#having a toreador as your boss
vampiric-hunger · 1 month
≪─ ᴀ ᴍɪɴᴜᴛᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴍɪᴅɴɪɢʜᴛ: ᴄʜ.8 - ᴄʟᴜʙ ᴀꜰᴛᴇʀɢʟᴏᴡ ─≫
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⋟ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Sebastian LaCroix/f!reader the Ventrue neonate
⋟ 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: y/n etc is not used, rating - E, mention of past SA, blood drinking, smut, begging, PiV, creampies.
⋟ 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: From climbing the corporate ladder to being told you need to feast on human blood - this is your new life, Fledgling. The world has changed for you so drastically, you know you will need time to adjust and your new so called "boss" is not making it easy. He's sending you on tasks that feel like they were designed to get you killed. It makes you furious: at Sebastian, at your vampirism, at your lowly position in this brand new society you just stepped into. Still, LaCroix is just the type to get under your skin with ease, and he does it well. Too well. You are not too sure if you can resist his pull.
⋟ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 6,513
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: enjoy♡~
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⋟ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: [link]
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When you return home to your apartment you are already thinking about how you are going to tackle the Grout task. You heard some unpleasant things about Malkavians and after dealing with Voerman sisters… or whatever they… she… whatever the situation there was – you weren’t impressed by it. Being captured by an unstable Primogen seems like a scenario where you could get your limbs torn off in the end. Or get trapped in a nightmarish scenario that Toreador Primogen laid out back at the meeting.
You know you need to protect yourself, so you count your cash and take some extra from your secure spot behind your bed, then grab your phone this time since you didn’t bring it to the meeting. You need to see Mercurio for some guns and ammo if you want to make it out alive of the Grout mansion. And while you’re not sure there’s going to be a fight there – you are not going to bring just your fists to a possibly deadly situation.
But then you hear a familiar noise of an email arriving in your inbox. You wonder what is it again but without delay you walk to computer and check it. Surprisingly there’s no email address of the sender and the subject just reads: loot.
“Loot?” you raise an eyebrow and click on the message but there’s not a lot in there either.
Santa Monica haven. Tonight.
That’s all.
“I am so done getting fucking cryptic messages all the time.” You frown and click out of the email window. “Why can’t everyone just agree to stop being so fucking mysterious, ugh.” you swear, fully annoyed, but you are intrigued.
You haven’t been to your former Santa Monica haven since you moved out. You’re pretty sure it’s not even your haven anymore, it probably will get passed to a new and highly confused Kindred when the time comes. But you guess it’s still not occupied if you have gotten this message.
After looking at the clock you decide you will have time for a short stop at your former lodgings. After all Mercurio is still residing in Santa Monica on Prince’s orders, so you are sure you will find him in his usual spot, maybe getting some drinks at the Asylum if he’s off duty for LaCroix.
And so you leave. You get into your car and drive to Santa Monica. It never takes you too long to get there nowadays, traffic is always lighter during the night and tonight you enjoy the drive. It’s still raining when you leave, but when you get closer to the city it stops, leaving fresh air that smells of ocean. Deb of the Night is on the radio. You smile, you feel… good.
You are starting to really like this new life of yours. Yes, there’s things to do and ladders to climb, but you like it. You weren’t too conflicted about drinking blood from the very beginning but you can’t deny that you truly enjoy it now. You enjoy the night. You enjoy the atmosphere. You enjoy having your own Ghoul. You enjoy having unique powers. But most of all – you enjoy the politics. You feel like fish in the water because unlike during your life as a CEO - you don’t just simply sit in your decked out office anymore, listening to boring old fat men tell you how stocks are dropping while not being able pull away their eyes from either your legs or your cleavage. Now you have power to move freely and to be physical in retaliation. If occasion arises, of course. You were never the one to dirty your hands, but you’ve found a new passion for doing things your way.
Wind is blowing through your car because you have a window open and when radio turns from talk show to music you turn it louder, smiling even wider, speeding maybe a little too much but still within limits, it’s still better not to alert the cops. You feel… alive. And you laugh. You laugh thinking about all those minimalist offices that you won’t have to see again. You laugh thinking about all the distant relatives who never cared for you, but probably are fighting nail and tooth for your money thinking you’re dead. You laugh thinking how cleverly you claimed all your money and sold all your stocks and portfolios, making yourself insanely rich in the process. You laugh thinking how you will never have to let same old sweaty men slap your ass because you want them to invest into your business. And most importantly – you laugh hard, with almost tears in your eyes, thinking how you will never have to agree to ‘favors’, get humiliated, used, abused, beaten and practically raped so that you can keep your business afloat and your poor old dead daddy’s name one worth of respect.
All of that… gone. Gone when your Sire decided to Embrace you. Gone with the wind, like the one blowing against your face, blowing through your hair, caressing your hands. You laugh, for just a little too long, sounding a little manic even to yourself, but you let it out. The grief and relief, at the same time. Then you finally calm down and inhale deeply, filling your dead lungs with night air. You had to learn even to breathe, but that didn’t stop you from becoming a known name in LA already.
It’s only the beginning.
When you finally arrive at the parking lot, you start feeling better than just good, you feel great. Your worries that you had after the meeting melted away in the highway winds. You realize you have a soft spot for Santa Monica now. Yes it’s a shithole, but it’s a shithole where your new life began. The night patrols and the hookers, bums and party goers, Kindred and Kine enjoying the sunless hours. You like it here.
But when you kill the engine and get out of the car your mind turns to the shopping list. Maybe a bulletproof west, at least couple of guns and plenty of ammo. A knife of sorts won’t hurt either. You are really not sure what you are going to have to deal with when you arrive at the Grout mansion but what Gary said in the meeting does sit heavy in your mind. Weird noises, he said. Those type of noises are never good in your new life. Usually it’s violence and gore. You still remember that freak Gimble and it’s a lesson you learned the hard way.
As you start walking your heels make sharp clacking sounds on the concrete, making you feel empowered. You feel like you rule the night. And in a way you do. All vampires do, but tonight is your night. You don’t know why you feel so elevated. Was it the ride, the wind, or something else, you don’t know. Or maybe it was how Sebastian treated you before you left the Venture Tower. And maybe it’s all these things together. But you feel great and you feel like nothing can go wrong tonight.
First you head for Asylum. Maybe Mercurio will be there but if not – you know you can find a willing Blood Doll or two to quench the thirst you begin feeling. You met one particular girl there that has the most delectable blood you have tried so far, besides Sebastian’s of course, and you are eager to put your lips against her neck again. It’s so easy to seduce her too, she has no clue that you don’t really want to fuck her. You know that for humans the Kiss, as some vampires call it, feels like an orgasm, maybe even better. You can testify because when LaCroix takes your blood, it’s everything at that moment, everything you want or desire.
At the Asylum you chat up the bartender that you stayed on good terms with since you met him and he seems to be pleased to see you in better attire compared to what he saw you in the first time. You two joke about that, then he tells you where to find your Blood Doll. She’s standing by the bar, further from everyone, but when you approach she lights up. She’s eager to give you what you want and get what she wants in return.
You only need to remind her how much you want her and she becomes butter in your hansa. You lean closer, you sink your fangs in, she moans as she grasps at you with needy desperation, you drink. It feels good, it feels right. This is where you belong. And you fill yourself as much as you can stopping before her heart stops beating. Carefully you lead her to the second floor and sit her down on one of the seats. She’s dazed but smiling. You stroke her cheek and leave feeling powerful like never before.
When you step outside the Asylum you look around. Sure you could go to Mercurio or you could check out the haven for the mysterious loot you got the email for. You ponder for a moment, then two, then finally decide you will go to Mercurio just in case there’s nothing at the haven and you will be prepared if someone is going to try and harm you. Being careful never hurts and you went without a gun for long enough.
You take a walk, some men look in your direction, some cat-call you. You ignore them. You’re too good for them and you’re too full to want a taste of their blood. In short time you finally arrive at 24 Main Street and stop looking upon the main entrance. You smile to yourself, it brings back memories. Bloodied Mercurio and you – so fresh and clueless, even if it didn’t happen that long ago. He helped you out so you never told LaCroix about his fuck up with the astrolite. You need allies more than you need enemies or dead Ghouls. And Mercurio has been a stable contact to you in regards to merch he receives: hunting knifes, better lockpicks, general news on things happening in Santa Monica, guns. It was from him you heard that Therese is present and Jeanette is seemingly gone. But nobody knows that you have been there when it happened, that night when both sisters clashed inside one body. And you always preferred Camarilla loyal Therese over the Anarch Jeanette. You were happy to hear that your favorite sister won the inner fight.
With a small headshake you snap yourself out of your thoughts and head inside. When you’re at number 4, Mercurio’s suite, you knock and enter without waiting for him to let you in, he never told you that you should wait, but when the door opens you freeze. You see Sebastian on Mercurio’s couch, one leg resting on another in a manly fashion, one hand on his thigh while another is extended across the backrest of the couch.
“Sebastian? What the fuck are you doing here?” You ask, forgetting any formalities and he grins at you before you hear Mercurio’s actual gasp.
Your eyes turn to find him and you see him by a small personal mini bar, pouring himself an amber liquid, or he was, before you barged in and spoke like that to his Master. Mercurio’s face is pure shock and you look back at Sebastian.
“Is this a fucking set up?” You ask trying not overthink in these five seconds and LaCroix chuckles.
“Of course not. Can I not visit my Ghoul?” Prince slightly tilts his head to the side like he’s egging you to say something else, something stupid.
“What are you doing here?” Mercurio approaches, he seems nervous and immediately you realize that he probably didn’t tell Prince that he’s been selling you guns and info ever since you saved his ass in that astrolite situation.
“I came here to ask for a favor.” You reply, thinking fast. Sebastian lifts his eyebrow, his eyes are on you, studying your face. “I wanted to ask if you might’ve heard where Tung is now.” You say, making eye contact with LaCroix and Mercurio sighs just ever so slightly, he likes the lie.
“I can tell you all I heard later.” He says and he sounds like he’s urging you to leave but Prince obviously has other plans.
“Come, sit down with me.” He smirks and you frown at him, not moving. “Come, come.” He even pats the couch next to him and you silently swear under your breath then walk closer and sit down on the couch, but nowhere close to him.
You know this is a game, you just don’t know what LaCroix has in mind for the end of it.
“Right.” Mercurio is sweating, you can smell it before you see it on his face.
Yet Prince ignores him altogether.
“Tell me, did you enjoy the night ride?” He asks with a smile and you look him in the eyes again, but not before crossing your arms and legs to indicate that you’re not a willing participant in this.
“Got your servants to track me or did you hitch a ride underneath my car yourself?” You snap back and in your periphery you can see Mercurio’s eyes bulging out of their sockets. He most likely never heard anyone talk to his Master like this.
Yet Sebastian laughs, he seems to be in a good mood today, like you were before you saw him here. And you would be happy to see him if you weren’t here to do secret dealings with his Ghoul. Mercurio seems not to appreciate this encounter either. You see him sipping his drink more often compared to someone simply enjoying the drink.
“Maybe I did. And yet you didn’t notice.” LaCroix says with a smirk, looking only at you. What’s gotten into him? Is this some kind of power display? You cannot tell but decide not to play into it, just in case it’s some sort of test.
“I’m sure I’d smell your overpriced cologne a mile away.” You roll your eyes and it makes Sebastian chuckle again.
“Do you like it better when I smell like your perfume instead?” He asks, eyebrow lifted and you and Mercurio are both staring at him now. You open your mouth to speak but he looks at Mercurio with a smirk. “And that’s what I meant when I told you that some women, Kindred or not, can be easily guided through their own emotions.”
“What the fuck.” You breathe out, but Sebastian chooses to ignore you.
“Yeah… I can definitely see that.” Mercurio replies carefully, giving you a glance then looking back at his Master.
“Right. I think that concludes our meeting for today.” LaCroix stands up and straightens out his clothes, the golden ring on his finger seems weirdly bright in this room. “Come to Venture Tower when the time comes for the monthly… allowance.” He smirks but it’s somewhat predatory, fangs showing.
“I will.” Mercurio nods, basically bows to Sebastian, and he turns to you.
“And you, Fledgling, I’m sure you have a task to attend to, do you not?” He asks and you grit your teeth but nod.
“I’ll get to it soon, I need to take care of couple things first.”
“Don’t disappoint me.” Prince says and finally exits, without looking back.
When the door behind him closes you and Mercurio remain in silence, both of you hoping that Sebastian won’t return. And thankfully he doesn’t, you hear the front door open and close.
“Girl, what the fuck.” Mercurio exhales breathing heavily, he looks at you shocked.
“Sorry.” You sigh and shrug.
“Did you try to upset him on purpose? Fuck!” He walks back to the mini bar and pours himself another drink, a full glass of it, then he chugs basically half of it.
“No, Mercurio, listen.” You stand up and walk towards him. “You’re not going to get in trouble, alright?” you assure him and he looks at you, almost scared, and you know he’s scared to lose his blood supply. Ghouls are dependent like that.
“Are you sure?” He asks and you nod.
“Yes. LaCroix pisses me off often, I talk to him like that also often. I’m not dead yet, am I?” You gesture at your body and Mercurio naively looks you up and down like he’s looking for physical damage but he just sees the same suit you wore to the Primogen meeting.
“Well, you are kind of dead already.” He murmurs and you smile, finally relaxing. You clap him on his back with your palm and a grin.
“You know what I mean.” You say and lean closer to him. “Now, I’ve came here for some merch.”
Rest of your dealings with Mercurio go as usual. He shows you what he got and you stock up. You leave his place with a hefty duffle bag while thinking how can you strap all of this onto yourself before you leave for Grout mansion. You start heading for your car but then you remember the mysterious email. You still walk to your car and put the duffle bag away but you also take Colt with you, putting it inside your waistband at the small of your back and some extra ammo that you hide in your inner suit jacket pocket. Just in case.
It’s always just in case.
Then you walk back, towards your former haven. There’s nothing suspicious on your way there but you don’t relax just yet. You have been ambushed before. When you enter the building there’s nothing out of the ordinary there either. Finally you walk upstairs towards the apartment you lived in briefly and stop, listening in. No sounds are coming from inside so you fish out a key out of your pocket and unlock the door.
Or so you think.
The door is unlocked already and you just need to push it for it to open. It’s dark inside but curtains are open and only lights from neon signs are illuminating the shapes of the furniture. You step into the room and flip the light switch, then step back in shock, Sebastian is here, in the kitchen area, leaning against the countertop with his back, his hands in pockets, a smile on his face.
