#having to sit and play on my phone for nearly two hours like usual but nooo mean girls isnt until 2pm
bunnyb34r · 7 months
Ofc today when I finally planned on seeing mean girls the earliest showing isnt until after noon 😩
Guess I'll see madame web then 🤷‍♀️
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cafehyunji · 5 months
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Video Phone | Abby Anderson
you sayin that you want me? So press record, I'll let you film me. On your video phone
content : smut, fingering, moaning, minor cussing, modern!abby
I recommend Minors do not interact !!
Knowing Abby, she would take late shifts at the fire department, being in the status of the hard working (and hot) fire fighter, leaving you home alone with your rampant thoughts of her and her “actions”, and today was one of those days. Rather than the usual fingering alone to just the thought of her while laying on her side of the bed you both lay in, listening to a playlist you made for times alone, you take another route. Recording it and sending it to her.
Abby gets a notification as she finishes up the last 30 of her shift, she swipes up pressing the notification with the contact name “Angel 🤍” with an attachment. She’s greeted with the view of you in a pair of lingerie she couldn’t recognize, quickly reaching in her pockets she ruffles around to find her headphones, pulling out the once white case now turned yellow from her hectic days of playing ‘the garden wife” in your backyard on her off days.
Taking out the small pieces inside and placed them in her ear. She looks around a bit not knowing if this could be the regular ask of how your outfit looks or something else, once she feels the coast is clear she starts the video. The phone is set up close enough, giving her a great view of your glistening folds in the dim room, lit by the thin cheap fairy lights you bought on a whim months ago. She cringed seeing them in your hands after telling you they were a fire risk days before they came, but she couldn’t disappoint her beautiful girl… could she?
Soft moans flowed through the small white pieces of plastic, making her feel as if she was in the room sitting and watching as you touched yourself for her. She loved how the dim small warm tinted lights hit your brown slick folds, listening to the sweet gush of her pretty pussy taking in your two digits with ease. From behind the screen, dear lord was she drooling and parched (and nearly having a waterfall between her thighs.) “I wish you were here…” you softly pant, speeding up your thrust. “I don’t feel right without you… but I’m so impatient.. fuck..” You huff, panting and throwing your head back in pleasure.
You softly whine, lifting your head to look at the phone watching yourself as you touch yourself thinking of Abby sitting, and watching at the edge of the bed telling you what to do. A few more pumps of your digits bring you a harsh feeling of relief, causing you to gush all over the newly washed fitted sheets you put on hours ago. you toss your head back onto the pillows, letting the video end on its own before getting up and sending the good parts to Abby.
©cafehyunji 2023
A/n: Long time no see... It's been a long ass time since I've posted something on here that wasn't a repost.. at least Im not treating y'all like my editing account... (I haven't posted there in like 6-7 months.. I'm treating it like the plague..)
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sweetbuckybarnes · 4 months
Who is That?: Alpine
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Summary: Y/N goes back to work, and comes across a curious creature on her way home.
Bucky Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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"Thank you for today, Y/N," her manager smiled, as Y/N packed up the last of her belongings.
"That's alright," Y/N replied, setting her bag on her shoulder.
Just as her manager was going to say something else, the phone started to ring in its cradle. "I'll see you Thursday," her manager waved and picked up the phone.
Y/N left the shop and made her way down the street. She had always been a fast walker (thanks to the height of Bucky, she always had to run to catch him up). She weaved her way in and out of pedestrians.
Considering she was small as well, it also made it easier to avoid people and their bags.
As she stood at the crossing, waiting for the signal to cross. She spotted a little girl standing next to her, staring up at her with large eyes. "Hello."
The little girl's mother looked downtown her daughter then at Y/N. "I'm sorry, it's not often she stares at people like this."
Y/N shakes her head. "No, she's OK. There must be something about me she is curious about," she tells her, making sure she had her balance and crouched down in front of the little girl. "Are you alright?"
All of a sudden, the little girl had gone very shiny as she grabbed a hold of her mother's coat and looked down at her shoes.
The two women chuckled as Y/N stood back up.
"What's that?" The little girl asked, pointing at the engagement ring.
"Thats my engagement ring," Y/N told the little girl. "My husband gave me this, and he told me he wants to spend the rest of his life with me."
"The rest of your life with one person?" The little girl looked up at her.
Y/N nodded. "Yeah, and I told him I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him, and we got married."
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Y/N was nearly home, as it had just started raining, when the sounds of meowing stopped her in her tracks.
She looked around and caught sight of a box moving in a nearby alleyway. "What on Earth?" She made her way down the alleyway to the upturned box and revealed a very young cat.
She didn't know what kind of despicable person would drop a cat so young to find for itself in the freezing cold rain. She could only hope it hadn't been sitting outside all that long, as its fur was nearly pristine white, but it was so skinny.
"Hello," she cooed, crouching down, holding her hand out to the kitten. The creature took a few cautious steps forward, taking many sniffs of Y/N's fingers. The cat must have thought she was trustworthy enough and pushed her head underneath Y/N's fingers.
Y/N cooed over the little kitten, making a fuss over the cat before eventually being able to scoop her up into her arms. The kitten made a little bit of a protest, only to be soothed by cuddles.
"Right," she says to the kitten. "Let's go home."
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Usually, Bucky would be waiting for her in their apartment, but he had been pulled away for an important mission with Sam and wouldn't be come until the early hours of the morning.
Well, that is what she was expecting.
She was in the middle of giving the kitten a soap bath when a key was put into the lock, and the door opened.
"Doll?" Bucky called, not seeing his wife sat on the sofa watching her TV shows. "Doll, where are you?"
"James?" Y/N looked over her shoulder to where she could see her husband setting his heavy gear down. She looked between her husband and the kitten and then back at Bucky. "What are you doing home, I thought you wouldn't get back until the early hours."
Bucky walked around the corner and into the kitchen and finally saw what his wife was doing. "Doll?" She replied with a hum. "What is that?"
"What's what?" She sometimes played dumb, just to wind him up a little.
"Don't play this game with me, doll," Bucky walked over to her, so he was nearly plastered to her side. He lifted a vibranium finger. "This creature in your hands."
She stopped her scrubbing and looked down at the kitten. "I found her."
"You found her?"
Bucky raised an eyebrow at his wife. "And where did you find this cat?"
Y/N turned her head to look at him. "In a cardboard box, in an alleyway, block from here."
Bucky looked from his wife to the young cat in her hands and then back at his wife again. "Are you sure this isn't someone's pet?" In response to this, Y/N rinsed off the soap from the kitten and lifted her to show Bucky. Despite the kitten's white coat, the poor thing was practically skin and bones. "Bloody hell," this was something he had picked up from the war.
"We have to keep her, James."
Bucky sighed looking between his wife and the cat. He could see by the look in his wife's eyes and the way the cat is currently licking her hand - they had already bonded, and there was no separating them.
"Alright, doll. I'll go get some food and some dishes for..." he trailed off, waiting for his wife to fill in the gap for the kitten's name.
"Why would you guess I have..." she was now the one to trail off as Bucky was looking at her expectantly. "Alpine."
Bucky blinked a few times. "After the Alpine Ridge, I fell from?"
"No! First of all, I didn't not know that is where you fell. And secondly, the box I found her had a silhouette of a mountain range on it, and I remembered Steve talking about a mission you once went to during the war. He never told me it was the one you fell from."
Bucky nodded. "OK, doll. I shall go get Miss Alpine some wet food, immediately," he presses a kiss to her cheek and makes his way to leave their apartment. "And what have I told you about calling me James?"
"I shall call you James as much as you call me doll."
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mandarinmoons · 5 months
Spencer was lying on his couch completely motionless, cradling a book into his chest, the same book that you had gifted him. His eyes were bloodshot from crying and a lack of sleep, it had been nearly two weeks since you passed, two weeks since he hadn’t been able to save you.
It was quiet in the apartment, usually the ticking sound of the grandfather clock could be heard in the background, but it hadn’t been wound in a good while and Spencer hadn’t noticed it. His mind was too busy playing back the last scenes of seeing you alive, a vicious cycle that he had no control over.
Sometimes Spencer swore that he heard your voice when he closed his eyes, it felt so lifelike that his eyes shot open and he frantically looked from side to side hoping, praying that all the events that took place were a horrible dream and that you were safe and still with him. However, when the silence was the only thing to be heard and he noticed that he was still wearing your cardigan, the hope came crashing down and his head hit the pillow again in a thud, it wasn’t real, it was his mind playing tricks on him again.
When his body gave in and Spencer finally fell asleep, his dreams were all filled with you. The two of you sitting at a table in a cafe, soft music playing in the background and the smell of the freshly brewed drinks filling your noses.
Spencer would slide his arm over the table to take your hand in his, but your hand would feel cold. The only time he was able to hold it was when he ran toward your lifeless body and took your hand in his to feel for a pulse that wasn’t there anymore.
Spencer would feel his chest tighten in his dream, but the image of you in his mind wouldn’t let him associate your passing with the last moments of seeing you alive. The dream version of you was determined to remind him of all the joyous times spent together instead, all the time spent sending each other letters, which later turned to phone calls. Spencer still remembers the first time he heard your laugh and how he knew that it would become one of his favorite sounds.
As time went on Spencer felt your hand getting warmer and the hold you had on him felt stronger. Spencer didn’t know what was going on, but the dream no longer felt like a dream, but as if it was a moment in real life. Your face was no longer hazy and he could clearly make out all of your features. He knew that this could be his final time seeing you and he wanted to treasure it as much as he could.
Eventually he woke up and saw that hours had passed, it was his first time having a proper sleep in weeks and he finally felt a bit lighter. What had happened made absolutely no sense to Spencer, it could’ve been his brain protecting him from any further emotional pain, or, maybe it was you coming to him in his dreams to tell him that you’re alright, whatever it was, he was thankful for it.
Taglist: @radioactiveinvisible @whoisspence @sreidisms @lanascinnamongirls @luvkatryna @sp3ncelle @iluvreid @khxna @keiva1000 @reidstheyfriend @hiireadstuff @pleasantwitchgarden @cynbx @kimm4710 @niktwazny303 @reidsdaisies @mindfullycriminal @cumulo-stratus @themarauderseraslut @gayfor-rosadiaz
If you want to be a part of my taglist go here!
You can find my masterlist here!
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unforth · 11 months
I had a day off yesterday.
And I can already practically hear the assumptions that such a statement is prompting the reader to make. Those assumptions are wrong. I don't mean I didn't work. I did, for about 8 hours. That's not at all what I mean.
I mean my wife took the kids out at 9:30, spent the night with her mom, isn't back yet the next morning.
There are things I NEED people on this website to understand about parenting. And I've talked about it before, and I'll talk about it again, because honestly the way that Tumblr as a cohort talks about parents makes me sick. Multiple polls have shown that only about 2% of people on here are parents. We're a huge minority, and we're constantly talked over, ignored, or accused of being bad parents (like, personally, I have had people reply to my comments or come on to my posts and tell me I shouldn't have my kids). In my case, being a parent means I'm almost 41, I'm married to @ramblingandpie, and our children are inching up on being 8 and 6 years old.
