#having shrimp emotions but in a bad way
destielbunnies · 1 year
really bad night for girls who call their wife angel and got crowley on the which good omens character are you quiz
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fisherrprince · 1 year
the problem is I’m such a staunch believer in the slow buildup, the earnest enjoyment of meandering through terrible story decisions and weird nothing subplots to build up into a conclusion that explodes out from all that as fantastic storytelling and intrigue based on all that buildup, such that it makes it necessary to get through all that or you’re missing something essential, that I’m also a terrible person to talk to about what makes a story good. I can tell you plenty of what actually makes something tight and well-written and all that technical speak but how could anyone take my advice when I so so so love excruciatingly long unnecessarily complex fumbling and weird nonsense that spirals into, inexplicably, weird nonsense that makes you cry your lungs sore
#kipspeak#my point being everyone is too mean about post arr. sure f’lhammin did not have to be our problem but everything after that was like#meandering. Thinking. building. unnerving. they were cooking and i RESPECT their dubious food#i love homestuck and long audio dramas and dnd podcasts and indecipherable fancomics and lego ninjas and khux and im starting to love ffxiv#all incredibly long and made with passion and kinda weird and hard to get into#said with THE MOST affection in my heart#I could structure a kids show and I know how to write for tv but in my heart of hearts#I just want to write an impossibly long absurdity epic that is weird and a little bad and also makes you feel shrimp emotions#ALSO I feel 0% bad for not respecting ur theory or opinion if you haven’t played khux/dr/recoded I don’t feel bad about it at all I’m right#understand what’s going on in them and I’ll respect your theories. it’s like comics enjoyers but less chaotic#don’t let me get into comics. superheroes never really catch my interest but if you let me get into comics I’d explode#‘it gets really good’ is a genuine way to interest me#also don’t let me get into anime that do this. I already watched a thousand episodes of detective Conan—#maybe it’s a careful balance of weird and Good Storytelling Seeds. it has to have internal logic for one; and it has to have a structure#It has to be leading somewhere. and I want to see where it leads#we are GOING through the disney worlds. all of them. they are COOKING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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badolmen · 2 years
I just realized that Jesse Pinkman’s address in high school was his Aunt’s house. He was already living with her instead of his parents by the time he was in high school. The timeline of her cancer and death is a little fuzzy, but it’s likely he had to care for her while attending school. If that’s the case it’s clear he didn’t ask for accommodations or even use his Aunt’s illness as an excuse for his poor grades (Walt was surprised to hear she had been sick). Combined with his obviously untreated ADHD, it’s no wonder he turned to drug use and failed to ‘apply himself.’
And to think that through all this - taking care of his Aunt, struggling in school - his parents didn’t help; either directly with his Aunt’s illness or indirectly easing his responsibility for her by hiring care givers…
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summitclan-chronicles · 9 months
Oops it’s me a third time today
With this being an 18+ server what are your rules on swearing/violence/Warrior Cats Birthing Scenes™️ etc?
Glad to see you !!
Swearing: I think cats cussing is funny so it's allowed as long as you're not meanspirited about it. Arrowseeker says fuck, but not around the children.
As for violence, in short, no more dangerous than the books themselves are.
For ease of reference, at the bottom of this post there is a readmore. Under that readmore is Tigerstar's death, which is the absolute gnarliest I'd allow in a Summitclan post without saying something to you. But there are very few opportunities for such violence to take place, so this wil be very very rare.
as for WCBS, I think we're gonna like. Take a casual supercool "fade to black" approach on that. Like, the thread of a birth occurs immediately after the birth of the last kit in a litter, so none of it happens onscreen. Cus the erins just... assume cats are like people. In reality cat births aren't super painful, just wicked tiring (unless there's an issue). so there wouldnt be much To Say!
To that end, kittens are NPCs that are represented by the dam of the litter for the first 4 weeks. :]
From The Darkest Hour.
Blood welled out as the smaller cat ripped him down to the tail with a single slash.
A desperate scream of fury erupted from Tigerstar, then broke off with a ghastly choking sound. His body convulsed, limbs jerking and tail flailing. For a heartbeat a stillness settled over him, and Firestar knew he was falling into the trance of a leader who loses a life, to wake after a little while restored to strength and with the rest of his lives intact.
But not even StarClan could heal this terrible wound. Scourge stood back and watched coldly as Tigerstar’s body convulsed again. The dark red blood kept on flowing, spreading across the ground in a ceaseless tide. Tigerstar let out another shriek; Firestar wanted to cover his ears so he didn’t have to listen anymore, but he was frozen to the spot.
Again the massive tabby’s body grew still for a heartbeat, but again the wound was too terrible to yield to the healing trance. Another spasm seized Tigerstar’s body. His claws tore up clumps of grass in his agony, while his screeches turned from fury to terror.
He’s dying nine times, Firestar realized. Oh, StarClan, no…
It was a death he would not have wished on any cat, not even Tigerstar, and he thought it would never be over.
When they saw what was happening to the leader they had believed was invincible, horrified yowling came from the warriors of TigerClan. Firestar realized that they were all breaking rank; several cats pushed roughly past him in their mad haste to flee from the clearing. From somewhere behind him he heard Tallstar call out to his own warriors, “Wait! Hold the line!”
Firestar knew he did not have to give his own warriors the same order. They would stand with him to the end.
Tigerstar was panting now, his fight for life exhausting him. Firestar caught a glimpse of his amber eyes, glazed with pain and fear and hatred. Then his body gave one last jerk and lay still.
Tigerstar was dead.
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Yesterday at a store my friend picked up a pair of shoes and mentioned how difficult it would be to get away with murder wearing them because of the pattern on the bottom. The lady who owns the store was nearby and she chimed in about how she’s terrified that someone is going to murder someone while wearing shoes from her store because all of them have the store name on the bottom and I love strangers sm
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
Tbh it’s been so long since a book has made me feel completely and utterly insane. I need to read something that’s going to make me want to scream and peel my skin off
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queenofwands89 · 2 months
Jake saying to the reader “You have my heart please don’t break it” but can you make it cute and fluffy 🥺
This is so cute! 💜
A Sunlit Romance
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x reader
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Warning: More tooth rotting fluff.