“Surprise.” He says and you frown then quickly step back inside and close the door behind you.
“What the fuck are you doing here.” You say and he shrugs.
“Not the welcome I expected for sure.” He replies, his smile dropping, disappearing. There are flashes of red in his eyes but you can’t tell if it’s from his inner emotions or from neon signs outside.
“You haven’t answered me.” You say as you cross your arms on your chest and he shrugs again.
“Maybe I wanted to have a chat with you while nobody is listening.”
“Did you really follow me?” You rise an eyebrow, but Prince ignores it because he reaches for the radio and presses the button, letting the music fill the apartment space, then hides the hand in his pocket again.
“What were you doing at Mercurio?” He finally asks and you stare him down.
“I told you what I was doing there. I’m looking for Tung.” You stick to your lie and Sebastian inspects your eyes.
“Don’t make me force you to tell me.” He threatens and now you wonder if he really was at Mercurio’s on accident, which would make sense why he’s so suspicious.
“You’re not going to hear a different answer even if you do.” You reply convincingly enough and it seems to work as LaCroix steps towards you, his hands still in his pockets.
“Then why are you here?” He asks, radio still blaring music, thankfully not too loud, and you pause thinking.
“Why are you here?” You reply and he gives an angry looking smirk.
“Because I thought you would be naïve enough to come here.” He says as he stops on front of you. So it was him who sent the message? You don’t know what’s going on anymore.
“Did you send the message?” You ask and get another smirk.
“No, but your email address is on my network, I can read all your messages.” He explains and you try your best to not show any shock or anger.
“Are you going through my emails?!” You ask louder than you want and he shrugs. Again.
“Just the ones my workers inform me about as curious. It’s the first time they informed about one of your emails.” Is he lying? You cannot tell. It sounds sincere enough, but you can’t be sure.
“I have no more information than you.” You state, defensively even, and Sebastian leans just a little closer.
“Oh I know.” He says, somehow there’s a threat in his voice and you find yourself getting turned on. He’s doing it to you again, being demanding, domineering, you find it hard to resist.
“Then what do you want from me?” You ask, trying to sound angry, it’s the only defense against him that you have left and you wonder how long it will take for him to dismantle it completely.
“I’m here to remind you who you are loyal to. I’m sure Strauss tried his best to make you forget it.” Prince says and grabs your arm. You try to resist him but he pulls you against his chest and you struggle in retaliation.
“Let go of me.” You grunt angrily, but he chuckles in response.
“Just earlier tonight you were all about getting some sweet favors from me, what happened?” He asks as he starts walking, guiding you to the desk that once held your shitty laptop on top of it while you step backwards.
“What happened?” You repeat trying to stop him, to stop yourself from walking but he’s stronger than you, taller than you. “You are following me, that’s what happened.” You reply defiantly but shut up the moment your ass bumps against the desk. Prince smirks.
“But I wasn’t. Besides this one email, I generally leave you to your own devices.” He says and with his palms on your hips he lifts you just enough to make you sit on the top of your former desk.
“Sebastian, what are you doing?” You ask as you grip his upper arms for balance, not being able to fight against his guidance, and he looks you in the eyes, smiling.
“As I said, just reminding you who you are loyal to.” He whispers and then he kisses you, harshly.
You feel his fangs grazing against your lips and you open them to let his tongue into your mouth. You manage a small moan as you still grip his arms when he steps closer, his need undeniable, his lips becoming warm. So that’s how it’s going to go. For a moment you focus to let Blush of Life turn you almost human again and the specter of sensations switch from pleasant to intoxicating. His tongue, his arms sliding down your legs, pulling you closer so that your crotch is against his, you actually feel him becoming hard. You blush because now you can, your body responding to Sebastian in all the right ways.
“Not here.” You whisper against his lips and he pulls back just enough to look you into your eyes.
“Why not?” hHe asks and you glance towards the windows, indicating what you mean. Prince smirks in return. “Nobody will see. And if they do – I hope they’ll enjoy the show.” he whispers and presses his lips against yours, not letting you argue. Your face gets redder at the thought of being seen, you’re not sure if you’re embarrassed or even more turned on by the idea, but you close your eyes losing yourself in the kiss.
Maybe he’s right, maybe nobody will see.
While Sebastian is kissing you his hands are getting busy. They move to your pants and work hard to undo them. Then with just one hand he lifts you off the desk, just enough to pull your pants down with his free one. Then suddenly stops when your gun clatters on the desk. He breaks the kiss and looks behind you then softly laughs.
“Did not expect that.” He admits and you smile, then grab the gun and push it to the side letting it slip off the edge and drop on the floor with a heavy thud.
“I don’t follow strange emails unless I’m armed.” You say and LaCroix nods, understanding, then presses his lips against yours again, quickly moving along, rushed his urges.
But your pants are around your knees and when he tugs at your panties you stop kissing him just for a second. His eyes open again and he looks at you, he doesn’t know why you stopped. And to be honest you are not sure either.
“You want this, don’t you.” It’s a statement not a question, so instead of answering you catch his lower lip between your teeth, then gently suck on it. Yes, you want this.
With that affirmation he pulls down your panties. Your heels slip off your feet and drop on the floor with another loud thud, your pants and panties follow with less noise. Sebastian kisses you eagerly again, and when his fangs again scrape against your lips, he makes you slightly bleed, but in response his tongue works to catch every bead of blood that emerges. You moan. It’s too much yet not enough, you find it hard to think, but thankfully you don’t have to.
When you’re back being seated at the edge of a desk, he moves one hand and you hear his belt buckle being messed with. You let him lead while you’re holding onto him, then you hear a sound of fabric being moved followed with a feel of heat from his hard cock as it presses against your inner thigh.
“Come here.” He whispers and you listen, angling your hips for him, your legs wrapping around each of his thighs and pushing him closer.
Your eyes meet and you feel his hand move between the two of you, grasping his cock then guiding it towards you. When you feel the tip of his dick touching your entrance, you bite your lip down, not breaking the eye contact. You want this so bad.
“Ask for it.” He suddenly whispers while beginning to slide the tip up and down against you but not pushing forward and you gasp in response. This teasing is too much, you have not expected this from him. The only time you had sex before he just took you, this is so different.
“Give it to me, Sebastian.” You whisper back and he smirks, his other hand resting on the small of your back, not letting you back away, but it’s not like you would even think of that, you need this.
“Beg for me to fuck you.” He whispers again, he’s vulgar and you find it incredibly hot. You swallow down a moan. Fuck, he really knows what turns you on even if you like to fight it.
“Maybe just-“ You start but he cuts you off.
“Beg for me to fuck you or I’m leaving.” He says harsher now, the tip of his dick teasing you just enough to leave you craving, badly.
“Please, fuck me.” You give in and he finally smirks.
“Excuse me, what was that?” He teases more and you bite your lip down, being held back by your reservations just for a moment longer before you tell him what he wants to hear.
“Please fuck me, my Prince.” You say, your tone is husky from desire and the grin on his face widens.
“As you wish.” He replies and without a warning eagerly thrusts inside of you, filling you deeply. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you moan loudly, your nails digging into his arms, tearing at the fabric of his expensive suit.
He starts moving, basically pounding into you, not giving you any time to adjust, and you hear the desk underneath you creak, you feel it slide and bump against the wall. He fucks you harshly, like he wants to get back at you for something, but you don’t know what it is and can’t figure out it either. You’re just happy that this is happening, because you thought it never will. You are simply filled with pleasure.
Then LaCroix makes you lean away from him. With his hand on your chest he makes you lean backwards until you lie down on the desk. He stops thrusting just long enough as he undoes your jacket and your shirt, exposing your bra. But that’s not enough. He harshly yanks the cups of your bra down, exposing your breasts. You hear a hitched breath he’s trying to hide at the sight of you, it’s clear on his face that he likes what he sees and you let him look; out of breath, your hair messy, your chest exposed and his dick inside of you. You know he’s loving the view. And he confirms this by slowly starting to thrust again, his hot palms move to your breasts massaging them. You moan and let your hands drop over your head then you close your eyes, you don’t want to interrupt him because you’re enjoying his touch too much. His fingers teasing your nipples, rubbing them, gently pinching them, it’s driving you crazy.
“Aren’t you just the best girl.” Sebastian grunts as he fucks you, his pace once more harsh and full of power as his palms slide down your naked sides and stop at your hips to keep you in place. “Tell me what I want to hear.” He demands, his voice is gruff, full of lust and you don’t hesitate.
“I’m yours.” You moan, not minding how loud you are. That seems to please the Prince.
“Louder.” He demands and you repeat yourself, louder, your eyes still closed, you just want that sweet satisfaction that he’s been working your body towards.
Then suddenly he stops. Confused you open your eyes and look at him, you were so close you’re practically aching.
“Promise me you’ll be mine.” He says in a very domineering way, looking at you with eyes that speak of possessiveness.
You lift yourself on your elbows first, then wrap your arms around his neck pulling yourself up to his face. You could promise anything to him right now, you just want to feel what you felt back in that tiny office.
“I’m yours.” You say and that seems to satisfy Sebastian because he starts thrusting again.
But you want more, more than just his dick inside of you, even though that does feel absolutely incredible. So you pull at his shirt collar and he lets you, he knows what you want, what you need. He smirks and you feel it against your face as you lean to his neck and unceremoniously sink your teeth into his skin. You moan as his blood seeps into your mouth, slides down your throat, it’s like velvet, the best drug there is. And he still is pounding you, harsher now, while grunting with pleasure too, the desk banging against the wall with a loud thud with his every stroke.
And finally it hits you, the pleasure, the orgasm. Blood in your mouth and Sebastian deep inside of you, the combination almost makes your mind blank out, the experience is like nothing you ever felt before. You moan, maybe even shout, you don’t know. You pull from his neck, unable to focus and feel his arms pressing you firmly against his body as he slowly comes to a stop. You know he reached his high as well. You are both out of breath, clinging to each other, sweaty in your fancy suits.
It takes a good moment for both of you to finally move and when you do, you look each other into the eyes again.
“I wasn’t here to spy on you, I didn’t follow you.” Sebastian whispers and this time you believe him.
“I know.” You say and he kisses you again, passionately, but the Blush of Life is fading in both of you as you got what you physically wanted.
After a moment the kiss slows down, turns into almost lazy making out instead of passion driven attack. And then LaCroix pulls back, you caress his cheek and his jawline as you look each other in the eyes once more.
“I shouldn’t be doing this.” He admits and you smirk to him.
“You told me so before, and yet here you are.”
“Indeed. I am.” He smiles in return but moves to step away from you and you let him.
He is obviously attracted to you in some way, either it’s blood, physical desire or just a simple want to control you and claim you. Which one it is – you don’t know, but you think on it as you both fix your clothes in silence.
You take longer to dress than LaCroix, first putting back on your panties, then pants, fixing your bra. When you start buttoning your shirt Prince steps closer and helps you out. You rise your eyes at him and you see that his expression is calm, concentrated on the task. Then he straightens out the lapels of your suit jacket and his eyes meet yours. You are stunned by this moment, it’s somewhat tender, somehow more intimate than the sex itself or the blood sharing.
“Looking presentable again.” He says with a small smirk curling one side of his lips.
“Thank you.” You murmur not knowing what else to say but then he goes a step further and brushes a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“You did well tonight. In the meeting.” LaCroix’s voice is low, almost a whisper and you nod.
“Thank you.” You say again, your mind is blank, it makes him chuckle.
“I better get going. Sheriff is waiting for me outside. My absence will be noticed if I don’t return Downtown soon.” He explains and for a second you wonder if Sheriff heard what just happened here, but you don’t have a chance to think of a logical answer when Sebastian’s fingers lift your chin to him. “Be good to me. And I’ll be good to you.” He whispers and your eyes widen, what does this mean? He doesn’t let you answer and plants a short, but quite firm kiss on your lips, then steps back, eyes you up and down and with a smirk on his lips again he pushes one hand into his pocket and leaves after flipping the radio off.
When the door closes behind him, you remain standing where he left you, stunned. Prince’s steps fade downstairs, you hear front door open and close. Silence follows. Finally you snap out of your stupor and look around, then put on your heels remembering the email. If it wasn’t Sebastian who wanted you here, then who? You pick up your gun from the floor and tuck it back against the small of your back and then finally you notice it, a box under your former bed where there shouldn’t be one. You kneel on one knee to get the box out and when you open it you find a katana in there.
“Is this… loot?” You whisper to yourself and your phone suddenly beeps. You take it out of your pocket and check the screen.
It is loot.
“What the fuck?!” You quickly stand up and look around, you feel like you’re being watched. Then another text message comes in. You look at it.
There are cameras. But don’t worry, your secret is safe with me. I did enjoy the peepshow tho.
“Pervert.” You say out loud but dread fills your dead veins. Someone saw you and Prince of LA be intimate tonight. It’s not good. Should you tell him? Most likely. But before you can do anything another text message comes in.
Even I need fun sometimes. Don’t worry, nothing was recorded.
You look around, finally noticing at least two cameras. Fuck. How did both of you miss them? This isn’t good at all.
“How do I know you’re not lying?” You ask in the silence of the room and after a short while a new text message comes in.
You’ll have to trust me. But I am watching you.
You decide to get some answers and look at one of the cameras.
“I got an email, being warned that I’m being watched. I presume that’s you?” You wait for another message and it comes after a short pause.
I sent you the message, there is someone else watching you.
“Who?” You ask getting pretty annoyed with the situation, this time the message takes some time to arrive but when it does you see it’s a longer one this time.
I can’t tell you, but make sure to be careful. I’m a friend, not an enemy. The sword is from me as a gift. When we meet one day – you will understand.
You reread the message multiple times, trying to think of all the Kindred and Kine that could actually be on your side no matter how unlikely, but you can’t think of anyone who would be this type of a person.
“Alright.” You finally say and then another text message comes in.
Don’t tell your lover about me. It’s better that way.
“Heh, lover. Sure.” You say more to yourself than to your anonymous so-called friend but then nod towards the camera. “I won’t. But you better not make me regret this decision.”
You hope for another message, a promise of sorts maybe, but nothing comes so you put your phone back in your pocket and look back to the box that has the katana still in it. You take it, weight it in your hand, it feels good and looks sharp but light enough not to hinder you. You don’t know why this stranger is helping you, what’s the end goal there, but you won’t refuse help since you can’t see any threat. Yet.
You put the katana back in the box and take it in your arms. Before you leave you give the apartment one more look-around, then switch the light off and exit, locking the door then leaving the building.