My entire day, and therefore my entire life, revolves around them. I'm up most mornings at 5 AM, because that's the earliest they're "allowed" to wake up, and so my brain just defaults to being awake around then - better to wake up before them, at least then I get a few minutes in the morning. Between 5 and 7, I sit with them, do my social media, work on side blogs, study Chinese. Then it's helping them get ready for school, then my wife or I or both get them on the bus, and then I work until the last possible minute, which is either when I need to go pick them up for an after school activity or when I need to go down and meet them off the bus. My afternoons are after school activities, chores such as washing the dishes and cleaning up toys, talking with them, working with them, playing with them. Their bedtime starts at 7:40, and my son gets scared if I leave before he falls asleep so I sit with him until about 8:15. As soon as he's asleep, I go fall on my face, sleep as best I can, then wake up and do it again. Overnight, it's hard to sleep deeply, because about once a week someone will wake up in the middle of the night and need help. That could be as minimal as a hug or as complex as having to completely change the bedding on a bunk bed at 2 AM while also comforting a child who is afraid they'll be in trouble, or afraid they're sick, or afraid of their nightmare, or, or, or. Further, if a child is awake, there is always noise. I usually study Chinese with two or more competing sources of noise. I read the same way. My life is loud, and active, and consists of constant interruptions.
I adore my family, and I love my children, but this is terrible for me.
I do all of this as an neurodivergent introvert. My clinical depression is at least medicated, mostly because post-partum depression after I gave birth the first time nearly drove me to suicidal in under a week (we were expecting this and were prepared, fortunately, getting help was as simple as a phone call). The constant noise and interruptions and forced socialibility are about the worst combination of home-life I could be subjected to. I spend far too many early mornings just breathing deeply and gearing myself up to be subjected to the wall of Loud, Boisterous, Needing-My-Attention that is every minute when anyone else in the house is awake.
So what did my day off look like?
I helped get the kids ready to go and did some morning chores. I'd been up at 4:30 AM so I also had already social media'd and studied. Then, while my wife finished the preparations, I started work, and I worked from about 8 am to about 4 pm, straight. I didn't get hungry so didn't bother stopping for lunch. No one interrupted me, no one asked me to look at anything they'd built, no one broke my concentration, no sounds could be heard except those I'd chosen myself.
I'd been out the day before at a local shopping street and listened closely to the things the kids said they wanted, so at 4 I grabbed a couple orders I needed to ship for work and drove to our local downtown, dropped the orders in a post box, then went back to the shops and did some Christmas shopping in the 45 minutes or so before everything closed. I think I'm basically done with what we'll get them - other bigger things will be left to grand parents - so that's a load off, I literally had a stress dream earlier this week about it being 12/24 and having forgotten to do the shopping and having to go to (oh horrors) the mall on the day before Christmas. (Reminder: I'm a Jewish atheist. It's just virtually impossible not to Holiday in the Culturally Christian Hellscape that is the US. Also, my wife is Christian. So.) Found something cute for my wife, too, even tho I already know the main thing I'm getting her. Then, I realized - one of my favorite restaurants is on that block. So. I went there. I sat by myself at a table, only the indistinct restaurant hubbub around me. I read four or five chapters of my book, and ate a savory crepe, and drank lovely fruit tea, and got a scone to-go that I'll eat for lunch today. It was more than I probably should have spent on myself - about $25, including tip - but fuck it. I only get maybe a handful of days off all year, and I'm allowed to indulge a little.
Then I came home. There were no lights on. There was no noise. I had considered doing some more merch work while watching TV on the actual television (my kids are too young for subtitled shows, so usually if I want to watch My Shows I either have to do it on my computer when they're not around, or put them on and read all the subtitles aloud while trying to keep up and process the actual meaning of what I'm reading). But when I got back, the quiet and dark was so goddamn NICE that instead I curled up on the couch and read more of my book. I did that until bedtime - still about 8:15, because I'm exhausted. Then...I went to bed. And I slept long and deep, knowing that there was no chance I'd be interrupted and woken up, I didn't have to be, even in sleep, alert to every noise and possibility that I'd be needed.
I'm still exhausted and burned out, but even one night to myself felt really, really nice.
Saying "Tumblr does X" as a universal statement is doomed to failure, but generally speaking, the parenting posts I see on Tumblr, the ones with tens or hundreds of thousands of notes, speak what's apparently widely seen as a truism on here: that unless someone wants to spend 24/7 with their kids, to be 100% emotionally available at all times, is always kind and patient and perfect, they are a bad parent, maybe even abusive. I remember when covid started, there were multiple posts actively mocking the "oh god, my kids are now home all the time, how am I supposed to do this?" attitude that a lot of parents posted in despair. WhY dId YoU hAvE kIdS iF yOu DoN't WaNt To SpEnD tImE wItH tHeM?
Look at what my usual day looks like.
Look at what my day off looked like.
Do you really think I don't want to spend time with my kids? Do you really think I don't love my kids?
But I'm not a fucking MACHINE. I'm a PERSON. That's what people on Tumblr seem to forget. PARENTS ARE PEOPLE. The same tumblrinas who post ~uwu be kind to yourself rest if you need to, you should forgive yourself for that mistake you made~ will turn around, with zero sense of irony, and post "you're a bad parent if you ever raise your voice around a child."
Expecting parents to be perfect means expecting parents to be inhuman. It also means that a parent can't be poor (can't spend all your time being the perfect parent if you have to work multiple jobs or weird hours!), can't be introverted (can't be a perfect parent if you're not completely emotional available, god forbid socializing is exhausting for you), can't be on the ADHD or autism spectrum (what do you mean you forgot to get your kid to a doctor's appointment once? what do you mean over-stimulation can make you angry? how dare you get angry at a kid!), can't be depressed (gotta get out of bed every single day, gotta always be upbeat, patient, happy, or else that's Evil), can't be (like my wife) physically disabled (what do you mean your hands hurt too much to hold a child's hand? are you denying them touch?? CRUEL). And when the only answer you can offer to that is, "if you can't be that perfect you shouldn't be a parent," then you're saying people who aren't middle class to wealthy, people who aren't neurotypical, people who aren't physically able, shouldn't have children.
And honestly...what the fuck is your problem?
I'm not perfect. I tell my kids to just leave me alone sometimes. I raise my voice, especially when one of my kids starts punching the other, but also sometimes just cause I'm exhausted and Can't Anymore. I've forgotten an appointment by accident and felt like a total fucking idiot, and I've skipped an after school activity because I just wasn't up for taking them. I've served them more unbalanced, unhealthy meals than I can count. I've made many, many mistakes, but I've also done my best, and I love my kids, and I hope that when they grow up, they'll still love me even as they recognize that I wasn't perfect, just as I've come to accept my own parents' short-comings while still loving them very much. They're people, too, and the older I get, the more I understand where they were coming from.
When I fuck up, I apologize.
When they tell me they're unhappy with something I've done, I apologize, and I try to do better. Sometimes I even succeed.
This shit is hard, yo. And it's getting harder every year.
I'm BEGGING Tumblr: you need to start seeing parents as people. The way y'all talk about parenting on here is toxic, and genuinely harmful, and frankly exhausting. You have no idea what the reality of raising kids is like, and you need to shut the entire fuck up.
I had a day off yesterday.
I might get one more before the end of 2023.
I already can't wait. I am so, so, so tired. sigh
(if you actually read this whole rant and even a single word of it resonated for you, please reblog it. I'm tired of never seeing positive posts about parenting while I see negative ones with a bajillion notes.)
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jungkookslipring · 8 months
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2 am
summary: you and your best friend had a rough day at work, but the group chat remains alive and well
pairings: reader x bff x Wonwoo x Jeonghan x Minghao
genre: slight angst but w/ a happy ending
relationship: platonic
You ever have those days where it starts off shitty but ends on a good note. That wasn’t your situation unfortunately. Today your day started off pretty great. One of your favorite bands dropped a new song, and you FaceTimed your bestie to jam out together at the crack of dawn. But as your day went on, it started taking a turn for the worst. Work kicked both of your asses, more than usual, and everything seemed to get worse before it got better. You two were exhausted by the time you got home from your 9-5. You both talked about it over dinner, knowing that getting whatever was bugging you off your chest would help. It did in a way, but that didn’t change what happened. You both bid each other a good night and went to your separate rooms. Hours passed and you haven’t slept a wink. You tossed and turned for a while, even ignored screen time so you could sleep properly. Nothing. You pulled out your phone and not only saw it was 2 in the morning, you noticed your friend was online. You threw on a shirt so you wouldn’t accidentally flash them, and knocked on their door.
“Yo” they say in a groggy voice. You creaked it open and saw them with one AirPod out of their ear, you could hear the new song playing.
“They filled this shit with crack I swear” they said as you give them a tired chuckle.
“You can’t sleep either?” they ask, briefly pausing the song. You shook your head.
“Nope,” you say yawning into your hand.
“What should we do?” They ask, pulling out their other AirPod. You shrug.
“I don’t know we could watch something?” You ask. They nod as you jumped into their bed and grabbed the remote, scrolling through Netflix to see if any of your shows came out with new episodes. While you were rewatching your favorite supernatural episodes, your phone lit up. It was your giant group chat that had wayyyy too many people in it.
Minghao: Who’s up
Jeonghan: Go to sleep
Minghao: but maaaaa
Jeonghan: Istg
Y/BFF/N: We’re up
Wonwoo: Who’s we
Y/n: Who do you think
Minghao: Kiss
Y/BFF/N: why are you the way you are
Jeonghan: please pardon my dear son
Minghao: pardon?!?!
Wonwoo: I’m going to sleep
Y/N: Who wants free food
Minghao: Bet
Wonwoo: Bet
Jeonghan: Bet
You two shut off the TV and quickly throw on a sweatshirt and sweats. You two hop in your friends car and speed off to the guys’ apartment. You pull up almost ready to honk the horn but remember it’s 2 am and you didn’t wanna get yelled at tonight, again. Your friend texted the guys that you two were parked across the street, and not too long later, three crackheads zoomed down the steps after quietly shutting the door.
“Get in losers we’re going shopping!” your friend yelled out the window, nearly blowing out your eardrum. You gave them a look before slapping their arm playfully.
“What’s the move?” You ask as the three pile into the back of your truck.
“Ice cup and tteokbokki” Wonwoo says almost immediately.
“7/11?” Jeonghan asks giving you puppy dog eyes.
“Step on it!” Minghao and your bestie yell at the same time. You two could already feel your moods lifting. Before you knew it you five were walking around 7/11, grabbing ramen, snacks, and ice drinks. After you paid for everyone’s food, you nodded towards the door, instead of sitting down like you normally would.
“Where are we going?” Jeonghan asks.
“You’ll see,” you say with a smirk, your friend’s face already lighting up.
“Are we getting kidnapped?” Minghao asks.
“Beats going to work tomorrow,” Wonwoo says sipping his drink. You all pile back in the rowdy boys are already fighting over the middle seat.
“Don’t spill in my truck,” y/bff/n scolded jokingly.
“They’ll kick you out on the freeway,” you say with the most serious face possible before you two broke out into cackles. You drove a good 10 minutes until you reached a hilltop that overlooked the skyscrapers. You guys have been up there countless times, but the fresh air after a day like today did your body and mind wonders. You dropped your tailgate and everyone piled in, laying out multiple blankets and dispersing all the snacks. Everyone laughed and ate to their hearts content, groaning at how full they were just from the ramen and drinks an hour later. You all laid in a cuddle pile staring at the stars in comfortable silence until Minghao spoke up.
“God this was so needed” he whispered. You lifted your head to look at him.
“Bad day?” You ask. He nodded slowly. The guys all hummed in agreement. Everyone had stressful jobs, and it was only the beginning of the week.
“Thanks for reaching out Minghao,” Y/BFF/N said as she rested her head back on Wonwoo’s chest. Everyone once again hummed in agreement as you all cuddled closer. Your day may have sucked the life out of you two, but you could count on the ones you love to make your heart beat again.
taglist: @felixmainacc@felixburneracc@myforevermelody143@dunno-wut-to-do@itzsana-kiddingmenow
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wintersoldiersoul · 1 year
Summary: You convince Sebastian to make a TikTok with you
A/N: This is kinda shitty but I just thought about how cute it would be if you made a TikTok with Seb and had to write about it. The relationship in this is platonic and I was picturing that Y/N is somewhere in her early 20s.