Notes: Literally was blushing while writing this lmao. Enjoy byeeee
It’s one of those perfect summer days, the kind where the sky is an expanse of unbroken blue and the sun paints everything in lush gold. You and Jake have claimed a small clearing in the park for your picnic, spreading out a checkered blanket under the dappled shade of a giant oak tree. The sweet scent of blooming flowers mixes with the fresh aroma of the earth, making it feel like nature is celebrating alongside you.
Jake, with his confidently mischievous grin, stretches out on the blanket, resting his head on your lap. He is clad in casual jeans and a white t-shirt, his aviator sunglasses barely keeping up with the brightness of his personality. You feel a sense of serenity wash over you as you gently run your fingers through his neatly trimmed brown hair. In moments like these, his laughter is the only sound that matters to you, echoing the song of your own heart.
As you lose yourself in the moment, Jake reaches up and lightly clasps your hand. His eyes, once sheltered by his glasses, are now visible, revealing an ocean of sincere adoration.
"You have my heart," he says softly, lifting your hand to his lips to plant a tender kiss. "Please, don’t break it."
You giggle, eyes twinkling like scattered stardust. "Oh, I’m gonna break your heart so bad," you tease, dramatically clutching your free hand to your chest with playful wickedness.
Jake laughs, a sound as robust as his spirit. "I’ll probably thank you for it," he shoots back, the lopsided grin you adore spreading across his face.
The gentle breeze rustles the leaves overhead, like nature’s applause at your effortless dance of love and words. You watch as Jake's eyes soften, reflecting a depth of emotion masked by his usual buoyant facade.
“You know,” you say, your voice dropping to a whisper, “I’d rather keep your heart safe than break it.”
Jake’s smile fades into something more profound. “I know, babe. But even if you did break it, I think it’d be honored just to have your acknowledgement.”
The silence that follows isn’t awkward; it’s enveloping, like a warm embrace. You lean down, capturing his lips in a kiss that is as soft as it is meaningful. It’s in moments like these that Jake’s protective exterior melts away, revealing the loving man he truly is.
Nestled in your lap, Jake feels an overpowering sense of peace. His profession demands confidence, bravery, and a bit of cockiness, but here, in your presence, he feels liberated to be vulnerable. You are his sanctuary, the one who sees through the bravado to the essence of who he is.
The rest of the afternoon is filled with a delightful tapestry of idle chatter, shared stories, and comfortable silences. Laughter punctuates the air as you reminisce about the amusing moments that have colored your past.
"Remember that time you tried to cook that fancy dish to impress me?" you say, a grin spreading across your face.
Jake chuckles, shaking his head. "How could I forget? I thought I could handle it. What was it again? Shrimp scampi?"
"Yes," you reply, laughing, "Except it ended up more like shrimp smoke-alarm."
Jake's laughter joins yours. "I swear, I followed the recipe to the letter. But right when I was about to plate everything, that darn fire alarm went off. I thought I was going to set the whole apartment building on fire."
"You should have seen your face, running around with that dish towel, trying to wave the smoke away. It was priceless," you say, your eyes shimmering with tears of laughter.
Jake smiles, a bit more softly now. "You know, I was so nervous because you were way out of my league. I wanted everything to be perfect because... well, because you'd already stolen my heart."
Your eyes widen and a warmth spreads through you as he continues.
"I mean, from the very first moment we met, I felt this incredible connection. I wanted to impress you so badly, but instead, I ended up making a complete fool of myself," Jake admits, laughing at the memory.
"Hey, for a guy who burned shrimp scampi, you did impress me," you say, a genuine smile lighting up your face. "It was sweet. And nobody's ever tried so hard just to make me smile."
"Hey, I redeemed myself with that dessert, though," Jake retorts playfully. "What was it? Chocolate mousse?"
"More like melted chocolate soup," you tease, eliciting another round of laughter.
"Well, it was all worth it," Jake murmurs. "Seeing your smile always made everything worth it."
With each exchange, your bond strengthened, seamlessly merging their souls. As Jake looked at you, and a realization struck him: your love was as vast and boundless as the sky sprawling above you. It was tender, yet unbreakable. And in your presence, Jake knew he had found not just a lover, but a partner, a confidante, and a soulmate.
As the sun begins to set, casting an orange hue across the landscape, you pull Jake closer. You watch as shadows lengthen, your hearts synchronized in a beat that speaks of endless tomorrows.
"Ready to pack up?" you ask, your voice tinged with the sweet fatigue of a day well spent.
"Just a few more minutes," Jake murmurs, snuggling into your embrace. "I want to remember this — every single second."
You smile, stroking his hair one last time. "Me too, Jake. Me too."
And under the fading light, with the world hushing into evening, you hold onto each other, knowing that in your love, you have found a treasure more precious than anything the sun could ever illuminate.
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lightningidle · 8 months
I am once again emotional about Riz Gukgak, this time because he is (as far as we know) the only Bad Kid actively thinking about the group's future together. The entire plot of The Seven was the Seven Maidens fighting tooth and nail to all graduate together and remain an adventuring party, but as Junior Year kicks off, Riz is the only one we see trying to chart a course for the whole group.
This doesn't mean the other Bad Kids don't care! Of course they do!! All of them have big things to deal with, be it breakups or a lack of parental figures or a lack of direction or a lack of money, the list goes on. But as the future looms ever nearer, Riz is the only one we've seen thus far thinking about everyone's future together, not just his own.
"The years will go by, and everyone will find someone that matters more to them than you."
It can be hard to be the friend that always makes the plans. It can be hard to be the friend who's constantly reaching out first, who's always the one facilitating hangouts, who's always taking charge because (especially as you get older and your time becomes less structured) without someone taking the wheel, the gang won't be getting together for weeks at a time, if at all. None of this means the gang doesn't want to spend time together, just that as you age, it takes more effort to make happen. and more often than not, it tends to fall on one person to see that through.