The night air still smells amazing and before you start heading for your car you stop and look back at the windows of your former haven, wondering if anyone saw you with Sebastian from the street and if they did – did they recognize either of you or not. With a small smile at the memory of his touch on your body, you turn and walk away, carrying the box with you.
Next – Alistair Grout’s mansion. You feel ready for whatever comes your way. You’re becoming stronger, smarter and faster. You can handle this. You are absolutely sure you can.
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cyanea-lamarcki · 2 years
Vampire: the Masquerade Legacy Challenge
Since Forgotten Realms Chalenge I play is coming to the last quarter, I decided to look for some other challenges that might interest me. Along the way I decided to write my own rules for challenge inspired by my favorite roleplay setting, Vampire: The Masquerade. I took only Camarilla clans, and I totally ignored the 5th ediction, so Gangrels are also a part of this.
So, this is to be played as a legacy of vampires in The SIms 4. The next generation is supposed to be embraced by Vampire Creation ability, however, if you wish, your sims may reproduce the classic way.
Please, tag me if you find this interesting and wish to try it out. I would love to see your screenshots!
Generation 1: Ventrue
You are from old blood and old customs. You were born to rule, and everyone has no choice but to comply with it. The power of your persuasion and influence knows no bounds. All those young fledglings don’t realize how inferior are they to you, and they are needed to be guided with a firm hand. You deserve only the best, the most luxurious and rare, be it your house or the blood you drink.
Dress sim only in old-fashioned outfits
Traits: Proper, Snob, Squeamish
Get Good Manners (P) trait before aging up to adulthood
Max the Charisma skill
Reach the top of Politician (CL; Politician branch) or Business career (Investor branch)
Complete the Mansion Baron or Master Vampire aspiration
Get Command and Influence Emotion (3 Ranks) vampiric powers and Withered Stomach weakness
You may drink only from celebrities
Accumulate 300000 simoleons
Buy the Connections reward trait
Generation 2: Brujah
You had quite enough of your despotic sir! Now you want nothing to do with Camarilla; you join the Anarch rebellion, where the true freedom reigns. You’ll fight for what’s good left in your unlife, and you’ll do it damn well. You’re not afraid of taking risks and showing up those arrogant elders where their real place is.
Get your sim look like a punk! Or just rebellious enough.
Traits: Hot-headed, Bro, Active
Get Uncontrolled Emotions (P) trait before aging up to adulthood
Max the Fitness skill
Reach the top of Criminal (Boss branch) or Athlete (Bodybuilder branch) career
Complete the Bodybuilder or Extreme Sports Enthusiast (SE) aspiration
Get Vampiric Strength (3 Ranks) and Supernatural Speed vampiric powers and Sloppy Drinker weakness
Get the Roughhousing Encouraged Neighborhood Action Plan
Always participate in the Neighbourhood Brawl
Buy Brave reward trait
Generation 3: Nosferatu
To you, unlife is unfair. Cursed with ugly looks, forced to hide among the trash and to drink from junkies and rats – that could hardly make happy anyone. But you managed to find an escape in the Net and comradery among the other outcasts. You help to maintain the Masquerade with your outstanding hacking abilities, and that pays oh so well.
Create a really scary sim, even in non-dark form. When leaving home lot, always dress them in disguise.
Get a secluded dwelling for your sim
Traits: Geek, Glutton, Slob
Max the Programming skill
Reach the top of Criminal (Oracle branch) or Tech-Guru (Start-up Entrepreneur Branch) career
Complete the Computer Whiz or Fabulously Filthy aspiration
Get Mistform, Mesmerize vampiric powers and Undead Aura weakness
Buy Frugal reward trait
Generation 4: Toreador
Unlike your sir, you are really a sight for sore eyes – and have a plethora of admires to prove it. You managed to keep a part of your humanity with you, and that helps you to be more sensitive to an extent, but also more prone to a melancholy. You dream of becoming a great artist, but manage to create only bleek copies of what you used to make when you were a mere mortal.
Create a beautiful sim, dress them in fashionable outfits
Max Painting, Writing or any musical instrument skill
Traits: Romantic, Creative, Art or Music Lover
Reach the top of Painter (Patron of the Arts Branch) or Critic (CL; Arts Critic Branch) careers
Complete the Painter Extraordinaire, Bestselling Author, or Musical Genius aspiration
Get Vampiric Charm (3 Ranks) power and Eternal Sadness weakness
Buy Beguiling reward trait
Have at least 5 lovers to drink the blood from
Generation 5: Gangrel
The Beast inside you is more visible than in others. You managed to tame it – or did it manage to tame you? Who knows. You live in the wilderness accompanied by your animal servants and feel no need to be in human society. You care only about nature surrounding you, which suffers more and more from mortals’ hands.
Give your sim animalistic appearance: eyes, claws, teeth, ears or tail. Chosen traits should belong only to predator animal!
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Green Fiend, Loner
Live in the forest or rural area, far away from the bustle of cities
Max the Pet training (P) and Veterinarian (P) skill
Reach the top of Conservationist (IL; Environmental Manager Branch) or Civil Designer (EL; Green Technician branch) career
Complete the Outdoor Enthusiast (OR) or Friend of the Animals (P) aspiration
Get Bat Form, Beyond the Herd powers and Uncontrollable Hissing weakness
Buy Independent reward trait
Always have at least one animal companion
Generation 6: Tremere
You are so close. Soon you will discover all the dark secrets the immortal society hides, and you are prepared to delve into obscure things to find all the answers. Your knowledge of lore and potent magic of your blood make you stand out among the Kindred. The only weakness you have is that after ritual with your elders’ vitae no other blood quite sates you.
If possible, play with Vampire Spellcasters mod
Fill up your spellbook
Max the Medium (PS) and Vampiric Lore skills
Traits: Overachiever, Ambitious, Bookworm
Reach the top of the Scientist (GtW) or Paranormal Investigator (PS) career
Complete the StrangerVille Mystery (SV) or Spellcraft & Sorcery (RoM) aspiration
Get Occult Student (3 Ranks), Immortal Pleasures powers and Insatiable Thirst weakness
Buy Savant reward trait
Generation 7: Malkavian
They call you mad. Maybe you really are. You often feel a bunch of conflicting emotions, and act according to them. You consider yourself being blessed with a gift of a true sight. You don’t care about mortals’ and the Kindred’s opinion of you; you see them all through. Sometimes bearing with visions of the Final Nights becomes too much and you either succumb to them, or dose yourself with narcotic substances.
Get yourself crazy and weird outfits for each slot, like hot-dog, hamster or panda
Traits: Erratic, Childish, Paranoid
Max the Mischief skill
Each your third interaction with any sim should be from a Mischief category
Complete Chief of Mischief or Grilled Cheese Aspiration
Reach the top of the Culinary (Mixologist Branch) or Secret Agent (Villain branch) career
Get Detect Personality, Cast Hallucination and Deprive Needs powers and Guilty Drinker weakness
Buy Shameless reward trait
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fangable · 1 year
5, 6, 8, 17, and 20 for Veronica! On the meta questions ask game.
I wish to know the vampire secrets!
thank you very much my friend!!!!!!
5. What kind of abilities and power level does your oc have? Why did you give them their powers? What's the in-universe reason?
veronica currently has blood potency 2 (she's a 10th gen ancilla), presence 4, celerity & auspex 1 and dominate 2! she's very much presence-focused, she spent most of her unlife as a spy and she preferred to use charm to make people spill their secrets.
i really wanted to give her dominate though, and the explanation i originally suggested to my storyteller was that she sucked it out of some poor fledgling while participating in gustav breidenstein's hunts:
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(Camarilla sourcebook, p. 41)
this however is subject to change because i'm trying to come up with a better story!
6. What are the weaknesses in their power? Why did you give them their weaknesses? What's the in-universe reason?
i'm not quite sure how to interpret this question in veronica's case, so i think i'm just going to talk about the flaws i gave her!
enemy - this one comes from her predator type, which is siren. it's an ex-lover of hers named basilius, but the reason he's her enemy has less to do with the fact that they're exes and more with the fact that she wanted to open her own photo studio and he became convinced that they'd run it together. so now he feels cheated out of a business
stalkers - she's 1. a siren and 2. a decently popular photographer, so i figured it wouldn't be much of a stretch to give her this one
bond junkie - one of her convictions is that she won't let anyone control her, which comes from the fact that she's already spent roughly 60 years blood bound to her sire. she is also a hopeless hedonist. so i figured that giving her this flaw could be a source of some delicious delicious inner turmoil in the future
prey exclusion (unwashed and unkempt people) - went with this to highlight that she's still a pretty stereotypical vain & arrogant toreador sometimes
suspect (camarilla loyalists) - she's left the ivory tower not too long ago, so some of the camarilla kindred would certainly be pretty offended if she ever dared to speak to them
8. Does your oc have any notable flaws or activities they're not good at? Why did you give them those flaws? Why do they exist in-universe?
she's quite bad at pretty much anything physical. she has some fencing skills (courtesy of her sire who's a talented fencer), but other than that she's never really had a reason to learn how to fight. until now, that is - turns out that as an anarch you might need to get your hands dirty a bit more often.
17. List/describe up to five tropes that apply to your oc. They could be related to the oc's characterization or their narrative arc.
tragic backstory - oh she's got one. cushy life as a kid, losing it all and having to fend for herself before she hit adulthood, being blood bound for over half a century, multiple lovers who are now dead
the promiscuous bi/pansexual - i have nothing to say in my defence. she likes to have fun!!!
femme fatale girlboss whatever other words there might be. she's a businesswoman who will absolutely step on you
is "divorce coded" a trope? it should be a trope
20. Share a random piece of trivia about the creation of your oc. Examples: scrapped ideas or changes you didn't expect to make.
random piece of trivia: veronica is partially based on a sim-turned-oc i had as a teenager! her name was lilith, she was the firstborn child of a vampire lady and her crime boss husband, and had a penchant for killing family members and acquaintances. i'm not gonna lie i was a pretty edgy teenager.
so knowing that, you can see why it was so funny when veronica got invited to join the bahari. it wasn't something i ever planned for her but once she had the opportunity i knew i could NOT pass up on that
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ladyeroway · 2 years
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Even from your shadow
there's an urgency intoxicate
Dripping from your lips is a malevolent kiss
Ended up putting a nice overlay colour on this and couldn’t decide which one I liked better!
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a-rose-of-the-dust · 6 years
Valentine’s Day
“‘m gonna light this place on fire, starting with this heaping pile of horseshit.” David pinched the box of chocolates in between his thumb and forefinger with as much disgust as if it were packed full of literal dung. With a flick of his wrist, he sent it soaring across the white marble tiles to land neatly in the garbage bin. “Next time you pull something like this, that’s exactly what I’m gonna do.”
“Hey! I bought you the good stuff! Did you or did you not single-handedly demolish the Advent Calendar in a single sitting at Christmas?” Miriam planted her hands on her hips, glaring back at him. Words are just words. She reminded herself, trying to remember Hermione’s instructions. They were so careful to teach her that self-control wasn’t merely about avoiding actions, it was about her thoughts as well. Keep the Beast leashed, especially over petty, petty things like a box of expensive sweets.
That task grew more difficult as he closed the distance between them with three long, aggressive strides to jab a finger right between her eyes.
Sometimes she wondered if he ever did that to Alyosha, before their ‘transaction.’ He had no qualms about hollering the Lasombra down, working himself up into a rage that made the Russian cackle with glee, but she’d never seen him dare the Beast by putting something within biting distance. In public, at least.
Sometimes she wondered if he pushed on purpose, to find the boundary where she’d drop her human face.
“It ain’t about the fucking chocolate, Annie!” He loomed over her by half a foot, driving his index finger down into her forehead. “Don’t act like you’re fuckin’ stupid, kid, you’ve been in my shoes before. Wasn’t that long ago you were guzzling down the V just like me, gettin’ jerked around by a big bastard holding the leash, all googly-eyed and shit.”
Miriam reached up to move his finger away, her cool skin sharply juxtaposed against his rough, scarred hands. It was only a moment, brief enough to be missed by blinking in the wrong instant, but David froze.
Like prey. Like he was afraid or- oh.
Their hands parted and she broke eye contact, staring instead as the crinkled red package sticking up over the rim of the trash can. Fuckin’ stupid. His voice rang in her ears, riling her instincts even as she agreed with the declaration. “I was only trying to-“
“I know what you were trying to do.” He jammed both hands into his pockets, balled up into tight fists while he glowered in the opposite direction. “Doesn’t help much. You wanna do right by me, you wanna be nice? Don’t do that shit. You want me to work? Fine. You wanna be mean? Go nuts. You want me to rip somebody’s arms off for talkin’ shit? Wouldn’t be the first time I've done it. But don’t get cute and think it’s gonna fly, like we’re the same kinda friends we used to be.” David’s face scrunched up, heavily lined with fading scars and shadows that followed the crags of his worry lines. He had clearly lived a hard life, but there were no recent cuts or bruises and there hadn’t been since- “… ‘least Alexei never…”
His muttered statement trailed off, unfinished.
“… yeah,” Miriam agreed quietly. “Neither did the Boss.” It seemed to her that she could almost feel the silence spreading between them, like a thundercloud or fog bank, as they both muddled through the painful memories of where they’d both been such a short time ago.
-anything to see him smile, just once. He bares his teeth in a rictus grin, rows upon rows of bone-needle fangs. It is a punishment. “Here’s my smile, stupid. Bask all you want.”
Kindness. Cruelty. Hope. Delusion. The blood bond blended them all together until there was no real way to know which was which anymore. It felt sick. She felt sick, but she understood why he was angry. “If I could keep you alive without the blood - without turning you - I would. You deserve to be free.” 
He didn’t look at her, but Miriam figured that was alright too. Words were worthless, sometimes. Actions counted.
She walked past him to the garbage bin and picked it up, bracing it against her hip. “Come on,” Miriam forced a sunny smile. It didn’t matter that he was older, more experienced, perhaps even stronger - she held the power this time and that meant she had to be responsible for the harm she could inflict. Ugly truths or no: their choices were made. “You’re right, I-… let’s set this bad boy on fire.”
He lit it up in the backyard on a stretch of concrete, then retreated several feet to watch the refuse burn with her. She didn’t reach for his hand, nor he for hers, but as the flames spat oil-black smoke into the sky, a peace settled between them. Next year she’d send him somewhere else. Somewhere nice. Without her.
Maybe that would be something closer to kind.
