adora to back out and pretend it hadn’t happened, or admit that it was spur of the moment and unwarranted. She could end all of this with a single word. Dread slithered through Catra, but she remained firm. She wouldn’t take advantage of this if it wasn’t okay with both of them.
Adora took both of Catra’s hands in hers, and gave her a wide smile, one that sent Catra’s stomach whooshing and her heart floating. “Absolutely.”
Catra beamed back, full of light. This time, there was no hesitation.  She brought her lips to meet Adora’s again, and put all that she had, years of yearning and wishing, into it. Though her emotions hit her with all the power of a comet, the kiss was tender. Sweet. Loving.
When they parted, Adora grinned, looking practically starstruck.
“Wow.” Her voice had taken on this sort of… dorky… quality, and Catra couldn’t help but giggle.
“You dummy.” She rested her forehead against Adora’s. “I love you.”
The words, spoken with sudden bravery, seemed maybe a little too heavy for someone who she had only kissed twice. Or was it once? Did it count as two?
Either way, Catra knew it was true. She’d known it was true for years, but she had no idea if they would ruin this beautiful thing they’d just created. So she tensed, waiting for the fall.
“You love me?” Adora repeated with slight disbelief, but not repulsed.
Catra laughed lightly. “You are such an idiot.”
“I love you too.” Catra turned to look up at Adora, her turn to be shocked. After the kissing, she was expecting her to like her at least, maybe a lot, but…
Adora’s eyes said it all, and feeling close to bursting, Catra responded by closing the gap once more.
With the knowledge that this actually meant something, it was even better. Catra brought her other hand around Adora’s waist, and they leaned into each other fully. A warm feeling spread throughout her, and Catra thought about how long she’d wanted this. To love Adora, and be loved back.
Adora leaned forward a little more, and every thought left her head besides Adora’s lips.
It was messy and warm, just like the two of them. Darkness was coming in on them rapidly, but Catra never wanted to leave this roof. Not if it meant she got to have Adora.
Breaking apart, Catra remembered that Adora was wearing a tank top, and she wasn’t too warm either with her fishnet sleeves. With slight disappointment, she reached over and grabbed the blanket that Adora had carried up. Adora took one side, and threw her arm over Catra’s shoulder, bringing her in close. Catra tucked herself into Adora’s side, contentment washing over her.
The sky was a shade of blue that couldn’t be described as light nor dark. It was dusky, and Catra noticed the first star. Nudging Adora slightly, she pointed. “Look.”
There was a moment of silence, before Adora asked, “What did you wish for?”
Since they were kids, they’d always come up here to watch for the first star and make wishes. And of course they’d always share their wish with each other, because the “bestest of friends” bypassed the rule about your wish not coming true. Instead, they had declared, if we told each other, the wish would be twice as strong. Because if Catra wanted something, Adora wanted her to have it, and visa versa.
Catra didn’t have to think too hard before finding a simple truth. “More nights like this.” She decided, looking up at Adora.
Her face melted into another smile. “Wish granted.” She declared, resting her head on top of Catra’s.
“What about you?”
Adora considered. “I actually think I have everything I want right now.”
“You sap.” Catra whined, but her words had no effect once she started kissing Adora again.
53 notes · View notes
Summary: Virgil made Roman promise that he wouldn’t fall for him. Virgil never made the same promise. And as they get ready for the High School Theater Awards, Virgil is left not quite sure what he thinks. Pairings: Prinxiety Warnings: homophobia mention, theater mentions, falling mention, stress, worry, awards, kissing, flowers Word Count: 5853 Author’s Note: I was watching Phineas and Ferb and Isabella says a line that was my springboard for this story. It takes place after Locked and before Last Words. I guess it's kind of forming its own Prinxiety Human AU because I keep adding more to this set up. Anyway, again this can be read as part of that or separately. Up to you. Just lots of feelings that were fun to explore. 
Virgil lays on the stage, a foot dangling over the side as he places his head down on his knee, waiting, amongst the confetti scattered across the floor. The lights are up in full, the castle backdrop that had been used in at least twenty different productions before this one swaying slightly in the breeze from the open backstage door. 
He closes his eyes, listening to the commotion in the vestibule outside of the theater. All of the families, friends, teachers, and other students gushing over the cast of the show, congratulating them for their performances and hard work. It will still be a bit before the cast comes in to turn in their mics, not that Virgil minds. He knows his family isn’t out there (he didn’t tell them when the show was… or even that he was in another show) and he doesn’t like crowds anyway. He is happy to just sit there and calm down from the show hype.
Virgil takes a deep breath, shakily letting it out as he looks around the theater. Admittedly, Virgil can’t quite figure out why his chest feels so tight. Maybe it has something to do with the release of all the pent up stress from his role as Prop Master. Running backstage had been stressful enough when he wasn’t in a leadership role, but lord help him when it came to being put in charge of the props. 
Or, maybe, it had something to do with the impending high school theater awards nominations. The student critics had been attending the show all weekend. Their reviews would come out by Wednesday, nominations for awards announced Friday, and then two weeks until the Gala where the winners would be announced.
“Oh, Virgil!” a sing-song voice rings as the door to the theater opens. “You have visitors!”
Virgil smiles as his eyes find his friends. Patton skips down the center aisle towards him, a flower tucked behind his ear, probably from a cast member’s bouquet. 
“It really was a great show,” says Patton, his grin large and genuine. “And you did a great job backstage! Everyone is talking about it. Best Junior Senior show in the history of the program! I can’t wait to take a turn at it next year with you guys!”
“It is regrettable that we were not able to participate in this show,” Logan nods. “You designed a fantastic, functional carriage and your props organization system was highly regarded by both the cast and crew.”
Virgil laughs dismissively as he stuffs his hands into his hoodie’s pocket, “Right. System. Or, you know, excessively fussing over items to the point of annoying the cast into submission.”
“You did well, Virge,” Patton reassures. “I wouldn’t be surprised if you get a nomination.”
 “Yeah, nominations,” Virgil blinks as he thinks about the upcoming city awards for the different high school theater programs. Cinderella was the last show before nominations were announced. “I don’t know. It's a talented city.”
“Don’t sell yourself short,” Patton encourages. “Go to the cast party and just relax. What’s done is done.”
Before Virgil can respond, the doors open and a blob of bright, glittering blue fabric fills the doorway. An arm emerges from the blob followed by the torso of a girl shouting, “Ay, yo, Prince! Push me through!”
“Dude, I’m trying. Your hoop is stuck!”
Virgil sprints up to the stuck Cinderella, “Woah, wait, stop! That hoop is a rental! Alana, back up, fold the hoop and then come through.”
Alana does as directed and gets through the doorway easily this time, “Yeah, I think the costume department would cry if I tore this dress. How many hours did it take?”
“It was a semester project for Talyn, so more than you want to know,” Roman answers as he follows his princess through the door, straightening the golden crown on his head. Virgil can’t help but notice the confidence that was almost glowing around this Prince: his posture straight and tall, a smile that could stop traffic, a sparkle in his eye that made them seem bright and full.  Snapchat wished it could make a filter to make people look like Roman did after a great performance, thought Virgil as he took in the sight of his friend.
Virgil shook his head, snapping back to reality, “Sorry, yeah?”
Alana turned around and pointed at the battery pack hidden on the hip pocket at the back of the dress (did Virgil say how amazing the dress design was for student work?), “Take my mic? I need to get out of this monstrosity.”
“Right,” Virgil says as he helps Alana get out of her mic, trying to ignore Roman; a task which was getting harder for Virgil as their friendship grew. Roman was such a big personality he seemed to demand attention. That meant that the more time Virgil spent with him, the more attention Roman took.
“Roman, Alana!” Patton calls as he bounces up and wraps the two leads in a big bear hug, “I am so proud of you two! That was such a good show!”
Virgil  finally untangles Alana, “You’re good to go.”
“Thanks,” she responds as she turns to face the group, “And thanks, Patton. It was a good last run. Only thing that would make it better is if we can at least get a nomination my senior year. It’d be nice to leave a legacy.”
“What is a legacy?” Roman immediately starts asking, striking dramatic poses. “Its leaving seeds in a garden you never get to see.”
“Come here, Mr. Legacy,” Virgil quips back with a roll of his eyes. “Before you pull a wire with your dramatics.”
“And I’m going to get out of this,” Alana says as she grabs as much of her dress as she can. 
“Need help with doors?” Patton asks, already headed towards the door. 
“That’d be great,” answers the princess. “Logan, can you help grab more of this?”
“Yes ma’am,” responds Logan as Alana hands him an armful of dress. “How did you do this for the production?”
“Mice,” Alana answers flatly as she picks up more dress. She takes a moment to pointedly make eye contact with Virgil, as if trying to send a secret message. Whatever the message is, Virgil doesn’t catch it, but it does make his ears red as the three of them maneuver her out of the theater and down to the green room to change. 