And even though you love your friends, even though you know the work is worth it, even though the work itself is your love language, it can sometimes feel like none of them care as much as you do. Whether or not it's true, sometimes it feels like, if you just stopped trying, no one else would pick up the slack, because it doesn't matter to them the way it matters to you.
"Why do you think your friends keep you around, Riz Gukgak? If it had not been for detention on your first day of school, and for you to solve this little mystery, do you think they'd look at you as someone they can truly understand? Or are you just a funny little thing that finds the clues?"
At the end of the day, the Bad Kids love each other. These friendships are meaningful and important, and they all put effort into taking care of each other. Riz is the little shrimp (honorific)(affectionate) of his crew because he belongs, not because he's simply tolerated.
But like he told his mom before Boys Night, he has a hard time relating to them when there's not a problem to solve. As he told his dad, he feels the distance between himself and the group as someone who doesn't get the hype around getting their kisses in. Work is his love language. And if he can do this— lay out the pieces, solve the puzzle, do the work to make sure that there's a future for all of them as a team— then he can prove he's worth keeping around.
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ddollfface · 7 months
𝐀 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
𝙅𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙃𝙖𝙣𝙢𝙖 𝙔𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙣𝙨 (Pt.1)
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Warnings; bad writing, possessive behavior, really ooc (I'm 90% sure that I missed the mark on this one), this is pretty short, yandere if you really squint ig. If I missed anything, then please let me know ♡ Oml, tumblr's being a little bitch right now, I literally cannot right now. I'm going to repost Pt.1 and Pt.2. I'm so sorry, I have no clue as to why I have a word limit rn... Just know that this is super ooc :/
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Okay, now that I've established Jack's background and overall interactions with reader, like how their initial meeting was, etc, we can now get into what it's actually like with Jack once you've known him.
Jack isn't obsessive necessarily, like how Katsumi or Ali Jr are, instead he's more so protective, possessive even. Since the two of you have gotten close, he's realized that he doesn't want you to leave him. You can't leave. This is the first time he's ever felt such an attachment for someone, felt such emotions for someone.
Throughout his life, he's always been determined on one goal: defeating his father. And he's never even given a second thought to some woman or to having a family. Nope, it's never even crossed his mind, but seeing you with another man just doesn't sit right with him, seeing you converse and smile with someone else. It just makes his hand itch, feeling the need to punch someone creep up his neck.
That smile belongs to him, him, him. You're only supposed to smile at him. He only smiles around you, so shouldn't it be the same for you? Why do you seem so close to this guy? He looks like a stick, Jack's sure that he could snap him in two, no doubt. He could take care of you far better than this shrimp ever could.
Much like an animal, Jack gets territorial over what he's deemed to be his, and you're his, don't you understand? Jack will begin to take up all your time, conveniently interrupting any dates that you have with another man. He'll show up to wherever the two of you are and loom over the man, silently telling the twig to buzz off. Of course, the other wouldn't stick around, too scared to face the beast of a man Jack is.
But you being you notice how you can't keep a single man, that isn't Jack, around no longer than a week. You'll begin to get skeptical. Not necessarily questioning Jack because it's too early to make assumptions, but you're keeping an ear out for any odd behavior.
Anyways, moving on to another headcanon.
I don't think Jack would be very touchy in public, clearly not too comfortable showing such vulnerability around others. Jack won't hug you, won't kiss you, and won't hold your hand. If anything, he acts like he's a stranger, someone you've never spoken a word to, but that's far from the truth. You know this.
And you don't need the PDA, you're fine. You can tell by how he looks at you, how his honey-brown eyes seem to soften ever so slightly, barely noticeable. It's as if he's speaking a thousand words with just one look, and this is the pillar of your relationship. The two of you are connected on a different level, though you both view this connection differently.
Like most Baki men, this is where the yandere tendencies come in. I feel that the majority of Baki men would be able to have a healthy relationship with someone, but it's when their feelings are reciprocated is when everything goes downhill. It's when they're devalued as a man and completely ignored, being pushed aside just to be chosen for someone else.
This is where Jack's possessive tendencies appear, seeing you with other people just sets him off, especially when he perceives you as undervaluing the connection you two have. I think that Jack would have to have a special type of relationship with you for him to become "yandere." He'd have to see you bonding with others, bonding the same way you did with him. This will surely make him feel as if you're using him (you're not), and that your relationship with him isn't special.
Once a sliver of doubt has seeped into his mind, all sane thoughts are out the window. Now, he's running on his instincts, and they're telling him to take you away to somewhere safe, somewhere where the two of you can be together, forever.
At first, when these thoughts pop up, he's in denial, his rational coming into play, and telling him to not do anything too crazy. Sometimes, it's hard to do so, especially when he sees you interact with others, laughing, and smiling with other fighters. How can you be so open with others? Treat other men so kindly when he can't even look at a woman without thinking of you?
What do they have that he doesn't? No, he has more. He knows when you look at him that he's your one and only, he can tell. The way your eyes glimmer and scrunch up when you smile, the smile lines becoming more apparent.
He can't let go of you now; he's in too deep; he's far too stubborn to give up now. The two of you are bonded, in his eyes. You understand him, and he understands you. You've just gone a little astray, don't worry he'll help you, just like you did with him.
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 4 months
heyy I have a question but I'm kinda embarrassed about it so idk?
how much of a high libido is normal for a teenager? around 15 years? because like I've been taught that puberty makes you horny, but all everyone was always talking and making jokes about was cus males going through that, and I'm not a cis dude
I was just wondering because like it feels wrong sometimes to think about it that much even though it feels good to but like -I also don't really know how to say this- it also feels like I'm using sexual thoughts and fantasies and stuff to distract myself and to repress the stuff going on in my life? like I can feel my brain switch from "I'm gonna have a breakdown" to "how about horny?" in a couple of seconds and idk if that's normal? or healthy for that matter lol
idk what to say have a nice day and any advice is appreciated<3
(do you do named anons? if so, can I be fox anon?)
hi fox anon,
I'm actually going to direct you to an ask from a shrimp anon, where we had a little chat about hypersexuality and how to know if your sex drive is too high. (spoiler alert: if you're not actively ruining your own life in the pursuit of sex, it's probably not!)
there are definitely the most stereotypes about cis teenage boys being horny, but it's very normal for people with any gender identity, genitalia, and hormones to be extremely interested in sex during their teen years. (and of course, it's also normal not to be interested at all!) this is the part of your life where everybody's bodies are reaching sexual maturity, and it's extremely EXTREMELY normal to have a burning curiosity to go along with that.
it's also very normal to have a lot of Large emotions and feel like they can switch on a dime; that's the power of Hormones, babey! you're experiencing a lot of internal hormonal situations and external social stresses for the first time, and your brain is learning how to process all that.