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rpmemesbyarat · 3 years
Reasons Your Character Was Made A Vampire That ISN’T Love
I've been roleplaying in vampire games for awhile, and a very common motive that I see for why a character was made a vampire, was that the vampire who made them was in love with them (or lust, or just because they were beautiful). In fact, it's far and away the single most common reason given in bios, in my own experience. Another thing I see a lot is that the character was just turned RANDOMLY for no apparent reason, which is weird to say the least. And while I'm not going to say these are bad reasons you should never ever do or anything like that, I am here to offer some alternatives if you’re interested in them, if “love” or “attraction” doesn’t work for your story or character, etc: 1) Hate. If vampirism is a cursed existence, maybe it was brought about because the sire vampire hated your character and wanted them to suffer, or had a grudge against someone your character was connected to and wanted to punish them by “stealing” their loved one and making them a monster. Similarly, perhaps your character was being punished for something grave. Note that this really only works when being a vampire is a truly unfortunate thing to be; being given eternal life, youth, and a bevy of superpowers is not exactly a punishment on its own, especially if your vampire has ways around killing people for their blood (bagged blood, willing donors, psychic vampire, doesn't need to kill to feed, etc) so I would recommend it for canons where being a vampire really sucks, no pun intended. 2) Usefulness. Perhaps your character has some skill or ability that their sire had use for, or some role they could play, and it’s something they needed long enough to require making them a vampire. Or maybe the skill is needed, but it can only be useful if they also have the enhanced strength, speed, and healing typically associated with vampires in current pop culture. Or maybe they needed a patsy or pawn in some scheme, and they needed to be a fellow vampire, and what better one than some naive newcomer who trusts them? There’s endless potential reasons here! 3) Preservation. Maybe your character has some trait or skill that the vampire who turns them believed must be preserved forever. Maybe they’re a master artist not appreciated in their own time, the last speaker of a dead language, a scientist who needs more time on their work (a project the vampire themselves commissioned, perhaps?) than a natural lifespan can give, or some rare supernatural talent they already posess before being turned. 4) Worthiness. The vampire sees something in this character that they feel has earned being a vampire too. Maybe it’s ruthlessness, cleverness, military prowess, or drive to survive above all else. Maybe it’s unusual kindness, or unusual cruelty. Maybe they accomplished some great feat. Maybe they did a favor for the vampire in exchange for the gift. Again, there are vast options here depending on the personal standards of the sire. One good tip I recommend is to develop the sire vampire as a character themselves, not just as a background prop to the character being turned. What they value, what they're like, who they are that has NOTHING to do with their childer. Then look at that person, and go, why would they turn someone? A lot of times, the sire character either has no personality at all, or is just obsessed with the childer, and that's about the amount of thought given. I think that's part of why some people have a hard time thinking why their character would be turned, so they just go with 'well they were in love' or make it a random attack. There certainly are people who, if they were a vampire, would turn others for love. Others for greed or gain to themselves in some way. Others out of loneliness, a desire to preserve something they value, out of anger, because they were impressed---the reasons for someone to be turned are as numerous as people themselves, and most vampires (depending on the canon) are people. For ideas on why your character could be turned, another good reference is to check out the different clans of the “Vampire: The Masquerade” tabletop roleplaying game (which is where the terms sire and childer seem to originate!). Each clan has different values, and thus seek different traits in recruits, and have different ways of handling said recruits---teaching them, nurturing them, testing them cruelly, or straight up abandoning them to see how they do. This isn’t to say make your character(s) obvious expies of the clan in question (unless that’s what you want) but more like, say, if the way the Toreador clan or the Lasombra clan chooses and treats their “Embraces” sticks out to you as working for your character and/or their sire, there’s no reason you can’t use that for your own character even in a setting where those clans don’t exist. You can mix and match too----for instance, maybe the sire chose your character for Ventrue-like reasons (nobles, religious leaders, great military figures, successful CEOs, powerful mob bosses, etc) but treated them in a more Gangrel-like way (Embraced by ambush, then abandoned to survive on their own for a time and only re-approached by their sire once they proved their worth) Also, while most vampire RPs that I’ve seen work on the “human turned by a vampire who also used to be human” version, it is worth noting that while modern pop culture vampires are almost exclusively deliberately "made" by other vampires, that's not the case at all in the folklore(s) that they come from. These are some ways people became vampires in various legends from around the world:
- Dying without being baptized - Being buried improperly or not at all - Dying of suicide - Wicked deeds in life - People who were witches or werewolves in life; werewolves and vampires overlap in many folklores, and are sometimes the same creature. Ditto for vampires and witches. - Be the seventh child of the same sex in a family - In some stories, any corpse that was jumped over by an animal, particularly a dog or a cat, was feared to become one of the undead - Violent death - Unfinished business in life And if you’re making your own story, you can always make up your own unique way! Magical rituals, botched experiments, deals with gods, the possibilities are only limited by your imagination!
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badass-at-fandoming · 4 years
Just Little Ventrue Things ~
I finished a Camarilla Ventrue run of VTMB. Mostly, the only thing Ventrue these days know how to do is Dominate, run screaming, eat hot chip, and lie, and [high falsetto voice] here’s a list of other nonsense I discovered:
PC’s name is Christina; she’s a Dominatrix because I’m bi. Her sire was one of her clients, and she’s actually very, very angry about his death. She doesn’t mind being a vampire. She’s Wiccan and part of a coven
In this Camarilla run, I decided I would only do quests given by Camarilla members. My justification was that, while Christina is intelligent and curious about lore, she focuses on tasks that immediately relate to her and her goals. She’s not curious about others; won’t go out of her way to talk to them. She’s not a bleeding heart, like my other PCs, and she believes in the Camarilla’s laws. She just hates LaCroix for killing her sire. Her plan during the game is to curry as much favor within the Cam as possible and cozy up to LaCroix so she can stab him.
Enough backstory
Nonsense time
Smiling Jack laughs at you if you don’t eat a rat in the tutorial. LOL. The Ventrue dialog is like “I could barely choke down the homeless man: please don’t make me eat a rat!”
The blood in the Santa Monica haven’s fridge is now blue blood. Does regular blood make Ventrue sick? I was too scared to experiment.
[spots Mercurio] I am going to steal that ghoul
Rosa: The people you’re looking for are up there. Christina, assuming Rosa is a Cam agent: Okay, thanks, bye
Never spoke to the Thin-Bloods again (sorry Lily baby ;-;)
Everyone except Julius still leaves when the PC reaches Hollywood
If you try to feed on Julius, he WILL kick you in the head and you WILL glitch into the fire, be on fire; run away screaming in Prada
You can skip the whole basement of the Ocean House Hotel if you manage to jump over the hole in the staircase???? Like?? You mean the spookiest fucking level has been optional this whole time I”M
[ghost appears] [Christina smacks it with an axe] None of that.
Club girls speak to Christina and I’m on the FLOOR
Therese “kills” Jeanette, even though I had enough oompa to make that not happen.
Therese joins the Camarilla and says she’s in good position to be the next Prince??? Hello??? Where is our Prince Voerman ending????
Went straight to LaCroix, called him “sir,” and he name-dropped Napoleon.
LaCroix tells Christina to go visit the Anarchs. She blows the Anarchs off (Nines made a growly face, Damsel dialog yowl-exited out after I asked if she wanted to join the Cam; Skelter threatened to murder me twice). When LaCroix told Christina that, while he admired her Cam loyalty, she must listen to her enemies to understand what they wanted, it felt like he was actually being a good sire and mentor.
That’s weird.
When Christina asked for his history, he very carefully explained his lineage, like the important part of Ventrue culture it is.
Overall, I found LaCroix-being-nice-to-me extremely unsettling.
Sir. Stop smiling at me, sir. Stop being impressed I don’t ask for money. STOP MAKING ME UNDERSTAND WHY PEOPLE LIKE YOU, SIR.
In contrast, LaCroix sounded genuinely betrayed at the end
Also made it more obvious when he started to lose track of his marbles
Ventrue PC seems juuuuuuust tall enough for her forehead to glitch into the ceiling of literally any confined space
The dirty Elizabeth Dane policeman didn’t psspspspsp at Christina so the whole ship was 15 white-knuckled minutes of making police dance and scuttling about
There is!!! A lot less!!! Talking in this game!!! Than I remember!!! She is only good at talking and ordering people around i am bEGGING
All EXP goes to Dominate and making Christina extremely charismatic and buff.
Ventrue himbo????
Beckett un-himbo-ifies her
She insults Beckett on their first meeting, spitting out “What do you want, wolfie?!” I thought this was appropriate because she died like, 4 times on that warehouse mission and was Extremely Stressed And Under Duress
Beckett’s response of “Oh, you’re too young to have mouthed off to the truly old ones yet.” makes his later snide remark of “the young ones are so temperamental” 900% funnier. Yeah, LaCroix! Beckett thinks I’ve grown and am now more mature than you! XD
Missions involving sex workers hit different when you’re a sex worker.
Christina was incandescent with rage at the Brotherhood
Grout’s mansion mission was a lot of “I have no interest in this nonsense.”
For the first time ever, I didn’t kill anyone during the Museum quest! This is because Christina ran very fast and Dominated every guard as quickly as possible. Every single fucking guard knew she was there, but could do nothing about it, because they were dancing. The door to the sarcophagus locked (it will do this if too many guards are agro), but locked doors are no match for noclip hack.
Entertaining image of a tall woman absolutely blasting into this museum room and Beckett tackling her to the floor like wait! I must snark at you! You are legally obligated to speak with me!
Isaac is still somehow a pretty chill guy to work with if you’re Camarilla.
Christina didn’t visit VV or Ash. Interestingly, Ash didn’t show up at the hunter monastery later. Did he just die in his club? Is he still there, waiting, deciding?
Christina @ Andrei: what the fuck is this shit
“I don’t care. It’s ugly. Clean it up.”
Not as bad as I was expecting
Did take shortcut, run away from fights, ducked out in the middle for a snack, and bring 7 blue blood packs tho
Gary threatened to shred her face with a cheese grater, which I thought was Toreador only dialog?? It must be connected to the Appearance Stat. Which Christina has maxed out.
When Heather became Christina’s ghoul, I was delighted because I thought this meant Christina would always have fresh blood.
If you ask to feed on her too soon after the last time, Heather says she feels light headed and wants to lie down. The dialog exits out
I love you, Heather bb
Perfected the art of nudging NPCs into corners
Mitnick’s quests now feature Enforced Nap Time for all guards
Seriously, Dominate is ridiculously powerful, hooooly shit. I get why people like it. I also like it when people do things I ask them to do.
Christina can’t sneak, but she CAN strongly encourage everyone to choke on their own tongues.
Very high contrast in the beginning of the game: 2 punches would knock her over, but anyone she spoke to would obey immediately and without question
Chinatown goes by ridiculously fast if you can’t sneak and don’t do any sidequests besides Mitnick’s.
For the first time ever, Zhao survived! This is because Christina made him take a nap.
He just told her to leave
You’re welcome, my good dude
IDK if it’s a game glitch, but Christina would vocalize? In battle, she grunts with effort and pain.
Got to the point where I kept expecting Dominate dialog in every interaction and would get disappointed if it didn’t show up. What do you mean I have to actually convince people? That’s lame.
Christina was polite and charming to Ming Xiao, who also conveyed a deeper betrayal than normal at the end. ;-;
I promise to give you a Ventrue boy toy soon, Xiao
Finale arc quests went by VERY FAST because Christina can’t sneak for shit. Just run in, Dominate blazing
You can skip the outside bit of the Hallowbrook Hotel if you find the open door on the top level what the fuuuuuuuuuCK
[“A Little Party Never Killed Nobody” plays while Christina wipes out the Sabbat in 10 minutes]
Andrei disappeared mid-fight and didn’t come back until I complained that only I was allowed to run away from boss fights
I’m categorizing “triggering the interaction to save Heather” as something quite difficult to do. The timing has to be just right. I’ve missed it twice now. BUT hacking into the game to save her is easy.
I love you, Heather bb
Final Beckett talk had the vibe of “You’re a very different person than me, but you’re also High Humanity and trying to do good. You don’t deserve to die.”
Damsel threatens to kick the shit out of Christina and is extremely reluctant to tell her where Nines is
“Out of all people, they send you? All right, let’s just talk terms.” - Nines because Christina was short with him one (1) time
You can just?? Walk out of your haven?? Without speaking to Jack at all???
I didn’t do that
But I could have
[”Dust in the Wind” plays while Christina kills entire Camarilla hit squad in 3 minutes]
You can visit Mercurio and Trip on your way out of Santa Monica??
Mercurio makes no comment on the blood hunt. Business as usual with him. This is fine.
Christina: I’m SO going to adopt that ghoul. And perhaps Isaac can be convinced to part with Romero...
(For the first time ever, my PC boinked Romero. Twice, to receive the break up email)
This is definitely a glitch, but Christina brushed up against Caine, and a worried voice said, “Are you all right?” It sounded like the same voice actor, but a higher pitch?
Always nice to think about Caine demonstrating care
Christina asked Caine who he is, and Caine replied that he “gets people where they’re going. [He’s] a driver,”  which is a nice nod (lol) to both his literal job as a driver and as a shepherd/creator/god to Kindred. Caine creates and makes fate.
Caine triple checks with Christina that she’s sure Strauss won’t betray her. Thanks, Vampire Dad. :’D
For some reason, only other Ventrue guarded LaCroix’s tower. I wonder if this is intentional. Like all the other Camarilla Clans backed Strauss and left? So only LaCroix’s Ventrue lackeys remain? Anyway, it created some weird moments where Christina fought her double.
Sheriff laughed in haughty joy that he was to kill Christina. I don’t remember him laughing in other playthroughs.
Christina ruining Caine and Jack’s prank oh noes
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missn11 · 3 years
So I was spacing out thinking about vampires (as one does), and, in Bloodlines, do you think Rolf Toten and Kent Alan Ryan are in the same coterie? They're both Toreadors who had to disappear so fast they left people behind. Toten left Lily; Ryan left Patty. I forget if Lily ever said why Rolf left. Was someone after him for illegally Embracing her? Or were these Toreadors among the Kindred who left LA because of the Bad Vibes? Thank you for entertaining this silly query, haha. How's the Kill Your Boss Play watch going?
@badass-at-cuddling you know you could be on to something there, but I wonder why Kent would need to leave his ghoul, unless he has a ton of ghouls, keeping Patty around would be a good idea to keep an eye on him. I always got the idea that he had gone missing and maybe gotten murdered by Grout or his patients and that was why he wasn't around.