People always assumed that working on a Marvel movie meant constant action. But truly, most of your days were filled with waiting around in your trailer for hours on end. There were so many moving parts that there were some days you would be called at 4am and have to stay until 5pm only to shoot one scene. Needless to say, you had a lot of downtime. 
It was your castmates that made it all bearable. Instead of sitting alone in your trailers, you were usually all hanging out together. Today was one of those days where you had been waiting around for hours on end to film one scene with Sebastian. You were playing Bucky’s long lost grand-niece, naturally meaning that most of your scenes were with him. 
The two of you were sitting in his trailer, anxiously awaiting for a PA to knock on the door and bring you to set. “Ugh,” you groaned, throwing your head back. 
“You okay over there?” Sebastian chuckled, looking up from his cell phone. Despite being nearly 20 years apart in age, the two of you had grown very close. You were like his little sister.
“I’m losing my mind, Seb. I’ve never been this bored in my fucking life.” 
He laughed and continued to scroll through his phone. 
“What are you even doing on there, anyways? You don’t even use social media,” you sassed. You loved to tease him about his lack of social media presence, calling him old and out of touch, even though you secretly wished you could be as brave as him and stop posting on all of yours, too.
“You know there are other things to do on here,” he held up his phone. “I’m reading an article about space. It’s really interesting.”
You rolled your eyes and groaned again. “God help me.” You opened your own phone and clicked on TikTok, hoping that the For You Page would have something entertaining enough to grab your currently short attention span. After a few minutes, you threw your phone down and sighed again. You watched Sebastian from across the room, silently getting an idea. You smiled slyly, and he looked up at you.
“Oh no,” his eyes narrowed. “You have an idea.”
“Let’s make a TikTok.” You were constantly making TikToks with the other actors and your followers loved it. But you had yet to give everyone what they really wanted. Sebastian.
“Absolutely not,” he replied.
You pouted your lip and widened your eyes. “Pleeeaseeee,” you begged. He laughed at your desperation. “It will be fun I promise. Just one.”
“Stop acting like a child,” he said playfully.
“The fans want it. They’re constantly asking where you are in my videos. People are gonna start thinking that we hate each other, you know.”
He smirked. “Oh they’re constantly asking? They wanna see me in a TikTok that badly?” His tone was playful but you knew him well enough to know that he did seriously doubt it. Despite being so successful, he would always be humble and unsure of himself and just how much his fans truly did love him. 
You snapped a selfie of the two of you and posted it in your Instagram story asking if people wanted to see you and Sebastian make a TikTok. Within seconds, thousands of people were answering “yes” to the poll and your DMs were flooded with pleading messages, begging you to get him to make one. 
“See? Now they won’t leave me alone until I do it.”
He sighed. “Fine. Only for you.” Sebastian had a soft spot for you. Even though you were so much younger than him, he really did think of you as one of his best friends. You were wise beyond your years, having grown up in the spotlight. The two of you loved each other, even just platonically. He was always looking after you, obsessively googling people that you went on dates with, always making sure that you got home safe from nights out. You reminded him a lot of himself when he was your age in a lot of ways. “But no dances. I am definitely not doing a fucking Tik Tok dance.”
“Fair enough.” You scrolled through the app trying to find a good video that the two of you could make. “Oh, I know. This will be fun.” You selected the audio from Gilmore Girls. The classic Jess “Why did you drop out of Yale speech.” You filmed Sebastian as Rory, and yourself as Jess. It took him a bit to get the hang of lip-syncing the words but eventually you had a completed result.
You posted the video with the caption, “As highly requested.” Within seconds, your phone was blowing up with likes and comments of people freaking out over you actually getting Sebastian to make a Tik Tok. 
“See? I told you they wanted it.” You smirked, hitting him lightly on the arm.
He rolled his eyes. “The things I do for you, Y/N.”
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erodasfishtacos · 2 years
Gone Too Long
Prompt: when YN doesn’t want harry to know she’s struggling (mlb!)
Warnings: a bit of angst
If you would like to get two week early release, exclusive content/tropes, among other benefits - consider signing up for my Patreon for $3 a month :)
Harry was struggling, he knew it would hard to leave YN and Easton for work but when the season actually started and he had to kiss them goodbye constantly…he hated it.
His teammates would go out to bars on the away game nights, drinking whether they win or lose, but Harry would head straight to his hotel room and sit on FaceTime for hours with his family.
He didn’t mention to YN that sometimes when they hung up for the night that he had panic attacks because it was too overwhelming to be away from them.
Harry was excited, always was when he got back into the city, and headed towards his home where his happiness was waiting.
It was late, two in the morning, he fully expected both his wife and baby to be asleep - Easton usually needed fed around four am.
He very quietly opens and closes the front door of their apartment, the lamps were all off and the only lights were coming from the busy city outside their windows.
Harry drops his suitcase and duffel near the entryway and begins to walk quietly towards the hallway.
He is surprised when he sees the nursery light on and a muffled voice that’s drowned out by a sound machine.
He’s really not trying to eavesdrop but he stops outside the half-cracked door to hear noise but not from Easton, from YN.
”I jus-He was eating on a normal schedule. Now he’s constantly wanting to be fed, nearly every thirty minutes to an hour but when he latches, he only wants to eat for a minute or two before he’s uninterested. I didn’t think anything of it but it’s night two of this,” YN sniffles, her voice cracks like it does when she’s trying to hold back intense emotion.
Then there’s silence as YN listens to whoever she is talking to on the phone.
”I’m just so stressed out, I don’t know if he’s eating enough but I think he is. I miss Harry,“ YN is crying by this point and his heart is shattering, “I don’t want him to think I’m a bad mom and I can’t handle it.”
Harry can’t listen to anymore without comforting his wife, he slowly pushes the door open so that he doesn’t startle her.
The room is dimly lit with just the fairy lights on, the sound machine playing rain sounds, and YN is sat in the rocking chair - holding the phone to her ear with one hand and the other is cradled around Easton.
Easton’s asleep against her breast, his little face smushed against the soft skin but even from the door, Harry can see how irritated and swollen her nipples are from the feeding him.
YN blinks up at him, her face is wet with tears and she just looks exhausted, three days on her own with a fresh baby was draining.
”Mama,” Harry murmurs, nearly a whisper, as he gets to her as soon as possible, his hands coming to cup her cheeks and kiss her forehead, nose, tear-damp cheeks.
“Ha-Harry’s home now,” YN says shakily into the phone, “Yeah, I will call you tomorrow. I’ll have him call too. Thank you, sorry for waking you. Love you, Anne.”
Harry’s glad that she called his mother when she felt like she was struggling and he was proud of her for reaching out.
”I’m sorry,” YN cries, her shoulders shuddering, even though she has nothing to apologize for.
“Hey, hey, mama. C’mon, it’s okay, sweetheart,” Harry soothes as he carefully transfers Easton from her arms to his so that he can get him back in the crib, flicking off the fairy lights, and reaching his hand out for his wife - grabbing the baby monitor.
He leads her out to the living room, where he sits on the couch and pulls her on top of his lap, wrapping his arms around her and holding her tightly to his chest.
Harry doesn’t say anything as she sobs into his neck, his hand sneaking under her tank top to rub at her warm back, his lips pressed to her temple.
It makes him want to cry.
He just holds her for a long while, rocking them back and forth as he whispers in her ear how much he loves her, how proud he is of her, of what a good mama she is.
After she gets her tears out, she sits up, still straddling his lap and kisses him firmly on the lips before pulling back and letting Harry wipe her wet cheeks.
”I’m sorry this is what you came home to,” YN mumbles with embarrassment, eyes diverting down to their laps to avoid eye contact.
It doesn’t work because Harry is tucking his finger under her chin to bring her gaze back up, “Do not apologize, my love. I want you to feel like you can call me when you feel this way. M’your husband, m’always gonna support you.”
”I-I don’t want you to think that I can’t do this or that I’m not a good mom,” YN sighs sadly, “I‘m trying my best and I don’t want you to worry when you’re away.”
”Do not even for a minute doubt your abilities as a mother,” Harry tells her seriously, ”You’re the best mama to Easton. We’re new at this and we’re young. I have all the admiration and pride in the world for you, darling.”
YN chuckles wetly, wiping her eyes again, “You’re too good for me.”
”No, the exact opposite,” Harry argues with a soft smile, “I don’t deserve you. Amazing wife, amazing mama, perfect f’me. Luckiest man alive.”
YN tries to bite down a shy smile, overwhelmed by the compliments as she nuzzles back into his chest and snuggles him.
”I think my mum should come stay with you when I’m gone for more than two days,” Harry says as he rubs up and down her back again.
YN sits up with confused eyes, “You just said you know I’m a good mom. Do you not -“
Harry cuts off her anxious thoughts, shaking his head, “It has nothing to do with your abilities. It would make me feel better if you had support when I wasn’t here. I don’t want you to be alone for days on end.”
YN nods with relief in her expression, “I think that would be good.”
”Okay, I’ll call her tomorrow. I know she wanted to help and be here with you guys,” Harry responds, they were both so tired.
”Mmm,” YN agrees lowly, her voice becoming groggy, eyelids heavy as she relaxes in his warm embrace but she’s quickly jolted when she hears Easton squeak before he begins to wail, “He’s hungry again.”
”Let me get him a bottle,“ Harry offers as he shuffles them until they stand up, about to go to the kitchen to unfreeze a packet of breast milk.
”No, I want to feed him,” YN insists as she intertwines their hands and pulls him towards the nursery, “Just sit with me.”
Harry helps her get situated back into the rocking chair with his hungry baby, he latches and begins to feed eagerly.
He has to push down the pain of not being able to be with them every second of the day but in these moments, he feels such deep love for his little family that it’s hard to breathe.
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bunnyb34r · 7 months
Ofc today when I finally planned on seeing mean girls the earliest showing isnt until after noon 😩
Guess I'll see madame web then 🤷‍♀️
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sonic-spirit · 5 months
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Sonic HRT 2 - Pharmacy
First - Next
I couldn't let the chance pass to represent my first time filling my T prescription.
I was still living in the Chicago suburbs at the time, and went to the city for my healthcare since I could get treatment following the informed consent model--because like hell was I jumping through the kinds of hoops I'd seen others have to follow if I could help it. It wasn't without its issues, of course. The drive to the clinic was usually about 2-3 hours with traffic, about 1 without. Sucks, but do-able. I was still working for my parents then, and needed to hide my transition from them as much as I could.
So when my dad required me to do a thing, I did it.
Which is how I ended up scheduled to go to a basketball game the night I got my testosterone prescription. The prescription appointment itself was super easy. Get in, let them know what I wanted, let them know I knew what I was getting into, give some blood to use to keep track of my hormone levels an all, and head across the street to the pharmacy.
That was where things got...obnoxious. I got in line, got through line, gave my name, was asked to sit down, and wait. And wait. And wait.
After an hour, I went up to the counter, sure I must've missed them call my name. They didn't have record I'd checked in. I checked in again.
After about two hours, I needed to leave so I could meet with my dad to go to the game. And no excuse I could give would have been good enough to get out of it. I went up to the counter to check on progress. The pharmacy worker I talked to was stressed, and told me they'd call when my prescription was ready for pickup. And that, fortunately, they were a 24-hour pharmacy, so I could do pickup any time.
I left. And got the automated call my prescription was ready about 30 minutes later.
At that point, I started to get mad. Here I was, in an amazing situation, about to get a medicine that would do nothing but help me...and because of my fucking asshole conservative dad who wanted people like me to die, I was driving away from my meds, away from freedom, to go play happy family with someone who'd made it very, very clear he didn't want anything to do with the real me, and would physically enforce his preference if he felt slighted.