I have a friend who's only a few months old, so when he gets overwhelmed he doesn't know how to handle that and usually just cries about it because he's brand new and doesn't have any other coping mechanisms. of course, you have a lot more experience than a guy who's brand new and you know way more coping mechanisms than he does, but you're in a somewhat similar position of having to handle a LOT of new shit and not knowing how to cope with it yet. sometimes what's going to happen is just pivoting hard from one big feeling to another - in some cases, from the pits of despair straight to horny jail.
is it possible to become overly reliant on sexual stimulation as a form of self-soothing? sure, of course. it's possible to become overly reliant on anything; absolutely any positive behavior can become detrimental if it's performed to extremity. again, read that ask I linked!
but pivoting from a breakdown to jacking off isn't a bad idea. it can help you calm down, can be a great transition into a nap or sleep, and pops off a little burst of dopamine and oxytocin that's probably very badly needed if you're on the verge of a breakdown. of course it's ideal to have other healthy outlets for when you're feeling bad - making art or doing something else with your hands, doing some enjoyable physical activity, talking with friends or family, keeping a journal - but as one part of a larger diet of support and coping mechanism, horny behavior is great, normal, and very healthy.
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merakiui · 1 year
fluffy yandere!floyd on the brain. <3
(cw: yandere, brief nsfw, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, captivity, stockholm syndrome)
floyd who goes out of his way to make all of your meals look cute and taste delicious. like the pancakes he decorates with fruit to look like a bear or a cat! he wakes up extra early to prepare an entire buffet for you, including all of your favorites so you’ll be more enticed to eat. mealtimes are meant to be enjoyable, so it always saddens him when you pick at your plate, too nervous to ask for seconds or to eat even half of what’s on your plate when he’s watching. you’re always so anxious around him. it breaks his heart! :( he tries his best to be gentle and patient, especially in the mornings when he wakes you up and sees how cute and sleepy you are, clinging to his arm and mumbling about how it’s too early (it’s nearly afternoon now).
floyd who picks up gifts and treats for you on his way home. maybe it’s a fluffy pastry that reminded him of how soft and sweet you are or it’s a huge plushie that he knows you’ll love to snuggle with. he likes spoiling you with gifts because he adores seeing you smile, if only for a minute. he never expects anything in return and he isn’t doing this to win your affections (although he hopes it at least warms you up to him). just knowing you’re happy is enough for him. (but he does cuddle with his own shrimp plushie he bought on a whim hehe). sometimes he’ll set the plushies around the table so you’ll have company when you eat, just to avoid awkwardness when it’s you and him. sometimes he’ll make the plushies talk to each other with silly voices. his theatrics managed to get a few giggles out of you, so he knows you secretly enjoy it. he really wants to kiss you, but he knows you’d get scared and so he quells the urge by making a plushie give you a tiny peck on the lips.
floyd who, in the midst of a volatile mood swing, knows to distance himself from you so you won’t have to see him at his worst. he gets frustrated when you avoid him or talk about the outside or other people. when he’s angry like this, he wants to break something or someone. he could never take his emotions out on you, though! he’d never forgive himself if he did, so he goes outside and walks around or he’ll mindlessly clean the house or he’ll cook a bunch of different dishes. he could go out, look for trouble, and beat it to a pulp, but he knows you hate seeing him covered in blood, knuckles bruised and possibly broken, so he refrains from doing that. he’s picked up this habit: when he’s in a bad mood, he does good instead of bad. like cooking and cleaning instead of hurting and hitting others. and eventually the smell of good food or a fresh, clean house soothes him and brings him back to earth, no longer so wrapped up in unpredictable thoughts and feelings. he’ll knock on your door because you take to hiding when he’s pacing, prowling for something to get his hands on or sink his teeth into, and he tells you he made food or he cleaned the house or he tried to knit a sweater for his shrimp plushie.
floyd who pastes glow-in-the-dark shapes to the walls and ceiling so you won’t be so frightened of the darkness (or more realistically: of the person who dwells in that darkness). he buys a lot of different designs: moons and stars, sea creatures, flowers, and so on. he has too much fun putting them up and he encourages you to decorate to your heart’s content. floyd arranges some of the stars into a heart. normally he’d find it cheesy, but he likes it and seeing your expression soften makes it all the more worthwhile. he places his hand in the center of the heart and you follow his lead, gingerly placing yours over his. he smiles at you and asks, “big enough for two?” you nod, quietly echoing, “big enough for two.”
floyd who arranges the plushies in rows in the sitting room as if they’re all intended to be watching a show. he’s a portrait of lazy comfort in his sweatpants. you’re wearing his shirt. it’s nothing fancy, but then it doesn’t have to be. he’s taken a curtain down so you can use it as a veil, and he lifts it up to look at you. it’s his version of a wedding spent in confinement. the plushies watch with unseeing eyes, each one a witness to magnificent matrimony. the shrimp is sat on the sofa, intended to be a priest with its little recipe book. floyd makes up his vows as he goes, but they’re all spoken truthfully. the rings aren’t anything fancy either; he said he’d get you a nice one if you wanted it, but you seem fine with the plastic ones that came on a cake he bought. there’s a butterfly ring and a ring that says happy spring on it. it’s silly. it’s hardly marriage material. but it’s so very floyd, and that’s arguably much better than fussing over details. you make up your vows as well, speaking most of them through giggles because it’s more fun than serious. floyd asks if you’ll have him forever, if you’ll marry him and become his for the rest of your days, if you’ll continue to be his shrimpy; you say you will. rather than kissing you, he presses his forehead to yours and smiles. it’s a marriage of many promises. instead of an “i do” a forehead touch seems to signify the finality of this mock wedding. you and the plushies who served as guests celebrate with a feast. floyd’s outdone himself this time, but then he always does. chef floyd never disappoints, especially when he knows there’s a special occasion to be celebrated. and this occasion is the most special.