Virgil returns his attention to getting the mic off of Roman. The costume strategically hides his mic pack in his red sash, the wire running along it up to his shoulder before it blends into his hair. Easy enough to free. Without a word, Virgil gets to work fishing it out of the sash as his friend works to free himself from the mic in his hair.
They are friends, right? After the events in the locked choir room, Virgil doesn’t really know what is happening as far as their relationship, if you want to call it that, is concerned.There was a time where Virgil couldn’t stand the sight of Roman Prince. But things change. Roman has been true to his word, not telling anyone about Virgil being gay. They are fine doing things without Logan and Patton with them, which hadn’t always been true.  
Throughout the run of the show, Roman had gone out of his way to ensure that Virgil was included when the cast and crew did things; extending invites and offering rides. And Virgil realized he didn’t mind the large social gatherings with Roman. Something about Roman was almost calming, reassuring in those situations. Virgil almost found himself waiting for the next party, just so that he could hang out with Roman when he was in his element as Mr. Popular. Wanting to spend time with friends was normal, right?
“So, Virge,” Roman asks quietly, pulling Virgil from his thoughts, “you are coming to the cast party with me, aren’t you?”
“Uh…” Virgil begins, stuttering. With me?
“I mean, I’m taking Logan and Patton in my car, so it just makes sense you’d come too,” Roman explains as he hands the mic over his shoulder to Virgil, his words fast. “Sorry, I shouldn’t assume you’re going. It’s totally up to you. Just, you know, you always have a seat in my car if you want it. ”
It takes Virgil a moment to steady his voice, aiming for his signature indifference,  as he takes the mic and checks the battery is turned off, “Sure.”
“Perfect!” Roman turns, a smile beaming before he starts walking towards the door. “Give me five to change and then we’ll head out!”
Virgil  waits until the door to the theater clicks before he lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. He takes a steadying breath as he heads towards the sound booth, his face burning up and heart fluttering. 
Virgil sits in his last period class, his leg bouncing as he watches the second hand on the clock make its rounds, counting down the minutes. Why does the last period on the last day of the week always feel like the longest? He knows he isn't the only one anxious for once. 
The whole Cinderella cast had been a mess since Wednesday when they got their reviews from the student critics. They had been overwhelmingly positive, showering them with praise for everything from their costume design to their ensemble to their leads. Virgil found it hard to stay realistic, getting swept up in the hope of his fellow cast and crew. The energy had been undeniably infectious and Roman was definitely the patient zero of the group. As soon as that bell rang, the whole theater department would take off running to check the board. 
“They do realize the stampede of students will be worse than when they post the cast lists, right?” Logan inquires to Virgil, turning in his seat to face him. 
Virgil shrugs, chewing absently on his thumb nail, “Will that stop us from doing it?”
“No, I would think not,” Logan smirks as he turns back and folds his hands on his desk. Virgil rolls his eyes at Logan’s quiet patience. 
“What are the odds we get nominated again?” asks Virgil, leaning forward so that he could talk softly to Logan’s ear. 
“As I have told you, it depends on the category,” answers Logan while still facing front, his hands folded on the desk. “North Valley had a well recieved My Fair Lady, Mount Battenhorn’s stage for Les Mis was all anyone wanted to talk about in the forums for months.”
“Right, right,” sighs the emo as he sits back in his seat. His eyes flit back to the clock and the remaining few minutes before they would be dismissed. His class was about as far from the theater as he could get. Virgil would have to push upstream of the students if he wanted to check the board. Fast, too, if he wants to catch his bus. 
Virgil can’t help the burning question from bubbling out, “But like, what are the chances that Roman…” 
“Roman will get nominated?,” Logan finishes the question in unison with Virgil. He sighs as he pushes his glasses up his nose. “As I have told you the last three times you have asked in this class alone, I am optimistic of Roman’s chances. As I am sure you would agree based on your personal experience, he makes a very convincing Prince Charming. ”
Virgil stops, not quite sure what Logan is trying to insinuate. Was that referring to Virgil’s experience of Roman as an actor, a friend, or something else? 
“Excuse me,” a voice comes over the PA system, cutting off Virgil from retorting. “Teachers, please command a presence in your classroom.”
There is a pause before the voice continues, “As many of you are aware, our theater department just wrapped up the Junior Senior show last weekend, Cinderella. Ms. Martin, the director, is here with some big announcements.” 
“Well this is unprecedented,” comments Logan, loud enough for Virgil to hear. Virgil can feel his pulse skyrocket, adrenaline flooding the system. This can only mean something big. They wouldn’t announce publicly no nominations, right?
“Thank you, Principal Arthur,” the director’s high soprano voice said. “I am here to happily announce that this year’s show set a new school record for nominations, with a total of four nominations!”
“We have nominations in best costumes, best supporting actor in a musical lead actress in a musical, and best musical!” Ms. Martin rattled off quickly, her voice getting squeakier with each word. “The awards will be given out at the Gala in two weeks. Congrats to everyone on a job well done. Oh, and I need to meet with you all in the theater immediately. Thanks and congrats!”
Virgil doesn't remember standing up. All he knows is that he is looking down at Logan, still sitting in front of him with a smirk, “I guess the odds of nominations were pretty good.”
“We were nominated.” Virgil states, not quite sure he can believe the words coming out of his own mouth. 
The teacher motions towards the door, “I believe your presence was requested in the theater, Virgil?”
“Right,” Virgil says as he picks up his backpack and hurries out the door.  When he gets to the doorway, he sees fellow cast and crew members in the hallway, running and jumping, whooping with excitement. Virgil can’t tell if he wants to join in for a moment as he takes in what they said. The cast is nominated. Roman is nominated. 
Roman. God, he would be so excited.  
A cast member runs past him, “Come on, Virge! They’re waiting!”
Virgil takes off after the rest of the cast, joining in the growing group of theater kids as they get closer to the theater. 
Once in the theater, he follows his fellow techies to the back of the theater as the cast fills the stage, just as they always did for full rehearsals. The whole room is loud with whoops of excitement and genuine joy. Someone hits the lights for the house, leaving the lights for the stage on from the drama class that had just been in there before the cast had taken over. 
“Can I get a mic?” the director yells from the stage, hardly audible over the excitement. She’s a short woman, blending in easily to the small ocean of high school students. One of the sound kids finds a mic and runs it up to her. “Thanks, is this thing on?” the director asks.
“Someone get the spotlight!” shouts one of the actors. 
“I’ll get it,” Virgil yells back. He honestly had missed being in the lighting booth for this show, having gotten his start in the technical side as a spotter. Quickly, Virgil scrambles up the ladder to the lighting booth tower. It takes him a second to turn the nob on the light to turn it on, his hands shaking from the excitement. Finally he gets it, turning on the spotlight and hitting the director. 
“Ah, thank you,” the director calls. “Okay, quiet down. I know we’re excited, but I have a few things we need to cover before dismissal.”
The chattering continues until a “Quiet on stage!” is barked by a familiar voice with a demanding presence. Virgil’s eyes follow to the sound of the voice over the others and smiles at Roman. The cast quiets down at the request of their Prince. 
“Thank you,” Ms. Martin says. “First of all, congratulations to everyone for everything you have done. We wouldn’t have gotten the Best Musical nomination without each and every one of you.
“As you are aware, the Gala is in two weeks. We have been asked to perform a song from the musical at the Gala. I would like to suggest we honor our fabulous leads by going with ‘Do I Love You’. Any objections?”
There’s silence before someone yells, “Give it up for our Prince and Princess, both nominated in their category!”
Virgil finds Alana in the crowd as people turn towards her and hits her with the spotlight quickly while flipping the other one on and spotting Roman too. Both of them laugh as they try to block the light to see who is spotting them.
“Let’s not forget our behind the scene’s nominations too,” Alana calls, finally giving up trying to see Virgil on the spot. “Talyn for that beautiful blue mammoth of a dress, as well as the rest of the costume department!”
Virgil finds Talyn in the group to spot them too and swinging the light from Alana to Talyn. 
“And to our beautiful director for all of her hard work,” Roman shouts as the kids break into applause and cheers. Virgil swings Roman’s spot back to Ms. Martin who has tears in her eyes. “We wouldn’t have set the school record without her!”
A student starts blasting music through the sound system to the cheers of everyone in the theater. Virgil takes a deep breath as he watches the stage, all of the students are hugging one another and dancing in celebration. The room truly feels electric. Virgil can[t help but watch Roman as he make his way through the entire stage, congratulating everyone, before jumping off the stage and making his way to the tech crew, continuing the celebration with them. A few of the other cast members follow him, with a few techies climbing on the stage until it was just one sea of celebration. Virgil is happy to watch from his place on the tower, feeling part of the joy while being comfortably separated. He never wants this moment to end. 
The bell rings, causing all of the students to scramble to find their discarded bags. Virgil watches, mesmerized by the movement below him.