From Lily's diary, Rolf had left her behind since she was thinblood and a lot of Kindred saw thinblood as the sign of the end times and he didn't want to have trouble with bringing a thinblood with him. and he could have been part of the Camarilla or with Anarchs who were really anti thinblood.
But maybe Rolf and Kent did know each other and got out of dodge when the vibes in LA got bad. (though Rolf left I think like nearly a year ago and I think only Kent had disappeared recently?)
::Edit:: Oops I forgot one more thing! XD Oh yes, I’m at episode 8 and Riam is quite the bastard in trying to make Logan think that MC has abandoned him! 😭 and I don’t know if this is different if you chose to give Noah the casual clothes but his dad is really sucky bro! but everything continues to be interesting and ever so pretty :D but man so much has happened in such a short space of time that I’m excited to see what happens in the next 12 episodes.
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thegenteelblackhole · 4 years
Okay okay; Cyberpunk 2077 but it’s Vampire the Masquerade
Cop out answer; everyone’s a Brujah.
The real answer;
Arasaka and the Corps are the Tower, run of course by the Ventrue. The Arasaka clan are all ventrue in a kind of Giovanni way, or they all take the name Arasaka when they’re embraced kind of like the Cullens (but not weird, cause they don’t fuck).
The merc/gang economy is the Anarch faction.
V - Can be any clan, likely Brujah but may also be Tremere for a Netrunner? Idk put your suggestions in the replies! Mine would probably be a Lasombra or Banu Haqim from my play style but still an Anarch because she was betrayed by the tower.
Rogue - Ventrue. BOSS ASS BITCH. Inspires awe. Kicks ass, takes name. Literal Queen. Maybe also Ministry.
Johnny - Toreador/Brujah. He’s passionate and convinced of his ideals. He loves music and uses it to inspire change in people. Max seduction. Inspire awe.
Kerry - Toreador. Look at him, guys ~fancy~ but he still has a deep love for what he does.
Panam - Gangrel. She’s more at home outside the city, she loves the openness of the badlands. Nobody could cage her.
Judy - Thin blood. Maybe. Idk I feel like thin blood alchemy is a good analogy to her techieness, and she’s a creator so she probably has a whole bunch of recipes and concoctions.
River - Banu Haqim. Police officer, enforcer type who is more set by his own convictions that those of the organisation he works for.
Jackie - Brujah but soft too. Ride or die. Will always stand by you.
Viktor - Nosferatu, used to be doctor and still performs vital medical services for injured Kindred. Still kinda hot though, if you like that sort of thing.
Misty - Tremere, House Carna. Need I say more?
Takemura - Banu Haqim. Enforcer, similarly to River but utterly devoted to the Arasaka clan.
Oda - Also a Banu Haqim, probably Takemuras childe.
Evelyn - Hecata, Lamia. Feminist for a vampire, absolutely believes in Lilith.
Do you have any more suggestions? I want to hear them.
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masterofmaagnetism · 3 years
A Monster in the Dark - Chapter 11
[ self ship fanfic about Nightmare Bonnie (and also maybe Nightmare Freddy) and my insomniac s/i :) ]
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“You need to sleep,” Fredmare spoke up for the first time in three hours, originally content to listen to the tapping of Cane’s keyboard, but now growing concerned for the man.
“Not in the mood to get lectured by a nightmare,” Cane replied, not looking away from his laptop as he took a sip of his coffee. “Besides, I only sleep during the day.” It was currently 1am- close enough to morning in Fredmare’s mind.
He heard the nightmare sigh behind him, and then the bed frame creaking as he moved. He didn’t really care until a clawed paw came up in front of him, gently shutting his laptop. “Taking direct action, Fredmare? I thought that was NightBon’s thing.”
The bear chuckled, the sound somehow making him feel safe again. “Sometimes direct action is needed. It’s early enough to be morning, and you need to sleep. I know your boss gave you the day off.”
Cane turned around at that, only to be met with Fredmare’s chest. He looked up, only to find the bear already looking down at him. Not to mention how his paws were both resting on the desk behind him. For all intents and purposes, Canetheus was trapped.
“Stalking me now?” he joked, somehow more at ease, earning another low chuckle from Fredmare.
“No. I am reading your texts though.” Cane let out a feigned offended gasp at the admittance, placing a hand over his heart. Fredmare would probably be grinning if he was capable of it. “I do also know that you’re just stalling,” he added, picking Cane up without giving him time to process it and tossing him onto the bed.
Almost immediately, one of the cubs hopped onto him, curling up on his stomach to keep him there. He let out a defeated sigh, laying back on the pillows. “Just laying here won’t do anything. You underestimate my ability to just daydream the whole night.”
“I have a very simple solution,” Fredmare replied, coaxing a little, “oh?” from Canetheus. “Very simple,” he repeated for good measure as he got closer to the bed, this time getting a suspicious look from the human that he couldn’t help but laugh at.
Cane tried to scoot away when Fredmare moved onto the bed, but the bear simply pulled him into his arms, the cub resting atop him giving a glitchy sound of protest.
When Cane tried to ask what was happening, Fredmare just shushed him, gesturing for him to just listen. Once he was sure his captive would stay quiet, he set his plan into motion.
A light, cheery tune began to play, seemingly out of Fredmare’s chest. Cane glanced up at him, immediately recognizing the melody as Freddy’s signature song, back when the animatronic was in order.
“Toreador’s March?” he asked softly, getting a nod in return. He remembered the tune always making him feel at home, something he didn’t get often in this new house. “I didn’t know you still had a music box…” he trailed off, already getting sleepier the longer the song played.
“Neither did I,” he heard Fredmare mutter in reply, before he drifted off entirely.
And, for once, his sleep was not plagued by nightmares. To be honest, he didn’t dream at all, which he was absolutely not complaining about.
Because the only thing worse than a nightmare, is a dream.
Cane was a little surprised to wake up both in his bed and with all the lights on. “Maybe that’ll be my new solution,” he muttered to himself, stretching his arms above his head, groaning softly when his elbows popped.
“I don’t think your bones are supposed to make that sound.” Cane jumped at the sudden voice, very happy now that the cub sleeping on him last night appeared to no longer be there.
“Don’t-! Scare me like that!” he whined, lightly hitting Fredmare’s arm on instinct, the bear chuckling lowly at the blow.
Fredmare reached up to his little top hat, giving it a small, apologetic tilt. “My deepest apologies,” he replied, the rumble in chest making Cane look away.
He muttered a “shut the hell up,” before rolling out of the bed, stretching again before he made his way to the kitchen, to feed both Cheesy Dip and himself.
Only to jump again when he saw a pouting NightBon sitting on his couch.
Oh right, his plan.
Last night, Canetheus had realized something about NightBon’s sudden and terrifying outburst- it was just trying to regain his attention. It didn’t like that he was ignoring it, so it threw a temper tantrum. 
Realizing this made his payback plan a lot easier, and a lot more fun to put into motion. He wasn’t going to ignore it again (he wasn’t exactly fond of the idea of having to get attacked by Salem and the gang again) since that hadn’t worked out too well, but he had something even better.
He was going to go back to being scared of it.
Now, maybe this wasn’t the best plan, but he’d also noticed that NightBon had enjoyed it when he was talking to it regularly, especially when he seemed to trust it. Besides, falling back into fear was quite easy and knowing that he’d have Fredmare in his corner helped.
So he stood there, frozen, when NightBon looked at him. The monster huffed, crossing its arm, at first not seeing that Cane was slowly backing up and away from it, fear in his eyes.
Now it was NightBon’s turn to freeze. This is what it wanted, right? For Cane to pay attention to it, even if it was out of fear? The more it thought about it, the more it realized that it didn’t like this at all.
It opened its mouth to say something- whether it was going to apologize or tell him to suck it up was still being debated- but Canetheus cut it off.
“I-I’m sorry,” he quickly blurted out, NightBon flinching at the terror in his voice. “I didn’t mean to snap last night, I swear! I was just really stressed out and scared and-” his voice caught in his throat when NightBon started moving.
Before either of them could do anything though, Cheesy lept in front of Cane, the fur on her back standing up and her ears back in preparation of a fight. She hissed loudly at NightBon, who simply gave her an incredulous look.
Cane was quick to take the distraction, turning away from the bunny to grab Cheesy’s food. He couldn’t help but grin slightly when his back was turned, the almost dejected look on the animatronic’s face showing him that the ending would be worth it.
He fed his cat quickly, before retreating back to his bedroom to get dressed. Fredmare had disappeared since then, likely watching his plan unfold from the shadows. 
“Maybe this’ll convince it to not be such a baby,” he muttered as he pulled an oversized pink sweater over his white button up, intending on wearing an actually matching outfit for once.
What he didn’t expect was to open his door and find NightBon standing in the doorway.
He jumped back with a yelp, backing into his bed and toppling over onto the mattress. The fear in his eyes was genuine this time as he continued backing up right until he hit his headboard. 
Something else he didn’t expect was the sad look in NightBon’s eyes at his sudden fear, but that only confirmed his suspicion that it had been genuinely enjoying their short friendship. ‘Got a fucked up way of showing it…’ Canetheus thought, staring the monster right in the eyes, half daring it to move but mostly willing it to leave.
Thankfully, it did the latter, shooting Cane one more sad look before disappearing from the doorway.
If it thought that looking at him like it was a kicked puppy was gonna make its punishment end quicker, it was sorely mistaken, because Cane had at least a month of spite bottled up.
He just didn’t anticipate for it to fight back.
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gorgeousgarygolden · 4 years
☕️ the clans?
Banu Haqim: Never dealt with them. And I’d rather keep it that way. I’m perfectly fine dragging anything through the mud, but assassination is pretty much off the table. No self-respecting Nosferatu wouldn’t want a few of their secrets...but it comes at far too steep of a price. Brujah: Fun to set off and watch the explosion happen to someone else. Always have to watch out for that temper, because it seems to turn in an instant for even the most temperate Brujah. Gangrel: Always happy to do business with another “low clan”. Of all the other Camarilla clans, Gangrel are the closest I have to a “favorite”. They generally keep to themselves, and we generally keep to ourselves save for the constant spying, it’s the perfect friendship. And any of them that come to me do so in person, and without an ounce of complaining for the impossible maze of fetid tunnels along the way. Giovanni: There is no way to record my gagging noises in text, so just...substitute your own. Every vampire has skeletons in their closet, but the average Giovanni has an entire CATACOMBS worth of disgusting secrets best left buried, and that’s even BEFORE you touch the necromancy. I’m a professional, I’ll do business with them, but trust me when I say you have to REEK of shit for a Nosferatu to not want to dig further. Lasombra: My sire told me something important once: she told me that if you see one of those fuckers around, the shadows are no longer your friend; stick to the brightest spot possible, and better hope you weren’t spotted.  Even at their calmest, they are still Sabbat, and would probably drag you into the Abyss for one stale corn chip. Malkavian: I feel a bit sorry for Malkavians, to tell the truth. Has to hurt, to be the tragic Cassandra, spouting prophecy and warnings that go unheeded just because everyone thinks you’ve got a few screws loose. So I try to listen, to put it all together. Nosferatu: Best clan? Best clan. Of course I think of myself quite highly boss, and rightfully so. Completely invaluable to the Camarilla but also completely wretched to the core, so no matter how we act up they’ve -got- to keep us around. Setites: Never trust a snake, so why should you trust a Setite? I haven’t dealt with them much either, but I’m not much fond of cults, and as far as I can tell they are the world’s awfulest set of nesting dolls of cult within a cult within a cult. Toreador: Oh excuse me boss, I have to go VOMIT. UGH. I just want to take these claws to their pretty little faces, so they can shut up about how hard their unlife is because there is a single hair out of place on their pretty little heads. Trust me when I say it gets worse, boss. And if you don’t believe me, why you can pay old Gary a visit down here in the Warrens. I’ve got a bucket of primo sewer muck with your name on it. But I shouldn’t be -too- bitter, I suppose. Cursed with ennui, they are. Forever chasing some artistic (or sexual) highs that they’ll either never hit again or get so absorbed in it they die trying. Just wish it would happen a bit -faster- for the lot of them. Tzimisce: “If you see a disgusting abomination of nature capering in the shadows, that’s another Nosferatu. Go give them one of the hand signals, say hello.” “You see a disgusting abomination of nature capering in the streetlights, that’s a Tzimisce. Run like hell.” I look like this because of the clan curse, I can’t change this for anything. Tzimisce liquefy their own eyeballs or cover themselves in bone spikes for FUN. That’s just too much for me, boss. Nope. They can stay right over there with their other Sabbat flunkies. Tremere: Let’s be real here. Who with common sense DOESN’T hate the Tremere? I have to hand it to them for their skill at being underhanded at this  point, there isn’t a single thing the Tremere have that they did not steal, and even with the sheer amount of vampires just -aching- to give them some payback for it, they’ve held onto it all. Probably because they can boil every drop of your blood in your body by using their brain. Ventrue: Ah, the high and mighty Ventrue, masters of finance, forcing everyone to do exactly what they want with gross use of Dominate, and Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. Each one is sired with a clipboard in hand and a silver spoon jammed in their mouth, I’m sure. As much as I bellyache though, at least they do a good job at being the “public face” of the Camarilla. Because if you like getting punched so much, by all means, do it for me. I swear half of them only survive as long as they do BECAUSE they’re so good at taking a punch... Ravnos: Don’t see much of them anymore, boss. They’re all gone. Or is that what they -want- you to believe? Their ability with illusions is a hell of a discipline, and I’ve never seen one who doesn’t have their skillset tailored to the sharpest point possible to make the most use of it. I suppose they have to; they’re another clan almost universally despised.
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nerianasims · 4 years
I have finished playthroughs with my first group of characters in Vampire (Toreador, Brujah, Malkavian) and am moving on to the group that is not made of self-inserts (Ventrue, Gangrel, Tremere.) I have no problems getting into the mindset of the Gangrel and Tremere. The Ventrue... we’ll see as I play longer, I guess. I’m not playing a Nosferatu because I get lost every time I’m forced to go into the sewers.
By the way, don’t play a Malkavian the first time you play. Battle isn’t the issue, as Dementation is actually incredibly useful in fights. Vision of Death stuns bosses momentarily, which means for me Dementation’s actually a better battle discipline than Celerity. But conversation is difficult. Good luck figuring out what your Malkavian is saying more than half the time. Also if you do figure it out, Malkavian insight means you’ll be spoilered. Malkavians are very, very fun to play though. Eventually.