floyd who builds a pillow and blanket fort in the bedroom. he spends an abnormally long time perfecting it, which is unusual because floyd’s never been one for perfection. but he’s meticulous with this, so meticulous you’d think he’s building a nest for a mate. and maybe he is. eel instincts are so deeply rooted in his being, even when he’s not in the sea. he packs the fort with all of your favorite things: the eel and shrimp plushies, a few books, lots of snacks, plenty of blankets and pillows, and a tablet so the two of you can watch movies. he has you cover your eyes when he leads you to the bedroom and he’s practically radiating excitement in his haste to show you his hard work. you seem delighted to behold the fort in all of its comfy glory, and floyd is restraining himself from picking you up and carrying you over to the fort. he has to remember personal space. he has to be patient, and he is. always. only for you.
the lights are turned off and the both of you snuggle in the fort together, watching your film of choice. for once in his life, he’s the nervous one. he doesn’t want to do anything to upset you. this is the closest he’s been to you in a while. you’re letting him hold you! he’s really so happy. through the sheets in the fort, the faint glow from the plastic shapes can be seen. he finds the heart right away. it’s hard to miss.
floyd’s dozing. it’s easy to feel comforted in your presence. now that he’s finally relaxing after spending hours putting the fort together, he’s oddly sleepy. but before he can completely submit to his dreams, something on his lips rouses him. he opens his eyes to find the shrimp plushie giving him a kiss and it takes him a minute to realize the meaning behind the gesture. and then he’s staring past the plush at you, mismatched eyes blown hilariously wide. and then a smile sprawls on his face, and he gathers you in his arms, laughing and rubbing his cheek against yours. his shrimpy is the cutest!
he asks if he can kiss you for real this time—without the plushie—and you nod, and it’s the first time floyd realizes patience pays off. usually he’s not so awkward about physical touch, but it’s a different story to be given permission to do something he’s always wanted to do rather than just taking it for himself. he kisses you modestly at first, uncharacteristically chaste, obviously holding back, but it isn’t long until he’s melting against you. he holds you so gently, so firmly, molding his body to yours in the soft comforts of the fort. he kisses you breathless and dizzy, more than once, so much that the two of you break apart for air, panting like you’ve just run a marathon.
floyd switches positions so you’re lying on your back and he’s caging you between his arms. he asks if he can fuck you, promises he’ll be gentle, mumbles about how you’re so pretty all spread out under him. his hand slips into yours, squeezing reassuringly. he won’t do anything you don’t want him to. he’ll prepare you well. he’s good with his mouth, after all! that has you laughing. he’s laughing, too, his heart full of feathers, his mind muddled with warmth and sweetness.
and even if you don’t want to go all the way, he’s just happy to be here with you. your answer is spoken against his lips, and he promises he’ll treat you good. so good. the best kind of good you’ll ever have. and he means every word because he’s never be dishonest with you. and that’s a promise he’d never dare break.
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cxtori · 10 months
Hello 👋 can you please write dating headcanons for Uramichi and Mitsuo from Life lessons with Uramichi Oniisan? Thank you ☺️
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Dating Headcanons ft. Uramichi Omota & Mitsuo Kumatani
tori’s note: sorry this took me so long, anon. i suck at writing headcanons for some reason lmao
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you met Uramichi when he came into the digital planning department after being sent to invite you to a work party.
You were talking (arguing) with Kikaku about some new toy design when he walks in, though the conversation continues
Uramichi is surprised when you get Kikaku to retreat and stop his yelling. Uramichi is intimidated by you, and yet he finds himself drawn to you at the same time
After talking to you he realizes you’re actually a very kind person. You just don’t take Kikaku’s shit and he respects you for it
He seeks you out at the work party and spends the entire evening talking to you. You’re so drawn to each other and find it super easy to have a conversation last hours and you were both sad when the party comes to an end
He surprises himself when the words “would you like to get dinner sometime” leave his mouth. But he’s even more surprised when you say yes. The rest is history
Despite what some may think, he’s not great at communication.
He’s been so used to handling his own problems that it doesn’t really occur to him that he should talk them through with you.
But, all you have to do is bring it up once for him to realize his mistake and correct it. It’s a bad habit, and it’ll take some time to break it, but he does his best because he wants to be the best for you.
Just because you’re dating doesn’t mean his depressive episodes will go away. He’ll have his days when all he wants to do is curl into bed and hide away from the world.
On these days, be patient with him. Give him his space but remind him that you will always be there for him
He’s for sure very playful with you. With other’s, he often comes off as quiet and closed off. But around you, he’s smiling, laughing, actually enjoying himself.
He’s a bit touch starved. Between his childhood and his unsuccessful love life up to this point, he’s never received much physical affection.
Because of this, he’s attached to your hip almost constantly. He’s always touching you in some way, whether it be his arms wrapped around your waist or your pinkies interlocked.
He’s not very big on pda though. He much prefers to leave his physical affection at the house. unless no one’s looking lol
You take a lot of evening walks. The quiet street, the cool night air, and his warm hand wrapped around yours. Yep, those are your favorite.
He’s the type that enjoys cuddling on the couch. Whether you’re watching a movie or sitting in silence, he doesn’t care. he’s with you, that’s all that he needs.