I went to the basketball game. But I don't think I hid how much I was seething the whole time. We passed the pharmacy my testosterone was waiting for me at on the way home.
When we parted ways, I got a call from a good friend over the phone to celebrate my prescription, and vented to him about the absurd situation. I was so, so damn excited, and so, so pissed that my so-called "family" were the entire block between me and treatment. That a night that should've been about celebrating was instead spent seething. I'd known for years how much I needed to get away from my shitty, abusive family, but this clarified the point. (Again, for the billionth time. Cuz though I worked at it like fire, I didn't escape until a few years later, and only with a looooooot of help).
My friend was so kind, he listened, and he helped. He was so happy for me, and so ready to listen to my anger. And he asked me a super reasonable question. I was planning on not going out to the pharmacy that night because it was nearly midnight, and I'd had work the next day. And he, very reasonably, asked me if I'd be able to sleep if I just went home. And I wouldn't. So I turned around, and headed back into the city, down the same roads even, for the third time that night!
So that's how I got on testosterone!
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anashins · 2 years
Hi can I request basketball player Jaehyun! x reader; Him falling in love with reader at first sight/feelings are mutual. Thank you :)
Pairing: basketball player!Jaehyun x Reader
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 1k
Summary: Coming in between a fight your brother has caused during a basketball game, you catch the attention of the opposite team's captain.
A/N: I want to experience this 😩 Thanks for requesting, hope you like it 💗
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You stopped your bike in front of the basketball field, letting your eyes wander over the location in search of a familiar figure. Panic slowly crawled up your back when you first couldn’t find your brother, unsure where to look anymore as he hadn’t been at his usual spots.
“Ah!” you exclaimed when you finally spotted the familiar outfit he had worn this morning, descending from your bike carefully so as to not let your light summer dress slip up too far.
You felt kind of awkward walking up to the area that was filled with young men as the only woman, but you held your head up high when you started drawing attention to you. Again, you were asking yourself why your brother didn’t even bother casually checking his phone while playing basketball.
“Hey!” You raised your hand after having arrived at the courtside, wanting to get noticed by him who had recently finished a quarter. “Come here!”
“You mean me?” A guy in your brother’s team suddenly felt addressed, a broad grin growing from one corner of his mouth to the other, causing you to grimace. “Of course I’ll come!”
“Back off, that’s my little sister!” your brother cut in, annoyed, and held him back by his shoulder. “Y/n, you stay there! They’re all idiots!”
The basketball that he was holding in his hands, he threw to one player on the opposite team. It got caught by a tall guy with a white long-sleeve and brown hair whose strands fell into his forehead, lightly wetted by sweat from the physical effort. He only caught your eye because, apparently, according to your sibling’s reaction, he wasn’t one of these “idiots”. 
“Your team’s turn, Jaehyun!” your brother called out to him before approaching you. “I’ll be back in a few!”
You didn’t know you were still staring at this Jaehyun guy until he shifted his eyes and you locked gazes. Suddenly, your entire face turned hot and you were afraid it showed in the change of your cheeks’ color. Immediately, you looked away and waited until your brother reached you.
“What’s up?”
“Since you haven’t checked your phone and mom nearly flipped out… she said you should come home two hours earlier, because our grandparents will arrive at 5 instead of 6 and she wants you to be ready by then.”
He rolled his eyes. “I can’t believe they’re going to stay the entire weekend. What time is it now?”
“Past 3.”
“Are you here by bike?”
You nodded. “Yes.”
“Okay, me too. Wait for me this quarter, it’s the last. Then I’ll go home with you.”
You didn’t like the idea of sitting in the sun for at least half an hour, but you assumed it was better than coming home alone, relying on your unreliable brother and having your mom send you on a mission to search for him again, so you agreed.
When the last quarter started, you were first only paying attention to your phone, wanting the time to pass quickly. But as the game processed, your eyes got drawn to the field over and over again where they fixated on a tall figure in a white long-sleeve. Not only because he was a great player, dribbling and passing with such elegance despite the hot weather, but also because he looked so effortlessly attractive that you couldn’t help but watch only him.
You could also swear that his eyes were searching for you as well when the quarter got interrupted and he walked close by, wiping the sweat from his forehead with the hem of his shirt. But you couldn’t tell for sure anymore, because you got so nervous, your head acted on its own and turned aside.
“That was against the rules!” you suddenly heard someone scream, and the fact that the voice sounded so familiar made you realize that it was your brother. “Say something to him, Jaehyun!”
“Has someone else seen it?” Jaehyun asked around, but everyone who had gathered shook their heads. “Then we cannot take the point back, because we’re here without a referee.”
“That isn’t fair!” Your brother, like the little airhead and sore loser he oftentimes was, kicked the basketball away that then disappeared in the grass. “That point is ours!”
You sighed, feeling secondhand embarrassment over his outburst sink in when he just wouldn’t stop complaining, only delaying the game and even stepping forward to give Jaehyun a push. Enough was enough, it was now time to go home instead of letting him act on his tantrum further. Most of the time, it wasn’t like you were the little, but the big sister to him.
You left your spot on the sidelines and reached the turmoil in the moment your brother’s voice got louder and even the other team members began to argue about god knew what.
“That’s enough!” you told your brother with a strong voice and positioned yourself between him and Jaehyun whose team he wouldn’t stop verbally attacking, and who had a hard time giving him the same heat back. You pointed your finger at him. “We’re going home. Now!”
You knew it might look ridiculous how you were standing between two tall men, chiding your big brother and protecting the one you had turned your back to and who had caused you to blush several times today by his appearance alone, but you stood by your point - like always. And like always, he obeyed.
“Bye guys!”
Your brother waddled behind you while his team snickered in the back before you parted ways for him to get his bike at the other side of the sports area. While you were unlocking yours, you saw another tall figure coming up behind you.
“All this time I thought if your hot-headed brother had siblings, they were just like him.”
You were supporting the bike with your hands and looked at Jaehyun in confusion. “And I’m not?”
He smiled and turned his head away in the same moment as you, seemingly just as flustered. You tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, catching your brother driving in your direction already. But it was as though there was still something left unsaid between you.
Jaehyun looked over his shoulder before he said, “You’re absolutely not.”
When he returned to the basketball field and you home, you had the biggest smile on your face - and his number saved on your phone.
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Sky Full of Stars - Chapter Nineteen.
I'm so sorry I missed an update last week, guys. Friday was a busy one for me! Hope you enjoy it, and happy Friday to you all :)
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Previous chapters - One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen
Tag list - In the comments
Words - 4,351
Warnings - 18+ content throughout. Minors DNI!
The normalcy of being home; it was something she craved above all when her life and career took her far away from it, Jade standing softly singing to herself as she stirred a pot of sauce upon the stove, her dogs milling around, Salem in his usual place upon the rug. Their other cat, Juno, wasn’t present, the big, pale grey Mane Coon exactly where she always was whenever they were home; welded to Adrien’s side.  
It was very fair to say she was daddy’s girl.  
They had four days left with one another before he would fly out to Rome to begin shooting his next project, the film entitled Third Person, the locations switching between the Italian capital, Paris and New York for twelve weeks, Adrien’s stint filming in Italy taking up nine of those. She would be leaving just before he came home, off to LA to work on a film she’d very much been looking forward to, a biopic about musical legend Gregg Allman, in which she would be playing a woman – who became an even bigger legend than he, if you asked her – he'd been married to for three years back in the seventies.  
Yes. She was playing Cher. And god, she was so excited. She’d nearly pee’d with elation when the lady herself had called her up and congratulated her, the women enjoying a long conversation about the upcoming role. ‘Just make sure you play me right, kid’, the icon had told Jade, who had walked around her house in a daze afterwards, only able to mutter ‘I just spoke to Cher on the phone, and she’s bloody lovely!’ on repeat for the following hour, giggling too.  
She giggled to herself all over again at the memory, wobbling a little, the fact that she’d only eaten half a bagel and a salad that day playing havoc with the fact she was on her second large glass of wine. Looking up, she saw the back door open, her paint flecked husband coming in, a very contented Juno riding his shoulder.  
“There’s my baby love,” he cooed, “cooking things that smell entirely too good. What are we having?” 
“Baked Ziti.” Ahhh, yes. Marry a girl from Italian roots and damn, the food she’ll cook for you. “And a fuckload of salad. I can’t have more than a few mouthfuls. I need to keep small to play Cher. Her body in the seventies was something else!”  
“I think you can spare a little more than that, Burtie,” he spoke, wrapping his arms around her, Juno jumping down to the floor neatly. “Really, you’re like a pin with great tits as it is.”  
“Pin with great tits and a six pack!” she shouted playfully, yanking up her t shirt. Any chance she got to flash her abs, she took it, Adrien bending to blow a raspberry against her stomach.  
“Sexy as hell, honey.” Giving her a big kiss, he reached for the open wine bottle, pouring himself a glass before jumping to sit on the counter, a nearby Brando rising up on his hind legs to place his paws on his knees, chew toy proffered forth. “So, gimme the rundown. You’re in LA from April seventeenth to May twenty first, and then what?”  
Giving the sauce another gentle stirring, she then put the hob on beneath the large pot of water to take care of the pasta. “Then we’re flying straight to the UK to headline the Friday at Download festival, then onto Germany to do another open air, then spending a week out there before moving onto the festival in France, then Spain, meaning I’ll arrive back on the July fifteenth with three days to spare before big pony gets here!” 
Oh, how excited she was for the arrival of her horse, everything ready for Mia when she got there, Jade having spent an eye watering amount of money on all the associated paraphernalia horses needed, including many thousands on a horse truck to actually bring her back from the airport in. She was worried about her having to be flown over, scared of her becoming panicked, being on the plane, but calmed a little for knowing she would be given a mild sedative prior to her flight, plus the fact that Wolfgang, the groom from the riding school would be flying with her.  
“And then it all calms down for a while,” he spoke, letting Brando win their tug o’ war game, the dog shaking his rope and trotting off to chew it over the other side of the kitchen. “It’s gonna be so damned strange, spending almost three months at home before I’m back working.”  
They had a few commitments between late June and mid-September, a few public appearances, invited to the Malaysian Grand Prix, a few charity events in New York, LA and London, a movie premiere for the last film Jade had shot and two for Adrien, but mostly they would get to enjoy a slower pace for once. It was virtually unheard of, for a couple who worked as hard as they did, both very much looking forward to an extended period of being able to spend some quality time together. 
“What’s this here?” he then asked, leaning over to reach for a handful of printed sheets of paper. 
“Oh! I meant to show you that and then I had wine!” 
Snorting a laugh, he looked at what he held, turning the pages as he tried to make sense of it. “It’s a teeny house of some sort?” 
“It’s a hen house, complete with roost. I’m making it myself since I couldn’t find anything I liked the look of online,” she spoke, sipping her wine and slotting herself between his thighs, Adrien wrapping his legs around her. “Stop laughing.” 
“I’m not.” That was negated somewhat by the shaking shoulders as he at least attempted to keep it in. “Burtie, we both know you and assembly don’t go hand in hand. You can’t even do flatpack.” 
She was aghast. “I bloody can!” 
Oh, the little bubble of delusion his beloved liked to live within. “The shelves in the bathroom?” 
“I got them done!” There was a pause. “Eventually.” 
“The bed at your place in the city? Granted, that was before my time, but Jen told me that you called her having a meltdown when you couldn’t get it assembled.” 
“It was difficult holding things together while lining the screws up!”  
“And you think joinery is gonna be any easier? With the nails and the sanding and the measuring?”  
She tightened her lips, trying not to laugh as he raised one eyebrow significantly higher than the other. “Will you let me help you before I go away?” 
“I can manage fine, Bug.” 