“Okay, Alana and Roman, I need to see you first thing Monday so we can set a schedule to rehearse before the Gala,” Ms. Martin shouts into the mic and the students start to rush for the door. “Great job, everyone! I’ll let you know more details as I get them. Thanks and have a great weekend!”
Virgil sighs, resigning himself to miss the bus after seeing the rush for the door. He needs a minute to calm his shaking hands and falling from scaffolding was not something he plans to do. He sits on the ledge, swinging his legs and waving to the other techies as they head out of the theater. 
Ms. Martin points at him from her spot on the stage, “Virgil, aren’t you going to miss the bus?”
“Yes, ma’am, but its okay,” he waves to her. “I just need a minute to wrap my head around it all, if that’s okay.”
“Well don’t take too long,” she calls back, her eyes drifting to the bottom of the tower where the sound equipment was kept. “I’ll be in my office doing paperwork. Holler if you need me?”
Virgil nods and watches her exit the stage. He takes a deep breath, continuing to swing his legs back and forth. The adrenaline in his system was finally starting to calm back to what Virgil would consider an acceptable level now that the others had left. Virgil pulls out his phone and checks the time. He curses under his breath when he does the math in his head; if he leaves now he might walk in before his parents. Maybe. 
It's not that his parents are bad. They just don’t get Virgil, you know? They are always fighting over really dumb things, like his hoodie or his hair or why he wasn’t dating. After his coming out to Roman, Virgil just didn’t want to deal with questions his parents might ask. He could never tell them that he was gay. 
Virgil rubs his eyes, telling himself to stop sitting here thinking and go home. He gets up on the platform and quickly hits a few buttons to turn back on the lights to the house and the stage lights out. He scrambles down the ladder when an unexpected voice says, “Hey, Virge.” 
Startled, Virgil’s feet slip and he falls, “Shit!” He feels his body tense as he readies himself for the inevitable contact with the ground.
Instead, he is surprised again by a pair of arms catching him from the fall. 
“I guess the promise was that I wouldn’t fall for you, not the other way around,” Roman’s amused voice came. Virgil feels his heart skip a beat having nothing to do with the fall he just experienced. 
He opens his eyes and lets out a laugh of relief, “Roman, warn a guy next time, will ya?”
Roman winces at Virgil’s point, “Sorry. Still excited I guess.”
“Yeah, the cast did great,” Virgil responds as he places his feet on the floor. “Best Musical and all. I’m sure it wouldn’t have happened without you and Alana getting your own nominations.”
“That’s kind, but it was a group effort,” adds Roman as he helps Virgil get steady on his feet. 
“I’m sorry,” Virgil teases, “But is the great Roman being humble? I never thought I would see the day.” 
“You wound me, sir,” Roman retorts, bumping Virgil with his shoulder. “I’ll have you know, humility is the least of my many redeeming qualities.”
“Oh, right, my apologies,” Virgil laughs as he rubs the back of his neck, “I forgot who I was talking to.” 
Roman picks up Virgil’s backpack from where he had unceremoniously thrown it on the ground, dusting it off, “I wanted to ask, some of us were going to go get ice cream to celebrate. Logan and Patton are coming.”
“Oh,” Virgil responds. As soon as he says it, he wants to smack himself in the face. Really? All of that clever banter and now all you have is oh?
Roman extends his hand to Virgil, still holding the backpack in the other hand, “You up for it, or do you need to get home?”
Virgil swallows hard, trying to ignore the somersaults his stomach was doing, as he takes the offered hand. The simple touch is like flipping the switch in his head that made him worry and panic. For Roman, he has all the time in the world. 
“Yeah, ice cream sounds nice.”  
“Sweet,” Roman slings the backpack on his own shoulder, keeping a hold of Virgil’s hand. 
Virgil stands backstage at the High School Theater Awards Gala, fidgeting with the sleeves on his borrowed-from-the-costume-department metallic purple jacket. Talyn had insisted he wear it due to how it matched his purple Converse he had insisted on wearing. He didn’t mind the look it gave him with his black dress pants and button down shirt, only it was a bit impractical given his task of helping Alana manage the blue sparkling dress that had earned the nomination. He wasn’t sure why it was him helping and not one of the other techies who had the job during the show, but he didn’t ask questions.
On stage they are announcing another award, a technical award. The school had won for best costume already, thanks to Talyn’s beautiful and practical designs. They had taken everything into account, such as Alana’s nervous fidgeting with the beading on the dress, a habit she often showed backstage as she prepared for this section of the show. The costume department had reinforced the beading to allow her to fuss without breaking it. 
Virgil checks on the single flower he had placed in his pocket earlier, ensuring it is still okay. His breath catches at the sight of the red petals against the black lining of the jacket. He swallows hard and closes the jacket, nodding to himself. Now is not the time to think of that. Roman would win his award. He returns his attention to Alana, walking up to her spot in the wings.  
Virgil bites at his thumb as he looks across the stage from his current place. In the other wing Roman sits on a box, staring at the floor, blankly. His body reads as tense, folded up on itself more than Virgil is used to from the man. 
Roman had been acting weird the few days leading up to the Gala. He was more argumentative, more withdrawn, and refused to listen to reason. He insisted on using all of his free time and energy to work and rework the song for the Gala, ignoring their pleas for him to take care of himself. They had all tried to distract him by watching Disney movies or playing board games. Patton had baked cookies and brought him food whenever he refused to stop working. Logan had made a schedule to help Roman optimize his time to take care of himself. 
Virgil, admittedly, didn’t really know what to do. He had spent most of his time just sitting with Roman as he worked through the song, not saying much except the occasional reassurance that Roman knew what he was doing. Virgil wanted to do more, but he just didn’t understand. The performance had nothing to do with who won the award. This performance was supposed to be for fun.
Yet Virgil is nervous too, isn’t he? Maybe because he was worried of what would happen if Roman lost the award. Or maybe for other reasons. Now wasn’t the time to worry about it. 
He looks at Alana, acknowledging her own anxious energy as she messes with the reinforced beads, “You okay? You know you already won, right?”
Earlier they had announced her win.  She had been crying in relief and excitement as they had been getting set up for the performance, but now she clearly seems on edge. All that was left out of their nominations were Roman for Best Supporting Actor in a Musical and Best musical.
“I just don’t want to let anyone down,” Alana admits. She turns slightly to look at him without moving the dress, “Yeah. Can you do me a favor though, before I go on?”
“Yeah, what is it?”
She nods across the stage, “Go calm him down. He’s making me nervous looking that pale.”
Virgil snorts, “You say that like I haven’t been trying to all week. I don’t know what I’m doing.”
“Go talk to him?”
“You think I’m your best bet for talking?”
“Just try. You always have an effect on him. I think he needs you right now.”
Pushing the knot in his stomach down, Virgil agrees he has to try, “Alright. Just don’t move until you step on that stage, got it?”
Alana nods again, so Virgil slips around the backstage, avoiding all of the moving people and props, until he ends up behind Roman. Virgil stops and tries to think of something to make Roman laugh. He could just say hi, but that could scare the guy if he wasn’t careful. 
He could say what he was thinking: that he would never get tired of Roman in the Prince costume. That Roman had nothing to worry about. That he would make them all understand why he was nominated in the first place. That everyone was so proud of him, that Virgil was so proud of him. That he was glad they got locked in that choir room. That he was glad they were friends. That he, maybe, wanted… No, it wasn’t time to worry about the gift in his pocket and the words he might  end up saying. 
Virgil takes a deep breath before choosing his words, “I was going to say something clever, but honestly I got nothing.”
Roman keeps staring absently at the floor, “Hey, Virge.”
A stagehand passes them, placing a hand on Roman’s shoulder as he does so, “Two minutes, your highness.”
“Thank you two,” Roman mumbles as he stands up. 
“I’m here, Ro. What do you need?” Virgil asks in a rush, wanting to help before it is too late.
Roman’s head snaps up to look at Virgil and the use of the nickname. Virgil swallows the lump in his throat as he realizes he had never actually said that name before, only sending it in group messages with Logan and Patton before. He isn’t sure if its okay or not with Roman.
Roman gives a small smile, “Honestly? You won’t hate me?”
“Not possible,” answers Virgil as he crouches down so that he can be eye level with Roman. “Whatever it is, I got it, promise.”
“Just… hold my hand?” asks the Prince in a small voice. 
Virgil takes Roman’s hands in his own, his heart hammering hard inside him. He looks over the actor, not saying anything as Roman holds on and closes his eyes. Virgil can’t help but watch in awe as Roman takes deep breaths, seemingly breathing in confidence with each breath. 
“One minute,” the stage hand comes back and informs them. “Mic is going live now.”