You met him at the store when buying cat food
You were mumbling to yourself, trying to decide if you should get chicken or shrimp when Mitsuo walks up beside you to pick something up
He overheard you talking to yourself and ended up suggesting a food brand, which ultimately led you to talk about your new cat and show him pictures, which he thoroughly enjoyed
After that, you would bump into each other in the pet section every now and then until one day he just blatantly asks you out
He loves to take you fishing. Even though he’s the one who puts the bait on the hook and takes the fish off cause it grosses you out
No one does emotional support like Mitsuo. Anytime you’re upset about something, he’s right there beside you with his arsenal of things that he knows will make you feel better
There is absolutely no hiding your feelings from him. He’s perceptive, and when your mood shifts even a little, he notices. And there’s no point in lying or brushing it off. He knows, and you know he knows
He’s actually amazing at communication. He knows when to speak and when to let things be. And while he typically doesn’t speak on things, it’s different with your relationship. He knows how crucial it is and he doesn’t disregard it.
He’s mild when it comes to physical affection. He likes to cuddle, but it if starts to get too hot, he’s the first to untangle himself from you lol
When he makes out with you though? whew
He doesn’t mind pda, but he’s not super obvious about it. he’ll hold your hand around others just fine. but expect him to steal kisses the moment people look away
Despite being a usually quiet and reserved person, he’s very open around you, especially in private
You are required to watch every man-eating salmon movie at least once lol
Speaking of man-eating salmon, it makes him laugh. It’s one of the few things that makes him genuinely chuckle like a goofball. His laugh sounds like heaven
You two definitely start fostering cats. It accidentally started with 1, and then it turned into 3, and then into 5
You’ll go back and forth on the pros and cons of possible adopters, which will sometimes turn into silly, unserious arguments lol
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©Cxtori 2023 please do not copy, plagiarize, repost or translate. reblogs appreciated
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bluestarjay · 3 months
Tsukihina for the soullllll
Tsukishima knows he's an asshole. But he's not a sociopath. Obviously, he felt bad for being mean.
But one time, he was no worse than normal with his insults, and hinata backed away, almost a look of horror in his eyes.
He does that often. After coming out of his shell at school and in practice, he actually had a kind of decent poker face. But his emotions were always clear in his eyes. He could always find his emotions and intentions in the mixed layers of brown and gold.
He never wanted to be responsible for that look of horror, though.
Hinata had stomped off to a small nearby park, which left tsukishima to think. He thought about his brother, how he'd been lied to, and how that had probably left him with the need to be brutally honest, regardless of whether it hurt someone's feelings. He didn't care if a girl cried when he rejected her; he wasn't entitled to accept her feelings.
Quite frankly, he didn't even like girls. His brother had once given him a magazine designed for kids his age, around 13, in which there was an article about the best ways to get a girl to like you. There were tips about dates and gifts to get the girl you liked. There were drawn little love hearts all over, and even then, before he'd found out about akiteru, it didn't interest him. He'd decided that maybe he didn't like girls and gave the magazine back. That was clearly the right decision because here he was, worrying if the boy who had just stomped off in angry tears (thanks to him) was ok; if he would ever consider to be his friend. He wanted desperately to be friends with hinata. He just didn't know how to blend their contrasting personalities yet. But hinata probably wouldn't want to be friends with him, not after being a dick to him all year,,, But hinata was a very easily forgiving guy,,,
So he followed hinata to the park. Hinata has never been particularly violent, but he loved to break things when he was angry. He could easily smash bottles against a wall, or large sticks against a tree, as he was now, or just crushing something in his hands. Once or twice he had accidentally crushed shards of broken glass, leaving small cuts all over his palms. Tsukishima had noticed them, but never asked where they'd come from. They would study together, even though Tsukishima insisted that it would be the last time and that he hated tutoring him, and as hinata wrote increasingly more and more aggressively as he got more frustrated, he always searched for the scars. He noticed one at the top left side of his palm, one on the very tip of his middle finger, and one in between his thumb and index finger. On his right hand, there was a long and faded scar across his knuckles, which he assumed was from punching something. He wanted to look for the rest of the scars.
As he watched hinata beat a large stick against a tree, with chunks of bark flying off, he couldn't help but think of akiteru. He came up behind him and grabbed the stick from him. "I'm sorry." "Have you ever considered that maybe you don't need to be such a dick to every single person just for breathing? You said that kageyama was the king because he's a dictator on the court, but you're just as bad! You think you're better than everybody else and then you laugh when they get angry. And it doesn't help that you're basically perfect, either! You look different from everybody else cause of your blonde hair, but nobody cares because at least blonde is an attractive color! And not to mention you're just already attractive on your own! And you get perfect grades, and hoardes of girls confessing their love to you. You have the perfect build for volleyball, and no one judges you because you don't 'look right' for your position, and you're stupid talented and everybody on the court gets jealous of you, no matter how dumb you are to realize that. It also doesn't help that I'm basically in love with you, but what do I know, I'm just a dumb shrimp, right?" He'd started crying again in the middle of his rant, and tugged the stick out of tsukishima's hands to hit it against the tree again. Of course, Tsukishima immediately looked to his hands to see the scars that lingered, and noticed a cut from the branch. He looked to his eyes to see the tears, and so much pent up anger. "I think I'm basically in love with you too, shoyo. Im sorry. I never meant the things I've said to you. I thought it was easier to push people away and be an asshole than to be hurt again. If you'd give me the chance, I'll make it up to you. I'll buy us some meat buns." Hinata looked back, laughed, and dropped the stick.
They talked through their feelings for the next few hours, eating meat buns, and Tsukishima carefully took care of the cut on his hand.
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dullgecko · 25 days
Don’t know if you’re okay with alcohol (if not ignore this) but I rewatched Rock the Boat and I have Ideas about the bad kids being drunk. We see the bad kids drunk the first few times it happens, but after a while I think they settle into their drunk personas.
Riz distrusts alcohol generally. Anything that negatively affects his perception is a bad idea to him. However, the few times he has gotten drunk, he’s emotional. Think the Sophmore Shrimp Party x10. His emotions are locked right up to the moment he gets drunk. His size doesn’t help, since it means he gets drunk pretty easy compared to his friends.
Fig and Kristin are pretty similar, in that every idea sounds like a good idea. As long as their friends are still happy and no one’s died, they’re all in on everything. Fig has pretty high tolerance from parties on tour, and Kristin microdosed on alcohol all the time because she was convinced that a restricted childhood meant she’d be too much of a lightweight, but she holds her alcohol much better than most. Unfortunately, Kristine brand of chaos means she does not need to be that drunk in order to do many stupid things.