He hummed, resting his chin atop her head. “I’m not convinced at all. I don’t want to come home to a wife whose missing bits of herself, and the idea of you using a saw unassisted is scary as hell.”  
“How dare you cast such aspersions upon my DIY skills!” she gasped comically, flicking the papers in his hands with her finger a couple of times. “I’m working to plans! I measured, I even plotted out ground space, too!”  
Looking at them again, he concentrated, pointing at the measurements at the top of the page. “The roof will overhang the actual structure by four feet.” He couldn’t help but laugh at the sour face he was greeted with. “Stop scowling because you’re wrong. I’m helping you.”  
She finally smiled, realising that he was right and yes, she could likely do with a little assistance with her project. “Thank you." Kissing him, she went back to the pot upon the hob, picking up her phone and ordering all the timber needed from the nearest lumber yard, choosing the express option that would have the items delivered by noon the following day.  
When noon arrived, what began with good intentions after the delivery had been dropped off soon became a lesson in why couples, even those who rarely fought beyond stupid bickering, should never, ever attempt a joint DIY project.  
“No, that’s a side panel. It isn’t a floor piece.” He took a breath, at least attempting not to let his temper be further prickled.  
“It isn’t. The floor pieces are flat, the side panels are ridged. I haven’t nailed the last one together yet.” 
“Well, why the fuck not? It needs the last side panel putting on before the floor!” 
“Because as I just fucking said, I haven’t nailed it together yet!” 
“Then why not do that first instead of doing the floor?” 
“Because then I’ve got a space to easily get in and out of it to put the floor pieces in, haven’t I? If I don’t, then I’ve got to crawl through the pissing tiny little hen door, and I’m about four feet too fucking tall for that, Adrien!”  
“Or, and how about this for a revelation, since the roof isn’t on yet, just turn it upside down and nail the floor into the frame that way, so the nails then go up into the side pieces too and give it more support! Fucking hell!” 
Her jaw tightened staring at her husband, pointing the claw hammer she held towards him. “Knock the sarcasm off. You’re being a prick for the sake of it.”  
“And you’re being your usual, insufferable self who can’t get things done logically.” 
“Oh, alright, fucks sake!” she yelled, dropping the hammer with a thud. “So I didn’t think to upend it to nail the flooring on. True to form, you just have to be an all-knowing arsehole about it, don’t you?” 
He snorted, shaking his head. “And you wanted to do this by yourself. You’d have ended up with something like Homer Simpson had when he was making the doghouse.” He couldn’t help but laugh, realising how stupid their argument had become, looking up fondly. “I’m sorry.”  
“Fuck off.”  
“Come on, Jade. I said I’m sorry. Help me turn this over and we’ll get the floor nailed on.” While he was all for moving on with things speedily, Jade was a stewer, and stew on it she did, looking at him from under a furrowed brow. “Ow! Jesus fuck, Jade!” 
“What now?” she shouted, wishing for nothing more than a packet of matches, so she could set fire to her very bad idea. Why did she have to be so fussy? Why couldn’t a pre-assembled hen house have been good enough? 
“You just dropped it on my hand!”  
“Shit, are you alright?”  
“No.” She went to approach him, Adrien pointing. “Uh-uh. Bad to be near me right now. Very bad.” 
While he stormed off in the direction of the house, grasping his hand, she stood and took a deep breath. Big things they never truly argued about, somehow they seemed to have a very efficient synergy for dealing with larger problems they faced, but little things? Oh, they blew up. Both acting like stubborn idiots mostly.  
Knowing he needed time to cool down, she nailed the floor pieces on herself, then assembled the side panel, carefully turning the roost over to affix it. The roof frame was placed on, long nails hammered in to secure it to the main frame, only the roof panels left before it had to be affixed to the base frame, lifting it up high. She was about to begin nailing said panels on when a familiar scent drifted under her nose, Jade turning to see Adrien over to the side of the house, sitting on the outdoor couch on the patio. 
“Wow, I drove you to weed, hmm?” 
He side eyed her, picking up the bottle of beer he’d also brought out with him. “I think I might have driven myself to it, too.” That time, when he laughed softly, softness was returned, his wife moving to sit at his side, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and kissing it.  
“How’s your hand?”  
He sniffed, holding it up. It was marked with a bright red line and a few grazes. “Had to yank out a few splinters. Nothing that being a little stoned won’t fix.” 
“Or you’ll fall asleep,” she shrugged, moving to lie her head on his lap, taking the joint when he passed it to her. 
“There’s a fifty percent chance of that,” he winked, making her snort softly.  
“Oh, not so mad that I won’t get the brunt of the horny sex demon, then?” she chuckled, blowing smoke down her nose.  
He leaned to her, kissing her forehead. “No, but I will fuck you angrily, Moo.”  
Any lingering tension melted away as she boomed a laugh, taking another drag, feeling the strong weed beginning to work. Her giggles only intensified, moving to lie with her head on his lap. 
“Look at you, fucking weed lightweight,” he spoke. Neither were particular hardened to it, though, smoking it as infrequently as they did. “What’s funny?” 
“The fact that we...” She sent him into a snorting mess, watching her hiss with laughter. “The fact that we can weather the hugest of storms in our life without so much as a crossed word, but building a hen house is what tips us into all the yelling and the rage!”  
“And then we get stoned and laugh about how completely ridiculous we are. Works for me,” he spoke, supressing a cough, taking another drag and handing it back to her, beginning to bounce his thigh beneath her head. 
“No, stop. You’ll give me motion sickness.”  
Why that was so hilarious, he had no idea, but it took him a good three minutes to stop laughing. Looking down, he continued to snicker, seeing Jade prodding her tongue against the zipper of his cargo pants. “You’ll wake him up.” 
“Maybe I want to.” Moving her hand, she pressed against his crotch, feeling a swell of semi-erectness there already. “Mmm, already awake, so I feel.” Moving astride him, her fingers glided through his hair giving it a little tug as she tickled his lips with her tongue, kissing him with slow, syrupy heat. “If you'll excuse me, I think I need to kiss you right here.” she purred, grasping his rapidly thickening cock with a soft moan, tongue flickering against the stubble upon his throat.  
“Eventually,” he grunted, mouth moving to her neck, pulling her black vest top up. “After I’ve sucked your tits.”  
Who was she to deny a man who hungered for her nipples? Pulling off her top while he flicked her bra undone, she gasped at the contact, the bud of her nipple bathed in a warm, wet hug, his big hands kneading softly as she rocked against him. Pressing herself against his cock had little shocks tingling within her, a soft mewl leaving her pretty lips when her other nipple was closed upon with a bite, his hands moving to smooth up and down her back.  
“Get these off," he instructed, tugging her cut offs, Jade backing off him to do just that, sliding them and her little red thong off, yanked back into his arms, his fingers pushing into her folds as he resumed the suck around her nipple. “Fuck, you’re so wet already.”  
The warm honey of her cunt saturated his fingers as he embedded them in her, a shallow push to begin with, nudging her sweet spot, gliding them in further with a sumptuous rotation that had her clenching around them, his mouth finding hers as they panted and moaned into urgent, feverish kisses.  
With his free hand, he undid his pants, Jade assisting by yanking them down his thighs for him to somewhat awkwardly wriggle out of and kick off, pulling his t shirt off. Moving his hand, he then impaled her on his hardness fully, teeth sharp at her neck, her cry filling the air. “Not that I don’t love being stretched wide around it, but this isn’t getting your cock sucked, is it?”  
He rumbled a chuckle, kissing her again. “Tell you what, I’ll make you come first, then blow my load right down your throat. How about that?”  
“Mmm,” she purred, “can’t wait for you to make me choke on it.” Their mouths crashed together, the rocking of his hips against her sending darts of pleasure as he hit her clit every time, her grinding down on him sending further streaks of bliss that ignited the embers flickering to full burn.  
"Oh god, fuck, oh!" she cried, feeling him shift forward, grasping her legs. She moved them, crossing them behind him, the move allowing her to sink down further upon him, his cock hitting her deep as their bodies rocked together ferally. Each press of him right up against her summit had neon bursts radiating within her, crying out as she clasped herself around him, sucking his tongue, staring into the sunlit, moss green of his eyes. "Fuck, I love you." 
Those words never failed to make his heart thunder harder, conveying the same in how he kissed her, standing to carry her to the back door, her body pressed against the glass, pinned there by his chest as he moved his hands, gripping her thighs and holding her spread, beginning to fuck up into her with savage need. 
The heavy pressure of his cock was a sharp-edged pleasure, her body banging against the glass she was pressed into, the raw, primal need of it suffusing down to her marrow. Oh, when the horny sexy demon in him came out to play, how he brought the fire with him. The warm wet of her clamped around him strongly, each thrust pounded into her harder to fight the tension gripping onto his cock, his groans all earth and salt as he buried his mouth against her neck.  
The continued deep, rapid spearing of his cock into her had the pleasure pooling golden, her thighs tightening upon his waist, hips rolling against him as she cried out like a wounded animal, the lightning arcing through her, the release pulsating up her spine. With his own fluttering at the base of his cock, he pulled from her, carrying her back to the couch, hands entwining in her hair as she took him in her mouth and let him fuck the plush of her squeezing lips, until with a gritted groan he filled her throat with cum.  
What began as a day of construction and petty yelling ended in a naked evening, neither bothering to dress, lying together on the couch outside drinking beers and relaxing under the warm, spring sun. A state of relax was how they spent their last two days together, Jade kissing him goodbye at the airport, dashing home again feeling a little sad for him leaving for nine weeks. It didn’t matter how used to it she was, she loved being near her husband.  
Having the house to herself was nice, though, continuing her daily workouts in order to remain ripped enough to easily pass off as a nineteen seventies Cher, with how lean her body was back then, the project ever drawing nearer. The week before she was due to depart, she had a house guest come to stay in the form of Katie, a little lonely herself since Charlotte was on tour with Crimson Shrines, the death metal side project band she played in.  
“Bro, this is so ready for chickens!” the lady herself spoke, she and Jade standing back to admire the project they’d teamed together to complete. The latter was going to complete it with her husband, but wanted to spend some time of greater quality with him in his remaining days before he’d left.  
“It is, my friend. It is. Shame there won’t be any in it for a couple of months, unless Adrien decides to buy some while I’m gone,” she mused, opening the gate as they headed back towards the house. “Oh! I almost forgot to say, I have a package coming at any time, but I have to take Atlas and Bear to the vets for their jabs. Can you be around to hear the bell instead of outside?” 
“Sure can, baby. I was planning on playing cook tonight anyways,” she spoke, Jade spinning to grasp her arms. 
“Please tell me you’re making your chicken teriyaki burgers!” Anyone who’d ever eaten one of Katie’s famous creations would understand the urgency. They were beyond delicious. 
“Can confirm, I am making my chicken teriyaki burgers. Where’s your charcoal at, gonna barbecue ‘em, they always taste better that way. And don’t make that face! I texted Adrien to ask if I could use it and he said yes, just to keep you well away from it!” 
Jade pouted, remembering the incident that had almost led to their very expensive, Big Green Egg barbecue overheating, Jade lighting it but not opening the vent. Her husband had gone berserk and banned her from going anywhere near it in the wake of almost trashing it. “Fine. I’ll make salad.” 
Wrapping her arm around her shoulders, Katie kissed her cheek. “That’s a good lil’ woman.” A hard slap greeted her backside for that comment, laughing and bending over. “Ooooh, gimme another! You spank way harder than Charlotte!” 
“Get in the damned house, you bloody menace!”  
While Katie began her dinner prep, Jade got her two biggest dogs into the harnesses, kissing her friend goodbye and picking up her keys and bag. Opening the rear of her Jeep, the hounds jumped in, Jade affixing them in safely and shutting the door, throwing her bag onto the passenger seat. She loved living somewhere where she could do that and not worry about anybody smashing her window to steal it.  