Roman stands, nodding, pulling Virgil with him, still holding his hand while he takes his position in the wing. Virgil can’t help but notice the almost electric feeling in his hand in Roman’s. He’d be lying if he didn’t say it was intoxicating, standing in the wings next to  Roman Prince about to go on stage. 
The music comes in under the MCs voices, helping to set the tone for the love song. Roman gives a final squeeze to Virgil’s hand before he lifts it up and kisses it softly, causing Virgil’s brain to go crazy with bells and alarms. Virgil reaches up and straightens the crown on Roman’s head before giving him the thumbs up and a smile. 
Roman and Alana enter the stage and sing the song, “Do I Love You Because You’re Beautiful” like they were born singing it. They hit all of the notes, the staging is natural, and they both look absolutely stunning. Virgil just watches from his place in the wings, like he had every time the song was done for their show. He just adores how Roman sings the song, so full of meaning and emotion. He would never admit it, but it was his favorite moment in the whole show. He ignores the lump in his throat that forms when he realises its the last time he will watch them perform this song together. 
They end the song to the roar of applause at the kiss. Roman and Alana take their bows before Roman escorts his princess off stage towards Virgil. The two of them are beaming, knowing that they nailed it. Virgil can’t help but beam with pride for the two of them. 
Not saying anything, Roman lets go of Alana’s hand and takes Virgil’s. He doesn’t stop as he pulls Virgil through the crowded backstage, taking his mic and handing it to the techie waiting for it without breaking stride. 
“Roman?” Virgil finally asks when he finds his voice. “Where are we going?”
“Need some air,” Roman answers breathlessly as he pushes on a door marked with an exit sign. “Come on.”
“Wait,” Virgil says as he stops. He takes off his shoe and places it in the doorway, preventing the door from closing completely behind them. “We don’t want to get locked out.”
Roman nods and walks a few steps away from the building into the alleyway, letting go of Virgil’s hand, “You’re always looking out for us.”
Virgil leans against the brick wall as he watches Roman pace in the alley, just trying to catch his breath and calm himself down. Roman’s hands are on his hips as he walks the nervous energy out, causing Virgil to grin before saying, “You did it, Roman. You guys killed it.”
Roman shakes his head, a smile spreading across his face, “Yeah? You think so?”
“Obviously,” Virgil adds as he crosses his arms to try and stop them from shaking. “They’d be crazy to not have you win your category. Anyone with eyes can see you deserve it.”
“That… means a lot, coming from you,” admits Roman. 
“Uh, I’ve been trying to tell you that all week!”
Roman laughs as he approaches Virgil, staying on the bottom stair,  “Well, you know, I never do listen.”
“Oh, I’m well aware.”
“Hey, Prince!” Alana’s voice comes as she leans her head out the doorway, working to put her earrings back in her ears. “Get your butt back in here. They’re getting ready to announce your category.” 
“Coming,” Roman responds as Alana disappears back inside. Virgil grabs Roman’s hand as he starts to pass, “Ro, wait, I almost forgot.” He pulls out the single rose from his inside coat pocket and extends it to Roman, his hand shaking. “For good luck, not that you need it.”
Roman takes another step towards him, “You shouldn’t have. I didn’t get you anything.”
Before Virgil can say anything, Roman kisses Virgil softly, gently, yet electrifying. Virgil is caught off guard and tense for a moment before he relaxes into the embrace, closing his eyes and accepting the moment. 
“Roman!” barks Alana. 
Roman pulls back, causing Virgil to come back to reality, at the separation. “I’m sorry. I…” Roman mutters as he hurries past Virgil and heads inside before Virgil can say anything.  
Virgil stands there, stunned for a moment as he tries to process what just happened. Roman Prince had just kissed him. And Virgil had wanted it to keep going. It's the most alive Virgil remembers feeling. He hears a commotion inside the theater and snaps back to reality. Roman. 
Virgil grabs his shoe and heads into the theater, and hears the MC read all the nominees in Roman’s category. He starts running, sliding into the wing as they read off, “And the winner for Best Supporting Actor in a Musical goes to Roman Prince.”
Roman walks on stage, radiating at the announcement, waving to the crowd. Virgil knows Roman needs the validation from others when it comes to his creative work. And now he had it. Virgil joined the cheering as tears started filling his eyes. He can’t help the pride welling up inside of him for his friend. 
Roman accepts the trophy and waves it in the air, signing thank you to the audience as the MCs start ushering him back towards the wings to keep the show going. Virgil isn’t thinking, he just starts moving towards Roman coming off stage. His Prince’s eyes find him, tears of joy shimmering, as Virgil offers him a hand and pulls him further off stage and out of the way.
 “Virgil, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have...”
Virgil leans in and kisses Roman to stop him from talking. Virgil is gentle, but pushes all of the things he hasn’t said to Roman into it. All of the longing, the pining, the quiet hoping. Roman melts into him, wrapping an arm around him to pull them closer together. Virgil pulls back and wipes away a tear that had fallen down Roman’s cheek with a soft smile.  “Butterflies,” he says in response to Roman’s statement earlier. “You give me butterflies. Always.” 
365 notes · View notes
nachotrash · 3 years
ft: @catchmewiddershins @lilikags and @paradise-creator // no haikyuu boys this time
Pauline: No more making fun of me when I misuse dated cultural references, alright? Are we cowabunga on this? Wid, sighing: Fine. We're cowabunga.
Pauline: We're having a baby. Shiyu: Oh, congradu- Wid, slamming adoption papers onto teh table: It's you, sign here.
Pauline: Why are there little handprints all over the walls? Shiyu, whispering: Why are there little handprints all over the walls? Wid, whispering: Because I have little hands. Shiyu: Because they have little hands.
Wid: I was born for politics. I have great hair and I love lying.
Lili: Life keeps fucking me and I can't remember the safeword.
Wid: Pros and cons of dating me. Wid: Pros. You'll be the cute one. Wid: Cons. Holy shit, where do I begin-
(cons. you're the smart one😔)
Shiyu: Sure, you're verified on twitter, but are you verified in the eyes of god?
Pauline: Theater kids are just choir kids who joined forces with the band and strings kids.
Shiyu: Did you just call me a shrimp, you asshole?! I'm still growing, dammit!
(*lipbites in 166 cm*)
Wid: I don't dab. I stab.
(nOw WhEarE HAvE i SeEn ThIs BeFoRe)
Shiyu: I scare people a lot because I walk very softly and they don't hear me enter rooms. So when they turn around, I'm just kind of there and their fear fuels me.
(t-pose to assert dominance)
Shiyu, as a child, reading their school assignment out loud: I love my library because... Shiyu, mouthing words while writing: I love reading, fuck you.
(lmao baby nacho really be bold)
Shiyu: The ‘how the fucks’ and 'why are you so dumbs’ don’t matter. All that matters is that I have a new gun.
Lili: It's not ugly, just aesthetically challenged.
Pauline: The last time I went to an urgent care clinic, I checked off 'excessive crying' on the symptom list, and then the nurse got really confused and said that was meant for babies.
Pauline: All of your existences are confusing. The Squad: How so? Pauline: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to any of you upsets me.
(we are the squad now)
Lili: Blackmail is such an ugly word. I prefer extortion. The X makes it sound cool.
Wid: Real life should have a fucking search function, or something. Wid: I need my socks.
Pauline: New year, same me. Because I'm perfect.
(yes yes you are how dare you)
Shiyu: Yeah I'm LGBT. Shiyu: cuLt leader. Shiyu: God hates me personally. Shiyu: cowBoy hat. Shiyu: *sniffles* Trying my best.
(my asexual ass be like;)
Wid: *plays shreksophone* Wid: Woo. Wid: Time to listen to this on loop for all eternity. Shiyu: ...Genius coping mechanism my friend
Shiyu: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated. Pauline: Killed without hesitation.
Pauline: The next time I open up to someone, it'll be my autopsy.
Pauline: Sometimes, I don’t realize an event was traumatic until I tell it as a funny story and notice everyone is staring at me weird.
Pauline: I hate Lili. Shiyu: "Hate' is a strong word. Pauline: I have strong opinions.
(oh no)
Wid: How does that even work? Shiyu, mocking them: hOw dO yOu UsE a cOmPUteR aNd KnOw wHaTS GoiNg oN iT DoEsNt mAke SeNSe?! Wid: Your face doesnt make sense.
(...fair enough)
Pauline: Get in, loser, we’re committing vehicular manslaughter!
Pauline: My stomach growled super loud in French. Pauline: I would like to clarify, my stomach did not speak in French. It growled during French class. Shiyu: Bonjour. Lili: Le growl. Wid: Hon hon hon, feed me a baguette.
(reminds me of the 'ill speak french between your legs' tumblr legend and im wheezing)
Shiyu: *tapping fingers on table* Lili: *taps fingers back furiously* Wid: …What’s going on? Pauline: Morse code. They’re talking. Shiyu: -.-- ..- .-. / - …. . / -.-. ..- - . … - Lili: *slams hands on table* YOU TAKE THAT BACK!