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krahka · 5 years
The KleskizhAUs and their Poetic Styles
Under read more because lomg
SWTOR Kleskizhae
Ridiculous Sith Juggernaut. Excessively proud of his Sith ancestry but also ridiculously light side and somehow doesn’t see this as a problem. Loves lightsabers, loves the Empire but is a little less clear on whether he likes the Empire as an institution or the Empire as the people, and hint, it’s the people, he’ll pick the people if he had to.
DS!SWTOR Kleskizhae
Ridiculous and awful Sith Juggernaut. Believes himself morally and genetically superior to all others. Delights in toying with his inferiors, especially in breaking their hearts with his charm and facade of kindness. 
Poetry: Flowery and romantic and flattering. More or less copies of ancient Sith poems, but with the words changed a bit. They’re mostly for showing off how cultured he is and how much he loves you babe, so he doesn’t put in much effort. 
ESO Kleskizhae
Altmer Battlemage. A scion of the Direnni but not on great terms with his family due to his allegiance to the Aldmeri Dominion and his marrying a Bosmer because of Spinner shenanigans. Ambassador of the Queen and definitely not one of her Eyes nosir. Got pressganged into the Buoyant Armigers after impressing Vivec by exemplifying all of hir favorite virtues and vices just by accident.
Poetry: Sonnets. Ballads. Sexually explicit but it’s so purple that you can hardly tell just how sexually explicit it really is. Mostly about his own adventures and the people he knows. Melodramatic as fuck. The stuff he wrote when Vivec specifically was taking an interest in him is his best work, since he starts getting more experimental and tones down the silliness without losing that red hot emotional core that really elevates the verse to something that so many people try and fail to replicate in the future that it’s become its own genre. 
DS!ESO Kleskizhae
Altmer Battlemage what dabbles in necromancy. Believes himself the rightful king of all of High Rock with the Bretons as his rebellious subjects. Allied with Mannimarco because he promised him that when Planemeld happened, he could have his ancestral holdings all to himself, with all the people there living only to glorify him. The kinda guy you end up killing in the Daggerfall Covenant quests or in a Balfiera focused dungeon DLC. 
Poetry: Pretty similar to light side ESO!Kleskizhae, but if he thinks you didn’t appreciate his work he’ll torture you until you do. Try and critique it and he’ll just plain murder you and raise your corpse to grovel for his forgiveness and admit that you were wrong. Also his poetry is his annoying boss mechanic somehow. Didn’t read the books in his dungeon? Too bad because that’s how you defeat him. 
GW2 Klejskizae
Norn Herald. Skald, champion of Wolf, Lightbringer of the Order of Whispers. A Delight unto all people of Tyria! Your new best friend who is not using your friendship with him to learn your secrets! Come and listen to him channel the spirits and the Legends next Dragon Bash!
Poetry: Actually more into prose. Veddas. Stories about heroes, exaggerated for effect. Tales that he keeps in his mind that he tells differently each time he’s asked to tell it, depending on what he thinks his audience needs to hear. The poetry tends to be more personal, often taking the form of prayers to the Spirits that are between him and them. Also will write songs, also about heroes, with calls to action for the Pact. 
TES!Specifically Klejskizae
Nord Skaald. Traveling yeller. Delighter of audiences all throughout Tamriel. Follower of the Old Ways. Probably also in the Blades. 
Poetry: SCREAMING TAVERN SONGS. Great heroes, sometimes gets kicked out of taverns in Skyrim because he’s performing songs about non-Nord heroes but how can you not be excited by EVERYONE
SWTOR!Specifically Klejskizae
Mandalorian what will scream battle poems in your ear as he faces you in glorious hand to hand combat. Has some very weird ideas of what being Mandalorian is, but they’re closer to reality than his Sith version’s ideas of being Sith. 
Poetry: You thought Sith Kleskizhae’s poetry was gory and violent? You haven’t heard Mando Klejskizae. They are ridiculous. Everything ends with lovers embracing for the last time as they die in battle and their death is described in excruciating detail.
FFXIV Kleskizhae
Ishgardian adventurer. Dragoony Bard. Got kicked out for being way too scandalous for the theocracy and for talking too much about how he thought that maybe we should just smooch the Dragons? 
Poetry: The poetry isn’t why he’s not liked back in Ishgard, though that poetry was a means to transmit his unpopular and scandalous ideas and activities. The poetry specifically is why he’s distrusted in Gridania after he met an elemental and challenged it to a rap battle and it went very poorly. (Kleskizhae won and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise or that that’s not the point and there is no winning because he definitely won)
West Coast Fallout Klaus K. Zheng
Paladin of the Brotherhood of Steel. Sort of into the whole BoS thing of keeping dangerous tech out of people’s hands but also he’s into protecting people in any way he can, since they must protect those who will inherit the past, yes? That is what we’re doing, right? Right?
Poetry: He found a book of poems about Arthurian legends and they changed his life, as did Grognak the Barbarian which he’s sure is in the same canon. He’s also read a bunch of Shakespeare and only sort of understands it. So yeah, sonnets that are Shakespeare ripoffs. Casting modern topics into medieval terms. Sometimes it’ll get weird and his BoS worldview will come in and make them anachronistic but it’s unintentional because he just wants to write like the knights of yore. 
East Coast Fallout Klaus K. Zheng
Enclave soldier, later deserter once he sees that oh shit killing everyone wasn’t supposed to be what they were going to do! He wasn’t listening to the quiet part! Ends up aiding synths because it pisses off the BoS and also saves lives. Still believes in America but it’s one that maybe never existed. 
Poetry: The Enclave did preserve a lot of good American literature in their databanks, though they’re kinda sketchy about distributing it to their soldiers since even before 2077 they realized that a lot of the American canon contains like, anti-war, anti-corporate ideas and they couldn’t have that in their new society. He read Leaves of Grass once and it blew his mind. He might just surrender to the Brotherhood if they let him have access to their books, because he needs those. But also he might not because they would probably kill him and he’s also spending his post-Raven Rock time helping synths out of the Institute and that’s something they’d kill him for. And probably also kill a lot of other people if they realized that the Railroad had ex-Enclave in there. And the Institute doesn’t care for the humanities, which is why they had to create machines to teach them how to be human and then proceed to do such terrible things to the humans they’ve created; because they are less machine than they are and they resent them for it. 
Modern Vlogger Klaus K. Zheng
Relationship advice vlogger, specifically as a counter-voice to all those shitty misogynist PUAs that are targeting lonely straight men. Also here for the lonely women and the lonely queers since he’s a queer man himself. 
Poetry: He’s got a Master’s in Poetry and he feels it was time well spent, even if he didn’t care as much for academia as he did for the writing and the reading. One of the rewards for donating to his Patreon at a higher tier is a short poem written just for you about whatever subject you wish. (Assuming that it’s not extremely objectionable. He’ll gladly write poems about all sorts of sex acts, but he won’t write one about the virtues of white power.)
HZD Kleskizhae
Carja Warrior. Participated in the Red Raids because that was what the will of the Sun was but he couldn’t take the violence and the genocide and ended up joining with Sun-Prince Avad to overthrow the murderous king literally as soon as he could. Has been on a tour of goodwill ever since. 
Poetry: Overuses the words “glinting”, “scintillating”, “resplendent”, “radiant”, “brilliant” and other words that mean A LOT OF LIGHT because he’s really into writing ridiculous songs about the Sun. A lot more personal and emotional than a lot of Carja poetry, since it’s more about love than about praising the Sun or the King. It’s a new dawn, and what the world needs is love’s shining rays to heal her wounds. With the help of some Oseram who wanted to promote the newly invented phonograph, manages to become the first real pop star after the apocalypse.
DA Kleskizhae
Tevinter Battlemage. Was sent off to the front lines against the Qunari to keep from embarrassing his family and his master. Accidentally ended up embarrassing them anyway. 
Poetry: So he’s really into bringing up the Old Gods in his poems. He doesn’t worship them, he’s a good Andrastian, but you know how in the Renaissance everyone was a huge Greeceaboo? Yeah, it’s like that. 
WtA Klaus K. Zheng
Fianna Galliard. He’s a werewolf poet who sings ballads of his pack’s glorious battles and lifts their spirits in the name of Gaia and Stag!
Poetry: He’s got a soft spot for dirty limericks. All of the Kleskizhaes will make improv poems upon request when they’re drunk enough but Fianna!Klaus is the master of the drunken on-the-spot poem. Like they get way better when he’s drunk and they’re improvised, as opposed to the usual thing where they’re charmingly bad.
VtM Klaus K. Zheng
Toreador. Got the vampire bug some time in the Victorian era, I dunno if he was actually British or what.
Poetry: Lord Byron himself once called his poems “a bit maudlin.” His sire was certainly fond of his work, but if he had more time in his peak living creative years he would have probably been a better known figure in the Romantic movement. As it is he’s fairly irrelevant and forgotten by all but a few intense scholars of the period, and even they consider him a minor figure. 
Shadowrun Klaus K. Zheng
Elven Street Samurai. Just wants to make the world a better place through the power of love and also katanas. Probably unfortunately involved with Aztechnology which is gonna end badly for him probably. 
Poetry: Machines and corporations have not yet conquered the metahuman soul, and that is why he writes. Has been banned from a couple of Runner BBSs for constantly posting about his latest runs in the form of epic poem, and that’s not what these boards are for, @GLORIOUSSAMURAI, please turn off your caps lock
Star Trek Kleskizhae
Romulan Tactical Officer. Fought in the Dominion War, joined the Romulan Republic after Romulus asplode, because they wouldn’t let him quietly desert and because he believes in the true Romulan spirit that can never be repressed!
Poetry: He’s trying to revive ancient pre-Awakening Vulcan poetic traditions whilst failing to recognize that lots of it doesn’t work in the modern Romulan language. He’s always been super into poetry but after the destruction of Romulus, he becomes obsessed with writing the perfect series of poems to describe it for the future, so that people will remember what it’s like long after everyone who remembers it is dead. He hasn’t been successful yet and it’s upsetting him but he can’t just not do it. He owes it to the dead. 
Bionicle Kleskizhae
He's a proud Skakdi warlord of Fire who is trying his best to unite his proud and noble people against the wicked deprivations of the Makuta and might also be in the Order of Mata Nui because sometimes Kleskizhae is a spy? But always he is very loud. 
Poetry: Extremely long and elaborate war chants with 40 verses that he’s trying to get his guys to chant into battle but no one else but him can remember it all and he keeps adding more verses. But also he’s written love poetry that’s gone all the way around Greg and made romance canon again! He’s done it! With the chiseling of the tablets he’s made love real!
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with lucia’s playthrough, i sided with the anarchs, but as i think more about it, i’m wondering if the independent ending wouldn’t have suited her better.
not that she would actually oppose the anarchs. forest fires clear out the underbrush to make room for new growth; life and new creation comes hand-in-hand with death and destruction. this is a central tenant of her personal philosophy, and if she applies the metaphor to the situation she finds herself in, it’s clear to her that the anarchs are the ones that could provide the fire, not the camarilla.
buuuuuuut. i think she might veer independent for (some of) the same reasons that she’s a toreador, not a brujah.
her worldview is, in general, fairly focused on her. now, she much prefers to side with the underdog than anyone else, and god help you if you do something to make it seem like you’re mistreating someone in her presence; her love for her art is very nearly matched by the joy she finds in knocking an asshole down a peg or three — but the actions she takes are done on a personal level.
yes, she’ll do fairly substantial favors for you and all you have to do is ask nicely. yes, she’ll act to defend someone if she sees them in a situation where they seem to require defending. yes, she’ll vault across a table to headbutt some douchebag across the room. and yes, if you tell her that your boss started getting handsy with you at work, she’ll gladly find something to blackmail him with to get him out of your hair forever.
but while she’s aware that similar mistreatment exists in the world and she’s not a fan of it, she also doesn’t spend too much time actually thinking about those distant-seeming injustices, let alone considering what she might do to stop that. and that’s... kind of okay with her.
so while she likes all the anarchs she meets, and while she finds no fault in their reasons for fighting against the camerilla, her reasons for helping them out are less because she’s devoted to the overarching anarch cause and more because, well... she likes them. and because it’s a nice way to flip the bird at the man who implied she’d get her head cut off if she stepped a toe out of line. they ask her to report back when lacroix says something important? sure, she can do that. stop them from being implicated in the spread of a disease? yeah, no problem. and siding with the anarchs in the end would be the ultimate ‘fuck you’ to lacroix.
but what about beyond the events of the game? she might want to actually live here after she takes out The Littlest Vampire Prince. would she really want to devote herself to keeping L.A an anarch free state?
if she decides that her experiences have tainted the city for her and she’s gonna fuck off to malibu, sure, she’ll help the anarchs get a foothold in the city. why not? it’s not her problem anymore. they can burn it to the ground for all she cares. if she stays, though? ...no. she can’t spend the rest of her unlife fighting for control of a city.
she’s been a vampire for two WEEKS, you guys, her craving for normal human food hasn’t completely faded yet even though she knows she’ll start barfing up blood the moment she takes a bite of that burger she wants so bad. what the fuck does she know about vampire politics? she knows that she would make so many enemies if she tried to push things one way or another, that’s for damn sure.
even if the camarilla seems stagnant, and even though stagnancy is the WORST thing to her, she doesn’t take any particular issue with the other cammies she’s met. strauss is weird, but okay, and the nosferatu are camarilla-aligned too, aren’t they? and she likes them.
the city is a powder keg, sure, but why does she have to be the fuse? what about her sculptures? her fucking art? how is she supposed to build up a gallery if she’s always looking over her shoulder because she’s pissed off half the vampires in the city? no way. not doing it.
lacroix betrayed her personally, and for that, he must die. but after that? things can sort themselves out without her — for fucking once in her unlife. 
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tartaricing · 4 years
It’s In Your Arms
Well whoop dee doo here’s a crackfic about a crackship about Agent 14/Male!Assistant with my OC’s involved, but first chapter only cuz of rules... Also in AO3 form and in FFNet form in entirety
Chapter 1: “There Was Paperwork?”
The Balla Bees came back from their holiday in Peach County to start their businesses again. Well, Ricardo and Ayla went to the town of Avalon where all men grilled at the same time and all the women walked their animals at the same time like clockwork. It was a creepy private property utopia and they were happy to be back in Los Santos. Darryl took his parents to Schmickeyland and the peach groves. After all the decadence and food, it was back to work.
Ayla was a short olive-skinned woman in a pink dress and white hoodie. After a half day at the meth lab, she drove down to her nightclub, called KK Omega. Brushing her bob back, she skittered into her office, seeing Gay Tony typing out a paper.