Selecting an album to listen to, she placed her cell phone into the cup holder and reversed out, driving around to the front of the house and down the long drive, noticing how full all the trees lining it were beginning to look. The new ones she’d planted a year before were budding nicely, too, still supported by long bamboo canes to assist in their fledgling stages.  
Slowing her car, she pressed the fob to open the electric gates, looking back in the rear view at the trees again. She wondered where she’d be in life when they’d finally reached a significant height, driving through the gateway slowly, about to pull out of her drive when she heard something hit the back of her car.  
“Is that one of you fat headed buggers?” she muttered, turning to look at her dogs, see which one of them had decided to bang their face against the window. Neither had, both growling at the source of the noise as the baseball bat was swung again, chaotic barking following as the window cracked, Serena swinging it again and this time shattering the glass completely. 
“Get out here or I’ll fucking kill your dogs, Jade! Get out of this car now!”  
Her mouth dropped open, her limbs already feeling light and tingly, her stomach plummeting like she’d swallowed a led weight. Now was not the time to wonder how on earth her stalker had escaped a treatment facility, Jade grabbing her phone and calling nine one one, asking for the police and giving her address, trembling as she did. She was advised by the operator to stay in the car, but as Serena continued, she knew that wasn’t possible, the rear windscreen beginning to crack.  
There was no way she was risking the safety of her dogs, big and ferocious as they were, even a mastiff would be lucky to survive a crack to the skull with a baseball bat. With adrenaline coursing through her, she cut the engine, jumping from the car and storming to the rear of the vehicle.  
“You fucking dare threaten my bloody dogs, you fucking psychopath!” she bellowed, that famous roar she was known for gravelling her voice. “You want some? Come fucking get it.” Striding for her, Jade remembered her fight training from one of the last movies she’d done, having to accurately portray a hard as nails mercenary. She wasn’t a fighter in reality, not at all, but when presented with the animals she thought of as her babies coming under attack, the protector came out.  
Serena screamed in all-out rage, swinging the bat, Jade ducking, her leg shooting out to round kick her in the thigh. The move knocked her aggressor off balance, the bat grabbed, the women wrestling one another for supremacy, Jade towing her near enough to throw her forehead straight into her nose, the bone breaking with a sickening crack, wrenching the bat from her grasp and hurling it as far away as she could throw.  
A melee followed, Jade punched in the eye, reaching for Serena’s hair and slamming her head off the back of the Jeep, the dogs still barking furiously within. “Stay away from me, you sick fuck!” she roared, smashing her head against the taillight again, Serena suddenly lurching forward. 
“Fuck you, fuck you!”  
She felt it hit her side, something sharp and cold, again and again, the pain like cold fire burning as with both hands, she made one last valiant effort, hurling Serena’s head so hard into the Jeep, blood exploded over the paintwork, finally going limp as Jade threw her to the ground. Looking at her side, the horror of her damage was evident, her grey t shirt and blue jeans becoming soaked in blood, sirens wailing in the distance as she fell to the ground.  
Her dogs barking. 
A copper taste filling her mouth as she wheezed. 
A tall, handsome police officer calling for immediate backup and an ambulance on his radio, his voice telling her to stay with him as he applied pressure to her wounds. 
A puddle of blood pouring from her side.  
Her eyes fluttered, heavy, coldness dragging at her, luring, beckoning.  
Lights in her eyes, people shouting stats at one another, motion, another bright light. Sirens wailing. “Thirty-four-year-old female, multiple stab wounds...”  
Light, bright light.  
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thedemonknownasbilly · 9 months
Nephilim - Chapter One
Master List
Ineffable Dads AU || Crowley and Aziraphale are already married
Warnings: child abandonment
Word Count: 1k
Disclaimers: Nephilims are typically human/angel descent, but this will be my own take. Arden is AFAB non-binary, the picture I’ve used to depict them is exactly what Crowley found them in, hence his original assumption.
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“Okay, okay, Angel just wait for me to get there, I can tell you’re excited about this, which usually means talking until one of our phones dies, so just give me fifteen and I’ll be there.” Crowley spoke into his phone, grabbing his jacket and shrugging it on as he went out to Bentley.
“Okay, okay, if I haven’t popped by then.” Aziraphale chuckled on the other end of the line.
“I’m sure you’ll be fine.” Crowley shook his head and hung up, a fond smile playing at his lips as he started up his beloved car, pulling out of the drive of his flat.
“The hell?” He murmured minutes later, passing by the park as he always did, but this time he noticed a child sitting right by the fence, seemingly just watching cars, but their mismatched eyes landed on the Bentley and it seemed to throw them into a fit of giggles. “Looks like you have an admirer.” Crowley said to his car, pulling to the side and quickly getting out and across the road.
“Hey, kid; where’s mum and dad?” He asked, hoping they were old enough to understand him and talk, he never could tell with humans. But the kid, a girl he figured out from her long hair and pink dress, simply raised her arms up to him. “Oh, dear.” He said, an eyebrow cocked as he picked her up. “What’s your name?”
“Arden!” She laughed, her small hand lightly patting his tattoo, and he couldn’t help to smile as he settled her onto his hip and began to walk around, looking for anyone missing a child. But as the sun set, and people began to leave, nobody came up to claim Arden.
“Okay, well, d’you like books?” He was answered by aggressively fast nodding. “Message received.” He chuckled, keeping her from falling out of his arms as he walked back to the Bentley, miracling a car seat into the back of the Bentley and strapping her in. “Whoever invented these ridiculous buttons better be in the farthest corner of Hell.” He grumbled, but smiling when Arden just nodded and affirmed his thought. “Clever thing.” He praised before closing the door and getting into the front seat. Hopefully Aziraphale hadn’t burst in the time Crowley took.
“Crowley! There you are!” Aziraphale called out when he heard the door open.
“Hey, Aziraphale! Sorry, I found this little girl-” Crowley was cut off by two hands grabbing his cheeks, Aziraphale watching curiously.
“No!” Arden said, “notta girl.”
“Boy?” Crowley asked, watching as they shook their head.
“Neither?” That earned him a squeal of delight and another round of aggressive nodding.
“Arden, you’re gonna fall, stop that.” He fussed lightly, fixing his hold on them. “Okay, I found this kid at the park up the road, waited until all the parents left before I did, no one came up to claim them.” He said to Aziraphale who was trying to coax Arden into his arms, his eyes full of love and awe as they settled onto him.
“I’m sure there will be an alert in a few hours, a tired parent probably didn’t notice you had them.” He said, stroking their light brown hair from their eyes. “Oh, Crowley look, such pretty eyes.”
“Almost like ours.”
“Yes, almost. Are you hungry, sweet thing, er, what was your name.”
“Arden!” They giggled, wiggling to try and get down, done with being held and taking off in a sprint to the small children’s section Aziraphale had.
“No running please!”
“Oh yeah, nearly gave themselves a concussion when I asked if they liked books, you saw how they nod, full body nod, I swear.”
“Indeed, appropriately hyper it seems.” Aziraphale chuckled, “Arden, how old are you sweetie?”
“Five and a half!” They called, arms full of books as they made way to Aziraphale’s desk.
“Oh, look at that, they’re basically you.” Crowley teased, going over to Arden and picking them up to put them into the chair since they weren’t letting go of any books any time soon.
Aziraphale chuckled and went upstairs to see what it was he had that a five year old could eat. “Crowley, I’m not sure I have any food that is best for their age.” He called down.
“What about Nina’s, I’m sure she’s got something.” Crowley called out, sitting next to Arden so he could keep an eye on her, and Aziraphale’s beloved books.
“Perhaps, I will run over and ask!”
“I like him!” Arden exclaimed happily when Aziraphale had left.
“Yeah? Me too,” Crowley felt his heart swelling with love, miracling a hairbrush into his hand. “Is it okay if I brush your hair? It seems the wind messed it up.”
“Mhm!” Arden hummed, “gently please.” Crowley nodded, carefully making sure not to tug their hair as he brushed it, apologizing each time he had to pull a little hard.
“I’m back! Nina had some chicken nuggets and a box of mac and cheese. Does that sound good Arden?”
“Yes sir!” They giggled, looking up to Aziraphale, who smiled as he looked at Crowley and the child, Arden perched in his desk chair, Crowley sitting besides them, slender fingers working a brush into their hair gently as they read over Little Monsters by David Williams.
With a quick ruffle of Arden’s hair, not messing it up terribly, and a kiss to Crowley, Aziraphale went back upstairs to his flat, beginning to cook dinner, sending Crowley a text when it was ready.
“Alright little duck,” Crowley said, standing with a stretch before he picked them up. “Dinner’s ready for you.” He carefully brought them up the stairs and into the quaint dining room. Sitting them down in front of the food and going to stand by Aziraphale’s side.
“No alerts on my phone.”
“None on mine… you don’t think,” Aziraphale left the last part unsaid, not wanting to think it true.
“If they did, I’ll drag them down to Hell myself. They’re too pure, didn’t really acknowledge me when I asked where mum and dad were.”
“Perhaps it’s not mum and dad? Maybe some other relatives?” Aziraphale tried to give the benefit of doubt.
“Still hardly excuses the lack of an alert, it’s been three hours.” Crowley frowned. “Are you okay with them sleeping here or should I bring them to my flat?”
“You both can stay here,” the angel said simply, holding Crowley’s hand, “you know I adore your company, and Arden is perfectly welcome as long as they need to be.”
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winniethewife · 10 months
It's you and me, that's my whole world (Shiv x Reader)
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Warning: Violence!
Words: 878
Shiv had spent a lot of time perusing her. The American Hottie that moved to Russia as a reporter for a major newspaper back in the states. She has a sweet look, but as he got to know her she had come out of her shell to reveal a badass woman with a great sense of humor. Making each other laugh late into the night when he wasn’t busy with “Business” it didn’t take much to convince her to be his girlfriend, and she was the one that offered for him and Andrei to come stay with her, she had a spare bedroom, what was the harm? As it turns out, there would be a lot of trouble.
They had been dating about a year, Shiv had left early to go to the corner shop to get her flowers. He was walking back with some nice roses for her when He got a call. He gabbed his mobile and flipped it open
“It’s been a long time coming” a voice said before the line went dead.  He scoffs and closed up the phone before walking up the steps to the apartment. When he comes in he puts the roses on the table and goes looking for his girl.
“Hey, Baby?” he peaks in the bedroom to find her still asleep in the bed. He smiles and walks over to her touching her shoulder, she opens her eyes and smiles.
“Shiv…what time is it?” She asks sleepily.
“Just past 8. We’ve got an hour before we gotta go.” He kisses her forehead. It was their usual rutione. He’d wake up early to get some stuff done then He would drive her to work before hitting up the market
“I don’t go in today. They’re fumigating the building.” She smiles and touches his face gently. “How about I come with you today? Hmm? Watch you do Business” She chuckles, she knows full well what he actually does but enjoys his delusions. Shiv hesitates.
“I don't want you to go, it can get dangerous.” He looks at her with his brow furrowed. She laughs slightly.
“Shiv…My love, I’m a Jornalist, its nothing I haven’t seen before.” She sits up and starts to get ready for the day.
“Right, I nearly forgot, Big time reporter here coving all the gangs of America.” He teased. He wasn’t wrong she had done some major reporting on some big player gangs back home, she could hold her own in the face of danger.
A while later they were walking down the street the market was set up on. As he came by the stands collecting the protection money for Tusk. She stands at his side as he does this, watching him joke around with the people running their stalls, she loved how he was with people, if he had been in a better position in life…she shakes her head, thinking like that doesn’t do any good for any one. When he was done he takes her hand and walks with her down an alley to the next location, and that’s when the trouble starts. He feels her hand pulled from his and he turns quickly to see Her being held with a knife to her neck by two punks from the other gang that operates around here. Shiv pulls out his own knife
“Hey! I don't really wanna fight But I will if I have to” Shiv growls at them.