Shiyu: For self defense reasons, I'm going to pretend to be a burglar and you guys have to act wisely. Wid, Lili, & Pauline: Okay. Shiyu: If you don't want to die, give me all your money. Wid: Bold of you to assume I have money. Lili: Bold of you to assume I don't want to die. Pauline: Bold of you to assume I can die.
(pauline is a goddess. goddesses cant die)
Lili: If I punch myself and it hurts, am I weak or strong? Wid: Strong. Shiyu: Weak. Pauline: An idiot, is what your are.
(as long as you dont flinch or scream youre strong. unless you get punched in the gut by someone like ushijima ofc)
Shiyu: Those darn tall old people. Wid: Darm em' indeed. Pauline: Don't worry, they'll be gone soon enough. Lili: *sharpening knife* Yes. Dead. The Squad: Lili: Hahaha. Lili: ...Is this self-destructive behaviour?
Wid: Oh god, they texted you ‘hi.’’ punctuation only means one thing, Pauline. They're mad at you. Pauline: No, it's Shiyu. They're just being gramatically correct! *meanwhile* Shiyu: And then I used a period so they'd know that I'm mad at them. Lili: A period doesn't say 'I'm mad', it says 'you're dead to me'. Shiyu: I stand by my choice.
Wid: What do we think of Shiyu? *pause* Lili: *sighs* Nice pal. Pauline: I think they're gay.
Wid: Where is Shiyu? Pauline: I'll do you one better, who is Shiyu?? Lili: Here's a better question, why is Shiyu?
(i dont know man. ive been trying to figure it out for the last few years)
Wid: On the count of three, what’s your favorite cake? Wid & Lili: One, two, three- Wid & Lili: Chocolate cake, peanutbutter frosting, and chocolate chunks! Shiyu: Our turn, Pauline! One, two, three- Shiyu: Vanilla! Pauline: I’ve never had cake before. What is cake?
Pauline: I am darkness. I am an power. I am your worst nightmare. I could kill a man in more ways than you can imagine. I am the night. I am fury, I am a weapon, I am- Wid: A doll. Shiyu: A cinnamon roll. Lili: A sweetheart. Pauline: Pauline: ...stop it.
(cant deny the truth bby)
Wid, Pauline & Shiyu: *screaming* Lili: *runs into the room* What's wrong, Shiyu?! Wid: Wait, why are you asking Shiyu that when Pauline and I are also here? Lili: Because Shiyu wouldn't scream unless it's an emergency. You two scream whenever you have the chance.
(i mean... its true )
Pauline: What’s wrong? You look 10 seconds away from ripping someone’s throat out. Wid: Fucking Shiyu and Lili were trying to invoke one of the minor gods again last night. I didn't get an ounce of sleep, thanks to their bloody chanting.
(manifests dvalin cause i wanna ride on their back and fall off)
Lili: Wake me up- Wid: Before you go go Shiyu: When September ends Pauline: WAKE ME UP INSIDE
(cant wake up- WAKE ME UP INSIDE)
Shiyu, watching Pauline & Lili panic : What's going on? Wid: Pauline is having a midlife crisis and Lili is just having a crisis.
Lili: *Gasp* Pauline: wHAT?? Lili: What if soy milk is just milk introducing itself in Spanish? Pauline: *inhales* Wid, in another room with Shiyu: Why can I hear screeching?
(shiyu: same shit different day)
Shiyu: Christmas is cancelled. Wid: You can't cancel a holiday. Shiyu: Keep it up, Wid, and you'll lose New Year's too. Wid: What does that mean? Shiyu: Lili, take New Year's away from Wid.
Pauline: So, are they your friend or... Lili: They’re like Wid, but if Wid was ordered to be around you. Pauline: Oh, so Shiyu. Lili: Precisely!
(if its about how annoyed i always look then you ahve a point)
Wid: You’re just being paranoid. Again. Pauline: When have I been paranoid? Wid: Um, when you first met Lili you thought they were an undercover cop…? Pauline: No one has a wart that big, I thought it was a surveillance camera! Wid: And last year you were sure Shiyu was a mermaid! Pauline: They hate wearing shirts! COINCIDENCE?! *Later, when Pauline’s theory is proven wrong* Wid: Do you have anything to say for yourself? Pauline: I still think Shiyu is a mermaid.
(id gladly be one)
*Wid drunkenly wanders around the manor and Lili is drunkenly giggling* Shiyu, completely sober: *sighs* Well, looks like it's just me and you against the wold, Pauline. Pauline, going to their room: Nope, just you. *shuts door*
Wid: We need to distract these guys. Lili: Leave it to me. Lili: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss. Pauline & Shiyu: *immediately begin arguing*
(*pulls out dictionary*)
Police: You’re under arrest for trying to carry three people on a single motorcycle. Shiyu, with Wid and Lili behind them: Wait, what do you mean THREE?! Police: Yes…three. Shiyu: Oh, my God— What the fuck!? Police: Wha- Shiyu: Pauline FUCKING FELL OFF!
Wid: What is love? Pauline: An emotional minefield. Shiyu: A neurochemical reaction. Lili: Baby don't hurt me.
Pauline: I currently have 7 empty notebooks and I have no idea what to put in them. Any suggestions? Wid: Put spaghetti in it. Pauline: I am currently taking suggestions from everyone but you. Lili: Put spaghetti in it. Pauline: I am currently taking suggestions from everyone but you two. Shiyu: Put spaghetti in it. Pauline: I am no longer taking suggestions.
Shiyu, pointing to the wall: What color is this? Pauline: Gray. Lili: Grey. Shiyu, turning to Wid: Now tell them what color you think it is. Wid: Dark white.
8 notes · View notes
Kinktober Day 3: Prostitution, RK1K
Markus/Connor! Enjoy!
Connor highly doubted this was legit, but the Mistress said it was, so he was going to go anyway. Some days it was hard to believe what he did for a living, but at this point, he tried to just focus on getting into character. 
That's never been too hard before, even with the most outrageous demands. As long as they paid good enough and respected his terms then he'd do almost anything. 
The hotel was the same as all the others he often visited. Actually, if his memory is correct (which it always is), he's been to this exact hotel seven times before. It was definitely more classy and he didn't even get odd looks from the staff, though they were sure to whisper about him and wonder who he was there for later. 
That was fine, let them imagine him draped over some old fat white man that paid him in hundreds for a single night just to get slapped around a little. Those men were the easiest. Most predictable. They were dominant in their social lives and needs to be treated like shit every now and then. 
He expected that for most of his clients. Some surprised him with their requests. It was always interesting when they wanted him to bottom. Sometimes that could be rather nice but there were also the men that made his skin crawl and need to take a very long hot shower after. 
It wasn't just men who hired him either, there were plenty of women or people of other genders. Most of the feminine people who hired him wanted to dom him, which he gladly let happen. 
He glanced down at his outfit, satisfied it was to his standards before unlocking the door and walking in. He had said there was no need to knock, so Connor didn't. 
He was fully ready for some random rich dude posing as his client but was surprised to see that wasn't the case at all. 
Markus Manfred, CEO of the largest paint store, and the CEO of a tech store standing in the hotel room, shirt off, and painting. It really was him. He was also painting. Which made sense but his brain was still trying to wrap around the fact that he'd have his legs wrapped around Markus Manfred tonight. 
Best. Job. Ever.
He was a professional though, and he easily pulled himself together, swaying his hips as he walked in. "Mr. Manfred, you didn't need to get all dressed up for me." He says. 
Manfred jumps and Connor has to contain an eye roll. Hadn't the dude heard the door open? He really hoped he wasn't going to be creepy. If he was then he'd get to bitch to Gavin about it, so there was that. 
Manfred turned and eyed him. Connor stood there, hip out, and let him. He gladly soaked in the attention, ready to do a fucking twirl if Manfred wanted. "Uh, just Markus is fine…" 
"Hello, Just Markus. I'm Connor, but you can give me a different one if you like. I'm partial to baby boy, or master depending on what you like." He added a wink at the end, but he had a feeling Manfred was more of a top. Hopefully, he had a big dick or a lot of stamina. Connor was lucky to be graced with both. 
Markus nodded, holding out his hand. Connor raised an eyebrow but shook it, not too bothered about the paint that had gotten on him. "Right, hello Connor. Um, not to sound like a dick… but do I know you? I generally have a really good memory, but maybe I was drunk? I'm so sorry, I don't mean to offend you." 
What? This was the right room, and definitely the right client. Maybe Markus wanted to play into this, but he seemed genuinely confused. What the hell was she supposed to do?! "I'm Connor, from Bees Love? You did set an appointment with me for the whole night." 
Markus's eyes go wide and he face-palms. "I'm going to fucking kill North," he grumbled before dragging the hand down his face. 