“Maganda hapon, Tony! Kumusta sa pasko nyo- Oh shit, sorry!” Ayla greeted Tony, giving a wave, but crumpling back, “Good afternoon, Tony. How was your Christmas?” She chuckled nervously.
“Oh don’t worry about it,” Tony gave a dismissive hand wave, “I’ve dealt with your language mix ups enough to answer. To answer, good afternoon and yes my Christmas was good. I’m assuming yours was good too?”
“Oh yes, it was great. Avalon is such a beautiful city but it can be too sterile,” Ayla replied, sitting in her chair and crunching a few numbers, “But hey, we gotta get back to work now!” 
“Yes!” Tony hollered in agreement, “Avalon’s fucking creepy though.” She started a promotional activity of playing music from a blimp, praying to god that the flying bikes don’t hit her.
Ricardo, also known as Rick to his loved ones, went back to oversee the Vanilla Unicorn. He stood at five eleven and was a lean tanned man of a few words. He also wore white Air Forces and a tan military jumpsuit with a red shirt underneath. After a few clicks on his computer, he rode his Scramjet to do a few shipments for Ron at Fort Zancudo.
“Hey there, Rick!” Ron popped in, wearing a red sweater far too worn for the holiday, “How was Christmas?”
“Good, got to see my family in Avalon. Ate their delicious Filipino cooking,” Rick answered, getting out of his Avenger.
“I don’t like Avalon. It’s too Stepford… ish.”
“Ah yes, you and me both.” Rick went to see his money back down at his money laundering business.
Darryl rode from his parents’ apartment in Little Seoul to his high rise apartment near Maze Bank tower. His red and white Toreador shone in the sun as he got up to get his laundry out. He emerged with a new three-piece suit. He took his Toreador into the ocean in his Kosatka, greeting Pavel.
“Hi kapitan! How was your Christmas?” Pavel dusted the control panels.
“Good,” Darryl answered, casually shooting a man on a flying bike that was heading towards Ayla with a missile, “Schmickeyland is nice. I hope you didn’t get lonely.”
“Don’t worry, I called my family,” Pavel answered, “Russia tried making their own Schmickeyland, but there were too many rats for it to even work out.”
“I hope that was enough.”
The Balla Bees then reunited in the Paleto Forest bunker. It was six in the afternoon. They exchanged stories of Avalon and what presents they got. Ayla talked about her Schmickeyland merch while Rick talked about a ham radio set and Darryl talked about how his parents still saw him as a poor college kid.
“Like I tell mom, I own my business in shipping, I don’t need you to come into Cluckin’ Bell and yell at my manager!” Darryl laughed.
“It’s like I tell mine, ‘Nanay, wag na ng ala ng pasok ko. Just be glad you’re in Avalon!”’” Rick exchanged his own tidbit. “I wouldn’t bring Ron to meet her though.”
“It’s true, she thought my Schmickey ears were too much. She’d get a heart attack if she met Gay Tony!” Ayla cackled, slapping her knee.They then got to work, stealing supplies. After a hectic chase from cops and people on flying bikes, they returned with almost a full bunker of supplies. They stood around, with Ayla waving at the R&D team, Rick discussing numbers with another engineer, and Darryl jotting stats on the board. After the supplies were fully in, they were going to call it a night.
Until their phones rang at the same time. All with Agent 14 at the screen.
“You answer!” Ayla gasped, “He scares me.”
“Can I call dibs?” Darryl asked.
“No, you don’t own the bunker so that makes no sense,” Rick was confused, looking at Darryl’s phone, “Look, I’ll answer on speaker. Stay quiet.” He turned the speaker on and answered the call. “We all got the supplies, what’s the big deal?” Ayla and Darryl held their breath. 
“Hey, I know you stole all those supplies and you’re all tired, but I forgot this one thing,” Agent 14 rang in.
“What one thing?” Rick raised his eyebrow in suspicion.
“If it’s the gun range, we cleaned that,” Ayla hazarded a guess.
“It’s not the gun range.”
“Is it the security?” Darryl tried his own guess.
“Then what is it?” Rick was even more confused.
“It’s… The yearly paperwork. I forgot to get it. Is it anywhere in the bunker?” Agent 14 sighed, with Mrs. Rackman’s shouting in the background.
“Paperwork?” Ayla joined Rick in confusion, “I heard nothing about paperwork.”
“Oh shit, I know,” Darryl added in, “It’s in my CEO office at Maze Bank West. Should I get it?”
“No, we’ll all meet in the bunker and you can show me where in your CEO office that paperwork is. I’ll see you.” Agent 14 hung up. The Balla Bees looked at themselves and shrugged.
Agent 14 arrived in an unmarked vehicle. He greeted them all and then piled themselves in Darryl’s Toreador.
“How was your Christmas, Agent 14?” Ayla asked.
“Very good, now I gotta go run but I’m assuming the rest of you had great Christmases?” Agent 14 replied, sitting shotgun to Darryl.
“We went to Avalon, somewhere in Peach County,” Rick added.
“People live in Avalon?” Agent 14 raised his eyebrow, “That place is more expensive than Los Santos!”
“Rick bought his folks a home there,” Darryl explained. The car ride was filled with Ayla’s giggly rendition of Backstreet Boys. A few boosts down the highway later, they arrived at the Maze Bank West tower. They all buzzed themselves into the CEO office.
The Balla Bees then gave Agent 14 a tour of the office, from the TV, to the view, to the gun locker, the map of Los Santos, the living quarters, the heist office, and the filing room. But before they even got to the filing room, the assistant got up out of his chair and went to Darryl.
“Boss! Warstock wants to speak with you, they want you to do a promotion with them!” The assistant eagerly handed the phone to Darryl. Darryl then went to the heist room to speak, with the other two buzzing in. The assistant sat back down on his desk, typing away. Agent 14 then followed him, standing up in front of him. “May I help you, sir?” The assistant sat up, turning away from his computer.
“Well, answer me this,” Agent 14 crossed his arms, cocking his head towards the other man, “How’s some handsome man like you a secretary?”
The male assistant blushed heavily, giggling behind a raised hand, “I’m an executive assistant to the boss! And this is holiday weight!”
“Oh come on!” Agent 14 pointed at him, “How did someone so cute get into SecuroServ?”
“Stop it, I’m at work, the boss could see me any minute!” The assistant lifted a folder up to his face, slapping the IAA agent’s hand away with the other.
“Oh feisty aren’t you?” He pulled the folder off to see the other’s blushing face, “Just let me get a closer look at you… SecuroServ chose well. And so did Darryl here.” He leaned into the assistant, who was red as a tomato.
“...The fuck?” Darryl peeked his head out the door, with Rick and Ayla below.
“... I don’t know what to feel about this,” Rick whispered.
“Should we tell them?”
“Shhh!” Ayla shushed them, “They’re about to look.” They closed the door silently. 
“Do you want your yearly bunker paperwork?” The assistant sputtered, regaining his cool.
“Yes, that’s what I was here for,” Agent 14 answered.
“I know where they are, come with me,” The assistant got up and led the agent to the filing cabinets. He grabbed a box labeled ‘Bunker 2020’, lifted it, and put it in the agent’s hands. The Balla Bees reopened the door to look again.
“I didn’t know it was a box of paperwork!” Rick whispered.
“...Should we help them?” Ayla’s voice raised in concern.
“I think they got it, it’s only three boxes worth,” Darryl replied.
“But still-” Ayla replied. They then closed the door again.
“Wow, you’re pretty strong!” Agent 14 commented on how well the assistant was holding two boxes worth of bunker paperwork. 
“Well I work out a lot,” the assistant chuckled, “It’s so easy in Los Santos!”
“I know right!” Agent 14 replied, “It’s great to run in the sun!”
“I guess we have that in common!” They both chuckled to each other. The crew tiptoed out stone-faced down the stairs and to Darryl’s Toreador.
They all met at the car, with Darryl taking the last box and sending the assistant off. The crew and the agent sat again in the Toreador and shuttled back to the bunker. 
“It’s nice you have a great assistant, Darryl,” Agent 14 sat shotgun, face glowing in excitement.
“It is,” Darryl struggled to not laugh.
“Hindi ng kakaron ito. Sira ng ulo ng Agent 14?” Rick whispered to Ayla in the backseat.
“Hindi ng alam ko. Sira ng ulo ng assistant sa Darryl?” Ayla answered.
“Bakla na sila?” They shrugged their shoulders in response.
“Sounds like you had a good time there,” Darryl still struggled to not laugh.
“I did, very much. I even got his number.” Agent 14 added, “He sounds like a great running buddy.” He had a smile on his face. The crew all had blank expressions, and maintained them going into the bunker. And loading the boxes of paper work in the unmarked vehicle. And seeing him drive off.
Upon closing the bunker, the trio broke out into laughter. 
“This is a total minfuck!” Darryl started, “It’s trippy to see my assistant get up, but even trippier to see Agent 14 hit on him!”
“I know!” Ayla guffawed even harder, “Seeing a really blissful Agent 14 just… makes me astrally project!”
“My assistant being a blushing mess is just so weird, man!”
“It’s not that they’re being gay, but it’s like… This is how our businesses are interacting, like really what the fuck? It’s so awkward I don’t know what to say. Like flirting? In our CEO office?” Rick really lost it.
“It’s more likely than we think!” Darryl added. They all absolutely lost it, with all the bunker staff looking at them like they’re deranged.
They called it a night, with Rick and Ayla staying at Fort Zancudo and Darryl staying at his apartment. 
Another sun rose up, as the floating rock has yet to stop spinning and revolving. All three departed to take care of their businesses. Ayla took care of her meth lab. Darryl gathered vehicles. Rick stole more supplies for his bunker. Luckily for him, it was an easy matter to tackle individually. Sitting on the hood of his blue weaponized Tampa, he soaked in the sun. His jacket was tied on his waist, revealing his tanned skin. He was parked on the end of Chumash pier, fishing rod in tow. 
Fish weren’t in much of a mood to bite today. Or at this season.
Rick’s sunglasses reflected off the sun perfectly, reminding him that sometimes all that privilege is too much sometimes. And that some things stay the same no matter what, like his predilection towards fishing alone or his family’s desire to work or Ayla’s love and optimism. Sometimes he wondered what it’d be like to go perfectly legal and only handle the Vanilla Unicorn. He then felt a tug on his fishing rod, and then another, and another in increasing intensity. He instinctively reeled in response. 
On the hook was a crab and an off-white brick. He incredulously looked at the brick as he put the crab in his bucket. It was a large crab that dwarfed the two small mackerels in it. The brick was wrapped in plastic with packing tape on it. It felt packed and powdery as he patted it. White dust came out of it, feeling a brief high that made him clutch his bucket close. 
He dropped the brick in the bucket and froze. There was a sudden gust of wind that nudged him back on his Tampa. Someone was running drugs. Putting the bucket between his thighs, he pulled out his sniper rifle, zooming in at the sky before him. And he saw it.
A young woman on a MKII Oppressor shouting swears and flipping him off. This meant trouble and it had to be done fast. Rick zoomed in on her and gave a few shots. He landed a headshot on her and the flying bike fell into the water. He put the bucket back down and kept zooming in with the scope. No flying vehicles and no angry people. No yachts, submarines, or dinghies. No Strombergs or Toreadors. All quiet out in the ocean. He focused his sights on the immediate beach. Just normal people doing normal things.
But wait.
He stopped to see two people running together. A white man and a Latino man were a little close for comfort, but they were just running along the coast.
Agent 14 and the assistant managed to meet up and have a beach run.
“For someone who took a break for the holidays, you’re not doing too bad!” Agent 14 called over to the assistant, who was just next to him. They were both in shirts and leggings. 
“I could say the same to you!” The assistant called back, “The sand’s a bitch though.”
“You get used to it.”
“I know, I know,” The assistant gave a dismissive hand wave, “I’ve done enough ocean swims already.” 
“How far have we gone already?” Agent 14 wondered aloud.
“Ten miles?” The assistant looked down at his watch. Agent 14 leaned into him, looking at his watch.
“Mine says the same thing,” Agent 14 looked at his watch, “Well what do you know, we have matching watches!”
“Watch buddies!” The assistant gave a high five. Agent 14 leapt back, flustered. “What?”
“Matt, this is the first time you actually touched me!” Agent 14 stammered. They both stopped.
“C’mon, Chris... Is the running getting to you?” Matt Torres, the assistant gave a little grip on the other’s hand.
“No… Matt, I…” Agent 14, aka Chris Chase, “Dammit.” He started to lose his cool.
Rick kept zooming in, intrigued at the scene of his two businesses interacting. He used his drone to take a photo. He sent the photo to the rest of the crew. 
Chris sat in his IAA cubicle, just still steaming from the high five. He held his head in his hands, still blushing. The document on his computer still remains blank. 
“Are you okay there?” Mrs. Rackman asked him, “You’ve been staring at the computer for FIVE minutes.”
“Yeah, I am…” Agent 14 sighed, “Just a hard run.”
“Yeah, this run is gonna be harder if you don’t stop slackin’.” He started to type languidly. He could still feel his heart thumping in his chest.
Matt was at the CEO office processing some vehicle cargo. His legs still felt weak from the run. He was on the phone with another client, where he let out a huff every few words. “I swear, a contract is a contract… Agh. I mean I don’t care if there’s something tomorrow, the vehicle needs to be here!”
The client hung up. Matt reclined in his chair. Darryl asks what’s going on.
“I had a long run.” Matt sighed, “It’s the first time I ran in a while.” Darryl nodded his head and went on his way. 
The Balla Bees had a group call later on today. 
“The fuck was that picture, Rick?” Darryl asked.
“That’s what I found today at Chumash,” Rick replied.
“Ooooh, something’s brewing!” Ayla squealed.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Rick replied, “I wonder what this means for our business.”
“Maybe it’s not on a professional level,” Ayla added.
“Well that’s gonna get hairy in terms of arms dealing if this keeps going,” Darryl said, “Or easier, depends.”
“Well it’s cute regardless,” Ayla muttered dreamily.
“Ayla!” Darryl and Rick yelled. 
The next few days were rough. The crew ran a tight ship on their businesses with a full city. There were flying bikes everywhere and crazy people riding them. Agent 14 and the assistant couldn’t meet at all, leaving them both frustrated. Actually, everyone was frustrated. No one can speak to each other in person and all communication was text or call. 
The crew had a goal to have supplies filled to the brim, and they were fulfilling that many times over. They were driving and flying like mad. And no one was sleeping and living off of P’s and Q’s and Sprunk. However, there was a window of opportunity when the crew decided to do a late night meth sale. 