“Darling, I'm scared…” She says softly. Shiv feels tense, the look of fear in his lover’s eyes was enough to actually piss him off.
“You can try to fight us tough boy but you know you should consider not doing so, 'Cause nobody's gonna win,” One of the guys threatened
“What do you want? What does this have to do with her? She doesn’t work for Tusk I do!” Shiv starts to yell
“Our boss tells us that your girl has wronged his girl, something about her little boy calling her Mama.” The man holding the knife to her throat says.  Shiv felt his blood go cold, of course Oxsana would do something like this.
“What do they want then Huh?” Shiv glares at them but before anyone can respond the unexpected happens. The guy holding the knife lets go of it and screams out in pain as she smashed her heel into his foot and ducks and turns grabbing the knife from the ground and holding it to the man’s throat.
“You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes” She hissed as he put his hands up.
“Alright, alright…we’re leaving…” the other guy said. She backed off and the two ran off. Shiv put his knife away and rushed to hold her.
“Fuck. You okay baby?” he was petting her hair as he looked concerned.
“Yeah, I’m fine Shiv.” She placed her hands on his chest as they both took a second to calm down
“I don’t know what I would have done if something happened to you.” Shiv manages to say pressing his forehead to hers.
“Hey, its okay…It's you and me. We’ve got this.” She responds softly
“Yeah…My Miss Americana.” He chuckles taking her chin in his hand looking down at her.
“My Heartbreak Prince...” She smiles, leans in, kissing him.
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tellthemeerkatsitsfine · 10 months
I’ve just finished Cabin Pressure, and that was, to quote its character who also wrote the thing, brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. For the first few episodes, I thought it was quite a good sitcom, and would be gently amusing for thirteen hours. A few episodes in, I became attached enough to the show to not want to do anything except listen to it. From there I went through the rest of the 28 episodes (26 alphabet ones plus part 2 of Zurich plus a behind the scenes one at the end) quite quickly.
It usually annoys me when people describe any bit of comedy as being especially “British”, because I don’t think you can have a single category of humour to describe The Goon Show and The Thick of It and WILTY and Stewart Lee and Josie Long, to name a few things off the top of my head that are as different from each other as I can imagine. Last year I took my best friend to see Nish Kumar, and he didn’t like it, and I was surprised, and he said I shouldn’t be because I know he doesn’t like British comedy, and I said yes but he based that opinion entirely on seeing Monty Python’s Holy Grail as a kid, and he said well it’s all British comedy. And I said Nish Kumar hasn’t got anything in common with Monty Python (I say that not as a slight against Nish Kumar, if anything it’s a slight against Monty Python).
Having said that, Cabin Pressure immediately strikes me as the absolute epitome of British humour. I don’t like the idea of describing British humour as anything in particular, but if I had to describe it, I’d point to Cabin Pressure. Or maybe it’s just Radio Four humour. A radio show with a bunch of characters who are quite well drawn considering the small number of episodes, getting into sitcom trope-infused situations while being deadpan-ly sarcastic at each other and pronouncing everything perfectly and saying “brilliant” a lot. Peak British comedy. Peak Radio Four.
A lot of playing with class and status among the characters, not just two in opposition to each other but a bunch who are all at different levels, some cases of one person's class not matching up with their status, humour is mined from all these clashes. That's British as fuck. They all do that. Fawlty Towers and The Thick of It and Stewart Lee all do that.
It was so good. I liked how the plot got thicker as it went along, the characters better drawn out, they remembered and brought back little details rather than retconning anything inconvenient. I liked that the characters and relationships actually grew and changed. It had the perfect mix of comfortingly familiar sitcom tropes, with enough character complexity to feel original. Sharp dialogue that made sense for each character, so it didn't feel like the writers were just showing off their cleverness (obviously they were also doing that, but they justified it every time). I don’t watch/listen to fiction nearly as much as I used to, and it’s been some time since I’ve gotten this invested in fictional characters.
I think the alphabet theme might have been what kept any episode from feeling like filler, that there was a clear plan from the beginning for every episode to matter. They were all well written and well acted and if I were re-listening I could jump in to any part of any episode and enjoy it. The whole thing was a delight. Wonderful British humour that I'm definitely adding to the hard drive of comedy that I'm giving my dad for Christmas. I'm very glad I did that.
Having said that, for months now, Cabin Pressure has been sitting in the "comedy to listen to" folder on my phone, with the thought that I'd listen to it once I was done every other thing on my list, and when I finish that I'll start a new long-running thing. It's been months but I've finally finished all of it. What am I supposed to do with my life now?
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whiskeynwriting · 2 years
Something Extra Special
Agent Daddy Whiskey x Female Reader
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: 18+ (minors DNI)
Mentions of reader’s hair, daddy kink, slight touching (not really anything), brief alcohol consumption 
A/N: I’m so sad Daddycember is coming to a close 😭♥️ I always love it 🥺🥰
Daddycember Masterlist
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“Good mornin’, baby girl.” He’s smiling, speaking quietly and brushing your hair back to kiss your forehead. 
It’s like you’re waking up the day after your honeymoon all over again. The two of you on vacation, exploring the world and resting peacefully together. Nothing is ever better than when you’re together. 
“Good morning, daddy.” Comes your airy, morning voice, happiness laced in your tone. 
You’re in his arms, like you always are when you sleep. The curtains are still shut, gentle rays of light peeking out from the sides. But overall, the room is still dark. He’s been up though, Jack always wakes up early, he can’t help it. It’s a schedule that was set early in his life, since he joined the army in his early twenties. And you don’t mind, he likes to workout in the morning, get chores done around the house, and he usually lets you sleep while he does it. Today, he waited as long as he could, deciding to wake you after so many hours scrolling on his phone. 
“You ready to open your presents?” He asks with another gentle kiss to your forehead. 
Somehow, you’d forgotten that it was Christmas day. As cheesy as it sounds, every day was special with him. But upon your remembering, you smile, feeling giddy. Tilting your head up at him, you’re met with that handsome smile, nodding happily to him. 
You’d both spent an incredible amount of time and effort into the other’s presents this year, but honestly, you did that every year. You were thoughtful people, and that trait was tenfold in your relationship.
“Should we have breakfast first?” You ask, yawning while you stretch.
“Sure, babycakes.” Reaching over, he grabs the phone. “I’ll order room service.” It’ll likely be your last time ordering; you’re leaving for home later today. 
When Jack turns to face you, he grins widely, chuckling. Reaching over, he puts a hand on top of your head, mussing your already wild hair. “Your bedhead is really cute.”
It makes you smile shyly, cuddling up into him all over again. You listen to him as he orders, playing with the ring on his left finger while that baritone voice nearly lulls you back to sleep. Never in your life have you felt this calm in someone’s presence. 
“Wanna eat in bed?” Jack asks, admiring the way your thumb runs over his ring. 
“Nah,” Shaking your head, “I wanna see the presents. Let’s eat out in the living room.” 
As usual, your wish is granted. While you get yourself cleaned up in the bathroom, Jack takes it upon himself to set up the food. So far, everything has come quick and has been delicious during your stay. There’s really nothing better than good food after a long day, or a tasty breakfast to start it.
In your opinion, your relationship is the epitome of opposites attract. Jack is an absolute extrovert, he loves to go out and meet new people. But you, you’re more introverted, you recharge when you’re in your own space, tending to be a homebody. And as your relationship grew, you started to reflect a little bit of each other in your own personalities. Jack has brought out your more adventurous side, and you’ve definitely brought out his inner domesticity. For instance, instead of going out to some big fancy breakfast, Jack wanted to stay in on Christmas day. Not only that, but he liked the idea of opening gifts in your pjs, with just the two of you. The longer you’re together, the more he wants to experience things just with you. He likes the intimacy of it, and he never wants to share you. 
“You look so cute.” Already, he’s pulling you into his arms, your body plopping onto his lap while he sits on the couch. 
“You’re so lovey today.” You giggle, relaxing on him.
Pulling back, he frowns. “Am I not lovey always?”
Turning your head, you eye that handsome face. “No, you definitely are.” Lifting your hand to him, your palm resting over the side of his face, you then say, “And I really love it, baby.”
He grins, a small, happy hum emitting from him. “Remember when we used to say ‘I really like you’?”
The memory makes you chuckle, nodding. “Yeah.” 
Hugging you tighter in his arms, that wide smile presents itself again. “And now we get to say I love you.” 
It’s a routine thing, an everyday thing, that phrase. Before leaving for work in the morning, you’d say it. When one of you went to the store, you’d say it. Hell, if one of you went to shower you’d say it. Some might say it’s overkill, that saying the words so often makes them lose their meaning. But neither of you see it that way, not when the words came so naturally. 
“I knew it the moment I met you.”
“Did you really?” He asks, surprised by your admission.
Again, you nod, fingers stroking his face. “When I looked into your eyes, I knew it.” When you looked into those eyes, you saw everything you needed. 
“You’re gonna make me blush, babycakes.”
“You look so cute like that.” Leaning in, you give the tip of that curved nose a sweet kiss. “Now c’mon, let’s eat so we can open our gifts.” 
“Why don’t we do both?” Jack suggests, leaning over to hand you your plate.
Of course, you agree. Jack had your gifts set aside in a closet, bringing them out and into the living room when he brought in the food. And with them only feet away… they’re just staring at you. 
“You go first, honey.” He insists, grunting while crouching to sit on the floor beside you.
Both of you bring your plates, setting them on the coffee table just to your left. Before even taking a bite of your food, some delicious-looking raspberry crepes, you reach for a box. Sliding it close, you grin like a little kid, fingers already tearing in. 
“Baby,” You tut, opening the small box. “How are you so good at gifts?”
All he does is smile and shrug. “You like ‘em?”
“Of course I do!” Reaching in, you rub the tip of your finger over the gems on your new set of stud earrings. But they aren’t just any type of gem, they’re your birthstone. “They’re so pretty, baby.” 
“Open this one.” Your husband then insists, handing you another smaller gift. “You’ll like this one so much more.” 
It’s in your hands in a second, you don’t even hesitate. Another jewelry box is revealed when the wrapping paper is ripped away, and Jack was right. Somehow, you’re even more in love with this gift. 
“Look at the engraving.” 
It’s a silver bracelet, your wedding date engraved into it. 
“Honey…” You’re only two presents in and already, you’re tearing up, an emotional smile on your face. Lifting your right arm, you slide the thin cuff onto your wrist, admiring it. “I love this.” And then, you’re finding him, leaning over for a kiss. 
“Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it, baby doll.” He’s smiling into it, the sweet press of your lips. And he still has his morning breath but you really can’t bring yourself to care. How did you end up with a man like him? 
“Well open some of yours before I finish mine,” You then tell him, folding your legs. “Today is about you, too.” It doesn’t take much convincing; Jack is just as excited as you. 
The first gift he picks out is in a bag, and once he realizes what it is, he’s releasing a grateful breath. “Baby, this is so great. I’ve needed this so bad.”
“Yeah,” You laugh, “Ever since you dropped your old one back in the fall when you were doing your tipsy dances.” 
“Hey, I wasn’t that drunk, okay?” Raising an eyebrow at you while holding the crystal decanter and glass set in his hand. 
“You were drunk enough to shatter it!” 
“Whatever.” He waves a hand at you, returning his gaze to the whiskey set. “Anyways.” Chuckling, he reaches for another one, the smallest of his presents. 
“You really like these on me, huh?” That famous smirk is back on his face, those warm eyes glancing over at you.