It's oddly adorable that Markus seemed to forget he had not-quite dried paint on his hands that were now on his face. "I'm so sorry, North said I needed to relax and sent me here. I thought it was just to get away and paint in peace. I'll still pay you, um, and tip? Do you take tips?" 
This was actually happening. And it was the funniest damn thing that had happened all week, and he had gotten to sleep with a very famous comedian. He burst into laughter, not able to hold it in anymore. 
"I'm so sorry, this is great!" He laughed, trying to take in air. "Yes, I do get tipped depending on how I do. Uh, I don't really have anywhere else to be. You sure you don't wanna sleep with me? I'm up for almost anything." 
Markus was looking at him kinda funny. A look he hadn't seen in a very, very long time. No. Nope. Big nope. He was not going down that rabbit hole. "Ah, no? But not because you aren't beautiful! You are, very much so. If you weren't a prostitute I'd sleep with you. Wait, shit, I didn't mean it like that!" 
Uh, so Markus was actually adorable. Too bad he wouldn't sleep with Connor. He'd probably be the best lay he's gotten all month. "No, it's fine. I understand. Could uh… can I stay though? I just wasn't planning on going back home tonight, I got a dog-sitter and everything. We won't do anything unless you want. I won't even talk." He was good at not talking, or talking. He could be good at basically anything if he needed to be. 
Markus fidgeted and Connor was ready to be told to leave. This would most definitely be his shortest appointment ever. But Markus surprised him once again. "Sure. Do you like painting? I've got another canvas." 
Connor shrugged and rolled up his sleeves. He could just get another shirt if this one got messy, it wasn't like he didn't have enough money. "Sure, I'm always willing to try something new. Makes the job easy." 
Markus snorts and looks around before pulling out a medium-sized canvas. "I'm sure it does. Alright, so there are these paints you can use. Go wild, I've got plenty." Markus said, pointing then out before picking up his paintbrush. 
He's never really painted and he had no idea what to do. Was he supposed to come up with an idea himself or maybe still life? It was called that, right? 
"Hey, you don't have to. I'm gonna pay the whole thing and tip. If you don't wanna paint I'm sure I can find something else. Food? Uh, tv?" Markus says, looking around the rather large hotel room. "I think there's a hot tub, and a bathroom if you need it. Just do whatever you want." 
Connor couldn't help the smirk. "What if I want to do you?" He watches as Markus's face flushed slightly. It was barely discernible but he could tell. Also how the fuck was this man so beautiful? It was completely unfair that he was so pretty. 
"I- um, thank you? I just, I don't want to pressure you just because it's your job. I'd rather get to know you first? I just, I guess I really do need to relax but it would feel like I'm taking advantage of you." Markus shrugged, staring at the ground. 
Of course, the one guy he fully wanted to sleep with, like would actually do anything, was giving him reasons he wouldn't. Yet it just made the want stronger. He hadn't felt this… whatever this feeling was in awhile. "Alright, well then we can get to know each other. Let's start off easy, who's North?" 
"My best friend. We were high school sweethearts but little did North know she was hella gay, so we broke up at the start of college. We stayed close and I even introduced her to her wife." Markus smiled so fondly it almost hurt to see. 
Would his friends smile like that when talking about Connor? Sure Gavin was friendly (in his own weird way and only after he made a complete ass of himself) but they weren't that close. The Mistress was his boss, and he'd like to think they were friends. Not like this though. 
He knew so many people, had slept with so many, and knew secrets they'd never even tell their dogs, and yet no one he had like Markus had North. It never hurt so much before. 
"Best friend," he said, clearing his throat. "So, I'm assuming you have more friends than just her then." 
Markus nodded, the smile still on his face. "Yeah, Josh and Simon. I also used to date Simon but… things happened. The only one I haven't dated was Josh, but he's also straight so it's not like I even ever had the chance. I met Josh in college, he was a professor, and I met Simon through work." 
Connor nodded, taking mental notes. "You seem really close." He tried to keep the bitterness out of his voice, but by the look, Markus was giving him, he failed. 
"We are, but the situation pushed us together even more. If I wasn't supposed to be on my phone I'd text North to have them come over." He nodded towards the table where the phone was. 
Markus was really making this too easy. "Oh? Well, that's technically extra but I'm always up for an orgy, haven't been in one in a while." He smiled, tilting his head. 
"I- uh, no! No, I just, I didn't mean-" Markus rambled. 
"It's fine, I'm fucking with you in the only way you'll let me. So, if I'm just going to hang out for the night, who do you want me to be? I can be innocent, sophisticated… lustful." He said, stepping closer to Markus. 
Markus took a step back, shaking his head. "I just want you to be yourself. You don't have to do or say anything you don't want to, there's no pressure. You can even leave whenever you want without question." 
Oh. Himself? No one ever wanted him to just be himself. Sure he was asked for slightly different versions of himself but nothing like this. Not when Markus actually meant it. "M-me? Just, um, myself?" 
Markus nodded, smiling softly. "Yep, just you. You probably don't get a lot of time to do that, so feel free." 
Hm, fine. He'd be himself. "Mind if I use the bathroom then?" He grabbed his bag, and at Markus's nod went to the bathroom. 
He took off his lingerie, clothes, and contacts. Instead, he put on soft pajamas after taking a shower and put his glasses on. He didn't bother straightening his hair. If he was going to be himself then he was going to do it fully. He always kept these with him so he could slip into it after the job was done. 
He walked out, shuffling slightly and looking anywhere than at Markus. He'd never let a client see him like this, but Markus wasn't actually a client. Not in the normal sense. "Uh, you sure this is ok?"
He finally looked up and felt like running back into the bathroom and putting his other clothes back on. Those always made him more confident, it was like putting on a mask. He felt more exposed like this than he ever did naked. 
Markus made a small choking noise before trying to cover it with a cough. "Uh, yeah. You, yeah this is definitely fine." 
Connor nodded and dug around his bag again before pulling out a book and sitting down on the bed crisscrossed. He was a little over halfway through, but he hadn't had as much time to read as he'd like. 
"What are you reading?" Markus asks, going back to painting. 
Connor looked up then back to his book, a real actually blush forming on his cheeks. "Oh, uh nothing you'd be interested in." 
Markus turned slightly, raising an eyebrow. "Try me." 
Connor chuckled, looking up at him through his lashes. "It's… it's a criminology book? I was thinking about trying to be a detective if I ever got tired of this, but even if I don't it still fascinates me. My adopted father is a Lieutenant at the local police." 
It made him chuckle again when Markus's jaw dropped. No one would think his dad worked in law enforcement considering Connor's job. But in reality, Hank made sure he was safe and not pressured into anything. Plus Hank knew loopholes and even commented on how it should be legal so they can protect sex workers.
"I know, I know. He's actually really chill about it. Plus I make plenty of money so I can pay for college without going into debt." He had been putting away money for a while so he could live comfortably for the rest of his life. 
Markus nodded, "that's actually a good idea. I'm sure you'd make an incredible detective considering how intelligent you must be to be this good at your current job." 
"You really know a way to a man's heart." Connor chuckled and he meant it. Most people thought so lowly of escorts and prostitutes, saying they only did this because it was the only job they could do. When in reality you had to be quick on your feet and able to read people from just a glance. 
Markus shook his head, but he was smiling. "I just say what is true. You can put music on if you want. I don't know how you normally read." 
"Not in a fancy hotel with a man who won't sleep with me, that's for sure." Connor snarked before snapping his mouth closed. 
His worry disappeared when Markus fully laughed. "Ah, that's true. As I said, it's not that I don't want you. I just don't want to push you into anything." 
Connor sighed and leaned against the headboard. "I'm wounded, but I think I can survive." 
They went back to their own activities barely interacting unless Connor came across a particularly interesting part or Markus asked for his opinion. It was actually really nice and he found himself relaxing more and more. 
It wasn't like he had sex with every client. Some wanted him to be a date to an event, spend time with them for the week, or anything else. It wasn't always sex. 
Yet even this was different. There were no expectations at all. It was completely freeing. It just made his want that much stronger. Huh, that was a new turn on. 
It was late into the night when Connor started yawning. The soft sounds of Markus's brush strokes and Markus's humming was calming in a way he hadn't expected. He was warm and comfortable in the huge bed, and he was tempted to just fall asleep for the night. 
"You can sleep here if you want. I can take the couch or get another room." Markus said, making Connor's head snapped up. 
"Huh? Oh! No, no, no, it's ok. If anyone should take the couch it's me. You paid for the room, it's yours." He was most definitely not letting Markus take the couch. 
"No! Seriously you expected certain things and I didn't deliver. The least I can do is offer the bed." Markus whipped his hands and turned to face Connor. God damn this man was gorgeous. Could he be any more perfect? Maybe he had a really small dick and absolutely no stamina to make up for everything else. 