Agent 14 went to the Maze Bank CEO tower in an unmarked vehicle. He buzzed himself in, bringing a bottle of wine. The assistant sat in his chair, eyes sunken and visibly tired. However, his eyes lit up at the sight of the IAA agent.
“Hey babe,” Agent 14 greeted him, reaching out for a hug, “I came as fast as possible when you texted me.”
“Don’t call me that,” The assistant softly chuckled, hugging him back, “But goddammit I need that wine.”
And so they popped off the cork and started with a few glasses of wine. 
“So you’re telling me that you got hit by a branch when you were a kid?” Matt took a sip of wine.
“Yup, a whole branch flew at me,” Chris did his sip, “Sometimes when I close my eyes I can still feel that thing.” They crept closer to each other on the couch. They both laughed.
“And you found multiple bricks of cocaine as a kid in Mexico because you wanted to make a fort?” Chris shot back.
“Yeah my mom was so mad, she hit me and my brothers with her chancla. But let me tell you, it’s a damn fine fort!” Matt gave a flick of his wrist towards the window showing city lights. They laughed again, hands creeping towards each other. They sat in silence for a while. The term dating wasn’t something they’d use but it felt like it. Between shifts at work, they were workout buddies, sent greeting texts, gave hugs and kisses, and shared some pretty close secrets. They also ate out together when they could. Operative word, could. 
For an IAA agent, Chris could still feel the butterflies with Matt. So many things he could fight through, but this? This was scary.
Matt always felt so gooey with Chris. He’d always be a blushing and babbling mess of some sort, but he was able to get a handle on it. He didn’t expect to feel something like this from work.
But work always got in the way for both of them. And they were dedicated men to their jobs.
They started to hold hands, with Matt blushing. They started to face each other, eyes locked on each other. Chris’s icy blue to Matt’s warm brown. They couldn’t help but smile at each other. Chris crossed his arms, with his hands playing with the sleeve of his jacket. He started blushing too, grabbing the nape of Matt’s neck and drawing him in for a kiss. It wasn’t their first kiss but it felt like it. Their lips brushed against each other before they started using tongue. Matt hugged Chris in. It was warm and comforting, hugging and kissing like this. Chris pulled the other’s waist in. 
It was nice, to not be professionals and just be, well, a couple.
They separated after a few minutes, with both of them panting. It was a miracle their hands weren’t running over each other’s bodies. They still stayed close.
“Hey, Chris, I…” Matt finally spoke.
“You, what…?” Chris replied.
“I… I…”
“You, you what? Wh-what is it, Matt?”
“I… uh…” The assistant’s eyes darted across the room.
“Spit it out, Matt, I’m here!” Agent 14’s voice had a hint of annoyance, “It’s okay, just say it.”
“Shit… nevermind,” Matt shook his head.
“Okay, mind if I say something?” Chris asked.
“Sure, I won’t judge.”
“Matt, I…” His voice trailed off, “Matt… Matthew… Oh goddammit…”
“Chris, take your time.”
“I… Fuck.” They broke their embrace, only trying to spit words out.
“It’s okay.”
“I… I lo-, oh fuck!” Agent 14 facepalmed, “I can’t do this.” He held his head in his hands.
“I’m sorry,” Matt whispered.
“It’s not your fault, Matt. It’s no one’s fault.”
“I’m sorry for being weak,” Matt choked back tears.
“No, no…” Chris pulled Matt into his arms, “It’s the nature of our jobs. We can’t be too attached. I’m a protected government agent and you’re an executive assistant for a private security company. We both work for the same three degenerates here in Los Santos.”
“I’m sorry, when my brother came out of the closet, my mom gave him hell. I can’t do this either. I’ve so much at stake after I left stock trading,” Matt began to cry.
“I’m so sorry, my folks don’t care so that… hurts me,” Chris wiped his tears and leaned in for a kiss. But it felt hypocritical so he let go of the other man. 
Agent 14 and the assistant sat on opposite ends of the couch. The assistant was bawling and grabbing tissues. Agent 14 crossed his arms and sat stewing in his anger and disappointment. The crying hurt too much so the agent left, leaving with a soft pat on the assistant’s shoulder.
The assistant stayed the night in the tower.
The next morning the Balla Bees had begun their final full business shift. They started with a vehicle sale from the warehouse. They buzzed themselves into the CEO tower to start the sale. All three shuffled forward to see the assistant’s head on his arms folded on the desk. Darryl and Rick silently went forward while Ayla tapped the assistant’s shoulder.
“Ay nako! Are you okay? What happened?” Ayla gasped as the disarrayed assistant.
“I’m fine boss, just a shitty night.” The assistant brushed his hair back and started to type.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, go make some money, bosses.” He quietly sat up and typed stuff in. The crew shrugged their shoulders and sold an entire warehouse of vehicles. The assistant morosely gave orders and limply gave praise as they did it.
“At least you fulfilled something, unlike me to someone I’ve known…” The assistant’s final remark sent shivers down their spine.
It didn’t feel right to them, but what could they do?
The crew then started selling enough arms to fill their bunker. Agent 14 buzzed in their phones.
“Buckle your seatbelts, it's gonna get heartbreaking. Merryweather got wind of these sales, so expect them to show up and gun you down. The important thing is the weapons get to the drops." They swore they heard a sniffle follow that message.
While they have been rapid in delivery, Ayla got cornered and the other two had to rescue her, costing them time.
“Hurry it up… so I can have alcohol in my system,” Agent 14 quipped rather slowly.
“He sounds so sad…” Ayla pouted.
“We can worry about that later,” Rick set her right, “We need to drop one more cargo.”
“You know this is kinda depressing,” Darryl added, “I never heard either of them so sad before.” After a few run-ins with Merryweather, they finished the cargo.
“Looks like you gave out... to the right people too... I don’t know if they use them right, but knowing them I hope they keep their promises. Unlike someone I know,” Agent 14 weakly congratulated them. A pop of a beer bottle and chugging sounds followed. The entire crew grimaced at the last remark. 
“Jesus I’m not sure if I wanna know what happened between them,” Rick gasped. They nodded in agreement. Ayla ordered some fruit baskets to both Agent 14 and the assistant, unmarked at Darryl’s advice.
Translations (from Tagalog and Spanish): Maganda hapon, Tony! Kumusta sa pasko nyo = Good Afternoon, Tony! How was your Christmas? Nanay, wag na ng ala ng pasok ko = Mom, don’t worry about my job Hindi ng kakaron ito. Sira ng ulo ng Agent 14? = I don’t understand. Is Agent 14 crazy? Hindi ng alam ko. Sira ng ulo ng assistant sa Darryl? = I don’t know. Is Darryl’s assistant crazy? Bakla na sila? = Are they gay? Chancla = Sandal Ay nako = My goodness!
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enterinit · 4 years
New Xbox One Games for April 15 to 17
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New Xbox One Games for April 15 to 17.
Journey to the Savage Planet: Hot Garbage – April 15
The planet of DL-C1 has it all. Tropical beaches, lovely views, toxic waste, and killer robots. There’s only one person who can handle a job this dangerous and that’s the person sitting on the closest planet… you! Lucky, lucky you.
Space Engineers – April 15
Space Engineers is a sandbox game about engineering, construction, exploration and survival in space and on planets. Players build space ships, space stations, planetary outposts of various sizes and uses, pilot ships and travel through space to explore planets and gather resources to survive.
Blind Men – April 15
As the nephew of a retired super villain, there's nothing Keegan wants more than to become one himself — and what better way than to join the League of Evil? All he needs to do is commit a crime to complete his application. Unfortunately, Keegan soon finds himself in more trouble than he could have ever imagined when his plans are interrupted by a couple of spies from opposing agencies. Pick choices that drastically change the story. Will Keegan’s plans be thwarted or allow him to be successful? Features: 2 romanceable charactersMultiple different endings depending on your choicesKeep the game as a cliché-filled parody, or turn it into a straight spy adventureOriginal catchy soundtrack
Vampire: The Masquerade – Coteries of New York – April 15
Vampire: The Masquerade - Coteries of New York presents the conflict between two vampiric factions: the traditionalist Camarilla and the fiercely independent Anarchs. It's a unique, atmospheric, single-player narrative experience, set in the rich universe of Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition. Choose one of three pre-defined characters and play as a Ventrue, Toreador or BrujahEach playable character offers a selection of powers (Disciplines), different ethical approaches to certain issues, and unique dialogue linesCharacter-oriented quests allow you to meet four unique NPCs: a Tremere sorcerer, a Nosferatu detective, a Gangrel of conflicted loyalties and a Malkavian multifoliate online personality with their own agendas. Win their hearts and minds and up to two of them will assist you in the finaleDepending on your choice of the Clan you will be able to see the events from a distinct perspective. One playthrough is not enough to see all the game has to offer!
Machinarium – April 16
An award-winning independent adventure game developed by the makers of Samorost and Botanicula. Help Josef the robot to save his girlfriend Berta kidnapped by the Black Cap Brotherhood gang in this classic puzzle platformer.
Save Your Nuts – April 16
Go nuts in this insane 1 to 8 players chaotic arena party game. Put your cooperation skills to the test over intense physics-based battles mixing casual offline modes and competitive Online matches. In Save Your Nuts, crafty squirrels organize a tournament to challenge other animals in a physics-based competition for the ages. Make daring plays alongside your teammates, grab food power-ups, and tackle your opponents to steal their nuts in this wild multiplayer-focused party game! Features: Couch Party from 1 to 8 PlayersOnline MultiplayerEasy to play but hard to masterReplayability with 3 game modes and 10 interactive environmentsCustomizable and complementary charactersAccessible, Cooperative and CompetitiveChallenging AI https://youtu.be/1sFHq3z4qsk
Cryogear – April 17
Cryogear is an passionately hand crafted Metroidvania inspired Pixel Art platformer with souls-like mechanics set in an open sci-fi world. Gameplay is driven by exploration and rewards curious, creative players with new items, abilities, and ever increasing possibilities. You take control of the newly repurposed clone G.3.4.R and explore your new surroundings, uncover its many secrets, and strive to unveil the mysteries of the ever present Emperor AI. Will you survive and thrive in this strange new world, or will falter and fail as the clones before? Only your skill and determination can decide G34R's fate! Cryogear combines a versatile platformer core with exploration, shoot 'em up and RPG elements to an entertaining new game experience. Explore a dangerous open world with over 50+ different regions to discover. The changing world is filled with obstacles, boss fights, different enemy types, riddles, hidden areas, minigames and loot for a unique rewarding exploration experience. Cryogear features a full-scale RPG inventory, combined with equipment, skill and crafting systems. Switch freely between active abilities and weapons during the action, which allows dynamic, skill-based strategies for every situation. While progressing through the game, you get introduced to different new abilities, weapons, and equipment to customize your clone to match your playstyle. Your clone G.3.4.R. is ready to boot up! A unique journey into the World of CRYOGEAR awaits you... Features: Run, jump, dive, fly, hack, freeze and slide your way through over 50 Sci-Fi themed areas with varying environments in your quest to uncover the mysteries of the Emperor AIUncover the truths and history of the world around you as you venture through destroyed cities, abandoned wastes and factories in a post-apocalyptic dystopian futureLava, Floods, Fire, Ice, Pitfalls, Epic Boss fights, a plethora of evolving enemy types stand between you and your goals.Use Psi powers to shield yourself from dangers and manipulate your surroundings or even your perception of time!Learn to master 4 vastly different weapons with their own unique strengths and weaknesses to overcome the various obstacles.Spend energy harvested from your fallen foes to gain new or improved abilities from 4 different upgrade trees.Search for hidden items, upgrades, and areas just waiting for those clever, lucky, or determined enough to locate them.Discover new armor, items, upgrades, and crafting materials as you explore.Use these items to craft a pair of helper drones, more powerful weapons, and spent consumables; or recycle them into energy to fuel faster development.- Multiple endings, branching level layouts, customizable character development, and the freedom to explore at your own pace and in your own way helps ensure that no two playthroughs are alike.- Speedrun and NewGame+/++ await to challenge even veteran players and extend replayability even further. A Casual mode is available to those who struggle or prefer a casual metroidvania experience. https://youtu.be/GUwV9VbJiiE
Sinkr – April 17
SiNKR is a minimalist puzzler. There is just you, hooks, pucks, and various contraptions you need to finish each level. Sink all the pucks to advance. Features: Handcrafted levelsVisual tutorial level for each mechanicNo scores, no timers, no distractionsResponsive ambient soundscapeNo in-game text, suitable for all languages
Sunless Sea: Zubmariner Edition – April 17
"LOSE YOUR MIND. EAT YOUR CREW. DIE. Take the helm of your steamship in a Victorian Gothic roleplaying game of discovery, loneliness and frequent death. Find your father’s bones. Determine London’s destiny. Defy the gods of the deep sea. Build up your story across generations of zailors who braved the sea and lost Real-time combat against ships and Zee-beasts, spider-crewed dreadnoughts and sentient icebergs Stray too far from civilization and your crew will grow fearful and eventually lose their sanity Upgrade your steamship with powerful engines, cannons and pneumatic torpedo guns Hire unique officers, each with their own story Discover the treasures the zee has claimed Choose a ship’s mascot Trade or smuggle silk and souls Sunless Sea: Zubmariner Edition includes the base game and the extensive underwater expansion." Features: Find your father’s bones. Determine London’s destiny. Defy the gods of the deep sea.Build up your story across generations of zailors who braved the sea and lostReal-time combat against ships and Zee-beasts, spider-crewed dreadnoughts and sentient icebergsStray too far from civilization and your crew will grow fearful and eventually lose their sanityUpgrade your steamship with powerful engines, cannons and pneumatic torpedo gunsHire unique officers, each with their own storyDiscover the treasures the zee has claimedChoose a ship’s mascotTrade or smuggle silk and souls
Freakout: Calamity TV Show – April 17
A top-down, dual-stick shooter inspired by old school arcade games and die & retry shooters. In a disturbed dystopia filled with mutants and killing machines, you’re the star of a reality show which might get a bit too real. Fight your way through the deadly enemy waves, join the revolution, and try to take down the evil Fizzy Corp.
Woodle Tree 2: Deluxe+ – April 17
This time a new menace is taking over the wood lands with a black substance that is absorbing life and energy from all living creatures. Will you be skilled enough to help Woodle in his quest to repel this enormous new evil force? Explore the wonderful lands and restore balance in this open world platform adventure. Read the full article
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