Adaine can not hold her alcohol. She gets tipsy on beer. Depending on who’s around, she either falls asleep immediately or become the most extroverted person imaginable. In the junior year parties, with lots of people she doesn’t know well, she’s loud and friendly and doing magic in every direction. If it’s just her friends on a hangout night, she’ll be asleep by 9. Either way, she wakes up late with an awful hangover.
Fabian doesn’t like drinking because of his mother, so he doesn’t drink often. When he does, Fabian is himself up to eleven. Dramatic, loud, friendly. Fabian once went to a nightclub and came out with twelve new friends and a broken nose. He’s got a decent tolerance, but it’s dropped since high school because he no longer parties every weekend. Miraculously, has pretty easy hangovers, but Fabian sleeps until 10am anyway, so it’s not like it’s useful to him.
Gorgug has high tolerance for a number of reasons. Orc’s have good alcohol tolerance anyway, and his body weight and height are useful. He doesn’t drink as much on tours as Fig, but still has fun. His parents made it clear that alcohol isn’t bad, just be careful. If he’s still sober enough, he keeps Fig and Kristin from falling out the window, and Fabian from getting punched. When he’s actually drunk, he’s just as likely to propose a stupid idea, but will also try to talk everyone out of it. Keeps pain meds in his room because he once woke up hungover and couldn’t get to the bathroom medicine cabinet and almost broke the wall down.
Riz went to the overthinker competition and they disqualified him because he made the other competitors cry when they realised they could never reach his level. Alcohol just... switches off the part of his brain keeping that train going and he turns into a mess. Mostly because his default method of dealing with his own issues is shoving them down as far as possible and burrying them under other thoughts so he doesnt have to deal with it.
Kristen and Fig are those people at a party that you have to supervise heavily even if there ISNT alcohol involved. Look away for a second and all your patio furniture is in the pool, your TV is suspended from the ceiling and someone dyed the cat a weird colour (and this is them SOBER). Alcohol takes their already poor impulse control out back and shoots it in the head.
Drunk Adaine is fun. She drops her inhibitions at the door and can 100% become the life of the party. She can only hold that energy for so long before needing to go take a nap though. Her friends have learned to make her take some painkillers and chug a couple bottles of water before letting her sleep properly just to help prevent the inevitable hangovers.
Fabian grew up with pirates, there's literally no way he could have avoided drinking completely with his father around so he started building a tolerence early. He does know when he has to stop though and usually never goes past 'pleasently tipsy'. He often acts more drunk than he actually is on purpose so he doesnt get called out on it. If he does get wasted he's one of those super friendly cuddly drunks.
Gorgug tries not to get drunk, even though his tolerence is so high. He's more liable to loose control of his emotions and worries he'll either do something stupid or get into a fight and hurt someone. He'll try to stay at the level where things are fun but he's never let himself become blackout drunk because he feels responsible for looking after other people. After the painkiller incident he makes sure to join Adaine in chugging water before going to bed.
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fishsticksloser · 1 year
Hi if it’s cool I have a small request.
Could you write something where the reader hangs out one of the brothers (not the turtles they like). The brother then asks them to marry the turtle they like because he wants the reader as his sister
Eyes Wide Open
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Mikey + fem!reader & Donnie x fem!reader
Warnings: mutual pinning, mentions of marriage, fluff, a sliver of angst, aged up, no tcest!!!!
A/N: I have no clue if this is what you had in mind, but I read your request and immediately thought Mikey. Mikey is so cute, he's such a genuinely sweet guy 🧡 I will write with all different turtles (ie talk to Leo -> marry Raph, etc.)
Leo | Raph | Mikey
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You and Mikey sat on the ledge of a building, legs dangling off the side. You used to be scared doing that, you'd even panic when one of the boys did it, but it didn't bother you anymore.
You and Mikey swung your legs, just talking. About anything and everything. You hadn't been around in a while and Mikey was catching you up on everything you missed. Now you sat in a comfortable silence, watching the sunset.
"I want you to be my sister." Mikey suddenly says.
"I thought I was?" You laugh.
"No... I mean..." Mikey sighs. "We've known April for about 14 years. We've known you for about 2."
"You should marry Donnie."
"Then you'd be my sister."
"Mikey, I'm not just going to marry Donnie." Your heart was pounding in your ears. Had you really made it that obvious that you liked Donnie? "I don't think either of us would just run off and get married."
"I've seen how you look at him." Mikey continues. "I think you should do something about it."
Mikey doesn't let you answer, bidding you goodnight and heading back down to the lair.
Maybe you should say something... What's the worst that could happen, right? But this is Donnie you're talking about... He has to keep his 'emotionally unavailable bad boy' image up. Dating doesn't really fit into that.
You chose not to think about it anymore and went home. But as you laid in bed you continued to think about it. What was the real worst case scenario. Donnie wasn't the type to publicly humiliate you, so there wasn't really a fear of that. Would he tell his brothers though? How would they react?
What was the best scenario? He said yes... Right? Then you eventually run off and get married like Mickey wanted. That was the best case scenario, but like that would ever happen...
A few days later, you head to the lair. Even if Donnie didn't feel the same way, he still deserved to know and you needed this weight off your shoulders.
"Hey!" Leo smiles. "It's been a while! How are you?"
"Uh, good." You answer. "Where's Don?"
"In his lab like always." Raph answers.
You head to Donnie's lab, the door was shut so you knocked. You couldn't hear anything, but the door started to open. You slipped inside, seeing Donnie hunched over his desk like a shrimp. It wasn't unusual for you to hang around the lab, you actually quite enjoyed just being around Donnie.
"Hi, Donnie." You say, sitting in the chair next to him.
"Hey, y/n." He smiles, fiddling with some screws, goggles down. "I've kind of missed my lab partner."
"Sorry I've been gone so long." You laugh. "I actually wanted to talk to you about something."
"Of course, go on." He continues to fiddle, it was a tad irritating.
"It's kind of important..." You press.