Connor huffed and closed his book. "Nope, not happening. The bed is big enough that we can easily share without bothering each other. I promise not to try anything." Just to show he scooted over and pat the bed. 
Markus frowned and looked around. "I...ok. let me get washed up first." Connor nodded and watched him grab his clothes and then watched as he went into the bathroom. 
The door closed and he let out a soft sigh, leaning his head back and closing his eyes. He didn't want this night to end. He knew it was a bad idea to actually connect with clients. Sure you can make semi-friends but never anything serious. Don't get attached. He knew if he let himself he'd get attached in some way. There was just a connection. 
He jumped slightly when the door opened back up. Had he really been falling asleep?
He looked up at Markus and wanted to scream. The man was wearing fuzzy robot pajamas pants without a shirt. It was an odd combination of sexy and adorable as hell. 
"Do you have a side you prefer?" Connor asked ready to move to whichever side was needed of him. 
"Either is fine, wherever you're comfortable." Markus said, stretching his arms above his head. 
Connor nodded and put his book to the side, taking his glasses off. He wiggles under the blankets, trying to get comfortable. 
Markus walked around and climbed in. Like Connor had said, the bed was so huge that he'd have to reach out his whole arm to be able to touch him. 
"Sleep well, Markus." Connor says, reaching to turn off the bedside lamp. 
Markus did the same, and the room was flooded with darkness. "Sleep well, Connor." 
He falls asleep much faster than normal. Perhaps it was that the bed was just more comfortable, or maybe it was the company. 
When he woke up his back was pressed against something warm and soft. He knew it was Markus but he was still shocked. 
What was even more shocking and definitely welcome was the warm hand under his shirt and the very obvious hardness pressing into him. 
Markus was also most definitely asleep, and Connor sighed heavily. He was still half-asleep so it took even more in him to not press back. Markus definitely didn't have a small dick. Of course, he didn't. 
The slow and even breath on his neck made him shiver and close his eyes for a second. Then the hand was moving down and he arched into it. "Markus I swear if you're awake I'll murder you." He whispered. 
Markus sighed and moved his hips just slightly. Connor whined but tried to keep his voice down. This was so not fair. 
He was getting hard and he pushed back just slightly. Fuck. 
Maybe he could take care of himself without waking up Markus. Just get off then clean up. He could even leave right after so he wouldn't have to see how he'd react. He was off the clock so… 
He reached down, gently teasing himself. He should just do this quickly. He didn't know how long until Markus would wake up. 
The hand on him was so low but not low enough. It wasn't enough! "Fucking hell Markus," he whimpered. 
He increased the pressure but still didn't pull himself out. Not yet. He wanted to savor this. 
He tried to keep his noises down, keeping his hips still, and yet he kept pushing back. He wanted to touch Markus so bad. "Please. Please."
The hand on him stiffened and Connor froze. "Hm, Connor?" Markus says, his lips brushing against Connor's neck. Oh, that was not helping. Neither was Markus shifting against him, accidentally pulling him closer. 
"Do-don't." Connor whined, squeezing his eyes closed. He didn't know what he was pleading for, but he just wanted to continue so bad. 
"Shit! Uh, do you want me to leave? I'm so sorry." Markus said, trying to move away but Connor grabbed the arm. 
"You can stay, please stay. I want you." He really did. He wanted him so bad. He took Markus's hand and pressed it against his stomach. "You don't have to do anything."
"Fuck." Markus muttered, his hips twitching forward. "Are you sure? I… I don't want to overstep." 
Connor huffed rolling his eyes. "I don't wanna sleep with you just because it's my job, I want you to fuck me." He pressed back against him, sliding Markus's hand lower. 
"I don't know… um," Markus said, shifting again. His breath was fast and warm against Connor's neck. 
He wiggled his hips, pushing down his pants. He kept a hand over Markus's before taking himself and jumping slowly. "If, if you want to leave you can. But I will definitely not complain if you stay." 
Markus pulled him close and he could feel him. Oh. Oh, Markus wasn't wearing underwear either. Fuck that was hot. "Ok. Ok, I'll stay." 
Connor smiled and sped his hand up. "Yes! Yes, thank you." He babbled, tilting his head. He wanted Markus's lips on him. Thankfully Markus seemed to agree because soon Markus was pressing feather-light kisses to his neck. 
"You're so beautiful." Markus mumbled, moving his hand down lower to cover Connor's as he stroked himself. 
Connor bucked his hips, trying to get more. It wasn't enough. He needed more. "Markus, please." 
Markus nodded and pulled his own pants down, freely rubbing himself against Connor. "I've got you. What do you need, baby?" 
Oh, that was good. That was delicious. "You. Anything you want. I just need more."
Markus pressed hot kisses down his neck, nipping just slightly. Not enough to leave marks but it made him whine. "Are you sure? Connor… this isn't because of…" he trailed off. 
Connor turned and pressed Markus back into the bed, straddling him. "If you ask me that one more time I'm chopping your annoyingly large dick off." 
Markus's eyes went wide, and he placed his hands on Connor's hips. "Alright, I definitely wouldn't want that." 
"Thank fuck." Connor chuckled before leaning down and crushing their lips together. Markus's lips were so warm and just slightly rough from Markus chewing on them.
He rocked their hips together trying to get more friction. "Are you willing to fuck me? I can fuck you but I've been dying for you in me all night." 
Markus panted, nodding his head. "Definitely. God, you looked amazing yesterday, but then you changed and I nearly lost it. You looked so soft and fuckable." 
Connor whined, rolling his hips down. "Yes, yes please. I've got a condom and lube in my bag. I'm clean." 
Markus nodded and flipped them over which was way too fucking hot. Apparently, he noticed the shocked expression because he kissed him with a chuckle. "I work out." 
"That you do." He said he panted as Markus got off, grabbing Connor's bag and digging around. 
"Sorry, should have asked but I feared for my annoying large cock." Markus said, pulling out a condom and lube. 
"I used the word dick, but I think you can be forgiven if you hurry the fuck up." If he wasn't being fucked within the hour he wasn't going to scream and maybe cry. 
"My bad, my annoyingly large dick." Markus crawled back into the bed, moving in between Connor's legs. "Alright, how do you like this?" 
Connor spread his legs, getting into a good position. "However you want but I do require that I actually get fucked. Even if I come you gotta fuck me until I can't walk. Deal?" He offered his hand and Markus chuckled. 
Markus took his hand, shaking it before using it to pull Connor up and into a searing kiss. "I think I can do that baby boy," Markus mumbled before pushing him back into the bed. 
Connor let him, spreading himself even wider. He took deep breaths, easily relaxing even when Markus gently pushed against his hole. 
"There we go," Markus mumbled before pressing a kiss to his inner thigh. Connor whined, arching his back. His thighs were so sensitive and no one ever kissed him this gently, this lovingly. It broke his heart. 
"Markus," he sighed, eyes fluttering closed. Markus hummed and did the same for his other thigh. 
Then he was nipping at him, sucking slightly on the skin as he pushed his finger in. He would definitely leave marks here. For some reason, he didn't want anyone to see these marks or touch them. He didn't want anyone kissing them and trying to mark over these. These were just for him. 
Markus was so slow and gentle, but Connor could tell he was holding back. He knew there was an urgency and want behind every movement and soft touch. 
Yet Markus held back for him. It was odd being on the receiving end. Just being able to lay back and take just because he wanted it and not because someone was paying him to. This was for him as much as it was for Markus. He felt truly beautiful. 
Markus kissed his hips, using his free hand to gently run a hand down his side. "You're amazing. You're doing really well." Markus says, pushing in a second finger. 
He had had so many people that tried to rush this but Markus seemed to be genuinely enjoying it. "Markus!" He sighed, arching his back and trying to push down into his hand. 
Markus chuckled slightly, "so needy. How many do you normally need?" 
"Most stop at two." Connor says, mind fuzzy with pleasure and want. 
"I didn't ask what other people did to you, I asked what you need. I don't want to hurt you. So I'll ask again, baby, how many do you normally need?" Oh, that tone of voice was unfair. It was raspy and demanding and so very in control. 
"Um, three without too much of a stretch but for you… I, um, three. I wanna feel it." He wanted that burning stretch like never before. 
Markus nodded and slowly added a third finger. "Alright, I'll be slow and gentle. If you need me to stop or go slower at all let me know." 
"I… ok," he nodded. Markus was being so kind. Yet that hurt more than any physical pain he'd been in, and one rather angry woman liked to whip people. Wasn't the best night considering she didn't really like it when he asked for her to stop. 
Markus paused, frowning. "Are you alright? We can stop if you want." His hand paused and Connor felt like screaming. It was such an odd mixture of emotions. 
"Please don't stop! I'm, just not used to this." That was the worst description ever. 
"Wait, I thought… has no one?" Markus asks, pulling his fingers out. Connor groaned and instantly missed the feeling. 