“You look so handsome and cozy in them.” They’re a set of three flannels, each of them a different color pattern. “Do you like them?”
“Honey, of course I do. They are pretty cozy.” He has about a million in his closet, but what’s wrong with a few more? 
“Baby, are these…” When he opens his next gift, he’s not prepared for what it is.
“Our vows.” Answering him softly, you then say, “I framed them. We can put the other’s on our nightstands.” You thought it was a sweet idea, to be reminded of the other’s loving promises every day. 
“Babycakes, this is… this is perfect.” When he looks up, you can see the emotion in his face, the genuine love in his eyes. 
Scooching closer to him, you hold his cheeks in your hands, thumb stroking his skin. “I love you, Jack.” 
And then those strong arms are around your waist, pulling you in. “I love you, sugar.” He’s close, pressing his forehead onto your own.” More than anything.” 
The rest of your gifts are opened while eating, your stomachs’ growling becoming too loud to ignore. Upon further discovery, you find yourself holding a pair of fuzzy house slippers, a thoughtful gift from your hubby. The floors in the penthouse are made entirely of wood, and you’d been complaining about your freezing toes lately. There’s also a pair of Nike shoes in with your gifts, ones that you’ve been wanting since the summertime. They’re a gorgeous lavender shade that caught your eye as soon as you saw them. And lastly, a dark purple Coach purse. You’d never mentioned this particular item to him before, but you love it entirely. Jack knew your favorite color and was also aware that you were in need of a new bag. He’s always been so attentive with you, knowing you so well that when the time for gifts comes around, he barely even has to ask. 
On the other end, Jack won’t stop talking about how grateful he is for not only his gifts, but for you. You’d bought him a new pair of dress shoes to wear to his meetings, his old pair having one too many scuffs for his liking. In his words, he was ‘starting to look like a fool’. You’re surprised he hadn’t already bought a new pair himself. You’d also given him a full luggage set, one with durable material and quite a few bags. The luggage he brings for his work travels are the exact same bags he had in his military days. They’re old and tattered and to say the least, they needed to be replaced. And finally, you got a charging station for him. Now, every night, he’ll have a place to set his iPhone, AirPods, and Apple watch, all of them easily accessible while charging up for him to use the next day. Jack isn’t very high-tech when it comes to this stuff, it confuses him and he’s slightly insecure about it. So when you make things easy for him, he really appreciates it. 
The commencement of your gift exchange takes both of you to the balcony. Jack with his coffee, you with the glass of orange juice you’d happily made into a mimosa. The pajamas you wore last night are light and cozy, a satin nightgown with a pale, yellow tint to it. Jack in his signature white short sleeve and light gray sweatpants. You’re not dressed warm and you don’t have to be; the temperature out on the balcony is more than pleasant, the only chilly thing being a small breeze. 
“Uh-uh,” Jack tuts, a grin lining his lips. 
Taking his own seat, he reaches for you, strong hands finding your hips. Pulling you into him is easy - you let him. With a small plop, you’re on his lap, resting against his chest. He maneuvers you sideways so you’re in a sitting bridal-style position. 
“Hey, baby.” He smiles, leaning in. A small peck to the tip of your nose prompts your own grin. 
“Hi, daddy.” 
Jesus, does he love that name. And he loves you that much more for giving it to him. 
Sighing, he stares into your eyes, those warm orbs filling you with love. “Life is perfect with you, babycakes.” Reaching forward, he lightly palms your hip and the sweet curve following it. 
He’s not wrong. When you found each other, something just… clicked. It’s like the universe found balance, like you’d never have to search for happiness ever again. 
Smiling, you release a small giggle, more like a hum. “Do you think we’ll ever get tired of saying ‘I love you’?” 
“No, baby. Never.” Shaking his head, he releases another breath, clearly smitten with you. “Not when it’s the truth.” 
It sounds cheesy, but it’s true. Expressing your love for the other comes as easy as breathing the air. 
Jack’s arm wraps around you, holding your back while you rest against him. The moment is filled with a quiet tenderness, both of you gazing at the setting surrounding you. Your senses are entertained, each of them, and not in an overwhelming way. The scenery is stunning, your eyes taking in the view. People on the street pass many floors beneath you, their conversions something you’ve yet to understand. Your taste buds tingle with the fizzle from your mimosa, the combination of orange juice and champagne. The scents filling your nose are… unique. The salt from the beach, the flowers being sold, the spices in the food, it’s all special to Italy. And the touch you feel is of him, his comforting embrace, something you’ll never take for granted. 
But the moment is cut short due to your time constraints. Jack allows the two of you to rest in this tender embrace for about thirty minutes, until both of you finish your drinks. 
When you’re both finished with your plates, Jack cleans up and stacks them on the room service tray. Each of you then make your way to the bathroom, showering and getting ready for your long day. Jack made sure to wake you up with enough time to open gifts, shower, pack, and leave. That meant rising before the sun at six in the morning. This time around, your flight is fifteen hours, and takeoff is at nine am. 
“Think you’ll be ready in time, honeybee?” 
Again, you’re both dressing cozy. Jack in a pair of sweats, you in your yogas, each of you with a hoodie. And while your outfits are simple, he’s always had a knack for getting ready before you, deciding to pack both of your bags during that time gap. 
“Yeah, I’ll be done soon.” Tying your hair into a low bun, you yawn. As exciting as this trip has been, you’re excited to get back home and sleep in your own bed.
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“Hey,” Jack’s soft voice wakes you from your sleep, his palm caressing your forearm. “Babycakes.”
“We’re home, sweet pea.”
Just like before, you’d been sleeping, only waking for the occasional snacks and other treats. And Jack didn’t mind letting you snooze, that’s what he brought the mask and neck pillow for. Truthfully though, he’s glad you were asleep on this flight. He’s never been so fidgety during a plane ride before. What you don’t know, is that he’s got another surprise. 
The trip home is significantly calmer than the trip you had when arriving in Italy. There aren’t as many people, so you don’t have to wait in long lines or listen to annoyingly loud conversations. When the plane lands, it’s quick and easy, having not been fully boarded in the first place. 
“Baby,” You whine quietly, trudging along beside him. “I’m so tired.”
“I know, sweetcheeks.” Jack coos to you, kissing your cheek. 
He’d made quick work of finding a cab, loading your bags and letting you snuggle into your seat. The drive from the airport to your home isn’t too long, though, thankfully. All you want is to get home. 
“You missed the penthouse, huh?” He teases, wrapping an arm around you.
“Well, yeah.” Pouting, you glance up at him with tired eyes. “It’s our home.”
“That it is, sweetheart.” Your husband sighs, leaning his head against your own. “That it is.”
Internally, he’s searching his mind, planning out the rest of the night. Right now, in Louisville, it’s six in the afternoon, he has ample time to give you your last gift. But he’s not sure if you’ll want to unpack and shower first, maybe even get in a nap.
“Is everything okay, baby?” It’s easy to notice how quiet he’s become, especially when the two of you get to the building. 
After paying the driver, Jack circles the cab to get your bags. Still in his head, he shrugs, brushing you off with a yeah, baby. But you’re not so convinced. On your way up, you find yourself retreating into your own head. Was I too grouchy? Did I say something mean? Could I have helped out more? 
“Hey babe, you sit down for a little bit.” You insist, watching him unlock your front door.
Inside, everything is normal. Your winter decorations are still hung up, your Christmas tree looking beautiful as ever. There’s just something about being home after going on a long trip that makes you extra thankful for it. 
“You sure?” Raising an eyebrow, he then says, “I’m okay to do it.”
But you know his back has got to be killing him, especially from carrying all of your baggage. 
“Yeah,” Smiling, you reach out, taking a few bags from him. “Go sit.” 
Jack keeps a smile on his face until you turn, striding down the hall to your shared room. But then, he’s whipping out his phone. 
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“Who’re you talking to, baby?” Back out in the living room, you stop in the kitchen, grabbing some water. 
“Tequila,” He answers nonchalantly. But at this point, he figures he better tell you, because right now, he’s not sure when he should do it. “Actually honey, I’ve got one more gift for you.”
“You do?” Scurrying over to where he sits in the living room, you grin, absolutely giddy. “What is it?”
Jack grins upon seeing your reaction, licking his lower lip before he says, “Something extra special.”
“Tell me!”
“Well, do you want it now, or after we’ve unpacked everything?”
“Now! Duh!” Scooching up beside him on the couch, you smile happily. “Please?”
 “Okay, honey.” 
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“Okay, he’ll be here in a minute.”
“What? Who?”
“Tequila, he’s bringing your gift.”
“Oh my gosh, what is it?!” The fact that he has another person involved makes you even more excited. How big is this gift?!
“You gotta close your eyes for me, okay?” And then, there’s a knocking on the door, your eyes shooting over to it. But Jack is stern with you. “Close ‘em!”
“Okay! Okay!” 
Keeping your place on the couch, you hum happily, having entirely forgotten about unpacking your things. T must’ve been pretty close for him to get here so quickly. The small click of the door hits your ears, Tequila’s mumbled voice and then Jack’s soft thanks. 
“You still got ‘em closed, honeybee?” His voice is lower, grunting slightly. Is he carrying the gift?
“Yes! I promise I do.” 
Something shuffles in front of you, but it’s not Jack. You can just tell that it’s not him. And as soon as he tells you to open your eyes, you do. But all you’re met with is a plain, brown package. 
“This is my present?” Looking up at Jack, you’re met with his entirely anxious grin. 
“Well, you gotta open it!”
Something feels… off. You can’t put your finger on it, but this doesn’t feel like just any gift. This is clearly something special. 
“C’mon, sweetheart. You’re gonna love it.” Kneeling down, Jack crouches by the box. Looking over at it, and then at you, he says, “I promise.”
With a deep breath, you lean forward, placing your hands on the top flaps. Honestly, you have no idea what the hell this is. You try to move it closer to you, but Jack reaches out to stop you. The small inch you did move it, though, tells you this is heavy.
“Uh-uh, just open it right here.” He tells you, glancing at the box almost protectively. 
“Baby,” You laugh, wanting to ask again what this is. But all you say is, “Okay.”
Kneeling down on the ground, you shuffle closer, holding your breath. With slow movements, you open the top flaps, light from the above lamps shining in. And what you see makes your eyes widen. 
“Baby…” And you’re not sure if you’re saying it to Jack… or to him. 
“Do you love him?”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” You’re smiling, small tears in your eyes. “Of course I do.”
Reaching in, you place your hands beneath his little armpits, lifting him from the box. He settles into your arms, releasing a soft whimper in the process. 
“Well,” Jack says, scooting closer to you. “What’re you gonna name him?”
“It’s a boy?”
“It is a boy.” He grins, wrapping an arm around you, his other hand petting the pup’s head.
“Theodore.” You state firmly, “That way we can call him Teddy.” And it fits. The Corgi puppy already looks like a teddy bear, anyway. “Baby, I can’t believe you got me a puppy.” Laughing, you shake your head. “Oh my god.”
“So, you like your present?” He asks, kissing your cheek gently.
“Honey, I love him so much. It’s our first baby!” 
This makes Jack smile, your wording.
“I already have a few things for him, a crate and a bed, a food and water bowl, too. But I figured we could go out tomorrow and get him some toys and stuff.”
“Oh my gosh, can we get him a little blanket?” Already, Teddy is snuggling into your arms, yawning. Leaning down, you nuzzle him, smiling. He even has that new puppy smell. 
“We can get him anything you want, angel.”
“Do you love him, too?” You ask, turning your head to face your husband. 
He frowns, disliking your doubt. “Of course, I do!” Leaning in, he scratches beneath Teddy’s chin, giving his head a small kiss. “It’s like you said, honey. He’s our first baby.”
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