"Oh, okay." Donnie sets down his tools and lifts his goggles. He spins to face you, pulling his legs up, sitting cross-legged. He studied your face, waiting for you to talk. He noticed the hesitance. "Oh... This is really serious..."
He didn't like serious talks. Serious talks tend to be emotional and he's not equipped with the tools to deal with that. Maybe he should tell you to talk to Mikey, but... You came to him...
"Donnie..." You took a deep breath, wringing your hands. "I talked with Mikey a few days ago... And he told me that I should be honest with you."
"H-Honest?" Donnie questions. "I didn't know you lied to me in the first place..."
"I haven't lied... Per say... I just haven't told you."
You avoided his eyes, hoping that it would be easier to say, but it wasn't. He was staring so intently, concerned about what you were hiding. You were his best friend, he thought that you'd come to him if things weren't going well... If you weren't doing well.
"Don... I..." He watched you panic a little before shaking your head. "This is stupid... I shouldn't have listened to Mikey. I'm sorry for wasting your time."
"Are you sure?" Donnie asks. "I really don't mind, I'm just working on something fun... You seem like you really want to say something..."
"It's not that important..." You quickly retreat. You rush past the other turtles, not even saying goodbye.
"What happened?" Raph stood to follow you as Donnie rushed in.
"I-I don't know." Donnie answered. "She said she had something important to tell me then ran off before saying it... But she did say she talked to Mikey about it..."
All 3 of them turn to Mikey. Mikey shrinks into his chair.
"What did you say to her?" Leo asks.
"I just told her that she should do something!" Mikey squeaks.
"What did you tell her to do?"
"I-I... I told her that I wanted her to be my sister... Legally and everything you know... And I told her to do something about it."
"Hold on..." Leo stops Mikey's rambling. "You basically told her to admit she has feelings for one of us and she went to Donnie?"
"Are you saying y/n has a crush on Donnie?" Raph demands.
Mikey didn't answer. Donnie was frozen. That's what you were trying to tell him? Was it really that hard to talk to him? Donnie left the room. He needed to think.
"Now look what you did..." Mikey waves his hand towards the direction Donnie left in. "Now you've upset Donnie..."
Donnie was upset, but not because he found out from Mikey. But because he was so stupid. Suddenly knowing you had a crush on him revealed all the indicators of it. The way you'd brush your hand against his arm, bumping knees during movie nights, how you almost always brought his favorite snacks when you came to visit. He was upset because he had feelings for you and he didn't think you shared those feelings. He let you touch his shell, he always had his battle shell off around you. He made you things, hoping they were useful to you. He always sat next to you during movie nights, letting you curl into him. And he had made a chair set to your lumbar settings for when you were in his lab.
He had to tell you.
Late that same night, he snuck out of the lair... Not that he had to sneak out, he's 23, he can do whatever he wants. Donnie made his way to your place and knocked on your door.
"Donnie!" You choked as you opened your door.
"Can I come in?" He asks. You nod, slightly dazed. "I wanted to talk to you... It's kind of important."
"Oh... Uh, y-yeah." You both walk to your kitchen. "Do you want anything to drink?"
"I don't know how to do this..." Donnie murmurs. "Mikey told me..."
"I'm sorry - I really wanted to tell you, but I just..."
"It's fine. I haven't been completely honest with you either."
"What do you mean?"
"Y/N... I like you so much..." Donnie groans, he looks at the counter, avoiding your eyes. He realized why you had run away, this was difficult.
"Donnie, you don't have to pretend for me... Or Mikey." You tell him. "I know I should've told you, but that doesn't mean you have to fake it to make me feel better."
"I'm not..." Donnie frowns. "I... I'm an idiot for not seeing it, but then again... You didn't notice either."
"Don-" It's not that you think he's lying, although that's part of it, you're just waiting for him to shut you down.
"Y/N, please." Donnie whispers. He walks towards you, taking your hands in his. "I like you. I should've said something a long time ago... We both should've... Maybe then we'd be married like Mikey wants."
You laughed. You couldn't help it. Donnie's eyes met yours, he was smiling too. He wasn't lying, his eyes spoke truth. So you stood on your toes and kissed him, softly. Donnie let go of your hands and placed one on your hip, the other on the back of your neck.
"We did it!" Mikey whispers. Leo, Raph, and Mikey were crouched outside your window, watching it all unfold.
"Congrats, Michael." Leo wraps his arm around Mikey's shoulders and pulls him closer.
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t4tozier · 4 months
👽 and 💝 for jace and porter?
omg how did i miss this one okay let's do it
quirk hc:
i did one for porter already but he's a quirky guy. quokki guy.
you will never catch porter with dirt on his shoes. it's a product of his paladin training; somehow, no matter where he goes or how long he wears them for, his shoes are always spotless. he has a cleaning kit that he brings everywhere with him during his free period you can find him polishing his boots.
jace prefers to stand over sitting but if he has the opportunity to sit on a counter or somewhere where he can kick his feet he prefers to do that instead. he's such a bad hoverer when they're at ruben's house he'll just stand in the threshold like no please. continue. i'm just hanging out.
love language hc:
porter's love language is quality time. he won't admit it, but he misses jace when he's not around and makes up excuses to spend time around him. he'll text jace at 2 am like u up but in like a hey wyd i miss u way. but ofc jace will read it in a fuckboy way. they do usually end up fucking when they're together for any extended period of time because porter refuses to tell jace that he just wants to be in the same room as him.
you would think jace's love language is physical touch. and you would be right. that's how he shows it, anyway. "always a duo"? yeah that's because jace literally always wants to be at porter's side. touching him, kissing him, fucking him. the first and only time they've ever spooned jace felt shrimp emotions.
what he really wants, though, is acts of service. he's so used for people making him do things for them, and with porter, it just becomes kind of another part of jace's normal routine. fall in love, get used, get hurt, rinse and repeat. but then porter starts helping him clean his house when his magic has him too wired to concentrate (paladin), washes the dishes that have been in there for too long, brings jace breakfast in the morning because he knows otherwise he's surviving on nicotine coffee and a dream, and jace doesn't really know what to do with that.
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