"No! Yes, yes I've done this in the physical sense, but not," he waved his hand between them, "this? You're, you want me to feel good and you're taking your time. I haven't had anyone do this in a long time." 
Markus blinks at him before his jaw drops. "Are you saying no one ever pleasured you before? If they were too rough you… you could tell them to stop right?" Oh, this sweet, sweet boy. 
"Well yes, they still have to pay for my time, but it's different. I do get pleasure out of it, but it's never just for me. If I'm being fucked then the person wants me to be. I want this. I want you. And not just… you're kind, Markus." He said, sitting up and gently holding his face. "Kinder than I'd ever imagined. You could be the snottiest man on the planet and yet you turned down a prostitute who had already been paid for and was willing because of your morals. None of my clients would ever do that. I'd like to think some would, but they just need the release or a date. Someone pretty on their arm so they bought me." 
That didn't mean he didn't enjoy his job. He loved being pampered and could have as much sex as he wanted and get paid for it. He was living the dream, but it was also nice to have this. Something so soft and gentle, and kind. 
Then Markus was leaning forward and pressing a soft kiss to his lips like he would break. And he loved it. He loved the way he cradled his head and gently pressed into him. He loved the calluses on Markus's hands as they intertwined their fingers. 
He was slowly leaned down back onto the bed, Markus's hands slowly searching his body. He had a few small scars from when clients took it too far, but Markus traced each one like he was a masterpiece. It made him shiver and whine, pushing against the hand. 
"You really are beautiful, Connor. All of you." Markus mumbled, pulling back to kiss down his jaw. He raised his other hand to gently card through Connor's hair, pulling at it just slightly so he'd tilt his head. He gladly did, sighing when Markus's lips trailed down his neck. 
"Hmph, fuck," Connor muttered, biting his bottom lip. This was too good. He doubted anyone will ever be able to compare to this. Damn it. 
"You don't have to muffle yourself, baby, I want to hear you." Markus mumbled against his skin. Connor was sure his entire body was going to be kissed and he was completely ok with that. More than just ok, really. 
Markus took his time finding every little spot that made him whine and buck his hips. He was almost in tears from want when he finally grabbed the lube again. 
He was still somewhat stretched so Markus started with two fingers, slowly stretching and exploring. "So amazing. I can't wait to be in you." Markus muttered. It was so quiet Connor could barely hear him. Markus had said that to himself, and it sent a thrill through Connor. 
"Fuck me! Please, I need it, you." He whined, rocking his hips down. Markus smirked and put a third finger in, moving his hand a bit faster. Connor whimpered and gripped the sheets of the bed, hips moving uncontrollably. 
He yelped when his dick was enveloped in the warm heat of Markus's mouth. He bobbed his head before sucking on the head, swirling his tongue around the top. 
Connor bucked into his mouth, almost choking him. He rambled his apology which quickly turned into pleading. 
Markus took him down again, hollowing his cheeks and running his along the underside. 
"Fuck! Fuck, stop I won't last much longer!" Connor begged. He wanted to come with Markus in him. It took Markus an agonizingly long time to pull off, licking his lips once he does. 
"Damn I could just do that and be happy. You make the best sounds. But I think I should give you what you finally want." Markus said, slowly pulling his fingers out. 
Connor quickly nodded trying to spread his legs even more (he is very proud of his flexibility, he has all of his splits). 
"How do you like this?" Markus asks, tearing the seal off the condom then throwing the wrapper off the bed. He easily slides it on and Connor is drooling. 
Wait, right Markus had asked him a question. That dick was definitely a blessing, Jesus Christ. He really wanted to suck on that but held back. "Like this works… I want to see you." 
Markus smiled and gently brushed a few curly strands of hair out of Connor's face. "I can do that." 
Oh, this was definitely gonna hurt and he couldn't wait. Thankfully Markus wasn't stalling either. He moved closer, carefully lining up before looking down at Connor. 
He took one of his hands and laced their fingers together before pushing in. Connor whined, squeezing his eyes shut and Markus instantly stopped. "Fuck you, I did not say to stop, you ass." He growled out. 
He heard Markus chuckle and Connor forced his body to relax. It was just a good pain, one he'd like to take every day if Markus let him. 
Once Markus bottomed out they both stilled, panting for air. Markus used his free hand to brush through his hair again, pressing a quick kiss to his sweaty forehead. 
They stay still until Connor gives a small nod. Markus slowly slides out and slowly pushes back in. It's too slow, he wraps his legs around Markus and pulls in back in roughly, sighing when it finally creates the friction he wants. "Yes!" 
Markus grunts, chuckling softly. "Fuck, ok." Then he sped up, rocking his hips at a fast but consistent speed. 
Connor rocks his hips in time, panting into Markus's kiss. He moaned praises and pleads, mind hazy. It was too good. It all felt too good. 
Markus's hands on him, keeping him down but also driving him insane. He took one and put it in his hair, which thankfully Markus completely understood. He tugged on just enough and Connor whimpered. 
It was also too much but not enough. He was so, so close. "Please, Markus I need…" 
Markus nodded, tugging Connor's hair so he could bite at his neck. "What do you need, baby?"
"I, I uh, I don't know." He hated how whiny he sounded but Markus just seemed to soak it all up. "Ah, Markus!" 
He hit the spot and Connor almost cried. "Such a good boy, good beautiful baby boy." Markus said, his hips spasming slightly. 
Connor choked and his vision blurred slightly, coming without any warning. 
His whole body turned limp and Markus groaned, his hips snapping forward. There was so much but Markus didn't stop. He was so sensitive but he loved it. 
"I'm close, baby, you ok?" Markus asked. Connor nodded, hips and legs trembling. He was more than ok. This was ecstasy. 
Sadly it didn't take too much longer until Markus froze and Connor wished he hadn't mentioned a condom. He wanted to be filled and maybe even plug himself so he could keep it in him the rest of the day. 
Markus took his time sliding out before taking the condom off, tying then tossing it in the trash. He flopped down onto the bed, pulling Connor to his chest. "This ok?" He mumbled. 
Connor nodded, wrapping himself around it. "That was the best I've had in a long time. You're amazing." He said, pressing a kiss to Markus's chest. 
Markus chuckled, gently soothing Connor's hair. "Why thank you." 
Connor hummed, closing his eyes and just basking in the warmth and happiness. He never wanted to leave his bed. 
He would have to, though. He'd have to forget all of this. If he didn't then he wouldn't be able to stop thinking about what happened or Markus. He'd never be able to forget the comfort of Markus's arms or the tenderness and adoration in the way he touched him. 
He hadn't even realized he started crying until Markus gently wiped away a tear. "Hey, you ok? Did I hurt you?" 
Connor sniffled, trying to hide his face. "No, you didn't. I'm… happy?" 
He was but he was also so sad. "I should probably leave." He said, pushing away from Markus. 
"Wait, what? I have this room until tomorrow. Do you have work?" He asks, running a hand down Connor's back as he sat on the edge of the bed. 
The way he seemed to completely respect that it was work. He didn't judge him for it at all. "I… I have to, I…" he trailed off, shaking his head. 
"You have to what?" Markus asks, placing a gentle kiss on his shoulder. "What do you need to do?" 
Connor roughly brushed his tears away. "I have to forget you. I can't… you're too good. I can't get attached. I'm sorry." He shook his head and stood, grabbing his bag and clothes. 
Markus was quick to follow him, tripling on a blanket. "Wait, Connor hold on!" 
Connor shook his head, trying to pull on his clothes. It was too much. This was all too much. 
He was quickly turned and pressed against the wall by Markus's strong hands. "Connor, wait." 
He ducked his head, hiding behind the strands of curly hair that fell into his face. "Please don't." He whimpered. 
Markus sighed, softly trailing his hands up and down Connor's arm, making him shiver. "Connor, hey, talk to me. I'm not here to judge." 
"I can't get attached, it's the worst thing to do in this profession. I can't stop just because someone I like asks me to. No matter how mind-blowing the sex is." No matter how beautiful and wanted it made him feel. 
Markus shook his head, brushing the hair out of his face. "I'd never ask you to stop. I… I'm not going to push you for anything you don't want. Maybe we can just be friends? There's just something about you." 
Connor knew exactly what he meant. It was like their bodies and minds were two puzzle pieces that fit seamlessly together. Friends. "I… I don't know." 
"We don't have to have any sex. Maybe just hang out whenever we're both free. I think North would adore you… oh, actually you meeting would be a very bad idea." Markus said, frowning. 
He tilted his head, "wait, why?" Wasn't she the one that had actually paid for him?
"I would not stand a chance if you two teamed up. Terrifying to think about." Markus smirked and Connor huffed. 
"Alright, friends. I guess we can start the whole no sex thing tomorrow." He said before leaning in to Markus. 
"So needy," Markus said, shaking his head fondly. 
"You love it," he whispered, pressing his lips against Markus's neck. 
"That I do."
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